Traceys of Kilkenny – Page 1

 It may be presumed that the Traceys of Kilkenny are descended from the Uí Bairrche.









Kilkenny Archaeological Society





The Traceys of Kilkenny can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as Kilkenny formed part of the territory of the Uí Bairrche. There is the townland of Kiltrassy, in the parishes of Killamery and Windgap, named after the Traceys. This may translate as Tracey’s wood or church.


There is a reference to Carraig Treasa at Booleyglass Aghaviller (The Place-Names of County Kilkenny).













Kiltrassy Church (which is located in the adjoining townland of Oldcastle) 





Isabella (b.1280-5), dau. of Sir Henry de Tracy of Woolcombe married

(1) Sir Simon Roges (or Fitz Rogus) of Porlock co. Somerset, by 1303

(2) Herbert de Marisco (b. 1296 at Pollrone Co. Kilkenny; of Huntspill, Camely & Weyperous; d. 1326-7), by 1317

(3) Edmund le Botiler, probably yr. brother of James, Earl of Ormond (both alive, 1350) (divorced)

(4) Sir John Stowford, Knight (Justice of the Common Bench, Crackway co. Devon, d. 1359)

Eric St. John Brooks. The Family of Marisco. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Seventh Series, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Jun. 30, 1932), pp. 50-74

Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, Who Came to America Before 1700 (7th edition, 1992), Weis, Frederick Lewis


October 1537 - Ms. State Paper Office

The Verdyt of the Commyners of the Countye of Kilkennye

William Troddye of Callam*, Jur

* There is a fragment of an ancient monument in Callan Church to the the memory of Philipus Troddy quodā burgēs' ac notarius curialis ville Callanie qui obiit xv° die m .... A. D. M. vº lxii .” Another fragment has the name “Jacobus Throdyi."

Hore, H.J. The Social State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century, 1870.


Calendar of the patent and close rolls of chancery in Ireland

1548  23. Pardon of Edmond Fitz-Richard Butler, of Butlerswode, Leonard Shortall, Richard Fitz-Theobald Butler, William Shortall, James Cantwell, Edwanl Shortall, Edmond Shortall, Richard Fannyng, John Shortall, Hugh O'Kayll, David Fannyng, John More Fannyng, Shane M'Richarde, Michael Purcell, David FitzDonyll, David Pitzmagon Fannyng, Nicholas Neishe, and Rorie Trasy, all of Butlerswode [Kilkenny] Mar. 26, 3°.

1551  132. Grant of English liberty to James Yosse, alias Molryge, clerk. — Nov. 10, 5°. [No location stated]

1552  66. Pardon of Thomas Trodee, of the Irishtown of Kilkenny, glover ; Owen O'Donyll. of the same ; Ellen ny Currane, alias Elene ny Querrene. and Johanna, alias James Fits-Gerald, of the same place, singlewomen.— June 26, 6°.

Edward VI

1548 22nd March

Pardon to Edmund fitz Richard Buttler, of Buttlerswodde, gent.; Leonard Shortull, and Richard fitz Theobalde Buttler, horsemen; William Shertall, James Cuntwell, Edward Shertall, Edmund Shortull, Richard Faunyng, John Shertall, Hugh O'Kaill, David Funnyng, John More Faimyug, John fitz Richarde alias Shams m'Riehnrde, Nicholas Pun-ell, David fitz Donyll, David fitz Magon' Fannyng, Nicholas Naishe, Rory Trassy, kerns, all of Buttlerswodde (Kilkenny) Cal. PP. p.175, Art. 23 [Note: It is presumed that this is Butlerswood, Killamery, Kilkenny, the same civil parish that has the townland of Kiltrassy]

Elizabeth I

1576 21st November

Pardon to ... Morrougho O Treassa of Pouleston [Paulstown Kilkenny]

The Irish Fiants of the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.


Calendar of Ormond deeds. Vol. 5 1547-1584 A.D

Indentures made on May 20, 1577...leases of land in Callan were made for 21 years

42. David Tracy, cowherd; a messuage in the hill of Callan by the Haggard Lane; 2s. and 1 good capon.



Ormond Deeds VI 1593 Sept 27th

Bond of Thadeus alias Teig Trassy to Henry Sheth (Shee) to the use of the Earl of Ormond to grant to the Earl the towns of Corragh, Lisenosky, Clone etc. Co. Galway. (D. 3197)

Bond of September 27 1593 by Thadeus alias Teig Trassy of Kenles [Kells], Co. Kilkenny, yeoman, to Henry Sheeth, to the use of the Earl of Ormond in the sum of 200L. Said Teig to perform his promise to grant to said earl in consideration of a certain sum of money the towns of Corragh, Lisenosky, Clone, Conery and Killyan with the appurtenances in Co. Galway, the purchase price to be determines by Henry Sheeth and James White of Kenles.

Wit: Jasper Sheth, Thomas Cantwell, Patrick Bussher, William O’Bowe

[Note: Corragh [Curragh] and Lisenosky [Lissaniska] are in the civil parish of Ballynakill (Leitrim barony).


[1599 April 28] Army in Ireland...Companies of Foot in Leinster, With the Earl of Osmond...C. Nic. Tracy. (100 to 200 each)

W. Temple to Edward Reynolds...His Lordship wishes you should be careful of the delivery of a letter to the Lieutant of the Ordnance, which this bearer, Mr. Tracy, has with him...Dublin, May 6, 1599

Army in Ireland 1599 Aug 28, Companies of foot left in Leinster...Kilkennye and towards Munster...100 C. Nic. Tracy...

1902 [Cd. 928] Historical Manuscripts Commission. Calendar of the manuscripts of the Most Hon. the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G.,


1603 Pat 1 James 1 Part 3

XI - 11 General pardon to...Rorie O’Trasie of Ballebehid, yeoman...Kilkenny co. - 9 July 1st


1614 Pat 13 James 1

LXXXVII - 42 General Pardon for...Thomas Treeffe of Kilkenny co. yeoman...


1617 Sept 2nd

Grant by Rose Tracey and Moetle relict of Robert Tracey to Edward Shee of a Garden in Mill Street, Kilkenny. (D. 3613)


Jac I (2) Com’ Civit’ Kilkenny [City of Kilkenny]

Kilken’ 18 April 1623

Rob’ Rothe…St Patrricke’s streete …Roger’ Trassy, al’ mes’ in pd’ vico modo in occopacon’ assing’…

Jac I (36) le Blackfryers 17 April’ 1623.

FULCO CQMERFORD seis’ fuit, dе feod’, de maner’, vil' & ter' de Inshioleghan in co’ Kilken’, cu advocacon’ eccìie eidë maner'spectnnt' qdquidë maner’ &: vil’ pd’ contin’ 38 acr’ magn’ mensur prie, & Brown’stowne 8 acr', qu’ teenent' de Re in capite, рsvic mil'; de anual’ reddit’ 6s. 8d. exeunt’ de Goslingstowne in co pd' p comun’ pastur’ sup ter’ de lnshiolechane p tenent’ dе Goslingston ; 2 mes’ 8: 40 acr' arrabil’ 8: pastur’, parv’ mensur’, in vil & burgagег’ dе Rosbarcan, qu’ tenentr de pd' comit’, ut de maner suo dе Rosbarcan; 9 mes’, 8 gardin’ 8: 21 acr’ in vil’ & campis de Callan, modo in occupacon’ cujusda Wil’ Meares, qu' tenent de comit' Desmon’, ut de manor’ suo dе Саllап p fidelitat' tantu; 2, al’ mes’; 2 gardin’ & 2 pomur’ in Callan, vocat' Тгоdde's land qu’ tenent' de pd comìt’.-pd’ Fulco Comerford dimisit cuida Wil Meares pd’ mes’, ter’ & ten’ in Callan, except’ mes’, gardin & pomar’ vocat’ Trodde’s land, p indentur’ dat’ 11 oct’ 1618, p term' 2l annor’, reddend’ inde anuatim’ 1OL-pd’ Fulco obiit 2 feb’ ult’ pterit-Gerald’ Comerford est ejus legittim’ fil’ &: her' , & tunc fuit etat’ 11 annor' & non maritat’.

Car. I (97) Ib’ 5 April’ 1638.

JOH’ SWEETMAN, in vita sua, seis’ fuit de maner’ de Erley al’ Earlestowne in co’ Kilken’, cu ptin’, & de vii' & ter’ dе Castle leife, Rathculbin & Spruce’s haies, [Mallardstown] pcell’ maner’ pd’, & de Foulke’stowne in co’ pd'-Sic seis’, p fact’ suů dat’ 20 april’ 1604, de pmiss’ feoffavit Edm' St. Leager, Nic’ Sweeteman, Patric’ Coppinger Wil’ Troddy & hered’ ä, ad cert’ us'-pd' Joh’ Sweetman obiit 3 maii 1605.-Wil’ Sweetman est ejus pronepos & her', &  tunc fuit etat' 10 aniior' & non maritat’.-opmiss’ tenentr de Jac’ comit’ Ormon’ & Ossor’.

Inquisitum Cancellariae Hiberniae Repertorium. Vol 1 Leinster, Vol II Ultonia (Ulster) HMSO 1829


March 8 1636

Pardon of an alienation made by Sir Edward Blanchfield of Blanchfield, in the county of Kilkenny, and Katherine Treany, of Ballyready, to Edward Sweetman, of Hodsgrove, in the same county.

Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland, of the Reign Charles the First


23 May 1646 Kilkenny

Names of the drivers for the expedition to Connaught...John Trasny


1654-6 Civil Survey

153 East Street, Callan

Phillipp Trassy Ir. Pa. (Proprietor)

John Pressick Pt. (Tenant)

A thatched barn, length 56 foot, breadth 21. A haggard & a garden 20 perch.

The last street in the survey is East Street, now called Mill St., which has thirty four listed properties (133 to 166). The location of Butler properties here suggests that the sequence started in the centre of the town on the south side of the street. This appears to be confirmed by the lack of gardens with the first four properties (133 to 136), which were otherwise substantial buildings, presumably because they backed directly onto the graveyard as is the case with their present-day successors. The main part of Peirce Butler's property in the town was at the east end of East St. (Bll to B15 on the map; 143, 145-8, 152 and 154 in the survey). He had a large strong tower house (147) attached to the gate, which according to Carrigan was known as Cúirt Phiarais.

Manning, Conleth (1998) The Civil Survey of Inistioge and Callan, Co. Kilkenny. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Vol. 128 (1998), pp. 48-73


Census 1659

Gowran, Kilkenny (pp. 418)

Tressy (8)


1660 Minute Book of Corporation of Borough Knocktopher [Kilkenny]

Burgesses...Roger Trasey...



1664 Roll for the town of Callan, the baronies of Knocktopher, Ida, Shillelogher and Kells, and nearly all the barony of Galmoy.

??? Trassy, Sheepstowne Knocktopher

Rixhard Trassy, Rathculbine Colaghmore


…Kilcurl castle, still almost perfect but uninhabited, was founded, it is traditionally stated, by an individual called Thraesa mac, or Thraesa the Fat (meit). In the i6th and 17th centuries it was occupied by a family named Purcell, who, being mere Irish papists, forfeited under Cromwell.

…The graveyard [Mullinakill] was uprooted and destroyed many years ago, and only the interior of the church is now used for interments. Of the few monuments here the oldest is a head-stone, in the south-east comer of the building, to the memory of Mrs. Margaret Meany, otherwise Shee, who died in 1775, aged 64 years. Her ancestors lived in Garrandarragh. Simon Shee, of Garrandarragh, gent., by his last will, declared nuncupatively, on the 8th of January, 1699, directed his remains to be interred 'in ye chappie of Molingus situated on ye lands of Coolenehahy."  He is now probably represented by Mr. Philip Shee of Mullinakill, whose father, Laurence Shee, and uncle, Richard Shee, and their forbears, rest in Mullinakill church. From Mrs. Meany, otherwise Shee, whose head-stone is noted above, are descended the Traceys and Farrells, of Kilcurl, Ballyhale, and Mr. Walter Meany, of Clonetubrid, Lisdowney.

…1665? Hearth money Rolls

…and a “Trassy” of  Sheepstown, also paid heath-money, in this year.

Carrigan, William (1905) The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory. Sealy, Bryers & Walker.


The Hearth Money Rolls of Co. Kilkenny
Dermod Trassy, Whiteswall &c. Eyrk

Irish Genealogist, Vol 5, No. 2, November 1975


1689 Will

"I the undersigned Thomas Kealy of Kilkenny, gentleman, being sick in body but (God be praised for it!) of full sense and memory, do make this my last will and testament. I bequeath my soul to God, the creator and redmeemer thereof, and my body to the grave, to be interred in my own chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gowran...

A codicil to be of the same authority with my within will, viz., my will is that the £29 due unto me of Mr. Walter Cowley shall be given to my nephew Richard Kealy.

Item. I order a cow to be given to Owny ni Trassy.

(seal and witnesses as before) proved 11th Dec 1689 by Richard Kealy nephew of the deceased.

William Carrigan (1905) The History and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory


Kilkenny, 9th of June, (1691.) Hane bene send in arest by order of His Excellency the Lord of Sgravemore, two persons, named Thomas Trassi and Philip Wodli, being both raperies, and remained in the arest until the 11th of Feb. when the same in pursuance of the sentence and approbation of the Lord of Sgravemore in Kilkenny, hane bene punished with the rope to death, amounts for 33 daies diet, from the 9th of January until the 11th of Feb. at 6d. a day, is for both of them - - £1.13.0…

Military antiquities respecting a history of the English army, from the conquest to the present time Vol 1 by Grose, Francis, 1731?-1791


Kilkenny, 9th of June, 1691. Have been sent in arrest by order of his Excellency the Lord of Sgravemore, two persons, named Thomas Trassi and Philip Wodli, being both raperies; and remained in the arrest until the 11th of February, when the same, in pursuance of the sentence and approbation of the Lord of Sgravemore, in Kilkenny, have been punished with the rope to death…(Grose Military Antiquities)

The United service magazine, 1843, Part 1.



[Thomastown] In 1724 (case 2), David Trassy (Irish) distrained 5s.10d. from Timothy Cummin (Irish) and 3s.6d. from John Farrell (Irish).

…Edward Tracey/Tracy…

Merchants and shopkeepers: A historical anthropology of an Irish market town, 1200-1991


1720’s Accordingly, I set out, and made my way through Kilkenny, where I had the good fortune of meeting with a Gentleman, who, taking pity of my helpless condition, and in regard of some services done him formerly by my father, ordered a support for me, and put me to a school in that Town, endowed by the Ormond Family: Captain [William?] Tracy, I think, of Lord Nassau Pawlet’s Horse, Son to Judge Tracy of London, paid for my Maintenance and Education for near three years, but a Reverse in his affairs, and a melancholy, which I was told, he had contracted by the Terrors of a Shipwreck, from which he narrowly escaped with Life, put a sudden stop to all Remittances from that Gentleman. I had at this time equaled, if not surpassed, the most forward Youths in the School, of whom I saw manyadvanced before me to the University, not without concern and sorrow, to find that nothing stopped my progress, but the want of means, and that all my hopes were vanished at my disappointment in the fortunes of Mr. Tracy, of whom I never heard more, till I found him, in the Year 1728, in the most deplorable condition that can happen to human nature, deprived of his senses, at Montpelier, where he found no cure but in Death.

Clancy, Michael (1750) The memoirs of Michael Clancy, M.D. Dublin, MDCCL. [1750]. pp.30-1.


17 Nov 1750 Memorial No: 209247

Marriage settlement between Elinor Roche daughter of Jordan Roche, gent, of Ballymountain [Dunkitt], Kilkenny and Thomas Kennelly, farmer, son of James Kennelly, farmer of Ballymountain Kilkenny.

Witness John Treacy, deceased.


No 187166 Webb to Tracey & others  [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

18 Sep 1767 between the Reverend Arthur Webb of Webbsburrow cthe of the one part and William Tracey Senr & William Tracey and John Tracey of Bellmont farmers of the other part Whereby the said Nethen Webb did Demise to the said Will Tracey Senr Wm Tracey Two and John Tracey Son of William Tracey Senr, all that parcell of land lately Surveyed by Edmond Frizle Containing two hundred and Eighty acres be the same more or less on one side bounded by the new twenpike road and on the other side by the lands of Crotenclogh [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer] also on one side by the new mears or bounds or Ditch made by said William Tracey and his sons and by the River Dining on the other side being part and parcell of the lands of Coonfily alias Bellmont in the County of Kilkenny To hold to the said William Tracey Senr William Tracy and John Tracey for the term of of their natural lives from the twenty fifth day of March then last at the yearly Rent of twenty pounds Ster



1773 Journals of the House of Commons of the Kingdom of Ireland

An account of the flour sent to Dublin, from the 24th of June 1771 to the 24 of June 1772

Denis Treacy of Kilmurry Kilkenny, 68 miles, 20 cts, £3.8.0


2 June 1774 to 4 April 1776 The Journals of the House of Commons of the Kingdom of Ireland

An Account of the Flour sent by Land Carriage to Dublin, from the 24th of June, 1773, to the 24th of June 1774, distinguishing the different Counties, the Names of the Mills in each County, the Number of Miles from the Castle of Dublin, the Owners Names, the Quantities in Hundreds Weight, and the Bounties paid for the same.


Castle Eve [Earlstown], 62, Thomas Treacy, 40, 6.4.-


11 February 1775 (F) Kilkenny, 13 Feb 1775 Saunders’s News-Letter & 17 February 1775 Hibernian Journal

Last Monday night a number of white Boys armed, computed at about 35, went to the house of Richard Tracy, at Kilkerhil near Knocktopher, in the dead of night, and forced open the same, swearing that they would cut out said Tracy's tongue, and otherwise ill use him, for having given information against Andrew and James Conway, John Welsh, and James Murphy, now in our County Jail; but the said Tracy being on his guard, providentially escaped; when being disappointed of getting him into their hands, they seized his horses which were found next morning beyond callan.

17 - 21 Feb. 1775 Belfast Newsletter

Ireland Kilkenny 11 White Boys armed house Richard Tracy, Kilherhil Knocktopher night cut tongue information Andrew Conway, James Conway, John Walsh, James Murphy, gaol. guard escaped hands seized horses Callan.


Patrick Tracey of Kilkenny Ireland

Removed as a vagrant 20th February 1783. Middlesex Vagrant. Taken from Clerkenwell to Ridge.



31 August 1786 (FJ) and 2 September 1786 Kilkenny

...Mullinakil; On Sunday the 20th instant, and aiding and asisting in felonously attempting to compel William Tracy, blacksmith, and several others of his Majesty's subjects, to forego or give up their lawful employment of working for whomsoever they pleased, by forcing him and them to take oaths not to work for any one who did not take the oaths of the Rightboys.


Genealogical Abstracts

Ann Tracey, 1787, Kilkenny

Saml Tracey, 1787, Kilkenny


3 August 1791 (F) County of Kilkenny - To be sold

Edmond Dun, Plaintiff; Michael Treacy, Defendant

By the High Sheriff of said County, on Monday next, at the Defendants dwelling-house, near Kilmurry - 12 Cows, 6 Horses, 17 Sheep, some Potatoes, Implements of Huspandry, and articles of Household Furniture, by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias, to the said Sheriff in this Cause directed. The Sale to commence at 12 o'Clock, and continue until all are sold, or so much of them as will pay the Plaintiff's Debt and Cost.


16 January 1793 (F) County of Kilkenny [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

To be Let, from the 25th of March next, during the Minority of Richard Henry Webb, a Minor, now about the Age of fourteen Years. Part of the Lands of Coonfyle called Bellmount[?], late in the Possession of William Tracy and Sons, deceased, containing 290 Acres, or thereabouts. Proposals to be made to Miss Gertrude Gorr[?], Gloster-street, the Minor's Guardian, or to Mr. Arthur Thomas, York-street. N.B. No Promise or Preference to any one. January 10, 1793.


18 January 1794 (F) To be Let

...in the Lordship of Castlecomer...Cruttenclough - in posession of...Representatives of William Tracy 174 1 25...Proposals, in Writing, will be received by the Earl and Countess of Ormonde, and the Honourable John Butler Wandesford...John Hely, the Driver, will attend at Castlecomer, to show the Lands. Castle, Kilkenny, January 13, 1794.


22nd November 1797 Finn’s Leinster Journal

“We the inhabitants of Graige…John Treacy…”

Joyce, John (1993) Graiguenamanagh a town and its people. Graigue Publications, Graiguenamanagh.


2-6 December 1797 Finn's Leinster Journal

Dennis Treacy, the inhabitants of Knocktopher.

6 December 1797 (F)...Will not take unlawful oaths...

We the inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of Knottopher...Dennis Treacy...


[1798] Register of deaths of Irish residents in Cadiz

Diego Trecy, Thomatown, Waterford [Thomastown Kilkenny?], son of Juan Trecy and Ana O’Donovan, age 72, bachelor, 1798.

Samuel Fannin,BA,DipEd. Spanish Archives of Primary Source Material for the Irish. http://www.irishancestors.ie/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Fannin-Spanish-Archives-of-Primary-Source-Material.pdf


1798 Rebellion [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Protestants massacred in the Diocese of Ferns

Anne Tracy, of Mothel and Dysart [Kilkenny], swore her son was killed by the rebels, who was her only support. She is a widow with seven children.

1798 Claimants and Surrenders

Ann Tracy, Widow, Bellmount, Castlecomer, Kilkenny. Nature Of Loss: Bacon, Wearing Apparel, Cash.  Sum Claimed: 8/10/11 Sum Allowed: 8/10/11


22 April 1801 (F) Kilkenny

Eleanor Tracy, for robbery, to be burned on the hand, and discharged.


Lent 1801 Presentments of the Grand Jury Kilkenny

Knoctopher Barony

To Wm Bayly & Thomas Neville, esqs, to repair 80 pers - road from Carrick to Dublin, between Edmond Tracey's & Ballyinch [Ballyinch] Bridge at 6s6d per perch...£26

Ida Barony

To John Power, Esq, and James Fitzgerald, to make 54 perches of new road from Waterford to Innistiogue, between the bridge near Bishop’s Hall [Gaulskill] and Tracey’s forge at 6s6d per perch


6 October 1802 (F) To be Let and Immediate Possession given

That well established Flour Mills, of Bettymount, where a large sum has been lately expended in durable and useful improvements - It's situated on the River Barrow, near Goresbridge, in the Co. Kilkenny, the best Corn Country in Ireland; the great advantage of Water Carriage to Dublin, Ross and Waterford - also its situation for the Liverpool Trade, renders it an Object well worth the attention of Millers & Corn Merchants. A neat Dwelling house with 5 Cabbins and Gardens, and near 20 acres of excellent Ground, goes with the Mills. John Tracy, at the Mills will shew the Premises, and forward Proposals to John and H. Mo?tgomery, Oldtown, Naas. Sept. 29, 1802.


1803 Gowran Barony

To Rev. Thomas Davis, Patrick Ford and James Tracy, to repair 127 perches road from Thomastown to Goresbridge between Mr. Patrick Dun's gate at Dungarvan and Richard Doyles at Bramblestown...


Mary Tracy, Kilcurrell, Co. Kilkenny, will 3 Nov 1803, probate 20 Oct 1820, ref 128 30 1/2p S. Oss.. Carrigan manuscripts



...Another small Society was raised in a mountain called Augherone, near Leighlin-bridge, under the following circumstances...The death of Eliza Thorpe, of Belbow, near the same place, which occurred about this time, was most affecting and eventful in its results. She and her brother William were members of our Society, which met at Mrs. Treacy's, Belmont. They were part of a large family, which rather opposed than encouraged their attendance on our meetings. At our June quarterly love feast at the colliery, they were both with us. Eliza was very much blessed, and expressed her happiness in God with freedom. On their return, in company with Mrs. Treacy's son and daughter, the young women rode part of the way on the same horse. The animal ran off, and Miss Thorpe was thrown and killed...

Biographical narrative of Matthew Lanktree...historical notices of the rise, progress and influence of Methodism in various parts of Ireland.  James Wilson Belfast, 1836


6 November 1804 Patrick Tracey aged 26 born in County Kilkenny, Ireland.

Ship: HMS Colossus

Rank/Rating: Landsman [seaman less than one year at sea]


June 1805

Copy Humble Memorial of Michael Treacy, a private soldier in the Kilkenny Regt. of Militia now under sentence of death but reprieved by [Justice Down’s] humanity. -9p4

Ms. 11,062/20 Ormond Family Papers NLI

Copy humble petition of Michael Treacy under sentence of death in the jail of Carlow respited until further orders. To Walter Earl of Ormond and Ossory.

Ms. 11,062/21 Ormond Family Papers NLI


5 November 1808 (F) Dennis Tracy, Boot and Shoe Marker, Coal-Market

Returns his unfeigned thanks to his Friends and a generous Public, for the liberal Encouragement he has so amply experienced since his Commencement in Business, - and is happy to be able to inform his Customers, that he can supply them (notwithstanding the present differences with Journeymen), as usual, with Work, which for Quality and Workmanship, will be found equal to any made in this City. - He will give the highest Wages, and always employ Men of Abilities; and hopes that an unremitting Attention, and moderate Prices, will merit a Continuance of future Favour. Kilkenny, Nov. 1, 1808.


1808 (205) (Ireland.) Accounts

Kilkenny - Gowran Barony

To Lord Clifden, Abrm. Grim, Esq. & Peter Birchall, to pave 155 perches of the street of Gowran, between Mr. Harper's house and Pat. Tracy's £20/19/5


1816 Passenger Lists "The Shamrock or Irish Chronicle”

‘Bristol’ left Dublin on August 14 1816, for New York (40 passengers)

Dennis Tracy; Kilkenny.

Mary Tracy; Kilkenny, child

Catherine Tracy; Kilkenny, child

Thomas Tracy; Kilkenny.



1. 2, 3 on Map. Thomas Treacy, Ballydaniel (otherwise Ballydonnell), Gowran, Kilkenny, 1a/3r/11p Plantation, 2a/3r/31p Statute, £3.11.8 rent, £2.5.6 valuation, Arable & pasture House & field, Lease dated 10th April 1817, for three lives of whom one living, viz. John Healy, now aged about 70 years.


495146 Tracey & anr to Bushe

4 Mar 1818 Memorial of an Indent Deed of assignment between Patrick Tracey of Cloughlea [Cloghala? Dungarvan OR Tullaherin] [Coorleagh Shankill] in the cy of Kilkenny Farmer and James Tracy eldest Son and heir at Law of Edmd Treacy of Cloughleda aforesd of the one part and Henry Amyas Bushes of the City of Dublin Esq of the other part Recity that by Indent Deeds of Lease bearing date the 6th day of Septem in the year of our Lord 1796 and made Between the said Henry Angus Bush then of June in the Coy Esqr of the one part , and said Edmond Treacy of Cloughter as and said Patrick Treacy then of Paulstown [Kilmacahill OR Shankill]...Lands of Clokela wise Cloughlea... 140 Acres 2 roods...known by the name of the old house quarter... life of the said James Treacy Eldest Son of the Edmd Tracy one of the said Lessees then aged about 18 years John Treacy Eldest son of the sd Patt Treacy of Paulstown the other Lessee therein named aged 5 years or thereabouts & Patrick Treacy Eldest son of James Tracy of Cavan [Carran Dunbell OR Tullaherin] in said Coy of Kilkenny farmer then aged 5 years or thereabouts



Summer 1819 - Fassadineen Barony [see also 1833]

John Staunton Rochford, Esq., and Andrew Tracy, to keep in repair for 7 Years, that part of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Connolly's Forge and the bounds of the County - 420 perches at 8d per perch per year. [paid 1824]


1821 Census Kilkenny


 By Area


Anty Treacy, 11, sister, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


Catherine Treacy, 13, sister, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


Denis Treacy, 11, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Denis Treacy, 14, brother, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


James Treacy, 33, farmer 15 & 4.5 acres, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

James Treacy, 5, son,  Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

John Treacy, 10, Brother, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

John Treacy, 4, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


Margaret Treacy, 40, wife, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Mary Treacy, 19, sister, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Mary Treacy, 28, wife, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


Patt Treacy, 42, farmer, 15 & 4.5 acres, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


Simon Treacy, 28, brother, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


Thomas Treacy, 13, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


William Treacy, 7, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


(1821 Census returns in the Carrigan Manuscripts)


James Treacy, 33, farmer 15 & 4.5 acres, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Mary Treacy, 28, wife, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Simon Treacy, 28, brother, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Mary Treacy, 19, sister, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Denis Treacy, 14, brother, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Catherine Treacy, 13, sister, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Anty Treacy, 11, sister, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

John Treacy, 10, Brother, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny


Patt Treacy, 42, farmer, 15 & 4.5 acres, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Margaret Treacy, 40, wife, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Thomas Treacy, 13, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

Denis Treacy, 11, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

William Treacy, 7, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

James Treacy, 5, son,  Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny

John Treacy, 4, son, Kilcurl (Anglesy), Knocktopher parish, Kilkenny



2 April 1823 (F) County and City of Kilkenny Assizes

Catherine Treacy - stealing cloth from Mat. Fogarty - six moths imprisonment in the house of correction.


British War Office

James Tracey b. Freshford, Kilkenny enl. 1/21st 1823. Died St Vincent 1824. Brother John in regt.

John Tracey b. Freshford, Kilkenny 1/21st enl. in 1823 with brother James


25 August 1824 (F) Kilkenny Assisses - Murder of Long, the Process Server.

...murder of Edmond Long, at Rahely, on the 16th March last...went to Sackinaguess, part of Rahely...Delany was not at the murder as he was at walshe's house; did say Tracy struck him...


1824 - Pigot & Co.'s Directory

John Tracey, Thomastown, Kilkenny. Leather Seller


1824 House of Lords Papers

Co. Kilkenny. A list of persons tried for murder at Lent Assizes 1824

Patrick Bannon, Like [not guilty]

Patrick Quinn, Like [not guilty]

Edward Treacy, Like [not guilty]

James Kelly, Guilty, to be hanged 1st April, and body dissected.

Vol. 172 (1824). 1801-1833 House of Lords - The Sessional Papers


1824 Gowran Barony

...to repair the ruts on 769 perches of road from Kilkenny to Gowran, between Freestone Hill and the Widow Tracy's house in Gowran...


1825 Spring Assizes City Kilkenny

Schedule of arrear...Saint Mary's Parish...King street Tracy 2s...


June 14 1826 Fees Vicars General - Diocese of Ossory

In the goods of W. Treacy, deceased, intestate...Lawson...


1826 Denis Tracy, Killcurril, Co. Kilkenny (290 I) (Intestate?)


May 7, 1828 The Kilkenny Independent Wednesday

Catholic Association

Per P.L. Behan, Esq. the subscription of James Treacy, Esq £1/0/0


British War Office

Edmund Tracy b. 1810 Gowran, Kilkenny HEIC Artillery deserted 1829 labourer FMP


31 Mar 1828 and 28 Mar 1843 Memorial No: 184313275

indenture 4 parts of Butler, Marquess of Ormond, Estates naming many tenants

James Treacy of West or Upper Frankfort [Killamery Callan Kilkenny]. Garryricken General Estate Lease rent in deed. [James Frany? West Frankford in Tithe Records 1828]


Bytown on 5 February 1829 - The McCabe List: Early Irish in the Ottawa Valley

(137) Dennis Tracey (X) Kilkenny Tibrone (Tibrone?) -/-/- [Tullarone???]

His father John, residing with a family in the same county and town from whence Dennis came; they are known to Captain St. George of Freshford


1824-1825 Irish to Canada 

Dennis Tracey of Tilrone Kilkenny (The parish and town could refer to Tullaroan in County Kilkenny)

His father John, residing in Ireland with a family in the same county and town from where Dennis came; they are known to Captain John George of Freshford.


May 7 1830 Fees Vicars General - Diocese of Ossory

In the goods of Ml. Treacy, deceased...


Summer 1830 Assizes


John Treacy, Guard Lane, St. Mary’s Parish, house unoccupied £0.0.6


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Andrew Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834

Anne Tracey [reps], Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823

Anty Tracy, Lisdowney, Aharney, Kilkenny, 1830


Danl Tracy [& brother], Conahy, Grangemaccomb, Dublin [Kilkenny], 1834


Edmd Tracy [& Martin Walsh], Ruppa, Columbkille, Kilkenny, 1833

Edmd Tracy [& Martin Walsh], Ruppa, Columbkille, Kilkenny, 1833

Edmd Tracy, Ruppa, Columbkille, Kilkenny, 1833 [1839]

Edmd Treacy, Boggan, Tullaroan, Kilkenny, 1833

Edward Tracy [Wd Quaily], Barna, Freshford [Clomantagh], Kilkenny, 1826

Edward Tracy, Barna, Clomantagh, Kilkenny, 1827


James Tracey, Jerpoint West, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny, 1833

James Tracy, Derrynahinch, Derrynahinch, Kilkenny, 1830

James Tracy, Fiddown, Fiddown, Kilkenny, 1828

James Treacy, Blanchvilleskill, Glenogra, Limerick, [Blanchvilleskill Gowran Kilkenny] 1835

Jams Treacy, Ballydaniel, Ballylannan, Wexford [Ballylinch Kilkenny], 1827

Jno Treacy [& others], Abbey Terpoint, Jerpointabbey, Kilkenny, 1834

John Treacy, Watree, Glenogra, Limerick, [Watree Gowran Kilkenny] 1835

John Treacy, Watree, Glenogra, Limerick, [Watree Gowran Kilkenny] 1835 [Copy]


Margaret Treacy, Gowran, Glenogra, Limerick, [Gowran Gowran Kilkenny] 1835

Martin Tracy, Crossouge Estate of Henry Hood, Tiscoffin, Kilkenny, 1833

Martin Tracy, Crossouge, Tiscoffin, Kilkenny, 1833

Michael & Mary Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michael Tracey, Lowgrange, Grangesilvia, Kilkenny, 1829

Michael Tracy, Fiddown, Fiddown, Kilkenny, 1828

Michael Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl & Mary Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl & Mary Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Nancy Treacy, Flagmount, Glenogra, Limerick, 1835 [Flagmount, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny, 1826?]

Patrick Treacy, Kilkurrell, Kilkerrin [Kilcurl Knocktopher], Kilkenny, 1835


Richd Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834

Richd Tracy, Grange McCombe, Grangemaccomb, Dublin [Kilkenny], 1834

Richd Treacy, Abbey Terpoint, Jerpointabbey, Kilkenny, 1834

Robert Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834


Thomas Tracy [& Reps of James Brennan], Kellymount, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Thomas Treacy [& John Peice], Knockadeen [?], Kilmacahill, Kilkenny, 1833

Thomas Treacy [& john Pierc], Knockadeen [?], Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Thomas Reacy [Treacy & John Peice] Knockadeen [?], Kilmacahill, Kilkenny, 1833

Thoms Treacy, Ballydaniel, Ballylannan, Wexford, [Ballylinch Kilkenny] 1827

Thos Tracey, Jerpoint West, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny, 1833

Thos Tracy & Widow Tracy, Island of Urlingford, Urlingford, Kilkenny, 1833 [1834]

Thos Treacy & others, Kellymount, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Thos Treacy [& others], Abbey Terpoint, Jerpointabbey, Kilkenny, 1834


Tracy [& Dalton], Curragh, Lismateige, Kilkenny, 1833

Tracy [wd], Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834

Tracy [widow], Garrylawn, Enniskeen, Meath [Garrylaun Erke, Kilkenny], 1827


William Tracey, Coolbawn [Coolbaun], Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823 [twice]

William Treacy, Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823

Willm & Pat Tracy, Conahy, Grangemaccomb, Dublin [Kilkenny], 1834



Anty Tracy, Lisdowney, Aharney, Kilkenny, 1830


Jams Treacy, Ballydaniel, Ballylannan, Wexford [Ballylinch Kilkenny], 1827

Thoms Treacy, Ballydaniel, Ballylannan, Wexford, [Ballylinch Kilkenny] 1827


Anne Tracey [reps], Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823

William Tracey, Coolbawn [Coolbaun], Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823 [twice]

William Treacy, Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823


Edward Tracy [Wd Quaily], Barna, Freshford [Clomantagh], Kilkenny, 1826

Edward Tracy, Barna, Clomantagh, Kilkenny, 1827


Edmd Tracy [& Martin Walsh], Ruppa, Columbkille, Kilkenny, 1833

Edmd Tracy [& Martin Walsh], Ruppa, Columbkille, Kilkenny, 1833

Edmd Tracy, Ruppa, Columbkille, Kilkenny, 1833 [1839]


James Tracy, Derrynahinch, Derrynahinch, Kilkenny, 1830


Andrew Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834

Richd Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834

Robert Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834

Tracy [wd], Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834


Tracy [widow], Garrylawn, Enniskeen, Meath [Garrylaun Erke, Kilkenny], 1827


James Tracy, Fiddown, Fiddown, Kilkenny, 1828

Michael Tracy, Fiddown, Fiddown, Kilkenny, 1828


James Treacy, Blanchvilleskill, Glenogra, Limerick, [Blanchvilleskill Gowran Kilkenny] 1835

John Treacy, Watree, Glenogra, Limerick, [Watree Gowran Kilkenny] 1835

John Treacy, Watree, Glenogra, Limerick, [Watree Gowran Kilkenny] 1835 [Copy]

Margaret Treacy, Gowran, Glenogra, Limerick, [Gowran Gowran Kilkenny] 1835

Nancy Treacy, Flagmount, Glenogra, Limerick, 1835 [Flagmount, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny, 1826?]


Danl Tracy [& brother], Conahy, Grangemaccomb, Dublin [Kilkenny], 1834

Richd Tracy, Grange McCombe, Grangemaccomb, Dublin [Kilkenny], 1834

Willm & Pat Tracy, Conahy, Grangemaccomb, Dublin [Kilkenny], 1834


Michael Tracey, Lowgrange, Grangesilvia, Kilkenny, 1829


Jno Treacy [& others], Abbey Terpoint, Jerpointabbey, Kilkenny, 1834

Richd Treacy, Abbey Terpoint, Jerpointabbey, Kilkenny, 1834

Thos Treacy [& others], Abbey Terpoint, Jerpointabbey, Kilkenny, 1834


James Tracey, Jerpoint West, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny, 1833

Thos Tracey, Jerpoint West, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny, 1833


Thomas Treacy [& John Peice], Knockadeen [?], Kilmacahill, Kilkenny, 1833

Thomas Reacy [Treacy & John Peice] Knockadeen [?], Kilmacahill, Kilkenny, 1833


Patrick Treacy, Kilkurrell, Kilkerrin [Kilcurl Knocktopher], Kilkenny, 1835


Tracy [& Dalton], Curragh, Lismateige, Kilkenny, 1833


Michael Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl & Mary Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl & Mary Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michl Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Michael & Mary Treacy, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Thomas Treacy [& john Pierc], Knockadeen, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Thos Treacy & others, Kellymount, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834

Thomas Tracy [& Reps of James Brennan], Kellymount, Shankill, Kilkenny, 1834


Martin Tracy, Crossouge Estate of Henry Hood, Tiscoffin, Kilkenny, 1833

Martin Tracy, Crossouge, Tiscoffin, Kilkenny, 1833


Edmd Treacy, Boggan, Tullaroan, Kilkenny, 1833


Thos Tracy & Widow Tracy, Island of Urlingford, Urlingford, Kilkenny, 1833 [1834]


1831 Tithe Defaulter


By Area

Ann Tracy, Common Bog, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny.


Anty Tracy, Farmer, Lisdowney, Aharney, Co. Kilkenny.

Daniel Tracy, Farmer, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.


Edward Tracy, Farmer, Montablouchemine, Tubbridbritain, Co. Kilkenny.

Edward Treacy, Newtown, Co. Kilkenny.


James Tracy, Derrynahinch, Co. Kilkenny.

James Tracy, Farmer, Ballydaniel, Ballyinch, Co. Kilkenny.

James Treasey, Kilcurl, Knockopher, Co. Kilkenny.


John Tracy, Farmer, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.

John Tracy, Farmer, Knockadeen, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

John Tracy, Shoemaker, Thomastown, Jerpoint, Co. Kilkenny.

John Treacy, Farmer, Knockardeen, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.


Margaret Tracy, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny.


Mary Treacy, Farmer, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.


Michael Tracy, Farmer, Low Grange, Grangesilvia, Co. Kilkenny.

Michael Treacy, Farmer, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.


Pat Tracy, Farmer, Garryduff, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Patrick Treasey, Kilcurl, Knockopher, Co. Kilkenny.

Patt Tracy, Farmer, Caron, Dunbell, Co. Kilkenny.

Patt Tracy, Farmer, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.

Patt Tracy, Farmer, Lismatigue, Co. Kilkenny.


Philip Treacy, Newtown, Cranagh, Co. Kilkenny.


Pierce Tracy, Farmer, Knockadeen, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Pierce Treacy, Knockardeen, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.


Richard Tracey, Farmer, Kiljames, Columbkille, Co. Kilkenny.

Richard Tracy, Farmer, Grange McComb, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.


Simon Tracy, Farmer, Ballymagill, Listerlin, Co. Kilkenny.


Thomas Tracy, Carpenter, Ballydaniel, Ballylinch, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Knockadeen, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Labourer, Garryduff, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Thomastown, Jerpoinytabby, Co. Kilkenny.


William Tracy, Schoolmaster, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.

Anty Tracy, Farmer, Lisdowney, Aharney, Co. Kilkenny.


James Tracy, Farmer, Ballydaniel, Ballyinch, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Carpenter, Ballydaniel, Ballylinch, Co. Kilkenny.


Richard Tracey, Farmer, Kiljames, Columbkille, Co. Kilkenny.


Philip Treacy, Newtown, Cranagh, Co. Kilkenny.


James Tracy, Derrynahinch, Co. Kilkenny.


Patt Tracy, Farmer, Caron, Dunbell, Co. Kilkenny.


Ann Tracy, Common Bog, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny.

Margaret Tracy, Gowran, Co. Kilkenny.


Daniel Tracy, Farmer, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.

John Tracy, Farmer, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.

Patt Tracy, Farmer, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.

Richard Tracy, Farmer, Grange McComb, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.

William Tracy, Schoolmaster, Conohy, Grangemaccomb, Co. Kilkenny.


Michael Tracy, Farmer, Low Grange, Grangesilvia, Co. Kilkenny.


John Tracy, Shoemaker, Thomastown, Jerpoint, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Thomastown, Jerpoinytabby, Co. Kilkenny.


John Tracy, Farmer, Knockadeen, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Pat Tracy, Farmer, Garryduff, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Pierce Tracy, Farmer, Knockadeen, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Knockadeen, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.

Thomas Tracy, Labourer, Garryduff, Kilmacahill, Co. Kilkenny.


James Treasey, Kilcurl, Knockopher, Co. Kilkenny.

Patrick Treasey, Kilcurl, Knockopher, Co. Kilkenny.


Patt Tracy, Farmer, Lismatigue, Co. Kilkenny.


Simon Tracy, Farmer, Ballymagill, Listerlin, Co. Kilkenny.


Edward Treacy, Newtown, Co. Kilkenny.


John Treacy, Farmer, Knockardeen, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.

Mary Treacy, Farmer, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.

Michael Treacy, Farmer, Ballyvalden, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.

Pierce Treacy, Knockardeen, Shankill, Co. Kilkenny.


Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny.


Edward Tracy, Farmer, Montablouchemine, Tubbridbritain, Co. Kilkenny.



1831 The Carrickshock Incident

James Treacy (Trassy), 20 years old shot dead in the Tithe protest.

One of his nephews was the Very Reverend Canon Patrick Treacy, parish priest of Connahy, Co. Kilkenny, who was the featured guest and speaker at numerous Carrickshock commemoration ceremonies. Canon Treacy also headed the local memorial committee. Another nephew, John Treacy, lived at the large family house in Kilkurl through the 1920s and served alongside his brother on the committee.

Gary Owens (2004) The Carrickshock Incident, 1831: Social Memory and an Irish cause celebre. Cultural and Social History 2004; 1: 36–64

[See Traceys of Kilkenny – Page 2 for further information]


February 21, 1832 (FJ) [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

We regret to say that a party of miscreants a few nights back attacked the house of Mr. Thomas Tracy, of Bellmount in the county of Kilkenny, and about six miles from Carlow. Mr Tracy was at first inclined to resist them, which he could successfully have done; but through feelings of humanity he desisted, and all remonstrance proving unavailable he was robbed of his arms. Mr. Tracy is a liberal protestant, and is, to our knowledge, a man of high character, for kindness of disposition, and usefulness in his neighbourhood, and has everbeen hostile to everything calculated to oppress the people. - Carlow Morning Post


3 Dec 1832-10 Dec 1832

Letter from Rev Edward George Armstrong, Rector of Listerlin, Listerlin Glebe, [County Kilkenny], to Sir William Gosset, [Under Secretary], reporting on outrages in his parish including arson attacks to farm buildings and livestock of William Farrestal, Joseph Gaul, Henry Rinhart and Simon Tracy and intimidation of George Leitch by a group calling themselves the ‘Regular Boys of Ireland’; requesting that additional police be sent to the area.

5 items; 10pp CSO/RP/1832/5896

15 December 1832 Wexford Conservative

From the Kilkenny Moderator...On the night of the 5th, a small hut, which had been fittedf up by Simon Treacy, of Listerlin, was set on fire and consumed. We announced the destruction of Treacy's dwelling by fire a few days sionce, and of his cow being shot by the Whitefeet, because he neglected to give up his farm when ordered to do so.

5 January 1833 Wexford Conservative

On the same night [26th ult] a cow belonging to Simon Tracy, of Ballymagill, was shot dead and another so badly wounded as to oblige its owner to kill the animal.

13 March 1833 Wexford Conservative

(From the Kilkenny Moderate)…On Friday night an armed party visited a man named Doolan, residing on the lands of Ballymagill, and ordered him to give up a small portion of ground which he rented from Simon Tracy. The party fired several shots about Doolan's house.

Spring 1833 General Assizes

Grand Jury Orders - Knocktopher Barony
Parish of Kilbeacon
To Simon Treacy, to compensate him for his Dwelling-House, &c. &c. which was maliciously burned, 7 Wm. 3, c. 21 ; 9 Wm 3, c 9 ; and 19 and 20 Geo. 3, c. 37, .....£63 18s 6d

11 Oct 1833

Damp press copy letter from Edward John Littleton, [Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle], to [Sir John] Harvey, [Inspector General], Dublin, referring to a request from Mr [P?] for police protection for Simon Tracy whose property was destroyed and who received a threatening notice [no place given].

1 item; 1p CSO/RP/1833/4884


Simon Treacy, 1835, Ossory Diocese will. Exec: A Treacy, Ballymagilligilly, (Ballymackillagill, Listerin, Co. Kilkenny). IAR/1835/F/37.


March 28, 1833 (FJ)/ 30 Mar 1833 The Times (London) Conduct of the Police - Tithes

...[injured] John Stack of Jerpoint Abbey...Fortunately for him, he was met on the way by Mr. R. Tracy, of Kilmurry, who lent him the use of his car to bring him into town [Kilkenny]...(Kilkenny Journal)


12 June 1833 Votes and Proceedings House of Commons

8. Tithes (Ireland) - Petition of Patrick Tracey, complaining of the employment of the Act for suppressing Local disturbances and Dangerous Associations in Ireland in the collection of Tithes; to lie on Table.

Enforcement of Tithes (Ireland) HC Deb 12 June 1833 vol 18 cc599-607 599

The petition of Patrick Tracey, in the county of Kilkenny…The petitioner stated, that on Tuesday, the 16th of April last, he was in bed, at his residence, and that in the same House were his brother-in-law, Cahinn, and Cahinn's wife and sister…


June 15, 1833 (FJ) House of Lords

Enforcement of Tithes in Ireland. Colonel Butler said he had to present a petition of the utmost importance, although coming from an private individual...Patrick Treacy, in the county of Kilkenny...


British War Office –Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

James Tracey born Kilkenny, Kilkenny. Served in 74th Foot Regiment; Surrey Militia Discharged aged 39, 1833-1854 [b. 1815] [Sergeant Highland Light Infantry - 71st & 74th Foot No.1008]

James Tracey, b. ? Kilkenny, Kilkenny

James Tracy b.1815 St James, Kilkenny 74th till 1854, Surrey Militia 1833 – 1854 b. Elphin, Roscommon 1817?

James Tracey b.1817 Aughrim, Roscommon 2/1st Foot.Alias James Bruan. Deserted 186 and 1840 Labourer FMP


Spring 1833 General Assizes

John S. Rockfort Esq and Andrew Treacy

To keep in repair for three years, that part of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Connolly’s forge and the bounds of the County – 532 perches, at 6d per perch by the year.

Grand Jury Orders - Knocktopher Barony
Parish of Kilbeacon
To Simon Treacy, to compensate him for his Dwelling-House, &c. &c. which was maliciously burned, 7 Wm. 3, c. 21 ; 9 Wm 3, c 9 ; and 19 and 20 Geo. 3, c. 37, .....£63 18s 6d

Spring 1834 General Assizes

Cranagh Barony

To Robert St George, Robert Neville Esqs, Mr Robert Mason and Edmond Treacy, to repair 226 perches of the road from Kilkenny to Killenaule, between the bounds of Boggin and John Holahan's house at Blanchfieldsbog, at 2s per perch, £22.12s, wages £1.2s.7d, stamps 6s2d...£12.0.9

Fassadineen Barony

A list of Cess-payers

Andrew Tracy, Belmont

Contractors’ Roads

To John Staunton Rockfort Esq and Andrew Treacy, contractors, for having kept in repair for one year, 532 perches of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Conolly’s forge and the bounds of the County, £13s. 6s., stamp 2s 1d - £13 8s 1d.

Gowran Barony

Gowran Parish Arrear

James Treacy 3s 6d

Knocktopher Barony

To John Flood, Esq. and Patrick Treacy. to fill ruts on 498 perches of the road from Kilkenny to waterford, between the little bridge near Knocktopher and the lane leading to Ballagh at 6d per perch, £12.9s., wages 12s5d., stamps 4s2d...£13.5.7.

Summer 1834 General Assizes

 Fassadineen Barony

A list of Cess-payers

Andrew Treacy, Belmont

Spring 1835 General Assizes

Fassadineen Barony

A list of Cess-payers

Andrew Tracy, Belmont

Contractors’ Roads

To Mr. Andrew Treacy, one of contractors, for having kept in repair for half a year, 532 perches of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Conolly’s forge and the bounds of the County, 6l 13s. stamp 2s 1d same act and sect £6 15s 1d.

Cranagh Barony

Same date [Oct 22 1834] Edm Treacy's receipt £24.0.9

Summer 1835 General Assizes

To Mr. Andrew Treacy Contractor £6 15s. 1d.

Shearman T (1833-5) County of Kilkenny at a General Assizes

Spring 1836 Assizes

Fassadineen Barony

Contractors’ Roads

To Mr. Andrew Treacy, one of contractors, for having kept in repair for half a year, 532 perches of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Conolly’s forge and the bounds of the County, £13 6s, stamp 2s 1d same act and sect £13 8s 1d.

To Mr. Andrew Treacy Contractor £6 15s. 1d.

Spring 1837

Fassadineen Barony

Securities…Andrew Tracy, Belmont

Andrew Treacy…To keep in repair for seven years, 480 perches of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between John Brennan’s house at Coon and the bounds of the county at Bilboa, at 1s per perch for the first year, and 6d per perch for 6 years.

Summer Assizes 1837

Knocktoper Barony


Patrick Treacy, Kilcurran

Spring Assizes 1838

…To keep in repair for five years, 43 perches of the road from Kilkenny to Carlow, between Jas. Nowlan’s house in Gowran and Mrs. Treacey’s house at same, at 2s per perch the first year and 1s per perch for 4 years…

Spring Assizes 1841

…Securites: Edmond Treacy of same [Kiljames]…

Spring Assizes 1842

To Daniel Hickey, to keep in repair for half a year, 43 perches of the road leading from Kilkenny to Carlow, between James Nowlan's house in Gowran and Mrs. Treacy's house at same, at Is per perch per year

1843 Spring Assizes

Repairing a Bridge

To Nicholas Comerford, to repair a small bridge at Cruttenclough, near Andrew Treacy's house, on the raod from Kilkenny to Carlow


Simon Treacy, 1835, Ossory Diocese will. Exec: A Treacy, Ballymagilligilly, (Ballymackillagill, Co. Kilkenny?). IAR/1835/F/37.


October 1835 Kilkenny Journal

Patrick Dowling, (Nicholas) James Tone, Patrick Dowling (the Lodge) Thomas Cullen, Thomas Trassy and Patrick Comerford were indicted for a riot at Tullaroan on the 20th day of September last, they were also indicted under the statute for the assult on James Quigley, common assult on James Purtil, Edmond Pural and John Dowling Purtil, for breaking the window of John Smith's house and Patrick Dowling (Nicholas) for an assult on James McIntosh police constable...James Quigly marriage celebration in John Smiths house...Patrick Dowling (the Lodge) and Thomas Trassy to be confined 12 months, one week in each month to hard labour and the last week to solitory confinement and to give security to keep the peace for 7 years...

29 October 1835 (FJ) County Quarter Sessions (from the Kilkenny Journal)

Patrick Dowling, (Nicholas) James Tone, Patrick Dowling (the Lodge) Thomas Cullen, Thomas Trassy, and Patrick Comerford, were indicted for a riot at Tullaroan, on the 20th day of September last - they were also indicted under the statute, for an assult on James Quigly - for a common assult on Jmaes Pural, Edmond Pural, and John Dowling Pural - for breaking the window of John Smith's house and Patrick Dowling (Nicholas) for an assult on James McIntosh, one of the police while in the execution of his office as police constable on that day.

Nov 10, 1835 (BL) Kilkenny Quarter Sessions

...six men were tried...including the assault on Police at Tulleroan on the sabbath day...Pat Dowling and Thos Tracy to be confined 12 months each...


1835 State of religious and other instruction now existing in Ireland

Diocese of Ossory

Gowran. Gowran. Day school kept by Francis Tracy. Spupported by contributions and £5 from the rector per annum; payments of the children from 1d to 3d per week. Males 3 Females 1. Diminishing attandence. Reading and writting.


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

John Tracy, b. 1821 Kilkenny Kilkenny


British War Office

William Tracey b.1817 Eresk, Kilkenny 38th Foot deserted 1836 & 37 labourer FMP


02 July 1836 Wexford Independent

[Letter of Rev James Maher]...County of Kilkenny to wit: James Brenan and Martin Treacy, both of Ballyvalden...make oath and say...as they returned home from being at Mass at the chapel of Paulstown...Whitefeet...two persons whom they delivered into the custody of the police...


1836 Albany Co New York naturalization petitions for Irish born

John Tracy, 34, b. Kilkenny, left from Waterford, Albany Nov 7


1838 Albany Co New York naturalization petitions for Irish born

Dennis Tracy, 27, b. Kilkenny, left from Waterford, Albany Nov 6



1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland

Martin Tracy, 1838, Shiffin, Kilkenny

Mr Tracey, 1836, Muckalle, Kilkenny

Pat Tracey, 1839, Gouran, Kilkenny


18 March 1837 Wexford Conservative

Kilkenny Assizes...City Court...Judith Tracy and Mary Ryan for stealing money from Edward Quinlan on the 14th January. Guilty - to be imprisoned 12 months and kept to hard labour.






Trial Place



Native Place


Marital Status

Trade or Calling



Death Place

Judith Tracey



Whitby [1839]


Kilkenny City



Kilkenny Co

Picking pockets


Childrens maid




Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

SURNAME: Tracey or Treacy 


AGE:  21              

PLACE OF TRIAL: Kilkenny City                 

TRIAL DATE: 08/10/1838

CRIME DESCRIPTION: Larceny of 1s 4d

SENTENCE: Transportation 7 yrs


COMMENTS: Convict detained at Grangeforman Gaol, 10/01/1839


COMMENTS: Convicts widowed mother and family are dependant on her support.

John Kidd kept a Medical Journal from 5 February to 2 July 1839. The first case he dealt with was of eighteen year old Eliza cKey who was treated for hysteria on 9th February, before the ship even set sail. Judith Tracey, a thin delicate woman aged 24 was also treated while the ship still lay in Kingstown Harbour.


Folio 2: case no 4, Judith [May?], aged 24, convict; sick or hurt, bowel complaint; put on sick list 11 February 1839, discharged 8 April 1839.



24 March 1837 (FJ) Justice Rent

From the united parishes of Clemento and Tubid, Co. Kilkenny...Edmund Tracy...2s.6d...


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Edward Tracey, enlisted 6 Jun 1867 Chicago Ill by Capt Christopher for 3 years, born Co Kilkenny Ireland, 27 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, dark complexion, 5’6.5”, 23 Inf, C coy, Dis Aug 26 1867

John Tracey, 22 years, hazel eyes, dk brown hair, fair complexion, 5’10”, born Kilkenny Ireland, blacksmith, enlisted June 10 1837 at Boston by Lt Dex, deserted 10 July 37


1838 Report Wandesforde Estate

Even in such an impoverished area of east Croghtenclogh Anne Tracy, lessor of 187 acres described as a “mountain farm”, had improved the land and “built a good house”.

Nolan, William (1979) Fassadinin. Land, Settlement and Society in Southest Ireland 1600-1850. Geography Publications, Dublin. Pp.131


1838 The Catholic Directory, Ecclasiastical Register, and Almanac

Diocese of Ossory

Chapter – Treasurer: Rev. Wm. Tracey.

Northern District

Wm. Tracey, Parish priest, Rathdowney

Diocess of Dromore


Convent Sacred Institute of Saint Clare - Mother Abbess is Mrs. MM Tracy.

Diocess of Kildare and Leighlin

Wm Tracy, Curate Kilcock

F Tracy, Curate Ballyfin

Felix Tracy, Curate, Mountmellick

Diocess of Killaloe

Patrick Tracy, Parish Priest, Toomgreary, Scariff


1839 Reports from Select Committees

Kings County Gaol [Tummamore Offaly]

Patrick Tracey, assault and riot, Do [convicted 9th March 1838], Do [assizes], Three months from committal

Andrew Tracey, do [assault and riot], Do [convicted 9th March 1838], Do [assizes], Do [Three months from committal]

Kilkenny Gaol

Thomas Treacy & Patrick Dowling (Lodge), Riot and assualt under the statute and assaults, convicted 23rd October 1835, at Quarter Sessions, Commutation: imprisonments nearly expired and recommended by the Local Authorities for good conduct

Tipperary Clonmel Gaol

Michael Treacy, Do [breach of the Excise Laws], Do [tried by Samuel Cooper Esquire J.P. 20th Ju5e 1836], fined £6 or confined 3 months, discharged 10 August 1836, Do [Good conduct during imprisonment [with John Lyons?] [discharged by the Lord Lieutenant on his visit to the Gaol of Clonmell on the 6th August 1836)

Pat Treacy, receiving stolen goods, Thurles sessions 19 October 1837, confined twelve months, 25th May 1838

Patrick Treacy, Do [Thurles Quarter sessions, 19 October 1837, Do [12 months at hard labour], discharged 25 May 1838

Westmeath Goal

Hugh Treacy, discharged 1 April 1837


1841 RIC Sevice

John Tracy, 4325, b. 1821 Kilkenny

4325 Jno Tracy, 20 years, 5'8.75", b. Kilk, Catholic, recommended by W. Delany J.P., appointed 21 Nov 1841, served Kild Cavan Donegal to 7 Aug '55, PIS Con - PA Con 1 Mar '53 - Con 1 Aug '59, Pensioned 1 June 73, served 31 years 6 months, pension £36.0.0


March 17, 1842 (FJ) The Riot in Kilkenny - Carlow Election

...Andrew Mahony, John Tracy, Patrick Byrne, James Kelly, Patrick Doolan and Simon Kemple...riot in Kilkenny city...assulting Mr. Beattie and Captain Terry...Bush Hotel, porter called John Tracy...four months hard labour...-Kilkenny Journal

26 March 1842 (TH) Kilkenny/Carlow

The trials of Andrew Mahony, John Tracy, Pat Byrne, James Kelly and Patrick Dowling, for riot and assult, committed in Kilkenny, during the last contested election for the county Carlow, took place on Saturday. They were all convicted and sentenced - Treacy, Kelly and Dowling, to be imprisoned four months each with hard labour - Byrne, three months and hard labour, - and Mahony, three months.


July 4, 1842 (FJ) Shooting with intent to Kill [from Freshford]

...at Carrickagowran [Kilkenny?] assulted George M'Donnell...John Hogan examined - He lived at Carrickagowran...Honor Tracy, a servant...


April 24, 1843 (FJ) (From the Kilkenny Journal)

On Wednesday evening Delany from Thurles gaol, and a second Tracy (another having been secured before) were marched into Kilkenny, whence they proceed on their way to the Castle of Dublin, under a strong escort. It is said that Delany has confessed no fewer than thirteen murders...murder of Mortimer or Hoynes...

May 15, 1843 (FJ) The Hoyne Murder

A man named Hogan, a deserter, charged with being an associate with Delany, Tracy, &c., in the recent murders, was arrested at Edmonsberry...Eirke Station...- Kilkenny Journal

August 2, 1843 (FJ) The Murder of Lawrence Hoyne

It being generally known that it was the intention of the crown to try, for the second time, Thomas Downey and Michael Mullins...Also, that since the trial they (the prisoners) learned that William Carroll, a prisoner in Carlow gaol, and James Tracy, residing in the same county, were important and material witnesses on their behalf...

2 August 1843 (NG)

...Rathculbin...Nolan sold his interest to Hoyne for £50...raised rents to reimburse himself...Philip Murphy...remembers the fair day of Kilkenny, in March last, knows the public house of the widow Walsh in John street...brought there by persons named Tracy, Walsh and Mullins...went for the fire arms at Tracy's house, but he being at work they could not get them until evening...They got three pistols and some powder...

12 August 1843 Wexford Conservative

Kilkenny Adjourned Assises - Crown Court August 7...(From the Kilkenny Moderator)...Delany had been previously at the house of a man named Philip Murphy...were he was interdouced by one of the conspirators (Thomas Tracey)...Tracey undertaking to supply the firearms for the purpose and to bring them to the house of the prisoner, Downey...Tracey, according to promise, produced the three pistols and brought them to Downey's house at dusk...

August 10, 1843 (FJ) Kilkenny Assizes

...Kilkenny Fair...Sentence of death was passed on Tracy, and the other two convicts, Mullins and Downey.

12 August 1843 (N) Kilkenny Assizes - Conspiracy to Murder

Michael Comerford and Thomas Tracy charged with inciting and conspiring with Michael Mullins to kill and murder Laurence Hoyne [over a farm and mills at Rathcublin/Rathculbin]. The chief conspirator named Downey had been convicted on the previous day. With regard to Tracy, a statement of his own would have alone proven his guilt, and when arrested he wanted to become approver. Thomas Tracy was found quilty. At present death would be recorded, and if any commutation of the sentence were to take place it could only be to that of transportation for life. - Correspondent of Saunders.[see 5 Aug 1843 for report of previous trial]

19 August 1843 (TH)

Thomas Tracy was found guilty at Kilkenny assizes for conspiracy to murder Lawrence Hoyne...It is remarkable that seven men were arrested and all of them prayed the Crown to allow them to be approvers, but only three were made use of...

Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

Thomas Tracy (aged 26)                             

PLACE OF TRIAL: Co. Kilkenny                  

TRIAL DATE: 08/08/1843

CRIME DESCRIPTION: Conspiracy to murder

SENTENCE: Death commuted to Transportation for Life

DOCUMENT REFERENCES:  TR 5, p 95          CRF 1843 T 11

COMMENTS: Convict was detained at Kilmainham Gaol Co. Dublin, 21/08/1843

Tasmanian Archives  [71345]

Thomas Tracey [Roman Catholic, can read, labourer, 5'5.5", 26 years, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, hazel eyes]

Convict No: 71345

Voyage Ship: Duke of Richmond

Voyage No: 226

Arrival Date: 02 Jan 1844

Departure Date: 21 Sep 1843

Departure Port: Kingston

Transported for copspiracy to Murder...Convicted before for assult...Conspiracy to murder a boy named Welch. 6 weeks for Assault. "Single"...Gaol conduct. Good.

Report dated 24 Aug 1852 [released 29/8/52?]


On the 19th March 1850, he was refused permission to marry a fellow convict, Catherine Heenan (ship: Tasmania) CON52/1/3 p452

On the 7th July 1853 and 24 Oct 1853, he requested permission to marry Nora Bowling/Honora Boland (ship: Midlothian). July Comment: ??? 12 months in the colony 13/7/53. Recommended 11/11/53. (T May-Aug 1853.) October comment: must be 12 ??? in the colony. (T Aug-Dec 1853) CON52/1/6 

March 19, 1844 (FJ) Kilkenny Assizes

Murder of John Mortimer...Ballylarkin...Wm Delany, the approver...knowns Tracy, he lives at Kilrush...saw Thomas Dowling at Tracy's the night before Mr. Mortimer was killed...Thomas Tracy and Michael Tracy has some conversation...Michael Tracy suggested breaking into the house of Mr. Mortimer and killing him, but Thomas Tracy said that they would be known in Freshford, and an alarm might be given...murder of Hoyne...

23 March 1844 (N) Kilkenny Assizes 16th March

This was a case growing out of the relations between landlord and tenant. It appeared from the evidence of the approver, Wm. Delany, that he, with Laurence and Thomas Dowling, and another man named Tracy, had resolved to murder Mr. Mortimer, in order to prevent an ejectment being served on the Dowlings. The murder was effected with a pitchfork in the open day, within a few yards of the town of Freshford. The jury acquitted the Dowlings seeming to believe that it was the approver and Tracy, who were the real offenders.

July 18, 1844 (FJ) Caught at last

The trial of Michael and John Tracy took place in the county quarter sessions on Friday last. They were found guilty of stealing away and killing a lamb, the property of Mr. Renehan of Killashulan. [Killoshulan] The Assistant-Barrister, N.P. O'Gorman, Esq., sentenced each of them to transportation for ten years. These unfortunate convicts and their gang have disturbed the peace of this county for a considerable length of time. The murder of Hoyne was committed by assassins sent from their house; and it has been proved that they managed and directed the murder of Mortimer also. Their house has been a rendezvous for desparate and abandoned characters, who lived on stolen mutton and plunder of every kind. It is said that the landlord has given directions to have this abomination levelled with the ground. - Kilkenny Herald.

20 July 1844 (TH) Caught at Last

The trial of Michael and John Tracy took place at the county quarter sessions on Friday last. They were found guilty of stealing ??? and killing a lamb, the property of Mr. Reachan[?] of Killashutan[?]. The Assistant-Barrister, NP O'Gorman Esq. sentenced each of them to transportation for ten years. These unfortunate convicts and their gang have disturbed the peace of this county for a considerable length of time. The murder of Hayne was committed by assassins sent from their house; and it has been proved that they managed and directed the murder of Mortimer also. Their house has been a rendezvous for desperate and abandoned characters, who lived on stolen mutton and plunder of every kind. -It is said the landlord has given directions to have this abomination levelled with the ground. - Kilkenny Journal

Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)

John Treacy (aged 15) & Michael Treacy (aged 23)

TRIAL DATE: 12/07/1844

PLACE OF TRIAL: Co. Kilkenny                  



SENTENCE: Transportation 10 yrs





PLACE OF IMPRISONMENT: Smithfield               

DOCUMENT DATE: 27/01/1845


Tasmanian Archives

John Tracy [R Catholic, cannot read or write, servant, 5'7.5", 17 years, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, hazel? eyes, freckled?]

Tasmanian Archives [71347] http://search.archives.tas.gov.au/ImageViewer/image_viewer.htm?CON33-1-69,220,201,C,80

Michael Tracy [Roman Catholic, read a little, field labourer, 5'5", 25 years, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, grey eyes, freckles?]

Tasmanian Archives [71348] http://search.archives.tas.gov.au/ImageViewer/image_viewer.htm?CON33-1-69,220,200,S,80

Ratcliffe (1)

Departure: London 19 May 1845

Arrival: 30 Aug 1845

[Comments for John:] Comment Transported for killing a lamb with intent to steal a part. Gaol report, remarkably good, single, stated this offence. Same as my Bro ??? 2yrs/11 single...Reported dated 10 February 1852 ??? approved.

[Comments For Michael:] Transported for killing a lamb with intent to steal a part. Gaol report remarkably good. Single, stated this offence...St? a lamb for Martin Fitzgernen? [Fitzgerald] County Kilkenny. Bro John same offience on board....24 Mar 54...Drunk & assaulting a Constable fined £3.5.0... [report dated] 12 July 1854...

Eighteen months to I.W. River? http://search.archives.tas.gov.au/ImageViewer/image_viewer.htm?CON27-1-11,166,28,C,80

Ident [page 1] [page 2]

Physical Description http://search.archives.tas.gov.au/ImageViewer/image_viewer.htm?CON18-1-43,237,213,C,80

Mary Tracey (aged 23)

Tasmanian Archives [71342]

Elizabeth & Henry (3)

Departure: London 13 Feb 1848

Arrival: 30 Jun 1848

Tasmanian Archives

322 Mary Tracey

Tried: Ruthin Sessions 29 June 1847 7 years [Ruthin Gaol North Wales?]

Arrived: 30th June 1848

P. R

Transported for: Stealing money from the huson? Gaol report unknown. Single 1 child Statup? this offence Stealing £10 Single one child Surgeons Report

Trade: Co Servant?, 5'4.5", 23 years...brown hair...dark hazel eyes...Native Place: Co. Kilkenny?

Marks: Upper blue dot lower left arm blue dot back of same hand.

24/9/53 ??? 7/12/53 to her husband George Hancock Collins ???

Certfree 7 July 1854 Herself...12/9/79 [last date]...



Mary Tracey, 5'4.5", 23 years, County Servant, Ruthin Sessions, 29 June 1847, 7 years, Native Place: Co. Kilkenny, Single, 1 child, Prot, Read, [brothers RC]

Mo: Mary                                                   } Ireland

Bro: Thomas Michael John Patrick            }

???: Anaestatia                                                          3 first brothers transported to this country

Steal £70 from John Gleenes? Manchester [Following text may not be connected] I lived? with Michael Lennet 4 yrs




June 6, 1844 (FJ) The Kilkenny Case

...Mr. Anson Floyd has made another attempt to prove a case of grievance against the people of Kilkenny...Mr. Smithwick...The Mail calls again for an investigation, being anxious, doubtless, to prove how badly that awful Mrs. Tracy has treated Mr. Floyd...


1844 Andrew Treacy, Bellmount, Kilkenny. (Prerogative Will) [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


WO97 Chelsea Pensioners' Service Records

Thomas Tracey, 18, Private, b. 1844 Kilkenny


1 March 1845 (N) O'Connell Tribute

...Ballyhale, county Kilkenny...Pat. Tracy...


Return of the Number of Persons Confined for Contempt of Court from March 1839

Patrick Treacy, Kilkenny County, committed 18 August 1846, by The Barrister, contempt, discharged 1 September 1846


British War Office

Stephen James Tracey, b. 1846 St. James Kilkenny, Kilkenny. Lancers - 9th (Queen's Royal). No. 1030. WO97 Chelsea


1846 RIC Service

Kyran Tracy, 8365, b. 1825 Kilkenny


8365 Kyran Tracy, 19 years, 5'10.7/8", b. Kilk, Catholic, recommended by Hd Cons Rierdon, labourer, appointed 18 Sep '46, served Res 0.3 - Tyrone 22 Dec '46, [no other details]


September 16, 1848 (FJ) Waterford/Kilkenny/Tipperary

...the police barrack [Portlaw] was attacked by a rebel party...a party of dragoons chased the rebels into the woods of Portlaw and Curraghmore and took eight prisoners...On the same day there was an attack on the police barrack at Glenbower near Carrick...six hundred rebels commanded by O'Mahony, took up all the arms they could find in the neighbourhood of Kilmacthomas along the mountain foot of Comeragh and marched to Rathgormac to attack anf burn the barrack...they killed a cow at the farm of H.W. Barron and had the head of it on one of the pikes; they shot two farmers named Tracey (tenants of Mr. Disney), who refused to give up their arms; one was shot through the head, the other through the breast...One man was shot dead on the spot and another died yesterday [12th September]...


April 7, 1849 (FJ) & September 18, 1849 (BL)

There is no remedy known equal to Holloway's Pills for the Cure of Asthma - Mr. Richard Treacy, of Belmount, Carlow [Kilkenny?] having derived so much benefit from the use of these pills...asthma...for the last fifteen or sixteen years...- (See Advertisement)


Patrick Tracy [from Ballingarry?]

Tasmanian Archives [71349]

Hyderabad (2)

Departure: Kingston 23 May 1849

Arrival: 26 Aug 1849

Patrick Tracey

Tried: Kilkenny 15 March 1848 7 years

Arrived: 20/8/49 R Catholic can read & write a little

Transported for: Stealing calves. Prison report ??? conviction conduct and character good. Single. Stated this offence - stealing 3 heifers. Single.

Trade: Miner. 5'6.5", [no age]...black hair...hazel eyes...Native place: Co. Tipperary. Small blue mark left cheek.

...Tried Hobart Town 2 Sept 1851 Burglary...transportation for life to be removed to Norfolk Island? and detained there for 15 years...[last date] 20.4.64


22040 Patrick Tracey, tried Kilkenny, 15 March 48, 5'6.5", 22 years age, 7 years, RC, Read/write, Single, ??? 3 heifers for Ally Lyons Co. Tipperary, Miner, Co. Tipperary, ??? ??? ???



Patk Tracey, 5-6.5...black hair...hazel eyes...small blue mark left cheek



1849 Albany NY Naturisations

John Treacy, 30, Co Kilkenny, Liverpool, Albany, Apr 3



Griffiths Valuation Kilkenny 1849-50


By area

Anastatia Tracey Ballymackillagill Listerlin Kilkenny


Andrew Tracey Stoneyford,Cotterrellsbooly T Stonecarthy Kilkenny

Andrew Tracy Baunmore Erke Kilkenny


Bartholomew Tracy Main Street Urlingford Kilkenny


Catherine Tracey Ballykenna Dysartmoon Kilkenny

Catherine Tracey Boggan Tullaroan Kilkenny

Catherine Tracy Ballyfasy Upper Kilbride Kilkenny


Denis Tracey Raheen Dunnamaggan Kilkenny

Denis Tracy Mungmacody Columbkille Kilkenny

Denis Tracy Ruppa Columbkille Kilkenny


Edmond Tracy Islands Urlingford Kilkenny

Edmond Tracy Mountfinn Urlingford Kilkenny


Edward Tracy Kiljames Lower Columbkille Kilkenny


George Tracy Ballyfasy Upper Kilbride Kilkenny


James Tracey Carran Dunbell Kilkenny

James Tracey Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny

James Tracy Chapel Street Fertagh Kilkenny

James Tracy Horse Barrack Lane,Roachpond St. Marys Kilkenny

James Treacy Connahy Grangemaccomb Kilkenny

James Treacy Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny

James Treacy Kilkeasy Kilkeasy Kilkenny

James Treacy Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny


John Tracey Freneystown Tiscoffin Kilkenny

John Tracey Johnswell Rathcoole Kilkenny

John Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny

John Tracy Islands Urlingford Kilkenny


Margaret Tracy Main Street Gowran Kilkenny


Martin Tracey Ballinvally Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Martin Tracey Ballyvalden Shankill Kilkenny

Martin Tracey Kellymount Shankill Kilkenny

Martin Tracey Kilrush Clomantagh Kilkenny


Mary Tracey Ballinvally Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Mary Tracey Derrynahinch Derrynahinch Kilkenny

Mary Tracey Garryduff Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Mary Treacy Ballyredding North Treadingstown Kilkenny

Mary Treacy Connahy Grangemaccomb Kilkenny


Michael Tracey Ballyvalden Shankill Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Fiddown Fiddown Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Flagmount North Gowran Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Grange Lower Grangesilvia Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Kellymount Shankill Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Main Street Gowran Kilkenny


Patrick Tracey Ballymackillagill Listerlin Kilkenny

Patrick Tracey Lismateige Lismateige Kilkenny

Patrick Tracy Grange Grangemaccomb Kilkenny

Patrick Tracy New Road Urlingford Kilkenny

Patrick Tracy Pigeonpark Danesfort Kilkenny

Patrick Treacey Lismateige Lismateige Kilkenny

Patrick Treacy Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny

Patrick Treacy Kingsmountain or Mylerstown Aghaviller Kilkenny

Patrick Treacy Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny


Peter Tracy Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny


Richard Tracy Blackbottom Killahy Kilkenny

Richard Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny

Richard Tracy Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny

Richard Tracy Grange Grangemaccomb Kilkenny


Robert Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny


Thomas Tracey Ballinvally Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey Castle Ellis Road Gowran Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey Garryduff Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny

Thomas Tracy Ballydonnell Ballyinch Kilkenny

Thomas Tracy Croghtabeg (Courtown) Ballytobin Kilkenny

Thomas Tracy Croghtabeg (Courtown) Ballytobin Kilkenny

Thomas Tracy Kilree Grangekilree Kilkenny


William Tracey Ballyneale Dysartmoon Kilkenny

William Tracey Knockmore Killahy Kilkenny

William Tracey Market Square Freshford Kilkenny

William Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny

William Treacy Connahy Grangemaccomb Kilkenny

Patrick Treacy Kingsmountain or Mylerstown Aghaviller Kilkenny


Thomas Tracy Ballydonnell Ballyinch Kilkenny


Thomas Tracy Croghtabeg (Courtown) Ballytobin Kilkenny

Thomas Tracy Croghtabeg (Courtown) Ballytobin Kilkenny


Peter Tracy Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny

Richard Tracy Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny


Martin Tracey Kilrush Clomantagh Kilkenny


Denis Tracy Mungmacody Columbkille Kilkenny

Denis Tracy Ruppa Columbkille Kilkenny

Edward Tracy Kiljames Lower Columbkille Kilkenny


Patrick Tracy Pigeonpark Danesfort Kilkenny


Mary Tracey Derrynahinch Derrynahinch Kilkenny


James Tracey Carran Dunbell Kilkenny


Denis Tracey Raheen Dunnamaggan Kilkenny


John Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny

Richard Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny

Robert Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny

William Tracy Coan East Dysart Kilkenny


Catherine Tracey Ballykenna Dysartmoon Kilkenny

William Tracey Ballyneale Dysartmoon Kilkenny


Andrew Tracy Baunmore Erke Kilkenny


James Tracy Chapel Street Fertagh Kilkenny


Michael Tracey Fiddown Fiddown Kilkenny


William Tracey Market Square Freshford Kilkenny


Margaret Tracy Main Street Gowran Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Flagmount North Gowran Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Main Street Gowran Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey Castle Ellis Road Gowran Kilkenny


Thomas Tracy Kilree Grangekilree Kilkenny


James Treacy Connahy Grangemaccomb Kilkenny

Mary Treacy Connahy Grangemaccomb Kilkenny

Patrick Tracy Grange Grangemaccomb Kilkenny

Richard Tracy Grange Grangemaccomb Kilkenny

William Treacy Connahy Grangemaccomb Kilkenny


Michael Tracey Grange Lower Grangesilvia Kilkenny


James Tracey Mullennakill Jerpointwest Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey Glenpipe Jerpointwest Kilkenny


Richard Tracy Blackbottom Killahy Kilkenny

William Tracey Knockmore Killahy Kilkenny


Catherine Tracy Ballyfasy Upper, Kilbride Kilkenny

George Tracy Ballyfasy Upper Kilbride Kilkenny


James Treacy Kilkeasy Kilkeasy Kilkenny


Martin Tracey Ballinvally Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Mary Tracey Ballinvally Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Mary Tracey Garryduff Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey Ballinvally Kilmacahill Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey Garryduff Kilmacahill Kilkenny


James Treacy Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny

James Treacy Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny

Patrick Treacy Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny

Patrick Treacy Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny


Patrick Tracey Lismateige Lismateige Kilkenny

Patrick Treacey Lismateige Lismateige Kilkenny


Anastatia Tracey Ballymackillagill Listerlin Kilkenny

Patrick Tracey Ballymackillagill Listerlin Kilkenny


John Tracey Johnswell Rathcoole Kilkenny


James Tracy Horse Barrack Lane,Roachpond St. Marys Kilkenny


Martin Tracey Ballyvalden Shankill Kilkenny

Martin Tracey Kellymount Shankill Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Ballyvalden Shankill Kilkenny

Michael Tracey Kellymount Shankill Kilkenny


Andrew Tracey Stoneyford,Cotterrellsbooly T Stonecarthy Kilkenny


John Tracey Freneystown Tiscoffin Kilkenny


Mary Treacy Ballyredding North Treadingstown Kilkenny


Catherine Tracey Boggan Tullaroan Kilkenny


Bartholomew Tracy Main Street Urlingford Kilkenny

Edmond Tracy Islands Urlingford Kilkenny

Edmond Tracy Mountfinn Urlingford Kilkenny

John Tracy Islands Urlingford Kilkenny

Patrick Tracy New Road Urlingford Kilkenny


1849? - Old Kilkenny Review

St. Kieran Street

In No 22 lived James Kearney, John Treacy, Daniel Cummins a tailor who was succeeded by his daughters one a school teacher, another an organist in the Black Abbey.

25. This house was also part of the Cullen property assigned to Margaret Cullen on her marriage. Previous occupiers, Barnaby Scott (Snr) Solicitor a member of the Corporation in 1820, John Treacy, Miss Hackett, Miss Ayres (1925).

Rose Inn Street

No 6 — Sleator, photographer, Miss Shearman, photographer; she was a mem ber of the old High S treet family said to be of the same famiy as General Sherman of American Civil War fame. Mrs Fogarty next occupied it for a short time and then Mr Lionel Treacy took it as an electrical shop. On Mr Treacy’s death it w as taken by Mr Duggan for the same business.


No. 17. This is the first house in Irishtown at the West side and most southern part and directly faces the O’Hanrahan property...Later the premises were bought by Mr. Treacy who sold them to the present occupier [1955], Mr. Lowry, who continues the Hardware business here with which this place had long been identified.

Parliament Street

No. 17 (Murtagh)...Martin Crotty was the first solicitor...In 1917 he moved his office upstairs and Mrs. Thomas Tracey, whose husband was imprisoned for political activities, carried on a drapery business. They were the parents of Messrs. Tracey, garage, Irishtown.



May 2, 1850 (FJ) Assault on a Poor Rate Bailiff

...seizure of goods of a person Maher residing in Michaels lane...Mr. T. Bradley of Richview...Thomas Tracy...- Kilkenny Moderator


1850?: “Maher bitterly wrote his nephew: ...Another rich priest (Tracy) died a year or two since, intestate, leaving a large sum, several thousands, to be scrambled for, by the next of kin;...”

The historical dimensions of Irish Catholicism By Emmet J. Larkin



13. Thomas Tracey and James Cody, Crotobeg Kells Kilkenny, £2.19.0 rent, 3a/0r/25p, tenant from year to year, Thomas William Lloyd owner, Arthur John Small Petitioner



13. 28 to 34 on map. Same [Patrick Heffernan], Representative of James tracy, Ballydaniel, Kilkenny, 2a/1r/36p, £ rent, tenant from year to year



1 and 2 OR 4,8,10, 11 & 12 on map. Catherine Treacy, Boggan, otherwise Newgrove, Ballybeagh, Cranagh, Kilkenny, £0.10.0 rent, [0a/0p/2r?], This tenant holds a house and garden as tenant from year to year, determinable on 1st May in each year.


1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act

The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908. Pension claimants had to prove their age. Those born before 1864 used the 1841 and 1851 census.


1851 Tracey, Kiljames Columbkille Kilkenny

16.7.17 [16th July 1917] Image           Image

Mary Tracey (1846-1847) (d. of Edmund Tracey & Mary) 1851 Kiljames Lower/Upper Columbkille Kilkenny

Address: Mrs Mary Hall, 218 West 4th Steet, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,

Treacey   Edmond Head       48 md 1837

Treacey   Mary       Wife       40

Treacey   Catherine               13

Treacey   Ann        -              10

Treacey   Mary       -              8

Treacey   John        -              6

Treacey   Judith     -              4

Treacey   Richd      (dead)

sheet Kiljames Lower

IG Record 22386

Tracey or HALL Mary Edmund Tracey Mary Tracey Kiljames Lower Columbkille Gowran Kilkenny 1917 - Mrs Mary Hall, 218 West 4th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Born about 1846-47. 1851 - Edmond Treacey 48 head & Mary Treacey wife married 1837, Catherine 13, Ann 10, Mary 8, John 6, Judith 4, Richd. 1 (dead).


Kiljames Lower,Upper, Columbkille, Kilkenny

Mary Tracey                      Applicant

Edmond Treacey               Head       48          

Catherine Treacey                            13          

Mary Treacey                    Wife       40          

Ann Treacey                                     10          

Mary Treacey                                   8            

John Treacey                                    6            

Judith Treacey                                  4            

Richd Treacey                                                 

Edmund Tracey                                Father                                   


1851 Census - 11 Coocross St St Sepulchre Middlesex

Edward Tracy, head, 62, labourer, b. Ireland K K ['Not Known' maybe Kilkenny]

Ann Tracy, wife, 65, nurse, b. Middlesex St Sepulchre

1851 Census - 3 Iregate Bradford Yorkshire

Mary Tracy, servant, unmarried, 18 years, b. 1833 Kilkenny Ireland


1854 Sessional Papers

31 Dec 1851 Teachers


A. Tracy, Principal and sole teacher, Rivanna Tasscoffin Kilkenny, School number 91, Roll Number 5259, Connection with Board  8 June 1848, RC, £10.10.0, £3.1.3 fees, 75 pupils, 75 RC



Thomas Tracy, Croftybeg or Croughtabeg, [Croghtabeg Ballytobin] Kilkenny 92a/2r/10p, £59.11.10 rent, tenant from year to year


April 8, 1852 (FJ) Electors of Kilkenny

...Paulstown...Martin Treacy...Michael Treacy...


10 April 1852 (N) Electors of Kilkenny

To John Greene, MP and William Shee, Sergeant-at-Law, Esqs...Paulstown...Martin Treacy...Michael Treacy...


1852 RIC Service

Thomas Treacy, 15998, b. 1834 Kilkenny


15998 Thos Treacy, 18 years, 5'8.25", b. Kilky, Catholic, recommended W Graves Clk, lab, appointed 14 Ju 52, served Mayo 9 Oct 52 - Kildare - Waterford A58226/4042, P 1 June 1853, Reward R.F. £2 A61571/4095, Resigned 30/6/61 D96012/6910 Cansealled? A6727 Resigned 31/7/61 D76012/694, served 9 years 0.5 months, To better his condition Emigrate



Name of Missing

Home county


AD Date


Patrick Tracy


NYC 8/1851

Boston MA as cooper


Bridget Haren (cousin)

Contact: Widow Sullivan, 75 Mulberry St, NYC

1852 Poston Pilot

Of PATRICK TRACY, late of Kilkenny, (Cooper by trade in Boston), by his cousin, BRIDGET HAREN, who arrived in New York about 7 months since. Address BRIDGET HAREN, care of Widow SULLIVAN, 75 Mulberry st, New York.


June 1853, Charity Hospital Admission Records, Orleans Parish

11-Jun         25  Michael Tracey                   Shoe Maker             Kilkenney Co., Ireland            27     N York                2 yrs      S   4 dys    Int Fever                    11 3/4


1854 Incumbered Estates Court: Printed estate particulars and rentals

Caherisk (being a subdenomination of the lands of Derrynahinchy), Barony of Knocktopher, Kilkenny

100 map, 3 Caherisk [Caherlesk Ballytobin], Widow Tracey, 1a2r27p, 1a0r5p Irish, £0.13.6 yearly rent, 25th March & 29th Sept (gale days). yearly tenant

Ballydavid, Barony of Eliogarty, Tipperary

Michael Trassy, Ballydavid, 1st May & 1st November (gale days), 5a0r35p, £4.9.7, £4.10.0, tenant from year to year

Derryhogan, Barony of Eliogarty, Tipperary

John Kennedy, John Fogarty and Michael Treassy, 1st May & 1st November (gale days), 35a.1r.1p, £8.0.0, £7.7.0, tenant from year to year



1854 The Banner of the Truth in Ireland

Graiguenamanagh Kilkenny

A man named Treacy, a servant of the priest, for whose apprehension a reward of £20 was offered by the Magistrates, has now been convicted and sentenced to two months imprisonment, with hard labour. The town was perfectly quiet, and no crowd at all. I hope this will end the riots. None of the priests appeared in Court, nor was there any attorney employed for Treacy.


25 Mar 1856 New Ross Court

James Tracy, 17 Years, b. 1839 Graignamana, 5'2.5", Grey Eyes, Brown Hair, Fair Complexion, Rc, R, Labourer, Stealing Fowl, Prison Wexford


1854 Naturalization Delarations Albany NY

Thomas Tracey, 36, Kilkenny, Waterford, Greenbush, Rens Co, Dec 11



1856 Patrick Treacy, Kilcurl (Knocktopher), Co. Kilkenny. Farmer (Prerogative Will)



31 January 1857 - The Advocate (Dublin) & 17th February 1857

Incumbered Estates Commission

In the matter of the estate of Catherine Murphy and Patrick Treacy, and Teresa Treacy, his wife, owners, Thomas Murphy, continued in the name of Michael Murphy, administrator of said Thomas Murphy, deceased, Petitioners.

The Houses, gardens, land and tenements together with an eel weir under the bridge of Graigue; together with that parcel of land called Lackaghanireing, Parknamodagh, and Parknacloghabane; also that bit of land at the end of Tanner's Park, situated in the said town of Graigue, Barony of Gowran and County of Kilkenny, held under lease for lives, renewable for ever, bearing the date the 29th day of April 1710: All that waste plot of ground lately held by James Mahon, with the land and garden thereto belonging, situated in the town of Graigue, Barony of Gowran and County of Kilkenny, held under lease of lives, renewable for ever, bearing the date the 17th of September 1734; And all that and those the pieces of ground called Cloghernane, sitauted in the town of Graigue, aforsaid, held under lease for lives renewable for ever, bearing the date the 5th day of December 1740.




10 Dec 1857 Wexford

John Tracey, 21, 5'2.5", lives Kilkenny, labourer, stealing money from the Custon?

1857 John Tracy, picking pockets


1857 Arrivals Tasmania

Thomas Tracey, 35, stout fryin, low size, broad face, florid complexion, RC, none, b. Kilkenny, mason's asst, applicant Wm Polly, bounty £16, Total £40.0.0

Elizabeth Tracey, 36, tall & stout, long face, fair complexion, grey eyes, RC, R & W, b. Queems County, genl servant, £16

Margaret Tracey, 2, RC, b. Kilkenny, £4

Ellen Tracey, 3 mos, RC, b. Kilkenny, £4

Bounty payable to Mr Edmond Brewer commander of the Great Tasmania



1858 RIC Service

John Treacy, 23278, b. 1838 Queens


23278 John Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.25", b. Queens, Catholic, married 14 June? 1869 wife from Kilky City, recommended by C White JP, lab, allocated 20 Apl 58, served Kilk City 12 Aug 58 - Limk City 10/7/69 - Limk Co 1/3?/72 - Limk City 1 Jan 1874, PAC 1/6/82 - P 1.5.73, Rewards - stop runaway horse 16/4/71 - 1.12.75 - 3/5/76 - 3/10/81 - 29,.6.87, Pensioned 1.6.88 23278D/22692


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Denis Treacy 2 Jul 1890 Raheen Kilkenny, farmer, to Patrick Treacy, farmer the child

Kate Treacy 8 Nov 1916 Boher Thomastown Kilkenny, married woman to Ellen Ryan spinster

Martin Treacy 9 Jan 1891 Ballybaldin Kilkenny, farmer, to Mary Treacy widow

Michael Treacy 5 Jan 1897 Dean Street Kilkenny, to Margaret Treacy widow

Patrick Treacy 7 Sep 1861 Mortagstown Kilkenny, farmer, to Honora Treacy widow

Peter Treacy 13 Apr 1879 Ballyvalden Kilkenny, farmer batchelor, to father Martin Treacy, farmer

Richard Kildare Treacy 23 Feb 1880 Bellmount Kilkenny, gentleman, to Jane Treacy widow

Richard Treacy 19 Sep 1905 Dean Street Kilkenny, retired Engineer, to Margaret Treacy, spinster

Thomas Tracey 21 Dec 1895 Ballybalden Kilkenny, grazier, sister Margaret Tracey

William Treacy 9 Apr 1895 Kilcurl Kilkenny, by John Treacy, farmer

William Treacy 7 Mar 1908 Sralee Kilkenny, labourer, to John Treacy, labourer


James Tunstead To Susan Treacy [Castlecomer Kilkenny] 9 May 1906 Poulpeasty Wexford

Johanna Cantwell 5 Nov 1896 of Camblin Roscrea Tipperary and late of Kyle Queen's, widow, by Rev Patrick Treacy of Galmoy Kilkenny RCC

John Doyle Rev 30 Dec 1916 Kilkenny, to Rev John Cahill & Rev Patrick Treacy PP

Anastatia M Cullen 26 Feb 1920 The District lunatic Asylum Kilkenny, to Rev James Canon Doyle & Patk Treacy

John Fitzpatrick Rev 18 Apr 1889 Kilkenny, Rev Patrick Treacy of Galmoy

John Curran 22 Sep 1890 Dunbell Kilkenny, labourer, to Jeremiah Treacy of Ballymartin Carlow, famer 

Daniel Maher 22 Dec 1893 Kilkenny, to Rev Patrick Treacy of Galmoy

Cornelius Keegan 18 Mar 1907 Kilkenny, to Rev Patrick Treacy James Brady Michael Buggy

Catherine Shea 9 Jun 1907 Dunmore Kilkenny, to Rev  Patrick Treacy

Patrick O'Keeffe 16 Nov 1915 Ballyboden Kilkenny, farmer, to John Treacy, farmer


1858-1900 Will Registers

Reverend Patrick Treacy

Galmoy, Baunballinlough, Galmoy, Kilkenny, Ireland


Daniel Maher




Revd Patrick Tracy

Galmoy, Whiteswall, Kilkenny, Ireland


Daniel Cassin






December 29, 1859  (FJ) College of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Knocktopher, Kilkenny

...Christian Doctrine...James Tracy...Reading...James Tracey...



3. William Tracy, Knocktopher otherwise Knocktopher Manor and Moanroe Commons, Kilkenny, 31a/1r/7p, £31.4.6 rent, Yearly tenant


1860 RIC Service

Denis Treacy, 25010, b. 1840 Kings Co Tipperary North


25010 Denis Treacy, 19 years, 5'7.75", b. Kings Tip N, Catholic, recommended by J.F. Rollstone JP, lab, allocated 16 Aug 59, served Kilk 14 Jan 60, Dismissed July 2 1860 A87293/6035


December 22, 1860 (FJ) Catholic Deaf and Dumb

...Gowran, Kilkenny...1s...Thomas Tracy...


1860 [2593] [2593-I] The twenty-fifth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, (for the year 1858 & 1859)

Andrew Tracy, fourth class, Rivanagh, Kilkenny, £1


1860 East India (European troops).

Private J. Tracey (a native of Kilkenny, a tailor, attested at Kilkenny, on the 12th August 1858)...enlisted East India Company...I think I'm entitled to a free discharged...


British War Office

Andrew Tracey, b. 1833 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO131 Chelsea  

Francis Treacy, b. 1887 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO96 Militia  

James Tracy, b. 1843 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO97 Chelsea  

John Treacy, b. 1852 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO97 Chelsea   

John Patrick Tracey, private 9th Lancers, b. 1854 Kilkenny

Robert Tracey, b. 1867 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO97 Chelsea  

Stephen James Tracey, b. 1846 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO97 Chelsea  

Thomas Tracey, b. 1844 Tullock, Kilkenny WO97 Chelsea  

Thomas Tracey, b. 1880 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO96 Militia  

William Tracy, b. 1848 Kilkenny, Kilkenny WO96 Militia  

William Treacy, b. ? Ballyragget, Kilkenny WO96 Militia  


1861 British Census

Mary Treacy, b. abt 1841 Kilkenny Ireland, Lancashire England


26 July 1862 Irish Times

Carlow Court

Tracey v Brennan, Action for seduction

The plaintiff is a respectable farmer having eight children, five sons and three daughters. Defendant was a second cousin who had a child with the plaintiff’s daughter while engaged to her, but refused to marry. Damages awarded £200.

28 July 1862 (FJ) Carlow Record Court - Tracey v. Brennan

This was an action for the seduction, by the defendant, of the plaintiff's daughter...The plaintiff [Michael Tracey] is a farmer of twenty-five acres in Kilkenny, with eight children, five sons and three daughters. The defendant, who is unmarried, and a second cousin of the plaintiff, lived in the immediate neighbourhood...he proposed marriage to the girl [Bridget Tracey] but put it off...special licence...The father offered a large fortune if he would marry her after the child had been born, the defendant refused, and the only redress she now had was from a jury...The jury found for the plaintiff £200 damages.


1862 - 1864 National education (Ireland)

Michael Tracey R.C., Monitor, male R.C. 1 EC/184 RC, Thomastown, Thomastown, Kilkenny


9 June 1863 (FJ) Catholic Intelligence

A solemn profession of five Irish novices took place on the 3rd of May at the convent of the Capuchins at Versailles...Messrs...Bonaventure Tracey of Kilkenny...


13 June 1863 Wexford People

Reception at Versailles of Irish Novices into the Capuchin Order...Francis Cox, Aloysius Hennesay, and Bonaventure Tracey, of Kilkenny...


28 July 1864 (FJ) Cricket

Goresbridge V. Kilkenny...John Treacy [of Goresbridge]...


1864 Shillelagh [Wicklow/Wexford] Workhouse Admissions

3537 John Tracy, male, 20, single, Roman Catholic, came for lodgeing, from Co. Kilkenny, entered Novb 23, left 24 Nov 1864


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, George, Waterford, Kilkenny/Waterford.  19 869

Tracey, Patrick, Carrick-on-Suir, Waterford/Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 4 536

Tracy, James, Kilkenny, Kilkenny. 3 508

Tracy, Margaret, Carrick-on-Suir, Waterford/Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 4 528

Tracy, Margaret, Thomastown, Kilkenny. 9 914

Tracy, Patrick, Callan, Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 14 593

Treacy, Bridget, Castlecomer, Kilkenny. 3 477

Treacy, Catherine, Callan, Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 4 504

Treacy, Daniel, Castlecomer, Kilkenny. 18 502

Treacy, Emily, Waterford, Kilkenny/Waterford.  4 830

Treacy, Robert, Castlecomer, Kilkenny. 18 496

Treasy, Margaret, Waterford, Kilkenny/Waterford.  9 951


February 1864 to 1871 London Gazette

Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

J.D. Howlett, Tullow House, Thomastown, Kilkenny (Gentleman) and Daniel Treacy, Cork Hill, Dublin (Solicitor)

Daniel Treacy, Cork Hill, Dublin (Gentleman)


4 August 1866 The Kilkenny Journal

Kilkenny Union...The Mastership of the Workhouse...eleven applications...Wm Tracy, Athy...seventeen years master of Athy Workhouse. The chairman of that board, Mr Lefroy?, gave him an excellent character, on resigning. Mr. Buggy - This man was suspended by the Athy board of guardians until called upon by the commissioners to resign...Mr Treacy stated to the chairman that he was called upon to resign by the commissioners, in conjunction with three other officiers, for the reason that they could not agree between them. (To Mr Buggy) - there were severalo charges made against me; one was by the schoolmistress, for making advances towards her...Mr Smithwick. As far as my judgement goes, Mr. Treacy is a good man...Sir John Blunden - On the 28th of May Rev Mr Quin, chaplin of Athy workhouse, gave him a very good character, as well as the Rev Mr Keatinge, Protestant chaplin...Mr Blunden proposed Mr Treacy as a candidate for the office of master, which Colonel Bull seconded and said that it was only fair that he should be elected, and he did not see why a little difference between him and some of the other officiers of athy workhouse should be brought against him...Mr E.J. Maher - I took an oportunity of communicating with several gentlemen in the Queen's County about the character of Mr Treacy and three out of the five gentlemen that I communicated with gave him a very high character. One of the gentlemen that gave him a good character was a magistrate and an ex-officio guardian of Athy union...Mr Smithwick - I received numerous letter from gentlemen of the Queen's County and from them I would say that his character is unexceptionable...I heard about two months ago that he (Treacy) was dismissed from Athy workhouse...election be adjourned for two weeks…


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


Nova Scotia immigrants to 1867

Tracy, Mary. Of Co. Kilkenny, Ireland; widow of…


February 1867 to 1868 London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

William Tracey and Mary Tracey, Graguevine, Moincoin, county Kilkenny (Gentleman)


1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records

23 Aug 1867 60749 Michael Tracey, of Haverstraw NY, Labourer, born 1841 Kilkenny, ard 1864 April per "Hibernia" single

28 Jan 1867 57282 Ellen Tracy of 112 Cessar St, domestic, born 1844 Kilkenny ard 1859 per "jeremiah Shompson" Fath James Mo Mary Green


5 and 28 July 1869 (FJ) Cricket

Castlecomer v. County Kilkenny...R.K. Treacy, Esq, [Castlecomer]...

21 July 1869 (FJ) Cricket

Casltecomer...R. Tracy...

11 July 1870 (FJ) Cricket

Castlecomer...R.K. Tracy, Esq...

23 August 1870 (FJ) Cricket

Castlecomer v. Kilkenny Garrison...R. Treacy, Esq...C. Treacy...[Castlecomer]...

31 July 1872 (FJ) Cricket

Castlecomer...R.K. Treacy...

21 June 1873 (FJ) Cricket

Castlecomer...RK Tracy...

July 31, 1873 (FJ) Cricket

Castlecomer...R.K. Treacy...

27 July 1875 (FJ) Cricket

Castlecomer...R. Treacy...

27 July 1875 (FJ) Castlecomer Cricket Club

...R. Treacy...


14 October 1869 (FJ) The Land Question - Kilkenny

...William Treacy, Kilcurl...Richard Treacy, Parish of Urlingford...Thomas Treacy, Clashwilliam, Gowran...


2 April 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of he estate of Daniel Treacy owner and Eliza Mary Byrne petitioner.

(Ballincarra Weston, Soouth Liberties, Limerick & Ballyrackane and Drishane Tipperary & Raheen (Kilkenny/Laois) & Barryhill (Kilkenny) & Mountrath (Laois) & 33 Henry Street Dublin)

9/11 June 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of he estate of Daniel Treacy owner expartate and Guinness Mahon & Co petitioner.

(4 Lower Pembroke St Dublin… residue of 77 years from 1857… yearly rent £20…)

10/11 June 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of he estate of Daniel Treacy owner and John Hobbs Peart petitioner.

(??? Court or Market Square Mounthrath and other property in Mountrath)

13 June 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of he estate of Daniel Treacy trustee and executer of Patrick Murray desceased owner and Ellen Moore Spinster petitioner.

(lands North Ward Castleknock Dublin)


5 October 1870 (FJ) French Ambulances

...parish of Thomastown...Denis Tracy...


16 March 1871 (FJ) Aid for French

Parish of Tullavour, Co. Kilkenny...Miss Tracy...3s.


9 December 1871 (FJ) Association for the Propagation of the Faith

Dioces of Ossary...Subscriptions per Mr. Thomas Hoyne, Thomastown, viz.:-...Collected by Miss Alice Tracy 5s6d...


1871 British Census

Michael Treacy , Head, 44, b. 1827 Killmey/Kilkenny Ireland, labourer, Altrincham, Cheshire

Elizabeth Treacy , Wife, 36, b. 1835 Newry Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

John Treacy , Son, 16, b. 1855 Altrincham, labourer, Altrincham, Cheshire

Thomas Treacy , Son, 12, b. 1859 Altrincham, porter, Altrincham, Cheshire

Michael Treacy , Son, 10, b. 1861 Altrincham, Altrincham, Cheshire

Michael Geerer , Lodger, 23, b. 1838 Mayo Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

Mathew Sanders , Lodger, 74, b. 1797 Mayo Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

John Sanders , Lodger, 34, b. 1837 Mayo Ireland, Altrincham, Cheshire

George Beard , Lodger, 30, b. 1841 Altrincham, Altrincham, Cheshire

Anne Beard , Lodger, 30, b. 1841 Altrinchame, Altrincham, Cheshire

James Grimes , Lodger, 23, Newry Ireland, mason, Altrincham, Cheshire


Stephen James Tracey, 24, b. abt 1847 Kilkenny Ireland, Private 9th Lancer, Hampshire England


Annie Tracey, Head, 30, single, b. 1841 Kilkenny, Owner & Occupier, Everton West Derby Lancashire


1871 Census - Marylebone, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom

William Best, head, 81, b. 1790 Newcastle On Tyne, Widowed, Goldsmith & Licensed Victualler...

Edward Treacy, Servant, 17, b. 1854 Thomastown [Kilkenny?] Ireland, Marital Status Unknown, Pot Man [see Thomastown RC]


1871 The Boston Pilot - Missing Friends

Of Catherine Treacey, a native of Upper Conahy, parish of Conahy, county Kilkenny; she left home in November, 1851, with her brothers, Thomas and James, and landed in New York Jan 22, 1852; she was last heard of six years ago. Information concerning her will be received by her sister, Bridget Treacey, No. 600 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.


1872 Graveyard between Graiguewood and Kellymount townlands

“Enclosed by ratepayers of the townland on the north and south sides in the year of Our Lord, 1872. Michael Carroll, guardian, Martin Treacy, contractor.”

Kellymount Old Abbey by Owen O'Kelly



November 1873 Simon? Tracy V. Michael Ryan

...action to recover £31/2/2 from a farmer in Kilkenny...bill for a years rent, signed by defendent, now in the hands of plaintiff, which was cashed by Wm C. Delany, agent to Captain Palliser...jury found for the plaintiff.


1873-74 Teachers and Monitors Ireland

Dora Tracy, monitor, Tullaroan Girls Kilkenny           

Mary Tracy, St Johns Girls, Kilkenny

Agnes Treacy, Thomastown PLU, Kilkenny

[Agnes Treacy, died 1875 Thomastown Thomastown PLU, aged 24 years, b. 1851, spinster, schoolmistress, died 24 Mar 1875 Workhouse Thomastown]


7 February 1874 Pilot (Boston Ma)

Deaths under California

Tracy — 12, Patrick Tracy, co. Kilkenny, Ireland, aged 35.


10 April 1874 The Police Gazette

Kilkenny. Description of a mare, the property of Michael Treacy, which was stolen from the lands of Bawnagelogue, parish of Dunkitt, barony of Ida, on the night of the 5th of April 1874 :- A bay mare, black mane, tail and legs; a mark under the chin, caused by the hair being rubbed off; in thin condition; well bred; value for £35. Pilltown, April 7, 1874 (1876 c - 2551)


1876 Landowners (over 1 acre)
William Treacy, Kilkure, Knocktopher Kilkenny. 398a/0r/5p. £178.5.0

25 June 1877 (FJ) Polo in the County Carlow
...HRH arrived from the Curragh...against Messrs R. Treacy [of Castlecomer Kilkenny?]...
6 July 1877 (IT) Polo
Castlecomer Club v. The 7th Royal Fusiliers...Castlecomer...Mr. R.K. Treacy.
July 1877 Castlecomer Polo Club
7th Royal Fusillers journey to Castlecomer...Mr. R. Tracey...In the two next games the ball was put between the flags by Messrs Tracey and Edge respectively, the home team winning the match by two goals to their opponent’s one.
July 1877 Polo
Castlecomer against All Ireland, won 3 to 1 - Castlecomer: Mr. Wandesforde, Mr. Edge, Dr. O'Hanlon, Mr. Tracy and Mr. J. Dobbs (also played Phoenix Park)
24 August 1877 (FJ) Movements in the Civil Service
Inland Revenue. Mr. C. Treacy, 1st class assistant, Kilkenny, to clerk, Sunderland.
30 October 1877 (FJ) The Kilkenny Hunt Club
...- Treacy, Esq...
5 January 1878 (N) Ordinations at St. Kiernan's College, Kilkenny
Promoted to the first clerical tonsure:-...Patrick Treacy...- Kilkenny Journal

No 89 Tracey ors Treacy & anor to Dobbs & ors  [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

17 Oct 1878 Memorial of an Indenture Between Frederick Sayers of Fethard in the County of Tipperary Land Agent of the first part, Maria Tracey of Belmont in the county Kilkenny, widow, of the second part, Richard Kildare Tracey of Belmont in the County of Kilkenny Esquire son of the said Maria Tracey of the third part James Sayers of Fethard in the County of Tipperary spinster? daughter of Said Frederick Sayers , who fourth part and William Dobbs of the Cottage Castle Comer in the County of Kilkenny Esquire and Robert Ashby of Gilleagh? Lodge in the County Tipperary Esquire therein threshed was the said Trustees of the fifth part... that marriage had been agreed upon and was intended to be solemnized between the said Richard Kildare Tracey and Jennie Sayers and upon the hency for the said intended marriage it was agreed that the said Maria Tracey should conson of One hundred pounds per annum...sum of the thousand five hundred pounds...assign unto the said William Dobbs and Robert Ashby...Indenture of Lease of the fourteenth day of November One thousand eight hundred and sixty one... the Lands of Coan otherwise Belmont Compossesion of Maria Tracy and hereunder tenants bounded on the North by part of the Castlecomer Estate on the North Road leading from Castlecomer to Leighlin in the South by the road from Castlecomer to Leighlin and on the East by part of the Lands of Coan East containing One hundred and three acres Irish plantation measure situate in the Parish Dysart Barony of Fassadinin and County Kilkenny...[secondly lease dated 8 Dec 1863] that part of the lands of Count East called Belmont containing eighty ones Irish plantation measure be the same more or less with the house & thereon which said Lands are situate in the Parish of Dysart...[thidly lease dated 3 Jun 1832]  Lands of Ardetagle [Ardateggle Killeshin] containing fifty acres Irish plantation measure situate in the Barony of Slievemarigue in the Queens County ...and Fourthly all that and those that part of the lands of Cutunclouth [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer] containing about two hundred acres Irish plantation measure or thereabouts pluck in the Barony of Fasaden and County of Kilkenny and held by the said Maria Tracey as tenant from year to year to the said Mr Wanderford at the yearly rent of One hundred pounds as there before recited and also all that part of the Lands of Ballethemon commonly called the Will and containing thirteen acres situate in the said Barony of fasden and County of Kilkenny and also held by the said Maria Tracey as tenant from year to year to the said MrWanderford at the Parlement of thirty pounds as thereinbefore recit



1880 Richard Kildare Treacy, Belmount. [Will]

Edward Law, Kilkenny History – Miscellaneous Houses

March 1880 Kilkenny
An election of barony collector for the barony of Fassaderreen, in lieu of the late Mr. Tracy, took place, and Mr. George Thorp was chosen out of the nine candidates.
06 March 1880 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
County Kilkenny.
An election of barony collector for the barony of Fassaderreen, in lieu of the late Mr Tracy, took place, and Mr George Thorp was chosen out sf candidates.
July 1880 Co. Kilkenny Assizes
...an eldery man named James Tracey...Brownsford...
1880 County of Kilkenny - Crimes
17 Jan 1881? Assault endangering life, Not agrarian, Richard Murphy assulted, Wm. Neal & James Tracy convicted, Tried at Kilkenny Summer Assizes 1880; Neal was senttenced to six months, and Tracy to one month, with hard labour.
1880-1917. Kilkenny Estate Papers
manuscript and typescript, various sizes, mainly folio
Legal documents, wills, deeds, correspondence, records, contracts etc. relating to numerous families in Kilkenny city & county including Richard Walsh Inistioge, George A. Horneck, Mary Reade & Margaret Long Kilkenny City; James Corcoran, Eliza Stapleton Ballyraggett; Richard R. Phillips & Kate Treacy of Coolcullen, near Castlecomer, John & Patrick Gorman, John Staunton, James Rowe & others. (80 approx.) Wythes Auction - 16th April 2011

1881 British Census

1. Eliuzabeth Tracey?

Birth Year, <1811> 

Birthplace, Kilkenny, Ireland 

Age, 70 

Occupation, Servant Domestic 

Marital Status, W <Widowed> 

Head of Household, Edward Boylan

Relation, Ser 

Dwelling, 105 Bond St

Census Place, Liverpool, Lancashire, England 

2. Robert Tracy, Head, Married, M, 24, Police Officer, Kilkenny; 31 Acorn St, Willenhall, Staffordshire (see also 1901)

Annie Tracy, Wife, Married, F, 26, Sedgley, Staffordshire

Maria Tracy, Daughter, Single, F, 1, Sedgley, Staffordshire

3. William Tracey

Birth Year, <1816> 

Birthplace, Kilkenny, Ireland 

Age, 65 

Occupation, Masons Labourer 

Marital Status, W <Widowed> 

Head of Household, Valentine Wilkinson

Relation, Inmate 

Institution, "Union Workhouse" Staincliffe Dewsbury

Census Place, Dewsbury, York, England 
1881 RIC Service

Patrick Treacy, 48289, b. 1856 Kilkenny


48289 Patrick Treacy, 25 years, 5'8.125", b. Kilkenny, Catholic, recommended by SI Fleury, farmer, allocated 16 Decr '81, Discharged 16.12.81 48289D/62904 28.12.81 Failing to report himself at Depot

February 1882 Evictions in Kilkenny
Property owned by Mr. John Goslin and others at Conshy...tenants evicted...James Treacy, William Treacy...
01 July 1882 Wexford People
Exiles of Erin seeking a home under the Stars and Stripes
...Irish Nation...arrived in New York City from Ireland...Steamer England, June 6...Thomas Tracey, [from] Kilkenny, [to] Ohio...

3 January 1883 Wexford People

Union of New Ross in Kilkenny

Jerpoint West - J Hogan, tenant; D. Tracey, landlord.


1884 [C.4070] Irish Land Commission.

John Hogan, tenant, D. Tracey and another, landlord, Ballymagill, Kilkenny, 62a3r2p, £28.10.0 valuation, £40.10.2 rent, £29 judicial rent


19 November 1884 Wexford People

County Kilkenny

Denis Treacy, landlord and appellant; John Hogan, tenant, respondent.


June 2, 1883 (FJ) Parnell Tribute

Kilkenny West and Benowen...10s...Michael Treacey...John Treacey...


1883 John Hennessy, tenant, Mrs. M. Treacy, landlord, Coon east, Kilkenny, 12a3r33p, £2.15.0 valuation, £8.10.0 rent, £5 judicial rent
30 Mar 1883 - Wakefield
Edward Tracey alias Lutterall, 30 March Dewsbury WH, Vagancy, 14 days HR, read, 37 5/3 D Brown, labourer nose been broken, R Catholic Kilkeeny, 4/7433/82
8 Jul 1890 - Wakefield
2971 Edward Tracey or Lutterall, 8 July Rotherham WH, drunk & disorderly, 10 days HL from 7th or pay 2s, read, 42 years, 5'2", D Bn fairly grey hair, gen lab white marks each side face had nose broken, RC Kilkenny, previous 7968/87, released 16 July
12 Jul 1899 - Wakefield
E533 Edward Latterell or Tracey, Halifax WH, drunk & disorderly, 7 days HL or pay 14/5, read, 59 years, 5'2.75", grey hair, labourer, RC, Co Kilkenny, previous 8/5213/92 Peston & Manchester, released 18 July
16 Feb 1901 - Wakefield
Edward Tracey, Sheffield City, absconding with union clothing, 14 days HR, read not write, 60 5/2.5 grey,  lab, RC Kilkenny, 9/3533/99
1884 [C.4059] Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Act, 1882 - Landlords
Maria Treacy, Kilkenny, 2 holdings, £15.14.6 rent, £15.14.6 arrears 1880, £7.17.3 paid by Commission


1884 Bassett’s Kilkenny Directory


John Treacy, Land, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.

Richard Treacy, Land, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.

William Treacey, Land, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.


Thomas Treacy, Land, Clashwilliam Upper, Gowran, Kilkenny.


Denis Tracey, Land, Raheen, Kells, Kilkenny.


William Treacy, Land, Kilcurl (Anglesey), Knocktoper, Kilkenny.


Michael Tracy, Tailor, Horse Barrack Lane, Kilkenny.

William Tracy, Coal Store and Merchant, Dean Street, Kilkenny.


John Treacy, Land, Kiljames Lower, Thomastown, Kilkenny.


Thomas (Junior) Treacy, Land, Ballymagill, Rosbercon, Kilkenny.


Martin Treacy, Land, Ballyvalden, Whitehall, Kilkenny.

Thomas Treacy, Land, Ballyvalden, Whitehall, Kilkenny.


1884 Egan’s Kilkenny Directory


John Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.

Richard Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.

William Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.


Thomas Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Clashwilliam Upper, Gowran, Kilkenny.


Denis Tracey, Parliamentary Elector, Raheen, Callan, Kilkenny.


William Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Kilcurl (Anglesey), Ballyhale, Kilkenny.


John Treacy, National Teacher, Gurtnabroe, Kilkenny.  [Gortnahoo Buolick Co. Tipperary]


John Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Kiljames Lower, Thomastown, Kilkenny.


Thomas (Junior) Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Ballymagill, Mullinvat, Kilkenny.


Martin Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Ballyvalden, Whitehall, Kilkenny.

Thomas Treacy, Parliamentary Elector, Ballyvalden, Whitehall, Kilkenny.



Irish historic towns atlas, no. 10 kilkenny

Coal yards: Dean St, site unknown. William Tracy 1884 (Bassett, 121).



1884 Cricket

Chapter 6, Years of Growth 1880 - 1893, pages 47 & 48:

In July of 1884 Knockmoylan easily defeated Hugginstown at Knockmoylan...Later in the season Knocktopher were well beaten by Kilcurl. This match took place on a cricket ground provided by Mr Langrishe at Knocktopher Abbey. On the Kilcurl team we find J. Carbery, J & D Treacy, P. Long, P.Power, M. Kenny and M. Scurry.

Chapter 28, pages 250 - 259

It was 1884 before there were any further reports on Ballyhale. In that year Ballyhale played a draw against Knocktopher at Knocktopher  & they were defeated by Kilmoganny at Kilmoganny. In 1885 Ballyhale defeated Knocktopher by 49 runs to 13. According to the report on this match "W. Power was an excellent batsman, D. Treacy an excellent bowler and M. Barron promises to be the most distinguished cricketer of the Ballyhale club".

Page 254, Kilcurl Cricket Team

In 1884 Kilcurl defeated Knocktopher at Knocktopher by 145 runs to 97. The Kilcurl team were J. Carbery, J. Treacy, J. Treacy junior, J. Quinn, D. Treacy, P. Long, P. Power, W. Gorman, M. Scurry, M. Kenny and J. Ryan. The scorers were J. Treacy 31 runs, D. Treacy 25, J. Treacy junior 22 and J. Quinn 20. Some of these players also played with Ballyhale.

O'Dwyer, Michael (2006) History of Cricket in Co. Kilkenny - The Forgotten game. O'Dwyer Books, College Gardens, Kilkenny.


Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1881, and Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885 : volume II

Estates of Right Honourable A. McM. Kavanagh - return of evictions

County Kilkenny

Daniel Treacey, Donoughmore, £2.10.0 years rent, £11.18.0 sum due, Let to him for the six months pending redemption, at the end of which time he was forgiven all arrears and costs, and put back at a lower rent. Prosecution 1883

Kilkenny property...Daniel Tracey is a poor man, a small holder. I let it to him for six months, pending redemption, and after that time forgave him all arrears and put him back...


1885 John Tracey of Hinley Park Callan, Acting sergeant RIC, [see Wexford]


The Poole Photographic Collection [National Library of Ireland]

1884 Cabinet commissioned by Mr. Tracey, New Ross

1884 Cabinet commissioned by Revd. W. Tracey, Kilkenny

1885 Cabinet commissioned by Miss Tracey, New Ross

1885 Cabinet commissioned by Mr. Tracey, New Ross

1886/7 Cabinet commissioned by Miss Tracey, Michael Street [New Ross]

1887 Cabinet commissioned by Miss Tracey, Newtown

1890 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss B. Tracy, c/o Mr. R. White, Newtown

1891 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss E. Tracey, Tullogher, New Ross

1891 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss M. Tracey, Tullogher, New Ross

1891 Carte de visite commissioned by Mr. Tracey, Tullogher, New Ross

1896/7 Group commissioned by Miss Tracey, Industrial School

1900 Group commissioned by Mr. S. Tracy, New Ross

1906 Cabinet commissioned by Miss A. Tracey, Main Street, Cappoquin

1908/7 Carte de visite commissioned by Mr. J. Tracey, Fiddown, County Kilkenny

1908/9 Carte de visite vignette commissioned by Mr. G. Treacey, De La Salle College, Waterford

1909 Group of seven commissioned by Mr. Treacy, 7 Beau Street, Waterford

1910s? Rev Canon Patrick Tracey, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, hat off

1910s? Rev Canon Patrick Tracey, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, hat on.

1913/4 Cabinet commissioned by Mr. Treacy, William Street, Clonmel

1915/6 Cabinet commissioned by Con. Tracy R.I.C., Peters St. Barracks, Waterford

1918 In memoriam commissioned by Mr. Treacy-Redmond, Villierstown

1920s? Bride and groom : commissioned by Mr. David Tracey, Garden Flat, 49 Leinster Road, Rathmines

1920s? Wedding group of five : commissioned by Mr. David Tracey, Garden Flat, 49 Leinster Road, Rathmines

1922 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss Treacy, 48 South Street, New Ross

1922 T. Tracey, Barrack Street, Waterford, house and shop : commissioned by Mr. Tracey

1925 Rev Canon Patrick Tracey.P.P., hat off.

1926 Carte de visite commissioned by Mrs. James Treacy, Ballymagill

1926 Group commissioned by Mrs. Treacy, Gas Works, Carrick-on-Suir

1928 Carte de visite commissioned by Mrs. James Treacy, Parish of Tullogher

1947/9 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss Joan Tracey, Metropole Hotel, Waterford

1949/52 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss Phyllis Treacy, Maypark Nursing Home


09 January 1886 Wexford and Kilkenny Express

Piltown Petty Sessions...Constable James Tracey...


27 October 1886 Wexford People

New Ross Union...present...Thomas Treacy...


24 March 1888 Wexford People

The New Ross Union

The election of Mr. Thomas Tracey for one of the Kilkenny divisions has been quashed, as one of his nominators had not the poor rates paid.


04 July 1888 Wexford People

New Ross Union

The New Guardians...Mr. Thomas Tracey, for the Divisions of Listerlin and Jerpoint West...


29 December 1888 Wexford People

New Ross Union. Elected Guardians...Thomas Tracey, jun., Ballymackillagill, Tullogher [Listerlin]...


22 November 1886 Freeman's Journal

[2nd prize?]... Martin Treacy, Ballyragget, Kilkenny. No of Ticket, 776.


1886 Collections relating to the dioceses of Kildare and Leighlin

Michael Carroll, guardian, Martin Treacy, contractor." The inscription on the other side is as follows : — "Graigue Abbey of Grey Friars, established in ...” [Graigue Abbey or Graignamanagh?]


28 January 1887 New Zealand Tablet

Kilkenny.— On Oct. 27 [1886]...The following deputation attended from the Thomastown National League : — Michael Hogan, P.L.G.; Thomas Whelan, T. Butler, E. Reilly, Richard Treacy, James Treacy, M. Gillenan, and Matthew Roach.


“Irish Marriages” extracted from the “Irish American” [see Declan Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]

Week ending April 23, 1887


March 21, by special license, at Cork.

M.G. Tracey, Bawnalog, Piltown, County Kilkenny [Waterford], son of the late Declan Tracey, Esq., to Teresa Mary, daughter of the late Maurice Fitzgerald Esq., Rockview, Cloyne, County Cork.

(Michael Tracy/Treacy, Cork, 2nd Quarter 1887 Vol. 5, page 94 Marriages Register)


1887 RIC Service [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Samuel Treacy, 52768, b. 1867 Kilkenny Kildare


52768 Samuel Treacy, 20 years 2 months, 5'19.75", b. Kilkenny Kildare, Protestant, married 24.4.95 wife from Dublin, recommended by DI Newell, famer, allocated 9 Nov 87, served Limerick 29 May '88 - Dublin 15.7.91 - Down 16.7.95 - Belfast 15.2.02, P Act Sergt 1.6.1910 - P Sergt 1.4.1912, 5 Rewards, Disbanded 31-5-22 TS Belfast No 48 CA £195-0-0, Cond Queens & Wicklow


14 April 1888 (N) Irish National League

Galmoy Branch...Rev P. Treacy CC in the chair...

13 December 1890 (N)

Galmoy Branch...Rev P. Treacy CC in the chair...

17 January 1891 (N) Irish National League

Galmoy Co. Kilkenny...Rev. P. Tracy, CC, in the chair...

18 April 1891 (N) Irish National Federation and Independent Leagues

Galmoy Branch...Rev P. Treacy CC, presiding...

February 27, 1892 News from Ireland

Kilkenny has sent money...Galmoy parish...per Rev. Patrick Treacy £40.

1893 Subscribers

Rev. P. Treacy, CC, Galmoy

Healy, William (1893) History & antiquities of Kilkenny county & city. Kilkenny.

1896 National Convention representative of the Irish race throughout the world at Dublin

Delegates...United States of America...Edward Treacy, Boston...Kildare...Athy Board of Guardians, Michael Treacy...Rev. P. Tracey, C.C., Galmoy [Kilkenny]

June 7, 1900 (FJ) The United Irish League

Galmoy, Kilkenny...Rev P. Treacy, Adm, President (loud cheers).


7 September 1889 Leinster Leader  [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Farm for Sale

To be sold, the tenant's interest in that part of the lands of Coon, known as Belmont in County Kilkenny, now in occupation of Major Powell, containing 155a 3r 30p, statute measure. Belmont is within five miles of Carlow and four of castlecomer, and within about an hour's drive of Milford Railway station. The lands are well fenced and watered, and are suitable for dairy and other purposes. The purchaser will be able to apply under Leaseholders' Clause of the Land Act to have a "Fair Rent" fixed. Additional land could be let to purchaser. For terms apply to Mrs Jeanie Treacy, Main Street, Castlecomer.


1890 RIC Service [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

James Treacy, 54486, b. 1869 Kilkenny


54486 James Treacy, 21 years 5 months, 5'9.75", b. Kilkenny, Prot, married 5.2.98 wife [Elizabeth Scollard] from Kerry, recommended by DI Maxwell, farmer, allocated 15 Aug 90, served Kerry 1? May? 91 - Limerick 12.3.98 - Queens Co 1.10.02 - Wexford 12.5.10, 4 Punishments, Pensioned 1.4.21 69448D, pension £164.13.4, Contd Carlow


20 December 1890 (N) Kilkenny Election

...Rev Patrick Treacy, Moneynamuck.


Irish Draught Horse Book

Sir Henry was a grey stallion of 16.1 hands that had been foaled in 1890 and that was dead before 1919. He had been owned by Dennis Treacy of Coolraney, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, and his pedigree is particularly perplexing. His sire was Young Sir Henry (unregistered) by a horse named Sir Henry (that was also unregistered). Judged by his name alone it might appear that Treacy's entire was some sort of reincarnation! In any case, Sir Henry highlights the naughty practice, that was all too prevalent in the past among owners of successful stud-horses, of naming young horses after their (financially) successful forebears. Normally this appears to have been done where the younger horse was similar in appearance to his predecessor. In some cases, however, there was no family relationship whatsoever between the two beast of the same name!

Lewis, CA (1980) Irish Draught Horse Yearbook, pp. 16 - 22.


October 17, 1891  The Irish Standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Wicklow. On Wednesday, Sept., 9th, the interesting ceremony of religious reception was held in the Presentation Convent, Castlecomer, county Kilkenny. The young lady who was received was Miss Treacy, of Lisconman, county Wicklow (in religion Sister Mary Stanislaus). The Very Rev. Canon Coady, P. P., presided at the ceremony. Among the clergy present were Rev. T. Kehoe, P. P., Ballyadams Rev Carrol, C. Castlecomer Rev. J. Prendergast, C. C. do Rev. P. Downey, C, C. Mullinavat Rev. J. Walsh, C. C. Muckalee, &c. A very large number of the friends of Miss Treacy also attended.


1891 Census - 96 Hednesford Rd, Norton Canes, Staffordshire

Robert Treacy, head, 34, Police Constable, b. England [Kilkenny]

Anne Treacy, wife, 36, b. Staff Bilston

Maria A Treacy      Daughter                F             11           Staffordshire, England

Alfred Treacy        Son         M            9             Bilston, Staffordshire, England

Frederick Treacy    Son         M            6             Staffordshire, England

Albert Treacy         Son         M            5             Willenhall, Staffordshire, England

Blanche Treacy      Daughter                F             3             Staffordshire, England

William Treacy      Son         M            1             Staffordshire, England



1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


Bridget Tracy, 1893, 17 years, Windgap [Kilkenny] Ireland, to Honfowl? City


Elizabeth Tracey, Inistioge Kilkenny Ireland, 1913, 30 years, hmaid, mother Honora Tracey, Instigoe Co Kilkenny, brother Patrick Tracey, 28 Washington St, Waterbury Conn


Frank Treacy, Buenos Aires Argentina, 1923, 36 years [36y2m], married, diver, lived 2 years Buenos Aires Argentine. Brother: W Treacy, 1025 Cochobamba B.A. lived 10 mos 1912 NY. Aunt: M. Treacy, Main St, Patterson, NJ. 5’9”, Lt complexion, Br hair, blue eyes. b. Tipperary Ireland. [Admitted] [Frank Treacy 36, Margaret Treacy 35, John Treacy 2]

Margaret Treacy, Buenos Aires Argentina, 1923, 35 years, married, lived 2 years Buenos Aires Argentine. Brother: W Treacy, 1025 Cochobamba B.A. lived 10 mos 1912 NY. Aunt: M. Treacy, Main St, Patterson, NJ. 5’9”, Lt complexion, Br hair, blue eyes. b. Tipperary Ireland. [Admitted] [Frank Treacy 36, Margaret Treacy 35, John Treacy 2]

John Treacy, Buenos Aires Argentina, 1923, 2 years [2y1m], lived 2 years Buenos Aires Argentine. Brother: W Treacy, 1025 Cochobamba B.A. lived 10 mos 1912 NY. Aunt: M. Treacy, Main St, Patterson, NJ. 2’0”, Lt complexion, Br hair, blue eyes. b. Kilkenny Ireland. [Admitted] [Frank Treacy 36, Margaret Treacy 35, John Treacy 2]


Gertrude Treacy, NY USA, 1923, 26 years, single, maid, sister: Mrs J. Cullinane, 10 Victoria Terrace, Clenbrook, C. Cork. lived 10 years New York. Cousin Mrs Sparkes, 1410 Broadway?, New York City, NY. 5’6”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. B. Kilkenny Co. Kilkenny Ireland.


Henry Tracey, K...ock...o...h.. (Knocktopher Kilkenny Ireland?) 1900, 24 years, Knockcrophry?, sister L Tracy, 677 Gladstone St, to NY?


James Treacy, Bennettsbridge Kilkenny? Ireland, 1913, 26 years, single, Father Martin Treacy, Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny. To Cousin Mary Grace, 5348 S Mekiganay Chicago, Ill. 6’1”, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b. Kilkenny Ireland.


Margt Treacy, Callan (Kilkenny? Ireland), 1897, 18 years, single, to sister Alice, Reugs Co Hospital, Flatbush, New York.


Mary Treacy, Ballymack (Ballymack Burnchurch?, Kilkenny? Ireland), 1903, 24 years, to Brooklyn, sister Mrs J Hemdon, 235 Ford St, Brooklyn [bad copy]

Mary Treacy, Ballynack (Ballymack Burnchurch?, Kilkenny? Ireland), 1903, 24 years, to Brooklyn, sister Mrs E? J Herndon, 164 Peal St, Brooklyn [bad copy]


Michael Treacy, Tullougher (Tullagher Dysertmoon Kilkenny) Ireland, 1907, 20 years, single, mother Mary Glenpipe Tullogher Co. Killkenny, sister paid passage, sister Bridget Treacy 104 Pernon Ave? Long Island NY, 5'6", fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Tullogher Ireland.


Michael Tracy, born 20 Aug 1886 Glenpipe Ireland, age 23, naturalization 1909 Queens, New York City, New York, United States

Michael Tracy, age 23, driver, white, fair complexion, 5'7", 168 lb, light hair, blue eyes, scar over left eye, born Glenpipe Ireland 20 August 1886, lives 104 Vernon Ave Lonh Island City NY, emigrated from Queensland Ireland on Teutonic, dated 20 July 1907, [signed] 13 October 1909

Michael Tracy, born 20 Aug 1886 Co Kilkenny Ireland, Naturalization 1914 New York United States

Michael Tracy of 526 W 51 St, truck driver, borm 20 Aug 1886 Co Kilkenny Ireland, emigrated 10 July 1907 from Queenstown arriving 18 July 1907 NY on the Teutonic, Application 13 Oct 1909 Jamacia LI Superior Queens, [signed] 4 Aug 1914


Norah Tracey, Inistiogue (Kilkenny Ireland?), 1898, 24 years, single, to Bro Joamgro? 9 Railtoad? Ave Sr Waterbury Conn


Patrick Treacy, Kilkenny Ireland, 1912, 25 years, single, driver, mother? Ann? Treacy King St Kilkenny, to friend Essen? Lynch 148 State St Brooklyn NY, 5'10", fair complexion, fair hair blue eyes, b. Kilkenny Ireland


Thomas Treacey, Kilkenny (Ireland), 1894, 65 years, farmer, USA native, to Brooklyn

               Thomas Treacy, Kilkenny (Ireland), 1895, 70 years, labourer, to Brooklyn, Yes [US Citizen]


William Treacy, Paulstown (Kilkenny? Ireland), 1898, 27 years, single, farmer, to sister West? Street Buffalo New York


William Tracey, Rev, Newton USA, 1908, 50 years, Priest, 5’9”, dark complexion, grey hair, grey eyes. Brother: Dungannon Co. Kilkenny. Home: [since 1906] Newton, Jasper Co. Iowa. b. Kilkenny Ireland


United States Naturalization Petitions

Henry Or Harry Treacy, born 26 Mar 1903 Castle, Corner, [Castlecomer], Kilkenny, Ireland. Naturalised New York, NY. Spouse's Alice Treacy born 17 Oct 1905


Glasnevin Cemetery Dublin

John Treacy, of Kilkenny, died 1893 38 years


February 27, 1894 (FJ) Evicted Tenants Fund

Galmoy, Co. Kilkenny. £1 Rev. P. Treacey CC...


'Indiana', Queenstown to Phila 20 June 1894

Mary Ann Treacy, 18, b. 1876, dressmaker, lived Kilkerney [Kilkenny], to Miss Treacy aunt 362 Main St Patterson N.J.,


1896? RIC Service [Retired to Ovoca, Wicklow see 1901 & 1911 Census]

John Treacy, 31648, b. 1847 Queens


31648 Jno Treacy, 19 years, 5'7.75", b. Queens, Roman Catholic, married 4/7/78 wife from Wexford 31648D/35758, recommended by B.W. Delany JP, laborer, allocated 7 May 1866, served Wexf 27 Oct 66 - Tip SR 20/10/78, P Acts Sergt 1.12.8? - P Sergt 1.1.86, Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned 1-6-96 31648D/15961, Cosmected? in Kilkenny


09 July 1898 Enniscorthy Guardian

...Tullogher Nationalists...collection at the different chapel gates...Simon Treacy, Ballymogil...


16 July 1898 New Ross Standard

Rosbercon Petty Sessions...James Treacy, Rosbercon...


September 1898

72 Ignatius Treacy, St. Kieran's College, Kilkenny

21 January 1899 New Ross Standard
Theft of Flour...at Tinneranny...James Treacy, Ballymagil, deposed he had been in Ross on the 24th December, Christmas Eve, and purchased a four-stone bag of flour at Molloy and O'Sullivan for 6s...
24 June 1899 New Ross Standard
Constable Breadon summoned James Treacy. blacksmth, for drunkenness on the public streets, this being his fifth offence...fined 10s6d.

18 January 1913 Free Press (Wexford)

No Whiskey for Jim Treacy!

Jim Treacy, Rosbercon’s famous braggadocio, was summoned by Sergt. Maguire, Rosbercon, for drunkemness and disorderly conduct. The Complainant said that the defendant was shouting and annoying the people. He was a blacksmith...



 1901 Census of Ireland

 Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland



1901- Rev Patrick Treacy, Administrator, St. John’s, Kilkenny

Pierce Ryan of Cellerstown Kilkenny m. Elenor Coogan of John Street Kilkenny on 21 September 1904. Patrick Treacy Adm St. John's Killong [Kilkenny] [Priest] Pro Cathedral Dublin.

Dec 26, 1904 (IT) Commissioners of National Education

...the attendence Committee in Kilkenny, consisting of four Roman Catholic clergy, Cannon Doyle and fathers Doyle, Keoghan and Tracy - who resigned their positions...

1905 Subscribers: Rev. Patrick Treacy, Adm, St. Johns Kilkenny

Carrigan, William Rev  (1905) The history and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory.

Nov 10, 1906 (MC)

...In the choir were:- Rev P Treacy, Adm., St. John's Kilkenny...

Oct. 13th 1907 St Mary's Cathedral: Celebration of Golden Jubilee
In the choir were the following clergymen…Rev. Patrick Treacy, Adm., St John's…

Photographs: National Library of Ireland

Rev. Canon Patrick Tracey, hat on. Location Castlecomer 


Rev. Canon Patrick Tracey, hat off. Location Castlecomer


1925 Rev. Canon Patrick Tracey, hat off.


December 1909 IT
Kilkenny North constituency...The Rev. P. Treacy, Adm., St. John's Kilkenny proposed Mr. Patrick McDermott, ex-M.P., and was seconded by Mr. Thomas Harrington, D.C. Urlingford.
May 1910 IT
At St. John’s Roman Catholic Church a brief Memorial Service was also held conducted by the Rev. P. Treacy, Army Chaplain...4th Battalion Royal Irish Regiment... 

September 3, 1910 Kentucky Irish American

Ireland - Tomark their esteem for one who had always shown a practical interest in their welfare, the Parochial Committee of St. John's, Kilkenny, passed a resolution tendering the Rev. Patrick Treacy, their sincere congratulations on his promotion from Kilkenny to the pastorship of Conahy.

Jan 24, 1914 (FJ)

Principal Female Teacher wanted for Conahy National School; Number on Roll 45; one qualified in Music, and for the teaching of Irish preferred. Apply, without delay, to Rev. Patrick Treacy, PP, Conahy, Kilkenny.

Jun 22, 1920 (FJ) Castlecomer Hospital

...Guardians co-opted...Rev. P. Treacy PP...

Jan 2, 1922 (FJ) Diocese of Ossory

Per Very rev Patrick Treacy PP Conahy...

Apr 1, 1924 (FJ) Diocese of Ossary

The Very Rev P. Treacy PP St. Colemans Conahy...


04 July 1902 New Ross Standard

New Ross Guardians

Eviction Notices

...Also of the intention of Belinda Coleman to evict Thomas Treacy, Simon Treacy, Ellen Meaney, John Treacy, Patrick Treacy.


September 17, 1904 (MC) Handball

...for £50 aside against Tracey and Purcell of Kilkenny...


31 March 1905 List of Teachers Employed by the Commissioners of National Education - Kilkenny

Timothy J Treacy, 27 years 8 months, served 5 years 3 months, educated De La Salle College Waterford, serving Kilkenny 13265 St. Patricks, Assistant


1905 RIC Service

John Treacy, 53007, b. 1867 Tipperary North


53007 John Treacy, 20.5 years, 5'9.5", b, Tipp N, Catholic, married 3 May 1905 wife from Waterford contd in Limerick, recommended by DI Huddy, farmer, allocated 11 April 88, served Clare 9 Feb 89 - Waterford 16.9.95 - Kilkenny 1.9.05, P.A. Sergt 1.4.07 - P. Sergt 1.8.08, Reward, Pensioned 6.11.1913 53007D/78674, Contd in Queens


August 1905 IT RIC Transfers...John Treacy, Waterford to Kilkenny...

August 1908 IT Acting sergeant to Sergeant...John Treacy, Kilkenny...

April 29, 1911 (ME)...Sergeant John Tracey...who is in charge of the Mooncoin (Kilkenny) police station...

1911 Census

J. T. [John Treacy], 43, Male, 71.2 [RIC Barracks] Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny (Sergeant, Farmer's Son, Married, b. Tipperary)

John Treacy, ?, ?, 71.1 Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny [Not included on form]

Emily M Treacy, 31, F, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny (wife, married 5 years, 4 child, b. Waterford City)

Martin J Treacy, 4, F, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny

Seaghan J Treacy, 3, M, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny

Herbert C Treacy, 2, M, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny

Una Treacy, 1, F, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny

March RIC Magazine TREACEY. - 1st February, 1912, at R.I.C. Barracks, Mooncoin, County  Kilkenny, the wife of Sergeant J. Treacey, of a daughter.

November 1913 IT The many friends of Sergeant John Treacy, Mooncoin, County Kilkenny, will learn with regret of his approaching departure from the famous hurling parish. Though a comparatively young man, he has seen 25 years service and is retiring on pension to take up the position of collector of income tax at Clonmel. During his six year stay at Mooncoin he was extremely popular with all classes and to mark their appreciation of his service with a testimonial. It is stated that Mr. and Mrs. Treacy have been the recipients of many valuable presents.

December 1913 IT An interesting event took place at Rathkieran, when ex-sergeant Treacy, Clonmel was the recipient of a very handsome presentation consisting of a purse of thirty sovereigns, subscribed by the residents in the Mooncoin and Carrigeen districts...


1906 [Cd. 3238] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the period from 1st November, 1903, to 31st December, 1905 - Kilkenny

Nov 2 1905, Patrick Tracey, Connahy, 18a1r8p, £9.0.0 valuation, £6.4.0 rent, not judicial, £134 purchase price and advance


1905 Kelly's Directory

Mrs. Tracey, The Square, Castlecomer R.S.O. co Kilkenny

Rev. Patrick Treacy, St. John's presbytery, Kilkenny


May 24 1906, Patrick Treacy, Butlerswood, Kilkenny, 2a1r35p, £1 valuation, £1.6.0 rent, not judicial, £5 purchase price and advance

May 24 1906, Patrick Treacy, Butlerswood, Kilkenny, 0a0r27p, £1.10.0 valuation, included in No.41 Thomas Kenny, not judicial, £26 purchase price and advance


01 June 1906 New Ross Standard

Kilkenny Feis

In the language competitions first prizes were awarded to...Ellie Treacy, Presentation Convent, Castlecomer...


1906 RIC Service [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Francis Treacy, 62231, b. 1882 Kilkenny


62231 Francis Treacy, dob 17 Aug 1882 [24 years], 5'9 5/8", b. Kilkenny jd from Carlow, Protestant, married 7.4.20 wife from Tyrone, recommended by DI Carter, Asylum Attendant, appointed 15 Nov 06, served Meath 1st May 1907 - Tyrone 10.5.12 - Cavan 5.3.1913 - Belfast 1.6.1913, Disbanded 20.5.22 T.S. Belfast No 16 C.A. £153.2.9


12 March 1907 James Tunstead [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Administration of the estate of James Tunstead late of Poulpeasty County Wexford farmer who died 9 May 1906 at The Infirmary Enniscorthy said County granted at Dublin to Susan Treacy [Castlecomer  Kilkenny] married woman. Effects £372.


24 January 1908 New Ross Standard

Chancery Division.

In the matter of the Estate of James Tunstead, deceased, between Susan Treacy, plaintiff, and Robert Tunstead and Maria, Tunstead, defendants.

Preliminary Notice Of Public Auction.

...10th day of December 1907, a farm portion of the estate of said James Tunstead, deceased, situated in the townland of Poulpeasty, Clonroche, containing 112 acres 2 roods statute measure...


26 April 1907 New Ross Standard

Horse-Breeding Scheme, 1907. This is to certify that the Irish Draught Stallion, SIR HENRY, The property of Denis Treacy, Coolraney, Thomastown. Co. Kilkenny, has been placed on The Department's list of approved Sire's under the above scheme


01 March 1912 New Ross Standard

Co. Kilkenny Horse Breeding Scheme...Reserved...Mr. Denis Treacy, Coolrainey...


25 March 1908 Wexford People

[applications for cottages]

John Treacy, Smithstown, labourer and applicant, Nicholas Dollard, occupier, The latter assented.


15 August 1908 Free Press (Wexford)

New Ross Petty Sessions

Wandering Animals

For same offence Ellen Treacy, Hoodsgrove [Rosbercon], was fined 6d and 1s6d costs.


23 April 1909 New Ross Standard

Licensed and Land Sales

At Inistioge...Lot 3... consisted of the Coolsillagh purchased farm of 15 acres 2 roods 32 perches statue, present interest £5.10s8d future annuity £4.2s9d. This lot was purchase. by Mr. Aiden Treacy, a neighbouring farmer, for £300?.


26 August 1909  Castlecomer (County Kilkenny) Pension Cases. HC Deb vol 9 cc2279-81
§ Mr. P. WHITE (for Mr. Meagher) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that the Castlecomer old age pension sub-committee passed a claim for pension to William Tracey and Mary Comerford, and that the said claims respectively were appealed against by the pension officer, who relied on the Census Returns, and that the sub-committee, having local and other proofs of the ages of the applicants, and statutory declarations made by the applicants, that each of the two was over 70 years of age, passed the pensions, and that the Local Government Board decided against their claims; if he will state the reasons which influenced the Local Government Board to set aside the decisions of the committee and the statutory declarations of the applicants in favour of a record from the Census, having regard to the fact that a statutory declaration is accepted as evidence, whereas a certificate from the Census will not be so accepted in a court of law; whether he is aware that, in the case of William Tracey, the Local Government Board was requested to send down an inspector to verify the declaration made by Tracey; whether the Local Government Board did so; and, if not, will he say why they did not so send down before setting aside a statutory declaration? 
§ Mr. BIRRELL The Local Government Board upheld the appeals in these cases as there was not sufficient evidence that the claimants had reached the statutory age. In Mary Comerford's case letters were forwarded from two persons stating that they believed her to be seventy years of age. Tracey made a statutory declaration that he was thirty-two years old at the time of his marriage in 1868, and submitted a letter from a clergyman to the effect that he believed his statement. The Board could not accept this evidence, having regard to the fact that the claimants appeared from the Census Returns of 1851 to have been then nine and eight years of age respectively. Tracey asked the Board to send down an inspector to see him, but, having regard to the documentary evidence, it was not considered necessary to do so.

National School Registers

Jemmie Tracey, b. 1907, 1911, Kilkenny

Jemmie Tracey, b. 1907, 1913, Kilkenny

Mary Tracey, b. 1904, 1909, Kilkenny

Mary Tracey, b. 1904, 1911, Kilkenny

Pat Tracey, b. 1904, 1909, Kilkenny

Pat Tracey, b. 1904, 1911, Kilkenny

Jun 24, 1910 (FJ) Kilkenny Agricultural Society
Carters and Labourers Animals...Class A...3rd Patrick Treacy, Ruppa, Thomastown...

November 1910 to December 1911 Monthly returns of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903

John Treacy, Ballydonnell, 3a2r16p, £5.5, £2.14.0, $45, 16.6 years, estate of Earl of Carrick, Kilkenny

28 January 1911 Free Press (Wexford)
Courageous Conduct. Sergeant J. Treacy, Thomastown, has received a third-class certificate and £5 for efficient police duty and courageous conduct.
28 January 1911 Free Press (Wexford)
The Late Mr. N. Kennedy... Patrick and James Kennedy, Listerlin (brothers), Ellie (sister), Patrick, Alice, Thomas, and James Kennedy, Mrs. Malone and Mrs. Treacy (cousins).
1911 [Cd. 5488, 5489, 5490, 5624, 5639, 5750, 5758, 5887, 5890, 5952] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of November, 1909 - Kilkenny
31st July 1910, John C. Treacy, Coan East, 132a3r3p, £69.0.0 valuation, £39.11.0 rent, judicial, £818 purchase price and advance, 21.4 years
Old Age Pensions (Ireland).HC Deb 16 February 1911 vol 21 cc1216-21
Mr. MEAGHER asked the Chief Secretary whether he was aware that the Castlecomer pension sub-committee, at their meeting held on the 16th December last, provisionally granted pensions of 5s. to, among other claimants, several inmates of the Castlecomer Union workhouse, that these pensioners have had their pensions appealed against since the decision of the committee was given, and that two of these inmates, namely, Margaret Curran and Anne Tracey, have been deprived within the present month of their pension books by the pension officer; and whether he will state on what authority the pension officer acted in thus depriving these pensioners of the benefits of the Old Age Pension Act, having regard to the fact that there was no appeal made against the decision of the local committee? 

Constable Treacy (Clonaslee, Queen's County).HC Deb 07 July 1910 vol 18 c1768 1768

§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the case of Constable [James] Treacy [b. Kilkenny], lately stationed at Clonaslee, Queen's County, against whom it was alleged that on a certain Sunday in October last, when acting as barrack orderly between nine and ten o'clock at night, he stopped two men outside the barracks, and, after procuring drink for them from an adjacent public-house, incited them to smash the bicycle belonging to the sergeant of a neighbouring station and throw it into the river; that on another occasion this constable supplied horns to two young men, prompting them at the same time to sound a local Protestant, lately married, with the object of annoying the sergeant; and that he advised certain persons to feign drunkenness before the sergeant, get arrested, and then go before a doctor and a magistrate and charge the sergeant with unlawful arrest; whether he is aware that evidence of a most reliable character is forthcoming in support of those charges; and will he grant a public sworn inquiry in order that the allegations against this constable may be thoroughly investigated?

§ Mr. REDMOND BARRY My attention has already been drawn to the matters referred to in the question, which were investigated by two experienced police officers some months ago. The Inspector-General then came to the conclusion that the case of Constable Treacy would be sufficiently met by his transfer to another county, as already ordered on other grounds. I see no reason for any further inquiry.

Royal Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 13 July 1910 vol 19 cc573-4W 573W

§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary whether he can say upon what date Constable Treacy left Clonaslee, and where he is at present stationed; and whether he is engaged in ordinary police duties?

§ Mr. BIRRELL Constable Treacy left Clonaslee on 14th May and is at present stationed at Coolgreaney [Coolgreany Co. Wexford]. He performs ordinary police duties.

Royal Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 14 July 1910 vol 19 cc591-2 591

§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he will order a magisterial investigation into the charges preferred against Constable Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee, Queen's County, seeing that the evidence of eight independent witnesses is forthcoming charging this constable with incitement to crime and outrage on three distinct occasions?

§ Mr. BIRRELL As the hon. Member has already been informed, this matter has been investigated by two experienced police officers. The constable has been transferred to another county, and I see no reason for any further inquiry.

§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, at the inquiry held on 19th April at Clonaslee, Queen's County, by District-Inspectors O'Connor, Kanturk, and Wallace, Cappawhite, into the charges of incitement to crime and outrage preferred against Constable Treacy, the evidence was taken on oath; and whether he will lay a copy of the report of those two police officers and the minutes of evidence upon the Table of the House?

§ Mr. BIRRELL Evidence was not taken on oath at the inquiry referred to. I do not propose to lay upon the Table of the House a copy of the report of the officers who conducted the inquiry.



1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



14 March 1912 Irish Land Commission Return Of Advances

Estate of Richard Henry Prior-Wandesforde

Richard Treacy, Cloneen, 39a3r17p, valuation £19.5, rent £15.12.0, Jud (a), price £365, advance £365, 23.3 years rent

Richard Treacy, Cloneen, 14a0r6p, valuation £0.15, rent £7.15.0, Jud (a), price £181, advance £181, 23.6 years rent


William Tracey, Donagule, 167a0r20p, valuation £50, rent £42.5.0, Jud (c), price £1000, advance £1090, 23.3 years rent

Anneslay Treacy, Donaguile, 14a3r0p, valuation £4.15, rent £2.2.6, Jud (a), price £51, advance £51, 24 years rent

Grorge Treacy & Margaret Treacy, Donaguile, 62a0r20p, valuation £24.15, rent £18.0.6, Jud (a), price £456, advance £456, 23.9 years rent

William Tracey, Donagule, 13a2r22p, valuation £9.10, rent £0.11.0, Jud (b), price £139, advance £139, 21.2 years rent


Dec 17, 1913 (FJ) Battle of Carrickshock

...It was decided to takes steps to erect a monument to James Treacy, the leader on the popular side, and to the others who were killed with him in the battle.

Feb 16, 1914 (FJ) Carrickshock Memorial

At a meeting of the Committee appointed to act in connection with the Carrickshock Memorial project, held last Sunday at Ballyhale, Mr. John Dwyer, Croan, presiding, it was unanimously decided that Rev. Canon Murphy, PP, Kilmanagh, be asked to accept the honourary presidency of the Committee, and Rev. Patrick Treacy, PP, Conahy, vice-presidency. It was further decided to circularise the various Nationalist bodies and public boards in Co. Kilkenny requesting their co-operation.



With the various championships gone all that was left was the occasional tournament or friendly. Dunnamaggin played two friendlies against their neighbours Croan in January 1913. The first game had to be abandoned because the ball burst. This was due, the special correspondent of the People reported, to the "ferocity" with which the game was played. They met again two weeks later in nearby Ballintee. The Croan footballers were accompanied to Paddy Neill's field by their own James Treacy fife and drum band. Kells played Kilmoganny and Lukeswell in tournaments held in Croan later in the year.



1913-1922 Military History

Denis Treacy, Dunnamaggin, Co. Kilkenny

James Treacy, Raheen, Co. Kilkenny

Michael Treacy, Gowran Brigade, of Kilkenny & Dublin

Thomas Treacy, B Company, 6 Battalion, Kilkenny Brigade, 2 Southern Division

Thomas Treacy, Captain, Commandant IRA Kilkenny & Commandant Ballykinlar Camp

William Treacy, B Company, 7 Battalion, Kilkenny Brigade, 2 Southern Division, of Tipperary

William Treacy, private, 3 Battalion, Kilkenny Brigade


Henry Treacy, D Company, 3 Battalion, Kilkenny Brigade, of Kilkenny & Dublin

Richard Treacy, D Company, 3 Battalion, Kilkenny Brigade, 2 Southern Division


27 February 1914 New Ross Standard

Cottage Plots

Two applications were received, namely, from John Treacy, Smithatown, and Jonn Lawlor, Rahora, in reply to the council's advertisment for temporary occupants of five? cottage plots...


1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension Records

James Tracey, b. abt 1875, Freshford, Ireland

James Tracey, 2086, 4th Batt South Lanc Regt. enlisted 6th August 1914 for a four year term. 97641.

James Tracey, b. Freshford Kilkenny Ireland, 39 years 1 month, farmers labourer, works Bootle Tanning? Co Liverpool, lives 29 Knowley Rd Bootle, married, served Volunteers 1st South Lanc Regt. Spouse: Elizabeth Tracey.

John Tracey [John Treacy], b. abt 1895, Conaby, Kilkenny

Thomas Tracey, b. abt 1879, St Patricks, Kilkenny,  


WW1 Merchant Seamen Medal Cards BT 351/1

Eli Tracey, b. 1881 Kilkenny [OR Wexford – see Wales]


Irish Military Archives

1913-1916 Captain Thomas Treacy, IV Kilkenny, Commandant IRA Kilkenny


1916 St Patrick's Day
The feast of the national Apostle was celebrated with fitting solemnity in Kilkenny on Friday. The city battalion of the Irish volunteers who were considerably augmented by several corps from all parts of the county held a church parade. They made an exceptionally fine turn out under the command of Captain Kelly and Captain Treacy. They marched from headquarters, headed by their pipe band to 12 noon mass in St John's Church.

1916 Rebellion handbook

Jas Treacy, 10 Tramway terrace, Sandymount - Tram

John Tracy, 7 Rathmines Terr - Grocer's assistant

T. Tracey, Dean Street, Kilkenny

211 Persons detained at Richmond Barracks

J. Tracey

Michael Treacy

Jun 10, 1916 (IT) Prisoners Deported

...100 prisoners had been removed from Richmond Barracks, Dublin and lodged in Wakefield Detention Barracks...

Tracey, T., Dean street, Kilkenny

Tracey, M., Athenry

18 November 1916 Kilkenny People

National Aid Association. Branch formed in Kilkenny...Hon Sec: Messrs T. Treacy, Parliament street...

August 1917

Kilkenny Corporation by 16 votes to 1 elected as sanitary sub-officer and waste-water inspector Mr. Thos Treacy, Captain of the local corps I.N.V. who was deported after the rising. The other candidate was Mr. J. Redmond.

1 September 1917 IT

Kilkenny Corporation has appointed as Sanitary sub-officer and waste waterinspector Mr. Treacey, who is captain of the local corps of the Irish Volunteers, and had been deported after the rebellion.

1918 Danger of Food Shortage - Important Movement Launched
Meeting held in the Town Hall, Kilkenny, in pursuance of a circular, where one of the signatories is a T. Treacy

Jan 17, 1920 (FJ) Kilkenny...elected...

St. Canice's Ward...Thomas Tracey (S.F.)

Jan 24, 1920 (IT) Municipal Election Results

Kilkenny...St. Canice's Ward...Councillors...Thomas Treacy, S.F...

1920 Kilkenny Municipal Election Results
Elected Thomas Treacy, Sinn Fein

Mar 10, 1920 (FJ) [Raid on Barracks]

Hugginstown is a very small village in the co Kilkenny, about five miles from Knocktopher...The private house of Mrs Thomas Treacy, TC, was also visited [by Police]...

May 8, 1920 (FJ) The released Men

...Irish Hunger Strikers released from Wormwood Scrubes prison yesterday...Mr. T. Tracy, Kilkenny

May 30, 1920 (FJ) More Men leave hospital

...taken their discharge from St. Mary's Infirmary, Highgate...T. Tracy, Kilkenny...

May 30, 1920 (FJ) The returned Victors

...Tom Treacy, do [Kilkenny]...

Dec 9, 1920 (FJ) Prisoners who are detained at Kilworth Camp

...Kilkenny...T. Treacy...

Oct 13, 1921 (FJ) Detention of Prisoners "Cruel and Unjust"

...referred to the long detention of their Colleague, Concillor Thos. Treacy, who had always looked after the interests of Kilkenny in a very capable manner.

Oct 27, 1921 (FJ) Drenched by Downpour

...conditions prevailing in Ballykinlar Interment Camp by the following communication from Mr Thomas Treacy, Acting Camp Commandant, to the Editor of the Freeman's Journal....

Dec 9, 1921 (FJ) Waiting at Ballykinlar

Special Trains...The British Proclamation announcing the personal freedom of the internees...The news was read to the prisoners in No.1 Cage after Mass and Benediction, Commandants Treacy and duffy and the Chaplain, Father McLister, were in attendence with the British officiers...

1921 Ballykinlar Internment Camp

I was very lucky in my hut, as my fellow-hutsmen were men with whom it was a pleasure to live. Some of them such as Paddy Sullivan, the "hut leader," Jim Lalor, Tom Tracey, Tom Nolan and Jack Fitzgerald had had a fairly extensive acquaintance with British prisons and had been through " hunger strikes " and such episodes, and most of the others had been very active figures in the national movement in one way or another...Some camp notables...Tom Tracey, of Kilkenny...

Walsh, Louis J.  (1921) On my keeping and in theirs : a record of experiences "on the run", in Derry Gaol, and in Ballykinlar Internment Camp. The Talbot Press, Dublin

1921 Commandant T. Treacy
Commandant T. Treacy, who with is fellow internees was accorded a splendid reception in Kilkenny on the occasion of their homecoming after a lengthy period of incarceration, has been connected with the Volunteer organisation since its inception in our midst. During the big swoop by Crown forces following the Rising of Easter Week, 1916, he was placed in custody and, with a number of other young men from the city and county, was brought to Kilkenny Jail. They were here detained for a few days, after which they were transferred to Richmond Barracks, Dublin. Three weeks subsequently Comdt. Treacy was conveyed to Wakefield and from thence to Frongoch Internment camp, from whence he was released after about 11 weeks detention. Here it might be mentioned that it was during the transfer of the prisoners from Kilkenny to Richmond Prison, one of their number, the late Mr John Kealy, John Street Upper, collapsed on the way to the station and died almost immediately.
(Note that on an earlier page there is an article from 1916 with a picture of the above John Kealy and T. Treacy)

Kilkenny People - a Review of the Century, 1892 – 1992

Mar 2, 1922 (FJ) Vote of Sympathy

Kilkenny Corporation tendered sympathy to Councillor Thos Treacy on the death of his sister in America, and adjouned the meeting as a mark of repect. Councillor Treacy was a Commandant of the internees at Ballykinlar.

Aug 17, 1922 (FJ)

Kilkenny Corporation...Councillor...Thomas Tracey...

Jan 11, 1924 (FJ)

...Mr. Thomas Treacy, secretary of the Kilkenny County Board of Health...


The flying column: West Kilkenny, 1916-21 By Jim Maher

Tom Treacy who was O/C of Kilkenny Brigrade I.R.A.

...Denis Treacy...Dunnamaggin were Republican Police in 1919. They did duty at the important Republican Court held in Callan...

IRA was supplied by Mr James Treacy, Raheen


8 January 1916 Kilkenny People

Take Notice - The lands in the posession of the undermention are strickly preserved...Denis Treacy Coolrainey...


18 March 1916 Kilkenny People

...Kilkenny School Attendence Committee...Attendece orders were granted against Johanna Treacy, Blackmill street...

9 Dec 1916 Kilkenny People

A case against Johanna Treacy, Blackmill Street, was dismissed, as the defendant produced a medical oectificate that the child that was sick.


1 April 1916 Kilkenny People

Question of Scholarship. The Department wrote stating that as only one student, Mr Denis Treacy, Ruppa Thomastown, of the winter class in Co. Kilkenny had signified his desire to be considered for the award of the scholarship, the Department were prrepared to have Mr Treacy examined by one of their agricultural inspectors as to his suitability for admission to one of the Departments Agricultural Stations...


6 May 1916 Kilkenny People

...Young Sir Henry is by Sir Henry, an Irish Draught Horse, the property of Mr. Tracey, Coolrainey, Thomastown. Sir Henry, a registered Irish Draught horse, was a beautiful dappled grey, stands 16 hands 1 inch high, with large bone and muscle, all perfectly sound and free from blemish. He was got by Old Sir Henry; his dam was by Defiance, his grand dam by Tennyson; his great grand dam by Sweet Briar, Certificate of Examination. Veterinary Establishment, John's Bridge Kilkenny.


26 August 1916 Kilkenny People

Carrickshock Memorial Fund...Dunnamaggin Chapel List £1 each...Miss Ellen Treacy do [Goodwinsgarden]; Patrick Treacy, Raheen...


23 September 1916 Kilkenny People

Death of Mr John O'Dwyer Ballybeigh Tullaroan...mourners...James Treacy, Mardyke...



...The Pike Road. Before reaching Larry Brennan's (Rush) house, we swung across over by the house of J.J. Treacy, who was a Protestant farmer, and headed for Kelly's bridge on our way into The Lotts...

Coon East...John Treacy...

James J. Comerford (1980) My Kilkenny IRA days: 1916-22


1917 USA Draft Registration  

James Treacy b. 07 Jul 1887 Kilkenny Ireland, Alien 1st papers 1914, freight handler, wife & child, married, lives 4318 Evans? Ave Chicago Ill

Micheal Tracy b. 20 Aug 1887 Kilkenny Ireland, naturised, dependants wife & child, married Driver for NYC, lives 416/420 W 48St NYC

William Tracy b. 23 Mar 1889 Comer Co Kilkenney Ireland, electrican, dependants mother & wife, came to this country at the age of 3 years, lives 45 Webster St Hartford Conn


9th June 1918 Kilkenny women who signed a pledge against conscription

Eilín Ní Treacaig, Canice’s Place

Elizabeth Treacy [nee O'Regan], Dean St

Mrs K [Catherine] Treacy, Dean St

Katie Treacy, High St

Marianne Treacy, Kieran St



14 February 1919 New Ross Standard

Ballymagill, Tullogher

Auction of grazing and tillage lands

Having instructions from Mr. John Treacy... 10 acres grazing 10 acres tillage...


1920 Irish Catholic directory

Benignus Tracey, Brother, Augustinian, John Street, Dublin

Brendan Treacy, c.ss.r., St. Joseph's, Dundalk

John Tracy/Treacy, c.ss.r., Redemptorist, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick

Michael Tracy, C.C., St. Michael's, Limerick. Chaplin of Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Mount St. Vincent Female Orphanage, Limerick.

Nicholas Treacy, Rev, B.A., D.D., Oblates, Belcamp Hall, Raheny, Dublin.

Patrick Tracey, (Canon), P.P., Kilmurry, Crookstown Cork

Patrick Tracey, Sunday's Well, Cork 

Patrick Tracey/Treacy, P.P., Conahy, Jenkinstown, Co. Kilkenny

Peter Tracy, C.C., Strabane, Tyrone


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Catherine Treacy, 24 Jun 1925, late of Ballyvalden County Kilkenny, widow, who died 26 Dec 1920, to Martin Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Denis Treacy, 25 Jun 1937, late of Coolreaney Thomastown County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 23 Aug 1936, to Kate Treacy, widow, and John White, farmer. Effects …

Ellen Treacy, 31 Mar 1936, late of Balintee Dunnamaggan Thomastown County Kilkenny, spinster, who died 11 Jan 1936, to James Brennan, farmer. Effects …

George Treacy, 20 Mar 1929, late of Donaguile Castlecomer County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 18 Feb 1929, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …

James Treacy, 7 Sep 1937, late of Ballymagill Tullogher County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 3 Nov 1923, to Mary Treacy, widow. Effects …

John Copley Treacy, 23 Mar 1943, late of Belmont Bilboa County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 19 Oct 1942, to John Robert Copley Treacy, farmer. Effects …

John Treacy, 16 Jul 1931, late of Kilcurl Knocktopher County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 23 Nov 1930, to William O’Keeffe, farmer. Effects …

John Treacy, 16 Sep 1929, late of Donaguile Castlecomer County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 29 Oct 1888, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Margaret J. [Jane] Treacy, 18 Jul 1929, late of Donaguile County Kilkenny, spinster, who died 1 Nov 1924, to John Robert Treacy and George Thomas Treacy, farmers. Effects …

Martin Treacy, 15 Feb 1937, late of Conahy County Kilkenny, labourer, who died 3 Jan 1937, to James Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Mary Treacy, 26 Jan 1923, late of Kilcurl Knocktopher County Kilkenny, spinster, who died 28 Sep 1922, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Mary Treacy, 26 Jun 1931, late of Kilmanahan Dungarvan County Kilkenny, spinster, who died 22 Apr 1931, to Patrick Cloney, farmer. Effects …

Patrick Canon Treacy The Very Reverend , 29 Jul 1939, late of Conahy County Kilkenny, parish priest, who died 3 Jan 1939, to Johanna O’Keeffe, spinster, and Richard Brennan, farmer. Effects …

Patrick Treacy, 20 Apr 1931, late of Mungmacody Thomastown County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 18 Aug 1930, to Mary Treacy, the widow. Effects …

Patrick Treacy, 8 May 1924, late of Raheen Dunnamaggan County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 7 Oct 1917, to Denis Treacy, farmer. Effects … (limited) (former grant issued 9 Feb 1920)

William Treacy, 8 May 1924, late of Donaguile Castlecomer County Kilkenny, farmer, who died 19 Feb 1924, to George Treacy, farmer. Effects …


24 March 1922 New Ross Standard

Kilkenny Co Board of Health...Thomastown Union... Mr. Thos. Treacy, secretary, was in attendence.


Oct 13, 1922 (FJ) Kilkenny Hurling

Leinster Hurling Chamionships semi-finals...Junior v. Dublin...D. Treacy...(Callan)...

May 19, 1923 (FJ) Kilkenny (Junior v Louth)

...D. Tracy...(Callan)...

May 21, 1923 (FJ) Kilkenny v Louth (J.H.)

Kilkenny - A. Tracy (capt)...

Jul 14, 1923 (FJ) Munster Championships

Corcoran Memorial Tournament. Kilkenny v. Leix (Hurling Challenge). Kilkenny...D. Tracey...


1922 Army Census


John Tracy [Treacy]; 28; Vol, Infantry, home address: Lower Conaly, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, 19313 pay no: 23030, Joined: 11/7/22 Military Bks Kilkenny, single, RC, Next of kin: sister, Next of kin: Miss Maggie Treacy, Lower Conaly, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny; Prison Kilkenny (Kilkenny); download file


Richard Tracey; 19; Pte., Infantry, home address: Rappa, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny,  34055 Pay no: 11757, Joined: 1/6/22 Portobello Barracks South, single, RC, Next of kin: father, Next of kin: Rappa Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny [Line through all], Remarks: See No 34048; Mallow (Cork); download file


Richard Tracey; 19; Vol, Gds [Guards] Infantry, home address: Rappa, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny,  34048 Pay no: 11757, Joined: 1/6/22 Portobello Bks Dublin, single, RC, Next of kin: father, Next of kin: Mr. Patrick Casey, Rappa, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Remarks: Query name [Treacy correct name]; Mallow (Cork); download file


Dec 15, 1924 (FJ) [Carrickshock]

...The ceremony was performed by Rev P Tracey, PP, Conahy, nephew of Jas Tracey, Kilcurran...


23 May 1924 New Ross Standard

IDA Rural District

Labourers cottages to be repaired...Nos 217 Smithstown, tenant John Treacy...


21 January 1927 New Ross Standard

Cottage Tenants Action

A letter was received from John Treacy, Smithstown, asking to allow him £1 10s for two new half windows he put in at his own expence...


13 February 1925 New Ross Standard

Clerical Changes....Very Rev. P. Treacy, P.P., Conahy, to be • Canon of the Cathedral Chapter;...


16 December 1927 New Ross Standard

Wandering Animals

The following were fined for allowing animals, their property, to wander on the public road: ...Martin Treacy, Paulstown, 25.;...


April 01, 1927 (ME) Matches at Fiddown

The Fiddown team...Tracey...(centre field)...


14 January 1927 New Ross Standard

Big Price for a farm

...sale by public auction on instructions fromthe personal representatives of the late Mr. Thomas Prendergast, the farm at Ballyduff, containing 76 acres, statute measure, held subject to an annual payment in leu of rent of £13 9s 4d payable to the Land Commission. Part of the lands of Coolrainer, containing 33 acres, subject to a teminable annuity of £1 18s 8d payable to the Land Commission.and 3 acres at Ballyduffsubject to a terminable annuity of £2 3s payable to the Land Commission. After spirited, bidding the holdings were knocked down Mr. Denis Treacy, Inistioge, for £1,000 with auctioneers' fees...


January 18, 1929 (ME) Waterford District Court

...Kilmacow Licensing Case...John J Barry, publican, Kilmacow...a man named Wm Tracey, The publican gave the same excuse stating that Tracey was employed on the premises...


1929 Picture of Ballyragget Infant School from early 1920's with a Maggie Tracey

Kilkenny People - a Review of the Century, 1892 – 1992


March 06, 1931 (ME) Nominations to Mares, 1931

Gowran Centre...Reserved...Martin Treacy, Ballyvalden, Castlewarren...


01 January 1932 New Ross Standard

Whist Drive At Inlstioge… were the prise-winners, ladies--. 2nd; Miss S. Treacy. Coolrainey (160),...


November 11, 1932 (ME) Sunday's Great Final - County senior hurling final

...Carrickshock (holders)...D. Treacy...


1932 The Municipal Yearbook and Public Utilities Directory

Kilkenny – Secretary: Thomas Treacy, …


16 June 1933 New Ross Standard

Insurance Prosecution

At Kilmoganny District Court, Patk Fitzgerald, Frankfort, Windgap was prosecuted...for failing to stamp the National Health Insurance cards of two employees, Thos. Treacy...


28 September 1934 New Ross Standard

Tithe Battle

Carrickshock Commemoration

The Chairman of the meeting, Mr. T. Harley is a near relative, and Mr. D. Treacy, a local Blueshirt captain, a direct descendant of James Treacy, one of the leaders who fell in the tithe battle 100 years ago...General O'Duffy's resignation...


2 Nov 1937 Coan School, Mothel, Co. Kilkenny [Schools Collection]

Peter Roche, 70, shoemaker of Cruttenclough...People named Honours (phonetic spelling) lived in a house on land now owned by Mr. Charlie Tracey. The stones which remained of this house were taken away lately in order to sow a wheat crop in the field...


03 February 1939 New Ross Standard

Wedding Bells

The wedding took place at Thomastown Parish church of Thomas Treacy, eldest eon of the late Denis Treacy and Mrs. Treacy Coolrainey, lnistioge and Miss Mary Hoyne, third daughter of Mr and Mrs Hoyne, Ballinamona Thomastown...Mr Luke Treacy, brother of the bridesgroom was best man and Miss Kitty Hoyne, sister of the bride was bridesmaid.


January 13, 1940 Irish Press

Goresbridge District Court yesterday, remanded in custody on charges of conspiring to rob, and robbing, Joseph Tracey (67), Killoughternane, of £47. They were further charged with causing grievous bodily harm to Tracey. The District Justice on being informed that Tracey, owing to his injuries, 'was unable to attend the court and, that his life was in danger, adjourned the court to Tracey' s house, eleven miles away. Here, in the presence of court officials, Gardai and the accused, a deposition was taken from the injured man, following which a request by Supt. Chambers for a remand was granted. Tracey in the deposition stated that while carrying about £48 he was attacked and robbed a short distance from Muine Bheag about 10 p.m.; on January 3. He was pulled from his donkey and cart and his head was "hopped off the road" He was so dazed that he remembered nothing more until his donkey brought him home next morning at 3 a.m.


1942 US Draft (born between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897)

James Joseph Treacy b. 7 Jul 1887 Kilkenny, Ireland Residence: Chicago, Illinois

John Joseph Tracey, b. b. 25 Nov 1881 Kilkenny County, Ireland Residence: Wilmette, Illinois

Michael Tracy b. 20 Aug 1886 Glenpipe, Ireland Residence: Bronx, New York


1953 Irishtown

No. 12 is now Mr. Philip Tracy’s Garage.

No. 17 Later the premises were bought by Mr. Treacy who sold them to the present occupier, Mr. Lowry, who continues the Hardware business here with which this place had long been identified.



Rose Inn Street

No 6 — Sleator, photographer, Miss Shearman, photographer; she was a member of the old High Street family said to be of the same family as General Sherman of American Civil War fame. Mrs Fogarty next occupied it for a short time and then Mr Lionel Treacy took it as an electrical shop. On Mr Treacy’s death it was taken by Mr Duggan for the same business.



Parliament Street 1974 by Anna De Loughrey

No. 17 (Murtagh):

...In 1917 he moved his office upstairs and Mrs. Thomas Tracey, whose husband was imprisoned for political activities, carried on a drapery business. They were the parents of Messrs. Tracey, garage, Irishtown...






Aoife Treacy 2002 Finalist All Ireland Junior Camogie

Brendan Treacy 1996 finalist All Ireland Junior Hurling

Brian Treacy Young Irelands  – 1997 Finalist County Senior Hurling Championship

Dinny Treacy, 1930 All Ireland Junior Hurling, 1931 All Ireland Senior Hurling Team

John Treacy Dicksboro – 1993, 1994 Finalist County Senior Hurling Championship

Pádraig Treacy St. Kierans 2003 Finalist, 2004 Finalist All Ireland Senior Colleges Hurling

Patricia Treacy 1988 Finalist, 1989 Finalist All Ireland Minor Camogie

Paul Treacy 1973 finalist Intermediate Hurling All Ireland



1911 Census Extracts



John Treacey, Head, 27, Agricultural labourer (Son of William Treacy & Mary Day from gravestone)

Mary Kate Treacy, Wife, 25 (Mary Kate Sommers)

William Treacey, Son, 4

James Treacey, Son, 2

Patrick Treacey, Son, 1



Patrick Treacy, Head, 50, Farmer (Marriage certificate 19/2/1895. Father Denis Treacy)

Mary Treacy, Wife, 46 (Mary Anne Conway)

Michael Treacy, Son, 14 (No Michael recorded anywhere for 1890's)

Kate Treacy, Daughter, 11 (Could be Thomastown 2nd Quarter 1899 4 689 - Bridget or Catherine)

Richard Treacy, Son, 10

Patrick Treacy, Son, 7

Bridget Treacy, Daughter, 3



Richard Treacy, Head, 55, Farmer (Brother to Patrick in Ruppa. Born 8.5.1849 in register. Father Denis Treacy)

Mary Treacy, Sister, 58 (Born 25.5.1846 in register. Father Denis Treacy)

Denis Treacy, Nephew, 15 (Born 7/2/1896, Thomastown 1st Quarter 1896 4 669 Son of Patrick & Mary in Ruppa, Certificate father Patrick, mother Mary Anne)




Traceys of Kilkenny – Page 2

Family Histories

General references for Kilkenny


Last update: 27 February 2025