The Belfast
Newsletter Index 1737-1800 database Search Page
16 Oct. 1761
Dublin Mr. Martin
Tracey, Earl St. timber merchant horseback attacked footpads Palmerstown robbed cash watch.
31 Jan. 1764
…Liverpool returns James Tracy, Dungannon…
11 May 1764
…Neptune Tracey foul sunk…
6 Sept. 1765
…Grand Jury Co. Tyrone justice …James Tracy…
1 Oct. 1765
sold cant house James Tracy, Dungannon 14 Nov. land townland Killymaddy Co. Tyrone. dwelling bleach-houses bleaching business. lime-stone gravel marlroads Carnteel Ballygawly Earl of Charlemont, James Menagh, Lurgan 1Dec. Durrymecash Lough Neagh office-houses furnaces rubbing-boards washhorse-mill. beetling-engine sycamore beams drying-loft utensils. kesh turfhay 30 Sept.
3 Dec. 1765
James Maguire, dancing-master teaching towns families May Dungannon. Ball King''s Arms favour ladies gentlemens. Assembly-Room tea coffee musiccards. tickets Mr. Semple,. Apothecary, Mr. Tracy, King's Arms
30 Sept. 1766
sold publick cant house James Tracy, Dungannon 23 Oct. bidder lease townland Killimaddy Earl of Charlemount, remainder chiefry profit rent under-tenants marled gravelled limed kiln brick implements husbandry.
10 Oct. 1766
Died…Fishamble St. wife James Tracy, china merchant…
20 Jan. 1767
sold cant Feb. James Tracey, Dungannon…
27 Jan. 1767
fobb Joseph Holland, silver watch enamelled dial-plate seal compass engraven ribbon London. reward Benjamin Waters Lisnamorrow, Oliver Tracy, Ballynail Magherafelt Michael Johnston, Moneymore Alexander Alexander,
6 Jan. 1769
31 fire house Edward Tracy, pastry-cook Chequer Lane Thomas Babington, Mr. Hodges, assistance fire-engines St. Andrew''s St. Anne''s parishes damage. [Dublin]
30 May 1769
sold cant house James Tracey, Dungannon…
7 July 1769
Clare McKane, dancing-master families north Ireland certificates recommendations persons eminence Monaghan Dungannon opened school 32 ladies gentlemen houses apply lodgings Mr. Tracy, Mr. Flemming,
29 Aug. 1769
Co. Tyrone sold publick auction 5 Oct. house James Tracey, Dungannon…
7 Nov. 1769
dropt road Monaghan Dungannon 23 Sept. silver watch case William Sinclare, brass besell dial plate James Tracy, William Templeton, Coothill reward.
5 Dec. 1769
Co. Tyrone sold publick cant 11 Jan. house James Tracey, Dungannon Co. Tyrone…
2 Jan. 1770
Co. Tyrone sold publick cant bidder 11 house James Tracey, Dungannon…
26 June 1770
sold publick auction 5 July house James Tracy, Dungannon interest leaseholdhouse Main!St. yard garden repair occupation Bartholomew Verner
28 Sept. 1770
…Castle Caulfield Co. Tyrone…James Tracy…
28 Dec. 1770
sold auction house James Tracey, Dungannon…
26 Nov. 1771
sold cant money house James Tracy, town 5 Dec. title interest John Seawright, townland Mogashel mile Dungannon farm land bleach-yard overshot-mill waterwash-mill beetling-engine rub-boards drying-loft kieves furnaces articles bleaching business. applying Arthur Ingram
13 Dec. 1771
imported London Manchester Birmingham Arthur Tracy, Maghrafelt superfineforest broad cloths bath rugs ratteens coatings frizes. velvelures velveretsthicksets fustians. jeans jeannets drawboys dimities counterpanes.callimancoes russels stuffs lastings sattinets. waistcoats silk cambrickcotton linen handkerchiefs thread stockings mits ribbands cambricks. menwomen hats broaches knee shoe boot buckles bridle bits pins clumps trinkets.Liverpool Dublin silver watches guns pistols blankets flannels chequerspoplins camblets cloaks Durham 10. [Advertisement]
24 Dec. 1771
sold cant 16 Jan. James Tracy, house Dungannon freehold lease tenant profitrent
17 Mar. 1772
…Maghrafelt …company volunteers …Arthur Tracey, …
17 Mar. 1772
Mr. Tracy, Dungannon employ dyes blackgentlemen clergy London Dublin.
27 Oct. 1772
imported London Manchester Birmingham Arthur Tracy,Magherafelt superfineforest broad cloths bath rugs ratteens frizes coatings velvelures velverets.thicksets fustians jeans jeannets drawboys dimmitties counterpanes half-ellhalf-yard callimancoes russels pink pea-green scarlet stuffs lastingssattinets Turkey stripes waistcoats silk cambricks men womens hats broachesknee buckles stock plated shoe boot buckles set-pins clumps trinketsLiverpool Dublin watches prices. cottons poplins camblets thread sattinspeelings cloak persians modes black white lace velvets bonnets furniture aproncheckers bed tickens blankets flannels Padua serges pladdens brown rand gunshooks scythes Irish manufactured hops. [Advertisement]
17 Nov. 1772
Maghrafelt Co. Londonderry…Arthur Tracy…
23 Mar. 1773
Capt William Chivers, Nedham sail 20 Apr. Newcastle Philadelphia New York attend 30 Mar. Monaghan market: Achibald Dobbin Castleblaney.Widow McKinstry Clonis, Michael Kane Coothill, Mr. Thornton Ballybay, Alex Chambers Calladon, Stewart Norris Armagh, Geo. Park Stuartstown, Joseph Campbell Dungannon, Mr. Tracy passengers redemptioners servants sendview Newry.
2 Apr. 1773
Co. Tyrone sold auction 19 May Mr. Tracey, . Dungannon…
27 Apr. 1773
sold publick cant 20 May house James Tracy, Dungannon…
26 - 30 Nov. 1773
…Dungannon James Tracy, promise sums thief…
26 - 30 Nov. 1773
stolen 23 fair-day Dungannon house James Tracy, beaufett parlour turene spooninitals name cypher handle brings William Adams, merchant reward offered sale stopped notice
4 - 7 Jan. 1774
Robert Fairservire, Elizabeth Fairservire, wife plaintiff Robert Speer, Martha Speer, defendants sold sheriff Co. Tyrone 20 house James Tracy, Dungannon fieri facias town lands Drumbanaway, Mullaghmossagh, Grosardagh, Carkley parish, Ballyclog, Stewartstown lease Armagh .
11 - 15 Feb. 1774
Sold sheriff Co. Tyrone 20 Jan. house James Tracey, Dungannon…
14 - 17 June 1774
Miss Cathcart, daughter Lord Cathcart, privately introduced Queen appointed maids honour room Miss Tracey, married possession apartments St. James’s [London]
21 - 24 June 1774
imported London Manchester Birmingham, Arthur Tracy, Maghrafelt forrestbroad cloths bathrugs rateens frizes coatings velverats corderoys corderellsthicksets fustians jeans jeannets drawboys dim ties counterpanes ellcallimancoes russels lastings sattinets waistcoats silk cambrick cotton linen handkerchiefs thread worsted stockings mitts ribbands hatts poplins cambletssattins peelings cloak persian modes velvet blankets flannels plidans paduaserges shoes Durham mustard hops guns hooks scythes charges oblige [Advertisement]
4 - 8 Nov. 1774
sold public auction 10 lease house shop late David Tomb, deceased daughters business town Maghrafelt years unexpired 1. purchase-money sale deed trade Arthur Tracy refused.
16 - 20 Dec. 1774
Died...Daniel Tracy [Monastereven?]…
17 - 21 Feb. 1775
Ireland Kilkenny 11 White Boys armed house Richard Tracy, Kilherhil Knocktopher night cut tongue information Andrew Conway, James Conway, John Walsh, James Murphy, gaol. guard escaped hands seized horses Callan.
28 Apr. - 2 May 1775
stolen stable Gabriel Eken, Ballynoey Co. Tyrone horse. James Neal servant Armagh kingdom masters vessels watch. reward Thomas Lawson, James Tracy Dungannon.
8 - 12 Sept. 1775
sold 20 Oct. James Tracey, Dungannon innkeeper…
22 - 26 Sept. 1775
wanted person skilled malt application Mr. A. Tracy, merchant Maghrafelt.
31 May - 4 June 1776
Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt woollen-draper laid fresh assortment goodsdifferent manufacturers England elsewhere sell reasonable terms. superfinerefine coarse broad cloths forest fine hunters buff coloured cashmeres plaintwilled coatings bath rugs. blankets beds counterpanes plain ribbed velveretsshapes waistcoats silk Marseilles quilting cotton petticoat mock EnglishIrish poplins crapes printed cottons linens. garter light blue pink pea-greenscarlet dark black stuffs russels callimancoes colours camblets stuffs stripedplain cloak apron silks sprigged modes. persians black lace handkerchiefslinen velvet bonnets stays gentlemen ladies hats. newest fashion plated giltbuttons gimp common sorts worsted stockings kinds checkers tickens sergestrimmings 23 May. [Advertisement]
21 - 25 June 1776
Aug. sold publick cant bidder house James Tracey, Dungannon…
23 - 26 July 1776
Aug. sold publick cant house James Tracey, Dungannon…
30 July - 2 Aug. 1776
…New York. American prizes England privateer Yankee Hero commanded Capt Tracy, Irishman killed engagement Milford frigate…
2 - 6 Aug. 1776
Thomas Moorehead concert ball Mr. Tracy room Dungannon 23 tickets.
6 - 9 Aug. 1776
Halifax June 29 Yankee Hero American privateer guns Capt James Tracey, commander taken resistance Milford frigate wounded killed.
20 - 23 Aug. 1776
attendance linen drapers Co. Tyrone requested James Tracy, Dungannon.
4 - 8 Oct. 1776
wanted Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt man skilled making malt recommended sobriety application John Robinson, merchant Belfast. Mr. Tracy, accommodate person house garden cow’s grass.
15 - 19 Nov. 1776
Magherafelt Co. Londonderry. returns …Arthur Tracey…
11 - 14 Feb. 1777
sold James Tracey, Dungannon…
11 - 14 Feb. 1777 Belfast Newsletter
Plymouth Jan. 30 American prize; Thetis man-of-war Triton master Tilestone; Newbury Port Massachusett's Bay firm owned Jackson/Tracy/and/Tracy. sailed 6 Dec. taken Cape Ortuga captain examined Admiral Amherst, account information intelligence cargo quintals. candles America sterling trade business time. built frigate guns Boston commanded Hector MacNeil, Irishman rebels Quebec joined. Privateers West India goods sugar rum cotton building river contemplation plan seamen merchant service dollars board. smuggler coasts person naval surveyors famous Ordnance Nov. 1775 Capt. James Tracy, late Yankee. Milford Capt. Burr Roman Catholic served genteel fellow nephew old principal cousin beef sterling pork meat portion. price Maryland Pennsylvania produce Indian corn ryeraise serve Highlanders exchanged Boston family effects suffer native affairs spirit.
6 - 10 June 1777
Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt woollen draper inform publick importedmanufacturing towns England goods sell wholesale retail. superfine refinecommon broad-cloths forests hunters bath rugs twilled plain coatings wiltonskerseys buff white. crimson cassemers blankets bed-rugs corderoys corderellscordelures rib royals eatokens thicksets pillow fustians jeans jeannets.velvelures velverets English stuffs callimancoes russels poplins printedcottons linens crapes camblets. waistcoat shapes Marseilles quilting ladiespetticoats mock stays gentlemen hats gilt plated gimp buttons sewing silkstwists Dublin prices. knee garters worsted thread stockings night-capscheckers tickens flannels serges. [Advertisment]
15 - 19 Aug. 1777
July19 gentlemen congratulate prize taken [ship] Sally, Thomas Tracy, master, Charles Town South Carolina, Nantz
30 Sept. - 3 Oct. 1777
wanted journeyman tanner apply John Robinson, merchant Belfast Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt Oct.2.
10 - 14 Oct. 1777
sell publick auction Dungannon James Tracey,
9 - 12 Dec. 1777
[Ship] Sally, Tracy South Carolina, Nantz.
10 - 14 July 1778
Arthur Tracy, hoped watch-makers notice
13 - 17 Nov. 1778
Co. Tyrone bleach-green sold auction 3 Dec. house James Tracey, Dungannon order…
27 Nov. 1798
meeting Orange Lodge Co. Tyrone, Tracey Dungannon
8 - 12 Jan. 1779
…conviction felony reward Arthur Tracy, John Macartney, Ballyronanstrayed.
19 - 23 Mar. 1779
James Tracey, Dungannon post-chaises horses road drivers [Advertisement]
17 - 21 Sept. 1779
Apprentice Boys Derry commanded…Arthur Tracey…
29 Oct. - 2 Nov. 1779
Londonderry Volunteer companies donation…Arthur Tracy…
7 - 10 Mar. 1780
sold sheriff house James Tracey, Dungannon
31 Mar. - 4 Apr. 1780
…Arthur Tracy…
28 July - 1 Aug. 1780
William Richardson Goodlat plaintiff, Andrew Bailie Donaghendry defendant sold sheriff Co. Tyrone house James Tracy, Dungannon. 17 writ fieri faciascause right interest town lands Dura, Shankey, Tillysaughan, Gorclaghan, Artpatrick, Cloghsin, Shankeycavan, see Armagh, Stewartstown James Alexander, sheriff.
28 July - 1 Aug. 1780
Arthur Tracey, sell wholesale retail superfine refine common broad clothsforests colours. military scarlets uniform whites hunters coatings bath rugsfrizes blankets cassimeres. eatokeens cordureens velverets twilled Genoacords velvet lures silkeens florenteens waistcoasts. poplins crapes tabbinetscamblets stuffs ruffels callimancoes printed cottons linens. penciledcopper-plate English patterns Marseilles quilting figured dimities jeansdrawboys. enamelled pearl japanned gilt buttons padua serges druggetsflannels pladdens tickens bedrugs embossed hats gloves stays worsted threadstockings trimmings cloths Magherafelt [Advertisement]
8 - 12 Sept. 1780
bleach green sold publick auction James Tracy, innkeeper Dungannon
11 - 15 Jan. 1782
… Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt guinea reward sale watchmaker publick custody person conceal law felony
29 Jan. - 1 Feb. 1782
sold publick auction house James Tracey, Dungannon…
14 - 17 May 1782
…Dungannon delegates Volunteers assembled…Capt. Tracy…
21 - 25 June 1782
…Arthur Tracy…
6 - 10 Sept. 1782
Londonderry…Arthur Tracy…
20 - 24 Dec. 1782
Dungannon hunt dine James Tracy, 30 hounds Lower Town Hill assembly
30 May - 3 June 1783
Sold Mr. Tracy, Maghrafelt bullocks
18 - 22 July 1783
Portsmouth Beer sloop Royal George towed Mr. Tracey, assistants diving bellcables stern keel vessel lighters tide hawser Orpheus frigate machinery.
17 - 21 Oct. 1783
raise Royal George Portsmouth cables Mr. Tracey, ship.
9 - 12 Mar. 1784
Dungannon hunt meet James Tracey…
29 June - 2 July 1784
Arthur Tracy, goods superfine refine common broad cloths forests military scarlets uniform white. hunters coatings bath rugs frizes blankets cassimeresea tokeens cordureens velverets twilled Genoa cords velvelures. Dublin florentines silks waistcoats poplins crapes camblets stuffs callimancoes cottons linens pencilled copper plate padua serges flannels druggets pladden strimming Magherafelt [Advertisment].
13 - 17 Aug. 1784
sold 30 Sept. house Mr. Tracey, Dungannon…
1 - 5 Oct. 1784
sold public auction house James Tracy, Dungannon…
31 Dec. 1784 - 4 Jan. 1785
Co. Tyrone sold public auction house James Tracy, Dungannon lands, Drumard, Drumhabbard acres English measure. …
Dungannon hunt meet, John? Tracy, members…
14 - 18 Oct. 1785
…Londonderry 25 let tenants house John Tracey.
Dungannon hunt James Tracey…
9 - 13 Feb. 1787
Lord Chancellor of Ireland Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt Co. Londonderry justice peace.
25 - 29 July 1788
trustees schools Magherfelt publick thanks donation institution compensation contributors disbursements…Arthur Tracy
29 July - 1 Aug. 1788
sold rent…Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt
24 - 28 Oct. 1788
notice persons hold drafts…Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt.
16 - 20 Jan. 1789
Arthur Tracy justice peace oath sworn Magherafelt 12 Jan. expenses compulsion
27 - 31 Mar. 1789
Dublin…Wm. Tracey, transportation robberies acquitted witnesses...
9 - 12 June 1789
Glorious Memory Orange Lodge Dungannon 689 dine James Tracy
17 - 21 July 1789
sold auction Mr. Tracy, Dungannon proprietor interest tenements Irish St., School House Lane, Gallows Hill, lease fine William Greer
21 - 25 Aug. 1789
sold auction 10 Sept. house James Tracy, Dungannon tenement Church St. lease Lord Welles, Nov. 1784 title deeds Mrs. Donnelly, relict late Simon Donnelly
18 - 22 Sept. 1789
smallpox weaver Arthur Tracy…
23 - 27 Oct. 1789
Merry Career dine James Tracey, Dungannon…
23 - 27 Apr. 1790
Dungannon…Union Association…Tracy…
29 Jan. - 2 Feb. 1790
Dublin arguments case Richard Daly, John Magee, ended court King’s Bench adjourned motion term. appearance rescued quantum bail reduced marshalMarshalsea Miss Frances Tracy, Mr. John Brennan, Kilmacud, Dublin Chronicle. attorney general crown attachment absolute rule.
23 - 26 Feb. 1790
Dublin 23 House Commons Mr. G. Ponsonby, motions proper officer lay copy affidavit filed court King’'s Bench. chief justice Richard Daly, John Magee, copies orders Francis Tracy, John Brennan, Francis Higgins, county candidates attended friends Kilmainham Mr. Finlay, proceeded carriage Mr. Talbot, accompanied attached carries foot attended hand wind instruments close poll.
26 Feb. - 2 Mar. 1790
resolutions Whig club respecting John Magee, Duke of Leinster committee appointed consider report far liberty subject affected case prisoner Four Courts marshalsea. fiat granted writ issued affidavit Richard Daly, sustained damages publication Dublin Evening Post printer copy bail reduce, Tracy, Brennan, Higgins. apprehend power judge sum liberty subject resolved unanimously.
2 - 5 Mar. 1790
House Commons officer presented bar order copies declarations Francis Higgins, Richard Daly, Frances Tracy, John Brennan, John Magee,
5 - 9 Mar. 1790
Dublin Evening Post. charged gaining subsistence gambling children daughters son suffer. Brennan, Miss Tracy, Mr. Bushe, opposed
29 June - 2 July 1790
Counsellor verdict plaintiff 200. Mr. Magee. arrested for fragment fiats pending Francis Higgins, Mr. Tracy, Mr, Brennan, Kilmacud.
8 - 11 Feb. 1791
English-bred horse figure performance master hounds sale Arthur Tracy, Magherafelt bills notes payment
8 - 11 Mar. 1791
Dublin masquerade harlequin Mr. Tracy, newsboy…
11 - 15 Mar. 1791
…John Magee, chief justice court King''s Bench. Frances Tracey, John. Brennan, Dr. Duigan…
15 - 18 Mar. 1791
court King''s Bench, Higgings, Magee, Daly, Brennan, Tracy, Mr. Day
18 - 22 Mar. 1791
King''s bench affidavits writs fiats John Magee, suits Higgins, Daly, Brennan, Tracey
30 Mar. - 3 Apr. 1792
…M Tracy constituent assembly army general officers.
27 Apr. - 1 May 1792
Magherafelt monthly assembly…Arthur Tracy…
22 - 26 June 1792
French Austrians…cavalry M Tracy…
3 - 6 July 1792
names subscribed town Dungannon…English.inhabitants June 25…James Tracy…
2 - 5 Oct. 1792
Sammuel McReynolds, inns Stewartstown Dungannon James Tracy, Charles McReynolds, 1 Nov. waiter wanted 29.
1 - 5 Feb. 1793
meeting Magherafelt loyal volunteers…Arthur Tracey…
10 - 13 Sept. 1793
Londonderry assizes cause tried Mr. Glenholmes plaintiff Mr. Tracy, defendant action injury words spoken character damages costs.
19 - 23 May 1794
Magherafelt Arthur Tracy, thanks support business woollen drapery mens mercery own account.
16 - 20 May 1796
inhabitants town Magherafelt, Royal Dublin militia quarterd oaths secrecy magistrate military power…Arthur Tracy…James Tracy…United Irishmen soldiers plot
4 - 8 July 1796
Maghera, Londonderry…United Irishmen…Arth Tracy…
24 - 28 Apr. 1797
Trim assizes Thomas Tracy…high treason…
23 June 1797
…Mr. Tracey, Portsea ‘Charon’…
11 Sept. 1797
sold auction Magherafelt 18 still distillery utensils Arthur Tracy
15 Sept. 1797
persons convicted Trim Thomas Tracy treason
18 Sept. 1797
…Mr. Ball, solicitor-general judge Thomas Tracy French invasion…
20 Oct. 1797
notice public cautioned payment bills law agent John Glenholm draft favour Arthur Tracy,…Belfast indorsed…James Tracy Magherafelt attorney Belfast
20 Oct. 1797
victory Adm Duncan, Dutch fleet…John Tracey…
13 Apr. 1798
[Down?]…Drumadonald. military…Mr. Tracey, markethouse rescuing sheet…
27 Nov. 1798
meeting Orange Lodge Co. Tyrone, Tracey Dungannon
5 Apr. 1799
post-chaise plated harness molding box boot oil cloth cover caravan venetian blinds James Tracy, inn-keeper Dungannon.
3 Jan. 1800
Paris List members conservative senate…Tracy…
11 Mar. 1800
Co. Westmeath legislative union…Moate…Wm Tracy…Meernstown…William Tracy…
Apr 23, 1833 (BL) Birth [see Tracy Peerage]
On the 14th inst the lady of Lieut Tracey, R.N. Coast Guard Station, Dunaff Head [Donegal], of a son.
7 Feb 1845 (BL) Died
On the 30th
ult. Mr. Thomas Tracy, Falls-road, aged 44 OR 49 years.
30 Mar 1853 (BL) Death [see Kilkenny]
Wm H Tracy Esq, Belmont, Castlecomer, died age 31 years
September 2, 1834
(BL) Marriage [see William Samuel Tracy]
25, in Lisnadell Church, William S. Tracy, Esq.
Sub-Inspector, county Sligo Constabulary to Margaret, second daughter of the
late Thomas Simpson, of Beech Hill, in the county of Armagh, Esq.
October 29, 1852 (BL) Death [see Co. Down]
October 21, Mrs. Tracy, Superioress of St. Clare's Convent, Newry.
April 19, 1854 (BL)
Death [see Richard Taylor Tracy]
9, at Tullamore, Samuel Wood, eldest son of the Rev.
Richard Taylor Tracy, Wesleyan Minister.
November 7, 1843 (BL) Death [see Treacys of Ballymena
On the 31st ult. John Treacey, Esq. of Brigadie House
aged 64.
Last update: 08
June 2016