Spencer Tracy (1900-1967)




Spencer Tracy (1900-1967)



Frank Trasy m. Mary Donely 26 Jan 1826 Wit: Thos Donelly & Andrew Trasy. Tynagh Parish Galway

1. Francis Tracy & Mary Donelly [Mary Tracy died 3 Apr 1885 Vermont, United States, age 85, b. 1800 Ireland]

1.1 Patrick Tracy b. 12 Mar 1827 Sp. Francis & Catherine Tracy

Pat Tressy m. Ann Watson 9 Feb 1860 wit: Mick Kelly & Ann Kemple Woodford RC

Patrick/Pat Treacy/Tressy & Anne Watson/Watsn

1.1.1 Michael Tressy b. 22 Nov 1861 bapt 23 Nov 1861 Sp. Robert Watson & Sabina Watson, Tynagh

Michael Tracy, 38, Farmer, of Killeen (s. of Patrick Tracy of Killeen, Farmer) married Anne Clarke, 36, of Killeen  (d. of Patrick Clarke of Killeen, Farmer) Wit: James Burke & & Elizabeth Mullen 22 February 1898 at Tynagh RC Church

1.1.2 Mary Tressy bapt. 16 Apr 1864 Sp. Thomas Keating & Margaret Keating, Tynagh. Mary b. 14 April 1864 Portumna (LDS)

Mary Treacy b. 14 Apr 1864 of Brackeragh [Brackery Tynagh]. Patt Treacy, father, Brackeragh [Portumna Portumna PLU]

Mary Treacy, full age, spinster, of Brackera Tynagh, farmer (d. of Patrick Treacy of Brackera, Farmer) married Edward Darcy, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Kilregance Lorrha Co Tipperary, (s. of Patrick Darcy of Kilregance,  Farmer) Wit: William Horgave? & Mary A Sheil? 5 February 1900 at RC Church Killeen Tynagh

1.1.3 John Tressy bapt. 24 June 1867 Sp. Lawrence & Heanoria Cunningham, Tynagh. John b. 14 August 1867 Portumna (LDS) [died 1908]

John Treacy b. 14 Aug 1867 of Brackeragh. Anne Treacy, her mark, mother, Brackeragh [Portumna Portumna PLU]

1.1.4 Anne Treacy b. 1 September 1872 Portumna No 1, Ga (LDS)

Anne Treacy b. 1 Sep 1872 Brackera. Anne Treacy, her mark, mother, Brackera [1872 14 465 Portumna Portumna PLU]

Annie Treacy, 28, of Brackery (d. of Patrick Treacy, Farmer) married Michael Dolphin, 41, Bachelor, of Clonmoylan (s. of John Dolphin, Farmer) Wit: Patrick Murphy & Bridget Treacy 27January 1903 St Laurence's RC Church, Tynagh (Portumna Reg)

1.1.5 Pat Treacy [female to male]* b. 15 Oct 1874 Portumna Number One, Portumna, Galway (LDS)

Pat Treacy b. 15 Oct 1874 Brackeragh. Anne Treacy, her mark, mother, Brackeragh [Portumna Portumna PLU]

Death of Pat Treacy Male Bachelor on 17 October 1874 aged 2 days at Brackeragh, SRD Portumna, RD Portumna No 1 Informant:  Anne Treacy, Mother, 11 November 1874

1.1.6 Bridget Treacy b. 17 Nov 1877 Brackery [Tynagh], Galway, Ireland (LDS)

1.1.7 Patrick Treacy b. 15 Feb 1881 (CM)

Patrick Treacy, Full Age, Bachelor, Farmer, of Brackery Tynagh (s. of Patrick Treacy, Farmer) married Mary Grogan,  Spinster, of Grange Loughrea (d. of Patrick Grogan, Farmer) Wit: John Dolphin & Delia Grogan 1921 20 July RC Church Clonlee (Parish of Duniry & Abbey) Marriage Srd Loughrea Rd Woodford

* On the birth cert, the father Pat Treacy made a deposition to correct error

1.2 John Tracy b. 15 Jun 1828 Sp. Patrick & Mary Donelly

John D. Tracy died 30 Jan 1901. John Tracy married Letita (Letesha or Letthie) Harvey (1827-1 Aug 1865 buried in St. Barnahas) and had the following children:

1.2.1 Mary Tracy b.c. 1855 Wisconsin became as Sister M. Perpetua, Order of St. Francis, Buffalo, New York

1.2.2 Catherine Tracy b.c. 1857 Wisconsin became Sister Mary Bonaventure, Order of St. Dominic, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin

1.2.3 Jane Tracy b.c. 1858 Wisconsin, who may have died before 1870

1.2.4 Frank J. Tracy was born September 1861 in Mazomanie, Dane county, Wisconsin m. Mary Barron 1891. Died June 14, 1928 [see biography] Helen Tracy was born South Dakota or Illinois 1892/3. Cathlene Tracy was born South Dakota 1901.

He then married Mary Guhin 29th May 1866 St. Bamabas, Mazomanie, Dane county, Wisconsin. Mary was born in Ireland 15 Jan 1848 in Ballyferriter, Co. Kerry. Mary was the daughter of Timothy Guhin. Mary died 9 Feb 1918 in Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, at 70 years of age. They had the following children:

1.2.5 John Edward Tracy was born in Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois Jan 1873 (d.1928). He married Caroline (Carrie) Brown ca 1894. Caroline was born in Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois Oct 1874 (d. 1942). Caroline was the daughter of Edward Silas Brown and Abigail Stebbins. John Edward Tracy and Caroline Brown had the following children: Carroll Tracy was born in Illinois Jun 1896. Spencer Bonaventure Tracy was born 5 Apr 1900, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Died 10 June 1967 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles Co., CA

1.2.6 Jennie Tracy was born in Illinois Aug 1876 m. Patrick Feely. d. 16 Aug 1955 Renton, King, Washington

1.2.7 Agnes Tracy was born in Illinois ca 1878.

1.2.8 William Andrew Tracy was born Freeport Illinois 22 Oct 1877 m. Frances Heitzman 1897. Died 1929 Freeport, Stephenson, Ill. Agnes Tracy born in Illinois September 1897 Joseph Tracy born in Illinois June 1899

1.2.9 Andrew B. Tracy was born in Illinois Sep 1882. Andrew died 1955 at 72 years of age.

1.3 Catherine Tracy b. 3 Oct 1830 Sp. Patrick Molloy & Catherine Keating

1.4 Thomas Tracy b. 14 June 1832 Sp. Wm Keaghry & Mary Flanagan

1.5 Andrew Tracy b. 17 Jun 1833 Sp. John & Margaret Molloy

Andrew Tracy, 23 [35?], b. Ireland, of Fitchburg, Mass (s. of Francis & Mary Tracy) m. Mary Gallagher, 29, b. Ireland (d. of John & Jane Gallagher) Oct 1871/6? Vermont, United States

Andrew Tracy Age: 69y6m10d b.c. 1835 Ireland (s. of Francis Tracy & Mary Donnelly b. Ireland) d. 31 Dec 1904 7 Burnap St., Fitchburg, Massachusetts. bur. St Bernard Cemetery 3 Jan 1905. widower. Informant: Miss Jennie Tracy (b. 1873 Vermont registered Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Father mechanic)

Mary Gallagher Tracy died 07 Aug 1895, Age 52, Birth Date 1843, Spouse Andrew Tracy (d. of John Gallagher & Jane Mcclinton) Massachusetts Deaths

1.5.1 Jennie b. 1873 Vermont registered Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Sister M Bernardine Tracey d. 22 Aug 1907 Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 34y, b. 1873 Windsor, Vermont. (d. of Andrew Tracey & Mary Gallagher)

1.5.2 John Francis Tracy b. 17 Apr 1881 Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts (m. Mary Grace King 1910 Springfield, Massachusetts)

1.6 Jane Tracy b. 7 Jan 1835 Sp. Thomas & Marianne Donohue married Joseph Mcclinton

Jane Tracy Mcclinton died 31 Jul 1895 Vermont, United States, Age 68, born 1827 Ireland (d. of Frank & May Donnally)


LDS records:

John Tracy born about 1836 Ballynahow, Dunquin, Kerry.

Married Mary Guhin (bapt 13th August 1840 Ballynahow, Dunquin, Kerry - died 7th December 1917)

Her father was Timothy (Thady) Guhin (b. 1807 Ballynahow, Dunquin, Kerry - died 12/3/1891 Manitowac WI). He married Mary Cavanagh (bapt 2/1/1809 Ballynahow, Dunquin, Kerry - died 23/4/1879 Manitowac WI) 2nd March 1832 at Dunquin Kerry.



Chang, David A. Y. O. (2000) Spencer Tracy's Boyhood Truth, Fiction, and Hollywood Dreams. The Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol. 84, No. 1 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 30-35

Curtis, James (2011) Spencer Tracy. Random House,

Gildea Cannon, Thomas “Tracy, Spencer (1900-1967)” in Glazier Michael ed. (1999) The Encylopedia of the Irish in America. University of Notre Dame.

Gildea Cannon, Thomas (1997) Spencer Tracy – Actor. Irish Genealogical Quarterly 6/2: 3-8.

West, Sedin Forthcoming biography of Spencer Tracy to be published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1999.

Wolf, Frank E. (2006) St. Barnabas sesquicentennial book, 1856-2006. Mazomanie Historical Society.




Pat Tracy (1827-1908?)


1826 Tithe Record

Francis Treacy, Lisduffbana [Lissduff], Tynagh, Galway


1856 Griffiths Valuation

Patrick Tracy Brackery South Tynagh Galway [image]


1901 Census

Patrick Tracy, 69, M, 1 Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Galway

Anne Tracy, 60, F, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmer's Wife, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Galway

Michael Tracy, 40, M, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Married, Co Galway

Anne Tracy, 25, F, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway

Bridget Tracy, 22, F, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway

Patrick Tracy, 16, M, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Galway


John Treacy, died 8 March 1908 Bracara Tynagh, bachelor, 40 years, carpenter, influenza pneumonia 6 days certified, Anne Treacy mother of decd Braeara Tynagh present at death [Portumna PLU] [21 years in 1901 census]


1911 Census

Anne Treacy, 69, F, 8 Brackery, South, Pallas, Galway (head, farmer, widow)

Bridget Treacy, 27, F, Brackery, South, Pallas, Galway (daughter, dressmaker, single)

Patrick Treacy, 25, M, Brackery, South, Pallas, Galway (son, farmer, single)




1937-8 Schools’ Manuscript Collection

My Home District by Mary Treacy, Bracara, Tynagh, Loughrea, Co. Galway.

UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics






John Tracy (1828-1901)


1855 Census – Dunkirk Town, Dane, Wisconsin

John Tracy, 1 male, 2 females, 2 foreign born


1860 Census - The Village Of Mazo Manie, Dane, Wisconsin

John Trecy             M            33           Ireland, R.R. Section Master

Lethesha Trecy      F             31           Ireland

Mary Trecy            F             5             Wisconsin

Catharine Trecy     F             3             Wisconsin

Jane Trecy              F             2             Wisconsin

John Meyer Trecy M            36           Ireland, day laborer

James Welch          M            27           Ireland, day laborer


1870 Census - Borough Savanna, Carroll, Illinois, United States

John Tracy             M            43           Ireland, Road master [railway]

Mary Tracy            F             27           Ireland

Mary Tracy            F             16           Wisconsin

Catharine Tracy     F             14           Wisconsin [see Sister Bonaventure Mary Tracy]

Francis Tracy         M            10           Wisconsin


1880 US Census

Household: 3rd Ward, Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois



Marital Status






Father's Birthplace

Mother's Birthplace

 John TRACY 







 R. R. Master 



 Mary TRACY 







 Keeping House 



 Frank J. TRACY 







 R. R. Clerk 



 John E. TRACY 










 Jane TRACY 










 Agnes TRACY 










 William TRACY 





















1900 Census Freeport Township Freeport city Ward 3, Stephenson, Illinois

Head John Tracy   68           Ireland, Married: 34y, B. June 1832 Ireland, Immigration Year: 1850, Naturalised, Father b. Ireland, Mother b. Ireland, Rail road master

Wife       Mary G Tracy        54           Ireland, b. Aug 1846, 5 children born & alive,

Daughter Jennie Tracy          26           Illinois

Son         Andrew Tracy       18           Illinois


After immigrating to Vermont with his family during the Irish Famine, John D. Tracy made his way to Wisconsin as a railroad man in 1854, settling with his first wife, Letitia, at Mazomanie where he worked for the Milwaukee Road. After her death, John married Mary Guhin, then was transferred in 1870 to Freeport, Illinois where Tracy's father was born. The Guhin family also left the Mazomanie area, moving to Manitowoc County. One of Tracy's aunts, Catherine (1857-1911), joined the Sinsinawa Dominicans and was prioress of the convent for three terms before her death in Madison at what is now Edgewood College. She was Sister Mary Bonaventure, in honour of whom Tracy received his middle name, Bonaventure.

Chang, David A. Y. O. (2000) Spencer Tracy's Boyhood Truth, Fiction, and Hollywood Dreams. The Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol. 84, No. 1 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 30-35


...By 1854 John (1818-1901) was living in Mazomanie with his first wife, Letitia (Letesha or Letthie) Harvey. John married his second wife Mary Guhin (1848-1918) on May 29th, 1866 as the seventh marriage recorded in St. Bamabas. They moved to Freeport, Stephenson... daughters of John D. Tracy and his wife Letitia Harvey Tracy. They left Mazomanie in 1866. One was known as in religious life as Sister M. Perpetua, Order of St. Francis, Buffalo, New York. the other was known as Mother Bonaventure, Order of St. Dominic, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin... John Tracy was the grandfather of Spencer Tracy... Letitia or letthie is buried in St. Barnahas...

Wolf, Frank E. (2006) St. Barnabas sesquicentennial book, 1856-2006. Mazomanie Historical Society.


"The history of Catholicity in Stephenson County; Illinois" 1896

The required amount having been raised, the contract was let, by the building committee, in May, 1890, to William Ascher who began his work by pulling down the old parochial house and the old church. During the time of construction, the school house, with a temporary wing, was used for church purposes. The following building committee was selected...John Tracy, treasurer...

The choir, which has an excellent name, for fine voices and good work, comprises the following young people : Miss Mary Brennan, organist ; Mrs. Leo Thro, Miss Maggie Carey, Mrs. M. Ellsworth, sopranos ; Miss Jennie P. Tracy, mezzo soprano ; Miss Nonie Reardon, contralto ; John P. Lawless, tenor ; Edward Lawless, baritone; John Rau, Frank Rogers, bassos. J. E. Carroll, the able director, drills the choir and keeps it up to its high standard...finance secretary & director, Jennie Tracy...

On altar of the Blessed Virgin is inscribed on a silver plate, "Donated by John Tracy and Family";


Letthie Tracy

Birth:      Aug. 1, 1827

Death:     Aug. 1, 1865

Burial: Saint Barnabas Cemetery Mazomanie, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA
TRACY, Letthie

01 Aug 1825- 01 Aug 1865

Wife of John TRACY

Born in Ireland

In Mazomanie in the 1860 census with husband John, and kids Mary (5), Catharine (3) and Jane (2)


John D Tracy

Birth:  Jun. 21, 1832, Ireland

Death:  Jan. 30, 1901
Illinois, USA

Mary Guhin Tracy

Birth:  Jan. 15, 1848, Ireland

Death:  Feb. 9, 1918
Illinois, USA

Burial: Calvary Cemetery Freeport, Stephenson County,  Illinois, USA


Spencer Tracy  

Birth Date: 5 Apr 1900 

Death Date: Jun 1967 

Social Security Number:  573-05-9213 

State or Territory Where Number Was Issued:  California



Frank J. Tracy (1860-1928)


January 02, 1885 St. Paul daily globe

Ipswich The metropilis of Edmunds County and Missouri Slope...Agricultural Implements - Stowe, Tracy & Guhin...


Frank J Tracy m. Mary J Barron 09/09/1891 Carroll IL


December 22, 1899 The State Democrat

The editor of the Ipswich Democrat Frank Tracy has gone to Freeport, Ill., to spend Christmas with relatives.


1900 Census Huntly, Ipswich & Rosette Townships Ipswich village, Edmunds, South Dakota

Head            J Frank Tracey, M, 40, b. Sept 1860 Wisconsin, Father's Birthplace: Ireland; Mother's Birthplace: New York; Years Married: 2 [7?] 

Wife             Mary F Tracey       F             39           Illinois

Daughter  Helen F Tracey          F             8 [7y5m] South Dakota


February 26, 1904 The Aberdeen Democrat

....democratic...Delegate Convention...Frank J Tracy of Edmunds...


1905 Census

Frank J Tracy, 44, b. Wisconsin, Married, Years in State: 23, editor


July 17, 1908 The Black Hills union and western stock review

New State Committee...democratic...Edmunds, F. J. Tracy...


1910 Census               Ipswich Ward 1, Edmunds, South Dakota

Head            Frank J Tracy         M            49           Wisconsin

Wife             Mary Tracy            F             48           Illinois

Daughter      Helen Tracy           F             17           Illinois

Daughter      Cathlene Tracy      F             9             South Dakota

Mother-in-law             Maria Murphy        F             74           Ireland


1915 Census Edmund Ipwich South Dakota, United States

Frank J Tracy, 54, b.c. 1861, Wisconsin, Publisher, Married 1900 to Mary, Years in State: 32, Religion: Catholic, Father's Birthplace: Ireland, Mother's Birthplace: New York


Frank J. Tracy, the efficient clerk of the courts of Edmunds county and one of the leading and influential citizens of Ipswich, was born in Mazomanie, Dane county, Wisconsin, in September, 1861, and is the fourth in order of birth in a family of six children. His father, John Tracy, a native of Ireland, came to America with his parents when quite young, and his first employment was track work for a railroad company. He has been roadmaster for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad for the past forty-four years, his work being carried on in Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa.

Our subject was educated in the common schools of Freeport, Illinois. At the age of seventeen he began his business career as telegraph operator, and in that capacity and as station agent was in the employ of the railroad for about sixteen years. He next entered the construction department and built roads, being thus engaged in Illinois for five years. In 1883 he came to Edmunds county, South Dakota, and took up land, which he held for six months and proved up. In the fall of that year the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad established a station at Ipswich, and he was made the first agent in charge of the same, occupying that position until 1887. The following year he was engaged in railroad construction, helping build the lines north and south of Roscoe, and also the Madison and Bristol line, and between Merrill and Minocqua, Wisconsin. In 1888 he took charge of the Faulkton station, but during the fall of the following year came to Ipswich and established the "Edmunds County Democrat," the only Democratic newspaper in the county. He has farming interests here, but his land is all operated by renters.

In September, 1891, Mr. Tracy married Miss Mary Barron, who was born and reared in Carroll county, Illinois, and died at Ipswich, in 1893. Her father, Thomas Barron, was a farmer and stock-raiser of Illinois. The Democratic party has always found in our subject a stanch supporter of its principles, and he has ever taken quite an active and prominent part in local politics, serving as a delegate to county and state conventions and as chairman of the county central committee for the past five or six years. In 1896 he was elected clerk of the courts of Edmunds county, and so acceptably did he fill the office that he was re-elected in 1898, and is now serving his second term with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents.

"Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1899. Page 729


James W. Guhin, an enterprising and wide-awake business man of Eureka, South Dakota, is a native of Wisconsin, his birth having occurred in Manitowoc county, June 17, 1863. His father, Patrick Guhin, a farmer by occupation, was born in Ireland and came to this country in 1849 during the famine in his native land. He married Miss Kelly, who was also born and reared on the Emerald Isle, and is a daughter of James Kelly, a prominent early settler and county official of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. To them were born eleven children, nine sons and two daughters, of whom our subject is the second in order of birth.

James W. Guhin remained on the home farm and attended the country school until fourteen years of age, when he entered the high school of Manitowoc, from which he was graduated two years later. He then successfully engaged in teaching school in Manitowoc for three years. On the 21st of April, 1883, he removed to Edmunds county, South Dakota, becoming one of the very earliest settlers of Rosette township, and he helped move the first building to Ipswich from Freeport. He and a partner, F. J. Tracy, took up government land, on which they lived alone for ten months until they proved up their pre-emption. In November, 1883, they located in Ipswich, where Mr. Tracy took charge of the railroad station and our subject clerked in the office. At the same time they were engaged in the coal and machinery business at that place. In 1884 Mr. Guhin was elected the first city clerk, the town being organized that summer and he held the office for three years, at the same time continuing his connection with the railroad company. In the fall of 1886 he removed to Bowdle, where he embarked in the land, loan and insurance business, and the same fall he was the Democratic nominee for register of deeds in Edmunds county. On the 27th of July, 1887, he took up his residence on the present site of Eureka as its first settler and opened up the railroad station for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, the office being in a box car. He served as station agent here for nine years; during which time he also filled the office of justice of the peace for six years, and as clerk of the board of education for seven years. Leaving the employ of the railroad in 1896, he bought out the Eureka Elevator Company, of which F. W. Boettcher was proprietor, coming into possession of their coal shed and a part of their grain business, which he has since most successfully conducted. He is also general manager of the Eureka Telephone Company, of which he is a stockholder. As a Democrat, he takes quite an active and influential part in state and county politics, and is at present a member of the state central committee from McPherson county.

In October, 1887, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Guhin and Miss Maggie Doyle, who was the first bride in the town of Eureka. She is of Irish descent, but the family have made their home in America for many years. She was reared in Lawler, Iowa, and is a daughter of John Doyle, one of the earliest settlers west of Aberdeen, South Dakota, who has been engaged in the hotel business at that place and in Ipswich for the past twenty years. Mr. and Mrs. Guhin have an interesting family of seven children, namely: William; James; Frank; Clement; George; Reginald; and Mary Alice, a baby girl, who is the pride of the household.

"Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1899. Page 352-3


Officers and Workers Edmunds County Chapter Red Cross Ipswich, S.D.
1 - Frank J. Tracy, President
2 - Mrs. Frank J. Tracy, Chairman Woman's Work and Chairman Home Service Department Civilian Relief

"In The World War / 1917 -1918 - 1919 / Edmunds County, So. Dakota" Published by THE IPSWICH TRIBUNE, C.L. Jackson, Publisher - Ipswich, South Dakota

Frank J. Tracy lived in Edmunds County more than forty-five years and from his home community his distinctions as a citizen, capable official and public leader spread well over the state so that at the time of his death on June 14, 1928, the highest officials of the state, including the governor, and hosts of personal...

Doane Robinson (1930) South Dakota, Sui Generis: Stressing the Unique and Dramatic in South Dakota History, Volume 2. American historical society.



Catharine Tracy (1857- 1911) Sister Bonaventure Mary Tracy


Mother Bonaventure, O. S. D.

Mother Bonaventure Tracey, Mistress of Novices in the Convent of. St. Clara, Sinsinawa, Wis., died in the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Edgewood, a suburb of Madison, Wis., on June 10, 1911. Her remains were laid to rest in the convent cemetery at Sinsinawa.

Mother Bonaventure was born in Freeport, Ill., was educated in the St. Clara Academy, and after entering the Order of the Sisters of St. Dominic, was stationed at Sinsinawa and at the Bethlehem Academy, Faribault, Minn. Later she was appointed successively, Superioress of the Academy of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Washington, D. C., Prioress of the Convent of St. Clara, Sinsinawa, and Mistress of Novices in the same convent.

Acta et dicta. v.3 1911-1914.


1900 Census St. Clara Academy, Grant, Wisconsin

Member, Bonaventure Tracy Nun,        F, 44, b. Nov 1856 Wisconsin


1910 Census Hazel Green, Grant, Wisconsin

Inmate, Bonaventure M Tracy, F, 53, b. Wisconsin



Jane Tracey

Jennie Feely d. 16 Aug 1955 Renton, King, Washington, 81 years, b.c. 1874 (d. of John Tracy & Mary Guhin)




William Andrew Tracy

William Tracy b. Freeport, Ill. (s. of John Tracy & Mary Gohin) m. Frances Heitzman b. Freeport (d. of Anton Heitzman & Elizabeth Zipp) m. 03 Jul 1897 Monroe, Green, Wisconsin


William Andrew Tracy (s. of John Tracy b. Ireland & Mary Guhin b. Ireland) d. 28 Apr 1929 Freeport, Stephenson, Ill. Buried 30 Apr 1929 Harlem Township, Stephanson, Ill.

Age:             51

b. 22 Oct 1877 Freeport, Illinois

Occupation: Retired Factory Watchman

Spouse's Name:           Francis Heitzman


1900 Census Freeport Township Freeport city Ward 3, Stephenson, Illinois

Head            Anton Heitzman    M            73           Germany

Wife             Elizabeth Heitzman              F             66           Germany

Son-in-law    William Tracy        M            23           Illinois, Day labourer

Daughter      Frances Tracy        F             22           Illinois

Granddaughter            Agnes Tracy          F             3             Illinois

Grandson     Joseph Tracy          M            1             Illinois




Andrew Tracy (1833-1904)


1860 Census - Windsor, Windsor, Vermont

Joseph Mc Cloud   M            30           Ireland, day labourer

Mary Mc Cloud                    F             28           Ireland

John Mc Cloud                     M            9             Vermont

Mary Tracy                           F             60           Ireland

Andresa [Andrew] Tracy      M            26           Ireland, day labourer


Andrew Tracy, 23, b. 1853 (s. of Francis Tracy & Mary) married Mary Gallagher, 29, b. 1842 Ireland (d. of John Gallagher & Jane) on the 31 Oct 1871 or 1876 Windsor Vermont [bad copy]


1880 Census - Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts

Andrew Tracy       Self                        M            45           Ireland, mechanic

Mary Tracy            Wife                       F             38           Ireland

Jennie Tracy           Daughter                F             7             Vermont, United States


1900 Census Fitchburg city Ward 1, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

Head Andrew Tracy, 65y, Married 29y, b. May 1835 Ireland, Immigration 1851, Father b. Ireland, Mother b. Ireland, retired

Daughter Jane Mary Tracy, b. July 1873 Vermont, single, shirt-maker

Son John F Tracy, b. April 1881 Massachusetts, single, salesman clothing


Andrew Tracy d. 31 Dec 1904 7 Burnap St Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 69 years, machinist, widower,  b. 1835 Ireland (s. Francis Tracy & Mary Donnelly both born Ireland) Inforamant Miss Jennie Tracy, Buried St. Bernard Cemetery


Sister M Bernardine Tracey [Jennie], died 22 Aug 1907 Presentation Convent Middle St Fitchburg Massachusetts, 34, single, teacher, b. 1873 Windsor Vermont (d. of Andrew Tracey & Mary Gallagher both born Ireland)


Andrew Tracy: b. May 1835 Ireland; imm. 1851; d. 31 Dec 1904 Fitchburg, Worcester Co., MA [MA VRs 43:577: son of Francis Tracy and Mary Donnelly]; m. c1870/1

John Frank (Francis) Tracy: b. 17 Apr 1881 Fitchburg, Worcester Co., MA [MA VRs 324:285: son of Andrew Tracy and Mary Gallagher, both born Ireland]; dentist; m. 10 Jan 1910 Springfield, Hampden Co., MA [MA VRs 595:168: John F. Tracy (28, dentist, Fitchburg, parents Andrew Tracy and Mary Gallagher) and Mary Grace King (25, Springfield, parents Thomas E. King and Anna Davis)]

Mary T. Tracy: b. 16 Dec 1916 Springfield; d. 28 Feb 2006 Springfield

[Cathedral High School class of 1934 - http://www.cathedralhigh.org/downloads/agr.pdf]

[obit in Daily Hampshire Gazette, 2 Mar 2006: “Mary T. (Tracy) Welch, 89, formerly of Longmeadow, died Feb. 28 in Mercy Medical Center, Springfield.  Mary was born in Springfield on Dec. 16, 1916, and was a daughter of the late J. Frank and Mary Grace (King) Tracy….Besides her parents, Mary was predeceased by her husband, Edward J. Welch, D.M.D.; a brother, Thomas Tracy; two sisters, Ann Regan and Jane Tracy.  She is survived by four sons…Peter F. Welch, of Hartland, Vt….”]





Jane Tracy (1835 – 1895)



My name is Cyndi Tracy and I'm the family researcher for the Tracy Family. The name "McClinton" shows up on our family tree. This is what I know at this time...

*My husband's grandfather's grandfather was Francis Tracy and married Mary Donnelly (1800-1885) She was from County Galway, Ireland)

They had four children... John, Patrick, Andrew & Jane.

John Donnelly Tracy is my husband's grandfather's grandfather and Jane Tracy married Joseph Mcclinton!

Jane And Joseph had four children...Sam, William, Mary & Joseph McClinton

Cyndi Tracy tracy.ranch@verizon.net 9 Mar 2003 [http://www.traceyclann.com/files/TRACY%20FAMILY%20TREE.pdf]


1860 Census - Windsor, Windsor, Vermont

Joseph Mc Cloud   M            30           Ireland, day labourer

Mary Mc Cloud                    F             28           Ireland

John Mc Cloud                     M            9             Vermont

Mary Tracy                           F             60           Ireland

Andresa [Andrew] Tracy      M            26           Ireland, day labourer


Joseph Mcclinton, labourer, b. Canada & Jane b. Canada

Frank Mcclinton b. 25 Jun 1861 Windsor Vermont


4 Aug 1868 Naturalization Vermont

Joseph Mcclinton b. 1831 County Mayo, Ireland Wit: Thoma Keefe & Norman Patrick


1870 Census - Vermont, United States

Joseph Mcclinton   M            29           Ireland, labourer

Jane Mcclinton                      F             34           Ireland

John Mcclinton                     M            12           Vermont

Frank Mcclinton                   M            9             Vermont

William Mcclinton                M            5             Vermont

Mary Mcclinton                    F             3             Vermont

Mary Tracy                           F             70           Ireland, domestic work


Jane Tracy, of Windsor, b. Galway Ireland & Joseph Mcclinton, b. Mayo Ireland, Watchman/labourer

Jane Elizabeth Mcclinton b. 15 Mar 1872 Windsor Vermont

Samuel Andrew Mcclinton b. 9 Mar 1875 Windsor, Vermont

Joseph Mcclinton b. 5 Nov 1879 Windsor, Vermont


1880 Census - Windsor, Windsor, Vermont

Joseph Mc Clinton                Self         M            46           Ireland, works in cotton mill

Jane Mc Clinton    Wife       F             42           Ireland

Frank Mc Clinton Son         M            19           Vermont, United States, works in cotton mill

Willie Mc Clinton Son         M            13           Vermont, United States

Mary Mc Clinton   Daughter                F             12           Vermont, United States

Jennie Mc Clinton                 Daughter                F             8             Vermont, United States

Sammie Mc Clinton              Son         M            5             Vermont, United States

Joseph Mc Clinton                Son         M            0             Vermont, United States

Mary Tracy            Mother-in-law        F             79           Ireland


Joseph McClinton 1831 - 1913

His wife Jane Tracy 1837 - 1895

Mary Tracy 1800 - 1885

Joseph McClinton

Birth:      Mar. 20, 1831 Newport County Mayo, Ireland

Death:     Jan. 25, 1913 Windsor Windsor County Vermont, USA

Joseph McClinton was a native of Ireland, and was the brother of Mrs. Jane Gallagher of Windsor. He became a naturalized citizen on Aug. 4, 1868. He and Jane E. Tracy were married in 1856.

Jane E Tracy McClinton

Birth:      1837, Ireland

Death:     Jul. 31, 1895 Windsor Windsor County Vermont, USA

She was the daughter of Mary Tracy.

"The funeral services of the late Mrs. Joseph McClinton were held in St. Francis church, last Saturday morning and were attended by a large number of friends of the family of the deceased. The services were conducted by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Therien, assisted by Rev. Fr. Lonergan of White River Junction, who gave a most touching and just tribute to the character of the deceased as a worthy Christian wife and mother which is the highest type of womanhood. The interment was in the Catholic cemetery." - The Vermont Journal, Aug. 10, 1895.

Mary Tracy

Birth:      1800, Ireland

Death:     Apr. 3, 1885 Windsor Windsor County Vermont, USA


John Joseph McClinton (1857 - 1924)*

Jennie E McClinton (1872 - 1920)*

Samuel Andrew McClinton (1876 - 1942)*







Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI 


Diocese of Kerry/County of Kerry

Parish:   Ballyferriter                           Variant forms of parish name:  Kilmelchidar, Marhin, Kilquane, Dunnelin and Dunquin   (includes Blasket Islands)


Ballyferriter RC Parish




 2 March     1832       Thaddeus Geehan          Mary Kavan            Witnesses:  John Connell     John Sullivan     Patrick Nihan




28 January   1833       Patrick     Geehan    Ballynahow        Timothy Geehan     Mary Kavanagh      Sp.   Patrick Connor     Catherine Malone

23 March      1834       Johanna   Geehan    Ballynahow        Thadeus Geehan     Mary Kavan           Sp.  John     Sullivan    Johanna   Kavan

30 April         1836       Catherine Geehan    Ballynahow        Thadeus Geehan     Mary Kavan           Sp.  Thomas Kavan      Mary       Mannin

14 June         1838       John        Geehan    Ballynahow        Thadeus Geehan     Mary Kevane         Sp.  Edmund Sheeehy  Ellen       Fenaghty

13 August      1840       Mary       Geehan    Ballynahow        Thadeus Geehan     Mary Kevane         Sp.  Daniel    Long        Elizabeth Connor

18 December  1842      Elizabeth Geehan    Ballynahow        Thadeus Geehan     Mary Kevane         Sp.  Thadeus Geehan    Margaret  Kennedy


Following the emigration of the family in 1849/1850 to Massachusetts, USA, two more children were born in that State:


circa             1850       Ellen       Guhin


circa             1853       Thomas   Guhin



US Census     July 1860       Town of Maple Grove, Manitowoc, Wisconsin:


Timothy Goheen    54    born in Ireland     Farmer

Mary     Goheen    50       "    "  Ireland

John     Goheen    18       "    "   Ireland    Day Laborer

Mary     Goheen    16      "    "    Ireland    Attended school within year

Ellen     Goheen      9      "    "    Mass.     Attended school within year

Thomas Goheen      7      "    "    Mass.     Attended school within year


US Census      July 1860   


Patrick Goheen      26    born in Ireland     Day Laborer


Mary    Goheen      20        "    "    "          Wife


The Griffith Valuation results for the civil parishes in the RC parish of Kilmelchidar (Ballyferriter)


Guihean        Maurice          Ballyickeen                  Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        Catherine        Ballyickeen Commons          Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        Elizabeth        Ferriters Quarter            Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        James            Great Blasket Islands        Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        Johanna          Ferriters Quarter            Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        John             Inishnabro Island No. 97     Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        John             Inishvickillane No. 78       Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        Maurice          Ballyickeen                  Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        Thomas           Ballinglanna                 Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        Thomas           Great Blasket Islands        Dunquin     Kerry
Guiheen        Timothy          Ballinglanna                 Dunquin     Kerry


Guiheen        Catherine       Ballinacolla             Dunurlin     Kerry


Guiheen        John          Ballineanig Churchquarter     Marhin     Kerry
Guiheen        Timothy       Ballineanig Churchquarter     Marhin     Kerry


John Grenham's website: www.johngrenham.com         

I inputted the name Geehan in his surname searchbox and he says the frequencies of  this name and its variants in Griffith's Valuation are:


  Geehan  39      Gehan   9      Gihon   14     Guihan   8     Guiheen   16     Guihen   8


Non-Griffith Valuation variations of the name he has come across are:


                                                    Gahon     Geahan     Geeheen    Geehen    Geehing    Giheen    Gihin    Guhien       The Irish form is O Gaoithin.






Pat Tressy m. Ann Watson 9 Feb 1860 wit: Mick Kelly & Ann R??? Woodford RC

Patricii Tressy & Annie/Anne Watson

Michael Tressy b. 22/23 Nov 1861 Sp. Robertus Watson & Sabina Watson. Tynagh Parish

Maria Tressy b. 16 Apr 1864 Sp. Thomas Keating & Margarita Keating. Tynagh Parish

Joannes Tressy b. 18/24 Jun 1867 Sp. Laurentius & Hanone Cunningham?. Tynagh Parish

Patrick/Pat Treacy, farmer, & Anne Watson

Mary Treacy b. 14 Apr 1864 of Brackeragh [Brackery Tynagh]. Patt Treacy, father, Brackeragh [Portumna Portumna PLU]

John Treacy b. 14 Aug 1867 of Brackeragh. Anne Treacy, her mark, mother, Brackeragh [Portumna Portumna PLU]

Anne Treacy b. 1 Sep 1872 Brackera. Anne Treacy, her mark, mother, Brackera [Portumna Portumna PLU]

Pat Treacy [female] b. 15 Oct 1874 Brackeragh. Anne Treacy, her mark, mother, Brackeragh [Portumna Portumna PLU]

Bridget Treacy b. 17 Nov 1877 Brackery. Patrick Treacy, his mark, father, Brackery [Portumna Portumna PLU]


Pat Treacy, male, died 1874 Portumna Portumna PLU, aged 0 years 2 days, b. 1874, bachelor, child of a farmer, died 17 Oct 1874 Brackeragh [Brackery Tynagh] [Tynagh RC], Anne Treacy, her mark, present at death, Brackeragh



Patrick Tracy, 69, M, 1 Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Galway

Anne Tracy, 60, F, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmer's Wife, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Galway

Michael Tracy, 40, M, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Married, Co Galway

Anne Tracy, 25, F, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway

Bridget Tracy, 22, F, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway

Patrick Tracy, 16, M, Brackery South, Pallas, Galway, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Galway


1911 Census

Anne Treacy, 69, F, 8 Brackery, South, Pallas, Galway (head, farmer, widow)

Bridget Treacy, 27, F, Brackery, South, Pallas, Galway (daughter, dressmaker, single)

Patrick Treacy, 25, M, Brackery, South, Pallas, Galway (son, farmer, single)


1.1.1 Michael Tressy b. 22 Nov 1861 bapt 23 Nov 1861 Sp. Robert Watson & Sabina Watson, Tynagh


Michael Tracy, 38, Farmer, of Killeen (s. of Patrick Tracy of Killeen, Farmer) married Anne Clarke, 36, of Killeen  (d. of Patrick Clarke of Killeen, Farmer) Wit: James Burke & & Elizabeth Mullen 22 February 1898 at Tynagh RC Church (see below)


CENSUS 1901:  

MICHAEL TREACY  aged 40 and Married was residing at home at Brackery South, Pallas, Galway.

His wife ANNE CLARKE TREASY  aged 34 and Married was residing at Ballyglass, Killeen North, Galway, at the Clarke family home.


CENSUS 1911:    13 Chapel Street, Athlone West Urban, Westmeath -

Treacy  Michael     46    General Servant (Labourer)    Born in County Galway

Treacy  Annie        50    Born in County Galway    Married 14 years, No children



Michael Treacy: Could not find a death registration record.

Annie Treacy died on 22 February 1939 at Killeen.  She is a widow of a labourer.  Nephew-in-law James Lyons present at death, Killeen.(Portumna registration)


1.1.2 Mary Tressy bapt. 16 Apr 1864 Sp. Thomas Keating & Margaret Keating, Tynagh. Mary b. 14 April 1864 Portumna (LDS)


Mary Treacy, full age, spinster, of Brackera Tynagh, farmer (d. of Patrick Treacy of Brackera, Farmer) married Edward Darcy, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Kilregance Lorrha Co Tipperary, (s. of Patrick Darcy of Kilregance,  Farmer) Wit: William Horgave? & Mary A Sheil? 5 February 1900 at RC Church Killeen Tynagh (see below)


CENSUS 1901 Kilregane, Lorrha East, Tipperary

Darcy Patrick 77 Head Widower Born in Tipperary

Darcy Edward 31 Son Married " " Tipperary Farmer

Darcy Mary 23 Daughter-in-law Married " " Galway

Carroll William 45 Servant Single " " Tipperary Servant


CENSUS 1911 Kilregane, Lorrha East,Tipperary

Darcy Edward 41 Head Married Born in Tipperary Farmer

Darcy Mary 30 Wife Married " " Galway Married 11 years; 7 children born, 4 living

" Mary Kate 9 Daughter Single " " Tipperary

" Patrick 7 Son " " " Tipperary

" Bridget 6 Daughter " " " Tipperary

" Margaret

Ellen 5 Daughter " " " Tipperary


CHILDREN born to Edward Darcy and MaryTreacy Darcy: Kilregane, Lorrha, Tipperary  SRD BORRISOKANE RD TERRYGLASS



Mary Kate born 10 October 1901 Elizabeth born 30 November 1907 died 11 February 1909

Patrick " 08 May 1903 Cicely " 08 February 1910 died 21 March 1910

Bridget " 01 June 1904 Theresa " 27 April 1911

Margaret Ellen " 25 June 1905 Thomas " 09 March 1913

Michael " 01 September 1906 died 13 November 1906 Martin " 20 October 1914



Edward Darcy died on 7 November 1927, aged 62 years, at Royal Victoria Hospital, Dublin South.

Mary Darcy died on 6 February 1958, aged 80 years, at Kilregane, Lorrha, Co Tipperary, her daughter Margaret Darcy being present.

DARCY HEADSTONE which has some family members' names engraved is in TERRYGLASS OLD CEMETERY, Co Tipperary.


1.1.3 John Tressy bapt. 24 June 1867 Sp. Lawrence & Heanoria Cunningham, Tynagh. John b. 14 August 1867 Portumna (LDS) [died 1908]


CENSUS 1901 House No 10 New Street Portumna - Julia and John Keary, Hotel Keeper and Coach Builder

John Treacy 25 Single Carpenter Born Co Galway



John Treacy died on 5 March 1908, aged 40, a carpenter, at Bracara, Tynagh, his mother Anne Treacy being present.


1.1.4 Anne Treacy b. 1 September 1872 Portumna No 1, Ga (LDS)


MARRIAGE 01 February 1897 at Looscane RC Church (Parish of Woodford)

Michael Dolphin Farmer Clonmoylan Father: John Dolphin, Farmer

Margaret Kelly John Kelly, Farmer

Witnesses: John Hallin & Eliza H Tully


CHILDREN 23 June 1898 John Joe Dolphin

12 September 1899 Mary Anne Dolphin - she died 25 May 1900 (aged 9 months)

04 April 1901 Bridget Dolphin - she died 03 July 1901 (aged 3 months)

...... Their mother - MARGARET KELLY - died 10 May 1901.



House No 18 ClOnmoylan (AbbeyvillA, Galway)

Dolphin Michael 40 Head Married

Dolphin Margaret 35 Wife Married

Dolphin John Joe 2 Son Single

Kelly Anne 75 Mother-in-law Widow


Annie Treacy, 28, of Brackery (d. of Patrick Treacy, Farmer) married Michael Dolphin, 41, Bachelor, of Clonmoylan (s. of John Dolphin, Farmer) Wit: Patrick Murphy & Bridget Treacy 27January 1903 St Laurence's RC Church, Tynagh (Portumna Reg)


CENSUS 1911 House No 14 ClOOnmoylan (AbbeyvillA, Galway)

Dolphin Michael 52 Married - 4 4

Annie 40 Married 8 - -

John 13

Mary Anne 6

Bridget 4

Michael 2

Winefred 1


CHILDREN OF Michael Dolphin and Annie Treacy - Dolphin Mary 18 December 1904 Patrick 18 June 1912

Bridget 08 September 1906 Agnes 11 April 1914

Michael 16 June 1908 Francis 22 April 1916

Winifred 16 May 1910



Annie Dolphin died 11 November 1926 aged 51 at Clonmoylan, Ballyshrule Portumna Registration District

Michael Dolphin died 13 March 1946 aged 87 at Ballyshrule, son Patrick being present.


1.1.6 Bridget Treacy b. 17 Nov 1877 Brackery [Tynagh], Galway, Ireland (LDS)


DEATH Registration District PORTUMNA

1952 21 September at Killeen Bridget Treacy Spinster Housekeeper Mary Treacy sister-in-law of deceased present at death Brackery Tynagh


1.1.7 Patrick Treacy b. 15 Feb 1881 (CM)


CENSUS 1911 - GROGAN House 1 in Grange Beg (Bracklagh, Galway)

Grogan Patrick 45 Married Head Farmer

Margaret 50 Married Wife Years married 14 Children born 6 Children living 5

Patrick 13

Mary 11

Delia 11

Michael 9

Maggie 8


Patrick Treacy, Full Age, Bachelor, Farmer, of Brackery Tynagh (s. of Patrick Treacy, Farmer) married Mary Grogan,  Spinster, of Grange Loughrea (d. of Patrick Grogan, Farmer) Wit: John Dolphin & Delia Grogan 1921 20 July RC Church Clonlee (Parish of Duniry & Abbey) Marriage Srd Loughrea Rd Woodford


PORTUMNA Registration District

DEATH 1964 28 March Patrick Treacy Male Aged 83 Farmer Mary Treacy Widow present at death Bracara


Last update: 17 February 2025