Traceys of Galway – Page 1

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Traceys of Galway – Page 3

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 Traceys of Galway – Page 1

 It may be presumed that the Traceys of Galway are descended from the Sil Anmchadha









Galway Library


The 1842 Ordnance Survey 6 Inch Maps for Galway are now available online.


The Traceys of Galway can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as Galway formed part of the territory of the Sil Anmchadha. The following place name is in Galway: Turloughtrassa Cross (Turlach Treasaigh) The cross of Turlogh Trassa, is a cross roads NW of Caherweelder townland in the civil parish of Killeely. There is Gortdrishagh [Gortdressagh] (civil parishes of Kilcummin, Abbeygormacan and Templetogher). There is Lisnadrisha (Lisnadrissy, Lissanadressa) in the civil parish of Kilconierin.


In the 8th January 1867 edition of the Limerick Reporter, there is an article entitled "Singular mode of burial of the Traceys of Wexford. - The English and Irish Traceys" which may have been written by Thomas Stanley Tracey, there is a reference that the Traceys had a castle at Kiltormer Galway.








O’Tracey of Galway


The following is the location of the clann based on the map ‘Topographical and Historical Map of Ancient Ireland’ by Philip Mac Derrmott in 1846.




1270 Athenry Dominican Friary:
The Friary was founded for the Dominicans by Meiler de Bermingham, 2nd Lord of Athenry, in 1241 and dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul. The building of the church can really be described as a community effort, as a number of people joined together to build it. The refectory (now destroyed) was built by Felim O'Connor in 1265; Eugene O Heyne built the Dormitory, Cornelius O'Kelly the Chapter House, Dermot O'Treasy the Guest Room and Art MacGallyly the Infirmary. The Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built by Mac-a-Wallyd de Bermingham and completed by William Wallys who died in 1344. But practically nothing remains of the domestic buildings. What is preserved is the nave-and-chancel church, together with a north aisle and transept. The tall lancet windows in the choir belong to the original church of the 13th century, but considerable portions of the church (including the aisle arches and pillars) are the result of rebuilding in the 14th century, probably by William de Burgo and his wife, Finola (who added 20 feet to the choir), while Joanna de Ruffur (who died in 1408) inserted a new east window.

The History of Galway By Sean Spellissy. Celtic Bookshop, 1999

Dedicated to SS Peter and Paul, building got off to such a fine start that a provincial chapter was held there in 1242. Both the native Irish and colonizing Anglo-Normans co-operated in sponsoring the construction work: Felim O'Connor, King of Connacht and founder of the Abbey of Roscommon, built the refectory, Eugene O'Heyne the dormitory, Cornelius O'Kelly the chapter-house, Walter Husgard the cloisters, Arthur MacGallyly the Infirmary, Bernard O'Trarasy (Treacy?) and his wife the guest-house, and Rodolf Hallatune gave the altar in the chapel of the Blessed Virgin; Thomas O'Kelly, Bishop of Clonfert, built a vault near the north side of the high altar. The priory was completed in 1261.

Prof. Etienne Rynne http://homepage.eircom.net/~athenryheritage/index.htm

31. Athenry. The House of St. Peter and St. Paul was founded by Meyler de Bermingham, first Anglo-Norman Lord of Athenry in 1241. The Register tells how the monastery was founded and how other great men helped by building parts and how additions were made. In such cooperative fashion we may suppose that many other monasteries were built regarding which we have but a founder's name. Meyler de Bermingham bought the site for 160 marks from a knight named Robert Branagh, or Welsh, and we may suppose that he built at least the greater part of the church. King Felim O'Conor built the Refectory; Archbishop Flann O'Flynn built the Scholar House; Owen O' Heine built the Dormitory; Cornelius O' Kelly (Conor) the Chapter House; Dermot O'Treasy and his wife Margaret O'Lorchan the great Guest Chamber; and Art Macgallyly the Infirmary. Sir William Liath and his wife gave one hundred marks for building the front and for glass, and enlarged the choir by 20 feet. This enlargement can be seen clearly in the ruins, and seems to have been made with a view to the adoption of the church as a family burying place so as not to interfere with the founder's rights of De Bermingham.

Knox, H.T. (1904) The Dioceses of Tuam, Killala and Achonry. Hodges Figgis, Dublin.

...Fratrum Praedicatorum de Athanary et est fundator Fratrum Praedicatorum de Roschomayne...Item Dermitius o Trarasay et Margareta ni Lorcayne uxor ejus fecerunt hospitium magnum...

Michael A. Murphy. Royal Visitation of Cashel and Emly, 1615. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 1 (1912), pp. 277-311



De Beneficiis Vacantibus. 13 Kal. Dec. St. Peter's, Rome.(f. 225.)

To the abbot of Navan (Nouania) in the diocese of Clonfert. Mandate to collate and assign to Maurice Otressaig, clerk, of the diocese of Clonfert, the perpetual vicarage of Kylleadamuyrbolga in the said diocese, value not exceeding 4 marks, void by the death (fn. 2) of Nicholas Otressayg. Dignum etc. (Ja. xxiii. Quarto Non. Decembris Anno Quinto. de Cerretanis.)

'Lateran Regesta 216: 1421', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 7: 1417-1431 (1906), pp. 188-190



20. Dicta die [xv Februarii], una bulla pro Mauricio Otirassaid, super perpetua vicaria parrochialis ecclesie de Killeayamur Bolga, Clonfertensis diocesis, cuius fructus etc. iiii marcharum sterlingorum communi extimacione, restituta fuit sine obligacione. (Lib. Annatar., 1430-31, f. 228.)

20. Cf. nos. 77, 78; Cal. papal letters, vi. 414; vii. 190; viii. 200; ix. 495; xiii. 760. Cill lomair Bolga, the vicarage of Bolgu [Taxation, 1302], now Killimorbologue parish in Longford barony. Otirassaid, i.e., Ó Treasaigh, Tracy, a family of the Ui Maine kin to the O'Maddens. They were centred on this parish and a number of them held the vicarage as well as other ecclesiastical offices in the diocese.

Patrick K. Egan and M. A. Costello. Obligationes pro Annatis Diocesis Clonfertensis. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 21 (1958), pp. 52-74

Maurice Otirassaid (O’Tracy), Vicar of Killimorbologue

Bliss, William Henry (1893) Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland.: Papal Letters HM Stationary Office pp.200

55. Dicta die [xv Martii], dominus Mauricius Otressay, canonicus ecclesie ...
Otressay; cf. nos. 20, 59; Cal. papal letters, xiii. 110, 760, 764; xiv. ...

Archivium Hibernicum: Or, Irish Historical Records By Catholic Record Society of Ireland, 1956 pp.67-8 Item notes: v.19-22, p.57

Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland. HMSO, 1960


1480 (recte 1481[–2].) 10 Kal. April. (23 March.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 23r.) - Lateran Regesta, Vol. DCCCXIII.

To the abbot of St. Mary's, Abbeygormacan (Via noua), and the priors of St. Mary's, Clontuasgertomane, and St. Catherine's, Achruymomane, in the diocese of Clonfert. Mandate to collate and assign to Maurice Otressay, a canon of Clonfert, who is in his twenty-fourth year, the perpetual vicarage of Kyllaemarbolga in the diocese of Clonfert, value 3 marks sterling, so long void that its collation has lapsed to the apostolic see, although William Otressay, priest, of the said diocese, who is to be summoned and removed has detained it for some years, without any title or right; notwithstanding that he holds a canonry and prebend of Clonfert, value 20 marks sterling. The pope hereby dispenses him to receive and retain the said vicarage, notwithstanding the said defect of age, etc., and not to be bound for a year to have himself promoted to any holy order on account of the said vicarage or other benefice with cure or requiring holy orders, whilst studying letters at an university. Vite etc. (At the end: N. xx. Quarto Non. Aprilis anno undecimo. Garilliati.) [3½ pp. –]

1481 4 Kal. March. (26 Feb.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 193v.)

To the abbot of St. Mary's, Abbeygormacan (de Via nova), in the diocese of Clonfert, and Cornelius Ochenay and Donald Omulalay, canons of Clonfert. Mandate, as below. The pope has been informed by Maurice Oroesay (?), a canon of Clonfert, that Odo Maccegayn, a canon of the same church, has carnally known a certain kinswoman of his and kept her as his concubine, and has had offspring by her, even after he had been monished by Matthew, bishop of Clonfert, to put her away, and that he has committed perjury and neglected the canonical hours. And the said information added that the fruits etc. of the canonry and prebend of Clonfert which the said Maurice holds are insufficient for his maintenance, and that if the rectory of Dundayre in the diocese of Clonfert, with cure and of the patronage of laymen, which is held by the said Odo for life as united to his canonry and prebend of Clonfert, were separated therefrom and united to the canonry and prebend which the said Maurice holds, for his lifetime, he would be more able to maintain himself. The pope, therefore, hereby orders the above three, if the said Maurice will accuse the said Odo before them, to summon the latter and others concerned, and if they find the foregoing to be true, to dissolve the said union to the said Odo's canonry and prebend, and deprive him of the said rectory, and remove him therefrom, and in that event to unite it, value 16 marks sterling, to the said Maurice's canonry and prebend, value 3 marks sterling, for his lifetime. Circa pastoralis officii. [3 pp. +]

1481 3 Non. March. (5 March.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 327r.)

To the dean of Clonfert, and Maurice Otressay and Cornelius Ochenay, canons of the same. Mandate, as below. The pope has learned that a canonry of Clonfert and the prebend called [the prebend] of Kyllaiayn [sic] therein, and the perpetual vicarage of Ligmolasy, and a perpetual benefice, without cure, called a rectory in the church of Kyllmolonog, and another in the church of Magunacclay, in the diocese of Clonfert, both of which benefices are of lay patronage, have been so long void that their collation has lapsed to the apostolic see, although Maurice Ocormacayn, priest, detains the said canonry and prebend, and William Obrogay [sic], an Augustinian canon, the said vicarage, and John Ocormacayn, clerk, of the said diocese (who is illegitimate, being the son of a priest and an unmarried woman), the said benefices, respectively, all of them without any title or right. The pope, therefore, relaxing the oath which Thady Olorchan, clerk, of the said diocese, who is in his twenty-third year, lately swore (after being, at the instance, as is believed, of the said Maurice, William, and John, captured and compelled by lay power) not to try to obtain the said canonry and prebend, vicarage and benefices, hereby orders the above three to summon the said Maurice, William, and John, and to collate and assign the said canonry and prebend, vicarage and benefices (which are without cure), value altogether not exceeding 9 marks sterling, to the said Thady, removing the said Maurice, William, and John. The pope further dispenses him to receive and retain the said vicarage, notwithstanding the said defect of age, etc. Vite etc. (At the end: M. xxii. Septimo Id. Martii anno undecimo. Bonattus, pro A. de Petra.) [3 pp.—]

1482 55. Dicta die [xv Martii], dominus Mauricius Otressay, canonicus ecclesie Clonffertensis, principalis, obligavit se Camere Apostolice pro annata rectorie parrochialis ecclesie de Dundayre, Clonfertensis [diocesis], cuius fructus sexdecim marcharum sterlingorum communi extimatione, vacaturi per privationem Odonis Macaegayn, canonici dicte ecclesie, extra Romanam curiam faciendam. Que rectoria mandatur uniri canoni catui et prebende dicte ecclesie, quos dictus Mauricius in dicta ecclesia obtinuit, ad vitam dicti Mauricii. Et mandatur uniri dicta rectoria, sub dat. Rome, quarto Kal. Marcii, anno undecimo. Et promisit solvere annatam dicte rectorie eidem Camere hie in curia, aut Collectori in partibus, infra sex menses immediate a die habite possessionis com putandos, sub penis etc. etc. Restituta [bulla] de mandato, quia unio etc. (Ibid., f. 144.)

55. Dundayre; cf. no. 12. Otressay; cf. nos. 20, 59; Cal. papal letters, xiii. 110, 760, 764; xiv. [unpublished], 30 Jan. 1486. Macaegayn; cf. no. 22.

Patrick K. Egan and M. A. Costello. Obligationes pro Annatis Diocesis Clonfertensis. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 21 (1958), pp. 52-74

1482. Prid. Kal. May. (30 April.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 142r.)

To Cornelius Ochenay, Maurice Otressay, and Donald Omuilkwy, canons of Clonfert. Mandate, as below. The recent petition of William Oceallaygh, prior of St. John Baptist's, Renydwyn, of the Order of Cruciferi of Jerusalem, in the diocese of Elphin, contained that although he obtained the said priory, conventual, elective and with cure, by canonical collation and held possession of it in peace for fourteen years, Thady Oceallaygh, clerk, under pretext of a collation made de facto to him (then a minor and illegitimate, being the son of unmarried parents, and without any dispensation), despoiled William of the priory, likewise de facto, intruded himself, and forced William to abide by the award of certain arbitrators, who, after receiving from Thady the sum of 24 marks sterling, wrongfully awarded to him the priory. The pope, therefore, hereby orders the above three (seeing that William cannot safely meet Thady in the city and diocese of Elphin), to summon Thady, and if they find to be true what is alleged in regard to the said spoliation, etc., to decree null and void the said collation to Thady and the said award, and in that event to restore William to possession, and, by way of greater precaution, (fn. 1) to make provision to him anew of the said priory, value with its annexes 26 marks sterling, removing Thady, and condemning him to restore the fruits taken since his intrusion and to make satisfaction to William for costs lawfully incurred, under pain of incurring sentence of excommunication, removeable by none but the pope. Justis petentium votis. (In the margin: Maij.) [3½ pp.]

1485. 18 Kal. May. (14 April.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 128r.)

To the archdeacon of Clonfert, Maurice Otreasly, a canon of the same, and the official of the same. Mandate to collate and assign to Stephen Laeles, priest, of the diocese of Clonfert, the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Kyltormora [sic] in the said diocese, yearly value not exceeding 4 marks sterling, so long void that by the Lateran statutes its collation has lapsed to the apostolic see, although Philip Odoeleayn, priest, who is to be summoned and removed, has detained possession for several years, without any title or right. Vite etc. (Gratis pro deo. Juravit.) [2⅓ pp.]

1486–7. 3 Kal. Feb. (30 Jan.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 104r.) Vatican Regesta, Vol. DCCXIX. Bullarum Liber XXII. 3 Innocent VIII.

To the abbot of Abbeygormacan (de Via nova) and the prior of the monastery of Clontuasgerta Omane, wont to be governed by a prior, in the diocese of Clonfert, and the official of Clonfert. Mandate, as below. The pope has learned that the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Rilconeecehne [sic] in the diocese of Clonfert has been so long void that by the Lateran statutes its collation has lapsed to the apostolic see, although Eugene Offathi, who behaves as prior of the monastery of St. Mary, Achdraym Omane, O.S.A., in the said diocese, has without any title detained possession of it for some years. And the pope has been informed by Theobald de Burgo, a canon of Clonfert (Clotferten. [sic]), that Maurice Otressay, a canon of Clonfert (Clotferten.), when under sentence of excommunication, of which he was not ignorant, has taken part in divine offices in contempt of the Keys, thereby contracting irregularity, that he has dilapidated and turned to his own evil purposes the precious movable goods of the prebend called the prebend of Kilteskyll in the church of Clonfert, and of the rectory of the parish church of Dundayre in the said diocese, which is of lay patronage, and is annexed for his lifetime to his said canonry and prebend, and has not served the said rectory by himself or by a vicar, although often monished by the ordinary. At the petition, therefore, of the said Theobald, who alleges that he is of a great race of nobles, the pope hereby orders the above three, if he will accuse the said Maurice before them, to summon the latter, and if they find the foregoing to be true, to deprive and remove him from the said prebend, and in that event to summon the said Eugene, and collate and assign the said vicarage and prebend to the said Theobald, and, with consent of the patrons, unite and appropriate the said rectory, and also the said vicarage, to the said prebend, yearly values not exceeding 20, 6, and 3 marks sterling, respectively, for as long as he shall hold the latter, inducting him, and removing the said Maurice from the said prebend, and rectory, and the said Eugene from the said vicarage. Apostolice sedis providentia circumspecta. [6¼ pp.]

1487 59. Die dicta [xiii Martii], Thebaldus de Burgo, canonicus Clotfer thensis, principalis, obligavit se Camere Apostolice pro annata vicarie parrochialis ecclesie de Kalconrechmie, dicte diocesis, cuius sex marcharum sterlingorum, vacantis iuxta statuta Lateranensis concilii, ac canonicatus et prebende dicte ecclesie Clotferthensis, quorum trium ac rectorie parrochialis ecclesie de Dundayre eiusdem diocesis, cuius viginti marcharum similium non excedunt etc., per privationem Mauritii Otressay, ipsius ecclesie canonici, ad vitam cuius dictis canonicatui et prebende prefata rectoria est unita, vacaturorum. Et de quibus providetur dicto Thebaldo, sub dat. tertio Kal. Februarii, anno tertio. Et promisit solvere annatam, infra tres menses a die habite possessionis computandos, Collectori Camere in partibus deputato, sub penis Camere. Et iuravit. (Ibid., f. 93.

59. Kalconrechnie, i.e., Kilconickny parish in baronies of Loughrea, Athenry and Dunkellin; cf. Cal. papal letters, v. 103; xiv., 30 Jan. 1486-7. Dundayre; cf. no. 12. Otressay; cf. nos. 20, 55. Thebaldus de Burgo; cf. Cal. papal .etters, xiii. 302 [?]; xiv.. a.d. 1486.

Patrick K. Egan and M. A. Costello. Obligationes pro Annatis Diocesis Clonfertensis. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 21 (1958), pp. 52-74

1488 4 Non. April. (2 April.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 84v.).

To the abbot of the monastery of St. Mary de Portu puro, Clonfert, and the prior of the monastery of Clontuscerta Omane in the diocese of Clonfert, wont to be governed by a prior, and the dean of Clonfert. Mandate, as below. The pope has learned that a certain perpetual benefice without cure (simplex), called the church or rectory de Madnurlay, of lay patronage, and the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Lyemolassy [sic], in the diocese of Clonfert, have been so long void that by the Lateran statutes their collation has lapsed to the apostolic see, although John Ocorroakeryn [sic], clerk, and Thady Olorichayn, priest, of the said diocese, respectively, have without any title or right detained possession for some time. At the recent petition, therefore, of John Ytreassy, (Note 2) clerk, of the said diocese, the pope hereby orders the above three to summon the said John Ocormakayn and Thady, and the bishop and chapter of Clonfert, and others concerned, and if they find that the said benefice and vicarage, yearly values not exceeding 2 and 5 marks sterling, respectively, are void in any way, etc., to erect the said benefice into a prebend of Clonfert, and to erect therein a canonry, for the lifetime of the said John Otrassi, and in that event to collate such erected canonry and prebend and the said vicarage to the said John Otreassy, inducting him, and removing the said John Ocormakayn and Thady. Apostolice sedis circumspecta benignitas. [4⅓ pp. In the margin at the end: ‘Maij.’]

Note 2 Also written Otroassi, Otreassi, Otreassy, Otrassi, and Otressay.

1488 3 Id. May. (13 May.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 99v.)

To the abbot of St. Mary's, Abbeygormacan (de Noua uia), in the diocese of Clonfert, and Maurice Otrassy and Donatus Ohwuiriy (?), canons of Clonfert. Mandate, as below. The recent petition of Philip Odownylay, priest, of the diocese of Clonfert, contained that after he had been dispensed by papal authority on account of illegitimacy, as the son of a priest and a married woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, and had been made a clerk, he obtained by canonical collation the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Kiltormoyr in the said diocese; that he resigned it when provision had been made to him by the same [papal] authority of the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Killynaduna in the said diocese; and that, without having obtained any other dispensation, he and Fergal Odonnlan, priest, of the said diocese (to whom provision had been canonically made of the said vicarage of Kyltormoyr, resigned the said vicarages of Kyllinaduna and Kyltolmoyr [sic], respectively, to the present bishop of Clonfert extra R.c., who by his ordinary authority admitted the said resignations, and made de facto collation and provision of the said vicarages of Killynaduna and Kiltormoyr to the said Fergal and Philip, respectively, under pretext whereof the said Philip took possession of the said vicarage of Kyltormoyr and has detained it, taking the fruits, likewise de facto, thereby contracting disability. The said collation and provision of the said vicarage of Kyltormoyr being therefore without force, and the pope having learned that the said vicarage of Kyltormoyr is still void as above, he hereby rehabilitates on account of the foregoing the said Philip (who alleges that after the said dispensation he had himself promoted to the said orders, that he has at great expense repaired and restored the said church of Kiltormoyr, which was in ruin, and that the said vicarage of Kyltormoyr has been by authority of the ordinary de facto united to the canonry and prebend of Clonfert held by Thady Macegayn, who has not had possession of it), remits to him the fruits received by him from the said vicarage of Kyltormoyr, and orders the above three to summon the said Thady and others concerned, and if they find the said vicarage of Kyltormoyr, yearly value not exceeding 3 marks sterling, to be void as above or in any way, etc., to collate and assign it to the said Philip. The pope specially dispenses him to receive it, and to resign it when he pleases, etc., notwithstanding the said defect, etc. Before they proceed to the execution of these presents, he is to resign it to them. Sedis apostolica, pia mater. (Gratis pro deo.) [7 pp. In the margin at the end: ‘Junii.’]

Vatican Regesta, Vol. DCCXXXII. (fn. 1) Bullarum Liber XXXV. 4 Innocent VIII.

'Vatican Regesta 732: 1488', Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 14: 1484-1492 (1960), pp. 220-223.


Clonfert 1494

John OTracey (Otrcassny) cleric of Clonfert d., a commission. Reg. Suppl. 987, fo 88r (13 March 1494) the commission concerns the execution of Innocent VIII’s mandate to collate the parish church of ?Lickmolassy (Bicharalace), d. Clonfert, detained by Thady Olorkan (Olarcaryn) ostensible priest, to Otracey. Cf CPL XIV, p.221

Boyle LE ed (1998) Calendar of Papal Letters Volume XVII, Part II, 1492-1503, Alexander VI. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.

O’Treacy (Otressay, Ottresan), John canon of Clonfert, papal mandatary

 Clergy, the religious and the faithful in Britain and Ireland (1471-1484) & (1484-1492)

Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland. HMSO, 1960


Vicars Choral of Tuam 1573-1600

William Leeward (or Seeward?)

Thomas Trassye

Aubury Clake (Clarke?)

Thomas Adycat?

[The names are badly written in Ms. Trin. Coll. Dubl. E.3.14.]

Cotton, Henry (1848). Life Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernicae: The Succession of the Prelates and Members of the Cathedral Bodies of Ireland. Volume IV. pp.47.


Elizabeth I

1576 8th May

Pardon to ... Edm O Trosse, kern, Cloghan (Galway)

1582 19th September

Pardon to ... Teig m’Wm O Tresye of Loghreaghe (Galway)

1582 20th September

Pardon to ... David Roo O Trassy, of Yllan m'Kegan [perhaps Letterkeeghaun Kilcummin] (Galway)

1583 3rd May

Pardon to ... Moragh O Tressy, Tumoltagh O Tressy (Galway)

1585 31st May

Pardon to ... Tumoltagh O Trassy m’Rory Oge (ie Tumoltagh son of Rory son of Rory), kern, John Trassy alias Shane Fyn of Kilmore, clerk (Galway)

1585 3rd June

Pardon to ... Tho Oge O Trassie of Ballynatolhoe (Galway)

1585...4718 (3891) Grant to Donell O Madden, of Longforde, chief of his nation; of all the manors, castles and lands surrendered by him by his deed of 3 June, viz:- Longeforde, Tireihane, Clownefegan, Lisballimore, Kilmarouseke, Clare, Skewgh Coore, Ballyneren, Townesallah, Lismyfadda, Lispeg, Annohherbye, co. Galway, and all services and customs of...Monter Trassey...[Muinter? = family]

1585 27th June

Pardon to ... Wm O Treasie of Killcayarin (Galway)

1586 6th June

Pardon to ... Owen O Trassie of Killimerboll (Galway)

1591 26th November

Pardon to ... Teige O Tressy of Clonecony (Galway)

1592 13th June

Pardon to ... Wm O Tressy of Knynagha (Galway?)

1602 7th July

Pardon to ... Melaghlin [McLoughlin?] O Trasy of Ballinehesgrigh (Galway)

The Irish Fiants of the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.


Ormond Deeds VI 1593 Sept 27th

Bond of Thadeus alias Teig Trassy to Henry Sheth (Shee) to the use of the Earl of Ormond to grant to the Earl the towns of Corragh, Lisenosky, Clone etc. Co. Galway. (D. 3197)

Bond of September 27 1593 by Thadeus alias Teig Trassy of Kenles [Kells], Co. Kilkenny, yeoman, to Henry Sheeth, to the use of the Earl of Ormond in the sum of 200L. Said Teig to perform his promise to grant to said earl in consideration of a certain sum of money the towns of Corragh, Lisenosky, Clone, Conery and Killyan with the appurtenances in Co. Galway, the purchase price to be determines by Henry Sheeth and James White of Kenles.

Wit: Jasper Sheth, Thomas Cantwell, Patrick Bussher, William O’Bowe

[Note: Corragh [Curragh] and Lisenosky [Lissaniska] are in the civil parish of Ballynakill (Leitrim barony).


AD 1603 The Patent Rolls of James I, third part

Roll III - General Pardons: 1-32 Letters patent, thirty-two in number, bearing date on and between the 19th April and the 20th Febr., in the first year, granting the kings pardon of the like crimes and misdemeanors, as those recited in 77, pa. 31, to 3,230 persons mentioned by name, in the twenty counties...Galway co...O'Trashy or O'Trasys, 7;...see nos 6 and 21

1603 Pat. 1 James I.

XXI - 19...Tomultagh O'Trassey of Ballyheskeagh, husbandman...Sept 1st [Kilkerrin? Galway] [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue?]

1603 Pat 1 James 1 Part 3

VI. - 3 General Pardon to ...Will. O'Trashy of Kilconerine, gent...Tho. oge O'Trashy of Lishenard, gent...Donell O'Trasha of the Ingen...Brien O'Tressy of the Ingen...

...Brien O'Trasy of Killymore-Boulge...12th May 1st [Galway]

1606 Pat. 3 James I

Galway County...parcel of the estate of Teige O'Trassy of Belarahill, slain in rebellion: rent 6s8d - in Rath in Rathconnor, 1qr - in Barran, 1qr - in Kappaghkelly. 1/2qr - in Gornshinrissin [Gortnahimrissan Killallaghtan], 2/3[?] parts of 1/5qr;... [Ballycahill?, Killimorbologue and Tynagh?, Galway]

1611 Pat 8 James I Part II

II-3 Grant from the King to Richard, earl of Clanrickard...in Ballintullagh, 3 cart. and in Clonecons, 1 cart, parcels of the lands of Teige Trassie, late of Ballaghill, slain in rebellion; rent 6s8d... 19 Jul 8  [Ballycahill?, Killimorbologue and Tynagh?, Galway]

1616 Pat 13 James I

XCIII...Galway Co'. In Coragh, 1/2 of a qr; in Cloncoury, 1/2 qr; in Magherimore, 1/3 of 1/2 qr; parcel of the estate of Laughlin Mc Rory O'Tressy, slain in rebellion; value, 6s 8d. [Corry, Clooncona & Magheramore in Killimorbologue]

1619 Pat. 16 James I

Tumaltagh O Tracy of Ballynehaskeragh in Galway co. gent., [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue] 5/12 4 qr of Ballynehaskeragh…Thomas oge O Tracy of Euggy in Galway co. gent. [Inga or Nail, Killimorbologue] 1/2 canton of Euggy and one twelfth of two quarters of Clowneprasky [Cloonprask Duniry]


Repertory of inquisitions from the Chancery Rolls Office, Dublin, County Galway, Vol III.

1617 Inquisitions

147 Kedagh O Tressy

Bourkes and Kedagh O Tressy...are seized of fee of Greg-ganteerley (qr), Rine (qr), Raheny 2/3 and (1/6 of qr)

256 Tumultagh O Tracy, Lr William Bourk, Edmond Bourk, Thomas oge O Tracy, Donell mc Rory O Tracy, Rory mc Farriagh O Madden

That Tumultagh O Tracy is seized of fee of Ballineheskeragh [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue] (1 2/3 of qs)

That Lr William Bourk Bnt and Edmond Bourk are seized of fee of Ballineheskeragh (qs)

That Thomas oge O Tracy is seized of fee of Euggy [Inga or Nail Killimorbologue] (1/2 cartron) Clownepraisky [Cloonprask Duniry] (1/3 of 1/2 qs)

That Donell mc Rory O Tracy is seized of fee of Euggy (cartron)

That Rory mc Farriagh O Madden is seized of fee of Clownedulus (cartron)

257 Katerin ny Tracy

(Cartron) That Katerin ny Tracy is seized of fee of Corragh [Curragh Ballynakill (Leitrim barony)] (1/3 of qr)

259 John Tracy

That John is seized of fee of Ballinecullagh (1/5 & 1/6 4 of 4 qrs)



[1618?] Grant land - Galway

Tumud O Tracy, Five 12ths of the 4 2rs of Ballyneheskeragh

Thos O Tracy, An 8th of Luggy 2r/A 12th of Clowneprasky 2qrs?



1604 Killimor

The old Church of Killimor stands a short distance to the west of the village. It is the largest parish church of the period (circa 1595) being 75ft x 18ft. The greater part of the two side walls are destroyed, but the two gables which are 75ft apart, are in good state of preservation. The east gable contains a window in the pointed style, very much veiled with ivy, and the west gable is featureless. The oldest tombstone is a monument to William O'Treasaigh who was buried in the year 1604. St Íomar's Well is situated on the side of the road immediately at the church, and is still considered somewhat sacred. [O’Donovan, Ordnance Survey letters]



1611-1614. James I. Calendar of State Papers Ireland

The Lord Deputy to the Attorney-General. Order to draw forth a fiant of incorporation of the town of Tuam, CO. Galway, by the name of Soveraigne and Burgesses of Galway.—Chichester House, 7 December 1612.

List appended :—Isaek Lally, Soveraigne ; Murtagh Hanyn, Donell O'Bukin (sic), Tully Donellane, Francis Robinson, Thomas Sais, Samuel Barnard, Donell Graame M'na Hyny (sic), John Kirevan [Kirwan], Manus O'Trehy, John O'Donoghou (sic), Owen O'Higgin; Thomas O'Cuillename (sic).

P. J . Orig. Signed at beginning. Endd. : " Tuam."

Dec. 7. vol. 62 No.118

[Note: Presume this is Manus O’Tressy as Trehy is not found for Tuam]


24 Apr 1622 Inquisition Post Mortem, Maurice McEward, taken at Athenry on 24/04/1622

Anthus O’Tressie

Thome oge O Tressie

Tumultagh oge O Tressie

Honara ny

Anthus O’Tressie diem sunt laudebat extrenium ultimo Augusti 1817 seit de feodo de 1/3 part qu de Ballyneheskeragh, et de 2/3 part cartron de Annagh et de 1 cartron cum ptin in pachia barronia et com fodie? quam cartron per factu mortgagii geren dat 11 Aprilis 1616 Thome oge O Tressie mortgaganit cum condieone redeinpeonis quod foodie peel terr de Ballineheskeragh et Annagh tempore alienationis fofut Anthonii tenebantur et nunc terrentur de Rege p service military, et o quod cartron terr de Inga tenetur de Rege  ut de castro duo de Athlone – quod Tumultagh oge O Tressie est filius et heres antedie Anthus et tempe martis eqius fuit etat  8 annare et non maritatus – Et quod  Honara ny uxar fofat canshi tempe caconis Hujus inquisicois in plena vita existit et cepit f ficna qd terr de Ballineheskeragh et Annagh


[Anthus O'Tressie was the day of the extermination of the last of August 1817 seit de feodo de 1/3 part qu de Ballyneheskeragh, et de 2/3 part cartron de Annagh and de 1 cartron cum ptin in pachia barronie et com fodie? which cartron he gives by deed of mortgage 11 April 1616 Thomas oge O Tressie mortgaged with the condition of redeinpeon that the foodie peel terr of Ballineheskeragh and Annagh fofut at the time of the alienation of Anthony were held and are now terrentur of the King p military service, and o that the cartron terr of Inga is held of the King as from the castle two of Athlone - that Tumultagh oge O Tressie is the son and heir of Anthus the day before and at the time of Tuesday he was 8 years old and not married - And that Honora ny uxar fofat canshi tempe cacon This inquisitor exists in full life and took terr of Ballineheskeragh and Annagh]


1628 Inquisition Post Mortem

Anora ny Trassy

Quod Anora ny Trassy nup uxon Anthonii Trassy de Ballinehiskilagh [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue] defuncti que quid Onora fuit seisit de terra specificata in quada Inquisicone Capt post Morte prefati Anthonie 24 April 1622 obit 13 Januarii 1623 p cujus mortem psnnpa Devener Duo Regi racone minor etat Tumultagh oge O Trassy qlis et heres prefati Anthonii.


[That Anora ny Trassy was married to Anthony Trassy of Ballinehiskilagh deceased, that what Honor was seised of the land specified in what Inquisicon Capt. heir of the aforesaid Anthony. 24 April 1622 died 13 January 1623 p whose death psnnpa Devener Duo Regi racone minor etat Tumultagh oge O Trassy qlis and heir of the aforementioned Anthony.]


1636-1703 Books of Surveys and Distribution


Killymore Parish: Lonford Barony


No. of reference in ye Alphabet

Proprietors name Anno: 1641


Number of Acres unprofitable

Number of Acres profitable

Number of profitable Acres disposed of on ye Acts

To whom disposed with their Title, whether by Decree, Certificate or Patent, References to ye record thereof

No. of ye Book or Roll & ye Page or Skin

Number of ye unprofitable Acres remaining undisposed

John Mc Daniell Mc Rory O Trassy

½ Cartron of ye Inga quarter




Sr ffran. Gore


John Mc Donell Mc Mlaghlin O Trassy

1/3 quarter in Ballynahiskeragh




Earle Clanrickard 1/3 quarter

Murrogh Mc Donell O Trassy

1 Cartron in Killyne of the Said 4 quarter



Earle Clanrickard 1/2 quarter Wo

James ffitz Wm Power

John Mc Daniell Mc Mleagh O Trassy prd (=aforesaid)

1 Cartron ½ Carton in Killyne of the Said 4 quarter



Ffergus Madden


Killconerin Parish: Dunkellin Barony


No. of reference in ye Alphabet

Proprietors name Anno: 1641


Number of Acres unprofitable

Number of Acres profitable

Number of profitable Acres disposed of on ye Acts

To whom disposed with their Title, whether by Decree, Certificate or Patent, References to ye record thereof

No. of ye Book or Roll & ye Page or Skin

Number of ye unprofitable Acres remaining undisposed


John Mc Keadagh Mc William Tressy 2/3 θ wanting 1/7

Cregaturrla ½ quarter wanting 1/7 part



Walter Blake



1641 - 1703 Books of Survey and Distribution: County Gallway Killymor Parish Longford Barony

Clonepreisk & Gortenery parish of Dunery [Cloonprask & Gortaneare Duniry]

John mc Danl mc Rory O Trassy, 1/2 car of ye said quar, 004.0.00, 046.0.00

Ballynahiskeragh [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue]

John mc Donl mc Mlaghlin O Trassy, 1/3 qu in Ballynahiskeragh, 5.0.00, 100.0.00, 019.0.00, Richl Martin 1 F16642

Murrogh mc Danl O Trassy, 1 Car in Killyne of the said " quar, BLANK, 044.0.00, 116.0.00 Sr Ffran Gore 2? & 259.0.00 Ffergus Madden 4

John mc Daniell mc MCragh O Trassy prd, Car 1/3 in Killyne in ye said " quar, BLANK, 059.0.00,


Books of Survey and Distribution: County Gallway: Longford Barony

https://www.virtualtreasury.ie/item?isadgReferenceCode=NAI QRO 1%2F1%2F3%2F10%2F3


Books of Survey and Distribution: Killconerin Parish

Sheancastle [Oldcastle]

John mc Keadagh mc William Tressy, 2/3 warding, Cregalusrla 1/2 warding 1/7 qs?, 021.0.00

John mc Keadagh mc William Tressy, 2/3 of ? qr warding, Idem (Gairclone 1/2 qr wanting 4) [Garracloon], 001.0.0, 061.0.00,




Redmond Tressy of Kilcrua (Tipperary?) hanged at Magher an earla (Magher an Iarla) in Tiranascragh (Galway) hanged 17th November 1643 on the order of the Earl of Clanrickard for the murder of a Scotsman John Chancelor, his English wife Elizabeth and their son John. The Earl of Clanrickard states that after interrogation Redmond Tressy confessed. Also hanged for the same offence, William O’Meaghan of Kilcrua hanged at Portumna 16th November 1643 and Breasal McDermot O’Madden of Killimor, hanged at Killimor 4th December 1643.

The lands of Teigue O’Trassie of Ballaghaghill [Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway???] who was slain in the rebellion were given to Richard Earl of Clanrickard.

Lowe John ed (1983) Letter-book of the Earl of Clanricarde, 1643-47. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.

Madden, Gerard (2004) History of the O’Maddens of Hy-Many. East Clare Heritage, Co. Clare.


Clonfert 1647

Anno 1647 28 Novembris. Intercedente et testificante in scriptis Doctore Fayo Clonfertensis. Parochialis (ecclesia) loci Killiemor de Longford fructus 40 librarum, pro Donato O Trussi, presbytero dictae dioecesis. (Probably the parish known formerly as Killimore-Bolloge, in the barony of Longford, co. Galway, and now comprising also Tiranascragh.)

Calendar of Hibernia, no. 2, 1959

[In 1647 November 28. Interceding and testifying in the writings of Doctor Fayo of Clonfert. The parochial (church) of Killiemor de Longford, the fruit of 40 pounds, for Donatus O Trussi, priest of the said diocese. – Google translate]


1655-1658 Local Transplatation Barony of Dunkellin

Tressy (Tracy) Richard and Una, alias Swiney.

Kilconierin 54 Irish Acres (H 4 profitable decreed)

Killeeneen (H 15)

Killogilleen (H 32)

The Transplantation to Connacht 1655-58 (1970) Irish Manuscript Commission.


Name, Date of Decree, Date of Final settlement, No. of Acres

Edmond Tressy, Co. Galway, 12 May 1656, 9 July 1657, 200

Richard and Una Tressy alias Swiney Co. Galway, 17 May 1656, 13 Aug 1657, 54

1899 [C.9245] Historical manuscripts commission. Report on the manuscripts of the Marquis of Ormonde, K.P., preserved at the castle, Kilkenny. Vol. II.


Irish Tokens 1653-1679 

These were given out by the Crown in Ireland, and were used as a royal license to do business. If you were a trades or business merchant you had to obtain this token. Some had dates on them and many did not. By 1680 the tokens were replaced by a Crown halfpenny copper coin.

Galway Issues, Town Date Occupation
James Tressy, Tuam 1670 merchant

Boyne William & Williamson, George Charles (1889) Trade Tokens Issued in the Seventeenth Century in England, Wales, and Ireland: By Corporations.





Macalister, R.A.S. A Catalogue of the Irish Traders' Tokens in the Collection of the Royal Irish Academy. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, Vol. 40 (1931/1932), pp. 19-185

Smith, Aquilla. Appendix No. IV: Catalogue of Tradesmen's Tokens. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1836-1869), Vol. 4 (1847 - 1850), pp. xxvii-liv

February 1943 Tuam Herald - Old Tuam Society Meeting

...Dr. T.B. Costello, M.R.I.A....showed members a sketch of the token of a prosperous Tuam merchant of the seventeenth century. On one side of the token was "James Tressy 1d" (in the centre), on the reverse "TUUM MARCHANT 1670" and in the centre a Heraldic shield. The token was found in Shop Street by one of the workmen, when excavating for the new sewerage some years ago.


The trade tokens issued by James Treacy in 1670 represent an unidentified local initative. The particular business in which this Tuam Merchant was engaged is likely to have been located on 'Trassy's Plott' which is shown on the 1720 map as lying between the Tullinadaly and Ballygaddy roads (fig 2). A premises nowadays known as The Thatch is centrally situated on this plot. It is said to be the oldest public house in Tuam and may indeed go back to James Treacy's time.



1673 The Franciscan convert

After my Conversion [to Protestantism], I applied my self to the Lord Bishop of Clonfeart, who gave me a Curates place in Loughreah, with some other preferment in the County of Galloway, worth about 80l. per annum, where I, shortly after, in using my Function in the Church, was shot at by one Thomas  Tressey, a Papist, Inhabitant of that place, but not wounded, for which he was afterward bound to his good behaviour, by the said Bishop; after which, the Papists, there, did several times threaten me with death: whereupon, for preservation of my Life, I was forced to retire into Lymerick, whereby I lost such preferment as the said Bishop had bestowed upon me: But before I went from Loughreagh, several of the Papists Priests, and others, living thereabouts, which I am ready to name, and do hereby Accuse, did publiquely report that his Majesty, his Royal Highness, and all the Nobility & Gentry of the Kingdome of England, were privately of their Religion, which they used as an Argument to make me fall back again to Popery.

Egan, Anthony, B.D. (1673) Title: The Franciscan convert, or, A recantation-sermon of Anthony Egan ... preached in London on April 6, 1673


April 8 1681 No. 198.

Four joint bonds given by John Blake of Muckiniss in the county of Clare, Dame Ellinor Blake of the same, and Isidore Lynch of Drimcong in the county of Galway, to Gregory Lynch of Killcuane in the county of Galway, in the penal sum of £40 each. Bonds dated April 8, 1681. Attested under the hands and seals of the obligors. Signed: "John Blake, Ellinor Blake, Isidore Lynch." Witnesses: "Igna. ffrench, Nick. Canvanh, Tho. ffleminge, Edmond Tressy."

The bonds mentioned in this Record have been preserved by that family, and are contained in this collection of Blake Records.

1300-1600 Margaret Tressay, deposition on will of Clement French.

Blake family records, 1600 to 1700


Irish Wild Geese at The Hotel d'Invalides Paris 1600 to 1799

John Tressy Aged 70, native of Portomne [Portumna] county Galloway, trooper in Dossemonfs troop, Bourbon regiment, where he served 10 years and previously 27 years in the Clare (formerly Greder alemand, Furstemberg and Hamilton) regiment per his certificate. His disabilities make him unfit for service. 20 May 1714, he died at la Hogue on detachment. 13/01/1708 Vol. 16, no. 18237

Richard Tracey: Loghrea, county Galway; aged 25; enlisted 10 August 1725; square build; 1.71 metres; good legs; good stance; short, curly brown hair; good nose; good eyes; Skelton's troop (1728); admitted to the Invalides on 12 May 1763. [2Xv, vol. 38, no. 94640]

Richard Treacy, Aged 60, native of Canoth [Connacht?] in Ireland, trooper in offarrell's troop, Fitzjames Irish regiment, where he served 30 years and previously 9 years in Berwick. He suffers from sabre wounds to the head received in several encounters. 7 August 1765, he died at the hospital of Calais, being on detachment with the d'Espagne company. Received 12/05/1763, Vol. 38, no. 94640.

Thomas Trassy Aged 46, native of Galloway in Ireland, soldier in Mannery's company, Irish regiment of Dillon, where he served 28 years per his certificate dated 16 August last. His disabilities make him unfit for service. He is one of the half-pay soldiers sent to a company of invalides at Mariembourg. 27 November 1727, he died at Ardres on detachment. Received 12/09/1726 Vol. 23, no. 41294

William Tracy aged 32 of County Obredary, grenadier of Sr. Galfer, Dillon's Regiment, in which he has served 12 years, confirmed by his certificate. His right arm is crippled from a musket shot at Chiari. Catholic Received 28th July 1701. Died 12 October 1719. at Nantes ATD.

William Trassy Aged 67, native of Portomny [Portumna] county Gallway in Ireland, sergeant in lieutenant-colonel Schahanasy's company, Irish regiment of Clare, where he served 42 years of which 3 as sergeant per his certificate. His wounds and bad sight make him unfit for service. 7 February 1732, he died. Received 11/10/1730 Vol. 25, no. 46094

William Tressy Aged 50, native of county Galloway, soldier in James Dillon's company, Dillon regiment, where he served 5 years per his certificate, and says he served previously 4 years in Cahieux's cavalry, 4 years in the Brittany dragoons, and 4 years in Hamilton. He received a sabre blow to the head and his left leg is crippled by a musket shot received at the crossing of the river Theu in Catalonia; these with other wounds make him unfit for service. 13 May 1698, he renounced his rights; he received 30 livres to help him on his way and his certificates were returned to him. Received 21/02/1697 Vol. 12, no. 9031

(William Tressy, had served 13 years in three French formations - cavalry and infantry - before he entered the Dillon regiment and was badly wounded in Spain. He left the HRI and received a going-away present of 30 livres. Like many others who left the HRI, he probably had friends outside and joined them. Prior to 1690, the HRI records noted that several of the Irish veterans who left went back to their own country, and Tressy, may have returned to Galway.)


1700 A list of the claims as they are entred with the Trustees: at Chichester House on College Green Dublin On or before the Tenth of August 1700. Dublin, 1701.

2634. Claimant: Richard Tressy.

The Estate or Interest claim'd: Residue of 31 years, com. on date of the deed.

By what Deed or Writing: Deed dated the 10 of November (98) Witness Luke Dillon, & al.

On what Lands: A stone House, &c. in Loughreagh.

County and Barony: C. Gallway.

Late Proprietor: Lord Bophin.


Cornelius Tracey, hatter, Loughrea, 1706

Henry Burke, hatter, Loughrea, 1716

Henry F. Berry. The Records of the Feltmakers' Company of Dublin, 1687-1841: Their Loss and Recovery. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Sixth Series, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Mar. 31, 1911), pp. 26-45


Clonfert Deeds

Danial Tressy, Loughrea, Galway, 1705-6, unproved (will)

James Tracy, Loughrea, Galway, 1781 (bond – [marriage?])

Patt Tracy, Carrew [ie Carhoon Tynagh], Galway, 1846 (bond– [marriage?])

Peter O’Tressy, Loughrea, Galway, 1725 (will)

Richard Tressy, Galway, 1724-5 (will)

Index to Clonfert marriage licence bonds, wills, and administration bonds. Irish Ancestor, 1970.


316v...Deinde 15 Novembris 1711 pariter recepti sunt ad habitum:...3. fr. Thomas (alias Daniel) Tressy.

312v. fr. Thomas Tressy, Magister Novitiorum...Julii 1723..

312r. ad id vocato [etc. as on 313v] (312r). In cuius rei fidem coram hisce infrascriptis testibus, manu propria subscripsi, die duodecima Julii 1724...fr. Thomas Tressy, magister novitiorum

311v...fr. Thomas Tressy, magister novitiorum, testis...6 Augusti 1725...

307v...Fr. Thomas Tressy obiit Tuamae die decima mensis Januarii 1742.

Hugh Fenning. The Athenry House-Chronicle, 1666-1779. Collectanea Hibernica, No. 11 (1968), pp. 36-52


6 February 1725

I do hereby Certify that the Parishioners of the inside mentioned parishes [enclosure missing] whatever Charity they were to give to any of the Augustinian family that it would be only to Mr. Owen Connor, because he lived amongst them now and that that was his former limitation, and by this means I lost most part of my last two collections. Given under my hand in Garbally this 6 day of february 1725. Fr. Mathias Trecy

Burke, William P (1969) Irish Priests in the Penal Times (1660-1760): From the State Papers in H.M. Record Offices. Shannon, Ireland


1727, James Egan, Tuam,

Sello Menor.

Ref. AG 1195

Parents: Dominic Egan and Ana Tracy.

Paternal grandparents: Cormac Egan and Isabel Burke.

Maternal grandparents: Thomas Tracy and Mary MacDonagh.

His coat of arms is signed by James Terry, Athlone king of arms at the court of James III, in exile in Paris 1720.

The petitioner was in the court of Paris with His Majesty king James III. He was forced to leave because of a person who owed him a considerable sum of money, and he had to support his family.

Samuel Fannin, BA, DipEd. Spanish Archives of Primary Source Material for the Irish. http://www.irishancestors.ie/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Fannin-Bilbao-Coru%C3%B1a3.pdf


4 Mar 1727 new deed 21 Jul 1722 old deed registered 16 Jan 1738

John French, gent of Loughrea Galway to Albert Dolphin, gent of Loughrea Galy, James Healy, mason of Loughrea Galway, occupier, lives of Olvier Power, Christopher power and James Tressy, to Nicholas Lynch, merchant of Loughrea Galway


Amrose Madden, gent of Loughrea Galway

Francis Lynch, gent of Loughrea Galway

Rickard Tressy, gent City of Dublin

20 Apr 1738 Registered 6th Dec 1738

Hugh Montgomery Esq of Ballymull Down to Thomas Shaw Esq, of Newfort Galway eldest son of Robert Shaw Esq of Galway deceased, for lives of Croasdale Shaw, 4th son, & William French 3rd son of Frederick French, Francis Cornyn, gent of Gortermond. Leitrim.


Richard Tressey, gent, City of Dublin

Peter Kilkenny

George Shaw, gent, of Newford Galway


7 Jul 1736 Memorial No: 62657

Lease between Edmond Kelly & son John of Mackney [Kilcloony]. Galway & Frederick French, esq, of Garbally [Garbally Demesne Kilcloony]. Galway [Ballinasloe]

Witness: Richard Tressy, gent, City of Dublin


9 Aug 1739

Richard Tressy, son and heir of John T., of Loughrea, Galway, Ireland, gent., decd. Called 12 Feb., 1741-2.

Register of Admissions to the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, from the Fifteenth Century to the Year 1944 by Middle Temple (London, England), 1949


Lot no.2. By Indenture of Lease dated 1st May 1741, the Right Honourable Smith, Earl of Clanricarde, demised to Anthony Power the several Tenaments and Gardens along the Milldam or in Moore's lane, and now or lately in possession of the Widow of Richard Burke, deceased, except the House, Garden and out-houses, which are set to Hugh Bolton of Loughrea, and which said Widow Burke then enjoyed, situate, lying, and being in the Town and half-barony of Loughrea, and county of Galway, to hold onto the said Anthony Power, his heirs and assigns, from the 1st May then instant, for the lives of John Skerrit, Robert Hayden and Anthony Tressy therin described, and the survivors of them, with a covenant for perpetual renewal subject to the yearly rent of £9.9.0 sterling. [1865]


1749 Elphin Diocesan Census

Richard Tracy, w. papist, Miller, 3 children under 14 years & 2 over 14 years, 1man & 1 woman papist servants, Cargeens, Dunamon, Co. Galway. [Carrigans Park, Dunamon, Co. Roscommon]

Legg Marie-Louise ed. (2004) The census of Elphin 1749. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.

Manning, Peter (1947) Elphin Diocesan Census 1749: surname index.


1761 David Power, Boulibane, Co. Galway. (Will) Witness: Anthony Tracy, Loughrea, Co. Galway. Gent.

Power, David, Boulibane, Co. Galway. 12 April 1761. Precis \ p. 17 Dec. 1761.

To Joseph Power, Loughrea, Co. Galway, gent., all my real estate in Co. Galway, that is to say the lands of Boulibane and Ballyboggan and lands of Keeloges. Rev. Archdeacon William Pigot and Hyacinth Daly, Esq., both of Loughrea, exors. Witnesses: James Burke, Robert Hardiman, Anthony Tracy, all of Loughrea, gents. Memorial witnessed by: Robert Hardiman, Peter Kilkenny, Dublin, gent. 213, 300, 141193 Joseph Power (sea)


19 Oct 1765 Memorial No: 159603

Marriage settlement between Martin Lynch, merchant, of Galway Galway & Mary French, daughter of William French of Loughrea Galway

Witness: Michael Tressy, gent, of Loughrea Galway


1767 La Gazette de France

De Londres, le 11 Septembre 1767...

Loughlin Tressy est mort, le 25 du mois dernier, dans le Comté de Galway en Irlande, âgé de cent dix ans sans avoir jamais eu d'autre maladie que celle qui l'a emporté.


London, September 11, 1767 ...

Loughlin Tressy died on 25 last month, County Galway, Ireland, aged one hundred and ten years without ever having had any other disease than that carried him away.


Sept 1767 The Scots Magazine, Volume 29

Near Gort, in the county of Galway in Ireland, aged 110 years, Loughlin Tressy, a mason.


1778-1790 Catholic Qualification Rolls

Anthony Tracy, gent, of Loughrea Co. Galway, 31st Aug 1779 Connaught Circuit assises Galway

James Tracy, gent, of Loughrea Co. Galway, 31st Aug 1779 Connaught Circuit assises Galway

Wm Tracy, Esq, of Loughrea, At an goal sessions held at Loughrea 23rd May 1793 [Galway]


13 April 1780 (FJ) County of Galway

AT a meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy and Free-holders...at Loughrea...Anthony Tracy...


1780 Some tenants of Clanricarde Estate in Loughrea, Galway

Daniel Tressy, House & garden, do. [Loughrea], £2 [image]



Mar 29, 1781

Deaths - Last Saturday at Loughrea, Co. Galway, after a few days illness, Mr. James Tracy

29 March 1781 Dublin Evening Post

Deaths. Last Saturday, at Loughrea, co Galway, after a few days illness, Mr James Tracy of that town, a young gentleman well known for his politeness and engaging disposition, which has rendered him so particularly agreeable to his acquinces, that his death is very fine rely lamented: His remains were attended by the Clanricard Infantry of which he was a member and interred with military honours.


Canadian military service

Danl Tracey born Galway - Canadian military service 1810-1813

Danl Treacey born 3 Jul 1787 Gilchrist, Galway - Canadian military service 12 Aug 1811

James Tracey born abt 1783 Thuana, Galway - Canadian military service 2 Oct 1807

James Tracey born abt 1808 Galway, Galway - Canadian military service 12 Sep 1825

Michael Tracey born abt 1806 Portsumua, Galway - Canadian military service 16 Dec 1823

Timy Treacey born abt 1790 Suttarman, Galway - Canadian military service 12 Aug 1811

Timy Treacy born abt 1790 Killarmor, Galway - Canadian military service 2 Aug 1811


25 Jan 1785 Saunders News-Letter

Married...Edmund Dunn of Dungarvan, Esq, to Miss Mary Tracy, of Clobrack [Clonbrock? Galway]


1 October 1788 Married (F)

...In Loughrea, Mr. Francis Tracy to Miss Jane Daly, milliner...


1791 Loughrea

A Survey of the Town and Parks of Loughrea containing 2162a 1r 25p plantation measure, part of the Estate of the Earl of Clanrickard situate in the County of Galway. Laid down by Scale of 15 perches in One Inch in 1791 and copied in 1796 by Michl. Cuddehy. [large wall-map measuring 53 x 56 inches.]

North Side of Boherbradagh

24. William Tracy                                                        76’5” x 320’0”                        1r 10p

26. Richd. Tracy...Front to the above...                      67’2” x 288’0”                       

Front to Athenry road...                                              93’2” x 288’0”                        1r 17¼p

38. Reps. of Anthony Tracey                                      52’2”                                       1r 5½p

In North side of West Street

46. William Tracy                                                        47’10” x 268’10”                    30p

South side of West Street

61. William Tracy                                                        72’3” x 168’0”                        27½p

South side of High street

110. Reps. Anthony Tracy...houses                            105’0” x 47’9”                        11⅓p

111. Same...back gardens                                          95’10” x 154’7”                      30p

High street North side

119. Willm. Tracey                                                      42’0” x 381’0”                        39 ½p

124. Reps of Anthony Tracy                                      78’0” x 378’0”                        1r 14p


314. Park Taurah and White Mill…Willm. Tracy                                                       4a 0r 33p


316. Part Cosmona Reps. James Tracy                                                                       53a 3r 26p

317. Part do. pasturable Bog..do.                                                                              6a 0r 27p

Upper Tulla

327. Part do. Reps. Anthony Tracy                                                                            23a 0r 38p

a = acre r = rod p = perch

Egan, Rev. Patrick K., "The Town of Loughrea in 1791". Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol.24 No.3.(1951)


26 January 1792 (FJ) We, the undernamed...loyal subjects, Roman Catholics of the County of Galway...

...Wm. Tracy, Loughrea...Wm. Tracy, Loughrea...


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Edmund Tracey/Treacy born Dublin, Dublin. Served in 2nd Foot Guards Discharged aged 44 after 19 years 6 months of service Covering dates give year of enlistment to year of discharge., 1793-1812

Edmund Tracey b.1768 St John’s, Dublin [crossed out for Loughrea, Gallway] 2nd or Coldstream Guards 1793 –18th Nov 1812 WO120/10 Cordwainer WO121 WO116/14

Second Foot Guards

18 Nov 1812 Dd Edmd Treacy No 38852, 44, 19 years 11/12? months, rate per day 1/-, Disard Viscera, born Loughrea Galway, Cordwainer, Gr eyes fresh complexion, gr hair


Genealogical Abstracts

Patk Treacy, 1824, Galway,

Patrick Tracy, 1824, Galway

William Tracy, 1789, Galway

William Tracy, 1789, Galway


1796 Irish Flax Growers

John Tressy, Ballynakill, Galway 
Michael Tressy, Musickfield, Galway 
Nicholas Tracy, Kilcroan, Galway 
Widow Tressy, Ballynakill, Galway 


British War Office

Patrick Tracey b. 1781 Dunmore, Galway. Labourer. Royal Staff Corps 1796 – 1802. 2/40th till 1807. Then 3rd Garrison Btn.

Patrick Tracey joined 1st Garrison Btn from 3rd Garrison Btn 1807

Patrick Tracey appointed Cpl 1st Garrison Btn Jan 1810 discharged by 1812


1803 Oct 1st

Lease to Edward Geoghegan of Kill Co. Galway to Thomas Trassy of lands in Cloonlahan Co. Galway. (D. 18,635)


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

EDWARD TRACEY Born BORLIA, Galway Served in 98th Foot Regiment; 4th Royal Veteran Battalion Discharged aged 50, 1804-1817

Edward Tracey/Treacy b.1767 Borlia, Loughrea, Gallway 98th Foot (9 yrs and Cpl), 4th Royal Veterans (4yrs) 1804 – 1817 Chelsea 28th March 1817 as Tracey. Labourer WO116/24

Edmd Treacy, born abt 1768 Loughrea, Galway 2nd Foot Guards, residence 18 Nov 1812, Regimental Registers of Pensioners

Edward Tracey, born Loughrea, Galway, Private 4th Veteran Battalion, discharged age 50 on the 22 Sep 1811, Soldier's Service Documents

20.3.17 4th Royal Veteran Battalion

Edward Tracey born in the parish of Borlia near the town of Loughrea County Galway, served Five years and three hundred and thirty five days...in consequence of the batallion being ordered to be disbanded... to be discharged and has been ordered to the Army depot Chatham

[pay]...and that he lhas? in Clarne? whatever on the Ballalease

description of Private Edwd Tracey, he is about fifty years of age, is Treet? feet six inches, black hair, hazle eyes, swarthy complexion and by trade a labourer.

Statement of Service

??? Foot, 25 June 1804 to 24 Oct 1813, Corporal 5 years, private 4 years 122 days Total 10 years 92 days, Indies 1 year 300 days

??? Bn 25 Oct 13 to 24 Sep 1815 private 2 years 335 days

seal of the regiment at Quebec Twenty ? September

Edwd Tracy is unfit for further service...is discharged.

Chatham 4 March 1817


British War Office

James Tracey b. 1783 Thucain [Tiaquin?], Galway enl. 35th foot 1807. Dis 1816 labourer with William


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

John Tr(e)ac(e)y born Clonfert, Galway. Served in 13th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 35 1807-1823 WO97/348/29

John Treacey, b. 1788, Ballinasloe, Galway

John Treacey/Tracey b.1788 Clonfert, Balliniscoe, Galway  13th Foot 1807-1823WO120/23 Pensioner in GAL But John Tracey b. 1788 Clinfith, Galway was with 13th Light Dragoons for 18yrs (5 in India) till 25th June 1823 (aged 35) and was a tailor WO116/33 WO97

Jno Tracey, born Clonfert, Galway, 13th Regiment of Foot, residence 25 Jun 1823

Thirteenth Reg Foot - 25th June 1823, Jno Tracey, 35 years, 15 9/12 private, India Service West 5 2/12, Total 18 4/12, Pulmonic disease & loss of left eye, born Clonfert Galway, tailor, 5'6", br hair, gr eyes, fair complexion, Inc 73009



8. Daniel Treacy, Ballymabilla, Kilconnell, Galway, 12a/2r/10p, £9.16.11, Lease dated the 12th July 1824, from Jas. S. Lambert to Daniel Treacy to hold from the 1st of May 1823, for the life of Samuel S. Harrison, still in being, now aged 60 years. Rent £10.10.3 late currancy.

20. William Treacy, Ballymabilla, Kilconnell, Galway, 1a/2r/19p, £2.2.0, Lease dated 1st may 1807, from Walter Lambert to said William Treacy of a house and part of Ballymabilla, not surveyed, at the yearly rent of £2.5.6, late currancy, equivalent to £2.2.0, present currancy for life of said William Treacy, and contains a reservation of all mines and minerals, and a rigyt of entry to work same, also a right of fishing, fowling, and hunting and a non-alienation clause under a penalty of forfeiture of said lease.

21. William Treacy, Ballymabilla, Kilconnell, Galway, 76a/2r/5p, £40.0.6, tenant from year to year.


1807 The Catholic School Census of Cloyne and Ross

John Tracy (39) Gurtnacully, Bourney, Tipperary.

Patrick Tracy (110) Clonrush (in the Chapel), Clonrush, Galway.

Corcoran, T (1932) Some Lists of Catholic Lay Teachers and Their Illegal Schools in the Later Penal Times. University College, Dublin.


British Army Records

Dinnis Tracey 1st/11th c.1810 labourer. Died per letter 17007. Monies to his widow in Lawrence Town, Galway WO25/2500


British Army Records

Patrick Treacey b.1780 Tuam, Galway labourer 4th Garrison Btn 1810


Canada, British Regimental Registers of Service

Timy Treacey, 21, b. abt 1790 Suttarman [Kiltarman - Kiltiernan], Galway, Military Date: 12 Aug 1811 74th Foot Soldiers, at enlistment 5'5.5", at 24 years 5'6.5", brown complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, round face, labourer, enlisted Limerick 12 Aug 1811, Col from Galway Mil,

Timth Treacey, Military Date: 12 Aug 1811 74th Foot Soldiers, How became effective: Enl fm Galway Mil, 8 Feby 1811 Joined or first returned on the Strength as Head Quarters

Danl Treacey, 24, b. 3 Jul 1787 Gilchrist [Kilchreest] Galway, 5'10", Carpenter, Military Date: 12 Aug 1811 Limerick, 74th Foot Soldiers, How became effective: Enl fm Galway Mil, 25 Feby 1811 Joined or first returned on the Strength as Head Quarters


British Army Pensioners - Royal Hospital Kilmainham Ireland, 1783-1822 (WO119)

Timothy Treacey, b. 1791 Killamor Galway, 74th Foot

Timothy Treacy b. 1791 Killamor, Galway 71st and 74th Foot 12th Aug 1811-30th April 1817. Admitted Kilmainham 30th Oct 1816 WO118/38 p.79 after an accident on guard at Newgate Prison in 1816. Treacy and a labourer, admitted 30th April 1817 WO118/10 Military General Service Medal bars Bad S V P Nive O T. Pension transferred from Galway to Athlone permanently 31st March 1847 and paid as Tracy. WO22/143 Pensioner, as Tracey, from 30th April 1817. Died 15th Dec 1860. WO22/144

...Enlisted at Limerick...

...his general conduct as a soldier has been not very good, but he served with the regiment in six general engagements in the Penninsula and his behaviour in the field has been excellent...

Description:  about 26 years, 5’ 6.5”, brown hair, grey eyes, brown complexion, by trade a labourer


British war Office [see 1787-1854 British War Office]

Thomas B Tracey b. 1801 New Radford, Nottingham. Enlisted 1st KDGs 1815.Discharged 25th June 1844. WO117/4 Emigrated to Kingston, Canada. Son of John b. 1778 Athlone. Married Hannah Pallon 4th March 1828 in Edinburgh. Children: Alexander 1828 Alnwick [Northumberland, England]; Francis 1829 Gort [Galway];  Catherine 1831 Milton; Sarah Ann 1833 Chichester (died 1840 Niagara, Canada); Robert 1836 Abergavenny [Wales]; Margaret 1838 Dundalk; Thomas 1842 Chamby, Quebec. Retired to Canada and died 1881


1820 June 9th Limerick General Advertiser or Gazette

In Galway, Michael Tracy Esq formerly of Loughrea but now of Jamaica in the West Indies to Anne fourth daughter of the late Joseph Ormsby, Esq Surveyor of Excise for Galway.

23 January 1828 Dublin Evening Mail

Married. On the 18th inst, in the Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas Galway, by the Rev James Daly, Warden, Thomas Mitchell, of Lower Rutland street, in the City of Dublin, Esq. to Anne, widow of Michael Staunton Tracy, late of Kingston, in the Island of Jamaica, Esq.

25 January 1828 Limerick Evening Post

In the Protestant Church of St. Nicholas Galway, Thomas Mitchell, Esq of Roscommon, solicitor, to Anne, relict of the late Michael Tracy, Esq of the Island of Jamaica.


The Corporation of Tuam

Sept 25 1820 Paid serjeants at mace their salary: Pat Tracy £6

August 10 1824 To paid Tracy for Mrs. Lyons £0/18/0


Burgesses of the Borough of Tuam 29 Sept 1821, (elected)
Patrick Tracey, Patrick Tracy


Sept. 25 [1820] To paid Sergeants at Mace their Sallary £12. -. -. , Pat Tracey £6 Pat Vesey £6


for the Borough of Tuam.

IA, . B. Sergeant at Mace for the Corporation of Tuam do SWEAR that I will well and truly serve the Sovereign and Burgesses of said Corporation for the time being and to them be obedient, And that I will without favour or affection execute all such orders Decrees and actions as shall from Time be Given me by the Sovereign for the time being or so long as I shall be employed, so Help me God.

John Burke

Patt. Vesey

Patk. Tracey 29th. September 1821.

Michl. Dorhan 29 Sept. 1821.

Patk Tracy 1821.

W. J. V. Comerford. Some Notes on the Borough of Tuam and Its Records 1817-1822. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 15, No. 3/4 (1932/1933), pp. 97-120


1821 The Treble almanack

Inspectors of Gaols...Tuam...Sergts at Mace, Mr. Pat. Veasey, and Mr. Pat. Tracy.


1821 Census Fragment


 By Area


Bridget Tressy, 12, House Servant, 1 Killeen, Kiltullagh, Galway

Bridget Tressy, 2, Daughter, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

Bridget Tressy, 24, Niece [to Ruane], Visitor, 1, Ranafulraghty [Gortakeeran?], Kiltullagh, Galway

Bridget Tressy, 30, Wife, -, 8, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway

Bridget Tressy, 60, Wife, Flax & Wool Spinner, 13, Moyode, Persse Lodge, Kilconierin, Galway [Occasly Empd?]

Bridget Tressy, 8, Daughter, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway


Catharine Tressy, 19, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway

Catherine Tressy, 9, Daughter, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway


Honoria Tressy, 32, Daughter [of Mary Monaghan], -, 15, Glanaskey [ie Glennaskehy], Kilreekil, Galway


James Tressy, 40, -, Farmer & Labourer, 9, Knockadally [Knocknadaula], Kiltullagh, Galway

John Tressy, 25, Son In Law, Shoe Maker, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway

John Tressy, 3, Son, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway

John Tressy, 47, Gardener, 1, Turo [Turoe], Kiltullagh, Galway

John Tressy, 60, -, Woodranger, 13, Moyode, [present name] Persse Lodge, Kilconierin, Galway [1 acre]

Judith Tressy [Cavanagh], 21, Daughter, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway

Judith Tressy, 4, Daughter, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway


Margaret Tressy, 10, Daughter, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

Margaret Tressy, 25, Daughter [of Patrick Cavanagh, blacksmiths], 22, Cloonmeen, [present name] Cloonmane Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

Margt Tressy, 30, Wife, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway

Martin Tressy, 0 [under 1 lives with Whelans & Burke] 34, Rathgorgan [Rathgorgin], Kilconierin, Galway [page]

Mary Tressy, 17, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf & dumb]

Mary Tressy, 30, Wife, Mantuar, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway

Mary Tressy, 36, Wife, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

Mary Tressy, 4, Grand Child, -, 15, Glanaskey, Kilreekil, Galway

Mary Tressy, 4, Grand Child, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway

Mary Tressy, 50, Wife, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway

Michael Tressy, 45, -, Farmer & Brogue Maker, 5, Pallace, [present name is] Finnure, Kilreekil [ie Abbeygormacan], Galway [6 acres]

Michl Tressy, 24, House Servt & Labourer, 62 Lisnakerrick [resent name Knocktoher] [Knockatogher], Kiltullagh, Galway

Michl Tressy, 3, Son, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway


Patrick Tressy, 12, Son, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf & dumb]

Patrick Tressy, 2, Grand Child, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway

Patrick Tressy, 36, Shoemaker, 24, Cloonmeen, [present name] Cloonmane Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway [1 acre]

Patt Tressy, 0, Son, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway

Patt Tressy, 28, Son, Labourer, 13, Moyode, Persse Lodge, Kilconierin, Galway

Peter Tressy, 30, -, Labourer, 8, Rathgorgan [Rathgorgin], Kilconierin, Galway [1 acre]

Thomas Connelly, 9, Nephew


Thomas Tressy, 28, -, Labourer Occay Empd, 8, Knockadally [Knocknadaula], Kiltullagh, Galway

Thomas Tressy, 6, Son, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway


William Tressy, 6, Son, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway



Michael Tressy, 45, -, Farmer & Brogue Maker, 5, Pallace, [present name is] Finnure, Kilreekil [ie Abbeygormacan], Galway [6 acres]

Mary Tressy, 50, Wife, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway

Mary Tressy, 17, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf & dumb]

Patrick Tressy, 12, Son, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf & dumb]

Catharine Tressy, 19, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway



John Tressy, 60, -, Woodranger, 13, Moyode, [present name] Persse Lodge, Kilconierin, Galway [1 acre]

Bridget Tressy, 60, Wife, Flax & Wool Spinner, 13, Moyode, Persse Lodge, Kilconierin, Galway [Occasly Empd?]

Patt Tressy, 28, Son, Labourer, 13, Moyode, Persse Lodge, Kilconierin, Galway

Thomas Connelly, 9, Nephew


Peter Tressy, 30, -, Labourer, 8, Rathgorgan [Rathgorgin], Kilconierin, Galway [1 acre]

Mary Tressy, 30, Wife, Mantuar, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway

Thomas Tressy, 6, Son, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway

John Tressy, 3, Son, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway

Patt Tressy, 0, Son, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway

Catherine Tressy, 9, Daughter, -, 8, Rathgorgan, Kilconierin, Galway


Martin Tressy, 0 [under 1 lives with Whelans & Burke] 34, Rathgorgan [Rathgorgin], Kilconierin, Galway [page]



Margaret Tressy, 25, Daughter [of Patrick Cavanagh, blacksmiths], 22, Cloonmeen, (present name) Cloonmane Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

Judith Tressy [Cavanagh], 21, Daughter, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway

John Tressy, 25, Son In Law, Shoe Maker, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway

Mary Tressy, 4, Grand Child, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway

Patrick Tressy, 2, Grand Child, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway


Patrick Tressy, 36, Shoemaker, 24, Cloonmeen, [present name] Cloonmane Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway [1 acre]

Mary Tressy, 36, Wife, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

William Tressy, 6, Son, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

Bridget Tressy, 2, Daughter, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway

Margaret Tressy, 10, Daughter, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway


Honoria Tressy, 32, Daughter [of Mary Monaghan], -, 15, Glanaskey [ie Glennaskehy], Kilreekil, Galway

Mary Tressy, 4, Grand Child, -, 15, Glanaskey, Kilreekil, Galway


Michael Tressy, 45, -, Farmer & Brogue Maker, 5, Pallace, [present name is] Finnure, Kilreekil [ie Abbeygormacan], Galway [6 acres]

Mary Tressy, 50, Wife, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway

Mary Tressy, 17, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf & dumb]

Patrick Tressy, 12, Son, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf & dumb]

Catharine Tressy, 19, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway



Bridget Tressy, 12, House Servant, 1 Killeen, Kiltullagh, Galway


Thomas Tressy, 28, -, Labourer Occay Empd, 8, Knockadally [Knocknadaula], Kiltullagh, Galway

Bridget Tressy, 30, Wife, -, 8, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway


James Tressy, 40, -, Farmer & Labourer, 9, Knockadally [Knocknadaula], Kiltullagh, Galway

Margt Tressy, 30, Wife, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway

Bridget Tressy, 8, Daughter, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway

Judith Tressy, 4, Daughter, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway

Michl Tressy, 3, Son, -, 9, Knockadally, Kiltullagh, Galway


Michl Tressy, 24, House Servt & Labourer, 62 Lisnakerrick [resent name Knocktoher] [Knockatogher], Kiltullagh, Galway


Bridget Tressy, 24, Niece [to Ruane], Visitor, 1, Ranafulraghty [Gortakeeran?], Kiltullagh, Galway


John Tressy, 47, Gardener, 1, Turo [Turoe], Kiltullagh, Galway


[Note: On Galway placenames Nogginstown is stated to be a village in Newgrove townland. In the Tithe records it is between Newgrove and Wallscourt Kilreekill, however there are no Traceys recorded]


1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans

With records for Ahascragh, Ballygar, Castle Hackett, Clifden, Galway and Kilconickny.

1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans


British War Office

Daniel Tracey, b. 1844 Lougrea, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Denis Tracey, b. 1818 Porturnna, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Edward Tracey, b. ? Loughrea, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

James Tracey, b. 1808 Galway, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

James Treacy, b. 1856 Galway, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

John Tracey, b. 1837 Ballmasloe, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

John Tracy, b. ? 1837 Portumna, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

John Tracy, b. 1821 Ballynasloe, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

John Treacey 1788 Ballinasloe, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

John Treacy, b. 1814 Tuam, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Martin Tracey, b. 1845 Loughrea, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Michael Tracey, b. 1806 Portumna, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Patrick Tracey, b. 1827 Loughrea, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Peter Treacy, b. 1880 Ballinastoe, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Stephen Tracy, b. 1826 Galway, Galway WO97 Chelsea  

Thomas Treacey 1834 Dunmore, Galway WO97 Chelsea  


2 Mar 1822-10 Mar 1822 Quit Rent Office - Papers relating to the crown estates of Doon and Trust, County Galway

2 letters from Flan Tracey, Athlone [Westmeath], the first to William Plunkett, Attorney General, the second to Robert Reeves, Solicitor for the Forfeited Estates, relating to Tracey's discovery of concealed crown land in County Galway. NAI QRO/4/3/7/58


August 01, 1822 Freemans Journal & August 9 1822 BL

Pedestrianism - A young man named Daniel Tracy, tennant to E. Lynch, Esq. of Raglass, for a small wager undertook yesterday (July 28) to outrun the Galway mail from two miles beyond Aughrim to this town (Galway) a task in which he perfectly succeeded. He stopped at every stage with the horses; and when it is considered that the distance is 32 Irish miles, and that the greater part of the roads and torn up for repair, astonishment must increase – Connaught Journal.


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Michael Tracey born Portumna, Galway. Served in 94th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 38, 1823-1846

Michael Tracey, b. 1806 Portumna, Galway


Commissioners for Auditing Public Accounts 1829

Public Works - Annadown and Oldbury Boat Quays, Lough Corrib, Galway

Paid Michael Tracey, storekeeper, four weeks to 10th February 1823 £3/-/-


March 1, 1824 The Connaught Journal

     We hereby give Notice that we have surrendered ourselves to Thomas Redington, of Ryehill, Esq. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Galway and are now confined in the County Gaol of Galway for the alleged charge of the Murder of the late John Burke, of Tyaquin, Parish and Union of Athenry, and County of Galway, on the 17th of August last, and we further give Notice, that we intend to abide our trials at the ensuing Assizes of Galway, for the alleged charge of Murder of the aforesaid John Burke, wherein all persons concerned are requested to attend and prosecute if any they can.-
Dated and given under our hands at the County Gaol of Galway, this 8th day of
March, 1824.
              Martin Thassy.
              John Grealy.
To his Majesty's Attorney-General of Ireland and to all others whom it may concern.


April 1, 1824 The Connaught Journal

Galway County Convictions

John Burn, Pat Treacy, and Martin Treacy, Manslaughter


1824 House of Lords

Galway. A list of persons tried for murder at Lent Assizes 1824

Martin Tressy

Patrick Tressy

John Grealy

Cathe Grealy

For the murder of John Burke, with a stick

Martin Tressy, Patrick Tressy, found guilty of manslaughter, ordered to be imprisoned Six Months. The two others acquitted.

Vol. 172 (1824). 1801-1833 House of Lords - The Sessional Papers


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

James Tracey Born Galway, Galway Served in 23rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39, 1825-1848 [b. 1809]

James Tracey born abt 1808 Galway, Galway - Canadian military service 12 Sep 1825

James Tracey, born abt 1808 Galway, Galway, No. 388 Color Sergeant 23rd Regiment of Royal Welch Fusiliers, joined age 17 on the 14 Sep 1825, joined Gibralton


1st Battalion 23 ??? Royal Welsh Fusileers

Halifax N.S. 3rd May 1848 Discharge

No. 388 James Tracey Colour Sergeant, by trade a tailor, born parish of Galway, town of Galway, county Galway, attested at Gibraltar 14 Sept 1825, age 17 years,

service twenty one years and 259 days,

served abroad eighteen 10/12 years,

Portugal One 1/12 years

Gibraltar Eight years

North America Six 4/12 years

West Indies three 5/12 years

Discharge being unfit for further service

His conduct has been that of a very good and efficient soldier

James Tracy of Galway Galway Ireland (WO 23)

Regiments:   23rd Foot 1st battalion

Rank:            Color Sergeant

Age:             39

Foreign service:  Portugal 1 1/12; North America 6 4/12; Gibraltar 8; West Indies 3 5/12

Character:     Very Good

Trade:           tailor

Height - feet:               5

Height - inches:           7 1/2

Hair:             brown

Eyes:            grey

Complexion:                fair

Regimental surgeons report:       worn out

Place of residence:      Halifax Nova Scotia

Permission to reside:   6 June 1848

23 6 1841 ???

At Quebec, Mary, wife of Color-Serjeant Treacy, 23rd Fusileers.

James Tracy (b. abt Jan 1809 Galway Ireland d. aft 1881) & Helen ??? (LDS)

Mary Ann Tracey (b. 12 Feb 1845 Trinidad, British West Indies d. abt 1918 Ft. Banks,Winthrop,Mass) m. James J. Broadhurst 12th Jan 1864 Halifax, Nova Scotia

James Tracey was a British soldier 23rd Regiment of Foot, Welsh Fusiliers, born 1809 Galway IRE, discharged Aug 1847 in Nova Scotia, two known children, Mary Ann Tracey (b.1845, Trinidad), my gr-grandmother, married James Broadhurst in Halifax, and second daughter Elizabeth J. Tracey b. 1846 in one of the Caribbean islands according to British military records. James Tracey’s wife was named Helen, surname unknown, also born Ireland, who was allowed to travel with him from base to base. I am seeking information about Elizabeth J Tracey, who is believed to have married in Halifax, N.S. In 1881 and 1891 McAlpine’s Director James is shown living at 124 Maitland Street, Halifax. If anyone has access to the 1881 or 1891 census (is there an earlier census?), I would appreciate a lookup to determine who is listed in his household. Please contact me at agbroadhurst@hotmail.com


1826/7 Schoolteachers

Patrick Tracy, RC, Clonrush, Co. Galway

1826 Second Report - Irish Education Inquiry [published 1836 House of Commons]

Patrick Tracy, Clonrush Clonrush Leitrim, R catholic, pay, from 1/8 to 2s p' qr for each pupil, held in the chapel, 110 RC 70 male 40 female, 100 RC 66 male 34 female


19 October 1826 (FJ) Chancery [Tuam]

...Also,all that and those, the Tenemenst and Plots of Ground in the Town of Tuam commonly called...Mr. Dunn's two plots, adjioning Trassy's Plot...


Royal Commission for inquiring into the condition of the poorer classes in Ireland 1836

Peter Geoghegan against Michael Thady Mary and William Tressy, lands, Kiltormer Longford Galway, 14 acres, rent £1/4/0 per acre, Non-payment £16/16/0 Irish, Decree possession, Loughrea 7 July 1828


1829-1833 Juvenile association for promoting the education of the deaf and dumb poor of Ireland

Mrs. Treacey, 2s 6d, Diocesan School, Ballymena

Mrs. Tracey, 1s 6d, Mrs C and Mrs Montgomereys Card, Ballymena

Master R. Tracy, 3d, Rebecca Parkers Card, Banagher

Mr. Tracy, 1s, Master Robert Deverells Card, Tullamore

Mrs. Tracy, 6d, Mis Welchs Card, Maryborough

M. L. Tracey, Esq, 2s 6d, Miss E Cuppaidges Card, Galway [town?]


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Anne Jussey [Tressy] Lisnagzy, Leitrim, Galway, 1843

Anne Tracey, Gortnagoyne, Dunmore, Kilkenny [Galway], 1833


Daniel Tracy, junior, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831 [duplicate]

Daniel Tracy, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831

Daniel Tracy, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831 [duplicate]

Daniel Trassy, Ballimabilla, Killallon, Meath [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835

Daniel Trassy, Castle, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

Daniel Tresy, Balanahera [Ballynageeragh] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index]

Daniel Tresy, Freynecaile, Kilconickny, [Treankyle Kilconierin] Galway, 1826

Danl Tracy, junr, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831

Danl Tressy, Ballymabilla, Kilgerrill [Killallaghtan], Galway, 1826


Denis Preacey [Treacey], Carrowneseer Carrowcunnipp & Shruel [Carrownaseer], Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

Denis Treasy, Woodford, Ballynakill [(Leitrim)], Galway, 1834


Edmd Tracy, Kilcooly Commons, Kilcooly, Galway [Tipperary], 1826

Edmd Treacy [& John Duane], Fahy, Killallon, Meath [Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835

Edmd Treacy [& Wm Mansin?], Fahy, Killallon, Meath [Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835

Edmond Freacey [Treacy], Carreel Skyane Rahan [Carrue Skehanagh Raheen], Tynagh, Galway, 1826

Edmond Treacy, Skyarra [Carrue Skehanagh Raheen], Tynagh, Galway, 1826


Felix Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833


Francis Treacy, Lisduffbana [Lissduff], Tynagh, Galway, 1826


James Freysy [Tressy], Lambert [in Dungory], Kinvarradoorus, Galway, 1826

James Traisy or Tracey [Traesy], Kilglass, Ahascragh, Galway, 1824

James Treasy, Finostolo, Kilconickny, [Sraheendoo? Kiltullagh] Galway, 1826

James Treasy, Knostoko [Knockatogher?], Kiltullagh, Galway, 1826

James Tressy, Dambert [Dungory?], Kinvarradoorus, Galway, 1826

James Tressy, Kinvara, Kinvarradoorus, Galway, 1826

James Tresy, Balanahera [Ballynageeragh] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index]

Jas Tracey [& Co], Shanbally [Shanballymore], Killeroran Galway, 1834

Jas Tressey, Stahane More, Kilgerrill [Killallaghtan], Galway, 1826


Jhn Tracey, Atticoffey, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Jno Reacy [Treacy?], Crowsnest, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Jo Tracey, Attycoffe, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Jo Treacy, Attycoffy, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

John Tessy [Tressy], Portnabay [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827

John Tracy, Pulboy [Pollboy], Kilcloony, Galway, 1824

John Trafsy [Trassy], Slahanemore [Slihaun More], Killallon [Killallaghtan], Meath [Galway], 1835

John Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

John Treacy, Ballinaclogh, Killallon [Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan, Galway], Meath, 1835

John Treacy, Grimagh [?], Grange, Limerick, [Galway] 1830

John Treasy, East Garacloon, Kilconickny [Kilconierin], Galway, 1826

John Treasy, Knockawn [Knockaun], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

John Trefsy [Tressy], Gurrawn [Garraun Ballynakill [(Leitrim barony)], Galway, 1834

John Tressy, Ballinaclough, Kilgerrill [Killallaghtan], Galway, 1826

John Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

John Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

John Tressy, Poulnabrone [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827

John Trissy, Earlstowne, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841 [Duplicate]


Laurence Treacy & Co, Paultalloon[Polltalloon], Tynagh, Galway, 1826

Lawrence Treacy & Co, Poultaloon [Polltalloon], Tynagh, Galway, 1826


Mehan [Michael] Thracy, Ballinruan [Ballinrooaun], Clonrush, Galway, 1830

Mich Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

Michael Thracy, Ballinrooaun, Clonrush, Galway, 1830 [copy]

Michael Treasy, Curram Coyle [Garrankyle], Kilconickny, [Garrankyle? Kilconierin] Galway, 1826

Michael Tresy, Freynecaile, Kilconickny, [Treankyle Kilconierin] Galway, 1826

Michl Tracy, Mt Kelly, Boyounagh, Galway, 1834

Michl Tre?Sy [Tressy], Mountkelly, Boyounagh, Galway, 1834

Michl Tressy, Ballinakill [Inchy], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Mich'L Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

Michl Trissy, Earlstowne, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841 [Duplicate]


Nicholas Treagy [Treasy? & Co] Ardoslough, Boyounagh, Galway, 1834 [1831]


Pat & Mat Tracey, Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834

Pat Tracey, Poulreaman [Pollremon], Templetogher, Galway,

Pat Tracey, Poulreaman [Pollremon], Templetogher, Galway, [duplicate]

Pat Tracy, Rosmore, Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Pat Trefsy [Tressy], Gurrawn [Garraun Ballynakill [(Leitrim barony)], Galway, 1834

Pat Tressy, Poulnabrone [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827

Pat Tressy, Slieveroe, Killora, Galway, 1827

Patk Trassey [& co], Ballybuck, Killinny, Galway, 1826

Patrick Tracey, Clogh, Clongill, [Clonkeen] Meath, [Galway] 1834

Patt Tessy [Tressy], Kileroe [Slieveroe], Killora, Galway, 1827

Patt Tessy [Tressy], Portnabay [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827

Patt Tracy [& co], Mill Division [Pollremon written in], Templetogher, Galway,

Patt Tracy [& co], Pulredmone, [Mill Division] Templetogher, Galway,

Pattk Trassey, Ballybuck, Killinny, Galway, 1826 [duplicate]


Peter Treany [Treascy], [Leppa], Part of Park, Moycullen, Galway, 1828

Peter Tresy, Balanahera [Ballynageeragh] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index]

Peter Tresy, Rogorgan [Rathgorgin] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index]


Philip Tracey, Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834


Rose Treasy, Dooros, Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834


Thady [Tresy?], Ballynageeragh Kilconierin, Galway, 1826]

Thady Trassy, Cahertinny, Kilconickny, Galway, 1826

Thady Treasy [Tresy], Capaugh [Cappagh], Kilconickny [Kilconierin], Galway, 1826

Thimothy Treasy, Cahernaman, Kilconickny, Galway, 1826


Thomas Tessy [Tressy], Kileroe [Slieveroe], Killora, Galway, 1827

Thomas Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

Thomas Treasy, Freynecaile, Kilconickny [Treankyle Kilconierin], Galway, 1826

Thomas Tressy [& co], Portumna, Lickmolassy, Galway, 1837

Thoms Tracey, Clough, Clongill [Clonkeen], Meath [Galway], 1834

Thos Trassey [& co], Kilenhy West, Killinny, Galway, 1826

Thos Trassey [& co], Kilenhy West, Killinny, Galway, 1826 [duplicate]

Thos Treacy, Abbey [Crumlin], Athenry [Abbeyknockmoy], Galway, 1827

Thos Treacy, Crumlin, Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy], Galway,

Thos Trefsy [Tressy], Gurrawn [Garraun Ballynakill [(Leitrim barony)], Galway, 1834

Thos Tressy, Slieveroe, Killora, Galway, 1827


Tracey [Widow], Attycoffe, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Tracy [Widow], Rosmore, Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Treacy, Atticoffey [Widow], Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Treacy, Attycoffy [Widow], Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Treasy, [widow] Thoan Roe [Tonroe], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Widow Treasy, [Lr Riverstown, Tynagh, Galway, 1826]


William [Tacey Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834 – page missing in index]

William Tracey, Ballyfaris, Killeroran, Galway, 1834

William Treacy, Ballimabilla, Killallon, Meath [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835

Wilm Tressy, Annagh, Ballymacward, Galway, 1827-1835

Wm Tracey, Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834

Wm Tracy, Rossmore [Rosmore], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Wm Tressy, [Ballymabilla, Kilgerrill, Killallaghtan, Galway, 1826]



Thos Treacy, Abbey [Crumlin], Athenry [Abbeyknockmoy], Galway, 1827

Thos Treacy, Crumlin, Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy], Galway,


James Traisy or Tracey [Traesy], Kilglass, Ahascragh, Galway, 1824


Wilm Tressy, Annagh, Ballymacward, Galway, 1827-1835


Denis Treasy, Woodford, Ballynakill [(Leitrim)], Galway, 1834

John Treasy, Knockawn [Knockaun], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

John Trefsy [Tressy], Gurrawn [Garraun Ballynakill [(Leitrim barony)], Galway, 1834

Michl Tressy, Ballinakill [Inchy], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Pat Tracy, Rosmore, Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Pat Trefsy [Tressy], Gurrawn [Garraun Ballynakill [(Leitrim barony)], Galway, 1834

Rose Treasy, Dooros, Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Thos Trefsy [Tressy], Gurrawn [Garraun Ballynakill [(Leitrim barony)], Galway, 1834

Tracy [Widow], Rosmore, Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Treasy, [widow] Thoan Roe [Tonroe], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834

Wm Tracy, Rossmore [Rosmore], Ballynakill (Leitrim), Galway, 1834


Michl Tre?Sy [Tressy], Mountkelly, Boyounagh, Galway, 1834

Michl Tracy, Mt Kelly, Boyounagh, Galway, 1834

Nicholas Treagy [Treasy? & Co] Ardoslough, Boyounagh, Galway, 1834 [1831]


Patrick Tracey, Clogh, Clongill, [Clonkeen] Meath, [Galway] 1834

Thoms Tracey, Clough, Clongill [Clonkeen], Meath [Galway], 1834


Mehan [Michael] Thracy, Ballinruan [Ballinrooaun], Clonrush, Galway, 1830

Michael Thracy, Ballinrooaun, Clonrush, Galway, 1830 [copy]


Jhn Tracey, Atticoffey, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Jno Reacy [Treacy?], Crowsnest, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Jo Tracey, Attycoffe, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Jo Treacy, Attycoffy, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Tracey [Widow], Attycoffe, Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Treacy, Atticoffey [Widow], Clontuskert, Galway, 1823

Treacy, Attycoffy [Widow], Clontuskert, Galway, 1823


Anne Tracey, Gortnagoyne, Dunmore, Kilkenny [Galway], 1833

Daniel Trassy, Castle, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

Denis Preacey [Treacey], Carrowneseer Carrowcunnipp & Shruel [Carrownaseer], Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

Felix Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

John Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833

Thomas Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833


John Treacy, Grimagh [?], Grange, Limerick, [Galway] 1830


John Tracy, Pulboy [Pollboy], Kilcloony, Galway, 1824


James Tresy, Balanahera [Ballynageeragh] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index] 1826

Daniel Tresy, Balanahera [Ballynageeragh] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index] 1826

Peter Tresy, Balanahera [Ballynageeragh] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index] 1826

Thady [Tresy?], Ballynageeragh Kilconierin, Galway, 1826

Thady Treasy [Tresy], Capaugh [Cappagh], Kilconickny [Kilconierin], Galway, 1826

Daniel Tresy, Freynecaile, Kilconickny, [Treankyle Kilconierin] Galway, 1826

Michael Tresy, Freynecaile, Kilconickny, [Treankyle Kilconierin] Galway, 1826

Thomas Treasy, Freynecaile, Kilconickny [Treankyle Kilconierin], Galway, 1826

John Treasy, East Garacloon, Kilconickny [Kilconierin], Galway, 1826

Michael Treasy, Curram Coyle [Garrankyle], Kilconickny, [Garrankyle? Kilconierin] Galway, 1826

Peter Tresy, Rogorgan [Rathgorgin] Kilconierin, Co. Galway [Not in index] 1826


Thimothy Treasy, Cahernaman, Kilconickny, Galway, 1826

Thady Trassy, Cahertinny, Kilconickny, Galway, 1826


Edmd Tracy, Kilcooly Commons, Kilcooly, Galway [Tipperary], 1826


Danl Tressy, Ballymabilla, Kilgerrill [Killallaghtan], Galway, 1826

Jas Tressey, Stahane More, Kilgerrill  [Killallaghtan], Galway, 1826

John Tressy, Ballinaclough, Kilgerrill [Killallaghtan], Galway, 1826

Wm Tressy, [Ballymabilla, Kilgerrill, Killallaghtan, Galway, 1826]


Daniel Trassy, Ballimabilla, Killallon, Meath [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835

Edmd Treacy [& Wm Mansin?], Fahy, Killallon, Meath [Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835

Edmd Treacy [& John Duane] , Fahy, Killallon, Meath [Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835

John Treacy, Ballinaclogh, Killallon [Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan, Galway], Meath, 1835

William Treacy, Ballimabilla, Killallon, Meath [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan, Galway], 1835


Jas Tracey [& Co], Shanbally [Shanballymore], Killeroran Galway, 1834

Pat & Mat Tracey, Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834

Philip Tracey, Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834

William [Tacey Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834 – page missing in index]

William Tracey, Ballyfaris, Killeroran, Galway, 1834

Wm Tracey, Ballygar, Killeroran, Galway, 1834


Thos Trassey [& co], Kilenhy West, Killinny, Galway, 1826 [duplicate]

Thos Trassey [& co], Kilenhy West, Killinny, Galway, 1826

Patk Trassey [& co], Ballybuck, Killinny, Galway, 1826

Pattk Trassey, Ballybuck, Killinny, Galway, 1826 [duplicate]


Patt Tessy [Tressy], Portnabay [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827

John Tessy [Tressy], Portnabay [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827

Thomas Tessy [Tressy], Kileroe [Slieveroe], Killora, Galway, 1827

Patt Tessy [Tressy], Kileroe [Slieveroe], Killora, Galway, 1827

Thos Tressy, Slieveroe, Killora, Galway, 1827

Pat Tressy, Poulnabrone [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827

Pat Tressy, Slieveroe, Killora, Galway, 1827

John Tressy, Poulnabrone [Pollnabanny], Killora, Galway, 1827


John Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

John Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

John Trissy, Earlstowne, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841 [Duplicate]

Mich Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

Mich'L Tressy, Earlstown, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841

Michl Trissy, Earlstowne, Kilmalinoge, Galway, 1841 [Duplicate]


James Treasy, Finostolo, Kilconickny, [Sraheendoo? Kiltullagh] Galway, 1826

James Treasy, Knostoko [Knockatogher?], Kiltullagh, Galway, 1826


James Tressy, Dambert [Dungory?], Kinvarradoorus, Galway, 1826

James Tressy, Kinvara, Kinvarradoorus, Galway, 1826

James Freysy [Tressy], Lambert [in Dungory], Kinvarradoorus, Galway, 1826


Thomas Tressy [& co], Portumna, Lickmolassy, Galway, 1837


Anne Jussey [Tressy] Lisnagzy, Leitrim, Galway, 1843


Peter Treany [Treascy], [Leppa], Part of Park, Moycullen, Galway, 1828


Pat Tracey, Poulreaman [Pollremon], Templetogher, Galway,

Pat Tracey, Poulreaman [Pollremon], Templetogher, Galway, [duplicate]

Patt Tracy [& co], Mill Division [Pollremon written in], Templetogher, Galway,

Patt Tracy [& co], Pulredmone, [Mill Division] Templetogher, Galway,


Daniel Tracy, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831

Danl Tracy, junr, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831

Daniel Tracy, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831 [duplicate]

Daniel Tracy, junior, Little Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 1831 [duplicate]


Widow Treasy, [Lr Riverstown, Tynagh, Galway, 1826]

Edmond Freacey [Treacy], Carreel Skyane Rahan [Carrue Skehanagh Raheen], Tynagh, Galway, 1826

Edmond Treacy, Skyarra [Carrue Skehanagh Raheen], Tynagh, Galway, 1826

Francis Treacy, Lisduffbana [Lissduff], Tynagh, Galway, 1826

Laurence Treacy & Co, Paultalloon[Polltalloon], Tynagh, Galway, 1826

Lawrence Treacy & Co, Poultaloon [Polltalloon], Tynagh, Galway, 1826



Kinvara In 1834 [with map]

A list of the inhabitants of the United Parishes of Kinvarra, Durus and Killina by Reverend Thos. Kelly/A.D. 1834.


Thomas Tressy

James Tressy

Killina West

Thomas Trassy

Ballybuck [Ballynabucky Killeely]

Darby Tressy



1834 Inhabitants of Kinvara, Duras and Killina (LDS as #0979692)


James Tressy, Esq.

Thos Tressy


1829 RIC Record

667 Jas Treacy, 44 years when appointed, 5'9", born [1785] Kings, Catholic, widower, recommended by Marquis Anglessey, famer, appointed 1 Dec 1829, allocations Gal 7.3 - Queens 7.4 - Tip N 35371M/35199, distinctions 96993/8841, pensioned 1 April 1853, served 23 2, £25 pension, Military Pensioner at 5d per diem


30 Apr 1831-7 Jun 1831

Petition of Michael Tracey, linen weaver, Bishop Street, Tuam, County Galway, to Henry William Paget, Lord Lieutenant, seeking appointment to a post in the police constabulary of Galway; emphasising his youth and personal attributes and calling attention to an enclosed certificate of character signed by Dr Oliver Kelly, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Tuam and five others. Also memorial from Tracey to Paget, complaining of the lack of opportunity to profit from trade and reiterating his application for a post in the police establishment of Galway or elsewhere in Ireland.

3 items; 5pp CSO/RP/1831/1316 [Note: Not listed in RIC records]


2 May 1833 Galway town Elections

...stricking off...William Tracy junior, Andrew Treacy...


May 29, 1833 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Married. On Tuesday in the Church of St. Nicholas, Galway, by the Rev. John D'Arcy afterwards by the Rev Mr. Finn, R.C.V., T.R. Tracy, Esq, A.B. Classical Professor, to the accomplished Miss Barry.


20 July 1833 Wexford Conservative 

Roscommon Assizes...Michael Lally's wife brought witness a letter from her husband, who was confinded in the jail at Galway for shooting at Mr. Tracy caretaker at Kilmore...


1833 Customs and excise convictions

Galway, Martin Tracey, found in an illicit distillary, £6 fine, 3 months, 2 months served, £2 paid


1833 Eliza Ann Galway to New York

Malichy Treacy, 40, b. Ireland, farmer

Thomas Treacy, 5, b. Ireland

Mary Treacy, 3, b. Ireland


14 January 1835 (FJ) A Memorandum of the O'Connell subscription from Tuam

...James Treacy, Tuam, 6d


24 July 1835 (FJ) St. Jarlaths College, Tuam

...Homer, Horace, Gilblas French and Henriade...Treacy...

17 July 1837 (FJ) St. Jarlaths College, Tuam

...Tactius, Livy, Algebra...Treacy...

23 Aug 1837 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

St. Jerlaths College Tuam...public examinations...Longinus and Demostrenes...Treacy...Tacitus...Treacy...Geometry...Treacy...Algebra...Treacy...


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

James Tracey, b. 1819 Galway Galway

James Tracey, b. 1826 Galway Galway

James Tracy, b. Galway Galway

James Treasy, b. 1819 Galway Galway

James Treasy, b. 1819 Galway Galway

Jas Treasy Galway Galway

Jas Treasy, b. Galway Galway

John Tracey, b. 1834 Galway Galway

John Tracy, b. Clontaskert [Clontuskert Galway]

John Tracy, b. Woodfield [Clare, Galway or Offaly?]

Michael Tracey, b. 1809 Galway Galway

Michael Tracy, b. Galway Galway

Patrick Tracey, b. 1834 Galway Galway

Patrick Tracey, b. 1836 Galway Galway

Richd Tracey, b. Galway Galway


Fictitious Votes 1837

Andrew Tracey, Bowling-green Galway, painter, 18 sept 1832, 10 Oct 1832, as a painter

William Tracey jun, Bowling-green Galway, painter, 18 sept 1832, 10 Oct 1832, as a painter


Michael Tracey, 1834, Prerogative Court will. Exec: Honor Tracy, Douras, ??? (Woodford, Co. Galway?). IAR/1834/F/143


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

John Treacy born Tuam, Galway. Served in 49th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 22, 1834-1836

John Treacy, b. 1814 Tuam, Galway

John Tracey/Treacy b. 1814 Tuam, Galway 49th Foot 1834 – 10th Aug 1836 WO120/26 Pension, as Tracey, paid at Athlone (transferred from Cork 27th Dec 1853) WO22/144

John Treacy, born abt 1814 Tuam, Galway 49th Foot. Age 20, joined 23 Jun 1834 Athlone, Roscommon, Soldier's Service Documents

49th Regt of Foot

John Treacy born parish of Tuam near Tuam in the county of Galway, labourer

Attested fot the 49 Regiment of Foot at Athlone Co. Roscommon on the 23 June 1834 at the age of 20 years

1st Service after the age of 18 Years, which he is entitled to reckon up to the 15 July 1836 is two years and twenty one days the statement of which is as follows:

49th, Private, 23 June 1834 to 5 June 1835, 348 days

promoted Corporal 6 June 1835 to 28 Dec 1835, 206 days

reduced Private 29 Dec 1835 to 15 July 1836, 200 days

Total 2 years 24 days

Three days not allowed to reckon as stated in the proceedings of the Regimental Board

Total service to 15 July 1836 2 years 21 days

Further service 16 July 1836 to 9 Aug 1836...25 days

Total 2 years 46 days

Served: The whole period at home

Disability: Being unfot gor further service as appears by the annexed medical certificate authority dated Horse Guards 8 July 1836

Character: that his caharacter is good

Chatham Barracks 15 July 1836

...66 days in the Guard Hospital...

Discharge: 22 years, 5'6 7/8", fair gair, grey eyes fresh complexion, labourer


Registered 1832 to 1840 Rent & Valuation of £10 County Electors, Galway

William Tracy, Oct 1834, house & lands, Kilroran Ahascragh Ballinasloe Union, 15a/1r/4p, rate £17/8/0

Thomas Tressy, Kiltormer, Landlord Lord Clonbrock, 8a3r3p Irish, 14a0r3p statute, £8.15.0 valuation, £9.4.0 rent. These are fair rents and not rack rents.

Timothy Tressy, registered June 1839, Land, Cahertinn [Cahertinny Kilconickny] Loughrea, 34a.0r2p statute. £22.10.0 valuation £10 elector

1841 Reports relative to valuation for poor rates, and to registered elective franchise


1834 Disturbances and outrages Baronies of Longford & Leitrim Galway from 1st April to 25 May 1834

9 April. - The house of Thomas Tracey of Grange entered by an armed party, who demanded fire-arms, and administered an illegal oath. Same party visited the houses of Patrick and James Ryan, demanded arms, and swore the inmates. This is the third time the house of Patrick Ryan has been attacked, and on one occasion he received a severe beating.

12 April. - The houses of Michael Eagan, Widow Brady James Eagan, and L. Tracy, resident in the village of Neill, attacked by a party of persons, who violently assulted the inmates. In two instances,some ash trees cut down and carried away. Offenders as yet unknown.


1835 State of religious and other instruction now existing in Ireland

Diocese of Tuam

Knock: Hedge school kept by Michael Tracy. Payments by the children of 1s to 2s6d per quarter. Established one year and a half. Reading writting arithmetric and Roman Catholic catechism.

Templetogher: Hedge school at Kelnaleg [Kilnalag] kept by Thomas Tracy. Payments by the children of 1s to 2s6d per quarter. Males 62 Females 21. Established three months. Reading writting arithmetric and Roman Catholic catechism.


Martin Tracy & Emily Fair, 8th September 1835, Marriage Licence Bond, Tuam Diocese. Thrift/2933.


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Denis Tracey born Portumna, Galway. Served in 19th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 23 1836-1842

Denis Tracey, b. 1818 Porturnna, Galway


January 18 1836 Returns relating to Tithe Suits

Plantiff: Edward Synge Defendants: ...Patrick Treacy..., (Monivea Galway???)


1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland

John Tracy, 1836, Killimore, Galway

Pat Tracy, 1838, Leitrim, Galway


1 February 1837 (FJ) Justice Rent

...Patrick Treacy...(Ballyhale) [Galway]...Pat Treacy...


1 July 1837 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

Michael Tracy [was assulted]...


15 July 1837 (TH) St. Jarlaths College, Tuam

Longinus and Demosthenes/Tacitus/Livy...Treacy...Geometry/Algebra...Tracy...

30 June 1838 (TH) St. Jarlaths College, Tuam

Longinus and Demosthenes/Tacitus/Livy/Darres Geometry/Algebra...Tracy...


16 September 1837 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

Michael Treacy complained against three Manahans and a Mooney, for riotously assenbling, breaking his door, and ilegally entering complainant's house and taking from thence £3. The defendants said that they were executing a Senaschal's degree...


24 March 1838 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

Tracy a publican, complained against Thomas Collins, causing a riot in his house.


22 May 1838 (BL) Patrick Tracy, returning from Loughrea market a few a days since, was murdered on the road.- Limerick Chronicle


28 July 1838 (TH) 30 July 1838 (FJ) Mail-coach Accident Tuam

...passing through Shop-street, in Tuam...a poor woman named Mary Tracy, was knocked down and killed…


30 March 1839 (TH) Galway Assizes

...murder of Patt Tracy, at Grallagh...early in May coming from Loughrea market...John Tracy...the


27 April 1839 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

...breaking the windows of Thomas Tracy.


22 June 1839 (TH) Tuam Quarter Sessions

Patrick Tracy, assult, three months imprisonment



41. Thomas Tracy, killeroran [Galway], 16a/2r/19p, £11 rent, Lease dated 1st day of August 1855 from D.H. Kelly esq, to Thomas Tracy, for one life, or for 31 years from 1st Nov 1854, lease reserves woods mines etc.

42. Mr. Philip Tracy, killeroran [Galway], 25a/0r/11p, £14.13.0 rent, Lease dated 29th April 1853 from D.H. Kelly esq, to Mr. Philip Tracy, for the lives of the lessee then aged 50 years, Thomas K. Mahon, Esq, eldest son of John Mahon, of thornfield in the county of Galway and his Royal highness the Prince of wales, or 31 years from 1st Nov 1850. All said lives are in being. Lease reserves woods mines etc. The rent payable by this tenant has been reduced by 5s peracre for 28 perches of the land of Ballygar, which are included in this lease, persuant to the order of the Court, bearing date the 15th December 1862.

43. Same (late Malachy), killeroran [Galway], 20a/3r/7p, £10.11.10 rent, Lease dated 28th January 1839 from Rev. Armstrong Kelly and D.H. Kelly esq, to Malachy Tracy, for the lives of the Queen, Malachy tracy, aged 40 years and Thomas Tracy, eldest son of Patrick Tracy, his brother, or any such part of 31 years as shall remain unexpired on the death of the survivor. Lease excepts Chapel and Chapel-yard, and all woods mines etc...Tenant to be allowed £5 yearly during his life out of the rent for ground at the back of the chapel of Ballygar.

44. Same, killeroran [Galway], 3a/3r/19p, £2.5.0 £1.1.0 rent, tenant from year to year,

45. Same, killeroran [Galway], 0/0/29p. £0.0.1 rent, Old Chapel Yard - Lease dated 18th April 1861, from D.H. Kelly Esq, to Philip Tracy, for 3 lives or 31 years from 1st November 1850. Lease reserves woods mines etc.

84. Rev. William M'Gauran, 0a/3r/20p, Pepper-corn rent, Lease dated 23rd February 1857 from DH Kelly, Esq, to Reverend E. Wallace, Peter Dignan and Philip Tracy for ever. This is a Roman Catholic Church and is to be excluded from the sale, This lease...town of Ballygar for the purpose of erecting a Roman Catholic Chapel...

4. Mr. Philip Tracy, Cloonlyon Killian Galway, 123a/0r/17p, £60.5.0 rent, lease dated 29th April 1853 from Denis H. Kelly, Esq, to Philip Tracy for the term of 31 years from 1st November 1852, Lease reserves...

23. Philip Tracy, Drinaun [Killeroran Galway], 31a/3r/30p, £18.11.0, Lease dated 12th February 1861 from D.H. Kelly, Esq, to Philip tracy for 21 years from 1st November 1861, Lease reserves...by leaseee not to disturb an undertenant as long as she paid her rent and perform the duties therin mentioned. [Widow Bridget Clarke?]

3. William Tracy, Ballygar Town [Killeroran Galway] 2a/3r/30p, £4 rent, tenant from year to year

4. same [William Tracy], Ballygar Town [Killeroran Galway] 26a/2r/17p, £6 rent, Lease dated 1st August 1855, from Denis H. Kelly, Esq, to William Tracy, for the life of said William Tracy of 14 acres Irish, Reserves all...

8. Philip Tracy, Ballygar Town [Killeroran Galway] 7a/1r/6p, £6.18.0 rent, tenant from year to year

9. Philip Tracy, Ballygar Town [Killeroran Galway] 0a/3r/37p, £1.6.0 rent, tenant from year to year

10. Philip Tracy, Ballygar Town [Killeroran Galway] 0a/1r/32p, £1.15.0 rent, Lease dated 26th January 1833, of a house and plot in the town of Ballygar, including turf bank, from rev Armstrong Kelly and DH Kelly, Esq, to Mr. Philip Tracy for life of lessee, Thomas eldest son of William Tracy, of Ballygar, then ages 10 years and Prince George of Cumberland, or 31 years from 1st November 1832. The Lessee and said Thomas Tracy are the surviving lives. Lease reserves...

11. Philip Tracy, Ballygar Town [Killeroran Galway] 0a/0r/20p, £0.10.0 rent, Lease dated 24th december 1857 from DH Kelly, Esq, to Philip Tracy for the lives of her Majesty his Royal Highness the Prince of wales and Prince Arthur Patrick or 31 years from 1st November 1857. Lease reserves...No. 3 Main Street Ballgar...A good two-story slated house has been built on the premises.

12. Same [Philip Tracy], Ballygar Town [Killeroran Galway] 0a/0r/28p, £0.50.0 rent, Rent included in lease dated 29th April 1853 of lands in Killeroran. This rent has been apportioned by an order of the Court bearing the date the 15th December 1862...

84. Owner and Phil Tracy, Ballygar [Killeroran Galway], 1a/1r/0p, £2.12.0 rent, Reserved building sites streets and waste.

10. Phil Tracey, Hermitage [Killeroran Galway], 39a/2r/29p, £10 rent, Lease dated 25th march 1860 from DH Kelly, esq, to Phil tracey, for 27 years from 1st November 1858. Lease demises 18 Irish acres, equal to 29 acres and 24 perches statute, but the recent survey shows the contents to be set forth in the rental. Lease reserves...

301 [28 on map] Festus Tracey, Widow Tracey and Thomas Tracey represenatives of Thos Murray, Russadelisk [Rossadillisk Omey Galway], £5.0.9 rent, yearly tenant, 1820's?


20 March 1841 (TH) To be sold

That plot situated beyond the west bridge at Tuam known by the name of Tracy's plot, held under the See for an unepired term of 15 years, subject to a head rent of £1/18/9 and producing a profit rent from solvent tenants of £164...


October 20, 1841 (FJ) Repeal Association

...Mr. Thomas Treasy, of Coolinamuck [Galway], admitted a member of the association...


1841 & 1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act

The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908. Pension claimants had to prove their age. Those born before 1864 used the 1841 and 1851 census.


1851 Tracey, Derrooghs Kilkerrin Galway Cen/S/11/2490

23.2.21 [23rd February 1921] Image

Mary Tracey [2 mos] (d. of Michael Tracey & Margaret) 1851 Derrooghs Kilkerrin Galway

Address: James Bruen, Glennamaddy, Co Galway

IG Record 26527

Tracey Mary Michael Tracey Margaret Tracey Derrooghs Kilkerrin Tiaquin Galway 1921 - Agent, Glennamaddy, Galway. 1851 Mary 2mos.

Derrooghs, Kilkerrin, Co. Galway

Mary Tracey                               Applicant                                             

Michael Tracey            Father


1841 Treacey, Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway Cen/S/11/2495

6.10.10 [6th October 1910] Image

Margaret Treacy (d. of Thomas Treacy & Mary) 1841 & 1851 Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway

[Note: family + Margaret 21y 1851. Found family Margaret 10yrs 1841]

IG Record 26532

Treacy Margaret Thomas Treacy Mary Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Tiaquin Galway 1910 - Glennamaddy. 1841 Margart 10yrs. 1851 Margaret 21yrs.


Kiltullagh, Kilkerrin, Co. Galway

Margaret Treacy          Applicant              

Thomas Treacy            Father    


1851 Treacy, Clonfert Clonfert Galway Cen./S/11/1802

12.2.16 [12th February 1916] Image

Catherine Treacy (d. of Thos Treacy & Cath) 1851 Clonfert (Butson) Clonfert Galway [other Clonferts crossed out]

Address: Mr M C Stronge, Portumna, Co Galway

IG Record 25905

Treacy Catherine Thos. Treacy Cathn. Treacy Clonfert Clonfert Longford Galway 1916 - Agent, Portumna, Galway.

Clonfert, Clonfert, Co. Galway

Catherine Treacy         Applicant                             

Thos Treacy                 Father    


10.3.20 [10th February 1920] Image

Catherine Coone (d. of John Coone & Mary Treacy) 1851 Try Drumatober Abbeygormacan Galway

Address: Mr T Hynes Clerk Of Union Etc, Clerk's Office, Union Workhouse, Portumna

[Note: If n.f. ask for name of C.P. in which "Drimatubber" is situate. John & Mary Coan md 1843 no return of applicant Catherine. (Catherine 3yrs daut died 1847)]

IG Record 25886

COONE Catherine John COONE Mary COONE nee Treacy Drumatober Abbeygormacan Longford Galway 1920 - Agent, Clerk of Union etc., Clerk's Office, Union Workhouse, Portumna. 1851 John and Mary Coan married 1843, no Catherine, a Catherine 3yrs died 1847.


Try Drumatober, Abbeygormacan, Co. Galway

Catherine Coone         Applicant                                            

John Coone                 Father                                   

Mary Treacy                               Mother   


4.11.16 [4th November 1916] Image

Anne Coyne (d. of Farrell Coyne & Maria Tracey) 1851 Polleagh North [south crossed out] Templetogher Galway

Address: Mr Michael Conner, L Castle, Dunmore, Co Galway

IG Record 24522

COYNE Anne Farrell COYNE Maria COYNE nee TRACEY Polleagh North Templetogher Ballymoe Galway 1916 - Mr Michael Conner, L. Castle, Dunmore, Galway.


Polleagh North, Templetogher, Co. Galway

Anne Coyne                Applicant                                            

Farrell Coyne Father                                 

Maria Tracey               Mother


11.4.22 [11th April 1922] Image

John Leahy (s. of James Leahy & Mary Treacy) 1851 Geoghegan Cloonlahan Galway

Address: Clonlaghan, Kiltormer, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

[Note: Found parents married 1850 no children]

IG Record 25952

LEAHY John James LEAHY Mary LEAHY nee Treacy Cloonlahan Geoghogan Killoran Longford Galway 1922 - Clonlaghan, Kiltormer, Ballinasloe, Galway. 1851 Parents married 1850, no children.


Cloonlahan, Killoran, Co. Galway

John Leahy   Applicant                             

James Leahy                Father                                   

Mary Treacy                Mother   


16.2.16 [16th February 1916] Image

Catherine Killeen (d. of John Killeen & Mary Larkin) 1851 Keeloge Meelick Galway

Address: Mrs Catherine Tracey, Keelogue, Eyrecourt, Co Galway

IG Record 26008

KILLEEN Catherine John KILLEEN Mary KILLEEN nee LARKIN Keeloge Meelick Longford Galway 1916 - mrs Catherine Tracey, Keelogue, Eyrecourt, Galway.



8.5.16 [18th May 1916] Image

Sarah Roche (d. of Pat Roche & Mary) 1851 Bulcaun Kilconla Galway

Address: Mrs Sarah Tracy, Dugarra, Ballyboy, Tuam, Co Galway

IG Record 25181

ROCHE Sarah Pat ROCHE Mary ROCHE Bulcaun Kilconla Dunmore Galway 1916 - Mrs Sarah Tracy, Dugarra, Ballyboy, Tuam, Galway.


Middlesex London and Plymouth 9 June 1841 arrived 30 Sep 1841 Port Philip
Dennis Tracey 30 hus (36 family) Farm servant RC both Carlew (Carlow???)

Honor Tracey 28 wife of Dennis (36 family) Farm servant RC both Carlew (Carlow???)

Winifred Tracey 19 (57 single woman) House maid RC reads Galway


George Fyffe arrived 23 July 1841 Port Philip

Patrick Treacy - Tracey 27 (44 single man) Farm Servant RC both Galway


1 January 1842 (TH) Registry of Freeholders - Tuam Sessions

59. Philip Tracy, Ballygar, Yeoman, Freeholder, House and Lands, Ballygar, Kilroran, Killyan, £10

60. William Tracy, Ballygar, Yeoman, Freeholder, House and Lands, Ballygar, Kilroran, Killyan, £10

61. Malachy Tracy, Kilroran, Yeoman, Freeholder, House and Lands, Kilroran, Kilroran, Killyan, £10

62. Patrick Tracy, Kilroran, Yeoman, Freeholder, House and Lands, Kilroran, Kilroran, Killyan, £10


8 January 1842 (TH) Tuam Quarter Sessions - Electors

...the first was with reference to the effect of a convenant in the lease of the applicant (a man named Tracy), who was bound by convenant to errect a house of a certain description on his farm. It appeared that the applicant was entittled to be registered as a £10 freeholder, but upon being examined he adsmitted that the erection of the house would cost him £60, and that a solvent tenant could not afford to pay him £10 a year over his rent and the £60 which it would cost him to build the house. The lease was dated in 1838 and a period of 5 years allowed for the errection of the house. The same circumstances attended many others; but the Assistant Barrister allowed the claim, saying that the subject matter of penal convenants had already been made a matter of decision of a court of law.


12 November 1842 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

...assulting Mary Tracy.


Irish Reproductive Loans Fund Records 1848-1854  (PRO) T 91/144a

John Tracey, Curraferry 4 May 1846, [Currafarry, Killosolan?]

John Tracy, Boolebane, 1846, [Boleylaan, Tuam?]

Willm Tracy, Claretuam, March 1842, went to England in June 1844 to look for employment as labourer [Belclare]


25 March 1843 (TH) Freeholders

Wm. Tracy of Brierfield, house and lands, Brierfield, Moylough, Tyaquin, £10


August 1844 Galway Assizes - Manslaughter

James Kenny, Patrick Trassy/Trassey, Andrew Connor, Augustus Finnegan, Patrick Finnegan, and Mich. Cusack [of Dunmore] were indicted for the manslaughter of John Fair/Phair at Currantanglass, on the 11th of June Last. Deceased, it appears from evidence, lost his life in a row that took place at a cock-fight, between the "men of Tuam" and the "men of Dunmore". The jury could not agree.

3 August 1844 (N) Manslaughter

James Kenny, Patrick Tracey, Andrew Connor, Augustine Finnegan, Patrick Finnegan and Michael Cussack were indicted for the manslaughter of John Flinn at Carrantanlass on the 11 of June Last...cock-fights between Tuam and Dunmore at Carrantanlass...

29 March 1845 (TH)

...Head-constable Teaffey, of the same district [Dunmore] for two years...The prisoners wer then discharged by order of the court.


Return of Murders

September 1844, Tracey and Scully, farmers, Longford Galway, no reward

7 September 1844 (NG) Daring Attempt at Robbery and Murder [Portumna]

On Monday night last, Patt Lally, Mary Lally, the wife of John Lally, and Jane Lally, his sisiter, proceeded to a field, in the neighbourhood of Prtumna, to steal wheat, the property of a poor man named Patt Treasy, who was aroused by the bark of his dog upon which he got up and awoke one of his neighbours, who is a pensioner, and proceeded to the field armed with two shillelas. Lally challenged them to stand back, however, they advanced on the party when, Lally deliberately fired a pistol at Treasy, which shot took effect in his left side and shoulder, but which is not mortal. The old pensioner rushed forward and gave the fellow a shot of his shillela, that never missed fire, and with his assistance captured the entire party. The police brought them in this morning in a deblorable situation, beat in a dreadful way, and was unable to proceed to prison as the Doctor deemed it dangerous. Some of the police went to Lally's dwelling, and on making an acute search found some arms, powder, and ball &c. Much praise is due to Head-constable Roberts of thistown for his efficiency on this occasion and on various others.


October 1844 Tuam Agricultural Society - Drains: 2nd Hugh Trassy, Dunmore, 15s.

January 1846 Agricultural Compedition - Drains

Class A - To the farmer who shall have properly executed within twelve months the greatest length of drains in the most scientific manner - seven compeditors 1st prize Hugh Trassy Caronaseer 15s.


March 21, 1845 (FJ) Galway Assizes

Patrick Lally was indicted for that he on the 3d September last, at Cooldara, did feloniously discharge at one Patrick Tracy [staying at his cousin's house?] a loaded pistol, with intent to harm. Treacy woke to find stacks being stolen. Although shot, Treacy[?] took the prisoner back to his house at Cartry.


May 1845 Dunmore Petty Sessions

The Honourable Martin Ffrench, and M.B. Birmingham Esq presided at this sessions on Thursday. There was a number of cases on the books but only one summery convuiction on the complaint of James McDonnell against Hugh Trassy for waylaying and assulting him on his return from the market of Dunmore. He was fined one pound and costs or a fortnights imprisonment in default of payment.


December 8, 1845 (FJ) Protest of the Catholic Clergy of Killaloe against the Godless Colleges Bill

...Patrick Treacy PP...


1845 Evidence taken before the [Land] Commissioners

Peter Blake of Eyrecourt Galway regarding his land at Crumlin, whose tenants got a lease from the Receiver ten or fifteen years ago. He says that they owe the following: Edmund Tracy £3/17/8 yearly rent, £9/4/2 arrears May 1844...


10 January 1846 (TH) Portumna Quarter Sessions

Leahy v. Hynes...A process-server, named Leahy from the county of Tipperary, had processed Mr. Denis Hynes of Portumna...had been in the habit of serving processes and executing decress for defendant...Leahy had in attendence his clerk, John Treacy...- Galway Mercury


March 24, 1846 (FJ) Galway Assizes

Murder of Patrick Deely on the 15th December Last. Peter Tracey examined. Lives at Cloonlahan.


2 May 1846 (TH) Extraordinary Presentment Sessions

Killian Barony

2 - Hugh Kelly and William T. Tracy, to repair 134 perches of the road from Ballygar to Dunmore, between Mark Ward's in Mountmary and the mearing of the Barony of Ballymoe, in the Townland of Mountmary, £33 10s. Approved, not to exceed £10, to repair all the bad portions.

3 - William T. Tracy and Hugh Kelly to fill 495 perches of dikes or holes on the road from Ballygar to Mountbellew bridge, between Sally Martin's in Drinane and the bridge of Drinane, £74 5s. Approved of,

4 - Hugh Kelly and William T. Tracy to build a guilet on the road near Edmond Moran's house, in the Townland of Drinane, on the road from Ballygar to Galway, £3. Approved of


20 June 1846 (TH) Registry of Freeholders

Martin Tressy, Cahirnaman, farmer, Freeholder, House and lands, Cahirnaman, Loughrea, Loughrea, £10

1846 Registry at Court Sessions

Martin Tressy, Cahirnaman, farmer, freeholder [Cahernaman, Loughrea, Co. Galway?]


18 July 1846 (TH) Presentment Sessions

Killyan Barony

4 - Philip Tracy, for the support and maintenance of a desereted child, found in the parish of Laughboy, name William Kelly age 17 weeks on the 11th May 1846, for half a year to the 12th day of July 1846, 2l. Approved.


8 August 1846 (TH) Galway Assizes - Rule of Court

Laurence Tracy, assult, to be imprisoned six months from committal.


November 23, 1846 (FJ) Sheep stealing

A few nights ago five sheep, the property of a man named Tracy, who resided in the village of Lisduff, parish of Tynagh, in this county, were killed and carried away, nothing been left behind but the heads. No clue has been had to the perpetrators of this outrage - Galway Mercury


1846 Commissioners of Fisheries

Alphabetical list of persons examined or from whom communications were received

James Tracy, Fisherman of Spiddal Galway

"James Tracy, sworn. Lives at Spiddal, and is employed by Mr. Fitzpatrick. He is acquainted with the Spiddal river about fourten or fifteen years..."



1846 Slaters Directory of Ireland


Boot & Shoe makers

William Tressy, Bride st


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Patrick Tracey born Killandemen, Galway. Served in 16th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 20 1846-1847

Patrick Tracey, b. 1827 Loughrea, Galway

Patrick Tracey b.1827 Killendemen, Loghrea, Galway 16th Foot Labourer rejected at Chelsea 14th Dec 1847 WO118/2



1846-1851 New York arrivals

Mary Tracey, age 20, Dressmaker, Galway Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Euxine 05/27/1848


Michel Tracy, age 22, Saddler, Galway Ireland to USA, Galway: Helena 06/13/1848


Pat Tracy, age 28, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Galway: Plant 07/05/1848

Eliza Tracy, age 19, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Galway: Plant 07/05/1848


John Tressy, age 45, Ireland to USA, Galway: Redwing 09/13/1848


Thomas Tracey, age 35, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Galway & Liverpool: Barbara 09/29/1848


John Tracey, age 30, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Galway: Cushlamacree 03/01/1849

Patt. Tracy, age 12, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Galway: Cushlamacree 03/01/1849


Mary Treacy, age 20, Spinster, Great Britain to USA, Galway: Cashmere 05/02/1849


John Tracy, age 20 (or 21), Labourer, Ireland to USA, Galway: (Bark) Caractacus 05/04/1849


Ann Tressy, age 30, Ireland to USA, Galway: Cushlamachree 07/06/1849

Patt. Tressy, age 11, Ireland to USA, Galway: Cushlamachree 07/06/1849


John Tracy, age 58, Labourer, Galway Ireland to USA, Liverpool: Jas H. Shepherd 01/12/1850

Peggy Tracy, age 40, Galway Ireland to USA, Liverpool: Jas H. Shepherd 01/12/1850

Michl. Tracy, Born at Sea, Infant, Galway Ireland to USA, Liverpool: Jas H. Shepherd 01/12/1850


Mary Tracey, age 21, Servant, Galway Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Princeton 11/11/1850

Bridget Tracey, age 21, Servant, Galway Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Princeton 11/11/1850


Bridget Tracey, age 30 (died), Servant, Ireland to USA, Galway: Malvina 05/30/1851


Michl. Tracey, age 19, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Galway: Cambyses 08/09/1851

Patt Tracey, age 20, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Galway: Cambyses 08/09/1851

Margt. Tracey, age 20, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Galway: Cambyses 08/09/1851


20 February 1847 (TH)  Presentment Sessions

Longford Barony

37 - Pat Hanlon and John Tracy, to build a gullet and thirteen and a half perches of a covered sewer, and two irin gates in the town of Kilimor.


27 February 1847 (TH) Presentment Sessions

Killyan Barony

3 - William T. Tracy and Michael Hynes to keep in repair by contract for 7 years 1102 perches of the road from Ballygar to Creggs and Athleague, between John Quinns at Ballygar and John Shaughnessy's at Rock wood. Approved not exceeding 8d. per perch, -Michael Hynes contractyor, at 6d per perch per annum.

4 - William T Tracy, and Michael Hynes to open a new road between Pat Gilmores in Tullroe and the pump house at Ballygar on the road leading from Ballygar to Creggs 6d. Approved. W.T. Tracy contractor, at

5 - William T Tracy, and Michael Hynes to stop up as much of the road as lies between the schoolhouse of Ballygar and the end of the new rpoad near Pat Gilmores house at Tullyroe, on the road from Ballygar to Creggs 6d. Approved. W.T. Tracy contractor, at


27 March 1847 (TH) Galway Assizes - Criminal Court

James, Patt, and John Harkins and Denis Tracy were indicted for, that they on the 10th of January last, killed and stole four ewes at Oughilly [Oghilly, Ballynakill] in this county.


Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

Other Names: Denis

Surname: Trassy

Place Of Trial: Co Galway          

Document Date: 07/07/1847

Crime Description: Sheep Stealing

Sentence: Transportation 7

Petitioner: Sibina Tressy             

Relationship: Mother

Document References: Crf 1847 T 8

Comments: Petitioners residence given as Woodford, Near Loughrea, Co Galway.


Surname: TROFSEY; First name: DENIS;

Sex: M;

Age: 26;

Place of trial: County Galway;

Date of trial: 22/03/1847;

Description of crime: Sheep Stealing;

Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs;

Name of ship: MEDWAY;

Record reference code: TR 6, p 91


Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

Other Names: Patrick

Surname: Tracy

Age: 40            

Place Of Trial: Co. Galway      

Trial Date: 28/03/1848

Crime Description: Sheep Stealing

Sentence: Transportation 7 Yrs

Document References: TR 8, p 72


Cushlamachree  Galway to New Brunswick Landed 16th August 1847

Saint John Almshouse – St. John, New Brunswick, Canada

Michael, Tracy/Treacey, 30, Destitute, Galway, Cushlamachree, Roman Catholic, admitted 4th September 1847, discharged 7th September 1847

Judy (Mrs), Tracy, 40, Destitute, Galway, [Cushlamachree], Roman Catholic, admitted 4th September 1847, discharged 13th February1848

Biddy, Tracy, 5, Fever, Galway, [Cushlamachree], Roman Catholic, admitted 4th September 1847, discharged 7th September 1847

John Trahee, 55, Fever, Cork, Cushlamachree, Roman Catholic, admitted 4th September 1847, died  18th September 1847


22 April 1848 (TH) Presentment Sessions

...cesspayers...to be associated with the Magistrates...Killian Barony 6. Philip Tracy, Ballygar, Ballygar

2 September 1848 (TH) Spring Assizes 1849

...cesspayers...to be associated with the Magistrates...Killyan Barony 5. Philip Tracy, Ballygar


October 18, 1848 (FJ) William Smith O'Brien Petition

At Kilcoran, County Galway...Philip Tracy, Esq, ditto [stock master and farmer]; M.C. Tracy, Esq, ditto [stock master and farmer];...William T. Tracy, Esq.; Pat Tracy, Esq;...

1848-9 William Smith O'Brien Petition

Patt Treacy, Parish of Taughboy & Dysart, Galway-Roscommon

Js Tracey, Kiloran, Galway

Malachy C Tracey, Ballygar, Galway

Philip Tracey, Ballygar, Galway


11 November 1848 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

Bridget Tracey, another inmate of the Work-house, was indicted for stealing a blanket. It was found concealed in the lining of her cloak by which means it was supposed she intended to carry it away. Other persons having access to the place where the cloak was found as well as the prisoner, she was acquitted.


1848 RIC Service

James Treacy, 11026, b. 1829 Tipperary


11026 Jas Treacy, 19 years, 6'0.7/8", b. Tip, Catholic, recommended by Insp Morgan, Non [trade], appointed by 11 July 1848, served Depot - Gal E - Mayo 1 Oct 56, PAC 1 Sept 1868 - PCon 1 Ap 1870 - RISC 24 Dec 1875, Rewards 15/4/74 runaway horse & Punishments, Pensioned 1st March 1876 11026D/17564, served 27 years 7 months, pension £50.0.0


Irish Reproductive Loans Fund Records 1848-1854  (PRO) T 91/144a [Kilconierin/Kiltullagh area]

Danl Treacy, Ballmagera, 1848, Danl gone to America [Ballynageeragh Kilconierin?]

Michl Treacy, Ballinageera or Ballynageeragh, 20 August 1843, This man resided here as labourer in the given date left in 44 & has not since been heard from supposed to be in America [Ballynageeragh Kilconierin?]

Michl Treacy, Treancoyle or Treankle, 1848, This man did & does still reside here in the given date had a few acres of land continueses 1854 [Treankyle, Kilconierin?]

Peter Treacy, Ballinageera or Ballynageeragh, 16 June 1846, This man reside + kept a small holding of land here ??? [crossed out] This man resided and held a few acres of land herin the given date & ??? [Ballynageeragh Kilconierin?]

Stephen Treacy, Ganty, 1848, This mans residence has always been in the adjoining townland of Treankyle, is a labourer there. 1854 [Kilconierin]

Thos Treacy or Tresasy, Brackloon, July 1848, emigrated to America by 1854 [Brackloonbeg Kiltullagh?]

Thos Treacy, Bracklommone, 1848, [Brackloonbeg Kiltullagh?]

Timy Treacy, Ballinageera or Ballynageeragh, 16 June 1846/9 Feb 1847/ 23 Nov 1847/11 June 1848, This man resided & held 4 or ? acres of land here in the given dates was ejected & died in 1850 [Ballynageeragh Kilconierin?]

Irish Reproductive Loans Fund Records. County: Loughrea. Townland: River Side T 91/144b/0103

9 Feb 1847, Timy Freacy [Treacy], Ballinageera, Martin Connelly & Michl Cionoly of Ballinageera sureties, £3


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Charles Tracy, enlisted 8 Dec 1975 at St. Louis Missouri by Lt Thompson for 5 years, born Galway Ireland, 28 years, Tenuister?, hazel eyes, Red? Hair, dark complexion, 5’8.75”, 3 Cav L coy, Des Nov 8 1878 apph’d Dec 3 1876. Discharged Jany 17 1877 pu G M O 3 PGO 1877 at Ft Col NY, Pvt

James Tracy, enlisted 20 Aug 1872 New York NY by Capt Sumner for 5 years, born Ballinasloe [Galway] Ireland, 21 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 5’8.5”, 1 Cav C coy, Discharged June 6 1877 per A.O. 57 Den Pacs of 1877 at Camp McDermott Nevada, Pvt Char very good

James Tracy, enlisted 12 Aug 1886 Fort Robinson Nebraska by Lt Eglish for 5 years, born Galway Ireland, 28 years, labourer, blue eyes, dk bro hair Ruddy complexion, 5’6”, 2 Inftry, J.D. coy, 2 enlistment, Dec June 12/87, Surrnd Dec 86 as deserter from Marine Corpr. This ent in vis 50 a of N he having dest’d from “F” 5 Art Nov 11/81, as Henry Reist see #1634 P.R.D. –’90. Appl’d Jan 9/91 Seat at of Ifestr Mch 27.91

John Treacy, born Galway Ireland, 29 years, labourer, enlisted 2 Jul 1855 Pittsburg Pa by Capt Deut for 5 years, black eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, 5’8.5”, 9 Inf B,  2 Jul ’60 exp of service, at Fort Walla Walla W.J. [Washington] a private

John Tracy, enlisted 30 Dec 1863 Washington DC by Capt Parker for 5 years, born Galway Ireland, 19 years, seaman, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’7”, 3 Cav, I coy, Discharged Oct 4/68 G.O. 24Ag.O.59 at Ft Union N.M. [New Mexico] a Pvt, (exp of service) [double entry]

John Tracy, enlisted 11 May 1866 Pittsburgh Pa by Lieut Conway for 3 years, born Galway Ireland, 22 years, labourer, blue eyes, dark hair, dark complextion, 5’4.5”?, 2 Cav, K coy, Des Aug 10 1867

Michael Tracy, 22 years, blue eyes, red hair, florid complexion, 5’5”, born Galway Ireland, weaver, enlisted 24 Jul 1851 New York by Capt Graham, discharged 9 Aug ’51, Ord disability, at Carlisle Barracks Pa (A Private)

Michael Tracy, born Galway Ireland, 26 years, waiter, enlisted 10 Apr 1854 St Louis USA by Maj Ruff for 5 years, grey eyes, black hair, fair complexion, 5’8.25”, 1 Drgs B, deserted 30 Jun ‘54

Michael Treacy, enlisted 13 Sep 1870 Brooklyn NY by Capt Hamilton for 5 years, born Galway Ireland, 21 years, labourer, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’6.5”, 12 Inf I, 9 Inf A, deserted Sug 24 ’71, Jan 5 72 in Co A 9 Inf as Patrick Leonard. Suur’d Nov 20 ’73 under G.O. 102 A.G.O. ’73; deserted June 11 ’74; apph’d June 15 ’74; dishonourably discharged July 1 1874 per G.C.M.C. 39 Drpt Platte 1874 at Omaha Barracks Neb, a private

Patrick Tracey, 27 years, blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, 5’6”, born Galway Ireland, labourer, enlisted 26 July 1848 Louisville by Capt Arnold, 2 Drgs B, discharged 8 June ’53, By re: enlistment, At Fort Worth Texas, A private

Patrick Tracey, 32 years, blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, 5’6”, born Galway Ireland, soldier, enlisted 8 Jun 1853 Fort Worth by Capt Merrill, 2 Drgs B, discharged 8 June ’58, exp of service, 2nd enlistment, 3 Drgs B, At Camp on Smiths Fort USA, A Private

Patrick Tracy, born galway Ireland, 37 years, soldier, enlisted 15 Nov 1858 at Camp Floyd by Lieut Anderson for 5 years, blue eyes, brown hair, light complexion, 5’6”, 2 Drgs BH, 14 Nov 63 Exp of service, served 3 & 2 Drgs B, Cit, a saddler

Patrick Tracy, born Galway Ireland, 21 years, waiter, enlisted 20 Sep 1858 New York by Bm Cap Gibbs for 5 years, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’6.5”, discharged 5 Nov ’58 by order Sec of War, at Cartiste Baracks Pa, a recruit

Patrick Tracey, enlisted 18 Dec 1860 Baltimore Md by Lt Tillingham for 5 years, born Galway Ireland, 21 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion, 5’6.25”, 4 Cav, D coy, died Feby 16/62 of wounds rec’d in action at St Louis Mo, a Pvt

Patrick Tracy, enlisted 1 Apr 1865 Ft Hamilton NY by Lt Jackson for 3 years, born Galway Ireland, 27 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 5’9”, 12 Inf, G coy, Des’t’d July 31/65

Philip Tracy, enlisted 29 Dec 1865 at New York NY by Lt Torbell for 3 years, born Galway Co Ireland, 20 years, Laborer, brown eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 5’6”, 16 Inf E coy, des’t’d Apl 28/66

Thomas F Tracey, enlisted 18 Dec 1907 Fort Slocum NY by Capt Fife for 3 years, born Galway Ireland, 19 years 7 months, RR gateman, blue eyes, auburn hair, ruddy complexion, 5’6.75”, 15 Cav 7 Cav, EH coy, Dis Dec 17 1910 at Ft Riley Kansas, exp service Pvt, good h&f

Thomas F Tracey, enlisted 21 Dec 1910 Jefferson Bks Mo by Cap Mabee for 3 years, born Galway Ireland, 22 years 7 months, soldier, blue 10 eyes, auburn hair, ruddy complexion, 5’7.125”, 5 Inf, A coy, 2 enlistment, H 7 Cav 12.17.10, Dis Dec 20.1913 at Ft Eshan Allen Vt, exp ser Pvt very good h&f

William J Tracy, enlisted 9 Nov 1878 Chicago Ill by Cap Jordan for 5 years, born Galway Ireland, 24 years, labourer, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’7.75”, 2 Inf a coy, Deserted May 30 1879


September 23, 1848 Baltimore commercial journal, and Lyford's price-current. (Baltimore, Md)

Philadelphia Pa

Sept 14. Bark Galleo, Tracy, Boston

October 14, 1848 Baltimore commercial journal, and Lyford's price-current. (Baltimore, Md)

Philadelphia Pa

Oct 17, Bark Gallileo, Tracy, Cork &c

April 10, 1849 The New York herald. (New York [N.Y.])

Baltimore...The bark Galileo, Captain Tracey/Tracy, arrived here yesterday, from Galway, Ireland, bringing one hundred and six emigrant passengers.


‘Kate’ to Sydney, New South Wales or Moreton Bay, Queensland 1850

Michael Tracey, 36, Toem (parents: Michael/Mary nee Brien, both dead), His surname is stated as Brien but a long note states that his real surname is Tracey.

Mary Lynch, 26, Nenagh (parents: Michael & Margaret Tracey) (wife of William, 30)

Jane Treacy, 22, Rushmore [Rosmore Galway], (parents: William / Ann xx Living at Rushmore. Sister = Catherine Kennet? [Mary Kennedy?]) 

Mary Treacy, 20, Rushmore [Rosmore Galway], (parents: William / Ann xx Living at Rushmore. Sister = Catherine Kennet? [Mary Kennedy?]) 



John  Tracy, b. 1850 Galway Galway 1879 Crew List


1850-1865 Glengowla Mines

Glengowla Mines, situated 2miles west of Oughterad...The mine was opened in 1850 and closed by 1865...Captain Tracey drew up plans on the mine. It is thought that Captain Tracey came from Cornwall....



1850 Galway

James Tracey, Cowpark, Galway, 51a/2r/5p held with 3 others, £7.15.0 rent, tenants in common from year to year


May 23, 1851 (FJ) Catholic University of Ireland

Diocese of Killaloe...Ballygibbon...Mich Tracy esq £1...


1851 RIC Service

Martin Treacy, 15143, b. 1832 Galway East


15143 Martn Treacy, 19 years, b. Gal E, Catholic, recommended by S.I, Arthurs, labourer, allocated 14 July '51, served Wmea 12 Nov '51, P1SC 1 July '52, resigned 24 Feb '55 A23951/1323, To emigrate


September 2, 1851 (FJ) Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Emigrants Protection Society

..."Patrick Treacy, was an humble lad of fourteen years of age, from Mount Bellew, in the county of Galway, whose passage to New York had been paid by his brother-in-law in that city...The committee...seized on the opportunity to procure him religious instruction...a suitable outfit was prepared for him gratiously by the Ladies' Clothing Society, whilst, it appearing that he had only 2s6d in the world...Finally, we placed him under the protection of a respectable woman who was to sail in the same ship, and we also communicated with his friends in America..."


1851 Census - 49 Walker Lane, Derby All Saints, Derbyshire

Michael McLoughlan, head, married, 46 years, b. 1805 Galway Ireland

Mary McLoughlan, wife, married, 30 years, b. 1821 Galway Ireland

...children Mary 18, Catherine 16, Eliza 14 born Galway, Hannah 5, Ellen 3 born Derby

Thomas Treasey, vistor, married, 30 years, b. 1821 Galway Ireland, labourer

Bridget Treasey, visitor, married, 30 years, b. 1821 Galway Ireland

1851 Census - 2 Coast Baba Street St Bartholomew Liverpool

John Tracy, head, 42, tailor, b. Galway Ireland

Mary Tracy, wife, 30, b. Galway Ireland

Bartholomew Tracy, son, 13, tailor, b. Galway Ireland

Bridget Tracy, dau, 2, b. Liverpool

Mary Tracy, dau, 8 Mo, b. Liverpool

Thomas Tracy, nephew, 19, shoemaker, b. Ireland

Miles Sweeny, lodger, married, 42, tailor, b. Ireland

1851 Census - 55 Addison St, Liverpool,

Martin Tracy, head, 29, b.1822 Galway, Journey Man Tailor

Sarah Tracy, 28, wife, b. 1823 Galway, house

Catherine Tracy, dau, 1, b. Liverpool, house

Honor Slattery, mother in law, 70, b. Galway Ireland, supported by her son in law

1851 Census - 42 Salisburu St, Everton, Lancashire

John Coughlan, head, 44, born 1807 Co Galway Ireland, labourer

Mary Coughlan, wife, 35, born 1816 Co Galway

Mathew Treacey, Cousin, 19, born 1832 Co Galway Ireland. Labourer,

Sabina Treacy, 16, born 1835 Co Galway Ireland.

1851 Census - Manchester, Lancashire

Mary Tracy, 18, b. 1833 Loughrea, Ireland, House Servant

1851 Census - Weedon Beck, Northamptonshire

John Treacy, soldier, unmarried, 18, born 1833 Galway, private Infantry Army


1851 Admissions to Charity Hospital, New Orleans Parish

James Tracey, Galway Co., Ireland, 19 years, died 5-Mar, ward 16  from Liverpool, 1/2 day in New Orleans, Int Fever, 7 From Ship Eudocia



25 and 26 Unoccupied: late Bridget Power and John Tracey, Firpark [Abbeyknockmoy, Galway?] 5a/3r/4p Irish, 9a/1r/17p Statute, £6.6.10 rent

1853 Galway

Fir Park, [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway Unoccupied, late Bridget Power and John Treacy, 5a/3r/4p Irish, 9a/1r/7p Statute, £12.13.8 rent



Michael Tressy, Bartley,...John Tressy, Lisaniska, [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 99a/2r/20p with others, £1.3.1 & £1.18.5 rent [11a approx], yearly tenants



Edward Tressy, Caherphuca, Abbeyknockmoy, Galway, 75a/0r/10p with four others, £1.0.5 rent [10a approx], yearly tenants

Edward Tressy, Caherphuca, Abbeyknockmoy, Galway, 129a/3r/6p with eight others, £3.9.8 rent [40a approx], yearly tenants



Name of Missing

Home county


AD Date


John Tracey

Kellysgrove, Clontuskert, Galway

MO 1852


Kate Tracey (sister) 33 Chapel St, Hartford CT

John Tracey

Gragagowan, Portumna, Lickmolassy, Galway

St John NBR 1836


Margaret Tracey (daughter) 83 Charles St, Boston MA

Martin Tracey

Kiltulla, Oranmore, Galway

Princeton NJ 1859


Patrick Tracey (brother)

Contact: James Morley, Greenwood MS

Mary Tracey

Ballinasloe NR, Kilcloony, Galway

New Haven CT 1844


William Tracey (brother) Unionville CT

Thomas Tracy (capenter)

Kiltullagh, Galway

Albany, NY


Dennis Gurley (nephew) Media Co., Lodi, OH

Contact: Mr. Wilson, Medina Co, Lodi, OH

Thomas Tracy (with Lawrence Mahony)

Gort(h)een, Dunmore, Galway

Pittsburgh PA


John Tracy, Oshkosh WI

1851 Boston Pilot

Of THOMAS TRACY, native of parish Kiltulla, county Galway, (by trade a carpenter). When last heard of was in Albany, N. Y. He, or any one acquainted with his whereabouts, would confer a favor by writing to his nephew, DENNIS GURLEY, care of Mr. Winson, Lodi, Medina County, Ohio.

1852 Boston Pilot

Of Mary Tracey, from co. Galway, near Ballinasloe, - came to America about 8 years ago. When last heard of was in New Haven, Ct. Her brother, WILLIAM TRACEY, lives in Unionville, Ct, and anxiously desires to hear from or about her.

1857 Boston Pilot

OF John Tracey, a native of Kelly`s Grove, near Ballinasloe [co. Galway], who left about 5 years ago; when last heard from was in Missouri. Information received by his sister, Kate Tracey, 33 Chapel street, Hartford, Connecticut.

1859 Boston Pilot

OF John Tracey, native of Gragagowan, parish of Portumna [co. Galway], who came to this country about 23 years ago; when last heard from he was in St John, New Brunswick. Any information will be thankfully received by his daughter, Margaret, 83 Charles street, Boston, Mass.

1860 Boston Pilot

Of Martin Tracey, a native of Kiltulla [co. Galway], who, when last heard from, was in Princeton, New York, about 12 months since. His brother Patrick is anxious to hear from him. Address James Morley, Greenwood, Miss.

12th Dec 1863

Seeking information of Mrs Winifred Ford (maiden name Tracy) who left the parish of Dunmore, Co Galway, for this country (USA) in the month of March 1860, when last heard from she was in New York. Any information concerning her will be thankfully received by her brother Denis Tracy on board the US sloop-of-War Pawnee. Stone Inlet. S.C

1864 Boston Pilot

Of Michael Ruan and Martin Treacy, natives of the parish of Newcastle, near Monivea, county Galway. Any information of them will be thankfully received by Richard Morgan, Nashville, Tennessee.

1864 Boston Pilot

OF BRIDGET and CATHERINE TRACY, natives of the parish of Killoran, county Galway. Bridget came to this country in November, 1856, and Catherine came in August, 1860. They both landed in New York. If this should meet their eye, or any person knowing their whereabouts, they would confer a favor by writing to their brother, Michael Tracy, Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, Pa, in care of Timothy Heerin.

1864 Boston Pilot

Of John Treacy, who emigrated from Clough, near Gurteen, county Galway, to this country about sixteen years ago; when last heard from was in Wisconsin. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his sister, Hanora Treacy, Nashville, Tennessee.

1866 Boston Pilot

OF JOHN TRACY, native of the parish of Gartheen, county Galway; when last heard from he was in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his sister, Honora Tracy, in care of Thomas Kennedy, No 2 Broad street, near N Y C R R, Nashville, Tenn.

1866 Boston Pilot

OF JOHN TRACY, of Klunlahn, parish of Killorin, county Galway, who sailed on board steamer AEtina from Queenstown, for New York, April 16th, 1866. And of Michael Tracy, brother of said John, who left Ireland about three years ago, and who is supposed to have been in Ashland, Pennsylvania since then. Any information respecting either of them will be thankfully received by, or dropping a line to, Thomas Murray, Poeria, Illinois, or to Catherine Tracy, Poeria [sic], Illinois.

28 April 1866 Pilot

OF THOMAS TRACY and LAURENCE MAHONEY, of the parish of Gurtheen, county Galway; and of Edward Cowen and Patrick Hart, of the parish of Athenry, county Galway; when last heard from they were in Pittsburg. Pa. Address John Tracy, Austin. Mower county, Minn.

1868 Boston Pilot

Of Bridget, Mary and John Treacy, formerly of Esker, county Galway, Ireland; when last heard from they were in Augusta, Me. Any information of one or all will be thankfully received by addressing Capt. John A. Hynes, 1410 Cass avenue, St. Louis, Mo.

1872 Boston Pilot

OF PHILIP TRACY, aged 31 years, a native of Menlena, Dunmore, county Galway, who left Brooklyn, N. Y., July 4, 1867; when last heard from, two years ago, was in Cedar City, Callaway county, Mo. Information of him will be received by his wife, Mary Tracy, care of Thomas McLaughlin, No. 186 Navy street, Brooklyn, N. Y


February 12, 1852 (FJ)

The Right Rev. Dr. Vaughan, the revered Lord Bishop of Killaloe, is, we are happy to learn, almost convalescent, and his physicians, Doctors Finnucane, Tracey and M'Keogh, apprehend now no danger from the insidious disease with which his lordship has been attacked.


March 25, 1852 (FJ) Sharman Crawford's Bill

...citizens of Dublin...John Tracy, 5 Harcourt street...Michael Tracy, 167 North King street...


1852-53 Queens College Galway - Matriculated Students

First Year's Students - Thomas Tracey

Thomas Tressy, Roman Catholic, Arts

Graduates and Matriculated Under-Graduates, Queens Universities Ireland

Thomas Tressy, 1852 Galway

The Queen's [afterw.] Royal university of Ireland calendar, 1859



95. James Tracey, Claddagh, Town of Galway, cabin, £0.16.8 rent, yearly tenure



4. John Tressy, Carhoon (& Skehanagh), Tynagh, Galway, 5a/1r/39p, £ joint rent, tenant from year to year

5. Widow Tressy, Carhoon (& Skehanagh), Tynagh, Galway, 10a/1r/14p, £ joint rent, tenant from year to year

20. Nicholas Tressy, Carhoon (& Skehanagh), Tynagh, Galway, 11a/3r/36p, £6 tenant from year to year


1852 Albany Co New York naturalization petitions for Irish born

Wm Tracy, 30, b. Galway, left from Dublin, Albany Co Oct 23



Progress, Liverpool to New York 2 Oct 1855

Margaret Treacy, 38, F, Widow, Galway

Honora Treacy, 20, F, Galway

Margaret Treacy, 20, F


6th October 1853

..Mr Patrick Treacy, Auctioneer...at Gill's Hotel, in the town of Ballinasloe (Galway)


October 8, 1853 (FJ)

...estate of Ballinaconty, situated in the barony of Dunkellin and county of Galway...The biddings were taken by Mr Patrick Treacy, auctioneer...


1854 RIC Service

Edward Tracy, 18734, b. 1834 Galway East


18734 Edwd Tracy, 20 years, 5'7.7/8", b. Galway E, Catholic, single, recommended S.I. Arthur, lab, appointed 11 Aug 1854, served Wexford 9 Dec 54, Resigned Jan 55 A27372/1291


1855 RIC Service

John Treasy, 20011, b. 1836 Galway


20011 John Treasy,  19 years, 5'9.5, b. Galway, Catholic, recommended by Rev J Grorne Clk?, lab allocated 11 Aug 55, served Kings 6 Dec 55, Repd & Admond, Resigned 23 Dec '59 A75780/5861



In The Matter Of The Estate Of, Michael Joseph Brown, Esq. - Owner;

exparte Algernon Greville, Esq., and others - Petitioners

Situate in the Counties of Galway and Roscommon And County of the Town of Galway Will be Sold by Public Sale, in Lots On Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1855

Lot No. 4 Shoodaun and New Castle, situate in the Barony of Tiaquin, and County of Galway, held in Fee-Simple

19. Martin Tressy sen, Shoodaun and Newcastle [Monivea], 9a/1r/33p, £5.3.2 rent, tenant from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year



Mary Tressy, widow of John Tressy, Lissaniska [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 2a/3r/13p, TOTAL RENTS £14.16.0, This townland, both pasture and tillage, is held in common by these tenants, as tenants from year to year, tenancy determinable on 1st May in each year.

William Tressy, Lissaniska [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 0a/3r/3p

Thomas Tressy, Lissaniska [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 0a/3r/29p

Mary Tressy, widow of Bartly Tressy, Lissaniska [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 0a/3r/3p

Patrick Tressy, Lissaniska [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 0a/3r/3p

William Tressy, Lissaniska [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 0a/3r/3p

Michael Tressy, Lissaniska [Abbeyknockmoy?] Galway, 1a/2r/24p


Griffiths Valuation - Galway 1855


By Area

Andrew Tracy Funshin Kilbegnet Galway

Andrew Tracy Funshin Kilbegnet Galway


Anne Tracy Polltalloon West Tynagh Galway

Anne Treacy Ardultagh Kilquain Galway


Bartholomew Tracy Clogh Clonkeen Galway

Bartholomew Tracy Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway

Bartholomew Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Bartholomew Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway

Bartholomew Tressy Knockatee West Dunmore Galway


Bridget Treacy Gorteeny Ballynakill Galway


Catherine Tracey Main St. Kinvarradoorus Galway


Daniel Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway

Daniel Tracy Hillswood East Tuam Galway

Daniel Tracy Killagh More Killallaghtan Galway

Daniel Treacy Ballymabilla Killallaghtan Galway


Edmund Tracey Laraghmore Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Edward Tracy Ballybaun Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Edward Tracy Caherphuca Abbeyknockmoy Galway


Honoria Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway


Hugh Tracy Meenleana Dunmore Galway

Hugh Treacy Corracullin Kilkerrin Galway


James Tracey Claddagh Rahoon Galway

James Tracey, Village of Spiddle, Spiddle West, Moycullen, Galway

James Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway


John Tracey Bohernagreana or Sun St. Tuam Galway

John Tracey Cloonnacusha Tynagh Galway

John Tracey Main St. Kinvarradoorus Galway

John Tracey Reaghan Tynagh Galway

John Tracey Turoe Kiltullagh Galway

John Tracy Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway

John Tracy Ballybaun Ahascragh Galway

John Tracy Corrafaireen Monivea Galway

John Tracy Gannow Grange Galway

John Tracy Lurgan Great Killallaghtan Galway

John Tracy Timadooaun Dunmore Galway

John Treacy Carrowreagh Killoran Galway

John Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway


Laurence Tracy Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan Galway

Laurence Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway


Malachy Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway


Martin Tracey Clogh Clonkeen Galway

Martin Tracy Clogh Clonkeen Galway

Martin Tracy Cuddoo West Monivea Galway

Martin Tracy Pollremon Templetogher Galway

Martin Tracy Shoodaun Monivea Galway


Mary Tracey Bohernagreana or Sun St. Tuam Galway

Mary Tracey Boland's Lane Kiltartan Galway

Mary Tracey Presentation St. Rahoon Galway


Michael Tracey Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway

Michael Tracey Bohernagreana or Sun St. Tuam Galway

Michael Tracey Coolraugh Lickerrig Galway

Michael Tracey Derradda South Killimorbologue Galway

Michael Tracey Middle St. St. Nicholas Galway

Michael Tracy Ballaghalode Tuam Galway

Michael Tracy Cooldorragha Lickmolassy Galway

Michael Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Michael Tracy Woodfield Boyounagh Galway

Michael Trassy Boleynagoagh South Clonrush Galway

Michael Treacy Ballynageeragh Kilconierin Galway

Michael Treacy Boleydorragha Kilconierin Galway

Michael Treacy Cloonlahan (Geoghegan) Killoran Galway

Michael Treacy Coppanagh Killeenadeema Galway

Michael Treacy Derrew Kilquain Galway

Michael Treacy Derrooghs Kilkerrin Galway

Michael Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway

Michael Treacy Treankyle Kilconierin Galway


Nicholas Tracey Carhoon Tynagh Galway


Patrick Tracey Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway

Patrick Tracey Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway

Patrick Tracey Laraghmore Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Patrick Tracey Lismanny Clontuskert Galway

Patrick Tracey Raruddy East Kilconickny Galway

Patrick Tracey Springfield Killoran Galway

Patrick Tracy Ballynamuddagh Killallaghtan Galway

Patrick Tracy Brackery South Tynagh Galway

Patrick Tracy Cooldorragha Lickmolassy Galway

Patrick Tracy Cormick Abbeygormacan Galway

Patrick Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway

Patrick Tracy Killeen Ahascragh Galway

Patrick Tracy Killeen Kilcloony Galway

Patrick Tracy Lattoon Ahascragh Galway

Patrick Tracy Patch Clonbern Galway

Patrick Tracy Pollremon Templetogher Galway

Patrick Treacy Carrowreagh Killoran Galway

Patrick Treacy Derrew Kilquain Galway

Patrick Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway

Patrick Tressy Knockatee West Dunmore Galway


Peter Tracey Coolraugh Lickerrig Galway

Peter Tracey Crossderry Lickerrig Galway

Peter Tracey, Jr. Cloonlahan (Geoghegan) Killoran Galway

Peter Tracey, Sr. Cloonlahan (Geoghegan) Killoran Galway


Philip Tracey Cloonlyon Killeroran Galway

Philip Tracy Drinaun Killeroran Galway

Philip Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway

Philip Tracey Ballygar Killeroran Galway


Sabina Tracy Woodford Ballynakill Galway


Stephen Treacy Treankyle Kilconierin Galway


Theophilus Tracey Raruddy East Kilconickny Galway


Thomas Tracey Cahercon Killinny Galway

Thomas Tracy Claretuam Belclare Galway

Thomas Tracy Claretuam Belclare Galway

Thomas Tracy Clonfert (Butson) Clonfert Galway

Thomas Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway

Thomas Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway

Thomas Tracy Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway

Thomas Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Thomas Tracy Russelstown Addergoole Galway

Thomas Treacy Gorteeny Ballynakill Galway

Thomas Treacy Graigueagowan Lickmolassy Galway

Thomas Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway

Thomas Treacy Kylemore Ballynakill Galway

Thomas Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway


Timothy Tracey Skecoor Kiltormer Galway


William Tracey Ballygar Killeroran Galway

William Tracey Ballymabilla Killallaghtan Galway

William Tracey Drinaun Killeroran Galway

William Tracey Hermitage Killeroran Galway

William Tracey Lisheenaguile Kiltormer Galway

William Tracy Drinaun Killeroran Galway

William Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway

William Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

William Treacy Fahy Killallaghtan Galway


Winifred Treacy Brackloon Killallaghtan Galway

Patrick Tracy Cormick Abbeygormacan Galway


Bartholomew Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Edmund Tracey Laraghmore Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Edward Tracy Ballybaun Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Edward Tracy Caherphuca Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Honoria Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Michael Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Patrick Tracey Laraghmore Abbeyknockmoy Galway

Thomas Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway

William Tracy Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy Galway


Thomas Tracy Russelstown Addergoole Galway


John Tracy Ballybaun Ahascragh Galway

Patrick Tracy Killeen Ahascragh Galway

Patrick Tracy Lattoon Ahascragh Galway


Michael Tracey Ballinloughaun Athenry Galway


Bridget Treacy Gorteeny Ballynakill [Leitrim] Galway

Sabina Tracy Woodford Ballynakill  [Leitrim] Galway

Thomas Treacy Gorteeny Ballynakill [Leitrim] Galway

Thomas Treacy Kylemore Ballynakill [Leitrim] Galway


Thomas Tracy Claretuam Belclare Galway

Thomas Tracy Claretuam Belclare Galway


Michael Tracy Woodfield Boyounagh Galway


Patrick Tracy Patch Clonbern Galway


Thomas Tracy Clonfert (Butson) Clonfert Galway


Bartholomew Tracy Clogh Clonkeen Galway

Martin Tracey Clogh Clonkeen Galway

Martin Tracy Clogh Clonkeen Galway


Michael Trassy Boleynagoagh South Clonrush Galway


John Tracy Atticoffey West Clontuskert Galway

Patrick Tracey Lismanny Clontuskert Galway


Bartholomew Tracy Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway

Bartholomew Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway

Bartholomew Tressy Knockatee West Dunmore Galway

Daniel Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway

Hugh Tracy Meenleana Dunmore Galway

James Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway

John Tracy Timadooaun Dunmore Galway

Patrick Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway

Patrick Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway

Patrick Tressy Knockatee West Dunmore Galway

Thomas Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway

Thomas Tracy Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway

Thomas Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway


John Tracy Gannow Grange Galway


Andrew Tracy Funshin Kilbegnet Galway

Andrew Tracy Funshin Kilbegnet Galway


Patrick Tracy Killeen Kilcloony Galway


Patrick Tracey Raruddy East Kilconickny Galway

Theophilus Tracey Raruddy East Kilconickny Galway


Michael Treacy Ballynageeragh Kilconierin Galway

Michael Treacy Boleydorragha Kilconierin Galway

Michael Treacy Treankyle Kilconierin Galway

Stephen Treacy Treankyle Kilconierin Galway


Hugh Treacy Corracullin Kilkerrin Galway

John Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway

Laurence Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway

Michael Treacy Derrooghs Kilkerrin Galway

Michael Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway

Thomas Treacy Kiltullagh Kilkerrin Galway


Daniel Tracy Killagh More Killallaghtan Galway

Daniel Treacy Ballymabilla Killallaghtan Galway

John Tracy Lurgan Great Killallaghtan Galway

Laurence Tracy Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan Galway

Patrick Tracy Ballynamuddagh Killallaghtan Galway

William Tracey Ballymabilla Killallaghtan Galway

William Treacy Fahy Killallaghtan Galway

Winifred Treacy Brackloon Killallaghtan Galway


Michael Treacy Coppanagh Killeenadeema Galway


Malachy Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway

Philip Tracey Cloonlyon Killeroran Galway

Philip Tracy Drinaun Killeroran Galway

Philip Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway

Philip Tracey Ballygar Killeroran Galway

Thomas Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway

William Tracey Ballygar Killeroran Galway

William Tracey Drinaun Killeroran Galway

William Tracey Hermitage Killeroran Galway

William Tracy Drinaun Killeroran Galway

William Tracy Killeroran Killeroran Galway


Michael Tracey Derradda South Killimorbologue Galway

Patrick Tracey Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue Galway

Patrick Tracey Coolbaun West Killimorbologue Galway


Thomas Tracey Cahercon Killinny Galway


John Treacy Carrowreagh Killoran Galway

Michael Treacy Cloonlahan (Geoghegan) Killoran Galway

Patrick Tracey Springfield Killoran Galway

Patrick Treacy Carrowreagh Killoran Galway

Peter Tracey, Jr. Cloonlahan (Geoghegan) Killoran Galway

Peter Tracey, Sr. Cloonlahan (Geoghegan) Killoran Galway


Anne Treacy Ardultagh Kilquain Galway

Michael Treacy Derrew Kilquain Galway

Patrick Treacy Derrew Kilquain Galway


Mary Tracey Boland's Lane Kiltartan Galway


Timothy Tracey Skecoor Kiltormer Galway

William Tracey Lisheenaguile Kiltormer Galway


John Tracey Turoe Kiltullagh Galway


Catherine Tracey Main St. Kinvarradoorus Galway

John Tracey Main St. Kinvarradoorus Galway


Michael Tracey Coolraugh Lickerrig Galway

Peter Tracey Coolraugh Lickerrig Galway

Peter Tracey Crossderry Lickerrig Galway


Michael Tracy Cooldorragha Lickmolassy Galway

Patrick Tracy Cooldorragha Lickmolassy Galway

Thomas Treacy Graigueagowan Lickmolassy Galway


John Tracy Corrafaireen Monivea Galway

Martin Tracy Cuddoo West Monivea Galway

Martin Tracy Shoodaun Monivea Galway


James Tracey, Village of Spiddle, Spiddle West, Moycullen, Galway


James Tracey Claddagh Rahoon Galway

Mary Tracey Presentation St. Rahoon Galway


Michael Tracey Middle St. St. Nicholas Galway


Martin Tracy Pollremon Templetogher Galway

Patrick Tracy Pollremon Templetogher Galway


Daniel Tracy Hillswood East Tuam Galway

John Tracey Bohernagreana or Sun St. Tuam Galway

Mary Tracey Bohernagreana or Sun St. Tuam Galway

Michael Tracey Bohernagreana or Sun St. Tuam Galway

Michael Tracy Ballaghalode Tuam Galway


Anne Tracy Polltalloon West Tynagh Galway

John Tracey Cloonnacusha Tynagh Galway

John Tracey Reaghan Tynagh Galway

Nicholas Tracey Carhoon Tynagh Galway

Patrick Tracy Brackery South Tynagh Galway



1853-1923 Royal Navy

Michael Tracey. Place of Birth: Loughrea, Galway. Continuous Service Number: 24914. Date of Volunteering: 03 May 1855. Date of Birth: December 1838.

Patrick Tracy. Place of Birth: Spindle, County Galway. Continuous Service Number: 18367A. Date of Volunteering: 30 May 1861. Date of Birth: 15 March 1845.


ADM 139/250/24914


Name            Tracey, Michael [orphan]

Place of Birth:             Loughrea, Galway

Continuous Service Number:     24914

Date of Volunteering:                03 May 1855

Date of Birth:              December 1838


1855/1857 Diocesan Records of Tuam, Killala & Achonry c. 1613-2000

13. Claretuam

‘Map of the Glebe of Claretuam made for the Revd. Charles H. Seymour, Provost and

Vicar of Tuam’. Map shows ‘Mr Treacy’s House’ and glebe land measurements

55.8 cm x 44.5

James Byrne, surveyor

Tuam March 2, 1857 and surveyed December 1855



1856 RIC Service

Hugh Treacy, 21153, b. 1837 Kings Co Gal W


21153 Hugh Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.75", b. Kings Gal W, Catholic, recommended by SJ McDermott, lab, allocated 14 Aug 56, served Tipp S 14 Jan 57, Disind 5th June 57 A55352/4364



10. Thomas Tressy, Carrowreagh, Longford, Galway, 14a/3r/20p, £9.12.2 rent, Lease bearing date the 10th day of June, 1835 from Arthur Donelan to said Thomas Tressy, for the life of said Arthur Donelan (since departed) or 21 years from 1st May 1835. The original lease is lost, but a copy taken from the counterpart in the tenant's hands will be given to the purchaser, to whom the tenant must attorn. The lease will expire on the 1st May 1856.


1856 Michael Tracy (Elphin bond)



9. Daniel Tracy, Hillswood, Tuam, Galway, 16a/1r/30p, £4.3.10 rent, tenant from year to year

11. Michael Tracy, Ballaghaload [Ballaghalode], Tuam, Galway, 19a/2r/0p, £5.5.6 rent, tenant from year to year


09 Jan 1858 (BL) Obstructing a Clergyman in Reading the Funeral Service

At last Laurencetown Petty Sessions, seven persons respectively named Peter Tracy, Michael M'Hugh, John Brannon, George Smith, Bryan Bearne, Edward Muldoon and Thomas Kelly...Dr. John P. Geogheghan of Kill Lodge [Established Church]...to be buried in Kiltormer...some had been servants of the deceased insited that the remains be buried in Abbeygormican...they carried the deceased on their shoulders...The body was buried without any religious rites...


3 May 1858 MS 48,357/22 Mahon Papers (Additional)

Lease from Sir William Vesey Ross Mahon to William Draper of the house and garden lately occupied by Mrs. Connolly, the house lately occupied by John Tracy and the house plot of Ahascragh (Co. Galway) lately occupied by John Downey for the term of sixty years for a yearly rent of £2.10s. 3 May 1858. 1 item


July 16, 1858 (FJ) St. Jarlaths College, Tuam


17 July 1858 (N) St. Jarlaths College Tuam

...Caesar's Commentaries/Hooles Terminations and swan's Sentences/Latin...Tracy...


1858 Somerset Estate, Clontuskert

...The list of workers who were employed six years previously in 1858 for cutting turf and harvesting potatoes included: Martin Haverty, Patsy Houlihan, John Geraghty, Patsy Kelvin, John Carrole, John White, Daniel Francis, Pat Treacy and Pat Ryan. They were paid at the rate of 4s. 6d. for a six and a half day week...



1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Francis Treacy 13 Sep 1918 Carrownderry Ballynoe Galway, farmer, to Lizzie Treacy

Hanoria Treacy 27 May 1881 New street Portumna Galway, widow, to nephew Paterick Kennedy of 5 Pimlico Dublin, labourer

Honoria Tracy 13 Oct 1913 Lower Salthill Galway, married woman, to Annie Galvin, married woman

James Treacy 26 Dec 1899 Sheeonarush Galway, farmer, to Sarah Treacy widow

James Treacy 12 Oct 1915 Liss Galway, farmer, to John Geraghty and Patrick Burke, farmers

John Tracey 29 Jul 1910 Atticoffey Clontuskert Galway, farmer, to Thomas Murray, farmer

John Treacy 16 Jun 1901 Knock Ballyvista Galway, farmer, died The Lunatic Asylum Ballinasloe, to Mary Treacy widow

John Treacy 5 Feb 1908 Portumna Galway, carpenter, to Anne Treacy widow

Malachy Christopher Tracy 10 Jan 1864 Ballygar Galway, farmer, by Patrick Tracy and Peter Dignan, farmers

Margaret Treacy 7 Mar 1899 Kilkitane Galway, to son Matt. Treacy, farmer

Maria Tracy 7 Sep 1894 Mary-Street Galway, widow, by Right reverend Francis Joseph MacCormack of St. Marys Taylor’s Hill RC Bishop and Reverend Peter Dooley of College House PP

Mark Treacy 10 Jul 1882 Foster street Galway, shopkeeper, to Ellen Treacy widow

Martin Treacy 4 Feb 1917 Cullagh North Ballyglunin Galway to John Treacy famer

Mary Treacy otherwise Trayers 29 Mar 1915 Curragh Cloonminda Galway to Patrick Trayers

Michael Joseph Tressey 26 Dec 1884 Middle Street Galway, billard room manager, to Catherine Tressey widow the universal legatee

Michael Tracy 1 Aug 1909 Ardnagall Galway, farmer, to John Tracy, farmer

Michael Treacey 23 Jun 1885 Lisiniska Galway, landowner, to nephew Patrick Treacey, landowner

Michael Treacy (Junior) 21 Apr 1908 Ardnagall Galway, labourer, to Michael Treacy, farmer

Patrick Treacy 1 Jul 1892 Dunmore Galway, bootmaker, died Workhouse Tuam, to son Thomas Treacy, bootmaker

Patrick Treacy (Senr) 1 Oct 1918 Carrew orse Carhone Tynagh Galway, farmer, to Margt. Treacy

Peter Tressy 16 Aug 1887 Abbey west Galway, farmer, to Mary Tressy widow

Philip Tracy 7 Feb 1863 Ballygar Galway, farmer, to brother Malachy Christopher Tracy, farmer

Thomas Tracy 10 Jun 1890 Mary-Street Galway, gentleman, to Maria Tracy, widow the mother

Thomas Tracy 23 Feb 1884 Killeroran Galway, farmer, to Hanoria Tracy widow

Thomas Treacy 15 Mar 1896 Carrick west Galway, son Thomas Treacy

Thomas Treacy 18 Feb 1909 Laraghmore Ballygunin Galway to Thomas Treacy farmer

William Thomas Tracy 20 Feb 1863 Ballygar Galway, widower, to daughter Ann Gaffey Ballygar (wife of Thomas Gaffey, farmer)

William Treacy 9 Jan 1918 Frumlin Ballyglunnin Tuam Galway, farmer, to Julia Melody m.w. [Married woman]

William Treacy 2 Dec 1918 Ballinabilla Cappatagle Ballinasloe Galway, farmer, by Patrick Lealan & Thos. Bowes


John M'Cabe Rev Sep 1858 Calcutta, to James Austin Tracy [of Cappoquin Waterford],  College House Galway Galway, Catholic clergyman

Thomas Conneely 13 Oct 1911 S[T]imaduane Galway, famer, to Henry Flattery & Thomas Treacy, farmers

John Gately 14 May 1911 Lissyegan Ahascragh Galway, farmer, to Bridget Tracey, widow

Ellen Lowe 15 May 1866 Newtownsmith Galway, widow, to Rose Treacy of Snipehill (Frenchpark) Roscommon, the residuary legatee

Anthony Langan 20 Jan 1881 Cloonrane Ballindine Galway, fgarmer, to nephew Pat Treacy (junior) of Cloonrane, farmer

Michael Turner 16 Nov 1898 lehid Galway, farmer, to sister Bridget Treacy of Ardnagall, married woman

Thomas Keavin 22 Sep 1858 Lacka Galway, MD, to Rose Treacy (wife of Andrew Treacy) of Snipe Hill Roscommon, administrator of  Ellen Lowe, relict of deceased


1858-1900 Will Registers

Catherine Tressey

Middle Street, Galway, Galway, Ireland

Michael Joseph Tressey




Honoria Treacy

Ballygar, Ireland

Thomas Treacy




Maria Tracy

Mary Street, Galway, Galway, Ireland


Reverend Francis Joseph MacCormack, Galway, Reverend Peter Dooley, Maria Lucy



Michael Joseph Tressey

Middle Street, Galway, Galway, Ireland

Racket Court Keeper and Billiard Room Proprietor

Catherine Tressey



Rose Treacy

Newtown Smyth, Galway, Ireland

Ellen Lowe




Stephen Tracy

Newtown Smyth, Galway, Ireland

Ellen Lowe




Thomas Treacy

Ballygar, Ireland

Honoria Treacy




September 28, 1859 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

The Tuam School Committee...In the Catholic heart is an inexhaustible mine - as the Rev. J.A. Tracy of Dublin, so appropiately remarked in his excellent letter to the committee...- Connaught Patriot

30th August 1862 The Tablet

The Galway Catholic Young Men's Society.

We are delighted to find that the above eminently useful society has made such rapid strides and within so short a time. On last Sunday their retreat, which had been conducted by one of the most zealous and exemplary Priests in Ireland, the Rev. James A. Tracy, terminated by the assembling of the members in their spacious and beautiful rooms in Mrs. Carrigan's, Eyre Square, and proceeding in a body to the Catholic Cathedral, where, after the Most Rev. Doctor MacEvilly, Lord Bishop of Galway had celebrated Mass, they approached Holy Communion. During the week, lectures of a most practical character were given by Father Tracy, who, each morning said, with the permission of the Bishop, Mass in the rooms of the society. The lectures were numerously and respectably attended not only by the members but others who were introduced by permission. On Saturday evening his Lordship gave the members the Papal benediction in the rooms, and congratulated them on the progress they had made. Classes are to be now formed where the Irish and other languages will be taught. Lectures will be also delivered by eminent public men.—Connaught Patriot.

31 October 1862 (FJ) The O'Connell National Statue

The Monement in Galway (from the Vindicator)...The Rev. father Tracy was called to the chair amidst loud demonstrations of applause...

13 December 1862 Will Reverend John M'Cabe

The Will of the Reverend John M'Cabe formerly a Curate of the Roman Catholic Cathedral but afterwards and at the time of his decease Vicar of the Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Calcutta deceased who died in the month of September 1858 at same place was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of James Austin Tracy of the college house in the County of the town of Galway Roman Catholic Clergyman sole executor. Effects under £5

Abstracts of Wills and Admins in the National Library.


June 1860 Regan v. O'Connor

...Michael Tracy...owner of a billiard-room in Galway...

December 1861 Galway

...A lady known as the Hon. Mrs. Winter, and says she has a claim to all the dilapidated houses in Galway, with a few in good repair, made an assualt on Mrs Tracy, a widow woman, who keeps a very respectable grocery, together with a billiard table and racket court. Mrs. Winter was accompanied by a set of fellows armed with pitchforks and bludgeons. Mrs. Tracy collected a party to eject the intruders, and in the collision there were several injured...A court case followed taken by Mr. Tracy against Mrs. Winter for an assult and taking illegal possion of an out house. The belligerents had their wounds in front...black eyes and sundry wounds...Mrs. Winter offended the magistrates but eventually procured bail.

9 December 1861 Cork Examiner

Mrs. Winter In Galway... of Mrs. Tracey (owner of the racket court), for rent, and bad succeeded in getting possession, when Mrs. Tracey pnt two men in for the ...

22 March 1862 Cork Examiner

... Catherine Tracy examined—She lives in house in Middle-street, Galway, and also the owner of another house the rere of her dwelling-house, the front of it being in ...



John Treacy, Corrafaireen, Monivea, Tyaquin, Galway, 9a/1r/2p, £2.8.0, tenant from year to year


1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

Daniel Tracey, b. 1844, Lougrea, Galway 

Edward Tracey, b. ?, Loughrea, Galway 

James Treacy, b. 1856 Galway, Galway

John Tracey, b. 1837, Ballmasloe, Galway 

John Tracy?, b. 1837 Portumna, Galway

Martin Tracey, b. 1845 Loughrea, Galway

Peter Treacy, b. 1880 Ballinastoe, Galway

Thomas Treacey, b. 1834 Dunmore, Galway


31 July 1860 Burlington Vt Naturalisation

Andrew Tracey of Windsor Vermont, b. 1834 County of Galway Ireland


1860-1921 Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen






City of Dublin










December 1868








December 1869








June 1867
































June 1869








June 1869








June 1869








June 1870





















Galway [error Palway]



December 1867





Galway [error Palwey]



June 1864





Galway Gallaway











December 1870


19 April 1861 (FJ) Ryan V. O'Connor

The action was one of assult, tried at the last assizes of Galway...It had been originallly against three persons, Tracy, O'Connor and Deely, but Tracy had died before the trial. The plaintiff alledged that the three defendants, being in a billard room in Galway...down a flight of stairs [removed him]...


1861 Return of Crimes - Galway

3 Dec 1861 John Ney, blacksmith, of Galway Town, riot by Catherine Tracy and others, dismissed at petty sessions

8 Dec 1861 Catherine Treacy, publican, of Galway Town, forcible possession by Catherine Winter & others, convicted at assizes

24 Feb 1862 John Fahy & John Finerty, famers, of Tiaquinn, assualt by Patrick Burke, Peter Gready & Thomas Tressy, convicted at petty sessions


1861 British Census

Anne Tracey, b. abt 1838 Galway Ireland, Cheshire England

Bailey Tracey, b. 1835 Mayo OR 1841 Ireland, Wrexham Regis Wrexham Denbighshire Wales

= Mary Tracey, b. 1836 OR 1841 Galway, Wrexham Regis Wrexham Denbighshire Wales

Dennis Tracey, b. 1860 Staffordshire, Wrexham Regis Wrexham Denbighshire Wales

John Tracey, b. abt 1826 Galway Ireland, Staffordshire England

Martin Tracey, spouse: Mary, b. abt 1836 Galway Ireland, Staffordshire England

               = Mary Tracey, spouse: Martin, b. abt 1836 Galway Ireland, Staffordshire England

Michael Tracey, b. abt 1842 Galway Ireland, Derbyshire England


1861 Census - 70 Waterloo road Cheetham Manchester Lancashire

Margaret Tracy, servant, unmarried, 26, b. 1835 Galway


1861 Census - 81 Hyde Rd Ardwick St Thomas Manchester Lancashire

Mary Tracy/Trasey, servant, 27, unmarried, b. 1834 Galway


1861 Census - Elizabeth St, Manchester St. Perer Lancashire

Bridget Tracy, lodger, widow, 60, b. Galway Ireland, domestic servant,

Thomas Tracy, lodger, unmarried, 40, b. Galway Ireland, porter (Rw Co),


Loftus's inland revenue almanack and official directory

1861 Second Class Assistant

Stephen Tracey, Dublin

1863 First Class Assistant

Stph Treacy, Galway 2D

3 Feb 1864 (BL) University Intelligence

Stephen Treacy, officer, Letterkenny, 2nd ride, Londonderry collection, has been appointed to Shrule ride, Galway collection.

1864 Rides

S Treacy, Letterkenny 2

1864 Loftus's inland revenue almanack and official directory

S. Treacey, Letterkenny, (Dunfanaghy)

1880 Belfast Street Directory

Inland Revenue Office, Queen's Square, Division Officers - Belfast 2nd Division; Stephen Treacy

12 December 1879 Belfast Morning News

"... Stephen Treacy, Eeq., H.M. Inland Revenue, Belfast, of a son."

6 March 1880 Belfast Morning News

Treacy—March 3, at Salt Hill, Gallway, Maria W. T. Treacy, wife of Stephen Treacy, H.M. Inland ... ”

28 Dec 1882 The Irish Canadian

At Galway, on December 4th Mr Stephen Treacy, an excise officer, was found dead in bed. The servant called Mr Treacy to breakfast at eleven o'clock in the morning, when he told her he would not rise for a little longer; and at four o'clock she again called him to dinner, but receiving no reply, went into the bedroom and found him dead. Deceased was a widower and 48 years old.


August 1862 Perjury

Mary Tracy...at Portumna...assult case between two brothers named Ryan...


1862 Offences commited in the County of Galway

Riots and Affray of John Ney, blacksmith, 3 Dec 1861, Galway town, inf lodged 4 Dec 1861, Catherine Tracy, dismissed at petty sessions

Serious assults on John Fahy & John Finerty, farmers, 24 Feb 1862, Tiaquinn Galway, inf lodged 25 Feb 1862, Patrick Burke Peter Gready Thomas Tressy, conviicted at petty sessions


1862 Court Millar v. Tressy

Application to change venue from Dublin to Galway. THe action was brought by Dublin Merchants against the defendant as administratix of her deceased husband, who kept a billard room in Galway to recover a sum of £35 due for goods.


1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records


Bridget Tracy, A/C 15784, opened 1857, lives 79 Washington NY, domestic servant, born Killower Galway, not married, emigrated 1854 Shamrock, closed A/C 1859


26 Aug 1863 38086 Edward Tracy of 378 Washington St, Carpenter, born 1838 County Galway ard 1854 per "Aluminia?", married to "Delia Deveny" 2 children Jhon? & Julia Ann


5 Aug 1864 41930 Philip Treacy [Tresey] born 1844 Galway, of N.J. Ship Nor Co, farmer, arr 1864 per "City of Limerick" married Mary Ward no child (note: Book lost? affidmafad? B ap closure? Nov? 5/75)


18 Sep 1865 49170 Edward Tracey, of Yorkville, driver, born 1837 Galway ard 1853 Auguist "Snipe" Fa Pat Mo Anna Foley


29 Jun 1867 59673 Anna Maria Tracey, of Elizabeth Port NJ, HK [house keeper] born 1835 Kerry ard 1847 per "Cornelia" nee Duggat or hus James [Tracey] born 1839 Co Galway ard 1859 per "Princeton"


August 1863 Portumna Races

...Frederick Tracy rode Gipsy...


27 January 1864 (NG) Portumna Petty Sessions - Vulcan versus Pan

Owen Boohan summoned Francis Tracy, a farmer, for 14s.6d., due to him for smith work...case adjourned...


20 February 1864 Pilot (Boston & NY)


Tracy. Near Folsom, Dec. 29, Michael Tracy, a native of co. Galway, Ireland, aged 38.

6 March 1864 (N) California Deaths

Tracy - Dec 29, near Folsom, Michael Tracy, a native of the county Galway, aged 38 years.


March 1864 Galway

In the matter of the estate of Valentine Browne and others, owners and petitioners. The lands of Cappagh and Derryooghs, containing 1308a2r26p held under lease for lives renewalable for ever at a yearly rent of £92/6/2 and producing a net rental of £82/8/11. Mr Daniel Tracy purchased at £2400.


4 May 1864 (NG) Portumna Petty Sessions

Ellen Calihan summoned John Tracy for knocking her down with a blow of a shovel...27th of last month...fine of 5s. or 14 days, but for the provocation the punishment would have been £5.


28 May 1864 Pilot (Boston & NY)

Died, at Lone Jack, Missouri, on the Bth of May, 1804, Patrick Tracy, believed to have come from the co. Galway, Ireland. Mr. Tracy emigrated to this country some years ago, and had always maintained a good character, and accumulated by his industry considerable property; maintaining the character of an honest man, and beloved by his Irish countrymen, he was followed to his last resting-place by numerous friends, both of America and Ireland. The procession was formed in Westport at Mr. Edward Cassidy’s—his countryman—and from thence followed his remains and saw them decently buried in the Catholic cemetery in Kansas City, Mo. “Peace to the ashes of a noble son of the Emerald Isle.” E. C.


6 July 1864 (NG) Killimore Petty Sessions

Tracey v. Broderick - Broderick was charged by compliant with cutting his turf bank by force, at Garranameeta. It appeared in evidence that Tracey lives a considerable distance from the bog...adjourned for Agents evidence.

10 August and 7 September 1864 (NG) Killimore Petty Sessions

Patrick Tracy summoned Thomas Broderick, of Garrinameta [Garraunnameetagh Galway?], for carrying away bog-stuff, his property, for his own use, and for the purpose of selling it to others. It appear in evidence, that a few years ago Tracy [Broderick?] got possession of a farm of 10 acres, formerly held by Broderick. Broderick stated that he retained three acres and the bog in question. John Brishane, the bailiff, stated that three years ago, by direction of his master, Mr. Smyth, of Masonbrook, he gave possession of Tracy's holding to Broderick, who paid up the arrears of rent then due, amounting to £22, except three acres which were to be reserved by Tracy, and which were to be as near his house as possible; no mention was made of the bog.


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, Margaret, Scarriff, Clare/Galway. 4 401

Tracey, Patrick, Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 4 36

Tracey, Thadeus, Scarriff, Clare/Galway. 19 473

Tracy, Catherine, Tuam, Galway. 9 540

Tracy, John, Tuam, Galway. 14 535

Tracy, Mary, Tuam, Galway. 9 551

Tracy, Mary, Tuam, Galway. 9 566

Tracy, Mary, Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 14 35

Tracy, Michael, Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 14 25

Tracy, (male), Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 14 26

Tracy, (male), Tuam, Galway. 4 456

Tracy, (female), Clifden, Galway. 9 202

Trassy, Bridget, Gort, Clare/Galway. 14 333

Trassy, Mary, Glennamaddy, Galway/Roscommon. 19 319

Trasy, Mary, Glennamaddy, Galway/Roscommon. 14 304

Treacy, Anne, Mountbellew, Galway. 9 420

Treacy, Mary, Portumna, Galway. 9 474

Treacy, Nicholas, Portumna, Galway. 4 394

Tressy, Mary, Loughrea, Galway. 4 336


16 July 1864 The Roscommon Journal

In the matter of the Goods of Philip Tracy, late of Ballygar, in the County of Galway, shopkeeper and farmer, deceased; and of Malachy Christopher Tracy, of same place, deceased.

Notice is hereby given that persuant to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Vic chapter 35, initiated "An Act further to amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees," all persons claiming to be Creditors, or to have any claim or demand against the Estate of the said Philip Tracy or Malachy Christoper Tracy, late of Ballygar, in the county of Galway, who died respectively at ballygar aforsaid on the 8th day of February 1863 and on the 10th day of January 1864, are hereby required on or before the 1st day of August 1864 to furnish particulars in writting of such claims or demands to Messrs Peter Dignan and Patrick Tracy, of Ballygar, in the county of Galway, executors of the deceased, to who probate of the will of the said Malachy Christopher Tracy was granted forth of Her Majestry's Court of Probate in Ireland, in February 1861; or to Joseph Burke, 12 Blessington street Dublin and Roscommon, their solicitor; or in default thereof the said Executors will, after the said 1st day of August next, proceed to distribute the assets of the said Philip Tracy and Malachy Christopgher Tracy amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims or demands only of which we shall have had notice on or previous to said day. Dated this 16th day of June 1864. Joseph Burke, Solicitor for the said Executors, 12 Blessington street Dublin and Roscommon.

Deaths – Newspaper Notices

Malachy Tracey; Ballygar GAL IRL; Cork Examiner (COR IRL); 1864-1-19; dja



Representative of B. Trassy, Kilanlappy otherwise Kilnalappa a subdenomination of Belwell, Dunmore, Galway, £8.5.6 rent, 12a/2r/19.25p, tenant from year to year, ...stream northern boundary...right to cut turf for their own consumption only, on the bog which forms part of this townland.


1861 RIC Service

Thomas Treacy, 26768, b. 1841 Kings


26768 Thos Treacy, 20 years, 5'8". b. Kings, Roman Catholic, recommended by J.F. Rolleston JP, lab, allocated 9 May 1861, served Leitm 5 Sep '61 - Gal WR? 1/1/65, Punishment - Removed B39879/16225, Dismissed 27/7/69 B39879/18445


28 April 1865 IT

Oughterard Regatta, Galway...Harkaway won pulled by Messers M. Tracey, Braughall, Cloyton and Haeler...Odalique pulled by Mesers Tracey and Braughall...


Saint Mark, Liverpool to New York 22 May 1865

William Treacy, 20, M, labourer, Kings county

Mary Tracy, 48, F, servant, Galway


28 June 1865 (NG) Portumna Petty Sessions

Martin Tracy, of Tyrnascragh [Tiranascragh, Galway], summoned Michael Fitzgerald for assaulting him, by stricking him with an oar, which knocked him down...Fitzgerald said that he found his boat two miles from its place, with Tracy and two young women in her...Fitzgerald stole up on Tracy and struck him...A cross case of stealing the boat was dismissed...

June 28, 1865 Nenagh Guardian

...Martin Tracy, of Tyrnascragh [Galway], summoned Michael Fitzgerald for assaulting him, by stricking him with an oar, which knocked him down...Fitzgeralds boat being in the possession of Tracy and two young women...stole unawares on the complainent and struck him without he seeing him...


15 July 1865 (FJ) ArchBishop of Tuam

...deputation of the principal inhabitants...We the undersigned parishioners of Dunmore...Pat Tracey...


1866 RIC Service

Patrick Treacy, 31357, b. 1846 Galway West Riding


31357 Pat Treacy, 20 years, 5'9.25", b. Galway RW, Roman Catholic, recommended by W. Jones H. Con 3060, laborer, allocated 16 Febr 1866, Resigned at Depot 5 June '66 42530 R.III., served 3 months 21 days, To go home


1866 RIC Service

Patrick Treacy, 32289, b. 1846 Galway West Riding


32289 Patk Treacy, 20 years, 5'9.75", b. Galway WR, Catholic, recommended by Sub Insp Tyrrell, laborer, allocated 13 Nov '66, served Clare 27 Feb 67, Resigned 8 Nov 1871, To emigrate


19 September and 3 October 1866 (NG) Portumna Petty Sessions

Nicholas Tracy, of Shehanarush [Sheeaunrush], summoned Michael, Patt and Catherine Kelly of Cooldurraghs, for assaulting him with a hurley and other weapons on the 10 inst at Cooldurraght, cutting his head and inflicting other injuries. Cross case of killing [trespassing] geese...Patrick Tracy, father of complainant...one of Tracy's sons had been fractured in another melee a few years ago...Kellys fines and both parties to keep the peace...

14 November 1866 (NG) Portumna Petty Sessions

Edward Burke, an old man, prosecuted John Tracy, of Shehanarush, for assaulting him, by hitting him with a stone which knocked him off a cart, on the evening of the 29th ult, on his way home for Portumna...Witness war carried by a man named Kelly who shouted "blood money" at Tracy (This had reference to a portion of a fine awarded to Tracy, for an assault committed on him by the owner of the cart)...discrepancy in evidence and provocation..case dismissed.

A charge of aiding and abetting against Patt, Nicholas and James Tracy, of Shesbanarush, Michael and Thomas Ridge of Cahir, and Michael Tracy, of Ballymartin [Galway], was likewise dismissed.


1866 Curraduff West (Galway, 30/4), "in the stream south of Captain Tracy's Lodge, in a bed about five feet thick, there is a foliation oblique to the bedding; and, as the rock is more a schist than a gneiss, perhaps it may be the cleavage planes that the foliation follows."

XXV.—Notes On The Foliation In The Gneiss And Schist Of YarConnaTight. By G. Henm Ktnahan, Senior Geologist of the Geological Survey of Ireland.

[Read before the Royal Geological Society of Ireland, January 10, 1866.] Dublin quarterly journal of Science, Volume 6


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


22 February 1867 (TH) Tuam Diocesan Missionary Fund

Headford...Mrs. Tracey...


9 March 1867 (TH) Wilful Murder of Wife

...inquest held at Russeltown near Miltown...Thomas Treacy, a small farmer, residing near Milltown...next assizes.

15 March 1867 (TH) Galway Assizes

Thomas Tracy was placed at the bar charged with having on the first day of March 1867, did with malice afore thought kill and slay Margaret Tracy his wife. - The prisoner was remanded to next Assizes.

15 March 1867 IT

Thomas Tracey, murder of wife Margaret Tracey at Russelstown [Galway] on 28th February...

15 March 1867 (FJ) Murder - Galway

Thomas Tracey was indicted for the wilful murder of his wife Margaret Tracey, at Russellstown on the 28th February last...had no money to pay counsel...counsel appointed...guilt or innocence depended on his state of mind...adjourned.

31 July 1867 (FJ) Galway - Murder

Thomas Tracy was indiced that he, on the 1st of March last, did murder Margaret Tracy, his wife at Russellstown...18 years married...almost three years ago, one Walsh, a cousin of the prisoner died in England and since then the prisoner had been disturbed in his mind...not guilty of unsound mind. He was remanded to prison...

3 August 1867 (TH) Galway County Court

Thomas Tracy...did murder Margaret Tracy, his wife, at Russellstown, in this county...had been eighteen years married and during that period had been good friends and never had any quarrel. About three years ago one Walsh, a cousin of the prisoner had died in England and since then the prisoner had been disturbed in his mind...spade...and clove her skull...the jury found the prisoner not guilty, he being at the time of unsound mind...

3 Aug 1867 Ballinrobe Chronicle

Galway Assizes. Thomas Tracy was placed at the bar, charged with having on 1st March, 1867, feloniously and with malice aforethought killed and slay one Margaret Tracy, his wife. The prisoner pleaded not guilty...Thomas Doran (a young lad) examined...deceased Margaret Tracy was his aunt...prisoner was not sane at the time he committed the offence...not guilty...order for his safe custody.


13 March 1867 (NG) Portumna Petty Sessions

Wages - Mary Tracy summoned Catherine Head for the sum of 6s6d, balance of an account due for horse hire. Decree for the amount.


17 April 1867 (NG) Portumna Petty Sessions

Constable Monahan of Kelly's Mills [2 miles from NW Lough Derg] summoned Laurence Tracy...for neglecting to register their dogs.


1 June 1867 (TH) Dog Licences

Thomas Tracy, Claretuam


8 June 1867 (TH) Dog Licences

James Theany, Ballinastack

Pat Tracy, Curraferine [Corrafaireen?]

Edmond Tressy, Lavamore

Pat Tressy, Lisaneskea

Bartly Tressy, Lisaneskea

Martin Tressy, Abbey

Daniel Tracy, Hillswood

Edward Tracy, Caherpuck


20 July 1867 (TH) To be sold

...by the denomination 'the Thirds of Tuam'...includes...Tressy's Plot...

23 November 1867 (TH) Estate of Frederick John Foster

...Tuam...Tressy's plot...



111. John Tressy, Sun street, Galway, £0.15.0 rent, tenant from month to month


January 21 1868 Landed Estates Court

County of Galway

Estate of James Whyte, owner; John Degan and another petitioner

Lot 2, the life-estate of the owner in the dwelling house, offices and lands of Ballycortan, containing 120 statute acres; profit of rent £100. Sold to D. Tracey [see Daniel Thomas Treacy of Dublin], in trust, at £350. Solicitor James Blacquiere

County of Longford

Estate of George Crawfordand others, owners; Charles J. Burke Petitioner

Lot 1. Part of the lands of Lisbrack, containing 13 a, 2r, 29 p. Statute measures, hold for one life or 31 years; profit rent £42 5s. Sold to D. Tracy, for £320

The Irish law times and solicitors' journal, Volume 1, p.803

22 January 1868 (FJ) Galway

Lot 2. The life estate [now aged 54 years] of the owner [James Whyte] in the dwelling house, offices and lands of Ballycorban, containing 120 statute acres; net yearly profit rent, £1000. Mr. D Tracey was the buyer, in trust...


22 June 1868 (FJ) Deaf & Dumb, Cabra

...Mrs C Tracey, Middle street, Galway, per collection box...


28 March 1869 – 11 September 1869 Minutes of Board of Guardian Meetings Gort - Archives

‘I give notice on this day fortnight I will move that the resolution requiring two years residence in the house previous to getting clothing be rescinded, and the period of six months be substituted or such other time as the Board may think fit, and that any pauper requiring clothing must give at least one days notice to the Master and come before the Board in his own clothes if he has any. I also give notice that John Brogan, John, Learn and Mat Tracy are to get clothes on this day week. Walter Shawe Taylor’ (p91).


24 July 1869 (NG) Parsonstown Board of Guardians

...case of Margaret Tracy, an applicant for relief...her connection with Portumna Union...


1860’s Fenians

“In Dunmore the ‘centre’, I think, was Pat Treacy, a shoemaker.”

Ryan, Mark Francis (1946) Fenian Memories.


September/October 1870 Ambulance Committee in aid of the French Army

...Dunmore [Galway?]...P. Tracy...J Treacy...? Tracy...


1870 RIC Service

Michael Treacy, 37012, b. 1852 Galway East Riding


37012 Michl Treacy, 18 years, 5'9", b. Galway ER, Catholic, recommended by Wm P O'Kelly JP, laborer, allocated 10 Oct 70, served Cork ER 9 March 1871, resigned 12 June 1871, To go home


15 October 1870 (FJ) French Ambulanes

Dunmore...Patrick Treacy...James Treacy...Michael Treacy...


3 December 1870 (TH) Enlivening the Town

An old pensioner, though a pretty young[?] ??? soldier, named John Tracy, responded to the ??? constable Meddigan to render an account of his ??? Dunmore on the 20th ult. The Constable charged him with being "on the go" and shouting through the streets &c, but admitted that he conducted ??? very well during his short sojourn in the "lock-up". His Worship, taking this into consideration and ??? how much the defendant must have "suffered for his country" when "in the army" ordered him to be discharged with a caution.


1870 Amount Collected at Athenry RC Chapel...for the suffering French...

...2s...Thomas Tressy, Athenry...

9 December 1870 (FJ) Athenry Roman Catholic Church

...Wounded French...Patrick Burke, Thomas Tressy, Athenry...


1870?…Glengowla East Mine [near Oughterard], from a map by Captain TracyKinehan, G.H., Nolan, J., 1870. Explanation to accompany Sheet 95 of the map of the Geological Survey of Ireland, including the country around Headford and Oughterard, illustrating parts of the counties of Galway and Mayo. Geological Survey of Ireland Memoirs Vol. 5, Memoir 95, 65-66

Moore, K. R. (2004) Historical Use of Stone and Metal in Western Ireland. Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 56 (2004), pp. 1-21 Published by: Galway Archaeological & Historical Society


7 January 1871 Pilot (Boston & NY)

New York City

Tracy — Dec. 23, Joseph Tracy, a native of Ballinasloe, county Galway, Ireland, aged 37.


9 December 1871 (TH) Galway Elections - Barony of Tiaquin

Martin Treacy, Clogh

Edmond Tracy, Caherpuca or Ballybane

Martin Tracey, Cullagh South



3. Michael M'Donough and 4. Michael Tracy, Beaghcauneen, Ballinahinch, Galway, 50a/0r/24p, £3 and £3 rent, tenant from year to year


1871 British Census

Michael Treasey, spouse Maria, b. abt 1831 Galway Ireland, Cheshire England

       = Maria Treasey, spouse Michael, b. abt 1832 Cheshire England, Cheshire England


1871 Census - Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England [also 1881 & 1891 Census]

John Tracy             Head       Male       41           Galway, Ireland, Bricklayers Labourer

Mary Tracy            Wife       Female    41           Galway, Ireland

Margaret Higgins   Daughter                Female    15           Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Works At Pottery

Thomas Higgins     Son         Male       14           Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Colliery Horse Driver

Catherine Tracy     Daughter                Female    6             Chesterfield, Derbyshire


Dennis Tracy , Head, M, 60, widower , b. 1821 Ireland, Mason's Labourer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire [also Conways]

Bridget Tracy , Daughter, F, 31, b. 1840 Ireland, Cardroomer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

Julia Tracy , Daughter, F, 28, b. 1843 Galwam [Galway] Ireland, Cotton Card Room Hand,  Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire


Daniel Tracy, Lodger, M, 35, unmarried, b. 1836 County Galway, labourer, Warrington Lancashire


Edward Tracey , Head, 58, b. 1813 Queens Country Ireland, Farm Labourer, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Maria Tracey , Wife, 48, b. 1823 Galway Ireland, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Margaret Tracey , Daughter, 17, b. 1854 Patricroft, Spinner, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Kate Tracey , Daughter, 14, b. 1857 Patricroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Edward Tracey , Son, 11, b. 1860 Patricroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

James Tracey , Son, 4, b. 1867 Patricroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire


James Tracey , Head, 34, b. 1837 Dunmore [Galway?] Ireland, carter, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Margaret Tracey , Wife, 33, b. 1838 Clare Innes [Ennis?] Ireland, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Mary Ellen Tracey , Daughter, 2, b. 1869 Tamcroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire

Susannah Tracey , Daughter, 0, b. 1871 Tamcroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire


John Tracy , Head, M, 28, b. 1843 Gallow [Galway] Ireland, labourer, Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire

Elizabeth Tracy , Wife, F, 28, b. 1843 Cork Ireland, Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire

John T Tracy , Son, M, 3, b. 1868 London, Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire

William H Tracy , Son, M, 1, b.1870 Manchester, Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire


John Tracy, Head, M, 34, b. 1837 [Galway] Ireland, labourer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

Catherine Tracy, Wife, F, 31, b. 1840 [Galway] Ireland, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

John Tracy, Son, M, 11, b. 1860 Mossley, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

Dennis Tracy, Son, M, 9, b. 1862 Mossley,Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

Mary Jane Tracy, Daughter, F, 7, b. 1864 Mossley, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

Ann Tracy, Daughter, F, 5, b. 1866 Mossley, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

Kate Tracy, Daughter, F, 3, b. 1868 Mossley, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire

Julia Tracy, Daughter, F, 0, b. 1871 Mossley, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire


Margaret Tracy , Head, F, 40, widow, b. 1831 Galway, Oldham Below Town Oldham Lancashire

Elizh Ann Tracy , Daughter, F, 16, b. 1855 Oldham, Speed Tenter, Oldham Below Town Oldham Lancashire

John Tracy , Son, M, 18, b. 1853 Oldham, labourer, Oldham Below Town Oldham Lancashire

Maria Tracy , Daughter, F, 8, b. 1863 Oldham, Oldham Below Town Oldham Lancashire


Margaret Tracy, 18, b. 1853 Galway, Ireland, House Keeper, Lancashire


Sarah Tracey, Head, F, 44, widow, b. 1827 Galway, tailoress, Dale Street  Liverpool Lancashire

Catherine Tracey, Daughter, F, 19, b. 1852 Liverpool, Cigar Maker, Dale Street  Liverpool Lancashire


Pat Tracy , Head, 66, b. 1805 Old Moor Galway Ireland, Tailor, St George Manchester Lancashire [also O’Brion]

Margt Tracy , Wife, 68, b. 1803 Old Moor Galway Ireland, St George Manchester Lancashire


Thomas Tracey , Head, M, 30, b. 1841 Galway, auctioneer, Market Street Manchester Lancashire

Catharine Tracey , Wife, F, 23, b. 1848 Dublin, Market Street Manchester Lancashire

James S Tracey , Son, M, 3, b.  1868 Manchester, Market Street Manchester Lancashire

John Tracey , Son, M, 0, b. 1871 Manchester, Market Street Manchester Lancashire


Thomas Tracy , Head, 45, b. 1826 Galway Ireland, Warehouseman, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Bridget Tracy , Wife, 39, b. 1832 Galway Ireland, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Josephine Tracy , Daughter, 19, b. 1852 Manchester, Factory Operator, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Winifred Tracy , Daughter, 18, b. 1853 Manchester, Factory Operator, Greengate Salford Lancashire

John Tracy , Son, 12, b. 1859 Manchester, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Thomas Tracy , Son, 11, b. 1860 Salford, Greengate Salford Lancashire

William Tracy , Son, 8, b. 1863 Salford, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Joseph Tracy , Son, 3, b. 1868 Salford, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Margaret Tracy , Daughter, 6, b. 1865 Salford, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Elizabeth Tracy , Daughter, 5, b. 1866 Salford, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Edward Tracy , Son, 0, b. 1871 Salford, Greengate Salford Lancashire

Bridget Tracy , Daughter, 0, b. 1871 Salford, Greengate Salford Lancashire


Bridget Tracy, b. abt 1840 Galway Ireland, Lancashire England

Dennis Tracy, b. abt 1811 Galway Ireland, Lancashire England

Margaret Tracy, b. abt 1825 Galway Ireland, Lancashire England


Edwd Tracy , Son, M, 4, b. 1867 Oldham, Oldham Below Town Oldham Lancashire


John Tracey, spouse Mary, b. abt 1837 Galway Ireland, Staffordshire England

       = Mary Tracey, spouse John, b. abt 1828 Galway Ireland, Staffordshire England


Michael Tracy, spouse Margaret, b. abt 1826 Galway Ireland, Staffordshire England

       = Margaret Tracy, spouse Michael, b. abt 1826 Mayo Ireland, Staffordshire England


Ann Tracey, b. abt 1805 Galway Ireland, Yorkshire England

M Tracy, b. abt 1836 Galway Ireland, London England


William Tracey, lodger, 22, b. abt 1849 Galway Ireland, Flintshire Wales



January 30, 1872 (FJ) The County Galway Election

...over 21 years...course park division of Kellysgrove...James Trassy &c. - living on this very farm before it was sold to Lord Clancarty...


April 1872 Galway Election Petition

...17 Ballinderry people some refreshment...Mark Treacy [bar/restaurant?] was ordered by the judge to go home and search for a letter [from Hanley] for payment of account...

22 April 1872 (FJ) The Galway Election Petition

...Mark Tracy, publican, Galway, deposed that he gave drink to the extent of £33 on the order of John Hanley, who lives near Ballinderry, Captain Nolan's residence...

23 April 1872 (FJ)  The Galway Election Petition

John Hanley sworn...Do yo intend to pay Tracy? The tenants are well able to pay themselves; if they don't pay I will; I never wrote my name to anything; this is not my handwriting...Tracy (recalled) - This man (Hanley) wrote his name (Hanley's) on my counter...

23 April 1872 Irish Times

Galway Election (Barony of Clare)

…I did not order any drink or entertainment at Treacys…(dispute over ‘election’ bill)

25 April 1872 (FJ) The Galway Election Petition

...publican Tracy...Tracy said that on the evening before...some men were brought to his house for the purposes of the namination day. It was distinctly proved by him that they were not voters, [but] to cheer the speakers or prevent a hearing...Ryan was debited in Treacy's book for £12/3/7...

28 May 1872 (FJ) The Galway Election Petition

...The first most serious and most suspicious [charge] is that of the man Tracey in the town of Galway, extending to £33 or £34...[to] a tenant of Captain Nolan.


11 May 1872 (FJ) Association fopr the Propagation of the Faith

Diocese of Tuam...Willie Tracy 2s...


June 29, 1872 (FJ) The Galway Vindication Fund

Galway City?...5s...Mark Treacy...2s6d...Mr. Treacy...Mrs Treacey...


1 July 1872 (FJ)  Galway/Nolan Indemnity Fund

Castlegar, Galway...John Tracy...

Milltown, Tuam...Patrick Tracy...


15 July 1872 (FJ) The Galway Vindication Fund

Eyrescourt, County Galway...widow Tracy 1s...


16 July 1872 (FJ)

St. Mary's Dunmore...Pat Treacy...


20 July 1872 (FJ) Galway Vindication Fund

Ahescragh/Caltra...2s6d...Thomas Tracey...


7 August 1872 (FJ) The Galway Vindication Fund

Abbey, Ballyglunin, County Galway...5s...Martin Tracy...2s6d...Ed Tracy...


13 August 1872 (FJ) Galway Regatta

...lough Corrib...the prize was a silver tankard, presented by Messrs Wheeler and Co., per M. Tracy, Esq., Galway...First crew...Tracy second...

16 August 1873 (TH) Galway Regatta

...Lough Corrib...The prize was a silver tankard, presented by Messrs Wheeler and Co. per T Tracy, Esq, Galway...First crew...Tracy...

August 1873 Corrib Rowing Club

...thanks to Messrs Salt and Co. (Burton on Trent) for silver goblets through Mr. T Tracy, their agent in Galway...


1872 Shorthand Writers' Notes of Judgment of Mr. Justice Keogh on Trial of Galway County Election Petition

11 April 1872 Evidense of Mr. W.D. Griffith

Denis Tracy accompanied him from Dunmore to Tuam under an escort of Lancers.


18 January 1873 (TH) Ejectments - Rishworth v. O'Neill

...lands of Carnane, which O'Neill sublet to a man named Tressy without permission...Pat Tressy, who depossed that he purchased from Hugh O'Neill, the former tenant, the possession and good will of the house and land in question at £37...the ejectment was valid in law, and granted a decree.


1873 Tuam Sessions Rishworth v. O’Neill

...lands of Carnane...Pat Tressy purchased from Hugh O'Neill, the former tenant, the good-will of the house and land for £37. The case went to appeal.


15 March 1873 (TH) 10 July 1875 (TH) Gouldings Manures

Agents...Patrick Tracey, Cloonrane, Ballindine...


17 May 1873 (FJ) Presentation to Father Coen, Woodford, Galway

2s6d...J Tracy...


1874 RIC Service [see Bryansford and Newcastle Parish Co. Down]

James Treacy, 40041, b. 1856.5 Galway Mayo


40041 James Treacy, 17.5 years, 5'8.5", b. Galway Mayo, Catholic, b. 28/12/80 wife from Down, recommended by S I Smith, None [trade], allocated 6 Feb 74, served Belfast 29 August 1874 - Down 1/8/76 - Meath 1/3/81, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 17.3.99 40041D/45075, Cond in Tipperary


April 1875 Corrib Rowing Club

Boat House, Earl's Island Galway...gentlemen elected honorary officiers...Thomas Treacy...


June 1875 Treacy v. The Waterford and Limerick Railway

A shopkeeper in Athenry, to recover damages for injury travelling from Athenry to Tuam on June Last. Awarded £50 damages.


4 September 1875 (TH) Eglington Racket Court

...court may be soon roofed...Much credit is due to Mr Tracy, for his suggestions in the regard, and it is expected that he will get the necessary support for carrying them out speedily. - Galway Express


1875 RIC Service

Thomas Treacy, 41527, b. 1854 Galway West Riding


41527 Thomas Treacy, 21 2/3 years, 5'8.5", b. Galway WR, Catholic, married 7-10-83 wife born Donegal, recommended by C.I. O'Kelly JP, None [trade], allocated 7 sept 75, served Donegal 31 Mar 76, Punishment 28/12/76, Gratuity 10/7/84 41527D/89083, served 8 years 9 months, gratuity £39.17.14



41527, Donegal, Thos Treacy, rank Con, served 8 years 9 months, grant £4.15.8, pay £59-16, pension £39.17.4, 10 July 84


January 1876

Patrick Tracey of Galway, for having at the North Wall, a sheep suffering from scab disease. Fined £1.


19 February 1876 (N) The Martyr's Cross, Glasnevin

...Per Mr. John Leavy, collected by Mr P Tracey, Dunmore, county Galway...P. Tracey 2s...Daniel Tracey...1s...

14 December 1878 (N) O'Donovan Rossa Testimonial

...from Dunmore, per Mr. P. Tracy £2.


1876 RIC Service

Peter Treacy, 42480, b. 1857 Galway East Riding


42480 Peter Treacy, 19 years, 5’9.5", b. Galway ER, Catholic, recommended By SI Singleton, farmer, allocated 8 Aug 76, served Cavan 31 May 77, died 7/3/84 42480D/86530, Bilious Attack, Cond in Kings


11 November 1876 (TH)

A letter was received from the contractor of Claretuam graveyard stating that he had been prevented by a man namerd Tracy (requiring compensation) from finishing the work.

18 November 1876 (TH) Tuam Board of Guardians

A letter was a week ago, received from a man named Thos Tracey of Clare Tuam, claiming for 1 acre 3 roods 3 perches (of his property enclosed the sum of £6. The grave yard contains 1 rood 35 perches. He also complained of all the work being done in bad waether which habit should be discontinued. By a letter before the Board to-day he claimed £8 for the land of his enclosed wit burial ground...The Chairman - The map shows there was six perches taken from Tracey. It appears a wall was built...Tracy's land went all round the graveyard. The Clerk said the map showed it did not...


23 December 1876 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

Acting-Constable McNulty v. John Tracy - Found drunk on the public streets of Tuam on the 21st of November. Defendant was an old man residing in Bishop street. Fined 2s6d and costs as there was no evidence of his ever before having been brought into court for such an offence.


1876 Return of holdings purchased by Tenants from the Church Temporalities

Claretuam, Tuam, Clare, Galway County

Thomas Treacy, sale 11 March 1876, 2a/3r/17p, valuation £1/15/0, rent £2, Gross £50, cash -, Mortgage -, 31/8/1880 arrears -


1876 (412) Owners of land (Ireland).

Galway: Martin Tracy, 39a, £31


5 March 1877 (TH) Tuam Board of Guardians

...M. Tracey...


12 march 1877 (TH) Tuam Poor Law Guardians

Electorial Division

Abbey West and Ryehill - Martin Tracey

Claretuam - Barthly Canavan nominated by Thos Tracey


26 March 1877 (TH) Tuam Guardians

...Martin Tracy...[also P. Tracey?]...


16 April 1877 (TH) Dunmore Petty Sessions

A few unimportant cases being disposed of, an assult case between the Joyes of Garrafauns[?], and Tracys of Knockatee[?], and Noone of Shanballymore came on for hearing.


7 May 1877 (TH) Young Mens Debates, Tuam

...first meeting...Mr. Tracey followed...


21 May 1877 (TH) Dunmore Petty Sessions

John Donlan v. Mary Rabbit...Catherine Tracy was next called...


November 10, 1877 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Weldon Testimonial...meeting of Castlerea...present...Mr. P Tracey, Dunmore [Galway?]...Messrs Tracey and Brehenny for Dunmore district...

December 01, 1877 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Weldon Testimonial...Mr. Patrick Tracey, Dunmore...10s...

November 18, 1882 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Collecion for Leo the XIII...Parish of Dunmore...1s...P Tracey...


28 December 1877 (FJ) Ballinasloe Temperance Society

An amateur concert...J. Treacy and Mrs. Treacy...Galway...


8 January 1878 (FJ) The Clifden Meeting

Signed on behalf of the people [of Clifden and Connemara]...Michael Tracy...

12 January 1878 (N) Clifden Meeting

...undersigned people of Connemara...Singed on behalf of the people...Michael Tracy...


28 March 1878 (FJ) The Political Prisoners

...E Tracy, Ballycolgan [Galway?]...1s...


July 1878 Catholic Institute for the deaf and dumb, Cabra

Collections...Mrs M Tracy, Middle street, Galway, per Collection Box 16s...Mr DT Tracy, Carysfort avenue, Blackrock £1...


Canterbury, Glasgow to Otago 10 Dec 1878 (assisted emigration)

Thomas Treacy, 27 years, married, farm labourer, of Galway

Bridget Treacy, 25 years

Margaret Treacy, 12 years (age crossed out) transfrd to single women

Mary Treacy, 8 years

Thomas Treacy, 5 years

Pat Treacy, 2 years

Elizabeth Treacy, 3 months


1878 Galway West Ridding

Denis Treacy convicted at quart sessions July 1878 and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with hard labour for highway robbery on Patrick Gready 19 June 1878


1/7/1878 to 1/1/1880 Removal of poor from England and Scotland

Mary Treacy of Ballinasloe, nine months in New York and one month in Liverpool


1880 Galway West Ridding

A letter received through the Post-office 18 October 1880 threatening Thomas Treacy with "bullets" if he did not give up herding for a man who took a farm from which tenants were evicted about 15 years ago


August 1880 Irish National Land League

At Belclare, near Tuam a meeting of tenant farmers to establish a branch...on the platform...Thomas Treacy...

28 August 1880 (N) Demonstration at Belclare [four miles from Tuam]

platform...Thomas Treacy...Annaghdown branch...- Irish Times


1880 Galway West Ridding

John Glyn was acquitted at quarter sessions and Patt Treacy at Petty Sessions of the charge of assult endangering life on Thady Ryan on 27 March 1880.


1880 Parliamentary Papers

Ballinasloe - Mary Treacy



9. John Tracey, Lisnakilta othwise Lisheenaheltia otherwise Lesmakelta otherwise Lisnakela otherwise Lisnakely otherwise Lishnahilta otherwise Lisnakelty otherwise Lismakelta otherwise Lissanakelty otherwise Lissmakilty, Ballymoe, Galway, £22.10.0 rent, 30a/0r/32p, tenant from year to year [Lisheennaheltia Boyounagh]



11, 11a, 11b & 21 on map. Rep. of Michael Tracey, Kiltullagh [Galway], £11.15.8 rent, 22a/1r/5p, Tenant from year to year

14, 14a &14b on map. Lawrence Tracey & Widow Tracey, Kiltullagh [Galway], £7.9.4 rent, 11a/1r/34p, tenant from year to year


June 1881 Eviction in Galway

...an armed force of 100 police attended at Rainore, near Killimore yesterday and evicted a tentant named Tracey off the property of J. McDermott Esq., J.P...


Lake Huron to Ohio 21 November 1881

John Tracy of Galway


1881 Slaters Directory

William Tracy, Old St., Portumna, Blacksmith


1881 British Census (LDS)

Bridget Tracey, 46 years, born Galway, single, Cotton Card Room Hand, Turnpike Rd Marlands Buildings Ashton under Lyne Lanc (Same address as John and Thomas)

Catherine Tracy, 47 years, born Galway, Postmaster Row Wolverhampton, Stafford

Catherine Tracy, 51 years, born Galway, widow, Charwoman, 25 White Horse Alley London Middlesex

John Tracey, 60 years, born Galway, Labourer Ironworks, 77 Portway Rd Wednesbury Stafford

Mary, 54 years, born Roscommon, wife

John Tracey, Head, Married, M, 49, Labourer, Galway; 12 Pleasant Row, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire

Mary Tracey, Wife, Married, F, 51, Galway

John Tracey, Son, Single, M, 20, Labourer, (Nk), Lancashire

Thos Tracey, Son, Single, M, 18, Labourer, Oldham, Lancashire

John Tracey, 50 years, born Galway, Labourer, Turnpike Rd Marlands Buildings Ashton under Lyne Lanc (Same address as Bridget and Thomas)

Catherine, 42 years, born Galway, wife

John, 20 years, born Mossley Lanc, single, Cotton Picer

Denis, 19 years, born Mossley, single, Cotton Picer

Mary J, 18 years, born Mossley, single, Cotton Card Room Hand

Ann, 16 years, born Mossley, Cotton Card Room Hand

Kate, 13 years, born Mossley, Cotton Reeler

Julia, 11 years, born Mossley, Cotton Card Room Hand

Margaret A, 9 years, born Mossley

Elizabeth, 6 years, born Mossley

William, 4 years, born Mossley

Ann Fitzgerald, 76 years, born Galway, widow, grand-mother

John Tracy, 35 years, born Galway, Coal Miner, Crown Yard Whittington Derby

Bridget, 29 years, born Galway, wife

Lawrance, 11 years, born Chesterfield Derby

Elizabeth, 9 years, born Whittington Derby

Mary, 5 years, born Whittington

Catherine, 3 years, born Whittington

John, 10 months, born Whittington

Margaret Tracey, 50 years, born Clare, married, Landlady, 54 Liverpool Rd Wolstanton Stafford

Bartholomew, 19 years, born Galway, lodger (son???), Labourer

John, 17 years, born Kidsgrove Stafford, son?, Iron Worker

Denis, 15 years, born Kidsgrove, son?, Iron Worker

Ann, 11 years, born Kidsgrove, daughter?

Sarah, 9 years, born Kidsgrove, daughter?

Martin Tracey, 44 years, born Galway, Wheelwright, 17 Blews St West Bermingham Warick

Mary, 45 years, born Galway, wife

Laurence, 19 years, born Wednesbury Stafford, son, single, Wheelwright

Mary, 16 years, born Wednesbury, daughter, Cigar Maker

Bridget, 14 years, born Wednesbury, daughter, Jeweller Polisher

Sarah, 11 years, born Wednesbury, daughter

Martin Tracy, 50 years, born Galway, Labourer, Patemoster Row Wolverhamptom, Stafford

Catherine, 47 years, born Galway, wife?

John, 14 years, born Whampton Stafford, son?, Assist Basket Maker

Julia, 9 years, born Whampton, daughter?

Agnes, 5 years, born Whampton, daughter?

Mary Tracey, 79 years, born Athlone, widow, 16 Prospect Road Tonbridge Kent

Andrew, 29 years, born Tunbridge Well, son, single, General Dealer

Mary Tracey, 55 years, born Galway, widow, 8 Baker St Heaton Norris Lanc

Annie, 24 years, born Stockport, daughter, single, Cotton Operative

William, 18 years, born Stockport, son, single, Cotton Operative

Mary E, 5 years, born Stockport, daughter

Michael Treacy, 28 years, born Galway, Coal Miner, lodger, 24 Froggatts Yd Chesterfield Derby

Patsey Tracey, 45 years, born Clare Galway, Slate cutter (Quaray) Rochdale Road Spotland Lanc

Mary, 35 years, born Clare Galway, wife

John, 15 years, born Clare Galway, son, Cotton Doffer

James, 9 years, born Clare Galway, don, Cotton Doffer

Margaret, 6 years, born Wolverhampton, daughter, Cotton Doffer

Ellen, 5 years, born Wolverhamptom, daughter

Kate, 3 years, born Wolverhampton, daughter

Patrick Tracey, Head, Married, M, 40, R Way Laborer, Galway; 7 North St, Stroke-on-trent, Staffordshire

Ann Tracey, Wife, Married, F, 32, Cork

Ellen Tracey, Daughter, Single, F, 10, Scholar, Stoke, Staffordshire

Edw Tracey, Son, Single, M, 6, Scholar, Stoke, Staffordshire

Mary Tracey, Daughter, Single, F, 3, , Stoke, Staffordshire

Robert Tracey, 21 years, born Galway, single, visitor, Labourer, Sailor Boy Inn 87 New St Barnsley York

Thomas Tracey, 54 years, born Galway, Labourer, Turnpike Rd Marlands Buildings Ashton under Lyne Lanc (Same address as Bridget and John)

Mary, 54 years, born London, wife

Mark, 24 years, born Mossly Lanc, single, Labourer

Mary, 19 years, born Mossly, single, Cotton Reeler

James, 18 years, born Mossly, single, Cotton Picer

Margaret, 6 years, born Mossly

Thomas Tracey, 63 years, born Galway, Fruiterer, 204 Bury New Road Broughton In Salford Lanc

Catherine, 52 years, born Cavan, wife

James, 29 years, born Liverpool, son, single, Invoice Corresponding Clerk (Comm)

Mary, 24 years, born Liverpool, daughter, single

Letita, 22 years, born St. Helens Lanc, daughter, single

Elizabeth, 16 years, born Manchester, daughter, single, Milliner

Thomas Treacy, 26 years, born Galway, single, Joiner, No 1 Stanhope Court off Goodall St Manchester Lanc

Mary Heenan, 30 years, born Galway, single, General servant

Thomas Tracey, 41 years, born Roscommon, Tailor, 9 Carter St Manchester Lanc

Mary, 47 years, born Galway, wife,


1881 Census - Wheat Sheaf Yard, Chesterfield, Derbyshire [also 1871 & 1891 Census]

John Tracey           Head       Male       50           Ireland, Bricklayers Labourer

Mary Tracey          Wife       Female    56           Ireland,

Thomas Tracey      Son         Male       23           Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, Coal Miner

Catherine Tracey   Daughter                Female    16           Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, single, Cotton Mill Girl


7 January 1882 (N) Ladies Land Leaque - Tierenascragh [Galway]

...Miss Tracy, treasurer...


City of Paris to Boston Massachusetts 4 March 1882

Martin Tracy of Galway


25 March 1882 (N) Evictions at Ballygar, County Galway

...Thomas Tracy, Killeroran, evicted with 6 in family...[May have been re-admitted as caretaker of the property]


1882 Redpath's Illustrated Weekly No. 312

Mayo [Ganty Kilconierin Galway]

Three evictions have taken place at Ganty, on the estate of  Mr. Blake, The lands, at the highest calculation, are worth about eight shillings an acre; but, like all rack-renting land lords, the rents on his Property have been raised to thirty and thirty-five shillings an acre. The evicted were Michael Mack and seven children, one an infant who was carried out asleep in a cradle; James Fleming, seven in family; James Tressy, wife, four children, and an aged and feeble father,


1882 Return of judicial rents

Andrew Treacy of Bleanagloss Galway, landlord Martin C. French, 9a/2r/7p, poor valuation £4/15/0, old rent £8/4/10, new rent £5/5/0, valuation £25/0/0

Margaret Treacy of Kilkittane Galway, landlord Bernard Cogan, 26a/1r/3p, poor valuation £12/15/0, old rent £27/0/0, new rent £18/0/0, valuation £40/0/0

Nicholas Treacy of Cappisle Galway, landlord Marquis of Clanricarde, 30a/1r/20p, poor valuation £17/0/0, old rent £17/10/0, new rent £16/0/0, valuation £50/0/0

Patrick Treacy of Tobernaclog Galway, landlord Samuel Barrett, 19a/0r/21p, poor valuation £9/0/0, old rent £13/8/0, new rent £9/17/0

Patrick Treacy of Cooldorrough Galway, landlord Marquis of Clanricarde, 19a/1r/35p, poor valuation £11/0/0, old rent £11/0/0, new rent £10/0/0, rent 1877 £8/8/0

Thomas Treacy of Gragagown Galway, landlord Marquis of Clanricarde, 19a/1r/39p, poor valuation £9/0/0, old rent £10/0/0, new rent £9/0/0, rent 1876 £9/7/1


1882 -1902 Tuam Burials

453. Mary Treacy, 67, RC, Servant, widow, Bishop St, died 9.1.19, buried 10.1.91, A section, 4/9/4, John Treacy managed internment & funeral

722. Michael Treacy, 87, RC, Labourer, widower, W. House, died 19.1.95, buried 21.1.95, F section, 154/9/4, MJB managed internment & funeral

878. Honor Treacy, 82, RC, Servant, widow, W. House, died 1.6.97, buried 2.6.97, F Secion, line 3 row 12


1882 Record of the Irish Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures

A.M. Treacy, Miss,  Naas

Edward Treacy, Main - street , Birr

John Tracy, Bishop's-street, Cork

John Tracy, Cork,  Brogue Leather. Commendation

John Tracy, Cork, Tanned and Curried Leather

M Tracy, Rickardstown, Nurney, Co. Kildare

Maria Tracy, Tullow Street, Carlow

Richard Treacy, Naas

Simon Treacy, Old Bank - place , Cashel

Thomas Hall and Michael Treacy, Lucan

Thomas Tracy, Mary-street, Galway


1883 RIC Service

William Treacy, 19434, b. 1836 Fermanagh


19434 Wm Treacy, 19, 5'7.25", b. Fer, Catholic, married 19 Mar '62 wife born Clare, recommended by G. Shegog JP. lab, allocated 15 Feb 55, served Limk 12 June - City 1/4/63 - Tip NR - Roscomm 1/4/79 - Gal NR 10/2/83, PISC 1 Aug 55 - PACo 1 July 67 - P Con 1 June 68 - P2AC 1 March 1879, Reward and punishments, Pensioned 1.6.85 19434D/96775, served 30 years 3 months, pension £89.9.0


1883 Return of judicial rents

Edward Tracey of Derrew Galway, landlord Burton R.B. Persse, 29a/3r/32p, poor valuation £15/15/0, old rent £22/5/6, new rent £21/0/0, 1860 rent £18/4/2, value of tenanct £70/0/0

Edward Tressy of Killedelish [Killadullisk?] Galway, landlord W.C.B. Ruthven, 37a/3r/24p, poor valuation £16/15/0, old rent £20/0/0, new rent £16/0/0, Tenancy £50


1883 Ellen Treacy, tenant, GCS Handcock, landlord, Woodfield, Galway, 23a0r0p, £7.5.0 valuation, £13 rent, £8.10.0 judicial rent, rent changed in 1869 from £9.8.0


February 1884 Judical rents

3313 Michael Treacy, Patrick McCormack, Cortromoe Galway, 18a2r30p, valuation £6.15.0, old rent £11.0.0, new rent £9.0.0, by consent

3778 Patrick Treacy, WalterM Blake, Barnyboy Galway, 8a3r11p, valuation £2.5.0, old rent £5.10.0, new rent £5.0.0


March 1884 Galway Assizes

Henry Tracy, a dismissed mail-car driver...Ardrahan...


March 08, 1884 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Tuam Diocesan Missionary Fund...Cummer...Thomas Tracy...1s...


30 July 1884 Freeman's Journal

...Bridget Tracey, at Loughrea, county Calway;...


1884 Patrick Treacy, tenant, Mrs Woods Martyn, landlord, Barnyboy, Galway, 8a3r11p, £2.5.0 valuation, £5.10.0 rent, £5 judicial rent


1884 MG Western Railway

James Tracey, ganger, Athenry


1884 Return of judicial rents

Denis Treacy of Menlena Galway, landlord George E. Deering, 38a/2r/20p, poor valuation £17/15/0, old rent £21/6/0, new rent £17/15/0


1884 [C.4144] Irish Land Commission - Galway

Thomas Treacey, tenant, Wm Neary & Michael Reilly (dead), Lisheenakeltha, Liskakelta [Lisheennaheltia Boyounagh], 29a1r0p, unascertained valuation, £22.10.0 rent, £18.5.0 judicial rent


June 13 1884 New York Herald

Treacy - On June 11, Mrs. Anne treacy, the beloved mother of Patrick and John Treacy a native of the parish of Tynagh, County Galway Ireland, aged 71 years.


31 October 1885 (N) Galway Convention

...delegates...Ballyclare...T Treacy...Kilkerrin...P. Threasy...


March 31st 1886 - Registraton of Dogs in the petty sessions district of Gurteen, Co Galway

Michael Treacy, Clough


26 June 1886 (TH) Convention at Glennamaddy

...Delegates from Ballymoe, Clonberne, Dunmore, Glansk, Glennamady, Kilkerrin...P. Treacy...


1886 [C.4851] Irish Land Commission - Galway

Thomas Tracy, tenant, Marquis of Clanricard, landlord, Graigagowan, 22a2r15p, £10.15.0 valuation, £12.0.0 rent, £8.0.0 judical rent, 1876 £10.0.0 rent

Michael Treacy, tenant, Marquis of Clanricard, landlord, Ballynaskeeragh, 22a1r28p, £10.5.0 valuation, £11.0.0 rent, £7.15.0 judicial rent, 1876 £9.10.0 rent

John Treacy, tenant, Marquis of Clanricard, landlord, Graignakilleen, 26a0r31p, £13.5.0 valuation, £12.10.0 rent, £9.10.0 judicial rent, 1876 £10.5.0 rent

James Treacy, tenant, Marquis of Clanricard, landlord, Cahir, 36a2r39p, £20.0.0 valuation, £19.10.0 rent, £15.0.0 judicial rent, 1876 £15.10.0 rent


26 February 1887 (TH) Tuam Guardians

...Martin Tracy...


1887 Galway Gaelic Athletic Association

...Gurteen, Thomas Tressy, Denis Hession...


May 1887 Eviction Loughrea

...marched to Cloonnlish, a small townland on the property of Captain PJ Cowen JP Eyrecourt...first house Michl Nevin who was not there, then to Michael Tressy 200 yards distant. Nevin and Tressy had a joint take of 112 acres. Nevin had paid his rent but was liable for eviction when Tressy had not paid. As the furniture was being removed from Treasys, it was agreed that one years rent, with a 3s. reduction in the pound be paid...


16 July 1887 (TH) Abbey Dispensary Committee

...M Tracy...


November 1887 Poacher shot by Lord Clan Carty's Gamekeeper

John Tracy, 18 years of age, on his way home from a wake...Clymore...Ballinasloe Petty session for gamekeeper...


31 December 1887 (TH) GAA

...Gurteen, Thomas Tressy, Denis Hession...


18 February 1888 (TH)

...Cummer[?]...T. Tracy...Dunmore...P. Tracy...


25 February 1888 (TH) Tuam National League

...present...- Treacy...


14 April 1888 (TH) Tuam Board of Guardians

Nationalists...Martin Treacy...


April 28, 1888 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Case of shooting by a gamekeeper...last november, while in the act of running away, a man named Tracy was fired at by Lord Clancarty's gamekeeper, Henry Mayne, and that 37 pieces of shot were extracted from the wounded man's legs, arms and body by the medical officer of the Ballinasloe Union...killing rabbitts...Petty Sessions Court Ballinasloe...He was tried at the Galway Spring Assies, pleaded guilty, and paid £10 compensation...

Criminal Law (Ireland)—Ballinasloe Petty Sessions——Tracy.

HC Deb 23 April 1888 vol 325 cc170-1

Mr. Harris (Galway, E.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If it be true that last November, while in the act of running away, a man named Tracy was fired at by Lord Clancarty's gamekeeper, Henry Mayne, and that 37 pieces of shot were extracted from the wounded man's legs, arms, and body by the medical officer of the Ballinasloe Union, Dr. Delahunt; whether it is a fact that, when Mayne was brought before the Potty Session Court, Ballinasloe, he was allowed out on bail, Tracy being unable to attend and give evidence, on account of the state of his wounds, and that, when Mayne was brought up a second time and committed to stand his trial at the next Assizes, he was again allowed out on bail until the Assizes; whether it is true that he was not tried at the following Winter Assizes, which were held in Sligo; and, has he been tried since; and, if so, with what result?

The Chief Secretary (Mr. A. J. Balfour) (Manchester, E.) I am informed that Tracy entered early on the morning on preserved lands for the purpose of killing rabbits. The gamekeeper had some rabbit traps set which he was watching, when he observed Tracy taking a rabbit out of one and running away. He called upon the man to drop the rabbit, at the same time firing at him. Twelve grains of small shot were subsequently removed from the man's arms and back. The gamekeeper was the day afterwards arrested and remanded. On the following day he was admitted to bail on the doctor's certifying that the wounds were not dangerous. He was not tried at the Winter Assizes, not being in custody; but he was tried at the Galway Spring Assizes, pleaded guilty, and paid £10 compensation, and was allowed out on his own recognizances to come up to receive sentence when called upon. That, in the opinion of the Judge, met the merits of the case.



28 July 1888 (TH)

Tuam Board of Guardians...M. Treacy...Treacey...


18 August 1888 (TH) Belclare Races

Stewards...T. Tracy...


3 November 1888 (TH) Tuam - Defense Fund Irish Party

1s...M Treacy...T Tracey...Miss Tracey...6d...P Tracey...


15 December 1888 (TH) Football

Bishop street [Tuam?]...full backs...J Tracy...


December 1888 Outrage near Ballinasloe

...Martin Tracey, near Kiltormer, about six miles from Ballinasloe...several stones shattered the windows and a pistol shot was fired...Tracey is a quiet unoffending farmer, popular with his neighbours...he supplied the police in Kiltomer barracks with turf, by the sale of which he ekes out a living for himself and family.


1888 Return of judicial rents

Mary Treacy of Derradda and another Galway, landlord Marquis of Clanricarde, 24a/1r/7p, poor valuation £10/10/0, old rent £11/5/0, new rent £8/10/0

Margaret Treacy of Whitegate Galway, landlord Francis C. Sampson (minor), 16a/0r/10p, poor valuation £3/10/0, old rent £4/10/0, new rent £3/2/0

Patrick Tracey of Carhoon or Skehanna Galway, landlord George A. Evans, 17a/1r/24p, poor valuation £9/0/0, old rent £14/10/4, new rent £8/0/0


Poor Clares in Galway

Dominic Tracey, laysister, vested 24 May 1888.

Calendar of Hibernia, no. 25, 1983

Poor Clares, Nuns Island, Galway

162-3: A report from David Fleming, O.F.M., commissary visitor, Dublin, 20 Aug. 1895; Latin; a report on his visit to the Poor Clare convent, Nuns Island, Galway; signed by all the members of the community: three lay-sisters, M. Dominic Treacy, M. Paschal Martin and M. Didacus Feely, and thirteen sisters, M. Angela Conry,M . Rose Brislane,M . Bonaventure Donnellan, M . Benedict Shanley, M. Josephine Brennan, M. Catherine MacMahon, M. Raphael O'Donnell, M. Francis Kenny, M. Agnes Kenny, M. Teresa Tierney, M. Joseph Hyland, M. Anthony Clare Kennedy, M. Colette Flinn.

Patrick Conlan. A Short-Title Calendar of "Hibernia," Vol. 5 (1894-9), and of Irish Material in "Saxonia S. Crucis," Vol. 3 (1890-1900), in the General Archives of the Friars Minor, Rome. Collectanea Hibernica, No. 27/28 (1986), pp. 196-231


October 17, 1888 (FJ) Irish National League

Athenry...1s...Thos Tressy...Ml Tressy...Thos Tressy...


October 1888 Ballinasloe October Fair

...Mr. William Tracy, of Ballymabella, sold 100 ewes at 40s...


5 January 1889 (TH) St. Stephens day Chase

...young men of Tuam...Tracey...


August 15, 1889 (BL) A County Galway man shot dead

Woodford Wednesday - Last night at Killimore, near Woodford, a man named Trassy was shot dead. Details are not yet to hand.

August 1889 Another attempted murder in Galway

...A man named Edward Tracey was on his way home to Swingrove, within three miles of Killimore, when shots were fired behind him, and he was severely wounded in the back and side...Tracey is son-in-law to a man named Keating and lives with him. He is only a short time in the neighbourhood.

16 Aug 1889 (BL) The Outrage near Woodford

TRACEY is not dead, but he lies in a critical cOndition. He is a farmier living near Kilmadoolisk [Killadullisk?] between Killimore and Kiltonner. and was fired at by some persons on Tuesday night dangeronsly wounded...A telegram from Ballinasloe says...A name named Edward Tracey was on his way home to Swingrove, within three mileds of Killimore...Tracey is son-in-law to a man named Keating and lives with him. He is only a short time in the neighbourhood.


1889 [C.5877] Irish Land Commission

Patrick Tracey, tenant, George E. Deering, lanlord, Patch, Galway, 15a0r31p, £4 valuation, £4.19.0 rent, £3.10.0 judicial rent


1889 Return of judicial rents

John Treacy of Ballybane Galway, landlord Walter M. Blake, 77a/2r/38p, poor valuation £25/0/0, old rent £38/15/11, new rent £24/0/0

John Treacy of Caherpucca Galway, landlord Walter M. Blake, 52a/3r/8p, poor valuation £17/6/0, old rent £25/0/0, new rent £25/0/0

Patrick Tracey of Tinard Galway, landlord George E. Deering, 15a/0r/31p, poor valuation £4/0/0, old rent £4/19/0, new rent £3/10/0


August 03, 1889 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Galway. A very interesting meeting was held on Sunday, July 7, at the League Room, We3t Lodge, Kinvara, Rev. John Moloney, P.P., presiding. The hon. secretary reported the receipt of a cheque for £3 from Mr. T. Harrington, M.P., amount of grant voted by the Central League to Michael Treacy, the evicted tenant of Cahercon.

18 October 1889 New Zealand Tablet

Galway. At last meeting of the Kinvara League...The Hon. Sec. reported the receipt of a cheque for £3 from Mr. Harrington, M.P., amount of grant voted by the Central League to Michael Tracy, the evicted tenant of Cahercon...

7 March 1890 New Zealand Tablet

Galway - Amongst the applicants for out-door relief at the Gort Union was Mrs. Alice Treacy, wife of Michael Treacy, who was evicted from his holding in Cahercon. Treacy is at present in prison for taking forcible possession of his old homestead. This is his second term. He spent twelve months in gaol for the same alleged offence before. Now his wife and four children are destitute.

27th May 1893, Notes From Ireland, No.21 Vol.1

Letters to the Cork Evicted Tenant's Accociation...The Irish Daily Independent of the 22 May 1893, prints the following letters...

Michael Treacy, Kinvarra, County Galway, wrote —

"Sir — A report appeared in the Indepetident of the 29th April from the Cork Evicted Tenants’ Association, inquiring if there was any evicted tenants who did not get grants for the last twelve months. I wish to inform you that I was evicted in 1887. Immediately after the eviction I took forcible possession in presence of the sheriff and the evicting party. The property being in Chancery, I was arrested on an attachment order and sent to Galway Jail for twelve months, my wife and children keeping possession during my confinement. After my release 1 joined my wife and children, who were laid up with typhoid fever. I was rearrested and sent back to jail for another twelve months. My wife was also arrested. After my liberation the Kinvarra Branch of the National League made an application to the Central Branch in Dublin, and I received two grants in succession. Some time afterwards the Kinvarra Branch broke up, and since 1889 I was left to provide for a helpless family, and never since then got a penny from any quarter. At the late general election I was asked to vote for the M'Carthyite. I refused to do so, and voted for the Pamellite. Some time after I got forms down from the Evicted Tenants' Commission. I took them to the parish priest, and he told me to take them to the Parnelhtes, that he would not do anything for me for being one. I am now in a helpless condition, and am appealing to your association to do something for me. If not I will be left at the mercy of the waves. Some of the M'Carthyite evicted tenants got grants, but none for the Parnellites."


1890 Return of judicial rents

Patrick Treacy of Glaun Galway, landlord Thomas & Catherine Higgins, 5a/2r/28p, poor valuation £3/0/0, old rent £3/0/0, new rent £2/10/0


1890 Athenry Hurlers

…Martin Treacy…



21 February 1891 (N) Sir John Pope Hennessy MP

At the usual monthly meeting of the committee of the Galway Branch of the I.N.L...Rev. P. Treacy, CC, in the chair...


27 May 1891 RMS Teutonic Liverpool, England & Queenstown, Ireland to New York

893* ????n Tracey,          ??,    F Serv't.,         Irish,     Galway,               New York,            Aft. Stge,      1 permanent


Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891

28 May 1892 Purchaser: Margaret Treacy of Whitegate Galway, Vendor: Francis C. Simpson (a minor), 16a/2r/2p, value 3/10/0, rent 3/2/0, judicial, purchase £58, advance £42, deposit £318


1891 Return of judicial rents

Michael Treacy of Cloonrane Galway, landlord Stephen Taafe, 32a/3r/3p, poor valuation £13/15/0, old rent £14/18/7, new rent £12/0/0

Martin Treacy of Cullagh Galway, landlord Medland Taylor, 39a/0r/35p, poor valuation £31/0/0, old rent £60/0/0, new rent £43/0/0

Thomas Treacy of Claretuam and another Galway, landlord Hon. Letita V. Fitzgerald and others, 60a/2r/12p, poor valuation £25/7/0, old rent £31/15/0, new rent £26/10/0


1891 England Census - Newcastle under Lyme, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire

James Tracey

Alice Tracey, wife, 40, b. abt 1851 - Garway, Ireland

James Tracey, child


1891 Census - Church Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire [also 1871 & 1881 Census]

John Tracey           Head       Male       58           Galway, Ireland, Bricklayers Labourer

Mary Tracey          Wife       Female    60           Galway, Ireland

Thomas Higgins     Stepson   Male       34           Derbyshire, England, single, Coal Miner

Catherine Tracey   Daughter                Female    26           Derbyshire, England, single, Rineing At Patterice

Mary Madden        Granddaughter      Female    15           Nottinghamshire, England


23 March 1892 Freeman's Journal

...Patrick Tracy at Dunmore in Septenber last by reason of which Kane lost his eve. Mr Stritech defended (instructed...


29 April 1892 New Zealand Tablet

Galway:— The following purchases have been made in Galway:- On the estate of E.D. Atkinson and other trustees for Edward Atkinson, at Ballynamuddagh, Michael Connaughton, purchased his holding at Lll7, Katherine Fahy at L138, John Lougbnane at L288, Martin Manning at L144, Martin Murray at L136, Stephen Loughnane at L3OO, Patrick Dolan at L200, Edward Treacy at L169, Patrick Shiel at L50, and John Beilly at L79.


1892 Thomas Treacy, tenant, Hon Ketia V Fitzgerald, landlord, Claretuam and another, Galway, 60a2r12p, £25.7.0 valuation, £31.15.0 rent, £26.10.0 judicial rent


1892 Lickerrig School Enrollments

Bridget Treacy, Rathready.

Stanley, Cathal ed. (2000) Castles & demesnes: gleanings from Kilconieran and Clostoken. Galway.


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


??? Tracy, Galway Ireland, 1904, 28 years, Mrs P?, American, Galway to Waterbury? Conn?, husband Patk Tracy, 28 Washington St, Waterburg? Conn? [crossed out]


Agnes Treacy, Galway Ireland, 1901, 20 years, single, to sister, do, [Nora Adams? 347 W 44St New York] [also Eliza Byrne, 57, married, Ballinasloe, mother?]


Agnes Treacy, Killimore (Killimor Galway?) Ireland, 1907, 14 [17] years,  Brother John Treacy, 425 South Prangs Pas?, Newark NJ. 5’1”, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Killimore. [Bridget Treacy 19, Agnes Treacy 14] [1901 Census Derrew Galway]

Bridget Treacy, Killimore (Killimor Galway?) Ireland, 1907, 19 years,  Brother John Treacy, 425 South Prangs Pas?, Newark NJ. 5’-”, fair complexion, B hair, blue eyes, b. Killimore. [Bridget Treacy 19, Agnes Treacy 14] [not listed] [1901 Census Derrew Galway]


Agnes Treacy, NYC USA, 1920, 38 years, single, Irish. Friend: Mrs. T. Butterfield, 2 Appletree Carr, Burnley, [England?]. lived 20 years NYC, Friend: Mrs W.B. Williams, 222 Chelsea Hotel, NYC. 5’4”, fair complexion, Drk hair, blue eyes.  b. Ballyglunic [written Co. Galway] Ireland. [Ballyglunin Galway]


Annie Tracey, Ballinasloe Galway Ireland, 1905, 27 years (cous on ship Bridgit Keating, to Mrs Monaghan 233 First St Brooklyn NY, sister to both)


Annie Tracey, Cleggan Galway? Ireland, 1909, 20 years, single, 2-1665, mother Mrs Annie Lacey[?], Cleggan, Co. Galway. sister paid passage. to Mrs Mary Murphy, 430 Prospect Ave, Brooklyn NY. 5'4", dark complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes. b. Cleggan Ireland.


Annie Treacy, Killimore (Killimor Galway), Ireland, 1912, 26 years, single, Father Patk Treacy, Cannow? Tynagh, Loughrea. to cousin John Treacy, 77 Orleans St, Newark NJ, 5’3”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Loughrea Ireland.


Annie Tracy, Ballymoe Galway Ireland, 1919, 47 years, single, childrens nurse, 5'7", fresh complexion, grey hair, grey eyes, John Noonan, Carrenderry, Ballymoe. Brother Bernard Tracy, 1046 Fox Street, New York. b. Carrenderry Ireland [see Annie Tracy 47, Lissie Tracy 34] [writen Sisters]

Lissie [Lizzie] Tracy, Ballymoe Galway Ireland, 1919, 34 years, single, 5'5", fresh complexion, dark hair, grey eyes, John Noonan, Carrenderry, Ballymoe. Brother Bernard Tracy, 1046 Fox Street, New York. b. Carrenderry Ireland [see Annie Tracy 47, Lissie Tracy 34] [writen Sisters]


Bernard J. Tracy, Galway Ireland, 1908, 28 years, 5'11" fair compexion, brown hair, brown eyes. Student, Mother: Anna Tracy, Carrenderry, Ballymoe, Co. Galway. To: sister Nellie Clayton, No 1046 Fox St New York. b. Wms Town [Williamstown] Ireland [crossed out]

Bernard Tracey, Ballynore Ireland, 1908, 28 years, Student [priest?], Casierdime? Ballymoe Co. Galway, Sister Mrs? Cassidy

Bernard Treacy, Ballymoe (Galway? Ireland), 1904, 24 years, single, Clerk, Ballymoe [Galway] to New York, to sister Mrs L. Clayton, 146 Fox? St New York.


Bridget Treacy, Gort Galway? Ireland, 1897, 17 years, to Phila Pa, step sister Mary Kelly 1022 Ritten House? St Phila, .


Bdgt Tressy, Loughrea (Galway? Ireland), 1901, 17 years, single, to Ithaca NY, paid own passage, daughter Nora 121 Worcaster St Ithaca NY [Bdgt Tressy 17, Nora Tressy 15, Michl 12]

Nora Tressy, Loughrea (Galway? Ireland), 1901, 15[?] years, w [widowed?], to Ithaca NY, paid own passage, daughter Nora 121 Worcaster St Ithaca NY [Bdgt Tressy 17, Nora Tressy 15, Michl 12]

Michl Tressy, Loughrea (Galway Ireland), 1901, 12 years, student, to Ithaca NY, to bro James Troy? 121 Husten st Itica NY. with mother? C.21 [Nora?] [Bdgt Tressy 17, Nora Tressy 15, Michl 12]


Brgt Treacy, Dumnore (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 19 years, single, Dunmore, to sister Mary #? 19 East 157 Street New York


Bridget Agnes Treacy, Poolboy (Ballinasloe Galway) Ireland, 1916, 54 years, single, cook, Nephew & Brother Mr. Treacy Killahormin, Ballinasloe. to Somervielle Mass, lived 1886/1906 Boston, To Sister Mrs Dennehy? 2391 Washington St, Ponkapoag, Canton, Mass. 5’5”, fair complexion, dk hair, blue eyes. b. Killahormin? Ireland. [Bridget Agnes Treacy 54, Sarah Treacy 12]

Sarah Treacy, Poolboy (Ballinasloe Galway) Ireland, 1916, 12 years, niece, single, cook, Nephew & Brother Mr. Treacy Killahormin, Ballinasloe. to Somervielle Mass, lived 1886/1906 Boston, To Father Michael Tracy (affidavit), Sommervielle Mass. b. Killahormin? Ireland. [Bridget Agnes Treacy 54, Sarah Treacy 12]


Brigid Treacy, Glenamaddy (Galway) Ireland, 1923, 27 years, single, Mother Mary Treacy, Kiltullagh, Co. Galway. to Sister Mrs Joseph D Collins, 79 7th Avenue, Astoria, L.I. 5’7”, fr complexion, fr hair, blue eyes, b. Kiltullagh Ireland


Bridget Tracey, Athenry Galway Ireland, 1923, 23 years, W [widow], Aunt: Mrs Barry 83 Vandeventure Ave, Mother: Mrs Murphy Boyhill Athenry  [also Kate Murpy] [both crossed out, perhaps did not embarke]


Catherine Treacey, Ballineable (Ballinasloe Galway Ireland?), 1900, 18 years, to cousin Ann Bisley?, 524 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY.


Cath Treacy, Portumna (Galway) Ireland, 1902, 18 [28?] years, to sister Delia Treacy, 138 West 82nd St, New York.


Catherine Treacy, Kilkessin (Kilkerrin Galway?) Ireland, 1907, 23 years, single, b. Kilkerrin Ireland, to Cousin Jas Connolly, 787? Columbus Ave, New York. 5’4”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. [with 10 others]


Catherine Treacy, Glenamadely (Glenamaddy Galway?) Ireland, 1911, 22 years, single, Father: Pat Treacy, Kiltullagh, Glenamaddy. lived 5? Years New York, Cousin Mrs Fitch, 151 West 76st, New York. 5’6”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Glenamaddy Ireland.

Catherine Tracey, Glenamaddy Galway Ireland, 1911, 22 years, Friend: Mrs?Casitch 15West 76 St New York, Father: Patrick Treacy Kiltulla Glenamaddy Co Galway. 5'5", fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Galway Ireland. [Catherine Tracey 22 Glenamaddy and Thomas Treacy 20 Portumna on the same boat]


Charles Treacy, Ardgart Fermanagh? Ireland, 1921, 33 years, farmer, Brother Sergt T Treacy, R.I.C. Gort Galway, Ireland. lived 1919 Sepr? USA, Brother Wm Treacy, United States Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Med Cert – Paralysis partial with muscular atrophy at upper extreamity [written in]. 5’8”, fresh complexion, fair hair, grey eyes. b. Ardeart Ireland.


Delia Tressy, Loughrea (Galway? Ireland), 1898, 18 years, single, brother paid passage, to brother Michael 7 Chadwick Ave Dakuege?  Hartford Conn,


Delia Tracy, Dunmore (Galway?) Ireland), 1898, 30 years, to New York, to sister Cathrine St Mt Vernon, Ireland, RC


Delia Treacy, Gleam (Glen Galway? Ireland), 1899, 19 years, to sister 308 6 52nd str New York


Delia Tracy, Tuam Curafirven Co. Clare [Corrafaireen Tuam Galway?] Ireland, 1905, 18 years, to sister Sarah, 333 Jefferson St, Brooklyn NY


Delia Tracey, Athenry Galway Ireland, 1905, 26 years, servant, to Cincennatti, sister Mrs Quinn 311 Park street Cincennatti Ohio


Delia Tracey, Cortoonroe Tuam Galway Ireland, 1905, 18 years, servant, to Cincennatti, sister Mrs P Carroll 504 Bawn St Cincenatti Ohio


Delia Tracy, Tuam Galway Ireland, 1906, 18 years, to sister Mary Treacy 3118 Walworth Ave Cincinatte O

Delia Tracy, Tuam Galway Ireland, 1906, 19 years, to sister Mary Treacy 3118 Walworth Ave Cincinatte [crossed out]


Delia Treacy, Tuam Galway Ireland, 1912, 25 years, single, Mother: Sarah Treacy, Dugais Tuam Co, Galway. lived 1912 New York, Sister Mrs Mary Broderick, 500 West 46th St New York. 5’2”, dark complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, b. Dugara Ireland.


Denis Tracy, Dunmort (Dunmore Galway) Ireland, 1910, 18 years, father Thomas Tracy, Castle Dunmore, Co. Galway. Brother Daniel Treacy, 25 Mountain R Jersey City NJ, 5’7”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Dunmore Ireland


Edward Tracey, Ballinasloe (Galway Ireland?), 1903, 46 years, Labourer, to Cousin Mr. Pat Walsh, Trail Creek B.C., lived Boston 1898 [Edward Tracey 46, Marget Tracey 36, James Tracey 11, Michael Tracey 9, Mary Tracey 7]

Marget Tracey, Ballinasloe (Galway Ireland?), 1903, 36 years [Edward Tracey 46, Marget Tracey 36, James Tracey 11, Michael Tracey 9, Mary Tracey 7]

James Tracey, Ballinasloe Galway Ireland, 1903, 11 years [Edward Tracey 46, Marget Tracey 36, James Tracey 11, Michael Tracey 9, Mary Tracey 7]

Michael Tracey, Ballinasloe (Galway Ireland?), 1903, 9 years [Edward Tracey 46, Marget Tracey 36, James Tracey 11, Michael Tracey 9, Mary Tracey 7]

Mary Tracey, Ballinasloe (Galway Ireland?), 1903, 7 years [Edward Tracey 46, Marget Tracey 36, James Tracey 11, Michael Tracey 9, Mary Tracey 7]


Edward Treacy, Portumna (Galway) Ireland, 1911, 24 years, single, Mother Sarah Treacy, Portumna, Co. Galway. brother Joseph, 457 East 186th Sy New York. 5’8”, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b. Portumna Ireland.


Ellen Treacy, Yuam (Tuam) Galway? Ireland, 1908, 35 years, Brother Patrick Roach, Chuchview? Tuam Galway. to husband Stephen Tracey, 321 Hamling? Ave Brooklyn, NY, 5’6”, dark complexion, dark hair, grey eyes. b. Tuam Ireland.


Ellen Tracey, Cleggan Galway Ireland, 1910, 20 years, b. Cleggan Ireland. Father: Michael Tracey, Cleggan Co Galway. Cousin: Martin Toole, 522 4th Ave Homestead PA


Ellie Treacy, Gurteen (Galway) Ireland, 1915, 18 years, single, Father Michael Treacy, Clough, Gurteen, Ballinasloe. to sister Mrs Mary Donnellan, 1459 Rowley Ave, Cleveland, Ohio. 5’3”, dark complexion, black hair, grey eyes. b. Clough Ireland.


Helen Tracy, Glenamaddy [Galway] Ireland, 1920, 28 years, lived d’chester. Mother: Mrs B. Tracy, Liskeenakeltia, Glenamaddy, Co. Galway, Ireland. To sister Mrs Wm Mullen, 16 Ellet St Dorchester, Mass. 5’4”, dark complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. b. Glenamaddy Ireland.


James Treacy, Ballwastoe (Ballinasloe Galway? Ireland), 1900, 24 years, single, coachman, Ballinasloe, Citizen 7 yrs, to sister, 369 W 57th St, NY


James Tressy, Laughrea (Loughrea Galway Ireland), 1901, 24 years, to Ithaca NY, US resident 1? year, to Nortus? 1121 Effistis? NY?


James Treacey, Fargo USA, 1913, 25 years, single, priest, USA Resident to home Fargo N Dak, 5’8”, fair complexion, brn hair, blue eyes, b. Ballinasloe? Ireland. [travelling with Annie Egan 38 same addresses, sister? 1901 Ireland and 1910 US Census] [ordained 1913 d. 1918 http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=8687425] [October 25, 1918 Hansboro News newspaper, ND. Starkweather - Rev. Father James Treacy of this city is dead of pneumonia.]


James Tracy, Portumna Galway Ireland, 1920, 40 years, single, farmer. Mother Catherine Tracy, Portumna, Co. Galway. To sister Bridget Tracy, 244 East 28 Street New York NY. 5’6”, dark complexion, grey hair, grey eyes. b. Portumna Co. Galway Ireland.


James Tracey, Portumna Galway Ireland, 1920, 40 years, Mother: Mrs Tracey, Ord? Street Portumna Co. Galway, to Louisville KY, Cousin? Mrs Philips, 11 Marshall? street Louisville KY, b. Portumna Co Galway [crossed out]


John Tracey, Ballinasloe (Galway Ireland?), 1898, 21 years, to New York, paid by sister, sister Delia, 257 CV 5 8th So New York


John Treacy, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1905, 23 years, single, Tuam, to New York, do [friend Pat Walsh, 418 East 83rd St New York [travelling with Patrick Hoade, 24, of Tuam]


John Tracey, Ballyglunin (Tuam Galway?) Ireland, 1910, 30 years, Brother Patrick Tracey, 37 North Main St, Butte Mont, 5'8", fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Linniske, mother: Mrs tracey, Linniske, Ballyglunin, Co. Galway. to Butte Mont.


John J. Treacy, W Newton USA, 1913, 27 years, single, Father Michael Treacy, Newtown, Ballyglunnin Tuam. lived 1902-12 Boston, to Sister Mes Sheession, 75 Oak Ave, Co. Newboan?, Mass. 5’7”, dark complexion, dark hair, dark eyes. b. Ballyglunnin Ireland.


John Treacy, Glenamaddy (Galway?) Ireland, 1922, 28 years, single, farmer, Mother Mrs Treacy, Libeenhalte, Glenamaddy, Ire. to sister Mrs McMulln, 16 Elliott St, Dorchester, Mass. 5’9”, fair complexion, black hair, grey eyes, b. Glenamaddy Ireland.


Joseph Treacy, Athenry (Galway) Ireland, 1924, 21 years, single, Mother Mrs Treacy, Ballyboggan, athenry, Co. Galway. to Cousin Jogn Gannon, 256 Chestnut Hill St, Boston, Mass. 5’10, fair complexion, red hair, blue eyes. b. Athenry Ireland.


Julia Treacy, Athenry (Galway? Ireland), 1902, 21 years, single, to New York City, mother paid passage, mother Mrs Tracy, Vermount Avenue, West Roxbury, Mass


Kate Tracey, Kinvarra (Galway Ireland?), 1898, 22 years, single, to New London CT, to sister Ellen New London County? 22 Golden St


Katie Treacy, Portumna (Galway Ireland?), 1901, 16 years, single, to New York, Mrs Vac? aunt


Katie Treacy, Corloonroe (Cartronroe? Tuam Galway Ireland), 1901, 18 years, single, sister paid passage, sister Mary Treacy, 528 E 5th St Cincinette Ohio.


Katie Treacy, Dunmore (Galway? Ireland), 1901, 19 years, single, to sister Mary Treacy, 216 E 33rd St NY


Kate Treacy, Woodford (Galway) Ireland, 1907, 23 years, single, Father Patrick Treacy, Woodford, Co. Galway. Cousin John Kenny, 123 North Wesley Avenue,  Pittsburgh Pa. 5’8”, fair complexion, fr? Hair, brown eyes. b. Woodford Co. Galway Ireland.


Katie Treacy, Tuam (Galway) Ireland, Ireland, 1908, 22 years, single, Mrs Treacy, Lisanesha, Ballyglunnin, Tuam. Cousin Mrs Mary Forde, 229 Lee Ave, Brooklyn, NY. 5’9”, dark complexion, fair hair, grey eyes. b. Tuam Ireland.


Katie Treacy, Fort (Gort Galway) Ireland, 1909, 24 years, single, father Michael Derrybrien Gort Co. Galway. lived 7 years Philadelphia, to sister Mary Dunne, 2531 West Silver St, Philadelphia. 5’4”, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b. Gort Ireland. [Katie Treacy 24, Patrick Treacy 21] [1901 Census Derrybrien South, Derrylaur, Galway]

Patrick Treacy, Fort (Gort Galway), Ireland, 1909, 21 years, single, farmer, father Michael Derrybrien Gort Co. Galway. to sister Mary Dunne, 2531 West Silver St, Philadelphia. 5’8”, dark complexion, black hair, grey eyes. b. Gort Ireland. [Katie Treacy 24, Patrick Treacy 21] [1901 Census Derrybrien South, Derrylaur, Galway]


Kate A. Tracey, Sound Beach USA, 1910, 45 [50] years, single?, trained nurse, lived various USA since 1883, to Elizabeth A Curdago? Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, Fresh complexion, greyish hair, grey eyes, b. Ballintubber [Roscommon] Ireland [crossed out] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon]

Kate A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA, 1910, 45 years, single, nurse, Father: Francis Tracy Carrenderry Co Galway. lived 1893 1910 Sound Beach. resident returning Shore Rd Sound Beach Conn. 5’2”, fair complexion, dark hair, Grey eyes. b. Carrenderry Ireland.

Kate A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA,1908, 43 years, single, nurse, Mr Francis Tracy, Carrenderry, Co. Galway. resident returning Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A. Tracy 43, Patrick C Tracy 25]

Patrick C. Tracy, Rochester USA, 1908, 25 years, single, Clergyman, lived Rochester New York. Mrs Tracy, Carrenderry, Co. Galway. To  friend Righ Rev Chas H Cotton DD 1025 Delaware Ave Buffalo NY. 5’11”, fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A. Tracy 43, Patrick C Tracy 25]


Katherine Tracy, Dunmore [Galway] Ireland, 1907, 28 years, single, Brother Thomas Treacy, Karckatee Dunmore Co Galway, lived Long Island. Sister Mrs P Martin, Stillwater, Troy, New York. 5’4”, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Dunmore Ireland. [travelling with Maggie Martin 58 b. Dunmore]


Kathleen Treacy, Portumna (Galway? Ireland), 1908, 23 years, single, Catherine Treacy, Portumna. 5 years/1908 New York, Sister Mrs Moran, 304 East 28st New York. 5’-“, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Portumna Ireland.


Kitty Tracy, NY USA, 1912, 24 years, single, maid, Mother: Mrs M Tracy Athenry, Galway Co Ireland. lived 1903 NYC, to Mrs Channing 42 Broadway Hotel Garhain?, New York City. 5’5”, brn complexion Brn hair, blue eyes, b. Athenry Ireland.


Katherine Tracey, Ballinaslor (Ballinasloe Galway?) Ireland, 1913, 17 years, single, servant,  Father: Michael Treacy Killahormin? Ballinasloe. To sister Annie K? Tressy 324 Washington St Somerilly? St? Boston, 5’3”, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Ballinasloe Ireland [Cuilliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon]


Ireland and US share history and progress, US Governor says in Seanad address [LGBTQ+ Governor of Massachusetts Maura Healey -  maternal great-grandmother Katherine Tracey emigrated from Ballinasloe, Co Galway as a teen in 1912 - 1999 My uncle Joe Tracey showed us around the old farmstead]



Kathleen Treacy, Kildovar Ire (Kilkerrin Galway? Ireland), 1916, 27 [26] years, single, from Killouais?, lived 6y NY, to NONE, 5’4”, dk complexion, dk hair, blue eyes. b. Kilkerrin [Galway] Ireland [crossed out]


Kathleen Treacy, NY USA, 1916, 25 years, single, Mother & Father Patrick Tracey, Kiltullagh, County Galway. lived 8 yrs NY, Cousin? ??? Duffy? ??? 76st [over written] New York. 5’5”, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b. County Galway Ireland. Non immigrating alien.


Laurence Treacy, Ballinastor (Ballinasloe Galway?) Ireland, 1914, 22 years, single, father Michael Treacy, Ballycrissan, Ballinasloe. friend Mrs Agnes Whitess, 154 Oliver Ave, Yonkers NY. 5’7”, dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes. b. Ballinasloe Ireland.


Leo Frank W. Tracy, Macon City USA, 1912, 41 years, single, chlergyman, Father: Frank W. Tracey, Ballymore, Co. Galway.  lived 8 years Missouri, Home: 301 Main St, Macon City, Missouri, 5’10”, fair complexion, grey hair, blue eyes, b. Williamstown Ireland.


Margaret Treacy, Athenry (Galway? Ireland), 1900, 21 years, single, to cousin John Molloy, 214 Marpfield? Ave Chicago Ill


Margt Treacy, Athenry (Galway? Ireland), 1900, 21 years, single, to Phila Pa, friend Miss Payne? Germanstown, Pa [crossed out]


Margt Tracey, Galway Ireland, 1900, 24 years, single to New Jersey, US Resident 7y, to 196 Cavonia Ave


Margaret Tracy, NYC USA, 1910, 30 years, single, Stein’s maid, lived 10 yrs New York. Father: Mr Thomas Tracy, Newcastle, County Galway, Ireland. Passage paid by Mrs Stein. 5’1”, fair complexion, bld hair, blue eyes. b. Newcastle Ireland.


Margaret Tracey, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 30 years, US Citizen Disch on Pier, from Tuam to Binghampton, own home: 70 Mill street, Binghampton [see Margaret 30, James 10, William 8, Gerald 6] [see Shanagolden Limerick]

James Tracey, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 10 years [see Margaret 30, James 10, William 8, Gerald 6]

William Tracey, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 8 years [see Margaret 30, James 10, William 8, Gerald 6]

Gerald Tracey, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 6 years [see Margaret 30, James 10, William 8, Gerald 6]

Margaret Tracey, Kinvara Galway? Ireland, 1909, 24 years, single, 5’8”, fresh complexion, dark hair, dark eyes, Mrs Tracey, Killina, Kinvara.  to Sister: Kate Tracey, Hamsted, 44 Heyster St, New London, Conn. B. Kinvara Ireland


Martin Treacy, Galway (Ireland), 1898, 25 years, single, farmer, Galway, to New York, sister Mary Treacy, 170 2 3rd ave New York.


Martin Tracey, Abbey Galway Ireland, 1905, 23 years, married, labourer, to New York City, sister Mary, 31? Park Ave Street Abencinett NYC


Martin Tracy, Butte Montana USA, 1914, 28 years, single, miner, Mother: Winnie Tracy, Tuam Co. Galway. lived 7? Years Butte Montana, Cousin John Bane 755 110th Avenue New York, 5’9”, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Tuam Ireland


Mary Treacy, Portumna (Galway? Ireland), 1898, 18 years, single, Aunt Mrs Madden, 153 E 99th St NY


Mary Tracey, Dunmore (Galway Ireland?), 1899, 22 years, single, cook, to New York, lived 1898 NY 15 y, resident going home


Mary Treacy, Portumna (Galway? Ireland), 1899, 36 years,  single, Cousin Mrs McGarry?, 505 Second St New York


Mary Treacy, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1900, 17 years, to New York, to sister Nora, 153 E 82nd St New York [Mary Treacy 17, Katie Treacy 14]

Katie Treacy, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1900, 14 years, to New York, do [sister Nora, 153 E 82nd St New York] [Mary Treacy 17, Katie Treacy 14]


Mary Tracy, Dunmore (Galway Ireland?), 1902, 22 years, single, Cousin Delia Gleesin?, 200 West 31? St New York


Mary Tracy, Portumna (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 22 years, single, to bro Patk, 5255 South Halsted St Chicago Ill


Mary Treacy, Portumna (Galway? Ireland), 1904, 22 years, single, America Ireland, Irish, last residence Portumna, lived New York 1898-1903, Sister Agnes Treacy, 142 West 65 Street New York.


Mary Treacy, Galway (Ireland), 1904, 18 years, to Uncle Thos Treacy, 941 6th Avenue New York


Mary Tracy, Athenry (Galway Ireland?), 1905, 18 years, to sister Margt Tracy 8 Walton Court Cleveland Ohio


Mary Treacy, 1906, 25 years, Menlena [Meenleana], Dunmore Galway, to cousin Mrs O’Connor, 312 West 121st St, New York.


Mary Treacy, Galway (Ireland), 1906, 35 years, single, lived 20 years New York, to home 38 West 39th St New York


Mary Treacy, 1907, 40 years [Braddock USA] , to Braddock Pa.  Husband: Jno Treacy, 326 Price Ave, Shady Park, Braddock. 5’5”, fair complexion, grey hair, grey eyes. b. Clifton [Galway] Ireland [Mary Treacy 40, Elizabeth Treacy 4]

Elizabeth Treacy, Braddock USA, 1907, 4 years, US born, to Braddock Pa.  do [father: Jno Treacy, 326 Price Ave, Shady Park, Braddock] [Mary Treacy 40, Elizabeth Treacy 4]

John F. Tracey, Pitts USA, 1915, 55 years,Mrs, Lettsburgh Courthouse 6th June 1910, to 923 Nth Neyley Av East Ciber? Pitts (travelling with daughter Elizabeth Tracey)

Elizabeth Tracey, Pitts USA, 1915, 12 years, b. June 15 1904 Braddock (travelling with mother Mrs John F Tracey)


Mary Treacy, Tuam (Galway) Ireland, 1909, 28 years, single, Moth Sarah, Tuam Co, Galway. lived USA 8 yrs 1900, 1908 Cusn? Ghas? Bkyn?, Sister Delia Treacy, 15016 Denhe? Ave East, Walnut? Hills Cincinnati. Tenyiudd? Cousin Mrs James Reagan, 74 Pacefer St, Bklyn. 5’9”, dark complexion, dark hair, grey eyes. b. Tuam Ireland.


Mary Treacy, Ireland, 1911, 19 years, single, Ireland Tuam, Father J Treacy, Bishop St, Tuam. to Aunt Agnes Treacy, 199 Washington St, New York. 5’5”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. - -


Mary Treacy, Portumna (Galway Ireland), Ireland, 1911, 40 years, single, Non Immigrant Alien. Lived Portumna. Father Home Graigoween [Graigueagowan] Co. Galway. Friend M.L. Malone, 309 E 89th N.Y. City. 5’6”, sallow Complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. b. Portumna Ireland.


Mary Tracy, Chicago USA, 1916, 70 years, married, Friend: Miss Lally of Beach Avenue, Salthill Galway. Son in law + daughter Delia, do [Husband John Lally 4009, North Lovall Str Chicago, b. Co. Galway Ireland. [travelled with daughter Mrs Catherine Lally 36 b. Tuam Ireland.


Mary Ann Tracy, Ballinasloe (Galway) Ireland, 1916, 65 years, lived NY 1903 1911. Brother: Martin Canavan, Haymarket St Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. To daughter Mrs A Burke, 550? W 43St New York. 5’0”, fair complexion, grey hair, blue eyes.  b. Kilkerrin Ireland


Matthew Treacy, 1896, 30 years, Ireland, to Joshua [Nashua?] NH

Mathew Tracy, d. 13 Apr 1897 8 Crowley Ave, Ward 7, Nashua, New Hampshire, age 34, single, moulder, phthisis pulmonalis [consumption], buried Hudson Catholic Cemetery (s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Ryan, both born Ireland) [Could have been born Tuam Galway or Grean Limerick]


Michael Treacey, Portumna (Galway? Ireland), 1894, 26 years, granite cutter, to Boston


Michael Tracy, Clough (Cappalusk, Galway?) Ireland, 1903, 21 years, single, to sister Margt Tracy 2122 Clarendon Ave Chicago


Michael Treacy, Portumna (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 19 years, single, blacksmith, sister Kathleen Treacy 107 West 74th St New York,


Michael Treacy [overwritten in block letters TRACY], NY USA, 1913, 28 years, single, stock dealer, [following crossed out and overwritten with 1* 222473 NY Sup Ct Septt 21 1911], Mother Mrs Cath Treacy, Old St, Portumna, Co. Galway. Lived 8 years New York. Sister Mrs? Delia Morow? 244 East28 St, New York.  5’8”, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b. Portumna Ireland.


Michael Treacy, B..[Ballinasloe Galway?] Ireland, 1916, 49 years, married, farmer, lived Ballinasloe?, Son Michael Treacy, Ballindine? [all crossed out] to Boston Mass. sister Mrs A Dennehy, 324 Washington St Simierville. 5’7” fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Ballina[sloe?] Ireland

Michael Treacy, Ballmasloe (Ballinasloe Galway?) Ireland, 1916, 49 years, widowed, Son Michael Treacy, Crergh, Ballinsloe. To Mrs Donnely, 324 Washington St, Sommerville, Boston. 5’7”, fair complexion, grey hair, blue eyes. b. Ballinasloe Ireland.


Michael Tracey, Athenry Galway Ireland, 1921, 23 years, single, joiner, 5’10”, sallow complexion, black hair, black hair, Father: Bernard Treacy, Monivea, Athenry, Co. Galway. To Aunt Margaret Tracey 41 Varrim? Street Lowell Mass, B. intended stay 10 years, b. Athenry Co. Galway Ireland


Nora Tressy, Galway (Ireland), 1899, 23 years, single, to Ithaca NY, US resident 8? years, to sister Sarah 23 Huston St New York [Nora Tressy 23, Katie Tressy 17, James Tressy 19]

Katie Tressy, Galway (Ireland), 1899, 17 years, single, to Ithaca NY, US resident 8 years, to sister Sarah 23 Huston St New York [Nora Tressy 23, Katie Tressy 17, James Tressy 19]

James Tressy, Galway (Ireland), 1899, 19 years, single, carpenture, to Ithaca NY, sister paid passage,  to sister Sarah 23 Huston St New York [Nora Tressy 23, Katie Tressy 17, James Tressy 19]

Nora Tressy, Lanf??? (Loughrea Galway? Ireland), 1899, 23 years, single, sister paid passage, resident [crossed out] [Nora Tressy 23, Katie Tressy 17, James Tressy 19]

Katherine Tressy, Lanf??? (Loughrea Galway? Ireland), 1899, 17 years, single, sister paid passage, resident [crossed out] [Nora Tressy 23, Katie Tressy 17, James Tressy 19]

James Tressy, Lanf??? (Loughrea Galway? Ireland), 1899, 19 years, single, labr, sister paid passage, to sister Sarah 23 Hunter? St New York [crossed out] [Nora Tressy 23, Katie Tressy 17, James Tressy 19]


Joseph Treacy, Portumna Galway? Ireland, 1910, 20 years [record not found]


Minnie Treacy, Portumna (Galway Ireland?), 1902, 26 years [record not found]


Nora Treacy, Tuem (Tuam Galway Ireland?), 1902, 19 years, to cousin Mrs Ross 2447 8 Ave New York [with 6 others from Tuam]


P. [or R.] Tracey (Mrs), Galway Ireland?, 1904, 28 years, from Galway, to New York, US citizen disch on pier, Home: 28 Washington Street, Waterboy, Con [P. Tracey 28, Monica Tracey 4, Thomas Tracey 2, Francis Tracey 1]

Monica Tracey, Galway Ireland?, 1904, 4 years, from Galway, to New York, US citizen, American born [P. Tracey 28, Monica Tracey 4, Thomas Tracey 2, Francis Tracey 1]

Thomas Tracey, Galway Ireland?, 1904, 2 years, from Galway, to New York, US citizen, American born [P. Tracey 28, Monica Tracey 4, Thomas Tracey 2, Francis Tracey 1]

Francis Tracey, Galway Ireland?, 1904, 1 years [8 months], from Galway, to New York, US citizen, American born [P. Tracey 28, Monica Tracey 4, Thomas Tracey 2, Francis Tracey 1]


Pat k. Tracey, Ballinasloe (Galway Ireland?), 1898, 25 years, Sister 257 W 88 St New York


Patrick Treacy, Clough (Cappalusk, Galway?) Ireland, 1899, 32 years, single, Clough Ireland, to cousin 137 Duncan Str San Francisco


Patk Treacy, Tuam (Galway Ireland?), 1900, 28 years, single, to sister Honor? 153 E 72nd St New York


Patrick Tracy, Portamora (Portumna Galway Ireland?), 1903, 19 years, to friend John Sullivan, 5225 South Halsad St Chicago Ils


Patrich C. Tracy, Galway (Ireland), 1904, 21 years, single, student, to Rochester NY, Friend Superior of St Bernards Cemenary Rochester NY

Patrick C. Treacy, Ballymoc (Ballyroe, Templetogher, Galway) Ireland, 1905, 22 years, single, student, Resident returning to St Bernards Seminary Rochester NY

Patrick Cyril Tracy, Carrenderry (Carrownderry Templetogher) Galway Ireland, 1907, 24 years, single, student, lived Carrenderry Co. Galway. Francis Tracy Carrenderry Ballymoe?. lived 3 years Rochester, to Home St. Bernards? Seminary, 6’1”, clean complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, b. Carrenderry Ireland.

Patrick Cyril Tracy, Rochester USA, 1908, 25 years, single, clergyman, Mrs Tracy, Carrenderry Co. Galway. friend Right Rev Chas H Cotton DD, 1025 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY, 5’11”, fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes. b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A Tracy 43, Patrick Cyril Tracy 25]


Patrick Tracey, Wailliamstown (Williamstown Galway? Ireland), 1905, 24 [22], single, student, Ireland USA, Williamstown Ire, to Rochester NY, lived Rochester 1905, to St Bernards Seminary Rochester NY. [Crossed out] [Patrick Tracy 22 and Wm Patrick Tracey 32 on the same boat]

Wm Patrick Tracey, Williamstown (Galway Ireland?), 1905, 32 years, single, tourist, Australian, Williamstown, to the World, lived Pasana thro 1905, touring the world via Vancouver BC. [Patrick Tracy 22 and Wm Patrick Tracey 32 on the same boat]


Patrick Treacy, Williamstown (Galway?) Ireland, 1905, 24 years, single, to friend L. Clayton 1046 Fose St New York [crossed out]

Patrick Tracey, Williamstown (Galway?) Ireland, 1905, 24 years, student, to St Bernards Seminary Rochester NY [crossed out]


Patrick Treacy, Ballenastoe (Ballinasloe Galway?), Ireland, 1913, 36 years, single, Carter, (In Hospital Discharged) Niece Mrs C O'Neill Deerpark Cottages Ballinasloe, to brother Martin Treacy 512 West 39 Street New York. 5'4", fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. 


Patrick Treacey, Leigh England, 1921, 24 years, farmer, ADMITTED IN HOSPITAL, Mother Mrs Kate Treacey, Curraforeen [Corrafaireen] Ballyglunin [Galway] Ire.  Cousin Tom King, 480 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. 6’-”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Ballyglunin Ireland


Peter Treacy, Aughrim (Galway Ireland?), 1900, 20 years, single, to cousin John Kelly 309 ??? New York


Peter Treacy, Ballinasloe (Galway Ireland?), 1903, 23 years, to New York, single, to sister Mrs Kate Monaghan 920 Second Ave New York


Peter Treacy, Newtown (Galway) Ireland, 1924, 30 years, single, Brother John Treacy Newtown Ballyglunnin Co. Galway. to brother Patrick Treacy 14 Highland Park Newtownville Mass. 5'?", fresh complexion. fair hair, blue eyes, b. Ballyglunin Ireland


Sarah Treacy, 1900, 21, servant, Galway, to Boston Mass, paid by sister, sister 146 Bracou? [Not listed in index]

Norah Treacy, 1900, 17, servant, Ballyhaunis [Mayo?], to Newton Mass, paid by sister, sister Kate Tracey Newton Mass [Not listed in index]

Edward Treacy, 1900, 22, lab, Ballyhaunis [Mayo/], to Newton Mass, paid by self, sister Kate Tracey Newton Mass [Not listed in index]

Patrick Crowley, 1900, 21, carpenter, Clonakilty [Cork], paid by sister, sister Kate Crowley, 1 Wall St Drekacton Ma

John Tracey, near Athenry (Galway Ireland), 1900, 19 years, lab, to Boston Mass, paid by sister, sister Mary Ann Tracy Vermont? Av B’ton


Sarah Tracy, Athenry (Galway Ireland?), 1900, 21 years, single, to Boston, to John? Crany? Tracy Wollenly? Kanns?


Sarah Tracey, Galway Ireland, 1900, 21 years, to sister 146 Bracou, Boston Mass [travelled with Eduard & Norah Tracey of Ballyhaunis]


Sarah Treacy, Abbey (Galway?  Ireland), 1902, 22 years, single, lived Abbey, cousin paid passage, to cousin Mr?ns McHugh 41 Floyd St Brooklyn NY


Sarah Treacy, Portumna (Galway) Ireland, 1904, 17 years, single, sister paid passage, to sister Agnes Treacy 142 West 65th  street New York


Sarah Tracy, Doogan (Dangan Tuam Galway) Ireland, 1915, 24 years, single, Mother Mrs Tracy Doogin, Tuam, Galway. sister paid passage. Sister Mrs Broderick 120 Lacken Ave Jamestown NY. b. Doogan Ireland.


Stephen Tracy, Brooklyn NY USA, 1908, 42 years, married, sailor US Navy, Father: John Tracy, Tuam? Ireland. lived Brooklyn 2-3 years 1904 1882, to Cousin Mr? Lipe?, 341 Stamberg Ave Brooklyn NY. Holds Dis from U.S. Navy certified service May 2 1890 Dis Feb? 16 1904. 5’10”, fair complexion, brown? Hair, Blue brown eyes.  B. (Tuam) (Ireland)


Thomas Tracey, Killene (Killeen Galway or Wexford?) Ireland, 1892, 22 years, to Boston


Thomas Tracy, Aughaery [? Not found] (Athenry Galway Ireland?), 1905, 23 [25] years, lived Kilormes?, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. Sister: Annie Tracy c/o Mrs Casey 252 West 129th St New York. Dr Meins Deformity of right shoulder? & scar? on? arm?


Thomas Tracey, Athenry Galway? Ireland, 1907, 18 years, to brother William Tracey 146 West 52nd St New York, 5’8”, fresh complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes, b. Athenry Galway


Thomas Tracey, Tuam Galway? Ireland, 1907, 23 years, single, 5’4”, fair complexion, dark hair, grey eyes, mother Sarah Treacy Doogara Tuam. sister Mary Treacy, 1808 Deates Ave Walnut Hills Cincinati Ohio, b. Tuam Ireland

Thomas Tracy, Tuani [Tuam] Galway? Ireland, 1907, 23 years, single, farmer, to Sister Mary Treacy, 108 Deates Ave Walnut Stills, Cincinati Ohio. 5’4” fair complexion, dark hair, grey eyes. b. Tuam Ireland. [crossed out]


Thomas Treacy, Portumna Galway? Ireland, 1911, 20 years, single, blacksmith, mother Kath Tracey Cahe Portumna Co. Galway. sister paid passage. To sister Bgt Tracey 224 East 28th St New York. 5'8", dark complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Portumna Ireland. [Catherine Tracey 22 Glenamaddy and Thomas Treacy 20 Portumna on the same boat]


Thomas Treacy, Portumna (Galway) Ireland, 1914, 21 years single, mother Mrs Treacy Portumna, to sister Brgt Moran 244 28th St New York. 5'8", dark complexion, black hair, grey eyes. b. Portumna Ireland [traveling with Moran relations from Portumna]


Thomas Treacy, Kiltullagh (Galway) Ireland, 1922, 21 years, single, Mother Mary Treacy Kiltullagh Stemamaddy Galway Ire. to sister Catherine Collins 6 West 107th St New York NY. 5'10", fresh complexion, fair hair, grey eyes. b. Kiltullagh Ireland.


William Treacy, Athenry Galway Ireland, 1906, 18 years, single, to sister Katie Treacy, 3rWest 9 Street New York


William Treacy, Kilconnell (Galway) Ireland, 1908, 24 years, single, v-795-5-5-10-14-40, mother Sarah Treacy Fahy Kilconnell Co. Galway. cousin paid passage. to cousin Delia Curtin? 515 Clinton? Ave Brooklyn New York. 5'8", fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. b. Kilconnell Ireland.


William Treacy, Gurteen (Galway) Ireland, 1911, 20 years, single, father Michael Treacy, Gurteen Co Galway. bro-in-law paid passage. to sister Mary Donnellan? 1727 Clark Ave Cleveland Ohio. 5'8", fair complexion, dar hair, blue eyes. b. Gurteen Ireland.




United States Naturalization Petitions


Brigid Treacy, born 01 Apr 1898 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1928 New York

Brigid Treacy, born 01 Apr 1898 Glenamaddy [Galway], Ireland. Naturalised 1931 New York

Daniel Tracey, born 17 Jun 1886 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1916 Boston J P, MA. Spouse's Ethel Tracey Children Violet M Tracey born 31 Jan 1910, Ruth E Tracey born 25 Jan 1912, Richard D Tracey born 21 Oct 1914

Frank Treacy, born 18 Mar 1871 Tynogh, [Tynagh Galway], Ireland. Naturalised 1910 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Spouse's Ellen Treacy

James John Treacy, born 09 Jun 1894 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1915 Boston, MA

James Joseph Treacy, born 10 Apr 1881 Portumna, Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1924 & 1928 New York City, Ny

John Joseph Tracey, born 23 Jun 1883 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1906 Boston, Massachusetts

John Martin Tracey, born ? Nov 1884 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1934 Roxbury, Suffolk, MA.Spouse's Anna Tracey born 29 Jun 1892 Children John Tracey born 03 Mar 1918, Bernard Tracey born 23 Mar 1919, Thomas Tracey born 01 Jun 1920

John Traacy or Treacy, born 23 Dec 1881 Barnslaw, [Ballinasloe] County Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1923 Boston, Massachusetts

John Tracey, born 20 Jan 1861 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1911 (rox) Boston, MA

John Treacy, born 09 Nov 1893 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1923 Dorchester, Massachusetts

Julia Treacy, born 25 Sep 1898 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1928/1931 Newton Centre, Massachusetts

Katherine Treacy, born 15 Feb 1875 Kilcummin, [Galway?], Ireland. Naturalised 1934 New York, NY

Kathleen Tracy, born 19 Oct 1882 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1920 New York

Lawrence or Laurence Treacy, born 26 Mar 1904 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1935 Bronx/Queens, NY. Spouse's Elizabeth Treacy born 08 Jun 1911

Margaret Mary or Margaret Ralston nee Treacy, born 22 Apr 1909 Co Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1943 Jackson Heights, Queens, NY. Spouse's Robert Ralston born 30 Oct 1913 Child Patricia Ralston born 28 Jan 1943

Martin Tracey, born 05 Nov 1876 Glenn, Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1918 & 1924 New York, New York. Spouse's Mary Tracey born 10 Mar 1886 Child Martin Tracey born 14 Apr 1910

Martin Treacy, born 15 Nov 1888 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1918 Newton, MA

Michael Francis Tracey, born 29 Feb 1898 Monivea, [Galway] Ireland. Naturalised 1921 & 1927 New York & Brooklyn Lowell, MA

Michael Francis Treacy, born 02 Dec 1907 Portumna, Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1930 & 1935 Dedham, MA

Michael Joseph Treacey, born 10 Sep 1880 Derry Bryan, [Derrybrien Galway] Ireland. Naturalised 1908 Pennsylvania, Pa

Michael Tracy, born 13 Dec 1906 Tuam, Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1939 New York, NY

Michael Treacy, born 20 Sep 1892 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1914 (dor) Boston, Massachusetts

Michael Treacy, born 27 Feb 1908 Milltown, [Knock Milltown Galway] Ireland. Lives 234 West 114th St NY NY, labourer, 22 years, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, 5'3", 140 lb, not married, emigrated on Cedric Feb 26 1929 from Queenstown. Naturalised 1931 & 1935 New York NY [Photo]

Michael Tressy, born 15 Sep 1872 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1931 Boston MA. Spouse's Margaret Tressy born 17 Jun 1872 Children Mildred T Tressy born 11 Aug 1907, William F Tressy born 15 Jan 1910

Nellie Veronica Treacy, born 15 Aug 1891 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1919 Dorchester, Massachusetts

Nora Tracey, born 06 Jul 1875 Galway, Ireland. Lives 234 Commonwealth Ave Boston Suffolk Mass, cook, 55 years, medium complexion, hazel eyes, grey hair, 5'3", 150 lb, not married, emigrated on Samaria from Queenstown june 9 1891. Naturalised 1923 & 1931 Boston, MA [Photo]

Nora Treacey, born 07 Apr 1889 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1931 New York, NY

Patrick Henry Tracey, born 25 Aug 1883 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1909 Boston, Mass

Patrick Joseph Tracey, born 12 Mar 1889 Gort, [Galway], Ireland. Emigrated on Teutonic from Queenston. Piano Mover. Naturalised 1912 Philadelphia, Pa

Patrick Joseph Tracey, born 17 Jul 1882 Garumna, [Galway?] Ireland. Naturalised 1908 Boston, MA

Patrick Joseph Tracey, born 30 Apr 1902 Laughrea, Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1934 New York, NY. Spouse's Margaret Tracey born 10 Oct 1910

Patrick Joseph Tracy, born 17 Mar 1890 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1912 Boston, Massachusetts

Patrick Patricia Treacy, born 21 Mar 1889 Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1912 & 1920 Waltham, Massachusetts

Patrick Treacy, born 04 Feb 1909 Co Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1928 New York NY

Patrick Treacy, born 04 Feb 1909 Portumna, [Galway] Ireland. Naturalised 1933 New York, NY

Rose Treacy born 17 Aug 1911, James Treacy born 01 Oct 1913

Thomas Martin Treacy, born 06 Oct 1906 Portumna, [Galway] Galway, Ireland. Naturalised 1929 & 1933 Dedham, MA

Thomas Treacy, born 12 Nov 1908 Ryehill Tuam, [Galway] Ireland. Naturalised 1928 & 1835 Peabody, MA. Spouse's Delia Treacy born 10 Oct 1908 Children Mary Treacy born 05 Sep 1931, Eleanor Treacy born 16 Oct 1932, Margaret Treacy born 14 Nov 1933








'Lord Gough', Queenstown to Phila 26 June 1893

Franis Tracy, 25, b. Ireland 1868, farmer, lived Poultadown [Poultalloon Fedamore Limerick], passage paid by sister, sister Maria 2416 Kings Entrance Ave Pha

'Lord Gough', Liverpool to Phila 26 June 1893

John Tracy, 22, b. 1871, Lived Cormick [Abbeygormacan Galway], farmer, brother paid passage, brother N Tracy 3001 Portland Ave Chicago Armes

'Lord Gough', Queenstown to Phila 26 June 1893

Jno Tracey, 22, b. 1871, lived Killinur [Killimore? Galway] , brother paid passage, brother Nicholas 3001 Portland Ave Chicago


22 September 1893 New Zealand Tablet

The following transactions in Galway County have just been completed under the Land Purchase Act...at Ballaghmurry [Ballaghymurry], Patrick Treacy at L1 050...at Killmy [Killinny?] East, Matthias Tracey at L125...


1893-94 [C.6935] [C.6935-I] Report of the Evicted Tenants Commission.

Estate of the Marquess of Clanricarde, Co. Galway

Nicholas Tracy, 28a3r2p, rent before eviction £16.10.0, amount for ejectment was sought £32.0.0, costs £2.19.7, 16 August 1889, Old tenant re-instated, re-admitted at old rent and had to pay two years rent and costs. [Cappasallagh Portumna Galway?]


31 Jul 1893 (BL) Land Commisson - Tuam

Robert Blake Landlord

Martin Tracey £77.4.10 old rent, £40.0.0 valuation, 43.0.0 judicial rent


1894 Return of judicial rents

Stephen Treacy of Glanafooha Galway, landlord William Stannus, 19a/3r/11p, poor valuation £7/10/0, old rent £16/18/0, new rent £9/10/0

Martin Treacy of Cullagh South Galway, landlord Robert Blake, 27a/2r/39p, poor valuation £9/0/0, old rent £17/4/10, new rent £12/10/0


20 January 1894 (TH) Tuam Board of Guardians

...M Treacy...Doctor's House at Abbey...the guardians could purchase Treacy's house at Abbey, or procure from Mr. Blake a site adjioning to it...Mr. Treacy said that he preferred to say nothing, as he might say too much. He had given too much money for his house to give it up...

14 March 1896 (TH) The Abbey Doctor's House

...Ballyglunin Park, Athenry...I will let you have two acres of land near Tracy's for the nominal sum of £25...Robert Blake


21 April 1894 (TH) Associated Cesspayers

...cesspayers...to be associated with the Magistrates...Kilconnel Barony 7. William Tracy, Ballymakills, Cappatagle


10 March 1894 (TH) Shepherds Association

...Tuam...The treasurers elected were Michael Treacy, John Fahy and Marty[?] Fahy...


August 18, 1894 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

The Parlimentary Fund...Dunmore Co. Galway...1s6d...Denis Tracy...1s...Thos Tracy...


18 August 1894 (TH) Abbeyknockmoy Fair

...committee...Martin Treacy, PLG...


'Indiana', Queenstown to Phila 11 Sep 1894

Delia Tracey, 35, b. 1859, single, lived Tuam [Galway], lived W. Phila 1889, to cousin B. Heinesse 1236 Linden Ave Phila


15 September 1894 (TH) Death

Mr James Loftus, Grange, parish of Kiltulla...Rev. F. Tracy...


January 7, 1895 (FJ) Great Nationalist Meeting in Galway

...Mulla...P. Tressy...


'Southwark', Queenstown to Phila 21 April 1895

Mary Treacy, 21, b. 1874, lived Meelick [Galway?], to uncle P.C. Corlis 72 N. Anne St Chicago Ill


'Indiana', Queenstown to Phila 14 August 1895

Lawrence Treacy, 61y4m, b. 1834, farmer, U.S.C., lived Ballinadock [Ballinclough Galway?], lived N.Y. 55, to friends New York.


21 September 1895 (TH) Tuam Petty Sessions

??? prosecuted Patrick Treacy, both of Tuam, and both shoemakers, for assult...


September 25, 1895 (FJ) The Parlimentary Fund

...Newcastle, Galway...1s...Thomas Tressy...


1899 [C.9107] Royal Commission of inquiry into the procedure and practice and the methods of valuation followed by the Land Commission

L. Treacy's Farm, Aughrim, July 20 1895, rent £25, auction £100


7 March 1896 (TH) GAA

...Belclare parish...Hon. Sec. J. Treacy...


25 April 1896 (TH) Abbey Dispensary Committee

...in the chair Mr Martin Treacy...

2 May 1896 (TH) Guardians

...M. Treacy...Abbey Dispensary Committee...Martin Treacy...


'Belgenland', Queentown to Phila 4 May 1896

John Tracy, 25, b. 1871, lived Loughrea [Galway], to brother Michael 123 E 77th St New York [with Martin Lawry 24]


25 July 1896 (TH) Ballindine athletic and Cycling Sports

...Hon Sec - Michael Treacy, Ballindine...


14 Nov 1896 Ballinrobe Chronicle

...Tuam Board of Guardians...Martin Treacy...


1896 Return of advances of Purchase of Land Act

31/3/1896 Patrick Treacy of Ballyglass Galway, landlord Ella Rose Nugent and another, 10a/0r/18p, poor valuation £3/15/0, rent £3/15/0, Judical, purchase £55, advance £55, cash £19

31/3/1896 Laurence Treacy of Ballyglass Galway, landlord Ella Rose Nugent and another, 13a/1r/2p, poor valuation £4/15/0, rent £4/15/0, Judical, purchase £72, advance £72, cash £24


February 27, 1897 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Tuam Diocesan Fund...Abbey and Monivea...2s...M. Tracey...Miss Tracy...


1 May 1897 (TH) List of Prizes, Tuam

5th A silver watch, Delia Tracey, America. 2852

12th A cut glass claret jug (silver plated), Delia Tracey, Abbey, 4699


12 June 1897 (TH)

Apprentices or Improvers wanted to the Dressmaking business. A thorough knowledge of the business will be imparted. Apply to Miss Treacy, "Herald" House, Tuam.


20 July 1897 Freeman's Journal

Extraordinary Incident Near Portumna... Michael Treacy, the uncle of the man in the water. With this he was lowered into the dook, wbere he searched for and secbred his nephew after much difficulty. A ...


25 December 1897 (TH) The Evicted Tenants Fund

Newcastle, Athenry subscription list...1s...J. Treacy...M. Treacy...


1897 Return of judicial rents

John Treacy of Keelogues Galway, landlord Marquis of Clanricard, 25a/3r/26p, poor valuation £15/15/0, old rent £14/0/0, new rent £9/10/0


LAND COMMISSION.Mr John Roche Commons — April 12, 1897

MR.JOHN ROCHE (Galway, E.) I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether he will make inquiry into the case of a tenant farmer named Thomas Tracey, of Newcastle, near Athenry, county Galway, whose application (Record No. 15,580) to fix fair rent on the estate of Captain Hall was heard on 4th January last; whether any, and, if so, what, objection was taken at the hearing to the area of the farm as mentioned in the originating notice; whether he is aware that, notwithstanding, the land agent, on inspection of the holding by the Sub-Commissioners, then raised an objection as to the area for which the tenant had been paying rent, and thereupon the Sub-Commissioners adjourned the case 928 for evidence as to area; and whether it is the practice to put the tenant to the inconvenience and expense of again attending in Court, where the landlord objecting to the area, failed at the hearing to give evidence as to his alleged area?

§ MR. GERALD BALFOUR No objection was made at the hearing, but it appears that, on the inspection of the farm by the Assistant Commissioners, the representative of the landlord and the tenants disagreed as to the boundaries of the holding, and the case, following the usual procedure, was adjourned in order to enable the parties to come to a mutual agreement. If the parties agree without further delay, no further hearing will be necessary.


John Treacy, DMP 11938, RC, born 4/7/1897, RC, 26 years, 5’11.5”, farm labourer, Sheeanarush Portumna Co. Galway, recommended by Rev J. Joyce V.G., depot 18/7/1923, C 2/11/1923, A 13/1/1933, [long pay history] retired 3/7/1960; Garda

The Dublin Metropolitan Police: A Short History and Genealogical Guide by Jim Herlihy. Four Courts, 2001


1899 Methods of valuation under the Land Acts and the Land Purchase Acts

July 20, 1895, L. Treacy's Farm Aughrim Galway, rent £25, Auction £100


8 October 1898 Freeman's Journal

...Mr. Wm Tracy, of Cappatagal, sold 30 bullocks at £9 each, and F 30 do at£8 lSs to Mr. Burns, of Tycooley.


1898 Return of judicial rents

Thomas Treacy of Shoodaun Galway, landlord Captain H.T. Hall, 12a/2r/0p, poor valuation £5/5/0, old rent £5/9/0, new rent £5/3/0

John Treacy of Keeloge Portumna Galway, landlord Marquis of Clanricarde, 27a/3r/5p, poor valuation £15/15/0, old rent £14/0/0, new rent 1 £9/10/0, new rent 2 £10/15/0


January 13, 1899 (FJ) Provincial Elections

Miltown Co. Galway...Thomas Trassy...


July 01, 1899 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

...Islandeady...building of a parochial house Martin Tracy, N.T., Athenry...£1...


July 5 1899, Patrick Treacy, tenant, WLCNDKF Kenny, landlord, Tobermaclog, Glenamaddy, Galway, 18a2r23p, £9 valuation, £13.8.0 rent, £9.17.0 & £8.7.6 judicial rent, by consent


September 1899 Ckicket

...Headford [Galway?]...J. Tracy...Kilconnell [Galway?]...J. Tracy...W. Tracey...


1899 Return of judicial rents

Thomas Treacy of Carrick West Oughterard Galway, landlord Rev. Ralph Sadlier D.D., 59a/2r/20p, poor valuation £5/10/0, old rent £8/0/0, new rent 1 £6/16/0, new rent 2 £5/17/9



Joe Young’s ‘Windy Waters’

The 250 feet deep spa was part of Thomas Tracey’s mineral water works and licensed premises in Mary Street at the end of the 19th century. On the death of Mr Tracey, Joe Young was appointed manager. He later married Mrs Tracey’s niece, and on the marriage, the business was signed over to Mr Young. He later acquired the Eglinton Street frontage after a law dispute with Mr John Forde (whose pub can be seen to the right of our photograph ). Notice how the tree outside the pub softens the streetscape.



Joseph Samuel Young, full age, bachelor, merchant, of Mary St. Galway (s. of William Young, gentleman) married Edith May O'Connor, minor, spinster, of 20 Belvidere Avenue (d. of John James O'Connor, clerk, Record & Writ Office) Wit: Richard Mitchell Burgess & Ellen Buckley on the 15 November 1902 St. George Church of Ireland [North] City of Dublin

[1911 Census Katie Young age 24]


Thomas Treacy died 1890 Ballinasloe Regiistration, age 50 [may be related to Stephen Treacy Excise Officer in Galway]

29 September 1890 Thomas Tracy Will

Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Thomas Tracy, late of Mary street Galway, gentleman, who died 10 June 1890 at Ballinasloe Co. Galway, were grant at Tuam to Maria Tracy of Mary street widow the mother. Effects £573.2s.6d.


16 February 1895 Maria Tracy Will

The will of Maria Tracy late of Mary-Street Galway, widow, who died 7 September 1894 at same place was proved at Tuam by the Right reverend Francis Joseph MacCormack of St. Marys Taylor’s Hill RC Bishop and the Reverend Peter Dooley of College House PP both of Galway the Executors.

7 September 1894 Mary Street

Maria Tracy, widow, 85 years, widow of an Excise Officer, Clare Duncan cousin of deceased present at death Mary street


1900 Irish Mission for Immigrant Girls in New York City

Annie Tracy, 1905, 28 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Mrs. Monaghan 235 First St. Brooklyn. 2nd cousin. D 3:30 (Baltic - March 25 1905)


Annie Tracey, 1927, 17 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Mrs. J. Collins 130 Lexington Ave. New York City. aunt (President Roosevelt - August 19 1927)


Catherine Tracy, 1900, 18 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Peter Tracy 920 2nd Ave. N.Y. (Servia - July 16 1900)


Delia Tracy, 1905, 18 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Sarah Freasy [Tracy] 333 Jefferson Ave. Brooklyn. sister (Celtic - September 24 1905)


Honor Tracey, 1927, 25 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Mrs. M. Maloney 223 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn (Carenthia - October 03 1927)


Kate Tracy, 1898, 22 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Johanna Tracy, Rox 335 Westfield, NJ OR Ellen Tracy, 22 Golden St New London CT (Majestic - June 08 1898)    


Mary Tracey, 1900, 18 years, from Galway, Sponsor: Honor Tracey 153 E. 72nd St. N.Y.; and to Mrs. Quinn 304 E. 85th St. N.Y. (Majestic 1900-10-17)                 

Katie Tracey, 1900, 14 years, from Galway, Sponsor: Honor Tracey 153 E. 72nd St. N.Y.; and to Mrs. Quinn 304 E. 85th St. N.Y. (Majestic 1900-10-17)                 


Lizzie Boyle, 1898, 19 years, from Galway, Sponsor: Mrs Tracey, 78 E 105th St New York NY (Etruria 1898-05-07)


Ellen Flaherty, 1929, 18 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Maria Tracy 21 Concord St. Jersey City. aunt (Samaria - June 17 1929)


Maggie King, 1904, 19 years, from Galway. Sponsor: Nora Tracey 411 w. 37th St. New York City. D. E.I. (Cedric - October 09 1904)




Traceys of Galway – Page 1

Message Boards

References to 1900

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Directories

- Parish Records

Traceys of East Galway – Page 2a

Family Histories

Parish Records

Traceys of West Galway – Page 2b

Family Histories

Parish Records

Traceys of Galway – Page 3

References from 1900 onwards

- Directories

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Land Records

- Census

General references for Galway



Last update: 13 September 2024