may be presumed that the Traceys of:
East Waterford are
descended from the Uí Bairrche
West Waterford are
descended from the Uí Fidgeinti.
Waterford Library
The Traceys of Waterford can trace their history back to the
beginning of historical records, as they are of the Uí Bairrche or Ui Fidegeinti. The Traceys of West Waterford, may be
decended from the Tassy Family
of the Uí Liatháin, a sister tribe
of the Ui Fidegeinti. In Waterford, there is Treacy's Hill in Kilmacthomas and
Cnoc an Treasaigh in Kilmacomb.
1312 Waterford
24 July 1312
Yet Of Pleas Of
The Crown And Delivery Of Gaol At Same Place Before Same, Day And Year As
Above. [Waterford]
Walter Ohatherne
and William Otrassy, charged that
they on Trinity Sunday at the ninth hour, entered the Church at Holy Trinity,
Waterford, and there broke a chest before the alter of St. John Baptist and out
of said chest robbed a breviary worth two marks and a chalice worth 20s., come
and say they are clerks and neither can nor ought to answer here. And thereupon
come one Henry, commissary of Mathew, Bishop of Waterford, with letter patent
of the bishop by which the bishop assigned Henry as his commissary, to demand
all and singular clerks charged at please of the crown at this day before the
judiciary and demand Walter and William in the bishops name to be delivered to
him as clerks. And that it may be known why they ought to be delivered to the
said commissary inquiry proceeds more fully into the truth of the premises by
the underwritten jurors to wit, Jordan de Bristoll, Robert de Gloucestre,
Robert Toukere, David Tayllour, Robert le Marischall, William le Tylere, Henry
Goer, Walter Large, John son of Richard, Richard le Tayllour, Robert le Rede
and Walter le Keu who say that Walter is not guilty therefore he is quit. They
say that William is quilty therefore let him be delivered to the commissary to
be kept in the bishops prison as are convicted under fitting penalty. He has no
Calandar of the Justiciary Rolls Ireland Vol I
1295-1303 p.391,394 Vol II 1305-7 p.280,349. HMSO 1914
1314 Clonmel Pleas
Jordan, son of
Patrick Nelltylle and others of his following, who feloniously slew Roland Tracy and William Kerdiff at
Ringnagonagh [Ringagonagh Waterford] and robbed them of 30 cows.
14 May 1314
Pleas Of The Crown And Delivery Of gaol At
Clonmel before Edmund Le Botiller, Custos, Tuesday Before Ascension a. r. 7.
Jordan son of Patrick Nekylle and others
of his following, who feloniously slew Roland Tracy and William Kerdiff at
Ringnagonagh and robbed them of thirty cows, which they brought to the house of
Nicholas Leynagh, Nicholas well knowing that they were thus robbed and having
art and part therein, and also charged that he procured and abetted Jordan son
of Patrick Nekyll to rob Clement Leynagh, tenant of Nicholas, of all his goods
and chattels, so that when Clement was made a beggar Nicholas could have good
right to his lands and tenements, and so acquire the said tenements in fee,
comes and of grace, at the instance of Arnald le Poer, knight, is admitted to
make fine, etc., for the said charges and also for all other trespasses and
felonies to this day, except death of another man, by 20 marks, by pledge of
John Kermerdyn and Clement Leynagh, so that he stand, etc. And by the same fine
suit of the peace is pardoned to David Leynagh, Ivo Leynagh and John Bretnagh,
for the charges wherewith they were charged above in this roll, so that they
stand, etc. And let the said fine be levied of David, Ivo and John as well as
Nicholas, if they wish to enjoy the same peace. And it is granted that they
have terms to pay of the fine 40s. yearly, half at Michaelmas and the other
half at Easter.
Calandar of the
Justiciary Rolls Ireland Vol I 1295-1303 p.391,394 Vol II 1305-7 p.280,349.
HMSO 1914
October 1537
Item, the
saide Jurye present that ther ar many other merchauntmen of the Citie of
Waterford do use lyke grey merchauntes, whose names ensue, vizs Patrik Welche,
Thomas Lumbard, Henry Welche, younger, Henry Welche, senr., Patryk Welche the
younger, James Welche, Sherlok, Edward Shyrlok, Jamys Sherlok, junr., Richard
Lombard, David Baylif, William Madan, Jamys Baylif, Morice Wyse, William
Lyncoln, Mallage Tressey, goldesmyth. Piers Dobin, Denys Porsell, John
Neyle, John Lee, Nicholas Lee, Robert Lee, and many other whose names they
knowe not, and use also to forstall the marketes, and also regrated the same ;
so that there is not unethes a hide to be boughte in no market ne elsewhere but
at ther handes and at ther pleasure, ne wolle, vytalles, ne other thinges.
Hore, H.J. The Social State of
the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century,
1870. [Online Book]
4 Aug
to...Wm. O Hasie (also O Hahasy), of same, husb., (Corragh-in-dorragh) (also
Courriehudareigh and Correhene Daregh) [Curradarra Aglish waterford]
29/9/1601 Waterford p.88-9
The Mayor of Waterford and others to the English Privy Council
Relates the arrival of the Spaniards at Kinsale:- Pray send us help here. We have always been loyal and will do our best to defend this city with the last drop of our blood. Pray deliver to the bearer, Nicholas Luke, 300 pikes 50 halberts and two last of powder for provision and defence of the city, for which we pay Her Majesty Treasurer of War here.
Signed by Edward Geoghe, Mayor of Waterford, George Sherloke (county) Sheriff and Thomas Tracy Borough Sheriff
1705 “The Ouzel Galley Society”
Striding down the street came Captain Eoghan Massey of Waterford to
take command of The Ouzel galley-his first command, for he had only recently
been appointed to senior rank on the retirement of the aged and respected Captain Tracy…Captain Tracy had too
much confidence in his old ship, in his former mate who now commanded her, and
in her crew, to accept her loss as possible. He went out into the streets of
Water ford and Dublin proclaiming his confidence. The underwriters, the
insurers of the galley, were not slow to profit by the talkative ness of the
garrulous captain. They claimed that he had constituted sufficient doubt to
exempt them from paying compensation under this condition of uncertainty. The
Law loomed large. But one Mr. 'Thompson, representative of the underwriters,
more fearful of legal avarice than of parting with the more limited
compensation, pleaded for arbitration. The parties agreed and a meeting was
called. Six men representing the shippers and six the underwriters, with an
independent chairman, met in solemn conclave. The case was heard before them.
It proved a triumph for Messrs. Ferris, Twigg & Cash, for as a result of
the judgment the insurance was paid in full. The experience of arbitration thus
gained was to stand them good stead at a later and more important day…All these
activities were to have their being under the title "The Ouzel Galley
Society." This Society first saw the light in 1705, with Tracy*, as reward
of loyalty, its first captain.
*The names of the first two Captains of the
Society are ascertained from W. H. G. Kingston who states in his preface that
the log was owned by Captain Massey whose greatgrandfather had been in the
mercantile service. It was then ascertained that this was the actual Massey
spoken of in his book as captain of the galley. If his name is correct then it
maybe considered as fairly certain that Captain Tracy's name is also correct.
It may be well to note that the names Tracy and Massey were unlikely names for
an English writer to have given to two Irish seamen if they were not those of
actual people.
The Ouzel Galley, Old Dublin Society, Special Issue Vol.3, no.2, p.
The Missing Ship or The Log of the
"Ouzel" Galley: William Henry Giles Kingston (1814-1880) [Online Book]
1749 Secretaries of State: State Papers Foreign, France SP
Petition for release
of Susanna Tracy. Received from the Bishop of Waterford July 12/23.
1778-1790 Catholic Qualification Rolls
Treacy, farmer, Ballinapark [Ballynaparka] Co Waterford, 11 March 1779 Munster
Circuit Clonmel assises
Treacy, farmer, Ballinapark [Ballynaparka] Co Waterford, 11 March 1779 Munster
Circuit Clonmel assises
Treacy, farmer, Ballinapark [Ballynaparka] Co Waterford, 11 March 1779 Munster
Circuit Clonmel assises
25 Jan 1785 Saunders News-Letter
Dunn of Dungarvan, Esq, to Miss Mary Tracy, of Clobrack [Clonbrock? Galway]
17 July, 1786.
Admon of
last to Johanna Reyley, 0rs renouncing. Will of Leonard Parker, Killwiney. To
Revd James Kesting £l 2s. 9d. immedy after my decease. To wife £15 yearly on
K.yiney Nephew, Nicholas Parker, shopkeeper Tallow, son to my bror John parker,
Lismore, taylor; wife also grass & keep of 1 cow, wet & dry, & acre
of K.winey-to be seeded, tilled & brought home to her by nephews Leonard
& William Parker of Lismore. Nephew Nicholas Parker, Upr Tircullen, son of
my b r o F ~ o b ~ Parker, decd, £1 yrly. during term of K.winey lease in
Charitable uses as Revd James Keating & nephew Nichs P. direct. Execrs Geo.
Drew, Tallow, Esq., Geo. Botes, Mount Prospect, Co. Cork, Esq. Prest Wm Long, Danl
Treassy, Wm Evans
16th March [1791]. Petition of John Hobson, Esq; complaining of an undue election and return for the borough of Tallagh in the county of Waterford…Capt. John Towell, John Courtney, Esq and Daniel Tracey, appeared to the said committee… Capt. John Towell and John Courtney having disobeyed the said summons…Daniel Tracey attended for several days…absented himself…Daniel Tracey, publican, of Tallagh…severally guilty of a gross contempt of the privileges of this House…
31st March…had surrendered themselves into the custody of the Serjeant at arms…Ordered…be discharged from the custody of the Serjeant at arms attending this house, paying their fees.
Votes of the House of Commons, in the Second Session of
the fifth Parliament of Ireland, in the reign of his present Majesty. [1791].
1791 Proclamation for apprehending John Towell,
John Courtney and Daniel Tracy on
the address of the House of Commons [Dublin?] Lib. 12, f.286
15 March 1791 (FJ)
Mr. John Wolfe (as
chairman of the committee on the Tallagh election)...three persons had been
summoned to attend as evidence - Captain John Powel, John Courtney, Esq. and Daniel Tracy...
Reward For The Apprehension
Of Those Deemed Guilty Of Contempt Of Parliament In Respect Of Tallow
Borough, County Waterford, Election Petition 17 March 1791 By The Lord Lieutenant And Council Of
Ireland, A Proclamation Westmorland Whereas the chairman of the select committee,
appointed by the House of Commons to try and determine the merits of the
petition of John Hobson, esq., complaining of an undue election and return
for the borough of Tallagh, in the county of Waterford, informed the House of
Commons, that the said committee had directed him to report to the said
house, that Captain John Towell, John Courtney, esq., and Daniel Tracy, publican of Tallagh,
appeared to the said committee to have been duly summoned to attend and give
evidence before the said committee, on the part of the petitioner. That the
said Captain John Towell, and John Courtney, having disobeyed the said
summons, were by the house severally ordered into the custody of the sergeant
at arms. That it appeared to the said committee, that the said Daniel Tracy
attended for several days among the witnesses who were summoned to give
evidence before the said committee; but the said Daniel Tracy, without the
permission of the said committee, and without submitting to be examined,
absented himself, and was for such, his misconduct, ordered by the house into
the custody of the sergeant at arms. That the committee have reason to
believe the said John Towell, John Courtney, and Daniel Tracy, could give
material evidence on the matter of the said petition to them referred, and
that they have wilfully absented themselves; and the said committee therefore
directed him to report the said matter specially to the house, for the
interposition of its authority to enforce the attendance of the said Towell,
Courtney, and Tracy. And whereas it was, on the 16th day of March
instant, resolved by the House of Commons, that the said Captain John Towell,
John Courtney, esq., and Daniel Tracy, have been severally guilty of a gross
contempt of the privileges of the house. And whereas an humble address hath been
presented to us by the knights, citizens, and burgesses in parliament
assembled, that we would be graciously pleased to issue our proclamation for
apprehending the said Captain John Towell, John Courtney, esq., and Daniel
Tracy, with a promise of reward for the same: Now we, the Lord Lieutenant and Council, have
thought fit to issue this our proclamation, hereby requiring and commanding
all persons whatsoever, to discover and apprehend, or cause the said Captain
John Towell, John Courtney, esq., and Daniel Tracy, to be discovered and
apprehended, and carry them before some of our justices of the peace, or
chief magistrates of the county, town or place, where they shall be
apprehended, who are respectively required to secure the said John Towell,
John Courtney, and Daniel Tracy, so apprehended, and thereof to give speedy
notice to the right honourable the Speaker of the House of Commons, the
serjeant at arms attending the said house, and to the clerk at the Council,
to the end they may be forthcoming, to be dealt withall and proceeded against
according to law. And for the prevention of the escape of the said John
Towell, John Courtney, and Daniel Tracy, into parts beyond the seas, we do
require and command all officers of the customs, and other officers and
subjects of and in the respective ports and maritime towns and places within
the kingdom of Ireland, that they, and every of them, in their respective
places and stations within the said kingdom, be careful and diligent in the
examination of all persons that shall pass, or endeavour to pass beyond the seas;
and if they shall discover the said John Towell, John Courtney, and Daniel
Tracy, then to cause them to be apprehended and secured, and to give notice
thereof as aforesaid. And we do hereby strictly charge and command
all persons, as they will answer the contrary at their perils, that they do
not anyways conceal, but do discover them the said John Towell, John
Courtney, and Daniel Tracy, to the end they may be secured. And for the
encouragement of all persons to be diligent and careful in endeavouring to
discover and apprehend the said John Towell, John Courtney, and Daniel Tracy,
we do hereby further declare, that whosoever shall discover and apprehend
them, the said John Towell, John Courtney, and Daniel Tracy, or any of them,
and shall bring them before some justice of the peace or chief magistrate as
aforesaid, shall have and receive as a reward for the discovery,
apprehending, and bringing them the said John Towell, John Courtney, and
Daniel Tracy, before such justice of the peace or chief magistrate as
aforesaid, the sum of one hundred pounds sterling. Given
at the Council chamber in Dublin, the 17th day of March 1791. |
The election returns
for the borough of Tallow (Tallagh), county Waterford, were contested on eight
occasions in all between 1713 and 1790 because the dukes of Devonshire, who
were purportedly the ‘commanding influence’, were unable to maintain their
ascendancy in the borough. In 1790, in response to John Hobson’s challenge to
the return of John Egan, the House of Commons ordered a new election in which
Egan (who ran contrary of the duke’s interest) was successfully returned: HIP,
ii, 344–5.
John Towell, John
Courtney, and Daniel Tracy were
deemed guilty of ‘gross contempt’ by the House of Commons arising out of the
inquiry into the contested election petition in respect of the borough of
Tallagh, because, in the case of Towell and Courtney, they not only failed to
respond to the summons to attend to give evidence to the committee appointed to
determine the petition, but also evaded the efforts of the serjeant at arms ‘to
capture them’. Daniel Tracy, who attended the committee hearings for several
days before absenting himself without permission, likewise evaded the serjeant
at arms: Commons Journal, xiv. 389.
Kelly, James
& Lyons, Mary Ann (2014) The Proclamations Of Ireland 1660–1820. Volume 5.
Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin
24 September 1791 (F) Married
Waterford, Mr. John Tracy, to Miss Mary Proudfoot, daughter to Mr. Thomas
Proudfoot, of Parliament-street.
1796 Thomas Treasy, Ballinaparky [Ballynaparka], Parish of Agliss, Co. Waterford. (Will)
24 February 1796 The Times (London)
& 27 February 1796 Caledonian Mercury
List Feb 23...The Tracey, Sinnett, from Waterford, are lost near Wexford. The
cargoes expected to be saved...
[1798] Register of deaths of Irish residents in Cadiz
Diego Trecy, Thomatown, Waterford
[Thomastown Kilkenny?], son of Juan Trecy and Ana O’Donovan, age 72, bachelor,
Samuel Fannin,BA,DipEd. Spanish Archives of Primary Source Material for
the Irish.
Ship Polly, Waterford to Philadelphia, November 16th 1805
Thomas Tracy, no baggage
Bristish War Office
Tracey, Cpl b. 1775 Dublin. Waterford Militia and Nova Scotia
Fensibles.Labourer.12 yrs service Chelsea on 30th Oct 1816 WO116/23
[1819] October 25, 1854 (FJ) Incumbered Estates [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
In the Matter of John Walsh and
Thomas Lalor v. the Estate of Anne Power, continued in the name of Edmond
Power...lands of Scartlea, Upper Third, Waterford; Richardstown, Iffa and Offa
East, Tipperary...Judgement obtained by Deaglin
Treacy, in the Court of Queen's Bench, as of Easter Term, 1819, against
Richard Power, jun, for the penal sum of £500.
1821 Census Extract County of Waterford
Townland and Parish of Faithlegg
Power, Nicholas, 34, 4 story house
Margaret, 21, wife,
Margaret, 2,
Kate, 1,
Maturn (?),
Margaret, 20, cousin-in-law
Butler, Coachman, Gardner
27 Apr 1822 Mortgage &
12 Dec 1840 Deed
(a) 27 Apr 1822 B lent E&F £8,000 secured against land in Upperthird
barony, Waterford (Coolnamuck, Barnagihy, Sheskin & Carrickbeg) and Iffa
& Offa barony, Tipperary (Figlash, Mainstown, Clogastilly, Mucknerymore,
Mucknerybegg & Rathclarish), (b) 27 Apr 1825 D was appointed mortgage
trustee, and H now pays A (as exec of B) £2,000 for that share as co-mortgagee
Grice Blakeney Smyth of
Templemichael, Waterford Rev., admin B Rowland Smyth of Castlewidenham, Cork
Will 25 Apr 1825, DSP 1836 Richard Smyth of Ballinatray, Waterford Esq., eldest
brother/heir B Richard Butler Hamilton II Lowe of Kenilworth, Tipperary Esq,,
trustee Charles William Wall of Coolnamuck, Waterford Esq, James William Wall
of Coolnamuck, Waterford Esq,, eldest son/heir E Charles William John Wall of
Coolnamuck, Waterford Esq, Martin Cormack of Ennisnag, Kilkenny Esq, John
Clancy of City of Dublin Esq, James Shannan Richard Power of Upperthird Barony,
Waterford Head Tenant Witness: Thomas
Tracey of Coolnamuck, Waterford
Carpenter & Michael Walsh of Carrick on Suir, Tipperary Baker. George
Christian of Carrick on Suir, Tipperary Commissioner Oaths 26 Jan 1841
Michael Tracey, from Waterford, settled in Kilbride about 1825 (MUN Folklore).
Names of the Island of Newfoundland. Mc Gill-Queen's Press.
Mannion Collection - Irish Migrants Newfoundland, 1750
to 1850
6943 Tracey, Mrs.
Anne Ross, Co. Waterford St. John's
6944 Tracey, Daniel
Cashel, Co. Tipperary St. John's
6945 Tracey, Dennis
Newmarket, Co. Kilkenny St. John's
6946 Tracey, Mrs.
Ellen Unknown location, Co. Kilkenny St. John's
6947 Tracey, James
Unknown location, Co. Waterford St. John's
6948 Tracey, Margaret
Ballylaneen, Co. Waterford St. John's
6949 Tracey, Matthew
Dublin, Co. Dublin Chapel's Cove
6950 Tracey, Michael
Unknown location, Co. Kilkenny St. John's
6951 Tracey, William
Unknown location, Co. Tipperary St. John's
6952 Tracey, William
New Ross, Co. Wexford St. John's
Other Records
(including dates, marriages, biths & occupations)
1820s-1830s Tithe Records
Alphabetical |
By Area |
Treacy, Bishops-Grove [?], Ardmore, Waterford, 1827 Deighlin
Tracey, Kilgabriel, Kinsalebeg, Waterford, 1833 Deighlin Tracey, Pilltown, Kinsalebeg, Waterford,
1833 John
Heasy [Treasy?], Coolishal [Coolishal], Czoumgloun, Lismore and Mocollop,
Waterford, Cork, [Waterford] 1825 John Tracey, Coolrae [Coolroe], Clonagam,
Waterford, 1827 [dead in pencil] John Tracey, Coolroe, Clonagam, Waterford, 1827 John Tracy, Commons [?], Templemichael,
Waterford, 1830 John
Treacy, Ballingowan East, Aglish, Waterford, 1830 Marce Tracy, Shannacoole [Shanacoole],
Clashmore, Waterford, 1834 Mary
Freasey [Treasey], Ballingown,
Aglish, Waterford, 1830 Mauce [Maur] Tracy, Killwatermoy, Kilwatermoy,
Mayo, [Waterford] Michael
Tracy, Shanballagh [Shanbally], Lismore and Mocollop, Waterford, Cork,
[Waterford] 1825 Michl
Tracy, Shanballagh [Monroe – Monvore?], Lismore and Mocollop,
Waterford, Cork, [Waterford] 1825 Micl [Tracey & Partner, Coolroe, Clonagam,
Waterford, 1827] Patrick Tracey, Ballynakill, Ballynakill,
Waterford, 1834 Patrick Tracey, Ballynakill, Ballynakill,
Waterford, 1834 Patrick, Juasy [Treasy, labourer] Ballynakill,
Ballynakill, Waterford, 1834 [1828-1832] Patt
Thracy, Currahaly[?], Kilmoleran, Waterford, Thomas
Fracy [Tracy], Shannacoole [Shanacoole], Clashmore, Waterford, 1834 Thomas Tracy, Knockaderry, Newcastle, Waterford, Thomas Tracy, Woodstown, Islandikane, Mayo,
[Waterford] Thomas
Treacey, West Island [?], Stradbally, Waterford, 1834 Thos Tracy, Tinnock [Tiknock], Clashmore,
Waterford, 1834 William Tracy, Waterford, St Johns Without,
Waterford, 1835 |
Freasey [Treasey], Ballingown,
Aglish, Waterford, 1830 John
Treacy, Ballingowan East, Aglish, Waterford, 1830 Deglan Treacy, Bishops-Grove [?], Ardmore, Waterford, 1827 Patrick Tracey, Ballynakill, Ballynakill,
Waterford, 1834 Patrick Tracey, Ballynakill, Ballynakill,
Waterford, 1834 Patrick, Juasy [Treasy, labourer] Ballynakill,
Ballynakill, Waterford, 1834 [1828-1832] Marce Tracy, Shannacoole [Shanacoole],
Clashmore, Waterford, 1834 Thomas
Fracy [Tracy], Shannacoole [Shanacoole], Clashmore, Waterford, 1834 Thos Tracy, Tinnock [Tiknock], Clashmore,
Waterford, 1834 John Tracey, Coolrae [Coolroe], Clonagam,
Waterford, 1827 [dead in pencil] John Tracey, Coolroe, Clonagam, Waterford, 1827 Micl [Tracey & Partner, Coolroe, Clonagam,
Waterford, 1827] Thomas Tracy, Woodstown, Islandikane, Mayo,
[Waterford] Patt
Thracy, Currahaly[?], Kilmoleran, Waterford, Mauce [Maur] Tracy, Killwatermoy, Kilwatermoy,
Mayo, [Waterford] Deighlin
Tracey, Kilgabriel, Kinsalebeg, Waterford, 1833 Deighlin Tracey, Pilltown, Kinsalebeg, Waterford,
1833 John
Heasy [Treasy?], Coolishal [Coolishal], Czoumgloun, Lismore and Mocollop,
Waterford, Cork, [Waterford] 1825 Michael
Tracy, Shanballagh [Shanbally], Lismore and Mocollop, Waterford, Cork,
[Waterford] 1825 Michl
Tracy, Shanballagh [Monroe – Monvore?], Lismore and Mocollop,
Waterford, Cork, [Waterford] 1825 Thomas Tracy, Knockaderry, Newcastle, Waterford, William Tracy, Waterford, St Johns Without,
Waterford, 1835 Thomas
Treacey, West Island [?], Stradbally, Waterford, 1834 John Tracy, Commons [?], Templemichael,
Waterford, 1830 |
1836 (582) Tithe suits
26 May 1835
Rev. John Burke Wallace, plaintiff, Deglan Treacy, defendant [Declan?]
Hon and Rev. George Theobald Burke, plaintiff, Teglan Treacy defendant [Declan?]
John Tracy, Farmer, Coolroe, Clonagam, Co. Waterford.
Michael Tracy, Ballynacourty, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
Margaret Keily, Lyrattin, Lickoran, Waterford, [or Shanacoole Waterford], £11
rent, 22a/1r/0p, Tenant under lease dated the 20th day of October 1828, from
Peter Bayler, jun, to Thomas Tracey, for the life and lives of John Tracey,
Thomas Tracey, and Michael Tracey, sons of lessee and the survivor of them, or
for the term of fourty three years, concurrent from the 28th day of March 1828.
John Tracey, one of the lives mentioned is dead, the other two, Thomas and
michael, still survive, and are aged respectively 43 and 40 years or
on 5 February 1829 - The McCabe List: Early Irish in the Ottawa Valley
(127) Patrick Treacy Waterford Portlawn
(Coobro?) -/-/- [indicates no family recorded] [Portlaw???]
Patrick Treacy has no family; but he has a
brother Michael with a family residing at Port-lawn in the Parish of Portlawn,
he is known to Captain Meddlecut
(137) Dennis Tracey (X) Kilkenny Tibrone
(Tibrone?) -/-/- [Tullarone???]
His father John, residing with a family in
the same county and town from whence Dennis came; they are known to Captain St.
George of Freshford
1824-1825 Irish to Canada
Patrick Tracy, Coolroe, Portlaw,
Waterford, Ireland.
Patrick Tracy has no family; but
has a brother Michael with a family residing at Port Lawn in the Parish of
Portlawn, he is known to Captain Middlesect.
[CO 384/13; 22]
British Civil Service
Evidence Of Age
John Tracy/Treacy, born 1841 Carrick-On-Suir Waterford Ireland
John Tracy, born 1829 Cappoquin Waterford Ireland
Civil Service Evidence of Age: John Tracy, born 2 Nov 1829, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford.
Society of Genealogists ref: 47781 059.
Civil Service Evidence of Age: John Treacy, born 24 July 1829. Birth place
not given. brother Francis Treacy.
Society of Genealogists ref: 25175 036
Michael Treasy, 1831, Waterford & Lismore Diocese will. Exec: John Mullowny, Ballinaparke, (Ballynaparka, Co. Waterford?). IWR/1831/F/104.
Thomas Tracy, Nov 5 1832, house & lands, Knockaderry Newcastle Waterford Union, 18a/2r/21p, rate £17/4/0, registered in 1832 and not since.
Thomas Tracy, Oct 16 1832, house & lands, Graigshoneen Ballylaneen Dungarvan Union, 8a/0r/0p, rate £5/0/0, registered in 1832 and not since.
Thomas Tracy, Oct 24 1840, house & lands, Ballinaparka Aglish Dungarvan Union, 20a/0r/3p, rate £25/15/0
1832 Detailed Report of
Contributions ... to the O'Connell National Annuity
Cork City...£2...D Treacy/Tracy...
Moyne and Templetoohy, Tipperary...2s6d...Thomas Treacy...
Cappoquin, Waterford....4s6d...Matthew Tracy
1834 Detailed Report of
Contributions ... to the O'Connell National Annuity
St. Nicholas, South Chapel, Cork City...9s...Mr Tracy...
Kilcock , Kildare...£5...Rev W Tracy...
Leixlip, Kildare...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...
Aughavoc, Queen's County...1s6d...Mrs Tracey...
Upperwoods, Queen's Co...Daniel Tracy...
Franciscan Chapel, Limerick City...6s...Andrew Tracy...
Town of Tullamore, King's County...3s...P. Tracy...
Clonmel, Tipperary...3s...Patrick Tracy...
Carrick-on-Suin, Tipperary & Carrickbeg, Waterford...3s...Patrick Tracy...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...
Moycarkey and Borris, Tipperary...1s6d...Martin Tracy...
Mullinahone, Tipperary...7s6d...W Tracey...3s6d...D Tracey...J Tracy...3s6d...D Tracy...W. Tracy... W Tracy...1s6d...T Tracey...E Tracey...
Nenagh, Tipperary...10s...Daniel Tracey...
Roscrea, Tipperary...2s6d...Michael Tracy...Michael Treacy...Michael Treacy...
Anacarty and Donohill, Tipperary...10s...Mrs Treacy...
Killenaule and Moglass, Tipperary...Mrs Treacy...
Templemore, Tipperary...7s6d...Mrs Treacy...Denis Treacy...Patrick Treacy...
Clashmore and Piltown , Waterford...£1.1s...- Tracy...
1835-1857 Merchant Navy
Deglane [Declan] Tracey, b. [Waterford?]
James Tracey, b. 1840 Waterford Waterford
John Tracey, b. Cheekpoint Waterford
John Tracey, b. Waterford Waterford
John Tracy, b. 1827 Cheekpoint Waterford
John Tracy, b. Cheekpoint Waterford
John Treacy, b. 1825 Waterford Waterford
Michael Tracey, b. 1836 Dungarvan Waterford
Nicholas Tracey, b. 1792 Dungarvan Waterford
Nicholas Tracey, b. Dungarvan Waterford
Peter Tracey, b. 1826 Waterford
Peter Tracy, b. Ballytnickle [Ballytruckle Waterford Waterford]
Thomas Tracey, b. 1811 Waterford Waterford
Thomas Tracey, b. 1835 Dungarvan Waterford
Thomas Tracy, b. 1833 Cheekpoint Waterford
Thomas Tracy, b. Portlow [Portlaw Waterford]
Thomas Treacey, b. Cheekpoint Waterford
Thomas Treacy, b. 1832 Waterford Waterford
Thomas Treacy, b. 1833 Waterford Waterford
1851 Crew List
Deglane Treacy, 51 years, born Dungarvan
1866 Merchant Navy
John Tracy, 55, b. 1811 Waterford, served Dec 1866 on Alma, previous T.S. Reefs Cardiff, mate
1869 Anne Warren
Thomas Treacy, 36, Dungarvan, Able Seaman, previously I On I, Port Talbot, 1869
1872 Agnes
Thomas Treacy, 42, Dungarvon, Able Seaman
1873 Agnes
Thomas Treacy, 45, Dungarvon, Able Seaman
1879/80 Prince Llewelyn
Francis Tracey, 16, Waterford, Ordinary Seaman, previously Navigator, [...], 1879
Thomas Tracy, Waterford – matriculated 11/9/1837 (Students of Maynooth) [see Declan Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Thomas Tracey, 25 years, appointed by Right Rev. Dr. Foran his ordinary, entered 1837 for 7 years, Waterford Diocese
30 September 1837 (FJ) The
Catholic Church (Waterford Chronicle) [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
The Right Rev. Doctor Foran, held an ordination in the chapel of St. John, Bowling-green-lane...Minor Orders...Patrick Tracy...
1837 Waterford - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher
Richard Taylor Tracey (see Richard Taylor Tracey)
1839 T.
Shearman The New Commercial Directory For The Cities Of Waterford And Kilkenny,
Towns Of Clonmel, Carrick-on-suir, New Ross And Carlow
Rev Richard T Tracy, Wesley Chapel, Parade Quay, Waterford.
1837 Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC)
2544 Thos
Tracy, 19 years, 5'8", b. [1818] Wat, Catholic, married Nov '37, wife b.
Kerry, recommended by PM Barron JP?. appointed 28 Jan 37, served Kerry & N?
Tip 1/4/71, ref B48023/14870, P1SC 1 Feb '38 - RforAC 1 Nov '43 - P1SC 1 Feb
'44 - PAC 1 July '51 - P Con 1 Dec '55 - P2HC 8 Feb 1871, Appm 34332/1409 - 2y
St A93167/4775 - B281777/8419, Repd A13060/842, Pemsioned 1 Nov 1874 £3-15 RF2544D/6129,
service 37 years 8 months, £83 pension
2 August 1838 (FJ)
The cot-men, in large numbers went down the river on Monday Morning, for the purpose of destroying the few remaining weirs there at present. They succeeded, without receiving any interruption, in cutting down a weir belonging to a Mr. Tracey, at Cheek Point. - Waterford Chronicle
Lismore Castle Papers
May-Dec 1838
Letters from various tenants and other persons, including George Rogers, James Egan, Michael Treacy, John Scanlan, E. Condon, Patrick Lawney, Edward Dartnell, George Stanley, Henry Parker and Richard Ussher, 27 items
MS 43,539/ 42
Letters from tenants and other persons, including William Gallwey, John Ward, William Coffey, Martin Lee, Henry Bagge, James Byrne, William Veale, William Budd, Matthew Blackburne, Michael Treacy, Daniel Buckley and John Walsh, 51 items
MS 43,452/ 11
1853-60 Cork
Letters and papers concerning Gillabbey weir and the pipe waterworks at Cork, correspondents include Alexander Swanston, William Currey, Francis Leahy, John Benson, James Adams, Messrs. Tracy & Nagle and J.R. Berwick with map and schedule of lettings, 40 items
MS 43,494/ 1
1859 & 1868
Letters and papers concerning the Dungarvan Harbour Embankment and Reclamation Bills, including letters from Messrs. Tracy & Nagle and Edmund Holland, with the reports of the Admiralty and Board of Trade, 10 items
MS 43,464/ 3
Letters and correspondence with tenants and other persons, including Catherine Colbert, William Sullivan, Richard Hudson, Rev. Samuel Hayman, Rev. Edward O’Donnell, Richard Tracy, J. Bagge Hearne, Andrew Carbery and Nicholas Peterson, 25 items
MS 43,452/ 32
Letters from tenants and other persons, including John Collins, W. Stacey, J.D. O’Keefe, Jasper D. Pyne, Launcelot Gubbin, R. Briscoe Cherry, Margaret Tracey, Lizzie Noton, Thomas Lucas and John Collins, 14 items
MS 43,452/ 52
31 May 1839 (FJ) The Catholic Church
The Right Rev. Dr. Foran, Bishop
of Waterford has conferred Deacon's orders on...Tracey...The Rev.
Messrs...Tracey subsequently received Priest's orders.
of Missing |
county |
Date |
Honora Treacy (Si Bridget) |
Leamy Brien, Kilrossanty, Waterford |
Quebec 1843 Ottawa(Bytown), ONT Frankfort Co., KY |
2/3/1850 |
Sylvester Treacy (brother), 4 Bleeker St, Albany, NY |
Ellen Tracy |
Tallow/Tallagh, Waterford |
Cork 5/1850 New York City |
19/10/1850 |
Patrick Ryan (friend) 11 Hamilton St, Boston, MA |
Michael Tracy |
Portlaw, Clonagam, Waterford |
Little Falls, Herkimer Co, NY |
2/3/1839 |
Patrick Tracy (father) Contact: Rev JD Brady, Salem MA |
2 March 1839 Boston Pilot
Of Michael Tracy, son of
Patrick Tracy, a native of the parish of Partlaw, County Waterford, - when last
heard from he was working in Little Falls, Herkimer County, State of New York.
Any information respecting him will be thankfully received by his parents and
brother, John Tracy, by a letter directed to them in care of Rev. J. D. Brady,
Salem, Ms. Will the New York Truth Teller give the above an insertion, and
oblige a subscriber.
1850 Boston Pilot
Of Bridget and Honora
Treacy, natives of co. Waterford, parish Kilrosseuty [Kilrossanty], townland of
Leamy Brien [Lemybrien, Stradbally]. The former was married to Stephen Murphy,
blacksmith, of Glynnpatrick, who sailed from Liverpool to the United States in
1836 or 7. His wife, Bridget, left Ireland 2 or 3 years after in the barque
Dispatch, of Waterford. Honora emigrated in the same vessel to Quebec in 1843.
They met in Bytown, Upper Canada. It is supposed they are living at present in
Frankfort County, Kentucky. Any information respecting them will be thankfully
received by their brother, Sylvester Treacy, No. 4 Bleeker street, Albany, N.
1850 Boston Pilot
Of Ellen Tracy, of
Tallagh [Tallow], co. Waterford, who sailed from the Cove of Cork 3rd of May
last and landed in New York - supposed to be in the city of N. York. Any information
respecting her will be thankfully received by Patrick Ryan (late of County
Waterford Police). Direct to Patrick Ryan, No. 11 Hamilton street, Boston, Ms.
October 6, 1840 (FJ) The Catholic church [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
On Thursday, the 24th
ult...received into the convent of St. Joseph, at Tallow, Miss Bridget Tracey,
daughter of Declan Tracey, Esq., of Piltown, in this county...-Waterford Chron.
29 Sep 1841 (CE) Catholic Intelligence
Miss Tracy, daughter of a Mr.
Declan Tracy, and sister of the Rev. P. Tracy, curate of Ballybricken, in this
city, was professed in the convent of Tallow.
September 30, 1841 (FJ)
On Saturday morning last, Miss
Tracy, daughter of Mr. Declan Tracy, and sister of the Rev. P. Tracy, curate of
Ballybricken, in this city, was professed a nun in the Convent of Tullow. The
solemn ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. Condon, attended by several clergymen,
and was witnessed by a respectable attendance of the lady's own friends, and
many who were invited from the town and vicinity. Every part of the sacred
service was truly imposing, and the music and singing very select. - Waterford Chronicle.
The Convent of St. Joseph's, Tallow…About the year 1877, and for some years
before this period, there were but few of the religious able to attend school.
Death deprived the community of three or four members in little more than the
space of a year. As might be expected, with such little help in school, the
children were not up to the standard required by the results' programme, which
came into operation in or about this time. The Mother Prioress who had charge
of the community at this period was M. Clare Treacy (sister to the three
Fathers Treacy, late of this diocese), a person of great prudence and foresight
; she wisely determined on seeking subjects more capable of school work. After
fervent prayer she succeeded in a short time in getting postulants who were both
classified teachers and most desirous of entering the Carmelite Order. These
good sisters in a short time by their zeal and diligence worked up the school
and raised the classes to the requirements of the programme.
N. Harvey (1912) Parochial history of Waterford and Lismore during the
18th and 19th centuries.
Carmelite Convent of St.
Joseph's Tallow
Superior Mother Clare Treacy 1877
Patrick Power (1937)
Waterford &f Lismore A Compendious History of the United Dioceses. Cork
University Press
William Tracey, born: Aylish, Capperguin, Waterford; Age at attestation: 23; Attested:
Woolwich; Joined in: 1841; Discharge reason: Paid £20; Discharge year: 1847.
UK Archives ADM 157/832
Name: William Tracey.
Age: 23 years.
Place of birth: Aglish, Cappar Quin [Cappoquin], County Waterford.
Date: [1818-1868]
enlisted 21 Jun 1841 Bath to 28 Sep 1847 paid £20
February 4, 1842 (FJ)
On Wednesday last a man was killed at Piltown, near Youghal, by the falling of a ton slate upon his head. His name was Kelly, a father of seven children, a labouring man in the employment of Mr. Declan Tracy.
March 25, 1842 (FJ) Waterford Repeal Association
...the Rev. Mr. Tracy, R.C.C. of
9 September 1843 Holograph letter from George D Fottrell, 54 Old Dominick Item Street,
Dublin to (Dr. Cullen, Irish College Rome.) Fottrell has asked Rev. Christopher
Burke of the Metropolitan who is travelling to Rome to pass on this letter. He
has received £31 from Rev. P Tracy for his brother John who is a student of the
college. [Presumed Rev Patrick Tracy of Waterford]
Pre-Cullen Series Irish
College Rome
7 October 1843 (N) Repeal
...Lismore...Clashmore, per D. Tracy, Esq., 10l. 12s....
4 November 1843 (N) Repeal
...Rev. Patrick Tracey, P.P. Ballybricken, Waterford...Piltown, Kilkenny, per Mr. D. Tracy £2/3/6...
July 19, 1844 (FJ) Repeal
Clashmore and Piltown,
Waterford...D. Tracy, Esq.
20 July 1844 (N) Repeal
Clashmore and Piltown, Waterford...Doolan [Declan] Tracy, Esq.
15 March 1845 (N)
O'Connell Tribute
Clashmore and Piltown, county Waterford...Piltown...D. Tracy, Esq., 1l...
6 December 1845 (N)
Clashmore and Pilltown, Co. Waterford...Declan Treacy, Esq., 1l...
1843 Summer, 1844 Spring & Summer Assizes Waterford
Patrick Treacy found quilty of erecting an illegal weir at Faithlegg. Nets up and fishing. 1844 Convicted.
Patrick Treacy, stake weir at Cheek Point. Nets up and fishing. Convicted before.
Patrick Treacy, Stake weir at Dunbrody. Convicted before. and Mr. Haughten submitted.
Patrick Tracey, illegally fishing at Kilmanock Weir (under Mr. Haughton), June 1843, Convicted, did not appeal
April 3, 1844 (FJ) Demolition of Fishing Weirs [Waterford]
...cleared a weir above Cheekpoint,
belonging to Tracy...-Waterford Mail
8 June 1844 Wexford Conservative
The next case was against John
Lynch for erecting a stake weir at Kilmanock. Mr. Haughton (one of the
magistrates) said - I will retiure from the bench, as I am in some degree
concerned in this case, and i beg to state, in reference to this weir, that I
was applied to by a Mr. tracey to let him the site for erecting the weir, which
I declined believing it illegal to erect a weir there. Since the war-steamer
came into the river, Tracey again called on me, and stated that as the other
stake weirs were fishing under the protection of the war steamer, he considered
they were legal and, as I conceived the same, I let him the site on which the
weir has been erected. However, as I was led in error to believe the government
sent the steamer to protect the weirs, I think I may undertake that Tracey's
weir shall be removed...
1 March 1845 Wexford
Wexford Spring Assizes...Illegal Weirs...Dunbroady...Patrick Tracey and John Lynch similarly indicted, were called upon to enter into recognizances of a like nature [not to erect weirs] Tracy not being present, the case was ordered to stand over till the next day.
November 3, 1845 Passage
County Waterford
James Redmond Barry, Esq., presiding
Present—Captain Bolton, R.N.; Captain Clarke, R.N.; Nicholas A. Power, Esq., Belleview; Lieutenant Colston, R.N.; L. Lambert, Esq.; Mr. Gillespie, " Viper" Cutter; Messrs. Tracy, O'Neill, and Cox. The attendance of the Fishermen interested in the Salmon and White Sea Fisheries was numerous.
…Patrick Tracy, claimant.
George Elliott, sworn.—Knows the weir in question, which is the joint property of Patrick Tracy and Thomas Whelan. It is an ebb weir, and has been continually fished for Sprats, to his knowledge, these thirty-seven years; that is as long as he knows Passage. Mr. Power, of Faithlegg, is paid £4 a year for it.
In reply to Mr. Barry, Thomas Whelan stated, that he had a lease of this weir, but it was now expired. He had been fishing it himself these twenty-seven years, and his father had it forty years before him. It was to Mr. Bolton's father that his father paid rent for it. Tracy, his partner, is joined with him about three years; it it is an ebb weir, and situate at Checkpoint…
1849 Report from the Select Committee on Fisheries
3 June 1846 Mr. Marry's report on the Weirs illegally erected in River Suir
...Mr. Houghan professed to be convinced of the impropriety of the proceeding, adsmitted that he had given a full assent to the construction of a head weir, by a person of the name of Patrick Tracy, of Cheek Point, and that the present weir was, as he supposed, erected by John Lynch, a servant of Tracy...
No.6 The Weir at Kilmannock was removed under an order from the magistrates of the county of Wexford, in 1844; case having been tried at summer assizes of that year, and Patrick Tracy and John Lynch both convicted.
"I may shortly conclude this report by saving that the judgement of the magistrates in the cases of Patrick Treacey, Catherine Walsh, Andrew Doherty and Patrick Meade, turn on the same point [ancient timber tide weir verse iron weir] save the facts in favour of their weirs are much stronger than in Mr. Power's, inasmuch as they can show a continuous erection in eveery year from about the year 1811 to the year 1842, in the form of a stake weir; and that the illegality of those weirs (save that of Catherine Walsh) must turn on the fact whether the convictions at the asssizes of Waterford in 1844 will not render them equally illegal with the rest."
Date: 1843
WO 69/94/269
Statements of Service, Royal Artillery 2 Battalion Numbers 1781 to 2253.
This entry appears on opening 280; this number is imprinted at the top right of each opening.
Soldier's Number 2050: Matthew TRACEY. Born Coppo Quin, Waterford. Enlisted 1843 aged 18 years. [b. 1825] Note: Transferred to 8 Battalion 1848.
Covering dates indicate enlistment year.
Date: 1843 – 1849
WO 69/150/93
Statements of Service, Royal Artillery 8 Battalion Numbers 2758 to 3253.
This entry appears on opening 99; this number is imprinted at the top right of each opening.
Soldier's Number 2850: Matthew TRACEY. Born Coppoquin, Waterford. Enlisted 1843 aged 18 years [b. 1825]. Discharged 1849. Discharge reason: Purchase.
Covering dates indicate enlistment and discharge years.
Matthew Treacy,
of 73 Regt, & Bridget Quinn
Charlotte Treacy b. 15 Dec 1849 Sp. Michael Treacy & Catharine Quinn.
Templemore Parish
20 July 1844 (N) Waterford Assizes
...guilty of committing a violent
assult...on the person of Ellen Tracy, at Ballymoate...
16 November 1844 & 1849 (N) Waterford
...Rev. Patrick Tracy, Trinity
Without, Waterford...
4 January 1845 (N) O'Connell Tribute
Parish of Butlerstown [Waterford]
- Rev. Mr. Tracey, R.C.C...
25 October 1845 (N) Loyal National Repeal Association
Trinity Without, Waterford, per
Rev. P. Tracey
3 February 1851 Cork Examiner
... Patrick Tracey, C.C., Trinity
Without, been removed to Modrligo.
February 7, 1851 (FJ)
The Rev Patrick Tracey, CC, Trinity
Without has been removed to Modeligo - Waterford News
Others came out openly in favour
of some form of state-assisted colonization from Ireland. Rev. Patrick
Tracey, a co. Waterford priest, made his position quite clear: 'I consider
it my duty to recommend what... would ameliorate the condition of the poor man,
and I consider that emigration would be a mode of doing it'.' Similar attitudes
were not uncommon during the famine. While it is rather strange that only those
who did in fact support emigration were asked directly for their views upon it,
this divergence of opinion may have fairly reflected that amongst the clergy as
a whole.
MacDonagh, Oliver (1947) The Irish Catholic Clergy
and Emigration during the Great Famine. Irish Historical Studies, Vol. 5, No.
20 (Sep., 1947), pp. 287-302
1845 Law and practice in respect to the occupation of land in
Waterford list of Witnesses
Rev. Patrick Trac(e)y curate of Trinity Without and Butlerstown, evidence on Kinsale Beg near Youghal 9th October 1844
1845 Report from Her
Majesty's Commissioners...Occupation of Land in Ireland
The Reverend Patrick Tracey, sworn and examined
1. Are you a parish priest ?—I am coadjutor curate to the Rev. Martin Flynn, who was examined here today, the parish priest of Trinity Without and Butlerstown. [full text]
February 23, 1846 (FJ)
Rev. Mr. Tracy, R.C. priest of
Ballybricken, Waterford has been presented by his friends with a gold watch,
chain and seal, for having restored accord among the agitating Repealers of
that locality.
28 February 1846 Wexford Independent
Rev. Mr. Tracy. R.C. Priest of
ballybricken, Waterford, has bneen presented by his friends with a gold watch,
chain, and seal, for having restored concord among the Repealers of that
15th November 1845 The
...The LIBERATOR...I call from this spot on the Repeal Wardens of Waterford, to apologise in as strong terms as they can to the Rev. Mr. Tracy...
22nd November 1845 The
WATERFORD. The LIBERATOR—I wish first to call the attention of the Association to a document received from Waterford to-day. "At a meeting of the Waterford committee of the Loyal National Repeal Association, held at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1845—Mr. William Duggan in the chair. "Moved by Mr. James Delahunty, and seconded by Mr. William Sullivan, and passed unanimously :—That we withdraw and retract the expression ' unmindful of his country,' as applied to the Rev. Mr. Tracy, in the resolutions adopted by us on the 2nd of October last, and we also deem it right to state, that in its adoption we did not intend or wish to interfere with the authority of his ecclesiastical superiors. (Signed), "JAMES DELAHUNTY, Repeal Superintendent."
18 July 1846 (N) John Jack
v. Patrick Rourke
John Jack, leasee of the Earl and Countess of Huntingdon...It was an action of ejectment on the title, brought to recover possession of the lands of Kilgabriel, now in possession of Declan Tracy and his sub-tenant...His Lordship...the jury had a right to satisfy themselves that a notice was given to each of the parts for the entire farm, and that Rourkle was the under-tenant of Mr. Tracy...The jury returned a verdict for the defendant, with 6d. costs.
22 Jul 1846 (CE) County Waterford Assizes
...Declan Tracy and his
sub-tenants. The declaration contains two demises, one in the name of the Earl
of Huntingdon and the second of both the Countess and Earl of Huntingdon. Both
date the Ist of April, 1846...
...Tracey, and who, during a
portion of that time paid rent for the whole of those lands, and receipts had
been given to Tracey as representing the others. Notice to quit was served on
the 24th of September. That was served on Tracey, and also on...
Parish Trinity without or Ballybricken, Bishop
Flynn, M.,
Curate Tracy, Patrick, Post
town Waterford
1846 Charitable Donations and Bequests (Ireland)
Mary Malone, of the Mayor's Walk, City of
To Rev. Patrick Tracy, to be distributed amongst
the poor of the parish of Trinity in said city.
Parliamentary Papers, Great
Britain Parliament. House of Commons
In the valuation of 1846, James Tracy had a house and Maurice Tracy had a house at Glenpatrick [Rathgormuck Waterford]
15th July 1848 The Tablet
More Arrests...At half-past six o'clock, Mr. Meagher, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Tracey, preceded by a large posse of constables and a troop of the 4th Light Dragoons, and followed by two companies of the 7th Fusiliers, the officers mounted, proceeded along the quays of Waterford, surrounded by a dense and threatening crow', until they came to the bridge, which had been by that time barricaded with piles of timber...
18th July 1848 The North
Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the Principality
Attempted rescue of Mr. Meagher. The following particulars of the circumstances attending Mr. Meagher's arrest are given in the Pilot...At half-past six o'clock, Mr. Meagher, accompanied by the Rev. T. Tracey, preceded by a large posse of constables and a troop of the 1th Dragoons, and followed by two companies of the 7th Fusiliers-the officers mounted -proceeded along the quays of Waterford, surrounded by a dense and threatening crowd, until they came to the bridge, which had been by that time barricaded with piles of timber...There would have been a dreadful scene of disaster had it not been for the exhortations of Mr. Meagher himself, with those of the Rev. Mr. Tracey. To these the people at length assented reluctantly, pulled down the bairicade, the traces were mended, and the party proceeded to Hallyhale, where they met the Dublin mail, and Mr. Meagher, Capt. Gunn, Constabulary inspector, acconipanied by a few police, Who arrived with carbines, and 60 rounds of cartridges each proceeded to Dublin.
By John Walsh, of Cappoquin, Waterford. First
printed in the Christmas number of the ‘Waterford Citizen’, 1869, over
the signature ‘A Cappoquin Girl’.
March 1886 Donahoe's Magazine, Boston
The Rev. Patrick
Tracy, of the diocese of Waterford, Ireland, died recently, aged seventy-three
years. He was ordained in 1837, and up to 1848 was connected with the parish of
Trinity Without, Waterford, as a zealous and devoted missionary curate. He took
an active and earnest interest in the 1848 movement, and was intimately
associated with the late General T. F. Meagher, on which occasion, fortunately,
his great influence over the masses saved that city from a sanguinary conflict,
as the rescue of Meagher on the morning of his arrest was fully determined. In
other parishes of the diocese he was distinguished for his zeal and charities,
and had been a hard-working priest for nearly fifty years.
Francis Meagher’s arrest] With the assistance, however, of the Rev. Mr. Tracy, who
sat upon the box of the chaise, some order was restored, and the harness
replaced. Mr. Meagher s faithful followers, the Ballybricken men, again exerted
themselves to the utmost to see that his instructions were carried out...
O Mahony's Personal Narrative] "Meagher arrived alone He said, that on
coming to Waterford at night, he had sent for the chief men of his club, and.
(I believe) Father Tracy. The men came to him, Tracy did not. On his asking
them to march, they said they could not without Father Tracy s advice and
consent. Too late then to look for it, or to muster the club-men. Meagher not
encouraged to wait. This Tracy, I afterwards understood, was the Byrne of
Waterford Primum Mobile and chief adviser of the clubs, though not personally presiding
over any club himself. (Meagher does not seem to blame this man. 1 do from the
circumstance that his conduct on this first appeal to him was exactly the
counterpart of Byrne's)."
Cavanagh, Michael (1892) Memoirs of
Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher : comprising the leading events of his career
chronologically arranged, with selections from his speeches, lectures and
miscellaneous writings, including personal reminiscences.
1848 Loans made by
Commission of Public Works
Daniel Tracey, Decies within Drum, Waterford, £92/5/4
Sessional Papers
William Smith O'Brien Petition
Patt Treacy, Waterford
Patrick Tracy, Waterford RCC
Patrick Tracy, Waterford
1846-1851 New York arrivals
Mary Tracy, age 21, Spinster, Great
Britain to USA, Waterford: Downes 04/11/1849
Ellen Tracy, age 22, Spinster, Ireland to
USA, Waterford, Juliet 06/15/1849
Julia Tracey, age 20, Servant, Ireland to
USA, Waterford: Oronoco 05/01/1851
1847 Weekly Returns of Deaths in the Quarantine Hospital, at Grosse
Isle Canada
Tracey, -, ship Ann Kenny, from
Waterford Ireland
Tracey, Ann 40 ship Larch, from
Sligo Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, Daniel 15, between August
15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, John 31, ship Scotland,
from Cork Ireland between May 2S and June 5, 1847
Tracey, Michael 40 ship Aberdeen,
from Liverpool England between July 25 and 31, 1847
Tracey, Michael 72 ship Lillias,
from Dublin Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, Patrick 30 ship Scotland,
from Cork Ireland between May 23 and 29, 1847
Tracey, William 30 ship Bolton,
from Dublin Ireland between May 29 and June 5, 1847
October 28, 1847 Quebec Morning Chronicle,
Return of Money and Effects left
by Emigrants, who died without relatives, at Grosse Isle, From the 16th May to
the 21st October.
Mr. Tracey, ship Ann Kenny, £3
September 16, 1848 (FJ) Waterford/Kilkenny/Tipperary
...the police barrack [Portlaw]
was attacked by a rebel party...a party of dragoons chased the rebels into the woods
of Portlaw and Curraghmore and took eight prisoners...On the same day there was
an attack on the police barrack at Glenbower near Carrick...six hundred rebels
commanded by O'Mahony, took up all the arms they could find in the
neighbourhood of Kilmacthomas along the mountain foot of Comeragh and marched
to Rathgormac to attack and burn the barrack...they killed a cow at the farm of
H.W. Barron and had the head of it on one of the pikes; they shot two farmers
named Tracey (tenants of Mr.
Disney), who refused to give up their arms; one was shot through the head, the
other through the breast...One man was shot dead on the spot and another died
yesterday [12th September]...
Griffiths Valuation - Waterford 1848-51
The records are available online from the Waterford County Library. However, sometimes the link does not work.
By Area |
Arthur Treacy Templevrick Ballylaneen Waterford Catherine Tracy Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Declan Tracy Pilltown Kinsalebeg Waterford Declan Treacy Kilgabriel Kinsalebeg Waterford Denis Tracey Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford James Tracey Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford James Tracy Ardoginna Ardmore Waterford James Tracy Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford James Tracy Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Johanna Tracy Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford John Tracy Ballingowan East Aglish Waterford John Tracy Ballyduff East Kilmeadan Waterford John Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford John Tracy Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Luke Tracy Town of Lismore Main St Lismore and Mocollop Waterford Mary Tracey Woodstown Islandikane Waterford Mathew Tracy Town of Cappoquin The Green Lismore and Mocollop Waterford Matthew Tracy Town of Cappoquin Barrick Street Lismore and Mocollop Waterford Michael Tracey Dromore Aglish Waterford Michael Tracy Ballingowan East Aglish Waterford Michael Tracy Ballynaparka Aglish Waterford Michael Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford Michael Tracy Knockaderry Lower Newcastle Waterford Michael Woodstown Islandikane Waterford Patrick Tracy Ballingowan East Aglish Waterford Patrick Tracy Ballynamoyntragh Kilmacleague Waterford Patrick Tracy Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Patrick Tracy Carrickanure Newcastle Waterford Patrick Tracy Cheekpoint Faithlegg Waterford Richard Tracy Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Thomas Tracy Carrickanure Newcastle Waterford Thomas Tracy Graigueshoneen Ballylaneen Waterford Thomas John Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford Thomas Tracy Shanacoole Clashmore Waterford Thomas Tracy Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Thomas Wm. Tracy Ballynaparka Aglish Waterford Thos. Wm. Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford Timothy Tracy Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Walter Tracy Carrick Road, Portlaw, Coolroe, Clonagam Waterford William Tracy Carrickbeg Town Leaf Road Kilmoleran Waterford William Tracy Coolroe, Mulgrave Street Clonagam Waterford William Tracy Craggs Clashmore Waterford |
John Tracy Ballingowan East Aglish Waterford John Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford Michael Tracey Dromore Aglish Waterford Michael Tracy Ballingowan East Aglish Waterford Michael Tracy Ballynaparka Aglish Waterford Michael Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford Patrick Tracy Ballingowan East Aglish Waterford Thomas John Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford Thos. Wm. Tracy Ballynaparka Village of Aglish Aglish Waterford Thomas Wm. Tracy Ballynaparka Aglish Waterford James Tracy Ardoginna Ardmore Waterford Arthur Treacy Templevrick Ballylaneen Waterford Thomas Tracy Graigueshoneen Ballylaneen Waterford Thomas Tracy Shanacoole Clashmore Waterford William Tracy Craggs Clashmore Waterford Walter Tracy Carrick Road, Portlaw, Coolroe, Clonagam Waterford William Tracy Coolroe, Mulgrave Street Clonagam Waterford Johanna Tracy Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Denis Tracey Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford James Tracey Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford James Tracy Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford John Tracy Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Thomas Tracy Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Timothy Tracy Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Patrick Tracy Cheekpoint Faithlegg Waterford Mary Tracey Woodstown Islandikane Waterford Michael Woodstown Islandikane Waterford Patrick Tracy Ballynamoyntragh Kilmacleague Waterford John Tracy Ballyduff East Kilmeadan Waterford Declan Tracy Pilltown Kinsalebeg Waterford Declan Treacy Kilgabriel Kinsalebeg Waterford William Tracy Carrickbeg Town Leaf Road Kilmoleran Waterford Luke Tracy Town of Lismore Main St Lismore and Mocollop Waterford Mathew Tracy Town of Cappoquin The Green Lismore and Mocollop Waterford Matthew Tracy Town of Cappoquin Barrick Street Lismore and Mocollop Waterford Michael Tracy Knockaderry Lower Newcastle Waterford Patrick Tracy Carrickanure Newcastle Waterford Thomas Tracy Carrickanure Newcastle Waterford James Tracy Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Catherine Tracy Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Patrick Tracy Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Richard Tracy Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford |
Pilltown House, Pilltown, Kinsalebeg, Waterford [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Declan Tracy was leasing this
property from the Kennedy estate at the time of Griffith's Valuation, when it
was valued at over £12. Smith refers to it as "Pilltown, not long since
the estate of the Walshes". The house is labelled Pilltown House on the
25-inch map of the 1890s. It is no longer extant. Tracy is noted as the owner
of over 450 acres in county Waterford in the 1870s. A substantial mill, valued
at £39, in the same townland was being leased by Peter Moore Fisher [X129800].
It was included in the sale of Fisher property in the Landed Estates Court in
November 1865. The mill appears to have fallen into disuse by the end of the
nineteenth century though the ruins remain.
Daisybank House, Cheekpoint,
Faithlegg, Waterford
1848, Patrick Tracy was leasing this property from the Power estate when it was
valued at over £18. The National Inventory of Architectural Heritage suggests
it was built in the later eighteenth century and served as a hotel during its
long history.
Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)
PLACE OF TRIAL: Co. Waterford
TRIAL DATE: 08/01/1849
CRIME DESCRIPTION: Receiving stolen goods
SENTENCE: Transportation 7 yrs
1 August 1849 Wexford
Waterford Harbour Regatta - Dunmore East (from the Waterford Mail)...Second Race...Hookers...2nd prize won by 'Fly’, owner Pat Tracey...
In the matter of Mary Quin, Widow, Petitioner...that persuant to an order made in the cause of Nicholas Mahon Power, plaintiff, and Hugh Power defendant, and report thereunder, dated the 7th day of January 1848, Michael Tracy, of Knockaderry, in the county of Waterford, land surveyor, was appointed received over the lands of Liffarry, otherwise Lughanny and Ballygoney, situated in barony of Iverk and county of Kilkenny, the property of the respondent...
March 11, 1850 (FJ) Waterford - Admiralty Case
...Denis Tracy...steering a
fishing smack called the Liberty...Shamrock [of Dungarvin]...
June 7th 1850 The Waterford News
...The hospitable mansion of Mr
Patrick Tracey, so comfortable situate, and in which is to had such right good
cheer, was crowded to overflowing...All of these things may be seen from the
hill of Cheekpoint, and many of them from Mr Tracey’s table d’hote.
1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland
M. Tracy, Curate, Tramore, Waterford
Patrick Tracy, Curate, Trinity Without or Ballybrikan, Waterford
1850 - 1852
25. 72 to
84 map, William Tracey, Carrickbeg, Townparks, Waterford, House and land, 24a/0r/18p,
£53.17.0 rent, tenant from year to year
1850 Second & 1856
Eight & 1859 Ninth Report of All Hallows College Drumcondra Dublin
6 Nov 1854 letter from J.A. Tracy [James Austin Tracy], Cathedral House Calcutta East Indies
Students in the House:
Mr. J. Tracey of Waterford Diocese, from Mount Melleray School, to Calcutta E. Indies
Mr. B. Tracey/Tracy of Derry Diocese or Scotland (w.D.) Diocese, from Mr. M'Leery's School Glascow, to Glascow
Mr. J Tracey of Waterford Diocese, from Mount Mellary School, to Salford England
Rev James Tracy, departed April 1844 to Dacca Bengal or St. John's College Calcutta
Rev John Tracey, departed May 1858, to Salford England
Rev Bernard Tracy, departed September 1858, to St. Sulpice Paris for Scotland (W.D.)
Subscriptions in 1850
Mr DT Tracy, Rathmines £1
Calcutta, per Rev J.A. Tracy £7.15.10
Rev T Tracy, CC, Portlaw £1
Subscriptions in 1856
Rev Thomas Tracey, CC, Portlaw, Co. Waterford £1
Subscriptions in 1859
Rev Pat Tracy, CC, Kilrosenty £1
Mr. Deaclan Treacy, Ardsallagh £1
1871 Census - Whitwick,
James A Tracey, M, 50, b. Ireland, priest
August 30, 1851 (FJ) Mount Melleray - Its Schools - Annual Exhibition
...The recitations were
performed...I am particularly struct by the declamations of...Master John
Treacy, of Cappoquin...the pupils have distinguished themselves, during the
last scholastic year, in the following order of merit...Matthew Treacy...John
20 August 1852 (FJ) Collegiate School of Mountmelleray [Waterford]
…Master John Tracy, then delivered, in admirable style, one of O'Connell's speeches...
21 August 1852 (N)
Collegiate School of Mountmelleray [Waterford]
Greek/Latin/English/Elocution/History/Grammer and Geography/Vocal music Improvement/Dramatic Debate...Matt Tracy. Distinctions in the Order of Merit: John Tracy...
23 August 1852 Cork
Collegiate Exercises At Mount Melleray Abbey... Master John Tracy then delivered, in admirable style, one of O'Connell's speeches…
August 11, 1853 (FJ) Collegiate School of Mountmelleray
…Mr. John Tracy, Cappoquin…Matt Tracy…
August 11, 1853 (FJ) Collegiate School of Mount Melleray
Latin...Matt Tracy, John
Tracy...English...John Tracey...
30 July 1866 Cork Examiner
The Annual Exhibition At Mount Melleray Seminary, Cappoquin... J. Treacy, Kilmacthomas; [Waterford]...
[1857] Certainly,
a decade later, similar complaints were being relayed to All Hallows. From the
Salford diocese, Bishop William Turner wrote that he was unable to accept one
student priest, even on a short-term basis, 'for six months or any period'. In
refusing him, he said, 'I am sorry that Mr
Tracey is so ultra-Irish but I hope that the advice and caution you will
deem it necessary to give him would have its due effect'. [AHC Salford. Bishop
William Turner to Reverend Dr Woodlock, 14 December 1857]
McNicholas. Anthony (2007) Politics, Religion and the Press: Irish
Journalism in Mid-Victorian England. Peter Lang, Oxford.
11 April 1858 (N)
All Hallows College...the Archbishop of Dublin conferred tonsure on...John Tracy...Bernard Tracy...
2 April 1859 (N)
All Hallows College...Annual Report...John Tracy, Sub-deacon, to Salford, England...Bernard Tracy, Deacon, to the Seminary of St. Sulpice, to prepare for Scotland, W.D.
July 4, 1898 The Shan Van
A Pilgrimage to Bodenstown. (By Michael Cavanagh)...November 9th 1861... As our little party of Irish-Americans were preparing to start from the Shelboume Hotel, on this loving mission, it was unexpectedly reinforced by another exiled pilgrim- Mr. Kelly, a native of Waterford, but for many years a resident of Manchester. Having signified his intention of forming a “delegation of one” from his expatriated countrymen in Manchester, he had been furnished with a letter of introduction to me by a dearly beloved townsrnan of mine, the Rev. John Tracey, who felt confident that it would ensure the bearer a cordial reception. It not only fulfilled its object so far, but caused were old acquaintances, linked together by the mutual friendship we entertained for the patriot priest. When I left my old home, twelve years before, John Tracy was one of a band of Cappoquin boys, studying at the celebrated school of Melleray, several of whom have since become distinguished ornaments of the Irish missionary church celebrated alike for their efiiciency and zeal in propagating the faith in foreign lands, and for their loving devotion to their own dear isle…My dear friend, Father John Tracy, with a happier fate than any, died whilst on a visit to the home of his boyhood, and is blessed with a grave in front of the altar where he served Mass years before, and where the prayers of his people are surer to be perpetually offered up for his pure spirit’s eternal repose…
17 September 1864 (N)
O'Brien Monument Committee
...Rev. John Tracy, St. Augustine's Manchester £1...
7th April 1866 The Tablet
Presentation To The Rev. John Tracy, Late of St. Augustine's, Manchester. (From Our Own Correspondent.)
On Sunday last, a deputation from the congregation of St. Augustine's consisting of Messrs. Brady, Kelly, M‘Coy, J. Brady, Blanchflower, and R. Clayton, waited upon the Rev. J. Tracy, at Heaton Norris, to present him with an address of affection expressing their regret at the separation, and wishing him happiness and success in the new mission to which he has been recently appointed by the Bishop. Accompanying the address was a purse of gold. The Rev. gentleman returned his grateful thanks, and acknowledged with much feeling the kindness which he had experienced during the years he laboured at St. Augustine's, both from the clergy and laity.
25 May 1872 (FJ)
We deeply regret the death of a good priest and a good Irishman, the Rev. John Tracy, of Manchester, who expired suddenly at Lismore on the 22nd inst...he had lately visited Cork for the purpose of inviting prominent Home Rulers to the Manchester meeting...
25 May 1872 (N) Death of
the Rev. John Tracy
...Disease of the heart is understood to have been the cause of the sudden extinction of this valuable life...greatly beloved by the Irish People of Manchester for his many virtues, his love of the poor, and his sterling patriotism.
7 June 1873 (N) the Memory
of a Patriot Priest
A solemn anniversary Requiem mass...attending...Rev. P. Tracy...He had the good fortune to have been born and to have spent his early years close to the famous Mount Mellery...All Hallows, near Dublin...
Rev John Tracy of Cappoquin Waterford &
Salford England [brother of Matthew
Tracy, the reporter of the Cork Herald]
Manchester Martyrs
Manchester Martyrs were William Allen, Michael Larkin and Michael O’Brien, all
born in Ireland but living in Manchester and active Fenians. In 1867, after a
most dubious trial, they were executed for their part in a successful ambush to
free two Irish-American Fenian leaders Thomas Kelly and Timothy Deasy leaders
from a prison van in which a policeman was shot dead. The Fenian leaders were
not only freed but also spirited out of the country to New York, despite a £300
reward for their capture, about six times the average annual salary. Among
those who helped Kelly escape were a Dr Kelly of Oxford Road and a Fr Tracy,
evidence that Fenian sympathies were not just the preserve of the “low Irish”
as the English press depicted the working-class Irish. Thomas Kelly on the run
in the Cheetham Hill area, where he escaped from the police by changing clothes
with a Father Tracey, before being
taken to Liverpool by a Fenian who drove for a wine and spirit merchant. Concealed
among the cases of wine he was delivered into friendly hands who assisted him
to board a ship.
Daniel Tracey, Decies within Drum Waterford, £92/5/4
27 Market St.
Egan or Ryan,
Robert, 26, nm.
Treacy, Johanna, 48, mother, widow,
Gough, Ellen, Servant
86 on map,
John Treacy & Honora Cleary, Ballyduffe East [Kilmeadan Waterford?],
0a/1r/10p, £1.0.0 rent, £2.5.0 valuation, from year to year, determinable every
29th September
1854 Sessional Papers
31 Dec 1851 Teachers
M. Tracy, Co-Principal and 2
teachers, Aglish Affane Waterford, School number 2, Roll Number 1395,
Connection with Board 9 July 1835, RC, £56, £6.10.0 fees, 159 pupils, 159 RC
25 May 1852 Encumbered
Estate of James William Wall of Coolnamuck, owner. Includes Carrickbeg.
25. William Tracey,
House and Land, yr. to yr. ending March 25th
1852 RIC Service
Thomas Treacy, 15998, b. 1834 Kilkenny
15998 Thos Treacy, 18 years, 5'8.25", b. Kilky, Catholic, recommended W Graves Clk, lab, appointed 14 Ju 52, served Mayo 9 Oct 52 - Kildare - Waterford A58226/4042, P 1 June 1853, Reward R.F. £2 A61571/4095, Resigned 30/6/61 D96012/6910 Cansealled? A6727 Resigned 31/7/61 D76012/694, served 9 years 0.5 months, To better his condition Emigrate
October 11, 1853 (FJ) Catholic Church
...Rev P Treacy, CC. Modeligo to Tallow...Rev
Thomas Treacy, CC Cahir to Portlaw...Rev John Treacy, CC, Cahir to Ardmore...
1853 Naturalization Declarations filed in Troy Justice Court
John Tracy, aged 37, Of Waterford, entered USA Jan 1851, Resides in Saratoga Co, Applied Dec 22 1853
5? on
plan, Michael Treacy, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Waterford, House & Premises on
12p, £2 rent, year to year derterminable every 25th March
1853 Battersby's Registry for the Catholic World
Obituary...October 21. Mrs. Tracy,
superioress of St. Clare's Convent, Newry, aged 66 years
Felix Tracy, Curate, Mounmellick
John Tracy, curate, Cahir
Thos Tracy, curate, Cahir
Patt Tracy, curate, Modeligo
William Tracy, PP, Kilcock
Chowringhee and Dacca...Rev J.A.
Pakoquetti USA, Jeremiah Tracy
1798-1914 Register of
Enlisted USA
Thomas Tracey, born Waterford Ireland, 23 years, labourer, enlisted 25
Jun 1855 at Newport Kentucky by Maj Heintzelman for 5 years, blue eyes, S brown
hair, dark complexion, 5’5”, Rifles F, deserted 15 Dec ‘57
1855 Tipperary
108b on
map. Matthew Tracey, The Green, south side Town of Cappoquin, house and garden,
19' front, 16' rere, 0a/0r/5p, £1 rent, weekly tenant
16 February 1856 (N)
...the exemplary curate of Modeligo, the Rev. P. Tracy, has exchanged to Kilrosenty. [county Waterford]
27 December 1856 (N)
A deputation from the parishioners of Portlaw and Ballyduff waited, a few days since, on the Rev Thomas Tracy, their late curate, with an address and a liberal donation of £70...-Waterford News
1856 Slater's
Royal National Commercial Directory Of Ireland
Mathew Tracy,
Main Street, Lismore, Waterford. Nail Maker
Maurice Treacy, Grattan Street, Youghal. Public House
Maurice Tracy, Grattan Street, Youghal. Coal Dealer
Michael Tracy, The
Mall, Youghal. Salt & Lime Works/Timber Merchant/Coal Merchant
Michael Treacy,
Grattan Street & Bachelor's Quay, Youghal. Corn Merchant
Thomas Tracey
(rev), Portlaw, Waterford. Catholic Curate
Thomas Tracey,
Bridge Street. Shopkeeper
& Dealer In Sundries
Thomas Tracy, 21 Bridge
Street. Baker
Thomas Treacy,
North Main Street, Youghal. Public House
1856-7 British Tariff
List of Officiers and Clerks of H.
M. Customs
H. J. Treacy, Waterford
Waterford...Pittman. Hugh J
1863 Civil Service
Customs...Mr Hugh L Tracy, from 3rd to 2nd
19 December 1857 Wexford Independent
Stabbing - About half-past seven
o'clock on Saturday eveing, two men, Peter Collins of Peter street, labourer,
and Peter Tracy, of O'Brien street,
a dealer in onions, quarrelled at the mayor's Walk, and in the scuffle both
fell, and when Tracey stabbed Collins with a knife, twice in the abdomen and
once in the side...The wounds are of a serious type, and Tracey will be
detained in custody till Collins be pronounced out of danger. - Waterford Mail
1857 RIC Service
Michael Treacy, 21936, b. 1836
21936 Michl Treacy, 21 years,
5'9.75", b. Wat, Catholic, recommended by Lord Stesart dn Decies, lab,
allocated 17 Sep 57, served Cork W 17 Jan 58, died 17th March 59 A75856/4028
July 1, 1858 (FJ) Catholic Church
The Rev J. Tracey, CC, was
presented on Sunday last, at Ballyneale, with an address and purse, containing
fifty sovereigns to mark the appreciation of his worth and the regret felt for
his departure by the inhabitants of Ardmore. The deputation was most hospitably
entertained by the truly Irish P.P. of Ballyneale.
1858 RIC Service
Michael Tracy, 23863, b. 1838
23863 Michl Tracy, 20 years.
5'9.5", b. Kings, Catholic, married 10/11/80 wife from Waterford,
recommended by S.W. Tarleton JP, lab, allocated 11 Sept 58, served Wat 12 Feb
59 - City 1/10/70 - Roscommon 15/12/80, Punishments 4/12/60 - 8/11/75 -
26/11/77, Pensioned 1st July 1884 23863D/89076, served 25 years 9 months,
pension £46.0.0
Royal College of Surgeons. List of gentlemen who obtained the diploma in the previous year
Maurice Charles Tracy, Pilltown, county Waterford.
1858 Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. The following gentlemen have obtained the Diploma of the College during the present year:
Maurice Charles Tracy, Pilltown, county Waterford
British Medical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 98 (Nov. 13, 1858), pp. 956-957
Maurice Tracey, 20 Apr
1859, C. of G. Hope.
1861 [2853] Army Medical
...M. Tracy, appointed 20 April 1859, Canterbury station...
1865 [3566] Army Medical
Maurice Tracey, commissioned 20th April 1859, assistant surgeon 1863, staff [21st Foot?]
1858 Members:
John Tracy, Rev CC Clogheen, Tipperary?
Patrick Treacy, Rev CC, Kilrosenty, Lamybrien, Co. Waterford
Stephen Treacy, Esq., Officer of Inland Revenue Dublin.
1858 – 1920
Calendars of Wills and Administrations
Declan Tracy
2 Oct 1885 Piltown Waterford, farmer, to Catherine Tracy, spinster
and universal legatee
Deelan [Declan]
Tracy 29 Mar 1865 Piltown Waterford, gentleman farmer, to son
Michael Gerard Tracy, gentleman farmer
Hugh Treacy
31 May 1918 34 Thomas Street Waterford, steward, to Annie Treacy
Charles Tracy 9 Apr 1873 Marlborough Street Cork, assistant
surgeon in HM army unattached a widower, to brother Declan Tracy of Piltown
(Clashmore County Waterford), gentleman
Peter Tracey
1 Dec 1871 John street Waterford, publican and sailmaker, to Bridget
Tracey widow
Thomas Tracey
Rev 30 Jan 1872 Seaview Cottage Bonmahon Waterford, RC Clergyman, by
Rev Roger Power of All Saints near Kill PP and John O’Brien of King Street
Waterford, solicitor
William Tracy
19 Jan 1880 Carrickbeg Waterford, farmer, to Catherine Tracy widow
William Treacy
21 Nov 1914 Aglish Waterford, shopkeeper, to Mary Treacy, widow
Mary Ryan 13 Apr 1869 Tramore Waterford, widow, to brother
Rev Thomas Tracey of Bonmahon, RC
Mary Ryan 13 Apr 1869 Tramore Waterford, widow, left
unadminister by brother Rev Thomas Tracey, to brother Rev
Patrick Tracey of Aglish Cappoquin, RC
1858-1900 Will Registers
Piltown, Clashanahy, Waterford, Ireland |
John Cunningham |
1884/NR/NR |
Will |
Seaview Cottage, Bonmahon, Waterford, Ireland |
Mary Kennedy, Mary Hickey, Roger Power, Prest, Thomas Joseph Hearn,
RichardAnthony, RichmondStreet, City of Dublin, John O'Brien |
1872/NR/NR |
Will |
Seaview, Waterford, Ireland |
Anthony Fitzgerald |
1862/NR/NR |
Will |
4-7 March 1859 Cork
... Rev. P. Tracy, C.C., Kilrosenty, brother to the bride, assisted the Rev. Gerald F. Long, P.P.. Clashmore, the Rev. John Mullins, P.P., Old Pariah, and the Rev. P....
P. Treacy, teacher 4th class, Garranbane, Waterford.
October 4, 1860 (FJ) Catholic Intelligence
New Presentation Convent,
Mountmellick...and a bride's cake, bearing a number of suitable mottoes
presented by Mr. Tracy, confectioner, of Mountmellick.
December 19, 1860 (FJ) Catholic Intelligence
...Presentation Convent, Lismore.
The young lady who had the supreme happiness to register her vows on this
occasion was Miss Bridget O'Brien, elder daughter of Mr. Jeremiah O'Brien,
Ballimacart, Dungarvan and niece to the Reverends
Patrick, Thomas and John Tracey, all Catholic curates in this diocese...
1860- British
War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital
John Tracey, b. 1842, Raigormick, Waterford
Martin Tracey, b. 1877 Waterford, Waterford
Stephen Tracey, b. 1864 Tramore, Waterford
Thomas Treacy, b. 1862
Dungarvan, Waterford
William Tracy, b. 1844 Cappoquin, Waterford
Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]
James Tracy, b. 1880, Waterford, Waterford
1860-1921 Registrar
General of Shipping and Seamen
1857 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
December 1890 |
1853 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Liverpool |
June 1893 |
1856 |
Waterford |
Daring |
Waterford |
December 1888 |
1857 |
Dungan, Co Waterford |
Daring |
Waterford |
December 1887 |
1858 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
June 1889 |
1858 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
December 1889 |
1858 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
June 1890 |
1858 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
June 1888 |
1856 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
December 1885 |
1858 |
Dungarvan |
Dauntless |
Waterford |
June 1885 |
35 |
1849 |
Dungarvan |
Fairy |
Waterford |
June 1884 |
35 |
1848 |
Dungarvan |
Faiy |
Waterford |
December 1883 |
17 |
1858 |
Dungarvan |
Dexter |
Cork |
December 1875 |
17 |
1857 |
Dungarvan |
Stuart |
Waterford |
1874 |
1858 |
Dungarvan |
Joseph |
Waterford |
June 1883 |
1841 |
Dungarvan |
Joseph |
Waterford |
December 1882 |
1846 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Liverpool |
December 1893 |
1859 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
December 1894 |
36 |
1860 |
Dungarvan Irish |
Peri |
Waterford |
June 1896 |
1859 |
county |
Joseph |
Waterford |
June 1882 |
17 |
1857 |
Dungarvan |
Stuart |
Waterford |
June 1874 |
19 |
1855 |
Dungarvan |
M E C |
Waterford |
December 1874 |
1846 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
June 1894 |
28 |
1839 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
December 1867 |
28 |
1839 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
1867 |
26 |
1841 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Wexford |
1867 |
Fissothz? |
60 [46] |
[1818] |
Dungarvan |
& William |
Cork |
June 1864 |
30 |
1876 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
1906 |
30 |
1877 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
December 1907 |
23 |
1874 |
Waterford |
Comeragh |
Waterford |
June 1897 |
23 |
1874 |
Waterford |
Comeragh |
Waterford |
December 1897 |
30 |
1878 |
Waterford |
Lara |
Waterford |
June 1908 |
27 |
1875 |
Waterford |
S S |
Waterford |
June 1902 |
28 |
1874 |
Waterford |
S S |
Waterford |
December 1902 |
31 |
1879 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
1910 |
31 |
1880 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
1911 |
32 |
1879 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
June 1911 |
32 |
1879 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
December 1911 |
32 |
1879 |
Waterford |
Clodagh |
Waterford |
December 1911 |
28 |
1876 |
Waterford |
Reginald |
Waterford |
June 1904 |
28 |
1876 |
Waterford |
Reginald |
Waterford |
December 1904 |
30 |
1877 |
Waterford |
Lara |
Waterford |
June 1907 |
28 |
1875 |
W'ford |
Reginald |
Waterford |
June 1903 |
28 |
1875 |
W'ford |
Reginald |
Waterford |
1903 |
27 |
1875 |
W'ford |
Reginald |
Waterford |
1902 |
27 |
1874 |
W'ford |
Reginald |
Waterford |
1901 |
23 |
1874 |
British |
Comeragh |
Waterford |
December 1897 |
Waterford |
Zephyr |
Waterford |
June 1878 |
28 |
1836 |
Waterfd |
Nancy |
Waterford |
December 1864 |
55 |
1812 |
Waterford |
Alma |
Waterford |
June 1867 |
1870 |
Waterford |
Comeragh |
Waterford |
December 1893 |
32 |
1867 |
Waterford |
Cork |
Dublin |
December 1899 |
30 |
1840 |
Waterford |
Jones |
Waterford |
June 1870 |
55 |
1814 |
Waterford |
Mary |
Waterford |
1869 |
50 |
1813 |
Waterford |
Newcastle |
Waterford |
June 1863 |
55 |
1811 |
[error Co Wexford] |
Alma |
Waterford |
December 1866 |
60 |
1812 |
Dungarvan |
Jim |
Belfast |
June 1872 |
52 |
1816 |
Dungarvan |
Kirwan |
Waterford |
December 1868 |
60 |
1812 |
Dungarvan? |
Jim |
Waterford |
1872 |
35 |
1832 |
Dungarven |
Alma |
Waterford |
1867 |
17 |
1887 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
1904 |
20 |
1886 |
Dungarvan |
Harvey |
Waterford |
June 1906 |
16 |
1887 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
June 1903 |
1844 |
Waterford |
Daring |
Waterford |
December 1888 |
1839 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
June 1889 |
1838 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
December 1889 |
1830 |
Dungarvan |
Daring |
Waterford |
June 1888 |
21 |
1843 |
Dungarvan |
& William |
Cork |
June 1864 |
1830 |
Dungarvan |
Stuart |
Waterford |
June 1885 |
18 |
1884 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
June 1902 |
18 |
1884 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
December 1902 |
17 |
1884 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
December 1901 |
1886 |
Dungarvan |
Peri |
Waterford |
1907 |
40 |
1835 |
Dungarvan |
Shields |
Cork |
December 1875 |
19 |
1856 |
Dungarvan, Co Wateford |
M E C |
Waterford |
June 1875 |
50 |
1832 |
Dungarvan Dongarvon |
Jona |
Sligo |
June 1882 |
17 |
1859 |
Waterford |
Orient |
Waterford |
June 1876 |
18 |
1858 |
Waterford |
Orient |
Waterford |
1876 |
26 |
1842 |
Waterford |
Jones |
Waterford |
December 1868 |
42 |
1868 |
Waterford |
S/S |
Waterford |
June 1910 |
42 |
1869 |
Waterford |
Menapia |
Waterford |
1911 |
45 |
1862 |
Waterford |
Lara |
Waterford |
1907 |
55 |
1855 |
Waterford |
Moore |
Dublin |
1910 |
1867 |
Waterford |
Orient |
Waterford |
December 1883 |
1866 |
Waterford |
Orient |
Waterford |
1883 |
1866 |
Waterford |
Orient |
Waterford |
1883 |
Denis Tracey, b. 1861 Dungarvan Waterford 1896 Crew List
1861 - 59 Booth St, Hulme St
John Manchester Lancashire
Geo Tracey, Head, 50, b. 1811 Waterford Ireland, collectotr of debts
Mary Tracey, Wife, 51, b. 1810 Coonagh [Limerick?] Ireland,
1861 Census - Green
Street, Collegiate Church, Manchester, Lancashire
P N Stepham, Rev Head M 52 France, unmarried, Catholic Priest To St Joseph
John Tracey, Rev ... M 30 b. 1831 Ireland, unmarried, Catholic Priest To St Joseph
Bridget Carrall Servant F 28 Ireland
Catherine Carrall Servant F 26 Ireland
1861 Subscribers:
Rev. F Tracey PP, Ballyna, Enfield (Meath?)
Rev P Treacy CC, Killresenty (Kilrossanty, Waterford?)
Rev J Treacy CC, Carrick-on-Suir (Tipperary)
Rev R? Treacy CC, Ring Dungarvan (Waterford)
Fitzpatrick WJ
(1861) The Life, Times & Correspondence of the Right Rev. Dr Doyle, Bishop
of Kildare & Leighlin. Duffy, Dublin.
Some were non-committal. Others came out openly in favour of some
form of state-assisted colonization from Ireland. Rev. Patrick Tracey, a
Co. Waterford priest, made his position quite clear: ‘I consider it my duty to
recommend what…would ameliorate the condition of the poor man…”
1861 Return of Crimes -
1 Nov 1861 Michael Sullivan, farmer, of Tallow Town, highway robbery by John Treacy & others, convicted assizes
Treacy] Darrigle [Portlaw Waterford? 1r/20p & 2a/1r/30p, 8s & £2.10.0,
Valued at the sum, now occupied by Patrick Treacy, the owners wood-ranger and
rent included as part of his wages.
Tracy, Kilgabriel, Decies & Drum, Waterford, £89.7.6 rent, 88a/3/12p, £63
valuation, Lease dated 4th November 1862 made by Sir Charles Edward Kennedy to
said Declan tracey for 31 years from the 29th of September 1862. Lease
reserves...public right of way...
Tracy, Garrananaspick & Kilmaloo West & Pilltown (sub-denominations of
Ballalag, Ringawn and Widow's farm), Decies & Drum, Waterford, £307 rent,
454a/0r/37p, £347.11.0 valuation, Lease dated 20th March 1833 made by Charles
Edward Kennedy to said Declan Treacy for the life of Augustus Frederick Duke of
Leinster or 100 years from the 25 March 1833. The lease reserves...[6 rights of
1862 - 1864 National
education (Ireland)
M. Tracy, R.C. teacher, male R.C. Touraneena, Seskinan, Waterford
Mary Tracey, R.C., Head, female R.C. 7 EC/130 RC, Touraneena, Seskinan, Waterford
Patrick Treacy, R.C., Head, R.C., 127 RC, Garrabane [Garranbaun], Kilgobnet, Waterford
13 May 1863 (FJ) Death of the
Rev. Patrick Cleary D.D.
...Dungarvan...Patrick Tracy, John Tracy...
26 June 1863 Cork Examiner
[see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
... Charles Tracy, Esq., Army Medical staff, youngest son of Declan Tracy. Esq., Piltown, Co. Waterford, to Mary, eldest daughter of...
30 June 1863 (FJ) Married
May 12 at St. Augustine's Catholic Church, Port Elizabeth, Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, by the Most Rev. Thomas Murphy, D.D., Maurice Charles Tracy, Army Medical Staff, youngest son of Declan Tracy, Esq, Piltown, County Waterford, to Mary, eldest daughter of Charles Honsley[?], Esq, surgeon, Port Elizabeth.
Fisheries Commission - Waterford
The next case was that of Hugh Tracey. Tracey proved that his weir was a head weir and that his father fished it before him. Thomas Whelan, 70 years of age, knew Tracey’s weir for 30 years. The weir was condemned.
23 October 1863 Cork
The Fisheries Commission... of Hugh Tracy. Hugh Tracy, examined by Mr. Elliott—l am the owner of a head weir, and fished it about three years; my father had...
24 October 1863 Wexford
...Hugh Tracy examined...I am the owner of a head weir, and fished it about three years; my father had a Scotch weir there before; I made it a "sprat weir", and before that it was also a head weir; I only fished for sprats, but before my time it was fished for salmon; the landlord, Mr. Power, gave me leave to fish.
...Thomas Whelan examined...I cannot say anything about Tracy's weir; I know his weir as a Scotch weir for thirty years; there was a little head weir there before the Scotch weir...
...James Ryan examined...there was no weir where Tracy's weir is until 1836...
The weir was condemed.
Suir, hard weir, Hugh Treacey & N. Power, Faithlegg Faithlegg Gualtiere Waterford, To be abated as being injurious to navigation, and not having suffiicient legal title as required...21st Oct 1863
1863 Medical Register
Daniel Tracey, registered 22 Jan 1850, St John's Fever Hospital Limerick, Lic. Apoth. Hall Dubl 1818
John Wise Tracy, registered 1 Jan 1859, 10 Acacia road St John's Wood London NW, Lic. Soc. Apoth. Lond. 1832 Mem. R. Coll. Surg. Eng. 1851
Maurice Charles Tracy, registed 21 June 1859, Army, Lic. R. Coll. Surg. Irel. 1858
Samuel John Tracy, registered 1 Jan 1859, 28 Old Burlington stree London W & Merton Surrey, Mem. R. Coll. Surg. Eng. 1849 Lic. R. Coll. Phys. Edin. 1860.
19th March 1864 The Tablet
The followitig Clergymen attended in choir :—... Patt Tracy, Kilrosenty…Thos Tracey, Kill…
1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)
Tracey, Bridget, Dungarvan, Waterford. 19 692
Tracey, George, Waterford, Kilkenny/Waterford. 19 869
Tracey, John, Youghal, Waterford/Cork East. 9 1026
Tracey, Patrick, Carrick-on-Suir, Waterford/Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 4 536
Tracy, James, Clonmel, Tipperary/Waterford. 9 685
Tracy, Margaret, Carrick-on-Suir, Waterford/Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 4 528
Treacy, Emily, Waterford, Kilkenny/Waterford. 4 830
Inland Revenue -
Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists
Thomas Tracy, Rev.,
Ring, County Waterford
3 April 1865 Cork Examiner [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
... Declan Treacy.
Esq., father of the Revs. Patrick, Thomas, and John Treacy. C.C.'s, and
father-in-law of Alderman Ryan, of Waterford...
17 June 1865 (N) Catholic Institution Deaf and Dumb Cabra
...Miss M Tracy,
Tournaneena, Ballinawell...[Waterford or Tipperary?]
17 June 1865 (FJ) Deaf & Dumb, Cabra
M Tracy, Tonraneena, Ballinawell, per card...
1865 Catholic Directory, Almanac and Registry of Ireland, England and
Bernard Tracey, St. Mary's Pollockshaws Renfrewshire Scotland [of Derry]
Felix Treacy, Balyna, Enfield, Kildare & Leighlin
John Tracey, Carrickbeg, Carrick-on-Suir, Waterf. & Lism.
John Tracey, Salford Lancashire England [of Cappoquin Waterford]
John Tracy, Cappoquin, Waterf. & Lism.
Michael Tracy, Derry, Derry
Pat. Tracy, Kilrosanty and Fews, Kilmacthomas, Waterf. & Lism.
Patrick Ambrose Treacy, Christian Schools - Carlow
Thos. Tracey, Kill and Newtown, Kilmacthomas, Waterf. & Lism.
Diocese of Erie
Clearfield Co. Clearfield, St. Francis, rev. Thomas Tracy...
Manchester, St. Augustine's Granby-rown Rev...John Tracey...
Stockport...St. Josephs Rev...P. Tracey...
Renfrewshire...Pollockshaws St. Mary's Rev B. Tracey
Alphabetical list of Parish Priest in Ireland
Treacy, Wm, Kildare & Leighlin, Kilcock
Treacy, Felix, Kildare & Leighlin, Enfield
Alphabetical list of Curates in Ireland
Tracey, J., Waterf. & Lism., Car.-on-Suir
Tracey, Thos., Waterf. & Lism., Kilmacthomas
Tracy, J., Waterf. & Lism., Cappoquin
Tracy, Michael, Derry, Derry
Tracy Pat, Waterf. & Lism., Kilmacthoma
CarrickBeg...curate...Tracy, John...
Kill and Newtown...Curate...Tracy, T...
Kilrosanty and Fews...Curate... Tracy, Patt...
Templemore or Derry, Bishops Parish,.curate...Tracy, Mich...
Christian Schools - Carlow Br. Amb. Treacy
2. William
Tracey, Carrickbeg Town parks with its subdenominations of Coolnamuck Road
North side, Upperthird, Waterford, 24a/2r/30p, £40.15.4 rent, tenant from year
to year
15 December 1866 (N) Saint
Joseph's Convent, Tallow, Co. Waterford
...present...Rev J. Tracey, C.C., Tallow...
1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland
British Postal Service
John Tracy, 1866, Cappoquin [Waterford] to Whitechurch; Ired
J Tracey,
1874, Waterford
Patrick Treacy, 1904, Waterford To
1866 Catholic directory,
almanac and registry of Ireland, England and Scotland.
Shropshire, Oswestry, Rev. P. Tracey
Diocese of Salford, Heaton Norris, John Tracy
1869 Catholic directory,
almanac and registry of Ireland, England and Scotland.
Diocese of Salford, Heaton Norris, Rev John Tracy
10 August 1867 (FJ)
Carmelite Convent Tallow, County Waterford
...Rev P. Treacy, CC, Kilrosenty; Rev J. Tracy, OD, Tallow...
31 August 1867 (FJ)
Insolvent Debtors
At Waterford, October 21: William Treacy, late of Coolnamuck, in the county of Waterford, Farmer and Road Contractor.
31 August 1867 Dublin
Evening Mail
Insolvents...At Waterford, on Oct 21 - Wm Treacy, late of Coolnamuck, in the county of Waterford, farmer and road contractor, previously of same place, farmer.
1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank
Sept 1867 61387 Matthew Treacy born 1830 Waterford, wife Ellen Hennisk? born
1833 Waterford, of 103 Greenwich, Park Keeper, 1850 pr? "Buinup?
Alice" 1853 "R Kelly" nee McGrath
1867 Irish Law Times
Waterford, county Waterford, Oct 21
Treacy, discharged
28 January 1868 Cork
Examiner [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
... Condon—Tracy—On the 25th inst, at the Catholic Church of Pil1town, Waterford. the Rev. P. Tracy. Kiin-s--sputy, brother to the bride...
10 February 1868 (FJ) The
Limerick Declaration
...John Tracey, C.C., Tallow, County Waterford...
22 June 1868 (FJ) Deaf
& Dumb, Cabra
...Rev Dr Tracey, CC, do [Tallow]...
17 August 1868 Cork
Examiner [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Tracy—Howard—Aug. at St. John's. P.Q., Maurice Charles Frederick Tracy, Staff Assistant Surgeon, son of the late Declan...
14 November 1868 (N) St.
John's College, Waterford
...Rev Thomas Tracey, CC, Kill...Rev P. Tracey, CC, Kilrosenty...Rev John Tracey, CC, Slievegue...
1868 Edition - Harvey's Waterford Almanac and Directory
Peter Tracey, grocer and publican,
56 John Street
Richard Tracey, baker, 24 Henry
1868 Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Royal
Naval Reserve BT 164/18
Treacy, Waterford, 1614 P
1869 RIC Service [retired Limerick]
Martin Treacy, 35513, b. 1849
35513 Martin Treacy, 19 years,
5'10.25", b. Tipp S?R, Catholic, married 16 July 78 wife from Dublin City,
recommended by SI Holland, farmer, allocated 1 May '69, served Waterford 28 Aug
1869 - Limerick 1/5/78, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 1.10.96
Patrick Tracy, curate, Aglish
Thomas Tracy, curate, Kill
4 February 1870 -
Waterford Chronicle
...charged Johanna Furniss with deserting her child...Sally Hammond...Mary Tracy sworn, deposed that this child was left in her bed whilst she was sick, and it had beeen fathered on her son Andrew...she had two deserted children...The chairman told Sally that if she refused to be sworn he could send her to bridewell. Sally, after several qualms, kissed the book. She deposed to the father of the child, Andrew Tracey, paying her 2s 6d week for four weeks for the support of the Child; Mary Tracey (Andrew’s mother) told her she would paid for the childs support; the father went away, and she did not know any more about it...Mary Cassidy was the godmother...
1870 RIC Service
John Tracy, 25032, b. 1839 Limerick
25032 John Tracy, 20 years, 5'7.5", b. Limk, Catholic, recommended by S.In Murphy, lab, allocated 17 Aug 59, served Wick 14 Jan 60 - Waterford - Wat City 1/7/70, R2SC for 14 Morcbs? 1/1/63, Punishment, resigned 12 March 1871, to go to America
7 July 1870 (FJ)
...Rev. T. Treacy, C.C., Knockmahon [Waterford]...
7 July 1870 (FJ)
Rev. P. Tracy, CC, Aglish, Cappoquin
1870 Slaters
Co. Waterford
Rev Thomas
Royal Navy Registers of Seamen's Services
John James Treacy, b. 7 Dec 1870 Crooke, Waterford, 136949 Online Document ADM 188/188 Nation al Archives
1853-1923 Royal Navy
John James Treacy. Official
Number: 136949. Place of Birth: Crooke, Waterford. Date of Birth: 07 December
John James Treacy,
Official Number: 136949
Place of Birth: Crooke, Waterford
Date of Birth: 07 December 1870
Engagements: 7 Decr 88 - 12 years, 5'1", brown hair, hazel eyes, fresh complexion, G.T. tattoe on left arm, trade school
Impregnable, 15 2943, ratting B2C, from 8 Apl 86 to 6 Aug 86, Character V.G., Discharged D.S.2, Remarks £611 gc rb ud '86
17 July 1871 (FJ) Deaf
& Dumb, Cabra
Rev. Thos Tracy, CC, Bunmahon, do [Waterford?]...
1871 British Census
James Tracey, spouse Ellen, b. abt 1821 Waterford Ireland, Gloucestershire England
= Ellen Tracey, spouse James, b. abt 1830 Waterford Ireland,
Gloucestershire England
Mary Ann Tracey, b. abt 1817 Waterford Ireland, Lancashire England
Mary Ann Tracey, lodger, 34, married, b. 1837 Warterford
Ireland, Toxteth Park West Derby Lancashire
Michael Tracey, b. abt 1850 Waterford Ireland, Gloucestershire
Norah Tracey, b. abt 1851 Waterford Ireland, Gloucestershire England
10 February 1872 Wexford
People [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Death of the Rev. Thomas Tracey, C.C., Bonmahon.
On Tuesday morning, 30th January, at his residence, in Bonmahon, County Waterford, the Rev. Thomas Tracey, C.C., departed this life, after an illness of ten or twelve days...
15 July 1872 (FJ) Deaf
& Dumb, Cabra
...Rev. Patk Treacy, CC, Aglish, Cappoquin...
1 November 1873 Freeman's
Journal [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Tracy - Oct. 24, at Piltown, Youghal, Anne. daughter Of the Late Declan Tracy Esq., Pilltown Co. Waterford.
29 November 1873 Pilot
(Boston Ma)
Oct. 24, st Piltown, Youghal, Anne, daughter of the late Declan Tracey, esq., Piltown, co. Waterford.
June 21
Maurice Charles Tracy (Pilltown, county
Staff Assistant Surgeon, Army
May 14
Richard Thomas Tracy (Limerick?)
190 Collins Street East, Melbourne, Australia
Lic. R. Coll. Surg. Irel. 1848
M.D. Univ. Glasg. 1849.
22 February 1875 (NJ)
Rolls Court [Waterford]
Chatteris v. Tracey...against the Rev. Patrick Tracey and Mr J Ryan of Waterford as represenatives of the late Andrew Ryan, Esq., of Waterford [died March 1867]...His widow, Mrs Ellen Mary Ryan, took administration, and distributed his assets, reserving, however a sum of £430...Marseilles Company. She died before any claim was made, and although her brother, the Rev. Thos. Tracey, took out administration to her, the money was allowed to remain in the bank undisturbed for two years, when he died, and his brother, the Rev. Patrick Tracey, then took out administration, and in the month of February 1873...drew the money out of the bank...Money will be paid.
February 1875
Rev Patrick Tracey and Mr. John Ryan of Waterford, the representatives of the late Andrew Ryan, Esq, of Knock House, in the city of Waterford.
1875 Tewksbury Almshouse
Intake Record
James Tracey, age 31
25 May 1875 Boston removed from New York
31 b Ire Co. Waterford land New York Sept 1867 per SS City of Baltimore. Direct to Jersey & went to work on farm there 2 yrs - Paterson N,J. 18 mos then to Boston short time Hyde Park few mos then Newark N.J. 3.25 yrs then New York & Penn till Nov last then came to Providence via NY & Prov SS Co thence to Boston via BosRR & then to work on RR near White Mountane NH till March 2, then Nalthann till May 20 then Boston till sent there - single - Currier & laborer N.N. No Esk No Lades - Pa Dennis & Ellen both d Ire - Bro Dennis Tracy Cor 20th St & 4th Ave Brooklyn NY Syph in Nov last in Boston - Has veneral warts - Intemp - No other Inst.
30th Sept 1876 Major Ferry
Boat Accident at Ferrypoint
Thirteen people lost their lives in the last major ferry boat accident between Youghal and Ferrypoint which occurred on Saturday 30th September 1876.
...John Tracy/Treacy from Aglish...
October 1876 Terrible Boating
Ferry boat
at Youghal...The names of those missing are...John Tracy...
October 1876 Monmouthshire Merlin
The Terrible Boat Accident At Youghal. Fourteen
Lives Lost. The ferry boat swamped at Youghal, on Saturday evening, was an open
craft of three tons burthen, rowed by four oars. There were 22 passengers on
board besides the boatmen, the passengers being all farmers and their wives
returning from market in Youghal...The names of the drowned are: Patrick Keane,
Miohael Keane, Richard Staunton, Ellen Budds, Margaret Foley, John Treacy,
Robert Wynne, Mary Keane, Julia Curry, John Shanahan, Mary Carroll, and the
boatmen Davite, Mahony, and William Carty.
Landowners in Ireland (over 1 acre)
Declan Tracy, Piltown, Youghal, Waterford. 453a/0r/0p. £537.0.0
1876 (412) Owners
of land (Ireland). Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons,
dated 20 July 1876
Waterford: Declan Tracy, 201a, £121
25 May 1877 (FJ) Jubilee
of Pope
...John Tracey, TC, do [Cork]...
...Patrick Tracy, CC, Aglish [Waterford]...D Tracy, AB, TCD, do [Clashmore, county Waterford]...
13 July 1877 (FJ) A.M.D.G.
Mount Melleray Seminary [Waterford]
Rhetoric Class - Greek...Disinctions...Patrick Treacy...Greek Composition...Disinctions - Patrick Treacy...Science - Second Class - 1st Place...Patrick Treacy...Elocution...Distinctions...P Treacy...
21 July 1877 Wexford and
Kilkenny Express
Waterford City Petty Sessions
A respectable-looking little boy named Michael Tracey was charged by Sub-constable O'Shea with disorderly conduct at Bakehouse lane...
1877 Waterford Almanac and Street
John Tracey, 26 Spring Garden Alley, Waterford. Labourer
Margaret Treacy, 4 Bank Lane, Waterford. Dressmaker
12 January 1878 (FJ)
Tracey v. Pedder
The action was brought to recover £20 damages for wrongful dismissal of the plaintiff from his employment as groom, in the service of the defendant, who is a lady residing in the county of Waterford...second count...£4 alleged to be due as wages...reserved judgment.
January 1878 Tracey v.
Mr. Gibaou applied to remit this case to the Chairman of the County of Waterford.
The plaintiff was a groom to the defendant, a lady named Pedder, and the action was brought for wrongful dismissal, the damages laid at £20. There was a second count for wages amounting to £4...
23rd April 1878 South Wales Daily News
The Desperate Attempted Murder At
Cardiff. On Monday, Hugh Tracey [of Waterford?], the poor fellow who was so
severely stabbed by the Greek Dovboch onboard the Agnes Sutherland in PenarUi
Roads last Thursday, was not so well as on the day before. A slight relapse
appeared to have set in, It is hoped that this unfavourable change is merely of
a temporary character, and that the young Irishman is likely to recover.
1878 Hydaspes
Sailed Plymouth England 10 August 1878 - arrived
Lyttelton New Zealand 9th November 1878
Colonial Nominated – Single Men
Laurence Treacy, 21 years, of Waterford, Farm Labourer
Hydaspes arrived Canterbury 09 Nov
1878 (assisted emigration)
Treacy, 21 years, single, farm labourer, of Waterford
1880 Wexford
Treacy Meaher, 47, 5'2.5" l Br hair, blue eyes, sandy hair, born Ballyduff
Lismore, of no fixed place, vagrant, Prot?, R&W, 14 days, August
Treacy Maher, 47, 5'2.5" l Br hair, blue eyes, sandy hair, born Ballyduff
Lismore, of no fixed place, vagrant, RC, R&W, 3 week, September
1984 The Irish American Who's who
grandfather, Patrick Joseph Tracey (1880) came from County Waterford to New
York City . Caring for 6 nices and nephews since the death of sister,
Marguerite. Address 1400 East 34th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11210.
11 June 1881 Wexford and Kilkenny
Of The Liceinsing Act.
Connelly summoned Thomas Tracey, of Aglish, for selling liquor at the fair of
Affane without a license.
pleaded that he sent the money to the Supervisor of Excise, and that he did not
receive it in time...
30th July 1881 The Aberystwith
Humane Society...The Society's medalion was also awarded to Hugh J. Tracey,
custom-house officer, for saving Michael Browne and Mary Power. The girl
accidentally fell into a river 12ft. deep at Waterford. Browne jumped in and
attempted to rescue her. The girl clasped him tightly, and they were both in
imminent danger of being drowned, when Tracey ran to the spot, jumped in at
considerable personal risk, and saved both of them.
30 July 1881 Wexford and Kilkenny
Express [file]
Royal Human Society has forwarded John George Treacy the bronze
medal...saving two lives...Custom House Officer in Waterford...
1881 Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory Of Ireland
Declan Tracey, Piltown, Youghal. Gentry & Clergy.
Mathew Tracey, Cappoquin, Waterford. Nail Maker
David Treacy, 79 North Main Street, Youghal. Grocer
The Very
Rev. Patrick Treacy, Priest-is-charge of the Stratford Parish since 1901,
was born in County Limerick, Ireland. He was ordained at Waterford in the year
1881, and came out to Wellington, New Zealand, in the same year. Before
settling in Stratford, Father Treacy had been stationed at Lyttelton,
Masterton, Kumara, Geraldine, Hawarden and New Plymouth.
British Census (LDS)
Margaret Barnes [Tracey], Head, W, Female, 48, Waterford, Ireland, Fish Hawker, 2 Bridge St, Swansea
Town, Glamorgan, Wales
Michael Tracey, Son, U, Male, 22,
Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, Furnaceman Copper (Works),
Johanna Tracey Daug, U, Female,
13, Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, Scholar,
James Tracey, Son, Male, 9,
Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, Scholar,
Tracey, 44 years, born Waterford, widow, Tailor, 25 Bridge St
Swansea Town Glamorgan
14 years, born Swansea, son, Common labr
11 years, born Swansea, daughter
10 years, born Swansea, daughter
5 years, born Swansea, daughter
3 years, born Swansea, daughter
Thomas Tracy, Lodger,
Single, M,
20, Lab,
Port Law Waterford; 6 Egerton St, Barton, Lancashire
Bridget Tracy, Lodger,
Single, F,
21, Spinner
(C), Dublin; (same address)
William Treacey, 36
years, born Limerick, labourer, married, 35 Hopwood St. Liverpool Lanc.
Mary Ann, 33 years,
born Waterford, wife [Mary Anne O Dwyer, of 4 Golden Lane Dublin,
(d. of Michaelis & Cathern Dwyer of Blank)]
Katey, 9 years, born
Dublin, daughter
Sarah, 7 years, born
Dublin, daughter
Michael, 4 years,
born Liverpool, son
Mary, 15 months, born
Liverpool, daughter
Michael Tracy Patrick Ryan, assult endangering life 6 Sep 1880 on Michael
Power, fined 10s. each at Petty Sessions. William Prendergast was also tried
for the same offence and discharged.
1881 Ship: Happy Go Lucky; Official number:
Tracy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; year of birth, 1831; place of birth, Dungarnon
[Dungarvan, Waterford?]; previous ship, Annie of Fleetwood.
BT 99/1303
Happy Go Lucky; Official number: 27350.
Tracy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; year of birth, 1831; place of birth,
Dungarnon; previous ship, Annie of Fleetwood.
Date: 1881
Tracy; rank/rating, Chief Steward; year of birth, 1838; place of birth,
Waterford; previous ship,
BT 99/1313
1891 Ship: Hutton Hall; Official number: 87954.
Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 19; place of birth, Waterford; previous
ship, Caesarea of London.
BT 99/1708
29 July 1882 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
Tracy, tenant; Messrs Longan landlords. Area 2a1r17p; rent £6.5s; valuation
£35s...The tenant deposed that he built a house 36 years ago on the land, which
cost him £30; the holding is situated at Ballinacourty about four miles from
Dungarvan; he sows...he was a fisherman and at one time a sailor...Thomns
Tracey came into me serveral times on behalf of the tenants, offering me £2 an
05 August 1882 Wexford and
Kilkenny Express
Dungarvan Cases
Villiers Stuart, M.P. Landlord
Tracey present rent £6.50 judicial rent £4.15.0
Tracey present rent £4.9.0 judicial rent £3.6.0
26 August 1882 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
Police Court
Tracey pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct at the Mayor's walk...
Treacy of Ballinacourty Waterford, landlord Robert T. Lonegan, 1a/2r/23p, poor
valuation £1/15/0, old rent £4/9/0, new rent £3/6/0
Tracey of Ballinacourty Waterford, landlord Catherine Lonegan & another,
2a/1r/17p, poor valuation £3/5/0, old rent £6/5/0, new rent £4/15/0
Treacy, 4 holdings, annual rent £65/5/8, amount paid £51/19/2
Fitzgerald of Garranspot Waterford, landlord Declan Treacy, 17a/1r/3p, poor
valuation £10/10/0, old rent £13/6/0, new rent £12/5/0
1884 [C.4059] Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Act, 1882 -
Treacy, Waterford, 4 holdings, £63.5.8 rent, £108.8.10 arrears 1880, £51.19.2
paid by commission
October 1884 National and Labour Demonstration,
Treacy, secretary of the local Labourers' League...
1884 Report of the Proceedings of the
Congress By Society for the Preservation of the Irish Language
Patrick Treacy, N.S., Garranbane, Dungarvan.-The parents of 53 of the pupils
speak Irish ; has never attempted to teach Irish, though is most anxious to
establish a class, which he will soon do, and intends to qualify for a
certificate to teach the language...
The Poole Photographic
Collection [National Library of Ireland]
1884 Cabinet commissioned by Mr. Tracey, New Ross
1884 Cabinet commissioned by Revd. W. Tracey, Kilkenny
1885 Cabinet commissioned by Miss Tracey, New Ross
1885 Cabinet commissioned by Mr. Tracey, New Ross
1886/7 Cabinet commissioned by Miss Tracey, Michael Street [New Ross]
1887 Cabinet commissioned by Miss Tracey, Newtown
1890 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss B. Tracy, c/o Mr. R. White, Newtown
1891 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss E. Tracey, Tullogher, New Ross
1891 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss M. Tracey, Tullogher, New Ross
1891 Carte de visite commissioned by Mr. Tracey, Tullogher, New Ross
1896/7 Group commissioned by Miss Tracey, Industrial School
1900 Group commissioned by Mr. S. Tracy, New Ross
1906 Cabinet commissioned by Miss A. Tracey, Main Street, Cappoquin
1908/7 Carte de visite commissioned by Mr. J. Tracey, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
1908/9 Carte de visite vignette commissioned by Mr. G. Treacey, De La Salle College, Waterford
1909 Group of seven commissioned by Mr. Treacy, 7 Beau Street, Waterford
1910s? Rev Canon Patrick Tracey, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, hat off
1910s? Rev Canon Patrick Tracey, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, hat on.
1913/4 Cabinet commissioned by Mr. Treacy, William Street, Clonmel
1915/6 Cabinet commissioned by Con. Tracy R.I.C., Peters St. Barracks, Waterford
1918 In memoriam commissioned by Mr. Treacy-Redmond, Villierstown
1920s? Bride and groom : commissioned by Mr. David Tracey, Garden Flat, 49 Leinster Road, Rathmines
1920s? Wedding group of five : commissioned by Mr. David Tracey, Garden Flat, 49 Leinster Road, Rathmines
1922 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss Treacy, 48 South Street, New Ross
1922 T. Tracey, Barrack Street, Waterford, house and shop : commissioned by Mr. Tracey
1925 Rev Canon Patrick Tracey.P.P., hat off.
1926 Carte de visite commissioned by Mrs. James Treacy, Ballymagill
1926 Group commissioned by Mrs. Treacy, Gas Works, Carrick-on-Suir
1928 Carte de visite commissioned by Mrs. James Treacy, Parish of Tullogher
1947/9 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss Joan Tracey, Metropole Hotel, Waterford
1949/52 Carte de visite commissioned by Miss Phyllis Treacy, Maypark Nursing Home
19 December 1885 Wexford and Kilkenny Express [file]
[see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Death of the Rev
Patrick Tracey, C.C. of Ardmore, County Waterford
It is with
feelings of deepregret that we this day record the death, in the 83th year
of his age, of the Rev Patrick Tracey,
CC, of Ardmore, County Waterford (and for wany years © C of Ballybricken, in
tuis city), which sad event took place after a very brief illness at the family
residence, Piltown, near Youghal on Sunday, 29th November…intimate
and bosom friend of Thomas Francis Meagher…interment to the family burial
place…was brother to the Revs Thomas and Dr. John Tracey, late of these
dioceses. R.I.P.
9 January 1886 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
Piltown Petty
Sessions...Constable James Tracey...
Week ending April 23, 1887
March 21, by special license, at
M.G. Tracey, Bawnalog, Piltown,
County Kilkenny, son of the late Declan Tracey, Esq., to Teresa Mary, daughter
of the late Maurice Fitzgerald Esq., Rockview, Cloyne, County Cork.
(Michael Tracy/Treacy, Cork, 2nd Quarter 1887 Vol.
5, page 94 Marriages Register)
30 April 1887 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
...The last name
he gave was Thomas Tracey, of Rathgormack [Rathgormuck OR Mothel Waterford],
and I know there are people of thst name living there...
1887 Return of Masters, Mates, and
Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued
Treacy, second mate, Foreign Trade, issued 1 April 1886, No. 483
Wm Tracy,
aged 45 of
cook on the SS
Orizaba. Died
07/11/1887 of Heart Disease at Tilbury Dock, Liverpool. Discharged from ship
before demise.
10 March 1888 Wexford and
Kilkenny Express
The Carrick-On-Suir Nominations. [for Waterford Union]
Carrick-on-Suir...Michael Tracey.
19 May 1888 Wexford and
Kilkenny Express
Licensing Application. An Application for an ad interim trapsfer frem Sarah Treacy to Emma Treacy, Passage East, was granted.
06 October 1888 Wexford
and Kilkenny Express
Licensing Business
Emma Tracey. Cheekpoint, new licence,— Granted.
09 February 1889 Wexford
and Kilkenny Express
Dungarvan Union
Aglish Waterworks...caretaker Tracey...
16 July 1889 Freeman's
Law Intelligence...Declan Tracy...
November 5, 1889 (FJ) Waterford Shipping List
...Daring, sch, Treacey, from New
Ross to Meath, oats;...
15th May 1890 South Wales Daily News
Newport...sailings...River May 14
- Daring, Tracey, Dungarvan...
30 November 1889 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
Alleged Drowning of a Cattleman.
The steam-ship Company's steamer
which arrived from Bristol..a catleman named Thomas Tracey, residing at Barraek
street, was missing...Tracey wee a quiet, well conducted man, and father of a
large family, some of whom were of very tender years.
7 May 1891 Freeman's Journal
... Thomas Treacy, Aglish, Co
Hugh Tracey, 16 years, b. Waterford, boarder, Cardiff, Glamorganshire
John Tracey, 21 years, b. Waterford, border, Cardiff, Glamorganshire
Mary Tracey, b. abt 1839, Waterford Ireland, living in Lancashire
Mary Tracey, b. abt 1874, Waterford Ireland, living in Lancashire
Michael Tracey, age 29, crew, single, f’man (seaman), b. Waterford. Ship Rhosina, Millwall Dock, London.
Date: 1891
Reference: BT 99/1708/38
Ship: Hutton Hall; Official number: 87954.
Thomas Treacy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 19; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, Caesarea of London.
1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals
The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.
Annie Treacy, Dungawan (Dungarvan
Waterford?) Ireland, 1907, 22 years, single, Mother Mrs Tracey Dungarvan. to
Bro Tim? Treacy, 10152 E 4th St Anaconda Most [Montana]. 5’-“, fair
complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Dungarvan Ireland.
Tracey, Dungarvan Waterford Ireland, 1904, 29 years, Springfield, Brother:
Thoma Tracey, 3 Rettico? Place ???
Tracey, Dungarvan Waterford Ireland, 1904, 29 years, American, to Yonkers NY,
lived Springfield, Brother: Thomas Tracey, 3 Rittins Place, Yonkers, NY
Ellen Tracy, London England, 1922, 46
years, widow, 5'6", Dark complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, Last address:
Mrs Annie Newall, 8 Kelvin Grove, Princes Park, L'pool. To sister: Mrs John Fitzgerald, 1656, 3rd Ave, NY New
York. b. Villerstown, Ireland. [see Ellen Tracy 46, Annie Tracy 27, William
Tracy 16] [see below]
Tracy, London England, 1922, 17 years, single, 5'3", Dark complexion,
brown hair, brown eyes, Last address: Mrs Annie Newall, 8 Kelvin Grove, Princes
Park, L'pool. To aunt: Mrs John Fitzgerald, 1656, 3rd Ave, NY New York. b.
Dublin, Ireland. [see Ellen Tracy 46, Annie Tracy 27, William Tracy 16]
Tracy, London England, 1922, 16 years, single, 5'7", Dark complexion,
brown hair, grey eyes, Last address: Mrs Annie Newall, 8 Kelvin Grove, Princes
Park, L'pool. To aunt: Mrs John Fitzgerald, 1656, 3rd Ave, NY New York. b.
Aldershot, England. [see Ellen Tracy 46, Annie Tracy 27, William Tracy 16]
John Treacy, Macroom, 1902, 20 years
[Error due to scraps of pages should read John Treacy, Dungarvan (Waterford?)
Ireland, 1902, 20 years, single, Dungarvan, to Bro Timothy Treacy, Central
City, Col]
Tracey, St Paul USA, 1912, 46 years, railway servant, Sister: Ellen Treacy?
Piltown Co. Waterford. Wife: Ann Tracey, Thomas St, St. Paul Minn?, 11/1894 St.
Paul, 5’8”, dark complexion, dark hair, Grey eyes, b. Youghal Ireland,
Tracey, Portlaw (Waterford Ireland?), 1898, 58 years, Irish [citizen crossed
out], to Lanox Mass, (been there 7 months in 1899, to friend Des Barry 900 Part
Street, Lenox Mass?) Citizen of Barkshire Mass 28 of January 1886 [Crossed out]
Kate Treacy, Aglish (Waterford?
Ireland), 1899, 25 years, single, Bro Daniel, 535 e 35th St New
Tracy, Cappquia (Cappoquin Waterford Ireland), 1907, 35 years single, Hkeeper,
Cappoquin Ireland, lived 1906 New York, to Aunt: Mrs J? Downing 601 S 7th
Ave Mt Vernon NY. 5’3”, pale complexion, aubuen hair, blue eyes. b. Cappoquin.
Mary Treacy, Cappoquin (Waterford?
Ireland), 1906, 22 years, single, brother Js Hno Treacy, 2209 Cliffon Ave Minneapolis
Mary Treacy, Waterford
(Ireland), 1904, 36
years, single, America, Irish, lived Waterford, to Long Island, lived New York
1903, sister Mrs Frank McGee, 104 Vernon Avenue, Long Island, New York.
Mary Treacy, Lamberton USA, 1913, 23
years, single, father M Treacy, Cappoquin Co. Waterford. Non Immigrant Alien.
lived 1906/1913 7 years Lamberton, to Brother Rev J.J. Treacy, Lamberton Minn.
5’5”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Cappoquin Ireland. [Rev. John
J. Treacy d. 2 Mar 1916 Hennepin, Minnesota, aged 34, s. of Michael Treacy
& Nora Feney]
Patrick Treacey, Dungarvan (Waterford
Ireland?), 1903, 20 years, to sister Bridget, 1131 South? Street, Springfield
[see 1901 census Clonea Waterford]
Tracey, NY USA, 1919, 54 years, fireman, seaman’s home NY, Destitute Seaman
Consular Passanger, destitute seaman US customs, 20 years US, Brother: Thomas
Tracey, Barricks St, Waterford, Ireland. brother: Michael Tracey, 126ths.St.
#239 W. New York, 5’5”, dk complexion, br hair, br eyes, b. Waterford Ireland
Thomas Treacy, Dungawan (Dungarvan
Waterford? Ireland), 1902, 22 years, single, miner, Dungarvan, to fr John Kelly
New York NY.
Thomas Treacy, Waterford Ireland,
1922, 54 years, married, sailor, wife Mary E. Treacy 7 Barrack St Waterford. to
cousin James Byrne 437 West 124th Street New York NY. 5'8", fresh
complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, tattoos on arms. b. Duagh Ireland. [see
Tracy, Dromore (Aglish) Waterford) Ireland, 1910, 16 years, single, student,
Aunt Mrs Powers, Dromore, Waterford. aunt paid passage, to Mother Mrs Tracy,
2096 8th Ave, New York. 5’7”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes,
b. Dromore Ireland [travelling with cousin Hannah Hallahan 16] [see 1901
United States
Naturalization Petitions
Declan Treacy, born 24 Jul 1879 or 1880 Waterford, Ireland. Naturalised 1909 Boston & 1919 Quincy, Massachusetts
Ellen Treacy nee Burke, born 23 Mar 1885 Tuam, [Galway], Ireland. Naturalised 1943 Yonkers, West N Y. Spouse's Thomas Treacy born 25 Jul 1885 Dungarvan Waterford Irl
February 1893 The wreck of the
of Ballinacourty lifeboat crew...William Treacy, said he went to the boathouse
at midnight and again at 6 in the morning. He went home to get something to
eat. He was coming down from his own house through the field to the boathouse.
1894 Egan's Waterford Directory
John Tracey, 69 Barrack Street, Waterford. Sail Maker
Mrs. Treacy, 12 Barrack Street, Waterford.
Mrs. Tracey, Strand Street, Tramore, Waterford.
Michael Gould Tracy, Piltown, Youghal, Cork. Juror
National School Registers
Tracey, b. 1889, 1894, Waterford
Tracey, b. 1889, 1894, Waterford
St Patricks, [Waterford Waterford] Dublin
Tracy, 6, b. 1869, RC, lives Barrick Street, father labourer, 17 Jul 1875
Tracy, 9, b. 1866, RC, lives Barrick Street, father Do [labourer], 19 Jul 1875
Treacy, 12, b. 1866, RC, lives Canada St, father engin, 26? Sep 1880 to 1882,
from convent Waterford
St Patrick's [Waterford?], County
Tracey, 5, b. 1889, RC, lives Baileys New St [Tramore crossed out], parent
widow, 16 Apr 1894
1895 RIC Service
John Treacy, 53007, b. 1867
Tipperary North
53007 John Treacy, 20.5 years,
5'9.5", b, Tipp N, Catholic, married 3 May 1905 wife [Emily M] from
Waterford contd in Limerick, recommended by DI Huddy, farmer, allocated 11
April 88, served Clare 9 Feb 89 - Waterford 16.9.95 - Kilkenny 1.9.05, P.A.
Sergt 1.4.07 - P. Sergt 1.8.08, Reward, Pensioned 6.11.1913 53007D/78674, Contd
in Queens
8th August 1896 South Wales Daily News
Newport...Sailings...River Aug
7...Peri, Tracey, Dungarvan....[see 1907]
28th August 1890 South Wales Daily News
Tracey, New Ross...
September 1896
- Gardener (Head Working); understands peaches, vines, fruit, flowers,
vegetables; leaving owing to present employer going away; highly recommended;
married, no family - P. Tracey, Ballysaggartmore, Lismore, Co. Waterford.
1896 - Gardener (Head Working); understands vines, peaches, fruit, flowers,
vegetables; highly recommended; married, no family; state terms - P. Tracey,
Dowth, Drogheda, Co. Meath.
1896 - Gardener (Head Working); thoroughly undersatnads his business; long
discharges; married, no family; highly recommended - P. Tracey, Dowth,
Drogheda, Co. Meath.
1899 Ballinacourty Lighthouse, Dungarvan
A record from 1899, for Ballinacourty which was
recorded by Light keeper, George Donleavy reveals that the market-cart man
John Shea was very ill and confined to bed. He writes ‘Went into Dungarvan with
John Shea, market man to put him in Hospital suffering from Rheumatism &
general disability’. Donleavy went to visit the sick man on March 11th, &
found him ‘very low & weak’. On March 13th, he records ‘Received news at 11.30 AM that John
Shea our market man departed this life at 7pm on yesterday in Dungarvan Union
Hospital, I proceeded to Dungarvan to arrange for his interment in Kilgobnet on
tomorrow’. He was an old & faithful servant & had served 44 or 45 years
as Market-man to this station’. The passing of John Shea left a vacancy and the
position was then open for a new man. Four tenders were received from the
following; William Treacy. John Treacy. Roger Power. & Peter Kiely,
All of those would have lived across the road from the lighthouse at ‘An Baile’. The tender was awarded to William Treacy.
Members of the band are: Tom
Meehan, Tom Handrahan, Paddy Murray, Tom Kennedy, John Hayes, Pad Hogan, Tom
Hogan, Pates Cummins, Maurice Veale, Pats Morrissey, Mike Handrahan, Michael
Kiely, Dan Barry, Maurice Terry, Joe Murray, John Kiely, Declan Murray, Pats
Treacy, Larry Power, Jack Elstead, Tommy Power.
1900’s Ballinacourty Townland, Dungarvan
Family surnames that have survived from the early part of the nineteenth century and into the new millennium number just five, one of which is Treacy.
16 February 1901 (SS)
A sad drowning
fatality occurred at Waterford on Sunday Night, when a young woman named Tracey
[Bridget Tracy b. 1873?], a native of New Ross, was
drowned in attempting to rescue her sweetheart, who had fallen into the Suir.
August 3, 1901 Kentucky Irish American
On Wednesday
evening a dead body was found floating in the Suir at Grace Dieu, which is
believed to be that of Bridget Tracey,
a New Ross girl, who was drowned nearly five months ago. The girl's sweetheart
accidentally fell into the river, and she jumped in after him in a frantic
effort to save him. He was saved, but all efforts to recover her body were
fruitless up to Tuesday.
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland
1901 Census of England
Catherine Tracey, 38, Waterford
Ireland, Eccles, Lancaster
Thomas Tracey, 38, Waterford
Ireland, Engine & Roler Driver, Eccles, Lancaster
Catherine Tracy, 43, Ireland
Waterford, Droylsden, Lancashire
Mary Tracey, 27, Co Waterford
Ireland, Cotton Card Room Land, Droylsden, Lancaster
Mary Tracey, 63, Co Waterford
Ireland, Droylsden, Lancaster
Margaret Tracey, 34, Ireland Co
Waterford, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancaster
Thomas Tracey, 24, Waterford
Ireland, Furnaceman Steel Foundry, Horwich, Lancaster
Thomas Tracey listed in 1901 England census on Waterford page.
Marriage Cert: 30/3/1901. District of Bolton, Lancs. Thomas Tracey age 28, of 6
Eminott? St., Horwich. Furnaceman. To Ada Ratcliffe age 24 of 11 Iron St.,
Horwich. Fathers - John Tracey (deceased) Labourer. George Ratcliffe. Railway
Wagon Spring Maker.
From the 1911 census he is living at 15 Armstrong St., Horwich. Furnaceman.
Place of birth Waterford. Children - Ellen age 10. William age 8. Mary age 5.
Thomas age 2. George age 7 months. John crossed out.
William Tracy, 27, Waterford
Ireland, Soldier, St George Hanover Square London
2/5 August 1904 The London/Edinburgh Gazette
July 9, 1904
Without Competition.
Postmen... Patrick Treacy. (Waterford)...
31 March 1905 List of Teachers Employed by the Commissioners of
National Education - Waterford
Bernard A. Tracy, 21 years 9 months
[b. Waterford], served 2 years 6 months, Educated Lowtown Galbally
[Limerick]/St. Peter's Whitefriar St Dublin/Annascaul Annascaul [Kerry],
Serving in Kerry 7887 Knightstown B, Assistant
Brigid Treacy, 29 years 1 month,
served 6 years, educated convent Cappoquin, serving Waterford 7311 Mount
Melleray, Assistant
Timothy J Treacy, 27 years 8
months, served 5 years 3 months, educated De La Salle College Waterford,
serving Kilkenny 13265 St. Patricks, Assistant
August 1905 IT
RIC Transfers...John Treacy,
Waterford to Kilkenny...
US State Department records
Willie Tracy about 11 yrs old
living with grandfather William O'Keeffe, Dromore, Aglish, Co Waterford date
1906-10-18 [see 1901 census]
Jun 29, 1907 (IT) RIC
A very pretty wedding took place
in Cappoquin on last Tuesday, 18th inst, at St. Mary's R.C. Church, the
contracting parties being Mr. Edward Dunne, RIC, fourth son of ex-sergeant L.
Dunne, of Waterford City, to Miss A.M. Tracy, youngest daughter of Mr. M.
Tracy, Main street, Cappoquin. After the wedding breakfast the happy couple
left for Killarney, where the honeymoon was spent. The presents wer numerous
and valuable.
5 October 1907 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
Peculiar Slander Action.
Galvin v, Tracay—This was a case
in which a man named Wm. Galvin, of Portlaw, sued Mrs Treacy, a small
shopkeeper of the ssme place for damages for slander and false arrest.
The Peri was
built in 1872 by the Co-op Shipbuilding Society of Blyth in Sunderland and
registered in Waterford to Moloney and Co. It was a two masted schooner. Gross
tonnage: 101.13. Dimensions:89.8 x 20.3 x 9.15ft. Official No: 67632.
Registered in Liverpool in 1883, then in Waterford in 1893.The captain was
Michael Hally of Abbeyside. In October 1907 the Peri sailed out of Dungarvan on
its way to Newport, Wales, to pick up a cargo of coal for the Cork Brick
Company. The crew were Patrick Dwyer, Michael Tracey and James Young.
They had stormy weather on their return journey on the 2nd of November 1907. At
ten minutes to twelve that night the Peri crashed on the rocks at Seaview near
Helvick Head. The crew had abandoned ship. Michael Tracey went over board first
then James Young (aged 15). Captain Hally and Patrick Dwyer got to the base of
the cliff and climbed towards the top. Captain Hally lost his grip and fell.
Dwyer lost contact with him and eventually got to the top and a nearby house
owned by O'Sullivans. At 8 a.m. they discovered Captain Hally still alive
clinging to a tree and managed to rescue him. The bodies of Michael Tracey and
James Young were retrieved later that day.
Nov 4, 1907 (IT) Wreck of a Dungarvan Schooner
The schooner, Peri, belonging to Captain
Michael Moloney, of this town, was wrecked early this morning at Sea View, a
rocky coast between Helvick and Mino Head, of this county. The names of the
lost are Michael Treacy, mate, and
James Young, boy...
08 November 1907 New Ross Standard
Two Lives Lost
...schooner Peri...coast between Helvick
and Mine Head, county Waterford. There weir two lives lost and two saved. The names
of the lost, are Michael Treacy, mate,
and James Young, boy...
1908 Return of advances under the Purchase
of Land (Ireland) Act - Henry Charles Villiers Stuart Estate
16/1/1908 James Treacy of Ballycurrane
Waterford, 5a/2r/5p, value £2, rent £1/13/0, not judical, vance £12, cash £12
1908 [Cd. 4359, 4375, 4394, 4410] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances
made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of January, 1908. -
Jun 16 1908, James Treacy with Daniel
Healy, Ballycurrane, 5a2r5p & 14a2r14p, £2.0.0 valuation, £1.13.0 rent, £12
& £23 purchase price and advance
Jun 16 1908, James Treacy, Ballycurrane,
4a1r0p, £9 purchase price and advance
Jul 8, 1909 (FJ)...Assizes
for County Waterford...Mr. Treacy B.L. [JJ of Dublin?] appeared for the
1909-10 Thom's Directory of the City and County of Waterford
Hugh or John Tracy, 7 Beau Street
(Cathrine St), Waterford City. Ship's Steward (moved from Tramore, house still
in family)
John Tracy, Scotch Quay, Waterford City.
Pensioner (moved from Tramore, retired customs officer)
Martin Tracey, 34 Barrack Street (opp
Side), Waterford City. Sailmaker
Matthew Tracy, Cappoquin, Waterford.
Michael Tracy, Kilmacthomas Rural,
Woodstown, Kilmacthomas, Waterford. Farmer
Michael Treacy, Dromana, Aglish,
Dungarvan, Waterford. Grocer & Postmaster
Thomas Tracey, 7 Barrack Street, Waterford
City. Sailor
William Treacy, Dromana, Aglish,
Dungarvan, Waterford. Grocer & Publican
11 June 1910 (IT)
[picture] De La Salle Training College (Waterford)
Hurling Team...end third row...J. Treacy...
November 18, 1911 (ME) Death of Mrs. Murray, Tourin, Cappoquin
The chief mourners were: Mr. Michael Murray, husband; Messrs Daniel and Ml Murray sons; Mrs Tracey, Mrs Flynn, Mrs M Phelan and Miss Lilly Murray, daughters...Mr. W. Tracey, Aglish.
3 June 1911
In 1911, at Dungarvan Petty Sessions, Mr Foley, an Irish speaker, understood English but ‘appeared deaf to all questions in English’. Mr Ryan, for the defendants, said ‘I will make him speak English’ and Mr Williams for the plaintiff expressed the view ‘It is well you have confidence in your powers.’ Mr Williams then said ‘I must have an interpreter’ and a man called Mr Treacy ‘came forward and volunteered to interpret’. The witness answered some questions before they had been interpreted, which ‘convulsed the court with laughter which lasted for a considerable time, the magistrates on the Bench heartily joining in’ (Munster Express, 3 June 1911)
Irish Language Court Interpreting 1801-1922. Mary Phelan. 2013 [thesis]
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland
1913 RIC Service
William Treacy, 62509, b. 1881
62509 William Treacy, dob 3 Oct 1881
[26 years], 6'1.875", b. Tipp jd from NR, Catholic, recommended by DI
Annesley, farmer, appointed 2 April 07, served Mayo 1 October 1907 - Waterford
16.4.1913, resigned 30.4.1920 62509D/42623, to better his position, Contd in
Tipp N.R. & Kings
Oct 5, 1907 (IT) RIC
No. 4
Company...William Tracy, do [Mayo]...
April 1913 IT
Transfers...William Treacy, from Mayo to Waterford...
27 June 1913 The Bulletin, San Francisco - Death 28 June 1913 San Francisco Call Treacy - In
this city, June 26, 1913, Thomas F., husband of Catherine Treacy and father
of Catherine Treacy, a native of County Waterford, Ireland, aged 42 years. A
member of the Riggers and Stevedores Union...Internment Holy Cross
Cemetery... |
Jul 18, 1913 (IT) Will of Mr. Patrick Joseph
Power, D.L.
House, Waterford...Mary Tracy, who had been in his employment
1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension
Michael Tracey, b. abt 1874,
Dungarvan, Waterford
Patrick Tracey, b. abt 1879,
Aghlish, Waterford,
1914 The Gas World [see
Sologhead Tipperary]
Mr. M. [Martin] Treacy, manager of the
Cairrick-on-Suir gasworks, has been appointed manager to the Wicklow Gas
Company, in place of Mr. W. Ewing,
1917 The gas world year book
& Wicklow
G.W. Anderson,
M.J. (or T.) Treacy, R.B. Anderson
1931 The Gas World Year Book
Fermoy M. Treacy
Carrick-on-Suir (3) T. J. Treacy, owner.
11 December 1915 (NG)
Munster Hurling Championships - Waterford v. Tipperary
Waterford (T.F. Meaghers selected)...J. Tracey...
Mr. Edward Tracey, Fedamore [Limerick], refereed both marches
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3482/21
Ship: Coningbeg;
Official number: 102005.
H Treacy;
rank/rating, Chief Steward; age, 37; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship,
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3482/19
Ship: Coningbeg;
Official number: 102005.
Hugh Treacy;
rank/rating, Chief Steward; age, 38; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship,
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 99/3155/40
Protesilaus; Official number: 128014.
J Treacy;
rank/rating, Boatswain; age, 45; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship,
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3974/4C
Ship: Orduna;
Official number: 135539. Crew listing continued in BT 400/3974/4B.
F Treacy;
rank/rating, Bosuns Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Wateford; previous ship,
Date: 1915
Reference: BT 400/3974/3C
Ship: Orduna;
Official number: 135539.
J Treacy;
rank/rating, Bosuns Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship,
1915 Merchant Navy
F Tracey; rank/rating, Fireman and
Trimmer; age, 47; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, Carpathia. Ship:
Zent 1915
F Treacy; rank/rating, Bosuns
Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Wateford; previous ship, same. Ship: Orduna 1915
H Treacy; rank/rating, Chief
Steward; age, 37; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, same. Ship:
Coningbeg 1915
Hugh Treacy; rank/rating, Chief
Steward; age, 38; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, same. Ship:
Coningbeg 1915
J Treacy; rank/rating, Boatswain;
age, 45; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, same. Ship: Protesilaus 1915
J Treacy; rank/rating, Bosuns
Mate; age, 45; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, same. Ship: Orduna
Thomas R Tracey; rank/rating,
Fireman; age, 59; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, Metagama. Ship:
Montreal 1915
Thomas Tracey; rank/rating,
Fireman and Trimmer; age, 58; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, Highlander.
Ship: Carisbrook 1915
Thomas Tracey; rank/rating,
Fireman and Trimmer; age, 59; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship,
Montreal. Ship: Kyleakin 1915
Thomas Tracey; rank/rating,
Fireman; age, 50; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, Carisbrook. Ship:
Metagama 1915
Thomas Tracy; rank/rating, Fireman
and Trimmer; age, 45; place of birth, Waterford; previous ship, Rosabelle of
London. Ship: Woodfield 1915
WW1 Merchant Seamen Medal Cards. BT 351/1
Hugh Treacy, b.
Waterford 1873
John Treacy, b.
Waterford 1868
John Treacy, b. 16 April 1868
Waterford, County Waterford. Number: D904. BT 377/7/40865
Thomas Treacy, b. June 1868
Waterford City. Number: V342. BT 377/7/130586
1917 USA Draft
Mathew T Tracey b. 10 Dec 1887 Abbyside Dungarvan [Waterford] Ireland,
declared naturalisation, Oiler, married wife & 2 children, lives 15 Ingram
St Yonkers NY
September 1, 1917 The
Gaelic American
Annual Oireachtas...Industrial Exhibitions (home produced foodstufs and artiicles of clothing)...May Tracy, Waterford [city]...
1918 Petition Against
Annie Treacy, Barrack St
James Treacy, Barrack St
1920 US Census
Name: Declan Treacy
Residence: Quincy
Ward 2, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Estimated Birth Year:
Age: 41
Birthplace: Ireland
Marital Status:
1922-03-14 Petition for
Naturalization Massachusetts
Declan Treacy of Ireland (presumed Waterford???)
Year Immigrated: 1907
Witness 1: Martin Thomas Ahearn
Witness 2: Charles E. Simonin
State Registration Deaths
Name: Declan Treacy
District: Dungarvan
Registration Quarter
and Year: Apr - Jun 1953
Estimated Birth Year:
Age (at Death): 76
16 Sept 1921 Waterford News Treacy—Wednesday, 7th September 1921, after, a long illness,
Stephen Treacy, brother of Mr. Thomas Treacy, Tobacconist and Stationer, and
Mrs. Murphy, Barrack street, and of Mr. .Michael Treacy, U.S.A . R.I.P.
American papers please copy. 19th. June 1922 Photograph Mr [T] Treacy,
House & Shop, Barrack St. Waterford. [of Tramore] Frank Murphy Shop sold in 1948 by his widow. 21 March 2015 8 November 1947 - Waterford Standard Miss Mary
Tracey The death took place last week at an advanced age of Miss Mary
(“Molly”) Tracey, at her residence 74 Barrack St., Waterford. The deceased
lady was a well known and-popular figure in the area, particularly to the
hundreds of school-children who for many years have patronised her sweet shop
in Barrack street. Interment took place on Sunday in the family burial ground
adjoining Ballybricken Church. The chief mourners included Mr Martin Tracey,
Barrack St (brother) Mrs F Barrett, England (sister) and Mr F Barrett, do
(brother-in-law). |
1921- Calendars of Wills
and Administrations
Annie Treacy, 2 Apr 1931, late of Thomas Street Waterford, widow, who died 28 Feb 1931, to John Treacy, shop assistant and Eileen Treacy, spinster. Effects …
Bridget Treacy, 13 Nov 1929, late of Barrack Street Waterford, spinster, who died 11 Aug 1927, to Catherine Murphy, widow. Effects …
James Treacy, 13 Jun 1927, late of Barrack Street Waterford, labourer, who died 21 Apr 1927, to Reverend Matthew J. Carroll C.C.. Effects …
Lizzie Tracey, 23 Jan 1933, late of Abbeyside Dungarvan County Waterford, widow, who died 14 Jun 1932, to Margaret Maher, married woman. Effects …
Patrick Treacy, 25 Sep 1941, late of Ballinacourty Dungarvan County Waterford, farmer, who died 6 May 1941, to John McHugh, manager. Effects …
June 26, 1925 (II) Waterford South Ward – County Council Elections [Thomas
Tracey see Tramore]
Treacy (A.T.)
Jul 4, 1925 (IT) Free State Elections
Treacy (S.F.)...
July 06, 1928 (ME) Waterford Municipal
Election - South Ward No. 4
Treacy...sixth count...Treacy...declared elected...
February 22, 1929 (ME) Waterford
County Board of Public Assistance
meeting of the above was held in Dungarvan...present...T. Tracey...
July 05, 1929 (ME) Election of Mayor
annual meeting of the Waterford Corporation...present...T. Tracey...
9 September 1926 Cork Examiner
Apply Mrs. Tracey, Aglish, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford.
1927 London Wills
Treacy of Barrack-street Waterford spinster died 11 August 1927 Administration
London 3 September to Catherine Murphy widow. Effects £126.2.0 in England.
1928 Irish Mission for Immigrant Girls
in New York City
Treacy, 1928, 20 years, from Waterford. Sponsor: Peter Ormond; Mrs. T. J.
Conway 1668 View Ave. New York City. cousin (Carinthia - September 30 1928)
1931 Cappoquin
Tr(e)ac(e)y &
Dunne, Main Street, Confectioners, Grocers, Tobacconists, Newsagents &
17 July 1937 Dungarvan
The troops of friends and well wishers in Portlaw and purlieus, of Miss Rose Treacy, Kildallon, Co. Cavan, extend cordial felicitations to her on her marriage to Mr James Coe. Miss Treacy who was formerly attached to the Marchioness of Waterford's domestic staff at Curraghmore House, won the sum of £5000 with a half-share in the "Sweet Afton" ticket which drew Laurett II in the Cambridgeshire Sweep last year.
The Mermaid and the
Banshee in Gaelic folk tradition by Gregory R. Darwin. Civilisations et
sociétés 21
…Unsurprisingly, the mermaid appears near the shore or other bodies of water, often sitting on rocks as in the previously quoted description. Certain rocks, bodies of water, or areas of the coast may be described as frequented by mermaids.(17)
17. For example, “The Vow’s Seat” near the river Carron in Scotland (School of Scottish Studies, MacLagan MSS 8057; Mrs Norman McANDREW, Ardgay, Rossshire; Collector: Elizabeth KERR (?), 1903 (?), and “Cloch na Brúch [sic]” (“The Mermaid Stone”) in County Waterford, Ireland (NFC 317: 83-4; Tom Tressy (70), pensioner, The Cross, County Waterford; Collector: Nioclás BREATNACH, 15 February 1937).
Darwin, Gregory R. 2019.
Mar Gur Dream Sí Iad Atá Ag Mairiúint Fén Bhfarraige: ML 4080 the Seal Woman in
Its Irish and International Context. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University,
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences.
…Tom Tressey of Clonmel, County Waterford, reports that his father had a similar experience upon seeing a mermaid, which he never saw again after attempting to capture it:
I used to hear my father to say that when he used to be fishing along the banks of the Suir he used to see this woman & he used to be looking at her. She was half a woman & half a fish. The upper part of her was a woman & other part of her was a fish. So begor he said that it used be a great thing to catch her. So he went this evening at dusk to get at the woman at Cloch na Brúch [sic] and when he came to the place he saw no one. He waited on there for some time & if he did the brúch did not come & he never saw her after. He told me that he had very good luck after seeing her on the bank & that he used to catch a good lot of fish & that when he used to be going along the river he used to hear sweet songs near Cloch na Brúch but he never saw the brúch from that day on. (7)
Although Tom relates this text in English, he uses the Irish term brúch, which suggests that his father might have been an Irish speaker. Unlike what happens in Séamus’s account, Tom’s father sees the mermaid again and again, and is well aware of what she is. The mermaid vanishes for good, but only after Tom’s father decides to capture her. The attempt to capture the mermaid is motivated by the knowledge that “it used to be a great thing to catch her” – knowledge that might have come from legends about captive mermaids who bring prosperity and luck to those who catch them. Unlike Séamus’ account, Tom’s clearly states that the mermaid only resembles a human above the waist, and that her lower half resembles a fish. The placename Cloch na Brúch ‘The Mermaid’s Stone,’ where Tom’s father goes in his attempt to capture her, might suggest that the mermaid was believed to sit upon a rock near the shore, as in Séamus’ account, and many others. The mention of her fine singing voice occurs in some versions of The Mermaid Legend as well, although it is not a common detail.
7. NFC 317:83-84; Tom Tressey (70), pensioner, The Cross, County Waterford. Collector: Nioclás Breatnach, 15 February 1937
C.J. Tracey, Sligo
John Tracey, Carlow
William Tracey, Waterford
Anne-Marie Treacy, Lecturer in Music RWD B06, Music Department, University of Wolverhampton, Gorway Road, Walsall WS1 3BD, England. Born into a musical family in Waterford, Ireland, I experienced an eclectic range of music during my formative years having attended everything from Waterford’s annual festival of Light Opera to “Spraoi”, a celebration of street music and art as well as traditional sessions of Irish music in pubs throughout Ireland. Along the way I also developed a keen interest in history. Currently I am working on French and English music c.1300-c.1450 analysing compositional style in the Old Hall Manuscript, Ms. Ivrea, and the Apt manuscript. I am also exploring issues of patronage and political commentary in the early poetry (pre- Canterbury Tales) of Geoffrey Chaucer and the music and poetry of Guillaume de Machaut including Le Remede de Fortune, and Le Jugement de Roi de Behaingne. Other interests include performance aspects of Medieval English Drama and I have worked specifically on the function of music in York 45: The Assumption of the Virgin. In addition, I have produced medieval plays for The Granary Theatre, University College Cork, including Fulgens and Lucres and Adam de la Halle’s Jeu de Robin et Marion. In addition, I am director of the University of Wolverhampton’s Early Music Ensemble, Réaltanna, which performs a repertoire of both instrumental and vocal music from the medieval and renaissance periods. Increasingly Réaltanna are also extending their repertoire to include both traditional Irish folktunes and compositions by contemporary Irish composers such as Michael McGlynn and Shaun Davey 1997. MA in Medieval Music & English Literature. National University of Ireland: University College Cork. (2.1) 1995. BA in Music and English. University of Ireland: University College Cork. (2.1). Anne-Marie Treacy Et pour la joie que j'avoie ce rondelet fis : the emotional use of song in Chaucer's Book of the duchess in Borderline areas in fourteenth and fifteenth-century music = Grenzbereiche in der Musik des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts / edited by Karl Kügle & Lorenz Welker. Münster ; Middleton [Wis.] : American Institute of Musicology c2009 |
He was
one of the first American car drivers to win International standing. Born
in County Waterford, Ireland, in 1872-3 he emigrated to the United States at
the age of 18 or 19 and later became an American citizen. Soon
after, he became a professional chauffeur and race driver. In
1899 Tracy drove a one-cylinder motor bicycle and while cruising down
Broadway he saw his first car. Answering an ad one day he presented himself
as a mechanic and set about working on his first car for a wealthy patron.
Additional clients who needed instruction in the operation and maintenance of
these new machines began to come his way. Soon
he was racing. Tracy participated in the 1904
Daytona-Beach Tournament driving a Peerless to second place in a 5-mile race.
Also in
1904 he entered the first Vanderbilt Cup race but never made it past the
second lap. In 1905, he won second place in a 100-mille event in Havana,
Cuba. He also drove in the 1905 Gordon Bennett
Race held in France, but completed only two laps after stripping gears of his
Locomobile. Tracy
was chosen by the ACA to represent the United States in the Gordon Bennett
Race over the Auvergne Circuit but his race ended with a stripped second
gear. Joe Tracy's greatest racing successes were
driving Locomobiles at the Vanderbilt Cup Races held on Long Island. He was
the only driver to particpate in the first five races associated with this
historic series (1904 Vanderbilt Cup Race, the 1905 American Elimination
Race, the 1905 Vanderbilt Cup Race, the 1906 American Elimination Race, and
the 1906 Vanderbilt Cup Race). His best results were third place in the 1905
Vanderbilt Cup Race and first place in the 1906 American Elimination Race. In
all five races, Al Poole drove along side Tracy as the mechanic. His
racing career ended soon after the 1906 race. He
became a consulting engineer for the automotive industry. Joe Tracy died on
March 20, 1959 at Long Island, NY at the age of 86. Ref: YouTube: A Tribute to Joe Tracy The Last Race for Old 16 and Joe Tracy? (1946) Kelvin
Smith Library Manuscript Collection Tracy, Joseph
(1872-1959) Automobile racing pioneer AMs,
27pp, varied sizes cut and pasted together, n.p. n.d. Speech comprising
reminiscences of automobile races ca. 1890-1910. Written on reverse sides of
business advertisement for Tracy's company: "Economy Tune-Up
Service". Fair. Significant wear and chipping at tops and bottoms of
pages. From the History of Science Collection. Joseph Tracy (1872 - 1959) (aged 86–87) Brentwood Cemetery, Brentwood, Suffolk County, New York, USA [Note:The closest match I could find was Joseph Treacy b. 23 November 1869 Waterford Waterford (LDS) son of Peter Treacy & Bridget Harney] |
Joanna Tracey & Mathew McNemara
1783 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Elizabeth Tracy & Thomas Hudson
1832 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Ann Treacy & Murth. McKenzie
1817 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Mary's, Clonmel]
George Treacy & Honora Dorney
1787 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Hannah Treacy & Joseph Delahunt 1811
(Marriage Licence Bond)
John Tracy Carpes make 1783 (bond)
John Tracy Cahir [Lismore Diocese]
[Caher? Tipperary] Servt 1797 (bond)
William Treasy Aglish [Aglish OR
Lismore & Mocollop] Farmer 1803 (bond)
Michael Treasy, date missing,
Servior, Ballinafrank [?], (will)
Thomas Treasy, date missing,
Ballinaparky-Agliassh [Ballynaparka Aglish], (will)
William Treasy, 1803, Aglish [Aglish OR Lismore & Mocollop], (will)
Tracey died 1865, Waterford PLU, Aged 64, b. 1801
Tracey died 1866, Waterford PLU, aged 7, b. 1859, died 3 Feb 1866 Waterford REG
Tracy died 1866, Dungarvan PLU, aged 76, b. 1790, died 16 Sep 1866
Tracey died 1866, Carrick On Suir PLU, aged 3, b. 1863, died 12 Dec 1866
Portlaw REG
John Tracy
died 1867, Clonmel PLU, aged 25, b. 1842
Mary Anne
Tracey died 1869, Waterford PLU, Aged 17, b. 1852, died 14 Apr 1869 Waterford
Treacy died 1867, Waterford PLU, aged 3, b. 1864
Thomas Treasy
died 1869, Clonmel PLU, Aged 7, b. 1862
Patrick Tracey died 1870, Waterford
PLU, Aged 66, b. 1804, died 5 Jan 1870 Waterford
John Treacy died 1870, Clonmel PLU,
Aged 25, b. 1845
John Tracy, died 1872 Waterford Waterford PLU, aged 60 years, b. 1812, married, labourer?, died 18 Nov 1872 Workhouse Waterford
Tracy, died 1872 Waterford Waterford PLU, aged 53 years, b. 1821, married,
seaman, died 17 Nov 1872 Workhouse, Mary Tracey, her mark, present at death,
Stephen Street [crossed out]
Catherine Tracy, died 1872 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU. Aged 70 years, b. 1802, widow, labourers widow, died 2 Jan 1872 Workhouse
Mary Tracey, died 1875 Lismore
Lismore PLU, aged 70 years, b. 1805, spinster, pauper, died 8 Oct 1875 Union
Hospital Lismore
Bridget Tracey died 1876, Clonmel Clonmel PLU,
aged 60 years, b. 1816, died 23 Aug 1876 Workhouse Clonmel, married, wife of a
Tracy, died 1876, Clonmel Clonmel PLU, aged 51? years, b. 1825, died 21? Aug
1876 Workhouse Clonmel, married, wife of a labourer
Tracy, died 1876, Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU, aged 80 years, b. 1796, died 17? Mar
1876 Workhouse, widower, labourer [bad copy]
Treacy, died 1876, Waterford Waterford PLU, aged 60 years, b. 1816, died 22 Mar
1876 Workhouse Hospital, widower, laborer
Catherine Tracey
Birth: Jul. 20, 1836 County
Waterford, Ireland
Death: Jan. 18, 1912 Eganville Ontario, Canada
Spouse: James Bonfield (1821 - 1883)*
Burial: Saint James the Less R.C. Cemetery Eganville, Ontario, Canada
Created by: Donna McGinty Record added: Oct 07, 2010 Find A Grave
Memorial# 59719403
David Tracey
James Michael b. 1836 Waterford Waterford d. 23 July 1915 (LDS)
James Tracy, 36 years, single, b. Co. Waterford, Ireland (s. of William &
Honora Fleming) m. Ellen Munnelly, single, (d. of Thomas & Mary
Doherty) 12 Jan 1892 Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts
Johanna Tracey & James Walsh
John, 23.11.1866, Waterford
Richard, 28.04.1869, "Kill,
Waterford" [1879?]
Ref: BT 377/7/40898 Royal Navy Reserve
Name Treacy, John
Place of Birth: Waterford, County Waterford
Number: D 904
Date of Birth: 16 April 1868 [18 Feb 1868 crossed out]
John M. Catherine
5'7", chest 37", fair complexion, hazel eyes, ship & flags on right arm clasped hands on left arm bracelet on left wrist
Address: 5 Ho 6 Ct Upper Frederick St Liverpool
19 13, RV36a, 22.5 years service
Aug 18, Liverpool, RV36a 11871 & Rv8a
Enrolment 14th August 1893 August 1915 Reliza|? RV2 reid
T.M. rating abolished 1st April 1908?
Dardanus various 1908 to 1910
Cyclops varios 1910 to 1912
R.N.R. medal awarded Liverpool 7 Oct 1912
Mary Anne Tracy b. 1850 m. John Fling 1871 Waterford (LDS)
Mary Tracy b. 1842 Waterford m. Thomas Power 1863 Waterford (LDS)
John Tracy, 80, b. 25 Nov 1860 Sandusky Ohio, (s. of Patrick Tracy b. Caens [Queens] County Ireland & Julia Powers b. County Waterford Ireland), single, lived Castalia Road Sandusky, died 26 Aug 1941 Sandusky Erie Ohio, buried 29 Aug 1941 St. Josephs Cemetery
Patrick Tracy (b. County Waterford) & Ellen Whalen (b: County Waterford)
Veronica TRACY m. Gordon
Clifford DANIELS (b: 26 JAN 1886 in Greenfield, Saratoga, NY) 3 NOV 1928 in
Greenfield, Saratoga, NY,
Tracy (Waterford) m. Birgittam Madden, St. Nicholas', Liverpool England. 19th
Thomas Tracy married
Bridget Madden 1861
St Nicholas
Thomas Treacy
Mary Treacey m. William Keane 17/1/1891 at Waterford (Waterford 1891 2nd quarter 4 413)
Abbeyside and Ring (West
Dungarven & Abbeyside, 1800's Ballinacourty, Dungarvan |
Maria Treasy & Jacobi Heas?
Michaelem Neas b. ? Jun 1832 of Ballynacart? Sp. Patritio Heas? & Catherina Doyle? Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Maria Tracy & Jacobi Hays
Michaelis Hays b. 14 Oct 1833 Sp. Timothes Tracy & Maria Hays. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Dyonsii/Denis Tracy & Brigida Power
Michaelem b. 14 Dec 1829 Sp. Jacobo Hayes & Maria Tracy. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Alicia Tracy b. 19 Apr 1831 Sp. Edmundo Power & Johanna Daly. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Thonam Tracy b. 9 Nov 1832 Sp. Joanne Power & Jescinta Kily?. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Winnia Treacy & Gulielmi Bennett
Gulielimus Bennett b. 18 Feb 1838 Sp. Joanne Tracy & Elena Daily. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Anastasia Tracy & Gulielmi Longan
Alicia Longan b. 22 Sep 1836 illeg? Sp. Edmundo Scanlan & Alicia Larkin. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Thoma Tracy & Elena Corbett
Thomas Tracy b. 31 Jan 1838 Sp. Geraldo Lucas & Maria Terry. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Joannes Tracy married Ellena Mullins 19 Nov 1838 Wit: Thoma Oranan & Cath Ryan. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Jacobi Tracy & Ellena Moran
Alicia Tracy b. 18 Oct 1839 Sp. Wilms Maher & Catherina Ryan. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Anna Tracy b. 15 Nov 1840 Sp. Jonea Marty? & Johana Johen?. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Maria Tracy b. 24 Oct 1846 Sp. Michaele Daly & Catharina Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Honora Tracy b. 9 Jan 1849 Sp. Weilmo? Tobin & Maria Donahoe. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Timothi Tracy & Joanna Kiely?/Kelly
Anastasia Tracy b. 21 Jul 1840 Sp. Jacobus Kily & Aneistasia Keily. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Gulielmus Tracy b. 14 Jul 1851 Sp. Mileo Kelly & Brigida Donohue. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Michael Tracy, Ballynacourty, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
1848-51 Griffiths Valuation - Waterford
Denis Tracey Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford
Timothy Tracy Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford
29 July 1882 Wexford and
Kilkenny Express
Tracy, tenant; Messrs Longan landlords. Area 2a1r17p; rent £6.5s; valuation
£35s...The tenant deposed that he built a house 36 years ago on the land, which
cost him £30; the holding is situated at Ballinacourty about four miles from
Dungarvan; he sows...he was a fisherman and at one time a sailor...Thomns
Tracey came into me serveral times on behalf of the tenants, offering me £2 an
05 August 1882 Wexford and
Kilkenny Express
Dungarvan Cases
Villiers Stuart, M.P. Landlord
Tracey present rent £6.50 judicial rent £4.15.0
Tracey present rent £4.9.0 judicial rent £3.6.0
Treacy of Ballinacourty Waterford, landlord Robert T. Lonegan, 1a/2r/23p, poor
valuation £1/15/0, old rent £4/9/0, new rent £3/6/0
Tracey of Ballinacourty Waterford, landlord Catherine Lonegan & another,
2a/1r/17p, poor valuation £3/5/0, old rent £6/5/0, new rent £4/15/0
Margaret Tracy, Date of Death 07 Jun 1876, 34 years, Ballinacourty Dungarvan, servant, spinster, informant Timothy Tracy.
Margaret Tracy, died 1876,
Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU, aged 30 years, b. 1846, died 7 Jun 1876 Ballinacourty
[Ballynacourty Dungarvan], spinster, servant, Timothy Tracy, his mark, present at death, Ballinacourty [bad copy]
Treacy, Date of Death 14 Jan 1886, aged 80,
Ballinacourty Dungarvan, farmer, widower, son William Treacy.
Joannes Tracy married Maria Foley 19 Jan 1841 Wit: Jacobo Foley & Honora Foley. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Joannis Tracy & Maria Foley
Johannem Tracy b. 20 Jun 1840 Sp. Joanne Hearn & Catherina Hayes Rossmore Parish
Mariam Tracy b. 10 Aug 1845 Sp. Patritis Killy & Maria Kane Rossmore Parish
Joannis Tracy? & Margarita Scitham
Maria Tracy b. 10 Oct 1846 Sp. Patritio? Byrne? & Brigida? Mimth?. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Alicia Tracy married Francisus Jacob of Ballinard [Ballinroad Dungarvan] 5 Feb 1856 Wit: Michael Hays & Maria Tracy. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Alicia Treacy & Francisci/Francis Jacob
Mariam Jacob b. 29 Jun 1861 of B. Corty [Ballynacourty? Dungarvan] Sp. Thoma Burke & Catharina Coffey. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Catharinam Jacob b. 8 Mar 1863 of Ballinclamper Sp. Patritis Neille & Honoria Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Mariam Jacobs b. 6 Aug 1865 Sp. Ricardo Wall & Margarita Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Alicam Jacob b. 16 Feb 1873 Sp. Edwarddo Longan & Johanna Crowley? Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Thoma Tracy & Johanna Mulcahy
Joannem Tracy b. 18 Apr 1860 of Ballinacaurty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan] Sp. Joanno Mulcahy & Elena Cahil. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Michalis Treacy/Tracy & Margarita/Margaret Whelan/Whealon
Dionysium Tracy b. 16 Aug 1858 of Abbeyside [Dungarvan] Sp. Thoma Power & Johanna Flynn. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Margaritam Treacy b. 17 Aug 1861 of Abbeyside Sp. Patrito Flynn & Maria Whelan. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Mariam Tracy b. 6 Dec 1864 of Abbeyside Sp. Mathdo Organ? &
Margarita Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish (Bridget b.
5 December 1864 Dungarvan LDS)
Ellenam Tracy b. 24 Aug 1867 Sp. Joanne Terry & Catherina Power.
Abbeyside and Ring Parish (Ellen Tracy b. 25 August 1867 Dungarvan
Michael Tracey/Tracy, sailor, & Margaret Whelan/Whealon
Bridget Tracey b. 5 Dec 1864 of Abbeyside [Dungarvan]. Margaret Tracey mother Abbeyside her mark [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Tracy b. 25 Aug 1867 of Abbeyside. Margaret Whealon, her mark, present at
birth, Abbeyside [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Michael Tracy b. 10 Nov 1871 Humble
Street Abbeyside. Margaret Whelan, her mark, present at birth, Abbeyside
[Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Michael Tracy,
died 1873 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU, aged 1 year 9 months, b. 1872, bachelor,
sailor son, died 15 Oct 1873 Abbeyside [Dungarvan -
Abbeyside and Ring? RC],
Margaret Tracy, her mark, present at
death, Abbeyside
Margaritam Tracey married Thomam McCue 15 Oct 1879 Wit: Augustino Power & Joanna Doran. Abbeyside and Ring Parish [see above]
Margaret Treacy, 19, spinster, assistant housekeeper, lives Abbeyside [Dungarvan], (d. of Michael Treacy, sailor) married Thomas McCue, full age, bachelor, sailor, lives Abbeyside, (s. of Thomas McCue, dead, sailor) 15 October 1879 RC Chapel Abbeyside Wit: Augustine Power & Johanna Dower [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Margaritae Tracy & Thomae McCue
Thomam McCue b. 25 Jul 1880 Sp. Jacobo McCue & Joanna Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Thoma Tracy & Johanna Power
Mariam Tracy b. 22 Apr 1863 Sp. Thoma Power & Hanoria Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Thomas Tracy, 33 years, widower, sailor, lives Ballinnard [Ballinroad Dungarvan], (s. of Denis Tracy, fisherman) married Bridget Veale, 31 years, spinster, fishermans daughter, lives Ballinnard, (d. of Edmond Veale (deceased) fisherman) 24 November 1867 RC Chapel Abbeyside Wit: Roger Power & Ellen Cahill, their marks [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU] signed their marks
Thomam Tracy married Brigidam Neale 24 Nov 1867 Wit: Rogeris? Power & Helena Cahill. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Thomam Tracy married Aliciam Wall 9 Feb 1869 Wit: Ricardi Wall & Maria Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Thomas Tracey & Alice Tracey
Brigitum Tracey 13 Sept 1870 Sp. Edwardo Coummins & Brigida Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish (note: in leg ??? juntis) (12 September 1870 LDS)
Thoma Tracy & Alicia Wall
Honoram Tracy b. ? Sep 1876 Sp. Petro Comming & Bridita Connors. Abbeyside and Ring Parish (23 July 1872 Dungarvan LDS)
Thoma Tracy b. 3 Aug 1879 Sp. Thomas Meade & Margaritae Tracy. Abbeyside and Ring Parish (3 August 1879 Ballinacourty (LDS)
Thomas Treacy/Tracy, fisherman/sailor/labourer, & Alice Wall/War?
Bridget Treacy b. 12 Sep 1870
Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan]. Thomas Treacy, his mark, father,
Ballinacourty [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Hanora Tracy b. 23 Jul 1872 Ballinacourty. Alice Tracy, her mark,
mother, Ballinacourty [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Hanora Tracy b. 20 Nov 1874
Ballinacourty. Alice Tracy, her mark, mother, Ballinacourty [Dungarvan
Dungarvan PLU]
Ellen Tracy b. 13 May 1877
Ballinacourty, Alice Tracy, her mark, mother, Ballinacourty [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Hanora Tracy,
died 1873 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU, aged 0 years 9 months, b. 1872, spinster,
labourers daughter, died 30 May 1873 Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty
Dungarvan - Abbeyside and Ring RC], Alice Tracy, her mark,
present at death, Ballinacourty
Bridget Tracey (b. 12 Sep 1871 Ireland d. 09 Mar 1946 Springfield, Sangamon,
Illinois) (d. of Thomas Tracey b.
Ireland & Alice Wall b. Ireland)
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Springfield, Sangamon,
Burial Date: 12 Mar 1946 Calvary
Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois
William Tracy, 25 years, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan], (s. of Timothy Tracy, labourer) married Margaret Power, 29 years, spinster, house keeper, lives Ballinacourty, (d. of John Power, labourer) 13 February 1877 RC Chapel Ballinroad [Dungarvan] Wit: William Kelly & Hanora Power, signed her mark [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU] signed their marks [not found in RC register]
Gulielmi/ William Tracy/Treasy & Margarita/Margaret Power
Timotheus Tracy b. 28 Dec 1877 Sp. Rogerius Power & Jane Kelly. Abbeyside and Ring Parish (28 December 1877 Ballinacourty LDS) to Montana (see below)
Joannem Treasy b. 4 Jan 1880 Sp. Gulelmo Kelly & Honeria Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish (9 Jan 1880 Ballina Waterford LDS) to Montana (see below)
Catherine born approx 1885 to Montana (Ellis Island)
William Tracy & Margaret Power
Timothy Tracy b. 28 Dec 1877 Ballynacourty, County Waterford (LDS)
John Tracy b. 9 Jan 1880 Ballynacourty, Dungarvan. County Waterford (LDS)
Timothy J. Treacy, 26 years, (s. of William Treacy & Margaret Power) m. Ellan Mulkern, 24 years (d. of Michael Mulkern & Margaret Lacey) 06 Sep 1906 Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Montana
1910 Census - 803 East Fourth St, Anaconda Ward 6, Deer Lodge, Montana
Tim Tracey Head M 32 b.
1878 Ireland, Immigration 1898, na, craneman, smelter,
Ellen Tracey Wife F 27 Ireland, Immigration 1903, married 3
years, 2 child 2 alive,
William Tracey Son M
2 Montana
John H Tracey Son M
0 9/12m Montana
1920 Census - 1004 East Fourth St Anaconda Ward 6, Deer Lodge,
Timothy Tracy Head M 42 Ireland, Immigration 1898, Na 1910,
labourer smelter
Ellen Tracy Wife F
36 Ireland
William Tracy Son M 12 Montana
John Tracy Son M 10 Montana
Margaret Tracy Daughter F 6 Montana
Catherine Tracy Daughter F 4 Montana
Mary Tracy Daughter F 2 Montana
Isabelle Tracy Daughter F 1 Montana
Tim/Timothy Treacy/Tracey, smelterman/labourer/foreman/craneman, b.
Ireland & Ellen/Ella/Mary Mulkin/Mulkarin/Mulkoram/Mulkerin b. Ireland
William Tracey b. 28 Oct 1907 803
East Fourth Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, 1st child
John Henry Tracey b. 15 Jul 1909
803 East Pherid Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, 2nd child
Mary Alice Tracey b. 9 May 1917
1004 E 4th Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, 5th child
Isabel Treacy b. 13 Aug 1918 1004
E St Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, 6th child
William A Tracy died 29 Sep 1965 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, smelterman, served WWII,
age 57, b. 28 Oct 1907 Anaconda MT (s. of Timothy Tracy & Ellen Mulkerin).
Infdormant Mrs Earl Eccleston Anacona MT
John Henry Tracy, 25, b. 1910 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana (s. of Timothy Tracy
& Ellen Mulkerin) married Agnes Elizabeth Gregovich, 23, b. 1912 Anaconda
Deer Lodge Montana (d. of Mathew Gregovich & Katherine Kavaren) Wit: Leo
McKelvey & Ann McKelvey 31 Dec 1935 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana Roman
Catholic Priest
John Henry Tracy died 25 Sep 1961 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, welder foundryage 52, b.
15th July 1909 (s. of Tim Tracy & Ellen Mulkerin) informant Mrs
Agnes Tracey Anancona Mt
Margaret M. Tracey, 20, single, b, 1913 Anaconda Deer Lodge Co MT (d. of Tim Tracey
& Ellen Mulkeren) married Charles F. Mclean, 23, single, b. 1910 Anaconda
Deer Lodge MT (s. of Charles Mclean &Marie Davidson) Wit: Pat Dolan & Catherine
Tracey on the 5 Jun 1933 Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Montana, Roman Catholic
Catherine Ann Tracy, 21, b. 1914 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana (d. of Timothy Tracy
& Ellen Mulkerin) married Earl W. Eccleston, 23, b. 1912 Anaconda Deer
Lodge Montana (s. of Hamilton F. Eccleston & Diana Lezarby Knapp) Wit:
Edward J Cyr & Mary Alice Tracy 14 Jul 1935 Anaconda Deer Lodge
Montana Roman Catholic Priest
Mary Alice Tracy, 20, b. 1917 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana (d. of Timothy Tracy &
Ellen Mulchern) married Michael Francis Sullivan, 23, b. 1914 Anaconda Deer
Lodge Montana (s. of John D. Sullivan & Mary Murphy Wit: Isabel Tracy
& James T Mullen 9 Sep 1937 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana Roman Catholic
Isabel Frances Tracy, 22, single, b. 1919 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana (d. of Timothy Tracy
& Ellen Mulkerin) married Thomas B. Mccarthy, 26, single, b. 1915 Anaconda
Deer Lodge Montana (s. of Dan Mccarthy & Winnifred Morris Wit: Bernard
McCarthy & Margaret McGinley 25 Jun 1941 Deer Lodge Montana Roma Catholic
Tim Tracy, 20, b. 1921 Anaconda Deer Lodge MT , (s. of Tim Tracy &
Ellen Mulkerin) married Virginia Johnson, 16, b. 1925 Denver (d. of Chris
Johnson & Eva Craddock) Wit: Robert Tracey & Isabel Tracy 20 Jan
1941 Deer Lodge Montana Roman Catholic Priest
Robert L. Tracy, 21, b. 1925 Anaconda Deer Lodge County Montana (s. of Timothy Tracy
& Ellen Mulkerin) married Elizabeth Jane Mcandrews, 22, single, b. 1924
Anaconda Deer Lodge County Montana (d. of William Mcandrews & Elizabeth
Gilboy) Wit: William A Tracy & Charlotte Mae Reardon 23 Feb 1946
Deer Lodge County Montana Roman Catholic Priest
Timothy Treacy died 18 May 1958 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, craneman copper smelter age
77, b. 26th Oct 1880 Co. Waterford Ireland (s. of William Treacy &
Margaret Powers). Informant William Treacy Anaconda Montana
Timothy J. Tracy born 28 Dec 1877, died 18 May 1958 Anaconda Deer Lodge Montana, buried
Mount Olivet Cemetery
Timothy Tracy (b. 19 Nov 1878 in Waterford d. May 1958) m. Ellen Mulkerin (b: 17 Mar 1883 in Galway) 1906 Anaconda Montana
William TRACY b: Private
John Henry TRACY b: Private
Margaret TRACY b: Private
Katherine TRACY b: Private
Mary Alice TRACY b: Private
Timothy TRACY b: Private
Robert TRACY b: Private
Frances TRACY b: Private
Ref: Laurie K. Mercier (2004) 'We Are Women Irish': Gender, Class, Religious, and Ethnic Identity in Anaconda, Montana, Montana Historical Society. [Includes wedding photograph]
John Treacy, 27 years, single (s. of William Treacy & Margaret Piner [Power], Dungarvan, Waterford, Ireland) m. Kate Quinn, single, 22 years (d. of Thomas Quinn and Mary Conly of Roscommon, Roscommon) 22 Jun 1909 Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Montana
Ellis Island
John Treacy,
Macroom, 1902, 20 years [Error due to scraps of pages should read John Treacy,
Dungarvan (Waterford?) Ireland, 1902, 20 years, single, Dungarvan, to Bro
Timothy Treacy, Central City, Col]
Annie Treacy,
Dungawan (Dungarvan Waterford?) Ireland, 1907, 22 years, single, Mother Mrs
Tracey Dungarvan. to Bro Tim? Treacy, 10152 E 4th St Anaconda Most
[Montana]. 5’-“, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Dungarvan Ireland.
Margaritam Tracey married Thomam McCue 15 Oct 1879 Wit: Augustino Power & Joanna Doran. Abbeyside and Ring Parish [see above]
Margaret Treacy, 19, spinster, assistant housekeeper, lives Abbeyside [Dungarvan], (d. of Michael Treacy, sailor) married Thomas McCue, full age, bachelor, sailor, lives Abbeyside, (s. of Thomas McCue, dead, sailor) 15 October 1879 RC Chapel Abbeyside Wit: Augustine Power & Johanna Dower [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Margaritae Tracy & Thomae McCue
Thomam McCue b. 25 Jul 1880 Sp. Jacobo McCue & Joanna Power. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Patritius Treacy of Clonea [RC. Abbeyside and Ring Parish] (s. of Joannis Treacy of Clonea) married Margareta Daley of Stradbally (d. of Gulielmi Daley of Canariley) 5 Apr 1880 Wit: Laurento Lyons of Clonea & Maria Lynch of Stradbally. Stradbally Parish
Patrick Treacy, [full] aged, bachelor, school master, lives Clonea, (s. of John Treacy, dead, shoe maker) married Margaret Daley, ditto [full aged], spinster, servant, lives Stradbally, (d. of William Daley, dead, laborer) 05 April 1880 RC Chapel Stradbally Wit: Laurence Lyons & Mary Lynch, signed his mark [Kilmacthomas Kilmacthomas PLU] signed her mark
Denis Tracy, full age, bachelor, sailor, lives Abbeyside [Dungarvan], (s. of Michael Tracy, sailor) married Lizzie Foley, full age, spinster, shopkeeper, lives Abbeyside, (d. of Mathew Foley, dead, sailor) 19 January 1882 RC Chapel Abbeyside Wit: Patrick Murray & Margaret Frennell? [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Name: Tracey, Elizabeth; Tracey, Michael; Moloney, Alice; Maher, Margaret
Inscription: Erected to the memory of Elizabeth Tracey nee Foley who died at Abbeyside 14th June 1932. Her son Michael died 1st November 1907 and her Aunt Alice Moloney died 6th March 1908. Margaret Maher died 9th June 1952. R.I.P.
Note: S2 No.61B B.O'Keeffe & Sons
Graveyard: Abbeyside Graveyard
Abbeyside Reference Archive
Death Certificates
Alice Tracy, witness to Death 04 Jun 1873 of Honora Wall, labourers widow, Ballinacourty Dungarvan.
Bridget Tracy, Date of Death 15 Sep 1868, 32 years, Ballinacourty Dungarvan, fishermans wife.
Tracy died 1868, Dungarvan PLU, Aged 32, b. 1836
Honora Tracy, Date of Death 30 May 1873, 9 months, Ballinacourty Dungarvan, labourers daughter, informant Aileen Tracy.
Johana Treacy, Date of Death 05 Jan 1884, 70 years, Ballinacourty Dungarvan,
labourers wife, daughter Margaret Treacy
Margaret Tracey, witness to Death 15 Nov 1893 of Michael McCue sailors child Abbeyside Dungarvan.
Margaret Tracey, witness to Death
29 Mar 1883 of her mother Margaret Whelan 96 years, tailors widow, Abbeyside
Margaret Tracy, Date of Death 07 Jun 1876, 34 years, Ballinacourty Dungarvan, servant, spinster, informant Timothy Tracy.
Tracy, died 1876, Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU, aged 30 years, b. 1846, died 7 Jun
1876 Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan], spinster, servant, Timothy Tracy,
his mark, present at death, Ballinacourty [bad copy]
Mary Treacy, Date of Death 02 Feb 1881, 16 years, Abbeyside Dungarvan, sailors
daughter, informant Margaret Treacy.
Michael Tracy, Date of Death 15 Nov 1873, 21 months, Abbeyside Dungarvan, sailors
son, informant Margaret Tracy.
Timothy Treacy, Date of Death 14 Jan 1886, aged 80, Ballinacourty Dungarvan, farmer,
widower, son William Treacy.
Lizzie Tracey, witness to Death
05 Jan 1883 of Mary Murray, sailors widow, Abbeyside Dungarvan.
Margaret Treacy, witness to Death
28 Feb 1888 of mother Hanora Power, 80 years.
Honora Tracy, Date of Death 04 Feb 1880, 65 years, Clonea Dungarvan, National School Teachers wife, informant Patrick Tracy.
Treacy, Date of
Death 26 Dec 1888, aged 3 months, Dungarvan, father Wm. Treacy clerk
Patrick Treacy, Date of Death 14 Jan 1889, 80 years, Clonea Dungarvan, teacher, married.
Commemorating 700 years of
the Augustinian Order in Abbeyside Waterford led by 80 year old Fr. Declan
Treacy, bearing a sacred candle. 31 August 1990 Dungarvan Leader |
10 May 1941 Dungarvan
Observer. Death of Mr. Patk. Treaey, Ballinacourty, Dungarvan.
The death, after a rather protracted illness. took place at the Hospital, Dungarvan on Tuesday night of Mr. Patrick Treacy. Ballinacourty, Dungarvan. A hardworking, industrious farmer, the deceased who was of powerful athletic physique was a general favourite and his death in the heyday of life is deeply regretted and much sympathy is extended to his bereaved widow and other relatives. A very large concourse of relatives and the general public attended at the removal of the remains to Ballinroad Parish Church on Wednesday evening, where on arrival the coffin was received by Rev. Fr. Power, C.C. who recited the prayers for the dead. On Thursday after the celebration of Requiem Mass, interment was made in the family plot adjoining. R.I.P.
07 June 2002 Waterford News and Star Deise Gaeldom Mounrs Tommy Treacy In the early hours
of last Sunday morning Tommy Treacy bade farewell to this world of ours at
the Waterford Regional Hospital. He was aged just sixty four. Tommy lived all of
his life in the homeplace in Ballinacourty, enjoying to the full every day
that God sent him. From his earliest years he had an infectious love of the
GAA and its games, and that inevitably meant an equally infectious love of
Abbeyside / Ballinacourty. Over the years he
rendered extraordinary service to the sister clubs in a variety of roles.
However his time as treasurer will always be recalled, being at the helm as
he was when fundraising took on a quite mammoth task for all those directly
involved. Most of all for Tommy Treacy. He never moaned or
groaned under the enormity of his GAA involvement. And for as long as Scor
lives on the name Tommny Treacy will live with it. He was passionate in
his support for and love of this particular social side of the Association,
and he travelled everywhere inside and outside the county when members of his
own beloved club were competing. For those of us
fortunate enough to have known and befriended Tommy we can, and will, forever
regard it a privilege. He was kindness personified in everything he did and
he was incapable of uttering an ugly or offensive word. In a sentence he was
one of nature’s true gentlemen. He will be close
enough to an impossible act to follow within the Abbeyside/Ballinacourty club
where he deservedly enjoyed his own special brand of legendary status. In
truth we may not seek his likes again. Fittingly the GAA
club did him proud at both the removal of his remains last Monday evening and
his burial on Tuesday. Tommy Treacy, a giant of a GAA man and club man,
deserved nothing less. To his surviving
relatives, including an elderly aunt in England, and Moll and Bernard Shields
who were so good to him over the years, the sincerest sympathy of this column
and columnist is extended. Go ndéine Dia trócaire ar a anam dílis. |
Aglish (West Waterford)
Marriage records which start 1877 and end 1880. There are more parish records
available than there are on the NLI films.
Maria Tracy & Mich Power
Thomas Power b. 2 May 1840 Sp. Guliulmus Hansfield & Brigida Ryan?. Aglish Parish
Michaelis Tracy & Helena [Brifida crossed out] Hallahan
Margaritam Tracy b. 18 Oct 1840 of Ballingown [Ballingowan Aglish] Sp. Michael Fitzgerald & Helena Bransfield?. Aglish Parish
Gulielmum Tracey b. 11 Apr 1843 of Ballingown Sp. Joanne Mullowney & Margarita Hodnet?. Aglish Parish
Michael Treacy died 1865, Dungarvan PLU, Aged 68, b. 1797, died 26 Oct 1865 Ballingowan [Aglish – Aglish RC], Whitechurch Dungarvan, Waterford, informant John Treacy.
Anne Tracey
of The Strand Youghal [Youghal] (d. of Michael
& Ellen Hallahan of Aglish [Waterford]) married Patrick Sweeny of Lower
Glanmire [RC & Rathcooney] (s. of Patrick & Bridget Connors of The
Rocks [?]) 31 Jan 1875 Wit: Patrick Herty of Youghal & Sarah Whelan of
Abbey Side [Dungarvan Waterford]. Youghal Parish
Anne Tracey,
full [age], spinster, servant, lives Youghal, (d. of Michael Tracey, farmer) married Patrick Sweeney, full [age],
bachelor, servant, lives Lower Glanmire, (s. of Patrick Sweeny, labourer) 31
January 1875 RC Chapel Youghal Wit: Patrick Harty & Sarah Whelan [Youghal
Youghal PLU Cork] signed his mark
Margarita Tracy/Treacy & Daniels Daly
Thomam Daly b. 29 Nov 1840 of Aglish Sp. Patritus Lee & Catherine Doody. Aglish Parish
Mauricum Dealy b. 17 Nov [or Dec] 1842 Sp. Joanne Connel & Margarita Donovan. Aglish Parish
Joannem Daly b. 6 Mar 1845 of Aglsih Sp. Dionysis Cody? & Brigida Collins alias Walsh. Aglish Parish
Maria Tracy & Jeremia Whelan/Phelan
Thomam Whelan b. 29 Nov 1840 of Villers town [Villierstown Aglish] SP. Gulielmo Ronayne & Johanna Trihy. Aglish Parish
Mariam Phelan b. 10 Sep 1843 Sp. Jacobo Danniel & Margarita Mohany. Aglish Parish
Catharinam Phelan b. 17 May 1847 of Villerstown? Sp. Thoma Brady? & Elena Blansfield?. Aglish Parish
Mariam Phelan b. 25 Feb 1849 of Viliarstown Sp. Joanne Kean & Ellena Kean. Aglish Parish
Helenam Whelan b. 19 Feb 1852 of Villerstown Sp. Patriti Bransfield & Johanna Burke. Aglish Parish
Michaelem Phelan b. 7 Jan 1855 of Vileristown Sp. Patritio Mernin & Brigida Mernin. Aglish Parish
Joannes Tracy & Maria Kenna/Kena
Joannam Tracy b. 15 Dec 1840 of Ballingown [Ballingowan Aglish] Sp. Guls Kernin? & Brigid Fowler?. Aglish Parish
Patricum Tracey b. 18 Mar 1843 Sp. Terentus OBrien & Honora Flennary?. Aglish Parish
Thoma Tracy b. 23 Feb 1851 of Ballinagown? Sp. Joan? Tracy & Brigida Towler. Aglish Parish
Laurentium Treacy b. 15 Jun 1854 of Ballingown Sp. Terence Phelan & Maria Kernin?. Aglish Parish
Michael Tracy, full [age], bachelor, baker, lives Ballingowan [Aglish], (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married Kate Moloney, Ditto [full age], spinster, N Teacher, lives Aglish [Aglish], (d. of Thomas Moloney, alive, smith?) 23 April 1873 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: John Tobin & Anne Meagher [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] [see above]
Michael Tracey & Catherine Moloney
Mary Tracey b. 16 Dec 1874 Ballinaparke [Ballynaparka Aglish], Dungarvan, County Waterford (LDS)
Michael Tracey, baker & Catherine Moloney
Mary Tracey b. 16 December 1874 Ballinaparka [Aglish]. Michael Treacy, Father, Ballinaparka [1874 19 587
Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] [image available & official transcript]
Catherine Tracey, died 1874
Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU, aged 32 years, b. 1842, married, national teacher,
died 20? Dec 1874 Ballinaparka [Aglish] [Aglish RC], Michael Treacy, present at death,
Michael Tracey
of Aglish [Waterford] (s. of John
& Mary McKenna of Aglish) married Ellen Collins of Youghal [Youghal] (d. of
Michael & Mary Maloney of Aglish) 3 Mar 1878 Wit: Thomas Tracey of Aglish & Hannah Hassett of Nile Street. Youghal
Michael Tracey,
full [age], widower, baker, lives Aglish Co. Waterford, (s. of John Tracey, labourer) married Ellen
Collins, full [age], spinster, shop assistant, lives Youghal, (d. of Michael
Collins, farmer) 03 March 1878 RC Chapel Youghal Wit: Thomas Treacy & Hannah Hassett [Youghal Youghal PLU]
1878 Hydaspes
Sailed Plymouth England 10 August 1878 - arrived
Lyttelton New Zealand 9th November 1878
Colonial Nominated – Single Men
Laurence Treacy, 21 years, of Waterford, Farm Labourer
Hydaspes arrived Canterbury 09 Nov
1878 (assisted emigration)
Treacy, 21 years, single, farm labourer, of Waterford
Lawrence Tracey, 90 years, b.c. 1854 Co Waterford Ireland, Timaru Cemetery S. Canterbury N.Z 06/09/1944
Timaru Cemetery, New Zealand
Pray for the soul of
Lawrence Tracey
Born County Waterford Eire
Died 3 Sep 1944
Aged 90 years
Maria Tracy/Treasy & Patricii Comerford
Patricium Comeford b. 7 Mar 1841 Sp. Thomae Connery & Maria Walsh. Aglish Parish
Honoram Comeford b. 7 Feb 1842 of Coolroe [Ardmore] Sp. Joanne Treacy & Maria Huston. Aglish Parish
Catharinam Comerford b. 5 Mar 1843 of Coolroe Sp. Thoma Coughlan & Catherina Dower. Aglish Parish
Thomam Comerford b. 2 Jun 1844 of Coolroe Sp. Thoma Greene & Catharina Murray. Aglish Parish
Patritium Comerford b. 17 Aug 1845 of Dromore [Aglish] Sp. Joanne Cashman & Maria Doody. Aglish Parish
Mariam Comerford b. 14 Jun 1849 of Coolroe Sp. Jacobo Moloney & Maria Moloney. Aglish Parish
Thonam Commerford? b. 13 May 1850 of Coolroe? Sp. Anastasia Treasy. Aglish Parish
Ellena/Eleonora Treacy/Trasey & Joannis Daley
Johannam Daley b. 3 Jul 1842 Sp. Joannes Keating & Ellena Meskel. Aglish Parish
Mariam Daley b. 5 Sep 1844 of Dromore [Aglish] Sp. Michaele Treasy & Carharina Walshe. Aglish Parish
Margarita Treacy/Treasy & Francisci Flynn
Mariam Flynn b. 20 Nov 1842 Sp. Dyonsis Collens & Johanna Healy. Aglish Parish
Helenam Flyn b. 7 Dec 1844 of Aglish Sp. Joanne Treasy & Margarita Dee. Aglish Parish
Francisum Flynn b. 10 May 1847 of Aglish Sp. Joanne Tracy? & Catharina Duggan. Aglish Parish
Thomae Tracey/Treacy & Marie Sheehan
Mauritum Tracey b. 30 Dec 1842 Sp. Patritis Comerford? & Maria Tierney. Aglish Parish
Thommam Tracy b. 28 Feb 1849 of Aglish Sp. Joanne Cody & Brigida Fowlar. Aglish Parish
Catherinam Treacy b. 13 Apr 1850 of Aglish Sp. Thoma Connery & Maria Treacy. Aglish Parish
Rogerium Tracy b. Oct 1854 of Aglish? Sp. Patric? Mulvaney? & Maria Duffin. Aglish Parish
Thomae Treacy & Maria Sheehy
Mariam Treacy b. 25 Jan 1846 of Aglish Sp. Maria Roche. Aglish Parish
Catherinae Tracey & Joannis Ferrel
Joannem Ferrel b. 13 Dec 1843 Sp. Patrico Kiskil? & Ailina Kiskil?. Aglish Parish
Gulielmum Farrel b. 17 May 1847 of Aglish Sp. Joanne Tracy & Maria Foley. Aglish Parish
Thomas Treacy & Margaritae/Maria McEvoy/Macavoy
Danielem Treacy b. 4 Feb 1844 of Aglish Sp. Thoma Meskill & Helena Tierney. Aglish Parish
Catharinam Tracey b. 1 Sep 1847 of Aglish Sp. Thoma Neil & Johanna Hearn. Aglish Parish
Michaelan Tracy b. 28 Aug 1849 of Aglish Sp. Patritis Walsh & Brigida Staples?. Aglish Parish
Danial Tracy
died 3 Mar 1928 Bloomington McLean Illinois, age 84, b. 3 Feb 1844 Co Waterford
Ireland, Laborer, buried 6 Mar 1928 St Marys Cem [see Daniel
William Tracy Union Organiser & Government Executive Officer
Danial Tracy
(b.c. 1844 Co Waterford, Ireland d. 03 Mar 1928 Bloomington, McLean, Illinois, Burial
06 Mar 1928 St Marys Cemetery) Aged 84, Occupation: laborer
Daniel Tracy
of Co. Waterford, Ireland & Kate O'Brion of Co. Sligo, Ireland
Margaret Sheridan (b. 18 Apr 1877
Bloomington, Illinois d. 26 Jan 1944 Bloomington, McLean, Illinois Burial 29 Jan
1944 St. Mary's Cemetery)
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Bloomington,
McLean, Illinois
Spouse: Frank
Catherina Treacy & Patricii Meskil
Ellenam Meskil b. 29 Mar 1844 Sp. Thomas Meskil & Johanna Fitzgerald. Aglish Parish
Michaelem Meskel b. 31 Jul 1845 of Aglish Sp. Laurentis Coughlan & Maria Tierney. Aglish Parish
Thomam Meskel b. 30 Dec 1849 of Aglish Sp. Michael Brenan & Ellena Keating. Aglish Parish
Michaelem Meskel b. 17 Aug 1852 of Aglish Sp. Joanne Cody & Maria Waters. Aglish Parish
Johannam Meskil b. 16 Feb 1856 of Aglish Sp. Jacobo Tobin & Honoria Walshe. Aglish Parish
Catharinam Meskill b. 31 May 1857 of Aglish Sp. Patricio Collins & Johanna Wall?. Aglish Parish
Demetrius [Diontust?] Meskil b. 14 Jan 1866 of B. parka [Ballynaparka Aglish] Sp. Joanne Meskil & Margarita Meskil. Aglish Parish
Gulielmum Meskele b. 19 Dec 1868 of Aglish Sp. Jacobo Hallanan & Alicia Dooby. Aglish Parish
Catherine Treacy/Tracey & Patrick Mescal/Meskil
Denis Mescal b. 12 Jan 1866 Ballinapoka, Dungarvan Whitechurch Waterford (LDS)
William Meskil b. 20 Dec 1868 Whitechurch Waterford (LDS)
Michael Meskil, single, b. Ireland (s. of Patrick & Catherne Tracy) married Margaret Connery, 27, single, b. 1862 Ireland (d. of Patrick & Cathane Fitzgerald) 28 Apr 1889 Manhattan, New York, New York, United States
Michael Miskell died 24 Dec 1906 1336 3rd Avenue Manhattan, New York, 51, married, Coachman, b. 1855 Ireland (s. of Patrick Miskell b. Ireland & Catherine Tracy b. Ireland) Buried 26 Dec 1906 St. Raymond New York Note: Presbyterian Hospital
Daniel Meskill (s. of Patrick Meskill & Cath. Tracy) married Ann Kelly, (d. of Patrick Kelly & Marg. Degnan) 14 Feb 1888 Immaculate Conception-Catholic, Montclair, Essex, New Jersey (LDS)
Maria Tracy & Patritii Lynch
Honoram Lynch b. 8 Sep 1844 Sp. Michaele Slaney & Maria Murphy. Aglish Parish
Patriti Tracy & Anna Gorman
Mariam Tracy b. 4 Oct 1844 Sp. Gulielmo Tracey & Margarito Brien. Aglish Parish
Margaritam Tracy b. 22 Nov 1846 of Ballingowen Sp. Gulielmus Brien & Brigida Fowlor/Towlor. Aglish Parish
Joannis Treacy & Julianae/Johanna Connors
Mariam Treacy b. 16 Nov 1845 of Ballynaparka [Aglish] Sp. Edmundo Whelan & Maria Whelan. Aglish Parish
Catherinam Tracy b. 14 Mar 1847 of Ballynaparka Sp. Daniel? Meskil & Elena? Meskil. Aglish Parish
Michaelis Tracy & Ellenae Connery [see John Tracy Papal Knight of NY]
Brigidam Tracy b. 25 Mar 1849 of Coolroe [Ardmore] Sp. Patritis Lucas & Margarita Tracy. Aglish Parish
Joannes Tracey & Maria Ronan
Mariam Tracey b. 2 Sep 1849 of Aglish Sp. Mauritio Curren & Maria Phelan. Aglish Parish
Joannes Treacy b. 24 Aug 1857 of Aglsih Sp. Patritio Walsh & Honora Walsh. Aglish Parish
Anastatia Tracey & Thoma Nugent
Maria Nugent b. 16 Sep 1855 of Aglish Sp. Joanne Ormonde & Johanna Casy?. Aglish Parish
Brigidam Nugent b. 5 Mar 1858 of Aglish Sp. Jacobo Comerford & Maria Flynn Lisaplorio?. Aglish Parish
Johanna Newgent b. 15 Jun 1862 of Aglish Sp. Thoma Flynn & Margarita Greene. Aglish Parish
Anaestasia Treacy, & Thomas Nugent, shoemaker
James Nugent b. 5 Jun 1867 of Ballinaparka [Aglish OR Kilmolash]. Thomas Nugent, his mark, father, Ballinaparka [1867 9 729 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Ellen Treacy, 24 years, single (d. of Thomas Treacy) m. Patrick Walsh, 58 years, widower (s. of Patrick Walsh) 6 Jun 1865 Aglish, Waterford, Ireland
Ellen Treacy, 24 years, spinster, farmers daughter, lives Ballinaparka, (d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer) married Patrick Walshe, 58 years, widower, shopkeeper, lives Ballinaparka, (s. of Patrick Walsh, farmer) 6 June 1865 RC Chapel of Aglish Wit: William Treacy & Kate Molney? [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] signed his mark
John Treacy, 23 years, bachelor, farmer, lives Ballingown [Ballingowan East Aglish], (s. of Michael Treacy, famer) married Bridget Power, 27 years, spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Moneyvioe?, (d. of Patrick Power, farmer) 23 February 1865 RC Chapel of Whitechurch Wit: John Treacy & Anne Treacy [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
John Treacy, 23 years, single (s. of Michael Treacy) m. Bridget Power, 27 years, single (d. of Patrick Power) 23 Feb 1865 White Church, Dungarvan, Waterford, Ireland
Joannis Treacy & Brigidae Power
Michaelem Treacy b. 27 Dec 1865 of Ballingown Sp. Maurito Power & Helena Treacy. Aglish Parish
Mariam Treacy b. 29 Apr 1867 of Ballingown Sp. Patritio & Anna Treacy. Aglish Parish
Gulielmum Treacy b. 21 Apr 1869 of Ballingown Sp. Joanne Treacy & Brigida Ryan. Aglish Parish
Margaritam Tracy b. 4 May 1871 Ballinfoody? Sp Michael Tracy & Bridgita OBrian. Priest P. Tracy. Aglish Parish
Patritium Tracey b. 11 Aug 1873 of B Lea [Ballintlea Ardmore] Sp. Thoma Tracey & Maria Fitzgerald. Aglish Parish
Laurentium Tracey b. 7 Oct 1877 of Ballinymon [Ballynamona Ardmore] Sp. Gulielmus Fitzgerald & Brigida Leanlan. Aglish Parish
Mauritium Tracey b. 6 Nov 1880 of (Ballingown) Sp. Gulielmo Brien & Brigida Ryan. Aglish Parish
John Treacy & Bridget Power
Michael Treacy b. 25 December 1865 Whitechurch
Mary Treacy b. 28 Apr 1867 Whitechurch (LDS)
William Treacy b. 19 Apr 1869 Whitechurch (LDS)
Margaret Treacy b. 1 May 1871 Whitechurch (LDS)
Patrick b. 10 August 1873 Whitechurch (LDS)
Anne b. 15 March 1876 (LDS)
Lawrence b. 25 September 1877 Ballingown (LDS)
John Treacy/Tracy, farmer/labourer, & Bridget Power
Michael Treacy b. 25 Dec 1865 of Ballingowan [Aglish] John Treacy, father, Ballingowan [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Mary Treacy b. 28 Apr 1867 of Ballingawn [Ballingowan Aglish]. John treacy, father, Ballingown [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Treacy b. 19 Apr 1869 Ballingowan. John Treacy, father, Ballingowan
[Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Margaret Treacy b. 1 May 1871
Ballingown. John Treacy, father, Ballingown [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Patrick Tracy b. 10 Aug 1873
Ballingown. John Tracy, father, Ballingown [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Anne Tracy b. 15 Mar 1876
Ballingown. John Tracy, father, Ballingown [Whitechurch Dungarvin PLU] [twins]
John Tracy b. 15 Mar 1876
Ballingown. John Tracy, father, Ballingown [Whitechurch Dungarvin PLU] [twins]
Laurence Tracy b. 21? Sep 1877
Ballingowan. John Tracy, father, Ballingowan [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Mary Treacy,
died 1873 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU, aged 6 years, b. 1867, spinster, daughter
of a labourer, died 2 May 1873 Ballingown [Aglish – Aglish RC], John Treacy, present at death,
Thomas Treacy, 24 years, bachelor, baker, lives Aglish [Aglish], (s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer) married Alice Bransfield, 24 years, spinster, farmers daughter, lives Lakansilla [Lackensillagh Aglish], (d. of Redmond Bransfield, farmer) 21 February 1867 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: Patrick Walsh & Mary Shea [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Thomas Treacy, 24 years, single (s. of Thomas Treacy) m. Alice Bransfield, 24 years, single, (d. of Redmond Bransfield) 21 Feb 1867 Dungarvan, Waterford, Ireland
Thomas Treacy & Alicae Bransfield
Joannem Treacy b. 16 Jan 1868 of Aglish Sp. Jacobo Quinlan Sae hic Joannis M'Grath & Ellena Walsh. Aglish Parish
Mariam Treacy b. 23 Jun 1869 of Aglish Sp. Patrito & Helena Whelan. Aglish Parish
Gulielmum Tracey b. 3 Apr 1871 of Aglish Sp. Thoma Treacy & Johanna? Flemming. Aglish Parish
Declanum Tracey b. 23 Jul 1876 of Aglish Sp. Redmundo Bransfield & Anastatia O'Brian. Aglish Parish
Redmundum Tracy b. 14 Nov 1878 of Aglish Sp. Joanne Hackett & Helena Towler. Aglish Parish
Daniel Tracey b. 2 Jan 1881 of Aglish Sp. Michael? M'Grath? & Maria Tracey. Aglish Parish
Thomas Tr(e)ac(e)y & Alice Bransfield
John Tracy b. 15 January 1868 Whitechurch (LDS)
Ellen b. 2 April 1871 White Church (LDS)
Margaret Treacy b. 7 August 1873 Whitechurch (LDS)
Declan Tracy 23rd July 1876, Waterford (LDS)
Reomond Tracy b. 3 Nov 1878 Sylich Waterford (LDS) [State Reg: Tracy, Redmond, Dungarvan, 4th
Quarter 1878 4 635]
Thomas Tracy/Treacy, baker/publican,
& Alice Bransfield
John Tracy
b. 15 Jan 1868 of Ballinaparka [Ballynaparka Aglish]. Thomas Tracey, father,
Ballinaparka [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Ellen Treacy b. 2 Apr 1871 Aglish [Aglish]. Thomas
Treacy, father, Aglish [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Margaret Treacy b. 7 Aug 1873
Aglish. Thomas Treacy, father, Aglish [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Declan Tracy b. 23? Jul 1876 Aglish.
Thomas Tracy, father, Aglish [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Declan Tracy, 36 years, 1913
"Franconia" Queenstown to Boston
Declan Treacy, a chauffeur…
12 September 1918 Draft Registration - South Braintree no 36, Massachusetts,
United States
Declan Treacy b. 24 Jul 1874 Great
Britain, 448 Middle St Braintree Norfolk Mass
Oiler at More Riven Shipbuilding
Corp, Quincy, Norfolk, Mass
Nearest Relative: Mary McNaught,
448 Middle St Braintree Norfolk Mass
Medium Height, Medium Hair, Brown
Eyes, Black Hair
1920 US Census - Quincy Ward 2, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Declan Treacy, age 41 [b.c. 1879]
Ireland, Single
1924 Naturalisation - Massachusetts
Declan Treacy, Birth Year:
[illegible], Spouse's Name: [illegible]
Declan Treacy m. Jan - Mar 1930
Lismore Ireland (LDS) 4 357
Declan Treacy, d. Apr - Jun 1953
Dungarvan Ireland, age 76 [b.c. 1877] (LDS)
Thomas Tracey m. to Alice (IV) Bransfield with
John Tracey 1868-
Ellen Tracey 1871-
Margaret Tracey 1873-
Declan Tracey 1876-
Thomas Tracey 1876- [Error?];pz=melissa;nz=fullick;ocz=0;p=thomas;n=tracey
Margaret Tracey
Grandaunt of John Tracey
I believe
that Margaret Tracey, Grandaunt of John Tracey (born June 4, 1957 in Villierstown) married
Michael Fleming, Flemings Pub, Grange.
They had 5
children – 1 daughter and 4 sons.
John ‘Jack
Fleming 1906 – 1980
‘Cis’ Fleming 1907 – 1996
Fleming 1908
‘Tom’ Fleming 1911 – 1989
Eddie ‘Br
Conleth’ Fleming
Fleming’s sister Bridget married John Terry, Ardmore who were my Great
Ann Ann
18 January 2013
[State Reg: Margaret Tracy m. Edmond Fleming Youghal Jul - Sep 1904 vol 4 page 421] [see 1911 census]
Mary Tracey, 22, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Aglish [Aglish], (d. of Thomas Tracey, dead, baker) married John Moore, 27, bachelor, policeman, lives Cappagh [Whitechurch], (s. of James Moore, alive, farmer) 30 May [may be April] 1891 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: Denis Ward Const, Polly Kavanagh, Margaret Tracey & Margaret Bransfield [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Mary Treacy
[of Aglish Waterford] & John Moore, sergeant RIC Kilmore Quay Wexford
Moore born 4 April 1905 of Kilmore Quay
07 May 1891 FJ
& Treacy 30, April?, at the parish church Aglish by the Rev 84 Walsh, John,
second son of James �§eorne, FKltnorna, Co Kerry, to Mary, eldest daughter
of the late Thomas Treacy, Aglish, Co Waterford.
Census - 48.3 & 153 in Taghmon Town (Taghmon, Wexford)
M J 39 Male - Roman Catholic Co Kerry
Moore Mary Margt 33 Female Head of Family Roman
Catholic Co Waterford
Moore James 6 Male Son Roman
Catholic Co Wexford
Moore John Joseph 5 Male Son Roman
Catholic Co Wexford
Moore Alice 2 Female Daughter Roman
Catholic Co Wexford
Census - 50.1 & 50.2 in Kilmore Quay (Kilmore, Wexford)
Moore John 50 Male Sergeant
R I C Roman Catholic County Kerry Farmer Son
Moore Mary B 42 Female Wife Roman Catholic Co Waterford Sergeants Wife Married 19 years 6 child 5 alive
Moore Alice 12 Female Daughter Roman
Catholic Co Wexford
Moore Margaret 5 Female Daughter Roman
Catholic Co Wexford
Margaret Tracey, witness to death 13 Sep 1893 of her nephew Thomas Moore, constables son, Aglish Whitechurch.
20 March 1943 Dungarvan
Leader. Death of Mrs Mary Treacy, Aglish [pdf]
Regretted Passing of a Popular Lady...Mrs Mary Treacy, which occurred at her residence, Main Street, Aglish...was a member of the well-known Murray family, Tourin, Cappoquin and was relict of the late Mr William Treacy, brother of Mr Redmond Treacy PC, Baker and General Merchant, Villerstown; Mr Declan Tracey, Publican, do; and Rev Brother Benignus Tracey, OSA, Dublin, who was well and popularly known as a brilliant teacher on the staff of the Augustinian College, Dungarvan, many years ago...The chief mourners included Michael Treacy (son), Miss May Treacy (daughter), Miss Elizabeth Murray, Tourin, and Mrs B Ronayne, Dromore (sisters), Daniel and Michael Murray, Tourin (brothers), Mrs E Fleming, Grange (sister-in-law, Miss Cis Flemming do, Daniel and Michael Murray (junr) do, and Denis Murray, do and Thomas Whelan do (nephews) the Misses Lola and Betty Murray, do, Miss Betty Ronayne, Dromore, Mrs M Daly, Fermoy, Mrs D O'Sullivan do, Miss Chris Whelan do (nices) Mrs D Murray, Tourin and Mrs M Murray do (sisters-in-law)...Jack Treacy do [Villerstown]...
4 September 1943 Dungarvan
Death of Mr J Moore, Villierstown
One of Villerstown oldest and most respected inhabitants Mr John Moore, quietly passed to his eternal reward on Tuesday morning after a comparatively brief illness. Deceased was an ex-Sergeant of the old RIC and had been a resident of Villierstown for over 35 years, and during his long residence in this pretty village his upright honourable and unblemished character had made him a warm favourite amongst all classes of the public. He was brother-in-law of Rev Brother Benignus Tracy, Augustinian Order, Dublin Mr Declan Tracy, Publican, Villierstown; and Mr Redmond Tracy, PC. Baker and General Merchant do. and was father of Superlntendent J. J Moore GS Fermoy, andr Miss M Moore Villerstown.
Joannis Treasy & Margarite Mernin
Joannem Treasy b. 29 Sep 1868 illeg of Coolahest [Aglish] Sp. Helena Lucas. Aglish Parish
Joannes Tracey & Margarita O'Brian
Margaritam b. 22 Sep 1870 of Aghlish [Aglish Aglish] Sp. Thomas Treacy & Catharina Molloney. Aglish Parish
John Treacy & Margaret O’Brien
Margaret b. 18 September 1870 Whitechurch (LDS)
John Treacy & ???
Margaret Treacy born & died 10 December 1870 Whitechurch (LDS)
John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret OBrien
Margaret Treacy b. 18 Sep 1870
Ballinaparka [Aglish OR Kilmolash]. John Treacy, father, Ballinaparka
[Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Margaret Treacy, died 1871, Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU, aged 0 years 2 months, b. 1871, spinster, daughter of a farmer, died 10 Dec 1870 Ballinaparka [Aglish OR Kilmolash - Aglish RC], John Treacy, present at death, Ballinaparka [registered 1871]
Jacobi Bransfield & Brigida Hayes
Joannino Bransfield b. 6 May 1871 of Lachinsillagh [Lackensillagh Aglish] Sp. Thoma Tracey & Maria OBrien. Aglish Parish
Michael Tracy, full [age], bachelor, baker, lives Ballingowan [Aglish], (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married Kate Moloney, Ditto [full age], spinster, N Teacher, lives Aglish [Aglish], (d. of Thomas Moloney, alive, smith?) 23 April 1873 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: John Tobin & Anne Meagher [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] [see above]
Michael Tracey & Catherine Moloney
Mary Tracey b. 16 Dec 1874 Ballinaparke [Ballynaparka Aglish OR Kilmolash], Dungarvan, County Waterford (LDS)
Michael Tracey, baker & Catherine Moloney
Mary Tracey b. 16 December 1874 Ballinaparka [Aglish OR Kilmolash]. Michael Treacy, Father, Ballinaparka
[Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] [image
available & official transcript]
Catherine Tracey, died 1874
Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU, aged 32 years, b. 1842, married, national teacher,
died 20? Dec 1874 Ballinaparka [Aglish] [Aglish RC], Michael Treacy, present at death, Ballinaparka
Mary Tracey, Do [of full age], spinster, farmers daughter, lives Ballinaparke [Ballynaparka Aglish/Kilmolash],, (d. of Thomas Tracey, alive, farmer) married Terence O'Brian, of full age, bachelor, farmers son, lives Carrahean [Curraheen Aglish], (s. of Jeremiah O'Brian, alive, farmer) 03 February 1874 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: Ruade? Walsh & Mary Walsh [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]
Maria Anne Tracy & Terenti O'Brian/Brien
Gulielmum O'Brian b. 23 Feb 1877 of Aglish [Aglish] Sp. David O'Keeffe & Margarita Buggy?. Aglish Parish
Mariam O'Brian b. 28 Jun 1878 of Ballinaparka Sp. Thoma & Catharina Meskill. Aglish Parish
Mauritium Brien b. 16 Aug 1880 of Aglish Sp. Ricardo & Maria Washe?. Aglish Parish
Anne Tracey
of The Strand Youghal [Youghal] (d. of Michael
& Ellen Hallahan of Aglish [Waterford]) married Patrick Sweeny of Lower
Glanmire [RC & Rathcooney] (s. of Patrick & Bridget Connors of The
Rocks [?]) 31 Jan 1875 Wit: Patrick Herty of Youghal & Sarah Whelan of
Abbey Side [Dungarvan Waterford]. Youghal Parish
Michael Tracey, 34, bachelor, nailor, lives Cappaquin [Cappoquin Cappoquin], (s. of Mathew? Tracey, dead, nailor) married Hanora Feeney, 24, spinster, servant, lives Dromana [Aglish], (d. of John Feeney, labourer) 24 April 1875 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: Mich Geary? & Henrietta Weldon [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] [see Cappoquin]
Joannæ O'Donnell
Brigidam O'Donnell b. 14 Apr 1877 of Villierstown Sp. Catharine Trehy. Aglish Parish
Martin Treacy, of Lismore [Lismore & mocollop], sub constable RIC. & Jane Donnell]
Bridget Treacy b. 7 Apr 1877
Villierstown [Aglish]. Jane Donnell,
mother, Villierstown [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] [unmarried] [see RIC]
Michael Tracey
of Aglish [Waterford] (s. of John
& Mary McKenna of Aglish) married Ellen Collins of Youghal [Youghal] (d. of
Michael & Mary Maloney of Aglish) 3 Mar 1878 Wit: Thomas Tracey of Aglish & Hannah Hassett of Nile Street.
Youghal Parish [see above]
Michael Tracey,
full [age], widower, baker, lives Aglish Co. Waterford, (s. of John Tracey, labourer) married Ellen
Collins, full [age], spinster, shop assistant, lives Youghal, (d. of Michael
Collins, farmer) 03 March 1878 RC Chapel Youghal Wit: Thomas Treacy & Hannah Hassett [Youghal Youghal PLU]
Mary Tracey, 22, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Aglish [Aglish], (d. of Thomas Tracey, dead, baker) married John Moore, 27, bachelor, policeman, lives Cappagh [Whitechurch], (s. of James Moore, alive, farmer) 30 May [may be April] 1891 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: Denis Ward Const, Polly Kavanagh, Margaret Tracey & Margaret Bransfield [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] see above
David Patrick Treacy, full [age], bachelor, clerical work, lives 45 Lr Drumcondra Road
Dublin, (s. of John Rupert Treacy,
teacher) married Mary Josephine Daly, full [age], spinster, living at home, lives
Tinakilly [Tinakilly or Woodhouse Kilmolash Waterford], (d. of Andrew Daly, n
teacher) 06 August 1947 RC Church Piltown Wit: Edward Lynch & Mary Whitty
[Piltown Thomastown PLU] [see
Professor John Rupert Treacy]
7 May 1891 Freeman's
Thomas Treacy, Aglish, Co Waterford.
June 20, 1986 Dungarvan Leader Fr. William Treacy of the Augustinian Order in Dungarvan celebrated the Golden Jubilee of his ordination. Fr. Treacy, a native of Villierstown, was ordained in Dublin in June, 1936 and served in Australia, England and Ireland. |
Treacy Brothers of Waterford |
John Treacy (Marathon Man) born June 4, 1957 in Villierstown near Dungarvan,
County Waterford. Educated Providence University RI, MBA degree. 1974 & 1975 3rd place
junior events World Cross Country championships. All-American in
cross-country in 1976, 1977, and 1978; and All-American in indoor and outdoor
track in 1978, the NCAA three-mile champion in 1978, and the all-time Friar record
holder at 3,000 meters, 10,000 meters, and two miles. 1978 (Glasgow) & 1979 (Limerick)
World Cross-Country champion 1979 Silver medal, European junior 5000
meters. 1984 Silver medal, Marathon, Olympic Games Los Angeles (2:09.56). Winner of the Irish 5000 meters between 1978 to 1984 and 10000 meters between 1985 to 1987. Irish track records 3000 meters 1980 (7:45.22), 5000 meters 1984 (13:16.81), 10000 meters 1989 (27:55.80) & 20000 meters 1987 (61:10.1) Texaco Sportstar
Award for Athletics 1978, 1979 & 1984 and Supreme Sportstar 1979. 1992 (Los Angles) & 1993 (Dublin)
Marathon winner. He is one of four Irishmen to have competed in four Olympic Games and the first sportsman to be given the freedom of Waterford City. He is also an Honorary Fellow of Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT). In 2004 he was inducted into the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. In November 2009, he was the third athlete to be inducted into the Athletic Ireland Hall of Fame. He is
currently chief executive of the Irish Sports Council. He is married to
Fionnuala and they have four children, Caoimhe and Deirdre, Sean and Conor.
Sean played semipro rugby in Ireland and with the USA’s
under-19s and under-20s teams before relocating to Boston. (see
also politics) |
Ray Treacy born 1954 Villierstown
Winner of the Irish 10000 meters 1979. Now
regarded as one of
the top College coaches in the USA. Position: Dir. of Track & Cross Country
Operations, Providence College Alma Mater: Providence College RI 1982 He is Head Coach of the men's and women's
cross country teams. In November 2013, he was named Northeast Women's Coach of the Year by his peers, after
an impressive six team victories in the season. In 30 seasons, he has been
one of the nation's most successful coaches, coaching 59 All-Americans, who
have received 159 All-America accolades. He has also coached 13 NCAA
Individual Champions in cross country and track, 44 BIG EAST Individual
Champions and 11 Olympians. In addition, his teams have captured one NCAA
Cross Country Championship, 13 NCAA Northeast Regional Cross Country Championships,
21 BIG EAST Cross Country Titles and 20 New England Championships. |
John Treacy Long-Distance
& Cross-Country Runner
...The Treacy family has been based in Villierstown for many generations. According to the 1911 Census, John’s grandfather ‘Redmond Tracy’ was born in 1877 and worked as a baker. By the time John’s late father Jack was born in 1916, Redmond had added a general store to the bakery. In his youth, Jack drove a horse and cart around the surrounding parish, delivering bread every morning.
Jack managed to stave off marriage until he was 37 years old. ‘He had a good bachelor hood, you know that sort of a way’, laughs John. He kept fit playing both Gaelic football and rugby at local level but, says John, ‘his real passion was the greyhounds, both racing and coursing … from the time that I was a young lad, I remember my dad walking the dogs. He bred them and he sold them and he’d be looking for new one’s all the time. He’d deal on the phone and seal it with a handshake. They call them “doggy men”!’
Jack’s wife Gertie O’Brien came from the neighboring village of Aglish where her family had a convenience shop and post office. They had four children – Patricia in 1952, Ray in 1954 and the twins John and Liz in 1957. In 1963, Jack and Gertie closed down the bakery and opened up as a post office come telephone exchange’…
Interviews - Sporting Legends Of Ireland
Villierstown Village on a
sunny day. The fourth house from the right of the photograph is Treacy’s
Bakery, Shop & Post Office. It is the birthplace of John Treacy, Irish
international athlete. At the top of the street is Villierstown Lodge and the
gates to Dromana House.
Number : TT43 Image/Photo Date
: Circa 1950 Photographer/Artist : Tobin, Tom
2. Teachers And
Pupils Of Aglish National School
Teachers and pupils of Aglish
National School posing for a photograph outside the school building. In the
photograph from left to right, front row: John Connery, P.J. Connery, Michael
Fenton, John O’ Brien, Pat Fitzgerald, Rowland O’ Connell and Michael Treacy.
Middle row from left to right: Mickey Downing (kneeling), Tommy O’Connell, Nora
O’Brien, Patricia O’ Grady, Brigid Connery, Ann Guiry, Ronnie Beston, Ann
Beston, Mary O’Brien, Kathleen Guiry and Richard Cummins. Back row from left to
right: Ms. Bríd Corrie (teacher), Jimmy Downing, Johnny Treacy, Margaret
Lineen, Marie O’ Grady, Kathleen Lineen, Joan Fenton, Joanie Coughlan, Willie
Joe Treacy, Harry Davis, Tom Connery and Mr. Tom Lineen (Principal/
Number : TT169 Image/Photo
Date : Circa 1957 Photographer/Artist : Tom Tobin
Death Certificates
Anne Treacy, witness to Death 04 Jan 1866 of William Charles son of gentleman Charles
Graves, Brookvale Ballingown Whitechurch.
Catherine Tracey, Date of Death 20 Dec 1874, 32 years, Ballinaparka Whitechurch, National
Teacher, married, informant Michael Tracey.
Ellen Tracy/Treacy, Date of Death 27 Oct 1877, 79 years, Ballingown Whitechurch,
labourers widow, informant Michael Treacy.
John Tracey, Date of Death 22 Jul 1895, 19 years, Bleach Whitechurch, son of labourer,
bachelor, sister Annie Treacy.
John Treacy, Date of Death 17 Jun 1880, 80 years, Ballingown Whitechurch, farmer,
married informant Mary Treacy.
John Treacy, Date of Death 25 Sep 1877, 80 years, Dromore Whitechurch, labourer,
John Treacy, Date of Death 30 Jul 1903, 77 years, Bleache Whitechurch, labourer,
married, informant Annie Treacy.
Margaret Tracey, witness to death 13 Sep 1893 of her nephew Thomas Moore, constables son, Aglish Whitechurch.
Margaret Traecy, died 10 Dec 1870, 2 months, Ballinaparka
Whitechurch, daughter of farmer, informant John Treacy.
Mary Tracy, Date of Death 02 May 1873, 6 years, Ballingown Whitechurch, daughter of labourer, informant John Tracy
Mary Treacy, Date of Death 05 May 1881, 67 years, Dromore Whitchurch, widow of
Mary Treacy, Date of Death 11 Mar 1895, 78 years, Ballingown Whitechurch, widow
of labourer, daughter Anne Treacy.
Maurice Tracey, Date of Death 30 Mar 1882, aged 17 months, Ballinagown Whitechurch,
son of labourer, mother Bridget Tracey.
May Tracey, Date of Death 26 Mar 1878, 70 years, Ballinaparka Whitechurch, farmers wife, informant Thomas Tracey.
Michael Treacy, Date of Death 26 Oct 1865, 68 years, Ballingown Whitechurch, farmer, married, informant John Treacy.
Roger Tracey, Date of Death 09 Nov 1879, 24 years, Coolroe Ballycullane
Whitechurch, labourer, bachelor.
Thomas Tracey, Date of Death 17 Oct 1889, 48 years, Aglish Whitechurch, baker, married, son William Tracey.
Thomas Tracey, Date of Death 30 Apr 1886, 84 years, Ballinaparka Whitechurch, farmer, widower.
Thomas Treacy, Date of Death 14 Jan 1870, aged 60, Dromore Whitechurch, shoemaker,
married, informant Mary Treacy. [Thomas Tracey died 1870, Dungarvan PLU, Aged 60, b. 1810, died 14 Jan
1870, relative Mary Tracey, Dromore [Aglish] Ardmore [wrong PLU Youghal]
William Treacy, Date of Death 15 Jan 1869, aged 31, b. 1838, Ballinaparka [Ballynaparka Aglish OR Kilmolash] Whitechurch, farmer, bachelor, informant Thomas Treacy, Dungarvan PLU
Ardmore & Grange (West
David Treacy of Youghal [Youghal Cork] (s. of Joannis Treacy & Honora Keefe of Ballynoe Co Cork [see Killeagh]) married Ellena Fitzgerald of Crossford [Ardmore OR Lisgenan Grange], (d. of Joannis Fitzgerald & Ellena Morissy? of Crossford) 17 Feb 1867 Wit: Thomas Roche of Meose Hill & Catherine Scanlan of Ballynamona. Ardmore Parish Waterford [see Professor John Rupert Treacy]
David Treacy, full age, widower, shop keeper, lives Youghal, (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Ellen Fitzgerald, full age, spinster, farmers daughter, lives Crossford, (d. of John Fitzgerald, farmer) 17 February 1867 RC Chapel Grange Wit: Thomas Roche & Kate Scanlan [Ardmore Youghal PLU]
Declan Treacy, Witness to death of brother-in-law John Ryan publican farmer Newtown
Ardmore 08 Jan 1902
Johanna Tracy, Date of Death 24 Feb 1905, 65 years, Lickabeg Ardmore, wife of labourer, daughter Collen Tracy.
Dungarvan CoI Burials
Mary Tracey of Ardmore, buried 9 March 1832, 90 years, C no service
Ruadhan Treacy, Newtown School, Waterford The
first ever All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad was organized over the winter and
spring terms in 2009. We invited Transition-year and 5th-year students in Ireland
and Northern Ireland with an interest in languages and good analytical skills
to put them together, learn about linguistics, and participate in this fun
competition, with a view to representing Ireland in the International
Linguistics Olympiad in Poland. About 15 schools replied to the invitation,
and we arranged for a researcher or staff member from CNGL to visit the
schools once or twice between December and February to conduct training
sessions. The Olympiad itself took place at DCU in Dublin on Monday April
27th 2009. Despite a bus strike, 97 students from 12 schools took part in the
team and individual competitions. The problems were very difficult, and the
standard achieved was very high. Congratulations to all participants. Results
- Individual competition Winner:
Dylan Coburn Gray, Mount Temple School, Malahide, Dublin 2nd
place: Kieran Fleming, St Caimin's Community School, Shannon, Co Clare 3rd
place: Ruadhan Treacy, Newtown School, Waterford International
Linguistics Olympiad Ireland
was represented for the first time at the 7th International Linguistics
Olympiad which took place in July 2009, in Wroclaw, Poland. The team was as
follows: -
Kieran Fleming, St Caimin's Community School, Shannon, Co Clare -
Ruadhan Treacy and Stephen Ennis, Newtown School, Waterford -
Aislinn McGuire, Mount Temple School, Dublin and was
accompanied by Hugh Dobbs, who had trained the winning team from Newtown
School, and Harold Somers, Cara Greene from DCU, who had organized the AILO. The
Jury of the Seventh International Olympiad in Theoretical, Mathematical and
Applied Linguistics, after having examined and graded the papers of all
participants is pleased to announce the following Honourable
Mentions:...Ruadhan Treacy, Ireland... |
Irish team at the ILO. L to R: Hugh Dobbs (trainer), Ruadhan Treacy, Aislinn
McGuire, Stephen Ennis, Kieran Fleming, Harold Somers, Cara Greene. The
picture was taken on the terrace of Wroclaw University's Institute of
Mathematics, overlooking the Oder river. |
Ballyduff (West Waterford)
Johanna Tracy & Thoma McGee?/Wyse? [very faint]
Patritium McGee b. 9 Feb 1858 Sp. Michael Cahill & Maria Kelly Ballyduff Parish
Margaritam Tracey married Michaelis Connors 26 Feb 1860 Wit: Honora Connors & Jacobo Morrisson Ballyduff Parish
Cappoquin (West Waterford)
William Tracey, born: Aylish, Capperguin, Waterford; Age at attestation: 23; Attested: Woolwich; Joined in: 1841; Discharge reason: Paid £20; Discharge year: 1847. Folios 3-4.
Admiralty: Royal Marines: Attestation Forms
Treacy married
Laurentium Dennehy 18 Feb 1817 Wit: Maria Healy & Joanna Boler. £4.11.0.
Cappoquin Parish
Tracey &
Laurentii Dennehy
Mariam Dennehy b. 17 Nov 1817 Sp. Mathes Tracey & Maria
Keresy. Cappoquin Parish
Treacy married
Gulielmum Ronane 17 May 1820 Wit:. Cappoquin Parish
Tracey &
Gulielmi Ronayne/Ronan of Cappoquin
Joannem Ronayne b. 24 Feb 1821 Sp. Georgio Fitzmaurice & Maria
Dennehy. Cappoquin Parish
Annam Ronayne b. 30 Oct 1822 Sp. Michaele Foley & Johanna Green.
Cappoquin Parish
Honoram Ronan b. 22 Oct 1824 Sp. Gulielmo Murphy & Ellena Murphy.
Cappoquin Parish
Lucam Ronayne b. 8 Nov 1826 Sp. Edmundo Beale. Cappoquin Parish
Ellenoram Ronayn b. 2 Mar 1834 Sp. Richard Walsh & Margarita Donohoe.
Cappoquin Parish
Simonum Ronayne b. 10 Feb 1839 Sp. Joanne Murray & Anna Tracey.
Cappoquin Parish
Rev. James Austin Tracy (1821-), of Cappoquin? Waterford, Vicar-general of Western Bengal, Dublin & Galway, Whitwick Leicestershire, listed from 1844 to 1871
Lucan Treacy married Johannan Green 13 Feb 1822
Wit: Gulieloma Roonane & Joannan Treacy. Cappoquin Parish
Lucas Tracey & Johannae Green
Joannem Tracey b. 16 May 1823 Sp Michael Gready & Margarita Tracy.
Cappoquin Parish
Annam Tracey b. 8 Nov 1824 Sp. Mathia Tracy & Bridgida King.
Cappoquin Parish
Lucam Tracey & Johannae Galavan
Matteam Tracey b. 19 Jul 1826 Sp.Gulielmi Hely & Margarita Keligrew.
Cappoquin Parish
Jacobum Treacy married Mariam Browning 29 Nov
1822 Wit: Maria Halam & Catherina Walsh. Cappoquin Parish
Jacobi Tracey & Annae Brown/Browning
Mariam Tracey b. 11 Nov 1823 Sp. Mathia Tracey & Margarita Tracey.
Cappoquin Parish
Annam Tracey b. 26 Sep 1825 Sp. Thoma Keane & Elenora Hartery. Cappoquin
Ellenam Tracy b. 3 Oct 1830 Sp. Joanne Green & Elizabetha Flaherty.
Cappoquin Parish
Jocobi Tracy & Anna Brown
Matheum Tracy b. 3 Jul 1828 of ??? Sp. Mathio Tracy & Anne Tracy. Dungarvan Parish
Jas Tracy &
Anne Browning
Margaret Tracy b. 30 Mar 1836 Sp.
Timy? McCarty? & Eliza Condon Kilworth Parish [Cork/Waterford]
John Tracy b. 9 Oct 1838 Sp. Timy
McCarthy & Mary Dennehy Kilworth Parish
Ann Tracy Walsh d. 22 Sep 1901 2 Cottage Court Boston Massachusetts, 70 years 12 days,
widowed, b. 10 Sept 1831 Ireland (d. of James Tracy b. Ireland & Ann
Browning b. Ireland), Buried Brookline, Spouse John H. Walsh
Mary Tracy died 26 Feb 1906 806 Parker St Boston Massachusetts, single, 84, b. 1822
Ireland (d. of James Tracy & Ann Browning), Buried Brookline
Tracey &
Danielis Kennedy of Cappoquin
Daniel Kennedy b. 27 May 1823 Sp. Patrites Davis & Elizabetha Hubart.
Cappoquin Parish
Joannis Tracey & Maria Doocey
Elizabetham Tracey b. 26 Jul 1823 Sp. Edmunduo Walsh & Catherina
Callaghan. Cappoquin Parish
Mariam Tracey b. 13 Jan 1832 Sp. Jacobo Dalton & Margarita
Fitzgerald. Cappoquin Parish
Matheum Treacy married Brigdam Satchel 25 Jan
1824 Wit: Teranius Qomme? Joanne Walsh & Davido Troy £3.10.0. Cappoquin
Matheo Tracey & Mariae/Mararita/Brigida
Satchell/Satsell of Cappoquin
Joannem Tracey b. 4 Nov 1824 Sp. Joanne Troy & Elizabetha Tatchell.
Cappoquin Parish
Margaretam Tracey b. 11 Jul 1828 Sp Michaele Keane & Johanna
Morrissey. Cappoquin Parish
Mariam Tracey b. 6 Jun 1830 Sp. Daniele Daley, Patritis Costin &
Maria Keane. Cappoquin Parish
Michaelem Tracey b. 20 Aug 1838 Sp. Thomas Merman & Maria Foley.
Cappoquin Parish
Mathiae Tracey & Brigidae Gatrell [Tatsell]
Brigidam Tracey b. 22 Jun 1834 Sp. Gulielmo Ronayne & Maria Dennehy.
Cappoquin Parish
Mathiae Tracey & Brigdae Gatrell [Satsell]
Mathiae Tracey b. 18 Jun 1835 Sp. Gulielms Murphy & Honnae Waters.
Cappoquin Parish
Mathew Tracey & Brigida Russel [Tatsill]
Gulielmum Tracy b. 20 Jun 1841 Sp Joannes Dunne & Maria Lenard?
Cappoquin Parish
Mathin Tracey & Brigdai Stache [Tatsale]
Lucan Tracey b. 27 Sep 1843 Sp Jacobo Walsh & Maria Dunne. Cappoquin
1851 Griffith Valuation
Mathew Tracy Town of The Green Cappoquin Lismore and Mocollop Waterford (house & forge) [nail maker?]
Joannem Treacy married Annam Meany 23 Feb 1824
Wit: Ricardo Walsh & Jacobo Walsh. Cappoquin Parish
Luaan Tracey married Honoram Richard 24 Nov
1828. Cappoquin Parish
Mariae Tracey & Danielis ???
Mariam Tracey Illeg b. 24 Feb 1830 Sp. Michaele Davis & Ellena
Keeffe. Cappoquin Parish
Mathie Tracey & Elizabetha Joice/Loies/Louie [moved to Cork City] [see Cork and Fenians]
Margaritam Tracey b. 24 Feb 1831 Sp Mathia Tracey & Honora
Waters. Cappoquin Parish
Joannem Tracy b. 8 Jul 1834 Sp Patritus Davis & Anna Tracey.
Cappoquin Parish
Matheum Tracey b. 12 Oct 1836 Sp. Luca Tracey & Maria Dennhy.
Cappoquin Parish
1851 Griffith Valuation
Matthew Tracy Barrick Street Town of Cappoquin Lismore and Mocollop Waterford
1832 Detailed Report of
Contributions ... to the O'Connell National Annuity
Cappoquin, Waterford....4s6d...Matthew Tracy
Rev John Tracy of Cappoquin Waterford &
Salford England & brother Matthew Tracy, the reporter of the Cork Herald
John Tracey Revd, died 1872 Lismore Lismore PLU, aged 40 years, b.
1832, bachelor, catholic clergyman, died 22 May 1872 Lismore [Lismore &
Treacy, died 1875 Cork No 6 Cork PLU, aged 37 years, b. 1848, bachelor,
reporter, died 3 Feb 1875 93 South Main Street, P.F. Barry, present at death,
93 South M Street
7 November 1876 [1875?] (FJ) Death
Tracy -
February 3, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Barry, South
Main-street, Cork, Mr. Matthew Tracy for many years connected with the Cork
Tracey, died 1880 Cork No 6 Cork PLU, aged 84 years, b. 1796, widower, shop
keeper, died 13 Dec 1879 18 Gt Georges St, PF Barry, present at death, 18 Great
Georges St [registered 1880]
1867-1896 St. Finbarr's
Cemetery Cork City Burial Register
Section A, Plot 2, Grave 38
Mathew Tracy, died 02/02/1875, buried 05/02/1875, Consumption, 37 years, Roman Catholic, Reporter, born Cappoquin Co, lived South Main St Cork, Single
Mathew Tracey, death 3/12/1879 buried 16/12/1879, Natural Decay, 75 years, Roman Catholic, Shop Keeper, born Cappoquin Co, lived 18 Great Georges Street Cork, Widower
Treacy married
Gulielmum Coleman 20 May 1831 Wit: Edwardo Dinge & Elizabetha Green.
Cappoquin Parish
Tracey &
Mathia Morrison
Joannem Morrison b. 30 Apr 1833 Sp Lucam Tracey & Maria
Dennehy. Cappoquin Parish
Lucae Tracey & Honorae Waters
Joannem Tracey b. 3 Mar 1830 Sp Thoma Keily & Margarita Dee.
Cappoquin Parish
Elleneoram Tracey b. 22 July 1832 Sp Edwardo Barry & Maria Keeffe.
Cappoquin Parish
Mariam Tracey b. 5 Feb 1835 Sp. CGualteris Kerressy & Brigida Doocey.
Cappoquin Parish
Tracey &
Catherina Kelly
Margaritam Tracey b. 3 Nov 1838 Sp Jacobo Kennedy & Anna Tracey.
Cappoquin Parish
Elizabetham Tracey b. 16 Sep 1840 Sp Thoma Barry & Maria Fitzgerald.
Cappoquin Parish
Lucas Tracy & Catherina
Gulielmum Tracey b. 30 Jan 1843 Sp Thoma Sweeny & Maria Anna Lennon.
Cappoquin Parish
Maria Tracey & Rogerii Kelly
Margarita Kelly b. 30 Jul 1839 Sp. Thoma Barthe & Catherinia Foley.
Cappoquin Parish
Treacy married
Anitam Garman 27 Nov 1840 Wit: Mathia Garman & Michale Garman? £4.0.0.
Cappoquin Parish
Lucae Tracey & Margaritae Lynch
Mariam Tracey b. 30 Jan 1842 Sp. Timothii McNamara & Julia Flynn.
Cappoquin Parish
Margaritam Tracey b. 14 Mar 1843 Sp Patritio McNamara & Maria
Tracey. Cappoquin Parish
Ellenoram Tracey b. 3 Nov 1844 Sp. Matheo Tracey & Maria
Donnely. Cappoquin Parish
Brigidam Tracey b. 21 May 1850 Sp. Jodune Devan & Anna Brien.
Cappoquin Parish
Mathie Tracey & Margarita Lynch
Mathium Tracey b. 15 Apr 1847 Sp. Joanna Tracey & Anna Troy.
Cappoquin Parish
Anna Tracey & David Troy
Margarita Troy b. 29 Jun 1841 Sp. Joanne Troy & Maria Dennehy.
Cappoquin Parish
Mariam Troy b. 3 Oct 1842 Sp. Jacobo Walsh & Julia Murray. Cappoquin
Annam Troy b. 15 Jun 1844 Sp. Gulielmo Troy & Maria Browne. Cappoquin
David Troy b. 2 Dec 1845 Sp. David Troy & Margarita Dennehy.
Cappoquin Parish
Brigidae Tracey
& Gullelmi
Johannam Prior b. 13 Mar 1843 Sp Patritio Donnell & Ellenora Sweeny.
Cappoquin Parish
Mariam Prior b. 19 Mar 1844 Sp Gulielmo Moroney & Maria Doran.
Cappoquin Parish
Joannem Prior b. 25 Jan 1846 Sp Patritio Riordan & Catherina Prior.
Cappoquin Parish
Elizabeth Tracy & Gulielmi Prion/Prior?
Cath Prion/Prior? b. 12 Aug 1849 of Carsigun [Carrigaun Modelligo] Sp. Patritio Connors & Maria Moroney. Modeligo Parish
Annam Tracy married Thomam Wallace Sep 1854
Wit: Anna Tracy & Michael Driscol. Cappoquin Parish
Annam Tracy married Michaelem Sargeantt 25 Jan
1855. Cappoquin Parish
Annae Tracey & Michaelis Sargent 0f Mill
Catherina Sargent b. 10 Nov 1855 Sp Joanne Tatsell & Maria Hackett.
Cappoquin Parish
Jacobum Sargent b. 11 Jun 1857 Sp Joanne Curran & Margarita
Collender. Cappoquin Parish
Mathiam Sargent b. 22 Mar 1859 Sp. Cornelis Sargent & Catherina
Geary. Cappoquin Parish
Mariam Sargent b. 26 May 1862 Sp Thomas Wallace & Maria Tracey.
Cappoquin Parish
Gullelmum Sargent b. 16 Oct 1863 Sp. Michaele Tracey & Maria
Geary. Cappoquin Parish
Brigidam Sargent b. 20 Sep 1865 Sp Thoma Geary & Maria Anna Dynah.
Cappoquin Parish
Cornelium Sargent b. 23 Apr 1867 Sp Mathia Tracey & Johanna
Tatsell. Cappoquin Parish
Annan Sargent b. 21 Mar 1869 Sp Mathia Tracey & Ellen Neill.
Cappoquin Parish
Margaritam Sargent b. 21 Mar 1869 Sp. Michaele Tracy & Margarita
Tracy. Cappoquin Parish
Helena Sargent b. 12/16 Jun 1872 Sp Matheus Treacy & Catherina
Sargent. Cappoquin Parish
Cappoquin - Ann Tracey
I am having a hard time (well dead end)
tracing which Tracey family my Tracey comes from. The information I have is
from your site and parish records etc. Can you help with Ann Tracey.
And indeed Anne Tracey did marry Michael
Sargent (Carpenter) and is in Parish records. Some of their children migrated
to Queensland in Australia (where I am now), and continued being carpenters.
They built a number of Catholic churches, priories and convents around the
North Queensland regions in the late 1880s through to 1920s.
I am unable to find Ann Tracey’s birth or who
her parents were. If they went by naming convention(?) then maybe her mother
was Catherine and her father Matthew but I have had no luck with that. Michael
Sargent appears to have also dropped in from space and I cannot find his birth
or parents either.
Ann death was 6th December 1893 at Mill
Street , Cappoquin and her age was stated as 62 (birth about 1831 if this is
accurate and marriage at 24)
Michael Sargent death was 5th February 1902
at Mill street Cappoquin and his age was stated as 60 (so birth about 1842 and
marriage at 13???).
Michael was in the 1901 census in Mill
street, Cappoquin age 59.
So with all that said I cannot find which
Tracey line Ann is from or indeed Michaels.
So if you have time and would like to save me
from this complete dead end then I would be so very grateful.
Kind Regards
Erin Sullivan 12 September 2017
Mariae Tracey & Thomae Wallace
Jacobum Wallace b. 24 Jul 1855 Sp. Michael Sargent & Catherina
Driscolll. Cappoquin Parish
Joanem Tracy married Mariam Brown 1 Aug 1858
Wit Patrictius Tims & Joanes Prendergast. Cappoquin Parish
Matheum Tracey married Margaritam Stack 1 Dec
1861 Wit Michael Tracy & Anna Sargent. Cappoquin Parish
Tracey &
Mariae Stack of Cappoquin
Brigidam Tracey b. 14 Jan 1863 Sp. Simon Daly & Maria Byrnes.
Cappoquin Parish
Johannam Tracey b. 11 Apr 1866 Sp. Joanne Tracey & Maria Browne. Cappoquin Parish. Johanna b. 8 April 1866 Cappoquin (LDS)
Mariam Tracey b. 26 Jul 1869 Sp. Joanne Foley & Helena Tracey? Cappoquin Parish. Mary b. 24 July 1869 Cappoquin (LDS)
Matheus Tracy b. 11 Feb 1972 Sp. Mathyis Tracy & Brigida Geary. Cappoquin Parish. Mathew b. 8 February 1872 (LDS)
Anna Tracy b. 25 Sep 1875 Sp. Jacobo Langan? & Marina Sargent? Cappoquin Parish. Anne b. 25 September 1875 (LDS)
Mauritius Tracey b. 2/7 Mar 1879 Sp. Michaelis Tracy & Bridgida
Tracy. Cappoquin Parish
Mathew Tracy, nailor, & Mary Stack
Johanna Tracy b. 8 Apr 1866 of Main Street Cappoquin [Lismore and
Mocollop]. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Cappoquin [Cappaquin Lismore PLU]
Mary Tracy
b. 24 Jul 1869 Castle Street. Joan Power?, her mark, present at birth,
Cappoquin [Cappoquin Lismore PLU]
Mathew Tracy b. 8 Feb 1872 Castle
Street. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Castle Street [Cappaquin Lismore PLU]
Anne Tracy b. 25 Sep 1875 Castle
Street. Mary Duggan, her mark, present at birth, Map Lane [Cappoquin Lismore
Mathia Tracey & Brigidae Griffin
Brigdam Tracey b. 29 Jul 1862 Sp. Johanna Keeffe. Cappoquin Parish
Michael Tracey, 34, bachelor, nailor, lives Cappaquin [Cappoquin Cappoquin], (s. of Mathew? Tracey, dead, nailor) married Hanora Feeney, 24, spinster, servant, lives Dromana [Aglish], (d. of John Feeney, labourer) 24 April 1875 RC Chapel Aglish Wit: Mich Geary? & Henrietta Weldon [Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] Michaelis Tracey/Treacy & Hannah/Norah/Hannoria Feeney/Feenan of Cappoquin Brigida Maria Tracey b. 24/27 Feb 1876 Sp. Michaelo & Catherina Geary. Cappoquin Parish (b. 15 Mar 1876 Waterford Waterford LDS) Matheas Tracey b. 19/20 Dec 1877 Sp. Francuis Foley & Catherina Targent. Cappoquin Parish. (Matthew Treacy b. 19th December 1877 Cappryman, Waterford LDS) James Tracy b. 15 June 1879 Sp. Joseph Clancy 2/6 & Margarita Maria Hayes 2/6. (John Treacy. Cappoquin Parish. b. 12 June 1879 Lismore LDS) Michael Tracy & Norah Feenan Bridget Mary b. 15 March 1876 Waterford
Waterford (LDS) Michl/Michael Tracy/Treacy, nailor/shop keeper, & Norah/Hanorah Feenay/Fenny Bridget
Mary Tracy b. 15 Mar 1876 Main Street [Cappoquin
Cappoquin]. Anne
Sargent, her mark, present at birth, Mill Street [Cappaquin Lismore PLU] Matthew Treacy
b. 19 Dec 1877 Cappoquin. Kate Sargeant, her mark, present at birth, Mill
Street [Cappoquin Lismore PLU] Ellis Island Mary Treacy, Lamberton USA, 1913,
23 years, single, father M Treacy, Cappoquin Co. Waterford. Non Immigrant
Alien. lived 1906/1913 7 years Lamberton, to Brother Rev J.J. Treacy,
Lamberton Minn. 5’5”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Cappoquin
Ireland. [Rev. John J. Treacy d. 2 Mar 1916 Hennepin, Minnesota, aged 34, s.
of Michael Treacy & Nora Feney] October 1905 –
July 1908 Catholic Journal WATERFORD.—An Interesting function took
place lately In the band room, Cappoquin when the members assembled to
present the Rev. John Treacy with a nice gold Celtic cross, a souvenir of
Mount Melleray. as a mark of their personal esteem for this talented young
clergyman, who, since he came home last July, always associated himself with
the members of the band and gave them some new music, which they greatly
appreciated. Father Treacy Is a son of Michael Treacy and he was ordained on
the 10th of last June In St Paul. Minn., by the Most Rev. Dr. Ireland,
archbishop of St Paul, after which be made a trip home to Ireland to see his
parents and enjoy a holiday amid the scenes of his boyhood days, and It was
on the eve of his departure that the presentation was made. On the motion of
W. F. Begley, seconded by Thomas Daly, Jeremiah Dempsey presided. Among those
present were: John Flynn, secretary of the band; James Hogan, conductor;
Laurence Heffernan, James Meade, James Donovan, P. Lincoln, James Hackert,
Michael Corcoran, William Hendriek, Walter McCarthy, Maurice Hackert, Batt
Doyle, Thomas Keane, J. F. Ryan. The chairman made some very appropriate
remarks. Mr. Flynn then said: "Rev. Father Treacy,, I have great
pleasure in presenting you with this gold Celtic cross from the members of
the band in return for the great inter- eat you have taken in us since you
arrived horn, and-we wish you many years of health and prosperity in tin
greater Ireland of the west" Mr. Flynn then handed the cross to Father
Treacy amid continued applause, and Father Treacy made a very nice
acknowledgment of the presentation. Rev John J. Treacy Birth: Jun. 10, 1880, Ireland Death: Mar. 2, 1916, Minneapolis, Hennepin
County. Minnesota, USA |
12 April 1916 Cork
Examiner 15 April 1916 Munster
Express |
Thomas/T Tracey, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Lismore [Lismore and Mocollop], (s. of John Tracey, deceased, miner) married Julia Troy nee Foley, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Cappoquin [Lismore and Mocollop], (d. of Patrick Foley, deceased, labourer) 22 February 1887 RC Chapel Cappoquin Wit: Patrick Lyons & Margaret Lyons, signed their marks [Cappoquin Lismore PLU] signed her mark
Bridget Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Cappoquin [Cappoquin], (d. of Mathew Tracy, nailor) married Daniel Murray, full [age], bachelor, constable/R.I.C., lives Doonane Queen's Co, [Rathaspick Laois], (s. of William Murray, farmer) 06 July 1889 RC Chapel Cappoquin Wit: Lawrence Regan & Mary Tracey [Cappoquin Lismore PLU]
Mary Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Cappoquin [Cappoquin], (d. of Mathew Tracey, nailor) married Joseph Kavanagh, full [age], bachelor, commercial traveller, lives Dublin, (s. of Charles Kavanagh, cabinate maker) 27 August 1892 RC Chapel Cappoquin Wit: Daniel Murry R.I.C. & Bridget Sargent [Cappoquin Lismore PLU]
22 June 1907 Wexford and Kilkenny Express & 22
June 1907 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
Married. Dunne And Treacy.—On the 18th inst, at St Mary’s church, Cappoquin, by the Very Rev Philip Dunphy, P.P, and with Nuptial Mass, Constable Edward Dunne to Aunnie, youngest daughter of Mr Matthew Treacy, Main street, Cappoquin. [sister J Treacy]
Bridget Tracy, Date of Death 13 Feb 1876, 76 years, Cook St Cappoquin, spinster.
Tracy, died 1876, Cappoquin Lismore PLU, aged 76 years, b. 1800, died 13 Feb
1876 Cook Street, spinster, BLANK profession, Cath Morrisson, her mark, present
at death, Cook Street
John Tracy, Date of Death 11 Jan 1893, 59 years, Main St Cappoquin, Rural Postman, widower, brother Michael Tracy.
Julia Tracey, witness to death 24 Jul 1896 of Johanna Dunford spinster Barrack St or Mass Lane Cappoquin.
Luke Tracey, Date of Death 09 Nov 1870, 64 years, Main St Cappoquin, butcher,
widower, informant Ellen Tracey. [Luke Tracey died 1870, Lismore PLU, Aged 64, b. 1806, died 9 Nov 1870,
widowed, Main Street [Cappoquin] Waterford]
Margaret Tracy, witness to Death 28 Oct 1866 of Mary Stanley Main St Cappoquin.
Mary Tracy, witness to Death
11 Mar 1868 Cornelius Sargint carpenters child Castle St Cappoquin.
Mary Tracy, witness to Death 16 Oct 1870 Ellen Sargint carpenters child, Mill St or Castle St Cappoquin.
Matthew Tracey, Date of Death 28 Oct 1881, 3 years, Main St Cappoquin, shopkeepers
child, father Michael Tracey.
Michael Joseph Tracey, Date of Death 09 Oct 1886, 3 years, Main St Cappoquin, shopkeepers child, father Michael Tracey.
Michael Tracy, witness to Death 08 Feb 1879 Mary Feeny labourers wife, Back St or Main St Cappoquin.
Mary Tracy, died 1876, Cappoquin Lismore PLU, aged 52 years, b. 1824, died 25 Feb 1876 Back Street, married, postmans? wife, Hanarah Cleary, her mark, present at death, Mill Street
Carrickbeg (North Waterford)
Thomam Treacy married Mariam Hynes 1 Feb 1832 Wit: Jacobus McLennan & Cathaeinam Power. Carrickbeg Parish
Thomam Treasey married Lisam Leahy 20 Oct 1840 Wit: Michael Foran & Brigida Duigan. Carrickbeg Parish
Anastatiam Tracy married Michl Joy 29 Nov 1840 Wit: Patritio Conners & Catherina Jriace. Carrickbeg Parish
Anastatia Tracy & Michl Joy
Catherinam Joy b. 21 Jul 1843 Sp. Thoma Tracy & Margaritha Connors. Carrickbeg Parish
Mariam Joy b. ? Sep 1844 Sp. Petre Deehy & Ellen Dorley. Carrickbeg Parish
Anastatia Joy b. 12 Apr 1847 Sp. Patries? Tracy & Maria? Tracy. Carrickbeg Parish
Gulielmum Tracy married Catharinam Phelan 23 Feb 1842 Wit: Joanne Connol & Ellena Phelan. Carrickbeg Parish
Guilielmi Tracy & Catherine Whelan/Phelan
Catherinam Tracy b. 22? Jan 1845 Sp. Joanne Connell & Ellena Whelan. Carrickbeg Parish
Michael Tracy b. 27 Jun 1849 Sp. Michael Quin & Margaretes Neill?. Carrickbeg Parish
Margarta Tracey b. 5 Oct 1851 Sp. Thoma Tracey & Maria Ready. Carrickbeg Parish
Catherina Tracy b. 24 Mar 1855 Sp. Jacobus Dee & Anastatia Joy. Carrickbeg Parish
Thomam Tracy b. 21 Mar 1858 Sp. Joannes Whelan & Cath Whelan. Carrickbeg Parish
Michael Tracey b. 21 Aug 1850 Ireland (s. of William
Preacy [Treacy] & Katharine Whelan both b. Ireland) d. 13 Jul 1909
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 59
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: R. R. Foreman
Address: 4245 Leidy Ave
Cemetery: St Denis Cemetery
Margarti Tracey of Carrickbeg [Kilmoleran] (d. of Edmund Treacy & Catherine Phelan of Carrickbeg) married Michael Butler of Carrickbeg (s. of Michael Butler & Mary Power of Carrickbeg) 21 Dec 1873 Wit: Richard O'Shea of Tyroughney [near Pilltown town Fiddown Kilkenny] & Bridget Troy of Carrickbeg. Carrickbeg Parish
Margaret Treacy & Michael Butler
John Butler b. 1/2 May 1875 of Fideen [Fiddown?] Sp. Richard Shea & Catherine Treacy. Owning and Templeorum Parish Co. Kilkenny
Treacy & Michaele Butler
Patritius Butler b. 17/21 March 1880 of Tinivam
[Tinvane Carrick] Sp. Joanne Halloran & Ellena O'Neil. Carrick-on-Suir
Parish Co. Tipperary
Margaret Tracy/Treacy & Michael Butler
John Butler b. 1 May 1875 County Kilkenny/Fodeen, Carrick On Suir Tipperary (LDS)
Patrick Butler b. 17 Mar 1880 Tinvane, Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary, Waterford, (LDS)
Ellenam Tracy married Mauritum Courcey 4 Jun 1854 Wit: Jacobo Payrne & Catherina Gaisly. Carrickbeg Parish
Elena/Ella Tracy/Treacy & Martinus/Mautitus/Maurice Conolly/Connery/Connry [lly crossed out]
Mariam Conolly b. 30 Jun 1857 Sp. Michl Foley & Catherina Lonegan. Carrickbeg Parish
Catha Connery b. 25 Jan 1863 Sp. Martinis Power & Maria Power. Carrickbeg Parish
Maurice Copnnally b. 27 Oct 1867 Sp. John Burke & Honoria Conner [lly crossed out]. Carrickbeg Parish
Brigida Conolly b. 17 Dec 1871 Sp. Gulielmus Foley & Catherine Murphy. Carrickbeg Parish
Anastatiam Tracy married Patritium Woods 5 Feb 1856 Wit: Jacobo Carroll & Brigida Tracy. Carrickbeg Parish
Anastatia Tracy & Patritius Woods
Maria Woods b. 24 Oct 1856 Sp. Gulielinus Tracy & Louiza Tracy. Carrickbeg Parish
Joannis Woods b. 28 Dec 1857 Sp. Thomas Tracy & Alicia Quan. Carrickbeg Parish
Petrus Woods b. 1 Jul 1860 Sp. Jacobus Dihy & Margarita Dihy. Carrickbeg Parish
Eleonora Woods b. 16 Apr 1862 Sp. Daniel Dehy & Anastatia Quann. Priest Joannes Tracy. Carrickbeg Parish
Michael Tracy & Maria Carroll
Ellena Tracy b. 8 Jul 1858 Sp. Thoma Carroll & Bridgida Tracy. Carrickbeg Parish [see Mothel and Rathgormack]
Margarti Tracey of Carrickbeg [Kilmoleran] (d. of Edmund Treacy & Catherine Phelan of Carrickbeg) married Michael Butler of Carrickbeg (s. of Michael Butler & Mary Power of Carrickbeg) 21 Dec 1873 Wit: Richard O'Shea of Tyroughney [near Pilltown town Fiddown Kilkenny] & Bridget Troy of Carrickbeg. Carrickbeg Parish [see above]
John Tracy
bapt. 10th July 1841 Carrick-on-Suir.
Service Evidence of Age
Treacy b. 7 Jul 1841 Carrick-on-Suir, Waterford
Inscription: In loving memory of Richard & Ann Phelan Their Grandson John Treacy who died Jan 8th 1907 aged 21 years. Also his mother Margaret Treacy died September 16th 1915 R.I.P.
Graveyard: Churchtown, Dysert
Source: Decies:
XXV; January 1984
Clashmore & Kinsalebeg
(West Waterford) see also Youghal, Co. Cork
Tho/Thoma Tracey/Tracy & Elen/Helena Power
Mar Tracey b. 28 April 1811 of B. Crompane [Ballycrompane Clashmore] Sp. Mich Scanlan & Cath Flavin?. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Tim Tracey b. 29 Aug 1813 off B Crompane Sp. Edm Hynes. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Margm Treacy b. 9 Apr 1820 of Teanuck [Tiknock Clashmore] Sp. Richardo Power & Brigida Power. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Rogerum Tracy b. 12 May 1834 Sp. Gulielmi Burne & Ellena Burne. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Ellenae Treacy/Treasy & Patritiu Rourke
Patritinae Rourke b. 24 Nov 1811 Sp. Mauritio Treacy & Brigida Ormand. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mariam Rourke b. 25 Feb 1814 Sp. Deglano Treasy & Margarita Brien. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Joannes Rourke b. 2 May 1821 of Kilnalough Sp.Thoma Brien & Margarita O'Brien. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mar Tracey & Maur Curreen
Mariam Curreen b. 2 Feb 1813 of Paddock Sp. Jac Curreem & Mar Brien.. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mauritium Tracey married Annam Foley 28 Feb 1813. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mauritii Treasy & Anna Foley
Brigdam Treasy b. 9 Feb 1816 of Clashmore [Clashmore] Sp. Michl Duggin & Maria Brien. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Deglanum Tracey married Brigidam Ormond [died 1816?] 22 Jun 1810. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish [see Declan Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Deglani Tracey/Treasy & Brig/ Brigita Ormond
Mar Tracey b. 29 Jun 1813 of Pilltown [Kinsalebeg] Sp. Thos Scanlan & Cath Mernin. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Brigitam Treasy b. 11 Feb 1816 of Pill Town Sp. Johanne Ormond & Cathe Power. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mauricu/Maur? Treacy & Catharina/Catha Hearn
Mauracisum Treacy b. 12 Dec 1813 of Pilltown [Kinsalebeg] Sp. Patricius Rourke Joanna Connery. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Declanum Treacy b. 12 Dec 1813 of Pilltown Sp. Laurantis Connery & Bregetta Hearn. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Joannem Treacy b. 18 Jan 1814 Sp. Philip? Connery & Bridgia Bundo?. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mauritium Treacy b. 29 Apr 1816 of Pill Town Sp. Edmundo Nonan & Maria Hearn. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Declan/Declani/Deglan Tracy/Treacy & Helena/Elena/Elina Malroney/Mullowney/Mullony [2nd wife?]
Catharina Tracy b. 12 Jul 1817 of Pilltown Sp. Gulielmo Fitzgerald & Eliza Lawlor. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mich Treacy b. 7 Oct 1821 Sp. Ricd Michl O'Donel & Maria Connery. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Annam Treacy b. 12 Apr 1825 Sp. Rs Mauritius M.Grath & Maria Welby? [word crossed out] Brown? Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Marg Treacy b. 27 Feb 1827 Sp. Richd Power & Cath Mullony. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Edmundum Tracy b. 23 Apr 1833 Sp. Rev po [latin for priest?] Patricis Quirke & Maria Walsh. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mautitium Tracy b. 19 Sep 1834 Sp. Matheo Mullony & Margarita Flynn. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mich Tracy? married Mariam Fitzgerald of Clashmore 10 Sep 1818 Wit: Laur Joln Denehy & Faleond Dogan. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Margta Tracy? & Daniels Budeohy
Jacobum trohy b. 21 Nov 1820 of Rogh Sp. Mario? Kinely & Stephanes Connoll. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Helena Treacy & Patricius Lynch
Thomas Lynch b. 15 Jan 1828 of pill Town Sp. Mat Keane & Maria Hearn. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Johannen Lynch b. 23 May 1830 Sp. Richardo Noonan & Catharina Lynch. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Brigidam Lynch b. 25 Mar 1835 Sp. Michaele Connors & Maria Hickey. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Thomam Lynch b. Jul 1837 Sp. Gulielum Connery & Maria Lynch. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Patricium Lynch b. 17 Aug 1840 Sp. Jacobus Ahern & Catharina Ahern. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mau Treacy married Cath Hogan 15 Feb 1831. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Mariam Tracy married Michaelem Quinn 26 Feb 1838 Wit: Patricius Quin & Catharina Fitzgerald. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Maria Tracy & Michaelis Quin
Thomam Quin b. 23 Feb 1839 Sp. Jacobo Kennedy & Brigida Tracy. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Catherinam Quin b. 22 Jul 1841 Sp. Edmundo Foley & Maria ORourke. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Jacobi Tracy & Brigida Quinlan
Mauritium? Tracy b. 2 Mar 1839 Sp. BLANK & Maria Power. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Alicam Tracy b. 27 Sep 1840 Sp. Jacobus Carroll & Catharin Doyle. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Laurentium Tracy b. 9 Oct 1842 Sp. Joanno Hickey & Catherina Keeffe. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Margaritam Tracy b. 22 Feb 1847 Sp. Patritio Walsh & Johanna Quinlan?. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Gulielmum Tracy married Honoram Flening? 12 Feb 1843 Wit: Dairde Flening? & Michael Power. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Michaelis Tracy? & Catherina Ryan?
Joannem Tracy b. 3 May 1846 Sp. Thoman? Lewis & Margarita Welch?. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Maria Treacy & Michaels Leane
Maria Leane b. 26 Aug 1847 Sp.Patricio ONeil & Honoria Connele. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Margaritam Treacy? married Joannem Keely 30 Nov 1847 Wit: Miche? Treacey & Eleonorea Power. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Jacobi Treacy & Johannae Hickey
Mariam Treacy b. 15 Jul 1861 of Tinabinga [Tinnabinna Clashmore] Sp. Jacobo Cummerford & Cathierina Commerford. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Joannem Tracey b. 1 Jun 1864 of Ballycisnane? [Ballycurrane Ardmore] Sp. Ricardo Keating & Maria Fitzgerald. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Jacobum Tracey b. 29 Nov 1866 of BallyCusnane Sp. Joanne Healy & Helena Hicky. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Honoriam Tracy b. 7 Mar 1870 of Ballycurnane Sp. Thoma Hely & Catherine Fitzgerald. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Thonam Tracy b. 27 Nov 1879 of Ballycurrane Sp. Edmundo Fleming & Anna Mulcaty. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
James Tr(e)ac(e)y & Johanna(h) Hickey
John b. 30/5/1864 Ardmore, Waterford (LDS)
James b. 06 Feb 1867 Ardmore, Wat, Ire (LDS)
Hanora Tracy b. 17 March 1870 Ardmore (LDS)
Ellen b. 19 April 1873 Ardmore (LDS)
Patrick Treacy b. 20 March 1876 Ballycurrane (LDS)
Thomas Treacy b. 10 Feb 1880 Claddagh (LDS)
James Tracey/Treacy, labourer/farmer, & Johanna/Johannah Hickey
John Tracey b. 30 May 1864 of Ballycurrane [Ardmore OR Clashmore]. James Tracey, father, Ballycurrane, his mark [Ardmore Youghal PLU Waterford]
James Tracey b. 6 Feb 1867 of Ballycurrane. James Tracey, his mark, father, Ballycurrane [Ardmore Youghal PLU Waterford]
Honora Tracey b. 17 Mar 1870
Ballycurrane. James Tracey, his mark, father, Ballycurrane [Ardmore Youghal PLU
Ellen Tracey b. 19 Apr 1873 Cladagh
[Clashmore]. Johanna Tracy, her mark, mother, Cladagh [Ardmore Youghal PLU]
Patrick Treacy b. 20 Mar 1876
Ballycurrane. James Treacy, his mark, father, Ballycurrane [Ardmore Youghal
(Nora) TRACY (b: ? in Waterford, Ireland d. 1949 in St. Paul, Minnesota) m.
Patrick Delaney (b: 1865 in Ballydrennan, Tipperary, Ireland) St. Paul,
Patrick Joseph DELANEY b: ? in St. Paul, Minnesota
John DELANEY b: ? in St. Paul, Minnesota
James DELANEY b: ? in St. Paul, Minnesota
James Tracy married Winifred Geraghty 8 Jun 1892 Ramsey, Minnesota, United States
James Tracy, b. Ireland & Winifred Geraghty, b. Ireland
James Tracy, Jr. b. 6 Jun 1895 Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
James Tracy, 37 years, b. Waterford, Ireland & Winifred M. 34 years, b. Mayo, Ireland
John Patrick Tracy b. 05 Jun 1904 bapt. 19 Jun 1904 Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
1900 Census - Election District 13 St. Paul city Ward 8, Ramsey, Minnesota [Geraghtys live next door]
James Tracy Head M 33 Ireland, b. Nov 1866, emigrated 1884, na, Insurance agent
Winnifred Tracy Wife F 30 Ireland, married 8 years, 3 children
Edward Tracy Son M 7 Minnesota
James Tracy Son M 5 Minnesota
Mary Tracy Daughter F 1 Minnesota
1930 Census - St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States
James Tracy Head M 63 Ireland, emigrated 1884, Insurance Fire Automobile
Winnfried Tracy Wife F 60 Ireland
James Tracy Jr. Son M 32 Minnesota, Insurance Fire Automobile
Mary A Tracy Daughter F 29 Minnesota, school teacher High School
John P Tracy Son M 25 Minnesota, station gasoline
Joseph P Tracy Son M 22 Minnesota
Thomas Tracy Son M 19 Minnesota
Bridget A Geraghty Sister-in-law F 47 Ireland
Edward J Tracy died 27 Mar 1952 6234 So Dorchester Ave Chicago, Cook, Illinois, 65 years, Married, Occupation: Guard, born 1887 St Paul Minnesota, (s. of James Tracy & Winford Garity)
Buried Calvary St Paul Minnesota
Informant: John E Tracy
Margaret Tracy, Ditto [full age], spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Piltown, (d. of Declan Tracy, Ditto [farmer]) married William Condon, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Temple Valley, (s. of Patrick Condon, farmer) 25 January 1868 RC Chapel Piltown Wit: James Rice & Anne J. Tracy. Priest Patrick Tracy C.C. [Clashmore Youghal PLU Waterford]
Margaritam Tracey married Guilielmum Condon 25 Jan 1868 Wit: Jacobo Rice & Anna Tracey. Priest Patritius Tracey.. Clashmore and Kinsalebeg Parish
Margaret Tracy, single, (d. of Dalan [Declan?] Tracy) m. William Condon, single, (s. of Patrick Condon) 25 Jan 1868 Piltown, Co. Waterford, Ireland
Dungarvan CoI Burials
Thomas Tracy of Pilltown, buried 16 June 1829, C no service
Maurice Treacy of Pilltown, buried 21 Sept 1844, 74 years, R Catholic
Thomas Tracey of Clashmore, buried 1 Mar 1855, 80 years, RC
Patk Tracy of Pilltown, 8 June 1864, 33 years, RC
Declan Tracy, Date of Death 29 Mar 1867, aged 76 years, Piltown Clashmore, married, farmer, informant Declan Tracy
Declan Tracy, Date of Death 02 Oct 1885, aged about 56 years, Piltown Clashmore,
bachelor, farmer.
Patrick Tracy, Date of Death 06 Jun 1864, 33 years, Shanacoole Clashmore, farmer, bachelor, brother Roger Tracy.
Patrick Tracy, Date of Death 29 Nov 1885, 71 years, Piltown Clashmore, RC priest,
James Tracey, Date of Death 03 Apr 1911, 71 years, Ballycurrane Kinsalebeg Ardmore, farmer, widower, son-in-law Michael Barron.
Bridget Tracey, Date of Death 03 Feb 1912, aged 1 day, Ballycurrane Ardmore, farmers
child, father Patrick Treacy.
Patrick Treacy, Date of Death 04 Feb 1912, aged 2 days, Ballycurrane Ardmore, father
Patrick Tracey farmer.
Patrick Tracy died 1864, Youghal PLU, aged 33, b. 1831, died 6 Jun 1864 Shanacoole [Clashmore] Waterford, Roger Tracy brother
Name: Tracy, Bridget
Inscription: Erected by Declan Tracy in memory of his wife Bridget Tracy who departed this life February 21, 1876 [1816], aged 29 years. R.I.P. Amen.
Graveyard: Clashmore
Source: The
Irish Genealogist Vol.2 No.8 1950
1938 Clashmore, Co. Waterford) On Pastimes On the election Redmond Treacy, Creggs [Craggs], Clashmore. Áitainmneacha Réamonn Ó Treasaigh, Creagga. |
August 15, 1986 Dungarvan
Outstanding Appointment
This week we are proud to bring to you the news, of the outstanding appointment of local man, Gerald Treacy, B.Sc. Hbns., C.T.G., clashmore to the County Dublin Vocational Education committee. This is a permanent post and Gerald will be teaching at St. MacDarnagh College, Templeogue. Gerald, along with his parents Mary and John, have worked hard through his school years at Clashmore N.S., Ring College, Youghal C.B.S. and Thomond College, Limerick to achieve his present outstanding successful appointment. We all join in wishing him every success and happiness for the future.
Clonmel St. Marys & Ss
Peter and Paul (North Waterford) (see also Tipperary)
Clonmel Co. Tipperary
Dungarvan CoI (West
Parish Register, Dungarvan (Waterford and Lismore diocese). Baptisms, 1721-1807, Marriages 1740-41. Burials 1722-41.
James & Catherine Tracy
Peter Tracy b. 17/22 April 1746
James Tracy July 1743
Patrick Tracy 24 Aug 1746
James Tracy 11 June 1747
Parish Register, Dungarvan
(Waterford and Lismore diocese). Baptisms, 1828-1854. Marriages, 1828-1916.
Burials, 1828-1933.
Thomas Tracy of Pilltown, buried 16 June 1829, C no service
Margaret Treacy of Dungarvan, buried 29 Jan 1831, 70 years, C no service
Thomas Tracey of Dungarvan, buried 13 March 1831, 2 years, C no service
Mary Tracey of Ardmore, buried 9 March 1832, 90 years, C no service
Maurice Treacy of Pilltown, buried 21 Sept 1844, 74 years, R Catholic
Bridget Treacy of Dungarvan, buried 1 Jan 1846, 41 years, R Catholic
James Treacy of Dungarvan, buried 4 Oct 1851, 58 years, RC
Ellen Treacy of Dungarvan, buried 23 Feb 1853, 70 years, RC
Thomas Tracey of Clashmore, buried 1 Mar 1855, 80 years, RC
Patrick Treacy of Dungarvan, buried 19 Nov 1855, 30 years, RC
Nicholas Tracy of Dungarvan, buried 20 Jan 1861, 70 years, RC
Patk Tracy of Pilltown, 8 June 1864, 33 years, RC
Margaret Treacy of Dungarvan, buried 19 Sept 1866, 76 years, RC
William Treacy of Battery, buried 31 Jan 1881, 35 years, RC
William Tracey of Dungarvan, buried 29 Oct 1890, 15 years, RC
Dungarvan (West Waterford)
10 Buttery(South-Side) Tracey James Fisher 1.0.0 29 September 1834 21 Yrs (Yly Demise) Was a freeholder a proper man
6 St. Thomas Street: Flynn Ed Shoemaker Michael Tracy also in house succeeded Bill Flynn who held for his own life @ 5/= from August 11/25 a proper man.
23 St. Thomas Street: Coughlan Wlm Lawyer 1.10.0 25 March 1842 10 Yrs (Yly Demise) Purchased from James Treacy for £7 ought to pay regularly
Phil/Phalixcis Tracy & Mar Snow
An Tracy b. 29 Apr 1789 Sp. Joan Magrath & Mar Dwanes. Dungarvan Parish
Nicolai Treacy b. 13 Jul 1792 Sp. Ric Colars & Johan Ryan. Dungarvan Parish
Mariae Tracy & Mich Ryan
Gul Ryan b. 17 Jan 1790 of Chapl? Sp. Joanne Kane & Maria Mosisson. Dungarvan Parish
Joan Tracey & Marg Dower
Jac Tracey b. 9 May 1793 Sp. Rob Dower & Hon Gaugh. Dungarvan Parish
Joannis Tracy & BLANK Downs
Maria Tracy b. 23 Jul 1796 Sp. Jacob Marks & Johanna Keily. Dungarvan Parish
Maria Tracy & Pat Ryan
Marg Ryan b. 18 Aug 1796 of B Cuillane [Ballycullane Dunhgarvan] Sp. Tho Drohan & Alicia Kenedy. Dungarvan Parish
Jacobi Tracy married Mariam Fogarty of Fairlane [Dungarvan] 23 Jan 1810 Wit: James Dower & Corneliy Forarty. Dungarvan Parish
Jacobi Treacy & Mariae Fogarty
Cath Treacy b. 29 Apr 1812 of Fair Lane Sp. Michael Coughlan & Alicia Fogarty. Dungarvan Parish
Michaelem Tracy b. 23 Sep 1814 of Fair Lane Sp. Jacobus Christopher & Johanna Tool. Dungarvan Parish
Honora Tracy & Joans Cavanagh
Arthm Cavanagh b. 3 Nov 1811 of Blackpool Sp. Thomas Hullait? & Elizabetha Laye. Dungarvan Parish
Jacobum Cavanagh b. 4 Jun 1815 Sp. Thomas Hayes & Johana Condon. Dungarvan Parish
Davidum Cavanagh b. 25 Oct 1821 of Thomas? Street Sp. Gulielmus Tasly & Margrita Connery. Dungarvan Parish
Marg Tracey & Joans Cavanagh
Thonam Cavanagh b. 1 Mar 1813 of Blackpool Sp. Pats Walsh & Joana OBrien. Dungarvan Parish
Elenora Tracey & Jacobi Harrington
Johannam Harrington b. 29 Jul 1812 of Overlane Sp. Nicholaus Mulcahy & Johanna Harrington. Dungarvan Parish
Margarita Tracy & Maritis Roche
Mauritus Roche b. 25 Jan 1814 of Mill lane Sp. Guls Ryan & Maria Donel. Dungarvan Parish
Maria Tracy & Thoma Lacy
Bartholemy Lacy b. 19 May 1816 Sp. Patritius Connell & Brigida Connell. Dungarvan Parish
Nicaulsey? Tracy married Margta Troher? 27 Oct 1816 Wit: Joannis Power & Maria Troher. Dungarvan Parish
Nicolii/Nicholas Tracey & Margrita Raher/Reher
Nicolaum Tracy b. 13 Aug 1822 Sp. Jacobo Connor & Honora Gallleher? Dungarvan Parish
Mariam Tracey b. 14 Feb 1826 of Thomas St Sp. Johne Dower & Alaica Cody. Dungarvan Parish
Thoman Tracy b. 15 May 1829 of Nicholas St Sp. Jacobo Connors & Maria Roach. Dungarvan Parish
Brigida Tracy b. 27? Jan 1833 Sp. Stephano Dower & Maria Cricent?. Dungarvan Parish
Cath Treasey & Joannes Londergan
Johannam Londergan b. 19 Mar 1821 Sp. Patt Moran? & Maria Casey. Dungarvan Parish
Catharinam Tracey married Johan? Barry? 24 Jul 1825 Wit: Mauritio Barry? ??? Barry? & Richardo Fennell. Dungarvan Parish [very faint]
Catharina Tracey/Tracy & Jacobi Barry
Jacobum Barry b. 7 Oct 1827 of New Chapel Street Buttery Sp. Jacobo Tracey & Maria Slattery. Dungarvan Parish (Note: Conditionaliter)
Joannam Barry b. 24 Jun 1829 of Chapel Street Sp. Mauritis Slattery & Ellena Hannigan. Dungarvan Parish
Catharinam Tracey married Matheum Walsh of Fair-lane 21 Jan 1828 Wit: Jacabo? Barry, Richardo Fennell & Maria Tracey. Dungarvan Parish
Catharina Tracey & Mathei/Matheus Walsh
Mariam Walsh b. 27 Feb 1829 of Main Street Sp. Richardo Fennel & Catherina Walsh. Dungarvan Parish
Dyonisus Walsh b. 29 Jun 1831 Sp. Gululmo Noonan & Catharina Smith. Dungarvan Parish
Brigida Walsh b. 23 Oct 1836 Sp. Joanne Cashman & Ellena Carthy. Dungarvan Parish
Patritius Walsh b. 8 Dec 1839 Sp. Patritius Walsh & Maria Walsh. Dungarvan Parish
Matheus Walsh b. 17 Apr 1843 of Buttery best Sp. Johainnes Brien & Maria Quaily. Dungarvan Parish
Catharina Walsh b. 19 Oct 1845 of Buttery Cast Sp. Guleilmus Sherin & Maria Cleary. Dungarvan Parish
Johannes Walsh b. 20 Apr 1848 of Buttery East Sp. Patricus Walsh & Maria Whelan. Dungarvan Parish
Maria Walsh b. 18 Sep 1850 of Buttery Sp. Dionitius ??? & ??? Muray?. Dungarvan Parish
Catharina Tracy & Mauriti Dower
Robertum Dower b. 18 Jul 1828 of Black Pool Sp. Joanne Dalton & Joanne Power. Dungarvan Parish
Margaritam Dower b. 10 Feb 1834 Sp. Mauritis Hacket? & Brigida Curavin?. Dungarvan Parish
Jocobi Tracy & Anna Brown [see Cappoquin]
Matheum Tracy b. 3 Jul 1828 of ??? Sp. Mathio Tracy & Anne Tracy. Dungarvan Parish
Mariam Tracey married Simonem Markley 21 Feb 1830 Wit: Jacabo Kirby & Patritio Hallanan. Dungarvan Parish
Maria Tracy & Simonis Martley/Marly
Jacobus Martley b. 19 Dec 1830 Sp. Jacobo Tracy & Catharina Tracy. Dungarvan Parish
Margaritam Marly b. 1 Jun 1834 Sp. Michael Dyer & Ellena Wall. Dungarvan Parish
Dionisium Martley b. 14 Mar 1836 Sp. Jacobo Heaphy & Maria Burke. Dungarvan Parish
Thomam Tracey married Mariam Curivce 26 Feb 1832 Wit: Michael Meskil & Elenora Tracey. Dungarvan Parish
Michaelem Tracy married Joannam Longan 14 Sep 1832 Wit: Joanne Brian, Maria Lalor & Joanna Walsh. Dungarvan Parish
Gulielmi Tracy & Joanna Longan
Maria Tracy b. 8 Apr 1833 Sp. Thoma Walsh & Maria Lalor. Dungarvan Parish
Margatitam Tracy married Joannem Neagle 3 Nov 1833 Wit: Jacobo Tracy & Nicolas Mulcahy. Dungarvan Parish
Margarita Tracy & Joannis/Johannis Neagle
Jacobus Neagle b. 22 Sep 1834 Sp. Jacobo Tracy & Maria Laphin. Dungarvan Parish
Robertum Nagle b. 4 Nov 1836 Sp. Richard Tracy & Mastatina Foley?. Dungarvan Parish
Margarita Neagle b. 24 Aug 1839 Sp. Joannes Hurrington & Catharina Snow. Dungarvan Parish
Joannes Neagleb. 25 Dec 1841 of Butterylust Sp. Gulielmus Curran & Ellena Burk. Dungarvan Parish
Martinus Nagle b. 10 Nov 1844 of Buttery Sp. Joannis Drohan & Catharina Barran. Dungarvan Parish
Maria Neagle b. 29 Jul 1849 of Buttery Sp. Joannis Dower & Ellena Harrington. Dungarvan Parish
Margarita Tracy married Timotheum Hefernan 16 Jul 1837 Wit: Cornelio Walsh & Thoma Tracy. Dungarvan Parish
Margarita Tracy & Thimothei Heffernan
Thomas Heffernan b. 13 Aug 1837 Sp. Thoma Hannegan & Maria Walsh. Dungarvan Parish
Joannes Heffernan b. 13 Oct 1839 Sp. Henier Godkin & Catharina Power. Dungarvan Parish
Michaelem Tracy married Joannam Morrison 28 Apr 1837 Wit: Mauritio & Elizabetha Flynn. Dungarvan Parish
Michael/Michaels Tracy/Tracey & Joanna Morisey?/Morresy/Morrisy
Maria Tracy b. 23 Jan 1838 Sp. Thomas Horgan & Catharina Ryan. Dungarvan Parish
Jacobus Tracy b. 4 Jun 1840 Sp. Augustinas Walsh & Margarita Power. Dungarvan Parish
Gulielimus Tracy b. 5 Mar 1843 of Thos St Sp. Joannes Power & Ellena Tobin. Dungarvan Parish
Thomas Tracey b. 06 Jan 1846 Sp. Jeremias Kelly & Joanna Foley. Dungarvan Prish
Tracy baptised 1838. (LDS)
Jacobus Tracey married Maria Tatty 16 Jun 1840 Wit: Michael Tracy & Anna Tatty. Dungarvan Parish
Jacobus Treacy & Maria Tutty
Michael Treacy b. 26 May 1841 Sp. Michael Treacy & Joanna Neil. Dungarvan Parish
Joannes Tracy & Maria Lucas
Catharina Tracy b. 9 May 1844 of Clagrauter? Sp. Alice Hayes. Dungarvan Parish
Catharina Tracey & Johannes Keily
Margarita Keily b. 4 Jan 1849 of Bair Lane Sp. Johannis Keily & Maria Guiney. Dungarvan Parish
Maria Tracy & Daniel Fahy
Daniel fahy b. 3 Aug 1852 of Buttery? Sp. Michael Whelan & Anna Tracy. Dungarvan Parish
Margta Tracy? & Francius? Browne?
Patritius Foley b. 25 Oct 1852 of Buttery? Sp. Petrus? ??? & Brigida? ???. Dungarvan Parish
Brigida Tracy/Tracey & Richardus Nugent
Patricus Nagintet? b. 31 Dec 1863 of Church st Sp. Thomas Tobin & Ellena Tobin. Dungarvan Parish
Maria Nugent b. 5 Jun 1866 of Church St Sp. Thomas Nugent & Maria Ward. Dungarvan Parish
Gulielmus Tracey married Anna Lyndon of Patrick Street 9 Oct 1873 Wit: Patritius Cleary & Maria Murray. Dungarvan Parish
William Tracy, 28 years, bachelor, tailor?, lives Dungarvan, (s. of Michael Tracy, shoemaker) married Anne Lyndon, 23 years, spinster, servant, lives Dungarvan, (d. of William Lyndon, butcher) 09 October 1873 RC Chapel Dungarvan Wit: Patrick Cleary & Ellen Tracy [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]
Gulielmus Tracy & Anna Laima?/Lyndon
Michael Augustus b. 2 August 1874 of B [X] Street Sp. Gulielmus Mead & Margarita Sanford?. Dungarvan Parish
Gullielius? Tracy b. 23 Apr 1876 of Buttery Sp.Deunicario? McGrath & Maria Nagle. Dungarvan Parish [very faint]
??? b. ? Nov 1877 bapt. 18 Nov 1877 of Buttery? Sp. ??? ??? & Hanorea Gleeson. Dungarvan Parish [very faint]
William Tracy (d. 1881) & Anne Lyndon
Michael Tracy b. 31 July 1874 Dungarvan (LDS)
William b. 22 April 1876 Dungawan (LDS)
Johana Tracy b. 14 November 1877 Dungawan (LDS)
William Tracy, tailor, & Anne Lyndon
Michael Tracy b. 31 Jul 1874 of Thos
Street Dungarvan. Mary Flynn. Her mark, present at birth, Dungarvan [Dungarvan
Dungarvan PLU]
William Tracy b. 22 Apr 1876 Buttery
Dungarvan. Mary Coughlan, her mark, present at birth, Dungarvan [Dungarvan
Dungarvan PLU]
Johana Tracy b. 14 Nov 1877 Buttery
Dungarvan. Bridget Keane, her mark, present at birth, Dungarvan [Dungarvan
Dungarvan PLU]
Hannah Tracey b c1878
Tracey (let me call him William 1) who married Anne Linden. William 1
was a jobbing tailor, who may have died in 1881. Anne Tracy moved with her
three children to Liverpool, England where she remarried to a Charles Kelly.
They had
a son Michael who married Ellen, who then had two children, Ann and William
(William 3rd). William 3 married Sophie. The story about William 3's death is
that he was knocked down by a car and buried in Vladivostok! Apparently, the
local consulate was involved, but I can find no records. William 3 and Sophie
had a son Michael who married someone called Judy.
They also
had a son William (William 2nd) who apparently didn't marry. We believe he was
a tailor in the Irish Guards.
Anne's daughter,
Hannah Tracy, my grandmother, was born in Dungarvin in c1878. She was married
on 10 Feb 1901 to John Dunn, who had come over from Forkhill, County
Armagh with his 4 brothers (Richard, Matthew, Michael and Hugh) who
all became bus drivers (then horse drawn). Her 1901 wedding
certificate is attached.
John and Hannah had 4 boys and 2 girls. One of the boys was my Dad William
(the 4th?). John died in 1928 and Hannah remarried a Patrick McGlade. Hannah
died in Liverpool in 1958.
Tony 13 September 2010
William Treacy, Date of Death 01 Feb 1881, aged 40, Dungarvan Workhouse, married, Tailor
1901 Census of England
William Tracy, 27, Waterford
Ireland, Soldier, London
Michael Tracey & Ellen Foley
William Edward b. 14/6/1906 bapt. 17/6/1906 Aldershot, St Patrick's Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Annie T. Tracey, born Dublin, 1904,
I.Gds., Vol 221 page 88
1911 Census of England - St. George, London [Military]
Michael Tracey, Woarter [Warder]
Jails Sergeant, 39, married, 1st Battelion Irish Guards, Master? Jailer, b.
Dungarvan Co. Waterford.
St George, London [Military]
Ellen Tracey, wife, 33, married 6
years 2 child living, b. Villiers Town Waterford
Annie Tracey, daughter, 5, b.
William Tracey, son, 4, b. North?
Camp Aldershot
Tracy, London England, 1922, 46 years, widow, 5'6", Dark complexion, brown
hair, grey eyes, Last address: Mrs Annie Newall, 8 Kelvin Grove, Princes Park,
L'pool. To sister: Mrs John Fitzgerald, 1656, 3rd
Ave, NY New York. b. Villerstown, Ireland. [see Ellen Tracy 46, Annie Tracy 27,
William Tracy 16] [see below]
Tracy, London England, 1922, 17 years, single, 5'3", Dark complexion,
brown hair, brown eyes, Last address: Mrs Annie Newall, 8 Kelvin Grove, Princes
Park, L'pool. To aunt: Mrs John Fitzgerald, 1656, 3rd Ave, NY New York. b.
Dublin, Ireland. [see Ellen Tracy 46, Annie Tracy 27, William Tracy 16]
Tracy, London England, 1922, 16 years, single, 5'7", Dark complexion,
brown hair, grey eyes, Last address: Mrs Annie Newall, 8 Kelvin Grove, Princes
Park, L'pool. To aunt: Mrs John Fitzgerald, 1656, 3rd Ave, NY New York. b.
Aldershot, England. [see Ellen Tracy 46, Annie Tracy 27, William Tracy 16]
1930 Census - Bronx, New
Head Ella Tracy F 52 Ireland, widowed, Immigration Year: 1922, Father's Birthplace: Ireland. Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Son William E Tracy M 23 England, Immigration Year: 1922, Father's Birthplace: Ireland. Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Son-in-law Christopher Bulloss M 28 New York
Daughter Anna Bulloss F 25 Ireland, Immigration Year: 1922, Father's Birthplace: Ireland. Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Martin Treacy, full age, bachelor, Sub Constable, lives Dungarvan [Dunganvan], (s. of Martin
Treacy, farmer) married Sarah Murphy, Do [full age], spinster, servant,
lives Coolinore [Coolanure or Coolmore
Rathcool], (d. of James Murphy, servant [Coolinore crossed out]) 20 May 1874 RC
Chapel Fethard Wit: Johanna Lynch & John Sullivan [Fethard Cashel PLU] [not
found in RC register] [see RIC]
Bridget Tracy nee Nugent, 42 years, widow, washer woman, lives Dungarvan [Dungarvan], (d. of Nicholas Nugent, fisherman) married Declan Dwyer, 52 years, widower, labourer, lives Dungarvan, (s. of John Dwyer, weaver) 02 December 1876 RC Chapel Dungarvan Wit: William Sheil & Margaret Shiel [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU] signed their marks [not found in RC register]
William Tracy, 25 years, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan], (s. of Timothy Tracy, labourer) married Margaret Power, 29 years, spinster, house keeper, lives Ballinacourty, (d. of John Power, labourer) 13 February 1877 RC Chapel Ballinroad [Dungarvan] Wit: William Kelly & Hanora Power, signed her mark [Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU] signed their marks [not found in RC register] [see Abbeyside and Ring Parish]
Joanens Tracy & Elizabeth Keating
Helena Tracy b. 10 Jun 1877 of Shanakill? Sp. Patritius Cahill & Maria Mooney?. Dungarvan Parish
Thomas Treacy of 18 Rathmines Road (rere of) (s. of John Treacy & Johanna of Gortnahoe
Durled? Co Tip) married Johanna Ryan of 16 Bushy Park Road (d. of William Ryan
& Mary Callahan of Kiltealy Co.Limerick) 15 Feb 1931 Wit: John Treacy of Dungarvan Co. Waterford
& Catherine Ryan of Kilteely Co Limerick. Terenure Parish Dublin [see Gortnahoe Tipperary]
Trahsy (Treacy?)
(16)] 14 April Administration of the personal Estate of Mary Trahey late of
Seven mile Creek Juneau Wisconsin America Widow who died 25 November 1894
granted at Dublin to Patrick Trahey of
Dungarvan County Waterford Farmer the son.
Death Certificates
Margaret Tracey, Date of Death 16 Sep 1866, 76 years, Cummins? Lane Dungarvan, housekeeper, widow.
Benjamin Treacy, Date of Death 29 Jan 1891, 8 years, Workhouse Dungarvan, servants
Bridget Tracy, Date of Death 12 Jun 1868, 84 years, Workhouse Dungarvan, labourers widow.
Tracy died 1868, Dungarvan PLU, Aged 84, b. 1784, died 12 Jun 1868
Catherine Tracey, Date of Death 02 Jan 1872, 70 years, Workhouse Dungarvan, labourers widow.
Denis Tracy, Date of Death 19 Mar 1876, 80 years, Workhouse Dungarvan, labourer, widower.
Johanna Tracey, Date of Death 27 Apr 1867, 28 years, Workhouse Dungarvan, fishermans wife.
Johana Tracy died 1867, Dungarvan PLU, aged 28, b. 1839, died 27 Apr 1867
Mary Tracy, Date of Death 15 Sep 1876, 60 years, Workhouse Dungarvan, tailors widow,
Mary Treacy died 1876, Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU, aged 60 years, b. 1816, died 15 Sep 1876 Workhouse, widow, tailors widow
Michael Trecy, Date of Death 11 Sep 1886, aged 40, bachelor, Dungarvan workhouse.
William Treacy, Date of Death 01 Feb 1881, aged 40, Dungarvan Workhouse, married, Tailor
Name: Treacy, Patrick; Treacy, Mary; Treacy, Thomas
Inscription: In mem. of Patrick Treacy who died June 20 1800 age 64, his wife Mary died Oct. 7 1797 age 48 & his brother Thomas died May 2 1807 age 74.
Graveyard: St. Marys Church of Ireland, Dungarvan
Source: William
Name: Treasy, Peter
Inscription: Peter Treasy intered here.
Graveyard: St. Marys Church of Ireland, Dungarvan
Source: William
Dunhill & Fenor (Eest
Catharinam Tracy married Johannem Gammon/Gorman 18 May 1838 Wit: Thoma Murry & Maria Tracy. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Edmundi Tressy? & Brigida Bolan
Mauritium Tressy b. 18 Aug 1832 of Dunhill Sp. Thomas Hanlahan & Maria Power. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Eliza/Allicia/Ellena Tracy & Thoma Murry
Mariam Murry b. 24 Dec 1836 Sp. Joannes Berasford & Johanna Walsh. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Margaritam Murry b. 20 May 1838 Sp. Rogero Fitzgerald & Brigida Flynn. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Joannem Murry b. 14 Jul 1842 Sp. Thoma Beresford & Ellina Paule. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Brigidam Murry b. 25 Mar 1846 Sp. Thomas Ryan & Catina Lumy. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Michaelis Tracy & Margt Phelan/Whelan
Helenam Tracy b. 13 May 1838 Sp.Joannes Neal & Elisa? Conor? . Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Mariam Tracy b. 10 May 1840 Sp. Michaeli Whelan & Ellenora Mooney. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Ellena Tracy & Thomas Massy
Laurentium Massy b. 9 Aug 1839 Sp. Michaeli Hardy & Ellenae Dee. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Catharina Tracy & Joannis Gorman
Mariam Gorman b. 6? Aug 1840 Sp. Jacobo Murphy & Brigida Flynn. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Joannam Treacy married Joannem J Thompson 6 Apr 1856 Wit: Michael Froman? & ??? Neil. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Honoram Tracy married Patritium Landry 2 Nov 1856 Wit: Richardus Ryan & Johanna Neil. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Honorae Tracy & Patriti Landers
Ellenam Landers b. 10 Jan 1864 Sp. Jacobo Kelly & Anastasia Gough?. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Michaelem Treacy married Brigdam Newlan 25 Jan 1857 [???]. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Catharina Tracey/Trasy & Joannis Thomaston/Thomson/Thomesston
Honoram Thomaston b. 10 Jul 1859 Sp. Jacro Fonte Catrieea Power & Elleonora Phelan. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Catrinam Thomson b. 12 May 1861 Sp. Joanni Shanehan & Anastata Lommings?. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Michaelmi Thomesston b. 3 Jan 1866 Sp. Michaele Treacy & Maria Fitzgerald. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Mariam Tressy married Joannem Power 20 Feb 1860 Wit: Patritius Crotty & Maria Phelan. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Mariae Tracy [Terry crossed out] & Joanni Power
Patricium Power b. 6 March 1865 Sp. Joannes Terry & Bridgida Tracy. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Michaelam Power b. 24 Aug 1867 Sp. Thoma Power & Anastatia Phelan. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Elleonorae Tracy & Thomae Bean/Bowe
Michaelem Bean b. 27 Apr 1865 Sp. Patricis Murphy & Maria Anna Murphy. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Mariam Bowe b. 25 Mar 1867 Sp. Richardo Phelan & Maria Nowlen. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Bridget Tracy, 22, spinster, Do [servant], lives Do [Woodstown] [Islandikane,], (d. of Michael Tracy, gardener) married Thomas Wedger, 23, bachelor, servant, lives Woodstown, (s. of Thomas Wedger, merchant) 23 February 1870 RC Chapel Dunhill Wit: Michael Tracey & Anne Phelan, his mark [Boulmahon Kilmacthomas PLU] signed his mark
Bridgidam Tracey married Thomam Wedger 24 Feb 1870 Wit: Jacob Grant Anna Haharan & Maria? Tracey. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Brigdae Tracey & Thomae Widger
Michaelem Widger b. 6 Apr 1873 Sp. Thoma Nalty & Anastatia Fessneder?. Dunhill and Fenor Parish
Gambonsfield and Kilcash
(North Waterford/South Tipperary)
Brigida Tracey & Michaelis Shea
Aliciam Shea b. 19 Nov 1843 Sp. Thoman Early & Ellena Sinith Gambonsfield and Kilcash Parish
Jacobi Tracey & Maria Smyth
Johannem Tracey b. 11 Aug 1845 Sp. Andrea Crotty & Johanna Carty Gambonsfield and Kilcash Parish
Kilgobinet (Middle Waterford)
Patricium Tracey married Honoram Hearn 20 Nov 1856 Wit: Patricio Quarry & Catherine Flynn. Kilgobinet Parish
Killea CoI (East Waterford)
Emma Macey OR Tracey, 20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Do [Dunmore E], (d. of William Thos Macey, Do [smack owner) married George Mathews Moses. full [age], bachelor, fisherman, lives Dunmore E, (s. of Henry Saunders Moses, smack owner) 27 December 1884 Killea Church of Ireland Wit: William T. Macey & Mary N. Nichols [Dunmore E Waterford PLU]*
* Surname stated as Tracey and Macey in the state registration
Killea (East Waterford)
[Note: Woodstown Lower & Woodstown Upper,
Kilmacomb Civil Parish Waterford.]
5 Dec 1815 Peter Moore & Rose Rourke Wit: James Lusk & Richard Tracy
Peter Manning, FIGRS. The Catholic Registers of Killea and Crooke, Co. Waterford. The Irish Genealogist Vol. 13 No. 4 (2013)
Georgi Tracy & Mariae Benner/Bowers [see Cork]
Anna Tracy b. 13 Mar 1816 Sp. Edmundus Flynn & Eliza Cavanagh. Killea Parish
Helena Tracy married Michael Egan 9 May 1820 Wit: Berardus Egan & Margarata Rourke. Killea Parish [very faint]
Patriti Tracy & Sarae Hamilton
Thomas Tracy b. 11 Dec 1831 of Faithlegg Sp. Mauritius Morissey & Abigal Sheasdy. Killea Parish
Treasy, Date of Death 29 Mar 1888, aged 86,
Cheekpoint Woodstown, widow of a hotel keeper.
Name: Trasy, Patrick; Trasy, William; Trasy, Patrick; Trasy, Patrick
Inscription: Ercd by Patrick Trasy of Cheekpoint in memory of his father Patrick Trasy who depd this life Febuary 6 1835 aged 74 years. Also his son William died Feby 9 1837 aged 2 years. Also his son Patrick died Sepr 27 1840 aged 13 years. Also the above named Patrick Trasy died Sept 1844 aged 52 years.
Note: (Lamb & Cross)
Graveyard: Faithlegg
Source: Memorials of the Dead in County Waterford, Barony of
Gaulttier: Julian C.Walton; 1975
Patrick Tracy and Sara Hamilton
Thomas Tracy b. 11 Dec 1831
Treacy (Born in 1792 -
Dead in 1844 Faithlegg, Co. Waterford, Ireland , age at death: 52 years old)
married to Sarah Hamilton (1802-1888)
Huch Tracy (born ca 1825 Waterford - dead USA) married
to Mary Butler ca 1845
Patrick Tracy Born 19 March 1863 -
Cheekpoint, Co. Waterford, Ireland
Maggie Tracy Born 25 January 1865 -
Cheekpoint, Waterford, Ireland
Mary F Jacobs 1868-1952
Edward Tracy ca 1870
Hugh Tracy ca 1872
John Tracy 1880
Julian White October 18, 2011;pz=damian;nz=cain;ocz=0;p=huch;n=tracy
Joannem Tracey married Mariam Nicoloson 8 Feb 1853 Wit: Maria Tracey & Joanne Connolly. Stradbally Parish
Joannes Tracy & Maria Anna Nicholson
Aemillia Tracy b. 30 May/1 June 1856 of Passage [Kill St. Nicholas] Sp. Jacobus Hanly & Emma Tracy. Killea Parish
Patricius Tracy b. 26/28 Apr 1858 of Passage Sp. Thomas Condon & Helena Power. Killea Parish
Jacobus Treacy b. 3/5 Feb 1860 of Passage Sp. Joannes Power & Catherina Dunn. Killea Parish
Maria Tracey b. 27/29 Dec 1861 of Passage Sp. Joannes Crawford & Helena Allen. Killea Parish
Emilia Tracy b. 15/17 Jan 1864 of Passage Sp. Rev Michael Mooney & Sara Tracy. Killea Parish
Catherina Tracey b. 16/18 Nov 1865 of Passage Sp. Rev E O Donnell & Maria A Connors. Killea Parish
Maria Anna Treacy b. 4/6 Apr 1867 of Passage Sp. Joannes Molloney & Catherina Allen. Killea Parish
Joannes Tracey b. 30 Mar/1 Apr 1869 of Passage Sp. Martinus Deleney & Maria Power alias Mrs Dobby?. Killea Parish
John Tracey/Tracy & Mary Ann Nicholson
John Tracey b. 28 Mar 1869 Woodstown Waterford, Ireland
Thomas Tracy b. 29 May 1871 Waterford, Wat, Ire
Hugh Tracey b. 24 Oct 1873 Waterford, Wat, Ire
John Treacy/Tracey, revenue officer/ ret? door officer of customs & Maryanne/Mary Ann Nicholson/N?colson/Nichlson?
Emily Treacy b. 14 Jan 1864 of Passage [Kill St. Nicholas]. John Treacy, father, Passage [Woodstown Waterford PLU]
Catherine Treacy b. 18 Nov 1865 of Passage. John Treacy, father, Passage [Woodstown Waterford PLU]
Mary Anne Treacy b. 5 Apr 1867 of Passage. John Treacy, father, Passage [Woodstown Waterford PLU]
Tracey b. 28 Mar 1869 Passage. John
Tracey, father, Passage [Woodstown Waterford PLU]
John Tracy/Tracey, revenue officer & Mary Ann Nicholson
Thomas Tracy b. 29 May 1871 Canada
Street. M A Tracy, mother, Canada Street [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Hugh Tracey b. 24 Oct 1873 Canada Street. Ellen White, present at birth, Spring Garden Alley [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Tracy died 1866, aged 0, died 10 Jun 1866 Passage [Kill St. Nicholas],
Woodstown, Waterford
Treacy died 1866, aged 3, died 18 Jun 1866 Passage [Kill St. Nicholas],
Woodstown, Waterford
Civil Service Evidence of Age: John Tracy, born 2 Nov 1829, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford.
Society of Genealogists
ref: 47781 059.
John Tracey/Treacy (b. circa 1831 d. 10/06/1912)
& Mary Anne Nic(h)olson (b. circa 1837 d. 21/11/1877 Canada St.
Waterford. Estimated age - 40. Informant John Treacy Waterford. 1877. 19/564)
Emily* Treacy b. 30 May 1856. bap. 1 Jun 1856.
Killea Parish - died before 1864
Patrick Treacy b. 26 Apr 1858. bap. 28 Apr.
1858. Killea Parish
James Treacy b. 3 Feb. 1860. bap. 5 Feb. 1860.
Killea Parish
Mary Treacy b. 27 Dec 1861. bap. 29 Dec 1861. Killea Parish (d. 18 Jun 1866, 3 years, Passage Woodstown, child of am out??? Officer of customs, informant John Treacy.)
Emma* Treacy b. 15 Jan 1864. bap. 17 Jan 1864.
Killea Parish. Emily b. 14 January 1864 Woodstown (LDS) [State Reg: Treacy, Emily, Waterford, 1864 4
830] - see note below.
Catherine b. 18
November 1865 Woodstown (LDS) (d. 10 Jun 1866, 7
months, child of an Officer of Customs, informant John Treacy. (Passage
Mary Anne Treacy b. 5 Apr 1867 Woodstown (LDS) (Waterford 1867 9 981) married Richard
O'Brien 1909, died 3/3/1953 Waterford
John Treacy b. 28 Mar 1869 Woodstown (LDS) b. 30 Mar 1869. bap. 1 Apr. 1869. Killea Parish
Thomas Tracy b. 29/5/1871 Waterford Waterford (Waterford 1871 9 1041)
Hugh b. 24 October 1873 Waterford Waterford
(LDS) [State Reg: Tracey,
Hugh, Waterford, 1873 19 883] –
moved to Waterford city, died S.S.
Coningbeg 1917
* both named as Emilia in register
Sarah Treacy,
possibly a cousin or aunt as she is shown as a sponsor at two of the baptisms.
Information on John Treacy, Customs Officer, Passage East, Co. Waterford (my great great grandfather):
Further detail - John
born 1831 according to death cert and 1901 census. Died 10/06/1912 in Waterford
per death cert.
Emma (my great grandmother) born 1869 [1864 Parish Record], married James
Smiles 21/01/1888, Billericay, Essex. Died 30/04/1952 Waterford. (birth based
on 1901 census and death reg - lied on marriage cert)
From the National Archives online -
John Treacy - b.
Waterford 1868. Mercantile Marine Medal and British Medal. Issued to Stanhope
St. Liverpool. BT/351/1
Hugh Treacy - b.
Waterford 1873. Mercantile Marine Medal and British Medal. Issued posthumously
to wife Anne Treacy, Thomas St. Waterford. BT/351/1
Both these Treacys are daughters of Hugh Treacy,
died S.S Coningbeg.
From the Waterford
News 8/9/1922 - Miss Eileen Treacy, Thomas St., Waterford. Kings Scholarship
Examinations, passed with honours.
Waterford News
27/4/1928. At a religious reception in Dublin, Miss May Treacy, 44 Thomas St.,
Waterford was professed a nun.
1909-10 Thom's Directory of the City and County
of Waterford
or John Tracy, 7 Beau Street (Cathrine St), Waterford City. Ship's Steward
(moved from Tramore, house still in family)
Tracy, Scotch Quay, Waterford City. Pensioner (moved from Tramore, retired
customs officer)
A photo I have from Emma Treacy's house shows a family group of two
adults and three children (aged about 3 to 8). Taken at a studio in Capetown -
the studio was in business from 1888 to 1893. I'm working on the possibility it
is a photo of above Patrick or James Treacy as these are the only ones old
Noel Weldon, Waterford
[] 06/06/2009 & 4/6/2010
1911 Census
Treacy, 86, M, 1 Scotch Quay, Waterford No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford (head,
excise pensioner, widower)
Emma Smiles, 45, F, 1 Scotch Quay, Waterford
No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford (daughter, widow)
John Smiles, 20, M, 1 Scotch Quay, Waterford
No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford (grandson, at school)
Treacy, 37, F, 7 Beau Street, Waterford No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford (head,
married 10 years, 6 child 5 alive, b. Wexford) [see Hugh below]
Treacy, 9, F, Beau Street, Waterford No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford
Treacy, 8, F, Beau Street, Waterford No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford
Treacy, 5, M, Beau Street, Waterford No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford
Treacy, 4, F, Beau Street, Waterford No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford
Kathleen Treacy, 2, F, Beau Street, Waterford No. 4 Urban (part of), Waterford
1911 Census Clodagh [ship]
Liverpool Lancashire [see Ann above]
Hugh Tracey, 32? married 11 years, 6 child 5 alive, Steward, WSSfoy?
Services, b. Waterford City
Apr 22, 1937 The Irish Times
Mr. W. L. Duggan And Miss K. Treacy
Mr. W. L. Duggan, solicitor, Carlow and Tullow,
son of Mr. J.J. Duggan, Solicitor, and President of the Incorporated Law
Society, and Mrs Duggan, Carlow, was married to Kathleen, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Treacy of
Waterford, of Dun Laoighre, at St. Michael's Church, Dun Laoighre,
yesterday...The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. J.A. Treacy. Miss C. Treacy
(sister of the bride) was the bridesmaid and Mr. Gerald Clancy (cousin of the
bridegroom) acted as best man...
Mariam Tracy of Checkpoint [Cheekpoint Faithlegg] married Robertum Allan 17 Jan
1856 Wit: Jacobus Hoyna & Hugo
Tracy. Killea Parish
Mary Tracy married Robert Allen 17 Jan 1856 of Cheekpoint Wit: Jacobus Hogan & Hugo Tracy. Killea Parish
Maria Tracy/Treacy & Robertus Allen
Maria Allen b. 27/29 Oct 1856 of Cheekpoint Sp. Hugo Tracy & Eleonora Allen. Killea Parish
Sara Allen b. 7/9 Sep 1860 of Passage Sp. Thomas Foran & Sara Treacy. Killea Parish
Jacobus Joseph Allan b. 4/6 May 1865 of Passage Sp. Rev Joannes Sheeby & Emilia Treacy. Killea Parish
Maria Allen b. 4/6 Nov 1867 of Passage Sp. Joseph Organ & Sara Tracy. Killea Parish
Robertus Power & Maria Brown
Helena Power b. 23/25 Apr 1858 of Auscurra [Killea] Sp. Thomas Tracey & Catherina Nichalson. Killea Parish
Hugo Tracey & Maria Butler [see above]
Patritius Tracey b. 19/21 Mar 1863 of Cheekpoint [Faithlegg] Sp. Robertus Butler & Emma Tracey. Killea Parish
Margarita Tracy b. 25/27 Jan 1865 of Cheekpoint Sp. Joannes Tracy & Helena Power.
Killea Parish (Margrat Tracy b. 24 January 1865 Woodstown LDS)
Hugh Tracy, merchant,
& Mary Butler
Tracy b. 24 Jan 1865 of Cheekpoint [Faithlegg] Hugh Tracy, father, Cheekpoint
[Woodstown Waterford PLU]
This Hugh Tracey is possibly the Hugh mentioned as Tidewaiter and/or in the Fisheries Commission reports on site.
From 1880 U.S census. Laight St., New York
Hugh Tracy age 55 b. Ireland
Mary " 35 b. "
Patrick 17 b. "
Margaret 14 b. "
Mary 12 b. New York
Edward 10 b. "
Hugh 8 b. "
James 5 b. "
John 1 b. "
From LDS - Sarah Treacy b. 7 Feb 1881, Manhattan. Parents - Hugh Treacy
and Mary Butler Treacy.
From 1900 U.S census Manhattan Borough.
Patrick Treacy Head b. 1864 Ireland
Katie Wife b. 1868 New York
Hugh Son b. 1898 "
Ella Dau b. 1900 "
Would think this Patrick is the same as above. Have not found a maiden name for
his wife Katie.
From 1920 U.S census Manhattan Borough.
Mary Tracey Head, widow age 74 b. Ireland
Mary Daughter,single age 43 b. New York
Edward Son, married age 44 b. "
Edward Grandson age 20 b. "
James Grandson age 18 b. "
Ages are different but think this is Mary Butler Treacy and son and daughter
Mary and Edward.
From 1930 U.S census, Brooklyn
Hugh Tracy Head age 32 b. New York
Mary L Wife 31 b. New York
Margaret M Dau 3 b. "
Ellen Dau 1 b. "
Have not found a maiden name for wife Mary L.
Ireland Tithe Applotment Books.
Patrick Tracey
County: Waterford
Parish: Ballynakill
Townland Ballynakill
Year 1834
Patrick Treasy
same location
Year 1833
Patrick Treasy
same location
Year 1832
This Ballynakill is in the Barony of Gaultier and now part of Waterford City.
Patrick Tracey is probably the same as the one listed in 1821 census in
Faithlegg and on grave inscription in Faithlegg graveyard. The owner of
Faithlegg Hse - Nicholas Power had previously owned Ballynakill Hse. and the
estates were adjoining. Patrick Tracey was Land Steward for Nicholas Power.
Noel Weldon 25 May 2011
Catherina Tracey & Jacobus Gunnup
Helena Gunnup b. 17/19 Sep 1868 of Passage Sp. Patritius Treacy & Maria A Organ. Killea Parish
Catharinam Tracy married Patritium Mahan of Faithlegge [Faithlegg Faithlegg] 12 Aug 1874 Wit: Thomea Nugent & Maria Tracy. Killea Parish
Kate Tracy, 27, spinster, Do [labourer], lives Do [Faithlegge], (d. of Patt Tracy, dead, Do [labourer]) married Patt Mahon, 38, widower, labourer, lives Faithlegge, (s. of Patrick Mahon, dead, labourer) 12 August 1874 RC Chapel Crooke Wit: Thomas Nugent & Mary Tracey [Woodstown Waterford PLU] signed their marks
Catharinam Tracy & Patritium Mahon
Catherina Mahon b. 15/17 Jan 1875 of Faithlegg Sp. Jacobus Lowry & Maria A. Nagle. Killea Parish
Honora Mahon b. 11/17 Dec 1876 of Cheekpoint [Faithlegg] Sp. William Nugent & Anastasia Shanahan. Killea Parish
Kate Tracey/Tracy & Patrick Mahon
Laurence Mahon b. 15 Jan 1875 Cheekpoint, County Waterford (LDS)
Honorah Mahon b. 11 Dec 1876 Cheekpoint, County Waterford (LDS)
Mary Mahon b. 14 Jul 1879 Cheekpoint, County Waterford (LDS)
1821 Census Extract County of Waterford
Townland and Parish of Faithlegg
Power, Nicholas, 34, 4 story house
Margaret, 21, wife,
Margaret, 2,
Kate, 1,
Maturn (?),
Margaret, 20, cousin-in-law
Butler, Coachman, Gardner
He was Steward of Faithlegg Estate owned by
Nicholas Power, probably one of the Trasy's named below as church built in
memory of N. Power
Faithlegg is parish church for Cheekpoint.
Passage East is 2 miles from Faithlegg. The Treacys mentioned in The Fisheries
Report and EPPI would be descendants of above Trasy
Adelphi Quay, Waterford City S.S. Coningbeg 1917 (Emblem
of the Clyde Shipping Company) The
S.S. Coningbeg sailed, homeward bound from Liverpool, 2 days after her sister
ship the Formby. On board was a crew of 40 with 4 passangers. The steamer was
torpedoed off the east coast by the same U-boat with no warning & all
were lost. There were harrowing scenes on the Waterford quay sideas women
& children waited in the wet & cold of winter for news of loved ones.
It was after Christmas before the sinkings were confirmed, with the total
loss of 83 lives. This was the worst disaster to befall Waterford this century. …Hugh Treacy Steward… Mercantile Marine Memorial, Trinity Square
Gardens, London Hugh Treacy,
Steward, S.S. "Coningbeg" (Glasgow), Mercantile Marine, Died
18-12-1917, age 46, Presumed drowned Son of the late John
and Mary Treacy; husband of Anne Treacy (nee McCabe), of 44, Thomas St.,
Waterford. Born at Waterford. December 1917
Waterford Shipping Disaster List of the Missing from Munster Express Saturday 6thJanuary 1918 (names in brackets of next-of-kin) H. Treacy, Steward, 44 Thomas Street (Mrs. H. Treacy) |
A Great War Mercantile Marine
War Medal Casualty pair and Memorial Plaque awarded to Steward Hugh Treacy, Mercantile Marine, who
was killed in action when serving aboard the S.S. Coningbeg of Glasgow, a
cargo ship, which on 17th December 1917 sailed from Liverpool bound for
Waterford, and was then sunk by the German submarine U-62 commanded by Ernst
Hashagen in the Irish Sea. |
St Mary's Graveyard,
Ballygunner, Co.Waterford
No. 917
In Loving Memory Of
Lost at sea 1917
His wife ANNIE Died 28th February 1931
Their family
EMILY TREACY Died 9th April 1945
JOHN A. TREACY Died 12th May 1973
EILEEN TREACY Died 10th March 1987
Rest In Peace
Kilrossanty (Mid Waterford)
Jacobi Tracy & Maria Fennel
Honora Tracy b. 17 ? 1822 Sp. Patricus Longan & Johanna Longan Kilrossanty Parish
Guatteri Tracy & Brigida Torfay
Maria Tracy b. 7 Feb 1823 Sp. Laurento Dun & Jane Broham Kilrossanty Parish
Maria Tracy & Johnes Rowan
Honora Rowan b. 15 Dec 1823 illeg Sp. Daniel Greany & Wm Lander Kilrossanty Parish
Cathe Tracy & Johnes Barry
Patricus Barry b. 10 Jan? 1824? Sp. Johnne Connors & Brigida Deehan? Kilrossanty Parish
Martinus Barry b. 12 Nov 1826 Sp. Johnne Quin & Brigida Lawler Kilrossanty Parish
Mich Tracy? & Maria Morrissey
Patk Tracy b. 3 Aug 1826 Sp. Thos Powa & Johna Quin Kilrossanty Parish
Maria Tracey & Daniels Power
Cathari Power b. 28 Aug 1829 illegit Sp. Thoma Donavan & Elena Sherigan Kilrossanty Parish
Brigidae Tracey & Stephani Murphy
Ellena Murphy b. ? Oct 1832 Sp. Math Kelly & Maria Hayes Kilrossanty Parish
Bridget Tracy (b. BET 1809 AND 1810 in Ray Gorman [Rathgormack???], Waterford d. in Argyle, WI bur. St. Francis Cemetery, Adams Township, WI) m. Stephen Murphy b: 1800 in Ray Gorman, Waterford) 1830 in Ireland.
Bridget had a brother named Sylvester, and a sister Dewire or Dedivere. Two others siblings but unaccounted for, but they died in America.
Murphy b: 1 MAY 1834 in County of Waterford, Ireland
Martin Murphy b: MAR 1836 in Ireland
Perry Murphy b: ABT 1843 in Ontario, Canada
Ellen Murphy b: 23 DEC 1845 in Green County, Cadiz, Wisconsin
Murphy II b: FEB 1848 in Green Co, Wi
Murphy b: OCT 1853 in Cadiz, Green Co, WI
1850 Missing Friends
Of Bridget and Honora Treacy, natives of
co. Waterford, parish Kilrosseuty [Kilrossanty], townland of Leamy Brien [Lemybrien,
Stradbally]. The former was married to Stephen Murphy, blacksmith, of
Glynnpatrick, who sailed from Liverpool to the United States in 1836 or 7. His
wife, Bridget, left Ireland 2 or 3 years after in the barque Dispatch, of
Waterford. Honora emigrated in the same vessel to Quebec in 1843. They met in
Bytown, Upper Canada. It is supposed they are living at present in Frankfort
County, Kentucky. Any information respecting them will be thankfully received
by their brother, Sylvester Treacy,
No. 4 Bleeker street, Albany, N. Y.
Maria Tracey & Patricii Power
Maria Power b. 1 May 1832 Sp. Thoma Walsh & Maria Power Kilrossanty Parish
C. Tracy & Dionsi Mahony
Mahony b. ? Oct 1852 Sp. Patritis Colbort & Catharina Tobin Kilrossanty
J. Tracy (b. abt 1801) Comrock, Waterford
Ellen Honora Tracy (12/4/1827-30/1/1892) Comeragh, Waterford to Jordan, Green WI married Patrick Dwyer of Tipperary (LDS)
J. TRACY (b. 1801 in Waterford, Cameraugh [Comeragh???] & ???
Honora TRACY (b: 12 APR 1827 in Waterford, Cameraugh, Ireland d. 30 JAN
1892 in Jordan, Green, Wisconsin) m. Patrick DWYER (b: 17 MAR 1818 in, Tipper,
Ireland) 1848 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Robert DWYER b: 30 SEP 1852 in Cadiz Township, Green, Wisconsin
Johanna Tracey of Shanbally [Kilrossanty] (d. of Patrick Tracey) married Stephanus Connell of Kovney's Cross (s. of Michael Connell) Wit: Mauricius Power of Carrigmoorna & Maria Faha of Balligaw on the 8 Sep 1880 Kilrossanty Parish
Johana Treacy, 28, spinster, servant, lives Shanbally, (d. of Pat Treacy, labourer) married Stephen Connell, 26, bachelor, labourer, lives Downey Cross [near Lemybrien Stradbally], (s. of Michael Connell, labourer) 08 September 1880 RC Chapel Kilrossenty Wit: Maurice Power & Mary Fahe [Kilmacthomas Kilmacthomas PLU] signed their marks
Graveyard: Old Kilrossanty
Erected by Patrick Treacy of Coolnamuc in memory of his father William Treacy who departed this life November ( ) 1808 aged 60 years.
Also his mother Anastasia Treacy alias Mooney died November 1808 aged 54 years.
Also his son Thomas Treacy died on (sic) the 20th year of his age.
Note: No.45 on map
Here lies the body of Martin Treasy who died December 28th 1794 aged 55 years.
Note: No.27 on map
Source: Decies:
No.48; Autumn 1993
Kilworth (West Waterford
& Cork)
See Cork
Knockanore (West Waterford)
see also Youghal, Co. Cork
David Connolly & Mary Doyle
Catherine b. 12 May 1816 Sp Thomas
Treacy & Johanna Curran by Father C. McGrath.
Mauritii/Mauri/Michaelis/Joannis Trasey/Tracy/Tracey & Maria Madden
Margaritam Trasey b. 26 Oct 1820 Sp.
Edmundus Trasy & Margarita
Moris. Knockanore Parish
Thonam Tracy b. 20 Apr 1823 Sp.
Joannes Flinn & Maria Morisy. Knockanore Parish [Michaelis]
Miriamam? Tracey b. ? Jan 1833 of
Thomas St? Sp. Lid? Lineen & Anabible McClancy. Knockanore Parish [part
Honoram Tracy b. 26 Apr 1835 p. Patts & Catha Tracy. Knockanore
Annam Tracy b. 17 Feb 1838 Sp. Gulielmo Tracy & Maria Tracy.
Knockanore Parish [Joannis]
Joannes Tracy
& Maria Madden
Michaelem Tracy b. 2 Feb 1840 Sp.
Michaell Minahan & Maria Camin. Knockanore Parish
Mary Treasy/Treacy died 1865, Lismore PLU, Aged 70, b. 1795, died 16 Jan 1865, Kilwatermoy [Kilwatermoy – Knockanore RC] Tallow, married, wife of John Treacy.
Maria Tracy
& Guli Leonard
Jielomy b. ? Apr 1829 Sp. ? ?mes
& Maria Morisson. Knockanore Parish
Margarita Theresey & Jacobi Walsh?
Elizabetam Walsh b. 01 Jul 1835 Sp.
Mauratio Cobl? & Eleonora Griffith.. Knockanore Parish
Joanna Tracey
& Mauriti Ahearn
Brigitam Ahearn b. 11 Nov 1835 Sp. Jacobo Tracey & Eleonora Murphy.
Knockanore Parish
Cath/Catharina Tracy/Treasy & Thoma Lehan/Lohan
Mariam Lehan b. 9 Dec 1835 Sp.
Jacobus White & Maria Tracy.
Knockanore Parish
Elenam Lehan b. 20 Apr 1837 Sp. Joanne Treasy & Maria Glaven.
Knockanore Parish
Johanam Lehen b. 1 May 1838 Sp.
Gulielmo Cunnigan & Elena Treacy.
Knockanore Parish
Patritium Lohan b. 01 Feb 1841 Sp.
Patrictio Murray & Johanna Tracy..
Knockanore Parish
Thomam Lehan b. 3 Apr 1842 Sp.
Michaele Lehan & Brigida Tracy.
Knockanore Parish
Joannes Tracy
& Anastasia Brown/Browne
Edmundum Tracy b. 27 Apr 1837 Sp. Thoma Tracy & Margarita Brown.
Knockanore Parish
Joannem Tracey b. 31 May 1844 Sp.
Thoma Lanton & Anastacia Cashman. Knockanore Parish
Alliciam Tracy b. 11 May 1847 Sp.
Ellena Walsh & Thoma Fitzgerald. Knockanore Parish
Maria Tracy
& Johannes Connell
Mariam Connell b. 9 Jun 1843 Sp.
Gulielimus Connell & Maria Cousins?. Knockanore Parish
Ellena Tracy
& Dionisium Sullivan
Michaelem Sullivan b. ? Feb 1848 Sp.
MS Pratt [priest] & Margarita Tracy.
Knockanore Parish [M Treacey? priest on page]
Johanna Sullivan b. 26 Oct 1855 Sp.
Gulielmo Sullivan & Margarita Ahearne. Knockanore Parish
Margarita Tracy & Michaels Keefe/O'Keef
Mariam Keefe b. 14 May 1854 Sp.
Jamesis? Jacobs? & Margt Moran. Knockanore Parish
Johanna Keefe b. 20 Jul 1856 of
Kilwatermoy Sp. Patrito White & Maria
Tracy. Knockanore Parish
Catharinam o'Keef b. 10 Sept 1859
Sp. Patritio Ryan & Brigida Kelly. Knockanore Parish
Ellenam Tracey
of Strancally [Kilcockan] married Joannem Prier 13 Feb 1866 Wit: Guillielmo
O'Brien & Anna Tracey..
Knockanore Parish
Ellen Tracey, 30, spinster, servant, lives Kilinaterrinoy [Kilwatermoy Kilwatermoy], (d. of Maurice Tracey, farmer) married John Prior, 39, bachelor, soldier, lives Mount Reveis [Mount Rivers Clondulane Cork – Fermoy RC], (s. of John Prior, farmer) 13 February 1866 RC Chapel of Killenagh Wit: William Prior & Mary Tracey, their marks [Tallow Lismore PLU] signed their marks
Thomam Tracy
married Aliciam Kelly of Killeenagh 29 Jul 1875 Wit: Patricio Leahy &
Johanna Kelly.. Knockanore Parish [see Killeagh
Thomas Tracy/Treacy, 33, bachelor, farmer, lives Moonavaruoga? [Monavarnoge Ardagh
Cork], (s. of Nicholas Tracy, farmer) married Alice Kelly, 24, spinster, farmer's
daughter, lives Kileehagh [Killeenagh Kilcockan], (d. of John Kelly, farmer) 29
July 1875 RC Chael Knockanore Wit: Patrick Leahy & Johanna Kelly [Tallow
Lismore PLU]
Lismore (West Waterford) see
also Youghal, Co. Cork
Lucae Tracy & Catharina Kelly
Catharinam Tracy b. 7 Mar 1845 Sp. Timothy Grady & Hariette Shea. Lismore Parish
Brigidam Treacy b. 12 Sept 1851 Sp. Joanne Doyle & Ellena Nivel. Lismore Parish
Thomas Treacy married Maria O'Donnel ? Oct 1862 of Chapel Lane Wit: Thoma Dunnya? & Anna Down. Lismore Parish
Matthew Tracy b. 1825 Lismore d. 22 June 1888 (LDS)
Joanna Thearessey & Ricardi Cliff
Bellam Cliff b. 31 May 1830 Illegetim Sp. Joanna Cashman & Brigida Morosey. Lismore Parish
Thomas/T Tracey, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Lismore [Lismore and Mocollop], (s. of John Tracey, deceased, miner) married Julia Troy nee Foley, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Cappoquin [Lismore and Mocollop], (d. of Patrick Foley, deceased, labourer) 22 February 1887 RC Chapel Cappoquin Wit: Patrick Lyons & Margaret Lyons, signed their marks [Cappoquin Lismore PLU] signed her mark
WWI Pension Records British Army
Treacey, Irish
Guards 9527, (b. abt 1884 Mallow Cork) married Mary Ryan 23 Apr 1912 Mallow Co
Residence: 11th August 1915 Castle Farm Lismore, Co Waterford. Discharged
27/10/1915, Not likely to become an effivcient soldier.
Mary Ellen Treacey, 3 years, b. 13 August 1912 Mallow Co. Cork
Johanna Treacey 1 year, b. 24.2.1914 (13th January crossed out) Lismore
Co. Waterford.
farm labourer, 5'10", chest 37-8", weight 150lb, three
vacination marks, many teeth missing and caries. Discharge due to Right
Inguinal Heria - very large, scrotum full (states he was not stripped for
Anne Tracey, Date of Death 22 Apr 1868, 24 years, Workhouse Lismore, pauper, spinster.
Tracey died 1868, Lismore PLU, Aged 24, b. 1844
Joanna Tracey, Date of Death 31 Dec 1893, 53 years, Lismore Workhouse, widow of military pensioner.
John Tracey, Date of Death 22 May 1872, 40 years, Lismore Lismore, Catholic clergyman,
bachelor. [of Cappoquin served Manchester]
John Tracey Revd, died 1872 Lismore Lismore PLU, aged 40 years, b. 1832, bachelor, catholic clergyman, died 22 May 1872 Lismore [Lismore & mocollop]
Thomas Tracey, Date of Death 25 Mar 1894, 57 years, Ballyea Lismore, water bailiff, married, informant Julia Tracey widow
Mary Tracy, Date of Death 13 Jun 1884, 47 years, Round Hill Lismore, wife of water baliff Thomas Tracy.
John Tracey, Date of Death 08 Jun 1890, 20 years, Round Hill Lismore, son of water baliff, father T. Tracey.
Elizabeth Tracy & Gulielmi Prion/Prior? [see Cappoquin]
Cath Prion/Prior? b. 12 Aug 1849 of Carsigun [Carrigaun Modelligo] Sp. Patritio Connors & Maria Moroney. Modeligo Parish
Mothel & Rathgormack (Mid
Honora Tracey & Jacobi Connors
Helena Connors b. 17 Jan 1834 Sp. Johanns Keily & Brigida Connolly. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Mauritii Treacey/Treasy & Maria Hayes
Joannem Treacey b. 21 Nov 1841 Sp. Joanne Torpey & Maria Flynn. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Patricium Treasy b. 24 Feb 1847 Sp. Philips Kilmartin & Brigida Treasy. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Jacobi Treacy & Maria Smyth/Smith
Maria Treacy b. 17 May 1847 Sp. Thoma Burke & Maria Hanigan. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Patritium Treacey b. 2 Jun 1849 Sp. Pats Connolly & Maria Hayes. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Mauritium Tracy b. 17 Oct 1852 Sp. Patritio Keily & Honora Kilmartin. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Helenam Tracey b. 24 May 1865 Sp. Gulielmus Connoly & Johanna Connolly. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
James Treacy & Mary Smith
Ellen b. 19 May 1865 Kilsheelan (LDS)
James Treacy, labourer, & Mary Smith
Ellen Treacy b. 19 May 1865 of Glenpatrick parish Rathgormack [Rathgormuck Waterford] James Treacy, father, Glenpatrick [Kilsheelan Clonmel PLU]
Mary Treacy, died 1871,
Kilsheellan Clonmel PLU, aged 45 years, b. 1826, married, labourer’s wife, died
27 Oct 1871 Glenpatrick Rathgormack [Mothel and
Rathgormack RC Waterford], James
Treacy, present at death, Glenpatrick
Brigidam Tracy married Patricium Hickey 4 Mar 1851 Wit: Joanne Tracy & Maria Harigon. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Brigida Treacy & Patricii Hickey
Brigidam Hickey b. 24 Jan 1849 Sp. Joannes Cleary & Mary Cleary. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Joannem Hickey b. 9 May 1852 Sp. Thoma Keily & Anastatia Tracy. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Patritium Hickey b. 7 Oct 1856 Sp. Patritio Morrissy & Honora Connors. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Catherinam Hickey b. 12 Jul 1861 of Glenpatrick [Rathgormuck] Sp. Gulielius Tracy & Honoria Connolly. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Gulielmum Hickey b. 20 Mar 1864 of Glenpatrick Sp. Laurentis Hickey & Maria Hickey. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish [Priest P. Treacey]
Michaelem Tracy married Mariam Carroll 26 Feb 1854 Wit: Patricio Micl? Lowney & Catharina Power. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Michael Tracy & Maria Carroll
Ellena Tracy b. 8 Jul 1858 Sp. Thoma Carroll & Bridgida Tracy. Carrickbeg Parish
Michaels Tracy & Maria Carroll
Joannem Tracy b. 1 Jan 1864 Sp. Patritio Phelan & Alicia Fitzgerald. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish [P. Treacey priest on page]
Thomam Tracey b. 20 Feb 1869 Sp. Michaell Rich? & Margarita Cleary? Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Michael Tr(e)ac(e)y & Mary Carroll
Thomas b. 22.02.1869, Waterford (KTJ)
Michael Tracey,
labourer, & Mary Carroll
Tracey b. 22 Feb 1869 Whitestown [Mothel] [Rathgormuck Carrick-on-Suir PLU
Anastatia Tracy & Patritii Norris
Patritium Norris b. 15 Nov 1857 Sp. Patritio Connolly & Maria Treacy. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Michaelem Tracey married Honoram Power 4 Feb 1858 Wit: Michael Dowley & Margarita Dowley. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Patritii Trassy & Honoria Quinlan
Gulielmum Trassy b. 11 Jul 1869 Sp. Gulielmo Burn & Alicia Halfpeney?. Mothel and Rathgormack Parish
Mary Tracy, witness to Death 03 Apr 1867 of Mary Carroll wife of labourer Whitestown
Mary Tracy, witness to death 03 Feb 1878 Anastatia Kirwan farmers wife Whitestown Rathgormack.
Mary Treacy died 1868, Clonmel PLU, Aged 58, b. 1810, died 10 Jul 1868 Glenanore [Glennanore Mothel Clonmel PLU Waterford] Rathgormack [Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Carrick-on-Suir PLU Waterford]
Newcastle (Mid North
Gulielmus Tracy & Alicea Crotty
Joannem Tracy b. 19 Jun 1841 Sp. Kearne Keating & Brigida Cunigam. Newcastle Parish
Old & Ring (West
Thomae Tracy? & Ellen Donisi
Thoms Tracy b. 23 Dec 1819 of BCm [Ballymacart?] Sp. Thom Morissey & Brig Trace. Old and Ring Parish
Patriu Treacy? & Brigitae Burke
Thomam Treacy b. 03 Oct 1831 of Ballycurman [Ballycurrane Ardmore OR Ballycurreen Ballymacart] Sp. Nicolalo Burk & Menrita Treacy. Old and Ring Parish
Nicolai Tracy? & Brigidae Kelly [very faint]
Gerald Tracy b. 13 May 1858 Sp. ??? Old and Ring Parish [Thomas Tracey priest]
Death Certificates
Michael Tracey, Date of Death 03 Nov 1907, 23 years, NS Ringville, sailor, bachelor, drowned.
Portlaw (& Ballyduff)
(East Waterford)
Jacobus Tracy & Brigida Ryan?
Tracy b. ? Jan 1809 Sp. Patritius? Lowlty? & Maria Comerford?. Portlaw
Parish [very faint]
Patritii Tracy & Alicia Quin
Tracy b. 9 Jul 1810 Sp. Gualterio Doyle & Maria ???. Portlaw Parish
Treasy b. 27 May 1816 Sp. Jacobo Quin & Cathe Doyle. Portlaw Parish
2 March 1839 Boston Pilot
Of Michael Tracy, son of Patrick Tracy, a
native of the parish of Partlaw, County Waterford, - when last heard from he
was working in Little Falls, Herkimer County, State of New York. Any
information respecting him will be thankfully received by his parents and
brother, John Tracy, by a letter
directed to them in care of Rev. J. D. Brady, Salem, Ms. Will the New York
Truth Teller give the above an insertion, and oblige a subscriber.
Alicia/Alisa Tracy/Treacy &
Gulielmus Reily
Reily b. ? Aug 1811 Sp. Thoma Hanigan? & Hellena Walsh. Portlaw Parish
Reily b. 4 Sep 1818 Sp. Edmundo Higgins & Maria Heffernon. Portlaw Parish
Thoma Tracy & Hellena
Tracy b. 10 Sep 1811 Sp. Maria Trigg?. Portlaw Parish
Michl/Michaelis Tracey & Elena Wall
Tracey b. 4 Jan 1818 Sp. Thoma Gough & Brigida Connors. Portlaw Parish
Tracey b. 8 Sep 1820 Sp. Joannan Tracey
& Brigida Torphy. Portlaw Parish
tracy b. 5 Jul 1823 Sp. Laurentus Donivan & Maria Foley. Portlaw Parish
Treasy b. 18 Aug 1826 Sp. Joann Treasy
& Anna Brown. Portlaw Parish
Brigtam Tracey b. 8 Feb 1830 Sp. Edmundo Flahavan & Elena Doyle. Portlaw Parish
Elinam Tracey b. 23 Feb 1835 Sp. Jacobo Foley & Elina Shanahan. Portlaw Parish
Gualterium Tracy married Brigitam
Torpy 23 Jan 1822 Sp. Joannis Foran & Maria Brien. Portlaw Parish [double
Wallerii/Gaulterii Treasy &
Brigida Torpy
Tracy b. 19 Aug 1824 Sp. Jeffery Foley & Catherina Torpy. Portlaw Parish
Tracey b. 15 Dec 1832 Sp. Richards Brown & Maria Power. Portlaw Parish
Treacy b. 7 Nov 1835 Sp. Thoma Hearn? & Maria Joy. Portlaw Parish
Johanna Tracy? & Jacobi Kelly
Kelly b. 13 Jan 1826 Sp. Jacob Brain? & Elenora Keally?. Portlaw Parish
Joannem Trasy married Johannam
Power 14 Jul 1834 Sp. Jacobo Nolan & Alicia Walsh. Portlaw Parish [double
Joannes/Joannis Tracy/Tracey & Joanna Power
Elenam Tracey b. 26 Feb 1837 Sp. Patricio Kieresy? & Margareta Corcoran. Portlaw Parish
Tracey b. 1 Mar 1839 Sp. Daniale Feliter & Maria Tracey. Portlaw Parish
Tracy b. 27? Jun 1841 Sp. Edmundo Fanning Anna Kirby?. Portlaw Parish
Tracey b. 15 Apr 1843 Sp. Jacobo Mulcahy & Maria Tracey. Portlaw Parish
Treacy b. 27 May 1846 Sp. Joanne Hays & Catharina Hays. Portlaw Parish
Mary Halley, 79, b. 1 Mar 1839 Ireland, (d. of John Trasey b. Ireland & Johanah Power b. Ireland), Widowed, lived 527 E. First, died 5 Nov 1918, buried 8 Nov 1918 Calvary Cemetery, Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States
John Tracy, 74, b. 21 Jun 1841 Ire, (s. of John Tracy b. Ireland & Johanna Powers b. Ireland), married, retired shoe merchant of 532 Howell Ave, died 1 Jan 1916 Cincinnati Hamilton Ohio, buried 4 Jan 1916, Informant: Helena Tracy of 532 Howell Ave
Family Tree
John Tracy & Johanna Powers
John C Tracy Birth: 21 June 1841Ireland
Death: 1 January 1916 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, United States
married Mary Euguenia Morrissey (1852 England - 1919 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio) 29 Jan 1870 Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri
Wattieii Tracey & Maria Walsh
Tracey b. 7 Jun 1838 Sp. Joanne Curtis & Maria Walsh. Portlaw Parish
Patritium Tracey/Tracey &
Honora Goff/Gough/Goughs
Tracey b. 17 Nov 1839 Sp. Patritio Goff & Anastatia Tracey. Portlaw Parish
Mariam Tracy b. 28 Mar 1841 Sp. David Tracy & Anistasia Flavan. Portlaw Parish
Tracy b. 9 Jan 1843 Sp. Maurito Gough & Elena Power. Portlaw Parish
Tracey b. 31 Jan 1847 Sp. Michaele Hogan & Catherina Goff. Portlaw Parish
Thomas Treacy b. 1859 Co. Kilkenny, Ireland (s. of Patrick Treacy & Nora Gough of Co. Kilkenny, Ireland [from Portlaw Waterford]) d. 31 Mar 1925 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Occupation: Blacksmith Helper
Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Spouse: Catherine Treacy
Buried 03 Apr 1925 Mt. Olivet
Brigitam Tracy married Edmundum
Fanning 14 Feb 1841 Wit: Patrition Power & Alicia Walsh. Portlaw Parish
Margaritam Tracy married Michaelem Honan 20 Feb 1844 Wit: Mauritio Honan & Margarita Tracy. Portlaw Parish
Margarita Tracy/Tracey &
Michael/Ricardi Honan?
Honan? b. ? Jun 1845 Sp. Mauritius Honan & Margarita Tracy. Portlaw Parish
Honan b. 22? Oct 1849 Sp. Gulielmo Powert & Catharina Tracey. Portlaw Parish
Hoonan b. 4 Sep 1853 Sp. Joanne Keane & Maria Phelan. Portlaw Parish
Michaelem Tracy married Mariam Keane
11 Aug 1849 Wit: Gulielmo Keane & Catharina Power. Portlaw Parish
Mariam/Maria Tracy married Jacobum
Connors 16 Feb 1849 Wit: Michaele Daily & Maria Butler. Portlaw Parish *
[double entry]
Maria Tracy & Jacobi Connors
Connors b. 24 Nov 1849 Sp. Michaels Brady? & Anastatia Treacy. Portlaw Parish
Connors b. 3 Aug 1851 Sp. Joanne Connors & Maria Lalor. Portlaw Parish
Conners b. ? May 1854 Sp. Joanne Quin & Margarita Connors. Portlaw Parish
[Thomas Tracey priest on page]
Connors b. Sep 1855 Sp. Jonane Aylward & Margarita Aylward. Portlaw Parish
[Thomas Tracey priest on page]
Connors b. 26 Dec 1858 Sp. Patritio Phelan & Bridgae Sympson. Portlaw
Connors b. 7 Aug 1864 Sp. Jacobo Dwyer & Maria Burke. Portlaw Parish
Margaritam Tracy married Patrition
Connoll/Conoll 16 Feb 1849 Wit: Edmundo Dwyer & Maria Hurly. Portlaw Parish
* [double entry]
* Two
entries together.
Catherine Tracy (d. of Michael Tracy) m. Jeremiah Crowley (s. of John Crowley) 11 Aug 1851 Clonegam, [Clonagam] Wat, Ire (Carrick-on-Suir 1851 3 321)
Catherine Tracy, full [age], spinster, laborer, lives Portlaw, (d. of Michl Tracy, farmer) married Jeremiah Crowley, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives Portlaw, (s. of John Crowley, officer of Excise) 11 August 1851 Clonegam Church of Ireland Wit: Richard Farrell & Nickolas Daly [Clonegam Carrick on Suir PLU Waterford]
Joannem Tracey married
Margaritam/Elenam Daly 26 Nov 1852 Wit: Stephano White & Margarita Power.
Portlaw Parish [double entry]
Johannes Tracey & Eleonora
Tracey b. 4 Jun 1854 Sp. Johanne Fitzpatrick & Alicia. Portlaw Parish
[priest Thomas Tracey]
Tracey b. 13 May 1855 Sp. Jacobo Hyland & Ellena Fennessy. Portlaw Parish
Tracy b. 7 Mar 1858 Sp. Joanne Daily & Elanae Brown. Portlaw Parish
Tracey b. 25 Apr 1859 Sp. William Walsh & Margarita Daly. Portlaw Parish
Tracey b. 13 Mar 1864 Sp. Joanne Flemming & Ellena Fitzpatrick. Portlaw
Tracey b. ? Apr 1865 Sp. Edmundo Hanigan & Brigida Hanigan. Portlaw Parish
Tracy b. 23 Feb 1867 Sp. Joanna Daly & Ellena Daly. Portlaw Parish
Tracy b. 14 June 1868 Sp. Gulielmus
Tracy & Maria Fitzgerald
John Tr(e)ac(e)y & Ellen Daly/Daily of Portlaw
Patrick b. 5 March 1864 Portlaw (LDS)
William Treacy b. 25 May 1865 Portlaw (LDS)
Mary b. 21 April 1867 (LDS) Mary b. 25/4/1867 Portlaw (KJT) (Carrick-on-Suir 1867 9 647)
Mary b. 14 Jun 1868 Portlaw, Wat, Ire (LDS)
John Tracey, labourer/factory operative, & Ellen Duily/Daly
Patrick Tracey b. 5 Mar 1864 of 28 Queen St Portlaw? [Clonagam] John Tracey, 8 Queen St Portlaw, father, his mark [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU Waterford]
Treacy b. 25 May 1865 of 26 George Street Portlaw. Ellen Treacy, her mark, 26
Georges Street Portlaw, mother [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]
Tracey b. 25 Apr 1867 of 53 Georges Street. Ellen Tracey, her mark, mother, 53
Georges Street [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]
Tracey b. 14 Jun 1868 of 53 Georges Street Ellen Tracey, T mother, 53 Georges
Street [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]
John Tracey died 1869, Carrick
On Suir PLU, Aged 41, b. 1828, died 18 Jul 1869 Georges Street, relative Ellen Tracey [Portlaw Waterford]
Tracey, Date of Death 18 Jul 1869, 41 years, 53
Georges St, (Portlaw?) factory operative, married, informant Ellen Tracey
Gullielmi Tracy & Maria Fogarty
Tracy b. ? May 1856 Sp. Gulielius Hogan & Catherina Foran. Portlaw Parish
[priest Thomas Tracy]
Michl Tracey & Honora Dowley
Tracey b. 1 Jan 1859 Sp. Mick Power & Honora Dowly. Portlaw Parish
Gualterium Treacy married Catherinam
Sweeny 27 Jan 1861 Wit: Nicolao Hyland & Maria McGrath. Portlaw Parish
Brigidam Tracey married Jacobum
Mackey 12 Apr 1861 Wit: Johanne Mackey & Alicia Power. Portlaw Parish
Michaelis Treacy & Ellena Hearn
Treacy b. ? Feb 1862 Sp. Joannes Treacy
& Maria Treacy. Portlaw Parish
Tracy b. 13 Sep 1863 Sp. Michaele Terry & Brigida Brown. Portlaw Parish
Richard Tracey died 1867, Waterford
PLU, aged 5, b. 1862, died 15 Dec 1867 Knockadery [Knockaderry Newcastle]
Ellenam Tracy married David Dee 29
Jan 1874 Wit: Ricardo & Brigda Hearn. Portlaw Parish
Tracy & Mary Hutcheson
Tracy b. 7 August 1865 Tramore (LDS)
b. 16 May 1867 Tramore (LDS)
Tracy, of Portlaw Portlaw
[Clonagam], laborer, & Mary Hutcheson
Maria Tracy b. 7 Aug 1865 of Peter St Tramore.
[Drumcannon] The mark of Mary Hutcheson, present at birth, Peter Street
[Tramore Waterford PLU]
Tracy, laborer, & Mary
Catherine Tracy b. 16 May 1867 of Peter St Tramore. The mark of Mary Hutcheson, present at birth, Peter St [1867 14 880 Tramore Waterford PLU]
Catherine Treacy died 1867, Waterford
PLU, aged 0, b. 1867
Catharina Treacy married Michaem
Prout? 2 Mar 1867 Wit: Galielmo Grenan & Mary White. Portlaw Parish
Kate Treacy, 23, spinster, servant, lives Do [Portlaw], (d. of John Treacy, Do? [dead]) married Michael Prout, 21, bachelor, smith?, lives Portlaw, (s. of Thomas Prout, dead) 2 March 1867 RC Chapel Portlaw Wit: William Gorman & Margaret Casey, their marks [Portlaw Carrick on Suir PLU Waterford] signed their marks
Ellenam Tracy married Jacobum
Keefe 30 Apr 1867 Wit: Thoma &
Joanne Tracy. Portlaw Parish
Ellen Tracy, 28, spinster, housekeeper, lives Ballyduff, (d. of John Tracy, shoemaker) married James Keeffe, 24, bachelor, Baller?, lives Ballyduff, (s. of William Keeffe, labourer) 30 April 1867 RC Chapel of Ballyduff Wit: Thomas Tracy & Mary Muleahy [Kilmeaden Waterford PLU]
Ellena Tracey & Jacobi Keefe
Keefe b. 23 Feb 1868 Sp. Thoma Tracy
& Maria Power. Portlaw Parish
Keefe b. 19 Aug 1869 Sp. Roberto Tracey
& Alicia Brennan. Portlaw Parish
Keefe b. 4 Jan 1874 Sp. Gulielmo & Anna Kelly. Portlaw Parish
Keefe b. 18 Feb 1876 Sp. Roberto Tracy
& Margareta Power. Portlaw Parish
Keefe b. 24 Feb 1878 Sp. Joanne Tracy
& Brigida Kelly. Portlaw Parish
Ellen Tracey & James Keefe
Johanna, 25.02.1868, Waterford
Stephen, 12.01.1874, Waterford
William, 01.03.1876, Waterford
Patrick, 10.03.1878, "Ballyduff,
Tracey & Johanna Hearne
Tracey (Male) b. 01 May 1867 Kilmeaden, Waterford,
Ireland (LDS)
John Tracey, farmer, & Johanna Hearne [crossed out]
MALE Tracey b. 1 May
1867 of Knockaderry [Newcastle] Mrs Carroll, her mark, present at birth,
Knockaderry [crossed out] [Kilmeaden Waterford PLU] (Cancelled 5 Jul? 1867)
MALE Tracey b. 1 May
1867 of Knockaderry [Newcastle] Ellen Carroll, her mark, present at birth,
Knockaderry [crossed out] [Kilmeaden Waterford PLU] [duplicate]
Joannem Tracy married Elizabeth
Cassin 22 June 1867 Wit: Joanne Aherne & Catherina Cassin? Portlaw Parish [see
Brothers of New Jersey]
John Tracey, 23, bachelor, baker, lives Portlaw [Clonagam], (s. of Thomas Tracey, baker) married Eliza Cassin, 25, spinster, weaver, lives Portlaw, (d. of Richard Cassin, sizer) 22 June 1867 RC Chapel Portlaw Wit: John Ahearne & Catherine Cassin, her mark [Carrick on Suir Carrick on Suir PLU Waterford]
Joannis Tracy & Elisabeth
Joseph Tracy b. 28 April 1868 Sp. Henricus Cashin & Catharina Cashin. Portlaw Parish
Henricum Tracy b. 7 Oct 1869 Sp. Ricardus Cassin & Joanna Cassin. Portlaw Parish
Joannem Tracy b. 8 Jun 1871 Sp. Joannes Hogan & Anastatia Clifford. Portlaw Parish
Joannem Tracy b. 2 Feb 1873 Sp. Ricardus Cassin & Anna Keane. Portlaw Parish
??? Tracy b. 26 Feb 1874 Sp. ??? & ???. Portlaw Parish [very faint]
Elousam Treacey b. 12 Jun 1875 Sp. Joannes Winbirry & Mariam Conners. Portlaw Parish
Thomam Treacy b. 15 Aug 1877 Sp. Jacobo Keane & Catharina Keane. Portlaw Parish
Tracey & Eliza(beth) Cassin/Cashen/Cashin/Capin
Treacy b. 26 Apr 1868 Portlaw (LDS) Cassin
Henry Tracey b. 5 October 1869 Portlaw (LDS) d. 1948 Yonkers, Westchester, New York, USA. Cassin
Treacy b. 5 June 1871 Portlaw (LDS) Capin
Tracy b. 25 Jan 1873 (LDS) Cassin
Tracy b. 21 February 1874 Portlaw (LDS) Cashin
b. 12 June 1875 (LDS) Cashin
b. 13 August 1877 (LDS) Cashin
John Treacy,
baker, & Eliza Cassin
Treacy b. 26 Apr 1868 of 14 Brown Street. Catherine Cassin, her mark, present
at birth, 14 Brown Street [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]
John Tracey, baker, Clonmel,
& Eliza Cassin?
Tracey b. 5 Oct 1869 Brown Street
[Portlaw?] Eliza Tracey, her mark, mother, Brown Street [Portlaw
Carrick-on-Suir PLU]
John Treacy/Tracey, baker, & Eliza/Elizabeth Cassin/Cashin
John Treacy b. 5 Jun 1871 of 3
Brown? Street. Eliza Treacy, mother, 3 Brown? Street [Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir
Jane Tracey b. 25 Jan 1873 Brown
Street. Elizabeth Tracey, her mark, mother, Brown Street [Portlaw
Carrick-on-Suir PLU]
Mary Tracy b. 21 Feb 1874 Brown
Street. Eliza Treacy, mother, Brown Street [Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU]
Thomas Tracey b. 13 Aug 1877 of
Brown Street. Eliza Tracey, mother, Brown Street [Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU]
John Tracey,
baker, of Clonmel, & Eliza Cashen
Eliza Tracey b. 12 Jun 1875 of 3
Brown Street Eliza Tracy, mother, 3 Brown Street [Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU]
Jane Tracey,
died 1873 Portlaw Carrick on Suir PLU, aged 0 years 8 mos, b. 1873, spinster,
child of a baker, died 1 Nov 1873 Brown Street [Portlaw
RC], Eliza Tracey,
present at death, Brown Street
Henry Joseph Treacy (b. October 5 1869) and Frances O'Meara (b. January 29 1869)
Elizabeth Mary Treacy b. 1894 New York, m. Daniel Crowley 1913 New York.
1910 Census - Yonkers Ward
6, Westchester, New York
Henry Tracey Head M 39 Ireland, emigrated 1888
Francis Tracey Wife F 39 Ireland, emigrated 1892
Elizabeth Tracey Daughter F 15 New York
Harry Tracey Son M 14 New York
Mary A Tracey Daughter F 13 New York
Frances Tracey Daughter F 12 New York
Margaret Tracey Daughter F 10 New York
1920 Cenusus - Yonkers
Ward 6, Westchester, New York, United States
Henry Treacy Head M 49 Ireland, emigrated 1889
Frances Treacy Wife F 49 Ireland, emigrated 1892
Henry Treacy Jr. Son M 23 New York
Mary Treacy Daughter F 22 New York
Frances Treacy Daughter F 21 New York
Margaret Treacy Daughter F 19 New York
Joseph Treacy Son M 8 New York
Elizabeth Treacy Mother F 73 Ireland, emigrated 1890
John Treacy Father M 65 Ireland, emigrated 1890
George Treacy Grandson M 3 New York
Mary Cody Boarder F 20 New York
Gulielmum Tracy married Catharinam Ryan 1 Sep 1867 Wit: Joanne Tracy & Maria Fitzgerald. Portlaw Parish
William/Wm Tracy, 32, bachelor, labourer, lives Portlaw [Clonagam], (s. of Walter Tracey, farmer) married Catherine Ryan, 28, spinster, weaver, lives Portlaw, (d. of William Ryan, farmer) 1 September 1867 RC Chapel Portlaw Wit: John Tracy & Mary Fitzgerald, her mark [Portlaw Carrick on Suir PLU] signed her mark
John Tracey & Catherine Moroney
Johanna b. 22 Dec 1867 Portlaw,
Wat, Ire. (LDS)
John Tracey & Catherine Moroney
Johanna b. 22 December 1867 (LDS)
John Tracey, factory operative, of Georges Street, & Catherine Moroney
Tracey [Moroney] b. 22 Dec 1867 of 15 Carrick Road. Catherine Moroney, her
mark, mother, 15 Carrick Road [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]
Gulielmum Tracy married Mariam ?Chard Feb 1871 Wit: Joanne Power & Catherine Arcl? Portlaw Parish
William Tracy, 34 years, widower, servant, lives Curraghmore [Clonagam], (s. of Walter Tracy, farmer) married Mary Archer, 35 years, widow, factory operative, lives Thomas Street, (d. of Andrew Archer, weaver) 12 February 1871 RC Chapel Portlaw Wit: John Power & Cath Archer, her mark [Portlaw Carrick on Suir PLU Waterford] signed her mark
William Tr(e)acy & Mary Archer
Mary Tracy b. 19 May 1872 Portlaw (LDS)
Walter Tracy b. 15 August 1873 Portlaw (LDS)
Honora Treacy b. 11 December 1875 Portlaw (LDS)
William Tracy/Treacy, labourer/factory operative, & Mary Archer
Mary Tracy b. 19 May 1872 of 39
Thomas Street. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, 39 Thomas Street [Portlaw
Carrick-on-Suir PLU]
Walter Tracy b. 15 Aug 1873 of
Thomas Street. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Thomas Street [Portlaw
Carrick-on-Suir PLU]
Honora Treacy b. 11 Dec 1875 of 39
Thomas Street. William Treacy, father, 39 Thomas Street [Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir
1881 English Census - 9
Aspden St, Hulme, Lancashire,
Head William Treacy M 44 Ireland
Wife Mary Treacy F 40 Ireland
Daughter Mary Treacy F 9 Ireland
Son Walter Treacy M 7 Ireland
Son Andrew Treacy M 3 Manchr Hulme, Lancashire, England
Thomam? Tracy married Mariam
Murphy [Moore crossed out] 2 May 1871 Wit: Michael Foley & Ellena Moora.
Portlaw Parish
Thomas Thracy, 28 years, bachelor,
shoemaker, lives Ballyduff [Kilmeadan], (s. of John Thracy, shoemaker) married Mary Murphy, 33 years, spinster,
cook, lives Fairbrook [in Cullenagh Kilmeadan],
(d. of Thomas Murphy, miller) RC Chapel Ballyduff 2 May 1871 Wit: Mickael Foley
& Ellen Moore [Kilmeadan Waterford PLU]
Thomas Treacy, died 1872 Kilmeaden
Waterford PLU, aged 28 years, b. 1844, married, shoemaker, died 23 Mar 1872
Ballyduff [Kilmeaden], John Treacy,
his mark, present at death, Ballyduff
Michalem Tracy married Mariam Ryan 10 Nov 1880 Wit: Martine Dalton & Ellene Donally. Portlaw Parish [see Killeigh Offaly]
Michael Tracy, full [age], bachelor, Sub Consbl RIC, lives Portlaw [Portlaw town
Clonagam], (s. of Bernard Tracy, farmer) married Mary Ryan, full [age],
spinster, None, lives Portlaw, (d. of Thomas Ryan, farmer) Wit: Martin Dalton,
Thos Cahill & Ellen Donnelly 10 November 1880 RC Chapel of Portlaw [Portlaw
Carrick on Suir PLU Waterford]
Michael Tracey of Rockfield Co. Roscommon, Constable Royal Irish Constabulary, &
Mary Ryan
Bernard Tracey b. 1 June 1884
Bridge Street. Mary Tracey mother Bridge Street [Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir]
Michael Tracy of Bridge Street, Constabulary pensioner, & Mary Ryan
Mary Tracy b. 23 May 1886 Bridge
Street. Michael Tracy father Bridge Street [Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir]
1901 Census
Tracy, 63, M, 1 Main Street, Portlaw, Waterford, Constabulary Pensioner, Roman Catholic, Head of Family,
Married, Kings Co
Tracy, 47, F, Main Street, Portlaw, Waterford, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Waterford
Tracy, 16, M, Main Street, Portlaw, Waterford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Waterford
Mary Tracy, 14, F, Main Street, Portlaw, Waterford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Waterford
Tracy, Date of Death 24 May 1902, 64 years, Bridge
Street Portlaw, married, pensioner police, son Bernard Tracy.
1911 Census
Tracy, 57, F, 1 Bridge Street, Portlaw, Waterford (shop keeper, widow, 2 child)
Mary Tracy, 24, F, Bridge Street, Portlaw, Waterford (daughter, teacher, single)
31 March 1905 List of
Teachers Employed by the Commissioners of National Education
Bernard A. Tracy, 21 years 9 months, served 2 years 6 months, Educated Lowtown Galbally [Limerick]/St. Peter's Whitefriar St Dublin/Annascaul Annascaul [Kerry], Serving in Kerry 7887 Knightstown B, Assistant
Bernard Tracy married Mary Shanahan 4 December 1909 Killarney PLU
Bernard A Tracy. full [age], single, lives Valentia [Valencia Valencia], merchant's son, (s. of Michael A Tracy, Dublin Merchant) married Mary Shanahan, full [age], single, lives Valentia, NO profession, (d. of John Shanahan, Valentia farmer) 04 December 1909 RC Cathedral of Killarney Wit: John Murphy & Charlotte Flaherty [Killarney Killarney PLU] [Official transcript, image not available]
Bernard Alphonsus Tracy of Knightstown, National Teacher & Mary Shanahan
John Bernard Tracy b. 4 December 1911 Knightstown Valencia. Bernard A Tracy father Knightstown Valentia [Caherciveen]
Tracy family
1. Bernard Tracy
1.1 Michael Tracy, Kings County (Offaly), Ireland. spouse Mary Ryan, from Waterford, Ireland.
1.1.1 Bernard Alphonsus Tracy, born 1st June 1884, Carrick-on-Suir, Co.Tipperary, Ireland. spouse Mary Shanahan. John Bernard Tracy, born 4th December 1911. Cahirsiveen, Co. Kerry, Ireland.spouse Brenda Willoughby/DeBurca. William (Bill Tracy) born 27th January 1953, Dublin, Ireland. spouse Elizabeth Norton.
1.1.2 Mary Tracy, birth 23rd May 1886, Carrick-on-Suir, Co.Tipperary, Ireland. spouse Patrick McCarthy.
My great grandfather Michael Tracy/Tracey was born in 1838 in Kings County according to the 1901 census. On Michael's marriage cert his father's name is down as Bernard. This is the man I am interested in finding any information on!
I found a Bernard Tracey on Griffith's Valuation in the parish of Geashill, town of Gorteen. I am assuming this is Michael's father as I did not find another Bernard Tracy/Tracey in Kings County/Offaly.
On the Griffith's cancelation books Bernard Tracy/Tracey's name was cancelled in 1858. So either he died or moved away? But the fact that he was listed on his Son Michael's marriage cert in 1880 makes me think he was still alive at the time of the marriage?
Michael married a Mariam/Mary Ryan in Portlaw, Co Waterford in November 1880.
Bill Tracey & Jane Murray Bill Tracy [murrayjane6 AT] 2016 & 2017
Norris & Mariae Roach
Norris b. 21 May 1874 Sp. Joanne Pengeset & Ellena Haughton. Portlaw Parish
Norris b. 21 May 1874 Sp. & Maria Quirke & Roberte Tracey. Portlaw Parish
Ellenam Tracy married Thomam
Spence 21 Feb 1882 Wit: Martino Diggons & Maria Daly. Portlaw Parish [1901
Census Gortaclade Kilmeadan]
Ellen Tracey, full [age], spinster, millworker, lives Portlaw, (d. of John Tracey, labourer) married James Broderick, full [age], bachelor, millworker, lives Portlaw, (s. of Declan Broderick, labourer) 04 May 1885 RC Chapel Portlaw Wit: Patrick Power & Mary Tynan, signed her mark [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU] signed their marks
Margaret Treacey/Tracey, 22, spinster, servant, lives Georges St [Portlaw? Clonagam], (d. of John Treacey, labourer) married William Burke, 21, bachelor, labourer, lives Rockett's Castle [Rocketcastle or Mayfield Clonagam], (s. of John Burke, labourer) 5 [7 in index] June 1890 RC Chapel Portlaw Wit: James Doyle & Ellen Hogan [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU Waterford] signed his mark
Margaret Tracey (aged 22) m. William Burke (aged 21) 5/6/1890 (Carrick-on-Suir 1890 2nd quarter 4 267)
Mary Tracey/Treacy, full [age], spinster, factory operative, lives Carrick Road Portlaw
[Clonagam], (d. of John, do [labourer]) married Patrick White, full
[age], bachelor, labourer, lives Carrick Road Portlaw, (s. of Patrick,
labourer) 14 February 1899 RC Chapel Portlaw Wit: John Power & Margaret
Sullivan [Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU Waterford] signed his mark
Mary Tracy & Patrick White, labourer
Nicholas White born 12 April 1914
of 32 Brown Street Portlaw (Ellen Tracy of 32 Brown Street, present at
birth) [see 1901 & 1911 Census]
Alice Tracey, Date of Death 16 Feb 1870, 66 years, Darrigle Kilmeadan, farmers
wife, informant John Tracey. [Alice Tracey died 1870, Waterford PLU, Aged 66, b. 1804, died 16 Feb
1870, relative John Tracey, Darrigal [Kilmeadan] Waterford]
Bridget Tracey, Date of Death 20 Nov 1869, 85 years, Hospital Portlaw, labourer, widow.
Catherine Tracey, Date of Death 28 May 1870, 30 years, Brown St Portlaw, employed in a factory, married. [Catherine Tracey died 1870, Carrick On Suir PLU, Aged 30, b. 1840, died 28 May 1870, married, Employed In A Factory, Waterford]
Ellen Tracey, Date of Death 26 Jan 1868, 23 years, Collygadden Kilmeadan,
labourers wife,
Ellen Tracy, witness to Death 24 Feb 1907 of Mary White of Carrick Rd Portlaw.
Ellen Treacy, 53 Georges Street, witness of Death 17 Mar 1880 Mayfield Factory Portlaw.
Jane Tracey, Date of Death 01 Nov 1873, 8 months, Brown St Portlaw, child of
baker, informant Eliza Tracey.
John Tracey, Date of Death 18 Jul 1869, 41 years, 53 Georges St, (Portlaw?)
factory operative, married, informant Ellen
Mary Tracey, Date of Death 06 Apr 1891, 80 years, Fairbrook Kilmeadan, dairymaid, spinster.
Michael Tracy, Date of Death 24 May 1902, 64 years, Bridge Street Portlaw, married,
pensioner police, son Bernard Tracy.
Patrick Tracey, Date of Death 12 Dec 1866, 3 years, 53 Georges St Portlaw, child of
factory operative, informant Ellen Tracey.
Patrick Tracy, Date of Death 03 May 1894, 19 years, Ballyduff Kilmeadan, van
driver, bachelor, accidentally killed by falling from a porter van.
Richard Tracey, Date of Death 15 Dec 1867, 5 years, Knockadery Kilmeadan, farmers child, informant Mary Tracey.
William Tracey died 1864, Carrick On
Suir PLU, aged 1, b. 1863, died 27 Apr 1864 Portlaw [Clonagam] Waterford
Tracey died 1869, Carrick On Suir PLU, Aged 85, b. 1784, died 20 Nov 1869
Hospital [Portlaw Waterford]
Patrick Treacy, died 1872 Kilmeaden
Waterford PLU, aged 55 years, b. 1817, married, labourer, died 6 Mar 1872 Darrigle
[Darrigal Kilmeadan – Portlaw RC?], John Treacy, present at death, Darrigle
Rossmore (Mid Waterford)
Anastatia Tracy & Patricii Burke
Annam Burke b. 8 Oct 1809 Sp. Timothius Capinger & Cathna O'Neill Rossmore Parish
Maria Tracy? & Richard McNamara
Catherinam McNamara b. 23 Mar 1817 Sp. Edmundo Thaesey? & Maria Haesey? Rossmore Parish
Bridgida Treacy? & Joannis Hennesey
Maria Hennesey b. 12 Dec 1833 Sp. Michaele Kennedy & Margarita Kerby Rossmore Parish
Joannes Treasy married Maria Cooney 16 Oct 1838 Wit: Bridgida Nugent & Honora Mulcahy Rossmore Parish
Maria Tracey & Simonis Martly [MCartly?]
Mariam Martly 17 Apr 1839 Sp. Jacobo Harny & Honora Foy Rossmore Parish
Joannes Tracy married Maria Foley 19 Jan 1841 Wit: Jacobo Foley & Honora Foley. Abbeyside and Ring Parish
Joannis Tracy & Maria Foley
Johannem Tracy b. 20 Jun 1840 Sp. Joanne Hearn & Catherina Hayes Rossmore Parish
Mariam Tracy b. 10 Aug 1845 Sp. Patritis Killy & Maria Kane Rossmore Parish
Catherine Treasy married Joannes Griffin 8 Feb 1846 Wit: Pieris Bolan & Maria Brown Rossmore Parish
Joannes Treacy married Alicia Conway 8 May 1857 Wit: Mauritio Conway & Maria Finnerty Rossmore Parish
Johanna Treacy, 26 years, spinster, dairy maid, lives Gardenmorris [Kilbarrymeaden], (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married James Walsh, 24 years, bachelor, smith, lives Kill [Kilbarrymeaden], (s. of James Walsh, baker) 20 May 1877 RC Chapel Knockmahon [Kilbarrymeaden] Wit: John Murphy & Mary Hayes [Bunmahon Kilmacthomas PLU]
Johanna Treacy/Tracey & James Walsh
Richard Walsh b. 28 Apr 1879 Kill, Kilmacthomas, County Waterford (LDS)
Patrick Walsh b. 9 Aug 1880 Kill Kilmacthomas, County Waterford (LDS)
Death Certificates
Bridget Treacy, Date of Death 23 Feb 1881, 32 years, Workhouse Kilmacthomas, pauper,
Nano Treacy (from Kill), F, Date of
Death 12 Jan 1888, 37 years, Workhouse Kilmacthomas, spinster, domestic
Thomas Tracy, Date of Death 13 Jan 1872, 52 years, Ballinasisla Banmahon, clergyman bachelor.
Thomas Tracey,
died 1872 Bunmahon Kilmacthomas PLU, aged 52 years, b. 1820, bachelor,
clergyman, died 30 Jan 1872 Ballinasisla [Ballynasissala Monksland], Mary
Kennedy, her mark, present at death, Ballinasisla [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Slieverue (East Waterford)
Stradbally (Mid Waterford)
Joan Tracy & Michl Burke
Martin Burke b. 12 Nov 1806 Sp. Dennis Bryan & Bridget Tracy. Stradbally Parish
James Burke b. 8 May 1810 Sp. Bat Mullowney & Ellen Commins. Stradbally Parish
Thos Tracy married Catharine Murphy 16 Nov 1807 wit: Thos Tracy, Thos Giraldg? & Margt Brior? Stradbally Parish
Thos/Thomas Treacy/Treasy/Tracy/Tracey & Cathn/Catharine Murphy
Mary Treacy b. 2 Feb 1808 Sp. Patrk Oakley & Bridgt Moor. Stradbally Parish
Patrick Treasy b. 6 Jan 1809 Sp. James Power & Jillan Power. Stradbally Parish
Mary Tracy b. 23 Mar 1811 Sp. Patk Burke & Cathe Burke. Stradbally Parish
Bartholomeum Tracy b. 18 Mar 1813 Sp. Dionises Whelan & Catherina Leacy. Stradbally Parish
Joannem Tracy b. 10 Apr 1814 Sp. Nicholas Leacy & Catharina Magrath. Stradbally Parish
Thomas Tracy? b. 20 Jan 1818 Sp. James? Murphy? & Catty Monhamp? Stradbally Parish [bad image]
James? Treacy b. 2 Mar 1823 Sp. John Hennessy? & Catherine Power?. Stradbally Parish
Catherina Tracey b. 3 Jan 1830 Sp. George Curtan & Mary Linehan. Stradbally Parish
Thomas Tracy, 2544, b. 1818 Waterford
2544 Thos Tracy, 19 years,
5'8", b. [1818] Wat, Catholic, married Nov '37, wife b. Kerry, recommended
by PM Barron JP?. appointed 28 Jan 37, served Kerry & N? Tip 1/4/71, ref
B48023/14870, P1SC 1 Feb '38 - RforAC 1 Nov '43 - P1SC 1 Feb '44 - PAC 1 July
'51 - P Con 1 Dec '55 - P2HC 8 Feb 1871, Appm 34332/1409 - 2y St A93167/4775 -
B281777/8419, Repd A13060/842, Pensioned 1 Nov 1874 £3-15 RF2544D/6129, service
37 years 8 months, £83 pension
2544 Tipp E.R., Thos Tracy, rank 2
HC for 3 years 8 months, served 37 years 8 months, pension £83.-.-, 1 Nov 74,
2544D, £5.0.0 £3.15.0
March 18, 1851 (FJ)
Kerry...constable Thomas Tracey...
1872-3 Return of inquests at Templemore, Eliogarty...Head-Constable Thomas Tracy.
1880 Inspector of Reformatory Schools of Ireland
St. Patrick's Reformatory School for
Roman Catholic Boys, Co. Cork. Inspected 15/2/1879 and 18/5/1879
In my report of 1878...he has
engaged Mr. Thomas Tracy (late Head-constable, R.I.C.) to act as agent for the
Reformatory in Cork. Mr. Tracy is supplied with a list of boys on licence, and
it is his duty to visit them from time to time, and to assist them with advice,
and when necessary with food, money and clothes...
Thomas Tracy m. Mary Humes (of Castlegregory [Killiney]) 26 February 1838 Wit: John Humes & Patrick Commane [Killiny Parish Kerry]
Thomas Tracy & Mary Humes
Catherine Tracy b. 28 April 1841 Castlegregory Sp. Patrick Commane & Mary Egilston [Killiny Parish Kerry]
Thoma Tracy & Maria Tracy
Patritium Tracy b. 9 March 1845
Cappanacop [Cappanacush Templenoe] Sp. Johannes Day & Janita Day. Templenoe
Parish [Kerry]
Thoma Tracy
& Maria Hume
Thomam Tracy b. 16 October 1847 of
Kenmare [Kenmare] Sp. Jacobuss Mackroy? & Helen McDonnell. Templenoe Parish
Johannem Tracy b. 10 June 1849 of
Kenmare Sp. Michael Brennan & Brigitta Sullivan. Templenoe Parish [Kerry]
Thomas Treacy & Mary Hume
James Treacy b. 2 April 1854 Tralee Sp. John Conway & Mary Treacy. Rev J Mawe. Tralee Parish [Kerry]
Margaret Tracey, died 1882 Cork Cork PLU, aged 20 years, b. 1862, died 17 Apr 1882 at
17 Clarence Street, spinster, dress-maker, John Conway, uncle of deceased,
present at death, Clarence Street
Thomas Tracy, died 1884 Cork Cork PLU, aged 4 years, b. 1880, died 13 May 1884
at 16 Clarence Street, bachelor, son of James?
Tracy a book keeper (deceased), Thos
Tracy, grandfather, present at death, 16 Clarence Street
Thomas Tracey, died 1886 Cork Cork PLU, aged 67 years, b. 1819, died 27 Jan 1886
at 16 Clarence Street, married, constabulary pensioner, John Byrne, son-in-law,
present at death, 42 Charleville Avenue Dublin
Thomas Tracy 27 Jan 1886 Clarence
Street Cork, retired Head Constable RIC, by Joseph Byrne, grocers assistant
1867-1896 St. Finbarr's
Cemetery Cork City Burial Register
Section E South, Plot 7, Grave 31
Margaret Treacey, died 17/04/1882, buried 19/04/1882, Bronchitis, 20 years, Roman Catholic, Retired Head, born Glenbeigh Co Kerry, lived 16 Clarence St Cork, Single
Thomas Tracy, died 27/01/1886, buried 29/01/1886, Paralysis, 67 years, Roman Catholic, Ex Head Constable R, born Kilmacthorne Co, lived 16 Clarence Street Cork, Married
Section E South, Plot 7, Grave 30
Thomas Tracey, death 13/05/1884, buried 15/05/1884, Scarlatina, 4 years, Roman Catholic, Book Keepers Child, born Dublin, lives 16 Clarence St Cork, Single
Catherine Tracey married
John Byrne 22 Feb 1881 Wit: William R? Wilson & Lizzie Tracy. St.
Mary's Parish Cork
Catherine/Kate Tracey, full
[age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Shandon street, (d. of Thomas
Tracey, merchant) married John Byrne, full [age], bachelor, merchant, lives
Dublin (12 Mabbot St Dublin signature], (s. of Michael Byrne, dead, merchant)
22 February 1881 RC Cathedral Cork Wit: W? R Wilson & Lizzie Treacy [Cork
Cork PLU]
Catherin Tracey & John Byrne
Mary Josephine Byrne
b. 13/17 February 1882 of 12 Mabbot St Sp. Joseph Byrne & Margt Tracey. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral
Emily Byrne (d. of Catherine Treacy & Thomas Byrne,
dead) of 5 Granby Place m. Michael Bishop (s. of John & Mary Bishop, dead)
of 25 Gt Britain st on 10 November 1901 Wit: William & Catherine Barrett of
15 Gt Britain st. Vidua et viduus [Widower and widow]
Elizabeth/Lizzie Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, lives Clarence Str, (d. of Thomas
Tracey, pensioner) married Joseph Byrne, full [age], bachelor, gentleman,
lives Dublin, (s. of Michael Byrne, dead, clerk) 07 August 1883 RC Cathedral
Cork Wit: Dan Looney & Mary Condon [Cork Cork PLU]
26/27 June 1893 Freeman's
... Mrs Mary Tracy and Eliza Byrne, late of Clarence street, Cork; now residing in Dublin. Immediate reply to William Humne, 66 Blarney Street, Cork.
Jacobus Tracey of 124 Up Dorset St (s. of Thomae & Mariae of Cork) m. Maria Eglington of Riddel's Row (d.
of Thomas & Sarae of Riddel's Row - defuncti) on 5 May 1878 Wit: Joannes
McAuley of 124 Up Dorset St & Anna Eglington of Riddel's Row. St. Mary
Pro-Cathedral Parish
James Tracy, full [age], bachelor, clerk, lives 124 Upr
Dorset St, (s. of Thomas Tracy, shop
keeper) married Mary Eglington, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Riddler
Roaw, (d. of Thomas Eglington, victualler) 05 May 1878 RC Cathedral Marlboro St
Wit: John McAuley & Anne Eglington [Dublin North PLU]
Jacobi Tracey
& Mariae Eglinton
Maria M Tracey b. 25 July 1878 of
Richmond St Sp. Thomas & Maria Fox. Rathmines RC
James Hugh Tracy & Mary Eglinton
Thomas Patrick Tracy
b. 14/19 April 1880 of 4 Store St Sp. John
Tracy & Annie Eglinton St. Mary Pro-Cathedral Parish
Mary Sarah Tracy b. 28 July/3 Aug 1881 of 4 Store St Sp. Rosanna
Eglington St. Mary Pro-Cathedral Parish
James Henry Tracey & Mary Egglinton
Mary Margaret b. 3 August 1878 (LDS)
James Tracey,
clerk, & Mary Eglington
Thomas Tracey b. 16 Apr 1880 City
Bakery Store St. Mary Tracey, mother, City Bakery, Store St [Dublin North PLU]
Wm Treacy & Margt Cunningham
Patk Treacy b. 21 Mar 1808 Sp. Bartholmew Kiely & Bridget Crotty. Stradbally Parish
Cathe Tracy married Thomas Friley 16 Apr 1815 Wit: John Frihy & Thos Quindene? Stradbally Parish
Cathe Tracy & Thos Frhely?
Mary Frhely? b. 15 Jan 1818 Sp. John Cleary & Mary Tracy?. Stradbally Parish
Ellen Tracy married John Butler 14 Feb 1825 Wit: Thos Tracy & Jn Triker? Stradbally Parish
Ellenor/Elena Tracy? & James/Jacobi Butler
Mary Butler b. 23 Jun 1825 Sp. Ryan? Camey? & Mary? Burn? Stradbally Parish
Maria & Anasta Butler b. 25 Dec 1832 Sp. Thoma Clarey & Maria Burke Sp. Joanne Flinn? & Brigida Connors. Stradbally Parish
Anastasia Tracy? & Joannis Flynn
Allicia Flynn b. 4 Jan 1833 Sp. Joanne Casey & Margarita Casey. Stradbally Parish
Gulielmi Tracy? & Brigita Nowman?
Joannes Tracy b. 27 Jan 1833 Sp. Patric? Mansmith? & Ellen Newman. Stradbally Parish
Dorotheam Treacy married Gulielmum Kirby 12 Nov 1840 Wit: Joanne Kean & Maria Daniel. Stradbally Parish
Artaum Tracy married Mariam Mullany 9 Jul 1842 Wit: Miles Sulevan & Anna Keane. Stradbally Parish
Arthur Treacy
Map Reference: 24 140
Lessor: College
of Physicians
Description Of Tenement: Gate House and Garden
Cont. Land: 00 00 00
Net Land: 00 00 00
Net Buildings: 00 10 00
Total Net: 00 10 00
OS Reference: 24 & 25
Town/Street: Bunmahon, Templeyvrick
Townland: Templeyvrick
Parish: Ballylaneen
Union: Kilmacthomas
Decies Without Drum
County: Waterford
Arthur Tracey (b.1820 d. April 1860 Detroit MI) married Mary Mullany in 1842 in Stradbally Church in Waterford. Before Arthur moved to Waterford County he lived in Galway County. Came to Detroit in 1856-57.
John who married a Mary Alliston.
George died 21yrs old in 1868 in Detroit
emigrant ancestor of this family was Arthur Tracy (b. 1818) who left Ireland
abt 1850 with his wife and two sons. He lived in Michigan in 1851 where his
daughters, Margaret and Mary (b. 1857) were born. He died in May 1860 in
Detroit, Michigan. This line is through his son, John (1849-1920) born in
Ireland and died in Detroit, Michigan. He married Mary Elizabeth Alliston
(1857-1904) born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Charlotte Tracy Gondron (b. 1913).
Charlotte Tracy (1989) Tracy. Palo Alto, California.
Tracy, De Lorme, Alliston, Burton
32 pages –
FHL 929.273 A1 no.5558 (LDS)
Margaritam Treacy married Michaelem Longan Wit: 4 Nov 1843 Joanne Leary & Margarita McCarty. Stradbally Parish
Joannem Tracey married Mariam Nicoloson 8 Feb 1853 Wit: Maria Tracey & Joanne Connolly. Stradbally Parish [see Killea]
Patritius Treacy of Clonea [RC. Abbeyside and Ring Parish] (s. of Joannis Treacy of Clonea) married Margareta Daley of Stradbally [Stradbally] (d. of Gulielmi Daley of Canariley) 5 Apr 1880 Wit: Laurento Lyons of Clonea & Maria Lynch of Stradbally. Stradbally Parish
Patrick Treacy, [full] aged, bachelor, school master, lives Clonea, (s. of John Treacy, dead, shoe maker) married Margaret Daley, ditto [full aged], spinster, servant, lives Stradbally, (d. of William Daley, dead, laborer) 05 April 1880 RC Chapel Stradbally Wit: Laurence Lyons & Mary Lynch, signed his mark [Kilmacthomas Kilmacthomas PLU] signed her mark
Margaret Tracey, Date of Death 13 Aug 1885, 76 years, Woodstown Banmahon, farmers widow, informant Bridget Bowe grand daughter. [Bunmahon village???]
Michael Tracey, witness to Death
12 Oct 1897 of Thomas Bowe, Woodstown Banmahon.
Tallow (West Waterford) see
also Youghal, Co. Cork
Maria Tracy & Joa/Johane Beecher
Jacoby Beecher b. ? May 1805 of Ducksmill [Dukes Mill?] Sp. Thos Treacy & Maria Beaucher. Tallow Parish
Joanem Beecher b. 19 Jul 1813 of Ducks Mill Sp. Richardo Welsh & Maria Geary. Tallow Parish
Elizabetham Becher b. 28 Feb 1822 Sp. Bartholmeo Barry & Helena Cotter. Tallow Parish
Joanam Beecher b. 1 Jan 1827 of ?ill Sp. Patricio Cunigan & Maria Breen. Tallow Parish
Joa Tracy & Maria Beecher
Joanne Tracy b. 20 Apr 1808 of Mt? Noriack? Sp. Marting Flym & Brigitta Tracy. Tallow Parish
Maria Trassy & Andreas Barry
Catharinam Barry b. 9 Dec 1811 of Bog housde Sp. Pat Kelly & Marg Quialan. Tallow Parish
Joanna Treacy/Trassy & Mauriti Cleary
Mauritium Cleary b. ? Jan 1810 of ?ghansi Sp. Nichl Cunningham & Catherina Geary. Tallow Parish
Allicam Cleary b. 28 Mar 1813 of Bog Lane Sp. Johanne Cleary & Bridgida Tracy. Tallow Parish
Johanem Cleary b. 23 Jun 1815 of Bog House Sp. Johane Tracy & Eliza Tracy. Tallow Parish
Margm Cleary b. 25 Dec 1821 of Tallow Sp. Johane Byrne & Domina Bunkeass & Joanam Gemellos & Johane Hallahan & Maria Cleary. Tallow Parish
Jacobum Cleary b. 27 Apr 1817 of Bog House Sp. Edmundo? Trassy & Allicia KearneyTallow Parish
Bartholm Cleary b. ? Nov 1823 of Tallow Sp. Patricio Kelly & Marga Seahy. Tallow Parish
Michaelem Cleary b. 26 Jul 1825 Sp. Gulielmo Cuffe & Allicia Cleary. Tallow Parish
Margarita Treacy & Jacobi Nugent
Gulielmum Nugent b. 10 Jan 1821 Sp. Michaele Spade & Ellina? Connol?. Tallow Parish
Mariae Treacy & Michaelis Murry/Murray
Thomam Murry b. 1 Apr 1827 of Knooruir Sp. Johane Robbins & Joana Joyce. Tallow Parish
Mariam Murray b. 18 Feb 1829 of Kk? Sp. Terentio Fitzgerald & Margarita Callaghan. Tallow Parish
Catharinan Murry b. 16 Jul 1832 of Knockrour Sp. Redmondo Nugent & Maria Coughlan. Tallow Parish
Joannis Tracey & Catharine Rath
Mariam Tracey b. 3 Mar 1836 of Boglane [Bog Lane, now Chapel Street] Sp. Edmundo Donovan & Margarita Carthy. Tallow Parish
Mauritius Treacy & Johanna Driscoll
Johanna Treacy b. 14 Mar 1877 Sp. Jacobus Beecher & Catherine Moynahou. Tallow Parish
Maurice Treacy (b.
Kilcalf) & Johanna Driscoll
Kate Treacy b. 17
January 1876 (LDS) [see deaths]
Maurice Treacy, farm labourer, & Johanna
Kate Treacy b. 17 Jan 1876 Kilcalf
[Tallow] Maurice Treacy, his mark, father, Kilcalf [Tallow Lismore PLU]
Kate Treacy, died 1876, Tallow
Lismore PLU, aged 0 years 10 days, b. 1876, died 27 Jan 1876 Kilcalf [Tallow –
Tallow RC], spinster, daughter of a labourer, Maurice Treacy, his mark, occupier, Kilcalf
Ellen Healy nee Tracey, do [full age], widow, farmers
widow, lives Castlerichard? Tallow [Castlerichard Ightermurragh Cork], (d. of Jno? Tracey, do [farmer]) married
Philip Lane, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Fermoy. (s. of John Lane,
farmer) 22 Feb 1887 RC Chapel Tallow Wit: Edmond Sheehan & Dora Morris [Tallow
Lismore PLU] see Ballymacoda
1850 Boston Pilot
Of Ellen Tracy, of
Tallagh [Tallow], co. Waterford, who sailed from the Cove of Cork 3rd of May
last and landed in New York - supposed to be in the city of N. York. Any
information respecting her will be thankfully received by Patrick Ryan (late of
County Waterford Police). Direct to Patrick Ryan, No. 11 Hamilton street,
Boston, Ms.
Bridget Tracy, Date of Death 16 Dec 1897, 82 years, Convent Tallow, Carmelite Nun, spinster.
John Treasy, Date of Death 02 Jul 1867, aged 3, Kilcalf Tallow, mother Johanna Treasy?
Treasy died 1867, Lismore PLU, aged 3, b. 1864, died 2 Jul 1867 Kilcalf
Kate Treacy, Date of Death 27 Jan 1876, aged 10 days, Kilcalf Tallow, labourers
daughter, informant Maurice Treacy.
Treacy The
late Seamus Treacy 17 January 2003 Untimely
Death of “Trasher” Treacy Those
of us of a certain age vintage who can still vividly remember those great Tallow
days of the 1980s when the Brideside club won three county senior hurling
championships in six years (1980, 1984, and 1985) will never forget the
silken skills of that most gifted of forwards, Seamas “Trasher” Treacy. Sadly
“Trasher” answered the final call at his home in West Street last Friday,
still a couple of birthdays short of his 50th. In truth he had been in
rapidly failing health for some time, and was little more than a shadow of
the man we remember gracing venues inside and outside the county with such
panache and style at the height of his playing days. He
hadn’t been dealt life’s best hand it has to be said, and he knew more downs
than ups in troubled times. But that said, “Trasher” remained what he always
was, an inoffensive man who was probably his own worst enemy in life. I
can still see his slight frame darting past defenders and rifling over points
with unerring ease and accuracy. He was a key contributor to those thrilling
county final victories, and of course he also donned the white and blue
county colours with distinction in several grades. He
was a member of the Waterford team that won the Munster Under 21 hurling
title for an historic first time in 1984, but amazingly had to sit out the
All-Ireland final against Kilkenny on the substitutes bench. To
this day there are plenty of shrewd hurling folk who will tell you the
All-Ireland title might well have been won that day in Semple Stadium had
“Trasher” been included in the starting line up. All
water under the bridge of course, and today we have been left to mourn the
untimely passing of a really great exponent of the ancient game. A great
sportsman too, and I can never recall a game in which he was given marching
orders by the referee. The
Tallow club saw to it that “Trasher” was given a final send off befitting his
contribution over so many years. The
coffin was draped in the blue and gold colours at the removal to the parish
church on Saturday evening last with members also providing the guard of
honour. The
same fitting recognition followed Sunday’s Requiem Mass after which he was
laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery. “Trasher”
is survived by his young daughters, his mother, sister, brothers, and many
other relatives. To all of them our sincerest sympathy is extended. Go ndeine
Dia trocaire ar a anam dilis. Courtesy
of the Waterford News & Star, January 2003 Tallow
Senior Hurling Champions 1980 …The
vital score, their lone goal came in the 52nd minute when substitute Seamus
Treacy whipped a first time ground shot to the net to level the scoring… Seamus
Treacy A
member of the County U21 team to win the Munster title in 1974. Won Minor,
U21 and Senior medals 1980 & 1984. |
Touraneena (mid Waterford)
Anne Tracy, 40 years, widow, do [labourer], lives Do [Kilkeany Seskinan] (d. of John Tracy, labourer) married John Sullivan, 30 years, bachelor, labourer, lives Kilkeany, (s. of Alexander Sullivan, labourer) 9 January 1866 RC Chapel Tomaneena Wit: James Coffey & Bridget Ayston [Leskinane Dungarvan PLU]
Tramore (East Waterford)
Online baptisms are 1798 to 1831 and marriages 1786 to 1840.
Joanens Tracey married Brigida McGrath 26 Jan 1797. Tramore Parish
Joan Treacy & Brig McGrath
Joannes Treacy b. 4 Jan 1801 Sp. Denn Morrissy & Anna Carew. Tramore Parish
Maria Tracey married David Clancy 26 Jan 1801. Tramore Parish
Maria Tracy & Davids Clancy
Petrus Clancy b. 19 Oct 1806 Sp. Joane Parren & Joana Parren. Tramore Parish
Juliana? Tracey married Joannes Murray 21 Jul 1803. Tramore Parish
Gulielmus Tracey married Honoria Power 17 Apr 1806. Tramore Parish
Gulielmus Tracey married Catharina Garvey 3 May 1807. Tramore Parish
Gulielmi Treasey & Catharina Guynee
Maria Treasey b. 16 Oct 1810 Sp. Patritius Power & Maria Magrath. Tramore Parish
Anastaciae Tracey & Michaelis OBrien
Elana OBrien b. 12 Feb 1827 Sp. Joannis Carbry & Anna Quilty. Tramore Parish
Mary Tracy b. 1845 Tramore m. John Power 1866 Tramore (LDS)
Thomas Treacy of Duagh
m. Mary Byrne of Browntown 30 June 1861, Tramore Parish. (Probably not Holy Cross
church, as construction was 1855-70) Officiator: N. Phelan Richard Joseph,
2 June 1878, St Patrick's Parish, Address: None Given Catherine Treacy of Waterford (d. of Thomas & Mary Treacy) m. Paul Murphy of Waterford (s. of Joseph & Ellen Murphy) 28 Jan 1882 Tinity Within Co. Waterford. Wit: James Bergin & Margaret Gaule. Catherine Murphy (born
Treacy), 1865 - 1938 Catherine Murphy (born Treacy) was born on month day 1865, at birth place, to Thomas Treacy and Mary Treacy (born Byrne). Mary was born on April 20 1838, in Mooncoin, Kilkenny, Ireland. Catherine had 7 siblings: Bridgit Treacy, Richard Treacy and 5 other siblings. Catherine married Paul Murphy. Paul was born circa 1841. His occupation was Fornm various sources.. They had 12 children: Joseph Francis Murphy, Joseph Murphy and 10 other children. Catherine lived on month day 1901, at address. She lived on month day 1911, at address. She lived in 1913, at address. Catherine passed away on month day 1938, at age 73 at death place. Catherine Murphy in 1901 Ireland Census Catherine Murphy was born circa 1865, in County Waterford, Ireland. Catherine married Paul Murphy. They had 8 children: Bridget Murphy, Christopher Murphy, Paul Murphy, Thomas Murphy, Dominick Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Ellen Murphy and Mary Kate Murphy. Catherine lived on March 31 1901, in Barrack Street, Waterford Urban No. 3, Waterford, Ireland. Catherine Murphy in 1911 Ireland Census Catherine Murphy was born circa 1865, in County Waterford, Ireland. Catherine had 2 siblings: Bridget Leacy and James Leacy. Catherine had 8 children: Dominck Murphy, Bridget Murphy, Paul Murphy, Thomas Murphy, Mary Kate Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Ellen Murphy and Christopher Murphy. Catherine lived on April 2 1911, in Barrack Street, Waterford No. 3 Urban, Waterford, Ireland.
Frank Murphy Thomas Tracey & Maria Byrne Brigida Tracey b.
22 Nov 1874 of Robinson's Lane Sp. Joannes Murray & Catharina Byrne.
Ballybricken Parish Richardus Tracy b.
3 Feb 1876 of Robinsons Lane Sp. Patritius Landers? & Ellenoa Tonkeon?.
Ballybricken Parish Thomas Tracey & Mary Byrne Thomas b. 22 May 1867 Waterford Waterford (LDS) Bridget b. 20 November 1874 Waterford Waterford (LDS) Richard b. 21 January 1876, father b. Robinsons Lane (LDS) Richard b. 14 July 1878
Waterford Waterford (LDS) Thomas Tracey, farm labourer, & Mary Byrne Thomas Tracey b. 22 May 1867 of Duagh [Drumcannon] Waterford. Thomas Tracey, his mark, father, Duagh [1867 9 974 Waterford Waterford PLU] Thomas Tracey, labourer/porter, & Mary Byrne Bridget
Tracey b. 20 Nov 1874 Newports Lane. Bridget Byrne, her mark, present at
birth, Michael Street [Waterford Waterford PLU] Richard
Tracey b. 21 Jan 1876 Robinsons Lane. Thomas Tracey, his mark, father,
Robinsons Lane [Waterford Waterford PLU] Richard Tracey, died 1876. Waterford Waterford PLU, age 0
years 7 months, b. 1876, died 3 Dec 1876 Robinsons Lane [Ballybricken RC], bachelor, child
of labourer, Mary Tracey, her mark,
present at death, Robinsons Lane Reference: BT 377/7/122255 Name Treacy, Thomas Place of Birth: Waterford City Number: V 342 Date of Birth: June 1868 Date: [1908-1955] Parents: Thos M
Mary 5'7", chest
37", dark complexion, brown eyes, marks: weeping willow with the words
"In loving memory of my dear father who died Nov 23 1889 [or 1880]"
with initials T.T. below Address: 7 Barrack
St Waterford Enrolement: 24th
Sep 1895 Deposed of: RG 4?9332 13.12.15 Commander in Chief
Devonport Under Art 125 VIII
RNR Regs (Mer) as from8 Dec 1915 by order of the RCR dated 18 Dec 1915 [various ships 1910
to 1915 Wales, Wexford and Waterford] 20.2.15 Awarded
disability ??? 9.12.15 £13 ? for
life Awarded R.N.R.
medal for L.S. & G.C. medal presented Waterford 23 Aug 1916 W.G. Claim - paid
8/4/19 Awarded: 1914 Star,
1915 Star, Brit War MDL Victory Thomas Treacy Thomas Tracey b. 22 May 1867 Waterford, parents Thomas Tracey and
Mary Byrne. IGI 1911 census of Ireland lists a Mary Treacy as a visitor to a Byrne household in Tramore, Co.Waterford. Nowel3 nowel3 22 Oct 2009 |
Tracy & Mary Hutcheson
Tracy b. 7 August 1865 Tramore (LDS)
b. 16 May 1867 Tramore (LDS)
Tracy, of Portlaw Portlaw [Clonagam],
laborer, & Mary Hutcheson
Maria Tracy b. 7 Aug 1865 of Peter St Tramore.
[Drumcannon] The mark of Mary Hutcheson, present at birth, Peter Street
[Tramore Waterford PLU]
Tracy, laborer, & Mary
Catherine Tracy b. 16 May 1867 of Peter St Tramore. The mark of Mary Hutcheson, present at birth, Peter St [1867 14 880 Tramore Waterford PLU]
Catherine Treacy died 1867, Waterford
PLU, aged 0, b. 1867
Maria Tracey, 19, spinster, labourer, lives Convent Hill Tramore, (d. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married James Power, 23, bachelor, labourer, lives Convent Hill Tramore, (s. of Michael Power, labourer) 10 January 1884 RC Church Tramore Wit: Edmund Dumphy & Mary Folery?, signed his mark [Tramore Waterford PLU] signed his mark
Old Cemetery, Holy Cross Church, Tramore
O Lord Jesus have mercy on the soul of Johanna Lyons nee Tracy native of Templemore, Co. Tipperary died 23rd April 1885 aged 93 years. Rest in peace.
Note : 334 D 18. Ground slab badly defaced
Source: Memorials of the dead in the old cemetery of the Holy Cross Church, Tramore: Andy Taylor; 1994.
Waterford City (Ballybricken, St. Johns, St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's, Trinity) (East Waterford)
Joined in matrimoney Joannem Fling/King?
family? of Joannis Francy/Trasey
from the parish of Trinity? & Margaritam Crosly family? of Shanly? to
Jospiga Foly from the parish of St. Olavi Witnesses? Willialma Granger Andrea
Power ??? Elizabeth Power of Predenham. 13 Jan 1708 St. John's, Waterford City
Trassy married Joannam
Hanessy? Wit: Daniell Kelly, Fiona? Maria & Margarita Nugent Power, all of
this parish? 1 May 1716 St. John's, Waterford City
Tracy & Margaritae Hennesy
Joannem Tracy b. 4 Jun 1732 of the parish of St
Patricks Sp. Dudley Donelly & matr Hellena Welsh famiela ombobus? of parish
SS Trinity St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Mariam Tracy b. 15 Aug 1743 of the parish of St
Patricks Sp. Mathas? Keough & Maria Phelan St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's,
Waterford City Parish
Tracy & Edmdi Hunt
Michaelem Hunt b. 24 Sep 1748 of the parish of
St Patricks Sp. Mauritio Ronayne & Elizabetha Meara St. Patrick's and St.
Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Tracy & Margarita Fennell
Ellenoram Tracy b. 21 Aug 1746 of the parish of
St Olas Sp. Josepho Sullivan & Juliana West St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's,
Waterford City Parish
Tracy & Anastasia
Macnamara [Fzgerald crossed out]
Joannem Tracy b. 4 Oct 1761 Sp. Gulielimus
Lundengan & Maria Earls. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Joseph Treacy b. 7 Sep 1767 Sp. Sylvester
Dywar? & Ursela Kennedy. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Josephus Tracy b. 2 May 1777 Sp. Thos Sullivan
& Maria Fzgerald. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Tracy married Joannam Power of
the parish of S Patric 1 Jun 1755 Wit: Michaele Keho & Fling Mauhas Fling
St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Thomam Treasy married Mariam Connors 18 Apr 1775 Wit: Michael
Cavanagh & Anna Connors. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Tracy & Patritii McNamara
Johannem McNamara b. 23 Jan 1784 of the parish
of St Patricks Sp. Matho Kelly & Maria Tracy St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's,
Waterford City Parish
Anastasia McNamara b. 19 Dec 1785 of the parish
of St Patricks Sp. Josepho Kench & Anna Hacket St. Patrick's and St.
Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Margaritae Treasy & Jacobi Thomson
Catharinam Thomson b.
28 Mar 1784 of the parish of St Olas Sp. Josepho Downey & Catharina Church?
St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Tracy & Joseph Finch
Jacob Finch b. 4 Jan 1787 of the parish of St
Patricks Sp. Patritio McIley & Leanora Morrissy St. Patrick's and St.
Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Matheus Finch b. 18 Jan 1788 of the parish of
St Patricks Sp. Gulielmo Cooter? & Anna Doyle St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's,
Waterford City Parish
Josephum Finch b. 27 Oct 1789 of the parish of
St Patricks Sp. Thoma Curtane & Susannah Rogers St. Patrick's and St.
Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Elizabeth Finch b. 9 Jun 1796 of the parish of
St Patricks Sp. Joanne Hackett & Joanna Byrne St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's,
Waterford City Parish
Tracy & Edmundi Walsh
Maria Walsh b. 20 Jul 1787 of the parish of St
Patricks Sp. Patritio Bryan & Eleanora Phelan St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's,
Waterford City Parish
Mariam Walsh b. 5 Dec 1788 of the parish of St
Patricks Sp. Matheus Quin & Margarita Carthy St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's,
Waterford City Parish
Margaret Tracy & Richard Carbery
Mariam carbury b. 19
Dec 1797 Sp. Joannes Swenny & Maria Walsh?. Ballybricken Parish
Tracy & Philip Fogarty
Patrick Fogarty b. 25 Feb 1798 Sp. Patrick?
Connors & Mary Howlin? St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's, Waterford City Parish
Brigiddam Tracy married Patritium Berrigan? of Kildare 20 Nov 1798
Wit: Josephus Brown & Maria Dillon. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Maria Tracy & Joane Hunt
Philipum Hunt b. 2
May 1799 Sp. Richard Murry? & Joana Prendergast St. John's, Waterford City
Daniels Tracy & Maria Ryan
Mariam Tracy b. 7 Nov
1799 Sp. Thoma Nowlan & Maria Power St. Patrick's and St. Olaf's, Waterford
City Parish
Gulielmum Tracy b. 10
Apr 1808 Sp. Thoma Geary & Maria Anna Duggan. Holy Trinity Waterford City
Patricio Tracy & Maria Malone
Gulielmum Tracy b. 22
Jan 1800 Sp. Ptro Maher & Brigida Fling St. John's, Waterford City
Catharina Treacy & Barthelmew Malone
Patricum Malone b. 2
May 1802 Sp. Guls Power & Catharina Sullivan St. John's, Waterford City
Izabella Tracy? & Thomae Grace
Patritium Grace b. 3
Mar 1803 Sp. Patritius Donnely & Maria Donnely. Ballybricken Parish
Alicia/Salley Treacy/Tracey/Tracy & Michaels
Magrath/ M'Grath
Joannem Magrath b. 31
Oct 1803 Sp. Joanne Hannigan & Maria Macnamara St. John's, Waterford City
Patricium Magrath b.
29 Aug 1811 Sp. Mauritio Whithe & Joagim Power St. John's, Waterford City
Michaelm M'Grath b.
30 May 1825 Sp. Gulielmo Allen Dr? & Juditha? Prendergast G?. St. John's
Parish, Waterford City [bad copy]
Michael Treacy married Brigida Maher 9 Sep 1805 Wit: Jacobus
Mahoney & Alicia Mahir. Ballybricken Parish
Martini Tracy & Ellena Keefe
Anna Tracy b. 10 Oct
1805 Sp. Joannes Murphy & Maria Kerns. Ballybricken Parish
Jacobum Tracy b. 10
Apr 1814 Sp. Jacobus Brennan? & ???
Tracy?. Ballybricken Parish
Edvardi Treasy & Cathae Brennen
Edvardum Treasy b. 20
Nov 1808 Sp. Catha Flynn St. John's, Waterford City
Joannis Treasy & Catha Lawler
Ellenam Treasy b. 5?
Dec 1808 Sp. Joannis Conor? & Catha Hanigan? St. John's, Waterford City
Joannis Tracy & Elenae Corcoran
Patritium Tracy b. 30
Jul 1811 Sp. Michael Connor & Eleane Dwyer St. John's, Waterford City
Thomam Trasy? married Johannae Quan 01 Feb 1812 Wit: Andrew
Quan & Michaell Trasy? St.
John's Parish, Waterford City
Eliza/Abigal Tracy & Joannis Murray
Murlatiam? Murray b. 13
Apr 1814 Sp. Gulilmius McKenna & Ellena Dwyer?. Ballybricken Parish
Joannes Tracy? & Anna Quan
Gulielm Tracy b. 27
Oct 1815 Sp. Joan White & Allicia Clancy St. John's, Waterford City
Patritium Tracey married Mariam Morris 14 Feb 1819 Wit: Joseph
Sinnott & Bridgetta Quilty. Ballybricken Parish
Gulielmi? Tracy? & Mary Mang [very very faint]
Gulielmum Tracy? b. ?
Jul 1819 Sp.. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
David Tracy & Brigitae Malone/Mallane/Maloner
Saram Tracy b. 12 Sep
1819 Ill? Sp. Gulielmus Byrn & Elena Crenan? St. John's, Waterford City
Thomam Tracy b. 12
Sep 1830 Sp. Thomas Walsh & Brigida Dumphy St. John's, Waterford City
Robertum Tracy b. 4
Jan 1833 Sp. Michael Ely? & Maria Maher? St. John's, Waterford City
Margaritae Tracy & Jacobi Paine
Catharinum Paine b.
28 Apr 1825 Sp. Edwardus Cantaile & Elizabetha Curts. Ballybricken Parish
Gulielmi Treasy & Helliona? Geary
Petrum Treacy b. 16
Jul 1825 Sp. Thoamm? Delahunty & Maria Doran St. John's, Waterford City
Patritius Tracey married Brigida Grant 1 Jun 1828 Wit: Johanna
Wyse & Maria Grant. Ballybricken Parish
Pat Tracey & Brigd Grant
Joannem Tracy b. 20
Apr 1829 Sp. Mich Hernagh & Maria Grant. Ballybricken Parish
Elln Tracy b. 3 Nov
1831 Sp. Thoma King & Eliza Hearn. Ballybricken Parish
Martinum Tracy b. 18
Apr 1834 Sp. Jospho Delassy & Joanna Stafford. Ballybricken Parish
Mariam Treacy b. 21
Sep 1836 Sp. Michael Keane & Maria Campion. Ballybricken Parish
Annam Tracey b. 15
Aug 1843 Sp. Edwd Quilty & Maria Kearn. Ballybricken Parish
Thoma Tracey & Maria Power [very faint]
Gulielmum b. 18 Mar
1830 Sp. Thoma Cumming & Enoria? Walsh. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Gulielmi Tracy & Catherina Daly
Joanem Tracy b. 19
Aug 1830 Sp. Patrician Power & Honora Ryan St. John's, Waterford City
Patrici Tracy? & Ellenae Shaughnessy
Patricium Tracy b. 15
Jun 1830 Sp. Martin? Power? & Maria? Foley? St. John's, Waterford City
Jacobii Tracy & Maria Madden
Jacobum Tracy b. 18
Feb 1839 Sp. Hugh Doyle & Mary O'Neill. Ballybricken, Waterford City
Margaritam Tracy married Robertum Lawler 30 Jan 1846 Wit:
Joanne Grady & Elisabeth Nelson. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Ellen Tracy, 22, spinster, servant, lives High? Street?,
(d. of Thomas Tracy, parish clerk)
married John Armstrong, 24, bachelor, mariner?, lives Port of Waterford, (s. of
John Armstrong, farmer) 24 January 1847 St. Olaves Church of Ireland Wit: James
Sullivan & Margaret Indenhan? [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed his mark
Ellen Tracy (d.
of Thomas Tracy, 22
years) m. John Armstrong (s. of John Armstrong, 24 years) 24 Jan 1847
Brigidam Tracey married Thomam McGauley 17 May 1848 Wit:
Jacobo Walsh & Maria Dwyer. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Briggida Tracy & Jacob Flemming
Michaelem Flemming b.
16 Nov 1848 of Grace dieu? [Gracedieu Killoteran] Sp. Joannan Ryan & Maria
M'Carthy. Ballybricken Parish
Briggida Tracy & Michael Flemming
Michaelem Flemming b.
3 Aug 1851 of Grace dieu Sp. Thomas Flemming & Ann Gough. Ballybricken
Michaelam Tracy married Maria Egler? of Barrack? St 26 Sep
1850 Wit: Gulielmus Chiles? & Maria Maher? Ballybricken Parish,
Patricum Tracey married Elizabeth Nelson 15 Feb 1851 Wit:
Francisem Hearn & Elorana Power. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Anna Tracey & Joannes Heenin
Margaritam Heenin b.
27 Feb 1853 of Barrack Sp. Thoma Keefe & M.A. Chamlesyl?. Ballybricken
Patritius Heenan b.
16 Mar 1862 of Barrack Sp. Joseph Kiernan & Anna King. Ballybricken Parish
Brigida Tracey & Edmonus Faning
Joannem Fanning b. 10
Jun 1855 of Moris road Sp. Josephus Golden & Ellena Faning. Ballybricken
Petrum Treacy married Brigidam Harney 30 Sep 1855 Wit:
Gulielmo Hearn & Margarita Hearn. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Petri Treacy & Brigida Harney
Margaritam Treacy b.
10 Jun 1858 Sp. Francisco Kelly & Maria Harney. Holy Trinity Waterford City
Joannem Tracy b. 23
Oct 1859 Sp. Gualterie Hearn & Maria O’Reilly. Holy Trinity Waterford City
Peter Tr(e)ac(e)y & Bridget Harney/Harvey
Francis Tracy b. 12 February 1866 Waterford Waterford (LDS) Harvey
Anne Joseph Tracey b. 24 July 1867 Waterford Waterford (LDS) (died 9 Aug 1867 LDS)
Johanna Tracy b. 30 July 1868 Waterford Waterford (LDS)
Joseph Treacy b. 23 November 1869 Waterford Waterford (LDS)
Peter Tracy/Treacy/Tracey, sail maker/seaman/shop keeper, & Bridget Harney
Francis Tracy b. 12 Feb 1866 of John Street Waterford. Peter Tracy, father, John Street Waterford [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Anne Joseph Tracey b. 25 Jul 1867 of John Street Waterford. Margaret Spicer, her mark, present at birth, John Street (Note: In col 4 [sex] read female for male as per deposition 18 Sep 1869) [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Tracy b. 30 Jul 1868 of John Street Waterford. Margaret Spicer, her mark,
present at birth, John Street [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Treacy b. 23 Nov 1869 of John Street.
Margaret Spicer?, her mark, present at birth, John Street [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Mary Anne Tracy b. 20? Oct 1871 of John
Street. Margaret Spicer, her mark, present at birth, John Street [Waterford
Waterford PLU] [sail maker]
Anne Joseph Tracey died 1867, Waterford
PLU, aged 0, b. 1867, died 9 Aug 1867 Waterford Waterford
Johannah Tracy died 1868, Waterford
PLU, Aged 0, b. 1868, died 30 Nov 1868 Waterford Waterford
Peter Tracey
1 Dec 1871 John street Waterford, publican and sailmaker, to Bridget
Tracey widow
Mary Ann Tracy, died
1872 Waterford Waterford PLU, aged 0 years 3 months, b. 1871, spinster, child
of sailmaker, died 13 Feb 1872 John Street [Holy Trinity? RC], Margaret Foley, her
mark, present at death, John Street
Catherine Tracey, died 1873 Waterford Waterford PLU, aged 17 years, b. 1856, spinster,
child of publican, died 21 Sep 1873 John Street [Waterford RC], Margaret
Spicer, her mark, present at death, John Street
Bridget Tracy alias Harney, full [age], widow, shop? keeper, lives John Street, (d. of John Harney, farmer) married John Murphy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives John Streey, (s. of Michael Murphy, servant) 29 November 1874 RC Church St. Johns Wit: James May & Mary Walsh [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed her mark
Mariam Tracey married Patricium Walsh of Slieveceal
[Slievekeale Waterford] 11 May 1856 Wit: Walterius Keran & Johanna Murphy.
Ballybricken Parish
Maria Tracy & Patritius Walsh
Margaritam Walsh b.
13 Jul 1856 of Slievcl Sp. Waterius Kean & Margarita Quilty. Ballybricken
Josephus Walsh b. 30
Dec 1860 of Slieve Sp. Michael Geary & Ellena Dwyer. Ballybricken Parish
Elizabeth Tracey, full [age], spinster, lives Trinity Parish,
(d. of James Tracey, car driver)
married Joseph Simpson, full [age]. bachelor, Paniss X Bloe Kilkielin?
[profession], lives Trinity Parish, (s. of Joseph Simpson, mariner) 27 July
1858 The Cathedral Trinity Church of Ireland Wit: James Sullivan? & Richard
Wilson [Trinity Waterford PLU] signed her mark [bad copy]
Elizabeth Tracey, single (d. of James Tracey) m. Joseph Simpson, single (s. of Joseph Simpson) 27 Jul 1858 Trinity, Wat, Ireland
Elizabeth Treacy & Joseph Simpson
Gulielmum Simpson b.
19 Oct 1858 Sp. Maria Lonergan. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
Mariam Tracy married Thomas Power of Carrigroe [Kilbarry]
11 May 1862 Wit: Michael Denehy & Alicia Whelan. Ballybricken Parish
Maria Tracy &
Thoma Power
Robertus P Power b.
17 Mar 1867 of Lown & joal Sp. Gulielmus Kely & Aalas Duggan.
Ballybricken Parish
Brigida Power b. 30
Jan 1870 of Yellow road Sp. Jacobus Sheehan & Margarita Whelan.
Ballybricken Parish
Patritius Tracy? married Margaretam Harley? 22 Sep/Oct 1863
Wit: Gulielmus Brian? & Maria Murphy. Holy Trinity Waterford City Parish
[very faint]
Andrew Treacy, 19, bachelor, tailor, lives Arundel lane, (s.
of John Treasy, labourer) married
Mary Anne O'Brien, 30, spinster, servant, lives Arundel lane (d. of John
O'Brien farmer) 25 April 1865 RC Chapel of Waterford Wit: William Waddy &
Margaret Watson [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed her mark
Andrew Treacy, 19 years, single (s. of John Treacy) m. Maryanne O'Brien, 30 years, single (d. of John O'Brien) 25 Apr 1865 Waterford, Waterford, Ireland
Martin Tracy, 28, bachelor, sailmaker, lives Coavent Road
(s. of Patrick Tracy, ropemaker)
married Mary Laurence, 25, spinster, servant, lives King Street, (d. of John
Laurence, labourer [Yellow Road crossed out] 2 October 1865 RC Cathedral
Waterford Wit: James Connor & Statia Croker [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Martin Tracy, 28 years, single (s. of Patrick Tracy) m. Mary Laurence, 25 years, single (d. of John Laurence) 2 Oct 1865 Waterford, Wat, Ireland
Martinus Tracey & Maria Lawrence
Brigda M Tracey b. 23
Sep 1866 of Sleighceale [Slievekeale? Road Waterford] Sp. Gualterius Kearn
& Catha Hayden. Ballybricken Parish
Maria Joseph Tracy b.
26 Mar 1871 of Sleakeale Sp. Matheus Murphy & Ellena Fitzgerald.
Ballybricken Parish
Ellena Treacy b. 13
Apr 1873 of Barrack St Sp. Michl Keefe & Johann Hackett. Ballybricken
Patritius Tracey b. 3
Jan 1875 of Barrack St Sp. Michael Malone & Margarita Hennesst.
Ballybricken Parish [duplicate]
Martinus Tracey b.
9/14 Jan 1877 of Barrack St Sp. Jacobus McDonald & Sara McDonald.
Ballybricken Parish
Joannes Tracey b.
19/24 Aug 1879 of Barrack Str Sp. Daniel Sullivan & Alicia Sullivan.
Ballybricken Parish
Tr(e)ac(e)y & Mary Laurence/Lawrence
Bridget Treacy b. 17 September 1866 Waterford
Waterford (LDS)
Anna b. 10/11/1868 (LDS) (Waterford 1869 4 1050)
Mary Tracy b. 24 March 1871 Waterford Waterford (LDS)
Ellen b. 11/4/1873 Waterford (Waterford 1873 9 971)
Patrick b. 28 December 1874 Waterford Waterford (LDS)
Martin b. 8 January 1877 (LDS)
John b. 10 August 1879 Waterford Waterford (LDS)
Martin Treacy/Tracey/Tracy, Shaily? Maker/sail maker, & Mary Laurence
Bridget Treacy b. 17 Sep 1866 of Sleekale [Slievekeale?] Waterford. Mary Tarcey, mother, Sleekale Waterford [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Anna [Mary
crossed out] Tracey b. 10 Nov 1869 Sleekale Waterford. Mary Treacy, mother,
Sleekale [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Mary Tracy b. 24 Mar 1871 Slievekeale. Martin Tracy,
father, Slievekeale [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Ellen Tracey b. 11 Apr 1873 Barrack
Street. Ellen McGrath, her mark, present at birth, Leady? Lane [Waterford
Waterford PLU]
Patrick Tracey b. 28 Dec 1874
Barrack street. Ellen McGrath, her mark, present at birth, Ballybricken
[Waterford Waterford PLU] [registered 1875]
Tracey b. 8 Jan 1877 Barrack Street.
Ellen McGrath, her mark, present at birth, Olave Street [1Waterford Waterford
2 Jun 1894 Irish World
(New York)
Patrick Tracey, aged 19, vanman in the employment of Alderman R. Power, J.P., was proceeding to Waterford from Kilmacthomas in charge of a van last week, and near Ballyduff the horse shied and knocked Tracey off his seat, the wheel of the van passing over his body. Father Hearne of Ballyduff was in prompt attandence and ministerd the last sacrements, after which Tracey was removed to Mr. Stephenson's of Fairbrook, where he died three-quarters on an hour after the sad accident. Young Tracey was the son of a respectable citizen, Martin Tracey, a sailmaker.
Patrick Treacy, full age, bachelor, tin smith, lives Barron Strand street (s. of Michael Treacy, tin smith) married Catherine Meany, full age, spinster, dressmaker, lives Barron Strand street, (d. of Michael Meany, labourer) 21 October 1865 RC Chapel of St. Patrick's Wit: Patrick Keily & Anne White, her mark [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed her mark
Patrick Treacy, single (s. of Michael Treacy) m. Catherine Meany, single (d. of Michael Meany) 21 Oct 1865 St. Patricks, Wat, Ireland
Julia Tracey, full [age], spinster, lives Upper Johnson St Clonmel, (d. of Patrick
Tracey, road contractor) married Peter White, full [age], widower, sergeant
of police, lives Old Bridge Clonmel, (s. of Peter White, shop keeper), 1 March
1867 SS Peter & Paul Wit: Daniel Brosnan & Margt Keating [Clonmel
Clonmel PLU] signed her mark
Julia Tracey married Petrus White 1 Mar 1867 Wit: Daniel Brosnan & Margarita
Keating. Ss Peter and Paul, Clonmel
Julia Tracy & Patricus [?] White
Josephm White b. 11
Nov 1867 of Summer lane Sp. Joannes Linahan & Maria White. Ballybricken
Julia Tracy/Trasy & Peter White
Joseph White b. 16 Nov 1867
Ireland (LDS)
John White b. 15 Nov 1867 County
Waterford, Ireland (LDS)
Margaret Tracy, full [age], single, servant, lives The Quay,
(d. of John Tracy, farmer) married
Matthew Devereux, full [age], single, sailor, lives Ferrybank (s. of Matthew
Devereux, ship carpenter) 7 January 1869 RC Cathedral Waterford Wit: Patt
Sheehan & Mary Butler [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed her mark
Margaret Tracy single (d. of John Tracy) m. Matthew Devereux, single (s. of Matthew Devereux) 07 Jan 1869 Waterford, Waterford, Ireland
John Tracy/Tracey & Mary Ann Nicholson [see Killea (East Waterford)]
Thomas Tracy b. 29 May 1871 Waterford, Wat, Ire
Hugh Tracey b. 24 Oct 1873 Waterford, Wat, Ire
John Tracy/Tracey, Revenue Officer, & Mary Anne Nicholson
Thomas Tracy b. 29 May 1871 Canada
Street. M A Tracy, mother, Canada Street [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Hugh Tracey b. 24 Oct 1873 Canada Street. Ellen White, present at birth, Spring Garden Alley [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Ellen Rostreck? nee Tracey/Tracy, full age, widow,
lives Francis Street (d. of Patrick
Tracy, deceased, Do [rope maker]) married Matthew Murphy, full age,
widower, rope maker, lives Sleakeale, (s. of Matthew Murphy, deceased, rope
maker) 26 June 1870 RC Chapel Trinity Without Wit: John Fitzgerald & Mary Treacy [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Mary G Tracy, 21 years, spinster, lives Henry Street, (d.
of Richard Tracy, baker) married
James Dee, full [age], bachelor, drapers assistant, lives Barronstrand Street
(s. of Maurice Dee, farmer) 11 November 1871 RC Chapel St. Johns Waterford Wit:
Patrick Dee & Margaret Dee [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Patrick Tracey, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Ferrybank, (s. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Mary Sanders, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Do [Ferrybank], (d. of John Sanders, catles?) 27 January 1873 RC Chapel Ferrybank Wit: Thomas Flynn & Eliza Kelly [Waterford Waterford PLU] [Note: Not found in RC registers]
Joseph Sanders of Ferrybank Shenerue? (s. of John
Sanders) married Bridget Sheehan of Lower Kilmacow (d. of Michael Sheehan) 28
Jan 1873 Wit: Patrick Tracy of Ferry bank (s. of Michael) and Anastasia
Deady of Tinlough [near Granny Kilmacow]
(d. of James) Kilmacow Parish
Mary Treacey, died 1876,
Waterford Waterford PLU, aged 23 years, b. 1853, died 11 May 1876 Ferrybank [in
tithes Kilculliheen - Kilmacow
Kilkenny OR Waterford Waterford], married, wife of labourer, Patrick Treacey, his mark, present at
death, Ferrybank
Thomas Tracey & Maria Byrne [see Tramore]
Brigida Tracey b. 22
Nov 1874 of Robinson's Lane Sp. Joannes Murray & Catharina Byrne.
Ballybricken Parish
Richardus Tracy b. 3
Feb 1876 of Robinsons Lane Sp. Patritius Landers? & Ellenoa Tonkeon?.
Ballybricken Parish
Thomas Tracey,
labourer/porter, & Mary Byrne
Bridget Tracey b. 20 Nov 1874
Newports Lane. Bridget Byrne, her mark, present at birth, Michael Street
[Waterford Waterford PLU]
Richard Tracey b. 21 Jan 1876
Robinsons Lane. Thomas Tracey, his mark, father, Robinsons Lane [Waterford
Waterford PLU]
Brigida Tracey & Thoma Wedger
Thoma Wedger b. 17/19
Jan 1875 of Pembrokestown [Lisnakill] Sp. Laurentius Power & Joanna Murray.
Ballybricken Parish
Joannes Wedger b.
28/29 Oct 1876 of lower? Y. Road Sp. Martinus Hunt & Catherina Thompson.
Ballybricken Parish
Honora/Honor Tracey & Patritius Landers
Michael Landers b. 31
Mar 1873 of Pemberstoson? [Pembrokestown Lisnakill] Sp. Gulielmus Heffernan
& Julia Harny. Ballybricken Parish
Patritius Martinus
Landers b. 5/9 Nov 1876 of Skibbereen [Killoteran] Sp. Morgannus Deun &
Ellena Kavanagh. Ballybricken Parish
Hugh Treacy & Annie McCabe [See 1901 and 1911 census]
[see Killea, East
Tracey, full [age], widower,
labourer, lives Sallypark City of Waterford, (s. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Alice Cahill, full [age],
spinster, servant, lives Patrick Street, (d. of Thomas Cahill, labourer) 30
June 1878 RC Chapel St Patrick Wit: Patrick Flemming & Eliza McGrath,
signed his mark [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed her mark
Fardy alias Tracey of Muly?
Road, (d. of Patritii & Brigid McDonald of Co. Wexford) married Andrea
Kinsella of Ballybricken, (s. of Andres & Maria? Power, mortii sunt [dead])
26 Julii 1878 Wit: Laurentius Shea of NY Road & Margarita Shea of Do [NY
Road]. Ballybricken Parish
Fardy nee Tracey/Trasey, full
[age], widow, BLANK, lives Upper Tellow Road, (d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer) married Andrew Kinsella, full [age],
bachelor, labourer, lives Upper Tellow Road, (s. of Andrew Kinsella, farmer) 26
July 1878 RC Chapel Trinity Without Wit: Laurence Shee & Margaret Shee,
signed their marks [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed their marks [Tracey nee
Fardy - see New Ross Wexford]
Tracey, 29, spinster, BLANK,
lives Mall Lane, (d. of Charles Tracey,
coachman) married Joel Whitaker, 36, widower, clerk, lives Mall Lane, (s. of
John Whitaker, gentleman) 25 May 1880 RC Chapel Trinity Within Wit: Hugh
Farrell & Anastasia Keogh [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Treacy, 17, spinster, servant,
lives Bridge St, (d. of Thomas Treacy.
living, labourer) marrried Paul Murphy, full age, bachelor, stone cutter, lives
Bridge St, (s. of Joseph Murphy, dead, stone cutter) 28 January 1882 RC Chapel
Trinity Within Wit: James Bergin & Maggie Gaule [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Timothy Tracey,
28, bachelor, constabulary, lives Manor [St. Johns Without], (s. of John
Tracey [Michael crossed out], clerk) married Mary P.? Lawlor, 18, spinster,
BLANK profession, lives John St, (d. of Michael Lawlor, Clerk) 03 February 1887
RC Chapel St. Johns Wit: John Lawlor & May McGrath [Waterford Waterford
Timothy Tracey of Arthurstown Constable RIC & Mary Josephine Lawler [see 1911
census living in Cork]
Margaret Mary Tracey b. 11 April 1889 Arthurstown
Timothy Tracey b. 1891 [New Ross, 2nd
Quarter 1891 4 657] Timothy Treacey of Ballynabola [Kilscanlan Wexford],
died 21 May 1892, 1 year, police constable son, convulsions 3 days, Informant
Timothy Tracey father occupier Ballynabola
Timothy Tracey, 43652 (Timy Tracey, 19, b. 1858 Kerry, married,
enlisted 1878 Died 1892)
R.I.C. Died in Service. (1st July 92
to 1st January 93)
43652 Timothy Tracey. Con. Wexford.
State Reg:
Timothy Tracey, Death, Jul - Sep 1892 New Ross, age 34, b.c. 1858
Tracey of Ballynabole, died 13 September 1892, married, 34 years, police
constable, phthises 2 years, informant Anty Cullen [her mark] Ballynabole
present at death
Margaret Mary Treacy (1889 Arthurstown, County Wexford - 1973 Brighton, East Sussex,
England, UK)
Mother: Mary Josephine mar. Treacy
Husband1: unknown Fuller 1885-1930
Husband2: Terence William Cummins
Departure: Traveling By Air Aboard
An American Export Airline Flight With Daughter Peggy Cummins To New York City,
New York, Arriving 13 Sep 1945; Then By Train To Hollywood, California.1945
Foynes Flying-boat Station, Co.
Limerick, Ireland to Botwood, Newfoundland and on to New York
Mary Treacey, full [age], spinster, fitter, lives Barack Street, (d. of Thomas Treacey, sailor) married William Keane, full [age], bachelor, salter, lives Rose Lane, (s. of William Keane, salter) 17 January 1891 RC Chapel Trinity Without Wit: Joseph Keogh & Annie Ryan [Waterford Waterford PLU]
Lizzie Treacy,
23, spinster, shopkeeper, lives Main St Templemore, (d. of Michael Treacy, shopkeeper) married Michael J. Aherne, 24,
bachelor, shopkeeper, lives John Street Waterford, (s. of John Aherne,
deceased, shopkeeper) 20 January 1892 RC Chapel Templemore Wit: Patrick Treacy & Lizzie O'Brien [Templemore
Thurles PLU]
Bridget Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Fairview [House?] Newtown Waterford [St. Johns Without], (d. of John Treacy, labourer) married Henry Sinnott, full [age], bachelor, joiner, lives 19 Henry Street Waterford, (s. of Henry Sinnott, civil engineer) 28 November 1894 RC Chapel St. John Wit: Patrick Stanners & Mary Agnes Sinnott [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed her mark
Name : Trecy, John; Trecy, Laurence
Inscription: Here lies the body of John Trecy who parted this life May the 29th 1755 aged 56 years. Also ye body of Laurence Trecy who parted this life ye 25th July 1763 aged 26 years.
Graveyard: The Abbey, Kilculliheen, Ferrybank, Waterford
Source: Decies:
Vol LII; Part IV Nos. 252-322
Jim Treacy |
Jim and Bridget Treacy opened their first hotel, Treacy's of Waterford, 40 years ago. Waterford Enniscorthy West County (Ennis) Monaghan
(Carrickmacross) Shannon |
Eileen Treacy |
reference archive, Abbeyside reference committee, Abbeyside, 1995.
Historical Society Proceedings,
Butler, M. The Barony of
Gaultiere, n.d..
Cuffe, Major O.T. Records
of the Waterford Militia 1584-1885, 1885.
Downey, Edmund The story
of Waterford to the middle of the 18th century, Kilkenny, 1891.
Fitzpatrick, Thomas Waterford
during the Civil War, 1641-53, 1912.
Hore, H.J. The Social
State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century,
Nolan. W. (ed.) Waterford
History and Society, Dublin, Geography Publications, 1986.
Ochille, F. The Holy City
of Ardmore, Co. Waterford, Youghal, n.d..
Power, V. Rev. P. Waterford
and Lismore: A Compendious History of the Dioceses, Cork, 1937.
Power, V. Rev. P. History
of the County of Waterford, Waterford, 1933.
Power, V. Rev. P Placenames
of Decies (1907)
Pyke, D. Parish Priests
and Churches of St Mary's, Clonmel, 1984
Ryland, R.H. The history,
topography and antiquities of the county and city of Waterford, London,
Smith, Charles The
ancient and present state of the county and city of Waterford...,, Dublin,
Watson, Col. S.J. A
Dinner of Herbs: a history of Old St Mary's church, Clonmel, Clonmel, 1988.
Last update: 17 February 2025