Treaceys of Frenchlawn/Snipehill/Cloonagh and Fuerty,
Treacy brothers, ancestors to the Treacy family of Ballinturly, came from Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare to the Barony of Ballintober in Cromwellian times and some generations later came from there to Ballinturly. Family lore recounts that they, being millwrights carpenters, brought a millstone or stones with them when evicted from Co. Kildare and this made it possible for them to set up a mill to earn their living when they were allowed again to settle, which they did when they reached Ballintober. (Ann Treacy, p.25)
Richard Tressy, of Leixlip & Maynooth, miller to the ninth Earl of Kildare circa 1515
Thomas Tracey, of Leixlip & Maynooth, miller to the eleventh Earl of Kildare circa 1569
The Treacy and
Moran families came to Castlestrange with the Mitchell's in the 1750's. As
tradesmen (mill wrights) and book keepers they were involved with Athleague and
Castlecoote Mills up to the 1900's.
1. Patrick Tracey born possibly in 1750 Frenchlawn [Frenchlawn/Snipehill/Cloonagh, Ballintober], Roscommon.
John Treacey, 2 Mar 1809,
Castlerea Roscommon, who may have been Master from 1809 to 27 September 1819
Pat Treacey, 21 Nov 1809,
Castlerea Roscommon,
Andw Treacey, 21 Oct 1818,
Lodge 47 Castlerea/Frenchpark [Tibohine Roscommon],
Patrick Treacy, 11 June 1839,
Lodge 53 Castlerea Co. Roscommon, 47
Andw Treacy, 26 Jun 1845,
Lodge 53 Castlerea Co. Roscommon,
According to a will of John Treacy who died on or before 1828, his executor was Jonathon Treacy of Snipe Hill, Co. Roscommon
The land records show that in 1829, John Treacy and Andrew Treacy were landholders in Snipehill [Ballintober]. In the Poverty Relief Loans, Andrew Treacy is named in 1833 in connection with Shankoagh Drumatemple. John Treacy is also named from 1832 to 1838 in connection with Shankoagh Drumatemple and from 1833-4 Laragh and Ross Drumatemple. Shankoagh is located beside Frenchlawn and in modern records is included in Ballintober civil parish. Laragh and Ross is located beside Shankoagh. In 1857, the landholders were Andrew Tracey/Tracy, who had a corn mill, and Francis Tracey, who was perhaps the son of John Treacy. Andrew Tracy was also a landholder in Shankoagh Drumatemple. Andrew Treacy’s lands passed to Martin Treacy.
Patrick Treacey, Farmer,
(1770-23/2/1859) Fuerty, Roscommon married to Brigit Keane (1787- 9/7/1857)
9 June 1859 Geelong Advertiser (Vic.)
Died. On the 23rd February
last, at the residence of his son-in-law, James Gannon, Esq., Clover Hill
[Oran], County of Roscommon, Ireland, Patrick Treacey, Esq., aged 89 years, the
father of Martin Treacey, of Geelong.
In the 1796 Irish Flax
Growers there is Nicholas Tracy of Fuerty, Roscommon
In the 1829 Tithe Records, there is Pat Treacey of Cornagire [now Ballinturly], Fuerty, Roscommon. In the 1857 Griffiths Valuation, Patrick Tracey Ballinturly Fuerty Roscommon,
1.1.1 Mary Tracey (1804-21/11/1887) Fuerty, Roscommon emigrated to Lara, Victoria, Australia. Married in 1831,
St Thomas, CoI, Dublin to William Mathews. Frances Treacy Mathews (1833-1909)
from Fuerty to Aus. and Marlboro, Ma
In searching for other posts relating to my
family, I came across a post from Mark Clarke dated April 6, l997 inquiring
about Mary Matthews, nee Treacy from Fuerty who emigrated to Australia. He was
looking for a relative in Marlboro, Ma. who lived on Highland St, Marlborough,
Ma. His e-mail no longer works. Mark, if you are still reading this board, I
grew up on the street next to Highland and I think I know who she was. Can you
let me know a little more information? Did she have a sister or other relative
named Margaret Goff? Somehow that name comes up in my mind when I think of
Dorothy Treacy. Also, you might get more information from the Catholic Parish
there - Immaculate Conception Church - the rectory is at Washington Court,
Marlborough, Ma 01752. The parish has its own cemetery and if you write to the
parish, they will give what information they have on any Treacy's in the
Good Luck. Ellen Jul 29, 2000
1.1.2 Patrick Bernard Treacy (1815-25/1/1899) Fuerty, Roscommon, married to Honoria
Gallagher 1829-1892
Pat/Patritius Tracy & Honor/Honoria Gallaher/Gallahan
Brigedda Tracy b. 13/20 Aug 1865 of Ballinturly [Fuerty] Sp. Patritius Behan & Catharina Muhehel. Athleague Parish
Ellena Tracy b. 22/30 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly Sp. Laurentius & Cath Fineran. Athleague Parish Gemini [twins]
Catharina Tracy b. 22/30 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly Sp. Mat Farrel & Cath Flaherty. Athleague Parish Gemini [twins]
Patrick Tracy/Treacy & Honor Goloher/Gollaher
Bride Tracy b. 8 Aug 1865 Athleague District, Galway, Ireland (LDS)
Ellen Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 Athleague (LDS)
Catherine Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 Athleague (LDS)
Patrick Tracy/Treacy, carpenter, & Honor Goloher/Gollaher
Bride Tracy b. 8 Aug 1865 of Ballinturly [Cloonygormican OR Fuerty] Patrick Tracy, his mark, father, Ballinturly [Athleague Roscommon PLU]
Ellen Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly.
Patrick Treacy, father, Ballinturly [Athleague Roscommon PLU] [twins]
Cathrine Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly.
Patrick Treacy, father, Ballinturly [Athleague Roscommon PLU] [twins]
Treacy who was excellent at knitting, sewing, crochet and needle work. She
was also expert at the spinning wheel, and found time to exhibit her work at
various shows around the midlands at the turn of the century. Kate Treacy was born in 1869 to Patrick and Honoria (nee Gallagher) Treacy and she married Jack Boyle. They had one child Maureen, later to be Maureen Ryan, Castlecoote. Maureen's son, John and his wife Breege hold mementoes of Kate, which include a photograph of her at the spinning wheel, some of her showcards from her prizewinning and a spindle that survives from the wheel. Nimble Fingers [Kate Treacy] JCRHAS 2000 Vol 8 pp.71-2 [see
Treacy JCRHAS 2000 Vol 8] | Martin Treacy (1850-1919) in Ballinturly m. Mary (Muddie) Brennan (b. 1875) [see picture below]
Martin Treacey, [full] aged, bachelor, farmer, lives Ballinturly [Fuerty] Athleague, (s. of Patrick Treacey, farmer) married Mary Brennan, 18 [years], spinster, farmer, lives Corral [Correal] Fuerty, (d. of John Brennan, farmer) 13 February 1896 RC Chapel Creemully Wit: Patrick Treacey & Kate Brennan [Athleague Roscommon PLU]
1901 Census
Martin Treacy, 50, M, 3 Ballinburly, Fuerty, Roscommon, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Roscommon
Mary Treacy, 25, F, Ballinburly, Fuerty, Roscommon, Farmer's Wife, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Roscommon
Patrick Treacy, 3, M, Ballinburly, Fuerty, Roscommon, Farmer's Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Norah Treacy, 1, F, Ballinburly, Fuerty, Roscommon, Farmer's Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Patrick Treacy, 45, M, Ballinburly, Fuerty, Roscommon, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Brother, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Kate Treacy, 30, F, Ballinburly, Fuerty, Roscommon, Farmer's Daughter, Roman Catholic, Sister, Not Married, Co Roscommon
1903 Return of Advances made under the Land Act
Dec 10 1908 Martin Treacy of Ballinturly Roscommon, 50a/3r/8p, value £28/0/0, rent £21/18/0, Not judical, price £408, advance £408
1911 Census
Martin Treacy, 58, M, 2 Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon (head, farmer)
Mary Treacy, 35, F, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon (married 15 years, 7 child)
Patrick Treacy, 13, M, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon
Nora Treacy, 11, F, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon
John Treacy, 9, M, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon
Nellie Treacy, 7, F, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon
Kathleen Treacy, 5, F, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon
Mary Treacy, 3, F, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon
Andrew Treacy, 0, M, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon
Patrick Treacy, 54, M, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon (brother, single)
Katie Treacy, 41, F, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Roscommon (sister, single) Patrick Treacy (b. 1897-1960) married Dorothy Lewis (1901-1963) 2 July 1935 Cleveland, Ohio, USA, died Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts Norah Treacy (b. 1900)
married Patrick Igoe (1912-) 24 November 1937 Athlone John Treacy (b. 1901-1973) married Mary McNamara (1910- ) 10 June 1940 Eileen/Nellie Treacy (b. 1904) married 25 November 1943 John Diffley Kathleen Treacy (b. 1906-1975) d. 27 October 1975 Invercargill New Zealand, age 69 years Mary (Moll) Treacy (b.1908) m. Patrick Nally 11 September 1939. Children Padraig Nally Andrew Treacy (b. 1911-1977) married Katherine Quinn (1913-1997) 11 September 1939 Co Roscommon Brigit Treacey (b.1913-) Martin Treacy (b.1915-) married May O'Boyle January 1945 Francis Treacey (b.1920-1925) John Treacy (1853-1914)
married Annie O'Kane (1856-) 1881. His burial was in Marlboro.
John Patrick Treacy (1890-1964) of La Crosse, [see below] Patrick Treacy (1857-1932)
[see picture below] Andrew M Treacy (1859/61-1935)
married Jane McDonald (1857-1950) 1892 Marlboro, Massachusetts [see below] Mary Treacy (1863-1898)
married John Edward King (-1919)
Mary Tracy, 18, spinster, BLANK, lives Ballinturly [Fuerty], (d. of Patt Tracy, farmer) married Edward King, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Curramore [Corra More or Gorteencloogh Athleague Roscommon], (s. of John King, farmer) 27 April 1879 RC Chapel Creemully [Creemully and Aghagad Beg Fuerty] Wit: John Hinegan & Bridget Allen [Athleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks
Mary Treacy & Edward King
John King b. 9 Feb 1880 Curramore Athleague, Roscommon & Galway (LDS) Brigid Anne/Delia Treacy (1865-1928)
married James Joseph Doherty (1861-1913) 2 Jun 1889 Boston, Massachusetts
Delia Tracy of Boston, 23, domestic, first, b. Ireland (d. of Patrick &
Honora) married James Doherty of Boston, 28, baker, first, b. Ireland, (s. of
James & Annie) 2 June 1889 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Kate Treacy (1869-1931)
[1868 twin] married to John Boyle (-1919) Ellen (Nell) Treacy (1869-1955)
[1868 twin] married Joseph (Joe) Moran
Ellie Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ballinturly [Fuerty], (d. of Pat Treacy, farmer) married Joseph Moran, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Coreal [Correal Fuerty], (s. of James Moran, farmer) 20 June 1895 RC Chapel Athleague Wit: Patrick Larkin & Mary Larkin [Athleague Roscommon PLU] [see November 1887 photograph]
1.1.3 Andrew (1816-1896) Died Richmond,
Victoria, Australia
1.1.4 Nicholas Treacy (1817-27 June 1852) Fuerty, Roscommon
1.1.5 Martin
Augustus Treacey [see below] (b. 1817-8
d.16 Jan 1896) died Best St Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia.
Married on 12 July 1841, St
Francis, RC Church, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, to Catherine
Dowling of Castleconnell, County Limerick
(1818-1891) (LDS) Richard Nicholas Dowling Treacey (1842 Melbourne, Victoria-1910)
married Madelene Amy Walton 27 Sep 1882 [see below] Richard Eustace Sarsfield Marie Tracey (b. 15 Jul 1883 bapt. 09 Sep 1883 St Paul, Coburg, Victoria, Australia d. 1973) married Annie Grace Bruce (1890-1952) 13 May 1909 St Kilda, Congreg Church, Victoria Eustace Richard Tracey (b. 23 February 1910 Windsor Victoria Australia d. 30 August 1998 Elsternwick Victoria Australia) married Jean Eason Ross (1917-2001) 15 June 1940 John Knox Church, Gardenvale, Victoria
Major General the Hon Justice Richard Ross Sinclair Tracey (1948-) [see
below] Bruce Dowling Tracey (1914-1996) Kay Sinclair Tracey (1919-1968) married Joy Heller December 1953 John Knox Church, Gardenvale, Victoria Madeleine Beatrix Tracey (1921-2011) married Stewart George Pinninger (1913-1979) 17 December 1952 Scots Church, Melbourne, Victoria Margaret Helen Tracey (1929) married Robert Kay Flockart (1925-1999) 11 April 1953 Scotch College, Hawthorn, Victoria Eunice Anne Tracey (1929-1996) married Peter Hogarth Doyle (1925-2007) 8 August 1953 John Knox Church Gardenvale Victoria Madeleine Mary Stephanie Tracey (21 Sep 1884-2 Aug 1933) [see picture below] married 1st Thomas Louis Buvelot Esson (1878-1943) 22 January 1906 South Melbourne, Victoria 2nd William Mitchell 6 December 1911 Melbourne, Victoria 3rd John Nereus Cosgrove (1867-1925) about 1913, Sydney, New South Wales Beatrix (Trixie) Dagmar Tracey (29 Aug 1888-died 12 Jun 1929) [see picture below] married Howard Ellis Carr (1881-1960) 1909, London England Eustace Edward Tracey CARR (1911 - 1989) Patrick Denis Treacey (1843 Melbourne, Victoria-1921) arried
Harriet Amelia Wilson (1852-1931) 25 July 1874 St Mary's of The Angels RC,
Geelong, Victoria Martin Leonard Treacey (1875-1960)
married Hannah Elizabeth Lewis (1875-1971) 1910, Victoria Laurence Lewis Treacey (1911-2008) Martin Joseph Anthony Treacey
(1914-1999) married Beryl Florence Euphemia Pollard (1916-1982) 1938 Victoria Patrick John Treacey (1877-1938)
married Elizabeth Mary O'Donnell (1886-1966) 1928 Victoria Mary Amelia Josephine Treacey
1(879-1958) David Leo Treacey (1881-1964) Catherine Marguerite Treacey
(1884-1969) married Patrick Christopher Quirk (1873-1915) 1914 Victoria Ambrose John Joseph Treacey (1889-1966)
married Marie Mona McLeod (1894-1977) 1920 Victoria Francis Donald Treacey (1892-1964)
married Katherine (Kitty) McKenzie (1893-1946) in 1923, Victoria Donald Francis Treacey ca 1923 John Wilson Treacey (1895-1972)
married Mary Frances Cooke (1896-1985) 1922 Victoria Patrick John Treacey 1923-2012 John Francis Treacey 1929-1982 Leo David Treacey 1930-2009 Mary Brigid Treacey (1845-1936) (Mother
Angela) [see below] John Thomas Treacey (1846 Geelong Victoria-1886) Kathleen Treacey (1848 Corio,Victoria-1908) Martin Augustine Treacey (1851 Geelong,Victoria-1935) married Mary
Charlotte Wilson (1850-1893) in 1881 St Mary's of The Angels RC, Geelong,
Martinus Agustin Tracey & Maria Charlotte/E.J./V.I.
Martinus Cletus Marcillus
Josephus Tracey b. 26 Apr 1882 St. Michael's, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales,
Australia (LDS)
Augustine Leonard Joseph
Mary John Tracey b. 01 Mar 1885 St. Michael's, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales,
Australia (LDS)
Sabestian George Emmet
David Treacy b. 18 Sep 1886 St. Michael's, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales,
Australia (LDS)
Mary Catherine Sophia
Treacy b. 30 Oct 1888 St. Michael's, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
Francis Xavier Anderson
Treacey b. 13 Dec 1890 St. Michael's, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
(LDS) Martin C. M. Treacey (1882-1882) Lt. Cletus Martin Treacey (1883-1957)
married Catherine Frances Rockett (1870-1950) 26 April 1915 Church Of
Immaculate Conception, Hawthorn, Victoria Augustine Leonard Treacey (1885-1973)
married Dorothy Lila Pugh (1898-1978) 1929 Victoria Sebastian Edward George Treacey (1886-1960) Nancy Evelyn Isabella Tracey (1917-2004) Sydney George Treacey (1920-1941) William Alexander Sebastian Treacey
(1922-2004) Pamela Evelyn Treacey (Ca 1924) Frank Martin Patrick Treacey (1926-2004)
Granddaughter Mia Ellen Minack Treacey [see below] Ruby Patricia Treacey (Ca 1930) Marie Treacey (1888-1957) Francis Xavier Anderson Treacey (1890-1960)
married Muriel Alice Wilson (abt. 1894) about 20 Mar 1920 in Katoomba, New
South Wales Brian Francis Treacey (1922-1980) Andrew James Treacey (1851 Ashby, Geelong, Victoria-1856) Thomas Nicholas Treacey (1853 Geelong, Victoria -1854)
1.1.6 Catherine Treacey married to James Gannon before 1851 [see
Pension application]
28.7.17 [28th July 1917] Image
Frances Gannon (d. of James Gannon & Catherine Tracey) 1851 Lissagallan Fuerty Roscommon
Address: Donamon, Co Roscommon
IG Record 39019
Frances James GANNON Catherine GANNON nee TRACEY Lisagallan Fuerty Athlone
Roscommon 1917 - Donamon, Roscommon.
Fuerty, Co. Roscommon
Tracey Mother
1.1.7 Dennis Treacey
1.1.8 John Treacey
John Treacey of Snipehill married Mary Gavin [see Bernard
J Treacy of Roscommon]
Bernard J. Treacy, horse-breeder, trainer and dealer, Lexington, is the third son of John Treacy, a civil-engineer of superior education, employed on Government works in the county Roscommon, Ireland, who married a Miss Gavin, of County Galway, and by the union became the father of seven children, only four of whom are living—two sisters in the United States, one son a civil-engineer in County Galway, Ireland; the other, the subject of this paragraph, who was born June 24, 1842, in French Lawn, Parish of Ballintubber, County Roscommon, Ireland. After receiving an education at the excellent schools of his native country, he married Mary Ganly, of Rossmeen [Rosmeen Ballintober], County Roscommon, and came to the United States at the age of twenty years, settling in Lexington, Ky.
Bernard J. Treacy (b. June 24, 1842, in French Lawn, Ballintubber d. Sep. 12,
1897 Boston Suffolk County Mass) m. Mary E. Ganley (1842 of Rosmeen
Ballintober - 1914) Mary Elizabeth Treacy (1865 - 1941) married
to James Constantine Rogers on 19 Nov 1887 Kentucky
1.2,1.2 William Joseph Treacy (1868 - 1945) married
Elizabeth Wolf Treacy (____ - 1963) Kentucky Charles Henry Treacy (Nov 6 1873-bef 1953
Montana?) married Florence E. Reed 26 Jun 1908 Butte, Silver Bow, Montana Jane F. “Gennie” Treacy (1879 - 1937)
Kentucky Katherine F. Treacy (1880 - 1953) married to
Richard J. Colbert on abt 1918 Kentucky Bernard J. Treacy (1882 - 1960) married
Caroline E. Turner (____ - 1956) Kentucky James Francis Treacy (1884 - 1959) married
Anna Josephine Matlack (1883 - 1947) Kentucky
Margaret Treacy (b. 1845 d. 17 Jul 1887 Philadelphia) married John Flynn
abt 1845 French Lawn Parish, Ballintubber, County Roscommon, Ireland
Death: 17
Jul 1887
John Treacy
Mary Gavin
Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA
Death Jul
1887 (aged 41–42)
Michael Flynn.
58 years, b. 1876 Philadelphia Pa (s. of John Flynn & Margaret Tracey)
Ruby Flynn [Ruby Jesse Gibson]
died 25
Dec 1934 Milford, Kent, United States
Hi, - My name is Tom Doberstein
and I am a descendant of the union of John Treacy and Mary Gavin. My
Great, Great, Grandmother was Margaret Treacy, daughter of John Treacy and brother
of Bernard J Treacy b. in Frenchlawn Co. Roscommon.
1.2.2 Margaret Treacy (not sure year of birth)
Margaret married John Flynn from
Co. Leitrim, and settled in Philadelphia, PA
(I do not know when/where
Margaret Treacy and John Flynn were married; family lore (? truth) was
that Margaret Treacy ran off with the stable-boy, John Flynn)
Margaret Treacy and John Flynn
gave birth to the following children: Delia T Flynn (abt
1858 - 1884) b. and d. - Philadelphia, PA Patrick Flynn (1859
- 1907) b. and d. - Philadelphia, PA Mary Flynn (1865 -
1866), b. and d. - Philadelphia, PA Catherine (Katie)
Flynn (1867 - 1943), b. and d. - Philadelphia, PA Elizabeth (Lizzie)
M. Flynn (1869 - 1955), married to William Wrightson in 1886, Philadelphia, PA Margaret M. Wrightson (1887 - 1961), b. and
d. - Philadelphia, PA, married Frederick C. Bayer 3 Jun 1916, Philadelphia, PA Annie Cecelia Flynn (1871 - ), married
William Lincoln Morris in 1895, Philadelphia, PA Michael Flynn (abt 1872 - ), Margaret (Maggie) G. Flynn (1874 - 1942) , b.
and d. - Philadelphia, PA Bernard J. Flynn (1876 - 1940), married Mary
E. McGill in Philadelphia, PA
Many of the above listed Treacy-Flynn's are buried in
New Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA
Tom Doberstein February 2025
Elizabeth R. Treacy (b. 1855 died 24 Jul 1924 Warrensville, Cuyahoga, Ohio)
married James Bowman
Elizabeth Treacy/Tracy &
James Bowman
John Bowman b. 10 Mar 1886 bapt. 18 Apr 1886 Sp. Pat. Farrell & Eliza
Treacy. St. Paul Catholic Church, Lexington KY
Charles Bowman b. 5 Aug 1891 bapt. 25 Aug Sp. Charles Tracy & Gennie
Tracy. St. Paul Catholic Church, Lexington KY [nephew & niece]
St. Paul Catholic Church record from Lexington Public
Census - 39 Ohio Street, Magisterial District 3, Precinct 22 Lexington city
Ward 3, ED 18, Fayette, Kentucky, United States
Bowman, head, 44 [50], b. July 1850 Tennessee, parents born Virginia, motorman
Bowman, wife, 44, b. August 1855 Ireland, married 19 years, 6 children 2 alive,
emigrated 1888 12 years resident
Wilbert J
Bowman, son, 18, b. Jun 1881 Pennsylvania, sign painter ap
Bowman, son, 8, b. Aug 1891 Kentucky, at school
Bowman, 67 years, b. 1857 U.S. of Am., died 24 Jul 1924 13213 Hazelwood
Warrensville Cuyahoga Ohio, widow, buried 26 Jul 1924 Lexington, Ky.
Cemetery, Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, USA
James A
Death 9
May 1918 (aged 65–66)
R Bowman
1924 (aged 65–66)
1.2.3 Elizabeth (Eliza)
Treacy, (abt 1858 - 24 Jul 1924), married James A. Bowman from Tennessee, first
settling in Philadelphia, PA with her sister Margaret Treacy, relocating to
Lexington, KY near her brother Bernard, before moving to Cleveland, Cuyahoga,
OH to live with her son after the death of her husband. Wilbur Joseph Bowman (1881 - 1947) Philadelphia, PA, d in Cleveland, OH, married
Gertrude Mae Hancock Charles J. Bowman (1892, Lexington, KY - 1940
Cleveland, OH), married Helen Stremple and Carrie Cook.
Tom Doberstein February 2025
for the family of Eliza Treacy, born 1855, and emmigrated to America in 1867. I
think she might be one of seven children born to John Treacy and Mary Gavin, of
French Lawn, Balintobber, County Roscommon, however I need to verify this. One
of her brothers might have been Bernard J. Treacy who came to America in 1863
and was a horse dealer in Lexington, Ky. Any information would be greatly
By Gai
Lancaster February 05, 2011
John Treacy (1829-)
[Possible Match]
Civil Service Evidence of Age: John Treacy, born 24 July 1829. Birth place not given. brother Francis Treacy.
Society of Genealogists ref: 25175 036
John Treacy Snipehill, Ballintubber, Roscommon, - declaration for customs officer 8 June 1853. Then spent six weeks in Dublin
John Treacy bapt. 29th
August 1829 Sp. Peter Tiernan & Elinor Wade
Francis Treacy (1831 or 1839 – 1917) [Possible Match]
James Treacy (1835 or 1840 – 1905)
British Civil Service Evidence Of Age
Francis Treacy, born 1839 Ballintober Roscommon Ireland
Francisco/Francis Treacy & Anna Boyle
Bodilia Eleanora Treacy b. 28/29 Feb 1865 of Cloreboy Sp. Andrea Treacy & Maria Boyle. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish
Francis Treacy, farmer of Cleaboy, & Anne Boyle
Catherine Treacy b. 1 Mar 1864 of Cleaboy [Ballintober]. Francis Treacy, father, Cleaboy [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] (LDS)
Bidelia Ellen Treacy b. 15 Jan 1866 of Cleaboy Ballintobber. Anne treacy, mother, Cleaboy [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] (LDS)
Frank Treacy & Ann Boyle [Galway]
Anna Treacy b. 19 Jan 1868 of Carenderry [Carrownderry Templetogher] Sp John Cerrabine? & Ellen Fallon? Templetoher Parish [ie Boyounagh Parish]
Francis Treacey/Treacy & Ann/Anne Boyle
Francis b. 5 July 1870 (LDS)
Treacy b. 28 Dec 1872 Careuderry, Williamstown (LDS)
Michael James b. 19 July 1875 (LDS)
Bernard Joseph b. 20 May 1879 Carenderry
(LDS) [Carrownderry? Templetogher]
Francis Tracey/Treaccy, farmer/solicitors clerk, &
Anne Boyle
Anne Tracey b. 11 Jan 1868 of Carenderry parish
of Templetoher [Carrownderry Templetogher] Anne Treacy, mother, Carenderry
[Williamstown Glenamaddy PLU]
Francis Treacy b. 5 Jul 1870 Carenderry parish of Templetogher. Francis
Treacy, father, Carenderry [Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU]
Eliza Treacy b. 28 Dec 1872 Carrenderry. Anne Treacy, mother, Carrenderry
[Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU] [registered 1873]
Michael James Tracey b. 19 Jul 1875 Carrenderry. Anne Treacy, mother,
Carrenderry [Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU]
1901 Census
Treacy, 70, M, 11 Carrownderry, Kilcroan, Galway, Land manager [surveyor?],
Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Roscommon
Treacy, 69, F, Carrownderry, Kilcroan, Galway, House Wife, Roman Catholic,
Wife, Married, Co Roscommon
M Treacy, 24, F, Carrownderry, Kilcroan, Galway, No Occupation, Roman
Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Treacy, 66, M, Carrownderry, Kilcroan, Galway, No Occupation, Roman Catholic,
Brother, Not Married, Co Roscommon (imbecile)
James Treacy died 1905,
Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU Galway, Aged 65 years, b. 1840, died 3 Jun 1905
Carrinderry [Carrownderry? Templetogher],
bachelor, labourer, Anne Treacy aunt
[sister-in-law] present at death Carrinderry [brother]
1911 Census
Francis Treacy, 81, M, 5 Carrownderry, Kilcroan, Galway (head, land Surveyor, b. Roscommon)
Anne Treacy, 73, F, Carrownderry, Kilcroan, Galway (married 52 years, 10 children 10 alive, b. Roscommon)
Lizzie Treacy, 30, F, Carrownderry, Kilcroan, Galway (daughter, single)
Anne Treacy died 1916,
Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU Galway, Aged 80 years, b. 1836, died 4 Jul 1916
Carrenderry [Carrownderry?
Templetogher], married, land surveyor widow [corrected wife], Francis Treacy widower present at death
Francis Treacy died 1917, Williamstown
Glennamaddy PLU Galway, Aged 86 years, b. 1831, died 16 Oct 1917 Carrenderry,
widower, land surveyor, Lizzie Treacy
daughter present at death Carrenderry
John Treacy, 57, b. 1 Jan 1860 Ireland, (s. of Frank Treacy & Anne O'Boyle, both born Ireland), Widowed, clerk, died 27 Jun 1917 1981 Southern Boulevard Manhattan, New York City, New York, buried 30 Jun 1917
Kate A. Tracy, 83, b. 26 Feb 1863 Ireland, (d. of Francis Tracy & Anne O'Boyle, both born Ireland), Single, Retired nurse, Died 1 Oct 1947 800 Elsmore Place, Manhattan, New York City, New York, Buried 4 Oct 1947 St. Raymonds
Francis W Tracy, 48, b. 5 Jul 1869 Ireland (Francis Tracy & Ann Boyle, both born Ireland), Catholic Priest, died 14 Jun 1918 St Marys 119, Rochester Township, Olmsted, Minnesota, United States, Informant: Sister Jerome St Marys Rochester
James Tracy, 65, b. 19 Jul 1875 Ireland (s. of Francis Tracy & Anne Boyle, both born Ireland), Single, Auditor, Died 4 Oct 1940 800 Elimere Place, Manhattan, New York City, New York, buried 7 Oct 1940
Hael [Mich] James Treacy, b. 19 Jul 1875 Williamstown*, [village in Corralough Templetogher] (s. of Francis Treacy & Ann Boyle)
Social Program Application Date: Nov 1936
Ellis Island
Kate A. Tracey, Sound Beach
USA, 1910, 45 [50] years, single?, trained nurse, lived various USA since 1883,
to Elizabeth A Curdago? Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, Fresh complexion, greyish hair,
grey eyes, b. Ballintubber [Roscommon] Ireland [crossed out] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon]
A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA, 1910, 45 years, single, nurse, Father: Francis Tracy
Carrenderry Co Galway. lived 1893 1910 Sound Beach. resident returning Shore Rd
Sound Beach Conn. 5’2”, fair complexion, dark hair, Grey eyes. b. Carrenderry
A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA,1908, 43 years, single, nurse, Mr Francis Tracy,
Carrenderry, Co. Galway. resident returning Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, fair
complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A. Tracy 43,
Patrick C Tracy 25]
Patrich C. Tracy,
Galway (Ireland), 1904, 21 years, single, student, to Rochester NY, Friend
Superior of St Bernards Cemenary Rochester NY
Patrick C. Treacy, Ballymoc
(Ballyroe, Templetogher, Galway) Ireland, 1905, 22 years, single, student,
Resident returning to St Bernards Seminary Rochester NY
Cyril Tracy, Carrenderry (Carrownderry Templetogher) Galway
Ireland, 1907, 24 years, single, student, lived Carrenderry Co. Galway. Francis
Tracy Carrenderry Ballymoe?. lived 3 years Rochester, to Home St. Bernards?
Seminary, 6’1”, clean complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, b. Carrenderry
Cyril Tracy, Rochester USA, 1908, 25 years, single, clergyman, Mrs Tracy,
Carrenderry Co. Galway. friend Right Rev Chas H Cotton DD, 1025 Delaware Ave,
Buffalo NY, 5’11”, fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes. b. Ballymoe Ireland.
[Kate A Tracy 43, Patrick Cyril Tracy 25]
Patrick Tracey, Wailliamstown
(Williamstown Galway? Ireland), 1905, 24 [22], single, student, Ireland USA,
Williamstown Ire, to Rochester NY, lived Rochester 1905, to St Bernards
Seminary Rochester NY. [Crossed out] [Patrick Tracy 22 and Wm Patrick Tracey 32
on the same boat]
Wm Patrick Tracey, Williamstown (Galway Ireland?), 1905, 32 years, single, tourist,
Australian, Williamstown, to the World, lived Pasana thro 1905, touring the
world via Vancouver BC. [Patrick Tracy 22 and Wm Patrick Tracey 32 on the same
Andrew Treacey of Snipehill (1791-1877)
Treacy died 1897, Castleplunket Castlerea PLU Roscommon, Aged 102 years, b. 1795,
died 17 Sep 1897 Frenchlawn, single, servant, The mark of John Flagherty
present at death Cloonakearney [Cloonykerny Ballintober] [sister?]
The Rhythm Stars showband Treacys are descended from Andrew
Andrei Tracy/Treacy & Rosa Connor
Stephimim Tracy b. 12 Dec 1832 Sp. Bernardus Finaghty & Magarta? ? Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish
Franciscum? Tracy b. ? May 1834 Sp. Joannes Tracy & Catharina Foot?. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish
Martinum Treacy b. 18 Aug 1835 Sp. Joannes Treacy & J. M. Fescaghty?. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish
Ellen Lowe
15 May 1866 Newtownsmith Galway, widow, to Rose Treacy of
Snipehill (Frenchpark) [Frenchlawn] Roscommon, the residuary legatee
Thomas Keavin
22 Sep 1858 Lacka Galway, MD, to Rose Treacy (wife of
Andrew Treacy) of Snipe Hill Roscommon, administrator of Ellen Lowe, relict of deceased
15 November 1867 (FJ) Court of Probate
To John Ward,
William Ward and Christina Ward, spinster, the Residuary Legatees named in the
last Will and Testament of Thomas Keavin, late of Lacka, in the County of Galway,
M.D., deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of September 1858. Take
Notice..letters of administration..onto Rose Treacy, of Snipehill, in
the County of Roscommon, the wife of Andrew Treacy, of the same place
the administratrix with the last will and testament annexed of Ellen Lowe,
widow, deceased, who was whilst living the lawful mother and the principal
legatee named in the said will of said Thomas Keavin..
Andrew Tracy died 1877, Castleplunket
Castlerea PLU Roscommon, Aged 86 years, b. 1791, died 14 Sep 1877 Frenchlawn,
married, miller, drowning a few minutes, Information received from James J
Burke coroner for the County Roscommon
Rose Treacy died 1890,
Castleplunket Castlerea PLU Roscommon, Aged 92 years, b. 1798, died 1 Oct 1890
Snipehill, widow, tenants widow, The mark of Mary Jane O Leary present at death
1.3.1 Andrew Treacy (1832-1892)
Andrew Treacy died 1892,
Castleplunket Castlerea PLU Roscommon, Aged 60 years, b. 1832, died 24 Apr 1892
Snipehill, bachelor, farmer, The mark of Martin
Treacy present at death Snipehill
1.3.2 Stephen Treacy (1832-1882)
Stephen Tracy
married Maria Wilhelmina Gilligan Wit: Andrew
Treacy & Cate Giligan on the 18 Apr 1872 St. Nicholas East, Galway City
Stephen Treacy,
37, bachelor, Excise Officer, lives 81 Manor Street Dublin, (s. of Andrew Treacy, farmer) married Maria
Wilhelmina Gilligan, 24, spinster, Lady, lives St. Vincents? Avenue Galway, (d.
of Hugh Gilligan, accountant) 11 April 1872 at the residence of Hugh Gilligan
Esq according to the rites and ceremonies of the Roman Catholic church by Peter
Dooley of St. NIcholas Wit: Hugh Gilligan & John Gilligan [Galway Galway
Treacy & Maria W
Rosetta Maria Christina Treacy b. 24 Dec 1873
bapt. 5 Jan 1874 of 79 Manor St Sp. Michael Gilligan & Jane Hope St. Paul's
Parish, Dublin
Stephen Tracey, revenue officer, & Maria
Rose Tracey b. 21 Dec 1873 of 79
Manor Street. Jane Matthews, her mark, present at birth, 71 Prussia Street
[Dublin North] [registered 1874]
Stephen Treacy
of Salt Hill, Inland Revenue Officer & Maria Wilhelmina Teresa Gilligan
Mara? O'Conor Treacy b. 4th December 1879 Salt Hill [Galway PLU]
February 1876 FJ
TREACY - Feb. 12, at 48 Goldsmith-street,
Rosetta Maria Christina, the dearly beloved and only child of Stephen and Maria
Treacy, aged two years. ...
Wilemina Treacy died 1880 Galway Galway PLU, Aged 30 years, b. 1850, died
3 Mar 1880 Salt Hill, married, wife of an excise officer, Kate J? Gilligan
present at birth Newtownsmith [in Townparks Rahoon]
Andrew Mary O'Conor Treacy
died 1880 Galway Galway PLU, Aged 0y11m, b. 1879, died 19 Nov 1880 Salt Hill, child
of an excise officer, Delia Dacus? present at birth Salt Hill
Stephen Treacy
died 1882 Galway Galway PLU, Aged 48 years, b. 1834, died 3 Dec 1882 Wood Quay
[beside Townparks Rahoon], widower, Inland Revenue officer, Timothy Kean
Occupier Salthill Galway
December 1879 FJ
TREACY-December 4, at SaithIl, Gatway, the
wilfe of Stephen Treacy, Esq., H.M, Inland Revenue, Belfast, of a son.
December 1879 Belfast Morning News
".. Stephen Treacy, Eeq., H.M. Inland
Revenue, Belfast, of a son."
March 1880 Belfast Morning News
Treacy—March 3, at Salt Hill, Gallway, Maria
W. T. Treacy, wife of Stephen Treacy, H.M. Inland .. ”
Dec 1882 The Irish Canadian
At Galway, on December 4th Mr Stephen Treacy,
an excise officer, was found dead in bed. The servant called Mr Treacy to
breakfast at eleven o'clock in the morning, when he told her he would not rise
for a little longer; and at four o'clock she again called him to dinner, but
receiving no reply, went into the bedroom and found him dead. Deceased was a widower
and 48 years old.
1852 RIC Service
Stephen Treacy,
16443, b. 1833 Roscommon
16443, Stephen
Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.3/8", b. Roscommon, Catholic, recommended by C Ins
Carr, lab, Appointed 11 Nov 52, seved Tipp N 10/3/53, P1CC 1st Sep 53, Resigd
16 Ju 56 A35634/3335
British Civil Service Evidence Of Age
Stephen Tracy/Treacy, born
1832 Ballintubber Roscommon Ireland
List of Certified Candidates
Stephen Treacy, Inland Revenue,
Expectant of Excise, 1856 or 1857 Aug 30
1857 and 1858 Members: Transactions of the Ossianic Society 1857
and 1858, Dublin 1860 and 1861
Stephen Treacy, Esq., Officer of Inland Revenue Dublin.
Loftus's inland revenue almanack and official directory
1861 Second Class Assistant
Stephen Tracey, Dublin
1863 First Class Assistant
Stph Treacy, Galway 2D
1864 Rides
S Treacy, Letterkenny 2
1864 Loftus's inland revenue almanack and official directory
S. Treacey, Letterkenny, (Dunfanaghy)
1865 Inland Revenue Almanack
Stephen Treacy, Shrule [Dunmore] (Headford) Galway
1867 Inland Revenue Almanack
Stephen Treacy, Galway District, Galway
1868-9 Inland Revenue Almanack
Stephen Treacy, J.O. Nun’s Island Galway Galway
1870 Inland Revenue Almanack
S Treacy, Pulborough [West Sussex]
March 1875 Inland Revenue Promotions
...Mr. S. Treacy, Dublin 9th to 11th division, Dublin...
April 23, 1875 (FJ) Irish Civil
Inland Revenue...Mr. S. Treacey, Dublin to 15th division Dublin...
1880 Belfast Street Directory
Inland Revenue Office, Queen's Square, Division Officers - Belfast 2nd Division; Stephen Treacy
1.3.3 Martin Treacy (1835 or 1846 or 1844
or 1843-1928)
1.3.4 Patrick Treacy (1845 or 1843-1906)
1901 Census
Martin Treacy, 55, M, 9 Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon, Farmer, R Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Patrick Treacy, 56, M, Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon, Farm Labourer, R Catholic, Brother, Not Married, Co Roscommon
Treacy, died 31 March 1906
Snipehill, bachelor, 63 years, farmer, probably bronchitis, Martin Treacy brother Snipehill present
at death. [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] [b. 1843]
Apr 1906 Roscommon Messanger
Ballintubber Fair. 9th Inst. Death and
Funeral of Mr Patk Treacy, Snipehill, Ballintubber. We regret to have announce
the death of Mr Patrick Treacy which sad event occurred rather unexpectedly at
the residence brother, Mr Martin Treacy, Smpehill, Ballmtubber, Saturday last
Catholic Journal
Roscommon. — The death of Patrick Treacy,
Snipehill, Ballintubber, occurred March 31 aged sixty years; deeply regretted,
Martin Treacy, 63, bachelor, farmer, lives Snipehill Ballintuber, (s. of Andrew Treacy, farmer) married Hanna Fleming, 33, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Snipehill Ballintubber, (d. of Thomas Fleming, miller) 26 November 1901 RC Chapel Ballintubber Wit: Moichael Kelly & Kate Fleming [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] Andrew Treacy b. 1 Oct 1906 of Snipehill [Frenchlawn Ballintober] [s. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Anne
Fleming] Martin Treacy, his mark, father Snipehill [1906 Castleplunket Castrea
1911 Census
Tracy, 67, M, 4 Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon (farmer)
M Tracy, 41, F, Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon (married 9 years, 1
Tracy, 4, M, Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon
Ellie Fleming, 37, F,
Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon (sister-in-law, single)
Martin Treacy died 1928, Castlerea
Castlerea PLU Roscommon, Aged 85 years, b. 1843, died 1 Aug 1928 Snipehill
Castlerea RD, married, farmer, Andrew
Treacy son present at death Snipehill
Andrew Treacy, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Frenchlawn Ballintubber, (s. of Martin Treacy, farmer) married Mary Margaret Conneally, 20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Willisgrove Ballintubber, (d. of William Conneally, farmer) 14 Apr 1932 RC Church Ballintubber Wit: John Fleming & Helen Conneally [Castlerea Castlerea PLU]
The pride of Ballintubber, Co. Roscommon, The Premier Aces started their careers known as The Pioneers Aces as none of the band drank alcohol and all were members of The Total Abstinence Society. The band was put together, in part, by the late Peter Shanagher, who had been the leader of the Ivy Caste Dance Band, also based in Ballintubber. However, Peter emigrated to England in 1956 before the band hit the road and handed over the reins to Stephen Treacy and Paddy Malone. The original line up was: Paddy Malone (alto sax), Andy Malone (drums), Sonny Ward (tenor sax), Stephen Treacy (accordion) Liam Treacy (saxophone) and Mickey Slyman (vocals and trombone). Around 1960, the Treacy brothers (Stephen and Liam) decided to form their own band, The Rhythm Stars (also from Ballintubber) with three of their brothers, Aidan, Al and Sylvester. Pat Rock, showband era historian from Ballymahon, says the Rhythm Stars were unique in that there were seven brothers and one sister involved at one time or another. They were Stephen, Len, Al, Gerald, Aiden, Silvie, Liam (R.I.P.), and Millie Treacy. The full list of those who featured with the Rhythm Stars Showband from 1960 to 1974 includes the eight members of the Treacy family (mentioned earlier), Paul Lynch, Jimmy Raftery, Sean Raftery (R.I.P.), Jack Mulheir, Michael Clarke, Jimmy Diffley, P.J. Crane, John Dunne, Michael Keane, Dene Lane, Michael McDermott (R.I.P.) and Jimmy Kearney. Managers included Brendan Wallace, Billy Molloy (R.I.P.) and Stephen Treacy. In 1972, several ex-members of the Rhythm Stars formed a new version of The Premier Aces with local singer, Patsy McCaul out front. The lineup included Aidan (trumpet), Sylvie (accordion/keyboards/Guitar) and Al Treacy (drums), brothers of original Pioneer Aces, Liam (RIP) and Stephen. In the mid-1980s, Sylvie
and Aiden played with the Brendan Shine band, Al played with the T.R. Dallas
band, and Lyn played with a local group in Roscommon. Michael lived in Tubbercurry. Gerald Treacy owned a shoe
shop in Swinford Mayo and Steve had was in the shoe trade in Castlerea. (3/9/1986 Connaught
Telegraph) In 2003, memories of the the Rhythm Stars are alive and
well with the release of a new CD. Copies of the CD were available from
Stephen Treacy’s Sports Shop, Main Street, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon. |
Pioneer Aces 1958 St Treacy 7 pictures |
Stephen Treacy,
Main Street, Castlerea, Roscommon/Ballintubber, Roscommon The death occurred, peacefully, and surrounded by his family, in the loving care of the wonderful nurses and staff at the Sacred Heart Home, Roscommon, on Saturday, February 22 of Stephen Treacy, Main Street, Castlerea, Co Roscommon and formerly of Ballintubber Co Roscommon and formerly of the Rhythm Stars Showband. Predeceased by his wife Geraldine, his brothers Liam and Al, and his sister Pauline. Stephen will be dearly missed by his beloved daughters Gillian, Paula, Ruth, Sheila and Claire, his much-loved grandchildren Ruthie, Conor, Priya, Anya, Amélie and Anaïs, his sons-in-law Gary, Killian, Alan, Ronan and John, his brothers Martin, Andy, Gerald, Len, Aiden and Sylvie, and sisters Millie and Teenie, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, customers, colleagues in the Castlerea Brass and Reed band and his many, many friends. May he rest in peace. Mass of the Resurrection at 11am on Tuesday, February 25 in St Patrick’s Church, Castlerea. Burial afterwards in Ballinlough Cemetery. ‘I lived in my time.’ 25 Feb 2020 Longford
Leader Reporter |
Ann Treacey of Snipehill (1795-1897) [sister?]
Treacy died 1897, Castleplunket Castlerea PLU Roscommon, Aged 102 years, b.
1795, died 17 Sep 1897 Frenchlawn, single, servant, The mark of John Flagherty
present at death Cloonakearney [Cloonykerny Ballintober] [sister?]
Genealogy Trees:
Treaceys of Fuerty, Roscommon Tony Martin yuille
Walsh Family:
Larkins & O'Donoghues Family:
Eric Daly: and Barry Malcome:
Patrick & Catharin Tracey, papist, miller, 2 children under 14 years, 1 man & 1 woman papist servants, Cloonagh, Ballintobber (Ballintober), Co. Roscommon.
Richard Tracy, w. papist, Miller, 3 children under 14 years & 2 over 14 years, 1man & 1 woman papist servants, Cargeens, Dunamon, Co. Galway. [Carrigans Park, Dunamon, Co. Roscommon]
Catholic Qualification Rolls
Andrew Tracy, of Sniphill, at an
adjourment of the sessions held at Roscommon thelh January 1794, No 400
John Treacy, of Sanpihill [Snipehill
Frenchlawn Ballintober] Co. Roscommon, Summer 1788 Assises Roscommon
1796 Irish
Flax Growers
Nicholas Tracy, Fuerty, Roscommon
Andw Treacey, 21 Oct 1818, Lodge 47
Castlerea/Frenchpark [Tibohine Roscommon],
Andw Treacy, 26 Jun 1845, Lodge 53
Castlerea Co. Roscommon,
John Treacey, 2 Mar 1809, Castlerea
Roscommon, M 1809 [Master?]
...dated 27 September 1819.
With the exception of the signatures, it is identical with Plate XIII. (Class
N) of Brother Robinson's “Masonic Certificates.” It was sent out from
Castlerea, and is signed “Jno. Treacy, G.M., and James Foster, G. Sec-Y.” The
parchment is in excellent preservation, but the surface is extremely dirty.
Pat Treacey, 21 Nov 1809, Castlerea
Patrick Treacy, 11 June 1839, Lodge
53 Castlerea Co. Roscommon, 47
John Treacy, 1828, Prerogative Court will. Exec: Jonathon Treacy, Snipe
Hill, Co. Roscommon. IWR/1828/F/43.
23 May 1829 Roscommon & Leitrim Gazette
County Of Roscommon, To Wit. A Copy of the List of Applications entered by the Clerk of the Peace, of persons who have given Notice of their intention to Register a Freehold
769 John Treacy, Snipehill
770 Andrew Treacy, Snipehill
Exchequer May 18..Leasor Monroe v. John Tracy and Andrew the last Assizes of Roscommon..
Andrew Tracy [& John Tracy & Owen McQue], Snipe Hill
[?], Ballintober, Roscommon, 1832
Pat Treacey, Cornagire [now Ballinturly], Fuerty, Roscommon, 1825 2a3r20p
Laragh and Ross Drumatemple
Poverty Relief Loans
Andw Treacy, 1833, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments [& Shankoagh Drumatemple]
Cath Treacy, 1840, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Balance account & security note book
Cath Treacy, 1841, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Balance account & security note book
John Treacy, 1838, Borrower, Ballymoe, Roscommon, Balance
account & security note book
John Treacy, 1832, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments [& Shankoagh Drumatemple]
John Treacy, 1833, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe, Roscommon,
Charitable loan repayments [& Shankoagh Drumatemple] [& Laragh and Ross
John Treacy, 1834, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments [& Shankoagh Drumatemple] [&
Laragh and Ross Drumatemple]
John Treacy, 1835, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments [& Shankoagh Drumatemple]
John Treacy, 1838, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Balance account & security note book [& Drumatemple]
John Treacy, 1840, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Balance account & security note book
John P Treacy, 1834, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments
John Patt Treacy, 1834, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments
Johny Treacy, 1833, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments
Pat Treacy, 1834, Borrower, Ballymoe, Roscommon, Charitable
loan repayments
Pat Treacy, 1841, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe, Roscommon,
Balance account & security note book
Patk Treacy, 1833, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments
Patk Treacy, 1834, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments
Patk Treacy, 1837, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe, Roscommon,
Balance account & security note book
Patk Treacy, 1838, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Balance account & security note book
Patk Treacy, 1840, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Balance account & security note book
Patk Treacy, 1843, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Security note book
Patt Treacy, 1834, Borrower, Ballymoe, Roscommon, Charitable
loan repayments
Patt Treacy, 1835, Guarantor or witness, Ballymoe,
Roscommon, Charitable loan repayments
Thomas, Treacey, 1832, Borrower, Ballymoe, Roscommon,
Charitable loan repayments
1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act
28.7.17 [28th July 1917] Image
Frances Gannon (d. of James Gannon & Catherine Tracey) 1851 Lissagallan Fuerty Roscommon
Address: Donamon, Co Roscommon
IG Record 39019
Frances James GANNON Catherine GANNON nee TRACEY Lisagallan Fuerty Athlone
Roscommon 1917 - Donamon, Roscommon.
Fuerty, Co. Roscommon
Tracey Mother
1857 Griffiths Valuation
Andrew Tracey Frenchlawn Ballintober Roscommon
Andrew Tracy Shankoagh Drumatemple Roscommon [beside Frenchlawn, now in Ballintober]
Francis Tracey Frenchlawn Ballintober Roscommon
Patrick Tracey Ballinturly Fuerty Roscommon, Charles Henry Coote lessor, 58 acres between 8 tenants
Patsy Tracey (1815-1899) had a carpentry workshop and the few acres in Ballinturly and also worked with Castlecoote mills. [Anne Treacy p. 56]
Castlerea History on your doorstep by Anthony Tuohy JCRHAS 1988 vol 2 pp.50 |
Photograph taken in November 1887 at a land reform meeting in Roscommon Town. Back row: Joseph Moran (Correal), Patrick Treacy (Ballinturly), Thomas Larkin (Ballygalda), Frank Moran (Correal), Nicholas Moran (Correal), George Moran (Correal) and Patrick Larkin (Ballygalda) . Front
row: Michael Cahill (Clooneyourish), James Moran (Correal), Martin Treacy (Ballinturly) [uncle of
Martin Treacy, Convent Road, Roscommon], John Rushe (Clooneen) and
Timothy Larkin (Ballygalda). Ref: Ballinturly: The Story of a Roscommon
Townland and Its People by Anne Treacy (2018) pp.88 Treacey brothers from Fuerty John Murphy The
James Moran in this photograph is my Great-Grandfather. He was married to
Mary Larkin of Ballygalda the sister of the Pat, Thomas and Timothy Larkin.
James, Joseph, Frank, Nicolas and George Moran were brothers. George and
Nicolas and a third brother Leo went to the US. Joseph Moran was married to Ellen Treacy the sister of Patrick
and Martin. |
Treacy (1850-1919) like his father and grandfather worked as
a carpenter, as well as farming. However, his carpentry work was more of a
general nature, of doors, windows etc. And also included coffin-making, the
practice being that the customer brought the necessary raw materials to the
carpenter who then fashioned the required article. (Ann Treacy, p. 83)
In common with many others from Ballinturly and its
neighbourhood, three of Martin’s siblings emigrated to USA. John Treacy (1853-1914) in 1870, Andrew Treacy (1861-1935) in 1880 and Bridget Ann/Delia Treacy (1865-1928) in
1885. (Ann Treacy, p. 84)
Andrew Treacy contd. in name of Martin Treacy of Frenchlawn and another Roscommon, landlord H.L. Jephson/Thomas G.W. Sandford, 40a/0r/20p, poor valuation £20/19/0, old rent £16/6/0, new rent £14/0/0
1895 River Suck
drainage works – householders
Patrick Tracey, Ballinturly Athlone Roscommon,
17a0r0p, £2.11.1 value, £3.8.0 value after drainage, £75.11.1 land annuity,
£1.14.0 half-yearly payments
1905 Return of
Advances made under the Land Act
{ May 27 1904 Martin Treacy of Frenchlawn Roscommon, 31a/0r/26p, value £20/19/0, rent £13/19/0, judical, price £308, advance £308
{ May 27 1904 Martin Treacy of Shankoagh Roscommon, 14a/1r/7p,
Military History
Andrew Treacy, Fianna Eireann, Roscommon
John Joseph Treacy, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon
Sean Treacy, A (Athleage) Company, 3 Battalion,
South Roscommon Brigade, 2 Western Division
Nora Treacy, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon
Nora Treacy, Correal, Athleague, Roscommon
Mrs. Nora Igoe [nee Treacy], Goff St. Roscommon.
Pat Treacy, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon
Patrick Treacy, U.S.A. [Athleague, Roscommon.]
1917-1921 service medal
Andrew Treacy
Lisnamult, Roscommon
Ballinturly, Athleague, Roscommon
Date of birth 1910-10-29
Notes: File relates to initial successful application for Service (1917-1921) Medal. Medal issued 16 July 1952. Upon reinvestigation for allowances application subject's medal was held not to have been duly awarded. Subject was only ten/eleven years of age at the time of the Truce. Subject claimed membership of Fianna Eireann.
Data Protection Note Open
Organisation None
Medal awarded None
File Reference MD17273
1st Western Division
South Roscommon Brigade
3rd Battalion
A Company 3rd Battalion South Roscommon
John Treacy, Ballinturly, Athleague,
Patrick Treacy, U.S.A.
of Patrick Treacy; IRA Officer; 10th May, 1921; Ballinturly, county Roscommon;
recommended for internment. WO 35/131/47
Patrick Tracy, of Ballinturly Co, Roscommon, 06
Sep 1921 Internment camps & prison, 1028 Pat Treacy ln batch 118/0601 I.O
Dh granted shortly
Patrick Tracy, of Ballinturly Co, Roscommon,
09 Dec 1921 Internment camps & prisons 9.12.21, serial no.1028 no. c/108
Paddy Treacy was arrested in May 1916 but
avoided jail at that time because of his youth. He was arrested again in May
1921 and interned in the Curragh until
after the signing of the Treaty in 1921. In August 1922 he immigrated to the
USA. (Ann Treacy p. 104 & 105)
1917-1921 service medal
Sean Treacy
Ballinturley, Athleague, Roscommon
County Roscommon
Country Ireland
Date of birth 1901-08-17
Notes File relates to
successful application for Service (1917-1921) Medal. Medal issued 30 December
1952. Duly awarded certificate signed 5 September 1968.
Data Protection Note Open
Organisation Irish Republican
Commanding Officer(s) John
Conboy; Patrick Madden; Domnail O'Rourk
Company A (Athleage)
Unit 3 Battalion
Brigade South Roscommon Brigade
Division 2 Western
Medal awarded Service
(1917-1921) Medal
File Reference MD17275
Roscommon District Council
Members of Old Cumann na
South Roscommon
Secretary. Mrs. Nora Igoe,
Goff St. Roscommon. (formerly N. Tracey Athleague).[signature]
Athleague Branch
11 July 1921
Captain Mrs[?] Nora Treacy,
Correal, Athleague, Roscommon
Secretary Miss Nora Treacy
1 July 1922
Captain Miss Nora Treacy
Capt Miss Nora Treacy,
Correal, Athleague, Roscommon.
Sep 6, 1915 (IT) Armed madman's Escapade
...Ballinturly, near Athleague, County Roscommon...Michael Hoare...armed with a gun...fired at a girl named Treacey, who resides conveniently to his farm, wounding her rather seriously in the head...
Sep 18, 1915 (IT) & Sep 25, 1915 (IT)
[Roscommon] On Saturday evening...Michael Hoare of Ballinturly, near Athleague...charged with firing a gun at Nora Tracey, and wounding her, and also with firing at the police...
23 Apr 1932 (CTr)
Mr. P. Treacy, Athleague, Roscommon.
Dec 1932 (CTr) In Roscommon County
Council worker Injured
When returning
home from work on his motor cycle last week, Andrew Treacy, Ballinturley,
ganger for Roscommon Co. Council, collided with a horse and was rather
seriously injured on the head...recovered speedily and was discharged in a few
Andy Treacy, Frenchlawn, Ballintubber, Co. Roscommon.
Interviewed and recorded by: Sean Browne,1989
Andy takes Sean to local sites of interest:
The site of the mill established by
his ancestors who were millers from Kildare.
Frenchlawn level crossing where a train
was derailed on Good Friday night 1901. In February 1949 a girl was killed by a
train in the same place.
They visit the Suck Bridge built in
1895, an old Kiln used for drying oats and the remains of “The Hut”. The hut
was built for the RIC to protect William Glover during the ranch war.
They call on Jack Shaughnessy in his
home in Killerr where the talk covers cattle drives and the four women plus
baby that served a months jail sentence in Castlebar, the Black and Tans &
the Civil War.
098 County Roscommon Folklore &
Oral History Collection 2006-2016
13 Nov 2020
Roscommon People
Funding for Ballintubber waterways by Paul Healy
...“Andrew and Mary Treacy have kindly donated land in
the area known as Shankoagh. The Treacys are synonymous with music and so
‘Treacys’ Musical Bridge’ will be constructed near their former home,” he
Ballinturly: The Story of a Roscommon Townland and
Its People by Anne Treacy. January 2018 |
at the launch of the book were Ruth Treacy (Tailored Films) and Breda,
Patricia and Mary Treacy of Ballinturly. Old Mill
Athleague Ann
Treacy, acrylic ink on watercolour paper 2012 |
Martin Augustus Treacey
(1818-1896) Westminster arrived Port Philip 13 Dec 1839 Martin Tracy 23, Single man 40, Carpenter Dublin Historical Records of Vic, Vol 4, immigrants Martin Tracy 23, Carpenter, employed by Mr Labilliere, came Dec 1839 on the Westminster Martin Treacy wed Catherine Dowling in 1841 at Roman Catholic Melbourne & Geelong Martyn
Tracy, and Catherine Dowling baptised male Richard at Roman Catholic St
Francis, Melbourne born at Melbourne 1842 #36409 10 November 1876
The London Gazette Philadelphia
International Exhibition, 1876. List Of Awards
To Exhibitors In The Indian And Colonial Sections Of The British Department;- Victoria Treacy, John,
and Co., Geelong, Group 4, Ale and stout, in bottles Murrumbidgee Brewery was founded by
Martin Treacy
and Sons in 1881. They turn out all kinds of draught and bottle ale and
porter, employing an average of eight hands. The brewery is situated on the
Esplande, Newtown. The firm import English malt and brew from Tasmanian hops
and Mauritius sugar. The cellars are capable of holding sixty hogsheads and
the capacity of the brewery is equal to about the same quantity of liquor per
week. The liquors brewed have gained many medals and awards among which... Mr. Martin Treacy is a
native of Roscommon County, Ireland, and came to Australia in 1847 [1839],
since when he has visited ... He is
assisted in the business by his son, Mr. Martin A. Treacy, who is a
native of Victoria. His
other son died in
1886. W. Frederic Morrison, The
Aldine centennial history of New South Wales, 1888
20 May 1881 Geelong
Advertiser (Vic.) Testimonial To Mr Martin Treacey. Between 30 and 40 of the friends of Mr Martin Treacey, the well-known brewer, of Latrobe Terrace, assembled in the Mayor's room at the Town Hall last evening, to wish him farewell, prior to his leaving Geelong for Wagga Wagga, N.S.W. The object of the gathering was also to present Mr Treacey with a very elegant silver tea and coffee service, containing, in addition to the usual tea and coffee pots and sugar basin, a milk- jug, kettle, and a cruet stand, the whole being placed upon a massive silver salver. The chair was occupied by Mr George Cunningham, mayor of the town, who was supported on his right hand side by the guest of the evening, and on his left hand side by Mr Denis O'Brien, Mayor of the borough of Geelong West. After the loyal toasts of "The Queen," "The Prince of Wales" and "The Royal Family" had been duly honored, The Mayor said that he had been deputed to be the instrument of conveying the token of friendship entertained by Mr Treacey's friends. The token was in two forms, the first of which was a hand somely framed and illuminated address. The reading of the address was as follows :—"To Martin Treacey, Esq., Dear Sir—On the present occa- sion I have been requested by your friends to present you with this salver and tea and coffee ser- vice, which they hope will in your new home help to keep in your remembrance the many well wishers for your success whom you leave in. this town and district. All of us are sorry to part with you, but trust we shall learn of the well- being and prosperity of yourself and family, which will always afford us much satisfaction. Yours faithfully, (signed) George Cunningham, Mayor, Geelong, 19th May, 1881." It was only a small thing, but it had an object. It would hang in Mr Treacey's room, and show that in leaving Geelong Mr Treacey was esteemed. Every word was felt. He had pleasure, too, in handing the silver set, together with the address, to the recipient of their token of goodwill. It would always remind Mr Treacey of his friends. It was in a shape that would continually remind him of Geelong, and the people in the district. Mr Treacey had been for many years in the town, and had in fact grown up with the place. Mr Treacey had served the pub- lic in various ways, and had always proved a good citizen. Mr Treacey had brought up a family, which was a credit to him, and he had always been a friend to both poor and rich. He was not flattering Mr Treacey ; it was time they all endorsed it. They all wished him health, happiness, and prosperity. The salver bore the following inscription :— " Presented to Mr Martin Treacey, J.P., on the occasion of his leaving Geelong, after a residence of 40 years, during which period he honorably filled the offices of Town Councillor, Alderman, and Justice of the Peace, and also gained the respect of his fellow citizens. Signed (on behalf of the subscribers), GEORGE CUN- NINGHAM, Mayor of Geelong, Geelong, 19th May, 1881." In making the pre- sentations, he felt constrained to say that they were all losing an estimable friend, a warm and generous-hearted townsman. He proposed : "Health and prosperity to Mr Treacey and family." The toast was drunk with musical honors. Mr Treacey, in responding, said that he was a plain, blunt man, who loved his friends. He could scarcely find words sufficient to thank them for their kind- ness, both for the wording of the address and the inscription on the salver, and also for the tangible proof of friendship given him. Their unexpected generosity, dis- played in the magnificent gifts, was a token of their kindly feeling. He was sorry to leave Geelong—the birthplace of his children—where he had spent so many years. Nothing but the expectation of advancing the interest of his sons could have made him tear himself away from the town where he had lived so long, surrounded by friends good and true as ever man possessed. He accepted with pride the complimentary remarks and elegant gift. He would not forget Geelong and his friends, and he would inculcate in his children the duty of cherishing the memory of their native town, and of the friends who had honored their father. The recollection of the kindness of his friends would be an incentive to them to try and deserve the esteem of their fellow-citizens in their new home. He thanked his friends from his heart, and in conclusion he proposed the toast of " The Geelong Town and Geelong West Bo- rough." He had been a resident of the town since 1839. He had seen most of the prettiest places in Ireland and Eng- land, and he liked none better than his adopted town. The Mayor of Geelong, in responding, spoke hopefully of the progress of the town, and pointed out that there were signs of the town improving. They hoped that the future would be brighter. The Mayor of Geelong West (Mr D. O'Brien) said that he was proud to have the opportunity of endorsing all that had been said with regard to the citizenship of Mr Martin Treacey. Their guest had been respected by everyone. It was something to be able to say of a man who had lived a lifetime in one place. With regard to the prosperity of the town and borough, he believed it would be better and speedier if the place were better represented in Parliament. Mr J. O. Carr was pleased to see the efforts of Mr Treacey had been appreci- ated. It was only right that a man should have some recognition for the way in which he had worked in the interests of the town. The friends of Mr Treacey were satisfied with the present made, and those who could not attend were sorry. A pleasant evening was spent in toasts, songs, and recitations, among those who spoke being Messrs Connor, M'Mullen, W. Weire, G. Brown, Hoare, J. Kerley, and J. Noble, all of whom bore high testimony to the worth of the departing guest. 18 January 1896
Wagga Wagga Express (NSW) Death Of Mr. Martin Treacey. Many were the regrets expressed in Wagga on Thursday evening, when it became known that Mr. Martin Treacey, the senior member of the brewing firm, whose works are situate in Newtown, Wagga, had passed away. Mr. Treacey, senr., had been failing in health for a long period, but owing to careful nursing his life was prolonged several years. About a week since he contracted influenza, and the depressing effects of the ailment told heavily upon his weakened state of health. When it is explained that Mr. Treacey passed his 79th birthday on New Year's Day little wonder will be expressed at the fact that his decease followed so shortly. Mr. Treacey was born in county Ros- common, Ireland, and in 1830 came to the colonies and carried on the business of a builder and contractor for seven years. He was the builder of the first house in Collins street, East Melbourne, for Mr. Andrews, afterwards erecting many public places which are now regarded as landmarks in the Vic- torian city. He was possessed of means, and elected to try the brewing business, and started the West End brewery at Geelong, in which place he resided for a period of about thirty years. He filled the mayoral chair there for a period of seven years, and during his residence in Geelong took a trip to the land of his birth. In 1881 Mr. Treacey removed to Wagga and commenced the brewery business in the premises now owned by the firm, where he met with considerable success. While on a visit to Ireland he met eleven young Australians, including Mr. John O'Mara, of Wagga, who had been placed in college there. He, being of a kindly and generous disposition, gave the youngsters an excellent entertainment, at the conclusion of which he presented each with a £5 note. The recipients, it is needless to say, thoroughly appreciated this attention, and speak in glowing terms of their benefactor. It being Mr. Treacey's desire to be interred at Geelong, every preparation was made to carry out his wish. The body was removed to St. Michael's Church, where a Requiem Mass was celebrated at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, the Rev. Father Slattery officiating and preaching the funeral sermon, in which he paid a high tribute to the qualities of the departed. Father Dowling assisted at the ceremony. The musical portion was performed by Mrs. O'Connor, whose vocalism was never heard to belter advantage. This lady accompanied herself on the organ, and in the O Salutaris (Novello's edition of the Requiem Mass) her rich voice was heard to great advantage. Mr. Cruickshank was entrusted with the funeral arrangements and prepared the coffin, the body being enclosed in a leaden case, the exterior being of handsomely polished cedar. The remains were removed to the station last evening and conveyed to Albury by the paper train, whence they were transferred to Mel- bourne by the express for iuterment at Geelong, in which place Mrs. Treacey was buried not long since. Mr. Treacey spent 42 years of his life in Victoria and 14 in New South Wales. He was married at the age of 24 years to Miss Catherine Dowling, and has left a grown-up family of three sons and two daughters. Mr. Nicholas Treacey holds an appointment in the Government Statician's office in Melbourne, the other sons being Mr. Patrick and Mr. Martin Treacey. One of Mr. Treacey's daughters, Miss Mary Bridget, is the Rev. Mother of the Presentation Convent at Hay, and Miss Catherine lived with her father and dutifully attended to his every requirement up to the time of his death. Mr. Treacey's absence will cause many regrets in the district, where he was so well known and highly esteemed for such a lengthy period. 25 Jan 1896 The Sydney Mail Wagga Wagga Jan 17. Mr. Martin Treacy, the well-known brewer, and formerly of Geelong, dided to-day, aged 79 years. The remains are to be sent to Geelong to-morrow for internment. |
Augustus Treacey 1872 25 January 1896
Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW) A Veteran Colonist Dead. The Late Martin Treacey, Of Wagga. He Came To Australia In 1839. It is with sincere regret that we have to announce the
death of Mr. Martin Treacey, senr., the well known brewer of Wagga. Mr.
Treacey was born in County Roscommon, Ireland, in 1817, and served his
apprenticeship to the building trade in Dublin. He came to Austra- lia in
1839 in the ship Westminster, landing in Melbourne, where he at once
commenced business as a builder and contractor. At that time trade in the
building line in Melbourne was brisk, the city having only been laid out a
few years previously by Sir Richard Bourke. Included in the numerous
buildings erected in Melbourne by Mr. Treacey was the Crown Hotel, which,
although it has since been considerably enlarged, still stands at the corner
of Queen and Lonsdale streets. He also erected Murphy's brewery, which was
for many years amongst the loading brewing establishments in Melbourne. In
1841, having completed the erection of the Crown Hotel, Mr. Treacey married
Miss Catherine Dowling, daughter of Major Dowling, of Castle Connell, County
Limerick, who had come out to Melbourne with her brother, Richard Dowling, a
well-known contractor, in 1838. After following up his trade for a number of
years he leased, and for some time conducted, the business of the Daniel
O'Connell Hotel, which stood on the present site of the Melbourne Post
Office. In 1846 he took tip his residence in Geelong, where he built for
himself the Daniel O'Connell Hotel, afterwards named the Royal Mail Hotel. He
carried on a successful business in this hotel for a few years, and then
retired from active life, and went to reside on a farm he had purchased at
Cowie's Creek, about five or six miles from Geelong. At about this time he
purchased several allotments of land in Geelong, on which he erected
substantial buildings, amongst which were three large villas on the Western
Beach and several hotels. In 1857, having amassed a fortune, he took his
family for a long trip to Europe, where he remained for four years. During
his stay there, his sons, of whom there were
four, finished their education in the Navan College, County Meath, and
his two daughters went to a convent-school in Dublin, and afterwards to a
convent in Lille, France. He returned with his family to Geelong at the
latter end of 1861, and at once took over his hotel (the Royal Mail), and in
1865 he started business as a brewer, opening a new brewery, which he called
the West End Brewery. He carried on the business of this brewery till 1881,
when he sold out to Messrs. Hodges Brothers, and came to Wagga with his sons,
John and Martin, and, in partnership with them, started the Murrumbidgee
Brewery, in the Esplanade, which he carried on till his death. His son John
died in Wagga in 1887, and Martin Treacey, junr., who is a brewer, then
carried on the business with his father. Mrs. Treacey died in Wagga in 1891,
and since that time Mr. Treacey's health began to fail. During his residence
in Geelong, Mr. Treacey took a lively interest in the affairs of the town,
and prior to his trip to Europe occupied the position of councillor for the
town, and was subsequently an alderman. Whilst he was resident in Ireland,
which was during the regime of the O'Shanaesy Government of Victoria, he was appointed
a Justice of the Peace for the town and district of Geelong. After his return
to the colony he was for many years a member of the committee of the Geelong
Race Club, a member of the Geelong Hospital com- mittee, and treasurer of the
H.A.C.B. Society. He was also one of the founders of the Friendly Bro- thers'
Society in Geelong, and it is stated that this society at one time gave aid
to Sir Roger Tichborne. Mr. Treacey was also one of the promoters of the
Victoria Woollen Factory, which was the first es- tablishment of the kind
erected in Geelong. He leaves a family of three sons and two daughters, the
eldest of whom is Richard Treacey, Assistant Government Statist of Victoria ;
the second son, Patrick, is a retired civil servant, and resides at Elsternwick
; and the third son, Martin, resides at Wagga. The eldest daughter, Mary,
entered the Sacred Heart Order of Presentation Nuns, and opened the branch
convent of that Order at Hay. Her name in religion is Rev. Mother Angela. The
other daughter, Kathleen, has always lived with her father. There were also
three other children, John, who died in Wagga in 1887, and two who died in
their infancy in Geelong. The remains were taken to St. Michael's Church,
Wagga, last Friday morning, where a Requiem Mass was celebrated. In the
evening, the coffin was taken by train to Albury, whence it was forwarded by
express train via Melbourne to Geelong. The funeral took place in Geelong on
Saturday after- noon. The remains were interred in the family burying ground
in that town, where lie the remains of the late Mrs. Treacey and the late Mr.
John Treacey. |
Catherine Dowling Treacey (1818-1891) |
Nicholas Treacey (1842-1910) |
Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Victoria,
Australia Martin Treacey (1818–1896) Catherine Dowling Treacey (1818-1891) Richard Nicholas Treacey (1842–1910) John Treacey (1846–1886) Kathleen Treacey (1848–1908) Andrew James Treacey (1851–1856) Thomas Nicholas Treacey (1853–1854) |
Iona Presentation
College is a prestigious independent, day and boarding school for girls,
located in Mosman Park, an affluent suburb of Perth, Western Australia. Treacey
House is named after Mother Angela Treacey, one of the founding Sisters. Ref: |
Mary Brigid Treacey (Mother Angela) (1845-1936) In March 1874, in
response to an urgent appeal from Bishop Lanigan of Goulburn for religious communities
of women for his diocese, five Presentation Sisters under the leadership of
Mother John Byrne, left Kildare, Ireland, for the mission at Wagga Wagga, New
South Wales. Mt. Erin Presentation Convent Wagga Wagga, was officially opened
in 1876. On 15 August 1877 the first Australian born postulant entered. She
was Mary Brigid Treacey (Mother Angela), a highly educated, musically
talented woman who was then 32 years of age. She was destined to become the
foundress of two independent communities - Hay in 1883 and Southern Cross in
1900 - and eventually the foundress of the Perth Congregation of Presentation
Sisters. In 1900, Mother
Angela Treacy, an Australian, led five Presentation Sisters from Hay in New
South Wales to the goldfields at Southern Cross at the request of Bishop
Matthew Gibney who was very short of teachers for his schools since
government aid had ceased in 1895. The sisters arrived in Albany onboard RMS
Orizba before setting out on the two-day train trip to Southern Cross where
it seemed that the priest had forgotten they were coming. As the annalist
wrote: “Our hearts were sad indeed when we saw the fields of our labours.”
However, by the end of 1900, 100 children were enrolled in the school and a
good beginning had been made. A postulant joined them there and they remained
until 1904 with some moving to the mining town of Collie in 1902. |
Richard Nicholas
Dowling Treacey and his family Ancestor Volume 30 Issue 3 /
September, October, November 2010 6 October 1882 The Argus Treacy-Walton - On the 27th ult, at St Francis's, by Rev M. M'Kenna, Richard N. D., eldest son of Martin Treacy, Esq., brewer, Wagga Wagga, late of Geelong, to Minnie, eldest daughter of the late George Walton, chemist, Geelong. 1882, 03821, M, Treacey, Richard Nicholas
Dowl, Walton, Madeleine Amy, Melbourne, 1883,21737,,Treacey,Richard Eustace
Sarsfield Marie,Richard Nichol,Walton Madeline,Brunswick, 1884,22661,,Treacey,Madeline Mary
Stephanie,Richard Nichol,Walton Madeline Amy,Brunswick, 1888,01694,,Treacey,Beatrice Dagmar,Richard
N D,Walton Madeleine Amy,Cheltenham, Beatrix
(Trixie) and Madeline Tracy The Melbourne journalist and writer Beatrix
Tracy is currently remembered - if at all - for expressing her
disillusionment with London in a widely-circulated article from the
British-Australasian in 1910, where London made her fondly recall 'Australia,
with its clean, spruce cities, its naive white women in clear-coloured
dresses, its cheerful, sunburnt men'. They had been brought up to be more than
just marriageable. Their father, Richard Tracy, was a man of independent
means and vaguely intellectual interest; Madeleine, their mother was a 'very
clever woman' who ran a glass factory in the city. The family was nominally
Roman catholic, and both sisters attended the Star of the Sea convent in
Gardenvale. In her youth 'Trixie' affected the stage,
being a prominent member of Patey's Lilliputian Opera Company at the age of
fourteen, and of very commanding presence as Captain Corcoran of the H.M.S.
Pinafore...She was a handsome, well-developed, but rather precocious child,
in those days, and carried about her a birth certificate to show that she was
not more than 14. Trixie early renounced the sins of the stage and got into
the groove of literature, in which she has achieved success. As a journalist, she gives each of the
occupations she embarks on a narrative trajectory fashioned around her own
social and cultural temperament, as a cultivated, financially-independent
woman. One of the most significant series of articles on women were those by
Beatrix Tracy in 1908. Tracy was a journalist who was given £2 by her editor
and sent out into the street to find out something about women workers. She
would go on to marry Howard E. Carr, the musical director for J. C.
Williamson's Comic Opera Company. Australian dramatist and critic Louis Esson
married her sister Madeleine Stephanie Tracy on the 22 January 1906 at Holt's
Matrimonial Agency, not in a church, by a Presbyterian clergyman. The few surviving facts suggest that later
on, life was not kind to either of the beautiful Tracy sisters. Trixie died
in 1929 in Sydney of a long illness, nursed by her sister Madeleine. She also
died young in 1933 at the house in Fitzroy. Ref: Fitzpatrick, Peter
(1995) Pioneer Players: The Lives of Louis and Hilda Esson. Monash
University, Victoria. Moruzi, K & Smith, M eds (2014) Colonial
Girlhood in Literature, Culture and History, 1840-1950. Palgrave Macmillan
UK. Woollacott. Angela (2001) To Try Her Fortune in
London: Australian Women, Colonialism, and Modernity. Oxford University Press Women in Australia: An Annotated Guide to Records.
(1977) Australian Government Publishing Service. |
Trixie Tracey, standing, and Madeleine
Tracey, sitting, circa 1920 |
Major General the Hon Justice Richard Ross Sinclair Tracey (1948-2019), AM RFD 1999, OC. LLB (Hons), LLM (Melb.), LLM (Illinois). He was born in Melbourne the 18 August 1948 the son of Eustace Richard and Jean Eason Tracey. On 16 May 1975 he married Hilary Frances Cain and they had four children: Jack, Philip, Fiona and Rosemary. He was educated at Melbourne High School. He graduated from the University of Melbourne as a Master of Laws and also holds the degree of Master of Laws from the University of Illinois. Between 1972 and 1987 he taught at the Law School of the University of Melbourne. He was called to the New South Wales Bar in 1975 and the Victorian Bar in 1982. He took silk in 1991. On 24 July 2006 Richard Ross Sinclair Tracey RFD QC was sworn in as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia. He has over 35 years military experience, beginning with his involvement in the Australian Army Legal Corp, holding the ranks of Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier and Major General. In 1985, Justice Tracey was appointed as a Judge Advocate and Defence Force Magistrate and he became a Reviewing Judge Advocate in 1990. In 1997, Justice Tracey was awarded the Reserve Force Decoration medal in recognition of his years of diligent service in the Defence Force. He was Deputy Judge Advocate General (Army), in 2006 and 2007, and has been Judge Advocate General of the Australian Defence Force since 2007. The Hon. Justice Richard Tracey was appointed President of the Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal on 16 February 2009. Between 1970-1972 his Honour was Associate to Sir Richard Eggelston, a judge of the Commonwealth Industrial Court. Between 1972-1987 he held various academic positions within the Faculty of Law in the University of Melbourne. He was Sub-Dean of the Faculty between 1977-1980. On 20 January 1975 his Honour was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory. He was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria on 1 May 1975 and as a Barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales on 3 June 1975. He signed the roll of counsel in Victoria on 1 February 1982. In his first year at the Victorian Bar he read with Mr A G Uren QC. He practised mainly in the areas of constitutional law, administrative law and industrial law. He took Silk in Victoria in 1991 and, in 1993, became one of the first Senior Counsel appointed in New South Wales. During his time at the Victorian Bar he was actively involved in its affairs. He chaired his List Committee for over 10 years and was also chair of the public law section of the Commercial Bar Association. He represented the Bar on various external bodies. After he moved to the Bar full time in 1987 his Honour maintained his interest in legal education. He continued to teach on a part-time basis and was a visiting fellow in the Faculty of Law between 1995-1998. Between 1997-2003 he was a member of the Legal Profession Tribunal in Victoria. He was a Hearing Commissioner of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Committee between 1997-2000. Between 2001-2003 he was Senior Counsel assisting the Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry. He has published a large number of books and articles on administrative law and industrial law. His Honour’s recreational interests include bushwalking, reading and supporting the Collingwood Football Club. He was named in the Australia Day Honours List February 2014 for exceptional service in the field of military law, as a consultant for the Director o Army Legal Services, and as Judge Advocate General of the Australian Defence Force. Later in the year, he became a fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. He died the 11 October 2019, in California while receiving treatment for carcer. Ref: |
Mia Ellen Minack Treacey, Ph.D., M.P.H.A., of Melbourne, Australia, whose family came from Roscommon. Freelance academic, screened historian, researcher & writer After 15 years of working in individual universities, she is now a freelance researcher, writer, academic, and screened historian. Her teaching expertise covers undergraduate through to HDR levels in the fields of history, film & television, screen or cinema studies and screened history. She has worked in universities that value high quality education and its relationship to research. She has also worked with diverse groups of researchers interested in screened history and related fields, writing and publishing in forms that are accessible and interesting to the broadest possible audiences. Her research and writing extends beyond academia, to working with groups in broader community and other non-university organisations, e.g. with film, television, radio and new media production companies and networking organisations. Education: 2013 Research Supervisor Accreditation (Level 1), Institute of Graduate Research, Monash University, 2013 Graduate Certificate of Academic Practice, Monash University 2010 Doctor of Philosophy (History and Film & Television Studies), Monash University 2001 Master of Arts (Public History), Monash University 1999 Honours degree of Bachelor of Arts (First class honours, History), Monash University 1998 Bachelor of Arts (History & English Literature), Monash University Membership, accreditations & professional affiliations: • Australian Historical Association (AHA) • Professional Historians Association (Vic) Inc. (MPHA) • Screen Studies Association of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand (SSAAANZ) • Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMC) • The International Association for Media and History (IAMHIST) Publications: Treacey, M. (2016) Reframing the Past: History, Film & Television, UK: Routledge Levy, S., & Treacey, M. (eds.) (2015). Student Voices in Transition. Pretoria: Van Schaik. Website: |
Andrea Tracey married Brigida Kenny 22nd January 1848 Wit: Patritio Kenny & Patritio Treacy. Roscommon & Kilteevan Parish (LDS)
Andrew Tracy, age 20, Carpenter, Roscommon Ireland to
New York, Liverpool: Roscius 07/08/1848
Unknown Tracy, [Wife] age 20, Roscommon Ireland to New
York, Liverpool: Roscius 07/08/1848
1855 Census - E.D. 2, Ward 14, New York City
Andrew Tracy Head Male 30 carpenter, 7 years resident
Bridget Tracy Wife Female 25,
7 years resident
Catharine Tracy Daughter Female 2
Thomas Tracy Son Male 0y
1860 Census - 118 brick house, family 5, 1st Division
14th Ward New York City, New York
Andrew Tracy Male 34 Ireland,
Bridget Tracy Female 30 Ireland,
Catherine Tracy Female 7 New
Thomas Tracy Male 5 New
Joseph Tracy Male 1 New
Thomas Kenny Male 34 Ireland,
1860/61 Trow's New York city directory.
Tracy Andrew J. carpenter, h 141 Mulberry
1862-3 New York City Directory
Tracy Andrew, carpenter, 135 Mott, h 141 Mulberry
1884-1885 New York City Directory
Tracy Bridget, wid. Andrew J. h 205 E. 113th
1870 Census - New York
Andrew J Tracy Male 44 Ireland,
Bridget Tracy Female 40 Ireland,
house keeper
Catherine Tracy Female 17 New
York, dress maker
Thomas Tracy Male 15 New
York, clerk
James Tracy Male 11 New
Patrick Tracy Male 6 New
Anastasa Tracy Female 3 New
Agnes Tracy Female 1 New
Andrew J. Tracy died 5 Jan 1874 Manhattan New York,
age 49, b. 1825, buried 7 Jan 1874 Calvary
6 Jan 1874 New York Herald
Tracy.— on Monday. January 5, 1874, Andrew
J. Tracy, a native of Ballinturly, Roscommon, Ireland, aged 49 years.
His funeral will take place from his late
residence, 210 Elizabeth street, on Wednesday afternoon, at two o'clo k.
Friends and relaives and those of his brother-in-law, Thomas king, are invited
to attend.
January 7, 1874 New York Herald
Tracy.—On Monday. January 5, 1874, Andrew J. Tracy, a native of Balllnturly, Roscommon, Ireland, aged 49 years.
His funeral will take place from his late residence, 210 Elizabeth street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends and relatives and those of his brother-in-law, Thomas Kinny, are invited to attend.
17 January 1874 Pilot (Boston Ma)
Deaths under New York City
Tracy — Jan, 5, Andrew J. Tracy, of Ballinturly, co.
Roscommon, Ireland, aged 49.
1880 Census - 318 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, Kings,
New York,
Bridget Tracy Self Female 50 Ireland, widow, keeping house
Catherine Tracy Daughter Female 27 New York, United States, domstic
Thos Tracy Son Male 24 New York, United States, clerk in office
Jas Tracy Son Male 21 New York, United States, book binder
Patrick Tracy Son Male 15 New York, United States, Wks in leather
Anastasia Tracy Daughter Female 13 New York, United States
Agnes Tracy Daughter Female 11 New York, United States
Frank Tracy Son Male 7 New York, United
Bridget Tracy died 31 Dec 1889 Manhattan New York, age
58, widowed, b. 1831 Roscommon Ireland, buried 3 Jan 1890 Calvary Cem, mother
Bridget Kanny
3 Jan 1890 The New York Herald
Tracy - Suddenly, December 31, Bridget,
widow of late Andrew J. Tracy, a native of the county Roscommon Ireland, aged
59 years.
Funeral will take place from her late
residence, 340 East 123d st.. Friday, ten A M.. to St. Pauls Roman Catholic
Ckurck. 117th st, near 4th av. thence to
Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flowers.
Agnes L. Taylor died 16 Feb 1916, 147 Clifton Place
Brooklyn Kings New York, age 47, married, b. 18 Dec 1868 U.S.(d. of Andrew J.
Tracy b. Ireland & Bridget Kenney b. Ire) buriaed 19 Feb 1916 Calvary Cem.
Henry [James?] Tracy died 12 Apr 1916, 2409 2
Ave.Manhattan New York, age 57, single, laborer, b. 1859 N.Y. City (s. of
Andrew J. Tracy b. Ireland & Bridget Kenny b. Ireland) buried 15 Apr 1916
Calvary Cemetery
Bishop John Patrick Treacy 1917 |
Bishop John Patrick Treacy (1890-1964) of La Crosse Most Reverend John P. Treacy, S.T.D., LL.D.: Bishop Treacy was born at Marlboro, Massachusetts, July 23, 1890, the only child of John Tracy and Ann O'Kane, and grandson of Patrick Treacy & Hanora Gallagher of Fuerty, Roscommon. Ordained to the Priesthood Cleveland, Ohio December 8, 1918. Appointed Coadjutor Bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin,
USA and Titular Bishop of Metelis 22 Aug 1945 He founded the Holy Cross Seminary in La Crosse and oversaw the construction of the new Cathedral. In a lighthearted way people speak of him as “Jack the Builder.” Yet, the La Crosse Tribune, at the time of his death, wrote, “He established 47 new churches (including the Cathedral), 47 new rectories, 43 new convents, 42 new schools, and a seminary.” He died Oct. 11, 1964 at La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, USA 1880 Census - Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States other John Tracy M 25 Ireland, single, Works In Shoe Factory other Andrew Tracy M 25 Ireland, single, Works In Shoe Factory John Tracy 28 years, single, of Marlborough, Shoemaker, b. Ireland (s. of Patrick & Hanora Gallagher) m. Anne O'Kane 25 years of Marlborough, b. Ireland, (d. of Patrick & Mary Shields) 20 April 1881 Marlborough, Massachusetts Andrew M. Treacy, 33 years, single, of Marlborough, Shoe Dealer, b. Ireland (s. of Patrick & Nora Gallagher) m. Jennie A. McMonald, 26 years, single, of Marlborough, at home, b. Marlborough (d. of Michael & Jane Mulcahey) 29 May 1893 Marlborough, Massachusetts 1900 Census - ED 860 Marlborough city Ward 6, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States Andrew M Treacy, head, b. Aug 1860 Ireland, father's birthplace: Ireland, mother's birthplace: Ireland, married 1893, immigration year: 1880, merchant boot shop, Naturisation: Na Jennie A Treacy, wife, b. Jul 1867 Massachusetts, father's birthplace: Ireland, mother's birthplace: Ireland 1910 Census - Marlboro Ward 1, Middlesex, Massachusetts John Treacy, head, 53 years, b. Ireland, immigration year: 1875, father's birthplace: Ireland, mother's birthplace: Ireland Annie Treacy, wife, 49, years, b. Ireland, immigration year: 1876, father's birthplace: Ireland, mother's birthplace: Ireland John P Treacy, son, 19 years, b. Massachusetts, Single, father's birthplace: Ireland, mother's birthplace: Ireland US State Department records Mrs John Treacey with her son, 24 yrs, of Marlborough, MA visiting at Ballinturley, Co Roscommon, sister Mrs Brewin, Foyle St, Londonderry date 1914-08-07 John Treacy d. 20 Oct 1914 23 Fairmount Marlborough Massachusetts, age: 61, marital status: Married, birth date: 24 Jun 1853 Ireland, shoe merchant, acute dilation of heart, son of Ptrick Treacy b. Ireland & Nora Gallagher b. Ireland, informant Andrew Treacy Marlborough Andrew M Treacy Or Tracy [see 1900 Census] event: Naturalization event date: 1889 event place: Massachusetts age: birth year: 1859 birthplace: Ireland
5 Jun 1917 Draft Registration John P Treacy, Theological Student, of St. John's Seminary Brighton Mass, b. Marlboro, Massachusetts, tall, medium build, blue eyes, brown hair John Treacy—Coming to the United States from his native Ireland as a lad of eighteen years, Mr. Treacy settled in Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and continued to live there to the time of his death in 1914. Throughout this entire period of over forty years he was connected with the shoe industry, and for the last twenty-seven years of his life he was a member of the firm of Treacy Brothers, retail shoe merchants, with a store in the Warren Block, No 153 Main Street, Marlborough, one of the oldest and most highly reputed retail establishments of the town. He was born in Ire- land in 1854, a son of Patrick and Nora (Gallagher) Treacy, both his parents being natives and lifelong residents of Ireland, where his father was engaged for many years in farming. John Treacy was educated in the common schools of Ireland, and after coming to this country in 1872 entered the employ of the Abel Howe Shoe Company of Marlborough, with which concern he remained until 1887, the last eight years as foreman. In the latter year he formed an association with his younger brother, Andrew M. Treacy (see following biography), the firm of Treacy Brothers, which since then has been engaged with much success in the retail shoe business. The business, which until 1891 was located in the Burke Block, grew rapidly and consistently, and much of its success was due to Mr. Treacy's thorough knowledge of the shoe industry in all its branches and to his untiring energy. It is still being carried on successfully by the surviving partner of the firm and in the same location on Main Street, Marlborough, to which it was moved, in 1891, from its original location. Mr. Treacy was for a number of years a member of Company F of the old Fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. He was also active in the affairs of the Knights of Columbus, while his religious affiliations were with the Roman Catholic church, and more particularly with the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Marl- borough of which he was a devout communicant. Mr. Treacy married at Marlborough in 1881, Annie O'Kane and they were the parents of one son, named after his father, John. The latter, born in Marl- borough, graduated from the public and high schools of his native town and from Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts, after which he studied for the priesthood of the Roman Catholic church at Brighton Seminary, and he is now actively engaged in the ministry of his faith at Cleveland, Ohio, where his mother, Annie O'Kane Treacy, resides with him. Mr. Treacy died at Marlborough, October 22, 1914. Andrew M. Treacy—A native of Ireland, but a resident of Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, for almost half a century, Mr. Treacy has been connected with the shoe industry in one way or another ever since he came to this country in 1880. Since 1887 he has been in the retail shoe business as a member of the firm of Treacy Brothers, their store being located since 1891 in the Warren Block, No. 153 Main Street, Marlborough, where it has become one of the best known and most successful of the retail establishments of the town. He was born in Ireland, August 17, 1860, a son of Patrick and Nora (Gallagher) Treacy, both his parents being natives and lifelong residents of Ireland, where his father was engaged in farming. Andrew M. Treacy was educated in the common schools of his native country and came to the United States at the age of twenty years, settling in Marlborough, May 14, 1880. There he entered the em- ploy of the Abel Howe Shoe Company, of which his older brother, John Treacy (see preceding biog- raphy), who had preceded him to this country by some eight years, was then foreman. Seven years later the two brothers established themselves in the retail boot and shoe business under the firm name of Treacy Brothers, their first store being located in the Burke Block, where they built up an ever-in- creasing trade between 1887 and 1891. In the lat- ter year they removed to the newly built Warren Block where they have continued since then with uninterrupted success, making a specialty of ladies' and men's fine footwear. When John Treacy died in October, 1914. his brother continued the business alone and he is still engaged in it with undiminished vigor and success under his own name. He is also interested in the People's National Bank of which he is one of the largest stockholders and he has been for many years a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. His religious affiliations are with the Roman Catholic church, and more particularly with the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Marl- borough. Mr. Treacy married at Marlborough, June 7, 1893, Jane McDonald, a daughter of Michael and Jane (Mulcahy) McDonald and a sister of Judge James W. McDonald, justice of the Marlborough District Court and a prominent member of the legal profession. Mr. and Mrs. Treacy have no children and make their home at No. 9 Esterbrook Avenue, Marlborough. Middlesex County and its people : a history / by
Edwin P. Conklin, assisted by a notable advisory board. 1927 Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States of America John Treacy (24 Jun 1853 – 20 Oct 1914) Annie O'Kane Treacy (1856 – 1926) Andrew Michael Treacy (15 Aug 1859 – 1935) Jane A. McDonald Treacy (1867 – 1950) Patrick J. Treacy (29 Aug 1897-27 Jul 1960) Dorothy Lewis Treacy (1901-1966) |
update: 27 February 2025