Charles Michael Tracy (1943 – 2024) radical artist



Charles Michael Tracy.jpg



Charles Michael Tracy (1943 Bellevue Ohio – 2024 San Ygnacio Texas) one of the most radical and prolific insider/outsider artists practicing in the U.S.


Charles Michael Tracy was born on Sept. 30, 1943, in Bellevue, Ohio, the son of Charles Louis Tracy, a journalist who wrote about aviation











John Tracy and Ellen Lormar OR Flavin


John Tracy & Ella Lormar of Lyme

John Tracy b. 10 Jan 1870 Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio, United States


John Tracy & Ellen Flevin? of Lyme

Mary Ann Tracy b. 11 Aug 1872 Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio,


John Tracy & Ellen Flasn? of Lyme Ohio

William Tracy b. 9 Dec? 1877 Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio


John Tracy & Ellen Flavin of Bellevue Ohio

James Tracy b. 27 Sep 1879 Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio


1880 Census - Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio, United States

John Tracy, head, 50, b. 1830 Ireland, farmer

Elen F. Tracy, Wife, 32, b. 1848 Ireland, keeps house

John Tracy, Son, 10, Ohio, United States

Patrick Tracy, Son, 9, Ohio, United States

Maryann Tracy, Daughter, 8, Ohio, United States

Thomass Tracy, Son, 7, Ohio, United States

Michael Tracy, Son, 5, Ohio, United States

James Tracy, Son, 0, Ohio, United States

John Flavin, servant, 18, b. 1862 Ohio, United States


John Tracy & Ellen Flavin of Lyme Ohio

Julia Tracy b. 15 Aug 1881 Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio, United States


Patrick Tracy, 17, b. 1871 Bellevue Huron Ohio, lives Bellevue Huron Ohio, Single, died 6 May 1888 Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, United States


John Tracy, 52, b. 1836 Ireland, Married, died 05 Sep 1888 Infirmatory, Huron, Ohio

John Tracy, 55, b. 1833 Ire, Married, lives Bellevue Huron Ohio, died 6 Sep 1888 Norwalk, Norwalk City, Huron, Ohio, United States


July 12th, 1894 Bellevue Gazette (Bellevue, Ohio) 

Most Happily Married.

Miss Mary Tracy and Mr, James Furlong were most happily married Tuesday morning.

Nature was attuned to holiest sym phonies, a benign sun tempered the cool of the coming day; the birds carol ed merrily, and all things bespoke a bright and happy future for the contracting parties.

The Catholic church was filled with their friends when the bridal party entered, at 7o'clock. The bride and groom was proceeded by Miss Nellie Tracy, of Sandusky, as bridesmaid, and Jas. M. Lynch, of this place, as the groom's bestman. Rev. Fr. Rupert read the beautiful Catholic wedding Service and pronounced them husband and wife. The bride was attired in cream albatross, trimmed in white ??? ribbon, white kid slipper, and carried brldal roses.

The party then drove to the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ellen Tracy, on Harkness street, where a wedding breakfast was served, and a reception held. Mr. and Mrs. Furlong were the recipients of many valuable presents from friends.

Their proposed wedding tour was abandoned on account of the railroad trouble and a trip on the lakes will be taken instead. Upon their return they will go to housekeeping and be at home at their residence on Gardner street The bride and groom have hosts of friends in Bellevue, and their well wishes go with them.

Among the guests present were, Mr. and Mrs. J. T Furlong, of Clyde, Misses Julia and Lizzie Burns of Norwalk, Misses Hattie, Lizzie, Minnie and Ella Esch, Misses Mary Powers, Mary Tracy and Mrs. T. Tracy of Sandusky, Miss Maggie McCarthy, of Ft. Wayne. Ind., Misses Abbie Fitzgerald and Katie Powers of Toledo, Chas. Esch and R.J Fox of Sandusky.


Michael Tracy, 19 years, b. 1876, died 30 Dec 1895, Bellevue Huron Ohio United States


January 2nd, 1896 Bellevue Gazette (Bellevue, Ohio)

Under Car Wheels.

Death Came to a Bellevue Boy.

Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock a message was received here which was brought to the home of Mrs. Ellen Tracy, Harkness ave., the sad intelligence that her son, Michael, had been seriously injured at Delaware. Instructions were at once forwarded to have the injured man brought if possible to his home here. At 7:30 a second message was received announcing hiss death. How or what was the direct cause of terminating the mans life was yet unknown to his relatives here. Tuesday morning a brother of the deceased, Mr. John Tracy, and Undertaker John Greenslade left for Delaware on the 10:45 a. m. Short Line train to receive the remains and bring them here for interment. Deceased had been absent from home since October 1894, since which time his relatives have known but little of his whereabouts, the last heard of him being three months ago when he was located at Lianaas an employee in a hotel. The particulars of the accident as related by the Daily Herald of Delaware, are as follows:...  


1900 Census - 130 Harkness Street, Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio, United States

Helen Tracy, head, 49, b. Jul 1850 Ireland, widow, 8 children 5 alive, emigrated 1852

Tomas Tracy, son, 23, b. Jul 1876 Ohio, single, RR brakeman

James Tracy, son, 19, b. Oct 1880 Ohio, single, RR Callu?

Julia Tracey, daughter, 16, b. Aug 1883 Ohio, single, not bright

Robert Cullen, border, 48, b. Aug 1851 Ohio, single, RR brakeman

1900 Census - 136 Harkness Street, Lyme Township, Huron, Ohio, United States [previous family]

James Furlong, head, 28, b. Aug 1871 Ohio, parents b. Ireland, locomotive eng

Mary Furlong, wife, 27, b. Aug 1872 Ohio, married 5 years, 2 children 2 alive, b. Ireland

Helen Furlong, 4, b. Jan 1896 Ohio

Angila Furlong, 1, b. Sep 1898 Ohio


Julia Tracy, 19, b. 1882 Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, lives Bellevue Huron Ohio, Single, died 6 Oct 1901 Bellevue Huron Ohio


October 25th, 1901 Bellevue News (Bellevue, Ohio)

Miss Julia Tracy, daughter of Mrs Helen Tracy, died at the home of her mother, Friday morning of last week, aged 19 years. The funeral services were conducted in the Catholic church Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. A . Mitchenfelder; interment in the Catholic cemetery.


April 22nd, 1908 Bellevue Gazette (Bellevue, Ohio)

Death of John Flavin.

John Flavin, a former resident of Bellevue, died at the hospital in Norwalk Tuesday evening, aged about 42 years. The remains were brought to Bellevue today and taken to the home of Mrs. Ellen Tracy on Harkness avenue.

The deceased had been ill for the past two years and death was due to consumption. He leaves two sisters, Mrs. Ellen Tracy and Mrs. P. J. Ryan both of this city.

The funeral will take place from the Catholic church Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock, services being conducted by Rev. J. A. Michenfelder. Interment in the Catholic cemetery.


1910 Census - 130 Harknes? Street, Lyme, Huron, Ohio, United States

Ellen Tracy, head, 61, b. 1849 foreign, 8 children 4 alive, emigrated 1851

James Tracy, son, 28, b. 1882 Ohio, single, flagman railroad

Robert Cullen, boarder, 55, b. 1855 Ohio, single. labor kraut factory

1910 Census - 135 Harknes? Street, Lyme, Huron, Ohio, United States [next family]

James Furlong, head, 38, b. 1872 Ohio, parents b. Ir English, engineer locomotive

Mary Furlong, wife, 37, b. 1873 Ohio, married 15 years, 6 children 5 alive, b. Ir English

Helen Furlong, 14

Angela Furlong, 11

Miles Furlong, 8

John Furlong, 6

Ruth L Furlong, 1


November 2nd, 1931 Bellevue Gazette (Bellevue, Ohio)

Widely Known Bellevue Woman Died Sunday

Several weeks critical illness preceded demise of Mrs James Furlong...


1920 Census Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, United States

Ellen Tracy, head, Widowed, 73 years, b. 1847 Ireland, emigrated 1868, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland

Barney Ward, lodger, 42

Robert Cullen, lodger, 68


Ellen Tracey, 81, b.  05 May 1848 Ireland (d. of Patrick Lanore b. Ireland & Mary Powers b. Ireland), widowed, retired, Spouse John Tracey

died 22 Oct 1929 Bellevue, Huron, Ohio, buried 24 Oct 1929 Bellevue Catholic

Informant: Mr James Furlong, Bellerice? O


Mary Ann Furlong, 59y2m19d, b. 11 Aug 1872 Bellview Ohio, (d. of John Tracy b. Ireland & Ellen Flavin, b. Ireland), of 801 Costalic, Huron Township, Huron, Ohio, Married, Housewife, spouse James Furlong, died 1 Nov 1931, buried 4 Nov 1931 Bellevue Cath


Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, USA

Mary Ann Tracy Furlong

Birth: 11 Aug 1872 Lyme Township, Huron County, Ohio, USA

Death: 1 Nov 1931 (aged 59)  Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, USA


James Furlong 1870–1955 (m. 1894)


Helen C. Furlong Poss (1896–1982)

Angela Marie Furlong Reed (1898–2000)

Miles James Furlong (1901–1975)

John R Furlong (1904–1968)

Ruth Louise Furlong Ruffing (1908–2012)

Margaret A. Furlong Godfrey (1910–1994)

Marian Elizabeth Furlong Engler (1913–1986)

Rita Jane Furlong Sliter (1917–2003)




John Tracy (1870-1853)


John Tracy married Catherine Powers 28 Jun 1898 Lucas, Ohio


July 1st, 1898 Bellevue News (Bellevue, Ohio)

Married .

Powers—Tracy. —At the church of the Immaculate Conception, Toledo, Ohio. Tuesday June 28.1898, Miss Katherine Powers, of Toledo, and Mr. John Tracy, of this city After a few days' visit in Detroit they will be at home to their friends on Harkness avenue in this city.


1920 Census - 519 McLarn St, Perry, Massillon, Stark, Ohio, United States

John Tracy, head, 50, b. 1870 Ohio, parents born Ohio, engineer locomotive

Catherine Tracy, wife, 46, b. 1874 Ohio, parents born Ireland

Lawrence Tracy, son, 20, b. 1900 Ohio, checker stecl?

Loretta Tracy, daughter, 17, b. 1903 Ohio

Julia M Tracy, daughter, 8y7m, b. 1911 Ohio


John Tracy, 83, b. 10 Jan 1870 Ohio, (s. of John Tracy & Ellen Flaven) died 15 May 1953 321 8th St S.E., Massillon Stark Ohio, widower, engineer rail raod, informant Lorretta Tracy, buried 18 May 1953 St Josephs Cemetery Massillon Ohio


May 18th, 1953 Bellevue Gazette (Bellevue, Ohio)

Services Held Today For Former Resident

Funeral services were held at Masslllon today for John Tracy. 83, who died there Friday Mr Tracy, a former Bellevue Nickel Plate employe, was a retired Wheeling and Lake Erie Rail road employe at Masslllon Survivors Include a brother, Thomas of Bellevue, and several nieces and nephews. Another brother. James Tracy, of Bellevue, preceeded him in death.


Name     Loretta C Tracy

Sex         Female

Age        93

Birth Date          12 Feb 1902

Birth Year (Estimated)  1902

Birthplace          Massillon, Stark, Ohio, United States

Residence Place Ohio

Marital Status    Single

Occupation        Teachers, elementary school

Industry Elementary and secondary schools

Race       White

Military Service No

Father's Name    Tracy

Father's Sex       Male

Mother's Name  Powers

Mother's Sex      Female

Event Type        Death

Event Date        15 Feb 1995

Time       09:25 PM

Event Place        Stark, Ohio, United States



Thomas Tracy (1873-


June 4th, 1903 Bellevue Gazette (Bellevue, Ohio)

Married in Sandusky

The Sandusky Register of Wednesday says: "Mr Thomas Tracy of Bellevue and  Miss Anna Bernadette daughter of John Nolan, were married at Holy Angels church at 5.30 Tuesday morning. Rev Father Lamb performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives of the connecting parties. Following the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's father on Madison street, where a wedding break fast was served. Mr and Mrs Tracy left for Buffalo over the Lake Shore 9:52 o'clock. They will be at home in Bellevne to their many friends after July 1. Numerous wedding presents were received"

Mr Tracy is a son of Mrs Ellen Tracy of Harkness avenue and is employed on the Nickel Plate. Mr and Mrs Tracy will be warmly welcomed to Bellevue by their many friends who extend heartiest congratulations.

Mrs Tracy, Mrs P J Ryan and Mrs Chas North of this city, were in attendance at the wedding. 


Thomas Tracy, 28 years, b. 1875 Bellevue Ohio, lives Bellevue Ohio (s. of John Tracy & Ellen Flavin), Single, brakeman, married Anna B. Nolan, 25 years, b. 1878 Sandusky Ohio, lives Sandusky Ohio, (d. of John Nolan & Theresa Ragan), Single, none occupation 2 Jun 1903 Erie, Ohio, United States


1910 Census - 131 Hickory St, Lyme, Huron, Ohio, United States

Thomas Tracy, head, 33, b. 1877 Ohio, parents born unknown, switchman railroad

Anna B. Tracy, wife, 32, b. 1878 Ohio, married 6 years, 2 children 1 alive, parents born Ohio

Gwendolen Alice Tracy, Daughter, 10 months, b. 1910 Ohio


1920 Census - 114 Hickory St, Bellevue, Huron, Ohio

Thomas Tracy, head, 45, b. 1875 Ohio, father born US, mother born Ohio, switchman railroad

Anna Tracy, wife, 41, b. 1879 Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Michigan

Gwendolen Tracy, daughter, 10, b. 1910 Ohio

Quenten Tracy, son, 6 years 5 months


1930 Census - 114 Hickory, Bellevue, Huron, Ohio

Thomas Tracy, head, 53, b. 1877 Ohio, Married, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland, yard foreman steam road?

Anna Tracy, wife, 50, b. 1880 Ohio, married, father b. Michigan, mother b. Ohio

Gwendolen Tracy, Daughter, 20, b. 1910 Ohio

Quenten Tracy, son, 16, b. 1914 Ohio


Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, USA

Thomas Tracy (1874–1962)

Anna Tracy (1878–1954)


Quenten T Tracy

Birth: 1913 Ohio, USA

Death: 15 Dec 1967 (aged 53–54) Bellevue, Sandusky County, Ohio, USA

wife: Mary Margaret Hotz Tracy 1915–1991 (m. 1940)



Quenten T Tracy.jpeg

Quenten T Tracy




James Donald Tracy (1879-1953)


James D. Tracy, 33 years, b. 27 Sep 1879 Bellevue, O. (s. of John Tracy & Ellen Flaven), Railway, single, married Frances M. Reinhart, 27 years, b. 23 Jun 1885 Franks, O. (d. of Chas. B. Reinhart & Catherine Burgher), none occupation, single, 23 Oct 1912 Sandusky Township, Sandusky, Ohio, United States


1920 Census - 141 Union St., Sandusky, Ohio

James D Tracy, head, 40, b. 1880 Ohio. parents born Ireland, conductor railroad

Frances Tracy, wife, 34, b. 1886 Ohio, parents born Ohio

Charles L Tracy, son, 3y4m, b. 1917 Ohio, Single, Father born Ohio, Mother born Ohio


1930 Census - 142 Robert Avenue, Bellevue, Huron, Ohio

James D Tracy, head, 48, b. 1882 Ohio, married, father b. Ireland, mother b. Ireland, conductor steam railroad

Francis Tracy, wife, 44, b. 1886 Ohio, married, father b. Ohio, mother b. Ohio

Charles Tracy, Son, 13, b. 1917 Ohio

Mary E Tracy, Daughter, 8y7?m, b. 1922 Ohio

James F Tracy, Son, 4y4m, b. 1926 Ohio

Katherine Tracy, Daughter, 3y9m, b. 1927 Ohio


James D Tracy, Age      73, b. 27 Sep 1879 Ohio (s. of John Tracy & Ellen Flavin), married, railway worker, died 30 Apr 1953 142 Robert Street Bellevue Seneca Ohio, buried 2 May 1953 Bellevue Catholic


James Donald Tracy b. 22 Sep 1879 Bellevue Hur*, Ohio, United States (s. of John Tracy & Ellen Flavin)

Social Program Application Date          Jan 1937


Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Bellevue, Huron County, Ohio, USA

James D Tracy

Birth:  27 Sep 1879

Death:  30 Apr 1953 (aged 73)


Frances M Reinhart Tracy (1885–1963)



1950 Census - 1636 Blossom Park, Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio

Charles L Tracy, head, 33, b. 1917 Ohio, newspaper reporting newspaper

Justine K Tracy, wife, 37, b. 1913 Ohio

C Michael Tracy, son, b. 1944 Ohio

Daniel J Tracy, son, 4, b. 1946 Ohio


The AMA History Project Presents:

Biography of Charles L. Tracy (September 30, 1916 – March 5, 2008)

The following information on Charles was submitted by his son Daniel in March 1989 as part of a Model Aviation Hall of Fame application for his father. Charles was inducted into the Model Aviation Hall of Fame in 1992. The AMA History Project also has Daniel’s biography.

https://www.modelaircraft.org/sites/default/files/files/TracyCharlesL.pdf OR [file]


Charles L Tracy, 33 years, b. 1917 Ohio, Married, Newspaper Reporting,

Event Date           6 April 1950

Event Place          Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States


Name        Charles L Tracy

Middle Name       L

State         Ohio

Residence Place   Ohio

Last Place of Residence   Cuyahoga, Ohio

Previous Residence Postal Code 44140

Age          92

Birth Date            30 Sep 1916

Death Date           05 Mar 2008


Name        C Tracy

Alias         Charles Louis Tracy

Birth Date            30 Sep 1916

Previous Residence Date 28 Nov 2005

Previous Residence          Euclid, Ohio 44123

Previous Residence Postal Code 44123

Second Previous Residence Place           Bay Village, Ohio 44140

Second Residence Postal Code   44140

Second Residence Date   01 Apr 1994-01 Jan 2004

Third Previous Residence Place   Bay Village, Ohio 44140

Third Residence Postal Code      44140

Third Residence Date      24 Sep 1980-01 Jul 2008

Event Type           Residence

Event Date           28 Nov 2005

Event Place          Euclid, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States


Daniel J. Tracy March 24, 2011 at 8:19 PM

This is a most interesting site for me. I am delighted to have found it.

I spent a great deal of my formative youth in the J. Oehm building - up in the apartment on the right (as seen in the photo) 112 East Main Street. Justice Oehm, who built the fine ediface, was my great grandfather. My grand father was Henry Oehm and my mother was Justine Kathrine Oehm - named after her grandfather.

Anna M. Oehm, my great Aunt, lived in the apartment on the east side (left in your photo). She and I (as a very young boy) would play cards in her front room parlor - right inside that window - on an oval, marble-topped, three- legged table - which is still in the family. Aunt Anna was a delight. She had never married although photos of her in her youth show her an exquisite beauty. She was very thrifty - almost to a fault.

Henry married Mary Wise my wonderful and sainted grandmother (Nana). She and I were the best of pals. I would travel on the Nickle Plate RR to spend time with her when I was off from my schooling in Lakewood, Ohio. She would often come east and have extended visits with my family.

Mary Wise grew up on a farm south of Bellvue just east of the Sorrowful Mother Shrine (Franks, Ohio). Her influence on me was vast especially the inspiration to live on a farm. In ~1962 she moved to Lakewood, Ohio because she was quite bound up with rhumatism and we could better take care of her. The building remained in her name until she died in 1971.

My mother married Charles Louis Tracy - also from Bellvue. My dad was in the newspaper business and was a pilot in WW2. He flew in India, as a transport pilot. I have 2 brothers: Michael, 67 years, who lives in San Ygnacio TX, and Christopher, 57 years, who lives in Chicago. I am Daniel James Tracy, 65 years, and live south of Seattle in Maple Valley, WA. I am retired from Boeing where I was an aeronautical engineer for 40 years. Michael and I have recently been wanting to know more about the Oehm family. We have pretty good data on the Tracys and the Wises. We came to the same question you have: Where did these Greenslades come from?

Daniel J. Tracy March 24, 2011 at 8:25 PM

As a kid I heard all these names often but was unable to place them in any order although I'm sure I was told. Uncle Louis was Henry's brother - yes, he was the banker. His daughter, Laurena (would have been my mother's 1st cousin) married William Greenslade. Greenslade, I guess was a worker in the shoe store. Remember that Justice was a cobbler and Henry took over the shoe business after him. The shoe store was below Nana's apartment, I believe. (There was a confectionary store under Aunt Anna's apt. at that time.) So Greenslade - the shoe salesman. I'm guessing - must have been noticed by Laurena, got married and lived (as your research explains) next door to the Louis Oehm's. How utterly convenient!

I cannot cast dispersions accuretly so I'll try not - especially here. After Uncle Louis retired or died, William Greenslade got to running the bank. I remember visiting their NEW home (I think it was south of town) once with my mmother. I recall the relationship to be somewhat cool. After all the old Oehms died, the Greenslades - the bankers - scored pretty well with the realestate. I know that part to have been sort of a lament. I did not know the Greenslade people and Grandpa Henry died 15 years before I was born. I believe the Oehm building was sold by the Greenslades to a guy named Strayer - a somewhat notorious realestate agent (of all people). His business occupies the area where my grandfather's shoe store once was. (Out west real estate people are not held in such great esteme.)

I visited Bellevue a couple years ago and asked the clerk at Strayer's Realty, after identifying myself, if I could go upstairs and just walk down the hallway (it had a distinctive aroma). I was refused. I asked the real estate folks in that office if they knew where the Justice Oehm building was in Bellevue. They did not...

I appreciate your fine research so much. I shall send a link for this site for my brothers viewing. If there is more information I might be able to offer please contact me.

thanks so much!



Last update: 29 August 2024