Census of Lancashire |
1881 Census |
1891 Census |
Tarcey |
2 |
Tercey |
5 |
Tassie |
Trace |
60 |
101 |
152 |
261 |
Tracie |
4 |
Tracy |
48 |
151 |
241 |
188 |
Traice |
1 |
Traies |
1 |
Trasey |
6 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
Traycy |
3 |
Treacey |
3 |
2 |
5 |
Treacy |
5 |
36 |
57 |
44 |
Treece |
Treasey |
1 |
T?reasey |
6 |
Treasey |
8 |
Treasy |
1 |
Trecey |
1 |
Trecy |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Tressey |
1 |
Tricey |
7 |
Trocy |
1 |
Trucy |
1 |
123 |
307 |
466 |
528 |
Born in Ireland (approx) |
72 |
137 |
260 |
244 |
Date: c1766
Title: Account of costs of
transportation of John Tracey, Susannah Holt, Robert Suddens alias Suthurst,
Southurst or Sutcliffe; Thomas Crowdson alias Mazey and Alice Taylor
Held by: Lancashire
Register of Vagrants
Deported from the Port of Liverpool to Ireland
19 June 1811 Richard Tracy
10 October 1811 Honor Tracey
31 August 1818 Mary Tracy
Number of children: 2
29 November 1818 John Tracey
Wife: True
5 January 1819 John Tracey
Wife: True
Number of children: 1
26 April 1819 James Tracey
18 February 1823 Mary Tracey
30 October 1823 Mary Ann Tracey
5 December 1823 Catherine Tracey
28 October 1824 John Tracey
15 December 1824 Michael Tracey
6 January 1825 Hugh Tracey
6 January 1825 Barney Tracey
5 August 1825 Mary Tracey
15 August 1825 William Tracey
16 February 1826 Michael Tracey
Wife: True
Number of children: 2
15 September 1826 Trinity [Timothy?] Tracey
Wife: True
Other: 2 Daughters
28 June 1829 Judy Tracy
No. of children: 1
25 December
1829 Michael Tracy
8 April 1831 Michael Tracy
Other: Brother
28 October 1831 Richard Tracy
Wife: True
No. of children: 1
25 November 1831 Noble Tracey [of Birr Offaly]
Wife: True
Number of children: 3
11 November 1832 Bridget Tracey, Macclesfield;
30 August 1834 Tracy Williams
24 October 1834
Bridget Tracey
Number of children: 2
26 April 1834 John Tracey
Wife: True
Number of children: 3
25 September ???? Ann Tracey
Number of children: 1
1835 26 Nov
Title: Chorlton upon Medlock.
Deposition: Examination of Elizabeth Tracey, with order of removal of Elizabeth
Tracey and Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Ellen and Henry her children to Scotland
(attached to QSP/3041/142)
1835 2 Dec
Title: Account
for conveying Elizabeth Tracey and her children to Liverpool and Scotland
Held by: Lancashire
1863 Dublin
Workhouse, lives
Thomas Tracey, 35, b. 1828, single labourer, RC, sore eye
1887 Dublin
removal from Liverpool
Elizabeth Tracey, 61, b. 1826, widow, servant, RC
1887 Dublin
Workhouse, Passed
over from Liverpool
Margaret Tracey, 19, b. 1868, single, servt, RC
1791 Directory
Daniel Treacy, taylor, Bolton-le-Moor, Lancashire
Date: 1824
9 Apr
Title: West Derby. Order of filiation and
maintenance of John, bastard child of Hugh Park of Prescot, watchmaker, and
Jane Tracey, singlewoman
Held by: Lancashire Archives
Date: 1825 26 Aug
Title: West Derby. Order of
filiation and maintenance of bastard son of Hugh Park of Prescot, watch movement
maker, and Jane Tracey, singlewoman
Held by: Lancashire
Date: c1825
Title: Bill of costs of prosecution of James Breason
and Thomas Tracey
Held by: Lancashire Archives
January 10, 1845
Vermont Phoenix A Constable made an Earl. A Liverpool police man, named James Tracy,
has been elevated to the Irish Peerage, as Earl Tracy. His history is
curious. He was born in a peasant's cot in King's county, Ireland. There was
a large family of little Tracvs, and a gentleman taking fancy to the boy,
gave him a liberal education. He subsequently married a lady of beauty and
considerable fortune; but reduced himself by prosecuting the peerage claim,
until he. was obliged to seek employment as a policeman. The claim has been
decided in his favor, and he is now a peer. His story certain ly contains in
abundance the raw materials for a romance. [see Tracy
Peerage Case] |
ADM 157/461/72
Folios 72-73. Thomas Tracey, born Lancashire [1826].
Attestation papers to serve in the Royal Marines at Portsmouth 1845 (when aged 19).
Discharged 1866 as Length of Service.
1846 Slater’s
James Tracy, Spirit Vaults and Spirit dealers, 17
Parker St
Joseph Tracy, Spirit Vaults and Spirit dealers, 36
Tithebarn St
1847 Weekly Returns of Deaths in the Quarantine Hospital, at Grosse
Isle Canada
Tracey, -, ship Ann Kenny, from
Waterford Ireland
Tracey, Ann 40 ship Larch, from
Sligo Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, Daniel 15, between August
15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, John 31, ship Scotland,
from Cork Ireland between May 25 and June 5, 1847
Tracey, Michael 40 ship Aberdeen,
from Liverpool England between July 25 and 31, 1847
Tracey, Michael 72 ship Lillias,
from Dublin Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, Patrick 30 ship Scotland,
from Cork Ireland between May 23 and 29, 1847
Tracey, William 30 ship Bolton,
from Dublin Ireland between May 29 and June 5, 1847
12 December 1848
Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser
...An old established Public-House, situated on the south side of
Tithebarn-street, and west side of Orange-street, in Liverpool aforesaid, in
the occupation of Mr. Joseph Tracey, at the yearly rent of £60...
Bill of costs of prosecution of Laurence Quin and Peter Tracy
QSP/3346/66 Lancashire Archives,
Bill of costs of prosecution of Mary Tracy
QSP/3418/50 Lancashire Archives
1853 Gore's Directory
of Liverpool
James Tracey, 171 London Road
James Tracey, 3 Falkland Street
James Tracey, victualler, 171, London road
John Tracey, 93 Chester Street
John Tracey, book keeper, 92. Chester street
Thomas Tracey, cartowner, 10, Love lane
Thomas Tracey, shipping agent, 54, Regent street
Tracey shipping office, 62 Waterloo road
Patrick Tracy & Thomas Tracy of Longford, New York
and Liverpool, Emigration Agents. [see Longford] 1870 A.
Green & Co.'s Directory for Liverpool and Birkenhead Tracy & Baldwin, Black Ball Line of New
York Packets, emigration office, 68 Waterloo road August 26, 1873 The London
Gazette, Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting
between us the undersigned, carrying on business as Emigration Agents, at
Waterloo-road, Liverpool, under the firm of Tracy and Baldwin, was this day
dissolved by mutual consent the said Joseph Baldwin retiring, and the said
Patrick Tracy carrying on the said business on his own account.—Dated this
15th day of August, 1873. Patrick Tracy. Joseph Baldwin. [Note: This reference seems to be connected] 8 April 1896 Official Reports of
the Debates of the House of Commons Canada Mr. McNeill...in Ireland I have known a case somewhat in point in
reference to separate schools [segregation of schools]...There was a man
living in the county Antrim whose name was McElheran...his son went to sea
and became commander of one of the Black Ball liners. He was a Roman
Catholic, and one of the persons connected with the company by the name of Tracey
was intimately acquainted wirg him...Mr Tracey [was a Roman Catholic] had two
children...His wife died. These girls were left on his hands, and he had to
have them educated and he sent them from Liverpool to the county Antrim to
the care of this old man McElheran...Mr McElheran sent the girls to a school
there...The school was a good scholl and the father was greatly pleased with
the progress the girls were making...Some time after a Roman Catholic school
was establised in Larne where McElheran resided...The Roman Catholic priest,
Farger McKenna...remove the children from this school and send them to the
Roman Catholic school...Mr Tracey...wrote to say that [not] to remove the
children... |
8 April 1854 The Citizen &12
August 1854 The Citizen |
Bill of costs of prosecution of John Hardman and John Tracy
QSP/3497/51 Lancashire Archives,
16 September
1857 Liverpool Mercury
At St. Jamses, Birkdale...Henry oldest son of
Mr Richard Dandy, of Upper King street, Southport, to Elizabeth, third daughter
of Mr. Philip Treacy, cattle dealer, Castle Douglas [Scotland].
23 March
1858 The London Gazette [see St. Peters]
On their own petitions...James Tracy, late of
the Chatsworth Arms, Harbord-street, Wavertree-street, Liverpool, Lancashire,
not in any business.—In the Gaol of Liverpool.
11 May 1858 The London Gazette
Court For Relief Of Insolvent Debtors.
Saturday the 8th day of May, 1858...James Tracy, late of the Chatsworth Arms,
Harbnrd-street, Liverpool, Lancashire, not in any business, Insolvent, No.
86,529 C.; John Sykes Gardner, Assignee.
Name Tracey,
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland
Continuous Service Number: 39196
Date of Volunteering: 01 December 1858 [Liverpool - previous service 1839 to
Date of Birth: 18 March 1821 or 1828
Date: [1853-1872]
1 Dec 1868
Name Tracey,
Official Number: 66739
Place of Birth: Dublin, Dublin
Date of Birth: 18 March 1821
Date: [1873]
Aug 1860
BT 43/425/131333
Registered design number: 131333.
Proprietor: W S Tracy.
Address: Temple Street, Manchester, Lancashire.
Subject: [Not given in BT 44/31].
Class 13: Lace or Miscellanea
Note: Description created from the register at BT 44/31]
Bill of costs of prosecution of Michael Tracy
for larceny
QSP/3622/36 Lancashire
24th October
1862 The Cardiff Times
The Recent Riots At Birkenhead. The prisoners
remanded from Birkenhead, on the 10th inst., on a charge of being concerned in
the recent disgraceful riots in that town, occasioned by an attack of the Roman
catholic party on the local "parliamentary debating society",...The
following is a list of the prisoners apprehended...James Tracey...
21st March 1863 The Tablet
His Lordship the
Bishop of the Diocese held an Ordination in the Chapel of the Convent, at Holt
Hill, on the 12th of March, when the Rev. Patrick Tracy, of the Diocese of
Limerick, received sub-Deaconship, having on the previous day received the
Tonsure and the Four Minor Orders. On Sitientes Saturday he will be ordained
Deacon, and on notion Sunday he, will be advanced to the Priesthood. He will be
appointed to the Church of St. Werburg, Birkenhead.
7th January 1882 The Tablet
Death of a Shrewsbury Priest At Kilmallock.—The name of the priest of
the diocese of Kilmallock, co. Limerick, as stated in our last issue, was
incorrectly given. It should have been the Rev. Patrick Tracy, of St. Paul's,
Newton Moor, Manchester.
17 September 1864 (N)
O'Brien Monument Committee
...Rev. John Tracy, St. Augustine's Manchester £1...
1865 Catholic directory,
almanac and registry of Ireland, England and Scotland.
Manchester, St. Augustine's Granby-rown Rev...John Tracey...[of Waterford]
Stockport...St. Josephs Rev...P. Tracey...[of Limerick]
Shropshire, Oswestry, Rev. P. Tracey
Diocese of Salford, Heaton Norris, John Tracy
7th April 1866 The Tablet
Presentation to The Rev. John Tracy, Late Of St. Augustine's, Manchester. (From Our Own Correspondent.)
On Sunday last, a deputation from the congregation of St. Augustine's consisting of Messrs. Brady, Kelly, M‘Coy, J. Brady, Blanchflower, and R. Clayton, waited upon the Rev. J. Tracy, at Heaton Norris, to present him with an address of affection expressing their regret at the separation, and wishing him happiness and success in the new mission to which he has been recently appointed by the Bishop. Accompanying the address was a purse of gold. The Rev. gentleman returned his grateful thanks, and acknowledged with much feeling the kindness which he had experienced during the years he laboured at St. Augustine's, both from the clergy and laity.
Diocese of Salford, Heaton Norris, Rev John Tracy
25 May 1872 (FJ)
We deeply regret the death of a good priest and a good Irishman, the Rev. John Tracy, of Manchester, who expired suddenly at Lismore on the 22nd inst...he had lately visited Cork for the purpose of inviting prominent Home Rulers to the Manchester meeting...
Reference: QSP/3694/60
Title: Bill
of costs of prosecution of Margaret
Tracey for larceny
Date: c1864
Held by: Lancashire
1866 Report
of the Health of Liverpool [deaths]
Eaton Street No. 3 Court, Aug 24, sons of a
labourer, Edward Treacy 9, Thomas Treacy 3
08 January
1866 Liverpool Daily Post
Treacy —January 5, Mr. John Treacy, secretary
to the United Assurance Sick and Burial Society of St. Patrick, aged 57 years.
12 November
1869 Liverpool Daily Post
M'Lean - Treacy. November 10 at St Alexanders
Bootle...James eldest son of Captain Peter M'Lean, Bootle, to Catherine, eldest
daughter of the late John Treacy, Esq., of this town [Liverpool].
Bill of costs of prosecution of Philip Tracey for larceny
QSP/3808/83 Lancashire
23 January
1869 Flag of Ireland (Dublin)
Funeral a Deceased Member of the Irish
Brigade. — On Sunday afternoon the remains of Patrick Tracey, one of the band
of the Liverpool Irish Brigade (64th L. R. V.) were interred in the Catholic
Cemetery, at Ford, with military honours. Early in the afternoon...
20 March
1869 Gorey Correspondent
...Durham...A very brutal murder...at South
Shields at midnight on Saturday. An Irish labourer, named Peter Tracey, living
with his wife in a miserable cellar in East Adelaide-street...
1869 Slaters
William Treacy, baker, 5 Pomona St
Bill of costs of prosecution of Mary Tracey and Minnie Ward for larceny
and receiving
QSP/3827/23 Lancashire Archives
1870 A.
Green & Co.'s Directory for Liverpool and Birkenhead
Ann Tracey, Masonic hotel, 123 Crown St
Daniel G. Tracey, painter and plumber, 35
Great Crosshall street
Tracy & Baldwin, Black Ball Line of New
York Packets, emigration office, 68 Waterloo road
Jan 24th,
1870 Liverpool Mercury
Awful Catastrophe In Liverpool. False Alarm
Of Fire And Terrible Panic In A Roman Catholic Chapel. 15 Persons Crushed Or
Trampled To Death. A Number Injured...the injured...John Tracey, aged 18,
baker, 29 Comus St...
4 July 1871 (FJ) The Sisters of Mercy, Ballinrobe, County Mayo
...Beautiful Album and Embroidered
Pin Cushion - T. Tracy, Esq, Liverpool.
8 July 1871 Ballinrobe Chronicle
The Sister of Mercy
Ballinrobe...Bazaar...Beautiful Album & Embroidered Pin Cushion - T Tracy
Esq., Liverpool...
Bill of costs of prosecution of Jane Tracy and another for larceny from the person and receiving
QSP/3874/25 Lancashire Archives
Bill of costs of prosecution of Daniel Tracey
for larceny from the person
QSP/3925/81 Lancashire
Bill of costs of prosecution of John Tracy
for larceny and receiving
QSP/3909/73 Lancashire Archives
Bill of costs of prosecution of John Tracy
for larceny
QSP/3927/70 Lancashire
Royal Navy
(RN) Records
Andrew Tracy. Official Number: 198967. Place
of Birth: Liverpool, Lancashire. Date of Birth: 06 July 1881.
Arthur Ewart Tracy. Official Number: F52523.
Place of Birth: Liverpool. Date of Birth: 05 April 1884.
John Tracey. Official Number: 293466. Place
of Birth: Liverpool, Lancashire. Date of Birth: 28 December 1874.
Liverpool Commercial Directory
Tracey/Tracy Daniel G„ plumber, painter,
&c, 35 Gt. Crosshall Bt. N
Tracey/Tracy and Co., emigration agents, 60A.
Waterloo road N
Treacy Michael, greengrocer, 170 Walton road
1865 to 1884
Failures & Liquidation UK
Peter Tracey, Glasgow, wine mer. 25 Aug 1868
James Lord Tracy, trading as Jas Tracy and
Co., Dorchester, eng. 19 July 1881
William Samuel Tracy, North St., Manchester,
manuf. 21 Aug 1877
1880 Feb
HO 144/55/91076
This file was originally catalogued under more than one subject heading. These headings, and details of this file, are as follows:
CRIMINAL: BURNS, Hugh; COURT: Liverpool Assizes; OFFENCE: Murder; SENTENCE: Death;
CRIMINAL: KEARNS, Patrick; COURT: Liverpool Assizes; OFFENCE: Murder; SENTENCE: Death;
CRIMINAL: TRACEY, Mary Ann; COURT: Liverpool Assizes; OFFENCE: Murder; SENTENCE: Death - Penal Servitude for Life.
7 May 1880 Otago Daily Times
Liverpool, Feb. 13. Crown Court.—(Before
Lord Coleridge.) The trial of Hugh Burns, Patrick Kearns, and Mary Anne Tracey for the murder of Patrick Tracey [Chemical worker], at
Widnes, on the 24th of October last, was continued this morning, the jury
having been locked up for the night. The facts are stated in our yesterday's
report, and it will be remembered that the deceased was found murdered in his
bed, the male prisoners being in the house, and one of them, Kearns, being, as
was suggested, on intimate terms with the female prisoner, wife of the
deceased...Mr Commins, on behalf of the female prisoner pleaded that she was
quick with child, and asked that a jury of matrons might be empanelled to try
the question. His Lordship said that it was not necessary. He would take it
upon himself to see that the sentence was respited, as he was satisfied of the
prisoner's condition.
Patrick KEARNS, aged 21, Hugh BURNS,
aged 30, for the murder of Patrick TRACEY at Widnes on 24th Oct 1879, hanged
2nd March 1880, reporters refused admission.
Jan 1st 1881
Liverpool Journal
HACKNEY / TRACEY, Dec 25th, Joseph Henry
1881 Census
Tracey, b. 1847 Liverpool Lancashire, AB, Newport Monmouthshire, Wales
British Postal Service
Tracey, 1918, Liverpool
Charles K Tracy, 1937, Liverpool
Charles K Tracy, 1940, Liverpool
Charles K Tracy, 1940, Liverpool
Charles R Tracy, 1940, Liverpool
Eric L Tracy, 1928, Liverpool
Eric L Tracy, 1936, Liverpool
Eric L Tracy, 1936, Liverpool
Tracey, 1946, Liverpool
Thos Tracy, 1881, Liverpool
Treacy, 1882, Liverpool
1883 Slater
- Liverpool
Furniture & Clothes Broker - Tracey
Daniel G, l4 Breckfield road North N
Linen Draper - Tracy Joseph B. 131 Walton Rd
Date: [1884]
ADM 188/168/126925
Name Tracey, Richard Christopher
Official Number: 126925
Place of Birth: Everton, Lancashire
Date of Birth: 10 December 1868
Former reference in its original department: Vol No. 126-2
11th December
1886 Weekly Mail [Wales]
Capture of a Notorious Forger. At Manchester
City Police-court on Tuesday morning a man named George Tracey, known also as William Edward Bailden, Arthur Foster,
Walter Nicolls, William Crawley, and Frank Falkland, who is a convict
licence-holder, was placed in the dock on a charge of forgery, by which ho
obtained Prisoner is a middle aged, clerical looking man. Detective Camenada
said he saw the prisoner 011 Monday standing outside the Bank of England, and,
recognising him as a man whose portrait had appeared in the Police Gazette, he
followed him, and at night apprehended him as he was leaving the Queen's
Theatre, where he had occupied a. box with a lady, to whom he had made some
valuable presents. Prisoner, after a while, admitted that he was the mart
wanted, and said the woman knew nothing of him. She was, therefore, discharged.
On the prisoner was found £320 in notes, and at his lodgings, in a
portmanteau, £3,826 in gold. He was wanted in Birmingham for not complying with
the condition of his convict's licence. Ten years ago at Liverpool he was
sentenced to ten years' penal servitude for a similar offence. Detective
Camenada applied that the prisoner should be discharged, in order that he might
be handed over to the London or Birmingham police. The magistrates made an
order to that effect.
5 July 1889
- Belfast News-Letter
A middle-aged man named Andrew Tracey fatally
wounded his wife yesterday in their house in the north end of Liverpool, and
then cut his own throat.
17 December 1889 - Cork Constitution
Manslaughter of a wife.—At the
Liverpool assizes yesterday. Andrew Tracey, labourer, was placed his trial
charged with the wilful murder of his wife. Deceased was very much addicted to
drink and frequently pawned or sold articles belonging to the prisoner
belonging to the prisoner and his children. In the course of the quarrel the
prisoner exasperated cut the womans throat and then his own. She died
immediately and he was in hospital for months. The jury found a verdict of
manslaughter and judge passed a sentence of six months imprisonment.
18th December 1889 South Wales Daily News
Six Months For Killing A Wife. At the
Liverpool Assizes, on Monday, Andrew Tracey, labourer, was placed on his trial,
charged with the wilful murder of his wife. The deceased was of very drunken
habits, and continually sold and pawned the things belonging to the prisoner
and his children. In the course of a quarrel the prisoner, in a state of
exasperation, cut the woman's throat and then his own. She died immediately,
and be was in the hospital for some months. The jury brought in a verdict of
man- slaughter, and the judge sentenced the prisoner to six months'
17 September 1890 - Belfast News-Letter
Murderous assault on a stepfather.
Liverpool Tuesday. At Liverpool to-day Andrew Tracey Obas charged, with
murderously assaulting his stepfmather, John Maher. breaking some of his teeth
and otherwise injuring him so that he lies in hospital in a critical condition.
Tracey was charged with the attempted murder of his wife six months ago, but
the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter, and he was sentenced to six months
hard labour. On coming out of prison he committed the assault on Maher. He was
Date: 1889 Aug. 2
Title: Examination and Deposition
Of Rose Ann Kelly, 8 Twiss Street, Hyde Park Street, Liverpool, widow, and Joseph Jones, Holyhead, night station master, at Holyhead in the case v. Thomas Tracey, for indecently assaulting Rose Ann Kelly.
Endorsed: Dismissed.
ADM 157/2102/49
Folios 115-116: Michael Tracey, born: St Marys, Liverpool [1875], Lancashire; Age at attestation: 19; Attested: Edinburgh; Joined in: 1894; Discharge reason: Unfit; Discharge year: 1894.
Date: [1899]
ADM 188/473/293466
Name Tracey,
Official Number: 293466
Place of Birth: Liverpool, Lancashire
Date of Birth: 28 December 1874
Former reference in its original department: Vol No.293-1
1891 Census
Frank Tracey, 22, b. 1869 or 1871 Liverpool Lancashire, Servant, Denbighshire, Wales
Jan 21st 1892 Liverpool Mercury
recent storm at St Helens, missing body found. The body of Mary Ann TRACEY,
aged 15, daughter of Patrick TRACEY, a labourer of Stone St, St Helens was
found in the Sankey Brook, near the Havanna Colliery, Parr, on Tuesday night.
On the 10th December last, several girls including TRACEY, were picking up
cinders from the waste heaps near Baxter's Chemical Works. The girls attempted
to cross the swollen Sankey Brook by means of a plank bridge, and all succeeded
in doing so with the exception of the deceased, who was blown into the water by
the gusty wind, and her body was washed down the stream. Attempts were made to
recover the body by the use of grappling irons, but without success. On Tuesday
night a workman passing along the side of the brook saw a body
"jammed" against the stump of an old tree, and on being got to the
side it was found to be that of the missing girl. The body was removed to the
Ship Inn, Newton Common, awaiting the inquest.
1892-1924 Ellis
Island arrivals
Daniel Tracey,
Liverpool England, 1911, 24 years, Cousin? Daniel Tracey 202 L? 90 St New York,
b. Galway Ireland, Policeman, wife Ethel? Tracey 43 Morris Green Liverpool
Edward Tracey, NY
USA, 1922, 31 years, waiter, Irish b. Gars on L’pool, lives New York 1920-1922,
John Tracey Doewell Rd Mossley Hill Liverpool, friend Mr Friekean 427 W 23rd
St New York
Frank Tracey,
Liverpool England, 1914, 20 years
George J. Tracey,
1918, 39 years, fireman, English
George J. Tracey,
Liverpool England, 1919, UK Passport 50060W?, fireman, b. Liverpool, last
address: 54 Stranhope? St, Liverpool
George Joseph
Tracey, Liverpool England, 1918, 39 years, fireman English
George Tracey, 1918,
40 years, Donkeyman, Liverpool, English, Rose at back of left? fham?
George Tracey,
1919, 39 years, of 149 Haigh St, [Liverpool]
J.J. Tracey, Kent
[error] England?, 1919, British, Seamans Registration 843086, b. 25/12/87
L'pool, Baker [on ship], lived 22 Portland Place Liverpool
James D. Tracy,
Liverpool England, 1892, 22 years,
James Tracey,
Lackawanna USA, 1919, 38 years, passage paid by British Govt, lived Lackawanna
8 years, Friend: Mrs Higgins, 422 3rd St Lackawanna N.Y., b. Liverpool England,
single, A.B. [profession], Aunt: Mrs Higgins, 19 Albert Street Bury
James Tracey,
Liverpool England, 1919, Discharge Book 863492?, b. Widnes? 4/12/98?, lived 44?
Ryford? St Liverpool
James Tracey,
Liverpool England, 1919, 30 years, British 803492, b. 4/12/88 Widnes, Lived 44
Byford St L'pool
John Tracey, 1920,
sailor, b. 2/4/[18]91, lives 10 Elm St, Bootte [Liverpool?]
John Tracey, Boosb
(Boosbeck England?), 1919, 655767, b. Liverpool 2/4/1891, lives 10 Elm Street
John Tracey, b.
Liverpool England, 1919, 27 years, 2/4/1891, 655767, father British, lives 19
Westhapton? St Liverpool
John Tracy, Bootle
England?, 1920, b. 2/5/91 Liverpool, 5’4”, 180lb, lives 10 Ellan St Bootle
[crossed out]
Louis Tracy,
London England, 1921, 58 years, married, author, Friend JW Clark Whitby York.
lived NY, Friend Mr EJ Clode, 156 5 Ave NY City. 5’6”, Drk complexion, brn
hair, grey eyes. None. b. Liverpool England.
Louis Tracy, NY
USA, 1920, 57 years, married, author, JW Clarke, Barclay’s Bank, Whitby, Yorks.
lived 1920 NY. To Lotus Club, New York City. 5’8”, fair complexion, brwn hair,
blue eyes. Slight scar under chin. b. Liverpool England.
Louis Tracy, Whitley England, 1916, 52 years, married,
author, Wife: Ethel Tracy Whitby. lived 1896 1897 1902 1911 NY City, Friend
Edward J Clode, 156 5 Ave NY City. 5’8”, fair complexion, grey hair, blue eyes.
Slight scar under chin. B. Liverpool England.
[see Louis Tracy, CBE (1863 - 1928) was a English journalist of Irish parents, and prolific writer of fiction. He used the pseudonyms Gordon Holmes and Robert Fraser, which were at times shared with M. P. Shiel, a collaborator from the start of the twentieth century. His father was Thomas Tracy, a Yorkshire policeman. It may be that he was born in Liverpool as Patrick or Joseph Tracy. He may have trained for the priesthood as he is stated to have attended the French Seminary at Douai. His first novel, The Final War, was published in 1896…]
Margaret Tracey,
Boston USA, 1914, 39 years, single, English, Friend: Chris Thompson 1079
Roylston St Boston, 5’3.5”, Dr complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Liverpool
Margaret Tracey,
London England, 1912, 36 years, single, housekeeper, 5’4”, fair complexion, bro
hair, bl eyes, Father: Thomas Tracey, Romford. Lived Boston 1907, To friend Mrs Chisholm Golden gates Boston
Mass, b. Liverpool England
Michael John Tracey, 1918, 42 years, Elic greaser, (Liverpool) English, 5’5”, 168lb
Owen Tracey, 1923,
31 years, Master at Arms, Liverpool, English, 6’1”, 175lb
Owen Tracey, 1924,
32 years, Bosun Mate, Liverpool, English, 6’0” 200lb
Peter Tracey, Liverpool England, 1920, 16 years,
scholar, 5’?”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, Father: Richard Tracey, 4 Pope St Liverpool.
Uncle Henry Tracey, 24? Linden Court, Detroit, Mich. b. Liverpool England
Rose Tracey,
Ambleside England, 1911, 26 years, waitress, 5’5”, fresh complexion, fair hair,
blue eyes, Father: J Tracey ? Colens St
Liverpool. to Aunt Miss S Tracey, 37? West 3rd? St New York, b.
Consett England
Thomas Tracey, Weston Super England, 1918, 36 years,
married, fish buyer, 5’5”, fair complexion, brn hair, blue eyes, Scar right
eye, CM Tracey 8 Milburn Rd West Super Mare,
in transit to St. Johns Newfoundland, b. Liverpool England
William Tracey,
Liverpool England, 1920, 29685, 3? Baker, 5’7”, 140lb, lives 48 Harwood? St,
Reference: ADM 159/74/8571 [see Knockavilla RC]
Name Treacy, Edmund
Register Number: 8571
Division: Royal Marine Light Infantry: Plymouth Division
When Enlisted/Date of Enlistment: 15 April 1897 Liverpool
Date of Birth: 15 November 1878
Born Knockavilla Cashel Tipperary
Labourer, RC, 5'5", fair complexion, Dk brown hair, blue eyes, scars one between eyes, several faint in corner of R eye one inside first joint fore finger left hand - moles small on throat several left side of neck
Father: Patrick, Bishopswood, Dundrum, Cashel, Co. Tipperary
Private - charcter VG
Depot Plymouth
Illustrious 98 to 01
Essex 04 to 05
May 1899 Evening Express [Wales]
Lamp As Missile. A Liverpool Woman Charged
With Murder. At Liverpool on Monday Catherine Levens. a married woman, aged 26,
was charged with the wilful murder of Mary Tracey, and causing
grievous bodily injury to John Tracey, her husband. The parties live
in a court house, and on Saturday night some drinking had been going on in the
place. Tracey, who was in bed with his wife, called upstairs to
prisoner to make less noise. Some words ensued, and prisoner brought a lighted
lamp down, which she threw at Tracey and his wife. The lamp struck
Mrs. Tracey on the face and broke, setting fire to the bed. Both
Traceys were shockingly burnt, and the woman died some hours later, Tracey
remains in a critical state. Prisoner was remanded.
2nd May 1899 The
South Wales Daily Post
At Liverpool, on Monday, Catherine Levens was remanded, charged with the, willful murder of Mary Tracey, and wich having caused grievous bodily harm to John Tracey. Tracey and his wife occupied & room below that tenanted by the prisoner. The latter, on Saturday night, had been quarrelling, and Tracey called up to her to be quiet. Prisoner took a lighted lamp and hurled it at the couple in bed, Mrs. Tracey being burnt to death, and her husband seriously injured.
Title: Mrs. Noone's mother, Alice Tracy, (later Sutcliffe), as a girl. She was born in 1900.
Date of work: 1900
Reference number: GB124.DPA/370/2
Level of description: Item from Fonds: Documentary Photographic Archive (GB124.DPA)
Part of: Sub-fonds: Photographs Related To Mrs Noone And Family (GB124.DPA/370)
Record number: 7372510
Bookmark link: https://manchester.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/ENQ/WPAC/ARCENQ?SETLVL=&RNI=7372510
Date: 1897 - 1946
Related material: See also deposit no.371.
Held by: Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives), not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Creator: Noone, Mrs, b 1930, of Baguley, Manchester
Physical description: 9 PHOTOGRAPHS
Subjects: Hulme, Lancashire - Blackpool, Lancashire
Administrative / biographical background:
Mrs. Noone, born Alice Sutcliffe in 1930, had one brother and one sister. Her grandfather ran the George Inn in Hulme until he died. Then her father took over the pub, but died shortly afterwards, so her mother, Alice Sutcliffe, (nee Tracy), ran it.
Date: 1900 - 1951
Related material: See also deposit no.370.
Held by: Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives), not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Noone, Mr, fl 1978, of Baguley, Manchester
Physical description: 20 PHOTOGRAPHS
Subjects: Stretford, Lancashire
Administrative / biographical background:
The Noones originally lived in Roscommon, Ireland. Mr. Noone's father was a village publican. He owned the old Grants Arms (Boddingtons) in Clarendon Street, Hulme. Mr. Noone's mother was married twice, her first husband being killed in the First World War. After her second husband (Mr. Noone's father) died she ran the Grants Arms until 1953.
Name Tracey, John [born Carlow Carlow]
Register Number: 11545
Division: Royal Marine Light Infantry: Portsmouth Division
When Enlisted/Date of Enlistment: 06 June 1901 Liverpool [next of kin 55 Regent St Liverpool]
Date of Birth: 21 March 1881
ADM 157/2620/16 [not digitised]
Folios 135-151: John Tracey, born: Carlow [1881]; Age at attestation: 20; Attested: Liverpool; Joined in: 1901; Discharge reason: Services no longer required; Discharge year: 1912.
Name Tracey, Joseph
Number: 12754
Division: Royal Marine Light Infantry:
Portsmouth Division
Enlisted/Date of Enlistment: 23
October 1902
Date of
Birth: 15 November 1883
Date: [1903]
89-94: Joseph Tracey, born: Liverpool, Lancashire [1884]; Age at attestation:
18; Attested: Liverpool; Joined in: 1902; Discharge reason: By purchase;
Discharge year: 1904.
16th July 1902 Evening Express [Wales]
The Bar
Tragedy. Exoneration Of Salford Publican. Verdict Recilved With Cheers.
Conflicting evidence was given at the inquest at Salford yesterday on the body
of Patrick Veldon, the local hooligan who was shot dead across the counter of
the British Queen Public- house. A music-hall artiste, Agnes Tracey, who
accompanied the deceased to the house...
30th May 1902 The Welsh Coast Pioneer and
Review for North Cambria
Traced. At a special police court, held on Saturday, before Dr Wolstenholme,
Corporal William Tracey, of the 3rd King's Liverpool Regiment, at present
located at Warrington, was charged by P.C. Pendlebury with being a deserter
from the above regiment. Prisoner pleaded guilty, and was remanded to Ruthin
gaol to await an escort.
31st May 1902
Denbighshire Free Press
Abergele Notes...Private William Tracey, of the 3rd King's, Liverpool, may
be a crack shot on the battlefield, but he is no great shakes at the game of
deserting. On Friday he was walking through Market-street trying to act the
innocent, when Police-constable Pendlebury walked up to him, and in a
gentlemanly, but convincing manner, told him that he had been looking for him
for several days. "What for," queried Tracey. "Come up to the
police station, and I will tell you all about it," quoth Pendlebury.
"Just my luck," said the unfaithful gentleman in Khaki, I had a
presentiment that I was going to be nabbed to-day." Later in the day he
was brought up in custody before Dr Wolstenholme charged with being a deserter.
He pleaded guilty and was committed to Ruthin gaol to await an escort.
Sweated Industries, by Allan Tracy, Hon. Sec., Anti-sweating League, 47 Warbreck Road, Aintree.
364LWD/36/82 Merseyside Record Office,
1907-1910 Conciliation and Arbitration Boards
[see Wales]
Boot Shoe
and Clog Trade
Tracey, 10 Landsowne Rd., Oldham
22nd August 1908 Cheshire Observer
Radical Picnic. The annual picnic of the Liverpool Northern Group of Federated
Liberal Clubs took place on Wednesday...J. B. Tracey...After tea a meeting was
held at the hotel under the presidency of Mr. Tracey...
Date: 1909-1914
ADM 337/50/185
Name Tracey, Thomas
Number: 7/252
Division: Mersey
Date of
Birth: 23 March 1895
reference in its original department: Vol
No 2
Name Tracey, Thomas
Number(s): 7/252
Rank or
Rating: Able Seaman
Date of
Birth: 23 March 1895
Date: 1914-1919 [father Thomas lives
May 1910 The South Wales Daily Post
Haunted By A Child's Cry.
Co-Respondent's Passionate Letter Of Penitence.
Pleads To Husband To Forgive His Wife.
In the Divorce Court on Friday, Mr. William Tomkins Tracey, chief steward on one of the liners running between Liverpool and New York, was granted a decree nisi on the ground of the misconduct of his wife, Eleanor Clara with Mr. William Walden, described as a director of Messrs. William Walden and Co., of Liverpool, and against whom damages were assessed at £1000. Respondent was chief stewardess on another steamer.
The marriage took place at New York in October, 1904, and Mrs. Tracy came back to England and went to reside in Liverpool with her husband's mother. Counsel said in consequence of a piece of paper which was put into his hands petitioner went to an address and found respondent. had stayed there during the night and that die had been with co-respondent. Mr. Tracy was fond of his wife and did all he could to bring about a reconciliation. She, however told him practically that she could not return to him because co-respondent had threatened to shoot her if she did so. Co-respondent, continued counsel, wrote a remarkable letter to petitioner. After stating he had done him (Mr. Tracy) great injury, which it would take a lifetime's repentance to wipe out, Mr. Walden proceeded:
"Last Saturday night I arrived at Orrell-lane. While Clara went in I waited outside. About half an hour later, when Clara was leaving to rejoin me I heard a child's voice - your son calling (Mamma, Mamma; in such a plaintive tremor that it went straight to my heart. That child's wailing cry has haunted me ever since. I cannot sleep at night. I cannot attend to my business during the day. It rings constantly m my ears that cry, “Mamma! Mamma!' Your dumb, dignified sorrow touches me. If I was to part from Clara, it would no doubt shorten my life because, I love her to distraction. Yet for the sake of those innocent children I would ask you to take her back. 'Go and see her because she won't come to you. Plead with her for the sake of the children. If you should succeed I promise you as man to man she shall never see me again. If you should fail then I shall have won her by fair means, and I shal1 be happier with her knowing she loves me only."
Petitioner having given evidence the decree nisi was granted and damages assessed as stated.
William Tomkins Tracy, 37, b. Flint North Wales 1867 (s. of Patrick Joseph Tracy & Catherine Jane Tomkins) married Elend Clara Harriet Evans, 21, b. Sandback 1883 (d. of George Bailey Evans & Elizabeth Walker) 26 Oct 1904 Manhattan, New York, New York
July 1910 Weekly Mail [Wales]
Sequel To Card Quarrel. At the Lriverpool Assizes Nicholas Power, a labourer, was tried for the alleged wilful murder of Patrick Tracey. It was stated that during a game of cards a quarrel arose between prisoner's wife and deceased's sister. The women fought, and prisoner intervened to help his wife, while Tracey took sides with his sister. Later the same night Power was alleged to have attacked deceased and his sister in the street with a double-edged knife. Deceased was fatally stabbed in the neck. Prisoner was found guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced to twelve years' penal servitude.
1901 Census - Napier Street, Newton Prestwich North Manchester,
Lancashire [see Roscommon]
Martin Treasey, head, 37, b. 1864
Ireland, Pipe Maker
Annie Treasey, wife, 35, b. 1866
Ireland, Pipe Finisher
Katie Treasey, Daughter, 17, b. 1884
Ireland, Pipe Finisher
Patrick Treasey, Son, 15, b. 1886
Scotland, Paper Hawker
Martin Treasey, Son, 13, b. 1888
James Treasey, Son, 11, b. 1889
William Treasey, Son, 9, b. 1892
John Treasey, Son, 5, b. 1896
Henry Treasey, Son, 0, b. 1900
Manchester, Lancashire
1912 Schoolteachers and Headmasters
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, schoolmistress in Kirkby la Thorpe in 1912.
BT 100/156/1361
Name Joseph,
Tracey [b. 1884]
Content: Aged 28. Engaged as: Boots Steward.
Date: 1912 Apr 01-1912 Apr 30 [signed 31/1/13] [joined
4/2/13] left 1 Mar 1913]
reference in its original department: Official
No.: 118014
Tracey, 28, b. Lpool, lives 58 Queens Rd Bootle, previous ship Lusitania 1913,
31 December 1913 Liverpool Echo
loving memory our dearest Elizabeth, who died her residence 31, 1913.
regretted.) R-U
02 January 1914
Liverpool Echo
Treacy - December 31, at 20 St. John's avenue, Walton, Lizzie, the
dearly beloved daughter of James and Mary Treacy...
Date: 1915
BT 400/3408/5
Algiers; Official number: 86982.
T Treacy;
rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 30; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, Dorothy.
Date: 1915
BT 400/3659/1B
Dorothy; Official number: 114648. Crew lsiting continued from BT 400/3659/1A.
J Treacy;
rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 31; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, Austrian Prince.
Reference: BT 100/156/1315
Name James, Tracey
Content: Aged 29.
Engaged as: Trimmer.
Date: 1912 Apr 01-1912 Apr 30
James Tracey, 29, Lpl, 167a Rise Lom, Carpathia,
Date: 1915
BT 400/3974/5B
Orduna; Official number: 135539.
Treacy; rank/rating, Night Watchman; age, 52; place of birth, Liverpool;
previous ship, same.
1915 Merchant Navy
? Tracy;
rank/rating, Fireman; age, 36; place of birth, ? Liverpool; previous ship,
Lusitania. Ship: Corsican 1915
Tracey; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 28; place of birth, Liverpool;
previous ship, Harlech Castle. Ship: Quernmore 1915
Tracey; rank/rating, Cattleman; age, 32; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, first. Ship: Sagamore 1915
C Tracey;
rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 40; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
Appalachee. Ship: Counsellor 1915
Tracey; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 36; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
Vaderland. Ship: Arakaka 1915
Tracey; rank/rating, Seaman; age, 39; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
Vaderland. Ship: Saint Bede 1915
Tracy; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 32; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
Derwent. Ship: Metagama 1915
Tracy; rank/rating, Fireman; age, 36; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
Haverford. Ship: Adriatic 1915
J Tracey;
rank/rating, 3rd Baker; age, 27; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
same. Ship: Lapland 1915
J Tracey;
rank/rating, Ex 2nd Baker; age, 27; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
Olympic. Ship: Lapland 1915
J Treacy;
rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 31; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, Austrian Prince. Ship: Dorothy 1915
Tracey; rank/rating, Engineer's Steward; age, 60; place of birth, Dumfries;
previous ship, Corcovado. Ship: Flamenco 1915
Tracey; rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 31; place of birth, Liverpool;
previous ship, Saxonia of Liverpool. Ship:
Agenoria 1915
John A
Tracy; rank/rating, 1st Assistant Refrig Engineer; age, 42; place of birth,
Liverpool; previous ship, Levuka. Ship: Clan Macewen 1915
Tracey; rank/rating, 2nd Baker; age, 29; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, same. Ship: Lapland 1915
M Tracey;
rank/rating, Greaser; age, 39; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship,
Hesperian. Ship: Megantic 1915
M Tracey;
rank/rating, Greaser; age, 39; place of birth, Liverpool; previous ship, Oriana.
Ship: Hesperian 1915
M Tracey;
rank/rating, Leading Fireman; age, 39; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, same. Ship: Oriana 1915
M Tracy;
rank/rating, Leading Fireman; age, 38; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, Sorata. Ship: Oriana 1915
Treacy; rank/rating, Night Watchman; age, 52; place of birth, Liverpool;
previous ship, same. Ship: Orduna 1915
T Treacy;
rank/rating, Fireman and Trimmer; age, 30; place of birth, Liverpool; previous
ship, Dorothy. Ship: Algiers 1915
13 November
1916 Liverpool Echo
TRACY, Nov 7th, 40 County Rd, Jessie,
interred Anfield Cemetery Nov 10th.
Thomas Treacy. Reg. No. 14185. Rank Private, Royal Munster
Fusiliers 1st batt. Died of wounds France 2/6/1918. Born Ahascragh, Co. Galway.
Age 34,
Son of Michael and Bridget Treacy, of 28, Brown St., Moss Bank, Widnes, Lancs.;
husband of Gladys Treacy, of River View Cottage, Compass Hill, Kinsale, Co.
Cork. Son Thomas M born 7/6/1916.
British Cemetery (Gezaincourt) (Somme France) Treacy, T, United Kingdom Private
14185 Royal Munster Fusiliers 02/06/1918 Age: 34 II. E. 25.
ordered: For in life we loved him dearly and we love his memory still (Mrs
Treacy, 169 Cresent Road, Brentwood, Essex)
2ND LIFE GUARDS, The Household Cavalry
Reference: WO
Name: William
Tracey. Regimental number: 4363.
Date: [1856-1919]
William Tracey, 4363, trooper, 2nd Bn Life
Address: 92 Canterbury St, Liverpool
Discharged: 21.1.20 from Wharnellfie War Hospital
Sheffield, Neurasthenia, aged 19, single
William Tracey. 18 years 30 days, sugar
labourer, single, [25.5.18]
father: Mr James Tracey, 92 Canterbury St,
18 years 1 month, 5'5.75", chest
32" 3" expansion
First World
War Personnel Records [full military record]
Tracey, Arnold Samuel born 7 Apr 1888
Liverpool England, No. 65989 Lieut
1917 USA
Draft Registration
Francis John Tracey b. 15
Dec 1893 Consett Durham England, declared naturisation, bus conductor 5th Ave Coach
Co, single, no dependants, lives 501 W 134 St NY
James Tracey b. 12 Aug 1886
Liverpool England, declared naturalisation, helper America Express, single, no
dependants, lives 349 E51 st [NY]City
John H Tracy b. 05 Sep 1886
Liverpool England, naturalised, Miner Kansas State Penitentiary, single, no
dependant, served 4 years US navy, lives Lansing Kansas
John Tracey b. 27 Nov 1891
Scarborough [Yorkshire] England, alien, labourer unemployed, single, no
dependants, lives 283 Detroit Mich
Date: 1917-1918
ADM 337/59/950
Name Tracey,
Richard Edward
Service Number: Z/5579
RNVR Division: Mersey
Date of Birth: 14 June 1900
Former reference in its original department: Vol No 11
18 February
1918 Liverpool Echo
Port Sunlight Thefts. Steals Electric Globes.
Michael Joseph Tracey (34), until recently employed at Messrs. Lever Bros.,
Port Sunlight, was fined £5 or forty-six...
28th June
1918 Liverpool Echo
William Burrows, aged 25, 50 Edge St was
presented with an awards of 10s for saving the life of a boy named John Tracy,
aged 6, of 65 Union St, who fell into a culvert on June 22nd.
September 29, 1922 Evening
public ledger (Philadelphia Pa)
Rev Dr Tracy took Christ Memorial Charge when a mission. The Rev Dr William Tracy will celebrate the thirty-fourth anniversary of his assumption of the pastorate of the Christ Memorial Reformed Episcopal Church...Last Monday Dr. and Mrs Tracy who live at 4401 Sansom Street, celebrated their fifieth wedding anniversary... Dr. Tracy was born in Pembrokeshire Wales in 1845 and was educated at Mansfield College Oxford University England...he was pastor for several years at [Cheadle Hulme Church] Manchester England. His first charge in the United States was at Lacon Ill...
British Civil Service
Evidence Of Age
Ann Tracey, born 1902 Liverpool Lancashire England
Philip Treacy. Official Number: J105646. Place of Birth: Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Date of Birth: 26 April 1905.
Name Treacy, Philip
Official Number: J105646
Place of Birth: Glasgow, Lanarkshire
Date of Birth: 26 April 1905
Occupation: Cloth carrier
26 April 1923 - 12 yrs.
F.E., 5'2.5", chest 33.5", hair brown, eyes blue, fresh complexion, Tattoed R. forearm crossed flages
At 18, 5'3.5", chest 36", hair do [brown], eyes grey, do [fresh complexion]
Service: 3 Feb 22 to 3 Aug 28, over 15 ships, boy to AB,
Record transfered 1 Jan 1929
27 January 1932 Hull Daily
Vessel feared lost...M2 [submarine]...Philip Treacy (leading seaman, seaman torpedoman)...
8 March 1932 The Western Morning News
M2 Widows Pension...Commons
Questions...Mrs Alice Treacey, of Liverpool, whose husband lost his life in
Submarine M2 and who was awarded a widow pension of 19s per week, plus 5s each
for twins 11 months old, total pension 29s weekly; if he was aware that her
rent is 14s per week and milk costs 7s6d weekly for the children leaving her
with 7s6d per week, which she seeks to supplement from the public assistance
committee, and would he be prepared to increase the pension?...
14 May 2012 Liverpool Echo
Liverpool widow’s ashes to be scattered on sunken submarine
A Liverpool family plan to spread their mum’s ashes over the site where the father she never knew is entombed in sunken submarine HMS M2.
Philip Treacy’s body has been sealed for 80 years inside the experimental submarine HMS M2, along with 57 other crew about three miles off Portland, in Dorset.
The surviving families of men killed in the mysterious peacetime submarine disaster now want to sail to the wreck to mark the 80th anniversary of the tragedy.
Philip “Jock” Treacy, who lived at Vronhill Street, in Toxteth, was just 26 when he died on board the HMS M2, which inexplicably sank on January 26, 1932.
He left behind his wife Alice, 25, and their 11-month-old twins Terry and Joan. Tragically Terry died of tuberculosis when he was 12.
Mr Treacy, a leading seaman and torpedo man, was home on leave for Christmas before rejoining the doomed submarine. Mrs Treacy died in 1976, having never re-married.
Her grand-daughter Eileen Glynn, of West Derby, said: “She did not speak much about Philip’s death and I was only a young teenager when she died.”
Joan married Ken Glynn at St Charles Church, Aigburth, in 1952, and Ken still lives in Garston. Joan died last year at the age of 80.
They had three daughters – Angela Roberts, 59, who lives in Speke; Margaret Glynn, 53, who lives in Allerton; and Eileen, 49, who lives in West Derby.
Eileen said: “We found a lot of clippings and photos after my grandmother died. She had letters of sympathy following the press reports of the accident.
“She also had a letter of condolence from someone in the Spanish royal family. My grandfather served in Malta and had his wedding banns read out in a church in Valetta.”
Joan wanted visit the sub’s wreck site where her dad died, but never achieved her wish.
Eileen said: “We plan to go there this year and we thought we should take some of her ashes and spread them over the area where her father is buried at sea.”
HMS M2 was found eight days after it went missing. The submarine incorporated a hangar containing a sea plane and one explanation for the tragedy is that the hangar door was opened too early, flooding the vessel.
The submarine, which sits intact on the seabed, is owned by MoD and protected under legislation as a war grave banning anyone from entering the vessel.
1921 Census - 10 Oak St, Farnworth S T,
Farnworth, Bolton, Lancashire
name(s) Last name Relationship to head Sex Birth year Age
in years Birth place Occupation Employer
Eliza Farrell Head Female 1839 81y10m Ireland Housekeeper Housekeeper,
10 Oak St, Farnworth
E Farrell Daughter Female 1879 41y9m Farnworth, Lancashire, England Drawing Frame Tenter Thomas Nuttall & Sons, Lakefield Mill,
Cotton Mftrs Farnworth OR Little Hulton Lancs
Rosa Ann Tracey Daughter Female 1872 48y11m widow Wexford, Ireland Bobbin Winder Thomas
Nuttall & Sons, Oak Mill, Cotton Mftrs
Annie Mallon Cousin Female 1905 16y4m Pendleton,
Lancashire, England Intermediate
Frame Tenter Thomas Nuttall
& Sons, Lakefield Mill, Cotton Mftrs
Lily Bailey Cousin Female 1915 6y5m Liverpool, Lancashire, England - -
Mary Bailey Cousin Female 1917 4y4m Liverpool, Lancashire, England - -
Edward Tracey married Rosanna Farrel (d. of James Farrel & Elisa
Dempsy) 14 Feb 1920 Newtownbarry, County Wexford, Ireland (LDS)
Edward Tracey married Rose A Farrell Jan-Feb-Mar 1920 Bolton,
Lancashire, England
Edward Tracey, 58 years, b. 1863, catholic, died 233 Manchester Rd.
Little Hulton, buried 4 Feb 1921 Farnworth Cemetery Bolton, Lancashire
1921 Census - 916 Stockport Rd, Longsight,
Rusholme, Chorlton, South Manchester
name(s) Last name Relationship to head Sex Birth year Age
in years Birth place Occupation Employer
Agnes Treacy Head Female 1882 39y4m widow Wexford,
Ireland Shopkeeper Grocer Own Account 916
Stockport Rd, Longsight, Manchester
Vincent Treacy Son Male 1901 20y0m single Liverpool,
Lancs Apperntice Glass Merchants Briggs & Co Ltd,K Stars Merchants Etc Blorson St Ancrats Manchester
Agnes May Treacy Daughter Female 1903 18y3m single Liverpool, Lancs Student Teacher Manchester
Education Committee
Helena Treacy Daughter Female 1907 14y4m Liverpool, Lancs Home Duties -
1911 Census - St George Manchester, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Agnes Teeacy, 32, b. 1879 Ireland Resident, County Dublin, Married,
Charwoman Hotel
Vincent Teeacy, son, 9, b. 1902 Litherland, Lancashire, school
Agnes May Teeacy, daughter, 8, b. 1903 Litherland, Lancashire, school
Mary Helena Teeacy, daughter, 4, b. 1907 Litherland, Lancashire, school
Nellie Moore, boarder, 22, b. 1889 Manchester, Lancashire, Single,
Thomas Vincent Treacy birth registration Jul-Aug-Sep 1901 West Derby,
Lancashire, England
Mary Helena Treacy birth registration Apr-May-Jun 1907 West Derby,
Lancashire, England
1936 Immigration
Thomas Vincent Treacy b. 1901 England to New York City, New York,
United States
Ship Name Aquitania
Plate glass manager b. Liverpool
Mother Agnes Treacy of 13 Norfolk Ave., Heaton Chapel, Cheshire
to Pennsylvania Hotel, New York City NY, 6'0", dark complexion,
blk hair, blue eyes
1937 California
Thomas James Treacy, 557 23rd Street Oakland, WPA Worker, 64 years, medium complexion, grey eyes, grey hair, 5’5”, 120 lb, Irish race, born July 29 1872 Liverpool England, no children, emigrated from Cuxhaven Germany, landed June 1905 Hoboken New Jersey on the Blucher, signed 23rd March 1937, Alameda
1942 US Draft
John Tracey, 251 Irvington St New Bedford Bristol Mass, 48, b. Nov 21 1893 Preston England, contact wife Mrs Margaret Tracey, work Goshard Mill
1741-73 Registers of St. Mary's Highfield Street, Liverpool
14 Jan 1748/9 ware
married John Malloy & Ann Taylor. Wittnesses Rice Bellis, Edwd Tracey, Mary
Walsh & Ann Burn.
24 Feb 1747/8 ware
marred Tho : Mercer & Elizabeth Tracey Jn presence of Miss Eaton
7 Feb 1748/9 ware
married James Clancy & Serah Trasier, wittnsses Wm Burn, Mrs Drumgold, Mr
Rob' Rothwell, & M. Washington.
18 December 1758 Was
baptd Denis Betts child Mary Godfr John Murray, Godmr Cecily Traisy.
21 January 1760 Was
baptd Dan' Northon's child Eliz Godfr Davd Tressy, Godmr Cisy Tressy
3 August 1760 Was
baptd Fredrick Davies's Child Eliz, Godfr Thos Tressey, Godmr Mary Handish
8 February 1761 Was Baptd Jn Lovelady’s child Jn Godfr Wm Thracy godmr Mary Leatherbarrow.
28 March 1762 Was
Bapd Jno lindals Child Mary Godfr Thos Tracy Godmr Ailes Howard
6 August 1762 Was
Baptd Jos. Parkinson's Child Rich Godfr Thos Bride Godmr Cicily Tracy.
Trac[e]y, Traisy,
Trasier, Tress[e]y,
C[ecil]y, 255, 259,
271 ; David, 259 ;Edward, 198; Elizabeth, 197 ; Sarah, 198 ; Tho[ma]s, 262, 269
Miscellanea. Catholic Record Society (Great Britain)
Samuel Treacy
Samuel Treacy b. 23 Jun bapt. 13
Jul 1773 St Nicholas Liverpool
Thomas Treacy
Thomas Treacy b. 28 Aug bapt 27
Sep 1788 St Nicholas Liverpool
Ada Tracey
Stanley Tracey b. 1894 St Michael
Adam Edward Tracey
- [Child] of [unnamed] bapt 21 Oct 1808 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire,
England. Occupation: Servant. Notes: A Native of the Gold Coast Africa Supposed
about 19 years old [or Edward Tracey LDS]
Adam Edward Tracy (X), Servant of Liverpool married Ann Brown Spinster of Liverpool 30 May 1811 St Paul, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Witness: Edward Coventry, Jnr.; Richd. Barrow
Adam Edwd. Tracey
& Ann Brown
Tracey bapt. 23 August 1811 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Alfred Clarke Tracey - 24, Seagoing Engineer, Bachelor, 40 Mulgrave St (s. Alfred Tracey, Master Mariner) of married
Marguerite Anna Gordon - 24, Spinster, 40 Mulgrave St (d. of Frederick Wilson
Gordon, Engineer) Wit: Henry Soden; Mary Isabella Duncan 7 May 1908 St
Margaret, Toxteth, Lancashire
Alice Treacy,
born abt 1852, married Henry Bagot 5 Aug 1888 St Simon Liverpool
Andrew Tracy married
Elizabeth Shore 1876 St Anthony
Andrew Tracey/Treacy
& Elizabeth Shaw/Shore
Tracey b. 1884 Ol Reconciliation
Treacy b. 1885 Ol Reconciliation
Treacy b. 1888 St Anthony
Ann Tracy married Julius J
Henry Buss 1886 St Patrick
Anne Treacey, full age, spinster, dressmaker, of Coolcullen Co Kilkenny, (d. of Edwd Treacey, cattle dealer) married John Nicholas Duggan, full age, widower, labourer, of Liverpool England, (s. of Edward Duggan, officer in Army) Wit: Robert Macartney & Sarah Maria Macartney on the 14 August 1882 RC Chapel of Coon [Muckalee] Co. Kilkenny Ireland.
Ann Teresa Tracy
& John Gibney
Teresa Gibney b. 1887 Ol Mount Carmel
Ann Tracy married James Hogan 1859 St Nicholas
Ann Tracey married John Quinlan 1863 St Anthony
Ann Tracey married Thomas Sharkey 1872 St Alban
Bartholomew Tracey & Mary Gibbons
Joseph Tracey b. 3 Feb 1806 bapt 16 Feb 1806 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Of Crosbie St., Tailor
John Tracy (X), Full, Tailor, Widower, Banastre St (s. of Bartholomew Tracy, Shoemaker) m. Mary Gannon - (X), Full, Spinster, Bispham St (d. of John Gannon, Labourer) 22 May 1851 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Michael Fox, (X); Mary Lalley, (X)
Bridget Tracy
Tracy b. 1884 St Francis Xavier
Bridget Tracey married
Patrick Jennings 1842 St Anthony
Bridget Tracey married
Patrick Kelly 1867 St Augustine
Bridget Tracey/Tracy
& Patrick Levins/Levens
Levins b. 1884 St James
Joseph Levens b. 1886 St James
Levens b. 1889 St James
Levins b. 1891 St James
Levins b. 1894 St James
Levins b. 1897 St James
Bridget Treacey married Matthew Nolan
1879 St Augustine
Caroline Treacy
confirmation 25 Mar 1881 - St Anthony
Catherine Tracy
Tracy b. 1883 St Mary Highfield St
Anne Tracy b. 12
August 1848 bapt. 27 August 1848 Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Catherine Tracy married
James Cosgrove 1882 St Francis Xavier
Catherine Tracey married
Thomas Francis Dowling 1892 St Augustine
Catherine Tracey/Tracy/Treacy
& Thomas Francis Dowling
Francis Dowling b. 1894 St Augustine
Mary Dowling b. 1895 St Augustine
Elizabeth Dowling b. 1896 St Augustine
Catherine Tracey married
Henry Goff 1852 St Anthony
Catherine Tracey married
John Horan 1896 St Brigid
Catherine Tracey/Tracy
& John Horan
Horan b. 1898 St Joseph
Horan b. 1900 St Joseph
Horan b. 1896 St Joseph
Catherine Tracy married
John Newing 1873 Holy Cross
Catherine Tracey/Tracy
& Adam Skelly
Elizabeth Skelly b. 1894 St James
Skelly b. 1896 St James
Skelly b. 1899 St James
Cecilia Tracy married
Bernard Coyne 1846 St Mary Highfield St
Christopher Tracey/Tracy
& Sara Guilfoil/Guilfoile [see Dublin]
Tracy b. 1883 St Nicholas
Edward Tracey b. 1885 St Peter
Ref: BT 377/7/100802 Royal Navy Reserve
Name Treacy, Thomas
Place of Birth: Liverpool
Number: ST 2726
Date of Birth: 18 December 1885
Date: [1908-1955]
Parents: Christopher Sarah
5'7.25", chest 37", fair complexion, grey eyes
Address: 26 Lamb Street Liverpool [crossed out]
Enrolment: 12 Jan 1916
2nd page
36 Upper Mercer Street Dublin
42 Arlington Street Liverpool
Naval Prize Money
Interim to Dublin 22 Jan 1920
Final to Liverpool 13 Nov 1922
HMS Eaglet 30 April 1919 demobilisation
Ships: 1916 to 1919
Denis Treacy
married Ellen Rigan 9 Dec 1833 St Paul Liverpool
Dennis Tracy
& Ellen Regan
Tracey B. 15th July 1836 Bapt. 17th July 1836. Sp. Chas. Muraghan And Ann
Duffy. St Anthony's
Tracy b. 6th August 1839 bapt. 17th August 1839 Sp. Jas. Farris And Maryann
Fay. St Anthony's
Tracy Buried 2nd October 1839, Age: 2m, Of Swaney Pope St. Son Of Denis
Tracy/Trasy & Alice. St Anthony's
Dennis Treacey
& Alice Regan
Treacey b. 17th September 1840 bapt. 27th September 1840 Sp. Phillip Kevana and
Ann Kevena. St Anthony's
Dennis Tracey
& Ellen
Tracey b. 14th July 1846 bapt. 19th July 1846 Sp. Martin Ferris and Jane C.
Jordan. St Anthony's [St. Mary's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England LDS]
Dennis Tracey
& Charlotte
Tracey b. 2 October 1796 bapt. 24 October 1796 Saint Peter, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England
Edward Treacy married
Mary Leonard 1843 St
Edward Tracey, Tailor Bachelor of Liverpool married Ann Milus, Spinster of Liverpool 12 Dec 1831 St Martin in the Fields, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Witness: James Armstrong; Ann Barry, (X) Notes: With consent of such as the law requires
Edward Tracey married
Ellen Scanell 1895
Holy Cross
Margaret Tracey of Cumbermere St. (d. of Edward Tracey & Julia) married Samuel Carter of Cumbermere St. (s. of Samuel Carter & Anne of Ireland) 27 Nov 1859 St Patrick, Toxteth, Lancashire, England. Witness: James Kelly of Cumbermere St.; Catharine Kelly of Cumbermere St. Notes: ['Dead' entered for the bride's parents. It is not absolutely clear whether this applies to one or both of the parents. Bride's maiden name written Fitzsimmons then corrected and initialled:]
Eliza Ann Tracey/Tracy &
Stephen Joseph Fay
Fay b. 1883 Sacred Heart
Fay b. 1884 Sacred Heart
Joseph Fay b. 1885 St Philip Neri
Elizabeth Tracy (X), Widow, the Parish of Liverpool m. Thomas Fairclough, Cordwainer, the Parish of Liverpool. 10 May 1819 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Ralph Cash, (X); William Hamilton, (X)
Elizabeth Tracy married
Thomas Holden 1857 Holy Cross
Elizabeth Tracy (Wiclow) [Wicklow] m. Thomam Holden, Holy
Cross, Liverpool England. 19th Century.
Ellen Tracey married
Thomas Fannon 1871 St Alban
Ellen Tracey married
Thomas Costello 1852 St Anthony
Emeline Tracy & William John Lowry
William John Lowry bapt 16 Apr 1899 St Michael in the Hamlet, Aigburth, Lancs. Abode:
114 Belgrave Road. Occupation: Engineer
Esther Tracey
& Mcdonald
Mcdonald b. 1888 St Anne
Frank Tracy
& Ellen Gray
Tracy died 20 Mar 1933 Chicago Cook Illinois, born 2 Mar 1850 Liverpool England
(d. of Frank Tracy b. Ireland & Ellen
Gray b. Liverpool), servant, buried Mt. Carmel Proviso Cook Ill.
Gerald Tracey
& Elizabeth Canavan
Mary Tracey b. 1898 Ol Mount Carmel
Herbert Tracy
& Mary Alice Tracey
Henry Tracy b. 7 April 1895 Larch Gro bapt. 24 April 1895 St Peters, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracey b. 30 September 1896 bapt. 21 October 1896 Liverpool, Lancaster, England
Hugh Treacy married
Mary Reyley Or Riley
1841 St Nicholas
Hugh Tracey
& Mary Riley
Ann Tracey b. 7 April 1842 bapt. 10 April 1842 St. Anthony's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England
James Tracey
b. 1895 Holy Cross
James Patrick Tracey
b. All Saints
John Tracy married
Ann Abernethy 1863 O L Reconciliation
Joannem Tracy (Dublin) m. Annam Abernethy, Our Lady of Reconciliation, Liverpool
England. 19th Century.
John Tracey
& Ann Abernethy
Tracey b. 1883 St John
James Tracy
& Ann Abernethy
Tracy b. 1885 St John
James Tracy
& Ann Abernethy
Tracy Born 31 May 1885 Baptised 10 Jun 1885 St. John, Kirkdale. Adddress 13
Pluto St. Godmother Mary Tracy.
(Catherine Tracey/Tracy married John Dempsey 01 Aug 1914)
James Tracey (b. 1841 England) m. Anne Abernathy?
John Tracey b. 01 Jan 1847 Liverpool, England...
James Tracey (b. 1863 Liverpool, England d. 24 Mar 1938) m. Maria Robinson
May Tracey b. 01 Jan 1890
Anne Tracey b. 18 Aug 1894
James (Jimmy) Tracey b. 25 May 1911 Belfast
Mary (Polly) Tracey b. 1880 Liverpool, England...
Michael (Sony) Tracey b. 1883 Liverpool, England...
Joseph Tracey b. 1885 Liverpool, England...
Catherine Tracey b. 1887 Liverpool, England...
James Tracy, full [age], bachelor, book keeper, lives Bedforath?, (s. of James Tracy, gentleman) married Emma Juliana Baily, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Hill Street, (d. of Richard Brown, agent) Wit: William Richardson & William Foulkes 12 May 1842 St. John's CoE, Liverpool, Lancashire, England [Tracy Peerage?]
James Tracy & Emma
Mary Ann Tracy b. 26 Feb 1844 bapt 20 May 1846 St Peter, Liverpool,
Lancs. Abode: Moor Place Occupation: Victualler
Henrietta Tracy b. 21 Mar 1846 bapt. 20 May 1846 St Peter,
Liverpool, Lancs. Abode: Moor Place Occupation: Victualler
Arthur Tracy bapt. 20 Apr 1848 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Abode: Parker St. Occupation: Victualler
Tracey bapt. 12 March 1850 St. Peter's, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
James Tracy/Teacy
& Emma Juliana Tracy
Adelaide Tracy bapt. 20 May 1852 St. Peter's, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
(LDS) Emma Adelaide Teacy b. 30 Nov 1851 bapt 20 May
1852 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Abode: London Road Occupation: Victualler
1851 Census - Falkland Street,
Liverpool, Lancashire
Tracey, Head, 31, b. 1820 Dublin Dublin, Inn Keeper
Tracey, Wife, 34, b. 1817 York Yorkshire, England
Bailey, Step Daughter, 13, b. 1838 York Yorkshire, scholar
Bailey, Son, 12, b. 1839 York Yorkshire, scholar
Anne Tracey, Daughter, 7, b. 1844 Liverpool Lancashire, scholar
Tracey, Son, 3, b. 1848 Liverpool Lancashire
Haldger, unmarried, 16, b. 1835 Ireland, servant
Meterford, unmarried, 36, b. 1815 Shrewsbury Salop, lodger, book keeper
23 March 1858 The London Gazette [see
St. Peters]
their own petitions...James Tracy, late of the Chatsworth Arms, Harbord-street,
Wavertree-street, Liverpool, Lancashire, not in any business.—In the Gaol of
11 May 1858 The London Gazette
For Relief Of Insolvent Debtors. Saturday the 8th day of May, 1858...James
Tracy, late of the Chatsworth Arms, Harbnrd-street, Liverpool, Lancashire, not
in any business, Insolvent, No. 86,529 C.; John Sykes Gardner, Assignee.
1861 Census - Harbord Street, West
Derby, Lancashire, England
Tracy, Head, 41, b. 1820 Ireland, Inn Keeper
Tracy, Wife, 41, b. 1820 Halifax Yorkshire
A Tracy, Daughter, 17, b. 1844, Liverpool, single.
Tracy, Son, 13, b. 1848, Liverpool, scholar
Tracy, Daughter, 11, b. 1850, Liverpool, scholar
Tracy, Daughter, 7, b. 1854, Liverpool, scholar
Toxteth Park Cemetery, Toxteth,
Metropolitan Borough of Liverpool, Merseyside, England
beloved child of
and Emma Tracy
this life June 21st 1856
5 years and 6? months
Ellen daughter of the above
died 29th February 1864
14 years
the above James Tracy
died 2nd April 1864
40 years
Julia Adelaide
of the above who died 6th June 1874
19 years.
of Emma Julianna Tracy wife of the above
died 14th February 1884
68 years
James Tracy married
Mary Bridges 1859 St Augustine
Jacobus Tracy
& Maria [from Carlow? 1871 Census]
Tracy b. 1861 St Augustine Liverpool
James Tracey
& Alice Coghan
Mary Tracey b. 1897 Ol Immaculate
James Tracey married
Jane Alice Dalton 1897 All Souls
James Tracey/Tracy
& Jane Alice Dalton
Patrick Tracy b. 1897 All Souls
Tracey b. 1898 All Souls
Tracy b. 1900 All Souls
James Tracy & Amelia Jones [Tracy Peerage?]
Elizth Tracy b. 14 Apr 1842 bapt 16 May 1842 Sp. Ann Kelly. St. Anthony’s
Liverpool Lancashire England [Jones]
Elizabeth Tracy b. 14 Apr 1842 bapt 31 Jul 1842 St Mary, Walton on the Hill, Lancashire, England. Abode: Walton Occupation: Police Man
1841 Census
Thomas Tracy, b. 1816 Ireland, Police Station
House Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
James Tracy, b. 1811 Ireland, Police Station
House Walton On The Hill, Lancashire
James Tracy, French Polisher, This Parish married Esther Kelly - Minor, Spinster, This Parish. 14 Feb 1836 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Francis Hamilton; Archibald Kelly. Notes: With consent of Sarah Kelly, Widow Mother of the said Esther Kelly [see Daniel O'Connell Tracy]
James Tracy married
Margaret Kelly 1893 St Sylvester
James Tracey/Tracy
& Margaret Kelly
Tracey b. 1893 St Sylvester
Tracy b. 1895 St Sylvester
Tracey b. 1896 St Sylvester
Tracey b. 1898 St Sylvester
Tracey b. 1900 St Sylvester
James Tracey married
Mary Murphy 1864 St Joseph
James Treacy married
Ann Jane O'Hanlon 1894 O L Mount Carmel
James Tracy married
Eliza Sinnott 1844 St Mary Highfield St
James Tracy
& Mary Robson
Tracy b. 1893 St John
James & Anne
Tracy b. 27 September 1849 bapt. 11 October 1849 Liverpool, Lancashire, England
James & Cath
Tracey b. 15 December 1848 bapt. 11 February 1849 Liverpool, Lancashire,
England (LDS)
James Tracey
& Eliza
Tracey b. 26th September 1845 bapt. 5th October 1845 Sp. Edwd. County and Mary
Johnson. St Anthony's
Jane Tracey
b. 1895 Holy Cross
Jane Tracey married
Matthew McCarty 1864 St Anthony [Oct-Nov-Dec
Jane Tracey, (X), Spinster, this Parish married Hugh Parks, Watch-maker, this
Parish 11 Dec 1826 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: W. Maybrick; Robert
Jane Tracey, Spinster of the same Parish married John Pickering, Miller of the
Parish of Liverpool, 14 Jul 1823 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Jane Agnes
Tracy & James Taunton
Edward Taunton b. 1886 St John
Jeremiah Treacy married
Margaret Horgan 1896 St Augustine
Jeremiah Treacy
& Margaret Horgan
Treacy b. 1897 St Augustine
John Treacy
& Maria Blake
Pat. Treacy b. 18 Mar 1853 bapt. 27 Mar 1853 St. Patricks, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
John Tracy Kenny
& Sara Brotherton
Tracy Kenny b. 1886 Ol Good Help
John Treacy,
Full, Joiner, Bachelor, Norris St (s. of James
Treacy, Joiner) m. Martha Brownbill, Full, Spinster, Norris St (d. of
Robert Brownbill, Labourer) 12 May 1850 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness:
Thomas Bailey; Mary Bailey
John Tracey
& Martha Tracey
Ellen Tracey bapt. 16 March 1851 Saint Peter, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
John & Mary Burns
John Tracey b. 24 September 1844 bapt. 29 September 1844 St. Anthony, Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
John Tracey & Martha Cheatham, Widow
William Tracey b 17 Jul 1807 bapt. 17 Jan 1808 St Nicholas, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England. Of Prussia Street, Mariner
John Tracy married
Maria Clark 5 May 1839 Wit: Dennis Quirk & Mary Hoctor Borrisokane Parish,
John Tracy/Treacy
& Maria Clarke/Clerke of Crotta Borrisokane, Tipperary
Tracy b. 20 Jul 1844 Sp. Michl Carrol & Hanna Dougham. Borrisokane Parish
Treacy b. 11 Sep 1840 Sp. Mary Norton?. Borrisokane Parish
John Tracey/Tracy
& Maria/Mary Clarke
Tracy b. 8 September 1846 bapt. 10 September 1846 St Patrick, Liverpool,
Lancashire (LDS)
Ann Tracey b. 18 February 1848 bapt. 28 February 1848 St Patrick, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracey b. 21 January 1850 bapt. 31 January 1850 St Patrick, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracey b. 26 October 1851 bapt. 9 November 1851 St Patricks, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracey b. 25 Jul bapt. 3 Aug 1854 St Patrick, Toxteth, Lancashire Sp. James Mc
Guiness & Mary Judge
Patrick's Sick and Burial Society...in July 1849 at which it was proposed to
dissolved the society. From the floor, John Treacy, formerly a day laborer in
the Irish ordinance survey, voiced his opposition....Under Treacy's
entrepreneurial management, the Society enjoyed remarkable growth and
commercial success...Within a few years, the society was mired in legal
disputes - by 1865 there were six separate actions at law and a chancery
suit...'Mister Thrasey'...within the Society the 'principal paerties' were 'all
related to Treacy; they were either cousins, or married to nieces, or were
brothers-in-law'...Treacy himself was a rags-to-riches role model. Having come
to Liverpool as a day-labourer with 'nothing', he confessed in the legal
actions to being 'middling': his salary, originally 8 schillings a week, was
now £400 per year; he lived in a house built by the Society; had sent two of
his daughters to be educated privately in Belgium; own property in Scotland
Road (six houses bought for £900 [£800]); and had £1200 [about £1000...4 or 5
houses £200-300] vested in mortgages, while his savings amounted to between
£200 and £300 [£100 and £400 other]. His health failed, however, during the
course of the legal actions and he died a few months later. 'A perfect martyr
to the society', Treacy was revered in death, his legacy being upheld by a corp
of relatives, friends, collectors, agents and publicans (including his Fenian
brother-in-law, Martin Clarke)...Treacy was an honest man...Treacy, indeed, was
a victim of his own sucess...John Baldwin, Treacy's cousin...Patrick Phinn, the
Birmingham agent married to Treacy's second cousin..there was a vote of
confidence in Tracey ('the meeting decided that Thrasey done roight')...
John Belchem (2007) Irish, Catholic
and Scouse: The History of the Liverpool-Irish, 1800-1939. Liverpool University
Dr Enda Delaney, Donald M. MacRaild
(2007) Irish Migration, Networks and Ethnic Identities Since 1750. Routledge.
from the Commissioners. Friendly and Benefit Building Societies. 5 March - 7
August 1874 Vol XXIII - Part II [online
first document appended is the case Sweeney v. Treacy. It is taken from a
report in the "Northern Press" (a Liverpool paper) of'the 15th
October 1864. The Mr. Judge mentioned is the same that gave evidence before the
second is the case of Caraher v. Treacy, from the " Northern Press "
of October 22nd, 1864. It sets out the pleadings against Treacy, and the
agreement to refer the accounts of the society.
third document is the report of Mr. Cottam, the accountant appointed by the
court, to go through the books of the society, and ascertain the amount due by
Treacy, dated 29th January 1865.
fourth is a manifesto by Mr. Treacy, dated May 1, 1865.
fifth document is the order of the Liverpool County Court against Treacy for
7,477/. 14s. Gd., dated 10th May 1865.
sixth is a report of an action for libel brought by Mr. Treacy, copied from the
" Northern Press " of August 19th, 1865.
seventh is a report from the "Liverpool Mercury" of 26th April 1867,
of a meeting of St.Patrick's Society at the Odd Fellows' Hall, St. Anne Street.
eighth gives an account of a subsequent meeting in 1868, and is taken from the
"Liverpool Courier " of 21st September 1868.
Baldwin a cousin, John Baldwin a cousin, Patrick Finn married to a second
cousin, William Kane a nephew, Martin Clark brother-in-law, John Treacy had
five children eldest 20 youngest 7 four daughters 20 16 13 7, two were educated
at a boarding school [Belgium 3 years] two were attending a day school
education costing £120 a year,
Census - Strickland Street St Peters Everton Lancashire
Baldwin, 37, born Galway Ireland, Collector For Friendly Society
Census - Westmoreland Place St Martin Liverpool
Baldwin, 32, born Ireland, Collector For Barial Society
08 January 1866 Liverpool Daily Post
—January 5, Mr. John Treacy, secretary to the United Assurance Sick and Burial
Society of St. Patrick, aged 57 years.
January 8, 1866 Liverpool Mercury
(Liverpool, England)
- Jan 5, aged 57, Mr. John Treacy, secretary to the United Assurance Sick and
Burial Society of St. Patrick. Fortified with all the rites of Holy Church.
12 Jan 1866 The Belfast Morning News
of Mr John Tracy - The Liverpool Daily post, in announcing the death of Mr J
Tracy, secretary and Manager of the St. Patrick Burial Society, says :-
"The lamented deceased was no ordinary man. He possessed great original
energy, and this energy served to lift him above the humble position which he
at first occupied. Being among his class remarkable for a capacity for
business, the members of the St. Patrick Burial Society elected him secretary,
and the advantage of the choice was soon manifested by a wonderful improvement
in the condition of the society, by bringing within its range a larger number
of subscribers, the consequences of which was a vast increase of funds. Mr
Tracy was a self-educated man, and conscious, as it were, of his honesty, his
accounts were not kept with the regularity and precision of a merchant's
office. The funds being large, suspicion was aroused as to their safety, and
zeal or malice impugned the conduct of the secretary. He defended himself with
great energy, and the dispute remained undecided at his untimely death. He has
left the society rich in funds."
12 November 1869 Liverpool Daily Post
- Treacy. November 10 at St Alexanders Bootle...James eldest son of Captain
Peter M'Lean, Bootle, to Catherine, eldest daughter of the late John Treacy,
Esq., of this town [Liverpool].
1871 Census - Wavertree, Wavertree,
Lancashire, England
M Lean Head M 32
Liverpool, Lancashire
M Lean Wife F 25 Carmly, [Carney?] Tippreary
M Lean Son M 0 Liverpool
Lennard Servant F 21
Wenford, Crunbrow
1881 Census - Dublin St Liverpool,
Mc Lean Head M 42
Glasgow, Scotland, engine fitter
Mc Lean Wife F 42 L'Pool, Lancashire, England,
Mc Lean Son M 11
New York, America
Mc Lean Daughter F 3 L'Pool,
Lancashire, England
1891 Census – Latham Street
Kirkdale Lancashire
Mclean Head M 49
England, Engine Fitter
Mclean Wife F 48 England
Mclean Daughter F 12 England
John Tracey,
single, white (s. of Mark Tracey)
married Mary Ann Conolly single, white (d. of William Conolly) 15 Oct 1849 St.
John's, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
26 October 1849 Liverpool Mercury
20, at St. John's Church, Mr. John Treacey to Miss Mary Ann Conolly.
Ref: BT 377/7/40898 Royal Navy Reserve
Name Treacy, John
Place of Birth: Waterford, County Waterford
Number: D 904
Date of Birth: 16 April 1868 [18 Feb 1868 crossed out]
John M. Catherine
5'7", chest 37", fair complexion, hazel eyes, ship & flags on right arm clasped hands on left arm bracelet on left wrist
Address: 5 Ho 6 Ct Upper Frederick St Liverpool
19 13, RV36a, 22.5 years service
Aug 18, Liverpool, RV36a 11871 & Rv8a
Enrolment 14th August 1893 August 1915 Reliza|? RV2 reid
T.M. rating abolished 1st April 1908?
Dardanus various 1908 to 1910
Cyclops varios 1910 to 1912
R.N.R. medal awarded Liverpool 7 Oct 1912
John Tracey
& Catherine Dankel
Tracey b. 1873 Holy Cross
John Tracy married
Mary Devanney 1898 St Sylvester
John Tracey/Tracy
& Catherine Fitzpatrick
Jane Tracey b. 1884 Ol Reconciliation
Tracy b. 1889 St Alphonsus
John Tracey
& Margaret Gordon
Tracey b. 31 Dec 1829 bapt. Baptism: 2 Jan 1830 St Patrick, Toxteth, Lancs. Sp.
Thomas Murphy & Margaret Murphy
1841 Census - Clemments
Street Jackson'S Court, Liverpool, Lancashire
John Tracey M 30-34 Ireland
Margeret Tracey F 27-31 Lancashire
Daniell Tracey M 16-20 Lancashire
John Tracey M 10 Lancashire
William Tracey M 7 Lancashire
1851 Census - Charter
Street, Liverpool, Lancashire
John Tracey Head M 50 Ireland, blacksmith
Margaret Tracey Wife F 49 Ireland
John Tracey Son M 20 Liverpool, Lancashire, unmarried, smith
William Tracey Son M 18 Liverpool, Lancashire, unmarried, ship wright
Mary Hape Niece F 50 Wales, widow
1861 Census - Charter
Street Vauxhall Liverpool Lancashire
John Tracy Head M 60 Ireland, dock labourer
Margaret Tracy Wife F 58 Ireland
John Tracy Son M 31 Liverpool, Lancashire, blacksmith
1871 Census
John Tracey, Head, M, 70, b. 1801 Ireland,
labourer, Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire
Margt Tracey, Wife, F, 66, b. 1805 Ireland,
Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire
William Tracey, Son, M, 34, unmarried, b. 1837
Liverpool, Shipwright, Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire
Margt Ann Tracey, Granddaughter, F, 11, b. 1860
Liverpool, Howard Street Liverpool Lancashire
Daniel Tracey, Full, Plumber Bachelor of Charter St (s. of John Tracey, Smith) married Sarah Knowles (X), Full Spinster of Mill Lane (d. of Thomas Knowles, Warehouseman) 24 May 1846 St Bartholomew, Vauxhall, Lancashire, England. Witness: Sarah Bevan, (X); Thomas Bradshaw
Daniel Tracey
& Sarah
Annie Tracey b. 27 December 1847 bapt. 10 January 1848 St Johns Old Haymarket,
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Danielis Tracey
Gulielmus Gordan Tracey b. 16 Aug 1857 - St Mary's RC Liverpool
1851 Census - - Charter
Street, Liverpool, Lancashire
Esther Brohill Head F 67 Ireland, widow, washer woman
Daniel Tracy Lodger M 28 Liverpool, Lancashire, plumber
Sarah Tracy Wife F 28 Litherland, Lancashire
Margaret Ann Tracy Daughter F 4 Liverpool, Lancashire
John Tracy Son M 1 Liverpool, Lancashire
1861 Census
Daniel Tracey, Head, b. 1823 Ireland, St Albans
Liverpool Lancashire.
Sarah Tracey, Wife, b. 1824, Liverpool Sefton,
St Albans Liverpool Lancashire.
Margaret Ann Tracey, Daughter, b. 1848,
Liverpool, St Albans Liverpool Lancashire.
John Tracey, Son, b. 1850, Liverpool, St Albans
Liverpool Lancashire.
Samuel Tracey, Son, b. 1856, Liverpool, St
Albans Liverpool Lancashire.
William Gordon Tracey, Son, b. 1857, Liverpool,
Lancashire, Liverpool Lancashire.
Thomas Tracey, Son, b. 1852, Liverpool, St
Albans Liverpool Lancashire.
1871 Census
Daniel Gordon Tracey, Head, M, 48, b. 1823
Ireland, plummer, Dale Street Liverpool Lancashire
Sarah Tracey, Wife, F, 47, b. 1824 Sefton, Dale
Street Liverpool Lancashire
John Tracey, Son, M, 21, b. 1850 Liverpool,
Shipwright, Dale Street Liverpool Lancashire
Thomas Tracey, Son, M, 18, b. 1853 Liverpool, plummer,
Dale Street Liverpool Lancashire
Samuel Tracey, Son, M, 16, b. 1855 Liverpool,
office boy, Dale Street Liverpool Lancashire
William Gordon Tracey, Son, M, 13, b. 1858
Liverpool, Dale Street Liverpool Lancashire
James Tracey, Son, M, 6, b. 1865 Liverpool,
Dale Street Liverpool Lancashire
Mary Knowles Barton, Niece, F, 13, b. 1858
Liverpool, Dale Street Liverpool Lancashire
1881 Census - West Derby
Rd, West Derby, Lancashire
Daniel Gordon Tracey Head M 58 Ireland, Plumber & Furniture Dealer
Sarah Tracey Wife F 57 Litherland, Lancashire, England,
Wm Gordon Tracey Son M 24 Liverpool, Lancashire, England, single, Warehouseman Paper Factory
James Tracey Son M 16 Liverpool, Lancashire, England, single, Assistant To Tobacco Spinner
Margaret Tracey Mother F 76 Ireland
William Plare Lodger M 22 Australia
John Tracey, single (s. of Daniel Gordon Tracey) married Annie Hollis, single, (d. of Richard Hollis) 18 Oct 1874 St. Simon, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Samuel Tracey, 22 Years Clerk Bachelor of 11 Jefferson Street (s. of Daniel Tracey, Painter) married
Elizabeth Ann Ashton - 21 Years Spinster of 11 Jefferson Street (d. of James
Ashton, Deceased, Butcher) 19 Aug 1877 St George, Everton, Lancashire, England
Witness: John Williams; Phoebe Davies
Samuel Tracy
& Elizabeth Ann
Louise Tracy b. 3 February 1880 bapt. 19 September 1880 St Timothy's,
Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
William Gordon Tracey & Sarah Ellen
Florence Tracey b. 22 Dec 1889 - Everton, St Augustine CoI, Lancashire
Margaret Ellen Tracey b. 10 Sep 1893 - Everton, St Augustine CoI, Lancashire
Harold Tracey b. 12 Jul 1896 - Everton, St Augustine CoI, Lancashire
Edith Tracey bapt. 17 Aug 1898 St Augustine, Everton, Lancs. Abode: 5 Lavan St Occupation: Commercial Traveller
Daniel George Tracey b. 7/16 Aug 1899 - Everton, Emmanuel CoI, Lancashire
James Tracey, 31 Freight Clerk Bachelor of 91 Herschell St (s. of Daniel Gordon Tracey, Deceased, Master Plumber) married Emily Rebecca Cook - 22 Spinster of 91 Herschell St (d. of Henry Cook, Deceased, Blacksmith) 7 Jul 1896 St Cuthbert, Everton, Lancashire, England. Witnesses: William Gordon Tracey & Elizabeth Tring
John Tracey married
Mary Hart 1870 St
John Tracey
& Mary Hart
Tracey b. 1883 St Patrick
John Tracey married
Alice Hoffen 1869 St
John Tracey
& Catherine Hynes
Nicholas Tracey b. 1900 St Clare
John Tracey
married Ellen Kelly 1837 St. Michael in the City Liverpool, Lancashire
John Tracey married
Margaret Mccabe 1895 St Francis Xavier
John Tracey/Tracy
& Margaret McCabe/MacCabe
Tracey b. 1895 All Souls
William Tracy b. 1899 All Souls
John Tracey (X), Mariner of Liverpool married Elizabeth McKadom (X), Spinster of Liverpool 23 Dec 1803 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Witness: Edward Coventry; Ls. Pughe
John Tracy married
Mary Mitchell 1845 St
Mary Highfield St
John Tracey
married Mary Ann Scott [maiden name Smith] 24
Jan 1861 Saint Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
John Treacy, Head, 45, 1816, Mercantile clerk?,
Athol Street, Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Treacy, Wife, 40, 1821, Athol Street,
Liverpool, Lancashire
Sarah Jane Treacy, Daughter, 16, 1845, Athol
Street, Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Anne Scott, Stepdaughter, Athol Street,
Liverpool, Lancashire
Jane Scott Stepdaughter, Athol Street,
Liverpool, Lancashire
Stephen Scott, Stepson, Athol Street,
Liverpool, Lancashire
Sarah Jane Tracy, Birth Registration Oct-Nov-Dec 1844 Hull, Yorkshire, England Volume 22 Page 414 Line Number 5
Hello, I'm looking for Mary Howard and John Tracy who were in HULL at the time of the birth of Sarah Jane Tracy November 6, 1844, born at 35 Great Passage Street, Kingston upon Hull, in the sub-district of Myton. Jan in Oz
Jan 3 May 2004 http://www.genesreunited.co.za/boards/board/general_topics/thread/880775?page=1
Sarah Jane Tracey & William Whitford
Elizabeth Ellen Whitford b. 20 May 1870 Clonmel
William Whitford b. 27 May 1872 Clonmel
Whitford and Tracey, Tipperary
William Whitford born 1838 Liverpool, married Dorothea Stewart born 1839 Liverpool, 1859 Liverpool (details obtained). Have found him1841/51/61 census Liverpool, last one includes their firstborn; between 1860 and 1867 they had 5 children.
My problem is I cannot find him or Dorothea 1871. Dorothea appears in 1881 and 1901 in Liverpool again; 1881 states her to be "MARRIED", 1901 "WIDOW". She died 1903 in a Liverpool workhouse. Can't find 1891 for her.
William appears in 1881 in Swansea, Glamorgan, with 2nd "WIFE" Sarah Jane born 1844 Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, and 6 children, first two born Clonmel, Tipperary, middle two Shropshire, last two Swansea, Glamorgan. Found William and Sarah Jane 1891 and 1901 - he died 1906.
I cannot find a marriage in U.K. for William and Sarah Jane. Not found a divorce either.
William was for certain in Liverpool with Dorothea c 1866, then in Clonmel 1870 when his first child with Sarah Jane was born.
1881 Census - Western St, Swansea (Town), Glamorganshire, Wales
Wm Whitford Head M 42 Liverpool, Lancashire, England, Watch Jobber
Sarah Jane Whitford Wife F 36 Hull, England
Elizabeth Ellen Whitford Daughter F 10 Ireland
Wm Whitford Son M 8 Ireland
John Henry Whitford Son M 4 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England
Fredrick ? Whitford Son M 6 Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales
Maude Whitford Daughter F 2 Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales
Charles Tracy Whitford Son M 7 M Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales
1891 Census - New Oxford Street, Swansea
William Whitford Head M 52 Lancashire, England, Watch Repairer
Sarah J Whitford Wife F 46 Yorkshire, England
Elizabeth E Whitford Daughter F 20 Ireland
William Whitford Son M 18 Ireland
Frederick H Whitford Son M 16 Shropshire, England
John H Whitford Son M 14 Glamorganshire, England
Maud Whitford Daughter F 12 Glamorganshire, England
Charles T Whitford Son M 10 Glamorganshire, England
Alexander Whitford Son M 6 Swansea, Glamorganshire, England
1901 Census - Lower Oxford Street, Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales
William Whitford Head M 62 Liverpool, Lancashire, WATCH MAKER
Sarah Jane Whitford Wife F 56 Hull, Yorkshire
Frederick H Whitford Son M 27 Shrewsbury, Salop
Maud Whitford Daughter F 23 Swansea, Glamorganshire
Charles Tracey Whitford Son M 20 Swansea, Glamorganshire
Alexander Whitford Son M 14 Swansea, Glamorganshire
John Tracey
& Ann/Annie Tracey
Daniel Tracey bapt.15 October 1876 St. Stephen's, Liverpool, Lancashire,
England (LDS)
Tracey b. 12 August 1878 bapt. 29 September 1878 St. Stephen's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Jane Tracey b. 20 February 1880 bapt. 11 April 1880 St. Stephen's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Hollis Tracey b. 27 April 1881 bapt. 19 June 1881 St. Stephen's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Shaw Tracey b. 5 March 1883 bapt. 22 April 1883 St. Stephen's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Hollis Tracey b. 6 December 1884 bapt. 1 February 1885 St. Stephen's,
Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
Hollis Tracey b. 4 September 1887 bapt. 23 October 1887 St. Stephen's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracey Family - New York, Marriage,
Death & Naturalization Records Needed!
someone can help me with this!
Tracey Family in question are:
Daniel Tracey b1876/78 Liverpool, Lancs, England & d? Brooklyn, New York,
Florence Tracey b14th July 1880, Liverpool, Lancs, England & d? Brooklyn,
New York, USA
Gordon Tracey b4th May 1917, Liverpool, Lancs, England & d28th July 1993
New York, USA
Daniel seems to have travelled across 2 or 3 times between 1918 & 1920 as i
have 3 passenger lists for him, Florence & Colin followed in 1925 & i
have that passenger list as well.
1930 US Census has the 3 of them in Brooklyn, Kings County, NY (Districts
1251-1500), i only have a printed transcription of this one, so don't have an
actual address for them!
is where things get a little tricky!
a family tree i found, Florence was shown as having died in 1931 in Buffaloe
Bay, USA. I have since found Florence on the 1940 US Census & taking out US
Naturalization in 1943, so the tree must be wrong unless they were naturalizing
ghosts! lol ;D
US Census has them at 2563, East 27th Street, Brooklyn, NY, with William Daniel
listed as a Carpenter, Industry shown as Steamship. Florence is shown as Emily
Florence aged 59 with no occupation. Colin Gordon is 22 & shown as being a
distributor & industry shown as Motion Picture Film Company! I wonder what
he did exactly? Colin is also shown as being married but no wife shows up with him.
Could sks possibly find a marriage for him probably between 1935 & 1940.
3 took out US Naturalisation in 1943, Colin Gordon on 12th Aug 1943 & still
at the East 27th Street address, but Florence when she did hers on Dec 16th
1943 was residing 4677 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, NY. I have the Nauralisation
cards for these 2. However i did find one for William Daniel also in 1943 but
haven't got the card for him & i don't have the date of it to hand either.
If anyone can help with this record it would be appreciated.
the death records of William Daniel & Florence Emily, which i have not been
able to locate. both died sometime between 1943 & 1962 when i believe the
US social security numbers started. The family tree that had Florence Emily
dying in 1931 (which is quite obviously wrong!) also states that William Daniel
died in 1953 but doesn't say where. However with one wrong it is quite possible
that the other could quite well be wrong as well!
if this rambles a bit, quite a bit of info fit in!
help with this would be greatly appreciated.
John Tracey
& Mary Ann Wright
Tracey b. 19 November 1848 bapt. 9 December 1848 St Patrick, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England
John Tracey &
Tracey b. 9 June 1843 bapt. 9 June 1843 St. Patrick, Liverpool, Lancashire,
England (LDS)
Tracey b. 6 May 1849 bapt. 20 May 1849 Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
Jno Tracy
& Mary [moved
from Ballinrobe Co. Mayo LINK]
Jno Tracy b. 3 Jun 1851 of
Friarsquarter Sp. David & Mary Kelly. Ballinrobe Parish
Thos Tracy b. 11 Jan 1854 of Glebe
St? Sp. Jno Gill & Mary Ann Keasy? Ballinrobe Parish
John Tracy [b.
1851 Ballinrobe Co. Mayo] married Margaret Maclin
1877 St Francis Xavier [moved from Ballinrobe Co. Mayo LINK]
John Tracey/Tracy
& Margaret Macklin/Maclin
Tracy b. 1883 St Francis Xavier
William Tracey b. 1887 St Francis Xavier
Tracey b. 1889 St Francis Xavier
Macklin Tracey b. 1892 St Francis Xavier
William Tracy [b. c.
1852 Ballinrobe Co. Mayo] married Margaret Kelly
1878 St Mary Highfield St
William Tracey/Tracy
& Margaret Kelley/Kelly
Tracy b. 1884 St Oswald
Mary Tracey b. 1885 All Souls
Joseph Tracy b. 1887 St Patrick
Tracy b. 1889 All Souls
Tracey b. 1892 St James
Tracey b. 1894 All Souls
Bridget Tracey/Tracy [b. c.
1859 Ballinrobe Co. Mayo] & Alexander Garraty/Garrity [moved from Ballinrobe Co. Mayo LINK]
Garrity b. 1887 St Sylvester
Garraty b. 1890 St Anthony
Garrity b. 1895 St Francis Xavier
John Tracey & Sarah
John Tracey bapt 21 Feb 1894 St Bridget, Wavertree, Lancashire, England. Of 7
Mill Row, Baker
Catherine Treacy,
born abt 1858 (d. of John Treacy)
married Joseph Walker 24 Sep 1879 St Nicholas Liverpool
Daniel Tracey, (X), Full Age, Labourer, Bachelor, Pool Lane? (s. of John Tracey, Labourer) m. Barbara Callaghan, (X), Minor, Spinster, Jamaica St (d. of Michael Callaghan, Book Keeper) 20 May 1839 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Thomas Holmes, (X); Mary Ann Molloy, (X)
Daniel Tracey
& Bab Callohan
Tracey b. 24 Jul 1840 bapt. 2 Aug 1840 St Patrick, Toxteth, Lancashire Sp. John
Scott & Mary Scott
Daniel Tracy
& Margaret Callaghan
Tracy b. 12 Jul 1842 bapt. 31 Jul 1842 St Patrick, Liverpool Lancashire (LDS)
John Octavius Treacy,
born abt 1870, (s. of John Treacy)
married Sarah Lewis 30 Nov 1892 St Cyprian Edge Hill Lancashire
John Tracey, (X), full, Mariner, Bachelor, White St. (s. of John Tracey, Labourer) Married Jane Robinson, full, Widow, White St. (d. of William Hudson, Gentleman) 10 Apr 1859 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: John Mellor, (X); Alice Campbell
Margaret Treacy,
born abt 1852, (d. of John Treacy)
married John Pritchard 19 or 29 Apr 1878 St Nicholas Liverpool
Mary Treacy,
single (d. of John Treacy) married
John Fogarty, single (s. of Thomas Fogarty) 30 May 1842 St. Peter's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England
Patrick Tracey (X), Full, Mariner, Bachelor, Pall Mall (s. of John Tracey, Farmer) married Sarah McCune - (X), Full, Spinster,
Pall Mall (Patrick McCune, Warehouseman) 7 Oct 1859 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs.
Witness: Thos. Kelly; Ann Nolan, (X)
Sarah Tracey, Cotter St. (d. of John [Tracey], Dead & Honor of Cotter Street) married Edmund Murray, Cotter St. (s. of John [Murray], Dead & Bridget 31 May 1858 St Patrick, Toxteth, Lancs. Witness: Janett Condon of Cotter St.; Mary Finlay of Great Oxford St.
Catherine Treacy
(d. of John Treacy) married Joseph
Walker (s. of Charles Walker) 24 Sep 1879 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire,
Catherine Tracey
& Joseph Walker
Ann Walker b. 1893 Ol Star Of The Sea
William Tracey 23, Labourer, Bachelor, 83 Rose Vale (s. of John Tracey, (Deceased), Labourer) married Isabella Moulsdale 20, Spinster, 54 Rose Vale (Thomas Moulsdale, Carpenter) 25 Dec 1900 St Peter, Everton, Lancs. Witness: James Goodwin; Mary Margery Wolfe
Joseph Tracey, Tailor, This parish married Susannah Johnson, Spinster, This Parish. 20 Aug 1834 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Elijah Airey; Sarah Airey
Joshua Tracey
John Tracey b. 7 Mar 1780 bapt 2 Apr 1780 St Peter,
Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Of Preston Street, Tailor
Julia Tracey,
(X), Full, Spinster, Sawney Pope St. (d. of Michael Tracey, Butcher) married Hugh Rooney, Full, Labourer,
Bachelor, Gerard St (s. of James Rooney, Weaver) Wit: Patrick Rooney, (X)
& Mary Rooney, (X) 16 Jul 1838 St
Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancs.
Margaret Tracey married
Michael Caldwell 1868 St Alban
Margaret Tracey married
Samuel Carter 1859 St Patrick
Margaret Tracey married
Mark Doyle 1843 St Mary Highfield St
Margaret Tracey, (X), Widow, This Parish married Patrick Fleming, (X), Tailor, This Parish. 7 Dec 1835 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Thomas Burns, (X); Ann Owens
Margaret Tracey married
Daniel Murray 1865 St Augustine
Margaret Tracey (X), full, Spinster, Gt Howard St (d. of James Tracey, Slater) married Edward Smykle - full, Mariner, Bachelor, Gt Howard St (s. of Edward Smykle, Soldier) 27 Sep 1854 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Thomas Kafel; Taborah Stanley, (X)
Mark Tracy &
Elizabeth Casidy
Tracy b. 1884 All Souls
Mary Tracey married
Patrick Egan 1896 St James Bootle
Mary Tracy &
Patrick Egan
Egan b. 1899 St Winifred
Mary Tracey
married Michael Graham 7 Feb 1859 Saint Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire [see
1871 census]
Mary Ann Tracey
& James Graham
Graham b. 1897 St Joseph
Mary Tracy married
Michael Jacob 1838 St Peter
Mary Tracey married
Patrick Kiernan 1863 St Mary Highfield St
Mary Nora Tracey
& Patrick Lenane
Lenane b. 1899 Workhouse
Mary Tracey married
George Little 1852 St Mary Highfield St
Mary Treacey married
James Lundy 1876 St Augustine
Mary Tracey/Tracy
& James Londy/Lundie/Lundy
Lundy b. 1884 St Augustine
Lundy b. 1885 St Anthony
Catherine Londy b. 1887 St Anthony
Lundie b. 1889 St Alban
Mary Ann Tracey/Tracy
& Christopher Mcaardle/Mcardle/Mccarroll
Mcaardle b. 1884 St Joseph
Mcardle b. 1887 St Joseph
Mccarroll b. 1890 St Joseph
Mary Tracy married
Daniel McCormick 7 September 1847 St Patrick, Liverpool Wit: John McCormick
& Martha Eustace
Mary Ann Tracey
& James Mcdonald
Edward Mcdonald b. 1883 St Patrick
Mcdonald b. 1885 St Anne
Mcdonald b. 1888 St Anne
Mary Jane Tracy (X), 38, Widow, of 7 Beau Street (d. of Patrick McLoughin, Deceased, Lock Smith) married Abraham Williams – 58, Labourer, Widower of 5 Court 7 House Beau Street (s. of John Williams, Deceased, Carter) 17 Mar 1902 All Saints, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Witness: Thomas Duncan, (X); Emma Ross
Mary Tracey married
James William Reston 1898 St Alphonsus
Mary Tracey married
Peter Whelan 1878 St Joseph
Mary Tracy & Peter
Whelan b. 1885 St Anthony
Ann Whelan b. 1888 Ol Reconciliation
Mary Tracey & Decimus Warrey
Decima Tracey bapt 31 Jul 1852 St John the Baptist, Toxteth, Lancashire, England. Abode: Toxteth Park. Occupation: Druggist. Notes: [mother's occupation] servant
Matthew Tracey
& Mary Anne
Tracey b. 5th December 1846 bapt. 6th December 1846 Sp. James Reiley and
Bridget Jackson. St Anthony's
Michael Tracy
& Judith Bryan
Tracy b. 1st April 1840 bapt. 26th April 1840 Sp. Pat Mcdonnel and Margt.
Maher. St Anthony's
Michael Treacy, Tailor, of Liverpool married Ann Carty, (X), Spinster, of Liverpool 27 Sep 1802 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England Witness: Edward Coventry; Robert Hill
Michael Tracey married
Ann Leadbetter 1888 Sacred Heart
Michael Tracey married
Bridget Reeves 1898 St Francis Xavier
Michael Tracey
& Julia
Tracey b. 10th February 1845 bapt. 9th March 1845 Sp. Thomas Myer and Margaret
Mayer. St Anthony's
Michael Tracey
& Johanna
Tracey b. 26th June 1847 bapt. 4th July 1847 Sp. John Bryan and Anna Cashen. St
Micheal & Joanna
Treasey buried 24th Sep 1840, age 6m, of Ford St. St Anthony's. paid by Judeath Treasey
Thomas Tracy, full, Mariner, Bachelor, Ray St. (s. of Michael Tracy, Gardener) m. Jane Williams, (X), full, Spinster, Ray St. (d. of Watkin Williams, Mariner) 14 Jul 1856 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: William Williams; Mary Thomson
Patrick Tracey married
Mary Butterworth 1886 O L Good Help
Patrick Tracy married
Catherine Fitzpatrick 1883 St Anthony
Patrick Tracey married
Ann Kavanagh 1882 St
Patrick Tracey
& Ann Cavanagh
Tracey b. 1883 St Anthony
Patrick Tracy
& Mary Ann Futhey
Tracy b. 1884 St Sylvester
Patrick Tracey married
Ann Magee 1849 St Anthony
Patrick Tracey married
Teresa Mcloughlin 1897 St Anthony
Patrick Treacy married
Margaret Murphy 1864
O L Reconciliation
Patrick Tracy married
Frances Page 1876 St John Kirkdale [Customs
Officer – see Tullamore Offaly]
Patrick Joseph Tracey/Tracy
& Frances Page
Mary Tracy b. 1886 Ol Immaculate
Elizabeth Tracy b. 1889 Ol Immaculate
George Tracy b. 1892 St John
Gertrude Tracy b. 1893 St John
Joseph Tracey b. 1895 St John
Patrick Tracy
& Ann Page
Shepherd Tracy b. 1897 St John
Patrick Tracy married
Mary Ann Walsh 1885 St Michael
Patrick Tracy &
Mary Ann Walsh
Tracy b. 1887 St Michael
Patrick Tracey
& Mary
Tracey b. 3rd April 1848 bapt. 9th April 1848 Sp. Bernard Ward and Jane Ross.
St Anthony's
Peter Tracey married
Jane Brindle 1861 St
Peter Tracy married
Elizabeth Murphy 1858 St Joseph
Peter Tracy married
Esther Lovelady 1868 Ss Peter & Paul Crosby
Treacy buried 3rd May 1841, Age: 9m, of Hodson St., Son of Peter Treacey & Bridget. St Anthony's
Richard Tracey
& Alice Felton
Edward Tracey b. 1900 Ss Peter & Paul
Richard Tracy married
Mary Jane Woods 1899 St Thomas Waterloo
Robert Tracy
m. Rose Ann Lynch 02 Sep 1863 Saint Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
[see 1871 census] [from Clondalkin Dublin?]
Edmund Treacy
(s. of Robert Treacy) married Mary
Abram 21 Oct 1840 St Nicholas Liverpool
Christopher Tracey,
21, b. 1865, single, (s. of Robert
Tracey) married Margaret Ann Eaton, 18, b. 1868, single, (d. of Thomas
Eaton) 12 May 1886 St. Anne's Church, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Christopher Tracey/Tracy
& Margaret Eaton/Eton
Ann Tracy b. 1887 St Joseph
Tracy b. 1889 St Joseph
Tracy b. 1891 Sacred Heart
Tracey b. 1892 Sacred Heart
Tracey b. 1895 Sacred Heart
Tracey b. 1897 Sacred Heart
Tracey b. 1899 Sacred Heart
Robert Tracey & Marie
Frederick Tracey bapt 31 Jul 1867 Christ Church, Hunter Street, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England. of 7 Kellet Buildings Clare St., Interpreter. Notes: P.
Samuel Tracey (X), this parish married Elizabeth Fryer (X), this parish 19 Jun 1768 St Thomas, Liverpool, Lancs. Witness: Thos. Wainwright; Thomas Smithen
Samuel Treacy
Treacy b. 23 Jun 1773 bapt. Jul 1773 St Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire,
England (LDS)
Samuel Tracey
& Elizabeth Ann Tracey
Ann Tracey b. 2 July 1878 bapt. 4 August 1878 St. Stephen's, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Ashton Tracey b. 25 September 1883 bapt. 24 December 1883 St. Peter's,
Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
Samuel Edward Tracey/Tracy & Emma
Edith Margaret Tracy b. 18 Apr 1910 bapt. 3 May 1911 St Cuthbert, Everton,
Lancashire, England. Abode: 31 Hartnup Street. Occupation: Labourer
Grace Douglas Tracey b. 15 Mar 1914 bapt 13 May 1914 St Cuthbert, Everton, Lancashire, England. Abode: 1 Varthen Street. Occupation: Labourer
Sarah Norcott Treacy, full [age], spinster, lives 16
Lough? Road Cork, (d. of John Treacy,
baker) married Joseph F Hayward, full [age], bachelor, coach builder, lives 93
Benedict St, off Stanley Road Bootle Liverpool, (s. of Frederick Hayward, coach
builder) 12 April 1887 S Fin Barr Cathedral Church of Ireland Wit: John Treacy & Agnes Elizabeth Webb
[Cork Cork PLU]
Sara Tracey married
Edmund Murray 1858 St Patrick
Simon Tracey &
Tracey b. 5 February 1893 bapt. 31 May 1893 Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
Susannah Tracey married
John Meagher 1871 St Joseph
Thomas Treacy married
Ann Caulfield 1842 St
Mary Highfield St
Thomas &
Ann Cawlfield
Tracy b. 16 February 1843 bapt. 19 February 1843 St. Patrick, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracey b. 12 January 1845 bapt. 19 January 1845 St Patrick, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Thomas Treacy married
Catherine Devine 1867 St Augustine
Thomas &
Catherine Dowd
Tracey b. 18 April 1843 bapt. 30 April 1843 Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracey
& Catharine Duck [see Longford]
Tracey b. 10th March 1838 bapt. 25th March 1838 Sp. James Lee And Elizth. Lee.
St Anthony's
Thomas Tracy married
Rose Fleming 1891 St
Thomas Tracey/Tracy
& Rose Ann Fleming/ Flemming
Tracey b. 1900 All Souls
Ann Tracy b. 1892 St Anthony
Tracey b. 1894 All Souls
Tracy b. 1896 All Souls
Tracy b. 1898 All Souls
Thomas & Mary
Tracy b. 11 December 1838 bapt. 23 December 1838 St Anthonys, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Thomas Tracey
& Catharine Kelly
Tracey buried 8th September 1836, aged 1y3m, of Chadwick St
Tracey b. 20th August 1837 bapt. 27th August 1837 Sp. James Conerty and Hanah
Blundell. St Anthony's. buried 30th August 1837, age 7d, of Porter St
Tracey b. 3rd September 1838 bapt. 9th September 1838 Sp. Thomas Murphy and
Mary Hart. St Anthony's. buried 11th January 1840, age 16m, of Porter Street
Treacey Buried 23rd February 1841, Age: 5y, Of Stewart St., of Thomas Treacey
& Catherine. St Anthony's
Mathew Tracey b. 28 November 1843 bapt. 10 December 1843 St. Anthony,
Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
Andrew Tracey buried 22nd December 1843, age 2y5m, of Porter St. [parents not
Thomas Thracy
married Rebecca Mitchell 9 Aug 1854 Saint Nicholas, Liverpool, Lancashire (LDS)
Thomas Tracy married
Bridget Madden 1861
St Nicholas
Tracy (Waterford) m. Birgittam Madden, St. Nicholas', Liverpool England. 19th
Thomas Tracey married
Julia Ann Nolan 1898 St Augustine
Thomas Tracey
& Ann Nolan
Tracey b. 1898 St Alban
Ann Tracey b. 1900 St Alban
Thomas Tracey &
Mary Nyland
James Tracey
b. 11th December 1838 bapt. 23rd December 1838 Sp. Patk. Carroll and Ann Tobin.
St Anthony's
Thomas Tracy married
Marcella Reilly 1861
St Augustine
Thomas Tracey married
Elizabeth Rossiter 1863 St Anthony
Thomas Tracey
& Elizabeth Rossiter
Grace Tracey b. 1882 Ol Immaculate
Thomas Tracey
& Catharine Smete
Tracey b. 2 February 1851 bapt. 9 February 1851 St. Patricks, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Thomas Tracey,
21, married Jane Southward, 21, single, 16 Aug 1866 Cheshire, England [see 1871
Southward Tracey b. 3 May 1874 St. Mary's, Kirkdale, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracey
& Jane Tracey
Tracey bapt. 7 July 1867 Grove Street Chapel, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tracey bapt. 11 May 1871 Grove Street Chapel, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Tracey bapt. 11 May 1871 Grove Street Chapel, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracey
& Catharine Tracey
Tracey b. 9th November 1839 bapt. 17th November 1839 Sp. Michl. Mcdonnell and
Mary Higgins. St Anthony's
Thomas Tracey/Treacey
& Catherine
Treacey b. 28 November 1841 bapt. 12 December 1841 St. Anthony, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracey b. 18th May 1845 bapt. 25th May 1845 Sp. Wm. Cherr and Jane Noble. St
Tracey b. 18th May 1845 bapt. 25th May 1845 Sp. John Farrell and Bridget Maher.
St Anthony's
Elizab Tracey b. 11th January 1848 bapt. 30th January 1848 Sp. Bart Dowd and
Martha Curran. St Anthony's
Tracey b. 24 July 1855 bapt. 6 August 1855 Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
Thomas Tracy
& Jessie
Tracey bapt. 31 July 1894 St. Peter's, Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
Tracy bapt. 15 April 1896 Liverpool, Lancaster, England (LDS)
Thomas Treacy & Sarah
Thomas Treacy b. 28 Aug 1788 bapt 27 Sep 1788 St Nicholas, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England. Of Norfolk street, Mariner
Thos &
Tracey b. 24 June 1851 bapt. 3 August 1851 Liverpool, Lancashire, England (LDS)
William Tracy married
Margaret Branigan 1896 St Francis Xavier
William Tracey
& Ann Carrall
Newton Tracey b. 17 November 1828 bapt. 30 November 1828 Liverpool, Lancashire,
England (LDS)
William Tracey/Tracy
& Mary Ann Dwyer [see Sologhead Parish Tipperary]
Tracey b. 1883 St Sylvester
Tracy b. 1886 St Sylvester
Tracy b. 1886 St Sylvester
British Census (LDS)
Treacey, 36 years, born
Limerick, labourer, married, 35 Hopwood St. Liverpool Lanc.
Mary Ann, 33 years, born Waterford, wife
Katey, 9 years, born Dublin,
Sarah, 7 years, born Dublin,
Michael, 4 years, born Liverpool,
Mary, 15 months, born Liverpool,
William Tracey married
Louisa Flynn 1854 St Anne
William Tracy (d. 1881) & Anne Lyndon
Michael Tracy b. 31 July 1874 Dungarvan (LDS)
William b. 22 April 1876 Dungawan (LDS)
Johana Tracy b. 14 November 1877 Dungawan (LDS)
Hannah Tracey b c1878
Dungarvan Waterford]
Tracey (let me call him William 1) who married Anne Linden. William 1
was a jobbing tailor, who may have died in 1881. Anne Tracy moved with her
three children to Liverpool, England where she remarried to a Charles Kelly.
They had
a son Michael who married Ellen, who then had two children, Ann and William
(William 3rd). William 3 married Sophie. The story about William 3's death is
that he was knocked down by a car and buried in Vladivostok! Apparently, the
local consulate was involved, but I can find no records. William 3 and Sophie
had a son Michael who married someone called Judy.
They also
had a son William (William 2nd) who apparently didn't marry. We believe he was
a tailor in the Irish Guards.
Anne's daughter,
Hannah Tracy, my grandmother, was born in Dungarvin in c1878. She was married
on 10 Feb 1901 to John Dunn, who had come over from Forkhill, County
Armagh with his 4 brothers (Richard, Matthew, Michael and Hugh) who
all became bus drivers (then horse drawn). Her 1901 wedding
certificate is attached.
John and Hannah had 4 boys and 2 girls. One of the boys was my Dad William
(the 4th?). John died in 1928 and Hannah remarried a Patrick McGlade. Hannah
died in Liverpool in 1958.
Tony acldunn@aol.com 13 September 2010
William Tracey (s. of William Tracey,
Deceased) married Mary Ewart Mcfall (d. of James Mcfall) 16 Nov 1890 St Mary
Kirkdale, Walton On The Hill, Lancaster, England
William Tracey married
Grace Mckea 1848 St Peter
Anne Eliza Tracy, 21, Spinster of Lucerne St (d. of William Tracy, Rope Maker) married James Hampson 23 Whitesmith Bachelor of Lucerne St (s. of John Hampson, Rope Maker) 5 Aug 1878 St Michael in the Hamlet, Aigburth, Lancs. Witness: John Willis; Annie Parry
William Tracy 23, Baker, Bachelor, 15 Guildford St. (s. of William Tracy, Deceased, Baker) married Mary Lloyd 23, Spinster,
135 Field St. (d. of George Lloyd, Joiner) 5 Sep 1904 St Augustine, Everton,
Lancs. Witness: George Lloyd; Annie
Tracey. Notes: [Groom signed Tracey]
Tracey & Ellen
Ann Elizabeth Tracey bapt 25 Apr 1858 St Mary, Walton on the Hill, Lancashire,
England. Of Bootle, Coachman
Eaton & Margaret Woods
Margaret Tracey
b. 1868 Sacred Heart
Tracy buried 19th Jul 1848, age 5y, of North St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 16th Jun 1849, age 40y, of Norris St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 18th August 1845, age 2y9m, of Adlington St. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 10th Mar 1847, age 1m16d, of Upper Frederick.St Anthony’s
Tracy buried 29th Aug 1849, age 1y6m, of Norris St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 2nd Apr 1851, age 10m, of Thomas St. St Anthony’s
Tracy buried 20th Jan 1850, age 2y, of Atherton St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 1st February 1848, age 23y, of Slade St. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 16th Apr 1848, age 6y, of Truman St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 26th July 1846, age 26y, of Sherwood St. St Anthony's
Treacey, buried 29th January 1857, Age: 25 years, of Carlton. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 14th Nov 1850, age 20m, of Atherton St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 21st Jul 1847, age 28d, of Addison. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 21st October 1844, age 6m, of Princes St. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 25th Sep 1847, age 3d, of Frederick. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 26th Mar 1847, age 9m of North. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 28th Jul 1849, age 6m, of Addison St. St Anthony’s
Tracey, buried 12th September 1845, age 28y [calculated], of workhouse. St
Tracey, buried 14th September 1846, age 12m, of Sherwood St. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 23rd February 1848, age 8m, of Charter St. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 7th Jul 1850, age 14m, of Portland St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 29th November 1846, age 2y, of McGuire ST. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 1st Jun 1847, age 4y, of Addison. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 17th Aug 1847, age 23y, of Workhouse. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 17th September 1848, age 28y, of Sherwood St. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 1st Jul 1851, age 4m, of Banastre St. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 21st December 1846, age 12m, of Rosemund Place. St Anthony's
Tracey, buried 18th July 1844, age 48y, of Chadwick St. St Anthony's
Tracy buried 31st Jan 1851, age 12, of Workhouse. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 10th Mar 1851, age 24, of Workhouse. St Anthony’s
Tracy buried 17th May 1849, age 1 day, of Lace St. St Anthony’s
Treacey buried 2nd December 1857, Age: 3 years, of Saltney. St Anthony's
Tracy buried 27th Jun 1847, age 2y, of Addison. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 17th Feb 1848, age 1 day, of Industrial School. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 27th May 1847, age 30y of North. St Anthony’s
Tracy buried 15th Feb 1848, age 12y, of Industrial School. St Anthony’s
Tracy Alias Hinch buried 8th Nov 1846, age 1m3d, of Gildart St. St Anthony's
Sarah Treacy, died 21 May 1865, age 31, of Hornby St, burial: 24 May 1865 St Anthony, Vauxhall, Lancashire, England. Cemeterio apud Anfield
Tracey buried 21st Apr 1847, age 37Y of Johnson. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 9th Jun 1847, age 23y, of Workhouse. St Anthony’s
Tracey buried 28th June 1846, age 44y, of Thomas St. St Anthony's
Tracy? buried 4th Oct 1848, age 4d, of Workhouse. St Anthony's
Tracey buried 12th Feb 1847, age 2m 1d, of Porter. St Anthony’s
Tracy buried 8th Aug 1848, age 3m28d, of Sherwood St. St Anthony’s
Treacey buried 30th November 1857, Age: 6 months, of Saltney. St Anthony's
John Tracey buried 17 Mar 1782 St John, Old Haymarket, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England. Notes: Belonged to the Westminister Militia
Wm. Tracey - son of Jno. Tracey buried 19 Mar 1782 St John,
Old Haymarket, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Notes: Belonged to the
Westminister Militia
Professor Ian Graham Tracey, DL, Mus Doc.,
FRSA. Ian Graham Tracey was born in Liverpool on 27 May 1955 the son of William Tracey and Helene Mignon Harris. His family originally came from Fermanagh, migrating to Scotland in the 1850s before settling in Liverpool. He attended Highfield School (1966-1973). Studied organ with Lewis Rust & Noel Rawsthorne, before going up to Trinity College of Music, London (1973-1975). Studied in Paris with Andre Isoir and Jean Langlais under a scholarship (1976). Studied choral techniques at Liverpool Cathedral with Ronald Woan and orchestral conducting with Vernon 'Tod' Handley at Liverpool Philharmonic. Qualified as a teacher in St. Katharine's College, Liverpool in 1976. (PGCE). Assistant Organist (from 1976), Organist (from 1980) and Organist & Master of the Choristers (from 1982-2008) of Liverpool Cathedral. Chorus Master to the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society since 1985. Professor, Fellow & Organist, Liverpool John
Moore’s University (Formerly Liverpool Polytechnic) since 1988. Liverpool City Organist (Formerly Consultant
Organist), since 1986. Guest Music Director BBC Daily Service, since 1991. President, Incorporated Association of
Organists of Great Britain 2001-2003. Organist Titulaire of Liverpool Cathedral, since
2008. Tonal Director for Makin Organs & Copeman Hart,
since 2011. Deputy Lieutenant of Merseyside, since 2015. |
Awards: FTCL, 1975. FRSA, 1988. North West Arts Award for Classical Music,
1994. Hon FRCO 2002. Hon DMus, Liverpool University, 2006. FRSCM 2008. FGCM 2009. Professor Ian Tracey has had a life-long
association with Liverpool Cathedral and its music and, with his two
illustrious predecessors, continues the tradition of an almost apostolic
succession. He studied organ with Lewis Rust and then with his immediate
precursor Dr. Noel Rawsthorne. Studies at Trinity College, London, culminated
in Fellowship, after which, scholarship grants enabled him to continue his
studies in Paris, with both Andre Isoir and Jean Langlais. In 1980 he became the youngest Cathedral Organist in
the Country, and in 2007 after 27 years service, the Dean & Chapter
created the post of ‘Organist Titulaire’, allowing him the freedom to devote
more time to playing, lecturing, recording and writing. Since his appointment
in 1980, he has played most of the major venues in this country, and an
increasing number in Europe; very much in demand in the U.S.A., he has made
23 extensive tours, playing in all the major Cities and in 1999 & 2003
undertook major tours of Southern Australia, recitaling, examining and
teaching. The past two seasons have included concerts in New York, Seattle,
San Francisco, Bermuda, Paris, Holland, Germany, Jersey & Spain; he
returns again to Germany and Holland in 2015. On the wider musical canvas, he is a frequent
broadcaster with the B.B.C., and his recordings on the Cathedral Organ have
met with wide acclaim from the critics, recording for E.M.I., CHANDOS and
PRIORY. He regularly examines and adjudicates and, over the past 28 years,
has conducted over 250 concerts with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
& Chorus. He holds Fellowships from 20 prestigious musical institutions
both here and abroad, including the Royal College of Organists, as one of
only 28 Honorary Fellows worldwide. In 2006, the University of Liverpool
conferred upon him Doctor of Music, in recognition of his long and
distinguished service to music in Liverpool and of his national and
international reputation. In 2008, the Royal School of Church Music and in
2009, the Guild of Church Musicians, awarded him Fellowships for distinguished
services to church music and his international reputation as a church
musician. He was commissioned as a Deputy Lieutenant for the County of
Merseyside in 2015. His other posts include: Organist to the City of
Liverpool; at St. George's Hall; Chorus Master to the Royal Liverpool
Philharmonic Society; Guest Director of Music for the BBC Daily Service,
Professor, Fellow and Organist at Liverpool, John Moores University, Tonal
Director for Makin Organs & Copeman Hart Ltd. and past president of the
Incorporated Association of Organists of Great Britain. His
compositions include a Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Fauxbourdons) and
Responses for Men's voices. He has composed several carols and many descants
and arrangements, including a version of the popular football song 'You'll
never walk alone' which caught the national imagination at the moving
Memorial Service for the victims of the Hillsborough Stadium disaster. His website is to be found at www.iantracey.com and many of his
concerts are also listed on www.organrecitals.com/ian Ref: Maggie
Humphreys, Robert Evans (1887) Dictionary of Composers for the Church in
Great Britain and Ireland Whose
Who. |
Vince Tracy was born on Wirral, Merseyside and enjoyed the Merseybeat Years at The Cavern and Iron Door in Liverpool. He played harmonica in several groups before becoming one of the first professional disc-jockeys on Merseyside at the Cabin then Hamilton clubs. He worked freelance with the BBC at Radio Merseyside and as a professional DJ and entertainer in the North-West of England. Moving to Cornwall in the 80s Vince qualified as a teacher and ran his entertaining career alongside a teaching career. He had a daily show with Spain's national broadcaster Onda Cero and presents his cabaret shows around Benidorm, Spain. These days he travels extensively creating various podcasts and jamming with other musicians when possible. Book: The Long and Winding Road: from Beatles to Benidorm. 2013
https://www.facebook.com/vince.tracy |
Ashton Under Lyne
Mariam Tracey of Cotton Street (d. of Hugonis Tracey) married Michaelem Reynolds
of Cotton Street (s. of Eugenii Reynolds) Wit: Bernardo Devlin of Catherine
Street & Anna Cavanagh of Portland Terrace on the 11 Apr 1858 St Mary,
Ashton under Lyne, Lancs.
Mariam Tracey of 2 Boodle St. (d. of Joannis Tracey) married Joannem O'Neil of 4
Boodle St. (s. of Jacobi O'Neil) Wit: Bernardo Turner & Maria Helena
3 Jan 1862 St Mary, Ashton under
Lyne, Lancs.
This family may have been from
Crossboyne, Co. Mayo
1871 Census
Tom Tracy, Head, M, 41, b. 1830
Mayo, labourer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Mary Tracy, Wife, F, 40, b. 1831
Mayo, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Dennis Tracy, Son, M, 20, b. 1851
Mayo, Cotton Piecer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Patrick Tracy, Son, M, 18, b. 1853
Mayo, Cotton Piecer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Michel Tracy, Son, M, 16, b. 1855
Mayo, Cotton Piecer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Mark Tracy, Son, M, 14, b. 1857
Mayo, Cotton Piecer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
John Tracy, Son, M, 12, b. 1859
Mayo, Cotton Piecer, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Mary Tracy, Daughter, F, 9, b. 1862
Mossley, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
James Tracy, Son, M, 8, b. 1863
Mossley, Hartshead Mossley Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
1881 Census - Turnpike Rd, Ashton
Under Lyne, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracey Head M
54 Galway, Ireland, labourer
Mary Tracey Wife F 54 London,
Lancashire, England
Mark Tracey Son M 24 Mossly,
Lancashire, England, labourer
Mary Tracey Daughter F
19 Mossly, Lancashire, England, Cotton Reeler
James Tracey Son M 18 Mossly,
Lancashire, England, Cotton Picer (Ma)
Margaret Tracey Daughter F
6 Mossly, Lancashire, England
1881 Census - Tintwistle (Cheshire),
Joseph Delaney Head M
62 Ireland
Margaret Delaney Wife F
55 Ireland
Joseph Delaney Son M
17 Stalybridge, Lancashire, England
James Mills Boarder M 24 Oldham,
Lancashire, England
Margaret Mills Boarder F 23 Stalybridge, Lancashire, England
Fred Mills Boarder M 2 Mossley,
Lancashire, England
Dennis Tracey Boarder M 30 Ireland, (Cotton Op)
Julia Tracey Boarder F 28 Stalybridge,
Lancashire, England, (Cotton Op)
Thomas Tracey Boarder M 7 Mossley, Lancashire, England
Joseph Tracey Boarder M 6 Mossley, Lancashire, England
William Tracey Boarder M 4 Mossley, Lancashire, England
1881 Census - Wyre Street, Ashton
Under Lyne, Lancashire
Michael Tracey Head M
26 Ireland, Cotton Grinder (M A)
Margaret Tracey Wife F
36 Liverpool, Lancashire, England, Cotton Cardroom
1891 Census - Stamford Street,
Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracey Head M
64 Ireland Galway, labourer
Mary Tracey Wife F 68 London,
Mary Tracey Daughter F
29 Lancashire, England, Reeler Of Cotton
James Tracey Son M 28 Lancashire,
England, Reeler Of Cotton
Margaret Tracey Niece F
16 Lancashire, England, servant
William Tracey Nephew M
13 Lancashire, England, Piecer Of Cotton
James Henry Tracey & Mary
Winifred Ann Tracy Bapt. 15 Aug 1875 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Corporal 63rd. Regt. The Barrack, Ashton]
Fanny Amelia Tracy Bapt. 24 Jun 1877 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Paymaster Sergeant, 16th Brigade The Barracks, Ashton]
Joseph John Tracey b. 22 Dec 1878 bapt. 2 Feb 1879 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Paymaster Sergeant Ashton Barracks]
Alice Louisa Tracey? b. 12 Feb 1881 bapt. 27 Mar 1881 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Paymaster Sergeant The Barracks, Ashton]
Albert Henry Tracey b. 18 Jan 1883 bapt. 4 Feb 1883 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Quarter Master's Sergeant The Barracks, Ashton]
Beatrice Annie Tracey b. 7 Dec 1884 bapt. 25 Jan 1885 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Quarter Master's Sergeant The Barracks, Ashton]
1881 Census - Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England
James H Tracy, Head Soldier, 35, b. 1846 Canada, married, Paymaster Sergeant 16 Brigade
John/Johannis Tracy & Mary/Mariae Rowly of Roscommon
John b. 15 June 1843 Sp. Conor Kelly & Mary Tracy. Killtomb Parish (LDS)
Brigidam b. 19 June 1848 Sp. Johanne Donnelly
& MariaMcDermott. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)
Elizabeth b. 19 June 1848 Sp Henrico McDermott
& Margareta Rahean. Kiltoom Parish (LDS) m. Thomas Maw 1882 in
Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs http://www.gencircles.com/users/roystringer2/1/data/18373
Elizabeth Tracey (d. of Joannis
Tracey) married Thomam Maw (s. of Guilelmi Maw) Wit: Carolo Devlin &
Elizabeth Harding 26 Feb 1882 St Mary, Ashton under Lyne, Lancs
Barton upon Irwell
Edward Tracey - Patricroft [s. of Bernard Tracey & Mary, Queens Co] married
Maria Higgins - Patricroft [d. of Peter Higgins & Mary, Co Galway] 31 Jul
1854 Wit: Daniel Quigley & Elizabeth Parker. All Saints, Barton upon
Irwell, Lancashire
1871 Census
Edward Tracey, Head,
58, b. 1813 Queens Country Ireland, Farm Labourer, Winton Barton Upon Irwell
Maria Tracey, Wife,
48, b. 1823 Galway Ireland, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire
Margaret Tracey,
Daughter, 17, b. 1854 Patricroft, Spinner, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire
Kate Tracey,
Daughter, 14, b. 1857 Patricroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire
Edward Tracey, Son,
11, b. 1860 Patricroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire
James Tracey, Son, 4,
b. 1867 Patricroft, Winton Barton Upon Irwell Lancashire
1861 Census - 14 Cross St, Blackburn, Lancashire
Margaret Tracy Head Widow, 31, Ireland, cotton spinner
Lawrance Tracy Son 14, Ireland, cotton spinner
Patrick Tracy Son 8, Blackburn Lancashire
John Tracy Son 3, Blackburn Lancashire
Mary Tracy Daughter 10M, Blackburn Lancashire
Patrick Trasey married Ellen Connory Jul-Aug-Sep 1878 Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Patritii Tracey & Ellenae Conroy
Petrus Tracey b. 29 Jul 1879 bapt. 3 Aug 1879 Sp. Dionysius O'Brien & Anna Hogan St Alban, Blackburn, Lancashire, England
1881 Census - Turner St, Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Michiel Rape Head M 40 b. 1841 Mayo, Ireland, Labourer
Mary Rape Daughter F 20 b. 1861 Blackburn, Lancashire, England, Widow, Cotton Weaver
Annie Rape Daughter F 19 b.1862 Blackburn, Lancashire, England, single, Cotton Weaver
Isabella Rape Daughter F 16 b. 1865 Blackburn, Lancashire, England, single, Cotton Weaver
Teresa Rape Daughter F 12 b. 1869 Blackburn, Lancashire, England, single, Cotton Weaver
Michiel Rape Son M 8 b. 1873 Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Parterick Tracy Boarder M 25 b. 1856 Preston, Lancashire, England, Cotton Spinner
Ellen Tracy Boarder F 26 b. 1855 Preston, Lancashire, England, Cotton Weaver
Peter Tracy Son M 1 b. 1880 Preston, Lancashire, England
[Rape in the Griffiths Valuation is found in the west of Ireland mostly around Ballina Mayo]
1891 Census - Myrtle Street, ST JOHNS. Blackburn, Lancashire, England
John Roach Head M 35 b. 1866 Co Mayo Ireland, General Labourer
Eliza Roach Wife F 37 b. 1864 Tipperary Ireland
Ellen Tracey Sister In Law F 35 b. 1866 Lancashire, England, Weaver Cotton
Joseph Convery Lodger Brother In Law M 30 b. 1861 Lancashire, England, Weaver Cotton
Peter Tracey Lodger Nephew M 11 b. 1880 Lancashire, England, Weaver Cotton Half Time
Margaret Mary Tracey Niece F 9 b. 1882 Lancashire, England
October 13, 1900 - Blackburn Standard (Lancashire)
DARWEN SWIMMING CLUB...At this stage of the evening's programme, Peter Tracey, of Blackburn, the champion of North-East Lancashire in scientific swimming, gave a good exhibition of the art...
1901 Census - Poplar Street, St Michael And All Angels Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Ellen Tracey Head F 47 b. 1854 Blackburn, Lancashire, COTTON WEAVER
Mary Tracey Daughter F 18 b. 1883 Blackburn, Lancashire, COTTON WEAVER
Peter Tracey Son M 21 b. 1880 Blackburn, Lancashire, WOOD SAWER FOR JOINES
Peter Tracey married Agnes Mcallister Jul-Aug-Sep 1905 Blackburn, Lancashire, England
1911 Census - Blackburn, Blackburn, Lancashire
Peter Tracey Head M 30 b. 1881 Blackburn, Lancashire, STATIONERY ENGINE MAN
Agnes Tracey Wife F 27 b. 1884 Blackburn, Lancashire, WEAVER
George Tracey Son M 4 b. 1907 Blackburn, Lancashire
George Tracey married Margaret E O'Bryan Oct-Nov-Dec 1930 Blackburn, Lancashire, England
Peter B Tracey b. Jan-Feb-Mar 1932 Blackburn Lancashire England, mother O'Bryan
Sheila M Tracey b. Jul-Aug-Sep 1933 Blackburn Lancashire England, mother O'Bryan
Michael G Tracey b. Jan-Feb-Mar 1935 Blackburn Lancashire England, mother O'Bryan
Maureen T Tracey b. Jan-Feb-Mar 1837 Blackburn Lancashire England, mother O'Bryan
Kathleen M Tracey b. Oct-Nov-Dec 1945 Blackburn Lancashire England, mother O'Bryan
The Conroys of Lorrha
Eliza (1849) married a John Roach, and appears not to have had children. Eliza seems to have been a stable central figure in the family, taking in her brothers and sisters when they needed help, and witnessing the deaths of her parents. In 1881 she and John Roach were living at 30 Manor Sutton Street, Blackburn, and Eliza’s brother Joseph was living with them. At the 1891 England Census they were living at 13 Myrtle Street, Blackburn along with Joseph and Eliza’s sister Ellen (Conroy) Tracy and her son Peter Tracy and daughter Margaret Mary Tracy. At the time of the 1901 England Census they were still living there, with a Peter Conroy, listed as a brother in law to John Roach, and born c.1862 (presumably Eliza’s brother Peter, born in June 1863).
Ellen (1852) married a Patrick Tracy and had a son Peter (c.1880) and a daughter Margaret Mary (c.1882). In 1881 the family were boarding at 7 Turner St in Blackburn. As already noted, by the time of the 1891 England census Ellen and her children were living with Eliza and John Roach at 13 Myrtle St, Blackburn, and Ellen is recorded as a widow. Living descendants of Peter Tracey were known to be in the Sheffield area in 2011.
James Tracy, 24 years Estate Clerk Bachelor of 33, Symons Street, Gt. Cheetham St.
Higher Broughton (s. of Lord James Tracy,
Engineer) married Mary Alice Willox Thwaites, 31 Years Spinster of 17,
Boothroydon (d. of James William Thwaites, (deceased), Cotton Manufacturer)
Wit: George William Hellawell; William Firby; Willox Cookson Thwaites; James
Henry Thwaites on the 7 Apr 1900 St Paul, Blackpool, Lancashire, England [see Honor Lilbush Wingfield Tracy]
Thomae Tracey/Tracy & Mariae O'Donnell
Jacobus Tracey b. 18 Feb 1872 Bapt. 7 Apr 1872 Sp. Marcellus R. Morand & Maria C. Morand. St Joseph, Bury, Lancashire, England
Gulielmus Tracy b. 25 Jan 1874 bapt. 19 Apr 1874 Sp. Eduardus Little & Maria Calaher. St Marie, Bury, Lancashire, England
Francisca Tracy - filia b. 20 Dec 1875 bapt. 6 Feb 1876 Sp. Thomas Quinlan & Anna Quinlan. St Marie, Bury, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracey & Mary
Julia Tracey b. 1 Sep 1868 bapt. 18 Sep 1868 Umblla, Bengal, India
Julia Tracey, 22, single, b. 1872 India (d. of Thomas Tracey & Mary O'Donnell) married James Clark, 29, single, b. 1865 New York (s. of James E. Clark & Mary ...Ly) 27 Sep 1894 Manhattan, New York,
Julia Clark died 23 Nov 1946 1 University Place Manhattan New York, Widowed, Probation Officer, b. 1 Sep 1879 Bengal, India (d. of Thomas Tracy b. Ireland & Mary O'Donnell b. Ireland), Spouse: James E Clark, buried 25 Nov 1946 Calvary Cemetery
Thomas Tracey, 106? Rgt,
& Mary O'Donnell
Tracey b. 22 Apr/16 May 1870 Sp. Jemy Talon & Anne Moran St. Patrick's,
Cork City
WW1 Pension Records British Army [1901 Census Capel Street/1911 Census Abbey street]
William Gatrick [Patrick] Treacey, 191289/876741 gunner 3rd Red Battery Royal Field Artillery (RC, b 25-11-1892 Dublin, s. of William & Lily) married Lily Elsworth 26 Jul 1916 RO Chorlton Manchester
Residence Place: 1918 117 Upper Abbey St, Dublin/69 Robert St Canho Manchester/1 Walford Villas Splinghead Anbaby Street [all crossed out] 11 Clifford Street Chorlton-on-Medlock Manchester
Maya Treacey, b. 18/6/1917 59 Hull
Stage Carpenter, 23Y11M, 5'5", 34-37 Chest, 115lb, dk brown hair, grey eyes, fresh complexion, served 2 years 56 days India & South Africa, defective vison, no disability
Health: Seaman's and Firemans Union
Employer: Mr. Mc Cren, Carpenter, Moss Side Manchester.
Trade: Carpenter, Seaman (Mercantile)
Barnard Treacy Married Elsie Edge Or Ellen Marsh Or Mary Ann Smith Or Ann Costhelo 3rd
Quarter 1846 Leigh Lancashire
Daniel Tracey, 39, widowed, a finisher of 3 Parliment Square, son of Daniel Tracey, a groom deceased, married 31 May 1883 at All Souls, established church, Manchester to Catherine Hannay, 28, widowed, of 17 North Street, dau of Edward Thompson, a tailor. Witness: Thomas Colman & Elizabeth Colman. [her mark] [wifes marriage in 1873 to Thomas Hannay]
1798-1914 Register of
Enlisted USA
John Tracy, enlisted 18 Nov 1879 Ft Oincha? Nebraska by Lt Fort for 5
years, born Manchester England, 31 years, painter, hazel eyes, dark hair, dark
complexion, 5’5”, 9 Inf, deserted Jan 18 1880
John J Trasey, enlisted 14 Feb 1882 at Albany NY by Capt Davis for 5 years,
born Manchester England, 22 years, labourer, grey eyes, bro hair, ruddy
complexion 5’4”, 5 Cav B coy, discharged Aug 22/85 disability at Fort Reno I.T,
[Oklahoma] a Pvt char fair D.Cuc’d
Thomas Tracey & Catherina Butler
Helena Tracey b. 22 Jul 1883 bapt.
4 Aug 1883 Sp. John Whelan; Elizabeth Butler. All Saints, Barton upon Irwell
Notes: Married 1. Joseph Farrell,
30/11/1912 at St Mary, Eccles and 2. William Royle, 24/7/1937 at All Saints,
Thomas Treacy [of Galway] married Margaret Dogherty
[of Clare] Barton Upon Irwell, Lancashire, England Jan-Feb-Mar 1865 [moved to
Chicago Ill – see Galway]
1881 Census - Green Lane Barton Upon Irwell, Lancashire
Thomas Tracey Head M
44 Ireland, carter
Margaret Tracey Wife F
41 Ireland
Hugh Tracey Son M
15 Patricroft, Lancashire, England, book keeper
Mary Ellen Tracey Daughter F
12 Patricroft, Lancashire, England, dress maker
Susannah Tracey Daughter F
10 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
John Thos Tracey Son M
8 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
Elizabeth Tracey Daughter F
5 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
Philip Tracey Son M
3 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
1861 Census
Thomas Tracy, Head, b. 1817 Ireland, St Barnabas Manchester Lancashire.
Elizabeth Tracy, Wife, b. 1834
Ireland, St Barnabas Manchester Lancashire.
Lydia Tracy, Daughter, b. 1847
Manchester, St Barnabas, Manchester, Lancashire.
Margaret Tracy, Daughter, b. 1850
Manchester, St Barnabas Manchester Lancashire.
Lusia Tracy, Daughter, b. 1852
Manchester, St Barnabas Manchester Lancashire.
Anne Tracy, Daughter, b. 1855
Manchester, St Barnabas Manchester Lancashire.
James Tracy, Son, b. 1860
Manchester, St Barnabas Manchester Lancashire.
1881 Censu - Heath St, Manchester,
Thomas Tracy Head M 64 Ireland
Elizabeth Tracy Wife F
46 Ireland
John Tracy Son M 19 Manchester,
Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracy Son M 15 Manchester, Lancashire, England
Dennis Tracy Son M 13 Manchester, Lancashire, England
Elizabeth Tracy Daughter F 11 Manchester, Lancashire, England
Francis Tracy Son M 9 Manchester, Lancashire, England
Alfred Tracy Son M 6 Manchester, Lancashire, England
Henry Plant Boarder M
20 Manchester, Lancashire, England
Thomas Connelly Boarder M
24 Manchester, Lancashire, England
1901 Census - St
Barnabas, Manchester, Lancashire
Dennis Tracey Head M 32 Manchester, Lancashire
Mary Tracey Wife F 31 Manchester, Lancashire
John Tracey Son M
12 Manchester, Lancashire
Thos Tracey Son M
9 Manchester, Lancashire
Alfred Tracey Son M 7 Manchester, Lancashire
Mary Elizh Tracey Daughter F
2 Manchester, Lancashire
Norah Tracey Daughter F 0 Manchester, Lancashire
Thomae Treacy & Catherinae
Riley [see Galway]
Elizabeth Treacy b. 22/29 May 1864 Sp. Jacobus McCann; Maria
Treacy. St Chad, Cheetham, Lancashire
Edward Tracey married Mary Rourke
Apr-May-Jun 1877 Manchester Lancashire Volume: 8D Page: 428 Line Number: 325
Eduardi/Edwardi Tracy & Mariae Rourke
Franciscus Herbertus Tracy b. 16/17 Jun 1878 Sp. Maria Agnes
Rourke. St Chad, Cheetham, Lancashire [see Bert Tracey, actor and director]
Mary Anna Tracy b. 18/18 Jul 1880 Sp. Jacobus Tracy; Clara Asten.
St Chad, Cheetham, Lancashire
John Treacy married Mary Feeny OR Bridget Murphy 4th Quarter 1861 Oldham Lancashire
Birth Registration
Mary A Tracey Jan-Feb-Mar 1924
Oldham, Lancashire, England
Mother - Tracey
1942 Draft Registration
John Tracey, b. 21 Nov 1893 Preston Lanc England, Mrs Margaret Tracey (wife) 251 Irvington St, New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts
[see Arthur Tracy] Arthur
Tracy, (1893-1962) champion welterweight boxer, of Darwen Lancashire England, whose
family came from Ireland. Pat
McAllister v Arthur Tracey May 16, 1923 Croke Park Dublin British
Pathé http://www.britishpathe.com/video/20-rounds-draw |
June 25, 1920 Evening public ledger, Philadelphia
Pa |
1940 Census - Ward 21, Detroit, Detroit
City, Wayne, Michigan, United States Arthur E Tracy Head M 46 England,
foreman steel wholesale warehouse Annie Tracy Wife F 46 England Arthur Tracy jr Son M 14 England,
apprentice pattern maker automobile factory Joan M Tracy Daughter F 6 Michigan 5 Nov 1920 Hull Daily Mail (Yorkshire) Return of Tracy. Arthur Tracy,
welter-weight boxing champion North England, arrived home yesterday after an
extended American tour... Ellis Island Arthur Tracy, Darwin England, 1920, 26
years, 5'8", fresh complexion, blk hair, blue eyes, married, Warehouse
man, Father: Mr W Tracy, 5 Sunstock Rd, Darwen. Brother-in-law: Mr W Banks, 3009,
Nth Swanson Phila. b. Preston England. Annie Tracy, Darwen England, 1920, 25
years, Father: Mr Anthony Reeday, 23 Bedford St, Darwen. Husband: Mr Arthur
Tracy, 3009 Swanson St, Phila, PA. 5'3", Frash complexion, brown hair,
grey eyes, b. Darwen England. Elsie Tracy, Darwen England, 1920, 4 years,
G’Father: Mr Anthony Reeday, 23 Bedford St, Darwen. father: Mr Arthur Tracy,
3009 Swanson St, Phila, PA. 5'3", Frash complexion, brown hair, grey
eyes, b. Darwen England. Arthur Tracy married Annie Reeday Jul-Aug-Sep
1914 Blackburn, Lancashire, England Ann E Tracy b. Oct-Nov-Dec 1915 Blackburn,
Lancashire, England Arthur Tracy b. Apr-May-Jun 1925 Blackburn,
Lancashire, England Joan Marie Tracy b. ??? married Robert
Chambers True 1911 Census – Darwen Lancashire William Tracy, head, 40, b. Darwen Sarah Ellen Tracy , Wife, 41, b. Darwen Margarate Mary Tracy, Daughter, 19, b.
Preston, married James Jones. She passed away on 1 Aug 1979 in St Petersburg,
Florida, USA Arthur Tracy, Son, 17, b. Preston Jane Tracy, Daughter, 16, b. Preston,
married Dick Parsons. Gilbert Tracy, Son, 13, b. Preston Isabella Tracy, Daughter, 12, b. Preston,
married Jack Flynn and had 4 children. William Tracy , Son, 8, b. Preston, married
Eileen and had 3 children. Winifred Tracy, Daughter, 5, b. Darwen,
married John Noonan and had 4 children. Annie Tracy, Daughter, 2, b. Darwen,
married Herbert Blackburn and had 3 children. Aloysuis Tracy b. ??? John Tracy b. ??? (mother Margerison)
married Maureen. http://www.ancestry.ca/genealogy/records/william-tracy_192230589 1911 Census – Darwen Lancashire Gilbert John Tracy, Head, 33, b. Preston Elizabeth Ellen Tracy, Wife, 33, b. Preston Elsie Tracy, Daughter, 6, b. Preston Gilbert Tracy , Son, 2, b. Darwen 1901 Census - Muncaster Road, Preston,
Lancashire William Tracy Head M 29 Preston,
Lancashire, Confectioner Sarah E Tracy Wife F 31 Preston,
Lancashire Margaret M Tracy Daughter F 9 Preston,
Lancashire Arthur Tracy Son M 7 Preston,
Lancashire Jane Tracy Daughter
F 6 Preston,
Lancashire Gilbert Tracy Son M 3 Preston,
Lancashire Elizabeth Tracy Daughter F 2 Preston,
Lancashire Sarah E Tracy Daughter F 1 Preston,
Lancashire Margaret A Tracy Sister F 24 Preston,
Lancashire, Cotton Winder 1901 Census - Kent Street, St Thomas,
Preston, Lancashire Annie Gregson Head F 45 Preston,
Lancashire, Cotton Weaver Robert Gregson Son M 15 Preston,
Lancashire, Iron Moulders Apprentice Gilbert J Tracey Son-In-Law M 22 Preston,
Lancashire, Bread Baker Ellen Tracey Daughter F 22 Preston,
Lancashire, Cotton Weaver Elsie Tracey Grand Daughter F 2 Preston,
Lancashire Ellen Tracey Grand Daughter F 0 Preston,
Lancashire Gilbert John Tracey married Elizabeth Ellen
Gregson Jan-Feb-Mar 1900 Preston Lancashire Mary Ellen Tracey, 25, b. 1868, single (d.
of William Tracey) married Robert Clarkson, 29, b. 1864, single, (s. of James Clarkson) 06 May 1893 All Saints,
Preston, Lancashire, England William Tracy married Sarah Ellen Nowlan
Jul-Aug-Sep 1891 Preston, Lancashire, England 1891 Census - James Street North, All
Saints, Preston Lancashire Margaret Tracey Head F 49 Lancashire,
England, widow, charwoman William Tracey Son M 19 Lancashire,
England, Bread Baker Margaret A Tracey Daughter F 13 Lancashire,
England, Gilbert Tracey Son M 12 Lancashire,
England, Tobacconists Assistant 1881 Census - Preston Lancashire William Tracey Head M 38 Ireland,
Cotton Weaver Margaret Tracey Wife F 39 Chorley,
Lancashire, England, Cotton Weaver Emma Tracey Daughter F 18 Preston,
Lancashire, England, Cotton Tenter Anne M Tracey Daughter F 16 Preston,
Lancashire, England, Cotton Weaver Mary E Tracey Daughter F 14 Preston,
Lancashire, England, Cotton Weaver William Tracey Son M 10 Preston,
Lancashire, England Margaret A Tracey Daughter F 4 Preston,
Lancashire, England Gilbert J Tracey Son M 2 Preston,
Lancashire, England Ann M Tracey Sister F 32 Ireland,
single, Cotton Tenter 1871 Census William Tracey, Head, M, 26, b. 1845
Ireland, Hooker, Preston Preston Lancashire Margaret Tracey, Wife, F, 27, b. 1844
Chorley, Weaver, Preston Preston Lancashire Emma Tracey, Daughter, F, 10, b. 1861 Preston,
Preston Preston Lancashire Annie M Tracey, Daughter, F, 6, b. 1865
Preston, Preston Preston Lancashire Mary E Tracey, Daughter, F, 3, b. 1868
Preston, Preston Preston Lancashire Annie W [or M] Tracey, Sister, F, 22, b.
1849 Ireland, Tenter, Preston Preston Lancashire William Tracy, b. 1845, 20 years, single,
(s. of James Tracy) married Margaret Whittle, b. 1842, 23 years, single (d.
of David Whittle) 20 Feb 1865 St. John's, Preston, Lancashire, England Margaret Whittle & Unknown Emma Whittle b. 28 Oct 1860 St. John, Preston, Lancashire, England Margaret Tracey (born Whittle) was born circa 1841, to David Whittle and Jane Whittle (born Aspinal). David was born on February 1 1809, in Chorley, Lancashire, England. Jane was born in 1816, in Chorley, Lancashire, England. Margaret had 5 siblings: John Whittle, Maria Bibby (born Whittle) and 3 other siblings. Margaret married William Tracey in 1865, at age 24 at marriage place. William was born in 1843, in Ireland. They had 7 children: Ann Maria Pearson (born Tracy), Mary Ellen Clarkson (born Tracey) and 5 other children. Margaret passed away in 1897, at age 56 |
Isabellam Tracey of Lower Cross St. Darwen (d. of Gulielmi Tracey & Sarah Helenae Nolan) married Joannem Flynn, of 46 Baron St. Darwen, (s. of Martini Flynn & Catharinae McCarrick) 20 Jun 1923 St Joseph, Darwen, Lancashire Witnesses: Jacobo Flynn of 46 Baron St. Darwen & Anna Tracey of 11 Lower Cross St. Darwen [see Arthur Tracy]
Michael Tracey & Ellen Dopson [CoI?]
John b. 3 Aug 1867 Annamoe (LDS)
Michael Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Dopson
John Tracey b. 3 Aug 1867 of Roundwood [Derrylossary]. Ellen Tracey, her mark, mother, Roundwood [Annamoe Rathdrum PLU Wicklow]
Michael Tracey (1845 Ireland-) & Ellen Dobson (1844 Ireland-1890 Chorley,
Lancashire, England)
John Tracey (1867-)
Elizabeth Tracey (1869 Chorley,
Lancashire, England-1891 Chorley, Lancashire, England)
Thomas Tracey (1874 Ulverston,
Lancashire, England-)
John Tracey (1877 Ulverston,
Lancashire, England-1877 Chorley, Lancashire, England)
William Tracey (1878 Chorley, Lancashire,
Margaret Ellen Tracey (1883
Chorley, Lancashire, England-1912 Chorley, Lancashire, England) married Thomas
McDermott (1885-1908) 1908 Chorley, Lancashire, England
1871 Census
Michael Tracey, Head, M, 26, b.
1845 Ireland, labourer, Chorley Lancashire
Ellen Tracey, Wife, F, 27, b. 1844
Ireland, Chorley Lancashire
Elizabeth Tracey, Daughter, F, 1,
b. 1870 Chorley, Chorley Lancashire
1881 Census - Vulcan St, Garston, West Derby, Lancashire, England
Michael Tracey, head, 35, b.
Ireland, Labourer Docks (Serv)
Ellen Tracey, Wife, 36, b. Ireland
Elizabeth Tracey, Daughter, 13, b.
Garston, Lancashire, England
Michael Tracey, Son, 9, b.
Garston, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracey, Son, 5, b. Garston,
Lancashire, England
William Tracey, Son, 3, b.
Garston, Lancashire, England
Annie Tracey, Daughter, 0, b.
Garston, Lancashire, England
William Tracy
married Sarah Ellen Nowlan Jul-Aug-Sep 1891 Preston, Lancashire, England [2nd
Marriage] [see Arthur Tracy]
Tracey/Tracy & Sarae Helenae/Annae/Ellenae
Arthurus Tracey b. 12 May 1893 bapt. 14 May 1893 Sp. Arthurus Green & Joanna Green. St Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Preston, Lancashire
Joanna (Jane) Tracey b. 9 Jan 1895 bapt. 13 Jan 1895 Sp. Thomas Pearson & Anna Maria Pearson. St Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Preston, Lancashire
Gilbertus Josephus Tracy b. 9 Jun 1897 bapt. 13 Jun 1897 Sp. Gilbertus Joannes Tracy & Margarita Anna Tracy. St Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Preston,
Isabella Tracey b. 7 Sep 1898 bapt. 11 Sep 1898 Sp. Gulielmus Nolan & Isabella Garth. St Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Preston, Lancashire
Sara Helena Tracey b. 8 Mar 1900 bapt. 11 Mar 1900 Sp. Henricus Thompson & Helena Tracey. St Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Preston, Lancashire
Gulielmus Tracey b. 2 May 1902 bapt. 4 May 1902 Sp. Patricius Nolan. St Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Preston, Lancashire
Aloysius Tracey b. 28 Oct 1903 bapt. 1 Nov 1903 Sp. Gulielmus Nowlam & Maria Joanna Nowlam. St Thomas of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Preston, Lancashire
Winefrida Tracey b. 28 Feb 1906 bapt. 11 Mar 1906 Sp. Thos. Daly & Rosa Daly. St Joseph, Darwen, Lancashire
Anna Tracy b. 2 Jan 1909 bapt. 10 Jan 1909 Sp. Isaac Moore & Maria Anna Moore. St Joseph, Darwen, Lancashire (Note: Ipsa matrimonium contraxit cum Herberto Blackburn die 15 Maii 1937 in ecclesia Sti. Joseph coram testibus - Jacobo Blackburn et Hannah Nolan)
16 March 1844 Manchester Times
On the 13 instant, at the office
of the Superintendent Registrar, Town Hall, Salford, Mr Bernard Treacy,
to Mrs. Rosetta Radford, both of Salford.
Bernard Tracey died 2nd Quarter 1849 Salford Lancashire
Bernard Treacy, of full age, Clogger, Bachelor, Pendleton, (s. of Bernard Treacy, Weaver) married Mary Hughes - (X), of full age, Spinster, Pendleton (d. of John Hughes, Gardener) [see Cardiff Wales] Wit: John Daley, (X); Margret Daly 1 Jan 1848 St Mary the Virgin, Eccles, Lancashire, England
Bernard/Bernardus Tracy & Mary/Maria Hughes
Matthew Tracy b. 26 Mar 1848 bapt. 8 Oct
1848 Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire Sp. Anthony Mullalley & Margaret Daly
Maria Alicia Tracey b. 17 Nov 1850 [sic] bapt. 20 Jan 1850 Cathedral Church of
St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire Sp. Edwardus McGinty & Marg.
1861 Census
Bernard Tracy, Head, b. 1825 Ireland, St James Oldham Lancashire.
Mary Tracy, Wife, b. 1828 Manchester, St James Oldham Lancashire.
Matthew Tracy, Son, b. 1849 Pendleton, St James Oldham Lancashire.
James Tracy, Son, b. 1855 Salford, St James Oldham Lancashire.
William Tracy, Son, b. 1857 Salford, St James Oldham Lancashire.
John Tracy, Son, b. 1860 Oldham, St James Oldham Lancashire.
Bernard Tracey married Mary Connell Or Jane Lawton 2nd Quarter 1862 Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Bernard Treacy, died 1869 Oldham Lancashire, Age 46, b. 1823
Edward Treacy - 32, Private in 49th Regt. of Foot, Bachelor, Dublin [s. of Daniel Treacy, Labourer] married Ann Holt - (X), 24, Spinster, Salford, [d. of John Holt, Collier] 7 Nov 1864 Wit: Robert Cox & Jane McBride (X). St Philip [CoE], Salford, Lancashire. Married by Banns by Willm. Hopwood
Jacobum Tracey (s. of Jacobi Tracey & Annae Tracey) married Margaritam Fagan (d. of Patritii Fagan & Annae Fagan0 Witness: Patritio Cullen of Salford; Susanna Gilespie of Salford. 27 Sep 1858 Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire
Jacobi Tracey & Margaret Fagan
Jacobus Tracey b. 17 Jan 1860 bapt. 15 Aug 1861 of 1 Cannon C. Sp. Honora Fagan Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire, England
Margarita Tracey b. Feb 1862 bapt. 29 Mar 1862 of 1 Pyn Str. Sp. Anna Fagan Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire, England
Anna Tracey b. 18 Sep 1866 bapt. 18 Feb 1867 of 5 North Charles St. Sp. Elisabeth McLindon Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire, England
1861 Census - Cannon Court, Salford, Lancashire
Patric Tagar Head M 40 Ireland [Fagan?]
Hannah Tagar Wife F 40 Ireland
Mary Tagar Daughter F 15 Ireland
Owen Tagar Son M 14 Ireland
Mark Tagar Son M 12 Ireland
Hannah Tagar Daughter F 10 Ireland
James Tagar Lodger M 20 Ireland
Margaret Tracy Visitor F 17 Salford, Lancashire, unmarried[?], Flax Doffer
James Tracy Son M 1 Salford, Lancashire
1871 Census
James Tricey, Head, M, 30, b. 1841 Ireland, Boot Maker, Broughton Salford Lancashire
Margaret Tricey, Wife, F, 28, b. 1843 Ireland, Cotton Spinner, Broughton Salford Lancashire
James Tricey, Son, M, 10, b. 1861 Salford, Broughton Salford Lancashire
Margaret Tricey, Daughter, F, 8, b. 1863 Salford, Broughton Salford Lancashire
Patrick Tricey, Son, M, 6, b. 1865 Leeds Yorkshire, Broughton Salford Lancashire
Hannah Tricey, Daughter, F, 4, b. 1867 Salford, Broughton Salford Lancashire
Mary Tricey, Daughter, F, 2, b. 1869 Salford, Broughton Salford Lancashire
1881 Census - Ravald St Salford, Lancashire
James Tracey Head M 49 Ireland, shoemaker
Margt Tracey Wife F 34 Ireland, spinner
James Tracey Son M 19 Salford, Lancashire, England, shoemaker
Margt Tracey Daughter F 17 Salford, Lancashire, England, spinner
Hannah Tracey Daughter F 14 Salford, Lancashire, England, spinner
Mary Tracey Daughter F 12 Salford, Lancashire, England
Eliza Ann Tracey Daughter F 10 Salford, Lancashire, England
Jane Tracey Daughter F 6 Salford, Lancashire, England
Alfred Tracey Son M 4 Salford, Lancashire, England
Agnes Tracey Daughter F 2 Salford, Lancashire, England
1891 Census - Duke Street, Salford, Lancashire
Margaret Tracey Head F 40 Newry Ireland, widow
James Tracey Son M 26 Lancashire, England, shoemaker
Margaret Tracey Daughter F 24 Lancashire, England, laundress
Patrick Tracey Son M 22 Yorkshire, England, labourer
Annie Martin Daughter F 20 Lancashire, England, paper works
Mary Tracey Daughter F 18 Lancashire, England, Paper Works Finisher
Elizabeth Ann Tracey Daughter F 16 Lancashire, England, Paper Works Sorter
Janet Tracey Daughter F 14 Lancashire, England
Alfred Tracey Son M 12 Salford, Lancashire, England
Agnes Tracey Daughter F 10 Salford, Lancashire, England
Grace Anne Martin Granddaughter F 1 Lancashire, England
Name Alfred Vivian Tracey
Event Type Marriage
Registration Quarter Jan-Feb-Mar
Registration Year 1901
Registration District Salford
County Lancashire
Event Place Salford, Lancashire, England
Volume 8D
Page 145
Line Number 87
Mary Agnes Nealis
1901 Census - Lawson Street, Broughton, Lancashire
Peter Nealis Head M 49 Manchester, Lancashire, Warehouseman (Shipping)
Margaret Nealis Wife F 48 Ormskirk, Lancashire
Alfred Tracy Son-In-Law M 20 Salford, Lancashire, Fault Finder In Cable Works
Mary Agnes Tracy Daughter F 20 Salford, Lancashire, Tailoress
1911 Census - Broughton Salford, Lancashire Alfred Tracey, 30, b. Salford, Lancashire Agnes Tracey, 31, b. Salford, Lancashire Alfred Tracey, 9, b. Salford, Lancashire James Tracey, 7, b. Salford, Lancashire Mary Tracey, 5, b. Salford, Lancashire Josephine Tracey, 2, b. Salford, Lancashire https://www.wikitree.com/genealogy/Nealis-Descendants-16 https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Nealis-16 |
Tracey, Royal Field Artillery 24288 Driver Photos: Carol (29 May 2017) |
Mary M
[Margaret] Tracey married Williams Lenegan Jan-Feb-Mar 1929 Salford
Lancashire |
James Tracy - Salford Barracks [s. of Patrick Tracy & Elizabeth, King's County] married Mary McLynn - Regent Road, [d. of Patrick McLynn & Anne, County Antrim] 30 Aug 1848 Wit: John McGee, Barracks & Bridget O'Neill, Seddon St. Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire
Thomas Tracy & Anne Farrow/Farrell
Mary Tracey b. 3 Jan 1845 bapt. 28 Sep 1845 Cathedral Church of St John the
Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire, Sp. Matthew Keary & Frances Kelly
William Tracey b. 9 Jan 1849 bapt. Baptism: 21 Oct 1849 Cathedral Church of St
John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire Sp. Edward Lavey & Maria Lily
Mathew Thomas Tracy b. 3 Oct 1851 Bbapt 16 Nov 1851 Cathedral Church of St John
the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire, Sp. Edward Levy & Esther Levy
1861 Census
William T Tracey, Head, b. 1815 Ireland, Silk Weaver, Holy Trinity Salford Lancashire.
Anna Tracey, Wife, b. 1817 Warwick Coveney, Holy Trinity Salford Lancashire.
Mary Tracey, Daughter, b. 1844 Salford, Holy Trinity Salford Lancashire.
Matthew T Tracey, Son, b. 1852 Salford, Holy Trinity Salford Lancashire.
William Tracey, Son, b. 1858 Salford, Holy Trinity Salford Lancashire.
James Tracey, Son, b. 1857 Salford, Holy Trinity Salford Lancashire.
Henry Tracey, Grandson b. 1861 Salford, Holy Trinity Salford Lancashire.
Bernard Tracey married Mary Mooney 2nd Quarter 1859 Warrington Lancashire
Dennis Treacey, 20, (s. of Dennis Treacey) married Margaret Appleton, 20, (d. of
Michael Appleton) 26 Feb 1865 St. Thomas, Eccleston (Near Prescot), Lancashire,
William Tracy
& Mary Ann Carmichael [of Timogue Laois and Athy Kildare]
Census Widnes Lancashire
William Treacy, Head, 42, b. 1829 Ireland,
clerk Alkali Works, Widnes Lancashire
Mary A Treacy, Wife, 40, b. 1831 Ireland,
Widnes Lancashire
William Treacy, Son, 18, b. 1853 Ireland, clerk
Soapers, Widnes Lancashire
George Treacy, Son, 14, b. 1857 Ireland, clerk
Copper?, Widnes Lancashire
Joseph Treacy, Son, 12, b. 1859 Ireland, Widnes
Alfred Treacy, Son, 9, b. 1862 Ireland, Widnes
John Treacy, Son, 5, b. 1866 Ireland, Widnes
Henry Treacy, Son, 1, b. 1870 Widnes
Lancashire, Widnes Lancashire
Mary A Treacy, Daughter, 0, b. 1871 Widnes Lancashire,,
Widnes Lancashire
Elizabeth Driscole, Visitor, 40, b. 1831
Ireland, nurse, Widnes Lancashire
Lefroy, 0, b. 1871 Ireland,, Widnes Lancashire
Mary Keefe, Servant, 32, b. 1839 Ireland,
Widnes Lancashire
Census - Mersey Road, Widnes, Lancashire, England
William Treacy Head
M 52 Ireland,
Commercial Clerk Alkali Works
Mary Ann Treacy Wife
F 50 Ireland
Elizabeth Treacy Daughter F
30 Ireland
Alfred Treacy Son
M 19 Ireland,
Builders Apprentice
John Treacy Son
M 15 Ireland,
Oil & Grease Manufacturers Commercial Clerk
Henry Treacy Son
M 11 Widnes,
Lancashire, England
Louisa Treacy Daughter
F 8 Widnes,
Lancashire, England
1891 Census - Mersey Road, Widnes, Lancashire
William Treacy Head Male 62 Ireland,
Mary B Treacy Wife Female 60 Ireland
Elizabeth Treacy Daughter Female 40 Ireland
John Treacy Son Male 25 Ireland,
Mercantile Clerk
Henry Treacy Son Male 21 Lancashire, England, Mercantile Clerk
31 August 1918 Liverpool Echo
- August 28, at 145 Mersey road, Widnes, aged 88 years, Mary Anne, wife of
William Treacy...
Alfred Treacy, 22, single (s. of William Treacy) married Phoebe Ellen Fowls, 20, single, (d. of William Fowls) 25 Sep 1883 St. Peter, Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Alfred Treacy, born abt 1862, (s. of William Treacy) married Margaret Nicholl 15 Jul 1915 St Anne Stanley Lancashire
1911 Census of England - 3
Jubilee Terrace Halebank Nr Widnes Lancashire
Alfred Treacy, 49, head, b. Timogue Queens Ireland, Manager Water
Phoebe Ellen Treacy, 47, wife, b. Runcorn Cheshire
Elizabeth Treacy, 59, visitor, b. Timogue, Queens, single, Nurse
Alfred Reginald Tunley, 12, adopted, b. Woolton Nr L'Pool
Mary Ann Treacy, 81 years, Mother, b. Athy Kildare Ireland, widow
John Treacy married Margaret Elizabeth Walker Oct-Nov-Dec 1891 Prescot,
Lancashire, England
1901 Census - Liverpool Road,
Ditton, Prescot, Lancashire
John Treacy, Head, 35, b. 1866, Ireland,
Commercial Clerk
Margaret E Treacy, Wife, 33, b. 1868, Widnes
Hilda C Treacy, Daughter, 7, b. 1894, Great
Eric H Treacy, Son, 6, b. 1895, Ditton
Donald F Treacy, Son, 3, b. 1898, Ditton
Mary Ann Treacy, Mother, 70, Widow, b. 1831,
William H Walker, Brother-In-Law, 31, Single,
b. 1870, Widnes, Chemist & Assistant
Census - 128 Derby Road Farnworth Widnes Lancs
John Treacy, head, 45, Commercial Clerk oil merchants, b. Tiniague
Margaret E Treacy, wife, 43, married 19 years, 5 child 4 alive, b.
Widnes Lancs
Hilda C. Treacy, daughter, 17, b. Gt Saukey Lancs
Eric H Treacy, son, 16, b. Ditton Lancs
Donald F Treacy, son, 13, b. Ditton Lancs
Nora M Treacy, daughter, 7, b. Ditton Lancs
Eric Henry Treacy, Liverpool Regiment 2681 Private Loyal North Lancashire Regiment Second Lieutenant
February 1916 The London Gazette
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment.
Eric Henry Treacy, from The King's (Liverpool Regiment), to be Second
Lieutenant (on probation). Dated 5th February, 1916.
18 December 1916 Liverpool Echo
Treacey - December 14, killed in action, aged 22 years, Eric H.
Treacey, second lieutenant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, eldest son of John
and Margaret E. Treacey, Farnworth Widnes.
Second Lieutenant Eric Henry Treacy, Died 14/12/1916, Aged 22, 1/12th
(Pioneer) Bn. The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, Son of John and Margaret E.
Treacy, of "Mayville," Peel House Lane, Farnworth, Widnes, Mailly
Wood Cemetery
Gravestone - Next of Kin: John Treacy ESq, "Mayville" Peel
House Lane, Farnworth-in-Widnes.
[Note: On record Treacy crossed out and Trasey written in]
Donald F Treacy, Liverpool
Regiment 51747 Private [father came from Laois]
20 April 1918 Liverpool Daily Post
Mr and Mrs John Treacy, Farnwortb, Widnes, have word that their second
son, Donald, serving as a private in the K.L.R., is seriously wounded and
missing, presumed prisoner. It is little over a year since their eldest son,
Lieut. Eric H. Treacy, was killed in the Somme offensive.
Donald Frederic Treacy, Pte, Service Number 51747, Died 28/03/1918,
Aged 20, 18th (Lancashire Hussars) Bn. The King's (Liverpool Regiment), Son of
John and Margaret Elizabeth Treacy, of "Mayville", Peelhouse Lane,
Farnworth, Widnes, Lancs., Pozieres Memorial
War Office Weekly Casualty List, June 11th, 1918.
King’s (Liverpool Regiment). - Missing
Treacy 51747 D. F. (Widnes).
Donald Frederick Treacy [Born Ditton, Lancs Redidence Widnes]
Louisa Treacy, 29, single (d. of William
Treacy) married William Jackson Elliot, 31, single (s. of Jackson
Elliot) 16 Jun 1902 Liverpool,
Lancashire, England
Leeds Times 06 September 1851
On Tuesday, at the same place [St. Patrick's Chapel, York Road]...Mr Cornelius Treacy to Miss Maria Landy, both of Leeds.
Leeds Times 19 December 1874
Treacy - Donlon. Dec 11th at St Marie's Catholic Church, Halifax, Thomas Treacy to Bridget Donlon, both of Halifax.
Kendal Mercury 08 April 1837
At Lancaster, On Monday last, M John Treacy, accountant, to Miss Alice Green, both of that town.
Manchester Times 11 March 1843
On the lst inst., at Chester, of consumlption, aged 31 years, Alice, wife of Dir. John Treacy, and niece to the late Mr. W. Bontham, of the Greaves Farme, near Lancaster.
Cheltenham Chronicle 17 August 1848
...Bethel? Union house, aged 26, Mr. O. Treacy.
Stamford Mercury 30 May 1856
In St Mary Mafdalen's, Margaret Treacy, widow, aged 77.
Henry Barnard Tracy & Mary Williamson Banns: 10 Nov 1839 Sculcoates, All Saints & St Mary's, Yorkshire (East Riding)
Last update: 31 January 2025