Cantrell Tracy of Naas


Family Records


James Tracy (Petty Sessions Clerk) [son of James Tracy] [1806-1861] [m. Elizabeth Holden] [1803-1848] http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/l/a/n/Philippa-Lane/index.html


Sarah Tracy 1828-

John Holden Tracy 1831-

Elizabeth Mary Tracy 1834-

Richard Holden Tracy 1836-1897 m. Margaret McLean 1852-1921

James Holden Tracy 1872-1903 m. Kathleen Mary -1946

Richard Holden Tracy 1897-

Katherine Mary Tracy 1898-1968

James Maclean Tracy 1899-

Frances Tracy 1904-

Elizabeth Mary McIntosh Tracy 1873-

Charles Patrick Tracy 1874-

Richard Alfred Tracy 1878-1904

Sarah Mabel Tracy 1879-

William Hubert Tracy 1881-1961 m. Florence Isobel Davis 1880-1954

Richard Hubert William Tracy 1908-1969

Kathleen Mabel Tracy 1910-1994

Garret Rhodes Tracy 1913-1988

Margaret Florence Tracy 1920-1996

Joshua Robert Tracy 1883-

Elinor Tracy 1838-

Rachel Jane Tracy 1839-

Alicia Tracy 1841-

James Tracy 1843-

Letitia Tracy 1844-1863



Sarah Tracy (1844-1907) m. Joshua Simmonds Cantrell


Sarah Tracy, full [age], spinster, lives Naas, (d. of James Tracy, clerk of Petty Sessions) married Joshua Simmonds Cantrell, full [age], bachelor, pawnbroker, lives Naas, (s. of Joshua Cantrell, shopkeeper) 28 February 1865 St Davids Church of Ireland Naas Wit: John Wilson Simmonds & M. W. McCleland [Naas Naas PLU]


3 March 1865 (FJ) Marriage

February 23, at St David's church, Naas, by the Rev MT De Burgh, Vicar, assisted by the Rev RW Backley, Joshua Simmonds Cantrell*, Esq, to Saria, eldest surviving daughter of the late Mr. James Tracy, of Naas.

1 April 1865 Pilot (Boston & NY)

At Naas, Feb. 28, Joshua Simmonds Cantrell, Esq., to Saria Tracy.

Kildare and Leighlin

Sarah Tracy (b. about 1844 d. 1907 aged 77 Naas) (d. of James Tracy) m. Joshua Simmonds Cantrell (d. Apr - Jun 1904 aged 79 Naas) (s. of Joshua Cantrell) 28 Feb 1865 Naas (LDS) [State Registration: Sarah Tracy, Naas, 1865 2 895]

*Cantrell is an extremely rare name in Ireland. There would have been only one family connected to Kildare.


Rachel Jane Tracy (-1925) m. John L. Rattray


Rattray and Tracy - August 16, 1876, at St. David's Church, Naas, by the Rev M.T. De Burgh, assisted by the Rev Charles Faucett of Waterford, John L. Rattray, eldest son of the late Andrew Rattray, Esq., Portersize, Ballitore, to Rachel Jane, third surviving daughter of the late James Tracy, Esq., Naas.

Rachel Jane Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Naas [Naas], (d. of James Tracy, Petty Sessions Clerk) married John Thomas Rattray, full [age], bachelor, clerk, lives 13 Talbot St Dublin, (s. of Andrew Rattray, farmer) 16 August 1876 St. David's Church Naas Church of Ireland Wit: David Miller Rattray & William Bailey [Naas Naas PLU]

Rachel Jane Tracy & John Rattray/Rattiay

Elizabeth Holden Rattiay b. 30 May 1877 North Dublin (LDS)


28 Mar 1925 (IT) Death

Rattray - March 23 1925, at her residence, Main street, Naas, Rachel J., widow, of the late John T. Rattray, and daughter of the late James Tracy, C.P.S., Naas, aged 81. "With Christ, which is far better."


Ellen Tracy (-1927)


12 Mar 1927 (IT) Death

Tracy - March 3, 1927, at The Rest, Canden? Row, Dublin, Ellen, daughter of the late James Tracy, Naas, at an advanced age.


Letitia Anne Tracy (-1863)


22 September 1863 (FJ) Death

September 15, at Wicklow, where she went for the benefit of her health, Letitia Anne, youngest daughter of the late James Tracy, of Naas, deeply and deservedly regretted by all who knew her.




At Wicklow, Miss Ann Tracy, of Naas.


Richard Holden Tracy** (1837-1896) (Petty Sessions Clerk)


Richard Holden Tracy (b. 1836 d. 1896) m. Margaret McLean (d. 1921 Naas) on the 28th April 1870

Tracy and Maclean - 28 April 1870, at Dunlavin Church by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Kildare, Richard Tracy of Naas to Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr P McLean, Rathsallagh[?].

Richard Tracy, of full age, bachelor, Petty Sessions Clerk, lives Naas Co. Kildare, (s. of James Tracy, Petty Sessions Clerk) married Margaret McLean, of full age, spinster, lives Rathsalla Co. Wicklow, (d. of Patrick McLean, land steward) 28? April 1870 Dunlavin Church of Ireland Wit: Patrick McLean & W. P. Howard [Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU] [bad copy]



MALE Tracy b. 13 January 1872 Naas And Carragh (LDS) [Tracy, (male), Naas, 1872 2 964] [James Holden?]

Elizabeth Mary McIntosh Tracy b. 13 March 1873 Naas And Carragh (LDS)

MALE Treacy b. 14 Mar 1874 Naas & Carragh (LDS) [Treacy, (male), Naas, 1874 7 913] [Charles Patrick?]

Richard Alfred b. 14 January 1878 Naas (LDS)

Sarah Mabel b. 27 June 1879 (LDS)

Tracy, William Hubert, Naas, 3rd Quarter 1881 2 845

JA (???)

Cantrell b. 1887


Richard H. Tracy/Treacy, Petty Session Clerk, & Margaret McClean/McLean

MALE [James Holden] Tracy b. 13 Jan 1872 Main St Naas [Naas] Richard Tracy, father, Naas [Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

Elizabeth Mary McIntesh Tracy b. 13 Mar 1873 Naas. Richard H Tracy, father, Naas [Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

MALE [Charles Patrick] Treacy b. 14 Mar 1874 Maudlins [Maudlings Naas]. Richard H Treacy, father, Naas [Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]


Tracy - At Naas, on the 13 January 1872, the wife of Richard H Tracy, of a son

Tracy - At Naas, 13th March 1873, the wife of the Richard H[?] Tracy, of a daughter.

Tracy - At Roseville, Naas, on the 14 March 1874, the wife of Richard H. Tracy, of a son.

5 July 1879 (N) Birth Tracy - June 27, at Roseville, Naas, the wife of R.H. Tracy of a daughter.

Tracy - September 5th[?] 1887, at Roseville, Naas, the wife of Richard H. Tracy, of a son. [Treacy, Cantrell, Naas, 4th Quarter 1887 2 747?]


An unusual co-incidence is that Richard H. Tracy was an agent for the De Burgh family of Naas, who also held lands in Ballinapierce, Co. Wexford. This was the homeland of another branch of the Traceys. [see Traceys of Enniscorthy and Newburyport]


Richard Holden Tracy, Registration district: Naas, Record type: DEATHS, Registration date - quarter and year: Jan - Mar 1897, Estimated birth year: 1837, Age: 60

March 1897 Chancery...for the district of Naas, Mr. Tracy, Clerk of Petty Session died in December last...

Tracy - December 31, 1896, at Roseville, Naas, Richard H. Tracy, Clerk of Petty Sessions, aged 60 years.

Jan 2, 1897 (KO) Death of Mr. Richard H. Tracy

It is with feelings of deep regret we announce the death of Mr. Richard H Tracy, which sad event took place at his residence, Roseville, Naas on last tuesday evening. Fo some time past Mr Tracy has not enjoyed the best of health but it was only a few days prior to his death that his illness assumed a character such as to give rise to anxiety, and, not withstanding the best of medical skill, he passed away on thursday afternoon.

His life was devoted to his native town, and during the many meetings of the board of guardians he never failed in setting forth the views he held on matters having for their object the improvement of the classes who of necesity, had to seek assistance from the union.

During a lengthened period he sat as a commissioner for the town, and we are safe in stating tnat his sound advice was much appreciated by his colleagues. His connection with the Poor Relief Committe rendered the arduous duties of that body more easily of discharge. For a period of over fourty years Mr Tracy held the position of Petty Sessions Clerk to the Naas Magistrates, and a similar office he discharged to the Clane Justices. From both benches he from time to time had been the recipent of very complimentary remarks for his able service. For many years the deceased farmed a very large tract of land on the most scientific principals, and has held land agencies from Major Ulick de Burgh, Lady Wyndham Hammer and Lieutant Southwell Bourke. In his various official capacities Mr Tracy combined excellent business qualities with an urbanity of manner which won him many friends.

s a sportsman one could write much of the deceased, who, in his early career, was a keen follower of hounds, and he often assisted with the "willow" in preventing the old Naas and Co. Kildare Cricket Club from adverting defeat. His death causes a blank in the committee of the present club. If there was one pasttime, however, to which Mr Tracy was devoted to more than another it was, perhaps, coursing. Most of us can call to mind the pleasant little meetings so sucessfully brought to issue within the past twenty years at Clownings and the smile of pleasure which shone over Mr Tracys face as puss defeated her ursuers. The deceased also patronised the turf on a small scale he having at Punchestown, in 1892, being sucessful in the much-coveted Farmers' Challenge Cup.

His death removes from amongst us a kindly hearted man who throughout a career of extreme usefulness, never made an enemy, and to use a hackneyed phrase, the void created by his demise will not be readily be filled. The remains will be removed for internment to Maudlins Cemetery at two o'clock today (Saturday). To the family of the deceased we offer our sincere sympathy in their sad bereavement.

Jan 9, 1897 (KO) Funeral of Mr RH Tracy, C.P.S.

On Saturday evening last the remains of the late Mr. Richard H. Tracy, Clerk of Petty sessions, were laid in their last resting place in the family burial ground at Maudlins. A very large and representative funeral cortage bore testimony to the respect in which the deceased was held. The Rev W. Elliott officiated.

The chief mourners were - Mr JH Tracy, Mr CP Tracy, Mr RA Tracy, Mr HW Tracy, Mr JA Tracy, Mr C Tracy (sons); Mr JS Cantrell, Mr J Rattray (brothers-in-law).

Amongst those present were...

Date: Jan 9, 1897 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

...Resolution of Regret...I recollect Mr Tracy's father as petty sessions clerk, and Mr Tracy as being our clerk for something like five and thirty years...


16 Mar 1906 (IT) Death

MacLean - Mar 15th 1905, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas, Jessie, widow of the late Patrick MacLean, Rathsallagh, Co. Wicklow and daughter of the late James Macintosh, Culloden Moor, Inverness, aged 92 years. Funeral to Mandlins Cemetery at 3 o'clock on to-morrow (Saturday). No flowers.


21 December 1921 (FJ) Death - Tracy (Naas) December 19, 1921, at her residence, Roseville, Naas, Margaret, widow of the late R.H. Tracy. Funeral to Maudlins on this day (Wednesday) at 3.30 o’clock. No flowers.

21 Dec 1921 (IT) Death - Tracy - December 19, 1921, at her residence, Roseville Naas, Margaret, widow of the late R.H. tracy. Funeral to Maudlins to-day (Wednesday) at 2.30 o'clock. No flowers.


** In Naas at this time, there was Richard Holden Tracy, protestant, Town Commissioner and Poor Law Union member, and Richard Treacy, catholic, Town Commissioners. Two of the sons of Tracy married daughters of Treacy.



The Tracy brothers in Naas


William Hubert Tracy took this photo of the house where he was born in 1922 when he visited Ireland





James Holden Tracy



James McLean Tracy


James Holden Tracy, eldest son (Petty Sessions Clerk) (1872-1903)


19 Dec 1896 (KO) Marriage

Tracy and Treacy – December 14, 1896, by special licence, at St George’s Church, Bloomsbury Square, London W.C., James H. Tracy, Clownings, Newbridge, to Katie, daughter of the late Richard Treacy, Naas.

James Holden Tracy (father Richard Tracy) m. Cath Tracy Dec 1896 - St Giles, London, Middlesex


James Holden Tracy, married, 34 years, Petty Sessions Clerk, died 27 Sept 1903 Beaufort Naas, Tubercular peritonitis 2 years Pulmonary Tuberculous 6 months certified, Richard A. Tracy brother of deceased present at death Roseville Naas [Naas Naas PLU]


23 Oct 1897 (KO) Birth

Tracy – October 19th, at Beaufort Cottage, Naas, the wife of James H. Tracy of a son.


Oct 22, 1898 (KO) Birth

Tracy - October 15th, 1898, at Beaufort, Naas, the wife of James H Tracy, of a daughter.


9 Dec 1899 (KO) Birth

Tracy – December 8th 1899, at Beaufort Naas, the wife of Mr J H Tracy, CPS, of a son.

(State Reg: James M'Lean Tracy  Naas Jan - Mar 1900 2 776)


James McLean Tracy, 07 December 1899, Royal Air Force

AIR 76/511/184 The National Archives, Kew

Address: Castlewood House, Castlewood Ave, Rathmines

Date:     [1918-1919]


RAF Record: 184123

Education: St. Vincents, Glasnevin, Dublin.

Enlisted 9/10/18 Shrewsbury age 18y10m, RC, b. 7/12/1899 Kildare, Next-of-kin: mother Mrs Katherine Tracy, Castlewood House, Castlewood Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin; 5’5.5”, 32.5” chest, D brown hair, brown eyes, fresh complexion; transfer to RAF reserve: 7/1/19, discharge 2/2/21, cadet pilot, acting schoolmaster. France from 20/2/20 12 Sq. Declared a deserter 3/2/21 [cancelled 29/7/22]

Cranwell Cadet College 3/2/1921; Admitted hospital 13/4/1921 to 18/4.1921; Removed from Cadet College 19/2/1922

Castlewood House, Castlewood Ave, Rathmines.

1938 1 New Street Kenilworth


1922 Army Census

James Tracy; 23; Cpl, Air Service, home address: Beaufort, Naas, 16043 pay no: ?, Joined: 12/7/22 Baldonnell,  single, RC, Next of kin: mother, Next of kin: Mrs K. Tracy, Beaufort House, Naas; Baldonnell (Dublin); download file


11 Jul 1925 (IT) Marriage

Tracy and Greenan - July 6 1925 at Church of the Assumption Sandyford, by Very Rev. ??? Kelly, James McLean, son of late James H. Tracy, Beaufort, Naas and Mrs. Tracy, 9 Hume street Dublin to Evaleen R., youngest daughter of ??? and Mrs. Greenan, Kilgobbin House, Sandyford, County Dublin. [bad copy]

(State Reg: James McClean Tracy Rathdown Apr - Jun 1925 2 545)


October 3, 1925, page 4, An tÓglách

...the death of Commandant Maloney, of the Army Air Service...Curragh manreuvres on the morning of Tuesday, September 22nd…...On the morning in question the deceased officer, aecompanied by Sergeant J. Treacy, as Observer, flew from Baldonnel to the Curragh...Sergeant Treacy escaped with minor injuries...


Died 1974 Surrey England.



Sep 23, 1903 (IT) Death

Tracy - September 22, 1903, at his residence, Beaufort, Naas, James Holden Tracy, C.P.S., eldest son of the late Richard H. Tracy, C.P.S. Funeral tomorrow (Thursday) at 2.30 pm to Maudlins Cemetery. No Flowers.


23 Jan 1926 (IT) Marriage

Adamson and Tracy - December 21, 1925, at Bath, Captain P.D. Grant Adamson, to Catherine Mary (Kitty), elder daughter of the late James Tracy, Beaufort, Naas, and Mrs. Tracy, 9 Hume street Dublin.


Apr 12, 1930 (IT)

The marriage arranged between Edward Cyril, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. P.W. Maguire, 13 Northumberland road, Ballsbridge, Dublin, and Frances, younger daughter of Mrs. Tracy, 10 Hume street, Dublin and the late James H. Tracy, Beaufort, Naas, Co. Kildare, will take place towards the end of April.




Elizabeth Mary Tracy (1873-)


17 July 1900 (IT) Humant??? and Tracy

July 11, at Naas Presbyterian Church by the Rev. William Elliott, MA and by the Rev RJ Sloan, Alexander Beau??? Manager Ulster Bank, Ballinrobe, son of ??? Hamment? Ballylougher, Ballymena, to Elizabeth M??? [Mary] (Lily?), eldest daughter of the late ???[Richard] H. Tracy Roseville, Naas.[bad copy]

Elizabeth Mary Macintosh Tracy & Alexander/Alen Beaumont, Manager of Ulster bank Ballinrobe Mayo

Mabel Elizabeth Beaumont b. 15 June 1905 Ballinrobe

John Beaumont b. 22 July 1907 Ballinrobe

Margaret Holden Beaumont b. 2 February 1911 Ballinrobe




Charles Patrick Tracy (1874-1923)


Oct 14 1901 (IT) Tracy and Treacy

October 9, at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Bideford, N. Devon, by the Rev. John Middleton, Charles P. Tracy, Solicitor, Newbridge, son of the late Richard H. Tracy, to Rose, youngest daughter of the late Richard Treacy, Naas. No cards.


18 Oct 1902 (IT) Birth

Tracy - Oct 11 1902, at Beaufort, Naas, the wife of C.P. Tracy, solicitor, Newbridge, of a daughter.


26 Nov 1904 (IT) Birth

Tracy - November 12, at 2 Canning Place, Newbridge, the wife of Charles P. Tracy, of a son


9 Apr 1923 (IT) Death

Tracy - At a Private Nursing Home, Dublin, Charles P. Tracy, Solicitor, Newbridge, second son of the late Richard Tracy, Roseville, Naas. Deeply regretted by his wife, family and friends. Remains leave Dublin today, by road, direct to New Cemetary, Newbridge, arriving at 2.30. No flowers, ??? request. [bad copy]

14 Apr 1923 (IT) Death

Tracy. At a Private Nursing Home, Dublin, Charles P. Tracy, Solicitor, Newbridge, son of the late Richard Tracy, Roseville, Naas.

16 Apr 1923 (FJ) Death of Newbridge Solicitor

The death of Mr. Charles P. Tracy, solicitor, Newbridge which occurred at a private hospital in Dublin, has been learned with very deep regret by a large circle of friends in the County Kildare. It was thought that the illness would be of but a passing nature, with the result that his death came as a shock. Having embraced the legal profession, Mr. Tracy practised for some time in his home town of Naas, but some twenty years ago he came to reside at Newbridge, where he opened office, and during the time of his extensive practice up to his lamented death he held the esteem and friendship of all who knew him.


24 Nov 1925 (IT) Marriage

O'Sullivan and Tracy. November 17, 1925 at St. Andrews, Westland Row, by the Rev. Fr. Turley? Captain John C. O'Sullivan, second son of Mr. and Mrs. M.D. O'Sullivan, Kenmare, to Rose Olivia?, only daughter of Mrs. Tracy and the late Charles P. Tracy, Solicitor, Newbridge.


Montrose 26 May 1926 Canada

Richard James Tracy, Age: 22, b. Newbridge, Ireland, Motor Driver

Destination: Mrs WC Shepard, 137 Edgehill Road, West Mount, Montreat.

Mother: Mrs. R. Tracy, 19 Reglan Road, Dublin.


14 Sep 1940 (IT) Death

Tracy - September 7, 1940, at Shiels square, Stillorgan, Dublin, Mrs. Rose Tracy, relict of the late Charles P. Tracy, Solicitor, Newbridge, Co. Kildare and mother of Mrs. Dick O'Sullivan, Blackrath, Curragh Camp.




Richard Alfred Tracy (1878-1904)


27 May 1904 (IT) Death

Tracy - May 25, at Roseville, Naas, Richard Alfred, third son of the late Richard H. Tracy, aged 27 years. Funeral to Mandlins Cemetery to-morrow (Saturday) 3 o'clock. No flowers.



Mabel Tracy


Painting by Mabel Tracy



Sarah Mabel Tracy (1879-)


Mabel Tracy



William Hubert Tracy (Hugh)


William Hubert (or Hubert William) Tracy (1881-1961) [see Traceys of South Africa]

Enlisted in 1900 (newspaper reference)

Herbert W Tracey, 9712, Imperial Yeomanry (Boer War)


Herbert W Tracey, 9712 Private/Trooper 45 (Dublin) Company 13 Battalion Imperial Yeomanry


20 Aug 1902 London Times

The Norham Castle left for England Aug 11 with the following on passage home...Captains...H W Tracy...


He married Florence Isobel Davis, daughter of William Davis and Ellen Auret.

Children of William Hubert Tracy and Florence Isobel Davis are:

Richard Hubert William Tracy, b. 01 Jun 1908, Durban, d. 10 May 1969, Durban.

Hubert William Tracy (Manager) & Florence Isabel

Richard Hubert William b. 1st June 1908 of Alexandra Junction, bapt. 16 Jul 1908 Natal South Africa. Sp. Kenneth Moscrop, Edward Henry Pitt, Anne Elizabeth Davis

Richard Hubert William Tracey, 25, b. 1908 Natal, E race, Engineer (Pte Feiuc), lives Syela Wuginto District Natal m. Albertha Cornelia Moll, 18, b. 1915 Transvaal, lives Allen Street Newcastle, fathers consent. 11 Jul 1933 Durban, Natal, South Africa. Special Licence. Wit: M Lounrens & K Tracey.

Beryl Dorothy Tracy, 21, b. 2.11.1933 Umzinto Natal, nursing sister, european, lives Nurses Home Addington Durban, m. Eric Neville Appleford, 22, b. 2.5.1933 Capetown Cape Province, Property salesman, european, lives 4 Whittington court Marridt road Durban  27 Aug 1955 St Pauls Church, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Wit: RHW Tracy & WJ Appleford

Kathleen Mabel Tracy, b. 26 Mar 1910, Natal, d. 28 Jan 1994, Newport IW.

Hurbert Tracy (Overseer) & Florence

Kathleen Mabel b. 26 March 1910 of Alexandra Junction bapt. 21 Jul 1910 Natal South Africa. Sp. Hubert Tracy, Florence Tracy & Kathleen Davis

Kathleen Mabel Tracy, 29, b. 1910 Natal, typist, lives 25 Kings Mansions Durban m. Dudley Neville Rouse, 26, b. 1913 Natal, clerk, lives 488 Umbils road Durban. 29 Jun 1939 Methodist Durban, Natal, South Africa. Wit: AG Rouse & HW Tracy

Garret Tracy, b. 20 Dec 1913, Durban, d. 26 Apr 1988, Hluhluwe.

Habert William Tracey (overseer) & Honnce Mabel

Garrett Rhodes b. 20 Dec 1912 of Ifafa Nil Dispander? bapt. 26 Oct 1913 Natal South Africa. Sp. Joshua Tracey, John Davis, Julia Davis [correction of spelling to Tracy]

Garret Rhodes Tracy, 31, b. 1913 Unginlo Natal, European, sugar farmer, lives Hafa Beach S Coast Natal, m. Shirley Stella Blackbeard, 22, b. 1922 Durban Natal, European, typist, lives Sea View Natal, 25 Mar 1944 Methodis Church of SA, Bellair, Durban, Natal, South Africa Wit: LV Blackbeard & HW Tracy

+Margaret Florence Tracy, b. 25 Feb 1920, Durban SA, d. 27 Oct 1996, Newport IW.

Herbert William Tracy (field manager) & Florence Isabel

Margaret Florence Tracy b. 25 Feb 1920 of Ifafa, bapt. 16 May 1920 Natal, South Africa Sp. Ellen Davis, Olive Gardner, Patrick Devinish

Margaret Florence Tracey, 32, b. 1920 Natal, Doctors Receptionist, European, lives 1 Portland Crescent Durban North, m. Norman Walter Ward, 46, b. 1906 United Kingdom, widower, Architech, European, lives 84 St Andrews Drive Durban North, 30 Oct 1952 St Pauls Church, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Wit: HW Tracy & HS Bringer





Joshua Albert Tracy, Montreal



Joshua A Tracy (1883-1969) [moved to Montreal, Joshua (Jack) Albert Tracy]


Ellis Island

Joshua A. Tracy, Naas Kildare? Ireland, 1907, 24 years, single, clerk, Mrs Tray, Roseville Naas. Friend Jno Russell 14 Barclay St New York. 5’9” dark complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, b. Naas Ireland [travelled with Andrew Ja Rattray 25 b. Clontarf?]


1911 Census - Westmount, Hochelaga, Quebec

Joshua Tracy, lodger, 28, b. 1883, b. Ireland, emigrated 1906, Presbyterian, bookkeeper, 11-8-05, Railway


1913 sponsor of baptism of Garrett Rhodes SA (see above)


Joshua Albert Tracy (d. 1969) married Christine Alice Cole (d.1971) Montreal

buried Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal






























































Michael Tracy

Pay for A European Life - Michael Tracy



Cantrell Tracy (1887-1960 )


Cantrell Treacy, Naas, [State registration birth: Treacy, Cantrell, Naas, 4th Quarter 1887 2 747]

Cantrell Tracy, Spouse:  May, Marriage:  Nottinghamshire post 1916

Cantrell Tracy, Spouse:  Renton, Marriage: Lancashire post 1916. Jean Renton was his second wife, whom he married somewhere around 1930.  She has been dead for many years.


12 Sep 1925 (IT) Birth & Death

Tracy - August 24 1925, to Captain and Mrs. Cantrell Tracy, the gift of a son.

Tracy - September 1 1925, Flossie (nee May) the beloved wife of Cantrell Tracy, 4 Derby road, ???wood, Preston (late of Ballinasloe).



Cantrell Tracy, 1916, Basford Nottinghamshire to Florence C May

Cantrell Tracy, 1930, Preston Lancashire


Cantrell Tracy, 1960, Poole Dorset


War Record

Kildare Observer 24/10/1914 P5B

Mr. Cantrell Tracy, youngest son of the late Mr. R.H. Tracy and Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas, has accepted a commission in the army veterinary crops, and has proceeded to Aldershot.

1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records

Cantrell Tracy. Captain, Army Veterinary Corps. Reported wounded, France, December 8, 1917. Born Rosville, Naas. Decoration Mons Medal and mentioned in Despatches.

Presbyterian Church In Ireland -- Roll of Honour 1914-1919

Cantrell Tracy of Ballinasloe, Captain R.A.V.C., Wounded

WWI medal card is available online from the British Archive, but to be honest, they don't contain a lot of information:

Online Document WO 372/24
Medal Card of Tracy C Special Reserve Army Veterinary Corps Lieutenant . Medal Card of Tracy C Special Reserve Army Veterinary Corps Lieutenant Date range: 1914 - 1920.
Online Document WO 372/20
Medal Card of Tracy C Army Veterinary Corps Lieutenant Royal Army Veterinary Corps Captain . Medal Card of Tracy C Army Veterinary Corps Lieutenant Royal Army Veterinary Corps Captain Date range: 1914 - 1920.

WO 372/20/69795

Medal card of Tracy, C

Corps   Regiment No   Rank

Army Veterinary Corps                      Lieutenant

Royal Army Veterinary Corps                        Captain

Date:   1914-1920

WO 339/36166

Captain Contrell TRACY.

Army Veterinary Corps.

Date:   1914-1919; 1923

MH 106/2292/265

Folio(s): 476-478.

Name: Cantrell Tracy.

Rank: Captain.

Unit/Battalion/Regiment: Army Veterinary Corps.

Service number: [unspecified].

Age: [unspecified].

Hospital(s): The Queen Alexandra's Military Hospital, Millbank.

Condition/Injury/Disease: Gunshot Wound to Back.

Outcome and Documents Included: Transferred to Hospital in Leicester. Includes a medical case sheet and two clinical charts.

Number of Pages: 3.

Date:   1918 Feb 2-1918 Feb 25



1904 Royal Veterinary College of Ireland

The following are the Pass Lists of this Institution...C. Tracey...

December 1905 Veterinary Examinations

The undermentioned students of the Royal Veterinary College of Ireland have passed the examinations...Second [year of four years]...C. Tracy, Naas...

25 July 1908 (IT) Royal Veterinary College of Ireland

Fourth or Final Examination (and Registered Members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons)...Cantrill Tracy, Naas.

2 Aug 1909 (IT) Kildare Hunt Horse Show

Veterinary Surgeons...Mr. Cantrell Tracy, M.R.C.V.S. Naas.

1918 British Veterinary Journal, Volume 74

Capt. Tracey came from Ballinasloe, in Ireland; Whilst Capt J.S. Keane was a recent graduate (1916) of Glasgow College.

Registers and directory, 1994 By Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Cantrell Tracy, Divisional Inspector, Sept. 3, 1908 Dub. D.V.H. Dieases of Animals Division, etc.
C. Tracy, D.V.H., 33, Randolph Road, Broomhill, Glasgow, W.1.

1927 Annual congress National Veterinary Medical Association of Great Britain

Cantrell Tracy, D.V.H. Inspector, Ministry of Agriculture, 7 Whitehall Place, S.W.1. Capt. R.A.V.C. (S.R.) (retd)


I understand that my father qualified as a vet at Liverpool university. Most, if not all of his professional career was spent with what was then (I think) the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, part of it in Preston (where I was born) and, in his later years, in Glasgow, where he was concerned principally with shipments of cattle from Ireland coming though the port.


Michael Tracy

Michael Tracy was born in 1932 and brought up in Scotland. His father, a veterinary surgeon, came from a Protestant Irish family and his mother was a Scottish teacher of languages. Michael obtained scholarships to Fettes College in Edinburgh and subsequently to Cambridge University, where he studied French and German, then Economics.

He worked in international organisations in Geneva (UN) and in Paris (OECD); then from 1973 till 1983 held a senior post in the Council Secretariat of the European Union in Brussels.

He then had more time for academic activities, writing and lecturing in his field of agricultural economics and policy in various institutes, including the College of Europe in Bruges; this took him to many European countries and to Japan.

His first book (1964) had a third edition in 1989 under the title "Government and Agriculture in Western Europe, 1880-1988". Involvement in Central/Eastern European countries - including Russia - after the collapse of Communist regimes led to the publication in 1993 of "Food and Agriculture in a Market Economy - an Introduction to theory, practice and policy": this was translated into eight languages of the region.

On 1 January 2000 he ceased this activity. However, his re-discovery of the original 1910 edition of Arthur Mee's famous "Children's Encyclopædia" led to writing "The World of the Edwardian Child". Then, in 2010, he published his memoirs, "A European Life - from war to peace".

He and his wife have a house in the Belgian countryside, with sheep and other animals. As an amateur pianist, he enjoys accompanying other instruments and singers. He also spends time in an Andalucian mountain village: his new book, "Bubion - the story of an Alpujarran village", will be published in December 2012.


A European Life - from war to peace Michael Tracy grew up in Scotland during the war of 1939-45. After gaining scholarships to Fettes College in Edinburgh, then to Cambridge University, he worked in international organisations and for ten years was a Director in the Council Secretariat of the European Union institutions. He also pursued an academic career, lecturing in various European universities, including Wye College in England and the College of Europe in Bruges. In Moscow in 1991 he witnessed at close quarters the collapse of the Soviet Union, and subsequently was involved in a new institute in St. Petersburg. Subsequently he had advisory roles in the countries of Central/Eastern Europe during their transition to market economies and accession to the European Union. This book is a lively, often humorous account of his experiences, in which personal contacts figure largely. The final chapter assesses the issues currently facing both the European Union and Russia. Taking the story up to May 2010, it discusses the eurozone rescue package, and the implications of Britain's new coalition government for Britain's relations with the EU. Graham Dalton of the University of Aberdeen admires the depth of knowledge at the heart of Michael Tracy's memoir and concludes: "His thoughts on Europe are well-founded, rounded and are to be taken seriously." Michael has dedicated his book to "Those who think Europe matters, and even more so, to those who don't"...


Tracy, Michael (2010) A European Life. Hermitage.

Tracy, Michael (2009) The World of the Edwardian Child: As Seen in Arthur Mee's Children's Encyclopaedia, 1908-191’

Tracy, Michael (1989) Government & Agriculture in Western Europe.







1901 Census


Margaret Tracy, 58, F, 2 Maudlins, Naas Urban, Kildare, Farmer, Presbyterian, Head of Family, Widow, Kildare

Richard Tracy, 23, M, Maudlins, Naas Urban, Kildare, Son, Presbyterian, Son, Not Married, Kildare

Mable Tracy, 21, F, Maudlins, Naas Urban, Kildare, Daughter, Presbyterian, Daughter, Not Married, Kildare

Jessie McClean, 81, Female, Mother, Presbyterian, Mother, Widow, Scotland


James Holden Tracy, 29, M, Sallins Road, Naas Urban, Kildare, Clerk of Petty Sessions Farmer, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Naas

Katherine M Tracy, 34, F, 22 Sallins Road, Naas Urban, Kildare, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Naas

Katherine M Tracy, 2, F, Sallins Road, Naas Urban, Kildare, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Naas

James Mc L Tracy, 1, M, Sallins Road, Naas Urban, Kildare, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Naas


Charles T [P] Tracy, 27, M, 18 Charlotte Street, Newbridge, Kildare, Solictor, I C, Head of Family, Not Married, Kildare


J A Tracy, 18, M, 12 Willoughby Place, Enniskillen Urban, Fermanagh, Banking Co's Clerk, Church of Ireland, Boarder, Not Married, Co Kildare


Cantrell Tracy, 13, M, Stephens Green North, Mansion House, Dublin, Pupil, Presbyterian, Read and write,  Not Married, Kildare,


1911 Census


Margaret Tracy, 65, F, 1 Maudlings, part of (Urban), Naas Urban, Kildare (head, Presbyterian, Income from house & land, widow, b. Scotland)

Mabel Tracy, 31, F, Maudlings, part of (Urban), Naas Urban, Kildare (daughter, Presbyterian, single)

Katherine Tracy, 12, F, Maudlings, part of (Urban), Naas Urban, Kildare (granddaughter, RC) [State Reg: Tracy, Catherine Mary, Naas, 4th Quarter 1898 2 738]

Frances Tracy, 7, F, Maudlings, part of (Urban), Naas Urban, Kildare (granddaughter, RC)


Charles Patrick Tracy, 36, M, 3 Moorefield Road, Newbridge Urban, Kildare (Protestant C.I. Episcopalian, solicitor)

Rose Mary Tracy, 35, F, Moorefield Road, Newbridge Urban, Kildare (RC, married 9 years, 2 child)

Rose Mary Tracy, 8, F, Moorefield Road, Newbridge Urban, Kildare (RC)

Richard James Tracy, 6, M, Moorefield Road, Newbridge Urban, Kildare (RC)


Cantrell Tracy, 23, M, 14 Dunlo Street, Ballinasloe Urban, Galway (border, Presbyterian, Vety Surgeon, single, b. Kildare)

Sarah E Doyle, 58, Female

Henrietta M May, 35, Female

Florence C May, 29, Female

Maria Sayer, 89, Female

Samuel Allen, 19, Male


Florence May was my mother, Henrietta her older sister, my aunt.  (Gladys, who knew her, called her Aunt Harry. I don't know when she died, but I think it was at a fairly early age before my birth.  She doesn't seem to have been around to look after me when my mother died.) 


He had some (? how many) brothers, at least one of whom emigrated to South Africa

Mabel was my aunt, who - as far as I know - remained unmarried in Naas all her life and certainly lived at least into the 1930s.

Frances is also unknown to me.  Katherine may be someone I met once many years ago.  If so she married a man called Ernest Sayer.  


Sarah Doyle was my grandmother.  Daughter of Maria Sayer (my great grandmother), she had two marriages, first to a May and then to a Doyle.  (Gladys called Sarah Auntie Doyle, which certainly confused me, because it was a long while before I discovered that she wasn't anybody's aunt, but was in fact my grandmother). 


Sarah Emma Sayer, Registration district: Ballinasloe, Record type: MARRIAGES, Registration date - quarter and year: 1875

Robert John May, Registration district: Ballinasloe, Record type: MARRIAGES, Registration date - quarter and year: 1875

Robert J May, Registration district: Ballinasloe, Record type: DEATHS, Registration date - quarter and year: Jul - Sep 1887, Age: 40


Sarah Emma Sayer, Registration district: Gort, Record type: MARRIAGES, Registration date - quarter and year: Jul - Sep 1892

Francis David Doyle, Registration district: Gort, Record type: MARRIAGES, Registration date - quarter and year: Jul - Sep 1892


One person whom I would have expected to be there is missing, Olive Madeleine May, my mother's other sister.  I think she came between Henrietta and Florence in age.  She was my Aunt Olive and the only member of the family whom I knew at all well.  I believe she came to England ahead of the others to find employment.


Henrietta Maria May, Registration district: Ballinasloe, Record type: BIRTHS, Registration date - quarter and year: 1876

Female May, Registration district: Ballinasloe, Record type: BIRTHS, Registration date - quarter and year: Apr - Jun 1880

Florence Clements May, Registration district: Ballinasloe, Record type: BIRTHS, Registration date - quarter and year: Jan - Mar 1882

Albert James Sayer May, Registration district: Ballinasloe, Record type: BIRTHS, Registration date - quarter and year: Jul - Sep 1883


1901 Census – Ballinasloe

14. Dunlo Street: Doyle, Francis and Sarah, Marie May, Flossie may, Mutiol Sayer, Thomas Burke, Maurice Doyle, Molly Cauley, Frederick Warren.






Birth Registrations in Naas (with double Christian names)

Tracey, Anne Josephine, Naas, 1st Quarter 1893 2 776

Tracey, Arthur Harry, Naas, 1st Quarter 1878 2 905

Tracey, Ethel Elenor, Naas, 2nd Quarter 1887 2 810

Tracy, Catherine Mary, Naas, 4th Quarter 1898 2 738

Tracy, Christopher John, Naas, 3rd Quarter 1882 2 792

Tracy, Elizabeth Mary McIntesh, Naas, 1873 7 387

Tracy, Essy Maria, Naas, Kildare/Wicklow. 1866 7 950

Tracy, Frances Mary, Naas, 1871 17 856

Tracy, John Joseph, Naas, 2nd Quarter 1884 2 845

Tracy, Mary Anne, Naas, 2nd Quarter 1878 2 916

Tracy, Mary Catherine, Naas, 1876 12 854

Tracy, Michael Joseph, Naas, 3rd Quarter 1881 2 842

Tracy, Richard Alfred, Naas, 1st Quarter 1878 2 902

Tracy, Richard Holden, Naas, 4th Quarter 1897 2 713 [died Oct - Dec 1900]***

Tracy, Rose Anne, Naas, 1875 7 900

Tracy, William Hubert, Naas, 3rd Quarter 1881 2 845

Tracy, William Richard, Naas, 2nd Quarter 1885 2 821

Treacy, Cantrell, Naas, 4th Quarter 1887 2 747

Treacy, Mary Anne, Naas, 2nd Quarter 1892 2 797

Treacy, Mary Catherine, Naas, 1876 12 854

Treacy, Mary Catherine, Naas, 4th Quarter 1890 2 671


***Richard Holden Tracy, Registration district: Naas, Record type: DEATHS, Registration date - quarter and year: Oct - Dec 1900, Estimated birth year: 1896, Age: 4









Other references


...Corban's Mill [Millbrook, Naas?]...James Tracy (who lived in Mr. Holloway's present house) in 1833.

Journal of the Co. Kildare Archaeological Society and surrounding districts, 1895, Page 329


1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland

Petty Sessions Courts

Naas, Monday; James Tracey.


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following were recorded:

Maudlings townland of the Parish of Naas (Ord. S. 19) 361 acres

Map (# of 24)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


James Tracey

Earl of Mayo


16a 0r 36p




James Tracey

House, offices & sm gar




1854 Thom's Trade Directories

James Tracy, Clerk, Petty Sessions Court, Naas (Monday)


27 Jul 1855 Return of Names of Petty Sessions Districts in Ireland, with Name of Clerk for each District

James Tracy, Naas [Naas] Kildare, 1852 £34, 1853 £27, 1854 £30

William Treacy, Ballinlough [Kiltullagh] Roscommon, 1852 £10, 1853 £10, 1854 £12

Patrick Treacy, Castlerea [Castlereagh Kilkeevin] Roscommon, 1852 £14, 1853 £14, 1854 £12


NOTE: Naas Town Commissioners took over the running of the Town in the 1850’s


November 1859 Landed Estates

Warburton and others, Kildare Lot 2 - A perpetual rent of £33/17/0 out of the lands and town of Gibbonstown. Sold to Mr. Tracy at £680.


17 October 1861 (FJ) Cricket

Naas Shamrocks...J. Tracey...

August 1862 (FJ) Naas Shamrock Cricket

...Jas Tracy...

5 August 1862 (FJ) Cricket

...Naas Shamrock...Jas Tracey...


10 March 1862 (FJ) In the Matter of Patrick Carroll, Deceased [late of Sallins]

...Richard Treacy, of Naas, in said County Kildare, shopkeeper, the sole executor named in said will...


1865 Naas Town Commissioners

A meeting of the ratepayers of Naas took place at the Town Hall this (Monday) morning at nine o’clock to elect three commissions in room of those who retire by rotation, viz, Dr. Hayes, Richard Treacy and James Farrell…it was moved by Mr Richard Treacy and seconded by Mr E Molloy, that Messrs Treacy and Sergant should be elected…(and were) duly elected.

Irish Times 17 October 1865


October 1865

Naas Town Commissioners...retire by rotation...Richard Treacy proposed that Messrs Treacy and Sergeant be elected...declared Messrs Treacy...[re]elected...


7 January 1867 (FJ) Distress at Naas

…concert…present…Joshua S. Cantrell, T.C. and Mrs. Cantrell; R. Tracy and the Misses Tracy (3),…Leinster Express


7 March 1868 (FJ) Meeting of Petty session Clerks

...present...Richard Tracy, Naas...


March 1868

Naas Town Commissioners...Richard Treacy, chairman...present...Richard Tracy...Joshua S. Cantrell...committee...Mr. R. Treacy, sen...

Meeting of Petty Session Clerks of Ireland

...present...Richard Tracy, Naas...

Prince of Wales visit, meeting at Naas

...present...Richard Treacy, TC...Richard Tracy...Joshua S. Cantrell...Committee...Mr. R. Treacy, sen...


October 1868 County Kildare Bible Society

...present...J.S. Cantrell, the Misses Tracy, Esq[?]...


March 1869 Naas and County Kildare Cricket Club

...Richard Tracy (hon sec)...Mr R Tracy was requested to act in the double capacity of hon sec and treasurer, to which he consented.


July 1869 Auction

...also for Mr Richard Tracy, at Maudlins, near Naas...12 large field cocks of first crop hay...


18 October 1869 IT

Naas Town Commissioners...Annual Election...Mr. Joshua S. Cantrell...Richard Treacey TC...


6 November 1869 (FJ) National Testimonial to Sir John Gray, M.P.

…per Very Rev Dr Hughes, Naas…Richard Tracy, per do £1…


July 1870 County Kildare Horticultural Show

...present...Joshua S Cantrell Esq; Mrs Cantrell, R Tracy, Esq; Mrs and the Misses Tracy...


January 1871 Distress at Naas

Poor Relief Committee...Richard Tracy...


22 February 1871 (FJ) French Fund

Naas…Richard Tracy £1…R. Tracy, jun., 5s…


August 1871 Sale

13 large field cock of hay and 3 acres of aftergrass, for Mrs. Tracy of Naas


6 July 1872 (FJ) Galway Vindication Fund

…parish of Naas…Richard Treacy…£1…W. Tracy…2s…


17 September 1872 IT

Naas Town Commissioners...Richard Treacey...


December 1872 Naas Town Commissioners

...Richard H Tracy, Joshua S Cantrell and Richard Treacey...Mr RH Tracy, seconded by Mr. Cantrell..


February 1873 Nass Petty Sessions

...Mr. Tracy, Clerk of Petty Sessions...


February 1873 Irish Petty Sessions Clerks Association

...W. Treacy, Naas...


March 1873 Naas Town Commissioners

...Joshua S Cantrell, Richard H Tracy...


April 1873 The Mayo Testimonial

Sir,...Yours, Richard Tracy. P.S.C. Naas


May 1873 Cricket

Naas and County Kildare Cricket Club...present...Richard H. Tracy...


June 1873 To be let

...in the town of Naas...apply Richard H. Tracy, House and Land Agent, Naas


July 1873

Naas Town Commissioners...Richard Treacy, Richard H. Tracy...Joshua S. Cantrell...


April 1874 Naas Town Commissioners

...R.H. Tracy...Richard Treacey...Joshua S. Cantrell...


August 1874 Naas Town Commissioners

...Richard Treacey...Richard H. Tracy...


16 September 1874 IT

Naas Town Commissioners...Richard Treacey, R.H. Tracy, J.S. Cantrell...


29 October 1874 (FJ) The Petty Sessions Clerks

...Richard Tracy, Naas...


November 1874

Naas Town Commissioners...Richard Treacy...Richard H. Tracy...Joshua S. Cantrell...


February 1875

Naas Town Commissioners...R. H. Tracy, Joshua S. Cantrell, Richard Treacy...


March 1875 Naas Gas Company

members...Richard Tracy...


14 August 1875 (N) Patriotic Parade

...[Naas]...The Town Commissioners sent Messrs Richard Tracey, TC...


September 1875 County Shooting Club

...present...Mr. R.H. Tracy...


9 October 1875 (FJ)

Strayed from the Fair of Old Kilcullen or on the way to Naas...ewe...to R H Tracy, Naas.


October 1875 Naas Town Commissioners

...election by rotation...Messers Tracy...


December 1875 (&N) Naas Poor Relief Committee

...Richard P. Tracy...


May 1876 NTC

Mr Joshua S. Cantrell...Mr. Richard Tracy...


June 1876

At the annual meeting of the Naas Town Commissioners...Mr. Richard Nolan Tracy was unanimously elected chairman for the ensuing year.


September 1876 Sale at Ballyshannon House

...Heifers - Mr. Richard H Tracy, Naas...


18 October 1876 (FJ) Naas Town Commissioners

…retire by rotation…Messrs. Richard Treacy, Joshua S. Cantrell and William A Craig, J.P…Mr. Richard H. Tracy, Chairman…returning officer… Cantrell 68, Craig 56, Richard Treacy 54...[re]elected...

October 1876

Naas Town Commissioners...retire by rotation...Cantrell, Craig and Treacy...Mr. Richard H. Treacy, chairman...declared Messrs Cantrell 68, William A. Craig J.P. 56, Richard Treacy 54...[re]elected...


1 November 1876 (FJ) Kildare Hunt

...present...Mrs RH Tracy, Rosehill and Master Tracy...

November 1876 Kildare Hounds

...present...Mrs R H Tracy, Roseville, and Master Tracy...


November 1876 Naas Union

...A letter was read from Mr. R.H. Tracy, agent to Thomas J. de Burgh, Esq.,...emptying of town sewage into pond at Oldtown demesne...

27 April 1881 Wexford People

The Rent Question.

The tenants of Mrs Deburgh, in Ballinapierce, County Wexford, gratefully acknowledge that they have received a reduction of 15 per cent. on the half year's rent due 29th September last, through her agent, R. H. Tracy, Esq., Naas.

07 May 1881 Wexford People

The tenants on the estate of the Hon. Mrs. Wyndham Hanna, at Coolcots, feel grateful for the reduction of 25 per cent on the half year's rent, due last month, through the kindness of her agent, Richard H. Tracey, Esq. The fact that this reduction was made unsolicited enhances the value of the boon. It is to be hoped that this good example will be generally followed.

Sep 3, 1881 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

...Mr. Tracy, petty sessions clerk...agent to Mr. de Burgh...

28th July 1885 Irish Times

To be Let, for six months, subject to redemption the Lands of Ballinapierce, Enniscorthy, containing Ninty-two Acres, together with House, Out-offices, &c lately occupied by Philip Beatty, Esq. Proposals to Richard H. Tracy, Esq., Naas. John Whelan, Enniscorthy, will show the lands.

February 8, 1886 Irish Times

To be let, for such terms as may be agree upon, with or without 116[?] acres Irish of superior Land, or a portion of same, the gentlemanly Residence and Home-farm of Ballinapierce House, nicely situated within 2.5 miles of the important fair and market town of Enniscorthy. The land is of good quality, nearly all in grass, well watered, fenced, and sheltered, and suitable for either cattle or sheep. The House contains 3 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, w.c., and servants' apartments, superior stabling, coachhouse, farmyard, and offices, and admirably suited as a residence for a gentleman and his family. Applications to Richard H. Tracy, Esq., Naas.

09 January 1886 Wexford People

It was proposed, seconded and passed unanimously" That the foregoing letter be sent to Mr. Tracey, Naas, who is the agent of the two evicted farms in Ballinapierse, hoping that he will take this unfortunate man's hard case

02 May 1888 Wexford People

...farm lately occupied by Michael Breen...denied that Ballinapierce was at all demense land, but an ordinary farm. It was leased for 99 years, and demised by one tenant to another, from Mr. Bolton to Mr. Beatty, and from Mr. Beatty to his son. Mr. Beatty had been evicted from the holding. Mr. Richard Tracey, the Receiver, said that Mr. DeBurg, the owner, was a minor, but intended keeping the land on his own hands...


Dec 21 1876 Municipal Boundries Commission

Naas...Town Commissioners...Richard Treacy

Town Commissioners: Richard Treacey, Baker and Landholder, £67/8/0

1877 Local government and taxation of towns

Naas rate 1876 1s in the pound

Town Commissioners...Richard H. Tracy, Petty Sessions Clerk and Land agent £38/0/0

Richard Treacey, Baker and Landholder, £67/8/0

1877 Local government and taxation of towns

March 19 1877, Mr. Tracy (Chairman of the Town Commissioners) Naas Kildare


February 1877 Clerk Wanted

...apply R.H. Tracy, Roseville, Naas.


5 April 1877 (FJ) Memorial to the Late Miss Bird, Naas

Mr. Richard Treacy, Naas 10s...5s...Mr. H.R. Tracy, Maudlins...2s6s...Miss Tracey, Naas...

April 1877 Memorial to the Late Miss Bird, Naas

...Subscriptions...Mr. Richard Treacy, Naas 10s...Mr. H.R. Tracy, Maudlins 5s...Miss Tracey, Naas 2s6d...


April 1877 St. David's Church, Naas

...Richard Tracy...Joshua S. Cantrell...


14 May 1877 (FJ) Town of Naas

To be let...apply Richard H. Tracy, Naas


7 July 1877 (FJ) Auction

On Saturday, July 7th, for Richard H Tracy, Esq, on his farms adjoining the Salins and Dublin Roads, and also at Millbank, close to the town of Naas, about 30 acres of Third Crop and Upland Meadow, of very superior quality. Sale at 12 o'clock.

July 1877 Auction

Richard H. Tracy, esq., on his farms, adjoining the Sallins and Dublin roads, and also at Millbank, close to the town of Naas, about 30 acres of Toird Crop and Upland Meadow, of very superior quality.


21 July 1877 (FJ) General Man Wanted

...apply to Mr. R.H. Tracy, Roseville, Naas.


13 December 1877 (FJ) Kildare

Town Councillors...Richard Tracey...

6 May 1878 (FJ) Naas Convent

...present...Richard Treacy, T.C...

14 May 1878 (FJ) Convent of Mercy, Naas

...Richard Treacy, Naas £30...


1877 Local government and taxation of towns

Naas rate 1876 1s in the pound

Town Commissioners...Richard H. Tracy, Petty Sessions Clerk and Land agent £38/0/0


7 June 1879 (N) Naas - Agricultural depression motion

...Board...R. Tracy...


August 1878 Bazaar Oldtown Naas

St. David Church, Naas...Mr. RH Tracy and Miss Tracy...


October 1878 NTC

Retire by rotation and re-elected...Mr. R.H. Tracy...


Oct 1878 Ad...Apply Richard H Tracy, Roseville, Naas


Dec 1878 Naas Poor Relief Com

...Mr. Richard H. Tracy...


August 1879 Sheep worrying

...Mr. Patrick H. Tracy at Maudlins whose sheep had been worried by a dog from Kill...


October 1879 Naas

...Richard Tracy, Clerk of Petty Sessions

Naas Town Commissioners...outgoing...Joshua S. Cantrell, Richard Treacy...declared Richard Treacy 67 re-elected...


November 1879 Naas

...Messrs R.H. Tracy...Richard Treacy...newly elected commissioners...


October 1880 Auction

R.H. Tracy Esq., at Roseville, within half a mile of Naas, in consequence of giving up tillage farming...horses, implements etc...


27 Nov 1880 (KO) Naas Union

...Richard H. Tracy...


Feb 5 1881 (KO) Naas Town Commissioners

...Richard Treacy, R. H. Tracy...


Mar 1881

Outgoing...Richard H. Tracy, Roseville...

Mar 1881

Mr Richard H. Tracy 217 re-elected


March 1881

Richard H. Tracy, Land Agent, Naas


Apr 23, 1881 (KO) St. Davids Church Naas

...Mr. R.H. Tracy...As far as my own pew is concerned I would always like to see it filled, and when there is a vacant seat in it I would not object to any person going into it...Mr. Tracy was elected the parishioners' churchwarden...


July 1881 Master Wanted

New school...Intermediate Boarding and Day School...addressed to Richard H. Tracy, Hon. Sec. School Committee, Roseville, Naas


12 November 1881 (N) Incidents of the Land War

...Mr. R.H. Tracy made an attack on the Irish farmers and said it was ridiculous for a puny body like theirs to be attempting to cavil with the Government of the country and the constituted authorities. It was like a pack of not over plucky terriers snapping and snarling at a valient and magnanimous lion, and keeping, at the same time, a very safe distance away. Mr. Sargent said it were twenty times better Mr. Tracy had stayed away than come there and insult the people in the manner he had done. Mr. Tracy here left.


December 1881 St. Davids Preparatory School, Naas

committee...J.S. Cantrell, Naas, RH Tracy, Roseville, Naas.


10 December 1881 (N) Kildare Hunt [turned into political meeting]

...meeting at Naas...present...R. Treacy...


Dec 31, 1881 (KO) St. Davids Preparatory School

Middle Class.

J.H. Tracy - Arithmetic 70; English 423; Latin 125; Average per cent 88; Quarter 1319; Total 1937...

Junior Class.

C.P. Tracy - Arithmetic 40; English 325; Average per cent 73; Quarter 1328; Total 1693.

Miss L. Tracy - Arithmetic 60; English 326; Average per cent 77; Quarter 1020; Total 1406.


1881 Slaters Directory

E. M. Tracy, Linen and Woollen Drapers, Naas, Naas

E. M. Tracy, Milliner and Dressmaker, Naas, Naas

Mary Tracy, Shopkeeper, Naas, Naas

Richard Tracy, Baker, Naas, Naas

Richard Tracy, Leather Seller, Naas, Naas

Richard Tracy, Petty Session Clerk, Naas Court House, Naas

William Tracy, Tailor, Naas, Naas


January-June 1882

Valuations of the holdings of John Kilroy, John Regal and Peter Whelan at Clownings, county Kildare, by Mr Coffey and Mr Keay with notes by G.P.L. Mansfield and letters by R.H. Tracey, solicitor to G.P.L. Mansfield concerning the valuations and copy letter from Mansfield to Tracey; 14 items

See also Land Commission-fixity of fair rents

MS 38,641/16 Mansfield Papers NLI


May 20, 1882 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

The Rev. Samuel G. Cotton, Rector of Carogh, summoned Mr. Richard H. Tracy...for an assault...


September 1882 Imprisonment of Mr. Gray M.P.

...Mr R.H. Tracy, one of the commissioners, said he could not join in any vote of censure of any kind, and left the room. Another commissioner (Mr. Richard Tracy) was then sent for so as to make a quorum...and the motion was passed unanimonsly...


December 1882 Speech day at St. David's School Naas

prizes...English...C. Tracy...


March 1883 County Kildare Club

...RH Tracy...


June 1883 Associated Petty Session Clerks

council...Richard H. Tracy, Naas...


1854, 1883-1894

Correspondence of G.P.L. Mansfield, Eliza Wynne, Charles Dunne, agent, R.H. Tracy and others concerning the lease of the Royal Hotel Naas. Includes proposals for a lease of the hotel by John Wynne and Ulster Bank and the proposed sale by Eliza Wynne of her interest in the premises; 33 items

MS 38,245/3 Mansfield Papers NLI


29 August 1885 (N) Town Hall, Naas

...Richard Treacy, TC, Naas...Richard Treacy, TC...JS Cantrell, Naas...



Letters to G.P.L. Mansfield from Richard H. Treacy asking him to act as valuator of the lands of Clownings, county Kildare, which he rents from Lt. Bourke, with Mansfield’s valuation of the property; 6 items

MS 38,249/1 Mansfield Papers NLI


Jan 24, 1885 (KO) St. Davids College Naas

Christmas exams...James H. Tracy...Charles P. Tracy...


Apr 11, 1885 (KO) Easter Vestry Naas

...Select Vestry...The name of Mr. R.H. Tracy was struck off at his own request [letter not present]...


Jul 11, 1885 (KO) Newbridge Petty Sessions

...a man in the employment of Mr RH Tracy, Clownings [selling potatoes]...


28th July 1885 Irish Times

To be Let, for six months, subject to redemption the Lands of Ballinapierce, Enniscorthy, containing Ninty-two Acres, together with House, Out-offices, &c lately occupied by Philip Beatty, Esq. Proposals to Richard H. Tracy, Esq., Naas. John Whelan, Enniscorthy, will show the lands.


Nov 7, 1885 (KO) Naas Petty Sessions

...broken panes of glass...the property of Mr. RH Tracy...[across the street from the Rev. Mr. Burnett's house]...


February 8, 1886 Irish Times

To be let, for such terms as may be agree upon, with or without 116[?] acres Irish of superior Land, or a portion of same, the gentlemanly Residence and Home-farm of Ballinapierce House, nicely situated within 2.5 miles of the important fair and market town of Enniscorthy. The land is of good quality, nearly all in grass, well watered, fenced, and sheltered, and suitable for either cattle or sheep. The House contains 3 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, w.c., and servants' apartments, superior stabling, coachhouse, farmyard, and offices, and admirably suited as a residence for a gentleman and his family. Applications to Richard H. Tracy, Esq., Naas.


March 1886 Dublin Chamber of Commerce

The following were elected...Richard Treacy, merchant, Naas...


July 24, 1886 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

K1ldare. At a special meeting of the Naas Town Commissioners, June 23, Mr. Richard Treacy, J. P., was elected chairman.


May 1887 County Kildare Cricket Club

...R. Tracy...


September 10, 1887 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Kildare...There seems to be some strange delicacy among the Naas Town Commissioners, who are all, or nearly all, Nationalists, about putting forward one of their number for the post of Chairman. No one will accuse Mr. R. Treacy, the present holder of it, of being of that political complexion, but very few will deny that he has taken care to let it be extensively known that he belongs to the genus Jubilator, as he posted off to the Curragh to participate in the Jubilee rejoicings there, after refusing on several occasion to have anything to do with transactions of a national character. Much wonder prevails throughout the town why such apathy exists apparently among the Commissioners themselves on this important question. Surely they can find among their body a man of capacity to equal that of Mr. Treacy.


Apr 28, 1888 (KO) The Short Horn Bull

Jubilee Knight (calved 24th March 1887) the property of RH Tracy will serve a limited number of cows at Roseville Naas at 5s per cow to be paid at first service....


Jun 29, 1889 (KO)

Richard H. Tracy of Clownings, having applied (appellation N. 12,531) for a loan of £420 to the improve the Lands of Clownings...Land Law (Ireland) Act 1881...


Oct 5, 1889 (KO) Connell Drainage District

...elected...Richard H. Tracy...Hon sec and Returning Officer


January 1890 Housekeeper or Mothers Help

A most resptable young woman and a Protestant; three years in last situation. Address Ellen Tracy, care of Mrs Cantrell, Main street, Naas, Co. Kildare.


Jul 4, 1891 (KO)

...William Dowd [and John O'Brien] were in the employment [four months] of Mr RH Tracy at his lime kiln...which adjoins the Presbyterian Manse. Rev Mr Elliott and Mr Tracy being neighbours and good friends...


November 1891 Naas Football

...J. Tracy...C. Tracy...


Nov 28, 1891 & Dec 5, 1891 (KO) Coursing

Clownings Coursing Meeting. President - Mr Richard H Tracy...Flag Steward. Mr. James Tracy...

March 1892 Coursing - Clownings Meeting

President: Richard H. Tracy, Esq

Flag Steward: Mr. James Tracey/Tracy

Nov 12, 1892 (KO) Co. Kildare Club

...Mr RH Tracy appointed hon treasurer...Mr JH Tracy elected hon sec...

Dec 17, 1892 (KO) Meeting

...stewards...Mr RH Tracy hon treasurer, Mr JH Tracy elected hon sec...

Oct 14, 1893 (KO) Winding up of Co Kildare Club

Mr RH Tracy acted as secretary in the absence of Mr Jas H Tracy...Messrs Meredith and Son dated December 5th 1891...three tenants object [to coursing on their land], namely, William Treacy...


May 1892 Kildare and National Hunt Races

Farmers Race - Mr. R. H. Tracy (owner of Wood Ranger) objects to the winner...


Sep 24, 1892 (KO) County Kildare Horse Show

...Mr RH Tracy, Mrs Tracy, Miss Tracy, Miss Mabel Tracy, Miss Taylor, Mr J Tracy, Mr C Tracy...


30 Sep 1892 (BL) County Monaghan To Let

Scarva House...1 mile from Clones...Proposals Richard H. Tracy, Esq, Roseville, Naas.


1892 Return of judicial rents

Richard H. Tracy of Mandlins Kildare, landlord Earl of Mayo, 16a/0r/36p, poor valuation £22/10/0, old rent £30/0/0, new rent £25/0/0, by consent


February 1893 Coursing

County Kildare Stakes...Mr. J.H. Tracey...


March 1893 Kildare Coursing

Stewards...J.H. Tracy...R.H. Tracy...Hon Sec: Mr. J.H. Tracy, Hon Treasurer: Mr. R.H. Tracy...


Sep 8, 1894 (KO) Intermediate Examination June 1894

We have pleasure in announcing that Miss Mabel Tracy, Ladies Collegiate School, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, has passed with honours her examination in the Intermediate...Miss Tracy is a daughter of Mr RH Tracy, Roseville, Naas...


20 June 1895 (BL)

...final examination of apprentices seeking to be admitted solicitors...6. Charles P. Tracy...

Jun 22, 1895 (KO)

...final pass examination for solicitor's apprentices Mr CP Tracy, son of Mr RH Tracy (CPS) succeeded in taking sixth place out of 27 candidates...

27 July 1895 Freeman's Journal

...Charles P Tracy, son of Mr. Richard H Tracy, of Roseville, Naas, was sworn in a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature in...

Aug 3, 1895 (KO)

On Friday last, before the Lord Chancellor, Mr Charles P Tracy, son of Mr Richard H Tracy, of Roseville Naas, was sworn in a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland. Mr Tracy served his apprenticeship to Messrs Thomas Gerrard and Co. solicitors, 25 Westmorland street and Athy...


Sep 21, 1895 (KO)

...a young horse attached to a trap belonging to Mr RH tracy, Roseville, took fright on the Dublin side of the railway bridge...skill exhibited by the driver Mr James Tracy, who pluckly stuck to his seat...


Mar 21, 1896 (KO) Mr HW Tracys Team...

...Naas Hockey...master Hubert Tracy...JA Tracy, C Tracy...HW Tracy (capt).


Mar 21, 1896 (KO) Naas Young Men's Christian Association

...RH tracy...CP Tracy...RA Tracy...


Oct 10, 1896 (KO)

Connel Drainage District...RH Tracy...Mr James H. Tracy Hon Sec and Treasurer...


April 1896 Punchestown Races

...Mr J.H. Tracy, Miss Tracy, Mr C.P. Tracy...


August 1896 The Property of J.H. Tracy, Esq.

Lot 3, 4, 5 pedigree horses...


October 1896 Kildare Cricket

...R.A. Tracy...C.P. Tracy...



Charles Patrick Tracy, 20 Jul 1896, United Service Lodge, Newbridge, Co Kildare, Solicitor. Certified 11 Nov 1896


Jan 9, 1897 (KO) The Clerkship of Naas Petty sessions

Jan 30, 1897 (KO) Election of Petty Sessions clerk for Naas and Clane

Mr JH Tracy elected...


Jan 9, 1897 (KO) Letting

At Ladytown, midway between Naas and Newbridge, for Reps of late RH Tracy, esq, in one or two divisions, 100 acres of prime feeding lands.


Mar 6, 1897 (KO) Naas v Clontarf

...Naas...R Tracy...J Tracy...C Tracy and H Tracy.


March 1897 Auction

Mr. James H. Tracy, Esq, who owing to a recent appointment has to reside permanently in Naas.

Lands of Clownings containing 189a/5p IPM equivalent to 306a/32p statue held under judicial Agreement dated 13th October 1868[?], rent £145. Board of Works charges £6/3/6 per year expiring 5/4/1906, £27/6/0 expiring 10/10/1912, poor law valuation £178.

Clownings situated 2 miles from Newbridge and 4 from Naas.

Cavalery Manured land. Horses, cattle and farm machinery. Apply C.P. Tracy, Esq., Solicitor, Naas.


March 1897

...for Represenatives R.H. Tracy, Esq., at Connell (Naas Road) adjioning Newbridge, 20 Heaps of Cavalry Barrack Stable Manure [Clownings?]


April 1897 Registered in Ireland

Mr. J.H. Tracy's "Easter Monday"...bred by the late Mr. R.H. Tracy, Roseville, Naas...


Jun 26, 1897 (KO) Statutory Notice

Richard H Tracy, late of Roseville, Naas...who died 31st December 1896....Mrs Margaret Tracy, of Roseville, Naas...probate of the will...was granted by the Principal registry...


August 1897 Celbridge Cricket Club

...C.P. Tracy...


August 1897 To Be Let

...Charles P. Tracy, Solicitor, Naas.

August Kildare Cricket, Naas

...C.P. Tracy (captain)...J.H. Tracy...


November 1897 Naas Hockey

...J. Tracy 2 goals...


December 1897 Funeral of Mrs. Sutcliffe of Naas

...present...Mr. J.H. Tracy, Mr. C.P. Tracy...The following sent carriages...Mr. M. Tracy.


June 4th, 1898 Kildare Observer 

Opening of a new Masonic Hall - Imposing Ceremony at Newbridge

... C P Tracy, 215;...


June 1898 Kildare Golf Club, near Naas

...J.H. Tracy...


January 1899 Kildare Hounds

present...Mr. J.H. And Mrs. Tracy, Mr. and Mrs W.J. Grey, Masters W. and R. Gray, Miss Tracy, Mr. C.P. Tracy



11 February 1899 Freeman's Journal

...James H Tracy, seeking to be appointed a Commissioner for Oaths, at Naas, Co Kildare.

February 1899 Chancery Division

...James H. Tracy seeking to be appointed a Commissioner for Oaths at Naas, Co. Kildare...


Apr 1, 1899 (KO) Accident at the 8th Hussars Point to Point Races

...Mr CP Tracy got a heavy fall...a heavy crushing and one rib was fractured...


May 1899 Kildare Golf

...J.H. Tracy, and C.P. Tracy.


August 1899 Naas Cricket...Mr. C. Tracy's XI...


Dec 16, 1899 (KO)

...Mr JH Tracy, to sell by private treaty, that part of the land of Clownings containing 189a0r5p IPM equivalent to 306a0r32p Statute held under Judicial agreement dated 13th October 1888 at £145 per annum...The residence approached by a neat drive, which was built by the owners father is a substantial two-storeyed house...situated 2 miles from the town of Newbridge, 4 from Naas, 3 from Kilcullen and 2.5 from Curragh camp...

16 December 1899 Freeman's Journal

...Mr J H Tracy to Sell by private treaty that part of the Lands of Clownings, containing l0la Or 32p, statute, equivalent to if9s Or Sp, I p m, held under judicial...


Jan 20, 1900 (KO) Farewell Dinner to a Naas Volunteer

A number of the associates and friends of Mr Hubert W Tracy, son of the late Mr RH Tracy, CPS, met at the Grosvenor Hotel, Dublin...previous to his leaving for the front in South Africa. Mr Tracy has joined the Yeomanry...present...JA Tracy...


8 Mar 1900 (IT)

Frank Goodall has been instructed by J.H. Tracy, Esq (who has disposed of his Interest in one of his farms) To sell by Public Auction at Clownings...the following horses, cattle and sheep...


Apr 25, 1900 (IT) Sporting News

Tickell Challenge Cup...Mr. James H. Tracy's Clownings, 5 yrs, 11st, £50 (R. Griffin)...


Jun 21, 1900 & 1901 (IT) Lawn Tennis - Co. Kildare club

...C.P. Tracy and Miss Edith Gray...1st Prize...Miss Tracy...Miss Tracy...Mrs. Tracy...


Jul 23, 1900 (IT)

...Rev. R.W. Clover and Mrs. J. Tracy...1st...C.P. Tracy and Miss S Gray...Miss Treacy...J.H. Tracy...


1 Oct 1900 (IT) Naas H.C.

...elected...vice-captain, Mr. C.P. Tracy...committee...J.H. Tracy...


Apr 20, 1901 (IT) Funeral R.J. Goff JP

...Mr. C.P. Tracey, solicitor...


May 11, 1901 (IT) ...farm at Maudlins...Jas. H. Tracy, Auctioneer, Main Strret, Naas.


17 March 1902 (IT) Wanted

...apply to C.P. Tracy, Solicitor, Newbridge.


Jun 14, 1902 (IT) Auction Sallins Co. Kildare...Charles P. Tracy, esq., solicitor, Naas. James H. Tracy, Auctioneer, Naas.


25 Jul 1902 (IT) Consolidated Taxing Office

...Naas No.1 Rural District Council to Tracy, Charles P. Tracy [same, same]


Oct 9, 1902 (IT) Consolidated Taxing Office

...Exparte Cases - Nass No.1 R.D. Council to Tracey, Charles P. Tracey; same to same, Charles P. Tracey; same to same, Charles P. Tracey;...


1902 Return of judicial rents

May 30 1901 James H. Tracy of Clownings Naas Kildare, landlord Sonthwell G.T. Bourke, 142a/3r/4p, poor valuation £73/15/0, old rent £98/12/0, new rent £74/0/0


26 Sept 1903 (IT) Auctions

Wednesday, 30th, at Mools? Robertstown, Interest in a residential 12 acre farm. Sale at 2 o'clock. C.P. Tracy, Esq., Solicitor, Newbridge.


24 Oct 1903 (IT) RIC

A meeting of the magistrates of the Naas and Clane Petty Sessions Districts was held on Thursday last for the purposes of electing a petty sessions clerk for these districts in the room of the late Mr. Tracy deceased. The candidates were...R.A. Tracy...[not elected]


29 Jun 1904 (IT) County Kildare 2nd XI v. Incogniti

Incogniti J.J. Treacy...Co. Kildare 2nd XI...J.A. Tracy...


9 Aug 1904 (IT) Newbridge CC

...CP Tracy...


Sep 10, 1904 (IT) Lawn Tennis

Naas v. Athy...Doubles...De Burgh and J.A. Tracy beat...


Sep 27, 1904 (IT) Naas Club

...elected...vice-captain J.A. Tracy...


14 Feb 1905 (IT) Coursing - Newbridge Club meeting

...stewards - Messrs C.P. Tracy...Slip Steward - Mr. C. Tracy...


11 Mar 1905 (IT) Hockey

...R and SPU Naas...steward...R. Tracy (Naas)...


21 Jun 1905 (IT) Co. Kildare 2nd CC

...C. Tracy...


Aug 17, 1905 (IT) Dispute over a Racehorse...Mr. CP Treacy of Newbridge...


26 Sept 1905 (IT) Naas [Hockey] Club

..vice-captain, Mr. J.A. Tracy were re-elected...

27 Sept 1906 & 6 Oct 1906 (IT) Naas [Hockey] Club

..Mr. J.S. Tracey were re-elected...vice-captain...


Leinster Leader Newspaper Page No.: 8 Column: a Edition: 1 Date: 04/11/1905

Naas Free Library Opened by the Earl of Mayo

Attendance: ...Mrs. Cantrell...Mr. J and Miss Tracy...


Apr 12, 1906 (IT) Funeral of Mr. James Brennan, Newbridge

...present...Mr. C.P. Tracy, solicitor...Mr. J.A. Tracy...


10 Sep 1906 (IT) Publican's Licence

...Charles P. Tracy, solicitor for applicant, Newbridge.


Oct 24, 1906 (IT) Naas H.C.

...Mr. J.A. Tracy was elected captain...


1907 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Estate of Julia Elizabeth Mary Talbot

June 30 1904 William Tracy of Lewistown Kildare, 106a/0r/25p, value £59, rent £66/19/6, judical, advance £1607, cash £1607

June 30 1904 Margaret Tracy of Ladytown Kildare, 164a/2r/38p, value £111/1/0, rent £146/12/0, not judical, advance £3518, cash £3518


Aug 6, 1908 (FJ) Cricket

Co. Kildare II...C. Tracy...


3 Oct 1908 (IT) Cricket Co. Kildare

...Cantrell Tracy...


Oct 15, 1908 (FJ)

...Veterinary Surgeons...C. Tracy, MRCVS...


Oct 30, 1908 (FJ) Grouse Shooting in Kildare - Interesting Law point

...Mr. C.P. Tracy, solicitor, Newbridge, represented the defendants...


Nov 4, 1908 (FJ) Coursing Newbridge Club

...Slip Steward Mr. C.P. Tracy...


Aug 2, 1909 (FJ) Kildare Hunt Horse Show

...Veterinary Surgeons...Mr. Cantrell Tracy...


Nov 6, 1909 (FJ) Funeral of Mr. Chrisopher Black V.S. Naas

...Cantrell Tracy, V.S. (Ballinasloe)...


Nov 29, 1909 (FJ)

...Charles P. tracy, Esq, solicitor, having carriage of sale, Newbridge...


26 January 1910 (FJ) North Kildare Club Meeting

…stewards…Ml Treacy…The Naas Cup present holder – Mr. M. Treacy…


17 Oct 1910 (IT) North Kildare Farming Society

Class 12 - Best Dexter Bull...Mrs. M. Tracy, Roseville, Naas, Tom of Roseville, black, calved 10th Jan 1910, bred by exhibitor, sire Tom Thumb, dam, Dexter cow.

15 Oct 1913 (IT) North Kildare Farming Society

Class 16 - Best Dexter Cow in milk or visibly in calf, any age...Little Thumb, bred by Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas, sire, Tom thumb.

17 Oct 1917 (IT) Naas - Prize List

Class 27. Best Heifer Calf (any breed), calved in 1907, for farmers whose valuation does not exceed £50...2nd Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas.


1911 [Cd. 5488, 5489, 5490, 5624, 5639, 5750, 5758, 5887, 5890, 5952] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of November, 1909. - Kildare
20th October 1910, Katherine M. Tracy, Clownings, 141a2r20p, £73.15.0 valuation, £74.0.0 rent, judical, £1786 purchase price and advance, 24.1 years, Estate of Bourke and Peat

7 oct 1911 (CTr) Ballinasloe Show

...Veterinary Surgeon - Cantrell Tracy, M.R.O.V.S.


3 oct 1914 (CTr) Mountbellew Agricultural Show

...Veterinary Surgeons...Cantrell Tracy, Esq, M.R.C.V.S., Ballinasloe...


14 September 1912 Kildare Observer

Obituary. Death of Mr. W. J. Gray...The chief mourners were – ...Messrs. Charles P. Treacy and J. McNerney (brothers-in-law)...Amongst those present were...Mr. M. Treacy, Mr. J. Treacy, Mr. W. Treacy...[Note: Mary Tracy is the wife. Charles P. Treacy is the husband of her sister Rose Tracy – see Naas]

Aug 4, 1913 (IT) Co. Kildare Hunt Show
...Veterinary Surgeons...Mr. Cantrell Tracy, Ballinasloe...
Oct 18, 1913 (IT) North Kildare Farming Society
...Class 16 Best Dexter Cow in  milk...Little Thumb, bred by Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas, sire Tom Thumb.
Nov 4, 1914 (IT) London Gazette
Cavalry...Army Veterinary Corps - C. Tracy to be Lieutenant.
Army Veterinary Corps - Cantrell Tracy to be Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 22 October 1914.




1st October 1917

Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas auctioned the land at Ladytown (162a/2r/7p, value £109/10/0, rent £112/15/10).

6 Oct 1917 (IT) Price of land in County Kildare

Mr. M. Fitzsimons, auctioneer, Naas, has sold for Mrs. Tracy, Roseville, Naas, a farm at Ladytown, held in fee-simple, containing 162 acres 2 roods and 27 perches, subject to an annuity under the Land Act of 1903 of £112.15s10d, to Captain Mansfield, of Morristown-Lattin for the sum of £3,365.



untitled naas.bmp


1918 Post Office Dublin Directory and Calendar

Charles P. Tracy, Solicitor, 25 Westmoreland-street; and Newbridge Co. Kildare (T. 1895)


1918 British Veterinary Journal, Volume 74

Capt C Tracey, A.V.C....has been wounded...held temporary commission...Capt. Tracey came from Ballinasloe in Ireland...


19 Dec 1919 Red Cross Archive

Miss Mabel Tracy of Roseville, Naas, Kildare

Naas sub depot I. War Hospital Supply Worker, awarded V.W. Badge, served 248 hours

Nursing Sister, Pantry work at Hospital & sewing I.W.H.S. Depot, part time 417 hours


Oct 16, 1920 (IT) Belfast and other Northern Districts (Mansion House, Dublin) Relief Fund

...Charles P. Tracy, solicitor, Newbridge £1.1.0...

25 May 1922 (IT) County Kildare - Roseville, Naas

Important sale of very attractive residence with extensive out-offices and land.

Subscriber has been favoured with instructions from Miss M. Tracy, to sell by auction...part of the lands of Maudlins containing 15a1r20p...This attractive modern residence known as Roseville, is in cottage style and contains drawing room, dining room, 5 bedrooms, kitchen, pantry and dairy...


Dec 16, 1922 (IT) Club Notices [Golf]

Curragh...Ladies Branch. - Miss Tracey...Mixed foursomes, strokes for prizes presented by C.P. Tracy...

Jan 8, 1923 (IT) Golf

Curragh Club...Hon. Sec., C.P. Tracy.


17 Feb 1923 (IT) Town of Naas

Michael Fitzsimmons has been favoured with instructions from the Reps. of Margaret Tracy (deceased)...house property known as Oldtown Terrace...by lease under Lieutenant-Colonel De Burgh...two handsome villa residences and is situated in a very choice residential quarter of the county town of Naas...tenanted by Mrs. E. Coady...and Mr. D.P. Blayney...


8 Mar 1923 (IT) Kildare v. Naas Golf

Naas...Miss Tracy...



Last update: 19 August 2024