It may be presumed that the Traceys of Wexford are descended from the Uí Bairrche.







The Traceys of Wexford can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as Wexford formed part of the territory of the Uí Bairrche. It would appear from the records of the mid-1800’s that there was four main settlements of families: North Wexford (close to Arklow, Co. Wicklow); Central Wexford (Enniscorthy and Ferns); South East Wexford (Wexford Town and Rosslare); and South West Wexford (New Ross). Named after the Traceys, there are the townlands of Ballytracey (Baile Uí Threasaigh, Ballegresaigh, Tracey’s Town) just north of Boolavogue, four miles south east of Ferns, and in the south Tracystown [Traceystown] East (Baile Uí Threasaigh Thior) and Tracystown West (Baile Uí Threasaigh Thiar), located 3 miles south-east and 2 miles west of Taghmon respectively. In the Grand Panel of the county of Wexford of 1608, there is a reference to Illanstrassock (Tracey’s bog/marsh islands) in the Barony of Gwery [Gorey]. The best match may indicate that it is the Island townlands of the civil parish of Rossminoge, west of Gorey Town. South Wexford has early State historical records dating from 1280 to 1307, but there does not seem to be any references after this date, until modern times.


William (Bill) Treacy (1925-2014)

of Clongeen Co. Wexford and

life President of London GAA since 1997 and member of the Hall of Fame.

Mícheál Ó Treasaigh (1924-1973) of Enniscorthy Co. Wexford member of Sinn Féin, Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann and many other organisations. He was a member of Enniscorthy Urban District Council for fourteen years, of which body he was twice elected chairman (July 1967 & July 1969). He was a founding director of Enniscorthy Credit Union in 1964. He was engaged in many campaigns including the National Waters Restoration League in 1970 to remove feudal rights to river fishing.

Obituary1 Obituary2 Obituary3 

joe treacy

Joe M Treacy

of Enniscorthy

Rehab Group Chairman 2003 to 2006

Managing Director of First National Building Society to 1993. He started working there in 1954, when it was known as the Working Man's Benefit Society.

Captain of Elm Park Golf Club, Dublin, 1985

Mary Purcell (nee Tracey)

whose father came from Enniscorthy.

Held Irish records for 800m, 1500m and 3000m between 1972 and 1976. She won BLE titles for 800m 1973; 1500m 1972-6, 1978 & 1980; cross-country 1973 and 1980; marathon 1982. British WAAA titles for 800m 1972 & 1973, silver 1984; 3000m 1975 & 1976. Dublin City Marathon 1983 Olympic athlete 1972 & 1976.

Texaco Sportstar Award for Athletics 1973.

Athletic Ireland Hall of Fame 2018.


 Traceys of North Wexford (PLUs Gorey and Shillelagh)


See also Arklow/Avoca, Co. Wicklow.


The following newpaper reference may refer to Kilgorman, Co. Wexford:


6 November 1770 Freemans Journal

To the Committee for conducting the Free-Press

Dearest Brethren,

As the Freedom and Liberty of the Press, is no small Part of the Happiness of the Subject, and that through the Channel of your Paper, Facts can be related without Distinction of Persons; I take the Liberty of requesting you to insert in your next Paper the following Case, which you may rely on being a Fact, having seen it on Record in the Court of Exchequer.

Not 100 Miles from the upper End of Great Britain-street, lives a young Reverend Parson, from Size, and surprizing abilitiees well qualified for a Mitre, and from his Marraige to the Niece of a Right Reverend, not without Hopes of one. This Gentleman's Father, A Resident, near Arklow, in the County of Wicklow, where he had a small Estate and some Leasehold Interests, in or about the Year 1745, set about 70 Acres, Part of his Leaseholds, to one Garret Tracy, at a Rent of about 11s. an Acre, which Lease and Premises this Tenant has since held, and more frequently for that Time paid the Rent before than after it was due, as appears by the Receipts. This young Parson on the Death of his Father, as only Child, became seized of his whole Possessions, and in the Year 1769 applied to said Tracy, to surrender his old Lease, so made by his Father, and take a new one from him, at a rent of about 18s. an Acre, which said Tracy agreed to, and this young Parson having declared the greatest Regard for his and his Father's good old Tenant, who not only paid him before Hand, but was ready on all Occasions to join him in Security, told this poor simple honest Man that to save him Expence, he would draw the Leases; accordingly printed Leases were filled up and executed by said Parties, but the old ones, through the Design of his Reverence not cancelled or surrendered. His Reverence then alledging, as is likely was the case, that he was in Want of Money, applied to his Tenant to advance him a Year's Rent, and he not having it in his Power to comply with his Request, his Reverence, in Hillary Term last, caused a Bill of Discovery to be filed against this old Tenant, on the aforesaid Transactions, and is proceeding thereon, to dispossess him of his Farm.

Quere, was it upon such Principles, the Acts against the Growth of Popery were founded?

As I am not acquainted with any of the Parties, if his Reverence will Please to quiet his honest Tenant, in the Possession of his Farm, and be for the future more careful of his Conduct, it is all that intended by,


Your Well-wisher,

John Telltruth


The Tithes records list:

James & L Treacy of Kilpatrick (27a/0r/0p 1833 (ref 31/17)) and Michael Treacy of Cloneranny (9a/3r/0p, 1833 (ref 31/17)), all of Kilgorman.

Rich Treacy, Mangan, Kilnahue, North Co. Wexford, 2 lots 6a/0r/0p & 5a/0r/0p, 1834, (ref. 31/17)


10 March 1841 Wexford Independent

Registry of Freeholds...252 Michael Treacy, Clonranny, do [farmer], do [freeholder], do [houses and land], Clonranny Kilgonnan, do [Gorey]. [£] 10


Issued at Dublin 12th Feb 1845. Seaman Ticket. No.260,480

Michael Tracey, born Cloneraney Wexford in 1815.

Fish[erman], 5'7.5", brown hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion.

First went to sea as Fishm in the year 1835. When unemployed resides at Arklow.


In the valuation of 1845, Bridget Tracey had a house, office and cow house in Kilpatrick, Laurence Tracey had a house & 2 offices at Kilpatrick Kilgorman [exempt],  Wm  Tracey a house, barn, car house & stable, dairy stable at Kilmichael Kilgorman and Michl Tracey had a house, barn & stable, Cow & Cai house at Cloneranny Kilgorman (exempt)


In the valuation of 1852, William Treacy had a house & office, Bridget Treacy had a house, Rose Treacy had a house & office in Kilpatrick. William Treacy had a house, barn, car house and dairy in Kilmichael. Michael Treacy had a house, barn and cow house in Cloneranny.


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following were recorded:

John Treacy and lessor Michael Treacy of Cloneranny; William Tracey of Kilmichael; William Tracey, Bridget Tracey and Rose Tracey of Kilpatrick; all of the Civil Parish of Kilgorman.

The record for Martha Tray is also included, as it may be a spelling error, but she may be related to the Trays of Arklow.

Cloneranny townland of the Parish of Kilgorman (Ord. S. 3 & 7)  342 acres

Map (# of 10)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


John Treacy

Hamilton K.G. Morgan

House, offices and land

21a 1r 30p



John Donnelly

Michael Treacy





Margaret Kavanagh

Michael Treacy




Kilmichael townland of the Parish of  Kilgorman (Ord. S. 3 & 7)  342 acres

Map (# of 10)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


William Tracey

James Doran

House, offices and land

41a 2r 17p



Isabella Boland

William Tracey




Kilpatrick townland of the Parish of Kilgorman (Ord. S. 3 & 7)  248 acres

Map (# of 8)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Wm Tracey and others

Joseph Salkela

Land (common)

87a 0r 25p



William Tracey

Joseph Salkela

House, offices and land

53a 1r 14p



Bridget Tracey

Joseph Salkela

House and land

20a 2r 15p



Rose Tracey

Joseph Salkela

House, offices and land

19a 2r 22p


Coolnagloose townland of the Parish of Kilcavan (Ord. S. 3?)  203 acres

Map (# of 9)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Martha Tray

Hugh Boland





15 October 1853 Wexford People

County Traverse Club...cess payers...


...William Tracy, Kilmichael, James Tracy, Kilpatrick...


1856 Gorey

Peter Tracey, 21 Years, 5'5", Blue Eyes, Fair Hair, Fair Complexion, Lives Gorey, Rc, Dealer,  21-Jan-1856, Stealing Tea, Prison Wexford


In 1860, at the Wexford Crown Court, there are the following references in the Brien Murder trial...went to first mass at Castletown chapel...Rody Tracy's house...James Tracy was looking out of the window and say a woman lying on the ground; saw prisoner stooping over her...

18 July 1860 Wexford Independent

Wexford Summer Assizes...Redmond Brien...attempt to murder Margaret Brien, the wife of his brother, John Brien, at Clone [Clones Kilgorman] in this county...went to mass at Castletown...that was about ten yards from a man named Tracy's house...ran for a sprong to Tracy's house but James Tracy took it from me [John Brien]; it was Tracey's sprong...Tracey is now in Wexford...Tracey took the sprong from witness, and said he would allow no murder...he ran down to Rosy Tracy's house...James Tracy examined...


28 July 1860 Wexford People

...it was resolved that £1 10s. be given John Tracy to assist him to emigrate to Montreal —his mother, who was sent out by the Board, having transmitted f 4 to pay his passage

01 August 1860 Wexford Constitution.

Gorey Union

...the sum of £1 be given to John Tracy, to assist his emigration to Quebec, he having spent several years in the house, and having received £4 from his Mother in Montreal to pay his passage. Passed.


20 January 1864 Wexford Independent

Gorey - from our own correspondent...The attemped murder by shooting near Arklow. I am informed that a Mr Beaky of Dublin, purchased the lands occupied by respectable farmers named Murphy, Tracy and Gregory, who held that land for a considerable period, and greatly improved it - and, in fact, built out offices, &c., and paid their rent up to the day. Mr Murphy, I am told, built the coast guard station at Kilmicheal, but all were disposed of their holdings. The man that was fired at was a brother to Mr Beaky that purchased the land. The shot was fired from the lower story, and several grains penetrated the boards of the loft, and were found under the bed. There was a notice posted upon the door, stating that if he did not repair what he had done, to prepare for eternity; and also "That Tipperary Pat had come." There was a coffin drawn out on the notice posted. [Griffith’s Valuation has a John Gregory of Kilmichael]


Frances Tracey died 1864, Gorey PLU, aged 52, b. 1812, died 30 Jan 1864 Ash Wood [Ashwood Kilgorman] Gorey Wexford, [female] see Avoca Wicklow


In March 1865, a woman named Charlotte Tracy about 35 or 40 years of age, took suddenly ill yesterday evening in one of the carriages of the Dublin and wicklow Railway, at Harcourt street Terminus. She was a servant in Lower Gardiner street, and was proceeding to her friends at Gorey, county Wexford. [There is a Charotte Treasy born in Wexford in 1845]


In December 1870, in The Nation, the following were contributors to the Ambulance Committee in aid of the French Army, from Tomnahely, Inch, Gorey and neighbourhood, Wexford...William Tracy...Mrs Mary A Tracy, Clones Upper[?]...Garret Tracy, Kilgorman[?]...


John Treacy died 1870, Gorey PLU, Aged 64, b. 1806


Garret Tracey died 2 Jan 1871 Ashwood [Kilgorman Wexford], widower, age 64, b. 1807, labourer, Mary Tracey her mark present at death Ashwood [Kilgorman Coolgrenney Gorey PLU Wexford] see Avoca Wicklow.


1889 Merchant Navy: James Trasey, b. 1830 Kilpatrick Co Wexford, served Dec 1889 on Geraldine, last ship Water Witch of Arklow, hand, discharged 1st Dec 1889 Arklow


6 March 1890

Garret Treacy of Scarnach [Inch Gorey, beside Ashwood] Co. Wexford, pleaded guilty, Deft ont Feb 9 at Carlow did leave a cart his property on the public St so as to obstruct the passage thereof, paid fine of 5/- with costs 1/-


Admistration of the estate of James Treacy late of Kilpatrick Castletown Gorey County Wexford farmer who died 10 December 1901 granted at Dublin to Catherine Reilly widow Effects £47


1910 RIC Service [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

James Treacy, 54486, b. 1869 Kilkenny


54486 James Treacy, 21 years 5 months, 5'9.75", b. Kilkenny, Prot, married 5.2.98 wife [Elizabeth Scollard see Abbeydorney RC] from Kerry, recommended by DI Maxwell, farmer, allocated 15 Aug 90, served Kerry 1? May? 91 - Limerick 12.3.98 - Queens Co 1.10.02 - Wexford 12.5.10, 4 Punishments, Pensioned 1.4.21 69448D, pension £164.13.4, Contd Carlow


May 2, 1910 (FJ) RIC

...Constable Jas. Treacy, Queen's Co., to Wexford...

Constable Treacy (Clonaslee, Queen's County). HC Deb 07 July 1910 vol 18 c1768 1768

§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the case of Constable [James] Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee, Queen's County, against whom it was alleged that on a certain Sunday in October last, when acting as barrack orderly between nine and ten o'clock at night, he stopped two men outside the barracks, and, after procuring drink for them from an adjacent public-house, incited them to smash the bicycle belonging to the sergeant of a neighbouring station and throw it into the river; that on another occasion this constable supplied horns to two young men, prompting them at the same time to sound a local Protestant, lately married, with the object of annoying the sergeant; and that he advised certain persons to feign drunkenness before the sergeant, get arrested, and then go before a doctor and a magistrate and charge the sergeant with unlawful arrest; whether he is aware that evidence of a most reliable character is forthcoming in support of those charges; and will he grant a public sworn inquiry in order that the allegations against this constable may be thoroughly investigated?

§ Mr. REDMOND BARRY My attention has already been drawn to the matters referred to in the question, which were investigated by two experienced police officers some months ago. The Inspector-General then came to the conclusion that the case of Constable Treacy would be sufficiently met by his transfer to another county, as already ordered on other grounds. I see no reason for any further inquiry.

Royal Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 13 July 1910 vol 19 cc573-4W 573W

§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary whether he can say upon what date Constable Treacy left Clonaslee, and where he is at present stationed; and whether he is engaged in ordinary police duties?

§ Mr. BIRRELL Constable Treacy left Clonaslee on 14th May and is at present stationed at Coolgreaney [Coolgreany Co. Wexford]. He performs ordinary police duties.

Royal Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 14 July 1910 vol 19 cc591-2 591

§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he will order a magisterial investigation into the charges preferred against Constable Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee, Queen's County, seeing that the evidence of eight independent witnesses is forthcoming charging this constable with incitement to crime and outrage on three distinct occasions?

§ Mr. BIRRELL As the hon. Member has already been informed, this matter has been investigated by two experienced police officers. The constable has been transferred to another county, and I see no reason for any further inquiry.

§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, at the inquiry held on 19th April at Clonaslee, Queen's County, by District-Inspectors O'Connor, Kanturk, and Wallace, Cappawhite, into the charges of incitement to crime and outrage preferred against Constable Treacy, the evidence was taken on oath; and whether he will lay a copy of the report of those two police officers and the minutes of evidence upon the Table of the House?

§ Mr. BIRRELL Evidence was not taken on oath at the inquiry referred to. I do not propose to lay upon the Table of the House a copy of the report of the officers who conducted the inquiry.



1901 Census

1911 Census




James Treacy, 68, M, 4 Kilpatrick, Kilgorman, Wexford, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Wexford [died 1901]

Andrew Reilly, 30, Male, Nephew, Roman Catholic, Not Married, Co Wexford











Daniel Tracy, 36, M, 3.2 Portraine Demesne, Donabate, Dublin, Carpenter, Catholic, Boarder, Not Married, Co Wexford



John Treacy, 53, M, 6 Ballygahan Lower, Ovoca, Wicklow, Pensioner Sergeant R.I.C, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Queen's County

Mary Treacy, 53, F, Ballygahan Lower, Ovoca, Wicklow, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

Anne Mary Treacy, 17, F, Ballygahan Lower, Ovoca, Wicklow, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Tipperary

Peter Treacy, 15, M, Ballygahan Lower, Ovoca, Wicklow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford

John Treacy, 13, M, Ballygahan Lower, Ovoca, Wicklow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford





James Treacy, 41, M, 1 Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, Constable RIC, b. Kilkenny)

Elizabeth Treacy, 33, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, married 13 years, 6 children, b. Kerry)

Gertrude B Treacy, 11, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Limerick)

William S H Treacy, 8, M, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Limerick)

Lionel A Treacy, 6, M, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Laois)

Linda O Treacy, 5, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Laois)

[Note: also son Nicholas James Treacy, 10 years – who emigrated to Australia]










John Treacy, 63, M, 9 Ballygahan, Lower, Avoca, Wicklow (head, Ex Sergeant R.I.C. and farmer, b. Queens)

Mary Treacy, 62, F, Ballygahan, Lower, Avoca, Wicklow (married 32 years, 5 child, 3 alive, b. Wexford)

Anne Mary Treacy, 25, F, Ballygahan, Lower, Avoca, Wicklow (daughter, single, b. Tipperary)

John Thomas Treacy, 22, M, Ballygahan, Lower, Avoca, Wicklow (son, farmers son, single, b. Wexford)


31 Godolphin Road, Shepherds Bush W London

Peter Treacy, 25, Boarder, b. Gorey County Wexford Ireland, Single, Bankers Clerk



1921 Census - 31 Buckingham Place, Brighton

Peter Tracy, Boarder, Male, b. 1885, 35y10m, single, b. Gorey Wexford, Private Secretary To Manager, General Ironstones & Trustees Ltd Invesment Trust Company, 16 Gracechurch St London EC3


British Postal Service Appointments

Jas P Tracey, 1913, Carlow

Jas P Tracey, 1914, Learner, Gorey


No 41 Ward to Tracey

9 Jul 1916 Memorial of an indenture. between Margaret Ward of Ballylarkin Inch [Gorey] in the County of Wexford widow of the one part and Daniel Tracey of Ballylarkin aforesaid farmer of the other part...All that farm of land forming part of the townland of Scarnagh Lower [Inch] in the Barony of Gorey Electral Division of Ballylarkin containing 21 acres 2 roods 3 perches or thereabouts statute measure...



24 February 1917 Enniscorthy Guardian

Coolgreany Ploughing Match...committee...Daniel Treacy...


19 July 1919 Free Press (Wexford)

Gorey Notes...Coolgreany Races...C. Treacy...


08 May 1920 Free Press (Wexford)

Gorey District Council...Coolgreany Area (5 seats)...Owen Kehoe, Coolgraney, proposed by D. Treacy, Ballylarkin [Inch (Gorey)], seconded by H. Hall, Ballylarkin.


Oct 24 1923 (FJ) Ulster

From Wexford to Tyrone. - Miss I. [L?] Treacy (Wexford), Derrchrin, N.S. Coagh [Tyrone] has been appointed assistant teacher in Stewartstown N.S. No.2, in sucession to Miss Annie Kelly resigned on marriage.


12 Mar 1928 Proposed Garage at Coolgreaney

...Patrick S. Treacy for vacant plot of ground on the lower side of the ball alley at Coolgreaney on which to build a garage...[refused]

13th May 1935 Plot Of Ground At Coolgreaney

Mr. Patrick S. Treacy, Coolgreaney, applied for vacant piece of ground on the lower side of the Ball-alley, Coolgreaney, for building purposes.

Mr. Treanor, Assistant Surveyor for the district, reported that the Council should not give approval to Mr.Treacy's application as in his (Mr.Treanor f s) opinion the plot in question did not belong to the Council.

No order.


27 February 1931 New Ross Standard

For Sale, 1926 Chrysler; splendid condition, subject to reduced tax. Treacy, Coolgreaney, Co. Wexford.


04 March 1932 New Ross Standard

Gorey District Court...Mr Patrick S Treacy, merchant, Coolgreany...

St. Fintan's Cemetery, Doon South, Doon, Limerick

In Loving Memory Of Mrs Nora Murphy Late of Kilpatrick Wells Co. Wexford Died 16th July 1951 R.I.P. Erected By Her Nephew James Treacy






Anne Tracy & Miles Darcy of Kilpatrick - Arklow parish

Margt Darcy bapt 18 January 1818 Sp. Miles Mainsfold & Dorethy Quin


Jas Tracy married Bridget Leonard 28 April 1818 Wit: Owen Hegarty & Elisa Murray. Arklow Parish

Jas Tracy/Treacy & Bridget Leonard of Kilpatrick - Arklow parish
Mary Tracy bapt 4 July 1818 Sp. Jrh Long & Margt Leonard
Sarah Tracy bapt 16 May 1820 Sp. Pat Leaonard & Mary Long
Jas Tracy bapt 10 July 1822 Sp. Batw & Marg Reilly
Jno Tracy bapt 7 Feb 1824 Sp. Andw Leonard & Mary Keogh
Bridget Tracy bapt 10 May 1829 Sp. Pat & Mary Tracy
Jas Tracy b. 27/25 Nov 1831 Sp Thos Hughes & Cath Murray
Margt Tracy b. 25/26 April 1838 Sp Edwd Tracy & Margt Brien 
Elizabeth Treacy b. 30/28 July 1840 Sp Michael Leonard & Mary Dunne

Jas Donnelly & Judith Doyle of Clonainey [Cloneranny? Kilgorman Wexford] - Arklow parish

Dorothy Donnelly Jan 1824 Sp. Laur Donnelly & Cathr Tracey
Michl Bulger & Honoria Moore of Clonraney - Arklow parish
Peter Bulger 12 July 1827 Sp. Pat Moore & Mary Anne Tracy
Jno Byrne & Mary Long of Clones
Jno Byrne b. 5/5 April 1834 Sp Michl Mainfold & Mary Tracy


Jno Synnott & Eliza Murphy of Monagarra [Monararrow Kilgorman]
Eliza Synnott bapt 3 May 1820 Arklow Parish Sp. Wm Tracy & Anne Brennan
Jas Murtha & Elinor Hays of Clones [Kilgorman Wexford] - Arklow parish
Margt Murtha bapt 10 Mar 1823 Sp. Wm Tracy & Charlotte Caufield
Michl Doyle & Margt Long of Kilpatrick [Kilgorman Wexford]
Sarah Doyle 12 Jan 1824 Sp. Wm & Mary Tracy

George Hempinstat & Anne Brien of Clonrainey

Jas b. 22/24 Feb 1831 Sp. Wm Tracy & Eliza Cavanagh

Peter Loughlin & Margaret Brien of Coolgoria [Coolgreany Inch Wexford]
Catherine Loughlin b. 2/1 Feb 1845 Sp William Tracy & Sarah Walsh
Laurence Tracy & Rose Kinsela of Kilpatrick - Arklow parish
Michl Tracy bapt 22 May 1827 Sp. Pat Leonard & Bridget Tracy
Jas Tracy bapt 7 sep 1828 Sp. Pat Tracy & Bridget Kinsela [joined merchant navy?] 
Mary Tracy b. 20/16 April 1832 Sp. Jno Sullivan & Mary Long?
Cath Tracy b. 27/26 Oct 1834 Sp Jno Dunne & Mary Tracy
James Treacy of Kilpatrick died 10 December 1901, bachelor, 74 years, famer, bronchitis 10 days no medical attendant, informant Andrew Reilly nephew of Kilpatrick present at death [see 1901 Census]
Catharine Tracey, full age, spinster, lives Kilpatrick Inch Co. Wexford (d. of Laurence Tracey, dead, farmer) married Michael Reilly, full age, bachelor, fisherman, lives Clone Inch Co. Wexford, (s. of Andrew Reilly, dead, farmer) 19 September 1869 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Michael Reilly & Winifred Tracey [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks 
Catherine Tracy of Kilpatrick (d. of Laurentius & Rosanna of Kilpatrick) married Michael Reilly of Clone (s. of Andreas & Maria of Clone) Wit: Michael Reilly of Castletown & Winifreda Tracy of Kilpatrick) 19 Sep 1869
Catharina Treacy & Michael Reilly of Clones [Kilgorman]
Andreas Reilly b. 7/8 Jul 1870 Sp. Edwardus Treacy & Winifreda Treacy. Arklow Parish [see 1901 Census]


Thos Kerfoot & Bridget Sullivan of Clonrainey
Anne Kerfoot b. 4/4 August 1830 Sp Jno Sullivan & Judith Tracey.
Wm Hunt & Cath Kinsela of Kilmurry [Kilmakilloge Wexford]
Joanna Hunt b. 27/26 May 1832 Sp. Barthw Reilly & Judith Tracy


Jas Byrne & Mary Long of Clones
Jas b. 20/20 Mar 1837 Sp Jas Byrne & Sarah Tracy


Wm/William  Tracy/Treacy & Eliza/Elizabeth Cavanagh/Kavanagh - Arklow parish [see cemetery below]
Michl Tracy 24 Dec 1828 Sp. Michl Suinones? & Mary Tracy of Clonraney [see cemetery below]
Jno Tracy b. 5/3 Sep 1830 Sp. Patk Tracy & Amelia? Hughes of Clonaney
Cath b. 10/8 Feb 1833 Sp. Jas Hughes & sarah Cavanagh of Clonraney
Eliza Tracy b. 4/1 April 1835 Sp Michl Cavanagh & Eliza Kerfoot of Clonraney
Mary Tracy b. 6/5 Sep 1837 Sp. jas Hughes & Cath Tracy of Kilmichael [see cemetery below]
William Treacy b. 25/24 Oct 1839 Sp John Beakey & Mary Kinsela of Clonerany [see cemetery below]
Catherine Tracy b. 18/18 Jan 1843 Sp Edward Tracy & Margaret Blake of Kilmichael
Winifred b. 31/31 May 1845 Sp Patrick Benkey & Anne Tackaberry of Kilmichael
Lydia Tracy b. 2/2/ Oct 1847 Sp James Hughes & Mary Anne Tracy of Kilmichael
Edward Tracy b. 23/23 Jan 1852 Sp Edward & Anne Tracy of Kilmichael [see cemetery below]


William Tracey, died 1872 Coolgraney Gorey PLU, aged 75 years, b. 1797, married, farmer, died 29 Feb 1872 Kilpatrick [Kilgorman], Edward Tracey, present at death, Kilpatrick


Elizabeth Tracy of Kilmichael (d. of Gulielmus & Elizabeth of Kilpatrick) married Gulielmus Muray of Scarnagh [Scarnagh Inch Wexford] (s. of Josephi & Maria of Scarnagh) Wit: Hugo Ward of Ballylarkin & Maria Kavanagh of Aughlamauloneen 11 Aug 1863. Arklow Parish
Elizabeth Tracy/Treacy & Gulielimus/William Murray of Scarnagh
Maria Murray b. 11/12 Jul 1864 Sp. Joseph Murray & Maria Tracy. Arklow Parish
Josephus Murray b. 6/7 Aug 1866 Sp. Christopher Murray & Winifreda Tracy. Arklow Parish
Eliza Maria Murray b. 25/26 Mar 1868 Sp. Michael Tracy & Alicia Tracy. Arklow parish.
Gulielmus Murray b. 2 July 1871 Sp. Edward Tracy & Maria Ward
Winifreda Murray b. 15 June 1873 Sp. Hugo & Maria Murray
Elleonora Maria Murray b. 15 Nov 1875 Sp. Johannes Ward & Anna dowdall (Note added: Matruinonium contrarit die 5th Oct 1910 cum Joanne Byrne in Ecclica Arklow)
William Murray b. 25 Aug 1878 Sp. Michael & Alicia Kinsella

Winifreda Tracy of Kilpatrick [Kilgorman Wexford], (d. of Gulielmius & Elizabeth of Kilpatrick) married Johannes Brennan of Tinnahinch [Tinnahinch Castlemacadam Wicklow] (s. of Patritius & Eliza of Ardinay) Wit: Johannes Brennan of Brittas & Alicia Tracy of Kilpatrick 20 Jan 1874 Arklow Parish

Winifred Tracey, full [age], spinster, farmers daughter, lives Kilpatrick , (d. of William Tracey, deceased, farmer) married John Brennan, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Tinnahinch, (s. of Patrick Brennan, living, farmer) 20 January 1874 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: John Brennan & Eliza Tracey [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]
26 Jan 1874 Freeman's Journal 
BRENNAN and TREACY-Jan. 20, at St. Mary's Catholic Charch, Arklow, by the Ven. Archdeacon Redmond, P.P., John Brennan, Avoca, Co. Wicklow, to Winafred, third daughter of William Treacy, Kilpartrick, Co. Wexford.

Winefreda Tracey & Joanne Brennan of Tennnahinch Avoca

Elizabeth Mary Brennan b. 12/14 Apr 1875 Sp Edwardo Tracey & Elizabeth Brennan. Avoca Parish

Patritius Joseph Brennan b. 11/17 Oct 1876 Sp Petro Brennan & Alicia Tracey. Avoca Parish

Gullelmus Michael Brennan b. 14 Jul 1878 Sp Jacobo Brennan & Maria Tracy. Avoca Parish (Note: Junetu in Mato cum Maria Byrne 14 Feb 1914 Testies John Joseph Brennan & Brigoda Byrne)

Alicia Maria Brennan b. 4/5 Jun 1880 Sp Gulielmus Clarke & Margarita? Clarke. Avoca Parish

Winefred Tracey & John Brennan

Elizabeth Mary Brennan  b. 12 Apr 1875 Newbridge, Wick, Ire 

William Michael Brennan  b. 20 Feb 1879 Wicklow, Ireland 

Alice Mary Brennan b. 04 Jun 1880 Newbridge, Wicklow, Ireland 

Alice Tracy of Kilpatrick (d, of Guillelmi & Elizabeth of Kilpatrick) married Michael Kinsella of Kilmichael (s. of Martini & Maria of Kilmichael) Wit: Dioyinius Kavanagh of Monagarrow & Elizabeth Brennan of Ardinary [Ardanairy Ennereilly Wiclow] 26 Jul 1877. Arklow Parish
Alice Treacy, full [age], spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Kilpatrick, (d. of William Treacy, dead, farmer) married Michael Kinsella, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Kilmichael, (s. of Martin Kinsella, dead, farmer) 20 July 1877 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Denis Kavanagh & Elizabeth Brennan Ardinary [Arklow Rathdrum PLU]
Alicia Tracy & Michahilis Kinsella of Kilmichael 
Martinis Kinsella b. 6 Jun 1880 Sp. Jonghus Murray & Julia O Hanghressey?

Alice Tracey & Michael Kinsela

Patrick Kinsela b. 06 Jun 1880 Kilmichael, Wexford

Martin Kinsela b. 06 Jun 1880 Kilmichael, Wexford


Judith Tracy married Michl Kenny 5 Sep 1833 Wit Pat Tracy & Sarah Hughes. Arklow parish

Judith Tracy & Michl Kenny of Kilmichael

Jas Kenny b. 7/20 July 1834 Sp. Michl & Cecilia Hughes


Sara Tracy married John Shelton 20 Jan 1845 Wit: Edward Tracy & Sara Doyle. Arklow Parish

Sarah Tracy & John Shelton

William Shelton b. 8/8 Aug 1846 Sp John & Bridget Tracy of Kilpatrick [Kilgorman Wexford]

James Shelton b. 10/9 Nov 1849 Sp Richard Byrne & Honor Darcy of Arklow [Arklow Wicklow]

John Shelton b. 3/7 Dec 1855 Sp Joseph Stinger & Julia Farrell

Mattheius Shelton b b. 2 Nov 1859 Sp. (Johanne Doyle) & Elleonara Clarey of Arklow


Mary Tracy married Thomas Loughlin 17 Sep 1842 Wit: Patrick Doyle & Catherine Tracy. Arklow Parish

Mary Tracey & Thos Loghlin

Sara Ann Loghlin b. Feb 19 1847 of Tomnahealy [Kilcavan] Sp. Patk Kenny & Cathe Doyle. Gorey Parish.


Maurice Leonard & Sarah Sheridan of Kilpatrick
Patrick Leonard b. 12/10 Nov 1848 Sp John & Bridget Tracy
Martin Hasey & Bridget Fidler of Gorey
Michael Hasey b. 22 Sep 1852 Sp. John Mullet & Catherin Darcy. Gorey Parish
John Maginnis & Sarah Cathbert of Clonrany
James Maginnis b. 2/4 Nov 1855 Sp Michael Tracy & Sarah Farrell


Bridget Tracy, of Kildermot [Kilcavan OR Kiltennell] married Richard Spencer, of Kildermot, 30 Sep 1856. Wit: Richard Spencer & Elizabeth Murray. Gorey Parish


1 February 1896 Wexford People


Spencer - January 25, at the residence of her husband, Gorey, County Wexford, Brigid, the beloved wife of Richard Spencer, and sister of the late Mr. Henry Treacy, Lisgarven House, Ballon, county Carlow, and also of the Misses Treacy, Bagnalstown.—E.l.P. American papers please copy.


Margaret Tracy & Jas/James Mernagh/Merna

Martin Merna b. 20 Sep 1857 of Glenphilipeen  [Kilcommon Ballinacor Wicklow] Sp. John Headen & Eliza Kenny. Killaveny Parish

Jane Theresa Mernagh b. 5 Feb 1860 of Tinahely [Tomnahealy Kilcavan Wexford] Sp. Andrea Loughlin & Bridget Loughlin. Killaveny Parish

John Merna b. 19 May 1863 of Tenahely Sp. John Borphy & Jane Byrne. Killaveny Parish

Mary Anne Merna b. 23 Sep 1866 of Tinahely Sp. Thomas Sinnottt & Mary Bearney. Killaveny Parish


Michael Tracy of Arklow (Clonraney crossed out) (s. of Jacobi & Elizabeth of Clonranny [Cloneranny Kilgorman]) married Maria Hanagan alias Beakey of Nockinree [Knockanree Arklow] (d. of Edwardi & Elleonora of Nockinree) Wit: Michael Tracy of Arklow & Anna Troy of Arklow (prius conjunctus do [Both]) 1 Feb 1863


Pat Tracy of Gorey? married Bridget Cavanagh of Do [Gorey] 18 Nov 1863 Wit: Christopher Briane? & Eliza Kelly. Ballybrack Parish Dublin [faint]


Elizabeth Tracy & Gulilemoe Murray of Scarrah/Scarnah/Scarnagh [Scarnagh Inch Wexford] [see above]
Maria Murray b. 11 Jul 1864 Sp. Josepho Murray & Maria Tracy
Josephus Murray b. 6 Aug 1866 Sp. Christopherae Murray & Winifreda Tracy 
Eliza Maria Murray b. 25 Mar 1868 Sp. Michael Tracy & Alicia Tracy


Jacobus Casey (s. of Guillelmi Casey & Sarah Tracey of Gorey) of 39 Mercer St m. Ellen Carroll on 10 January 1864 St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1.


Michael Tracy of Arklow [Arklow] (s. of Patricii & Sarah of Arklow) married Sarah Byrnes of Clones [Kilgorman] (d. of Patricii & Julia of Clones) Wit: Jacobus Brien of Cooladangan & Eliza Byrne of Clone 8 Jan 1865. Arklow Parish [see Arklow]

Michael Tracy, fullage, bachelor, sailor, lives Arklow, (s. of Patrick Tracy, fisherman) married Sarah Byrne, full age, spinster, farmer's daughter, lives Clones (d. of Patrick Byrne, farmer) 8 January 1865 RC Chapel Castletown Wit: James O'Brien & Eliza Byrne [Coolgraney Gorey PLU]

Michaell Tracy (s. of Patrick Tracy) m. Sarah Byrne (d. of Patrick Byrne) 8 Jan 1865 Coolgraney, Wexford, Ireland.

Michael Tracey & Sarah Byrne of Arklow

Patricius Tracey b. 18 Dec 1865 Sp. Joanne Byrne & Catharina Murphy

Dyonisius Tracy b. 22 Mar 1867 Sp. Jacobus Tracy & Eliza Kearon

Jacobus Tracy b. 25 Oct 1869 Sp. Dyonicius Kavanagh & Maria Tracy. Arklow Parish


Eliza Tracy & Patricius Doyle of Ballylarkin [Inch Wexford]
Maria Johanna Doyle b. 12 Oct 1868 Sp. Patricius & Eliza Hall (Note added: Matrimipunie? contrancit? Cum Carlos Murray die 9 Novemberis 1910 in ??? ??? ???)


Mary Tracey & Patt Walsh
James Walsh? Illg b. 15 Jan 1869 Workhouse Sp. Mary Connor. Gorey Parish

Mary Tracey, servant

James Tracey b. 13 Jan 1869 Workhouse Gorey. R. Newsome Chief Resident Officer Workhouse Gorey. [Gorey Gorey PLU]


Catherine Tracey, x, full, sp., kilpatrick, inch, co wex.(d. of Laurence Tracey (dead), farmer;) m. Peechael Reilly x, full, bach., fisherman, clone, inch, co wexford, Andrew Reilly (dead), farmer; by fredk. Donovan sept. 19, 1869, Wit: Peechael Reilly & Winifred Tracey. Arklow Parish

Catherine Tracey (b. circa 1848) m. Michael Reilly (b. circa 1847) circa 1869 (LDS)

Andrew Reilly b. 7th July 1870 Coolgreany [see 1901 Census]


Michael Tracey, died 1871, Coolgraney Gorey PLU, aged 42 years, b. 1829, bachelor, farmer’s son, died 9 Sep 1871 Kilpatrick [Kilgorman – Arklow RC], Edward Tracey, present at death, Kilpatrick


Maria Tracy, lives Ashwood [Kilgorman Wexford], (d. of Giraldus & Francisca of Ashwood) married Dyonisius Kavanagh, lives Monagarra [Monagarrow Kilgorman Wexford], (s. of Dyonisius & Maria of Monagarra) 15 Dec 1871 Wit: Thomas Kavanagh of Askintinny [Arklow Wicklow] & Eliza Tracy of Scarnagh [Inch Wexford]. Arklow Parish [see Avoca Wicklow]

Mary Tracey, 24, spinster, servant, lives Arklow, (d. of Geisull? [Garret] Tracey, dead, labourer) married Denis Kavanagh, 26, bachelor, labourer, lives Monegawn, (s. of Denis Kavanagh, alive, farmer) 15 December 1871 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: Thos Kavanagh & Eliza Tracy, their marks [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Maria Tracy & Dyonisius Kavanagh of Monagarra/Mongarrow

Alicia Kavanagh b. 27 Jan 1872 Sp. Thomas Kavanagh & Eliza Tracy

Maria Kavanagh b. 2 July 1874 Sp. Johannes Kavanagh & Elleonora Byrne 

Francisca Kavanagh b. 10 April 1877 Sp. Jacobus Byrne & Joanna Kavanagh

Elisabeth Kavanagh b. 16 April 1879 Sp. Edwardus Purcell & Elisabeth Kavanagh

John Treacy, of Coolgraney [Coolgreany Inch (Gorey)], married Mary Donally, of Parkbaun [Kilcavan] 04 Jul 1878. Wit: James OKeefe & Kate Donally. Gorey Parish [retired to Avoca Wicklow] [see cemetery below] [see RIC]
John Treacy, 30, bachelor, Constabulary, lives Coolgreney, (s. of Dead) married Mary Donally, 25, spinster, BLANK, lives Parkbawn, (d. of Peter Donally, farmer) 04 July 1878 RC Chapel St. Michael Gorey Wit: James Keefe & Kate Donally [Gorey Gorey PLU] [signed Mary Treacy]
John Treacy of Pike St Killenaule, Subconstable RIC, & Mary Donnolly
Thomas Peter Treacy b. 22 June 1880 of Pike St Killenaule. John Treacy father Pike St Killenaule [Cashel]
John Treacy of Killenaule, Constable RIC, & Mary Donnelly
Ann Mary Treacy b. 1 Nov? 1883 of Killenaule. John Trecey father Killenaule [Cashel]
John Tracey of Hinley Park Callan, Acting sergeant RIC, & Mary Donnelly 
Peter Tracy b. 22 August 1885 Parkbawn. Kate Donnelly Park Baun present at birth. [Gorey Gorey][Parkbaun Kilcavan]
John Tracy of Hollyfort Tipperary, police sergeant & Mary Donnelly [Kate crossed out]
John Tracy b. 22 July 1887 of Parkbaun. Kate Donnelly Parkbaun present at birth.
1866 RIC Service
John Treacy, 31648, b. 1847 Queens
31648 Jno Treacy, 19 years, 5'7.75", b. Queens, Roman Catholic, married 4/7/78 wife from Wexford 31648D/35758, recommended by B.W. Delany JP, laborer, allocated 7 May 1866, served Wexf 27 Oct 66 - Tip SR 20/10/78, P Acts Sergt 1.12.8? - P Sergt 1.1.86, Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned 1-6-96 31648D/15961, Cosmected? in Kilkenny

Royal Navy Register of Seamen’s Services [file]

Peter Treacy, b. 22 Aug 1885 Gorey Wexford, Service number M21290, occupation private secretary, 5'8", chest 35.5", l brn hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion

19 June 1916 to 14 July 1919 demob, 3rd to 2nd Wtr

ADM 188/1060/21290


Name            Treacy, Peter

Official Number:         M21290

Place of Birth:             Gorey, Wexford

Date of Birth:              22 August 1885

Date:            [1916]

Formerly R.N.V.R. Y7288

Private Secretary

19 June 1916 Statibities?

FE, 5'8", chest 35.5", l Brn hair, blue eyes, fresh complexion


Vivid I, 3rd Wtr, 19 Jun 16 to 30 Aug 16, conduct VG

Iron Duke, 31 Aug 16 to 23 Sept 17, conduct VG

Vivid I, 24 Sep 17 to 20 Mrch 18, conduct VG

Shikarc, 21 Mrch 18 to 1 Feb 19

Elacto?, 2 Feb 19 to 30 Apl 19, Vide Jreneig? ledger

Vivid I, 1 May 19

Vivid I, 2nd Wtr, 19 Jun 19 tp 14 Jul 10, Shareon demob


G1 19.6.19

paid war gratuity

Laurentis Treacey of Arklow (s. of Jacobi? & Brigid of Kilpatrick) married Judith Kinsgmill alias Mulligan of Arklow (d. of Edwardi & Anna? of Croghan) Wit: Carlos Loughlin of Arklow & Julia Howard of Arklow 21 Nov 1879. Arklow Parish

Laurence Treacey, full [age], widower, fisherman, lives Arklow, (s. of James Treacey, dead, farmer) married Judith Kingsmill nee Mulligan, widow, housekeeper, lives Arklow, (d. of Edward Mulligan, dead, farmer) 21 November 1879 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: James Loughlin & Julia Howard, signed their mark [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed their marks

Mary Treacy, minor, spinster, servant, lives Ahare [Kilgorman OR Kilcavan Wexford], (d. of Edward Treacy, living, fisherman) married Patrick Murphy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Kilbegnet [Kilgorman], (s. of Patrick Murphy, dead, farmer) 21 February 1889 RC Chapel Arklow Wit: James Redmond & Rose Dempenstall [Arklow Rathdrum PLU] signed his mark [see Arklow Wicklow]

Mary Tracey & Patrick Murphy, labourer, of Tara Hill

Patrick Murphy born 26 June 1900 of Tara Hill

Mary Murphy born 29 July 1903 of Tara Hill

Edward Murphy born 14 June 1908 of Tara Hill

Thomas Tracey of Gorey, slater & Margaret Hanley
Thomas Tracey b. 14 January 1894 of Gorey Union Infirmary. Mary Connell Gorey Workhouse present at birth.

Robert Tracey of Courtown, labourer, & Mary Byrne [his mark]

Anne Tracy born 12 February 1901 of Courtown


Michael Treacy, full age, bachelor, labourer, of Arklow, (s. of Michael Treacy, sailor) married Mary Byrne, full age, spinster, of Ballinakill [Wexford], (d. of John Byrne, farmer) Wit: Edward Byrne & Katie Keane on the 30 June 1910 RC church of St. Mary Star of the Sea Riverchapel [Courtown] [see 1911 Census Arklow]

Edward Tracey of Tara Hill, died 2 April 1914 Gorey Infirmary, b. 1839, widower, 75 years, labourer, tabular disease of heart, informant James Evans occupier Gorey Infirmary [see Arklow]
Daniel Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Ballylarkin Inch Co Wexford [born Roosk Taghadoe Kildare – see Rathvilly Wicklow] (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Ellen M Hall, full age, spinster, of Ballylarkin Inch Co Wexford (d. of Henry Hall, farmer)  [see 1901 & 1911 census Ballylarkin] Wit: Michael Treacy & Mollie Russell on the 27 November 1918 RC Church of Johnstown [Arklow Rathdrum] [Saint David's RC Church Johnstown Upper, Inch, Co. Wicklow] [see cemetery below]
Daniel Tracey of Ballylarkin Scarnagh Inch, died 12 December 1943, married, 61 years, farmer, cardiac failure chronic endocarditis indefinate, informant Ellen Treacy widow of deceased of Ballylarkin Inch Co. Wexford
14 Dec 1942 Irish Independent
Treacy (Ballylarkin, Inch, Co. Wexford) - Dec 12, 1942, at his residence, Daniel Treacy, aged 61; deeply regretted, R.I.P. Funeral to Castletown to-day (Monday) at 1t 1.30 o'c. (S.T.).

Daniel Treacy, 15 Feb 1943, late of Ballylarkin Inch Co Wexford, farmer, who died 12 Dec 1942, to Ellen Treacy, the widow. Effects …

Ellen Treacy of Ballylarkin, died 17 February 1956, widow, 71 years, farmer, mycarditis 2 months valculor disease of heart 30 years, informant Eliz A Latham niece of deceased Clone Aughrim Co Wicklow

Patrick S. Treacy, full age, bachelor, shop keeper, of Coolgreaney Co. Wexford, (s. of Patrick Treacy, teacher) married Brigid O'Kelly, full age, spinster, teacher, of Ballythomas [Wexford] Tinahely [Wicklow], (d. of John Kelly, business) Wit: Michael A Treacy & Mary E Cuddihy on the 27 April 1932 RC Church of Kilarenly [killavaney Tinahely Wicklow] [Patrick Sydney Treacy born 1900 Fermanagh & Michael Angustine Treacy born 1909 Fermanagh] [see Innishmacsaint Fermanagh] [see cemetary below]


Patrick Sydney Tracey of Coolgreany, died 30 October 1954 , married, 54 years, draper, cerebral haemorrhage 24 hours, hypertension 2 years, informant Brigid Tracey widow of deceased Coolgreany

Oct 31, 1954 (SI) & Nov 1, 1954 (II) Deaths

Treacy (Coolgreaney) October 30 1954 at his residence Coolgreaney, Inch, Co. Wexford, Patrick S. Treacy, formerly of 3rd Batt, Nth Wexford Brigade I.R.A.; deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife relatives and friends. RIP. Remains leaving house this (Sunday) evening to-morrow (Monday) at 3 o'c to Ballyfad Cemetery.


Bridgid Tracey of Coolgreany, died 8 March 1959, widow, 70 years, retired N teacher, coronary thrombosis (suddenly) hypertension 2.5 years, informant Gertude Fennessy sister of deceased of Church St Gort Co. Galway

Mar 10, 1959 (II) Deaths

Treacy (Co. Wexford) March 8 1959, at her residence, Coolgreany, Inch, Co. Wexford, Bridget Treacy, ex-N.T.; very deeply regretted by her sisters and relatives. RIP. Funeral today (Tuesday) from Johnstown Church to Ballyfad Cemetery at 2 o'c.

State Births:

Tracey, James, Gorey, Wexford. 1869 2 917 (b. 13 January 1869, son of Mary Tracey)

Treacey, Peter, Gorey, 3rd Quarter 1885 2 753 (see 1911 Census London & Royal Navy)

Tracy, John, Gorey, 3rd Quarter 1887 2 745 (moved to Kilkenny?)

Tracy, Thomas, Gorey, 1st Quarter 1894 2 753 



St Patrick’s Church Cemetery, Courtown Road, Castletown, Kilgorman, Co. Wexford


Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

Erected by Elizabeth Tracey of Kilpatrick in memory of her beloved husband William Tracey who died 28th February 1872 aged 75 years.

Also her son Michael who died 9th September 1874 aged 40 year.

Also her son Edward who died 1st August 1877 aged 25 years and her daughter Mary who died 26th December 1884 aged 47 years.

Also the above named Elizabeth Tracey who died 28th July 1886 aged 79 years.

Requiescant in pace.



Erected by Ellen Treacy Ballylarkin in loving memory of her husband Daniel Treacy died 12th Dec 1942 Aged 61 Years

Her Brother William Hall Died 21st April 1953 Aged 82 Years

The Above Ellen Tracy Died 17th Feb 1956 Aged 71 Yrs

Henry Hall Died 19th May 1958 Aged 77 Yrs

Mary Jane Russell Died 20th April 1965 Aged 58 Yrs



Erected by John Treacy Ovoca in loving memory of his son William who died in Dublin 19th Nov 1907 Aged 25 Years

Also The Above John Treacy Died 18th March 1914 Aged 66

His Wife Mary Treacy Died 15th Jan 1925 Aged 75 Years

Also His Daughter Anne (Annie) Mary Treacy Died 24th Dec 1939

[Tablet on grave] In loving memory of John Treacy, Perrymount (Late Avoca) Died 28th Sept 1974 Aged 87 Years



Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

Erected by Michael Tracey Clonraney [& Arklow?] in memory of his father Michael Tracey who dpd this life Feb 23rd 1845 aged 46 years.

[Memorial: Erected by Michael Treacy of Clonraney in memory of his beloved son Michael Treacy who depd this life 10th Dec 1845 aged 46 years also his daughter Catherine who depd this life Febr 23rd 1846 aged 16 years.]



Erected by Michael Treacy of Arklow in memory of his beloved son James Treacy who died April 29th 1857 aged 8 years.

Also his beloved wife Eliza died Decembr. 25th 1858 aged 37 years.

Also his daughter Eliza died July 6th 1858 aged 8.



Erected by Patrick Tracey [of Arklow] in loving memory of his dear wife Mary died 7th Dec. 1939 aged 82 years and his daughter Elizabeth Esther died 22nd Jan. 1899 aged 15 years.

Elizabeth Esther Mary died 24th Feb. 1914 aged 14 years.

Also her beloved husband Patrick Tracey died 6th Dec. 1943 aged 88 years.



Erected by Wiliam Treacy of Kilmichael in memory of his beloved son William who died Febr 18th 1854 aged 14 years



Ballyfad New Cemetary

Patrick Treacy 1900- 1954.

Bridget Treacy nee Kelly 1889- 1959.

Ar Dheis da go raibh siad.



Anglican Church At Inch, Co. Wexford


In loving remembrance of Gerald T. Tracey Park House died 5th April 2000. Abide with me.

[Park House, Clogga, Arklow, Co. Wicklow]




Plaque over the confessional in Castletown church:

In memory of deceased friends of William & Eliza Treacey Kilpatrick RIP [circa 1885]




 Traceys of Central Wexford (PLU Enniscorthy)




The earliest record is that of Roderick O’Trassy who is listed as a Bishop of Ferns, and who is reported to have died in 1145 AD. His position would indicate that the Traceys and the Uí Bairrche held some power in that area at that time. Close by, there is the townland of Ballytracey (Baile Uí Threasaigh, Tracey’s Town, 1654 Ballitrassie/Ballitrassy) at Boolavogue, four miles south east of Ferns, which may have been his homeland. To the north, overlooking Ballytracey is Carrigroe Hill, which was used in ancient times for the celebration of Lughnasa (Halloween). It has an unusual cleft rock formation called the giants bed. After the Norman invasion, Ballytracey may have become the property of the church, similar to nearby Ballyregan, as part of a resolution of a dispute in 1226-7 between John de St. John, Bishop of Ferns and the Prendergasts of Enniscorthy.




The image on the left is taken from the shine of St. Máedoc of Ferns, and the two figures are dressed in the fashion of the early aristocracy and clergy of Ireland. The chap on the left reminds me of the pose that my father used to make.



De Episcopis Fernensibus


(Extract from Ware 1665)



Detail from a list of the Bishops of Ferns at St Aidan's Cathedral, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.




In 1332, in the Memoranda rolls of Edward III, there is a reference to Johen Tassi de Villa Otrassi ie John Tassy of the town of Otrassy. The reference refers to the old Wexford barony of Keir, which was a large district to the west of the Slaney, between Enniscorthy and Wexford. With regard to the names stated, the 'de Dene' [ie Dane] were big Norman players in that part of Wexford and are connected with Wilton Castle beside Ballinapierce. Villa Otrassi would have been located in this area.


In the 1605 Patent Rolls of James I, there is a Flarie Mc Effee of Ballenebieressagh (Ballinapierce)


Sir Richard Masterson was Seneschal of Ferns and Wexford Castles, holding the manors of Ferns, Clohamon and Cloghleskin. He died in 1627, and his heir was claimed to be Edward, the son of Robert Masterson of Ardtroman [Artramont]. His wardship was granted to Lord Esmond, who brought an action for intrusion in May 1634. He stated that Nic Clinton of Ferns, Murtagh McDonnell Dowill, Thos Tracy, Redmond Archdeacon alias Candy, Dermott McHugh Groney, Laurence Masterson, Anthony Cavanagh, Donnagh ne Killy, Wm Talbot, Thos Clare and Edmond St. Michell, among others, had caused loss of profits to the amount of £1000.

Before he died, Laurence Masterson of Rosmenock [Rossminoge], the family seat of that branch of the family, had proved his right to the lands. In 1635, Thos Masterson, returned from England on the death of his brother Laurence Masterson and filed a suit to regain the manor of Cloghleskine [Clogh Liskinfere]. Thomas Thracie/Thracy/Tracy/Tracie is named as being the agent and stewart of Laurence Masterson, by reason that he was best acquinted with the tenants and customes of the lands. There was a wrangle over a valuation of £2420 and the mortgage of the lands.

In 1636, in a second suit, Thos Masterson successfully regained the lands lost by the complaint of Lord Esmond, namely Ballyconnore als Barronscourt, Ballinemonie [Ballinamona Toome?], Ballyduffe [Ballyduff Kilcomb?], Cranbarry and the Rectory of Liskine [Liskinfere Civil Parish]. Also Thomas Tracy and Edmond St. Michael also regained their lands in FFernes [Ferns].


Implicated in the 1641 rebellion was Thomas Trassy of Cloghaman, gent (Clohamon [Kilrush]  on the Slaney, six miles north west of Ferns). In 1642, Nic Tracie also of Cloghamon was named as a landowner who was in active rebellion. “The list is a veritable 'Who's Who' of Catholic Wexford in the mid seventeenth-century…” (Whelan 1990)


Six miles south of Ferns is Enniscorthy, which became the main economic centre of the area from medieval times onwards, due to it’s position on the Slaney river. It is also the main centre of the Traceys according to later records. The earliest distinct reference is to Patrick Tracey of Kilcarberry Hill, (St. Johns townland), south of Enniscorthy Town, which is located on the west side of the Slaney and it’s tributary the Boro river.




Patrick Tracey (1711-1789)


Painting by John Trumbull in 1784-6 of Captain Patrick Tracey, born 1711 in Kilcarberry Hill, Enniscorthy, died 1789 Newburyport Massachusetts North America. His nephews Captain Nicholas Tracy and Captain James Tracy also followed him to America. The Tracy families of Newburyport were major players in the American revolution. Captain Nathaniel Tracy (1751-1796), one of the sons of Patrick Tracey, was the chief financier of the American Revolution.


The following webpage contains a history of the family:


Traceys of Enniscorthy and Newburyport


The following are articles on the family:


Lee, Thomas Amory (1921) The Tracy Family of Newburyport. Essex Institute Historical Collections 57 (January 1921) L 58.


Echo 28 August 1937 (Enniscorthy)


Sunday Post 1st August 1937 (Boston)




Nathaniel Tracy (1751-1796)


It would appear that Patrick Tracy had a brother Robert Tracy. In 1768 there is a record of the will of Robert Tracy, of Killcarberry, which is not available from the Irish National Archives. According to Thomas Amory Lee, William Tracy Eustis (1822-1906) procured a copy of this will, and he states the following:


“Robert Tracy of Killcarberry, Wexford, Ireland, farmer, died between December, 1767, and Feb. 22, 1768, when his will was probated. He therein leaves one shilling each to sons Matthew, John, James, and to daughters Katherine Devereux, otherwise Tracy, wife of Thomas Devereux, and Mary Tracy, otherwise Nevil, wife of John Nevil; to youngest son, Martin Tracy, one-fourth part of thirty-two acres in Killcarberry, corn housed; under the management of Henry Tracy of the Ring of St. John in said county, and Matthew Tracy of Rotholm, barony of Forth, in said county, farmers, they to be executors. Apparently his wife died before 1767. Her name is unknown.”


In 1838, in a chancery advertisement of John Flood and Sons [or others], Plaintiffs, and William Sutton and Sons [or others], Defendants, there is the following reference:


“that part and parcel of the Lands of St. John's as formerly in the possession of Henry Tracy, deceased, but now in the actual possession of the said Patrick Sutton and his under tenants, containing about 15 Irish acres, situated in the manor of St. John's and county of Wexford.”


For the tithe records that are available, there are no Suttons named in the locality but they are there in the Griffiths Valuation at King's Island, Clonmore and Guttle St. Enniscorthy. Of interest, in the 1798 rising, there are references to the Suttons of Enniscorthy; Patrick Sutton, a former merchant of Enniscorthy who was a rebal general in 1798, his son Matthew, Father John Sutton of Enniscorthy and “James Sutton of Clonmore, Enniscorthy, murdered 14 June on Vinegar- hill ( leaving) a widow one child and father and mother.


Returning to the will, since his son Nicholas is not mentioned in the will, it may be that he had left for America before the will was drawn up. By the same reasoning, if the James referenced in the will is Captain James Tracy, then he would have left for America after the death of his father. In the Freemans Journal of February 1777, it states that Captain James Tracy, is an Irishman, had served in our navy, and is a nephew to old Tracy [Patrick], the principal merchant of Newbury Port, and cousin to the owners of the present prize [Nathaniel and John Tracy].  Of interest, Patrick Tracy and his son John were vestrymen of St. Pauls Episcopal Church, Newberryport, while Captain James Tracy was described as a Roman Catholic. In the will of Captain Nicholas Tracy of Newburyport who died in 1787, there is a reference to his brothers Matthew Tracy and John Tracy and his sister Catherine Devereux, all of the Kingdom of Ireland, which may mean that they were alive at that time. The following Memorial of the Dead is listed for Old Ballymore SE Wexford: “Here lies the body of Catherine Devereux alias Tracy of Colkeren [Coolkeeran Killinick]…her husband Thomas De(vereux) who depd this life May 12th 1803 aged 78”


The Tracys of Newburyport were trading and travelling to Europe and presumably had contact with Wexford. In the Free Mason records of Newburyport, it states that Matthew Tracy was a visitor from 1781 to 1791. It was Nathaniel Tracy who forwarded letters from Wexford to Commodore John Barry [father of the American Navy], regarding his relatives living there (SE Wexford):


“Letters from Ireland - the first definite word from his family since the outbreak of war [1775] were awaiting Barry when he reached New London, on July 20. Their exact contents we cannot be sure of, but, apparently, they contained word of the death of his parents, and the destitute situation of his two sisters, Margaret Howlin and Eleanor Hayes, and their little families.

"They are really very moving to me," the Captain wrote to Nathaniel Tracy, at Boston, who had forwarded the letters. He asked Tracy to arrange for payment of twenty guineas annually to the unfortunates, and suggested the money be cleared through London bankers.”

Ref: Clark, William Bell (1938) Gallant John Barry 1745-1803. The Story Of A Naval Hero Of Two Wars. The Macmillan Company, NY.


There is also a record of a letter from Barry in 1783, regarding the money that he owed to the Tracys (Griffin).


One of the Tracys of Newburyport, Captain Thomas Tracy who left Ireland around 1766, did travel to Ireland in 1783 and visited his parents, but it is not completely certain that he was from Wexford.


The following is the family tree drawn up from the information available:


1. Unknown Tracy

1.1. Robert Tracy, farmer of County Wexford (died about December 1767)

1.1.1 Katherine Tracy of Wexford married Thomas Devereux (born about 1725, died Ballymore, Wexford May 12th 1803 aged 78)

1.1.2 Captain Nicholas Tracy (born about 1726 Co. Wexford, died on 23rd May 1787 Newburyport, MA)

1.1.3 Matthew Tracy of Wexford (may have died after 1787). May have been a visitor to Newburyport 1781-1791.

1.1.4 John Tracy of Wexford (may have died after 1787)

1.1.5 James Tracy of Wexford, perhaps Captain James Tracy

1.1.6 Mary Tracy of Wexford married John Nevil

1.1.7 Martin Tracy, youngest son, of Killcarberry Wexford

1.2. Captain Patrick Tracey (born about 1711 at Kilcarberry Hill, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, died 28th February 1789 Newburyport, MA)


Henry Tracy, farmer, of the Ring of St. John, Enniscorthy


Matthew Tracy, farmer, of Rotholm [Ratholm], barony of Forth


In 1800, James Treacy was tried for his part in the murder of English and Tremble in 1798 and was transported to Australia for 7 years. In 1808, he tried to to cross the mountains but was caught and was sentenced to one hundred lashes for absenting himself from his master.  He was granted a certificate of freedom in 1810.  In the 1828 Census of NSW, he is recorded as being 70 years (born 1758) living at Wilberforce with 100 acres. He may be the James Tracey, who died 27 Feb 184 1aged 77 years (born 1764) and buried at St. Matthew's Catholic Cemetery, Windsor, Hawkesbury City [beside Wilberforce].


"In the first week of the Rebellion, my father, John English, John Tremble and myself came out of... Park, where we had been concealed. At the crossroads of Knockmarshall [St. Johns Enniscorthy], met the prisoner and a party of rebels, the prisoner armed with a pike, and seeing the party, went to hide. I was ordered down to the party by one Devereux [of the Leap], who was a captain. We were then ordered away and the prisoner. James Treacey cried out "Lash the Orange dogs away, everyone of them shall not live”.  I had a sore leg and was ordered by Devereux to be guarded until I got well and then was sent to be with the rest...”


There is a British War Office/Chelsea Hospital record for a Patrick Treacy (b. about 1778) of St. Mary Parish Wexford, who enlisted in 1801, at ‘Inniscorthy’. It is possible that this may be St. Mary’s Wexford Town.  He served 7 years as a foot soldier and 11½ years as a dragoon. According to the record he served over 15 years in the East Indies, but there is another reference to an extra eight years approximately in the 15th India. He is also listed as serving with the 25th Dragoons in Canada from 1801 to 1806. He was discharged with a fractured left leg. He is described as five feet two inches in height, brown hair, grey eyes, dark complexion and a locksmith by trade. His physical description is also included in the record. He retired to the Cape, South Africa on a pension granted in March 1819.  The records of 1830, state that he was on a full pension of 1s per day.


It may be presumed that Traceys lived in this area before the written records that are available. There is land in Kilcarbry/Ballinapierce called Treacy’s Land. There may also be indications of an earlier history. There is a family by the name of Hassey living in Davidstown Parish. Hassey is a very rare name in Ireland and may be dervived from the pronunciation of the Gaelic name of Uí Threasaigh. There is also a townland in the parish called Clohass (Clogh hassie - …Cacestowne als Clohassye…Cloughcasse...), which may be named after the family. The surname Clohassy/Clohessy is usually found in counties Clare and Limerick. In the Davidstown parish records, the Hassys lived on the Island [perhaps King’s Island Clonmore] and later Clohass. In addition, there is another townland named Ballinavary (Baile-na-mBarrach), which may indicate an Uí Bairrche connection.


The Traceys are said to have been buried in the Corrig graveyard in St. John’s. There are interesting reports [link] describing the unusual burial habits of the Traceys of the area:


Ancient Mode of Interment

To the Editor of the Independent

Sir - As to the manners and customs of our ancestors are sinking into oblivion, may I tresspass on your columns for the following account of a singular, and picturesque custom of burying their dead, observed by some families, of a respectable class of peasantry in this immediate neighbourhood, which custom here was confined solely, for at least a century back, to some families named Tracy, with their connections, Doyles, &c., and a family named Daly, in no way connected with the Tracy family. The grave being dug deep, stones were placed within the grave at each end, about 2½ feet in height, the grave was then neatly lined with soil or grass scrolls of about 2½ feet in width, and of sufficient length to extend from the surface to, and on the bottom of the grave, fastened to the bank with skewers of wood, next a bed of dry grass and moss was laid in the grave, raised at the head like a pillow - the corpse wrapped closely in a sheet, was carried on a broad plank to the grave, where being deposited on the bed of grass, the plank was laid over it, being supported at each end by the stones before mentioned, which kept it about 1½ feet above the corpse; next, the upper part of the scrolls were unfastened from the side and carefully laid over the plank, the end scrolls in like manner. The grave was then filled up with earth, and covered with a scroll in the ordinary way. The last so buried thus was John Doyle, of craan, about the year 1818, in St. John's church yard, adjoining this town, the burying place of those families. The grave was prepared and the funeral conducted by the Tracys. Since then the younger branches of the family, having the conducting of funerals, have fallen into the habits of their neighbours. Caoineing, or keening, was not customary at those funerals. Having been at funerals in remote districts of the south and west of Ireland, where the corpse was attended to the grave by caoiners (keeners), I never knew or heard then, of any family voluntarily burying their dead without coffins. Now, as we are a mixed race in this county, - the descendants of old Irish, Danes, Welsh, Anglo-Normans, &c., you, or any of your numerous readers, giving information, of the origin of the above custom will much oblige.

Your humble servant,


Enniscorthy, Feb 17, 1848.

Wexford Independent of 19 February 1848


Church records for the area begin at the start on the nineteenth century. Just north of Kilcarbry is Enniscorthy town and entries for Traceys in the Catholic Church records start from 1801 onwards. A mile to the west of Kilcarbry, and also on the Boro river is Ballinapierce (Ballineperesagh, Ballina pierce) townland in the parish of Davidstown. Entries for Traceys in the Catholic Church records start from 1806 onwards.


There is another British War Office/Chelsea Hospital record for a Michael Tracey (b. circa 1825), born in the parish of Enniscorthy, Wexford and joined the 13th Regiment in Dublin on the 24 of January 1844 at the age of 19. His service record states that he served 20 years 111 day, during which period he served 11 years 10 months abroad, 10 years 8 months in The East indies and 1 year 2 months in China.

He was discharged being unfit for further duty on the 30th June 1864. He had four good conduct badges, no medals and one court martial. He served as a private in the 13th Light Infantry from 24th March? 1844 to 30th May 1844, and in the 87th from 1st June 1844 to his discharge. He was 5'8", fresh complexion, grey eyes and dark brown hair. His intended residence is given as Liverpool.


In the Tithe records of 1827-1833, there appears to four Tracey familys located in and around Enniscorthy town and also in the in the Catholic Parish of Monagear. The families in Ballinapierce are the only ones that remained in the area.


In 1833, Martin Tracy married Margaret Neil. She was probably also from Ballinapierce or nearby St. Johns. In December 1801, Thomas Neale of Ballinapierce was murdered, his house burned down, and his children Michael and Catherine were also injured. Michael Neile is named in the Tithe records for Ballinapierce. In consequence of the crimes, a Proclamation was issued by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, offering a reward for information of £200 for each person prosecuted, or a pardon if they were involved and informed on their fellows. Thomas Neale is buried in Clonmore Cemetery. Margaret Neil was probably the grand-daughter of Thomas Neale.


In the 1840 British Regimental Registers for Canada, there is a Thomas Tracy. 5'7.25", 18 years, sallow complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair, b. Enniscatley [Enniscorthy] Wexford, Labourer, enlisted Enniscorthy 13th Jany 1840.


There is a reference that an Arthur Tracy (s. of John & Julia Tracy, both dead), Roman Catholic, stone mason and bricklayer, aged 27 years of Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland & Julia Tracy (d. of Patrick & Julia Tierney, both dead) Roman Catholic, domestic servant, aged 26 years of Dublin, Ireland, arrived in New South Wales, Australia on the ‘Alfred’ on the 29 Jan 1842. Their child, Jane Tracy was born on board 28 January 1842. Also on board ship and who may be relatives, were the children of Patrick and Mary Tracy of Dublin, Ann Tracey aged 19 and John Tracy, bricklayer, aged 23 who was married to Anne Lachlan of Wicklow. They were bounty immigrants, whose passage was paid by the colonial government, in order to have suitable skilled labour and tradespeople. There are church records from St. Nicholas Parish, Dublin for Arthur’s marriage in 1839 and the baptism of a son William in 1840.


In 1853, the Griffith Valuation records show Martin and James Tracy occupying lands and houses in Ballinapierce and Martin has a larger holding of land in nearby Dunanore. From an examination of the land maps, their holdings appear to be on the north bank of the Boro between Ballinapierce Bridge and Victoria Bridge (Soldiers Hole). These are the plots maked 11 and 12 in the middle pink map. According to the land records, Martin gave up his holding in Dunanore around the 1860s. However, there was a Mary Treacy living there in 1878. His holding in Ballinapierce passed to Matthew Tracey around the 1880’s after which it passed out of the family. It appears that James gave up his holding in Ballinapierce for a while around the 1870’s, which seems to be reflected in the church records. In the 1880’s the land was in possession of his representatives, which may be presumed to be his daughters. The lands in Ballinapierce, were first let by the De Burghs and then sub-let by the the Beattys. Perhaps a co-incidence, in 1885 and 1886, the agent for the letting of Ballinapierce House (occupied by Philip Beatty) and approximately 100 acres in Ballinapierce, was Richard H. Tracy of Naas, Kildare (see Kildare). He worked for the De Burgh family in Naas, who also owned the land in Ballinapierce. In 1888, the De Bughs, through their agent Richard H Tracey, were attempting to remove the Beattys.




In 1855 James Treacy was summoned for a joint loan held with the Enniscorthy Loan Society. In 1856, both Mairtin Treacy and James Treacy of Ballynapierce were in court for the non-payment of Poor Rates. Margaret Treacy, the wife of Martin, died in Ballynapierce in 1875 and Martin died in Duffry Hill Enniscorthy in 1877.


At the start of 1860 Mathew Tracey had moved into Enniscorthy town and was apprenticed to Thomas Doyle as a baker, whom he summoned in court for assault and for lack of training. There was also a counter suit which he also lost. Perhaps due to his difficulties with his apprenticeship, he moved to Taghmon and in 1862 he was married to his first wife Catherine Stafford of Bannow and started to have children in Enniscorthy. From birth records, he lived in 12 Hospital Lane in 1867 and moved to Duffry Hill by 1867. In July 1872, he made a contribution to the Galway Vindication Fund. In 1873 he was fined for having a dodgy scales in his shop. In April 1880 in a letter to the Irish Times, Matthew Tracy is listed as one of the electors of Enniscorthy, who objected to the treatment of Parnell when he visited the town. In 1881 he married his second wife Margaret Farrell and started his second family. In Bassett’s Directory of 1885, there is a reference to Mathew Treacy, Baker & Flour Dealer, Market Street, Enniscorthy. There is also a reference to James Treacy, land-owner in Kiltealy to the west of Enniscorthy.


02 December 1871 Wexford Independent

Denominational Education...Catholic Electors...Ballymore...Mathew Tracey...Davidstown...Robert Hassey...


In October 1877, at the funeral of Sir James Power, Bart. of Edermine, Enniscorthy, county Wexford, one of chief mourners was J.E. Tracy, solicitor, of Cork. He appears to be the only chief mourner from outside of Wexford and his relationship to the Power family has not been determined.


28 February 1885 Wexford People

National League

...A Kilcarbery Man, Is, should have been Mathew Tracey, Enniscorthy....


07 November 1885 Wexford People

New Licences [public house]

The applications of Matthew Tracey, Duffry street, Enniscorthy (Mr. Sinnott for applicant), and Timothy Hendrick, Blackstoope (Mr. O'Flaherty for applicant,) were withdrawn.


In 1888, Matthew Treacy, Cathedral street, Enniscorthy was advertising for a female confectioner. In 1889, Matthew Treacy had an interest in a house or houses in Court Street. In 1892 and 1895, he was summoned for joint debts owed to the Enniscorthy Loan Society.  In 1894, there are two classified advertisements in the Irish Times for a Mrs Tracy of Kildrea [Kiltra? Bannow] House and Chapel Street, Enniscorthy, looking for positions for a cook and a yardman and wife.


18 December 1889 Wexford People

Matthew Tracey obtained decrees for possession of dwelling houses occupied by Mat Hanlon and Michael Crowley, at Court-street.


10 February 1900 Enniscorthy Guardian

North Wexford Inquest...jury...Mat Treacy [Enniscorthy?]...


05 March 1890 Wexford People

Enniscorthy Town Commissioners

Election of Town and Water Rate Collector

...in the place of Mr Michael Crowley, resigned. There were four candidates in the field, Messrs Matthew Treacey, who offered as his sureties Mr John Bolger and Mr Matthew Ryan...[not elected]


14 March 1891 Wexford People

Enniscorthy Guardians

Election of a baker

...Matthew Treacey (questioned). How old are you? About 43. Well, you are a very young-looking man of that age (laughter). Have you a wife and family? Yes. Are you a teetotaller? No, sir but I have the temperence pledge. Can you read and write and keep these accounts? Yes, sir...[not elected]


04 September 1897 Enniscorthy Guardian

Intermediate Examinations Results

Preparatory Grade

Michael J Treacy, Christian Schools Enniscorthy— Honours: French, Drawing. Pass: English, Arithmetic. Euclid.

03 September 1898 Enniscorthy Guardian

Junior Grade

Michael J Treacy, Christian Schools Enniscorthy— Honours: Book-keeping. Passes: English, French, Commercial French, Arithmetic, Euclid, Drawing.

02 September 1899 Enniscorthy Guardian

Junior Grade

M J Treacy, Christian Schools Enniscorthy — English 300; French 268; Commercial French 18; Arithmetric 185; Bookkeeping 70; Euclid 186; Drawing 115; Shorthand 270.

Preparatory Grade

Matthew Treacy, Christian Schools, Enniscorthy - English 196; French 230; Arithmatic 15; Algebra 140; Drawing 20.


18 December 1897 Enniscorthy Guardian

Christian Schools, Enniscorthy

10s...Mrs Treacy, Duffry St...


In the 1901 and 1911 census records for Enniscorthy town, there are only references to Matthew Treacy’s family. In 1911, the family lived in various addresses in the town. Also there appears to be a discrepancy in the age of John Treacy.


In 1901, Martin Treacy with others, were fined for using a fishing net at the mill-race at Tomduff.


In February 1904, Michael J Treacy was part of the organising committee of the Wicklow Commercial Dance Club Ball which his sister Annie Treacy also attended.


10 March 1906 Free Press (Wexford)

Enniscorthy Branch Gaelic League...admitted members...M. Treacy...


May, June & July 1906 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

The Irish Farmers Financial Association 112, Quay, Waterford.

Agent for Wexford and Wicklow: Mr M.J. Treacy

Offices: Hore's Stores, Georges St., Wexford.

Office Hours: 10.30 to 4.30


20 July 1906 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser [file]

Encourage Home Industry

Home manufactured Flour. It makes bread the whitest, the sweetest, the best. If you want the best bread call to Treacy's 20 Cathedral street, Enniscorthy.


8 December 1906 Free Press (Wexford) [file]

If you want Bargains Call to M. J. Treacy’s General Supply and Fancy Warehouse, 58 South Main Street ! Where...


14 December 1907 Free Press (Wexford) [file]

MJ Treacy, 58 South Main Street, Wexford - Christmas Sale


21 March 1908 Free Press (Wexford)

Enniscorthy Asylum Board

Appointment. The following applied for the post of assistant night attendant:— ...Martin Treacy, Enniscorthy...


In 1910, Henry Treacy of Bree, was convicted of being drunk on the public street of Clonroche on 25th December 1909


05 February 1910 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

New Residence for the Catholic Clergy...10s...Mrs Treacy, Cathedral st.;...


14 January 1911 Free Press (Wexford)

Christian Broths Schools Enniscorthy...2s.6d...Mrs Treacy, Main st...


In July 1911, Joseph Tracey of Killegney, was convicted of being drunk at Clonroche. [see 1911 census]


In 1913, John Treacy was part of the White-Boys Drama Class and in May 1914, he was one of the cast of a production in the Athenaeum, staged by the Gaelic League.



Miss McManus's well-known Irish play "O'Donnell's Cross"...in the Athenaeum...principal parts...J. Treacy...


In April 1913, Martin Tracey was back in Enniscorthy, when he was fined 3s. for being drunk in charge of a bicycle at Ferns. In June 1914, he married Mary Anne Dempsey in St Alban's Catholic Church, Liscard, Cheshire, England. She was probably from Garraun, near Castleboro, Wexford


Listed in the Wexford County Council 5th August 1914 under the 30th July, 1914 Motor Car Acts...for not having paid their duty...MJ [Michael Joseph?] Treacy, not served...He is listed in the 1914/5 Directory as M. J. Treacy, 2 Cathedral Street, Enniscorthy, motor bicycle owner.


17 January 1914 Free Press (Wexford)

Enniscorth Notes - Rugby Dance...present...Mr. M. J . Treacy, do. [Enniscorthy]...


28 March 1914 Free Press (Wexford)

Motorist and Merchant [Enniscorthy]

...a can of No2 "Shell" motor spirit...

Mr. M. Treacy, agent for the eompany, said he sold the tins and they could not be tampered with as they were all scaled.

11 July 1914 Free Press (Wexford)

Aughrim Embezzlement Case

...Mr. M. J. Treacy, in reply to Mr. Blood, stated that he had been superintendent in the employment of the British Petroleum Co. for the past 18 months...


10 October 1914 Free Press (Wexford)

Arlow - Representatives from the Irish National Volunteers and AOH...M.J. Treacy [of Enniscorthy?]...


In 1916, the assistant to the principal of the Davidstown national school was Kathleen Dempsey, who later married J. Treacy [unknown address], and both went to Canada in 1919.


Henry Tracey, full age, bachelor, Canadian Engineer, living Epsom Surrey, (s. of Charles Tracey, doctor) married Catherine Dempsey, full age, spinster, living Davidstown Co. Wexford (d. of Patrick Demsey, steward) 17 April 1918 Pro-Cathedral Marlboro St Wit: John O'Dempsey & Frances Rita Doyle [Note: she signed her name O'Dempsey]


Davidstown NS -  The Schools’ Collection

1937-8 Local Marriage Customs  - Mrs Treacy went to Canada 1918 told me of the custom of the locality when I went with her to the wake of Mrs Murphy Moneyhore about 1915


19 July 1916 Irish Independant

Enniscorthy Technical School Committee have appointed Mr T.J. Treacy, Wicklow, Principal...


19 May 1917 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser [file]

Singer Sewing Machines Cash Or Easy Payments. Special Discount For Cash. Agent For This District— John Treacy, Cathedral Street, Enniscorthy. Repairs, Fetc.,, Done Cheap.


7 July 1917 Free Press (Wexford) [down]

Ejectment Suit

James Murphy, Enniscorthy, appealed against a decision of the court below, in which a decree for possession was granted against him in respect of a dwelling owned by Margaret Treacy, also of Enniscorthy, situated in [12] Duffry Street, Enmiscorthy.

Mrs. Margaret Tracey stated that the respondent had a house in Duffry St., Enniscorthy, belonging to her, which was let at 5s a week, and now she required it herself. She made the letting to the respondent in 1916, and previous to that she had been living there herself and carried on a small business. She subsequently went to reside with her daughter. When the respondent saw the house idle he went to her and asker her to let the house as he required a place to live in.

Cross-examined by Mr. Power, respondent said that appellant stated that she carried on a bakery business in the house. The appellant had not paid his rent regularly, but he paid it up eventually. It was true that she had sent a clergyman to the appellant making him an offer to sell the good will of the house.

Nicholas J. Murphy, son-in-law of the respondents, was examined. His wife and himself had a house in Enniscorthy, which he owned himself, and for which they paid £4 a year ground rent. The respondant, his mother-in-law took ill and he advised her to come and live with him.

No evidence was called for the appellant.

The decree of the court below was affirmed with costs.

14 July 1917 Free Press (Wexford) [down]

Treacy v. Murphy


22 Sepember 1917 Matthew Treacey

Administration of the estate of Matthew Treacey late of the Duffry Street Enniscorthy County Wexford Baker who died 16 November 1912 granted at Waterford to Margaret Treacey the widow. Effects £56.


15 February 1935 New Ross Standard

Applicants for Scholarships...Matthew D. Treacey, 2 Cathedral St., Enniscorthy...



1935 Matthew D. Tracey/Treacy, 2 Cathedral Street Eniscorthy,

1936 Maurice Tracey/Treacy, 2 Cathedral Street Eniscorthy, father Insurance Agent, earns £180, one of seven children


1940 Margaret Mary Tracey, 2 Cathedral Street, Enniscorthy, father Confectioner and tobacconist, earns £240, one of six children


May 10 1940 (IP) Buy your Hudson Cycle here

...John J. Treacy, 2 Cathedral St., Enniscorthy...



Family records Enniscorthy Town and surrounding areas


The Tithes records of 1827 to 1833 list:


John Treacy, Garryduff, Kilcormick, East of Enniscorthy Co. Wexford, 13a/2r/25p, 1825 (ref 31/25)


James Hassey, 4 Guttle St, St. Mary’s Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, 0a/2r/1p, 1833 (ref 31/12)

Robert Treacy, 11 Guttle St, St. Mary’s Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, 0a/0r/1½p, 1833 (ref 31/12)

Patrick Heasy?, 38 Guttle St, St. Mary’s Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, 0a/0r/2p, 1833 (ref 31/12)

[Guttle St = John’s Street]

James Treacey, Ballinapierce (9 of 13) , St. Johns, South of Enniscorthy,Wexford, 3a/1r/0p, 1833 (ref: 31/40) } 223 acres in total

Mich Treacey, Ballinapierce (7 of 13), St. Johns, South of Enniscorthy, Wexford, 4a/2r/0p, 1833 (ref: 31/40) } Observations: de Burgh

[Note: The records are hand written and can be difficult to decipher. There are multiple records for Francy/Franey, greater than the number for Griffiths, which could be interpreted as Trassey.]


In the valuations 1843 to 1849 Patrick Tracey, a shoemaker, had a house & small yard at 4 Slaney St Enniscorthy, backing onto Market Street. In 1849 his name is crossed out along with the original name of Fanny Williams. The new name is John Pounder? who had a house, house return, bake house Craing, Clilen.


In the valuation of 1851, Martin Treacy had a building on his land in Dunnanore.

In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following were recorded:

James and Martin Tracy of Ballynapierce St. Johns, South of Enniscorthy. Martin Tracey is also recorded in the neighbouring townland of Dunanore, Clonmore. These areas are located on the west bank of the Slaney and it’s tributary the Boro. It would appear that Martin now held the lands in Ballnapierce previously held by Michael in the Tithe Records.

Ballynapierce townland of the Parish of St. John’s (Ord. S. 25) 385 acres

Map (# of 16)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Martin Tracy

Lady Anne DeBurgh

House, offices & land

7a 3r 4p



James Tracy

Lady Anne DeBurgh

House, offices & land

5a 0r 35p


Dunanore townland of the Parish of Clonmore (Ord. S. 25 & 26) 326 acres

Map (# of 14)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Martin Tracy

Harry Alcock (in fee)


22a 0r 29p



1861 Enniscorthy Census

No. 6 Templeshannon Quay – Jeremy Dempsey household

Anne Tracy


Bassett’s Directory 1885

James Treacy, Land, Kiltealy, Enniscorthy, Wexford

Mathew Treacy, Baker & Flour Dealer, Market Street, Enniscorthy, Wexford



1901 Census

1911 Census




Catherine Tracey, 32, F, 15 Oldcourt, Barronstown, Wexford, General Servant Domestic, Roman Catholic, Niece, Not Married, Co Wexford [b. New Ross]

Edward Delaney, 62, Male, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Farmer, Not Married, Co Wexford







Matthew Treacy, 61, M, 5 Duffery Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford, Baker, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Margaret Treacy, 48, F, Duffery Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

Annie Treacy, 18, F, Duffery Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford, Household Work, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford

Matthew Treacy, 15, M, Duffery Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford

Martin Treacy, 13, F, Duffery Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford

John Treacy, 12, M, Duffery Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford

Michael Treacy, Duffery Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford, Roman Catholic, Son, [crossed out]



Michael Treacy, 18, M, 2 Fitzwilliam Square, Wicklow Town, Wicklow, Hardware Shop Assistant, Roman Catholic, Servant, Not Married, Wexford





Catherine Treacy [Teacy], 38, F, Galbally, Ballyhoge, Wexford, Housekeeper Cook-Domestic Servant [to Catholic Curate Priest], Catholic Church, Servant, Single, Co Wexford,




Joseph Tracy, 52, M, 1 Killegney, Clonroche, Wexford (servant single)




Margaret Treacy, 54, F, 2 Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford (shopkeeper, married 30 years, 5 children, b. Wexford, mother of head)

Annie Mary Obrien, 27, F, Head of Family, Roman Catholic,  Enniscorthy Wexford, Shopkeeper, Read and write, Widow, no children

Alice Parry, 14, F, Cousin, Roman Catholic, Wexford, Scholar, Read and write, Single


Matthew Treacy, 73, M, 10 Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford (married, Margaret Treacy crossed out)

John Treacy, 32, M, 10 Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford (married)


Ellen Treacy, 20, F, 55 Irish Street, Enniscorthy Urban, Wexford (married 2 years, 1 child died, daughter of head Michael Donegan) [died 1911]



13. Matthew Treacy, 24 years, single, b. Enniscorthy Co Wexford Ireland, Stoker 1st Class, HMS Collingwood, Devonport, Devonshire

[Also 14. James Duncan, 22, single, b. St Patricks Wexford [town] Ireland, Stoker 1st Class]


11. Martin Tresey, 23 Years, Single, b. Ennescarthy Ireland, Bar Assistant  102/104 Camden Road And 217 Great College St Camden Town Nw  (St Pancras) London



In the 1901 and 1911 census, two Hassey families were located on either sides of Davidstown, at Toberona [Templescobin] and Clough [Clonmore]. There was also a Hosey family located at Davidstown [Rossdroit]. The Hoseys were born in Carlow according to the 1901 and 1911 census. “On 10th May [1921], Michael Hosey’s house and outhouses on his thirty acre farm were burned to the ground at Davidstown, The Leap. Suspicion fell on the surviving relatives of a Murphy family that had been evicted from the farm some thirty-four years earlier.” (William Murphy, Enniscorthy’s Revolution in Enniscorthy A History)

1921 Census - 77 Olvei Street, Grangetown, Cardiff [see Wales]
Eli Tracy, Boarder, b. 1882, 39y2m, male, married, b. Killegney [Killegney] Wexford Ireland resident, Labourer, Gas Co Cardiff, Pointer & Co, Grange Gas? Co

Church records (Davidstown Parish & Enniscorthy Parish) and State records (1864 to 1899):

Davidstown Parish Baptisms

1805 - Dec 24 1880

Enniscorthy Parish Baptisms

May 16 1794 - June 10 1804
Mar 1 1806 - May 23 1816
June 2 1816 - Dec 31 1835
Jan 1 1836 - Dec 30 1861
Jan 1 1836 - Nov 6 1841
Jan 2 1862 - Dec 23 1880

Davidstown Parish Marriages

June 1808 - Nov 27 1880

Enniscorthy Parish Marriages

May 3 1794 - Sept 25 1805
Sept 17 1805 - May 12 1816
July 20 1816 - Nov 28 1835
Jan 1 1836 - Nov 30 1861


Robert Tracy m. Elinor Summers 10 Ovt 1801 Enniscorthy Parish (Wit John Maguire & Judy Redmond)


James Trasy? & Mary Gordan

Morris bapt 18/5/1806 of Davidstown Parish (Spon Martin Gordan & Honor Donnolly)


Thomas Treacy & Cath Breen

Robert? Bapt 14/?/1806 of ?dith, Davidstown Parish (Spon Jno Rac & Mary Down?)


Cath Treacy married James Nowlan 26 Dec 1806 Wit: Ned Coor, Mary Furlong & Bridet Sutton. Oylgate Parish

Cat Tracy & James Nowlan

Sarah Nowlan b. 8 May 1807 Sp. Stephen Scallon & All Scallon. Oylgate Parish


Robert Trasy? & Mary Clary

John bapt 19/2/1807 Davidstown Parish (Spon Thomas Connor & Mary Martin)


John Tracey & Elizabeth Miscloe

Henry Tracy bapt 24/4/1807 Davidstown Parish (Spon James Kehoe & Anne Miscloe?)


Mary Tracy & Thomas Fortune

Thomas Fortune bapt 11/6/1807 Davidstown Parish (Spon James Brier & Mary Kehoe)

[Tho Fortune is listed in Tithe records for Ballinapierce]


Mary Tracey married James Miskela 09 Jul 1809 Wit: W. O'Bryan, Anthony Murphy & Bryan Flaherty. Enniscorthy Parish


Catherine Tracey & Martin Byrne

Mary (illegt) bapt 10/4/1810 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon Ellenor Tracey)


Catherin Tury? to Richard Cony 21/2/1812 Wit: George Dunn & John Martin


John Tracy & Julia ??? (both dead 1842)

Arthur Tracy b. 1815,  Roman Catholic, of Enniscorthy, Wexford m. Julia Tierney, b. 1816, Roman Catholic of Dublin (d. of Patrick & Julia Tierney, both dead 1842) [bounty immigrants to NSW 1842]

Arthus Tracy m. Judith Tierney on 11 March 1839 Wit: Jacobo Finegan & Eleonora Finegan [St. Nicholas Dublin]

Arthur Tracy & Julia Tierney

William Tracy b. 2 October 1840 Sp. Jno Tracy & Margt Finigan [St. Nicholas Dublin]


William Tracy married Mary Anne Parle 16 Nov 1791 Wit Mary Doyle & Mary Burke. Wexford Town

Wm Heacey & Marianne Pear

Barbara Heacey b. 20 Aug 1815 Sp. Patt Martin & Eleanor Whealan. Davidstown Parish


Mich Treacy m. May Moor 29/1/1819 Davidstown Parish (Wit Jms Synnot, Molly Treacy & Edwd Brohey?)

Jas bapt 11/3/1819 Davidstown Parish (Spon Laur Moor & Anne Treacy)

[Lau Moore & Ann Moore are listed in Tithe records for Ballinapierce]

John Treacy & Esther Doyle - Vagrants
Honor Treacy 4th July 1819 Sp. Mick Doyle Killegney Parish
Michael Tracey married Mary Doyle 13 Oct 1820 Wit: William Devlin & Anty Bulger. Enniscorthy Parish

Michael Tracy & Mary Doyle

Patt bapt 14/9/1821 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon Edward Edwards & Mary Rose)       

Michael bapt 7/4/1823 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon Richard Courtney & Anne Codd) [joined the British Army in 1844?]


Thomas Trasy? & Cath Rac

Cath? 17/9/1825 of Davidstown Parish (Spon Thos? Ceanny & Sally Grieves)


Mary Treacy m. Edward Doyle 5/10/1830 Davidstown Parish (Wit: Jas Farrell & Moses Mernagh)

Anne Treacy & Neal Doyle
James Doyle b. 14/5/1831 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish Spon. Peter & Marianne Kehoe
Nancy Treacy & Ned Doyle
Mary Doyle b. 23/6/1833 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish Spon. Math Dixon & Mary Leacy
Nancy Tracy & Ned Doyle
Margaret Doyle b. Jan 16 1836 Davidstown Parish Sp. Fanny Toban? & Elisa Whelan
Nancy Thracy & Edward Doyle
Edward Doyle b. 22/3/1838 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish Spon. William Brenan & Bridget Keogh?

[Edw Doyle & George Dixon are listed in Tithe records for Ballinapierce]


William Tracey/Tracy/Treacy m. Margaret Cullen/Cullin 11? Feb 1831 Davidstown Parish (Wit Pat Summers, Wm Kelly & Morgan? Leary)

Robert 10/6/1832 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon Matt Nolan & Betty Dempsey)

Thomas 2/6/1835 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon Martha Hernan & Catherine Nolan) Rev J. Sinnott [Died Thomas Treacy died 27 Mar 1840, aged 5 years]

Robert 30/4/1838 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon Richard Goodall & Ellen Barry) Rev J. Roche

Thomas 17/4/1841 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon James Barry & Mary Bryan) Rev W. Murphy


James Treacy (Ballynapierce, St. Johns) married Catherine (Kitty) Ronan (Ronay or Ronyn or Ronayn or Ronak) 9 Jan 1831 Wit: James Rony?, Anne Rony? & Ellen Codd? Davidstown Parish

Eliza bapt. 12/10/1833 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish (Spon Nicholas Sinnott & Peggy Byrne) [Thracy]

Alicia bapt. 16/2/1836 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish (Spon James Moor & Anne Rony) [Treacy]

Mary bapt 24/2/1839 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish (Spon John McKeon & Anne Dixon)

Anne bapt 25/6/1841 of Ballinapierce Davidstown Parish (Spon Michl Cogly & Esther Hamilton)

Catherine bapt 26/11/1843 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish (Spon  John Kenny & Judy Foley?)

Margaret bapt 8/6/1846 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish (Spon William Moons & Judy Kenny)

James Treacy (Farmer)

Catherine Treacy (aged 25 spinster servant Ballynapierce [St. Johns (Bantry)]) m. Michael Foley (aged 30 bachelor carpenter Enniscorthy son of James Foley) 29/4/1872 by Peter Barry PP Davidstown Parish (Wit: James Murphy & Ann Tracey)

Church Record: Catherine Treacy to Michael Foley 29/4/1872 Wit: James Murphy & Ann Treacy

Catherine Tracey/Tracy & Michael Foley

Margaret Foley b. 19 Nov 1878 Sp. Daniel Bolger & Mary Doyle. Enniscorthy Parish

Mary Kate Foley b. 30 Nov 1880 Sp. John O Connors & Mary K Brien. Enniscorthy Parish


James Tracy (Labourer)

Alice Tracy married Thomas O'Brien 3 May 1874 Wit: Edward Leary & Maria? Byren. Davidstown Parish

Alice Tracy, 30 yrs, spinster, servant, lives Balyhyland/Ballyhyland [Ballyhighland Rossdroit], (d. of James Tracy, labourer) married Thomas O'Brien, 35 yrs, widower, servant, lives Balyhyland/Ballyhyland, (s. of Patrick O'Brien, labourer) 03 May 1874 RC Chapel Courtnacuddy Wit: Edward Leary & Hariet Byrne, signed their marks [Clonroche Enniscorthy PLU] signed their marks [duplicate record]


James Tracy (Labourer)

Bridget Tracey married Luke Byrne 23 Jun 1878 Wit: Thomas Larkin & Bridget Dunne. Davidstown Parish

Bridget Tracey, 21, spinster, Labourer, lives Ballyeaden [Ballyeden Rossdroit], (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married Luke Byrne, 25, bachelor, labourer, lives Moneytucker [Rossdroit], (s. of James Byrne, small farmer) 23 June 1878 RC Chapel Courtnacuddy Wit: Thomas Larkin & Bridget Dunne, signed their amrks [Clonroche Enniscorthy PLU] signed their marks

Bridget Tracey & Luke Byrne

Ellen Byrne bapt 14/6/1879 Davidstown Parish

Ellen Byrne was born on 14 Jun. 1879 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died in Dec. 1910.

Mary Byrne was born about 1883 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 16 Dec. 1980.

Johanna Byrne was born on 20 Nov. 1884 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 3 Feb. 1964.

Annie Byrne was born on 1 Jan. 1888 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 15 Oct. 1964.

Luke Byrne was born in 1891 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 31 Jan. 1963.

Daniel Byrne was born on 28 Jan. 1893 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 6 Jun. 1979.

Bridget Byrne was born in 1895 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 11 Mar. 1973.

Margaret Byrne was born on 25 Dec. 1896 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 18 Jan. 1981.

James Byrne was born in 1899 in Moneytucker, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford and died on 18 Mar. 1975.

[Thanks to Donal O’Neill]

Bridget Tracy & Luke Byrne, labourer

James Byrne b. 2 May 1899 Moneytucker [Rossdroit]. Luke Byrne father Moneytucker signed his mark [Clonroche Enniscorthy PLU]


Johanna Treacy married Martin Murphy 26 May 1874 Wit: John Dwier & Margt Treacy. Davidstown Parish

Johanna Leary, Do [full age], Sp [spinster]. Do [labourer], lives Do [Tomalosset [Tomnalossett St. Johns (Bantry)]], (d. of John Leary, labourer) married Martin Murphy, full age, B [bachelor], labourer, lives Tomalosset, (s. of Matt Murphy, labourer) 26 May 1874 RC Chapel Davidstown Wit: John Dwyer & Margt Leary [Clonroche Enniscorthy PLU] [Treacy in RC record]

Johanna Lacey & Martin Murphy

Johanna Murphy b. 18 Mar 1875 Bloomfield Sp. Laurence Leacy & Margt Leacy. Davidstown Parish

Matthew Thomas Murphy b. 2 Apr 1877 Sp. Matthew Tracey & Mary Lacey. Enniscorthy Parish

Johanna Leacy & Martin Murphy, Labourer/malster

Johanna Murphy b. 18 March 1875 Bloomfield. Martin Murphy, father, Bloomfield [St. Johns (Bantry)] [his mark]

Mathew Murphy b. 1 April 1877 Duffrey Gate. Martin Murphy, father, Duffrey Gate [his mark]


1880 Death in the District of Clonroche, Enniscorthy

No.: 492

Date and Place of Death: 1880 Eleventh April Donanore [Dunanore Clonmore]

Name and Surname: James Tracy

Sex: Male

Condition: Married

Age and Birth day: 81 years

Rank, Profession or Occupation: Labourer

Certified Cause of Death and Duration of Illness: Two months ill. General debility Uncertified

Signature, Qualification and Residence of Informant: Martin Kenny? present at Death Donanore

When Registered: Thirtieth April 1880

Signature of Registrar: Stork???, Registrar







Brigid Byrne nee Tracey1

Bridget Byrne nee Tracey (b.c. 1857 d. Aug 19 1929)

It seems likely that she was born in Ferns and moved to and married in Davidstown. This implies that she was related to the Treacys in the area. After marrying, she lived in Davidstown for a while and then moved to Moneytucker and was buried in Courtnacuddy Cemetery.

For their family see [Donal O’Neill]


14th & 28th February, & 13th March, 3rd & 10th April 1876 Bridget Treacy, Defendant, late of Kilgobbin [Clonmore] and now of Ferns, William Lett of Kilgibbon, Complainant. That the defendant on the 14/1/1876 left the service of the compliant, the employer, against his will & consent, and without due notice, she being a domestic servant at the wages of £1.5.0 per quarter from 13 May 1875 for which the compliant claims the sum of £1.5.0 as compensation. Awarded as compensation 8s4d, fined 5s, costs 2/6 in default seven days imprisonment in the county gaol.


David Tracy & Sophia Spacy(?)

Mary Tracy bapt 22nd August 1832 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon John Brennan & Anty Keans)



ballinapierce bridge

Ballinapierce Bridge on the river Boro (Abhainn Bhoru)


Enniscorthy grave

1. Martin Tracy (born 1792 or 1799 and died 27th July 1877 Duffry St or Hill aged 85 years or 78 years) (Farmer of Dunanore in Clonmore & Ballynapierce in St. Johns) m. Margaret (Peggy) Neil 18 Feb 1833 Davidstown Parish (Wit Jas Fortune, John Neil & Rich Sinnot)

Mary bapt. 16/11/1833 Davidstown Parish (Spon John Neil & Mary Lacy) [Thracy]

Matthew* bapt. 7/8/1836 of Ballinapierce, Davidstown Parish (Spon Michael Murphy & Mary Phelan) [Treacy]

Martin bapt 16/8/1839 of Ballinapierce Davidstown Parish (Spon William Dinan? & Anne Byrne) (d. 1866)

Mary bapt 5/11/1843 of Ballinapierce Davidstown Parish (Spon James Moor & Margaret Brien)

Michael bapt 26/4/1847 of Ballinapierce Davidstown Parish (Spon James Brien & Mary Kinny)

Michael bapt 17/7/1850 of Ballinapierce Davidstown Parish (Spon Thomas Stafford & Marianne Connors). He went to America about 1890 and later went to Australia where he was killed in a mine accident. May have been in Rathdrum Wicklow Workhouse 1881-2.


Mary Treacy, 22, sp [spinster], lives Ballynapierce, (d. of Martin Treacy, farmer) married Peter Sords/Lords, 28, B [bachelor], cattle dealer, lives Kiltealy, (s. of Mick Sords, farmer) 14 February 1870 RC Chapel Davidstown Wit: Thomas Stafford & Marott Morsey [Clonroche Enniscorthy PLU]

Mary Tracey & Peter Sword/Swords, farmer

Mary Sword b. 2 Jan 1871 Ballynapierce Bridge of St. Johns. Reported by Peggy Tracey, present at birth, Ballynapierce, her mark

Margaret Swords b. 31 Oct 1871 Ballynapierce Enniscorthy. Reported bt Peter Swords, father, Ballynapierce, his mark

Church Records:

Mary Treacy m. Peter Loids 14/2/1870 Davidstown Parish (Wit: Thomas Stafford & Mart Morrisy)

Mary Treacy & Peter Loords/Lords

Mary Lords b. 31 Dec 1870 Ballinapierce Sp. Mark Stafford & Mary Treacy. Davidstown Parish

Margt Lords b. 1 Nov 1871 Ballinapierce Sp. John Gahon & Margt Leary. Davidstown Parish


Margaret Treacy, died 1875 Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU, aged 56 years, b. 1819, married, farmer’s wife, died 13 Mar 1875 Ballynapierce [St Johns (Bantry)], of asthma, Matthew Treacy, his mark, present at death, Ballynapierce


2. Mathew Treacy*, (7/8/1836-16/11/1912 aged 75 or 70 state reg), Baker & Flour Dealer, Market Street, Enniscorthy.

2a. Matthum Tracy of Taghmon married Catherine Stafford of Sheastown [Kilcavan] 13th January 1862 Wit: Michael Reill? and Anna Howlin?. Carrick-on-Bannow Parish.

Mathew Treacy & Catherine Stafford (c.1833-19/4/1880 died Duffry St aged 47 years), No.12 Hospital Lane and Duffrey Hill, Enniscorthy.

Catharan Tracey bapt. 3/4 May 1863 Sp. Mary Tracey & Laurence? Lacey. Davidstown Parish

Mary (Hannah crossed out) Tracey (b. 14/6/1865) No.12 Hospital Lane Mary bapt 16/6/1865 Sp. Matthew Hanlon & Coratha? Hanlon. Enniscorthy Parish.

Catherine Tracey (b. 29/10/1867) Duffry Hill bapt. 31 Dec 1867 Sp. William Askins & Margt Lacey. Enniscorthy Parish.

Catherine Tracey b. 29 Oct 1867 of Duffry Hill Enniscorthy [d. of Mathew Tracey, baker, & Catherine Stafford] Anne Roberts, her mark, present at birth, Hospital Lane [Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU]

Martin Treacy (b. 25/1/1873) Duffrey Hill (d. 1873) bapt. 25 January 1873 Sp. Patrich Hayden & Nammie Hayden. Enniscorthy Parish.

Martin Treacy b. 25 Jan 1873 Duffry Hill Enniscorthy [s. of Mathew Treacy, baker, & Catherin Stafford] Mathew Tracy, father, Duffry Hill Enniscorthy [Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU]

Martin Treacy, died 1873 Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU, aged 0 years 5 months, b. 1873, bachelor, millers child, died 28 Jul 1873 Duffry Hill [Enniscorthy RC], Mathew T? Treacy, present at death, Duffry Hill


Mary Tracey, 25, spinster, servant. of Killagoley [Templeshannon] Enniscorthy (d. of Mathew Tracey, baker) married Michael Neill, 30, bachelor, weaver, lives John’s St Enniscorthy (s. of John Neill weaver) 18th September 1892 RC Chapel Enniscorthy Wit: Patrick Neill & Catherine Goff [Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU]

Mary Treacy & Michael Neill, weaver

Margaret Neill born 25 July 1903 of Francis Row


Catharine Tracy, of 4 Tyrone St, (d. of Matt & Cath Stafford of Wexford) married Martin OBrien, of 4 Tyrone St, (s. of Denis & Mary ONeill of Castleknock) BLANK January 1889 Wit: Martin Cullerton of 4 Tyrone St & Anne Cullerton St. Mary Pro-Cathedral Parish Dublin

Catherine Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 4 Tyrone Street, (d. of Matthew Tracy, Living, BLANK profession) married Martin OBrien, full [age], bachelor, groom, lives 4 Tyrone Street, (d. of Denis OBrien, living, labourer) 22 January 1889 RC Cathedral Wit: Martin Cullerton & Anne Cullerton, signed their marks [Dublin North PLU]

Catherine Tracey & Martin O'Brien

James William O'Brien b. 2 Oct 1891 Dennistoun-Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland


1891 Census - Lanark Dennistoun

Martin O'Brien, 28

Cathrine O'Brien, 24

Martin O'Brien, 1

William O'Brien, 25

Margaret Treacy, 26 [Mary her sister?]


2b. Matthew Tracy, full age, widower, baker, lives Duffry St (s. of Martin Tracy, farmer) married Margaret Farrell (c.1849-27 Sept 1925), Do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Enniscorthy (d. of Michael Farrell, mason) 18th January 1881 RC Chapel Enniscorthy Wit James Nolan & Anne Brennan [Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU]


Anne Treacy (b. 2/1/1882) Duffery St. m. 1st Daniel O’Brien 11 June 1907 and 2nd Nicholas Murphy 22 April 1913 and had children Catherine Murphy 1914 and John Murphy 1918


1st Marriage.

Annie Treacy, full age, spinster, of Enniscorthy, (d. of Matthew Treacy, baker) married Daniel O'Brien, full age, bachelor, railway servt?, of 60 Cruine [1901 Census 3 Slaney Street] (s. of Wm O'Brien, railway servt? [1901 census Hd Inspector railway]) Wit: Daniel O'Brien & Mary M Toole on the 11 June 1907 RC Cathedral Enniscorthy


15 Jun 1907 Wexford People

O'Brien and Treacy - On 11th inst., at the Cathedral, Enniscorthy, by the Rev. Father Fitzhenry, Adm., with Nuptial Mass, Daniel O'Brien, Stationmaster, Edermine, to Annie M. Treacy, Cathedral-street, Enniscorthy.


2nd Marriage

Annie O'Brien nee Treacy, full age, widow, of Cathedral Street Enniscorthy,  (d. of Matthew Treacy, baker) married Nicholas Murphy, full age, bachelor, journalist, of Georges Street Enniscorthy, (s. of John Murphy, farmer) Wit: Robert P Murphy & Alice Parry on the 22 April 1913 RC Cathedral Enniscorthy


03 May 1913 Free Press (Wexford)

Murphy and O'Brien - On April 22nd 1913, at the cathedral, Enniscorthy, by the Rev. George Murphy, C.C., Wexford (brother of the bridegroom), assisted by the Rev. John Codd, C.C., Cathedral, Nicholas J. Murphy, eldest son of Mr. John Murphy, Kilmokea, Campile, to Annie M. O'Brien (nee Tracey), only daughter of the late Matthew Treacy and Mrs. Treacy, Enniscorthy.


Annie Treacy & Nicholas J Murphy, journalist

Catherine Mary Murphy born 19 January 1914 of Cathedral St

John Murphy 05 April 1918 (Tracey)


Michael Joseph Treacy (b. 30/8/1883 d. 8/4/1925 Dublin) Duffery Gate m. 1st Mary Therea Obrien in 1905 Wexford Town and 2nd Anne Byrne (8 July 1890 in Arklow-1971 Barnsley)  in 1915 in North Dublin. He lived in Dublin and his children were Mrs Kathleen M Woffinden (Yorkshire), Vincent Matthew Tracy (Dublin and Manchester), Christopher Matthew Tracy (Dublin and London), Matthew Tracy (Dublin) & Stella Tracy.


1st Marriage

Michael Joseph Treacy, 22, bachelor, hardware manager, of Stonebridge Wexford (s. of Matthew Treacy, shop keeper) married Mary Therea Obrien, of full age, spinster, of 3 Slaney Street Wexford (d. of William O'Brien, Inspector DW&W Railway) Wit: Thomas Cullen & Dora Furlong on the 26 November 1905 RC Church Wexford

2 December 1905 Wicklow People

Treacy and O'Brien - November 26th at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Wexford, by the Rev. P. Doyle, Adm, Michael Treacy, eldest son of Matthew Treacy, Enniscorthy, to Mary Teresa, only daughter of Wm O'Brien, Slaney-street, Wexford.


Michael Treacy, clerk of Slaney Street Wexford & Mary Theresa O'Brien

William Matthew Treacy born 15 June 1906 of Slaney Street Wexford. Informant Dora O'Brien of Slaney Street Wexford, present at birth.

William Matthew Treacy of Slaney Street Wexford, died 21 September 1906, bachelor, 3 months, diarrhoea, informant Michael [William crossed out] Treacy father Slaney Street Wexford present at death


2nd Marriage

Michael Joseph [mathew crossed out] Treacy, full age, bachelor, commercial traveller,  of Railway Hotel Arklow, (s. of Mathew Treacy, baker) married Anne Byrne, full age, spinster, of 6 Main St Arklow, (d. of Patrick Byrne, hair-dresser) Wit: Peter J Traynor & M Brady on the 2 August 1915 RC Church St. Josephs Berkley St [Phibsborough]


Michael Tracy, traveller, of 15 Marino Cresc Clontarf, & Anne O'Byrne

MALE Tracy b. 12 Apr 1916 Rotunda [2 S City Dublin PLU]

Michael Tracey, farmer, of 95 Lower Mount Street & Annie O'Byrne

Vincent Matthew Tracey b. 17 May 1920 Holles Street Hospital. Informant R? Walshe occupier Holles Street Hospital


Michael Joseph Tracey died 8 April 1925 101 Lower Baggot Street, married, 44 years, bookmaker, acute Cronfous pneumonia 8 days cardiac failure 2 days certified, Ethel Chambley present at death 15 Lower Grangegorman


Matthew Treacy (b. 11/9/1885 d. 9/12/1955 Dublin, buried 11/12/1955 St. Mary’s Enniscorthy) Duffery St. m. Bridget Donovan (1886-1967) 19 Duffry Hill in 7 January 1925

Matthew Treacey, full age, bachelor, tailor, of Cathedral street Enniscorthy, (s. of Matthew Treacey, grocer) married Bridget Donovan, full age, spinster, of Duffry Hill Enniscorthy, (d. of John Donovan, bailif) Wit: John Murphy & Nellie? Mocler? on the 7 January 1925 RC Cathedral Enniscorthy.

He was a sailor from 16th September 1908 to the 31th December 1928 (record transferred to card 1/1/1929). His dob was given as 11/9/1886 Enniscorthy and his occupation as baker. He is described as 5’10” height, 38” chest, brown hair, grey eyes, dark complexion and a scar on the right side of the back of his neck. The second record continues to 1931 when he is pensioned. It then continues to 1939, where he re-enlisted and in 1943 he is invalided out. He was passed educationally to be a Petty Officer in December 1912. He seemed to have served on at least 25 ships. (see Record K1313 Record K1313 cont & Record K1313 transcript - Royal Navy Register of Seamen’s Services). He lived in Dublin.


Martin Tracey (b. 2/5/1887-1954? Chesire) Cathedral Street son of Mathew (baker) & Kate Tracy ??? at ??? Cathedral Street m. Mary A. Dempsey Chesire Birkenhead 2nd quarter 1914 8 a 1215.

Martinum Treacy (s. of Mathai Tracy) married Mariam Annam Dempsey (d. of Silvestri Dempsey) 7 Jun 1914 Wallasey, St Alban's Catholic Church, Liscard, Cheshire, England. Their children were Matthew Treacy, Sylvester Michael J Treacy, Martin J. Treacy, Margaret M. Treacy, Mary A. Treacy and Patrick J. Treacy all born in Wirral Chesire.


John Joseph Treacy*, (1/5/1889-3/6/1972), Duffery St. John Joseph Treacy (Insurance agent, Cathedral St., Enniscorthy) m. 1st Ellen Donegan 1910 (1891-1911) and 2nd Nora Delaney* 1920 (1896-10/7/1989 daughter of Maurice of 7 Askinvillar Lower Killann, Wexford).


1st Marriage

John Treacy, 20, bachelor, baker, of Enniscorthy, (s. of Matthew Treacy, baker) married Ellen Donegan, 19, spinster, of Enniscorthy, (d. of Michael Donegan, jarvey) Wit: Edward Donegan & Mary A Brien on the 22 July 1909 RC Cathedral Enniscorthy


John Treacy, baker, & Ellen Donegan

Michael Treacy born 2 September 1910 of Irish St


Ellen Tracey of Irish Street, died 20 April 1911, married, 19 years, bakers wife, Pneumonia 1 month, informant Ned Donegan of Irish Street. According to the 1911 census, her child was also dead.


2nd Marriage

John Treacy, 31, Widower, Commission agent, of Cathedral Street Enniscorthy, (s. of Matthew Treacy, baker) married Honoria Delaney, 25, spinster, confectioner, of Askinvillar Kiltealy (d. of Maurice Delaney, farmer) Wit: Jeremiah Breen & Nellie Banehan on the 16 November 1920 RC Church St Patrick Kiltealy [see The Delaneys of Kiltealy]


John Treacy and Honoria Delaney

Matthew Tracey 07 November 1921 (Delaney)

Maurice Tracey 06 October 1922 (Delaney)

Michael Tracey 08 September 1924 (Delaney)

Margaret Tracey 20 January 1927 (Delaney)

Bridget Tracy Jul – Sep 1929 (Delaney)

John J Tracey Jan - Mar 1931 (Delaney)

Joseph M Tracey Apr - Jun 1935 (Delaney)


Matthew Declan Treacy, full [age], bachelor, chemist, lives 29 Upper Beechwood Avenue Ranelagh, (s. of John Treacy, shopkeeper) married Catherine Elizabeth Meagan, full [age], spinster, shop assistant, lives 2 Churchtown Gt Rathgar, (d. of James Meagan, CIE Inspector) 25 Jun 1947 RC Church Holycross Wit: Matthew Kinnaird & Mary E Meagan [Dundrum Rathdown PLU]


* Buried in the graveyard behind St. Aidan's Cathedral, Enniscorthy



1877 Death in the District of Enniscorthy No.2, Enniscorthy

No.: 52

Date and Place of Death: Twenty seventh July 1877 Duffry Hill

Name and Surname: Martin Treacy

Sex: M

Condition: Widower

Age and Birth day: 78 years

Rank, Profession or Occupation: Farmer

Certified Cause of Death and Duration of Illness: Debility two months no medical attendant

Signature, Qualification and Residence of Informant: Mathew Treacy present at Death Duffry Hill

When Registered: Tenth August 1877

Signature of Registrar: Michael Lynch, Deputy Registrar


Matthew Tracy, died 1912 Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU, aged 70 years, b. 1842, married, baker, died 16 Nov 1912 Duffry Street, Alice Parry, present at death, Duffrey St [cousin see 1911 census] [file]


23 November 1912 Enniscorthy Guardian, Enniscorthy Echo, Free Press (Wexford) & New Ross Standard [file]

Treacy – November 16, 1912, at his residence, 12 Cathedral-street, Enniscorthy, Matthew Treacy, aged 73 years; deeply regretted by his sorrowing family. R.I.P. Funeral took place on Monday morning to Cathedral Cemetery, after High Mass and Office.

Obituary. Mr Matthew Treacey. Enniscorthy.

On Saturday last after a rather prolonged illness Mr. Matthew Treacey, Cathedral-street, Enniscorthy, breathed his last. He had been ailing for some months past, so that the end did not come as a surprise. Mr. Treacey, was a quiet, unassuming, respectable old resident of the town, possessing intelligence above the average. He remembered something of the ’48 movement, and was acquainted with all that took place in the dark days of ’67. He was father of Michael Treacey, formerly of Wexford. Office and High Mass were held on Monday in the Cathedral. The celebrant was Rev. John Codd C.C. Cathedral: chanters, Rev. Patrick Cummins, C.C., and Rev. John Bultler, C.C., Cathedral. In the choir were – Rev. James Rossiter, C.C., Cathedral; Rev. Father Lawrence, and Rev. Father Columbanus of the Capuchin Order;  Rev. J. J. Rossiter, M.SS., Templeshannon: Rev. Robert Stephenson, M.SS., Templeshannon; Rev. Richard Walsh, M.SS., do.; Rev. Patk. Murphy, M.SS., do. Internment took place immediately after in the Cathedral cemetery. R.I.P.

30 Nov 1912 Irish Times

Treacy - November 16, 1912, at his residence 12 Cathedral street, Enniscorthy, aged 73 years


Margaret Treacy, died 1925 Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU, aged 64 years, b. 1861, widow, shopkeeper, died 27 Sep 1925 Cathedral Street U.D., John Treacy, son, present at death, Cathedral Street


2 Oct 1925 New Ross Standard and 3 Oct 1925 Enniscorthy Guardian [file]

Tracy – September 27th, 1925, at 2 Cathedral-street, Enniscorthy, Mrs. Margaret Tracy, widow of the late Matthew Tracy, aged 76 years. Interred in Cathedral Cemetery on Tuesday last. R.I.P.

Mrs. Margaret Treacy, Enniscorthy.

On Sunday, 27th ult., there passed away at Cathedral-street, Enniscorthy, an old and respected member of the business community of Enniscorthy in the person of Mrs. Margaret Treacy. She had been in failing health for some months past, so that her demise was not unexpected. She was spiritually attended by Rev. R. Browne, C.C., Cathedral, who was almost a daily visitor of the invalid, and the Sisters of St. John of God were unremitting in their attention. She was the mother of Mrs. N. J. Murphy, Kilmokea, Campile,; of Mr. John Treacy, Cathedral-st., Enniscorthy, and the late Mr. M. J. Treacy, Baggott-street, Dublin. Internment took place in the Cathedral cemetery on Tuesday last. The chief mourners were: Mr. John Treacy, Cathedral-street, Enniscorthy, and Mr. M. Treacy, Liverpool (sons), Mr. N. J. Murphy, Co. Sec. Wexford Farmers’ Union (son-in-law). Office and High Mass were held on Wednesday in the Cathedral. The celebrant was Rev. J. Wadding, C.C., Cathedral; Rev. J. Codd, C.C. do., master of ceremonies. The chanters were: Rev. R. Browne, C.C., and the Rev. M. Rossiter, C.C. do. There were sixteen priests in the choir. R.I.P.


Vincent Matthew Tracy (1920-1993) 1938.jpg

Vincent Matthew Tracy 1938

18th April 1925 Enniscorthy Guardian

Treacy – April 8, 1925, at his residence 101 Lower Baggot-street, Dublin, Michael Joseph Treacy (late Enniscorthy). R.I.P. Interred on April 10th in Glasnevin.



Michael Joseph Treacy, 24 Apr 1925, late of 101 Lower Baggot Sreet Dublin, bookmaker, who died 7 Apr 1925, to Anne C Treacy, the widow. Effects …


Glanevin Cemetery Dublin:

of my darling wife

Juliet Catherine Mirrelson died 13th June 1937 aged 30 years

live? 90 Pembroke Road Ballsbridge

Love's Greatest gift? rememberence

Also her brother in law

Michael Joseph Treacy

died 8th April 1925, aged 41 years

Erected by her loving husband

Albert Hyman Mirrelson



Michael Joseph Treacy married as his second wife Anne Byrne in Arklow. Juliet C Kennedy was Anne Byrne's step sister and is named in the 1911 Census in Arklow. She married Albert H Mirrelson in 1935 in Marylebone, London. Albert Hyman Mirrelson is a rare name and he belonged to a Jewish family in Dublin. The following year after the death of his wife, he married again in Dublin and moved to England.


Vincent Matthew Tracy (1920-1993) son of Michael Joseph Treacy


Mathew Treacy1

1919 Valetta, Malta

Matthew Treacy

24 December 1955 The Echo

Treacy - Dec 9 1955 at St Kevin's Hospital Dublin, Matthew Treacy, late Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy; deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, brother, brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws and a large Circle of friends. R.I.P. Interred in St. Mary's Cemetery on Dec 11.

Acknowlodgements. Treacy - Mrs. M. Treacy, brother and relatives of the late Matthew Treacy, No. 1c Fatima Mansion, Dublin, wish to return sincere thanks to all who sent Mass cards, wreaths, letters, telegrams and messages of sympathy in their recent sad bereeavement; to al those who called personally and attended furnerals. They trust this will be accepted by all in greatful acknowledgment.


Brigid Treacy of Duffry Hill Enniscorthy, died 1 April 1962, widow, 74 years, widow of a stoker in British Navy, Mycocardial degeneration Arteriosclerosis, informant William Donovan brother Scarawalsh Ferns

Apr 2, 1962 Irish Press

Treacy (Enniscorthy) April 1 1962, at her residence, Duffry Hill, Bridget Treacy; deeply regretted by her loving brother, sister, nephews and nieces, and a large circle of friends. RIP Remains were removed to St. Aiden's Cathedral yesterday (Sunday) evening. Internment in St. Marys Cemetery tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2.15 o'clock.




Martin Tracey (1887-).jpg

Martin Tracey


Martin Tracey (b. 1887)


1921 Census - 44 Bebington Road, New Ferry, Lower Bebington, Bebington, Wirral, Cheshire [file]

First name(s)                    Last name    Relationship to head         Sex               Birth year     Age in years                    Birth place    Occupation   Employer

Martin                              Treacy          Head            Male             1887            34y1m         Enniscorthy Co Wexford Warehouseman Engineers Out Of Work                    Messrs Lever Bros Out Of Work                    Lever Bros Port Sunlight

Mary Anne   Treacy          Wife             Female         1893            28y6m         Rathnure Co. Wexford                    Home Duties                    -

Sylvester      Treacy          Son              Male             1916            4y9m           New Ferry, Cheshire                    -                   -

Matthew       Treacy          Son              Male             1915            6y2m           New Ferry, Cheshire                    -                   -

Martin James                    Treacy          Son              Male             1918            2y9m           New Ferry, Cheshire       -                   -

Margaret Mary                  Treacy          Daughter      Female         1920            1y1m           New Ferry, Cheshire       -                   -

Matthew                           Treacy          Visitor, brother                 Male             1885            35y9m                    Enniscorthy Co Wexford  -                   Stoker I Class Royal Naby (On Leave) H.M.S. Valient

Lawrence     Gahan          Boarder        Male             1893            27y10m       Boolavogue Co Wexford                    -                   Econmic Building Society Garston (Out Of Work)

Thomas                            Carr              Boarder        Male             1899            22y6m         Philipstown Kings Co -    -                   Messrs Lever Bro Soap Makers Etc

[Note: head is transcribbed as Carter. There are other name errors]


1947 John J. Treacy


9 June 1972 The Echo

Treacy – June 3, 1972, at his residence Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy, John J. Beloved husband of Nora Treacy, deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, sons, daughters, grandchildren, relatives, and friends. R.I.P. Interred in Cathedral Cemetery on Monday after Requiem Mass in St. Aidan’s Cathedral.

Death of Mr. John J. Treacy [file]

...In his early life he was employed on the clerical staff of Wickham’s Brewery, Wexford...was closely associated with the Gaelic League in the town and was a noted Irish step-dancer, winning many prizes at many Feiseanna...He is mourned by his wife, Mrs. Nora Treacy, his sons, Messrs Declan Treacy, M.P.S.I., Lawnwood Park, Stillorgan, Maurice Treacy, Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy, Michael Treacy, The Farmer’s Inn, Main St., do, a member and former Chairman of Enniscorthy Urban Council, John Treacy, Rectory Rd, do., and Joseph Treacy, manager of the Grafton St. branch of the First National Building Society; and his daughters, Mrs. Brenda Windsor, Fairview Tce., Enniscorthy, and Mrs. Peggy Lowney, South Main St., Wexford...Chief mourners...Mr. V. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy and family Campile, Mr. Syl Treacy and Mrs. Treacy, Liverpool, Mr. John Treacy and Mrs. Treacy, do., Mr. Patk. Treacy and Mrs. Treacy, do., Mrs. Gell, do., Mr. M. Kinnaird and Mrs. Kinnard and family, St Aidan’s Villas, Enniscorthy, O’Neill family, Pearse Road, Mrs. A. Fenlon and family, Bellefield, Mrs. Delaney and family, Wheelagower, Morrissey family, Springmount, Sinnot family, Caim, John Sinnott, Ballyhyland, Kearns family, New Ross, Meagan family, Dublin, Delaney family, Courtnacuddy (relatives) R.I.P.


Ellen Tracey of Irish Street, died 20 April 1911, married, 19 years, bakers wife, Pneumonia 1 month, informant Ned Donegan of Irish Street


1947 Nora Treacy

11 July 1989 Irish Independent [file]

Treacy (Enniscorthy) July 10, 1989, at An Grianan Nursing Home, Nora, widow of John Treacy, late of 2 Cathedral Street; deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Remains were removed to St. Aidan’s Cathedral yesterday (Monday). Interment in adjoining cemetery (rear of Cathedral) tomrrow (Wednesday) after Requiem Mass at 12 noon.

14 July 1989 The Echo

Treacy 10th July 1989, at An Grianan Nursing Home, Nora, Widow of John Treacy, late of 2 Cathedral Street, Enniscorthy, deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Requiem Mass to-day (Wednesday) in St. Aidan’s Cathedral at 12 noon. Interment in Cathedral grounds immediately afterwards.

28 July 1989 The Echo – Acknowledgement

Treacy The family of the late Honor (Nora) Treacy wish to thank most sincerely all who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement, those who sent Mass cards, letters of sympathy, floral tributes and those who attended the funeral. We would like to pay a special thank you to Dr. Philip Bowe for his great care and attention to her over the years, to the Matron and staff of Dr. Cuddigans and “An Grianan” Nursing Homes, also to the chlergy of St. Aidan’s and St. senan’s Parishes and the priests who attended the funeral. The Holy Sacrifie of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.

8 September 1989 The Echo Obituary

...A woman of determination and graciousness all her lifetime Mrs Honora (Nora) Treacy, Fairview, Enniscorthy and formerly of No. 2 Cathedral St. ...

Born in the year 1895, Nora Treacy was a member of one of one of the oldest families in the Askinvillar, Kiltealy area, the Delaneys. As a young girl, she came to work in Enniscorthy as an apprentice confectioner in the former Cosgrave’s Hotel (now Railway Hotel) in Templeshannon...

Chief mourners – Declan, Maurice and Joe, all Dublin, and John Treacy, Rectory Rd., Enniscorthy (sons); Peggy Lowney, Ferrybank, Wexford, Brenda Windsor, Fairview, Enniscorthy (daughters); John Lowney, Paddy Windsor (sons-in-law); Kathleen, Peggy, Mai, Nancy and Mai Treacy (daughters-in-law); Margaret Delaney, Wheelagower, Ballindaggin (sister-in-law); Maurice Delaney, Wheelagower (nephew); Ml. Delaney, Courtnacuddy, Biddy Doyle, Templeshambo, and Nan Lawlor, Bellefield Rd., Enniscorthy (nieces).

Nora, Mary, Catherine, Margaret, Brendan [Brenda], Jacinta, Declan, Maurice, Morgan, John and Michelle Treacy; Nora, Patricia, John, Ml., Margt., Ann, Maurice, David and Bobby Treacy; Sean Treacy; John, Lori, Pat, Maurice and Ciaran; Brian, Maurice and Colm Treacy; Brendan, Mary, Sean, Maurice, Declan and Noreen Lowney; Paul and Julie Windsor; Sinnott families, Caim, Ballyhyland, do and Poulpeasty; Morrissey family, Springmount, Killanne (cousins); and other relatives and great-grandchildren.




Mary Treacy m. William Mahon 12/11/1833 Davidstown Parish (Wit Edward Keogh, James Treacy & Bridget Keogh)


James Treasy married Johanna Murphy 8 Sep 1836 Wit: John Quin & Mary Murphy. Enniscorthy Parish [see Ferns]


John Hacy/Hassy & Mary Doyle

Robert Hacy b. 8th July 1836 Sp. Bridget Day. Davidstown Parish.

William Hassy b. 20 1839 of the Island Sp. Jas Murphy & Alicia Doyle. Davidstown Parish [perhaps King’s Island Clonmore]

Thomas Hassy b. 2 July 1841 of Island Sp. Thomas Mullet & Anne Murphy. Davidstown Parish.

John Hassy b. 14th Apr 1844 of Clohas Sp. John Colfer & Catherine Hassy. Davidstown Parish.


Michael Tracey/Traney &. Biddy Whelan

Patrick bapt 10/4/1837 of Balyhuland, Davidstown Parish (Spon Andy Whelan & Bridget Kavanag)


Mary Tracey & Nicholas Lynch
Robert Lynch baptized 6/2/1839 Bree Parish (Spon Dennis Tracey & Margaret Carrol)


Richard Tracey & Anne Bracket

Richard 8/9/1841 Enniscorthy Parish (Spon Peter Kenny & Mary Summers) Rev W. Murphy


Alicia Tracy married Thomas Doyle 11 Feb 1847 Wit John Doyle & Joanna Doyle. Enniscorthy Parish.


Patrick Tracy? & Mary Dunbar

Anne Tracy b. 6 March 1850 Sp. Charles Bryan & Anne Dunbar. Enniscorthy Parish.


Wm Tracey (or Franey) & Anty Flinn (Fling?)

Anne bapt 1/10/1853 of Ballyeden, Davidstown Parish (Spon Martin Keogh & Mary Larkin)

Anstia bapt 1/5/1857 of Liase?, Davidstown Parish (Spon James Doyle & Bridget Sinnott)


Eliza Treacy m. Martin Kinny 12 Nov 1857 Wit: Philip Kenny, Patt Foley & Matr Murphy. Davidstown Parish


Robert Hassy/Hassey & Joanna Larkin

William Hassy b. 26/29 Feb 1860 of Clohass Sp. Walt Crane & Mary Doyle. Davidstown Parish.

Tom Hasy b. 16/17 Apr 1861 of Clohass Sp. Tom Mullit & Anty Doyle. Davidstown Parish.

Mary Hassy? b. 7/8 July 1863 Sp. Stephen Murphy & Kate Mullet. Davidstown Parish.

Robert Hassy b. 19 Dec 1868 Clonroche, Wexford
James Hassey b. 22 Jul 1870 Clonroche, Wexford

Wm Treacy & Margt Treacy alias Connell

Mary Tracy b. 5/7 July 1867 Bexwod? vagus Sp. Blady Walsh. Freshford Parish Kilkenny

William Tracy & Honor Connell

Mary b. 5 July 1867 (LDS)

William Tracy, labourer, of Enniscorthy Co Wexford, & Honor Connell

Mary Tracy b. 5 Jul 1867 of Boyglass [Bohergloss] Freshford. Honor Tracy, her mark, mother, Boyglass Freshford [Freshford Kilkenny PLU]


Mary Tracey/Treacy & Patrick Delaney [RIC] [see Toomevara Tipperary]

Margaret Mary Delany b. 30 Aug 1878 Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland Sp. Joseph Glennon & Mary Sullivan. Enniscorthy Parish

James Joseph Delaney b. 13/10/1880 of Macgeory? (Spon: David Motiarty & Marie Byrne) [Donal O’Neill] (LDS) Ferns Parish

Mary Treacy/Tracy/Tracey & Patrick Delaney/Delany

Margaret Delany b. 13 Aug 1878 Court St Enniscorthy OR 30 Aug 1878 Enniscorthy, County Wexford (LDS)

James Joseph Delany/Delaney b. 13 Oct 1880 Ballycarney Enniscorthy, County Wexford (LDS)


Delaney, James Joseph

Date of Birth: Tuesday January 13th 1880 Ballycarney, Co.Wexford

Service No.: 8523

Rank: Corporal

Regiment: 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment

Date of Death: Tuesday March 23rd 1915 (Age 35)

Circumstances of Death: France and Flanders

Other Biographical Details: Son of Patrick and Mary Delaney nee Tracy of Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.


Thomas Treacy, 25, bachelor, labourer, lives Maynooth [Laraghbryan], (s. of James Treacy, labourer) married Mary Crowley, 19, spinster, dressmaker, lives Maynooth, (d. of Richard Crowley, miller) on the 6 July 1891 RC Chapel Maynooth Wit: John Saults & Annie Dignan [Maynooth Celbridge PLU] signed his mark

Mary Treacy nee Crowley [no father stated]

Edward Treacy born 14 September 1898 of Duffrey Gate. Mary Treacy mother of St. John's St, [Enniscorthy] signed her mark. Registered 12 Feb 1902.

Bridget Tracy born 31 July 1906 of St. John St. Ellen Rourke of Folly [Enniscorthy] present at birth


Mary Crowley may have been born in Wexford Town in 1867, the daughter of Richard Crowley, carpenter and Ellen/Ann Clarke.  There is another record for a Catherine Crowley born in 1865 in Danesfort Kilkenny, where Richard Crowley is a miller.


The original birth record for Edward born 14 September 1898, states that his father was an Edward Brophy:


Edward Brophy, of Duffrey Gate, labourer, & Mary Crowley

Edward Brophy born 14 September 1898 of Duffrey Gate. Mary Brophy mother of Duffrey Gate. [Crossed out] (Note: ...see March ??? 1902...)


I have not found a marriage record for Brophy and Crowley


This is the family in the census records:


1901 Census – Crowley and Brophy 38 St. John's Street Enniscorthy

1911 Census – Crowley 4 Esmonde Road Enniscorthy


Mary Anne Treacy, 22, spinster, house maid, of Ballinascarry (d. of Michael Treacy, gardener) married Joseph Whyte, 35.5, bachelor, labourer, of Ballinascarry (s. of John Whyte, mason) Wit: Thomas Foley & Mary Anne Foley on the 4 October 1908 RC Chapel Castletown [Granard Westmeath]

Mary Tracy & Joseph White, labourer

John White born 15 July 1909 of Wilton [Enniscorthy Wexford]

Michael White born 23 April 1911 of Behamore [Borrisokane Tipperary]

[1911 Census both born Offaly - Behamore (Hawkshaw) Cloughjordan, Tipperary]


Katherine Tracey [init], full age, spinster, housekeeper, of Galbally Macmine [Mackmine] Co. Wexford (d. of William Tracey, deceased, tailor [init]) married John Murphy, full age, widower, mason, of Kellystown [Adamstown] Enniscorthy Co Wexford (s. of John Murphy, farmer) Wit: Thomas Jordan & Anastasia Bridget Stanton on the 23 October 1912 [Sept 23rd crossed out] RC Chapel Galbally [see New Ross]


Confirmations Enniscorthy Parish

Ewd Tracy 30/8/1857

Matthew? Tracy 30/8/1857

Mary Treacy 30/8/1857

Michael Treacy 11/11/1859

Mathew? Tracy, Davidstown, 24/2/1861

Margaret Mary Tracy? 16/10/1865

Margaret Tracey 24/10/1871

Mary J. Tracy 26 Oct 1876

Cathern Tracy 25/9/1878


Deaths Enniscorthy Parish 1815-1880

Thomas Tracey died 27 March 1840 aged 5 years

Thomas Heasy of Spring vale [Ballycarney], died 3 April 1861, aged 1 years

John Tracy of Shannon died 17/11/1871 aged 6 months

Martin Tracy of Duffry St died 27 July 1877 aged 85 years (State Reg: Martin Treacy, Enniscorthy Deaths 1877, Estimated birth year: 1799, Age: 78)

Catherine Traecy (Mrs) of Duffry Street died 19/4/1880 aged 47 years


Other Church Records

Alice Tracy? & James Flood spon to baptism of Nelly to Nick Flood & Margery Bulger 1/1/1796 Enniscorthy Parish

Ann Tracy & Robert Murphy spon to baptism of Peter to Peter Murphy & Mary Dwyer 15/4/1862 Enniscorthy Parish

Ceath Treacy & Jns Murphy spon to baptism of Miriam to Ns Neil & Mary Brennan 12/11/1827 Davidstown Parish

Christina Triacy? & John Synnott wit to Philip Menissy to Margt Magee 23/8/1864 Davidstown Parish

Edward Tracy & Peter Burne wit to marriage of John Fitzgerald & Brigid Begley 13/5/1821 Enniscorthy Parish

Margaret Tracey & Lausendi Phannan wit to marriage of William Kinsillah & Johanna Oneal 1/10/1849 Enniscorthy Parish

Martin Tracy, John Neil & Jas Fortune wit to the marriage of Richard Sinnott & Mary Roche 18/2/1833 Davidstown Parish**

Martin Treacy, Peter Leacy & John Neil wit to marriage of Thomas Doyle & Mary Neil 2/3/1840 Davidstown Parish

Mary Treacy & Edward Sheal spon to baptism of John to Charles McGuire & Margaret Cox 27/8/1814 Enniscorthy Parish

Mary Tracey & Peter Kain spon to baptism of Anne to Laurance Bryan & Mary Scully 28/7/1819 Enniscorthy Parish

Mary Tracy? & Thomas Fowler spon to baptism of William to Matthew Coady & Eliza Dauley 22/8/1861 Enniscorthy Parish

William Treacy & Anne Nowlam spon to baptism of Ellen to Richard Sinnott & Betty Cloney 6/6/1826 Enniscorthy Parish

William Treacy & Mary Byrne spon to baptism of Cath to William Cullen & Bridget Nowlam 25/3/1847 at Johns, Davidstown Parish


** Same date as his marriage and similar witnesses.


State Registered Deaths


Anne Treacy, of New St, died 19 January 1900, spinster, 40 years, servant, sarcoma 1 year, informant Margaret Connors [nee Tracey] of New St present at death

Brigid Treacy of Duffry Hill Enniscorthy, died 1 April 1962, widow, 74 years, widow of a stoker in British Navy, Mycocardial degeneration Arteriosclerosis, informant William Donovan brother Scarawalsh Ferns

Ellen Tracey of Irish Street, died 20 April 1911, married, 19 years, bakers wife, Pneumonia 1 month, informant Ned Donegan of Irish Street

John Treacy, of Chapel [Chapel] Clonroche, died 12 January 1959, married, 40 years, station master, boromane thrombosis 14 days, Informant Anna Tracey (wife) Chapel (present at death)

Margaret Tracy of Duffrey Hill, died 10 December 1911, spinster, 75 years, house keeper, Brights disease indejinite, inforant Thomas Murphy of Duffrey Hill present at death

Margaret Treacy, of Cathedral Street, died 27 September 1925, widow, 64 years, shopkeeper, valerilar heart disease 8 months cardiac failure, informant John Treacy of Cathedral street son present at death

Martin Tracey, Enniscorthy Deaths 1866, Estimated birth year: 1840, Age: 26

Martin Treacy, Enniscorthy Deaths 1873, Estimated birth year: 1873 (Enniscorthy)

Martin Treacy, Enniscorthy Deaths 1877, Estimated birth year: 1799, Age: 78 (Enniscorthy)

Mary Tracey died 1865, Enniscorthy PLU, Aged 72, b. 1793, died 13 Jan 1865 Barony Of Bautry [Bantry], Enniscorthy, Wexford

Matthew Tracy of Duffry Street, died 16 November 1912, married, 70 years, baker, chronic endocarditis syncope, informant Alice Parry of Duffrey St present at death


Family records Ferns


There are records that a Edward Hudson was born in County Wexford, Ireland, October, 1772, of English-Quaker parents, his father being Captain Henry Edward Hudson of the British army, and his mother Miss Jane de Tracey. Early records have a Hudson family living in Ballydonigan Clone and the 1853 Griffith valuation has a Henry Hudson as landlord in Ballycarrigeen Upper Kilcormick.


The Tithes records of 1827 to 1833 list:

John Treacy, Garryduff, Kilcormick, south east of Ferns Co. Wexford, 13a/2r/25p, 1825 (ref 31/25)


In the valuation of 1844 Jas Tracey had a house at 30 Ferns Upper and in 1845 Bridget Tracy [Patk Dempsy crossed out] had a house at Crean Clone.


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following was recorded:

Bridget Tracey of Crane, Clone, south east of Ferns in the Catholic Parish of Monagear.

Crane townland of the Parish of Clone (Ord. S. 20)

Map (#)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Bridget Tracey

William Murphy (holds 111a)

(owner Earl of Portsmouth?)




James Tracy of the Main Street of Ferns.

Main Street, Town of Ferns townland of the Parish of  Ferns (Ord. S. 15)  

Map (# of 40)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


James Tracy

William Delany

House and yard




The Valuation Office records for James Tracy No. 30 Main St, Ferns show that the immediate lessor changed from James Tracey to the 'Widow Tracey' in 1892 and to Michael Tracey in 1895. Then to Thomas Tracey in 1919 and then on to Rose Tracey in 1927 and then to Michael Tracey in 1930. [Thanks to Donal O’Neill]


From 1854 to 1875, there are a number of court cases for James Treacy of Ferns, for wandering animal to being drunk in public. The locations stated are Newtownbarry, Camolin, Newtownmountkennedy & Ballynakill [Dunleckny] Co. Carlow. In a later year, he is described as a dealer. Other Treacys named are Margaret Treacy & Johanah Treacy.


In May 1855, Bridget Treacy of Clone Crane Parish, was summoned that on the night of Sunday the 6th of May 1855 did sell or keep for sale a certain quantity of spirits in her dwelling house, she not being duly licenced for the sale of beer spirits etc. Compliant dismissed on the merits and without costs.


In March 1865 there is a court reference to a Henry Tracey of Ferns.


In October 1870, Michael Treacy of Ferns was summoned for being drunk.


In 1872, there was a Constable John or Patrick Treacy of Clonevin? [Donaghmore] Wexford.In March 1882, it was probable the same John Tracey of Legnaglogh [Monamolin] , who paid for a dog licence for a male black greyhound. Constables did not serve in their native county.


From 1875 to 1888, there are a number of court cases, where Capt ET [Edward Tottenham] Irvine of St. Aidans, summoned Elizabeth Tracy, Kate/Kitty Tracy & Johanna Tracy

for stealing wood.


14th & 28th February, & 13th March, 3rd & 10th April 1876 Bridget Treacy, Defendant, late of Kilgobbin [Clonmore] and now of Ferns, William Lett of Kilgibbon, Complainant. That the defendant on the 14/1/1876 left the service of the compliant, the employer, against his will & consent, and without due notice, she being a domestic servant at the wages of £1.5.0 per quarter from 13 May 1875 for which the compliant claims the sum of £1.5.0 as compensation. Awarded as compensation 8s4d, fined 5s, costs 2/6 in default seven days imprisonment in the county gaol. [see picture - moved to Enniscorthy]


1886 Death in the District of Ferns, Enniscorthy

No.: 366

Date and Place of Death: 1886 Not known Ferns

Name and Surname: James Tracey

Sex: M

Condition: Married

Age and Birth day: 70 years

Rank, Profession or Occupation: Labourer

Certified Cause of Death and Duration of Illness: Apoplexy

Signature, Qualification and Residence of Informant: Information received from John Murphy Coroner for County of Wexford

When Registered: First September 1886

Signature of Registrar: CB Smith???, Registrar



Johanna Tracy sen & Johana Tracy, of Ferns, that the deft on the 26th Decr 1888 at Ferns did make use of abusive provoking? & threatening language towards the complainent [Bridget Murphy of Ferns] calculated to cause a breach of the Peace whereby she requires her to show cause why she should not enter into surities tto be of good behaviour. Dismissed.


20 July 1895 Wexford People

Ferns Dramatic Society...Irish drama "Arrah-Na-Pogue"...characters..Mr Jas Treacy  "Secretary of State,"


May 1895

Michael Tracy of Ferns, ...26th of April 1895 at Ferns had one dog in his posession without being duly licensed for same, paid 1/1. In March 1898, Thos Treacy of Ferns, paid 6/6 for three dog licences; male wheaten, female slate and female red terriers. From 1899 to 1914, Michael Tracey of Ferns paid for dog licences. In 1912, James Tracey of Tracey of Ferns paid a dog licence.



scan0001 (2)



Jim Treacy of Ferns 1907

Echo 29/7/2009




1901 Census

1911 Census




Michael Tracey, 51, M, 74 Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Hackney Driver, Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Annie Tracey, 53, F, Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

Thomas Tracey, 25, M, Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Machine Knife Maker, Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford

Patrick Tracey, 23, M, Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Labourer, Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford

Johanna Tracey, 20, F, Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford

Michael Tracey, 15, M, Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Scholar, Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford




James Tracey, 28, M, 94 Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Sickle Mechanic, Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Anne Tracey, 28, F, Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

Annie Tracey, 0, F, Ferns Town, Ferns, Wexford, Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford





Michael Macy [Tracy], 60, M, 23 Mainstreet, Ferns, Wexford, Co Wexford, Cardriver, Head of Family, Widower

Thomas Macy [Tracy], 35, M, Mainstreet, Ferns, Wexford, Co Wexford, Mechanic Labourer, Son, Single

Patrick Macy [Tracy], 33, M, Mainstreet, Ferns, Wexford, Co Wexford, General Labourer, Son, Married

Johanna Macy [Tracy], 30, F, Mainstreet, Ferns, Wexford, Co Wexford, Car [crossed out]

Michael Macy [Tracy], 25, M, Mainstreet, Ferns, Wexford, Co Wexford, Cardriver, Son, Single


Mary Tracey, 34, F, 25 Mainstreet, Ferns, Wexford (married 1 year, 2 children/1 alive, daughter of head Eliza Donnolly widow?)


James Tracy, 38, M, 8 Milltown Road, Ferns, Wexford

Annie Tracy, 38, F, Milltown Road, Ferns, Wexford (married 12 years, 4 children)

Annie Tracy, 11, F, Milltown Road, Ferns, Wexford

Johanna Tracy, 4, F, Milltown Road, Ferns, Wexford

Michael Tracy, 3, M, Milltown Road, Ferns, Wexford

Mary Tracy, 0, F, Milltown Road, Ferns, Wexford



In August 1905, there is a court case reference to Johanna Treacy living in Kingstown Dublin, sister of Michael Treacy.


In 1905, Julia Kearns, principal party, James Byrne?, Sureity?, Michael Treacy, all of Ferns; Estreat Recognizance, keep the peace


24 February 1905 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

Enniscorthy District Championships. - Matches At Enniscorthy.

Junior chapmionships...Ferns...T Treacy, J Treacy...


07 December 1907 Wexford People

Junior Hurling Final

Glenbrien defeats Ferns

Ferns:...T. Treacy, J. Treacy, M. Treacy...


22 May 1909 Free Press (Wexford)

District Championships...Junior Football... Tomgarrow v. Oylegate...Tomgarrow...M. Treacy (goal)...


05 November 1910 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

Football and hurling contests

Rangers v. Ferns [minor football]

Ferns:...M. Tracey...

Enniscorthy (Commercials) v. Ferns [hurling]

Ferns:...T. Treacey, M. Treacey...


12 November 1910 Free Press (Wexford)

Junior Hurling Championship at Enniscorthy

Ferns:...M. Treacy...P. Treacy.


13 December 1913 Free Press (Wexford)

Junior Football Final

Newtownbarry Insurgents...Treacy, Thomas Treacy...

Forth Heroes:...Matthew Treacy...


20 July 1906 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

United Irish League. Ferns Branch United Irish League.

2s6d...Michael Treacy, do [Ferns]...


14 October 1908 Wexford People

Ferns Gaelic League...present...J. Treacy, T. Treacy,...M. Treacy...


12 November 1909 New Ross Standard

Gaelic League - Camolin Branch...present...Ferns...Michael Treacy


27 February 1909 Free Press (Wexford)

The annual plearaca - or Irish ball - under the auspices of the Enniscorthy branch of the Gaelic League, was held in the Athenacum Eniiscorthy...present...J. Treacy...Ferns...


27 April 1907 Free Press (Wexford)


Lord Carysfort, landlord, v Michael Treacy (and Patrick Treacy, James Treacy, Daniel Keane), Mr Craig for the landlord. Evidence having been given, a decree was granted. [Ferns?]


12 September 1908 Wexford People

Cottages in Enniscorthy Union

The New Scheme

Four Hundred Houses to be built

Ferns Electoral Division

Passed: ...Patrick Treacy, Castlelands; Michael Treacy, do [Castlelands];...James Treacy, do. [St. Aidan's];...


28 October 1908 Wexford People [file]

...considered the two cottages necessary and usful to Ferns, which was a rising village. Patrick Treacy and Michael Treacy were both respectable men, and were worthy of houses.

Michael Treacy, one of the applicants said he was in the employment of Mr. Bolger for fifteen years, and went to him first as an agricultural labourer. Previous to that he was an agricultural labourer for eighteen years. His wages were about 12s a week.

The other applicant, James Treacy, examined, said he lived with his father at present. but he would get married when got the house...Treacy - I am engaged...


In 1909, Bryan Tracy [Lacey?] of Chaple lane Ferns, [defendant], Eliza Warren of Miltown [complainant] & Connor [witness], Deft negleted as reqired to quit want & deliver unto Compt on demand possession of Dwelling House a premises situated at Chapel lane, Ferns This tenancy at 2/6 per week homing? been determined by notice to quit. Decree for posession.


09 January 1909 Free Press (Wexford)

The United Irish League - Ferns

"That we beg to offer our sincere sympathy to Mr. Michael Treacy, a respected member of this committee, on the death of his wife.”


09 June 1911 New Ross Standard

Exhibition Competitions

Class 22 - Hand made quilt. First prize 12s6d...1, Johanna Treacy, Main-street, Ferns;


15 March 1912 New Ross Standard

Trade and Labour Benefit Society - Ferns

...present...James Tracey...Michael Tracey...M. Treacy senr...


13 November 1915 Free Press (Wexford)

Sudden Death. On Wednesday morning a Man named Michael Treacy, aged 6?, who was emploved as a jarvey by Mr. John Bolger, J.P, the Hotel, Ferns, was found dead in bed by his daughter, who...


9 June 1917 Free Press (Wexford)

Feis Carman.

In competition 40, solo (girls) the prize winners were...2. Miss Annie Treacy, Ferns.


15 September 1917 Free Press (Wexford)

Ferns Dramatic Society...cast...J. Treacy...



In a souvenir program for a grand two day bazaar held in Ferns on the 20th and 21st of May 1923, the following are stated as contributors to the stalls:

St. Aidan’s Stall

per Misses Maguire, 2/-  Mrs. R. Treacy, Ferns

per Miss L. McDonald, Mrs. Treacy, Ferns, a prize

St. Joseph’s Stall

Per Miss Dora Doyle, Bunclody, Miss Treacy, Main Street Bunclody, Sideboard cloth

St. Kevin’s Auxiliary Refreshment Stall

List of prizes, Miss Treacy, Bunclody, Irish Hand-embroided Cloth

Aeridheacht Mór

Singing Solo Females (Senior), Annie Treacy, Ferns


May 12, 1930 (II) Deaths

Tracy (Ferns) May 11 1930 at her residence, Main st. Ferns, Rose Tracy; deeply regretted. RIP. Funeral will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) to Ferns Cemetrery.



Rose Tracey, 10 Jul 1930, late of Ferns County Wexford, widow, who died 11 May 1930, to John O’Brien, ex-railwayman. Effects …


26 August 1932 New Ross Standard

Ferns Aeridheacht. Seniors, Reel...Josephine Treacy, do [Ferns], 2...


28 October 1932 New Ross Standard

The Gaelic League. County Annual Congress...A. Treacy, Ferns...


August 10, 1933 IP

Provincial Hanball...At Ferns - Foley Cup. B. Keogh and P. Dunne beat P. Flood and M. Treacy.



1936 Rosanna T. Tracey, Main Street, Ferns, father Carpenter, one of five children


18th May 1936 Feis in Enniscorthy

...Rosie Tracey...[schoolgirls photograph]

Ferns Parish Journal 2011


1939 Families of Coolbawn Housing Estate [photographs of houses]

No.1 Michael Treacey

No.33 Mr. Patrick Treacy

Ferns Parish Journal 2011


Joe Treacy, played for St. Aidan's Ferns in the Wexford Senior Hurling Championship finals of 1940 and 1941.


9 Jun 1941 Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts

Application Miss Annie Tracey: Under date 22nd May 1941, Miss Annie Tracey, Main St., Ferns, wrote that she had made application some time ago for loan under Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts but nad been informed there was no money available. She Wlderstood now that three or four selected applicants did not intend to erect houses and if any of them withdrew she wished her application to be favourably considered. She was very anxious to start as soon as pOSSible, as unless she did she would forfeit two years' rent of the house in which she was living. The site on which she proposed building was in the centre of the village of Ferns where a demolition scheme had carried out. It would be a great asset to the place to have new houses erected on the demolished site as soon as possible. The Secretary stated that Mrs. Kavanagh (formerly Keegan) who had been selected in respect of loan for house proposed to be erected on Gorey Corporation Lands, had withdrawn her application.

The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Mr. 0'Byrne, seconded by Miss O'Ryan:- "Tnat we recommend the County Council to agree, subject to the sanction of the Minister for Local Government and public health to loan of £150 in respect of house to be erected at Ferns Village being granted to Miss Annie Tracey, Ferns." The County SoliCitor submitted letter from Mrs. Kavanagh under date 1st May 1941 stating she bad been Wlable to secure a contractor to bUild for tne amount of loan, so that her application would have to be withdrawn. If things 1mproved she would ask ner application to be reconsidered

10 Nov 1941 Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts

Miss Annie Treacy: The following under date 29th October 1942 (H.20924/41 - Loch Garman) was read from Department of Local Government and Public health:-

"With reference to your letter of the 14th August, I am directed by tne Minister for Local Government and Public liealth to state that we will raise no objection to the proposal of the Wexford County Council to advance the sum of £150 to Miss Annie Treacy under the Small Dwellings AcquisItion Acts in respect ot a house in course of erection at Main Street, Ferns, Co. Wexford


12 Apr 1943 Compliants Re Cottages

St. Aidan's ferns...following tenants...James Tracey.


Apr 11, 1944 (II) Death

Tracey (Ferns) - April 10, 1944, at her residence, St. Aidens, Ferns, wexford, Annie Tracey, beloved wife of James Tracey, aged 71; deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband and family. RIP. Funeral tomorrow (Wednesday) from St. Aidens to cemetery at 1 o'c. (O.T.)


Feb 26, 1951 (II) Social and Personal

The marriage arranged between Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tracey, Ferns, and Phyllis, only child of Mr. J. and the late Mrs. Carr, North View, Putland Road, Bray, will take place on April 3rd (D.V.)

May 18, 1951 (II) Marriages

Tracey and Carr - April 3, 1951, at the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Putland Road, Bray (with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing), by Rev. Peter Maguire CC, Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tracey, Ferns, Co. Wexford, to Phyllis, only child of John and the late Mrs Hannah Carr, North View, Putland Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow.


Jul 31, 1953 (II) Marriage

McDonald and Tracey - June 24 1953 at St. Mary's Church Barndarrig by the Rev J Doyle PP, with Nuptial Mass and Papal Blessing, William son of the late Daniel and Mrs McDonald, Ballahara House, Kilbride, Wicklow to Rosanna, daughter of Michael and Mrs Tracey, Ferns, Co. Wexford.


Apr 1, 1957 (II)

2 dozen white Wyanadouse and 2 dozen RI Red Cockerals, 7 weeks old. blood tested 50/- per doz. Mrs. A. Treacy, 1 Upper Ferns, Co. Wexford.

Jun 10 1959 (II)

10 lovely Pheasants, 6 weeks old fully feathered with Bantam mother. £4 the lot. Ml Tracey, No. 1 Upper Ferns, Co. Wexford.


Jan 13, 1959 (II) Death

Tracey (Co. Wexford) Jan 12, 1959 (suddenly) at his residence, Chapel Station, John beloved husband of Nano Tracey; deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, father, mother, brothers and sisters. RIP. Remains will be removed to Ferns Church today (Tuesday) arriving at 6.30 o'c approx. Funeral to Ferns Cemetery tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2 o'c.


Jan 25, 1963 (II) Deaths

Tracey (Ferns, Co. Wexford) Jan 24 1963 at his residence Upper Ferns, Michael Tracey, beloved husband of Annie Treacy; deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, and family, RIP Remains will be removed to Ferns Church to-day (Friday) at 7 o'c. Funeral tomorrow (Saturday) after Office and High Mass at 11 o'c to Ferns Cemetery.


Apr 5, 1963 (ME) Wexford Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann

...Fleadh Ceoil...Ferns...Hon. secretary Mr. Michael Treacy, Castleview, Ferns


7 May 1966 New Ross Standard [file]


Mr. Michael Tracey, Coolbawn, Ferns

The funeral of Mr. Michael Tracey, Coolbawn, Ferns, whose death, as reported last week occurred on Wednesday of last week, took place to Ferns cemetery on Friday last following High Mass in Ferns Parish Church.

The popularity of Mr. Tracey and the high esteem in which the Tracey family is held in the area was demonstrated by the karge attendance.

The National Blood Transfusion Service was represented by...

The late Mr. Tracey was a great organiser. As Secretary of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Wireann in 1963, he was mainly responsible for the outstanding success...

Last March the Leinster senior cross-country championships...

In his employment as ganger with Coras Iompar Eireann...

To his family and relatives deepest sympathy is extended.

Chief mourners: Mrs. Annie Tracey (mother), Patrick Tracey, Ferns: Thomas Tracey, Bray, and Daniel Tracey, Dublin (brothers); Mrs P. Roche, Ferns, and Mrs. Wm McDonald, Barndarrig (sisters). Mr P. O’Brien, Ferns (uncle), Joan and Anne Roche, Ferns; Declan, Anne and Sharon Tracey, Bray; Mary and John McDonald, Barndarrig, and Michael, Helena, Valerie and Catriona Tracey, Dublin (nephews and nieces); Mr. Wm McDonald, Barndarrig, and Mr. P. Roche, Ferns (brothers-in-law); Mrs T. Tracey, Bray, and Mrs Dl. Tracey, Dublin (sisters-in-law), and other relatives....


Mar 3 1970 (II) Death

Tracey (Ferns) March 2, 1970, at Parkton Nursing Home, Enniscorthy, Annie, relict of Michael Tracey, No.1 Upper Ferns, Co. Wexford; deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, relatives and friends. RIP. Remains will arrive in Ferns Church this (Tuesday) evening at 6.30 o'c. Office and mass in Ferns Church to-morrow Wednesday at 11 o'c. Funeral immediately afterwards to Ferns Cemetery.


Church Records of Monageer


Biddy Tracy & James Bryan?

Winny? Bryan b. 27 Oct 1841 Tinnacross Sp. James Fylam? & Mary Hanna?


William Murphy & Catherine Doran

Margaret (illegitimate) b. 27 Nov 1842 Ballydamore Sp. Patt Fortune? & Bridget Tracy


Mary Tracey/Frany & Peter Clare

Margaret Clare b. 13 March 1843 Ballysimon Sp. Moses Brien & Catherine Laless?


John Tracy & Elizabeth Redmond?

Brigit Tracy b. 30th Jan 1847 of Crane Sp. Jos Donahue & Mary Murphy. Monageer Parish (see Burial)


Cathr Treacy to ??? Redmond 30th 1855 Wit: John Donohue & Brigit Lynch?



James Hussay, of Tinacross, 56 years,

Biddy Tracy, of Crane, died 22 Oct 1847, 9 months, Monageer Parish

Margaret Tracey, of Crane, died 6 Jan 1858, 21 years, Monageer Parish

Biddy Tracy, of Crane, died 28 Mar 1866, 80 years, Monageer Parish



Bridget Tracey died 1866, Enniscorthy PLU, aged 78, b. 1788, died 28 Mar 1866 Crane Clone [Monageer RC]



Church records of Ferns and State records (1864 to 1899): [Update records thanks to Donal O’Neill]


James Treasy married Johanna Murphy 8 Sep 1836 Wit: John Quin & Mary Murphy. Enniscorthy Parish

1. James Tracy (labourer) of Ferns & Johanna Murphy.

1.1 Anne Tracy b. 15/2/1842 of Ferns (Spon: Moses Connors & Mary Baily) [Donal O’Neill]

Anne Tracey m. William Furlong 22 Aug 1875 [1854-1902] of Miltown? (Witnesses: Brian Drofer? & Mary Tracey) [Presume daughter] [Not listed in State Registrations]

Children of William Furlong and Anne Tracey

19/5/1876 Sarah Furlong of Miltown (Spon: Patrick Dwyer? & Bridget Tracy)

3/3/1878 Eliza Furlong of Miltown (Spon: James Kavanagh & Mary Tracy) Notation across Eliza's record 'Was married to William Byrne of Camolin on 25/7/1917 in Ferns by Canon Doyle'

[Donal O’Neill]

1880 John Furlong [Paul Gueret (guerholl) May 2012]

1.2 Thomas Tracy b. 3/7/1844 of Ferns (Spon: Dan Bayly & Margaret Martin)

1.3 Joanna Tracy b. 7/8/1847 of Ferns (Spon: John Block & Bidy Byrne)

Johanna Tracey died 1864, Enniscorthy PLU, aged 16, b. 1848, died 3 Jul 1864 Ferns [Ferns OR Kilbride] Wexford, James Tracey father

1.4 Michael Tracy b. 30/11/1850 of Ferns (Spon: Thomas Maguire & Eliza Connors)

Michael Tracey, 22, bachelor, servant, lives Ferns (s. of James Tracy, heuxtor) married

Anne Kenny, 25, spinster, servant, lives Ferns, (d. of Thomas Kenny labourer) 14th April 1872 RC Chael Ferns by B.E. Mayler PP Wit: Miles Breslan & Catherine Bent, signed their marks [Ferns Enniscorthy PLU] signed their marks.

Michael Trac(e)y (labourer d. 1915?) of Ferns & Ann(e) Kenny.

1.4.1 James Tracey (b. 21/7/1873) Milltown Ferns. (Spon: John Bolger & Mary Tracy) [Donal O’Neill]

Michael Tracey (labourer)

James Tracey b. 21 Jul 1873 Milltown [Kilbride – Ferns RC] [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Anne Kenny] Catherine Kerevan, her mark, present at birth, Ferns [Kilbride] [1873 14 709 Ferns Enniscorthy PLU]

James Tracey, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Ferns, (s. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Anne Mahon, full age, spinster, servant, lives Ferns (d. of Daniel Mahon Labourer) 4th September 1898 RC Chapel Ferns by Laurence Jones CC Wit: Michael Mahon & Johanna Tracey [Ferns Enniscorthy PLU]

(Annie d. 1944)

James Tracy, Mechanic/labourer, & Annie Mahon Annie Tracey born 23 May 1900 of Ferns

Annie Tracey, 23, spinster, servant, of St Aidens Ferns, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married John O'Reilly, 20, bachelor, soldier, of Gorey Barracks, (s. of Myles O'Reilly, labourer) Wit: Danial Mahon & Johanna Tracey on the 4 July 1923 RC Church Ferns Elizabeth O Reilly On 25 March 1924 (Tracey) Myles Reily On 12 July 1925 (Treacy) Johanna Tracey born 13 August 1906 of Ferns Michael Tracey born 07 May 1908 of Ferns Mary Tracey born 10 September 1910 of Ferns Daniel Tracey born 17 July 1914 of Ferns

1.4.2 Thomas Tracey (b. 17/10/1875) Ferns. (Spon: Aidan Kavanagh & Kathy Tracey) Notation across Thomas's record 'Was married to Rosanna O'Brien of Annadura on 23/7/1917 in Ferns by Canon Doyle RP' [Donal O’Neill]  (Thomas d. 1921 aged 41, Rose d. 1930)

Thomas Tracey b. 17 Oct 1875 Ferns [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Anne Kenny] Margaret Bacon?, her mark, nurse present at birth, Ferns [Ferns Enniscorthy PLU]

Thomas Tracey, 40, bachelor, labourer, of Ferns, (s. of Michael Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Rosanna OBrien, 35, spinster, servant, (d. of John O'Brien, labourer) Wit: John O'Brien & Annie Tracey on the 23 July 1917 RC Church Ferns

1.4.3 Patrick Tracey (b. 18/3/1878 d. 1949) of Ferns. (mother stated as Ann Brian on State Reg) Spon: Nicholas Lacy & Sarah Lacy) Notation across Patrick's record 'Married to Mary Donnelly Ferns on 3/8/1910 by Canon Doyle) [Donal O’Neill]

Patrick Tracey, 31, bachelor, labourer, of Ferns, (s. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Mary Donnelly, 31, spinster, servant, of Ferns, (d. of John Donnelly, deceased, labourer) Wit: Michael Tracey & Bridget Donnelly on the 3 August 1910 RC Chapel Ferns

Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Mary Donnolly Elizabeth Tracey born 3 November 1910 of Ferns Michael Tracey born 3 November 1910 of Ferns Ana Eliza Tracy born 19 September 1912 of Ferns Elizabedth Tracey born 6 December 1914 of Ferns Johanna Tracey On 12 August 1918 (Donnolly) Mary Tracey On 12 August 1918 (Donnolly)

1.4.4 Johanna Tracey (b. 7/8/1880) Ferns. (Spon: Patrick Kinsella & Anty Doyle) [Donal O’Neill]

1.4.5 Mary Tracy (b. 12/8/1882) Ferns.

1.4.6 Michael Tracy (b. 20/1/1886) Ferns. (m. 1913 Annie O’Brien or Brien. Michael d. 1963, Annie d. 1970)

Michael Tracey, 27, bachelor, carpenter, of Ferns, (s. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Anne Brien, 25, spinster, servant, of Crory, (d. of John Brien, railway jarvey?) Wit Thomas Tracey & Rose A Brien on the 14 July 1913 RC Church Ferns

Michael Treacey, carpenter, & Annie O'Brien Anne Tracey born 22 June 1914 of Ferns. Michael Tracey was born in 20 June 1916 in Ferns and died on 24 Apr. 1966. John Tracey was born 19 June 1918 in Ferns and died on 12 Jan. 1959. Thomas Tracey was born 12 June 1921 in Ferns. Rose Tracey was born 15 October 1923 in Ferns. Patrick Tracey was born 8 January 1926 in Ferns and died on 20 May 1977. Daniel Tracey Jan – Mar 1929

1.5 Mary Tracey b. 16/7/1853 of Ferns (Spon: James McDonald & Margaret Delaney) [Donal O’Neill]

1.6 Bridget Tracey b. 11/1/1857 of Ferns (Spon: William Brien & Mary Kavanagh) [Move to Enniscothy area and married Luke Byrne 23rd June 1878]

1.7 Catherine Tracey b. 21/7/1859 of Ferns (Spon: Raymond Sinnott & Maryann Sinnott) [Donal O’Neill]

Catherine Tracey of 18 Gardiner Pl (d. of James & Johanna Murphy of Ferns) married Patrick Fitzpatrick of 57 Jervis St (s. of Henry & Letitia Kenny of 57 Jervis St) 5 Oct 1879 Wit:  Henry Nordell of 12 Synott Place & Lizzie Fitzpatrick of 57 Jervis St. St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral

Catherine Tracy, minor, spinster, servant, lives 18 Gardiners Pl, (d. of James Tracy, cattle dealer) married Patrick Fitzpatrick, full [age], bachelor, cabinet maker, lives 57 Jervis St, (s. of Henry Fitzpatrick, cabinet maker)  05 October 1879 RC Cathedral Marlboro St Wit: Henry Nordell & Lizzie Fitzpatrick [Dublin North PLU] signed her mark

Catherine Tracy & Patrick Fitzpatrick

Elizabeth Anne Fitzpatrick b. 26 July 1880 of 63 Lr Mecklenburgh St Sp. Stephen Fay & Patricia Fitzpatrick. St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral

1.8 Elizabeth Tracey b. 28/7/1861 (Spon: Richard Kirwin & Margaret Leary) [Donal O’Neill]

Eliza Tracy (d. of James Tracy & Joanna Murphy of Ferns) of 61 Marlboro St m. Stephen Fay (s. of Stephen Fay & Mary Stoker of 59 Jervis St) of 61 Marlboro St on 27 November 1880 Wit: Michael McNally of 83 Maillin St & Margt Hayes of 63 Lr Mechlenbugh St. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

Elizabeth Tracy, minor, spinster, servant, lives 61 Marlboro St, (d. of James Tracy, living, dealer) married Stephen Fay, full [age], bachelor, Upholsterer, lives 61 Marlboro St, (s. of Stephen Fay, living, farmer) 27 November 1880 RC Cathedral Dublin Wit: Michael McNally & Margaret Hayes [Dublin North PLU]

1.9 Johanna Tracey b. 4/11/1866 bapt. 7/11/1866 of Ferns (Spon: John O'Brien & Margaret Tracey)

Johanna Tracey b. 6 Nov 1866 of Ferns [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Johanna Murphy] Catherine Kerevan, her mark, present at birth, Ferns [1866 19 753 Ferns Enniscorthy PLU]

[Donal O’Neill]


Bessy Tracy & James Doyle of Glynlan

Anne Doyle? Illg b. 31 Aug 1843 of Glyn lane Sp. Biddy Doyle. Ferns Parish


Margaret Treacy, full age, spinster, servant, lives Ferns, (no father or profession stated) married Marks Kearns, full age, bachelor, servant, lves Ferns, (s. of Marks Kearns, shoemaker) 17th October 1871 RC Church Ferns Wit: Michael [John crossed out] Redmond & Bridget Connor [or Biddy Conroy]. [Ferns Enniscorthy PLU] signed their mark. [From Ballinapierce?]

Catherine Kearns b. 12/9/1872 of Ferns (Spon: James Kearns & Anne Tracy) [Donal O’Neill]

James Kearns b.5/1/1874 of Ferns (Spon: Jas Kavanagh & Mary Tracy) [Donal O’Neill]

Mick Kearns b. 18/1/1877 of Ferns (Spon: Dan Malone & Eliza Tracy) [Donal O’Neill]


Mary Tracey/Treacy & Patrick Delaney [RIC] [see Toomevara Tipperary]

Margaret Mary Delany b. 30 Aug 1878 Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland Sp. Joseph Glennon & Mary Sullivan. Enniscorthy Parish

James Joseph Delaney b. 13/10/1880 of Macgeory? (Spon: David Motiarty & Marie Byrne) [Donal O’Neill] (LDS) Ferns Parish

Mary Treacy/Tracy/Tracey & Patrick Delaney/Delany

Margaret Delany b. 13 Aug 1878 Court St Enniscorthy OR 30 Aug 1878 Enniscorthy, County Wexford (LDS)

James Joseph Delany/Delaney b. 13 Oct 1880 Ballycarney Enniscorthy, County Wexford (LDS)



Ferns Castle

Ferns Castle



State Registered Deaths

Amnie Tracey of Ferns Enniscorthy RD, died 10 April 1944, married, 70 years, labourers wife, angina with acute heart failure, Annie O’Reilly of Ferns daughter present at death

Anne Tracey of Ferns, died 30 December 1908, married, 62 years, labourers wife, gastric carcimoma two years, informant Anty Doyle? of Ferns [her mark] present at death

Elizabeth Tracy of Fernes, died 20 November 1910, spinster, 14 days, labourers daughter, delicacy from birth, informant Mary Tracey mother Ferns

James Tracey, Enniscorthy Deaths Jul - Sep 1886, Estimated birth year: 1816, Age: 70 (Ferns)

James Tracey, late Haidous? Cottage Ferns died 3 March 1949  W House Enniscorthy, widower, 75 years, old age pensioner, myocardial degeneration stue? mantis?, informant Jas O'Rourke occupier W House Enniscorthy

Johanna Treacy, of Ferns, died 30 April 1984, widow, 78 years, dealers widow, sinile decay, informant A Doyle of Ferns present at death

Mary Tracy, of Ferns, died 26 December 1918, spinster, 4 moths, labourer's daughter, bronchitis 3 days, informant Mary Tracey of Ferns present at death

Michael Tracey of 1 Upper Ferns, died 24 January 1963, married 77 years, carpenter, cardiac failure 2 weeks mycocardial degeneration 2 yrs, Michael Treacy of 1 Upper Ferns son present at death

Michael Tracey of Ferns, died 10 November 1915, widower, 62 years, labourer, probably disease of heart no medical attendant, informant Johanna Tracey of Ferns daughter present at death

Roseanna Tracey of Ferns Enniscorthy RD, died 11 May 1930, widow, 50 years, shop keeper, valvulas disease of heart 3 months heart failure a day, Annie Tracey of Ferns sister present at death

Thomas Tracey of Ferns, died 26 October 1921, married, 41 years, labourer, pulmonary tuberculosis, informant Rose Tracey of Ferns present at death




RTE 8th February 2009 - Now, We’re (Bin) Thrashin’
How do you get 4 elephants into a mini? No! Not 2 in the back and 2 in the front-use the bintrasher instead. Well, if it can squash the contents of your overflowing wheelie bin, so it no longer resembles a burst mattress, then 4 elephants is no problem. Eamon Treacy, from Klldavin, Wexford is Mr Bintrasher and he tells us how he has produced a simple device to solve one of the western world's most "pressing" problems. Now Eamon has Bintrasher ready to roll, he needs some sound advice, and Ben Dunne, a man who knows a little about business, has offered to share his experience with Eamon.
Eamon Treacy, Treacy Engineering Ltd, Ballinvalley, Kildavin, Bunclody, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Tel: 059 91 57629

Ben Dunne, Westpoint Health & Fitness Centre, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Tel: 01 8221103




Family records Bunclody (Newtownbarry)


In 1839, there are the following court references, James Tracey of Newtownbarry, Thomas Tracy & Mary Tracey of Newtownbarry, assault, fine 1/- costs 1/-


In 1841 there are court references to Thomas Tracy & Mary Tracey of Gurteen [Templeshanbo?] and a Denis Tracey who had a heap of manure on the street of Newtownbarry.


Also in 1841 Thomas Tracey may have been sentrenced for stolen goods.


In 1855 there are the court records for:

Mary Tracy, 50, 5'1", blue eyes, black hair, fresh complexion, N.T. Barry, RC, married, begging, 2nd offence?

Cathe Tracy, 17, 4'5.5", grey eyes, red hair, fresh complexion, same, RC, single, begging,

Patrick Tracy, 15, 4'2", blue eyes, brown hair, fresh complexion, same, RC, Spil [spell?], labourer, begging,

Thos? Tracy, 9, 3'10", blue eyes, fair hair, fresh complexion, same, RC, same, begging,

And in 1862:

Patrick Treacy, 19, 5'4.25", blue eyes, light hair, fresh complexion, N.T. Barry, RC, read, labourer, passing base coin


The following are newspaper references to the Workhouse:


03 December 1856 Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...inquiry place on the minutes of the 9th November as to the proper chargability of Bridget Tracy, and her three children...now inmates of the workhouse.

28 January 1857 Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...Ordinary Proceedings...Mr Macutchen, brough under consideration, the motion of which he gave notice, respecting the chargability of Bridget Treacy and family, stating that the case was not fully set forth on the minutes of the 9th of October last, by which the Commissioners were guided in their decision, on consideration it was

Ordered - That the following statement be place on the minutes for information of the Commissioners with a request that the chargability of Bridget Treacy, and her three children be reconsided by the Commissioners.

"She was admitted on the 8th of November 1855?, on the Union - she having resided 26 months in the Division of Newtownbarry, and having resided the remaining portion of the three years previous to her admission out of the Union - she was discharged on the 19th May 1856 being then six months and eleven days in the Workhouse - she was again admitted on the 23rd may 1856, on the Union at large - next discharged on the 8th September 1856, being in the house 3 months and 29 days - again she was admitted the 9th of October 1856 being out of the house one month and a day, out of which she spent four on a visit to her brother-in-law out of the Union.

4 March 1857 Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...Clerks Report...notice of appeal against the chargability on the Workhouse Register of Bridget Tracey and her three children to the Division of Newtownbarry...

11 March 1857 Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...A notice of appeal...Newtownbarry, in the case of Bridget Tracy and family...

17 June 1857 Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...Clerks Report. That he had been served with a notice of appeal against the registration of Bridget Tracey, and children, on the electoral Division of Newtownbarry, to be heard at the next Quarter Sessions of Gorey...Commissioners' Letters...emigration to Canada...No.2 A letter relative to the proposal of the Guardians to pay the cost of thirteen emigrants, except Mary Treacy, who is of too tender years to be sent out...

10 March 1858 Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...Clerks Report. Had received notice of appeal against the chargability of Bridget Tracey and three children, from the Guardians of Newtownbarry Electorial Division, to the barrister at next Quarter Sessions at Enniscorthy.

17 March 1858  Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...Commissioners Letters. No.1...The chargeability of Bridget Tracey and children...was made under the letter of the Commissioners dated 29th November 1856 No.27,021 also their letter of the 18th February 1857 No.2367..the Guardians for the Division of Newtownbarry were present...

09 March 1859 Wexford Independent

Enniscorthy Union...A notice of appeal to the Barrister, at next Quarter Sessions, was read from the Guardians of Newtownbarry Division against the chargability of Bridget Tracey, and family, now charged to that Division.

27 June 1863 Enniscorthy News

...then produced a list of inmates willing to emigrate [to Canada], from which the following were selected—...Bridget Treacy and her children, Edward, aged 15 [b. 1848], Mathew, 13 [b. 1850], and Michael, 11 [b. 1852]...[see Myshall Carlow]



 Traceys of South Wexford


It is unlikely that South Wexford may have been the home of a Norman Tracey family, as there are no Traceys included in the Knights fees for Wexford, Carlow and Kilkenny.  Traceys are referenced in State historical records dating from 1280 to 1366, but there does not seem to be any references after this date. It is likely that the Richard Tracy named was not a Norman, though he is referenced in conjunction with Norman knights. In a trial dealing with him and Joh Ken & Walt Oclee, he seems to state that he is citizen of this country. It is very unusual to have Irish people named in the Norman records. I presume that as Tracy was also a Norman name that they may have been treated as Normans, and I would say that we would have taken advantage of this.


The records state that Richard Tracy held 2 carucats 60 acres (approx 300 acres in total) in Leffeth/Le Fech/Fyth and Polryth/Pollrith/Polrych and pays yearly £5.7s.4d. without suit. These references seem to locate them near Old Ross. New Ross was the Norman legal centre. The places named seem to be more similar to The Faythe (An Fhaiche) Tacumshin and Pollwitch Mayglass on the south east side of Wexford. In another record, it seems to state that the places named are in Fyth [Forth] and not Old Ross.


In 1332, in the Memoranda rolls of Edward III, there is a reference to Johen Tassi de Villa Otrassi ie John Tassy of the town of Otrassy, which are of Irish origins. The reference refers to the old Wexford barony of Keir, which was a large district to the west of the Slaney, between Enniscorthy and Wexford. With regard to the names stated, the 'de Dene' [ie Dane] were big Norman players in that part of Wexford and are connected with Wilton Castle beside Ballinapierce. Villa Otrassi may have been located in this area. In the Memoranda, there are also references to what might be a William Otresey of Tintern.


In 1345, Will Tracy is named as one of the gentry of the county of Wexford summond to attend before the Lord Justice with horse and arms


In 1364, at the election of David son of Adam de Rupe [Roche] as Sherriff of Wexford, Ricus Trassy is named as one of the gentry being present.


In 1368, Maurice Trassy of Coulratthyn is named in a dispute over land. Coulratthyn [Coolraheen Taghmon], lies between Tracystown East and West.






The ruins of the Norman castle at Tracystown West, built around 1450 AD as part of a series of defensive castles in south Wexford.

Tracystown East (Baile Uí Threasaigh Thior) and Tracystown West (Baile Uí Threasaigh Thiar, 1654 Trassistowne/Trassestowne), located 3 miles south-east and 2 miles west of Taghmon respectively, may have been either Norman or Gaelic settlements. They are located on the boundary of Bargy barony.


Morley at al state “These last townlands may be of Norman origin but references to the Norman Tracys in south Wexford are scarce and they may not have remained in the area. The occurrence of Tracytown as a townland name in an area of Norman settlement may seem to support the Norman attribution of Tracy, but even a cursory examination of Wexford place names shows this reasoning to be unsound”.


If Traceystown East is a Gaelic settlement, then Tincurra Church would have been of importance to the Traceys and the Uí Bairrche. It fulfills a number of criteria as an inauguration or óenach/meeting site. 


The placename Tincurra (Tincur = marriage portion/settlement) is mostly particular to Wexford and occurs in three locations, in areas with an Uí Bairrche connection. 




The ruins of Tincurra church on the edge of Tracystown East, which appears to be of celtic origin.



 Wexford Town & Rosslare (South East Wexford) PLU Wexford


Wexford Town


In a 1713 Quaker record, John Trucy/Trescy is stated as a tithe taker for Carrigg [Carrick] parish.


In two leases dated March 1731 and August 1743, John Tresey of Wexford Yeoman is named as a witness. The areas named are located around Wexford town.


In July 1764, James Tracy, Ale Draper [alehouse keeper], of Wexford [town] was a witness to a pre-marriage settlement between Christopher Jeffares, of Furzeytown [Tacumshin, Forth], and Mary Berry, of Ballykelly [Killiane, Forth?]. Most of the persons mentioned are located in Forth barony, including the Wheelocks (see Ballyrane).


In the Catholic Qualification Rolls, James Tracy, Malster, of Wexford, pleaded on the 2nd April 1779 at Wexford assizes.


In a deed of release dated 27 Dec 1779, there is a reference to a cabbin & backside held by Denis Tracy joining the Corporation ground near Johns Gate. This is repeated in a Landed Estates deed of the Representatives of Edward Tighe, dating prior to 1856. The only other reference to a Denis Tracy in Wexford, is as a sponsor in Enniscorthy in 1839.


In a deed of release dated 26 April 1785 referencing an earlier deed dated 14 Sep 1763, lists a Elizabeth Tracy widow [Wickham?]. ...Doctor Shalton on the south with John Wakelys house and Williams Quay on the east with the river of Wexford and fronting the fore street westward as also the two thatched cabbins wherin Elizabeth Tracy widow and Patrick Newport shoemaker then dwelt bounded on the north with Doctor Shaftons tenement on the south...


In December 1789, Nicholas Tracey, leased a malting building in Wexford town from the Reverend Joseph Miller for 400 years at a yearly rent of £13. The building was beside the St. Mary's Church and the house of Catherine Devereux, widow. Catherine Devereux may have been a relative.


4 February 1792 Dublin Evening Post

In the battle for the franchise, both James Tracey and Nicholas Tracey of Wexford Town are listed in a petition of leading catholics of Wexford.


Matthew Greene, trial 5th November 1798

...witness for the prisoner...3rd witness William Tracy [presume of Wexford Town]...strand over the bridge...


The Tithes records list

In 1831 Nicholas Treacy of Mauldinstown was listed as a Tithe Defaulters. In 1833, he was listed as having 11a/1r/4p (ref 31/116)


21 November 1838 Wexford Independent

Wexford Precursor Society...freeman and other inhabitants of the town of Wexford...Mathew Tracy...[Reform Party]


9 January 1839 Wexford Conservative [page]

Wexford Quarter Sessions...It appeared that on Sunday the 26th September 1838, that Donohoe, in going his rounds called to Matthew Treacy's house, rapped at the door at the hour of half-past 9 o'clock of the same evening, and was immediately asmitted; went into the parlor and there found Treacy and mr. P. Whitty sitting together drinking punch, this Donohoe considered a breach of the Act of Partliment, lately made, in which no Publican can sell or allow to be consumed in his house any punch, spirits, ale or wine, beyond the prohibited hour of 8 o'clock on a Sunday evening, under a certain penalty. Treacy was summoned before the Magistrates of petty Sessions, as was Whitty, upon examination it appear that Treacy and Whitty had walked out on the evening of the same day to listen to the band playing, and upon coming home, Treacy had invited his friend Whitty to partake of a glass of punch as a treat; this being sworn to by both, the Magistrates fined him in the mitigated penalty of ten schillings, the fine was paid, but appealed to the sitting Bench and after a tedious and desultory arguement between the Solicitors engaged on both sides, an also the magistrates, the Barrister gave it as his opinion that a legislative body never contemplated, that a publican should be deprived of the rights of hospitality to his friend in his own house, but as it was a question of such vital interest to publicans and the public in general, he would not decide, but would send the case up to the law advisors of the Crown for their ultimate decision.


15 June 1839 Wexford Independent

182 Mathew Tracy, Maudlintown, shopkeeper and farmer, do [householder] do [house and premises] Maudlintown, Wexford, St Magdalen's Forth.


12 February 1840 Wexford Conservative

...Freeholders...County of Wexford...John Treacy, Muchrath, Wexford, 27 June, do [1839?]...Borough of Wexford...Mathew Treacy, Maudlintown, do [27th June] do [1839?]


4 & 7 November 1840 Wexford Independent

...repeal of the Legislative Union...town of Wexford...Mathew Tracy...

10 June 1843 Wexford Independent

Wexford Repeal Association...The town was then divided into thirty districts, and the following collectors appointed:- Nos 1 & 2, Messrs John Wall and Mathew Tracey...


12 February 1840 Wexford Independent

Registery of Freeholds...County of Wexford...John Treacy, Muchrath, Wexford, 27th June 1839...Borough of Wexford...Mathew Treacy, Maudlintown, do [Wexford], do [27th June 1839]

24 February 1841 Wexford Conservative

Registry of Freeholders...Borough of Wexford...Mathew Treacy, Maudlintown do [householder] do [Wexford] do [27th June 1835 & 1839]

Borough of New Ross...Thomas Tracy, The Quay, do [householder] Wexford, 7th Jan., 1841

18 February 1846 Wexford Independent

Borough of New Ross

Tracy Thomas, The Quay, householder 7 Jan '41

Borough of Wexford

Treacy Mathew, Maudlintown, householder 27 Jun 1839


Wexford Independent 05 March 1842

Wexford Spring Assizes...Thomas Tracy, sheep-stealing - Not guilty


Wexford Independent 15 July 1843

Wexford Repeal Fund...Districts No. 1 & 2 collected by Messrs John Wall and Matthew Tracy...District 24...William Tracey...

22 February 1845 Wexford Independent

Progress of Repeal in Wexford...the chair was taken by Mr. Matthew Tracy...Mr Tracy being requested to vacate the Chair and Mr John Hayes being called thereto, the thanks of the meeting was unanimously voted to Mr Tracy, for his dignified conduct in the chair...

19 April 1845 Wexford Independent

Repeal Wardens [Wexford]...Mathew Tracy...

19 July 1845 Wexford Independent

Repeal Wexford...Messrs. Wall and Tracy, 3s5d...


17 February 1844 Wexford Independent

License to keep arms...Matthew Treacy, Rathullen [Ratholm Ballybrennan]...John Tracey, Belmont [Belmont House in Newtown Carrick]...


24 January 1844 Wexford Independent

...a meeting of the Liberal portion of the inhabitants of Wexford...to form a club...Matthew Tracey...


10 December 1845 Wexford Conservative/Wexford Independant

Wexford Poor Law Union...the Chairman then read the tender of Mr Matthew Tracy of Maudlinstown, to supply the house, according to the advertisement, for three months from Dec 8th at 4½d per stone, and naming as his sureties Messrs Josph Pettit and Mathew Cooney.

The Master said that it was from Mr. Tracy the potatoes were got at present but certainly not at 4½d per stone. They were excellent potatoes.

Some Guardians said that potatoes were selling in the market that day from 2½d to 3d and 3½d at the highest - therefore 4½d was very high.

The Chairman observed there was a risk in the Market as to the quality and there was also another circumstance of which the Board should not be forgetful at present; it was, that if the Master went into the market, he should take ready cash with him for the purpose of purchase, whereas, here, that it not frequired. The funds are low now, and should be attended to.

All having considered, the tender was declared accepted.


13 June 1846 Wexford Independent

Borough of Wexford. Registry of Voters. Mathew Treacy, Maudlintown in the vicinity of the town of Wexford publican householder dwelling house and land situate at Maudlintown in the vicinity of Wexford and within said borough [£]10


2 December 1846 Wexford Independent

Caution - Death from Glanders...Some time back, William Tracy, a poor man employed about the packet yard, died in the County Infirmary from the same cause, having caught the infection by skinning a horse that had died of glanders.


1846 Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory of Ireland

Matthew Tracy, Faythe, Wexford. Public House.



In the valuation of 1846 and 1847 Mathew Tracey had a house, store and yard at 7 Stone Bridge Lane Townparks St Mary. There is the following note that the lower story is divided into three tenements and the upper story is used by himself as a store. The second story let to a Geo Hays for about Cor & £ the sander is held by Rothford and Carty is worth 30/-.


In the 1846 valuation, Mathew Tracy, had (unfinished) houses, at 1, 2 & 3 William Street St Michael. In the 1852 valuation, Matthew Tracy, had house (pt of) offices yd off (remn of tenament in Parish of Maudlintown) at 23 William Street Townparks St Michael of Feagh, Landlord Jane Batt and Robert Stafford, parish boundary runs through house, No. 24, 25 & 26  Landlord Matthew Tracy, 27 & 28 garden Landlord Jane Batt.


In the 1846 valuation, Mathew Tracy, at 26 Maudlintown held under Matthew Tracy. house & potato house, 27 Maudlintown, holds from Mr Stafford has ???. 28 & 29 Maudlintown held under Matthew Tracy. House, potato house & pig house 31 Maudlintown (Note: Built by tenant who holds lands with houses for remainder of houses see No 1 in the Faithe Parish of ???. Another 1846 valuation describes Mathew Tracy, with a house & potato house at 27 Maudlintown, Spirit store, house, potato house and a pig house at 30 Maudlintown, In 1852 Mathew Tracy, landlord of 50, 51, 52, 53, Maudlintown & house (pt of) offices land (remn of tenament in pt of St Michael of Fenagh) from 1.5 to 2 acres of water on the plot, Robert Stafford landlord


1844-1847 Matthew Tracy, house & offices at 27 & 31 Mandlintown Street Maudlintown [Note: no.19 is the ruins of St Mary Magdaline] In 1845, there was the note that the houses were built by tenant who holds land with house. For remainder of house see No.1 Parish of St Michael


1846 Mt Tracey [with others] offices 22 John Lane Town Parks Wexford


In 1846 and 1847 Mathew Tracey house [crossed out] Mathew Tracey part of house & yard. Note: The remainder of this house is in the Parish of Maudlintown, is a Public house the situation middling.) 1 Townparks St Michael of Feagh. Another 1846 valuation states Matthew Tracy, publican, (unfinished) house over an ?, house, (unfinished) kitchen, 1 Town Parks [the faythe], St Michael. For remainder of house and offices see No. 40 Maudlintown Parish


No 209 Tracey to Tracey

20 May 1847 Deed of conveyance...between Mathew Tracey of Wexford in the County of Wexford farmer of the one part and Mathew Tracey of Ratholin [Ratholm Ballybrennan] in said C. Farmer of the other part...[4 Jun 1791] Chas Stanley Monck of the City of Dublin Esqr...demised and set unto Mary Tracey and John Tracey...Mary Tracey...died leaving the said John Tracey, her son a co lessee..Matthew Tracey...the death of his father the said John Tracey and under and by virtue the last will and testament of the said John Tracey...Matthew Tracey eldest son...indenture 4 Dec 1824 [thirty crossed out]...Lands of Ratholum Conty , twenty seven acres one rood plantation measure log with the Dwelling house and out houses thereon situate in the parish of Ballybrennan...



3 July 1847 Wexford Independent

To the independent electors of the Borough of Wexford...[nomination of] Sir Thomas Esmonde, Bart...Mathew Tracey...


1847 Spring Assizes & other dates [see also 1866]

...1342 perches of the post road from Wexford to Broadway, between the end of Paul-quay and Mathew Tracey's house and between Hayes's house in the faythe, and the third milestone on Kilmacree...


In the valuation of 1847, Benjamin Tracy? Had a house and yard at 27 Patrick street Wexford (exempt)


1848 Wexford Goal

John Tracey, for leaving poor house.


07 April 1849 Wexford Independent

Wexford Guardians for the coming year...Wexford Electoral Division...Mathew Tracy...

29 September 1849 Wexford Independent

...Guardians of the Wexford Electoral Division...Mathew Tracy...

27 July 1850 Wexford Independent

Wexford Union...Guardians...Mathew Tracey...


20 February 1850 Wexford Independent

Borough of Wexford...Electors...Mathew Tracy, Maudlintown, householder, 25 June 1846


6 November 1850 Wexford Independent

Christian Brothers Schools...Wexford...contributions...Matthew Tracey 2s.6d...


In the 1851 English Census for Leeds Borough Gaol, there is a Thomas Tracey, unmarried, 24, merchant sailor, born Wexford Wexford. Perhaps the son of James Tracey & Margaret Parle.


Wexford Independent 13 December 1851

...election of an assistant nurse in the Fever Hospital, with a salary of £8 per annum and rations...Catherine Tracy (acting at for time as an assistant nurse)...The characters and qualifications of both the candidates were unexceptionable. Mr. Miehari Furlong proposed, and Mr. LeHunte seconded that Catherine Tracy be appointed be apponted Assistant Nurse but that she forthwith have her two children removed from the Workhouse. Carried unanimously.

Wexford Independent 26 November 1851

That the salary of Catherine Tracy, nurse in the fever hospital be increased from £4 to £8 per annum, provided she relieves the workhouse of her two children

Wexford Independent 22 January 1853

...appointment of Catherine Tracy to the office of nurse in the Workhouse fever Hospital of Wexford Union at a salary of £8 per annum...approval of the above appointment...By Order of the Commissioners...

15 August 1855 Wexford Independent

Wexford Poor Law Union...Fever Hospital...Dr Crean, on the same day [7th instant], remarks - Nurse Tracey left the hospital yesterday immediately after my visit, without my permission, and did not return until after 3 o'clock. I wrote to the Committee to suspend or dismiss her, and let Mrs M'Guirke act for the present in her place...Nurse Tracey should be discharged, we do so, and discharge her from further service in the Hospital subject to the Board on Saturday next...


09 November 1853 Wexford Independent

The New Parochial Churches...Four Schillings...Mathew Tracey...


In the valuation of 1852 Margaret Tracy, house in rear, 24 Johns gate Townparks St John.


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following were recorded:

Margaret Tracy of John’s Gate Townparks St. Johns, Wexford Town; Matthew Tracy of St. Mary, William Street Townparks, St. Michaels of Feagh, Wexford Town and of Maudlintown, East of Wexford Town;

John’s Gate, Townparks townland of the Parish of St. Johns (Ord. S. 37)

Map (# of 33)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Margaret Tracy

John Stafford




Stonebridge Lane, St. Mary, townland of the Parish of Wexford Town (Ord. S. 37) 

Map (# of )


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Daniel Murphy

Matthew Tracy




Patrick Reid

Matthew Tracy

House & Garden




Matthew Tracy




Mary Wadding

Matthew Tracy



William Street, Townparks townland of the Parish of St. Michael of Feagh (Ord. S. 37) 

Map (# of 56)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


William Connelly

Matthew Tracy





Mary Murphy

Matthew Tracy





Matthew Tracy

Jane Batt & Robt. Stafford

Ho. (pt of), offs., yd., & gar.

(Remainder of tenement in parish of Maudlintown)

0a 0r 26p



Nicholas Sinnott

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




James Rowe

Matthew Tracy

House and yard





Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Matthew Tracy

Jane Batt


0a 0r 20p



Matthew Tracy

Jane Batt


0a 0r 37p


Maudlintown townland (Town of Wexford) of the Parish of Maudlintown (Ord. S. 37)

Map (# of 54)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Patrick Rossitor

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




James Dunne

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




John Dillon

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Michael Niville

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Philip Ninchan

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




William Cahill

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




John Doyle

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Thomas Neill

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Margaret Cousins

Matthew Tracy

House and yard





Matthew Tracy

House and yard





Matthew Tracy

House and yard





Matthew Tracy

House (in ruins)





Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Felix Murphy

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Joseph Rossiter

Matthew Tracy

House and yard




Matthew Tracy

Robert Stafford

House (pt. of) Offs, & Ld. (Remainder of tenement in Parish of St. Michael’s of Feagh)

10a 0r 10p



05 November 1853 Wexford People

The New Parochial Churches

...Matthew Tracy £0.4.0...


On the 31st of October 1854, Mathew Tracy was a witness to the will of Robert Stafford of Main Street wexford. In the codicil of 1st of February 1860, he was not named.


14 February 1855 Wexford Independent

Subscriptions for the relief of the poor...Mr Mathew Tracey 4s...


13 July 1855

Margt Tracey, 62, 4'10", Dak eyes. grey hair, sallow complexion, lives Wexford, RC, widow, stealing a fish


29 March 1856 Wexford People

Subscription cards towards the spires [Wexford]

...Mr. John Tracey, Hungerford, North America...£1.14.0...

Hungerford, Feb 11, 1856

Rev. Sir - I received your card of the 26th November on the 17th of January. I send a list of the names of subscribers with the amount subscribed. I hope you will pray for your humble servant, John Tracy.


15 October 1856 Wexford Independent

List of the contributors to the repairs and improvements of the Francisan Church...Mathew Tracy 5s...


18 March 1857 Wexford Independent 

Nomination of Guardians...

Killinick - *Mathew Tracey, Ballyrane, nominated by John Rossiter...

Wexford...*Mathew Tracey, Maudlintown...all nominated by Michael Finn

Those marked * are new members

18 March 1857 Wexford Independent 

Wexford Dispensary...Guardians...Mathew Tracey...


1 July 1857 to 6 April 1859 Wexford Independent

Wexford Poor Law Union...Guardians...Mathew Tracey, (Wexford)...Mathew Tracey, (Killinick)...


14 November 1857 Wexford Independent

Additional Subscribers to the Francisan Church...Mr. Mathew Tracy, Faythe, 10s...


The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rowe Steet, Wexford Town, was opened in 1858. One of the Stations of the Cross has the following dedication:


‘XII In memory of her deceased friends by Alice Tracy’


17 March 1858 Wexford Independent

The clerk next read the names of the gentlemen nominated to fill the office of Guardian during 1858-59, witheir nominators...Wexford...Mathew Tracey, Maudlintown, by M. Finn...


30 October 1858 Wexford Independent

The New Parochial Churches...Mr Mathew Tracy 10s...Subscribers on Mr William Moran's card Baltimore [North America]...Catherine Tracy, Mary Tracey...


22 December 1858 Wexford Independent

Coroner's Inquest...at the house of Mr Mathew Tracey, on view of the body of an infant female child...

5 March 1859 Wexford Independent 

The charge of child murder at kirlogue [Kerloge]...the dead body of a child at Mr. Tracey's in this town...


11 February 1860 Wexford People

...On following evening Dr. Ryan attended and held an inquest at the house of the late Mr. Mathew Tracey...


15 June 1861 Wexford Independent

June 8th after a lingering illness borne with Christian fortitude and entire resignation, Eliza, third sister of the late? Mr Mathew Tracey, Maudlintown, sincerely regretted. - May she rest in peace.


19 February 1862 Wexford Independent

Admission of Paupers. John Tracey, 20, Union...


Wexford Independent 21 February 1863

Wexford Petty Sessions...Margaret Tracey v. William Connolly for posession of a dwelling house in William Street - Ordered.


Wexford Independent 11 June 1864

The New Parochial Churches...The Misses Tracy, Maudlintown...£0.6.0...


5 December 1866 Wexford Independent [see also 1847]

Adjourned Road Sessions...Forth...15. To keep in repair for five years, 1342 perches of post road from Wexford to Broadway, between the end of Paul quay and Mathew Tracey's house in the Faythe, and between Hayes's house in the Faythe and the 3rd milestone on Kilmacree, not to exceed 3s per perch. Half off county.


24 October 1866 Wexford Independent

Wexford Union...Admissions. Anne Tracey, 30, Union; Biddy Tracey, 1½, do;...


Wexford Independent 01 April 1868

We the undersigned inhabitants of the Town of Wexford...promise not to sell any spirituous liquors...Margaret Tracey...


In the 1870 Slater's Directory of Ireland, it would appear that Margaret Tracy now ran the Public House in the Faythe.


15 February 1871 Wexford Independent

Town Parks, Houses, Cows and Hay by auction.

To be sold by auction on the premises by directions of the Misses Tracey, Faythe, Wexford, on Wednesday February 22nd 1871.

The interest in the lease of eight acres of prime pasture land together with nine dwelling houses thereon. The land is of superior quality, well fenced and watered, and the tenants pay regularly. Also six superior in-calf cows, two Springer Heifers, and one yearling, and a Butt of old hay. Immediate possession will be given.

Sale at twelve o'clock. John Hinton, Auctioneer, Red House, Wexford and Enniscorthy, Wexford Feb 10 1871.

26 April 1871 Wexford Independent

Town Parks, Houses, Jaunting Car.

To be sold by auction on Friday the 5th May 1871 at the Red House Quay, Wexford.

By order of the Misses Tracey

Their valuable interest in the lease of eight acres of prime pasture land, situated in the Faythe, together with Eleven dwelling houses thereon. The lands are of the very first and primest quality for pasture, well walled and fenced, and the tenants in the houses pay regularly. This is a rare oppertunity, the premises being in the vicinity of the town. Also, an excellent new Jaunting Car.

Immediate possession will be given.

Sale at one o'clock. John Hinton, Auctioneer, Wexford and Enniscorthy. Red House, Wexford, April 22nd 1871.


11 March 1871 Wexford People

...Thomas Tracy, High street, tailor...


28 June 1871 Wexford Independent & 1 July 1871 Wexford People

Wexford Quarter Sessions...Spirit License...Miss Alice Tracey, Maudlintown, Wexford, granted...


1 March 1873 Wexford Independent


On Thurdsday, in the Main street, aged 27, Mr. Patrick Tracey, painter, deeply regretterd. - May he rest in peace.


In the 1877 Local government and taxation of towns report, Mr. Nicholas MacDonnell, Wexford town surveyor, is stated as proposing “to make a sewer of Ninety perches, Irish, in length, from Tracey's to Castle-hill.” Castle Hill Street (now Kevin Barry Street) leads from the Faythe towards South Main Street. Ninety Irish perches are approximately a third of a mile. As such, I presume that [Matthew then Margaret] Tracy’s [public house] was to the south, at the junction of the Faythe and William Street.


09 March 1889 Wexford People

Wexford Workhouse...John Tracey, driver of the workhouse van...



...a meeting was held in the Town Hall Wexford to consider the best steps to be taken to establish an annual agriculturalshow in Wexford..present...James Treacy, Balleaton [Ballyeaton Ardcandrisk]...


13 May 1905 Free Press (Wexford) [moved from Baldwinstown]

Agents wanted in New Ross, Enniscorthy and Wexford for house endowment  and insurance; good twrms to energenic men. Address, P. Treacy, Superintendent, High Street, Wexford.


15 December 1906 Free Press (Wexford)

Christian Schools Wexford

2s6d...Patrick Treacy, High street:...


November 27, 1909. The Free Press. Saturday.

Christian Schools Wexford...2s6d...P. Treacy, High street...


22 January 1910 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

Wexford Guardians

Co-option of Mr. Treacy

Co-option of Mr Treacy—Mr John Codd's Want. Mr W R Devereux proposed that Mr. Treacy, High street, be co-opted in the room of Mr M A Ennis, resigned, as a Guardian for St Selskar Ward...


23 April 1910 Free Press (Wexford)

Wexford Union...P. Treacy...


05 May 1911 New Ross Standard

Wexford Urban Guardians...St. Setaker Ward...Patrick Treacy, High-street (out-going)...


10th March 1920 Applications were received from the following as Rate Collector for No, 4 Collection District

...Patrick Treacy, 11 High Street, Wexford... [he also applied for a similar job in 1916 and 1923]


07 January 1911 Free Press (Wexford)

Wexford Union And Rural District.

Guardians for the Urban District of Wexford...Patrick Treacy...


09 May 1914 Free Press (Wexford)

St. Iberius Ward...Patrick Treacy, high Street (new)...Selskar Ward...Patrick Treacy, high Street (outgoing)...


September 8, 1906 London American Register [see Enniscorthy]

LOANS! LOANS! LOANS!...Wexford Offices, Georges-street, M. J. Tracy, Manager...


May, June & July 1906 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

The Irish Farmers Financial Association 112, Quay, Waterford.

Agent for Wexford and Wicklow: Mr M.J. Treacy

Offices: Hore's Stores, Georges St., Wexford.

Office Hours: 10.30 to 4.30


8 December 1906 Free Press (Wexford) [file]

If you want Bargains Call to M. J. Treacy’s General Supply and Fancy Warehouse, 58 South Main Street ! Where...


14 December 1907 Free Press (Wexford) [file]

MJ Treacy, 58 South Main Street, Wexford - Christmas Sale


12 March 1907 James Tunstead [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Administration of the estate of James Tunstead late of Poulpeasty County Wexford farmer who died 9 May 1906 at The Infirmary Enniscorthy said County granted at Dublin to Susan Treacy [Castlecomer  Kilkenny] married woman. Effects £372.


24 January 1908 New Ross Standard

Chancery Division.

In the matter of the Estate of James Tunstead, deceased, between Susan Treacy, plaintiff, and Robert Tunstead and Maria, Tunstead, defendants.

Preliminary Notice Of Public Auction.

...10th day of December 1907, a farm portion of the estate of said James Tunstead, deceased, situated in the townland of Poulpeasty, Clonroche, containing 112 acres 2 roods statute measure...


27 July 1907 Free Press (Wexford)

South Wexford Inquest...jury...Thomas Treacy...[Wexford Town?]


1901 Census

1911 Census




Thomas Tracy [Frady], 23 Barrack Street, Wexford, 50, M, Tailor, Roman Catholic, Born Co Wexford [from New Ross]



[moved from Baldwinstown]





Thomas Treacy [Freacy], 70, M, 23 Barrack Street, Wexford No. 2 Urban, Wexford, Co Wexford, Tailor, Catholic, Head of Family, Married 8 years [from New Ross]

Elizabeth Treacy [Freacy], 52, F, Barrack Street, Wexford No. 2 Urban, Wexford, Co Wexford, Catholic, Wife, Married 8 years


Patrick Treacy, 50, M, 13 High Street, Wexford Urban No 1, Wexford (tea agent, b. Baldwinstown (Bargy) Wexford)

Mary Treacy, 50, F, High Street, Wexford Urban No 1, Wexford (married 26 years, 2 children died)


James Treacey, 31, M, 14 Trinity Street, Wexford No. 2 Urban, Wexford (single, border, railway signalman, b. Kilkenny)




16 April 1913 Mary Walsh

Probate of the will of Mary Walsh late of Corramacorra Murrintown County Wexford widow who died 23 February 1913 granted at Dublin to Maria S. Tracey spinster. Effects £21.19.4



James Tracey, 35, Signalman Wexford, National Union of Railwaymen


1915 Army Application - Not approved.

James Tracy, 10080, The Army Service Corps

39 years 280 days, b. 1876, Shoeing Smith?, married, RC, 5'4.25", 40" chest, mark on inside of right thigh, fit for service at home or abroad, Annie Tracy 12 high street Wexford wife 1895? next of kin

Address: 12 High Street, Wexford

Family: Annie Morris, Spinster, married at Wexford 7/9/1889[?], lives at 12 high Street Wexford, Child: Catherine Tracy, b. 7/12/1903 at Wexford

8/12/1915 Discharged - Not being likely to become an efficient soldier.


9 January 1920 New Ross Standard

Election of Rate Collectors...applications from...Patrick Treacy, 11 High Street, Wexford...


Dec 12, 1934 (IP) Death

Tracy (Derry) December 9 1934, at his residence, Ardkill, Derry, John Tracy formerly of High St., Wexford. RIP. Funeral took place to family burial ground, Ardmore, Derry, yesterday (Tuesday). Queen of the Most Holy Rossary, pray for him. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on his soul. [He was from Derry]



Church records (Wexford Town) and State Records:

Roman Catholic church record for Wexford Town

Baptisms start from 1671 (missing 1689-1694, 1710-1723 & 1787-1815)

Marriages (missing 1685-1724)


Donis Tracy/Tressy/Trasy & Nell Hore/Hoore

Ann Tracy b. 20th May 1699 Wexford Town Sp. William Donison & Nan Freeman

Tho Trassy b. 14th Octbris 1702 Wexford Town Sp. Martin Murphy & Margett Deyer

Will Trasy b. 18th Feb 1705 Sp. James Nealer & Sara Bryan


Katarin Tracy & Adam Whogort spon to baptism of Thom to John Louy (Long?)  & Nell? Wrigh 11/2/1700 Wexford Town


Tho Tressy & Margt Rossetor

Stephen Tressy b. 28? Nov? 1707 Wexford Town Sp. William Row & Nell Boggan


Thomas Trasy & Maigret

Margaret Sept 1723 Wexford Town (Spon John White & Mairgret Pearle)

Thomas Trasy married Catherine Connick 15th September 1728 Wit: Mon Hay & Patrick Nowland Wexford Parish

Thomas Trasy & Cat Cormick

Elizabeth Trasy 21st Nov 1732 Wexford Town (Spon Pat Roe & Elizabeth Synnot)


Thomas Trasy? & Mary Reyly spon to baptism of Chrabeth to Thomas Keaw & Ellen Murphy 5/4/1728 Wexford Town


Margaret (Peggy) Trasy & James Hews (or Hughes)

Pat 31/1/1733 Wexford Town (Spon Richard Reigh & Cat Donel)

? January 1735 Wexford Town (Spon Daniel ? & Cat Hay)


James Trassy? & Peggy Megin?

Margaret 22/5/1734 Wexford Town (Spon Francis Doyle & Mary Ramle?)


Catherine Tracy & Denis Kehoe  spon to baptism of Joseph to James Keating & Andree French 27/8/1737 Wexford Town

Catherine Tracy & Richard Cahill spon to baptism of Mary? to James Hill & Mary Freemer 8/5/1739 Wexford Town

Catherine Tracy & James French spon to baptism of Catherine to ? English & Mary Boggans 8/10/1743 Wexford Town


Anistates Tracy & Andrew Gannan

? 15/10/1738 Wexford Town (Spon James French & Christian Murphy)


Mary Tracey & Barnaby Kelly sponsors to the baptism of Barnaby English to John English & Mary Boggan 28 Oct 1738


Eleanor Tracey m Michael/Patrick Cody 14 May 1743 Wit Patrick Kelly & Anne Kelly. Wexford Town

Thomas Cody 24/2/1743 Wexford Town (Spon Patrick Quirk & Anstasia Tracey)

Catherine Cody 21/12/1747 Wexford Town (Spon Patrick Cody & Catherine Stafford)

Mary Cody 10/3/1749 Wexford Town (Spon James Hughes & Mary Hogan)

Margaret? Cody 23/10/1752 Wexford Town (Spon Barnaby Hay & Mary Meyler)

? Cody 15/3/1756 Wexford Town (Spon James Myler & Alley Nangle)


Margaret Tracy & James Hughes spon to baptism of James to Matthas Meyler & Joan Pierce 23/1/1743 Wexford Town

Margaret Tracey & Thomas Hay spon to baptism of Elizabeth to Laurence Furlong & Bridget Welsh 17/3/1757 Wexford Town

Margt Treacy & Thos Roe spon to baptism of Barbara to Rich Murphy & Joan Connor 13?/1/1778 Wexford Town

Margaret Treacy & John Divigns? spon to baptism of John to Richard Rack & Mary Murphy 17/5/1778 Wexford Town

Marg? Treacy & James Stafford spon to baptism of Eleanor to James Chivers? & Mary Connor ?/4/1778 Wexford Town

Margt Treacy & Pat Rositor? spon to baptism of Anthony to Thos Rositor? & Mary Ann Duff 5/2/1781 Wexford Town

Margaret Treacy & Nich Corish spon to baptism of Barbara to Thos Barry & Mary Sinnot 8/2/1781 Wexford Town

Marg Treacy & James Cody spon to baptism of Michael to Mark Boorly? & Catherine Cody 14/8/1782 Wexford Town

Margaret Treacy & John Barry spon to baptism of Elizabeth to John Warren & Mary Whitty 16/3/1783 Wexford Town

Margaret Treacy & William Devereaux spon to baptism of Francis to Richard Myler & Mary Boyle 21/10/1783 Wexford Town

Margt Treacy & Pat Corish spon to baptism of Nicholas to Francis Wadding & Mary Wickham 30/12/1784 Wexford Town

Marg Treacy & Philip Deveraux spon to baptism of Moy? to Laurence Rea & Mary Murphy 2/4/1786 Wexford Town

Peggy Treacy & Nicholas Treacy spon to baptism of Nicholas? to John Cullin & Betty ??? 10/7/1786 Wexford Town


(Catherine) Margaret  Tracey m (John) Jasper Revel 23 May 1744 Wit John Revel Sen & Marg. Wexford Town

Mary Revel 3/1/1744 Wexford Town (Spon Patrick Murphy & Mary Doyle)

Laurence Revel 9/8/1748 Wexford Town (Spon Stephen Connick & Eleanor Stafford)

John Revel 18/12/1750 Wexford Town (Spon Michael Murphy & Mary Hays?)

Mary Revel 20/11/1751 Wexford Town (Spon Francis Bogg & Mary Foghlan)

Eleanor Revel 26/5/1754 Wexford Town (Spon William Power & Mary Bond)

Stephen Revel 13/1/1758 Wexford Town (Spon James Friett? & ?)

Catharin Revel 28/7/1759 Wexford Town (Spon James Tracey & Mary Couzins)

Catharin Revel 30/2/1760 Wexford Town (Spon James Ennis & Joan Cullin)

Elenor Revel 7/8/1763 Wexford Town (Spon Barnaby Hay & Bridget Doyle)

Thomas Revel b. 2 Jul 1766 Sp Richard Lamport & Elizabeth Cardife Wexford Town


James Tracey & Elizabeth Wickham

Eleanor 6th Sept 1751 Wexford Town (Spon John Codd & Margaret Howlin)

James? 12th Oct 1753 Wexford Town (Spon Patrick Hay & Margaret Furlong)

Robert 20th Feb 1756 Wexford Town (Spon Richard Devoraux & Mary Clarey)

John 10/4/1759 Wexford Town (Spon Thomas Barry & Mary Sinnot)

Margt??? 19/4/1761 Wexford Town (Spon John Cleary & Barbara Coote)

Mathew 20/4/1763 Wexford Town (Spon Nicholas Deveraux & Mary Howlin)

Catharin 29/7/1765 Wexford Town (Spon Luke Corish & Elenor Stafford)


James Tracey & Mary Furlong sponsor to Alexander? Devereux of Nicholas Deveraux & Mary Kelly 24 Nov 1751 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Margaret Howlin spon to baptism of Elizabeth to William Cardiffe & Mary Kelly 8/2/1758 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Judy Furlong spon to baptism of Catherin to John Furlong & Catherin Connor 19/3/1758 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Nathanel Waddy witnesses to the marriage of William Ennis & Bridget Cormick 27/12/1758 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Laurence Butlet witnesses to the marriage of James Car & Mary Cleary 7/9/1764 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Mary Butler spon to baptism of James to Samuel Smith & Mary Couzins 26/7/1765 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Elizabeth Wickham witnesses to the marriage of Richard Frank & Mary Murphy 31/5/1766 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Clare Hagan spon to baptism of James to Patrick Staples & Catherin Fitzhenry 29/2/1772 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Mary Roc spon to baptism of Mary to Mark Sinnot & Catherin Starkey 22/1/1775 Wexford Town

James Treacy & Mary Ann Power? spon to baptism of Mary to Rich Mycod? & Mary Boyle 8/12/1778 Wexford Town

James Tracey & Clement Deveraux  witnesses to the marriage of Francis Wadding & Mary Wickham 21/7/1784 Wexford Town


Elenor Tracey & John Scallan spon to batptism of Thomas? to John Connor & Catherin Brennan 16/6?/1766 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Patrick Prendergast spon to baptism of Clare to John Keating & Mary Hean? 15/3/1767 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & William North spon to baptism of Stephen to Patrick North & Mary Connor 22/4?/1767 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & John Naddy spon to baptism of Catharin to James Carr & Mary Cleary 9/3/1767 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Thomas Barry spon to baptism of John to James Crossby? & Anstacie Busher? 12/8?/1768 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Mouge? Prendergast spon to baptism of  James? to Michael Long & Mary Knee 19/7/1769 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & John Connor spon to baptism of Olas? to John Murphy & Elizabeth Connic 4/5/1770 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Thomas Carty spon to baptism of ??? to Samuel Smith & Mary Couzins 20/7/1770 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Richard McCarty spon to baptism of Richard to Peter English & Mary Mithi? 6/5?/1772 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Walter Myler spon to baptism of John to Patrick Couzins & Elenor Connor 15/3/1773 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & John Couzins spon to baptism of Mary to Richard Murphy & Judy Connor 31/1/1773 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Mary Scallan witnesses to the marriage of James Cullin & Ann Barry 4/9/1773 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & John Furlong spon to baptism of Patrick to Thomas Furlong & Agnes Bent 15/3/1776 Wexford Town

Elenor Tracey & Patrick Esmond spon to baptism of Joseph to Patrick Keneddy & Bridget Lamport 11/1/1777 Wexford Town


Eleanor Tracey & Patrick Cleary

Philip 25/3/1773 Wexford Town (Spon Daniel Kavanagh & Mary Furlong)


Ele(a)nor Tracey m James Edwards 15/6/1774 Wexford Town (Wit James Tracey & Robert Tracey)

Elizabeth 11/5/1775 Wexford Town (Spon Michael McCarty & Elizabeth Wickham)


Robert Tracey & Elenor Kelly spon to baptism of James to John North & Elenor Kelly 18/9//1775 Wexford Town


Thomas Trasy & Margret Harris

William 21/4/1775 Wexford Town (Spon Luke & Mary Conway)

Alley (Alice?) 25/3?/1776 Wexford Town (Spon Owen Redmond & Bridget Roche)


Thomas Tracey & Mary Kelly spon to baptism of Elizabeth to Richd Mollourny & Elenor Kelly 20/8/1776 Wexford Town


Mathew Tracey & Mary Rack spon to baptism of Margaret to Richard Rack & Mary Murphy 7/3/1776 Wexford Town

Mathew Treasy & Mary Cormick spon to baptism of Catherine to Thomas Keary & Mary Shandon? 20/7/1782 Wexford Town


Mary Tracy married John Pettit 23 Feb 1783 Wit: James Tracy & Richard Devereux. Wexford Town

Margaret Treacy & John Petite

Mathew? Petite 2/4/1784 Wexford Town (Spon Joseph Doyle & Mary Petite)

Mary Treacy m John Petite 23/7/1783 Wexford Town (Wit James Tracy & Richard Deveraux)

John Petite 10/8/1786 Wexford Town (Spon James? & Bridget Treacy)


Eleanor Treacy & James Lacy

Ie? Lacy 2/7/1785 Wexford Town (Spon Pat Lacy & Johanna Murphy)


William Tracy married Mary Anne Parle 16 Nov 1791 Wit Mary Doyle & Mary Burke. Wexford Town

Wm Heacey & Marianne Pear

Barbara Heacey b. 20 Aug 1815 Sp. Patt martin & Eleanor Whealan. Davidstown Parish


Nicholas Tracy (1749-1826) & Margaret Parle (1769-1855) [from memorial records]

Matthew Tracy (1775-1839) or (1795-1859)



Elizabeth/Eliza Tracy (1795-1861)

Ellen Tracy (1800-1868)

Mary Tracy (1803-1853)

Anne Tracy (1810-1873)

Margaret Tracy (1820-1870)


Nicholas Treacy & Patrick Petitte? witnesses to the marriage of Philip Kavanagh & Mary Bent 10/8/1793 Wexford Town


William Treacy & James Claney witnesses to the marriage of Thomas Roche & Bridget Cullin 22/12/1801 Wexford Town


Margaret Treacy & Ambrose Bosswell witnesses to the marriage of Patrick Coney & Mary Edwards 4/3/1802 Wexford Town


Anstace Tracy m Thomas Moran 29 Sep 1807 Wit John Kenny & Martin Roche. Wexford Town


Patrick Tracy married Bridget Culleton 18 Nov 1807 Wit John Muckligrue & Anastasia Mackiligrue. Wexford Town


Margt Treacy married John Warren 29 Mar 1812 Wit Michl Connors & Mary Connors. Wexford Town


William Tracy married Catharine Byrne 20 May 1813 Wit: John Byrne & David Courtney. Wexford Town


Mary Treacy married Willm Deveraux 30 Sep 1813 Wit Learn.? John Connor & Willm Treacy. Wexford Town

Anne Deveraux 4/9/1816 Wexford Town (Spon Peter Deveraux & Mary Meyer)

Margt Deveraux 16/8/1817? Wexford Town (Spon Willm North & Eliza Hammond)

Michael Deveraux 1820? Wexford Town (Spon Richd Noctan? Margt Hays?)

Wm Deveraux 2/2/1823 Wexford Town (Spon Patt Nevil & Mary Hammond)

Winfred Devereux b. 8 Dec 1826 Sp. Margt Harpur. Wexford Town

Anastatia Devereux b. 8 Jan 1832 Sp. Jon Hagget & Anty Murphy. Wexford Town


John A? Treacy married Margt Cullin 25 Nov 1813. Wit: Patt Doyle & Thos Parle. Wexford Town


Patt Treacy & Jo(h)anna/Jarminah? Furlong

Margt 4/7/1815 Wexford Town (Spon Henry? Murphy & Mary Deveraux)

Thos 23/3/1820 Wexford Town (Spon Thos Furlong & Mary Lacy)

..ne Tracy 12 Nov 1821 Wexford Town (Spon Frank Armstrong & Betty Furlong)

James Tracy 11th May 1825 Wexford Town (Spon Michl Cavanah & Mary Armstrong)


John Treacy & Margt Sane?

Ann 8th Mar 1816 Wexford Town (Spon Peter Walsh & Margt Williams)


Margt Treacy & Jas Cosgrove

Lucy Cosgrove 7/7/1816 Wexford Town (Spon John Lambert & Susy? Lewis?)

Francis Cosgrove 1/6/1817? Wexford Town (Spon Michl Howlin & Mary Leacy)


Eliza? Treacy & Edmond Prendergast spon to baptism of Catharin to John Prendergast & Elizabeth Howlan? 15/3?/1816 Wexford Town


Pat Treacy & Christian Sinnot spon to baptism of Catherine to Thos Furlong & Eliza Beth? 4/9/1816 Wexford Town


Math Treacy? & Catherin? Connolly spon to baptism of Catt? to Hugh Crowley? & Mary Connolly 27/8/1819 Wexford Town

Elinor Tracy & Michael Griffin
Mary Griffin b. 2 Sep 1820 Sp. Laurence Brenan & Cathe Jones. Wexford Town

James Trac(e)y m Margaret Parle 27 Nov 1822 Wit Patt Parle & Mary Parle. Wexford Town

Margt 7/11/1823 Wexford Town (Spon Anne Murphy)

Winifred 9/2/1826 Wexford Town (Spon John Carle & Mary Sinnot)

Thomas 8/11/1828 Wexford Town (Spon Pat Parle & Mary Lacy) [may have joined merchant navy – 1851 census]


Anne Tracy & Cath Lawler spon to baptism of Bess to John Wade & Bidde Murphy 5/11/1822 Wexford Town

10507 Nichs Tracy, 22 years, 6'1", b. [1825] Wex, Catholoic, recomended by Sub Inspr Coburn, No trade, appointed 24 Jan 1847, W. Meath, P.A. Con 1 Aug 60, P Con 1 April 1865, died 21 Aug 1873, leg broken 22/3/68

Nicholas Tracey, died 1873 Delvin Delvin PLU, aged 42 years, b. 1831, bachelor, policeman, died 21 Aug 1873 Delvin Workhouse


Patt Tracy married Mary Murphy 2 Sep 1826 Wit Ellen Rossiter & Catty Wafer. Wexford Town


Bess? Tracy & Dennis Kelly spon to baptism of James to John Edwards & Mary Mackey 17/4/1829 Wexford Town

Margaret Tracy & Patt Butler spon to the baptism of James to Laurence Williams & Fanny Whitty 25/2/1834 Wexford Town

Margaret Treacy & Ellen Pettitl witnesses to the marriage of John Cosgrove & Elizabeth Kavanagh 22/4/1839 Wexford Town

Margaret Tracey & Joh Crean spon to the baptism of Patrick to Leonard Burke & Margaret Bondily? 24/12/1844 Wexford Town

Margaret Tracy? spon to baptism of Patrick to Patrick Cussan? & Mary Breen 7/5/1846 Wexford Town

Margaret Tracy & John Kirwan witnesses to marriage of Peter Roche & Mary Furlong 11/5/1848 Wexford Town


Mary Tracy & Robert Murphy (married 1834)

Robert Murphy b. 10 Nov 1834 Sp William Murphy & Mary Heayse. Wexford Town

Margaret Murphy 15/11/1836 Wexford Town (Spon Pat Cavanagh & Esther Tracy)


Peggy Tracy? & John Demsey

Peter Demsey b. 31 Jun 1836 Sp John Kenady & Mary Leary. Wexford Twon


William Tracy & Catherine Doors? spon to baptism of Elizabeth to John  Carty & Elizabeth Hemp? 12/12/1838 Wexford Town


William Tracey/Tracy/Treacy m Catherine (Kitty) Daly 5 June 1839 Wit Patrick Byrne & Ellen Fortune. Wexford Town

Patrick 27/8/1839 Wexford Town (Spon Patrick Burne & Jane? Young?)

Mary Tracey 24th Aug 1841 Wexford Town Spon Margaret Doyle

James Tracy 8/9 Aug 1843 Wexford Town Spon James Doyle & Margaret Poore

Johanna 1/8/1845 Wexford Town (Spon William Whelan & Anne Foley)

Mary Anne 19/5/1847 Wexford Town (Spon Joseph? McGuin? & Margaret Kavanagh) [married John Stafford?]


Catherine Tracey & Laurane Boggan spon to baptism of Patrick to Patrick Hughes & Mary O’Brien 5/11/1840 Wexford Town

Catherine Tracy? & William Cormick? spon to baptism of Joh William to John Gethins? & Ellen Murry 28/6/1851 Wexford Town


Anne Tracey & Richard Paor?

Francis Paor? 4/10/1843 Wexford Town (Spon Oliver Doyle & Jane Bond)


Mary Tracy & Thomas Keane spon to baptism of Ellen to Patrick Hughs & Mary Bryan 1/8/1843 Wexford Town

Mary Tracey & Thomas Codd spon to baptism of William toWilliam Sinnot & Ellen Codd 13/12/1846 Wexford Town


Mathew Tracey & Catherine Mayler

Mary 24/7/1844 Wexford Town (Spon Marg Comminford?)


Michael Tracy & Anne Brit?

Ann Tracy 26/27 June 1845 Spon Denis Lawler & Judy Sinnot


James Tracy? & Biddy Savage? spon to baptism of Richard to William Bodlin? & Catherine Murphy 1/11/1842 Wexford Town


Bess Tracy & Thomas Nevile? spon to baptism of Richard to Pat Hughes & Mary Breen 2/12/1845 Wexford Town


John Tracy & Ellen Lambert spon to baptism of Mathew to Mathew Byrn & Margaret Byrn 24/8/1844 Wexford Town


Anne Tracey married John Heenan 12 Jul 1846 Wit: Betty Roche & Sally Howlin. Wexford Town Parish

Anne Tracey & John Kinan/Keanan/Keenan/Meehan

Mary Ann Kinan? 14/8/1847 Wexford Town (Spon John Hayes & Winafred Kenny)

Esther Kinan? 22/9/1849 Wexford Town (Spon James Stamp? & Bridget Synnot)

Mary Tracy married Thomas Whelan 29 Apr 1846 Wit: Raymond Dowling & Mary Racke. Wexford Town

Mary Tracey/Tracy & Thomas Whelan

Michael Whelan 9/8/1847 Wexford Town (Spon John Baldwin & Anne Ryan?)


Margaret? Tracy & Pat Furlong

Anne Furlong Illgt b. 14/15 Feb 1851 Sp Giggy Burke. Wexford Town


Margaret Tracy m. Thomas Tobin 25 May 1853 Wit Raymond Dowling & Maria Kenny. Wexford Town

Margaret Tobin 17/3/1854 Wexford Town (Spon Francis Cosgrives)

Sarah Tobin 10/5/1856 Wexford Town (Spon Pat Brian & Eliza Peppar?)

Anne Tobin 17/12/1858 Wexford Town (Spon Anne Doyle)

Margaret Tray (Tracy?) & Michael Sullivan

Michael Sullivan 19/5/1854 Wexford Town (Spon Alan? Finlin)

Catherine Tracy m James Condon 6/ Aug 1855 Wit William Scallan & Bess Keating. Wexford Town

Patrick Treacy & Mary Treacy spon to baptism of Judith? to Nicholas Kelly & Catherine Hutchinson 19/2/1855 Wexford Town

Patrick Tracy & Mary Murphy spon to baptism of Mary to Thomas Nangle & Margaret White 4/5/1863 Wexford Town

Nicholas Tracey Sep 1862 Confirmation - Piercetown Parish
Thomas Tracy, 24, bachelor, stonecutter, lives Sallystown [Kildavin], (s. of Patrick Tracy, stonecutter) married Johnanna Bolger nee Ronan, 24, widow, farmer, lives Sallystown, (d. of Nicholas Ronan, farmer) 3 February 1867 RC Chapel Murrintown Wit: Robert Walsh & Bridget Stafford, their marks [Bridgetown Wexford PLU] [see Dunleckey/Bagenalstown Carlow]
Thomas Tracey married Joanna Bolger of Sallystown, 03 Feb 1867 Wit: Robert Walsh of Sallystown & Bridget Staffotd of Tagsumon. Piercetown Parish
Mary Tracey, 25, spinster, servant, lives Main? Street Wexford, (d. of William Tracey, deceased, sailor) married John Stafford, 22, bachelor, shoemaker, lives School Street Wexford, (s. of John Stafford, deceased, shoemaker) 25 [26] June 1868 RC Chapel Wexford Wit: James W. Condon & John Bohanan? [Wexford Wexford PLU]
Mary Tracey (d. of William Tracey) aged 25 years m. John Stafford (s. of John Stafford) aged 22 years on the 26 Jun 1868 Wexford, Wex, Ireland
Mary Tracy married John Stafford 26 June 1868 wit: James Condon & John Bohannon. Wexford Parish
Mary Tracey & John Stafford
Frances Stafford b. 5/6 Oct 1868 Sp. Patrick Tracy & Bridget Kavanagh Wexford Town (15 Oct LDS)
William Stafford b. 17/18 Jan 1870 Sp Edward Teallan & Catherin Cluffe
John Stafford b. 10 Sep 1871 Sp. William Murphy & Catherine Quirk
Christina Stafford b. 8/9 Oct 1873 Sp James Leary & Margt Coleman  Wexford
James Stafford b. 8/10 Jan 1876 Sp James Condon & Teresa Murphy Wexford 
Patrick Stafford b. 21/22 Jan 1878 Sp John Gethings & Eliza Sinnott Wexford
William Stafford b. 6 Jan 1880 Sp. James Sinnott & Anne Ryan
Thomas Tracy married Anne Madden Wit: Edward Murphy & Mary Morris 28 Nov 1874. Wexford parish. [see 1901 & 1911 Census Wexford Town] [see New Ross]

Thomas Tracey, 27, bachelor, tailor, lives Wexford, (s. of William Tracey, tailor) married Anne Madden, 31, spinster, BLANK, lives Do Do [Wexford], (d. of William Madden, labourer) 28 November 1874 RC Chapel The Assumption Wit: Edward Murphy & Mary Morris [Wexford Wexford PLU] signed his mark


Thomas Tracey, 47, widower, tailor, of Barrack Street Wexford (s. of William Tracey, deceased, tailor) married Lizzie Nolan ors Murphy, full age, widow, shop keeper, Mary Street Wexford (d. of William Murphy, deceased, labourer) Wit: Mathew Grannalb? & Annie on the 17 January 1903 RC Chapel Wexford [see 1901 & 1911 Census Wexford Town] [see New Ross]


Margaret Tracy from Wexford, died 22 January 1891 Workhouse Wexford, married, 70 years, wife of tailor, Apolency 2 days, informant John Irwin occupier Workhouse Wexford

William Tracy from Wexford, died 24 August 1892 Workhouse Wexford, widower, 84 years, tailor, softening of brain 1 year, informant John Irwin occupier Workhouse Wexford


Anne Tracy of Barrack Street Wexford, died 22 July 1898, married, 62 years, wife of Thomas Tracy a tailor, peritonitis 6 days, informant Thomas Tracy [his mark] widower of deceased Barrack street Wexford present at death

Thomas Tracey late of Barrack street Wexford, died 30 December 1924 County Hospital wexford, married, 75 years, tailor, malignant urtheral stricture acute retention & heart failure 2 days, informant John Roche inmate County Hospital Wexford

Elizabeth Treacy of Barrack street Wexford, died 21 May 1932, widow, 70 years, widow of a tailor, malignant disease of intestines, informant Mary J Murphy cousin Barrack Street Wexford present at death


Reference:             BT 377/7/84755


Name      Treacy, John

Place of Birth:       Wexford, County Wexford [NOT FOUND]

Number:                 S 8098

Date of Birth:        02 February 1881

Date:       [1908-1955]

Parents: John and Ellen

5'9.5", fair complexion, chest 36", blue eyes

Address: 32 Pollbeg St Dublin

Enrolement: 19 July 1915

Enrolement cancelled by order of the RGS dated 10 Sep 1915


John Tracey from Wexford, died 9 September 1894 Workhouse Wexford, bachelor, 75 years, bronchitis 14 days, informant Nicholas Kehoe occupier Workhouse Wexford


Michael Joseph Treacy, 22, bachelor, hardware manager, of Stonebridge Wexford (s. of Matthew Treacy, shop keeper) married Mary Therea Obrien, of full age, spinster, of 3 Slaney Street Wexford (d. of William O'Brien, Inspector DW&W Railway) Wit: Thomas Cullen & Dora Furlong on the 26 November 1905 RC Church Wexford [see Enniscorthy]

2 December 1905 Wicklow People

Treacy and O'Brien - November 26th at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Wexford, by the Rev. P. Doyle, Adm, Michael Treacy, eldest son of Matthew Treacy, Enniscorthy, to Mary Teresa, only daughter of Wm O'Brien, Slaney-street, Wexford.

Michael Treacy, clerk of Slaney Street Wexford & Mary Theresa O'Brien

William Matthew Treacy born 15 June 1906 of Slaney Street Wexford. Informant Dora O'Brien of Slaney Street Wexford, present at birth.


John Tracey, of full age, widower, blacksmith, of High Street Wexford (s. of John Tracey, deceased, labourer) [his mark] married Margaret Sheil, 29, spinster, of Newbay [St Peter], (d. of William Sheil, deceeased, farmer)  Wit: William & Alice Sheil on the 05 April 1920 RC Church Wexford [Wexford Wexford PLU]


Annie Tracey of Hayestown, died 23 November 1923, widower, 83 years, OAP, old age no medical attendant, informant William Kenny third cousin Hayestown present at death


Patrick Treacy of High Street Wexford, died 19 March 1926, married, 63 years, insurance agent, cardiac valcular disease, Bridget Egan of High Street Wexford present at death

Mary Treacy of High Street Wexford, died 9 August 1935, widow, 76 years, widow of commercial traveller, senility cardiac failure, Mary Kelly of High Street Wexford present at death



Thomas Tracey, full [age], bachelor, secretary, lives Talbot Hotel Wexford, (s. of Patrick Tracey, pensioner) married Mary Keane, full [age], spinster, civil servant, lives 191 Griffith Ave Whitehall Dublin, (d. of Michael J. Keane, civil servant) 10 Nov 1948 RC Church St Vincent de Paul Marino Wit: Patrick Joseph Treacey & Mary Imelda McCloskey [Drumcondra & Coolock No2 Dublin PLU]


Nov 11, 1948 (II) Marriage

Mr. T. [Thomas] Tracey, Wexford and Miss Maura [Mary] Keane, Griffith Avenue, Dublin after their marriage at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Marino.


5 Aug 1950 Irish Independent

Tracey - July 20, 1950, at lisieux Nursing Home, to Maura (nee Keane), wife of Thomas Tracey, 17 Casa Rio, Wexford - a daughter (Ann Catherine Mary). Deo Gratias.



28 May 1992 Wexford People

Treacy – May 22, 1992 – At Wexford General Hospital, Hugh, Tincone, Ferrybank. Deeply regretted by his loving wife, Elizabeth, sons Hugh and John, daughters Marie and Annette, brothers, sister, son-in-law, nephews, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Interred in Clongeen Cemetery on Sunday after 10.30 Mass.



Memorials of the Dead

Church of St. Francis, Wexford town East Wexford

Matthew Tracy died 27th Aug 1839 [1859?] aged 64, Ellen Tracy his sister died 14th July 1868 aged 68, Margaret Tracy his sister died 15th Dec 1870 aged 50, Anne Tracy his sister died 28th Oct 1873 aged 63.

Nicholas Tracy died 14th May 1826 aged 77 years, Margaret Tracy nee Parle his wife died 12 Oct 1855 aged 86, Elizabeth their daughter died 7th June 1861 aged 66, Mary their daughter died 4th Oct 1853 aged 50.


15 June 1861 Wexford Independent

June 8th after a lingering illness borne with Christian fortitude and entire resignation, Eliza, third sister of the late? Mr Mathew Tracey, Maudlintown, sincerely regretted. - May she rest in peace.


Nicholas Tracy (1749-1826) & Margaret Parle (1769-1855)

Matthew Tracy (1775-1839) or (1795-1859)



Elizabeth/Eliza Tracy (1795-1861)

Ellen Tracy (1800 OR 1805-1868)

Mary Tracy (1803-1853)

Anne Tracy (1810-1873)

Margaret Tracy (1820-1870)



Ellen Tracey died 1868, Wexford PLU, Aged 63, b. 1805, died 14 Jul 1868 Wexford Wexford

Margaret Tracey died 1870, Wexford PLU, Aged 70, b. 1800, died 15 OR 16 Dec 1870, single, shop keeper, Wexford Wexford [sister of Matthew Tracey, above]

Anne Tracey, died 1873 Wexford Wexford PLU, aged 65 years, b. 1808, spinster, NONE profession, died 28 Oct 1873 Maudlintown, Anny Murphy, present at death, Maudlingtown [sister of Matthew Tracey, above]

Patrick Tracey, died 1873 Wexford Wexford PLU, aged 30 years, b. 1843, bachelor, painter, died 27 Feb 1873 Workhouse Wexford


St. Mary Burial Ground, Wexford Town

23 Febry 1891, Mary J Tracey, died 21 Febry, Female, 19 years, RC, Spinster, lived Bride St, single, cross on grave, informant Michael Farthey

St Michaels Burial Ground, Wexford Town

22 Jany 1891, Margaret Tracey, died 20 Jany, Female, 70 years, RC, Ho Keeper, lived Cornmarket, widow, Cross on grave, informant John Doyle

348 20th July 1898. Ann/Anshe Tracey, died 18 July, Female, 60 years, R Catholic, Housekeeper, lived Barrack St, married, headstone, Informant Thomas Tracey his mark



 Rosslare and surrounding areas


In the 1630s, there is a reference to a Katherine Tracy of logharn (Longhard, Ballybrennan Parish, Forth) who may have had an inn and sold quantities of drink.


In 1768 there is the will of Robert Tracy, of Killcarberry, Enniscorthy which has Matthew Tracy of Rotholm, barony of Forth, farmer, as an executor. (see above)


In 1780 and 1783 there is the will of William Tracey or Tracy, seaman of His Majesty's Ship Romney [Catalogue reference PROB 11/1107/257]


...I give and bequath unto my dearly beloved father John Tracey of the parish of Ratholm Wexfod...20 December 1780...

...19? August 1783 was granted to Nicholas Hagan the lawful attorney of John Tracy the natural and lawfull father of the said person? and sole executor named in the said will for the use and benifit of the said John Tracy now residing in the parish of Ballybrennan in the Kingdom of Ireland...


In 1796 there is the will of John Tracy of Rathlom, Co. Wexford.


In 1804 there is the bond of the widow Mary Tracey of Rathholm, Ballybrennan.


In December 1822 some atrocious ruffians cut the throat of a horse the property of Mathew Tracy, of Rathholm, in the Barony of Forth.


The Tithes records list

In 1831 both Matthew Tracy and Thomas Treacy of Ratholeen, Ballybrennan were listed as Tithe Defaulters. In 1839 they were listed as having 27a/1r/33p (ref 31/126) and 13a/3r/0p (ref 31/126) respectively.

John Tracey/Treacy, Muchrath, Killinick, Co. Wexford, 2 lots 6a/0r/0p & 4a/0r/0p, 1833 to 1836, (ref 31/125) (Landlord W. Annesley, Observations W. Sweney of Dublin Gent)


In July 1832 at the Wexford Summer Assizes, James Tracy and three others were convicted, for an assault upon four policemen stationed at Killinick, and was sentenced to three months imprisonment


23 February 1833 Wexford Conservative

The Rev. R.W. Elgee, treasurer of the Killinick Cholera Fund...(Ballydusker)...Thos Tracey...5s... (Killinick), John Tracey...2s6d...


In the Estate Records, there is a reference to a Mary Tracy as tenant of lands in Ballyrane, with a renewal date of 1838 (original date 1712). Other tenants named are the Wheelocks. There may be a connection to the 1764 deed naming James Tracy, Ale Draper of Wexford town and the Wheelocks.


In 1840 there is the will of Thomas Tracy, farmer, of Ratholm, Co. Wexford. (D 112)


12 February 1840 Wexford Conservative

...Freeholders...County of Wexford...John Treacy, Muchrath, Wexford, 27 June, do [1839?]...Borough of Wexford...Mathew Treacy, Maudlintown, do [27th June] do [1839?]

12 February 1840 Wexford Independent

Registery of Freeholds...County of Wexford...John Treacy, Muchrath, Wexford, 27th June 1839...Borough of Wexford...Mathew Treacy, Maudlintown, do [Wexford], do [27th June 1839]


10 February 1841 Wexford Conservative

Registry of Freeholds - Barony of Forth

John Tracey, Muckrath, Wexford, 22d June, 1833

John Tracy, Muckrath, Wexford, 27th June, 1838

3 July 1841 Wexford Independent

County Election...entitled to vote...Barony of Forth...John Tracey, Muckrath...John Tracy, Muchrath...


17 February 1844 Wexford Independent

License to keep arms...Matthew Treacy, Rathullen [Ratholm Ballybrennan]...John Tracey, Belmont [Belmont House in Newtown Carrick]...


In the valuation of 1843 Mathew Tracey had a house and offices at Ratholin Ballybrennan. In the valuation of 1845, Francis Tracey had a school house in Ten Acres Tomhaggard, John Tracy had a house, cow house, barn, open shed, stable at Muchroth Killinick and  Matthew Tracey [Thos Briane? crossed out] had a house, offices, cowshed, cowhouse, barn, potato house + for offices at Ballyrane Killinick and Matthew Tracy had a house, stable, cow house, potato house, [pigary pigargy crossed out marked down], barn, at 7 Rathholm Ballybrennan


No 209 Tracey to Tracey

20 May 1847 Deed of conveyance...between Mathew Tracey of Wexford in the County of Wexford farmer of the one part and Mathew Tracey of Ratholin [Ratholm Ballybrennan] in said C. Farmer of the other part...[4 Jun 1791] Chas Stanley Monck of the City of Dublin Esqr...demised and set unto Mary Tracey and John Tracey...Mary Tracey...died leaving the said John Tracey, her son a co lessee..Matthew Tracey...the death of his father the said John Tracey and under and by virtue the last will and testament of the said John Tracey...Matthew Tracey eldest son...indenture 4 Dec 1824 [thirty crossed out]...Lands of Ratholum Conty , twenty seven acres one rood plantation measure log with the Dwelling house and out houses thereon situate in the parish of Ballybrennan...



17 October 1849 Wexford Independent

Mr James Smith's Diary of proceedings as practical instructor...Rathulan [Ratholm]...Mathew Tracy, three acres green crops; three quarter acre turnips middling...Martinstown...


27 August 1853 Wexford Independent

Wexford Union Cattle Show...For best Stallion for farming purposes, there were two entries, Mathew Tracy and Archibold Milloy; the latter carried off the prize...


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following were recorded:

In close proximately there were John Tracey of Muchrath and Matthew Tracy of Ballyrane, both of Killinick; Matthew Treacy of Ratholm, Ballybrennan.

Muchrath townland of the Parish of Killinick (Ord. S. 48)  acres

Map (# of 5)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


John Tracey

Hamilton K.G. Morgan

House, offices and land

16a 0r 35p


Ballyrane townland of the Parish of Killinick (Ord. S. 47) 112 acres

Map (# of 7)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Matthew Tracey

Robert Nash

House, offices and land

57a 3r 4p



Michael Byrne

Matthew Tracy





Margaret Kenny

Matthew Tracy




Ratholm townland of the Parish of Ballybrennan (Ord. S. 48) 97 acres

Map (# of 2)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


Matthew Treacy

Viscount Monck

House, offs & land

Part of

97a 1r 20p



Anastatia Parle

Matthew Treacy





18 March 1857 Wexford Independent 

Nomination of Guardians...

Killinick - *Mathew Tracey, Ballyrane, nominated by John Rossiter...

Wexford...*Mathew Tracey, Maudlintown...all nominated by Michael Finn

Those marked * are new members


1 July 1857 to 6 April 1859 Wexford Independent

Wexford Poor Law Union...Guardians...Mathew Tracey, (Wexford)...Mathew Tracey, (Killinick)...


11 November 1857 Wexford Independent

Road...Barony of Bargy...5. For building a gullet on the road from Wexford to Kilmoor, between Thomas Walsh's house and Mr. Tracy's schoolhouse in Tenacre [Tomhaggard?]  - not to exceed £3.


16 March 1859 Wexford Independent

Registry of Freeholds...Barony of Forth...

John Tracey, Muckrath, Wexford, 22nd June 1833

John Tracy, Muckrath, Wexford, 27th June 1838


8 June 1859 Wexford Independent

Wexford Poor Law Union...Supplementary Nominations...Killinick...Mr John Thomas, Martinstown by Mr Mathew Tracy, Ballyrane...


10 September 1859 Wexford Independent

Killinick Petty Sessions...The same [John McGinais SC] v Mathew Tracy of Ballyrane, same offence [road nuisance], fined 6d & 1s costs


22 March 1860

James Treacy, 20, 5'5.25", Blue eyes, D Brown hair, fresh complexion, Nicharee [Duncomick], RC, labourer, having ship wrecker tobacco in possession [Also Daniel Murphy 18, of Ambrosetown]


From February 1864 to 1878 in the London Gazette, under the heading of Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists for the National Bank of Ireland. it states Matthew Tracy, Ratholum, Killinick, County Wexford (Farmer)


24 July 1867 Wexford Independent

Wexford Union...admissions...John Tracy, 64, Kilmore...


18 December 1867 Wexford Independent

Wexford Union...Admissions...Joseph Tracey do [Kilmore]...


Best Match

Joseph Tracey died 1869, Wexford PLU, Aged 71, b. 1798, died 28 Aug 1869 Wexford


February 1869 Duncormack Petty Sessions 

Sub-Constable Henry Wilson prosecuted Thomas Mc Donnell, John Roche, Edward Brennan, Daniel Murphy, Robert Carroll, Patrick Connors, Thomas Connors, Laurence Treacy, James Treacy, James Brian and Patrick Whelan—for having in their possession at Danescastle, a quantity of tobacco, part of a cargo wrecked at Bannow.

H. Wilson sworn—deposed to finding in the possession of each of eleven defendants a quantity of tobacco.

The defendants admitted the charge but said they intended giving it up to the proper party and getting salvage.

Mr Dennehy—I can’t see a distinction between the case of these men and those already disposed of—if the tobacco was part of the cargo of the “Arethusa”.

Chairman—Do you, Mr Sweetman, take part in this prosecution?

Mr Sweetman—No, your worships, it is I understand, solely with the Constabulary.

Chairman—Well, then, we can try those cases under the Summary Jurisdiction Act.

Mr Wilson—I am of opinion those men were quite ignorant of what they were doing and that they did not think they were committing any breach of the law—the fact is, this tobacco was consumed through the country, almost every lover of the weed was endeavouring to smoke it.

Mr King was one of the same opinion.

The Bench consulted for a short period and ordered each of the parties to pay a fine of 5 shillings and 1 penny costs or in default to be imprisoned for a week.”



29 October 1870 Wexford Independent

Sympathy with the Pope...Ballymore...Matthew Tracy...


02 December 1871 Wexford Independent

Denominational Education...Catholic Electors...Ballymore...Mathew Tracey...Davidstown...Robert Hassey...


7 June 1882 Wexford People

Wexford Land Commission

...Ferney Hill [Fernyhill Killinick]...Mathew Tracey examined by Mr. Taylor—l valued the place at 28s. an acre with the houses on it.


In Bassett’s Directory of 1885, there are references to the landowners Mathew Tracey of Ratholm and John Tracy of Ballysheen, both in Killinick.


24 Oct 1885 The People [moved to Wexford Town]


Oct 16, at Baldwinstown, Co. Wexford, the wife of Mr. Patrict Treacy, of a daughter.


12 January 1887 Wexford People

Birth. January 3rd, at Balawinatown, tha wife of Patrick Treacy, of a daughter.


19 April 1890 New Ross Standard & 23 April 1890 Wexford People [file]

Father Treacy Dead

…born May 12th 1857, in Ballyhall [Ballyhale], County Kilkenny…His first Mass was celebrated at Painesville, on the invitation of his kind friend, Rev John Tracy, who was the pastor of the congregation of that city…in May 1887, permitted to take a trip to Ireland…Father Tracey was brother of Mr P Tracey, Baldwinstown [Wexford], with whom he stayed for a short time when home two years ago.


In the 1894 Slater's Directory, Patrick Treacy, is listed as a Farmer & Publican in Baldwinstown [Kilcowan], Wexford


In November 1896 Ellen Walsh publican of Baldwinstown was summoned for Sunday tracding and Patrick Treacy was a witness.


From 1898 to 1899 Patrick Treacy of Beckville [Kilcowan], and 1900 to 1901 of Baldwinstown [Kilcowan] was summoned for dog offences.


In 1902 and 1903 Ellen Walsh publican of Baldwinstown was summoned with Anne Tracey and Patrick Treacy as witnesses.


29 November 1902 Enniscorthy Guardian

Selling Drink on Sunday

Patrick Treacy, manager of the licensed premises at Baldwinstown owned by Mrs Ellen Walsh...


Under the Return of judicial rents, the following are stated:

In 1888, John Treacy of Muckrath Wexford, landlord Hon. Mrs. Deane Morgan and another, 16a/0r/39p, poor valuation £10/0/0, old rent £11/0/0, new rent £9/0/0

In 1890, Mathew Treacy of Ballyrane Wexford, landlord William J. Robinson, 4a/3r/17p, poor valuation £3/5/0, old rent £6/0/0, new rent £4/7/6, by consent


21 March 1888 Wexford People

Wexford Union.

Deane Morgan and another, landlords. Tacumshane.—Anne Sealy and another, tenants ; Hon. Mrs. Deane Morgan, landlady. John Treacy, tenant ; Hon Mrs. Deane Morgan and another, landlords. William Pettit, tenant; Hon. Mrs. Deane Morgan, landlady. Forth.


22 March 1890 Wexford People

The Land Court

Monck, Lord, Landlord, tenants...Treacy, M, do [Ratholm]; area, 44a lr 33p; rent, £32; valuation, £36....


In May 1891, at a Wexford Town Meeting for John Remond of the Nationalist Party, Patrick Treacy of Rathangan was listed as a supporter.


10 June 1893 Wexford People

A "causa Celebre".

...has excited a considerable amount local interest, and which has been already adjourned twice. It was a complaint by Matthew Treacy, Ratholm, against Matthew Thomas, Marrtinstown, for having made use of threatening language to him on the 25th March, when complainant was crossing a right of way to Ballymore Chapel and which ran through the defenant's avenue...



1901 Census

1911 Census




Patrick Treacy, 40, M, 2 Beckville, Kilcowan, Wexford, Shop Assistant, Roman Catholic, Son in Law, Married, Co Wexford

Mary Treacy, 40, F, Beckville, Kilcowan, Wexford, Housekeeper, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Married, Co Wexford

Anne Treacy, 16, F, Beckville, Kilcowan, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Grand Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford [died 1904]

Ellen Walsh, 84, Female, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Licenced Publican, Widow, Co Wexford




James Tracey, 50, M, 9 Bastardstown, Kilmore, Wexford, Agricultural Labour, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Wexford [died 1912 Workhouse Wexford]




Matthew Tracey, 50, M, 5 Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Margt Tracey, 50, F, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

William Tracey, 27, M, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford

Margt Tracey, 25, F, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford

Stasia Tracey, 23, F, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford

Alice Tracey, 17, F, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford

Matthew Tracey, 12, M, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford




John Tracey [Trecey], 70, M, 1 Muchrath, Tacumshin, Wexford, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford [died 1909]

Margaret Tracey [Trecey], 40, F, Muchrath, Tacumshin, Wexford, Farmers Wife, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married,  Co Wexford



Eliza Tracey, 20, F, 8 Eaton Place, Blackrock, Dublin, General-Domestic Servant, Roman Catholic, Servant, Not Married, Wexford






[moved to Wexford Town]








Anastasia Treacy, 34, F, 5 Tullabards, Little, Kilmore, Wexford (single, housekeeper) [of Woodville] [from New Ross]

Elizabeth Treacy, 30, F, Tullabards, Little, Kilmore, Wexford (single, cook)





Mathew Treacy, 62, M, 5 Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford (farmer)

Margaret Treacy, 60, F, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford (married 42 years, 9 children/8 alive,

William Treacy, 39, M, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford (single)

Mathew Treacy, 22, M, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford (single)

Margaret Treacy, 34, F, Ratholm, Rosslare, Wexford (single)









Margaret Treacy, 50, F, 1 Muchrath, Tacumshin, Wexford (head, widow, farmer) [died 1921]



Alice Tracy [Teacy], 29, F, Killegar, Enniskerry, Wicklow, Roman Catholic, Servant, Single, Co Wexford,









7 Roe St Liverpool, Liverpool, Lancashire, England

[Head Patrick J OConnor]

Annie Tracey, Servant, 56, b. 1855, Widow, married 23 years [1888] 2 child none alive, General domestic servant, b. Edwardstown [Ballyconnick] Co Wexford Resident



21 July 1906 Free Press (Wexford)

Hay sales


For Mrs. Treacy

26 cocks of first and second crop hay

10 August 1907 Free Press (Wexford)

40 Cocks Hay:. 'I‘oO Be Sold By Auction, On Monday, 12th August, 1907, For Mrs. Treacy, At Muchrath, Killinick, “18 Cocks prime well saved First Crop av. -2 Cocks do., do., Second Crofi Hay. Terms—Cash. Sale at 2 o'clock. l G. W. Taylor, | Auctioneer


29 February 1908 Free Press (Wexford)

Exhibition of Mares

The Wexford Awards.

Under £51 valuation...Matthew Treacy, Killinick;...


04 February 1911 Free Press (Wexford)

Forth Farmers Association

Ballysheehan Ploughing Match

The weather on Wednesday was ideal and a large number from the differént parts of the Barony assembled at Ballysheehan, convenient to Killinick, in a field kindly given by Mr. Treacy, Ratholm, where the annual ploughing match under the auspices of the Forth Farmers’ Association took place...


27 April 1912 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

Irish National Foresters...Killinick...Wm Treacy, M. [Matthew] Treacy...


In 1912 Mary J. Treacy born circa 1908 in NY USA, travelled with her aunts Josephine Dunne (36) and Margaret Dunne (28) to her mother Mrs J Treacy [nee Dunne], of 664 E 179 St New York. Her grandfather was Patrick Dunne, Poulmarl, Taghmon, Co. Wexford.


14 February 1919 New Ross Standard [file]

Obituary. Brother Fintan

From the "Catholic News"

Brother Fintan Whelan, O.S.F., of St. Francis College, Brooklyn, died in Norto, Col., on January 13....Decceased was born thirty-five years ago in Taghmon, Co. Wecford...

The chief mourners were: Brother Aidan. O.F.M.. St. Francis' College (brother of deceased), - Mr. and Mrs. Treacy, the Misses Josephine and Anna Treacy, Miss M. Dunne, Mr. Patrick Dunne, and Mr. John C. M'Lean, Miss Doyle and Miss Gorman (Adamstown), Miss Whelan and Mrs. English, Chicago.


In March 1913, a dog licence was bought at Ferns by Mathew Tracey of Ballytracey [crossed out] Coolamain [Ballynaslaney], for a male red white sheepdog


6 December 1913 Free Press (Wexford) [file]

Killinick Petty Sessions

Interesting Licensing Prosecution

...prosecuted Catherine Cummins, publican, Killinick...William Treacy, of Ratholm, were charged with being on the premises...Sinnott was her son and Treacy her son-in-law...and that Treacy, his wife and child were staying in the public house...


In 1913 Matthew Treacy played for the GAA team ‘Forth Heroes’ of Ballymore/Killinick/Our Lady’s Island.


13 December 1913 Free Press (Wexford)

Junior Football Final

Newtownbarry Insurgents...Treacy, Thomas Treacy...

Forth Heroes:...Matthew Treacy...


15 May 1920 Free Press (Wexford) [file] and 19 May 1923 Free Press (Wexford)

Registered Thoroughbred Stallion, LANDGRAVE. Will stand at this Season at Ratholm, Killinick. Thoroughbred Mares, £9 10s. tinclusive); Nominated Mares, I'ree;  Department. All Mares, £2; Groom’s Yee, 2s. Gd. No accountability tor accidents, For further particulars apply to MATTHEW TREACY.


16 April 1921 Free Press (Wexford) [file]

Most desirable and comfortable small farm near Killinick

To Be Sold By Auction On Friday, 22nd April. 1921, By directions of the Executors of the late Mrs. Margaret Treacy...At Muchrath Killinick...newly built cottage...16 acres 2 roods 20 perches...

16 April 1921 Free Press (Wexford)

Household furniture and effects at Muchrath

To) Be Sold By Auction On Friday, 22nd April. 1921, By directions of the Executors of the late Mre. Margaret Treacy, The entire Household Furmiture anid Effects, [full list]


20 November 1925 New Ross Standard

Treacy — November 13. 1925, at Ratholm, Killinick, Matthew Treacy, aged 75 years; deeply regretted by his wife and family and a large circle of friends. R.I.P. [bad copy]



Matthew Tracey, farmer, of Ratholin Killinick County Wexford, who died 13 Nov 1925. His will was granted 05 Mar 1942 at Waterford to Peter Murphy, Effects £87.0.0


1937 Wexford County Council

Ratholm Lane: Mr. M. Treacy, Ratholm, Killinick, wrote calling attention to this lane, the Condition of which he described as "something awful". There were six people using the lane, and, if they could get a few loads of gravel out of Mr. Browne's quarry the people concerned would do the repairs themselves.

Referred to County Surveyor.


Church records and State Records:

Kilmore Parish baptismal records 7 Jul 1828 to 29 Sep 1854 (1845 missing) http://www.kilmoregenealogy.com/


John Thrasy & Mary Connick

Mary Thrasy b. 7 August? 1738 at Glaglig [St. Iberius] Sp. Walter Parle & Alsoon Devereux. Lady's Island Parish


Johannis Treacy? [Fardy?] & Maria Langan p. Kilm?

Richardus b. 6 January 1765 Sp. Robertus Rosider & Mrg Couney p. Kilm. Kilmore Parish


John Treacy & Anstace Whitty were married at the Cotts in the parish of Tacumshin. Wit: Rev Peter Synnot & Alice ??? & Rullun? Stafford 7 July 1793 Lady's Island Parish


Joanna/Judy/Joney Tracy/Tricy/Frasy? & William Furlong of Ballyhialy/Ballyhely [Ballyhealy Kilturk]

John Furlong b. 3 Sep 1823 Sp. James Furlong & Eleanor Tracy. Kilmore Parish

Patrick Furlong b. 16 Mar 1824/5 Sp. Doctor Ml Devesiux & Miss Mary Roche. Kilmore Parish [Judy Tricy] [Note: Michl & Nicholas Devereux were a surgeon and MD on the Main St of Wexford town in Pigots 1824]

Walter Furlong b. 26th October 1828 Sp. Matthew Tracy & Mary Furlong. Kilmore Parish

James Furlong b. 9th Jan 1833 Sp. John Frasy? (Tracey) & Margaret Furlong. Kilmore Parish

Catherine Furlong b. 20th June 1835 Sp. James Keough & Margaret Doyle. Kilmore Parish


Winnifred Teresi? & James A? Bracken

John Bracken b. 26 Mar 1835 Sp. Jns? Mau? & Eliza Bracken. Taghmon Parish


Stephen Tracy married Mary Fitzgerald May 15 1834 Wit Patrick Cleary & Richard Fitz? Rathangan Parish [from Ballycullane, Tintern, Wexford?]

Stephen Fracy & Mary

Larance Fracy b. 23 April 1835 Sp. Richard Coghlan & Marg Kehoe 2.6 Rathangan Parish [see 1871 Census Widnes Lancashire and Wales]


Philip Cullin & Anastatia Synnott of Rathangan

James Cullin b. 16/20 July 1854 Sp. Laurence Tracy & Catherine Furlong. Rathangan Parish

Rich Fitzgerald & Ellen Sinnott of Ambrosetown Horesland

Laurence b. 13/14 Nov 1854 Sp. Laur Tracey & Anty Tracy. Rathangan Parish

Peter Moran married Margaret Murphy 29 June 1858 Wit Laranc Treacy & Maryanne Murphy. Rathangan Parish


Stephen Tracy & Mary

Anastatia Tracy b. 12 Oct 1836 Sp. James Walsh & Mrs.Murphy. Rathangan Parish


Anty [Anastatia] Treacy m. James Brien 8/2/1858 Wit: Michael Brien, Ellen Roche. Rathangan Parish

Anty Tracey & James Brian of Duncormick

Anastasia Brien b. 9/10 Oct 1859  Sp. James Tracey & Mary Sinnott. Rathangan Parish

Catherine Brian b. 20/20 Aug 1861 Sp. John Brian & Ellen Malone. Rathangan Parish


Anastasia Brien? of ??? (d. of BLANK) married William? Ennis? of Ballytrent [Kilrane] (s. of Patt Ennis & Margaret Boggan of Drenagh [Drinagh Drinagh]) 11 April 1880 Wit: John Ennis of Ladys Island & Ellen Fiurlong of Ballytrent. Tagoat Parish [faint]

Anastasia Brien nee Tracey, 45, widow, servant, lives Hilltown [Kilrane], (d. of Stephen Tracey, labourer) married William Ennis, 45, widower, tradesman, lives Ballytrent [Kilrane], (s. of Patt Ennis, dead, farmer) 11 April 1880 RC Chapel Tagoat Wit: John Ennis & Ellen Furlong [Tagoat Wexford PLU]


Anastatia Tracey (born 1840 Hareslaw [Haresmead? Horetown or Hayesland? Kilrane], Wexford, Ireland) Married in June 1880, Kilrain, Wexford, England, to William ENNIS 1837-

Patrick ENNIS 1875-1950

http://gw.geneanet.org/cschmidt5?lang=en;pz=christoper+paul;nz=schmidt;ocz=0;p=anastatia;n=tracey October 2013


Sath [Pat] Callahan & Ellen Wallace of Duncormack

Martha b. 29/5/1856 Duncormack Sp. William Sinnott & Anty Tracy. Rathangan Parish

John Murphy & Anne Rochford of Duncormick

Mary Murphy b. 1/1 May 1863 Sp. James Dunphy & Anty Tracey. Rathangan Parish


Stephen Treacy & Mary Fichonis

James Treacy b. 16 July 1839 Sp. Mick Scallon & Mary Sheridan. Rathangan Parish


James Tracey married Catherine Hanlin 31 July 1861 Wit: James Brian & John Cleary. Rathangan Parish [see Wales]

James Tracey & Catherine Hanlin of Duncormick

Stephen Tracey b. 28/26 November 1861 Sp. Laurence Tracey & Margaret Hanlin. Rathangan Parish


1. James Tracey (b.c. 1839 d. 1878) & Catherine (b.c. 1838) [Hanlin]

1.1 Stephen Tracey (b.c. 1861 Wexford) m. Elizabeth Reardon

1.1.1 Mary Tracey (b.c. 1883)

1.1.2 James Tracey (b. 1886)

1.1.3 Stephen Tracey (b.c. 1890)

1.2 Mary Tracey (b.c. 1865 Swansea)

1.3 Lawrence Tracey (b.c. 1868 Swansea)

1.4 Margaret Tracey (b.C. 1869 Swansea)

1.5 Anastasia Tracey (b.c. 1872 Swansea) m. Daniel O'Driscoll

1.6 Patrick Tracey (b.c. 1874 Swansea)

1.7 Mary Tracey (b. 1877)

Seán Duggan on May 8, 2009


James Tracey (1840-) & Catherine Handlin (1839-)

Steven Tracey (1862 Wexford - 1905 St.Helens Lancs) m. Elizabeth Reardon (1862-1927)

James Tracey (1887-1959) m. Lilian Mary Heaton (1892-) 1912 Lowehouse St.Helens


1. David Tracy

2. James Tracey (1839–1879) married Catherine Hanlin (1839–1906) 31 July 1861 Rathangan, County Wexford, Ireland

2.1 Stephen Tracey (1862 Wexford–1905 St Helens, Merseyside, England) married Elizabeth Reardon (1862–1927)

2.1.1 Mary Tracey (1884 Swansea – 1893 Swansea )

2.1.2 James Tracey (1887 Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales – 1960 St Helens, Merseyside, England) married Lilian Heaton (1892 St Helens, Lancashire – 1947 St Helens, Merseyside, England) Francis (Frank) Tracey (1918- 1917 St Helens, Merseyside, England) Teresa Jane Tracey (20 July 1923 St Helens, Merseyside, England - 30 December 2005 Knowsley, Merseyside, England) married John Frederick Banks (11 April 1923 - 19 August 1994 Knowsley, Merseyside, England) Elizabeth Lilian Tracey (1925 - 1987 St Helens, Merseyside, England) married Salisbury

2.1,3 Stephen Tracey (1890 Swansea –)

2.1.4 Teresa Tracy (1892 Swansea –)

2.1.5 Margaret Tracy (1899 St Helens, Lancashire –)

2.2 Mary Tracey (1865–1873 Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales)

2.3 Lawrence Tracey (1868 Glamorgan Wales – 1952 Glamorgan Wales)

2.4 Samuel Tracey (1868 Swansea–)

2.5 Margrett Tracey (1869–)

2.6 Anne Tracy (27 Dec 1870–)

2.7 Mary Tracy (26 Jan 1872 Baltinglass, County Wicklow –)

2.8 Anastasia Tracey (1872–)

2.9 David Tracy (11 Apr 1873 Baltinglass, County Wicklow–)

2.10 Patrick Tracey (1874 Glamorganshire –)

2.11 Richard Tracy (20 Dec 1875–)

2.12 Mary Tracey (1877–1967 Glamorgan, Wales)

2.13 Catherine Tracey (1879-)



Stephen Treacy & Mary Fitzgerald

Catherine Treacy b. 26 July 1842 Sp. John Walsh & Catherine Rossiter. Rathangan Parish

Patt Treacy b. 25 April 1846 Sp. Thos Kehoe & Ann Austen of Duncormick. Rathangan Parish


Stephen Tracy (-1861) & Alice Fitzhenry (1810-)

Catherine Tracey (1834 Wexford - 20 Oct 1902 Montreal Quebec Canada) married Nicholas Whelan (1825 Wexford - 15 Aug 1880 Montreal Quebec Canada) 22 January 1861 Montreal Quebec Canada)




Stephen Tracey died 1866, Waterford PLU, aged 59, b. 1807, died 14 Sep 1866 Duncormick Wexford


Ellen Tracey & Nicholas Courish of Kilinick, Assaly & Killinick Ballymore Parish

Alice Corish b. 28 Jan 1841 Sp. Thomas Deveraux & Mary Cogly

William Courish b. 2 Dec 1843 Sp. James Colfer & Margaret Hays

Nicholas Corish b. 29 Nov 1845 Sp. Patt Codd & Alice Sinnott


Michael Kinsela & Catherine Caoper of Hasestown & Killinick Ballymore Parish

John Kinsela b. 27 Aug 1841 Sp. John Caoper & Mary Tracey


Catherine Treacy & Michael Sinnott of Kilanick/Kellinick/Assaly Ballymore Parish

Matt Sinnott b. 25 March 1843 Sp. Patt Treacy & Alice Jaice?

Mary Sinnott b. 10 Jan 1845 Sp. Nicholas Whitty & Briget Bennet

Nicholas Sinnott b. 25 Jun 1846 Sp. Patt & Ellen Courish? (Assaly)


Catherine Treacy & Patt Brien of Great Rah?/Rath & Kellesuch?/Killinick Ballymore Parish

Patt Brien b. 27 Sep 1844 Sp. Michael Deveraux & Mary Treacy

Mary Brien b. 27 Jan 1851 Sp. James Brien & Mary Treacy


John Crasosly & Mary Cochlan

Mary Crasosly b. 19 Aug 1848 Sp Laurance Couzin & Mary Tracy. Kilmore Parish.


Mathius Tracy married Mary Bennett Wit: Essy Parle & Ellen Meney 24 Oct 1849 of Ballyrane & Killinick Ballymore Parish

Mathew Tracey (s. of John Tracey) m. Mary Bennett (d. of James Whedock) 10 Jul 1850 Killinick, Wex, Ire

Mathew Tracey, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Rathholm [Ratholm Ballybrennan], (s. of John Tracey, farmer) married Mary Bennett nee Whedock, full [age], widow, lives Ballyraas [Ballynaas Rathmacknee] (d. of James Whedock, farmer) 10 July 1850 Church of Killinick Church of Ireland wit: James Waters & Joe Hopley [Wexford PLU] signed her mark [re-marriage]

Mathew/Matt Treacy & Mary Bennett of Ballyrane & Killinick

Mathew Js? Treacy b. 14 July 1850 Sp. Nicholas Courish & Briget Bennett

Maryane Treacy b. 28 Jun 1852 Sp. Patt & Mary Codd

Anty Treacy b. 28 March 1855 Sp. John? & Catherine Courish


Annastacia Tracey, died 1875 Broadway Wexford PLU, aged 20 years, b. 1855, spinster, daughter of a farmer, died 21 Feb 1875 Ratholm [Ballybrennan], Mathew Tracey, his mark, present at death, Ratholm


I am researching the Wheelocks. You mentioned a marriage settlement document 1764, between Christopher Jeffares (another relative ) and Mary Berry, with James Tracey, alehouse owner as witness.  Matthew Tracey m. Mary Bennett nee Wheelock 1850 Killinick, her first husband was Thomas Bennett.

Kind Regards.

Daphne Wilson


Peter Kehoe married Anty Hastwell of Horetown? Wit: John Tracy & Peter Hantwell of Killinick 16 Nov 1854 Ballymore Parish


Michael Treacy married Mary Molloy 4th May 1855 Wit: Philip MCGrath & Mary Price. Rathangan Parish

Michl Tracey & Mary Molloy of Clintstown? Kilkenny

Alicia Tracey b. 26/4/1855 Sp. Michl Cosgrove CC. Rathangan Parish Wexford


Anty Tracey married James Brien 8 Feb 1858 Wit: Michael Brien & Ellen Roche. Rathangan Parish [see above]

Anty Tracey & James Brian

Anastasia Brian b. 9/10 Sept 1859 of Duncormick? Sp. James Tracey & Mary Sinnott. Rathangan Parish

Catherine Brian b. 20/22 August 1861 of Waddingtown Sp. John Brian & Ellen Malone. Rathangan Parish


Cormuk Bryan & Anty Oslem of Ratholm

John Bryan b. 19 Oct 1863 Sp. John Walsh & Mary Tracy - Tagoat Parish


James Tracey married Catherine Hanlin 31 July 1861 Wit: James Brian & John Cleary. Rathangan Parish [see above]


John Trecy. 36, single, farmer, lives Muchrath [Killinick], (s. of John Trecy, farmer) married Mary Cogley, 35, single, farmer, lives Ballysheen [Carn], (d. of Jas Cogley, farmer) 4 March 1867 RC Chapel Ballymore Wit: James Cogley & Thomas Hore [Broadmore Wexford PLU] [married again 1898]

John Tracey married Mary Cogley Wit: James Cogley and Thomas Hore. 4 Mar 1867 of Ballysheen? and Killinick. Ballymore Parish


Mary Tracey of Ballysheen, died 22 September 1895, married, 77 years, wife of farmer, cardiac disease 3 years, informant John Tracy [his mark] husband Ballysheen


John Treacy, [full] aged, widower, farmer, lives Ballysheenan [Ballysheen Carn], (s. of BLANK, BLANK profession) married Margaret Furlong nee Prendergast, [full] aged, widow, " [farmer], lives Muchrath [Killinick], (d. of John Prendergast, dec, farmer) 23 May 1898 RC Chrurch Ballymore Wit: Matthew Myler & Mary Myler, signed her mark [Broadway Wexford PLU] sihned his mark


John Tracey of Muchrath, died 27 March 1909, married, 85 years, farmer, senile decay paralysis 15 days, informant John Cousins [his mark] of Muchrath present at death

Margaret Tracy of Muchrath, died 28 March 1921, widow, farmer, renal dropsy, informant Kate Hayes of Ballycorboy present at death


John Underwood & Bridget Murphy of Trimmer

Mary Underwood b. 24 Jan 1868 Sp. John Underwood & Statia Tracy - Tagoat Parish


Mathew Tracey, 19, bachelor, farmer, lives Ratholm [Ballybrennan] (s. of Mathew Tracey, farmer) married Margaret Walsh, 18, spinster, farmer, lives Ballykereen [Ballykereen Ballybrennan], (d. of Richard Walsh, farmer), 15 May 1869, RC Chapel Tagoat by John Barry CC Wit: John Walsh & Elizabeth Rustin?, her mark  [Broadway Wexford PLU] signed his mark

Mathew Tracey (19, farmer Ratholm s. of Mathew Tracey) m. Margaret Walsh (18, farmer Ballykereen, d. of Richard Walsh, farmer), 15th May 1869, at Tagoat RC by John Barry CC (Wit John Walsh & Elizabeth Martin?) Ballybrennan.

Mathew Tracey & Margaret Walsh Wit: John Walsh & Elizabeth Austin May 15 1869 Ratholm - All Tagoat Parish

Mat/Mathew Tracy/Treacy [Threacy?] & Marg?/Margaret Walsh of Rathhollin/Rathtulm/Rathlumlm/Rathulm (Ratholm)

[not named] Tracy b. 8 Oct 1869 of Ratholm Sp. Michl Corish & Marg Walsh. Tagoat Parish - Mary Tracey 8/10/1869 Broadway (LDS)

William Tracy b. 13 Feb 1872 of Rstholm Sp. John Welsh & Mary Tracy Tagoat Parish [Note added: was married in Ballymore to Mary Alice Sinnott on the 25th June 1913 by the Rev a Croew P.P. (I. Q Tagoat) M. A Sinnott was from Killinick] - William 11/2/1872 Broadway (LDS)

Margaret Tracy b. 1 March 1874 of Ratholm Sp. Pat Sinnott & May Walsh. Tagoat Parish.

Anastasia Treacy b. 22 August 1876 Sp. Nicholas & Margaret Corish - Anastasia 11/9/1876 (LDS)

Ellen Treacy b. 27 April 1878 Sp. Stephen Murphy & Margaret Walsh - Ellen Tracey 22/4/1878 Ratholne (LDS)

Lizzie Treacy b. 2 Nov 1880 of Ratholm Sp. Patt Synnott & Mary Devereux [Note added: was married Aug 12th 1919 to Peter James Sinnott in the church of Tagoat by Rev J Redmond - I.Q.]

Alice Tracey b. 1884 [1901 census]

Matthew Treacy b. 1889 [1901 & 1911 Census]

Mathew Tracey, farmer, (Ballycarren crossed out) Ratholm [Ballybrennan] & Margret/Margaret Walsh

Mary Tracey b. 8 Oct 1869 Ballycarren [Ballycarran Ballybrennan] Mathew Tracey, his mark, father, Ratholm [Broadway Wexford PLU]

William Tracey b. 11 Feb 1872 Ballykerene. Mathew Tracey, his mark, father, Ratholm [Broadway Wexford PLU]

Anastacia Tracey b. 7 Sep 1876 Ratholm [Ballybrennan]. Mathew Tracey, his mark, father, Ratholm [Broadway Wexford PLU]


William Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Rathullan [Rathrolan?] Killinick (s. of Matthew Tracey, farmer) married Mary Alice Sinnott [Ann crossed out with note 'error in copy only'], full age, of Killinick, (d. of John Sinnott, farmer & shopkeeper) Wit: James Sinnott & Anastasia Murphy on the 25 June 1913 RC Chapel of Ballymore

William Tracey, farmer of Killinick/Ratholm & Mary Alice/Anne Sinnott

Mary Tracey born 4 August 1913 of Ratholm

Catherine Tracey born 6 February 1915 of Killinick


Mary Treacy, 28, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Killinick? [Killinick] Wexford, (d. of William Treacy, farmer) married Thomas Rowe, 41, bachelor, farmer, lives Grageen [Ballymore] Ballycogley [Ballycogly Mayglass], (s. of Matthe J Rowe, farmer) 11 February 1942  RC Church Ballymore Wit: Robert Rowe & Margret Tracey [Broadway Wexford PLU] [faint]


Elizabeth Treacey [Tracey e inserted], 38 [28 crossed out], spinster, farmer's daughter, of Ratholm (d. of Mathew Treacey, farmer) married Peter James Sinnott, 28, bachelor, licensed dealer, of Killinick, (s. of John Sinnott, licensed dealer) Wit: Willoughby Ross & Mary Scallan on the 12 August 1919 RC Church Tagoat


Alice Tracey, full age, spinster, of Ratholm Killinick (d. of Matthew Tracey, farmer) married Robert Duggan, full age, bachelor, farmer, of White House Rosslare (s. of Nicholas Duggan, deceased, farmer) Wit: William Tracey & Anastasia Tracey on the 02 June 1903 RC Chapel of St. Mary's Tagoat

Alice Tracey & Robert Duggan, road contractor of Rosslare

Nicholas Duggan born 9 October 1915 of Rosslare


Matthew Tracey, of full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Ratholm [Ballybrennan], (s. of Matthew Tracey, alive, farmer) married Margaret [Gretta] Ross, " [of full age], spinster, " [farmer], lives Killinick [Killinick], (d. of George Ross, dead, farmer) 12 Feb 1923 RC Chapel Ballymore Wit: Willoughby R. Ross & Anastatia Rossiter [Broadway Wexford PLU]


Matthew Tracey died 31 Jan 1924 Yoletown [Ballybrennan OR Ballymore OR Tacumshin], aged 17 days, son of farmer, informant Matthew Tracey, father, Yoletown [Broadway Wexford PLU]

William Tracey of Yoletown, died 28 October 1946, married, 74 years, retired farmer, carcinoma of colon, informant Gretta Tracey sister-in-law of deceased of Yoletown present at death

Margaret Tracey of Ratholm Wexford, died 5 February 1940, spinster, 65 years, house duties, acute peritonitis 2 dats, informant Mary Treacy niece of deceased of Killinick present at death

Margaret Treacy of Ratholm Killinick Wexford, died 1 November 1933, widow, age 77 years, house duties, senile decay no medical attendant, informant Anastasia Murphy daughter of deceased of Tullibards Bridgetown present at death

Mary Alice Tracey of Killinick, died 3 October 1965, widow, 76 years, housewife, carcinoma stomach, informant James Sinnott of Killinick present at death


3 Nov 1933 New Ross Standard

Treacy - November 1, 1933, at Ratholm, Killinick, Margaret, widow of the late Matthew Treacy, aged 84 years. Funeral to Mayglass at 2 p.m., Friday.


Mary Tracy of Rathholm married William Connors of New Ross 21 Nov 1872 Wit: Anty Corish & James Furlong. Tagoat Parish [see New Ross]

Mary Tracey/Tracy, full age, not married, farmer, lives Rathieleeg?, (d. of Mathew Tracy, farmer) married William Conors, full age, not married, boot & shoe maker, lives New Ross, (s. of Luke Conors, boot & shoe maker) 21 January [November?] 1873 [1872 at top of page] RC Chapel Tagoat Wit: James Furlong & Anastasia Corish [Broadway Wexford PLU] signed William P Connors


Anastasia Brien? of ??? (d. of BLANK) married William? Ennis? of Ballytrent [Kilrane] (s. of Patt Ennis & Margaret Boggan of Drenagh [Drinagh Drinagh]) 11 April 1880 Wit: John Ennis of Ladys Island & Ellen Fiurlong of Ballytrent. Tagoat Parish [faint] [see above]

Anastasia Brien nee Tracey, 45, widow, servant, lives Hilltown [Kilrane], (d. of Stephen Tracey, labourer) married William Ennis, 45, widower, tradesman, lives Ballytrent, (s. of Patt Ennis, dead, farmer) 11 April 1880 RC Chapel Tagoat Wit: John Ennis & Ellen Furlong [Tagoat Wexford PLU]


Patrick Tracey m. Mary Walsh 11/2/1885, Wit: Edward Walsh, Annie Whitty. Rathangan Parish [1901 Census Kilcowan & 1911 Census Wexford Town] [born  Tullagher RC Kilkenny]

Patrick Treacy, full [age], bachelor, Commercial traveller, lives New Ross, (s. of Thomas Treacy, merchant) married Mary Walsh, full [age], spinster, shop keeper, lives Baldwinstown [Kilcowan], (d. of Thos walsh, dead, shopkeeper) 11 February 1885 RC Chapel Rathangan Wit: Edward Walsh & Anne Whitty [Bridgetown Wexford PLU]


13 Feb 1885 Waterford Citizen and 14 Feb 1885 Wexford People

Treacy and Walsh – On the 11th Feb, at Rathangan, Co Wexford, by the Rev John Doyle, Adm., Patrick, third surviving son of Thomas Treacy, Ballymagill, Co Kilkenny, to Mary, only daughter of the late Thomas Walsh, of Baldwinstown, Co Wexford.


Mary Treacy of Baldwinstown, died 11 October 1897, spinster, 31 years, farmers daughter, Plebtusis 12 months, informant Patrick Treacy father of deceased of Baldwinstown present at death

Eliza Annie Treacy of Baldwinstown, died 6 August 1904, spinster, 18 years, shop keepers daughter, Plebesis 5 months, informant Patrick Treacy father of deceased Baldwinstown present at death


Nicholas Philips & Catherine Butler

Annah b. 10/6/1897 Sp. Patrick Tracy & Catherine Furlong. Rathangan Parish


Margaret Tracey, full [age], spinster, servant, of Rathmacknee [Rathmacknee], (d. of James Tracey, farmer) married William Connors, full [age], bachelor, labourer, of Rathjarney [Rathmacknee], (s. of John Connors, farmer) 23 October 1893 RC Chapel of Piercetown Wit: John Boggan & Anastasia Barry [Wexford Wexford PLU] moved to New Street Enniscorthy, 1901 Census


John Treacy, [full] aged, widower, farmer, lives Ballysheenan [Ballysheen Carn], (s. of BLANK, BLANK profession) married Margaret Furlong nee Prendergast, [full] aged, widow, " [farmer], lives Muchrath [Killinick], (d. of John Prendergast, dec, farmer) 23 May 1898 RC Chrurch Ballymore Wit: Matthew Myler & Mary Myler, signed her mark [Broadway Wexford PLU] sihned his mark [first married 1867]


John Tracey of Muchrath, died 27 March 1909, married, 85 years, farmer, senile decay paralysis 15 days, informant John Cousins [his mark] of Muchrath present at death

Margaret Tracy of Muchrath, died 28 March 1921, widow, farmer, renal dropsy, informant Kate Hayes of Ballycorboy present at death


Mary Treacy [of Aglish Waterford] & John Moore, sergeant RIC Kilmore Quay [see Aglish Waterford]

Margaret Moore born 4 April 1905 of Kilmore Quay


1901 Census - 48.3 & 153 in Taghmon Town (Taghmon, Wexford)

M                  J                             39           Male       -              Roman Catholic     Co Kerry

Moore           Mary Margt           33           Female    Head of Family      Roman Catholic     Co Waterford

Moore           James                     6             Male       Son         Roman Catholic     Co Wexford         

Moore           John Joseph           5             Male       Son         Roman Catholic     Co Wexford         

Moore           Alice                      2             Female    Daughter                Roman Catholic     Co Wexford


1911 Census - 50.1 & 50.2 in Kilmore Quay (Kilmore, Wexford)

Moore           John                       50           Male       Sergeant R I C       Roman Catholic     County Kerry      Farmer Son

Moore           Mary B                  42           Female    Wife                       Roman Catholic     Co Waterford      Sergeants Wife      Married   19           6             5

Moore           Alice                      12           Female    Daughter                Roman Catholic     Co Wexford         

Moore           Margaret                5             Female    Daughter                Roman Catholic     Co Wexford         


James Tracey of Kilmore, died 17 March 1912 Workhouse Wexford, bachelor, 80 years, labourer, senile decay, Joseph Moran occupier Workhouse Wexford


Anastatia Treacy, 36?, spinster, of Woodville [New Ross?] (d. of J Treacy, alive, farmer?) married Patrick Murphy, 36, bachelor, farmer, of Tullabards [Kilturk] (s. of Arthur Murphy, dead, farmer?) Wit: Peter Murphy & Margarey Walsh on the 27 August 1913 RC Church of Kilmore

Anastatia Treacy & Patrick Murphy, farmer of Tullabards

Mary Anne Murphy born 26 July 1914 of Tullabards

Arthur Murphy born 9 August 1915 of Tullabards



Memorials of the Dead


Ballymore Old SE Wexford

Here lies the body of Catherine Devereux alias Tracy of Colkeren…her husband Thomas De(vereux) who depd this life May 12th 1803 aged 78

Mayglass SE Wexford

Here lieth body of Mat/thew Tracy who depd this life January 20th 1777 agd 63 years

Here lyeth the body of Margaret Tracy who depd this life June 2nd 1777 agd 18 years

Ballybrennan SE Wexford

(badly flaked) Here lieth the body of Mar(y T)reacy alias Marshall and d(e)parted this life the 28th day of July (1)82(5?) aged 45 years. Also (the) body of her (h)usband Thomas Treac(y who) departed this life … of October 186(3 or 5) aged ??? years.




18 December 1867 Wexford Independent

Wexford Union...Admissions...Joseph Tracey do [Kilmore]...

Best Match

Joseph Tracey died 1869, Wexford PLU, Aged 71, b. 1798, died 28 Aug 1869 Wexford


Margret Tracey, died 1871, Broadway Wexford PLU, aged 74 years, b. 1797, spinster, farmeress, died 28 Aug 1871 Ratholm [Ballybrennan], Mathew Tracey, present at death, Ratholm


State Registered Deaths - Enniscorthy

Mary Elizabeth Tracey, late Tripwater? Killinick? died 17 Febraury 1961 St Johns Hospital Enniscorthy, widow, 66 years, house keeper, jaundice of liver 3 monthgs carcinoma of breast 8 years, informant Jas O'Roukre occupier St. Johns Hospital Enniscorthy


John Tracey.jpg

12 May 2004 Wexford People [1st Anniversary and subsequent years]

John Tracey

1st Anniversary

In loving memory of John Tracey, Paradise, Tomhaggard, who died 16th May 2003 R.I.P.

There are so many things that go on in our lives

We wish you were here to share

When we are all together there is always a vacant chair

When we take a photo there is a face we long to see

A face so full of sunshine, but we know this will never be

Loved and missed dearly your loving wife Celine, daughters Eileen, Margaret, Celine, Ann and son Sean, sons-in-law Edward, Milo and Martin, grandchildren Lauryn, Brian, Eoin, Ailish and Paul [and the late James]

Anniversary Mass Ballymore Church on Friday 14th May 2004 at 7.30 pm





September 2015 FBD Farmyard Awards


Congratulations to Sean Treacy his partner Cherryl and their daughter Amelia of Paradise [Ishartmon] Tomhaggard Co. Wexford on winning the 2015 FBD National Farmyard Award Where He Was Presented At The Ploughing Championships.





New Ross and surrounding areas (South West Wexford) PLU New Ross


New Ross and surrounding areas


See also Listerlin, Mullinarrigle, Raheen and Rosbercon, Co. Kilkenny.


As stated previously, South Wexford may have been the home of a Norman Tracey family, referenced in historical records dating from 1280 to 1307, but there does not seem to be any references after this date. It is likely that the Richard Tracy named was not a Norman, though he is referenced in conjunction with Norman knights. In 1281, a Richard Tracy [also listed as Gracy] was stated to be a representative of Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, and was indicated by the Abbot of Dunbrody with having taken away livestock as taxes. The records state that Richard Tracy held 2 carucats 60 acres (approx 300 acres in total) in Leffeth/Le Fech/Fyth and Polryth/Pollrith/Polrych and pays yearly £5.7s.4d. without suit. These references seem to be located near New Ross, which was the Norman legal centre, but are more similar to The Faythe (An Fhaiche) Tacumshin and Pollwitch Mayglass on the south east side of Wexford. In 1287-8, in the receipts for Old Ross, he is referenced in connection with the ferry.


On the 17th June 1495, there was a lease for 59 years between Clement son of William Butler and Donald O’Trassye, for a messuage (fortified house) with a garden and joining the town of Ross, from the Market Street on the south to the common road on the north and in length from Nicholas Britonn’s land on the west to the land of St. Saviour’s on the east. Also Clement has granted to Donald an acre of land outside the same town which lies from the highway on the south to the common land of the north in breath and in length between the King’s Way which leads to Mountgarret on the east to the walls of the town on the west. Rendering yearly to the said Clement and his heirs 3s. of lawful money yearly.


In 1761, Thomas Tracey was the Guardians of the Franciscan Convent of New Ross


In March 1810 at the Waterford Assizes, a  Tolls and Customs officer of Waterford, was tried and convicted for an assult upon Rose Tracy, a poor widow woman, who had come from the county of Wexford [presume New Ross area] with a basket of eggs and six couples of fowls to sell. It appeared, besides the extortion, that the poor woman had upwards of 16 of her eggs broken, and one of the fowls killed.


In May 1822, four Wexford boatmen were arrested in Ivesk barony [on the Suir River?], Kilkenny under the Insurrection Act. They were William Byrne, Patrick Tracy, James Fortune and Patrick Ryan. They were employed by Richard Birron of Campile Bridge, County Wexford, who vouched for their character and they were acquitted.


The Tithes records list

John Treacy?, Shellagin, St James & Dunbrody, Co. Wexford, 1a/0r/0p, 1833 (ref 31/94)

Patrick Treacey, Ballyvelig?, St James & Dunbrody, Co. Wexford, 1a/0r/0p, 1833 (ref 31/94)

In the 1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen lists, there is a Timothy Tracey, b. Ballyhack [Wexford] listed.

11 April 1835 Wexford Conservative

Sketches on Irish Highways - Irish Ruins Part 1...from the popular pen of Mrs Hall...We were wending our way to the ruins of the abbey of Dunbrody, leaving behind us the picturesque town of New Ross...

"Do you see that cottage there, ma'am to the left? There used to be a cottage there onc't — though but little else than the walls are in it now — bare and naked walls! and yet I mind when they were roofed, and dacency within them."

"Who lived there?"

 "James Tracey ; — but there's a beautiful place upon the hill"

"Tell me of the cottage, Laggin."

 "God bless you, ma'am dear, you're cruel fond of hearing of cottages ; sure the history of most of them in this country is alike ; — a wedding and little to begin with — a power of children, and little to give them — rack rent for the bit of land, turned out, bag and baggage, for that or the tithe — beggary— starvation-sickness - death! That a poor Irishmans calander, since the world was a world — barrin here and there — now and then — when he gets a sight of good fortune — by mistake "

" But the cabin "

 "Ay — poor James — I mind when he built it himself and the neighbours with him — and the ould landlord was over here, and gave him a promise of renewal of his father's lease, and we wanted James to get the promise in writing, but he put it off — 'twas a way he had— the only fault I ever knew in James — he didn't like to be bothered about what was coming, when he was satisfied with what was come. Well, the ould landlord died, and after that, the young one raised the rint in course, to get all he could to spend away from us ; and then poor James felt the want of a lease, for a dead man's promise is seldom thought of except by those who want to see it fulfilled ; by this time he had a young, heavy family about him, and he dipinded a good deal out of an old bachelor uncle of his dying and leaving him all he had — which was more than would fit in a midges eye — and this hindered him from doing what he otherwiae would have done : but it's ill waiting for dead men's shoes — sorra as much as would pay for a stone of praties did he ever get from that same man. Well, ma'am, gale day came and came and he got time at first, and they do say he could have pulled up, but somehow he had got fixed in the way of putting off, and one thing went to rack and another thing to rack,, and James got a hurt in his back from his horse, which he neglected to fasten in the stable ; and he'd pass the length of a summer day, propped against a post which stood at the gable end of the house, doing nothing only fuming with a neighbour, or keeping the hens out of the cabbages ; and so, in the long run, everything was distrained, and James turned into the road — himself and his children. It ^s little the land- lord got by the distraining, for no one would buy, nor no one would take the land over his head — for a reason they had — until a north-country- man ventured ; and sure it wasn't for want of the warning that himself was shot one harvest night against the very post where James used to stand — if you turn about you can see the spot now, madam, though we're so far from it — there^ against that post — and the house burnt — and three or four in it-and James himself, to crown the matter, and two more, hung for the same!"

"How dreadful! and all originated in the ruinous habit of prcastination"

"Oh sure you're going back entirely to say that, though maybe you're in the right. What's left of the children are scattered through the country with one friend or another — and the poor mother — Christ defend us ! — here she is ! — now for God's sake don't gainsay her— maybe she won't speak— only don't gainsay her — she's wild mad."

 A slight, tall woman had ascended the oppo- site side of the hill from which we were looking down upon the cottage that had been the scene of such a horrid act, and she came upon us so suddenly that the narrative, united to her sin- gular appearance, gave me a shock I shall re- member to my dying day. She wore a petticoat of black stuff, and a short cloak and hood of the same material ; her legs were bare, and her feet thrust into shoes much too large — they were strapped over her instep by leather thongs ; she had on neither cap nor bonnet, and her hair, which once must have been beautiful, hung in grey matted tresses over her bosom ; the hood was thrown back, so that her features were fully exposed — they were low and flat, but the expression of her large, blue, wandering eyes was fierce and fearful ! She advanced, curtseying at every step, towards us — we had been walking up the hill — and though she did not ask charity, I placed a small silver coin in her thin hand.

 Our guide was behind, or rather more to the right than we were, so that the maniac's eye, resting on him, would be led in a direct line to look down upon her once happy home.

"Save ye kindly, this fine morning,'' he said in a kindly tone. She turned quickly, looked at Laggin for a moment, then tossing her arms wildly in the air, uttered a long, loud, and appalling scream — I never before heard such a sound — It reverberated through the air like what one imagines would be the howl of those doomed to eternal agony — and then, as if exhausted by the effort, she sank on her knees on the earth) her right arm extended towards her cottage.

"Leave her alone — she'll come to presently ; there's one of her boys — an innocent — an' he's not far off; he tends and tracks his mother wherever she goes."

The man had hardly finished speaking, when a squalid, ragged youth, of about fifteen, crept from among some underwood — a copse of mingled furze and hawthorn — and without heeding he commenced turning her round. She appeared to have become rigid, for he moved her as though she were a kneeling statue, and having accomplished his purpose, which was to withdraw her from looking towards the ruined cottage, he sat on the earth beside her, staring up into her face with the calm, quiet air of one whose feelings are deadened — yet who once felt. I never saw so affecting a picture of human desolation as that mother and son, in sight of their blasted, ruined home !


Esther Treacy of Irishtown, New Ross was listed as a £10 voter on the 11 April 1836 and in 1838 was listed under the applications for Excise Licences
27 May 1837 Wexford Independent 
O'Connell Tribute - Ross...Resolved - That we collect the O'Connel Annuity on Sunday next, at the doors of all our chapels, namely the Parish Chapel, The Friars Chapel and the Nunnery Chapel...Resolved - That the following persons be appointed collectors...Thomas Tracy...
14 October 1837 Wexford Conservative 
On Thursday morning the 5th inst between the hours of three and four o'clock the workshop of Mr Thomas Tracy, coach maker, Ross, was discovered to be on fire, all the exertions possible were used to extinguish the devouring element, which proved fruitless with the exception of a few articles that were saved. We are sorry to have to record such a disgracefule outrage which has been almost unknown in this peaceable town. Some time prior to this a new Gig the property of Mr Tracy, was cut and disfigured. We have no doubt from all we have been able to learn that the above has been the work of an incendiary.
11 August 1838 Wexford Independent 
Education, Augustinian Collegre New Ross. Very Rev James Crean...yearly examination...Testament...Tracy...Grammer...Tracy...Virgil 3rd Class...Tracy...Latin...Tracy...Grammar...Tracy...Science 2nd Class...Tracy

In 1839, Thomas Tracy, Quay, New Ross is listed as a coach/carriage Maker.


24 February 1841 Wexford Conservative

Registry of Freeholders...Borough of Wexford...Mathew Treacy, Maudlintown do [householder] do [Wexford] do [27th June 1839]

Borough of New Ross...Thomas Tracy, The Quay, do [householder] Wexford, 7th Jan., 1841

18 February 1846 Wexford Independent

Borough of New Ross

Tracy Thomas, The Quay, householder 7 Jan '41

Borough of Wexford

Treacy Mathew, Maudlintown, householder 27 Jun 1839



In February 1841 and December 1841, there is a Chancery between Denis [or David] Shannon, Bryan Shannon and Johanna Shannon, minors, by Mary Walsh, widow, their maternal Aunt, Plaintiffs and Thomas Tracey, Johanna Tracey, his wife, and others Defendants. An order made in this cause bearing date the eleventh day of February last for sale on the 16th day of April [17th day of November last, for sale on the 4th day of January next]. The land in question, was to be let for five/four years, the house of Dunbrody, with the land attached in the possession of the defendants Thomas Tracy and wife. There are 3.5 acres of good land attached to the house, which are situated near the old Abbey of Dunbrody and within ten [or 7] miles of New Ross and [9 miles of] Waterford and three of Arthurstown, all good market and post towns. The Tenant will be required to give good security by recognizance himself and two sureties in double the amount of the rent, for the punctual payment of the rent as in such cases usual. For particulars, apply to John V. Horan, Solicitor for Plaintiffs, No.47, York-street, Dublin; or Charles Hayden, the Receiver in the cause, Dunbrody, Atthurstown.

Thomas Tracy and Johanna Shannon had been married in 1840, by marriage bond.

A second Chancery in May 1842, between Daniel Brien and Johanna Shannon, minors, by Mary Walsh, widow, their maternal Aunt, Plaintiffs and Thomas Tracey, Johanna Tracey, otherwise Shannon, his wife, Defendants. The land in question, was located in Ballygarvin [Ballygarvan, Owenduff] close to New Ross, had been in possession of John Murphy, two acres, and Martin Cheevers, two roods, and dwelling-house. [Owenduff and the surrounding area had a large number of Shannons.] These lands are situated near the Market and Post-town of New Ross, in the County of Wexford. The Tenant will be required to enter into the usual Security, by Recognizance - himself and two Surities in double the amount of the Rent, for the punetual payment of same. For particulars, apply to John V. Horan, Solicitor for Plaintiffs, No.47, York-street, Dublin; or Mr. Charles Hayden, the Receiver, Dunbrody, Priesthaggard, Wexford.


Thomas Treacy of Wexford was committed on the 7 June 1842 by High Sheriff for Contempt of Chancery Court and was discharged 14 April 1845.



wex ind 1842.jpg



23 March 1844 Wexford Conservative

Borough of New Ross...registered electors...Thomas Tracy, Quay, do [householder], 7th January 1841


1847 Spring Assizes & other dates

...540 perches from New Ross to Arthurstown and Ballyhack, between Michael Costello's house and Mrs. Tracey's house at Dunbroady and between the manure landing place at Dunbroady and the post road from Ross to Artburstown...


20 November 1847 Wexford Independent

...Roads...Barony of Shelburne...No.12 To keep in repair for five years 540 perches of the road from New Ross to Arthurstown and Ballyhack, between Michael Costello's house and Mrs. Tracey's house and between the Manure-bank at Dunbroady, and the post road from New Ross to Arthurstown; not to exceed 3d per perch.


In April 1850, James Tracey/Tracy, was tried in Wexford (most likely New Ross) for house breaking. He was described as a 30 year old, semi literate labourer, Roman Catholic, married with four children. No exact match for these details has been found. He was sentenced to transportation for 7 years and set sail on the Phoebe Dunbar to Western Australia, In 1860 in Guildford, he married Eliza Kearns in an Anglican ceremony. She was well known as a litigant and orator on women rights.


James Tracey, b . 1823 , d. 6. 5. 1902 (expiree), arr. 31.8.1853 per Phoebe Dunbar. was married with 4 chd before arrival, m. 12.1.1860 (Guildford C/E) Eliza KEARNS b. 1841/3 (India) d. 24.2.1917 . dtr. of an Irish soldier, she arr . 20.10.1859 per West Australian . Employed 11 T/L men on occasions 1860-1870. Kept stables Wooroloo Valley 1860s. In 1873 convicted of sheep stealing. His wife disowned him & he ended his days as a labourer at Swan & Gingin. His wife became notorious for her litigations & shrewish temper. Kept house for Richard Edmunds who bequeathed to her a life interest in his property. This was lost in lawsuits when others contested her rights to it. Well known as a soapbox orator on womens rights 1890s-1917. Semi - lit . C/E . Wife lit & RC.

The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians pre 1829 – 1888, Volumes I - IV



Eliza Tracey (1842–1917) by Rica Erickson

Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 12, 1990



Eliza Tracey: A woman with a grievance by Rica Erickson

Early Days, Volume 9, 1983-1988



Other Court references are:


31 March 1849

Patrick Tracey, sheep stealing, imprisoned Arthurstown,

Patrick Tracey, pig stealing, imprisoned Waterford


1851 New Ross

Stephen Tracy, larceny, By the Court, Wexford Gaol

James Tracy, do

Bridget Tracy do

There are number of court references,


1853 & 1855 Mary Tracey of New Ross 1859 Mary Tracy spinster of Michael Street New Ross and Mary Tracy wife of Michael Street New Ross

1854 Bridget Tracy, Stephen Tracy & Jno Tracy also James Tracy of Charleton Hill Ross

1856 James Tracy 1859 James Tracy labourer of Nevill Street New Ross St Mary's, 1866 James Treacy of Talbot Hall [Arnestown] 1869 James Tracey of Arnestown, 1870 James Tracey of Ryleen [St. Marys, New Ross], 1874 James & Mary Tracey of Moudlins, 1875 James Tracey of New Ross, 1877 James Tracey of Maudlin

1865, 1870, 1890 & 1895 Andrew Tracy of New Ross

1870 Lawrence Tracey of New Ross 1885 Mary Tracey & Laurence Tracey of New Ross, 1887 Lar Tracey of Wexford St 1888 Laurence Tracey of Wexford St [New Ross]

1871 Michael Tracy of New Ross, 1874 Michael Tracey of New Ross 1877 Michael Tracey of Nevill St New Ross, 13/05/1881 Michl Treacy of New Ross


In the valuations of 1843 & 1846, John Tracey had a house and yard at 18 Cross Lane St Mary Newross


In the valuation of 1845 John Tracy [Herbert? Whelan crossed out] had a house, house porch, house addition, office stable, office barn and car shed, office stable at Clonsharragh St James & Dunbrody, Patrick Tracey had a house & ofice piggery at Ballyvelig St James & Dunbrody (exempt) and Laurence Tracey had a house & office at Dunmain Owenduff [crossed out - exempt].


In the valuation of 1851 Js Tracy had a house at Butlersland and John Tracey had from Patt Gahan, a house & yard at 55 Michl Street St Mary Newross


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following were recorded:

James Tracy of Butlersland and  John Tracy of  St. Marys, New Ross 

John Tracy of Clonsharragh and Patrick Tracy of Ballyvelig, both of St. James and Dunbrody, which is south of New Ross.


Butlersland townland of the Parish of St. Marys, New Ross (Ord. S. 29) 92 acres (including graveyard)

Map (# of )


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


James Tracy

Nicholas Rourke




New Ross townland of the Parish of St. Marys, New Ross (Ord. S .29)  acres

Map (# of )


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)

1 55

John Tracy

Patrick Gahan




Clonsharragh townland of the Parish of St. James and Dunbrody (Ord. S. 44)  acres

Map (# of )


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


John Tracy

Lord Templemore (in fee)

House, office and land

23a 2r 36p (half? two occupants)


Ballyvelig townland of the Parish of St. James and Dunbrody (Ord. S. 39) 425 acres

Map (# of )


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)



Patrick Tracy

Lord Templemore


House, offices and garden

4a 0r 7p

0a 0r 30p




6 Nov 1854
James Tracy, 17, 4'9.25", Brown hair, brown eyes, fresh complexion, lives at Ross, RC, labourer, stealing turnips, trial 4 Jan 1855


In August 1862, James Treacey, a labourer of Larkinsmills [New Ross], defendant was summoned by James Hanrick miller of Tanhouse that he was the hired yearly servant and that he unlawfully left the employment. He was ordered to return to his work or in default to be imprisoned for one month with hard labour or pay a fine of 72/-. The following was the newspaper report:


30 August 1862 Wexford Independent

New Ross Petty sessions...An Alleged Sacriliegious Servant. James Hendrick charged James Tracey for unlawfully leaving his service. From the evidence it appeared that Tracey hired with Hendrick last may for 12 months, and on the 8th of August he left, as he said the master's family never stopped calling him names.

Chairman - What names did they call you?

Tracey - Why, sir, they called me everything, and said I'd steal the chalice off the altar.

Hendrick - Never mind him, yer honours, I never heard a word of this before. Another objection, I have to him is, that he won't stay within at night.

Tracey - sure, yer reverence, I can't sleep on the bed I have.

The bench ruled that he go back to his service, or be imprisoned for two months.

The chap though it more advisable to return to his allegiance than trespass on the hospitality of Mr. Gladwin's Palace in Wexford.

[Note: In the Griffiths Valuation the was a James Hendrick, Commons, Or Newtown, St Mary, New Ross]


Then in June 1865 James Treacy of Arnestown [St. Marys, New Ross], left the yearly employment of Sylvestor Roche of Arnestown. In July 1867 James Tracey of Lackens Mill, was again in court with Sylvester Roche on a similar charge.


5 March 1864 Wexford Independent

James Edward Howlett v. John Tracy [Clonsharragh?]

This was an action of trover for the wrongful detention of a car, the property of the plaintiff.

Kate Stafford...governess in Mr. Howlett's family...heard Mrs. Howlett offer Tracy a post-office order for the money that was due, which Tracy declined to accept. He refused to give Mr. Howlett's car, which at that time in his yard. His language was violent, and his manner rude. Witness did not think that he uttered course or rude language. It was past twelve o'clock before Mr. Howletts's family got home from to Ross. A car had to be procured from Ballyhack...Nobody denied that the £4 was due to Tracy. All the things had been sent away. I do not know that there was any money to pay hime. The offer was to send a post office order to Ross.

Bryan Hanlon sworn...I want to Duncannon on the 11th September to bring home Mrs Howlett and family. I unyoked the car, and placed it in the car-house and the horse in the stable. When about to leave the stable was locked, and the car-house was also locked. Tracy said the car must be left unless the bill is paid. I said the money would be sure to him the next day from Ross. He said he would not go to Ross for £20. He claimed £4. I offered him £1, which he refused. I went to Duncannon and tried to get a car, but could not. I afterwards went to Ballyhack, and got a car on which Mrs Howlett and family were taken to Ross...I remember Tracy saying that if he got security for his money that he would allow the car to be taken away. Tracy allowed me to take the mare to Ballyhack to get a car.

James E. Howlett, plaintiff, sworn...The defendant never furnished me with an account, nor made any demand on me for the balance of the account due at 11th September, before that date. My family left Ross on the 11th september. Three or four days after Tracy came into Ross and offered me the car. The car cost me £81 in 1851. Defendant did not offer me the car when I met him about 10th september in Ross. I value the car at the time of its detention by Tracy, at £25...the car was sold in 1853. It was bought by my brother-in-law - I do not know for how much. He made me a present of it. A cheque was given by me to a Mr. Lewis, which was afterwards paid by me when presented by a rate collector. I am not aware that it was dishonoured at the bank; nor do i know whether I had then any assets therein. I was offered the car two days after the money (£) was paid by me in Mr. Boyd's office [defendants solicitor].

John tracy sworn...I am the defendant in this action. I recollect Mr. Howlett and his family coming down in July, and taking my house which contains five bed-rooms, a parlour, and a kitchen. Mr Howlett paid me when I sent in for money, but I had sometimes to ask for it more than once. I supplied Mr Howlett's family with such articles at market price as we could spare. When the two months had expired, Mrs Howlett asked if I was willing to let them have the house for another week on the same terms. I said I was. I did not know that they intended to leave until the car came down. About three or four days after I met Mr Howlett in Ross, and proferred him the car if he chose to send for it, as I did not wish to have it in my place. He said he would have had nothing to do with it; that he had put it into Mr. Hinson's hands; that he would not pay the costs I had brough on myself. [Counsel here read a letter from Mr Hinson dated 15th October to Tracy, demanding the car and compensation for any loss sustained by Mr Howlett by its detention, and also 10s2d costs incurred.] I cannot recollect the exact day on which I got the letter, but I believe it had been lying at the post office two or three days when I got the £4 in Mr. Boyd's office there was £4.17s11.5d due. I took of the 17s11.5d. the second day after I brought in the car to Ross. Edward Cahill was with me. When I left home in the morning I had not been served with a writ nor was I served with it before entering? Ross. I send Edward Cahill with the car to Mr Howlett. I had not then been served...When Mrs Howlett asked me for the house for another week, I expected from that that they would go away at the end of the week. I made no demands on him for the hay, because he said he would pay me a fair price for it. I did not help to pack the goods when they were going away on the car. I did not stop them. I asked Mrs Howlett if she was going to send all away without settling with me for what was behind. She said she never was charged for hay in any place she lodged before. I don't remember whether Mrs Howlett said 'I don't know about the charge for hay; Mr Howlett ought to know about the quantity that was got. I don't remember that Mr Howlett said it was a shame for me to keep his children out during the night. He told me my conduct was shameful. I kept the car in a car-house at my own place, till I brought it to Ross on the 22nd of October. I drove in on it. Andy Cahill also came in on it. Neither myself nor any one else ever set foot on it before that while it was in my posession.

To his Lordship - I am not sure that I got Mr Hinson's letter when I went in to Mr Boyd's office on the 20th.

Edward Cahill sworn...I remember going in to Ross along with Tracy with Mr Howlett car, which I took to Mr Howlett's house, and offered it to a servant of Mr Howletts but Mr Howlett sent a message saying he would have nothing to do with it; that I might put it into any yard I liked. I then put it into Mes Moran's yard. I then went back to the defendant. He was afterwards served with a writ on the same day. I live with Tracy...I don't know the house in which the man served the writ on defendant. I left the horse in the middle of the yard. I did not go into the shop with him and the man, but I saw the laater hand a paper to the former.

...[jury] found the value of the car to be £10; damages for detention of the car 8s...Leave was reserved for the defendant to move in the court above, for a reduction of the £10...The question of costs was reserved for arguement in the upper court...


In May 1867, there was an appearance at the New Ross Court of  SC John Treacey [RIC].


11 September 1867 Wexford Independent

Breach of the Fishery Laws. Arthurstown Petty Sessions...Mr John Treacy, of Blackhill [Lighthouse?], near Duncannon, was fined...£1 and costs for steeping flax in the river at Grange, and allowing the water from the steeps to flow into the Suir on the 12th ultimo and subsequent days...


02 November 1870 Wexford Independent

Sympathy with the Pope...Ramsgrange...John Tracey...


24 May 1871

Laurence Tracey, 38, 5'6.5", blue eyes, brown hair, fresh complexion, lives New Ross, RC, reads, labourer, assault, Wexford 2nd Sessions,


In February 1875 the New Ross National Loan Society sued Mary Ann McFailin of Campile, Michl Power of Campile, James Tracey of Tinnock [Killesk] for £8.2.0. In April 1876 the New Ross National Loan Society sued Mary Ann McFarlin of  Ballykeeroge, James Tracey of Ballykeeroge [Kilmokea], William Fardy of Ballyvelick [Ballyvelig?], for £10.2.6.


In 1876, there was a family feud where Lawrence Tracey of Arnestown accused James Tracey of Moudlins, witness Mary Tracey, of stealing a pig


There were a number of court appearances:


In 1877 & 1879 Mary Tracy of New Ross, sued for possession of part of a dwelling house situated at Michael St New Ross.

1881 John Treacey of Robert St [New Ross],

1888 Mary Tracey of Maudlin 1890 Mary Tracy of Maudlin 1890 Mary Tracy of Maudlin and James Tracey 1892 Mary Tracy of Mondlin 1895 Mary A Tracey of Mondlin

1890 Andy Tracey of New Ross 1896 Andrew Tracey & Ellen Tracey 1906 Andrew Treacy of Bk Lane New Ross

1892 James Tracey of Wexford St 1903, 1906  James Treacy of Rosbercon, 1909 James Treacy of Ballinteeblen (Rosbercon), 1910 James Tracey of Ballyroe [St. Mary's New Ross] 1911 James Treacy of Irishtown New Ross & James Tracey of Mary St



Mary Treacy, 45, 5'2", D Br hair, grey eyes, fresh, born Ballywilliam [Templeludigan?], lives New Ross, RC, had concealled on her person a piece of print with intent of stealing of same/rec stolen goods 2nd larceny, for trial at New Ross on Sept 21 ??? 79/sentence 2 calr months & 2 C mas, latter sentence to precede foruccer?

November 1885

Mary Treacy, 51, 5'2", D Br hair, grey eyes, fresh, born Ballywilliam [Templeludigan?], lives New Ross, RC, Receiving, 2 cal mo


In March 1880, there was a court case for assault against William Neill and James Treacy. In January, a Richard Murphy and the men had been in the town of New Ross, and on their way home it was alleged the assault had occurred. The Jury, after deliberating for more than an hour, was discharged, being unable to agree on a verdict.


15 October 1884 Wexford People

List Of Prizes Won At The Mount Carmel Bazaar, New Ross...Afternoon Tea Cloth—Won by Mr. P. Treacy, Mainstreet, New-Ross....


8 June 1883

Andrew Treacey, 14 years, 4'4.5", D Bro hair, Bro eyes, Fresh complexion, marks - Scrofula, born New Ross, lives New Ross Union, pauper, RC, R&W, steal whiskey from the store of the N Ross workhouse, 14 days and 5 yrs Refty, [with Michael Nolan 14 & Michael Breen 12]

24 May 1890

Andrew Treacey (Reformatory boy), 19, 5'1", Bro hair, Gr eyes, Sall complexion, marks - right eye gone? cail on chest?, born and lives New Ross, Lab, RC, RW, assault, 2 cal mos HL

1895, Andrew Tracey, at New Ross assault, convicted and fine paid


30 September 1885 Wexford People

New Ross National League...New Members...William Tracey, Maudlin...


27 October 1886 Wexford People

New Ross Union...present...Thomas Treacy. [from Ballymackillagill, Listerlin, Kilkenny?]


23 April 1887 Wexford People

Constable Tracey from Waterford to Arthurstown;

28 April 1887 Freeman's Journal

The Temperance Question...Timothy Tracey, from Arthurstown, county Wexford...[RIC]


From 1887 to 1892 Timothy Tracey of Kerry was was a RIC constable in Ballinabulla [Ballynabola Kilscanlan Co. Wexford], who died 1892.


01 December 1888 Wexford People


Edward Neville, Bawnmore, summoned Patrick Fanning for possession of a house on Charlton Hill, New Ross. John Tracey, rent collector, having given the accessary evidence, a decree was granted.


15 Dec 1888 Wexford and Kilkenny Express

We, the undersiged tentant farmers...Parish of St. James, Barony of Shelbourne...our lands are poisoned...W. Treacy do [Clonsharra]...


05 January 1889 Wexford People

Election of Temporary Master

...Mr. Forristel proposed that Michael Treacy, Quaystreet, New Ross, he elected.


In 1897 Matthew Tracey of Ballinebulla [Ballynabola Kilscanlan] was summoned for a dog licence.


In 1897 and 1899 there was a family feud with James Tracey of Maudlin & Rosbercon, breaking the windows of Mary Tracey, with Catherine Tracey as witness.


06 August 1898 New Ross Standard

Dispute About a Fence. Mary Treacy smmoned Anne Carty for maliciously , injuring her fence.

Complainant deposed that defendant had injured a fence between both gardens...Mr Edward Neville, Bawnmore [St Marys, New Ross], deposed he was the owner of these houses...


11 March 1899 New Ross Standard

New Ross Petty Sessions.

Alleged Window-Breaking. James Treacy, Maudlins, summoned his son-in-law, Thomas Morrissey, for wilfuliy and maliciously breaking the window. His dweliing-house...child in cradle...Mary Treacy, mother-in-law...


14 October 1899 New Ross Standard

New Ross Union

Out-door relief for week ending 30 September 1899

Union at large

Anne Treacy, 67, Michael St, ?th March, '97...1s6d


On the 14th June 1900, Mary Tracey of Clonsharragh Mersheen & Duncannon, purchased  29a/0r/12p from the landlord Baron Templemore, which she had been renting for £21/1/6, for £380, advanced from the Land Commission and she had a £76 cash deposit.


On the 21 Sep1900, James Treacy, 23, 5'6.5", d Bro hair, Blu eyes, Fsh complexion, 147/8lb, born New Ross, lives Rosbercon, Blacksmith, RC, Drunk, 1 cal month

On the 22 Sept 1902, James Treacy, 25, 5'6.5", d Bro hair, Blu eyes, Fsh complexion, 149 lb, born and lives New Ross, Blacksmith, RC, Drunk, 7 days, Cousin Jas Treacy Modlintown [New Ross?] Wexford

In August 1903, James Treacy, 26, 5'6.5", d Bro hair, Blu eyes, Fsh, scar on forehead over left eye, 147 lb, born and lives New Ross, Blacksmith, RC, Drunk & Disorderly, 1 cal month, single uncle? Jas Treacy Irishtown New Ross


On the 16 February 1901, a sad drowning fatality occurred at Waterford on Sunday Night, when a young woman named Bridget Tracey [Bridget Tracy b. 1873], a native of New Ross, was drowned in attempting to rescue her sweetheart, who had fallen into the Suir. Five months later, her body was recovered floating in the Suir at Grace Dieu.


Tragic Occurrence in Waterford

On Sunday a melancholy fatality occurred in the River Suir at Waterford, by which a young woman lost her life under extremely distressing circumstances. It appears that shortly after seven o'clock Bridget Tracey, aged about 28 years, employed as a domestic servant by Mr. T.P. O'Meara, Bridge street, left as was usual on Sunday evening to take a walk, and presumably to meet her sweetheart, a young man named John Doyle. Immediately after going out she met Doyle and another young couple on Grattan quay, and the four proceeded in the direction of the Dungarvan Railway station. Doyle left them to go on to one of the hulks. It is conjectured in the darkness he accidentally fell into the river. The others were attracted by the splash and his cries for help, and rushed to ascertain what had happened. Doyle, who was able to swim, suceeded in catching a rope, but in the meantime, the poor girl Tracey became excited and anxious for his safety. The other girl, named Kinahan, caught her by the dress and cautiuoned her to be careful, but in her anxiety Tracey pressed forward, and also fell into the river. There was a strong current running, and in the darkness she soon disappeared, her companions being altogether powerless to render any assisstance. Doyle was rescued, but was naturally in a shocking distressed state. The river has been dragged, but uo to the present the body has not been recovered. The deceased girl was a native of New Ross, and was 13 years in her late employment. She was shortly to have been married to Doyle.

Feb 16, 1901 Irish Times.

16 February 1901 Enniscorthy Guardian [file]


There are a number of Court appearances:


1902 Ellen Treacy of Cushinstown, defendant 1907 Ellen Tracey of Michael St New Ross 1/9/1911 Ellen Tracey of Barrack Lane New Ross & Ellen Tracey of Michael St New Ross

1902 Anne Treacy

10/06/1910 & 17/6/1910 Mary Tracey of Neville St New Ross

17/06/1910 Andrew Treacy of Playfroned New Ross 08/08/1913 Andrew Treacy of Michl St New Ross, defendant

29/05/1914 Kate Tracey of Newtown [New Ross] Wexford

29/09/1916 Mary Tracey of Newtown New Ross


In March 1903, at the monthly petty sessions held in Arthurstown, Mary Treacy was fined for a road nuisance offence.


11 November 1905 Free Press (Wexford)

The Labourer is Worthy of His hire.

A young lad named Michael Barrett, Duncannon, sued Mary Treacy, Black Hill, to recover £2 wages alleged to be due in respect of work done...Walter Burke, caretaker for Mrs. Treacy...


19 October 1906 New Ross Standard

Assaulted His Mother-in-Law

James Lee was summoned by his mother-in-law, Mary Treacy, Maudlins, for assaulting her.


3 November 1906 Free Press (Wexford) [file] [married John Aloysius Nix]

S. Treacys South Street, New Ross [advertisement]


21 August 1908 New Ross Standard

The New Presbytery New Ross

5s...Miss Treacy, do [south St]...1s...J. Treacy Neville street...


10 September 1909 New Ross Standard

Dr. Browne's Jubilee Fund

...Miss Sarah Treacy, South-st., New Ross 5s...


In February 1911 Josephine [Johanna -1911 census] Tracey of South St New Ross, defendant, James Hogan of South St, complainant, owes the sum of 2/6 for repair of shoes, dismissed without prejudice


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

Josephine Treacy, New Ross Wexford Ireland, 1922, 30 years, b. Myshall, Co. Carlow.

Sister: Mrs Nix, 48 South Street, New Ross, Co. Wexford. [see 1911 Census]

Cousin: Mrs Doyle, 157 East 99th street, New York City, N.Y.


25 June 1910 Free Press (Wexford)

New Ross Petty Sessions

Mr M. Harding applied for and obtained possession of a tenement house held by Andrew Treacy, of Playground.


07 January 1911 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

Old Woman’s Sad End In New Ross.

...a house in Chapel Lane, New Ross, when an old woman named Mary Quigley, aged 87 years, was found dead in bed. Deceased had not been seen since Monday evening, and the house in which she lived being closed suspiciong were aroused, causing a man named John Treacy, a nephew of her own, to break open one of the windows. On entering the house they found the dead body of the old lady...


16 August 1913 Free Press (Wexford)

...Andrew Treacy, Michael street, New Ross...


23 August 1913 Free Press (Wexford)

Wexford Petty Sessions

Abusive Language.

Elizabeth Treacy, Barrack strect, summoned John Carr, same place, on the charge of using abusive language towards her...Treacy and his wife...


Admistration (with the will) of the estate of Mary Treacy late of Clonsharragh County Wexford farmer who died 27 December 1913 granted at Waterford to William Foley farmer Effects £264.4s.4d


War Office Weekly Casualty List, January 8th, 1918

Royal Irish Rifles - wounded

Tracey 9731 J. (New Ross)


James Tracey Royal Irish Rifles 9731 Private Labour Corps 643634 Private



1901 Census

1911 Census




Mary Treacy, 69, F, 9 Clonsharragh, Ballyhack, Wexford, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Widow, Co Wexford

Margaret Foley, 50, Female, Sister, Roman Catholic, Farmer, Not Married, Co Wexford

John, Foley 15, Male, Nephew, Roman Catholic, Farm Labourer, Not Married, Co Wexford




James Tracey, 50, M, 4 Maudlins Town, New Ross Rural, Wexford, Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Mary Tracey, 50, F, Maudlins Town, New Ross Rural, Wexford, Labourers Wife, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

Mary Anne Tracey, 21, F, Maudlins Town, New Ross Rural, Wexford, Labourers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford

Kate Tracey, 17, F, Maudlins Town, New Ross Rural, Wexford, Labourers Daughter, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford


Andrew Tracey, 33, M, 1 Frenche's Court, New Ross Urban, Wexford, General Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Ellen Tracey, 26, F, Frenche's Court, New Ross Urban, Wexford, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford


John Treacy, 33, M, 15 Neville Street, New Ross Urban, Wexford, Waiter at Chapel, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Mary Treacy, 33, F, Neville Street, New Ross Urban, Wexford, Servant Domestic, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford


Mary Tracey, 30, F, 1 Bunions Lane, New Ross Urban, Wexford, Domestic Servant, Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Wexford*

Johanna Morrissey, 62, Female, Mother, Catholic, Domestic Servant, Married, -, Co Wexford

Anastasia Morrissey, 21, Female, Daughter, Catholic, Domestic Servant, Not Married, -, Co Wexford

Jack Morrissey, 13, Male, Son, Catholic, Scholar, Not Married, -, Co Wexford

Sylvester Morrissey, 11, Male, Son, Catholic, -, Not Married, Blind, Co Wexford

Patrick Moloney, 8, Male, Nephew, Catholic, Scholar, Not Married, -, Co Wexford


Anne Treea?y [Treehey], 60, F, 41 Michael Street, New Ross Urban, Wexford, No Occupation, R C, Lodger, Widow, New Ross, Co Wexford


Bridget Tracy, 50, F, 1 Mountgarrett, New Ross Rural, Wexford, General Servant Domestic, Roman Catholic, Boarder, Widow, Co Kilkenny




Maurice Tracy [Fracy], 42, M, 6 Rosbercon, Rosbercon Urban (New Ross Urban District), Wexford, Fitter, Roman Catholic, Boarder, Not Married, Waterford


James Tracey, 29, M, 18 Rosbercon, Rosbercon Urban (New Ross Urban District), Wexford, Smiths Helper, Cathorlic, Servant, Not Married, Co Wexford


LIVING IN CORK [possible connection]

Mary Tracey, 31, F, 9 Ballyvodock East, Midleton, Cork, Domestic Servant Housemaid, Catholic, Servant, Married, Co Waterford

Margaret Tracey, 12, F, St. Mary’s Orphanage, Fitton Street West and East, Cork Urban No. 5, Cork, Pupil, R Catholic, Not Married, Waterford





Mary Tracey, 83, F, 6 Clonsharragh, Ballyhack, Wexford (head, farmer, widow, sister Margaret Foley single 79 years


Catherine Treacy, 13, F, 12 Ballyvelig, Ballyhack, Wexford (niece to head Denis McEvoy, railwayman, all b. Kilkenny)





James Tracey, 72, M, 12 Commons or Newtown, New Ross, Wexford (also James Morrissey nephew 12 years)

Mary Tracey, 71, F, Commons or Newtown, New Ross, Wexford (married 42 years, 7 children/2 alive)

Catherine Tracey, 27, F, Commons or Newtown, New Ross, Wexford (daughter, single)

[Anastasia & Elizabeth Treacy living in Kilmore]






Andrew Tracey, 40, M, 19 Michael Street, New Ross, Urban, Wexford

Ellen Tracey, 28, F, Michael Street, New Ross, Urban, Wexford (wife 11? Years, 2 children dead)



John Treacy, 42, M, 14 Neville Street, New Ross, Urban, Wexford (Butler)

Mary Treacy, 40, F, Neville Street, New Ross, Urban, Wexford (married 10 years, no children)






Johanna Treacy, 23, F, 55 South Street, New Ross, Urban, Wexford (border, assistant stationer, sister head Sarah Nix married ‘John Nix crossed out’, both b. Carlow)

Johanna [John] Nix,  25,  Male,  Head of Family,  Roman Catholic,  Stationer,  Married,  Co Limerick

Sarah, Nix,  27,  Female,  Head of Family,  Roman Catholic,  Stationer,  Married 1 year, Co Carlow


















Mary Josephine Treacy, 42, F, 8.1 Mardyke Street, Cork No. 7 Urban (part of), Cork (head, widow, married 23 years, 3 children/1 alive, b. Waterford) [RIC widow]

Margaret Mary Treacy, 21, F, Mardyke Street, Cork No. 7 Urban (part of), Cork (daughter, single, National school teacher, b. Wexford)


LIVING IN KILKENNY [error he was born Kilkenny she was born Wexford]

John Treacey, 27, M, 5 Smithstown, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny (agricultural labourer, b. Wexford)

Mary Kate Treacey, 25, F, Smithstown, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny (married 5 years, 3 child)

William Treacey, 4, M, Smithstown, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny

James Treacey, 2, M, Smithstown, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny

Patrick Treacey, 1, M, Smithstown, Jerpoint West, Kilkenny




* Most likely was a daughter of Andrew Tracy & Joanna Farnis/Furniss, married name Morrissey

Mary Tracey - New Ross 1901

Johanna Morrissey and her children are my father’s relatives who he used to visit while on leave so I’m pretty certain this is my lot.  His mother also Johanna Morrissey was born in 1904 and brought up by Aust Stacie – the three women are present in the 1911 census (Johanna sen; Anastasia and Johanna grndau); her mother is not present. My grandmother was brought up in Anastasia’s household until she left for India to get married so I assume her mother either passed away or left permanently.

Lauren Patey Oct 2016


17 July 1915 Free Press (Wexford)

...summoned Michael Sheehan, Bridge Street, New Ross, for cruelty to a horse...Andrew Treacy, a workman of the defendants...


30 June 1917 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

Trespass.—For trespass of a kid John Treacy, Neville street, against Patk Rossiter, do, a fine of Id. was imposed.


14 May 1920 New Ross Standard

...two memorial tablet in St. Mary's Church [New Ross]...The following names were inscribed on the tablets...W.S. Treacy, Royal Air Force...


16 January 1931 New Ross Standard

The fifth of the series of Penny Redings was held at the Confraternity Literary Institute, New Ross...Mr Patrick Treacy " The Celtic Tongue ";...


Andrew Treacy of New Ross died Jul - Sep 1948, aged 79 years.



Church records and State records:


Aandiere Tracy & Catherine Walsh

Thomas Tracy 16/17 Dec 1790 Sp. SAmuel Cahil & Anna Roach New Ross Parish


Elorisa/Alicia Tracey & Jacobus Brian

Gulimius Brian b. 1795 Sp Richardus Grandy & Maria Whelan St. James and Templetown

Catherina Brian b. 27 Nov 1797 Sp. Jacobus Brien & Eleonora Dwayer St. James and Templetown


Eleanora Tracy & Johannis Keys

Marian Keys b. 16 Jul 1802 Sp. Gulilmus Keating & Catharina Murphy. New Ross Parish.

Thomam Keys b. 17/18 Jun 1804 Sp. Guliulmius Stephens & Bridgida Malone. New Ross Parish.

Joannem Keys b. 28/29 June 1807 Sp. Patricius McDonols & Maria Gorman. New Ross Parish.

Thomam Keys b. 5 Apr 1809 Sp. Thomas M'Gloughlan & Margarite Day. New Ross Parish.

Catharinam Keys b. 31 Aug 1817 Sp. Francis Faulkinn & Honora Carmel New Ross Parish


Mathii Tracy & Catharina Condon

Gulelmun Tracy 11 Dec 1803 Spon Mathias Howlet & Margariat Williams New Ross Parish

Mariam Tracy 22/23 Nov 1806 Spon Joannes Williams & Catharina Murphy New Ross Parish

Michaelem Tracy 20 April 1820 Spon Michael Bearney & Elisabeth Fin New Ross Parish


Danielis Tracy & Maria Ryan

Michaelem Tracy 5th March 1810 Sp. Michael Brennan & Catharine Moran. New Ross Parish

Elenoram Tracy b. 23/24 Mar 1812 Sp. Edwardus Neville & Eleonora Chute. New Ross Parish


Catherina Treacy & Henrici Foster protestantis

Jacobum Foster b. 8 Nov 1825 Sp. Martinus Delany & Eleanora Fitzgerald. New Ross Parish.


Catharnia Tracy & Thomas Seabourne

Thomas Seabourne Illitumian b. 24 Sep 1835 Sp. Joannes Duffin & Margarita Murphy. New Ross Parish.

Thomas Seabourne Illitumian b. 15 April 1838 Sp. Jeremia Whitty & Maria Whitty. New Ross Parish.


Patrick Treacy Marriage:  Dec 1836  - New Ross


Eleonar Tracey & Edvardus Prendergast

Anasyasia Prendergast b. 10 Apr 1836 of Ballyvelick Sp Joannes Ryan & Maria Walsh Suttons Parish


14 October 1837 Wexford Conservative

Marriages. On Monday the 9th instant at New Ross, by the Rev Mr. Brenan, P.P., Mr. Thomas O'Donnell late of the United Sates to Miss E. Tracy of New Ross.

Esther Treacy m. Thomas O'Donnel, 1837

Estheris Tracy & Thomas O Donnell

Elizabetham Mariam O Donnel b. 22 Sep 1838 Sp Edwardus Neville & Margareta O Donnele New Ross Parish


Jacobus Tracey & Annastasia Howlin?

Anastasia Tracey? (Illg) b. 17th May 1837 of Campile Sp. Michael Reville & Maria Murphy. Suttons Parish


Jacobus Tracey married Judith Ryan 12 Jan 1837. Wit: Joannes Ryan & Brigida Grant. Suttons Parish

Jacobus Tracey/Treacy/Treacey & Judith/Judy/Johanna Ryan

Maria Tracey b. 3 Mar 1838 of Ballyvelig [St James and Dunbrody] Sp. Ricardus Power & Maria Tobin. Suttons Parish

Joanna Tracey b. 17 Jul 1839 of Ballyvelig Sp. Joannes & Maria Ryan?. Suttons Parish

Mary Treacy b. 3 Jul 1842 Sp. John Byrne & Anne Murray. Suttons Parish

Joanna Treacey b. 22 Jun 1845 Sp. Patrick Gordon & Catherine Culeton? Suttons Parish

Mary Anna Treacy b. 27 May 1848 Sp. Thomas Colfer & Mary Ryan. Suttons Parish

Patrick Treacy b. 22 May 1851 Sp. Patrick Fardy & Anastatia Shannon? Suttons Parish


Patritius Tracy married Eleanor Connor ? Feb 1840. Wit: Jacobus Croak & Joannas Neil. Suttons Parish.

Patritius Treasey/Treacy & Elleonora/Ellen Connor/Conners

Thomas Treasey b. 12 Nov 1840 of Campile [in Kilmokea AND St James and Dunbrody] Sp. Edward Shea & Maria Currin. Sutton Parish.

John Treacy b. 3 Jul 1845 Sp. John Sarsfield & Catherin Colleton? Suttons Parish.

Michl Treacy b. 30 Sep 1847 Sp. James Croak & Johanna Connor. Suttons Parish



Patrick Tracy died 1867, New Ross PLU, aged 63, b. 1804


Joannis Tracy & Maria Hogan/Hoban

Catharimam Tracy 8/9 March 1842 Spon Gulielmus Kavanagh & Brigida Hogan New Ross Parish

Mathais Tracy 7/8 April 1844 Spon ??? New Ross Parish

Andream Tracy 5/6 May 1846 Spon Jacobus Roche & Anne Byrne New Ross Parish

Bregettam Treacy 9/10 march 1849 Spon Joannes Barron & ??? New Ross Parish

Johannim Tracy 1/5 Sept 1852 Spon Patricius Forlong? & Johannia Higgins New Ross Parish


Ellen Treacy married Patrick Ryan 27 Sep 1844. Wit: Michael Ryan & Margret Murray. Sutton Parish.

Ellen Treacy & Patrick Ryan

Mary Ryan b. 2 Oct 1845 Sp. Michl Ryan & Margaret Mulans Suttons Parish


Joannem Tracy married Elizabetham Dunne 28 Nov 1850 Wit: James Castles & Brigida Dunne. St. James and Templetown Parish

Joannes/John Tracy & Brigida/Bridget/Eliza/Elizabetha/Maria Dunne

Richardson Tracy b. 4 Jan 1851, Wexford Sp. Joannes Caslles - St James and Templetown

Patricium Tracy 24/25 June 1853 Sp. Stephanis Myler & Maria Murphy? St. James and Templetown Parish

Marian Tracy 22 Feb 1856 Sp. Gulimius? Leacy & Elleonora? ??? St. James and Templetown Parish

Marian Tracy 10/11 Oct 1857 Sp. Andreas Bridam & Maria Dunn St. James and Templetown Parish [married John Carty 1877]

Richard Tracy b. 21 Jan 1860 St James and Templetown, Wexford Sp. William Dunne

Elizabeth Tracy b. 19 Mar 1861 - St James and Templetown, Wexford Sp. Edward Ryan [Eliza]

Ann Tracey 30 July 1863 of Clonsharragh [St. James and Dunbrody] Sp. Bryannus Keefe & Mary ??? St. James and Templetown Parish


John Tracy, died 1872 Arthurstown [Fethard No. 1] New Ross PLU, aged 74 years, b. 1798, married, farmer, died 5 Apr 1872 Dlinesnon? [Clonsharragh St. James and Dunbrody - St. James and Templetown RC], Pat Water, his mark, present at death, Mersheen [St James and Dunbrody]



Michaeli Tracy & Sarah Duffin

Catheriman Tracy 4/7 April 1851 Spon Thomas Jefferson & Catherine Breen New Ross Parish

Jacobum Tracy 20/22 April 1853 Spon Joannis Whelan & Bridgita Duffin New Ross Parish

Mary Tracy b. 9/13 Jun 1858 Sp. Denis M'Caish & Eliza Doyle. New Ross Parish*

Michaelis Tracy & Sara Duggan

Johannum b. 8/10 Oct 1866 Sp. Michael Evoy & Cath Hennesy. New Ross Parish

Mick Tracey & Sally Duffin

John Tracy b. 12/10/1866 New Ross (LDS)

Mick Tracey, labourer, of Cross Lane Ross, & Sally Duffin

John Tracey b. 12 Oct 1866 of Lying in hospital Ross [1866 19 872 New Ross New Ross PLU]


Mary Treacey/Tracey died 1865, New Ross PLU, Aged 6, b. 1859, died 2 May 1865 New Ross, New Ross


1. Thomas Tracy (1840- January 27, 1900) Born New Ross, died Cook Co, Chicago, Illinois. Married Johanah Duffin or Duffer b. 1842/1844, Wexford

1.1 Patrick b. 1860, Illinois

1.2 Mary b. 1864, Illinois

1.3 Joseph Francis b. 13 Nov 1871 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois

1.4 Jane b. 1875, Illinois

1.5 Frank b. Nov 1877, Illinois

1.6 Robert b. Aug 1879, Cook, Illinois

1.7 Jennie b. 1886

1.8 Annie 

1.9 James b. 1870, Cook, Illinois

1.10 John b. 1874, Illinois

1.11 Catherine b. 1872

1.12 Florence Johanna b. 7 Nov 1893, Illinois

1.13 Patrick L.  b. 1894, Illinois

1.14 William b. 17 Jan 1866, Illinois



I have a ggm Margaret Isabel Burns who married Joseph Tracy in 1892. On the Burns side her parents were thought to be: William Burns/Bunn/Byrne and Ann McDonald. On the Tracy side, his parents were: Thomas Tracy and Johanna Duffin/Duffy from Co. Wexford. Any connections? Just drop a note yea/nay. Hope this helps. Best regards,
John DuGene  John DuGene January 07, 2002


Thomas Tracy (b. approx 1850 New Ross County, Wex., Ireland d. 27 Jan 1900 Chicago, Cook, Illinois), married

Occupation: Shoe Maker

Burial place: burial date: 30 Jan 1900 Calvary

1880 Census Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Self  Thomas Tracey  M 40 Ireland  Shoe Maker

Wife  Johanah Tracey  F 38 Ireland 

Son  Patrick Tracey  M 20 

Dau  Mary Tracey  F 16 

Dau  Jane Tracey  F 5 

Son  Joseph Tracey  M 9 

Son  Frank Tracey  M 2 

Son  Robert Tracey  M 9m 

1900 Census ED 503 Precinct 2 Chicago city Ward 16, Cook, Illinois, United States

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Head  Johanna Tracy  F 56 Ireland  Widowed, Mother of 14 Children, 6 living

Son  Frank Tracy  M 23 Illinois 

Son  Robert Tracy  M 21 Illinois 

Granddaughter  Elizabeth Schilie  F 10 Illinois 


Kate Treacy (b. 16 Aug 1864 Co. Waxford, Ireland d. 28 Dec 1934 Chicago, Cook, Illinois)  (d. of Phillip Foley b. Co. Limrick, Ireland & Mary Powers b. Co. Waxford, Ireland) 

Occupation: Retired Housekeeper 

Spouse: Thomas Treacy 

Burial Date: 31 Dec 1934 Mt. Olivet, Chicago, Cook, Ill. 


Patrick J. Tracey (b. Ireland) & Bridget Kavanaugh (b. Ireland) 

Mary Ehorn (b. 15 Aug 1875 Stratford, Canada d. 13 Nov 1924 Chicago, Cook, Illinois 

Occupation: Housework 

Spouse: Charles Ehorn 

Burial Date: 17 Nov 1924  Mt. Olivet, Chicago, Cook, Illinois 

Patrick Tracey (b. Waxford, Ireland) & Bridget Cavanaugh (b. Wexford, Ireland)

Hannah Agnes Soonan (b. 28 Feb 1880 Hamilton, Canada d. 14 Aug 1936 Chicago, Cook, Illinois)

Spouse: George

Burial Date: 17 Aug 1936 Mt. Olivet, Worth, Cook, Ill.

Patrick Tracy (b. Wexford, Ireland) & Bridget Cavanaugh (b. Wexford, Ireland)

Thomas Robert Tracy (b. 30 May 1882 Chicago, Illinois d. 29 Oct 1925 Chicago, Cook, Illinois)

Spouse: Marie Elizabeth

Occupation: Sales Manager

Burial date: 02 Nov 1925 Mt. Olivet

1910 Census Chicago Ward 31, Cook, Illinois

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Self  Patrick Tracy  M 66y Ireland 

Wife  Bridget Tracy  F 66y Ireland 

Son  William A Tracy  M 23y Illinois 

Self  Harry J Tracy  M 26y Illinois 

Wife  Marion Tracy  F 23y New Jersey 


James Tracey (of Wexford, Ireland) & Bridget Kavanaugh (of Wexford, Ireland)

Margaret Brett (b. 1863 Birmingham, England d. 24 Jan 1941 Evergreen Park, Cook, Illinois)

Spouse: William

Occupation: Housekeeper

Residence: Oak Lawn, Cook, Illinois

Burial: 27 Jan 1941 Worth, Cook, Illinois

James P. Tracy (b. Ireland) & Bridget Cavanagh (b. Ireland) 

Katherine Connors (b. 14 Feb 1877 Canada  d. 13 Apr 1916  Chicago, Cook, Illinois) 

Occupation: Housewife 

Burial Date: 16 Apr 1916  Mt. Olivet

James P. Tracey (b. Waxford, Ireland) & Bridget Cavanaugh (b. Waxford, Ireland)

William A. Tracey (b. 30 Jun 1886 Chicago, IL d. 07 May 1936 1238 W. 31st St. Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Occupation: Fireman, Bd. of Education

Residence: Chicago, Cook, IL

Spouse: Catherine F.

Burial Date: 11 May 1936, Calvary, Evanston, Cook, IL

1880 Census Hyde Park, Cook, Illinois

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Self  James Tracy  M 39 Ireland 

Wife  Bridget Tracy  F 37 Ireland 

Dau  Margeret Tracy  F 15 England 

Dau  Cartherine Tracy  F 14 Canada 

Dau  Emily Tracy  F 4 Canada 

Dau  Hannah Tracy  F 2 Canada

1900 Census ED 1018 Precinct 27 Hyde Park Town Chicago city Ward 32, Cook, Illinois, United States

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Head  James Tracy  M 53 Ireland, electrician, citizenship 1874 

Wife  Bridelie Tracy  F 53 Ireland, , citizenship 1875 

Son  James Tracy  M 16 Chicago, electrician 

Son  William Tracy  M 14 Chicago   


John J Tracy (b. Wexford Co, Ireland, aged 37 years) & Edna Robinson (b. Lo Fayette, Indiana, aged 37 years)

Dorothy Virginia Tracy b. 03 Jul 1919 Cook County, Chicago


Ellen Tracy & Johannis Roche

Michaelum Roche b. 27/20 June 1852 Sp. Bernardum Kavanagh & Maria Roche? New Ross Parish


William Tracey of New Ross married Catherine Ryan on the 16 Aug 1853 Wit: Patrick Ryn & Mary Coady. St. John's Newfoundland.


William Tracy & Mary Flyn

John Tracy b. 8/13 Jun 1858 Sp. Thomas Cusack & Catharine Flyn. New Ross Parish*


Lawrence (Larry) Tracy & Bridget (Mary) McGee married 1861

Bridget Tracy b. 16 February 1863 bapt 17th. February 1863. Sponsors: Patt & Bridget Byrne. Cushinstown. Old Ross Parish

Laurientii Treacy & Mariae McGee

Jacobus Treacy 2/5 June 1867 Spon Michaelis Byrne & Elleornore Kent New Ross Parish

Larry Tracey, labourer, & Mary Magee

James Tracey b. 2 Jun 1867 of Arnestown [St. Marys, New Ross]. Larry Tracey, his mark, father, Arnestown [1867 9 902 New Ross New Ross PLU]


Jacobinus Treacy married Catherinnia Kelly of Hugisa? 12 Feb 1863 Wit: Thomas Treacy & Maria Shannon? Suttons Parish


Thomas Tracey, 42 years, bachelor, pensioner, lives Campile (s. of Patrick Tracey, boatman) married Elizabeth Fardy, 30 years, spinster, labourer, lives Tinnock (d. of  Patrick Fardy, farmer) 10 July 1864 RC Chapel Horeswood Wit: William Fardy & Bridget Fardy, their marks [Old Ross New Ross PLU] signed her mark

Thomam Tracy married Elisabetham Fardy 11 Jul 1864. Wit: Wilelimus Fardy & Brigida Fardy. Sutton Parish.


Eliza Fardy alias Tracey of Muly? Road, (d. of Patritii & Brigid McDonald of Co. Wexford) married Andrea Kinsella of Ballybricken, (s. of Andres & Maria? Power, mortii sunt [dead]) 26 Julii 1878 Wit: Laurentius Shea of NY Road & Margarita Shea of Do. Ballybricken Parish

Eliza Fardy nee Tracey/Trasey, full [age], widow, BLANK, lives Upper Tellow Road, (d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer) married Andrew Kinsella, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Upper Tellow Road, (s. of Andrew Kinsella, farmer) 26 July 1878 RC Chapel Trinity Without Wit: Laurence Shee & Margaret Shee, signed their marks [Waterford Waterford PLU] signed their marks [Tracey nee Fardy]


William Treacy, full age, bachelor, tailor, lives Mary St New Ross (s. of James Treacy, labourer) married Anne Delaney, full age, spinster (d. of Andrew Delaney, farmer) 12 Nov 1864 RC Chapel New Ross Wit: Pierce Walsh & Anastatia Murphy [New Ross PLU] signed their marks [see Wexford Town]

William Treacy married Kate Delany 12/11/1864 Wit: Pierce Walsh & Anty Murphy. New Ross Parish

William Tracy & Catherine Delaney

Catherine Tracy b. 14/15 Oct 1865 Sp. John Ryan & Anne Gorman. New Ross Parish. (see 1901 Census – Oldcourt townland)

William Tracy, tailor, & Catherine Delany

Catherine Tracy b. 13 Oct 1865 of Chapel lane New Ross. The mark of William Tracy, father, Chapel lane New Ross [New Ross New Ross PLU]


Thomas Tracy married Anne Madden Wit: Edward Murphy & Mary Morris 28 Nov 1874. Wexford parish. [see 1901 & 1911 Census Wexford Town] 

Thomas Tracey, 27, bachelor, tailor, lives Wexford, (s. of William Tracey, tailor) married Anne Madden, 31, spinster, BLANK, lives Do Do [Wexford], (d. of William Madden, labourer) 28 November 1874 RC Chapel The Assumption Wit: Edward Murphy & Mary Morris [Wexford Wexford PLU] signed his mark


Thomas Tracey, 47, widower, tailor, of Barrack Street Wexford (s. of William Tracey, deceased, tailor) married Lizzie Nolan ors Murphy, full age, widow, shop keeper, Mary Street Wexford (d. of William Murphy, deceased, labourer) Wit: Mathew Grannalb? & Annie on the 17 January 1903 RC Chapel Wexford


Katherine Tracey [init], full age, spinster, housekeeper, of Galbally Macmine [Mackmine] Co. Wexford (d. of William Tracey, deceased, tailor [init]) married John Murphy, full age, widower, mason, of Kellystown [Adamstown] Enniscorthy Co Wexford (s. of John Murphy, farmer) Wit: Thomas Jordan & Anastasia Bridget Stanton on the 23 October 1912 [Sept 23rd crossed out] RC Chapel Galbally


Andrew Tracy & Joanna Farnis/Furniss

Andrew Tracy? (illeg) 20/24 October 1869 Spon Patricius Haslett & Maria Cassidy New Ross Parish


Jacobi Tracy & Mariae Rossiter

Brigidam Tracy? (Illeg) 31 March 1869 Spon Thomas Rice & Maria Butler New Ross Parish


Brigida Tracy & Jacobi Thomas Connors

Joannum Connors b. 25/26 Feb 1869 Sp Thomas Larkin & Maria Hennesay Suttons Parish

Brigidam Connors b. 1 August 1871 Sp. Patrius Hennesa & Anastatia Hennsay Suttons Parish

Mariam Connors b. 21/23 May 1876 Sp. Meola Tolador & Joan Henessy Suttons Parish


James Tracy married Mary Hanlon of Ross 22/11/1870 Wit: Moses Dunphy & Ellen Bolger. New Ross Parish

James Tracy, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Maudlin [Maudlins St Marys New Ross], (s. of James Tracy, labourer) married Mary Hanlon, full age, spinster, lives Maudlin, (d. of Peter Hanlon, labourer) 23 Nov 1870 RC Chapel New Ross Wit: Moses Dunphy & Ellen Bolger, her mark [New Ross New Ross PLU] signed his mark

James Tracy & Mary Hanlon

Brigitte Tracy 29 February/3 March 1872 of Ross Spon Jacobus Sheil & Maria Roche. Note: Sub Condition? New Ross Parish

Brigitte Treacy 17/20 April 1873 of Ross Spon Johannis Hanlon & Johanna Murphy New Ross Parish [d. Waterford 1901?]

James Tracy 20 December 1876 of Ross Spon Margaret Turner. New Ross Parish

Catharina Tracy 12/16 June 1878 of Ross Spon Denis Murphy & Elisa Lacy. New Ross Parish

Mary Ann Tracy 16/17 March 1880 of Ross Spon James? ??? & Mary Demphy. New Ross Parish

James Tracy & Mary Hanlon

Bridget Tracy b. 29/2/1872 (LDS)

Bridget Tracy b. 16/4/1873 (LDS)

Ellen Tracy b. 17/1/1875 New Ross (New Ross 1875 4 870)

James Tracy b. 20/12/1876 New Ross (New Ross 1876 19 816)

Catherine b. 12/8/1878 Mandlin, New Ross (New Ross 2nd Quarter 1878 4 845)

Mary Ann b. 1880 New Ross (New Ross 2nd Quarter 1880 4 755)

Catherine Tracy b. 10/6/1884 New Ross (New Ross 2nd Quarter 1884 4 729)

James Tracy/Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hanlon

Bridget Tracy b. 29 Feb 1872 Maudlin [Maudlins St Marys New Ross]. James Tracy, his mark, father, Maudlin [New Ross New Ross PLU]

Bridget Tracy b. 16 Apr 1873 Maudlin Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Maudlin [New Ross New Ross PLU]

Ellen Tracey b. 17 Jan 1875 Maudlin. James Tracey, his mark, father, Maudlin [New Ross New Ross PLU] [Tracy in index]

James Tracy b. 20 Dec 1876 Maudlin. James Tracy, his mark, father, Maudlin [New Ross New Ross PLU]


Bridget Tracy, died 1872 New Ross New Ross PLU, aged 0 years 3 months, b. 1872, spinster, labourers daughter, died 16 Jun 1872 Maudlin [Maudlins St Marys New Ross - New Ross RC], James Tracy, his mark, occupier, Maudlin


 1901 Census






Head of household

Head of household

Head of household

Other occupants

Maudlins town

St. Mary's





James (50)


Mary (50) wife

Mary Anne (21)

Kate (17)


Mary Ann Tracy of Ballyvelick [St. James and Dunbrody] married John Flynn of Ballyvelick 4 Feb 1872. Wit: John McNemera & Margaret White. Sutton parish

Maryanne Treacey/Tracy, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Campile [Ballykeeroge/Ballyvelig], (d. of James Treacey, farmer) married John Finn, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballyvelic, (s. of Richard Finn, farmer) 04 February 1872 RC Chapel Ballykelly Wit: John McNamara & Margaret White [Old Ross New Ross PLU] signed their marks

Maria A Tracy & Joannes Finn

Jacocum Finn b. 12/13 Nov 1872 Sp. Patricus Finn & Brigida Sutton. Suttons Parish

Richardum Finn b. 19 Feb 1874 Sp Jacobus Finn & Annes White Suttons Parish (married Johanna Power? Campile June 23rd 1916)

Annan Finn b. 18/19 April 1875 Sp james McNamera & Brigida McNamera. Suttons Parish

Richardem Finn b. 1/7 Feb 1877 Sp. Ricardi Lattan & Anna McNamera Suttons Parish (Richard Finn married Johanna Fitzgerald 25 June 1929 at Kapoudd? Catholic Church)

Johanem Finn b. 9/10 Jan 1879 Sp. Patricus Murphy & Maria Henessy Suttons Parish


Mary Tracy of Rathholm married William Connors of New Ross 21 Nov 1872 Wit: Anty Corish & James Furlong. Tagoat Parish

Mary Tracey/Tracy, full age, not married, farmer, lives Rathieleeg?, (d. of Mathew Tracy, farmer) married William Conors, full age, not married, boot & shoe maker, lives New Ross, (s. of Luke Conors, boot & shoe maker) 21 January [November?] 1873 [1872 at top of page] RC Chapel Tagoat Wit: James Furlong & Anastasia Corish [Broadway Wexford PLU] signed William P Connors

Mary Tracy & William Connors

Mary Connors, 12.12.1873, "New Ross, Wexford"

Margaret Connors, 27.03.1875, Wexford

Anastasia Connors, 20.11.1876, Wexford

John Connor b. 3/5 Dec 1877 of Ross Sp. ??? Connors & Mary Flood? New Ross Parish

Mary Tracy & William Connors, shoe maker

Anastasia Connors b. 20 Nov 1876 North St. William Connors, father, North St [1876 19 816 New Ross New Ross PLU]


William O'Connor - New Ross, Ros Mhic Thriuin, Ross
I am looking for Information on William O’Connor who was born in 1852 in New Ross Wexford his father was Luke O'Connor and his mother was Margaret Furlong his first wife's name was Mary Tracey and he had three children of that marriage. His wife died and he came to Australia two of the children died at an early age and there was one surviving I believe her name was Mary they did not go to Australia with him. Any information would be appreciated.


Ellen Tracy married Pat Maddock 12 Oct 1875 of Cappagh [Inistioge/Jerpointchurch] Wit: David Tierney & Ellen Maddock. Thomastown Parish Kilkenny

Ellen Treacy, 19 years, spinster, BLANK, lives Cappagh, (d. of James Treacy, alive, labourer) married Patrick Maddock, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Cappagh, (s. of William Maddock, dead, labourer) 12 October 1875 RC Chapel Thomastown Wit: David Tierney & Ellen Maddock, signed their marks [Thomastown Thomastown PLU] signed their marks

Ellen Tracy & Patrick Maddock

Mary Maddock b. 20/23 July 1876 of Micon? Sp John Maddock & Mary Moran. New Ross Parish

Ellen Treacy & Patrick Maddock

Mary Maddock b. 21 Jul 1876 New Ross New Ross Wexford (LDS)


Maria Tracey of Templetown [Templetown] married Joannes Carty of The Wood [part of  Kilcloggan Templetown in Tithe Record] 30 Augusti 1877 Wit: Maria Whelan & Elizabetha Dwyer. St. James and Templetown Parish

Mary Tracey, 20, spinster, Do [labourer], lives Templetown [Templetown], (d. of John Tracey, Do [farmer]) married John Carty, 23, bachelor, labourer, lives Bolton, (s. of Richard Carty, farmer) 31 August 1877 RC Chapel Templetown Wit: Mary Whelan & Eliza Dwyer, signed her mark [Fethard New Ross PLU]


Nancy Tracy? & James Murphy

Patrick Murphy b. 7 Aug 1880 St. James and Templetown [bad image]


William Tracy & Mary?

James Tracy b. 7/6/1882 Ballyleigh [St. Mullins]


Patrick Treacy, full age, bachelor, Commercial traveller, of New Ross, (s. of Thomas Treacy, merchant) married Mary Walsh, full age, spinster, shop keeper, of Baldwinstown, (d. of This walsh, dead, shopkeeper) Wit: Edward Walsh & Anne Whitty on the 11 February 1885 RC Church Rathangan

Patrick Tracey m. Mary Walsh 11/2/1885, Wit: Edward Walsh, Annie Whitty. Rathangan Parish [see Rosslare]


Timothy Tracey, 28, Bachelor, Constulary, of Manor (s. of John Tracey, Michael crossed out, Clerk) married Mary Lawlor, 18, Spinster, of John St (d. of Michael Lawlor, Clerk) 3rd February 1887 St. Johns Waterford Wit: John Lawlor & May McGrath [see RIC OR Kerry]

Timothy Tracey of Arthurstown Constable RIC & Mary Josephine Lawler [see 1901 and 1911 census living in Cork]

Margaret Mary Tracey b. 11 April 1889 Arthurstown

Timothy Tracey b. 1991 [New Ross, 2nd Quarter 1891 4 657] Timothy Treacey of Ballynabola [Kilscanlan Wexford], died 21 May 1892, 1 year, police constable son, convulsions 3 days, Informant Timothy Tracey father occupier Ballynabola


Timothy Tracey, 43652 (Timy Tracey, 19, b. 1858 Kerry, married, enlisted 1878 Died 1892)

R.I.C. Died in Service. (1st July 92 to 1st January 93)

43652 Timothy Tracey. Con. Wexford.

State Reg: Timothy Tracey, Death, Jul - Sep 1892 New Ross, age 34, b.c. 1858

Timothy Tracey of Ballynabole, died 13 September 1892, married, 34 years, police constable, phthises 2 years, informant Anty Cullen [her mark] Ballynabole present at death   


Margaret Mary Treacy (1889 Arthurstown, County Wexford - 1973 Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK)

Mother: Mary Josephine mar. Treacy 1867-1955

Husband1: unknown Fuller 1885-1930

Husband2: Terence William Cummins 1900-1990

Departure: Traveling By Air Aboard An American Export Airline Flight With Daughter Peggy Cummins To New York City, New York, Arriving 13 Sep 1945; Then By Train To Hollywood, California.1945

Foynes Flying-boat Station, Co. Limerick, Ireland to Botwood, Newfoundland and on to New York


John Tracey, full [age], bachelor, porter, lives Neville St, (s. of Michael Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Mary Moran, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Quay St, (d. of Thomas Moran, deceased, labourer) 12 June 1892 RC Chapel New Ross Wit: Edward Long & Mary Ann Forrestaf  [New Ross New Ross PLU] signed her mark

John Tracey (s. of Michael Tracey) m. Mary ? (d. of Thomas ?) 12/6/1892


Andrew Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives New Ross, (s. of Andrew Tracey, labourer) married Ellen Dougherty, full [age], spinster, servant, lives New Ross, (d. of George Dougherty, labourer) 26 June 1893 RC Chapel Ross Wit: Edward Tench & Mary Murphy, signed their marks [New Ross New Ross PLU] signed their marks

Andrew Tracey, labourer of Michael St & Ellen Doherty

Andrew Tracey born 26 October 1903 of Michael St


Ellen Tracey, full [age], spinster, lives New Ross, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married Thomas Morrissey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives New Ross (s. of Laurence Morrissey, butcher) 17 February 1896 RC Chapei New Ross Wit Thomas Lee & Bridget Cloney [New Ross New Ross PLU]

Ellen Tracey & Thomas Morrissey saddler of Irishtown

John Morrissey born 9 June 1901 of Irishtown


Michael Treacey & Margaret ?

Patrick Tracey b. 19/4/1896, Fethard


Maryanne Tracey, full age, spinster, of Maudlins New Ross, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married James Lee, full age, bachelor, blacksmith, of Rosbercon New Ross, (s. of James Lee, blacksmith) Wit: James Tracey [his mark] & Katie Tracey on the 21 December 1903 RC Chapel St Mary

Maryanne Treacey/Treacy & James Lee, blacksmith of Irishtown

James Lee born  9 July 1906 of Irishtown

Thomas Lee born 12 July 1908 of Irishtown

Mary Lee boorn 27 March 1911 of Irishtown

Michael Lee born 31 August 1913 of Irishtown


Margaret Treacy, fullage, bachelor, herd, of Annacreby [Annacrivey Powerscourt], (d. of Martin Treacy, labourer [Athy? Kildare]) married William Kirby, fullage, bachelor, herd, of Annacreby, (s. of Edward Kirby, herd) Wit: John Raftery & Maria Drummond on the 20 August 1903 RC Chapel of Enniskerry

Bridget/Margaret Treacey/Treacy/Tracy/Tracey & William Kirby, labourer/steward of Fruit Hill

Bridget Kirby born 27 April 1904 of Fruithill [in Ballynamona Kilmokea]

James Kirby born 24 February 1906 of Fruit Hill

Margaret Kirby born 13 October 1907 of Fruithill [steward]

Edward Kirby born 24 May 1909 of Fruithill

William Kirby born 8 February 1911 of Fruit Hill

Mary Kirby born 13 January 1915 of Fruithill


1901 Census

Margaret Tracey, 23, F, 1 Annacrivey, Powerscourt, Wicklow, Domestic Servant, Roman Catholic, Servant, Not Married, Co Kildare


Enniskerry Local History

My friend has her grandfather and grandmothers references embossed on Annacreby house paper in 1902. Margaret Tracey was house and parlourmaid there for five years and William Kirby was a shepherd they married in 1903 but both sang a duet at Merriment Hall in 1902. They sang a duet song title the Honeysuckle and the bee on All Hallowes night third anniversary. Margaret also sang Because I love you, the year before they married. We have a copy of the programme. We also have the references Louisa Burton gave them, husband the late Alderman Graham. I look forward to any information, photos etc about these two people who married and Wiiliam Kirby became gardener caretaker and then owner at Fruit Hill House [New Ross] County Wexford. We wondered if William Kirby worked at Powerscourt as a gardener

Thank you Joyce Hunt



John Treacey, full age, bachelor, labourer, of Glenpipe Tullogher, (s. of William Treacy, labourer) married Mary Kate Somers, 18, spinster, servant, of Wm St New Ross (d. of James Somers, labourer) Wit: Michael Treacy & Bridget Somers on the 05 November 1906 RC Church St. Mary [see Kilkenny]


Mary Treacy, 19 years, domestic servant, of Blackwell? (d. of Martin Treacy, alive, Labourer) married Denis McEvoy, full age, bachelor, laborer, of Blackwell? (s. of Maurice McEvoy, dead, labourer) Wit: Richard Rafter & Johanne Dallard? on the 16 August 1901 RC Chapel of Tullaherin

Mary Treacy & Denis McEvoy, railway employee of Campile

Margaret McEvoy born 24 July 1907 of Campile

John McEvoy born 20 August 1909 of Campile


1901 Census

Martin Treacy, 52, M, 8 Bennettsbridge, Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny, Agricultural Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny

Margaret Treacy, 40, F, Bennettsbridge, Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Kilkenny

Mary Treacy, 18, F, Bennettsbridge, Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny, General Servant-Domestic, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kilkenny

Margaret Treacy, 9, F, Bennettsbridge, Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kilkenny

Bridget Treacy, 4, F, Bennettsbridge, Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Niece, Not Married, Co Kilkenny

Catherine Treacy, 3, F, Bennettsbridge, Bennettsbridge, Kilkenny, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kilkenny


1911 Census - 12 in Ballyvelig, Ballyhack, Wexford

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Denis McEvoy, 38, Male, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Railway Signalman, Co Kilkenny

Mary McEvoy, 29, Female, Wife, Roman Catholic, married 10, 5, 3, Co Kilkenny

Maurice McEvoy, 9, Male, Son, Roman Catholic, Scholar, Co Kilkenny

Bridget McEvoy, 6, Female, Daughter, Roman Catholic, ScholarCo Kilkenny

Margaret McEvoy, 3, Female, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Co Wexford

Catherine Treacy, 13, Female, Niece, Roman Catholic, Scholar, Co Kilkenny


Kate Tracey

William Tracey born 18 July 1911 of Maudlin


Sarah Treacy, 28, spinster, shop keeper, of New Ross (d. of Edward Treacy, farmer [Carlow]) married John Aloysius Nix, 25, bachelor, journalist, of Maryborough (s. of James Nix, farmer) Wit: Thomas Nix and Johana Treacy on the 25 January 1910 RC Church of St. Mary New Ross

Sarah Treacy & John A Nix of South Street reporter

Arthur James Nix born 1 June 1911

Rachel Mary Nix born 15 May 1913 of South Street

Edward Nix born 20 September 1914 of South Street


29 Jan 1910 Enniscorthy Echo And South Leinster Advertiser

Nix and Treacy - January 25, 1910, at the Parish Church, New Ross, by the Right Rev Michael Kavanagh, D.D., P.P., V.G., Dean of Ferns, with Nuptial Mass, John, third son of Mr James Nix, late of Cartown House, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, to Sarah, second daughter of Mr Edward Treacy, Myshall, Co. Carlow.

29 January 1910 Free Press (Wexford)

Orange Blossoms

Mr. John Nix And Miss Sarah Treacy.

...Mr. John Nix, Maryborough, third son of Mr. James Nix, late of Cartown House, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, and nephew of Mr. Robert Nix, D.C., Stonepark, Meelick, Limerick was married to Miss Sarah Treacy. 48 South street New Ross, second daughter of Mr. Edward Treacy, Myshall, Co. Carlow. The ceremony, which was at six o'clock, was followed by Nuptial Mass, which was celebrated by the Dean. ~ Miss Joseghine Treacy, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Thos Nix, Monck street, Wexford, brother of the bridegroom, was best man...


Anastatia Treacy, 36?, spinster, of Woodville [New Ross?] (d. of J Treacy, alive, farmer?) married Patk/Patrick Murphy, 36, bachelor, farmer, of Tullabards [Kilturk] (s. of Arthur Murphy, dead, farmer?) Wit: Peter Murphy & Margarey Walsh on the 27 August 1913 RC Church of Kilmore [Bridgetown Wexford PLU]


Catherine [Mary crossed out] Tracey, full age, spinster, of Maudlins New Ross, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married James Hendrick, full age, bachelor, labourer, of Arnestown New Ross, (s. of William Hendrick, labourer) Wit: Patrick Kehoe & Mary Lee on the 27 January 1931 RC Church New Ross


Details for New Ross supplied by Kelvin Johnson-Treacy, Southhampton, UK. He can be contacted at info@traceyclann.com.


Roman Catholic Parish records

23/3/1824 baptism of Edwardam Freany or Treacy, father Jacob Freany or Treacy


Memorials of the Dead

Old Ross SW Wexford

Cadligan Gravestone…Also Anastatia Tracy died 5th Sept 1898 aged 75 years.


Burial Records


??? Tracy, of Houseland?, died 25 Jul 1856, infancy, St. James and Templetown Parish

Elizabeth Tracey, of Templetown, died 4 Mar 1875, age 59 years, St. James and Templetown Parish


Catherina Tracy alias Walsh ???, died 26 Nov 1797, New Ross Parish

Catharina Tracy, died 22 Sep 1802, New Ross Parish

Maria Treacy, died 05 Dec 1828, New Ross Parish

Sara Treacy, died 07 Nov 1832, New Ross Parish

Alicia Tracy, died 19 Nov 1841, New Ross Parish

Mathius Tracy, died 16 Feb 1847, New Ross Parish

Matheus Tracy, died 27 Aug 1847, Infans, New Ross Parish

Catharina Tracy, died 17 Oct 1847, New Ross Parish


Maria Tracy, of Campile, died 23 Sep 1835, Suttons Parish

Catherina Tracy, of Bally Kecaiusa, died 26 Apr 1879, age 58 years, Suttons Parish


State Registered Deaths

Catharine Tracy died 1868, New Ross PLU, Aged 58, b. 1810

Eliza Tracy, died 1875 New Ross New Ross PLU, aged 56 years, b. 1819, married, wife of labourer, died 13 Mar 1875 Workhouse New Ross

Patrick Tracey [Nacey] died 1876, New Ross New Ross PLU, aged 45 years, b. 1821, died 15 Jun 1876 Battlestown [St James and Dunbrody], widower, labourer, Mary Anne Tracey [Nacey], her mark, present at death, Battlestown


Andrew Tracey of Barrack Lane, died 6 January 1904, 3 months, son of labourer, marasmus 2 moths, informant Ellen Tracey [her mark] Barrack Lane present at death

Andrew Treacy of Michael St New Ross, died 9 July 1948 Auxiliary Hospital New Ross, widower, 79 years, labourer, myocarditis 38 days cardiac failure, informant H Carpenter occupier Auxiliary Hospital New Ross

George Treacey of Barrack Lane, died 4 August 1899, 21 days, son of a labourer, marasmus 21 days, informant Ellen Treacey [her mark] of Barrack lane present at death

James Tracey of Maudlin, died 20 March 1912, married, 70 years, labourer, chronic nephritis 1 year, informant Katie Tracey daughter Maudlin present at death

Mary Tracey of Michael St, died 28 Apil 1922, spinster, 54 years, char woman, valvalar disease 5 months, informant Statia McGrath Bewley st present at death

Mary Treacy of Neville St, died 21 February 1925, married, 58 years, laundress, diabetes 2 years no medical attendant, informant John Treacy widower of deceased Neville St present at death

Maryanne Tracey of Dublin, died 18 December 1920 Workhouse, 10 years, daughter of labourer, spinal paralysis 4 months, informant William G Smith occupier workhouse

Michael Treacey of Neville St, died 7 September 1891, married, 63 years, labourer, bronchitis 2 months, informant John Treacey son occupier Neville St

Sarah Tracey of Neville St, died 1 January 1900 , widow, 61 years, bronchitis & pneumonia 10 days cardiac debility, informant Mary Tracey [her mark] Neville St present at death

William Tracey of Maudlin, died 1 April 1912, 9 months, son of servant, croup 1 day, informant Maryann Lee Maudlin present at death

Mary Treacy of Clonsharragh Duncannon, died 28 December 1914, widow, 90 years, farmers widow, cerebral thromosis 9 days, informant William Foley newphew Carnevan [Carnarvon Wales?] present at death

State Registered Deaths - Enniscorthy

Ellen Tracey, late 19 Michael St New Ross, died 2 September 1947 W House Enniscorthy, married, 74 years, old age pensioner, carcinoma of the intestines Brone? kerntis?, informant Jas O'Rourke occupier W House Enniscorthy

James Tracey late New Ross, died 30 March 1924 County Home, bachelor, 51 years, blacksmith, Pulmonary tuberculosis 5 years exhaustion 2 months, inforamant Andre Furlong occupier County Home






Alderman Thomas Henry Tracy 1921-5



Col. Thomas Henry Tracy, (1848-1925) M.C. Soc. C.E.,  D.L.S., P.L.S., O.L.S., M.B.C.A.M.E., M.E.I.C.

Thomas H. Tracy, Architect and Civil Engineer, was born in London, Ontario, Canada on June 25, 1848. His father, John Tracy, and his mother, whose maiden name was Mary Brady, were both natives of Wexford (or Wicklow), Ireland. They were the parents of four children, and came to Canada in 1838. They had come to London in 1840. Thomas H. Tracy was the third child, and was reared and educated in London. John Tracy died in 1897 and his widow in 1899.


At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to the City Engineer, studied in the office of the late William Robinson, for five years. As a mentor, Robinson, was a long-standing acquaintance of his family and was also from County Wexford.  As soon as he finished his professional education, his certificate as P.L.S., he accepted a position in the Department of Public Works under Kivas Tully, the architect of the Province. This was at confederation in 1867 under Sir John Curling as commissioner, in the Department of Public Works at Toronto, where he remained three and a-half years. Mr. Tracy went to Albany and joined George Durand at the Albany State Capital under Fuller & Laver, the architects. In 1871, after the great fire in Chicago, he went to that city and remained a year, when he returned to London, but later went to Albany, N. Y., and entered the office of the architect of the State House at that place. In 1873 he returned once more to London, and became a partner of William Robinson, City Engineer, the firm being Robinson, Tracy & Fairbairn. Mr. Fairbairn became deputy minister of Public Works. This relation existed until 1878, when Mr. Robinson retired and Mr. Tracy was elected City Engineer, and he has since filled this position. In 1881 a resolution was passed requiring the City Engineer to give all his time to the city's interest. Previous to this, Mr. Tracy had had a large partnership in general work in his line. In his capacity he was also the architect of the School Board.


Mr. Tracy took an interest in Military affairs, and won the Fenian Raid medal and the North West Rebellion Medal. Captain Thomas H. Tracy served in the 7th Battalion, Fusiliers, London, Ontario. Tracy was present at the Battle of Batouche when Riel surrendered. Louis Riel was the Metis leader of the Canadian Provisional Government, who objected to the transfer of the Hudson's Bay Company's territory to Canada, feeling the land rights of the Metis and other inhabitants would be threatened. Riel made his final stand at the Battle of Batouche in central Saskatchewan, where he was captured on May 11, 1885. That year, he was tried and hanged by Canadian government for treason. Riel’s winchester this rifle was donated to the Vancouver Museum, by the wife of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Tracy. In 1887-8 he reorganised the Seventh Ballalion at London and was its Commanding Officer retiring with rank of Lt.-Colonel when he removed to Vancouver.


Tracy was elected a Member of The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) on October 11th, 1888, was a founding member of the Vancouver Branch and was made a Life Member on January 8th, 1924. Mr. Tracy listened to the call of the West and became City Engineer of Vancouver in 1891 and later Consulting Engineer. He prospered in the West and his friends in London always like to hear of his success. In 1905, after fourteen years as City Engineer for Vancouver City, he opened an office at 411 Howe St, as a consulting engineer. He was a member, and Alderman, of the City of Vancouver Council from 1921 to 1925. 


Thomas H. Tracy was an enthusiastic member of the Masonic Order, and a Past Master, Past First Principal in the Chapter, and Past Eminent Preceptor of the Knights Templar; he is a member of the Scottish Kite, 18, and Past Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Canada. In May 1925, St. John’s Lodge 209, presented him with a medal commemorating his fifty years as a Past Master. He was also a member of St. John’s Chapter No. 3. He was a Captain in the 7th Fusiliers, and served through the North-west campaign. He had charge, as constructing engineer, of the Water-works in 1878, and is a man well known and universally liked and esteemed.


Thomas H. Tracy was married in August 25th 1874 to Miss Sarah M. Bryan, who was born near Amsterdam, N. Y.; they had one daughter, Sarah Louie, who married Douglas Creighton of Vancouver, and a son, Lieut. Thomas Leonard Tracy, 2nd Battalion, Canadian Railway Troops, who was killed in action near Poziers in September 12, 1916. After a brief illness, he died on October 30th 1925, and was survived by his widow and daughter.



Annual Report 1926, Association of Ontario Land Surveyors

Biographies. Association of Ontario land Surveyors.

London and its men of affairs by Advertiser Job Printing Co., London, Ont (c. 1915)

Nancy Z. Tausky, Lynne Delehanty DiStefano, London Regional Art Gallery (Ont.) (1986) Victorian Architecture in London and Southwestern Ontario: Symbols of Aspiration. page 201

W.A. & C.L. Goodspeed  (1889) History of the County of Middlesex, Canada: From the Earliest Time to the Present, and Including...  pp. 1029

William Cochrane, John Castell Hopkins, W. J. Hunter (1901) The Canadian album...

Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Canada 1800-1950 http://dictionaryofarchitectsincanada.org/node/1362


Thomas Henry Tracy, Architech & Surveyor/Civil Engineer, & Sarah Maria Bryan/Bryen

Sarah Tracey b. 16 Aug 1878 of 433 Rodland? St London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada

MALE Tracy b. 19 Nov 1890 of 433 Redant? St London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada


Thomas Henry Tracy, 77 years, b. Ontario, (s. of John Tracy & Mary Brady) d. 31 Oct 1925 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


1861 Census - Ward no 8, London (City), Canada West (Ontario)

John Tracey, 44, labourer, b. Ireland, Eng Ch. Protestant, brick house on 0.5 acre

Mrs Tracey, 40, b. Ireland, Eng Ch. Protestant

John do [Tracey], 15, b. London On, Eng Ch. Protestant [member of family absent]

Thomas do [Tracey], 15, b. London On, Eng Ch. Protestant

Maria do [Tracey], 10, b. London On, Eng Ch. Protestant


1871 Census - Ward 05 e, London 10, Ontario

John Tracy, 56, b. Ireland, married, C of England,

Mary Tracy, 53, b. Ireland, C of England

Thomas Tracy, 22, b. O, C of England

Maria Jane Tracy, 19, b. O, C of England


Maria Jane Tracy, 20, (d. of John Tracy & Mary Tracy) m. William Obrien, 26, (s. of  William O'Brien &  Mary Anne O'Brien) 20 Apr 1871 London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada. Maria Jane O'Brien (d. of John Tracy & Mary Brady) d.  08 Feb 1922 London, Middlesex,


1881 Census - Ward 5, London (City), Ontario, Canada

John Tracey, 63, b. Ireland, married Ch. Eng, Railway employee

Mary Tracey, 60, b. Ireland, married Ch. Eng


1881 Canada Census - Household: Ward 2, London, Middlesex, Ontario


Marital Status


Ethnic Origin





 Thomas H Tracy 








 Sarah M Tracy 








 Sarah L Tracy









1891 Census - 64 Ward 3, London City, Ontario, Canada

John Tracy, head, 76, b. 1815 Ireland, married, Church Of England

Mary Tracy, wife, 72, b. 1819 Ireland, married, Church Of England

1891 Census - 63 Ward 3, London City, Ontario, Canada

William O'Brien, Head, 46, married, b. 1845 Ontarion, parents b. Ireland, janitor P.S., CoE

Maria O'Brien, wife, 39, married, b. 1852 Ontarion, parents b. Ireland, CoE

Tracy O'Brien, son, 18, parents b. Ontario, CoE

Florance? O'Brien, daughter, 18, parents b. Ontario, CoE

Wiiliam O'Brien, son, 16, parents b. Ontario, CoE

James O'Brien, son, 12, parents b. Ontario, CoE

Neville O'Brien, son, 8, parents b. Ontario, CoE


John Tracy, died 26 Jun 1897 387 Hortons St London Middlesex Ontario, Age 82, b. 1815 Ireland, gentleman, Eng Ch


Mary Tracy, died 22 Nov 1898 379 Nortons St London Middlesex Ontario, age 80, b. 1818 Wicklow Ireland, Drayeuaes?, Ch of Eng


1901 Canada Census - Household: Vancouver City, Burrard, B.C.


Marital Status





 Thomas H Tracy 





 Jun 25 1848 

 Sarah M Tracy 





 Jun 22 1858

 S. Louie Tracy





 Aug 16 1878

 Thomas L. Tracy





 Nov 19 1890

 Lilian Graves





 Feb 10 1876


1911 Canada Census - Household: 1176 Alberni, Vancouver City, B.C.


Marital Status





 Thomas H Tracy 





 Jun 1850 

 Sarah ? Tracy 





 Jun 1859

 Leonard T. Tracy





 Nov 1890


Thomas Leonard Tracy

Applied Science, 1910-15

Born in London, Ont., November 19th 1891. Appointed Lieutenant in the Canadian Engineers, May 1st 1915. transferred to the 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion. Killed in action near Courcelette, Sember 12th 1916. Buried in Sunken Road Cemetary, Pozières.

Honor Roll – From the "McGill Honour Roll, 1914-1918". McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, 1926.

2nd Pioneer Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force - Embarkation SS Orduna 6th Dec 1915

Lieutenant Thomas Leonard Tracy, born Canada, next of kin Lieut-Col T.H. Tracy of 744 Bute St., Vancouver B.C.


Maria Jane O'Brien died 8 Feb 1922 London Middlesex Ontario, 69 years, born 21 Apr 1852 London Ont. (d. of John Tracy of Dublin Ireland & Mary Brady of Dublin Ireland) Informant William James O'Brien, son, 361.5 Richmond street. buried 10 Feb 1922 Woodlawn Cemetary




 Ballycullane, Clongeen and surrounding areas


On the 1st of December 1602, Donell O Trasey of Horetowne, Husb, was granted a pardon by Elizabeth I.


In Quaker records of 1751 and 1756, there are references to a Catherine/Katharine Tracy of Dublin who married a Walter Knott. She seems to have been originally from the Friends meeting house of Lambstown near Taghmon.


In the account book of Patrick Rossitor of Ballygarvan Castle, there are the following enteries:

1809 11th May I hired Biddy Treacy 1st year for £2-10-0 she was hired 6th May 1810

1798 March 17th I sent Pegg Treany [Treacy?] to Newfoundland and Path or Cath Doyle three shirts three aprons 3½ yards linnen and a towel

...1810 March 17th I sent Pegg Treany [Treacy?] to Newfoundland seven yards linen six and half yds serge made into a habit and two spades the intire amounts to £1-13-3.


The Tithes records list

James Frayny [Traysey?], Bryanstown, Clongeen, Co. Wexford, 2a/0r/0p, £0.2.6, 1833


In the valuation of 1845, James Tracey had from W Robinson, a dwelling & porch, office and porch in Bryanstown Clongeen


16 May 1849 Wexford Independent

...Roads...Barony of Shilmalier West...9. To keep in repair for five years, 92.5 perches of the road from taghmon to New Ross, by Carrigburn, between Stephen Doyle's house and the bridge of Tottenham green, and between Tracy's quarryhole and the Taghmon and Ross road, by way of Tottenham green not to exceed 3d per perch per annum.


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1853 the following were recorded:

James Treacy of Bryanstown, Clongeen, East of New Ross.

Bryanstown townland of the Parish of Clongeen (Ord. S. 40)  441 acres

Map (# of 19)


Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)


James Treacy

John Robinson

House, Office and land

3a 2r 5p



29 October 1870 Wexford Independent

Sympathy with the Pope...Clongeen...Patrick Tracy...


08 October 1887 Wexford People

Church of the Sacred Heart, Ballyoughter

...Mr. Robert Treacy, Bryanstown, won the Illustrated Monitor;...


19 February 1890 Wexford People

...Clongeen...William Treacy, Bryanstown, Is ; Robert Treacy, do, Is [Bryanstown]; Part Treacy, do, Is [Bryanstown];...


In 1895 Patk Treacy shopkeeper of Bryanstown, was fined for a scales & pint measure.


10 December 1898 New Ross Standard

New Ross Guardians

...For the tenacy of cottage No 57 at Bryanstown, there was only one applicant, Robert Treacy...accepted as tenant.


Advance Made – 28th January, 1909

Direct Sale – Estate Commissioners

Estate of Charles Edward Trench Leslie, Co. Wexford

William Treacy, Bryanstown, 3a2r32p area, £2.10, £2.10, Not Judl, £42 purchas money, £42 advance made, 16.8 years


Return Of Advances Under The Act, During The Year Ended The 31st March 1901

15 Dec 1900, William Treacy of Bryanstown do [Wexford], 3a2r5p area, £3.10.0 ratable value, £3.4.0 rent, £45 purchas money, £45 advance made, Vendor Charles E. T. Leslie


1901 Census

1911 Census




Kate Treacy, 46, F, 3 Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Shopkeeper, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Widow, Co Wexford

Patrick Treacy, 10, M, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford


Robrt Treacy, 50, M, 7 Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Wexford

Bridgert Treacy, 52, F, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Housekeeper, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Wexford

Lawrence Treacy, 12, M, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Wexford


William Treacey, 40, M, 8 Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Carpenter, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Wexford

Catherine Treacey, 35, F, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Housekeeper, Roman Catholic, Sister, Not Married, Co Wexford

Statia Treacey, 13, F, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Niece, Not Married, Co Wexford






Robert Treacey, 60, M, 6 Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford

Bridget Treacey, 63, F, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford (married 23? Years, 1 child)

Laurence Treacey, 22, M, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford (son, single)


William Treacy, 44, M, 4 Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford (head, carpenter, single)

Catherine Treacy, 40, F, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford (sister, single)

Anastatia Treacy, 23, F, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford (niece, single)

Henry Treacy, 2, M, Bryanstown, Inch, Wexford (grandnephew)


William Treacy, 31, M, 3 Leegane, Inch, Wexford (nephew, married, Peter Middleton head single)

Alice Treacy, 33, F, Leegane, Inch, Wexford (niece, married 8 years, 2 children)

Robert Treacy, 8, M, Leegane, Inch, Wexford (grandnephew)




Patrick Treacy, age 21, born New Ross County Wexford [Inch], Institution Gibraltar, Overseas Military Gunner 6 Coy RGA? [Royal Garrison Artillery], Single



In 1903 and 1904 Catherine Treacy of Bryanstown was summoned for failing to send her child Patrick Treacy to school.


In 1904 William Tracey of Kayle [Inch] labourer was ordered to give up possession of a house belonging to widow Mary Rossiter of Kilbraney [Clongeen] widow, which he occupied since December 1902 as her workman.


22 June 1907 Free Press (Wexford) [file]

Mr. Sheetan and the Irish Party

Mr. L Treacy, Bryanstown letters


09 August 1907 New Ross Standard

Direct Labour. Mr. L. Treacy, Irish Land and Labour Association, wrote asking the council that direct labour should, be employed upon the roads of the county.


18 January 1908 Wexford People

New Ross School Attendence Committee

Election of Rural School Attence Officier

...candidates...L. Treacy...


26 October 1907 Free Press (Wexford)

Image and Likéness of God.

Mr. Treacy, Wellingtonbridge, forwarded cards of invitation to a labourers’ convention to be held in Wexford on the 26th prox.


For the 28th January 1909, there is a second reference to William Treacy of Bryanstown, purchased 3a/2r/32p from the estate of Charles Edward Tench Leslie, which he had been renting for £2.10.0, for £42 advanced from the Land Commission.


29 January 1909 New Ross Standard

The Leigh Evicted Tenants Proposed Demonstration.

A meeting of the Leigh evicted tenants and others held at Clongeen...present...Laurence Treacy...Wm. Treacy...


03 April 1909 Free Press (Wexford)

The United Irish League - Clongeen Branch

subscribers...2s6d...William Treacy, Bryanstown...


11 December 1909 Free Press (Wexford)

Sudden Death of Mr. John Doyle, Woodview...Residents of the Foulksmills...His servant, Kate Treacy...


30 April 1910 Free Press (Wexford)

United Irish League Collection - Clongeen...2s...Wm Treacy, Byranstown...


In 1913 William Tracey of Bryanstown Foukesmills was fined for having a cart without a lamp.


6 February 1914 New Ross Standard [file]

Sudden Death At Tinnerath [Tinnarath Inch]

Towards evening medical aid was requisitioned, but without avail, and the deceased passed away early on Saturday night. Willie Treacy, as the deceased was popularly known, was a well-known figure in the district, honest, upright and sincere, he won an honoured


7 February 1914 Free Press (Wexford)

Death Of Mr. Wm. Tracey.

A popular resident of the Clongeen district, in the person of Mr William Tracey, Bryanstown, passed away under very sad circumstances on saturday evening last. He was well and about his usual business on Friday evening, and died in less than twenty-four hours later, from acute appendicitis.


21 February 1914 William Treacy.

Administration of the estate of William Treacy late of Bryanstown County Wexford Carpenter who died 31 January 1914 granted at Dublin to Catherine Treacy spinster. Effects £615.2.7


2 July 1915 New Ross Standard [file]

To be sold by auction on the lands.

On Tuesday, the Sth day of July, 1915, At the hour of One o'clock, By directions of the owner, Miss Catherine Treacy, Part of the lands of Bryanstown, situate in the Barony of Shelmelie.e West and county of Wexford, containing 3 acres 2 roods and 5 perchesi [and furniture]


05 February 1916 Free Press (Wexford)

Blection of Officers,

New Ross Rural School Attendence Committee... for the southern district at £26 per vear, applications were received from Messrs Mark Cooney, Meyler’s Park, and Laurence Treacy, Bryanstown...[not elected]


10 April 1920 Free Press (Wexford)

Co. Wexford Farmers Union...delegates...Inch...P. Treacy...


1921 Census - 2 North St, Portslade, Portslade by Sea, Shoreham, Steyning, Sussex

[head Lilian Frances Mary Parris]

Patrick Tracey, Boarder, 31 b. 1890, single, b. New Ross Wexford Ireland, Regger Builders (Out Of Work), Messrs Teerant Builders Byfleet surrey


2nd Battalion, South Wexford Brigade, 3rd. Eastern Division

Combined Newbawn & Clongeen Companies July 1922

Pat Treacy, Langanne, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford

Robt. Tracey, langanne, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford


25 March 1932 New Ross Standard

Dungannon Easter Card Carnival. The Draw. ...Laurence Treacy, Bryanstown...


22/12/1938 Clongeen NS - The Schools’ Collection

P. Treacy, Leegane, Co. Wexford http://www.duchas.ie/en/cbes/5009263/5002689/5146663

William Tracey/Treacy & William Treacy informant, Leegane, Co. Wexford http://www.duchas.ie/en/ppl/william-tracey & http://www.duchas.ie/en/ppl/william-treacy?con=LG


Funny Story Collector William Treacy Informant William Treacy Senior

Local Fairs Collector William Treacy Informant William Treacy Senior

Pishreoga Collector William Treacy Informant William Treacy Senior

Story About Our Lord Collector William Treacy

Local Marriage Customs Collector M.G. Brennan Informant Mrs Treacy

Local Heroes Collector William Treacy Informant J. T.

Hedge-Schools Collector William Treacy Informant N. Roche

Churchyards Collector William Treacy

Place Names (Fields) Collector William Treacy

Place Names Collector William Treacy Informant James Ryan

Bird-Lore Collector P. Treacy

Bird-Lore Collector William Treacy

Herbs and Cures Collector William Treacy

Herbs and Cures Collector William Treacy

Bread Collector William Treacy

Forges Collector William Tracey


Mar 3, 1954 (II) Deaths

Treacy (Co. Wexford) March 1 1954, at his residence, Leagawn, Foulksmills, William Treacy; deeply regretted by his sorrowing sons and grandchildren. RIP. Remains were removed yesterday (Tuesday) evening to Clongeen Parish Church. Funeral today (Wednesday) at 1.30 o'c to New Cemetery.


Wexford County Council - Cottages referred for repair - April '56 to April '57

Robbert Treacy, Legaune [Leegane] 10/12/1956


28 May 1992 Wexford People

Treacy – May 22, 1992 – At Wexford General Hospital, Hugh, Tincone, Ferrybank. Deeply regretted by his loving wife, Elizabeth, sons Hugh and John, daughters Marie and Annette, brothers, sister, son-in-law, nephews, relatives and friends. R.I.P. Interred in Clongeen Cemetery on Sunday after 10.30 Mass.



Church records and State records:


Patritii Tracy/Hacy & Maria Sheehan

Jacobum Tracy b. 17 Jan 1808 of Newbawn Sp. Joannes & Catherina Carty. Adamstown Parish.


Marie Tracy & Johannis Lynch

Larthumian? Lynch b. 17/18 Januarii? 1828? Sp. Johannis Tracy & Catherina Lynch. Ballycullane Parish. 


Jacobum Treacy m. Brigidam Foley of Ranagusuran [Rathnageeragh? Owenduff] 6 Sep 1831 Wit: Michael Keating & Jacobus Kehoe. Ballycullane Parish

Jacobus Tracy/Treacy & Brigida Foley of Ballygarvan & Rathnageeragh

Laurentius Treacy b. 17/18 Aug 1832 Sp. Daniel & Catherina Shannon.of B’garvan. Ballycullane Parish

Stephanus Tracy b. 23/24 May 1835 Sp. Lawrentius Tracey & Catherine Roche of Ranageera. Ballycullane Parish [Stephen moved to Rathangan?]

James Tracey & Bridget Foley

James Tracey 27th* Sept 1838 of Ti???any [Tomgarrow?] Spon Binard Kelly & Cathe Cosgrove  (* vide April 21st 1842) Adamstown Parish


Stephen Colfer & Anastatia Neil of Keale [Kayle]

Thomas Colfer b. 28/28 January 1867 Sp. Elizabeth Doyle? of Keale & James Tracey of Bryanstown. Clongeen parish


James Tracy died 1869, New Ross PLU, Aged 82, b. 1787, died 20 May 1869 Clongeen, buried 15 May 1869 Clongeen, County Wexford


Laurentius Treacy of [NO ADDRESS] m. Elisabeth Farrel of of [NO ADDRESS] 19 Nov 1837 Wit: Lucas Kinsela & Brigida Farrel. Ballycullane Parish

Laurentius Treacy/Tracy & Elisabeth Farrel of Dunmain [Owenduff]

Michael Treacy b. 9/10 Oct 1838 Sp. Laurentius Sinnot & Marie Roche. Ballycullane Parish

Laurentius Tracy b. 19/19 Mar 1841 Sp. Redmondus Roche & Maria Sinnott. Ballycullane Parish

Jacobus Treacy b. 28 Feb/1 Mar? 1844 Sp. Michl Whitty & Eleanora Culleton. Ballycullane Parish


1850 Census - Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, United States

Laurence Tracy, head, 40, b. 1810 Ireland

Elisa Tracy, wife, 40, b. 1810 Ireland

Mike Tracy, son, 11, b. 1839 Ireland

Laurence Tracy, son, 9, b. 1841 Ireland

James Laurence [Tracy], son, 7, b. 1843 Maine

Catharine Laurence [Tracy], daughter, 3, b. 1847 Maine


1860 Census - Bangor 6th Ward, Penobscot, Maine, United States

Laurens Tracy, 40, b. 1820 Maine, city worker

Eliza Tracy, 40, b. 1820 Maine

Michael Tracy, 21, b. 1839 Maine

Laurens Tracy, 20, b. 1840 Maine

James Tracy, 16, b. 1844 Maine

Catherine Tracy, 12, b. 1848 Maine

Mary Ann Tracy, 9, b. 1851 Maine


Laurence G. Tracy and Maria M. Carney of Bangor, int. May 12, 1862, “Certificate issued May 16th” Maine USA


Frederick A Tracy, 54y6m6d, b. 1867 Bangor (s. of Lawrence Tracy, tinsmith, b. Ireland & Margaret Carney, b. Bangor), gardener, died 5 Jul 1921, 207 York Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, United States, lived Dedhorn Me


1870 Census - Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, United States

George L Tracy, head, 28, b. 1842 Maine, Tin plate Manfr

Margaret Tracy, wife, 26, b. 1844 Maine, keeping house

William Tracy, son, 7, b. 1863 Maine

Carrie Tracy, daughter, 6, b. 1864 Maine

Fred Tracy, son, 3, b. 1867 Maine

Walter Tracy, son, 1, b. 1869 Maine


1880 Census - 179 Thomas Court, Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, United States

George L. Tracy, head, 37, b. 1843 Maine, tin smith, parents born Ireland

Margerett M. Tracy, wife, 35, b. 1845 Maine, keeping house, parents born Ireland

William L. Tracy, son, 17, b. 1863 Maine, Works at Saw Mill

Caralena Tracy, daughter, 16, b. 1864 Maine, at school

Frederic A. Tracy, son, 13, b. 1867 Maine, at school

Walter A. Tracy, son, 11, b. 1869 Maine, at school

Carlotta Tracy, daughter, 7, b. 1873 Maine, at school


Mount Pleasant Catholic Cemetery, Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, USA

1815 - Mary O'Leary Carney - 1865

1846 - Margaret Carney Tracy - 1880

1840 - Michael C Tracy - 1885

1815 - Elizabeth Farrell Tracy - 1887

1850 - Katherine Tracy Johnston - 1932



Brigita Tracy & Patrite Burne 

Jacobum Burne b. 23 Jun? 1848 Danescastle [Bannow] Sp. Thomas English & Eleanora Donnald. Carrick-on-Bannow Parish


Patritius Treacy of Clongean Parish married Anastasia Cadogan of Owenduff [civil parish] 26 Nov 1848 Wit: Michael Walsh & Maria O Neil. Ballycullane Parish

Patrick Tracey & Anastatia Cadigan

Jachobum Tracey b. 5th/25th September 1849 of Bryanst? [Bryanstown Clongeen] Sp. Thomas Forestal & Catherine? Power? Clongeen parish

Robertum Tracey b. 4/16 March 1851 of Bryanstown? Sp. Gululmus Boran & Ann Cadigan. Clongeen parish

Laurentium Tracey b. 1/1 May 1853 of Bryanstown Sp. Nicholas Furlong & Elizabeth Forestal. Clongeen parish

Patricius? T? b. 20/29 Sep 1854 of Briantown Sp Joahas? ??? & Mary Sweeney? Clongeen parish [very faint]

Guliulinum Tracey b. 25/25 Sept 1857 of Bryanstown Sp. Robertus Butler & Anastatia Stanton? Clongeen parish


Ricardus Rowe & Maria Chandler of Bryanstown

Catherina Rowe b. 27/30 Aug 1838 Sp. Patritius Treacy & Eliza Nugent? Ballycullane Parish

Thos Forestal & Eleanora Power of Tinera [Tinnarath]

Maria Forestal b. 12/12 Feb 1841 Sp. Patritius Treacy & Eleanora Forestal

Joamnan Stanton & Ellanjanita Farrel of Bryanstown

Ellanjanita Stanton b. 17/18 Oct 1842 Sp. Patritius Treacy & Maria Nevil


John Kennedy & Margaret Rockfort of Bryanstown

Joanna Kennedy b. 19/20 July 1870 Sp. Mary Rockfort & Laurence Tracey of Bryanstown. Clongeen parish

Michael Molloy & Anastatia Hanlon of Bryanstown

Margaret Molloy b. 24/24 April 1871 Sp. Laurence Tracey & Elizabeth Hanlon of Bryanstown. Clongeen parish

Denis Bowes & Elizabeth Dunphy of Bryanmstown

Peter Bowes b. 13/13 May 1876 Sp. Laurence Tracey of Bryanstown & Bridget Furlong of Leagainsne. Clongeen parish

Michael Evoy & Mary Leyes? of Ballygarvan

Catherine Evoy b. 16th May 1880 Sp. Laurence Tracey & Bridget Evoy. Ballycullane Parish


Patrick Tracy (b. Wexford, Ireland) & Anastasia Kaddigan (b. Wexford, Ireland) [married Cadogan 1848]

James J. Tracy (b. 27 Sep 1854 Wexford, Ireland d. 26 Jul 1927 2044 Fremont St Chicago, Cook, Illinois)

Spouse: Nora Tracy

Occupation: Laborer

Burial date: 29 Jul 1927 Calvary, Evanston, Cook, Ill., USA

1910 Census Chicago Ward 24, Cook, Illinois

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Self  James J Tracy  M 50y Ireland, Immigration 1873 

Wife  Nora Tracy  F 50y Ireland, Immigration 1872

Julia M Johnson  F 60y Norway 

1920 Census Chicago Ward 23, Cook, Illinois

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Self  James J Tracy  M 58y Ireland, Immigration 1873 

Wife  Nora B Tracy  F 58y Ireland, Immigration 1873

Francis L[?] Tracy (b. 1st May 1854 Ireland s. of Patrick Tracy & Stacee Kathigan [Stacia Karrigan])

Died:. 16 Aug 1936, 1142 East 148 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio of Cardio-vascular disease with hypertension

Death age: 82y3m15d 

Retired, Widower, spouse: Mary 

burial date: 19 Aug 1936  cemetery: Calvary 

Informant: Mrs. W.J. Tracey, 12001 Oakview Ave


Memorials of the Dead

Old Ross SW Wexford

Cadligan Gravestone…Also Anastatia Tracy died 5th Sept 1898 aged 75 years.


John Doyle & Anne Cummins of Fulksmills

Catherine Doyle b. 2/3 Sept 1872 Sp. Patrick Tracey & Mary Rosanny both of Foulksmills [Foulkesmill town]. Clongeen parish


Mary Tracy & Dennis Delany

Bartle Delany b. 28 Sep 1854 Sp. James Henien & Margt Foley. Adamstown Parish.


Matthum Tracy of Taghmon [Taghmon] married Catherine Stafford of Sheastown [Kilcavan] 13th January 1862 Wit: Michael Reill? and Anna Howlin?. Carrick-on-Bannow Parish. [see Enniscorthy]


Robert Tracey of Bryanstown [Clongeen] married Mary Middleton of Leagaivne [Leegane Clongeen] 16th October 1877 Clongeen Parish Wit: Patrick Perider of Bryanstown & Catherine White of Clongeen

Robert Tracey, of full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Bryanstown, (s. of Patrick Tracey, alive, labourer) married Mary Middleton, of full age, spinster, BLANK, lives BLANK, (d. of William Middleton, deceased, farmer) 04 November 1877 RC Chapel Clongeen Wit: Patrick Pender & Catharine White, signed their marks [Carrigbyrne New Ross PLU]

Robert Tracey of Bryanstown? & Mary Middleton of Brystown?

Catherine Tracey 26th March 1878 Sp. William Middleton & Catherine Roche? of Leagaivn. Clongeen parish

Robert Tracey of Bryanstown & Mary Middleton of Leagaivn

William Tracey 12 January 1880 Sp. Denis Nugent of Bryanstown & Anastatia Cassy of Newcastle. Clongeen parish

Robert Tracy & Mary Middleton

Catherine Tracy b. 25/3/1878 Carrickbyrne (Clongeen LDS)

William Tracy b. 12/1/1880 Carrickbyrne (Lageen LDS)


Thomas Couring & Alice Quinnan of Bryanstown

Mary Couring 21/23 Dec 1866 Sp. Robert Tracey & Margaret Rochfort of Bryanstown. Clongeen parish

Nicholas Perder & Anastatia Neil of Byranstown

Mary Perder b. 5/5 February 1873 Sp. Robert Tracey & Anastatia Kehoe of Bryanstown Clongeen parish

Nicholas Molloy & Anastatia Stanton of Bryanstown

Anaestatia Molloy b. 27/27 August 1874 Sp. Robert Tracey & Catherine Furlong of Bryanstown. Clongeen parish


William Tracey, full age, bachelor, servant, of Bryanstown (s. of Robert Tracey, labourer) married Alice McLoughlin, full age, Spinster, servant, of Haresmead (d. of William McLoughlin, labourer) 1st Sep 1902 Clongeen Church Wit: Peter Boew & Bridget McLoughlin

William Treacy/Tracey of Bryanstown labourer & Alice McLoughlin

Robert Treacy born 20 January 1903 of Bryanstown Clongeen

Patrick Tracey born 24 February 1904 of Bryanstown Clongeen


Robert Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farm labourer, of Bannow (s. of William Treacy, alive, labourer) married Ellen Wall, full [age], spinster, domestic servant, of Bannow, (d. of Patrick Wall, alive, small farmer) Wit: Patrick Treacy & Alice Keane on the 17 March 1925 RC Church Bannow [Bannow Wexford PLU]


Patrick Tracey, full age, bachelor, shoemaker, lives Bryanstown [Clongeen], (s. of Patrick Tracey, living, labourer) married Catherine/Kate Furlong, full age, spinster, servant, lives Bryanstown, (d. of James Furlong, living, labourer) 18 November 1886 RC Chapel of Clongeen Wit: Robert Tracey & Catherine Tracey [Carrigbyrne New Ross PLU]

Patrick Tracey (s. of  Patrick Treacy) m. Catherine Furlong (d. of James Furlong) 18/11/1886 at Clongeen

Patrick Tracey b. 17/6/1890 Bryanstown (see 1911 Census Gibraltar, Overseas Military)

 1901 Census





Head of household

Head of household

Head of household

Other occupants



Shelmaliere West




Kate (46)


Patrick (10)

Pierce Corey (50) lodger slatemason married

Simon Cowmon (30) carpenter married

Thomas Rodgers (20) lodger slatemason married


Anastasia Tracey

Henry Tracey born 13 March 1909 of Kilbraney Newbawn. Re-registered by Authority of Registrar General 15 March 1911 [Note: See also Entry No. 59 16.3.11]


Anastasia Tracey, full, age, spinster, farmer, of Bryanstown Foulksmills, (d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer) married Sylvester Carty, full age, bachelor, labourer, of Tinnerath Foulksmills, (s. of Sylvester Carty, labourer) [his mark] Wit: James Carty & Mary Bowe on the 12 April 1915 RC Church Clongeen


Memorials of the Dead

Carnagh SW Wexford

Here lieth the body of Edwd Power who depd May ye 27 1803 aged 78 years also his wife Catherine Power alias Tracy (remainder of inscription under ground)


Clongeen Parish Burials

Christina? Tracy?, 75, Briansto? [Bryanstown], 15 July 1848

James Tracy, 82, Bryanstown, 16 May 1869



James Tracy died 1869, New Ross PLU, Aged 82, b. 1787, died 20 May 1869 Clongeen, buried 15 May 1869 Clongeen, County Wexford


State Registered Deaths

Alice Treacy of Leegane Foulksmills New Ross, died 6 August 1948, marriedm age 70, farmers wife, chronic myocardial degeneration cariac failure, information received from Fintan H O'Conner coroner for Sth Wexford postmortan held 6th August 1948

Anastatia Tracy of Bryanstown Clongeen, died 5 September 1897, married. 74 years, wife of farmer, primary feeble heart and bronchitis 2.5 months, Patrick Tracy son of deceased Bryanstown present at death

Bridget Tracey of Bryanstown, died 5 September 1929, widow, 78 years, widow of labourer, disabetes 6 months no medical attendant, informant Lawrence Tracey son of deceased Bryanstown Foulkmills present at death

Catherine Tracey of Bryanstown Clongeen,  died 30 May 1906, widow, 50 years, widow of a shoemaker, primary cancer 2.5 months, informant William Tracey brother-in-law of deceased Bryanstown present at death

Laurence Treacy of Bryanstown Foulksmills, died 16 September 1939, bachelor, 51 years, labourer, gastro enteritis 6 mths toxaemania & debrility 2 mths, informant Bridget Bennett cousin of deceased of Bryanstown Foulksmills present at death

Patrick Tracey of Bryanstown Clongeen, died 17 May 1899, married, 43 years, tradesman, bronchitis 1 week no medical attendant, William Tracey brother of deceased Bryanstown present at death

Patrick Tracey of Bryanstown Clongeen, died 22 January 1899, widower, 88 years, farmer, general debility 6 months no medical attendant, informant William Treacy son of deceased Bryansytown present at death

Patrick Tracey of Leganne Foulksmills Co Wexford, died 18 October 1961, single, 57 years, farmer, coronary thrombosis arterioscerosis sudden, certificate of pm received from Fintan O'Connor coroner for South Wexford pm held on the 8th day of October 1961 at Legane Fouksmills

Robert Tracey of Bryanstown, died 16 May 1919, married, 68 years, labourer, stomach compliant 4 months, informant Laurence Tracey son Bryanstown present at death

William Tracey of Bryanstown Clongeen, died 31 January 1914, bachelor, 56 years, carpenter, primary acute gastro enteritis seconary heart failure, informant Catherine Tracey sister Bryanstown present at death

William Treacy of Leagawn Foulksmills, died 1 March  1954, widower, aged 74, old age pensioner, carcinoma of large intestine, informant Patrick Treacy of Leagawn Foulksmills son of deceased present at death





Willie (Bill) Treacy (1925-2014) of Wexford


Willie (Bill) Treacy, a proud Clongeen man, certainly fits into an illustrious category. In April 2009, 'Big Bill' was most deservedly inducted in the GAA Hall of Fame in London. The presentation was made to Willie by fellow Wexford man, Tommy Farrell, longtime Chairman of the London Board.Willie has been a dedicated member of the famed Tomas MacCurtain club since he emigrated to London in the halcyon days of the early 1950s. He was the first member of the club to become an officer of London's County Board. Since 1997, Willie has been honoured as President of the board – a position he graces with distinction, subsequently becoming Honorary Life President. Although totally immersed in the GAA affairs of his adopted city, Willie has remained staunchly true to his native Clongeen and, in particular, the local GAA Club, whom he was delighted to witness win their first senior title in 2007.


Clongeen GAA...This epic poem commemorates a famous hurling match played in Gusserane on 17th June 1945. It is not only the victorious who deserve to be celebrated in song. These immortal lines were written by that outstanding Gael — Willie Treacy, of Leegaune [Leegane] and London — who with genuine modesty has neglected to acknowledge his own huge part in the “B” campaign. In Verse Ten; this unfortunate omission has been corrected by a contemporary bard…


(10) Our full back was Big Bill Treacy

Who left those Ross men sore,

That famous gent of awesome strength

Cleared many a ‘certain’ score;

‘Twas the siege of Ross all over again,

And the Battle of Horetown —

But our heroes beldit must be toid-

Never let the Parish down:




London GAA

Bill Treacy RIP 11/11/2014

It is will sad regret we announce that our London GAA County Board Life President Bill Treacy passed away on Friday 7th November.

Bill hails originally from Clongeen in Co Wexford. He enlisted in the Irish Army as a young man and on completion of his duration in the Army he emigrated to England. London has been his adopted County ever since. He was an avid and very passionate hurling man who has shown great commitment to both club and County throughout his life. London GAA has lost true Gael.  Sincere sympathy to Bill's family and Friends.

Funeral Detail: Our Lady of Compassion, Green Street, Upton Park, E14 9AX Friday 14th November at 7pm followed by Reception in O’Grady’s, High Road, Seven Kings

A mass followed by the buriel will take place on Sunday morning in Clongeen Co Wexford at 10:30am

Ar dheis láimh Dé go raibh a hAnam​


Clongeen mourns passing of William Tracey

William Tracey RIP

In the early hours of Saturday morning last, the great Gael Willie Tracey passed away in Newham General Hospital in east London. Willie, or Lofty as he was known by his good friends, which he had many both near and far, had recently reached 89 years of age.

Originally from Leegane, Foulksmills, Willie went to England in the early fifties, after spending a few years previously in the Irish army and having played for the Clongeen B team back in the '40's.

He returned home every year, generally for the festive season, summer holidays and most importantly for the All-Ireland finals which he had attended for well over 50 years. This year was the first year in possibly over half a century when the games went ahead without his presence.

He was involved with several clubs in London over that long span, including the Fr Murphy's and more recently the Tomás Mac Curtins, which he had been involved with for many years. He was honorary president of that club and of the London GAA, a position he well deserved for his years of service to the cause. He is survived by his nephews Robert (Bob) and William, sons of his only sibling, Paddy who predeceased him back in 2000.

No arrangements have been made in terms of his final home-coming as of yet. In the meantime, we offer our condolences to his relatives and friends who will miss him dearly as his presence like his stature was immense. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

15/11/2014 New Ross Standard




Willie (Bill) Treacy


The death has occurred of William (Bill) Treacy

Formerly Leegaune, Foulksmills, Wexford

London UK and formerly Leegaune, Foulksmills. In his 90th year. Sadly missed by his relatives and friends. Reposing in Ryan's funeral home Wellingtonbridge from 3.30 on Saturday with removal at 7pm to St Aidan's church Clongeen. Funeral mass on Sunday at 10.30am burial afterwards in the new cemetery Clongeen. May he rest in peace. Family flowers only donations if desired to Clongeen St Vincent De Paul.

Date Published: Saturday 15th November 2014

Date of Death: Friday 7th November 2014


GAA Oral History

Bill Treacy describes where he grew up in Wexford, before discussing the history of Gaelic games in the area. He then recalls his family's involvement in Gaelic games. Bill recalls stories he has heard regarding The Troubles in the area during the 1920s, before talking about the GAA in his school days. He remembers his GAA heroes of the past from Wexford teams. He describes travelling to matches in his younger days, and also lists the venues he played in during his playing career. Bill talks about what makes the GAA special, explaining what the Association means to him. He also discusses what drives teams in the North of Ireland on. He recalls his time in the Army and some of the places he played. He describes the regime of Army life and the influence it had on him. Bill discusses emigrating to London. He recalls his introduction to the GAA in London. He discusses the clubs he joined, the roles he undertook and the influence and role that the GAA plays in the lives of the Irish abroad. He concludes by saying what his proudest moment in the GAA is, and reveals how he would like to be remembered by the London GAA community.






Tracey family of Foulksmills raises €12,767 for farm accident charity (March 9 2019  Gorey Guardian)


Siobhan Merrigan, Penny Tracey, Kerrie Kehoe, Kieran Tracey, Norma Rohan, and Bob Tracey at the presentation of the cheque to Embrace FARM


The amazing sum of €12,767.10 has been raised by a County Wexford family for a charity which supports families affected by farm accidents.

The Tracey Family from Foulksmills raised money in memory of Martin Kehoe Jnr, a young father related by marriage who died tragically in a farm accident in 2017,

A cheque presentation was made recently to the co-Founder of Embrace FARM, Norma Rohan on behalf of the Traceys who were in-laws of Mr Kehoe.

The Traceys held a Family Fun Day in New Ross Rugby Club last August which drew a huge crowd and Bob and Kieran Tracey ran the Dublin City Marathon in October 2018 in memory of Martin Kehoe Jnr who was Bob's son-in-law and Kieran's brother-in-law. Martin lost his life in a farm accident on September 19, 2017.

Embrace FARM is a not-for-profit organisation for those affected by farm accidents. After researching, their aim was to set up a support network for farm families who, like them, have lost a loved one or suffered serious injury in a farming accident.

Embrace FARM have been an invaluable source of help and comfort to both families and the Tracey family was glad to raise funds to help Embrace FARM to continue to help others who have found themselves in the unfortunate position of bereavement or life changing injury within the farming community.

They would like to thank most sincerely all who contributed to the sponsorship of the two events which accumulated in the final amount.







Aalen, F.H., Whelan, K., Stout, G. (1997) Atlas of the Irish Landscape. Cork University Press.

Bassett, George H 1885) Wexford County Guide and Directory. Dublin.

Berry, Paddy (1982) Wexford Ballads.

Berry, Paddy (1987) More Wexford Ballads.

Binions, Gloria et al ed. (1997) Killanne-Rathnure.

Brennan, M. Schools of Kildare and Leighlin, 1775-1835,

Brown, Elizabeth & Wickham, Torn (ed),1983. Lewis's Wexford, Enniscorthy.

Browne, Bernard, 1993. Old Ross, the town that never was.

Browne, Bernard, 1997. Living by the pen, Wexford.

Butler, Thomas A., 1985. A parish and its people. (Bannow).

Butler, Thomas. History of the Parish of Crurickon-Bqnnow. N.p., 1985.

Cantwell, Brian J. Memorials of the Dead for County Wexford vols. 5-10 (index)

Coghlan, P.J. A directory for the co. of Wexford ... townlands, gentlemen's seats & noted places, 1867.

Colfer, Billy, 1978. The Promontory of Hook.

Colfer, Billy, 1981. The County of Wexford, Wexford.

County Wexford Almanne 1909. Wexford: John English & Co., 1909.

Coyle, James The Antiquities of Leighlin,

Culleton, Brendan (ed), Treasures of the Wexford landscape.

Culleton, Edward (1980) The South Wexford Landscape.

Culleton, Edward (1999) Celtic and Early Christian Wexford. Four Courts Press, Dublin.

Culleton, Edward et al ed. (1994) By bishop's rath and Norman fort. Piercestown-Murrintown. Drinagh Enterprises, Wexford.

de Val, Seamus, 1989. Bun Cloidi - A history of the district.

DISCOVER Interactive Multimedia Computer Tourist Information System.

Doyle Jimmy (1998) Davidstown-Courtnacuddy remembers 1798
Doyle, Lynn Ballygullion, County Wexford, 1945.

Doyle, Martin Notes and Gleanings Relating to the County of Wexford, Dublin, 1868.

"Ferns Marriage Licenses 1662-1806 (except 1701-25 and 1693/94)." 1. Kildare Arch. Hist. Sec. (A-B)9(1) (1918-21): 34-59; (C) 9: 178w; (D-F) 9: 227-45; (G) 9: 292-300; (H) 9: 366-75, 9: 454-56, and 10: 29-31; (H contd. P) 10: 61-99; (R-S) 10: 125-49; (T-Z) 10: 17494.

Fitzpatrick, Michael, Historic Gorey. 3 vols.

Flood, W.H. Grattan History of Enniscorthy, County Wexford, 1898.

Flood, W.H. Grattan (1915) Notes toward a parochial History of the Diocese of Ferns. Downey, Waterford.

Fraser, R. Statistical Survey of the County of Wexford Royal Dublin Society, 1807.

Furlong, Nicholas & Hayes, John, vol 1(1985); vol 2 (1987); vol 3 (1996). County Wexford in the rare oul' times.

Furlong, Nicholas, (1984) Loch Garman and Wexford

Goff, Henry A. Land Settlements in County Wexford, 1640-1710. (A PhD Dissertation. National University of Ireland, St. Patrick's College, Maynooth. January 1990

Griffiths, George (1877) The chronicles of the county of Wexford to 1877, Enniscorthy.

Griffiths, Richard, Primary Valuation of Tenements in Co. Wexford (1853) 4 unions: Wexford, Enniscorthy, Gorey and New Ross

Hay, Edward History of the Insurrection of County Wexford in 1798, Dublin, 1803.

Hennessy, Patrick (1882) Davidstown, Coutrnacuddy - A Wexford Parish. Enniscorthy.

Hore, H.J. The Social State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the Sixteenth Century, 1870.

Hore, Philip H. History of the town and county of Wexford. 6 vols. 1900-11

Jeffrey, William.H. The Castles of Co. Wexford, Wexford, Old Wexford Society, 1979.

Kehoe, Lory (ed) 1989). Glynn, 1789-l989.

Kennedy, Patrick, Banks of the Boro

Kinsella, Anna. The Waveswept Shore - A history of the Courtown district, Wexford, 1982

Kinsella, Anna, 1995. County Wexford in the famine years.

Kirk, Francis J. Some Notable Conversions in the Co. of Wexford, 1901.

Lacy, Thomas, l 863. Sights and scenes in our fatherland , London.

Leslie, J.B.,1936. Ferns clergy and parishes, Dublin. (Church of Ireland)

Mac Suibhne, Peadar Clonegal Parish, Carlow, 1975

Marsh, Anne. The Athenaeum, Enniscorthy. A stroll down memory lane 1892-2004. [Anne Marsh is the daughter of John and Margaret O’Neill and is a descendant of Matthew Treacy]

Morley, Vincent ‘More on Norman Surnames’ letter in History Ireland, Spring 1994

Murphy, Hilary (1986) Families of Co Wexford.

Murphy Hilary (2004) The parish of Mulrankin ancient and modern. Pp.196
O.P.W., Sites and monuments survey of Co. Wexford: maps and listings.

O'Donovan, John. Ordnance Survey Letters,1840.

Owners of Land of one acre and upwards, Co. Wexford, n.d.. 1877 Wexford Independent

"Passenger List of Ticonderoga 1850" (many from Waveney parish, Wexford). n~e Past 12 (1978): 49-52 (including part of a group which founded New Wexford, Missouri).

"Population Trends in Co. Wexford." The Past 6 (19M): 118-37.

Power, Pat. (19??) Kilgorman, Co. Wexford (Local History - 23 pages)

Roche, Richard (1993) Tales of the Wexford coast.

Roche, Richard (1995) The Norman Invasion of Ireland.

Roche, Richard (1989) The Texas Connection.

Shapland Carew Papers & maps, Irish Manuscripts Commission.

Simington, R.D.(ed). Civil Survey 1654-1656

Tubridy, M, & Culleton, E, 1994, (eds.) County Wexford Guide Series: Vol 1 Introducing County Wexford, Vol 2 Traces of County Wexford's Past, Vol 3 Nature, Landscape in County Wexford, Vol 4 Culture, Farming and Villages of County Wexford.

Walsh, Dan,1996. 100 Wexford country houses: an illustrated history, Enniscorthy.

Whelan, Kevin ed. (1987) Wexford History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin

Whelan, Kevin Tintern Abbey, Co. Wexford: Cistecians and Colcloughs - 8 centuries of occupation, Friends of Tintern, Saltmills, Co. Wexford, 1990.

Whelan, K., ed. A History of Newbawn. New-

Whalen Kevin, A List of those from County Wexford Implicated in the 1641 Rebellion.(The PAST, No.17, 1990, p24-54)



Culleton, Edward (1984) Early Man in Co Wexford. [Agricultural Institute], [Dublin]

Moore, Michael (ed),1996. Archaeological inventory of Co. Wexford. Stationery Office, Dublin.

Stout, Geraldine (1987) Sites and monuments record County Wexford a list of archaeological sites in County Wexford. Office of Public Works, Dublin.

National Monuments Service – Wexford http://www.archaeology.ie/en/NationalMonuments/SearchByCounty/FileDownload,319,en.pdf

also http://webgis.archaeology.ie/NationalMonuments/FlexViewer/

Stonehunters Website – with pictures and descriptions of some sites http://stonehunters.webs.com/



The Past (Journal of the Ui Cinsealaigh Society)

Journal of the Bannow Historical Society (No.1 2008)

Journal of the Wexford Historical Society

Journal of Waterford and South East of Ireland Archaelogical Society.



Bannow Historical Society, Maureen Brent, Chairperson (founded 2005) http://www.bannowhistory.com

New Ross Literary & Historical Society, Mr. James Doyle, Ard Roas, New Ross, Co. Wexford

Taghmon Historical Society, Tom Williams, Park House, Wexford. http://homepage.eircom.net/~taghmon/histsoc/index.htm

Wexford Historical Society, 61 Talbot Green, Wexford http://www.wexfordhistoricalsociety.com/

Ui Cinsealaigh Historical Society, Rev. M. Glynn, St. Aidan's, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford


Church Records

Available in the Library in Wexford Town

Anglican Records – Gives a list of surnames for some parishes




Webpage of links for Wexford Genealogy.



The following is available on mircofiche in the National Library of Ireland. The call number is POS 8382.
List of protestants in the parishes of Clone, Kilbride and Ferns, Co. Wexford, distinguished into families and ages, 1776 May 16.
Lists of burials at Ferns, Co. Wexford of persons killed during the 1798 Rebellion; also lists of Protestants from the diocese of Ferns killed during the Rebellion, 1798.



Traceys of Wexford – Page 2

Historical Notes and References


Last update: 24 February 2025