William Treacy
of Bellmount
William Treacy (-1794 Belmount [Coan Dysart], Kilkenny) & Anna (1743 – 9
June 1829 Belmont buried St Mary's Parish, Kilkenny)
1.1 Catherine Treacy (1766-1818 Queens
County) married Thomas Budds (1754-1817)
Andrew Budds, son of Thomas &
Catherine,Treacy Richmond,84,died 1993 Victoria Australia
Catherine Treacy
Birth: Abt 1760-1775 in Queens Co (now Co Laois /
Leix)?, Ireland?
Death: 31st Dec 1818 age 52? in Dysartenos or Timogue?, Queens Co (now Co
Laois / Leix)?, Ire
Marriage 1 Thomas Budds b: Abt 1760-1770 in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland?
William? Budds b: in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland?
Thomas? Budds b: in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland?
Catharine? Budds b: Abt 1792 in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland?
Budds b: Abt 1795 in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland
Rebecca Budds b: Abt 1809 in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland
Andrew Budds b: Abt 1809 in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland?
Catherine Budds b: Abt 1814 in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix), Ireland
Frederick? Budds b: Abt 1815-1820 in Queens Co (now Co Laois / Leix)?, Ireland?
Possible grave: http://www.igp-web.com/laois/memorials.htm
My husband is descended from Andrew Budds, son of Thomas Budds and Catherine Treacy of Timahoe. Andrew (1804-1893)
came to Australia in 1832 with his brother William (circa 1800 to 1848) who was
probably born at Shradbally. I understand that it was their sister Elizabeth
who married Lewis Griffith.
I would love to know more about the Irish family. What was their connection to
Richard Budds of Carlow, if any? Why did Andrew call both sons Richard? Why
does William's grave state that he was the son of Richard?
Tricia hilder (Buninyong, Australia) lthilder 14 Aug 2009
I am descended from Thomas Budds and Catherine Treacy of Queens County (Laois). Their son Thomas Budds (County Coroner) built Timogue House in the early 1800s.
The names are brilliant as Thomas and Cath Treacey had children: Thomas, Richard, Andrew, William and John as well as several girls.
Much of the family moved to Australia in the 1830s.
I have a great deal of information about the family and would be interested in sharing with other descendants.
I would love to know if there is anything about the family left at Timogue House. (Family crest - or anything at all)
Rosemary 18th January 2013 & 19th February 2014
Charlotte Treacy [of Castlecomer Kilnenny] who married Thomas Budds of Timogue, Queen's County.
1.2 Andrew Treacy (1769 - 11 March 1844 Bilbo.
Buried St Mary's, Castlecomer)
(Bachelor, lived with Richard his brother at Belmont. Some of mother’s
brothers were surveyors too). - Memoirs
of George Tracy Henry
1.3 William Treacy (1776 Dublin - 1832) and Ann Bradley
William Treacy (malster
and merchant) married Anne Bradley (1782-1853) (15 October 1797 Wm Treacy of
Leighlin Bridge in the co. of Carlow, coal merchant, and Ann Bradley of
Coolbawn in the parish of Comer, spinster [Coolbaun Castlecomer Kilkenny]) (William Treacy, 1832, Prerogative Court
will, Exec: Anne Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow. IAR/1832/F/61.)
Anne,Bradley Treacy,71,birth(Kilkenny) died 1953 Victoria Australia.
1.3.1 William Tracy baptised 20 or 30/6/1799 (Parish of
Old Leighlin volume II,
p.428), died 1837? (see will 1837 Public Records Office) (William Treacy, Leighlin
Bridge, Co. Carlow, 1837,
Prerogative Court will. Exec: J Treacy, Bagnalstown, Co. Carlow.
1.3.2 James Treacy (merchant Leighlin Bridge) baptised 10/6/1801 ((Parish of Old Leighlin volume II, p.429) Parish of Wells, married Emma Magee (1827 Marriage Licence Bond???)
James Tracey of Leaghlin Bridge m. Emma Magee of Carlow Parish on 5 September [1827] ??? (Date unclear) by licence. Carlow Parish View Register
James Treasey &
Emma William Bernard Treacy baptised
William Bernard Treacy b. 19 Oct 1828 son of James and Emma Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge, merchant. Amilia Treasey b. 1 July 1830 bapt. 19 July 1830 Dunleckney View Register
Deborah Jane, dau. of James & Emma Treacy, merchant bapt Septr. 28 1834
Richard b.c. 1840 (1865 US Census)
Emily b.c. 1843 (1855 US Census)
Anna b.c. 1844 (1855 US Census)
Frederick b.c. 1846 (1855 US Census)
1855 Census - E.D. 2, Ward 2, Brooklyn City,
Kings, New York,
Other James Tracey
M 48, Ireland printer, naturalized, 5 years NY
Wife Emma Tracey
F 43 Ireland, 5 years NY
Child Emiley Tracey
F 12 Ireland, 5 years NY
Child Annie Tracey
F 11 Ireland, 5 years NY
Child Fredrick Tracey M 9
Ireland, 5 years NY
1860 Census - 2nd Division Of The 1st Ward
Debaura Tracey, 24
years, b. Ireland
1865 Census - No. 72 Ward 01, Brooklyn,
Kings, New York
James B Tracy Father M
58 Ireland, agent for printing
Emma Tracy Wife F 50 Ireland
Dappy Tracy Daughter F 27
Rich Tracy Son M 25 Ireland,
Piano maker
Emily Tracy Daughter F 23
Anna Tracy Daughter F 20
Fredk Tracy Son M
17 Ireland, boat builder
1865 Census - No. 71 Ward 01, Brooklyn,
Kings, New York
William Tracy Father M 37 Ireland,
Mary Tracy Wife F
33 NY
William Tracy Son M 11 Kings
Emma Tracy Daughter F
8 Kings
George Tracy Son M
6 Kings
Ellen M Tracy Daughter F 3
1870 Census - South Part Fifth ward Brooklyn
William Tracy, M,
42, Ireland, printer
Mary A Tracy, F,
38, New York
William Tracy, M ,
14, New York
Emma Tracy, F, 13,
New York
George Tracy, M,
11, New York
Ann A Tracy, F, 8,
New York
John Tracy, M, 1,
New York
1880 Census - 47 Canton St, Brooklyn, Kings,
New York
William B Tracey Self M
53 Ireland, printer
Mary A Tracey Wife F 48 New York, United States
William Tracey Son M 24 New York, United States, dry g. clerk
Emmer Tracey Daughter F 23 New York, United States, ruber packer
Maggie [Annmage?
crossed out] Tracey Daughter F 17 New
York, United States
John Tracey Son M
12 New York, United States
Edward Tracey Son M 9 New York, United States
Margret Tracey Daughter F 6 New York, United States
Emma Treacy married
William Burtis Mercoun before 1887.
Nov 18, 1888 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
(Brooklyn, New York)
Treacy - On
Thursday, November 15, 1888, William B. Treacy, aged 58 years.
Relatives and
friends, also member of U. S. Grant Club and Court General George Washington
No. 7,644, Ancient Order of Foresters, of which he was a member, are
repectfully invited to attend the funeral on Sunday afternoon, November 18 at
10:45 from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William B. Mercoun, 134 Dutfield
William J. Tracey died 5 Aug 1904 47 Canton
St. Brooklyn Kings New York, Single, Clerk, b. 1856 New York City, (s. of
William E. Tracy b. Ireland & Mary A. Dilon b. New York City) buried 8 Aug
1904 Evergreens Cemetery
Margaret E. Tracy died 26 Feb 1917 236 Putman
Ave Brooklyn Kings New York, 43 years, single, b. 1874 US. (d. of William
Tracy, b. Ireland & Maria Dillan, b. US) buried 28 Feb 1917 Evergreen
Feb 27, 1917 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York)
Treacy - On Monday, February 26, 1917, at the
residence of her sister Mrs. William B. Mercoun, 236 Putnam av, Margaret E.
Treacy. Funeral services on Wednesday, February 28, at 2 p.m. Internment at
Evergreens Cemetery
1870 Census - 10th Ward Brooklyn New York
James B Tracey M 68y Ireland
Emma Tracey F 64y Ireland
William Tracey M 38y Ireland
Amelia Tracey F 36y Ireland
Delno [Debra]
Tracey F 30y Ireland
Richard Tracey M 26y Ireland
Piano makr
Emily Tracey F 18y Ireland
Anna Tracey F 17y Ireland
Tracey M 16y Ireland Artist
27 January 1875 The Brooklyn Daily eagle
Treacy - In this city, Wednesday morning, January 27, Emma, wife of Jas. B. Treacy, in the 69th year of her age. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from her late residence 122 Hoyt st, on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, January 31.
1880 Census - Brooklyn, Kings, New York,
United States
Household Gender
Age Birthplace
Self Emily Tracy
F 33 Ireland
Sister Anna Tracy
F 30 Ireland
Brother Frederick Tracy M 27 Ireland, Ship Carpenter
Other Horace N. Mcgee M 40 Ireland
Richard B. Treacy, 30, b. 1840 Ireland (s. of James B. Treacy & Emma Mcgee) married Margaret Elizabeth Rouget, 23, b. 1847 New Utrecht, L.I. (d. of Peter Rouget & Rebecca Van Nuyse) 23 Jun 1870 Brooklyn, Kings, New York
July 10, 1878 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York)
Treacy - Wednesday, July 10, of cholera infantium, Louis, youngest son of Richard B and Margaret Treacy, aged 9 months and 27 days.
Funeral from 122 Hoyt st. Friday at 10 a.m.
1880 Census - Brooklyn, Kings, New York,
United States
Self Richard B. Tracy M 40 Ireland, Piano & Music Dealer
Wife Margarett E. Tracy F 33 New York, United States
Son James A. Tracy M 9 New York, United States
Daughter Rebecca Van N. Tracy F 5 New York, United States
Richard B. Treacy & Margaret Rouget
Pierre Rouget Treacy b. 29 Jun 1882 Brooklyn, Kings, New York
1892 Census - Brooklyn, Ward 06, E.D. 11
Richard B
Treacy M 51, b. Ireland, Mercht
Margaret E
Treacy F 44 US
Anna M Treacy F 44
J. Arthur
Treacy M 21 US
Rebecca V N
Treacy F 17 US
Perry R Treacy M 9 US
Richd B Treacy,
Jr, M 2 US
1900 Census - Brooklyn, Election District 7
New York City Ward 3, Kings, New York
Head Richard B Treacy M 60, b. Sept 1840 Ireland, married 29 years,
7 child 4 alive, Emigrated 1860, Pianos,
Wife Margaret E Treacy F 53 New York
Servant June Johnson
F 20 New York
Son Arthur Treacy
M 29 New York, plumer
Daughter Rebecca V N Treacy F 25 New York, school teacher,
Son Pierre R Treacy M 18 New York, clerk piano Co
Son Richard B Treacy, Jr, M 10 New York
1905 Census - Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Head Johanna Rouget F 76y United States
Daughter Susan V N Rouget F 60y United States
Son Pascal Rouget
M 48y United States
Daughter Adele Tucker
F 54y United States
Son-In-Law Richard D Treacy M 65y Ireland, 25 years US, Piano
Daughter Margaret Treacy F 57y United States
Granddaughter Rebecca V N Treacy F 23y United States
Grandson Pierre R Treacy M 23y United States
Grandson Richard D Treacy M 14y United States
Servant Jane Johnson
F 26y United States
1905 Census - Brooklyn, Kings, New York
Head Jas A Tracy
M 34y United States, plummer
Wife Bertha Tracy
F 33y United States
Daughter Alice Tracy
F 7y United States
Son Robt Tracy
M 4y United States
1910 Census - Brooklyn Ward 10, Kings, New
Head Alexander Kellett M 65 Ireland
Wife Catharine W D Kellett F 61 New York
Son Alexander E Kellett M 32 New York
Son-in-law James A Treacy M 39 New York
Daughter Esther Treacy
F 38 New York
Daughter Amy E Donnell
F 30 New York
Grandson Robert A Donnell M 5 New York
James A Treacy died 17 Jun 1911 571 Warren St Brooklyn, Kings, New York, age 38, Married, plumber b. 1873 U.S. (s. of Richard B. Treacy b. Scotland & Margaret Rouget b. U.S)
1920 Census - Brooklyn Assembly District 8,
Kings, New York
Head Catherine Kellett F 70 New York
Son Alexander Kellett M 43 New York
Daughter Berthan Treacy F 48 New York
Son Robert Treacy
M 19 New York
1910 census - Brooklyn Ward 20, Kings, New
Head Richard B Treacy M 71 Ireland, Immigration 1848
Wife Margaret E Treacy F 63 New York
Daughter Rebecca V H Treacy F 34 New York
Son Pierre Rouyer Treacy M 27 New York
Son Richard B Treacy M 19 New York
1900 Census - Ward 3, Richmond, New York
Emily Tracy,
Boarder, F, 53, b. Apr 1847 Ireland, emigrated 1857 [with family of Wygant]
1856 Brooklyn City Directory
Tracy James, printer, N. Y. h. 80
1865 Brooklyn City Directory
Tracy James B. mer. h. 39 Willow
Tracy William, printer, h. 37 Willow
1879 Brooklyn City Directory
Tracy William B. printer, h 45
Tracy W. J. clk. h 47 Canton
1889 Lain's Brooklyn Directory
Treacy William B. printer, h 47
Treacy William J. barkpr. h 47
Fred Treacey (1847-1891) Like many of the Eckfords, Fred Treacy began his career with the junior Marion Club of Williamsburg, but his path was not predictable after that and he became one of the most notorious “revolvers” of the era. After stints with the Franklins, Excelsiors, and Mohawks of Brooklyn, he left for Chicago in the middle of the 1868 season to play for that city’s Excelsiors. He spent the entire 1869 campaign with the Eckfords, then started the 1870 season with the Atlantics, only to return to Chicago in the middle of season to play for Jimmy Wood’s $18,000 nine. He remained in Chicago in 1871 and tied for the National association lead with four home runs. His wandering ways continued over the next five seasons as he roamed the outfields of a variety of major-league teams, finishing up with the Mutuals in 1876. He kept a low profile after leaving baseball but several newspaper articles had him back in Brooklyn. Based on that, there’s only one viable candidate: a name named Frederick B. Treacy who was born in County Carlow, Ireland, around 1848, grew up in Brooklyn and died there on January 26 1891. This man had several different occupations in the Brooklyn city directories and was listed in the 1880 census as a ship’s carpenter, another intriguing link to the Eckfords. Peter Morris believes that the
Frederick B. Treacy
who appears as a clerk in the Brooklyn city directory between 1879 and 1891 may be the player. Morris
believes the player died in 1891. Morris further calls into question the
assertion that the Pete Treacey who played alongside Fred on the 1876 Mutuals
is Fred's brother. October 08, 1910 The Washington herald
(Washington, D.C.) Who's Who in Baseball - Fred Treacy -
Inflelder Chicago 1870-71; Philadelphia, Athletics 1872; Philadelphia 1873,
Chicago 1874; New York Mutuals 1876; Alaska 1877; Jersey City 1878-79. Ref: Peter Morris, William J.
Ryczek, Jan Finkel, Leonard Levin, Richard Malatzky, editors (2013) Base
Ball Founders: The Clubs, Players and Cities of the Northeast That
established the game. McFarland, North Carolina. Paul Batesel (2012) Players and Teams of the National
Association, 1871-1875 |
1879 Sheet Music August 26, 1905 New-York tribune |
Richard B. Treacy (1840-1914) R. B. Treacy Pianos and Music No. 64 Court Street. One of the best known of the houses engaged in the piano and music business in Brooklyn is that of Mr. Richard B. Treacy. This business was founded in 1880 by Mr. Treacy, who has been engaged in this line of trade since his boyhood. Born in Ireland in 1840, he came to the United States at the age of ten years, and in 1854 he entered the employ of Mr. C. Holder, a piano manufacturer, in New York, afterward being connected with other similar houses, and eventually being for four years a partner of the firm of MeGee & Treacy. His present premises are located in a fine four-story building, and consist of a store 25x80 feet in dimensions and a basement of the same proportions. Here Mr. Treacy has displayed a fine assortment of pianos, organs, sheet music, comprising all the latest foreign and domestic compositions, music books and music folios, piano covers and stools, violin strings, bridges, etc., everything in the stock being of the best. Mr. Treacy is agent for the famous Sohmer pianos, and for the James & Holstson's pianos, which are noted for the purity of their tone and general excellence. He is also prepared to furnish any other make of pianos and organs at the lowest obtainable prices, and can give as favorable terms as any dealer in the city. Mr. Treacy is a thoroughly trained piano manufacturer, and therefore all goods from his establishment may be depended upon as being first-class and in the most perfect condition. He is also in charge of the one hundred and forty-two pianos that are in the public schools of this city executing all the tuning and other repairs that the instruments require. In 1886, he had filled this position for
the last twelve years and given continual satisfaction. By his equitable and
fair modes of conducting business Mr. Treacy has acquired a patronage and
permanent customers from throughout the city and Long Island. In 1889,
he was choosen as a most eniment grand commander of the Knights of St. John and Malta; Sir Richard B. Treacy
Grand Commander (MEGC). His connection with the knights began 12
May 1887 when he was one of the incorporators of Palestine Commandery. At
that time he had been a resident of Brooklyn for fifty years, and has been in
the music publishing business here for twenty years. There was a collaspse of
the Knights of St. John and Malta in 1910. He died on the 22 April 1914 at Montclair
New Jersey but was stated in his probate as a resident of Kings Co New York
with no estate. His family lived at No.20 Cloverhill Place, Montclair, New
Jersey and he was survived by his wife Margaret E Treacy, daughter Rebecca VN
Treacy, son Pierre Rouget Treacy and living
at No. 571 Warren Street, Brooklyn, New York granddaughter Alice Treacy and
grandson Robert Treacy, daughter-in-law Bertha Treacy [widow?] Ref: 1886 Leading Manufacturers and Merchants City of
Brooklyn 1 October 1899 The
Brooklyn Daily Eagle |
20 Feb 20 1909 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle |
1.3.3 Marie baptised 3 Mar 1802 (presumed died as infant)
Maria, Dau. of William And Anne Treacy, Of Leighlin Bridge Bapt. March 3 1802
1.3.4 Maria Tracy baptised 13/3/1804 ((Parish of Old Leighlin volume III, p. 25) Parish of Wells
1.3.5 Anne Tracy baptised 22/12/1805 ((Parish of Old
Leighlin volume III,
p.27) Parish of Wells.
Sailed to Australia from Cork on the William Metcalfe with her mother and
Eliza. Arrived in Port Philip on the 28/8/1841. She married William Hovendon
merchant of Belfast, Victoria (Port Fairy) in Melbourne in 1843 (Reg No. 863)
24 March 1843 at Melbourne, Port Phillip District, N.S.W.
William HOVENDEN residing at Arthur's Seat in the District of Port Phillip
Anne TREACY residing in Belle Mount Cottage, near Melbourne
Witnesses: John TREACY residing in Belle Mount Cottage, near Melbourne
Anne TREACY residing in Belle Mount Cottage, near Melbourne
Catherine BUDDS
Married by: Rev. William WATERFIELD, Minister, Independent Chapel, Collins Street, Melbourne
Source: NSW BMD 1843, Volume 87, Entry: 50
AONSW Microfilm Reel No: 5034
William Metcalfe from London via Cork to Port Phillip 27 Aug 1841,
Mrs Tracy (Cabin 11)
Miss Tracy (Cabin 12)
Erasmus Wilson Hovenden, son ofWilliam & Ann,Treacy,
22,birth(Belf) died 1871 Victoria Australia
Anne,Treacy Hovenden d. of William,&
Ann Bradley Anne, Melbourne South,81, died 1887 Victoria Australia
Melbourne General Cemetery, Carlton, Victoria,
In Memoriam
Anne Hovenden
Aged 81 years died July 31st 1887
Also her two sons
Fredrick Augustus
Aged 43 years died Nov 13th 1888
Erasmus William
Aged 22 years died Dec 26th 1871
Annis Maria Hovenden
Born 11th June 1847
died 12th Sept 1915
Horace Nicholas Hovenden b: Abt 1844 in Arthurs Seat, Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia c: 1844 in St James, Melbourne
Frederick Augustus Hovenden b: Abt 1845 in Collingwood, Victoria, Australia c: 1846 in St James, Melbourne
Annas Hovenden b: Abt 1848 in Belfast (now Port Fairy), Victoria, Australia c: 1848 in Belfast (now Port Fairy)
Erasmus Wilson or William Hovenden b: Abt 1849 in Belfast (now Port Fairy), Victoria, Australia c: 1849 in Belfast (now Port Fairy)
1.3.6 Catherine baptised 1808 (presumed died as infant)
Catherine, Dau. of Wm. And Anne Treacy, Of Leighlin Bridge, Merchant. Bapt August 18 1808
1.3.7 Isabella baptised 1809. Married Henry Eager of Dublin, formerly of
Blessington. Sailed to Melbourne on the Rienzi and arrived 24/1/1855. They had
six children. All their descendants are shown in the family tree compiled by
Doris Rowe, held by the Port Fairy Historical Society.
Isabella,Treacy Eager, d. of William,& Eliza Mccormack, Fitzroy North,80,
died 1890 Victoria Australia [Henry
Eager’s mother was Elizabeth McCormack.]
Isabella Treacy b. about 1807 & Henry Eager
1828 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Isabella Treacy (1809 - 7 Oct 1890 Fitzroy, Vic) & Henry Eager
(1800–1863 Wickcliffe, Victoria, Australia) William Henry Eager (8 Dec 1830 - 8 Dec 1903 Carlton North, Victoria, Australia) Anna Maria Eager (1832–1872 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) Henrietta Eager (1836–1862 Wickcliffe, Victoria)
Henry Eager b: Abt 1830 in Co Dublin, Ireland
Maria Eager b: Abt 1832 in Co Wicklow, Ireland
James Eager b: Abt 1833 in Co Dublin, Ireland
Eager b: Abt 1836 in Co Wicklow, Ireland
'Lissy' Eager b: Abt 1837 in Co Wicklow or Dublin?, Ireland
John Eager b: Abt 1838-1843 in Co Wicklow or Dublin?, Ireland
or Clifton Henry Eager b: Abt 1846 in Co Dublin, Ireland
1.3.8 John baptised 27 Oct 1811 – 1883 Australia. Arrived in Port Philip
in 1841, perhaps on a different ship. On the 2/5/1843 married Catherine Budds,
daughter of farmer, Thomas Budds of Queens county (Laois), Ireland. They had six
John, Son of William And Anne Treacy, Of
Leighlin Bridge, Merchant Bapt 'Oct. 27 1811.
John Treacy, son of William & Ann,Bradly Ann,died Hawthorn,71, 1883
Victoria Australia
1845 Port Phillip Merchants and Settlers Directory
TRACEY, Martin - "Daniel O'Connell Inn" - Bourke Street
TRACY, John - Collingwood
17 March 1883 The Sydney
Morning Herald [see
TREACY.-March 14, at Hawthorn, near Melbourne, Victoria. John Treacy,
aged 71 years, father of R. B. Treacy, of this city
1.3.8 1 Catherine "Kate" Treacy (1844–1924 Kangaroo Ground, Victoria)
of England)parish(St James Melbourne) William Treacy (21 Jun 1845 - 1918 Arthurs Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) married Marian Bartlam 1878
St,denom(Church of England)parish(St James Melbourne)
or William Treacy (d.
Carlow, Ireland) & Anne Hovenden[?] (d. 1853)
Son William Treacy Born June 21, 1845 in Melbourne,
Australia; died August 10, 1918 in Prarahn, Victoria
Who married Marian Bartlam
Father of William Raymond Treacy, Henry Budds Treacy, Reginald Bartlam Treacy and Muriel Frances Bradford Treacy born Hawthorn,
Australia Richard Bradley Treacy (1 Sep 1847 – 1904 Richmond, Victoria) married Alice Jack (1852–1936) 25 Mar 1878 Victoria
Bradley,John,Catherine,Richmond,denom(Church of England)parish(St James
1 February 1904 The Argus
TREACY.—On the 30th January, at his residence, Nelson Bay-road,
Waverley, Sydney, Richard Bradley, second son of the late John Treacy,
Hawthorn, brother of Kate Treacy and William Treacy, Camberwell, and Henry
Alfred Treacy, Fiji.
TREACY.—On the 30th January, at Waverley, Sydney, Richard B., second
son of the late John Treacy, of Hawthorn, Victoria, aged 56.
3 Feb 1904 The Sydney Mail and
New South Wales Advertiser (NSW)
Richard Bradley Treacy, 56, well known in Sydney Insurance circles. He
was at one time hon. secretary of the Philharmonic Society. Mr. Treacy had to
resign the post of country inspector of the Liverpool, London, and Globe
Insurance Company in 1898 owing to ill-health, and five years ago lost his eye
sight. Ruby Beatrice
Treacy (27.1.1880 Balmain, New South Wales - 1954) married Ernest Hubert Stephens
Ruby Beatrice Treacy m.
Ernest Hubert Stephens Sydney New South Wales (s. of Charles Stephens &
Marion Stevens) (d. 08 Jun 1951 Maseru Orange Free State South Africa, age 75,
b. 1876 Australia)
19 Mar 1954 The Sydney Morning Herald
Ruby Beatrice (Treacy).—March 16, 1954, at Maseru, Basutoland, South Africa,
widow of Ernest H. Stephens, O.B.E. Harold Bradley Treacy (9.8.1881 Balmain, New South Wales, - 1943) Adeline Vera Treacy (25.9.1885 Waverley, New South Wales – 1950 Maseru South Africa) Roy Hugh Treacy (Jan 1890 waverley nsw – 1967) married Anne Isabel Ritchie (1893–1970) 1921 Waverley, New South Wales 4.1 Joan Barbara Treacy (8.7.1922 Sydney, New South Wales - ) married Robert Malcolm 4.2 Peter Bradley Treacy (30/6/1925 Sydney, New South Wales - 2014) John George Treacy (26 Jun 1849 – 1881 Richmond, Vic)
George,John,Catherine,Richmond,denom(Church of England)parish(St Peters
Melbourne) Henry Alfred Treacy (4 Jan 1851 – 1911 Fiji)
Alfred,John,Catherine,Richmond,denom(Church of England)parish(St Peters Melbourne)
14 July 1911 The Sydney Morning
TREACY.-July 13, at Suva, Fiji, Henry Alfred Treacy, aged 60 yeans
18 July 1911 The Argus
TREACY. —On the 12th July, at Suva, Fiji, Henry Alfred Treacy, son of
the late John Treacy, of Hawthorn, brother to W Treacy, of Melbourne, and Kate
Treacy, of Sydney, aged 60 years. (By cable.) Walter Budds Treacy (1855 – 1887 Hawthorn, Victoria)
Budds,John,Budds Catherine,Hawthorn,
John Treacy (1811 – 1883) |
Bradley Treacy (1847 – 1904) |
Alice Treacy nee Jack (1852–1936) |
Ruby Beatrice Stephens nee Treacy (1880 – 1954) [2nd L.] & Adeline Vera Treacy (1885 – 1950) [R.] |
Pictures from: Joan Malcolm (199?) The Treacys: An
anglo-Irish Family in Australia. |
Harold Bradley Treacy (1881 - 1943) |
Hugh Treacy (1890 – 1967) |
Anne Isabel Treacy nee Ritchie (1893–1970) |
Malcolm & Joan Malcome nee Treacy |
1.3.9 Margaret baptised 4 Sept 1813
Margaret, Dau. Of Wm. and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge bapt Sept. 5. 1813
1.3.10 Andrew baptised 26 July 1815
Andrew, son of William and Anne Treacy, of Ln. Bridge. Bapt. July 26 1815
1.3.11 Jane baptised 13 April 1817
Jane, Dau. of William and Ann Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge bapt April 13 1817
1.3.12 Catherine baptised 7 April 1819. May have married Hugh Mailey, shop keeper, of Port Fairy (see Doris Rowe family tree). He is named on mother Anne’s death certificate.
Catherine, Dau. Of William And Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge, merchant. April 7. 1819
Catherine Treacy b. about 1817
& Hugh Macley (or Mailey) 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Nenagh Guardian
Miss Catherine Treacy of Carlow, daughter of William, married Mr Hugh Malley of Carlow on 29 Dec 1838
1.3.13 Eliza Helena was baptised 1821. Went to Australia with her mother and married Thomas Hamilton Traill Osborne in 18/12/1850 at Port Fairy. He was a newspaper owner and a member of the first Legislative Council of Victoria.
16 October 1850 The Argus (Melbourne)
Married, By special license, at Belfast
[Melbourne], on the 9th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Brain, Mr. T. H. Osborne,
Proprietor and Editor Belfast Gazette, to Eliza Helena, seventh daughter of the
late William Treacy, Esq. Merchant, Leighlin Bridge, County Carlow,
Helena Treacy b. 1821 d. 18 Jul
1885 , Victoria,
Australia married Thomas
Hamilton Trail Osborne b. 1806, d. 28 May 1853,
Victoria, Australia (Age
47 years)
Married, 18 Dec 1850, Port Fairy, Victoria, Australia
1. Anabella
Harriett Eliza Helena Osborne, b. 3 Oct 1853, Port Fairy,
Victoria, Australia , d. 29 Mar 1930, Victoria, Australia (Age 76 years) []
2. Thomas
Hamilton Treacy Osborne, b. 1852, Victoria, Australia , d. 11 Dec 1902, Warrnambool, Victoria
(Age 50 years)
3. Mary
Erin Clark Osborne, b. 1842, d. 23 Aug 1849, Victoria,
Australia (Age 7 years)
Thomas Hamilton Treacy Osborne (1851 – 1902) |
1.3.14 Harriet baptised 1824. Married Edwin Lane in Port Fairy (see
Doris Rowe family tree).
Priscilla Margaret Lane b: Abt 1846 in Co Cork, Ireland
Walter Tracy or Treacy Lane b: Abt 1848 in Co Cork, Ireland
Horatio Reuben Lane b: Abt 1852
1.4 Richard Treacy (1778 Kilkenny – 12
Nov 1852 Belmont buried St Mary's Castlecomer) married Anne Wilson (1795 – 21
Feb 1827)
Richard Treacy of Gowran married Anne Wilson
of Moneenroe 7 Jun 1813
Richard Treacy of Bellmount, 74 years, died 12
Nov 1852 St. Mary's Castlecomer
Anne Treacy of Coonwebb [Dysart in Tithe
Records] [Coan West? Dysart] died 21 Feb 1827, St. Mary's Castlecomer (Note:
wife of Richard Treacy of Coon West) [died of breast cance]
1.4.1 Anna Treacy (1815 – 20 Oct 1835
Cruttenclough [Croghtenclogh] Castlecomer, buried St Mary's Parish) (note:
given as Crutenclough or Cooen [E]) died at 20 burial record and at 14 -
1.4.2 Sarah Anna (Sally) Treacy (1 Feb 1817
John Street, Philadelphia, North America - 20 July 1851 at sea between Africa
and Australia) married John S Henry (1 Sep 1805 Vasonstown [Vesingstown] castle
Co Meath - 1894)
Sally Tracy baptised 30 January 1819 Mothell,
Sarah Treacy & John Stephenson Henry 1838
(Marriage Licence Bond) (Muckalee Parish)
Sarah Anna Treacy b. abt 1816 Philadelphia
[US] d. 20 July 1851 m. John Stephenson Henry 6 September 1838 Coolcullen
[Mothell] (LDS) [see Castlecomer]
15 Sep 1838 Leinster
Married - On the 6th inst., at Coolcullen Church, by the Rev Stevenson Hamilton. John Stevenson Henry, of Glanbane, Co. Kildare, Esq, to Sarah, eldest daughter of R. Tracy of Bellmount, in the county Kilkenny, Esq.
1838 The Nenagh Guardian
Sarah Tracy, dau of R, of Kilkenny, married
John Henry of Glanbane, Kilkenny
Voters Kildare
1835 George Henry, farmer, of Glanbane
Kildare, land, freeholder/leaseholder, £10 valuation
1837 John S Henry, farmer, of Glanbane Timolin
Kildare, house, land & premises, rent charger/freeholder/leaseholder, £20
valuation William Treacy Henry (19 Nov 1839
Glanbane Castle, County Kildare - 1913) Anna Treacy Henry (6 March 1842
Glanbane Castle, County Kildare - 1919) married George Treacy Henry (29 Aug 1843
'Glanbane', Athy, Kildare - 1928) Richard Treacy Henry (4 June 1845
Glanbane Castle, County Kildare - 1929)
Richard Treacy Henry, the fourth of seven children of John Stephenson Henry, a civil engineer, and his wife, Sarah Anna Treacy, was born at Glanbane House [Timolin], near Athy, County Kildare, Ireland, on 4 June 1845. The family emigrated to South Australia on the Asia in May 1851, arriving on 31 August. Richard's mother and infant brother died during the journey…
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
Volume 2, 1993 http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/biographies/2h30/henry-richard-treacy
Susanne Hill, John Hill (1987) Richard
Henry of Resolution Island. John McIndoe in association with the New Zealand
Wildlife Service, Dunedin, N.Z. John Treacy Henry (9 March 1847
Glanbane, County Kildare - 1854) Alexander Treacy Henry (30 Jan 1849
Glanbane, County Kildare - 1867) Andrew Treacy Henry (18 Nov 1850
Glanbane, County Kildare – died at sea 3 August 1851)
1.4.3 Louisa Cathe Tracey b. 19 April 1820 Carlow Parish (d. of Richd Tracey & Ann Tracey) View Register
(Louisa) Catherine Treacy (1820 – 1906)
married James Disney. He died a few months after marriage -Journal
Louisa Catherine Treacy & James Disney 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Most of our Treacy Girls died so young, with the exception of third Girl (Louisa) known as Catherine, who tragically was widowed only a couple of months after her wedding to James Disney. She was only 19 years old at the time. She was the only Girl who remained in Ireland, and was buried in Carlow, 1906 at the age of 86.
1.4.4 William Henry Treacy (1822 – 19 March
1853 Belmont buried St Mary's Castlecomer) married Maria Dobbs (1829 - 1915)
William Henry Treacy, full age, (s. of Richard Treacy) m. Maria Dobbs, a minor, (d. of
Kildare Dobbs) 8/8/1849 at Castlecomer
William Henry Treacy, full [age], bachelor, gentleman, lives Bellemount Co. Kilkenny, (s. of Richard Treacy, farmer) married Maria Dobbs, minor, spinster, lives Coobawn. (d. of Kildare Dobbs, sub-agent) 8 August 1849 Castlecomer St. Mary's Church of Ireland Wit: John Henry & Samuel Bradley [Castlecomer Kilkenny PLU]
30 Mar 1853 (BL) Death
Wm H Tracy Esq, Belmont, Castlecomer, died age 31 years
1901 Census
Maria Treacy, 72, F, 16 High Street, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Retired from Farming, Irish Church, Head of Family, Widow, In Ireland, Co Kilkenny
1911 Census
Maria Treacy, 78, F, 21 High Street, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (head, CoI, lady on an annuity, widow)
Emily Swan, 69, F, High Street, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (sister, CoI, lady on an annuity, widow)
Nellie Treacy, 18, F, High Street, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (servant, RC, single)
Treacy – January 22, 1915, at her residence, The Square, Castlecomer,
Maria, widow of the late William Henry
Treacy, of Belmount, Co. Kilkenny, aged 86 years.
1.4.4 .1 Richard Kildare Treacy (1851 – 23 February 1880 Belmont Coon buried St Mary's Castlecomer) (Address given as Billmount, Bilbo Parish of Cloydah [beside Tullowcreen])
Richard Kildare Treacy married Jeanie Sayers in 1878 [State Reg: Richard Kildare Treacy, Cashel, 3rd Quarter 1878 3 317]
Richard Kildare Treacy, full [age], bachelor, gentleman, lives Fethard Tip, (s. of William Treacy, gentleman) married Jeanie Sayers, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Fethard Tip, (d. of Fredrick Sayers, law agent) 25 July 1878 Fethard Chuch of Ireland Wit: John H. Harvey, Clerk of the Crown? & Joseph Dobbs. Robt Sayers Minister. [Fethard Cashel PLU]
27 Jul 1878 Clonmel Chronicle & 3 Aug 1878 Cashel Gazette And
Weekly Advertiser
Treacy and Sayers – 24th inst., at Fethard, Tip., by the Rev R.C. Sayers, cousin to the bride, assisted by the Rev J. H. Long, Rector, Richard Kildare Treacy, of Belmont, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, to Jeannie, youngest daughter of Frederick Sayers, Esq., and granddaughter of the late Hugh Lloyd, Esq, Ballyhane, Co. Tipperary.
No 89 Tracey ors Treacy & anor to Dobbs & ors
17 Oct 1878 Memorial of an Indenture Between Frederick Sayers of Fethard in the County of Tipperary Land Agent of the first part, Maria Tracey of Belmont in the county Kilkenny, widow, of the second part, Richard Kildare Tracey of Belmont in the County of Kilkenny Esquire son of the said Maria Tracey of the third part James Sayers of Fethard in the County of Tipperary spinster? daughter of Said Frederick Sayers , who fourth part and William Dobbs of the Cottage Castle Comer in the County of Kilkenny Esquire and Robert Ashby of Gilleagh? Lodge in the County Tipperary Esquire therein threshed was the said Trustees of the fifth part... that marriage had been agreed upon and was intended to be solemnized between the said Richard Kildare Tracey and Jennie Sayers and upon the hency for the said intended marriage it was agreed that the said Maria Tracey should conson of One hundred pounds per annum...sum of the thousand five hundred pounds...assign unto the said William Dobbs and Robert Ashby...Indenture of Lease of the fourteenth day of November One thousand eight hundred and sixty one... the Lands of Coan otherwise Belmont Compossesion of Maria Tracy and hereunder tenants bounded on the North by part of the Castlecomer Estate on the North Road leading from Castlecomer to Leighlin in the South by the road from Castlecomer to Leighlin and on the East by part of the Lands of Coan East containing One hundred and three acres Irish plantation measure situate in the Parish Dysart Barony of Fassadinin and County Kilkenny...[secondly lease dated 8 Dec 1863] that part of the lands of Count East called Belmont containing eighty ones Irish plantation measure be the same more or less with the house & thereon which said Lands are situate in the Parish of Dysart...[thidly lease dated 3 Jun 1832] Lands of Ardetagle [Ardateggle Killeshin] containing fifty acres Irish plantation measure situate in the Barony of Slievemarigue in the Queens County ...and Fourthly all that and those that part of the lands of Cutunclouth [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer] containing about two hundred acres Irish plantation measure or thereabouts pluck in the Barony of Fasaden and County of Kilkenny and held by the said Maria Tracey as tenant from year to year to the said Mr Wanderford at the yearly rent of One hundred pounds as there before recited and also all that part of the Lands of Ballethemon commonly called the Will and containing thirteen acres situate in the said Barony of fasden and County of Kilkenny and also held by the said Maria Tracey as tenant from year to year to the said MrWanderford at the Parlement of thirty pounds as thereinbefore recit
26 February 1880 Dublin Daily Express
Treacy - Feb 23, at Belmount, Castlecomer, after a few days' illness, Richard Kildare Treacy.
26 February 1880 Freeman's Journal
... Kildare Treacy. ...
Will: Richard Kildare Treacy 23 Feb 1880 Bellmount Kilkenny, gentleman, to Jane Treacy widow
1880 Richard Kildare Treacy, Belmount. [Will]
Edward Law, Kilkenny History – Miscellaneous Houses
Wandesforde Papers, University College Dublin, Archives Department
Richard Tracey & Jennie Sayers
This collection covers the legal affairs of the Wandesforde family of
Castlecomer, County Kilkenny. It contains a number of items relating to female
members of the family and others. They include copy marriage settlement, 1878,
of Jennie Sayers and Richard Tracey, 1878, providing for an annuity for Maria
Tracey, mother of Richard Tracey [S6/58/35]; also letters, 1905, on the
surrender of Jennie Tracey's farm and an annuity in lieu to be granted by R H P
Wandesforde, including one from Jennie Tracey saying she has never seen her
marriage settlement [S6/58/36], and surrender of a deed of covenant for
obtaining an annuity for Jennie and Marie Tracey, stating that Richard Tracey
died intestate in 1880, leaving his estate to his wife, Jennie Tracey; she
subsequently agreed to surrender the title to R H P Wandessforde in lieu of
Wandesforde granting her and her mother-in-law an annuity of £70 [S6/58/37].
Also deed of trust (1784) between Elizabeth Connor and Robert Warren Gumbleton,
under which Gumbleton is to become the trustee of sums owing to Elizabeth
Connor's daughter Mary-Ann, until she reaches the age of 21 or marries, her
marriage to be with the consent of her mother, Rev. Henry Connor and Gumbleton
[S6/58/13] Wandesforde Papers, University College Dublin, Archives Department
Drawing of polo match with Richard Kildare Treacy |
Mrs Kildare Treacy |
7 September 1889 Leinster Leader
Farm for Sale
To be sold, the tenant's interest in that part of the lands of Coon, known as Belmont in County Kilkenny, now in occupation of Major Powell, containing 155a 3r 30p, statute measure. Belmont is within five miles of Carlow and four of castlecomer, and within about an hour's drive of Milford Railway station. The lands are well fenced and watered, and are suitable for dairy and other purposes. The purchaser will be able to apply under Leaseholders' Clause of the Land Act to have a "Fair Rent" fixed. Additional land could be let to purchaser. For terms apply to Mrs Jeanie Treacy, Main Street, Castlecomer.
May 23, 1896 (KO) City of Dublin Nursing Institution
...Lady Superintendent [Mrs Treacy] being presented with a silver tea and coffee service by the nurses...portrait in water colour of Mrs. Tracey (created by Mrs Butler)...Mrs. Treacy replied as follows -...
1901 Census
Jane Kildare Tracy, 47, F, 594 Upper Baggot Street, Pembroke West, Dublin, Lady Supt of the City of Dublin Nursiery Inst, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Widow, Dublin,
June 1907 Rapport de la Conférence internationale du nursing, Paris
Discussion opened by Mrs Kildare Treacy, Président of the Irish Nurses Association...
Aug 14, 1908 (IT) Letter
...Mrs. J. Kildare Treacy, 86 Lower Leeson street.
1911 Census
Jane, Kildare Tracy, 27 Baggot Street, Upper, 59, F, Pembroke West Dublin (b. Tipperary, widow, CoI, matron Dublin Nursing Institute)
Feb 19, 1912 (IT) Obituary - Mrs. Kildare Treacy
...For twenty two years Mrs. Treacy presided over the City of Dublin
Nursing Institution as Matron...ardent supporter of the movement of the State
Registration of nurses...President of the Irish Nurses Association...
21 February 1912 The Daily Express (Dublin)
Funeral of Mrs. Kildare Treacy [no Treacys listed]
1912 A History of nursing
Our sorrow at the loss of Mrs. Kildare Treacy, late matron City of Dublin Nursing Institution.
July 27 1912 The British Journal of Nursing
The International Council of Nurses...The President speech in honour of the dead...[for] Jeanie Kildare Treacy, Ireland
1912 London Wills
Jane [Kildare] Treacy of 29 Upper Baggot-street county Dublin widow died 17 February 1912. Administration (with will) Dublin to Elizabeth Bradley married woman. Effects £240 in England. Sealed London 23 April.
Early in 1890...Mrs. Kildare Treacy was appointed by the directors [of The Council of the Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute]. Mrs. Treacy, who presided over her "family" from that date until her death, was a true and loyal Irish woman, her county being "Gallant Tipperary"; she acknowledged, with pride, that she had received her training as a hospital nurse in Ireland, and devoted her life, her wit, her humour, and her energy, to Irish nursing affairs. Having lost her parents and her husband early in life, she decided to be trained in hospital nursing, and having overcome the family opposition, inevitable in those days, entered the City of Dublin Nursing Institution as a probationer in 1887. Never was there a warmer enthusiasm for all nursing progress, nor a kinder heart than Mrs. Treacy's. Quite suddenly, in the winter of 1912, in the prime of her work and life, she was taken away by death.
Dock, Lavivna L (1912) A history of nursing; the evolution of nursing systems from the earliest times to the foundation of the first English and American training schools for nurses. Putnam, NY. Sarah Treacy (1852 – 1854)
St. Mary's, Ardra, Castlecomer, Kilkenny
William Henry Treacy
Who Died March 19 1853
And Dear Daughter Sarah
Who Died March 30 1854
Also In Memory Of
Richard Kildare Treacy
Who Died February 23 1880
Aged 28 Years
Notes: William Henry Treacy of Belmount Kilkenny, died age 31, was married to Maria Dobbs, daughter of Kildare Dobbs.Their daughter Sarah was 2 when she died. Richard Kildare was their son.
1.4.5 Emma (Emilia) Treacy (20 Jan 1823 Dysart
– ) married William Gordon (1816 - 1876)
Emma Tracey m. William Gordon 20 December 1845 Mothell
Emma Tracy, 22, from Belmont,
Parish of Dysart, C of I. (d. of Richard Tracy of Belmont, Farmer) married
William (27) a shopkeeper from Coolcullen, Parish of Mothel, C of I. (s. of
Samuel Gordon, Shopkeeper) Witnesses: Robert Gordon & James Stedmond. 20
December 1845 Coolcullen Church, Mothell, Ireland
Emma Tracey, 22,
spinster, lives Belmont, Dysart (d. of Richard Tracey, farmer) married
William Gordon, 27, bachelor, shopkeeper, lives Coolcullen parish of Mothell,
(s. of Samuel Gordon, shopkeeper) 20 Dec 1845 Mothell Church of Ireland Wit:
Robert Gordon & Maria Dobbs [Coolcullen Mothell Kilkenny PLU] [June in
online database]
Gordon, ,,,60,birth(Kilk) died 1876 Victoria Australia Richard
Treacy Gordon (6 Feb 1850 Kilkenny - 1901)
1.4.6 Harriet (Henrietta) Treacy (25 March
1825 Dysart – 1856) married Morgan O'Neill (1810 - 1896) of Scoltnocks? Carlow
- Journal
Harriet Treacy b. about 1823 & Morgan O’Neill
1844 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS) Anna Helena O'Neille (Feb 1847 Carrig, Co. Carlow - ) William Duke O'Neille (12 Jan 1849 Carlow - 1922) Harriet Lucinda O'Neille (1851 Carlow - ) Maria Louisa O'Neille (17 Oct 1853 Geelong, Victoria - 1872)
Maria Louisa, Oneil
d. of Morgan & Harriet,Treacy Harriet,,19,birth(Geel), died 1872
Victoria Australia
Harriet Treacy b. about 1823 & Morgan O’Neill 1844 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)
My name is Jeffrey O'Neill. On your Tracey Family web site you make mention of the marriage between Harriet Tracey and Morgan O'Neill. Harriet and Morgan are my gggrandparent.
Harriet and Morgan immigrated to Australia aboard the "Theodore" in December, 1852. If you are interested in further information please contact me.
Jeffrey O'Neill [jeff_oneill@unwired.com.au] 6th February 2009
…Morgan’s only son, named Morgan also, but called Mortimer, was married in County Carlow in 1844 to Harriett Tracy. Mortimer and Harriett had four children: Ann, born 1846; William Duke, born 1848; Harriett, born 1851; and Maria, born 1853….
Mortimer O'Neill (son of Morgan O'Neill and Eleanor Burrows) was born Abt. 1810 in Dunlickney, Carlow, Erie, and died June 06, 1896 in Box Hill, Victoria, Australia.He married (1) Harriett Tracey.He married (2) Eliza Burns on October 26, 1859 in Gulong, Australia…
Children of Mortimer O'Neill and Harriett Tracey are:
Anna Helena O'Neill, b. February 11, 1847.
+William Duke O'Neill, b. January 12, 1849, ,Carlow, Erie, d. November 02, 1932, Cremorne, New South Wales, Australia.
Harriett Lucinda O'Neill, b. March 18, 1851.
Maria Louisa O'Neill, b. October 17, 1853.
1.4.7 Lucy (Laucinda) Treacy (16 Feb 1827
Dysart – 1882)
Lucy Tracy, my Aunt at Geelong May 20th, 1882. - Memoirs of
George Tracy Henry
1.5 John Treacy (1779-1843)
Malcolm (19??) The Treacys: An anglo-Irish Family in Australia. [pdf]
William Treacy (1785-1820)
1. William Treacy/Tracy/Thracy (b.c.
1785 d. 5 Jun 1820 at Cruttinclough [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer], Kilkenny)
married Euphemia Shirley (als Kavanagh als Graham) 1814
William Tracey & Jane (or Fame) Shirly
1814 (Marriage Licence Bond)
1.1 John Shirley Treacy/Tracy (b. before
21 Jul 1816 in Coon Kilkenny, died 2 June 1895 Coon) married Alice Haskins 1841
John Tracey & Alice Haskins 1841 (Marriage
Licence Bond)
John Treacy of Coon, died 2 June 1895, age 81,
married, farmer, old age, Abraham Treacy son of Coon present at death
Alice Treacy of Coon, died 17 June 1898, age
80, widow of farmer, senile decay, Abraham Treacy son Coon present at death
1.1.1 Abraham Treacy (b. 1851) married Anne
Condell 1883
[perhaps died 1911 Infirmary Kildare, age 60]
Abraham Treacy (s. of John Treacy, farmer) famer of Bilbo m. Anne Condell (d. of Thomas Condell, farmer) of Augrue [Agharue Tullowcreen Carlow] on 1 February 1883. Wit: Thos Willoughby & Alicia Condel. Bilboa Parish View Register
Abraham Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, of Bilbo (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Anne Condell, full [age], spinster, of Augharue (d. of Thomas Condell, farmer) of Augrue Wit: Thos Willoughby & Alicia Condell on the 1 February 1883 Bilboa Parish Church of Ireland. [b. 1851]
Abraham Tracey (labourer) & Anne Tracey
Martha Tracey b. 25 November 1883 bapt. 13 January 1884 of Greenhill, Killeshin Parish View Register
John Tracey b. 2 November 1884 bapt. 4 January 1885 of Greenhill Cottage, Killeshin Parish View Register
Abraham Treacy & Anne Treacy
Mary Jane Treacy b. 31 May 1886 bapt. 22 August 1886 of Carlow Parish View Register Martha Tracey b. 25 November 1883
bapt. 13 January 1884 of Greenhill, Killeshin Parish John Tracey b. 2 November 1884 bapt. 4
January 1885 of Greenhill Cottage, Killeshin Parish Mary Jane Treacy b. 31 May 1886 bapt.
22 August 1886 of Carlow Parish View Register
1901 Census
Abraham Treacy, 53, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Visitor, Widower, Co Kilkenny
Martha Treacy, 16, F, 84 Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, House Maid,
Church of Ireland, Niece, Not Married, Co Carlow
John Treacy, 16, M, 1 Ballinateskin, Timogue, Queen's Co., Farm Servant, Irish Church, Servant, Not Married, Co Carlow
1.1.2 William Tracy (b. 1842) [married Catherine
Heffron? – see Mayo and Doonane RC Laois]
William Tracy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Ardough Parish of Kilabin of County of Carlow, (s. of John Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Heffron, full [age], spinster, lives Ardough Parish of Kilabin of County of Carlow, (d. of Michael Heffron, labourer) 20 April 1868 Registars Office Carlow Town Wit: Catherine Brennan & Thomas Moore, his mark [Carlow Carlow PLU]
1.1.3 Mary Anne Treacy (abt. 1845)
married William Stone 26 Jan 1865
Mary Anne Treacy, 20 yrs, spinster, lives Coone, (d. of John Treacy, farmer) married William Stone, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Skehana (s. of John Stone, farmer) 26 January 1865 Mothell Church of Ireland Wit: John Shirley & Robert Shirley [Mothell Castlecomer PLU]
Mary Anne Treacy (b. 1845 Coon, Kilkenny d. 5 May 1895 Skehanna Castlecomer Kilkenny) (d. of John Treacy) m. William Stone 26 January 1865 Mothel Church.
1. Martha Stone b: 10 MAR 1866 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
2. John Henry Stone b: 26 FEB 1868 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
3. Stephen Stone b: 25 OCT 1869 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
4. Alice Stone b: 26 OCT 1871 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
5. Abraham Stone b: 19 APR 1873 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
6. Catherine Stone b: 5 NOV 1874 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
7. Marriane Stone b: 15 APR 1876 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
8. Robert Stone b: 22 DEC 1877 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
9. William Stone b: 9 MAR 1880 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
Stone b: 26 AUG 1881 in Skehanna, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
11. Unnamed Stone b: 17 NOV 1883
12. William Stone b: 10 NOV 1885
John Stone
b. 1871 Kilkenny (s. of Marjorie Trecey
& William Stone) m. Sarah Kelley (d. of James Scallon & Mary Mc Ginn) 29
July 1930 Manhattan, New York, New York, United States
1.1.4 John
Treacy (b. 1847 d. 21 Jul 1929 Coan East, County Kilkenny) married
Elizabeth Sarah Sutcliffe 28 Feb 1867 in St. Mary's Church, Castlecomer
John Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Coon in
the parish of Mothel, (s. of John Treacy,
farmer) married Elizabeth Sutcliffe, minor, spinster, lives Clashduff parish of Shilmoean, (d. of James
Sutcliffe, farmer) 28 February 1867 St. Mary's Church Castlecomer Church of
Ireland Wit: James Sutcliffe & Ansley Graham [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
John Treacy, of Coon, farmer & Lizzie/Elizabeth Sutcliffe
Henry Treacy b. 18 December 1867 of Coone. Mary Sutcliffe present at birth Cloudsmount.
James Treacy b. 1 March 1869 of Coone. [joined RIC]
Anne Treacy b. 17 December 1870 of Coon. Anne Sutcliffe present at birth Clashduff.
Henry Treacy b. 15 August 1872 of Coon. Anne Sutcliffe present at birth Coon.
John Treacy b. 5 March 1875 of Coon.
Mary Jane Treacy 1 April 1877 of Coones.
Ellen Treacy b. 25 June 1880 - mother Sutclife [Helen Amelia Treacy?]
Francis Treacy b. 17 August 1882 of Coon [joined RIC]
Robert Samuel Treacy b. 1 November 1884 of Coon. Catherine Treacy present at birth, Coon
Anne Treacy b. 11 April 1887 of Coon
John Treacy, farmer, & Elizabeth/Lizzie Sutcliffe
Treacy b. 18 Dec 1867 of Coone [Coan Dysart] Mary Sutcliffe, present at birth,
Cloudmount [Kilmacar] [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [Registered 1868]
Tracy b. 1 Mar 1869 Coone. Bridget Poole, her mark, present at birth, Coone
[Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Anne Treacy b. 17 Dec 1870 Coon Anne Sutcliffe, present at birth,
Clashduff [Dysart] [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [registered 1871]
Henry Treacy b. 15 Aug 1872 of Coon. Anne Sutcliffe, present at birth,
Coon [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
John Treacy b. 5 Mar 1875 Coon. Anne Haskens, her mark, present at
birth, Coon [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Mary Jane Treacy b. 1 Apr 1877 Coone. Anne Haskins, her mark, present at
birth, Coone [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Henry Treacy died 1868, Castlecomer PLU, Aged 0, b. 1868, died 28 Feb 1868 Coone [Coan Dysart]
Treacy, died 1876, Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU, aged 5 years, b. 1870, died 12
Apr 1876 Coone [Coan Dysart – Castlecomer
CoI], spinster, daughter
of farmer, Anne Haskins, her mark, present at death, Coone
1901 Census
John Treacy, 54, M, 36 Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny
Eliza S Treacy, 52, F, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Church of Ireland, Wife,
Married, Co Kilkenny
Francis Treacy, 18, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
Charles Treacy, 16, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
John Treacy, 14 or 24, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
Anna E Treacy, 14, F, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
Abraham Treacy, 53, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Visitor, Widower, Co Kilkenny
1911 Census
John Treacy, 64, M, 24 Coan East, Mothell, Kilkenny (CoI, farmer)
Elizabeth Treacy, 63, F, Coan East, Mothell, Kilkenny
(CoI, married 44 years, 10 child 6 alive)
Charles Treacy, 26, M, Coan East, Mothell, Kilkenny (son, CoI, farmers son,
James Treacy, 9, M, Coan East, Mothell, Kilkenny (grandson, CoI)
1890 RIC Service
James Treacy, 54486, b. 1869 Kilkenny
54486 James Treacy, 21 years 5 months, 5'9.75", b. Kilkenny, Prot,
married 5.2.98 wife from Kerry, recommended by DI Maxwell, farmer, allocated 15
Aug 90, served Kerry 1? May? 91 - Limerick 12.3.98 - Queens Co 1.10.02 -
Wexford 12.5.10, 4 Punishments, Pensioned 1.4.21 69448D, pension £164.13.4,
Contd Carlow
James Tracey (s. of Jeremiah Treacy) of Kilkenny m. Elizabeth Scollard (d. of Nicholas Scollard) of Rockfield 8 September 1896 Wit: ??? Scollard & Daniel Healy. Abbeydorney RC, [Kerry] *
John Tracey b. 22 January 1897 Rockfield Sp. Patrick Scollard & Mary Scollard. Abbeydorney RC [Kerry]*
James Treacy of Cahirconlish & Newpallas Co. Limerick & Doonane [Laois], Constable RIC & Elizabeth Scollard
Gertrude Beatrice Treacy b. 27 July 1899 Caherconlish. James Treacy father
Nicholas James Treacy b. 24 April 1901 Newpallas Co. Limerick. James Treacy. [joined RIC]
William Sutcliffe Hastings Treacy b. 7 April 1902 of Newpallas. James Treacy father [joined RIC]
Lionel Alexander Treacy b. 7 May 1904 of Doonane [Rathaspick Laois]. James Treacy father.
Linda Olive Treacy b. 17 August 1905 of Doonane [Ballickmoyler Queens Co.] Jas Treacy father
* Marriage and birth not found in State registration. CoI in 1901 and 1911 census.
1901 Census
James Treacy, 31, M, 7 Kilduff, Grean, Limerick, Constable R I C, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny
Elizabeth Treacy, 26, F, Kilduff, Grean, Limerick, Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Kerry
Gertrude Bentrice Treacy, 1, F, Kilduff, Grean, Limerick, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Limerick
Nicholas J Treacy, 0, M, Kilduff, Grean, Limerick, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Limerick
May 2,
1910 (FJ) RIC
...Constable Jas. Treacy, Queen's Co., to Wexford...
28 May
1910 Free Press (Wexford)
Prefered Against Police-
...Wallace (Cappowhite) were engaged all day on Tuesday in Clonaslee
barrack investigating a number of charges against Constable Treacy of that
A great deal of public interest encircled the proceeding, which, strange to
say, were conducted in camera...a question will be asked in parliment...
Constable Treacy (Clonaslee, Queen's County).HC Deb 07 July 1910 vol 18 c1768 1768
§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the case of Constable Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee, Queen's County, against whom it was alleged that on a certain Sunday in October last, when acting as barrack orderly between nine and ten o'clock at night, he stopped two men outside the barracks, and, after procuring drink for them from an adjacent public-house, incited them to smash the bicycle belonging to the sergeant of a neighbouring station and throw it into the river; that on another occasion this constable supplied horns to two young men, prompting them at the same time to sound a local Protestant, lately married, with the object of annoying the sergeant; and that he advised certain persons to feign drunkenness before the sergeant, get arrested, and then go before a doctor and a magistrate and charge the sergeant with unlawful arrest; whether he is aware that evidence of a most reliable character is forthcoming in support of those charges; and will he grant a public sworn inquiry in order that the allegations against this constable may be thoroughly investigated?
§ Mr. REDMOND BARRY My attention has already been drawn to the matters referred to in the question, which were investigated by two experienced police officers some months ago. The Inspector-General then came to the conclusion that the case of Constable Treacy would be sufficiently met by his transfer to another county, as already ordered on other grounds. I see no reason for any further inquiry.
Royal Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 13 July 1910 vol 19 cc573-4W 573W
§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary whether he can say upon what date Constable Treacy left Clonaslee, and where he is at present stationed; and whether he is engaged in ordinary police duties?
§ Mr. BIRRELL Constable Treacy left Clonaslee on 14th May and is at present stationed at Coolgreaney [Coolgreany Co. Wexford]. He performs ordinary police duties.
Royal Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 14 July 1910 vol 19 cc591-2 591
§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he will order a magisterial investigation into the charges preferred against Constable Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee, Queen's County, seeing that the evidence of eight independent witnesses is forthcoming charging this constable with incitement to crime and outrage on three distinct occasions?
§ Mr. BIRRELL As the hon. Member has already been informed, this matter has been investigated by two experienced police officers. The constable has been transferred to another county, and I see no reason for any further inquiry.
§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, at the inquiry held on 19th April at Clonaslee, Queen's County, by District-Inspectors O'Connor, Kanturk, and Wallace, Cappawhite, into the charges of incitement to crime and outrage preferred against Constable Treacy, the evidence was taken on oath; and whether he will lay a copy of the report of those two police officers and the minutes of evidence upon the Table of the House?
§ Mr. BIRRELL Evidence was not taken on oath at the inquiry referred to. I do not propose to lay upon the Table of the House a copy of the report of the officers who conducted the inquiry.
Treacy, 41, M, 1 Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, Constable RIC, b.
Elizabeth Treacy, 33, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, married 13 years, 6 children, b. Kerry)
Gertrude B Treacy, 11, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Limerick)
William S H Treacy, 8, M, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Limerick)
Lionel A Treacy, 6, M, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Laois)
Linda O Treacy, 5, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, b. Laois)
25 Year Records
54486 Wexford, James Treacy, Con, 52 years, 30 7 service, £247.0.0 pay, £164.13.4 pension, start 1.4.21, treasury 14.4.21
Royal Irish Constabulary - Pensions
James Treacy, constable, [stationed] Wexford, 54486, b. 1869, Annual pension £164.13.4, commenced 1 April 1921 Kilkenny, The Colonade St. Canices Kilkenny [written in], April 1921 to October 1922 then transferred to new ledger.
1920 Dublin WH, lives Bray
Gertrude Tracey, 20, b. 1900, single, servt, RC, measles
1920 RIC Service
Nicholas J
Treacy, 74644, b. 1901 Limerick [son of James Treacy RIC]
Nicholas J Treacy, dob 24 Apl 1901, 5'7", b. Limerick lived Kilkenny Kerry
Limerick Cork jd Wexford, Protestant, recommended by DI Richmond, [tick] labourer
ex-soldier?, appointed 20 Oct 20, served Tipperary S 22.12.20, Disbanded
29/3/22 2.S. Tipp N.R. No.11 C.A. £50.14.0
Nicholas James Treacy
Service Number - W31757
Date of birth - 24 Apr 1898
Place of birth – Limerick Ireland [Note: Birth record may be Nicholas James Treacy, Registration District: Tipperary Jul - Sep 1901]
Place of enlistment – Claremont WA (Australia) 1939 - 1948
Next of Kin – Rita Treacy
1920 RIC Service
William Treacy, 71518, b. 1902
71518 William Treacy, dob 7 Apl
1902, 6'0.75", b. Limerick lived Kerry Kilkenny Wexford, Protestant,
recommended by HC Sullivan, Ex-soldier, appointed 31 May 20, served Tyrone 12
Oct 20, dismissed 25/10/21 64862D 4.11.21
Henry Treacy (b. 1872 d. about 4
Nov 1966 in Old Castle, Pollerton, Carlow) married Husband of Margaret
(Stephenson) Treacy — married 17 Sep 1902 in St. Mary's Church, Carlow, Co.
Carlow, Irelandmap
Henry Treacy, full age, bachelor, attendant
asylum Carlow, of asylum Carlow, (s. of John
Treacy, farmer) married Margaret Stephenson, full age, spinster, of Castledermot, (d. of Robert
Stephson, farmer) Wit: Mary Cordell & Richard Smyth Church of Ireland
Carlow 17 September 1902
Henry Treacy of Pollerton Road, Asylum attendant & Margaret Stephenson
Phoebe Treacy b. 23 October 1907 of Pollerton Road Carlow Town
1901 Census
Henry Tracy, 7.2 Strawhall Urban, Carlow, Carlow, 23, M, Attendant, Church
of Ireland, Servant, Not Married, Kilkenny
1911 Census
Henry Treacy, 38, M, 16 Rathnapish Rural, Carlow Rural, Carlow (CoE, Asylum
attendant, b. Kilkenny)
Margaret Treacy, 35, F, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow
Rural, Carlow (CoE, Married 8 years, 5 child, b. Kildare)
Hilda Elfie Treacy, 6, F, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow
Rural, Carlow (CoE, b. Carlow)
Eusebius Henry Treacy, 4, M, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow
Rural, Carlow (CoE, b. Carlow)
Pheobe Treacy, 3, F, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow Rural, Carlow (CoE, b. Carlow)
John Treacy, 1, M, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow Rural, Carlow (CoE, b. Carlow)
Helen Amelia Treacy, full age,
spinster, of Kiltown House Castlecomer (d. of John Treacy, farmer) married Arthur Alexander Murison, full age,
bachelor, land steward, of Smithstown House Castlecomer, (s. of Alexander
Arthur Murison, land steward) Wit: J Stewart Cobban & Martha? Elsie
Stephenson 25 April 1911 St Marys Church of Ireland Castlecomer
Helen Amelia Treacy & Alexander Arthur Murison of Smithstown, land steward
John Murison b. 13 April 1913 of Smithstown. Alexander Arthur Murison father.
Alexander Arthur Murison b. 20 June 1914 of Smithstown. Alexander Arthur Murison father.
Jessie Elizabeth Murison b. 27 September 1915 of Smithstown. Alexander Arthur Murison father.
Murison and Treacy, April 29, 1911
at Castlecomer...Alexr A. Murison, second son of Alexr Morison, Dunmore Park,
Kilkenny to Helen A., younger daughter
of John Treacy, Coome [Coole?],
Helen Amelia Murison nee Treacey, full [age], widow, BLANK, lives Castlecomer, (d. Joanes[?] Treacey, farmer) married George Raynor, full [age], bachelor, clerk, lives Gurteen [Gorteen?] Castlecomer, (s. of John? Raynor, farmer) 4 December 1922 Presbyterian Church St. Patrick City of Kilkenny Wit: David[?] Murison & Corolines[?] Brennen [Kilkenny Kilkenny PLU]
1906 RIC Service
Francis Treacy, 62231,
b. 1882 Kilkenny
62231 Francis Treacy, dob 17 Aug 1882 [24 years], 5'9 5/8", b.
Kilkenny jd from Carlow, Protestant, married 7.4.20 wife from Tyrone,
recommended by DI Carter, Asylum Attendant, appointed 15 Nov 06, served Meath 1st
May 1907 - Tyrone 10.5.12 - Cavan 5.3.1913 - Belfast 1.6.1913, Disbanded
20.5.22 T.S. Belfast No 16 C.A. £153.2.9
June 1913 IT RIC
John Duffy has been transferred to Count Cavan and is replaced by Constable
Francis Treacy, both officers having effected an exchanged.
Francis Treacy, full age, bachelor, R.I.C. constable Belfast (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Bella McCutcheon. ful age, spinster, lives Froughla [Freughlough Urney Co. Tyrone], (d. of William McCutcheon, farmer) Wit: John Baxter & Letitia McCutcheon 7 Apr 1920 Alt Presbyterian Church [Urney Donegal]
Dec 12, 1921 (FJ) [Belfast Riots]...Orange
gunmen...Constable Francis Treacy, attached to Brown Square barracks, was
wounded in the foot in Fairview? street...
Jul 29, 1922 (IT) Belfast and the North
Ex-constable Francis Tracey was awarded £20 at the Record Court for
injuries received whilst on duty in Twickerham street, Belfast, on December
10th 1921.
Francis Treacy, 12 Jun 1923, George Andrews Lodge 258 Belfast Co
Antrim, Constable R.I.C. Certified 12 Oct 1923. To 105. Resigned 1924.
1.2 William Treacy (b. 26 Jul 1818 in Coon
East, Co. Kilkenny d. Died 6 Jan 1900 in Plunketstown, Castledermot, Co.
Kildare) married Elizabeth Neile 9 Dec 1847 Baltinglass, County Wicklow
William Treacy, 28, b. 1819 (s. of William Treacy) married Eliza Neile,
19, b, 1828 (d. of James Neile) 9 Dec 1847 Ballynure, Wicklow (LDS)
William Treacy, 28, bachelor, farmer, lives Ardentagle [Ardateggle Killeshin Laois], (s. of William Treacy, farmer) married Eliza Neile, 19, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Tinnoran [Tinoranhill Ballynure], (d. of James Neile, farmer) 9 December 1847 Ballynure Church of Ireland Wit: William H. Treacy, Richard Jackson? & Thomas Neile [Baltinglass PLU Wicklow]
William Treacy of Donagile [Donaguile Castlecomer], farmer, &
Eliza Neill
MALE Treacy b. 29 May 1865 of
Donagile. James Treacy occupier of
the house Donagile. [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Samuel Treacy b. 29 Aug 1867 of Donagile. Harriet Copley, her mark, present at birth, Donagile [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Gleeson Treacy b. 4 Mar 1871 Donagile. Harriet Copley, her mark, present at
birth, Donagile [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
1901 Census
Leason Treacy, 30, M, 2 Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Farmer, Church
of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny
Martha Treacy, 27, F, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Church of Ireland,
Wife, Married, Co Wicklow
Elizabeth Treacy, 75, F, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Retired Farmer,
Church of Ireland, Mother, Widow, Co Wicklow
William Treacy, 23, M, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Farm Servant,
Church of Ireland, Cousin, Not Married, Queens Co
St Mary’s Church of Ireland Cemetery
1.2.1 James Treacy (b. 1849 d. 9 Jan 1937 in Newtown,
Castledermot, Co. Kildare) married Jane Higginson 22 Jan 1874 in Church of
Castledermot, Co. Kildare
James Tracey,
full [age], bachelor, famer, lives Newtown [Castledermot], (s. of William Tracey, farmer) married Jane
Higginson, minor, spinster, none, lives Ballyhade [Castledermot], (d. of John
Higginson, farmer) 22 January 1874 Castledermot Church of Ireland Wit: John
Neale & William Jackson [Castledermot Athy] [born circa 1849/1850 1901/1911
James Trasey/Tracy of Newtown, labourer/farmer & Jane Higginson
Elizabeth Anne Trasey b. 7 December
1874 of Newtown (Carlow LDS)
John Trasey 9 January 1876 of
Newtown. Martha Higginson Ballyhade present at birth
Martha Tracy b. 1 January 1878 of Newtown.
Jane Tracy mother Newtown
Caroline Tracy b. 12 June 1881 of
Newtown. the mark of Jane Tracy mother Newtown
Phoebe Tracy b. 14 December 1884 of
Newtown. Jane Tracy mother Newtown
Ada Jane Tracy b. 17 July 1886 of
Newtown Co. Kildare
Anne Tracey b. 6 November 1889 of
Newtown Co. Kildare
Susan Tracey b. 2 February 1892 of
Newtown Co. Kildare
Emma Tracey b. 29 October 1895 of
Newtown Co. Kildare
William Tracey b. 4 July 1900 of
Newtown Co. Kildare. Jane Tracy mother Newtown
James Trasey,
farmer, & Jane Higginson
Elizabeth Anne Trasey b. 7 Dec 1874 Newtown [Kineagh] Jane Trasey,
mother, Newtown [Rathvilly Baltinglass PLU Kildare] [Trassey in printed index]
[registered 1875]
1901 Census
James Tracey, 52, M, 2 Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmer, I C, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny
Jane Tracey, 47, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Wife, I C, Wife, Married, Co Kildare
John Tracey, 22, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Son, I C, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare
Pheobe Tracey, 19, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare
Carrie Tracey, 17, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare
Ada Tracey, 13, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare
Annie Tracey, 11, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare
Helan Tracey, 8, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare
Emma Tracey, 5, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare
William Tracey, 0, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, I C, Son, Co Kildare
Martha Tracey, 23, F, 7 Carlow Urban, Carlow, Carlow, General Servant, Church of Ireland, Servant, Not Married, Co Kildare
Ellis Island
Tracey, Castledermot Kildare Ireland, 1910, 24 years (Father: James Tracey,
Newtown, Castledermot, Co. Kildare. sister: Ms Phoebe Tracey, 735 Roldwon St
Waterbury Con)
Tracey, Castledermot Kildare? Ireland, 1909, 25 years, single, 5’9” dark
complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, Father James Newtown Castledermot, to Aunt
Mrs Hawson? 35 Baldwin St Wateron?/Gaterban? Conn. B. Newtown Ireland
Treacy, Newtown (Kildare) Ireland, 1909, 25 years, single, father James Newtown
Co Kildare. To aunt Mrs Jonny Dawson 735 Baldwin St Waterbury Conn. 5'4",
fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. b. Newtown Ireland [crossed out]
1911 Census
James Tracey, 61, M, 5 Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI, farmer)
Jane Tracey, 56, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI, married 36 years, 10 child)
John Tracey, 33, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (son, CoI, farmers son, single)
Caroline Tracey, 26, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (daughter, CoI, single)
Ada Jane Tracey, 24, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (daughter, CoI, single)
Helen Tracey, 18, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (daughter, CoI, single)
Emily Tracey, 15, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
William Tracey, 10, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
Caroline Treacy, full age, spinster, of Newton Castledermot, (d. of James Treacy, farmer) married William
Humphreys, full age, bachelor, land steward, of the Post Office Castledermot,
(s. of James Humphrey, postmaster?) Wit: Kathleen
Treacy & James Stephenson 25 July 1923 St James Church of Ireland Castledermot
Aug 6, 1923 (IT) Marriages
Humphreys and Treacy - July 25 1923,
at Castledermot Church, by the Rev H.A.D. Barbor, Willie, second son of the
late Mr. and Mrs Humphreys, Post Office Castledermot to Caroline Carrie?, daughter of Mr and Mrs Treacy, Newtown?,
Helen Treacy,
full age, spinster, of Newtown Castledermot, (d. of James Treacy, farmer) married Philip Stone, full age, bachelor,
farmer, of Kiltown House Castlecomer (s.on George Stone, farmer) Wit: Emmie Treacy & James Treacy 27 June 1917 St James Church of Ireland
Treacy (b. 1 February 1893 Castledermot Athy Kildare d. 26 May 1975 Kiltown,
Castlecomer, Kilkenny) m. Philip Stone of Skehanna Castlecomer Kilkenny abt.
William Leacock http://www.gencircles.com/users/leacock
Stone –
Treacy:– June 27 1917, at Castledermott Church, Co. Kildare, Philip Stone, son
of George Stone, Skehans, Castlecomer, to Helen
Treacy, daughter of James Treacy, Newtown, Castledermott.
Helen Stone b: 29 DEC 1918 in Kiltown, Ireland.
Ethel Stone b: 15 MAY 1920 in Kiltown, Ireland.
Eileen Stone b: 5 JUL 1934 in Kiltown, Ireland.
William 2007-06-14
Helen STONE b: 29 DEC 1918 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
Ethel STONE b: 15 MAY 1920 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
Ada STONE b: 4 NOV 1921 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
Caroline STONE b: 16 MAY 1924 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
Annie STONE b: 25 NOV 1925 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
James Philip STONE b: 23 OCT 1927 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
George STONE b: 10 OCT 1928 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
Sarah Mildred STONE b: 21 AUG 1930 in Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
Don & Jeanine Hartman 2011-03-28
Emmie Treacy,
full age, spinster, of Newtown Castledermot Co. Kildare. (d. of James Treacy, farmer) married William Edward
Ruddock, full age, bachelor, commercial clerk, of 144 Tullow St Carlow, (s. of
Richard Ruddock, land steward) Wit: William Humphrey, Jinny Treacy & James Treacy on the 30 June 1920 St James Church
of Ireland Castledermot.
Jul 7, 1920 (IT) Marriages
Ruddock and Treacy - At St. James
Church, Castledermot, by Rev. H.A.D. Barber, MA, Willie Edward, eldest son of
Mr and Mrs R Ruddock, Oldbridge, Drogheda, to Emmie, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Treacy, Moorstown,
Registrations of British Nationality
Reference: HO
Certificate Number: 193385.
Name: Reginald Treacy Ruddock.
Date of Birth: 9 November 1923.
Country of Nationality or Birth: Ireland.
City or Town of Birth: [unspecified].
Date of Certificate: 16 June 1972.
Home Office Reference: R 151299.
Date: 1972 June 16
Reginald Ruddock, b. Jan 1924 to Mar 1924 County Carlow, Ireland
Tr(e)ac(e)y (1895 – 1975) married William Edward Ruddock (1896 – 1938) St
James, Castedermot, Ireland on June 30, 1920.
10 children: William James, Reginald
Treacy, Richard Treacy (twins), John Alexander, Adelaide Joyce, Charles Cecil,
Kenneth Edward, Daphne Emma, Norman and Gladys Hazel.
Looking for any information on this family.
Lewis M. Ruddick Lewis Ruddick November 25, 2007
(State Registration: Tracey, Emma, Baltinglass, 4th
Quarter 1895 2 336)
1.2.2 Abraham
Treacy (b. 1851 d. 1932)
Abraham Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ardateggle [Killeshin], (s. of William Treacy, farmer) married Kate Tunstead, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Torolerton [Towlerton Killabban], (d. of George Tunstead, farmer) 23 May 1887 Wit: Richard Treacy & John Walker. Mayo Church parish of Killaban Queens County Church of Ireland [born circa 1848 1901 Census]
Abraham Treacy, died 4 March 1932 Ardenteggle
[Ardateggle Killeshin], widower, 81 years (b. 1851), farmer, myocardial cardiac
failure, Abraham G. Treacy son present at death Ardenteggle [Ballickmoyles
1901 Census
Abraham Treacy, 50, M, 2 Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Farmer, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Queens Co
Kate Treacy, 38, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., , Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Queens Co
Eliza Treacy, 13, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co
Maria Treacy, 11, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co
Phoebe Treacy, 10, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co
Kate Treacy, 9, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co
Martha Treacy, 6, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co
Abraham G Treacy, 1, M, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., None, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Queens Co
1911 Census
Abraham Treacy, 61, M, 2 Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co. (CoI, farmer, b. Kilkenny)
Kate Treacy, 47, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co. (CoI, married 23
years, 9 child 8 alive)
Phoebe Treacy, 20, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co. (CoI, daughter,
Katie Treacy, 18, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co. (CoI, daughter,
dressmaker, single)
Martha Treacy, 16, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co. (CoI, daughter,
Abraham George Treacy, 11, M, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's
Co. (CoI, son, single)
John James Treacy, 8, M, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's
Co. (CoI, son, single)
Annie Jane Treacy, 6, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's
Co. (CoI, daughter, single)
Elizabeth Lizzie Treacy (b. 1888 d. 1965) married John Watchorn 9 Oct
1907 in Mayo Church, Killabban, Co. Laois
Nov 23, 1903 (IT) Church
of Ireland
United Dioceses of Ossary, Ferns and Leighlin...examination for the
Bishop's medals...Lizzie Treacy (Killabban) [Laois]...
Mother of Elizabeth Violet Lily Watchorn, Richard Francis Watchorn, Kathleen Daisy Watchorn, Frances Eileen Watchorn, Abraham Sealy Watchorn, Effie Jane Watchorn,[private daughter (1920s - unknown)], [private son (1920s - unknown)], Eva
Watchorn and [private
daughter (1920s
- unknown)]
Maria Treacy (b. 20 Jul 1889 in Ardateggle, Co Laois d. 4 May 1947 Home
for Protestant Incurables, Cork) married
William Alexander John Gow 12 Nov 1924 in Mayo Parish Church, Klllabban,
Co. Laois,
Phoebe Treacy (b. 8 Jan 1891 in Ardategle, Co. Laois)
Kate Treacy (b. 1892/3)
Jul 30, 1904 (IT) Awards
No. 1 "Grann's Hamper" has been awarded to Miss Kate Tracey, aged 11, Ardentegle, Killeshin, Queens Co., for a letter about her home.
Aug 27, 1904 (IT) Prizes and Marks
First prize has been awarded to Miss Kate Tracey, aged 11, Ardentegle, Killeshin, Queens Co., for 1o marks.
Martha Treacy (b. 1895) married Robert William Victor Graham 1 Feb 1921
in Mayo CofI Church, Kallabbin, County Laois,
Abraham George Treacy (b. 6 Apr 1900 in Ardateggle, Co. Laois d. 1975)
married Eleanor Rothwell 19 Apr 1933 in Mothel C of I, Coolcullen, Kilkenny
George Treacy, 31, bachelor,
farmer, of Ardentegle Killeshin Co. Carlow (s. of Abraham Treacy, farmer) married Eleanor Rothwell, 19, spinster, of
Coolcullen Bagnalstown Co. Carlow, (d.
of Thomas Rothwell, farmer) Wit: Dick Watchorn & Lily Rothwell on the 19
April 1933 Church of Ireland Mothel
John James Jack Treacy (b.1902 d.1982)
Annie Jane Treacy (b. 1905) married Frederick James Nicholas Graham 8
Aug 1929 in St. Mary's Church, Carlow
William Treacy (b. 1906 d. 1906)
1.2.3 Phoebe Treacy (b. 11 Jul 1852 d. 12 Dec 1932) married Robert Stephenson 3 Dec 1874 in St Mary's Church, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
Mother of Margaret (Stephenson) Treacy, Elizabeth Stephenson, Annie Stephenson, Robert
Stephenson, William Stephenson, Martha Fedda Stephenson and James Stephenson
Phoebe Treacy, full [age], spinster, " [farmer], lives Donagile [Donaguile Castlecomer], (d. of William Treacy, farmer) married Robert Stephenson, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Coalstown Par of Castledermot [Coltstown Castledermot Kildare], (s. of Robert Stephenson, farmer) 03 December 1874 St. Mary's Church Castlecomer Church of Ireland Wit: William Treacy & Joseph Stephenson [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Tracy & Robert
Anne Stephenson
b. 15 May 1870 [?] Colstown OR Boystown Baltinglass Wicklow (LDS)
Margaret Stephenson b. 20 Aug 1875 Coldtown,
Baltinglass Wicklow OR Rathvilly, Carlow (LDS)
Anne Stephenson b. 15 May 1878 Ireland (LDS)
Robert Stephenson b. 26 Sep 1879 Baltinglass,
County Wicklow (LDS)
Tracey & Robert
Elizabeth Jane Stephenson b. 6 Oct 1876 Colstown,
Baltinglass Wicklow (LDS)
1901 Census - 2 in Coltstown, Graney, Kildare
Phoebe Stephenson, 47, Female, Head of Family, Church
of Ireland, Co Kilkenny, Farmer, Widow
Lizzie Stephenson, 23, Female, Daughter, Church of
Ireland, Co Kildare, Farmer's Daughter, Not Married
Robert Stephenson, 19, Male, Son, Church of Ireland,
Co Kildare, Farmer's Son, Not Married
Martha Stephenson, 18, Female, Daughter, Church of
Ireland, Co Kildare, Farmer's Daughter, Not Married
James Stephenson, 14, Male, Son, Church of Ireland, Co
Kildare, Farmer's Son, Not Married
1911 Census
Phoebe Stephenson, 57, F, 5 Coltstown, Graney, Kildare (head, farmer,
widow, CoI, b. Kilkenny)
Hilda Parsons, 12, F, 5 Coltstown, Graney, Kildare (granddaughter, CoI,
b. Meath)
Jane Treacy, 7, F, 5 Coltstown, Graney, Kildare (granddaughter, CoI, b.
1.2.4 Annie Treacy (b. 6 Jul 1854 d. 10 Dec 1927) married William Eagar 7 Jul 1885 in
Parish Church of Castledermot, Co. Kildare.
Mother of Peter Eager, Ellen Eager, Elizabeth Eagar, Anna Martha Eagar, Emily Frances (Eager) Carpenter and William Eagar
Anne Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, lives Plunketstown Castledermot [Graney], (d. of William Tracey, farmer) married William
Eager, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ballinamoon? Kiltegan [Ballinroan
Kilranelagh Wicklow], (s. of Peter Eager, farmer) 07 July 1885 Parish Church of
Castledermot Wit: Robert Giltrap, rector of Castledermot, & Martha Tracey [Castledermot Athy PLU
Kildare] [see Kiltegan
Peter Eager
Born in Ballinroan, Kiltegan,
Co. Wicklow
Son of William Eagar and Annie (Treacy) Eager
Died in District Hospital,
Baltinglass, County Wicklow, Ireland
Ellen Eager
Born about
[location unknown]
Daughter of William Eagar and Annie (Treacy) Eager
Wife of Thomas Finlay — married 27 Mar 1912 [location unknown]
Died after [location unknown]
William (Willie) Eagar
Born about
[location unknown]
Son of William Eagar and Annie (Treacy) Eager
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Eagar
Born about
[location unknown]
Daughter of William Eagar
and Annie (Treacy) EagerAnna Martha Eagar
Born about
[location unknown]
Daughter of William Eagar
and Annie (Treacy) EagerEmily Frances Carpenter formerly Eager
Born in Ballinroan, Kiltegan,
County Wicklow, Ireland
Daughter of William Eagar and Annie (Treacy) Eager
Wife of Abraham Carpenter — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Died after [location unknown]
1.2.5 Martha Treacy (b. 1858 d. 30 Nov 1898 Bortle, Kiltegan,
Co. Wicklow) married Richard William Gillespie 13 Jun 1889 Kinneagh Parish
Church, Co. Carlow
Martha Treacey of Plunketstown Castledermot
[Graney] (d. of William Treacy,
Farmer) m. Richard William Gillespie of Bortle [Borkill] Kiltegan [Wicklow] (s.
of John Gillespie, Farmer) June 1889 Parish Church Kinneagh. Witness: Martha
Neale & John Eagar. Charles W. Granly, Rector. Church of Ireland Kinneagh
Carlow [see Castledermot Kildare and Kiltegan Wicklow]
Martha Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, lives Plunketstown Castledermot, (d. of William Treacy, farmer) married Richard William Gillespie, full
[age], bachelor, famer, lives Bortle Kiltegan, (s. of John Gillespie, farmer)
13 June 1889 Kinneagh Church of Ireland Wit: Martha Neale & John Eager
[Kinneagh Baltinglass PLU Carlow]
Mother of Ellen Sophia (Gillespie) Jackson
1.2.6 William Treacy (b. 1860/1 d. 21 Feb 1924)
1901 Census
William Treacy, 40, M, 4 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
1911 Census
William Treacy, 49, M, 24 Donaquile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (head, CoI, farmer,
Treacy, 8 May 1924, late of Donaguile Castlecomer County Kilkenny, farmer,
who died 19 Feb 1924, to George Treacy, farmer. Effects …
1.2.7 John Treacy (b. 1860) married Mary Ann Fielding 1894 Victoria, Australia
1894, 06707, M, Tracey, John, Fielding, Mary, Kilkenny,
1895,25505,M,Tracey,Samuel,John,Fielding Mary,Whittlesea,
1897,07394,,Tracey,Rose,John,Fielding Ann,Whittlesea,
1898,07440,M,Treacy,William,John,Fielding Ann,Whittlesea,
1899,14607,,Treacy,Leason,John,Fielding Ann,Whittlesea,
1900,15323,F,Treacy,Martha,John,Fielding Mary,Whittlesea,
1901,15322,F,Treacy,May,John,Fielding Mary,Whittlesea,
1904,06885,M,Treacey,Richard,John,Fielding Mary,Whittlesea,
1906,07164,M,Treacey,George,John,Fielding Mary,Whittlesea,
1907,07041,M,Treacey,James,John,Fielding Mary,Whittlesea,
1.2.8 Richard Treacy (b. 1863 d. 20 Jul 1942 Kinneagh Glebe,
Tullow, Co. Calrow) married Gertrude Isabella Melbourne 3 Nov 1915 Parish Church
of St. Ann, City of Dublin
1901 Census
Richard Tracey, 36, M, 3 Ballycook, Kinneagh, Carlow, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Not Married, County Kilkenny
Pheobe Tracey, 18, F, Ballycook, Kinneagh, Carlow, Farmer's Daughter, Church
of Ireland, Niece, Not Married, County Kildare
Annie Stephenson, 21, F, Niece, Church of Ireland, Farmer's Daughter,
Not Married, County Kildare
1911 Census
Richard Tracey, 45, M, 1 Ballycullane, Lower, Graney, Kildare (head, CoI,
farmer, single, b. Kilkenny)
William Henry Tracey, 28, M, Ballycullane, Lower, Graney,
Kildare (cousin, CoI, farm servant, single, b. Kilkenny)
1.2.9 Annesley Treacy (b. 29 May 1865 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Co.
Kilkenny d. 23 May 1932 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny) married Susan
Tunstead 12 Jul 1893 Castletown Church, Killabban, Co. Laois
12 March 1907 James Tunstead
Administration of the estate of James Tunstead late of Poulpeasty County Wexford farmer who died 9 May 1906 at The Infirmary Enniscorthy said County granted at Dublin to Susan Treacy [Castlecomer Kilkenny] married woman. Effects £372.
24 January 1908 New Ross Standard
Chancery Division.
In the matter of the Estate of James Tunstead, deceased, between Susan Treacy, plaintiff, and Robert Tunstead and Maria, Tunstead, defendants.
Preliminary Notice Of Public Auction.
...10th day of December 1907, a farm portion of the estate of said James Tunstead, deceased, situated in the townland of Poulpeasty, Clonroche, containing 112 acres 2 roods statute measure...
Annesley Treacy,
full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Denaquilly [Donaguile] Castlecomer (s. of
William Treacy, farmer) married
Susan Tunstead, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ardateggle
[Killeshin], (d. of George Tunstead, farmer) 12 July 1893 Irish Church of
Castletown Church of Ireland Wit: Leeson
Treacy & Lizzie Tunstead [Killabban Carlow PLU Laois] Ansley Treacy of Donagile, farmer, & Susan Tunstead William
Treacy b. 12 Sep 1894 of Donagile George Treacy
[State Reg: Birth Castlecomer Apr - Jun 1896 vol 3 page 363] [died 1958] Analey [Ansley] Treacy of Donaguile, died 23 May 1932, age 66, widower, farmer, arteio sclerosis & cardiac failure, George Treacy son Donaguile present at death [born circa 1866] Leason Treacy b. 1 July 1899 of Donagile. Ansley Treacy father Elizabeth Treacy b. 15 June 1901 of Donaguile. Ansley Treacy father 1901 Census Ansley Treacy, 36, M, 7 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland Susan Treacy, 35, F, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Housekeeper, Church
of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland William Treacy, 6, M, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland George Treacy, 4, M, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland Leason Treacy, 1, M, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland William Treacy of Donaguile, died 20 December 1904, age 10, son of farmer, Tonsilitis & heart failure, Susan Treacy mother Donaguile present at death Gleeson Treacy of Donagile, died 31 December 1905, age 5, son of farmer, scarlet fever, Ansley Treacy father Donaguile present at death Elizabeth Treacy of Donagile, died 30 December 1905, age 3, daughter of farmer, scarlet fever, Ansley Treacy father Donaguile present at death 1911 Census Annsley Treacy, 46, M, 25 Donaquile, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (head, CoI, farmer) Susan Treacy, 45, F, Donaquile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (CoI, married 18
years, 4 child 1 alive, b. Queens) George Treacy, 14, M, Donaquile, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (CoI) George
Treacy (b. 9 Jun 1896 in
Donaguile, Castlecomer, County Kilkenny d. 14 Dec 1958 in St. Luke's County
Hospital, Kilkenny) George
Treacy, 33, bachelor,
farmer, of Donaquile Castlecomer, (s. of Onslow
Treacy, farmer) married Lizzie Agar, 20, spinster, of Croffen Clough
Crettyard Co Carlow (d. of John Agar, farmer) Wit: Abey Treacy & Maggie Agar on the 06 November 1929 The
Colliery Church of Ireland George Treacy &.Lizzie Agar William Treacey [State Reg: Castlecomer Apr - Jun 1931 vol 3 page 291] [Eager] Annasley Treacy [State Reg: Castlecomer Jul - Sep 1932 Vol.3 Page.285] George V Treacy [State Reg: Castlecomer Apr - Jun 1935 Vol.3 Page 289] Eileen S Treacy [State Reg birth:Apr - Jun 1937 Vol.3 page 283] Richard A Treacy [State Reg birth: Castlecomer Oct - Dec 1938 Vol.3 Page 263] James C Treacy [State Reg birth:Castlecomer Jul - Sep 1941 Vol 3 Page 287] Vera M Treacey [State Reg birth: Castlecomer Apr - Jun 1945 Vol 3 Page 333] Albert P Treacy [State Reg birth:Castlecomer Apr - Jun 1949 Vol 3 page 321] Gertrude J Treacy [State Reg birth: Kilkenny Apr - Jun 1954 Vol 3 page 343] Patrick A Tracy [State Reg birth: Waterford Oct - Dec 1958 Vol 4 Page 497] [Eager] Will:
James Tunstead To Susan Treacy [Castlecomer
Kilkenny] 9 May 1906 Poulpeasty Wexford Family Tree [with photographs] https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Treacy-127 |
February 25 1963 (II & SI) Won Pitman Shorthand Cup, with a speed of 150 words per minute ...Miss Vera M. Treacy (17), Doneguile, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, a daughter of Mrs. E. Treacy and the late Mr. George Treacy. She was a pupil of the O'Donnell Commercial College, 44 Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin... 2015 Colin Kidd, Amy Kidd, Mikey
Fogarty, T.J. Kidd Rachelle and [George] Victor Treacy with their winner
Rashaan |
Samuel Treacy (b. 29 Aug
1867 d. 1948) married Margaret (Sibbald)
Treacy 24 Apr 1895 in Parish Church of Killiney, Co. Dublin
1887 RIC Service Samuel Treacy, 52768, b. 1867 Kilkenny
Kildare 52768 Samuel Treacy, 20 years 2 months,
5'19.75", b. Kilkenny Kildare, Protestant, married 24.4.95 wife from Dublin,
recommended by DI Newell, famer, allocated 9 Nov 87, served Limerick 29 May
'88 - Dublin 15.7.91 - Down 16.7.95 - Belfast 15.2.02, P Act Sergt 1.6.1910 -
P Sergt 1.4.1912, 5 Rewards, Disbanded 31-5-22 TS Belfast No 48 CA £195-0-0,
Cond Queens & Wicklow Samuel Treacy, full [age], bachelor, Constable R.I.C., lives Ballybrack [Kilgobbin OR Killiney], (s. of William Treacy, farmer) married Margaret Sibbald, full [age], spinster, lives Kilboggett Cabinteely [Kilbogget Cabinteely town Killiney], (d. of John Sibbald, steward) 24 April 1895 Killiney Co. Dublin Church of Ireland Wit: Leeson Treacy & Saml Sibbald [Rathdown PLU] 1901 Census Samuel
Treacy, 33, M, 26 Castle Street, Comber, Down, Constable R. I. C., Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Marguerite Treacy, 25, F, Castle Street, Comber, Down, Constable R. I. C., Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Dublin Ernest K S Treacy, 5, M, Castle Street, Comber, Down, Scholar, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Down Ethel E Treacy, 2, F, Castle Street, Comber, Down, Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Down September 1907 IT Courageous Conduct...Constable Samuel Treacy, Belfast, Second Class and £1 10s. July 1910 IT Constable to acting Sergeant...Samuel Treacy, Belfast. 1907 Belfast Street Directory Samuel Tracey, R.I.C., 32 Willowfield Gardens 1910 Belfast Street Directory Samuel Trecay (Treacy Tracey), R.I.C., 38 Willowfield Gardens (off Woodstock Road) 1911 Census Samuel Treacy, 43, M, 38 Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI, acting Sargt. R.I.C. b. Kilkenny) Margaret Treacy, 33, F, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI, married 16 years, 4 child, b. Dublin) Ernest W S Treacy, 15, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI) Ethel E Treacy, 10, F, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI) Saml R Treacy, 9, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI) [joined merchant navy] Austin Treacy, 7, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI, b. Belfast) April 1912 acting Sergeant to Sergeant...Samuel Treacy, Belfast Ernest William Sibbald Treacy My Grandfather was Ernest William Sibbald Treacy was married to Evelyn May Hester (Morris) 25th August 1920 Belfast, Northern Ireland. Some of his family lived in Hollywood, Northern Ireland. Ernest’s Father was from Southern Ireland his name was known as Sam and his wife Elizabeth. But Sam and Elizabeth eloped to Northern Ireland and married and he was a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. I remember him when I was young and I am trying to find out more about his family. I have all the information on his wives and children. I am just trying to find out about his brothers and sisters and where they came from originally in Ireland. I myself was born in Ireland but later and I am living in the USA now. Ernest was the band leader of Sibbald Treacy’s Rhythm
Kings in Northern Ireland and played for the BBC. He also played the piano.
I would like to hear from anyone that knew him or may have any of his
sheet music. I remember as a child seeing all his sheet music with his
picture on the front of it and visiting him when he lived on the Antrim Road
in Belfast where there was a plaque outside the front door that read Musical
Director Sibbald Treacy Lives or lived here. I am not sure if it is still
there or not. Thanks, Rosemary Foffee3@Aol.com April 12th,
2008 Woods family from
Belfast and surrounding areas …Robert
Lloyd Woods, my father, married to Ethel Woods, nee (Treacy)… Rosemary Crain November 02, 2009 Margaret Sibbald, born 1872, married a Kilkenny RIC man, Samuel Treacy, in Rathdown in 1895. http://alison-stewart.blogspot.ie/2012/12/the-sibbald-family-of-renfrewshire-and.html 3 May 1912 London
Gazette For Registration as Temporary Boy Clerks (Postman) Ernest William Sibbald Treacy Ernest William Sibbald Treacy
&: Evelyn
May (Mary) Hester MORRIS (b: 28th April 1899 in Southampton New
York) Brian Treacy b. ??? in Belfast N.Ireland Audrey
Treacy b. ??? in Belfast Ireland (Last known living in England had been
married and had children.) Freemasons Ernest W S Treacy,
5 May 1920, Gothic Lodge 293 Ballymacarrett, Co Down, Musician. Certified 2
Jun 1921. Resigned 1923. To 340. Feb 16, 1921 (IT) Marriages [bad copy] Craig and Treacy - On Wednesday, January ?? 1921 at Willowfield Parish Church, ???, Robert William, youngest and ??? surviving son of Major Samuel Craig, Bonvisa? Antrim Rd, Belfast to Ethel Elizabeth Audrey, only daughter of sergeant Samuel Treacy, R.I.C. and Mrs Treacy, 35? Willowfield? Gardens, Belfast. |
Ernest William Sibbald Treacy 1930’S Other Broadcasting Stations, Northern Ireland. 6.00 Sibbald Treacy’s Rhythm Kings. Guardian newspaper 15 Aug 1930, Radio Times vol. 28 no. 359, p. 365 Photograph - Ulster Museum Sibbald Treacy's Counties Rhythm Kings band in ballroom at Northern Counties Hotel Royal Irish
Constabulary https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Royal_Irish_Constabulary Samuel Treacy 29 Aug 1867 Donaguile, Castlecomer,
Co. Kilkenny - 1948 https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Treacy-127 |
Leeson Treacy (b. 1871 d.
1951) married Martha Neale 14 Nov 1900 in Kinneagh, Co. Carlow
Leeson Treacy,
full age, bachelor, famer, of Plunketstown [Graney Kildare] (s. of William Treacy, famer) married Martha
Neale, full age, spinster, of Ballycook [Kineagh], (d. of Samuel Neal, farmer)
Wit: Richard Treacy & Anne Neale
14th November 1900 Church of Ireland Kinneagh Carlow
Leeson? Treacy, Farmer of
Plunketstown (s. of William Treacy,
Farmer) m. Martha Neale of Ballycook [Carlow] (d. of Samuel Neale, Farmer) 14th
Nov 1900 Parish Church Kinneagh. Witness: Richard
Treacy & Annie Neale. by Charles W. Granly
Leason Treacy of Plunketstown, farmer, &
Lucy/Martha Neill/Neale
Kathleen Tracey b. 17 August 1901 of Plunketstown
William Wellington b. 24 May 1905 of Plunketstown
Samuel Cecil Treacy b. 19 October 1907 of Plunketstown [Lucy]
Lucy Olive Treacy b. b. 19 October 1907 of Plunketstown [Lucy]
Alfred Treacy b. 13 November 1910 of Plunketstown
Elizabeth Treacy b. 18 January 1912 of Plunketstown
Richard Leslie Treacy b. 18 February 1913 of Plunketstown
Martha Treacy b. 22 March 1914 of Plunketstown
UNKNOWN Treacy b. 17 March 1915 of Plunketstown
1901 Census
Leason Treacy, 30, M, 2 Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny
Martha Treacy, 27, F, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Church of Ireland,
Wife, Married, Co Wicklow
Elizabeth Treacy, 75, F, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Retired Farmer,
Church of Ireland, Mother, Widow, Co Wicklow
William Treacy, 23, M, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Farm Servant,
Church of Ireland, Cousin, Not Married, Queens Co
1911 Census
Leason Treacy, 40, M, 2 Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI, farmer, b.Kilkenny)
Martha Treacy, 37, F, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI, married 10 years, 6 child 5 alive, b. Wicklow)
Kathleen Treacy, 9, F, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
William Treacy, 5, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
Samuel Treacy, 3, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
Leason Treacy, 2, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
Alfred Treacy, 0-4.5 months, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
Father of Kathleen (Treacy) Gilbert, William Wellington Treacy, Lucy Olive Treacy, Samuel Cecil Treacy, Leeson Treacy, Alfred Treacy, Marian Treacy, Richard Leslie Treacy, Martha Treacy, Stella Treacy and Annie Evelyn Treacy
1901 Kathleen Treacy
May 24, 1905 William Treacy
October 19, 1907 Olive Treacy
October 19, 1907 Samuel Treacy
November 22, 1908 Leeson Treacy
1910 Alfred Treacy
January 18, 1912 Marian Bunting
January 18, 1913 Richard Treacy
March 22, 1914 Martha Treacy
Richard Leslie Treacy, b. ??13 Feb 18 Castle Deromot Irfr
- Arrival Date: 26 Nov 1947 Buffalo, New York from Canada
1.3 Anne Tracy (b. 31 Aug 1820 d. 7 Feb
1912) married Henry Haskins about 1839
Robert Treacy (1783-1865)
Robert Treacy (1783-1867 Castlecomer)
Robert Treacy died 1867, Castlecomer PLU, aged 84, b. 1783, died 30
Jun 1867 Batty/Balty [Belmount Coan Dysart]. [CoI]
Joseph Treacy (1819-1899)
Joseph Treacy (s. of Robert Treacy, farmer) famer of Balteagh [Derry?] m. Anne Maria Wilson (18 years, d. of Michael Wilson, farmer) of Augharue [Agharue Tullowcreen Carlow] on 23 May 1854 Wit: James Campbell & William Clements. Bilboa Parish View Register
Joseph Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Balteagh, (s. of Robt Treacy, farmer) Anna Maria Wilson, eighteen, spinster, lives Augharne, (d. of Michl Wilson, farmer) 22 May 1854 Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: James Campbell & William Clements [Carlow PLU] signed his mark
Joseph Treacy of Belmount & Coone, farmer, & Anne Maria Wilson
Grace Treacy b. 4 August 1865 of Belmount [Coan Dysart]. Joseph Treacy father [his mark] [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Margaret Treacy b. 12 September 1867 of Belmount. Joseph Treacy father [his mark] [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Edward Treacy b. 3 February 1870 of Belmount. Joseph Treacy father [his mark] [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Maria Treacy b. 12 April 1872 of Belmount. Joseph Treacy, father, Belmount [his mark]
Lucy Treacy b. 13 November 1874 of Coone. Joseph Treacy father [his mark] [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Joseph Treacy b. 19 August 1879 of Coon. Joseph Treacy father [his mark]
Joseph Treacy of Coon, died 9 April 1899, age 80, married, farmer, senile decay, William Treacy son Coon present at death [his mark]
Joseph Treacy 9 Apr 1899 Balty Carlow, farmer,
to Anna Maria Treacy widow
1.2 John Treacy (1820-1888)
Treacy (s. of Robert Treacy)
m. Margaret Copley (d. of Richard Copley) 03 Mar 1851 Castlecomer, Kilk, Ire
Treacy, full [age],
bachelor, farmer, lives Bellmount parish of Mothell (s. of Robert Treacy, farmer) married Margaret Copley, full [age],
spinster, lives Donorghgile, (d. of Richard Copley, farmer) 3 March 1851 St.
Mary's Castlecomer Church of Ireland Wit: James Boyle & James Campbell
[Castlecomer Kilkenny PLU]
John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Copley
Robert Treacy b. 14 Dec 1864 of Danagile [Donaguile Castlecomer]. Mary Birth?, midwife, in attendence, Gurteen [Gorteen Castlecomer]. [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Margaret Jane Treacy b. 5 Jul 1867 of Donagile
[Donaguile Castlecomer] Margaret Treacy, mother, Donagile [Castlecomer
Castlecomer PLU]
William Treacy, died 1876, Castlecomer Castlecomer
PLU, aged 22 years, b. 1854, died 30 May 1876 Donaguile [Castlecomer
– Castlecomer CoI],
bachelor, son of a farmer, Margaret Treacy, present at death, Donaguile
John Treacy died 29
Oct 1888 Donagile, married, age 68 years, farmer, M. Treacy daughter present at
death Donagile.
Treacy, 16 Sep 1929, late of Donaguile Castlecomer County Kilkenny, farmer,
who died 29 Oct 1888, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …
St Mary’s Church of Ireland Cemetery
1901 Census |
1911 Census |
Margaret Treacy, 78, F, 5 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Irish
Church, Head of Family, Widow, Co Kilkenny George Treacy, 34, M, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer's Son, Irish
Church, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Margaret Treacy, 31, F, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer's Daughter,
Irish Church, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kilkenny |
George Treacy, 42, M, 23 Donaquile, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (head, CoI, farmer, single) Margaret J Treacy, 39, F, Donaquile, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (sister, CoI, single) |
1.2.1 Richard Henry Treacy (1852?-1923)
Richard Henry Treacy, minor, bachelor, farmer's son, lives Donagile [Donaguile Castlecomer], (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Mary Copley, minor, spinster, BLANK, lives Donagile, (d. of Richard Copley, farmer) 17 September 1872 St. Mary's Castlecomer Church of Ireland Wit: Richard Copley & Richard Richard? [Castlecomer PLU] (Note: after licence and with consent of parents)
Richard Treacy &
Margaret Coply
Mary Anne b. 21 February 1874 (LDS)
Richard Treacy & Mary Anne Copley
William b. 30 June 1877 Maynebog [Aghmacart] (LDS)
Richard Treacy,
farmer & Mary Ann Copley
Jane Treacy b. 25 October 1872 of
Donagile. Jane Copley present at birth Donagile [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
Richard Treacy, herd, & Margaret Coply
Mary Anne Treacy b. 21 Feb 1874 Maynebog [Aghmacart] Mary Anne OBrien, her mark, present
at birth, Gurteen [Durrow Abbeyleix PLU]
Richard Treacy,
herd, & Maryanne Copley
William Treacy b. 30 Jun 1877 Maynebog [Aghmacart]. Richard Treacy, father, Maynebog [Durrow Abbeyleix PLU]
Richard Treacy,
farmer & Mary Ann Copley
Kate Treacy b. 27 June 1880 of
Cloneen. Jane Copley present at birth Donagile [her mark]
Lizzie Treacy b. 29 August 1883 of
Cloneen. Richard Treacy father
Alfred Treacy b. 28 September 1884
of Cloneen. Richard Treacy father
James Treacy b. 3 November 1888 of
Cloneen. Richard Treacy father
1901 Census
Richard H Treacy, 48, M, 51 Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny
Mary Anne Treacy, 46, F, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Kilkenny
Margaret Treacy, 23, F, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmers Daughter, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queen's County
William Treacy, 21, M, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmers Son, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Queen's County
James Treacy, 10, M, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
1901 Census
Treacy, 19, F, 13 Coolcullen, Mothell, Kilkenny, Housekeeper, Church of
Ireland, Niece, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
Treacy, 14, M, Coolcullen, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of Ireland,
Nephew, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
Charles Copley, 33, Male, Head of Family, Church of Ireland, Farmer and Shopkeeper, Not Married, Co Kilkenny
1911 Census
Richard Treacy, 59, M, 46 Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny (head, CoI, farmer)
Mary Anne Treacy, 59, F, Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny (CoI, married 33 years, 6 child)
Margaret Treacy, 32, F, Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny (daughter, CoI, single)
William Treacy, 30, M, Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny (son, CoI, single)
Jane Treacy (b. 21 October 1872 -
Castlecomer, Kilkenny d. July 1949, 76 years) m. Edward Wynne (b. 17 March 1870
Borris Carlow d. 1929, 69 years) about 1900
[State Reg Marriage: Jane Treacy m. Edward Wynne Jul - Sep 1903 Waterford Vol: 4 Page: 319] [Duplicate Registration?]
[State Reg Marriage: Jane Treacy m. Edward Wynne Oct - Dec 1903 Waterford Vol: 4 Page: 356]
Kate Treacy, full age, spinster, of Coolcullen (d. of Richard Treacy, farmer) married Richard Reynolds Phillips, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Millfall Coolcullen (s. of Charles Lett Phillips, farmer) Wit: George Copley & Edith Florence Copley on the 12 November 1903 Coolcullen Chuch parish of Mothel Church of Ireland
Kate Treacy & Richard Renoldss Philips of Mill Fall Coolcullen, farmer & miller
Margaret Elizabeth Philips b. 19 August 1904 of Millfall Coolcullen. Richard Renoldss Philips father.
Charles Lett Philips b. 15 September 1905 of Coolcullen. Richard Renoldss Philips father.
Constance Philips b. 11 April 1907 [mother Treacy]
Kathleen Gertrude Philips b. 9 December 1908 of Coolcullen.
Richard Samuel Philips b. 23 December 1911 of Mill fall Coolcullen. Maggie Treacy present at birth Cloneen.
Thomas Lett Philips b. 7 July 1913 of Mill fall Coolcullen
Mary Anne Philips b. 25 February 1915 of Coolcullen. Richard Renoldss Philips father.
Alfred Treacy, Mar 1911 Saint John New Brunswick Canada, Ship Name: Lake Manitoba, b. Ireland, 21, single, to Regina LsR?, Clerk, C.E. religion
1916 Census Canada
Alfred Arthur Treacy, 32, Anglican, b. Ireland [Kilkenny?], Year of Immigration: 1911, Home in 1916: 09, Saltcoats, Saskatchewan
Address: 21, 11, 42, Abernethy
Sarah Edith Treacy, 34, wife, English, Anglican
Margaret Edith Treacy 7 months
Alfred Treacy b. 28 Sep 1884 Ireland (s. of Richard Treacy & ??? Copley)
d. 14 Feb 1969 Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
Age: 84
Spouse's Name: Sarah Edith Honeysett
Lived: 8y Municipality, 20y province, 58y Canada
Retired 1947 Western Groceries
Alfred Treacy born Oct. 7, 1884 to
parents, Richard and Mary Anne (Copley) of Castlecomer, county of Kilkenny.
Grandfather was the only one of the family that came to Canada.
Marion Ogden Sat Mar 23 2002 north40@uniserve.com
1.2.2 John Treacy (1857?- 1942)
Treacy of Donaguile Castlecomer
m. Alicia Rowe (d. of George Rowe, farmer) of Ardough on 18 March 1885 Wit:
John Copley & Rebecca Rowe. Bilboa Parish (CoI) Carlow View Register [1901 & 1911 Census Mothell]
John Treacy,
full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Donaguile parish of Castlecomer [Kilkenny],
(s. of John Treacy, farmer) married
Alicia Rowe, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ardough parish of
Bilbo [Killabban Laois] (d. of George Rowe, farmer) 18 March 1885 parish church
of Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: John Copley & Rebecca Rowe [Carlow PLU]
John Tracy (farmer) & Alicia Tracy
George Thomas Tracy b. 25 may 1886 bapt. 30 May 1886 of Balty. Cloydagh and Bilbo Parish View Register [twin]
John Robert Tracy b. 25 May 1886 bapt. 30 May 1886 of Balty Cloydagh and Bilbo Parish View Register [twin]
John Treacy of Coon, farmer &
Alicia Rowe
John Robert Treacy b. 4 May 1886 of Coon. Margaret Treacy, present at birth, Donagile [twin]
George Thomas Treacy b. 4 May 1886 of Coon. Margaret Treacy, present at birth, Donagile [twin]
Treacy, 28 Jul 1931, late of Coan East Belmont Bilboa County Carlow,
married woman, who died 11 Apr 1930, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …
John Treacy died at about age 85 in Belmont,
near Bilboa, Co. Kilkenny
Copley Treacy, 23 Mar 1943, late of Belmont Bilboa County Kilkenny, farmer,
who died 19 Oct 1942, to John Robert Copley Treacy, farmer. Effects …
1.2.3 Charles Treacy (1859 - 1892)
Died 12 Aug 1892 at about age 33 in Donagile,
Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
1.2.4 George Robert Treacy (1864-)
See Census above.
Treacy, 20 Mar 1929, late of Donaguile Castlecomer County Kilkenny, farmer,
who died 18 Feb 1929, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …
1.2.5 Margaret Jane Treacy (1867 - 1924)
See Census above.
Died 1 Nov 1924 at age 57 in Donagile, Castlecomer,
Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
J. [Jane] Treacy, 18 Jul 1929, late of Donaguile County Kilkenny, spinster,
who died 1 Nov 1924, to John Robert Treacy and George Thomas Treacy, farmers.
Effects …
1.3 Martha Treacy (1829-1905)
Martha Treacy (d. of Robert Treacy, farmer) a minor of Belmount [Coan Dysart Kilkenny] m. Thomas Condell (s. of William Condell, farmer) farmer, widower of Augharue [Agharue Tullowcreen Carlow] on 3 October 1850 Wit: Henry Watchhon & Margaret Copley. Bilboa Parish [Craanlusky Tullowcreen Carlow] View Register
Martha Treacy, a
minor, spinster, lives Belmount, (d. of Robert
Treacy, farmer) married Thomas Condell, full [age], widower, farmer, lives Augharne,
(s. of William Condell, farmer) 3 October 1850 Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit:
Henry Watchord? & Margaret Copley [Bilboa Carlow PLU] signed her mark
Tracey/Tracy & Thomas Condell
Mary Jane Condell b. 4 Apr 1864
Leighlinbridge OR Augherue Carlow (LDS)
Grace Condell b. 1 Jan 1866 Leighlinbridge OR
Aughorue Caslow (LDS)
Martha Condell b. 1 Apr 1868 Leighlinbridge
OR Augheun Carlow (LDS)
Thomas Condell b. 2 Jun 1870 Leighlinbridge
OR Augherine Carlow (LDS)
MALE Condell b. 2 Dec 1871 Augherne Carlow
Henry Condell b. 28 Jan 1873 (LDS)
Martha Condell died 15 Jan 1905
Augharue, widow, 76 years, widow of farmer, John Condell son present at death
1901 Census |
1911 Census |
House 12 in Aughanue (Rathornan, Carlow) Thomas
Condell, 83, Head of Family, Church of Ireland, Co Carlow, Farmer Martha
Condell, 73, Wife, Church of Ireland, Co Kilkenny, Farmers Wife Martha
Condell, 27, Daughter, Church of Ireland, Co Carlow, Farmers Daughter Henry
Condell, 22, Son, Church of Ireland, Co Carlow, Farmers Son John
Agar, 5, Grand Son, Church of Ireland, Co Kilkenny, Scholar |
Grace Tracey (b. 1831-1908)
Treacy (d. of Robert Treacy) m.
James Campbell (s. of Andrew Campbell)
18 Feb 1847 Carlow
Treacy, full age, spinster, lives
Belmont, (d. of Robert Treacy, farmer) married James Campbell, full age,
bachelor, farmer, lives Bilboa, (s. of Andrew Campbell, farmer) 18 February
1847 Bilboa Church of Ireland Wit: Richd Treacy & Thomas Cartor
[Bilboa Carlow PLU]
1901 Census |
1911 Census |
Mary Tracey, 60, F, 21 Clogrennane, Clogrennane, [Clogrenan Cloydagh] Carlow, Church of Ireland, Sister in Law, Not Married, Co Carlow James Campbell, 70, Male, Head of Family, Church of Ireland, Farmer, Married, Co Carlow Gracy Campbell, 70, Female, Wife, Church of Ireland, -, Married, Co Carlow |
Robert Treacy (- before 1863)
Treacy (s. of Robert Treacy)
m. Eliza Sloane (d. of Charles Sloane) 18 Dec 1851 Thomastown, Kilk, Ire
Treacy. full age, bachelor,
farmer, lives Batty - near Castlecomer, (s. of Robert Treacy, farmer) married Eliza Sloane, Do [full age},
spinster, lives Jerpoint West, (d. of Charles Sloane, Do [farmer]) 18 December
1851 Thomastown Church of Ireland Wit: James Conn parish clerk & James
Campbell [Thomastown Kilkenny PLU]
Tracy Or Sloan (d. of
Charles Sloan, widowed) m. Henry Palmer (s. of John Palmer, single) 26 Nov 1863
Thomastown, Kilkenny, Ireland
Tracy nee Sloan, full age,
widow, laundress?, lives Jerpoint? West?, (d. of Charles Sloan, farmer) Henry
Palmer, full age, bachelor, servant, lives Inistioge?, (s. of John Palmer, farmer) 26 November
1863 Thomastown Church of Ireland Wit: Charles Sloan & Elett? Eline?
[Thomastown Kilkenny PLU]
1.6 Mary Tracey (1841-)
see 1901 census above.
Roger Tracy & ???
Margaret Tracy b. 2 May 1708 Tullow Parish View Register
Mary Tracy b. 4 March 1711 Tullow Parish View Register
Jane Tracy b. 15 October 1713 Tullow Parish View Register
William Tracy & Ellinor Sunderland 1767 (Marriage Licence Bond)
William Treacy m. Elinor Sunderland on 10 November 1767 Lice[nce] Tullow Parish View Register
William Treacy & Elinor Treacy
Robart Treacy b. [August to October] 1768 Tullow Parish View Register
William Treasey & Elinor
Elizabth b. 27 December 1769 Tullow Parish View Register
Marriage of Wm Tracy and Katherine Twamley? on 16 April 1777 by licence. Tullow Parish View Register
Wm Tracy & Katherine Tracy
Jane Tracy b. 22 December 1777 Tullow Parish View Register
Christopher Tracy b. 25 October 1782 Tullow Parish View Register
James Tracey m. Margaret Kavanagh on 4 June 1773. Carlow Parish View Register
James Treacy & Margaret Cavanagh 1773 (Marriage Licence Bond)
24 November 1791 Wm Ransford of Rathglass in the co. of Carlow, farmer and Mary Treacy of the parish of Comer [Castlecomer Kilkenny], spinster, both protestants
Anne Tracey & Richard Dreaper
My ancestor, Richard Dreaper (1784-1847) m. Anne Tracey
(1791- ) Church of Ireland, Castlecomer, Kilkenny about 1807.
Migrated to Kingston, Ontario. Descendents married Catholic Fowler/Lester also
of Kilkenny. Alice Lester (1785-1879) of Castle Dungarvan (Kilkenny/Waterford m
Patrick Fowler of Kikenny. They moved to Kingston Ontario w. children Mary,
Martin and Katherine in 1818. I am looking for Lester/Fowler marraige/birth
T. F. Draper T.F.
Draper 27 Feb 1999
James Tracey alias James Treacy
born Leighlinbridge, Carlow Served in 7th Foot Regiment; 95th Foot Regiment
Discharged aged 40 1817-1839 [b. 1799]
James Tracey, Cpl b. 1799 Leighlan bridge, Carlow, Carlow
95th Foot then 7th Foot labourer WO118/20
Canada, British Regimental Registers of Service
Jams Tracey, 21, b. abt 1796 Keelon Carlow, 17 Feb
1817 95th (later 96th) Foot Soldiers, 5'8.75", fresh complexion, grey
eyes, fair hair, long face,
Jams Tracey born abt
1796 Keelon, Carlow - Canadian military service 17 Feb 1817
James Tracey 7th Fusiliers born circa 1797
4th March 1843...How long have you been a turnkey at Chester Castle
—Three years and over. I have served in the seventh Fusiliers, and am a
pensioner. We have rules to go by in the army, and we are told that if we do
not obey them we shall be punished...
Parliamentary Papers, Volume 43
Return of the Officers of Chester Castle, December 13th 1845
James Tracey, 48 years, turnkey, appointed November 1839, salary £52,
no emoluments
1851 Census - Bunce Street, Saint Mary-On-The-Hill, Cheshire, England
James Tracy Head M 59
b. 1792 Ireland, Tumkey Chester
Mary Tracy Wife F 57
John Tracy Son M 12
Francis Tracy & Amelia Tracy [May have been a teacher in Gowran 1835]
Philip Tracy b. 4 June 1841 bapt. 4 July 1841 of Killedmond, Kiltennel Parish View Register Schoolmaster
Christopher Francis Tracy b. 29 March 1843 bapt. 1 April 1843 Killedmond, Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk
Henrietta Tracy b. 29 March 1843 bapt. 1 April 1843 of Killedmond, Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk
Elizabeth Anne Tracy b. 8 May 1844 bapt. 9 June 1844 of Killedmond, Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk
Emma Jane Tracy b. 17 July 1846 bapt. 18 October 1846 of Killedmond, Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk
Harriet Tracy b. 18 June 1847 bapt. 20 June 1847 of Killedmond, Kiltennel Parish View Register Schoolmaster
Treacy, a convert, of Ballyedmond
[Hacketstown Carlow]
bapt. 20 Mar 1854 Sp. Michael & Ellen?
Keogh. Hacketstown Parish
Henry Tracy [of Kilkenny], full age, widower, motor man Dublin Tram Co, of 15 Phibsborough Avenue, (s. of John Tracy, farmer) [his mark] married Elizabeth Sloan nee Brown, full age, widow, of 54 Marlboro St, (d. of John Brown, publican) Wit: Alfred Wiggins & Lily Hayes on the 15 June 1905 St. Thomas Church of Ireland North Dublin [born 1855]
Robert Treacy, full [age], widower, farmer, lives Manteen
[Cloneen?] Castlecomer (s. of Joseph
Treacy, farmer) married Jemima Leacock, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives
Gurteen [Gorteen] Castlecomer, (d. of George Leacock, farmer) 5 November 1880
St Mary's Church of Ireland Wit: Thomas Stedmond & Anne Jane Treacy [Castlecomer PLU – Registered 1889]
Jemima Treacy of Cloneen, died 21 December 1900 Workhouse Castlecomer, age 45, married, wife of labourer, sinile? phthiesis,
Anne Jane Treacy (d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer) of Balteigh Bilbo m. Marriage of Joseph English (s. of Joseph English, farmer) of Castle Bilby, Goresbridge, Grangesilvia on 17 July 1890 Wit: John Coburn & A M Treacy. Bilboa Parish
Anne Jane Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Balteigh Bilbo, (d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer) married Joseph English, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Castle Kelly [Castlekelly Kilmacahill] Goresbridge Grange Silone [Grangesilvia], (s. of Joseph English, farmer) 17 July 1890 Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: John Coburn & F. M. Treacy [Carlow PLU]
Catherine Treacy (d. of John Treacy, farmer) of Balteigh Bilbo m. William Myers (land steward)
widower of Coon Coolcullen, Parish of Mothel on 1 November 1890 Wit: Abraham Treacy [brother?], John Henry
Stone & Sarah Willoughby. Bilboa Parish
Catherine Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Balteegh Bilbo, (d. of John Treacy, farmer) married William
Myers, full [age], widower, land steward, lives Coon Coolcullen parish of
Mothel [Kilkenny] 1 November 1890 Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: Wit: Abrahem Treacy, John Henry Stone &
Sarah Willoughby [Carlow PLU]
Catherine/Kate Tracey & William Myers of Firoda [Castlecomer], shopkeeper & Farmer
Nicholas Myers b. 15 January 1900 of Firoda. William Myers father [his mark] Ballyragget
Francis Myers b. 22 August 1901 of Firoda. William Myers father [his mark]
Robert Treacy of Cloneen, carman & Lizzie Watchirn
Robert William Treacy b. 10 May 1902 of Cloneen. Robert Treacy father [his mark]
Anna Martha Treacy, full age, spinster, servant, of The Lotts, (d. of Abraham Treacy, farmer) married Patrick Dowling, full age, bachelor, farmer, of The Lotts, (s. of Richard dowling, farmer) Wit: Richard Buggy & Susan Dowling on the 29 November 1906 RC Church of Coon
Anna Martha/Anne/Martha Treacy & Patrick Dowling, of Croghenclogh, farmer
Anna Martha Dowling b. 1 December 1906 of Croghenclogh. Patrick Dowling father.
Kate Dowling b. 30 May 1909 of Croghenclogh. Patrick Dowling father.
Mary Dowling b. 12 July 1911 of Croghenclogh. Patrick Dowling father.
Susan Dowling b. 20 september 1912 of Croghenclogh. Patrick Dowling father.
Margaret Dowling b. 22 January 1914 of Croghenclogh. Patrick Dowling father.
Treacy, full age, bachelor,
farmer, of Cloman Crettyard [Killabban Laois] (s. of Richard Treacy, farmer) married Mary Smith, full age, spinster, of Gurteen
Coolbaun [Gorteen Coolbaun Castlecomer] (d. of John smith, farmer) Wit:
Percival Copley & Annie Redpath on the 30 April 1929 St Mary's Church of
Ireland Castlecomer
Charles Treacy of Donagile, died 12 August 1892, bachelor, age 33, farmer, Phthisis 3 months, Richard Copley of Donagile present at death
John Treacy of Coon, died 2 June 1895, age 81, married, farmer, old age, Abraham Treacy son of Coon present at death
Alice Treacy of Coon, died 17 June 1898, age 80, widow of farmer, senile decay, Abraham Treacy son Coon present at death
Margaret Treacy of Coon, died 16 1902 Workhouse Castlecomer, age 55, spinster, servant, Hepatitis,
William Treacy of Donaguile, died 20 December 1904, age 10, son of farmer, Tonsilitis & heart failure, Susan Treacy mother Donaguile present at death
Margaret Treacy of Donaguile, died 27 May 1905, age 82, widow of farmer, scalp wound & heart failure, George Treacy son of Donaguile present at birth
Elizabeth Treacy of Donagile, died 30 December 1905, age 3, daughter of farmer, scarlet fever, Ansley Treacy father Donaguile present at death
Gleeson Treacy of Donagile, died 31 December 1905, age 5, son of farmer, scarlet fever, Ansley Treacy father Donaguile present at death
Mary Treacy of Craghtendagh, died 1908, age 84, spinster, housekeeper, senile decay, Ellen Shaw Ardough Queens County present at death
Maria Treacy of Castlecomer, died 22 January 1915, age 86, widow of farmer, endocarditis, Sara Lodge sister Castlecomer present at death
Anna Maria Treacy of Coon, died 10 October 1917, age 82, widow of farmer, senile decay, William Treacy son Coon present atdeath
Elizabeth Sarah Treacy of Coon, died 1921, age 64, married, farmer, diabetes, Helen A Murnson daughter Smithstown present at death
UNKNOWN Treacy of Donaguile, died 1 August 1922, age 0 920 minutes), son of labourer, infantile atrophy, Richard Treacy father Donaguile present at death
Analey [Ansley] Treacy of Donaguile, died 23 May 1932, age 66, widower, farmer, arteio sclerosis & cardiac failure, George Treacy son Donaguile present at death
John C. Treacy of Belmont Bilboa, died 19 October 1942, age 85, widower, farmer, broncitis, senile decay and cardiac failure, George T Treacy son Belmont Bilboa
Mary Treacy of Donaguile, died 21 February 1947, age 60, married, house duties, carcinoma of ilarus, Richard Treacy widower Donaguile present at death
Charles Treacy of Coon East, died 21 September 1953, age 68, widower, farmer, sudden seisure due to cardiac vascular disease, coroner report
1999 Castlecomer: St
Mary’s Church of Ireland Cemetery
Brown marble plaque on l/back wall
L/r 17a
No 187166 Webb to
Tracey & others
18 Sep 1767 between the Reverend Arthur Webb of Webbsburrow cthe of the one part and William Tracey Senr & William Tracey and John Tracey of Bellmont farmers of the other part Whereby the said Nethen Webb did Demise to the said Will Tracey Senr Wm Tracey Two and John Tracey Son of William Tracey Senr, all that parcell of land lately Surveyed by Edmond Frizle Containing two hundred and Eighty acres be the same more or less on one side bounded by the new twenpike road and on the other side by the lands of Crotenclogh [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer] also on one side by the new mears or bounds or Ditch made by said William Tracey and his sons and by the River Dining on the other side being part and parcell of the lands of Coonfily alias Bellmont in the County of Kilkenny To hold to the said William Tracey Senr William Tracy and John Tracey for the term of of their natural lives from the twenty fifth day of March then last at the yearly Rent of twenty pounds Ster
19 March 1783 (F) [John Tracy, barrister, 1763-1779, son of John
Tracy & Abigail, bricklayer/assistant to the masters of the city works,
died 1769 - see Dublin]
Jane Mellaver, Cullodee, Plaintiff. William Stuart, esq. Defendant
Abigail Tracy, Executrix of John Tracy, deceased, Plaintiff. same Defendant
The several Tenants of the Defendant's Estates in and about Leighlin Bridge, in the County of Carlow, granted in Custodiam to the Plaintiffs in those Causes are directed to pay their Rents and Arrears of Rent to Mr. James FitzGerald, of the Town of Carlow, Sadler, and to no other Person, he being empowdered by Letters of Attorney from Plaintiffs and by several Orders of Court to receive the same; and are cautioned that if they pay any Part of their Rents to the Defendant, they will be compelled to pay the same over again to the Plaintiffs or their said Agent. Henry Clarke, Plaintiffs' Attorney.
16 January 1793 (F) County of Kilkenny
To be Let, from the 25th of March next, during the Minority of Richard Henry Webb, a Minor, now about the Age of fourteen Years. Part of the Lands of Coonfyle called Bellmount[?], late in the Possession of William Tracy and Sons, deceased, containing 290 Acres, or thereabouts. Proposals to be made to Miss Gertrude Gorr[?], Gloster-street, the Minor's Guardian, or to Mr. Arthur Thomas, York-street. N.B. No Promise or Preference to any one. January 10, 1793.
18 January 1794 (F) To
be Let
...in the Lordship of Castlecomer...Cruttenclough - in posession of...Representatives of William Tracy 174 1
25...Proposals, in Writing, will be received by the Earl and Countess of
Ormonde, and the Honourable John Butler Wandesford...John Hely, the Driver,
will attend at Castlecomer, to show the Lands. Castle, Kilkenny, January 13,
Note: Coonfyle is an old Irish name for Coan.
1798 Rebellion
Protestants massacred in the Diocese of Ferns
Anne Tracy, of Mothel and Dysart [Kilkenny], swore her son was killed by the rebels, who was her only support. She is a widow with seven children.
1798 Claimants and Surrenders
Ann Tracy, Widow, Bellmount, Castlecomer, Kilkenny. Nature Of Loss: Bacon, Wearing Apparel, Cash. Sum Claimed: 8/10/11 Sum Allowed: 8/10/11
...Another small
Society was raised in a mountain called Augherone, near Leighlin-bridge, under
the following circumstances...The death of Eliza Thorpe, of Belbow, near the
same place, which occurred about this time, was most affecting and eventful in
its results. She and her brother William were members of our Society, which met
at Mrs. Treacy's, Belmont. They were
part of a large family, which rather opposed than encouraged their attendance
on our meetings. At our June quarterly love feast at the colliery, they were
both with us. Eliza was very much blessed, and expressed her happiness in God
with freedom. On their return, in company with Mrs. Treacy's son and daughter,
the young women rode part of the way on the same horse. The animal ran off, and
Miss Thorpe was thrown and killed...
Biographical narrative of Matthew
Lanktree...historical notices of the rise, progress and influence of Methodism
in various parts of Ireland. James
Wilson Belfast, 1836
1810 List of able men
in the Barony of Idrone
Parish of Wells - Townland of Ballyknocken
Wm Tracey, gent.
1813 Taster of Butter
in Carlow [file]
Co. Carlow: Dated 8th July 1813. "I Edward Brennan of Leighlin Bridge in the County of Carlow, Yeoman, do Swear that I will diligently and faithfully Execute the office of Taster of Butter" Signed by Edward Brennan and magistrate John Stewart of Stewart Lodge. With testimonials and £100 surities given by William Treacy of Ballyknockan [Wells] and John Shirley of Knockabranna [Knockbaun & Knocknabranagh Oldleighlin] and signed by them both, With Penny Farthing attached. As a m/ss., w.a.f. (1)
1813-1836 Archerstown, Aharney, Laois [see
...And by a decree, dated 27th July 1813, made in a Chancery Case, instituted for a petition of the above 311 acres, in which Maria and her husband Michael Delany, and others, were plaintiffs, and the said Anne [Laurenson] (now Anne Elizabeth Tracy), and her former husband, Denis Doran, were defendants...The last renewal from rev. William Robert Laurenson, Clerk, to said Stephen Sheffield Cassan, Anne Elizabeth Tracy, widow, and Michael Delany, the late father of the owner in this matter, bears the date the 1st December 1836...Anne Elizabeth Tracy, widow, is now the owner of the other portion of said lands, containing 172a/2r/26p and pays £68.15.5 British as her portion of said head rent...
21 Dec 1830 Rev. William Robert Laurenson Letters of priest orders
Summer 1819 - Fassadineen Barony
Staunton Rochford, Esq., and Andrew
Tracy, to keep in repair for 7 Years, that part of the road from
Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Connolly's Forge and the bounds of
the County - 420 perches at 8d per perch per year. [paid 1824]
Spring 1833 General Assizes
John S. Rockfort Esq and Andrew Treacy
To keep in
repair for three years, that part of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow,
between the turn at Connolly’s forge and the bounds of the County – 532
perches, at 6d per perch by the year.
Spring 1834 General Assizes
Fassadineen Barony
A list of Cess-payers
Andrew Tracy, Belmont
Contractors’ Roads
To John
Staunton Rockfort Esq and Andrew Treacy,
contractors, for having kept in repair for one year, 532 perches of the road
from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Conolly’s forge and the bounds
of the County, £13s. 6s., stamp 2s 1d - £13 8s 1d.
Summer 1834 General Assizes
Fassadineen Barony
A list of Cess-payers
Andrew Treacy, Belmont
Spring 1835 General Assizes
Fassadineen Barony
A list of Cess-payers
Andrew Tracy, Belmont
Contractors’ Roads
To Mr. Andrew Treacy, one of contractors, for having kept in repair for half a year, 532 perches of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Conolly’s forge and the bounds of the County, 6l 13s. stamp 2s 1d same act and sect £6 15s 1d.
Cranagh Barony
Same date [Oct 22 1834] Edm Treacy's receipt £24.0.9
Summer 1835 General Assizes
To Mr. Andrew Treacy Contractor £6 15s. 1d.
Shearman T (1833-5) County of Kilkenny at a General Assizes
Spring 1836 Assizes
Fassadineen Barony
Contractors’ Roads
To Mr. Andrew Treacy, one of contractors, for having kept in repair for half a year, 532 perches of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between the turn at Conolly’s forge and the bounds of the County, £13 6s, stamp 2s 1d same act and sect £13 8s 1d.
To Mr. Andrew Treacy Contractor £6 15s. 1d.
Spring 1837
Fassadineen Barony
Securities…Andrew Tracy, Belmont
Andrew Treacy…To keep in repair for seven years, 480 perches of the road from Castlecomer to Carlow, between John Brennan’s house at Coon and the bounds of the county at Bilboa, at 1s per perch for the first year, and 6d per perch for 6 years.
1824 - Pigot &
Co.'s Directory
Leighlin Bridge
James Tracey, Woolen Draper
Wm Tracey, Coal Merchant
Tithe Records |
Griffiths |
Anne Tracey [reps], Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823 [No.1
21a0r0p] William
Treacy, Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, 1823
[No.84 17a3r15p with 2 others] William Tracey, Coolbawn [Coolbaun], Castlecomer,
Kilkenny, 1823 [twice] [No.43 10a2r13p & No. 50 19a2r22p] Andrew Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart,
Kilkenny, 1834 [165a0r25p £2/17/4]* Robert Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart,
Kilkenny, 1834 [80a2r38p £1/9/8.5]* Tracy [wd], Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny,
1834 [13a3r1p £0/4/8]* Richd Tracy, Cooncarter [Coan?], Dysart, Kilkenny, 1834 [129a3r17p
£7/10/5] Bad quality land 5
& 6, except Richd 97a @ 3 * follow each
other Andrew Tracey [& Jas Fitzmaurice both written in], Ardenteagle [Ardateggle], Killeshin, Queen's, 1828 [also written in pencil Old D? Old Leighlin Leighlin bridge] Wm Ireary [Treasy], Ballynockan, Wells, Carlow, Kilkenny, 1824 [No.11 6a0r30p 1st quality £2/5/0 £1/11/6 27] |
1850 Richard Tracy Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny No.52 AB 99a2r7p Lessor: Richard Tracy, Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny No.52 abc 0a34r0p, No.53 9a2r8p, No.54 11a1r10p, No.55 11a3r12p, No.56 18a0r15p, No.57 75a0r15p, No.58 60a2r18p Peter Tracy Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny Lessor: Richard Tracy No.64 2a0r35p Lessor: Richard Tracy, Croghtenclogh Castlecomer Kilkenny No.65 13a1r4p 1849 Lessor: Margaret Tracy, Coan East,
Dysart Kilkenny, No.6 land, 12a2r19p, Richard Tracy Coan East Dysart
Kilkenny, No.28 125a2r8p John Tracy & Robert Tracy, Coan
East Dysart Kilkenny No.29 10a3r17p Robert Tracy Coan East Dysart
Kilkenny No.30 81a2r19p Robert Tracy Coan East Dysart
Kilkenny, Lessor Richard Tracy, No.31 17a0r3p (bog) William Tracy Coan East Dysart
Kilkenny No.32 38a3r19p William Tracy Coan East Dysart
Kilkenny, Lessor Richard Tracy, No.33 22a2r6p John Tracy Coan East Dysart
Kilkenny, Lessor Richard Tracy, No.34 11a0r9p Richard Tracy, Coan East Dysart
Kilkenny, No.38 47a0r34p Lessor: Richard Tracy, Coan East,
Dysart Kilkenny, No.35 9a0r33p, No.37 33a3r37p, No. 38 8a1r32p, No.39
2a2r38p, No. 40 10a0r23p, No.44 3a3r4p, William Tracey Lots Freshford
Kilkenny No.51 William Tracey Market Square
Freshford Kilkenny No.51 John Tracey Johnswell Rathcoole
Kilkenny Anne. E. Tracy Mrs. Archerstown Aharney Laois (Rev W.R.
Lawrenson) land 11a1r8p) (also 80a2r27p & 4a0r31p & 0a1r13p) William Tracy Ardateggle Killeshin Laois (no.16 47a3r32p) William Tracy Ardateggle Killeshin Laois (no.17 11a0r26p) Richard Tracy Ardateggle Killeshin Laois (no.51 84a1r10p) |
June 14 1826 Fees Vicars General - Diocese of
In the goods of W. Treacy, deceased, intestate...Lawson...
At a Special Sessions held at
Carlow & Bagenalstown on Saturday the 10th day of October 1829 the following
persons were approved of as fit and proper to be entrusted with the Sale of
Malt and Spiritous Liquors, Wine, Beers, Ale &c for the year ending the
10th day of October 1830.
...Jas Treacy, Ln Bridge, Securities: Jno McGee & Wm Tracey...
31, 1830 (FJ) Repeal of the Union
Leighlin Bridge...Mr. Richard Treacy...
February 21, 1832 (FJ)
We regret to say that a party of miscreants a few nights back attacked the house of Mr. Thomas Tracy, of Bellmount in the county of Kilkenny, and about six miles from Carlow. Mr Tracy was at first inclined to resist them, which he could successfully have done; but through feelings of humanity he desisted, and all remonstrance proving unavailable he was robbed of his arms. Mr. Tracy is a liberal protestant, and is, to our knowledge, a man of high character, for kindness of disposition, and usefulness in his neighbourhood, and has ever been hostile to everything calculated to oppress the people. - Carlow Morning Post
1832 Dec-30, William Treacy, son of William and Maria
Browne, Esquire, Excise Office, late of Carlow Parish.
1834 Sep-28, Deborah Jane, daughter of James and Emma
Treacy, merchant.
Wells Parish Extracts from
the Parish Registers. Ireland. Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead. 1901 Vol. V No. 1 Part 1
William Treacy, 1832,
Prerogative Court will, Exec: Anne Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow.
1833 To the Right Honourable and Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His
Majesty's Treasury,
The Memorial of the undersigned Licensed Maltsters of the Town and County of Carlow and Neighbourhood…William Tracy, Leighlin Bridge…
1834 [11] Tenth report of the Commissioners
of Inquiry into the Excise Establishment, and into the management and
collection of the excise revenue throughout the United Kingdom. Malt duty,
...Extract from the Memorial to the Treasury, of the Maltsters in the Carlow District...signed...William Tracy, Leighlenbridge...
1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland
John Treacy, 1838, Wells, Carlow
Thomas Tracy, 1838, Liscolman, Carlow
February 1837 Voters
Edward Treacy, Castle-street Carlow, householder, £10, 6 April 1836
William Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow, 1837,
Prerogative Court will. Exec: J Treacy, Bagnalstown, Co. Carlow. IWR/1837/F/722.
Alphabetical List of persons who have Registered Votes pursuant to the Act of
the 2nd and 3rd of William IV., chap. 88, to the lst day of February, 1838.
Voters' Names |
Place of Abode |
Situation of Franchise |
Value |
Date of Registry |
Andrew Tracey |
Bagenalstown |
Ballynockan |
£20 |
22 June 1837 |
John Treacy |
Leighlin-bridge |
Leighlin-bridge |
£10 |
29 March 1837 |
William Tracy |
Leighlin bridge |
Capelstown? |
£20 |
15 Nov 1832? |
Peter Tracy |
Ardattin, Forth
Barony |
1838 Report Wandesforde Estate
Even in such an impoverished area of east Croghtenclogh Anne Tracy, lessor of 187 acres described as a “mountain farm”, had improved the land and “built a good house”.
Nolan, William (1979) Fassadinin. Land,
Settlement and Society in Southest Ireland 1600-1850. Geography Publications,
Dublin. Pp.131
Carlow - Commissioners of Loan Fund Board of Ireland - Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons and Command, Volume 24
Leighlin Bridge...At the re-formation of the [loan] society in the year 1839, when the trustees became connected with the Central Loan Fund Board, the Honorable and Very Teverand Dean Bernard declined to become bound to the Clerk of the Peace, pursuant to the Acts in that case required, and the Board called for other sufficient Securities, and Mr John Magee and Mr John Treacy, merchants, living in Leighlin Bridge, in large commercial prosperity, were accepted as Securities, jointly and severally, in the sum of £70 sterling. The first of whom unfortunity became involved by Crown Boands, which swept all his property away; the other party is now in Australia...(1841) On the removal of Edward Styles from the office of Clerk and Receiver, Mr James Treacy was appointed to the office, who has given his entire time to unravel this complicated state of affairs, with whose assistance, and the constant and persevering aattenance of the Trustees, the affairs have been brought into as good order as things will bear...
British Postal Service Appointments
James Tracey, 16 Jan 1843 recommended by Col Brown
MP, Leighlinbridge
James Tracey, 1843 ditto Minute cancelled, Leighlinbridge
Andrew Treacy, Bellmount, Kilkenny. (Prerogative Will)
September 1848 Bathurst Advocate (NSW) April
7, 1849 (FJ) & September 18, 1849 (BL) There is no remedy known equal to
Holloway's Pills for the Cure of Asthma - Mr. Richard Treacy, of Belmont,
Carlow having derived so much benefit from the use of these
pills...asthma...for the last fifteen or sixteen years...- (See
Advertisement) Nieuwe
Amsterdamsche Courant - Algemeen Handelsblad 9 Julij 1849 (Netherlands) |
1849 Tyndall's Journal
There is another mention in Tyndall's Journal about a visit to Old Leighlin made by his mother and sister. It should be remembered that Ireland had only two years before passed through the height of the famine. On 9 January, 1849, after the receipt of a letter, he notes:
"Emma gives me an account of a visit which she and mother made to Old Leighlin. The people were very wretched; Jerry Murray dead. Canting and objecting is the order of the day. James Tracey has lost the loan fund. What will become of his helpless family? Very wretched indeed. In what does the life in Ireland differ from that of the most savage gregarians? The wolf fights with his neighbour over the carcase. Irishmen do the same."
Carloviana 1980. Vol 2 p.26
5 and 28 July 1869 (FJ) Cricket
Castlecomer v. County Kilkenny...R.K. Treacy, Esq, [Castlecomer]...
21 July 1869 (FJ) Cricket
Casltecomer...R. Tracy...
11 July 1870 (FJ) Cricket
Castlecomer...R.K. Tracy, Esq...
23 August 1870 (FJ) Cricket
Castlecomer v. Kilkenny Garrison...R. Treacy, Esq...C. Treacy...[Castlecomer]...
31 July 1872 (FJ) Cricket
Castlecomer...R.K. Treacy...
21 June 1873 (FJ) Cricket
Castlecomer...RK Tracy...
July 31, 1873 (FJ) Cricket
Castlecomer...R.K. Treacy...
27 July 1875 (FJ) Cricket
Castlecomer...R. Treacy...
27 July 1875 (FJ) Castlecomer Cricket Club
...R. Treacy...
25 June 1877 (FJ) Polo in the
County Carlow
...HRH arrived from the Curragh...against Messrs R. Treacy [of
Castlecomer Kilkenny]...
6 July 1877 (IT) Polo
Castlecomer Club v. The 7th Royal Fusiliers...Castlecomer...Mr. R.K.
July 1877 Castlecomer Polo
7th Royal Fusillers journey to Castlecomer...Mr. R. Tracey...In the two
next games the ball was put between the flags by Messrs Tracey and Edge
respectively, the home team winning the match by two goals to their opponent’s
July 1877 Polo
Castlecomer against All Ireland, won 3 to 1 - Castlecomer: Mr.
Wandesforde, Mr. Edge, Dr. O'Hanlon, Mr. Tracy and Mr. J. Dobbs (also played
Phoenix Park)
1876 Landowners in Ireland
Tracey, A.
E., (Dublin), Laois. 191a/1r/17p. £134.5.0 [Rev. Wm. Laurenson, address Sutton
House, Howth, owned 749 acres]
John, Ardough, [Killabban] Laois. 13a/2r/20p. £3.10.0
Kildare Treacy
23 Feb 1880 Bellmount Kilkenny, gentleman, to Jane Treacy widow
March 1880 Kilkenny
An election of barony collector for
the barony of Fassaderreen, in lieu of the late
Mr. Tracy, took place, and Mr. George Thorp was chosen out of the nine
1881 Census
Robert Tracy, Head, Married, M, 24, Police Officer, Kilkenny; 31 Acorn St, Willenhall, Staffordshire (see also 1901)
Annie Tracy, Wife, Married, F, 26, Sedgley, Staffordshire
Maria Tracy, Daughter, Single, F, 1, Sedgley, Staffordshire
1891 Census - 96 Hednesford Rd, Norton
Canes, Staffordshire
Robert Treacy, head, 34, Police Constable, b. England
Anne Treacy, wife, 36, b. Staff Bilston
Maria A Treacy Daughter F 11 Staffordshire,
Alfred Treacy Son M 9 Bilston,
Staffordshire, England
Frederick Treacy Son M 6 Staffordshire,
Albert Treacy Son M 5 Willenhall,
Staffordshire, England
Blanche Treacy Daughter F 3 Staffordshire,
William Treacy Son M 1 Staffordshire,
1883 John Hennessy, tenant, Mrs. M. Treacy, landlord, Coon east, Kilkenny,
12a3r33p, £2.15.0 valuation, £8.10.0 rent, £5 judicial rent
Bassett’s Kilkenny Directory 1884
John Treacy, Land,
Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.
Richard Treacy, Land,
Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.
William Treacey,
Land, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.
Egan’s Kilkenny Directory 1884
John Treacy, Parliamentary
Elector, Donaguile,
Castlecomer, Kilkenny.
Richard Treacy, Parliamentary
Elector, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny.
William Treacy, Parliamentary
Elector, Donaguile,
Castlecomer, Kilkenny.
William Treacy 6 Jan 1900 Plunketstown
Castledermot Kildare, farmer, to son Leeson Treacy, farmer
Elizabeth Treacy 2 Jan 1904 Plunketstown
Castledermot Kildare, widow, to Samuel Treacy, Constable RIC
James Tunstead To Susan Treacy [Castlecomer Kilkenny] 9 May 1906 Poulpeasty Wexford
William Treacy 6 Jan 1900 Plunketstown
Castledermot Kildare, farmer, to son Leeson Treacy, farmer
Kelly's Directory
Mrs. Tracey, The Square, Castlecomer R.S.O.
co Kilkenny
Abraham Tracey 30 Dec 1910 Balkinstown Nurney
Kildare, farmer, to John Tracey, labourer
1911 [Cd. 5488, 5489, 5490, 5624, 5639, 5750, 5758, 5887, 5890, 5952] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of November, 1909 - Kilkenny
31st July 1910, John C. Treacy, Coan East, 132a3r3p, £69.0.0 valuation, £39.11.0 rent, judicial, £818 purchase price and advance, 21.4 years
Treacy (Clonaslee, Queen's County).HC Deb 07 July 1910 vol 18 c1768 1768
§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary
whether his attention has been called to the case of Constable [James] Treacy [b. Kilkenny], lately stationed at
Clonaslee, Queen's County, against whom it was alleged that on a certain Sunday
in October last, when acting as barrack orderly between nine and ten o'clock at
night, he stopped two men outside the barracks, and, after procuring drink for
them from an adjacent public-house, incited them to smash the bicycle belonging
to the sergeant of a neighbouring station and throw it into the river; that on
another occasion this constable supplied horns to two young men, prompting them
at the same time to sound a local Protestant, lately married, with the object
of annoying the sergeant; and that he advised certain persons to feign
drunkenness before the sergeant, get arrested, and then go before a doctor and
a magistrate and charge the sergeant with unlawful arrest; whether he is aware
that evidence of a most reliable character is forthcoming in support of those
charges; and will he grant a public sworn inquiry in order that the allegations
against this constable may be thoroughly investigated?
§ Mr. REDMOND BARRY My attention has already
been drawn to the matters referred to in the question, which were investigated
by two experienced police officers some months ago. The Inspector-General then
came to the conclusion that the case of Constable Treacy would be sufficiently
met by his transfer to another county, as already ordered on other grounds. I
see no reason for any further inquiry.
Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 13 July 1910 vol 19 cc573-4W 573W
§ Mr. DELANY asked the Chief Secretary
whether he can say upon what date Constable Treacy left Clonaslee, and where he
is at present stationed; and whether he is engaged in ordinary police duties?
§ Mr. BIRRELL Constable Treacy left Clonaslee
on 14th May and is at present stationed
at Coolgreaney [Coolgreany Co. Wexford]. He performs ordinary police
Irish Constabulary (Constable Treacy).HC Deb 14 July 1910 vol 19 cc591-2 591
§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief
Secretary for Ireland whether he will order a magisterial investigation into
the charges preferred against Constable Treacy, lately stationed at Clonaslee,
Queen's County, seeing that the evidence of eight independent witnesses is
forthcoming charging this constable with incitement to crime and outrage on
three distinct occasions?
§ Mr. BIRRELL As the hon. Member has already
been informed, this matter has been investigated by two experienced police
officers. The constable has been transferred to another county, and I see no
reason for any further inquiry.
§ Mr. REDDY (for Mr. Delany) asked the Chief
Secretary for Ireland whether, at the inquiry held on 19th April at Clonaslee,
Queen's County, by District-Inspectors O'Connor, Kanturk, and Wallace,
Cappawhite, into the charges of incitement to crime and outrage preferred
against Constable Treacy, the evidence was taken on oath; and whether he will
lay a copy of the report of those two police officers and the minutes of
evidence upon the Table of the House?
§ Mr. BIRRELL Evidence was not taken on oath
at the inquiry referred to. I do not propose to lay upon the Table of the House
a copy of the report of the officers who conducted the inquiry.
1901 Census |
1911 Census |
CASTLECOMER Helen Treacy, 20, F, 1 Clashduff, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Relative, Single, Co Kilkenny John Copley, 50,
Male, Head of Family, Church of Ireland, Farmer, Married, Co Kilkenny Robert Treacy, 45, M, 10 Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Widower, Co Kilkenny Richard H Treacy, 48, M, 51 Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Mary Anne Treacy, 46, F, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Kilkenny Margaret Treacy, 23, F, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmers Daughter,
Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queen's County William Treacy, 21, M, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmers Son, Church
of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Queen's County James Treacy, 10, M, Cloneen, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Martha Treacy, 16, F, 84 Croghtenclogh, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, House Maid,
Church of Ireland, Niece, Not Married, Co Carlow Henry Agar, 58,
Male, Head of Family, Church of Ireland, Farmer, Married, Co Kilkenny William Treacy, 40, M, 4 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Ansley Treacy, 36, M, 7 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland Susan Treacy, 35, F, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Housekeeper, Church
of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland William Treacy, 6, M, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland George Treacy, 4, M, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland Leason Treacy, 1, M, Donaguile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of Ireland,
Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny, Ireland Maria Treacy, 72, F, 16 High Street, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Retired from
Farming, Irish Church, Head of Family, Widow, In Ireland, Co Kilkenny KILKENNY URBAN Mary Treacey, 5, F, 26 Flood Street. W. Side, Kilkenny Urban, Kilkenny,
Scholar, Roman Catholick, Grand Daughter, Not Married, Kilkenny City Thomas Lyster, 57,
Male, Head of Family, Church of Ireland, Clerk, Married, Kilkenny City MOTHELL John C Treacy, 43, M, 20 Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Alicia Treacy, 48, F, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Church Ireland, Wife,
Married, Queens Co John Robert Treacy, 14, M, Coane East, Mothell,
Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny George Thoma Treacy, 14, M, Coane East, Mothell,
Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Ann Marria Treacy, 50, F, 21 Coane East, Mothell,
Kilkenny, Farmer, Irish Church, Head of Family, Widow, Co Kilkenny William Treacy, 35, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Labourer, Irish
Church, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Jane English, 4,
Female, Grand Daughter, Irish Church, Scholar, Not Married, Co Kilkenny John Treacy, 54, M, 36 Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Eliza S Treacy, 52, F, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Church of Ireland,
Wife, Married, Co Kilkenny Francis Treacy, 18, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Charles Treacy, 16, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny John Treacy, 14 or 24, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church
of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Anna E Treacy, 14, F, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Abraham Treacy, 53, M, Coane East, Mothell, Kilkenny, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Visitor, Widower, Co Kilkenny Kate Treacy, 19, F, 13 Coolcullen, Mothell, Kilkenny, Housekeeper, Church
of Ireland, Niece, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Alfred Treacy, 14, M, Coolcullen, Mothell, Kilkenny, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Nephew, Not Married, Co Kilkenny Charles Copley,
33, Male, Head of Family, Church of Ireland, Farmer and Shopkeeper, Not
Married, Co Kilkenny PAULSTOWN Joseph Tracey, 22, M, 11 Duninga, Paulstown, Kilkenny, General Servant Man,
Church of Ireland, Servant, Not Married, Co Kilkenny LIVING IN CARLOW Henry Tracy, 7.2 Strawhall Urban, Carlow, Carlow, 23, M, Attendant, Church
of Ireland, Servant, Not Married, Kilkenny Mary Tracy, 7.3 Strawhall Urban, Carlow, Carlow, 23, F, Nurse, Church of
Ireland, Servant, Not Married, Kilkenny Richard Tracey, 36, M, 3 Ballycook, Kinneagh, Carlow, Farmer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Not Married, County Kilkenny Pheobe Tracey, 18, F, Ballycook, Kinneagh, Carlow, Farmer's Daughter,
Church of Ireland, Niece, Not Married, County Kildare Annie Stephenson,
21, F, Niece, Church of Ireland, Farmer's Daughter, Not Married, County
Kildare Edward Tracey, 31, M, 8 Aughanue, Rathornan, Carlow, Farm Servant, Church
of Ireland, Servant, Not Married, Co Kilkenny LIVING IN DOWN Samuel Treacy, 33, M, 26 Castle Street, Comber, Down, Constable R. I. C.,
Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Marguerite Treacy, 25, F, Castle Street, Comber,
Down, Constable R. I. C., Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Dublin Ernest K S Treacy, 5, M, Castle Street, Comber, Down,
Scholar, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Down Ethel E Treacy, 2, F, Castle Street, Comber, Down, Scholar, Church of
Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Down LIVING IN
DUBLIN Henry Treacy, 45, M, 3.3 Eglinton Terrace, Arran Quay, Dublin, Tram
Driver, Church of Ireland Protestant, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Lizzie Treacy, 45, F, Eglinton Terrace, Arran Quay, Dublin, Dress Maker,
Church of Ireland Protestant, Wife, Married, Co Dublin LIVING IN KILDARE James Tracey, 52, M, 2 Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmer, I C, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Jane Tracey, 47, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Wife, I C, Wife, Married, Co Kildare John Tracey, 22, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Son, I C, Son, Not Married, Co Kildare Pheobe Tracey, 19, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare Carrie Tracey, 17, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Farmers Daughter, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare Ada Tracey, 13, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare Annie Tracey, 11, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare Helan Tracey, 8, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare Emma Tracey, 5, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, Scholar, I C, Daughter, Co Kildare William Tracey, 0, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare, I C, Son, Co Kildare Leason Treacy, 30, M, 2 Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Farmer, Church
of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Martha Treacy, 27, F, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Church of
Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Wicklow Elizabeth Treacy, 75, F, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Retired Farmer,
Church of Ireland, Mother, Widow, Co Wicklow William Treacy, 23, M, Plunketstown Upper, Graney, Kildare, Farm Servant,
Church of Ireland, Cousin, Not Married, Queens Co LIVING IN LAOIS Abraham Treacy, 50, M, 2 Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Farmer, Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Queens Co Kate Treacy, 38, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., , Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Queens Co Eliza Treacy, 13, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co Maria Treacy, 11, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co Phoebe Treacy, 10, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co Kate Treacy, 9, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co Martha Treacy, 6, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Queens Co Abraham G Treacy, 1, M, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co., None, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Queens Co John Treacy, 16, M, 1 Ballinateskin, Timogue, Queen's Co., Farm Servant, Irish Church, Servant, Not Married, Co Carlow LIVING IN LIMERICK James Treacy, 31, M, 7 Kilduff, Grean, Limerick, Constable R I C, Church
of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Elizabeth Treacy, 26, F, Kilduff, Grean, Limerick, Church of Ireland, Wife,
Married, Co Kerry Gertrude Bentrice Treacy, 1, F, Kilduff, Grean, Limerick,
Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Limerick Nicholas J Treacy, 0, M, Kilduff, Grean, Limerick,
Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Limerick LIVING IN ENGLAND 250 Norton Village
(Lilacs Cottages) Lichfield, Staffordshire Robert Treacy,
head, 44, b. abt 1857, Police Constanle, b. Kilkenny Ireland, (see also 1881,
1891) Annie J Treacy,
wife, 46, b. abt 1855, b. Staffs Sedgley Maria A Treacy,
daur, 21, b. abt 1880, Dressmaker, b.
Staffs Sedgley Alfred J Treacy,
son, 19, b. abt 1882, Printer, b. Staffs Sedgley Frederick Treacy,
son, 16, b. abt 1885, Collier Labourer above ground, b. Staffs Willenhall Albert R Treacy,
son, 15, b. abt 1886, Engin Cleaner,
b. Staffs Willenhall Blanche G Treacy,
daur, 13, b. abt 1888, b. Staffs
Willenhall Willie Treacy,
son, 10, b. abt 1891, b. Staffs Norton
Canes Prudence R Treacy,
daur, 9, b. abt 1892, b. Staffs Norton
Canes Patience N Treacy,
daur, 9, b. abt 1892, b. Staffs Norton
Canes Elsie M Treacy,
daur, 5, b. abt 1896, b. Staffs Norton
Canes |
CASTLECOMER Helen Treacy, 28, F, 4 Kiltown, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (head, Protestant,
single) Richard Treacy, 59, M, 46 Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny
(head, CoI, farmer) Mary Anne Treacy, 59, F, Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny
(CoI, married 33 years, 6 child) Margaret Treacy, 32, F, Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny
(daughter, CoI, single) William Treacy, 30, M, Cloneen, Clogh, Kilkenny
(son, CoI, single) William Treacy, 49, M, 24 Donaquile, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (head, CoI, farmer, single) Annsley Treacy, 46, M, 25 Donaquile, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (head, CoI, farmer) Susan Treacy, 45, F, Donaquile, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (CoI, married 18
years, 4 child 1 alive, b. Queens) George Treacy, 14, M, Donaquile, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (CoI) Maria Treacy, 78, F, 21 High Street, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (head, CoI,
lady on an annuity, widow) Emily Swan, 69, F,
High Street, Castlecomer, Kilkenny (sister, CoI, lady on an annuity, widow) Nellie Treacy, 18, F, High Street, Castlecomer,
Kilkenny (servant, RC, single) MOTHELL John Treacy, 53, M, 34 Coan East, Mothell, Kilkenny (CoI, farmer) Alicia Treacy, 62, F, Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (CoI, married 25 years, 2 child) John Rob Treacy, 23, M, Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (CoI, single) George Joe Treacy, 23, M, Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (CoI, single) William Treacy, 45, M, 35 Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (CoI, head, farmer, single) Anne Marie Treacy, 73, F, Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (CoI, mother, widow Joseph Treacy, 25, M, Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (CoI, brother, single) John Treacy, 64, M, 24 Coan East, Mothell, Kilkenny (CoI, farmer) Elizabeth Treacy, 63, F, Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (CoI, married 44 years, 10 child 6 alive) Charles Treacy, 26, M, Coan East, Mothell,
Kilkenny (son, CoI, farmers son, single) James Treacy, 9, M, Coan East, Mothell, Kilkenny (grandson, CoI) LIVING IN CARLOW Henry Treacy, 38, M, 16 Rathnapish Rural, Carlow Rural, Carlow (CoE,
Asylum attendant, b. Kilkenny) Margaret Treacy, 35, F, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow
Rural, Carlow (CoE, Married 8 years, 5 child, b. Kildare) Hilda Elfie Treacy, 6, F, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow
Rural, Carlow (CoE, b. Carlow) Eusebius Henry Treacy, 4, M, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow
Rural, Carlow (CoE, b. Carlow) Pheobe Treacy, 3, F, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow
Rural, Carlow (CoE, b. Carlow) John Treacy, 1, M, Rathnapish Rural, Carlow Rural, Carlow (CoE, b.
Carlow) Edward Treacy, 39, M, 9 Augharue, Rathornan,
Carlow (servant, CoI, labourer, single, b. Kilkenny) LIVING IN DOWN Samuel Treacy, 43, M, 38 Willowfield Gardens,
Ormeau, Down (CoI, acting Sargt. R.I.C. b. Kilkenny) Margaret Treacy, 33, F, Willowfield Gardens,
Ormeau, Down (CoI, married 16 years, 4 child, b. Dublin) Ernest W S Treacy, 15, M, Willowfield Gardens,
Ormeau, Down (CoI) Ethel E Treacy, 10, F, Willowfield Gardens,
Ormeau, Down (CoI) Saml R Treacy, 9, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau,
Down (CoI) Austin Treacy, 7, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau,
Down (CoI, b. Belfast) LIVING IN DUBLIN
Henry, Treacy, Avondale Avenue, 56, M, Arran Quay Dublin (Church of
England, Tramway Motor Driver, b. Kilkenny) Elizabeth, Treacy, Avondale Avenue, 50, F, Arran
Quay Dublin (Church of England, b. Cavan) LIVING IN KILDARE John Tracey, 24, M, 12 Balkinstown, Nurney, Kildare (Irish Church,
Servant, farmer, single, b. Kilkenny) Richard Tracey, 45, M, 1 Ballycullane, Lower,
Graney, Kildare (head, CoI, farmer, single, b. Kilkenny) William Henry Tracey, 28, M, Ballycullane, Lower,
Graney, Kildare (cousin, CoI, farm servant, single, b. Kilkenny) Phoebe Stephenson,
57, F, 5 Coltstown, Graney, Kildare (head, farmer, widow, CoI, b. Kilkenny) Hilda Parsons, 12,
F, 5 Coltstown, Graney, Kildare (granddaughter, CoI, b. Meath) Jane Treacy, 7, F, 5 Coltstown, Graney, Kildare (granddaughter, CoI, b.
Carlow) James Tracey, 61, M, 5 Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI, farmer) Jane Tracey, 56, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI, married 36 years, 10 child) John Tracey, 33, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (son, CoI, farmers son, single) Caroline Tracey, 26, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (daughter, CoI, single) Ada Jane Tracey, 24, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (daughter, CoI, single) Helen Tracey, 18, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (daughter, CoI, single) Emily Tracey, 15, F, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI) William Tracey, 10, M, Newtown, Graney, Kildare (CoI)
Leason Treacy, 40, M, 2 Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI, farmer, b.Kilkenny) Martha Treacy, 37, F, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI, married 10 years, 6 child 5 alive, b. Wicklow) Kathleen Treacy, 9, F, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI) William Treacy, 5, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI) Samuel Treacy, 3, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI) Leason Treacy, 2, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI) Alfred Treacy, 0-4.5 months, M, Plunketstown, Upper, Graney, Kildare (CoI) LIVING IN LAOIS Abraham Treacy, 61, M, 2 Ardateggle, Ardough,
Queen's Co. (CoI, farmer, b. Kilkenny) Kate Treacy, 47, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co. (CoI, married 23
years, 9 child 8 alive) Phoebe Treacy, 20, F, Ardateggle, Ardough,
Queen's Co. (CoI, daughter, single) Katie Treacy, 18, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's Co. (CoI, daughter,
dressmaker, single) Martha Treacy, 16, F, Ardateggle, Ardough,
Queen's Co. (CoI, daughter, single) Abraham George Treacy, 11, M, Ardateggle, Ardough,
Queen's Co. (CoI, son, single) John James Treacy, 8, M, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's
Co. (CoI, son, single) Annie Jane Treacy, 6, F, Ardateggle, Ardough, Queen's
Co. (CoI, daughter, single) LIVING IN
WEXFORD James Treacy, 41, M, 1 Knockbaun, Coolgreany, Wexford (CoI, Constable RIC,
b. Kilkenny) Elizabeth Treacy, 33, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany,
Wexford (CoI, married 13 years, 6 children, b. Kerry) Gertrude B Treacy, 11, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany,
Wexford (CoI, b. Limerick) William S H Treacy, 8, M, Knockbaun, Coolgreany,
Wexford (CoI, b. Limerick) Lionel A Treacy, 6, M, Knockbaun, Coolgreany,
Wexford (CoI, b. Laois) Linda O Treacy, 5, F, Knockbaun, Coolgreany,
Wexford (CoI, b. Laois) LIVING IN ENGLAND 123 Greenlane, Handsworth,
Birmingham, Staffs Alfred John
Treacy, 29, head, electric wireman, b. Bradley Staffs Martha Mary
Treacy, 28, wife, married 3, 1 child not living, b. Walsall Wood Staffs Evelyn Anne
Treacy, 1, [dead crossed out] b. Handsworth Staffs Robert Treacy, 54,
Father, b. Belmount Co Kilkenny Ireland, Widowed, Police Pensioner 4 Mitton St
Longsight North Manchester Lancashire Peter Tracey, 50,
Head, b. Muckalee C Kilkenny, Labourer Hannah Tracey 55
wife, married 25 years, 4 child 3 alive, b. Leighlen c Carlow Rose Murphy 25,
niece, assistant teacher, b. Latchford
Chesire William Tracey 15
grocers assistant, b. Manchester Lancashire Joseph Tracey 14
clerk insurance, b. Manchester Lancashire 2 Back Of 33
Nelson Street Grimsby Lincs Robert Treacy,
head, 56, married 10 years, 1 child, dock labourer, b. Parish of Bilbo, Co.
Kilkenny, Ireland Mary E Treacy,
wife, 53, b. Parish of Kiltennel Co. carlow ireland Robert W. Treacy,
son, 9, b. Castlecomer Co. Kilkenny Ireland. |
14 March 1912 Irish Land Commission Return Of Advances
Estate of Richard Henry
Richard Treacy, Cloneen, 39a3r17p,
valuation £19.5, rent £15.12.0, Jud (a), price £365, advance £365, 23.3 years
Richard Treacy, Cloneen, 14a0r6p,
valuation £0.15, rent £7.15.0, Jud (a), price £181, advance £181, 23.6 years
William Tracey, Donagule, 167a0r20p,
valuation £50, rent £42.5.0, Jud (c), price £1000, advance £1090, 23.3 years
Anneslay Treacy, Donaguile, 14a3r0p,
valuation £4.15, rent £2.2.6, Jud (a), price £51, advance £51, 24 years rent
Grorge Treacy & Margaret Treacy,
Donaguile, 62a0r20p, valuation £24.15, rent £18.0.6, Jud (a), price £456,
advance £456, 23.9 years rent
William Tracey, Donagule, 13a2r22p,
valuation £9.10, rent £0.11.0, Jud (b), price £139, advance £139, 21.2 years
...The Pike Road. Before reaching Larry Brennan's (Rush) house, we swung across over by the house of J.J. Treacy, who was a Protestant farmer, and headed for Kelly's bridge on our way into The Lotts...
Coon East...John Treacy...
J. Comerford (1980) My Kilkenny IRA days: 1916-22
Ellis Island
Gertrude Treacy, NY USA, 1923, 26
years, single, maid, sister: Mrs J. Cullinane, 10 Victoria Terrace, Clenbrook,
C. Cork. lived 10 years New York. Cousin Mrs Sparkes, 1410 Broadway?, New York
City, NY. 5’6”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. B. Kilkenny Co.
Kilkenny Ireland.
1926 Irish Mission for Immigrant
Girls in New York City
Tracy, 1926, 35 years, from Queen's. Sponsor: Mrs. Hingington 79 Pine St. New
Haven, Conn. cousin (Carinthia - May 31 1926)
2 Nov 1937 Coan School, Mothel, Co. Kilkenny [Schools Collection]
Peter Roche, 70, shoemaker of
Cruttenclough...People named Honours (phonetic spelling) lived in a house on
land now owned by Mr. Charlie Tracey.
The stones which remained of this house were taken away lately in order to sow
a wheat crop in the field...
Treacy/Tracy family papers (1813-1853)
Lease of twenty acres of land in lower Ballylehane [Killabban] from Henry Hovenden to William Treacy and subsequent dispute. & other documents
Contains: Letter from Elizabeth Treacy to her cousin James, dated Oct. 10, 1853; Lease of twenty acres of land in lower Ballylehane from Henry Hovenden to William Treacy, 4th September 1813; Revenue exchequer for Treacy/Hovenden (cover only - no date); Revenue exchequer accounts for William Treacy/ John Moore Hovenden, 1827; [Accounts] Thos. Gregory to Wm. Treacy, 1826; Revenue exchequer accounts, William Treacy, plaintiff, John Moore Hovenden, defendant, trinity term, 1827; Common Pleas, copy costs, William Treacy, plaintiff, John Moore Hovenden, defendant, Easter term, 1826; Common Pleas, costs of outlay and findings, Tracey [sic]/Hovenden, Easter term, 1826; Indenture of James Rouget, son of Daniel Rouget, to Elisha Mollet, captain of the brig, Two Brothers, dated 1793; Letter from William Harte of Dublin to James Treacy of New York City, dated Sept 8, 1851; document titled "The Rathcool Peerage"; document relating the extinction of the title of viscount for the Tracy [i.e., Treacy] name; document titled "Baron Sudeley" tracing the Tracy [i.e., Treacy] lineage; will of Anne Treacy, dated 1824.
FHL British Film [1696691 item 2] – LDS
update: 24 February 2025