Maurice Tracy (1816-1878), builder, of
Donnybrook Dublin
Maurice, as a first name, is usually associated with
the Traceys of the southern counties of Ireland. However, there are a number of
occurrences of the name in the history of Dublin.
???tias [= Mauritius?] Tracy m. Anna Doyle on 1840 Wit: Patritio Drumgoole & Anne Hart. St. Nicholas Without Parish
Mauriti Tracy & Annae Doyle
Patricius Josephus Tracy b. 25 May 1842 Sp. Thoma Tracey & Catha Murphy. St. Nicholas Without Parish
Maurice Tracy & Anne Doyle
Edwd Tracy b. 20 Oct 1844 Sp. Luke Plunkett & Cath Plunkett. Haddington Road
Mary Tracy b. 31 May 1846 Sp. James Byrne & Eliza Doyle. Haddington Road
Maurice Tracey b. 20 May 1848 Sp. Dennis Lawlor & Anne Conolly. Haddington Road
James Tracy b. 29
July 1858 Sp. Jas & Mary Keegan. Haddington Road Parish
Jas Tracy b. 18 Mar 1860 Sp. Luke Plunkett & Mary Keegan. Haddington Road
Maurice Tracy & Anne
Francis Tracy b. 7
Feb 1851 Sp. Laur? & Pat? Hughes? Haddington Road Parish
Bridget Tracy b. 4 May 1853 Sp. Wm Shiel? & Rose Madden. Haddington Road Parish [faint]
John Tracy b. 15 May
1856 Sp. Eliza Sheilds 1856. Haddington Road Parish
Anne Tracy, died 1876,
Donnybrook Dublin South PLU, aged 54 years, b. 1822, died 25 Jan 1876 of 45
Morehampton Road [Donnybrook RC], married, wife of a builder, Julia Lynch, her
mark, present at death, 45 Morehampton Road
27 January 1876 (FJ) Death
Tracy - January 25, at 45 Morehampton-road, Anne,
the beloved wife of Maurice Tracy. Funeral will leave for Glasnevin at nine
o'clock on to-morrow (Friday) morning.
Maurice Tracy, died 1878, Donnybrook
Dublin South PLU, aged 61 years, b. 1817, died 5 Mar 1878 of 45 Morehamption
Road, widower, builder, Edward Tracy,
present at death, 45 Moerhamption Road
6 March 1878 (FJ) Death
Tracy - March 5, at his residence, 45 Morehamptom-road, Dublin. Mr Maurice Tracy, Builder, aged 62 years. Internment at 10 o'clock to-morrow (Thursday) morning. American papers please copy. R.I.P.
General Newspaper Notices deaths
Maurice Tracy; 62; Dublin DUB IRL; Cork Examiner (COR IRL); 1878-3-8; dja
Glasnevin Cemetery,
Glasnevin, County Dublin, Ireland
1817 Ireland
5 Mar 1878 (aged 6061) Dublin, County Dublin
[Maurice Tracy, died 1878 62 years]
Doyle Tracy
1818 Ireland
25 Jan 1876 (aged 5758) Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland
Tracy, died 1876 57 years]
Patrick Joseph Tracy
John Tracy, 43, M, 318 Morehampton Terrace, Pembroke West, Dublin, Builder, R Catholick, Head of Family, Married, Co Dublin
Mary Anne Tracy, 42, F, Morehampton Terrace, Pembroke West, Dublin, R Catholick, Wife, Married, City
Patrick Tracy, 59, M, Morehampton Terrace, Pembroke West, Dublin, Builder, R Catholick, Brother, Not Married, City
George Falkner, 14, M, Adopted Son, R Catholick, Aprentice, Not Married, City
John, Tracy, Morehampton Terrace, 50, M, Pembroke West Dublin, builder
Tracy, Morehampton Terrace, 36, F, Pembroke West Dublin, b. Wicklow, 3 years
George Faulkner, Morehampton Terrace, 22, Boarder, b. Co Cork, Carpenters Assistant
Treacy, Morehampton Terrace, 68, M, Pembroke West Dublin (border), builders
Tracy - 18 December 1916 at his brothers residence
16 Morehampton Terrace, Donnybrook, Patrick
J. Tracy, son of the late Maurice Tracy. Funeral from Sacred Heart Church
Donnybrook after 10 o'clock Masstomorrow (Wednesday) the 20th to Glasnevin
19 Dec 1916 Irish
TRACYDecember 16 1916. at his brother's residence, 16 Morehamton
terrace, Dcnnybrook, Patrick J. Tracy, son of the late Maurice Tracy. Funeral
from Sacred Heart Church, Donnybrook, after 10 O'clock Mass to Glasnevin
Dec 23, 1916 (IT)
Tracy - Dec 18 at 16 Morehampton terrace, Donnybrook, Patrick J. Tracy,
son of the late Maurice Tracy.
Patrick Joseph Tracy 18 Dec 1916 42 Donneybrook Road Dublin, builder, to John J. Tracy, builder
Joseph Tracy, 1 Oct 1923, unadministered estate, late of Donnybrook Road
County Dublin, builder, who died 18 Dec 1916, to William McFerran, solicitor.
(Former grants 2 Feb 1917 and 12 Apr 1923)
Joseph Tracy, 12 Apr 1923, unadministered estate, late of Donnybrook Road
County Dublin, builder, who died 18 Dec 1916, to Francis Tracy, esquire.
(Former grant 2 Feb 1917)
Tracy/Tracey (1844-1894)
Edwd Tracy married Mary Stephens on 21 Octobber 1863 Wit:
Michl Caffrey & Eliza Stephens. Haddington Road Parish
Edwardi Tracey & Maria Stephens?/Stephens
Josephus Tracey b. 25/27 May 1866 of Cullenswood Sp. Patricio Tracey & Catharina Stephens?. Rathmines Parish
Anna Tracey b. 27/29 Sep 1872 of Annavilla Sp. Michaele Caffsey? & Brigida Tracey. Rathmines Parish
Mauricus Tracey b. 1/6 Dec 1874 of Anneville Sp. Jacobo Tracey & Elizabeth Stephens. Rathmines Parish
Josephus Ch Tracey b. 25 December 1876 of Anna Villa Sp. Joannis Tracey & Catharina Whelan. Rathmines RC
Edwardi Tracy & Maria Sommers?
Joannes Tracy b. 23/27 Nov 1870 of Annavilla Sp. Francisco Tracy & Maria Whelan. Rathmines Parish
Edward Trac(e)y m. Mary Stephens/Stevens
Maurice 22/10/1864 (LDS) (Tracey, Maurice, Dublin South, Dublin. 1864 17 754)
Joseph b. 25 May 1866 Rathmines (LDS)
Edward b. 16 April 1868 (LDS)
John b. 22 November 1870 (LDS)
Anne b. 7 October 1872 (LDS)
Joseph Christopher b. 25 December 1876 (LDS)
Edward Tracey/Tracy, bricklayer/builder, & Mary
Maurice Tracey b. 22 Oct 1864 of Sandford [Sandyford in Woodside
Kilgobbin]. Bridget Stephens, present at birth Sandford [Donnybrook Dublin
South PLU]
Joseph Tracy b. 25 May 1866 of 18 Cullenswood [St. Peters] Mary Tracy, mother, 18 Cullrnswood [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
Edward Tracey b. 16 Apr 1868 of 4 Anna Ville
Cullenwood Bridget Stevens, her mark, present at birth, Clonskeagh [Donnybrook]
Co Dublin [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
John Tracey b. 22 [8 & 1 crossed out] Nov 1870 of 7 Anna Vile
Cullenswood. Bridget Stevens, present at birth, 7 Anna Ville Cullenswood
[Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
Anne Tracy b. 7 Oct 1872 of 7 Anna Villa. M Tracy, mother, 7 Anna Villa
[Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
Maurice Tracy b. 1 Dec 1874 of 7 Anna Villa. Bridget Stevens, present at
birth, 7 Anna Villa [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
Joseph Christopher Tracy b. 25 Dec 1876 of 7
Anna Villa. M Tracy, mother, 7 Anna Villa [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
15 December
1894 Freeman's Journal
Tracy-December 13, 1894. at 7 Anna vilila Cullenswood,
Ed? second son of the late Maurice Tracy, 'S Morehamnpton road, deeply regrette
biy his ...
Edward Tracy Or Treace
13 Dec 1894 7 Annavilla Ranelagh Dublin, builder, to Mary Tracy widow
Edward Tracy Treace
13 Dec 1894 7 Annavilla Ranelagh Dublin, builder, to Joseph C. Tracy,
1901 Census
Mary Tracy, 57, F, 78 Annaville Lower, Rathmines & Rathgar East, Dublin, Builder, Catholic, Head of Family, Widow, Co Dublin (Also Nolans)
Maurice Tracy, 26, M, Annaville Lower, Rathmines & Rathgar East, Dublin, Carpenter, Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Dublin
Joseph Tracy, 24, M, Annaville Lower, Rathmines & Rathgar East, Dublin, Carpenter, Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Dublin
Apr 15, 1905 (IT) Statutory Notice to Creditors
Mary Tracy, late of 7 Anna Villa, Ranelagh, in the County of Dublin, widow, deceased...23rd day of February Joseph Christopher Tracy of 7 Anna Villa Ranelagh, builder, the administrator of the deceased...
Mary Tracy
23 Feb 1905 7 Anna Villa Ranelagh Dublin, widow, to Joseph
Christopher Tracy, builder
Morris Tracey died 1865, Rathdown PLU, Aged 0, b.
1865, died 4 Jul 1865 Tillystown [in Shanganagh/Shankill Rathmichael],
Rathdown, Dublin
Joseph Tracy, died 1874 Rathmines Dublin South
PLU, aged 8 years, b. 1866, bachelor, son of builder, died 12 Nov 1874 of 7
Anna Villa [Rathmines RC],
Bridget Stevens, present at death, 7 Anna Villa**
Edward Tracy, died 1874 Rathmines Dublin South
PLU, aged 6 years, b. 1868, bachelor, son of builder, died 16 Nov 1874 of 7
Anna Villa [Rathmines RC],
Bridget Stevens, present at death, 7 Anna Villa**
Tracy - On the 16 November 1874, Edward, the beloved child of Mr. Edward and Mary Tracy, aged 7 years. Funeral will leave 7 Anna Villa, Cullenwood, for Glasnevin Cemetery, this day (Wednesday) at 10 o'clock.
Anne Tracey of 7 Anna Villa (d. of Edward Tracey & Mary Stephens of 7 Anna Villa Collenswood )
married James Nolan of 56 Great Brunswick St (s. of John Nolan & Esther
Farrell of Newtown Co Wicklow) 22 Aug 1892 Wit: Patrick Delany of 16 Nth
Glouster Place & Catherine Foley of 6 Anna Villa. Rathmines Parish
Anne Tracy/Tracey/Tray, 19, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 7 Anna Villa Cullenswood, (d. of Edward Tracey/Tracy, builder) married James Nolan, full [age], bachelor, carpenter, lives 56 Great Brunswick St, (s. of John Nolan, guard) 22 August 1892 RC Chapel Rathmines Wit: Patrick Delaney & Catherine Foley [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
29 August 1892 Freeman's Journal
... NOLAN and TRACY-August M 1892, at the Church of Our Lady of Reuge, Rathmines, by the Rev T Carberry, CC, James, only son of the late hfr John Nolan, swethbank...
Anne/Annie Tracy & James Nolan
Mary Josephine Nolan b. 22/25 Feb 1894 of 8 Rugby Rd Sp. Joseph Tracy & Bridget Caffery. Rathmines Parish
John Nolan b. 14/17 Oct 1897 of 7 Annavilla Sp. Maurice Tracy & Ellen Nolan. Rathmines Parish
Tracy of 7 Annavilla (s. of Edward
& Mary Stephens of 7 Annavilla) married Mary Anne McDonnell of Mill House
(d. of James & Mary Anne Murphy of Mill House) 15 Oct 1894 Wit: Maurice
Tracy of 7 Annavilla & Mary Cooney of Glengarriffe House Dalkey.
Donnybrook Parish
Tracy, full [age], bachelor,
carpenter, lives Annavilla Ranelagh [in St. Peters], (s. of Edward Tracy,
carpenter) married Mary/M Ann/A McDonnell, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, Lives Millhouse Rampard Donnybrook [Donnybrook], (d. of James McDonnell,
gardener) 15 October 1894 RC Chapel Donnybrook Wit: M (Maurice) Tracy
& Mary Cooney [Donnybrook Dublin South PLU]
Tracy/Tracey & Mary Anne
Patrick Edward Tracy b. 30 Jun/1 Jul 1895 of
14 Donnybrook Sp. Maurice Tracy & Anne Nolan. Donnybrook Parish
(Note: Married to Mary Glendon? 6 Oct 1923 ab St Thomas's Ch 26 n? 118?57 ???)
[faint] Tracey b. 22/27 Sep 1897 of 2
Bushfield Terrace Sp. Joseph E? Treacy & Rosanna Behan. Donnybrook
1901 Census
Tracy [Fracy], 30, M, 89 Forty Acres - Pembroke Cottages, Pembroke West,
Dublin, Carpenter, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, County Dublin
Ann Tracy [Fracy], 29, F, Forty Acres - Pembroke Cottages, Pembroke West,
Dublin, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, County Dublin
Tracy [Fracy], 5, M, Forty Acres - Pembroke Cottages, Pembroke West, Dublin, No
Occupation, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Dublin
Tracy [Fracy], 3, F, Forty Acres - Pembroke Cottages, Pembroke West, Dublin, No
Occupation, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Dublin
1911 Census
Maurice, Treacy, High St., 30, M, Merchant's Quay Dublin, carpenter
1893 1909 School of Art
Joseph C Tracy/Tracey, entered school Dec 1893 aged 16
years, last date 1909, 7 Annavilla Cullenmore/Ranelagh, Cashier
1911 Census
Tracey, Britain Street, Great, 31, M, Mountjoy Dublin (single), builders clerk
C. [Christopher] Tracy, 11 Feb 1937, late of 38 Mountainview Road Ranelagh
Dublin, no occupation, who died 20 Jan 1937, to Maurice Tracy, property owner. Effects
Mary Tracy (1846-1874)
Mary Tracy, died 1874 Donnybrook
Dublin South PLU, aged 27 years, b. 1847, spinster, daughter of a builder, died
1 Mar 1874 of 45 Morehamption Road [Donnybrook
RC], Ann Green, present
at death, 23 Donnybrook Street
3 March 1874
Tracy - Mary, the eldest daughter of Maurice Tracy, 45 Morehampton road. The funeral will leave for Glasnevin at 10.20 this day (Tuesday). Friends will please accept this notice.
Maurice Tracy (1848-
Francis Tracy/Tracey (1851-1923)
Tracey (s. of Maurice &
Anne, dead) of 24 Erne St Upper m. Mary Anne McGee (d. of George & Mary of
1 Erne Terrace) of 1 Erne Terrace on 23 February 1879 Wit: John Tracey of 42 Donnybrook & Ellen Lally of 13 Clarence
Place. St. Andrews Parish
Tracy, full [age], bachelor,
carpenter, lives 24 Eustace St, (s. of Maurice
Tracy, BLANK) married Mary Anne McGee, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives 1
Erne Terrace, (d. of George McGee, BLANK) 23 February 1879 RC Church St. Andrew
Wit: John Tracey & Ellen Lally [Dublin
South PLU]
Tracey/Treacy/Tracy & Mary
Anne/Maria Magee/McGee/MacGee
Francis Joseph Tracey b. 25/28 Aug 1882 of
Eglinton Terrace Donnybrook Sp. Patrick Murroe & Elizabeth Murroe.
Donnybrook Parish (Note: Married to Anna? Casey April ? 1929?)
Patrick Joseph Tracey b. 16/23 Mar 1885 of 41
Doneybrook Sp. Patrick Farrell & Ellen Emma Laffan. Donnybrook Parish
Maria Bridget Treacey b. 15/18 Jul 1887 of
Morehampton Road Sp. Edwardo Treacy & Maria Treacy. Donnybrook
Parish (Note: Married to Patrick Kelly in this church 29 April 1914)
Anna Tracy b. 17/24 Jun 1889 of 83
Morehampton Road Sp. BLANK & Elizabeth Curran. Donnybrook Parish
Tracy, carpenter of 3 Margarets
Cottages, & Mary Anne Magee
Francis Joseph Tracy b. 25 Aug 1882 of Eglinton
Terrace Donneybrook. Mary Anne Tracy, mother, 3 Margarets Cottages. her mark
[Dublin South PLU]
1901 Census
Francis Tracy, 46, M, 118 Donnybrook Road Forty Acres, Pembroke West, Dublin, Carpenter, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Dublin, Donnybrook,
Mary Anne Tracy, 44, F, Donnybrook Road Forty Acres, Pembroke West, Dublin, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Dublin
Francis Tracy, 18, M, Donnybrook Road Forty Acres, Pembroke West, Dublin, Carpenter, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Dublin, Donnybrook
Mary Anna Tracy, 13, F, Donnybrook Road Forty Acres, Pembroke West, Dublin, No Business, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Co Dublin, Donnybrook
Annie Tracy, 11, F, Donnybrook Road Forty Acres, Pembroke West, Dublin, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Co Dublin, Donnybrook
1911 Census
Francis, Treacy, 13.1 Donnybrook Road, 58, M, Pembroke West Dublin
Mary, Treacy, Donnybrook Road, 56, F, Pembroke West Dublin
Mary, Treacy, Donnybrook Road, 23, F, Pembroke West Dublin
Anne, Treacy, Donnybrook Road, 19, F, Pembroke West Dublin
Frank, Treacy, 13.2 Donnybrook Road, 28, M, Pembroke West Dublin
Annie, Treacy, Donnybrook Road, 26, F, Pembroke West Dublin
Marian, Treacy, Donnybrook Road, 1, F, Pembroke West Dublin
Jul 26, 1923 (IT) Death
Tracy - July 25
1923, suddenly, at his residence, 36 Belmont av., Donneybrook, Frank Tracy,
senior. RIP. Funeral arrangments later.
Francis Tracy, 16 Aug 1923, late
of 36 Belmont Avenue Donnybrook County Dublin, gentleman, who died 25 Jul 1923,
to Francis Tracy, gentleman, and Michael Cartan OMeara, solicitor. Effects
Mary Magee
18 Feb 1903 13 Whites terrace Donneybrook Dublin, widow, to Mary
A Treacy
Bridget Tracy (1853-
John Tracy (1856-1923)
John Tracy (s. of
Maurice Tracy & Anne Doyle, deceased) of 42 Donnetbrook m. Mary-Anne McLoughlin
(d. of Thomas McLoughlin & Catherine Cassidy of 143 Capel St) of 143 Capel
St on 25 August 1880 Wit: John Stephens of 24 Annavilla Cullenswood and Ellen
Billings of 143 Capel St. St.
Marys Pro-Cathedral
John Tracy, full [age],
bachelor, carpenter, lives 42 Donnybrook, (s. of Maurice Tracy, deceased, builder) married Mary Anne McLoughlin,
full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives 143 Capel St, (d. of Thomas McLoughlin,
living, boot maker) 25 August 1880 RC Cathedral Dublin Wit: John Stephens &
Ellen M. Billings [Dublin North PLU]
John Tracy, 43, M, 318 Morehampton Terrace, Pembroke West, Dublin, Builder, R Catholick, Head of Family, Married, Co Dublin
Mary Anne Tracy, 42, F, Morehampton Terrace, Pembroke West, Dublin, R Catholick, Wife, Married, City
Patrick Tracy, 59, M, Morehampton Terrace, Pembroke West, Dublin, Builder, R Catholick, Brother, Not Married, City
George Falkner, 14, M, Adopted Son, R Catholick, Aprentice, Not Married, City
John, Tracy, Morehampton Terrace, 50, M, Pembroke West Dublin, builder
Tracy, Morehampton Terrace, 36, F, Pembroke West Dublin, b. Wicklow, 3 years
George Faulkner, Morehampton Terrace, 22, Boarder, b. Co Cork, Carpenters Assistant
Treacy, Morehampton Terrace, 68, M, Pembroke West Dublin (border), builders
Tracy (Donnybrook) March 17 1923 (suddenly) at his
residence 16 Morehampton Terrace, John
J. Tracy, deeply regretted by his loving wife, relatives and friends.
R.I.P. Sweet Jesus have mercy on his soul. Funeral from Sacred Heart Church,
Donnybrook at 1 o'clock this day (Monday) for Kill-of-the-Grange. Prayers
Mar 19, 1923 (IT)
Fatal Seizure in Church
While attending early mass at the Carmelite Church, Gayfield, Morehampton road on Saturday, Mr. John J Treacy, 60 Morehampton road, collapsed and died.
Mar 19, 1923 &
Mar 24, 1923 (IT) Death
Tracy - March 17 1923, suddenly at his residence, 16 Morehampton tce., John J. Tracy. Deeply regretted by his loving wife, relatives, and friends. RIP. Funeral from Sacred Heart Church, Donneybrook, at 1 o'clock this day (Monday) for Kill-o'-Grange. Sweet Jesus have mercy on his solu. Prayers requested.
Mar 24, 1923 (IT)
Mrs. Tracy, 16 Morehampton tce. Donneybrook...
John J. Tracy,
9 May 1923, late of 16 Morehampton Terrace Donnybrook County Dublin, esquire,
who died 17 Mar 1923, to Jane Tracy, the widow. Effects
Jane Tracy,
14 May 1935, late of 16 Morehampton Terrace Donnybrook Dublin, widow, who died
8 Apr 1935, to Elizabeth Hackett, married woman. Effects
James Tracy (1858-
Glasnevin Cemetery [possible match]
James Tracy, died 1859 2 years
James Patrick Tracy
James Tracey (s. of Maurice & Anne, dead) of 42 Donnybrook married Anne Bennett (d. of John & Mary of Wexford) of 28 Erne St ups on 3 July 1881 Wit: Francis Tracy of 35 Donnybrook & Francis Parker of 7 Denzille St. St Andrews Parish.
James Tracey, full [age], bachelor, carpenter, lives 42 Donneybrook, (s. of Maurice Tracey, carpenter) married Anne Bennett, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 28 Erne St Upper, (s. of John Bennett, farmer) 3 July 1881 RC Church St. Andrews Wit: Francis Tracey & Fanny Parker [Dublin South PLU]
James Patrick Tracy b. 11 March 1862 d. 15 August 1925 m. Ann Elizabeth Bennett (LDS)
P. [Patrick] Tracy, 7 Sep 1926, late of Lemmon State of South Dakota
U.S.A., farmer, who died 18 Aug 1926, to John Clark, book-keeper. Effects
E. Tracey, 14 Dec 1926, late of Lemmon State of South Dakota U.S.A.,
farmer, who died 26 Nov 1926, to John Clark, book-keeper. Effects
James Patrick
Tracy & Ann
Elizabeth Bennett |
Family Tree [with pictures] Maurice
Tracy (1817-1878 Dublin) & Anne Doyle (August 1818 Dublin, County Dublin,
Ireland - 25 January 1876 Dublin) (d. of Andrew Doyle & Anastice Ruth) Children: Edward
Tracy Francis
Tracy James Patrick Tracy (11 Mar
1862 Dublin - 15 Aug 1925 Lemmon, Perkins, South Dakota) & Ann Elizabeth
Bennett (6 December 1860 Dublin = 9 February 1936 Lemmon, Perkins, South
Dakota) Children: Edmond
Tracy (1883) Mathew
Tracy (1884) Mary B
Tracy (1884) married Andrew Smith Mccullough (18831956) 14 April 1915
Dawson Montana AND CHILDREN Maurice
Joseph Tracy (18861918) married Mary Anastacia Yusko (18921918) 2 October
1911 Glen Township LaMoure North Dakota AND CHILDREN John
Edward Tracy (18881925) married Julia Tetzlaff (18921972) James
Vincent Tracy (18911950) married Hazel Lavern Mathena (18961918) 1914 Elizabeth
Tracy (18931935) married Ferdinand J Braun (18901935) AND CHILDREN Arthur
Tracy (1895) Leona
Tracy (18971930) married Henry J. Gaugler (18841959) AND CHILDREN Joseph
Tracy (1899) Jeneniene
Tracy (1902) George
Tracy (1904) Andw Doyle &
Anastasia/Anastice Ruth Mary Doyle b. 14
Sep 1816 Sp Michl Timmins & Mary A Maxy. St. Catherine's Parish, Dublin
City Anne Doyle b. 23
Aug 1818 Sp Denis Dougherty & Susa Ruth. St. Catherine's Parish, Dublin
City [There is a
Michael Ruth in 81 Fair Green Donnybrook in the Griffith Valuation] Social Program
Correspondence Rose Mary
Griffith Alias Rose M Griffith b. 3 Mar 1915 Worms, North Dakota, United
States (d. of Morice
Tracy & Mary A Yusko) Social Program
Application Date Dec 1957 Previous
Residence Rapid City,
Pennington, South Dakota, United States Previous
Residence Postal Code 57702-4369 Death Date 14 Dec 2002 |
Family Tree
Maurice Joseph Tracy b. January 26, 1886 in Avoka,
Minnesota, Son of James
Patrick Tracy (d. August 15, 1925) and Ann Elizabeth
Bennett (d. February 9, 1936)
Husband of Mary Annastacia Yusko married
October 2, 1911 in Glen Ullin, North Dakota
Father of Anna Mercedes Tracy, Robert Stanley Tracy, RoseMary Tracy, Theodore Thomas Tracy and UNKNOWN Tracy
Died December 24, 1918 in Coal Springs, South Dakota
Maurice Tracy
5 Mar 1878 45 Morehampton Road Dublin, builder, to sons Patrick J.
Tracy of 42 Morehampton Road, builder, Edward Tracy, builder and Francis Tracy
of 17 Carlisle avenue, carpenter
23 May 1878 (FJ) Tracy v.
The property in dispute was estimated to be worth £100 and was encumbered to
the amount of £130 a year. The will was contested by the defendant on the usual
grounds of incapacity, undue influence and fraud...special jury...[date for
June/July 1878 Tracy v.
of Maurice Tracy of Morehampton road, builder...
6 July 1878 (N) Strange Will
v. Tracey. - In this case, the plaintiff, Edward Treacey, one of the sons of
the late Maurice Tracey, of Morehampton-road, builder, will dated 25th of
February 1878. The bulk of the testator's property was left to the plaintiff's
children and the plaintiff was to receive £4 a month for their support. The
defendants, who are also sons of the deceased, were excluded from benefit, but
a sum of £500 was left to one of the daughters who is in a convent. The
property was worth about £160 a year...
January 1880
Tracy, late of 45 Morehampton road, in the County of Dublin, Builder, Deceased 5th
March 1878, intestate. Messrs. Patrick J. Tracy, Edward Tracy and Francis
Tracy, three of the next-of-kin...
1880 The Goods of Maurice Tracy, late of No. 45 Morehampton
road, in the County of Dublin, builder, deceased.
Lot 1: 47 Morehampton road
Lot 2: 45 Morehampton road
Lot 3: 4 Bushfield avenue
Lot 4: East side of Bushfield avenue
Lot 5: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 Carlisle
avenue off Bushfield avenue
Lot 6: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10 & 11
Carlisle avenue
The household furniture
Plant and Building Materials
June 11, 1840 (FJ) Repealers
...operative ancient bricklayers of the city of Dublin...Maurice Tracy...John Tracy...
1845 Valuations
Christian, John Tracy & others, Mr O'Neill landlord, house offices and
yard, Donnybrook East Dublin
Tracy and Mrs Doyle, house offices and yard, 27 [80 crossed out] Donnybrook
road Donnybrook West Donnybrook Dublin, landlord? Mr Wyse shop let to Wm
1845 Land
Maurice Tracy, House and yard 010r19p, No. 11,
Donnybrook, Donnybrook West, Dublin
Maurice Tracy and Mrs Doyle, House Offices and yard,
value £6.6.7, rent £12.10.0, 80 OR 27, Donnybrook West, Donnybrook, Dublin
Griffith Valuation
M. Tracy and another, 7 on map, 27, house offices and
yard, valued at £18.18s, reduced to £16, Donnybrook Road, Donnybrook West
1847 Dublin
Donnybrook Road
Mr Maurice Tracy, 3 Donnybrook Cottages
1849 Dublin Almanac
Maurice Tracy, Mr, 3 Donnybrook cottages, Donnybrook Road
4, 1855 (FJ) Abolition of Donneybrook Fair
...Mr. John Tracey 2s6d...
22, 1855 (FJ) Donnybrook Division
...Mr. Maurice Tracey, Adelaide
terrace, Donneybrook...Mr. Tracey was in occupation for upwards of twelve
years...appeared in court...Mr. Tracey was admitted...
1859 Thom's Almanac
and Official Directory of Ireland
Maurice Tracy, bricklayer, Donnybrook-road
1862 Thoms
Dublin Street Directory
Morris Tracy, builder, Donnybrook
July 15th, 1865. List of electors, City of
Maurice Tracy, Donnybrook road .. P
Feb. 15, 1863 The Dublin Builder
The Southern Suburbs.
...Quitting Bushfield, and turning towards Roebuck, we perceive a range of semi-detached houses of very superior character, recently erected for Mr. James Boswell, at a cost of £7,500 ; also an adjoining villa residence of handsome design for that gentleman, which cost an additional sum of £2,500. Mr. Carson was the architect for these likewise, and Mr. Tracey the builder...
20 November 1865 (FJ)
Bradshaw v. Tracy and Griffen
This was a petition for a mandatory injunction to compel the respondent to remove certain beams which it is alleged the respondent wrongfully inserted in the plaintiff's house at Morehampton-terrace, Donneybrook...had his house built in such a way it rested on the petitioners house...The respondent, Mr. Tracy, is a builder, who after the alleged trespass let the house in question to the other respondent, Mr. Griffin...dismiss the petition and costs against tenant.
22 May 1868 (FJ) The Amalgamated
Builders' Labourers Association
...increase wages...Mr M Tracy, Donneybrook...
1868 Amalgamated Builders - Labourers Association
The following master builders agree to an increase in wages...Mr. Maurice Tracy, Donnybrook...
July 1870 (FJ) Maurice Tracy v. Thomas Smith
This was an action for recovery of £100 damages for alleged breaking and entering at Bushfield avenue. Plaintiff, a builder, resides at Morehjampton road, Donneybrook...
1870 Slater
Edward Treacy, mason, 7 Anna villa, Cullenswood
M. Tracy & Son, builders, 45 Morehampton road
February 1871 WT Daly
v. Maurice Tracy
The action in the case was for alleged trespass and damages were laid at £100. The plaintiff resides at 43 or 45 Morehampton road and the defendant lives next door. The plaintiff had erected a water sprout from the roof of his roof and the defendant removed it on the ground that it injuriously affected his house. The plaintiff averred that this removal of the spout rendered his house damp and uninhabitable. pending.
No 272 Tracey to
14 Jul 1871 Memorial of an Indenture. Between Maurice Tracey of Morehampton Road in the County of Dublin Builder of the one part and Robert Blake McVittie of Stevens Hospital in the City of Dublin Gentleman of the other in the possession of said Maurice Tracey on the South by ground also the property of the said Samuel Goodison but now in the possession of said Maurice Tracey on the East by Bushfield Avenue aforesaid and on the west by ground the property of Edward Henry Carson but now in the possession of said Maurice Tracey...plot of ground part of the Townland of Donnybrook on the East side of Bushfield Avenue...known as Number 77 Dagmar Terrace Bushfield Avenue...
January 1874
To be let, 42 Donnybrook, shop and 7 apartments, suitable for any business. Apply to P.J. Tracey, 45 Morehampton road.
November 1875
Maurice Treacy of Morehampton road in dispute with Mr. George Walker, Secretary
of Greenmount Distillery Company, over ownership of land at Sandford
Road...bucket of water thrown...court case...
19 November 1875 (IT) Alleged Malicious Injury
Two men named Hughes and Smyth charged with pulling down flank wall and chimney of house of No.74 Dagmar Terrace now in course of construction by Mr. Maurice Tracey...Mr. Walker had claim on adjoining site...civil proceedings.
1876 Landowners in Ireland (over 1 acre)
Maurice Tracey, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin. 1a/0r/20p £335.15.0
1 May 1878 (FJ) Tracy v. Dowling
to be sold by Auction, for non-payment of rent...residue of grocer's establishment...Mr. Tracy's Yard, Donneybrook, opposite the Police Barrack...
May 1880 Auction of property of the late Maurice Tracy, 45 Morehampton road
Lot 1 Sion or No.47 Morehampton road, held under lease from 4th January 1849 for 40 years, yearly rent of £13/16/11.
Lot 2 45 Morehampton road, lease from 25 March 1869 for 999 years, yearly rent £6.
Lot 3 4 Bushfield avenue, lease 25th March 1869 for 999 years, yearly rent £5
Lot 4 plot of ground east side of Bushfield avenue, with house on it, lease from 24th November 1867 for 475 years, yearly rent £4/7/6
Lot 5 seven dwelling houses, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 Carlisle avenue, off Bushfield avenue, with the square in front, lease 15th July 1865 for 486 years, yearly rent £25
Lot 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 Carlisle avenue, lease 15th July 1877 for 467 years, yearly rent £30, fine £2500 paid.[built by Maurice Tracy]
Also household furniture.
1881 Slaters
Edward Tracy, builder. 45 Morehampton rd. Donnybrook
Patrick J. Tracy, carpenter & builder, Donnybrook
August 1886 To Let
14 Morehampton terrace, Donneybrook...Apply Ed. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.
November 1886 P.J. Tracey v. Cornelius Kennedy[?]
Defendant was a grocer at 48 White's terrace, Donnybrook...The action was to recover £33/16/9 on a building account alleged to be due for extras done to houses 22 and 24 Donnybrook. Motion granted.
August 1888 Laths for sale
Superior plastering lathes...apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook, Dublin
1888 Donnybrook
Patk. J. Tracey (Building Contractor), 42 Donnybrook Rd.
October 1888 House to Let
15 Morehampton terrace, Donnybrook, two newly built houses...Apply E. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood, Dublin.
22 November 1888 Freeman's Journal
.. Richard Tracy. 7 Annavilla; Cuflenewood.
October 1894
...Tracey's Cottages, Donnybrook...
1894 Slaters
Edward Tracy, builder, 7 Anna villa, Ranelagh
Patrick J. Tracy, builder, 42 Donnybrook rd. Donnybrook
July 1895 Summer Holidays at Skerries
...One enterprising builder, Mr. Tracey, of Donnybrook, has already commenced operations, and will shortly have a number of good class houses erected on one of the best sites facing the beach.
November 1897
Rathmines (Upper), Beechwood - 3 Beechwood terrace to be sold, newly built house...apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla Cullenswood.
December 1898 Funeral of Mr. John Newport, Donneybrook
present...J. Tracy, P. Tracy, F. Tracy...
March 1899
Rathmines - to be sold two newly built houses 10 and 12 Edenvale road off Beechwood road...apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla Cullenswood.
June 1899
At Skerries, to let or Sell, two new houses facing the sea...Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donneybrook
March 1900
Rathmines - to be let or sold 26 and 28 Edenvale road...apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla Cullenswood.
Jun 13, 1900 (IT)
Rathmines - 20? Edenvale road to be let or sold. For particulars apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Anna? Villa, Ranelagh.
Nov 14, 1900 (IT)
Rathmines - to sell, 34 and 36 Edenvale road, Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.
No 57 Tracy to Byrne
30 Jan 1901. between Mary Tracy therein called the lessee of the one part and Daniel Byrne therein called the lessor of the other part...Mary Tracy as Beneficial Owner thereby surrendered unto the said Daniel Brine all the hereditaments and premises comprised in and demised by the said lease...piece or plot of ground part of the lands of Cullens farm otherwise Cullenswood...piece or parcel of ground contains in the front thereof to Upper Beechwood Avenue...Beechwood Avenue aforesaid all which said premises are situate in the township of Rathmines Barony of Upper cross and County of Dublin...
Mar 6, 1901 (IT)
Rathmines - to sell, 38 and 40 Edenvale road, to let or sell. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.
Mar 28, 1901 (IT)
Rathmines - to sell, 18 and 22 Edenvale road, to let or sell. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.
Jan 7, 1902 (IT)
Rathmines - to sell, 42 and 44 Edenvale road, to let or sell. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Ranelagh.
No 88 Tracey to Moore
6 Aug 1903 A Memorial of an Indenture of Assignment between Mary Tracey of Annavilla Cullenswood in the County of Dublin widow of the one part and Ernest Moore of Annesley Park Rathmines in the County of Dublin Gentleman of the other part...the sum of Three hundred and fifty pounds paid by the said Ernest Moore to the said Mary Tracey...that piece or plot of ground part of the lands of Cullens farm otherwise Cullenswood...front thereof to Upper Beechwood Avenue...
No 89 Moore to Provident Association of London Limited
6 Aug 1903...made between Mary Tracey of the one part and Ernest Moore of the other part...
Nov 6, 1903 (IT)
Rathmines - 54 [& 56] Edenvale road, to let or sell. occupied house adjoining for sale. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.
Mar 5 & 30,
1904 (IT)
Rathmines - To let or sell, [18 &] 20 Mountain View road. Apply Mrs. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.
Apr 7, 1905 (IT)
Administrators sale - Interest in 7 Annavilla Cullenswood, to sell 8 apartments, good builders yard and workshops attached. Apply J.C. Tracy, above address.
Jun 13, 1905 (IT)
House to Let or Sold, 24 Mountain View road, electric bells, 7 apartments. Apply J. Tracey, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.
Jun 19, 1905 (IT)
House for sale or let, 24 Mountain View Road. Apply J. Tracy, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.
Sep 22, 1905 (IT)
Ranelagh, 22 Mountain View road, off Beechwood road, compact, well built house, withposession. For particulars apply Maurice Tracy, 2 Florence street, S.C. road.
Oct 19, 1905 (IT)
Ranelagh, 22 Mountain View road, off Beechwood road, compact, well built house, withposession. Apply M. Tracy, 7 Annavilla, Cullenswood.
Mar 3, 1906 (IT)
26 and 28 Mountain View Road, Ranelagh. Two newly built houses for sale, all modern improvements. Apply J. Tracy, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.
Apr 13, 1906 (IT)
2 New Houses for Sale, 26 and 28 Mountain View road, Ranelagh. Apply John Tracy, 12 Elmwood avenue, Ranelagh.
Oct 17, 1900 (IT)
At Donnybrook, shop and apartments to Let. Apply P.J. Tracy.
Sep 13, 1901 (IT)
Houses to Let
At Skerries, Furnished Houses to Let, facing sea; free railway ticket. Apply P.J. Tracey, 42 Donnybrook.
Sep 2, 1902 (IT)
About Skerries - To let facing sea "St. Patricks" fully furnished. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
May 16, 1908 (FJ)
At Skerries, two furnished houses to let for month of June. P.J. Tracy, Donneybrook.
Apr 5, 1902 (IT)
At Morehampton road - To Let, houses with all modern improvements. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
May 19, 1902 (IT)
At Morehampton road - To Let, houses containing 9 appartments, pantries, hot bath, electric bells and light. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
Oct 9, 1906 (IT)
At Morehampton Terrace, Two new houses with all modern improvements; good gardens; side enterence, Particulars, P.J. Tracy, Donnybrook.
Dec 21, 1909 (IT)
To Let, Carmel Villas, Morehampton road, all modern improvements; garden front and rear, wide side entrance. - P.T. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
Nov 2, 1910 (IT)
Houses to Let
To let, 121 Morehampton road...Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
Mar 3, 1906 (IT) High
Estate of Kathleen Emily Reddy, Owner; Patrick Joseph Tracy, Petitioner
To be of the owner who is now aged about 34 years, in the houses nos 42, 44, 46 and 48 Morehapton road, Donnybrook, Dublin, held under four leases dated respectively the 4th of August 1862...150 years...yearly rents £ annual profit rent of £28.9.0...Examiner...
Apr 22, 1909 (FJ)
Funeral of the late Cannon Horris PP Donneybrook
...present...John Tracy, PJ Tracy...November 2, 1909
At Morehampton terrace; to let, two semi-detached houses; all modern improvements. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
Jan 16, 1911 (FJ)
Nationalists...Donneybrook Ratepayers Association...PJ Tracy, John Tracy...
Jan 13, 1911 (FJ) The
Pembroke Elections
...Donnybrook...Patrick Treacy, John Treacy...
Jul 1,
1916 (IT) Houses to Let
28 Belmont avenue to let...Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
Jul 24,
1916 (IT)
A double fronted shop to let, old established motor and cycle works, with living accomodation. Apply P.J. Tracy, 42 Donnybrook.
May 19,
1917 (IT) Ececutors Sale - Patrick Joseph Tracy, Deceased
St. John's on the sea front Skerries...held from ??? Hamilton 150 years from 29th September 1894...
Aug 25,
1917 (IT) Administrators sale
...of Builders Sock and Plant...No, 42 Main Street, Donnybrook...
1918 Post Office Dublin Directory and Calendar
Francis Treacy, 13 White's terrace, Donneybrook road
John J.
Treacy, builder, 16 Morehampton terrace, Donneybrook
P.J. Tracy, Building contractor & Lath
Manufacturer, 42 Donnybrook road
1933 Auction of major
property interests in Donnybrook
Donnybrook and City of Dublin, with frontage to Main Street
and Dodder Row, on which are situated premises known as...Nos. 1 to 5
Tracey's Cottages...
August 28, 1860 (FJ) Donneybrook New Church
...Maurice Treacy £1...
August 1874 Church of the
Most Sacred Heart, Donnybrook
subscriptions...Maurice Tracy, Esq £1...
February 1877 Memorial for
St. Mary's Haddington Road
Tracy, Esq, Morehampton road £1...(or Morris Tracy, Esq)
April 1877 Mater
Misericordiae Hospital
Morris Tracy, Morehampton road, Donnybrook £2...
19 May 1877 (FJ) Parochial
House, Donneybrook
Maurice Tracy £5...
17 April 1878 (FJ) To the
Right Hon. Hugh Tarpey, Lord Mayor of Dublin
an Aggregnite Meeting of the Catholics of,
Primary, Intermediate and University.
Tracey, Morehampton-road, Dublin
Tracey, jun, Mountrath.
Aug 1, 1908 (FJ)
Parish of the Holy Family, Aughrim street...2s6d...M. Treacy...
Parish of Donneybrook...5s...Mr. P.J. Tracy...
Jul 31, 1909 (FJ) Parish of
Mr. Tracy...Mr. PJ Tracy...
Aug 1, 1910 (FJ)
Donneybrook Parish...2s6d...Mr. John Tracy...
Dec 18, 1916 (IT) The Church of the Sacred Heart
...John Tracy,
Last update: 28 February 2025