1708-1832 Registry of Deeds



See also


The Registry of Deeds Project



Ireland Properties from 1298 to 1975





Vol. 1 1708-1745


1709 Sir Mark Ranford, Alderman of Dublin

Tenant: William Tracy, Aron Street


1727 Garret Wesley, Dangan, Co. Meath.

Memorial Witness: John Tracy of Dublin


Vol. II, 1746-1785


1761 David Power, Boulibane, Co. Galway.

Witness: Anthony Tracy, Loughrea, Co. Galway. Gent.


1762 George Graydon, Killishe Co. Kildare.

Codicil Witness: Richard Tracy, Naas, Co. Kildare, slater deceased.


1766 John Tracy Dublin Carpenter

27/6/1766 Narrate 1 p. 22/8/1766

My five grandchildren viz Suzanna Langin (now inter-married to John Nailor sergt. in 39th Reg. of Foot), Hannah Langin, Mary Langin, Elizabeth Langin, Rachel Langin. My six houses on north side of Tighe Street in the parish of St. Paul, Dublin. Robert Barrett, the widow wall, Thomas Kelly, John Coates, John Stewart and Owen Tommins tenants thereof. Robert Barnett, Dublin, cordwainer, John Stewart, Dublin, Victualler, exors.

Witness: Zacharia Toulton, Dublin cordwainer, John Fotteral, Dublin gent.

Memorial witness by John Fotteral, James Malloy, Dublin writing master.

247, 290, 161707 John Stewart (seal)


1778 Thomas Hanks, Birr, Kings Co. (Offaly)

Holding under Edward Treacy on the Bridge.


Vol. III, 1785-1832


1776 Arthur Galbraith, Riverstown, Co. Tyrone, Esq. 26 Aug. 1776 Full 2½ p. 11 Jan 1825

My body to be buried in the churchyard of Clogher.

To my wife Rebecca Galbrath the farm I now live in called Riverstown of about 50 acres, and the hill called Crocknamona held by Hugh McIlleer, with my plate, stock of cattle, crops and household furniture, and £50 per annum for life, and then to my three nieces, daughters of my brother John Galbraith deceased, Catherine, wife of Robert [? Porter or Pasler], Anne Galbraith wife of Mathew Small and Mary Galbraith, now unmarried, in equal parts, in addition to £200 each.

£100 to my nephew James Tracey, Dungannon, £200 to my nephew John Tracy, Dungannon, £200 to Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt, and £60 to the children of my niece Elizabeth Tracy who was married to Richardson.

My gold watch to my nephew George Galbraith, and £200 to my nephew John Forbes. A small annuity to my sister Rebecca Galbraith for life, and £20 to my couzen Pierse Quinland. Bequests to my friends John Martin, Drumcock, Archibald Irvine, Kaney.

The remainder of my estate called Clannybogan [Clanabogen, Co. Tyrone], to my nephew James Galbraith, Rascommy, Esq., and Samual Galbraith Greenmount, gentleman, provided they pay off all my legacies in one year after my death, but should they fail to do so, then the lands are to be sold for the same purpose. Exors. My wife and said James and Samual Galbraith who are residuary legatees.

Witnesses: John Buchanan, John Mitchell, John Hendersonm.

P.S. The lands of Clanebogan are not to be sold till one year after the death of my wife, or any legacy paid till one year after the decease of us both. £60 to my niece Anne Tracey who married a soldier.

Codicil, 3Jan. 1782. A sum of money bequeathed to my niece Anna Maria Small otherwise Galbraith, then wife of Mathew Small, Shancrackan, Co. Armagh, and now deceased, to be paid to her children share and share alike.

Witnesses: Sinclair Perry, John Wilson and Margaret Perry.

Memorial witnessed by: Thomas Grier, city of Dublin, attorney, and Thomas Dunne, Upper Domiinick Street, gentleman.

798, 578, 539313

Samuel Galbraith (seal) Newgrove

John Galbraith (seal) Greenmount,

Both of Co. Tyrone, Esqrs., great grand nephews of said Arthur Galbraith


1802 Rev. Charles Emilius Baggot, Kilcoursey, Kings. (Offaly)

Witness & memorial: Mathias Tracy, Kilcoursey. Farmer.


1802 Wilcocks Robinson, Mountmeleck, Queens. (Laois)

Memorial witness: Weldon Tracy, Dublin. Attorney.


Eustace, P.B. and Ellis, E. (1954-1988) Registry of Deeds, Dublin. Abstracts of Wills, Vol. 1, 1708-1745. Vol. II, 1746-1785. Vol. III, 1785-1832. Irish Manuscripts Commission.



1768 Robert Tracy, Killcarberry, Co. Wexford.

1796 John Tracy, Rathlom, Co. Wexford.



1761 Catherine Tracy, Caragh, Co. Kildare.


Cork & Ross

1756 Darby Tracy, Cork.


Cashel & Emly

1716 Daniel Tracey, Killardriff [in Killardry], Co. Tipperary

1737 Peter Trecey, Thurles [Thurles], Co. Tipperary.

1742 William Tracy, Rathshinead [?], Co. Tipperary.


Waterford & Lismore

1796 Thomas Treasy, Ballinaparky [Ballynaparka], Parish of Agliss, Co. Waterford.


Phillimore WPW (1909) Indexes to Irish Wills Vol. I Ossary, Leighlin, Ferns, Kildare. Volume II Cork & Ross, Cloyne. Volume III Cashel & Emly, Waterford & Lismore, Killlaloe & Kilfenora, Limerick, Ardfert & Aghadoe. Volume IV Dromore, Newry & Mourne. Volume V Derry & Raphoe. 1536-1800. London


Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland


The first index to Prerogative wills, up to 1810, was published in 1897 by Sir Arthur Vicars, Burke's successor as Ulster King of Arms, and can be used as a guide to Betham's abstracts and Sketch Pedigrees.


1789 Tracey, Abigail, widow

1761 Tracey, Daniel, Dublin, Dealer

1745 Tracey, Edward., Birr, King’s co., merchant. (W 10)

1782 Tracey, Edward, Exchequer St., Dublin, carpenter

1771 Tracey, George (W 103)

1751 Tracey, John, Porter’s Row, Dublin

1747 Tracey Patrick, Dublin, baker

1758 Tracey, Thomas, Parsonstown, King’s county, merchant


1831 Tracey, Ellen, Woodbrook, Queens Co.

1811 Tracey Francis, Lieut RN, Frederick St. Dublin


1807 Tracy, Catherine, Dubl. City, Widow

1783 Tracy, Darby, Angel-alley, Dublin, aledraper/aleseller

1811 Tracy, Francis, Frederick St., Dublin, esq.

1738 Tracy, Humphrey, Ballyneil, co. Londonderry, gent. (w 195:199)

1779 Tracy, James, Dublin, tailor

1765 Tracy, John, Cork St., Dublin, ropeweaver/tapeweaver

1770 Tracy, John, Dublin, gent.

1779 Tracy, John, Barrister-at-law

1802, Tracy, John, Naas, co. Kildare, gent.

1807 Tracy, Pearson P., Dorset St., Dublin, gent.

1778 Tracy, Richard, Princess Street, Dublin, slater

1783 Tracy, Thomas, Earl Street, Dublin

1783 Tracy, Wm., Naas, co. Kildare, slater


1842 Tracy, Elixabeth, Lr. Dorset, Dublin.

1817 Tracy, Euphemia A (also Wright), Dublin

1836 Tracy, James, Ninch, Co. Meath.

1857 Tracy, James, Cork City. Accountant.

1814 Tracy, John, Edenderry, Kings Co.

1845 Tracy, Judith, Balllinane, Queens Co.

1831 Treacy, Martin 6th December 1831. Probate will. T/15690.

1840 Tracy, Thomas, Ratholin, Wexford.

1848 Tracy, Thomas, 13 Patrick St., Limerick

1850 Tracy, William, Kings Co. & Eccles St, Dublin


1727 Treacy, George, Tullamore, King’s county, merchant (w 202)

1806 Treacy, George, Kilcoursey

1777 Treacy, Martin, timber merchant

1796 Treacy, Martin, Boulebane, co. Tipperary, farmer


1844 Treacy, Andrew, Bellmount, Kilkenny.

1828 Treacy, John Mountrath, Queens Co.

1828 Treacy, John, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary.

1828 Treacy, John, Snipehill, Co. Roscommon.

1846 Treacy, Michael, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary.

1836 Treacy, Patrick, Boherbawne, Co. Limerick.

1856 Treacy, Patrick, Kilcurl (Knocktopher), Co. Kilkenny. Farmer

1837 Treacy, Simon, Parsonsonstown, Kings Co. Gent.

1837 Treacy, William Leighlin Briidge, Co. Carlow.


1826 Tracy, Denis, Killcurril, Co. Kilkenny (290 I)

1840 Revd Wm, Treacy, Barryhill [Barrahill Rathdowney], Queens Co, R.C.C 1840 (I 15)


Index for the Diocese of Dublin to the year 1800


Tracey, Edward and Sarah Bayly, 1777, Marraige Licence, page 141

Tracey, Elizabeth and Robert Brown, 1753, Marraige Licence, page 267

Tracey, Elizabeth and Robert McKenny, 1749, Marraige Licence, page 31

Tracey, John and Deborah Green, 1730, Marriage Licence, page B.C.

Tracey, John, Dublin, carpenter, 1753, Will, page 265

Tracey, Patrick, Dublin, 1726 Original Will, -

Tracy, Ann and Daniel Magee, 1761, Marraige Licence, page 226

Tracy, Ann and John Farrell, 1799, Marraige Licence, page 488

Tracy, Catherine (Treacy in bond) and Thomas Andrew Clarke, 1798, Marraige Licence, page 379

Tracy, Daniel and Ann Paine, 1782, Marraige Licence, page 39

Tracy, Darby, Ash-st, presser, 1790, Intestacy, page 94

Tracy, George and Martha Pope, 1670, Marraige Licence, page 222

Tracy, George, Dublin, gentleman, 1690, Will, page 56**

Tracy, John and Elizabeth Close, 1799, Marraige Licence, page 427

Tracy, John Dublin, Tailor, 1790, Will, page 71

Tracy, John, Dublin, broker, 1778, Intestacy, page 195

Tracy, John, Dublin, carpenter, 1766, Will, page 209

Tracy, John, Giltown, co. Kild., farmer, 1759, Intestacy, page 138

Tracy, John, Killadowen, co. Dub., yeoman, 1680, Caveat & Will, page 108 & 111, Will and grant book

Tracy, John, Luske, chandler, 1683, Will, page 14, Will and grant book

Tracy, John, Will, page 86

Tracy, Joseph and Harrobin Elizabeth, 1733, Marraige Licence, page B.C.

Tracy, Maria and Francis Smith, 1787, Marraige Licence, page 340

Tracy, Martha and William Read, 1783, Marraige Licence, page 119

Tracy, Mary and Marcus O'Hara, 1788, Marraige Licence, page 435

Tracy, Mary and Peter Gillet, 1787, Marraige Licence, page 346

Tracy, Mary, Exchequer-st, widow, 1791, Will, page 162

Tracy, Peter and Bridget Perdergast, 1746, Marraige Licenceb., -

Tracy, Richard, Swords, co. Dub, innholder, 1766, Intestacy, page 141

Tracy, Rose, 1740, Original Will, -

Tracy, Thomas and Mary Raymond, 1756, Marraige Licence, page 421

Tracy, Thomas, Dirty-lane, timber merchant, 1756, Intestacy, page 90

Tracy, William and Elinor Gaffney, 1754, Marraige Licence, page 313

Tracy, William and Hester Stanton, 1789, Marraige Licence, page 16

Tracy, William Weldon and Ann Rotheram, 1794, Marraige Licence, page 404

Trasse, Thomas, Dublin, 1575, Original Will, -

1895 Keeper of Public Records in Ireland, Appendix 26 Report


Index to Dublin Wills 1270-1800. HMSO 1895


1730 John Tracy and Deborah Green - Marriage Licence

1733 Joseph Tracy and Elizabeth Harrobin - Marriage Licence


Index to Dublin Wills 1800-1858. HMSO 1899


1851 Amelia Tracey and Benjamin Hill Gillman (Marriage Licence)

1822 Anne Tracey (alias English), Moore Street, Widow (Intestacy)

1815 Elinor Tracey and Rober Hopkins (Marriage Licence)

1810 Elizabeth Agnes Tracey and Elzo Smith (Marriage Licence)

1815 James Tracey and Mary Ann Musson (Marriage Licence)

1831 Margaret Tracey, Dame Lane, Widow (Will)

1846 Martha Tracey, York Street, Widow (Will)

1830 Philip Tracey, Dame Lane (Will)

1808 Thomas Tracey, Dublin, Grocer (Intestacy)

1812 Thomas Tracey and Martha Smith (Marriage Licence)

1851 William Tracey and Marianne Carmichael (Marriage Licence)


1810 Alexander Tracy, Stepaside (Will)

1828 Catherine Tracy, Kennedy’s Lane, Spinster (Intestacy)

1829 Catherine Maria, Kennedy’s Lane Spinster (Will)

1836 Eliza Tracy and William Mooney (Marriage Licence)

1855 George William Tracy, City Quay, M.D. (Intestacy)

1830 James Tracy and Anne Eliza Doran (Marriage Licence)

1810 Jane Tracy, Ballinteer, Co. Dublin (Will)

1831 Mary Tracy and John Davidson (Marriage Licence)

1822 Mary Ann Tracy (alias M’Neill), Old Church Street (Will)

1840 Matthew Tracy and Elizabeth Budds (Marriage Licence)

1820 Moses Tracy, Crampton Quay (Will)

1813 Patience Tracy, Dundrum, Co. Dublin (Will)

1856 Richard Tracy, Sackvill Street, Printer (Intestacy)

1831 Sophia Tracy and John Geary (Marriage Licence)

1811 Thomas Tracy, Dublin, Pawnbroker (Intestacy)

1819 Thomas Tracy, North King Street, Grocer (Intestacy)

1846 Thomas Tracy and Ann Byrne (Marriage Licence)

1833 Thomas Tracy and Martha Nuzum (Marriage Licence)

1844 William Tracy and Catherine Gunning (Marriage Licence)

1837 William Tracy and Mary White (Marriage Licence)


1846 Elizabeth Treacy and James Cullen (Marriage Licence)

1850 Elizabeth Treacy and John Walsh (Marriage Licence)

1854 Mary Anne Treacy and Richard Treacy (Marriage Licence)

1847 Michael Tracey, Knockenree, Co. Wicklow, Farmer (Will)

1854 Richard Treacy and Mary Anne Treacy (Marriage Licence)

1830 Simon Prescott Treacy and Hannah Heenan (Marriage Licence)


National Archives of Ireland


Abigail Tracy (widow), 5th February 1789, Prerogative Court will. T/6286.

Andrew Treacy (Reverend), 1837, Kilmore Diocese will. Exec: M McDowell, Lavay, Co. Cavan. IWR/1837/F/442.

Catherine M Tracy, 1829, Dublin & Glendalough Diocese will. Exec: Michael Tracy, Kennedy’s Lane Dublin. IWR/1829/F/149.

D. Treacy of Usher’s Quay Dublin. Exec for Anthony Hyland, 1836, Prerogative Court will.

David Tracy, 1830, Limerick Diocese will. Exec: David Tracy, Limerick. IWR/1830/F/222.

Ellen Tracey, Woodbrook, Queens Co., 1831, Prerogative Court will. Exec: William Humphreys, Concerstown, ???. IWR/1831/F/492

Francis Tracy. Exec of Francis Higgins of St. Stephens Green Dublin, 8th July 1802, Prerogative Court will.

George Treacy (merchant) of Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 1727, Prerogatice Court will. Prerogative will book/F/257a.

J Treacy of Graigne (Woodrooffe, Co. Tipperary?). Exec for Martin Cammel, 1838, Cashel & Ely Diocese.

James Tracy, Ninch, Co. Meath, 1836, Prerogative Court will. Exec: E. Doran, Ninch, ??? (laytown, Co. Meath?). IWR/1836/F/94.

James Tracy, Townsend St, Dublin. Exec of Jane Cane, 1830, Prerogative Court will.

James Treacy, 1837, Limerick Diocese will. Exec: N Treacy, Coonagh, Co. Limerick. IAR/1837/F/96.

John Tracey of Porter’s Row Dublin (St. Andrews), 1751, Probate will. Prerogative Grant book/F/202a

John Tracey, 1829, Armagh Diocese will. Exec: Robert Smith, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. IWR/1829/F/262

John Tracey, 1837, Prerogative Court will. Exec: C. Fay, Figginstown, ??? (Jigginstown, Co. Kildare?). IAR/1837/F/172

John Tracy, 1830, Cork & Ross Diocese will. Exec: Peter Downing, Nile St, Cork. IWR/1830/F/248.

John Tracy, 1838, Limerick Diocese will. Exec: M. Tracy, Knockfinna, ??? (Knockfinnisk, Co. Limerick?) IAR/1838/F/141.

John Tracy, 25th January 1770, Perogative Court will. T/6284.

John Trasey, 1831, Cloyne Diocese will. Exec: Patrick Whelan, Glanworth, Mallow, Co. Cork. IWR/1831/F/414.

John Treacy (barrister) 19th July 1779, Prerogative Court will. T/6285.

John Treacy, 1828, Prerogative Court will. Exec: Jonathon Treacy, Snipe Hill, Co. Roscommon. IWR/1828/F/43.

Judith Tracy of Ballylinan Co. Laois, 29th March 1845, Prerogative Court will. Char1/13/p21

Judith Treacy, 1837, Killlaloe & Kilfenore Diocese will. Exec: R Stapleton, Gurteen, Co. Clare. IWR/1837/F/110.

Margaret Tracey, 1831, Dublin & Glendalough Diocese will. Exec: Alicia Lawler, 4 Dame Lane, Dublin. IWR/1831/F/323

Margaret Treacy, 1830, Kilmore Diocese will. Exec: John Rourke, Longford. IWR/1830/F/280.

Martin Tracy & Emily Fair, 8th September 1835, Marriage Licence Bond, Tuam Diocese. Thrift/2933.

Martin Treacy, 1831, Prerogative Court will. Exec: John Shea, Bannistown, (co. Tipperary?), IWR/1831/F/615.

Martin Treacy, 6th December 1831. Probate will. T/15690.

Mary Tracy of Mountmellick Co. Laois, 25th February 1797. 1176/1

Michael Tracey, 1834, Prerogative Court will. Exec: Honor Tracy, Douras, ??? (Woodford, Co. Galway?). IAR/1834/F/143

Michael Treasy, 1831, Waterford & Lismore Diocese will. Exec: John Mullowny, Ballinaparke, (Ballynaparka, Co. Waterford?). IWR/1831/F/104.

Patrick Treacy, 1836, Prerogative Court will. Exec: J Treacy, Boherbawne, (Boherbaun, Co. Kildare?). IWR/1836/F/307.

Patrick Treasy of Castleconnel Co. Limerick, 16th April 1805, Killlaloe & Kilfenore Diocese will. Crossle/Brew/n200.

Philip Tracey, 1830, Dublin & Glendalough Diocese will. Exec: Margaret Tracey, Dame Lane, Dublin. IWR/1830/F/511.

Simon Treacy, 1835, Ossory Diocese will. Exec: A Treacy, Ballymagilligilly, [Ballymackillagill, Listerin Co. Kilkenny]. IAR/1835/F/37.

Simon Treacy, Parsonsonstown, Kings Co. Gent., 1837, Prerogative Court will. Exec: A Treacy, Parsonstown, (Birr, Co. Offaly). IWR/1837/F/638.

Thomas Tracy of 13 Patrick St Limerick, 24 February 1848, Prerogative Court will. Char1/13/p153.

Thomas Tracy, 1838, Killlaloe & Kilfenore Diocese will. Exec: M. Cowan, Kilchrist, Co. Clare. IAR/1838/F/140.

Thomas Treacy, 1838, Prerogative Court will. Exec: P Treacy, Kilchrist, Co. Clare. IAR/1838/F/175.

Timothy Treacy of 54 Charlemont Street, Dublin. Exec for Eleanor Tisdal, 1831, Prerogative Court will.

William Tracy, 1832, Cork & Ross Diocese will, Exec: Ellen Tracy, Kinsale, Co. Cork. IAR/1832/F/37.

William Treacy, 1832, Prerogative Court will, Exec: Anne Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow. IAR/1832/F/61.

William Treacy, 1837, Prerogative Court will. Exec: J Treacy, Bagnalstown, Co. Carlow. IWR/1837/F/722.



Wills 1856 & 1857


Michael Treacy, 29/10/1855, Youghal, Co. Cork. Merchant. (will)

Michael Treacy, 22/10/1855, Cloughjardon, Co. Tyrone. Shopkeeper. (will)

Patrick Treacy, 13/10/1853, Kilkurl, Knocktopher, Co. Kilkenny. Farmer. (will)


James Tracy, 11/3/1857, City of Cork. Accountant. (will)


Charitable Donations (ext Prerogative Wills)


Judith Tracy, 29/3/1845, Ballylinan, Queens. (Will donation Vol. 13, p21)

Thomas Tracy, 24/2/1848, 13 Patrick St, Limerick. (Will donation Vol 13, p153)


Prerogative 1755-1804


Ann Tracy & Henry Stephens Reily 1776 (Prerogative)

Daniel Tracy & Euphenia Wright 1787 (Dublin?) (Prerogative)


Irish Land Commission


Catherine Tracy of St. Kevins Park, Upper Rathmines Road, Dublin.

Administration Intestate – 1802 P.R. (Original)

Irish Land Commission Record No. E.C. 5427 Box No. 3026


Joseph Edward Tracy of Grenville House, Cork City.

Will and Grant - 1885 P.R. Original

Irish Land Commission Record No. E.C. 5427 Box No. 3026


Armagh Wills 1666-1838


Elizabeth Tracey Mowbeg Widow 1764 (will)

Arthur Tracey (cum test anniexr) 1815 (will)


Arthur Tracy, 1806, Dublin late of Magherafelt. (Derry) (will)

James Tracy, 1732, Ballyneal, Co. Londonderry. (will)

James Tracy Jrn, 1801, Dungannon. (Tyrone) (will)

James Tracy, 1817, Dungannon, Gent. (Tyrone) (will)

John Tracy, 1810, Ballyneal. (Derry) (will)

John Tracy, 1829, Eskragh, Farmer (will)

Oliver Tracy, 1817, Ballyneill, Co. Londonderry. (will)


Armagh Marriage Licence Bonds 1727-1845


Alice Tracey & George Caruth 1788 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Elizabeth Tracey & Samuel Summerville 1788 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Mary Tracey & Dickson Feuguard 1787 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Matilda Tracey & Jeremiah Dunn 1836 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Sarah Tracey & John Smith 1822 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Sarah A Tracey & Richard Murdock 1843 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Alica Tracy & Edward Weir 1829 (Marriage Licence Bond)                                                   

Ann Tracy & Hugh Copeland 1777 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Anne Tracy & Joseph Dunn 1831 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Charlotta Tracy & James Thompson 1780 (Marriage Licence Bond)

George Tracy & Elizabeth Clements 1830 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Hugh Tracy & Rachels Hughs 1829 (Marriage Licence Bond)

James Tracy & Alice Magee 1758 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Jane Tracy & James Murdock 1834 (Marriage Licence Bond)

John Tracy & Elizabeth Thornbury 1755 (Marriage Licence Bond)

John Tracy & Jane Walsh 1795 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Mary Tracy & Edward McShane 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Noble Tracy & Anne Gillon 1829 (Marriage Licence Bond)

William Tracy & Margaret Green 1829 (Marriage Licence Bond)

William Tracy & Elizabeth Laurence 1781 (Marriage Licence Bond)

William S Tracy & Margaret Simpson 1834 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Cashel & Emly Wills 1666-1850


Daniel Tracey, 1716, Willardiff [Killardriff in Killardry]. (will)

William Tracey, 1742, Rathshinead. (will)

Peter Trecey, 1776, Thurles. (Tipperary) (will)


Cashel & Emly Marriage Licence Bonds 1664-1857


Ann Tracy & Patrick Lahy 1813 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Bridget Tracy & Edmond Cormack 1831 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Margaret Tracy & Thomas Harbert 1806 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Margaret Tracy & Richard Sadlier 1814 (Marriage Licence Bond)


George Tracy & Hannah Villers 1808 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Martin Treasy & Catherine Going 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Roger Treasy & Margaret Patterson 1787 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Cashel & Emly Bonds


Michael Tracey Roscrea [Roscrea] Doctor 1780 (bond)


Daniel Tracy Kilmelagh [Kilmelan Moycarky] 1716 (bond)

Honora Tracy Newport [Kilvellane] Tip Widow 1848 (bond)


Thomas Trassy Kilcool [Kilcooly?] Tip Farmer 1738 (bond)


Patrick Treacy Cashel [St John Baptist OR St Patricksrock] Shopkeeper 1772 (bond)

Patrick Treacy Cappagh [Donohill OR Toem] Yeoman 1775 (bond)


Clogher Marriage Licence Bonds 1712-1771


Joh Treacy Ardgarth [Inishmacsaint OR Magheracross] 1857 (bond).


Clogher Wills


Thomas Treacy Glenashever [Glennasheevar Inishmacsaint] Fermanagh 1841 (will)


Catherine Treasy Coothill [Drumgoon] Cavan 1780 (will)


Clonfert Deeds


Danial Tressy, Loughrea, Galway, 1705-6, unproved (will)

James Tracy, Loughrea, Galway, 1781 (bond)

Patt Tracy, Carrew [ie Carhoon Tynagh], Galway, 1846 (bond)

Peter O’Tressy, Loughrea, Galway, 1725 (will)

Richard Tressy, Galway, 1724-5 (will)

Index to Clonfert marriage licence bonds, wills, and administration bonds. Irish Ancestor, 1970.


Cloyne Marriage Licence Bonds 1630-1866


Catherine Tracy & Michael Kelly 1859 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Edward Joseph Tracy & Elizabeth Ann Cronin 1817 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Cloyne Wills 1621-1858


John Trasey Glanworth 1831 or 1833 (will)


Cork & Ross Marriage Licence Bonds 1751-1845


Anne Tracy & Edward Jones 1799 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Charles Treacy & Anne Davies 1832 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Edward Joseph Tracy & Catherine Anne Cronin 1817 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Elizabeth Tracy & George Dagg 1801 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Ellinor Treacy & Adam Little 1778 (Marriage Licence Bond)

George Tracy & Elizabeth Williams 1770 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Harding Tracy & Eliza Hurley 1800 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Jane Tracy & Thomas Stokes 1837 (Marriage Licence Bond)

John Treacy & May Anne Fendall 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Mary Tracy & William Selby 1822 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Sophia Treacy & Henry Flaherty 1790 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Cork & Ross Wills


Darby Tracy Cork 1756 (will)

John Tracy 1830 (will)


Cork Wills


Owen Trassey Glemior 1661 (will)

William Tracy Kinsale, Publican 1832 (will)


Dublin Bonds


Darby Tracy Ash St Presser (with Remurn) 1790 (bond)

John Tracy Dublin Broker 1778 (bond)

Thomas Tracy Dirty Lane Timber Merch 1776 (bond)


Down, Conor & Dromore Marriage Licence Bonds 1721-1845


Thomas Tracey & Elizabeth Keenan 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Conor Wills 1622-1858


Lara Tracye Carrickfergus 1676 (will)


Derry, Down & Dromore Bonds & Wills


John Tracey Derry Dealer 1826 (bond)




John Treacy m. Mary Kelly 1783 Elphin Diocese

Margaret Tracy m. George Fox 1816 Elphin Diocese


Elphin Bonds


Michael Tracy 1856 (bond)


Kildare and Leighlin


Anne Tracy m. Patrick Curry 1840 Kildare Diocese

Catherine Tracey b. about 1785 m. George Moore 1806 (LDS)

Catherine Tracey m. George Moore 1806 Kildare Diocese

Eliza Treacey b. about 1841 m. Walter Magee 1862 (LDS) (see Ballynafagh)

Eliza Treacey m. Walter Magee 1862 Kildare Diocese

Ellen Tracy m. John Fearn 1839 Kildare Diocese

Francis Tracey m. Mary Gorman 1830 Kildare Diocese

James Tracey m. Elinor Cozzens 1823 Kildare Diocese

John Tracey m. Margaret Faucet 1812 Kildare Diocese

Sarah Tracy b. about 1844 m. Joshua Cantrell 1865 (LDS) (see Naas)


Killaloe Marriage Licence Bonds 1738-1845


Richard T Tracey & Dorothea Wood 1824 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Alice Tracy & John Franck 1782 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Mary Tracy b. abt 1784 & Mathew Browne 1805 (Marriage Licence Bond) (LDS)

Mary Tracy b. abt 1805 & Wm Sides 1826 (Marriage Licence Bond) (LDS)

Robert Tracy & Johanna Maher 1805 or 1835 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Denis Treacy & Jane Willis als Bayly 1826 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Thomas Treacy & Margt Cole 1840 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Killaloe Bonds


Michael Tracey Ballyvorgil [Ballyvorgal Clonlea Clare] Farmer 1795 (bond)


Matilda Toole als Pound als Treacy Birr [Offaly] Widow 1839 (bond)

Owen Treacy Ballycommon [Offaly OR Monsea Tipperary] Farmer 1818 (bond)

Thomas Treacy Obriensbridge [Clare] Policeman 1838 (bond)


Limerick Bonds & Wills


Anne Tracy Curragh Mahoovagh [Mahoonagh] 1855 (will)

David Tracy (or Trascey) Ballinahoun [Ballynahown] Ballingaddy 1830 (will)

Denis Tracy Killinnane [Kilfinnane  Kilfinnane] Farmer 1849 (bond)

Jas Tracy Ballingarry Farmer 1808 (bond)

Thomas Tracy (or Treacy) Cordwaine [shoemaker] 1817 (will)


Meath Marriage Licence Bonds 1665-1845


William Tracey & Catherine Dillon 1801 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Elizabeth Tracy & Worship Wilson 1830 (Marriage Licence Bond)

George Tracy & Margaret Flood 1843 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Ossory, Ferns & Leighlin Marriage Licence Bonds 1691-1845


Francis Tracey & Amelia Walker 1837 (Marriage Licence Bond)

James Tracey & Emma Magee 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Jane Tracey b. about 1816 & Joseph Chamney 1837 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)

John Tracey & Alice Haskins 1841 (Marriage Licence Bond)

William Tracey & Jane (or Fame) Shirly 1814 (Marriage Licence Bond)


John Tracy & Anne Shaw 1767 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Patrick Tracy & Susanna Delahunte 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Thomas Tracy & Johanna Shannon 1840 (Marriage Licence Bond)

William Tracy & Ellinor Sunderland 1767 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Ann Treacy & Richard Furney 1810 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Anne Treacy & Henry Booth 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Anne Treacy & Henry Haskins 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Bartholomew Treacy & Marrianne Wilton 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Catherine Treacy b. about 1817 & Hugh Macley (or Mailey) 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)

Harriet Treacy b. about 1823 & Morgan O’Neill 1844 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)

Harriett L Treacy b. about 1822 & Edmond Lane 1843 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)

Isabella Treacy b. about 1807 & Henry Eager 1828 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)

James Treacy & Margaret Cavanagh 1773 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Louisa Catherine Treacy & James Disney 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Maria Treacy b. about 1806 & William Browne 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)

Sarah Treacy & John Stephenson Henry 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Ferns Administrative Bond


Mary Tracey, 1804, Rathholm, Ballybrennan. Widow (Wexford) (Bond)


Leighlin Wills




Kilkenny Wills


Edward Tracey 4/2/1872 26/2/1872 granted to Maria Tracey (will)

William Tracey 26/5/1820 28/2/1822 granted to Robert Tracy (will)


Mary Tracy 3/11/1803 26/10/1820 granted to Patrick Tracy (will)


James Treacy 10/7/1846 (will)


Ossory Bonds


Simon Treacy Ballymagillicilly Farmer 1835 (bond) [will - Ballymackillagill, Listerin Co. Kilkenny]

William Treacy Errol Farmer 1828 (bond) [will – Errill Rathdowney Laois]


Raphoe Marriage Licence Bonds 1710-1830 and wills




Tuam Marriage Licence Bonds 1769-1845


Anne Tracey & Thomas Mitchell 1828 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Nicholas, Galway]

John Tracey & Hariett Trimble (or Tremble) 1828 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Michael L [Lund] Tracie & Margaret Berry (or Beiry) 1833 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Nicholas RC, Galway]


Martin Tracy & Emily Fair 1835 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Michael S Tracy & Anne Ormsby (or Ormsly) 1820 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Nicholas, Galway]

Thomas Tracy & Sarah Meekill (or Meehill) 1797 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Mary Treacy or Petty (or Pelly) & Cornelius O’Rorke 1840 (Marriage Licence Bond) [Dunmore?]


Michael Tressy & Cecily Jennings 1780 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Tuam Bonds & Wills


Ferdindand Treacy Derrydonnell [Athenry] 1849 (bond)


Waterford & Lismore Marriage Licence Bonds 1649-1845


Joanna Tracey & Mathew McNemara 1783 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Elizabeth Tracy & Thomas Hudson 1832 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Ann Treacy & Murth. McKenzie 1817 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Mary's, Clonmel]

George Treacy & Honora Dorney 1787 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Hannah Treacy & Joseph Delahunt 1811 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Waterford & Lismore Bonds


John Tracy Carpes make 1783 (bond)

John Tracy Cahir [Lismore Diocese] [Caher? Tipperary] Servt 1797 (bond)


William Treasy Aglish [Aglish OR Lismore & Mocollop] Farmer 1803 (bond)


Waterford Wills


Michael Treasy, date missing, Servior, Ballinafrank [?], (will)

Thomas Treasy, date missing, Ballinaparky-Agliassh [Ballynaparka Aglish], (will)

William Treasy, 1803, Aglish  [Aglish OR Lismore & Mocollop], (will)


Index to pre-1858 wills which are to be found in various collections in PRONI, and a selection of diocesan will indexes - Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)




8 February 1798 Armagh Diocesean Wills

Arthur Treacey, Magherafelt, Londonderry


Arthur Tracey of Cum [Cumber Derry?]

Occupation: Test Annexer

Will Date: 1815

Index: Dio Admons - Armagh


Elizabeth Tracy of Mawbeg/Mowbeg [Derry?]

Occupation: Widow

Will Date: 1764

Index: Dio Admons - Armagh


21 October 1731

James Tracy, Ballyneal Londonderry


James Tracy of Dungannon Tyrone

Description: Armagh will

Proni Ref: T/877/218

Date From: 1801


James Tracy of Dungannon Tyrone

Description: Armagh will

Proni Ref: T/877/220

Date From: 1802


Jams. Tracy Senr. of Dungannon [Tyrone]

Occupation: Gentleman

Will Date: 1817

Index: Dio Admons - Armagh


James Tracy of Dungannon Tyrone

Description: Armagh will & Grant (P)

Proni Ref: T/877/302

Date From: 1817


John Treacy, Ballyneal

29 June 1810

Armagh Diocesean Wills


John Tracey of Derry

Occupation: Dealer

Will Date: 1826

Index: Dio Admons - Derry


John Tracy of Eskragh Tyrone

Proni Ref: T/877/851

Date From: 1822


John Tracy of Eskragh [Tyrone]

Occupation: Farmer

Will Date: 1829

Index: Dio Admons - Armagh


Oliver Tracy of Ballyneal [Derry?]

Will Date: 1817

Index: Dio Admons - Armagh


Oliver Tracy, Ballyneil, Londonderry

16 July 1787 & 29 January 1816


Wills for Armagh, Belfast and Londonderry from 1858 to c.1900 - Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)



Alice Tracey: Probate of the Will of Alice Tracey late of Aughnamerrigan County Tyrone Widow who died 15 July 1901 granted at Londonderry to John Devlin and Patrick M'Anulty Farmers. Date Of Grant: 19/08/1902 Effects: Effects £42 3s. 4d.


Ann Tracey: Administration of the Estate of Ann Tracey late of Binnefreghan County Tyrone Spinster who died 17 December 1912 granted at Londonderry to Edward Tracey Farmer. Date Of Grant: 12/02/1913 Effects: Effects £93 10s. 0d.


Anne Sarah Treacy Harte: The Will of William Harte late of 10 Clarendon-street City of Londonderry County Surveyor who died 15 March 1895 at same place was proved at Londonderry by Anne Sarah Treacy Harte of 10 Clarendon-street Londonderry Spinster the sole Executrix. Date Of Grant: 08/05/1895 Effects: Effects £450


Anne Treacy: The Will of Anne Treacy late of Brigadie House County Antrim Widow deceased who died 4 July 1876 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oath of John Hyndman Love of Rathmines-road Rathmines County Dublin Gentleman and Andrew Currell of Ballygarvey County Antrim Justice of the Peace the Executors. Date Of Grant: 25/08/1876 Effects: Effects under £600


Bernard Tracy: The Will of Bernard Tracy late of Lisnanon County Tyrone Farmer who died 18 November 1892 was proved at Londonderry by John Traccy of Lisuanon Farmer the sole Executor. Date Of Grant: 05/10/1896  Effects: Effects £100


Betty Tracey: Probate of the Will of Betty Tracey late of Orehard-row Londonderry Spister who died 12 May 1903 granted at Londonderry to Henry F.Harkin Law Clerk. Date Of Grant: 27/06/1903 Effects: Effects £56 0s. 6d.


Felix Tracy: The Will of Felix Tracy late of Gortilea County Londonderry Farmer who died 7 May 1883 at same place was proved at Londonderry by Robert James Craig of Craigdarragh and David Craig of Oaks Lodge both in said County Farmers the Executors. Date Of Grant: 04/10/1884  Effects: Effects £205 10s


Francis Treacy: Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Francis Treacy late of Aldrummond County Tyrone Farmer who died 3 April 1893 at same place were granted at Londonderry to Patrick Treacy of Aldrummond Farmer the Son. Date Of Grant: 27/04/1893 Effects: Effects £111 10s.


George Prescott Treacy: The Will of George Prescott Treacy late of 4 Waring-street Belfast and Sydenham County Down Manufacturer's Agent who died 24 June 1892 at latter place was proved at Belfast by Hutchinson M'Kee and Robert J. Murray Merchants both of Belfast the Executors. Date Of Grant: 07/10/1892 Effects: Effects £598 12s


George Tracey: Probate of the Will of George Tracey late of Lisglass County Londonderry Farmer who died 16 December 1899 granted at Londonderry to Joseph Deehan Farmer. Date Of Grant: 23/01/1900 Effects: Effects £315


Henry Tracey: Administration of the estate of Henry Tracey late of Altahoney County Londonderry Farmer who died 11 February 1877 granted at Londonderry to Bridget Feeny of Craig Claudy said County Married Woman the Daughter. Date Of Grant: 20/09/1898 Effects: Effects £90


Henry Treacey: The Will of Henry Treacey late of Carrickastuck County Louth Farmer deceased who died 25 September 1876 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of Anne Treacey of Carrickastuck Widow and James Lennan of Lurgankeel Farmer both in said County the Executors. Date Of Grant: 25/07/1878 Effects: Effects under £100


James Tracey: Administration of the Estate of James Tracey late of Synshin County Tyrone Farmer who died 15 April 1906 granted at Armagh to Mary Tracey the Widow. Date Of Grant: 28/11/1908 Effects: Effects £243


James Tracey: Probate of the Will (with one Codicil) of John Thompson late of Drumever County Monaghan Farmer who died 5 April 1904 granted at Armagh to James Tracey Constable Royal Irish Constabulary Agnes Shaw Married Woman and Sarah Thompson Widow. Date Of Grant: 07/05/1904 Effects: Effects £277 16s


James Tracey: Probate of the Will of James Rourk late of Clogher Head County Louth Farmer who died 14 January 1909 granted at Armagh to James Tracey Land Steward. Date Of Grant: 08/04/1909 Effects: Effects £98


James Tracy: Letters of Administration (with the Will annexed) of the personal estate of James Tracy late of Enniskillen County Fermanagh Pensioner deceased who died 5 March 1870 at same place were granted at Armagh to Anne Tracy of Enniskillen aforesaid the Widow and Universal Legatee. Date Of Grant: 12/04/1870 Effects: Effects under £200


James Treacy: Administration (with the Will) of the estate of James Treacy late of Rossinure More County Fermanagh Farmer who died 29 July 1903 granted at Armagh to Patrick Treacy Farmer. Date Of Grant: 27/08/1907 Effects: Effects £89


James Treacy: Probate of the Will of James Treacy late of Greaghcashel County Fermanagh Farmer (Retired) who died 16 April 1909 granted at Armagh to Francis Treacy Farmer. Date Of Grant: 12/06/1909 Effects: Effects £25 16s. 0d.


John Tracey: Administration (with the Will) of the Estate of John Tracey late of Lower Craig Claudy County Londonderry Farmer who died 24 January 1893 granted at Londonderry to James Tracey Farmer. Date Of Grant: 04/02/1910 Effects: Effects £220


John Tracey: Administration of the estate of John Tracey late of Knockaraven County Fermanagh Farmer who died 6 November 1901 at The Lunatic Asylum Omagh County Tyrone granted at Armagh to Catherine Tracey the Widow. Date Of Grant: 07/08/1905 Effects: Effects £91 12s. 6d.


John Tracey: Administration of the unadministered estate of John Tracey late of Mulderg County Londonderry Farmer who died 4 April 1883 granted at Londonderry to Mary Tracey of Mulderg the Daughter. (Former Grant 1 September 1886) Date Of Grant: 27/04/1899 Effects: Effects £80


John Tracey: Date Of Grant: 27/11/1918 Registry: Londonderry


John Tracey: Probate of the Will of John Tracey formerly of Ballymaclenaghan late of Gortilea County Londonderry Farmer who died 16 October 1916 granted at Londonderry to Robert Tracey and Frank Tracey Farmers. Date Of Grant: 22/02/1917  Effects: Effects £74 16s. 3d.


John Tracy: Letters of Administration of the personal estate of John Tracy late of Mulderg County Londonderry Farmer who died 4 April 1883 at same place were granted at Londonderry to Nancy Tracy of Mulderg the Widow. Date Of Grant: 01/09/1886 Effects: Effects £80


John Tracy: Probate of the Will of John Tracy late of Mulderg Claudy County Londonderry Farmer who died 10 April 1917 granted at Londonderry to Thomas McLaughlin Farmer. Date Of Grant: 18/07/1917 Effects: Effects £14 4s. 9d.


John Tracy: Probate of the Will of Martha Kennedy late of Castleforward County Donegal Widow who died 19 February 1909 granted at Londonderry to John Tracy (Senior) Farmer. Date Of Grant: 16/03/1909 Effects: Effects £556 0s. 6d.


John Tracy: The Will of James Baxter late of Moville County Donegal Pensioner deceased who died 16 October 1880 at same place was proved at Londonderry by the oaths of John Tracy Spirit Merchant and Charles O'Reilly Physician and Surgeon both of Moville the Executors. Date Of Grant: 17/11/1880  Effects: Effects under £1,500


John Treacy: Administration of the Estate of John Treacy late of Merchantstown Mountfield County Tyrone Farmer who died 4 August 1901 granted at Londonderry to Minnie McGurk Married Woman. Date Of Grant: 10/08/1917 Effects: Effects £144 5s.


John Treacy: Administration of the Estate of John Treacy late of Muckenagh County Fermanagh Farmer who died 2 October 1910 granted at Armagh to Rose Anne Maguire Married Woman. Date Of Grant: 17/01/1911 Effects: Effects £37 7s. 0d.


John Treacy: Probate of the Will of John Treacy late of Moville County Donegal Spirit Dealer who died 9 September 1898 granted at Londonderry to Mary Treacy of Moville Widow. Date Of Grant: 28/09/1898 Effects: Effects £440


John Treacy: Probate of the Will of Margaret Costello late of Ballybarrack Dundalk County Louth Widow who died 20 February 1906 granted at Armagh to John Treacy Farmer. Date Of Grant: 19/03/1906 Effects: Effects £25 5s.


Joseph Treacy: Probate of the Will of Rose McDonald late of 36 Newington Avenue Belfast Widow who died 19 September 1911 granted at Belfast to Joseph Treacy Teacher. Date Of Grant: 11/10/1911 Effects: Effects £87 10s. 0d.


Lawrence Treacy: The Will of Lawrence Treacy late of Moville County Donegal Merchant deceased who died 17 April 1869 at same place was proved at Londonderry by the oaths of Richard Anderson of Gulladuff (Moville) Miller and Merchant and Owen Barr of Moville aforesaid Woollendraper two of the Executors. Date Of Grant: 10/08/1869 Effects: Effects under £3,000


Mary Ann Treacy: Administration of the estate of Mary Ann Treacy late of Glasslough-street Monaghan County Monaghan Widow who died 6 October 1904 granted at Armagh to Mary Jane Arthurs Widow. Date Of Grant: 16/12/1904 Effects: Effects £11 5s


Mary Anne Treacy: Probate of the Will of Mary Anne Treacy late of Merchantstown Mountfield County Tyrone Widow who died 6 February 1916 granted at Londonderry to Minnie McGurk Married Woman. Date Of Grant: 25/05/1917 Effects: Effects £48 1s. 8d.


Mary Tracy: Administration of the Estate of Mary Tracy late of Dungiven County Londonderry Spinster who died 3 March 1909 granted at Londonderry to The Reverend Peter Tracy R.C.C. Date Of Grant: 05/06/1909 Effects: Effects £260 14s. 4d


Mary Tracy: Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Jane Ford late of Magdalen-street Drogheda Spinster who died 15 December 1885 were granted at Armagh to Mary Tracy of Prospect-avenue Thomas-street Drogheda Married Woman the First Cousin. Date Of Grant: 08/01/1896 Effects: Effects £28 10s.


Michael Tracey P.P.: The Will (with one Codicil) of Roger M'Cormick late of Wapping-lane Londonderry Dealer deceased who died 21 January 1881 at same place was proved at Londonderry by Michael Tracey of Dungiven in said County Parish Priest Joseph Mullen Draper and Bernard Hannigan Pawnbroker both of Londonderry aforesaid the surviving Executors. Date Of Grant: 16/02/1881 Effects: Effects under £4,000


Michael Tracy P.P.: Letters of Administration (with the Will annexed) of the personal estate of Thomas Falkner late of Londonderry County Londonderry Labourer deceased who died 13 December 1870 at same place were granted at Londonderry to the Reverend Michael Tracy of Londonderry aforesaid R.C. Clergyman the Residuary Legatee in trust. Date Of Grant: 21/11/1874 Effects: Effects under £200


Michael Tracy P.P.: The Will of Henry Mullan late of Gortgarn County Londonderry Farmer deceased who died 23 February 1882 at same place was proved at Londonderry by the Reverend Michael Tracy P.P. and the Reverend Francis Healy C.C. both of Dungiven in said County the Executors. Date Of Grant: 05/04/1882  Effects: Effects £170


Michael Tracy: Probate of the Will of James Barr late of Spencer Road Londonderry Coal Dealer who died 12 December 1913 granted at Londonderry to Michael Tracy Merchant. Date Of Grant: 11/02/1914  Effects: Effects £38 17s. 5d


Michael Treacy: Probate of the Will of Catherine Cullen late of Drumbegger County Fermanagh Widow who died 19 January 1907 granted at Armagh to Michael Treacy Farmer. Date Of Grant: 07/03/1907 Effects: Effects £100


Patrick Tracy: Probate of the Will of Patrick Tracy late of Cloughfin County Tyrone Farmer who died 17 June 1905 granted at Armagh to The Reverend Peter Tracy Roman Catholic Curate. Date Of Grant: 28/11/1905 Effects: Effects £267 5s. 10d.


Patrick Tracy: Probate of the Will of Patrick Tracy otherwise Treacy late of Tullymore Gaurrison County Fermanagh Farmer who died 30 May 1897 granted at Armagh to John Feely of Cordiver and Terence Gallagher of Derrynaseer both County Leitrim Farmers. Date Of Grant: 05/08/1898 Effects: Effects £140


Patrick Tracy: The Will of the Reverend Bernard Murphy late of Kildress County Tyrone P.P. deceased who died 18 August 1877 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of the Reverend Peter Fox of Derrylonan (Rock Dungannon) C.C. the Reverend Michael Hughes of Pomeroy P.P. and Patrick Tracy of Cloghfin (Cookstown) Farmer all in County Tyrone the Executors. (By Decree "Fox v. Murphy" 18 December 1877.) Date Of Grant: 14/02/1878 Effects: Effects under £600


Patrick Treacy: Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Patrick Treacy late of Fassan County Fermanagh Farmer who died 4 April 1886 at same place were granted at Armagh to Bridget Treacy of Fassan the Widow. (Cancelled by Court Order 10 December 1894.) Date Of Grant: 27/05/1893 Effects: Effects £278


Patrick Treacy: Probate of the Will of Patrick Treacy late of Glen West County Fermanagh Farmer who died 19 December 1911 granted at Armagh to Patrick Treacy Farmer. Date Of Grant: 10/11/1913 Effects: Effects £85 15s. 0d.


Robert Tracy: Probate of the Will of Robert Tracy late of Cormullagh County Tyrone Farmer who died 4 January 1909 granted at Armagh to Alexander Heggarty Rural Postman. Date Of Grant: 09/03/1910 Effects: Effects £160


Robert Tracy: The Will of Eliza Jane Glass late of 6 Hazlett-square Belfast Widow who died 15 January 1894 at same place was proved at Belfast by Robert Tracy of Cormullagh County Tyrone Farmer and William Watson of Eskreagh County Tyrone Book Agent the Executors. Date Of Grant: 23/11/1894 Effects: Effects £48 4s. 6d.


Thomas Tracey: Probate of the Will with one Codicil of James Lynch late of Duke Street Londonderry Retired Labourer who died 13 August 1908 granted at Londonderry to Thomas Tracey Shoe Merchant. Date Of Grant: 28/08/1908  Effects: Effects £1,034 0s. 2d.


Thomas Treacy: The Will of Thomas Treacy late of Killcraw County Fermanagh Police Pensioner deceased who died 6 May 1882 at same place was proved at Armagh by Daniel Treaey of Killcraw aforesaid Farmer one of the Executors. Date Of Grant: 14/09/1882 Effects: Effects £212


William Tracey: Probate of the Will of William Tracey late of Lisglass County Londonderry Farmer who died 29 November 1905 granted at Londonderry to Joseph Deehan Farmer and Michael Tracey Merchant. Date Of Grant: 11/06/1906 Effects: Effects £355



See also Registry of Deeds Project



Last update: 23 February 2025