Traceys of Tipperary – Page 1

Message Boards

References to 1900

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Directories

- Parish Records

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 2

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 2 North Tipperary

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 2 South Tipperary

Family Histories

Parish Records from 1800 onwards

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 3

References from 1900 onwards

- Directories

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Land Records

- Census

General references for Tipperary



 Traceys of Tipperary – Page 3

It may be presumed that the Traceys of:

 North East Tipperary are descended from the Uí Bairrche

 North West Tipperary are descended from the Sil Anmchadha

 South West Tipperary are descended from the Uí Fidgeinti.



1900 (302) Irish Land Commission (Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1891). - Tipperary

May 18 1899, John Treacy junior, purchaser, Eal of Portarlington, vendor, Clybanane TN, 8a1r2p, £11.10.0 valuation, £7.10.0 rent, judicial, £146 purchase price and advance,

May 18 1899, Winifred Treacy, purchaser, Eal of Portarlington, vendor, Clybanane and Timeighter TN, 32a2r3p, £19.15.0 valuation, £15.0.0 rent, judicial, £300 purchase price and advance,

November 25 1899, Denis Treacy, purchaser, Wm Fitzgibbon Dillon, vendor, Folldarg TS, 24a3r0p, £9.5.0 valuation, "10.12.0 rent, £170 purchase price and advance


4 August 1900 (NG) Nenagh Urban Council

...Mr. Haugh also reported that he visited the back premises of Daniel Meara, Patrick Flannery, John Bourke, Mary Treacey and James Ralph, who occupy houses at the lower portion of Dublin Road...


Sep 21, 1900 (IT) Templemore Sports

Putting the 28lb, 56lb, Long Jump, High Jump...J. Tracy, Roscrea...


24 October 1900 (NG) Thurles Board of Guardians

...present...D. Treacey...


1900 Return of judicial rents

Thomas Treacy of Lisheen Thurles Tipperary, landlord Charles E. Lloyd, 16a/0r/31p, poor valuation £4/5/0, old rent £10/0/0, new rent 1 £71/0/0, new rent 2 £5/17/6

Thomas Treacy of Ballyerk Thurles Tipperary, landlord Charles E. Lloyd, 22a/0r/0p, poor valuation £9/15/0, old rent £16/16/8, new rent 1 £12/0/0, new rent 2 £8/16/0


Board of Trade – Central Register of Seamen

Tracy J 23/03/1900 Tipperary Ireland. Discharge A numbers R204561 R204781 R204651


Monday, March 11, 1901 Brooklyn Eagle

Personal - Dwan & Dwan Co. of Tipperary

Michael Treacy or Bridget Treacy who in 1887 resided at 1,004 St. Marks av and 204 Clinton av Brooklyn will hear something to their advantage by applying to Allen H. Morgan, Thurles, Ireland.


'Waesland', Queenstown to Phila 21 April 1901 [see 11 Mar 1896]

Maggie Treacy, 23, b. 1878, lived Cukenline [Caherline, Kilmurry, Limerick?], passage paid by brother, to brother Michl Tracy 1251 South Western Ave Chicago.

Thomas Treacy, 21, b. 1880, lived Ninugh [Nenagh Tipperary], passage paid by brother P.P.T., brother Martin Tracy, 2200 St. James Place Pha. Called for him.


May 30, 1901 (IT)

...Jervis street hospital, where he was attended by...Mr. R.J. Treacy...[Richard, b. Tipperary see 1901 census]

               Richd. Joseph Treacy, 5 James St, Tipperary, L.A.H. Dub. 1926; (Cecilia St Dub)


12 October 1901 (NG) Portumna Derelict Railway

At the Lorrha Sessions...Mr. Treacey, for the defendant...


16 October 1901 (NG) North Tipperary - United Irish League

Meeting at Toomevara...platform...S. Tracy...Killea...S. Treacy...




 1901 Census of Ireland

 Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland



1901 Census of England

Daniel Treacy, 28, Ireland Nenagh, Raily Porter, St Pancras, London

Michael Tracey, 24, Ireland Tipperary, Dock Labourer, Toxteth Park, Liverpool C B

S Treacy, 23, Ireland Roscrea, Assistant Room, Wakefield, Yorkshire


British Postal Service Appointments

Thomas Tracey, 1901, Shronell To Glenbane; Tipperary


Return of judicial rents

17/12/1901 Daniel Treacy Ltd Admr of John Tracey of Ballyerk and another Thurles Tipperary, landlord Charles E. Lloyd, 153a/3r/1p, poor valuation £72/10/0, old rent £70/0/0, new rent £64/14/0

17/12/1901 Daniel Treacy Ltd Admr of John Tracey of Ballyerk and another Thurles Tipperary, landlord Charles E. Lloyd, 21a/0r/9p, poor valuation £9/15/0, old rent £16/16/8, new rent 1 £11/10/0, new rent 2 £10/15/0


1901 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act

18/11/1897 Laurence Treacy of Grange Tipperary N., landlord Earl of Portarlington, 5a/1r/6p, poor valuation £5/10/0, rent £5/5/0, Judical, purchase £96, advance £596, installents paid £8/19/6, arrears £1/18/5


April 1901 Templemore Petty Sessions

Sergaeant Began (Lillea) summoned Richard Ryan of same place with having set fire to a load of furze, the property of Stephen Treacy, Killea, and causing injury to the car to the amount of 10s...


4 October 1902 (NG) Widow and Orphan Fund of late Patrick Hill, Mount Island

...2s...Mrs. Treacey, Kilboy...Miss Treacy, Kilboy...


Oct 11, 1902 (SS) Roscrea Petty Sessions

Mr EG Preston DIRIC opposed the renewal of the licences of Messrs Joseph Treacy, Grove Street; Lawrence Treacy, Limerick Street; and Mrs Larkin, Main Street on the grounds that they took part in a riot on the 23rd September last...no justification for the objection...4 to 2 they decided in giving the certificate for the renewal...


1902 (145) Contempt of court (Ireland).

Michael Treacy, Templemore Co. Tipperary, 104 days, Limerick prison.


23 May 1903 (NG) Roscrea Petty Sessions

Joseph Tracey, publican, was summoned for having permitted drunkenness on May 12th...dismissed.


8 August 1903 (NG) North Tipperary County Council

members...D. Tracey...


1903 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act

18/11/1897 Thos. Treacey of Irby Tipperary N., landlord Earl of Portarlington, 3a/1r/16p, poor valuation £3/15/0, rent £4/11/8, Judical, purchase £89, advance £89, installents paid £15/8/8, arrears £1/15/7


April 25 1904 Mary Treacy, tenant, Stephen R Lloyd, landlord, Longfordwood and Longford (E.D. Bowrney West) Tipperary N, 70a2r38p, £31.10.0 valuation, £30 rent, judicial, £600 purchase price and advance, 


31 March 1905 List of Teachers Employed by the Commissioners of National Education - Tipperary

John Treacy, 61 years, served 41 years 3 months, educated Clonmiclan Urlingford Thurles, serving Tipperary 5308 Gortnahoe, Principal

John Treacy, 23 years 5 months, served 3 years 3 months, educated Gortnagarry Toomavara, trained St. Patricks, serving Tipperary 22384 Gortnagarry, Principal

Maggie Anne Treacy, 28 years 1 month, served 8 years 3 months, educated Mercy Convent Templemore, trained Our Lady of Mercy, serving Tipperary 13248 Templemore B Inf, Assistant


18 October 1905 (NG) Nenagh Quarter Sessions

Loan Fund Cases. Mrs. Helana Mannix, Deer Park, Charleville, administratrix of Denis McKenna, late of Park, Toomevara, obtained decrees against Thomas Tracey, Toomevara, for £10/0/8...


18 October 1905 (NG) Nenagh Quarter Sessions

Roscrea Land case. Whelan v. Treacy...not heard


1905-06 List of Schools that adopted Department Regulations

Sister M.P. Treacy, Ursaline Convent, Thurles


23 June 1906 (NG) Death of a local Journalist

It is with deep regret that we have to announce the death of Mr Denis Tracey, who for many years was a very reliable and trustworthy member of our staff. [Nenagh Guardian]. For several years he was the "Guardian" special district representative at Thurles, where he made himself popular with all classes. Owing to changes on our reporting staff, Mr Tracey returned to Nenagh, and remain in our employ until last Autumn, when he transferred his services to the "Sentinel" but only remained connected with that paper a comparative short time. Since then he acted principally as correspondent for more than one Dublin daily, and was very often temporarily employed on the "Guardian", although failing health prevented our availing of his services as often as we would have liked. His death took place on Monday last, at his mother’s residence, Carriganagh, near this town, and his remains were interred at Killodiernan on Wednesday, his funeral being largely attended.


7 July 1906 (NG) Borrisokane Petty Sessions

Sergeant White charged William Tracey and John Meany with assaulting each other. Both have declined to prosecute.


11 August 1906 (NG) A Peep into Nenagh's Past

..."The Nenagh Minsterly" published in 1836 by Mr. John O'Shea, the first editor of the "Guardian"...subscribers were...Daniel Tracey, disploser at Nenagh Workhouse, and lived next door to police-barracks (commonly known as Dr. Tracey)...


6 October 1906 (NG) Nenagh Board of Guardians

...The master reported that one night during the past week three women named Tracey, O'Brien and Fennessy were admitted to the probationary ward...


15 November 1906 New Zealand Tablet

A Priest Honored. The congregation on Sunday, September 23 at Cappawhite was addressed by the Rev. Dr. Treacy, Dixie, Toronto, a native of Cappawhite, who said he had the honor of a private audience with his Holiness Pope Pius X on September 5, and took advantage of the occasion to present the literary works of their parish priest Father o'Keefe, to his Holiness...


1906 (135) Labourers (Ireland) Acts

Moyns Electorial District, Ballyesk?, C.E. Lloyd, Dan Treacey, Public road, good, no opposition [Ballyerk, Moyne, Tipperary]


Jan 17 1907, Mary Treacy, Poulacapple West Tipperary, 7a3r19p, £5.10.0 valuation, £2.15.6 rent, £68 purchase price and advance


February 1907 IT

Land Commission Judgements...District of Cashel, Michael Treacy v. Herbert W. Jones, £9 10s. 6d., £5. raised to £5 14s.


Mar 7 1907, Margaret Treacy, Clonakenny Tipperary, 21a2r7p, £14.10.0 valuation, £12.12.0 rent, Judicial, £302 purchase price and advance

Mar 7 1907, Rody Treacy, Clonakenny Tipperary, 20a0r4p, £11.10.0 valuation, £9.18.0 rent, Judicial, £238 purchase price and advance


1907 RIC Service

William Treacy, 62509, b. 1881 Tipperary


62509 William Treacy, dob 3 Oct 1881 [26 years], 6'1.875", b. Tipp jd from NR, Catholic, recommended by DI Annesley, farmer, appointed 2 April 07, served Mayo 1 October 1907 - Waterford 16.4.1913, resigned 30.4.1920 62509D/42623, to better his position, Contd in Tipp N.R. & Kings


3 July 1907 (NG) Sixth Standard

Best hand-made shirt...3rd Miss Kathleen Tracey, Toomevara, FNS.

Best cut-out paper pattern of a man's shirt...2nd Miss MA Tracey, Carrigenagh...

Best specimen of a first year's woodwork...3rd Timothy Treacy, Christian Bros, Nenagh


6 July 1907 (NG) Borrisokane Petty Sessions

Mr. Martin Tracey of White Chapel, Kilbarron, was also charged with a breach of the licensing Act on Sunday, 9th May.


6 July 1907 (NG) North Tipperary Assizes

Tracey v. [John] Ryan. This was an appeal in which Margaret Tracey as assignee of Mary Ryan, appealed against the decision of the County Court Judge, who at the last Quart Session, dismissed a claim of £30 given by way of annuity through a deed.


17 August 1907 (NG) Roscrea Petty Sessions

Kate Tracey, publican, of Limerick-street, was charged by District-Inspector Annesley with a breach of the Licensing Act [Sunday trading]


Sep 5, 1907 (IT) Anti-Grazing Agitation

Borrisokane Petty Sessions...lands at Ballymona and Lismagower...defendants...Joseph Tracy..Springpark...defendants,,,Christopher Treacy...


28 September 1907 (NG) Roscrea Board of Guardians

...Mr. J. Tracey...


2 November 1907 (NG) Roscrea Board of Guardians

Joseph Tracey, R.O....


1907 List of Persons who have lodged application with the Estates Commission as Evicted Tenants

2140. Thomas Tracy, Dronardbeg, Clonmore, Templemore. Skehanagh, 21a/0r/0p, £13.9.4 rent. Present tenant - Landlord. Circumstances of Applicant:Four sons, three daughters (44 to 27)


25 January 1908 (NG) Roscrea Board of Guardians

...Mary Tracey, a wardmaid [employed for about six months, about 20 years of age]...met her brother and went home to Moneygall...


January 1908 IT

Templemore Petty Sessions...In December 1907...Driving cattle of Mrs. Etta Lloyd of Seanagh...Daniel Treacy of Seanagh...


8 February 1908 (NG) Roscrea District Council (No. 2)

...Mr. R. Tracey, labourer [Moneygall road contractors]


Mar 14, 1908 (FJ)

Milltown (Galway) UIL...1s...J. Tracy, J. Tracy, sen...M. Treacy...

Belclare (Galway) U.I.L, per Thos. Treacy...

Killea (Tipperary) U.I.L. per S. Treacy...


Apr 10, 1908 (IT) Labourers Act in Roscrea

At the Thurles Quarter Sessions...Mr. John H. Hodgins, Dangan, Roscrea...against a proposal to acquire a site on his land [Ballyhenry] for a labourer named John Treacy...occupied a good slated dwelling on the farm of Mrs. Spratt, with whom he worked...Granted pedition.


Jun 12, 1908 (IT) Thurles Quarter Sessions

James Treacy applied for £200 for a house burned at Clonakenny...A decree for £90 was given.


26 September 1908 (NG) Old Age Pensions Act 1908

...committee...Templemore...Denis Tracey, Co.C, Fantane...


Oct 17, 1908 (FJ)

People of Clonmel...1s...T. Treacy...M. Tracy...


1908 Great Southern Western Railway

James Tracey, 29 years, signalman, Carrick


Apr 5, 1909 (FJ) Town Tenant League

Templemore Branch...James Treacy...


Apr 24, 1909 (IT) Death

Campbell - April 14, 1909, Josephine, wife of Walter George Campbell, 1 Bayview, Irishtown, and daughter of Mr. Michael Treacy, Templemore, aged 25 years.


16 June 1909 (NG) North Riding County Council

...D. Tracey...


Jul 17, 1909 (FJ) Parnell Monument Fund

...Tipperary Town...10s...Ed Treacy, Ballynulty...


December 1909 IT

...a young auxiliary postman for the Archestown (Thurles) district, name Patrick Treacy of Stradavoher...

Dec 7, 1909 (IT) Charge against Postman

...Thurles...Patrick Treacy, of Stradavoher...


1909 Re-instated Evicted Tenants

Thomas Treacy of Solloghodbeg Tipperary, Estate Erasmus Smith's Schools, 28a/2r/34p, rent £25/0/0, evicted 28 Feb 1897 (not re-instated)


Jan 1, 1910 (FJ) UIL

...Grangemockler (Tipperary)...2s...James Tracy...


18 June 1910 (NG) Ormond grand Bazaar

...1s...Mrs. Tracy, Turnpike...


Jul 6, 1910 (FJ) A Co. Tipperary Estate

In the matter of the estate of Surgeon-General C. Roe, the owner objected to the compulsory acquisition of the lands of Graffin and the lands of Skehanagh, situated near Templemore Co. Tipperary...two evicted tenants, Messrs. Patrick Everard and Thomas Treacy who made applicatiopn for the lands...Mr. Treacy gave evidence of the eviction of his family from the lands of Skehanagh in 1879. The Commissioners reserved their decision.


‘Friesland’, Queenstown to Phil 16 Oct 1910

Katie Treacy, 36, b. 1874 Ballywater [Ballywalter Kilvemnon Tipperary] Ireland. Father Thomas Ballywater Coloneen, Lived Phila from 1892 for 18 years. Cousin Mr Thomas Kennedy, 52 West Woodlawn St, There, Germantown, Pa. 5'6", fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes.

Katie Tracy, Miss, ULS C [USC]


29 October 1910 (NG) Dispute about a pathway

Denis Treacy, Fantane, sued Michael Ryan (Rody), Grange, for £5 damages for trespass on his land at Grange...decree for 1s...


5 November 1910 (NG) Nenagh Petty Session

Mary Mason, Falvey's Lane summoned Ellen Tracey for assault. There was also a cross-summons...Daniel Tracey...case dismissed against Ellen Tracey.


November 1910 to December 1911 Monthly returns of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903

Cornelius Tracey, Cullaun, 32a2r30p, £19 value, £17.16.0 rent, Judl (a), £439 payment, 24.6 years, estate of Standish Grady John Parker-Hutchinson, Tipperary

Joseph Treacy, Newtowmn, 41a3r35p, £21.0, £18.19.0, Judl (a), £455, 24 years, estate of Standish Grady John Parker-Hutchinson, Tipperary N

Thomas Treacy, Glengar, 60a2r25p, £28, £29.4.0, Not Judl, £628, estate of John Ryan, Tipperary S


1910 [Cd. 5059, 5129, 5178, 5195, 5342, 5348, 5387, 5402] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of January, 1909. - Tipperary

William Treacy, Lahagh TN, 100a3r36p, £31.0.0 valuation, £30.8.5 rent, judical, £639 purchase price and advance, 21 years


7 January 1911 (NG) Roscrea News

Labourers Cottage Act...Jas Tracey...applied for sites on Mr. James Lloyd's land...passed...Daniel Fogarty, on lands of Mary Tracey, Longford. Mr Houlihan objected; Mrs Tracey had a small farm and a large family; site transferred to Mr Lloyd's land...Stephen Tracey, site on PA Ryan's land at Killea-Granted...


Feb 23 1911, Cornelius Tracey, Cullaun Tipperary N, 32a2r30p, £19 valuation, £17.16.0 rent, judicial, £439 price and advance, 24.6 years


17 June 1911 (NG) North Riding County Council

The annual meeting...members present...Denis Tracey...


Jun 21 1911, Thomas Treacy, Glengar Tipperary S, 60a2r25p, £28 valuation, £29.40 rent, not judicial, £628 price and advance, 21.5 years


19 August 1911 (NG)

Cottage Classes - Potato onions: 1st, Johanna Tracy, Gurtnadelawn...


21 October 1911 (NG) Thurles Quarter Sessions

Ejectment of Title. Patrick Shortall v. Wm Maher, Littleton and Matthew Treacy, Ballinamona...Maher had sold the premises to Treacy...No case.


1911 Re-instated Evicted Tenants

Thomas Treacy of Skehanagh Tipperary, Estate William C. Roe, 13a/0r/0p, rent £11/15/4, evicted April 1879

Reinstatement Application (Ireland).HC Deb 01 May 1911 vol 25 cc170-1W

§ Mr. HACKETT asked the Chief Secretary whether he can state when Thomas Tracy, Dromard, and Patrick Everard, Graffin, will be reinstated in their former holdings on the estate of Surgeon-General Roe, Loran Park, Roscrea; and whether he can state the amount of grant to each in order to assist them to work their farms?

§ Mr. BIRRELL The Estates Commissioners are acquiring under the provisions of the Evicted Tenants Act, 1907, some fifteen acres of the lands of Skehanagh, and six acres of the lands of Graffin, on the estate of Surgeon-General Roe, formerly in the occupation of Thomas Tracy and Patrick Everard respectively, and hope to be shortly in a position to put Tracy and Everard in possession of their holdings. The Commissioners have sanctioned free grants of £7 for fencing and £70 for the purchase of stock to Tracy, and £3 for fencing and £20 for purchase of stock to Everard.


1912-13 [Cd. 6028, 6029, 6096, 6137, 6187, 6263, 6330, 6393, 6403, 6420, 6424, 6443] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish land purchase acts, during the month of November, 1910. - Tipperary

21st June 1911, Thomas Treacy, Glengar TS, 60a2r25p, £28 valuation, £29.4.0 rent, not judicial, £628 purchase price and advance, 21.5 years



1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



9 March 1912 (NG) Death in Nenagh Railway Wagon

...William Tracey, said to be a native of Borrisokane...


‘Merion’, Queenstown to Phil 26 August 1912

Denis Treacy, 23, b. 1889 Carrick on Suir, [Tipperary] Ireland. Mother: Mrs Treacy, Kickham St, Carrick on Suir. To Uncle Richard Whali, 204 Main St, Norristown Pa. 5'6", fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes.


28 September 1912 (NG) North Riding County Council

...councilors present...D. Treacy...


23 November 1912 (NG) North Tipperary - County Council

...members...Denis Tracey (or Tracy/Treacy).


1912 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Bingham/Corrie Estate

Michael Treacy of Lehinch Tipperary, 7a/2r/76p & 0a/2r/24p, poor valuation £3/6/0, rent £3/10/3, not Judical, purchase £71, advance £71, 20.2 years

Catherine Treacy of Lehinch Tipperary, 3a/2r/35p & 0a/3r/24p, poor valuation £2/16/0, rent £2/8/0, not Judical, purchase £48, advance £48, 20 years


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Beamish/De Coursey Fenwicke

January 25 1912 Denis Treacy of Knockshearoon Tipperary, 36a/2r/12p, value £19/10/0, rent £15/9/6, judical, price £251, advance £251, 20.4 years of rent


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Pole-Carew/Butler

January 1 1912 Denis Treacy (Thomas) of Commanealine Tipperary, 91a/0r/6p, value £7/0/0, rent £8/13/6, judical, price £193, advance £193, 20.5 years of rent

January 1 1912 Denis Treacy (John) of Commanealine Tipperary, 108a/1r/2p, value £26/0/0, rent £20/0/0, judical, price £472, advance £472, 23.65 years of rent


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Charles Edward Lloyd

December 19 1912 Thomas Treacy of Ballyerk Tipperary N, 21a/2r/6p, value £9/15/0, rent £8/16/0, judical, price £197, advance £197, 22.3 years of rent

December 19 1912 Daniel Treacy of Ballyerk Tipperary N, 21a/3r/0p, value £9/15/0, rent £10/15/0, judical, price £242, advance £242, 22.5 years of rent

December 19 1912 Daniel Treacy of Ballyerk Tipperary N, 32a/3r/0p, value £19/15/0, rent £20/10/0, judical, price £420, advance £420, 20.4 years of rent


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Alice Marjory Biggs-Atkinson

June 1 1912 Patrick Treacy of Gortadalaun Tipperary N. 22a/0r/31p, of Magheranenagh 4a/2r/12p Tipperary N, value £10/10/0, rent £11/15/4, not judical, price £207, advance £207, 17.5 years of rent


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of De Boise De Courcenay

7/11/1912 Michael Tracey of Coolcroo Tipperary N., 18a/1r/12p, value £12/0/0, rent £9/18/6, not judical, price £171, advance £171, 17.2 years of rent


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Richard A. MacNamara

6/6/1912 Michael Tracey of Ballydavid Tipperary N., 4a/3r/10p, value £-, rent £3/6/8, not judical, price £70, advance £70, 20.9 years of rent


11 January 1913 (NG) Nenagh Quarter Sessions

...Tracey, process server...


22 February 1913 (NG) Nenagh

The tender of Mr. J. Tracey was accepted for the erection of a cottage at Shanacloon at £125.


22 February 1913 (NG) Roscrea Board of Guardians

...Mr. Tracy R.O....


29 March 1913 (NG) Nenagh Quarter Sessions

...17th March...special court on Tracey at Borrisokane...


5 April 1913 (NG) North Tipperary Inquest

...jury...P. Tracey...


24 March 1913 (NG) North Tipperary County Council

...members...D. Treacy...


15 November 1913 (NG) Roscrea No.1 District Council

Mr Joseph Tracey, rate-collector...


6 December 1913 (NG) Roscrea News

Dr Powell wrote "A man named Thomas Tracey has been sent to the infirmary by Dr Jacob. The patient has an injury to his eye..."


1913-1922 Military History

Cornelius Treacy of Toomevara, Tipperary

Daniel Treacy, B (Dunkerrin) Company, 7 Battalion, 1 Tipperary Brigade, 3 Southern Division, of Tipperary & OffalyDenis Treacy, Ballinamoe, Moneygall, Co. Tipperary

Denis Treacy, B (Dunkerrin) Company, 7 Battalion, 1 Tipperary Brigade, 3 Southern Division

Denis Treacy, C Company 4 Battalion North Tipperary, of Borrisokane Tipperary & Cork

Denis Treacy, G Company, 2 Battalion, 2 Tipperary Brigade, 2 Southern Division of Templemore Tipperary & Dublin

Edmond Treacy, D (Moyne) Company, 2 Battalion, 2 Tipperary Brigade, 2 Southern Division

Edward Treacy (now Dublin) [Roscrea], Co. Tipperary

Edward Treacy, Ivy House, Holycross, Tipperary

John Treacey/Treacy, Roscrea, Tipperary

John Treacy (now U.S.A.) [Roscrea], Co. Tipperary

John Treacy, A Company. 7 Battalion, 1 Tipperary Brigade, 3 Southern Division, of Tipperary, Offaly & Manchester England

John Treacy, Ballywilliam, Shinrone, Co. Tipperary, Co. Tipperary

Julia Treacy nee Ryan, D Company, 6 Battalion, 1 Tipperary Brigade, 3 Southern Division, of Tipperary & Limerick

Kate Harrison nee Treacy, Cumman na mBan, Tipperary and Dublin Brigades, of Limerick & Dublin

Martin Treacy, Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Co. Tipperary

Martin Treacy, Mountheaton, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary

Patrick Treacy, Borrisoleigh Company, 3 Battalion Tipperary, of Borrisoleigh, Tipperary & Fairview Dublin & Portobello Barracks Dublin

Richard Treacy of Bishopswood, Co. Tipperary

Rody Treacy, B Company 2 Battalion Dublin Brigade, of Nenagh Co. Tipperary and Dublin

Sean Treacy (1895-1920) of Soloheadbeg, Co. Tipperary

T. Treacy, Mrs, Pearse Street, Nenagh (nee H. Burke)

Thomas Tracey/Treacy, from [Roscrea?] Tipperary. Casements Irish Brigade

Thomas Treacy, Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Co. Tipperary

Thomas Treacy, private Royal Irish Regiment, Tipperary and died Dublin 1916

W. Treacy, Mrs, Spruce Hill, Roscrea (nee M. Dalton)

William Treacy, B Company, 7 Battalion, Kilkenny Brigade, 2 Southern Division, of Tipperary

William Treacy, Rosemount, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary


1914 Parlimentary Papers

1. Denis Treacy, Rathnaveoge Upper, 2a1r0p, valuation £1.0, rent £1.0.0, Not judl, price £19, Advance £19, 19 years rent

2. Denis Treacy, Rathnaveoge Upper, 0a1r38p, valuation £3.15, rent £4.0.0, -, price £17, Advance £17, 4.2 years rent

1 & 2 consolidated


3 January 1914 (NG) Roscrea Cottage Scheme

Denis Tracey applied for a cottage on Mr Jas Lloyd's land at Longford. Mr Costigan said that the applicant was a hard-working ma, and was for 26 years in Mr Lloyd's employment. Clerk: Are you married Denis? Applicant: I am, sir (laughter). The application was granted.

James Tracey, Corrigan, applied for a cottage on Mr Lloyd's land at Longford Wood. Mr Costigan said the applicant was deserving of a cottage, and on the last occasion Mr. Lloyd consented to allow a cottage to be built for him. Mr Bridge (sol): I think Mr Lloyd consented on the grounds that he would get no further trouble about the sites. The application was granted.


10 January 1914 (NG) Roscrea Workman's Club

..dance...J. Tracey (Clonakenny)...


7 February 1914 (NG) Town Tenants' League

Moneygall Branch...elected..R. Tracey...


21 February 1914 (NG) North Tipperary County Council

...members...Denis Tracey...


Mar 12 1914, James Treacy, Gortnadumagh Tipperary N, 20a2r31p, £4.6.0 valuation, £2.15.0 rent, £60 price and advance, 21.8 years


16 May 1914 (NG) Roscrea news - Cottages

...At Summerhill...Keerly and a sister...rate occupier, one of the Traceys...


30 May 1914 (NG) Templemore Petty Sessions

James Hartigan, publican, Barrack-street...Sunday trading...James Treacy, Barrack-street on the premises...witness saw Joseph Treacy, a boy of about 14 years and he had a large jug in his hand...James Treacy was working with publican on the country roads...Joseph Treacy came in for milk and took it away with him...


30 May 1914 (NG) Roscrea Petty Sessions

Joseph Tracey, rent collector to the Roscrea District Council, sued Sergeant McDonagh for trespass on a garden, the property of the Rural Council...


1914 Denis Treacy, Currahaha & Fantane north Tipperary N, 4a0r14p & 6a1r35p, £1.15.0 & £2.15.0 valuation, £5.1.0 rent, judicial, £109 price and advance, 21.5 years

1914 Michael Treacy, Aughmahcola Tipperary N, 19a1r21p, £10.10.0 valuation, £9.10.0 rent, judicial, £338 price and advance, 21 years


1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records

Thomas Treacy. Reg. No. 11162. Rank Private, Royal Irish Regiment 3rd batt. Died of wounds home 24/4/1916. Born Mardike, Killenaule, Co. Tipperary.

Royal Irish Regiment personnel who were in action in Dublin in 1916

11162 Pte Thomas Treacy, Mordike, Co. Tipperary. DOW 24/4/1916. (Killenaule)

Buried in a collective grave in the EHB Office Grounds, Kilmainham.

William Tracey. Reg. No. 6919. Rank Private, 2nd Leinster Regiment. Killed in action France 20/10/1914. Born Templemore, Co. Tipperary. Ploegsteert Memorial Panel 10.

Age 42, Brother of Andrew Tracey, of Church St., Templemore, Co. Tipperary

Nov 3, 1916 (IT) Wounded

Royal Dublin Fusiliers...Tracey, 24655, L-Cpl. R. (Donasreigh) [Tipperary?]


1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension Records

Andrew Tracey, b. abt 1879, Templemore, Tipperary,  

John Tracey, b. abt 1869, Fethard, Tipperary,  

Richard Josephy Treacy, b. abt 1880, Cappaghwhite, Tipperary

Thomas Treacy, b. abt 1897, Rathduff Fethard, Co Tipperary,


October? 1914 Waterford News

More Carrisckmen wounded at the front. Information has been received in Carrick-on-Suir that the following men, natives of the town have been wounded at the front and are in hospital in England...Private Thomas Treacy, 18th Royal Irish...

13th November, 1914 Waterford News.  The Royal Irish Regiment At The Front

...Four other Carrickmen-John Casey, Maurice Mansfield, Tom Treacy and Tom Weston fell wounded quiet near him...


Thomas Tracey/Treacy, Casements Irish Brigade

I am researching Casements Irish Brigade, which was the attempt by Sir Roger Casement to raise a brigade from Irish Prisoners of War in Germany in WW1 and take them back to fight for Irish independence.
The attempt never worked, he only got 56 recruits, one of whom was John Tracey, but I have little on the man. it comes down to:

"Casement just records him as a labourer before joining. Keogh (the sergeant major who ran the Irish Brigade) has him as Thomas Tracey, a big six footer from [Roscrea?] Tipperary. And records that Tracey supervised the Irishmen's mascot, a red-haired terrier called Rebel, who enjoyed catching the many rats in Zossen camp. I cannot find a service record nor a pension record. Nor a Medal card. One would expect him to be in Royal Irish Regt if he came from Tipperary."

Casement came back to Ireland just before the Easter Rising in 1916 with a boatload of rifles, but was caught and hanged. The Irish Brigade were left in Germany, and most just merged back into Irish life after the war
Any information on John Tracey?

David Grant david@corisande.com 17 April 2010



1914 The Gas World [see Sologhead Tipperary]

Mr. M. [Martin] Treacy, manager of the Cairrick-on-Suir gasworks, has been appointed manager to the Wicklow Gas Company, in place of Mr. W. Ewing,

1917 The gas world year book

Carrick-on-Suir & Wicklow

G.W. Anderson, M.J. (or T.) Treacy, R.B. Anderson

1931 The Gas World Year Book

Fermoy M. Treacy

Tipperary Carrick-on-Suir (3) T. J. Treacy, owner.


Mar 20, 1915 (SS) Football Cork v Tipperary

Tipperary...W. Tracy...


29 May 1915 (NG) Mr Hoctor's Candidature

...meeting at Carney...present...D. Tracey...


1915 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Oliver/Baker/Grant/Colthurst

1/7/1915 Denis Tracey of Grangelough 12a/3r/27p £2/10/0, of Fantane North 41a/3r/0p £21/18/0, of Currabaha 2a/2r/38p £1/15/0 Tipperary N., rent £31/9/9, not judical, price £578, advance £578, 18.8 years of rent


January 28 1916 Daily Eagle Brooklyn NY

Cornelius Treacy, 60 years old, Of 830 Union street, a resident of Brooklyn for thirty five years, died yesterday from pneumonia. His funeral will be held tomorrow morning with a requiem mass in the R.C. Church of St. Francis Xavier, Carroll street and Sixth avenue, interment following in Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Treacy was born in Tipperary. Ireland, and was in the carpet and linoleum business. He is survived by a brother and two sisters In Ireland, and a cousin, Richard Treacy of Brooklyn.

19 February 1916 Nenagh News

Cornelius Tracy, Deceased. The undermentioned next of kin of the above-named Deceased who died recently in New York are required, and if they will communicate with the under-mentioned Solicitor it will be to their advantage. Denis Tracy (brother); Johanna Quirke, Julia McCormack, and Bridget Tierney (sisters). Dated tbis I2th day of February, 1916. Laurence Ryan, Solicitor. Cathel, ?ral Street, Thurles.


12 February 1916 Nenagh News

...Margaret Treacy, Dromard...fined 2s...unlighted vehicles...


19 February 1916 (NG) North Tipperary County Council

...members...Denis Treacy...


5 Apr 1916 Cork Examiner

Funeral...Thomas Tracey, DC, Glencar; Denis Tracy, Commonaline; Denis Tracey (John), do;...


3 June 1916 Nenagh Petty Sessions

Assistant Nurse's Qualifications.

Miss Treacy, who some time ago was appointed assistant nurse iu the fever hospital, but whose appointment could not be sanctioned by the L.G.B. as she had not at the time stood for her qualifying examination, wrote that she had now passed it, and enclosed a copy ot the certificate of her qualifications. She did not enclose the original owing to the present uncertainty of the post, but would send it if necessary, and asked wheu she could take up the duties; The clerk pointed out that the last communication they had from the Local Government Board on the matter was one ordering a new election, and the question now arose whether they should have a new election or could they rely on the appointment of Miss Treacy, already made. Chairman—What would you advise? Clerk—Try the L.G.B. again. Mr. Callanan thought that as there were at present no fever patients they need not be in a hurry, but the clerk pointed out that a permanent nurse would be cheaper than the system of getting a nurse when required. They had experienced that lately. After further discussion it was ordered that the clerk show Miss Treacy's certificate to the medical officer of health, and, if sufficient, the L G B. should be again asked for their sanction failing which a new election to be had that day three weeks.


10 June 1916 Nenagh News

Sweeney and Treacy—June 7th, 1916. at Templemore Catholic Church, by the Rev. D. Kiely, P P., Owen Sweeney, Sergeant, R.I.C. Collinstru Westmeath to Mage, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Treacy, Templemore.


22 July 1916 Evening Herald

Irish Volunteers Dependants...10s...Thomas Treacy DC Glengar...John Treacy (Tom) Commonnline, Denis Treacy (John) Commonnline...3s...Mrs Treacy (Doon)...2s6d...Morgan Treacy, Doon...


29 July 1916 (NG) Irish National Aid Association

Rathnavogue...2s6d...D. Tracey...Mount Heaton, Clyduff & Clonbrenan...10s...Phil Tracey...Moneygall...7s6d...M. Tracey...3s6d...Wm Tracey...2s6d...R. Tracey...1s6d...N. Tracey...Mrs. Treacy...


Sep 14, 1916 (IT) Defence of the Realm Act

Two young men named Con Treacy and William Carroll of Toomevara, have been fined £3 and £1 respectively...for using language likely to cause disaffection.

23 Sep 1916 Nenagh Guardian

Cheering for Sinn Fein. Six Men Charged...resptable young men from Toomevara...defendants Cornelius Treacy...Treacy was I believe the ring-leader...


1916? Clonmel...Mr. Treacy's Income Tax Office was raided by our men and all books destroyed...

Witness: James Ryan, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary



18 Oct 1916 Cork Examiner

Tipperary County Board GAA...W. Treacey (castleiney)...


Jan 11, 1917 (IT) Killed by Falling Tree

A Coroner's jury at Tipperary yesterday found that John Tracey, a labourer, of Kilbeg, died from exhaustion following injuries received by a tree that he had been felling falling upon him. He suffered from a franctured spine and a broken leg.

February 3, 1917 The Gaelic American

Tipperary - Killed by falling tree

A Coroner's jury at Tipperary found that John Tracey, a labourer, of Killbeg, died from exhaustion following injuries received by a tree that he had been felling falling upon him. He suffered from a fractured spine and a broken leg.


20 August 1917 IT

Tipperary Board of Guardians...Tipperary Town welcome Mr. de Valera...Mr. T. Treacey seconded the motion...


Oct 27, 1917 (IT) Nurses Commended for War Service

Tracey, Miss E.A.M. A.P. Mil. Massage Corps, Irish Commond Depot, Tipperary.


22 December 1917 (NG) Borrisokane Gift Sale

...2s6d...Mrs J. Tracey...2s...Mrs Treacy...


29 December 1917 (NG) Our Day Fund - Nenagh

...6d...T. Treacey...


1917 USA Draft Registration  

Denis Treacy b. 08 Dec 1891 Currick On Sur Tipperary Ireland, alien, shell saddener Du Pont, lives Pompton, single, no dependants, physical disability,  Lakes NJ

Frank Joseph Treacy, 29, of 213 Willis Ave NY NY, b. 28 Feb 1888 Tipperary Ireland, naturalized, woraks as labourer at McGrath & Sons 323 Butler St Bklyn, has wife & child, [signed], medium height, stout build, blue eyes, brown hair.

Jas J Treacy b. 01 Nov 1888 Tipperary Ireland, intention to declare naturalisation, butcher, wife and 3 children dependants, married, lives 2463 8 Ave NY NY

John Treacy b. 22 Feb 1895 County Tipperany Ireland Great Britain, alien, labourer, single, no dependants, lives Valhalla NY


1917-1921 service medal - Patrick Treacy, Borrisoleigh Company, 3 Battalion Tipperary, of Borrisoleigh, Tipperary & Fairview Dublin & Portobello Barracks Dublin

Patrick Treacy


Curraghgloss, Borrisoleigh, Tipperary

5 Inverness Road, Fairview, Dublin

2 Maintanence Coy, Corp of Engineers, Portobello Barracks, Dublin

Notes: File relates to successful application for service (1917-1921) medal. Service certified and medal issued 1943.

Data Protection Note Open

Organisation Irish Republican Army

Rank: Unknown

Commanding Officer(s): Jerry Ryan, James Stapleton

Company: Borrisoleigh Company

Unit: 3 Battalion

Brigade: Tipperary

Medal awarded: Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference: MD1613


1917-1921 service medal - Denis Treacy, C Company 4 Battalion North Tipperary, of Borrisokane Tipperary & Cork

Denis Treacy


H.Q. Company, 19 Infintary Battalion, Rockgrove, Little Island, Cork

Cloninaha, Ballinderry, Borrisokane, Tipperary

Notes: File relates to successful application for Service (1917-1921) Medal. Service certified and medal issued 26 August 1944.

Data Protection Note Open

Organisation                Irish Republican Army

Rank: Unknown

Commanding Officer(s): Liam Holohan, Martin Hough, Felix Cronin

Company: C Company

Unit: 4 Battalion

Brigade: North Tipperary

National Army Service Number: 63992

Medal awarded: Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference: MD3567


1917-1921 service medal - Denis Treacy, G Company, 2 Battalion, 2 Tipperary Brigade, 2 Southern Division of Templemore Tipperary & Dublin

Denis Treacy


Church Street, Templemore, Tipperary

79 North King Street, Dublin

187 Botanic Road, Dublin

42 Calderwood Road, Dublin

Main Street, Templemore, Tipperary

Date of birth                1893-06-27

Date of death              1978-09-14

Civilian occupation: Cobbler

Notes: File relates to successful Service (1917-1921) Medal application. Service certified and medal issued 10 August 1958. Medal later deemed to have been duly awarded. Duly awarded certificate signed 27 February 1958. Associated file DP20606 : : File relates to successful application by subject for Special Allowance under the Army Pensions Act, in respect of ill health experienced by subject. File includes: medical reports, social welfare reports, signed statements regarding application for said allowance, reports regarding the means and level of income of subject and sanctions granting payment of allowance. File contains copy of subject's marriage certificate (to Martha Fitzgerald, 16 January 1929).

Data Protection Note Partly closed

Organisation                Irish Republican Army

Rank             Unknown

Commanding Officer(s)             James Leahy; Sean Scott; Harry Newman

Company      G Company

Unit              2 Battalion

Brigade        2 Tipperary Brigade

Division        2 Southern Division

Medal awarded           Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference             MD15772


12 January 1918 (NG) Auction at Finnoe and Finnoe Glebe

within 2 miles Borrioskane and 6 miles of Nenagh...the following farms: Lot A...part of said lands of Shesheraghscanlan, containing 8a1r12p, statue measure or thereabouts are held by James Tracey for his lifetime only at £4 per annum...


6 Dec 1918 The Land (Sydney, NSW)

Within three days of each other there passed away, at their residence, in East Maitland, Mr. and Mrs. John Treacy. Mr. Treacy was 79 years of age, and his wife 82, and both were born in Tipperary. The former had been in the State 56 years, nearly all the time in East Maitland, where he followed farming pursuits. Mrs. Treacy had lived in East Maitland since childhood. They leave one son, Mr. J. F. Treacy, dentist, of Morpeth.


1918 Post Office Dublin Directory and Calendar

M. M. Treacy, Sister, Secretary, Presentation Convent Technical School, Thurles.


Richard Treacy of Bishopswood, Co. Tipperary

Now, at that class in Knockavilla, as time went on I got acquainted with several of the young men and women who played a great part in the struggle for freedom. There I got acquainted and became an intimate friend with Richard Treacy of Bishopswood, who became the Chairman of the Sinn Fein Club in the years that followed and was one of those who, in later years, defied the British Government by reading publicly the Proclamation of Dáil Eireann, and was imprisoned for a long time in Belfast Jail under very trying conditions, He was one of those who smashed through the roof of that jail when the fighting took place there and hoisted an improvised tricolour flag above the Belfast Jail at Crumlin Road.

Another man I met at this class was Michael Sheehan who, like Richard Treacy, has gone to his eternal rest. He was a workman. Treacy was a farmer, but Michael Sheehan and his brother, Sean, were working with one of the local land holders and in the years that followed, they took a very active part in the struggle.

...Before 1908 we had formed a Sinn Fein Club with Richard Treacy as President and Sean O'Dwyer as Secretary, and I think I filled the role of a sort of general orgariiser and was regarded, I must admit, as being the leader in anything that was being done

Witness: Eamon O'Dwyer, Member IRB, 1904 - 1921; Officer IV and IRA, Tipperary, 1913 – 1921 [signed 1956]

At 9.30 on the morning after, i.e. 16th August, 1918, I was surprised by a visit of six R.I.C. men who arrested me while at breakfast. I was sent to Clonmel Jail, where I spent a month, and afterwards to Belfast Jail. Tried at Victoria Barracks, Cork, with my companions John Hassett of Barnane, Co. Tipperary, Seumas Mulcahy Lyons, Richard Treacy and others, we received a sentence of two years each for our faith in Ireland's cause and our uncompromising loyalty to her ancient claim to liberty.

Witness: Francis Phillips, Vice-President, Sinn Fein Club, Cashel, 1921


16 November 1918 (NG) Our Day Fund - Nenagh

...Potatoes...Mrs. Treacey...


23 November 1918 (NG) Gift Sale (Borrisokane)

...5s...Martin Tracey...

30 November 1918 (NG) Gift Sale (Borrisokane)

...2s6d...Mrs John Tracey...

21 December 1918 (NG) Gift Sale (Borrisokane)

...5s...Mrs Tracey...2s6d...Mary Tracey...


1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen

John Tracy, b. 1900 Tipperary Tipperary


18 January 1919 (NG) Nenagh Workhouse

...subscriptions...2s6d...Miss Tracey...


25 October 1919 (NG) Auction of Turnips

Grennanstown [Grenanstown, Tipperary] - For Mr. Timothy Treacy, half acre of Turnips in drills

23 July 1921 (NG) Auction of Corn

Subscriber has been instructed by Mr Timothy Treacy to sell at Grenanstown...one acre of corn...


1919 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of The Governors of the Schools founded by Erasmus Smith

April 17 1919 Bridget Treacy of Solloghodbeg Tipperary SR, 23a/1r/20p, value £21/0/0, rent £17/18/0, judical, price £379, advance £379, 21.1 years of rent

April 17 1919 Mary Treacy of Solloghodbeg Tipperary SR, 28a/2r/34p, value £30/0/0, rent £8/10/0 & £17/0/0, not judical, price £480, advance £480, 18.8 years of rent


1919 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of George Washington Biggs

May 22 1919 John Treacy of Belleveu Tipperary N, 2a/0r/27p, value £1/5/0, rent £1/0/0, not judical, price £22, advance £22, 22 years of rent

May 22 1919 John Treacy of Belleveu Tipperary N, 22a/1r/37p, value £12/0/0, rent £13/9/6, judical, price £303, advance £303, 22.4 years of rent


1919 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Emma Lady Osborne

November 1 1919 James Treacy of Kilruane Tipperary N, 46a/3r/0p, value £24/0/0, rent £20/0/0, not judical, price £435, advance £435, 21.7 years of rent


19th February 1920 Tipperary

Estate of Reginald Elphinstone Astley Loftus Farrer

Martin Treacy, Kilcowran, 16a2r7p, £5.10 valuation, £5 rent, Judl (b), £108 paid, £106 advance, 21.6 years


March 17th 1920 The Times.

Fired on after leaving Catholic church

Another Policeman has been murdered in Tipperary, A comrade was wounded at the same time.The shooting took place at 7'30 yesterday evening in the village square of Toomevara, which is stated to have been filled with people. They were returning from a service in the Roman Catholic Church. Constables Rock and Healy, of the local police force, were amongst the worshippers, and were on their way to their barracks when they were shot. They were unarmed. Just as they reached the square, some persons who were behind them opened fire with revolvers. Constable Rock fell on the pathway fatally wounded, and Constable Healy staggered away with a bullet wound in his body. Rock appealed to his assailants to show him mercy and they replied by firing three more shots at him, all of which took effect. The murderers then dissapeared into the crowd. Dr. Powell of Nenagh was summoned to the wounded constables. Rock had been shot in four places and died a few hours after. Healy's wound is not believed to be serious. A civilian named Treacy who was passing when the shooting started was wounded in the leg by a bullet. Today soldiers and policemen from Nenagh searched the district, but have made no arrests.

Mar 18, 1920 (FJ)

Constable Rock, who was shot by persons unknown in Toomevara village on Tuesday...a civilian named Treacy recieved a wound in the leg from a bullet which is believed to have ricochetted off a wall near where the shooting occurred.

Mar 18, 1920 & Mar 19, 1920 & Mar 20, 1920 (IT) Another Policeman Killed

...Nenagh...and one civilian named Treacy received an injury to one of his legs.../...ricochetted...on his way home with other people from the devotions.../...The civilian C. Treacy, received a wound in the ankle from a bullet which is believed to have rebounded off a wall...


...16.8.1920...At this stage Stapleton collapsed and we had to carry him a couple of miles until we reached his cousin's place, Tracey's in Killea. This was a fatiguing job as he was a big man, over 15 atone weight. Stapleton recovered in Tracey's and was able to join us at a meal there...

[James “Big Jim” Stapleton, Vice Commandant 3rd Battalion (No.2) Mid-Tipperary Brigade]

Witness: James Leahy, 8 McDonagh Street, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.


Sep 30, 1920 (IT) House Wrecking at Silvermines

...the houses of the residents of the village of Silvermines...armed and uniformed men...the houses of...D. Treacy...were also damaged...


2 October 1920 (NG) Death of Mrs Anne Treacey, Ballycraggan

It is with deep regret we have to announce the death of Mrs. Anne Treacey of Ballycraggan, which took place on the 22nd of September fortified by the rites of the Church. Deceased, who was of a friendly and homely disposition, was held in much esteem by all who knew her, and great sympathy is felt for her bereaved family. Her remains were interred in Kilnaneave Churchyard on the 24th ult whither they were followed by a large cortege...


1920 RIC Service

Nicholas J Treacy, 74644, b. 1901 Limerick [son of James Treacy RIC] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


74644 Nicholas J Treacy, dob 24 Apl 1901, 5'7", b. Limerick lived Kilkenny Kerry Limerick Cork jd Wexford, Protestant, recommended by DI Richmond, [tick] labourer ex-soldier?, appointed 20 Oct 20, served Tipperary S 22.12.20, Disbanded 29/3/22 2.S. Tipp N.R. No.11 C.A. £50.14.0


1921 UK War Intelligence

Denis Tracy of Knocksaharoon Borrisoleigh, 27 Jun 1921 Courts of inquiry in lieu of inquest, 3rd witness on the death of Patrick Maher.


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Bridget Treacy, 17 Sep 1941, late of Lackenacreea [Lackenacreena Donohill] Hollyford County Tipperary, widow, who died 14 Jun 1941, to James Allis, farmer Effects …

Bridget Treacy, 21 Mar 1930, late of The Mental Home Clonmel County Tipperary, widow, who died 6 Feb 1930, to Nora Lanigan, married woman. Effects …

Catherine Treacy, 2 Jun 1932, late of Clonakenny County Tipperary, widow, who died 5 May 1911, to Margaret Treacy, widow. Effects …

Catherine Treacy, 2 Oct 1939, late of Cullaun Knock Roscrea County Tipperary, widow, who died 19 Apr 1939, to Winifred Treacy, spinster. Effects …

Cornelius Treacy, 28 Sep 1929, late of Cullaun Knock County Tipperary, farmer, who died 3 Mar 1922, to Catherine Treacy, the widow. Effects …

Edmond Treacy, 29 Aug 1941, late of Ballinnulty Cullen County Tipperary, farmer, who died 15 Mar 1935, to William Treacy and James Hourigan, farmers Effects …

Hubert Treacy, 10 Sep 1937, late of Rosemary Square Roscrea County Tipperary, publican, who died 27 Jan 1937, to Brigid Treacy, the widow. Effects …

James Treacy, 15 Dec 1941, formerly of Lehinch Lorrha County Tipperary, and late of 141 West 101 Street New York USA, labourer, who died 10 July 1940, to Daniel Treacy, blacksmith. Effects …

John Tracy/Tracey, 10 Nov 1939, late of Bellerue County Tipperary, farmer, who died 17 Sep 1939, to Martin Treacy, farmer. Effects …

John Treacy, 5 May 1932, late of Clonakenny County Tipperary, farmer, who died 18 Jnn 1932, to Margaret Treacy, the widow. Effects …

Kate Treacy, 14 Apr 1926, late of Longford Wood Clonakenny County Tipperary, widow,, who died 13 Jan 1926, to Matthew Hoolan, farmer. Effects …

Margaret Treacy, 14 Apr 1926, late of Knockmeahill [Knockmehill Templebeg] Upperchurch County Tipperary, widow, who died 24 Jan 1926, to Michael Kennedy and James Bourke junior, farmer. Effects …

Margaret Treacy, 20 Jun 1927, late of Dromardmore Templemore County Tipperary, widow, who died 7 Oct 1923, to Thomas Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Martin Treacey otherwise Tracey, 10 Sep 1932, late of Kilbarron Borrisokane County Tipperary, publican, who died 10 Feb 1932, to Julia Treacy, the widow. Effects …

Mary Anne Treacy, 21 Jun 1939, late of Ballinamona Littleton Thurles County Tipperary, widow, who died 4 Mar 1933, to Michael Callaghan, farmer. Effects …

Mary Tracey, 9 Jul 1934, late of Lisnaglenly Silvermines Nenagh Co Tipperary, who died 2 Jun 1932, to Thomas J Tracey, ordinance surveyor. Effects …

Mary Treacy, 25 Mary [?] 1938, late of Main Street Toomevara County Tipperary, widow, who died 3 Dec 1937, to Annie Larkin, spinster. Effects …

Mary Treacy, 26 Jul 1937, late of Longfordwood Clonakenny Roscrea County Tipperary, widow, who died 13 Mar 1937, to Michael Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Mary Treacy, 3 Oct 1934, late of Stradavoher Thurles County Tipperary, widow, who died 23 Aug 1934, to Michael Treacy, small holder. Effects …

Matthew Treacy, 18 May 1934, late of Derryhogan Thurles County Tipperary, farmer, who died 2 Jun 1928, to Michael Callaghan, farmer. Effects …

Michael Treacy, 11 Nov 1938, late of Monard County Tipperary, railway porter, who died 19 Sep 1938, to John Treacy, hotel porter. Effects …

Michael Treacy, 25 Jun 1940, late of Gurteen Longford Templemore  County Tipperary, farmer, who died 4 Jan 1933?, to Patrick Treacy (Michael), farmer. Effects …

Patrick Tracey, 31 Aug 1929, late of Ballymacegan Lorrha County Tipperary, farmer, who died 8 Mar 1903, to John Tracey, farmer. Effects …

Patrick Treacy, 15 Jun 1943, late of Summerhill Roscrea Co Tipperary, farmer, who died 25 Jul 1941, to Eugene Shannon, solicitors assistant. Effects …

Patrick Treacy, 3 Sep 1928, late of Gortadaulaun Nenagh County Tipperary, farmer, who died 20 Jan 1928, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects...

Patrick Treacy, 8 Jun 1929, late of Clonakenny Roscrea County Tipperary, farmer, who died 19 Dec 1914, to Martin Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Thomas Treacy, 8 Jun 1928, late of Ballyverk Moyne County Tipperary, farmer, who died 7 Jun 1926, to Daniel Treacy, farmer. Effects...

William Treacy, 18 May 1925, late of Laha Templemore County Tipperary, ex-farmer, who died 6 Apr 1925, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …

William Treacy, 6 Jan 1942, late of Gurteen Longford Clonakenny County Tipperary, farmer, who died 23 Jun 1941, to Nicholas Cody, farmer. Effects …


21 January 1922 (NG) Roscrea Guardians

...The clerk said that with regard to the division of Relieving Officer Treacey's district, part of which extended into Offaly and Leix, it would be necessary for the guardians to say how the salary was to be apportioned Mr. Treacey had £80/12/0 a year, made up as follows - £35 salary; bonus £41/12/0 and £4 a year infant life protection...The clerk said that Mr. Treacey would in future have a salary from the Union and a pension from No.2 District...

29 April 1922 (NG) Roscrea Guardian

...Mr. J. Treacey, R.O...

October 14, 1922 (NG) Roscrea Guardians

...superannuation of Mr. M. Treacy, R.O....pensioned in respect of two counties taken from Roscrea Union viz, Leix and Offaly...


Mar 3, 1922 (FJ) Connemara Distress Fund

...Mr. R. Treacy (per Rev Matt Ryan, Knockavilla)...10s...[Tipperary]


18 March 1922 (NG) North Tipperary District Court

Tracey v. Tracey. Miss Tracey, Kenyon st., Nenagh obtained a decree for £4/16/9 for goods supplied to Mrs. Tracey, Puckane.


18 March 1922 (NG) Serious Fire in Shinrone

...house and shop premises of Mrs Tracey of Cloughmoyne were consumed by fire in the early hours of Tuesday morning last week. An invalid and confined to her bed for some weeks previously, Mrs. Tracey was awakened...six children...A local committee has been formed to start a subscription...


15 July 1922 (NG) War - Items and Incidents

Messrs. J. Treacey, Roscrea; J. Day Templemore, with a ford car, were arrested at Toomevara on Sunday week by Dail troops.

October 13, 1922 (II) Attacks and Arrests

National Troops have arrested...John Treacy, do [Roscrea].


Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons [see Clare]

Thadeus Treacy, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, I.F.S. - July 21, 1922 Dub.

18 November 1922 (NG) North Tipperary County Council

Veterinary Surgeonship...four candidates...A poll was taken...declared Mr. T. Treacy (Treacey) elected...

19 January 1924 (NG)

Mr T. Treacy, Veterinary Surgeon, will attend daily at O'Meara's Hotel, Nenagh. Calls may also be made at Private Residence, Ballinaclough.

May 29, 1926 (IT) Personal

Mr. T. Treacy, V.S., Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, has been appointed temporary Veterinary Inspector, at £164 per annum, under the new Bovine Tuberculosis Order.

Treacy - October 13, 1926 at Ballinaclough House, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, the wife of T. Treacy, M.R.C.V.S. of a daughter.


Department of Finance 6/6/1922-12/4/1923

Cleeves Creameries strike: compensation claims by R. Treacy, Farmer, Dundrum, Co. Tipperary and others for loss sustained. NA FIN 1/1355


October 19, 1922 (II) Mother's Help

Childrens maid; experienced; trustwothy. "M" c/o Mrs. P. Treacy, Ballycurrane, Thurles.


16 December 1922 (NG) Roscrea No.2 Council

Messrs. R. Treacey, W. Cashen, J. Gleeson, C. Moloney and J. Byrne, Moneygall, cottage tenants wrote asking to have a fence erected around their plots, which is commonage for all the surrounding cattle, sheep, pigs, geese etc. All the crops in the field have been damaged. This fence should have been done when the cottages were built...


1922 Military Archives

Cornelius Treacy of Toomevara, Tipperary

Denis Treacy, Ballinamoe, Moneygall, Co. Tipperary

Edward Treacy, Ivy House, Holycross, Tipperary

John Treacey/Treacy, Roscrea, Tipperary

Martin Treacy, Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Co. Tipperary

Richard Treacy of Bishopswood, Co. Tipperary

Rody Treacy, B Company 2 Battalion Dublin Brigade, of Nenagh Co. Tipperary and Dublin

Sean Treacy (1895-1920) of Soloheadbeg, Co. Tipperary

Thomas Treacy, Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Co. Tipperary

Thomas Treacy, private Royal Irish Regiment, Tipperary and died Dublin 1916

Thomas Tracey/Treacy, from [Roscrea?] Tipperary. Casements Irish Brigade


Tipperary I Brigade (North Tipperary)

Second Battalion A Company (Moneygall)

Thomas Treacy, Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Cloughjordan

Martin Treacy, Cullenwaine, Moneygall, Cloughjordan

Second Battalion B Company (Toomevara) No.1 Section

Cornelius Treacy, Toomevara, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary

Seventh Battalion A Company (Roscrea)

John Treacy (now U.S.A.) [Roscrea]

John Treacy, Mountheaton, Roscrea

William Treacy, Rosemount, Roscrea

Edward Treacy (now Dublin)

Seventh Battalion B Company (Dunkerrin)

Daniel Treacy, Rathnavogue, Dunkerrin, Roscrea

Denis Treacy, Rathnavogue, Dunkerrin, Roscrea [written note: MD21339]

John Treacy, Ballywilliam, Shinrone



Tipperary No. I Brigade (North Tipperary)

Tipperary No. I Brigade

Second Battalion B Company (Toomvara) 2 July 1922

No.1 Section

Cornelius Treacy, Toomevara Nenagh

Seventh Battalion A Company (Roscrea)

William Treacy, Rosemount, Roscrea

John Treacy, Mountheaton, Roscrea

John Treacy (now U.S.A.)

Truce Men

Martin Treacy, Mountheaton, Roscrea

Seventh Battalion B Company (Dunkerrin)

Daniel Treacy, Rathnavogue, Dunkerrin, Roscrea

Denis Treacy, Rathnavogue, Dunkerrin, Roscrea

John Treacy, Ballywilliam, Shinrone



Tipperary No.1 Brigade, Seventh Battalion (Roscrea) Cumann na mBan

Mrs. T. Treacy, Pearse Street, Nenagh (nee H. Burke)

Mrs. W. Treacy, Spruce Hill, Roscrea (nee M. Dalton)

All the above were members of the branch from 1917 to 1921.

to April 1922

Mrs. W. Treacy, Spruce Hill, Roscrea (nee M. Dalton)



1922 Army Census


Edward Treacey; 27; Capt, Artillery, home address: Glenview, Roscrea, 7116 [crossed out] pay no: 12792, Joined: 12/4/22 Nenagh, married, RC, Next of kin: wife, Next of kin: Glenview Roscrea; -; download file

October 20, 1923 An tÓglách

Discharges...2nd Lieut Edward M. Treacy O.T.C. Curragh Staff (late Staff Artillery Corps)...


John Joe Tracey, 26; Vol; Home address: Boherdotha, Lola?, Co. Tipp; Pay no. 13884; joined 6/4/22 Caherconlish; Single; RC; Sister Mary K Treacy, Boherdotha, Fola?, Co. Tipp; Ballymullen Barracks, Tralee (Kerry); download file [all crossed out, not listed in index]


John Tracey; 26; Regular, Sol, Mid-Limerick, home address: Boherdogha Co. Tipperary, 13884 pay no: 13885 Joined: 6/4/1922 Cahirconlish, single, RC, Next of kin: sister, Next of kin: Mary Kate Tracey, [Boh crossed out] Main Street, Cashel; Tralee (Kerry); download file


William Tracey; 20; Volunteer T (or H Co.), home address: Cattle Rd, Killenaule, Co. Tipp, 19396 Pay no: 05622, Joined: 6/8/22 Kilkenny, single, RC, Next of kin: Mother, Next of kin: Mrs. Bridget Tracey, Cattle Road, Killenaule, Co. Tipp.; -; download file


January 1923 - Mr. Jeremiah Tracey, Pallasgrean has been appointed Court Register for Croom and Pallasgrean.


10 March 1923 (NG) Nenagh Race Committee

...present...M Tracy...


9 June 1923 (NG) Thurles Quarter Sessions

John Treacy, Patrick Brophy and John Hickey sued the GS&W Railway to recover compensation for injuries sustained by them [by explosion] at the company's quarry at Lisduff...Brophy and Treacy were totally incapacitated and allowed them the maximum sum of £1.15.0 per week each...Hickey partial rate of £1 per week...


10 November 1923 (NG) Death of Mrs M.A. Gill, Nenagh

...mourners...Michael and Thomas Delaney (brothers), Mrs. Tracey, Templemore (aunt)


Dec 24, 1923 (FJ)

...Mr. M. Tracy, publican, Kilgarvan...

Jan 29, 1924 (IT) The Case against Captain Eustace

...Coolbawn...the public hhouse of Mr. Martin Tracey...

Jan 29, 1924 (FJ) [Tipperary]

...near Ashley Park...compelled them to drive to Coolbawn...dismount from his car at the publichouse of Mr. Martin Tracey...Kilgarran quay at Lough Derg...

Feb 15, 1924 (FJ) Evidence in Case against Captain Eustace

...Martin Treacy, publican, Coolbawn...his wife gave them a drink...Serg O'Shea...called to Traeacy's Public House...At the same time Tracey appeared and charged the men with threatening to arrest him...one of the men drew a revolver...


29 November 1924 (NG) "The Irish Patti"

In Mrs. James Harold of Bloomsbury, not everybody will recognise the famous Irish prima donna, Miss Agnes Tracey, "The Irish Patti", as she was often called, when she used to charm audiences with "Home Sweet Home" and Gounod's "Ave Maria" two special favourites with her admirers. She was brought up in Tipperary and Limerick and has many associations with Nenagh.


Oct 4, 1924 (FJ) Priests return to Adopted Lands

...Canon Treacy, the well-known Irish-Canadian priest, is returning to Toronto after his holiday in Cappawhite.


Oct 13, 1924 (FJ) Charged with Cutting Trees

...Bridget Treacy...all of Poulacapple...lands of the REarl of Ossory at Garryricken. [Tipperary]

Nov 15, 1924 (FJ) Fined for Stealing timber

...Anastatia Treacy...Earl of Ossory


Jul 18, 1925 (It) Tipperary S.R. County Council [picture]

...second row...R. Treacy...


24 October 1925 (NG) Appeal for widow and orphans of the late James Dwyer, Gurtagarry

...committee...Borrisoleigh...Michael Treacy, Knocksharoon, Martin Tracey, Fantane...


Mrs Bridget Treacy, Soloheadbeg, Donohill, County Tipperary

Mrs B Treacy, Grant from Dail Special Fund (National Archives).

Record 3174 29/1/1926:    Copy minute to JJ Walsh, Minister for Posts and Telegraphs, 29 January 1926, stating that the President has read his letter concerning the case of Mrs Treacy, Soloheadbeg, Donohill, County Tipperary, and that he is addressing a special letter in connection with the case to the Minister for Defence.

Record 3175 29/1/1926:    Copy minute to the Minister for Defence from the President's Office, 29 January 1926, stating that the President thinks the case of Mrs Bridget Treacy is one in which a special attempt should be made to provide a pension for the applicant. She has been allowed the maximum gratuity under the Act [Army Pensions Act, 1923?] but he considers that the granting of a pension to her would be a more suitable alternative.

Record 3176 5/3/1926:      Letter to Banim from AW Waters, for the Chief of Collection, Irish Land Commission, 5 March 1926. He encloses a copy of the Fair Rent file relating to the holding of Mrs Bridget Treacy. `I am afraid it will not help you much beyond establishing the fact that Mrs. Treacy was not in occupation of the holding when the Fair Rent was fixed in 1892'.

Record 3177 4/3/1926:      Statement by General O Duffy, 4 March 1926, relating to the case of Mrs Treacy. When he was on inspection in Tipperary recently he called to see Mrs Treacy, the mother of Sean Treacy, killed in action in October 1920. She is in very bad circumstances. A once comfortable home is now derelict. Sean, the statement declares, was Mrs Treacy's only means of support following the death of her husband in 1918. `I believe Mrs Treacy is in debt, but she would not admit it. She, and her aged sister, who lives with her, have been under Doctor's care, suffering from neuritis, for a considerable time past. She would only admit that the Doctor and other friends in Tipperary town "were not hard on her". The poor woman has a certain amount of pride, and I had much difficulty in getting any particulars of her financial position. She preferred rather to talk of her son, who was her only child, to show me his photographs as a child, as an altar boy, and later on as a Volunteer in uniform, and she cherishes a copy-book in which he wrote extracts from the speeches of Emmett, Tone and Mitchell, when yet a boy, and to talk of his love and sufferings for Ireland… She is the ideal Irish mother and entertains no bitterness against anyone. She feels very keenly, however, that the offer of £150 from the Government belittled her son of whose bravery and patriotism she is so proud. She broke down when she said "others who are yet alive and well got large amounts because they looked for it. I thought the Government would do something decent for me, but they didn't mind the poor helpless widow who sacrificed her darling son"'. He believes the case is one of total dependency.

Record 3178 11/6/1926:    Minute to the President from the Army Finance Officer, 11 June 1926, relating to the case of Mrs Treacy. The minute states that it `has been found impossible to assess this lady's claim as one of total dependency under the Army Pensions Act of 1923'. The case could, he writes, only be dealt with by the payment of a substantial lump sum.

Record 3179 1/7/1926:      Extract from a letter of 1 July [1926] from Mrs Treacy. She writes that when General O Duffy visited her he arranged with her to accept the sum of £250 with a yearly gratuity of £50 which she considered reasonable. Since then she has heard no more.

Record 3180 5/7/1926:      Minute to the President from JJ Walshe, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, 5 July 1926, relating to the question of the payment of a gratuity to Mrs Treacy. He hopes, he writes `it will be possible to satisfy her'.

Record 3181 No date:       Statement, no date, relating to the case of Mrs Bridget Treacy. Mrs Treacy received £100 under the Army Pensions Act, 1923, in respect of the death of her son. This was subsequently raised to £150. `It is obvious that £150 does not represent adequate compensation in the present case and many people bitterly accuse the State of ungenerous treatment of the mother of Sean Treacy, a man who after yeoman service had finally given his life for his country'. The case was construed as one of partial dependency and nothing more can be done in the case in the absence of amending legislation [i.e that Mrs Treacy was only partially dependent on her son for the necessities of life]. The minute however, states that there `does appear to be a very definite element of total dependency.' The case against Mrs. Treacy is that she is in possession of a farm of land but `after all, does ownership of land necessarily imply the means of livelihood'.

Record 3182 30/12/1926: Minute from Cosgrave to D O'Hegarty, 30 December 1926, stating that he wants the Minister [for Defence] to reconsider the case of Mrs Treacy. He argues that the case of Mrs Treacy was one of total dependency on her son.

Record 3183 3/3/1927:      Minute to the President from Eoin O Duffy, 3 March 1927, stating that he was surprised to get a letter from Mrs Treacy stating that nothing has been done for her since he submitted his memorandum on the case almost a year ago. He quotes from her letter where she writes `you came to see me on behalf of our President, and I am looking forward all this time since in disappointment and humiliation which adds to the loss of my martyred and only child'. O Duffy writes `The case is, indeed, very exceptional; I know of none more so, and if the amount set out above [£250 or £50 yearly for her remaining years] cannot be paid from official funds it is the duty of us who know the circumstances to act promptly and save this very fine type of Irish mother from ending her days in distress and anxiety'.

Record 3184 3/1927:         Note by Paul Banim, March 1927, stating that the Board had awarded £1 per week to Mrs Treacy in respect of the death of her son and that £250 arrears are payable to her.

Record 3185 23/3/1927:    Minute to `A Pol' [Paul Banim] from Eoin O Duffy, 23 March 1927, thanking him for the draft for Mrs Treacy.

Record 3186 6/4/1927:      Minute to Paul Banim from Eoin O Duffy, stating that he gave the draft for £260.17.1 to Mrs Treacy. He also gave her a personal cheque for £50. A receipt is attached acknowledging the cheque. `She appeared to appreciate the latter as a special grant from the President more than the larger amount & asked as a special token of her gratitude to give the President the attached photo and memorial card of Sean…. The dear old lady is now happy perhaps for the first time since Sean's death'.

Record 3187 19/4/1927:    Letter to Cosgrave from B Treacy, 19 April 1927, thanking him for his consideration and kindness.


May 1 1926 Nenagh Guardian

...Edward Treacy, auxiliary postman, Ashbury, Roscrea....


7 December 1926 New Ross Standard

Junior Hurling Semi-Final

Tipperary v. Wexford...Tipperary...T. Treacy...


Jan 5, 1927 (IT) Templemore Urban Council

...Patrick Treacy were unanimously co-opted member of the Council to fill the vacancies created by the disqualification of...


25 June 1927 (NG) Case at Roscrea

Lethla[?] Dobbs, Abbeyleix, sued Ben Yudelovitz, Roscrea for £8/2/0 rent arrears...Joseph Treacy, agent for plaintiff said that in 1922 considerable repairs had been done to the premises...


12 May 1928 (NG) Killaloe District Court

Non-payment of Annuities...Ml Tracey, Tuamgraney £1/0/4...


Dec 22, 1928 (MC) Advertisment - Fat Pigs

..."I am using..." Cornelius Treacy, Toomevara, Nenagh.

11 January 1929 New Ross Standard

...for keeping pig healthy. I can truthfully say that I can fatten pigs at least a mouth earlier with Porkatine."—Cornelius Treacy, Toomevera, Neagh.


15 February 1930 (NG) Ballintotty Coursing Committee

...present...M. Tracy...


8 March 1930 (NG) North Tipperary GAA

...Dolla intermediate hurling team applied to be regraded as juniors...P. Tracey...


Dec 6, 1930 (MC) The Mountnugent Tragedy [see Cavan]

Manual Instructors sad fate....Mr. Timothy J. Treacy...Deceased came to the district about twelve months ago and lodged at Lisnabrinia, Mountnugent in the house of Bartle Lynch. He was aged about 53 years. He was very popular in the district and was a very capable official...The funeral on Sunday was very largely attended. The deceased was a native of Co. Wicklow. [Tipperary? 1901 census Carlow]


13 February 1932 (NG) General Election

...details from the September general election of 1927...R. Treacey (G.) 1672 first preferences [Cumann na nGaedheal?]...


July 1932 - Shots were fired through the windows of the residence of Miss Kathleen Treacy, N.T., Toomevara, while she was in bed.


October 28, 1932 (ME) Suir Flooding - Carrick Action for Damage to a Motor Car

At Clonmel Cicut Court, Thos Treacy, manager, Gas Works, Carrick-on-Suir, claimed £13/6/6 for damages to his motor car...


Colborne 23 Jul 1933 Canada

Dan Treacy, 55, Brewer, of Templemore, lived Sept 1923 to Aug 1931 Canada, Father-in-law Mr. McKenna 189 Laurier Ave East Ottawa, Business: C/o Gordon Grant, Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Patricia Treacy, wife, 33, b. Dundalk Ireland, lived 1904 to Feb 1931 Canada

Nora Treacy, daughter, 2?, b. Tinidad West Indies

'Bayard' Port Au Spain Trinidad to Phil 29 Sept 1936

Patricia B Treacy, 36, b. 1900 Co Lough [Howth Dublin?] Ireland. Husband: D.J. Tracey, Walters Brewery, Trinidad, B.W.I. In transit 1835 frequently on holidays. Father Patrick McKenna 189, Lanrur Ave. Travelling to Attawa Canada via Los Angle Calif. 5'6", fair complexion, brn hair, gray blue eyes. [Emigrated to Canada 1904?]

Nora Kathleen Tracey,4, b. 1932 Trinidad B.W.I. Father: D.J. Tracey, Walters Brewery, Trinidad. to St. Alban Canada. Fair complexion, blonde hair, blue eyes.

Charles Patrick Tracey, 2, b. 1934 Trinidad B.W.I. Father: D.J. Tracey, Walters Brewery, Trinidad. to St. Albans Canada. Fair complexion, blonde hair, blue eyes.


1934/5 registered victualling premises, fixing quantities and price (5 d/lb)

Edward Treacy, Moore Street, Cappamore, Limerick. Maximum 100 lb of beef.

John Treacy, 41 Grand Parade Mkt., Cork. Maximum 650 lb of beef.

John Treacy, Laraghmore, Ballyglunin, Galway. 100 lb of beef

William Tracey, Limerick Street, Cappawhite, Tipperary. Maximum 350 lb of beef.

Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 3) Order, 1934. No. 369/1934

Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 4) Order, 1934. No. 370/1934


1935 Prehistoric Grave near Clonmel.

Some three years ago. when a workman, John Byrne, was engaged in raising sand on Mr. W. Magner's land at Green Park (or Greenville), townland of Raheen, in County Waterford, but close to the south-east of Clonmel, he came upon a grave in a fine vein of sand. I only heard of the find some time afterwards, and consequently was unable to get any exact particulars or measurements. It was, however, described to me by Bertie Treacy of Clonmel, who saw it on the day it was discovered. He says the grave was horizontal, 5½ or 6 feet long and 2 feet wide, and that the skeleton was virtually intact, with the head to the north and feet to the south. The cist was rectangular, composed of flat slabs of stone laid on their edges, and covered by flat slabs. The skeleton fell to pieces on the removal of the flagstones, and none of the fragments were preserved. No trace of the grave now remains.

Patrick Lyons. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Seventh Series, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Jun. 30, 1938), pp. 161-162


July 25, 1936 Nenagh Guardian

North Tipperary Hurling Semi - Final Two Point Victory For Kiladangan...Ballingarry...T. and D. Treacy...


1942 US Draft (born between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897)

Denis Treacy b. 8 Dec 1891 Tipperary, Ireland Residence: New York City

Edmond Treacy b. 14 Jan 1878 Tipperary County, Ireland Residence: Middlesex, Massachusetts

Martin Joseph Tracey, b. 11 Nov 1882 Tipperary Ireland, 59, 136 Jewett St Newton Middlesex Mass, contact Mrs Catherine Tracey, works M Lester Madden

Michael Joseph Treacy b. 14 Mar 1888 Tipperary, Ireland Residence: New York, New York

Patrick Treacy b. 7 Mar 1884 Tipperary, Ireland Residence: New York

Thomas Patrick Tracy b. 6 Jan 1887 Tipperary, Ireland Residence: New York City

William D. Treacey, 437 62 St Brooklyn Kings NY, 58 years, b. Mar 17 1883 Rosegreate [Roscrea] Ireland, Contact Mrs L O'Brien, works Wilson Meat Packers

William F Tracy b. 17 Sep 1889 Tipperary, Ireland Residence: New York, New York


1944 Irish Red Cross Society: Littleton Branch Collection
E. Treacy, Coolkip, 1/-         

J. Treacy, Ballydavid, 12s 6d

M. Treacy, Coolcroo, 2s 6d   


1984 The Irish American Who's who

William Francis Treacy, business manager , financial secretary , union official ; born in Park Killea , Templemore , County Tipperary on August 23 , 1923 ; son of Thomas Treacy and Mary Agnes (Keogh) Treacy (both born in County Tipperary ) ...


Born in Killea, Templemore, Co. Tipperary, Ireland on 23 Aug 1923 to Thomas Treacy and Mary Agnes Keogh. William Francis Treacy married Mary Christina Sullivan (O’Sullivan) and had 1 child. He passed away on 9 JAN 1999 in Sleepy Hollow, New York.

Child: Liam K Treacy 1955 - 2004






"Emigration from the Workhouse of Nenagh Union, Co. Tipperary, 1849-1860", IA, 17 (1), 1985,

Atlas of the parishes of Cashel & Emly, 1970. Irish Large Book (National Library) 94143 a 3

Burke, William P. History of Clonmel, Waterford, 1907.

Coffey, G. Evicted Tipperary,

Fitzgerald, S. Cappawhite and Doon,

Flynn, Paul The book of the Galtees and the golden vale: a border history of Tipperary, Limerick and Cork, Dublin, 1926.

Gleeson, John Cashel of the Kings, Dublin, 1927.

Gleeson, John History of the Ely O'Carroll Territory or Ancient Ormond, 1915.

Gorman, (ed.) Records of Moycarkey and Two Mile Borris, 1955.

Gwynn, A. A history of the diocese of Killaloe, Dublin, 1962

Hayes, W.J. Tipperary Remembers, 1976.

Hemphill, W. D. Clonmel and the surrounding country, 1860.

Kenny, M. Glankeen of Borrisoleigh: a Tipperary Parish, 1944.

Laffan, Thomas (1911) Tipperary's Families: Being the Hearth Money Records for 1665-6-7 ... 

McIlroy, M. Gleanings from Garrymore, n.d..

Murphy, Nancy Tracing Northwest Tipperary Roots, Nenagh, 1982

Neely, W.S. Kilcooley: land and parish in Tipperary, 1983.

Nolan, W. Tipperary: History and Society, Dublin, 1985.

Power, V. Rev. P. Waterford and Lismore: A Compendious History of the Dioceses, Cork, 1937.

Pyke, D. Parish Priests and Churches of St Mary's, Clonmel, 1984.

Ryan, C.A. Tipperary Artillery, 1793-1889, 1890.

Seymour, St John D. The Diocese of Emly, Dublin, 1913.

Sheehan, E.H. Nenagh and its Neighbourhood, n.d..

Treacy, Brendan (1993) Nenagh Yesterday, with historical notes and biographical information added by Nancy Murphy. Nenagh Relay Publications, Tyone.

Treacy, Brendan (2005) Looking Back: a pictorial history of Nenagh spanning one hundred years

Treacy, Brendan (2006) Moments in Time: a pictorial history of Nenagh

Treacy, Brendan (2007) Cherished Memories of Nenagh

Treacy, Brendan (2009) Nenagh through the mists of time

Watson, Col. S.J. A Dinner of Herbs: a history of Old St Mary's church, Clonmel, Clonmel, 1988.

White, James (ed.) My Clonmel Scrap Book, n.d..

White, Rev. P History of Clare and the Dalcassian Clans of Tipperary, Limerick and Galway, Dublin, 1893.


NAI Ref Name Probate Ref Grant Type Date Issue Date Death

2005/42/488 TREACY PATRICK 1984 CL 013448 Intestate 17/09/1984 26/04/1954

2004/116/269  TREACY PATRICK  1983 CLONMEL 014705  Probate  10/05/1983 07/03/1972

2004/116/330  TREACY BRIDGET  1983 CLONMEL 008101  Intestate  01/06/1983

2004/116/412  TREACY MARTIN  1983 CLONMEL 014798  Probate  19/07/1983 03/03/1983

2004/116/539  TREACY EDWARD  1983 CLONMEL 014867  Probate  10/10/1983 01/05/1983

2006/4/82 TREACY MATTHEW 1985 CLONMEL 001405 Probate 08/02/1985 27/11/1983

2006/4/264 TREACY JOHN 1984 CLONMEL 018462 W/A 31/05/1985 15/03/1983

2005/42/238 TREACY MICHAEL 1984 CL 006513 Intestate 30/04/1984 10/11/1983

2007/4/260  TREACY JAMES  1986 CL 005260  Probate  09/06/1986  31/12/1985

2007/4/280  TREACY JOHN  1986 CL 006412  Probate  13/06/1986  06/01/1986

2007/4/281  TREACY SEAN  1986 CL 006413  13/06/1986  06/01/1986

2007/4/630  TREACY MICHAEL  1986 CL 016603  Intestate  21/11/1986  23/07/1986



Traceys of Tipperary – Page 1

Message Boards

References to 1900

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Directories

- Parish Records

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 2

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 2 North Tipperary

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 2 South Tipperary

Family Histories

Parish Records from 1800 onwards

Traceys of Tipperary – Page 3

References from 1900 onwards

- Directories

- Historical References

- Newspaper extracts

- Legal Records

- Land Records

- Census

General references for Tipperary


Last update: 27 December 2024