It may be presumed that the Traceys of Down are descended from the Uí Bairrche.













In Down, there is the Trassey River and Valley in the Mourne Mountains, named after the Traceys. (Place-Names of Northern Ireland vol. 3 p.173, 186)


There is also Killydressy (Ceathrú Dhreasach) in the civil parish of Witter OR Ballyphilip, Ards Peninsula.


Ballyclondresse is named in the Patent Rolls of James 1, which has been identified as the original name of Moydalgan in the civil parish of Dromara.






1580? Ulster

The Countie Of Doune...Kilulto* is a very fast Countrie, full of Wood and Boggs. It bordereth upon Lough Evaghe and Clonbrassell...This countrie, before the baron’s warrs in Ingland was possessed and Inhabited by Inglishmen, and there doeyth yet remain there an old defaced castle, which still beareth the name of one Sr Miles Tracie.”

Hogan, Edmun (1878) The Description of Ireland and the state thereof as it is this present in Anno 1598. MH Gill, Dublin.

1586 Carew Manuscript

The county of Downe contains the lordship of the Newry and the lordship of Mowrne, Evagh, otherwise called Maginis country, Kilulto, Kilwarlin, Kinalewrty, Clanbrasell McGoolechan, Lechahull, Diffringe, Little Ardes, Great Ardes, and South Clandeboy. Newry and Mowrne are the inheritance of Sir Nicholas Bagnoll...

The captain of Kilultoe is Cormack McNeyl, who likewise was brought by Sir N. B. from the bondage of the O'Neyles. "This country afore the Barons' wars in England was possessed and inhabited by Englishmen, and there doth yet remain there an old defaced castle, which still beareth the name of one Sir Miles Tracy."

Carew Mss. Vol 2, p. 437

…an old defaced castle, which still beareth the name of one Sir Miles Tracy." The captain of Kilwarlin is a McGenys, called Ever McRorye, and sometimes did contribute and yield to Clandeboy, but now depends only upon the Queen. In Kinalewrty, or McCartan's…

 Ulster Ms 611, p. 278

The county of Downe...This country conteineth all the landes between the haven of Carlingford to the Bay of Knockfergus, viz. Little Ards which lyeth on the north side of the river of Strangford, it is a fertill champion country of the inheritance of the lo: Savadge. Great Ards, belonginge to com mac Neile og. South claneboy which reacheth from the Duffrin to the river of Knockfergus Kiluto, lyinge vpon lough Eaghe and Cranbrasclo. Before the Barons wars in England yt was well inhabited by Englesh, and there still remayethe an olde decayed castle bearing the name of one Sr. Nicholas Tracy

A Treatise of Ireland  By John Dymmok, Richard Butler, Irish Archaeological Society, Dublin Irish Archaeological Society, Irish Archaeological Society, Dublin. 1842

* [Killultagh, civil parishes of Aghalee, Aghagallon and Ballinderry of Co. Antrim on the border with Down. This is located at the south eastern end of Lough Neagh. Of interest at the north eastern end of Lough Neagh is the townland of Tirgracey]




Fiants of Elizabeth I

1583 Pardon to Hugh M'Gennies, of Raferilan, chief of his nation, in the Co. Down, Donald M'Brien, of Mirahe, Arthur oge, of Loughbricklin, Donald M'Rasse, of Loughekernan, [Kernan Lough, Tullylish] gentlemen, Cormock modder O'Kelly, horseman, and Phelim Magennies, gent., all of the со. Down. Security as in 897. Signed 18 June.

Twenty-First Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland


Genealogical Abstracts

Christopher Tracy, 1620, Down

Christopher Tracy, 1620, Down


8 July 1763

Audleystowne. [Audleystown. Ballyculter, Co. Down] Richard & Sarah Bonnor to John Tracy. Mortgage. D2092/5/89

8 July 1763

Richard Bonner and Sarah his wife, Oldtown, Co. Kildare to John Tracy, Dublin

Mortgage, recites deed of 25th Nov., 1734.

Consid. £560

Audleystown Toberdoney Tober-Ellin [sic.] Elishas [sic.] Co. Down

1 October 1765

Ballyroe, Tobberdoney, Toberellin, Elishas and Castle Quarter. Joseph Dioderici Richard and Sarah Benner, John and Abigail Tracy (1st part), Henry Dioderici Richard and Catherine Elrington Richard and Rose Favier (2nd part), and Bernard Ward (3rd part). Assignment. D2092/5/92


Lease of Townlands of Audleystown, als Ballynoe, commonly called Elisha's, or Castle Quarter, situate in Barony Lecale, ... The First Lord Bangor, in his Will, however, refers to Audleystown, “which I bought from Droderichi and Tracy ” ...

George Francis Savage-Armstrong (1906) A Genealogical History of the Savage Family in Ulster: Being a Revision and Enlargement of Certain Chapters of "The Savages of the Ards,"


[see 1766 Religious Census for a list of parishes searched and links]


Freeholders Records from Northern Ireland 1783-1802

John Tracy, Downpatrick, Down. Jan 1766


23 Mar. 1773 Belfast Newsletter

Capt William Chivers, Nedham sail 20 Apr. Newcastle Philadelphia New York attend 30 Mar. Monaghan market: Achibald Dobbin Castleblaney.Widow McKinstry Clonis, Michael Kane Coothill, Mr. Thornton Ballybay, Alex Chambers Calladon, Stewart Norris Armagh, Geo. Park Stuartstown, Joseph Campbell Dungannon, Mr. Tracy passengers redemptioners servants sendview Newry.


13 April 1798 Belfast Newsletter

12 Feb.woollens calicoes +Drumadonald. military =Shaw,Jane +Rathfriland =M''Credy,Mr.swore =Magennis,Roger yeomanry =Tigh,Mr. =Tracey,Mr. markethouse rescuingsheet


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

Michael Tracey born Greenage, Down. Served in 69th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 43, 1800-1822 [Greenoge, Dromore] Pensioner in DOW

Michael Tracey, b. 1778 Greenage, Down



John Tracey, 4 Nov 1812, Lodge 811 Hill Hall Lisburn Antrim/Down,  


1813 The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, Volume 21

...Rev S.W. Tracy...Corresponding Secretary to the Missionary Society...London...(No.4, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn)


In announcing the return of Mr. Tracy. we are happy in being enabled to inform our readers, that, in addition to the formation of Auxiliary Societies in the northern counties of Tyrone, Armagh, Down, and Autrim, which we have already announced, Mr. Tracy succeeded in establishing an Auxiliary Missionary Society in the south, for the county of Cork: the Committee of which comprizes some of the most respectable characters in the city, and other parts of the county; among whom are John Anderson, Esq. of Fermoy, 'and W. Roberts, Esq. of Charleville, Bankers; by either of whom subscriptions are received, as well as by the Treasurer, James M‘Mullen, Esq. of Cork.

Mr. Tracy, on his return, begs to express the grateful sense which he entertains ot' the kindness which he experienced in all parts of Ireland from the Clergy and Christians of every church, which has laid him and the Missionary Society under lasting obligations—A hope is indulged, that the union which has at length been formed, under circumstances so auspicious, between the churches in 'England, Scotland, and Ireland, for the propagation of our common faith among the hundreds of millions of the heathen world, will be productive of no inconsiderable benefit to the united empire, as well as the world at. Large.


Reference:       WO 69/156/42

Statements of Service, Royal Artillery 9 Battalion Numbers 1550 to 2025.

This entry appears on opening 49; this number is imprinted at the top right of each opening.

Soldier's Number 1590: James TREACY. Born [1819] Killfere [?], Newry, Down. Enlisted 1840 aged 21 years. Discharged 1855. Discharge reason: Dead.

Covering dates indicate enlistment and discharge years.

Date:   1840 - 1855


Reference:         WO 69/644/617

Royal Artillery 9 Battalion. Register of Deceased Soldiers.

This entry appears on page 30; this number is imprinted at the top outer edge of each page.

James TREACY. Died 1855, in Woolwich. Note: Sickness.

Covering dates indicate year of death.

Date:      1855


Apr 4, 1823 (BL) Down Assizes

...robbery of James and Wm Thompson's stores at Downpatrick...conspiracy...John Tracey...acquitted.


1823-1838 Tithe Applotment Books



February 1, 1828 The Newry Commercial Telegraph

The following named persons have been fully committed for trial at the next Assizes for the murder of the unoffending Mara :--Pat. Leamy, John, Thomas, and Timothy Russel, Stephen Ryan, John Grace, John, Thomas, and Patrick Keogh, and Michael Tracy. Two persons of the name of Fanning have been committed on a Coroner’s warrant for the murder of James Kelly.



Michael Tracey, 4 Feb 1834, Lodge 188 Hilsborough Down,  


Later when the Irish Sisters of Charity vacated an orphanage in North William’s St a few sisters from Harold’s Cross under the leadership of Mother Michael Tracy took over the running of the establishment.

The five sisters on this foundation were:  Mother Michael Tracy (Abbess) 1786-1852...


…on the 2nd. June 1830, Mother M. Michael Tracey and four other Sisters arrived by stage-coach to Newry…


…St. Clare's Convent, Newry was founded in 1830 by sisters from Harold's Cross, Glasthule, (Dunlaoire) and North William Street…


PRONI Transcripts of c50 documents relating to the Convent of the Poor Clares, Newry, County Down, including:

T/1461/1-21 Copy of a petition, papal rescript, letters concerning the petition of Mrs Tracy, Abbess, for a 'commutation' of the fourth vow of the Poor Clare Order specifying 'care and instruction of female orphans' so that an extensive day school should be possible, 1832-1846.

T/1461/22-24 Copy of a letter to Mrs Tracy settling on Maria McLaughlin the sum of £40 per annum for life, 1861.

T/1461/125-127 Copy of an assignment between Revd. William O'Meara of the City of Dublin, Margaret Mary Hart of the City of Dublin, widow, and Mary Tracy of the City of Dublin, spinster, of rents arising from properties in Beresford Street, Dublin, 1829.

January 9, 1852 (FJ) Propagation of the Faith

...Parish of Dromore: Mrs Tracey, convent Newry £1.1.8...

October 23, 1852 (FJ) Catholic Church

Death of the Abbess of st. Clair's Convent, Newry. It is our painful duty to announce the death on the 21st inst, of the Rev. Mother Mary Michael Tracey, the beloved and venerated foundress and abbess of the convent of St. Clair in Newry...

October 29, 1852 (BL) Death

October 21, Mrs. Tracy, Superioress of St. Clare's Convent, Newry.

January 18, 1856 (FJ) Newry Quarter Sessions

...It appeared the nunnery was established at high street in the town of Newry, about the year 1834 by five ladies named Tracey, Hart, Callaghan, Ward and Loughran under the title of the "Poor Sisters of st. Clare"...now 16 nuns...

1846 A picturesque handbook to Carlingford Bay 

Newry...There is a new church, still unfinished inside, on the Down- shire Road, a pretty little Gothic building. There is a Convent, of the order of Poor Clares, in High Street, attached to which is a neat chapel. The Convent was established in 1830, under the present Reverend Superioress, Mrs. Tracey ; and the following year two schools were opened, under the auspices and management of this religious community, which have since been placed under the Board of National Education, who grant £30 a year to two mistresses; but the Religious impart nearly all the instruction. The average attendance of children at these schools is 300 daily, hut sometimes it exceeds 400. The course of instruction comprises everything useful or needful to females in the humble and middle ranks of life, and fits them to discharge the social and religious duties of their state. It is delightful to witness the unwearied and assiduous kindness of these ladies to " teach the young idea how to shoot," and train them from their earliest childhood in the observances of a genuine piety. The proficiency of the children is remarkable, in reading, writing, geography, arithmetic, &c. The Convent of Poor Clares consists of a community of fifteen choir nuns and four professed lay sisters, under the control of a superioress: chaplain, the Rev. Mr. O'Neill. These ladies have bidden an unregretful adieu to the vanities of life, and dedicated their days to the service of God and of the poor. And here, in this religious seclusion, their thoughts are turned heavenward, and their only earthly cares are for those whom the world too little cares for—the hungry, the naked, the orphan, the uninstructed poor.


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

John Trasey, b. 1836 Belfast Down

Michael Tracey, b. 1831 Belfast Down


1838 The Catholic Directory, Ecclasiastical Register, and Almanac

Diocese of Ossory

Chapter – Treasurer: Rev. Wm. Tracey.

Northern District

Wm. Tracey, Parish priest, Rathdowney

Diocess of Dromore


Convent Sacred Institute of Saint Clare - Mother Abbess is Mrs. MM Tracy.

Diocess of Kildare and Leighlin

Wm Tracy, Curate Kilcock

F Tracy, Curate Ballyfin

Felix Tracy, Curate, Mountmellick

Diocess of Killaloe

Patrick Tracy, Parish Priest, Toomgreary, Scariff


1846 Slater's national commercial directory of Ireland

Down - Newry

Convent of Saint Clara, High St - Mrs. Tracey, superioress.


1847 Newry - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher (see Richard Taylor Tracey)


28 Apr 1848

Rev. Richard T. Tracy of Needham Place, Newry; Wesleyan Minister ;signed an enrolment of people willing to keep law and order and swear allegiance to the Queen



1846-1851 New York arrivals

Biddy Tracey, age 25, Nurse, Great Britain to USA, Newry: New Zealand 04/02/1849


1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland

Newry District

Armagh: Richard T. Tracy, Alexander Twiss

Richard T. Tracy, Chairman of the District.


1853 Battersby's Registry for the Catholic World

Obituary...October 21. Mrs. Tracy, superioress of St. Clare's Convent, Newry, aged 66 years

Felix Tracy, Curate, Mounmellick

John Tracy, curate, Cahir

Thos Tracy, curate, Cahir

Patt Tracy, curate, Modeligo Cappoquin

William Tracy, PP, Kilcock

Chowringhee and Dacca...Rev J.A. Tracy

Pakoquetti USA, Jeremiah Tracy


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

George Prescott Treacy 24 Jun 1892 4 Waring Street Belfast and Sydenham Down, by Hutchinson M’Kee and Robert J. Murray, Merchants


5 July 1859 Irish Times

Capture of a sturgeon

…It was first seen floundering in the mud by a man who drives the mail car to Kilkeel and he roused another man named Tracey who dispatched it with a pitchfork. Newry



1860-1921 Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen





Armagh/Down Newry

Ousel S S







Armagh/Down Newry

S S Ousel


December 1869





Armagh/Down Newry?

Ousel S S




13 Mar 1861 (BL) Spring Assizes County Down

...special jury...Thomas Tracy...


Griffiths Valuation - Down 1864

Patrick Tracey, 21 Mall Carneyhough (Newry) Newry Down  (house, office and yard, valuation £3.15.0)

[IMPORTANT: Please note that the continuation of the land records to 1933 is now available at the PRONI http://www.proni.gov.uk/index/search_the_archives/val12b.htm]


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracy, Joanna, Banbridge, Armagh/Down. 16 219

Treacey, Edward, Newry, Armagh/Down.   16 775


22 July 1868 Wexford Independent

July 18, at the Roman Catholic Church, Holywood, by the Rev James O'Laverty, PP, Mr John Treacey O'Flaherty, to Kate, second daughter of James O'Connor, Esq., Clanbrassil Villa, Cultra.


1871 British Census

Michael Treacy , Head, 44, b. 1827 Killmey/Kilkenny Ireland, labourer, Altrincham, Cheshire

Elizabeth Treacy , Wife, 36, b. 1835 Newry Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

John Treacy , Son, 16, b. 1855 Altrincham, labourer, Altrincham, Cheshire

Thomas Treacy , Son, 12, b. 1859 Altrincham, porter, Altrincham, Cheshire

Michael Treacy , Son, 10, b. 1861 Altrincham, Altrincham, Cheshire

Michael Geerer , Lodger, 23, b. 1838 Mayo Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

Mathew Sanders , Lodger, 74, b. 1797 Mayo Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

John Sanders , Lodger, 34, b. 1837 Mayo Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

George Beard , Lodger, 30, b. 1841 Altrincham, Altrincham, Cheshire

Anne Beard , Lodger, 30, b. 1841 Altrinchame, Altrincham, Cheshire

James Grimes , Lodger, 23, Newry Ireland, mason, Altrincham, Cheshire


1874 RIC Service [see Bryansford and Newcastle Parish]

James Treacy, 40041, b. 1856.5 Galway Mayo


40041 James Treacy, 17.5 years, 5'8.5", b. Galway Mayo, Catholic, b. 28/12/80 wife from Down, recommended by S I Smith, None [trade], allocated 6 Feb 74, served Belfast 29 August 1874 - Down 1/8/76 - Meath 1/3/81, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 17.3.99 40041D/45075, Cond in Tipperary


1878 RIC Service

Patrick Tracy, 43623, b. 1858 Fermanagh


43623 Patk Tracy, 20 years, 5'10.75", b. Fermanagh, Catholic, recommended by S.J. Frazer, farmer, allocated 6 April 78, served Down 31 Dec 78 - Belfast 1/7/79 - Tyrone 20-11-83, Punishments, drowned 5/7/84 43623D/89590, When bathing, Cond in Donegal


7 July 1884 (BL) Sad Bathing Accident at Stewartstown

...a policeman named Patrick Tracey was drowned...deceased who was about 26 years of age, and of a powerful build, came from Belleck, County Fermanagh. He had only been six years in the service, during five of which he had been stationed in Belfast. He came to Stewartstown about six months ago...


12 December 1879 Freeman's Journal

...Con. Tracy from Grey Abbey [Co. Down?] to Ratufrila...


1880 Return of crimes

8 Aug 1878, assault on police, Constable Patrick Higgins & sub-constable James Treacy, Downpatrick Assizes 17th March 1879 7 men received 3 months & 12 other acquitted.


1880 RIC Service

Michael Treacy, 45371, b. 1857 Tyrone


45371 Michl Treacy, 22.75 years, 5'10", b. Tyrone, Catholic, recommended By S.I. Hurst, laborer, allocated 27 Apl 80, served Down 24 Nov 1880, Reward & Punishments, resigned 4.7.91 45371D/55784, To avoid dismissal


4 Oct 1888 (BL) Downpatrick Quarter Sessions

...Thomas Tracey, Deputy Clerk of the Peace...


1891 English Census [see Wicklow] [Note: Alecdon, Cumberland also has other Traceys miners from Wicklow]

The 1891 England census has a Treacey family living at 1a Dyke Street, Arlecdon, Cumberland (RG12 4312 26 p48).  The head of the family is James, a 40 year-old iron ore miner, born in Ireland, Down.  The wife is 40 year-old Ellen, also born in Down.  The children, all born in Alecdon, Cumberland, were

Patrick, 19, Iron ore miner

Thomas, 15, Iron ore labourer

Catherine, 14, General domestic servant

John, 12

Michael, 10

Maggie, 8

James, 6

Ellen, 2

Bessie, 9/12

and there was also a niece Maggie Tape, 5.

Gobbo  Re: Ryding, Riding and Tracey or Tracy 07 May 2008


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.



April 1895 Presbyterian Orphan Society

Elected to the benefits of the society. Class 1 Both parents dead...Tracey, 1, Bangor First...


1895 RIC Service [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Samuel Treacy, 52768, b. 1867 Kilkenny Kildare


52768 Samuel Treacy, 20 years 2 months, 5'19.75", b. Kilkenny Kildare, Protestant, married 24.4.95 wife from Dublin, recommended by DI Newell, famer, allocated 9 Nov 87, served Limerick 29 May '88 - Dublin 15.7.91 - Down 16.7.95 - Belfast 15.2.02, P Act Sergt 1.6.1910 - P Sergt 1.4.1912, 5 Rewards, Disbanded 31-5-22 TS Belfast No 48 CA £195-0-0, Cond Queens & Wicklow





1901 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland


1906 RIC Service

John Treacy, 61643, b. 1887 Down


61643 John Treacy, dob 19 Jan 1887 [18 years], 5'8.125", b. Down, Catholic, recommended by DI Millar, cellaeman, appointed 15 Jan 06 re-appointed 3.12.08 with loss of former service, served Antrim 12 June 1909, Punishment, Discharged 17.1.06 Unfit by sergeon 33706/RI resigned 2.8.11 61643D/58763, to emigrate to America, Contd in Galway


Jun 19, 1909 (IT) RIC The undernamed recruits...No.1 Company...John Tracy, Antrim.

1911 Census:

John, Treacy, 24, M, Ballyscullion, East, Ballyscullion, Antrim (Constable, RC, Bar man?, single, b. Co. Down)


1907 Ulster Street Directory


Patk. Tracey, carman, Lower Water Street


1910 Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory

Newry, County Down

Patrick Tracey, carman, Lower Water st



1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



1912 The Ulster Covenant

Caroline Treacy, Roddens, Down: North 

Mrs Hugh Tracey, Tieveshilly, Down: North 

Joseph Tracey, Ballinran, Down: South 


1913-1922 Military History

Ballykinlar Camp

John Rupert Treacy, [Professor] of Youghal, County Cork, Dublin and Sligo.

Stephen Treacy, senior, of NY and Dublin

Stephen, Treacy, junior, of Dublin

Thomas Treacy, Captain, Commandant IRA Kilkenny & Commandant Ballykinlar Camp

Treacy, Castlegregory, Co. Kerry

No.1 Compound

Stephen Treacy, 44 Upper Wellington street, Dublin

Thomas Treacy, Kilkenny (last commandant)

No.2 Compound

Edward Treacy, Ivy House, Holycross, Tipperary

Stephen Treacy, 44 Upper Wellington street, Dublin

O Duibhir, Liam (2013) Prisoners of War: Ballykinlar Interment Camp 1920-1921. Mercier Press, Cork.


1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen

W Tracey, b. 1890 Down Down

Samuel Robert Treacy, b. 1901 Down Down

Samuel Roberts Treacy, b. Comber [Down]


1920 RIC Service

Thomas Tracey, 70890, b. 1891 Fermanagh


70890 Thomas Tracey, dob 11 Apl 1891, 5'11.5", b. Fermanagh lives Fermanagh, Roman Catholic, recommended by Major Fleming DI, barman ex soldier, appointed 20 Mar 1920, served Down 1.6.1920, resigned 5.10.20 55386D, required at home





Thomas Tracey & Elizabeth Keenan 1838 (Down, Conor & Dromore Marriage Licence Bond)



Joseph Tracey died 1865, Lurgan PLU, Aged 11, b. 1854 [Antrim OR Armagh OR Down]




Debora Tracey, full [age], spinster, lives Craigavad [Holywood] (d. of William Tracey, labourer) married Arthur Cowan, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Rockport [in Craigavad?] (s. of Ross Cowan, labourer) 16 November 1867 Ballygilhest [Ballygilbert? Bangor]  Presbyterian Church Wit: Thomas Jefferson & Eliza Jefferson [Bangor Newtownards PLU]



 Ballyphilip (& Portaferry)


Arthur Tracey & Jane Wilson

Hugh b. 29 November 1866 Portaferry (LDS)


Mary Tracey

My grandmother (Mary Tracey) I was told was born in Glenravel (Martinstown). She married Patrick McCollum from Ballycastle, in Belfast, on 24/6/1886. She is mentioned in a book "When Dublin Was The Capital" by Alison Murphy. I know little about her and I would like to find out, who her parents were and if she has any brothers or sisters. Jane [mailto:gallagher630@btinternet.com]

James Tracey [John Tracey & Jane Curry of Antrim?]

Mary Tracey (b. [1864?] Co. Antrim d.  1948 Portaferry, Co Down) m. Patrick McCallum


1911 Census - 74 New Row Street, Portaferry, Down




 Belfast Ballymacarrett (see also Belfast Antrim)


George Parnell Treacy, 23, bachelor, budener?, lives Belfast, (s. of Robert Treacy, farmer?) married Lizzie/Elizabeth McKay, 19, spinster, BLANK, lives Belfast, (d. of Donald McKay, mechanic?) 26 March 1873 Presbyterian Church Townsend St Belfast Wit: Henry Wells & Jane Gliser? [Belfast PLU Antrim]

George Prescott Tracey/Treacy/Treacey (b. 36 Mcclure Street) & Lizzie/Elizabeth McKay

Clara Hanna Tracey b. 3 Jan 1874 Belfast Castlereagh No 1, Down (LDS) Knockbreda

Jane Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 McClure Street Belfast, Antrim (LDS)

Martha/Maude Treacy b. 28 Feb 1878 Belfast Down Down (LDS)

George Prescott Treacy/Treacey b. 12 Aug 1880 Belfast, Down (LDS)

George Tracey, salesman & Lizzie McKay

Clara Hanna Tracey b. 3 Jan 1874 of 183 Woodstock road. The mark of Margaret Hughes, present at birth, Woodstock road [Castlereagh Belfast PLU Down]


Martin and Treacy - June 19 [1901], at Christ Church, Rathgar, Dublin by the Rev. John Ramsey, LLB, Ballymoney, Alexander Blair, fifth son of the late Robert Martin, 4 Belgrave place, Rathmines, to Jean (Jennie) second daughter of the late George Prescott Treacy, Belfast.


George Prescott Treacy, 39, b. 1881, clerk, of 73 The Mansions Durban m. Elsie Maud Reid, 23, b. 1897, of Shamfordhill Road Durbane, on the  27 Mar 1920 Durban, Natal, South Africa Wit: Mary Smith & Arthur J Smith


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

George Prescott Treacy 24 Jun 1892 4 Waring Street Belfast and Sydenham Down, by Hutchinson M’Kee and Robert J. Murray, Merchants

George Prescott Treacy: The Will of George Prescott Treacy late of 4 Waring-street Belfast and Sydenham County Down Manufacturer's Agent who died 24 June 1892 at latter place was proved at Belfast by Hutchinson M'Kee and Robert J. Murray Merchants both of Belfast the Executors. Date Of Grant: 07/10/1892 Effects: Effects £598 12s [Will: 4 Waring-street Belfast 4th May 1887, Sydenham Belfast County Down, my present wife Eliza Treacy, £40 per year to my wife for the support of herself and the children provided she remains unmarried]



George P Tracey, Belfast Co Antrim, 372 13th Feb 1891

George Prescot Tracey, 26 Jul 1882, Lodge 372 Gillhall Down, To 31. Died 24 Dec ‘93


25 June 1892 (BL)

Treacy - June 24. at his residence, Coosilla House, Lower Sydenharm, Belfast, George Preseott Treacy. The remains of my beloved husband will be removed for interment in the City Cemetery, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at three o clock…


18 Oct 1892 (BL) Notices

In the Goods of George Prescott Treacy, late of Belfast, in the County of Antrim, Commission Agent, Deceased....on or about the 24th June 1892...


14 Nov 1894 (BL) Dublin Day by Day

The election of twelve candidates as pupils of the Masonic Orphan Boys School was announced today...Albert R. Treacy, son of the late Mr. George Prescott Treacy, commission agent, Belfast...1679 votes...[1901 Census Dundrum, Dublin]


1901 Census of England

George Prescott Treacy, 20, Belfast, A B Seaman, Glamorganshire


Neill family tree (LDS)

Clara Hannah Treacy b 3 January 1874 183 Woodstock Road, Belfast married Archibald Fletcher 19 December 1898 St Annes Cathedral Church of Ireland, Belfast 1901 Census 1901 Govan, Lanarkshire

Maude Victoria Treacy b. 24 May 1888 Sydenham Belfast d. 21 June 1961 Belfast. 1901 Census Main Street, Bangor, Co Down.

Ruby Florence Treacy b. 19 January 1883 211 Lorne Terrace, Belfast d. 2 July 1953 Hamilton, Auckland, New Zealand 1901 Census Kingstown, Dublin 1911 Census Rathmines & Rathgar West Dublin. married Harry Neill Forsythe 1911 New Zealand


James Tracey, 23, bachelor, boiler maker, lives 21 Scotch Row Ballymacarrett [Knockbreda Down], (s. of James Tracey, living, rigger) married Maria Robinson, 21, spinster, nil [profession], lives 16 Barrack St Belfast, (d. of Henry Robinson, living, labourer) 26 January 1890 RC Chapel St Mary Wit: Edward Boylan & Mary Boylan [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [see Antrim]


John Tracey, of full age, bachelor, boiler maker, lives Fraser St, (s. of James Tracey, rigger) married Mary/M Agnes O'Neill, 20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Fraser St, (d. of John O'Neill, saddler) 25 April 1893 RC Chapel St. Matthews Wit: John McWilliams & Ellen Jane Trainor [Castlereagh Belfast PLU Down]


Michael Tracey/Tracy, f [full age], bachelor, labourer, lives 62 Sheriff St, (s. of Francis Tracey, farmer) married Mary A. Matthews, f [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 62 Sheriff St, (d. of Peter Matthews, labourer) 14 June 1896 RC Chapel St. Matthew Wit: David McCorry & Mary McCorry [Castlereagh Belfast PLU Down]



Mary Tracy died 1864, Belfast PLU, aged 50, b. 1814, died 2 Mar 1864 Ballymacarrett Knockbreda, [Belfast City Down] Martin Tracy son



 Bryansford and Newcastle


James Tracey married Ellen Doran 28 Dec 1880 Wit: James Doran & Harriette Doran. Bryansford and Newcastle Parish

James Tracey, 24, bachelor, Constabulary, lives Bryansford [in Ballyhafry and Aghacullion Kilcoo], (s. of James Tracey, pensioner?) married Ellen Doran, 20, spinster, BLANK, lives Dress Make, (d. of John Doran, farmer) 28 December 1880 RC Chapel Bryansford Wit: James Doran & Harriet Doran, signed her mark [Bryansford Kilkeel PLU]


40041 James Treacy, 17.5 years, 5'8.5", b. Galway Mayo, Catholic, b. 28/12/80 wife from Down, recommended by S I Smith, None [trade], allocated 6 Feb 74, served Belfast 29 August 1874 - Down 1/8/76 - Meath 1/3/81, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 17.3.99 40041D/45075, Cond in Tipperary


1901 Census

James Treacy, 45, M, 28 Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Police Pensioner, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Galway

Ellen Treacy, 39, F, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Down

James Treacy, 17, M, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Post Boy, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Meath

John Treacy, 14, M, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Down [joined RIC]

Harriet Treacy, 7, F, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Down

Catherine Treacy, 4, F, Church Street, Bryansford, Down, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Meath

1911 Census

James Treacy, 55, M, 6 Valentia Place, Newcastle, Down (R.I.C. pensioner, b. Galway)

Ellen Treacy, 50, F, Valentia Place, Newcastle, Down (married 29 years, 7 child 4 alive)

Hariet Treacy, 17, F, Valentia Place, Newcastle, Down (daughter)

Catherine Treacy, 15, F, Valentia Place, Newcastle, Down (daughter, b. Meath)


John Treacy, 61643, b. 1887 Down


61643 John Treacy, dob 19 Jan 1887 [18 years], 5'8.125", b. Down, Catholic, recommended by DI Millar, cellaeman, appointed 15 Jan 06 re-appointed 3.12.08 with loss of former service, served Antrim 12 June 1909, Punishment, Discharged 17.1.06 Unfit by surgeon 33706/RI resigned 2.8.11 61643D/58763, to emigrate to America, Contd in Galway


Jun 19, 1909 (IT) RIC The undernamed recruits...No.1 Company...John Tracy, Antrim.

1911 Census:

John, Treacy, 24, M, Ballyscullion, East, Ballyscullion, Antrim (Constable, RC, Bar man?, single, b. Co. Down)





Matthew Tracy married Catherine McCoy 14 Oct 1859 Wit: William Smith & Catherine McCoy. Clonuff Parish





Denis Treacy (s. of Stephen Treacy & Catherine, uterque Tolka Cottages) of 6 Tolka Cottages m. Anne Hanna (d. of Richard Hanna & Anne, uterque Drumnacoyle [Drumanaquoile Kilmegan] Co. Down) of 63 Eccles St on the 25 June 1872 Wit: Daniel Treacy of 6 Tolka cottages & Catherine MacBride of 10 Upper Rutland. St St. Michan’s RC [see Stephen Treacy]

Denis Tracey, of full age, bachelor, porter, lives 6 Tolka Cottages Drumcondra, (s. of Stephen Tracey, living, coachman) married Anne Hanna, of full age, spinster, servant, lives 63 Eccleds Strt, (d. of Richard Hanna, living, farmer) 25 June 1872 St Minchan N Anne St Wit: Daniel Tracey & Kate McBride [Dublin North PLU]


2 September 1914 (FJ) Death [Dublin]

Treacy - Sept 1, 1914, at the Hardwicke Hospital, Anne Treacy, widow of the late Denis Treacy, Dorset street, and daughter of the late James Hanna, Co. Down, and mother of Treacy Brothers, Jervis Lane; regretted by her sorrowing sons and a large circle of friends. R.I.P. Funeral from Aughrim street church at 10.30 o'clock on to-morrow (Thursday) morning for Glasnevin Cemetery. Northern papers, please copy.



 Downpatrick (&  Down)


1. Daniel Tracy (Bradesman hatter, gardener, coachman), born January 29, 1795 at Kilkeel, Co. Down. Died February 4 1876 at Schuyler Falls, NY.

(1) Married Mary Hanna of Downpatrick, Co. Down on 16 December 1818 OR 8 December 1816 (b. June 10 1792, died November 18 1856 at Schuyler Falls, NY)


  1. Has ChildrenCATHERINE TRACY b: 3 AUG 1818 in Downpatrick, County Down, Ireland
  2. Has ChildrenMARGARET TRACY b: 10 OCT 1821 in Downpatrick, County Down, Ireland
  3. Has ChildrenWILLIAM TRACY b: 10 NOV 1823 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  4. Has ChildrenALICE TRACY b: 31 MAY 1825 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  5. Has ChildrenMARY TRACY b: 25 NOV 1826 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  6. Has ChildrenDANIEL H. TRACY b: 20 JUN 1828 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  7. Has No ChildrenJOHN TRACY b: 1 OCT 1830 in Plattsburg, NY
  8. Has ChildrenJAMES PATRICK TRACY b: 10 AUG 1832 in Plattsburgh, NY
  9. Has ChildrenELLEN TRACY b: 6 MAR 1836 in Plattsburgh, NY
  10. Has ChildrenJOHN TRACY b: 6 AUG 1838 in Plattsburgh, NY

They left for Canada, c.1821-22, on the "Empress of Killales". Once in Canada, they moved south to the US, and settled in Grand Isle, Vermont. They then moved to Schuyler Falls, NY. M.Tracy

(2) Married Anna Cook 8 February 1867 at St. John's Catholic church, Plattsburgh, NY.

(LDS Compact Disc #107 Pin #834401)


daniel tracy.jpg

Daniel Tracy of County Down Ireland, lives Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York, naturalised 28 Jan 1840 [signature]


Decendants of Daniel H. Tracy b: 20 JUN 1828 in Grand Isle, Vermont



I am looking for information and living descendants of Daniel and Mary Tracy of Schuyler Falls. Daniel was born on 1/29/1795 in County Down, Ireland and his wife, Mary Hanna Tracy was born on 6/10/1792 in County Down, Ireland. They had the following children: Catherine born 1818, married Francis McCadden, Maragaret born in 1820 and married Charles Kean, William born in 1823 married Ellen Jorden and Alice Tracy was born in May 31, 1825 in Grand Isle, Vermont. and married Thomas Manas / McManus of Plattsburgh, New York. They had five children: Mary, Daniel (m. Bridget Kenney in 1879 in Chicago), Matthew, Alice and Thomas (b. 1855 - 1861 in NY records vary. Thomas married Helen, Kate Riley (31 Dec 1883) and Mary Fauser (29 Jan 1890). The McManus family is listed in the 1860 Federal Census for Schuyler Falls, Clinton County and in the 1870 Census for Center Twp., Lake Co., IN. Mary Fauser is my great grandmother. Please contact me if you have any additional information or photos of this family. Unfortunately this is all I know and I don't have any pictures.



Manuscripts of Michael T. Tracy: Tracy Family

Table of Contents:
John William Tracy (1924-1980), Last Patriot of an American Family
Robert Bernard Tracy (1925-1971), A Life of Remembrance
We Meet Him Now Only in Memory: Arthur Edward (Barney) Tracy (1930-2010)
William Bernard Tracy (1867-1920)
Genevieve Agnes (Tracy) Draper (1893-1944)
Alice Catherine (Tracy) Phillips (1897-1978)
Charles Allen (Bud) Tracy (1897-1931)
Daniel H. Tracy (1828-1907)
Peter Matthew Tracy (1850-1924)
Mary Tracy (1852-1904)
Ellen Margaret (Tracy) Conroy (1854-1919)
John Thomas Tracy (1855-1899)
Chicago Fire Department Lt. James Patrick Tracy
Charles F. Tracy (1861-1911)
Edward Andrew Tracy
Daniel Tracy (1795-1876)
Catherine (Tracy) McCadden (1818-1893)
Margaret (Tracy) Kean (1821-1906)
Alice (Tracy) McManus (1825-1907)
Mary (Tracy) Brenan (1826-1909)
James Patrick Tracy (1832-1922), A Builder of Chicago, Illinois & Atchison, Kansas
Ellen (Tracy) McWilliams (1836-1903)
John Tracy (1838-1909), The Man Who Followed the Union Pacific Railroad






The Tracy Family Compendium

Michael T. Tracy

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 15 May 2017 - 276 pages

The family surname of Tracy has a lineage going back to the year of 1795 when Daniel Tracy was born in Kilkeel, County Down in present day Northern Ireland. There are several recorded spellings of the surname including Tracy, Tracey and Treacy. The Gaelic spelling of the surname is O'Treasaigh which translates as "The descendant of the war-like one." However, it is English in its earliest recorded origins dating back to the followers of William, The Conqueror, in 1066. The current branch of the surname dates to Daniel Tracy (1795-1876) who left Ireland in late 1821 and settled with his wife, Mary Hanna and two young children in Grand Isle, Vermont later relocating to Plattsburgh, Clinton County, New York. This is the most complete and comprehensive book written to date on this family. Over 40 years of information was researched and now is assembled on the history of this family covering 7 generations spanning over two hundred years. This work included biographies and photographs of Tracy forebears as well as encompassing the present day living descendants. These are the records of our ancestors and it is to their memories that this work is lovingly dedicated for all time.




Marie Treacy, 1983 Down Down





Samuel Treacy married Isabella Stevenson in 1923 at 1st Holywood Presbyterian Church







Tony Tracey, 1985, Kilbroney Down






Elizabeth Tracey, 1942, Kilcoo Down

Robert Tracey, 1989, Kilcoo Down





Note: Online baptisms end 1878 and marriages end 1869.


1. Daniel Tracy (Bradesman hatter, gardener, coachman), born January 29, 1795 at Kilkeel, Co. Down. Died February 4 1876 at Schuyler Falls, NY.

(1) Married Mary Hanna of Downpatrick, Co. Down on 16 December 1818 OR 8 December 1816  (b. June 10 1792, died November 18 1856 at Schuyler Falls, NY)


  1. Has ChildrenCATHERINE TRACY b: 3 AUG 1818 in Downpatrick, County Down, Ireland
  2. Has ChildrenMARGARET TRACY b: 10 OCT 1821 in Downpatrick, County Down, Ireland
  3. Has ChildrenWILLIAM TRACY b: 10 NOV 1823 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  4. Has ChildrenALICE TRACY b: 31 MAY 1825 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  5. Has ChildrenMARY TRACY b: 25 NOV 1826 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  6. Has ChildrenDANIEL H. TRACY b: 20 JUN 1828 in Grand Isle, Vermont
  7. Has No ChildrenJOHN TRACY b: 1 OCT 1830 in Plattsburg, NY
  8. Has ChildrenJAMES PATRICK TRACY b: 10 AUG 1832 in Plattsburgh, NY
  9. Has ChildrenELLEN TRACY b: 6 MAR 1836 in Plattsburgh, NY
  10. Has ChildrenJOHN TRACY b: 6 AUG 1838 in Plattsburgh, NY

They left for Canada, c.1821-22, on the "Empress of Killales". Once in Canada, they moved south to the US, and settled in Grand Isle, Vermont. They then moved to Schuyler Falls, NY. M.Tracy

(2) Married Anna Cook 8 February 1867 at St. John's Catholic church, Plattsburgh, NY.

(LDS Compact Disc #107 Pin #834401)





William Tracey & Mary Topham

Elizabeth b. 1 July 1859 Magheralin (LDS)



 Newry (see also Armagh)


Robert Tracy & Mary

John Tracy b. 4 Jul 1819 Sp. Patrick Downey & Catherine Conley. Newry Parish


Mary Tracy & Daniel Lehiff

James Lehiff b. 17 Dec 1829 Sp. James Morrison & Catherine McArdle. Newry Parish


Patrick Tracy [of Roscommon?] & Margt

Mary Ann Tracy b. 2 Apr 1840 Sp. Patrick & Eliz Mone. Newry Parish (30 Reg)

Mary Tracy b. 2 Apr 1840 Sp. James & Margt Hogan

Mark Tracy b. 22 Apr 1840 Sp. Patrick Baly & Mary Ann M'Caudl. Newry Parish (30 Reg) [born Bermuda 1836]


Ann Tracy & Michl Connor

William Connor b. 17 Nov 1847 Sp. John Ryan & Mary Connor. Newry Parish


Mary Tracy & John Toris

John Toris b. 6 Oct 1850 Sp. Wm & Mary Cunningham. Newry Parish


James Tracy married Mary McCornish/McCormick of Newry 14 Jan 1851 Wit: James Donnelly & Jane Beatty. Newry Parish


Mary Tracy & John English

John English b. 9 May 1856 Sp. Sarah Reily. Newry Parish


Patrick/Patk Tracy/Trassy/Tracey/Treacy & Mary Jane Linden/McAlendon/McAlinden [see Drumcree Armagh]

James Tracy b. 23 Aug 1858 Sp. Bernard Gollegly & Cathne Berry. Newry Parish

Edward Trassy b. 14 Oct 1860 Sp. John Kelly & Bridget Donelly. Newry Parish

Patrick Tracey b. 5 Oct 1862 Sp. John Fyan & Bridget Kelly. Newry Parish

Edwd Tracey b. 31 Oct 1864 Sp Arthur Lenihan & Cath Tracey. Newry Parish (Edward b. 30 October 1864 Newry (LDS)

Mary Tracey b. 6 Jan 1867 Sp. John Kilis & Anne M'Craffry. Newry Parish (Mary Ann b. 3 January 1867 Newry LDS)

Cecila Tracey b. 29 Nov 1868 Sp. Michl Grimes & Bridget Nuller. Newry Parish (Cecilia b. 22 November 1868 LDS)

John Tracey b. 31 Oct 1870 Sp. John McAlinden & Eliza Tracey . Newry Parish (John b. 26 October 1870 Newry No 2, Down LDS)

Patrick Treacey/Treacy/Tracey, car driver/groom, & Mary Jane McAlenden/McAlinder/McAlinden

Edward Treacey b. 13 Oct 1864 of Mall Newry [Newry]. Patrick Tracey, father, Mall, his mark [Newry Newry PLU Down]

Mary Ann Treacy b. 3 Jan 1867 of Mall Newry. Patrick Treacy, his mark, father, Mall [Newry Newry PLU]

Cecilia Tracey b. 22 Nov 1868 of Mall Newry [Newry] Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Mall [Newry Newry PLU]

John Treacey b. 26 Oct 1870 The Mall Newry. Patrick Treacy, his mark, father, The Mall [Newry Newry PLU]


Edward Treacy died 1864, Newry PLU, aged 4, b. 1860, died 17 Jul 1864 Newry, Patrick Treacy parent


Edward Tracey married Catherine Gibson 2 Apr 1934 Newry Cathedral. Newry Parish


John Tracey married Susan O'Reilly of Newry 6/8 Jun 1914 Wit: Thomas Byrne & Minnie Rafferty. Newry Parish

John Tracy, 44, batchelor, labourer, of Lindsay Hill, (s. of Patrick Tracey, car owner, dead) married Susan O'Reilly, 32, spinster, servant, of High street, (d. of Bernard O'Reilly, Laneporter?, dead) 8 June 1914 Newry Cathedral Wit: Thomas Byrne & Mennie Rafferty


Cecilia Tracey married Patrick Givney 5 Oct 1914 Wit: John Tracey & Mary Jane Darne. Newry Parish

Cecilia Tracey, full age, spinster, housekeeper, of Lindsay Hill, (d. of Patrick Tracey, car owner, dead) married Patrick Gibney, 43, widower, stonecutter, of Yewtown Plattin, (s. of Patrick Gibney, stonecutter) 14 Oct 1914 Newry Cathedral Wit: John Tracy & Mary Jane Derine


Mrs.Mary Jane Tracy of Lindsay Hill, Newry; widow of a car owner; died 26 Sep 1915 aged 75 from cerebtal apoplexy (8 days); G Tracey of Lindsay Hill (son) present at death



Patricia Tracey, full age, spinster, of Highgate Hills London, (d. of John Tracey, builder) married Geoffrey Ruthven Austin, full age, batchelor, capt in Army D.I. special constable, of The Barracks Newry, (s. of Thomas Austin Austin, clerk in Holy Orders, deceased) 25 January 1921 Church of St Mary Church of Ireland



Mary Michael Tracy, 1852 Newry Down

Patrick Treacy, 1908 Newry Down





Movilla Cemetery, Newtownards, County Down.




In memory of

a beloved husband and father

Alphonsus, died 20th Jan 1974

Also his daughter Kathleen Elizabeth Noble

died 14th Feb. 1995, aged 52.

And his wife Kathleen Josephine Tracey

Died 15th July 1995, aged 74.

Kathleen Elkzabeth Noble Tracey




In loving memory of

a dear husband and father

James (Jim)

died 30th January 1996




 Tullyfish or Seapatrick (& Banbridge)


Miss Margaret Tracey, Seapatrick Parish, regd. Banbridge; daughter of Robert Tracey; married John Hunter 26 Mar 1852

Margaret Tracey (d. of Robert Tracey) m. John Hunter (s. of William Hunter) 26 Mar 1852 Banbridge, Down, Ire 

Margaret Tracey, full age, spinster, servant, lives Moyallen parish of Tullyfish, (d. of Robt Tracey, cooper) married John Hunter, full age, bachelor, servant, lives Moyallen, (s. of Wm Hunter, carpenter) 26 March 1852 Banbridge Registrar's Office Wit: Andw Sheppard & James Finch [Banbridge Banbridge PLU]


William Tracy married Mary Loughlin of Gilford [Tullylish] 29 Jan 1859 Wit: William Bridget & Sarah Raverty. Tullylish Parish Co. Down [see Belfast Antrim]

William Tracy & Mary Loughlin

Harriot Tracy b. 2 Apr 1860 Sp. William Bridget & Ellen Loughlin. Tullylish Parish


Thos Tracy & Anne Connor

Johanna Tracy b. 2 Oct 1864 Sp. Peter Mooney & Mary A Geoghegan. Seapatrick Parish

Thomas Tracy & Anne

Joanna b. 1 October 1864 Banbridge (LDS)

Thomas Tracy, mason, & Anne Mollin?

Joanna Tracy b. 1 Oct 1864 of Scarva St Banbridge [Seapatrick]. Jane Mulligan, occupier of house the child was born in, present at birth, Banbridge.[Banbridge Banbridge PLU]






Donaghadee: a local history list,

Clandeboye: a reading guide,

Killyleagh & Crossegar: a local history list,

"Provisional list of pre-1900 School Registers in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland", UHGGN, 9, pp 60-71

Atkinson, Edward D. Dromore, an Ulster Diocese, Dundalk, 1925.

Atkinson, Edward D. An Ulster Parish: Being a History of Donaghcloney, 1898.

Barry, J. Hillsborough: a parish in the Ulster Plantation, 1982

Canavan, T. Frontier town: an illustrated history of Newry, Belfast, Blackstaff Press, , 1989

Carr, P. The most unpretending of places: a history of Dundonald, Belfast, White Row Press, 1987

Cowan, J. Davison An Ancient Parish, Past and Present; being the Parish of Donaghmore, County Down, London, 1914.

Crossle, Francis Local Jottings of Newry Collected and Transcribed, Vols 1-34, Newry, 1890-1910.

Ewart, L.M. Handbook to the dioceses of Down, Connor & Dromore,

Haddock, Josiah A Parish Miscellany, Donaghcloney,

Hill, Rev. George Montgomery Manuscripts, 1603-1706, Belfast, 1869.

Irwin, David Tide and Times in the 'Port: a narrative history of the Co. Down village of Groomsport, Groomsport, Groomsport Presbyterian Church, 1993

James W.V. Strangford: The Forgotten Past of Strangford Village, Belfast, The Northern Whig, 1994

Keenan, Padraic Historical Sketch of the Parish of Clonduff, Newry, 1941.

Keenan, Padraic 'Clonallon Parish; its Annals and Antiquities', Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol. X

Knox, Alexander History of the County Down, Dublin, 1875.

Linn, Capt. Richard A history of Banbridge, Belfast, 1935.

McCavery ,T. Newtown: a history of Newtownards, Belfast, White Row Press, 1994

McCullough, S. Ballynahinch, Centre of Down. Ballynahinch, Chamber of Commerce, 1968

O'Laverty, Rev. James An Historical Account of the Dioceses of Down and Connor, Dublin, 1878-89.

Parkinson, Edward The City of Down from its earliest days, Belfast, 1928.

Pilson, A. Downpatrick & its Parish Church, 1852.

Pooler, L.A. Down and its Parishes, 1907.

Reeves, William Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor and Dromore, 1847.

Reside, S.W. St Mary's Church, Newry; its History, 1933.

Shearman, H Ulster, London, 1949.

Smith, Charles The Ancient and Present State of the County of Down, Dublin, 1744

Smith, K. Bangor Reading List, Journal of the Bangor Historical Society.

Wilson, A.M. Saint Patrick's Town, Isabella Press, 1995

Last update: 05 August 2024