Professor John Rupert Treacy (1867-1929), of Youghal, Co Cork and Sligo, Sinn Féin founder.



John Rupert Treacy.jpg

John Rupert Treacy



Another Sinn Féin supporter was John R. Treacy, a native of Youghal, County Cork, who taught in Limerick and Dublin before coming to Sligo in 1904. He taught in Summerhill College and in the Technical School. He had been involved with Griffith and William Rooney in Sinn Féin while in Dublin and was one of the “Apostles of Sinn Féin” in Sligo.

In 1916, the Mayor got another opportunity to voice his sympathy for the executed leaders at a meeting in Sligo to appeal for funds for the Irish National Aid Association. This association was set up to help the dependents of those killed and imprisoned on the rebel side in the rising. The Mayor presided and among the attendance were… J. Tracey…During the month of November the Sinn Féin party in Sligo town started a club in a room in a building in Pound Street. It was called "The Wanderers Gaelic Club" but was popularly called "The Sinn Féin Club". Among those involved were John R. Treacy…

The by-election was fought in January 1917 with polling day on February 3rd. All those on the republican side, though as yet not united, rallied around Plunkett. Many from Sligo took part. Alec McCabe, who had been on the run since the rising took part as did some from Sligo town including probably J. R. Treacy…The Mayor, Mr Hanley and Mrs Hanley welcomed the Countess and a bouquet of roses was presented by Miss Ita Tracey, daughter of the chairman of Sligo Sinn Féin club.

In 1918. on August 15th there was a nationwide protest by the Sinn Féin organisation against the banning of the organisation and the banning of meetings in Ireland. At various places throughout the land speakers read a printed statement from Sinn Féin and as a result were arrested. In County Sligo a large meeting was held outside the Town Hall. The statement was read by J. R. Tracey…As a result of their action on August 15th Professor Tracey and John Hennigan were arrested on Thursday night/Friday morning and taken into custody. They were still in Sligo prison awaiting trial a week later and both men were offered some hours liberty to visit their families on Sunday August 18th. Treacy accepted but Hennigan refused. On Tuesday, 27th August, the pair were removed to Galway prison. On September 5th a meeting of the Sligo Urban Technical Committee was held under the chairmanship of Rev P. Butler. Treacy was a teacher at the Sligo Technical School and had been there for fourteen years. His appointment was part time subject to annual re-appointment. A letter from Treacy was read at the meeting in which he stated that "owing to circumstances over which I have no control I shall be absent for some time". The committee decided unanimously to re-appoint him and to appoint a substitute pending his return. On September 24th at a court martial in Renmore Barracks Galway, Tracey and Hennigan were found guilty. At the trial Hennigan admitted reading the Sinn Féin manifesto and said that he would do so again if the occasion arose. Both men were sentenced to two years imprisonment. In the case of Professor Tracey he was released at the beginning of October on medical advice. When he arrived at Sligo Station he was met by a large crowd of Sinn Féiners and escorted to his home.

In 1919, on St. Patrick's Day another protest meeting was held this time about the prisoners especially those from Sligo: John Lynch, Henry Monson, John Hennigan, John Kelly and Frank O'Beirne. The meeting was held in the Market Yard and the speakers included the Mayor, J. R.Tracey, R. G. Bradshaw, Michael Nevin, J. J. Clancy. Members of the Volunteers were there under the command of Liam Pilkington. The other Sligo prisoner, J. J. O'Connell, did not arrive in Sligo until Wednesday March 19th. His arrival was not expected and there was not a large crowd to meet him. However about fifty Volunteers did turn out and escorted him to the Gaelic Club, Teeling Street… J. R. Tracey president of the club.

In December 1920, among those arrested were John R. Treacy…All these arrests put further pressure on detention space in Sligo and at the end of January some prisoners were moved to Derry. These included John R. Treacy, James Devins, James Doocey and Harry Benson. Also those arrested on January 22nd were moved on February 28th. John R. Tracey of Sligo was moved from Derry jail to Ballykinlar around this time.



Michael Wheatley (2005) Nationalism and the Irish Party: Provincial Ireland, 1910-1916

Sligo 1914-1921: A Chronicle of Conflict. By Michael Farry.

W.C. Johnstone, Vicer Regal Lodge, Dublin - Secret Memorandum GT 5570





As for Jinks, throughout 1912…focused on meetings of the town and North Sligo UIL…He unsuccessfully backed John Treacy, founder of the town’s Gaelic Club, for the job of headmaster of the Technical Schools in July…Roscommon Journal 27 July 1912

Michael Wheatley (2005) Nationalism and the Irish Party: Provincial Ireland, 1910-1916


I was a member of the Gaelic League very young. I used to collect at Church gates, and walked in processions. When I was at business in Sligo I was in correspondence with Griffith about my brother's cartoons and he wrote to me very kindly about them. I and Professor Tracey were the only people who bought his paper in Sligo. Arthur Griffith told me to get in touch with the Professor. Later on I sent a few poems to him and he published them in his paper...

Witness: Maeve Cavanagh McDowell, Member Irish Citizen Army; Courier to Waterford, 1916


March 1916 Sheehy Skeffington Papers

MS 33,604 (17) John R Treacy


1917-1918-1919 Schools under Roman Catholic management

Summerhill College Sligo - 106 pupils - £251/14/0 teachers salary grant

Qualified lay teachers:

John R. Treacy £140 & £160

Wm. P. Gilbert £140 & £160

F. O'Carroll £140 & £160

Not duely Qualified lay teachers:

J. Delany £70

Patrick O'Donnellan £50 & £60

John Fallon & £45

J. McCarthy £12 & £10


John R Treacy of St Marys Terrace Sligo Co Sligo, 15 Aug 1918 Courts martial case registers, file 95156, charge 9aa & 27 DRR, court martial 24/9/1918 DCH held at Galway, found guilty of all charges, 2 years Imprimt without hard labour, "I remit the imprisonment awarded" GO CinC

John Tracey, of Sligo, 4 Nov 1921 Internment camps & prisons. 14 Oct 1921 John Tracey of Sligo was released from Internment 8-1-1921 in consideration of the serious illness of his wife, who is mentally affected.


Wednesday, April 3rd 1918 The Jail Journal of Michael Collins

Sligo jail is a short distance from the town. 'Tis generally speak ing like all other jails. It must be old, I think, both from the look and the plan. The cells are smaller than those I knew in Staffordand Wandsworth but the same size as Mountjoy, I think, or the Frongoch clink. The size of course does not make a great difference. One doesn't get appreciably more exercise in a cell 14 by 7 than in one 12 by 7. Mr. Treacy and Mr. Clancy visit me in the evening. The Mayor of Sligo also pays me a visit. I tell him I don't quite like the look of some things.

Íosold Ó Deirg and Michael Collins. "Oh! Lord the Unrest of Soul": The Jail Journal of Michael Collins. Source: Studia Hibernica, No. 28 (1994), pp. 7-34


Mar. 14 1918

Letter card from John R. Treacy to George Noble Plunkett, Count Plunkett, about the condition of George Oliver Plunkett and his comrades in prison,



2 August 1918 The State of Ireland. – Report on movements and Meetings of Extremists in the Dublin Police Area

Treacy, John R., Sligo

1.7.’18 – Arrived in Dublin. He was not observed associating with Sinn Feiners

29.7.’18 – Returned to Sligo

W.C. Johnstone, Vicer Regal Lodge, Dublin - Secret Memorandum GT 5570


October 1919

When Dr Ferran M.O., Foxford; Mr. Wm. Sears, Editor “Enniscorthy Echo” and Prof. P. O’Domhnallain were released from Sligo jail, where they served four months imprisonment for speeches at an anti-conscription meeting in Foxford on Easter Sunday, they were meet at the prison by the Mayor, Prof. J.R. Treacy, who was also released this week.


11 October 1919 The Advocate (NY)

Sligo - Professor Treacy and the municipal technical schools, were searched by military and police. Mr. Treacy objected to allow a personal search, but he was forcibly held down by two constables while another went through his pockets. In no instance was anything incriminating discovered.


Jan 5, 1920 (FJ) Secondary Teachers

A meeting of the Central Executive Council of the Association of Secondary Treachers in Ireland...Mr. Tracy (Sligo)...


Sep 20, 1920 (FJ) Belfast Expelled Workers Fund

Sligo's Splendid Response...Letter...6 St. Mary's Terrace, Sligo....yours faithfully, John R. Treacy, Bernard McDonagh, Charles East. Joint Treasurers.


Dec 23, 1920 (FJ)

Arrests at Sligo included John R. Treacy, St. Mary's Terrace;...


February 1921

On Friday, the following prisoners were transferred from Sligo to Derry Jail...J.R. Treacy, Professor, St. Mary’s Terrace, Sligo...


Ballykinlar Internment Camp

Mr. Dixon's boundless energy, however, more than made up for the Council's lethargy, and, as I have said, the Prisoners' Commandant gave him every assistance in his power. The result was that in a short time we had Irish Classes for men of every province and every stage of know- ledge, Shorthand and Book-keeping Classes, conducted by Professor Tracey, of Sligo; Singing, Fiddle, and Piano Classes, and little circles for the study of French and Classics.

Walsh, Louis J.  (1921) On my keeping and in theirs : a record of experiences "on the run", in Derry Gaol, and in Ballykinlar Internment Camp. The Talbot Press, Dublin


October 1921

Mr. J.R. Tracey, Sligo, who had been on 3 weeks parole after long internment has been released.


December 1921 Ballykinlar Men Attacked - A Co. Down Outrage

...The first special train contained 413, the second 646 (chiefly from Munster), and the third and last 450 from Dublin...Mr. Stephen Treacy, an elderly gentleman, whose son was also an internee, [both of Dublin] was struck by a bullet on the foot. He was at once attended by Dr. Reynolds, who had been the internee medical officer in the camp, and the wound was found to be slight...Prominent people included in the release...J. Tracey, Acting Commandant Camp I...


15 September 1923 & 22 September 1923 Sligo Champion

Sligo Technical Committee “... seen Mr. Treacy and asked him to reconsider the question his resignation. Mr. Treacy's decision, however, was final. The resignation ... ” & “... J. R. Treacy, who had resigned after 20 years most efficient and painstaking service. Mr. Treacy, not being a whole-time official, was ... ”


Nov 22, 1923 (IT) Clontarf Doctor's Case

...Sullivan v. Treacy...support and maintenance of the defendant wife at his home, "Verville" Clontarf from the 14th December 1922 to the 29th August 1923. The defendant, John R. Treacy, of Sligo...shock caused by the raids made at the defendants residence in Sligo by the British auxiliary forces...Irish White Cross Association, which decided to place the lady in plaintiff's home...and agreed to pay her maintenance as he (defendant) could not afford to do so...the Associations cheques were dishonoured by orders of the military authorities...action to be tried by a judge...


3rd Western Division

Sligo I Brigade (North Sligo)

1st Battalion

"A" Company Sligo Town

J. R. Tracey [written in: Deceased]





John R Treacy.jpg


Republican autograph books compiled at Ballykinlar internment camp, 1921 by Joseph S. Considine (NLI)




John Treacy, 1 Cork Brigade, of Youghal, Cork [nephew of John Rupert Treacy]


File Reference: MD5225

1917-1921 service medal

John Treacy


Redmond's Row, Youghal, Cork

South Cross Street, Youghal, Cork

Catherine Street, Youghal, Cork

Date of birth: 1905-11-26

Notes: File relates to successful Service (1917-1921) Medal application. Service certified and medal issued 22 May 1945. Medal later deemed to have not been duly awarded. Duly awarded certificate refused 7 March 1969. Subject claimed membership of 1 Cork Brigade, Irish Republican Army

Data Protection Note: Open

Organisation: None

Medal awarded: None





John Tracy & Honora Keefe

Mary Tracy b. 20 Jan 1830 Sp. Michael Tracy. Killeagh Parish

David Tracy b. 12 Jul 1831 Sp. Jerh Carey & Mary Keeffe. Killeagh Parish


David Tracey/Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Ardagh, (s. of John Tracey, farmer) married Mary Connell, full age, widow [spinster crossed out], shopkeeper, lives North Main Street Youghal (d. of Michael Connell, farmer?) 23 February 1865 RC Chapel of Youghal Wit: Maurice Treacy & Catherine Daly [Youghal Youghal PLU] signed her mark witness Tim Murphy


David Treacy of Youghal [Youghal Cork] (s. of Joannis Treacy & Honora Keefe of Ballynoe Co Cork [see Killeagh]) married Ellena Fitzgerald of Crossford [Ardmore OR Lisgenan Grange], (d. of Joannis Fitzgerald & Ellena Morissy? of Crossford) 17 Feb 1867 Wit: Thomas Roche of Meose Hill & Catherine Scanlan of Ballynamona. Ardmore Parish Waterford

David Treacy, full age, widower, shop keeper, lives Youghal, (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Ellen Fitzgerald, full age, spinster, farmers daughter, lives Crossford, (d. of John Fitzgerald, farmer) 17 February 1867 RC Chapel Grange Wit: Thomas Roche & Kate Scanlan [Ardmore Youghal PLU]

David Tracey & Ellen Fitzgerald

John Tracy b. 17 Dec 1867 of Do [YL Youghal] Sp. John Flavin & Hon Keeffe. Youghal Parish

David Tracey b. 23 May 1869 of Yl Sp. Pat Fitzgerald & Mary Flavin. Youghal Parish

David Tracy & Ellen Fitzgerald

John b. 16 December 1867 Youghal, Cork, Ire (LDS)

David Tracy b. 23 May 1869 Youghal, Cork, Ire

David Tracy, shopkeeper, & Ellen Fitzgerald

John Tracy b. 16 Dec 1867 of Main Street [Youghal] David Treacy, father, Main Street [Youghal Youghal PLU]

David Tracy b. 23 May 1869 Main Street. David Treacy, father, Main Street [Youghal Youghal PLU]


David Tracy died 1870, Youghal PLU, Aged 36, b. 1834, died 13 Jun 1870, married, Shopkeeper


David Treacy d. 13 Jun 1870 Youghal Cork, shopkeeper, by John Flynn of Youghal Park and Maurice Treacy of Ballymackibbett, farmers (by decree “Flynn v. Treacy” 9 November 1870)


19 October 1870 (FJ) Probate

John Flynn and Maurice Tracy v. Mary Tracy. This suit was instituted to establish the will of the late David Tracy of Youghal. Two wills were propounded, one dated 20th April 1870, in which the plaintiffs were appointed nominatura executors, and a second dated 11th June 1870, the provisions of which were mainly inconsistent with the previous instrument. The defendant is the widow of the testor, and the mother of the minors affected by the two wills...10th November for the trial.

October 1870 Court of Probate - John Flynn and Maurice Tracy v. Mary Tracy

This suit was instituted to establish the will of the late David Tracy, of Youghall. Two will were propounded, one dated 29th April 1870, in which the plaintiffs were appointed nominatum executors, and a second dated 11th June 1870, the provisions of which were mainly inconsistent with those of the previous instrument. The defendant is the widow of the testor, and the mother of the minors affected by the two wills.

10 November 1870 Irish Times

Court of Probate

Flynn v Treacy

The testor in this case was a trader in Youghal, county Cork and made two wills, one date 20th April and the other 11th June 1870.


May 14, 1909 (FJ) Death

Treacy - May 13, 1909, at her son's residence, Sligo, Ellen, widow of the late David Treacy, Youghal. Remains arrive at Youghal Station on to-morrow (Saturday) morning at 10.30 o'clock. Solomn Mass at 11.30 o'clock. Funeral to follow.



Ellen Treacy 13 May 1909 St. Mary’s terrace, Sligo, widow, to John R. Treacy, School teacher


John R. Treacy (s. of David Treacy & Ellen Fitzgerald of Youghal) of Youghal m. Eleanor C K Quinn (d. of John Quinn & Mary Jane Keenan of 81 Gt Britian St) of 81 Gt Britian St on 28 July 1897 Wit: William J. Warner of 9 St. Georges Quay & Bridget Quinn of 81 Gt Britian St [see Sligo]

John R Treacy, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Youghal, (s. of David Treacy, merchant) married Elenor/Elena C Keenan Quinn, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 81 Gt Britain St, (d. of John Quinn, BLANK profession] 28 July 1897 RC Chapel Pro Cathedral Wit:  William Warner & Bridget Quinn [Dublin North PLU]


1901 Census

John R Treacy, 33, M, 2 Leeson Street Lower, Fitzwilliam, Dublin, Restaurant Proprietor, Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Irish and English, County Cork

Eleanor C Treacy, 28, F, Leeson Street Lower, Fitzwilliam, Dublin, Ranageress of Restaurant, Catholic, Wife, Married, Dublin City

Ellen Treacy, 65, F,  Leeson Street Lower, Fitzwilliam, Dublin, Retired Grocer, Catholic, Mother, Widow, Irish and English, County Waterford

Rose Vallely, 20, Shop Assistant, Catholic, Shop Assistant, Not Married, Co Armagh [see below – godmother]

Denis C Kearns, 28, Boarder, Catholic, Land Agents Clerk, Irish and English, Not Married, Co Cork,


Baptism: 1 May 1904 St Edward the Confessor, Rusholme, Lancashire
David Patricius (David Patrick) Treacy - filius Joannis Ruperti Treacy & Eleonarae Christinae (formerly Quinn)
    Born: 24 Apr 1904
    Patrinus [Godfather]: David Joseph Quinn
    Matrina [Godmother]: Rosa Valally
    Baptised By: Thoma Croskell
    Married: Maria Josephina Daly, 6 Aug 1947, Eccl. Parochea Piltown, diocesi Ossory, Eire
    Notes: [marriage signed] P. Canon Comerford P.P.
    Register: Baptisms 1894 - 1908, Page 60, Entry 280
    Source: Original Register


David Patrick Treacy, full [age], bachelor, clerical work, lives 45 Lr Drumcondra Road Dublin, (s. of John Rupert Treacy, teacher) married Mary Josephine Daly, full [age], spinster, living at home, lives Tinakilly [Tinakilly or Woodhouse Kilmolash Waterford], (d. of Andrew Daly, n teacher) 06 August 1947 RC Church Piltown Wit: Edward Lynch & Mary Whitty [Piltown Thomastown PLU]


1911 Census

John Rupert Treacy, 43, M, 62 John Street, Sligo West Urban, Sligo (Teacher Commercial, b. Cork)

Eleanor Christina Treacy, 37, F, John Street, Sligo West Urban, Sligo (married 13 years, 2 child, b. Dublin)

David Patrick Treacy, 7, M, John Street, Sligo West Urban, Sligo (b. England)

Ita Madeline Treacy, 2, F, John Street, Sligo West Urban, Sligo


Aug 12, 1924 (FJ)

Ursuline Convent Sligo...Ita Treacy...



John Rupert Treacy1.jpg


Michael Hargadon {Sligo Poet], John R. Treacy, Miss [Ita?] Treacy, David Treacy, Sligo, Ireland 1924




Thea Vandenberg - Member of Sligo Heritage and History Club



John Rupert Treacy2.jpg

Michael Hargadon {Sligo Poet] and John R. Treacy, his old teacher, Sligo, Ireland 1924



Nov 29, 1929 (IT) Obituary

Mr. John Rupert Tracy

The death of Mr John Rupert Tracy, late of Summerhill College Sligo, took place at 6 St. Mary's terrace, Sligo on last Tuesday.

The late Mr. Tracy was originally connected with the Sligo Technical Schools, and was subsequently principal teacher of Irish at the Summerhill College for many years. He was a very prominent Republican, being identified with the Sinn Fein movement almost from the begining.


Dec 7, 1929 (SS)

Professor John Rupert Tracey, who died at his residence, 6 St. Mary's terrace Sligo, was a well known member of the teaching profession who was born in the County Cork. President Cosgrave was a pupil of his when the late professor was on the staff of the Christian Brothers' School, James Street, Dublin.

Born at Youghal, sixty-one years ago, he was educated at the Christian Brothers local establishment and had a distinguished career. He joined the teaching profession at an early age, and taught at the Christian Brothers Schools Synge street, Dublin, as well as James' Street. He was closely associated with William Rooney, the poet, and Arthur Griffith in the early days of the Sinn Fein movement, helping to edit the "United Irishman". He was on the professional staff of Summerhill College, Sligo, for the past 25 years.

Known in Sligo as "the father of Sein Fein", Professot Tracy was an esteemed figure in the life of the town, and his death was received with feelings of general regret. The funeral which took place on Thursday, was of a large dimensions, and of a representative nature, the late professors popularity being strikingly illustrated. The coffin, draped in the tri-colour, was borned from the church to the graveyard on the shoulders of a number of old friends, and many marks of respect were displayed during the progress of the cortege through the town. Sympathy will be extended to his widow and family, as well as his sister-in-law, Mrs Tracey, Catherine Street, Youghal, and his nephew, nieces and cousins in that town.


Sligo Cemetery, Sligo Town, Co. Sligo, Ireland.

Erected by, his friends and the Citizens of Sligo, (In the year of his office), of, Fraser Brown, (Mayor), as a token of public esteem. To the memory of, John R. Tracy, late Prof. Summer Hill College, Sligo, who died, on the 28 day of Nov. 1929. R.I.P


Pray for the soul of also their daughter | JOHN RUPERT TREACY ?

MADELINE CUNNINGHAM | Who died 20th Nov 1939   who died 20th Jan 1942

| And his wife | ELEANOR CHRISTINA? | Who died 20th July 1942




1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

John R. Treacy, 10 Jan 1930, late of St. Mary’s Terrace Sligo, professor, who died 26 Nov 1929, to David P. Treacy, clerk. Effects …


November 26, 1931 (IP) Memoriam

Treacy (Second Anniversary) In loving memory of John Rupert Treacy (John R), late Professor, Summerhill College, Sligo, who died on 26th November 1929. Sacred Heart of Jesus grant him Sweet Repose. Inserted by his sorrowing wife and children.


Apr 29, 1933 (CT) Sucess in Sligo

...Irish drama...J.R. Treacy Cup...

Cunningham and Treacy - September 4 1935 at University Church, Dublin...Vincent, third son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham, Maudabawn, Cootehill, Co. Cavan to Ita, only daughter of Mrs. Treacy and the late John R. Treacy, 6 St. Mary's Terrace, Sligo.


Jun 24, 1939 (CT)

...The principal attraction was the celebrated Kildare Irish Dramatic Club, winners of the first prize and the Dr. Tracy Cup at Sligo Feis this year...




David Treacy, full [age], bachelor, shop keeper, lives Youghal [Youghal], (s. of David Treacy, dead, merchant) married Ellen Lee, " [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Youghal, (d. of William Lee, alive, shoemaker?) 10 August 1899 RC Chapel Youghal Wit: Laurence Lee & Madge Lee [Youghal Youghal PLU]


1901 Census

David Treacy, 31, M, 94.2 North Main Street, Youghal Urban, Cork, Clerk Mineral Water Store, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Cork

Ellen Treacy, 32, F, North Main Street, Youghal Urban, Cork, Dressmaker, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Cork

Mary Ellen Treacy, 0, F, North Main Street, Youghal Urban, Cork, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Cork


1911 Census

David Treacy, 42, M, 3 Brown Street, Youghal Urban, Cork (Water Curator, also mother-in-law Catherine Lee)

Ellen Treacy, 42, F, Brown Street, Youghal Urban, Cork (married 12 years, 5 children/4 alive)

Mary Ellen Treacy, 11, F, Brown Street, Youghal Urban, Cork

Kathleen Cecilia Treacy, 8, F, Brown Street, Youghal Urban, Cork

Margaret Agnes Treacy, 7, F, Brown Street, Youghal Urban, Cork

William John Treacy, 5, M, Brown Street, Youghal Urban, Cork





Last update: 18 April 2024