British Army Births, Marriages and Death indices can be viewed and downloaded for free at Registration required.
Also available at
Army Marriages 1796 to 1880, 1881 to 1885, 1896 to 1900, 1906 to 1910,
1914 to 1925, 1926 to 1930
Agnes Tracey, Gibraltar, 1872-74,
page 725
Anne Treacey, Bengal, 1827, page 615
Arthur Tracey, ???,
1884?, page ???
Bernard C.W. Tracey, to Murphy,
Cologne, 1914-1925, page 738
Charlotte Tracey, to Wayte, Cairo,
1930, page 256 (also in AB237)
Fanny Tracey, Halifax N.S., 1897,
page 257
John Tracey, ???,
1883?, page ???
Mabel? Helen? Tracy, ???, 1883, page ???
Mary Tracey, Madra, 1836-37, page
Maude A Treacy, Rangoon, 1908, page
Thomas Tracey, B. Burmah, 1832, page
Thomas Tracey, B. Burmah, 1832, page
Thomas Tracey, to Beltran,
Gibraltar, 1927, page 16
Martin Tracey b. 1835 Kyle Roscrea (or 1844) m. Harriet
Stamford 16 April 1865 Newcross London (Gunner in Royal Artillery) (LDS)
missing] TRACY. married to. Note: Apparently 2
children. Royal Artillery 10 Battalion. |
69/885/397 |
WO 69/885/397
Index to Register of Marriages and Baptism, Royal Artillery 10 Battalion.
This entry appears on page 144; this number is imprinted at the top outer edge of each page.
[Forename missing] TRACY. married to. Note: Apparently 2 children.
Date: 1859
Entry 123: John CAFFREY, of Royal Artillery,
and Clara TRACEY married on 26 November 1870 at Sheppy, Kent. 16 Brigade Royal Artillery. WO 69/570/41
WO 69/570/41
Register of Marriages and Baptisms, 16 Brigade Royal Artillery.
Entry 123: John CAFFREY, of Royal Artillery, and Clara TRACEY married on 26 November 1870 at Sheppy, Kent.
WO 69/571/36
Register of Marriages and Baptisms, 16 Brigade Royal Artillery.
John CAFFERY, of 16 Brigade Royal Artillery, and Clara TRACEY married on 26 November 1870 at Sheppey, Kent.
John Howard REED, of C Brigade, and Ellen Jane TRACEY married on 12
March 1879 at Christchurch, Christchurch. Note: Bride a widow. Royal Horse Artillery. WO 69/72/32
Date: 1879
WO 69/69/18
Registry of Marriages and Baptisms, Royal Horse Artillery.
John Howard REED, of G Battery C Brigade Royal Horse Artillery, and Ellen Jane TRACEY married on 12 March 1879 at Christ Church, Christchurch, Hampshire. Note: Bride is widow.
Date: 1879
WO 69/72/32
Registry of Marriages, Births and Baptisms, C Brigade Royal Horse Artillery.
All the entries below appear on folio 30v. The folio number is to be found in a circle at the top right of each folio.
John Howard REED, of C Brigade, and Ellen Jane TRACEY married on 12 March 1879 at Christchurch, Christchurch. Note: Bride a widow.
Covering date is that for the entries on this folio.
Scottish Records
Andrea Tracy, died
03/08/1861, 21, Aldershot, St Michael And St Sebastian,
Carl Tracey married Margarita Margaret Murphy 25/06/1924
Aldershot General Registry Shornecliffe [Army]
Charlotte Tracey married Alline Patrick Wayte 28/02/1930 Aldershot General Registry M.E.L.F. [Army]
Charlotte Tracey, to Wayte, Cairo,
1930, page 256 (also in AB237)
Davidi Tracy &
Ellen Whelan
Patrick (Patritius) Tracy b. 7/10/1861 bapt. 12/10/1861 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Eduardi Nicholas Treacey & Ann (Annae) Dowling
Edward Michael (Eduardus Michael) Treacey b. 17/1/1909 bapt. 7/2/1909 Cairo, Military Vicariate [Army] [Scottish Records]
Francis Tracey & Emily Chilman
Emily Mary Tracey b. 15/8/1882 bapt. 2/9/1882 Shorncliff, Archangel Michael [Army Kent] [Scottish Records]
Francis James Tracey b. 12/2/1884 bapt. 1/3/1884 Shorncliff, Archangel Michael [Army Kent] [Scottish Records]
Alfred Patrick Tracey b. 3/11/1885 bapt. 12/12/1885 Shorncliff, Archangel Michael [Army Kent] [Scottish Records]
John Martin Tracey b. 10/8/1889 bapt. 19/10/1889 Shorncliff, Archangel Michael [Army Kent] [Scottish Records]
Francis Tracy &
Emily Jorsan
Maud Tracy b. 21/9/1892 bapt. 21/10/1892 Shorncliff, Archangel Michael [Army Kent] [Scottish Records]
1901 Census - St. Pauls,
Sandgate, Kent, England
Francis Tracey Head M 54 Ireland, Labourer Under District Council
Emily Tracey Wife F 42 Selling, Kent
Emily M Tracey Daughter F 19 Shorncliffe, Kent
Alfred Tracey Son M 16 Shorncliffe, Kent
Frederick Tracey
& Catherine Sheridan
Frederick Tracey b.
17/05/1903 bapt. 05/06/1903 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Jacob (Jacobi)
Treacy & Rebecca Gould [see Killeshin CoI and Dublin]
Robert (Robertus) Treacy b. 12/9/1872 bapt. 6/10/1872 Aldershot, St Patrick's [Army] [Scottish Records]
Rebecca Treacy, minor, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 7 Bolton Street, (d. of James Treacy, dead, soldier) married Walter Jones, full [age], bachelor, private Lancaster Regt, lives temporary military barracks Ballsbridge, (s. of Thomas Jones, coach builder) 07 February 1890 Registrar's Office Dublin Wit: Rebecca Treacy & R. Treacy [Dublin South PLU]
Joannem John Treacy married Mariam Coffey 24/07/1866 Aldershot St Patrick's [Army] [Scottish Records] [see Avoca Wicklow]
John Patrick Tracy (s. of Thomas Tracy) married Sarah Harriet Darbyshire (d. of Charles Henry Darbyshire) 5 Nov 1888 Newton-Kyme, York, England
John Patrick Tracey, private 9th Lancers, Cavalry Barracks, & Sarah Derbyshire
Thomas Henry Tracey b. 10 Feb 1892 Cavalry Barracks Dundalk. Sarah Tracey, mother, Cavalry Barracks [Dundalk Louth Registration]
John Tracey & Sarah Herriet Darly-Kirr
Mary Elizabeth Tracey b. 7/7/1896 bapt. 29/7/1896 Aldershot, St Patrick's Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
1901 Census - Alexandra Street,
Horton All Saints, Bradford, Yorkshire
John Tracey Head M 47 Kilkenny, Telephone Office (Attendant)
Sarah Tracey Wife F 32 York
Thomas Henry Tracey Son M 9 Durdalk [Dundalk] Ireland
Mary Elizabeth Tracey Daughter F 4 Aldershot
Michael Tracey & Ellen Foley [see Dungarvan Waterford]
William Edward b. 14/6/1906 bapt. 17/6/1906 Aldershot, St Patrick's Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Census of England - St.
George, London [Military]
Michael Tracey, Woarter [Warder] Jails
Sergeant, 39, married, 1st Battelion Irish Guards, Master? Jailer,
b. Dungarvan Co. Waterford.
St George, London [Military]
Ellen Tracey, wife, 33, married 6 years 2
child living, b. Villiers Town Waterford
Annie Tracey, daughter, 5, b. Dublin
William Tracey, son, 4, b.
North? Camp Aldershot
Michael (Michaelis)
Tracey & Joan (Johanna) O'Shea
Mary (Maria) Tracey b. 26/7/1866 bapt. 12/8/1866 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Thomas (Thoma) Tracey & Mary (Maria) Denny/Denney
Mary (Maria) Tracey b. 11/11/1866 bapt. 25/11/1866 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Mary Tracy b. 1867 (d. of Thomas Treacy & Mary Denny) d. 15 Jul 1938 Everett, Snohomish, Washington, age 71 years 8 months 4 days, Spouse's Name: Dennis Tracy
John Edward Tracy b. 1898 (s. of Denis Tracy & Mary Treacy) d. 04 Apr 1938 Everett, Snohomish, Washington, Spouse's Name: Irma K. Tracy
Ann (Anna) Tracey b. 5/3/1869 bapt. 4/4/1869 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Anne Or Annie T. Shelton b. 1874, (d. of Thomas Treacy & Mary Denny) d. 27 Feb 1945 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota buried 28 Feb 1945 Duluth, Minn. Spouse's Name: Thomas
Helen Sweeney, b. 1877, (d. of Thomas Tracy & Mary Denny), d. 25 Nov 1917 Everett, Snohomish, Washington, age 40 years 3 months 3 days
Thomas (Thoma) Tracy
& Henrietta Margarta Regan
Henrietta Tracy b. 2/8/1863 bapt. 23/8/1863 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Henrietta Treacy, 18 years, spinster, servant, lives Galway, (d. of Thomas Treacy, Private soldier 87 Regt) married James Balchin, full [age], bachelor, coachman, lives Galway, (s. of Benjamin Balchin, game keeper) 23 October 1880 St. Nicholas Church of Ireland Wit: S. Foley & Pheobe? Treacy [Galway Galway PLU]
William Treacy &
Blanca/Blanch Lugaro
William Walter
Treacy b. 9/11/1895 bapt. 24/11/1895 Shorncliff,
Archangel Michael [Army] [Scottish Records]
James Treacy b.
11/2/1897 bapt. 28/2/1897 Shorncliff, Archangel
Michael [Army] [Scottish Records]
Gulielmi Tracey
& Mahala Platford
William Edvardus (Gulielmus Edvardus) b. 29/5/1873 bapt. 6/7/1873 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Church Services
John Tracey,
12/07/1903, RC Confirmation,
Shorncliffe, The Name Of Jesus [Army] [Scottish
John Tracey b. Athlone 1778, Cordwainer 5th Dragoons 25th Sept 1793 (age 15) -
24th March 1799. 1st Muster Oct 1795. Attested 12th Oct 1794 [see Athlone Roscommon]
Troop. Recruiting April
’96 - Sept ’98.
Nearly joined 26th in 1796
KDGs 25th March 1799 – 1st Oct 1815 incl. Waterloo. Died 1816 Nottingham.
(Believed to be Roman Catholic. Married
Margaret McNaughton at St Marys Drogheda 13th Jan 1799.
Children Anne b. 1799 Croydon; Thomas B 1801 New Radford, Nottingham; John 1804
Arundel died young?; Francis 1808 Newcastle; Sarah 1813; Alexander 1814
Glasgow) Please contact if relations known.
5th Royal
Irish Dragoons had their headquarters at Athlone in 1770-71 (with troops at
Navan, Beltrbert & Roscommon. 1772: Athlone, Dublin, Donaghmore, Roscommon,
Belturbet and Cappoquin. 1775: Clonmel, Clogheen, Kilkenny, Carrick, Cashel and
Tallow. 1776: one troop was drafted to the infantry and one troop deserted.
1777: Roscommon, Athlone, Ballyraget, Kilkenny. 1778 & 79: Longford,
Fermoy, Carlow, Carrick Fergus and Belfast. 1780: Phillipstown, Tullamore and
Kilkenny. One Troop charged at Three Bullet Gate on 5th June 1798
and had 28 men killed but the Regiment was rumoured to have Rebels in its ranks
and was disbanded in disgrace in March 1799. (The 5th Dragoons had no Tracey
appearing in their Musters until Patrick Tracey in 1787.)
Apart from the 5th
Dragoons, the 11th Foot was the only regiment stationed anywhere near, or that
had cause to pass through, Athlone c.1777-78. (Militia
and RoyalArtillery excluded). There was only a Patrick Tracey in the 11th
Thomas B [Bartley] Tracey b. 1801 New Radford, Nottingham. Enlisted 1st KDGs 1815.Discharged 25th
June 1844. WO117/4 Emigrated to Kingston,
Canada. Son of John b. 1778 Athlone. Married Hannah Pallon 4th March 1828 in Edinburgh.
Children: Alexander 1828 Alnwick [Northumberland, England]; Francis
1829 Gort [Galway]; Catherine 1831
Milton; Sarah Ann 1833 Chichester (died 1840 Niagara, Canada); Robert 1836
Abergavenny [Wales]; Margaret 1838
Dundalk; Thomas 1842 Chamby, Quebec. Retired to Canada and died 1881
Belfast, Co. Antrim
Ellen Tracey, 18, spinster, mill worker, lives 33 (d. of Francis Tracey, labourer) married Henry Byrne, 29, widower, Private 54th Regt, lives Belfast Barrack, (s. of Henry Byrne, butler) 3 January 1869 RC Chapel Saint Patricks Wit: Edward Bratly? & Mary Thompson [Belfast Belfast PLU] Antrim
Ellen Treacy & Henry Byrne of 54th
Willm Francis Byrne b. 16 Apr 1871 Sp. Eliza Renison & Edwd Tallant. Curragh Camp Parish
Catherine Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 9 Glentilt St Belfast,
(d. of Robert Tracy, labourer) married Frederick Daly, full [age], bachelor,
private Lancashire Fusiliers, lives Victoria BKS Belfast, (s. of Edwin Daly,
labourer) 14 September 1892 Sandy Row Methodist Church Wit: James Vance &
Sarah Ross [Belfast PLU Antrim]
Andrew Treacey, full age, bachelor, soldier in 86th Regt, lives Newry? Barrack town & parish of Newry, (s. of James Treacey, harness? maker) married Margaret McKeage, full age, spinster, lives High Street town & parish of Newry, (d. of Samuel McKeage, labourer) 25 February 1861 Newry Registrars Office Wit: Patrick Kelly & Sarah Kelly, her mark [Newry PLU Armagh] signed their marks [bad copy]
Joanne Tracy & Maria Coffey [see Avoca Wicklow]
Lilian Mariam Tracy b. 18 Aug 1878 Sp. Daniel Powel & Bidelia Connelly. Armagh parish
Jacobum Tracey b. 16 May 1880 Sp. Jacobus McNally & Elizabetha O Connor. Armagh parish
Army Birth Registration
Tracey, Armagh, 1880, 87th, Vol 799 page 2
Phoebe/Phobe Treacy, BLANK age, spinster, Blank profession, lives Military Barracks Armagh, (d. of Thomas Treacy, soldier) married John Mitchell, full [age], widower, military sergeant, lives Military Barracks Armagh, (s. of John Mitchell, dead, farmer) 11 April 1882 RC Chapel Armagh Wit: William Kerr & Mary Kennedy [Armagh Armagh PLU]
Thomas Tracey, full age, bachelor, soldier, lives Armagh, (s. of Martin Tracey, dead, farmer) married Catherine Wallace, " [full age], spinster, dressmaker, lives Armagh, (d. of John Wallace, living, soldier) 20 September 1884 RC Cathedral Armagh Wit: G. Reville, Copl, & Lizzie Wallace) [Armagh Armagh PLU] [signed T Treacy Sergt]
James Tracy 27th
Rement? (Son of Andrew & Mary Tracy deceased [Fermanagh?]) married Ellen Fenlan? Graigue (daughter of Patrick &
Margaret of Graigue) Wit: Martins Collins of Graigue & Mary Higgans? of Graigue. July 13 1864. Killeshin Parish Laois/Carlow
Tracey, 30,
bachelor, soldier, lives Carlow (s. of Andrew
Tracey) married Ellen Fenlon, 20, spinster, servant, lives Graigue (d. of
Pat Fenlon) 13 July 1864 RC Chapel of Graigue Wit: Martin Collins & Mary
Hearns, her mark [Carlow Carlow PLU Queens] (signed her mark)
Crosslea Queens Co, 37, spinster, house maid, lives Crosslea Queens Co., (d. of
James Tracey, tradesman) married
John Wills staff house Carlow, 41, bachelor, Color Sergeant, lives Carlow
Malitia Staff House, (s. of Daniel Wills, deceased, tradesman) 28 April 1870 RC
Chapel Graigue Wit: Pat Brophy & Anne Foley [Carlow Carlow PLU Queens Co.]
signed her mark & J. Wills Cr Sergt Carlow Rifles
Bridget Tracey Mocklea/Croptea/Crosslen? [Crossneen?] (daughter of James Tracy & Catherine Brady Deceased) married John Wills Carlow (son of Daniel & Sarah Wills Deceased) Wit: Patrick Barret Carlow & Anne Foley Carlow. April 28th 1870
John Tracy
& Ellen Looney
John Tracy b. 4
Mar 1866 illeg Sp. Patrick Coleman & Mary Cogan. Passage West Parish
John Tracy & Ellen Looney
John b. 19 March 1866
Carrigaline District (LDS)
John Tracy,
soldier, of Kildare, & Ellen Looney
John Tracy b. 19
Mar 1866 of Passage [Passage West town Marmullane OR Monkstown]. Eliza Looney, her mark,
grandmother, present at birth, Passage [Carrigaline Cork PLU]
Joseph Tracey, full [age], bachelor, corporal,
lives The Barracks, (s. of Thomas Tracey,
labourer) married Caroline Hill, full [age], spinster, school mistress, lives
The Barracks, (d. of Richard Hill, trumpet major) 06 July 1875 St. Anne Shandon
Church of Ireland Wit: PM Furas? & L Bellingsley (signed J. Tracey Corpl
34th Regt) [Cork Cork PLU]
Margt Tracey married
Thomas Burke of 70th Regt 27 Feb 1849 Wit: John Halloran & Bridget
Fitzgerald. St. Patrick's Parish, Cork City
Mary Anne Treacy, 23 years, spinster, servant,
lives No 6 Abbey Street Parish of St Nicholas City of Cork, (d. of Michael Treacy, carman) married George
Todd, 27 years, bachelor, Private 48th Regt Foot, lives Military Barracks
Fermoy Parish of Fermoy County Cork, (s. of William Todd, soldier) 27 August
1868 City of Cork Registry Office Wit: T Caughlan & Margaret Connell, her
mark [Cork Cork PLU] signed his mark
Maryanne Tracy & John Todd
William T Todd b. 23 Jun
1869 Sp. Denis Horgan & Maggie Good St. Finbarr's Parish, Cork City
Matthew Tracy, 24, bachelor, Corporal 1St Batt Rifle Brigade, lives Fermoy, (s. of John Tracy, pensioner) married Anne/Anna Maria Kern, 21, spinster, BLANK, lives Fermoy, (d. of George Kern, shoemaker) 09 March 1878 Fermoy Church of Ireland Wit: William Henry Dunce? corporal & Jane Birna? [Fermoy PLU]
Thomas Tracey, 106 Rgt,
& Mary O'Donnell
Tracey b. 22 Apr/16 May 1870 Sp. Jemy Talon & Anne Moran St. Patrick's,
Cork City
Thomas Tracey & Mary
Julia Tracey b. 1 Sep 1868 bapt. 18 Sep 1868 Umblla, Bengal, India
Julia Tracey, 22, single, b. 1872 India (d. of Thomas Tracey & Mary O'Donnell) married James Clark, 29, single, b. 1865 New York (s. of James E. Clark & Mary ...Ly) 27 Sep 1894 Manhattan, New York,
Julia Clark died 23 Nov 1946 1 University Place Manhattan New York, Widowed, Probation Officer, b. 1 Sep 1879 Bengal, India (d. of Thomas Tracy b. Ireland & Mary O'Donnell b. Ireland), Spouse: James E Clark, buried 25 Nov 1946 Calvary Cemetery
Thomae Tracey/Tracy & Mariae O'Donnell
Jacobus Tracey b. 18 Feb 1872 Bapt. 7 Apr 1872 Sp. Marcellus R. Morand & Maria C. Morand. St Joseph, Bury, Lancashire, England
Gulielmus Tracy b. 25 Jan 1874 bapt. 19 Apr 1874 Sp. Eduardus Little & Maria Calaher. St Marie, Bury, Lancashire, England
Francisca Tracy - filia b. 20 Dec 1875 bapt. 6 Feb 1876 Sp. Thomas Quinlan & Anna Quinlan. St Marie, Bury, Lancashire, England
Thomas Tracy of 48th Regiment married Hannah Waters 28 Aug 1862 Wit: Henry Mill 48th Reg & Timothy Mahony. St. Finbarr’s Parish, Cork City [see Roscommon]
Thomas Tracey & Anna Maria
Joanne Tracey b. 3/4 March 1864 of Cork Barracks Sp. Maria Waters. Killarney
Parish (LDS)
Thomas Tracey
of Cak [Cork] Barracks, soldier, & Hanna Maria/Anne Mary Waters
Mary Johanna Tracey b. 4 March 1864 of
Cork Barrick, Sp. Mary Waters. Rev. D.E. Kerricusis. RC Killarney. Killarney
Thomas Tracey, soldier of Cork? Barracks, & Hanna Maria Waters
Mark John Tracey 3 Mar 1864 of High Street Killarney. John Hannan,
occupier, High St Killarney. [Kilarney Killarney PLU]
Thomas Treacy,
of 48th, & Hannah Waters
Louisa Margt
Treacy b. 3 Feb 1867 Sp. James Moore & Elizabeth Meade. Curragh Camp Parish
Thomas Tracy & Hannah Maria Waters
Louisa Margaret b. 15 April 1867 Palmerston District, Dublin (LDS)
Thomas Tracy, a sergeant 48th Regt Foot, & Hannah Maria Waters
Margaret Tracy b. 15 Apr 1867 of Richmond Barracks. Hannah Maria Treacy,
mother, Richmond Barks [Palmerston Dublin South PLU]
1881 Census
Thomas Treacy,
52 years, born Trichinopoly (BS) East Indies, married, merchants
clerk, 15 Rosamuns St Kingston-upon-Hull York
Hannah M, 36 years, born Cork, wife
Mark J, 17 years,
born Killarney, son
Emma, 16 years,
born Taunton Somerset, daughter
Louisa M, 14 years,
born Curragh Camp, daughter
Alice M, 10
years, born Hull York, daughter
Thomas F, 8
years, born Hull York, son
Albert H, 6
years, born Hull York, son
George Tracey, full [age], bachelor, 2nd Battn
Rifle Brigade, lives Cork Barracks, (s. of James
Tracey, engineer) married Ellen Farrell, full [age], spinster, servant,
lives Barrackton, (d. of John Farrell, labourer) 01 February 1881 St. Anne
Shandon Church of Ireland Wit: George Hodgkinson & Mary Bennett, signed her
mark [Cork Cork PLU] signed her mark
Buttervant Co. Cork
Thomas Treacy,
full [age], bachelor, Lance Corprl 87 Regt, lives Buttervant Barracks, (s. of Denis Treacy, labourer) married
Margaret Callaghan, full [age], spinster, lives Buttervant, (d. of John
Callaghan, labourer) 16 July 1861 Buttervant Church of Ireland Wit: Mary Anne
Holmes & Thomas Gardiner [Buttervant Mallow PLU] signed her mark
Fermoy, Co. Cork
Mary Tracy, of full
age, spinster, lives Fermoy, (d. of Thomas Tracy, leedsman) married Henry
Brister, of full age, bachelor, Private of the 66th depot? of
Foot, lives Fermoy, (d. of Daniel Brister, labourer) 19 May 1847 Fermoy Church
of Ireland Wit: George Cooke & Arthur Thompson [Fermoy Fermoy PLU] signed
her mark
Catherine Tracey, full age, spinster, lives Ditto [Parish of Fermoy], (d. of Darby Tracey, labourer) married William Smith, 32, bachelor, soldier, lives Parish of Fermoy, (s. of Thomas Smith, butcher) 22 February 1870 RC Chapel Fermoy Wit: D. O'Hagan & K. O'Brien [Fermoy Fermoy PLU] signed their marks
Ellenam Tracey
of Strancally [Kilcockan] married Joannem Prier 13 Feb 1866 Wit: Guillielmo
O'Brien & Anna Tracey.
Knockanore Parish Waterford
Ellen Tracey, 30, spinster, servant, lives Kilinaterrinoy [Kilwatermoy Kilwatermoy], (d. of Maurice Tracey, farmer) married John Prior, 39, bachelor, soldier, lives Mount Reveis [Mount Rivers Clondulane Cork – Fermoy RC], (s. of John Prior, farmer) 13 February 1866 RC Chapel of Killenagh Wit: William Prior & Mary Tracey, their marks [Tallow Lismore PLU] signed their marks
Patrick Tracey & Charlotte Mary Rossor [moved to Australia – see Cork]
Patrick Tracey b. 6 Jun 1875 Sp. Dennis? Foley & Ellen Hurley. Fermoy Parish
Patrick Tracey, soldier, & Charloth Rosson
Tracey b. 17 May 1875 Barrack Jill Fermoy Barracks. [Fermoy] Charloth Tracey,
her mark, mother, Fermoy Barracks [Fermoy Fermoy PLU]
Queenstown [Cobh] Co. Cork
Bridget Agnes Tracy, 20 years, spinster, lives Spike Island, (d. of Michael Tracey, soldier 55th Regt) married James Howard, full
[age], bachelor, Corporal 65 Regt, lives Spike Island, (s. of John Howard,
carpenter) 28 December 1867 Queenstown Church of Ireland Wit: John Jones &
Edward Speatman [Clonmich? Cork PLU] signed her name
Jane Tracey. full
age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Draperstown [Ballynascreen], (d. of James
Tracey, soldier) married John Kelly, 25, bachelor, butcher, lives
Draperstown, (s. of John Kelly, dead, butcher) 31 December 1888 RC Chapel St.
Columbkill Wit: Bernard Kelly & Hanah Kelly [Draperstown Magherafelt PLU]
[bad copy]
Tracy of 2 Prince Edward St
BRock (d. of Roberti & Eliza of
of 32 Sth King St Dublin) married Guilmius Williams of 32 Sth King St Dublin
(s. of Henrici & Susannae of 42 Sth King St) 5 Jun 1881 Wit: Joseph Tracy of 32 Sth King St &
Maria Kavanagh? of 42 Sth King St. Booterstown Parish
Tracy, Do [of full age],
spinster, servant, lives 2 Prince Edward Terrace Blackrock?, (d. of Robert Tracy, dead) married William
Williams, of full age, bachelor, soldier, lives 32 South King St Dublin, (s. of
Henry Williams, porter) 05 June 1881 RC Chapel Booterstown Wit: Joseph Tracy & Mary Kennedy, signed
his mark [Blackrock Rathdown PLU] signed her mark
Maxwell Tracy (s. of Thos B Tracy, Bengal CS) Capt. Surrey Regt of 1 Victoria Terrace NCR m. Amy Lucy
Smyth (d. of Edward Smyth, Lambent?) of Westbridge House Enniskillen, on 4 July
1893 Wit: Edward Smyth & SF Bristow. Grangegorman – All Saints CoI [see William Samuel
Maxwell/M Tracy, Capt, full [age],
bachelor, Surrey Regt, lives 1 Victoria Terrace N.C.R., (s. of Thomas B
Tracy, Bengal Civil Service) married Amy Lucy Smyth, full [age], spinster,
BLANK profession, lives Westbridge House Enniskillen, (d. of Edward Smyth,
landagent) 04 July 1893 All Saints Grangegorman Church of Irealand Wit: Edward
Smyth & S. F. Bristow [Dublin North PLU]
Maggie Maria Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 13 Bath Avenue, (d. of John Tracey, decd, gardener) married Thomas/T Alfred/A Stallard, full [age], bachelor, bugler 21 D.C.L. Infantry [Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry], lives Beggar's Bush Barracks, (s. of George Stallard, laborer) 24 February 1894 Registrar's Office Dublin Wit: G. Durnford & Maggie Durnford, signed her mark [Dublin South PLU] signed her mark
Elizabeth Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Atkenson's Cottages Ringsend, (d. of James Tracy, labourer) married Charles Eivers, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Beggers Bush Barracks, (s. of George Eivers, cooper) 29 September 1894 S. Matthew Church of Ireland Wit: Lizzie Piesey & William Fitts [Dublin South PLU]
1901 Census
Elizabeth Tracy, 60, F, 48.2 Dodder Place, Pembroke East & Donnybrook, Dublin, St Matthews, Wife, Widow, Dublin
William John Tracy, 23, M, Dodder Place, Pembroke East & Donnybrook, Dublin, Sailor, Church, Son, Not Married, Bra???? ??? (entry crossed out)
James Lambert Tracy, 20, M, Dodder Place, Pembroke East & Donnybrook, Dublin, Sailor, Irishtown, Son, Not Married, ? Dublin
Elizabeth Ewers, 26, F, Daughter, Irishtown, Read and write, Widow, East India
Lyndon Ewers, M, Grandson, Irishtown, Ringsend [11 months]
Herbert Tracy, full [age], bachelor, Private M.S.C., lives Linen Hall Barracks {Dublin], (s. of William Tracy, Clerk) married Ruth Shaw, full [age], spinster, BLANK professoion, lives 29 Strandville Avenue? North Strand, (d. of William Shaw, dec, wheelwright?) 15 April 1895 Registrar's Office Wit: John Dredge & Ellen Talbot [Dublin South PLU] [duplicate marriage] [see St. Mary, Pro-Cathedral]
Tracy (s. of William Tracy,
clerk), aged 21, Private Army Medical Staff Linen Hall Barracks [Dublin] m.
Ruth Shaw (d. of William Shaw, millwright), aged 19, of 29 Strand Ville Av
Dublin on 8 August 1895 Wit: Frances A Williams & Marthw Flight (by
licence) [duplicate marriage]
Tracy, 21, bachelor, Private
Army Medical Staff, lives Linen Hall Barracks, (s. of William Tracy, Clerk) married Ruth Shaw, 19, spinster, "
[Private Army Medical Staff], lives 29 Strandville Av Dublin, (d. of William
Shaw, millwright) 08 August 1895 North Strand Church of Ireland Wit: Francis?
A. William & Marsha? Wight? [Dublin North PLU] [faint]
William Tracey, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives Donnybrook Hazelwood, (s. of Patrick Tracey, laborer) married Catherine Hughes, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Upper Rathmines, (d. of James Hughes, laborer) 4 October 1896 RC Chapel Rathgar Wit: James Drury & Rose Connor, signed her mark [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
William Tracey, Private Leinster Regiment, & Kate Hughes
William Tracey b. 1 Jan 1903 Rathnew [Rathnew] [Wicklow
Rathdrum PLU]
William Tracey & Catherine Hughes
Tracey (aka Treacy) born County Wicklow c.1870. Married Catherine (Kathleen)
Hughes on 4 Oct 1896 at Rathgar Chapel, Rathmines, Dublin.
Was a Private in the Leinsters between 1889 and 1909 (20 years). Migrated to Greenock (West coast of Scotland) after
demobbed from army, with family (Kathleen Jnr, William Jnr, Margaret, James,
Patrick, Andrew, Michael and Elizabeth). Any information would be gratefully
appreciated! Many thanks – Lynn
I'm looking for information about my grandfather William
Tracey (Tracy, Treacy). He was born in Rathdrum, Co Wicklow on 1 January 1903,
but his family lived in Roscommon. His father was William and mother Catherine
Hughes, siblings: Catherine, Patrick, Andrew, James, Michael, Elizabeth,
Margaret. The whole family moved to Scotland (Greenock) circa 1930. I've been
searching with no luck for a few years now. Any information would be great
relief. Thanks for any clues!
Lynn Ceney
Oct 18, 2008
1911 Census
William, Treacy, Thomas St., 41, M, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Wicklow)
Kate, Treacy, Thomas St., 38, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Wicklow)
Kaitleen, Treacy, Thomas St., 10, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Dover)
William, Treacy, Thomas St., 9, M, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Wicklow)
Magrett, Treacy, Thomas St., 5, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Pretoria SA)
Patrick, Treacy, Thomas St., 2, M, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Devenport)
Elizabeth, Treacy, Thomas St., 2, F, Pembroke East Dublin (b. Devenport)
Treacy of Myshall Co. Carlow
(d. of Thomas Treacy & Anne
Sheridan of Myshall Co. Carlow) married William Lewis of Royal Barracks (s. of
William Lewis & Janet Main of 59 West Carron, By Falkirk, Stirlingshire,
Scotland) on the 7 December 1906 Wit: David Menzies of Royal Barracks &
Ellen Reilly of 15 Charlemont Street. Harrington St Parish
Richard Tracey & Mary Jane McCarthy
Mary Kate b. 16 August 1872 Rathmines (LDS)
Richard Tracey, Captain 98th Regiment, & Mary Jane McCarthy
Mary Kate Tracey b. 16 Aug 1872 of 138? Belfield Terrace? Aelb?Grenlaw?,
present at birth, 23 James Street [Rathmines Dublin South PLU]
Catherines RC
Tracey/Treacy, full [age],
bachelor, soldier, lives 128.5 Cork St, (s. of John Tracey, carpenter) married Mary Curran, full [age], spinster,
BLANK profession, lives 155 Thomas St, (d. of John Curran, cooper) 03 March
1889 RC Chapel St. Catherine Wit: James Curran & Maggie Treacy [Dublin South PLU]
George Church of Ireland
Agnes Treacy, minor, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 9 Blessington Place, (d. of Thomas Treacy, tea porter) married William Jenner, full [age], bachelor, driver A.S. Corps, lives Royal Barracks, (s. of William Jenner, driver) 02 April 1894 Wit: Emily Byrne & Edawrd Byrne. St. George Church of Ireland [see Stephen Treacy]
Agnes Treacy, minor, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 9 Blessington Place, (d. of Thomas Treacy, tea porter?) married William Jenner, full [age], bachelor, driver? A.S. Corps, lives Royal Barracks, (s. of William Jenner, driver) 02 April 1894 St. George Church of Ireland Wit: Emily Byrne & Edawrd Byrne [Dublin North PLU]
Agnes Tracey & William Jenner
William Thomas Jenner b. 24 May/6 June 1900 of 4 Granby Place Sp. Anne Tracey. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral Parish
Agnes Adelina Treasy (b. 1875 Dublin d. Worcester Park Surrey England) m. William Jenner 2nd April 1894
William Jenner
b. 24 May 1904 Dublin
James Jenner
b. 2 March 1905 Epsom Surrey England
Bernard Jenner
b. 19 August 1912 Epsom Surrey England
Leonard Jenner
b. 18 August 1912 Epsom Surrey England
Lesley GRAY
January 25, 2011
St. James Church of Ireland, Dublin
Sarah Tracy, 18, spinster, servant, lives Bow Lane, (d. of Matthew Tracy, labourer) married Thomas Hollis, full [age], bachelor, Private 7th Hussars, lives Royal Hospital, (s. of James Hollis, carpenter) 25 July 1849 St. James Church of Ireland Wit: John Thy his mark & Richard Faught [Dublin South PLU] signed her mark
James RC
Thomas Tracy & Cath Aston [Army?]
Emily Tracy b. 14 January 1855 of Island Br Barracks Sp. William
Nightingale & Anne Walsh. St James Parish
St. Michael & John Parish RC
Jacobus Tracy of Ship St Barracks (s. of Thomas & Maria Tracy frates? morteus ) married Maria Murphy of 1 Hoeys Court (d, of Joannes & Catherina Murphy of 1 Hoeys Court) 6 May 1863 Wit: Martin Kearney of 2 Ardee Road & Maria Anna Hanes? Of 18 Brick Lane. St. Michael & John Parish
James Tracy & Maria
Mary Catherine Tracy b. 28 Feb/? Mar 1864 of 1 Hoeys Court Sp. Maria Kavanagh. St Michael & John Parish
Mary Tracy died 1864, Dublin South PLU, aged
0, b. 1864, died 26 Dec 1864 of 1 Hoeys Court, Daughter Of A Soldier, John
Murphy informant
St. Pauls Church of Ireland, Dublin
Tracy nee Ellison, of full
age, widow, lives ???, (d. of Joseph Ellison, game
keeper) married Rody Hogan, of full age, widower?, Sergeant 45th? Regt?, lives ???, (s. of Patrick? Hogan, gardiner)
26 March 1850 St. Paul Church of Ireland Wit: John Trusing? &
Susan Heasnay? [Dublin North PLU][very faint
Mary Tracey, of full age, spinster, servant, lives General? Hospital Phoenix
Park, (d. of John Tracey, labourer)
married Dixon Jones, of full age, bachelor, Private 9th regiment, lives Royal Barracks,
(s. of William Jones, farmer) 26 August 1850 St. Pauls Church of Ireland Wit:
Patrick Farrell & John Egan, their marks [St. Pauls Dublin North PLU]
signed her mark
Mary Tracy, full [age], spinster, lives Temple St soth?
(d. of Francis
Tracy, farmer) married Peter Taylor, full [age], bachelor, Private 1st?
Royl Dragns, lives Royal Barracks, (s. of Peter
Taylor, farmer) 26 May 1858 St. Paul Church of Ireland Wit: Elizabeth Bowles
& Henry Lofts? [Dublin North PLU] signed her mark
St. Pauls RC, Dublin
John Tracy & Anna Quinn [see also Naas Co. Kildare]
Margaret Tracey
b. 22 Dec 1871/5 Jan 1872 of Royal Barrack Sp. Rosanna Nugent. St. Paul's Parish
Peter Church of Ireland, Dublin
Eliza Tracy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives 3
Magees Court, (d. of Patrick Tracy,
bricklayer) married Matthew Given, full [age], bachelor. Private R.H.A., lives Portobello Barracks, (s. of James Given, labourer)
1 August 1857 St. Peter Church of Ireland Wit: David Lees & Kate Macky
[Dublin South PLU] signed his mark
James Tracy (s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer) widower, Private 36 Foot of 7 Montague Place m. Elizabeth Lambert [Lamberth] (d. of William Labert, nailor) of 7 Montague Place on 28 January 1873 Wit: John Murphy & William Lambert
James Tracey/Tracy, full age, widower, Private 36th Foot, lives 7 Montague Place,
(s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer)
married Elizabeth Lambert, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives same place [7
Montague Place], (s. of William Lambert, nailer) 28 January 1873 St. Peter's
Church of Ireland Wit: John Murphy & William Lambert [Dublin South PLU]
James Tracy & Elizabeth Lambert/Lombard
Elizabeth Tracey b. 1876 (or
1881) of 6 Denzille Lane Sp. Mary Catherine Flynn (Lambert) St. Andrew’s
William Tracey b. 1878 (or 1881)
of 6 Denzille Lane Sp. Mary Doolin (Lambert) St. Andrew’s RC
James Tracey b. 1881 of 6
Denzille Lane Sp. Mary Hollon (Lambert) St. Andrew’s RC
James Tracy b. 1881 of 3 Asylum
St Sp. Bridget Quinn (Lombard) St. Andrew’s RC
Tracey & Elizabeth
James Lambert Tracey of 5 Windmill Lane b. 5
April 1881 bapt. 10 June 1881 (labourer) St.
Mark’s CoI
Kate Tracy (d. of Michael Tracy, labourer) of Harolds Cross m. Alfred Allard
(s. of Charles Allard, cab proprietor) Gunner Royal Artillery Portobello
Barracks on 23 April 1873 Wit: Margret Moran & Wm Johnson (after Banns) St.
Peter Church of Ireland
Kate Tracy, of full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Harolds Cross, (d. of Michael Tracy, labourer) married Alfred Allard, of full age, bachelor, Gunner Royal Artillery, lives Portobello Barracks, (s. of Charles Allard, Cab propritor) 23 April 1873 St. Peter Church of Ireland Wit: Margaret Moran & Wm Johnston. [Dublin South PLU] signed her mark
Catharinae Tracey & Alfredi Allard
Julia Allard b. 14 December 1873 of Greenmount Sp. Edwardo
Glennon & Margarita Walsh, Rathmines RC
Kate Tracy & Alfred Allard
FEMALE Allard b. 14 Dec 1873 Dublin, South Dublin Union
St. Werburghs Church of Ireland, Dublin
Alice Tracy, full age, spinster [widow crossed out], lives 3 Hoyes Court, (d. of James Tracy, carpenter) married David Pierce, full age, bachelor, Private in 66th Regt, lives Ship Street Baracks, (s. of Owen Pierce, potter) 25 August 1868 St. Werburghs Church of Ireland Wit: Emily Ward & W. Jones [St. Werburghs Dublin South PLU]
William Tracey & Mehale
Emily Tracey b. 21 July 1877 bapt. 30 Sep 1877 of Ship Street Barracks (Private 103rd Regt). St. Werburgh’s CoI
William Tracy, soldier, & Melia Platford
Emily Tracy
b. 21 Jul 1877 Barracks Ship St The mark of Melia Tracy, mother, Barracks Ship
St [1877 12 671 Dublin South PLU]
Gulielmi Tracey
& Mahala Platford
William Edvardus (Gulielmus Edvardus) b. 29/5/1873 bapt. 6/7/1873 Aldershot, Saints Michael And Sebastian [Army] [Scottish Records]
Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh
Patrick Treacey, Enniskillen, 1820, 30th, Vol 1133 page 64
Rose Anne Furness nee Tracy, full age, widow, lives Queen Street, (d. of John Tracy, laborer) married Joseph Chappell, full age, bachelor, Private in 31st Regmt, lives main Barracks, (s. of Thomas Chappell, brick maker) 23 February 1852 Enniskillen Church of Ireland Wit: Thomas Crook & William Potter, his mark [Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU] signed their marks
Ellen Treacy, 17 years, spinster, lives Abbey Street, (d. of James Treacy, soldier) married Thomas Donaghy, 18 years, bachelor, Private 54th Regiment, lives Main Barracks, (s. John Donaghy, soldier) 10 July 1854 Enniskillen Church of Ireland Wit: Thomas Riley & Susanna Murphy [Enniskillen PLU] signed her mark
Anne Tressy, 18 years. Spinster, lives Saintcathanniel? P? of Inishmacsaint? (d. of Francis Tressy, labourer) married Charles Mc Cabe, 19 years, bachelor, Private Fermanagh Militery?, lives Barracks Enninskillen P? of ditto, (s. of Charles McCabe, labourer) 8 December 1857 Enniskillen Registrars Office Wit: William Gott & James Cranston [Enniskillen PLU] signed her mark
John Tracey of Enniskillen (s. of James Tracey of School Road?) married Elizabetha M'Dermot? of Mary St (d. of Patrick Kelly of Abbey St) 16 Apr 1874 Wit: Frances Reid? of Queen? St & James Roper? of Mary? St. Enniskillen Parish
John Tracy, 40, bachelor, soldier, lives Barracks, (s. of James Tracy, dealer?, labourer) married Elizabeth McDermott, 33, widow, dealer, lives Mary St, (d. of Patrick Kelly, labourer) 16 April 1874 RC Chapel Enniskillen Wit: Francis O'Neill & James Roper, signed his mark [Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU] signed their marks
Joannes Tracy & Elizabeth McDermot
Catherina Tracy b. 21 Aug 1874 of Carragh Camp Sp. Francisius Tracy & Anna Respahan?. Enniskillen Parish
John Treacy & Bessy Kelly
Catherine b. 1 September 1874 Enniskillen (LDS)
John Tracey married in Enniskillen
1. John and Mary Tracey
2. John Tracey (born circa 1839 - died 16th
Jan 1907, age 68 in Glasgow) married Elizabeth Kelly (born circa 1836 - died
10th Dec 1915, age 79 in Glasgow, parents Patrick Kelly and Rose
McCourt/McCart) on 17th April 1874 in Enniskillen. Elizabeth Kelly was the
widow of John McDermid General Labourer.
3. John Tracey born in Glasgow in 1877.
Tracey, Kelly, McKelvie, Goldie
John Tracey married Elizabeth Kelly on 16th April 1874 in Enniskillen, Elizabeth
Kelly was previously married to John McDermid, John Parents were John and Mary
Tracey, Elizabeth parents were Patrick Kelly and Rose McCourt! William McKelvie
was born 1831/1832 in Enniskillen to parents Patrick McKelvie and Bridget
Goldie, any information on these peolple gareatly appreciated! Thankyou!
Deborah Robertson debi-robo (22.03.2006)
Jane Tracy & William Hannigan
of 58th Reg Enniskillen?
Ellen Hannigan b. 5/11 Jun 1879 Sp. Denis
Hannigan & Bessy Gray?. Enniskillen Parish
Treacy, of full age, spinster, lives
William Street East town of Galway, (d. of James
Treacy, land steward) married Frederick Middleton, of full age, bachelor,
private soldier 65 Regt, lives Castle Barracks town of Galway, (s. of Henry
Middleton, dyer) 12 October 1849 St. Nicholas Church of Ireland Wit: James
Wilson & Margaret Treacy, her
mark [Galway Galway PLU] [faint copy]
Bt Tracy (getting an assasent? of her freedom) of the 97 Regt married Edmd
Carew of the 5th Regt (first? argny? his officer) 25 Aug 1839 Wit: Anthy Duffy
of the 5th and Honaria Burke. St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Tracy, of full age, spinster, servant,
lives Bowling Green (d. of Edward Tracy, labourer) married Nathaniel Millet, of full age,
bachelor, Private soldier 17th Regt, lives Shambl? Barracks, (s. of Richard
Millet, labourer) 10 February 1851 St. Nicholas Church of Ireland Wit: William
Meyneth? & Bridget Cagney?, her mark [Galway
Galway PLU] signed her mark [faint copy]
Catherine Treacy, 20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Loughrea [Loughrea], (d. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married John Monks, 46, widower, barrack sergt, lives Loughrea, (s. of John Monks, farmer) 28 September 1893 RC Chapel Loughrea Wit: Patrick Holland & Mary Monaghan, signed her mark [Loughrea Loughrea PLU] signed her mark
James Tracey, 24, bachelor, soldier, lives
Oughterard [Kilcummin], (s. of James
Tracey, mason) married Alice Gorman, 21, spinster, servant, lives
Oughterard, (d. of N- Gorman, labourer) 10 February 1871 RC Chapel Kilcummin,
Oughterard Wit: John Crook & Mary Anne Gill, their marks [Oughterard
Oughterard PLU] signed their marks [not found in RC register]
Tracey &
Alice Gorman
b. 26 January 1872 (LDS)
James Tracey, Private 47th Regiment,
& Alice Gorman
James Tracey b. 26 Jan 1872 Pullough
[Pollagh Killannin] Bridget Carter, her mark, present at birth, Pullough [Oughterard
Oughterard PLU]
Esther Tracey, 24, spinster, lives Gort [Kiltartan], (d. of Patrick Tracey, coachman) married William Donaldson, 21, bachelor, Private 8th, lives Gort Barracks, (s. of William Donaldson, blacksmith) 07 February 1874 Church of Ireland Gort Wit: John Philips & Kate M O'Shenaghnessy [Kilmacduagh Gort PLU]
Esther Tracy & William Donaldson
William Henry Donaldson b. 9 Oct 1874 Gort, Gort, Galway (LDS)
William H. Donaldson died 7 Feb 1946 The Bronx New York City New York, Age 71, b. 1875 (s. of William Donaldson & Esther Tracy) Spouse: Mary Jane Collins
Lizzie Tracey,
spinster, parlour maid, lives Galway, (d. of James Tracey, skilled laborer) married Patrick/Patk Toohey, 24,
bachelor, Private 52nd L.I., lives Galway, (s. of James Toohey, scripture
reader) 16 September 1876 St Nicholas Church of Ireland Wit: John Ward & Margaret Tracey [Galway Galway PLU]
Elizabeth Tracey & Patrick Toohey
FEMALE Toohey b. 10 May 1880 Irwins Cottages, Dublin, Ireland (LDS)
Michael Tracie? Pt [private?] married Margt Berry 20 May 1833 Wit: Doctor Colohan
& Miss? Prendergast. St. Nicholas North and East,
Galway City
Katie Treacy, do [full age], spinster, servant, lives Ballinasloe [Creagh Roscommon OR Kilcloony Galway], (d. of Michael Treacy, servant) married Thomas Halloran, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Castlebar [Aglish Mayo], (s. of John Halloran, servant) 07 January 1899 RC Chapel Ballinasloe Wit: Michael Connaghton & Norah Treacy [Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU]
Tralee Co. Kerry & Birr Co. Offaly [Kings] [see Limerick]
Anne Tracy,
full age, single, servant, lives Tralee Strand? St of Tralee parish county of
Kerry, (d. of James Tracy,
pensioner) married Thomas Rice, full age, single, Private soldier 77th Regt,
lives Barrack Tralee parish of Tralee county of Kerry, (s. of Thomas Rice,
weaver?) 6 October 1847 Tralee Registrar's Office Wit: Catharine? Stephens? Ploivman? & Jane
Tracy [Tralee Tralee PLU] signed their marks (Note: there is an illegible
note on the side)
Peter Tracey
(Col. Serjt. Royal Munster Fusiliers) & Amelia Jane Tickner
Peter Laurence Tracy (b. 1848) m. Almelia (Anne or
Emilia or Jane) Tickner 1873 (LDS)
Peter Laurence Tracy & Almelia Tickner
William Joseph b. 28 November 1874
(LDS) [Kerry or Dublin]
John Lawrence b. 2
December 1875 Military Barracks Tralee (LDS) Sp. James Smythe & Catherine
White. Rev. D.
O’Keeffe. Tralee Parish Kerry
Peter Tracy,
sergeant 104 Regt, & Amelia Jane Tickner
William Joseph Tracy b. 28 Nov 1874
Military Barracks. Peter Tracy, father, Military Barracks [Tralee Tralee PLU]
Peter Tracy of 104th Regt & Amelia Jane Ticknea
Charles Timothy Tracy b. 19/25 Nov 1877 Sp. Michael Fannin & Mary O'Brien. Birr and Loughkeen Parish Offaly
William Joseph Tracy, died
1874 Tralee Tralee PLU, aged 0 years 7 days, b. 1874, bachelor, child of
sergeant 104th Regt, died 4 Dec 1874 Military Barracks [Tralee RC], Peter Tracy, present at death, Military
John Tracey,
26155, sapper 11th Company, died 11 March 1896 at Currah Camp, Mrs M. Tracey
[crossed out] Meak (Mother) Staff Barracks Tralee [crossed out] 23 Gorman? R South next of kin.
John Lawrence Tracey, 26155, sapper, Royal engineers, enlisted October 1891, died 11 March
1896 Scarlet Fever
15 years 10 months, b. 1876,
5'3", 101.5 Lbs, grey eyes, lt brown hair, RC, small scar upper part of
left buttock, blacksmith, Mrs M. Mzak? (Mother) Staff Barracks Tralee [crossed
out] ??? Amelia ??? [other text] next of kin,
Born St. Johns, Kerry Ireland
Timothy Tracey. Reg. No. 7692. Rank Drummer,
Linc Regiment 2nd batt. Died of wounds France 16/3/1915
received at Neuve Chapelle on the 10th March. Born
Tralee Co. Kerry. Aged 37.
Son of Amelia Jane
Meek (formerly Tracey), of 23, Norman Rd., Southsea, Portsmouth, and the late
Peter Tracey (Col. Serjt. Royal Munster Fusiliers). Served
in the Sudan Campaign.
Drummer. Regiment or Service:
Lincolnshire Regiment. Unit; 2nd Battalion.
of Death:16-March-1915. Age at Death,37.
Service No:7692.
Born in Tralee. Enlisted in
Tidworth, Hants while living in Southsea, Hants. Died of wounds.
Supplementary information; Son of Amelia Jane Meek
(formerly Tracey), of 23, Norman Rd., Southsea, Portsmouth, and the late Peter
Tracey (Col. Serjt. Royal Munster
Fusiliers). Served in the Sudan Campaign. Grave
or Memorial Reference: III.D.16. Cemetery: Boulogne Eastern Cemetery in France.
Tracey married Thomas O'Cahill of Lyrouis? 95a [soldier?
Tralee] 8 September 1846 Wit: Jacobo Tracey & Cornelio O'Sullivan. Tralee
Parish [army]
Tracey & Thoma O'Cahill
Mariam O’Cahill b. 30 September 1845 of Tralee Sp. Patritio Carr &
Anna Tracey. Tralee Parish
Jane Tracy (d. of William Blake Tracy, builder) of Tralee Barracks m. George
Meek, quarter master 9 Kings Royal Reg Corpor (s. of John Meek, carpenter) of
Tralee Barracks 17 September 1891 Wit: James Henry Headey & Emily Headey. Tralee CoI. [see also Tralee RC
& Limerick] [army]
Amelia Jane Tracy, full [age],
widow, live Tralee Barracks (d. of William Blake Tickner, builder) married
George Meek, full [age], widower, quarter? master
Sergeant of Kings Royal Rifle Corps, lives Tralee Barracks, (s. of John Meek,
carpenter) 17 September 1891 Parish Church Tralee Wit: Charles Henry Heady
& Emily Heady [Tralee Tralee PLU] Church of Ireland
Tracy & Bernardi McGleenan
Mariam McGleenan b. 3 February 1825 of 26 Regt Sp. Terentio McGinik
& Marie Callaghan. Tralee Parish [army]
Jacobi Tracey
& Margarita Carr
Honoram Tracey b. 25 September 1833 of Lyisius? 77a [soldier?] Sp. Jacobi O'Lynch &
Brigida O'Loughnane. Tralee Parish [army]
Tracey & Margaret Carr
Honora Tracey b. 25 September 1833 Sp. James O'Lynch & Bridget
O'Loughnane. Rev W. O'Moriarty. Tralee Parish
Killarney Co. Kerry
Tracey & Patrick Dargan
Dargan b. 22 January 1804 milites [soldier] of Rossenses [Ross Castle?] Sp.
Gulielmius Shuel & Maria Carrol. Killarney Parish [army]
Mary Tracy
of Ross [Ross Island Killarney] married James Mackin of Milete 97ce (soldier) 3
January 1818 Wit: J. Connor & Hugh McGuinn. Killarney Parish. (LDS) [army]
Tracey & Anna Maria Waters [see Roscommon] [Army]
Joanne Tracey b. 3/4 March 1864 of Cork Barracks Sp. Maria Waters. Killarney
Parish (LDS)
Thomas Tracey of Cak [Cork]
Barracks, soldier, & Hanna Maria/Anne
Mary Waters
Mary Johanna Tracey b. 4 March 1864
of Cork Barrick, Sp. Mary Waters. Rev. D.E. Kerricusis. RC Killarney. Killarney
Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare
Mary Tracy,
18, spinster, lives Do [Curragh Camp parish of Ballysax], (d. of James Tracy, Do [labourer]) married
James Brown, 20, bachelor, Private in 16th Regt, lives Curragh Camp parish of
Ballysax, (s. of William Brown, labourer) 14 November 1860 Ballsax Church of
Ireland Wit: Maryanne Revel? & Anne Gasland, her mark [Ballysax Naas PLU]
signed her mark
Mary Tracy aged 18 (d. of James Tracy) m. James Brown aged 20 (s. of William Brown) 14 Nov 1860 Ballysax, Kild, Ire
Thomas Treacy,
of 48th, & Hannah Waters [see above & Roscommon]
Louisa Margt
Treacy b. 3 Feb 1867 Sp. James Moore & Elizabeth Meade. Curragh Camp Parish
James Tracey, full [age], widower, Corporal 18th Regt foot, lives Curragh Camp, (s. of James Tracey, labourer) married Rebecca Gould, full [age], spinster, lives Graigue (d. of James Gould, labourer) 6 May 1866 Church of Ireland Killeshin Wit: William Galvin & James Blacker [Killeshin Carlow PLU]
James Henry Tracey, of Curragh Camp,
Corporal 63rd Regt, & Mary Liddell [see Dublin]
Joseph Tracey b. 23 May 1868 of 3 Silver Street. Fanny
Early, her mark, present at birth, 8 Word Lane [1868 7 671 Dublin North PLU]
John Treacy
of 1/57 married Mary Treacy 31 May
1868 Wit: John Gabbet & Maria Waldron. Curragh Camp Parish
John Tracey (s. of Patrick Tracey) m. Mary Tracey (d. of Thomas Tracey) 31 May
1868 Newbridge, Kildare, Ireland (LDS)
John Tracey/Treacy, full age, bachelor, soldier, lives Curragh Camp, (s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer) married Mary Treacy/Tracey, full age, servant,
lives Curragh Camp, (d. of Thomas Tracey,
labourer) 31 May 1868 RC Chapel The Curragh Wit: John
Galbott? & Mary Waldron, her mark [Newbridge Naas PLU] signed their marks
Ellen Tracey, 18, spinster, mill worker, lives 33 (d. of Francis Tracey, labourer) married Henry Byrne, 29, widower, Private 54th Regt, lives Belfast Barrack, (s. of Henry Byrne, butler) 3 January 1869 RC Chapel Saint Patricks Wit: Edward Bratly? & Mary Thompson [Belfast Belfast PLU] Antrim
Ellen Tracey, 18 years, (d. of Francis Tracey) m. Henry Byrne, 29 years, widowed (s. of Henry Byrne) 03 Jan 1869 Belfast No2, Antrim, Ireland (LDS)
Ellen Treacy
& Henry Byrne of 54th
Willm Francis
Byrne b. 16 Apr 1871 Sp. Eliza Renison & Edwd Tallant. Curragh Camp Parish
Maria Tracy,
full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Ditto [Curragh Camp Parish of Ballysax], (d.
of Thomas Tracy, leather merchant)
married James Quick, full age, bachelor, corporal in army service corps, lives
Curragh Camp Parish of Ballysax, (s. of Richard Quick, coachman) 11 February
1877 Ballysax Church of Ireland Wit: H. T. Swaffield? &
Ellen Swaffield? [Naas PLU]
Maria Treacy & James Quick of Corpl? A.S.C.
Elizabeth Quick b. 15 Dec 1877 Sp.
Mrs Sully & Henry Jordan not present. Curragh Camp Parish
Maria Tracey/Treacy & James Quick
Elizabeth Quick b. 4 Nov 1877
Curragh Camp, Naas, County Kildare (LDS)
James Richard Quick b. 23 Sep 1879
Dublin North, County Dublin (LDS)
Tracey & Eliza Dodd
Harry Tracey b. 19 December 1877 Curraght Camp (LDS)
Arthur H. Tracey, Curragh, 1877,
R.E., Vol 664 page 229
Arthur H. Tracey, Curragh, 1877,
R.E., Vol 664 page 232
of Shipping and Seamen
J A Tracey 21/03/1938
Curragh, Co. Kildare.
"In memory of Sapper J.C. Tracey Tenth Copy Royal Engineers died at the Curragh 11th March 1896 aged 20 years. Erected by the officers and men of his company."
Antwerp Police Immigration
Index, Belgium
Louise Treacy, b. 1876 Currock-Camp,
Naas Co. Kildare
John Tracey, of Nass Military
Barracks, Quarter Master Sergt R.D.F. & Anne Quinn [see also St. Paul,
William Richard Tracy b. 8 June 1885
of Naas Military Barracks
Jane/j Spooner nee Tracy,
full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Blackwood Kilmeague [Downings OR
Timahoe], (d. of Peter Tracy,
farmer) married William/W McDonagh, full [age], bachelor, sergeant Royal Dublin
Fusiliers, lives Naas [Naas], (s. of Terence McDonagh, carpenter) 14 March 1887
St. David's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert Spooner & Jane Hayes [Naas Naas
PLU] [see Ballynafagh CoI]
Mary Anne Treacy, full age, spinster, servant, lives Kildare [Kildare], (d. of James Treacy, dead) married Frederick
Fox, full age, bachelor, Private A.S.C. [Army Service Corps], Lives Curragh
Camp [Curragh Camp Parish of Ballysax], (s. of William A Fox, dead) 03 May 1895
Registrars Office Naas Wit: Charles Hanghtin & Margaret Breen [Naas PLU]
see Kildare & Rathangan
Mary Tracy & Charles Connors of 64 Regt
James Connors
b. 7 Jun 1846 of Callan? Sp. John Mullane & Catt Bryan.
Callan Parish
Margaret Tracy, 18, spinster, labr, lives Johnstown Co. Kilkenny, (s. of James Tracy, car man) married Joseph Theobald, 23, bachelor, Private of 44th Regmt, lives Johnstown Co. Kilkenny, (s. of Jefferd Theobald, labourer) 22 January 1870 Urlingford Registrars Office Wit: John Pick & Ellen Bradley [Urlingford Urlingford PLU]
Jane Tracey, of age, spinster, servant, lives Patrick St Kilkenny, (d. of Thomas Treacy, labourer) married Alfred Peeling, of age, bachelor, corporal, lives Military Barracks Kilkenny, (s. of James C Peeling, gas fitter) 08 July 1891 RC Chapel St. Patricks Wit: Owen Keating & Kate Cardiff [Kilkenny Kilkenny PLU]
Maurice Treacy/Tracey, of full age, bachelor, soldier, lives Ballinakill [Ballynakill Killabban],
(s. of Patrick Teacy, deceased,
labourer (Ballinakill crossed out]) married Anne/Annie Lalor, of full age,
spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ballyfoyle [Killabban], (d. of Patrick Lalor,
labourer) 18 October 1898 RC Chapel Arles Wit: John Lawlor? & Bridget
Gorman [Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois]
Maurice Tracey & Anne Lawler
John b. 4th March 1906 Chapel Street [Killeshin Parish]
Mary Tracy,
of full age, spinster, lives George Street, (d. of Francis Tracy, farmer) married John Pring, of full age, bachelor,
soldier 17 Rif, lives New Barracks, (s. of William Pring, shoe maker) 20 April
1861 St. Michael Church of Ireland Wit: John Finucane? & James Hewson
[Limerick Limerick PLU] signed her mark
Agnes Treacy,
full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Emily st, (d. of John Treacy, labourer) married Patrick
OSullivan, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Limerick, (s. of John
OSullivan, dead, Jaln?) 02 January 1885 RC Church St. Mary's Wit: Patrick
Sarafield & Mary Slattery, signed her mark [Limerick Limerick PLU] signed
her mark
Catherine/Cathe/Katherine Treacy, 24, spinster, BLANK profession,
lives Colooney St Limerick, (d. of Jas
Treacy, labourer) married William Pyne, 24, bachelor, soldier, lives
Colooney St Limerick, (s. of Pk Pyne, butcher) 11 February 1888 RC Church St.
Michael Wit: John McMahon & Mary
Treacy [Limerick Limerick PLU]
Mary Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, lives 57 Colooney St, (d. of John
Tracey, dead, labourer) married Thomas Sutton R.A. [Royal Artiliary], 21,
bacgelor, soldier, lives 27 Colooney St, (s. of Nathaniel Sutton, farmer) 04
January 1894 RC Church St. Michael Wit: William Male & Kate O'Sullivan
[Limerick Limerick PLU]
Bridget Tracey, 21, spinster, BLANK profession,
lives 60 Colooney St, (d. of John Tracey,
decd, labourer) married Michael/Michl Redmond, 22, bachl, soldier, lives New
Barrack, (s. of Patk Redmond, carpenter) 20 August 1898 RC Church St. Michael
Wit: William Nale? & Elizabeth Tucker, signed her mark [Limerick Limerick
Helena Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, lives Colooney St, (d. of John
Tracey, labourer) married Percy Tweddle, 25, bachr, soldier, lives Ordnance
Barrack, (s. of Edwd Tweddle, labourer) 10 June 1899 RC Church St Michael Wit:
Samuel Kirk Sgt R.A. & Margaret Grace Halls Range [Limerick Limerick PLU]
Thomas Treacy,
of full age, widower, Private soldr 49 Regt, lives Barravks Westport, (s. of John Tracy, sawmaker?) married Mary
Langan, minor, spinster, lives Westport, (d. of James Langan, nailor) 16
December 1846 Westport Registrars Office Wit: James Nevily & Richd
Fairbrother [Westport Westport PLU] signed her mark
Jane Tracey,
Do [of full age], spinster, servant, lives Do [Ballinrobe], (d. of William Tracey, tailor) married Anthony
Hammond, of full age, bachelor, Pivate soldier 68th Lt Infantry, lives
Ballinrobe, (s. of John Hammond, labourer) 20 December 1848 Ballinrobe Church
of Ireland Wit: Frederick Morris & Elizabeth Threesson?,
her mark [Ballinrobe Ballinrobe PLU] signed their marks
Patrick Tracey
x, 30, Bachelor, Soldier, lives Ballaghaderreen [Kilcolman (Costello)], (s.of James Tracey, Labourer) married Miny
Harkett, 18, Spimnster, BLANK profession, lives Ballaghaderreen, (d. of
Lawrence Harkett, Labourer) Wit: S Foley & William Caldwell. 4 Nov 1849
Castlemore Church of Ireland
Patrick Tracey,
30, bachelor, soldier, lives Ballahadorn?, (s. of James Tracey, Labourer) married Winny
Sharkett, 18, spinster, lives Do [Ballahadorn?], (d. of Laurence Sharkett,
labourer) 4 November 1849 Castlemore Church of Ireland Wit: J. Foley &
William Caldwell [Castlerea PLU Mayo] signed their marks
Robert Treacy, full age, bachelor,
Sergeant of 88 Connaugh Rangers, lives Military Barracks, (s. of James Treacy, pensioner of R.I.C.) married
Deborah Hanlon, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Newtown
[Burriscarra], (d. of John Hanlon, dead, pensioner) 08 April 1897 RC Chapel
Castlebar Wit: Thomas Conroy Sergt & Sarah Ryder [Castlebar Castlebar PLU] see Oughterard Galway]
Katie Treacy, do [full age], spinster, servant, lives Ballinasloe [Creagh Roscommon OR Kilcloony Galway], (d. of Michael Treacy, servant) married Thomas Halloran, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Castlebar [Aglish Mayo], (s. of John Halloran, servant) 07 January 1899 RC Chapel Ballinasloe Wit: Michael Connaghton & Norah Treacy [Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU]
Sergeant Jacobus? Tracy of Barracks (s. of Thomas & Joanna of Kilkenny?) married Maria Anna McKenna of Glassburgh Street (d. of Jacobi? & Catherine of Glassburgh Street) Wit: Thomas McKenna of of Glassburgh Street & Maria? Moor of Tiugau? Pst? 14 Apr 1863 Monaghan Parish (note: Acta Matriomi gufinatric?)
Jacobo Tracy/Treacy/Tracey & Maria Anna McKenna
Maria Anna? Tracy b. 17 Mar 1864 of Glaslough St Sp. Gulielmus Royson & Maria Anne McKenna? Monaghan Parish
Sabina Treacy b. 13/19 Feb 1868 of Glasslough St Sp. Michael Casey & Sabina Casey Monaghan Parish
Jacobus Tracey b. 22/23 Oct 1970 of Glasslough Street Sp. Jacobo? McKenna & Catherina Kelly Monaghan Parish
Thomas Tracy b. 25/28 Jan 1873 Glaslough St Sp. Joanne McCready & Joanna Shery Monaghan Parish
Joannes Tracey b. 26/27 May 1875 of Glasslough St Sp. Thoma Hacket & Joanna Barber Monaghan Parish
Tracey, sergeant Monaghan Militia, & Mary Jane McKenna
Mary Jane Tracey b. 16 March 1864 Glasslough
St [Monaghan Monaghan PLU]
James Tracey/Treacy & Mary Anne McKenna
Elizabeth b. 29 October 1865 Monaghan Monaghan (LDS)
Sabina Treacy b. 18 Feb 1868 Monaghan Monaghan (LDS)
James b. 22 October 1870 Monaghan (LDS)
Thomas Treacy b. 25 Jan 1873 (LDS)
John b. 26 May 1875 Monaghan (LDS)
Army Birth Registration
Mary J.
Tracey, Monaghan, 1864, 87th, Vol 1629 page 1
Tracey, Monaghan, 1865, 78th, Vol 28 page 64
Sabine Tracey,
Monaghan, 1868, 87th, Vol 1629 page 9
Tracey, Monaghan, 1870, 87th, Vol 1629 page 11
JAMES TRACEY Born KILKENNY, Kilkenny Served in 74th
Foot Regiment; Surrey Militia Discharged aged 39, 1833-1854 [b. 1815] [Sergeant
Highland Light Infantry - 71st & 74th Foot No.1008]
James Tracy b.1815 St James, Kilkenny 74th till 1854, Surrey Militia
1833 – 1854 b. Elphin, Roscommon 1817?
James Tracey b.1817 Aughrim, Roscommon 2/1st Foot.Alias James
Bruan. Deserted 186 and 1840 Labourer FMP
The Secretary of State for War has approved
of the issue of a ??? to
Colour Sergeant James Tracey, Monaghan Militia for good conduct and length of service in that regiment[?].
James Tracey died 18? Nov 1875 of Glasslough St, age 58 years, pensioner, Maryanne Tracey present at death Glasslough St [Monaghan Monaghan PLU]
October 1904 (AC) Sudden death in Monaghan
Mrs Mary Anne Tracy, a midwife living in
Glasslough St., Monaghan, was found dead in bed on Thursday morning. She
appeared to be in her usual health on Wednesday evening. The cause of death is
supposed to be heart failure.
1858 – 1920 Calendars
of Wills and Administrations
Ann Treacy 6 Oct 1904 Glasslough Street Monaghan Monaghan,
widow, to Mary Jane Arthurs, widow
Administration of the estate of Mary Ann Treacy late of Glasslough-street Monaghan County Monaghan Widow who died 6 October 1904 granted at Armagh to Mary Jane Arthurs Widow. Date Of Grant: 16/12/1904 Effects: Effects £11 5s
1889 Militia service records
James Tracey, born 1871 Monaghan Monaghan Ireland, no. 4158 5th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers Regiment, Attested 07 Mar 1889 age 18 years 5 months, no trade, single, no children,
18 years 5 months, 5'8", 32.5" chest, fresh complexion, hazel eyes, light brown hair, RC
Joined regular army 7th August 1890
WO 97 - Chelsea Pensioners British Army
service records
James Tracey, born 1871 Monaghan Monaghan Ireland, No. 3622 Royal Ish Fusrs, attested 07 Aug 1890 Armagh, 19 years, labourer, served 2 years 5 Royal Irish fus
Description 19 years 11 months, 5'8", 124 lb, 34-34.5" chest, fresh complexion, grey eyes, light brown hair, at present living in 5th Royal Irish Fuisilliers, Discharged medically unfit Pvt 19.6.94 served 3 years 314 days (east Indies 1y84d)
Next of kin: Mother Mary Ann, brothers (younger) John, Thomas Glasslough Street Monaghan sisters elder Elizabeth, Mary Janies Glasslough St Monaghan, single, no children
4.8.93 Medical at Allahahed, Dementia, recommended for discharge, conduct good temperate
Landed in India 18th March 1893, Allahabad 29.3.93-26.7.93 Dyspepsia - Climate nerves tonic 2.11.93 Dementia - Climate and military service acting on a ??? weak minded subject...Colaba 19.1.94 Dementia...Lunatic Hospital Netley Hants 14.5.94 Dementia
WO 97 - Chelsea Pensioners British Army
service records
Thomas Tracey, born 1872 Monaghan Monaghan Ireland, No. 7266 Private Lancashire Fusiliers - 20th Foot, attested 13 Feb 1891 age 19
19 years, 5'*", 131 lb, 34-5" chest, fresh complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, RC,
Royal Irish Fusilliers 11 Feb 91 to 21.3.99. Served Home, East Indies, Burma, Egypt, Home, Malta, Gibralta, Malta, Eygpt, Home.
Next of Kin: Mother Mary Ann Monaghan, brother elder James R.I. Fus, brother younger John Monaghan, Intended residence Gentslough St Monaghan
Discharged 10 Feb 1912 at Tidworth, age 40 years, 5'9.5", 29-42" chest, fresh complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, labourer, intended residence: 12 Donard St Ravenhill Road Belfast
Discharged in consequence of the termination of his second period of engagement
Conduct very good, two good conduct badges, pay Rate 5d class II, served 21 years
1890 Militia
John Tracey born 1876 Monaghan Monaghan Ireland, No. 591 5th Battalion R Irish Fus Regiment, attested 04 Aug 1890 age 14 6 months
14 years 6 months, 30-32" chest, fresh complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, R Catholic, enlisted Royal Irish Fus 23 Sep 1892 staff 5 Battalion as drummer
WO 97 - Chelsea Pensioners British Army
service records
John Tracey, born 1878 Monaghan Monghan Ireland, No. 20558 Royal Artillery, Attested 15 Jun 1897 19 years 5 months, labourer
19 years 5 months, 5'4.25", 122 lb, chest 34", fresh complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair, RC, scar left elbow, scar right side of chest,
Died at Dinapae India 31 May 1903 of Enteric fever
Next of kin: Uncle John Tracey, Main Street Monaghan
Elizabeth Tracey, 25, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Monaghan, (d. of James Tracey, dead, soldier in 5th RIF?) married James Burke, 29, bachelor, Color Sergt in 3rd RIF?, lives Armagh, (s. of Patrick Burk, dead, shoemaker) 27 January 1892 RC Chapel Monaghan Wit: E. McDermott & Mary Jane Kelly [Monaghan Monaghan PLU] see above
Elizabeth Tracey, 25, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Monaghan, (d. of James Tracey, dead, soldier in 5th RIF?) married James Burke, 29, bachelor, Color Sergt in 3rd RIF?, lives Armagh, (s. of Patrick Burk, dead, shoemaker) 27 January 1892 RC Chapel Monaghan Wit: E. McDermott & Mary Jane Kelly [Monaghan Monaghan PLU] see above
Ellen Treacy, full [age], spinster,
BLANK, lives Crisikle Birr [Crinkill Birr], (d. of James Treacy, pensioner) married William Parker, full [age],
bachelor, Corpl 46th Regt, lives Birr Barracks, (s. of William Parker,
labourer) 8 February 1875 Birr Church of Ireland Wit: Thomas Eagan & Ellen
Gillard, signed his mark [Birr Offaly PLU Offaly] signed her mark
Ellen Tracy & William Parker
Agnes Charlotte Parker b. 22/28 Jan 1877 Sp. Edward Tracy & Mary Lally. Birr and Loughkeen Parish
Ellen Tracey & William Parker
Charlotte Parker b. 4 Jan 1877 of Crinkle Parsonstown, Kings, Ireland
Bridget Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives St Kilda [Williamsbrook House Seefin Military Road Crinkle] Parsonstown, (d. of Patrick Treacy, labourer) married David George Hughes, full [age], bachelor, Private R.A.M.C [Royal Army Medical Corps], lives Birr Barracks, (s. of George Hughes, constable London Metropolitan Police) 06 October 1898 St Brendan's Birr Church of Ireland Wit: Arthur Bannister & Eva Higgins [Birr Parsonstown PLU] signed her mark
Athloe, Co. Roscommon
Francis Tracy, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Barracks Athlone, (s. of Philip Tracy, farmer) married Mary Anne/Maryanne Murray, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, BLANK address, (d. of James Murray, BLANK profession) 24 November 1890 RC Chapel St. Peters Athlone Wit: Alexander H Browne & Delia Murray [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]
Teresa Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Athlone, (d. of Thomas Tracy, carpenter) married James Yates, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Athlone, (s. of Alexander Yates, fitter) 11 June 1891 RC Chapel St. Peters Athlone Wit: Thomas Nolan & Maryanne Gladstone [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]
Strokestown Co. Roscommon
Margaret Tracy of Strokestown
married George Fox (now otP, private 84th Regt Inf'y) 18 June 1816 Strokestown
(Bumlin) CoI Parish Register.
Clonmel Co. Tipperary
Tracy & Elizabetha Murray
Joannes Tracy b. 22
Dec 1852 of Milita Sp. Michael McJameson & Maria Cunnigham Ss Peter and
Paul, Clonmel
Tracey, full age, bachelor, soldier?, lives Military Barracks Clonmel, (s. of George Tracey,
deceased?, labourer) married Ellen Dillon, full age, spinster, servant?, lives
Ward? St Clonmel, (d. of Martin Dillon, living, labourer) 23 May 1892 RC Chapel
St Peter & Paul Wit: Patrick Farrell? & Ellen Gorman [Clonmel Clonmel
William Treacy,
soldier, & Ellen Dillon
??? Tracey b. 1
March 1893 of Stephen St. Margt? Halpen? River
St present at birth [her mark]
Fethard Co. Tipperary
Mary Tracy,
19, spinster, lives Fethard, (s. of John
Tracy, shoemaker) married Anthony Tolan, 19, bachelor, private 47th Regt,
lives Fethard, (s. of Patrick Tolan, shoemaker) 14 June 1848 Fethard Church of
Ireland Wit: Janes Cave & John Norris [Fethard Cashel PLU]
Nenagh Co. Tipperary
Hugh Tracy (soldier?) & Mary Nancy?
Mary Tracy b. 19 Apr 1849 Sp. Margaret
Ryan. Nenagh Parish
Catherine Tracey, full age, spinster, lives Nenagh, (d. of
John Tracey, labourer) married Daniel Brien, full age, bachelor, pensioner 31st
Regt, lives Nenagh, (s. of Daniel Brien. labourer) 15 July 1869 RC Chapel
Nenagh Wit: Maurice Leaney? & Mary Cashan?, her
mark [Nenagh Nenagh PLU] signed her mark
Templemore, Co. Tipperary
Ann Tracey & Robert Stone
Anne Stone b. 3 Jun 1836 Sp.
Margaret Purcel Roscea Parish
James Stone b. 17 Feb 1846 Of Nage? Sp. Mgt Connelly Roscea Parish
Anne Treacy & Robert Stone, of 95
Rebecca Stone
b. 9 Jan 1839 Sp. John Treacy & Catherine Spooner. Templemore Parish
Matthew Treacy, of 73 Regt, &
Bridget Quinn
Charlotte Treacy
b. 15 Dec 1849 Sp. Michael Treacy & Catharine Quinn. Templemore Parish
Johanna Tracey & John McGrath of
86th Regt
Mary McGrath b. 28
Jan 1864 Sp. Thomas McKeneny? & Bridget Comerford. Templemore Parish
William Tracy of
86? Regt married
Sarah Rushan 14 Oct 1865 Wit: John McGrath of 86 Regt & Johanna McGrath.
Templemore Parish
Alice Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, lives Templemore, (d. of Edward Treacy, publican) married
Alexander/Alex Cummings, full [age], bachelor, Corporal 9th Regt, lives
Templemore barracks, (s. of John Cummings, carpenter) 30 January 1882
Templemore Church of Ireland Wit: James Harkness & Kate Egan [Templemore
Thurles PLU]
WO 68/497/10
Register of Marriages and Baptisms, 3 Norfolk Regiment.
All the entries below appear on folio 28r. The folio number is to be found in a circle at the top right of each folio.
Alexander CUMMINGS, of 3 Norfolk Regiment, and Alice TRACEY married on 30 January 1882 at Templemore, Tipperary.
Entry 1: Ernest, a child of Alexander CUMMINGS of 3 Norfolk Regiment and Alice, was baptised on 3 September 1882 at Colchester. Note: Born 12 August 1882.
Entry 2: Mary Alice, a child of Alexander CUMMINGS of 3 Norfolk Regiment and Alice, was baptised on 6 July 1884 at Colchester. Note: Born 21 March 1884.
Entry 3: Helen Mabel, a child of Alexander CUMMINGS of 3 Norfolk Regiment and Alice, was baptised on 4 April 1886 at Gibraltar. Note: Born 16 March 1885.
Entry 4: Alexander, a child of Alexander CUMMINGS of 3 Norfolk Regiment and Alice, was born on 18 July 1888.
Entry 5: Agnes, a child of Alexander CUMMINGS of 3 Norfolk Regiment and Alice, was born on 21 August 1889.
Covering dates are those for the earliest and latest entries on this folio.
Date: 1882 - 1889
Catherine/Katie Treacy, full [age],
spinster, BLANK profession, lives Barrack St Templemore, (d. of John Treacy,
labourer) married Henry Newman, full [age], bachelor, lance corporal 2nd Batt
Beckshire Regt, lives Barracks Templemore, (s. of John Newman, engine driver)
20 June 1889 Templemore Church of Ireland Wit: Charles Weeks & Annie Weeks
[Templemore Thurles PLU]
Bedelia Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Main Street Templemore, (d. of Edward Treacy, publican) married Herbert Edwd/Edward James Hopkins, full [age], bachelor, Sergt 2 Royl Bats? Regt, lives The Barracks Youghal [Cork], (s. of Henry Hoptkins, police? consteth?) 26 February 1891 Templemore Church of Ireland Wit: James Harkness & Lizzie Quinlan? [Templemore Thurles PLU]
Mary Kate/K Treacy, full [age], spinster, teacher, lives Templemore [Templemore], (d. of Thomas Treacy, deceased, shopkeeper)
married Bartley Dockrey, full [age], bachelor, Actg Sergt, lives Templemore,
(s. of Bartley Dockrey, deceased, farmer) 20 January 1894 RC Chapel Templemore
Wit: Thomas Gaynor & Maggie Anne
Treacy [Templemore Thurles PLU]
Thurles, Co. Tipperary
James/Jms Tracy, soldier Tipperary Militia & Judith/Jude Ryan
Margaret Tracy b. 20 Jan 1807 Sp. James Darcy & Mary Haslaha? Thurles Parish
Austin Tracy b. 2 Oct 1808 Sp. Jno Cormac & Honora Butler Thurles Parish
Cat Tracy & Thms Blvolan, soldier
Mary Blvolan b. 19 Dec 1808 Sp. Frank Maher & Mary Barret Thurles Parish
Timothy Tracy, soldier & Mary Trasy
Catt Tracy b. 16 Aug 1813 of Thurles Sp. Patt Mara & Judy Trasy Thurles Parish
Athlone Co. Westmeath
Annam Treacy married Gulielmus Boles (14 Reg) 25 Oct 1850 Wit: Rev Patritic Daidis & Susanna Cody. St. Mary's, Athlone Parish
Elinor [Tracy] St. Mary’s married at St Mary’s to Thomas Horton P.o.W [Prince
of Wales Regiment?] [CoI]
Margaret [Tracy] married at St Mary’s to Wm Newcomber of do Fencibles [CoI]
Patrick TRESSY, [Fermanagh] of 21
Brigade Royal Artillery, and Sarah Ann STORKES married
on 24 March 1868 at Portsea, Hampshire. WO 69/574/88
Entry 1: Francis, a child of Patrick
TRESSY of 21 Brigade Royal Artillery and Sarah Ann, was baptised on 13 April
1869 at Gosport. Note: Born 5 February 1869. WO 69/574/118
Entry 2: Sarah Ann, a child of
Patrick TRESSY of 21 Brigade Royal Artillery and Sarah Ann, was baptised on 20
November 1870 at Woolwich. Note: Born 4 October 1870. WO 69/574/118
Edward Treacy - 32, Private in 49th Regt. of Foot, Bachelor, Dublin [s. of Daniel Treacy, Labourer] married Ann Holt - (X), 24, Spinster, Salford, [d. of John Holt, Collier] 7 Nov 1864 Wit: Robert Cox & Jane McBride (X). St Philip [CoE], Salford, Lancashire. Married by Banns by Willm. Hopwood
James Tracy - Salford Barracks [s. of Patrick Tracy & Elizabeth, King's County] married Mary McLynn - Regent Road, [d. of Patrick McLynn & Anne, County Antrim] 30 Aug 1848 Wit: John McGee, Barracks & Bridget O'Neill, Seddon St. Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford, Lancashire
James Henry Tracey & Mary
Winifred Ann Tracy Bapt. 15 Aug 1875 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Corporal 63rd. Regt. The Barrack, Ashton]
Fanny Amelia Tracy Bapt. 24 Jun 1877 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Paymaster Sergeant, 16th Brigade The Barracks, Ashton]
Joseph John Tracey b. 22 Dec 1878 bapt. 2 Feb 1879 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Paymaster Sergeant Ashton Barracks]
Alice Louisa Tracey? b. 12 Feb 1881 bapt. 27 Mar 1881 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Paymaster Sergeant The Barracks, Ashton]
Albert Henry Tracey b. 18 Jan 1883 bapt. 4 Feb 1883 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Quarter Master's Sergeant The Barracks, Ashton]
Beatrice Annie Tracey b. 7 Dec 1884 bapt. 25 Jan 1885 St John the Evangelist, Hurst, Lancashire, England [Quarter Master's Sergeant The Barracks, Ashton]
1881 Census - Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, England
James H Tracy, Head Soldier, 35, b. 1846 Canada, married, Paymaster Sergeant 16 Brigade
& Jamaica
16, 1849 (FJ) Marriages
May 14, in New York, George
Bennett, Esq., Lieutenant in the 2d West India regiment, to Dorinda, youngest
daughter of the late Simon Treacy, of Parsonstown.
Dorinda Tracy & George Bennett (Lieutenant 2nd W.I.
Regt, Spanish Town)
William Tracy Bennett b. 2 Mar 1850
Jamaica Church of England Parish
Army Births 1796 to 1880, 1900 to 1910, 1911 to 1915, 1921
to 1925
Ada E. Tracey, Halstead Essex, 1874,
84th, Vol 913 page 20
Ada E. Tracey, Halstead, 1874, 3rd,
Vol 773 page 30
Ada E. Tracey, Halstead, 1874, 3rd,
Vol 780 page 25
Agnes A. Tracey, Dublin, 1897,
103rd, Vol 1635 page 45
Agnes A. Treacy, Dublin, 1897,
103rd, Vol 1635 page 45
Albert H. Tracey, Ashton, 1883,
63rd, Vol 764 page 49
Alexander Tracey, Northampton, 1814,
K.D. Gds, Vol 1 page 1
Alexander Tracy, Alnwick, 1829, K.D.
Gds., Vol 1 page 55 [see Athlone
Alfred ?. Tracey, Dover, 1865, R.A., Vol 454
page 224
Alfred R?.
Tracey, Dover, 1865, R.A., Vol 298 page 14
Alice E. Treacey, Poonamalee, 1873,
89th, Vol 1338 page 11
Alice E. Treacey, Poonamallee, 1873,
87th, Vol 799 page 2
Alice J. Tracey, Woolwich, 1872,
R.A., Vol 298 page 14
Alice J. Tracey, Woolwich, 1872,
R.A., Vol 454 page 224
Alice L. Tracey, Ashton, 1881, 63rd,
Vol 764 page 49
Alice Tracy, Dublin, 1896, A.H.
& M. Cps., Vol 613 page 83
Amelia J. Tracey, Dover, 1865, 60th,
Vol 1076 page 27
Ann Tracey, Kingston C.W., 1862, Vol
28 page 20
Ann Tracey, Kingston, 1862, 100th,
Vol 28 page20
Ann Tracey, Quebec, 1814, 39th, Vol
144A page 51
Anne Tracey, Northhampton, 1799,
K.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 1
Anne Tracey, Plymouth, 1873, 16th,
Vol 936 page 1
Anne Tracey, Quebec, 1814, 39th, Vol
144 page17
Annie T. Tracey, Dublin, 1904, I.Gds., Vol 221 page 88
Annie Treacy, Dagshai, 1901, page
Annie Treacy, Dagshai, 1909, 88th,
Vol 805 page 167
1st Battalion Connaught Rangers in India.
Sergeant John Treacy, Single[?] . 28 1883 Clerk Co Galway Kilconnell
Annie Treacy, Wife Married 4 years F 27 1884 Co Galway Wordford
Annie Treacy, Daughter F 1 1910 Punjab India Dagshai
Archibald Tracey, Stirling 1859,
71st, Vol 1299 page 21
Arthur H. Tracey, Curragh, 1877,
R.E., Vol 664 page 229
Arthur H. Tracey, Curragh, 1877,
R.E., Vol 664 page 232
Arthur J. Tracey, Brecon, 1874,
R.A., Vol 298 page 14
Arthur P.T. Tracey, Shahjahampur, 1878,
34th, Vol 1081 page 67
Beryl Tracey, Gibraltar, 1870-72,
page 831
Bridget Tracey, -, 1833, 43rd,
Vol 1357 page 55
Bridget Tracey, Arnes?, 1835, page135
Bridget Tracey, Athlone, 1901, 41st,
Vol 1327 page 140
Bridget Tracey, Athlone, 1901, 41st,
Vol 1328 page 126
Bridget Tracey, Bansha, 1913, A.H.
& H. Cps., Vol 621 page 157
Bridget Tracy, Arnee, 1835, 41st,
Vol 1323 page2
Bridget Tracy, Ashton, 1829, 69th,
Vol 1332 page 15
Bridgett Tracey, Bellary, 1837, 41st,
Vol 1323 page 11
Bridgett Tracey, Madra, 1836-37,
page 599
Catharine Tracey, Milton Malbay,
1831, K.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 35 [see Athlone Roscommon]
Catherine E. Tracey, -, 1877, Vol
427 page 98
Catherine Tracey, Amherstbury, 1840,
43rd, Vol 1357 page 51
Catherine Tracey, Athlone, 1896,
R.A., Vol 330 page 240
Catherine Tracey, St. Johns, 1866,
100th, Vol 28 page 76
Catherine Tracy, St. Johns
Newfoundland, 1866, Vol 28 page 76
Catherine Treacy, Woolwich, 1851,
R.A. 24 page 130
Charles A. Tracey, Halifax N.S.,
1853, -, Vol 132 page 44
Charles H. Tracey, Aldershot, 1894,
R.A., Vol 331 page 184
Charles H. Tracey, Aldershot, 1894,
R.A., Vol 387 page 201
Charles Tracey, Dum Dum, 1879, 34th,
Vol 1081 page 73
Charles W. Tracey, Fermoy, 1869, 63rd,
Vol 764 page 36
Charles W. Tracy, Fermoy, 1869, 63rd , Vol 766 page 11
Charlotte E. Tracey, Dum Dum, 1882,
34th, Vol 1081 page 83
Christian Treacy, -, 1895, 103rd,
Vol 1635 page 43
David Tracey, Canada, 1870-72, page
David Tracey, Halifax N.S., 1872, 87th,
Vol 141 page 28
David Treacy, Halifax NS, 1872, 88th,
Vol 1390 page 21
Edith F. M. Tracey, DumDum, 1881, 34th,
Vol 1081 page 81
Edward J. Tracey, Colchester, 1860,
34th, Vol 1081, page 17
Edward J. Tracey, Dover, 1866, R.A.,
Vol 254 page 31
Edward J. Tracey, Dover, 1866, R.A.,
Vol 298 page 14
Edward M?.
Tracey, Sheffield, 1877, 3rd, Vol 773 page 31
Edward M?.
Tracey, Sheffield, 1877, 3rd, Vol 780 page 25
Edward Prescott Tracey, Trinidad,
1825, page 373
Edward Tracey, Canada, 1834?, page 296
Edward Tracey, Kingston U.D., 1834,
R.A., Vol 81 page10
Edward Tracey, Mount Melick, 1815,
30th, Vol 1133, page 10
Edward W Treacy, Cairo, 1909, page
Eileen H. Treacy, Colchester, 1906,
25th, Vol 1265 page 80
Elizabeth A. Treacy, Poonamallee,
1873, 89th, Vol 1337 page 7
Elizabeth J. Tracey, Antigua, 1846,
23rd, Vol 1311 page 39 [see Galway]
Elizabeth Tracey, Athlone, 1899, 41st,
Vol 1328 page 126
Elizabeth Tracey, Kiltoorn, 1899, 31st,
Vol 1327 page 140
Elizabeth Tracey, Monaghan, 1865, 78th,
Vol 28 page 64
Elizabeth Tracey, St. Johns
Newfoundland, 1865 R.A. 25 page 246
Elizabeth Tracey, St. Johns, 1865,
100th, Vol 780 page 25
Ellen E. Tracey, Hazarcobaugh?, 1871, 63rd, Vol 766 page 20
Ellen E. Tracy, Hazareehugh, 1871,
63rd, Vol 764 page 45
Ellen F. Tracey, Belfast, 1902, 51st,
Vol 850 page 174
Ellen Tracey, Cork, 1856, 1st
R. Scto., Vol 1291 page 3
Ethel E. Tracey, Canterbury, 1880, 3rd,
Vol 773 page 36
Ethel E. Tracey, Canterbury, 1880, 3rd,
Vol 780 page 25
Fanny A. Tracy, Ashton under Lyne,
1877, 63rd, Vol 764 page 47
Frances E. Treacey, Dublin, 1867, 87th,
Vol 799 page 2
Frances E. Treacey, Felhard, 1867,
89th, Vol 1338 page 11
Frances G. Tracy, Halifax N.S.,
1888, Late 1 Lanchester Regt., Vol 136 page 148
Francis E. Treacy, Fethard, 1867,
89th, Vol 1339 page 22
Francis Tracey, Northampton, 1808,
K.D. Guards. Vol 1 page 1
Francis Tracy, Gort, 1829, R.D. Gds,
Vol 1 page 36 [see Athlone
Francis Tressy, Gosport, 1869, R.A.,
Vol 1402 page 11
Francis Tressy, Gosport, 1869, R.A.,
Vol 1402 page 11
Frederick D. Tracey, Hamilton, 1884,
74th, Vol 1309 page 21
Frederick Tracey, Aldershot, 1903,
51st, Vol 850 page 174
Frederick Treacey, Belfast, 1875,
87th, Vol 799 page 2
Frederick Treacey, Belfast, 1875,
89th, Vol 1338 page 13
Harry Owens Tracey, Bermuda, 1868-69?, page 721 [see Antrim]
Hastings C. Tracey, Devenport, 1876,
R.A., Vol 298 page 14
Hastings C. Tracey, Devenport, 1876,
R.A., Vol 454 page 224
Henrietta Treacy, Aldershot, 1863,
88th, Vol 1390 page 20 [see above]
Ignatius W. H. Tracey, Beverley,
1883, 15th, Vol 895 page 56
Isabell Tracey, Niagara, 1836, R.A.
20 page 105
Isabell Tracey, Niagara, 1836, R.A.
25 page 16
Isabella Tracey, Madras, 1836-37?, page25?
James H. Tracey, Sheffield, 1885, 15th,
Vol 895 page 59
James H. Tracy, Kingston U.C., 1843,
23rd, Vol 82 page 10
James Tracey, Armagh, 1880, 87th,
Vol 799 page 2
James Tracey, Hubberstone, 1879,
R.A., Vol 109 page 26
James Tracey, Monaghan, 1870, 87th,
Vol 1629 page 11
James Tracy, Halifax N. S., 1899,
Halifax N. S., Vol 141 page 95
James Tracy, Miltown Malbay, 1831,
R.D. Gds, Vol 1 page 39
Jane A. Tracey, Belgaum, 1874, 66th,
Vol 965 page 15
Jane Tracey, Sheerness, 1873, R.A.,
Vol 1397 page 97
John A. Tracey, Newcastle on Tyne,
1884, R.A., Vol 299 page 93
John E. Tracey, Bedford, 1879, 16th,
Vol 936 page 5
John T. Treacy, Portmouth, 1866,
88th, ? 1390 page 21
John Tracey, Birr, 1821, 49th,
Vol 1363 page 29
John Tracey, Clonmel, 1852, 39th,
Vol 1091 page 8
John Tracey, Clonmel, 1852, 75th,
Vol 1091 page 8
John Tracey, Newfoundland, 1864, 100th,
Vol 28 page 52
John Tracey, St. Johns N.B., 1838,
43rd, Vol 1357 page 48
John Tracey, St. Johns Newfoundland,
1864, Vol 28 page 52
John Tracy, Colombo, 1830, 61st,
Vol 1034 page 31
John Tracy, Newcastle, 1844, 99th,
Vol 782 page 33
John Treacey, Fethard, 1869, 87th,
Vol 799 page 2
John Treacey, Fethard, 1869, 89th,
Vol 1338 page 11
John Treacy, Fethard, 1869, 89th,
Vol 1339 page 28
John Treacy, Galway, 1833, 30th, Vol
1133 page 44
Joseph J. Tracey, Halifax N.S.,
1848, Warder, Vol 132 page 12
Joseph J. Tracy, Ashton under Lyne,
1878, 63rd, Vol 794 page 47
Julia Tracey, bur. 16 Apr 1881, age:
21mo, [AR] Grangegorman Military Cemetery, Dublin
Katherine Tracey, Woolwich, 1870,
R.A., Vol 1397 page 97
Kathleen Tracey, Dover, 1901, 100th,
Vol 810 page 80
Lary C. Treacy, Naas, 1890, 102th,
Vol 802 page 52
Laura L. Tracey, Halstead Essex, -,
84th, Vol 913 page 20
Laura L. Tracey, Halstead, 1876, 3rd,
Vol 773 page 31
Laura L. Tracey, Halstead, 1876, 3rd,
Vol 780 page 25
Lawrence Tracey, Jaubrah, 1862, 40th,
Vol 1125 page 35
Lilian M. Tracey, Jersey, 1913, page
Lily Treacy, Cologne, 1922, page 670
Louisa E?.
Tracy, Brighton, 1834, R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 40
Margaret M. Tracey, Bansha, 1907,
A.H. & M., Vol 621 page 157
Margaret M?.
Tracey, Agra, 1884, 34th, Vol 1082 page 3
Margaret T. Tracey, Aldershot, 1894,
R.A., Vol 331 page 184
Margaret T. Tracey, Aldershot, 1894,
R.A., Vol 387 page 201
Margaret Tracey, Dublin, 1871, 16th,
Vol 936 page 1
Margaret Tracey, Pretoria, 1906,
page 654
Margaret Tracy, Dundalk, 1838, R.D.
Gds., Vol 1 page 55 [see Athlone
Maria Tracey, Barares, 1870, 60th,
Vol 1076 page 34
Mark Treacey, Bermuda, 1836, 30th,
Vol 1133 page 54
Mark Treacey, Bermuda, 1836-37, page
Mary A. Tracey, Athlone, 1897, 41st,
Vol 1327 page 140
Mary A. Tracey, Athlone, 1897, 41st,
Vol 1328 page 126
Mary A. Tracey, Halifax N.S., 1857,
62nd, Vol 132 page 67
Mary A. Tracey, Trinidad, 1845, 23rd,
Vol 1311 page 37
Mary Anne Tracy, Trinidad, 1844-46,
page 315
James Tracy (b. abt Jan 1809 Galway Ireland d. aft 1881) & Helen
??? (LDS) [see Galway]
Mary Ann Tracey (b. 12 Feb 1845 Trinidad,
British West Indies d. abt 1918 Ft. Banks, Winthrop, Mass) m. James J.
Broadhurst 12th Jan 1864 Halifax, Nova Scotia
Mary J. Tracey, Kingston U.C., 1838,
R.A., Vol 81 page73
Mary J. Tracey, Londonderry, 1882,
15th, Vol 895 page 52
Mary J. Tracey, Monaghan, 1864, 87th,
Vol 1629 page 1
Mary Jane Tracey, Canada, 1838-39,
page 646?
Mary Jane Tracey, Guadaloupe, 1813,
page 218
Mary S. Tracy, Dublin, 1898, A.H.
& M. Gds., Vol 613 page83
Mary Tracey, Bansha, 1910, A.H.
& H. Cps., Vol 621 page 157
Mary Tracey, Halifax N.S., 1869, 16th,
Vol 936 page 1
Mary Tracey, Sheerness, 1875, R.A.,
Vol 1397 page 97
Mary Tracy, Halifax N.S., 1869, 16th,
Vol 141 page10
Michael F. Tracey, Tipperary, 1904,
A.H. & M. Cps., Vol 621 page 157
Michael G. Treacy, Cannemore, 1870,
89th, Vol 1339 page 36
Patrick F.X. Tracey, Dum Dum, 1877,
40th Vol 1125 page 41
Patrick Tracey, Aldershot, 1861, 84th,
Vol 912 page 5
Patrick Tracey, Bansha, 1908, A.H.
& M. Cps., Vol 621 page 147
Patrick Tracey, Fermoy, 1875, 34th,
Vol 1081 page 56
Patrick Treacey, Enniskillen, 1820,
30th, Vol 1133 page 64
Percy P. Tracey, Limerick, 1900,
R.A. Vol 325 page 152
Peter Tracey, Canada, 1868-69?, page 727
Peter Tracey, Portsmouth, 1889, 60th,
Vol 1079 page 38
Peter Tracy, Halifax N.S., 1868 16th,
Vol 141 page 6
Phebe Treacy, Buttervant, 1862.
88th, Vol 1390 page 20
Robert Tracey, Portsmouth, 1846, 74th,
Vol 1079 page 74
Robert Tracy, Abergavenny, 1836, R.D.
Gds., Vol 1 page 55 [see Athlone
Robert Treacy, Castlebar, 1902,
94th, Vol 807 page 34
Robert W. Tracey, Dover, 1878, 3rd,
Vol 773 page 31
Robert W. Tracey, Dover, 1878, 84th,
Vol 913 page 22
Robert W. Tracey, Dover, 1879, 3rd,
Vol 760 page 25
Sabine Tracey, Monaghan, 1868, 87th,
Vol 1629 page 9
Sarah A. Tracey, Cappawhite, 1906,
A.H. & M. Cps., Vol 621 page 157
Sarah A. Tracy, Chichester, 1833,
R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 36 [see Athlone
Sarah A. Tressy, Wollwich, 1870,
R.A., Vol 1402 page 11
Sarah A. Tressy, Wollwich, 1870,
R.A., Vol 1402 page 11
Sarah Tracey, Bareilly, 1878?, 34th, Vol 1061 page 67
Sarah Tracey, Northampton, 1813?, K.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 1
Sarah, C.Tracey Pembroke, 1870,
R.A., Vol 454 page 224
Stephen J. Tracey, Jersey, 1905, 51st,
Vol 850 page 174
Thomas S. Tracy, Chanbly, 1842, R.D.
Gds., Vol 1 page 57 [see Athlone
Thomas Tracey, Northampton, 1801,
R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 1
Thomas Tracy, Moulmein?, 1844?, page 147
Walter H. Tracey, Canterbury, 1864?, 3rd, Vol 1081 page 73
William E. Tracey, Aldershot, 1906,
I. Gds., Vol 221 page 88
William E. Tracey, Halifax N.S.,
1850, ?11. Prison Warder, Vol 132 page22
William H. Tracy, Glasgow, 1827,
R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 39
William S. Tracey, Cork, 1852, 1st
R. Scts., Vol 1291 page4
William Tracey, Dover, 1902, 100th,
Vol 810 page 80
William Tracey, Hubberstone, 1877,
R.A., Vol 109 page 26
William Tracey, Quebec, 1833, R.A.
20, page 104
William Tracey, Quebec, 1833, R.A.
21, page 84
William Tracey, Quebec, 1833, R.A. 25,
page 16
William Tracy, Canada, 1823, page
William Tracy, Quebec, 1833, R.A.,
Vol 147 page 142
William Treacy, Malta, 1870, 88th,
Vol 1390 page21
Winifred A. Tracy, Ashton under
Lyne, 1875?, 63rd, Vol 674 page 47
Gibraltar National Archives
Id: 2606
day: 9
month: 1
year: 1890
babyname: not named
sex: Female
fathergivenname: leigh
fathersurname: tracey
fatherbirthplace: england
mothergivenname: annie elizabeth
mothersurname: cornish tracey
motherbirthplace: australia
occupation: major army terr
whosign: No data
signed: No data
Id: 1581
day: 5
month: 11
year: 1881
babyname: john
sex: Male
fathergivenname: william
fathersurname: packer
fatherbirthplace: eng
mothergivenname: ellen
mothersurname: tracey
motherbirthplace: ireland
occupation: private
whosign: No data
signed: y
Id: 3211
day: 17
month: 3
year: 1894
babyname: mary jane
sex: Female
fathergivenname: alfred
fathersurname: pealing
fatherbirthplace: england
mothergivenname: jane
mothersurname: tracey pealing
motherbirthplace: ireland
occupation: private middles
whosign: No data
signed: No data
MilitaryDeathsId: 365
SEQ: 298
RecordNumber: 8
Day: 6
Month: 2
Year: 1872
WhereDied: moorish
castle quarters
Surname: tracey
GivenName: elisabeth
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Profession: wife of h.a. tracey captain royal artillery [Harry Adair Tracey see
PlaceOfBirth: ireland
PeriodOfResidence: 7 months
Cause: diarrhea after confinement
Primary: violent diarrhea after
Duration: 7 days
Secondary: exhaustion
SignatureOfInformant: husband of
NameOfMedicalPractioner: joseph
MilitaryDeathsId: 1405
SEQ: 1406
RecordNumber: 556
Day: 2
Month: 10
Year: 1885
WhereDied: south barracks
Surname: tracey
GivenName: jane
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Profession: wife of corporal j. tracey east york regiment
PlaceOfBirth: england
PeriodOfResidence: 6 months
Cause: simple continuous fever
Primary: simple continuous fever
Duration: 45 days
Secondary: \
SignatureOfInformant: husband of
NameOfMedicalPractioner: c.e.m. shaw
1868 Census
Id: 14709
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: Anne
Sex: F
Age: 38
Birthplace: GIBRALTAR
Occupation: No data
Religion: No data
YearsOfResidence: No data
Division: 5
District: No data
Address: Rosia
HouseNo: No data
MaritalStatus: No data
FamilyRelationship: No data
NoOfPersons: No data
PermitNo: ?
PermitClass: 6
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Notes2: No data
Notes3: No data
Listname: TRACEY Anne
Id: 14710
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: John
Sex: M
Age: 9
Birthplace: GIBRALTAR
Occupation: No data
Religion: No data
YearsOfResidence: No data
Division: 5
District: No data
Address: Rosia
HouseNo: No data
MaritalStatus: No data
FamilyRelationship: No data
NoOfPersons: No data
PermitNo: None
PermitClass: 6
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Notes2: No data
Notes3: Son of a Servant
Listname: TRACEY John
1871 Census
Id: 2117
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: Horatio J
Sex: No data
Age: 25
Birthplace: London
Religion: Telegraphist
YearsOfResidence: Protestant
Division: Division 1
District: No data
Address: 7
HouseNo: Irish Town
MaritalStatus: 23
FamilyRelationship: Single
NoOfPersons: No data
PermitNo: 18
PermitClass: No data
Listname: TRACEY Horatio J
Remarks: No data
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Id: 17758
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: George
Sex: M
Age: 29
Birthplace: IRELAND
Occupation: No data
Religion: R C
YearsOfResidence: No data
Division: Division 5
District: No data
Address: Her Majesty's Convict
HouseNo: No data
MaritalStatus: No data
FamilyRelationship: No data
NoOfPersons: 554
PermitNo: No data
PermitClass: No data
Listname: TRACEY George
Remarks: Convict under Sentence
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: P
Sex: M
Age: 31
Birthplace: U K
Occupation: No data
Religion: R C
YearsOfResidence: No data
Division: Division 6 - Military
District: No data
Address: North Front Camp
HouseNo: No data
MaritalStatus: Single
FamilyRelationship: No
NoOfPersons: 1
PermitNo: No data
PermitClass: No data
Listname: TRACEY P
Remarks: 71st Regiment
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Id: 17145
Surname: TRACEY (mother?)
Forename: Ann
Sex: F
Age: 41
Birthplace: GIBRALTAR
Occupation: Servant
Religion: R C
YearsOfResidence: No data
Division: Division 5
District: 8
Address: Rosia
HouseNo: 8
MaritalStatus: Married
FamilyRelationship: No data
NoOfPersons: 7
PermitNo: No data
PermitClass: No data
Listname: TRACEY (mother?) Ann
Remarks: No data
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Id: 17142
Surname: TRACEY (son?)
Forename: John
Sex: M
Age: 12
Birthplace: GIBRALTAR
Occupation: No data
Religion: R C
YearsOfResidence: No data
Division: Division 5
District: 8
Address: Rosia
HouseNo: 8
MaritalStatus: Single
FamilyRelationship: No data
NoOfPersons: 7
PermitNo: No data
PermitClass: No data
Listname: TRACEY (son?) John
Remarks: No data
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
1911 Census
ID: 13568
Surname: TRACEY [died Jamaica]
Forename: Blanca
Sex: F
Age: 40
Disabilities: No data
Birthplace: Catalan Bay
Education: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Unable to read or write
Division: 6th
District: No data
Street: No data
HouseNo: Catalan Bay
NoOfRooms: 18
NoOfPersons: No data
MaritalStatus: 4
FamilyRelationship: Widow
EmploymentPosition: Head of Family
PageNo: Working on her own account
Listname: TRACEY Blanca
Remarks: No data
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Notes2: No data
ID: 13569
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: Patrick
Sex: M
Age: 18
Disabilities: No data
Birthplace: Isle of Wight
Religion: ENGLAND
Education: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Able to read & write
Division: 6th
District: Dock Yard
Street: No data
HouseNo: No data
NoOfRooms: Catalan Bay
NoOfPersons: 18
MaritalStatus: No data
FamilyRelationship: 4
EmploymentPosition: Single
PageNo: Son
Listname: TRACEY Patrick
Remarks: 44
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Notes2: No data
ID: 13570
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: Margarita
Sex: F
Age: 16
Disabilities: No data
Birthplace: Isle of Wight
Religion: ENGLAND
Education: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Able to read & write
Division: 6th
District: No data
Street: No data
HouseNo: Catalan Bay
NoOfRooms: 18
NoOfPersons: No data
MaritalStatus: 4
FamilyRelationship: Single
EmploymentPosition: Daughter
PageNo: Working on her own account
Listname: TRACEY Margarita
Remarks: No data
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Notes2: No data
ID: 13571
Surname: TRACEY
Forename: William
Sex: M
Age: 10
Disabilities: No data
Birthplace: Shonclift
Religion: ENGLAND
Education: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Able to read & write
Division: 6th
District: No data
Street: No data
HouseNo: Catalan Bay
NoOfRooms: 18
NoOfPersons: 1
MaritalStatus: 4
FamilyRelationship: Single
EmploymentPosition: Son
PageNo: No data
Listname: TRACEY William
Remarks: No data
Notes: No data
Notes1: No data
Notes2: No data
First name(s) |
Last name |
Year |
Place |
Country |
Archive reference |
Source |
— |
Tracy |
1863 |
Gosforth |
Great Britain |
BT 158 |
Registers Of The
Births Of Passengers Between 1854 And 1890 |
— |
Tracy |
1870 |
Cassini |
Great Britain |
BT 158 |
Registers Of The
Births Of Passengers Between 1854 And 1890 |
Ada E |
Tracey |
1874 |
Halstead |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Agnes A |
Tracey |
1897 |
Dublin |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Aine E |
Tracey |
1964 |
Iserlohn |
Germany |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Albert H |
Tracey |
1883 |
Ashton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alex Michael |
Tracy |
1874 |
Janet Court |
Great Britain |
BT 158 |
Registers Of The
Births Of Passengers Between 1854 And 1890 |
Alexander |
Tracey |
1814 |
Northampton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alexander |
Tracy |
1829 |
Alnwick |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alexander Michael |
Tracy |
1875 |
Janet Court |
At Sea |
BMR2 |
Gro Marine Births
Indices (1837 To 1965) |
Alexr Michael |
Tracy |
1874 |
— |
At Sea |
BT 150/1 |
Registers Of
Births At Sea Of British Nationals: England |
Alfred M |
Tracey |
1865 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alice |
Tracy |
1896 |
Dublin |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alice E |
Treacey |
1873 |
Poonamallee |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alice J |
Tracey |
1872 |
Woolwich |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alice Jane |
Tracey |
1872 |
Woolwich |
England |
WO 156/426 |
St George's
Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: Baptism Register |
Alice L |
Tracey |
1881 |
Ashton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Alison Cara |
Tracey |
1988 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Alistair |
Tracy |
1979 |
Berlin |
Germany |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Amelia J |
Tracey |
1865 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Andrew Thomas |
Tracey |
1970 |
Malta |
Malta |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Ann |
Tracey |
1862 |
Kingston |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ann |
Tracey |
1814 |
Quebec |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ann |
Tracey |
1862 |
Kingston |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
Anna Catherine |
Tracey |
2000 |
Riyadh |
Saudi Arabia |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Anna Catherine |
Tracey |
1990 |
Geneva |
Switzerland |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Anna M |
Treacy |
1951-54 |
Rotterdam |
Holland |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Anne |
Tracey |
1814 |
Quebec |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Anne |
Tracey |
1799 |
Northampton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Anne |
Tracey |
1873 |
Plymouth |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Anne |
Tracy |
1963 |
Kamunting |
Malaysia |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Anne Turner |
Ledeer Tracey |
1961-65 |
New York |
United States |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Annie |
Treacy |
1909 |
Dagshai |
India |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Annie |
Treacy |
1909 |
Dagshai |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Annie T |
Tracey |
1904 |
Dublin |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Anthony |
Tracey |
1974 |
Hanover |
Germany |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Anthony Nicolas |
Tracey |
1983 |
Athens |
Greece |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Anthony P |
Tracey |
1946-50 |
Hamburg |
Germany |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Archibald |
Tracey |
1859 |
Stirling |
Scotland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Arthur Charles
Johns |
Tracey |
1903 |
Aldershot |
England |
WO 156/365 |
Iron Church (Later
St George), Aldershot, Hampshire: Baptisms |
Arthur F T |
Tracey |
1878 |
Shahjahanpur |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Arthur George |
Tracey |
1885 |
Belgaum |
India |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Arthur H |
Tracey |
1877 |
Curragh |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Arthur H |
Tracey |
1877 |
Curragh |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Arthur J |
Tracey |
1874 |
Brecon |
Wales |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Beryl |
Tracey |
1870-72 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Beverly J |
Tracey |
1960 |
Hanover |
Germany |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Beverly J |
Tracey |
1961-65 |
Hanover |
Germany |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Brian W |
Tracy |
1959 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Bridget |
Tracey |
1833 |
— |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Bridget |
Tracy |
1829 |
Ashton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Bridget |
Tracey |
1835 |
Arnee |
India |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Bridget |
Tracy |
1835 |
Arnee |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Bridget |
Tracey |
1901 |
Athlone |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Bridget |
Tracey |
1901 |
Athlone |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Bridget |
Tracey |
1913 |
Bansha |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Bridget M |
Tracey |
1949 |
Rinteln |
Germany |
Gro Army Birth Indices
(1881 To 1965) |
Bridgett |
Tracey |
1836-37 |
Madras |
India |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Bridgett |
Tracey |
1837 |
Bellary |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Caroline D |
Tracey |
1951 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Cassini Rose |
Tracey |
1866-70 |
Rio de Janeiro |
Brazil |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Catherine |
Tracey |
1840 |
Amherstburg |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Catherine |
Tracey |
1866 |
St Johns |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Catherine |
Tracy |
1866 |
St Johns |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
Catherine |
Treacy |
1851 |
Woolwich |
England |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
Catherine |
Tracey |
1831 |
Miltown Malbay |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Catherine |
Tracey |
1896 |
Athlone |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Catherine E |
Tracey |
1877 |
— |
— |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
Cecilia Laura J |
Treacy |
1991 |
Paris |
France |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Charles |
Tracey |
1879 |
Dum Dum |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Charles A |
Tracey |
1853 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Charles H |
Tracey |
1894 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Charles H |
Tracey |
1894 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Charles Henry |
Tracey |
1894 |
Aldershot |
England |
WO 156/359 |
Garrison Church,
Aldershot, Hampshire: Baptism Register Vol Vii |
Charles M |
Tracy |
1952 |
Madras |
India |
BUK2 |
Gro U.K. High
Commission Birth Indices (Up To 1981) |
Charles W |
Tracey |
1869 |
Fermoy |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Charles W |
Tracy |
1869 |
Fermoy |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Charlotte E |
Tracey |
1882 |
Dum Dum |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Elizabeth |
Tracey |
1882 |
Dum Dum |
India |
Gro Army Birth Indices
(1881 To 1965) |
Charlotte Kathleen
Treacy |
1978 |
Brussels |
Belgium |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Christina |
Treacy |
1895 |
— |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Christofer R |
Tracey |
1941-45 |
Cairo |
Egypt |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Christopher |
Tracey |
1996 |
Washington |
United States |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Christopher |
Tracey |
1998 |
Washington |
United States |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Lourens |
Tracey |
1993 |
Paris |
France |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Craig Stuart |
Tracey |
1987 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Craig Stuart |
Tracey |
1988 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Daniel Joseph |
Tracey |
1969 |
Washington |
United States |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Daren Christopher |
Treacy |
1966 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Daren Christopher |
Treacy |
1966 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
David |
Treacy |
1872 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
David |
Tracey |
1870-72 |
Canada |
Canada |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
David |
Tracey |
1872 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Dawn Elizabeth |
Tracy |
1972 |
British Army on
the Rhine |
Germany |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Devon Kunjar |
Tracey |
1975 |
New York |
United States |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Diann Marie |
Tracey |
1966 |
Benghasi |
Libya |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Diann Mrie |
Tracey |
1966 |
Malta |
Malta |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Donna M R |
Treacy |
1961 |
Malta |
Malta |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Edith F M |
Tracey |
1881 |
Dum Dum |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edith Florence M |
Tracey |
1881 |
Bengal |
India |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Edward |
Tracey |
1834 |
Canada |
Canada |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Edward |
Tracey |
1834 |
Kingston |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edward |
Tracey |
1815 |
Mountmellick |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edward J |
Tracey |
1860 |
Colchester |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edward J |
Tracey |
1866 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edward J |
Tracey |
1866 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edward M |
Treacy |
1909 |
Cairo |
Egypt |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Edward M |
Tracey |
1877 |
Sheffield |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edward M |
Tracey |
1877 |
Sheffield |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Edward Prescott |
Tracey |
1825 |
Trinidad |
West Indies |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Eileen M |
Treacy |
1906 |
Colchester |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Eileen Marie |
Tracy |
1967 |
Paris |
France |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Eliot Bastien |
Tracey |
1996 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Eliot Bastien |
Thorpe-Tracey |
1996 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Elizabeth |
Tracey |
1899 |
Kiltoorn |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Elizabeth |
Tracey |
1865 |
St Johns |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Elizabeth |
Tracey |
1865 |
St Johns |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
Elizabeth |
Tracey |
1865 |
Monaghan |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Elizabeth |
Tracey |
1899 |
Athlone |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Elizabeth A |
Treacy |
1873 |
Poonamallee |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Elizabeth J |
Tracey |
1846 |
Antigua |
West Indies |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ellen |
Tracey |
1856 |
Cork |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ellen E |
Tracey |
1871 |
Hazareebaugh |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ellen E |
Tracy |
1871 |
Hazareebaugh |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ellen F |
Tracey |
1902 |
Belfast |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Erich Allon |
Tracey |
1886-90 |
Bilbao |
Spain |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Ethel E |
Tracey |
1880 |
Canterbury |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ethel E |
Tracey |
1880 |
Canterbury |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ethel Emily |
Tracey |
1880 |
Canterbury |
England |
WO 156/398 |
Garrison Church,
Canterbury, Kent: Baptism Register |
Evelyn |
Tracey |
1927 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Fanny A |
Tracy |
1877 |
Ashton under Lyne |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Female |
Traccy |
1837-62 |
— |
At Sea |
BMR2 |
Gro Marine Births
Indices (1837 To 1965) |
Fiona |
Tracey |
1982 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Fiona J |
Tracy |
1963 |
South Australia |
Australia |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Frances E |
Treacey |
1867 |
Felhard |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Frances E |
Treacey |
1867 |
Dublin |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Frances G |
Tracy |
1888 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Francis |
Tracey |
1808 |
Northampton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Francis |
Tressy |
1869 |
Gosport |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Francis |
Tressy |
1869 |
Gosport |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Francis |
Tracy |
1829 |
Gort |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Francis E |
Treacy |
1867 |
Fethard |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Frederick |
Tracey |
1903 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Frederick |
Treacey |
1875 |
Belfast |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Frederick |
Treacey |
1875 |
Belfast |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Frederick D |
Tracey |
1884 |
Hamilton |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Georgina |
Treacy |
2003 |
Bangkok |
Thailand |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Gordon E |
Tracey |
1961-65 |
Hamburg |
Germany |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Harry Owens |
Tracey |
1868-69 |
Bermuda |
West Indies |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Hastings C |
Tracey |
1876 |
Devonport |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Hastings C |
Tracey |
1876 |
Devonport |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Heather Anne |
Tracey |
1988 |
British Army on
the Rhine |
Germany |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Heather Frances |
Tracey |
1980 |
F.O. London |
— |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Henrietta |
Treacy |
1863 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Henry Pieter |
Tracey |
1995 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Henry Pieter |
Tracey |
1996 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Herbert James |
Tracey |
1914 |
Walmer |
England |
ADM 338/142 |
Royal Marines
Depot, Walmer, Kent: Baptism Register |
Iain Allistair |
Tracey |
1985 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Iain Allistair |
Tracey |
1985 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Ida Stella |
Tracy |
1886-90 |
Leghorn |
Italy |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Ignatius W H |
Tracey |
1883 |
Beverley |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
India Marguerite |
Tracy |
1981 |
Paris |
France |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1979 To 1994) |
Isabell |
Tracey |
1836 |
Niagara |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
Isabell |
Tracey |
1836 |
Niagara |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
Isabella |
Tracey |
1836-37 |
Madras |
India |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
James |
Tracy |
1899 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
James |
Tracey |
1946-50 |
Athens |
Greece |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
James |
Tracey |
1870 |
Monaghan |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
James |
Tracey |
1880 |
Armagh |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
James |
Tracy |
1831 |
Miltown Malbay |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
James |
Tracey |
1879 |
Hubberstone |
Wales |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
James H |
Tracy |
1843 |
Kingston |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
James M |
Tracey |
1885 |
Sheffield |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Jamie Keith |
Tracey |
2002 |
United Kingdom
Support Command Germany |
Germany |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Jane |
Tracey |
1873 |
Sheerness |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Jane |
Tracey |
1873 |
Sheerness |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Jane A |
Tracey |
1874 |
Belgaum |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Jeremy Robert W |
Tracy |
1979 |
Madrid |
Spain |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1979 To 1994) |
Jerry |
Tracey |
1973 |
Amsterdam |
Holland |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Jessica |
Treacy |
2001 |
Bangkok |
Thailand |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Joanna A |
Tracey |
1951-54 |
Istanbul |
Turkey |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Jocelyn N S |
Tracy |
1951-54 |
Basra |
Iraq |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Johanna Louise |
Tracy |
1977 |
Paris |
France |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
John |
Tracy |
1844 |
Newcastle |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracey |
1838 |
St John |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracey |
1864 |
Newfoundland |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracey |
1864 |
St Johns |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracy |
1830 |
Colombo |
Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracey |
1952 |
Fontainebleau |
France |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
John |
Tracey |
1885 |
Deesa |
India |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
John |
Treacy |
1833 |
Galway |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Treacy |
1869 |
Fethard |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracey |
1821 |
Birr |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracey |
1852 |
Clonmel |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Tracey |
1852 |
Clonmel |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Treacey |
1869 |
Fethard |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John |
Treacey |
1869 |
Fethard |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John A |
Tracey |
1884 |
Newcastle upon
Tyne |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John Christian |
Tracy |
1967 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1966 To 1978) |
John E |
Tracey |
1879 |
Bedford |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John T |
Treacy |
1866 |
Portsmouth |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
John Thomas |
Tracey |
1866 |
Portsmouth |
England |
WO 156/381 |
Royal Garrison
Church, St George's Chapel, Portsmouth, Hampshire: Baptism Register |
Johnathan Ryan P |
Tracey |
2003 |
G.R.O. (Ors) |
Not Known |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1995 To 2005) |
Jonathan Michael |
Tracey |
1986 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Jonathan Michael |
Tracey |
1986 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1979 To 1994) |
Joseph J |
Tracey |
1848 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Joseph J |
Tracy |
1878 |
Ashton under Lyne |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Josiah Sean |
Tracey |
2004 |
Washington |
United States |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Julia Maureen |
Tracey |
1989 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Julieime Matacha E
Tracy |
1978 |
Paris |
France |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Katherine |
Tracey |
1870 |
Woolwich |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Katherine |
Tracey |
1870 |
Woolwich |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Kathleen |
Tracey |
1901 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Kim |
Tracy |
1982 |
Dusseldorf |
Germany |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Kristina Madaline |
Tracey |
1989 |
Athens |
Greece |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Kylie Jane |
Treacy |
1971 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Laura L |
Tracey |
1761-1924 |
Halstead |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Laura L |
Tracey |
1876 |
Halstead |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Laura L |
Tracey |
1876 |
Halstead |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Lawrence |
Tracey |
1862 |
Jaubrah |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Lawrence Henry |
Tracey |
1883 |
Ahmednagar |
India |
Gro Army Birth Indices
(1881 To 1965) |
Layla Sakura |
Tracey |
2003 |
Osaka |
Japan |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Lilian M |
Tracey |
1913 |
Jersey |
Channel Islands |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Lily |
Treacy |
1922 |
Koln |
Germany |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Louisa E |
Tracy |
1834 |
Brighton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Madelaine Vee |
Tracy |
1995 |
United Kingdom Support
Command Germany |
Germany |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Margaret |
Tracey |
1871 |
Dublin |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Margaret |
Tracy |
1838 |
Dundalk |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Margaret |
Tracey |
1906 |
Pretoria |
South Africa |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Margaret M |
Tracey |
1884 |
Agra |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Margaret M |
Tracey |
1907 |
Bansha |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Margaret Mary |
Tracey |
1884 |
Agra |
India |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Margaret T |
Tracey |
1894 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Margaret T |
Tracey |
1894 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Margaret Thompson |
Tracey |
1894 |
Aldershot |
England |
WO 156/359 |
Garrison Church,
Aldershot, Hampshire: Baptism Register Vol Vii |
Maria |
Tracey |
1870 |
Benares |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mario Andrew |
Tracey |
1988 |
Athens |
Greece |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Mark |
Treacey |
1836-37 |
Bermuda |
West Indies |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Mark |
Treacey |
1836 |
Bermuda |
West Indies |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mark Colin |
Tracey |
1973 |
Dusseldorf |
Germany |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Mark Roger |
Tracy |
1980 |
Chicago |
United States |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Martin |
Tracey |
1952 |
Nairobi |
Kenya |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Mary |
Tracey |
1869 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary |
Tracy |
1869 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary |
Tracey |
1875 |
Sheerness |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary |
Tracey |
1875 |
Sheerness |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary |
Tracey |
1910 |
Bansha |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary A |
Tracey |
1857 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary A |
Tracey |
1897 |
Athlone |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary A |
Tracey |
1897 |
Athlone |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary A |
Tracey |
1845 |
Trinidad |
West Indies |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary Anne |
Tracy |
1868 |
Archos |
Great Britain |
BT 158 |
Registers Of The
Births Of Passengers Between 1854 And 1890 |
Mary Anne |
Tracy |
1844-46 |
Trinidad |
West Indies |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Mary C |
Treacy |
1890 |
Naas |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary J |
Tracey |
1838 |
Kingston |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary J |
Tracey |
1864 |
Monaghan |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary J |
Tracey |
1882 |
Londonderry |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Mary Jane |
Tracey |
1838-39 |
Canada |
Canada |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Mary Jane |
Tracey |
1813 |
Guadaloupe |
West Indies |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Mary S |
Tracy |
1898 |
Dublin |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Matthew |
Tracy |
1879 |
Woolwich |
England |
WO 156/427 |
St George's
Garrison Church, Woolwich, Kent: Baptism Register |
Matthew |
Treacy |
2000 |
United Kingdom
Support Command Germany |
Germany |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Maud Juliette |
Tracy |
1997 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Maud Juliette |
Tracy |
1998 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Maya S |
Tracey |
1955-60 |
Hamburg |
Germany |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Megan Elizabeth |
Tracey |
1981 |
Los Angeles |
United States |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1979 To 1994) |
Melissa Floss |
Tracy |
1984 |
Paris |
France |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Micha |
Tracey |
1976 |
Gothenburg |
Sweden |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Michael F |
Tracey |
1904 |
Tipperary |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Michael G |
Treacy |
1870 |
Cannanore |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Moira F |
Tracy |
1961-65 |
St Cloud |
— |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Moira F |
Tracey |
1906-10 |
Medellin |
Colombia |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Myriam Flora |
Tracy |
1999 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1995 To 2005) |
Nicholas S |
Tracey |
1958 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Nicola Marie |
Tracy |
1972 |
British Army on
the Rhine |
Germany |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Nigel A |
Tracy |
1950 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Norah |
Tracey |
1901-05 |
Medellin |
Colombia |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Olive K |
Tracey |
1906-10 |
Medellin |
Colombia |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Paola D |
Tracey |
1951-54 |
Milan |
Italy |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Patrick |
Tracey |
1861 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Patrick |
Tracey |
1875 |
Fermoy |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Patrick |
Tracey |
1908 |
Bansha |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Patrick |
Tracey |
1905 |
Middelburg |
South Africa |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Patrick A |
Tracey |
1936-40 |
Santiago |
Chile |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Patrick A |
Tracey |
1941-45 |
Santiago |
Chile |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Patrick F X |
Tracey |
1877 |
Dum Dum |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Pattrick |
Treacey |
1820 |
Enniskillen |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Percy P |
Tracey |
1900 |
Limerick |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Peter |
Tracey |
1868-69 |
Canada |
Canada |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Peter |
Tracy |
1868 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Peter |
Tracey |
1889 |
Portsmouth |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Peter A |
Tracy |
1957 |
Karachi |
India |
BUK2 |
Gro U.K. High
Commission Birth Indices (Up To 1981) |
Phebe |
Treacy |
1862 |
Buttevant |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Philip O J |
Tracy |
1946-50 |
Ispahan |
Iran |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Phillip Luc |
Treacy |
1993 |
Washington |
United States |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Rachel Elizabeth |
Tracy |
1982 |
Houston |
United States |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Robert |
Tracey |
1846 |
Portsmouth |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Robert |
Treacy |
1902 |
Castlebar |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Robert |
Tracy |
1836 |
Abergavenny |
Wales |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Robert A Dolphus |
Tracy |
1886-90 |
Bangkok |
Thailand |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Robert James |
Tracey |
1973 |
Malta |
Malta |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Robert Martin V |
Tracey |
1980 |
Stockholm |
Sweden |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Robert W |
Tracey |
1878 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Robert W |
Tracey |
1878 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Robert W |
Tracey |
1878 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Robert W |
Tracey |
1879 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Ronald |
Tracey |
1971 |
Amsterdam |
Holland |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Rosalie P |
Tracey |
1946-50 |
Curacao |
West Indies |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Sabina |
Tracey |
1868 |
Monaghan |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sain Allieteir |
Tracey |
1986 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Sarah |
Tracey |
1813 |
Northampton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah |
Tracey |
1878 |
Bareilly |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah A |
Tracey |
1906 |
Coppawhite |
— |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah A |
Tracy |
1833 |
Chichester |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah A |
Tressy |
1870 |
Woolwich |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah A |
Tressy |
1870 |
Woolwich |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah C |
Tracey |
1870 |
Pembroke |
Wales |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah C |
Tracey |
1870 |
Pembroke |
Wales |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Sarah Moyo |
Tracey |
1969 |
New York |
United States |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Sean Anthony |
Tracey |
1995 |
Washington |
United States |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Sean Brendon |
Tracey |
1984 |
Johannesburg |
South Africa |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Sean Francis |
Tracey |
2001 |
Riyadh |
Saudi Arabia |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Shada |
Treacy |
2004 |
Rome |
Italy |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1995 To 2005) |
Shada |
Treacy |
2005 |
Rome |
Italy |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Simon Cornelius |
Tracey |
1973 |
Hanover |
Germany |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Simon Henry |
Tracey |
1988 |
Monrovia |
Liberia |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Alexandros |
Tracey |
1985 |
Athens |
Greece |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Stephen J |
Tracey |
1905 |
Jersey |
Channel Islands |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Stephen Joseph |
Tracey |
1905 |
Jersey |
Channel Islands |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Tess Renee |
Tracy |
1984 |
Paris |
France |
ABR2 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1979 To 1994) |
Thomas |
Tracy |
1834 |
Maulmain |
Burma |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
Thomas |
Tracey |
1801 |
Northampton |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Thomas |
Tracey |
1861 |
Plymouth |
England |
WO 156/340 |
Royal Chapel Of St
Katherine-Upon-The-Hoe Within The Royal Citadel, Plymouth, Devon: Baptism
Register |
Thomas B |
Tracy |
1842 |
Chambly |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Thomas D |
Treacy |
1951 |
Rinteln |
Germany |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Turlough John |
Tracey |
1966 |
Lagos |
Nigeria |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad Indices
(1966 To 1978) |
Walter H |
Tracey |
1884 |
Canterbury |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Walter Henry |
Tracey |
1884 |
Canterbury |
England |
WO 156/398 |
Garrison Church, Canterbury,
Kent: Baptism Register |
Walter J R |
Tracey |
1879 |
Shahjahanpur |
India |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William |
Tracey |
1833 |
Quebec |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
William |
Tracey |
1833 |
Quebec |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
William |
Tracey |
1833 |
Quebec |
Canada |
REG2 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices Supplement (1761 To 1924) |
William |
Tracy |
1833 |
Canada |
Canada |
Gro Army Chaplains
Birth Indices (1796 To 1880) |
William |
Tracy |
1833 |
Quebec |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William |
Tracey |
1902 |
Dover |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William |
Treacy |
1870 |
Malta |
Malta |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William |
Tracey |
1877 |
Hubberstone |
Wales |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William Charles
George |
Tracey |
1909 |
Walmer |
England |
ADM 338/142 |
Royal Marines
Depot, Walmer, Kent: Baptism Register |
William E |
Tracey |
1850 |
Halifax |
Canada |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William E |
Tracey |
1906 |
Aldershot |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William H |
Tracy |
1827 |
Glasgow |
Scotland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental Birth
Indices (1761 To 1924) |
William S |
Tracey |
1852 |
Cork |
Ireland |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Winifred A |
Tracy |
1875 |
Ashton under Lyne |
England |
REG1 |
Gro Regimental
Birth Indices (1761 To 1924) |
Yvonne |
Tracey |
1955-60 |
Hanover |
Germany |
Gro Consular Birth
Indices (1849 To 1965) |
Yvonne |
Tracey |
1956 |
Rinteln |
Germany |
Gro Army Birth
Indices (1881 To 1965) |
Yvonne Cheryl |
Tracey |
1976 |
Nairobi |
Kenya |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
Zoe Danae |
Treacy |
1978 |
Brussels |
Belgium |
ABR1 |
Gro Births Abroad
Indices (1966 To 1978) |
First name(s) |
Last name |
Marriage year |
Place |
Country |
Archive reference |
Source |
Agnes |
Tracey |
1873-74 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
Gro Chaplains
Returns Marriages (1796 To 1880) |
Andrew F G |
Tracy |
1911-15 |
Nice |
France |
Gro Consular Marriages
(1849-1965) |
Arthur |
Tracey |
1884 |
Deesa |
India |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Bernard C W |
Tracey |
1914-25 |
Koln |
Germany |
Gro Army Marriages
Within British Lines (1914-1925) |
Charlotte |
Tracey |
1930 |
Cairo |
Egypt |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
David J |
Treacy |
1992 |
Hong Kong |
China |
Gro Marriages
Abroad (1966 To 1994) |
Denis G |
Tracey |
1948 |
Bad Oeynhausen |
Germany |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Edward E |
Tracy |
1942 |
Alexandria |
Egypt |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Edward F |
Treacy |
1941-45 |
Alexandria |
Egypt |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
Elisabeth J |
Treacy |
1955-60 |
Santiago |
Chile |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
Elizabeth Brisley |
Treacy |
1855-59 |
Havana |
Cuba |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
Fanny |
Tracey |
1897 |
Halifax |
Canada |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
George C |
Tracy |
1911-15 |
Yokohama |
Japan |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
George C |
Tracy |
1913 |
Hong Kong |
China |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army Marriages
(1881 To 1955) |
Ira |
Tracy |
1835 |
St Andrews
Cathedral |
— |
— |
British Overseas
Marriages (Cliff Webb Collection) |
James |
Tracy |
1855-59 |
Calais |
France |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
John |
Tracey |
1883 |
Dinapore |
India |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
John |
Tracey |
1911-15 |
Biarritz |
France |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
John |
Tracey |
1946 |
Athens |
Greece |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army Marriages
(1881 To 1955) |
John |
Tracey |
1946-50 |
Jerusalem |
Israel |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
John A |
Tracy |
1951-54 |
Paris |
France |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
John R |
Tracey |
1946 |
Japan |
Japan |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Kathleen S |
Tracy |
1961 |
Cyprus |
Cyprus |
Gro Service
Department Marriages (1956 To 1965) |
Louisa |
Tracey |
1860-65 |
Havre |
France |
Gro Consular Marriages
(1849-1965) |
Mabel Helen |
Tracy |
1883 |
Bareilly |
India |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Margaret E |
Tracey |
1943 |
Saskatchewan |
Canada |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Martin C |
Tracey |
1972 |
British Army on
the Rhine |
Germany |
Gro Marriages
Abroad (1966 To 1994) |
Mary |
Tracey |
1836-37 |
Madras |
India |
Gro Chaplains
Returns Marriages (1796 To 1880) |
Mary Greenleaf |
Tracy |
1880 |
— |
— |
FO 83/1138 |
Marriages At
Embassies & Legations, Athens, Berlin, Berne, Bucharest, Bogeta, Brussels
Mathilda |
Track |
1943 |
Cairo |
Egypt |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Mathilda |
Track |
1943 |
Cairo |
Egypt |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Maude A |
Treacy |
1908 |
Rangoon |
Burma |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Muriel I |
Tracy |
1946 |
Montreal |
Canada |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Patrick |
Tracey |
1911-15 |
Constantinople |
Turkey |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
Peter J |
Tracey |
1951-54 |
Tientsin |
China |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
Philip A |
Tracey |
1989 |
Helsinki |
Finland |
Gro Marriages
Abroad (1966 To 1994) |
Richard Edward |
Tracey |
1860-65 |
Boulogne |
France |
Gro Consular
Marriages (1849-1965) |
Robin |
Tracy |
1976 |
British Army on
the Rhine |
Germany |
Gro Marriages Abroad
(1966 To 1994) |
Shirley A |
Tracey |
1990 |
Riyadh |
Saudi Arabia |
Gro Marriages
Abroad (1966 To 1994) |
Simon |
Tracey |
1999 |
Suffield |
Canada |
Gro Marriages
Abroad Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Susan M |
Tracey |
2002 |
Ankara |
Turkey |
Gro Marriages
Abroad Indices (1995 To 2005) |
Thomas |
Treacy |
1884 |
Sierra Leone |
Sierra Leone |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Thomas |
Tracey |
1832 |
Burma |
Burma |
Gro Chaplains
Returns Marriages (1796 To 1880) |
Thomas |
Tracey |
1832 |
Burma |
Burma |
Gro Chaplains
Returns Marriages (1796 To 1880) |
Thomas |
Tracey |
1927 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army Marriages
(1881 To 1955) |
Tony |
Tracy |
1951 |
Kenya |
Kenya |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
William |
Treacy |
1891 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar |
ARM2 |
Gro Index Army
Marriages (1881 To 1955) |
Last update: 08
February 2025