Dr Martin L Tracey Jr
Patricii Tracy
& Elleanorae Hanly [see Treacy
Headstone, Kilteevan Cemetery, Co Roscommon.]
Mariam Annam Tracey b. 25 Feb 1858 Sp. Martino McDonnell & Maria Murray. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)
Elleanoram Tracy b. 20 Jan 1860 Sp. Michl Tracy & Elleanor Tracy? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)
Patritium Treacy b. 2 Nov 1861 Sp. Michalu Hanly & Cathr Denison. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)
Mariam Treacy b. 18 Jun 1863 Sp. Jonaene
Treacy? & Elleanna Siggins. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)
Gullilmus Tracy b. 26 Nov/19 Dec 1867 of Clonca [Clooncah Kilteevan] Sp.
Joannes Siggons & Anna Siggons. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)*
Pat Tracy & Ellen Hanly
Catherine Eliza b. 8 August 1865 Ballyleague District (LDS) [August 1865 missing from online registers]
Tracy b. 1 or 3 Dec 1867 Ballyleague (LDS)
Pat Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Hanly
Cathr Eliza Treacy b. 8 Aug 1865 of Clooncagh [Clooncah] Kilteevan. Ellen Treacy, her mark, presant at birth, Cloonmore Kilteevan [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]
08-23-1902 Irish World (New York)
Deaths..Treacey - July 25, at Shannon View, Mrs E. Treacey, Shannon View House,
Clooncagh, Roscommon, age 74 years..
1901 Census
Patrick Tracey, 36, M, 1 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Ellen Tracey, 70, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Roman Catholic, Mother, Widow, Co Roscommon
Margaret Dunigan, 35, Female, Niece, Roman Catholic, Domestic Servant, Read and write, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Rev Monsignor Michael Joseph Treacy (1855-1938 Ireland)
Rev Monsignor M. J. [Michael Joseph] Treacy, (1855-1938 Ireland) Vicar-General of Deniliquin parish priest for more
than 40 years.
Rev Mgr Michael J Treacy Deceased 20 May 1938
(Deniliquin, etc, NSW)
The Diary of Father Paul Kehoe
..20th. [Feb 1881] (Sunday) Magnificent sermon
(half an hour) from Mr. Treacy, by far the best I’ve heard yet..
Michael Treacy, entered 1877, Kilteevan, to
Goulburn N.S.W.
All Hallows Annual
22 Oct 1932 (CTr) Control of dance
The golden
jubilee of the ordination to the priesthood of the Right rev Monsignor M. J. [Michael
Joseph] Treacy, Prolonotary Apatone (a native of Clooncagh, Roscommon), has
been celebrated by special services in St. Michael's Church, Deneliquin, New
South wales, Australia..the Pope sent his photograph..Pius XI..
17 Feb 1933 The Argus (Melbourne,
Dispute. Priest And Laymen Concerned
Due to Misunderstanding:.
(NSW), Thursday.
In the
police court to-day a case was called in which the Right Rev. Monsignor Michael
Joseph Treacy, of St Michael's Roman Catholic Church Deniliquin was proceeded
against by Patrick William Maher, a for mer mayor of Deniliquin on a charge of
having used insulting words inside the church on January 1. A further charge
was laid by Maher against Monsignor Treacy of having used abusive language
outside the church on the same day. Maher also charged Monsignor Treacy with
having unlawfully assaulted him and James Michael Maher, son of Patick William
Maher, also laid a charge against Monsignor Treacy of having used insulting
words. A counter-summons was issued by Monsignor Treacy against J. M. Maher
that he had allegedly used insulting words on January 1. On the application of
Mr Eugene Gorman. K.C. (instructed by Messrs Sullivan and Kelly), who appeared
for Monsignor Treacy, and of Mr. J. Y. Davidson (for Maher) Mr. G. Johnstone,
P.M., agreed to strike the cases out.
Mr Gorman
said that Mr. Maher and Monsignor Treacy desired the cases to be stuck out
,accompanied by the following statement Mr. Gorman said:-
two parties are members of the one congregation. Both are very estimable
people, each affectcd with a certain strong will of his own. It is a blend of
classic simplicity and Celtic expansiveness. The dispute arose at the church
among the congregation concerned. In consequence of the disturbance of his
church services at a time which was regarded as very sacred, Monsignor Treacy
wrongly considered that Mr Maher had deliberately left the church at the time. In
consequence, certain remonstrances were instituted in the course of which the
cause of mutual complaint occurred. Monsignor Treacy wished to say that from
the information in his possession he now realised that Mr. Maher had no
intention whatever of deliberately disturbing the services. It was a
misapprehension on his part, which he was unable to correct at the time. Things
which ensued included the stopping of Mr. Maher from entering the church. This
was based on something which Monsignor Treacy thought to be a fact, but which
he knew now was not. He had been under a misapprehension, and now wished to
express his regret to Mr. Maher. Mr Maher wished to say that any expression
which he be used under provocation arose through a misunderstanding.
30 May 1936 (CTr) In Roscommon
Mr Andrew
Joseph Heavey, Cloonabricka House, Ballygar, died..and brother-in-law to Right
Rev Monsignor Treacey, Pro Mortary Apostolic, Denelquin, New South Wales..
May 21, 1938 Irish Times Right Rev. Monsignor William T. Treacy [error
Michael Joseph Treacy]
The Right Rev. Monsignor
William T. Treacy, Protonotary Apostolic Vicar General of Wilcania, Australia.
He was a native of Roscommon, and was educated at Summer Hill College, Athlone,
and All Hallows Dublin, before his ordination in 1882. For a number of years he
worked as a missionary in Goulburn and Deniliquin, New South Wales. He was
appointed Vicar general of the Diocese of Wilcania in 1889, and on two
occasions he was Administrator of the diocese during the absence of the Bishop.
In 1902 he was made a Domestic Prelate to the Pope, and he returned home from
Australia some time ago. He died on the 20th May 1938 in Dublin.
24 May 1938 The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)
Monsignor Treacey. Deniliquin,
A cable from Ireland announces
the death of the Right Rev. Monsignor Michael Joseph Treacey, Prothonotary
Apostolic, at the age of 83.
He was born at Rosscommon,
Ireland. He studied for the priesthood at. Maynooth College, and came to
Australia 55 years ago, His first mission was in the Goulburn diocese, where he
remained about four years. He then went to Hay, as curate, and later succeeded
Father Kieley as parish priest there. After about ll years at Hay. he came to
Deniliquin as parish priest, where, for over 40 years, he guided the affairs of
this parish. In February last, Monsignor Treacey left here on a health trip to
26 May 1938 Riverine Herald (Echuca, Vic.)
Monsignor Treacy
Tho death occurred in Ireland,
last Friday, of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Treacy, of Doniliquln, who was well and
favorably known In Echuca and district.
The deceased prelate left
Australia a few months ago on a visit to Ireland, in the hope that the trip
would improve his health, following a serious accident in Melbourne last year.
The late Monsignor studied for the priesthood in Ireland, and 56 years ago he
came to Australia and was stationed for practically the whole of that time in
the Hay and Denlliquln districts. He was also Vicar-general In Wilcannla
Diocese for some time. He also held the very high honor of being a Prothonotary
Apostolic, be stowed upon him by His Holiness The Pope.
The decensed was 84 years of
ago, and he will be mourned by a very wide circle of his parishioners and members
of the Protestant donominations. A man of outstanding ability, he possessed: a
genial personality, and although outspoken at times ho al ways took a broad
view of life and a sympathetic understanding for those who differed with him.
1938-39 All Hallows Annual
It was granted to Monsignor
Michael J. Treacy, P.P., of Deniliquin, Wilcannia-Forbes, to die in Ireland
after more than half a century of priestly work in Australia. The privilege of
dying in Holy Ireland was not sought by him. He was still active and vigorous
and had merely come to visit some relatives. Despite his apparent health and
energy, the long journey must have taxed his strength and the end came in May,
We cull the following from the
obituary notice that appeared in the Melbourne Advocate :
“ A native of Roscommon,
Monsignor Treacy was eighty-three years of age. Coming to the Australian
mission fifty-five years ago, his first labours were in the Goulburn diocese.
After four years at Goulburn, he transferred to the diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes,
which had just been established, with the late Dr. John Dunne as the first
“ Father Treacy, as he then
was, was appointed assistant priest at Hay, later becoming pastor. After eleven
years at Hay, he went to Deniliquin as parish priest. For forty years he was in
charge of the parish—a record seldom equalled. In 1901 he was appointed a
Domestic Prelate to the Holy Father with the rank and title of Monsignor— a
Papal honour he had held longer than any other living priest in Australia. In
1926 he was appointed a Protonotary Apostolic.
“ A man of very strong
personality and force of character, the deceased prelate had a brusquerie and
directness of speech and manner which masked his essential kindliness of heart.
He had definite opinions, and was not afraid to express them in any company—for
he had the courage of these opinions.
“ Many stories are told of
Monsignor Treacy, for he was, in many ways, an original, and it is around such
striking and picturesque personalities that stories tend to gather.
“ But the best stories, and
those by which his memory will most enduringly be kept green, are accounts of
his real generosity and genuine, impulsive kindness. Living as he did so long
in the West and Far West of New South Wales, he knew many types of people—and
all sections of the community respected him. To pastoralists, selectors,
bushmen, his was a well-known figure. And not merely a well-known one, for,
knowing his true worth, they esteemed him, and not least for the bluff manner
that was a mark of his character.
“ A worthy and zealous priest,
Monsignor Treacy will be sincerely mourned.”
His Lordship Right Revd. Dr.
Fox, Bishop of Wilcannia- Forbes, celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Requiem at the
Cathedral in the presence of a large gathering of clergy and laity.
17, 2008 The Sydney Morning Herald - Harriet Alexander
Thy will be done - and it took only 70 years
The estate of a Catholic priest who died in
1938 will finally reach the people to whom it was bequeathed after 70 years of
legal wrangling and inaction.
The gap between the death of Michael Joseph
Treacy and the distribution of his assets is long even by the standards of a
legal system marked by seemingly interminable pauses between court dates.
It has outlasted the executor of the estate,
several solicitors, the judge who originally ruled on how it should be divided,
Mr Treacy's sister, who was the primary beneficiary, and three of the
charitable organisations that were to receive legacies after herdeath.
But Justice William Windeyer made orders in the
Supreme Court yesterday that the fund - now worth $213,645 - be distributed to
most of Mr Treacy's chosen organisations, saying he wished to bring the matter
to a conclusion before he retired.
The 23 beneficiaries include the Pope, Catholic
priesthoods and churches in Ireland, Italy and four Australian states. The
bequests to an orphanage and a home for young mothers, long since gone, have
been dispersed to the charitable funds that succeeded them.
Mr Treacy died with assets amounting to
His dying wishes were complicated because he
promised more than he could afford and his older sister had left him her
estate, confusing which assets were his and which he held in trust for his
A judicial enquiry settled that matter in 1948,
but further questions over how the funds should be distributed arose, leading
to a judge ordering that the disparate claimants be identified and consulted.
The Deniliquin solicitor who had handled the
matter until that point "either gave up practising or gave up trying to
bring the matter to any conclusion" when faced with this challenge,
Justice Windeyer said in yesterday's judgment, and the will lay dormant for 15
There was another burst of activity in 1970
when a new solicitor suggested that since that judge had retired, a new equity
judge might make some more practical orders, but the matter petered out again
in 1971.
"It might well have been a matter which …
was handed to any new solicitor happening to arrive in that office as a new
recruit who was told to do something to bring it to a head and failed to do
that before he or she left that employment," Justice Windeyer said.
New proceedings were not commenced until last
2 Mr
Michael Joseph Treacy made a will on 26 August 1936 and a codicil to this
will on 12 February 1938. He died on 20 May 1938. [NSW, Australia]
5 The deceased was a Roman Catholic priest
who, judging by the terms of will, came from Ireland. The estate was sworn as
under the value of £10,312, which meant at that time that the assets in value
added up to about £10,311. This might have created problems as by his will the
deceased gave legacies to various relatives, friends and institutions for a
total amount of well over that figure but the problem was overcome as I will
explain. The gifts included the following gift which forms the subject matter
of the present proceedings before me:
TO my sister Mrs. Bridget Watson Ballymurray
Roscommon Ireland three thousand pounds (£3-000) ON TRUST the interest accruing
from the said sum to be paid to her annually And if it should be less than One
hundred pounds (£100) what will required to bring it to that amount will be
taken from the (£3-000) on trust and added to the interest so that she may
receive One hundred pounds (£100) annually And after her death what will
remain of the Three thousand pounds held in trust by my executors will be
distributed on the various charities hereafter to be mentioned in this Will.
Mary Ann Treacy (1858-)
Mary Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Cloonca [Clooncah] Kilteevan, (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Andrew J. Heavey, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ballygar [Killeroran] Co Galway, (s. of John Heavey, farmer) 25 September 1895 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Thomas Naughton & Ellie Tracey [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] see Killian Galway
1901 Census - 2 Cloonabricra, Castle
Ffrench, Galway
Andrew J |
Heavey |
40 |
Male |
Head of Family |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
Farmer and Miller |
Read and write |
Irish and English |
Married |
Mary A |
Heavey |
38 |
Female |
Wife |
Roman Catholic |
County Roscommon |
- |
Read and write |
- |
Married |
Phillip J M |
Heavey |
4 |
Male |
Son |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
Scholar |
Cannot read |
- |
- |
Elena |
Heavey |
2 |
Female |
Daughter |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
- |
Cannot read |
- |
- |
Katie A |
Tracey |
25 |
Female |
Sister in Law |
Roman Catholic |
County Roscommon |
- |
Read and write |
- |
Not Married |
Mary |
Mannion |
11 |
Female |
Servant |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
Doestic Servant |
Read and write |
- |
1911 Census - 9 Cloonabricka Castleffrench,
Andrew J |
Heavey |
59 |
Male |
Head of Family |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
Farmer and Miller |
Read and write |
Irish and English |
Married |
- |
- |
- |
Mary A |
Heavey |
49 |
Female |
Wife |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
- |
Read and write |
English |
Married |
15 |
2 |
2 |
Phillip J |
Heavey |
14 |
Male |
Son |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
Scholar |
Read and write |
English |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Helena |
Heavey |
12 |
Female |
Daughter |
Roman Catholic |
County Galway |
Scholar |
Read and write |
English |
- |
Patrick Tracey (1861-1947)
Patrick Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (s. of Patrick Treacy, dead, farmer) married Catherine/Kate Gillooly, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Corry [Kilgefin], (d. of John Gillooly, alive, farmer) 02 March 1908 RC Church Ballagh Wit: Patrick Treacey of Clooncagh & Nora Gillooly of N.S. Lamore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]
1911 Census
Patrick Tracey, 46, M, 1 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (farmer)
Kate Tracey, 30, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (married 3 years, 2 child)
Patrick Tracey, 1, M, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon
Ellen Tracey, 0-3 months, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon
Bridget Treacy (1863-)
Bridget Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married John Watson, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Tubberdan [Toberdan St John], (s. of Walter Watson, teacher) 13 February 1896 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Michael Watson & Theresa M Hanly [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]
1901 Census - 9 in Toberdan Leccarrow,
John |
Watson |
41 |
Male |
Head of Family |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
N. Teacher |
Read and write |
Married |
Bridget M |
Watson |
30 |
Female |
Wife |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
House Keeper |
Read and write |
Married |
Mary M |
Watson |
3 |
Female |
Daughter |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
Scholar |
Read |
Not Married |
Barbara M |
Watson |
2 |
Female |
Daughter |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
- |
Cannot read |
Not Married |
Michael |
Watson |
7 months |
Male |
Son |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
- |
Cannot read |
Not Married |
1911 Census - 7 in Corroy Mote, Roscommon
John |
Watson |
51 |
Male |
Head of Family |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
National School Teacher
and Farmer |
Read and write |
Married |
- |
- |
- |
Bridget |
Watson |
45 |
Female |
Wife |
Roman Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
- |
Read and write |
Married |
15years married |
4 children |
4 alive |
Mary |
Watson |
13 |
Female |
Daughter |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
Scholar |
Read and write |
Single |
- |
- |
- |
Barbara |
Watson |
12 |
Female |
Daughter |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
Scholar |
Read and write |
Single |
- |
- |
- |
Michael |
Watson |
10 |
Male |
Son |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
Scholar |
Read and write |
Single |
- |
- |
- |
Ellen |
Watson |
8 |
Female |
Daughter |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
Scholar |
Read and write |
Single |
- |
- |
- |
William |
Glennon |
37 |
Male |
Servant |
R Catholic |
Co Roscommon |
Farm Servant |
Read and write |
Single |
William John Treacy (1867-1948)
25 Nov 1893 (P) 6299 Naturilization
William J. Tracey of Providence, born 15 Nov 1868 Ireland, arrived US 18 Oct 1882, Witnesses John Woffer & John Tracey.
William John Tracy, lives Providence, 27 years, White, laborer, born Ireland, son of Patrick & Ellen, 1st marriage, married Bridget O'Connor, lives Providence, 27 years, white, born Ireland, daughter of Thomas & Ann, 1st marriage 12 June 1895 Providence R.I. by John J McCabe R.C. Pastor
William J Tracy & Bridget M
William John Tracy born 17 Apr 1898 Providence, Rhode Island
William J. Tracy & Bridget M. O'Connor
FEMALE Tracy b. 22 Dec 1899 Providence, Rhode Island
September 07, 1900 The Providence News
On recommendation of the chief of police Thomas J. Drury, Thomas Kelley and Willlam J. Tracy were appointed police constables to fill vacancies existing in the police force.
1900 Census - 46 Pekin Street, Providence,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
William J Tracy, head, b. Nov 1869 Ireland, 30 years, emigrated 1890, 10 years resident, Na, locomotive fireman
Bridget M Tracy, wife, b. Nov 1869 Ireland, 30 years, married 5 years, 3 children 3 alive, emigrated 1887, 13 years resident
Austin P? Tracy, son, b. May 1896 Rhode Island, 4 years,
William Tracy, son, b. Dec 1898 Rhode Island, 2 years,
Marion Tracy, daughter, b. Dec 1899 Rhode Island, 5/12 years,
Michael O'Conner, brother-in-law, b. Dec 1871 Ireland, 28 years, emigrated 1893, 6 years resident, alien, laborer engine house
1905 Census - 38 Osborne St, Providence,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
William J Tracey, head, 34 years, b. Nov 1870 Ireland [7 in family]
Austin P Tracey, son, 9 years, b. 3 May 1896 Providence,
William J Tracey Jr, son, 7 years, b. 17 Apr 1898 Providence
Michael J Tracey, son, 2 years, b. 3 Jan 1903 Providence
1910 Census - 38 Osborne St, Providence,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
William Tracey, Head, 38, b. che? English, emigrated 1892, Na, Policeman City Police
Bridget Tracey, Wife, 38, married 15 years, 5 children 5 alive, b. che? English, emigrated 1886
Patrick Tracey, Son, 14, b. Rhode Island
William Tracey, Son, 12, b. Rhode Island
Marion Tracey, Daughter, 10, b. Rhode Island
Michael Tracey, Son, 7, b. Rhode Island
Thomas Tracey, Son, 3, b. Rhode Island
Mary Fallon, boarder, 39, b. che? English, Domestic housework
William J Tracy & Bridget M. O'Connor
Martin Louis Tracy b. 10 May 1912 Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States
William J Tracey & Bridget Tracy, both born Ireland
Michael Joseph Tracy, born Prov R.I., of 38 Osborne St, died 2 May 1913 City Hospital, aged 10 years 3 months 29 days, buried St Francis Cemetery
WW1 Record
Austin Patrick Tracey (104-59-34) of 928 Chalkstone Ave, 21 yrs 11 mos
Landsman - Radio
Naval Training Station Newport R.I. 5-1-16 to 6-13-16 Landsman Radio
Receiving Barracks 2nd Naval District 6-13-18 to 11-11-18 Yeoman 3rd Class
Yeoman 3rd Class on discharge
WW1 Record
William J Tracy (2 416 989) of 979 Chalkstone Ave Providence Rhode Island, 28 5/12 yrs
40 Co 153 Dep Brig to Aug 17/18; Co M 2 Bn Edgewood Arsenal Md to disch
Pvt 1c1 Dec 1/18
Did not serve overseas
Discharged Jan 10/19
1920 Census - 928 Chalkstone Lovnur?, Providence,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
William J Tracey, head, 52, emigrated 1885, Na 1992, b. Ireland, Policeman Police Department
Bridget Tracey, Wife, 49, emigrated 1886, Na 1992, b. Ireland,
Patrick A Tracey, Son, 23, b. Rhode Island, Stenographer Ash? Company,
William J Tracey, Son, 21, b. Rhode Island, Clerk? Shipping
Marian Tracey, Daughter, 20, b. Rhode Island, Stenographer Chemical Co
Thomas F Tracey, Son, 13, b. Rhode Island,
Martin S Tracey, Son, 8 7/12, b. Rhode Island,
3 Sep 1926 S.S. Scythia from Cobh Ireland
to Boston USA
William J. Treacy, 58, US District Court Rhode Island 25th Nov 1893 Passport No. 227856 issued 22/5/26, lives 5 Regent Ave Providence R.I.
Bridget M. Treacy, 52,
Martin L. Treacy, 14, born Providence RI 10th May 1911
1930 Census - 33 Hoevect?, Providence,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
William J Tracey, head, 62, married at 27 years, b. Ieland, emigrated 1892, Na, Policeman Police Dept
Bridget M Tracey, wife, 56, marriede at 21 years, b. Ireland, emigrated 1890, Na
Marion E Tracey, daughter, 29, b. Rhode Island, Stenograher City of Providence?
Thomas F? Tracey, son, 23, b. Rhode Island, Salesman Church Goods
Martin L Tracey, son, 17, b. Rhode Island
William John Tracey, b. 17 Nov 1867 Roscommon, Ireland (s. of Patrick Tracey & Ellen Hanley, both born Ireland)
died 6 Sept 1948 1219 Chalkston Ave Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, 80 years, 9 months, 20 years
retired Jan 1932 Policeman, Spouse Beatrice O'Connor
buried 9/10/48 St Francis Cemetery Pawtucket, Rhode Island
resident 60 years
Certified by Martin L Tracy, M.D., 1219 Chalkston Ave Providence R.I.
Saint Francis Cemetery, Pawtucket, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA
William J., 1867 - 1948
his wife Bridget, 1867 - 1954
Francis T., 1906 - 1966
Joseph M., 1903 - 1913
Patrick A. Tracey, 1896 - 1988
his wife Helen J. Vermelin, 1896 - 1971
Patrick Austin Tracey (1896-1988)
1930 Census - 37 Hoevect? Providence,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
P Austin Tracey, head, 33, b. Rhode Island, married at 23 years, parents born Ireland Free State, proprietor, Religious goods
Helen Tracey, wife, 33, b. Massachusetts, married at 23 years, parents born France
P Austin Tracey, son, 9, b. Rhode Island,
Helen B Tracey, daughter, 6, b. Rhode Island
1940 Census - 54 Ardemore Ave, Providence,
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Austin P Tracey, head, 43, b. Rhode Island, same house last 5 years, proprieter, retail religious articles sales co
Helen J Tracey, wife, 40, b. Massachusetts
Helen B Tracey, daughter, 16, b. Rhode Island
William J Tracey, son, 9, b. Rhode Island
Patrick A Tracey of Providence, Rhode Island
Birth Date: 03 May 1896
Death Date: 01 Jul 1988
The Catholic Transcript, Volume LXXIII, Number 31, 20 November 1970
Tracey at the PEN awards held at the Yale Club in New York on May 14, 2009,
with his sisters, left to right, Michelle, Seanna, Austine, and Elaine. [Photos
By Nora Lewis and Tom Fitzsimmons] Patrick Austin Tracey 1981
University of Rhode Island graduate majoring in journalism and political
science won the prestigious L.L. Winship/PEN New England Award Patrick Tracey, a former contributing writer for the Washington City Paper and Regardie’s in Washington, D.C., has also written for Ms. magazine and the Washington Post. Tracey now lives with his sisters in Boston, Massachusetts. Stalking Irish madness: searching for the roots of my family's schizophrenia (2008) Military leaders of the Civil War (1993) Political reform leaders in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (1996) |
Helen B. Tracey Kiely (1924-2011) Helen B. Kiely, 88, beloved wife of the late Daniel J. Kiely, Jr. for 60 years and daughter of the late Patrick Austin and Helen (Vermelin) Tracey, died November 15, 2011, surrounded by loving family. Born in Providence, Helen graduated from the Convent of the Sacred Heart at Elmhurst, Lasell Junior College, and Katherine Gibbs School. She is survived by daughters Sheila Coyle, E. Corinth, ME; Colleen Kiely, Boston, MA; and the late Patricia A. Steinmetz; grandchildren T.J. Coyle, Brewer, ME; Major and Mrs. Casey Coyle, Woodbridge, VA; Timothy & Nicole Coyle, Brunswick, ME; Shannon and Warren Wiatrek, Colorado Springs, CO and great grandchildren, Margaret Coyle and Nylan Coyle. Sister of William Tracey and the late Patrick Tracey. Visiting hours are omitted. In lieu of flowers, donations to The Little Sisters of the Poor, Jeanne Jugan Residence, 964 Main Street, Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 (www.littlesistersofthepoorpawtucket.org) are appreciated. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Friday,
November 18 at 10 AM in St. Anthony's Church, 1413 Mineral Spring Ave., North
Providence to which relatives and friends are invited. Burial will follow in
St. Ann Cemetery, Cranston. |
William J. Tracey
(1921-2018) It is with great sadness that the family of William (Bill) Tracey announces his passing on December 27th, 2018 at the age of 88. Bill will live on in the hearts and minds of his loving wife of over 57 years, Joan, as well as his four adoring children, Bill of Providence, RI, Ann Hunnewell and her husband Robert of Dedham, MA, Leo and his wife Frederika of Wakefield, RI, and Michael and his fiancé Jessica of Denver, CO. He will also be remembered with deep affection by his five grandchildren, Alex, Caroline, James, Anika and Jackson. A native of Providence and the youngest son of Patrick Austin and Helen (Vermelin) Tracey, he attended LaSalle Academy, Canterbury School and Providence College before his acceptance to Georgetown Law. His legal career would be cut short when duty called, and he went on to serve honorably in the Navy during the Korean War. After completing his military service, his entrepreneurial spirit beckoned and he acquired the Cathedral Art Metal Company in 1960. Along with his son, Leo, he expanded Cathedral from a small local manufacturer to a multinational industry leader in inspirational gifts, jewelry and religious goods. Bill was an avid golfer who competed at the highest levels of amateur competition in RI and across New England throughout the 50s, 60s and 70s. He was a lifelong member and former club champion of Metacomet CC, where he enjoyed many great friendships over the years, he was also a longtime member of the Kittansett Club and the Mid Ocean Club. In addition to being president of the Rhode Island Golf Association and president of the John P. Burke Memorial Caddie Scholarship Fund, he was also active in the founding and creation of the Button Hole Golf Facility, a charity focused on bringing the game to the less fortunate among us. His philanthropic nature, natural kindness and empathy toward those in need will most certainly be missed. Bill was always a defender of people or groups he felt were being discriminated against or mistreated. Believing so strongly, as he did, in social equality for all people regardless of race, gender, or creed, he was compelled on many occasions to stand up and confront unfair treatment. These qualities served not only as life lessons for his children, they would also inspire many of the people he touched in his life. Bill was a devout Catholic and benefactor of the Catholic Church; faith was an integral part of his life. Above all else, he was devoted to his wife and family. Well beyond any of his own accomplishments, he took a great deal of pride in the genuine pleasure his children, grandchildren and extended family derived from simply spending time together. His strength and unwavering love have always been the foundation for that bond, and as long as it lives on, so will his spirit. |
Martin Louis Tracey (1912-1991)
Jefferson Alumni Bulletin Volume XIII, Number 2 Winter 1974 Class of 1936 Martin L. Tracey, 3575 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, Fl., is now at the Lakeworth Medical Center. His children have all finished school, and his family now boasts one Ph.D., one M.D., one M.A., two R.N.s and a medical technologist. January 21, 1991 The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) Martin L Tracey, 78 Was physician at Lahey Clinic Dr. Martin L. Tracey, a retired staff physician at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, died Thursday at Palm Beach Regional Hospital in Florida. He was 78 and lived in Hyannis and West Palm Beach. Dr. Tracey was born in Providence and graduated from Providence College. He received his medical degree from Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia. In addition to working on the staff at Lahey, Dr. Tracey owned a private practice in Boston and Fort Worth, Fla., before retiring. Dr. Tracey was a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Gastroenterologist Society and the Florida and Massachusetts Medical Societies. Dr. Tracey leaves his wife, Marion J. (Jones) of Hyannis and West Palm Beach; three daughters, Maureen Timmerman of East Sandwich, Sheila Murphy of East Amherst N.Y., and Ruth Ough of Cotuit; three sons, William D. of Williamsville, Ky., Martin L., Jr. of Miami, Fla., and Kevin of Cotuit He also leaves 14 grandchildren. A funeral Mass will be said today at 11 a.m. at Our Lady of Victory Church in Centerviile. The burial will be at St Francis Xavier Cemetery in Centerviile. Saint Francis
Xavier Cemetery, Centerville, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA Dr Martin L Tracey Sr. Birth 10 May 1912, Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA Death 18 Jan 1981 (aged 68), Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, USA Marion Jane Jones Tracey Birth 19 Apr 1918 Nanticoke, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, USA Death 21 Jun 2020 (aged 102) Florida, USA https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/196194513/martin-l-tracey |
Dr. Martin L Tracey Jr. (March 3, 1943 - February 23, 2021) To the shock and sadness of many, the youthful, humorous and proudly eccentric Dr. Martin Tracey passed away on February 23, 2021, after a brief illness. He spent his boyhood in Needham, Massachusetts, the oldest son in an Irish Catholic family of eight. Dr. Tracey earned his PhD in Biology at Brown University, focusing on population genetics under the renowned Dr. Masatoshi Nei. Soon after this, Marty traveled west with his young family, landing in Occidental, California, where he rented a ranch that came with a free donkey. For the next three years, he was the Director of Population Genetic Studies at the Bodega Bay Marine Lab(UC Berkeley). He did additional post-doctoral work as the first graduate student of another prominent geneticist, Francisco Ayala. In 1977, Dr. Tracey took a faculty position at Florida International University in Miami and stayed for more than forty years. A beloved teacher and mensch, he joyfully nurtured his students, many of whom went on to success in academia, medicine and other fields, often giving him much creditfor their careers as well as for igniting their passions for science. In 1988, Dr. Tracey was recruited for a second career in the nascent field of DNA fingerprinting. In this pioneering work, Marty and one of his former students, Kevin McElfresh, partnered with State Attorneys’ offices around the country, helping establish the legality of forensic DNA testing. |
Katie Ann Treacy (1876-)
1901 Census - 2 Cloonabricra, Castle Ffrench,
Katie A Tracey, 25
Katie A. Tracey and she is Kathleen
who married a John Michael Edmonds in Australia, eventually living in
Sydney. May be a high school principal.
Treacy Headstone, Kilteevan Cemetery, Co
Roscommon. In Affectionate Rememberance of PATRICK TREACY of Clooncach who died ? May ? aged ? years also his beloved
wife ELLEN who died ? July
1902 aged 72 years Their son PATRICK died ? Nov 1947 and his wife
CATHERINE died 3rd Jan 1969 also their
daughter MONICA died 7th
May 1931 Their son PATRICK
died 15th July 1980? Their daughter
EILEEN died 17th Nov ? Erected by their devoted son THE RIGHT REV M.J.
TREACY and their other
loving children as a tribute to
the memory of them? never to be
forgotten ? |
William Tracy, papist, cotter, 2 children under 14 years & 3 children over 14 years, Kilteevan, Kilteevan, Co. Roscommon [Ballintober South]
Treacy Laurce —
— 1749 Census
Kilkeevan, Roscommon
1833 Tithes
Cathe Tracy, Aughnadrish [?], Kilteevan, Ballintober South.
The townlands listed for this civil parish are not the same as the modern
Griffiths Valuation
Patrick Treacy Clooncah Kilteevan Ballintober South. Roscommon (2a&b, 48 acres approx)
John Treacey Clooncah Kilteevan Ballintober South. Roscommon (5abc&d 10 acres approx)
Luke Treacey Clooncah Kilteevan Ballintober South. Roscommon (6abcdef&g 15 acres approx)
Catherine Tracy Aghmagree Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon
Terence Tracy Aghmagree Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon
Michael Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon
Patrick Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon
Patrick Tracy Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon
William Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon
20 July 1870 (FJ) Roscommon
Moore v. Tracy and
Another. This was an action for assault. Damages were laid at £50. The mother
of the plaintiff, who died about 1821, had a large amount of property and house
at Portrun and part of the bog at Cloncagh, held by plaintiff, and Crithboy or
Half Lacken held by the defendant. A mearing drain separated the present
holdings of plaintiff and defendant. On the 30th June 1869, when plaintiff was
cutting turf. The defendant case was that the place where the plaintiff was
cutting turf had been dismissed to them by a lease dated the 9th November 1839,
made by Mr. George Norman, the heir at law of the original owner in fee. The
jury found for plaintiff 6d damages and 6d costs.
July 1870 Roscommon Assizes
Moore v Tracey and
another..This was an action for damages in consequence of an assault. It
appears that the mother of the plaintiff who died about 1821 had a large amount
of property including the house at Portran, and part of the bog of Clooncagh
now held by plaintiff and Orithboy or Half Lacken held by the defendant. The
defendants case was that the place whereon plaintiff was cutting turf had been
demised to them by a lease dated 9th November 1839 made by Mr. George Norman,
heir-at-law of the original owner.
Ellis Island Arrivals
Tracey, Clooncagh (Clooncah Kilteevan Roscommon Ireland?), 1904, 21 years,
Cousin Mrs Trainer (Maggie) 373 Broadway Patterson NJ
Tracey, Clovuagh (Clooncah Kilteevan Roscommon?) Ireland, 1908, 25 [22] years,
single, 5’2”, fair complexion, fair, hair, blue eyes, lived 6 years Jersey
City, Mother: Mrs Tracey, Clooncagh Knockughny. to cousin, Mrs N Duffy, 1273 3rd
Ave New York. b. Clooncagh Ireland
'Kensington', Queenstown to Phila 7 July
Treacy, 23, b. 1871, lived Clooneigh [Kilteevan, Roscommon?], to Uncle M.
Breheny 113 Hannah St Harrisburg,
1911? Canceled Valuation Books - Clooncah,
Kilteevan, Roscommon
OS 42-40
1b Exempt National School Ho
1a Patrick TRACEY Hamilton FRAZER Ho. Off & Land
Catherine X'd
out John added? 1921
** Pat
Pat written bet. & not X'd out
** John
9 Patrick McDonnell In fee Land
no # (Patrick TRACEY Hamilton FRAZER Bog
Thaddeus KILLEEN
Thadeus X'd out
Michael CONNOR
Michael added
Michael X'd out Anne added
Margaret added
10AB (Daniel KILLEEN Hamilton FRAZER " 1927?
** Thomas
** Bernie
Catherine TRACEY 1921
** John
** Pat All
X'd out but Pat
1916? Canceled Valuation Books - Cloonmore,
Kilteevan, Roscommon
Reference To Map Occupiers Immediate Lessors Description Comment Observations
John BURNS Ho, Off
& Land Anne x'd out, replaced
with Patrick 1921
** Patrick
8A to G Michael TREACY
" " Ho
& Land Michael x'd out,
replaced with Patrick "19
** 8ABCDEFG Patrick
9A to H Bridget BRENNAN
" "
" " Bridget
x'd out, replaced with Patrick's "19
10 Bridget BRENNAN
Bridget x'd out, replaced with Patrick's "19
** Patrick TREACY
" "
Land ** joined with parenthesis
10 Michael TREACY
" "
" " Michael
x'd out, replaced with Patrick "19
** Patrick
12 Anne TRACEY
John BURNS Anne x'd
out, replaced w/ Patrick 1921
(no map ref given) Bridget
BRENNAN (no info given) (no info given) Bridget x'd out, replaced w/ Patrick's "19
Patrick TREACY
(no map ref given) Michael
TREACY (no info given) (no info given) Michael x'd out, replaced w/ Patrick "19
Shannon View school is located in the
townland of Clooncah, Kilteevan. The school was built in 1916 by Rev T.H. Canon
Cummins, PP, Roscommon. Patrick Treacy, Clooncah, exchanged the site for the
new school for use of the old Cloonmore school which from that time onwards has
been used as sheds.
18 nov 1933 (CTr)
Roscommon District Court..Mrs Mary E. McDermott, licensed publican,
Prtrun..Patrick Treacy, Cloonmore..on the premises fined 2s6d
1. Patrick Treacy (1830 - 1888) & Ellen ((1830 - 1902)
of Roscommon
1.1 Michael Joseph Treacy (1864 - 1946
1.2 Patrick Tracey (1865 - 1947)
1.2.1 Monica (-1931)
1.2.2 Ellen Tracey
1.2.3 Patrick Tracey
1.3 William J Tracey (1868 - 1948) &
Bridget M O'conn?r (1870 - 1955)
1.3.1 Patrick A Tracey (1897 - 1988)
Providence RI & and Helen J Vermelin (1896-) Austin Patrick Tracey (1920 -
1999) Michael Tracey (1946 - 1946)
1.3.2 William J Tracey (1899 - 1968)
1.3.3 Marion E Tracey (1899 - 1960)
1.3.4 Michael Joseph Tracey (1903 - 1913)
1.3.5 Thomas F Tracey (1906 - 1937
1.3.6 Martin L Tracey (1912 - 1991 Palm
Beach, Florida)
William Daniel Tracey (1944 Boston, Massachusetts - 2018 Fort Lauderdale,
Broward, Florida) & Georgia Gpsch (1946 - 2009)
update: 22 February 2023