See also Treaceys
of Fuerty Roscommon
Bernard J. Treacy (1842-1897) Prominent in the civic, social and business life of Lexington, 'Barney" J. Treacy, as, he was familiarly and affectionately known, was counted among the city's most progressive men and for nearly thirty years devoted his wonderful energy and tireless labor to the upbuilding of the city and the Improvement of the trotting and thoroughbred industry. His name and fame gained distinction not only in the United States but in the capitals of Europe, where some of the product of his Ashland Park Stock Farm became celebrities of the turf and stud. The story of the career of Bernard J. Treacy furnishes much of pleasing interest. He was born June 24, 1842, in French Lawn, parish of Ballintubber, county Roscommon, Ireland and was one of seven children born to the union of John and Mary (Gavin) Treacy. John Treacy was a man of superior education and a civil engineer by profession and employed extensively on government work in County Roscommon, Bernard J. Treacy received a good practical education in the schools of his native country. At the age of twenty he married Miss Mary Ganley, of Rosmeen, parish of Ballintubber, County Roscommon, and soon afterward came to the United States, locating in Lexington. He obtained ready employment here with Dr. R. Underwood, a veterinary surgeon and horse trainer, with whom he remained until November 1863, when he offered his services to the government and was assigned to a position in the United States Army Quartermaster's Department at Camp Nelson, where he became superintendent of corrals and inspector of horses, being the last employee retained there by the Government. In this camp his oldest daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth T. Rogers, was born. Returning to Lexington in 1865, Mr. Treacy began dealing in and training horses, and was identified with that business up to the time of his death. For a period he kept his stock in the old Phoenix Stables, then with Montague and Aubrey, until he purchased the Underwood Stables on Short Street remaining there until 1877, when his constantly increasing business compelled him to move to more enlarged and suitable quarters. In that year he leased one thousand acres of the old Preston estate, naming it Ashland Park Farm, from the fact that is was situated directly opposite Ashland, the home of the greatest statesman Henry Clay. With the practical idea of breeding for the highest standards in stack Mr. Treacy entered upon the work with earnestness and vigor and brought his establishment to the highest point of perfection in every respect. He was a close and intelligent student of everything pertaining to his vocation and had an exhaustive know!-edge of the speed producing families which were handled by him, one of the keynotes to his great success being his careful selection of brood mares, regardless of cost and their breeding to the best sires. The Ashland Park Farm enjoyed a great reputation as the home of the highest class of standard bred trotters and thoroughbreds, and it was seldom that visitors to Lexington in quest of business or pleasure did not drive to this farm to view the horses and share in the hospitality that was always extended by Mr. Treacy. Notable among the men of fame who visited this place was President Arthur during his administration. Mr. Treacy had great faith in the future of Lexington and at one time owned the property upon which is now located the new Phoenix Hotel (the site of the old "Horseman's Headquarters') and the ground upon which now stand the Lexington Laundry and the Embry Company buildings on Main Street. The racing stables of Barney Treacy, both trotters and thoroughbreds, were conspicuous for many years on the turf, and many a famous trotter and runner graduated from the training barns of the Ashland Park Farm. The green and old gold racing colors of the establishment were first past the winning post in many big handicap and stake events. Horseman's Headquarters, the Treacy and Wilson stable, was for a quarter of a century the scene of the greatest sales of .horses and the favorite gathering place for all the celebrated turfmen of the country. It was considered one of the finest equipped livery stables in America. Mr. Treacy was one of the original members of the Kentucky Trotting horse Breeders Association and an active member of the Kentucky Racing Association, Politically he was affiliated with the democratic party and served the city an the Board of Aldermen for several terms. He was a director of the Chamber of Commerce; trustee of the Catholic Cemetery Association; secretary of the St. Vincent de Paul Society; president of the Irish National Association; and a vice president of the local Land League was a member of the committee to meet and receive the honorable Charles S. Parnell on the occasion of his visit to Lexington in 1880. To Bernard J. and Mary (Ganley) Treacy were born the following surviving children; Mary Elizabeth. widow of the late ex-Mayor James C. Rogers; William J vice president of the Kentucky Sales Company, Charles H., engaged in mining in Montana and Idaho; Bernard J., realtor and president of the Board of Commerce; James F., assistant secretary of the Combs Lumber Company; Katherine F., wife of R. J. Colbert, attorney and master commissioner of the Fayette Circuit Court; and Jane F. Mr. Treacy's beloved wife died in May. 1914. In all the years of Mr. Treacy's residence in Lexington he stood staunchly for everything that inured to the improvement and betterment of the city and county, and among his fellow citizens he received the highest measure of confidence and esteem. The Blue-grass blade newspaper of Lexington, described him in January 1891 as a supporter of the Prohibition party, "Mr Treacy used to be a saloonkeeper on Dewees street in this city about as hard a part of the town as there is in it" and as "a Catholic Irishman who has made a large fortune in an honest and legitimate way Time papers report that he is going to build a $50000 house. He came to this city a poor boy worked among horses until he knew the business and is now one of the largest dealers in horses." In 1896, statements of his assets and liabilities amounted to $75,000 while his property at Ashland Park Farm and two livery stables in Lexington, including 177 horses, were expected to bring $50,000 under the hammer.
Colonel or Capt. Bernard Treacy died Boston 12th September 1897, after a fall when he was entering a friend’s house, Frank C. Lappin of South End. At that time he was very prominent in Lexington affairs, being a member of the Board of Aldermen and Chairman of the Police Committee. He was buried in Lexington, 18 September 1897. Many mourned his passing and turf journals and other publications throughout the country paid tender tribute to his memory. Ref: History of Kentucky, Volume 3 Ranck, Guide to Lexington, p. 76-7 John Lethem, [1887?] A Review of Lexington, Kentucky, as She is...New york Obituary, New York Times, 14 September 1897. Kentucky Digital
Library William Joseph Treacy (1868-1945) Among men who have
stamped the impress of their characters and their strong individuality on the people and the
business interests of Kentucky is
William J. Treacy, whose entire life
has been devoted to the horse business
in one phase or another. Faithfulness to duty and a strict adherence
to a fixed purpose have been dominating factors in his life, which has been
replete with success worthily
attained. He is a scion of one of the
worthy old families of this locality, and many of the strong characteristics of his
progenitors seem to have outcropped in
him, so that he has ever enjoyed to a marked degree the esteem and good
will of all who know him. William
Joseph Treacy was born in Lexington, Kentucky, on June 14, 1868, and is the
son of Bernard J. and Mary (Ganly) Treacy, who are mentioned specifically in
a separate sketch elsewhere in this work.
Mr. Treacy received his educational training in St. Paul's High School and St. Catherine's
Academy, which he attended to the age
of seventeen years. In 1885 he became
a student in Georgetown University,
where he was graduated in 1890, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He then went to work for
his father, who was extensively
engaged in the breed- ing, raising and
training of thoroughbred trotting
horses, and remained with him until 1897. He then became connected with the well-known
Thoroughbred Record as assistant
editor, which position he held up to
1904, when he became one of the organizers
of the Kentucky Sales Company, of which he became vice president and also served in the
capacity of pedigree expert. This company became one of the best-known and
most reliable sales corporations in the State
of Kentucky, and their sales, which are held four times a year, are considered important events,
being attended by prospective buyers
and interested horsemen from all over
the United States. Mr. Treacy also formed
a partnership with Ken Walker, under the firm name of Treacy & Walker, a firm which has
risen to prominent place in the horse world. Besides the successful handling of a racing stable, including some
high-class horses, they are performing
valuable service as racing
statisticians, registrars of horses, pedigree experts, catalogue
compilers and theoretical breeding experts. They are also agents for the livestock
department of the Hartford Insurance
Company and publishers of the American
Thoroughbred Stallion Record. Politically
Mr. Treacy is a democrat, but aside from
the exercise of his right of franchise he has never taken an active interest in political
affairs, having no aspirations for
public office. He is a member of the
Jockey Club and is popular among his associates. Mr.
Treacy was married to Elizabeth Wolf, who was born and reared in Lexington,
the daughter of Frank J. and Kate
(Canning) Wolf. Her father was a native of Germany, and he died at the age of
seventy-six years, being survived by his widow, who was born in County Roscommon, Ireland. Frank J.
Wolf was a teacher of music, in which
he was an expert. They were the
parents of but one child, Mrs. Treacy.
To Mr. Treacy and his wife have been born three children, namely:
William Joseph, Jr., who died in 1905,
at three years of age ; James Rogers and Margaret Josephine. Mr. Treacy is
eminently public spirited in his attitude towards community life, giving his
unreserved support to all movements looking
to the advancement of the general welfare, and has been a potent factor in the development and
prosperity of this section of the country. Ref: History of Kentucky, Volume 4 Charles Henry Treacy (Nov 6 1873-bef 1953 Montana) December 28, 1901 The Thoroughbred Record Charles H. Treacy, of the Montana Racing Association, Butte, Montana, is spending the holidays with relatives in Lexington. Katharyn Florence
Treacy (1880-1953) On September 21, 1916, at Lexington, Mr. Colbert was
married to Katharyn Florence Treacy,
the daughter of Bernard J. and Mary Treacy, and they have become the parents
of a son, Richard J. Colbert, Jr. Although a quiet and unassuming man, Mr.
Colbert has contributed to the general advancement of the community, while
his admirable qualities of head and heart have won for him the esteem and
confidence of the circles in which he has moved. Ref: History of Kentucky, Volume 4 Barney J Treacy
(1882-1960) Among the most prominent of the business men of Lexington is Barney J. Treacy, known not only locally but nationally as one of the best versed men in the country in his profession. He is a realtor. Mr. Treacy was born in Lexington May 2, 1882, and is the son of Bernard J. and Mary Ganley Treacy. the father having been one of the most famous horsemen of his time, whose life also appears 'in this work Mr. Treacy attended St. Catherine's Academy until the age of fourteen, when be matriculated in the Lexington Business College, being one of the youngest students who was ever entered there. At fifteen be was employed by G. A DeLong & Company, a firm conducting a fire insurance and real estate business at 157 West Short Street lie remained here continuously until iio except for a few months when he was bookkeeper for the Lexington Brewing Company. In 1906 he obtained an interest in the business of G. A. DeLong Company, the name being finally changed to DeLong and Treacy when Mr. Treaty became a full partner. At the death of Mr. DeLong in 1910 the firm was dissolved and Mr. Treacy opened his own office at 209 West Short Street. His business has grown to he one of the largest real estate concerns in the city, maintaining departments for the handling of lawn and country property. Mr. Treacy was elected president of the Lexington Real Estate Board in 1914, and was one of the two realtors representing the real estate interests of Kentucky at a special session of the Legislature called to revise the tax laws in May, 1917. In his speech made before this body he recommended the plan of taxation which was adopted and became the present tax law of the state. He was chairman of the Board of Equalization named by the city officials on January 4, 1915, which was the first time in the history of Lexington that equalization of tax assessments had been made by real estate men. In 1914 he was chosen as one of the six men in the United States to lie a member of the Board of Managers of the National Association of Real Estate Exchanges, He is also a member of the executive committee of this organization. In September, 1918 Mr. Treacy went into the Government service s assistant manager of the Real Estate Division of the United States Housing Corporation, a $100,000, corporation authorized by Congress. March 1, 1919, he was made manager of this division and a director of the corporation, and served in this capacity until July 1, 1919, when he resigned to return to his business in Lexington. He was elected president of the Board of Commerce for the year 1921. This, is an organization composed of 800 of the representative business men of the town and of which he had been a director for many years. He has been most efficient in the work he has done and has not only accomplished greater things for Lexington in the way of bringing new enterprises to the town but has brought Lexington in closer contact with other portions of the state and made persons in other communities realize the advantages Lexington has to offer in business and as a home. Mr. Treacy is one of the most public spirited men in Lexington and gives generously of his time and money to any movement that makes for the growth and progress of his town and state. He was one of the organizers of the Bank of Commerce, one of the strongest financial institutions in the city, an organizer of the Young Men's Business Club, was a patron of the Oneida Baptist Institute, which has done such wonderful work for the people of the mountains. He has been for years a director of the Civic League and closely connected with and a co-worker with Mrs. Desha Breckinmige for the welfare of the community. He is a trustee of St. Peter's Church, a member of the V. M. C. A., the Kiwanis Club, the Oil Men's Association, the Lexington Club, Knights of Columbus, member of the Lexington Real Estate Board and chairman of the valuation committee of that organization. On July 11 1919 Mr. Treacy was married to Caroline E. Turner of Louisville. Kentucky, daughter of Henry L. and Rebecca (Whitlow) Turner and granddaughter of Hon. Oscar Turner, who was in Congress for many years. Mrs Turner is a direct descendant of Governor Winthrop Sargent, first governor of Mississippi. 07/25/1960 Barney
J. Treacy, 79, of Hampton Court, died today at the hospital after a long
illness. Ref: History of Kentucky, Volume 3 |
J. Treacy (1842-1897) Ashland Park Stock Farm (Ranck) Horsemen’s Headquarters Barney J Treacy (1882-1960) 1921 Barney J. Treacy, "Insurance
& Real Estate", 108 Lime to Upper (South) Lexington, Kentucky |
History of Fayette County, Kentucky: With an Outline Sketch of the Blue Region (1882) By Robert Peter
BERNARD J. TREACY, horse-breeder, trainer and dealer, Lexington, is the third son of John Treacy, a civil-engineer of superior education, employed on Government works in the county Roscommon, Ireland, who married a Miss Gavin, of County Galway, and by the union became the father of seven children, only four of whom are living—two sisters in the United States, one son a civil- engineer in County Galway, Ireland; the other, the subject of this paragraph, who was born June 24, 1842, in French Lawn, Parish of Ballintubber, County Roscommon, Ireland. After receiving an education at the excellent schools of his native country, he married Mary Ganly, of Rossmeen, County Roscommon, and came to the United States at the age of twenty years, settling in Lexington, Ky. He first wrought under Dr. R. Underwood, Veterinary Surgeon and trainer, with whom he remained till November, 1863, when he was assigned to a position in the United States Army Quarter master's Department at Camp Nelson, where he was superintendent of corrals and inspector of horses, and the last employe retained by the Government. In 1865, he began training and dealing in horses as a business in Lexington, and has since been prominently identified with equine stock and turf interests in the Blue Grass Region, though also engaged in the grocery trade from 1868 to 1878. For a time he kept his stock at the old Phoenix Stables, then with Montague & Aubrey till he bought the old Underwood Stables on Short street, where he kept trotting horses until 1877, when his constantly increasing business compelled him to move to his present location in the city. The same year he located three hundred acres of the old Wickliffe estate as a breeding farm, and shortly abandoned the grocery business entirely, to devote his whole time and energies to horses. His “Ashland Park Farm," so called because it lies directly opposite Ashland, the home of the great Statesman, Henry Clay, is within a mile and a half of the city, alongside the turnpike road leading to Richmond. He did not enter upon the possession of this farm with the visionary ideas of the mere theorist or amateur breeder, but with a settled determination and well-formed plan to vie with the best breeders of horses in this or any other country. To that end he has brought his establishment to the most admirable points of perfection, in organization and detail. His whole farm, of unsurpassed fertility, is literally carpeted witb rich blue grass; and on it he has one of the best mile tracks in Kentucky, used especially for the education of his trotting stock. His stables, too, are among the finest in the State, and have a capacity for 100 horses. They are well constructed for both summer and winter occupancy, the ventilation and other sanitary arrangements being complete, as are also those for the reception, care and distribution of feel, and for the shelter and comfort of animals in pasture. An ample supply of water flows from springs into the convenient ponds from which the horses drink. No situation could be more favorable to animal development, particularly when based, as it is here, on the purest lines of running blood, mingled with an intelligent conception as to the securing of the best results in size form, action and temper. Mr. Treacy's success is attributable to a comprehensive knowledge obtained through diligent study of the speed producing families which have been handled by him. His success mainly determined him in the formation of his present stud, so that he could, by a proper application of his knowledge and experience, have a chance to attain the great desideratum--the production of animals possessing all the attributes of a first class horse, whether for the road or track, such as a well-balanced head, a pure gait, reliability, and stamina sufficient to last through the long route of modern races. To accomplish this he has collected brood-mares of the most ap- proved blood, regarding trotting speed and rich breeding as of paramount importance in the selection of dams ; then, to combine size, soundness and elegance of form with blood, and to keep abreast of the steady improvement in stock, in preference to keeping a stallion or two of his own, he sends his mares to the most popular and celebrated sires in the great breed ing district, regardless of ownership or cost, being fully convinced that the best, wherever found, is the cheapest in the outcome. Following this common-sense plan, Mr. Treacy can point with justifiable pride to scores of trotters graduated at his stables which have won distinction on the turf and in the studs of various breeding establishments of the country, and to a vast number of superior roadsters supplied by him to his patrons from time to time. Among many celebrities instructed by him may be named: Allie West, 2:25 at five years old, and a trial shortly afterward of a mile in 2:21; Maggie Briggs, 2:27 at five years olel, and a trial mile in 2:23; Ella Clay, 2:27+ at six years old ; John E., 2:28$ at six years old, and a trial in 2:247; Bourbon Chief, 2:35, a trial in 2:304 ; Meteor, 2:31 at six years old, a trial in 2:28; Governor, 2:30, a fifth heat, and a trial in 2:25; Doble, 2:28 at five years old. and a trial of 2:274 ; Lady Patchen, 2:36 at four years old, and a trial the same fall in 2:28; Glendale, 2:271, a trial before passing out of hands in 2:193, and a later reduction of his public record to 2:201; Aldine, 2:37 at three years old, and shortly thereafter driven a mile in 2:33, and a half mile in 1:13; Puss Thompson, 2:314 at six years old, and a trial in 2:244; Keene Jim, 2:34 at three, 2:244 at four years old, and a reduction of his public mark to 2:194; Etta Jones, 2:35 at five years, a trial in 2:30, and now in the public record at 2:20; Lulu Morton, 2:34 at five years old ; Allie East, 2:404 at five years old, a trial at five in 2:23 ; Kentuckian, 2:324 at four years old, and shortly after a trial in 2:294, at six years old trial of 2:237; Nil Desperandum, a three year old trial in 2:35, and at seven a pub lic record of 2:24 ; Lady Lowe, 2:33, after ward reduced to 2:28; Hank, 2:31. Administrator was sent when : past the middle age to Mr. Treacy, who gave him a record of 2:291 and a trial in 2:274 Executor, 2:28), was bred by Mr. Treacy, as also were Lizzie Treacy, who is reported as having privately trotted in 2:18, and Lida Lewis that can trot close to 2:20. To Charley West, purchased as a year ling, he gave a record, in a campaign among aged trotters, of 2:40% at four, over a heavy muddy track, and drove him a trial mile in 2:244, the last half in 1:114. Mr. Treacy's motto is : “The merits of the trotter can only be determined when measured by public performances." His stock consists of such celebrated families as the Hambletonians, Mambrino Chiefs, Pilots, Normans, Black Hawks, Tom Crowders, etc., and even the old Royal Georges; and thus there can always be found at Ashland Park a large number of animals, from wean- lings to aged horses, of the choicest and most improved breeds on the American turf. He brings his stock more prominently before the public by eans of the extensive livery and sale stables in the city, owned in part by him, and more fully alluded to in connection with his partner, G. D. Wilson, in the biographies pertaining to Lexington. He has been con- nected with the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Association since its organization, and is also a member of the Kentucky Racing Association. By the Democrats of Lexington, with whom he numbers himself, he was elected to the City Council in 1872 to represent Ward No. 3, and has since retained the position, being re-elected thereto in 1879 by the largest vote ever polled in the ward. He is also a Director of the Chamber of Commerce; one of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Cemetery ; Secretary of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of his church; President of the Irish National Association, a benovolent society ; and Vice President of the Local Land League, by which body he was placed on the committee to meet and receive Mr. Parnell on his visit to Lexington in 1880. His family consists of five children.
Liverpool to New York 14 Aug 1862
74. Bernard Tracy, 20, M, Farmer, born
Ireland, to US [from Roscommon]
76. Mary Ganly, 18, F, Wife, born Ireland, to
83. Edwd Tracy, 49, M, lab, born Ireland, to
US [see Drom and Inch Tipperary - Settled
in Jeffersonville, IN]
84. Margt Tracy, 40, F, wife, born Ireland,
to US
85. Patt Tracy, 13, M, born Ireland, to US
86. Nancy Tracy, 10, F, born Ireland, to US
87. Maria Tracy, 7, F, born Ireland, to US
88. Martin Tracy, 5, M, born Ireland, to US
89. Michel Tracy, 5, M, born Ireland, to US
90. Daniel Tracy, 19, M, lab, born Ireland,
to US
Bernard Tracy/Tracey/Treacy & Mary Ganly/Gamly
Francis Tracy b. 9th inst 1870 bapt. 30th Oct Sp. Dennis Foley & Mrs Julia
Croghan. St. Paul Catholic Church
Henry Tracy b. 6th Nov 1873 bapt. 7 Dec 7th 1873 Sp. James Keating & Eliza Tracy. St. Paul Catholic Church
Francisca Tracey b. 11 Oct 1878 bapt. 17 Oct. Sp. James McCormack & Lizzie
Fitzgerald. St. Paul Catholic Church
Treacy b. 15 Jul 1880 bapt. 15 Jul 1880 Sp. Thomas Murray & Katharine
[Oenhessy?]. St. Paul Catholic Church
John Treacy b. 29 May 1882 bapt. 2 July 1882. Sp. Paul Keating & Annie
Murray. St. Paul Catholic Church
James Flau?
Tracey b. 3 June 1884 bapt. 16 Aug 1884 Sp. James Carroll & Bridget
Farrell. St. Paul Catholic Church
Wm. Joseph Treacy and Eliz. Wolfe
William Joseph Treacy b. Oct. 9/'02 bapt. Oct. 19 1902 Sp. Bernard Treacy and Cath. Treacy. St.
Paul Catholic Church
James Rogers Treacy b. Jan 11/04 bapt. Feb. 5th 1904 Sp. James Treacy and Jennie Treacy. St.
Paul Catholic Church
Margaret Josephine Treacy b. June 19/'06 bapt. June 27th, 1906 Sp.
Catharine Wolf. St. Paul Catholic Church
Elizabeth Treacy/Tracy & James
Bowman [sister]
John Bowman b. 10 Mar 1886 bapt. 18 Apr 1886 Sp. Pat. Farrell & Eliza
Treacy. St. Paul Catholic Church, Lexington KY
Charles Bowman b. 5 Aug 1891 bapt. 25 Aug Sp. Charles Tracy & Gennie
Tracy. St. Paul Catholic Church, Lexington KY
St. Paul Catholic Church record from Lexington Public Library
1. John Treacy & Mary Gavin
1.1 Bernard J. Treacy (b. June 24, 1842, in French Lawn, parish of Ballintubber d. Sep. 12, 1897 Boston Suffolk County Mass) m. Mary E. Ganley (1842 - 1914)
1.1.1 Mary Elizabeth Treacy (1865 - 1941) married to James Constantine Rogers on 19 Nov 1887
1.1.2 William Joseph Treacy (1868 - 1945) married Elizabeth Wolf Treacy (____ - 1963)
1.1.3 Charles Henry Treacy (6 November 1873 - 23 Jul 1947 Marion, Oregon) married Magdaline Mae Bowman (1884–Deceased) 18 Nov 1920 San Francisco, San Francisco, California
1.1.4 Jane F. “Gennie” Treacy (1879 - 1937)
1.1.5 Katherine F. Treacy (1880 - 1953) married to Richard J. Colbert on abt 1918
1.1.6 Bernard J. Treacy (1882 - 1960) married Caroline E. Turner (____ - 1956)
1.1.7 James Francis Treacy (1884 - 1959) married Anna Josephine Matlack (1883 - 1947)
1870 Census - 46 Lexington, ward 1,
Fayette, Kentucky
Jes Tracey, 26, b. Ireland, horse trainer, US citizen
Mary Tracey, 24, b. Ireland, keeping grocery
Mary E Tracey, 5, b. Kentucky
William J Tracey, 3, b. Kentucky
Katy Quirk, 15, b. Ireland
Anne Campbell, 18, b. Kentucky, domestic servant
Census: 3rd Ward, Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky
Name |
Relation |
Marital Status |
Gender |
Race |
Age |
Birthplace |
Occupation |
Father's Birthplace |
Mother's Birthplace |
Self |
M |
Male |
W |
38 |
Dealer |
--- |
--- |
Wife |
M |
Female |
W |
36 |
House |
Dau |
Female |
W |
15 |
KY |
School |
Son |
S |
Male |
W |
12 |
KY |
School |
Son |
S |
Male |
W |
6 |
KY |
School |
Dau |
S |
Female |
W |
1 |
KY |
1900 Census - Garlaqnd Avenue, Magisterial
District 5 Athens town, Fayette, Kentucky
Treacy, head, 55, b. Aug 1845 Ireland, widow, 7 child 7 alive
William J
Treacy, Son, 33, b. June 1867 Kentucky, bookkeeper
Treacy, Daughter, 22, b. Oct 1878 Kentucky
Treacy, Daughter, 20, b. July 1880 Kentucky
Treacy, Son, 18, b. May 1882 Kentucky, insurance agt
Treacy, Son, 15, b. June 1884 Kentucky, at school
Calvary Cemetery, Lexington, Fayette County,
Kentucky, USA
Bernard J Treacy
Sr. (24 Jun 1842 County Roscommon, Ireland - 12 Sep 1897 (aged 55) Boston,
Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA)
Mary E.
Ganley Treacy (15 Aug 1842 County Roscommon, Ireland - 3 May 1914 (aged 71)
Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, USA)
Elizabeth Treacy Rogers (1865–1941)
Joseph Treacy (1868–1945)
Jane F.
Treacy (1879–1937)
F. Treacy Colbert (1880–1953)
Bernard J.
Treacy (1882–1960)
Francis Treacy (1884–1959)
Also son
Charles Henry Treacy Nov 6 1873-bef 1953 Montana?
Bernard J Treacy, Sr
Birth: Jun. 24, 1842 County Roscommon, Ireland
Death: Sep. 12, 1897 Boston Suffolk County Massachusetts, USA
Family links:
Mary Elizabeth Treacy Rogers (1865 - 1941)*
William Joseph Treacy (1868 - 1945)*
Charles H. Treacy (1874)
Jane F. Treacy (1879 - 1937)*
Katherine F. Treacy Colbert (1880 - 1953)*
Bernard J. Treacy (1882 - 1960)*
James Francis Treacy (1884 - 1959)*
Mary E. Ganley Treacy (1842 - 1914)
Note: Also son Charles Henry Treacy Nov 6 1873-bef 1953 Montana?
Burial: Calvary Cemetery Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, USA
Mary Elizabeth Treacy Rogers
Birth: May 23, 1865 Jessamine County Kentucky, USA
Death: Apr. 17, 1941 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Note: Married to James Constantine Rogers on 19 Nov 1887
Burial: Calvary Cemetery Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
William Joseph Treacy
Birth: Jun. 14, 1868 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Death: Jan. 11, 1945 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Family links:
Spouse: Elizabeth Wolf Treacy (____ - 1963)*
Burial: Calvary Cemetery Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Charles H. Treacy
Charles H. Treacy, 34, b. 1874 Lexington Kentucky, lives Butte (s. of Barney J. Treacy & Mary Ganley) m. Florence E. Reed, 27, b. 1881 Cauton Ohio, lives Butte (d. of George Reed & Maliucda Thorsberry) on the 26 Jun 1908 Butte, Silver Bow, Montana
Jane F. "Gennie" Treacy
Birth: Oct. 11, 1879 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Death: Jan. 18, 1937 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Burial: Calvary Cemetery Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Katherine F. Treacy Colbert
Birth: Jul. 15, 1880 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Death: Feb. 9, 1953 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Note: Married to Richard J. Colbert on abt 1918
Burial: Calvary Cemetery Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Bernard J. Treacy, Jr
Birth: May 29, 1882 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Death: Jul. 25, 1960 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Family links: Spouse: Caroline E. Turner Treacy (____ - 1956)*
Burial: Calvary Cemetery Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
James Francis Treacy
Birth: Jun. 30, 1884 Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Death: Mar. 19, 1959 Huntington Cabell County West Virginia, USA
Children: Mary Lynn Treacy (1914 - 1915)*
Spouse: Anna Josephine Matlack Treacy (1883 - 1947)*
Burial: Calvary Cemetery Lexington Fayette County Kentucky, USA
Created by: ca groshong Record added: Oct 05, 2010 Find A Grave Memorial# 59642482
Ann Robinson [20 Oct 2016] This is my great uncle [Bernard J. Treacy, Jr ] who lived in Lexington. His brother was my grandfather and we lived in Huntington, WV
Other references
The Diaries of John Gregory Bourke
John Gregory Bourke kept a monumental set of diaries as aide-de-camp to Brigadier General George Crook [Indian Wars USA].
…Mr. Treacy, our gentlemanly cicerone, is the senior member of the firm of Treacy and Wilson, horse-dealers; he is a young Irishman who left his native district, - Roscommon – 25 years ago…
"The boarding school of Mary Todd Lincoln: a discussion as to its identification between C. Frank Dunn and William H. Townsend, originally published in the Sunday Herald-Leader of Lexington, Kentucky" Privately printed 1941 [Link]
...General Preston leased "Rose
Hill" and 160 acres to Richard Lowell not long after Madame Mentelle's
death. Lowell assigned his lease to William Simmons, who set up a trotting
horse establishment on the farm, his stallion George Wilkes heading the stud.
Bernard J. Treacy next leased the place,
calling it Ashland Park Stock Farm, as the above picture shows. His famous
stallion was Howard's Mambrino.
...But Mr. Dunn's discovery of the
"Mentelle house" is, in my opinion, a case of mistaken identity—a
triumph of hope over reality. This "attractive old gabled dwelling, zvings
and all," which he says has remained "untouched"—not "altered
one whit" for over a century, had no wings whatever for almost fifty years
after Mary Todd finished school and for nearly eighty years after Mrs. Russell,
quoting Mr. Dunn again, "turned over this house and five acres of land to
the Mentelles!" For a good many years Mr. Bernard J. Tracy had these
premises and a large adjacent acreage under lease. The picture of the house, an
engraving, showing "Ashland Park Stock Farm, B. J. Treacy, Prop.,"
with which Mr. Dunn illustrated his article of April 6th, was taken from a
small volume published by John Lethem in 1887 entitled: "A Review of
Lexington, Kentucky." It is not drawn to scale, is distorted in
delineation of objects, utterly fails to indicate the true proportions of this
house, and attempts to present a "birds-eye" view without the
sketcher being in the position of the bird. Besides the buildings and training
track, it shows in the background a number of strange looking animals, one
resembling a giraffe, another a rhinoceros. Mr. William J. Treacy, vice
president of Tattersalls, says that his father and family lived in this house
much of the time during the seventies and eighties and that his father built
both of the wings about the year 1885. From Mr. Treacy, I understand that this
residence, prior to the addition of the wings had, as it has today, a narrow
hall and two rooms downstairs, a similar hall and two small bedrooms upstairs,
with a dining room, kitchen and pantry or washroom in the ell. Mr. Treacy says
that in all the years he lived in and has known this place he never heard that
it was the "Mentelle house" or that it had any sort of historic
association. Certainly Bernard J. Treacy, who served in the Commissary and
Quartermaster department of the Union Army during the War Between the States, a
man widely known, according to the author of the "Review," as "a
close observer of men and things," never told his children that within
these walls Madame Mentelle had entertained Lafayette, conducted her famous
boarding school and taught the wife of Capt. Treacy's old Commander-in-Chief.
...Thank the Lord both Barney and Billy Treacy still are with us to
identify this as the house their father leased from General Preston, else the
hallowed domicile probably would be condemned and ordered razed by the building
inspector before a wind-storm swept it and a row of houses with it down Lincoln
Avenue. After reading Mr. Townsend's description, I hastily telephoned Barney
Treacy to be sure I had the right house. Here's Mr. Townsend's description:
"This modest dwelling, doubtless
pleasant, comfortable and, perhaps, attractive (a customary "aside"
to the jury) during the Treacy years, is of superficial, unsubstantial build.
Except for the chimneys, no part of it is brick, no part stone, or logs (why
should they be?) The walls are thin with no storm siding—nothing at all
—between scantily plastered laths and studded weatherboards, and the present
roof is of modern composition (of course). The laths themselves are sawed
poplar instead of split hickory or oak as usually seen in houses really old"—which
summarizes fhe now fully discredited junk-pile perfectly—to the jury, but not
to students of early houses.
Let's see if General Preston had such a
detached view of the old Mentelle home when he leased it to Mr. Treacy—who hy
the way, considered it good enough in which to entertain the President of the
United States (Arthur), and—significantly—his secretary, Robert Lincoln. As you
follow along with the text, refer to the picture above, which Ranck published
in 1883, sans the "giraffe, rhinoceros," etc. I can guarantee it is
not any "distorted" conception of John Lethem in 1887, and has no zoo
substituted for Mr. Treacy's famous trotting horses. As Mr. Treacy ran the cut
with his own ad in a Lexington directory, it is dollars to doughnuts he had it
made ; approved and was proud of it, and would have resented any such criticism
of his horses as quoted above.
...Next, lease January 1, 1877, General Preston to Bernard J. Treacy :
"A certain tract lying on the Richmond turnpike about one mile South of
the City of Lexington containing about 160 acres, composed of the lands
originally leased by Wm. Preston to R. Lowell and assigned by him to Simmons
containing 100 acres and also the field, bounded by Richmond turnpike, the
lands of Mentelle (today's Mentelle Park) and Lowell's farm on the Northern
line of Wickliffe's Hill (Rosehill) . . . and also the grass lot containing 16
or 18 acres rented last year to Simmons for $150."
Under this three-year lease, Treacy was to keep and use the place
"as a grass and stud farm and trotting park." The fences were
"not to be changed or altered without the consent of said Preston"
and Treacy further agreed "to keep all the houses, buildings and enclosure
in good repair and condition for the habitation of first-class tenants." General
Preston, "as soon as the weather permits in April or May" was to make
certain necessary repairs, and Treacy was "not to break the sod in the
Road field lying between the trotting track and the turnpike now in the 16-acre
grass field, nor in the inclosures of the house and trotting track."
Treacy was not "to sublet the premises, nor any portion of them" and
agreed to "keep the stables, houses and all other buildings and structures
on the premises in thorough order and condition and to surrender same in such
order." In case of destructive fire, "Treacy shall not be bound to
rebuild the same, but it is not to be understood that any desstruction of sheds
or smaller buildings other than the dwelling house or stable shall give such
right of abandonment of the leasehold."
When Mr. Treacy on August 11, 1880, renewed
the lease for five years (D. B. 61, page 387) General Preston really gave
expression to his appreciation at owning the historic Mentelle dwelling. The
property was "a certain tract of land lying on the Richmond turnpike about
one mile South of the City of Lexington, known as the Ashland Park Place,
bounded on the North by lands of Waldemar Mentelle (Mentelle Park), on the West
by the Richmond turnpike, on the South by the line of fence commencing at the
gate near the corner of the land heretofore leased to him by Wm. Preston"
and to the line of "the Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad." (Compare
the picture above—this lease was for five years from Jan. 1, 1880, to Jan. 1,
1885. The cut evidently was made in 1882—it was indexed in Perrins' History of
that year but omitted somehow, and actually published by Ranck in 1883—and the
glorified house then had wings and the complete contour of today.)
...Then follows the lease to Richard Lowell
(assigned to William Simmons and by him to Bernard J. Treacy) of Rosehill.
...The record that dispels all doubt and
supposition as to whether the present house on Lincoln avenue, now admittedly
the residence of the Wilsons (Simmons' lease) and the Treacys, is actually the
"Rosehill" of Mentelle school days may be found in Deed Book 54, page
79, Fayette County Court—the lease by General William Preston to William L.
Alverson Jan. 1, 1875.
Edward Tracy
Treacy married Margt Fogarty 23 Feb
1841 Wit: Joseph Tracy & Johanna Hogan. Drom and Inch Parish
Tracy & Margt/Margaret Fogarty
Daniel Tracy b. 1 Jan 1842 of Kill
[Killoskehan? Killoskehan] Sp. Michl Tracy & Johanna Fogarty. Drom
and Inch Parish
Margaret Tracey b. 5 May 1844 of Monvore
[Monroe Inch] Sp. Michael Fogarty & Margaret Bourke. Drom and Inch Parish
Treacy & Margt Forarty
Pat Treacy b. 13 May 1846 of Whitefield
[Loughmoe West] Sp. John Fogarty & Mary Connell. Loughmore and Castleiny
Mary Tracy b. 14 Jul 1851 of Whitefield Sp.
Tom Carney & Honora Ryan. Loughmore and Castleiny Parish
Tracey & Margt Fogarty
William Tracey b. 30 Jan 1854 Sp. James
Guider & Cath Walsh. Fethard Parish [South Tipperary - wrong area]
Treacy? & Margaret
Martin? Treacy b. 2 Apr 1854 of Templemore
Sp. Edmond? Corsione? & Anne? Fogarty. Templemore Parish [bad copy]
Tracy & Margt Fogarty?
Edmund Tracy b. 1 Feb 1857 of Jay? Hall
[Ivyhall Templemore] Sp. John? Hagan? Catherine Fogery?. Templemore Parish [bad
Liverpool to New York 14 Aug 1862
74. Bernard Tracy, 20, M, Farmer, born
Ireland, to US
76. Mary Ganly, 18, F, Wife, born Ireland, to US
83. Edwd Tracy, 49, M, lab, born Ireland, to
84. Margt Tracy, 40, F, wife, born Ireland,
to US
85. Patt Tracy, 13, M, born Ireland, to US
86. Nancy Tracy, 10, F, born Ireland, to US
87. Maria Tracy, 7, F, born Ireland, to US
88. Martin Tracy, 5, M, born Ireland, to US
89. Michel Tracy, 5, M, born Ireland, to US
90. Daniel Tracy, 19, M, lab, born Ireland,
to US
FYI, my wife's great grandfather, Edward T.,
b. in Tiperairy. He served in the Civil War as a Wagoner w. the Indiana Cavalry
and later ran a boat service out of Jackson Harbor on the s. side of Chicago.
His daughter, Mayme, married Peter Pheiffer so we have no Tracy relatives in
contact. Thanks,
Bob BobE6931
28 Nov 2011
1870 Census - 82 Jeffersonville, ward 1,
Clark, Indiana
Edward Tracy, 50, b. Ireland, labourer,
Margaret Tracy, 50, b. Ireland, keeping house
Daniel Tracy, 27, b. Ireland, carpenter
Mary Tracy, 19, b. New York, keeping house
Margaret Tracy, 0y6m, b. Indiana, at hopme
Anna Tracy, 20, b. Ireland, at home
Maria Tracy, 18, b. Ireland, at home
Martin Tracy, 16, b. Ireland, labourer
Patrick Tracy married Anna McCarty 31
May 1869 Jeffersonville, Clark, Indiana, United States
1870 Census - 310 Jeffersonville, Clark,
John McCarty, 52, b. Ireland, laborer, US citizen
Margaret McCarty, 52, b. Ireland, keeping house
Charles McCarty, 24, b. Ireland, laborer, US citizen
Daniel I McCarty, 22, b. England, blacksmith, US Citizen
Kate McCarty, 19, b. England, at home
Margaret McCarty, 10, b. Kentucky, at home
Patrick Tracy, 23, b. Ireland, molder iron, married June, US citizen
Anna Tracy, 21, b. England, at home, married June
Edward Tracy & Margaret ???
Patrick b. March 19 1848
Martin b. ???
August 7, 1909 Kentucky Irish American
Thrown from Wagon. Patrick Tracy, a well known grocer of Jeffersonville...father of John Tracy of the funeral directors' firm of Tracy & Straub.
March 2, 1912 Kentucky Irish American
Jeffersonville - Death of Patrick Tracy Cast Gloom Over City
Sorrow and gloom hovered over Jeffersonville Monday morning when tolling of the fire bells made known the death of Patrick Tracy one of the best known and most progressive men of that city who died tots Sunday night at his home 418 Illinois avenue following an Illness of nine days.
Patrick Tracy was born in County Tipperary, Ireland March 19 1848 and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tracy. At the age of sixteen he came with his parents to America and three years later located in Jeffersonville. There he was married to Miss Anna McCarty July 6 1868. For several years following his marriage he was patrolman when the chief peace officer was the Town Marshal. Later he engaged in the grocery business and was successful. He retired sometime ago. During all his life Mr. Tracy was ardent Democrat. He served two terms of two years each as Councilman from the First ward tad during the administration of Mayor Henry A Burtt he was selected as a member of the board of Public Works. At the last session of the Indiana Legislature he was an assistant doorkeeper In the Senate. He was a member of St Augustine’s church and a faithful attendant He also was identified with the Catholic Knights of America the Ancient Order of Hibernians and other societies Besides his wife Mr. Tracy Is survived by one daughter Mrs. Stowell Beach of Wood River, and four sons John Tracy of Louisville; Edward Tracy, Charles Tracy and Ernest Tracy of Jeffersonville. A sister Mrs. Jacob Muth lives in Louisville and a brother Martin Tracy in Jeffersonville. The funeral one of the largest ever seen in Jeffersonville took place Wednesday morning from St Augustine’s church Rev Father John O Connell being the celebrant of the solemn high mass of requiem.
April 20, 1912 Kentucky Irish American
Bereaved - Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tracy of Jeffersonvllle were again bereave Tuesday morning when their son Daniel J Tracy was called into eternity making the second death in their home in two months, the other being that of their son Arthurt. Mr. Tracy was twenty-eight years old and was born In Jeffersonvllle, where he was widely and favourably known. He had never married. His occupation was that of a painter and a good part of his life he had been employed at the car works Besaides his parents he Is survived by two brothers George Tracy and Edward Tracy both of whom are at home. Mr Tracy was a member of St Augusllnes church and several fraternal orders. The funeral took place at St Augustines church Friday morning at 9 o'clock and was largely attended.
Anthony Cemetery, Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, USA
Edward Tracy
Apr. 18, 1880
?3 Years
???? of the
Parish of Loughmore
County Tipperary
Wife of
Edward Tracy
Dec. 5, 1870
50 Years
??? of the
Parish of Drom
County Tipperary
Maiden name may be either Fogarly or Fogerly.
Her maiden name is given as Margaret Fogerly on the death certificate of her
daughter Mary Tracy Mouth.
1847 - 1912
Annie, His
1849 - 1932
Daniel T.
Tracy Beach
Birth 9 Jul 1873
Clark County, Indiana, USA
Death 5 Jul 1948 (aged 74)
Saginaw County, Michigan, USA
1. Edward
Tracy (1820-1880) & Margaret Fogarty (1820-1870)
1.1 Daniel Tracy (1841–1893) & Margaret Delanty (1850–Deceased)
1.1.1 Daniel Tunis Tracy (1888–1946)
1.1.2 Patrick Christopher Tracy (1893–1963)
1.1.3 Martin Tracy (–1933)
1.2 Patrick Tracy (1847–1912)
1.2.1 Edward Francis Tracy (1870–1917)
1.2.2 John Emmit Tracy (1871–1955)
1.2.3 Catherine Tracy (1873–1948)
1.2.4 Daniel Patrick Tracy (1875–1898)
1.2.5 Charles Tracy (1877–1950)
1.2.6 Robert Tracy (1879–Deceased)
1.2.7 Anna Tracy (1880–Deceased)
1.2.8 Ernest Patrick Tracy (1881–1964)
1.2.9 Maggie Tracy (1883–Deceased)
1.2.10 Agnes Tracy (1884–Deceased)
1.2.11 Peter Tracy (1887–Deceased)
1.2.12 Margaret Patricia Tracy (1890–Deceased)
1.3 Anna Tracy (1850–Deceased)
1.4 Maria Tracy (1852–Deceased)
1.5 Mary Tracy (1853–1939) & Jacob Henry
Mouth (1854 France–1923)
1.5.1 Emile E. Mouth (1880–1966)
1.5.2 Eugene H Mouth (1882–Deceased)
1.5.3 Harry Jacob Mouth (1884–1943)
1.5.4 Chester Paul Mouth (1889–1944)
1.6 Martin Tracy (1854–1939) & Amelia
Kleespies (1856–1941)
1.6.1 George Edward Tracy (1882–1934)
1.6.2 Daniel J Tracy (1884–1912)
1.6.3 Martin Arthur Tracy (1888–1912)
1.6.4 Edward Joseph Tracy (1897–1960)
1.7 Margaret Tracy (1869–Deceased)
Last update: 26
February 2025