William Samuel
Tracy, 1860s Belfast |
William Samuel Tracey (b. c. 1798 – 1873 aged 75 Dublin
South) Resident Magistrate. Served in Leitrim, Sligo, Limerick, Antrim and
Wicklow. The information on William Samuel Tracy, Resident
Magistrate, has been compiled on this page
due to the scattered number of references, as he travelled extensively
throughout Ireland.
September 2, 1834 (BL) Marriage Aug 25, in
Lisnadell Church, William S. Tracy, Esq. Sub-Inspector, county Sligo
Constabulary to Margaret, second daughter of the late Thomas Simpson, of
Beech Hill, in the county of Armagh, Esq. [Lisnadill Church, Diocese of
Armagh] Lisnadill, a parish, partly in the baronies of Armagh and Urrsa Faws,
but chiefly in that of Lower Fews, county of Armagh...The principal seats are
Beech Hill, the residence of T. Simpson, Esq.; Ballyards, of J. Simpson,
Esq.;... 1837 A Topographical
Dictionary of Ireland February
18, 1839 (FJ) Birth At Bruff, county Limerick, the lady of W.S.
Tracey, Esq, stipendiary magistrate, of a daughter. June 16, 1842 (FJ) Birth At Castleconnell
county Limerick, the lady of W.S. Tracy, Esq., chief magistrate of police, of
a daughter. August 23, 1844 (FJ) Birth On the 18 instant,
at Castle-Connell, county Limerick, the wife of W.S. Tracy, Esq, of a son. 9 Oct 1846 (CE)
Births W.S. Tracy, Esq., R.M. of a son. Obituary: Mary
Tracy, Castle Connell 02/02/1848 dau of W. S. Tracy, Resident Magistrate April 18, 1848 (FJ) Birth April 12, at
Castle Connell, the lady of WS Tracy, Esq, resident magistrate, of a son. |
April 27, 1855 (BL) Militia Ball
May 17, 1856 (BL) Grand Militia Ball in
...Mr, Mrs and the
Misses Tracy...
August 1, 1856 (BL) Grand Ball to the County
Antrim Militia Regiments
...Mr, Miss and
Lieut Adair, and Mr. Tracy;...Mr. T. Tracy, Mr, Mrs and Misses Tracy...
30 Apr 1863 (BL)
Grand Masonic Ball in Dublin
...WS Tracy, Miss Jane
Tracy, Miss Margaret Tracy...
Mount Jerome
Cemetery, Dublin
TRACY Burial Place
Inscription on number 15563: William Samuel Tracy | Died July 19th
1873 | aged 75 | "Lord have mercy upon me"
Back of number 15563:
Inscription on number 15565: Margaret Tracy | widow of | William Samuel
Tracy | Died 23rd July 1883 aged 77 years
The Royal School of
Thomas Burrowes Tracy entered school Aug 1849
Henry Tracy son of William Samuel entered school Jun
Maxwell George Tracy entered school Jan 1859
John Tracy entered school Jan 1859
Jonh Tracy
Robert Tracy
Register of the Royal
School Armagh. W & G Baird, 1933
Henry Tracy
Born in Limerick 1845, son of William Samuel Tracy,
Resident Magistrate, Belfast.
June 1858 to October 1863; Exhibitioner, T.C.D.,
October 1863; Scholar (Classics), 1866; B.A. 1867; M.A. 1871.
John Tracy
Brother of Henry Tracy; at school, January 1859 to
summer 1860, age 12
Thomas Burrow(e)s Tracey (b. c. 1835 d. Sep 1907 Isle of Wight, Hampshire)
03 Oct 1853 (BL) Royal School of Armagh
...Lord Primate...The head master having brought forward Thomas Burrowes Tracy and William Percy Robinson, as the authors of the best English Essay and the best translation into Latin, respectively...presented to the former Hallam's Literature of Europe (three volumes)...The books were very handsomely bound, and made yet more valuable by the autograph of the donor...- Newry Telegraph.
15 October 1853 Wexford Independent
Dublin University. - The October entrance examination was held at Trinity College Dublin on Tuesday, when the gentlemen whose names follow were selected from the class for re-examination for first place:-...Thomas B. Tracey. [came 7th out of nine]
1853-54 Commissioners of
Education in Ireland annual report
Royal Scholship...T.B. Tracey £50 per annum...
1855-56 Commissioners of Education in Ireland annual report
Armagh Royal School Foundation...T.B. Tracey £50 per annum...
1856-57 Commissioners of Education in Ireland annual report
Armagh Royal School Foundation...T.B. Tracey £50 per annum...
1857-58 Commissioners of Education in Ireland annual report
Armagh Royal School Foundation...T.B. Tracey, an Exhibition of £50 per annum...
July 31, 1858 (FJ) Education in
...On the Armagh Royal School Foundation - T B Tracey, an exhibition of
£50 per annum;...
Alumni Duublinenses: Trinity Dublin
Thomas Burrows Tracey, pen. (Mr. Guillemard), Oct. 11
1853, aged 18; s. of William, Magistrate; b. Sligo.
Thomas Burrowes Tracy, 1st s. of William
Samuel, Belfast, R.M. and Margaret Simpson; ed. TCD M 1855.
November 20, 1854 (BL) University Intelligence. Junior
Freshmen...Classics - First Prize...Thomas B. Tracy...
June 5, 1855 (FJ) University Intelligence. ...successful
candidates for scholarships...Thomas B. Tracey 23 marks...
9 June 1855 (N) Trinity College...successful
candidates for Scholarships...Tracey, Thomas B., 23 [marks];...
January 30, 1857 (FJ) University Intelligence. Honor Examination -
Senior Sophisters - Classics - First Rank...Thomas Tracey (schol)...
IRELAND. temp. Victoria. 1837-1901. AR Medal
(51.5mm, 58.16 g, 12h). Trinity College Dublin – Prize Medal for Letters and
Humanities. Dated 1591. Presented to Thomas Tracey, 1857. COLL · SS · ET · INDIVID
· TRIN · REG · ELIZABETHÆ · IVXTA · DVBL · 1591, diademed bust of Elizabeth I
facing slightly left, wearing elaborate ruff / LITERIS HUMANIORIBUS FELICITER
EXCULTIS, coat-of-arms on shamrock-patterned background; rose and portcullis
flanking; engraved below, Thomas
Tracey Sch 1857. EF, toned, flan crack. |
1856-57 Report of
President of Queen's College, Belfast
List of the Successful Candidates - Civil
Service of the East India Company (1857 the First Year of Public Competition)
Mr. Tracy, 21 years on the 1st May 1857,
educated Trinity College Dublin, 2092 marks [Thomas Burrows Tracey???]
July 3, 1857 (FJ) University Intelligence - Trinity College.
Examination for prizes in modern languages - Italian...third prize Thomas
Tracy, schol...
July 4, 1857 (FJ) University Intelligence. Modern languages -
Italian...third prize: Thomas Tracey, Sch...
August 17, 1857 (FJ)
Examination for the Civil Service of the East India Company
Mr. Tracy, aged 21, examination place: Trinity College Dublin, 2102 marks
[8th place]
August 31 1857 Allen’s Indian
...qualified for admission into the civil service of the East india
Company in India...Thomas Burrowes Tracey...Mr Tracy, 21 age on May 1 1857,
Trinity College Dublin, 2092 marks...
Tracy, Thomas Burrowes, appointed member of Civil Service
IOR/Z/E/4/30/T350 : 1857 (British
Library manuscript)
October 27, 29 & 31, 1857
(BL) University Intelligence
- Trinity College. Examination for Classical Moderatorships - Silver Medalists:
Thomas Tracy (Sch)
February 18, 1858 (BL) Dublin University...II Junior Moderators -
Thomas B. Tracey...
1863 [3131] Eighth report of Her Majesty's Civil Service Commissioners
T.B. Tracy, Bengal, £600 pa, A.M. and C.,
Cawnpore, 11/58; with power of J.M. and D.C., 10/60 [Thomas Burrows?]
Thomas Tracy, Bengal,
India. Sch. 1855 ; Reg. Aug. 20, 1868.
The Dublin University Calendar 1911
1875 (139) East India (Civil Service memorials).
...signed...T.B. Tracy...Thomas B. Tracy...
1881 [C.3086] Report of the Indian Famine Commission. Part III. Famine
Mr. T.B. Tracy, C.S. Collector Moradabad
1883 (93) East India (local government).
From T.B. Tracy, Esquire, President of District
Committee, Moradabad...Magistrate...
1894 (28) (28-I) East India (pensions).
T.B. Tracy 1887 £1000 annuity
1905 The India List
and India Office List
Tracy, Thomas Burrowes. B.A., late Bengal C.S. (N.W.
Prov. and Oudh).—Educ. at Trinity Coll., Dublin; apptd. alter exam, of 1857;
arrived, 29th Dec, 1857, and served in the N.W. Prov. as asst. mag. and collr.,
and joint mag.; mag. and collr., Muttra, April 1877; from Feb., 1883, served as
civil and sessions judge, and acted as jud. commr. in Oudh, 1884-85; retd.,
Sept., 1887.
1907 London Wills
Thomas Burrowes Tracy of the White-cottage
Shanklin Isle of Wight died 14 September 1907. Probate London. 22 October to
Frances Mary Tracy, widow. Effects £2101.7.9
Thomas Burrowes Tracy (s. of William Samuel Tracy) m. Frances
Mary Maxwell (d. of Hugh Maxwell) 16 Mar 1861 Cawnpore, Bengal, India
William Maxwell Tracy b. 20 Feb 1862 bapt. 30
Mar 1862 Cawnpore, Bengal, India
Mabel Helen Tracy b. 07 Mar 1863 bapt. 01 Apr
1863 Azimgurk, Bengal, India
Hugh Francis Tracy b. 22 Jan 1865 bapt. 19 Mar
1865 Cawnpore, Bengal, India d. 21 Sep 1866 Burial 22 Sep 1866 Meerut, Bengal,
Frances Charlotte Tracy b. 26 Jan 1866 bapt. 31
Mar 1866 Meerut, Bengal, India
Maxwell Barnes Tracy b. 27 Jun 1867 bapt. 12
Aug 1867 Mussoorie, Bengal, India [d. 1868 Rathdown, Ireland]
Maud Alice Tracy b. 13 Aug 1871 bapt. 22 Oct
1871 Bhurtpore, Bengal, India
Ralph Stephen Heath Tracy b. 26 Dec 1876 bapt.
12 Feb 1877 Agra, Bengal, India
Thos B Tracy, Bengal Civil
Service, & Frances Mary Maxwell
Edith Margaret Tracy b. 14 Sep 1868 of Brennan
Terrace Bray [Bray]. Thomas B Tracy, father, Brennan Terrace Bray [Bray
Rathdown PLU]
Maxwell Barnes Tracy died 1868, Rathdown PLU, Aged 0, b. 1868, died
26 Feb 1868 Bray [Bray], father I Tracy
Civil Service Pension record
Mr. Thomas Burrows Tracy, b. 25 November 1835,
retired 1st September 1887 on £1000 a years, died 14 Sept 1907 - 1920/07
Married 12 March 1861.
Wife Frances Mary, b. 20 December 1839, Full
pension 2388/87, * Registered under last para of Article V
Frances Charlotte b. 26 January 1866, Full 2388/87,
Died 23 September 1922 N.C.P. 20637/22
Edith Margaret b. 14 September 1868, Full,
married 6th July 1897 Times 8/7/97
Maud Alice, b. 13 August 1871, Full, do
[married] 25th Sept 1890 - 27/9/90
Ralph Stephen Heath (per F.R. same with
2388/81) b. 26 December 1876, Full, of age
1911 English Census - No 4 Akehurst Street, Rochampton, London S W
Ralph Stephen Heath Tracy, 37, Head, b. India
N.W. Provence
Margaret Pauline Tracy, 37, married 8 years, 1
child, b. Gainsborogh Lincs
Margaret Franks Simpson Tracy, 3, b. London
Thomas Simpson
4 Oct 1911 The Junior United Service Club Pall Mall and 14 Glasbury
Road Kensington Middlesex, to Ralph S H Tracy. Resealed at Dublin, trust
estate only. [Ralph Stephen Heath Tracy]
Tracy-Simpson Ralph Stephen Heath of 4
Akehurst Gardens Roehampton and of Little Morton Hook Heath Woking both county
Surrey died 11 January 1926 at Little Morton Probate London 26 February to
Margaret Pauline Tracy-Simpson the widow and Barclays Bank Limited. Effects in
Northern Ireland £8 14s. 7d. Re-sealed Belfast 5 November.
December 1929 Belfast Gazette
Estate of Ralph
Stephen Heath Tracey Simpson, continued in the names of Margaret Pauline Tracey
Simpson (widow) and Barclays Bank Limited…under the will dated 31st
July 1912 and codicil 9th August 1922…owners of land in the townland
of Derryhennet and Maddan…[Armagh]
Mabel Helen Tracy (d. of Thomas Burrowes Tracy) 20 years
old, m. Francis Corbett (s. of Edward Corbett) 20 Sep 1883 Nainital, Bengal,
Maud Alice Tracy (d. of Thomas
Burrowes Tracy) 19 years m.
Edward Agar (s. of Edward Walter Agar) 31 years, 25 Sep 1890 Kensington,
Middlesex, England
29 September 1890 Dublin Daily
Agar and Tracy, Sept 25, at St Stephens South
Kensington London by the Rev Maxwell Tracy, uncle of the bride, Capt Edward Agar,
Royal Engineers, son of the late Major EW Agar, Bombay Army, to Maud Alice,
daughter of TB Tracy Esq, Bengal Civil Service (retired)
William Maxwell Tracy (s. of Thos B Tracy, Bengal CS) Capt.
Surrey Regt of 1 Victoria Terrace NCR m. Amy Lucy Smyth (d. of Edward Smyth,
Lambent?) of Westbridge House Enniskillen, on 4 July 1893 Wit: Edward Smyth
& SF Bristow. Grangegorman Church of Ireland
William/W Maxwell/M Tracy, Capt, full [age], bachelor, Surrey Regt, lives 1
Victoria Terrace N.C.R., (s. of Thomas B Tracy, Bengal Civil Service)
married Amy Lucy Smyth, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives
Westbridge House Enniskillen, (d. of Edward Smyth, landagent) 04 July 1893 All
Saints Grangegorman Church of Irealand Wit: Edward Smyth & S. F. Bristow [Dublin
North PLU]
Jane Tracey (b.
15 April 1892 The
Police Gazette Wicklow Description of Articles, the property of Miss Jane
Tracy, which were stolen from her house at Bray Great, parish of Bray, barony
of Rathdown, on the night of 30th or morning of the 31st March 1892:- A small
old Geneva gold watch, double case; 4 table spoons - crest, two wings and
cockle shell in centre; 5 plated forks - crest, two wings and cockle shell in
centre; 6 desert spoons - crest, two wings and cockle shell in centre; a
silver sugar tongs - crest, two wings and cockle shell in centre; 2 salt
spoons, one of them had crest on it; an Indian pierced silver plate, 2 silver
salt cellars; a prayer book, cover silver; a gold pencil with a long
inscription on it, "to Mr S Tracy from Sir William Johnson"; 1 gold
earing; an Indian gilt brooch, elephant wreath on it; a gold medal from
Trinity College, Dublin, "Henry Tracy" on it; an old fashioned
silver ladel; a tiger claw bracelet set in silver; a silver plaed toast rack;
a small plated clock with ornamental frame; a large plated soup ladle,
crested; a small sauce ladel; 2 ivory frames; small oval metal frame; a pink
coral necklace; 3 rows of beads with gold clasp; a red coral necklace with
large cross attached; 2 Indian silver earrings; a small tortoisesell snuffbox
with gold fox on lid. Bray, 6th April, 1892. (14892 c.-99421) |
21st December 1896 South Wales Daily News
Lady's Strange Delusions Warding Off Electric
Shocks. The alleged lunacy of Miss Jane Tracey, who was born in 1837, formed a
subject of inquiry by Master Fischer, Q.C., and a jury in the Examination Hall
of the Law Society's premises in Chancery-lane. The investigation had been
ordered by the Lord Chancellor, on the petition of the lady's brother, Mr
Thomas Burrowes Tracey.
Mr Crump, who appeared for the petitioner, said
that the desire of the lady's relatives was to protect her property and
administer it for her own welfare. Miss Tracey possessed a small estate of
£3,000, which brought her in some £140 per annum. She had two delusions one
that she was being pursued by persons who sought her life; the other that she
was being operated upon with electricity. These hallucinations bad existed
before and continued since her confinement in Bethlehem Hospital in 1895.
Dr. J. C. Hogau, of Kensington, said he had
known Miss Tracey for 20 years. She was often very excitable complained of
noises in her head, and declared that she heard voices speaking to her through
the wall. She suffered subsequently from other delusions, and he signed a
certificate authorising her detention in an asylum. Other evidence was given to
the effect that on one occasion Miss Tracey took a fibre from a broom and
declared it to be an electric needle. Her secrets, she said, were being wormed
out of her by means of electricity, and the only way to prevent this was to
think in French. She had complained also that there was a conspiracy to rob her
of her grey hairs. When at Bethlehem Hospital it was her habit to wrap a cloth
round her head to ward off electric shocks. The case had not concluded when the
Court close.
Margaret Tracy (b.c.
1911 Census - 8 Ruvigny
Gardens, Putney S W London
Margaret Tracy, 70, Head, b. Bruff, Limerick,
Ireland, Single, No Occupation
Maxwell George Tracy, 62, Brother, b. Castle
Connel?, Limerick, Ireland, Single, Clerk In Holy Orders
Henry Tracy, ABsch (1844-1886)
4 Nov 1862 (BL) Armagh Natural History and Philosophical Society
...merit at the examination...on the subject of "Heat and the Steam engine"...Second class...Henry Tracy...
1864-65 Commissioners of
Education in Ireland annual report
We also submit a list of the names of the present holders of the Exhibitions, and the amounts payable annually to each, viz.:
Armagh Royal School Foundation:- H. Tracy £30
1865-66 Commissioners of Education in Ireland annual report
H. Tracey £30 per annum
1867-68 Commissioners of Education in Ireland annual report
Armagh Royal School: H. Tracy £50 per annum
Henry Tracy, 3rd s. of William Samual,
Bray, Co. Wicklow, and Margaret Simpson; ed. TCD H 1867.
Nov 6 1868 Register
of Admissions to the Middle Temple
Henry Tracy, B.A .. Trinity College, Dublin, of Bray,
(24), third son of William Samuel T., of Bray, Wicklow. esq .. resident
magistrate of Wicklow.
1864 The Dublin university calendar. Elected on this Foundation...1863 Tracey, Henry, Armagh, £30 per annum...[Royal
Scholarship]...Queen’s Scholars...Elected November 1863 Tracey, Henry.
1864 University Intelligence Junior Freshman...Classics, First Rank...Henry Tracy...
12 May 1864 (BL) Trinity College Dublin. Classical Honors. First
Rank...Henry Tracy...
March 1865 University Intelligence Senior Freshman...Classics, First Rank...Henry Tracy...
May 1866 University Fellowships Classical Scholars...Henry Tracy 111
29 May 1866 (FJ) The Fellowship in Trinity
College ...Classics...Henry Tracy
111 marks...
November 1866 Junior Sophisters...Classics, first rank...Henry Tracy...
1867 University Intelligence November...Classical Senior Moderators Exam...Henry Tracy...
February 1868 University Intelligence Berkeley Gold Medal...Henry Tracy, Sch
May 24, 1913 (IT) Death of Mr. Justice Wright ...Trinity
College Dublin...in 1868, the Berkley
medal for Greek, a much prized distinction, fell to him, in conjunction
with Mr. Tracey...
6 July 1870 (FJ) Trinity College Feudal and English Law Examination - First Prize - Henry Tracy (Sch)...
July 1870 University Intelligence Examination, Feudal and English Law, Trinity, 1870...passed Henry
Tracy, ABsch, 1st premium...
November 1870 Court of Chancery
1 - Henry Tracy Esq,
AB Dublin University, third son of William Samuel Tracy, of Bray, in the county
of Wicklow, Esq, R.M. Mr. Tracy obtained a first prize at the General
Examination of Students held on the 26th and 27th instant, and takes rank
10 November 1870 (FJ) Court of Chancery -
Called to the bar
Henry Tracy, Esq.,
A.B., Dublin University, third son of William Samuel Tracy, of Bray, in the
county of Wicklow, Esq., R.M. Certificate signed by Robert William Shekleton,
Esq. Mr. Tracy obtained a first prize at the general examination of students
held on the 26th and 27th ult., and takes rank accordingly.
1870 The following gentlemen will be called to the Bar on Wednesday
Henry Tracy, Esq.,
AB, Dublin University, third son of William Samuel Tracy, ...
1870 The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal,
page 679
8 March 1871 (FJ) College Historical Society
Henry Tracy, (Sch.) A.M. Negative...
1871 Summer Commencements
Artibus...Henricus Tracy...
Sub-Grant in Perpetuity (draft). "New
built dwelling house ...... liberty to keep open the two windows ...." by
Miss Sarah B. Thomson, of Belfast, to Courtenay A. Hayes, of Southsea, (Retired
Commander R.N.), Major Thomas Simpson, of Madden, Co. Armagh. Henry Tracy,
barrister, Stephen's Green, Dublin. Thomas St., Armagh. D889/1/456
November 1874
Henry Tracey, Counsel
26 Nov 1881 West
Donegal Railway, Marquis of Conyngham’s land guarantee:
opinion of Henry Tracey, counsel.
Ms 35,389 Conyngham Papers
No 65 Thomson to Hayes & ors
5 June 1883 Memorial of an Indenture of Sub Grant in perpetuity Between Sarah Bella Thomson of Belfast in the County of Antrim Spinster executrix of the last Will and Testament of Sarah Cochrane late of Belfast aforesaid Spinster deceased of the one part Courtenay Alfred Hayes of Southsea in the Parish of Portsea in the County of Southampton England Esquire a Commander retired from the Royal Navy Thomas Simpson of Madden in the County of Armagh Colonel in the Army and Henry Tracey of Stephens Green in the City of Dublin, Barrister at Law...
No 66 Thomson to Hayes & ors
5 June 1883 Memorial of an Indenture of Sub Grant in perpetuity Between Sarah Bella Thomson of Belfast in the County of Antrim Spinster executrix of the 5 June 1883 last Will and Testament of Sarah Cochrane late of Belfast aforesaid Spinster deceased of the one part Courtenay Alfred Hayes of Southsea in the Parish of Portsea in the County of Southampton England Esquire a Commander retired from the Royal Navy Thomas Simpson of Madden in the County of Armagh Colonel in the Army and Henry Tracey of Stephens Green in the City of Dublin , Barrister at Law...
November 1884 (IT)
High Court of Justice – Chancery
Mr. Henry Tracy...appeared on behalf of defendant...
27 March 1886 Belfast
Evening Telegraph
Death of Mr. Henry Tracy
(from our correspondent)
Dublin, Saturday - Mr. Henry Tracy, M.A., of the North-East Circuit,
died this morning after a very brief illness. On Wednesday last he was in the library
of the Four Courts in his usual vigour, having but a day or two before returned
from Belfast Assizes. He got an attack of pneumonia, which rapidly proved
fatal. He had a brilliant college career, and on the North-East Circuit he was
highly popular. He had a good practice as a conveyaneer.
31 March 1886 The Daily Express (Dublin) The Late
Mr Henry Tracy The
remains of the late Mr. Henry Tracy were yesterday interred in Mount Jerome Cemetery.
The funeral was attended by a large number of friends of the deceased, and
the service was conducted by Rev Canon Jellett and Rev JG Scott. Amongst
those present were - Rev Maxwell Tracy, Colonel Thomas Simpson, John M
Simpson, Maxwell Simpson, M Ross Todd, C Ross Todd... 3 April 1886 The Irish Law Times Deaths Tracy -
March 27 , after a few days illness , Henry Tracy, barrister-at-law, third
son of the late William S. Tracy, R.M. Will Henry Tracy
30 Mar 1886 10 Henrietta Street Dublin, BL, died at Maison de
Sante, to Reverend Maxwell George Tracy of 2 Holly Place Hamstead London,
Clerk the brother |
John D. Tracy (b. c. 1846 d. 1929)
1880 USA Census
Name |
Relation |
Marital Status |
Gender |
Race |
Age |
Birthplace |
Occupation |
Father's Birthplace |
Mother's Birthplace |
D. Tracy |
Self |
S |
Male |
W |
30 |
James D. Ogilby1 |
Other |
S |
Male |
W |
27 |
Note 1NOT HD
Census Place, District 129,
Navarro, Texas
1920 USA Census
Name John D Tracy
Residence [Nursing Home?], Bexar,
Estimated Birth Year 1857
Age 63
Birthplace Ireland
Relationship to Head of Household
Gender Male
Race White
Marital Status Single
Father's Birthplace Ireland
Mother's Birthplace Ireland
John D. Tracy d. 11 Jun 1929 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
Resident in City 18 years
How long in US 57 years (1872)
Death Age 78 years
Birth Date 1851 Ireland
Marital Status Single
Father's Name Wm. S. Tracy
Father's Birthplace Ireland
Mother's Name Margaret Simpson
Mother's Birthplace Ireland
Occupation Retired Farmer
Place of Residence 1972 St. Francis
Burial 12 Jun 1929 Cemetery San Jose
Hi there,
I've come across one of your Tracy's whom I believe is "missing" from
your website. First found him on an 1880 Census in Rice, Texas then located his
death certificate - both are attached. He would have been the first son of
William and Margaret but is not mentioned.
Since he isn't mentioned I guess there's little point asking whether you
have any further information about him (but will anyway, just in case)! An
American University Professor and one of my cousins are both writing books
about James Douglas Ogilby, who lodged with John Tracy in Rice for 18
months or so and researched the birds of Navarro. We were curious as to the
link between them. JDO's father and grandfather were High Sheriffs and
Lords Lieutenant of County Tyrone so we assume they and John's father William
became acquainted on the Irish legal circuit. At any rate, I found your website
most helpful in establishing this. Thanks!
Kind regards,
Kerrie Binnington 12
November 2010
Maxwell George Tracy, Reverend (b.c. 1848 d.
1927 London?)
September 1861 Cricket
Armagh College/Volunteer Club...M. Tracy...
4 October 1861 (FJ) Cricket
Armagh Volunteer Club V. Castledillon Club...M. Tracey [Castledillon]
18 June 1867 (FJ) Cricket
Armagh School (Past)...M. Tracey...
1867 Trinity College
Senior Freshmen...97 Tracy, Maxwell George...
28 June 1873 Bury
Free Press (Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk)
...Rev. M. G. Tracey, M.A., Trinity College, Dublin, were ordained deacons. ... and Mr. Tracey to the curacy St. John's.
16 November 1878 London Standard
Church News ... the
Rev. Maxwell George Tracy, M.A,, to the curacy of St. John Hampstead
1891 Census - St. John's
Hampstead Middlesex, London
Maxwell G Tracey, 42 years, Lodger, b. 1849 Ireland, Curate Of Parish Church
1901 Census -
St. John's Hampstead Middlesex, London
Maxwell G Tracy, 52 years, Boarder, b. 1849 Ireland, Clergyman Church of England
18 November 1904 The Church of Ireland Gazette
Dean of Clonmacnois. The Very Rev Dr Campbell, Dean of Clonmacnois, has left Athlone to spend the winter abroad. During his absence, the Rev Maxwell G Tracy, Curate of Hampstead, London, has been left in charge of the Parish of Athlone.
1907 -1908. Dublin University calendar
University Electors - Tracey, Rev. Maxwell George, St. John’s, Hampstead, London, N.W. B.A., Hiem. 1869 ; M.A., Hiem. 1872; Reg. 1872.
Census - 8 Ruvigny Gardens, Putney S W London
Tracy, 70, Head, b. Bruff, Limerick, Ireland, Single, No Occupation
George Tracy, 62, Brother, b. Castle Connel?, Limerick, Ireland, Single, Clerk
In Holy Orders
University Electors - Tracey, Rev. Maxwell George, 8, Ruvigny-gardens, Putney, S.W. B.A., Hiem. 1869 ; M.A., Hiem. 1872; Reg. 1872.
Nov 1823
from Major John Wills, Esker Lodge, Lucan, Dublin, chief police magistrate, to
Nathaniel Sneyd, MP for County Cavan, recommending the conduct of a Mr Tracy [William Samuel Tracy?], who
previously served in the police establishment under Wills' superintendence.
Wills describes him as 'a Person in every way qualified to fill a Situation
very different from the one he held under me'.
item; 3pp CSO/RP/1823/2248
William S Tracy, enlisted in 1824 as a cadet
in the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC).
Tracy, William Samuel; LDS 2097/055; 3rd SI
10/8/1824; JP 8/2/1833; resident magistrate 1/9/1838; retired as a RM on
Jim Herlihy
(2005) Royal Irish Constabulary Officers: A Biographical Dictionary and
Genealogical Guide, 1816-1922
Wm S Tracy, P religion, married,
appointed 10 Aug 1824, allocations Leitrim Sligo, 1st Sub-Inspector 10 Augt
1824, 2nd appointed Resident Magistrate 1st September 1838
Sub-Inspectors - now called County
26 Sligo, W.S. Tracy, Sligo
Superannuated Resident Magistrate -
Appointed 1st Sub-Inspr 10 Augt 1824
Coy Inspector (st £250) before 1 Oct
Resident Magistrate (£400) 1 Sepr 1838
Pay raised to £500 per an 1 Feb 1854
Pensioned at £500 per an 4 Nov 1868
Died 19 July 1873
[Total] £596.3.0 widow
Amount submitted to government 20
August 1873
Wm Saml Tracy, pensr, [no number],
Dublin, 36-9-19 service allowed, £1 per £24 earned, 1 widow, - children,
596.3.0 pafers, submitted 20 Aug
10 Oct 1825-12 Oct 1825
from Major George Warburton, inspector general of police for Connaught,
Oatfield House near Aughrim, County Galway, to Henry Goulburn, Chief Secretary,
Dublin Castle, conveying permission to take three weeks leave of absence has
been given Mr Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], chief constable of police in County Leitrim, and also to Mr
[William] Gardiner, chief constable of police in the barony of Tireragh in
County Sligo. With annotation on top from Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquis
Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, stating the inspector general does not have the
authority to grant such leave, rather formal permission must be obtained from
item; 2pp CSO/RP/SC/1825/667
Jul 1826-7 Sep 1826
from Lieut James Gibson, Aavilla [Aghavila], Carrigallen yeomanry, Carrigallen,
[County Leitrim], to Brig Maj John Semple, Belturbet, [County Cavan], warning
that large crowds of individuals have frequently gathered at Ahavass [Aghavas]
to perform military drills and allegedly with the intention of preventing
Orangemen from marching; claiming that an incident was prevented through the
intercession of Edward Hare on the catholic side and Archdeacon Agar and Rev
McCreight on the protestant side; reporting an arson attack on the houses of
James Monaghan and William Campbell. Also covering letter from Semple,
Belturbet, to William Gregory, Under Secretary. Also letters from William G Tracy [William Samuel Tracy],
Chief Constable, Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], to Maj George Warburton,
enclosing affidavits of John Mitchell of Drumgunna and Owen Daly of Corduff
stating that they witnessed large bodies of men performing military drills but
claiming that the evidence of the men is weak; acknowledging that a number of
protestants have been assaulted without provocation in the area and that
protestant traders are being shunned by their catholic customers; suggesting
however that Gibson is exaggerating the situation in order to get himself
placed on permanent duty. Also letters from Warburton, to Henry Goulburn, Chief
Secretary, agreeing that Gibson’s reports are coloured for reasons suggested by
items; 33pp CSO/RP/OR/1826/295
Oct 1826-25 Oct 1826
from William G Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], to Maj Warburton,
Inspector General of Police, forwarding a certificate signed by three
magistrates [extant] claiming that the constabulary force in the district is
insufficient; adding that the ‘lower order of Roman Catholics’ have formed
combinations in order to prevent dealings with protestant traders and continue
to post threatening notices and engage in beatings of transgressors. Includes
certificate signed by John Lawder, Joseph Johnston and George HC Peyton,
magistrates. Also covering letter from George Warburton, Castlegar, [County
Galway], to Henry Goulburn, Chief Secretary, recommending that the force in the
barony of Carrigallen be increased. Includes annotation from Richard Wellesley
granting the request.
items; 8pp CSO/RP/OR/1826/322
Nov 1827-31 Aug 1830
from James Duncan, Sub-Inspector and Paymaster, Carrick on Shannon, [County
Leitrim], to Maj [George] Warburton, [Inspector General], Castlegar, [County
Galway], resigning from his post and recommending his son as Chief Constable,
and from William Crossley, Chief Constable, Maghera, [County ], applying for
the post of Sub-Inspector of the County Leitrim, enclosing a testimonial from
Col [HR] Pakenham, Langford Lodge, [County Leitrim?], praising Crossley’s
achievements in County Leitrim and mentioning Capt Armstrong and Mr Macaulay
who agree with him. Also includes letter from Maj [George] Warburton,
[Inspector General], Dublin, to Hardinge, referring to the above letters but
also another [not extant] from Col Beresford; now outlining that John Duncan
will become Chief Constable, and that Mr
Tracy [William Samuel Tracy] will succeed James Duncan, also mentioning Dr
Col Clements whose application was also acceded to.
items; 10pp CSO/RP/1830/1472
Jan 1828-6 Jan 1828
from William S Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, County Leitrim, to Maj Warburton,
reporting on violent attacks on Philip Curran of Aughalough and Francis
Mulvanaty, Cloone parish, [County Leitrim] by a gang and suggesting that the
motivation for the outrage was they were ‘too obedient’ to Capt Slack, agent to
Mr Digby Marsh; also noting that Patrick Rourke, had his house levelled. Also
covering letter from George Warburton, Inspector General, Castlegar, [County
Galway], to William Lamb, Chief Secretary.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/628
Jan 1828
from George Warburton, Inspector General, Dublin, to William Gregory, Under
Secretary, reporting on the levelling of the house of Martin Saddlier in the
barony of Carrigallen by Rockites and an arson attack against Peter McBryan of
Cloone; noting that he was informed of these outrages by Mr Montford and Mr Tracy [William Samuel Tracy], chief
constables of Mohill and Ballinamore, County Leitrim.
item; 2pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/633
Jan 1828-7 Feb 1828
from George Warburton, Inspector General, Dublin, to William Gregory, Under
Secretary, forwarding copies of outrage reports from five chief constables which
were submitted to him [extant]. Includes reports from the following chief
constables - Daniel Winslow, Drumkeerin, County Leitrim concerning a violent
attack against William Murphy, herd to Mr Miller and threatening notices
delivered to the contractor building a new church; from Lieut D Carey, Kilrush,
County Clare, reporting on the waylaying of two men named MacNinhen and the
arrest of a suspect named Keating; from William
Tracy [William Samuel Tracy], Ballinamore, County Leitrim, reporting on
Rockite attacks on Joseph Johnston of Mayo who was ordered to dismiss a servant
and Saddler who was ordered not to rebuild a levelled house; from N Caldwell,
Ballina, County Mayo, reporting on recent faction fights including a battle
which took place at Killalla and was dealt with by Capt Bourk; from Robert
Plunkett, Tubbercurry, County Sligo, reporting on the attempted abduction of a
farmer’s daughter and the prompt intervention of Mr Armstrong and Mr Wood,
items; 25pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/635
Feb 1828-19 Feb 1828
from William Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], to Maj Warburton,
reporting on the levelling of a house and beating of Teague of Cloone parish,
by a party of Rockites in retaliation for Teague’s son having rented land on
the Glebe lands of Cloone from Rev William Beresford, from which tenants had
been evicted five years previously. Also covering letter from George Warburton,
Inspector General, Dublin, to William Gregory, Under Secretary.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/639
Feb 1828-25 Feb 1828
from William Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], to Maj Warburton,
reporting that an armed gangs of Rockites attacked Charles Tully of Knockage, Cloone
parish and ordered him to give up the farm he recently leased from Rev William
Beresford and also attacked Michael Brien of Drumrahool, ordering him not to
take a farm from Lord Leitrim. Also letter from D Crofton, magistrate,
Lakefield, County Leitrim, concerning a similar attack made on Michael Conelan,
who were subsequently identified as being Peter Haye, Michael Hoey and Bryan
Donelly. Also covering letter from George Warburton, Inspector General, Dublin,
to William Gregory, Under Secretary, adding that Mr Weldon, Chief Constable,
Carrick on Shannon has been ordered to offer protection to Conelan.
items; 8pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/643
Feb 1828-29 Feb 1828
from William Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], to Maj Warburton,
reporting on an attack on the house of Michael Mullholland of Carricknavoe,
Cloone parish, by a gang who demanded whiskey which had been bought for a
wedding. Also letter from [?] Montfort, Chief Constable, Mohill, [County
Leitrim], reporting on an attack by a party of Rockites on the house of Kiernan
of Gortnacondra, who warned him to quit his holding. Also covering letter from
George Warburton, Inspector General, Dublin, to William Gregory, Under
items; 7pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/646
Feb 1828
extract of a letter from Mr Reed, Chief Constable, Boyle, County Roscommon, to
Maj Warburton, reporting that the suspected murderers of Mr Cox have been
arrested and a portmanteau discovered in a bog hole close to the home of one of
the suspects; praising the constables under the command of Weldon and Tracy [William Samuel Tracy], chief
constables. Also covering letter from George Warburton, Inspector General,
Dublin, to William Gregory, Under Secretary.
items; 4pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/647
Jul 1828-14 Jul 1828
from William S Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], to Maj Warburton,
reporting on efforts to prevent sectarian disturbances in the town involving
Orangemen and catholics; noting that a large force of police, military and
militia were assembled in the town following receipt of the Lord Lieutenant’s
circular and that the Orangemen agreed not to form a procession; describing how
he and a troop of dragoons dispersed a large armed crowd of peasants outside
the town during which shots were fired; warning that the Ribbonmen are
threatened to come to the market in the town to assail the Orangemen. Also
letter from five magistrates of County Leitrim, Ballinamore, to William
Gregory, Under Secretary, recommending that a military force of at least 30 men
be stationed in the town. Also letter from John O’Brien, High Sheriff of
Leitrim, Dromahair, [County Leitrim], to Gregory, providing an account of the
confrontation with 500 armed men outside Ballinamore and other incidents in the
items; 13pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/14
Sep 1828-11 Sep 1828
from William S Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, County Leitrim, to Maj Warburton,
reporting that over 400 men voluntarily cut the corn of William Eden Lees
following his testimony in support of the persons tried for illegal assembly;
adding that the men marched in order carrying sickles and also cut the corn for
their priest. Noting that they stopped to cheer in support of Sharpley, a
catholic shopkeeper but ‘hissed and hooted’ at George Peyton, magistrate;
adding that Col Beresford regarded the display as ‘savage’. Also covering
letter from George Warburton, Inspector General, Castlegar, [County Galway], to
Francis Leveson Gower, Chief Secretary.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/696
Oct 1828-30 Oct 1828
from William Tracy [William Samuel
Tracy], Chief Constable, Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], to Maj Warburton,
reporting that a young man named William Bloxham, protestant, was murdered by
David Reilly, baker from Ballinamore who was returning from Ballyconnell Fair,
County Cavan. Also letter from Edward Whitely, Ballyconnell, to John Semple,
Belturbet, giving an account of the incident. Also covering letters from
Warburton, Castlegar, [County Galway], to Francis Leveson Gower, Chief
Secretary and from Semple, to William Gregory, Under Secretary.
items; 11pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/20
Sep 1829-5 Oct 1829
from Walter Molony, Chief Constable, Gort, [County Galway], to Maj Warburton,
enclosing proceedings and resolutions of a meeting of magistrates to
investigate outrages committed in Tubber, [County Galway] which called for
additional constables for the area and search warrants for firearms; reporting
on a violent ‘Whiteboy’ attack on John Carney of Gurtavoher by a gang who spoke
Munster Irish who ordered him to quit his house and land which he rents from
Augustine Butler of Ballyline, [County Clare]; adding that threats have been
made against Rev Lahiff, catholic priest, who condemned the outrages from the
altar. Also copy of letter from Warburton, to the magistrates assembled at
Tubber, responding to the request for additional constabulary in their area and
noting that he has had to reinforce the stations along the Shannon and
concluding that an augmentation of the force in Clare and Galway is required.
Also copied extracts from reports from chief constables stationed in counties
Clare, Galway, Leitrim and Sligo including Wright of Milltown, Morgan of
Corofin, Molony of Gort, Brew of Clare and Galway, Plunkett of Moylough, Coffey
of Clare, Winslow of Mohill, Tracy
[William Samuel Tracy] [of Leitrim], Constable Meredith [of Dromahair],
Curtis of Collooney, Capt Gardiner of Easkey, Bulfin [of Sligo]; reporting on
various outrages including intimidation of voters who supported Mr Fitzgerald
in Clare, threatening notices against witnesses and those working or purchasing
for protestants, attacks on persons sending their children to Mr Syng’s school,
physical and arson attacks against tenants and in order to force them to quit
their holdings or not purchase tythes; attacks on livestock and crops, includes
reference to a custom of individuals with blackened faces and dressed in straw arriving
at weddings and demanding whiskey in order to leave. Also letter from Thomas
Bulfin, Sligo, to Warburton, reporting that constables from Carney were
prevented from arresting a man, accused of assaulting two protestants, by a
crowd of peasantry. Also covering letter from George Warburton, Inspector
General, Castlegar, [County Galway], to Francis Leveson Gower, Chief Secretary,
noting that the magistrates have requested search warrants for arms to be
granted to Col Osborne and Walter Butler of Cregs; adding that he is ‘not
favourable to searching for arms’ but concluding that they should be granted in
order to demonstrate to the magistrates that such measures are ‘useless’.
items; 36pp CSO/RP/OR/1829/855
Dec 1829
extracts from reports from chief constables and sub inspectors Morgan, Brew,
Townsend, Caldwell, Tabuteau, Molony, Weldon, Daly, Tracy [William Samuel Tracy], Curtis, Gardiner and Ferrall in
counties Clare, Galway, Leitrim, Sligo and Mayo reporting on outrages in their
counties including a desire on the part of respectable inhabitants of Clare to
give their firearms to the magistrates but their reluctance to do so due to
Rockite intimidation; an attack on the constabulary at Miltown by armed
Rockites; threatening notices received by Mr Flynn of Lisdoonvarna who voted
for Mr Vesey Fitzgerald; intimidation of the steward and servants of Capt
O’Brien, brother to Sir Edward O’Brien, at Clifton; the denouncing from the
altar by Rev Lahiff of Tubber of men responsible for sending him a threatening
notice, partly in response to his having voted for Vesey Fitzgerald; arson
attacks and attacks on property; a letter intercepted in Killalla post office
addressed to ‘Hugh O’Hara’, ‘Captain of the Hearts of Steel’ and purporting to
contain a list of names of sworn ribbonmen in County Mayo. Also covering letter
from George Warburton, Inspector General, Castlegar, [County Galway], to
Francis Leveson Gower, Chief Secretary.
items; 9pp CSO/RP/OR/1829/892
May 1830-5 Jun 1830
of letters from Maj [George] Warburton, [Inspector General], Castlegar, [County
Galway], Brig Maj [S] Semple, Belturbet, [County Cavan], and Arthur Crossley,
magistrate, Elphin, [County Roscommon], to William Gregory, [Under Secretary,
Dublin Castle], also enclosing letters from William S Tracy [William Samuel Tracy], Chief Constable,
Ballinamore, [County Leitrim], and from Lieut [Perry] Norris, yeomanry, Mohill,
[County Leitrim], all reporting on two attacks on William Moorcroft Esq,
Lavarin, [Lavareen, County Leitrim] by ‘Cap Rock’s men from Castlebar’ [County
Mayo], the second one lethally wounding his mason William Sparks; Crossley
mentions investigations conducted together with Rev GD Beresford and John
[Lawder] Esq, also mentioning Moorcroft’s son James.
items; 15pp CSO/RP/OR/1830/92
Aug 1830-9 Jul 1831
of documents on the subject of outrage in counties Leitrim and Roscommon.
Includes letter from William S Tracy,
Sub-Inspector, Carrick on Shannon, [County Leitrim], to Arthur Crossley,
magistrate, referring to the attempt on the life of Thomas McKeon of Deffier
[Diffin] and noting the arrest of Mathew Farrell in connection with that
incident; expressing a degree of doubt in making a strong case since there is
but one witness of the crown in the matter; points to some inconsistences in
the evidence of two men of the name of Lynch and also reflects on the trial of
some of those responsible for the attack on the dwelling of Patrick Toole. Also
includes letter from Crossley to Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under
Secretary, stating that Bryan Connor has given information on a number of
offenders who were engaged in attacking houses for arms in July and August
1830; observing Connor is now under the protection of the police; enclosing
affidavits from Connor and Patrick McDermott.
items; 17pp CSO/RP/OR/1831/271
Jun 1831-1 Jul 1831
of letters from Arthur Crossley, magistrate, Elphin, [County Roscommon],
reporting on outrages for the month of June 1831. Includes letter from Crossley
to Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Chief Secretary, stating that a small party
of armed insurgents attacked 14 houses in the parish of Kilmore; adding that
the visitations were for the purpose of demanding money for Capt Rock. Also
enclosing a report from William S Tracy,
Sub-Inspector, Carrick on Shannon, [County Leitrim], indicating that an attempt
was made to kill a bailiff named McKeon of Deffier [Diffin]; stating that
McKeon was met by a stranger who presented a pistol at him, which twice
‘misfired’; explaining he is making some enquiries in the matter and concluding
that the incident is linked with McKeon’s ‘eviction of a number of defrauding
items; 14pp CSO/RP/OR/1831/264
Mar 1832-5 Apr 1832
of John Farmer, Carrick on Shannon, [County Leitrim], to Henry William Paget,
Lord Lieutenant, claiming compensation for having assisted Capt Cox and the
police in the apprehension of Rockites in the parishes of Kiltoghart and
Kiltubride; enclosing an account of his services noting the names of the
individuals whom he identified including members of the Farrell and Misset
family; expressing concern for his safety. Also memorial of Charles Harrison,
Drumsna, County Leitrim, to the Lord Lieutenant, also claiming recompense for
having identified individuals in Annaduff parish to Cox and Mr Tracy, Sub-Inspector; enclosing an
account naming those whom he identified. Also letter from J Brown,
Sub-Inspector, Carrick on Shannon, to Maj Warburton, Inspector General,
Ballinasloe, [County Galway], recommending that both men receive some
remuneration. Also damp press copy of reply from Gosset, Dublin Castle, to
[Warburton]. Also letter from J Brown, Sub Inspector of Police, Carrick on
Shannon, to Sir William Gosset, [Under Secretary], acknowledging receipt of £10
for the men. [Contains list of names not given in this description].
items; 15pp CSO/RP/1832/1285
Police - County of Leitrim
The Account
of James Duncan and W.S. Tracy, Paymasters of the Constabulary of the County of
Leitrim, for one year, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day of December
Account of Messrs. Tracy & Brown, Paymasters of the Constabulary of the
County of Leitrim, for one year, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day of
December 1831.
Police - County of Sligo
account of Messrs. Bulfin and Tracey, Paymasters of the Constabulary force of
the County of Sligo, for one year, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day
December 1831.
14 Oct 1831-20 Oct 1831
from [Maj] George Warburton, Inspector General of Police [in Connaught],
Ballinasloe, [County Galway], to Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under
Secretary, enclosing a report from William
S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], drawing attention to an
attempt by the gaoler of the county gaol to requisition members of the police
constabulary; stating that a request was made to take two prisoners from the
gaol to the quarter sessions at Ballymote which he refused doing unless
accompanied by the gaoler or a deputy.
items; 4pp CSO/RP/1831/2565
11 Jan 1832-24 Jan 1832
from John S Tracy, [William Samuel Tracy] Sub-Inspector, Sligo, to Maj
Warburton, Inspector General, reporting on his decision to refuse a request
from Robert Jones, High Sheriff of Sligo to provide police protection to a
political meeting at Sligo court house; enclosing copies of correspondence
[extant]; includes legal opinion [possibly of Richard W Greene], noting that
Tracy acted correctly. Also letter from Jones, to Sir William Gosset, [Under
Secretary], threatening to resign his position if he can no longer order the
police to preserve the peace. Also letter from Warburton, to Gosset, noting
that Tracy was placed in a difficult position and may have erred in refusing
the order from the high sheriff. Also copy of letter from Gosset, to Warburton,
forwarding a copy of a letter to Jones informing him that the Lord Lieutenant
would be prepared to accept the resignation but adding that the remaining
period before appointing a new sheriff may be too short to allow this take
place. Also damp press copy of reply from Gosset, to Jones, outlining in detail
why the sub-inspector acted correctly in the affair and did not disrespect
Jones’ authority.
items; 23pp CSO/RP/1832/376
7 Feb 1832-11 Feb 1832
letter from Maj George Warburton, Inspector General of the Connaught District, Dublin,
to Sir William Gosset, [Under Secretary], forwarding a letter from William J
Tracy, Sub inspector, Sligo noting that he has been offered 32 iron bedsteads.
items; 4pp CSO/RP/1832/7170
18 Jun 1832-13 Sep 1832
letter from Gregory Haines, Commissary General’s Office, Dublin, to Sir William
Gosset, [Under Secretary]. Also letter from Maj George Warburton, Inspector
General of the Connaught District, Dublin, to Gosset, forwarding a letter from
William S Tracy Sub Inspector of the Sligo Constabulary.
items; 7pp CSO/RP/1832/7537
23 Jun 1832-26 Jun 1832
from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector,
Sligo, to Maj Warburton, reporting on opposition to tithes in the united
parishes of Saint Johns and Calry, [County Sligo]; noting that Rev Hamilton called
upon the assistance of Maj Bromhead, the police and the military in distraining
cattle from tithes defaulters; observing that threatening notices have being
posted warning individuals not to purchase the cattle but noting that he and
other will in that case bid for them. Also damp press copy of reply from
Gosset, Dublin Castle.
items; 4pp CSO/RP/1832/2854
21 Aug 1832
from William S Tracey, Sub
Constable, [Sligo], [probably to George Warburton], reporting from a recent
meeting of the local board of health who were loud in their denouncement of
government for failing to provide financial assistance; observing that there
have been 53 deaths in one day [from cholera], that many corpses remain
unburied and that nurses are leaving the hospital. Also covering letter from
George Warburton, to Thomas Taylor.
items; 4pp CSO/RP/1832/3870
7 Sep 1832-13 Sep 1832
of the Board of Health for Sligo, praising the conduct of WS Tracey, Inspector General, during the cholera epidemic in Sligo;
noting that the resolution has been published in the Sligo Journal. Also
covering letter from Charles Hamilton, Board of Helath, Sligo, to Sir William
Gosset, [Under Secretary], noting that the epidemic is receding in his town.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/1832/4334
13 Sep 1832-15 Sep 1832
from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector,
Sligo, to Maj Warburton, reporting on attacks on houses in Carney and Mount
Temple, [County Sligo] by a gang styling themselves ‘Steel Boys’ who stole
firearms from the occupants; noting the efforts of the police to apprehend the
suspects with the assistance of Henry and William Ewen. Also letter from George
Warburton, Inspector General, Ballinasloe, [County Galway], to Edward Smith
Stanley, [Chief Secretary], noting that he has ordered Chief Constable Curtis
to proceed to the disturbed area.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/1832/4504
13 Sep 1832-2 Oct 1832
from E Nicholson, magistrate, Craig, Sligo, to Sir William Gosset, [Under
Secretary], noting that Mr Tracy,
Chief Constable has dismissed the sergeant of the Carney police party for
following Nicholson’s order not to enter Sligo due to the prevalence of cholera
there. Also copy of letter from George Warburton, Inspector General,
Ballinasloe, [County Galway], to Nicholson, questioning his authority to
interfere in police discipline but acknowledging his motivation for doing so to
be genuine. Also letter from Warburton, to Gosset.
items; 13pp CSO/RP/1832/4782
6 Oct 1832-14 Oct 1832
from WH Ellis, Assistant Barrister for Sligo, Castlebar, [County Mayo], to Sir
William Gosset, [Under Secretary], recommending against the holding of assizes
in Sligo due to the threat of a further spread of cholera; adding that Capt
Mahon, Barrack Master at Sligo, Chief
Constable Tracy and Maj Warburton are all of the same opinion.
items; 18pp CSO/RP/1832/4894
2 Nov 1832-9 Nov 1832
letter from Maj George Warburton, Inspector General of the Connaught District,
Ballinasloe, [County Galway], to Sir William Gosset, [Under Secretary],
forwarding returns and a letter from William
S Tracy, Sub Inspector, Sligo.
items; 12pp CSO/RP/1832/7787
3 Nov 1832-7 Nov 1832
letter from Maj George Warburton, Inspector General of the Connaught District,
Ballinasloe, [County Galway], to Sir William Gosset, [Under Secretary],
forwarding returns and a letter from William
S Tracy, Sub Inspector, Sligo.
items; 6pp CSO/RP/1832/7788
27, 1832 (FJ) Rioting in Sligo
...William S. Tracy, Esq, Sub-Inspector of
Police was examined...
30 Jan 1833-12 Feb 1833
from Maj [George] Warburton, [Inspector General], Eyrecourt, County Galway, to
Lieut Col [Sir William] Gosset, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], proposing to give
the Commission of the Peace to Mr WS
Tracy, Sub-Inspector for County Sligo.
items; 9pp CSO/RP/1833/542
7 Feb 1833
from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector,
Sligo, County Sligo, to Maj [George] Warburton, [Inspector General], Eyrecourt,
County Galway, referring to the destruction of an illicit still by Constable
Payne, Ardmaree, County Sligo, and asking for general instructions for the
constabulary as opposed to the Revenue Police.
items; 6pp CSO/RP/1833/704
4 Apr 1833-19 Apr 1833
from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector,
Sligo, [County Sligo], to Maj [George] Warburton, [Inspector General],
Eyrecourt, [County Galway], originally sending a list of eight men who are
unfit for service [not extant] and an estimate of the allowances payable to them.
items; 7pp CSO/RP/1833/1836
13 Apr 1833-20 Nov 1833
signed by 41 inhabitants, Ballisodare, County Sligo, to [Edward George
Geoffrey] Smith-Stanley, [Chief Secretary of Ireland, Dublin Castle], asking to
retain their police force seeing that they are about to be transferred to
Collooney, [County Sligo], giving three reasons, and citing a recent attack on
a grain merchant. Also, letters from Edward Cooper, Markree Castle, William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo,
[both County Sligo], discussing the state of the district, also considering the
move of police from Ballintogher, [County Sligo], to Collooney.
items; 26pp CSO/RP/1833/5625
16 Apr 1833-22 Apr 1833
from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector,
Sligo, [County Sligo], to Lieut Col [Sir William] Gosset, [Under Secretary,
Dublin Castle], referring to a memorial from the inhabitants of Ballisodare,
[County Sligo] against the transfer of the police party from their town to
Colloony, [County Sligo]; giving his opinion.
items; 6pp CSO/RP/1833/1744
24 May 1833-27 May 1833
from Robert Baker, Seamount Lodge, Sligo, [County Sligo], to Lieut Col [Sir
William] Gosset, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], asking for police protection
for enforcing his tithes [in the parish of Kilross, County Sligo]. Also, damp
press copy letter from Gosset to [HS]
Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo].
items; 5pp CSO/RP/1833/2482
16 Jul 1833-30 Aug 1833
from unnamed magistrates, clergymen, freeholders and other inhabitants of
Ballintoher [Ballintogher, County Sligo], to Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess
Anglesey, [Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Dublin], asking not to remove the police
from their village; endorsed by [Rev] Isaac Dodd, Minister of Killery
[Killerry], County Sligo, who mentions the former Constable Martin Kavanagh's
helpful activities in the parish. Also, letters from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo] to Maj
[George] Warburton, [Inspector General], Galway, [County Galway], expressing an
opinion that the owner of the police barracks wrote the memorial.
items; 14pp CSO/RP/1833/3975
21 Jul 1833-9 Aug 1833
from [HS] Tracy, Sub-Inspector,
Sligo, [County Sligo], to Maj [George] Warburton, [Inspector General], Galway,
[County Galway], enclosing certificates from Dr M Devitt, 47th Regiment, for
former sub-constables Richard Costello and Thomas O'Malley, to be employed for
a short period, and raising the question of their permanent reinstatement to
the police force.
items; 7pp CSO/RP/1833/3729
30 Jul 1833-2 Oct 1833
from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector,
Sligo, [County Sligo], to Maj [George] Warburton, [Inspector General], Galway,
[County Galway], asking for a leave of absence, and later for an extension of
items; 5pp CSO/RP/1833/3791
21 Nov 1833-14 Dec 1833
from Mary Gallagher, Derinleghin [Derrylehan], County Sligo, to [Richard]
Wellesley, [1st Marquess Wellesley], Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Dublin, asking
for justice, stating that James Fox and two other [Peace Preservation Police]
men stole whiskey she was about to sell and also mentioning Mr Cavanagh,
gauger, Grange, [County Sligo]. Also includes letter from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], to the
Inspector General for Connacht, opposing Gallagher's statements.
items; 8pp CSO/RP/1833/5809
4, 1833 (FJ) List of the Sub-Inspectors of the Constabulary...
...Sligo, Captain Tracy, Sligo.
January 1834 Wexford Conservative
[Sligo]...Mr. Tracey, Sub-Inspector of
Police...-Sligo Journal
30 Apr 1833 [1834?]-11 Mar 1834
File of documents concerning a local tax
demand on the barracks in use by the police constabulary of County Sligo.
File of documents concerning a local tax
demand on the barracks in use by the police constabulary of County Sligo. Includes
case on behalf of the crown on the subject of the local tax demand on police
barracks in Ireland; discussing the claim against William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, by the town corporation and
the church wardens of the Union of St John, Sligo, both of who took legal
proceedings for recovery of demands; with response from Francis Blackburne,
[Attorney General], Philip Cecil Crampton, [Solicitor General], and Richard W
Greene, crown law officer.
items; 15pp CSO/RP/1834/1046
14 Feb 1834-18 Mar 1834
Two letters from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], concerning
his claim to an annual allowance for the purchase of stationary.
Two letters from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], to
Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, concerning his claim to
an annual allowance of £10 for the purchase of stationary; noting the money is
awarded by government to sub-inspectors who act as magistrates. Also damp press
copy reply from Gosset, Dublin Castle.
3 items; 4pp CSO/RP/1834/1201
20 Mar 1834-29 Apr 1834
File of documents concerning the resistance
shown by Smyth to rioters in the vicinity of Park in County Mayo.
File of documents concerning the resistance
shown by Smyth to rioters in the vicinity of Park in County Mayo. Includes
letter from Robert Smyth, Park, [County Mayo], to William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], complaining
of intimidation at the hands of the country people and asking for advice on
whether or not he should depart from the country; remarking that he brought
their wrath upon himself simply because he ‘assisting the civil power’ in the
suppression of a riot; stating he cannot continue with his day-to-day affairs
and is in constant fear of attack or ambush.
10 items; 18pp CSO/RP/1834/1615
11 Apr 1834-26 Jun 1834
Letter from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], drawing
attention to his lack of an official commission for the peace for County Sligo.
Letter from Maj George Warburton, [Inspector
General of Police], Drumsna, [County Leitrim], to Lieutenant Colonel Sir
William Gosset, Under Secretary, enclosing a letter from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], drawing
attention to his lack of an official commission for the peace for County Sligo
and seeking assistance in redressing the situation.
2 items; 5pp CSO/RP/1834/2617
24 Apr 1834-30 Apr 1834
File concerning an altercation between the
constabulary and the revenue police stationed at Grange in County Sligo.
File concerning an altercation between the
constabulary and the revenue police stationed at Grange in County Sligo.
Includes copy letter from Mathew Meredith, Chief Constable, Sligo, County
Sligo, to William S Tracy,
Sub-Inspector, Sligo, complaining of the ill conduct of a number of revenue
police towards the police constabulary in the vicinity of Grange; explaining
the matter had its origin in the refusal of a revenue man named Malkain to hand
over a Rockite notice removed from the local chapel; also remarking that
another employee of the revenue named Burns ‘abused’ Constable Bridgewood
calling the rank and file of his constabulary ‘Pig driving Rascals’; adding
that later Malkain and Burns were joined by a compatriot named Conly, who
together launched a vindictive against the police who were in process of
interviewing an informer.
8 items; 12pp CSO/RP/1834/1745
15 Jul 1834-19 Jul 1834
Letter from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo, [County Sligo], requesting
permission to take leave of absence for one month.
Letter from [Maj] George Warburton, Inspector
General of Police [in Connaught], Drumsna, [County Leitrim], to Lieutenant
Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, enclosing a letter from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo,
[County Sligo], requesting permission to take leave of absence for one month to
attend to important business. Also damp press copy reply from Gosset, Dublin
Castle, to Warburton.
3 items; 4pp CSO/RP/1834/2831
31 May 1834-5 Nov 1834
Letter from Henry Irvine, coroner of County
Sligo, Sligo, County Sligo, calling for the apprehension of a man named William
White whom he accuses of using violence against his bailiffs in the execution
of seizure warrants.
Letter from Henry Irvine, coroner of County
Sligo, Sligo, County Sligo, to Edward John Littleton, [1st Baron Hatherton],
Chief Secretary, calling for the apprehension of a man named William White whom
he accuses of using violence against his bailiffs in the execution of seizure
warrants; complaining that White in defence of his property assembled together
his neighbours and ‘actually collected a mob from a fair’ in the village of
Curry to prevent the serving of the warrants; lamenting that one of his men was
‘dreadfully beaten’ in the process; expressing his desire to have police
protection for his men in future; also enclosing affidavit of John McKeon of
Cloonoghil, stating that he and two others made a seizure of some livestock and
furniture at the dwelling of White but all was rescued out of their hands using
vicious means; sworn before William
Samuel Tracy, magistrate. Also damp press copy reply from Littleton, Dublin
5 items; 10pp CSO/RP/1834/4374
In May, 1834, the 'Journal' reported that moves were afoot to revive Sligo Races and thereby help to enliven the scene. Nothing came of their efforts then, but in May of the following year an Advertisement in the local press announced that Sligo Races would take place from Monday to Wednesday, August 10th - 12th, and that there would also be Sweepstakes and 'Hack' races. The Stewards were named as the Hon. Robert King, John Martin MP, John Ormsby, Jeremy Jones and William Treacy.
Presiding - William S. Tracy 13, 20 Aug, 24 Sep, 29 Oct
Defendant: Andrew Tracey, house & lands, Plaintiff: Patrict Hart, Calry
Carbery Sligo, rent £13/13/0
Samuel Tracy, Sligo, Sligo
1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland
William S Tracy, 1838, —, Sligo
2377 From Christopher Fitz-Simon
Dublin, 21 January [1837] Private My Dear Sir, Mr. Drummond has just sent
for me and made the following communication to me. He says they do not place
any reliance on it but still he thought it right to let me know. The
communication came to Col. Shaw Kennedy 1 who in case of necessity has taken
all proper steps. The report came to him that a band of Orangemen intended to
attack your carriage at a bridge in a close glen near Sligo, about 3 miles from
the town. I think it is called Colloony or Ballisodare. Drummond was not
certain of the name. Col. Kennedy has this night sent down to Sligo Sub-Inspector Tracey [William Samuel
Tracy, J.P. and sub-inspector of police, sligo.] with instructions. He is to
have 100 men in Sligo and 30 military. He is to have his chief constable with
30 men near the bridge in question, not to be seen but to be ready to act at
once if necessary and, if he finds any of the Orange party assembling, he is to
bring the 100 out of Sligo. The 30 at the bridge have orders to follow at a
short distance, so as not to be remarkable, after you have passed. Thus they
have taken every precaution though they do not apprehend anything. Yet these
Orangemen are such a set, it might if possible be well if you could avoid going
to Sligo. 3 P.S. A current report in town that old Kavanagh of Carlow died last
The Correspondence Of Daniel O'Connell Volume VI. Irish Manuscripts
1837 Dublin Almanacy
William Samuel Tracy, Esq, J.P. Sub-inspector Sligo
Samuel Tracy, Sligo, 11 years 9 months previous service to passing of Act
2 October 1838 (FJ) The Irish Government
The last
number of the Sligo Champion contained a letter from Mr. O'Connor, the
secretary of the Liberal Club...Their promotion of Captain Tracy, and other
secret or professing Tories, and their ungrateful neglect of their best and
most devoted friends.
30 Nov 1837 House of Commons
Richard Blake. Colonel Perceval...I also wrote to Mr Tracy, a friend, in Sligo,
desiring him to show the whole of my papers to Colonel Kennedy...I have
answered all questions candidly, and, if necessary, I can adduce the testimony
of Captain Tracy to prove my innocence of the charge og having struck a man
during the election contest...[Sligo elections]
14 December 1838 (FJ)
Magistrates of Sligo have addressed W.S. Tracy, Esq., stipendiary magistrate,
on his removal from that county to this district [Limerick], and they express
their entire approbation of his conduct as a public officer and a gentleman.
The address was signed by upwards of 50 magistrates, and was forwarded by
Colonel Arthur Knox Gore, the county lieutenant.
1839 The Church of England quarterly review
Samuel Tracy, for nine years a sub-inspector of the police, and now a
stipendiary magistrate, altogether in the constabulary fifteen years, testifies
to the same facts connected with Ribondism as Mr. Fausset, and produces other
documents. He deposes that "one of the objects was to obtain an
independent legislature for Ireland, and to recover the estates that were
forfeited." He states that his informant in Sligo says, that "all the
peasantry, from sixteen to fifty years of age, are engaged in it, and that its
objects were to be obtained by force, the members being sworn to turn out at
two hours' notice."
(including a portion of Clare and Tipperary his district was formed on
the borders of these counties)
22 September 1838 (TH) The Lord
Lieutenant has been please to appoint Wm. S. Tracy, Esq, a Stipendiary
Magistrate for the county of Limerick, under the provisions of the act 6 Wm IV,
cap 13 – D.E. Post
William S.
Tracy, appointed 1 Sep 1838, Castleconnell
William S.
Tracy, appointed 1 Sep 1838, Bruff, Palasgreen from May
April 1840
Castleconnell Limerick, W.S. Tracy, This made a vacancy for John Drummond a new
1 May 1840
Bruff Limerick, J. Drummond, W.S. Tracy moved to Castleconnell a new station
20 June 1840 (TH) Wm. S. Tracy, Esq, Stipendiary Magistrate, is to be stationed
henceforward at Castleconnell
[1844] Ancient Union Lodge No 13 Limerick
This room [6 The Cresent, Limerick],
which has ever since remained the headquarters of Lodge 13...These stalls - of
which there are 11 - emblazoned with the coats-of-arms of their donors - were
presented by past High Knight Templars and Rose Croix Princes, and bear the
following inscriptions:-
...4. The Illustrious & Most
Excellent Brother William Samuel Tracy K.H. Kt. of the Eagle & Pelican.
Soverign Prince Grand Rose Croix. Most Wise Soverign of Prince Mason’s Chapter
No. IV. and Rt. Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master. July, 1844...
The Jewels are of solid silver, and
four of them bear inscriptions as follows:
Chaplain “Presented by P.M., W. S.
Tracy RA. and KT. To Union Lodge No. 13 A.L. 5840.”
12th December 1846 The Tablet
...(Limerick Chronicle)...We annex
the committal to the county gaol yesterday, by William S. Tracey, Esq., Michael
Burke, Bens and Michael Burke, jun., having been of an armed party who attacked
the dwelling-house of Richard Kennedy, of Portrenard, on the evening of the
29th hist and with having fired into the said house, and danger., ously wounded
Michael Kennedy, the son of the said Richard Kennedy."
1846 Slater
Castle Connell
Wm. S.
Tracey, Esq, (stipendiary magistrate), Grange
1844 Justices Of The Peace In
John Treacy, Tinnekelly, Mountrath. [Laois]
William S. Tracy, R .M ., Castleconnell & Killaloe & Murroe
Barrington's Bridge & Newpallas, [Limerick]
William Tracy RM, Castleconnell, describing his meetings with relief committees
in the baronies of Coonagh and Owneybeg. NA RLFC3/1/
William Tracy RM, Castleconnell, applying for payment of the £100 grant towards
the employment of the destitute poor on public works in the baronies of Coonagh
and Owneybeg. NA RLFC3/1/
William Tracy RM, Castleconnell, providing a further report on the state of the
potato crop in the Castleconnell district. NA RLFC2/Z14564
Draft of letter to be sent to William S Tracy requesting him to return the o1
16/10 remaining from the o200 sent to him to provide employment on the public
works in Cappamore district. NA RLFC3/2/17
31 January
1846 (N) News of the Week
The head-quarters of W.S. Tracy, Esq., stipendiary magistrate, are to be
transferred from Castle Connell to Murroe...
27, 1847 (FJ) The Coercion Act - Licences of Arms
...Limerick...Wm S. Tracey, Esq...Clare...Wm
S Tracey Esq.
28, 1847 (BL) Proclamation under the Act for the Prevention of Crime and
Outrage in Ireland
...William Samuel Tracy...
Society of Friends (Quaker) Congregational
1847 W.S.
Tracy, Limerick
A letter from
W.S. Treacy has been read the Seats ass decided to send thirty pounds
1847 W.S.
Tracy Limerick
Appl No. 26
from W.S. Tracy OBriens Bridge Co. Clare was read by the Secrs were desired to
send £20 towards the soup kitchen then there & to make them an offer of the
100 gallon boiler.
1847 W.S.
Tracy, Limerick
(A no. 26)
Limerick 2
mo 18 1847
W.S. Tracy,
Respected Friend
application to the Central Relief Committee of the Society of Friends in Dublin
for assistance for O'Briens Bridge having been transmitted by them to the
Auxiliary Committee here we are directed on their behalf to remit a donation of
Twenty pounds for the purpose of establishing the soup or porridge kitchen for
the relief of the destitute and as a further assistance for this desirable object
will forward a boiler of 100 gallons.
accordingly enclose half note for £20 on receipt of which being acknowledged,
the counterpart will follow.
Alexander }
Isaac W.
Unthank } Secs.
2 Mo 13th to
2 Mo 16th 1847 Grants made
20 W.S.
tracy Stipendary Magistrate, O'Briens Bridge Co Clare, £20, Soup Kitcken
1847 W.S.
Tracy, Limerick
W.S. Tracy
Co Clare
P.S. Our
committee will be glad to learn how the sum granted has been disposed of when
expended and should any further communicaltion be required on this subject
please quote the number on the top of this letter.
8 January
1848 (TH) Granting licences for arms
County of Limerick...William S. Tracy, Esq...County of Clare...William S.
Tracy, Esq
7 July
1848 (AC) Magistrates
...W.S. Tracy, esq, to the county of Cavan...[It does not appear that he
went to Cavan]
8 July
1848 (TH) The Magistry
W.S. Tracy, Esq., to the county of Cavan
25, 1849 (FJ)
William S. Tracy, RM, from Castle-Connell to
Chronicle Wednesday, June 6, 1849
It is
stated that Mr. Gonne Bell will succeed Mr. Tracy as stipendary
magistrate at Castle Connell.
The Lord
Lieutenant has directed Edward Gonne Bell, Esq. R.M. to take charge of the
district of Castleconnell, County Limerick, under the provision of the Act 6
William 4, cap. 13, in the room of W.S. Tracy, Esq. R.M. appointed to another
county. [Note: Antrim]
CAVAN [It does not appear that he
went to Cavan but went to Antrim]
7 July
1848 (AC) Magistrates
...W.S. Tracy, esq, to the county of Cavan...
8 July
1848 (TH) The Magistry
W.S. Tracy, Esq., to the county of Cavan
1, 1849 (BL)
S. W. Tracy Esq, our new resident magistrate
took his seat on the bench today for the first time...
29, 1849 (FJ) Address to W.S. Tracy, Esq, R.M. Belfast
...Lodge 13...- Limerick Chronicle
August 4, 1849
The Lord Lieutenant has directed Edward Gonne
Bell, Esq. R.M. to take charge of the district of Castleconnell, County
Limerick, under the provision of the Act 6 William 4, cap. 13, in the room of
W.S. Tracy, Esq. R.M. appointed to another county.
12, 1849 (BL) Freemasonary
...W.S. Tracy, Esq, R.M., Past Provincial
Grand Master of North Munster...14 Castle lane...new Masonic Lodge, No. 51...
1850 Thoms
Directory of Ireland
Samuel Tracy, Belfast, Magistrate
...The first meeting of the [Belfast Marine]
Board was held in the Mayor's Office of the Old Town Hall on September 14,
1850. The Mayor, Mr. James Sterling, and the Resident Magistrate, Mr. William
Tracy, were ex-officio members....
15, 1851 (BL) Freemasonry
...W.S. Tracy, Esq., Past Deputy P.G.M. of N.
Munster, and the Provincial Grand Master of the province of Belfast and N.
1851 Inspectors
General: twenty-ninth report on general state of prisons of Ireland
Board of
Superintendence...William S. Tracy, Esq.
William S.
Tracey, 54 years, appointed 1 Sep 1838, salary £400, District of Belfast County
Antrim, Public service: served 14 years as sub-inspector and county inspector
of constabulary.
19, 1852 (BL) Annual Exhibition of Works of Art in Belfast
...Fine Arts Association in Belfast...Wm
Tracy, Claud L. Nursey, Hon. Secs.
10, 1852 (BL) Belfast Annual Exhibition of the Fine Arts
...hoorary secretaries, W.S. Tracy, Esq, our
excellent Resident Magistrate...
William S.
Tracy, R.M., Ravenhill
Belfast Mercury - Tuesday, 17 February, 1852
Police Court Saturday, Feb.14
[Before W.S. Tracy, Esq., R.M., and John Clarke, Esq.]
Anglo-Celt June 3, 1852
Mr. Tracy, resident magistrate of Belfast,
is seriously ill from the injuries received in the attempt to suppress the
recent riot.
1852 Alarming riots in Belfast
The Belfast Cronical of Wednesday
morning:- “…The mayor, Mr. Tracy, and other magistrates, came on the
ground immediately they received notice of the encounter, and proceed to read
the Riot Act;…”
Guardian 17/7/1852 p.9
18, 1853 (BL) Belfast Government School of Design
...Committee...Wm.S. Tracy, R.M...
Report from the Select Committee of House of Lords on Consequences of extending
Functions of Constabulary in Ireland to Suppression of Illicit Distillation
Resident Magistrate station in Belfast...I have served in Limerick, a portion
of Clare, and a portion of Tipperary: my district was formed on the borders of
these counties...County Inspector...In Leitrim and Sligo...
6 October 1855 (N) Orange Impudence
At the
Belfast police court...Mr. Tracey, in sentencing the defendants, cautioned them
against the recurrence of similar outrageous proceedings...
Militia of Ireland
Antrim Second Lieutenants
William Samuel Tracy 9 April 1856
22 April 1856 Edinburgh Gazette
Antrim Artillery Regiment of Militia
William Samuel Tracy, gent. to be Second Lieutenant, vice Clarke, promoted.
First Lieutenants
William Samuel Tracy 19 March 1859
14 April 1859 IT
The Royal Antrim Artillery…The following officers have joined the regiment since its embodiment on Tuesday…First Lieutenants…W.S. Tracy…
28 May 1859 Pilot (Boston & NY)
Militia Appointments. Antrim Artillery—Second Lieutenant, W. S. Tracy, vice
M’Neill, removed. To be Second Lieutenants...James Craig, Gent, vice Tracy,
22, 1856 (BL) Antrim Artillery Regiment of Militia
Wm. Samuel Tracy, gent, to be second
April 1859 IT
The Royal Antrim Artillery...The following officers
have joined the regiment since its embodiment on Tuesday…First Lieutenants…W.S.
30, 1859 (FJ) Irish Militia Appointments
Antrim Artillery. To be First Lietenant -
Second Lietenant W S Tracy...
7, 1859 (FJ) Irish Militia
Antrim Artillery...vice Tracey resigned...
Royal Antrim Artillery...First
Lieutenants...William Samuel Tracy 19 Mar 59...
6, 1856 (BL) Sailor's Home
...W.S. Tracy, Chairman of Committee...
1, 1856 (BL) Grand Ball to the County Antrim Militia Regiments
...Mr, Miss and Lieut Adair, and Mr.
Tracy;...Mr. T. Tracy, Mr, Mrs and Misses Tracy...
30, 1856 (BL) W.S. Tracy, Esq., R.M. and his assailants in the Press
...an article published in the Whig of
Saturday, however, requires some notice at our hands...contempt of court...the
2, 1856 (BL) Juvenile reform
...establisment of a Reformatory
Institution...committee...W.S. Tracy, Esq...
September 1857 Evidence of William S. Tracy esq
Magistrate in Belfast for eight years, from the first of last July
21, 1858 (BL) Mr. Macartney MP and Mr. Tracy RM
11 August 1858
William ?S. Tracy, Imperial Hotel, Dublin: about Mr Macartney's public
attack on his character.
1 January 1859 (N)
The Belfast Investigation
This investigation was commenced in the county jail before Mr Tracey
and number of police officials. [sercret societies]
December 1859 New
Masonic Lodge in Dungannon
...The proceedings were conducted by Br. W.S. Tracy, D.P.G.M. of
1859 Thom's Almanac and Official Directory of Ireland
William Samuel Tracy,
Resident Magistrate, Belfast Antrim, appointed 1838
Army List
William S. Tracy, 2nd
Lieutenant, Antrim Artillery, 9 Apr 56
William S.
Tracy, 61 years, appointed 1 Sep 1838, salary £500, no fees, District of
Belfast County Antrim, Public service: in the constabulary 14 years.
Tracy, R.M., Tudor Lodge, Crumlin Road.
Held in the
Court-house, Howard Street, every day, at half-past ten o'clock. W. S.
Tracy, Esq., Resident Magistrate. Clerks, J. Searight and G. Kennedy.
under the Mercantile Marine Act 1850, for the examination of masters and mates,
and the shipping and discharging of crews. Members of the Board - Ex-Officio
members, Mayor of Belfast and W. S. Tracy, Esq., Resident Magistrate…
Sailor’s Home
Tomb Street - Established in 1852, for providing a suitable home for
seamen, with opportunities for mental improvement and religious instruction.
Patron, Hid Excellency the Earl of Eglinton and Winton. Vice-Patron,
Captain W. H. Hall, C.B. President, the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor and
Dromore. Vice-President, the Mayor of Belfast. Managing Committee - W.
S. Tracy, Esq.,…
School of Art
In connexion with the department of Science and Art, Marlborough House.
Officers for 1861: President - Lord Dufferin and Clandeboye. Vice-Presidents,
William S. Crawford, J.P., D.L.; S. K. Mulholland, W. S. Tracy,…
Masonic Hall, Donegall Place - Established 1st November 1851. Committee
(Original Members) W. S. Tracy, Lodge 10
Provinical Grand Lodge of Belfast and North Down: Meets on the second Wednesday
in March, June, September & December, at High Noon, in the Freemason's
Hall, Donegall Place, Belfast. Officers for 1861: R.W.D.P.G.M. - W.S. Tracy,
P.M., 10
in 1814 for the cultivation of Instrumental and Vocal Music…Vice-Presidents…W.
S. Tracy…
William S.
Tracy, St. Ann's Ward Townparks Crumlin Road Shankill Belfast Antrim
Lodge 121,
247, 314, 978 - 3 February, 1862 –
Read letter from R.W. Bro. Wm. J. Tracy, D.P.G.M. of Belfast and North Down...
May 1862 Cathedral Church of Connor, to be
erected in Belfast
Tracey, Esq, R.M...Subscriptions...W.S. Tracy, Esq, R.M. £20
June 1862 Masonic Female Orphan Society
...per the
hand of Wm S Tracy, Esq, Belfast:...W S Tracy, Esq, £1......per the hand of Wm
S Tracy, Esq, Belfast, in aid of the funds of the Masonic Female Orphan School,
Burlington Place:...
October 1862 Testimonial to W.S. Tracy, Esq.,
R.M. Belfast
We are
gratified to learn that it is proposed to present a public testimonial to Mr.
W.S. Tracy, on the occasion of his removal from Belfast, as a mark of the high
sense entertained by the community for that gentleman's character as a
magistrate, and his services as a citizen. Northern Whig.
7 Nov 1862 Belfast Newsletter. Masonic Banquet
and Testimonial to Wm. S. Tracy, Esq. Belfast Police Court [large article]
Address to
WS Tracy Esq from the Sailor's Home...ornamental illumination...first page of
the address itself Mr Tracys arms are
emblazoned...[by] Marcus Ward & Co., Donegall Place...
Photograph of WS Tracy Esq RM...an
excellent photograph...by brother Mason, Mr. Talbot of 12.5 Bridge Street, from
whom copies can now be had...of the retiring Deputy Provincial Grand Master of
Belfast and North Down.
November 1862 Masonic Banquet and Testimonial
to Wm. S. Tracy, Esq
On Tuesday
evening, a grand Masonic banquet and testimonial to the R W D P G , master of
Belfast and North Down, Wm S Tracy, P G R C, K H, on his removal from Belfast,
where he has sat for fourteen years discharged the onerous and important duties
of Resident Magistrate with exemplary zeal, ability and impartiality, took
place in the Ulster Hall. This public mark of respect was confined exclusively
to the members of the Masonic Order, in which Mr Tracy has long held very high
rank and office, and was kept quite distinct from the other banquet which the
gentlemen of the town generally are about to give him tomorrow evening. When
the brethern had all assembled, Brother Samuel Gibson Getty, M P, the Past D P
G M of Belfast and North Down, addressing Mr Tracy, said he regretted that, in
consequence of the non-complation of the plate by the goldsmith, they were
unable to present it on that occasion, but it would shortly be ready, and would
be presented in due course. Brother Getty then read the address. Brother Tracy
said that he had prepared a reply but, as he was labouring under a very serious
affection of the chest, caused by his having caught cold, he really could not
read it at that moment. If they would permit him, he would ask Mr Lanyon to
read his reply. Brother Charles Lanyon (Mayor of Belfast) then read the reply,
the conclusion of which was the signal for loud applause. Immediately after the
reading of the address and reply, the brethern proceeded to the minor hall,
where the banquet had been laid out. The interior of the hall was beautifully
decorated with garlands of flowers and with Masonic banners, symbols, &c,
the full meaning of which was known only to the members of the order. Covers
were laid for about 150. The chair was occupied by Brother S G Getty, MP. -
Northern Paper.
the undersigned Clergy and Laity of the United Church of England and Ireland,
resident in the united diocese of Down and Connor and Dromore...no religious
teaching of a denominational character be introduced...W.S. Tracy RM...
Return of
William S. Tracy Esq
I beg to
state that I am over 60 years of age, that I am not incapacitated by bodily infirmity,
or otherwise, for active duty, and that I attend the police and petty sessions
courts of Belfast on every day in the week except Sunday.
Wm. S. Tracy, Resident Magistrate, Belfast 1 July 1862
1862 Antrim County Directory
William Samuel Tracy (Res. Mag.) Belfast
17 Nov 1862 (BL)
W.S. Tracy, Esq, the resident
magistrate for the County Wicklow, recently appointed in the room of James
little Esq JP who retires, has taken up his residence at Dargan terrace, Bray.
November 1862
Mr Tracy,
the energetic Police Magistrate of Belfast, who has lately removed to Wicklow,
has determined to take up his residence at Bray. His furniture arrived here on
Friday evening, and he has, I believe, determined to occupy the house, No.5,
Dangan Terrace.
January 1863 IT
Tracey on the bench...
March 1863 Grand Masonic Ball
S Tracy PDGM...
April 1863 Grand Masonic Ball
S, Miss Jane and Mis Margaret Tracy, Bray...
29 April 1863 (FJ) Grand Masonic Ball
Tracey, Miss Jane Tracey, Miss Margaret Tracey...
April 1863 IT
Bray Petty
Sessions...W.S. Tracey Esq., R.M...
July 1863 Rathdown Horticultural Society -
First Flower Show
Tracy, Esq, RM, the Misses Tracey...
August 1863 IT
Tracey Esq., R.M...
February 1866
WS Tracy,
Esq., RM, has been appointed register to hear applications and grant licences
to carry arms in the county
March 1866 Newtown Petty Sessions
...WS Tracy
Esq, RM...
April 1866
Quarter Sessions...William S. Tracey, R.M....
Quarter Sessions
sessions resumed today…magistrates present…W L Treacy…[?]
29 October 1866 IT
Horticultural Society...W.S. Tracey Esq., R.M...
April 1867 Wicklow Quarter
Lodge of Masons, Bray 1867
October 1867 Amature Concert
Bray...Mrs. Tracey, Mr. Tracey, Miss Tracey...
Masonic Orphan Boys School
1870 Returns
relating to Constabulary Reward Fund and Superannuation and Reward Fund
Tracy, 17 Nov 1868 superannuation, £500 pension, 30 years service
23 July 1872 (FJ) Auction
...instructions from Captain
Tracy, J.P.,...on the premises, El Dorado, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin (in
consequence of the place having been disposed of)...[hay, cattle, utentils]...
July 1872 Sale
Captain Tracy JP, sell by
auction, on the premises: El-Dorado, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin...various
agricultural goods...
Tracy - On
Saturday 19th July 1873, at his residence, 102 St Stephen's Green, William
Samuel Tracy, formerly Resident Magistrate of the Counties of Antrim and
Wicklow. The funeral will leave for Mount Jerome Cemetery at a quarter to 10
o'clock tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.
22 July 1873 Belfast Newsletter
Tracy -
July 19, at his residence, 102 St Stephen's Green, Dublin, Wm. Samuel Tracy,
formerly Resident Magistrate of the Counties of Antrim and Wicklow.
23rd July 1873 The Late Mr William
S. Tracy, J.P.
102 St Stephen's
Green, South, aged 75 years, chief mourners were Henry Tracy, B.L., son of
William Samuel Tracey, died 1873 Dublin South PLU, aged 75 years, b. 1798, married, formerly
resident magistrate Wicklow, died 19 Jul 1873 at 102 Stephens Green, Mary
Behan, her mark, present at death, 102 Stephens Green
1873 Will
Samuel Tracy Or Treacy 19 Jul 1873 El Dorado Dublin, Bray Wicklow
and late 102 St Stephens green Dublin, RM, to Margaret Tracy widow and son
Henry Tracy, barrister
"Essay on the Bicentenary, 1732-1932, of Ancient Union Lodge, No. 13,
Limerick" by W. Bro. J.A. Haydn. Freemason. William Samuel Tracy K.H.
Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master. p.12.
Last update: 24
February 2025