to 1900
Historical References
Newspaper extracts
Legal Records
Parish Records
Traceys of East Galway – Page 2a
Family Histories
Parish Records
Traceys of West Galway – Page 2b
Family Histories
Parish Records
References from
1900 onwards
- Directories
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Land Records
- Census
references for Galway
Traceys of Galway
– Page 2
It may be presumed that the Traceys of Galway
are descended from the Sil Anmchadha
Army Birth Registration
Francis Tracy, Gort, 1829, R.D. Gds,
Vol 1 page 36
John Treacy, Galway, 1833, 30th, Vol
1133 page 44
(I) Andrew Tracy resided in Galway, Ireland. (II) Michael,
son of Andrew Tracy, was probably a native of Galway.
Genealogical and Family History of the
State of New Lewis publishing company, Chicago - New Hampshire -
1908 Page 1289
1. Andrew Tracy, (b. circa 1790
Galway d. 1874 Island Pond Vermont) & Catherine Dillon or Delaney [see Dr. Andrew Tracy]
1.1 Michael
Tracy (b. circa 1816 Galway d. 1910 Island Pond Vermont) m. Julia Hannon cicra
1840 Irland
1.1.1 Delia Tracy
(b. circa 1840 Ireland d. 1897 Island Pond Vermont)
1.1.2 Andrew
Tracy b. circa 1846 Galway d. 1917 Meriden Connecticut
1.2 Peter
Tracy b. circa 1819 Galway d. 1890 Island Pond Vermont
Ann Treacy (d. of
James Treacy) m. Frederick Middleton (s. of Henry Middleton) 12 Oct 1849 ???
Arthur Tracey (b.1820 d. April 1860
Detroit MI) married Mary Mullany in 1842 in Stradbally Church in Waterford.
Before Arthur moved to Waterford County he lived in Galway County. Came to
Detroit in 1856-57. [see Waterford]
John who married a Mary Alliston.
George died 21yrs old in 1868 in Detroit
emigrant ancestor of this family was Arthur Tracy (b. 1818) who left Ireland
abt 1850 with his wife and two sons. He lived in Michigan in 1851 where his
daughters, Margaret and Mary (b. 1857) were born. He died in May 1860 in
Detroit, Michigan. This line is through his son, John (1849-1920) born in
Ireland and died in Detroit, Michigan. He married Mary Elizabeth Alliston
(1857-1904) born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Charlotte Tracy Gondron (b. 1913).
Charlotte Tracy (1989) Tracy. Palo Alto, California.
Tracy, De Lorme, Alliston, Burton
pages – FHL 929.273 A1 no.5558 (LDS)
Bartholomew Tracey & Sarah Crowley
William b. 1 June 1867 (LDS)
Daniel Treacy & Honor Slattery
Michael b. 29 May 1868 (LDS)
Daniel Treacy & Ellenor Treacy
Mary b. 23 March 1874 (LDS)
Edward Trassy/Treacy & Ellen Gilmore
Margaret Trassy b. 4th December 1872 Galway (LDS)
Thomas b. 24 July 1875 (LDS)
Edward Tracy & Mary Hagan
FEMALE b. 15 June 1879 Cappa (LDS)
Francis Tracey & Ann Morris
Tom b. 1846
Hi I am looking for Francis Tracey b.1819/21 in Galway. He married
Ann Morris b. 1819/21. They had a son Tom Tracey b.1846 also in Galway. At some
point after that they moved to Huddersfield Yorkshire. From there on I have a
full account of their lives and deaths. I have no idea which part of Galway
they come from or even how to go about tracing them. Thank you Shirley Robinson
Robinson - Jan 26, 2006
James Tracey & Alice Gorman
James b. 26 January 1872 (LDS)
James Tracy & Catherine Loughey
James b. 16 September 1869 (LDS)
James Treacy (s. of James Treacy) m. Anne
Parker (d. of James parker) 03 Jul 1848 Galway
James John Treacy, 41 years, b. Galway Ireland
Arrival Date: 13 Feb 1942 Malone, New York from Canada
James Patrick Treacy of Galway & Oakland Maryland
1920 Censu - West Oakland, Garrett, Maryland,
Head James P Tracy M 40 Maryland
Wife Estelle M Tracy F 35 Maryland
Son James H Tracy M 4 Maryland
Son John Tracy M 2 Maryland
Son Maurice Tracy M 0 Maryland
1930 Census - Oakland, Garrett, Maryland,
Head James P Treacy M 53 Ireland,
Immigration 1883
Wife Estelle M Treacy F 46 Maryland
Son James J Treacy M 14 Maryland
Son John J Treacy M 13 Maryland
Son Maurice F Treacy M 11 Maryland
Daughter Estelle Treacy F 9 Maryland
Daughter Mary C Treacy F 7 Maryland
Son Leo E Treacy M 5 Maryland
Son William O Treacy M 3 Maryland
1940 Census - Oakland, Election District 14, Garrett, Maryland
Head James Traesy M 64 Eire
Wife Estelle Traesy F 56 Maryland
Son James Traesy M 24 Maryland
Daughter Estelle Traesy F 19 Maryland
Son Jack Traesy M 23 Maryland
Son Morris Traesy M 21 Maryland
Son Leo Traesy M 14 Maryland
Daughter Mamie Traesy F 12 Maryland
Son William Traesy M 13 Maryland
I am looking for relatives of my great grandfather, John Tracey born Mayo or
Galway about 1853. His fathers name was Lawrence
Tracey or Treacy and he was a mason. John Tracey was a miner who moved to
England and then America. Married Sarah Duffy in 1877 in Durham, England where
he was a coal miner at the Shotton Colliery. His father was Lawrence Tracey (a
mason), deceased at the time of the marriage in 1877. They are both listed as natives of
Ireland in the 1881 census. Sarah's father was Daniel Duffy and Mother was Rose
Ann Roddey both natives of Ireland. John Tracey's father was Lawrence Tracey
deceased in 1877. They were coal miners and masons by trade. Emigrated in 1882.
Any information would be great. He perhaps had a relative named Thomas Francis Treacy (1881 British
Census for Mayo?) born about 1849. Any help from Tracey's in the area would be
P. Tracey December 2011
John Tressy & Ellen Farraher
Bridget b. 20 July 1868 Abbey District (LDS)
Mary Treacy b. Galway (d. of John
Treacy & Catherine Kane) m. Patrick Mansfield (s. of Michael Mansfield
& Catherine Ring) on 4 July 1918 Manhattan, New York, New York.
John Tracy and Margaret Leonard
Looking for information on my
great-great grandparents, John and Margaret Leonard Tracy. Their family
information is as follows:
Husband: John Tracy, born @1830 in Galway Bay, Galway, Ireland. Died January,
1892, in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
Married Margaret Leonard in 1876. Born in 1849. Died 17 Mar, 1931.
Children: (all born in in Milton, Wood County, Ohio)
1. John: b. 2 Jan 1877; d. 29 Aug 1942 in Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana;
married Rhoda Blanche Standiford around 1900 in Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio.
(My ggrandparents)
2. Charles Richard: b. 1878; d. 1942. Married Marie Flanagan.
3. Peter Tracy: b. 1880; d. 1925. Married Buelah.
4. James Tracy: b. 1882; died 1952 in Muncie. Married Katherine
"Katie" Wood.
5. William Tracy: b. 1886; d. 1966. Married Mary Mayme Carroll
6. Stephen Tracy: b. 1888; d. 1896
7. Patrick Tracy: b. 7 Jul, 1890; d. 1961. Married Margaret.
Now the story goes like this. John was the seventh son of a John Tracy. His
family came to America during the potato famine. Being the youngest, they
thought John too young to come and planned to leave him in Ireland with family
and send for him later. John snuck aboard ship and came with his family anyway.
John named his seven sons after himself and his seven brothers.
Anyone have any more info on our lineage?
Darlene White May 20, 2000 & June 19, 2005
Maria Tracey b. abt 1852 m. Kieran Byrnes abt 1873 (LDS)
Mark Tressy & Mary Burke
James b. 1 August 1870 (LDS)
Martin Tressy & Mary Burke
Mary b. 5 October 1865 Abbey District (LDS)
John b. 4 May 1868 (LDS)
Martin Treacy & Eliza Whelan
Michael b. 6 May 1872 (LDS)
Martinus Tracey
(s. of Michaelis & Annae Tracey of Co.
Galway) of Co. Galway m. Julia Maria Dunphy (d. of Jacobi & Annae Dunphy of
12 Upr Dorset St) of 12 Upr Dorset St on 5 April 1866 Wit: Jacobus Joseph
Dunphy of 12 Upr Dorset St & Maria Teresa Dunphy of Clontarf. St. Mary’s
Pro-Cathedral, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1.
Martin Tracey, full [age], bachelor, miner, lives 12 Dorset St, (s. of Michael Tracey, farmer) married Julia
Mary Dunphy, full [age], spinster, lives 12 Upr Dorset St, (d. of James Dunphy,
leatherman?) 5 April 1866 RC Cathedral Marlboro St Wit: James Joseph Dunphy
& Maria Theresa Dunphy [North Dublin City No.1 Dublin North PLU]
Mary Ann Tracey (b. 1857 Galway, Ireland d. Jan 1904
Nottingham) m. John Flear abt 1893 Ireland?
She was a
cotton winder in Ireland and had several brothers and sisters in County Sligo.
Dublin Workhouse, of Galway & Bow St
Michl Tracey, 17, b. 1834, single, RC, Febriculas
Michael Tracey (b. 1860 Co. Galway) & Mary ??? [1901 Census:
Upper Tyrone Street, North Dock, Dublin - CoI]
Catherine Tracey b. 1888 NY
Mary Tracey b. 1893 NY
Mark Tracey b. 1896 Dublin
John Joseph Tracey b. 1899 Dublin
Ita Tracey b. 1902 Dublin
Frances Tracey b. 1905
Kelly at 2010-09-04
Mich(a)el Tracey/Treasy & Julia Blade
Thomas b. 30 November 1874 Newtown (LDS)
Michel b. 8 June 1879 Newtown (LDS)
Michael Tress(e)y & Honor Ruane
Bernard b. 20 August 1865 Abbey District (LDS)
Mary b. 18 September 1875 (LDS)
Michael Tressy/Treacy & Anne Ruane
Anne b. 25 September 1867 (LDS)
Patt b. 2 October 1869 (LDS)
Michael and
Julia (Shannon) Tracy, of Galway
Edward Andrew Tracy,
B.A. 1899.
Born September 19, 1876, at
Island Pond, Vt
Died September 2, 1934, at
Keene, N H.
Father, John Edward
Tracy; an engineer for the Grand
Trunk Railway at Island
Pond; son of Michael
and Julia (Shannon)
Tracy, of Galway, Ireland.
Mother, Elizabeth (Connary)
Tracy, daughter of Patrick
and Elizabeth (Maguire)
Connary, of Lancaster, N.H.
St Johnsbury (Vt.)
Academy. Second colloquy
appointment Senior year.
Studied medicine at McGill University 1899-1902 (M.D.C.M.1902);
practiced medicine in
Walpole, N.H., 1902-04 and
in Keene since 1904;
obstetrician, instructor in
obstetrics, and diagnostician
Elliot Community Hospital since
1907; commissioned Captain, Medical Corps, U.S.
Army, October 21, 1918; attended
Medical Officers' Training School, Camp Greenleaf, Ga.,
October-December; on medical board of examiners Camp Dix, N.J., December,
1918, until discharge May 7,1919;
member American Medical Association, Cheshire County Medical Society,
and St. Bernard's
Roman Catholic Church,
Marned June 19, 1907, in
Walpole, Blanche Margaret, daughter of Herbert Baker and Elizabeth (Dnslane) Chapin. Children:
John Chapm, '31 S.; and
Elizabeth, B.A. Smith
1930, M A. 1932.
Death due to bronchopneumoma.
Buried m St. Joseph's Cemetery, Keene. Survived by wife,
son, daughter, two brothers,
Arthur E. and Simon C.
Tracy, of St.
Louis, and three
sisters, the Misses
Julia E. and Zita C. Tracy, of
St. Louis, and Mrs. David H. Meyer, of Dayton, Mo.
Michael Tracy & May Strawton
Martin Tracy b. 29th April 1868, Galway (LDS)
Michael Trassy/Treacy & Bridget Turner
John b. 11 September 1867 (LDS)
Mary b. 5 August 1869 (LDS)
James b. 29th January 1872 (LDS)
Bridget b. 29 April 1873 (LDS)
Michael b. 20 April 1875 (LDS)
20 August 1901 San
Francisco Call
Tracy - In this city, August 19 1901, Mary beloved wife of Michael Tracy, and mother of Mary, James,
Katie, Martin, John Edward, Richard and Lawrence Tracy, a native of County
Galway, Ireland, aged 45 years.
1896 New England
Naturalization Petitions
Michael C Treacy, b. 15 October 1867
Galway Ireland, 6 Grove St. Quincy, Court: Boston Massachusetts
11th December 1915 The Tablet
Prize Day At The Gregorian [Rome]...among the probati...Nicholas
Treacy, 0.M.I...
Fr. Nicholas Treacy, b. 1891, Clonfert Diocese, d. 21-04-1946,
Belcamp [North Dublin - Nicholas Bernard
Patrick Tracey b. 1831 (LDS)
Patrick/Pat Tracy & Bridget Bowls/Bowes
Bridget b. 12 October 1865 Killaan (LDS) Bowes
Catherine b. 12 September 1867 (LDS)
Patrick Trassy & Catharine Cavanagh
Catharine Trassy b. 15th December 1868 Galway (LDS)
Patrick Tracy & Mary Fury
Mary b. 6 June 1864 Abbey District (LDS)
Pat Treacy & Mary Haile
Mary b. 27 June 1877 (LDS)
Patrick Treacy & Honor Hughes
Michael b. 6 January 1876 (LDS)
Patritius Tracy
(s. of Thomas & Catherinae Tracy of
Co Galway) of 44 Upr Sackville St m. Elizabeth McDermott (d. of Thomae &
Margaritae McDermott of Danestown?) of 5 Lower Temple St on th 29 May 1859 Wit:
Joannes Colahan of 44 Upr Sackville St & Catherina Colahan of Jones Road.
Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
TraceyTracy & Elizabeth McDermot(t). Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Marianna Tracey b. 7 September 1860 of 44 Sackville St
Sp. Anna Cullen. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Thomas Tracy b. 20 October 1861 of 6 Lr Temple St Sp.
Brigida Maglinn. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Margarita Tracey b. 6 January 1866 of 7 Kellys St [Ct]
Sp. Catharina Maguire. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Catharina Tracey b. 25 December 1867 of 24 Rutland
Place Sp. Anna Nowlan. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Joannes Tracy b. 11 April 1875 of 2 Henry Place Sp.
Maria McDermott. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Elizabeth Tracy b. 31 March 1877 of 2 Henry Place Sp.
Maria McDermott. Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Patrick Treacy & Mary Monaghan
Bridget b. 3 December 1879 (LDS)
Patrick Treacy (1901-2/11/1959) m Hanora
Ryan 1st November 1924 Limerick
Martin Treacy (24/2/1928-29/10/2000) Gortavalla, Doon, Co. Limerick
Mary b. ??? Jan 1930 Gortvalla Doon Limerick d. 24 March 1897
Galway bur. 27 March 1987 Doon Limerick (LDS)
Michael Tracy of Kiltegan [Wicklow] (s. of Patritius & Catharina of Liscoleman [Wicklow]) married Maria
Keogh of Glenogue [Inch Wexford] (s. of Patritius & Anna of Glenogue) Wit: Patritius Tracy of Galway & Brigida
Kavanagh of Cashan. Arklow Parish 6 Aug 1874
Sabina Treacy & Martin Morgan
Lawrence Morgan, 62, died 03 Jun 1915 Everett Massachusetts,
Widowed, b. Ireland circa 1853 (s. of Martin Morgan & Sabina Tracey)
Patrick Morgan, 38, died 04 Apr 1904 Quincy Massachusetts, Single,
Laborer, b. Ireland circa 1866 (s. of Martin Morgan & Sabina Tracey)
Informant: Sabina Morgan
Mary Morgan b. 29 Jul 1867 Galway (LDS)
Biddy Morgan b. 02 Apr 1869 Galway (LDS)
Thomas Tracey b. Galway m. Ann Ellen Bryan 2 December 1875 Philadelphia
Pennsylvania (LDS)
Thomas Trassey or Treacy m. Mary
Doherty [State Reg: Portumna, 1st Quarter 1879 4 400]
Thomas Treacy [of Galway] married Margaret
Dogherty [of Clare] Barton Upon Irwell, Lancashire, England Jan-Feb-Mar 1865
1881 Census - Green Lane Barton Upon Irwell, Lancashire
Thomas Tracey Head M
44 Ireland, carter
Margaret Tracey Wife F
41 Ireland
Hugh Tracey Son M
15 Patricroft, Lancashire, England, book keeper
Mary Ellen Tracey Daughter F
12 Patricroft, Lancashire, England, dress maker
Susannah Tracey Daughter F
10 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
John Thos Tracey Son M
8 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
Elizabeth Tracey Daughter F
5 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
Philip Tracey Son M
3 Patricroft, Lancashire, England
1900 Census - Precinct 5 Hyde Park Town Chicago city Ward 32,
Cook, Illinois
Thomas Tracy Head M
65 b. Set 1834 Ireland, immigrated 1886 Na
Margaret Tracy Wife F
58 b. Aug 1849? Ireland, married 35 years 6 child 6 alive
Hugh Tracy Son M 34 b.
Nov 1866 England, immigrated 1885 Na, lawyer private secretary
Sussana Clifford Daughter F
30 b. June 1870 England
William F Clifford Son-in-law M
36 b. Aug 1864 Ireland
Mary Fenton Clifford Granddaughter F 1
b. Sept 1899 Illinois
John T Tracy Son M
27 b. Sep 1873 England, travelling salesman
Lizzie Tracy Daughter F
25 b. Dec 1875 England
Phillip H Tracy Son M
23 b. June 1877 England, lawyer
1900 Census - Civilain residents of Santiago-de Cuba, Cuba
Hugh T Treacy, head, M 35
single, b. Nov 1865 England,
immigrated 1885 Na, lawyer
Mary E. Foran, 49, b. 1873 England, (d.
of Thomas Treacy b. Ireland & Mary Doherty b. Ireland) d. 27 Apr
1922 Chicago, Cook, Illinois Buried 29 Apr 1922 Mt Olivet
Spouse: Frank Foran, 3941 W. Congress
St., Ward 13
Elizabeth Bick, 68 years, b. 8 Dec 1875
Manchester, England (d. of Thomas Tracy b. Galway, Ireland & Margaret
Doherty b. Co.Clare, Ireland) d. 1 Jun 1944 4700 Kenwood Chicago Cook Illinois,
buried 3 Jun 1944 Mt Olivet Worth Cook Ill . Spouse: Casper Bick, Informant:
Margaret Foran
Philip Henry Treacy Sr, 80 years, b. 29
Jun 1877 Eccles [Manchester] England (s. of Thomas Treacy & Margaret
Doherty), died 4 Jan 1958 1246 Judson Evanston Cook Illinois, Married,
Attorney, Buried Calvary Evanston Illinois, Informant: Rita B Jager
November 05, 1916 Evening star About
Evening star. (Washington, D.C.)
National Tickets...Congressmen...Illinois...2nd
Dictrict. Philip H. Treacy, dem...
WWW1 Draft Registrion
Philip Henry Treacy of 4756 Kenwood Ave
Chicago Cook County Illinois, 41 years, b. 20th June 1877, citizen by father
naturalization, lawyer [self employed] 5 North La Salle St Chicago, Contact Mrs
Casper Bick 1320 E48th Street Chicago, medium height, brown eyes, dark brown
Thomas Hugh Treacy (Feb 20 1834 - Apr 9
Margaret Treacy (Feb 15 1839 - Mar 7
John T. Treacy (Sep 22 1875 - July 22
Francis J Foran 1931
Casper Bick 1937, age 64
Elizabeth T. Bick 1944, age 68
Mary F Foran 1922
Margaret E Foran 1969 age 71
John B. Foran 1904
John Doherty 1911
Ellen Foran 1914
Francis J. Foran 1931
Thomas Tracy & Honoria Kelly
Anne b. 25 September 1875 (LDS)
Thomas Tracey & Margaret Larkin
Patrick b. 26 November 1879 (LDS)
S. & Mary Tracey
Margaret Tracey born 3 May 1827 in Galway, Ireland
He married 29 Nov 1846 in St. Stephen, NB (his obit, cath) Margaret Tracey born 3 May 1827 in Galway, Ireland, daughter of Thomas S. & Mary Tracey, ...
Calais, Maine families: they came and they went? Thelma
Eye Brooks - Reference - 2002 - Page 61
Thomas Tracy, son of Thomas, was the first Tracy in the family line to come to America. He was born in County Galway, Ireland. He came to America August 25, 1848 through the port of Boston. He moved to Milford about 1850 and was a farmer. His wife was Magaret Hardiman…
The Story Of The
Thomas Tracy was born in County Galway, Ireland. He came to America
August 25, 1848 through the port of Boston. He moved to Milford about 1850 and
was a farmer. At the time of his death in 1905 he was a large property owner
and "familiar figure on the Milford Streets." Thomas became a United
States citizen on October 22, 1858. He died in Milford hospital after being ill
for two weeks. Prior to this, he was in good health and "was able to be on
the streets daily."
In the 1920 census, Martin Tracy stated that he was born in Ireland,
came to the US in 1850 and became a citizen in 1855. No record of this proves
this to be true. Records show that he was actually born in Milford, Massachusetts
to Thomas and Magaret (Hardiman) on November 6, 1849. His siblings, besides
John B., the future lawyer and Mayor of Taunton who was born in 1868, where;
Patrick b. 1851, Thomas b. 1853, Bridget b. 1854, Winifred b. April 1860, and
Magaret b. 1862. All were born in Milford. Magaret would marry a man named
Pierce and life in Fall Rivers.
Thomas Tracy became a citizen about 1856 He was born in Ireland in
August about the year 1826. His father was Thomas but his mother's name is
unknown. Unlike his sons, who would become professionals, Thomas earned his
living as a "woodsawyer" and owned 800 dollars worth of land in 1880.
By 1900 he was living alone in Milford and died from senility and pleurisy on
November 30, 1905. Magaret (Hardiman) Tracy was also born about 1826 in
Ireland. She would die June 11, 1875 at the age of 47 from rheumatic fever.
They are buried together in St. Mary's Cemetery in Milford.
Oct 1869 US Weekly return of enlistments at Naval Rendezvous
Thomas Tracey, Age: 24, b. Galway, Ireland, labourer, eyes: grey, hair: sandy, Complexion: Fair, 5'9.25"
Place of Enlistment: Boston, 4 Oct 1869 for 3 year term general service,
4 July 1910 San
Francisco Call
Tracey - In this city, July 2 1910, Thomas Tracey, a native of County Galway, Ireland, aged 74
years...Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
6 December 1913 San Francisco Call
Treacy - In Richmond, Cal., December 4
1913, Thomas J. beloved husband of the late Sarah Treacy, loving father of
P.J. and Thomas J. Treacy and brother of P.W. Treacy and Mrs. J.S. McEvilly, a
native of County Galway, Ireland, aged 54 years. A member of Burke council No.
609 Y.M.I., and the Redmen of Richmond.
1871 Census - Broughton Lancashire
Thomas Tracey Head M
56 Ireland
Catherine Tracey Wife F 48
James Tracey Son M 19
West Derby, Lancashire
Edward Tracey Son M 18
West Derby, Lancashire
Mary Tracey Daughter
F 14 Walton
On The Hill, Lancashire
Letitia Tracey Daughter
F 12 St Helens,
Elizabeth Tracey Daughter F 6 Manchester,
1881 Census - 204 Bury New Road Broughton Lancashire
Thomas Tracey Head M 63
Galway Ireland, Fruiterer
Catherine Tracey Wife F 52
Cavan Ireland
James Tracey Son M 29
Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Mary Tracey Daughter
F 24 Liverpool,
Lancashire, England, single, Invoice Corresponding Clerk (Comm)
Letitia Tracey Daughter
F 22 St
Helens, Lancashire, England
Elizabeth Tracey Daughter F 16 Manchester,
Lancashire, England, Milliner
Edward Tracey married Mary Rourke Apr-May-Jun 1877 Manchester
Lancashire Volume: 8D Page: 428 Line Number: 325
Francis Herbert Tracey b. Jul-Aug-Sep 1878 Manchester, Lancashire,
England Vol 8D Page 279 Number 63
1881 Census - 202 Bury New Road Broughton Lancashire
Edward Tracey Head
M 28
Walton On The Hill, Lancashire,
England, Fishmonger Employing 6 Boys
Mary Tracey Wife
F 26
Manchester, Lancashire, England
Francis H Tracey Son M 2
Manchester, Lancashire,
Thomas E Tracey Son M 1
Salford, Lancashire, England
Mary A Tracey Daughter
F 0 Salford,
Lancashire, England
Mary A Rourke Cousin
F 36
Manchester, Lancashire, England
Annie Hughes Servant
F 14
Manchester, Lancashire, England
1891 Census - St John The Evan Broughton, Lancashire
Edward Tracy, head, 38, b. 1853 West Derby Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Tracy, Wife, 35, b. 1856 Manchester, Lancashire
Francis H Tracy, son, 13, b. 1878 Broughton, Lancashire
Thomas E Tracy, son, 12, b. 1879 Broughton, Lancashire
Leo Tracy, son, 8, b. 1883 Broughton, Lancashire
Madeline Tracy, daughter, 7, b. 1884 Broughton, Lancashire
Bernard Tracy, son, 4, b. 1886 Broughton, Lancashire
Gertrude Tracy, daughter, 2, b. 1889 Broughton, Lancashire
Dorothy Tracy, daughter, 0, b. 1891 Broughton, Lancashire
1901 Census - Broughton St John The Evan, Broughton, Lancashire
Letitia Tracey, head, 42, b. 1859 St Helens Lancashire
1901 Census - St John The Evan, Broughton, Lancashire
Edward Tracey, head, 48, b. 1853 West Derby Liverpool, Lancashire
Mary Tracey, Wife, 45, b. 1856 Manchester, Lancashire
Edward Thomas Tracey, son, 22, b. 1879 Broughton, Lancashire
Leo Tracey, son, 18, b. 1883 Broughton, Lancashire
Madeline Tracey, daughter, 17, b. 1884 Broughton, Lancashire
Bernard Tracey, son, 15, b. 1886 Broughton, Lancashire
Gertrude Tracey, daughter, 12, b. 1889 Broughton, Lancashire
Dorothy Tracey, daughter, 10, b. 1891 Broughton, Lancashire
Ursula Tracey, daughter, 9, b. 1892 Broughton, Lancashire
Alphonse Tracey, son, 7, b. 1894 Broughton, Lancashire
Blanche Tracey, daughter, 6, b. 1895 Broughton, Lancashire
Ellis Island
{ Francis H. Tracey, Manchester England, 1912, 29 years, b.
Manchester England, single, to: Frd M McGowan, Hotel Victoria. to: New York.
Father: Edward Tracey, The Nook Northam??? St? Brighton?
{ Francis Herbert Tracey, Manchester England, 1912, 29 years, b.
Manchester England. Father: Edward Tracey,
[crossed out]
Bernard Tracey, 33, b. 1887 Manchester England, of Flint Mich,
machinist (s. of Thos. Edw. Tracey & Mary Rourke) m. Louise O. Youngs
(Harvey), 24, b. 1896 Pt. Huron Macomb Michigan, of Flint Mich (d. of Geo.
Harvey & Carrie Hartman) 29 Dec 1920 Flint Genesee Michigan (Groom served
in war vs. Germany from Wayne Co. Mich)
TRACEY roots from Manchester
Greetings! I am a new subscriber trying to find TRACEY family
information. I can't trace back very far. I know that my grandfather, Bernard
TRACEY, was born around 1887 in Manchester (his parents were Thomas Edward
TRACEY and Mary ROURKE). Bernard had at least two siblings, Blanche TRACEY and
Bert is interesting and I am including this information in the
hope that it will jar somebody's memory. He worked with Laurel & Hardy in
their early Manchester days (early 1900s?), before they became stars at Hal
Roach studios in the U.S. We also have some funny old photos of Bert TRACEY
directing silent movies. Would anyone out there know anything about him?
My grandfather, Bernard TRACEY, served in the U.S. Army during
WWI, got married in 1920 and moved to Canada, where he is responsible (or at
least partly responsible) for an amazing number of Canadians, mostly in the
Sarnia, Ontario area.
I would be so grateful for any information you can give me.
Regards -
Linda B. 9 Feb 1999
Timothy Treacy & Maria Bugler
Timothy b. 20 Aug 1867 Mt Shannon, Gal Ire bapt. Mt Shannon, Gal
Margaret Tracey (single)
Birth Date: 4 Oct 1876
Birth Place: Newcastle Co, Galway
Age: 47
Residence: c/o Coyne, New York
Passport Issue Date: 26 May 1924
Father Name: Thomas Tracey
Father's Birth Location: Newcastle, Ireland
Father's Residence: Newcastle, Ireland
Passport Includes a Photo: Yes
Patrick's Cemetery, Inver Grove, Dakota Co., MN
Thomas Tracy Co Galway, Ireland d.May 01,1893; aged:65yrs,8mths,15dys
Bridget Tracy b.Aug 05,1828 d.Sep 29,1903;wife of Thomas Tracy
Julia d.Mar 14,1883; aged:13yrs,5mths,4dys; daughter of T and B Tracy
William Treasy & Anne Coffey
Helena b. 27 August 1875 (LDS)
William Treasy/Trassy & Bridget Loftis/Loftus
Martin Treasy b. 23rd November 1870, Galway (LDS)
Honor Trassy b. 20th April 1877 Crumlin, Galway, (LDS)
William Treacy/Tressy & Bridget Loughlin
Sally b. 16 May 1873 (LDS)
Mary b. 12 January 1875 (LDS)
William Treacy & Honora Ryan
Honora Treacy b. 28 December 1880 Ballycleary, Ballyclery, Galway,
Ireland (LDS) [Error – see Roscrea Parish]
Wm Tracy (of the County of Galway, gent) m. Hester
Stanton (of Ormond Quay) on 8 July 1789 - St. Mary CoI (North Dublin City)
July 8th
Wm Tracy
of the county of Gallaway, gent, married to Hester Stanton of Ormond Quay, C1.
In Loving Memory of William Treacy - The Brook
Died 23 February 1968 age 66
Also his daughter-in-law Breda (Loughlin) Treacy - died 9 October 1993 age 54
His son Sean Treacy - died 27 October 1997 age 72
Also his wife Ellen
(nee Weadick)
Treacy - died 16 January 1999 age 96
(1911 Census: Ellen Weadick, 8
years, Doyles Lane #4, Dtr of Dan'l & Mgt. m. Wm. Treacy in Galway 192?
d. 16 Jan.1999)
William Tracey and Sarah Blake, Abbeyknockmoy Parish
At the time of the Griffiths
Valuation (1856 for Galway), they were living in the townland of Lissaniska in
the parish of Abbeyknockmoy in eastern County Galway. Their known children
Mary (bapt 14 Sep 1823) = Michael Coffey (my G-grandparents)
Bridget (bapt 01 Jul 1826)
John (bapt 22 Feb 1829)
Margaret (bapt 03 May 1832)
Mary and her husband Michael emigrated in 1884 to Boston with their 14 year old
daughter Bridget Coffey. Their daughter Mary emigrated to Boston in 1880 and
married Geoffrey Murphy (born in Watree, Gowran, Kilkenny) in 1887. Does any of
this Tracey material look familiar to anyone?
Dave Riley Portsmouth, RI Dave Riley 14 Mar 2004
Edmd Tracy married Mary Glynn 10
Feb 1825 Wit: Jno Tracy, Mark Glynn
& Margt Burke. Tuam Deanery Parish of Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy Galway]
Thomas Tressy/Treacy/Treasy & Rose Quin(n)
Margaret b. 31 March 1865 Abbey (LDS)
William b. 29 July 1867 (LDS)
Michael b. 20 September 1870 (LDS)
John b. 26 April 1873
Pat b. 10 June 1876 Lysaniska (LDS)
Edward/Ned Tressy/Tracy & Biddy/Bridget Kenny
Michael b. 2 January 1872 (LDS)
Honor b. 13 May 1874 (LDS)
John b. 20 November 1877 Lisaniska (LDS)
John M Tracy, 36, of Brookline,
gardener, b.c. 1881 Ireland (s. of Edward & Bridget Kenny) m. Annie A
Harrington, 27, of Jamaica Plain, b. Ireland (d. of Bernard & Margaret
Carty) 21 Oct 1917 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
1940 Census - Ward 11, Boston, Boston City, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Head John
Tracy M 62 Ireland
Wife Annie
Tracy F 50 Ireland
Son John
Tracy M 22 Massachusetts
Son Bernard
Tracy M 20 Massachusetts
Son Thomas
Tracy M 18 Massachusetts
Daughter Madeline Tracy F 17 Massachusetts
Son George
Tracy M 14 Massachusetts
Mary E Tracey, 26, of 78 Waltham St,
cook, b.c. 1886 Ireland, (d. of Edward Tracey & Bridget Kenny) m. August V
Jacobson, 27, of 53 Union Park, Chauffeur, b.c. 1885 Finland (s. of John
Jacobson & Louise Flain) m. 30 May 1912 Boston, Massachusetts
Bartholomew Treacy & Mary Kelly
Mary b. 1 February 1878 Lisaniska (LDS)
Bartley Tressy & Margaret Kelly
John b. 28 February 1875 (LDS)
Thomas Thracy of Laraghmore, labourer, & Mary Cody
Honor Thracy b. 6 November 1880 of Laraghmore. Mary Thracy mother Laraghmore her mark [Tracey in Galway PLU]
Bernard Treacy & Margaret (Maggie)
Mich. b. 2/6/1897 bapt. 2/14/1897 Ballyruane Sp. Mich Coleman & Delia Murphy. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Bernard b. 4/23/1900 bapt. 4/29/1900 Ballyruanne Sp. John
& Margaret Fahy. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Honor b. 9/2/1902 bapt. 9/6/1902 Ballyruanne Sp. ??? McTigh & ??? Ruanne (Coady). Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Dlie b. 9/8/1906 bapt. 9/15/1906 Bally?
Sp. Thomas Clancy & Mary Corgave. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Pat Treacy & Kate Mannion
Pat b. 4/5/1897 bapt. 4/5/1897 Corrofar
Sp. James Lane & Mary Forde. Abbeyknockmoy
Thomas Tracey & Julia Black
Julia b. 9/21/1897 bapt. 9/24/1897 Chapel Road Sp. John Blade & Honor Blade. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
William Treacy & Bridget McLoughlin [1901 Census - Laraghmore, Deerpark, Galway]
bapt. 6/28/1900 Sp. John Flynn & Margaret Forde. Abbeyknockmoy
John b. 1/6/1904 bapt. 1/17/1904 Larraugh
Sp. Michael Bird &
Catherine Bird.
Abbeyknockmoy Parish
John Treacy & Margaret Garvey
Mary b. 11/28/1903 bapt. 12/5/1903 Larraugh
bapt. 10/22/1904 Larraugh Sp.
John Langon & Bridget Garvey. Abbeyknockmoy
Patrick b. 3/24/1906 bapt. 3/31/1906 Larraugh
Sp. Stephen Treacy & Mary Gle?. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Catherine b. 4/20/1906 bapt. 4/27/1906 Larraghuane Sp. John
& Margaret Treacy. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Nora b. 5/2/1908 bapt. 5/8/1908 Lorragh
Sp. William Garvey & Kate Treacy. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Julia b. 9/18/1910 bapt. 9/24/1910 Larragh
Sp. Stephen Treacy &
Mary Treacy.
Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Delia Treacy & Pat Skuhill
Nora b. 22-Feb 1906? bapt. 25-Feb 1906? Chapel Road Sp. James Treacy & Mary Treacy. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Catherine Treacy & John Forde
Patrick b. 9/18/1907 bapt. 9/21/1907 Larr
Sp. Edward Hay & Ellen Ryan. Abbeyknockmoy
Thomas Treacy & Honor/Ellen Williams
Thomas b. 12/10/1907 bapt. 12/21/1907 Lisans
Sp. Joe Williams &
Bridget Williams.
Abbeyknockmoy Parish
John b. 6/22/1909 bapt. 6/28/1909 Lisans
Sp. John Williams &
Mary K?.
Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Patrick b. 3/1/1911 bapt. 3/4/1911 Sp. William Fahy & Bridget Fahy. Abbeyknockmoy
Mary b. 8/15/1912 bapt. 8/15/1912 Sp.
Patt King & ??? King (Ellen).
Abbeyknockmoy Parish
M? b. 11/6/1914 bapt. 11/8/1914 Lisannes
Sp. John King &
Sarah ???.
Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Edward Treacy & Mary Lane
Kate b. 2/24/1908 bapt. 3/4/1908 Chapel Road Sp. Thomas ??? & Mary ???. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Michael b. 4/25/1912 bapt. 5/8/1912 Chapel Road Sp. Martin
& Delia Treacy. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Patrick b. 9/10/1913 bapt. 9/21/1913 Chapel Road Sp. Thomas
??? & Norah Lane. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Peter (Pete) Treacy & Ellen Nicholson
Mary Ellen b. 4/30/1908 bapt. 5/8/1908 Abbey & ??? Sp. Patt Nicholson & Nora Treacy. Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Martin b. 1/10/1914 bapt. 1/24/1914 Sp.
Martin Nicholson &
Catherine ???.
Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Mich Treacy & Maggie Forde
Brigida Theresa Treacy b. 1/1/1915 bapt.
Ryehill [Tuam] Sp. Mich Forde & Delia ???. Abbeyknockmoy Parish [see Tuam]
Buried in Templemoyle
Mary Treacy of Newcastle, Athenry died 25 July 1928 aged 78 years - memorial
Thomas Treacy of Newcastle,
Athenry died 1st February 1931 aged 94 - memorial Card
Bartholomew Treacy died March 1867 aged 65
Margaret Treacy
died September 1893 aged 73
Martin Treacy died November 1918 aged 68
Bridget Treacy
died June 1953 aged 85
Patrick Treacy died February 1953 aged 87
Steve B Treacy The late Steve B Treacy 16 November 2006 The club and parish are deeply saddened by the death of our club president Steve B. Treacy. Steve was probably the greatest clubman in the history of the club and his death will leave a void which will never be filled in Abbeyknockmoy. Steve was a dedicated follower of Abbey and Galway hurling who put his life and soul into the club at all times. Hurling in the parish is all the poorer for his death. Steve B played with the club throughout the 1960s and 1970s, winning North Board championships in 1960s, 61, 62 and 68. He was also a member of the 1971 Intermediate team which won the county final and made the breakthrough to senior hurling for the first time, a feat of which he was immensely proud. He acted as manager and selector of various teams throughout the 1970s, resulting in a Junior Championship in 1977. As manager of our Intermediate team in the early 1980s, he instilled great interest in the team which unfortunately lost numerous county semi-finals. Nevertheless, his hard work and dedication laid the foundations for the subsequent Intermediate win in 1985 and senior win in 1988. Steve B acted as a selector with our senior and intermediate teams and his continued enthusiasm for hurling was appreciated by his fellow selectors and players. In 2006 he was manager of the junior team which reached a county quarter-final. The size of the Junior panel he assembled was testament to the preparation he put into managing the teams. As any of the players will maintain, the amount of phone calls he made and text messages he sent during the year informing players of training and matches were incredible and while all of this was voluntary, Steve B would never have it any other way. He served as chairman, secretary and treasurer of the club on numerous occasions and was our current club president and finance officer. He was a driving force in the club throughout the years and his abilities as a fund-raiser were terrific. Steve B rarely missed any club match, under-age or adult, and he was extremely popular and well liked by all club players young and old. Indeed this was probably his greatest quality as a man, his ability to easily get along with anyone. Steve B was also a fanatical Galway hurling supporter and he rarely missed a match any Galway team were involved in. His death is a huge loss to his family and Abbeyknockmoy Hurling Club. Many stories will be told about Steve B in the future and they will all be good ones. He had a positive impact on everyone in Abbey and he will never be forgotten. We sympathise with his sons, Stephen and Jarlath, daughters Bernadine, Jacqueline and Stephanie, his brother Paddy, sisters Evelyn, Mary, Celia and Freda, and finally his partner Ann. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam. Courtesy of The Tuam Herald 16 November 2006 |
Addergoole & Liskeevy, Milltown
Malachy Tracey married Briget Tracy 11 Feb
1836 at Liskeevy [Liskeevy] by Rev. Pat Garvey. Dunmore Parish [Addergoole RC]
1920 Census - Haverhill Ward 2, Essex, Massachusetts, United States [see 1901 & 1911 census Ireland]
Head John J Tracy M 51 Ireland, Immigration Year: 1885[?], own house
Wife Ellen Tracy F 47 Ireland
Daughter Evelyn Tracy F 13 Ireland
Patricio Tressy & Brigitta Tressy
Margarita c. 1 January 1861 Roman Catholic Ahascragh and Killosolan
(LDS) Tressy
Patrito Treacy & Bridgida Maguire
Honoria c. 7 June 1863 Roman Catholic Ahascragh and Killosan (LDS)
Patt/Patricio Trac(e)y/Tressy & Biddy/Bridget/Brigitta
Martin Tracy b. 3rd November 1865 Clonbrock, Galway
John b. 8 May 1868 (LDS)
James b. 16 March 1874 Clonbrock ALSO Jacobus b. 28 March 1874 c.
3 April 1874 Roman Catholic Ahascragh and Killosolan (LDS)
Philip Anthony Treacy, b. 26 May 1967 Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, son of the late James Vincent Treacy and
Katie Agnes Treacy. His parents owned a baker’s shop
in Ahascragh, Co.
Galway. Philip began studying fashion in Dublin
at the National College of Art & Design in 1985. He was more interested
in making the hat than the outfit. This coincided with him winning, in 1988,
a place on the Royal College of Art’s MA course. At the time the RCA was
planning to establish a hat course and his arrival confirmed that they were
right to do so. A star pupil from the outset, he soon gained the attention of
the late great style icon, Isabella Blow. Their meeting was subsequently to
become the subject of an exhibition at the Design Museum, ‘When Philip Met
Isabella’. He graduated in 1990 and set up his own business in the basement
of Isabella and her husband Detmar Blow’s home. Philip won the British Accessory Designer
of the Year ‘Oscar’ in 1991, 1992 and 1993, and then again in 1996 and 1997. Irish Fashion Oscar
1992. Haut Couture Paris 2000. He has designed hats for Karl Lagerfeld
at Chanel, Valentino, Versace, Pucci, Alexander McQueen and most recently
Ralph Lauren. In 2000, he made millinery history by staging his ‘Orchid’
collection of haute couture hats in Paris. Philip heads an international company
which sells accessories all over the world. His design oeuvre has expanded to
include handbags, gloves, a chair for Habitat and a sportswear line for
Umbro. He has just completed the interiors for
the G Hotel in Galway, west of Ireland and will soon begin work on the
interior design of a new hotel in London’s Bow Street. On the 19th of November 2007,
at 40 years of age, he was awarded an honorary OBE for services to the
British fashion industry by Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall at a
ceremony in Clarence House. The Duchess is one of his most loyal customers
and she wore one of his creations a metallic feathered ‘head-dress’ for her
wedding in 2005. |
Thos Tracy & Mary Tracy
Stephen Tracy b. 27 Dec 1858? Sp. Michl
& Mary Gilligen. Athenry Parish
Tom Tracey & Mary Hynes
Michael Tracey b. 4 May 1861 Sp. Michael
Hynes & Mary Monaghan. Athenry Parish
Briges/Bridget Tracy & Michl Ryan
Michl Ryan b. 6 Apr 1859 of Toorhill?
[Toorkeel Monivea] Sp. Nichlas & Ann Hogon?. Athenry Parish
Willm Ryan b. 1 Dec 1860 of Toorkeil Sp.
Thos King? & Mary Collins. Athenry Parish
Mary Tracy & Michl Ryan
Kate [Mary crossed out] Ryan b. 30 Oct
1864 Sp. Patt Lally & Honor Roonde?. Athenry Parish
Martin Tracey & Mary Tracy
Lawrence Tracey b. 24 Jul 1859 of Codoo
[Cuddoo Monivea] Sp. Michl Ruane & Mary Gilligan. Athenry Parish
Martin Tracey & Mary Dooley
Honor Tracey b. 7 Jan 1862 Sp. Teresa
Quinn. Athenry Parish
Thomas Tracey & Catherine Burke
Mary Tracey b. 16 Dec 1862 Sp. Michael
& Margareta Olau?. Athenry Parish
John Tracy & Mary Burke
Thos Tracy b. 15 Dec? 1865 Sp. James
Nolan & Mary Hardiman?. Athenry Parish
Thomas Tressy & Catherine Binker
Thomas b. 1 December 1865 Athenry (LDS)
Bridget Tressy, spinster,
lives Gauty, (d. of Stephen Tressy,
labourer) married Michael Cassidy, of full age, bachelor, labourer, lives
Athenry (s. of Ml Cassidy, labourer) 2 November 1865 RC Chapel Loughrea Wit:
Michael Gilligan & Mary Rourke, their marks [Loughrea Loughrea PLU] signed
their marks [see Carabane]
Thos Tracy married Mary Curran 9 Feb 1871
Wit: Peter? Burke & Lizzy? Lardner?. Athenry Parish
Thos Trassy & Mary Curran
Martin Trassy b. 15? Nov 1873 Sp. Patt
Rown? & Mary? Anne Mullin. Athenry Parish
Thomas Tressy & Mary Curran
Martin Tressy b. 1st November 1873, Athenry Galway
Catherine "Katie" Treacy, 1885 - 1968
Catherine "Katie" Treacy was born on month day 1885, at
birth place, to Thomas Treacy and Mary Treacy (born Curran).
Thomas was born on ?1837, in Newcastle, Athenry, Co Galway,
Mary was born circa 1850, in Tysaxon Athenry Co Galway.
Catherine had 6 siblings: Mary Josephine Browne (born Treacy),
Julia Treacy and 4 other siblings.
Catherine lived on month day 1901, at address.
Catherine passed away on month day 1968, at age 83 at death place.
Katie Treacy in 1901 Ireland Census
Katie Treacy was born circa 1886, in County Galway, Ireland, to
Thomas Treacy and Mary Treacy.
Katie had 5 siblings: Annie Treacy, Julia Treacy, Martin Treacy,
Delia Treacy and Mary Treacy.
Katie lived on March 31 1901, in Shoodaun, Graigabbey, Galway,
Peter Tready? & Cathne Burns?
Mary Tready b. 24 Oct 1873 Sp. John
& Mary Donnellan. Athenry Parish
Edward Treacy & Mary Jordan
My Jordan ancesters lived at
'Cussane Cross', where roads from Galway City-Monivea and Athenry-Tuam
intersected. A modern farm house is there now, on NW corner. John Jordan (d.
1867) and Hannora Clancy (d.1890) had 7 children:
1. Thomas (b.~1841- ), m. ______; daughter Mary, m. Edward Treacy. One son ____
Treacy, who has since moved, we think, from original home to Co. Mayo, Ire.
EWLawless 6 Oct 2007
Patk? Tracey & Margt Doody
Mary Tracey b. 8 Nov 1874 Sp. Jnos
Tracey & Bridget Doody. Athenry Parish
Patrick Tressey, shopkeeper, & Mary
Mary Anne Tressey b. 2
Nov 1874 of Atherny. Patrick Treacy Athenry father.
Patrick Tressey & Mary Duddy
Mary Anne b. 2 November 1874 Atheeny (LDS)
Patrick Tressy & Mary Duddy
Mary Anne Tressy b. 02 Nov 1874 Atheeny, Loughrea, Galway, Ireland
Michael Tracey & Bridgett MANYON
John TRACEY (b: 15 August 1880 in Athenry, Galway, Ireland d. · Death:
30 January 1964 in Grand Junction, Mesa, CO) & Martha
Belle JEFFERS (b: 23 November 1888 in Ogden,,UT)
Dorine TRACY b: 7 April 1918 in Grand Junction, Mesa, CO
Martin Treacy, 28 years, b. Athen
Rye, Ireland, Arrival Date: 24 May 1914 Vancouver, British Columbia
March 4, 1919 at the Pro-Catherdhal, Dublin, John son of the late Martin Treacy, Abbey, Ballyglunin Co. Galway
to Marion (Cissie) youngest daughter of the late Michael A. Cahill of Prospect
House, Caltra, Ballinasloe.
My father was Michael Treacy
who was born in Athenry 3rd January 1921. Apparently his mother [Bridget or
Beatrice] died when he was very young and also his father [James?] was
apparently shot dead in around 1922 in the Athenry area by the local
police/army because of being out during a curfew. He was brought up by his
grandmother, along with his sister Maureen who I think was very close to his
age. My father moved to England in about 1938 and eventually settled in the
Whitehaven, Egremont area of Cumbria. He married my mother Kathleen Abernethy in
Whitehaven in 1951.He died in Birmingham [England] in 1980. If anyone thinks
they may have known him or his family in Athenry in those days please let me
know, as I know so little about his life in Ireland or of any relatives over
there. Thank you. Kevin Treacy
5th child of Michael Treacy born in Athenry 1921. stephen 12/10/2005
Newcastle National
School [Monivea]
28th May 1888 Martin Treacy, 13, Newcastle, Farmer
May 1891 Willie Treacy, 4, Tourkeel, Railway Labourer
Templemoyle Graveyard
Bartholomew Treacy died March 1867 aged 65
Margaret Treacy died September 1893 aged 73
Patrick Treacy died February 1953 aged 87
Bridget Treacy died June 1953 aged 85
Martin Treacy died November 1918 aged 68
Eddie Treacy April 03, 2008 The Late Eddie Treacy. The sudden and untimely death recently of
Eddie Treacy in Boston was a great shock and brought great sadness to all who
knew him, and once again our heartfelt sympathy to his family. Eddie was a
prominent underage hurler for Athenry in the late 1980's and earlt 90's. A
prominent forward on the under 14 team which reached the 1988 County Final,
and in 1994 Eddie as a member of the Athenry Under-21 County Champions. In
between he made his mark with Athenry Vocational School being a key player
when the school won their first All-Irelands Vocational Schools senior hurling
title in 1991. Eddie also enjoyed football success in the school and
captained one team to a Connacht title. When he went to Boston, Eddie soon
became involved with the Fr Tom Burke's club and made a big contribution both
as a player and hurling coach. Here in Athenry his brothers Gerry, Michael,
and Raymond have been prominent and successful with a variety of Athenry
teams, and are still representing their club as keenly as ever. Apart from
sporting activities, Eddie was a very popular young man who had a friendly
smile for all people he met. He will be remembered with fondness. Ar dheis
laimh De go raibh a anam dilis. - St Mary's GAA Club Courtes of the Tuam
Herald 3 April 2008 |
Athleague (Galway/Roscommon)
See Roscommon.
Aughrim (& Kilconnel)
Partrick Treacy? m. Elleanor Connolly 20 February 1834 Wit: Pat Connaughton
& Mary Connoly
John Tracy. Reg. No. 7455. Rank Company Quartermaster Sergeant,
Connaught Rangers 5th batt. Died of wounds France 20/10/1918. Born Kilconnell,
Co. Galway.
Age 37, Son of
Edward and Maria Treacy, of Ballinderry, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway; husband of
Annie Treacy, of Rossmore, Woodford, Co. Galway.
Roll of Honour: Treacy – October 20, 1918,
in France, Coy. Q.M.S. John Treacy, Connacht Rangers, of wounds, only son of
Edward Treacy, Kilconnell, Ballinasloe dearly-loved husband of Annie Treacy;
deservedly regretted. R.I.P.
John Tracey, 7455, 3rd Bn Connaught rangers, enlisted 23/6/1902 Dublin, 11/12/1912 Cr. Sgt., died 20/12/1918 Maurois Communal Cemetery 3.25 miles SW of Le Cateau.
20 years, b. 1884?, postman, single, 5'5.25", 121 Lbs, 33" chest, grey eyes, brown hair, RC,
Born Kilconnell, Galway. 1918 Ann Treacy, 2 Bowling Green, Galway. 27 June 1919 WO, personal property to Mrs Ann Tracey 20 St Josephs Terrace, Galway. 23/7/1923 Ack Victory Medal Sisters of Charity, Stanhope St, Dublin.
11 March 1908 Arrived India on "Rewa"
30/1/1909. A very good clerk. Sergeant rank promotion 3/4/07
August 1912 Re-Engagement Paper. Rank Sergeant. Ferozepore, Punjab, India.
1915 Next of Kin. Father John Kilconnell Galway Mother Mrs E Treacy [crossed out] Wife An? Wife: married estate?
27/10/1915 Rank C.Qm.S. Hospitalised at Harve. Letter to Mrs E Treacy, Kilconnell, Ballinasloe.
8/12/1915 Hopitalised at Southall with Rheumatic Fever, letter sent to Mrs A Treacy, Sea View, Summore? Kinsale?
23/6/1916 Leave? Address Rossmore, Woodford, Galway
[1919?] Widow: Annie Treacy nee Callanon, married Preston 24 January 1907, 30 St Josephs Terrace
Children: Annie Treacy, born 1st December 1909 Dagshai [India?], 30 St Josephs Terrace,
Father; Edward Treacy, [68 years approx], St. Michaels Hospital, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
Mother: Maria Treacy, Deceased.
Sister: Mrs Balfour, 34 years, East 82 St, New York
In his will he leaves all his property to his wife, Mrs Annie
Treacy, Rosmore, Woodford, Co. Galway. [Will]
Ballinakill (East Galway)
Michl Tracy
married Mary Quinn 1 Mar 1859 Wit: Michl Cronnally & Mary Hogan.
Ballinakill Parish
Michael Treacy & Mary Quin(n)
Patrick b. 17 February 1865 Portumna (LDS)
Michael b. 9 February 1867 Portumna (LDS)
Laurence b. 17 September 1869 Portumna No
1 (LDS)
Michael Tracy & Mary Quinn
Patrick Tracy b. circa 1867 Ireland d. 26 Nov 1911 Pembroke Sanatorium NH, aged 44 years, Pulmonary Tuberculosis Lived: Residence Manchester NH
Annie Maria Tracy b. circa 1867 Ireland d. 4 Jan 1923 at 49 Pennacook Street, Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire of Cerebral Hemorrhage & Chr Nephritis, aged 56, single, lived NH 7 weeks, Lived: Lowell, Mass, Occupation: Housekeeper
Mary Kenney, b. circa 1864 Ireland, 58 years, widow (d. of Michael Tracy & Mary Quinn) m. John Drury, b. Cincinnati, Ohio 47 years (s. of Patrick Drury & Margaret Hanlon) m. 27 Mar 1922 Hamilton, Ohio, United States
Michaelis Trassy & Cath Kelly
Michael Trassy b. 15/21 Sep 1878 Sp. Michael Trassy. Ballinakill Parish
Ballindereen (& Kilcolgan)
John Trassy & Mary Curley
Bridget Trassy b. 20th September 1864 Ballinderreen,
Galway (LDS)
Mathias Trassy (s. of
Darby Trassy) m. Catharine Cavanagh Or King (d. of Pat Cavanagh) 16 Oct 1868
Ballinderreen, Galway, Ireland
Mathew Trassy & Catherine/Kitty Cavanagh
Thomas Trassy b. 17th December 1869 Ballinderreen Galway (LDS)
Mary Trassy b. 23rd August 1871 Ballinderreen Galway (LDS)
Trassy b. 27th October 1873 Kinvarra Galway (LDS) [Killeenavarra?]
Trassy b. 27 Oct 1876 Killina, Galway, Ireland [Killeenaran?]
Patt Trassy b. 10 Feb 1880 Killina, Galway, Ireland
Ballinsloe (& Kilclooney)
See also Roscommon.
Early records seem to locate families in Roscommon while later records indicate
John Tracy (abt 1790- abt 1835) Farmer, Galway Shipping Co m. Ellen
abt 1809
Ellen Tracy (1814-22/1/1893) Shannon Harbour to Prahan, Victoria,
Australia married Thomas Curley (Market gardener) abt 1834 Ballinasloe,
Kilcloony Parish, Galway. (LDS)
1. John & Ellen Tracey Ballinasloe died around 1835
1.1 Ellen Tracey, born Shannon
Harbour, Roscommon around 1814 (but I believe Shannon Harbour didn't exist
until 1850!), married Thomas Curley in 1834 in Kilclooney parish, Ballinasloe,
and emigrated to Australia where she died in 1893.
Kate Vines,
[Note: Shannon Harbour is listed as being located in Co. Offaly]
John TRACEY worked for Galway Shipping Co. about 1820, He and wife Ellen
died of typhus in 1835. Daughter Bridget orphaned and eventually went to
Australia as assisted immigrant.), Galway Bay, Ballinasloe, 1820-1840.
1.1 Ellen (b. abt. 1814 Shannon Harbour, Galway d. 22nd
January 1893 Prahan, VIC, Australia) m. Thomas Curley abt 1834 Ballinasloe,
Kilcloony Parish)
1.2 Bridget/Biddy Mary (b. abt 1819 Ballinasloe d. 11 May 1890
Eumemmering VIC Australia) m. John Andrews 18 December 1841 St. Francis RC
Melbourne Australia). She lived in a convent and with
"Aunt Ellen" prior to immigrating. She arrived in Victoria on the
ship ‘England’ 17 July 1841.
1.3 Ann (b. abt 1832 Galway) m. John Shaw 1852 Brighton
1.4 Brother (not named) went to sea.
Peter Andrews,,
PO Box
89, Mount Macedon, 3441, AUSTRALIA
Tracey & Ellen
Ellen Tracey (b. 1811 in Galway d. 1893 in Prahran, VIC, Australia)
m. Thomas
Curley (b: 1816 in Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland). Travelled to Australia on
the "England"
1. Ann
Tracey b: 1832 in Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland spouse John Shaw died Rochford VIC
2. John Curley b: 1837 in Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland
3. Bridget Curley b: 1840 in Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland
4. Michael Curley b: 1842 in Brighton,VIC, Australia
5. Bartholomew Curley b: 1844 in Brighton, VIC, Melbourne
6. Maria Curley b: 1848 in Brighton, VIC, Australia
7. Catherine Curley b: 1849 in Brighton, VIC, Australia
8. Thomas
Patrick Curley b: 1858 in Brighton, VIC, Australia
[Note: Name may be Codley in ship record]
Michael Tracey b. abt 1797 & Ann Dolan or Dolphin
Winifred Mary (b. abt 1822 Keil Ballinasloe d. 14 June 1904 Wannon
Hamilton Victoria Australia) m. John Quigley 23 May 1848 Mount Napier Portland
Bay District Victoria Australia (LDS)
1. Michael and Ann Tracey of Keil, Ballinasloe.
Mary TRACEY b: ABT 1823 in Keil, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland
Michael TRACEY
Michael Tracey (b. abt 1797 County Galway) Marriage 1 Ann HORAN (b: ABT 1802 in County Galway, Ireland)
Note: When his daughter Winifred died, her father's occupation was given as "farmer".
Change Date: 6 Jan 2006
1. John TRACEY c: 16 Nov 1822 in Catholic Parish, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland
Mary TRACEY b: ABT 1823 in Keil, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland
3. John TRACEY c: 29 Jun 1824 in Catholic Parish, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland
4. Michael TRACEY c: 1 Aug 1826 in Catholic Parish, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland
TRACEY c: 1 Jun 1829 in Catholic Parish, Ballinasloe, County Galway,
6. Joseph TREACY c: 25 Apr 1832 in Catholic Parish, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland
Thomas Tressy & Maria
Bridgida Tressy b. 4/7 Jan 1834 Sp. Bernardus Barret & Rosa Bonis?. Ballinasloe Parish
Thomas Tracy & Maria Kelly
Bridgida Tracy b. ? Jun/12 July 1845 Sp. Marcus & Margarita Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish
Bridgida Tracy b. 15/17 Oct 1847 Sp. Marcus & Margarita Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish
Thomas Thracey b. 7 Jun/6 Aug 1849 Sp. Maria Thracey. Ballinasloe Parish
Treacy & Mary Kelly
Mark b. 1838 Ballinasloe d. 18 November 1895 (LDS) Moved to Broken
Hill Australia.
1. Thomas Treacy & Mary Kelly of Loughrea and Ballinasloe
from 1830's
Thomas Treacy married Mary Kelly at
Loughrea in 1827.
1.1 John bapt, 1829 at Loughrea.
1.2 Margt bapt. 1832 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe. Migrated to Sth Aus.
1.3 Michael bapt. 1835 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe.
1.4 Mark abt 1838. Migrated to Sth Aus.
1.5 Edward William. abt 1839 Migrated to Sth Aus.
1.6 Mary bapt 1842 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe.
1.7 Bridget bapt 1845 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe.
E. Macilwain,
Treacy - Ballinasloe, Beal Atha na Sluaighe
Thomas Treacy from Ballinasloe married Mary Kelly in 1827 in
Loughrea. First child John was born in Loughrea in 1829 and the rest of the
family was born in Ballinasloe. 3 of the children Margaret, Mark and Edward
William went to Australiain the 1850s. Looking for family connections.
Irish ancestors
James Murphy Born Co.Armagh.Ireland
& Margaret Treacy/Tracy B.Co.Galway Ireland M.North Rhine.S.A.1856. Mark
& Edward Treacy Brothers of Margaret Arr.S.A.1859 From New York. James
B.Mt.Barker Catholic Cem. S.A.1924. Margaret B.Strathalbyn Catholic Cem.1898.
Margaret Allison (View posts) 18 Mar
Margaret, Mark & Edward William
Treacy arrived Adelaide in 1850s from Galway.I am on the Mark Treacy branch
Macilwain (View
posts) 1 Aug 2006
Thomas Treacy (1805-) & Mary Kelly (1810-)
Margaret Treacy
Mark Treacy
Edward William
Treacy 1839-1908
29 January 1876 The South Australian Advertiser
TREACY-SHAW.—On the 13th of January, at Pichirichi, North, by the Rev. Father Nevin, Edward Treacy, second son of Mr. Thomas Treacy, Ballinasloe, Ireland, to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of the late Levi Shaw, of Woodside South Australia, Adelaide.
William Tracey & Mary Larkin
Michael b. 20 August
1844 Sp. Michael & Sara Hemsworth
1844 Aug.20 n. 21B. Michael Tracey fil Gul. et Maria Larkin
c.PP Michael & Sara Hemsworth, St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church,
K. Treacy and Nancy ???
James Treacy, Sr., b. September 16, 1852, Balinasloe, County Galway,
Ireland642, 643, 644, d. June 14, 1922, Indianapolis,
Marion Co., IN645, 646.
1. Patrick
& Nancy Treacy - Ireland (Galloway?) -
2. Their son Michael Treacy married Catherine Francis (Maher) Treacy - I
believe immigrated to US, settled in Louisville KY.
Michael/Catherine's children:
my grandmother, Anna Elizabeth Treacy (b. I think 1895) & her siblings are:
Joseph, John (b. 1892) (who went by O'Treacy) Aloysius, James, Catherine,
Kitty, Agnes. Believe they were all born in KY but could be wrong.
Then the family moves to Indiana - no idea why.
3. Anna
Elizabeth Treacy (my grandmother) married Louis Boniface Riester
Their children, John (my father), Mary, Florence
4. John (my father) married Louise Childers
John and Louise had 4 children, of which I am their youngest.
If you have any info relating to this lineage, please email me at I have more info at home with more specific dates, etc. Any
info would be greatly appreciated. If you find your info somehow relates to
mine, I also have pictures of some of the people from late 1800s to early
Anna Riester
Michael James Treacy (b. 16 September 1852 Galway d. 14 June 1922)
Migrated to: Louisville, Jefferson County, KY in 1876 then to Indianapolis, Marion County, IN in 1900
Additional notes: Catherine Brockman, Joseph Treacy, John Treacy, Anna Treacy, Aloysius Treacy, Timothy Treacy, Maher
Researcher: Pat Treacy 25 September 2006
Patricii Tracey & Catharine Berrane/Brennan
Maria Tracey b. 14/20 Oct 1854 Sp.
Diosysuis Corellan & Margarita Ridde?. Ballinasloe Parish
Honora Tracy b. 23 Oct/7 Nov 1862 Sp.
Jacobus Jordan & Maria Eyre. Ballinasloe Parish
Honoria Treacey b. 25 Aug/2 Sep 1864 Sp.
Michael Kenny & Maria Harney. Ballinasloe Parish
Joannes Tracey b. 1/23 Aug 1867 Sp.
Thoma Griffin & Brigida Nicholson. Ballinasloe Parish
Patritius Tracey b. 18/28 Apr 1871 Sp.
Samuel Loughnane & Maria Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish
Jacobus Tracy b. 7 May/5 Jun 1874 Sp. Martinus
Tracy & Maria Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish
Patrick Tracy & Catherine/Kate Ber(r)ane
Honoria b. 17 August 1864 Ballinasloe (LDS)
Patrick b. 18 April 1871 (LDS)
James b. 20 May 1874 (LDS)
John Grehan m. Bridget Duffy 24 July 1855 Wit: Michael (Trassy)
? & Mary Griffin, Kilclooney Parish
Michaelis Tracey & Brigida Murray
Anne Tracey b. 9/12 Jul 1861 Sp. Andrew Madden & Anna Madden. Ballinasloe Parish
Michael Josephus Treacy b. 18/22 Jul 1864 Sp. Petrus Rattican & Catherina Rattican. Ballinasloe Parish
Brigida Tracey b. 1/4 Mar 1866 Sp. Thoma Lynch & Margarita Clueny. Ballinasloe Parish
Joannes Tressy b. 19/23 Jun 1868 Sp. Wm & Honoria Raftery. Ballinasloe Parish
Michael Tracy & Bridget Murray
MALE b. 3 July 1864 Ballinasloe (LDS)
Michael b. 18 July 1864 Ballinasloe (LDS)
Mary Treacy, 21, spinster, Do [labourer],
lives Killehosan [Kilnahown Clontuskert Galway] (d. of Miclus? Treacy,
Do [labourer]) married Michael McKeon, 24, bachelor, labourer, lives Ardnaghy
[Ardnaglug Moore Roscommon], (s. of John McKeon, labourer) 8 November 1866 RC
Chapel Ballinasloe Wit: M Tracey & Kate Donellan, her mark
[Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU Galway] signed her mark
Maria Tracy & Michaelis McKeon
Brigida McKeon b. 1/18 Jan 1867 Sp.
Joannes McNamara & Winifrida Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish
Martin Tracy/Treacy m. Ann/Anne Moelia/Melia/Mealia 21 September 1868
Ballinasloe (LDS)
Martin Tracey & Anne Morlia/Melia
Brigida tracey b. 17/23 Feb 1869 Sp.
Michael Burke & Margarita Colahan. Ballinasloe Parish
Patritius Tressey b. 15/23 Feb 1872 Sp.
Martin? & Margarita Calahan. Ballinasloe Parish
Maria Tracey b. 23 Jan 1874 Sp.
Patritius Lahan & Catherina Treacy. Ballinasloe Parish
Joannes Treacy b. 21 Mar/7 Apr 1876 Sp.
Thomas Conlan & Bridida Canavan. Ballinasloe Parish
Martin Tracy/Treacy m. Ann/Anne Moelia/Melia/Mealia
Patrick b. 18 February 1872 (LDS)
Mary b. 9 January 1874 Ballinasloe (LDS)
John b. 21 March 1876 Deerpark (LDS)
Ann b. 11 June 1878 Cottages (LDS)
Michael Treacy, 30 years, bachl, farmer, lives Fahy, (s. of Wm Tracy, farmer) married Cecilia Carroll, 25 years, spinster, Grange?, [Graigue? Killoscobe] (d. of Martin Carrol, farmer) Wit: Edwd Treacy & Honoria Carrol 7 February 1876 EC Chapel of Fohenagh [Clonbrock Mountbellow PLU]
Michael Treacy & Sarah Carroll
William Treacy b. 14 Jun 1878
Fahy, Galway (LDS)
Martin Treacy b. 5 Feb 1880
Fahy/Ballinasloe, County Galway (LDS)
name is Debbie Corcoran and my husband's grandmother was Sarah Cecile Tracey
from Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland. Her father was Michael and her mother was
Mary Hogarty. Sarah and her 3 sisters immigrated to Massachusetts in the early
1900's. Her sisters were Annie, Katherine, Mary. She had a brother, Michael
Patrick Tracey (called Sonny), who stayed in Ireland and married and had five
children. His daughter Cecelia had 6 children, one of them named Kitty. Hope
this helps.
Debbie Debra
Corcoran November 01, 2010
Thomas Treacy, 4137, The Conaught Rangers
(Special Reserve), discharged July 1913
19 years b. 1893, RC,
Town labourer, 5'7.75", 143 lbs, 37" chest, hazel eyes, black hair,
single, scar back of neck, father James & sister Sarah (E) Fawn Street
Derry next of Kin
born St. Michaels,
near Derry, Donegal
Reference: John Moran,
Fish Dealer, Dunlo Street, Ballinasloe, Galway. Thomas Treacy worked Driving
Fish Cart for 10 months until 5/12/1912 [before joining up]
Noel Treacy (Nollaig Ó Treasaigh) born 18 December 1952 Ballinsloe, Co. Galway, the son of Martin
and Margaret Lally. Educated St. Joseph's
College, Garbally, Ballinsloe, Co. Galway. Married to Mary Cloonan, four daughters.
He is a Fianna Fáil member and has been a Teachta Dála (TD - member of
parliament) for Galway East since 1982. Political Record: Member of the Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute and Irish Livestock Auctioneers Association. Member Macra na Feirme since 1968: Macra na Tuaithe and Muintir na Tíre. Represented Connacht on the GAA National Youth Council 1970-83. Youth Officer, Galway GAA County Board 1970-83. First elected May 1982, in a bye-election, and at each subsequent election. Chairman Galway/Mayo Regional Development Organisation 1986-87. Galway County Vocational Education Committee 1985-91. Member of Galway County Council 1985-91 (Chairman 1986-87). Established County Enterprise Boards 1994. Member of the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee 1995-97. Minister of State: Department of the Taoiseach 1988-89 and became the State's First Minister for Heritage Affairs. Department of Health 1989-91. Department of Finance (with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works and the Central Development Committee) 1992-93. Departments of the Taoiseach, Finance, Transport, Energy and Communications (with special responsibility for Energy 1993-94). Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment (with special responsibility for Science, Technology and Commerce 1997-2002). Department of Agriculture and Food (with special responsibility for Food and Horticulture) 2002-04. Departments of An Taoiseach and Foreign Affairs with special responsibility for European Affairs 2004-07. Contact: Cross Street, Athenry, Co. Galway. Tel: 091-844360 Fax: 091-844360 Galway Independent 31 October 2007 Deputy Noel Treacy has been brought in
from the cold after he lost his junior ministry after last May's election. He
will chair the committee on the Good Friday Agreement a position worth
€20,000. Deputy Treacy said he is honoured to have been appointed chair of
this committee. "This committee has been established by An Taoiseach,
Bertie Ahern TD, to oversee any issues arising from Ireland's role as a
signatory to the Good Friday Agreement. I have maintained a very strong
interest in the affairs of the North throughout my 25 years unbroken service as
a Dáil Deputy and I am honoured to be heading up this important
Committee." It has been stated that Noel Treacy was
not a ‘fan’ of Bertie Ahern. |
31/1/2017 Celebration
of Jackie Treacy and the late Pauline Treacy at the Rugby Club on Saturday
18th February Jackie Treacy has retired as Bar Manager and Committee member after 40 years of dedicated service to the Club. Jackie is known far and wide for the great welcome he has provided to all members, players and visitors to the Club. We would like you to share in the celebration of one of the great volunteers in Ballinasloe rugby. On that date also we are honouring the late Pauline Treacy. Like Jackie she was at the centre of our Club for 40 years. To many, she was the heart of the Club. To honour Pauline’s contribution we are dedicating the new dressing rooms to her memory. A commemorative plaque will be unveiled at the dressing rooms to mark the occasion. |
& Clonkeenkerrill (& Gorteen)
Michael Tressy & Bridget Mannion
Patrick b. 15 March 1877 (LDS)
Margaret b. 25 November 1878 Clough (LDS) Clogh?
Treacy & Bridgida Mannion
b. 21 September 1894 bapt. 29 September 1894 Sp: Michael Ward & Julianna
Beagh (& Shanaglish)
Inscriptions from Shanaglish, Beagh Parish,
This monument was erected by Michael Hoarty and
Michael Tracy in memory of his father John Hoarty for them and posterity Dec
6th A.D. 1824
Boyounagh (& Glenamaddy/Glennamaddy)
Mary Tracy & Thos Etty?
Thos Etty b. 4 Nov 1838 Sp. Mary Kearny. Boyounagh Parish
Michl Tracy & Elenor/Ellen/Margt/Nelly Kearney
Bridt Tracy b. 26 Oct 1839 Sp. Bridgt Donnolen. Boyounagh Parish *
Mary Tracy b. 9 Feb 1842 Sp. Margt Donnolan. Boyounagh Parish
John Tracy b. 29 Jun 1844 Sp. Margt Kearny. Boyounagh Parish
Thos Tracy b. 28 Jan 1849 Sp. Biddy Kearny. Boyounagh Parish
Michl Tracy b. 1 Apr 1855 (possibly of Clooncon [Boyounagh]) Sp. Mark? Cuny & Bridgt Flaherty. Boyounagh Parish
Nicholas Tracy & Mary Collins
Mary Tracy b. 26 Oct 1839 Sp. Nelly Do [Collins]. Boyounagh Parish *
John Tracy b. 23 Apr 1842 Sp. Mary Raftery. Boyounagh Parish
Winny Tracy & Patt Manion
Patt Manion b. 14 Jan 1840 Sp. Mary Tracy. Boyounagh Parish
Patt Manion b. 28 Apr 1841 Sp. Margt MacDermott. Boyounagh Parish
Bridgt Tracy & Patt Mulkern
Patt Mulkern b. 17 Apr 1841 Sp. Bridgt Kerny?. Boyounagh Parish
Mary Treacy/Tracy & Farrell Kine/Quin/Kyne
Sabina Kine b. 27? May 1849 Sp. John & Ellen Kine. Boyounagh Parish
Ellen Quin b. 29 Jun 1855 Sp. John Lyons & Mary Mullarty. Boyounagh Parish
John Kyne b. 28 Jun 1857 of Pollea [Polleagh Templetogher] Sp. Tom Power & Anne Kyne. Boyounagh Parish
4.11.16 [4th November 1916] Image
Anne Coyne (d. of Farrell Coyne & Maria Tracey) 1851 Polleagh North
[south crossed out] Templetogher Galway
Address: Mr Michael Conner, L Castle, Dunmore, Co Galway
IG Record 24522
COYNE Anne Farrell COYNE Maria COYNE nee TRACEY Polleagh North Templetogher Ballymoe Galway 1916 - Mr Michael Conner, L. Castle, Dunmore, Galway.
Polleagh North, Templetogher, Co. Galway
Anne Coyne Applicant
Farrell Coyne Father
Maria Tracey Mother
Martin Tracy & Mary Tracy
Mary Anne Tracy b. 18 Mar 1850 Sp. Patt & Winny Tracy. Boyounagh Parish
John Nary b. 27 Jun 1852 Sp. Hugh? Tracy & Betty Gerghty?. Boyounagh Parish
Winfred Tracy b. 12 Sep 1854 Sp. John & Margt Roach. Boyounagh Parish
Danl Tracy married Nora Flaherty 3 Mar 1859 Wit: Thos Callus & Bt Flaherty. Boyounagh Parish
Daniel Treacy & Honor Flaherty
Anne b. 13 August 1865 Glennamaddy (LDS)
Michael Reily & Jane Mitchel
Michael b. 4/1/1860 Gotthajer Sp. Michael Mitchell & Cath
Maria/Elenora Tracy & Martini Collins
Margaret Collins b. 8 Oct 1871 Sp. Joane Tracy & Catharina Donnallan. Boyounagh Parish
Brigida Collins b. 14 Sep 1873 Sp. Patricis Tracy & Maria Fleming. Boyounagh Parish
Eleonora Collins b. 24 Sep? 1876 Sp. Thomas Keane & Honoria Joyce. Boyounagh Parish
Joannis Tracy & Maria Mullen
Eleonora Tracy b. 17 Dec 1871 Sp. Joane & Margarta Mullen. Boyounagh Parish
Maria Tracy b. 6 Jul 1873 Sp. Matthia Mullen & Maria Conner. Boyounagh Parish
Brigida Treacy b. 26? Sep? 1876 Sp. Patras Treacy & Honora Kearny? Boyounagh Parish
John Treacy & Mary Mullin
Mary b. 24 July 1873 (LDS)
Treacy from Glennamaddy/Woodfield
I am trying to find an Irish connection to my G.Grand father John
Treacy from Woodfield, Glennamaddy. All I have is that
he was married to Mary Mullen and I believe they had three daughters Bridget/
Delia-born in 1876. Nora born in 1871-and Mary born in 1873. My Grand mother
was Bridget who married James Donovan here in Boston. I would appreciate any
leads to the connections to Glennamaddy, Ireland. If anyone knows the name and
address of a parish in glennamaddy that would help too.
King Noreen in Boston 8 Feb 2005
* Follow each other in register
Catherine Treacy
I am looking for family of my grandmother
Catherine Treacy. From what I have been able to find out is that she was from
Kiltullagh, Glennamaddy, Co. Galway. She came to the States, I believe in 1911.
She lived in New York City.
John Swift May 6, 2006
Daniel Treacy, b. 11 Jul 1917 Patch Glenanaddy County Galwy Ireland, Arrival: 09 Jun 1949 Buffalo, New York from Canada
Francis Tr(e)acey & Ann(e) Boyle
Francis b. 5 July 1870 (LDS)
Michael James b. 19 July 1875 (LDS)
Bernard Joseph b. 20 May 1879 Carenderry (LDS) [Carrownderry?]
James Treacy & Ellen Gormley
Michael b. 4 October 1865 Glennamaddy (LDS)
Mary b. 25 June 1868 Glennamaddy (LDS)
Margaret b. 10 August 1871 (LDS)
John J Treacy, born 1896, from Kiltullagh, Glenamaddy, Co. Galway, educated 1912-1919, ordained 1919, Wilcannia-Forbes, Presbytery, Bourke, NS Wales. Served in Broken Hill, Barham, Bourke and Warren. Vicar General 1953-1964. Monsigor, 1954. Died 16/8/1964. Burried at Warren. CLV (1965) 96.
McEvoy, John
(1993) St. Patrick’s College Carlow 1793-1993. St. Patricks’s College, Carlow.
Michael Tr(e)acy & Margarey/Margaret Fahy
Margaret b. 1 June 1866 Glennamaddy (LDS)
Hugh b. 18 February 1870 (LDS)
Bridget b. 20 June 1880 (LDS)
Patrick Treacy m. Mary Keeffe [State Reg:
Glennamaddy, 1st Quarter 1887 4 204] [see 1901 and 1911 census, Kiltullagh, Kiltullagh, Galway]
Treacy. Rank 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Munster
Fusiliers 4th batt. Killed in action France 21/3/1918. Born Ireland, age 27.
Son of the late Patrick and Mary
Treacy, of Kiltullagh, Glenamaddy, Co. Galway.
Bn. attd. 1st Bn. Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France
and Fire Brigade Roll of Honour at Sheffield Cathedral
To the glory of
God and of the Sheffield City Police Force lives whilst serving with his
majesty...Lieut...M. Treacy, Royal Muster Fussiliers...
I have been researching the names on a
memorial in Sheffield Cathedral, England, which remembers the policemen and
firemen who fell in the Great War 1914-18.
“Sheffield Police and Fire Brigade
To the glory of god and to the undying memory
of the members of the Sheffield city police force and fire brigade who gave
their lives whilst serving with her majesty's forces during the great war 1914-1919”
There are details relating to Michael Treacey. Was he a policeman or a
fireman. His parents Patrick and Mary were from Kiltullagh, Glenamaddy, County
Galway, Ireland. I'd like to know details about his family and his career if
Can anybody tell me more
Kind regards
Robert. smiths565 17 Apr 2008
I have been researching the names on
a memorial in Sheffield Cathedral, England, which remembers the policemen and
firemen who fell in the Great War 1914-18
The result of this research is on my website
in the 'Sheffield' section. There are details relating to Michael Treacey. Was
he a policeman or a fireman. His parents Patrick and Mary were from Kiltullagh,
Glenamaddy, County Galway, Ireland. I'd like to know details about his family
and his career if possible.
Can anybody tell me more
Kind regards
Tom Treacy (1895? - 1981) by alias
archie [Photograph] [see Kilcolman (& Claremorris) Co. Mayo]
Thomas Treacy m. Agnes Brett 1925 [State
Registration: Marriage Jan - Mar 1925 Glennamaddy Vol: 4 Page:
Authorised Raleigh dealer in his
bicycle shop in Glenamaddy, Co. Galway. Taken early '70s.
This shop was on Kilkerrin Road Glenamaddy. His son Sean [see Galway City] was a Landlord in London and I wonder is that the same Sean Treacy in you 50's picture. He (Sean) wrote a book called The Smell of Broken Glass". Tom was a very kind neighbour and friend, his wife was a school teacher in the village. Tom fixed and sold bikes, he also sold batteries radios and cigs. He had a glass cabinet on the counter where he sold mouth organs and penny whistles from. If there is a heaven he has the same shop there as he would have gone directly. I served mass as an alter boy at his funeral. I would love to have a copy original file of this as it would be a beautiful picture for my house in the UK of happy childhood memories.
Thank you Sean for your touching tribute. Tom taught me how to ride a bike during one of my summer holidays home and he used to lend me his wife's bike to get around. You are right in the connection you make between Tom and Sean. Sean later went on to manage The Queen's Elm after the Finches, and I have commented on his tenure there at :
Treacys of Glenamaddy
Treacy family from Lisheenaheilta [Lisheennaheltia], Glenamaddy area. Treacy's originally from Woodfield, Rush possibly originally from Carramana. Supposedly a Comer married a Treacy
Thomas Treacy (from Woodfield) married Bridget Rush they had the following children
Thomas b. 1884,
Mary b. 1886, went to and stayed in Boston. Married William Mullin
John b. 1887, went to Boston but returned to Glenamaddy area
Helen b. 1889, went to and stayed in Boston. Married William Lester
Michael b. 1891, joined US Navy died 1918 in Boston
Thomas b. 1896, married Nora Canny remained in Lisheenaheltia
Bridget b. 1896, married Peter Casby stayed in Middletown and then Glenamaddy
Patrick b. 1899, possibly went to Australia
Helen was my grandmother. Honoria Treacy b. April 6, 1889 to James Treacy and Ellen Treacy (Higgins?) in Derrooghs District of Glenamaddy. Catherine b. June 14, 1889 to Patrick Treacy and Mary Treacy (Keeffe) in Kietallagh? District of Glenamaddy. If either of these belong to you let me know and I will send you the birth certificate. I was looking for my grandmother Helen Treacy b. 1889 and these were the two listed. I got them thinking maybe her name was changed or something. The local church is St. Patrick Church in Glenamaddy. There is a website There is a link to the church and some good information about the town.
Good Luck. Patti in Boston
Patti Matthews
27 June 2005
Hi Patti, I'm replying to an old post so I'm not sure if you'll get
this. Anyway I hope you do - Thomas Treacy (son of Thomas Treacy and Bridget
Rushe) from Lisheenaheilta was my maternal grandfather. My father's family
(Slattery) are also from Lisheen. I recently asked my mother (born Ellen
Treacy, always known as Eileen) about her father's brothers and sisters - she
knew that many of them emigrated to the Boston area, and gave this list to the
best of her recollections:
John - emigrated to America
Patrick - emigrated to Manchester England
Michael (who my mom thought was the eldest) - emigrated to America
Thomas - my grandfather, died in Lisheen in 1964, had 10 surviving children,
nearly all of whom emigrated to England shortly after the war
Mary - emigrated to America
Nellie - emigrated to America - I'm guessing this is Helen your grandmother?
Bridget - stayed in Ireland
I'm trying to work back a generation or two further back, as I'm interested in
finding out what happened to these families during the famine. I'm hoping to
take a trip later this year to look through the parish records for Boyounagh,
but I'd love to get any other info you might have on your grandmother's
aunts/uncles or grandparents.
Thanks and hope to hear from you, Mark Slattery (Glasgow, Scotland) markslatt 23 Jun 2007
Mark, I am so excited reading your post. I have been in contact with
Treacy families in the Lisheen/Glenamaddy area in the past but they were always
a different Treacy family. I do have some information from baptismal and birth
records I got when I was in Ireland and I will be glad to send you everything I
John did come to Boston but went back to Glenamaddy with his wife and children.
Patrick I don't know very much about.
Thomas of course you know about
Michael joined the US Navy and died here in Chelsea Mass. at the Naval Hospital
of pneumonia
Mary was the first to come to Boston, she married but had no children
Nellie (Helen) is indeed my grandmother and she came to Boston, returned to
Ireland and then came back and married. My daughter is named Tracey after my
grandmother. Bridget married a Casby and stayed in the Glenamaddy area. Most of
her children came to Boston. Noreen Casby has given me some of the information
I have. Does your mom have a brother that still lives in the Glenamaddy area? I
think, a few years back, my father met a Willie? Treacy who came over to visit
Noreen Casby. I will get together whatever information I have and send it to you.
My email is
Patti 24 Jun 2007
1917-1918 Draft Registration
Michael J Tracy, b. Sept 20 1892 Glenamaddy Galway
Ireland, lives 16 Ellet Boston Mass, single grocers clerk
Michael Joseph Tracy, Ship's Cook, fourth class, N. R. F.: died 9 Sept., 1918, at Naval Hospital, Chelsea, of disease. Enr. 8 June, 1918; assigned 5 July to Naval Training Camp, Hingham; trans. 25 July to Naval Rifle Range, Wakefield; 7 Aug. to Receiving Ship, Boston; 2 Sept. to Naval Hospital.
Born 9 Sept., 1893, at Lisheenaheilta, Glenamaddy, County Galway, Ire., son of Thomas (died 1900) and Bridget (Rushe) Tracy; brother of John, Thomas, Patrick, all of Lisheenaheilta. Ellen (wife of William Lester) of Boston, and Mary (wife of William Mullen) and Bridget (wife of William Casley), both living in Ireland, 1919. Clerk. Resident in Massachusetts four years. Of Dorchester.
??? Tracey & Nellie Keaveny
Pat b. 6/1860 Sp. ???
17th June 1918 The New York Times/New York Tribune
Rev. Frank W. Tracy, native Williamstown, County Galway, Ireland, June 14, St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Solumn High Mass Wednesday morning, 10 o’clock, St. John Chrysostrom Church, 167th St. and Hoe Av. Interment St. Raymond’s.
December 14, 1911 The Macon Times-Democrat [Macon
Rev. Frank W. Tracy, pastor of the Catholic church, and his sister Miss Nancy Tracy, were called to New York Friday by the death of their sister.
1912 The Official Catholic Directory and Clergy List
Macon, Macon Co.. Immaculate Conception, Rev. Frank W. Tracy.
Rev. Frank W. Tracy, resident Chaplain, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minn.
1937-8 Schools’
Manuscript Collection Answers by Shawn Treacy, Glenamaddy, Co. Galway.UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish
Folklore and Linguistics |
Schools’ Manuscript Collection Stories by Bridget Treacy, Leitra [Lettera], Glenamaddy, Co. Galway, collected from Michael Treacy, Patch [both Clonbern Civil Parish]UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish
Folklore and Linguistics Also:Paidreacha, Trades, May-day customs, Cures, Lucht siubhal, Luibheanna agus craobhanna and Tighthe na sean-aimsire. Accounts by Bridget Treacy, collected from Michael Treacy. An gabha agus a chéardán by Bridget Treacy collected from Michael Treacy. |
Note: On Galway placenames Nogginstown is
stated to be a village in Newgrove townland. In the Tithe records it is between
Newgrove and Wallscourt Kilreekill, however there are no Traceys recorded. Also
some townlands were moved by Parliament decree to other civil parishes &
Tressy, 45, -, Farmer & Brogue Maker, 5, Pallace, [present name is]
Finnure, Kilreekil [ie Abbeygormacan], Galway [6 acres]
Tressy, 50, Wife, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway
Tressy, 17, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf &
Tressy, 12, Son, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway [deaf & dumb]
Catharine Tressy, 19, Daughter, -, 5, Pallace, Finnure, Kilreekil, Galway
Tressy, 32, Daughter [of Mary Monaghan], -, 15, Glanaskey [ie Glennaskehy],
Kilreekil, Galway
Mary Tressy, 4, Grand Child, -, 15, Glanaskey, Kilreekil, Galway
John Treasy & Mary Cavanagh
Treasy b. 25 Jan 1819 of Nagginstown [Tithe record between Newgrove and
Wallscourt Kilreekill] Sp. Anthony Cavanagh & Catherine McLoughlin.
Cappataggle Parish
1821 Census
Tressy, 25, Daughter [of Patrick Cavanagh, blacksmiths], 22, Cloonmeen,
(present name) Cloonmane Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway
Tressy [Cavanagh], 21, Daughter, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway
Tressy, 25, Son In Law, Shoe Maker, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway
Tressy, 4, Grand Child, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway
Patrick Tressy, 2, Grand Child, -, 22, Cloonmeen, Kilreekil, Galway
Patt Treasy & Mary Quin
Treasy b. 17 Mar 1819 of Naggenstown [Tithe record between Newgrove and
Wallscourt Kilreekill] Sp. Thady Flaherty & Mary Bryne. Cappataggle Parish
1821 Census
Tressy, 36, Shoemaker, 24, Cloonmeen, [present name] Cloonmane Or Nagginstown,
Kilreekil, Galway [1 acre]
Tressy, 36, Wife, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway
Tressy, 6, Son, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway
Tressy, 2, Daughter, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway
Margaret Tressy, 10, Daughter, 24, Cloonmeen, Cloonmane, Or Nagginstown, Kilreekil, Galway
Jams Tressy married Anne Mannan of Cappatagel
[Cappataggle Killallaghtan] 22 Jun 1821 Wit: Andrew Moran, John Mannon &
Jno Farrell. Cappataggle Parish
Jams Treasy/Treacy?/Trassy & Nancy/Anne Manion/Mannion
Treasy b. 19 Aug 1819 of Cappatagal [Cappataggle Killallaghtan] a bastard Sp.
James Naughton & Brid Treasy.
Cappataggle Parish
Treacy b. 2 Jul 1821 of Slihane [Slihaun Killallaghtan] Sp. John Mannoin.
Cappataggle Parish *
Trassy b. 1 May 1826 of Cappatagil Sp. Patrick Kearne & Honor Curly.
Cappataggle Parish
Treacy b. 7 Jan 1829 of Gurtnahannason [Gortnahimrissan Killallaghtan] Sp. Patt
Dolan & Catharine Doyle. Cappataggle Parish
Jams Tressy & Honor Ward
Tressy b. 29 Mar 1820 of Fahy [Killallaghtan] Sp. John Tressy & Judy Ward. Cappataggle Parish
John Tressy & Winny Colman/Cluman
Tressy b. 17 Jul 1820 of Shellihane [Slihaun Killallaghtan] Sp. Pat Kelly &
Eloner Kiely. Cappataggle Parish
Treacy b. 15 Jul 1835 of Slahane Sp. Michl Landregan? & Bridget Maley?.
Cappataggle Parish
Mary Tressy of Cappalagel [Cappataggle Killallaghtan]
married Jno Bows 31 Jan 1821 Wit: Danil
Tressy, Matt Bows & Mary Moony. Cappataggle Parish
Mary Treasy/Treacy & John Bowes/Bawe?/Bouse?
Bowes b. 26 Nov 1821 of Gortnahane [Gortnahoon Killallaghtan] Sp. Danniel Treasy & Kitty? Daly.
Cappataggle Parish
Bawe b. 1 Aug 1826 of Gortnahown Sp. Daniel
Treacy & Kitty Daly. Cappataggle Parish
Bouse b. 21 Jul 1834 of Gortnahone [Gortnahoon Killallaghtan] Sp. Mathew Bouse
& Bridget Kenedy. Cappataggle Parish
John/Jhos? Treasy & Mary Linshy/Lynsky
Treasy b. 31 Mar 1821 of Fahy [Killallaghtan] Sp. Martin Fahy & Sally
Burke. Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 2 Jul 1821 of Cappataggle [Killallaghtan] Sp. Patt Murphy, Thady
Lynsky & Bridget Lynsky. Cappataggle Parish *
Honor Treasy/Treacy & Patrick Clarley/Closby
Clarley b. 3 Apr 1821 of Hallyhust? [?] Sp. Pat Mitchael & Mary Qinsk?.
Cappataggle Parish
Closby b. 21 Sep 1834 of Glanneskeagh [Glennaskehy Kilreekill] Sp. Bernard
Hart? & Elenor Closby. Cappataggle Parish
Edmond Treasy married Catherine Coleman of Cappatagal
[Cappataggle Killallaghtan] 19 Aug 1821 Wit: Pat Treasy, Jam Hevin? & Kitty?
Treasy. Cappataggle Parish
Edmond Treacy & Kitty Clumane/Clonan
Treacy b. 27 Mar 1827 of Lavach [Lavagh Killallaghtan] Sp. Thos Davis? &
Mary Clumane. Cappataggle Parish
Treacy b. 23 Mar 1833 of Lavach Sp. Thos Divane & Hanora Clonan.
Cappataggle Parish
Treacy b. 2 Apr 1836 of Ardrus [Ardros Killallaghtan] Sp. Willm Treacy & Maddy Davis. Cappataggle Parish
Catharine/Kitty Treasy/Treacey & Patt Dolan
Dolan b. 14 Oct 1826 of Slahane [Slihaun Killallaghtan] Sp. John Dolan &
Nancy Ruavin?. Cappataggle Parish
Dolan b. 10 Nov 1828 of Slohane Sp. John Dolan & Mary Cagovan?. Cappataggle
John Treacy & Bridget Kelly
Treacy b. 24 Jan 1827 of Balnaclogh [Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan] Sp. John Kelly
& Catharine Treacy. Cappataggle
Treacy b. 31 Oct 1830 of Balnaclogh Sp. John Clarke & Anne Kelly.
Cappataggle Parish
Michl Treasy? & Bridget Silvan?
Treasy b. 18 Mar 1827 of Cahernagary [Cahernagarry Kilreekill] Sp. John Fahy
& Sally? Silvan. Cappataggle Parish
James Tracey & Kitty Ward
Tracey b. 29 Sep 1828 of Ardrus [Ardros Killallaghtan] Sp. Thos Davis &
Bridget Bonitt. Cappataggle Parish
Mary Treasy/Treacy/Tressy & Michl Dolan
Dolan b. 17 Mar 1833 of Slohane [Slihaun Killallaghtan] Sp. Laurence Dolan
& Mary Ann Aroahors?. Cappataggle Parish
Dolan b. 8 May 1835 of Slahane Sp. Laurence Callinan & Bridget Dolan.
Cappataggle Parish
Dolan b. 2 Nov 1837 of Slohane Sp. Michl Gildea & Margarett Gildea.
Cappataggle Parish
Dolan b. 14 Sep 1842 of Slohane Sp. Darby Loughnane & Bridget Barrane.
Cappataggle Parish
Dolan b. 8 Nov 1845 of Mail Road [in Cappataggle? Killallaghtan] Sp. Thos
Hobbins? & Bridgt Tressy?.
Cappataggle Parish
Kitty Tracy & John Kelly
Kelly b. 10 Apr 1833 of Balnaclogh [Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan] Sp. Michl
Miheran & Bridget Kelly?. Cappataggle Parish
Mary Treacy of Lacach? [Lackagh OR Lavagh Killallaghtan]
married James Lyons 4 Nov 1834 Wit: Thos Lyons & Mary Lagane. Cappataggle
Mary Treacy/Tressy & James Lyons
Lyons b. 30 Sep 1835 of Ardrus [Ardros Killallaghtan] Sp. Laky Finn & Mary
Lyons. Cappataggle Parish
Lyons b. 8 Oct 1837 of Lavach [Lavagh Killallaghtan] Sp. Patt Kelly &
Bridget Davis. Cappataggle Parish
James Treacy & Kitty Carty
Treacy b. 31 Jul 1835 of Balvabill [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan] Sp. Denis Glynn
& Margaritt Glynn. Cappataggle Parish
James Treacy & Kitty Conor?
Treacy b. 6 Apr 1836 of Balvabill Sp. William Conor & Kitty Daly.
Cappataggle Parish
William Tressy & Kitty Conor
Tressy b. 13 Jun 1838 of Balvobell Sp. William Conor & Kitty Daly.
Cappataggle Parish
William Treacy married Honoria Kelly of Arduis? [Ardros
Killallaghtan] 5 Nov 1836 Wit: Denis Raynolds? & Mary Finn. Cappataggle
William Trassy & Honoria Kelly/Kelley
Trassy b. 27 Aug 1837 of Fahy [Killallaghtan] Sp. Thomas Davis & Bridget Burns.
Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 22 Aug 1841 of Ardans [Ardros Killallaghtan] Sp. John Dwane &
Mary Malone. Cappataggle Parish
Wm Tressy
b. 26 Jul 1844 of Fahy Sp. James Kitly? & Peggy Byrne. Cappataggle Parish
Elenor Treacy & John Roache
Roache b. 6 Apr 1837 of Kilrakle [Kilreekill] Sp. Mary Murphy. Cappataggle
Bridget Tressy of Faley? [Fahy Killallaghtan] married Peter
Finn 29 Jan 1838 Wit: Michl Daly & Mary Malone. Cappataggle Parish
William Tracey married Mary Dolan of Balnabilla
[Ballymabilla Killallaghtan] 12 Feb 1839 Wit: Patt Conor & Bridget Lynihy.
Cappataggle Parish
William Tressy & Mary Dolan
Tressy b. 8 Feb 1844 of Ballamabilla Sp. Thomas Bowes & Margaret Bowes.
Cappataggle Parish
Patt Tressy married Mary Corly? of Lavach [Lavagh
Killallaghtan] 1 Mar 1840 Wit: Laurance Reaftey & Anty? Raftey. Cappataggle
Patt Tressy married Anne Burns of Balnamcloch?
[Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan] 4 Feb 1841 Wit: John Burns & BLANK.
Cappataggle Parish
Patt/Pat Tressy & Anne/Nancy Burns/Briens/Byrn/Byrns
Tressy b. 25 Nov 1841 of Balnamacloch Sp. John Burns & Mary Burns.
Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 1 Oct 1843 of Killalton [Killallaghtan? Killallaghtan]] Sp. Thomas Tressy & Honor Tressy.
Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 27 Nov 1845 of Ballanamodgh [Ballynamuddagh? Killallaghtan] Sp. Peter Tressy & Mary Burns.
Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 30 Nov 1847 of Ballanamodgh Sp. Pat Kinane & Biddy Burns?.
Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 14 May 1854 of Balnamedach Sp. John Loughnam & Catharine Mannion.
Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 23 Jun 1861 of Balinamodock Sp. Thomas Fahy & Catharine Byrns.
Cappataggle Parish
Bridget Tressy & Peter Finne/Fynn
Finne b. 25 Jun 1841 of Ardrus [Ardros Killallaghtan] Sp. Michl Tressy & Anly? Tressy. Cappataggle Parish
Fynn b. 31 Dec 1843 of Fahy [Killallaghtan] Sp. Thomas Davis & Mary
Monahane. Cappataggle Parish
Bridget Tressy & John Carty
Carty b. 24 Sep 1841 of Slohane [Slihaun Killallaghtan] Sp. Daniel Tressy & Mary Wall.
Cappataggle Parish
Daniel Tressy & Kitty/Catherine Conor?/Connor
Tressy b. 24 Feb 1843 of Balagbelli [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan] Sp. Patt Fahy
& Kitty Daly . Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 12 Apr 1847 of Balvabilla Sp. James Fahy & Bridget Dolan.
Cappataggle Parish
Tressy b. 15 Jun 1852 of Balnabilla Sp. Edmond Carty & Mary Cahill.
Cappataggle Parish
Mary Tressy & William Ushar?
Ushar b. 25? Jun 1843 of Chapel [?] Sp. Bridget
Tressy. Cappataggle Parish
John Tresey & Mary Kelley
Tresey b. 1 Sep 1844 of Ballinaclough [Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan] Sp. Owen Tresey & Peggy Spelm?.
Cappataggle Parish
Pat Tressy married Bridget Burke of Drought
[Kilreekill] 14 Feb 1858 Wit: Thady
Tressy & Mary Fitzpatrick. Cappataggle Parish
Bridget Treacy of Ardrus [Ardros Killallaghtan] married
Patt Garvey 22 Apr 1860 Wit: Michl Carney & Elenor Farrell. Cappataggle
John Tressy & Mary Halloran
Tressy b. 1 May 1860 of Balnaclogh [Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan] Sp. John Roane?
& Bridget Tressy. Cappataggle
Tressy b. 1 Nov 1861 of Balnaclogh Sp. Gil Clarke & Ellen Kelly.
Cappataggle Parish
* Follow
each other in register
Ann Treasy/Thressy, 28, spinster, spinster, lives
Ballamabilla [Ballymabilla
Killallaghtan], (d. of Danel Thressy,
farmer) married Thomas Bowes/Bose, 36, bachelor, farmer, lives Peak, (s. of
Mathew Bose, farmer) 27 February 1865 RC Chapel of Cappatagal Wit: Mathew Bowes
& Nasry? Connor [Killaun Ballinasloe PLU]
Laurence Treacy & Anne Raftery
John b. 5 July 1874 (LDS)
Patrick b. 5 September 1876 Ballinaclough (LDS)
History of St. Gabriels Hurling Club, London - Founded 1961 by P.J. Noone To write about the foundation
of St Gabriels hurling club I first have to describe the house where the idea
was born and discussed - 64 St. Margarets Road, Kensal Green. It was a house
of hurlers, musicians and visitors every night, just like a home from home.
This house was owned by Martin Treacy and his wife Bridie. They were
both very keen on music and hurling and were from Cappatagle, Co. Galway.
There were six lodgers in full board for Ł2.10s.0.d per week. Pete Crehan
R.I.P from Cappatagle, Tom Malone R.I.P from Kilconnell, Sean Malone R.I.P
(Toms brother), Raymond Roland R.I.P from Craugwell, Michael Greally from
Oranmore Maree and myself P.J. Noone from Cappatagle. It was here sitting by
the fire on a winters night that we first talked about forming our own
hurling club. The four people who were responsible for its foundations were
Packie Grealish (Carnmore), Marty Treacy (Cappatagle), Paddy Malone
(Kilconnell) and myself P.J. Noone (Cappatagle) – all Galway men !… |
Paddy Treacy of Galway;
All-Ireland Senior Flute Champion 1951, 1952, 1965. Set Dancing News Old news and reviews -
Volume 4 - 1999 That's what life is all about Dear Bill I teach set dancing for the past fifteen
years and my husband is Paddy Treacy, the well known flute player from
Galway. He comes from Cappatagle, a few miles west of Ballinasloe. A lot of
good musicians came from there. When Paddy moved to Dublin he went to the
Pipers Club in Thomas Street where he met Leo Rowsome, Willie Clancy, Bobby
Casey, Séan Seery, Kathleen Harrington, Sonny Brogan, John Joe Gannon, Paddy
O'Brien and lots more. He joined the Kincora Ceili Band and
J J Gannon and Bobby Casey. They played all over the country and would
be away every Sunday night. During this period he played in the Oireachtas
flute competition representing the Pipers Club. He got first three times and
in 1956 he won the Oireachtas Gold Medal receiving full marks which meant he
couldn't enter any more. He won first in the first and second Fleadhs. He
gave up playing with the Kincora as we had been married by then and had a
young family and Paddy didn't want to be away from home. A few years later Paddy O'Brien returned
from America and started the Lough Gowna Ceili Band so Paddy was asked to
join. They broadcast regularly and played in the Oireachtas band competition
and won three times. About fifteen years ago he started the Sheelin Ceili
Band with Seamus Meehan, Phil McMahon, F De Bruen and A Vaughan, Paddy
playing the C melody sax as well as the flute. He packed up the band a year
ago and just plays for set dancers in the Merchant Bar every Wednesday. He
has been there for the past eleven years. You might think that was near the
end of the music. No way, we have an open house with every flute player in
Dublin coming to play music. Great fun, lovely friends and that's what life
is all about. Of course Paddy being from Galway he has been set dancing since
he was a kid and enjoys coming to my classes and ceili with me. We have a
wonderful life and wonderful friends thanks to Paddy's music and being
involved in set dancing. I am enclosing a photo of Paddy taken last
Christmas. Hope you find this of some interest. Yours sincerely, Kaye Treacy, Terenure, Dublin |
Tressy & Peter/Petri Ruane/Rowan
Michael Ruane b. 18 Mar 1836 Sp. Brigt Thressy. Carabane Parish
Thos Ruane b. 20/21 Dec 1838 Sp. Jacobus Martin & Cath. Carabane Parish
Maria Rowan b. 27 Nov 1841 Sp. Catharina Hanley. Carabane Parish
Judith Tressy married John Doherty 26 Jan 1838 Wit: Peter Tressy & Patt Murray. Carabane Parish
Ellen Tressy married Patt Flemming 26 Feb 1838 Wit: Thady Flemming & Patt Murray. Carabane Parish
Patii Tressy & Sarah Corinacan?
Anna Tressy b. 1 Jul 1838 Sp. Michl & Mrs? Donohue. Carabane Parish
Jacobi Tressy & Honor Ryder
Mary Tressy b. 18/26 Aug 1838 Sp. P Murray & Honor Meehan. Carabane Parish
Judith Treacy & Johannis Quinn
Petrus Quinn b. 26 Aug 1838 Sp. Geoghgaus? & Brig Curly. Carabane Parish
Stephn Tressy & Margt Keane
Brig Tressy b. 10/20 Oct 1838 Sp. Thos McNamara & Brig Hynes?. Carabane Parish
Maria Tressey/Tressy & Johis/Johanis/Joannis Matthews/Mathews
Bridg Matthews b. 23/26 Jan 1838 Sp. Martinus Tressey & Maria Dermody. Carabane Parish
Maria Mathews b. 16/18 Feb 1841 Sp. Michl & Mrs Smyth?. Carabane Parish
Thomas Matthews b. 13 Aug 1843 Sp. Edmundas Murphy & Mrs Murphy. Carabane Parish
Joannes Mathews b. 26 Feb 1847 Sp. Patritis Smyth & Anna? Murphy. Carabane Parish *
Maria Mathews b. 13 Feb 1849 Sp. Thoma & Honora Calnas?. Carabane Parish
Michl Tressy & Sarah Coy
Brig Tressy b. 1/3 Feb 1839 Sp. Jeh Keane & Maria Gibbons. Carabane Parish
Maria Treasy & Joannis Burke
Maria Burke b. 20 Oct 1839 of Lr Tooloban [Tooloobauntemple Kilconickny OR Tooloobaunbeg Lickerrig] Sp. Brigida Curboy. Carabane Parish
Martini Tressy & Catharina Clarke
Elleonora Tressy b. 21 Jan 1842 Sp. Thadi? Tressy & Catharin Fox?. Carabane Parish
Judith Tressy & Johannis Gardiner
Johannes Gardiner b. 4? Jun 1842 Sp. Margarita Cunnin?. Carabane Parish
Elleonora Tressy & Patritii Flemming/Flemon
Petrus Fleming b. 19 Jun 1843 Sp. Bridt Flemming. Carabane Parish
Jacobus Flemming b. 23 Feb 1847 Sp. Petrus Tressy & Maria Tressy. Carabane Parish
Margarita Flemon b. 13 Jun 1849 Sp. Patritius Baneet & Maria Keogh. Carabane Parish
Thadius Flemming b. 17 Apr 1852 Sp. Michael & Maria Flemming. Carabane Parish
Patritius Flemming b. 5 Aug 1855 Sp. Brigida Grace. Carabane Parish
Maria Fleming b. 21 Feb 1858 Sp. Thomas Quirk & Margarita Quirk. Carabane Parish
Mary Tressy married Laurence Sheehan 7 May 1844 Wit: John Barrett & Elizabeth Barrett. Carabane Parish
Mary Tressy married Mick Burke 20 Jun 1844 Wit: James Hilligan? & Margt Cain?. Carabane Parish
Edmund Tressy married Bridget Roonan? 28 Nov 1844 Wit: John Roonan & Bridgt Gallagher. Carabane Parish
Edwardi Tressy & Brigida Rooney
Maria Tressy b. 15 Nov 1848 Sp. Joannes & Maria Rooney. Carabane Parish
Catherine Tressy married Michl Kelly 23 Jan 1845 Wit: Thomas Tressy & Bridgt Tressy. Carabane Parish
Joannis Tressy & Maria Kenedy
Joannes Tressy b. 7 Mar 1849 Sp. Jas Kenedy & Ca Cahahan?. Carabane Parish
Brigida Tressy & Joannis Hines
Brigida Hines b. 10 Mar 1849 Sp. Honora Tressy. Carabane Parish
Mary Tracey married John Fahy 20 Aug? 1850 Wit: Patt Miskell & Bridt Tully. Carabane Parish
Thoma Trassy & Brigida Hanafee
Brigida Trassy b. 31 Aug 1851 Sp. Thoma? Casy? & Maria McNamara. Carabane Parish
Maria Trassy & Martin Keogh
Joannes Keogh b. 18 Nov 1851 Sp. Thoma Martin & Hanoria Dolphin. Carabane Parish
Margareta Keogh b. 16 Feb 1853 Sp. Patritius Dolan & Margarita Cusboy. Carabane Parish
Ellenora Keogh b. 8 Sep 1857 Sp. Ellenora Donohoe. Carabane Parish
Cath Tressy married Thos McGan 22 Jul 1855 Wit: Wm & Honoria Dooley. Carabane Parish
Patritii Tressy & Elleonora Bergin
Joanna Tressy b. 13 Aug 1856 SP. Thomas Raftery & Maria Bergin. Carabane Parish
Bridget Tressy married James Redington 20 Apr 1858 Wit: Michael Mahony & Maria Tressy. Carabane Parish
Brigida Tressy/Tressey & Jacobi Reddington
Thomas Reddington b. 16 Dec 1861 Sp. Michael Burke & Maria Burke. Carabane Parish
Margarita Reddington b. 15/16 May 1864 Sp. Michael Martin & Anna Coleman. Carabane Parish
Timothy Tressy married Honour Martyn 25 Oct 1859 Wit: Martin Keogh & Mary Martyn. Carabane Parish
Thadeii?/Thadii/Thadeus Tressy & Honoria Martin/Martyn/TORN COPY
Thomas Tressy b. 20 Dec 1861 Sp. Michael Martin & Maria Tressy. Carabane Parish
Maria Tressy b. 29/30 Mar 1864 Sp. Jacobus Flemming & Nelly Tressey. Carabane Parish
Maria? Tressy b. 3/7 Jun 1866 Sp. Joanne Carty? & Maria Kenned?. Carabane Parish
Sarah Tressy b. 9/11 May 1868 Sp. Martin? Keough? & Maria Martyn. Carabane Parish
Honoria Tressy b. 28 Feb/26 Mar 1870 Sp. Laurentius Kennedy & Margta Keogh. Carabane Parish
Patricius Tressy b. 18/19 Feb 1872 Sp. Thadeus Flemming & Brigida Burke. Carabane Parish
Pat Tressy & Brigida Tressy
Maria Tressy b. 20 May 1861 Sp. Thadicius Tressy & Maria? Cisndthy?. Carabane Parish
Patritii/Patricii/Patii Tressy & Brigida Burke
Petrus Tressy b. 30 Jun 1863 Sp. Patritius Fliany? & Eliza Kelly. Carabane Parish
Eliza Tressy b. 20 Aug 1865 Sp. Thomas Keough & Bessy Burke. Carabane Parish
Joannes Tressy b. 25/27 Sep 1867 Sp. Gulielmus Dromody & Elizabeth Kelly. Carabane Parish
Michael Tressy b. 15/16 Sep 1868 Sp. Gulielmus Donohue? & Honoria Donohue. Carabane Parish
Catharina Tressy b. 27 Aug 1871 Sp. Thomas Burke & Catharina Burke. Carabane Parish
Patritius Tressy b. 28 Nov/31 Dec 1873 Sp. Patritius & Margarita Flemming. Carabane Parish
Brigida Tressy b. 21? Jul 1877 Sp. Petrus? Tressy & Maria Tressy. Carabane Parish
Maria Tressy & Michaelis Cronnolly/Cromnolly?
Maria Cronnolly b. 21/24 Jun 1865 Sp. Michael Kelly & Maria Kelly. Carabane Parish
Margarita Cromnolly b. 11/14 Apr 1867 Sp. Joannis Raftery & Honoria Fahy. Carabane Parish
Patricius Cronnolly b. 8/13 Mar 1870 Sp. Gulielmus Kelly & Honoria Kelly. Carabane Parish
Hanah? Cronnolly b. 12 May 1872 Sp. Patritius Dempsey? & Katharina Cronnolly. Carabane Parish
Bridget Tressy, spinster,
lives Gauty, (d. of Stephen Tressy,
labourer) married Michael Cassidy, of full age, bachelor, labourer, lives
Athenry (s. of Ml Cassidy, labourer) 2 November 1865 RC Chapel Loughrea Wit:
Michael Gilligan & Mary Rourke, their marks [Loughrea Loughrea PLU] signed
their marks
Bridget Tressy & Michaelis Cassidy
Michael Cassidy b. 12 Aug 1866 Sp. Michael McNamara & Margta Healy. Carabane Parish
Maria Cassidy b. 18/23 Aug 1868 Sp. Jacobo Tressy & Judith Raftar? . Carabane Parish
Joannes Cassidy b. 23/26 Apr 1870 Sp. Michael Finn & Maria Finn. Carabane Parish
Bridget Tracy & Michael Cassidy.
Michael J. Cassidy, 28, of Lex., b. in County Gallway, Ireland, s. of Michael
& Bridget (Tracy), m. Delia V. White, 18, d. of Michael & Ellen
(Welch), of Lex., June 21, 1894.
[from old catalog] Lexington. Record of births, marriages, and deaths to January
1, 1898 .. (Volume 2).
Maria Treacy & Thoma Heagney [see Leitrim Parish Galway]
Maria Anna Heagnery b. 2/3 Sep 1876 Sp. BLANK. Carabane Parish
Tracy married Cecily Burke 3
Apr 1837 Wit: Danl Tracy & Catt
Haddican. Dunmore Parish (Note: Cert to Denis
Tracy permission parochi sponsors de Kilcornan [Clarenbridge RC])
Clonfert (& Eyrecourt, Meelick)
Treacy born around 1790 - 1794 in Tynagh and Mary
Egan, born in 1811 in Loughrea. [see Tynagh]
Edward Treacy, born about 1830 probably in Tynagh or Killimor Galway
Michael Treacy/Trasy born in Killimor, Galway on 25 Mar 1852.
Edward Treacy & Bridget Boland 20
Jan 1857 Killimor John Boland
& Michael Burke [see Killimorbologue]
Edward Treac(e)y & Bridget Bolan/Boland
Catherine b. 15 December 1864 Eyrecourt (LDS)
Michael b. 8 November 1866 Eyrecourt (LDS)
Honoria b. 2 July 1871 (LDS)
James b. 12 July 1873 (LDS)
Elizabeth Treacey b. 24 Aug 1875 Galway,
Ireland (LDS SR) [Boland]
Convert: Cath Walsh alias
Treacy 15 Dec 1843 of Cugalla [Cagilla & Lisbeg Tithe record - between
Blacksticks and Ballyhoose, Clonfert Galway]. Loughmore and Castleiny Parish
Co. Tipperary [see Loughmore and Castleiny]
John Tracy & Celia/Secilia Tracy
Anne b. 4 September 1865 Eyrecourt (LDS)
Michael b. 4 April 1871 (LDS)
Michael Tracy & Mary Staunton
Ellen b. 20 April 1866 Eyrecourt (LDS)
Patrick Treacy & Mary Coolifs
Catherine b. 14 August 1878 Melick (LDS)
Patt Tracy & Bridget Gormerly
Bridget b. 28 April 1866 Eyrecourt (LDS)
Patrick/Patt Tr(e)acy & Mary Gormerly
Nicholas b. 11 February 1864 Eyrecourt (LDS)
John b. 6 September 1868 Eyrecourt (LDS)
John J. Tracy (b. circa 1871 Galway, Ireland d. 12 Jan 1946 Chicago, Cook, Illinois Age: 75) (s. of Patrick Tracy b. Galway, Ireland & Mary Gormedy b. Co. Galway, Ireland)
Occupation: Carpenter
Spouse: Mary
Burial Date: 15 Jan 1946
Burial Place: Hillside, Cook, Illinois
Cemetery: Mt. Carmel
Patt Tracy & Mary Stankard [see Tynagh]
Anne b. 10 December 1864 Eyrecourt (LDS)
Winifred b. 26 June 1867 (LDS)
Clonrush (see also Clare)
Daniel Treacy (son of Honora)
was born 1855 in Co Galway Ireland, and died date unknown. He married Catherine
(Hogan ?).
More About Daniel Treacy:
Occupation: Farmer.
Residence: 1901, Drummaan Boleynagoadh South Co Clare Ireland.
Children of Daniel Treacy and Catherine (Hogan ?) are:
xi. Daniel Treacy, b. 1904, Co Clare Ireland, d. date unknown.
Townlands of Clontuskert
Joannes Treacy & Maria Dougherty
Treacy b. 4 Mar 1828 of Karroked [Carrowkeel Clontuskert] Sp. Ricardus
Donallan. Clontuskert Parish
Brigida Treacy/Treasy & Carolius/Carolus Boyle
Boyle b. 7 Apr 1828 of Crowsnest [Clontuskert] Sp. Petrus M'Loughlin &
Maria Dempsey. Clontuskert Parish
Boyle b. 17 May 1830 of Crowsnest Sp. Joannes Broderick & Brigida Treasy.
Clontuskert Parish
Boyle b. 26/30 Sep 1832 of Crowsnest Sp. Joannes Bohane & Eleonora Madden.
Clontuskert Parish
Catharina Treasy of Kellysgrove [Clontuskert] married Thady
Meeley? 27 Jul 1829 Wit: James Finn & Nancy Jordan?. Clontuskert Parish
Pat Treasy married Rosa Barrette? of Lismanny Bella
[Lismanny & Ballagh Clontuskert] 3 May 1829 Wit: Hugh Kinahan, Michael
Kinahan & Fergus Barrette. Clontuskert Parish
Patritius Treasy/Treacy/Trassy & Rosa Barrett/Barret
Treasy b. 6 Mar 1830 of Lismany Sp. Thomas
& Maria Treasy. Clontuskert Parish
Brigida Treasy
b. 22 Dec 1831 of Lismany Callow** Sp. Michael Reilly & Anna Henehan.
Clontuskert Parish
Treasy b. 17 Mar 1834 of Callows Sp. Joannes Rodin & Catherina Treasy. Clontuskert Parish
Treacy b. 28/31 Jan 1841 Sp. Patritius
Treacy & Maria Donnelly. Clontuskert Parish
Treasy b. 25/30 Oct 1843 Sp. Thomas Heenahan & Maria Staunton. Clontuskert
Treacy b. 10/18 Jan 1846 Sp. Joannes Tully & Maria Treasy. Clontuskert Parish
Treacy b. 6 Jul 1848 Sp. Patritius
Treacy & Maria Whyte. Clontuskert Parish
Treacy b. 29 Jun/8 Jul 1850 Sp. Michael Navin & Brigida Treacy. Clontuskert Parish
Treacy b. 26 Jul/3 Aug 1853 Sp. Patritius & Eleanora Lorcan?. Clontuskert
Trassy b. 29 Sep/12 Oct 1856 Sp. Thomas
Trassy & Catherina White. Clontuskert Parish
** low
lying land
Jacobus Treasy & Catherina McDermotte
Treasy b. 3 Apr 1830 of Kellysgrove [Clontuskert] Sp. Thomas Cun(ringham?)
& Honona Kenney. Clontuskert Parish
treasy b. 18 Aug 1832 Sp. Patritius & Brigida Roe. Clontuskert Parish
Gulielimus Treasy & Maria Whelan
Treasy b. 2/15 Dec 1832 of Gragavoneen [Graigueawoneen Clontuskert] Sp. Michael
Mulvey? & Catherina Good. Clontuskert Parish
Treasy b. 24 Mar/16 Oct 1842 Sp. Patritius Connolly & Maria Crodick.
Clontuskert Parish
Treacy b. 14/22 Dec 1844 Sp. Patritius Madden & Anna Whelan. Clontuskert
Trassy married Patk Kelly 24 Jul 1856 Wit: Patrick Boland & Mary Seain.
Clontuskert Parish
Maria Trassy/Tracy/Tracey & Patritius Kelly
Kelly b. 26 Jun/5 Jul 1857 Sp. Lucas & Catherina Kelly. Clontuskert Parish
Kelly b. 30 Jun 1860 Sp. Michael & Margarita Flattery. Clontuskert Parish
Kelly b. 18 Feb/8 Mar 1863 Sp. Patritius
Trassy & Catherina Kelly. Clontuskert Parish
Kelly b. 30 Sep/15 Oct 1865 Sp. Jacobus & Catherina Kelly. Clontuskert
Kelly b. 13/27 Aug 1868 Sp. Michael Madden & B Dolan. Clontuskert Parish
Kelly b. 27 Jan/5 Feb 1870 Sp. Patritius Larkin & Anna Kelly. Clontuskert
Parish [duplicate]
Kelly b. 23 Dec 1872/4 Jan 1873 Sp. Joannes Mulvy? & Brigida Reilly.
Clontuskert Parish
Kelly b. 24 Apr/12 May 1876 Sp. Joannes Kelly & Maria Kelly. Clontuskert
Edvardus/Edmondus Trassy & Maria Bohan
Trassy b. 1/23 Sep 1860 Sp. Malachius Calahan & Eleanora Hanlon.
Clontuskert Parish
Trassy b. 8 Jul/3 Aug 1862 Sp. Joannes Seymour & Anna Havarty. Clontuskert
Cong (see also Mayo)
Thomas Tracy m. Catherine Butler 1878
[State Reg: Thomas Tracy Jan - Mar 1878 Oughterard Vol 4 Page 426]
Thomas Tracey & Kate Butler
Mary b. 12 July 1880 (LDS)
[Tracey, Daniel,
Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1887 4 340]
[Tracey, Patrick,
Oughterard, 4th Quarter 1889 4 319]
[Tracey, Kathleen
Anne, Oughterard, 2nd Quarter 1897 4 309]
[Treacy, Walter, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1899 4 305]
Mary Elizabeth Tracey (d. of Thomas Tracey & Catherine Butler),
domestic, 28 years, b. Co. Galway, Ire m. Patrick Joseph Mulvihill (s. of John
Mulvihill & Mary Carmody) coachman, 28 years b. Listowel Co. Kerry Ire on
26 Nov 1914 Newton, Boston, Massachusetts (LDS)
Bridget Tracey (d. of Thomas
Tracey & Katherine Butler)
Stitcher, 22 years, b. Ireland m. John O Connor (s. of Jeremiah O Connor &
Honora O Sullivan) Salesman, 26 years, b. Ireland on 25 Nov 1906 Boston, ,
Massachusetts (LDS)
Elizabeth Sara Tracey (d. of Thomas
J Tracey & Katherine Butler) House
keeper, 24 years, b. Ireland m. George Alvin Rogers (s. of Alvin Rogers &
Mary A Rogers) Mill operative, 20 years, b. Newbury on 03 Jul 1915 Georgetown,
Newbury, Massachusetts [Tracey, Elizabeth
Sarah, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1891 4 321]
[Tracey, Thomas, Oughterard, 2nd
Quarter 1893 4 311]
John Tracey (s. of Thomas Tracey & Catherine Butler)
Motorman, 30 years, b. Ireland m. Julia Higgins (d. of Patrick Higgins &
Mary Crane) Domestic, 30 years, b. Ireland on 27 Jan 1915 Brookline,
Massachusetts (LDS) [Tracey, John James, Oughterard,
3rd Quarter 1895 4 303]
1901 Census
Treacy, 42, M, 7 Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of
Family, Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 40, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co
Treacy, 20, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic,
Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 12, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not
Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 16, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farmers Daughter, Roman Catholic,
Daughter, Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 10, F, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter,
Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 8, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not
Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 5, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not
Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 2, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co
Treacy, 20, M, Carrick West, Cong, Galway, Farm Servant, Roman Catholic,
Nephew, Not Married, Co Galway
1911 Census
Thomas Treacy, 64, M, 21 Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (head, farmer)
Treacy, 50, F, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (married 7 years, 2 children, b.
Treacy, 11, M, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (son)
Treacy, 5, F, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (daughter)
Treacy, 0-8 months, M, Carrick, West, Cong, Galway (son)
Tommy Tracey
Born about 1855
in Cornamona, Co. Galway Died [date unknown] in Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Husband of Catherine Butler — b. September 12, 1857 in Cleggan, Co. Galway, married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Husband of Mary Shaughnessy — b. The Neale, Co. Mayo, married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Father of:
I'm searching for a set of Tracey siblings who emigrated from Galway, Ireland to the Boston area in the early 1900s. Possible names are Daniel, Patrick, and John. They changed the spelling of their surname from Treacy to Tracey when they came to the US. I want to determine whether or not our James Tracey/Treacy is also a sibling of this family. Our James was a US marine (WW1 & WW2) who eventually settled in New Jersey, but talked of having siblings in Boston. Most likely, James is of the Treacy family from Cornamona, Galway listed in the 1901 Irish Census. Parents were Thomas Treacy and Katherine Butler. Siblings Patrick, Daniel, Mary, Bridget, and Elizabeth are all found to have emigrated to Boston, as well as James. In Boston, they spell their surname as Tracy or Tracey.
TomIreland44 4 Feb 2014
for my ancestors.
My great grandfather was Michael Connolly and he was born
in 1831 approx in Strongfort Craughwell. He married Mary Raftery from
Garracloone Craughwell on 07-02-1860. Her parents were Patrick Raftery and
Ellenora Flemming. I would like to who their parents were and what siblings
they had.
I would also like to know about my great grand aunt. She
was Honoria Connolly from Strongfort, Craughwell. She married James Tracy on
10-02-1852. He may have been from Coolraugh, Ganty or Craughwell His father may
have been either Michael or Peter
Mary Connolly 11 September 2012
Treacy, Tracey |
NY, NJ |
From Dunmore |
On the History and Antiquities of the Parish of Dunmore, in the Baronies of Dunmore & Ballymoe, Co. Galway by the Rev. J. Neiry
Journal of the Galway Archaeological & Historical Society
ii. The
Ordnance Survey Letters
Of the Parish of Dunmore Tuam, Aug., 30th. 1838
Situation: This parish is bounded on the north by the county of Roscommon and the parish of 'Teampull a tochum' (Templetogher) in this county: on the east by the parish of Bweenaunagh (buidheanach) (Boyounagh) and Cloonbern (Clonbern): on the south by Cloonbern and the parish of Tuam in which a part of it is isolated: and on the west by the parish of Addragoole.
Name: In the Ancient Irish Annals, this place is called 'Dunmor,' signifying large 'Dun' or earthen fort: which is the true name, though present tradition interprets it as if it were written 'Dun Moire,' "the Dun of Moira," daughter of the great navigator Manannan.
History: Tradition says that this place took its name from an earthen fort rected by 'More' the daughter of 'Manannan,' with which a large castle was afterwards erected immediately after the English invasion of 'Haiste,' a distinguished Chieftan of the Conquest, the ancestor of the present people called 'Hosty,' now numerous in this part of the country. We have, ‘now’, no historical authority to prove when or by whom this castle of Dunmore was erected, but the tradition is vivid and I think true. It has been preserved by Donnell Treacy, who lives at the old Castle, from the lips of the poet Cormac O'Coman, who lived to the age of 110 and who was the living 'Fintan' (fountain) of the history of Connaught in his time.
Dr. O'Connor states in the Stowe catalogue that the Annals of Connaught are the best history for the Castles of Connaught. Do they mention this Castle of Dunmore (in Conmaice Kinel Dubhain - (modernised Divaney, Dwane and Divine, still in use) which was in later times called Dun Mor Fheorais?
The tradition preserved by old Treacey (note: and preserved by Tommie Treacey, grand-nephew of Donal according to Rev. Neary), from the mouth of the poet O'Coman, is that the noble 'Haiste' (Hosty Merrick was killed in 1272, 'Annals of Lough Cé', and buried at Annaghboggan near Lake Beltra, Burrishoole), the son of Membric, a distinguished warrior of the Welsh nation, commenced erecting a castle a short distance to the west of where Dunmore Castle now stands, but that the fairy who presides over the place, Mor ni Mananain, not wishing that he should erect his fortress there, destroyed by night as much as his masons had erected by day, and that she continued to do so for several nights until Haiste consulted a Magician, who told him that Mor-Ny-Mhanannain did not wish him to place his fortress there, but that she would be willing to allow him erect it on the site of her own fort, and Hasty, taking the advice of the Sage, and seeing the old 'Dun' a favourable position, immediately commenced to build there, and More, being delighted to view so lofty a pile towering over the humble mounds of her ancient fortress, suffered no fairy to interrupt the work.
Hosty was not long in the quiet possession of this Castle when Bermingham came hither from the north, where he was after gaining a great victory, and drove him out of it partly by force and partly by treachery ; and his descendants who assumed the name of Mac-orish, maintained possession of it until the wars of Ireland, when Col. Hoath drove them out. This is all that tradition remembers of this fortress.
The Castle stands on a small hill over a rivulet about a quarter mile to the west of the little town of Dunmore. The hill seems to have been originally crowned with an earthen 'Dun', from which the name, but it is now so effaced that no idea can be drawn as to the extent or character. The entire hill was enclosed by a strong wall now almost entirely destroyed, some of it scattered about in massy fragments, and some tumbled in the rivulet.
The Castle itself is a square building, measuring on the inside 45 feet in length and 27 in breadth, and, as well as I could judge by the eye, 60 in height. Walls 7 ft. thick. It had three lofts, as appears from the windows and the holes for joists. It certainly does not appear to be the fabric erected by Hosty-Mac-Membric. The Four Masters have collected the following Annals of this place, from which it appears that it was an ancient Irish Military station before the arrival of the Anglo-Norman and Welsh families.
"1133, Cormac MacCarthy and Conor O'Brien led an army into Connaught and killed Cathal O'Conor Raydamna of Connaught and O'Flynn, chief of Sil-moc-lomain, and the demolished Dunmugdorn and Dun-More, and plundered a great part of the country."
"1143, Morogh O'Melaghlin, King of Meath, was most treacherously taken prisoner by King Turlogh O'Conor, and confined with other Meathian prisoners in Dun-More."
"1159, Murtagh MacLoughlin (presumptive monarch of Ireland) with the nobles of Kinel-Connell, Kinel-Owen and Oriel, marched an army into Connaught and burned Dun-More, Dun-Ciar and Dun na ngall and devastated a great part of the country."
These three notes are antecedent to the period of Hosty Mac Membric. The following are subsequent to it:
"1249, Dunmore was burned by he sons of the King of Connaught."
"1271, Matthew O'Conor was killed by the English of Dunmore."
"1284, Dunmore was burned by Fiachra O'Flynn."
"1569, Sir Henry Sydney took (the Castle of) Dunmore Mac-Feorais and Roscommon."
Archdall is wrong in making this the 'Domhnach padraig' of the Tripartite, as we shall show when treating the parish of Donagh-patrick. It is sufficient here to observe that the two names are not identical, and that Dun-more is not a corruption of Domhnach-more as Donshaughlin in Meath of Domhnach Seachlainn. ‘It is possible that it could be a corruption of it,’ but, we know from history that it is not.
We therefore come to the historical conclusion that there was no abbey at Dun-mor in Cor-maicne Kinel-Dubhain until the year 1425, when Walter de Birmingham, Lord Baron of Athenry, erected there a friary for Augustinian Eremites. The remains of this house are in the same state as described by the French artists in 1779:
"This Abbey is in the town of Dunmore, and, I believe, was much larger, but cannot be traced as the ground is level and no ruins about, it being a kind of market, the part A. on the plan is a waste, the arches built up, and B. is converted into a parish church where service is performed. Over the door C. are arms and an inscription which I copied. Said to be built by the Lords of "Athenry".
Records Anne
Tracey, Gortnagoyne, Dunmore, Kilkenny [Galway], 1833 Daniel
Trassy, Castle, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833 Denis
Preacey [Treacey], Carrowneseer Carrowcunnipp & Shruel [Carrownaseer],
Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833 Felix
Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833 John
Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833 Thomas Treacey, Knockatee Ballydonelan, Dunmore, Kilkenny, [Galway] 1833 |
Valuation 1855
Bartholomew Tracy Kilnalappa Dunmore Galway Bartholomew Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Bartholomew Tressy Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Daniel Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway Hugh Tracy Meenleana Dunmore Galway James Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway John Tracy Timadooaun Dunmore Galway Patrick Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway Patrick Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway Patrick Tressy Knockatee West Dunmore Galway Thomas Tracy Dunmore Dunmore Galway Thomas Tracy Knockbally Vishteal Dunmore Galway Thomas Tressy Knockatee East Dunmore Galway |
1880’s Fenians [see Mavis Darcy
“In Dunmore the ‘centre’, I think, was Pat
Treacy, a shoemaker.”
Ryan, Mark Francis (1946) Fenian Memories.
M Treacy (b. 22 October 1795
Snipehill Roscommon d. 2 November 1889 Carrowkeel Galway) m. Martin Finaghty
(1783-1851) 11 February 1809 Snipehill Roscommon
Bernadus Bryan Finnerty 1813-1856
Tracy & Winifred/Mary
Peter Martin Tracy b. 30 Oct 1833 Sp. Pat MacDonagh
& Mary Mulkeen. Dunmore Parish
Hugh Tracy b. 23 Apr 1835 of Dunmore [Dunmore]
Sp. Pat Ryder & Brigit Collins. Dunmore Parish
Michael Tracy b. 9 Oct 1837 of Dunmore Sp. Pat
MacIntire & Briget Kelly. Dunmore Parish
Denis Tracy b. 23 Nov 1838 of Dunmore Sp. Andrew
Maddan & Briget Grady. Dunmore Parish
Winifred Tracy b. 26 May 1841 of Dunmore Sp. Pat
Raftery & Mary Guff. Dunmore Parish
Tom Treacy Bridget Thomas Bridget Poet & Concannon Treacy Treacy
Shoemaker Treacy 1850-1927 Reilly Castle Farm Dunmore 1927 More photos…Mavis
Darcy webpage
Hubert Tracy married Eleanor Ruane
3 Dec 1825 Wit: Denis Tracy &
Sarah Bourke. Deanery of Dunmore
Tracy & Elleen Ruane
Patrick Tracy b. 26 Jan 1836 Missliana?
[Meenleana Dunmore] Sp. Edmd Ruane & Mary Coghlan. Dunmore Parish
Ellen Tracy b. 28 Aug 1838 Carnaseer
[Carrownaseer Dunmore] Sp. Margaret
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Ellen Rush
Margaret Tracy b. 10 Feb 1835 Sp. Peter Rush
& Mary Tracy. Dunmore Parish *
1872 Boston Pilot
Of Philip Tracy,
aged 31 years, a native of Menlena, Dunmore, county Galway, who left Brooklyn,
N. Y., July 4, 1867; when last heard from, two years ago, was in Cedar City,
Callaway county, Mo. Information of him will be received by his wife, Mary
Tracy, care of Thomas McLaughlin, No. 186 Navy street, Brooklyn, N. Y
Felix Tracy & Judith Commons
Mary Tracy b. 16 July 1833 Sp. Pat Kelly
& Mary Higgins. Dunmore Parish
Stephen Tracy b. 5 Feb 1837 of Grange
[Dunmore] Sp. Pat Fallon & Sibina Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy &
Honor/Honoria/Winifred/Winny Lyons
Catherine Tracy b. 23 Sep 1833 of Quarter
[Dunmore] Sp. Michael Tracy &
Brigit Donelan. Dunmore Parish
Mary Tracy b. 8 Aug 1835 of Knockatee [Dunmore]
Sp. John Tracy & Siby Lyons.
Dunmore Parish
Brigit Tracy b. 11 Feb 1838 of Knockatee Sp. Pat Tracy & Winifred Crowe. Dunmore
Catharine Tracy b. 8 Aug 1840 of Knockatee Sp.
Thomas Scahill & Mary Brogan. Dunmore Parish
Sibina Tracy b. 27 Aug 1843 of Knockatee Sp. Pat Tracy & Mary Forde. Dunmore
Tracy & Thomas Coughlan
Mary Coughlan b. 16 Dec 1833 Sp. Michael
Cullinan & Mary Coughlan. Dunmore Parish
Patrick Coghlan b. 17 Feb 1838 of Carnaseer
[Carrownaseer Dunmore] Sp. Mary Egan. Dunmore Parish
Tracey & Pat Ruane
Evelina Ruane b. 30 Dec 1833 Sp. John Hosty
& Mary Hosty. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Mary Kearns/Kirrane
Bridget Tracy b. 2 Jan 1834 Sp. Michael Gowlan
& Mary Tracey. Dunmore Parish
Margaret Tracy b. 9 July 1836 Gortnalia
[Gortnalea Dunmore] Sp. Denis Tracy
& Mary Kearns. Dunmore Parish
Tracey married Thomas Cruise 15
Jan 1834 Wit: James Tracy &
Catherine Donelan. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Thomas
Mary cruice b. 14 Apr 1837 Sp. Briget Lally.
Dunmore Parish
Michael Cruise b. 12 Dec 1841 Sp. Michael
Griffin & Mary Donelan. Dunmore Parish
Catharine Cruise b. 24 Oct 1845 of Bellwall
[Ballinphuill? Tuam] Sp. Ellen Morris. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Cormac Commons 2
Feb 1834 Wit: James Sheridan & Bernard MacHugh. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Cormac Commons
Patrick Commons b. 17 Feb 1835 of Ballagh
[Dunmore] Sp. Peter Commons & Mary Parkinson. Dunmore Parish
Thomas Commons b. 3 Mar 1838 of Ballagh Sp. Pat
Donelan & Ann Redington. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Mary Rattigan 9
Feb 1834 Wit: Thomas Gibbons & Mary Redington. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Mary
Catharine Tracy b. 13 Feb 1835 Sp. Daniel Tracy & Catharine Doonlan.
Dunmore Parish
John Tracy b. 27 Sep 1836 of Knockatee [Dunmore]
Sp. Thomas Scahil & Siby Lyonms. Dunmore Parish
Mary Tracy b. 10 Jul 1839 of Knockatee Sp. John Tracy & Honor Lyons. Dunmore
Brigit Tracy b. 24 Jun 1841 of Knockatee Sp. Denis Tracy & Catharine Tracy.
Dunmore Parish (LDS film 1279206 p.189)
Hugh Tracy b. 28 Dec 1845 of Knockatee Sp. Owen
Judge & Mary Judge. Dunmore Parish
M Darcy Mavis Darcy
Tracy married Ellen Feeny/Feany
5 Mar 1834 Wit: Richard Feany & Briget Fleming. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Mary Feeny
Mary Tracy b. 30 May 1836 of Castle [Dunmore]
Sp. Richard Feeney & Winny Devine. Dunmore Parish
Brigit Tracy b. 14 Aug 1838 of Sorriltown [?]
Sp. Edmund Fitzpatrick & Mary Keady. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Ellen Finigan
Patrick Tracy b. 23 Jan 1835 Knockatee [Dunmore]
Sp. Pat Tracy & Brigit Hely.
Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Pat Kelly
Patrick Kelly b. 29 Mar 1834 Sp. Maria Reilly.
Dunmore Parish
Briget Kelly b. 2 Feb 1837 of Knockatee
[Dunmore] Sp. Barthw Tracy & Sibina
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Mary Kelly b. 3 Jun 1845 of Knockatee Sp. Pat
Collins & Ann Tracy. Dunmore
Tracy & Ann Tracy
Michael Tracy b. 24 Jul 1834 Sp. Domk [Dominick] Tracy & Briget
Burke. Dunmore Parish
Hugh Tracy b. 11 Jun 1837 of Carnaseer
[Carrownaseer Dunmore] Sp. Thomas Tracy
& Margaret Ruane. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Mary BLANK
Margaret Tracy b. 9 Feb 1835 Sp. John Tracy & Brigit Tracy. Dunmore
Tracy married Eleanor Byrne 26
Feb 1835 Wit: James Waldron & Brigit
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Eleanor Byrnes
Briget Tracy b. 20 Apr 1835 Sp. Stephen Slattery
& Brigit Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Margaret Tracy b. 17 Jun 1837 of Quarter [Dunmore]
Sp. Thomas Patten & Briget Byrne. Dunmore Parish
Thomas Tracy b. 11 Feb 1840 of Quarter Sp. Mat
Martin & Ann Redington. Dunmore Parish
Patrick Tracy b. 28 Jul 1844 of Quarter Sp.
Michael Byrne & Bridget Slattery. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & William Picket
William Picket b. 6 Jun 1835 of Quarter
[Dunmore] Sp. Pat Picket & Margaret Conolly. Dunmore Parish
Bernard Tracy & Mary Donely (Donelan LDS)
James b. 19 Sep 1835 Gortmagine [Gortnagoyne
Dunmore] Sp. James Collins & Margt Costillon. Dunmore Parish
Bryan Tracy & Mary Donely
Ann b. 28 July 1838 Gortnagine Sp. Michael
Fallon & Brigit Collins. Dunmore Parish
Bryan Tracy & Mary Donelan
Mary b. 5 Feb 1843 Gortnagguine Sp. James
Tracy & Brigit Mannion. Dunmore Parish
Owen Tracy b. 5 July 1849 Sp. Catharine
Shenahan? Dunmore Parish
Bridget Tracy
married Michael Beirne 10 Jan 1836 Wit: Cormack Commons & John Blake.
Dunmore Parish
Malachy Tracey married Briget Tracy 11 Feb
1836 at Liskeevy [Liskeevy] by Rev. Pat Garvey. Dunmore Parish [Addergoole RC]
Patrick Tracy b. 5/1/1838 Knockatee [Dunmore]
Sp. Pat Kelly & Mary Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Pat Costelloe
Patrick Costelloe b. 8 Jul 1836 of Flaskagh
[Dunmore] Sp. Wm Costelloe & Mary Costelloe. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Andrew Qualter
Sibina Qualter b. 29 Sep 1836 of Knock
[Knockatee? Dunmore] Sp. Peter Cullinan & Bridget Qualter. Dunmore Parish
Dick Dowling, Galway's Hero of Confederate
Dowling was born in 1837, the year Texans were celebrating their first
anniversary as citizens of an independent republic and Galwegians were reading
the inaugural issues of The Tuam Herald. The second of nine children born to
Pat and Bridget Qualter Dowling of Knock (Milltown), County Galway, Dick was
baptized in the Church of St. Nicholas, Parish of Dunmore on January 14, 1837
as recorded by The Very Reverend Doctor Martin Loftus. His baptismal sponsors
were Richard Dowling and Mary Qualter nee Tracy, his paternal uncle and
maternal aunt by marriage.
Ann Caraway Ivins
and Timothy Colllins (2005) Dick Dowling, Galway's Hero of Confederate Texas.
Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 57 (2005),
pp. 113- 138
Tracy & John Collins
John Collins b. 4 Mar 1837 of Knockatee
[Dunmore] Sp. Michael Fallon. Dunmore Parish
Catharine Collins b. 27 Jul 1839 of Knockatee
Sp. James Collins & Mary Collins. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Cecily Burke 3
Apr 1837 Wit: Danl Tracy & Catt
Haddican. Dunmore Parish (Note: Cert to Denis
Tracy permission parochi sponsors de Kilcornan [Clarenbridge RC])
Tracy & Mary Grady
James Tracy b. 10 Jul 1837 of Gortnagine
[Gortnagoyne Dunmore] Sp. Pat Collins & Mary Donelan. Dunmore Parish
Owen Tracy b. 5 Aug 1842 of Gortnaine Sp. Thomas Tracy & Sibina Tracy.
Dunmore Parish
1. Owen Treacy married Mary Grady. No date or place.
1.1 Bridget b. c 1834, married Bernard Reynolds;
1.2 Mary b. before 1836, married John Mackin;
1.3 Anne b. before 1837, married Patrick Boyle;
1.4 James Joseph b May 14, 1837, Gortnagoyne,
Galway, married Bridget C Boyle;
1.5 Owen bapt. 5/8/1842 Gortnagine Dunmore
Parish (Spon Thomas Tracy & Sibina Tracy)
Steve Treacy, Anchorage, Alaska, got in touch a
few years ago. Steve's grandfather, son of James, was James Patrick, b in
Gort-na-Goyne near Dunmore. His family ended up in Garrett Co, MD. Mary thinks
they're related.
Anne Trassy married Pat Boyle 5 Mar 1855 Wit: Michl Manion
& Peggy Trassy. Dunmore Parish
Tracey & Patt Boyle
Mary Boyle b. 16 Mar 1856 of ?rtnaguie
[Gortnagoyne Dunmore] Sp. John Boyle & Bridt
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
John Boyle b. 20 Jun 1858 of Gortnagine Sp. P.
Grady & Mary Collins. Dunmore Parish
Tracey & Brigida Boyle
Elleonora Tracey b. 15/16 Nov 1877 of Gortnagyne
[Gortnagoyne Dunmore] Sp. Daniel Corcoran & Elleonora Tracey. Dunmore Parish
James Tr(e)acy/Treasy & Bridget Boyle
Mary b. 29 January 1866 Dunmore (LDS)
Patrick b. 24 March 1867 (LDS)
Eugene b. 9 June 1868 Dunmore (LDS)
Bridget b. 20 September 1869 (LDS)
Anne b. 12 May 1873 (LDS)
Margaret b. 18 December 1874 Gortragoyne (LDS)
James b. 9 July 1876 (LDS)
Owen Thomas Treacy born Febuary 15, 1873, in Ireland.
Died December 4, 1945 in Oakland. Son of James and Bridget Boyle Treacy,
who settled in Oakland .
County Historical Society – 1953 The
Glades Star: Gorman - 1928. - Page 167
Martin Boyle
The name is the same, but I doubt this will be of any help to you. A distant cousin of mine, Martin Boyle, was a farmer on the land of my ancestrel Treacy ancestors in County Galway, near the town of Dunmore. More specifically the farm was in the township of Gortnagoyne. The Boyles had come from County Roscommon to County Galway in the 19th century, where they intermarried with the Treacys, my people.
Bill Treacy Bill Treacy 5 Jun 2001
Certificate to John Tracy 12/11/1837
Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Margaret Mannion
Mary Tracy b. 26 Sep 1838 of Tonbane [Tooreen
Dunmore] Sp. Michael Tracy & Mary
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Briget Tracy b. 4 Dec 1840 of Gurteen [Gorteen
Dunmore] Sp. Mary Ronan. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Bridget Tracy
Margaret Tracy b. 12 May 1839 of Knockatee
[Dunmore] Sp. Pat Collins & Bridgit
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Margaret Kirrane
18 Jan 1841 Wit: Thomas Sheill & Winifred
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
John Tracy & Mary Kirrane
Martin? Tracy b. 10 Nov 1843 Knockatee [Dunmore]
Spon Pat Tracy & Mary Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Honor Burke 4 Feb
1841 Wit: Denis Tracy & Mary Tracy.
Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Honor Burke
Thomas Tracy b. 20 Mar 1842 of Toubane [Tooreen?
Dunmore] Sp. Miochael Burke & Mary
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Ellen Tracy b. 5 Jun 1845 of Tonbane Sp. Honor
Lyons. Dunmore Parish
Tracy (b. about 1820 in
Knockatee) married Matthew Gavin 8 May 1841 Wit: James Maguire & Mary Fallon.
Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Mathew/Mat Gavin
Patrick Gavin b. 7 Mar 1842 of Knockatee
[Dunmore] Sp. Felix Tracy & Sibina
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Antony Gavin b. 25 Aug 1844 of Knockatee Sp.
John Fallon & Mary Fallon. Dunmore Parish
There seem to be no records covering the others.
In the 1861 Census the family had moved to
Bispham Street, Liverpool. Mathew was 40 a dealer in barrels, Win 38
seamstress, Patrick was a dock worker and lived down the street, Anthony
Charles 15 (really 17), Maryanne 11, Catherine Mary 8, and Winifred 6, all born
In 1861 Matt and Win were sharing 1 Bispham
Street with 3 other families. On June 3, 1881, Win died at 67 Bevington Hill,
Liverpool, of heart disease and facial neuralgia from an old facial injury, age
63. Her tombstone in Ford Catholic Cemetery reads "Winifred, Beloved Wife
of Mathew Gavin, Departed This Life 3rd June 1881 Aged 65 Years, of Dunmore, Co
Galway, May She Rest in Peace. This information is from Dr Anthony Carew, her
descendant. Mary Keogh thinks this Win may be a sister of the Pat who married
Win Carr. Tony disagreed.
M Darcy Mavis Darcy
Bartholomew Tracy married Cathi Tracy 6 Nov 1843 Wit Felix Tracy & Winny
Royan. Dunmore Parish (Note: Disp in 3ş
& 3ş cons)
Tracy & Kati Tracy
Michael b. 8/9/1844 Knockatee [Dunmore] Sp. Felix Tracy &
Brigit Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Batty Trasy & Catherine Trasy
Catty? [Mary crossed out] Trasy b. 4 Feb
1855 of Knockatee Sp. Pat Gilmore & Mary Gilmore. Dunmore Parish
Bartholomew Trasy & Catherine
John Trasy b. 20 April 1867 (LDS)
Delia Tracey,
21, of Newburyport, b. Co. Galway Ire, (d. of Bartholemew & Kate Tracey) [Bartholemew Tracey & Kate Tracey of
Dunmore? Co. Galway] m. Daniel Manning, 25, of Newburyport, Miner, b. Co.
Kerry Ire (s. of Owen & Kate Manning) 11 Jun 1878 Newburyport, Massachusetts
Mary Jane Tracy, 22, domestic, of Newburyport, b. Ireland (d. of Bartholomew Tracy & Catherine Tracy) m. Michael Coffill, 27,
ship carpenter, of Newburyport, b. Bath M? (s. of John Coffill & Ann
(Cartin) Coffill) 5 May 1884 Newburyport, Massachusetts
Sabina Tracy, Newburyport, 1886, Marriage, 370,
La...Ina [Sabina] Tracy, 20, of Newburyport,
domestic, b. Co. Galway Ire (d. of Bartley
& Catherine Tracy) m. John J. Keleher, 20, of Newburyport, Harnin?
maker, b. Co. Cork Ire (s. of John & N...[Nora] Keleher) 23 Nov 1886
Newburyport, Massachusetts
Tracy married John Jenings 5
Feb 1844 Wit: William Burke & Mary Murray. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & John Jenings
Mary Jenings b. 6 Sep 1844 of Kiltulla
[Kiltullagh Kilkerrin?] Sp. Margaret
Tracy. Dunmore Parish [Kilkerrin RC]
Tracy married Owen Wax 26 Feb
1844 Wit: Michael Lynagh & Margaret
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Margaret Mannion
Thomas Tracy b. 6 Mar 1844 Gurteen [Gorteen Dunmore] Sp. John Tracy & Mary Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Mary Brogan 12
June 1841 Wit: James Kearney & Winifred Kearney. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Mary Brogan
Owen Tracy b. 23 Dec 1844 of Cappaghs [Cappagh
Dunmore] Sp. Brigit Brogan. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Kate Tracy
Michael Tracy b. 8 Sep 1844 of Knockatee
[Dunmore] Sp. Felix Tracy & Brigit
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Bridget Grady 22
Mar 1845 Wit: Henry Grady & Susanna Tully. Dunmore Parish [see Mavis Darcy
Pat & Bridget Treacey/Tracy
Danl Treacey b. 2 Mar 1848 Sp. Patt Wilson &
Mary Treacey. Dunmore Parish (Note:
Mary Tracy b. 30 Mar 1853 of Dunmore [Dunmore]
Sp. Francis? McDonagh & Mary Grady. Dunmore Parish
Winifred Tracy b. 29 Mar 1855 of Dunmore Sp. Hugh Tracy & Catherine Fallon.
Dunmore Parish
Tracey & Bridt Grady
Bridt Tracey b. 16 Jan 1858 of Dunmore Sp. Danl
Grady & Mary Raftery. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Owen Mulkern
Catharine Mulkern b. 31 Aug 1845 of Cappagh
[Dunmore] Sp. Michael Tracy &
Margaret Heveran. Dunmore Parish
Bridgt Mulkeran b. 22 Dec 1855 of Cappagh Sp. Patt Tracey & Cath Kelly. Dunmore
Tracy married Malachy Egan 18
Feb 1846 Dunmore Parish Wit: Michael Conry & Maria Blake. Dunmore Parish
Treacey married Mary Dolan 2
Mar 1848 Wit: Patt Walsh & Cathe Connell. Dunmore Parish [Note: Cathe Treacy witness to William Ousley
& Catharine Riley, same date]
Dan Treacey b. 2/3/1848 Sp. Gau Wilson & Mary
Treacey. Dunmore Parish
Treacy married Sarah Slattery
16 May 1848? Wit: James Collins & Sibana Walsh. Dunmore Parish
Martin & Sibina/Serah Treacey
Mich Treacey b. 9 Sep 1848 Sp. Bridget Gellons.
Dunmore Parish
John treacey b. 12 Jan 1849 Sp. Patt & Honor Treacey. Dunmore
Tracy & Mary Tracy
Bridgety Tracy b. 8? May 1852 of Knock? Sp. Pat
Cooncannon & Ellen Cooncannon. Dunmore Parish
Tracey & Mary Concannon
Mary Tracy b. 7 Jan 1856 Sp. James & Brigd Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Pat & Catherine Tracy
Pat Tracy b. 20 Jul 1852 of Knockatee [Dunmore]
Sp. Pat Tracy & Mary Riely.
Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Rodger Donehoo 30
Nov 1852 Wit: P McDonnough & Mrs Mohen. Dunmore Parish
Trassy married Honl Dishean 25
Feb 1853 Wit: Hugh Trassy & Mary
Royan. Dunmore Parish
Tressy married Mary Breheny 27
Feb 1854 Wit: John Trasy & Mary
Corcoran. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Mary Breheny
John Tracy b. 11 Feb 1857 Sp. Mich Breheny &
Brid Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Brid Tracy b. 24/12/1859? Knockatee [Dunmore]
Sp. Wm Breheny & Bridgt Kelly. Dunmore Parish
& Mary Tracy
Catharine Tracy b. 14? Jan? 1855 of Knockatee
Sp. John Greeny? & Mary Corcornan?. Dunmore Parish
Trassy married Michl Ward 17
Jul 1854 Wit: Thos Ward & Margt Conor. Dunmore Parish
Anne Trassy
married Pat Boyle 5 Mar 1855 Wit: Michl Manion & Peggy Trassy. Dunmore Parish
[see Owen]
Tracey & Patt Boyle
Mary Boyle b. 16 Mar 1856 of ?rtnaguie
[Gortnagoyne Dunmore] Sp. John Boyle & Bridt
Tracy. Dunmore Parish
John Boyle b. 20 Jun 1858 of Gortnagine Sp. P.
Grady & Mary Collins. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Michl Joyce
Honor Joyce b. 7 Jul 1855 of Banballynore?
[Shanballymore Addergoole] Sp. Pat Ractlan? & Catherine Mullarky. Dunmore
Tracy & Mary Whelps
Honor Tracy b. 27 Nov 1856 Shrule [Dunmore] Sp.
Michl & Mary Lyons. Dunmore Parish
Trassy married Mary Cloonan 19
Feb 1857 Wit: Neill? Healy & Biddy Cloonan. Dunmore Parish
John Treacy/Treasy & Mary Cloonan
Mary b. 28 March 1864 Dunmore (LDS)
Bridget b. 18 November 1865 Dunmore (LDS)
Thomas b. 18 February 1868 (LDS)
Kate b. 25 September 1879 (LDS)
Tracey married Ellen Connelly
30 Jan 1858 Wit: Michl Nolan & Brid Connelly. Dunmore Parish
Tressy married Margt Heden 7
Nov 1858 Wit: John Gilmore & Maria Martin. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Eleanor Connelly
Catherine Tracy b. 16 Dec 1858 of Killnalap
[Kilnalappa Dunmore] Sp. Patt Tracy
& Bridget Fallon. Dunmore Parish
James Tracy/Treacy & Mary Glynn
Thomas Tracy b. 30 Dec 1858 of Knockatee
[Dunmore] Sp Jno Collins & Margaret
Tracy Dunmore Parish
Catherine b. 1 June 1868 (LDS)
Patrick b. 23 February 1871 (LDS)
Trassy & Cathne Fallen
James Trassy b. 31 Jul 1859 Sp. John & Brigt
Fallon. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Bridgt Connelly
of Belwell [Tobernaclug Dunmore] 10 Feb 1861 Wit: Michl Collins & Mary
Raftery. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Brigida Connelly
Catharine Tracy b. 26 Nov/12 Dec 1878 of Belcoell
Sp. Michael Tracey & Mary?
Mullansey. Dunmore Parish
Patrick Treasy, farmer of Bellwell, & Bridget Connely
Bridget Treasy
b. 14 May 1866 Bellwell parish of Dunmore. Patrick Treasy, father, Bellwell
[PLU Dunmore Glenamaddy Galway]
Patrick Trassy/Treacy/Treasy & Bridget Con(n)elly
Mary Trassy b. 1st July 1864 Dunmore, Galway (LDS)
Bridget b. 14 May 1866 Dunmore (LDS)
Margaret b. 6 August 1872 (LDS)
John b. 6 August 1872 (LDS)
Martin Treacy b. 12th October 1874, Belwell, Galway (LDS)
Tracy married Catharine Grady
of Camasur [Carrownaseer Dunmore] 21 Feb 1861 Wit: Denis? Tracy & Bridget
Connely?. Dunmore Parish
Patrick Treacey & Catherine Grady
Thomas b. 25 July 1865 Dunmore (LDS)
Trassy married John Guilmore 20
Mar 1861 Wit: Thos & Brigt Collins?. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Martin Baker of
Knocatie [Knockatee Dunmore] 26 Mar 1865 Wit: Pat Cunniff & Catherine Tracy. Dunmore Parish
Tracy married Patt Commons 9
Jan 1866 Wit: Antony Burke & Bt Heely?. Dunmore Parish
Tracy, full age, spinster,
" [labourer], lives Dunmore [Dunmore] (d. of Michael Tracy, labourer) married Patrick Commons, full age,
bachelor, labourer, lives Ballagh [Dunmore]], (s. of Cormac Commons, labourer)
9 February 1866 RC Chapel of Dunmore Wit: Anthony Burke & Bridget Grady,
their marks [Dunmore Tuam PLU] signed their marks
Mary Treacy married Pat Henehan? 22 Jan 1866 Wit: John Boroll? &
Catherine Rergan? Dunmore Parish
James Tracey, full age, widower, shoemaker, lives Dunmore [Galway?], (s. of Bernard Tracey, deceased, landholder) married Honor Eagan, Do [full age], spinster, lives Cashel [Kiltullagh], (d. of James Eagan, weaver) 1 November 1867 RC Chapel Grantahan Wit: Patt Henaghan & Ellen Eagan, their marks [Castlerea Castlerea PLU Roscommon] signed her mark
James Tracey married Honor Eagan of Cashel 1 Nov 1867 Wit: Patk Henaghan & Ellen Eagan. Kiltulla Parish
Treasy married John Scarry 30
Jan 1868 Wit: Hugh Treasy & Mary?
Treasy. Dunmore Parish
Tracey married Margaret Mannion
? Feb 1871 Wit: Daniel Tracey &
Bridget Mullarkey?. Dunmore Parish
Dyonisius/Dionysius Tracey/Treacy &
Margarita Mannion
Michael Tracey b. 19/23 Jan 1879 of
Minleena [Meenleana Dunmore] Sp. Joannis Retington & Maria Mannion. Dunmore
Thomas Treacy b. 18/30 Dec 1880 of
Maileena Sp. Matthias Kilgarriff & Bridgida Mannion. Dunmore Parish
Denis Trassy/Treacy & Margret/Margaret Manion/Mannion
Hugh b. 6 August 1872 (LDS)
Patrick Trassy b. 5th March 1874 Galway (LDS)
Ellen b. 20 August 1875 (LDS)
Mary b. 11 June 1877 (LDS)
Michael b. 1 May 1879 Minlcana (LDS)
From Menlena, Dunmore area of Co. Galway. I
have Dennis Treacy born 1830's and died 1919. I am looking for His
father. He was a farmer married to Margaret Mannion b.?
and died 1936.
Chris Treacy
D Am
[Daniel?] Trasy married Ellanor? Trasy 31 Mar 1873 Wit: Wm Ryan
& Bridlie? Trassy. Dunmore
Catharine Tracy married Michl? Duffy ? Jul 1874 Wit: Michl Higgins &
Catharine Finegan. Dunmore Parish
Treacy married Ellen Gleeson 7
Mar 1875 Wit: Pk Hart? & Biddy Coner. Dunmore Parish
Winnefred Tracy b. 20 April 1855, married Joannem (John) Finnegan Nov 9,
1875 at St Mary Catholic, Plainfield, Union, New Jersey (LDS). Two children,
John, died without issue, and Mame Finnegan Reilly (born April 21, 1877 and
died May 13, 1956), whose daughter was Sr. Winifred Mary Finnegan/Reilly.
Tracey & Brigida Boyle [see
Elleonora Tracey b. 15/16 Nov 1877 of Gortnagyne
[Gortnagoyne Dunmore] Sp. Daniel Corcoran & Elleonora Tracey. Dunmore Parish
James Tr(e)acy/Treasy & Bridget Boyle
Mary b. 29 January 1866 Dunmore (LDS)
Patrick b. 24 March 1867 (LDS)
Eugene b. 9 June 1868 Dunmore (LDS)
Bridget b. 20 September 1869 (LDS)
Anne b. 12 May 1873 (LDS)
Margaret b. 18 December 1874 Gortragoyne (LDS)
James b. 9 July 1876 (LDS)
Treacy & Thomas Kelly
Thomas Kelly b. 26 Nov/5 Dec 1878 of Canownanagh
[Carrowmanagh Dunmore] Sp. Patricius
Treacey & Margarita Reilly. Dunmore Parish
Tracey & Maria Cloonan
Catharina Tracey b. 20/25 Sep 1879 of Knock
[Knockatee? Dunmore] Sp. Joannes Brennan & Maria Tracey. Dunmore Parish
Tracy & Bridgida Concannon [see Mavis Darcy
Patricius Tracy b. 27 Sep/3 Oct 1880 of
Gortnagrgue [Gortnagoyne Dunmore] Sp. Hugs
Tracey & Hellena Tracey. Dunmore Parish
photograph |
Patrick Treacy
Birth Date: 7
Mar 1891 Birth Place:
Dunmore Co Galway, Ireland Age: 29 Residence: New
York City, New York and New Jersey Passport Issue
Date: 7 Apr 1920 Passport
Includes a Photo: Yes Emigrated
March 7th 1891 |
Patrick Treacy/Treasy & Honoria Langan Patrick William Treacy, b. 11 Aug 1861 (s. of ??? Treacy &
??? Langon) d. 12 May 1940 Alameda, California, United States James b. 1 April 1868 Dunmore, Gal (LDS) Annie E. Treacy, Aged 30, b. Mayo [Galway?] Ireland (d. of
Patrick Treacy & Honor Langan) m. Jeremiah S. Mcevilly, aged 32, b. Mayo
Ireland (s. of James Mcevilly & Julia Joyce) 25 Oct 1899 Butte, Silver
Bow, Montana Annie E Mcevilly b. 1 Aug 1870 (d. of ??? Treacy & ???
Langan) d. 22 Jan 1947 Alameda, California, United States John b. 10 May 1870 Dunmore, Gal (LDS) [Treasy] Patrick W. Treacy For over twenty years Patrick W. Treacy has been engaged in business
for himself in Oakland, and while he has accumulated a competence, he has
also won a position among the men of integrity and honesty who command a
place as worthy citizens. He is a native of Ireland, his birth having
occurred in County Galway; his parents, Patrick and Honor (Langan) Treacy,
both died in their native land. In Ireland, Patrick W. Treacy married Miss
Mary Higgins. and with her sought a new home among the more abundant
opportunities of the western world. They came first to San Francisco,
and thence to Oakland, this being about twenty-eight years ago. By trade he
was a painter and decorator, a business which he began to follow as soon as
he located permanently in this city. For a few years he worked for others,
then in I884 established an independent business, since which time he has
carried on a lucrative business. He now employs from six to eight men the
year round, and for the character of his work as well as the promptness and
dispatch with which orders are executed, has won an enviable reputation. Mr. and Mrs. Treacy have eight children, all in school, namely:
Nora, Mary, Helen, Eugene, Agnes, Thomas. Stephen and Wilfred. Mr. Treacy is
associated fraternally with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and St.
Joseph’s Benevolent Society of St. Patrick’s Parish, West Oakland, Cal. History of the State of
California and Biographical Record to Oakland and Environs: Also Containing
Biographies of Well-known Citizens of the Past and Present, Volume 2. 1907 1910 Census - Oakland Ward 6,
Alameda, California Head
Patrick W Treacy M 45 Ireland
Immigration 1895 Wife
Mary H Treacy F 47 Ireland Daughter
May Treacy F 21 California Daughter
Lilicon Treacy F 19 California Son
Eugine Treacy M 17 California Daughter
Agnes Treacy F 14 California Son
Thomas Treacy M 12 California Son
Steven Treacy M 8 California Son
Wilfred Treacy M 5 California 1920 Census - Oakland,
Alameda, California Household
Gender Age Birthplace Head
Patrick W Tracy M 54 Ireland, Immigration 1887 Wife
Mary Tracy F 54 Ireland Son
Eugene L Tracy M 27 California Son
Thomas R Tracy M 22 California Son
Stephen A Tracy M 18 California Son
Alfred Tracy M 14 California |
Passport photograph Patrick Treacy Born: 6 Aug
1872 Dunmore, Ireland Age: 50 Residence: 35
years at San Francisco & Oakland, California Passport Issue
Date: 4 Jun 1923 Going to
Ireland to visit relatives on Carmania from New York 16 June 1923 Father: Patrick
Treacy, Ireland, Deceased Emigrated:
from Queenstown April 1888 Natralised: 8th
Aug 1894 San Francisco |
Other church records:
29/3/1833 Hugh Tracy & Ann O’Connor spon
to baptism of John to Philip King & Mary Conyagham Dunmore Parish
2/4/1833 Edmond Tracy & Eleanor
Cravan spon to baptism of Margarete to William Nolan & Margaret Cadder
Dunmore Parish
23/5/1833 Catherine Tracy & Michael
Corry witnesses to wedding of Michael Corry & Brigit Diskin Dunmore Parish
19/3/1833 Brigit Tracy & Thomas
MacNally witnesses to wedding of Myles Hosty & Sally Kirwan Dunmore Parish
25/11/1833 James Tracy & Mary Tracy
spon to baptism of Hubert to Michael Jordan & Mary Dunmore Parish
2/12/1833 James Tracy & Penelope
MacDonagh spon to baptism of Margaret to Thomas Kelly & Bridget Dunmore
1/2/1834 Winifred Tracey & Luke
Martin spon to baptism of Peter to John Collins & Ann Dunmore Parish
11/2/1834 Hugh Tracy witness to wedding
of Thomas Gibbons & Mary Wax Dunmore Parish
2/5/1834 Mary Tracey & Cormac Commons
spon to baptism of Briget to Peter Commons & Briget Miskill Dunmore Parish
15/7/1834 Hugh Tracey & Briget Fallon
spon to baptism of Catherine to Luke Fleming & Catherine Feany Dunmore
30/9/1834 Pat Tracy & Margaret Kialy
spon to baptism of Honoria to Michael Mastin & Briget Mannion Carrainana
Dunmore Parish
26/2/1835 Pat Tracy & Celia Corly
witnesses to wedding of Bryan Waldrow & Brigit Dillon Dunmore Parish
19/7/1835 Mary Tracy & Bryan Diskin
spon to baptism of Honoria to Thomas Hoban & Mary Diskin Ikarrymount
Dunmore Parish
21/1/1836 Hugh Tracy & Sally Murray
spon to baptism of Brigit to Thos Geoghegan & Eleanor Collins Killeorey
Dunmore Parish
7/2/1836 Mary Tracy & Peter Kelly
witnesses to wedding of John Kelly & Eleanor Ronan Dunmore Parish
13/5/1836 Mary Tracy & Lawrence
Kennedy spon to baptism of Mary to Pat Mannion & Mary Carney Flaslsagh
Dunmore Parish
28/5/1836 Pat Tracy & Sara Cussons
spon to baptism of Henry to Stephen MacNamara & Judith Bryan Dunmore
Dunmore Parish
3/8/1836 Denis Tracy & Eleanor Ruand
spon to baptism of Patrick to James Connor & Honor Ricran? Flaskagh
Dunmore Parish
6/11/1836 Pat Tracy spon to baptism of
Catherine to Michael Mitchell & Brigit Flemming Gorthialia Dunmore
14/11/1836 Pat Tracy & Sibina Tracy
spon to baptism of Sibina to Pat Kelly & Margaret Costigan Flaskagh
Dunmore Parish
22/12/1836 Hugh Tracy & Brigit Feeny
spon to baptism of Thomas to Luke Flemming & Cath Feeny Clooneen Dunmore
8/1/1837 Martin Tracy & Margaret
Geraghty spon to baptism of Michael to James Diskin & Margaret Henaghan Kilnalapha
Dunmore Parish
14/1/1837 Ann Tracy & John Mitchell
spon to baptism of Mary to Peter Doory & Mary Keane Parkeagh Dunmore
14/1/1837 Mary Tracy & Richard
Dowling spon to baptism of Richard to Pat Dowling & Bridget Qualter Knock
Dunmore Parish
16/3/1837 Thomas Tracy & Wat Carney
witnesses to wedding of Michael Carney & Margaret Costelloe Dunmore Parish
20/6/1837 James Tracy & Ann Tracy
spon to baptism of Judith to John Lynagh & Brigit Kelly Gortmagine
Dunmore Parish
10/9/1837 Mary Tracy & James Ronan
spon to baptism of Patrick to John Kelly & Eleanor Ronan Cathill
Dunmore Parish
26/12/1837 Sibina Tracy & Walter
Kearney spon to baptism of Sibina to Michael Kearney & Margaret Costelloe Flaskagh
Dunmore Parish
3/9/1838 Bryan Tracy & Mary Grady
spon to baptism of James to James Bowens & Brigit Donelan Gortnagine
Dunmore Parish
22/10/1835 Hugh Tracy & Mary Connor
spon to baptism of Honoria to James Connor & Honor Ruane Flaslagh
Dunmore Parish
14/4/1839 Thomas Tracy & Margaret Tracy
spon to baptism of Mary to Thomas Mahon & Cath Finaghty Gurteen Dunmore
4/6/1839 Mary Tracy & Bernard Malone
spon to baptism of Mary to Robert Gough & Ellen Hanley Dunmore
Dunmore Parish
26/1/1840 Thomas Tracy & Margaret Tracy
spon to baptism of Patrick to Thomas Carney? And Brigit Kearny Carasuana
Dunmore Parish
16/2/1840 Hugh Tracy & Anne Judge
witnesses to wedding of Thomas Kerrane & Mary Kearns Dunmore Parish
3/3/1840 Mary Tracy & Pat Gleason
witnesses to wedding of Thomas Gleason & Catherine Ronan Dunmore Parish
9/3/1840 Hugh Tracy & Mary Bu??? spon
to baptism of Catherine to John Burke & Mary Donelan Billurle
Dunmore Parish
10/3/1840 Thomas Tracy spon to baptism of
Patrick to Pat Larkin & Mary ? Dunmore Parish
3/9/1840 Hugh Tracy & Briget Conry
witnesses to wedding of Luke Martin & Mary Conry Dunmore Parish
21/1/1841 Mary Tracy & Thomas Ratigan
witnesses to wedding of James Ratigan & Mary Qualter Dunmore Parish
20/7/1841 Thomas Tracy & Brigit
Gerathy spon to baptism of Mary to John Mannion & Maria Keane Clooneen
Dunmore Parish
9/3/1842 Mary Tracy spon to baptism of
Margaret to Thady Lamir? & Brigit Burke Clonagh Dunmore Parish
2/6/1842 Mary Tracy spon to baptism of
John to James Ratigan & Mary Qualter Knock Dunmore Parish
3/11/1842 Catherine Tracy & Michael
Kelly spon to baptism of Ellen to John Kelly & Ellen Ronan Cathill
Dunmore Parish
8/1/1843 Sabina Tracy spon to baptism of
Winifred to Pat Dowling & Mary Qualter Knock Dunmore Parish
26/2/1843 James Tracy & Anne Bowesas?
witnesses to wedding of William Jordan & Honor Mullin Dunmore Parish
5/2/1844 Pat Tracy & Mary Tracy
witnesses to wedding of Thomas Ryan & Margaret Molarky Dunmore Parish
27/12/1844 Martin Tracy & Brigit
Dogherty spon to baptism of Margaret to Thomas Scahill & Margaret Dogherty Knockatee
Dunmore Parish
26/1/1845 Catherine Tracy & Thomas
Magrath witnesses to wedding of James Dolan & Winifred Qualter Dunmore
28/1/1845 Mary Tracy & David Geraghty
witnesses to wedding of Thomas Diskin & Ellen Mitchell Dunmore Parish
20/2/1845 James Tracy & Briget Neill
spon to baptism of Patrick to Pat Grady & Brigit Neill Clooneen
Dunmore Parish
10/8/1845 Martin Tracy & Catherine
Nolan spon to baptism of Mary to John Scarry & Margaret Noone Kilmalapha
Dunmore Parish
10/8/1845 Thomas Tracy & Mary Tracy
spon to baptism of John to Thomas Donilan & Mary Mannion Billivall?
Dunmore Parish
2/2/1848 Cathe Treacy & Mich Ausley
witnesses to wedding of William Ousley & Catherine Niley Dunmore Parish
27/5/1849 Margaret Treacey spon to
baptism of John to John & Margaret Skarry Dunmore Parish
7/10/1849 Pall Treacey & Shima ? spon
to baptism of Sarah to John & Mary O’Rarane? Dunmore Parish
3/12/1849 James Treacy & Secdeti? Wax
spon to baptism of Maig to Owen & Mary Wax Dunmore Parish
4/12/1849 James Treacy & Mary Bayan
witnesses to wedding of James Collins & Cathe Bourke Dunmore Parish
5/4/1852 Pat Tracy & Ellen Tracy spon
to baptism of ? to John & Mary Kerrance? Dunmore Parish
16/7/1852 Mary Tracy & Michl Mannion
spon to baptism of Thady to Pal & Bridget Shaughnessy Dunmore Parish
3/6/1852 Catherine Trasy spon to baptism
of ? to Ellen Cosgrave Cloonkean Dunmore Parish (0s/0d)
14/6/1852 for churching Mrs. Trasy 2s/6d
22/12/1852 Hugh Tracy & Mary Covery?
spon to baptism of Jane? To Edmond & Eliza Moghan Dunmore Dunmore
9/3/1853? Catherine Tracy & Martin
Kirwan witnesses to wedding of Peter Coussins? & Ellen Finigan Dunmore
20/10/1853? Denis Tracy & Margt ?
witnesses to wedding of Mich ? & Cathe Mull? Dunmore Parish
31/8/1855 Thos Tracy & Mary Burke
spon to baptism of John to John Kelly & Ellen ??? Cashale? Dunmore Parish
18/12/1856 John Trassy & Mary Commons
witnesses to wedding of Pat Mullin & Judy Jayer? Dunmore Parish
Church Subscriptions (Charges for church
1/6/1839 Thomas Tracy, Knockatee 2s/6d
9/1839 Owen Tracy, Gortmagin 2s/6d
9/1839 Michl Tracy, Knockatee 1s/6d
6/11/1842 Pat Tracy, Dunmore 2s/6d
17/9/1843 Pat Tracy, Dunmore 2s/6d
21/7/1844 Felix? Tracy, Knockatee 1s/0d
21/7/1844 Thos Tracy,
Knockatee 1s/0d
on Treacy monument in Dunmore:
In loving memory
Brigid Reilly of
Galway Died 7th February 1946 aged 49 years
Her father
Thomas Treacy Died 14 December 1927 aged 77 years
Her mother
Brigid Treacy Died 18th June 1942 aged 86 years
Her brother
Thomas Treacy Died 27 December 1949 aged 67
Katie Treacy
Died 3 February 1983
Joseph Treacy
Died 25 March 1985
1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals
Brgt Treacy, Dunmore (Galway Ireland?), 1904, 19 years
Delia Tracy, Dunmore
(Galway Ireland?), 1898, 30 years
Denis Tracy, Dunmort
(Dunmore Galway?) Ireland, 1910, 18 years
Katie Treacy, Dunmore (Galway Ireland?), 1901, 19 years
Katherine Tracy, Dunmore
Galway? Ireland, 1907, 28 years
Mary Tracey, Dunmore
(Galway Ireland?), 1899, 22 years
Mary Tracy, Dunmore
(Galway Ireland?), 1902, 22 years
Mary Treacy, Dunmore Galway Ireland?, 1906, 25 years
Nov 1, 1954 (II) Deaths
Treacy (Dunmore, Galway) Oct 31 1954 at his residence Mialena?, Michael Treacy; deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, family and a large circle of friends. RIP. Remains will be removed to Dunmore Parish Church today (Monday) at 5 o'c Funeral tomorrow (Tuesday) at 12 o'c to New Cemetery. American papers please copy.
Dysart (Galway/Roscommon)
See Roscommon.
Question, East Galway 24 May 2013 [see
I am looking for information on my Great-Grandfather Edward Treacy, born about 1830 probably in Tynagh or Killimor Galway, near Portumna. His parents were Patrick Treacy born around 1790 - 1794 in Tynagh and Mary Egan, born in 1811 in Loughrea.
He married Bridget Boland in
Killimor Galway on Jan. 20, 1857. There were no parents named for either spouse, but the
witnesses were John Boland and Michael Burke. I know that
she died at age 67 in Derrew, Eyrecourt, Galway on 20 Jan 1907. Edward Teacy
was the Informant. He
died in Derrew, near Killimor in 1916.
Peter Treacey b. 25 Jan 1876 Galway,
Ireland (LDS SR)
John b. 13 March 1877 (LDS) Keating
Mary Anne b. 6 December 1878 Kiladelisk (LDS) Kealing
b. 26 November 1880 Kiladelisk, Kiltrisk, Wexford. (LDS) Keating [Error: should
read Galway]
Michael Treacy & Sarah Carroll
William b. 14 June 1878 Fahy (LDS)
Michael Treacy, 30 years, bachl, farmer, lives Fahy, (s. of Wm Tracy, farmer) married Cecilia Carroll, 25 years, spinster,
Grange?, [Graigue Killoscobe] (d. of Martin Carrol, farmer) Wit: Edwd Treacy & Honoria Carrol 7
February 1876 EC Chapel of Fohenagh [Clonbrock Mountbellow PLU] [see
Galway City (St. Nicholas CoI)
Michael S Tracy m. Anne Ormsby 1820 Tuam Diocese
1820 June 9th Limerick General Advertiser or Gazette
In Galway, Michael Tracy Esq formerly of Loughrea but now of Jamaica in the West Indies to Anne fourth daughter of the late Joseph Ormsby, Esq Surveyor of Excise for Galway.
Anne Tracey m. Thomas Mitchell
1828 Tuam Diocese
23 January 1828 Dublin Evening Mail
Married. On the 18th inst, in the
Collegiate Church of St. Nicholas Galway, by the Rev James Daly, Warden, Thomas
Mitchell, of Lower Rutland street, in the City of Dublin, Esq. to Anne, widow
of Michael Staunton Tracy, late of Kingston, in the Island of Jamaica, Esq.
25 January 1828 Limerick Evening Post
In the Protestant Church of St. Nicholas Galway, Thomas Mitchell, Esq of Roscommon, solicitor, to Anne, relict of the late Michael Tracy, Esq of the Island of Jamaica.
Esther Treacy (d. of James Malone) m. Patrick Killalee (s. of Richard Killalle)
24 May 1847 St Nicholas, Gal, Ire
[State Reg: Esther Malone [Esther Treacy] Galway 1847 6 33]
Bridget Tracy (d. of Edward Tracy) m.
Nathaniel Millet (s. of Richard Millet) 10 Feb 1851 St Nicholas, Gal, Ire
Bridget Treacy & Nathaniel Millet
Mary Ann c. 29 Feb 1852, Sponsors Thomas Keevan & Honor Burns (Loughrea Cathedral)
Bridget Tracy, 18 years, spinster, Sempstress, lives Eyre Street (d. of Michael Tracy, domestic servent)
married James Gray, 19 years, bachelor, printer, lives Quay Street (s. of William
Gray, soldier) 4 June 1864 Church of St. Nicholas Church of Ireland Wit: John
Joseph Thompson & Maria C Lynch [St.
Nicholas Galway town Galway PLU]
Galway City (St. Nicholas RC)
TRACEY Born GALWAY, Galway Served in 23rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39,
1825-1848 [b. 1809]
James Tracey born abt 1808 Galway,
Galway - Canadian military service 12 Sep 1825
James Tracey, born abt 1808
Galway, Galway, No. 388 Color Sergeant 23rd Regiment of Royal Welch Fusiliers, joined
age 17 on the 14 Sep 1825, joined Gibraltar
1st Battalion 23 ??? Royal Welsh
Halifax N.S. 3rd May 1848
No. 388 James Tracey Colour
Sergeant, by trade a tailor, born parish of Galway, town of Galway, county
Galway, attested at Gibraltar 14 Sept 1825, age 17 years,
service twenty one years and 259
served abroad eighteen 10/12
Portugal One 1/12 years
Gibraltar Eight years
North America Six 4/12 years
West Indies three 5/12 years
Discharge being unfit for further
His conduct has been that of a
very good and efficient soldier
James Tracy of Galway Galway Ireland (WO 23)
Regiments: 23rd Foot 1st battalion
Rank: Color Sergeant
Age: 39
Foreign service: Portugal 1 1/12; North America 6 4/12;
Gibraltar 8; West Indies 3 5/12
Character: Very Good
Trade: tailor
Height - feet: 5
Height - inches: 7 1/2
Hair: brown
Eyes: grey
Complexion: fair
Regimental surgeons report: worn out
Place of residence: Halifax Nova Scotia
Permission to reside: 6 June 1848
23 6 1841 ???
At Quebec, Mary, wife of
Color-Serjeant Treacy, 23rd Fusileers.
James Tracy (b. abt Jan 1809 Galway Ireland d. aft 1881) & Helen ??? (LDS)
Mary Ann Tracey (b. 12 Feb 1845 Trinidad, British West Indies d. abt
1918 Ft. Banks,Winthrop,Mass) m. James J. Broadhurst 12th Jan 1864 Halifax,
Nova Scotia
James Tracey was a British soldier 23rd
Regiment of Foot, Welsh Fusiliers, born 1809 Galway IRE, discharged Aug 1847 in
Nova Scotia, two known children, Mary Ann Tracey (b.1845, Trinidad), my
gr-grandmother, married James Broadhurst in Halifax, and second daughter
Elizabeth J. Tracey b. 1846 in one of the Caribbean islands according to
British military records. James Tracey’s wife was named Helen, surname unknown,
also born Ireland, who was allowed to travel with him from base to base. I am
seeking information about Elizabeth J Tracey, who is believed to have married
in Halifax, N.S. In 1881 and 1891 McAlpine’s Director James is shown living at
124 Maitland Street, Halifax. If anyone has access to the 1881 or 1891 census
(is there an earlier census?), I would appreciate a lookup to determine who is
listed in his household. Please contact me at
British Army Registrations
Mary A. Tracey, Trinidad, 1845, 23rd,
Vol 1311 page 37
Mary Anne Tracy, Trinidad, 1844-46,
page 315
Elizabeth J. Tracey, Antigua, 1846,
23rd, Vol 1311 page 39
Bridgett Tracy & Thos Henning
Mary Henning b. 11 Feb 1811 of Scolteen Sp. Andrew Neil & Mary Anne Owens St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Bridgett Tracy & Thos ???
??? b. 12? Apr 1811 of Sickeen Sp. Neil & Mary Ann Owens St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Johns Tracey & ???
Bridget Tracey b. 14 Dec 1814 of Cross? Street? St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
Michl Tracey
Cecila Tracey b. 28 Apr 1814 of Cladagh. St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
Denis Tracy SB? & Bridget Tracy
Jennina Tracy b. 21 Feb 1816 of Buttermilk? lane Sp. John Swift & Brig Shafhency? St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
Danl Tressey & Bridgt
Cathe Tresset b. 4 Oct 1818 Sp. Wm McGauly & Mary McGauly St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
John Tracy & Catherine
Michl Tracy b. 19 Aug 1816 of C street Sp. Jams Egan & Brigit Barnacle St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
James Tracy & Catherine
Willm Tracy b. 17 May 1818 Of C Street Sp. Patk Roche & Sasan m. Gogh St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
James Tracy & Margt Carr
Patk Tracy b. 22 Feb 1819 Sp Patk Danagher & Bridgt Maher St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Ann Tracy b. 3 Apr 1820 Sp. Willm Whelan & Mary Sulivan St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Bridgt Tracy & George Beanan/Bayman
Judy Beanan b. 11 May 1824 Sp. Bridget Collins St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Thomas Bayman b. 14 Dec 1826 Sp. Henry Reily & Eliza Cottingham St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Jno Tracy married Mary Oliver Wit [spon?]: Mary Connor & Dinnis King 24
May 1824 St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
Jno Tracy & Maria
Michl Tracey b. 11 Jan 1826 Sp. Patk Oliver? & Briget Tracy St. Nicholas South and
West, Galway City
Honor Tracy married John Lasker Wit: Edward Good & Elisabeth Geraghty 21
Jan 1825 St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Edmd Tracy & Bridgt Tracy
Bridgt Tracy b. 7 Sep 1832 Sp. Margt Sweeney St. Nicholas North
and East, Galway City
Tracy & Francis McDonough
Mary Ann McDonough b. 15 Nov 1832 Sp. Michl Berry & Mary Tracy St. Nicholas North and East,
Galway City
Belinda McDonagh b. 13 Nov 1836 Sp. John Lally & Margt Lynch
St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Francis Augustin McDonough b. 28 Aug 1843 Sp. James Thornton &
Mary Ann McDonough St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
John Tracy married Mary Flynn Wit: Luke Flynn & Mary Flynn 19 Feb 1833
St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Patk Tracy & Margt
John Tracey b. 17 Sep 1833 Sp. John Harney & Margt Connolly
St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Patk Tracy married Mary Higgins Wit: Marty Hynes & Mary Holland 8 Oct
1834 St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Patt Tracy & Maria Higgins
Peter Andrew Tracy b. 1 Nov 1839 St. Nicholas North and East,
Galway City
Jand Tracey married Nico Manion Wit: Willm
Tracy & Jonns Quin 3 Jan 1835 St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
Jane Tracy & Nichs Mannion
Mary cathe Mannion b. 1 Nov 1835 Sp. William Tracy & Honor Tracy St. Nicholas North and East, Galway
Bridgt Tracy & Michl Scully
Mary Ann Scully b. 15 Mar 1835 Sp. John Connor & Ann Saft? St.
Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Mary Tracy married Peter Burns Wit: Michl Berry & Eleanor Farrell 23 Feb
1841 St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Mary Tracy & Peter Byrne/Burns
Eliza Byrne b. 24 May 1836 Sp. Michl Byrne & Eliza Byrne St.
Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Mary Byrne b. 15 Oct 1839 Sp. Martin Bergann & Agnes? Mooney
St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Winifred Burns b. 5 Nov 1841 Sp. Michl Conlon & Ellen Holland
St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Cathe Tracy? & Peter Kelly
Mary Kelly b. 9 Oct 1836 Sp. Timothy Kelly & Cathe Kelly St.
Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Catherine Tracey & John Mason
William Mason b. 19? Dec 1839 Sp. Danl Magee & Mary McDonogh
St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Peter Tracy & Mary Hegarty
Mary Tracy b. 22 Mar 1841 Sp.Wm Mead & Ellen Hughes St.
Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Ann Tracy & Rev? Nichs Burk
Ellen Burk b. 16 Sep 1841 Sp. Eliva Burke St. Nicholas North and
East, Galway City
Michl Tracy/Treacy & Mary Fitzgerald
Mary Tracy b. 28 Mar 1842 Sp. John Gannon & Mary Kineen St.
Nicholas North and East, Galway City
Bridgt Treacy b. 8 Sep 1845 Sp. Mary Walsh St. Nicholas North and
East, Galway City
Peter Tracey & Mary Burke
Catherine Tracey b. 18 Jul 1844 St. Nicholas North and East,
Galway City
Margt Treacy & Peter Ruane
Bridget Ruane b. 24 Jul 1846 Sp. Mary Duggan St. Nicholas North
and East, Galway City
Marian Tracy married Jas Gannon Wit: Clement Taylor Jas Quin & Anne Murphy
18 Sep 1848 St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
Jane Treasy & Matty Hammond
John Hammond b. 30 Nov 1849 Sp. Cornelius & Bridett? Reardon?
St. Nicholas South and West, Galway City
Biddy Treacy & Pat Ward
John Ward b. 1? Jun 1853 Sp. Anne Burke St. Nicholas North and
East, Galway City
Mary Tressy married Thomas Holland Wit: Edward Licary & Bridget Lardner 5
May 1865 St. Nicholas East, Galway City
John Trasy, 22, bachelor, servant, lives Eyre Square, (s. of John Trasy, servant) married Nanny Atkins,
18, spinster, confectioner, lives Wood Quay, (d. of Benjamin Atkins, baslier?)
1 June 1865 RC Chapel St. Nicholas Galway Wit: Michl Maher & Catherine
Darcy? [Galway Galway PLU]
John Tracy married Anne Atkins Wit: Michl Mahey & Cathe Digny? 31 May
1865 St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
John Tracy & Ann Atkens
Mary Cathe Tracy b. 7 Jun 1867 of Dalys? P Sp. Patt Connell &
Mary Walsh St. Nicholas North and East, Galway City
John Tracey & Nannie Atkins
Mary Kate b. 6 June 1867 (LDS)
Mark Treacy & Ellen Cooke
Edmond Treacy b. 26 Dec 1870 Sp. Patt Concannon & Ann Cooke
St. Nicholas East, Galway City Parish
Honoria Treacy b. 22 Sep 1872 Sp. Pat Daly & Bridget Haherly
St. Nicholas East, Galway City Parish
John Tracy b. 15 Apr 1874 Sp. Bartly Cooke & Mary Connell St.
Nicholas East, Galway City Parish
Mary Tracy b. 25 Nov 1875 Sp. John Malony & Ellen Connell St.
Nicholas East, Galway City Parish
Bridget Treacy b. 5 Feb 1877 Sp. Timothy Forde & Bessy Glynn
St. Nicholas East, Galway City Parish
Francis Treacy b. 6 Oct 1878 Sp. Michl Mullony & Agnes MAlone
St. Nicholas East, Galway City Parish
Michl Thos Treacy b. 28 Nov 1880 Sp. William Fahy & Minnie
Fahy St. Nicholas East, Galway City Parish
Mark Treacy & Ellen Cook
Edmond b. 23 December 1870 Galway No.1 (LDS)
Honoria Treacy b. 22 September 1872 Galway No.1 (LDS)
John Treacy b. 17 Apr 1874 Galway (LDS)
Mary Treacy b. 23 November 1875 Galway No.1 (LDS)
Bridget Trinay? b. 31 Jan 1877 Foster Street Galway, Galway (LDS)
Mark Treacy of Forster Street, grocer, & Ellen Cook
Michael Thomas Treacy b. 23 Nov 1880 of Forster St (LDS)
Mark Treacey died 1882 Galway Registration, age 33
7 December 1882 Mark Treacy will
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Mark Treacy, late
of Foster-street Galway, shopkeeper, deceased who died 10 July 1882 at same
place were granted at Tuam to Ellen Treacy of Foster-street Galway the widow.
Effects Ł369.7.4d.
Nora Quinn died 14 Mar 1917 Brooklyn Kings New York, age 44, widowed,
b. 18 Sep 1872 Ireland (d. of Marcus
Tracey & Ellen Cook both born Ireland) buried 15 Mar 1917 Cincinati,
John Treacy, 27, single, b. 1873 Ireland, (s. of Mark Treacy & Ellen Cook) married Margaret Towey, 28, single,
b. 1872 Ireland (d. of Michael Towey & Ann Grady) 26 Sep 1900 Manhattan,
New York, New York, United States
Delia Treacy, 36, lives Columbis Franklin, dress making, Divorced previous
Husband Albert Strickland, b. 1878 Ireland, (d. of Mark Treacy & Ellen Cook) married James Mathie, 39, lives Cincinnatti,
O, erecting engineer, widower, b. 6 May 1875 Cincinnatti, O. (s. of James
Mathie & Margaret Pollock) on the 19 Nov 1914 Franklin, Ohio
Stephen Tracy married Maria Wilhelmina Gilligan Wit: Andrew Treacy & Cate Giligan on the 18 Apr 1872 St. Nicholas
East, Galway City [see Roscommon]
Stephen Tracey of 79 Manor Street, Revenue Officer, & Maria Gilligan
Rose Tracey b. 24 Dec 1873 of 79
Manor Street. Jane Mathew her mark 71 Prussia Street present at birth [North
City Dublin]
Stephen Treacy of Salt Hill, Inland Revenue Officer & Maria Wilhelmina
Teresa Gilligan
Andrew Mara? O'Conor Treacy b. 4th December 1879 Salt Hill [Galway
12 December 1879 Belfast Morning News
"... Stephen Treacy, Eeq.,
H.M. Inland Revenue, Belfast, of a son."
6 March 1880 Belfast Morning News
Treacy—March 3, at Salt Hill,
Gallway, Maria W. T. Treacy, wife of Stephen Treacy, H.M. Inland ... ”
28 Dec 1882 The Irish Canadian
At Galway, on December 4th Mr
Stephen Treacy, an excise officer, was found dead in bed. The servant called Mr
Treacy to breakfast at eleven o'clock in the morning, when he told her he would
not rise for a little longer; and at four o'clock she again called him to
dinner, but receiving no reply, went into the bedroom and found him dead.
Deceased was a widower and 48 years old.
Thomas Treacy & Delia Shaw
John Thomas Treacy b. 11 Jun 1880 Sp. Thomas Lydon & Margret
Bennett St. Nicholas East, Galway City [no PLU record found]
Joe Young’s ‘Windy Waters’
The 250 feet deep spa was part of Thomas Tracey’s mineral water works and licensed premises in Mary Street at the end of the 19th century. On the death of Mr Tracey, Joe Young was appointed manager. He later married Mrs Tracey’s niece, and on the marriage, the business was signed over to Mr Young. He later acquired the Eglinton Street frontage after a law dispute with Mr John Forde (whose pub can be seen to the right of our photograph ). Notice how the tree outside the pub softens the streetscape.
Joseph Samuel Young, full age, bachelor, merchant, of Mary St. Galway (s. of William Young, gentleman) married Edith May O'Connor, minor, spinster, of 20 Belvidere Avenue (d. of John James O'Connor, clerk, Record & Writ Office) Wit: Richard Mitchell Burgess & Ellen Buckley on the 15 November 1902 St. George Church of Ireland [North] City of Dublin
[1911 Census Katie Young age 24]
Thomas Treacy died 1890 Ballinasloe Registration, age 50 [may be related to Stephen Treacy Excise Officer in Galway]
29 September 1890 Thomas Tracy Will
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Thomas Tracy, late of Mary street Galway, gentleman, who died 10 June 1890 at Ballinasloe Co. Galway, were grant at Tuam to Maria Tracy of Mary street widow the mother. Effects Ł573.2s.6d.
16 February 1895 Maria Tracy Will
The will of Maria Tracy late of Mary-Street Galway, widow, who died 7 September 1894 at same place was proved at Tuam by the Right reverend Francis Joseph MacCormack of St. Marys Taylor’s Hill RC Bishop and the Reverend Peter Dooley of College House PP both of Galway the Executors.
7 September 1894 Mary Street
Maria Tracy, widow, 85 years, widow of an Excise Officer, Clare Duncan cousin of deceased present at death Mary street
Palestine arrived 07 Mar 1842 NSW (Bounty immigrants)
John Mason (s. of William & Anne Mason, both alive) RC, farm
lab, 21 years of Galway, Galway, Ireland
Catherine Mason (d. of Philip &
Honora Tracey, both alive) RC, house sevt, 25 years, of Galway, Galway,
Children: Anthony 2 years (not included on Cert), William 16
months, male child born on board 8 Nov 1841.
Immigration from Galway
to Australia, New South Wales & Queensland.
MASON Catherine 1842 25 Galway,Galway Phillip TRACEY / Honora xx Both alive. Husb = John, 21 & 2 sons on board. Ship = Palestine
MASON Anthony 1842 2 Galway,Galway? John / Catherine TRACEY On board this ship. Birthplace not stated. Ship = Palestine
MASON William 1842 1.25 Galway,Galway? John / Catherine TRACEY On board this ship. Birthplace not stated. Ship = Palestine
Sean Treacy (1924-1986)
was born in 1924 in Galway City, where his father had a small business and
his mother was a head teacher. He completed his education at St Jarlath’s College,
much against his will. He joined the Irish Army Corps at the age of eighteen,
becoming a pilot. [link] But
after five years of flying he decided to become a publican in England. His
first job was a learner-barman at the Goldhawk, Shepherd’s Bush. Within a
year he was managing Finch’s King’s Arms in the Fulham Road, Chelsea. He
stayed there for eight years before taking the tenancy of the Queen’s Elm,
further up the Fulham Road. The Queen’s Elm was patronised by many famous
people in the arts in the 60’s and 70’s. His first book, A Smell of Broken
Glass, was published in 1973, followed by Shay Scally and Manny
Wagstaff, in 1976. For generations one of London’s
most famous watering holes was The Queen’s Elm on Fulham Road, Chelsea. The
20th century pub features in A Smell of Broken Glass, the 1973 memoir of its
Galway-born landlord Sean Treacy - Laurie Lee kindly thought up the title. In
Treacy’s day the walls were covered with original JAK cartoons and his
collection of antique pipes. When Treacy died in 1986 the pub closed. Other Photographs: May Treacy, Hugh
Burden, ??, ??, Bill Thompson, Sean Treacy Sean Treacy |
Glenroe and Ballyorgan
Ellen Tracy, 26, spinster, farmer, lives Coolavely [Coolavehy Kilfly], (d. of Wm Tracy, farmer) married Richard Power, 40, widower, farmer, lives Upper Sunville [Particles], (s. of James Power, farmer) 27 February 1867 RC Chapel of Ballyorgan Wit: Eliza Rae & Timothy Lillis [Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU] signed his mark
Glinsk & Kilbegnet (Galway/Roscommon)
Andreas Tracy [Kelly crossed out] married Catharina Costello 2 Mar 1851 Wit: Jacobus & Brigida Tracy. Glinsk
Mary Treacy, 25, b. 1843, single (d. of Patrick Treacy) m. John Saxon, 32, b. 1836, single (s. of Samuel
Saxon) 23 Feb 1868 Ballymoe, Co. Galway, Ireland
Would you have information on the Treacy family of
Clonbur/connemara, county of Galway?
I have information of a Thomas Treacy, wife name unknown, probably born abt
1850? Childrens names Daniel, Patrick, James, Walter, Hubert, Katherine,
Bridget, Elizabeth, and Molly.
Patrick Joseph was my grandfather, born in 1889. He immigrated children
immigrated to United States with sister Elizabeth on the SS Ivernia on
April 29th, 1909, Boston, all of the children immigrated also, with
the exception of Walter. Some prior to 1909 and some after. The childrens
last name on manifest changed to Treacey. Over time it has now become
Tracey. Any information of family members in Ireland or Patrick Joseph's
brothers and sisters is appreciated.
James Tracey
Waltham, Massachusetts 29 Jan 2008
As the vast majority of the Treacys of Galway come from east Galway, it may be assumed that the registrations in the PLU of Oughterard are for the one family.
State Registrations Marriages:
James Tracey, Oughterard, 1871 4
Thomas Tracy, Oughterard, 1st Quarter 1878 4 426
State Registrations Births:
Tracey, James, Oughterard, 1872 4 552
Tracey, Mary, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1880 4 367
Tracey, John, Oughterard, 4th Quarter 1881 4 371
Tracey, Hugh, Oughterard, 1st Quarter 1883 4 416
Treacy, Bridget, Oughterard, 2nd Quarter 1885 4
Tracey, Daniel, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1887 4
Tracey, Patrick, Oughterard, 4th Quarter 1889 4
Tracey, Thomas, Oughterard, 2nd Quarter 1893 4 311
Tracey, John James, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1895 4 303
Tracey, Kathleen Anne, Oughterard, 2nd Quarter 1897 4 309
Treacy, Walter, Oughterard, 3rd Quarter 1899 4 305
Mary Treacy & John Gavin
Catherine Gavin b. 6/12 Nov 1855 Sp. Thos Walsh & Mary Joice. Kilchreest Parish
Miss Tracey of Ronborough [Roxborough Killinan] married Martin Grace 30 Oct 1873 Wit: BLANK. Kilchreest Parish
Michael Tressy of Cahereon [Cahercon Killinny] married Brigida Silk of Gortaboy [Killeenavarra] 26 Jan 1875 Wit: Michael Howard & Brigida Connolly. Kilcolgan Parish
Michael Tracy & Biddy Silk
Catherine b. 7 November 1875 (LDS)
Kilconickney (& Kilconieran)
Killconerin Parish is located in the
middle of East Galway, five kilometres south-east of Athenry on the road to
Loughrea. There is a signpost to the church on the road. It is one of the two
areas named in the Books of Survey and Distribution of the seventeenth century
where the Traceys held land in Ireland. In Kilconienan, there is the remains of
an old church which contains two slab stones dedicated to the Traceys. From the
position of these stones it may be likely that this was a Tracey family church.
As such, it would be the earliest known family structure and should be of
interest to all Traceys. Unfortunately, the graveyard is very overgrown and the
end wall of the church now forms part of a cow shed.
The old church of Kilconieran…inserted in the wall near where the alter was is a stone with the following inscription: “Erected by Martin Tressy, to pray for his wife Honoria alias O’Bryan and his daughter Mary deceased and the rest of his family. 1755” On another horizontal flag below the first stone is written: “Pray for the wife of Patrick Tressy Margo ??as who ??? who ?oved the 14th of ??? 1760” Lickerrig School Folklore Report
1837-8 in Stanley, Cathal ed. (2000) Castles & demesnes: gleanings from
Kilconieran and Clostoken.Galway. |
Also in the same
cemetery are the following:
“O Lord have mercy on the soul of James Tressy who dep May 1829 age 66 years erected by his wife Mary Tressy alias Donohue and their sons Pat Tressy & Thady Tressy. AD 1841?” Also scratched on the tomestone are other deaths including “son Michael 1940” |
Erected by Martin Treacy late from Montreal Canada West in memory of his parents his mother Ellen Birmingham who died November 17 1836 Also his father Thady Treacy who died December the 19th 1846 May their souls rest in peace Amen” |
Mary Tressy/Treacy & Martin Keogh
My g'mother was a Marie Keogh (b19.5.1886) from Dugrane
(Doogaunan) nr Loughrea. Her sisters were Winifred (b23.11.1887- think she went
to New Zealand), Anne/Nancy (b25.8.1891- went to Waltham, Mass. &
married a Harold Keough?), Bridget/Delia
(b12.5.1897) and Eileen/Ellen (b20.11.1899- married a Finn?). Her brothers were John/Jack and
Martin, who stayed in Galway & never
married; Jack farmed Dugrane and Martin farmed St Clearns, Craughwell.
Their parents were Martin Keogh (bc1848) and Mary Forde (b26.6.1857 Ballynagreeve) who m'd
16.2.1885at Killeenadeema. Martin's parents were Martin K (bc1816) and Mary
Tressy/Treacy? (bc1820) who lived at Carrabane.
Mary Forde's parents were John Forde (bc1815, d1869) and Honoria Callanan (bc1833, d1871)
who lived at Ballynagreeve. Plenty more brothers & sisters etc.
Is anyone out there connected?
Bryony Moore (View
posts) 29 Jul 2002
In addition to the headstones in Kilconierin that you have identified (, two additional headstones of interest to you there may be:
- Erected by Margaret Tracy alias Fury and her son John in memory of husband Michael Tracy died 26th January 1804 aged 58.
- In memory of Edmond Trasy died 6th March 1791 aged 61 and his son Dan died 2nd July 1830 aged 66. Erected by Thady Trasy 1830.
Additionally, by way of suggestions / query, the 'Mary Tressy/Treacy & Martin Keogh' family listed under Loughrea are also from Kilconierin-Clostoken parish.
Finally, in the 1821 census, there are Tressy's in both Moyode and Rathgorgin. As you've noted they also appear in the Book of Survey and Distribution for the parish (Creggaturlough), and more signifiently, the Calender of Patent Rolls at the beginning of the seventeenth century (Kilconierin). The fact that Rathgorgin-Moyode-Kilconierin-Creggaturlough are all the one area in north-west Kilconierin can be no coincidence and means the Tracey's/Tressy's lived in this area of Kilconierin for centuries. It is also clear that they are one of three or four of the most significent families in tracing the legacy and history of Kilconierin parish though the centuries.
Best Regards,
Steve Dolan. 25 Aug 2012
Kilconly & Kilbannon
James & Margaret Treacy of Doogara
Kilkerrin & Clonberna
Tracy & John Jenings
Mary Jenings b. 6 Sep 1844 of Kiltulla
[Kiltullagh Kilkerrin?] Sp. Margaret
Tracy. Dunmore Parish [Kilkerrin RC]
Bridget Treacy & Thomas Kelly
I'm searching for any information on Thomas
Kelly who married Bridget Treacy they were living at Timicat in the parish of
Kilkerrin. Bridget Treacy died in 1971 and Thomas Kelly died in 1964. Also
anyone who has any photos of Timicat that they are willing to share would be
great. Another big ask is anyone willing to take photo's of Kelly graves at
Kilkerrin cemetery for me. Thanks in advance Lynda
31July 2006 Lynda Dowling Feb 5, 2008
M. Tracy (b. 19 Feb 1854 County
Galway, Ireland d. 26 Apr 1939 Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois) (s. of Patrick Tracy b. County Galway, Ireland
& Catherin Stevens b. County Galway, Ireland) [Connection to above?]
Occupation: foundryman
Residence: Sterling, Whiteside, Ills
Spouse: Deborah Tracy
Burial Date: 29 Apr 1939 Sterling, Whiteside,
Miss Tressy married Owen Buckley 11 Feb 1810 Wit: Luke Concannon & M Connolly. Killascobe Parish
Patt Tracey married Judy Gerachty 26 Jun 1828 Wit: John Gerachty & Mary Gerachty. Killascobe Parish [see Killian]
Edward & Anne Treacy of Ballinruane
Michael Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Ryehill [Tuam], (s. of Edward Tracy, farmer) married Margaret Forde, spinster, Doonane [Doonaun Moylough], (d. of Martin Forde, farmer) Wit: Thomas Treacy & Sarah Lally 16 February 1914 RC Chapel Meenlough [Menlough Killoscobe] [Mountbellow PLU] [see Tuam]
Mich Treacy & Maggie Forde
Brigida Theresa Treacy b. 1/1/1915 bapt. 1/9/1915 Ryehill Sp. Mich Forde & Delia ??? Abbeyknockmoy Parish
Tressy &
Francisus Connare
Ferdinadus Connare b. 5/19 Jul 1837 Sp. Eugenus Byrnes & Catherina Do
[Byrnes]. Killeenadeema Parish
Laurence Trasey married Mary Larkin 5 May 1847
Wit: Patrick Murphy & Bridget Larkin. Killeenadeema Parish
Michl Tressy & Maria Lawless
BLANK Tressy b. 9 May/9 Jun 1844 Sp. Patrino Tressy & Brigida do
[Tressy]. Killeenadeema Parish
Catherine Tressy b. 8/13 Nov 1846 Sp. Laurence Tressy &
Brigida Lawless. Killeenadeema Parish
Joannes Tressy & Elenora/BLANK Slattery
Michl Tressy b. 22/24 Sep 1846 Sp. Joannes Conneir & Maria Burns.
Killeenadeema Parish [twins]
Martin Tressy b. 22/24 Sep 1846 Sp. Michl Loughry & Maria Reddon.
Killeenadeema Parish [twins]
BLANK Tressy b. 29 Mar 1852 Sp. Thomas Flynn. Killeenadeema Parish
Bridget Tressy married Patrick Dohery 3 Mar 1861
Wit: Thomas Gorman & Bridget Tressy. Killeenadeema Parish
Brigida Tressy & Patricii Doherty
Stehianus? Doherty b. 5/31 Jan 1874 Sp. Ellen Tressy.
Killeenadeema Parish [triplets]
Hanoria Doherty b. 5/31 Jan 1874 Sp. Brigida Slatery?. Killeenadeema
Parish (Note: Honoria Doherty married Thomas Conroy? on 30th January 1912 at
Ailfa? Michael Doherly married Elle? Cornan?) [triplets]
Judith Doherty b. 5/31 Jan 1874 Sp. Michael Tressy & Susana
Slialaen?. Killeenadeema Parish [triplets]
Michael Doherty b. 26 May/1 Jun 1878 Sp. Thomas Fox & Maria Gorman.
Killeenadeema Parish
Mary Treacy, 33, spinster, peasant, lives Do [Loughrea] (d. of Edward Treacy, tradesman) married Patrick Coonan, 44, bachelor, tailor, lives Loughrea, (s. of Denis Coonan, farmer) 6 July 1865 RC Chapel Killeenadeema Wit: Thomas Walsh & Anne Walsh, their marks [Bullaun Loughrea PLU] signed their marks
Killian & Killeroran
Maria Tracy & Joannes Spollin
Spollin b. 26 Aug 1807 of Ballygara [Ballygar Killeroran] Sp. Joanne Maly?
& Margaritta Welch. Killian Parish
Bridgida Tracy of Blebun? Wurn? [Shanballymore?
Killeroran] married Gullulinus Concanseron? 2 Nov 1809 Wit: Patro Kelly &
Jacobo Cuniff. Killian Parish
Jacobus Tracy? married Maria Tully 3 May 1813
Wit: Thoma Tully & Nicolas Do [Tully]. Killian Parish
Jacobus Tracy & Maria Tully
Tracy b. 1 Jun 1814 of Sanvallamore [Shanballymore Killeroran] Sp. Andreas
Tully & Coeilia Finn. Killian Parish
Jacobus Tressy married Eerlinna? Connor 26 Feb
1816 of Kilmore [Killeroran] Wit: Jacobo Connor & Gulielmo Connor. Killian
Jacobus Tracy & Ellinora Connor
Tracy b. 29 Jan 1821 of Sanvalamore [Shanballymore Killeroran] Sp. Patritius
Loughan & Bridgida Hennissy?. Killian Parish
Malichia/Malachaus Tracy & Eleonora/Elleonora
Gately/Gatly [see Samuel G Tracy]
Tracy b. 6 Oct 1817 of Balygar? [Ballygar Killeroran] Sp. Patric Daley*** &
Maria Tracy. Killian Parish
Tracy b. 4 Mar 1819 of Baligar Sp. Thomas Naughton? & Margarita
Gatly/Gately. Killian Parish [duplicate]
Tracy b. 3 Aug 1820 of Baligar Sp. Joannes Gatley & Esther? Dolan. Killian
Gulielmus Tracy & Brigida McCauly
Tracy b. 18 Jun 1820 of Balygar [Ballygar Killeroran] Sp. Joannes McCauly &
Margarita Tracy. Killian Parish
Bridgida Tracy & Petrus Devane
Devane b. 29 Oct 1820 of Nesanalage? [?] Sp. Petrus Tracy & Bridgid
ony? Legue?. Killian Parish
Jacobus Tracy & Maria Doogan
Tracy b. 15 Dec 1821 of Monean? [Moneen Ballynakill? (Ballymoe)] Sp. Jacobus
Creaghan & Bridgida Hurly. Killian Parish
Tom Tracy & Mary Linsky
Mary Tracy (b. 1824 d. 3 Mar 1901 Newbridge [Galway?]) m. John Coon (b: 1819) 1839 in Newbridge
COON b: 1 Jan 1850 in GALWAY IRELAND
(COON) DELANCEY b: 16 Sep 1854
COON b: 13 Feb 1865 in GALWAY IRELAND
COON b: ABT 1860
Updated: Aug 25 2001
[Note: Both Linsky and Coon/Coone are
very rare surnames in Ireland]
10.3.20 [10th February 1920] Image
Catherine Coone (d. of John Coone
& Mary Treacy) 1851 Try Drumatober Abbeygormacan Galway
Address: Mr T Hynes Clerk Of Union
Etc, Clerk's Office, Union Workhouse, Portumna
[Note: If n.f. ask for name of C.P.
in which "Drimatubber" is situate. John & Mary Coan md 1843 no
return of applicant Catherine. (Catherine 3yrs daut died 1847)]
IG Record 25886
COONE Catherine John COONE Mary
COONE nee Treacy Drumatober Abbeygormacan Longford Galway 1920 - Agent, Clerk
of Union etc., Clerk's Office, Union Workhouse, Portumna. 1851 John and Mary
Coan married 1843, no Catherine, a Catherine 3yrs died 1847.
Try Drumatober, Abbeygormacan, Co.
Catherine Coone Applicant
John Coone Father
Mary Treacy Mother
Patris Tressy & Maria Kelly
Tressy b. 8 Jan 1826 of Moneen [Ballynakill? (Ballymoe)] Sp. Patris Bolan &
Margarita Faghy. Killian Parish
Patt Tracey married Judy Gerachty 26 Jun 1828 Wit: John Gerachty & Mary Gerachty. Killascobe Parish
Patric Tracy & Judith Geraty
Tracy b. 6 Jul 1832 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Sp. Phill Tracy & Maria Do
[Tracy]. Killian Parish
Bridgida Tracy of Blebeustown? married Joanes
Regny 19 Jun 1835 Wit: Joane Teirny & Joane Lally. Killian Parish
Anne Tracy [d. of William Thomas
Tracy] married
Thomas Gaffy 25 Sep 1841 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Wit: Gulielmo Tracy &
Patricis Tracey. Killian Parish
Tracy & Thoma Gaffey
Gaffey b. 8 May 1850 Sp. Malachia Tracy & Catherina Fallan?. Killian
Joannem b. 24 Feb 1855 Sp. Gulielm Tracy & Brigida Hignon?. Killian
Gaffey b. 1 Nov 1856 Sp. Thomas Deignan & Maria Tracy. Killian
Gaffey b. 2 Nov 1858 Sp. Pat Gaffey & Maria Gaffey. Killian Parish
Anne E. Tracy (b. circa 1817[-1821] Galway d. 15 September 1902
Watsonville Santa Cruz California) m. Thomas Gaffey (LDS)
Anne Tracy & Thomas Gaffey
Philip Gaffey b. 08 Oct 1864
Kellerovan/Killeroran, Galway, Ireland (LDS) [Killeroran, Killeroran, Co.
Anne Elizabeth Tracy (Gaffy). Born on May 8th 1817. Her family originally came from
Gloucestershire, England--then Leinster--then Connaught and perhaps she was
born there? She married Thomas Gaffy and lived in the Town of Ballygar Galway
where 10 children were born. Thomas Gaffy died on the 4th of July 1865. He was
listed as a farmer. Anne Elizabeth Tracy Gaffy, left Ireland in 1868 and she
died on September 15th, 1902 in San Francisco, California USA. We are seeking
information about her parents and her ancestors.
T. Gaffey (b. 1860) was a native of County Galway, Ireland. His parents were
Thomas Gaffey and Ann (Tracy)
Gaffey. Thomas was Scots-Irish and Ann was Irish. He came to America with his
mother, after the death of his father. Gaffey was among those who arrived in
San Francisco by way of the Isthmus of Panama…
Mr. Gaffey was born
in Galway, Ireland, November 1, 1860,
the son of Thomas and Ann E. (Tracy) Gaffey. His
mother's family were of old Norman Irish stock. Authenticated
records state that Sir William Tracy, an ancestor of the
twelfth ...
biography: a new cyclopedia,
Volume 36
Mary Tracy of Riversdale [Killeroran]
married Micael Tighe 28 Aug 1842 Wit: Martinis Hurley & Hugo McDermott.
Killian Parish
Thomas/Thoma Tracy & Cathrina/Cathe Tallon
[Fallon in Griffiths valuation]
Tracy b. 1 Oct 1851 Sp. Malacha? Tracy & Anna Dignan. Killian Parish
Tracy b. 4 Sep 1853? Sp. Thomo Dignan & Brigda Gaffy. Killian Parish
Tracy b. 3 Jul 1855 Sp. Gulielmo & Brigidda Fallon. Killian Parish
Tracy b. 11 Jul 1857 Sp. Gulielmo Gaffy & Maria Tracy. Killian
Tracy b. 16 Oct 1859 Sp. Gulielmo Tracy & Maria Beirn. Killian
Anna Tracy & Michael/Michl Lawless
Lawless b. 10 Mar 1852 Sp. Patriciio Raffery & Anna Quin. Killian Parish
Lawless b. 10 Aug 1854 Sp. Pate Killelea & Anna Small. Killian Parish
Lawless b. 26 Jan 1859 Sp. Michael Farrell & Maria Small. Killian Parish
Catherina Tracy & Bernadi Crehan
Crehan b. 13 Jun 1858 Sp. Patricis Garrick? & Anne Tracy. Killian
Andrea/Andres Tracy & Catha/Catherina Costello
Tracy b. 12 Nov 1858 Sp. Patrius McLoughlin & Maria Tracy. Killian
Tracy b. 14 Feb/Mar 1865 of Kilreran [Killeroran?] Parish Sp. Unfnala? McHugh.
Killian Parish
Tracy b. 17 Aug/1 Sep 1866 of Theis? [Funshin? Kilbegnet] Sp. Patritio
McDermott? & Anna McLoughlin. Killian Parish
b. 2/11 Jul 1868 of St Brendans [St. Brendan's or Cregganagrogy Killian] Sp.
Laurentio Merhan? & Ellenora Connelly?. Killian Parish (Note: 14/8/23)
Andrew Tracy (b. St. Brandons [Cregganagrogy, St. Brendan's Killian]) & Catherine Costello
Catherine b. 2 February 1865 Killeroran (LDS)
Thomas b. 25 August 1866 Killeroran (LDS)
Andrew b. 4 July 1868 Killeroran District (LDS)
Catherine b. 24 August 1870 (LDS)
Julia b. 18 February 1877 Galway (LDS)
1911 Census
21 Waterloo Buildings, Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffs
Andrew Tracey, 43, Head, b. Ballygar Galway, Blast Furnace Filler
Mary Tracey 32 married 11 years, 4 child, b. Newcastle Staff
John Tracey 17 miner loader, b. Newcastle Staff
Kate Tracey 13 b. Newcastle Staff
Joseph Tracey 8 b. Newcastle Staff
Ellen Tracey 3 b. Newcastle Staff
Katie Tracy, 21, Single, b. 1870 US (d. of Andrew & Costello) married Edward Gallagher, 27, single, b. 1864 Scotland (s. of Patrick & O'Brien) 20 Sep 1891 Manhattan New York
Margareta Tracy & Francisci Cusack
Maria Cusack b. 8 Dec 1858 Sp. Michael Garrick & Anna Coonelly. Killian
Margaret Tracy & Francis Cusack
Am researching the origins of my grandfather,
Denis J. Cusack, born 1852, migrated to NYC 10/1867. Father Francis Cusack,
mother Margaret Tracy. Have record of christening from E. Galway Heritage
center, Woodfords showing two sisters and one brother but no record of Denis of
his father mother as being born there. Records indicate Ballygar residence.
Have also tried Roscommon - no luck! Am wondering if there might be any
remaining Cusacks in Ballygar who might be relatives of same family and who did
not migrate. Any suggestions as to how one might access a directory for
Ballygar? Further research through either E. Galway or Roscommon does not seem
feasible. Denis migrated to NYC on "Erin" 10/1867. Thank you very
Contact: Charles Cusack
We are working on Margaret Tracy/Tracey/Treacy who married Francis Cusack. While
we haven’t yet found baptisms or marriages in Co Galway, the place of their
children’s birth, that’s where we’ve focused our search.
Judy Lewis 18 June 2019
The Cusacks are located in Cappagh
Killian in the Griffiths valuation and the Traceys in Killeroran
Bridgeda/Brigida Tracy &
Gulielmi/Gullielmus Kilgillan/Kilgannon/Kilgannan
Patricias Kilgillan b. 29 Jan 1860 Sp.
Pate Crehan? & Cecilia Noon. Killian Parish
Thomas Kilgannan b. 9 Sep/Apr 1865 of
Tuis? [Tirur? Killian] Sp. Patrition Conall & Anna Nolan. Killian Parish
Gullielmus Kilgannan b. 4/8 Feb 1868 of
Theisn Sp. Thoma McLoughlin & Anna McLoughlin. Killian Parish
Michael Kilgannan b. 28 Nov/16 Dec 1870
of Theasar? Sp. John Kane? & Brigida Tracy. Killian Parish
Thoma Tracy & Catharine Fineatonay? Carty
Tracy b. 28 Mar/29 Jun 1864 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Sp. Joanne Laughan &
Anna Collin?. Killian Parish
Thomas Treacy & Margarett Carty
Anne b. 4 April 1864 Killeroran District (LDS)
Thomas Tracy & Mary Gaule/Ganle
Margarett b. 7 April 1865 Killeroran (LDS)
William b. 9 May 1866 Killeroran District (LDS) Ganle
Thomas Tracy, 37, widower, farmer, lives
Ballygar, (s. of William Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Kelly, full
age, spinster, lives Ballygar, (d. of Hugh Kelly, farmer) 8 September 1864 RC
Chapel of Ballygar Wit: Thos Dignan & Mary Anne Burke [Killeroran
Mountbellew PLU]
Thomas Tracy of Ballygar [Killeroran] (s. of Guilhelmus
Tracy of Ballygar) married Catherina Kelly of Ballygar (d. of Hugonis
Kelly) ? Sep 1864 Wit: Thomas Dignan of Ballygar & Maria A Burk? of
Tobergar [Toghergar Killian]. Killian Parish
Thoma Tracy & Catherina Kelly
Tracy b. 26 Jun/6 Sep 1865 of Ballygar Sp. Jacobo? Bramwell? & Catherina
Cahon?. Killian Parish
Tracy b. 8/14 Nov 1870 of Ballygar Sp. Thoma? Tracy & Mickasla?
Connor? Killian Parish
Tracy b. 31 Aug/3 Sep 1867 of Ballygar? Sp. Guillalm? Tracy? & Maria
Burk. Killian Parish
Tracy b. 20/24 Apr 1868 of Ballygar Sp. Joanne? Burk & Canig? [Guillamo crossed out] Tracy.
Killian Parish
Tracy b. 8/16 Nov 1870 of Ballygar Sp. Mona? Tracy? & Richard?
Bannon?. Killian Parish
Thomas Tracy, age 37, widowed (s. of William Tracy) married Catherine Kelly, single, (d. of Hugh Kelly) 8 Sep 1864 Kelleroran, Gal, Ireland (LDS)
Thomas Tracy married Catherina Kelly Sep 1864 Roman Catholic, Killian And Kilronan, Galway (LDS)
Thomas Trac(e)y m. Catherine/Catherina Kelly ??? September 1864 Roman
Catholic Killian & Kilronan (LDS)
Bridgett b. 27 June 1865 Killeroran (LDS)
Anne b. 13 September 1866 Killeroran (LDS)
Philip b. 19 July 1867 (LDS)
Joseph b. 20 April 1868 (LDS)
Joseph b. 19 August 1871 (LDS)
Julia b. 21 May 1872 (LDS)
Joseph b. 20 March 1874 Killeroran (LDS)
Michael Joseph b. 8 September 1876 (LDS)
Margaret b. 3 September 1878 Ballygar (LDS)
Thomas Tracey, farmer, &
Catherine Kelly
Philip Tracey b. 19 July 1867 Ballygar. [Killeroran Mountbellew
Thomas Tracy died 24 Jul 1896
Manhattan New York, age 74, b. 1822 (s. of Thomas
Tracy & Mary Tracy)
July 25, 1896 The New York Herald
Tracy — On Friday, July 24, Thomas
J. Tracey, native of Ballygar, county Galwey, Ireland, beloved father of
Bridget, Annie and Kate.
Funeral from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. P. J. Starrs.
2,250 1st av., Sunday, July 26, at two P. M. Interment at Calvary.
Delia Tracey, 25, Single, b. 1865
Ireland (d. of Thomas & Cath.
Kelly) married Peter Starrs, 25 single, b. 1865 N.Y., (s. of Peter & Mary
Mc Donnell) 5 Jun 1890 Manhattan, New York,
Thomas Tracy, full age, widower, farmer, lives
Ballygar (s. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Honoria Kelly, full age,
spinster, Clonabricka, (d. of James Kelly, farmer) Wit: William Tracy
& Ann Heavy [Kelly crossed out] 15 February 1870 RC Chapel Ballygar [Mountbellow
Thomas Tracy died 23 February 1884 Ballygar,
married, 57 years, farmer, Encephatitis 12 days ill certified, Honoria Tracy
widow present at death Ballygar. [Mountbellow PLU]
Honoria Tracy m. Jacobus Lally 17 February 1879 Roman Catholic Killian
& Kilronan (LDS)
Nora Tracey & James Lally
My Great-Grandmother was Bridget or Delia Lally her parents were
James Lally and Nora Tracey. She was in Ireland 1881 I am not sure if
she was in Galway but I see a lot of Lally and Tracey. Bridget or Delia Lally
arrived in Boston, MA 1896 she married Angus Fortune in 1899 they had six
children Nora, Julie, Walter, Mary, Irene, Charles and Elenor they Lived in
South Boston until her death in 1962 Does any have any information on the Lally
and Tracey.
Nadia Grady,
Killian Parish Deaths
Edmundg Tressy of Sanvallamore
[Shanballymore Killeroran] died 12 June 1809
Maria Tressy of Sanvalamor died 10 Sep
Jacobus Tracey of ShanBallamor? died 3
Apr 1845
Maria Tracy of Ballygar [Killeroran]
died 21 Dec 1848
Killimore and Tiranascragh (Killimorbologue)
Denis & Margt Treacy
Michael Treacy b. 9 Dec 1831 of Roger Sp. Roger
Conway & Brgt Hahan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Anne Treacy & Patt Kelly
Cath Kelly b. 28 Dec 1831 Sp. Patt & Brgt Head.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish [twins]
Rose Kelly b. 28 Dec 1831 Sp. Thos Taggart &
Judy Kelly. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish [twins]
Patt Treacy/Trasy & Mary Kelly
Michael Treacy b. 3 Jun 1832 Sp. Joanne Tully &
Eliza Campbell. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Eleanor Treacy b. 22 Oct 1835 Sp. Fiargus Dorrinan
& Ellen Campbell. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Hugh Trasy b. 9 Jun 1841 Sp. Thomas Hurly & Ann
Carey. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Thomas Treacy & Martha Smyth
Fergus Treacy b. 30 Jul 1832 Sp. Pat & Mary
McClisman. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mick/Michael Treacy/Trasy & Mary Head
Mick Treacy b. 6 Oct 1832 Sp. Mick Whelan &
Honor Head. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Martin Treacy b. 12 Oct 1833 Sp. John Conelly &
Mary Mulraghy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Denis Trasy b. 15 Mar 1845 Sp. Pat Holahan &
Sicily Fahy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Trasy b. 21 May 1847 Sp. Thos & Mary Clary.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Tracy & Martin Costello
Cath Costello b. 21 Oct 1832 Sp. Patn Costello &
Margaret Boughan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mick Tracy & Anne Hanny
Margaret Tracy b. 26 Nov 1832 Sp. Thom Mitchell
& Cath Birrane. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
William Treacy b. 13 Jul 1835 Sp. John Hanny &
Bridt Mara. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Tracy/Trassy/Trasy & Mary Egan
Pat Tracy b. 7 Jan 1833 Sp. Mick Gorman & Mary
Egan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Treacy b. 12 Mar 1835 Sp. Thos Costelloe &
Mary Treacy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
James Trassy b. 30 Sep 1839 Sp. Ferdinanel Ridge
& Ann Egan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Nicholas Trasy b. 13 Mar 1843 Sp. Edmd Trasy
& Honoria Egan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Treacy b. 23 Feb 1846 Sp. Fardy Ridge &
wife. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Trasy b. 7 Jan 1849 Sp. Pat Trasy
& Mary Cain. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Michael Trasy b. 25 Mar 1852 Sp. Pat Trasy
& Cathern Martin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Patrick Treacy born around 1790 - 1794 in Tynagh and Mary Egan, born in 1811 in
Loughrea. [see Tynagh]
Edward Treacy, born about 1830 probably in Tynagh or Killimor Galway
Edward Treacy & Bridget Boland 20 Jan 1857 Killimor John Boland & Michael Burke
Treacy & Bridget Boland
Bridget Tressy 26 Feb 1860 Killimor
Martin & Mrs. J Boland
Catherine Trassy 14 Aug 1864 Killimor
Thomas Bolan & Callagy
Michael Treacy 07 Nov 1866 Killimor
Laurence Bolan & Anne Bolan
Sarah Treacy 22 Mar 1869 Killimor
Bernard Boland & M A Treacy
Michael Treacy/Trasy born in Killimor, Galway on 25 Mar 1852.
Edwd Tracey married Bridget Boland 20
Jan 1857 Wit: John Boland & Mich Burke. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Ed/Edward Tressy & Bridgt
Mary Anne Tressy b. 7 Jan
1858 Sp. Jno & Mary Larkin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridgt Tressy b. 26 Feb 1860
Sp. Martin & Mrs Js Boland. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish *
Edward Trassy b. 26 Apr 1862
Sp. Pat Trassy & Bridget Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Catharine Trassy b. 14 Aug
1864 Sp. Thos Bolan & Callagy?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Honoria Trassy b. 2 Jun 1871
Sp. John & Honoria Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
James Trassy b. 12 Jul 1873
Sp. Michl & Bridget Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Elizabeth Tracy b. 22 Aug
1875 Sp. Michl Tracy & Maria Campbell. Killimore and Tiranascragh
Jno Tracy & Mary Nevin
Jno Tracy b. 8 Jan 1833 Sp. Pat & Mary Lonchly?.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Jno Treacy & Anna Hara
Mary Treacy b. 14 Jul 1835 Sp. Martin Moran &
Anne Callinan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Michl Treacy & Rose Kelly
Anne Treacy b. 29 Mar 1836 Sp. Thos Mannion & Mary
Eagan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Jno Treacy & Mary Eagan
John Treacy b. 20 Jun 1836 Sp. Martin Kean &
Cath Eagan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Patt Treacy married Honor Hanny? 8 Feb
1837 Wit: Patt McClisnan & Honor Murray?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Trasy & Honoria Hanny
Michael Trasy b. 30 Jun 1844 Sp. Denis Moran &
Bridget Higgins. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Anne Treacy & Jas Mara
Patt Mara b. 15 Apr 1837 Sp. Michl & Mary
Boughan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Brgt Treacy married Patt Larkin 19 May
1838 Wit: Peter Larkin & Brgt Monaghan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Trasy/Treacy & Pat/Patt
Bridget Larkin b. 19 Sep 1841 Sp. John Larkin &
Mary Burke. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Anne Larkin b. 30 Nov 1843 Sp. Thomas & Bridget
Riely. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Lucy Lorcan b. 8 Jun 1846 Sp. Redmd Fahy & Mary
McHenery. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Jane Larkin b. 28 Apr 1852 Sp. Jas Rielly &
Brigt Briscoe?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Trasy & Patrick Larkin of Killimor,
Co. Galway. LDS film # 1279215
bapt. May 18, 1839
Bridget bapt. Sept. 1841
Ann bapt. Nov. 1843
Mary bapt. June 10, 1850.
John Treacy married Margaret Lowry alias
Kenny 29 Jan 1839 Wit: Thos Keary & Bridget Brennan. Killimore and
Tiranascragh Parish
Anne Treacy married Jno Forde 12 Feb
1839 Wit: Patt & Brgt Treacy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Ann Trassy & John Ford
Mary Ford b. 11 Feb 1840 Sp. Michael &
Margaret Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
John Trassy & Mary Butler
John Trassy b. 18 Aug 1839 Sp. Denis &
Bridget Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Sicely/Celia Trasy & Michael Head
John Head b. 23 Aug 1839 Sp. Patt Egan & Honora
Madden. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Head b. 26 May 1841 Sp. Pat Glyn & Catherin
Hogh. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Thos Treacy married Mary Mannion 18 Jan
1841 Wit: James Carey & Honor Cain. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Trasy/Treacy/Tressy & Michael
Ann Hageny b. 6 Oct 1841 Sp. John Farrel & Mary
Kelly. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Heagney b. 1/15 Aug 1844 Sp. Jno Quin &
wife. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Hageny b. 8 Dec 1846 Sp. John Quin & Mis
Lanty. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Michael Heagny b. 29 Sep 1853 Sp. Mrs J. Quin.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Ellen Heagney b. 14 Oct 1857 Sp. Fardy Power? &
Mrs J. Quin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Cath Heagney b. 29 Apr 1860 Sp. Martin McDudie?
& Cat Cerncanon?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Martin Treacy married Mary Conway 30 Jan
1842 Wit: Thos Treacy & Judith Conway. Killimore and Tiranascragh
Parish [Mary Treacy witness same date]
Martin Trasy & Bridget/Brgt Conway
John Trasy b. 15 Jun 1844 Sp. Pat & Mrs Dolphin.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Treacy b. 31 Mar 1848 Sp. Martin Brein & Mrs
J Tracy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Patt Treacy married Bridget Egan 7 Feb
1842 Wit: Thos & Mrs P. Treacy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Patt Treacy married Ellen Heard 29 Nov
1842 Wit: Patt Wholehan & Betty Shally. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Ann Trasy & John Keary
Mary Keary b. 9 Apr 1843 Sp. Denis & Mary Keary.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Trasy & Michael Egan
Thomas Egan b. 17 Sep 1843 Sp. Edmd Horan &
Catherin Clarke. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Egan b. 28 Feb 1847 Sp. Thos Grady & Mary
Egan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Ann Trasy & Martin Haverty
Martin Haverty b. 8 Nov 1843 Sp. Pat & Mrs
Loury?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Trasy & Honoria Haverty
Pat Trasy b. 27 Feb 1844 Sp. Mathias & Mary
Killean. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Anne Tracy b. 3 Sep 1846 Sp. Michl Magan & Betty
Larkin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Martin Treacy & Ann Haverty
Patt Treacy b. 27 Dec 1849 Sp. Betsy Killeen.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Trasy & Thomas Noon
Cecily Noon b. 9 Apr 1845 Sp. Patt & Mrs Grady.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Cath/Kate Treacy/Trasy & Michl Burke
Margt Burke b. 4 Jan 1846 Sp. Jno Treacy
& Mrs J. Moran. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Louisa Burke b. 13 Feb 1848 Sp. John Moran &
Mary Costeloe?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Cath Burke b. 26 Mar 1853 Sp. Jno Treacy
& Cath Costelloe. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Theresa Burke b. 6 Oct 1855 Sp. Larence Daly &
brgt Costelloe. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
James Trasy married Mary Cormac 27 Feb
1846 Wit: Ned Trasy & Biddy Keary. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
James Trasy & Mary Cormac
Margaret Trasy b. 20 Nov 1846 Sp. John & Kate
Cormac. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Trasy & Margt Hurly
Judith Trasy b. 23 Apr 1846 Sp. Domk & Mary
Hurly. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Thomas Trasy & Bridget Hurly
John Trasy b. 19 May 1846 Sp. Mary Hurly. Killimore
and Tiranascragh Parish
Wid? Bridget Treasy married Michl Costelloe 16
Sep 1846 Wit: Thos Egan & Mary Finegan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Treasy married Thomas McDermott 17
Sep 1846 Wit: John Halloran & Brgt Quin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Tracy & Thos McDermott
James McDermott b. 13 Dec 1850 Sp. Jame McDermott.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Trasy & Thomas McDermot
John McDermot b. 4 Jun 1852 Sp. John Coghlan &
Mary Bu?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Thomas Tracey married Mary Nevin 13 Dec
1846 Wit: Martin Shiel & Cath Nevin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Thos Treacy married Mary Nevin 13 Feb
1847 Wit: Martin Shiel & Cath Nevin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Treacy & Michl Donovan
Michael Donovan b. 27 Oct 1848 Sp. Richd Burke &
Mary Treacy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Jno Treacy & Honor Scott
Mary Treacy b. 8 Dec 1849 Sp. Bridget Daly.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Michl Treacy married Bridgt Nicholson 10
Dec 1851 Wit: Wm Tracy & Anne Nicholson. Killimore and Tiranascragh
Patt Treacy married Mary Gormley? ? Dec
1855 Wit: Martin Costelloe & Brgt Rielly. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Patk Tressy/Trassy & Mary
Patk Tressy b. 14 Feb 1860 Sp. Pat Whelan &
Maria Gibbons. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridget Trassy b. 27 Apr 1866 Sp. Bridget Gormelly.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Edwd Tracey married Bridget Boland 20
Jan 1857 Wit: John Boland & Mich Burke. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
[see above]
Ed/Edward Tressy & Bridgt Boland/Bolan
Mary Anne Tressy b. 7 Jan 1858 Sp. Jno & Mary
Larkin. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Bridgt Tressy b. 26 Feb 1860 Sp. Martin & Mrs Js
Boland. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish *
Edward Trassy b. 26 Apr 1862 Sp. Pat Trassy &
Bridget Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Catharine Trassy b. 14 Aug 1864 Sp. Thos Bolan &
Callagy?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Honoria Trassy b. 2 Jun 1871 Sp. John &
Honoria Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
James Trassy b. 12 Jul 1873 Sp. Michl &
Bridget Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Elizabeth Tracy b. 22 Aug 1875 Sp. Michl Tracy
& Maria Campbell. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Tressy/Trassy & Mary Stankard
Mary Tressy b. 22 May 1858 Sp. Pat & Anne
Stankard. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Tressy b. 26 Feb 1860 Sp. Michl & Bridg
Tressy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish *
John Trassy b. 11 Feb 1862 Sp. John Trassy
& Mary Eagan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Anne Trassy b. 5 Sep 1864 Sp. Nicholas &
Bridget Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Winefred Trassy b. 30 Jun 1867 Sp. Bridget Ridge.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Fardy Tressy & Mary Larkin
Michl Tressy b. 24 Jun 1860 Sp. Michl Larkin &
Mary? Doland?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Margt Treasy & Denis Cleary
Bridget Cleary b. 30 Jul 1860 Sp. Thos Whelan &
Mrs J. Haverty. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Tracey married John Boland 30 Jan 1861
Wit: Martin Boland & Mary Burke. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Trassy & John Boland
Thomas Boland b. 30 Apr 1864 Sp. James & Mary
Keary. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Eliza Boland b. 28 Nov 1874 Sp. Thos Boland &
Mary Horan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Martin Boland b. 10 Dec 1877 Sp. John & Margart
Eagan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Tracey b. 1850 m. John Boland 1871 (LDS)
Bridget Trassy married Pat Shougnessy 27
Feb 1862 Wit: Thos Larkin & Bridget Hanny. Killimore and Tiranascragh
Fardy/Ferdinand Trassy & Mary
Bridget Trassy b. 6 Jun 1862 Sp. Patt Garany? &
Fanny Madan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Ferdinand Trassy b. 30 Sep 1863 Sp. Thos Navin &
Mary? Grany?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Fardy Tracy & Mary McLoughlin
James b. 10 December 1869 (LDS)
Michl Trassy & Mary Staunton
Margaret Trassy b. 26 Oct 1864 Sp. Edward Staunton
& Honoria Hanny. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Ellin Trassy b. 18 May 1866 Sp. Michl Staunton &
Mary Mitchel?. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Martin Trassy b. 29 Apr 1868 Sp. Pat & Mary
Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Trassy & Michl Kelley/Kelly
Thomas Kelley b. 9 Jul 1866 Sp. Michl Burke &
Margaret Ceary. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Mary Kelley b. 26 Mar 1869 Sp. James Whelan &
Bridget Kelley. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Kelley b. 30 Aug 1871 Sp. John Mannion &
Mary Calligy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Pat Kelly b. 21 Nov 1871 Sp. John Mannion & Mary
Callagy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Michl Trasey married Honor Quinne 10 May 1868 Wit: John & Mary Mannion. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Michl Trassy/Freacy & Honor/Anne/H Quinn
Honor Trassy b. 15 Nov 1874 Sp. Pat Hageney? & Bridget Hogan. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish [Honor]
John Trassy b. 28 Nov 1876 Sp. James Quinn & Honora Trassy. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish [Anne]
John Trassy b. 6 Jan 1879 Sp. John Power & Julia Manion. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish [H]
Martin Trassy b. 6 Nov 1872 Sp. John
Walsh & Win Trassy. Killimore
and Tiranascragh Parish [Honor] Martin Freacy b. 13 Jan 1873 Portumna (LDS)
Michael Treacy & Anne Quinn
John b. 8 January 1877 (LDS)
Michael Treacy/Freacy & Honor Quinn
Mary b. 15 October 1870 (LDS)
Honor b. 8 April 1875 (LDS)
Ellin Trassy married James Whelan 25 Feb
1873 Wit: Mathew Donaher & M. Killeen. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish
Fardy Trassy & Brig Horican
Anne Trassy b. 10 Apr 1875 illegt Sp. Michl Fahy
& Bridget Horican. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish (Note: married Patrick
Lally at Kilchisert? church Feb 29 1915? [smudge])
Fergus Tracey & Bridget Horigan
Anne b. 10 April 1875 (LDS)
Thomas Trassy married Margt Larkin 13 Feb
1879 Wit: Andw Trassy & Jane Larkin. Killimore and Tiranascragh
Nicholas Treacy married Mary Walsh 6 May
1880 Wit: Edwd Treacy & Mary Cosg?. Killimore and Tiranascragh
Mathew Donahoe & M Broderick
Margret Donohoe b. 19 July 1872 Sp. Ellin Donahoe.
Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish (Note: married Fergus Treacy at
Killeran? Church Nov 21 1915)
John Nevin & Mary Madden
Charles Nevin b. 10 Dec 1878 Sp. Con & Margt
Tully. Killimore and Tiranascragh Parish (Note: Duxit Annam Treacy Jan
16 1921)
* Follow each other in Register
p.8 Other residual elements of the Ice Age are
those conspicuous rocks, known as Erratics which lie east of Reddy’s Bridge in
Pat Joe Treacy’s land.
p.31 Photo: School Group 1925 Junior Room –
Treacys. Photo: School Group 1925 Senior Room – Janie Treacy, Molly Treacy,
Beasie Treacy, Kathleen Treacy, Joe Treacy, Ebbie Treacy, Jack Treacy.
p.35 Photo: Confirmation Group 1964 – Gerard
Treacy, Margaret Treacy
p.37 Photo: Tirnascragh 1949 (Hurling Team) –
Thomas Treacy
p.39 Photo: Tirnascragh School Cup Winners 1988
(Hurling Team) – Philip Treacy, David Treacy. In 1885 a football club was
formed in Tirnascragh. The members comprised…Fergus Treacy…
p. 57 Bridget (Beasie) Treacy, Born 1914
Allington, became Sister Bernadette in 1930 in the Order of Jesus and Mary, in
Crossmolina, Co. Mayo.
p. 58 1647 Donatus O Trussi (Treacy) Papal
provision (Collect. Hibernica, No.2 44)
p.75 1991 The seven-a-side Hurling winning
team:…David Treacy, Joseph Treacy…The Camogie winning team were:…Marie
Treacy…The Football winning team were:… David Treacy, Joseph Treacy…
p.82 Confirmations: 06-05-1925 Michael Joseph
Tracey (b. 1913)
p.83 July 23, 1901 National School Second
Class…Fergus Treacy…
p.85 1903 School Register…Joseph Treacy b.
2/11/1898 of Earlstown farmer’s son, Ambrose Treacy b. 12/12/1902 of Derrew
farmer’s son, Bernard Treacy b. 6/12/1892 of Earlstown farmer’s son…
Hogan, Fr. Ray mhm (2004) Tír Chínn Eascragh.
The Land at the Head of the Sand Hills. Tirnascragh. Private Publication.
William Tracy married Honor Craven
10 Sep 1818 Wit: Thomas Lainn? & Honor Burke. Kilmoylan Parish
Mary Tracy married Patrick
O'Flaherty 26 Jul 1819 Wit: James Burns & Bridget Hynes. Kilmoylan Parish
Kate Tracy married William
Piqued 6 Feb 1823 Wit: William Laines & Biddy Hindes. Deanery of Tuam
Parishes of Corrofin & Claretuam [Kilmoylan Galway]
John Tracey married Honor
Handsberry 29 Jan 1827 Wit: John Gainor & Anne Manian. Kilmoylan Parish *
Thomas Tracey married Biddy McHugh
29 Jan 1827 Wit: Thomas Nolan & Peggy Clarke. Kilmoylan Parish *
Catharine Tracey married John Manian 5
Mar 1832 Wit: Wiiliam Burke & Honor Sylk?. Kilmoylan Parish [Note: Stephen Tracey witness same date]
Patrick Tracey married Mary Quin 24
May 1832 Wit: Jno Quin & Peggy McHugh. Kilmoylan Parish
Patt Treasy & Mary Qin
Stephen Treasy b. 16? Aug 1837 Sp. John Qin & Biddy
Cullinan. Kilmoylan Parish
John Tracy & Margret
Wilm Tracy b. 29 May 1838 Sp. Catty Duffy. Kilmoylan Parish
Thomas Tracey married Winny Craven
23 Jul 1840 Wit: Martin Grealy & Sally Burke. Kilmoylan Parish
& John Hessian
Margaret Hessian b. 22 Feb 1841 Sp. William Hessian &
Honora Hession. Kilmoylan Parish
Pat Hession b. 1 Mar 1855 Sp. Martin Hession & Katty
Kennedy?. Kilmoylan Parish
Thomas Tracey married Nelly Burke
20 Oct 1842 Wit: Patrick Cainenon? & Peggy Morris. Kilmoylan Parish
William Tracey married Margaret
Kelly 20 Jan 1842 Wit: John Donelan & Anne Cavenagh. Kilmoylan Parish
William Treacy & Margaret Kelly
John Treacy b. 8 Nov 1847 Sp. Patk McGrah & Mary
Martin. Kilmoylan Parish
William Tracey married Biddy Power ?
Apr 1842 Wit: John Mackelek? & Mary
Tresacy?. Kilmoylan Parish
Bridget Treacy & Patrick Rourke
John Rourke b. 21 May 1851 Illegitimate Sp. Maria Hackett.
Kilmoylan Parish
John Treacy/Tracey & Ellen
Mary Treacy b. 2 Aug? 1853 Sp. Michael Farrington &
Kate Norris. Kilmoylan Parish
John Tracey b. 17? Jun 1856 Sp. Thomas Farrington &
Bridget Lane. Kilmoylan Parish
Thos Tracy & Nelly Farrington
Thos Tracy b. 29 May 1859 Sp. Pat Farrington & Mary
Murphy. Kilmoylan Parish
Thos Tracy? married Margret
Cunniff 4 Fen 1854 Wit: Martin Burke & Bridget Commons. Kilmoylan Parish
Mary Treacy of Belclare [civil
parish] married Patrick Donohoe 12 Mar 1859 Wit: Thomas Treacy & Margaret Donohoe. Kilmoylan Parish
Ellen Tracy & Mat/Mn? Ryan
Peter Ryan b. 19 Oct 1873 of Newgarden [Newgarden or
Pollaturk Belclare] Sp. Wm Nolan & Maria McDonagh. Kilmoylan Parish
Ml Ryan b. 14 Oct 1877 Sp. Arthur & Mary McGowan.
Kilmoylan Parish
Judith Tracey of Tuam &
Claretuwam [Claretuam Belclare] married Owen Glynn 8 Dec 1873 Wit: Pat Glynn
& Brid Donohoe. Kilmoylan Parish
Stephen Treacy & Sarah
Julia Treacy b. 4 Jun 1876 of Claretuam [Belclare] Sp.
Thady Creann & Brid Creann. Kilmoylan Parish
Margaret Tracey married Thomas Dolan
13 Feb 1879 Wit: Patk Delanny? & Catherine Duffy. Kilmoylan Parish
* Follow each in register
Michael Tressy died November 1860 aged 41
Kiltormer (& Laurencetown)
Michaelis Treacy & Anna Dolphin [see
Scicilia Treacy b. 12 Apr 1834 Sp.
Edvardus Broderick & Scicilia Kelly. Kiltormer Parish
Catherina Tracy & Johannis Goode
Catherina Goode b. 6 May 1834 Sp.
Patricius Bohan & Catherina Bohan. Kiltormer Parish
Thadii Treacy & Honoria Mulry
Timotheus Treacy b. 27 May 1834 Sp. Gulielmus
Treacy & Catharina Treacy. Kiltormer Parish
Brigida Tressy & Johannis Jennings
Honora Jennings b. 15 Jan 1837 Sp. Michael
Tressy & Honoria Kisen?. Kiltormer Parish
Thoma/Tom Tracy & Brigida/B Brennan
Anna Tracy b. 15/23 Jul 1844 Sp. Thos
Mullin & Brigida Fox. Kiltormer Parish
Mary Tracey b. 11/17 Mar 1846 Sp. John
Madden & Mary Trassy. Kiltormer Parish
Catherina Tracey & Joannis Madden
Micl Madden b. 23/24 Sep 1844 Sp. Micl
Madden & Brigida Tracey. Kiltormer Parish
Maria Madden b. 20/23 Nov 1845 Sp.
Gulielmus Quirk & Margarita Hassion. Kiltormer Parish
Gulielmus Madden b. 14/16 Jan 1849 Sp. Petrus
Tracey & Winifreda Tracey. Kiltormer Parish
Maria Treacey & Thoma Grady
Petrus Grady b. 16 May 1845 Sp. Thos
Brennan & Catherina Gradey?. Kiltormer Parish
Margarita Tracey & patus Ignoti [father
Margarita Tracey b. 10 Feb/1 Mar 1846
Sp. matrina Catherina Tracey\
Margarita Tracey & Timothii Madden
Maria Madden b. 24 Feb/5 Mar 1846 Sp.
Patricio? & Maria Madden. Kiltormer Parish
Mary Treacy & James Leahy
11.4.22 [11th April 1922] Image
John Leahy (s. of James Leahy & Mary Treacy) 1851 Geoghegan
Cloonlahan Galway
Address: Clonlaghan, Kiltormer, Ballinasloe, Co Galway
[Note: Found parents married 1850 no children]
IG Record 25952
LEAHY John James LEAHY Mary LEAHY nee Treacy Cloonlahan Geoghogan
Killoran Longford Galway 1922 - Clonlaghan, Kiltormer, Ballinasloe, Galway.
1851 Parents married 1850, no children.
Cloonlahan, Killoran, Co. Galway
John Leahy Applicant
James Leahy Father
Mary Treacy Mother
Wm Tracey married Maria Kelly (Cellars) 26
Jan 1852 Wit: John Sellars & Catherine Hanrahan. Kiltormer Parish
Gulielmi Tresay & Maria
Patritius Tresay b. 14/18 Aug 1862 Sp.
Gulielmus Loughlin & Maria BLUR. Kiltormer Parish
Edwardi Tressy & Maria Bohan
Maria Tressy b. 2/16? Aug 1862 Sp.
Thomas Connelly & Sabina Tully. Kiltormer Parish
John Tracey & Mary Holleran
Patrick b. 13 March 1864 Kiltormer (LDS)
Patrick Tracey & Mary Boohan
Maria b. 19 August 1865 Kiltormer (LDS)
Ferdinand Tressy, 32, bachelor, farmer, lives
Clonlahan [Clonlaghan
Kiltormer], (s. of Michael Tressy, farmer) married
Bridget Lyons, 23, spinster, lives Moaty, (d. of James Lyons, Do [farmer] 18
February 1867 RC Chapel Kiltormer Wit: John Lyons & Bridget Lorcan, their
marks [Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU] signed their marks
Fergus Trassy & Bridget Lyons
Thomas Trassy b. 28th December 1871 Galway (LDS)
Bridget Trassy b. 18th January 1874 Kiltormer, Galway
Michael Tracey & Ellen Larkin
Bridget b. 26 June 1878 Kiltormer (LDS)
John Treacy, 9 years, Kylemore, son of farmer (31/5/1887)
Mary Treacy, 7 years, Lawrencetown, daughter of labourer (13/5/1890)
Michael Treacy, 5 years, Lawrencetown, son of constable (18/2/1892)
Kate Treacy, 3 years, Lawrencetown, daughter of widow (27/11/1893)
Kathleen Treacy, ??? years, Ohil, orphan (22/6/1901)
Kiltullagh and Killimordaly
Ths Treasy married Mary Huben 12 Jun 1831
Wit: Ths Huban & Joe Lally. Kiltullagh Parish
Patt Treasy married Mary Good 24 Jul 1831
Wit: Patt Good & Jas Berningham. Kiltullagh Parish
Patricii Tressy & Maria Goode
Thaddam Tressy b. 11/16 Aug 1847 of Killaniffe [Killarriv Kiltullagh] Sp.
Thomas Tressy & Honoria Stapleton. Kiltullagh Parish
Treasey married
Margaret Harney? of Kiltulla [Kiltullagh Kiltullagh] 8 Dec 1837 Wit: Peter
Connolly & Mary Harney?. Kiltullagh Parish
Treasy of
Kiltulla [Kiltullagh Kiltullagh] married Dennis Lyons 8 Feb 1839 Wit: Francis
Hannape? & Bridgt Ruane. Kiltullagh Parish
Winfrida Treasy of Kiltulla [Kiltullagh
Kiltullagh] married Thomas Tierney 22 May 1842 Wit: Patrick Walsh & Biddy
Cunny?. Kiltullagh Parish
Winifred Tresay & Thomae Tierney
Margarita Tierney b. 2/8 Feb 1845 of Killariffe [Killarriv Kiltullagh]
Sp. Patritius Goode & Brigida Cahill. Kiltullagh Parish
Bridget Treasey of Chapel House married John
Howard 1 Jul 1844 Wit: Mathias Nestar & Bridget Kenedy. Kiltullagh Parish
Martin Treasey married Mary Dooly of Kiltulla
Chapel House 17 March 1846 Wit: Richard Fitzpatrick & Mary Anne Cahalen?.
Kiltullagh Parish
Judith Treasey of Chapel House married Patrick
Donoughe 4 May 1846 Wit: Michl Burke & Margaret Ward. Kiltullagh Parish
Tressy &
Andrea Kendrigan
Michael Kendrigan b. 21/26 Aug 1846 of Killariffe [Killarriv Kiltullagh]
Sp. Patricius Gorman & Catherina Kendrigan. Kiltullagh Parish
Gulielmi Tressy & Catherina Naughton
Michael Tressy b. 17 Mar/7 Apr 1847 of Conane [Caraun Killimordaly] Sp.
Thomas Ryan & Honna Ryan. Kiltullagh Parish
John Treasy married Bridgt Keogh 26 Nov 1870
Wit: John Cineineen? & Mary Keogh. Kiltullagh Parish
Bridgidam Tressy nee Keogh of Kiltulla [Kiltullagh Kiltullagh] married Michaelem Maher of Bullane [Bullaun Bullaun] 18 Oct 1879 Wit: BLANK. New Inn Parish (Note: Kiltulla M. Register)
Tressy & Mary
Michael Tressy b. 20 Oct 1880 Backpark, Ireland (LDS)
Tracy (b. 25 Mar 1846
Kiltollgh, Ireland d. 11 Aug 1919 Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois) (d. of Michael Tracy b. Kiltollgh, Ireland
& Catherine Stephens b. Kiltollgh, Ireland)
Occupation: House Keeper
Burial Date: 13 Aug 1919 Calvary Cemetery
Kinvara (& Kinvarradoorus)
Thos &
Bridget Tressy
Thos Tressy b. 22 Dec 1831 of Killina [Killinny Killinny] Sp. Pat &
Honor King. Kinvara Parish
Mary Tressy b. 28 Nov 1833 of Killena Sp. Jno Shaughnessy & Elenor
King. Kinvara Parish
Dermott &
Mary Tressy
Elenor Tressy b. 16 Jun 1832 of Ballybuck [Killinny] Sp. Michl Keary
& Margt Mulhern. Kinvara Parish
Js & Cat
Joseph Tressy b. 16 May 1833 of Kinvarra? [Kinvarradoorus] Sp. Pat Burke
& Margt Conners. Kinvara Parish
Michl &
Bridgt Tressy
Martin Tressy b. 3 Nov 1833 of Killina [Killinny Killinny] Sp. Jno Burke
& Honor Hussion. Kinvara Parish
Thos Tracy & M O'Brien
Cane? Tracy b. 24 Jul 1834 Sp. Patt Burke & M McDonaugh. Kinvara
B Trassey & D Burke
Martin Burke b. 25 Oct 1836 Sp. Thoma Walter & B Edward?. Kinvara
Thos Trassy married Mary Holand? 26 Jan 1837
Wit: Domnick Burk & B. Trassy. Kinvara Parish
- Mary b. 1839; Michael b. 1841 Galway. Place names mentioned Kinvara
& Portumna. They left Galway for Tipperary (Thurles) some time between 1841
and 1850/51.
Margaret Hall
Seeking Michael Treacy borm 1841 & Mary born 1839 possibly
Kinvara Galway, Gaillimh
galway pre 1850 (May 05)
Other Entries for this Member:
McCoy family Bishop Auckland
Coulthard family Haltwhistle
Coulthard family Lambley
Kelly Twomileborris, and Parish
Coulthard family Wetheral
Tressy & John
Timothy Moony b. 2 Feb 1845 of Lynch [Newtownlynch? Kinvarradoorus] Sp. John
Corlis? & Biddy Lahy. Kinvara Parish [crossed out]
Timothy Moony b. 2 Feb 1845 of New Tn Lynch Sp. John Corless & Biddy
Lahy. Kinvara Parish [duplicate]
John Mooney b. 8 Oct 1848 of N. T. Lynch Sp. John Conners & Margret
Moran. Kinvara Parish
Pat Forde & Kate Madden
Winny b. 27 February 1845 Cloonasee Spon: Barth Tressy & Biddy Skerrett 2/6
Thomas Tressy & Middy Conaugton
Ml Tressy b. 3 May 1846 of Killina [Killinny Killinny] Sp. Pat Janianne?
& Bill Forde?. Kinvara Parish
Michael Leigha &
Mary Joint
Mary Leigha b. June
17 1847 Killina Sp. Michael Monaghan & Kate
Tracy/Treacy/Tracey & Honor/Ho Curley
Mary Tracy b. 8 Jul 1847 of Do [Tonnagh - Tonranny? Beagh] OR Kinvara?
[Kinvarradoorus] Sp. James Curley [crossed out] & Bidy Burke. Kinvara
John Treacy b. 30 Jun 1851 of Kunvarn? Sp. Michl? Curlay & Bidy
Killally. Kinvara Parish
Honoria Tracey b. 16/19 Jun 1858 of Kinvara Sp. Petro Warde &
Margretta Keane. Kinvara Parish
Pat & Mary Geagan
Mary Geagan b. August
20 1852 Kinvara Sp. James Tracy
& Sally Glynn
Jude Trassy & John Fonndation?
Mary Fonndation b. 7 Aug 1860 of Cahercon [Killinny] Sp. Mike Trassy
& Margz? Trassy. Kinvara Parish
Ellen Trassy, 26, spinster, lives Cahercoor [Cahercon Killinny], (d. of Charles Trassy, Do [farmer]) married Mathias Killeen, 29, bachelor, farmer, lives New Town (s. of Thos Kileen, farmer) 8 February 1864 RC Chapel Kinvara Wit: Michl Shaughnesy & Margratt Trassy? [Balladerrene Gort PLU] signed their marks
Ellen Trassy b. abt. 1838 (d. of Darby
Trassy & ??? ) married Mathias Killen 8th February 1864
Kinvarra RC Galway (LDS)
& Matt/Mather Killeen
Mary Killeen b. 1/7 Apr 1867 of Cahirerlan [Cahererillan Killinny] Sp.
Jno Glynn & Margt Tracy. Kinvara Parish
Bartholomaeus Killeen b. 18/19 Jul 1868 of Caherirland Sp. Jacobus
Shaughnessy & Maria Flanagan. Kinvara Parish
Maria Killeen b. 29 Jun/1 Jul 1871 of Cahersland Sp. Michalis Tracy
& Margreita Chasm?. Kinvara Parish
Edvardus Killeen b. 25/26 Feb 1876 of Calegcun? Sp. Joannes Trssy?
& Brigida Sheedy? . Kinvara Parish
Trassy &
Catharina Cavanagh
Maria Trassy b. 26/29 Aug 1871 of Killina [Killinny Killinny] Sp. Thoma
Clunin & Brigida Donohue. Kinvara Parish
Eleonora Tressy b. 27/28 Oct 1876 of Killina Sp. Patricius Tressy
& Maria Kelly. Kinvara Parish
Michael Tressy & Bridgida Silk?/Silke?/Lisk?
Catharina Tressy b. 6/7 Nov 1875 of Cahercon [Killinny] Sp. Johannes
Connolly & Bridgida Connolly. Kinvara Parish
Maria Tressy b. 21/27 Oct 1877 of Cahercon Sp. Joannas Flaharty &
Sally? Connolly. Kinvara Parish
Margarita Tressy b. 9/17 Apr 1880 of Cahercon Sp. Daniel Brennan &
Maria Do [Brennan]. Kinvara Parish
Michael Trassy & Bridget Sheedy
Mary Trassy b. 28th October 1877, Cahereon, Galway
27th May 1893, Notes From Ireland, No.21 Vol.1
Letters to the Cork Evicted Tenant's Accociation...The Irish Daily Independent of the 22 May 1893, prints the following letters...
Michael Treacy, Kinvarra, County Galway, wrote —
"Sir — A report appeared in the Independent of the 29th April from the Cork Evicted Tenants’ Association, inquiring if there was any evicted tenants who did not get grants for the last twelve months. I wish to inform you that I was evicted in 1887. Immediately after the eviction I took forcible possession in presence of the sheriff and the evicting party. The property being in Chancery, I was arrested on an attachment order and sent to Galway Jail for twelve months, my wife and children keeping possession during my confinement. After my release 1 joined my wife and children, who were laid up with typhoid fever. I was rearrested and sent back to jail for another twelve months. My wife was also arrested. After my liberation the Kinvarra Branch of the National League made an application to the Central Branch in Dublin, and I received two grants in succession. Some time afterwards the Kinvarra Branch broke up, and since 1889 I was left to provide for a helpless family, and never since then got a penny from any quarter. At the late general election I was asked to vote for the M'Carthyite. I refused to do so, and voted for the Pamellite. Some time after I got forms down from the Evicted Tenants' Commission. I took them to the parish priest, and he told me to take them to the Parnelhtes, that he would not do anything for me for being one. I am now in a helpless condition, and am appealing to your association to do something for me. If not I will be left at the mercy of the waves. Some of the M'Carthyite evicted tenants got grants, but none for the Parnellites."
Mary Treacy & Michl Naughtan
Thomas Naughtan b. 28? Jan
1846 Sp. Michael Kelly & Honor Shaughnesy. Lackagh Parish [twins]
Bridget Naughtan b. 28? Jan
1846 Sp. Thos Naughtan & Anna Treacy. Lackagh Parish [twins]
Martin Treacy married Mary Hession 30 Sep 1864? Wit: Michael? Treacy &
BLANK Burke. Lackagh Parish
Martin Tracy & Mary Hession
Mary Tracy b. 14 Feb 1866
Sp. Owen Hession & Bridget Burke. Lackagh Parish
Martin Tr(e)acy & Mary Hession
Mary b. 13 February 1866 Turloughmore [Common?] (LDS)
Margaret b. 26 November 1867 (LDS)
Edward Tracy b. 21 Feb 1873 Galway
John b. 8 April 1875 (LDS)
Martin Tracy & Mary Hepian
Peter b. 25 June 1876 (LDS)
Thomas Treacy married Maria Cody? 2 Mar 1867? Wit: Stephen Treacy & Mary
Quody?. Lackagh Parish
Thomas Thracy & Mary Co(a)dy
Edmund b. 17 Sep 1869 Turloughmore, Galway. (LDS)
Celia b. 27 Oct 1871 Turloughmore, Galway. (LDS)
Kate b. 15 OcT 1873 Turloughmore, Galway. (LDS)
Mary b. 6 Jun 1876 Laragh Galway (LDS)
Thomas b. 21 May 1878 Laragh Galway (LDS)
Honor b. 6 Nov 1880 Laraghmore Laragh Galway (LDS)
Pat Treacy married Honoria Delany 6 Jan 1869 Wit: Michl Cody & Bridget Nestor.
Lackagh Parish
Patrick Treacy & Honor Delaney
Mary b. 23 December 1869 (LDS)
Patrick Thracy & Honor Delaney
Thomas Thracy b. 31 Jan 1873 Turloughnione, Galway. (LDS)
Edmund Thracy b. 16 May 1874, Galway. (LDS)
Julia Thracy b. 01 Dec 1875, Turloughmore, Galway. (LDS)
Michael Thracy b. 04 Jun 1877, Galway. (LDS)
Kate Thracy b. 28 May 1879
Laraghmore, [Lackagh More?] Galway. (LDS)
Patrick Tracy, 26
years, b. 1879 Ireland, papermill (s. of Patrick Tracy & Norah
Delaney) m. Mary Curran, 25 years, b. Ireland, domestic (d. of Martin Curran
& Norah Lyden) 20 Sep 1905 Norwood, Massachusetts
Martin Tracey,
single, b. Ireland (s. of Patrick Tracey & Nora Delaney) m. Mary
Taylor, widow, b. Delaware (d. of William Schields & Elizabeth Gallagher)
11 Aug 1937 Dillon, Beaverhead, Montana
Pat Tracey married Eleonora Nonlan? 5 Feb 1870? Wit: Michl Treacy & Mary
Murphy. Lackagh Parish
Pat Treacy & Ellen Hanlon
Michl Treacy b. 8 Dec 1871
Sp. Jas Melville & Mary Morris. Lackagh Parish
Margaret Treacey b. 18 Dec
1879 Sp. Michael Treacey & Margaret Long. Lackagh Parish
Patk Treacey & Ellen Heneghan
Mary Treacey b. 4 Mar 1877
Sp. John Morris & Bridget Murphy. Lackagh Parish (Note: married to G.
Cafanhan? in America? on 4/6/13)
Patrick Thracy & Ellen Conlon/Connellan/Hanlon
Bridget b. 24 Oct 1874 (Connellan) (LDS)
Mary b. 2 Mar 1877 [Barnaboy] Galway (Hanlon) (LDS)
Margaret b. 16 Dec 1879 Galway (Conlon) (LDS)
Stephen Thracy & Biddy/Bridget Murphy
Edmund Thracy b. 13 Jan 1873 Turloughnione, Galway (LDS)
Thomas Thracy b. 23 Jan 1875 Turloughmore, Galway (LDS)
Stephen Thracy b. 29 Jun 1876, Galway. (LDS)
Kate Thracy b. 17 May 1878 Laragh [Lackagh?] Galway (LDS)
Dl? Treacy & Mary Mannion
Margaret Treacy b. 19/27 Aug 1817 Sp. Thos Minnahan? & Margt Do [Minnahan]. Leitrim Parish
Patricius Treasy married Maria Fahy 6 Feb 1852? Wit: Joanne Tressy & Julia Fahy. Leitrim Parish
Mary Threacy (b. 1852) m. Thomas Hagney about 1873 (LDS)
Maria Tressy & Thoma Heagney
Stephanus Heagney b. 24 Dec 1871/1 Jan 1872 Sp. Michael Heagney & Catherina Tressy. Leitrim Parish
Maria Anna Heagney b. 14/20 Apr 1873 Sp. Patritio Connors & Anna Nevin?. Leitrim Parish
Catherina Maria Heagney b. 6/11 Oct 1874 Sp. Joanne Heagney & Fancisca? Boohans. Leitrim Parish
Maria Treacy & Thoma Heagney
Maria Anna Heagnery b. 2/3 Sep 1876 Sp. BLANK. Carabane Parish
Loughrea (St. Brendan's)
Ann Mary Threasy & Patrick Broderick
Mary Callaghy Mary died cica 1833 in County Galway, Ireland. She
married Patrick Broderick in County Galway, Ireland, cica 1820. Patrick was born
in Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland 1796. Patrick was the son of Patrick
Broderick and Ann Mary Threasy (Tracy). Patrick died 26 February 1878 in
Laggan, N.S.W., at 81 years of age. His body was interred 28 February 1878 in
Laggan, N.S.W. Mary remained in County Galway, Ireland
Pat Barling <>
14 Jan 1999
Catharine Tressy married Michael Kinelly 17 Apr
1828 Wit: Edmund Tressy & Patt
Ford?. Loughrea Parish
Thos Treasy & Maria Kelly
Joannes Treasy b. 17/20 May 1829 Sp. Pat & Joannes Kelly. Loughrea
Treacy & Mary Kelly
Mark b. 1838 Ballinasloe d. 18 November 1895 (LDS)
1. Thomas Treacy & Mary Kelly of Loughrea and Ballinasloe
from 1830's
Thomas Treacy married Mary Kelly at Loughrea
in 1827.
1.1 John bapt, 1829 at Loughrea.
1.2 Margt bapt. 1832 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe. Migrated to Sth Aus.
1.3 Michael bapt. 1835 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe.
1.4 Mark abt 1838 Migrated to Sth Aus.
1.5 Edward William abt 1839 Migrated to Sth Aus.
1.6 Mary bapt 1842 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe.
1.7 Bridget bapt 1845 at St Michael's Church Ballinasloe.
E. Macilwain,
Maria Treacy & Laurentii Whelan
Anna Whelan b. 3/5 Jan 1830 Sp. Patritius Kenny & Maria Nevin.
Loughrea Parish
Maria Whelan b. 10 Apr 1833 Sp. Martinus Walsh & Maria Moony.
Loughrea Parish
Michael Treacy married Mary Fitzgerald 13 Oct
1833 Wit: John Fitzgerald & Biddy Concannon. Loughrea Parish
Michl Treacy married Mary Lawless 19 Feb 1835?
Wit: Laurence Treacy & Bridget
Rush. Loughrea Parish
Tracy &
Dionysis Flanagan
Maria Flanagan b. 5/7 Apr 1837 Sp. Patrs? Aery? & Brid Healy.
Loughrea Parish
Martinus Flanagan b. 25 OCt/11 Nov 1840 Sp. Thos Reanay? &
Margarita Caen?. Loughrea Parish
Joannes Flanagan b. 19 Jul/17 Aug 1842 Sp. Maria Tracy. Loughrea Parish
Wm Treasy married Mary Larkin 20 Feb 1842
Wit: Thomas McCarty & Bridget Higgins. Loughrea Parish
Gulielmi Tracy/Tressy & Maria Larkin
Bridgida tracy b. 10 Dec 1842 Sp. Ferdinandus Maher & Brid Martin.
Loughrea Parish
Michael Tracey b. 20/21 Aug 1844 Sp. Michael & Sara Hemsworth.
Loughrea Parish
Maria Tressy b. 6 May 1850 Sp. Martinus Cahillan & Catherina
Cahillan. Loughrea Parish
Gulielmi Tracy & Catherina Naughton
Petrus Tracy b. 10/11 Jun 1844 Sp. Petrus Naughton & M Cannon.
Loughrea Parish
Bridget Tracy married John Desmond 15 Feb 1845
Wit: Henry & Bridget Granthan?. Loughrea Parish
Judith Tressy & Patri Donohoe
Brida Donohoe b. 13 Feb 1847 Sp. Maria Donohoe. Loughrea Parish
Michael Tressy & Winefrida Nelson
Anne Tressy b. 6 Jan 1851 Sp. Patritius Flinn & Maria Kennedy.
Loughrea Parish
Brigide Tressey & Joannis Connaughton
Honoria Connaughton b. 13 Apr/4 Jul 1851 Sp. Martinus Moony & Anna
Kelly. Loughrea Parish
Bridget Tracy (d. of Edward Tracy) m.
Nathaniel Millet (s. of Richard Millet) 10 Feb 1851 St Nicholas, Gal, Ire
Bridget Treacy & Nathaniel Millet
Mary Ann c. 29 Feb 1852, Sponsors Thomas Keevan & Honor Burns (Loughrea Cathedral)
Sara Tressy & Martini Heegan
Elizabeth Heegan b. 30 Jun/5 Jul 1852 Sp. Joannes Murray & Brigida
Donohoe. Loughrea Parish
Sarah Tressy & Martin Keegan
Elizabeth c. 6 Jul 1852, Sponsors John Murray & Bridget Donohoe (Loughrea Cathedral)
Margaret Treacy & John Garvey
John Garvey b. May 4 1853, bapt. May 6 1853 Loughrea Cathedral Sp. Catherine Lally
Marge Tressy & Laurentie Kennedy
Maria Kennedy b. 30 Jul/9 Aug 1853 Sp. Patritius Kelly & Cathe
Waters. Loughrea Parish
Margaret Treacy & Laurence Kennedy
Mary b. Jul 30 1853 bapt. Aug 9 1853 Loughrea Cathedral Sp. Patrick Kelly & Catherine Waters
Maria Tressy & Georgei Little
Julia Little b. 31 May/2 Jun 1855 Sp. Patritius Hynes & Anna
O'Hain. Loughrea Parish
Mary Tressy married Timothy Mannin 21 May
1860 Wit: Bernard Burns? & Cathe Cullinane. Loughrea Parish
Thadeus/Thad(d)y/Timothy Tressy & Honor(ia) Martyn/Martin
Mary b. 28 March 1864 Loughrea (LDS)
Ellen b. 2 June 1866 Loughrea (LDS)
Sarah b. 10 May 1868 (LDS)
Honoria b. 28 February 1870 (LDS)
Patrick b. 18 February 1872 (LDS)
Anne b. 10 June 1876 Loughrea (LDS)
James b. 15 October 1877 Rathenddy (LDS)
Mary Treacy, 33, spinster, peasant, lives Do [Loughrea] (d. of Edward Treacy, tradesman) married Patrick Coonan, 44, bachelor, tailor, lives Loughrea, (s. of Denis Coonan, farmer) 6 July 1865 RC Chapel Killeenadeema Wit: Thomas Walsh & Anne Walsh, their marks [Bullaun Loughrea PLU] signed their marks
Patrick Tressy/Tr(e)ac(e)y & Bridget Burke
Eliza b. 20 August 1865 Loughrea (LDS)
John b. 28 September 1867 (LDS)
Michael b. 15 September 1868 Loughrea (LDS)
Catherine b. 27 August 1871 (LDS)
Patrick b. 4 January 1874 Laughrea (LDS)
Martin Tressy b. 17th March 1876, Galway (LDS)
Bridget b. 18 July 1877 (LDS)
Mary b. 5 December 1879 (LDS)
Bridget Tressy, spinster, lives Gauty, (d. of Stephen Tressy, labourer) married Michael Cassidy, of full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Athenry (s. of Ml Cassidy, labourer) 2 November 1865 RC Chapel Loughrea Wit: Michael Gilligan & Mary Rourke, their marks [Loughrea Loughrea PLU] signed their marks
Maria Treacy & Joannis Hahir
Brigida Hahir b. 12/16 Nov 1869 vagorium Sp. Jaonis Conway. Loughrea
Bridget Tressy married Francis Dooly 29 Apr 1878
Wit: John Kelly & Bridget Fahy. Loughrea Parish
Brigidda Tressy & Francisci Dooly
Maria Dooly b. 31 Mar/1 Apr 1879 Sp. Michael Tressy & Honoria
Martin. Loughrea Parish
James Tracey, 6792, Conn Rangers, enlisted Galway December 1899, served 4 Br Connaught Rangers, deserted 3rd April 1900
23 years 2 months, labourer, resided outside of fathers house for three years but paid no rates, single, 5'6", 38" chest, brown eyes, brown hair, RC, Mother Catherine Tracey, Bks St, Loughrea, Brother (E.) Michael Tracey, Sisters Mary & Catherine Tracey, next of kin
Born Loughrea, Galway
Brigade |
Neil "Plunkett" O’Boyle’s
Tir-Chonaill Flying Column which operated in North/West Wicklow from November
1922 to May 1923 The column consisted of Séamas Ó Cáinte,
Mícheál Ó Coileáin, Criostóir de Barra, Pádraig Raghallaigh, Bearnárd
Corcáin, Dan Mac aoidh, F. Plléimeann, Pádraig Ó Seanáin, Séamas Mac Murchú,
Pádraig Ó Feargaill, Séamas Ó Maoilaoidh, Séan Mac Reámoinn agus Seán
Treasaigh (of Mountbellew,
Galway). The
column was arrested on the 15th May 1923 in a house near Granabeg,
Ballyknockan districk. Plunkett was killed and the rest were taken prisoner. |
Flying Column |
Margaret Tracey (abt 1822 - abt 1904 Mountshannon
Galway) & Thomas Dillon (1818 - 1874)
John Dillon abt 1855 - abt 1945 Clare
Margaret Tracey & Thomas Dillon
Need information on Margaret Tracey, born about 1822, married Thomas
Dillon. Her son was my great grandfather, John Dillon, a tailor who married
Bridget Beston. Margaret appears to have died in 1904 in Scarriff, Clare. Any
info would be helpful. Birth? parents? marriage? death? burial? thank you,
Patricia Shepherd patriciashepherd147
11 Jun 2014
Michael Trac(e)y & Margaret Farrell
Margaret b. 14 February 1864 Mountshannon (LDS)
Thomas b. 11 May 1866 Mountshannon (LDS)
Edmund b. 20 July 1870 (LDS)
Thadeus/Thady Tracey & Margaret Minogue
Thadeus b. 13 October 1864 Mountshannon (LDS)
Mathew b. 15 August 1866 (LDS)
Bridget b. 18 June 1868 Mountshannon (LDS)
22nd March 1903 The New York Times
March 18. at 42 Hunter Avenue, Long Island City, Michael Tracey, native of Whitegate, County Galway, Ireland.
James Tracy married Catherine Welby 5 Jun 1853 Wit: Batty Kenny & Ann Welby. Moycullen Parish [RIC? see Oughterard & Mayo]
Mullagh (Killoran, Abbeygormacan) East Galway
Note: There are three registers, the original register, a transcribed
version and an index to the transcribed version. Different dates for baptisms
Mary Tressy married John Coone 1853 Wit: NOT
GIVEN. Mullagh Parish
Mary Tressy & John Coone
Thomas Coone b. 1854 Sp. NOT GIVEN. Mullagh Parish
Mary Anne Coone b. 1856 Sp. Thomas & Catherine Coone. Mullagh Parish
Bridget Coone b. 1858 Sp. NOT GIVEN. Mullagh Parish
Catherine Coone b. 1859 Sp. Thos & Mary Kennedy. Mullagh Parish
John Coone b. 1861 Sp. Thos & Catherine Kennedy. Mullagh Parish
Patrick Coone b. 1862 Sp. James & Ellen Kennedy. Mullagh Parish
Mary Tressy married James Leahy 1862 Wit: NOT
GIVEN. Mullagh Parish
Tressy &
James/Jacobus Leahy
Bridget Leahy b. 6/12 Nov 1863 Sp. Danniel Glynn & Mrs? Glynn
Bridgida Leahy b. 6/11 Sep 1863 Sp. Daniel Glynn & Mrs Daniel Glynn
(no. 19 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish (Note: 6/12 Nov 1863 written in)
Catherine Leahy. Mullagh Parish [index]
Catherina Leahy b. 6/12 Aug 1865 Sp. Joannes Trestt & Catherina
Tressy (no. 68 Baptism Register) (Note: 6/13 Dec written in). Mullagh
Parish *
Honoria Tressy married William Coghlan 1863 Wit:
Michael Hanrahan. Mullagh Parish
Honoria Tressy & William/Gulielmus Coghlan
Thomas Coghlan b. 30 Jun/4 Jul 1866 Sp. Gulielmus Coghlan & Bridgida
Tressy (No. 92 Baptism Register) (Note 14/16? Feb written in). Mullagh
Daniel/Danielus Coghlan b. 20/26 Apr 1868 Sp. Joannes Coghlan &
Catherina Doyle (No. 143 Baptism Register) (Note: 16/21 Aug written in).
Mullagh Parish
Bridget/Bridgida Coghlan b. 2/7 May 1869 Sp. Jacobus Ford & Anna
Carroll (No. 169 Baptism Register) (Note: 8/13 Mar written in). Mullagh Parish
John/Joannes Coghlan b. 29 Jul/4 Aug 1870 Sp. Joannes Reilly & Maria
Reilly (No. 208 Baptism Register) (Note: 10/10 apr written in). Mullagh Parish
Julia Coghlan b. 5/9 May 1872 Sp. Michael Horan & Catherine Horan.
Mullagh Parish [details in index]
Patrick Coghlan b. 25/30 Aug 1874 Sp. Martin Rielly & Anne Rielly.
Mullagh Parish
Patritius Coghlan b. 24/28 Jul 1874 Sp. Martinus Reilly & Anna Reilly
(No. 313 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Michael Coghlan b. 13/18 Apr 1876 Sp. Thomas Coghlan & Bridget
Rielly. Mullagh Parish
Michael Coghlan b. 20/24 Jul 1876 Sp. Thomas Coghlan & Bridgida
Reilly (No. 368 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Peter Coghlan b. 2/9 Sep 1878 Sp. James Rielly & Anne Rielly. Mullagh
Petrus Coghlan b. 19/24 Aug 1878 Sp. Jacobus Reilly & Anna Reilly (No.
420 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
William Coghlan b. 8/11 Jun 1880 Sp. Thomas & Maria Rielly. Mullagh
Gulielmus Coghlan b. 7/14 Aug 1880 Sp. Thomas Reilly & Maria Reilly
(No. 464 Baptism Register) (Note: married Bridgida Agnes Kelly 29 Jan 1910
Clontus Kert Clonfer?). Mullagh Parish
Bridgida Tressy & Francisus Coghlan
Patricius Coughlan b. 9/16 Dec 1863 Sp. Lautentius Forde & Catherina
Kelly. Mullagh Parish [No. 26]
Peter Tressy married Catherine Nevin 1863 Wit:
Thomas Hobbins & Catherine Tressy. Mullagh Parish
Peter Tressy & Catherine Nevin
Bridget Tressy b. 27 May/2 Jun 1864 Sp. Joannes Walsh & Honoria
Tressy (No. 39 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish [Note: Fargus Tressy
sponsor next entry]
Patrick Tressy married Catherine Curley 1863
Wit: NOT GIVEN. Mullagh Parish *
Patrick Tressy & Catherine Curley
Mary Tressy b. 7/12 Jun 1863 Sp. John Walsh & Curley. Mullagh Parish
Maria Tressy b. 6/13 Nov 1863 Sp. Joannes Walsh & Maria Curley (Mary
Tressy No. 24 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish (Note: 7/12 Jun 1863 written
Bridget Tressy b. 14/20 Nov 1866 Sp. Patritius Walsh & Ellena Curley
(No. 103 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Michael Tressy b. 19/25 Aug 1867 Sp. Petrus Walsh & Margarita Curley
(No. 125 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Anne Tressy b. 3/10 Nov 1871 Sp. Thomas Pelly & Ellena Hanberry (No.
245 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
John Tressy b. 20/24 Jul 1872 Sp. Patritius Donnellan & Maria Pelly
(No. 260 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Thomas Tressy b. 3/10 Nov 1876 Sp. Josephus Pelly & Bridgida Murray
(No. 373 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Peter Tressy b. 2/11 Dec 1879 Sp. Josephus Kelly & Anna Walsh (No.
449 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Catherine Tressy No. 523 Baptism Register. Mullagh Parish
Patrick Trassy/Tressy/Trac(e)y & Catherine/Kate Curley
Ann b. 31 March 1870 Kiltormer (LDS)
John Trassy b. 9th September 1872 Galway (LDS)
Thomas b. 10 November 1875 (LDS)
Peter b. 6 August 1878 Killoran (LDS)
John Tressy married Mary Solan 1864 Wit:
Thomas & Bridget Murphy. Mullagh Parish *
John Tressy & Mary Tolan/Solan
Michael Tressy b. 6 Jan/13 Feb 1865 Sp. Pat M'Kufo? & Ellen Kelly.
Mullagh Parish *
Michael Tressy b. 1/7 Sept 1865 Sp. Pat M'Kufo? & Ellen Kelly (No. 69
Baptism Register) (Note: 6/13 Feb written in). Mullagh Parish *
Joannes/John Tressy b. 10/18 Jul 1867 Sp. Petrus Tressy &
Bridgida Mannion (No. 121 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Bridget Tressy b. 1/5 Jan 1873 Sp.James M'Kufo? & Mary Kelly. Mullagh
Bridgida Tressy b. 3/10 Sep 1873 Sp. Jacobus M'Hugo & Maria Kelly
(No. 288 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Timothy Tressy b. 13/21 Nov 1874 Sp. Patrick McKuss & Maria McKuss *
Timotheuis Tressy b. 2/9 Oct 1874 Sp. Patritius McHugs & Maria McHugs
(No. 317 Batpism Register). Mullagh Parish (Note: married Sara Finnerty 6 Jan
1919 Killimor? Clonfertes ) *
Tim Tressy b. 1876 Sp. Patrick O'Maria & Jno Hugo. Mullagh Parish
[Note: in index]
Margaret Tressy b. 8/14 Jun 1879 Sp. Martin Connors & Bridget
Connors. Mullagh Parish
Margarita Tressy b. 9/13 Sep 1879 Sp. Martinus Connors & Bridgida
Connors (No. (444 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
John Trassy & Mary Solan
Timothy Trassy b. 21st May 1873, Galway (LDS)
Bridget Tracy, 20, spinster, lives Clonlahan, [(Geoghegan) Killoran] (d. of Peter Tracy, farmer) married Timothy Glennane, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloonler, (s. of Michael Glennane, farmer) 31 July 1865 RC Chapel of Mullagh Wit: Martin Flynn & Mary Mannion [Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]
Fargus Tressy married Bridget Lyons 1869 Wit:
John Lyons & Ellen Larkin. Mullagh Parish
Tressy &
Bridget/Bridgida Lyons
Michael Tressy b. 10/16 Aug 1870 Sp. Joannes Lyon & Margarita Leahy
(No. 209 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
John Tressy b. 6/10 Jul 1872 Sp. James Lyons & Margaret Lyons.
Mullagh Parish
Joannes Tressy b. 21/27 Mar 1872 Sp. Jacobus Lyons & Margarita Lyons
(No. 254 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish *
Thomas Tressy b. 4/10 Nov 1874 Sp. John Leahy & Mary Tressy.
Mullagh Parish *
Thomas Tressy b. 15/21 Sep 1874 Sp. Joannes Leahy & Maria Tressy
(No. 316 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Bridget Tressy b. 30 Sep/4 Oct 1875 Sp. James Salmones & Catherine
Leahey. Mullagh Parish
Bridgida Tressy b. 21/24 Oct 1875 Sp. Jacobus Sammons & Catherina
Leahy (No. 349 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish
Fargus Tressy. Mullagh Parish [in Index]
Ferdinandus Tressy b. 20/28 Oct 1877 Sp. Joannes Leahy & Maria Glynn
(No. 399 Baptism Register). Mullagh Parish (Note: married Margarita Donohue 27
Nov 1915 Mullagh Confertean (mortes est [died] 30? Junii 1916) - married Julia
Greaney 19 Feb 1917 Mullagh Clonfertean)
* follow each other in register
New Inn
Mary Tressy married James Ruane 17 Feb 1828 Wit: William Ruane & Mary Hart. New Inn Parish
Marie/Mary Tressy/Treacy & Jacobi/James Ruane
Edmus Ruane b. 7/8 Jul 1830 Sp. Joannes Duffy & Maria Greeley. New Inn Parish
Margaret Ruane b. 22 Oct 1832 Sp. Martin Ruane & Margaret Healy. New Inn Parish
Bridget Ruane b. 12 Sep 1834 Sp. Patrick Duffy & Bridget Duffy. New Inn Parish
Patrick Treacy & Mary Magann
Michael Treacy b. 26 Dec 1833 Sp. Edmund Magann & Bridget Kilkenny. New Inn Parish
John Treacy & Mary Magann
John Treacy b. 21 Sep 1835 Sp. Mary Ruane. New Inn Parish
Anne Treacy married Thomas Dolan 14 Apr 1836 Wit: Thomas Maguire & Catharine Cannor. New Inn Parish
Jno Treacy & Mary Twomy?
Margaret Treacy b. 7 Mar 1837 Sp. Honoria Connerny. New Inn Parish
Jno Treacy married Bridget Forde 26 Feb 1838 Wit: Patrick Forde & Ann Connor. New Inn Parish
Joanne Trassy & Brigida Forde
Honoria Trassy b. 9/16 Nov 1844 of parish of Grange [Grange] Sp. Thomas Griffin & Catharina Griffin. New Inn Parish
Margarittam Tressy of parish of Grange [Grange] married Petrum Dolan of parish of Grange 11 Feb 1858 Wit: Jacobus Naughten & Catharina Griffin. New Inn Parish
Margarita Treacy/Tressy/Trissy & Peter/Petro/Petre Dolan
Bridgida Dolan b. 11/16 Apr 1859 of Parish of Grange [Grange] Sp. Michael Kilkenny & Maria Hillany. New Inn Parish
Maria Dolan b. 8/15 Dec 1861 of Grange Sp. Michl Silk & Maria Tressy. New Inn Parish
Joannes Dolan b. 15/20 May 1866 of Grange Sp. Joannes Moran & Catharina Moran. New Inn Parish
Maria Dolan b. 7/15 May 1870 of Grange & Killian [parish of Grange & Killaan] Sp. Michael Foley & Cecilia Dunne. New Inn Parish
Thomas Dolan b. 5/12 Jan 1873 of Grange Sp. Michael Ward & Maria Ward. New Inn Parish
Bridgidam Tressy nee Keogh of Kiltulla [Kiltullagh Kiltullagh] married Michaelem Maher of Bullane [Bullaun Bullaun] 18 Oct 1879 Wit: BLANK. New Inn Parish (Note: Kiltulla M. Register)
Maria Tracy/Tressy & Antonio Ward
Patritius Ward b. 16/20 Feb 1868 of Parish of Grange [Grange] Sp. Fimna? Fahy & Michl Fahy. New Inn Parish
Michael Andreas Ward b. 16/19 Nov 1876 of Grange Sp. Joannes Fahy & Ann Hynes. New Inn Parish
Bridgida Tressy & Antonio Ward
Joannes Ward b. 12/18 May 1873 of Grange Sp. Thomas Toole & Eleanora Danials. New Inn Parish
Maria Tressy & Thomas Brown
Michael Brown b. 10/17 Sep 1872 of Parish of Grange [Grange] Sp. Patritius Monahan?. New Inn Parish
Anna Treacy & Thomas Bown
Anna Maria Bown b. 10/25 Apr 1874 of Grange Sp. Thomas McDrumagh? & Maria Bown. New Inn Parish
Omey (& Clifden) NOTE: West Galway***
William Tracy & Bridget
Mark Tracy b. 26 Sep 1858 Sp. James
Coney? & Cath Hollnan?. Omey Parish
Darby Treacey (married, s. of John Treacy)
m. Bridget King (married, d. of William King) 11 May 1858 Omey, Gal, Ireland
Michael? Trasy? married Bridget King? 26 Dec
1860 Wit: Pat Kanfahan? & Ellen Joyce. Omey Parish
Mich/Michael Tracy/Treacy &
Biddy/Bridget King
Ellen Tracy b. 6 Dec 1861 Sp. Tom King
& Peggy Vaughan?. Omey Parish
Mary Treacy b. 11 Feb 1865 Sp. Thomas
King & Bridget Ward. Omey Parish [duplicate]
Michael Tr(e)acy & Bridget/Biddy King
Mary b. 20 February 1865 Clifden (LDS)
John b. 1 June 1867 (LDS)
John Tracy married Mary Beman 16 Mar 1874
Wit: Michl Joyce & Bridget Joyce. Omey Parish (Note: Clifden [Omey] settled
9th April 74 R? Hyden)
John Tracey
& Mary Bowman
Festus Tracey b. 12/1/1878 bapt.
27/1/1878 Dumbarton, St Patrick's Scotland [died Jan-Mar 1879 Clifden Galway
As the vast majority of the Treacys of Galway come from east Galway, it may be assumed that the registrations in the PLU of Clifden are for the one family.
State Registrations Marriages:
Darby Treacy, Clifden, 1858 3 559
Anne Tracey, Clifden, 1st Quarter 1893 4 119
State Registrations Births:
Tracy, (female), Clifden, Galway. 1864 9 202
Treacy, Mary, Clifden, Galway. 1865 4 211
Tracy, John, Clifden, Galway. 1867 9 211
Tracey, Patrick, Clifden, 1875 4 198
State Registrations Deaths:
Female Tracy Clifden, Galway, 1864 age (at death): 0
John Tracy Clifden, Galway, 1873 age (at death): 50
Festus Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Jan - Mar 1879, age (at death): 1[?]
Bridget Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Oct - Dec 1896 age (at death): 55
Mary Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Apr - Jun 1909 age (at death): 85
John Tracey Clifden, Galway, Jan - Mar 1915 age (at death): 60
Michael Tracey, Clifden, Galway, Apr - Jun 1917 age (at death): 88
John Tracey Clifden, Galway, Jul - Sep 1939 age (at death): 71
Bridget Treacy Clifden, Galway, Jan - Mar 1940 age (at death): 68
301 [28 on map] Festus Tracey, Widow Tracey and Thomas Tracey represenatives of Thos Murray, Russadelisk [Rossadillisk Omey Galway], Ł5.0.9 rent, yearly tenant, 1820's?
30 August 1873 (TH)
Clifden Petty Sessions
Captain Thompson of Sandrock[?] v. ??? of Kingstown for stealing fruit from his garden. P Tracy sworn...strawberries...
12 January 1878 (N)
Clifden Meeting
...undersigned people of Connemara...Singed on behalf of the people...Michael Tracy...
20 February 1897 (TH)
Denis Tracy Lyons, a short man, with a long head and large heart and a magnetic intellectuality distinctively Irish, was born in a bad year, '47, which perhaps accounts for his being so good a fellow. Clifden...was his birthplace...teacher in London…infant education Queensland in 1876 - The Australian, of Brisbane of December 19th
1901 Census
Treacey, 60, F, 13 Market Street, Clifden, Galway, General Servant Girl
Domestic, Roman Catholic, Servant, Widow, Co Galway
Treacy, 65, M, 1 Beagheauneen, Derrylea, Galway, Farmer, R Catholic, Head of
Family, Widower, Co Galway
Treacy, 30, M, Beagheauneen, Derrylea, Galway, Farmer's Son, R Catholic, Son,
Not Married, Co Galway
Treacy, 34, M, Roundstone, Roundstone, Galway, Fishery Instructor, Roman
Catholic, Boarder, Married, Co Wicklow
'Haverford', Queenstown to Phila 25 Sep
F Tracey, 55, b. 1855 Clifden Ireland, married, USC, lived Clifden Ireland,
brother Michael Clifden Co Galway, lived US 1906, to home 213 Ribecca St N
Braddock Pa
1911 Census
Tracey, 80, M, 1 Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway (head, farmer, widower, 4
children/2 alive)
John Tracey, 40, M, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway (son)
Bridget Tracey, 35, F, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway (daughter-in-law, married 5 years, 2 children)
Mary Tracey, 5, F, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway
Ellen Tracey, 2, F, Beoghcauneen, Derrylea, Galway
Betty Tracie & Law O’Brien
Jundy b. 22/12/1833
Cath Tracy & Lau O’Brien
Thos b. 16/1/1835
Turloughtrassa Cross (Turlach Treasaigh) The
cross of Turlogh Trassa, is a cross roads NW of Caherweelder townland in the
civil parish of Killeely.
J. O'Donovan to Geo. A. Larcom. The Ordnance Survey Letters.
Treacy, Tracy |
Of Manhattan, Upper W Side |
From Portumna, Co. Galway |
Agnes Winifred Treacy b. 18 June 1935 Portuma d. 26 October 1983 Balham London (LDS)
Alice Treacy
“According to Michael [Walsh b.
1953 Woodford], his Uncles John and Patrick emigrated to Canada in 1923 and
afterwards moved to Detroit. Both married in America, Patrick married Helena
Brown from Donegal and John married Alice
Treacy from Portumna. Mary, also known as Mary Agnes, the youngest of the
family, married Jim Cleary from the parish of Ballinakill.”
Ann Tressy m. James Mahony 6 August 1851 Portumna (LDS)
Bridget Treacy (b. Portuma, Ireland) m. Patrick McCUE VII (b: Kiltormer Co, Galway, Ireland)
McCUE VIII b: 1860 in Galway, Ireland
Francis/Frank Tr(e)acy & Margaret Mitchel(l)
Anne b. 9 March 1865 Portumna (LDS)
Francis b. 9 February
1867 Portumna (LDS) Francis born
Feb 14th 1867,
baptised Feb 17th 1867 Woodford
Mary b. 31 August 1868 Portumna (LDS)
Bridget b. 22 March 1871 (LDS)
Catherine b. 17 March 1873 Portumna No.1 (LDS)
Margaret b. 4 August 1876 (LDS)
Ellen b. 4 September 1878 Polltaloon (LDS)
John Tressy & Mary Bohan
Edward Tressy b. 24 April 1842 Sp. John Broderick & Mary Dillon
John Tracy, who lives on
Mill creek, about seven miles from Walla Walla, was born in Portumna, Galway
county, Ireland, on the ninth of April, 1825. In 1849 he emigrated to America,
and the succeeding six years were spent in various localities as a laborer,
until he enlisted in the Ninth U.S. Infantry, April 6, 1855. His regiment under
Colonel Wright was ordered to the Pacific Coast, and reached Fort Vancouver in
January, 1856. The country was in the midst of an Indian war at the time, and
Mr. Tracy served under that famous commander of the Ninth Infantry during all
its campaign against the savages in Washington Territory, until discharged, at
Walla Walla in July, 1860. He participated in those thrilling events that
marked the Wright campaign of 1858, which spread terror among the evil-disposed
red skins, who had driven Colonel Steptoe to disaster and out of their country.
After his discharge from service, he located land on Mill creek, where he now
resides, but spent a portion of 1861 and 1962 in the mines. In 1865, October
26, he was married to Eliza J. Hendricks, a native of Tennessee, and their
children's names and dates of their birth are as follows: John Tracy, Jr., July
6, 1867; Mary Lucinda, April 5, 1869; Lawrence, January 16, 1870; Thomas,
October 16, 1872; Catherine May 27, 1875; Eliza, January 1, 1876; Edward,
October 16, 1878; Ellen, April 24, 1880. Mr. Tracy's ranch consists of 440
acres, all of which is inclosed and most of it under cultivation. The
improvements can be best appreciated by referring to a view of the same in this
Gilbert's Historic
Sketches Biographical Supplements 1882 Page 38
Mary Tressy
& Patrick Fahy
Catherine Fahy b. 6 Junr 1841 Sp.
James Tressy & Margaret Fay
Ewing arrived 13 Feb 1842 NSW (Bounty immigrants)
Mary Tracey, RC, housemaid, 17
years, of Portumna, Galway, Ireland
In care of
William Rigg and wife. Met at agents office in Liverpool.
Treacy Question, East Galway 24 May 2013 [see Tynagh]
I am looking for information on my Great-Grandfather Edward Treacy, born about 1830 probably in Tynagh or Killimor Galway, near Portumna. His parents were Patrick Treacy born around 1790 - 1794 in Tynagh and Mary Egan, born in 1811 in Loughrea.
He married Bridget Boland in
Killimor Galway on Jan. 20, 1857. There were no parents named for either spouse, but the
witnesses were John Boland and Michael Burke. I know that
she died at age 67 in Derrew, Eyrecourt, Galway on 20 Jan 1907. Edward Teacy
was the Informant. He
died in Derrew, near Killimor in 1916.
He had the following siblings:
Patrick- born Jan. 7, 1833
Mary born Mar. 12, 1835.
John born ?, married Winifred (Mary) Scully Mar. 5, 1859 in Portumna
John Treacy & Winifred Scully 5 Mar 1859 Portumna Martin
Boland & Mary Broderick
John Treacy & Winifred Scully
Bridget b. 19 January 1865 Portumna (LDS)
James b. 6 May 1868 (LDS)
James born Sep. 30, 1839, married Sarah Howard
James Treacy & Sarah Howard Treacy
Patrick Treacy b. 21 Oct 1880 Sheeanrush [Sheeaunrush Lickmolassy], Ireland
Delia Treacy (d. of James Treacy & Sarah Howard) m. William Fox (s. of Maurice Fox & Margaret Wheleghen) 15 Nov 1908 Bronx, New York
Nicholas - born Mar. 13, 1843, lived Cappasallagh, Portumna Galway
Bridget born Jan. 7, 1849, married Lawrence Whelan
Michael born Mar. 25, 1852
Pat Treacy & Mary Heare
Thomas b. 15 March 1874 Portumna (LDS)
Pat Tressy m. Ann Watson 9 Feb 1860 wit:
Mick Kelly & Ann R??? Woodford RC
Patrick/Pat Treacy/Tressy & Anne Watson
Michael Tressy b. 22 Nov 1861 bapt 23 Nov 1861 Sp. Robert Watson
& Sabina Watson, Tynagh
Mary Tressy bapt. 16 Apr 1864 Sp. Thomas Keating & Margaret
Keating, Tynagh. Mary b. 14 April 1864 Portumna (LDS)
John Tressy bapt. 24 June 1867 Sp. Lawrence & Heanoria
Cunningham, Tynagh. John b. 14 August 1867 (LDS)
Anne b. 1 September 1872 (LDS)
Marloch 12 Apr 1928 Canada
Thomas Treacy, Age: 21, labourer, b. Portumna Ireland
Father: Mr. Thomas Treacy, Killean, Portumna, Co Galway
William Treacy & Sarah/Serah Cleary
Mary b. 14 July 1874 Portumna No.1 (LDS)
John b. 20 October 1875 (LDS)
William Treacy & Catherine Ridge [State Reg: William Tressy married
Catherine Ridge, Portumna 1876 vol 19 page 205]
Bridget b. 2 March 1878 Partumna (LDS)
Bridget Treacy
(d. of William Treacy & Catherene Ridge) m. Patrick Moran (s. of James
Moran & Mary Daly) 04 Oct 1908 Manhattan, New York, New York
Mary Treacy b. 21 April 1879 Portumna Galway (LDS)
Treacy / Tracy of
Portumna Old Street
I am trying to find out information about my grandfather's family.
They lived at 83 Old Street in Portumna according to the 1901 census and in the
1911 census they were listed as living at 52 Old Street in Portumna. My
grandfather's name is Micheal Treacy. He moved to New York and was a policeman.
Micheal was married to Maggie White, from Inistoige and had one son, Edward.
His father was William Treacy, a blacksmith, and was from
Tipperary. He married Catherine Ridge in 1873. I think she was a Portumna
native. They had the following children: James, Daniel, William, Kate, Sarah,
Michael and Thomas. There may have been other children but these are the only
ones listed on the 1901 census.
Kate (Kathleen) immigrated to New York and Michael, James, and
Sarah followed. She might have been married to a Moran. Michael, James and
Sarah are buried together in Calvary Cemetary in Woodside, New York. The name
on the headstone is spelled as Tracey.
I am looking for any information available about the family and
would like to know if there are any remaining Treacy's from this family left in
Mary Anne Tracy 3 April 2012
Hi Mary Anne. Here is some information that may be of help to you.
Your grandfather's brother Dan was also a blacksmith in Portumna and one of his
sons was married in Ahascragh, Co. Galway, and his son is Philip Treacy the
famous hat designer in England. He makes hats for Royalty and anyone who can
afford them. Another son of Dan's, called William was married in England and he
now lives in Portland, Co. Tipperary, with his two sons, William and Michael.
Portland is just 2 miles from Portumna over the river Shannon. My husband
Gerard Treacy is a distant cousin of the Treacys.
The Ridges came from outside Portumna if you want to find out more
information about them contact Mrs Power, of Powers Post Office, Powers Cross,
Portumna as Mrs Power was Ridge.
Hope this information will help.
Mrs. Ann Treacy 1 May 2012
Wilfred Francis Treacy, full age,
bachelor, Lieut in Army, lives Kilworth [Cork] & Limerick (s. of Patrick B
Treacy, Clerk of PS) married Jane Angela Taylor, full age, spinster, lives
Portumna, (d. of Laurence Taylor, hotel proprietor & farmer) Wit: Brendan
Taylor & Nancy [avelly - crossed out] Taylor (19) on the 6 March 1916 RC
Chapel of Mercy Convent Portumna [see Agnes Treacy]
Sean Treacy of Portumna, Galway, All Star 1989 and 1991 Portumna - County Senior Hurling Champions 2003 Back Row L to R: Sean Treacy,
P. Smith, C. Muldoon, M. Gill, C. Ryan, N. Hayes, S. Connors, Pierce
Treacy, I. Muldoon, Derek Hayes, Eoin Lynch, S. O Rourke, Damien Hayes,
J. Kelly, A. O Donnell, Vincent Treacy, M. Dolphin, Eamon Lynch, Stephen
Treacy. Owen Treacy
(Galway) Boys U16 Champion, “An Poc Fada”, 2010. Galway U-16 goalkeeper 2010. Well done to Owen
Treacy of Portumna, who was on the Galway under 16 team which participated in
the Tipperary Supporters Tournament last Week-end. Owen lined out in goals
for the team who beat Waterford Cork and Kilkenny. Unfortunately they
suffered defeat at the hands of a very strong Tipperary team in the final. |
Galway Camogie All-Ireland Minor Champions 1986 who beat Wexford 2-08 to 1-04 All-Ireland Minor Champions 1987 who beat Cork 1-11 to 3-03 Back Row: Bridget Fahy, Triona
Dolphin, Eilish Kilkenny, Mary Treacy (Portumna), Caroline Linnane,
Suzanne Burke, Fionnuala Keane, Catriona Finnegan, Olive Costello. Team on the day: Collette
Callaghy, Caroline Linanne, Martina Dooley, Triona Dolphin, Siobhan Keane,
Imelda Maher, Suzanne Burke, Fionnuala Keane, Catriona Finnegan, Mary
Treacy -capt. Aileen Brett, and Bridget Fahy, |
Registers of Seamen's Services ADM 139/584
Patrick Tracy, b. 15 March 1845 Spindle, County Galway
Date of Volunteering: 30 May 1861 Continuous Service
Number: 18367A
Martin Tracey, Piobair Uilleann/Uilleann Piper
Ballydonnellan, Spiddal , Co. Galway.
(Iris Oifigiuil Chommhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann) Márta/Aibeáin 1969
A centenary history of the beautiful church Cill Einde in Spiddal.
Eibhlin Ní Threasaigh an tSuír
cill einde - cead
bliain By Eoin O Droighneain.Comhl. Forbartha an Spidéil, 2007
Ni Threasaigh Up to two weeks before she filled in her CAO form last
year, primary teaching was the top choice for Orla Ni Threasaigh. She had made
her decision at the start of second-level and stuck with it, even though she
admits to having "hated it" during a week's work experience in
fourth year. "I was
still thinking that maybe it wouldn't be that bad and I would feel
differently in a few years," says Orla, whose about-turn came after a
visit to the school from a lecturer from NUI Galway's Irish-language BA in
Chumarsaid (Communications). The 17-year-old
native Irish speaker from Spiddal was immediately hooked. "The fact that
this course was more practical than learning from books, more hands-on,"
really appealed to Orla, who always loved acting. The course
covers journalism, working in radio and television, and law. According to
Orla, "It is brilliant. At first I thought I would prefer the television
side, but now I am really into radio." The course,
only in its second year, is taught at NUI Galway's centre in Carraroe, Co
Galway, close to Orla's home and not really what she had in mind when
considering her college options. Her initial
reaction to the course was "I'm not going back to Carraroe" but,
while the visit from the NUI Galway lecturer swung her decision, Orla's
teachers, career guidance counsellor and mother also played a role. They sought to
persuade her to pick a course closer to home, as she had only turned 17
shortly before her Leaving Certificate. "They also
knew I loved Irish and my career guidance teacher mentioned the course in
Carraroe." Orla couldn't be happier about her future prospects. "A
career in talking. Fantastic," she says. One year on,
her advice to those filling in the CAO form is to consider all options up to
the end. Sunday Independant January 06 2008 |
Tuam Family Histories
Tuam Deaneries
Anne Tracy married Thos Moore 5 Dec 1821 Wit: Pat
Fitzgerald & James Kelly. Deanery of Clare Parish of Kilcoleman [Kilcolman
Claremorris Mayo]
Thos Tracy married Eleanor Murphy 18 Feb 1822 Wit: Patk
Prendergast & Mary Waldron. Deanery of Clare Parish of Becan [Bekan
Claremorris Mayo]
Catharine Tracy married Pat Owins [Quin?] 25 Feb 1823 Wit:
Luke & Edmd Tracy. Deanery of Belcarra [Balla and Belcarra Mayo]
Kate Tracy married William Piqued 6 Feb 1823 Wit: William
Laines & Biddy Hindes. Deanery of Tuam Parishes of Corrofin & Claretuam
[Kilmoylan Galway]
Hubert Tracy married Eleanor Ruane 3 Dec 1825 Wit: Denis
Tracy & Sarah Bourke. Deanery of Dunmore [see Dunmore]
Pat Tracy married Winifred Carr? 4 May 1825 Wit: Denis
Tracy & Patt Tracey?. Deanery of Dunmore [see Dunmore]
Burgesses of the Borough of Tuam 29 Sept 1821, (elected)
Patrick Tracey, Patrick
Tithe Applotments 15th April 1831
Daniel Tracy, Little Hillswood
Daniel Tracy, Rafferty Hillswood
1901 Census
21 Sun
Street - Mary Tracy (wool spinner)
51 Sun Street - John Treacy and
Cathrine, Mary, Delia, John (shoemaker)
55 Sun Street - Patrick Treacy, Bridget
1. Thomas Tracy and Mary MacDonagh
2. Ana Tracy and Dominic Egan
3. James Egan
1727, James
Egan, Tuam,
Sello Menor.
Ref. AG 1195
Parents: Dominic Egan and Ana Tracy.
Paternal grandparents: Cormac Egan
and Isabel Burke.
Maternal grandparents: Thomas Tracy and Mary MacDonagh.
His coat of arms is signed by James
Terry, Athlone king of arms at the court of James III, in exile in Paris 1720.
The petitioner was in the court of
Paris with His Majesty king James III. He was forced to leave because of a
person who owed him a considerable sum of money, and he had to support his
Samuel Fannin, BA, DipEd. Spanish Archives of Primary Source Material
for the Irish.
Michael Tressy m. Cecily Jennings 1780
Daniel Carroll
& Sarah Tarpey
Mary Carroll b. 29 August 1821 Parish Tuam R.C. Sp: Michael Treacy and
Margaret Tarpy
Cecily Carroll b. 20 October 1827 Parish Tuam R.C. Sp: Martin Tracy and
Mary Lally Martin, the father of the Claimant, born 1800 and died in 1847 and was buried in Abney Park Cemetery Stoke Newington, having married Catherine [1827?], daughter of Matthew Toole, Esq. of Tuam, in the county Galway, and by her he left issue…
(See Tracy
Peerage Case IV) – Background information
Honora Treacy married John Ryan of Tuam [Galway?] 26 Feb 1829 Wit: Wm Dooly, Wm
Russill & Daniel Gleen. Drom and Inch Parish Co. Tipperary
Thomas Treacy (b. 1831 d. Feb 18 1909 Laraghmore Tuam Co. Galway) m. Mary Coady (b. 4 Mar 1842 Cloonavaddoge, Ballyglunin, Tuam d. 1911)
Michael Tracy & Mary Collins
MALE b. 5 March 1864 Tuam (LDS)
James Tr(e)acy & Bridget Walsh
Catherine b. 1 April 1864 Tuam (LDS)
John b. 25 May 1866 Tuam (LDS)
Michael b. 2 July 1867 (LDS)
Laurence b. 29 June 1870 (LDS)
Thomas Tracy & Ellen Burke
John b. 15 July 1864 Tuam (LDS)
Michael b. 15 May 1867 (LDS)
John Tracy & Mary Nestor
Mary b. 4 February
1865 Tuam (LDS)
John Tracy & Mary Ryan
Bridget b. 15 August 1866 Tuam (LDS)
Patrick Tracy, full age, bachelor, landholder, lives Polldarragh, (s. of
Martin Tracy, landholder) married
Mary Corless, full age, 18 [?] spinster, landholder's daughter, lives Curry,
(d. of Timothy Corless, landholder) 13 March 1866 RC Chapel Tuam Wit: Patrick Tracy & Mary Tracy, their
marks, (wit Michael Corless) [Tuam Tuam PLU] signed their marks
Patrick Trac(e)y & Mary Corless
FEMALE b. 2 February 1867 Tuam (LDS)
Catherine b. 6 August 1868 Tuam (LDS)
Martin b. 8 September 1869 (LDS)
Michael b. 12 April 1871 (LDS)
Patrick b. 12 April 1872 (LDS)
Thomas b. 14 July 1873 (LDS)
Mary Anne b. 18 November 1874 Puldassaghe Tuam (LDS)
Bridget Tracy, 21 years, spinster, landholder's daughter, lives Sheep?
Walk, (d. of Daniel Tracy,
landholder) married Thomas Mullowny/Mullownay/Mullonay, full age, bachelor,
landholder, lives Carantanlis, (s. of William Mullownay, landholder) 2 March
1867 RC Chapel Tuam Wit: Michael Mullowny & Honor Treacy, their marks [Tuam No.1 Tuam PLU Galway] signed their
Julia Tracy
& Owen Glynn,
Winifred b. 11 Oct 1874 High Street, Tuam
Stephen Tracey, 28, of Amesbury, b. Ireland,
Operative (s. of Thomas & Winnie) m. Sarah Shaughnessy, 27, b. Ireland
(d. of William & Kate) 15 Feb 1874 Amesbury, Massachusetts
Stephen Tracy & Sarah Shaughnessy
Julia b. 31 May 1876 Tuam (LDS)
Patrick Treacy & Catherine Donohue
Cloonmoylan Tuam, 1850-1964, Patrick Treacy was born abt.
1876 and died 25 Mar 1964. Funeral card lists location as Cloonmoylan Tuam. He
married Katherine or Catherine Donohue. She died 31 Mar 1951, same location.
Connie Bradbury,
Patrick Tracey
Birth Date: 12 Mar 1880
Birth Place: Galway, Ireland
Residence: Norwood, Massachusetts
Passport Issue Date: 23 Feb 1921
Children, all born Norwood Mass:
Edward Patrick b. July 1 1906
Nora b. July 2 1907
Martin F b. Nov 30 1908
Margaret b. Oct 9 1911
Stephen b. Feb 7 1914
Mary V b. Jan 18 1915
Bernard b. Feb 2 1917
Father Name: Patrick Tracey
Father's Birth Location: Ireland
Father's Residence: Deceased
Martin Treacy
Martin Treacy shows up on the 1901 Tuam, Co.
Galway census. Age 12, "scholar" Nephew to Patick Coady (Abt. 1831),
a farmer. Also on the census is Martin McLoughlin (Abt. 1848), son-in-law and
Mary McLoughlin (Abt. 1853), daughter. The census states that all were born in
Co. Galway. Perhaps Martin is a brother to Catherine? I am related to the
Kathleen Herrin May 28, 2006
1. Thomas Treacy & Mary Connelly
2. James Treacy (d. 1951) and Delia Kelly (d. 1951)
2.1 Thomas TREACY b: 6 Nov 1908 in Lavally, Ryehill, Tuam, Galway, Ireland
2.2 Delia May TREACY b: February 28, 1906 in Galway, Ireland
2.3 Michael TREACY b: October 15, 1910 in Galway, Ireland
2.4 Helen Ellen TREACY b: January 12, 1913
2.5 Margaret TREACY b: January 21, 1915 in Galway, Ireland
I know that the Treacy family was from Ryehill, Tuam, Galway. Delia was born abt 1867. I don't know the exact town which Delia Kelly was from. I have some information about Delia's siblings and parents (including a couple Patrick Kellys in my tree). 23 Jul 2006
Connelly, Donelan, Kelly, Treacy I'm in the process of researching
my family from Tuam. I know that one part of the family is specifically from
Ryehill. (In fact some are still there)
I thought I would throw out some surnames names to you and see if you
had any connections.Treacy, Donelan, Connelly, Kelly (which as I have quickly
found out is very common). For later generations I have some married names of
cousins (including a Bredin which could easily be Brennan since I'm finding the
information I have is a little off), but the names above represent my direct
lineage. Karen Tracey
Michael Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Ryehill [Tuam], (s. of Edward Tracy, farmer) married Margaret Forde, spinster, Doonane [Doonaun Moylough], (d. of Martin Forde, farmer) Wit: Thomas Treacy & Sarah Lally 16 February 1914 RC Chapel Meenlough [Menlough Killoscobe] [Mountbellow PLU]
Mich Treacy & Maggie Forde
Brigida Theresa b. 1/1/1915 bapt. 1/9/1915 Ryehill
Sp. Mich Forde & Delia ???. Abbeyknockmoy
Martin F. Treacy born
1908-11-30 at Laraghill, Ballyglunin, Co Galway son of Patrick TRACY now
resides Norwood, MA date 1932-09-17
Passport photograph |
May 1890 US Weekly return of enlistments at Naval Rendezvous Stephen Tracey, Age: 28 3 months, b.
Tuam, Ireland, Fireman?, eyes: lt blue, hair: brown, Complexion: Fair,
5'10.75", scar left ??? Place of Enlistment: Boston Massachusetts May 1890, 3 year term
2dTM Ellis Island Stephen Tracy, Brooklyn NY USA, 1908, 42 years,
married, sailor US Navy, Father: John Tracy, Tuam? Ireland. lived Brooklyn
2-3 years 1904 1882, to Cousin Mr? Lipe?, 341 Stamberg Ave Brooklyn NY. Holds
Dis from U.S. Navy certified service May 2 1890 Dis Feb? 16 1904. 5’10”, fair
complexion, brown? Hair, Blue Passport
Application Stephen Tracey Birth Date: 4 Jan 1862 Birth Place: Triam Co, Galway, Ireland Accompanied by wife Ellen Tracey, born Tuam, married 20? April 1904 Residence: 381 Menahan street, Brooklyn, New York Passport Issue Date: 27 Oct 1923 Father Name: John Tracey Father's Birth Location: Tuam Co, Galway Father's Residence: Deceased Emigrated about March 27 1882 1882-1890 and 1890-1904 US navy 1904-1907 Ireland Mar 30, 1940 Connact Tribune Mr. Stephen Treacy, Tuam Spanish-American War Vetern The death took place last week of Mr. Stephen Treacy, Cloontooa road, Tuam, at the age of 76 years. He was an ex-Petty Officer of the American Navy and had a large pension for many years from that service. He took part in the Spanish-American War in which he earned distinction for having taken over an essential post on his ship when the man in charge was mortally wounded. When his remains were taken to the Cathedral on Thursday evening the coffin was drapped with the American flag. The interment took place on saturday in the New Cemetery |
Trade Tokens
Issued in the Seventeenth Century in England, Wales, and Ireland: By
Corporations. Thanks to Mark Lodwick, National
Museum of Wales |
Catherine Tracy/Tressy b. about 1809 (or 1819) Tynagh m.
Michael Larkin 18 February 1830 (or 1840) St Lawrence’s Tynagh (LDS)
06-13-1884 New York Herald
(New York)
Treacy - On June 11, Mrs Anne Treacy, the beloved mother of Patrick and John Treacy, a native of the parish of Tynagh, county Galway, Ireland, aged 71 years. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her son, 512 East 17th st, on friday, June 13, at half-past one o'clock sharp.
Spencer Tracy (1900-1967)
Frank Trasy m. Mary Donely 26 Jan 1826 Wit: Thos Donelly & Andrew Trasy. Tynagh Parish Galway 1. Francis Tracy & Mary Donelly 1.1 Patrick Tracy b. 12 Mar 1827
Sp. Francis & Catherine Tracy Pat Tressy m. Ann Watson 9 Feb 1860
wit: Mick Kelly & Ann R??? Woodford RC Patrick/Pat Treacy/Tressy & Anne
Watson/Watsn 1.1.1 Michael Tressy b. 22 Nov 1861 bapt 23 Nov 1861 Sp. Robert
Watson & Sabina Watson, Tynagh 1.1.2 Mary Tressy bapt. 16 Apr 1864 Sp. Thomas Keating &
Margaret Keating, Tynagh. Mary b. 14 April 1864 Portumna (LDS) 1.1.3 John Tressy bapt. 24 June 1867 Sp. Lawrence & Heanoria
Cunningham, Tynagh. John b. 14 August 1867 Portumna (LDS) [John Treacy, died
8 March 1908 Bracara Tynagh, bachelor, 40 years, carpenter, influenza
pneumonia 6 days certified, Anne Treacy mother of decd Braeara Tynagh present
at death [Portumna PLU] [21 years in 1901 census]] 1.1.4 Anne Treacyb. 1 September 1872 Portumna No 1, Ga (LDS) 1.1.5 Pat Treacy [female] b. 15 Oct 1874 Portumna Number One, Portumna,
Galway (LDS) 1.1.6 Bridget Treacy b. 17 Nov
1877 Brackery [Tynagh], Galway, Ireland (LDS) 1.2 John Tracy b. 15 Jun 1828
Sp. Patrick & Mary Donelly John D. Tracy died 30 Jan 1901.
John Tracy married Letita (Letesha or Letthie) Harvey
(1827-1 Aug 1865 buried in St. Barnahas) and had the
following children: 1.2.1 Mary Tracy b.c. 1855
Wisconsin became as
Sister M. Perpetua, Order of St. Francis, Buffalo, New York 1.2.2 Catherine Tracy b.c. 1857
Wisconsin became Sister Mary Bonaventure, Order of St. Dominic, Sinsinawa,
Wisconsin 1.2.3 Jane Tracy b.c. 1558
Wisconsin, who may have died before 1870 1.2.4 Frank J. Tracy was born
September 1861 in Mazomanie, Dane county, Wisconsin m. Mary Barron 1891. Died
June 14, 1928 [see biography] Helen Tracy was born South Dakota
or Illinois 1892/3. Cathlene Tracy was born South
Dakota 1901. He then married Mary Guhin 29th
May 1866 St. Bamabas, Mazomanie, Dane county,
Wisconsin. Mary was born in Ireland 15 Jan 1848 in Ballyferriter, Co. Kerry.
Mary was the daughter of Timothy Guhin. Mary died 9 Feb 1918 in Freeport,
Stephenson, Illinois, at 70 years of age. They had the following children: 1.2.5 John Edward
Tracy was born in Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois Jan 1873 (d.1928). He
married Caroline (Carrie) Brown ca 1894. Caroline was born in Freeport,
Stephenson, Illinois Oct 1874 (d. 1942). Caroline was the daughter of Edward
Silas Brown and Abigail Stebbins. John Edward Tracy and Caroline Brown had
the following children: Carroll Tracy was born in Illinois
Jun 1896. Spencer Bonaventure Tracy was born 5 Apr 1900, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. Died 10 June 1967 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles Co., CA 1.2.6 Jennie Tracy was born in Illinois
Aug 1876 m. Patrick Feely. d. 16 Aug 1955 Renton, King, Washington 1.2.7 Agnes Tracy was born in
Illinois ca 1878. 1.2.8 William Andrew Tracy was
born Freeport Illinois 22 Oct 1877 m. Frances Heitzman 1897. Died 1929
Freeport, Stephenson, Ill. Agnes Tracy born in Illinois
September 1897 Joseph Tracy born in Illinois June
1899 1.2.9 Andrew B. Tracy was born
in Illinois Sep 1882. Andrew died 1955 at 72 years of age. 1.3 Catherine Tracy b. 3 Oct
1830 Sp. Patrick Molloy & Catherine Keating 1.4 Thomas Tracy b. 14 June 1832
Sp. Wm Keaghry & Mary Flanagan 1.5 Andrew Tracy b. 17 Jun 1833
Sp. John & Margaret Molloy Andrew Tracy, 23 [35?], b.
Ireland, of Fitchburg, Mass (s. of Francis & Mary Tracy) m. Mary
Gallagher, 29, b. Ireland (d. of John & Jane Gallagher) Oct 1871/6?
Vermont, United States Andrew Tracy Age: 69y6m10d b.c.
1835 Ireland (s. of Francis Tracy & Mary Donnelly b. Ireland) d. 31 Dec
1904 7 Burnap St., Fitchburg, Massachusetts. bur. St Bernard Cemetary 3 Jan
1905. widower. Informant: Miss Jennie Tracy (b. 1873 Vermont registered
Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Father mechanic) 1.5.1 Jennie b. 1873 Vermont
registered Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Sister M Bernardine Tracey d. 22 Aug
1907 Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 34y, b. 1873 Windsor, Vermont. (d. of Andrew
Tracey & Mary Gallagher) 1.5.2 John Francis Tracy b. 17
Apr 1881 Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts (m. Mary Grace King 1910
Springfield, Massachusetts) 1.6 Jane Tracy b. 7 Jan 1835 Sp.
Thomas & Marianne Donohue LDS
records: John
Tracy born about 1836 Ballynahow, Dunquin, Kerry. Married
Mary Guhin (bapt 13th August 1840 Ballynahow, Dunquin, Kerry -
died 7th December 1917) Her
father was Timothy (Thady) Guhin (b. 1807 Ballynahow, Dunquin, Kerry - died
12/3/1891 Manitowac WI). He married Mary Cavanagh (bapt 2/1/1809 Ballynahow,
Dunquin, Kerry - died 23/4/1879 Manitowac WI) 2nd March 1832 at
Dunquin Kerry. Ref: Chang, David
A. Y. O. (2000) Spencer Tracy's Boyhood Truth, Fiction, and Hollywood Dreams.
The Wisconsin Magazine of History, Vol. 84, No. 1 (Autumn, 2000), pp. 30-35 Curtis, James (2011) Spencer
Tracy. Random House,
Cannon, Thomas “Tracy, Spencer (1900-1967)” in Glazier Michael ed. (1999) The
Encylopedia of the Irish in America. University of Notre Dame. Gildea
Cannon, Thomas (1997) Spencer Tracy – Actor. Irish Genealogical Quarterly
6/2: 3-8. West, Sedin Forthcoming biography of
Spencer Tracy to be published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1999. Wolf, Frank E. (2006) St. Barnabas sesquicentennial book, 1856-2006. Mazomanie Historical Society.
Francis Treacy & Honora Gorman
Martin b. 1817
Francis b. 1820 Sp. Rose and John Killeen
James b. 1823.
Hugh Treacy & Mary
James b. 1823
John Treacy & Biddy Fahy
Michael b. 1820
Bridget b. 1823.
John Tracey/Tracy/Treacy & Bridget Fahey/Fahy
Patrick Tracey (b. 1838 [b.1843 Marriage cert] Reaghan, Tynagh, Galway d. 1924 at Clinton, MA) m. Mary Ann Killeen (b. 1842 Polltaloon East, Tynagh, Galway d. 1932 at Leominster, MA) (d. of Peter Killeen & Anne Noon(e)) Clinton, MA 1871
Date of Arrival in US: 1866
Possibly Boston
Date of Naturalization: 1871
Occupation in the US: Laborer in a
gingham mill
*Siblings: Michael, Mary, Margaret, John, Anne (Tracey) Conroy, Lawrence, Michael, Mary, Margaret remained in Ireland.
Date of Arrival in US: 1861-2 Possibly Boston
Occupation in the US: Domestic until her marriage
*Siblings: Michael, John, Peter, Eliza (Killeen) Duggan. Eliza also immigrated to Clinton, MA [with photgraphs]
John Tracy & Bridget Fahy
Mary Sho...b.c 1842 d. 19 Mar 1888, Age: 46 New Hampshire, Spouse's Name: Martin Sho... (LDS)
John Tracy & Bridget Fahey
Ann Conroy, b.c. 1849 Ireland d. 16 Jan 1916 30 Chestnut Street, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States, Age: 67, Spouse's Name: Michael Conroy
John Treacy & Catherine Whelan
John b. 1816.
Laurence Treacy & Mary Burke
Patrick b. 4 June 1876 Kilcorban (LDS) [Tynagh]
Mary Anne b. 21 June 1878 Keel (LDS)
Laurence Treacey & Maria Burke
Winefred Catherine Treacey (29, b. Co Galway, Ireland) m. Michael
Hennessey (39, b. Cork Cork Ireland, Widowed s. of Michael Hennessey & Hannah
Kendrick) 03 Nov 1912 Newton, Massachusetts
Martin Treacy & Mary Kelly
Winifred b. 1817
Mary Treacy
& John Keon
Bridget Keon b. 08 Dec 1871
Portumna No 1, Gal, Ire (LDS)
Celia Keon b. 10 Oct 1873 Portumna
No. 1, Gal, Ire (LDS)
Michael Treacy & Catherine Comber
Bridget b. 1816,
Margaret b. 1819
John b. 1821.
Patrick Treacy, died 1 September 1905 Killeen, widower, farmer, 71 years, Debility following bone disease in arm no medical attendant, Thomas Treacy son of deceased Killeen present at death. [Portumna PLU]
Treacy (1830-1916) Bridget Treacy (Sister Martha) a Presentation Nun Catherine Treacy (Sister Domenic) a Poor Clare Nun Sarah Treacy Elizabeth Treacy Costello |
Patrick Treacy and Mary Egan of
Derrew, Kilquain, Galway Black – 1st
Generation Red
– 2nd Generation Green
– 3rd Generation 1. Patrick
Treacy was
possibly born in 1794 in Tynagh, Galway, according to Family Lore, specifically Carhoon.
Treacy Irish family oral history also says that the Treacy originally came from
Littleton, County Tipperary before moving to Galway. Patrick married Mary Egan. They moved to the Derrew,
Kilquainfarm. Patrick is listed in the 1856 Griffith’s Valuation as
living in Derrew, Kilquain Parish with a house, offices and land of nearly 60
acres. There are also many references to Patrick Treacy from Derrew in the Irish
Petty Court Sessions Records. Later he divided the 60-acre farm there
between two of his sons - Edward and Patrick - and went to Sheeaunrush with
other family members. He died Nov. 14, 1878 in Sheeaunrush, Portumna, Galway.
Nicholas Treacy (his son) was present at his death. He had 9 children. Patrick Treacy had at least 1
brother, Nicholas.See Note #1.In1852 in addition to Nicholas
a Widow Tressy and a John Tressy were renting properties
at Carhoon (&Skehanagh), Tynagh, Galway. They probably were related to
Patrick and Nicholas Treacy. Mary Egan was probably born about 1809 in
the Kilmore area, near Derrew, according to Nicholas Treacy Mary Egan’s
Family came from Kilmore, Killimor, Galway. I found records of a Mary Egan
born Aug. 3, 1811 in Loughrea, Galway, and2 recordsfor 1817 and 1 for 1819 in
Tynagh. These probably refer to another Mary Egan. She married Patrick Treacy
and lived at the Derrew farm. Shedied Oct. 25, 1877 at Sheeaunrush, Portumna,
Galway. Nicholas Treacy (her son) was present at her death. She had 9
children. Children of
Patrick Treacy & Mary Egan: 1.1 Edward Treacy was born circa 1830 in Tynagh or
Killimor, Galway, Ireland. He might have joined the Royal Irish Constabulary
for a short time. There is a record of an Edward Treacy who enlisted in the
RIC in 1854 at age 20. He married Bridget
Boland (Bolan) from Lisinanka in the Killimor area, on Jan. 20, 1857. The
Witnesses were John Boland & Michael Burke. Edward is listed as small
farmer on the Irish Birth Certificate of Michael Treacy. He is listed in the
1883 & 1901 Derrew, Galway Land Records, and as living
in Derrew, Kilquain Parish in the 1901 & 1911 Irish Censuses.
There are also many references to Edward Treacy from Derrew in the Irish
Petty Court Sessions Records. Edward died July 12, 1916 in Derrew,
Galway per his Death Remembrance Card. He had 10 children. Bridget Boland
probably born in
Lissaniska, in the Killimor area in around 1831. I found records of a Bridget
Boland born either on Jan. 15, 1828 in Tynagh, Galway or on July 8, 1834
Ballinasloe. These probably refer to another Bridget Boland. She married
Edward Treacy Jan. 20, 1857 Killimor, Galway. She is listed in the 1901
Irish Census. She died at Derrew on Jan. 20, 1907, age 67 a farmer’s
wife. The informant was Edward Treacy. She had 10 children. Children of Edward Treacy &
Bridget Boland 1.1.1 Mary Anne Treacy was born in Killimor on Jan.
7, 1858. The Sponsors were John & Mary Larkin. She
entered a convent and left. She possibly died in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1935.
1.1.2 Bridget Treacy was born on Feb. 26, 1860 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Martin & Mrs. J. Boland. She became Sister Martha a nun in the Presentation Convent.She died on Mar.
1, 1951. 1.1.3 EdwardTreacy Jr. (Eddy) was born on Apr. 26,
1862 Killimor. The Sponsors were Patrick & Bridget Trassy. He is living
at Derrew, Kilquain in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He
married Mary Larkin (1881-1949) on
Jan. 21, 1909. The Witnesses were John Treacy & Francisca Larkin. He
inherited the Derrew Homestead. He was
also a stone mason. He died on Aug. 22, 1946. He is buried in the
Tiernascragh Cemetery in Ballycrissane. They had 10 children. 1.1.4 Catherine Treacy was baptized on Aug. 14, 1864
in Killimor, per Church Baptism, born Dec. 15, 1864 per Civil Birth Record.
The Sponsors were Thomas Bolan &Callagy. On May 24, 1888 she was vested
as Sister Domenic, a Poor Clare
nun in Dublin. She died in 1964 at age 99 years and 10 months. 1.1.5 Michael Charles Treacy was born in Killimor, on Nov.
7, 1866. The Sponsors were Laurence & Anne Bolan. He arrived in New York
on Mar. 12, 1888 on the SS Alaska.
In the 1889 & 1890 Manchester NH City Directories Michael Treacy is
working at the Manchester Locomotive Works and was living with his first
cousin, Patrick E. Treacy, the son of his uncle Patrick Treacy. Michael Tracy
is listed in the 1894 & 1895 Quincy, MA City Directories as a
Stonecutter. He was married to Margaret
Gertrude Flynn by Bishop Dennis M. Bradley in Manchester, NH on Sep. 3,
1895. He was a member of the Granite Cutters' International Association
of America. He worked at Lyons Turning Mill, Quincy, MA.
Michael Treacy became the Secretary of the West Quincy Branch (local) of the Granite
Cutters’ International Union in about Nov. 1903. He is listed in the
September 1904 Massachusetts Labor Bulletin 33 page 279. He was elected to
the Union’s National Executive Council on Aug. 22, 1905. In the Apr. 1910
through Dec. 1917 Granite Cutters’ Journal Michael Treacy was listed on the
Executive Council of the Granite Cutters’ International Association
of America. With his brother Patrick B. Treacy, he started Treacy
Brothers Monument Works, a Union Shop, in Springfield, IL in 1915.
Michael Treacy is listed in the 1900 & 1910 Quincy, MA Censuses. In the
1894 through 1918 Quincy, MA City Directories as a Stonecutter and in the
1916 & 1918 Quincy Directories Michael is listed as the President of
Division 22, West Quincy of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Michael died Aug. 26, 1919 of Pulmonary Hemorrhage in Quincy, MA. His Aug.
28, 1919 Death Notice in the Quincy Patriot Ledger stated that
he was also a member of the Irish National Foresters. In the
Sept. 1919 issue of the Granite Cutters’ Journal on page
14, they published his Death Notice and in the Oct. 1919 issue they listed a
$200.00 Death Benefit for Michael Treacy. He is buried in St. Mary’s
Cemetery, Quincy, MA. He had 10 children. 1.1.6 SarahAngela Treacy was born in Killimor on Mar.
22, 1869. The Sponsors were Bernard Bolan & M. A. Treacy. She went to the
US with her sister Nora and returned about the mid 1920’s. I found 1900& 1910 US Census Records for a Sarah Tracy, a
servant in both Boston, & Quincy, MA, that might be her. She died in
Killimoron Oct. 18, 1947. She was unmarried. 1.1.7 Honoria Treacy(Nora) was born on June 2, 1871
in Killimor. The Sponsors were John & Honora Treacy. She went to the US
with her sister Sarah and returned about 1905. I found 1900 US Census Records for a Nora
Tracy, a servant in both Boston, & Quincy, MA, as well as a 1905
returning passenger list that might be her. She married John Kilkenny(born Jul. 2, 1871)on Nov. 25, 1908. The Witnesses
were James Gready& Katie Treacy. She is living atKilleen West, Moat,
Galway in the 1911 Census. She died in Sept. 1943. They had 2 sons. 1.1.8 James Treacy was born Jul. 12, 1873 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Michael & Bridget Treacy. He is living in
Derrew in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He died in 1928. He was not
married. 1.1.9 Elizabeth Treacy was born on Aug. 22, 1875 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Michael Treacy & Mary Campbell. She is living
at Derrew, Kilquain in the 1901 Census. She married John Costello(1867-1948) on Feb. 21,
1905 in Portumna. The Witnesses were Michael Hara & Delia Whelan. She is
living at Clooncona, Moat, Galway in the 1911 Census. Elizabeth died in
1964. They had 8 children. 1.1.10 Patrick Boland Treacy was born Nov. 1, 1879 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Michael & Catherine Trassy. He arrived in
Boston from Queenstown, Ireland on Oct. 7, 1899 on the ship SS. Canada. He is listed in the 1900
Quincy, MA Census as a Stonecutter. He is listed in the 1901, 1902& 1903
Quincy City Directories as a Stonecutter. In Feb. 1903 he was admitted as a
New Member in the West Quincy Branch of the Granite Cutters’ International
Association of America. He became a U. S. Citizen on July 3, 1905. He is
listed in the 1910 Cincinnati, OH Census as a Carver in a Granite Works.
Patrick travelled to St. Louis to work in that area. His Sept. 12, 1918 WWI
Draft Registration lists Patrick Boland Treacy as living at 124 West
Jefferson St. Springfield, IL. Michael C. Treacy of Quincy, MA, is his next
of Kin. In 1915 with his brother Michael, Patrick founded Treacy
Brothers Monument Works at 213-215 East Monroe St. Springfield, IL.
From 1915 to 1925 he is listed with Treacy Monument Works. Patrick
died in Springfield, Illinois in Dec. 27, 1925, and he is buried in St.
Mary’s Cemetery, Quincy, MA. He was unmarried. 1.2 Patrick Treacywas born Jan. 7, 1833 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Michael Gorman & Mary Egan. He married Mary Stankard (c. 1840-1901), Stankford on Church marriage
record, on Feb. 2, 1856. The Witnesses were John Boland & Bridget
Broderick.They lived in Derrew. There are also many references to Patrick
Treacy from Derrew in the Irish Petty Court Sessions
Records. Patrick probably died around 1867 because Mary Treacy alias Stankard
was remarried Laurence Hogan (c.
1831-1900) from Ballinalogue, Ballycrissane (Tiernascragh) on the 14th March
1869. She is listed in the 1901 Irish
Census as living with her son John in Derrew, Kilquain. He had 5 children. Children of Patrick Treacy &Mary
Stankard 1.2.1 Mary Treacy was born on May, 22, 1858 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Patrick & Anne Stankard. 1.2.2 Patrick E. Treacywas born on Feb. 22, 1860in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Michael & Bridget Tressy. He immigrated to the
USA in about 1887. He married Mary
Cullen (1864-1908) on Nov. 4, 1889 in Manchester, NH. In the 1891 &
1892 Manchester Directories he worked at the Manchester Print Works (M.P.W.)
and was living at 65 Bath St. In the 1893 – 1908 Directories and the 1900
& 1910 US Censuses he worked as a fireman in the Boiler House at M.P.W.
and lived at 140 Kelley St.In the 1913, 1915, 1922 -1924 Directories he was a
fireman at Amoskeag Mills, living at 140 Kelley St. In the 1930 & 1940 US
Censuses and the 1930, 1932, 1934 & 1936 Directories he is retired living
at 140 Kelley St. He died in Manchester, NH on Apr. 28, 1940 of cardio -
renal disease. He is buried at St. Joseph's Cemetery, Bedford, NH, McDonough
Section, Lot 78. They had 4 children. 1.2.3 John Treacy was born Feb. 11, 1862in
Killimor. The Sponsors were John Trassy& Mary Egan. He married Catherine Broderick (1867-1943)on
Sep. 14, 1896. The Witnesses were Edward Treacy & Bridget Broderick. They
lived in Derrew. He is mentioned in the1901 Irish Land Records. He is
living at Derrew, Kilquain in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He died
on Feb. 23, 1947. He is buried in the Tiernascragh Cemetery in Ballycrissane.
They had 6 children. 1.2.4 Anne Treacy was born on Dec. 5, 1864in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Nicholas & Bridget Trassy. 1.2.5 Winifred Treacy was born on June 26, 1867in
Killimor. The Sponsor was Bridget Ridge. She died on Mar. 1, 1900. The
Informant was John Treacy. 1.3 Mary Treacy was born Mar. 12, 1835 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Thomas Costelloe& Mary Treacy. She probably
died as a child since there is another Mary in the Family born in 1846. 1.4 John Treacy was born on June 20, 1836in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Martin Keane & Catherine Eagan. He might have
joined the Royal Irish Constabulary for a short time. There is a record of a
John Treasy who enlisted in the RIC in 1855 at age 19. He married Winifred Scully (1837-1895) on Mar.
5, 1859 in Portumna. The Witnesses were Martin Boland & Mary Broderick. .
He lived in Graigueakilleen,
Portumna, Galway. He is listed in the 1886 Graignakilleen, Galway
Land Records and in the 1901 & 1911 Irish Censuses.
There are also many references to John Treacy from
Derrew&Graignakilleenin the Irish Petty Court Sessions Records.
John died in 1916. He had at least 4 children Children of John Treacy & Winifred
Scully 1.4.1 Mary Anne Treacy was born circa 1863 in Graigueakilleen. She is
mentioned in an 1885 Irish Petty Court
Sessions Records. She is living atGraigueakilleen in the 1901 & 1911 Irish Censuses.
1.4.2 Bridget Treacy was born on Jan. 19, 1865in
Graigueakilleen.. The Informant was John Treacy. She married Michael McDonagh from Loughanroe on
Jul. 12, 1892 in Portumna. The Witnesses were Michael McDonagh& Annie
Treacy. 1.4.3 James Treacy was born on May 6, 1868in
Graigueakilleen. The Informant was John Treacy. He married Catherine Kemple(1878-1955)on Jun.
14, 1898. The Witnesses were Patrick Treacy & Margaret Kemple. He is
listed is living at Graigueakilleen in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He
died in Drumcar, Portumna, Galway in June 1950. He is buried in the
Churchhill Cemetery in Portumna. They had8 children. 1.4.4 Winifred Treacy was born circa 1879 in
Graigueakilleen. 1.5 James Treacy was born on Sep. 30, 1839 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Ferdinand Ridge & Anne Egan. He married Sarah Howard(June 25, 1856 – Sept. 6,
1933) on Feb. 5, 1878in Portumna. The Witnesses were Nicholas Treacy &
Maria Kelly. Sarah is listed as living atSheeaunrush, Portumna inthe 1901
& 1911 Censuses and the 1902 Derrew Galway Land Records. They
lived at Sheeaunrush. There are
also many references to James Treacy from Derrew&Sheeaunrushin the Irish
Petty Court Sessions Records. He died on Dec. 26, 1899 in
Sheeaunrush. The Informant was his brother Edward Treacy. His will left 242
Pounds, 10 shillings to his wife Sarah. He is buried in the Tynagh, Galway
Cemetery. He had 13 children. Children of James Treacy & Sarah
Howard 1.5.1 Mary Treacy was born on Jan. 29, 1879 in
Sheeaunrush. The Informant was James Treacy. 1.5.2 Patrick John Treacy was born on Oct. 21, 1880in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were Edward Treacy & Mary Anne Horan. Patrick
married Bridget Mannion(Mar. 15,
1894 – Dec. 21, 1970) on Feb. 2, 1927 in Portumna. He is living at
Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He died
May 1, 1953. He is buried in Calvery Cemetery in Portumna. They had 6
children. 1.5.3 James Treacy was born on June 15, 1882in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were James Howard & Bridget Treacy. He is
living at Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He died
Feb. 17, 1916. He is buried in the Tynagh, Galway Cemetery. 1.5.4 Bridget Treacy (Delia) was born on Jan. 28,
1884 in Sheeaunrush. Her Civil Birth was recorded on Mar. 28, 1884. The
Informant was Sarah Treacy. She is living at Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the
1901 Census. She immigrated to the USA circa 1901. She married William Fox (1880-1960) from
Westmeath, who was a New York City Policeman on Nov. 15, 1908 in the Bronx,
NY. In the 1910 U.S. Census they lived at 12 Cambreleng Ave Bronx, NY. In the
1920 U.S. Census they them lived at 76 Syosset St. in Woodhaven, Queens, NY.
In the 1930 & 1940 U.S. Censuses they lived at 8516 88th Ave. in Queens.
She died on Jun. 23, 1963. She had 8 children. 1.5.5 Edward Treacy (known as Big Ned) was born the July 26, 1885in Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors
were Edward & Sarah Treacy. He is living at Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901
& 1911 Censuses. He married Agnes
Mahoney (1903-1973) from Gortanummera, Galway in 1922. They lived in
BallinahescraKillimor. He was a farmer and a stone mason. He died on Jun. 27,
1981. He is buried in the Tynagh, Galway Cemetery. They had 7 children. 1.5.6 Sarah Elizabeth Treacy was born on Nov. 20, 1886in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were John & Catherine Treacy. She is living at
Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901 Census. She married John Keary(c. 1856-1926)from
Graigueagowan on Apr. 29, 1909. She is living at Graigueagowan in the 1911
Census. She died in Apr. 3, 1933. She is buried in the Killimor,
Galway Cemetery. They had 6 children. 1.5.7 Joseph N. Treacy was born on Apr. 5, 1888in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were Laurence Whelan & Bridget Treacy. He is
living at SheeaunrushPortumna in the 1901 Census. He probably went to
the USA in 1910. 1.5.8 Christina Treacy was born on June 4, 1890in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were James Tracy & Cecelia Keon. She is living
at SheeaunrushPortumna in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. 1.5.9 Margaret Treacy was born on Nov. 15, 1891in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were James & Anna Treacy. She is living at
Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901 Census. 1.5.10 Michael Francis Treacy was born on Oct. 15, 1893in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were Thomas Ridge & Bridget Fahy. He is living
at Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He
immigrated to the USA in about 1911. He served with the 69th Infantry “Fighting Irish” Regiment in France in
WWI. He lived with his sister Bridget Treacy Fox and her family in New York
City. He was a policeman. 1.5.11 Laurence Thomas Treacy was born on Nov. 14, 1895in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were Thomas & Margaret Diamond. He is living at
Sheeaunrush in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He
married Anne Frances Mannion
(1902-1986) in 1935. They lived at Heathlawn, Killimor. He died on Mar. 22,
1976. He is buried in Killimor, Galway Cemetery. They had 6 children. 1.5.12 John Peter Treacy was born in Apr. 28, 1897in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were John & Mary O’Connell. He is living at
Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. 1.5.13 Agnes Treacy was born on Jan. 24, 1900in
Sheeaunrush. The Sponsors were Patrick Fahy& Elizabeth Treacy. She is
living at Sheeaunrush, Portumna in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. Nicholas Treacy 1.6 Nicholas Treacy was born on Mar. 13, 1843
Killimor. The Sponsors were Edward Trasy& Honora Egan. He married Mary Walsh (born on Dec. 8, 1856) in
Killimor on May 6, 1880. The Witnesses were Edward Trassy& Margaret
Cosgrove. He lived at Cappasallagh, Portumna, Galway. He is listed in Tracey’s
of Galway, and in the 1893, 1894 & 1900 CappasallaghPortumna Galway
Land Records, and the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. There
are also many references to Nicholas Treacy from Derrew&Cappasallagh in
the Irish Petty Court Sessions Records. He died in Feb. 11, 1935.
He had 14 children Children of Nicholas Treacy & Mary
Walsh 1.6.1 Mary Treacy wasborn on May 24, 1881 in
Cappasallagh. She arrived at Ellis
Island in 1904 and went to live with her brother Patrick at 5255 South
Halsted St Chicago Illinois. She married George
J. Wacter(1869-1937)in 1919. In the 1920 Sioux City, Iowa Census they
were living at 209 Kansas St. In the 1925 Iowa State Census they were living
in Des Moines, IA. In the 1930 & 1940 US Censuses and the1922 – 1927,
1929 - 1930, 1933 – 1935, 1938 - 1941 Des Moines Directories they lived at
1407 26th St., Des Moines, IA. In the 1943 Directory she lived at
5424 Shriver St. She died on Oct. 25, 1973 in San Francisco, CA. She is
buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Colma, CA. They had one daughter. 1.6.2 John Treacy was born in Jan. 15, 1883in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He married Margaret Treacy (1911-1940) in 1938. She died in childbirth. John
died in 1972. They had 1 child. 1.6.3 Patrick J. Treacy was born on Mar. 25, 1884 in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living atCappasallagh in
the 1901 Census. At age 19
he departed Queenstown, Ireland and landed in New York on 9 Sep. 1903 on the
Ship Majestic. A John Sullivan of 5225 South Halstead St., Chicago is listed
as his friend. He moved to San Francisco and married Ethel May (1897-1973) in California in about 1916. In the 1917
San Francisco Directory he is a driver living at 151 Coleridge St. In the
1918 – 1919 Directories he is a conductor living at 151 Coleridge St. Inthe
1920 US Census and the 1920 – 1921, 1923, 1925 & 1927 Directories, he is
a conductor living at 327A Sanchez St.
In the 1928 – 1934, 1937, 1941 & 1943 Directories and the 1930
& 1940 US Censuses, he is a conductor living at 1430 43rd Ave.
He worked as a streetcar conductor for the Municipal Railroad. Patrick died
in on Oct. 11, 1943. He is buried at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma,
California. They had 2 children. 1.6.4 Michael Treacy was born on May 15, 1885in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He married Bridget Moloney of Gortanumera (1899-1979) in 1932 in Portumna.
Michael died on Apr. 4, 1960. He is buried in Calvery Cemetery, Portumna. They
had 6 children. 1.6.5 Francis Treacy was born on Dec. 29, 1886in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He died Dec. 2, 1937. 1.6.6 Bridget Josephine
born on Mar. 12, 1888 in Cappasallagh. Her Civil Birth Record was on May 2,
1888, the Informant was Nicholas Treacy. She is living at Cappasallagh in the
Census. She immigrated to the New York on Oct. 17, 1908 on the SS
Mauretania. On her Jan. 11, 1928 Naturalization Record she is living at 5501
West Haddon St., Chicago, IL. On the 1940 US Census she is living at 6540
South Artesian Ave. She moved to California. In the 1945 San Francisco
Directory she is a nurse living at 525 Turk St. In the 1948 Directory and on
her brother Edward’s 1954 Cemetery Internment Record she is living at 1029
Geary St. San Francisco. She died on Nov. 5, 1979 in San Francisco. She is
buried at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, California. She was not
married. 1.6.7 Alice Treacy was born on May 2, 1889in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. She died in 1900. 1.6.8 Nicholas Treacy was born on Jul. 15, 1891in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 Census. He was a priest. He had Doctor of Divinity
degree. He was an Oblate of Mary Immaculate (OMI). He died Apr. 21, 1946 in
Belkamp, Dublin, Ireland. 1.6.9 James Joseph Treacywas born on May 20, 1894in
Cappasallagh.The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He immigrated first to Chicago on
Apr. 27, 1911. On his June 8, 1917 Naturalization Record, he is living at
3805 Indiana Ave. He married Catherine
B. Clerkin (1885-1943) on Apr. 25, 1923 in Chicago. In the 1930 &
1940 US Census and on his 1942 WWII Draft Registration he was an insurance
salesman living at 8935 S. Ada St. in Chicago. He then went to California. He
died in San Francisco, California May 13, 1957. He had no children. 1.6.10 Edward Martin Treacywas born in 1895in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy.He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He immigrated to Chicago on May 9,
1912. On his Mar. 22, 1917 Naturalization Record, he is living at 3805
Indiana Ave.He served in the US Army in World War I in the 270th
MP Company. In the 1940 US Census and on his WWII Draft Registration Record
he is a policeman living at 6540 South Artesian Ave. He moved to
California.In the 1945 San Francisco Directory he is living at 525 Turk St.
In the 1948 Directory he is living at 1029 Geary St. He died on Jan 12, 1954
in San Francisco. He is buried at the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San
Bruno, CA. He was not married. 1.6.11 Vincent Treacy was born on Apr. 1, 1897in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 &1911Censuses. He died on Mar. 3, 1929. 1.6.12 Joseph Treacy was born on Apr. 26, 1899in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 &1911Censuses. He married Bridget Hanley (1908-1993) from Loughrea on Nov. 26, 1941. He
died on Jan. 23, 1955. They had 4 children. 1.6.13 Margaret Treacy was born on Oct. 30, 1900in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. She is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1901 &1911 Censuses. She married John Connaughton, of Boleyroe, Killimor, Co. Galway. She died in
1938 after a fall from a bicycle. They had 1 son. 1.6.14 Bernard Treacy was born on Aug. 24, 1902in
Cappasallagh. The Informant was Mary Treacy. He is living at Cappasallagh in
the 1911Census. 1. 7 Mary Anne Treacy was born on Feb. 24, 1846 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Ferdinand & Mrs. Ridge. She married John Keon (1841-1912) from Garraun,
Pallas, Tynagh on Jan. 19, 1869 in Portumna.
The Witnesses were Thomas Keane & Bridget Trassy. They are listed
in the 1901 & 1911 Irish Censuses. There are a few references to
John & Mary Keon from Gurraun in the Irish Petty Court Sessions Records.
She probably died in Portumnain Mar. 1930. She had 9 children. Children of Mary Anne Treacy &
John Keon 1.7.1 Bridget Keonwas born on Dec. 8, 1871 in
Gurraun, Portumna. The Informant was John Keon. She married Dominick Harrison (1865-1905)
from Mayo on Dec. 23, 1894 in Kilkelly, Mayo. The Witnesses were Michael
Byrne & Catherine Shiel. She is
living at Kiltimagh, Mayo, Ireland in the 1901 Census. According
to Patrick Joseph Treacy’s records “Bridget joined the nuns in France. She
left the nuns during World War II and married in England. She had a daughter
who was a doctor.” I found a reference on Tree that she was
married to Walter H. French in Islington, England in 1946. She had 1 son. 1.7.2 Celia Keon was born on Oct. 10, 1873in
Gurraun. The Informant was John Keon. She went to the USA in 1899. 1.7.3 John Keon was born circa 1876 in Gurraun.
He is living atGarraun, Pallas, Galway in the1901 Census. 1.7.4 Mary Anne Keon was born in Jul. 9, 1877in
Gurraun. The Informant was John Keon.
She died on Feb. 2, 1881. The Informant was Mary Keon. 1.7.5 Patrick Keon was born on Oct. 5, 1880in
Gurraun. The Informant was John Keon. He died at age 2 on Sep. 8, 1882. The
Informant was John Keon. 1.7.6 Mary Keon was born on Oct. 1, 1881. The
Informant was John Keon. She is living at Garraun, Pallas, Galway, in the1901
Census. She went to the USA. 1.7.7 Edward Joseph Keonwas born on Apr. 16, 1886 in
Gurraun. The Sponsors were Patrick Martin & Mary Anne Whelan. He is
living at Garraun, Pallas, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. On May
30, 1916 in Tuam, the Administration of the Estate of John Keon, Farmer, of
Gurraun, Tynagh, Galway, awarded to Edward Keon, Farmer, Effects 367 Pounds
and 10 Shillings. He married Mary
Brien on July 30, 1930 in Portumna. They had 5 children. 1.7.8 Anne Teresa Keon was born on Oct. 3, 1888in
Gurraun. The Informant was Mary Keon. She is living at Garraun, Pallas,
Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. She married John Carolan(born 1880) from Ramore in 1927 in Portumna. They had
1 daughter. 1.7.9 Patrick Francis Keonwas born on Jan. 13, 1891 in
Gurraun . The Sponsors were James Treacy & Bridget Treacy. He is living
at Garraun, Pallas, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He went
to the USA in about 1924. On June 23, 1936 he became a U. S. Citizen and was
living at 6452 Engleside Ave, Chicago, IL. In the 1940 Census he was a
Widower and a Bridge Operator for the City of Chicago, living at 449 West
Deming Place, Chicago, IL. He died in Aug. 1980 in Des Moines, IA. Bridget Treacy 1.8 Bridget Treacywas born on Jan. 7, 1849 in
Killimor. The Sponsors were Patrick Treacy & Mary Cain. She married Laurence Whelan (born Jul.24, 1837)
of Barnluacullagh, Tynagh (Barnacullia is in the townland of
Garraunnameetagh) in Portumna on June 22, 1875. The Witnesses were Patrick
Whelan & Bridget Egan. They were living at Garraunnameetagh, Moat, Galway
in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. There are a couple of references to
Lawrence Whelan from Garraunnameetagh in the Irish Petty Court Sessions
Records. The Tynagh mines took over the Whelan land. She died in
1940. She had 9 children. Children of Bridget Treacy &
Laurence Whelan 1.8.1 Mary Anne Whelan was born on Feb. 28, 1877 in
Bornaculla. The Informant was Laurence Whelan. She died at age 11 on Jan. 31,
1888. The Informant was Laurence Whelan. 1.8.2 Bridget Whelan (Delia) was born in Feb. 7, 1879in
Bornaculla. The Informant was Bridget Whelan. She is living at
Garraunnameetagh, Moat, Galway, in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. She
married Coleman Maguire (1883-1922)
from Carrowshanbally, Bracklagh,
Galwayin Portumna in 1912. They
went to Dublin. She had 1 son. 1.8.3 Sarah Whelan was born on Oct. 10, 1880in
Bornaculla. The Informant was Laurence Whelan. She is living at
Garraunnameetagh, Moat, Galway, in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. She
remained at Barnacullia. She died in 1964. She was unmarried. 1.8.4 Martin Whelan was born on Apr. 14, 1883in
Bornaculla.. The Sponsors were John
Treacy & Mrs. L. Noonan. He is living at Garraunnameetagh, Moat, Galway,
in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He remained at Barnacullia. He died
on May 4, 1961. He was unmarried. 1.8.5 Catherine Whelan was born on Jul. 27 1885in
Bornaculla. The Sponsors were Thomas Boughan& Bridget Keon. She died at
age 2 months on Dec. 2, 1885. The Informant was Laurence Whelan. 1.8.6 Michael Joseph Whelan was born on Apr. 3, 1887in
Bornaculla. The Informant was Laurence
Whelan. He died at age 20 months on June 7, 1889. The Informant was Laurence
Whelan. 1.8.7 Anna Maria Whelan (Mary) was born on Apr. 27,
1888 in Bornaculla, Eyrecourt. The Informant was Laurence Whelan. She is
living at Garraunnameetagh, Moat, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses.
She married James J. Donohoe
(1889-1966) from Carrowshanbally, Gurtymadden, Loughrea, in 1923 in Portumna.
She died on July 11, 1971. She had 5 children. 1.8.8 Teresa Mary Whelan was on born Feb. 2, 1891in Bornaculla. The Informant was Laurence Whelan. She is living at Garraunnameetagh, Moat, Galway in the 1901 Census. She went to the USA. She arrived in New York on Dec. 16, 1926 on the SS Baltic. She married John Smythefrom Ballinlawless, Bullaun, on June 8, 1929 in Manhattan, NY. She became a U. S. Citizen on Sep. 1, 1932 in New York City, NY. She died in Mar. 1987 In Nassau, New York, USA. She had 2 daughters. 1.8.9 Patrick Joseph Whelan was born on July 21, 1893in
Bornaculla. The Sponsors were Edward
& Bridget Treacy. He is living at Garraunnameetagh, Moat, Galway in the 1901
& 1911 Censuses. He remained at Barnacullia. He died on May 23,
1954. He was unmarried. Michael Treacy 1.9 Michael Treacy was born on Mar. 25, 1852 in
Killimor, he might have joined the Royal Irish Constabulary for a short time,
there is a record of a Michael Treacy who enlisted in the RIC in 1870 at age
18. He possibly went to Australia, but Nicholas Treacy and Gerard Treacy say
that he went to either Chicago or Springfield, Illinois and was killed by a
bull or murdered. He might have had 1 son. Black – 1st
Generation Red
– 2nd Generation Green
– 3rd Generation Note #1Patrick
Treacy’s Brother: Nicholas
Treacy was
born circa 1797. He lived at CarhoonTynagh. A Nicholas Tracey is listed in Griffiths Valuations as living in
Carhoon, Tynagh. He was married to Winifred
Egan (1815-1876). Nicholas died at Carew (Carhoon) on Feb. 6, 1886, his
son Pat was the informant. He had 5 children. Children of Nicholas Treacy &
Winifred Egan: Edward
Treacy was
born circa 1841 in Tynagh. He married Mary
Keating(1852-1917) from Kiladullisk near Killimor on Apr. 10, 1875. The Witnesses
were James & Bridget Egan. Edward is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew,
Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He had 11 children. Peter
Treacy was
born on Jan. 25, 1876 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were Patrick Treacy &
Honora Keating. He died on May 26, 1876. The Informant was Edward Treacy. John
born on Mar. 13, 1877 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were Michael Keating &
Catherine Finnerty. He is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901
Census. He immigrated to the USA and in 1912 he was living at 77
Orland St.,Newark, NJ. Mary
Anne Treacywas
born on Dec. 3, 1878 in Killadulisk. The Informant was Edward Treacy.She is
living atKiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901 Census. Winifred
born on Nov. 24, 1880 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were Thomas & Sabina
Madden. She is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901
& 1911 Censuses. James
Jim) was born on Apr. 3, 1883 in Killadulisk. The Informant was Edward
Treacy. He is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901
& 1911 Censuses. He married Mary
Anne Burke on Feb. 11, 1931 in Portumna. He died on Nov. 1, 1970. He had
6 children. Bridget
Treacy was
born on Sep. 1, 1885 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were John Lynch & Mary
Larkin.She is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901
Census. She arrived at Ellis Island in 1907 to go to her brother
John’s home at425 South Prangs Pas Newark, NJ. She was 5’-”, fair complexion,
B hair, blue eyes. Agnes
born on Dec. 6, 1887 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were Patrick & Bridget
Greaney. She is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901
& 1911 Censuses.She arrived at Ellis Island in 1907 to go to her
brother John’s home at425 South Prangs Pas Newark, NJ. She was 5’1”, fair
complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. She was back in Ireland in 1911. Catherine
Treacy (Mary
Kate) was born on Aug. 9, 1889 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were John &
Mary Anna Treacy.She is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901
Census. In 1925 she married John
Larkin. Sarah
born on Mar. 17, 1892 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were John Treacy &
Winifred Treacy. She is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901
& 1911 Censuses. Elizabeth
Treacy wasborn
on Oct. 16, 1894 in Killadulisk. The Sponsors were John & Mary McCoog.She
is living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses.
She married Patrick Larkin of Deerpark, Ballycrissane on June 2, 1925. Margaret
born on Apr. 7, 1898 in Killadulisk. The Informant was Edward Treacy. She is
living at Kiladullisk, Derrew, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses.
She married James Concannon of
Raheen, Killimor on Sep. 21, 1927 in Portumna. Patrick
Treacy was
born on Nov. 21, 1842 in Tynagh. The Sponsors were Patrick Treacy &
Catherine. He married Bridget Burke(1848
-1910) on Feb. 25, 1878 in Portumna. He is living at Carhoon, Moat, Galway in
the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He diedon Oct. 1, 1918. They had 5
children. Mary
Treacy was
born on Dec. 5, 1879. The Informant was Patrick Treacy. She is living at
Carhoon, Moat, Galway in the 1901 Census. Anne
born on Feb. 26, 1884. The Sponsors were Thomas Keighry& Burke. She is
living at Carhoon, Moat, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. She
arrived at Ellis Island, NY in 1912 and went to live with her cousin cousin
John Treacy, at 77 Orleans St, Newark NJ. She was 5’3”, fair complexion, fair
hair, blue eyes. Margaret
Treacy was
born in Feb. 23, 1886. The Sponsors were Peter Carey & Anne Burke. She is
living at Carhoon, Moat, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. She was
the Executrix of her father’s 1918 Will. Patrick
Treacy was
born on Jun. 2, 1890. The Informant was Pat Treacy. He is living at Carhoon,
Moat, Galway in the 1901 & 1911 Censuses. He
served in the British Army in World War I. Bridget
Treacy was
born circa 1896. She is living at Carhoon, Moat, Galway in the 1901
Census. James
Treacy was
born on Feb. 6, 1848 in Tynagh. He was baptized on Feb. 14, 1848. The
Sponsors were Edward Treacy & Anne Costello. Thomas
Treacy was
born on Dec. 16, 1852 in Tynagh. He was baptized on Feb. 20, 1852. The
Sponsors were John &Bridget Head. Michael
Treacy was
born on Aug. 18, 1854 in Tynagh. He was baptized on Feb 27, 1854. The
Sponsors were Peter & Bridget Gohery. There is also a connection to the Treacy Family
(William Treacy & Catherine Ridge) on thePortumna page, not through those
Treacy’s who come from Tipperary, but I believe that Catherine (Ridge) Treacy
is the daughter of Catherine (Egan) Ridge from Kilemore, Killimor, Mary
(Egan) Treacy’s sister. Jim
Treacy Jan.
27, 2015 |
Edward Treacy – Mary Larkin Wedding Photo 29 Jan 1909 Fahy Church Centre of second
line from bottom with cap - Edward
Treacy. To his right in picture - His wife Mary Larkin.To Mary Larkin’s right in picture John Treacy, Cappasale, beside
him Frances Larkin
(Craughwell). I do not know 3 to her right in picture. Man in hat in extreme
left John Treacy, Derrew.Below
from him in front row Patrick Larkin
(with cap). Directly below John Treacy, Cappasale - Martin Larkin with cap & probably some musical instrument in
hand. Young girl beside John Treacy, DerrewJanie Larkin (Conroy). Woman above fiddler in front row
could be Bridie Larkin
(Holden). Second left to Edward Treacy, Katie Larkin (Keegan). Man with hat with hands on Edward’s
shoulder John Costello(married to
Elizabeth Treacy). Near him left with cap John Kilkenny (married to Nora Treacy). Two old men with
bowler hats I think the one with sideburns is Edward Treacy (Ed Treacy’s father, born around 1833).Smaller man
with moustache Patrick Larkin,
Mary Larkin’s father. I think the tall man beside them with beard is Tein Larkin. Man at the back extreme
back uncle of Mary Larkin. Between grandfather Edward Treacy & John
Costello with cap Patrick Treacy Sheeaunrush,
beside him one of his sisters, either Mrs. Sarah Keary or Agnes), first cousins of groom in picture.Tall man
in top left with cap Looks like John
Larkin, brother of Mary. At extreme back beside John Larkin, Charlie Nevin, Derrew (in cap,
married Annie Treacy). |
Charles Treacy 1903 |
Michael Charles Treacy (1866
Derrew Kilquain Galway - 1919 Quincy MA) [see Michael
Charles Treacy] I
came across some interesting information about my Grandfather Michael Charles
Treacy who was born in Derrew, Kilquain on 7 Nov. 1866. He was the
second son of Edward Treacy & Bridget Boland. He came to the USA in 1888,
he married in 1896 in Manchester, NH, was a Stonecutter and moved to the
Quincy, MA to the house where I grew up. He had 10 children. What
I found out then was that Michael C. Treacy became the Secretary of the West
Quincy Branch (local) of the Granite Cutters’ International Union
from 1903 until 1910 and from 1910 until 1917 he was on the National
Executive Council of the Granite Cutters’ International
Association of America. Since both my Father and I were longtime
Union members, that is a big deal to me. Michael C. Treacy died on 26 Aug.
1919 of a Pulmonary Hemorrhage. The Granite Cutters’ Journal published
a Death Notice of him in their September 1919 issue. Here is what it says: “A good fellow,
and a good union man has left us. Michael Treacy, to whom I refer died on
Tuesday, August 26. For many years he took an active interest in branch
affairs, for a long time was a member of the Executive Council. We have
missed him from our meetings since he became ill, and his ever ready
smile and cheery voice will be missed. He was one of those men who were
fearless in expressing their views and sentiments, no matter what the
opposition might be, and many of us who have differed with him
many times, could not avoid having a strong feeling of respect for the
manliness of the man. He leaves a widow and a large family and Quincy branch
extends its sympathy to them in their great sorrow, but we feel that they
must be comforted by the knowledge that remembrance of him must recall the honest,
upright character which was so manifest in all his actions. May he rest in
peace.” N. Williams Published in
the Granite Cutters’ Journal Page 14, September 1919 issue;view=1up;seq=634 I
thought that it was a nice write up. The next day I learned that he was also
the President of Division 22, West Quincy, MA of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians from 1916 to 1918. My Father was only 10 years old when my
Grandfather died so we did not know all this information before last summer. I
have attached a photo of Michael C. Treacy from about 1903. Regards,
Treacy 4th
January 2015 |
1937-8 Schools’ Manuscript Collection My Home District by Mary Treacy, Bracara, Tynagh, Loughrea, Co. Galway.UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish
Folklore and Linguistics |
Woodford/Looscaune Parish
Patrick Tracy (b. 1815 - 1820 d. aft. 1870 New York City) m. Ann ??? Abt. 1841
In the 1850 New York City census
Patrick Tracy was found living in the 14th ward, on page 134. He was listed as
30 years old, a clerk, born in Ireland. In his household was his wife Ann, 27
years old, and a daughter named Mary J. Tracy, being 2 years old, showing New
York as her place of birth. In the 1860 census Patrick Treacy was listed as
being 45 years old (note the difference in his age?), as shown in the 6th ward,
3rd division, page 1105, dwelling number 263, on the date of 03 July, 1860. He
worked as a private watchman, born in Ireland, and his wife Ann was not found
in the record, but his son Michael, and Mathew, and his daughter Mary were
found. Also living with them in the 1860 census was a woman named Johanna
Sweeney, 45, a servant, from Ireland also. In the 1869 New York city directory
he was at 19 Mott street. Patrick was the first known relative to come to NYC.
His sister Anna Tracy came over a few years later with her husband Michael John
Connery, who was living at his home in 1863, at 19 Mott street. He was a
witness to the Naturalization of Michael Connery his brother-in-law, Patrick
being listed as living at 19 Mott street. Also Patrick's sister Anna (Johanna)
Tracy's daughter Ann Elizabeth was born at the 19 Mott street address in 1863.
In the 1870 census of New York City as found in the 7th ward, first district,
on page 24. He was now listed as being 55 years old, now working as a tailor,
worth 500.00 in personal worth, and 1000.00 in real estate, being born in
Ireland. Again, his wife Ann appears, she being listed as 50, she was absent
from the 1860 census. Also in the household were his son's Michael, and Mathew
Tracy, and their daughter Mary. A study of Irish ship records for the port of
New York shows two possible prospects for Patrick Tracy coming to America. It
is still not clear whether one of these men represent our Patrick. The first
was on 20 June, 1847, from Liverpool, on the ship "Pacific", it shows
a Pat Tracy 28, a mechanic of Ireland, alond with a wife whose first name was
not known, aged 25, and a son Mike Tracy who was listed as 3. This could be our
family, or at least part of our family? The second was a Patt Tracey, 30 years
old, a male laborer, from Ireland, on 08 April, 1848, from Dublin, to NYC, on
the ship "James Fagan", manifest ID 2873, he came alone in steerage.
This fits better with the known family information, given the probable place of
birth of his daughter Mary in New York (still not proven, and only extracted
from one record).
Anna Tracy
(b. 1821 - 1822 Rossmore, Ballinakill Parish d. January 17, 1898 Brooklyn, New
York) m. Michael John Connery Abt. 1845 in Woodford, Ballinakill Parish,
Leitrim Barony, Galway, Ireland
Anna Tracy came over to New York
city with her young daughter Mary Ann in Jan., 1851, as shown in the biography
of her husband Michael John Connery. She was listed in this record as Anna
Conroy, and she appears again this way as a widow in the 1880 census of New
York city, in the household of John Mc'Namara her son-in-law, and her daughter
Anna Agnes Connery. In 1868 she was listed in the New York city directory as
Anna Conrey with her daughter Mary as dressmakers living at 638 6th avenue. In
1878 she was listed as Anne Conroy, widow of Michael living at 155 E. 41st
street, and she was listed again in 1879 as Annie G. Conrey at this address,
and she still worked as a dressmaker. In 1880 she lived at 1484 2nd avenue as
shown in the census record. From 1882-1883 she appears again as Ann Conroy
widow of Michael living At 1467 2nd avenue, not far from her daughter Anna
Mc'Namara. She died as Ann Conroy while living at 423 Hicks street, in the 6th
ward of Brooklyn, being 76 years old. She died of Gangrene, and was buried in
Holy Cross Cemetery in Brooklyn. Her death record stated that she was a
homemaker, and that she was living in NYC for 52 years.
Pat Tressy m. Ann Watson 9 Feb 1860 wit:
Mick Kelly & Ann R??? Woodford RC
Patrick/Pat Treacy/Tressy & Anne Watson/Watsn
Michael Tressy b. 22 Nov 1861 bapt 23 Nov 1861 Sp. Robert Watson
& Sabina Watson, Tynagh
Mary Tressy bapt. 16 Apr 1864 Sp. Thomas Keating & Margaret
Keating, Tynagh. Mary b. 14 April 1864 Portumna (LDS)
John Tressy bapt. 24 June 1867 Sp. Lawrence & Heanoria
Cunningham, Tynagh. John b. 14 August 1867 Portumna (LDS)
Anne Treacyb. 1 September 1872 Portumna No
1, Ga
Pat Treacy [female] b. 15 Oct 1874
Portumna Number One, Portumna, Galway (LDS)
Bridget Treacy b. 17 Nov 1877
Brackery [Tynagh], Galway, Ireland (LDS)
Francis/Frank Tr(e)acy & Margaret Mitchel(l)
Anne b. 9 March 1865 Portumna (LDS)
Francis b. 9 February
1867 Portumna (LDS) Francis born
Feb 14th 1867,
baptised Feb 17th 1867 (Woodford)
Mary b. 31 August 1868 Portumna (LDS)
Bridget b. 22 March 1871 (LDS)
Catherine b. 17 March 1873 Portumna No.1 (LDS)
Margaret b. 4 August 1876 (LDS)
Ellen b. 4 September 1878 Polltaloon (LDS)
Patrick/Pat(t) Tr(e)acy/Tressy & Brigid/Bridget Thor(n)ton
Mary b. 20 August 1865 Woodford (LDS) Mary born Aug 13th 1865, baptism Aug 14th 1865 (Woodford)
Anne b. 11 October
1869 (LDS) Anna
born Oct 11th 1869, baptism
Oct 23rd 1869 (Woodford)
Brigid born Dec 6th
1871, baptism Dec 8th 1871 (Woodford)
Kitty b. 22 December 1877 Featherston Mountain (LDS) Catherine born
Dec 22nd 1877, baptism
Dec 26th 1877 (Woodford)
Patrick Tracy and Bridget Thornton, of Tourleighter, Galway.
Looking for information on the ancestors and family of Patrick
Treacy b.1836 (d.1917 at Carrew, Co. Galway, Ire.) and Bridget Thornton.
They had five daughters, all born in Ireland :
Mary b.1865 m. Patrick Hensy (or Hennessy)
Annie [b. October 10th 1870 d. 27 May 1936 Elora Ontario after 48 years in
Canada – Death Cert] m. Job Rogers
Margaret, immigrated to Toronto,Ontario, Canada and m. Charles Rainer
Bridget b.1871 m. Martin Hennessy
Catherine b.1877, immigrated to Toronto and m. John Murphy.
I have Annie (married to Job Rogers)
listed as the second of 5 daughters of Patrick & Bridget Tracy (Treacy).
Annie's youngest sister Katherine is my grandmother.
Isherwood February 21, 2002 rhisherwood 27 May 2002
Anne, born 11 Oct 1869 in Tourleighter; I have a copy of her birth certificate. Pat Tracy is listed on it as being a farmer. Annie died 27 May 1936 in Kincardine, Ont. I have no info on any of their ancestors, only the descendants of Annie. I didn't know if she had a sister named Catherine. Annie moved to Canada, and married Job Rogers in Toronto on Oct 29, 1890. They had nine children, of whom one is still living, my grandmother Ella Mae (Wright).
cheryl wright October 03, 2004
Looking for information on the ancestors and family of Patrick Treacy b.1836 and Bridget Thornton, one known daughter, Catherine b.1877, all born in Ireland. Patrick died in 1917 at Carrew, Co. Galway, Ireland. Catherine immigrated to Toronto, Ontario, Canada and married John Murphy. Any information is greatly appreciated. Children emigrated to Ontario, Canada from Scotland
kttrucking 21 Feb 2002 kttrucking1 30 Jun 2003
John Tracey, full age, bachelor, small famer, lives Gurteeney, (s. of Thos Tracey, small farmer) married Anne Commons, Do [full age], spinster, lives Flesk, (d. of John Commons, small farmer) 23 February 1867 RC Chapel Looscane Wit: James Martin & Mary Kelly, her mark [Drunimen Portumna PLU] signed her mark
1. Thomas Treacy & Margaret Dale
1.1 John Treasy/Treacy (b. 1838/9) & Anne Commons/Commins(?)
1.1.1 Mary b. 12 July 1871 (LDS)
1.1.2 Pat b. 16 September 1873 (LDS)
1.1.3 Thomas b. 16 May
1876 Gurteeney (LDS) Thomas born May 10th
1876, baptized May 13th 1876
(Woodford) Commins
1.1.4. Elizabeth b. 6 February 1878 (LDS)
1.2 Patrick Treacy (b.1840/2 Galway) &
Mary Frances Kearney
I want to make contact with anyone who
is researching Treacy (or variations of the spelling) from the
Woodford/Gorteeny/Loughrea area. My great, great grandfather Patrick Treacy b.
1840/42 emigrated from the area arriving in Central Otago, New Zealand in 1863.
His brother John Treacy emigrated to NZ with his wife (Ann Commins) and four
children (Thomas, Patrick, Mary, Elizabeth) arriving in Central Otago, NZ in
1878. I have found the children's baptism listed at Woodford. John and
Patrick's parents are listed on their death certificates as Thomas and Margaret
(nee Dale) Treacy. I have found Thomas Treacy in Griffith's Valuations at
Gorteeny. I would be interested to know if John and Patrick had any other
siblings. Also I think that Margaret's maiden name is listed incorrectly as
Dale, as I can find no record of any Dales in the area, but I have found Daly
and Daley spellings. Can anyone assist? Also I would just be interested in
having contact with others who are researching in the area and sharing
information and stories with them.
Thanks very much kiwicolleen May 3, 2008
I am busy researching our Treacy family tree. I
am a great grandson of Patrick Treacy who was born 1840/2 in Co. Galway. He
spent 3 years on the Victorian goldfields in Australia, and in 1863 he came
over to New Zealand, settled at Evans Flat near Lawrence in Central Otago. He
was a miner. He married Mary Frances Kearney, born c1844/8 in Ireland. They had
six children, one of whom is my grandfather Thomas. I have found Patrick's death
certificate which states his father was Thomas and mother Margaret, nee Dale.
In my youth I was raised in Alexandra where my father, Patrick Kearney Treacy,
was a member of the local police force. To the best of my knowledge, we are the
only Treacy family with central Otago connections. Pat Treacy Christchurch New
Looking for Treacys in the
Woodford/Loughrea general area Co. Galway. Patrick b. 1840/42 arrived in
Central Otago, New Zealand in 1863. His brother John Treacy b. 1838/39 arrived
in Central Otago, NZ in 1878 with his wife and family. I have found a record of
the baptism of their son Thomas at the RC Church in Woodford in 1876. John and
Patrick's parents were listed on their death certificates as Thomas Treacy and
Margaret nee Dale. We have not found any records of them as yet. Any assistance
or information re. any Treacys in the general area would be much appreciated.
Contact Niamh October
New Zealand
I am researching the Treacy's who
emigrated to New Zealand in the 1800's. We think they originated from Galway
and know they settled in the Central Otago region of the South Island. I know
these details are very sketchy but I am only just starting my search. Any
information anyone has re. Treacy's who emigrated to NZ would be appreciated.
Sandra Morgan
Margaret Treacy b. 4 April 1869 Galway d. 21 March 1964 Lawrence Otago New
Zealand (LDS)
Catherine Tracey (b. 1817 Ballynakill Galway d. 22
November 1867 Ipswich Queensland Australia, 50 years) m. Patrick Cannon (b.
1820 Ballynakill Galway d. 14 October 1865 Ipswich Queensland Australia, 45
years) 1843, Galway Ireland,;p=catherine;n=tracey
Immigration from Galway to Australia, New South Wales &
CANNON Catherine 1850 29 Ballinakill William TRACEY / Ann xx Living in Ballinakill. Husb = Patrick, 28 & 2 chn on board. Ship = Cornwall
CANNON Joseph 1850 1 Ballinakill Patrick / Catherine TRACEY On board this ship. xx Ship = Cornwall
CANNON Mary 1850 4 Ballinakill Patrick / Catherine TRACEY On board this ship. xx Ship = Cornwall
‘Kate’ to Sydney, New South Wales or Moreton Bay,
Queensland 1850
Tracey, 36, Toem (parents: Michael/Mary nee Brien, both dead), His surname is stated
as Brien but a long note states that his real surname is Tracey.
Lynch, 26, Nenagh (parents: Michael & Margaret Tracey) (wife of William,
Treacy, 22, Rushmore [Rosmore Galway], (parents: William / Ann xx Living at Rushmore. Sister = Catherine Kennet?
[Mary Kennedy?])
Treacy, 20, Rushmore [Rosmore Galway], (parents: William / Ann xx Living at
Rushmore. Sister = Catherine Kennet? [Mary Kennedy?])
Message Boards
References to
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Directories
- Parish Records
of East Galway – Page 2a
Family Histories
Parish Records
of West Galway – Page 2b
Family Histories
Parish Records
References from
1900 onwards
- Directories
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Land Records
- Census
references for Galway
Last update: 09 October 2023