Rawlinson B502



Rawlinson B 502 is a composite manuscript of two early vellum codices and later paper folios. It is described as:


“Miscellany of texts in Irish and Latin in two main parts, (fols. 1-12) Irish World-Chronicle, late 11th or early 12th century, and (fols. 19-89, with decorative initials) genealogies, legal texts and many short pieces in verse and prose including materials on Irish saints and kings, second quarter of the 12th century, with (fols. 13-18, 90-103) paper leaves added by Sir James Ware with transcripts made in the 1640s of documents relating to Ireland. Fols. 105-171, further blank leaves of Ware's time, are not reproduced here.”


The contents of the second vellum section is a medley of prose and verse texts mostly on historical topics, either directly or indirectly inspired by the Old Testament. There are also important collections of genealogies. These include secular genealogies that are arranged with a Leinster dynasty bias and genealogies of Irish saints. There are a number of historical and literary texts in prose and verse also reflecting a special interest in Leinster.


It has been suggested that the second vellum section, also thought to be Lebor Glinne dá Locha (Book of Glendalough) or Saltair na Rann, was written at Killeshin in about 1130AD. This may explain the detail given to the Uí Bairrche genealogies and some poems seem to have an Uí Bairrche bias. It is also thought to contain the ‘original’ Sex acetes mundi, written by Dublittir Ua hUathgaile of Killeshin.


The Uí Bairrche, were once a prominent Leinster tribe, over which the Traceys were kings. Tressach mac Beccain, was a famous Uí Bairrche warrior king, who died in 884AD and who gave us the surname O Treasaigh. An indication of Treasach’s importance is that his memorial was written by Flann mac Lonan (†891 or 918 AD), the Vergil of Ireland and chief poet of all the Gael.


Treasach, son of Becan, chief of Uí Bairrche Maighe, was slain by Aedh, son of Ilguine. Of him Flann, son of Lonan, said:


A heavy mist upon the province of Breasal, since they slew at the fortaliced Liphe,

Heavy the groans of Assal, for grief at the loss of Treasach.

Wearied my mind, moist my countenance, since Treasach lies in death.
The moan of Oenach Lifi all, and of Leinster to the sea, is the son of Becan.



Folio 64v lists the Kings of Leinster, which includes two Uí Bairrche kings, Muiredach Mo-Sníthech and his son Móenach. There are no dates for their reign but it would have been before the fifth century.


Folio 65r lists the genealogies of the kings of the various tribes of the Laigen (Leinster). The Ui Bairrche come second after the Ui Ceinselaig, the kings of Leinster at that time. The prominence given to the Ui Bairrche, is thought to reflect that the manuscript was written by persons close to the Ui Bairrche. Their genealogy starts half way down column one and ends at the top of column two. The start and end are marked by the lettering in the red boxes. The reference to Tressach m Beccain is at the top part of column two. There is a particular emphasis to Tressach, which splits the genealogy and may indicate a separation of the kingship of the tribe, perhaps into O’Tresaigh and MacGorman.


Folios 67r and 67v give the genealogies of the rest of the 'families' of the tribe. It starts half way down the left column on 67r and ends at the top of the right column on 67v. The start and end are marked by the lettering in the red boxes.


The manuscript Rawlinson B 502 is stored in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University, England. The full electronic version is available at http://image.ox.ac.uk/show?collection=bodleian&manuscript=msrawlb502


Folio 64v http://image.ox.ac.uk/images/bodleian/msrawlb502/64v.jpg

Folio 65r http://image.ox.ac.uk/images/bodleian/msrawlb502/65r.jpg

Folio 67r http://image.ox.ac.uk/images/bodleian/msrawlb502/67r.jpg

Folio 67v http://image.ox.ac.uk/images/bodleian/msrawlb502/67v.jpg



Transcribed Text


Folio 64v


Con-saíd in rí ruadfoirb ar-dingg doibsius

Ro-bí macco Lifechair Liphi i lluinhg loigsius.

Lonhgais maro Muiredach Mo-Snítheach sóerchlann

sochla sain comarddae comarbba cóemchlann

Con-gab múru mórmaige macrí Móenech márgein


Folio 65r



Gussán mc Muiredaig m. Meic Raith m. Gormáin m. Muircherdaig m. Donnchada m. Áeda m. Tressaig m. Luachdaib m. Gussáin m. Dúnacáin m. Gormáin m. Echach m. Coibdenaig m. Máel h-Umae m. Suibne m. Domnaill m. Cormaicc m. Diarmata m. Echach Guinig m. Óengussa m. Meicc Ercca m. Breccáin m. Féicc m. Dáire Barraig m. Cathaír Máir.

Tressach m. Beccáin m. Fócartai m. Arttgaile m. Echach m. Coibdenaig m. Máel h-Umai.


Folios 67r & 67v




Dáre Barrach m. Cathaír a quo Úi Bairrche. Is iat a n-nóeb: Tigernach Cluana Euis et Fiacc Fiachra h-i Sléibti, Mac Táil Cille Cuilind & Mac Cuill h-i Manaind et Émíne h-i Letha, Diarmait m. Siabair m. Dalláin in suí .i. Mo Dímmóc Glinni Uissen.

Cináed m. Cernaich m. Flaind m. Ailella m. Áeda m. Uargusa m. Cind Faílad m. Faílbe m. Domnaill m. Cormaic m. Diarmata m. Echach Guinig m. Óengusa ut supra.

Áedgal m. Cernaig m. Coibdenaich m. Máel h-Umai m. Suibne m. Domnaill m. Cormaic m. Diarmata.

Trí m. Dáre: Fiacc, et Murethach Sníthe et Eochu Guinech.

Breccán mc Féicc m. Dáre trí m. leis .i. Mac Ercca & Coirpre & Colggu.

Is í a clann Meic Ercca m. Breccáin m. Féicc m. Dáre Úi Chuilíne m. Áeda mc Báeth m. Ailella dia fail Diarmait Glinni Uissen.

Ó Fiacc Úi Maíli h-Umae & a quibus ind ríg.

Eochu a quo Úi Briúin. Dá mc Echach mc Dáire .i. Brian & Bregdon m. Echach .i. a quo in suí Doburchú m.{facsimile page & column 121b} Onchon.

Muiredach Sníthe in tres mc Dáre. Mc dó Móenach a quo Úi Móenaig a quibus Cenél n-Óengusa.

Robo rí h-Érenn Muiredach Sníthe ut Laidcenn dixit:

Longais maro Muiredach,ut supra.

Cenél Cróchnae in cethramad prím-aiccme Úa m-Bairrchi. Is fri Ú Breccáin a tóebud.

Teora sóer-chlanna Úa m- Barrche .i. Úi Briúin, Úi Breccáin, Úi Móenaig.

Brian mc Echach m. Dáre & Echu m. Echach m. Dáire & Bréoda m. Echach m. Dáre. Is dia chlainn ind Echach-sa Úi Nath Í a quo Úi Connachtaig & Úi Máeláin & Úi Duib Loda & Úi Dognaid & Úi Noídenaig & Úi Brénaind.

Cathán m. Nath Í a quo Eochu sanctus Cluana Rétach & Magistir Cille Magistrech & Úi Suain dia tá Bruideóc mc Émíne.

Brian mc Echach a quo Énna m. Briain cuius filius Fergus Laíbdercc cuius filii Ercc Menn & Bardíne m. Fergusa cuius filii Dercc n-Argit m. Bardéne dia tát Úi Rónáin i Tig Mo Sacro, & Úi Choncertaig, Úi Meic Barddíne dia tát Úi Bóeth .i. Robartach mc Elgusa princeps Banba Móre.

Crimthann m. Bardíne a quo Úi Emelta & Úi Chonchada & Úi Fidchellaig.

Ruidnél m. Rechtada m. Enchoraig m. Cillíne m. Roachtaig m. Derríne m. Bongomun m. Áeda m. Coluimb m. Fiachra m. Fergusa Láebdeirc.

Tigernach m. Cairpre m. Fergusa et Fiachra m. Meic Dara m. Fergusa et Sétna m. Carpre et Áed mc Meic Dara.

Trí ingena Meic Dara .i. Brigit Fhind & Temair & Sogáes et Iustán m. Cairpri et Fintan m. Cairpri h-i Senchill.

Bréoda m. Echdach a quo Óic Cuillne, Úi Crónéni, Úi Duib Chuilni, Úi Fintain, Úi Laimnich a quo Duburchú m. Onchon m. Díbecháin m. Máeláin m. Con Cen Máthair m. Nainníni m. Nainnida m. Áedáin m. Fergusa Tregbotha m. Bloit m. Feidelmid & Aililla Laimnig m. Bréoda m. Echdach m. Dáre cuius frater Crónán sapiens.

Síl n-Indercaig, Síl Mancháin, Síl Dinetáin & Úi Brandubáin la Ú Cellaig do Úib Briúin dóib.

Úi Ellaig i m-Maigib ó Chenél n- Ucha la h-Ú Bairrche Tíre. Fognamthaide Úa m-Briúin sin dar éssi trín a forbba.

Úi Breccáin: Mc h-Eircce m. Breccáin & Cairpre mc Breccáin & Colgu m. Breccáin.

Is í clann Meic Eircce Ailill Mór m. Meic Ercca a quo Cuilíne m. Áeda m. Boíth m. Ailella, Diarmait m. Siabair h-i n-Glind Uissen & Úi Maíláin & Úi Chomaithig.

Breccán m. Bóeth & Fóelchú úi (?) Comathig.

Etarscéla m. Meicc Ercca a quo Úi Móenacháin & h-Uathgal m. Sóergaile m. Con Róeda m. Dub Chluana m. Máel Indse m. Mancháin m. Loppáin m. Duach m. Etarscéla m. Meicc Ercca.

Is ó Etarscéla dano Áilgenán m. Báethluige m. Abbáeth m. Duchenna m. Mancháin.

Duinechaid m. Con Duach m. Mainchíne m. Máel Inse.

Is ó mc Meic Ercca .i. Fiacc m. Meic Dara epscop Sléibti.

Óengus mc Meic Ercca cuius filius Eochaid Guinech.

De Síl Ailella Máir Úi Chutlacháin.

Colggu m. Breccáin a quo h-Uargalach m. Tuimthi m. Uaringerta m. Littenaig m. Marcáin m. Mongfhinn m. Finn m. Colggan m. Breccáin.

Is ó Cholggain na tíri-si{facsimile page & column 122a} Síl Coirce & Síl Roncaig & na Légi.

Síl Muiredaich Sníthi m. Dáire m. Cathaír. Móenach m. Muiredaig a quo Úi Móenaig & Úi Brócáin h-i Cill

Maigistrech, Úi Senáin, Úi Dímatáin h-i crích Úa m-Bairrchi Tíre & Úi Amsáin & Úi Chrítáin la Ú Bairrchi Maige in Dergráith.

Nárgal m. Échtgusa m. Conchada m. Conamla m. Bróccáin m. Fintain m. Éogain m. Guaire m. Scillíne m. Sétnae m. Cairpre m. Móenaig m. Muredaig m. Dáire m. Cathaír.

Carthach m. Ailgile m. Becride m. Budechrae m. Anfudáin m. Saichida m. Dímmae m. Áeda m. Cellacháin m. Móenaig.

Úi Nialláin ónd Ardlius et Úi Chommáin et Úi Nárbotha, Síl Saichtha et Úi Gobbáin it h-é fine Síl Cellacháin m. Móenaig.

Ó Fiac mc Muiredaig Síl Cillíne Scothbán.

Éitchíne m. Sóergusa m. Conamla m. Émíne m. Cillíne m. Fínáin m. Colmáin m. Maine m. Fiachrach m. Féicc m. Muiredaig m. Dáre Barraig.

Cethri mc Conamla: Échtgus & Dub Caille, Fualascach & Snédgus.

Síl Rossa mc Muiredaig h-i Crích Úa m-Bairrchi Tíre a quo Móenach mc Fithrechtaig m. Errechtaig m. Éogain m. Éoganáin m. Éinne m. Scandláin m. Cormaic m. Rosa m. Muiredaich Sníthi.

De Síl Rosa Úi Bodbáin & Síl n-Góedeláin. Bodbáin mc Émíne & Góedelán mc Corpsalaig m. Cormaic.

Ó Fiac immorro Úi Chuilíne & Úi Chuaráin.

Suibne mc Furudráin m. Béochride m. Fóelleáin m. Máel Anfis m. Émíne m. Maine Chuarchind m. Cillíne mc Colmáin mc Fiachach mc Féicc mc Muiredaig Sníthi mc Dáire Barraig.

It h-é m. Óengusa: Trian m. Óengusa a quo Úi Fólachtáin & Úi Dobágu h-ic Lethglind; Rotha m. Óengusa a quo Úi Fétháin i m-Maig Dá Chonn ro bí Áed di muin Chormaic ind ríg; Fintan Méth m. Óengusa ó tát Úi Crítáin & Úi Chonamla & Úi Chanáin & Úi Pecclíne (h- ic Coíne atát sin h-uile); Lugaid Odor m. Óengusa a quo Úi Émíne h-i Coíne.

Tadc m. Óengusa a quo Úi Taidc h-i tóeb Conine & Úi Mincháin h-i crích Úa m-Bairrchi Tíre.

Úi Drescáin h-i Coíniu ind Légi di Dál Mesin Corb.

Úi Gestáin immorro do Chenéol Chruaichne dóib.

Úi Némáin & Úi Canannáin & Úi Beccáin h-i Scothbae di Dál Messin Corb dóib & Úi Scatháin & Úi Briccne i m-Maig Ailbe.

It h-é cethri meic Cormaic: Áed Find a quo Síl n-Áeda Find h-i Lethráith.

Conchrad m. Cethernaig m. Uargalaich m. Flaithbertaich m. Aignide m. Con Allta m. Áeda Find m. Cormaicc m. Diarmata.

Bróccán m. Cummascaig m. Clothaich m. Faílbe m. Conchada m. Conamla m. Conchind m. Máelodráin m. Bróccáin m. Cormaic.

Suibne Menn mc Diarmata m. Siadail m. Fiachrach m. Cellaich m. Émíne m. Cuimmíne m. Cormaic.

Síl n-Áeda Demuin m. Cormaic a quo Úi Móenaig Coisse Scaible la Ú Bairrchi Tíre.

Cenél Cruaichni di Éoganacht dóib.

Di chlaind Echdach Guinich Úi Domnaill mc Suibne & Congal m. Suibne.

Diarmait m. Congaile m. Cind Fáelad m. Coibdenaich.

Fogartach{facsimile page & column 122b} m. Artgaile m. Coibdenaig m. Echdach m. Cobdenaig m. Máel h-Umae m. Suibne m. Domnaill m. Cormaicc m. Diarmata.

Cináed m. Cernaig m. Flainn m. Ailella m. h- Uargussa m. Áeda m. Cinn Fáelad m. Faílbe m. Domnaill m. Cormaicc m. Diarmata &rl.

It é ranna Úa m-Bairrchi la Laigniu .i. Cluain Conaire & Cell Auxilli & díb in Cróebán cita-conagab in cill & atát díb fine ocon chill .i. Úi Laigéni h-i Caisse & Úi Duib Cillíne & is díb Úi Mátaid la Ú Enechglais Maige & is leo ó Áth Truisten cosin n-Áth i Cill Corpnatan.

Cormac mac Diarmata ro idpair Imblech n-Ech do Chomgall Bendchuir. Is leo ó Beluch Forcitail co Bannai.


Genelach Lagen Tuath Gabair [A4 poster] and [A3 poster]





Anon (1909) MS Rawlinson B. 502, olim The Book of Glendalough (written c. AD 1130). Oxford, Bodleian Library. http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/G105003/index.html


Best, R. I. (1914) Palaeographical Notes I. The Rawlinson B 502 Tigernach. Ériu, Vol. 7 (1914), pp. 114-120


Meyer, Kuno (1901) "The Expulsion of the Deissi." A Version: Laud 610 & Rawlinson B 502. Y Cymmrodor. v. XIV. 1901


Meyer, Kuno (ed.) (1909). Rawlinson B 502: A Collection of Pieces in Prose and Verse in the Irish Language compiled during the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries now published in Facsimile from the Original Manuscript in the Bodleian Library. Oxford: Clarendon. Diplomatic edition


Ó Cuív (Brian): Comram na Cloenfherta. In Celtica 11 (1976), pp. 168–179.

Ed. from MS Rawlinson B 502, with English translation and notes. Text at its close referred to as Mortlaid ban Temra.


Ó Cuív (Brian): A Middle Irish poem on Leinster dynasties. In ÉtC 18 (1981), pp. 141–150.

beg. Clanna Bresail Bricc builid (13 qq.), from Rawlinson B 502; with English translation.


Ó Cuív (Brian): An item relating to the legend of Labraid Loingsech. In Ériu 39 (1988), pp. 75–78.

Is mo-chen, a Labraid lāin (11 qq.) ed. with transl. and notes from MS Rawlinson B 502.


Ó Cuív (Brian): Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College libraries. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2001–2003. 2 vols Part 1: Descriptions. 2001. xl + 324 pp. Part 2: Plates and indexes. 2003. xix + 125 + 40 plts.


Ó Riain, Pádraig (1981) The Book of Glendalough or Rawlinson B 502 in Éigse A journal of Irish Studies. Volume XVIII Part II. National University of Ireland, Dublin.


Oskamp, H. P. A. (1972) The First Twelve Folia of Rawlinson B 502. Ériu Vol. 23, (Mar., 1972), pp. 56-72



Book of Leinster (1339 TCD) Late 12th century

Uí Bairrche genealogies

313b&c http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/TCD/TCD_MS_1339/small_jpgs/313.jpg

314a http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/TCD/TCD_MS_1339/small_jpgs/314.jpg

Kings of Uí Bairrche

337f http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/TCD/TCD_MS_1339/small_jpgs/337.jpg


Book of Ballymote (23 P 12 RIA) 14th-15th century

Uí Bairrche genealogies

73r http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/RIA/RIA_MS_23_P_12/small_jpgs/157.jpg

73v http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/RIA/RIA_MS_23_P_12/small_jpgs/158.jpg

74r http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/RIA/RIA_MS_23_P_12/small_jpgs/159.jpg


Book of Lecan (23 P 2 RIA) Early 15th century

Uí Bairrche genealogies

87v http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/RIA/RIA_MS_23_P_2/small_jpgs/176.jpg

88r http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/RIA/RIA_MS_23_P_2/small_jpgs/177.jpg

88v a The Monaich of Ulster http://www.isos.dias.ie/libraries/RIA/RIA_MS_23_P_2/small_jpgs/178.jpg





Last update: 21 January 2017