It may be presumed that the Traceys of Roscommon are descended from the Sil Anmchadha


Leitrim-Roscommon Genealogy Website










The Traceys of Roscommon can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as Roscommon formed part of the territory of the Sil Anmchadha.



1607 Depositions

…That there was an English woman murthered by one Teage o Trassy & ffarrell o Bryane servants then to the said William ô Concanon [in his Island on the River of Sucke]

TCD http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID=831284r213


1749 Elphin Diocesan Census

John Tressy, papist, labourer, 1child under 14 years, Kilmore, Athleague, Co. Roscommon.

Michl Tressy?, Kilmore, Athleague, Co. Roscommon.


Patrick & Catharin Tracey, papist, miller, 2 children under 14 years, 1 man & 1 woman papist servants, Cloonagh, Ballintobber (Ballintober), Co. Roscommon.


Laurence Treacy & Mary (Papist), 1 child under 14, Carugarry, Baslick, Co. Roscommon

Thos Treacy & Jane (Papist) cottier, 3 children under 14, 1 child over 14, Parish of Gortneselagh, Baslick, Co. Roscommon


Bryan & Margaret Trassy, papist, labourer, 2 children under 14 years, Gortoose, Bumlin, Co. Roscommon

Roger & Hanna  Trassy, papist, labourer, 2 children under 14 years, Gortoose, Bumlin, Co. Roscommon

Daniel & Mary Trassy, papist, cotter, 3 children over 14 years, Newtown, Bumlin, Co. Roscommon


Edward & Bridget Tracy, papist, Farmer, 1 child under 14 years & 2 papist women servants, Keillmore, Clooncraff, Co. Roscommon.

John & Jane Tracy, papist, Farmer, Cloonshee, Clooncraff, Co. Roscommon.


De. Treasey & wi[fe] (Papists) 1 child under 14, 1 man servant (Papist), Aughlard, Parish of Cloonfinlough, Co. Roscommon.


William [or Jas] Traccy & wife (Papists) Labr., 2 children under 14, 2 male + 1 female servant (Papists), Runnymeade, Cloonygormican, Co. Roscommon   


Richard Tracy, w. papist, Miller, 3 children under 14 years & 2 over 14 years, 1man & 1 woman papist servants, Cargeens, Dunamon, Co. Galway. [Carrigans Park, Dunamon, Co. Roscommon]


Thomas Tracy, w. papist, 1 child under 14 years, Dundermott, Drumatemple, Co. Roscommon.


Mary Treacy (Papist) cotter, 1 child under 14, 2 children over 14, 1 female servant (Papist), Cloonican, Kilkeevan, Co. Roscommon. [Castlereagh]


William Tracy, papist, cotter, 2 children under 14 years & 3 children over 14 years, Kilteevan, Kilteevan, Co. Roscommon [Ballintober South]


Treacy  Laurce      1749  Census  Kilkeevan, Roscommon


Andrew Trasy, papist, Labourer, 3children under 14 years, Portron, Portron, Killinvoy, Co. Roscommon.


Thady Trassy, papist, begger, Carnagullah, Kiltrustan, Co. Roscommon

Bart.Anne Trassy Lenaghan papist, cotter, 2 children over 14 years, Cloncovanagh, Kiltrustan, Co. Roscommon


Thomas Tracy, papist, horse rider, 3 children under 14 years & 1 papist woman servant, Acres, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon


Treassey  Mathias      1749  Census  Tisrara, Roscommon

Legg Marie-Louise ed. (2004) The census of Elphin 1749. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.

Manning, Peter (1947) Elphin Diocesan Census 1749: surname index.


17th and 18th Centuries Extract of the parochial registers of Nantes

Hôtel-Dieu (Nantes's hospital): 27 November 1751 Burial of Guillaume (William) Tracy, priest of Elphin diocese, 27 years old, son of Thomas Tracy and Winifred Kirchey.


House of Commons Dublin

12 Jan 1756

A petition of Elizabeth Tracy, widow, and John Alder of Athlone, woollen drapers , and partners, setting forth , that by great losses in trade, they are rendered uncapable to pay all their debts, and that they were obliged to abscond and quit carrying on said business.

9 Dec 1761 The Journals of the House of Commons of the Kingdom of Ireland

13 January 1756.

Sir Samuel Cooke, reported from the Committee (appointed to take into consideration, the petitions of Edward Buckingham, late of the City of Dublin, brewer, Elizabeth Tracy, widow, and John Alder of Athlone, and of Tobias Nugent, of Twatling-street, in the City of Dublin, skinner) the resolutions which the Committee had directed him to report to the House, which he read in his place, and afterwards delivered in at the table, where the same were read, and agreed unto by the House, and are as follow:...

Resolved, that it is the opinion of this Committee, that the petitioners, Elizabeth Tracy, widow, and John Alder, have fully proved the allegations of their petition


Kirk Onchan, Isle of Man

Eliz. Treacey, late of Athlone, died June 20th, 1762, aged 59 years


Canadian military service

Edward Treasy born abt 1809 Creagh, Roscommon - Canadian military service 24 Jan 1826

Edwd Treasy born abt 1809 Creagh, Roscommon - Canadian military service 24 Jan 1826

John Tracey born abt 1802 Ft William Bengal, Roscommon - Canadian military service 28 Jan 1829

John Tracey born abt 1809 Moore, Roscommon - Canadian military service 5 Jun 1826

Patk Tracey born abt 1798 St Peters, Roscommon - Canadian military service 15 Jun 1816

Patk Tracey born abt 1798 St Peters, Roscommon - Canadian military service 31 Aug 1816

Peter Tracey born abt 1763 Ketterston, Roscommon - Canadian military service 1 Apr 1782

William Tracey born abt 1787 More, Roscommon - Canadian military service Jan 1809

William Tracey born abt 1794 Moore, Roscommon - Canadian military service 5 Sep 1809

William Tracey born abt 1808 Tersard, Roscommon - Canadian military service 18 Apr 1829


1778-1790 Catholic Qualification Rolls

Andrew Tracy, of Sniphill, at an adjourment of the sessions held at Roscommon thelh January 1794, No 400 [Roscommon]

Bryan Tracy, yoeman, of Lissalveybeg [Lissalway? Baslick], At an adjourment of said sessions 24th Oct 1795, no. 667, Roscommon No. 4 Finished [Roscommon]

John Treacy, of Sanpihill [Snipehill Frenchlawn Ballintober] Co. Roscommon, Summer 1788 Assises Roscommon


British War Office

John Tracey b. Athlone 1778, Cordwainer 5th Dragoons 25th Sept 1793 (age 15) - 24th March 1799. 1st Muster Oct 1795. Attested 12th Oct 1794

Ledwells’ Troop. Recruiting April ’96 -  Sept ’98. Nearly joined 26th in 1796

1st KDGs 25th March 1799 – 1st Oct 1815 incl. Waterloo. Died 1816 Nottingham. (Believed to be Roman Catholic. Married Margaret McNaughton at St Marys Drogheda 13th Jan 1799. Children Anne b. 1799 Croydon; Thomas B 1801 New Radford, Nottingham; John 1804 Arundel died young?; Francis 1808 Newcastle; Sarah 1813; Alexander 1814 Glasgow) Please contact jon.lee63@googlemail.com  if relations known.


British War Office

John Tracey b.1782 Killbride, Tullamore 31st Light Dragoons (1794-96), 8th Dragoons (1796 [with Patrick] -1805 wounded in arm at Laswaree) 7th Royal Veterans Btn 1805-1811, enlisted 2/73rd Foot at Athlone April 1811 and discharged 21st June 1817.John Tracey b. 1784 Tullamore, King’s 2/73rd (6.5 yrs and at Waterloo incl 3 in India) also Veteran Btn. Discharged 1st June 1807 and July 1817 after 14 yrs service to reside at Athlone WO120/17

The 31st Dragoons were raised in 1794 and disbanded in 1796.

The 8th Dragoons served in South Africa in 1796, Suez/Egypt in 1801, India in 1802 and returned to England in 1823.


1796 Irish Flax Growers

Denis Tracy, Ogulla, Roscommon 
John Tracy, Kiltrustan, Roscommon 
Martin Tracy, Kilglass, Roscommon 
Nicholas Tracy, Fuerty, Roscommon 
Thomas Tracy, Kiltrustan, Roscommon 
William Tracy, Killinvoy, Roscommon 


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

Martin Tracey born 1761 Roscommon, Roscommon. Served in 3rd Royal Veteran Battalion; 61st Foot Regiment Discharged aged 53, 1798-1814

Martin Tracey, b. 1761 Roscommon, Roscommon  61st (1798-1811) 3rd Royal Veterans Bttn1811–1814 labourer WO121 WO116/15 discharged 26th July 1814 aged 53 WO116/15

Martin Tracy b. 1781 Roscommon 3rd Royal Veterans Btn till 1815 then 8th RVB. Labourer 16yrs service (FMP)

Martn Tracey, born abt 1761 Roscommon 3rd Veteran Battalion, residence 26 Jul 1814

??? Battalion

D.D. Mart Tracey, 53 years, 2 10/12 - 61 Foot 13 8/12 8 Wits or 13 Feb 1816 1/12, served 17 1/12. 1/- pay, Do [Disbauded] and debility, 5/11, brown hair, grey eyes, fair complexion, born Roscommon Biemiushaw, labourer, (died 31/1/29 War W B39368 99B?


1791 Subscribers..Mr. Flan. Tracy, Mount-talbot [Tisara Roscommon]..

Killarney: a descriptive poem

Alumni Duublinenses: Trinity Dublin

Tracy, Flan, Siz. (Mr. O’Connor), June 13, 1797, aged 22; R.C., s. of Flan, Agricola; b. Co. Roscommon. Sch. 1800. B.A. Vern. 1801. [see Thomas Stanley Tracey]


1802 Roscommon Census compiled by the Rev C.C. Ellison [Protestant Parishioners]

In the Parish of Tullamore-Kilbride [Offaly] in Sept 1802 Tracy - Mary, Richard, George infant.  P119

In the parish of Clonmellon [Meath] Treacy, Thomas.  P123

The Irish Ancestor, 1973


1806 The Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection. Written in Spanish [Society of Jesus] and translated from French

Subscribers...Patrick Tracy, Athlone...


1806 Subscribers:

Rev. Patrick Tracy, Athlone

Rev. William Tracy

The Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection. From the French of M. FAbbe des Marais, translated from the Spanish of Alonsus Rodriguez, S.J. Vol. I. Kilkenny, J. Reynolds, 1806.

Ignatius Fennessy. Some Irish Clerical Subscribers 1800-24. Source: Collectanea Hibernica, No. 36/37 (1994/1995), pp. 196-242


1808 (205) (Ireland.) Accounts

Spring & Summer Assizes 1807 - Moycarnon Half Barony Roscommon

Sub-constables - John Kenny, Michael Curly, James Tracy, Timothy Fihelly/Feeheely & Darby Kilduff at £2 each..£10/0/0



Andw Treacey, 21 Oct 1818, Lodge 47 Castlerea/Frenchpark [Tibohine Roscommon],  

Andw Treacy, 26 Jun 1845, Lodge 53 Castlerea Co. Roscommon,  

John Treacey, 2 Mar 1809, Castlerea Roscommon,  M 1809 [Master?]

..dated 27 September 1819. With the exception of the signatures, it is identical with Plate XIII. (Class N) of Brother Robinson's “Masonic Certificates.” It was sent out from Castlerea, and is signed “Jno. Treacy, G.M., and James Foster, G. Sec-Y.” The parchment is in excellent preservation, but the surface is extremely dirty.

Pat Treacey, 21 Nov 1809, Castlerea Roscommon,  

Patrick Treacy, 11 June 1839, Lodge 53 Castlerea Co. Roscommon, 47


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

William Tracet born Moore, Roscommon. Served in 35th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 37, 1809-1831

William Tracey, b. 1794 Ballinasloe, Roscommon

William Tracey b. 1787 More, Roscommon enl. in 35th 1809 With James

William Tracey b. 1793/4 Moore, Ballinasloe, Roscommon 35th Foot 1809 – 1831 Labourer. 28 yrs service (3 yrs underage and 10 in West Indies) Chelsea 12th Sept 1830 WO116/40


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

John Treacy born Creagh, Roscommon. Served in Galway Militia Discharged aged 39, 1810-1829

John Treacy, b. 1790 Ballinasloe, Roscommon

John Treacy b. 1790 Balliniscoe, Creagh, Roscommon 11th Foot and Galway Militia 1810-1825WO97

John Tracey 11th Foot deserted 21st Dec 1813 rejoined WO25/2500


Mar 7, 1908 (IT) Final Notice to Claimants..Irish Land Commission

Denis Charles O'Conor (The O'Conor Don) County Roscommon..Theobald A. Dillon of Strokestown..lands of Cornamucklagh and Falmore [Cornamucklagh and Falmore, Kilcorkey] in the barony of Castlereagh..or in respect of a judgement of Hillary Term, 1809, in the Court of Common Please, recovered by James Tracy against Thomas Dillon for £216, Irish currency, and which was assigned to Daniel Tracy, by Deed of 1st September 1826, and on the foot of which nothing is admitted to be due..


The Eudoxologist; Or, An Ethicographical Survey of the Western Parts of Ireland: A Poem. To which are Prefixed the Author's Poems on the Giant's Causeway, and Killarney; with Other Miscellaneous Compositions By Patrick O'Kelly. Published by Printed for the author, by J. Watt, 60, Back-lane, 1812

Tracy, Rev. Andrew, co. Cavan

Tracy, Mr. Pat, Castlerea [Roscommon???]


1815 Accounts and Papers relating to Increase and Diminution of Salaries in Public Offices of Ireland

Milltary - Ordance Office

William Weaver, esquire, Storekeeper, Athlone £85

Mr. J. Dupleix, 1st Clerk to ditto £20

Mr. J. Tracy, Assistant Clerk to ditto £20

1820 Accounts and Papers relating to Increase and Diminution of Salaries

Milltary - Ordance Office

Athlone Storekeeper's Department, Joseph Tracey, Late Assistant Clerk-reduced, Annual amount £110


British War Office

William Tracey b. 1790 Roscommon. Soldier

William Tracey b. 1790 102nd Foot enlisted at Clonmel 30th July 1815 and deserted 6th August 1815 in Bristol WO25/2907


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

Patrick Tracey born Athlone, Roscommon Served in 84th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 23, 1816-1821

Patk Tracey born abt 1798 St Peters, Roscommon - Canadian military service 15 Jun 1816

Patk Tracey born abt 1798 St Peters, Roscommon - Canadian military service 31 Aug 1816

Pat Tracey, b. 1798, Athlone, Roscommon 

Patrick Tracey b. 1798 St Peter’s Athlone, Roscommon. Enlisted at Athlone 84th Foot 1816-1820 labourer WO97 Pensioner but Patrick Tracey b.1798 St Peter’s, Cork 84th and 1stVeterans Btn discharged April 1821 after 7 yrs service aged 23 WO116/31 labourer WO121

Patrick Tracy b.1797 buried  6th Oct 1829, Athlone aged 33. Funeral cost 5s 0d

Pat Tracey, born abt 1798 Ashtone, Roscommon, Private 84th Foot, joined age 18 13 Jun 1816, joined Ashtone, Roscommon

Patk Tracey, born St Peter's, Athlone, 84th Foot, residence 18 Apr 1821

Eighty Fourth Regiment of Foot

18 April 1821 Pat Tracey, 23, 4 10/12, 1  Vetm OP 15 June 1822 5/12, Total 5 years 3/12, 6 rate of pay, lame left leg from badly varicose veins, born St. Peters Athlone, laborer, 5'8", brown hair, blue eyes, pale complexion, DD per B 13 828 died 28/2/?7?

Eighty Fourth Regiment of Foot 18/4/21

Private Pat Tracey, born St. Peters Athlone Co. Roscommon, enlisted at Athlone Roscommon 13 June 1816 age eighteen for life, served 4 years 309 days, served 84 Regt from 13 June 1816 to 17 April 1820 4 years and 309 days, in consequences of lame of the left leg by occasioned by the veins having become varsicose to an extreme degree brought om by an injury from a fraca? on ship boumd on his passage for? Newport Wales in the comenment? the year 1819, conduct as a soldier Good, signed Pat Tracey his mark, Private Pat Tracey about twent three years of age, 5 foot 8 inches, brown hair, blue eyes, pale complexion, by tade a labourer, at Ryans? Dock 6 Decr 1820, confirmed 17 April 1821 


Ireland-Australia Transportation

James Tracey b. 23rd Oct 1787 1/26th enlisted 5th July 1805 WO25/951

James Tracey 1/26th court-martialled at Gibraltar 9th Oct 1817 for desertion a second time and transported for 14 years as a felon WO92/1






Trial Place



Native Place


Death Place


James Tracey



Isabella I (1) [1818]


Gibraltar Court Martial



Athlone Co Roscommon or Westmeath




James Tracey. Per "Isabella", 1818, Feb 6 1822, On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per "Elizabeth Henrietta" (Reel 6008; 4/3504A p.403)

James Tracey, 18 May 1825, Constable at Newcastle

James Treasy (Tracey), Isabella 1818, 10 August 1825 Newcastle, Died aged 37

James Tracey

1825 Apr 22, Town Constable at Newcastle. On return of persons on Police Establishment for the Counties of Northumberland and Durham who are entitled to salaries (Reel 6068; 4/1812 p.51)

1825 May 18, Town constable at Newcastle. On return of constables for the counties of Northumberland and Durham (Fiche 3302; 4/7419.1 p.16)


James Tracey, Isabella 1818, 1822 6 February.  On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per 'Elizabeth Henrietta'

James Treasy (Tracey), Isabella 1818, died 10 August 1825 Newcastle aged 37 - Church of England Burials Register Book 1821 – 1825



British War Office to 1860 (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

James Tracey, b. 1817 Elphin, Roscommon


Alumni Duublinenses: Trinity Dublin

Tracy, Patrick Waldron, Pen. (Mr. Willis), May 30, 1820, aged 20; s. of John; b. Roscommon.


1 Jul 1821 Memorial No: 518656

George Mills, Esq, of Cherryfield, co. Roscommon & Roger O'Beirne, merchant, of Carrick on Shannon, co. Leitrim

Witness: Patrick Treacy [of Cherryfield, co. Roscommon?]


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

Patrick Tr(e)ac(e)y born Creagh, Roscommon. Served in 30th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39, 1822-1843

Patrick Tracey, b. 1804 Ballinasloe, Roscommon

Patrick Treacy Col Sgt b.1804 Creagh/ Lough, Ballinasloe 30th Foot 1822-1843 labourer WO117/4


British War Office

Edward Tracey b. 1810 Creagh, Roscommon. Labourer enl 3rd Foot Jan 1826


John Treacy, 1828, Prerogative Court will. Exec: Jonathon Treacy, Snipe Hill, Co. Roscommon. IWR/1828/F/43.


Kiltoom & Cam

Surnames 1828: Tracy (1)

Surnames 1855: Tracey (1)

Gacquin, William (1996) Roscommon before the famine. The Parishes of Kiltoom and Cam 1749-1845. Irish Academic Press, Dublin.


23 May 1829 Roscommon & Leitrim Gazette

County Of Roscommon, To Wit. A Copy of the List of Applications entered by the Clerk of the Peace, of persons who have given Notice of their intentioa to Register a Freehold

769 John Treacy, Snipehill

770 Andrew Treacy, Snipehill

1829-1830 The Law Recorder

Exchequer May 18..Leasor Monroe v. John Tracy and Andrew Tracy..at the last Assizes of Roscommon..


British War Office

William Tracey born abt 1808 Tersard [Tisrara?], Roscommon - Canadian military service 18 Apr 1829

WO 76 247 [link]

William Treacey,of 69th Reg of Foot, born Roscommon Ireland 8 sept 1808, joined age Twenty One years

Religious Persuasion "Roman Catholic"

Ensign 69th Foot, 11 June 1847, without purchase

Adjuvant 69th Foot, 21 Aug 1849. without purchase

Ensign 69th Foot, 1 April 1851

Lieutenant 69th Foot, 29 Oct 1851, without purchase

Exchanged to Canadian Rifles

Served 11 Dec 1847 to 9 June 1851 Malta

10 June 185 West Indies

Married [Note: different to parish registers]

10th Sept 1828 Athlone Ireland to Mary Coghlan by Revd Doctor Browne


Mary b. 8th July 1829 baptised Athlone St. Peters

William b. 25 Dec 1830 baptised Athlone St. Peters

Signed W Tracey


London Gazette

William Tracey (E) 2127 69th Foot

69th Foot, Colour Serjeant William Tracey to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Coathupe, Who resigns. Dated llth June 1847.

16 June 1847 Wexford Independent

69th Foot Colour Sergeant W. Tracey to be ensign, without purchase, vice Coathupe, who resigns.

69th Foot, Ensign William Tracey to be Adjutant, vice Bowen, promoted. Dated 21st August 1849.

25th August 1849 The Tablet

69th Foot—Ensign Wm. Tracey to be Adjutant, vice Bowen, promoted.

69th Foot, Lieutenant George Ernerst Bulger, from half pay, Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment, to be Lieutenant, vice William Tracey, who exchanges. Dated 3rd June 1853.



1851 February 69th (South Lincolnshire) Regiment. Officers with the 69th were:

..Ensign Tracey..

1851 April 68th (Durham Light Infantry) Regiment. Officers with the 68th were:

..Ensign William Tracey..

69th (South Lincolnshire) Regiment. Left 3rd April



William Tracey, Ensign, 11th June, 1847, 69th Regt.; Lieut., 17th Sept,, 1852, 69th Regt.; exchd. to half pay of Canadian Rifles, 3rd June, 1853; died at Barbadoes, 4 June 1853. [Yellow Fever?]

Widows' Pension Forms

William Tracey, born 1808, married Mary 1828, died 1853, 69th Regt Of Foot


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Andrew Tracy [& John Tracy & Owen McQue], Snipe Hill [?], Ballintober, Roscommon, 1832


Cathe Tracy, Aughnadrish [?], Kilteevan, Roscommon, 1833


Denis Tracy [& Wm Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Denis Tracy [& Wm Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]


Edmd Tressy [& Leut?], Derreen [Killahorne? (called Derrew?)], Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

Edmd Tressy [& partr?], Derreen [Killahorne? (called Derrew?)], Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

Edward Tracy, Cloonalyons [Cloonylyon], Cloonfinlough, Roscommon, 1824


Frank Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826


Hugh Tracey, Corbally [Upper, Corboley], Killinvoy, Roscommon, 1827

Hugh Tracey, Corbally [Upper, Corboley], Killinvoy, Roscommon, 1827


James Tressy, Cuilleen Wood [Killahorne? wood], Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

Jas Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826

John Tracy [& Andrew Tracy & Owen McQue], Snipe Hill [?], Ballintober, Roscommon, 1832

John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]

John Tracy, Apernnon [Moyvannan], Kiltoom, Roscommon, 1828


Martin Tracy [sr & Martin Jr Tracy], Drumagissaun, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Martin Tracy [sr? & Martin J Tracy], Drumagissaun, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833


Michl Tracey, Garrynagowna, Moore and Drum [Drum], Roscommon, 1828

Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]

Michl Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826

Michl Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826

Michl Tracy, Garrynagawna, Drum, Roscommon, 1833

Michl Treacey, ?arneykelly [Farranykelly], Fuerty, Roscommon, 1825

Michl Tressy [& Patt Tressy], Beagh, Creagh, Roscommon, 1825


Pat Tracy, Knockroe, Kilkeevin, Roscommon, 1832

Pat Treacy, Cornagire [?], Fuerty, Roscommon, 1825

Patt Tressy [& Michl Tressy], Beagh, Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

Patt Trosy [Trosy & Co], Kilcorkey, Kilcorkey, Roscommon, 1830


Peter Tready [Treasy], Caldra [Caldragh], Kiltrustan, Roscommon,


Thady Tressy [& Thos Tressy], Knockall [Knockhall], Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833


Thomas Tracy, Drummullen [Drummullin], Clooncraff, Roscommon, 1842

Thos Tracy, Coolnaheava [Cuilnakeava], Taughboyne [Taughboy], Roscommon, 1828

Thos Tressy, [& Thady Tressy], Knockall [Knockhall], Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833


William Tracey, Tomraver [?], Tisrara, Roscommon, 1836

William Tracy, Weekfield [?], Cloontuskert, Roscommon, 1834

Wm Tracy [& Denis Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Wm Tracy [& Denis Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]

Wm Tracy, Weekfield [?], Cloontuskert, Roscommon, 1834



Frank Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826

Jas Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826

Michl Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826

Michl Tracy, Carrowreagh, Aughrim, Galway, [Roscommon] 1826


Andrew Tracy [& John Tracy & Owen McQue], Snipe Hill [?], Ballintober, Roscommon, 1832

John Tracy [& Andrew Tracy & Owen McQue], Snipe Hill [?], Ballintober, Roscommon, 1832


Thomas Tracy, Drummullen [Drummullin], Clooncraff, Roscommon, 1842


Edward Tracy, Cloonalyons [Cloonylyon], Cloonfinlough, Roscommon, 1824


William Tracy, Weekfield [?], Cloontuskert, Roscommon, 1834

Wm Tracy, Weekfield [?], Cloontuskert, Roscommon, 1834


Edmd Tressy [& Leut?], Derreen [Killahorne? (called Derrew?)], Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

Edmd Tressy [& partr?], Derreen [Killahorne? (called Derrew?)], Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

James Tressy, Cuilleen Wood [Killahorne? wood], Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

Michl Tressy [& Patt Tressy], Beagh, Creagh, Roscommon, 1825

Patt Tressy [& Michl Tressy], Beagh, Creagh, Roscommon, 1825


Michl Tracey, Garrynagowna, Moore and Drum [Drum], Roscommon, 1828

Michl Tracy, Garrynagawna, Drum, Roscommon, 1833


Michl Treacey, ?arneykelly [Farranykelly], Fuerty, Roscommon, 1825

Pat Treacy, Cornagire [?], Fuerty, Roscommon, 1825


Patt Trosy [Trosy & Co], Kilcorkey, Kilcorkey, Roscommon, 1830


Denis Tracy [& Wm Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Denis Tracy [& Wm Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]

Wm Tracy [& Denis Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Wm Tracy [& Denis Tracy], Moyglass, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]

Martin Tracy [sr? & Martin J Tracy], Drumagissaun, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Martin Tracy [sr & Martin Jr Tracy], Drumagissaun, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]

Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Rattinagh, Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833 [Duplicate]

Thady Tressy [& Thos Tressy], Knockall [Knockhall], Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833

Thos Tressy, [& Thady Tressy], Knockall [Knockhall], Kilglass, Roscommon, 1833


Hugh Tracey, Corbally [Upper, Corboley], Killinvoy, Roscommon, 1827

Hugh Tracey, Corbally [Upper, Corboley], Killinvoy, Roscommon, 1827


Cathe Tracy, Aughnadrish [?], Kilteevan, Roscommon, 1833


Pat Tracy, Knockroe, Kilkeevin, Roscommon, 1832


Peter Tready [Treasy], Caldra [Caldragh], Kiltrustan, Roscommon,


John Tracy, Apernnon [Moyvannan], Kiltoom, Roscommon, 1828


Thos Tracy, Coolnaheava [Cuilnakeava], Taughboyne [Taughboy], Roscommon, 1828


William Tracey, Tomraver [?], Tisrara, Roscommon, 1836



1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans

With records for Ballymoe, Clonfinlough, Mosshill, Rockville and Tybohan.

1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans


1832-1836 Return of Persons to whom Licenses have been granted to keep Arms

41. William Treacy, Clooncraff Co. Roscommon, Magistrates CG Plunkett of Montplunkett and NS French of Fort William, one gun

1836 (255) Arms (Ireland.)

William Treacy, Clooncraff, Roscommon, one gun


20 July 1833 Wexford Conservative 

Roscommon Assizes..Michael Lally's wife brought witness a letter from her husband, who was confinded in the jail at Galway for shooting at Mr. Tracy caretaker at Kilmore.


British War Office –Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

James Tracey born Kilkenny, Kilkenny. Served in 74th Foot Regiment; Surrey Militia Discharged aged 39, 1833-1854 [b. 1815] [Sergeant Highland Light Infantry - 71st & 74th Foot No.1008]

James Tracey, b. ? Kilkenny, Kilkenny

James Tracy b.1815 St James, Kilkenny 74th till 1854, Surrey Militia 1833 – 1854 b. Elphin, Roscommon 1817?

James Tracey b.1817 Aughrim, Roscommon 2/1st Foot.Alias James Bruan. Deserted 186 and 1840 Labourer FMP


British Civil Service Evidence Of Age

Francis Treacy, born 1839 Ballintober Roscommon Ireland

Stephen Tracy/Treacy, born 1832 Ballintubber Roscommon Ireland


1835 Diocese of Killaloe


5. Private school, kept by Michael Treacy, Small payments of children, Summer 50 to 60, Discontinued since Nov., 1834 for want of a school-house, Reading writing and arithmetic


Account of the Bequest of Barthw Mahon Esqr to the Poor of the Union of Bumlin [Roscommon] by the Vicar and Church Wardens.

19 Oct 1835 Cash to Mary Treacy 1s

19 Oct 1836 Cash to Mary Treacy 2s

8 Aug 1838 to assist for a Coffin for B. Treacy 2s



British War Office - Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

John Tracey/Treacy born Birr, Offaly. Served in 49th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 32, 1835-1853

John Tracey, b. 1821 Birr, Kings (Offaly)

John Tracey b. 1821 Ballinasloe/ Birr, King’s Offaly 49th Foot 1835-53 Pension transferred from Belfast to Athlone temporarily 27th Dec 1853 WO22/144


1836 (415) Petty sessions, Ireland

Castlerea..P. Treacy, Clerk

20 April 1836 Petty Sessions Castlerea

22 June 1843 - 1842 Petty Sessions, Ballinlough Roscommon

22 June 1843 - 1842 Magistrates Castlerea, Roscommon

1842-44, 1852-54 Fees for Petty Sessions Castlerea

P. Patrick Treacy, Clerk

1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland

Petty sessions courts

P. Treacy, Ballinlough, Castlerea, second Wednesday

Patrick Treacy, Castlerea, second Wednesday


1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland

Mary Treacy, 1838, Elphin, Roscommon


May 10, 1837 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

..P. Tracy, Auctioneer, Ballaghaderreen.

16th July 1852

Mr. Patrick Treacy, auctioneer, in the town of Castlereagh, [Roscommon]


1842-44, 1852-54 Fees for Petty Sessions Ballinlough

William Treacy


1844 RIC Service

John Treacy, 5410, b. 1823 Londonderry


5410 Jno Treacy, 20, 6'0.5",  b. L'derry, Catholic, married April 1848, wife b. Mayo, recommended by Insp General, lab, b. 17 Feb 1843, served Res - Rosc 18 Feb '44, R2S Con 12 mts 5 Feb '61, Pensioned 31/8/63 45.705/8.351, rewards & punishments, served 20 years 5 months, pension £20.0.0, gratuity to family if deceased £20.5.3


John Treacy

Am looking for John Treacy born in Londonderry, 1823 joined the RIC in 1843, married 1848. Katy 


Am looking for more information on a John Treacy #5410 to determine if he is indeed "our" john Treacy. specifically death date, wife name, where pension sent to after his death (wifes name etc I have other possiblities but this is most likely

thanks katy siswo..@aol.com july 17, 2000


1844 Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC)

James Treacy, 5417, b. 1819 Fermanagh


5417 Jas Treacy, 24 years, 5'9.75", b. Ferm, Catholic, recommended by Capt. Tredenick, Lab, appointed 8 Sep 1843, served Long, Res, Rosc 18 Feb '44, R2S Con 1 Mar '50, Resigned 29 Mar '50, served 6 years 7 months


December 5 1845 Demand of Arms Carrokeel, Athlone, Co. Roscommon

Wm. Tracy. About half-past 2 o’clock p.m., while Mr. Tracy was out shooting close to his residence, he was met by six men, armed with pistols, who placed him on his knees, and sworn him as to whether he knew of any of them; they then forcibly carried off his gun and powder-horn.

Parliamentary Papers

December 12, 1845 (BL) Robberies of Arms - Roscommon

..a gentleman of the name of Tracey, who was shooting within two hundred yards of this town..five other men seized him, took his gun, powder horn &c..-Boyle Gazette


22 August 1846 Cloonahee Petition [Famine petition]

Signatures...John Tracey. .of Cloonahee [Clooncraff]



List of persons to whom [Indian] meal [grain] was served [sold] on Fri., Jan. 19, 1846 [& subsequent dates]

127 Tom Tracy, Do [Kiltrustan & Bumlin], 1 [stone?], £0.1.0, Do [Ml McD]

40. Tom Tracy, Do [Bumlin], 1 [stone?], £0.1.0, Do [Mll McDerm]

189. Thos Tracy, Do [Bumlin], 1 [stone?], £0.1.0, Do [Ml McD]

96. Maria? Tracy, Do [Bumlin], 1 [stone?], £0.1.0, Do [Mr O Kelly]

135. John Tracy, Do [Bumlin & Kiltrustan], 1 [stone?], £0.1.0, Do [Mr O Kelly]

128. Tom Tracy, Do [Bumlin & Kiltrustan], 1 [stone?], £0.1.0, Do [Mr Barth McMahon?]

37. Ellen Tracy, Ratnagh [Rattinagh], 1/2 [stone?], £, Kilglass

79. Widow Tracy, Do [Kiltrustan], 1 [stone?], £0.0.6, Do [Mr Hughs]

88. James Tracy, Do [Kiltrustan], 1 [stone?], £0.0.6, Do [Mr Keagin?

75. Biddy Tracy, Ballyfeeny [Kilglass]. 1 [stone?], £0.1.0

26 Aug 1848 Relief Strokestown Union Roscommon

Peter Treacy, Strokestown [Bumlin OR Kiltrustan], 1 in family, 7 lbs



Rentals and associated documents relating to properties in Co. Roscommon of various members of the Mahon family

page 138 of 339:

John Treacy % Co, Clooneybrennan [Cloonybrennan Elphin], £14.11.2 Years rent to 1 November 1846, One years Tithe to 1 November 1845, £14.15.9 Arrear due to 1 day of November 1845, £28.6.11 Total rent ? & arrear to 1 November 1846, £1.0.0 Received, £28.6.11 Due, Arrears due, £28.6.11 Arrears lost, ejected

page 202 & 212 of 339:

75. Widow Treacy, Corslira [Corraslira Ogulla], £2.12.8 Arrears due to 1 May 1846, £12.2.0 Two years rent to 1 May 1848, £12.2.0 Total rent and arreas due to 1 May 1848, £6.1.0 One ys rent May 1849, £18.3.0 Total same as acct? finished?, Amount recvd, £18.30 Arrears due to 1 May 1849, Dorrales?

page 212 of 339:

75. Widow Treacy, Corslira [Corraslira Ogulla], £6.1.0 Yearly rent, Arrears due to 1 May 1846, £18.3.0 Three years rent to 1 May 1849, £18.3.0 Total rent and arreas due to 1 May 1849, £2.1.4 Recd church? previous to the 18th of August 1849, £18.3.0 Arrears due to 1 May 1849, Poorrates allowed, £18.3.0 Arrears of rent last, Now Michl Cunniff



1846-1851 New York arrivals

Bridget Tracey, age 17, Servant, Roscommon Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Macedonia 05/07/1846


Andrew Tracy, age 20, Carpenter, Roscommon Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Roscius 07/08/1848 [of Ballinturly]

Unknown Tracy [Mrs], age 20, Roscommon Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Roscius 07/08/1848


William Tracey, age 35, Labourer, Sligo Ireland to Upper-Canada, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849

Patrick Tracey, age 32, Labourer, Sligo Ireland to Upper-Canada, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849

Margt. Tracey, age 13, Labourer, Sligo Ireland to Upper-Canada, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849

Bessy Tracy, age 16, Labourer, Roscommon Ireland to Kentucky, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849


Michael Tracey, age 20, Labourer, Roscommon Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Princeton 11/11/1850


1846 Return of Assaults

Patt Tracey of Creagh Mycarnin Roscommon, 8 pm 17 March, assult endangering life, originated in a drunken quarrel


1846 Staler’s Directory


Patrick Treacy, auctioneer and clerk petty sessions


15 January 1847 (AC) Co. Roscommon

A correspondent of the Evening Post, writing from Elphin states:- "I have ascertained that in a village near this town, a man named Tracy, who died of starvation, is now seven days lying in his cabin, without being buried, under the following circumstances. The day after his death some of the neighbours collected 3s6d to purchase a coffin; but his wife, to save herself and four children from dying, had to buy meal for it. In two days after, the price of a second coffin was collected, but the wife, to save herself and two of the children for some time longer (the other two being then dead), had to purchase another stone of meal - her husband and two children lying dead before her. To remedy such a state of things can any exertion of those in power be too great."


1846 Irish Reproductive Loans Fund Records (reports 1848-1854) (PRO) T 91/189c

Ellen Tracy, Drumasine, 1846, in Scotland, [Drumagissaun, Kilglass?]

James Tracey (also listed as Gready), Curskeagh or Corskeagh, 1843, now dead [Corskeagh, Kiltrustan?]

James Tracy, Drumasine, 1846, dead by 1852

James Tracy, Lisheen, 1846, Now in America 1852 [Kiltrustan]

Larry/Laurence/Luke Tracy, Drumasine, 1846, Dead by 1852

Martin Tracy, Drumasine, 1846, in England by 1852

Martin Tracy, Moyglass or Toberpatrick, 1846, Is now at Toberpatrick & Pauper [Toberpatrick, Kiltrustan]

Michl Tracy/Tracey, Ratinagh, 1846 & 1847, in England [Rattinagh, Kilglass?]

Thomas Tracy, Drumasine, 1846, Resides here at present a pauper in 1852.

William Tracy, Moyglass, 1846, Now dead [Kilglass]


April 29, 1848 (FJ) The Mahon Evictions - Stokestown, Roscommon

Lugboy [Elphin?]..John Tracey 2 persons

Ballinapad [Ballinafad? Cloonfinlough]..Thomas Tracey 5 persons



Name of Missing

Home county


AD Date



Michael Tracy

Kiltown, Kiltoom, Roscommon

Petersburg PA 7/1848


Mary Tracy (sister)

Michael Freeman, Roxbury, MA

Bridget Tracy

Patrick Tracy

Peter Tracy

Ballyfeeny, Bumlin, Roscommon


Michael Tracy (brother)

Pilot Office, Boston, MA

Patrick Tracy (laborer, tunnel)

Kiltrustan, Roscommon


PA 1/1857

NJ (tunnel)


Julia Tracy (wife)

Patrick Tobin, 77 Gard, Cleveland, OH

Bridget Tracey

Cooltighe, Kilbride, Roscommon

New York city 1848

Yorkville NY 9/1851


Hugh Tracey (brother)

Timothy Kearney, 17 City Hall Pla, NYC

Patrick Treasy (with Bill)

Ballfeeny, Kilglass, Roscommon

1851 Prescott, Lancashire, Eng (to Nye)


Michael Treasy (brother)

Michael Bauhan

2nd St Troy, NY

1849 Boston Pilot

Of MICHAEL TRACY, native of the parish of Kiltown, co. Roscommon, who lived at Petersburg, Pa, in July last. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his sister, Mary, care of Michael Freeman, Roxbury, Ms.

1853 Boston Pilot

OF Bridget Tracey, native of Cooltighe, parish Kilbride [co. Roscommon], who landed in New York about 5 yrs ago; was at Yorkville, N. Y, in Sept. 1851; supposed to be in New York or Brooklyn. Her brother, Hugh Tracey, will be thankful for any information respecting her whereabouts - care of Mr. Timothy Kearney, 17 City Hall Place, New York.

1854 Boston Pilot

OF PATK TREASY, parish of Bunalin, townland of Ballyfeeny; when last heard of was in England, Prescott, Lankinshire; left Liverpool `51 for New York, in company with his wife and brother-in-law, PATK DONNELLY. Information of him will be received by his brother, MICHAEL TREASY, Troy Post-office, care of MICHL BAUHAN, Second st.

1859 Boston Pilot

OF PATRICK, Peter and Bridget TRACY, of Ballyfeeny, parish Bumblin [co. Roscommon]. Any information will be thankfully received by their brother, Michael Tracy. Address The Pilot Office, Boston, Mass.

1860 Boston Pilot

OF PATRICK TRACY, native of Parish Kiltrustin [co. Roscommon], who left his wife and child in Derry, Pennsylvania, and went to New Jersey to work on the tunnel, three years ago last January, and has not been heard from since. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his wife, Julia Tracy, in care of Patrick Tobin, No. 77 Garden street, Cleveland, Ohio.

9 May 1868 Pilot (Boston)

Of Thomas Tracey and Mary Kelly, natives of Dranny Sane, parish of Killglass [Drumagissaun, Kilglass], county Roscommon, Ireland; when last heard from they were in New York city. Any information of them will be thankfully received by their aunt, Ellen Kelly, care of Mrs. Mack, No 208 Seventh street, Cincinnati, Ohio. If they have money let them come on to their aunt immediatelt, - if not, they can write and plenty will be sent to them.


1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records


Catherine Tracy, A/C 12408, Closed A/C 1857 balance $10.68 6 transaction, born 1833 Boyle [Roscommon], husband Cornelius Tracy, 0 children, emigrated 11 Sep 1848 on Creole, 1855 Census NY NY, 22 years, 1870 Census NY NY, 35 years


20 Jan 1868 (amended July 20/69) 63309 Michael Treacy of 38 Vandam St, seaman, born 1836 Co Roscommon, ard 1856 per "Stalwart" [crossed out] wife Ann Tracey born 1834 Co Kilkenny, ard 1854 per [blank] bee Mara [Morrissey crossed out]


14 Jun 1872 90551 Ellen Tracy, of 241 W 33rd St, housekeeper, born 1826 Co Roscommon, ar 1846 per BLANK, hus Martin nee Naughton or husband, carman, born 1822 Co Roscommon, ar 1853 per "Universe" married Ellen Naughton


1851 Census Chester Castle Prison, Cheshire
Ann Tracey, Prsnr, M, 50, Lodging House Keeper, b. Ireland, ROS, Strokestown.

Patrick Tracey, Prsnr, M, 58, Ag. Lab, b. Ireland, ROS, Borfield.

1851 Census - Cellar No. 3 Paradise Court St George Hulme Lancashire

Martin Tracy, Head, 26, b. Roscommon Ireland, Fustian cutter

Sarah Tracy, wife, 21, b. Longford Ireland

Mary Tracy, dau, 1m, b. Hulme Lancashire

1851 Census - West Derby Lancashire

Thomas Tracy, Lodger?, 36 years, born 1815 Roscommon?, farm laborer

1851 Census Westminster St James, Middlesex

William Treasy, born 1795 in Boscomman (Roscommon?), Ireland. Residence:


1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act

The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908. Pension claimants had to prove their age. Those born before 1864 used the 1841 and 1851 census.


27.6.16 [27th June 1916] Image

Patrick Tracey/Tracy/Treacy (c. 1844, 5 or 6) (s. of Patk Tracey & Mary) 1851 resident Culliagharney, Creagh Moycarn Roscommon

Address: Mr Patrick Tracey Royal Infirmary, Kilmainham, Dublin

family members

1st Marriage

Tracey     John        -              16

Tracey     Ann        -              14

Tracey     Edward  -              12

Tracey     Mary       -              8

Tracey     Patrick    -              5

Tracey     Peter       -              2

2nd Marriage

Tracey     Margaret

Tracey     Bridget   -              -

Tracey     Winiford -

Tracey     Michael   -              -

Tracey     Abbie      -              -


IG Record 39774

Tracey, Tracy or Treacy Patrick Patrick Tracey Mary Tracey Culliagharney Creagh Moycarn Roscommon 1916 - Mr Patrick Tracey, Royal Infirmary, Kilmainham, Dublin. Born about 1844-46. Family - 1st marriage - John, Ann, Edward, Mary, Patrick, Peter. 2nd marriage - Margaret, Bridget, Winifred, Michael, Abbie. 1851 John 16, Ann 14, Edward 12, Mary 8, Patrick 5, Peter 2.


Creagh, Moycarn, Co. Roscommon

Patrick Tracey             Applicant

John Tracey  Born 1825

Edward tracey             Born 1829

Ann Tracey  Born 1827

Abbie Tracey              

Patk Tracey  Father

Mary Tracey Mother


1851 Treacy Drumagissann Kilglass Roscommon Cen/S/25/196 Not found

14.9.17 [14th September 1917] Image

Thomas Treacy (s. of Martin Treacy & Bridget) 1851 Drumagissaun Kilglass Roscommon

Address: Muckinagh, Kilglass, Strokestown, Co Roscommon

[Note: Not found]


IG Record 39128

Treacy Thomas Martin Treacy Bridget Treacy Drumagissaun Kilglass Ballintober North Roscommon 1917 - Muckinagh, Kilglass, Strokestown, Roscommon.


Kilglass, Roscommon

Thomas Treacy            Applicant

Martin Treacy              Father


28.7.17 [28th July 1917] Image

Frances Gannon (d. of James Gannon & Catherine Tracey) 1851 Lissagallan Fuerty Roscommon

Address: Donamon, Co Roscommon


IG Record 39019

GANNON Frances James GANNON Catherine GANNON nee TRACEY Lisagallan Fuerty Athlone Roscommon 1917 - Donamon, Roscommon.


Lissagallan, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon       

Catherine Tracey         Mother


1852 RIC Service

Stephen Treacy, 16443, b. 1833 Roscommon


16443, Stephen Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.3/8", b. Roscommon, Catholic, recommended by C Ins Carr, lab, Appointed 11 Nov 52, seved Tipp N 10/3/53, P1CC 1st Sep 53, Resigd 16 Ju 56 A35634/3335


RIC 16443, Stephen Treacy, Appt. 11 Nov 1852, 19 years, b. Roscommon, RC, single, labourer, stationed Tipperary N.



1852 Roscommon

7. Patrick Tracy, Culliagharney called Killahorna Rubble, 9a/0r/3p Irish, 14a/2r/17p Statute, £8.5.0 rent, tenant from year to year

11. Widow Tracy, Culliagharney called Killahorna Rubble, 49a/0r/36p Irish, 79a/2r/38p Statute, £9.12.4 rent, tenant from year to year


27 Jul 1855 Return of Names of Petty Sessions Districts in Ireland, with Name of Clerk for each District

James Tracy, Naas [Naas] Kildare, 1852 £34, 1853 £27, 1854 £30

William Treacy, Ballinlough [Kiltullagh] Roscommon, 1852 £10, 1853 £10, 1854 £12

Patrick Treacy, Castlerea [Castlereagh Kilkeevin] Roscommon, 1852 £14, 1853 £14, 1854 £12


8 September 1855 (NG) Murder [Shannon]

We have to announce that the peace and harmony which characterised the inhabitants of this county for a considerable period have been signally broken through a brutal murder, which was perpetrated closed to this town, on the evening of the first day of the late races. The deceased man, Martin Tracy, who was in affluent circumstances, and to acknowledged to be of peaceful, industrious habits, living in the island of Cloonye, in the Shannon, when returning from the Races on Wednesday, the 22d ult, with a party of his friends, some of whom were a few yards before him on a car, and himself walking with his cousin, named Michael Hanly, were overtaken by a party of nine or ten men, a short distance beyond the circular road at the foot of Lanesborough st., who struck both of them, when Hanley made his escape, leaving Tracy to his fate..-Roscommon Messenger

9 Jan 1856 (BL) Murder in the County Roscommon

..In the month of August last a man named Martin Tracy was overtaken, when returning from the Roscommon races, and brutally murdered by a party of men, about 100 yards from the scene of the present tragedy..not the slightest evidence could be elicited as to the parties concerned..- Daily Express


1856 Michael Tracy (Elphin bond)


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

George Tracy, enlisted 26 Oct 1885 San Antonio Tx by Lt Hickey for 5 years, born Roscommon Ireland, 28 years, labourer, brn eyes, dk hair, dk complexion, 5’9.5”, 19 Inf D coy, Des May 8/89 appl’d Oct 6/91 Des Nov 11/91

John Treacy, born Roscommon Ireland, 21 years, labourer, enlisted 13 Jun 1855 New York by Lieut Miller for 5 years, grey eyes, sandy hair, ruddy complexion, 5’8.25”, 9 Inf J, descerted 13 Jany ‘56

John Treacy, enlisted 21 Aug 1865 Newark NJ by Capt Penchief for 3 years, born Athlone [Roscommon/Westmeath] Ireland, 28 years, soldier, grey eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’7.5”, G.S. Inf 14 Inf, E coy, Des’t’d March 14/66

Martin Tracy, enlisted 6 Dec 1865 At Baltimore Md by Capt N Sratgne? For 3 years, born Roscommon Ireland, 19 years, teamster, grey eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, 5’3.5”, G.S. Cav 5 Cav, A coy, Discharg’d Dec 6/68 exp of service, in the Field, a Pvt

Michael Tracey, enlisted 28 Jul 1866 Cincinati O by Capt Thompson for 3 years, born Roscommon Ireland, 32 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 5’9.5”, 11 Inf 16 Inf, C coy, Discharged July 28 1869 by exp of service at Jackson Miss, A Pvt

Thomas Treacy, enlisted 19 Jun 1882 at Albany NY by Cpt Davis for 5 years, born Roscommon Ireland, 22 years 2 months, labourer, blue eyes, Br hair, ruddy complexion, 5’4.5”, 23 Inf K coy, Discharged June 1887 exp of service at Ft Mackinae Mich a Pvt Char see Roll


Griffiths Valuation Roscommon 1857-58


By Area

Andrew Tracey Frenchlawn Ballintober Roscommon

Andrew Tracy Shankoagh Drumatemple Roscommon


Bridget Tracey Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon

Bridget Tracy Knockmeane Kilmeane Roscommon


Catherine Tracy Aghmagree Kilteevan Roscommon


Francis Tracey Frenchlawn Ballintober Roscommon


Honoria Tracy Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon


John Tracey Lackan Kilmeane Roscommon

John Tracy Garrynagawna Drum Roscommon

John Treacey Clooncah Kilteevan Roscommon


Luke Treacey Clooncah Kilteevan Roscommon


Mark Tracey Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon

Mark Tracey Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon


Martin Tracey Toberpatrick Kiltrustan Roscommon


Matthew Tracey Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon


Michael Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Roscommon

Michael Tracey Garrynagawna Drum Roscommon

Michael Tracey Knockmeane Kilmeane Roscommon

Michael Tracy Cloonlaughnan Tisrara Roscommon

Michael Tracy Treanacreeve Lissonuffy Roscommon


Patrick Tracey Ballinturly Fuerty Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Garrynagawna Drum Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Lackan Kilmeane Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Longford Kilkeevin Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Main Street Kilkeevin Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Cloonmore Kilteevan Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Fearagh (Brackna South) Kilmeane Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Knockcroghery Killinvoy Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Toberpatrick Kiltrustan Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Treanacreeve Lissonuffy Roscommon

Patrick Treacy Clooncah Kilteevan Roscommon


Philip Tracey Gorteencloogh or Corra More Athleague Roscommon


Terence Tracy Aghmagree Kilteevan Roscommon


Thomas Tracey Ballybeg Lissonuffy Roscommon

Thomas Tracy Clooncraff Clooncraff Roscommon

Thomas Tracy Drinaun Elphin Roscommon

Thomas Treacy Drumagissaun Kilglass Roscommon


William Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Roscommon

Philip Tracey Gorteencloogh or Corra More Athleague Roscommon


Andrew Tracey Frenchlawn Ballintober Roscommon

Francis Tracey Frenchlawn Ballintober Roscommon


Thomas Tracy Clooncraff Clooncraff Roscommon


Honoria Tracy Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon


Bridget Tracey Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon

Mark Tracey Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon

Matthew Tracey Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon


John Tracy Garrynagawna Drum Roscommon

Michael Tracey Garrynagawna Drum Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Garrynagawna Drum Roscommon


Andrew Tracy Shankoagh Drumatemple Roscommon


Thomas Tracy Drinaun Elphin Roscommon


Patrick Tracey Ballinturly Fuerty Roscommon


Thomas Treacy Drumagissaun Kilglass Roscommon


Patrick Tracey Longford Kilkeevin Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Main Street Kilkeevin Roscommon


Patrick Tracy Knockcroghery Killinvoy Roscommon


Bridget Tracy Knockmeane Kilmeane Roscommon

John Tracey Lackan Kilmeane Roscommon

Michael Tracey Knockmeane Kilmeane Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Lackan Kilmeane Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Fearagh (Brackna South) Kilmeane Roscommon


Catherine Tracy Aghmagree Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

John Treacey Clooncah Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

Luke Treacey Clooncah Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

Michael Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

Patrick Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

Patrick Treacy Clooncah Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

Terence Tracy Aghmagree Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon

William Tracey Cloonmore Kilteevan Ballintober South Roscommon


Mark Tracey Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon


Martin Tracey Toberpatrick Kiltrustan Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Toberpatrick Kiltrustan Roscommon


Michael Tracy Treanacreeve Lissonuffy Roscommon

Patrick Tracy Treanacreeve Lissonuffy Roscommon

Thomas Tracey Ballybeg Lissonuffy Roscommon


Michael Tracy Cloonlaughnan Tisrara Roscommon



11, 11 on map, Bridget Treacy, Knockmain, otherwise knockmenagh, [Knockmeane? Roscommon] 0a/1r/25p Statute, 0a/1r/0p Irish, £0.7.0 rent, tenant from year to year

12, 12 on map, Widow Anne Treacy, Knockmain, otherwise knockmenagh, [Knockmeane? Roscommon] 0a/1r/20p Statute, 0a/0r/37p Irish, £0.7.0 rent, tenant from year to year

17, 17 on map, Michael Treacy, Knockmain, otherwise knockmenagh, [Knockmeane? Roscommon] 0a/2r/20p Statute, 0a/1r/22p Irish, £0.5.0 rent, tenant from year to year


Cultivator, Liverpool to New York 6 Nov 2 Sep 1858

Patrick Tracey, 18, M, labourer, Roscommon


1858 RIC Service

Michael Tracy, 23863, b. 1838 Kings


23863 Michl Tracy, 20 years. 5'9.5", b. Kings, Catholic, married 10/11/80 wife from Waterford, recommended by S.W. Tarleton JP, lab, allocated 11 Sept 58, served Wat 12 Feb 59 - City 1/10/70 - Roscommon 15/12/80, Punishments 4/12/60 - 8/11/75 - 26/11/77, Pensioned 1st July 1884 23863D/89076, served 25 years 9 months, pension £46.0.0


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Martin Tracey 4 Oct 1895 Cranaghmore Roscommon, farmer, to Mary Tracey widow

Patrick Tracy 20 May 1899 Cloneagh Roscommon, farmer, to son Patrick Tracy, farmer


Hugh Coffey 3 Dec 1920 Killoy Lecarrow Roscommon, to John Treacy, farmer


Ellen Lowe 15 May 1866 Newtownsmith Galway, widow, to Rose Treacy of Snipehill (Frenchpark) [Frenchlawn] Roscommon, the residuary legatee

Thomas Keavin 22 Sep 1858 Lacka Galway, MD, to Rose Treacy (wife of Andrew Treacy) of Snipe Hill Roscommon, administrator of  Ellen Lowe, relict of deceased

15 November 1867 (FJ) Court of Probate

To John Ward, William Ward and Christina Ward, spinster, the Residuary Legatees named in the last Will and Testament of Thomas Keavin, late of Lacka, in the County of Galway, M.D., deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of September 1858. Take Notice..letters of administration..onto Rose Treacy, of Snipehill, in the County of Roscommon, the wife of Andrew Treacy, of the same place the administratrix with the last will and testament annexed of Ellen Lowe, widow, deceased, who was whilst living the lawful mother and the principal legatee named in the said will of said Thomas Keavin..


1858-1900 Will Registers

Charles Patrick Tracy

Ballindonnely, Castlerea, Roscommon, Ireland


Marcella Tiernan




John Treacy

Toher Patrick, Roscommon, Ireland


Patrick McDonnell




Margaret Tracy

[Ardnagbeg Moore Roscommon] Ireland


Thomas Fallon




Thomas Treacy

Mount Talbot, Monksland, Roscommon, Ireland


Michael Stanford





1859 Cavan Observer

Roscommon Assizes Crown Court, Tuesday July 12


Michael and William Fallon were indicted for that they on the 21st of March last did kill and slay one Michael Tracy, at Monkstown, in this county.

Messrs. Beytagh and Morris prosecuted.

Thomas Stanford examined by Mr. Beytagh--was returning home from the fair of Athlone in company with the deceased and his (witness's) brother, John; when they had come to Monks and a cart with several persons on it overtook and passed them by; shortly after, when they had proceeded a little further, they came up with the cart which had been stopped, and the people on it had got off, and were standing near it; when witness came up he was struck with a stick by the prisoner, William Fallon, and knocked down and his head cut; the deceased did not say a word to the prisoners; the prisoners then went on and shortly afterwards witness again came up with them, and they asked the prisoner William Fallon what his reason was for beating him, when the prisoner's sister replied, "John, they did not know you from Adam."

The witness was not cross examined.

Margaret Tracy examined by Mr. Morris--Is the widow of the late Michael Tracy; remembers the 21st of March; her husband came home in the evening in a very bad state; he had a cut in the head and died about ten days after.

This having concluded the evidence for the crown, his Lordship directed an acquittal.

July 13, 1859 (FJ)

Roscommon..Michael Tracy, and assulted him with intent to commit bodily harm, and also for common assult at Monkland near Athlone.


1859 Thom's Almanac and Official Directory of Ireland

Roscommon Citcuit - Petty Sessions Courts

Ballinalough, Castlerea, second Wednesday: W. Treacy

Castlerea, second Saturday: Patrick Treacy


October 13, 1860 (FJ) Catholic Institution for Deaf and Dumb

..William Tracy, do [Castlerea]..


1860’s The Diaries of John Gregory Bourke

John Gregory Bourke kept a monumental set of diaries as aide-de-camp to Brigadier General George Crook [Indian Wars USA].

…Mr. Treacy, our gentlemanly cicerone, is the senior member of the firm of Treacy and Wilson, horse-dealers; he is a young Irishman who left his native district, - Roscommon – 25 years ago…[see Bernard J Treacy of Roscommon]


1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

John Treasy, b. 1832, Hockstown, Roscommon

Joseph Treacy, b. 1862 Athlone, Roscommon

Martin Tracey, b. ? Roscommon, Roscommon

Michael Tracey, b. 1839, Ballinsloe, Roscommon 

Patrick Tracey, b. 1837, Ballinidslow, Roscommon 

Patrick Tracey, b. 1845 Ballinasloe, Roscommon

Patrick Tracey, b. 1852 Athlone, Roscommon

Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]

Thomas Tracey, ?, Roscommon, Roscommon



5. John Tracy, Corslira otherwise Corraslira, Roscommon, £5.4.4 rent, 5a/0r/0p, tentant from year to year


1860 US Census

Patrick Tracy, The City Of Savannah, 2nd Dist., Chatham, Georgia, 30 years, b. Roscommon Ireland


1861 British Census

1861 Census - Elizabeth Place, St Thomas Charterhouse, St Luke Middlesex [London]

Andrew Tracey      Head       Male       40           Roscommon Ireland, Pavior

Julia Tracey            Wife       Female    34           Ireland

Mary A Tracey      Daughter                Female    11           St Luke, Middlesex

Andrew Tracey      Son         Male       2             St Luke, Middlesex


James Tracey, spouse: Mary, b. abt 1820 Roscommon Ireland, Kent England

= Mary Tracey, spouse: James, b. abt 1825 Ireland, Kent England


Thomas Tracey, spouse: Mary, b. abt 1839 Roscommon Ireland, Cheshire England

= Mary Tracey, spouse: Thomas, b. abt 1838 Ireland, Cheshire England


1861 - 5 Vickers square, Christchurch, Bolton, Lancashire

Catharine Tracy, lodger, unmarried, 24, b. 1837 Roscommon Ireland, cotton factory worker,


1861 Census - 7 East Sculcoates Yorkshire (East Riding) [Army]

Patrick Treacy, head, 57, b. Ireland

Martha Treacy, wife. 50, b. Hedon, Yorkshire


1861 Census - Navigation Hill, Sheffied St John Yorkshire

Patrick Tracy, head, 36, b. Roscommon Ireland, labourer,

Bridget Tracy, wife, 34, b. Roscommon Ireland,

Catharine Tracy, daur, 10, b. Roscommon Ireland,

Bridget Tracy, daur, 8, b. Sheffield York

John Tracy, son, 5, b. Sheffield York

Ann Tracy, daur, 2, b. Sheffield York

Patrick Durkin, lodger, unmarried 25, b. Roscoomon Ireland, scale presser


1862 Thom's Irish Almanac and Official Directory (Roscommon)

Petty Sessions Courts
Place where held, Day, and Name of Clerk.
Ballintobber, Ballymoe, second Wednesday; W. Treacy.
Ballinlough, Castlerea, second Wednesday; W. Treacy.
Castlerea, second Saturday; W. Treacy.


1862 - 1864 National education (Ireland)

G. Tracey, R.C. teacher, ordinary agricultural, Loughglynn, Tiborine, Roscommon.


December 19, 1863 Cavan Observer
Firing At Sir Charles Domville's Bailiff - On Thursday morning while passing on a car through Dysart, county of Roscommon, a shot was fired at Mark Tracy, the bailiff of Sir Charles Domville, wounding him in the hand. An inquiry was held by the magistrates of the neighbourhood on Friday, but no clue has yet been obtained to the perpetrator of this outrage.--"Westmeath Independent."

15 December 1863 Cork Examiner

[Dysart, county Roscommon].. at Mark Tracy, the bailiff of Sir Charlea Domville, wounding him in the hand. An enquiry was held by the magiatratea of the neighbourhood Friday, but no clue has yet ..

June 22, 1864 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo) [bad copy]

Roscommon Quarter Sessions..appeal broght by Mark Tracy against borough magistrate for Athlone for a fine of 40s or 3 months imprisonment for being drunk and disorderly on horse back on the 14th May within the town of Athlone..was baliff to Sir Comptom Doonvile [Mayo landlord]..


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, Anne, Roscommon, Roscommon. 13 367

Tracey, Maria, Roscommon, Roscommon. 8 403

Tracey, Maria, Roscommon, Roscommon. 18 361

Tracey, Michael, Roscommon, Roscommon. 8 404

Tracey, Patrick, Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 4 36

Tracey, William, Athlone, Roscommon/Westmeath. 8 26

Tracey, (female), Athlone, Roscommon/Westmeath. 8 20

Tracy, Honoria, Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 14 28

Tracy, James, Castlereagh, Roscommon/Mayo. 9 143

Tracy, Mary, Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 14 35

Tracy, Michael, Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 14 25

Tracy, (male), Ballinasloe, Galway/Roscommon. 14 26

Trassy, Mary, Glennamaddy, Galway/Roscommon. 19 319

Trasy, Mary, Glennamaddy, Galway/Roscommon. 14 304

Treacy, Martin, Roscommon, Roscommon. 3 330



21. 14 on map. Mark Tracy, Moyvannon [Moyvannan Kiltoom], Roscommon, £13.2.4 rent, 24a/2r/11p, tenant from year to year


1865 Feamore and Moyvannion

Attempts At Land Reform In South Roscommon: 1854 - 1867. JCRHAS 2000 Vol 8 pp.128-133


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


1867 RIC Service

Thomas Treacy, 33773, b. 1849 Roscommon


33773 Thos Treacy, 18 years, 5'11.25", b. Roscomn, Catholic, recommended by J O'Shaughnessy JP, labourer, allocated 3 Dec '67, served Cork SR 8 April 1868, resigned 19 June 72, to Emigrate


1 Jan. 1867 to Dec. 1869 Returns of all Poor Persons Removed from England and Wales to Ireland

Patrick Tracey from Liverpool parish to Athlone


1868 Commissioners on the Revenues and Condition of the Established Church (Ireland)


Treacy and Duffy (joint tenants) County Roscommon. Parish of Elphin


20 July 1870 (FJ) Roscommon

Moore v. Tracy and Another. This was an action for assualt. Damages were laid at £50. The mother of the plaintiff, who died about 1821, had a large amount of property and house at Portrun and part of the bog at Cloncagh, held by plaintiff, and Crithboy or Half Lacken held by the defendant. A mearing drain separated the present holdings of plaintiff and defendant. On the 30th June 1869, when plaintiff was cutting turf. The defendant case was that the place where the plaintiff was cutting turf had been dismissed to them by a lease dated the 9th November 1839, made by Mr. George Norman, the heir at law of the original owner in fee. The jury found for plaintiff 6d damages and 6d costs.

July 1870 Roscommon Assizes

Moore v Tracey and another..This was an action for damages in consequence of an assault. It appears that the mother of the plaintiff who died about 1821 had a large amount of property including the house at Portran, and part of the bog of Clooncagh now held by plaintiff and Orithboy or Half Lacken held by the defendant. The defendants case was that the place whereon plaintiff was cutting turf had been demised to them by a lease dated 9th November 1839 made by Mr. George Norman, heir-at-law of the original owner.


8 October 1870 (FJ) French Ambulanes

Parish of Kilmore, Diocese of Elphin, County Roscommon..Thomas Tracy..



Martin Tracey, Toberpatrick, Roscommon, £1.10.0 rent, tenant at will, These tenants are servants or workmen of the owner..


8 April 1871 (N) Death

Treacy - March 30, at Castlerea, Charles P Treacy, aged 21 years.


1871 Census

James Tracey , Head, M, 47, b. 1824 Roscommon, glazier, Ulverston Lancashire

Mary Tracey , Wife, F, 42, b. 1829 Ireland, Ulverston Lancashire

Ann Tracey , Daughter, F, 21, b. 1850 Wigan, Dressmaker, Ulverston Lancashire

James Tracey , Son, M, 15, b. 1856 Ulverston, Draper, Ulverston Lancashire

Thomas Tracey , Son, M, 11, b. 1860 Ulverston, Ulverston Lancashire

Martin Tracey, Head, M, 44, b. 1827 Ros Common Ireland, labourer, Hulme Chorlton Lancashire

Sarah Tracey, Wife, F, 41, b. 1830 Langford, Hulme Chorlton Lancashire

Josh Tracey, Son, M, 16, b. 1855 Manchester, Hulme Chorlton Lancashire

Thos Tracey, Son, M, 14, b. 1857 Manchester, Hulme Chorlton Lancashire

Richd Tracey, Son, M, 3, b. 1868 Manchester, Hulme Chorlton Lancashire

Robt Tracey, Son, M, 0, b. 1871 Manchester, Hulme Chorlton Lancashire

1871 Census - 5 Golden Lane, St Giles without Cripplegate, London, England

Nicholas Treacy, head, 40, shoe maker, b. Cr Boscommon [Co Roscommon], Ireland

Mary Treacy, wife, 30, shoe makers wife, b. Sussex Brighton

Andrew Treacy, son, 2, b. City Cripplegate

Mary Treacy, dau, 3mo, b. City Cripplegate

1871 British Census

John Tracy, head, 52, b. 1819 Roscomanan Ireland, Llandysilio Montgomeryshire

Anne Tracy, wife, 28, b. 1843 Shropshire, Llandysilio Montgomeryshire

Henry Jones, Stepson, 3, b. 1868 Montgomeryshire, Llandysilio Montgomeryshire

Mary A Jones, Stepdaughter, 0, b. 1871 Llandysilio Montgomeryshire, Llandysilio Montgomeryshire

1871 Census England

Self  John Tracy  M 44 Co Meath, Ireland, Heckmondwike. Yorkshire (West Riding) 

Wife  Mary Tracy  F 45 Rosscommon, Ireland 

Daughter-in-law  Margaret Kelley  F 24 Huddersfield, Yorkshire 

Granddaughter  Mary Kelley  F 2 Heckmondwike, Yorkshire 

Grandson  Martin Kelley  M 0 Heckmondwike, Yorkshire 

Son  Thomas Tracy  M 18 Dewsbury, Yorkshire 

Son  Michael Tracy  M 14 Dewsbury, Yorkshire 

Son  James Tracy  M 9 Dewsbury, Yorkshire 

Daughter  Ellen Tracy  F 3 Dewsbury, Yorkshire 

Mother  Dortherty Tracy  F 89 Rosscommon, Ireland 

Boarder  Martin Horne  M 19 Heckmondwike, Yorkshire 

Boarder  Thomas Horne  M 17 Heckmondwike, Yorkshire 

1871 Census - Sculcoates, Yorkshire (West Riding)

Patrick Tracy         Self         M            67           b. Billinsloe, Ireland [Army]

Martha Tracy         Wife       F             60           b. Hedon, Yorkshire


1873 RIC Service

William Treacy, 39317, b. 1853 Roscommon


39317 Wm Treacy, 20 years, 5'9.5", b. Roscomn, Catholic, recommended Sub Insp Hayes, none [trade], allocated 7 Apl 73. served Wicklow 31 Oct 73, dismissed 20 Febr 1875 37523D/9321, served 1 year 10 months


20 December 1874 (FJ) Constabulary Intelligence..Sub-constable William Tracey has been transferred from Bray to Roundwood.


17 January 1874 Pilot (Boston Ma)

Deaths under New York City

Tracy — Jan, 5, Andrew J. Tracy, of Ballinturly, co. Roscommon, Ireland, aged 49.


Andrew J. Tracy died 5 Jan 1874 Manhattan New York, age 49, b. 1825, buried 7 Jan 1874 Calvary


1875 Return of Number of original Civil Bill Ejectment Processes

John Tracey and others claiments, John Frazer respondent, £406/9/0 claimed for improvements, 1872 Athlone Roscommon, not heard



Map 20 No 7, Mary Tracey, rep of Catherine Dolan, Brideswell Athlone Roscommon, , £1.5.0, 0a/3r/10p, Tenant from year to year

Map 20 No 8, Thomas Dolan, rep. of Michael Dolan, £1.0.0, 4a/3r/22.75p, lease dated 1st Jan 1852 for 31 years from 1st Nov 1851


October 28, 1876 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Strokestown Union [Roscommon]..The clerk said that, within the present week, a case hearing on the subject, had occurred, in which a whole family named Tracy had been removed to the fever hospital, from a cabin similar to those noticed by the Chairman.


December 09, 1876 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Strokestown Petty sessions..Gillstown..He summoned a man named Martin Tracy, for having allowed seven or eight heifers to wander on the public road at Toberpatrick. Defendant appeared, explaining that the cattle were not his - he was only in charge of them and accordingly the case was dismissed.


February 24, 1877 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Strokestown Petty sessions..Trinacreeva is situated a few miles from Strokestown and was always remarkable for the bellicose inclinations of its people..There are two families there named Walsh and Tracy, the members of which are nearly related by blood..A young man - Peter Tracy - had his cousin Michael Walsh summoned for assault.


1877 Tewksbury Almshouse Intake Record - Massachusetts

Patrick Tracy, age 43, from Boston Jun 17 1877, absconded

43 b. Ire Cos Ros? [Roscommon?] Land Aug 1863 New York per ship Alexander Marshall direct to Boston & thence to Brookline there 6 mos Boston 2 mos Brookline 5 years Roxbury & Brookline since 7 yrs steadily in Brookline till 18 mos ago Boston since. Widower Mary A nee Brown d Brookline May 1874. Daus Jane & Annie with Sister of Charity. Nat Boston 1870 or 71. No service or Est. Pd 6 or 7 taxes in Brookline & worked for James Driscoll a contractor & lived on Pearl St. Never aided & no other inst. Thinks taxes 1865 to 1874 sure paid more than 3 taxes. Laborer. Fa Michael Tracy in A 3 yrs & d Brookline Nov 1868. Mo Bridget d Ire. Sister Ann Tracy out west. past 18 mos was been working on Tremont St Boston highlands on a ledge. Idle since middle of Dec most of time. Drinks some times says none or other inst. Well. Brookline notified Jan 25 1877 ackd Feb 8.


16 February 1878 (FJ)

Thursday a farmer named Tracy was proceeding to his home from the fair of Lanesborough, Roscommon, when he was accosted by a man named Duck, with whom he had a dispute about land. Duck stabbed Tracy three times with a penknife, and one stab nearly reached the heart. Tracy is in a dying state. Duck is in custody.

16th February 1878 The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the Principality

Case Of Stabbing. On Thursday night a farmer named Tracey was proceeding to his home from the fair at Lanesboroitgh, Roscommon, when he was accosted by a man named Dick, with whom he had a dispute about laud. Dick stabbed Tracey three times with a penknife, aud one "tab Dearly reacbed the heart. Tracey is in a dying state. Dick is in custody.

February 16, 1878 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Reported stabbing case in Roscommon. - On Thursday night a farmer named tracy was proceeding to his home from the fair of Lanesborough, Roscommon, when he was accosted by a man named Duck, with whom he had a dispute about land. Duck stabbed Tracy three times with a penknife, and one stab nearly reached the heart. Tracy is in a dying state. Duck is in custody.

16 February 1878 Liverpool Weekly Courier

Irish Agrarian Outrage.

On Thursday night a farmer named Tracey was proceeeding to his home from the fair of Lanesborough, Roscommon, when he was accosted by a man named Duck, with whom he had a dispute about land. Duck stabbed Tracey three times with a penknife, and one stab nearly reached the heart. Tracey is in a dying state, and Duck is in custody.

March 23, 1878 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Stabbing in Roscommon - John Tracy, the man who was stabbed with a knife on the 12th ult, died in consequence, and an inquest was held by Mr TJ Burke near Beechwood on Thursday. Michael Duck, the man accused is in gaol, and awaits his trial at the next sessions.

July 20, 1878 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Michael Duck was indicted for the manslaughter of John Tracy at the house of the father of the deceased about three miles from Roscommon on the 14th of February last...the father and sister and mother of the deceased, who were all present on the occasion, swore to the commission...Found guilty and sentenced to five years penal servitude.

1878 Roscommon

Michael Duck convicted Summer Assizes 1878 of the manslaughter of John Treacy on the 13 Mar 1878 and sentenced to five years penal servitude.

Edward Treacy convicted with 8 others, Summer Assizes 1878 of assult on 5 police 30 June 1878 and sentenced to six months imprisonment.

July 1878 Roscommon Assizes

..manslaughter by stabbing of John Tracey on the 12th of last March..


1878 Return of Infants born in Irish Workhouses

Maria Tracy, 1873, healthy, Stroketown Union


1879 RIC Service

William Treacy, 19434, b. 1836 Fermanagh [see Agnes Treacy]


19434 Wm Treacy, 19, 5'7.25", b. Fer, Catholic, married 19 Mar '62 wife born Clare, recommended by G. Shegog JP. lab, allocated 15 Feb 55, served Limk 12 June - City 1/4/63 - Tip NR - Roscomm 1/4/79 - Gal NR 10/2/83, PISC 1 Aug 55 - PACo 1 July 67 - P Con 1 June 68 - P2AC 1 March 1879, Reward and punishments, Pensioned 1.6.85 19434D/96775, served 30 years 3 months, pension £89.9.0


May 31, 1879 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

..Head-Constable Tracy said he could not give an opinion on the subject, as he has been only a short time in Strokestown..


1880 RIC Service

Edward Tracey, 44820, b. 1858 Fermanagh


44820 Edward Tracey, 21 years, 5'10.25", b. Fermanagh, Catholic, recommended by Hd Con Fox, farmer, allocated 6 Oct 79, served Roscomm 18 May 80, Punishments, Dismissed 8 Janr 1884 44820D/84813, served 4 years 3 months, Cond in Donegal


National School Registers

— Treacy, b. 1877, 1882, Roscommon

Brigid Treacey, b. 1915, 1920, Roscommon

Francis Treacy, b. 1879, 1886, Roscommon

John Treacy, b. 1877, 1883, Roscommon

John Tracy, b. 1877, 1880, Roscommon

Patrick Tracy, b. 1875, 1880, Roscommon

Patrick Treacey, b. 1875, 1881, Roscommon

Susanna Treacey, b. 1879, 1882, Roscommon

William Treacy, b. 1877, 1883, Roscommon

William Tracy, b. 1876, 1880, Roscommon


Castlerea [Castlereagh], Kilkeevin, County Roscommon

Francis Treacy, 4, b. 1879, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father P C Clerk, 23 Jul 1883

Francis Treacy, 7, b. 1879, RC, lives Castlerea, father P C Clk, 1886

John Tracy, 3, b. 1877, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father Clerk, 25 Oct 1880

John Treacy, 6, b. 1877, RC, lives Crea, father P S clerk, 23 Oct 1883

Patk Tracy, 5, b. 1875, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father Clerk, 25 Oct 1880

Patrick Treacey, 6, b. 1875, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father P Sessions Clerk, 26 Nov 1881 to 1888

Susanna Treacey, 3, b. 1879, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father C.S. Clerk, 27 Feb 1882

Susanna Treacy, 5, b. 1877, RC, lives Castlerea, father C.S. Clerk, 27 Oct? 1882

William Treacy, 6, b. 1877, RC, lives Castlerea, father clerk, 2 Nov 1882

Wm Tracy, 4, b. 1876, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father Clerk, 25 Oct 1880


2 April 1881 (N) Ladies Land League

Scramogue, Co. Roscommon..Miss Treacy..

11 March 1882 (N) Ladies Land League

Scramogue, Co. Roscommon..re-elected Miss E. Treacy, president..

25 March 1882 (N) Ladies Land League

Scramogue, Co. Roscommon..re-elected Miss E. Treacy, president..

8 July 1882 (N) Ladies Land League

..Scramogue Co. Roscommon..monthly meeting..Miss E Tracy in the chair..


16 April 1881 (N) Land League

Kilglass, Co. Roscommon..committee..Thomas Treacy..


July 1881 Boycotting at an Auction

At the Athlone Petty Sessions, Thomas Hogan, Patrick Bohen, Thomas Bohen and Martin Tracey, were charged that in April they did unlawfully assemble at Mount Florance in the county of Roscommon.

16 July 1881 (N) Boycotting at an Auction

Irish Times- At the Athlone petty sessions..Martin Tracey..unlawfully assembled at Mount Florance in the county of Roscommon..prevented John Flynn..[from bidding]..


3 September 1881 (N) Land League

Scramogue, Co. Roscommon..Mr. Michael Treacy vice-president..committee..Peter Treacy..

14 August 1886 (N) Land League

Scramogue, Co. Roscommon..Mr. John Treacy presiding..

10 March 1888 (N) Irish National League

Scramogue County Roscommon..Messrs Tracy and Saunders were appointed members of committee..


17 December 1881 (N) Ladies land League

..Parish of Kiltevan, Knockcroghery, county Roscommon, per Miss E Treacy £4..


1881 British Census (LDS)

James Tracey, Lodger, Single, M, 67, Lab At Meat Market, Roscommon; 48 Golden Lane Lodging House, Middlesex

John Tracey, 60 years, born Galway, Labourer Ironworks, 77 Portway Rd Wednesbury Stafford

Mary, 54 years, born Roscommon, wife

Margaret Tracy, 29 years, born Roscommon, single, Unemployed Weaver, 50 Staple St Bradford York

Bridget Muldoon, 46 years, born Mayo, widow, sister, Weaver Worsted

John Muldoon, 26 years, born Bartle York, Unemployed Mason

William Muldoon, 16 years, born Bradford, Unemployed Spinner Worsted

Martin Tracy, Son In Law, Married, M, 28, General Labourer, Roscommon; 23 Thomas Street, Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales

Mary Tracy, Daughter, Married, F, 30, Labourers Wife, Brighton, Sussex

Wm Tracy, Grand Son, Single, M, 0, , Holyhead, Anglesey

Wm Ware, Head, Married, M, 62, Coast Gd Pensioner Navy, Cork

Honora Ware, Wife, Married, F, 62, Coast Gd Pensioner Wife, Cork

Hy Ware, Son, Single, M, 25, Railway Clerk, Brighton, Sussex

Mary Tracey, Head, Single, F, 38, Cotton Spinner, Roscommon; 3 Tideswell Court, Stockport, Chesire

Thos Tracey, Brother, Single, M, 27, Hatter, Stockport, Cheshire

Ann Overton, Sister, Married, F, 29, Cotton Spinner, Stockport, Cheshire

Mary Overton, Daughter Sisters, Single, F, 0, , Heaton Norris, Lancashire

Thomas Treacey, 21 years, born Roscommon, single, Farm Servant, Towbridge Manor St Mellons Monmouth Wales

Thomas Tracey, 41 years, born Roscommon, Tailor, 9 Carter St Manchester Lanc

Mary, 47 years, born Galway, wife,

Winifred Tracey, Pauper, M, Female, 31, Roscommon, Ireland, Domestic Servant, "Stoke Upon Trent Workhouse" Penkhull  

John Tracey, Pauper, Male, 13, Longton, Stafford, England, Scholar      

Michael Tracey, Pauper, Male, 10, Longton, Stafford, England, Scholar                           

Mary Ann Tracey, Pauper, Female, 8, Longton, Stafford, England, Scholar                     


7 January 1882 (N) Land League

..Killteevan branch, per Miss Ellen M Tracey £1/8/0..


21 June 1882 (NG) Desperate Assault near Athlone

On Saturday evening, a farmer named Patrick Tracey was brutally, and it is feared fatally assaulted at Cranaghmore [[Crannagh More Drum Roscommon] three miles distant from Athlone..dispute with a neighbour named John Donnellan..blow with a shovel..

23rd June 1882 Monmouthshire Merlin

Martin Tracy was severely beated with a spade, at Crannagh, Athlone, on Sunday, by a man named Dolan with whom he had a dispute about land. Tracey’s dying deposition has been taken.

15 July 1882 Pilot (Boston)


Desperate assault near athlone — A report from Athlone, June 19, says:—On Saturday, June 17. a farmer named Patrick Tracey was brutally, and, it is feared, fatally assaulted at Cranaghmore, three miles distant from Athlone. It appears that for some time past Tracey and a neighbor named John Donnellan were on unfriendly terms in consequence of a dispute in reference to a right of pass. On returning from the Athlone market on Saturday evening, the dispute was renewed, angry words passing between the two men, when Donnellan suddenly seized a shovel with which he dealt Tracey a blow on the head, causing a wound fully six inches in length. W. H. Beckett, R. M., subsequently attended at the hospital and took Tracey’s depositions. Donnellan was arrested, and remanded to Roscommon Jail, bail being refused.


9 September 1882 (NG) Narrow escape from drowning

..a tramp had a narrow escape from drowning in the Shannon at Athlone..a young man named Tracy, who was engaged washing a side car, on the Connaught docks..saved him..


20 November 1882 Freeman's Journal

..James Tracy, Kluockcrogliery [Knockcroghery], Roscommon..


1882 Return of judicial rents

Michael Tracy of Gornagowana [Garrynagawna Drum] Roscommon, landlord James Kelly (receiver of Sullivan Estate), 11a/2r/4p, poor valuation £4/15/0, old rent £9/12/6, new rent £5/10/0


7 to 7g. Michael Tracey, Garrynagowna, Athlone, Roscommon, £5.10.0 rent, 10a/2r/22p, Statuatory tenant from year to year, tennancy commenced 1st November. The rent of £5.10.0 payable by this tenant includes the rent of the holding No.4 on Lot 3, part 2. The rent of this holding has been fixed by the County Court Judge by order dated the 18th March 1882, at £5.10.0 under the Land law (Ireland) Act 1881. This tenant has a right of turbary within the limits of his holding for house use only, and the landlord's right of sporting is preserved.

8 to 8c, Patrick Tracey, reps of John deceased, Garrynagowna, Athlone, Roscommon, £8.2.6 rent, 11a/1r/14.5p, Statuatory tenant from year to year


Lot 3 Part 2, Patrick Treacy (representative of John Deceased), Garrynagowna, Roscommon, 1a/3r/14p, tenant from year to year, ..rent £8.2.6 set out in No.8 to 8c on Lot 3 Part 1.


4. Michael Tracey, Carrickynaghten and Garrynagowna Bog, Athlone Roscommon, 0a/3r/39p, Statutory tenant from year to year; tenancy commenced 1st November. The rent of this holding is included in the rent of £5.10.0 set out in respect of the tenancy No. 7 to 7g on Lot 3 Part 1 (see observations thereto as to rent, turbary and sporting which apply to this holding).

1883 Return of judicial rents

Martin Tracy of Cranaghmore Roscommon, landlord Andrew Bermingham, 16a/1r/10p, poor valuation £10/5/0, old rent £12/5/10, new rent £10/50/0, by consent


City of Berlin, Liverpool & Queenstown to New York 29 Sep 1884

Catherine Tracey, 58, F, wife, Roscommon

Martin Tracey, 30, M, labourer, Roscommon

Catherine Tracey, 25, F, servant, Roscommon


1884-9 (1908 Royal Commission on Congestion - Sale of Tenants rights)

Frank Tracey of Coonaflicka Roscommon or Sligo, judical rent £14/0/0, fixed 24/6/1884, sale 5/3/1889, £180, 11 years, landlord W. Barrett Esq



6 and 6a. John Kane and Thomas Tracy, Clooncraff otherwise Cloonaffe, Roscommon, Roscommon, £2.11.0 each, 3a/2r/34p, tenant from year to year


1884 RIC Service

Michael Tracey of Rockfield Co. Roscommon, Constable Royal Irish Constabulary [see Waterford – 1901 Census]


Men Unfit for further service [July 1884?]

23863, Rosc, Michl Tracy, rank Con, served 25 years 9 months, grant £5.12.3, pay £62, pension £46


Baltic, Liverpool & Queenstown to New York 24 April 1885

Bridget Treacy, 21, F, servant, Roscommon

Jane Tracey, 18, F, servant, Queenstown


Nevada, Liverpool & Queenstown to New York 29 Sep 1885

Sarah Tracey, 22, F, spinster, Roscommon


1886 John Treacy, tenant, Mrs Catherine Digby, landlord, Corry, Roscommon, 7a3r35p, £6.15.0 valuation, £6.0.4 rent, £4.4.0 judicial rent


1887 William Treacy, tenant, Colonel JT Davys, landlord, Coolshaughtena, Roscommon, 18a1r0p, £5.5.0 valuation, £6 rent, £4 judicial rent


1887 Michael Treacy, Limited Admor. of Pat Treacy, tenant, Earl of Clancarty, landlord, Culliagharney, Roscommon, 16a0r28p, £4.10.0 valuation, £5.15.8 rent, £3.12.0 judicial rent



November 1887 Roscommon.jpg

Castlerea History on your doorstep by Anthony Tuohy JCRHAS 1988 vol 2 pp.50



Photograph taken in November 1887 at a land reform meeting in Roscommon Town.

Back row: Joseph Moran (Correal), Patrick Treacy (Ballinturly), Thomas Larkin (Ballygalda), Frank Moran (Correal), Nicholas Moran (Correal), George Moran (Correal) and Patrick Larkin (Ballygalda) .

Front row: Michael Cahill (Clooneyourish), James Moran (Correal), Martin Treacy (Ballinturly) [uncle of Martin Treacy, Convent Road, Roscommon], John Rushe (Clooneen) and Timothy Larkin (Ballygalda).



Ref: Ballinturly: The Story of a Roscommon Townland and Its People by Anne Treacy (2018) pp.88


Treacey brothers from Fuerty


John Murphy The James Moran in this photograph is my Great-Grandfather. He was married to Mary Larkin of Ballygalda the sister of the Pat, Thomas and Timothy Larkin. James, Joseph, Frank, Nicolas and George Moran were brothers. George and Nicolas and a third brother Leo went to the US. Joseph Moran was married to Ellen Treacy the sister of Patrick and Martin.


4 Aug 1888 New England Naturalization

Patrick Tracy, of Johnston, b. Apr 1853 Roscommon, Ireland 

Arrival in US: May 16, 1870 New York

Witnesses: Laurence J. Coffey, Providence & Peter J. Lannon, Providence


10 August 1888 Freeman's Journal

..Wm Tracy, Petty Sessions Clerk of Castlerea, gave evidence..


1888? Established Church (Ireland) Commission

Cathedral of Elphin

Treacy and Duffy (joint tennants), Parish of Elphin County Roscommon, no acrage, annual rent £3/4/7, renewal? £3/10/0, 21 years 18 unexpired.


1888 Return of judicial rents

Margaret Treacy of Knockmain Roscommon, landlord Major Michael A. Burke, 4a/0r/8p, poor valuation £2/10/0, old rent £2/10/0, new rent £1/16/0


Thursday, January 24, 1889 Brooklyn Eagle

Obituary - Dr. William C. Tracy

William C. Tracy, who died at his late residence 319 Court street, on Sunday last, was born in Kingston Jamaica about sixty years ago and came to this country while a young man. His parents were natives of Roscommon in Ireland and were of the best families of that place. The doctor was in favour of every movement looking to Ireland's regeneration. He possessed all the qualities that constitute the gentleman and the Christian. The funeral took place last Wednesday from the late residence and the interment was in Evergreens Cemetery.


1889 Return of judicial rents

Margaret Treacy of Cloonloughlin Roscommon, landlord Percy Magan, 17a/0r/0p, poor valuation £10/0/0, old rent £10/0/0, new rent £8/5/0


1890 Return of judicial rents

Patrick Treacy of Clooncale Roscommon, landlord Jogn Frazer, 5a/2r/28p, poor valuation £3/0/0, old rent £3/0/0, new rent £2/10/0


17 November 1890 Daily Alta California

Diffley-In this city, November 15, Margaret, beloved wife of Thomas Diffley and sister of John and Thomas Curley and Mary Tracy, a native of County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 57 years.


9 June 1909  San Francisco Call

Tracy— In this city. June B, 1909. Mary, beloved wife of the late William Tracy, loving mother of John W., Thomas E. and William H. Tracy, loving grandmother of Edna M. and the late Willlam 1. Tracy, and loving sister of Thomas Curley, Mrs. Sarah Gilligan of Boston, and the late John  Curley and Margaret Curley, a native of County Roscommon. (Boston, Mass., papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintanoos are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Wednesday), at 8:30 a. m., from her late residence, CGS Hayes street near Buchanan, thence to Sacred - Heart church; where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 a. m. lnterment Holy Cross cemetery, via electric funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets.,


January 18, 1896 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Mr. Wm Tracy, Castlerea..shooting at Cleaboy House..publicly compliment Mr. William Tracy (son of Mr Tracy petty sessions clerk) on the highly satisfactory manner in which he had taken down the voluminous evidence of the numerous witnesses examined in the cases..


1891 Census for Leftwich, England

Sch.23:  28 New Street. 

Laurence Tracey, H, M, 30, Salt Lab, E, b. Ireland, Roscommon.

Catherine Tracey, Wife, M, 28, b. Ireland, Co. Galway.

Patrick Tracey, Son, S, 19, Bricksetter, E, b. Cheshire, Northwich.


1892 Return of judicial rents

Andrew Treacy contd. in name of Martin Treacy of Frenchlawn and another Roscommon, landlord H.L. Jephson/Thomas G.W. Sandford, 40a/0r/20p, poor valuation £20/19/0, old rent £16/6/0, new rent £14/0/0


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


Annie Tracey, Roscommon Ireland, 1901, 20 years (to Providence RI)


Bertha M Tracy, Strokestown Roscommon Ireland, 1907, Hkeeper, 38 years, 5’7”, dark complexion, black hair, grey eyes, Relative/Friend: Michael Donnellan Strokestown Co. Roscommon, b. Strokestown Ireland, resident returning Whitehall New York


Bdgt Tracey, Elphin (Roscommon? Ireland), 1901, 18 years, single, Elphin to Mountclair NJ, to sister Mary New York


Bridget Tracey, Clooncagh (Clooncah Kilteevan Roscommon Ireland?), 1904, 21 years, Cousin Mrs Trainer (Maggie) 373 Broadway Patterson NJ


Edward Tracy, Ballenasloe (Ballinasloe Roscommon) Ireland, 1915, 27 years, father Tracey Killaharna Ballinasloe [Roscommon] Cousin John Fay ??? New York. B. Ballinasloe Ireland [crossed out]

Edward Treacy, Ballinasloe (Roscommon) Ireland, 1915, 27 years, single, farmer. Mark Treacey, Ballinasloe, [Creagh] Co. Roscommon. to John Kay, 118 West 63 St New York, 5’9”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Ballinasloe Ireland.


Elizabeth Tracey, Strokestown Roscommon? Ireland, 1907, 29 years, Hmaid, non Immigrant Alien, father Michael Strokestown Co Roscommon. Home: 104 West River St Wilkesbarre Pa,


Helena Treacy, Strokestown Roscommon? Ireland, 1910, 20 years, single, Father Jns Treacy, Muckinagh, Strokestown, Ros. sist friend Mary A Washington, 107 S 12th St Newark NJ, 5’4”, fair complexion, fair hair, brown eyes, b. Strokestown Ireland.


James Tracey, Glasgow Scotland, 1923, 34 years, 33 years 7 months, b. 1890, Pipemaker, lived Glascow Scotland, Wife: Mary Tracey, 113 North Montrose St Glascow, to Boston Mass, Aunt: Mrs Geo Hull, 5 Putnan Place Rox? Boston Mass USA, b. Roscommon Ireland


Jane Tracey, Horseleap Roscommon Ireland, 1897, 27 years (Offaly or Westmeath?), Horseleap Co. Ros, To New York, do [US Resident] [Crossed out]


John Treacy, Roscommon Ireland, 1900, 45 years, Roscommon, to Burlington?, Cousin M? Healhegen? 1108 Chestnut? St, Burlingham? NY?


John Tracey, b. Kilrooskey Roscommon? Ireland, 1906, 25 years, single, Sister Margaret??? Brother William 132 Marky St Pitts?, sister Bridget Madden 31 5 W 35st? NY?[multiple contacts], 5’2” dark complexion, dark hair, dark eyes, 


John Treacy, Strokestown (Roscommon?) Ireland, 1913, 21 years, single, Father Martin Treacy, Ratanagh, Strokestown. Bro Pat Tracy, 10350 12th St Newark NJ. 5’11”, dark complexion, dark hair, black eyes, b. Strokestown Ireland.


Katie Tracey, Roscommon Ireland, 1900, 17 years, single, to cousin Kate Mullady? 81 Coahlandance Providence NJ,


Kate A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA,1908, 43 years, single, nurse, Mr Francis Tracy, Carrenderry, Co. Galway. resident returning Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A. Tracy 43, Patrick C Tracy 25]

Patrick C. Tracy, Rochester USA, 1908, 25 years, single, Clergyman, lived Rochester New York. Mrs Tracy, Carrenderry, Co. Galway. To  friend Righ Rev Chas H Cotton DD 1025 Delaware Ave Buffalo NY. 5’11”, fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes, b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A. Tracy 43, Patrick C Tracy 25]


Kate Treacy, Rosscommon, Ireland, 1909, 18 years, single, Mrs J Treacy, Beachwood Roscommon. Aunt Mrs Nano OReely?, 101 Bleumen St, New London, Con. 5’1”, dark complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. b. Roscommon Ireland.


Kate A. Tracey, Sound Beach USA, 1910, 45 [50] years, single?, trained nurse, lived various USA since 1883, to Elizabeth A Curdago? Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, Fresh complexion, greyish hair, grey eyes, b. Ballintubber [Roscommon] Ireland [crossed out]

Kate A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA, 1910, 45 years, single, nurse, Father: Francis Tracy Carrenderry Co Galway. lived 1893 1910 Sound Beach. Resident returning Shore Rd Sound Beach Conn. 5’2”, fair complexion, dark hair, Grey eyes. b. Carrenderry Ireland.


Katherine Tracey, Sheffield England, 1913, 19 years, single, domestic, Father: Mr J Tracey, 119 Bodmin Street, Attercliffe Sheffield England. To sister, Miss Tracey 37 Warrington Place, East Orange NJ, 5’3”, fair complexion, auburn? hair, blue? Eyes, b. Roscommon Ireland [See 1911 Census]


Katherine Tracey, Ballinaslor (Ballinasloe Galway?) Ireland, 1913, 17 years, single, servant,  Father: Michael Treacy Killahormin? Ballinasloe. To sister Annie K? Tressy 324 Washington St Somerilly? St? Boston, 5’3”, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Ballinasloe Ireland [Cuilliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon]


Ireland and US share history and progress, US Governor says in Seanad address [LGBTQ+ Governor of Massachusetts Maura Healey -  maternal great-grandmother Katherine Tracey emigrated from Ballinasloe, Co Galway as a teen in 1912 - 1999 My uncle Joe Tracey showed us around the old farmstead]



Lizzie Tracey, Kilivoskey (Kilrooskey Roscommon) Ireland, 1913, 18 years, single, servant, 5’4”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, Mother: Catherine Tracey, Clontymullen, Kilroosky Roscommon, b. Roscommon, passage paid by aunt, to aunt Mrs Jn Whieler? Greant? Reach?/Cresent Beach Iowa (abantis? Con crossed out)


Louisa Tracey, Sheffield England, 1909, 18 years, single, domestic, Father: John Tracey 133 Novell? St Sheffield, to Uncle William Tracey 180 Valley St Orange NJ, 5’6” fair complexion, auburn hair, grey eyes, b. Roscommon Ireland [see 1901 Census]


Maggie Tracey, Stokestoun (Strokestown Roscommon) Ireland, 1907, 26 years, single, Hmaid, 5’7”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, Father: Michael Strokestwon Roscommon, to sister Mrs E Samuel? 442 Coshn? Pensilvania and Westbound?, to Wilkesbawn? PA, b. Strokestown Ireland


Margaret Mary Treacy, Strokestown (Roscommon?) Ireland, 1916, 18 years, single, Father Martin Treacy, Rathenagh, Strokestown. brother John Treacy, 103 So 12 Str Newark. 5’4”, fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, b. Strokestown Ireland


Margaret Treacy, Muckinagh (Muckanagh Strokestown Roscommonnon) Ireland, 1920, 21 years, single, Father Thomas Treacy, Mackinagh, Strokestown, Ireland. Sister Mrs James Smith, 199 Ridge St, Newark NJ. 5’6”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes.b. Thuckinagh Ireland. [Margaret Treacy 21, Helen Treacy 25, sisters]

Helene Treacy, Mucknagh (Muckanagh Strokestown Roscommonnon) Ireland, 1920, 25 years, waitress, single, Father Thomas Treacy, Mackinagh, Strokestown, Ireland. Lived 6 yrs Newark NJ. Sister Mrs James Smith, 199 Ridge St, Newark NJ. 5’4”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes.b. Muckinagh Ireland. [Margaret Treacy 21, Helen Treacy 25, sisters] [not listed]


Margaret Tracey, Cloonloughlin (Cloonfinlough? Roscommon) Ireland, 1920, 25 years, single, 5’2”, fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, Father: Thos Tracey, Cloonloughlin, Co. Roscommon. To brother  Pat Tracey 2 Leves Place Roxbury Mass, intends staying seven years, b. Cloonloughlin Ireland


Mary Tracey, Athlone (Roscommon Ireland?), 1893, 17 years, spinster, to Waterburg,


Mary Treacy, Roscommon (Ireland), 1902, 16 years, single, to Cousin de de Buckley?, 372 Broadway, Patterson N York


Mary Treacy, Stokestown (Roscommon Ireland?), 1904, 28 years, single [image not found]

Thomas Treacy, Stokestown (Roscommon Ireland?), 1904, 21 years, single [image not found]


Mary Treacy, Kilrooskey (Roscommon?) Ireland, 1907, 22 years, single, to brother John Treacy, 121 East 40th St, New York. 5’10”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Kilrooskey Ireland.


Mary Tracey, Clovuagh (Clooncah Kilteevan Roscommon?) Ireland, 1908, 25 [22] years, single, 5’2”, fair complexion, fair, hair, blue eyes, lived 6 years Jersey City, Mother: Mrs Tracey, Clooncagh Knockughny. to cousin, Mrs N Duffy, 1273 3rd Ave New York. b. Clooncagh Ireland


Mary Tracey, Roscommon Ireland, 1915, 22 years, single, Mother Mrs Tracey Carrowerin Roscommon, to Aunt Mrs O’Neill. 684 Waldon Ave Buffalo [NY] (Written in: Admitted to ??? who has ??? to Buffalo) 5’?”, fair complexion, auburn hair, brown eyes, b. Roscommon Ireland.

Sarah Tracey, Roscommon Ireland, 1915, 20 years, single, Mother Mrs Tracey Carrowerin Roscommon, to Aunt Mrs O’Neill. 684 Waldon Ave Buffalo [NY] (Written in: Admitted to ??? who has ??? to Buffalo) 5’5”, fair complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes, b. Roscommon Ireland. [see Mary Tracey 22]


Mary Tracy, Cloantymullen [Cloontimullen] Roscommon Ireland, 1916, 19 years, single, Mother Mrs C Tracey, Cloahymullen, Co. Roscommon. to Sister Lizzie Tracey, 2 Trinity St Hartford Conn, 5’6” fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Clountmullan Ireland.


Michael Tracey, Strokestown (Roscommon Ireland?), 1900, 22 years, single, To sister Mary, Mt? Clair NJ, 65 Mountain Ave


Minnie Tracey, Strokestown Roscommon? Ireland, 1923, 25 years, single, waitress, 5’5.5”, pale complexion, black hair, grey? eyes, father Martin Tracy Patenamh? Strokestown Ireland. sister Margt Walsh, 136? Valley Rd, Mont Clair, NJ b. Strokestown Ireland [crossed out]

Minnie Treacy, Ratmagh (Rattinagh Kilglass Roscommon) Ireland, 1923, 25 years, single, Waitress, Father Martin Tracy Ratenagh Stokestown Ireland. Lived US 1912/1919, to sister Margaret Walsh 132 Valley Rd Mount Clair NJ, intends living 4 years in US, 5'5.5", fair complexion, black hair, grey eyes, b. Ratenagh Ireland.


Patrick Tracey, Roscommon Ireland?, 1904, 20 years, Sister Sarah Tracey, 118 Hospital St Providence RI


Patrick Treacy, Muckinayah ((Muckanagh, Kilglass, Roscommon?) Ireland, 1905, 20 years, single, Muckinagh, to sister Cat Tracy 59 Walnut St Montclair NJ


Patrick Treacy, Strokestown (Roscommon?) Ireland, 1907, 24 years, single, father Michael Treacy Strokestown Co Roscommon. To sister Mrs Ed Durent? 443 Park Ave Wicksbure Pa. 5'7", fair complexion, black hair, blue eyes, b. Strokestown Ireland.


Patrick Tracy, 1909, 24 years, single, coachman?, non immigrant alien, Father Thomas Tracy, Teachnagh, Stokestown? Co. Roscommon. lived 4 years Rentelar? NJ, Sister Beatrice? Tracy 86 South Fullerton? Ave Montclair? NJ, 5’9”, fair complexion, brown? Hair, brown eyes, b. ??? Ireland


Patrick Tracey, Montclair NJ USA, 1910, 25 years, coachman, 5’8”, fair complexion, brn hair, brn eyes, Irish, Non-immigrant alien, lived Montclair USA, Father: John Tracey, Muchinagh, Strokestown. To sister, Mary Washington, 107 Sth 12th Str, Newark NJ. b. Strokestown Ireland.


Patrick J. Treacy, East Orange NJ USA, 1914, 25 years, married, Chaffeur, Father: Thomas Treacy, Muckinagh, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. non immigrant alien, lived 8 years East Orags? NJ. Brother: Martin Treacy, 439 west? 49th Street New York, 5’8”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Stokestown Ireland. [Patrick J Treacy 25, Catherine Treacy 25 also Patrick Washington 26 brother-in-law]

Catherine Treacy, East Orange NJ USA, 1914, 25 years, wife, Father Patrick Washington, Kilgarve? Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. non immigrant alien, lived ??? East Orags? NJ. Brother in law do [Martin Treacy, 439 west? 49th Street New York], 5’8”, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b. Stokestown Ireland. [Patrick J Treacy 25, Catherine Treacy 25 also Patrick Washington 26 brother-in-law]


Sarah Treacy, Roscommon (Ireland), 1898, 28 years, single, sister paid passage, to sister Ellen 118 Prospect St Providence R.I.


Sarah J. Tracey, Hartford USA, 1924, 27 years, single, 5’2”, fresh complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes, domestic, Mother: Mrs N Tracey, Cullenboy, Kilteevan, Co. Roscommon. To sister Mrs Charles Jones, 217 Burnside Avenue, Hartford Conn. b. Kilteevan Co Roscommon.

Sarah Tracey, NY USA, 1924, 30 years, housemaid, 5’9”, fair complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes, Mother, Mrs Tracey, Cullerboy, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon.  Employer, Mrs LF Robinson 45 Forest Street Hartford Conn, b. [crossed out]


Teresa Treacy, Strokestown Roscommon? Ireland, 1908, 24 years, single, 3-189903-505-5?/140, Strokestown, (cousin) brother John Ashbrook Strokestown, to (daughter) sister Mrs Mary Daniels 442 North St Wilkesborn Pa. 5'9", fresh complexion, black hair, brown eyes, b. Strokestown Ireland [Theresa Treacy 24, Michael Treacy, 55]

Michael Treacy, Strokestown Roscommon? Ireland, 1908, 55 years, married, father, labr, Strokes, Son do [John Ashbrook Strokestown], to daughter do [Mrs Mary Daniels 442 North St Wilkesborn Pa]. 5'8", fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Strokestown Ireland [Theresa Treacy 24, Michael Treacy, 55]


Thomas Treacy, Strokestown (Roscommon) Ireland, 1907, 25 years, single, sister Mary Ann Treacy, 156 Orange Road, Mont Clair New Jersey, 5’8”, fair complexion, brown hair, dark eyes, b. Strokestown Roscommon [Thomas Treacy 25, Lizzie Kate Treacy 19]

Lizzie Kate Treacy, Strokestown (Roscommon) Ireland, 1907, 19 years, single, do [sister Mary Ann Treacy, 156 Orange Road, Mont Clair New Jersey], 5’4”, dark complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, b. Strokestown Roscommon  [Thomas Treacy 25, Lizzie Kate Treacy 19]


Thomas Treacy, Strokestown (Roscommon) Ireland, 1907, 21 years, single, farmer, lived 2.5 years Mont Clair, to sister Mary Ann 156 Orange Rd Mont Clair NJ. 5'9", fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Stokestown Ireland [crossed out]


Thomas Treacy, Strokestown (Roscommon) Ireland, 1907, 25 years, single, gardener [crossed out]


Willam Tracey, Sheffield England, 1910, 23 years, forgeman, 5’7”, fair complexion, red hair, blue eyes.  Father: Mr Tracey, 119 Bodmin Str, Sheffield. Sister: Miss L. Tracey, Lowell Ave, W Orange, NJ. b. Knockcroghery [Roscommon] Ireland.


Winifred Treacy, Strokestown Roscommon Ireland, 1913, 20 years, single, Father Thos Treacy Menchanagh Strokestown, father paid passage, to bro Patre? Treacy 150 So 12th St Newark NJ. 5'6", dark complexion, brown hair, brown eyes.  b. Strokestown Ireland [Winfred Treacy 20, Teresa Treacy 18, cousins]

Teresa Treacy, Strokestown Roscommon? Ireland, 1913, 18 years, single, 2-1018948 11-/30/42, Father Martin Treacy Ratanagh Strokestown, father paid passage, to cousin do [Patre? Treacy 150 So 12th St Newark NJ]. 5'6", fair complexion dark hair, grey eyes. b. Strokestown Ireland [Winfred Treacy 20, Teresa Treacy 18, cousins]


United States Naturalization Petitions

Bridget Treacy, born 18 Sep 1874 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1932 New York

Margaret Traccey/Tracey, born 15 Jan 1894 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1927 & 1932 Boston, MA

Mary Anne Treacy, born 17 Jul 1916 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1940 New York New York

Michael J Tracy, born 29 Nov 1879 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1906 Massachussetts

Michael Tracey, born 01 Oct 1896 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1932 Newton C MA. Spouse's Bridget Tracey Child Thomas A Tracey born 12 Feb 1926

Michael Treacy, born 06 Aug 1868 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1919 Somerville, Massachusetts

Patrick Joseph Tracy, born 19 Feb 1883 or 1884 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1910 & 1918 Boston Rox, MA

Patrick Joseph Treacy, born 29 Aug 1897 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1925 Marlboro, Massachusetts

Sarah Tracy, born 09 Feb 1900 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1927 Hartford, CT

William Joseph Tracy, born 15 Oct 1884 Roscommon, Ireland. Naturalised 1917 Boston (rox), Massachusetts. Spouse's Nora Tracy


‘British Princess', Queenstown to Phila 29 May 1894

Catherine Treacy, 22, b. 1872, lived Ballintubber [Roscommon], to Sister at 724 62nd St, Chicago, Ill.


'Indiana', Queenstown to Phila 6 Aug 1894

John Tracey, 21, b. 1873, lived Tulsk [Ogulla Roscommon], to uncle John New York City

John Tracey, 42, b. 1852, married, lived Burell [Bruff Limerick?], lived 25 yrs New York, to Actna N.J. Burgen Co. New York


'Kensington', Queenstown to Phila 7 July 1894

Bgt Treacy, 23, b. 1871, lived Clooneigh [Kilteevan, Roscommon?], to Uncle M. Breheny 113 Hannah St Harrisburg,

Celia Treacy, 22, b. 1872, lived Lennaghmore [Annaghmore Sligo?], Aunt Magg Toole, 1432 South 22nd St Phila. [also Julia 18]


1894 Return of Advances made under the Land Act

30 Jan 1894 Martin Tracy of Keelty Roscommon, vendor: A.W. Bermingham, 2a/1r/29p, value £-, rent £1/0/0, price £10, advance £10


March 1895 Knockmaroon Hills [Knockaroon, Roscommon?]

Proposed road to cut off above..Michael Tracey 4s..


6 Oct 1897 New England Naturalization

John J Tracy, of 105 Hampden St., Boston Mass, b. 2 June 1872 County Roscommon, Ireland 


1899 Return of Advances made under the Land Act

July 27 1898 Margaret Treacy of Knockmane Roscommon, vendor: Michael Burke, 4a/0r/20p, value £2/10/0, rent £1/16/0 judical, price £30, advance £30, cash £6


1899 Return of judicial rents

Martin Treacy of Garnagowna Athlone Roscommon, landlord Dora and RJ O'Sullivan (Lunatic), 11a/2r/0, poor valuation £4/15/0, old rent £9/12/6, new rent 1 £54/10/0, new rent 2 £4/0/0


'Rhynland' Queenstown to Phila 16 May 1900

Bridget Tracy, 30, b. 1870 Ireland, single, lived Roscommon, lived US 4.5 years 1887 to 1892. To cousin Michael Mulhern 1108 Chestnut St Del, there 17 years, heard just before leaving. [with James 45]

James Tracy, 45, b. 1855 Ireland, single, lived Roscommon, to cousin Michael Mulhern 1108 Chestnut St Del. There 17 years, heard just before leaving. [with Bridget 30]


August 04, 1900 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Roscommon. At the last meeting of the Roscommon Board of Guardians, a letter was received from the Local Government Board, signifying their approval of the Guardians' proposal to allow a sum of £2 to a girl named Kate Treacy, from Kilteevan, to assist her to emigrate.

1903 Montana

…Domestic jobs paid poorly, however, and women often sought opportunities to improve their economic status. Kate Tracy, for example, worked at a boardinghouse when she arrived in Anaconda in 1903 from County Roscommon, but she soon learned how to sew and hired out as a seamstress…

'We Are Women Irish': Gender, Class, Religious, and Ethnic Identity in Anaconda, Montana, by Laurie K. Mercier © 1994 Montana Historical Society


18 August 1900 San Francisco Call

Tracy— In this city, August 17, 1900. Eliza, beloved wife of John W. Tracy, mother of Edna M. and William I. Tracy, and sister of Annie Crane, a native of County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 27 years 1 month and 13 days.


October 14, 1900 Reynolds's Newspaper (London)

Treacy - News wanted of Michael Treacy and his sister, Mary Treacy; left County Roscommon, Ireland about eighteen years ago. Last heard of in Chicago, U.S.A. working in butcher's stall. Their sister Mrs. Bridget Mannion, care of Editor, Reynolds Newspaper, inquiries. American papers, please copy.


1900 Irish Mission for Immigrant Girls in New York City

Louisa Tracey, 1909, 17 years, from Roscommon. Sponsor: William Tracey 220 Valley St. Orange, N.J. uncle (Arabic - April 25 1909)

Mary Tracey, 1902, 16 years, from Roscommon. Sponsor: Maggie Burke 373 Broadway Paterson N.J. Comments: 5:00; D 7:00 (Oceanic 1902-03-27)


1901 Return of judicial rents

Mark Treacy of Cuillagharny Ballinsloe Roscommon, landlord Dowager Countess of Clancarty, 16a/0r/14p, poor valuation £2/10/0, old rent £2/6/0, new rent £2/6/0




 1901 Census of Ireland

 Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland



08-23-1902 Irish World (New York)

Recent Deaths..Treacey - July 25, at Shannon View, Mrs E. Treacey, Shannon View House, Clooncagh, Roscommon, age 74 years..


May 27 1904, Catherine Treacy, Longford, Roscommon, 13a1r20p, £5.5.0 valuation, £7.10.0 rent, judicial, £215 purchase price and advance


1905 RIC Service

James Tracy, 53979, b. 1868 Fermanagh


53979 James Tracy, 20 years 10 months, 5'9.5", b. Fermanagh, Catholic, married 3.2.1900 wife from Mayo SR, recommended by HC Carley, farmer, allocated 31 August 1889, served Mayo SR 4 April 90 - Mayo NR 10.6.00 - Roscommon 9.3.05, Pensioned 12.8.20 48420D, pension £164.13.6, Contd Leitrim


1901 Census:

James Tracy [J.T.] 33, M, RIC Barracks 46 Williams Street, Belmullet, Mayo, Roman Catholic, Farmer's Son, Married, Fermanagh [Married to Mary]

Mary Tracy, 22, F, 9 Davis Street, Belmullet, Belmullet, Mayo, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Mayo [Married to James]

Annie Veronica Tracy, 0, F, Davis Street, Belmullet, Belmullet, Mayo, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Mayo

Mary McManmon, 55, Female, Mother, Roman Catholic, Widow, Co Mayo

Feb 25, 1905 (IT) RIC

Transfer of Constables..James Tracy, Mayo to Roscommon.

Jan 16, 1909 (IT) RIC The force at Boyle, County Roscommon has been augmented..Constable Treacy from Hillstreet..

3 July 1909 (IT) Constable James Treacy, of the County Roscommon Force, temporarily attached to the Depot, has been granted leave of absence for one month, and is to rejoin his station on expiration of leave.

1911 Census

James Tracy, 42, M, 24.1 Clegna, Tumna South, Roscommon (inmate, Constable R.I.C., married, b. Fermanagh) [Married to Mary]

Mary J Tracy, 33, F, 2 Clegna, Tumna South, Roscommon (head, married 11 years, 4 child, b. Mayo) [Married to James]

Annie Varonica Tracy, 10, F, Clegna, Tumna South, Roscommon (b. Mayo)

Thomas James Tracy, 8, M, Clegna, Tumna South, Roscommon (b. Mayo)

Michael Patrick Tracy, 6, M, Clegna, Tumna South, Roscommon (b. Mayo)

Martin Joseph Tracy, 0-8 months, M, Clegna, Tumna South, Roscommon (b. Roscommon)


1905 Return of Advances made under the Land Act

{ May 27 1904 Martin Treacy of Frenchlawn Roscommon, 31a/0r/26p, value £20/19/0, rent £13/19/0, judical, price £308, advance £308

{ May 27 1904 Martin Treacy of Shankoagh Roscommon, 14a/1r/7p,


1907 Return of Advances made under the Land Act

May 27 1904 Catherine Treacy of Longford Roscommon, 9a/0r/30p, value £6/15/0, rent £10/0/0 Not judical, price £215, advance £215


1907 RIC Service

Daniel Tracey, 62098, b. 1866 Galway [West Riding?]


62098 Daniel Tracey, dob 17 June 1886 [20 years], 5'10", b. Galway jd from Galway WR, Catholic, recommended by DI Egan, farmer, appointed 3 Sep 06, served Roscommon 5 March 1907, Resigned 30.11.10 52872D, To emigrate to Canada, Contd in Galway WR & Kings


Mar 23, 1907 (IT) RIC [recruits allocated to counties]..dating from the 19th inst. to fill vacancies. No.1 Company. Daniel Tracey, to Roscommon.

Apr 12, 1911 (FJ) RIC. Commended..Daniel Treacy, Boyle, Co. Roscommon..


Jul 4, 1907 & Sep 2, 1907 (IT) [see Avoca Wicklow]

Wanted situation as Housemaid, town or country; good needlewoman; single, free the 25th; please state terms. - G. Tracy, Greystones Post Office, Co. Wicklow.

Oct 30, 1907 & Nov 14, 1907 (IT)

Two young women require situations one as HP maid of signgle housemaid, good needlewoman, disengaged 21st, wages £18 to £20; country preferred; other as Lady's maid or children's maid, good dressmaker, wages £16 £18, disengaged 11th town or country, highly recommended. Apply G. Tracy and M. Horan, Kilbegnet, Creggs, Co. Roscommon.

August 1909 Irish Postmasters Association

The annual meeting in the Gresham Hotel Dublin..17 members present..Mr. [George] Treacy (Castlerea)..

March 1914 IT

Castlerea..Mr. Tracey, Postmaster..

May 9, 1922 (FJ) Presentation top Castlerea Postmaster

Post-Office staff at Castlerea and a host of friends in the town have presented Mr. George Treacy, who has been Postmaster at castlerea for the past fifteen years, with an address and a wallet of Treasury notes on his retirement from the service on superannuation. [Roscommon]

May 13, 1922 (IT) Provincial

Presentation to Postmaster - Post office officials at Castlerea and local friend in the town have presented Mr. George Treacy, who had been postmaster at Castlerea for 15 years with an address and a wallet of treasury notes on his retirement from the services.


1903 Return of Advances made under the Land Act

Dec 10 1908 Martin Treacy of Ballinturly Roscommon, 50a/3r/8p, value £28/0/0, rent £21/18/0, Not judical, price £408, advance £408


1909 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Stanley Victor Coote

Oct 15 1908 Thomas Tracy of Drumagissaun Roscommon, 4a/0r/8p, rent £0/10/0, NOT judical, price £10, advance £10


May 1909 - Two dwelling-houses at Corroy about six miles from Roscommon, belonging to farmers named Tracy and Leonard, were destroyed by fire yesterday morning. No one was injured. A claim for compensation for malicious injury will be lodged.

Oct 6, 1909 (IT) Alleged Malicious Fire in Roscommon

..application by Anne Tracey, of Corry, near Roscommon for £150, the value of her dwelling house, furniture etc, alleged to have been maliciously burned on the night of the 26th May..dispute about bog and one of the Commissioners had come down and settle it. John Tracey, son of applicant..James Leonard, a neighbour, and found his house on fire..went to his mothers house and found it on fire..His Honor dismissed the case.


November 1910 to December 1911 Monthly returns of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903

John Treacy, Treanacreeve, 21a0r22p, £11.3, £10, Not Judl, £210, former estate of Captain Alfred Walpole, Roscommon

Michael Treacy, Treanacreeve, 8a0r16p, £3.10.4, Not Judl, £74, former estate of Captain Alfred Walpole, Roscommon

William Tracy, Treanacreeve, 9a0r35p, £3.19.0, £83 price, 21 years, former estate of Captain Alfred Walpole, Roscommon


1912-13 [Cd. 6028, 6029, 6096, 6137, 6187, 6263, 6330, 6393, 6403, 6420, 6424, 6443] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish land purchase acts, during the month of November, 1910. - Roscommon

15th December 1910, William Tracy, Treanacreeve, 9a0r35p, £3.10.0 rent, £83 purchase price and advance, 21 years


May 11, 1912 (IT)

..a large force of police visited the district of Kilteevan, about four miles from Roscommon and arrested [18 men]..Patrick Tracay..all of Clooncraffe, Ballinaboy, Kilteevan and the townlands adjacent..charged with riot and unlawful assembly..inflicting wounds on two police officers..returned..Assizes and admitted them to bail.




1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



1912 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Estate of Stanley Victor Coote

17/10/1912 Martin Treacy of Rattinagh Roscommon, 11a/2r/0p, rent £4/1/6, not Judical, purchase £86, advance £86, 21.1 years rent


Feb 1, 1913 (LO) Strokestown Petty sessions

Terence Treacy and Thomas Treacy, of Muckinagh [Muckanagh], sued Thomas Madden of Moyglass, Strokestown, for possession of a house. The case was marked withdrawn.

Feb 22, 1913 (LO) ..In reply..Patrick Treacy said that his son [owner of the house] wrote to him from America and told him that he was to look after his business..Thomas Treacy gave evidence as to serving a notice to quit on the 20th January, the rent was 1s6d per week..


1913-1922 Military History

Andrew Treacy, Fianna Eireann, Roscommon

Annie Treacy nee Corcoran, dispatch rider, Cumann na mBan North Roscommon Brigade.

Columbo Treacy, Kiltrustan, Co. Roscommon

Frank Treacy, Cloonfree Coy. Co. Roscommon

Frank Treacy, Kiltrustan, Co. Roscommon

John Joseph Treacy, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon 

Mrs. Nora Igoe [nee Treacy], Goff St. Roscommon.

Nora Treacy, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon

Nora Treacy, Correal, Athleague, Roscommon

Pat Treacy, Ballinturly, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon

Patrick Treacy, Cloonmore, Knockcroghery, Co. Roscommon

Patrick Treacy, U.S.A. [Athleague, Roscommon.]

Sean Treacy, A (Athleage) Company, 3 Battalion, South Roscommon Brigade, 2 Western Division

Thomas Treacy, Cootehall, Co. Roscommon

Treacy, boatman on the Shannon [Co. Roscommon?]


1916-1923 Volunteers

Treacy, Frank (Cloonfree Coy.) 40, 445

Treacy, James (Mountbellew, Ballinasloe) 458

Treacy, John Joseph (Ballinturly, Fuerty) 445

Treacy, Joseph (Dunmore Coy, Co. Galway) 454

Treacy, Michael (North Longford Flying Column) 462

Treacy, Nora (Ballinturly, Fuerty) 445

Treacy, Pat (Ballinturly, Fuerty) 445

Treacy, Patrick (Glenamaddy Coy.) 445, 453, 454

Treacy, Patrick (Kilteevan Coy.) 207, 445

Treacy, Sean (Tipperary) 24, 109

Treacy, Thomas (Cootehall) 141, 165, 194, 445

Thorne, Kathleen Hegarty (2005) They put the Flag a-Flyin’. The Roscommon Volunteers 1916-1923. Generation Publishing, Oregon.



Prosecution of Patrick Treacy; IRA Officer; 10th May, 1921; Ballinturly, county Roscommon; recommended for internment. WO 35/131/47

Patrick Tracy, of Ballinturly Co, Roscommon, 06 Sep 1921 Internment camps & prison, 1028 Pat Treacy ln batch 118/0601 I.O Dh granted shortly

Patrick Tracy, of Ballinturly Co, Roscommon, 09 Dec 1921 Internment camps & prisons 9.12.21, serial no.1028 no. c/108


1917-1921 service medal - Andrew Treacy, Fianna Eireann, Roscommon

Andrew Treacy


Lisnamult, Roscommon

Ballinturly, Athleague, Roscommon

Date of birth                1910-10-29

Notes: File relates to initial successful application for Service (1917-1921) Medal. Medal issued 16 July 1952. Upon reinvestigation for allowances application subject's medal was held not to have been duly awarded. Subject was only ten/eleven years of age at the time of the Truce. Subject claimed membership of Fianna Eireann.

Data Protection Note Open

Organisation                None

Medal awarded           None

File Reference             MD17273


1917-1921 service medal - Sean Treacy, A (Athleage) Company, 3 Battalion, South Roscommon Brigade, 2 Western Division

Sean Treacy

Ballinturley, Athleague, Roscommon

County         Roscommon

Country        Ireland

Date of birth                1901-08-17

Notes            File relates to successful application for Service (1917-1921) Medal. Medal issued 30 December 1952. Duly awarded certificate signed 5 September 1868.

Data Protection Note Open

Organisation                Irish Republican Army

Commanding Officer(s)             John Conboy; Patrick Madden; Domnail O'Rourk

Company      A (Athleage) Company

Unit              3 Battalion

Brigade        South Roscommon Brigade

Division        2 Western Division

Medal awarded           Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference             MD17275


US State Department records

Mrs John Treacey with her son, 24 yrs, of Marlborough, MA visiting at Ballinturley, Co Roscommon, sister Mrs Brewin, Foyle St, Londonderry date 1914-08-07



1914 Michael Treacy, Culliaghary Roscommon, 37a1r38p (Bog) & 4a0r0p, £4.15.0 valuation, £3.12.0 rent, judicial, £74 price and advance, 20.5 years


1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension Records

James Tracey, b. abt 1892, Roscommon, Roscommon,  

John Tracey, b. abt 1892, Knockcroghery, Rosscommon,  


Sep 6, 1915 (IT) Armed madman's Escapade

..Ballinturly, near Athleague, County Roscommon..Michael Hoare..armed with a gun..fired at a girl named Treacey, who resides conveniently to his farm, wounding her rather seriously in the head..

Sep 18, 1915 (IT) & Sep 25, 1915 (IT) RIC

[Roscommon] On Saturday evening..Michael Hoare of Ballinturly, near Athleague..charged with firing a gun at Nora Tracey, and wounding her, and also with firing at the police..


1916? Canceled Valuation Books - Cloonmore, Kilteevan, Roscommon


Reference To Map                Occupiers               Immediate Lessors          Description           Comment                                  Observations


6ABCD                                Anne TREACY             John BURNS                 Ho, Off & Land        Anne x'd out, replaced with Patrick      1921

**                                          Patrick

8A to G                Michael TREACY                " "                  Ho & Land             Michael x'd out, replaced with Patrick   "19

** 8ABCDEFG                    Patrick

9A to H                Bridget BRENNAN               " "                        " "             Bridget x'd out, replaced with Patrick's "19

9ABCDEFGH                      Patrick TREACY

10                                          Bridget BRENNAN                                                          Bridget x'd out, replaced with Patrick's "19

**                                          Patrick TREACY                " "                  Land                  ** joined with parenthesis

10                                          Michael TREACY                " "                        " "             Michael x'd out, replaced with Patrick   "19

**                                          Patrick

12                                          Anne TRACEY             John BURNS                                       Anne x'd out, replaced w/ Patrick        1921


(no map ref given)                Bridget BRENNAN         (no info given)            (no info given)       Bridget x'd out, replaced w/ Patrick's   "19

                                              Patrick TREACY

(no map ref given)                Michael TREACY          (no info given)            (no info given)       Michael x'd out, replaced w/ Patrick     "19




1917 USA Draft Registration  

John Treacy b. 17 Sep 1891 Roscommon Ireland, Alien 1st papers, motorman Public Service, single, no dependants, lives 273 Marren Newark NJ

Michael Tracey b. 27 Dec 1886 Roscommon Ireland, naturalised, longshoreman, single, lives 222 South St NYC

William Joseph Tracey b. 16 Jun 1892 Roscommon Ireland, naturalised, US citizen, Wife & mother dependants, lives 52 Walnut St Newark? NJ, machinest at Edison, served 3 years in the British infantry

Martin Joseph Tracey b. Aug 15 1875 Ireland, lives 196 Ridge St Newark Essex NJ, works Edison Chemical Works Bloomfield Essex NJ, nearest relative Beatrice Tracey Roscommon Ireland.


1919 [Cmd. 57, 68, 370] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish Land Purchase Acts, during the months of January, February and March, 1917. - Roscommon

15th March 1917, Patrick Tracy, Moyglass, 10a0r20p, £5.15.0 valuation, £4 rent, judicial, £84 price and advance, 21 years


17th January 1918

P.B. Treacy (1918, Jan. 17), asking for Redmond’s support in assisting the people of Athlone who propose to erect schools as a monument to the late Monsignor Kelly, Dean of Elphin. Encloses printed flier re the proposed ‘Kelly Memorial Schools’.

MS 15,264 Papers of John Redmond NLI


Columbo Treacy, Kiltrustan, Co. Roscommon

Regarding the formation of the Volunteers in Kiltrustan the other members of the company were Michael O'Connor section Frank leader John Rodgers, Matt McCormack, McHugh, Michael Fallon, Patrick Rodgers, Michael Warren, Martin McHugh, John Kelly, Tom Diffley, Peter Lynch, Frank Wynne, Columbo Treacy, Joe Curry, John Caslin, Tom Kelly, Paddy Flanagan, Mick Tiernan, Tom Caulfield, paddy Beirne, Pat Brennan, Peter Carlon, Luke Cox, Dan Sweeney, paddy Sweeney, Tom McHugo, Peter Melia, pat Moore, pat McCormack and Johnny Callaghan.

Witness: Patrick Mullooly, Senior Officer IRA, Roscommon, 1921


Frank Treacy, Kiltrustan, Co. Roscommon

In Strokestown proper there was a pretty lively unit - Tom Shevlin, Marty O'Connor, Sean Bermingham, Frank Treacy, Tom Mason and others.

..There in the cells we lingered on in hopes day after day and at least on one night we were assured everything was smooth sailing, when a crowd of storm troopers arrived with a fresh batch of prisoners - some new captures and sone old - including Marty O'Connor of Strokestown and Frank Treacy of Kiltrustan. They were parked in the other spare cells.

Witness: Patrick Mullooly, Senior Officer IRA, Roscommon, 1921

When night came, Captain P. Flanagan, Lieutenant J. Hunt, Torn Dolan and I met and went on foot to Strokestown and met M.R. O'Connor (present Court Clerk), Frank Treacy (since dead) and Jimmie Beirne.

Witness: Stephen Scally, Member IRA, Roscommon, 1920 [signed 2/2/1955]


14 Jul 1920 Naturalisation Newark, Essex, New Jersey

Martin Tracy, 42, born 15 Jul 1878 Muckinagh [Kilglass, Strokestown, Roscommon] Ireland, 5'9", 165 lb, lt brown hair, blue eyes, lives 267 Parker St Newark NJ, emigrated Teutonic Queenstown to New York 28 May 1898, not married, SIGNED


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Bridget Tracey, 23 Oct 1925, late of Togher Taughmaconnel [Taghmaconnell] County Roscommon, married woman, who died 3 May 1925, to Michael Tracey, farmer. Effects …

Francis Treacy or Tracy, 21 Nov 1941, late of Rattinagh [Kilglass] County Roscommon, labourer, who died 26 Sep 1940, to Shane P. Flynn, solicitor. Effects …

Hannah Treacy, 28 Jun 1938, late of Carry Kilroosky County Roscommon, married woman, who died 14 Jun 1938, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …

James Tracy, 19 Jul 1932, late of Cootehall Boyle County Roscommon, retired constable R.I.C., who died 26 Mar 1932, to Mary Tracy, widow. Effects …

John Treacy, 2 Dec 1938, late of Tarmon County Roscommon, farmer, who died 9 Apr 1935, to Mary J. Troddyn, married woman. Effects …

Martin Treacy, 4 Nov 1941, late of Rattinagh Strokestown County Roscommon, farmer, who died 3 Jul 1941, to Patrick F. McCormack?, solicitor. Effects …

Mary Tracey, 24 Oct 1925, late of Lavagh Ruskey County Roscommon, married woman, who died 2 Feb 1921, to Thomas Tracey, farmer. Effects …

Michael Treacey, 26 Sep 1928, late of Carrowcrin Kilrooskey County Roscommon, farmer, who died 24 Dec 1914, to Ellen Treacey, the widow. Effects...

Thomas Tracy, 29 Nov 1926, late of Ballybeg Strokestown County Roscommon, farmer, who died 7 Sep 1924, to Mary Tracy, spinster. Effects …

William Treacy, 15 Feb 1935, late of Treanacreeve Seramogue County Roscommon, farmer, who died 24 Jan 1932, to James J. Treacy, farmer. Effects …


1922 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - former Estate of Everard Digby and another

31/3/1919 Anne Tracy of Corry Roscommon, 9a/0r/31p, value £6/15/0, rent £4/4/0, Judical, purchase £82, advance £82, 19.5 years rent & Anne Tracy (widow) Drumdaff Roscommon, 14a/2r/25p, purchase £256, advance £256

31/3/1919 Anne Tracey widow of Drumdaff Roscommon, 1a/0r/6p,  purchase £6, advance £6 & Corry Roscommon, 1a/1r/30p, purchase £6, advance £6


Mar 22, 1922 (FJ) Connacht

Serious Motor Mishap. - Between Strokestown and Elphin, a horse and cart was run into by a motor going at top speed, the driver of the cart a man named Tracy, having his spine broken and his limbs paralysed..

Mar 23, 1922 (FJ)

Death of victim of Motor Smash. The carter, Tracy, who was severely injured in the motor smash at Strokestown has succumbed to his injuries in the County Hospital.


Feb 9, 1923 (FJ) Boyle Arrests

National troops from Boyle made several important captures this week..TJ Treacy, Cootehall..[Roscommon]


Apr 3, 1926 (IT) New Assistant Surveyor

Mr. P. Treacy, B.Sc., B.E., Cootehall, Boyle, has been appointed Assistant Surveyor for North Leitrim.


Aug 6, 1927 (WE) Roscommon Circuit Court

..Jury..Thos. Treacy..


19 may 1928 (CTr) Roscommon Circuit Court

..James Gilligan, Culliagharney, sued Michael Tracy, of same place, for £2.15s, value of sheep killed by his dog..


May 19, 1928 (IT) Irish Police News

7566 Guard Edw. Tracy, Roscommon to Ballinasloe.

Nov 24, 1928 (IT) Irish Police News

7566 Guard E. Tracy, Ballinasloe to Aughrim.


2 may 1931 (CTr)

At Roscommon Circuit Court on Tuesday..Francis Tracey, Cloonloughton, Mount Talbot sued..for assaulting him on January 19 at Four Roads by biting the thumb of his right hand, which had to be amputated. Tracey said that he went to America four years ago and had intended to go back there..a decree..for £41 and expenses..by monthly instaments of £5.


16 may 1931 (CTr)

Deaths:..Miss Monica Treacy, Knockeroghery?, County Roscommon (at St. Louis' Convent, Carrickmacross).


30 may 1931 (CTr)

..Roscommon defeated Leitrim..Junior..football championships..Tracey [Roscommon] netted with good shot..


February 20, 1932 The Advocate (NY)

The death has occurred at the age of 90 years of Wm. Treacy at his residence, Ashbrook, Strokestown. Mr. Treacy, who followed the occupation of a carrier, spent the best part of his life carting goods from Dublin to Strokestown, and from Longford station to Strokestown.


23 apr 1932 (CTr)

Deaths: Mr. P. Treacy, Athleague, Roscommon.


Right Rev Monsignor M. J. [Michael Joseph] Treacy, (1855-1938 Ireland) Vicar-General of Deniliquin parish priest for more than 40 years.

Rev Mgr Michael J Treacy Deceased 20 May 1938 (Deniliquin, etc, NSW)

1880-1882 The Diary of Father Paul Kehoe

..20th. [Feb 1881] (Sunday) Magnificent sermon (half an hour) from Mr. Treacy, by far the best I’ve heard yet..

Michael Treacy, entered 1877, Kilteevan, to Goulburn N.S.W.

1959-1961 All Hallows Annual

22 Oct 1932 (CTr) Control of dance halls

The golden jubilee of the ordination to the priesthood of the Right rev Monsignor M. J. [Michael Joseph] Treacy, Prolonotary Apatone (a native of Clooncagh, Roscommon), has been celebrated by special services in St. Michael's Church, Deneliquin, New South wales, Australia..the Pope sent his photograph..Pius XI..

17 Feb 1933 The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.)


Trouble Due to Misunderstanding:.


In the police court to-day a case was called in which the Right Rev. Monsignor Michael Joseph Treacy, of St Michael's Roman Catholic Church Deniliquin was proceeded against by Patrick William Maher, a for mer mayor of Deniliquin on a charge of having used insulting words inside the church on January 1. A further charge was laid by Maher against Monsignor Treacy of having used abusive language outside the church on the same day. Maher also charged Monsignor Treacy with having unlawfully assaulted him and James Michael Maher, son of Patick William Maher, also laid a charge against Monsignor Treacy of having used insulting words. A counter-summons was issued by Monsignor Treacy against J. M. Maher that he had allegedly used insulting words on January 1. On the application of Mr Eugene Gorman. K.C. (instructed by Messrs Sullivan and Kelly), who appeared for Monsignor Treacy, and of Mr. J. Y. Davidson (for Maher) Mr. G. Johnstone, P.M., agreed to strike the cases out.

Mr Gorman said that Mr. Maher and Monsignor Treacy desired the cases to be stuck out ,accompanied by the following statement Mr. Gorman said:-

"The two parties are members of the one congregation. Both are very estimable people, each affectcd with a certain strong will of his own. It is a blend of classic simplicity and Celtic expansiveness. The dispute arose at the church among the congregation concerned. In consequence of the disturbance of his church services at a time which was regarded as very sacred, Monsignor Treacy wrongly considered that Mr Maher had deliberately left the church at the time. In consequence, certain remonstrances were instituted in the course of which the cause of mutual complaint occurred. Monsignor Treacy wished to say that from the information in his possession he now realised that Mr. Maher had no intention whatever of deliberately disturbing the services. It was a misapprehension on his part, which he was unable to correct at the time. Things which ensued included the stopping of Mr. Maher from entering the church. This was based on something which Monsignor Treacy thought to be a fact, but which he knew now was not. He had been under a misapprehension, and now wished to express his regret to Mr. Maher. Mr Maher wished to say that any expression which he be used under provocation arose through a misunderstanding.

30 May 1936 (CTr) In Roscommon

Mr Andrew Joseph Heavey, Cloonabricka House, Ballygar, died..and brother-in-law to Right Rev Monsignor Treacey, Pro Mortary Apostolic, Denelquin, New South Wales..

May 21, 1938 Irish Times Right Rev. Monsignor William T. Treacy [error Michael Joseph Treacy]

The Right Rev. Monsignor William T. Treacy, Protonotary Apostolic Vicar General of Wilcania, Australia. He was a native of Roscommon, and was educated at Summer Hill College, Athlone, and All Hallows Dublin, before his ordination in 1882. For a number of years he worked as a missionary in Goulburn and Deniliquin, New South Wales. He was appointed Vicar general of the Diocese of Wilcania in 1889, and on two occasions he was Administrator of the diocese during the absence of the Bishop. In 1902 he was made a Domestic Prelate to the Pope, and he returned home from Australia some time ago. He died on the 20th May 1938 in Dublin.

24 May 1938 The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)

Monsignor Treacey. Deniliquin, Monday

A cable from Ireland announces the death of the Right Rev. Monsignor Michael Joseph Treacey, Prothonotary Apostolic, at the age of 83.

He was born at Rosscommon, Ireland. He studied for the priesthood at. Maynooth College, and came to Australia 55 years ago, His first mission was in the Goulburn diocese, where he remained about four years. He then went to Hay, as curate, and later succeeded Father Kieley as parish priest there. After about ll years at Hay. he came to Deniliquin as parish priest, where, for over 40 years, he guided the affairs of this parish. In February last, Monsignor Treacey left here on a health trip to Ireland.

26 May 1938 Riverine Herald (Echuca, Vic.)


Monsignor Treacy

Tho death occurred in Ireland, last Friday, of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Treacy, of Doniliquln, who was well and favorably known In Echuca and district.

The deceased prelate left Australia a few months ago on a visit to Ireland, in the hope that the trip would improve his health, following a serious accident in Melbourne last year. The late Monsignor studied for the priesthood in Ireland, and 56 years ago he came to Australia and was stationed for practically the whole of that time in the Hay and Denlliquln districts. He was also Vicar-general In Wilcannla Diocese for some time. He also held the very high honor of being a Prothonotary Apostolic, be stowed upon him by His Holiness The Pope.

The decensed was 84 years of ago, and he will be mourned by a very wide circle of his parishioners and members of the Protestant donominations. A man of outstanding ability, he possessed: a genial personality, and although outspoken at times ho al ways took a broad view of life and a sympathetic understanding for those who differed with him.

1938-39 All Hallows Annual

It was granted to Monsignor Michael J. Treacy, P.P., of Deniliquin, Wilcannia-Forbes, to die in Ireland after more than half a century of priestly work in Australia. The privilege of dying in Holy Ireland was not sought by him. He was still active and vigorous and had merely come to visit some relatives. Despite his apparent health and energy, the long journey must have taxed his strength and the end came in May, 1938.

We cull the following from the obituary notice that appeared in the Melbourne Advocate :

“ A native of Roscommon, Monsignor Treacy was eighty-three years of age. Coming to the Australian mission fifty-five years ago, his first labours were in the Goulburn diocese. After four years at Goulburn, he transferred to the diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes, which had just been established, with the late Dr. John Dunne as the first Bishop.

“ Father Treacy, as he then was, was appointed assistant priest at Hay, later becoming pastor. After eleven years at Hay, he went to Deniliquin as parish priest. For forty years he was in charge of the parish—a record seldom equalled. In 1901 he was appointed a Domestic Prelate to the Holy Father with the rank and title of Monsignor— a Papal honour he had held longer than any other living priest in Australia. In 1926 he was appointed a Protonotary Apostolic.

“ A man of very strong personality and force of character, the deceased prelate had a brusquerie and directness of speech and manner which masked his essential kindliness of heart. He had definite opinions, and was not afraid to express them in any company—for he had the courage of these opinions.

“ Many stories are told of Monsignor Treacy, for he was, in many ways, an original, and it is around such striking and picturesque personalities that stories tend to gather.

“ But the best stories, and those by which his memory will most enduringly be kept green, are accounts of his real generosity and genuine, impulsive kindness. Living as he did so long in the West and Far West of New South Wales, he knew many types of people—and all sections of the community respected him. To pastoralists, selectors, bushmen, his was a well-known figure. And not merely a well-known one, for, knowing his true worth, they esteemed him, and not least for the bluff manner that was a mark of his character.

“ A worthy and zealous priest, Monsignor Treacy will be sincerely mourned.”

His Lordship Right Revd. Dr. Fox, Bishop of Wilcannia- Forbes, celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Requiem at the Cathedral in the presence of a large gathering of clergy and laity.

October 17, 2008 The Sydney Morning Herald - Harriet Alexander

Thy will be done - and it took only 70 years

The estate of a Catholic priest who died in 1938 will finally reach the people to whom it was bequeathed after 70 years of legal wrangling and inaction.

The gap between the death of Michael Joseph Treacy and the distribution of his assets is long even by the standards of a legal system marked by seemingly interminable pauses between court dates.

It has outlasted the executor of the estate, several solicitors, the judge who originally ruled on how it should be divided, Mr Treacy's sister, who was the primary beneficiary, and three of the charitable organisations that were to receive legacies after herdeath.

But Justice William Windeyer made orders in the Supreme Court yesterday that the fund - now worth $213,645 - be distributed to most of Mr Treacy's chosen organisations, saying he wished to bring the matter to a conclusion before he retired.

The 23 beneficiaries include the Pope, Catholic priesthoods and churches in Ireland, Italy and four Australian states. The bequests to an orphanage and a home for young mothers, long since gone, have been dispersed to the charitable funds that succeeded them.

Mr Treacy died with assets amounting to £10,312.

His dying wishes were complicated because he promised more than he could afford and his older sister had left him her estate, confusing which assets were his and which he held in trust for his sister.

A judicial enquiry settled that matter in 1948, but further questions over how the funds should be distributed arose, leading to a judge ordering that the disparate claimants be identified and consulted.

The Deniliquin solicitor who had handled the matter until that point "either gave up practising or gave up trying to bring the matter to any conclusion" when faced with this challenge, Justice Windeyer said in yesterday's judgment, and the will lay dormant for 15 years.

There was another burst of activity in 1970 when a new solicitor suggested that since that judge had retired, a new equity judge might make some more practical orders, but the matter petered out again in 1971.

"It might well have been a matter which … was handed to any new solicitor happening to arrive in that office as a new recruit who was told to do something to bring it to a head and failed to do that before he or she left that employment," Justice Windeyer said.

New proceedings were not commenced until last year.

2 Mr Michael Joseph Treacy made a will on 26 August 1936 and a codicil to this will on 12 February 1938. He died on 20 May 1938. [NSW, Australia]

5 The deceased was a Roman Catholic priest who, judging by the terms of will, came from Ireland. The estate was sworn as under the value of £10,312, which meant at that time that the assets in value added up to about £10,311. This might have created problems as by his will the deceased gave legacies to various relatives, friends and institutions for a total amount of well over that figure but the problem was overcome as I will explain. The gifts included the following gift which forms the subject matter of the present proceedings before me:

TO my sister Mrs. Bridget Watson Ballymurray Roscommon Ireland three thousand pounds (£3-000) ON TRUST the interest accruing from the said sum to be paid to her annually And if it should be less than One hundred pounds (£100) what will required to bring it to that amount will be taken from the (£3-000) on trust and added to the interest so that she may receive One hundred pounds (£100) annually And after her death what will remain of the Three thousand pounds held in trust by my executors will be distributed on the various charities hereafter to be mentioned in this Will.



26 nov 1932 (CTr)

At Roscommon District Court..unlighted bicycles..Wm Tracey, Kilrooskey, 1s;


Dec 1932 (CTr) In Roscommon County Council worker Injured

When returning home from work on his motor cycle last week, Andrew Treacy, Ballinturley, ganger for Roscommon Co. council, collided with a horse and was rather seriously injured on the head..recovered speedily and was discharged in a few days.


1932 London Wills

James Tracy of Cootehall Boyle county Roscommon died 26 March 1932 Administration London 31 May to Mary Tracy widow. Effects £201.5.0 in England.


4 nov 1933 (CTr) Masked and Armed men Raid card party

..house of Mr. John Harlow, Kilrocskey..Mr. Hubert Tracey, one of the card players, was the seized and taken outside. Some moments later Mr John T. Tracey and Mr. Casey were ordered to come out. Mr Joseph Tracey ran to the assistance of his brother, Hubert. A scuffle followed and shots were discharged..Mr. Joseph Tracey received injuries on the head and body..

11 Nov 1933 (CTr) Nine Masked Men "You played part of Hero"

Tribute to man who fought raiders..William Tracey at Roscommon District Court..William Tracey deposed..called on the men to arrest witness's brother Hubert Tracey, John P Casey and John Tracey..said Tracey was a credit to the parish he belonged to..

18 Nov 1933 (CTr) Roscommon Raid

..house of John Harlow, Fairymount..they were the recognised Republican Army. The men were taken outside. A brother of one of the men (Tracy)..

Dec 1933 Roscommon Raid Sequel

The Military Tribunal will sit on Thursday next at Collins Barracks..The accused are charged on nine counts in connection with the raid on the farm-house of John Hanlon (or Harlow, Fairymount, Co. Roscommon) by armed men on October 27 last. They are charged with conspiracy, possession of firearms, assault on Hubert (or Herbert) Treacy, John Treacy, William Treacy and John Casey, riotous assembly, etc.

16 dec 1933 (CTr) Roscommon Changes before Military Tribunal

..Dublin..nine counts..farmhouse of John Hanlon..assault on Hubert Treacy, John Treacy, William Treacy..adjourned..


18 nov 1933 (CTr)

At Roscommon District Court..Mrs Mary E. McDermott, licensed publican, Prtrun..Patrick Treacy, Cloonmore..on the premises fined 2s6d


23 jun 1934 (CTr)

Roscommon Minor football team..J. Tracey..


11 aug 1934 (CTr) Mayo v. Roscommon [Hurling]

..Tracy (Roscommon) was now seen to advantage. He put his team on the offensive time after time but the forwards failed to do the needful..


1937/8 Schools Collection

Brigid Treacy, Ashbrook, Scramogue, Co. Roscommon. Prayers.

Mamie Treacy, Ashbrook, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. Folklore - Old Ruin.

Sheila Treacy, Roosky, Co. Roscommon.Story & Cures.

Mairéadh Ní Threasaigh, sixth Class. Informant J. Tracey, Cloonloughlin, Mt. Talbot, Co. Roscommon, age 46 or 56. Local Cures, Lore of Certain Days, The Famine Times & Local Marriage Customs.



1942 US Draft (born between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897)

Edward Tracy b. 30 Jun 1888 Roscommon, Ireland Residence: Middlesex, Massachusetts

Patrick James Treacy b. 10 Jun 1882 Roscommon, Ireland Residence: Providence, Rhode Island

Patrick Joseph Tracy b. 12 Jun 1880 Roscommon, Ireland Residence: Suffolk, Massachusetts

Patrick Joseph Treacy b. 22 May 1886 Roscommon, Ireland Residence: Essex, New Jersey

William Joseph Tracey b. 16 Jun 1892 Roscommon Co, Ireland Residence: Essex, New Jersey


1942 London Wills

Treacy Francis or Tracey Francis otherwise Frank of Rathinagh [Kilglass] County Roscommon died 26 September 1940 at Kilburn High-road London N.W.6 Administration (limited) Llandudno 2 May to Shane Peadar Flynn solicitor attorney of Mary Ellen Tracey widow. Effects £186 14s. 7d. in England.




Bernard Treacy from Drummullin [Clooncraff], Elphin was part of a team awarded a silver medal at the Culinary Olympics which took place in Germany in October 2008. The twenty-two-year-old son of Gerard and Mary Treacy was a member of the Irish Junior Culinary Team and they were also awarded a bronze medal in the hot food category; the silver medal was won in the buffet category. A graduate of Galway-Mayo Institute of Techonology, Bernard is at present working in Salthill in Galway, while one of his brother's, Patrick, is also a chef and holds the position of head chef in the Quality Hotel in Youghal, Co. Cork.







Name Researchers





Civil Parish





Four roads

Elizabeth Shanley


Tuam Marriage Licence Bonds 1769-1845


Anne Tracey & Thomas Mitchell 1828 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Nicholas, Galway]

John Tracey & Hariett Trimble (or Tremble) 1828 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Michael L [Lund] Tracie & Margaret Berry (or Beiry) 1833 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Nicholas RC, Galway]


Martin Tracy & Emily Fair 1835 (Marriage Licence Bond)

Michael S Tracy & Anne Ormsby (or Ormsly) 1820 (Marriage Licence Bond) [St. Nicholas, Galway]

Thomas Tracy & Sarah Meekill (or Meehill) 1797 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Mary Treacy or Petty (or Pelly) & Cornelius O’Rorke 1840 (Marriage Licence Bond) [Dunmore?]


Michael Tressy & Cecily Jennings 1780 (Marriage Licence Bond)


Tuam Bonds & Wills


Ferdindand Treacy Derrydonnell [Athenry] 1849 (bond)


Army Birth Registration

Bridget Tracey, Athlone, 1901, 41st, Vol 1327 page 140

Bridget Tracey, Athlone, 1901, 41st, Vol 1328 page 126

Catherine Tracey, Athlone, 1896, R.A., Vol 330 page 240

Elizabeth Tracey, Athlone, 1899, 41st, Vol 1328 page 126

Mary A. Tracey, Athlone, 1897, 41st, Vol 1327 page 140

Mary A. Tracey, Athlone, 1897, 41st, Vol 1328 page 126



Catherine Treacy died 1864, Roscommon PLU, aged 80 OR 89, b. 1784 OR 1775

John Tracy died 1864, Castlerea PLU, aged 40, b. 1824

William Tracey died 1864, Roscommon PLU, aged 24, b. 1840, died 19 Feb 1864 Cloulouphlin [Cloonlaughnan? Tisrara] Roscommon, Michael Tracy brother


Anne Tracy died 1865, Roscommon PLU, Aged 60, b. 1805, died 2 Feb 1865 Clomcagh [Clooncah Kilteevan - Roscommon & Kilteevan RC], Ballyleague, Rolesmmra, son Dan Ftracy

Bridget Tracey died 1865, Athlone PLU, Aged 16, b. 1849, died 25 Jun 1865 Garrynagowrie [Garrynagawna Drum - St. Peters Athlone RC] Athlone, Athlone, Roscommon

Ellen Tracy died 1865, Roscommon PLU, Aged 74, b. 1791, died 26 Feb 1865 Cloonleigh Kilteran [Clooneigh Kilteevan – Kilteevan RC], Roscommon, nephew D M Tracy

John Tracy died 1865, Roscommon PLU, Aged 65, b. 1800, died 22 Dec 1865 Killenvoy [Killenvoy – Killenvoy RC], Roscommon, Roscommon

Patrick Tracey died 1865, Athlone PLU, Aged 58, b. 1807, died 1 Jul 1865 Garrynagowrie [Garrynagawna Drum - St. Peters Athlone RC] Athlone, Athlone, Roscommon

Thomas Tracy died 1865, Strokestown PLU, Aged 7, b. 1858, died 25 Apr 1865 Trenasrave, [Treanacreeve Lissonuffy – Strokestown RC] Kerkistown [Strokestown], Roscommon, father Michael Tracy

Mary Tracey died 1865, Athlone PLU, Aged 0, b. 1865 [St Peters Athlone RC]


Anne Tracy died 1867, Roscommon PLU, aged 70, b. 1797

Thomas Tracey died 1867, Athlone PLU, aged 37, b. 1830


Bridget Tracy died 1868, Ballinasloe PLU, Aged 21, b. 1847

Catherine Treacy died 1868, Ballinasloe PLU, Aged 66, b. 1802

Michael Treacy died 1868, Ballinasloe PLU, Aged 40, b. 1828

Thomas Treacy died 1868, Strokestown PLU, Aged 65, b. 1803


Mary Tracy died 1870, Athlone PLU, Aged 62, b. 1808, died 6 Sep 1870


Patrick Treacy, died 1871, Roscommon Roscommon PLU, aged 11 years, b. 1860, bachelor, labourers son, died 25 Jun 1871 Roscommon Workhouse


Ellen Tracey, died 1876, Strokestown Strokestown PLU, aged 40 years, b. 1836, died 24 Dec 1876 Workhouse Strokestown, married, wife of a labourer


Victoria Australia Marriages

1873, 00167, F, Tracey, Johanna, Isherwood, John, Cy Roscommon,



Andrew Tracey married Julia Bresnan 31 Jan 1848 Spitalfields Christ Church,Stepney,London,England


1861 Census - Elizabeth Place, St Thomas Charterhouse, St Luke Middlesex [London]

Andrew Tracey      Head       Male       40           Roscommon Ireland, Pavior

Julia Tracey            Wife       Female    34           Ireland

Mary A Tracey      Daughter                Female    11           St Luke, Middlesex

Andrew Tracey      Son         Male       2             St Luke, Middlesex


1871 Census - St Luke, London, Middlesex

Andrew Tracy       Head       Male       49           Castlenagh [Castlerea?] Ireland, Paviour

Julia Tracy             Wife       Female    46           Kerry Ireland

Andrew Tracy       Son         Male       12           St Luke'S, Middlesex

Nicholas Tracy       Son         Male       9             London

Margaret Tracy      Daughter                Female    5             Middlesex


1881 Census - Evans Court Basinghall St, St Michael Bassishaw, London,Middlesex

Julia Tracy             Head       Female    63           Kerry, Ireland, widow, unemployed

Andrew Tracy       Son         Male       21           London City, Middlesex, England, single, Agricultural Labourer


Andrew Tracey m. Julia Bresnan 31 Jan 1848 Spitalfields Christ Church, Stepney, London, England 

Nicholas Charles Tracey (b. 1861 St. Lukes London?) m. Margaret Asley 1887 Peabodys Buildings

Margaret Julia Tracey b.c. 1890 London m. 1910



Margaret Julia Tracey …Her mum and dad were Nicholas Charles Tracey and Margaret Asley, but Nicholas was listed as deceased on Margaret Julia's wedding cert. I have a wedding cert also for Nicholas' mum & dad (1848; they were living at Lamb Court, London) and they appear on the 1861 census, which gives place of birth as Roscommon (Andrew) & Kelly Ireland (Julia)….



Ann Treacy & Patrick Flannery c. 1857; Roscommon (?) migrated to Cincinatti OH c. 1850

Martin E. Cassidy email Livingston, TX, U.S.A.

Beatrice Mary Treacy (aka Bessie) (b. November 26, 1886 Carrowering [Carrowcrin Kilbride] Roscommon Ireland d. July 20, 1964 in: Wallum Lake Burrilllville RI) m. Anthony Enos circa 1907




Anna Marie Craig (b. May 1879 Galesburg, Ill. d. 13 Nov 1923 Galesburg, Knox, Illinois) (d. of Edw. Tracey b. Roscommon, Ireland & Mary Davey b. Roscommon, Ireland)

Occupation: Housewife

Spouse:   William Craig

Burial Date: 15 Nov 1923

Burial Place: St. Joseph


Elizabeth Tracy

Looking to research my great grandparents - Michael Finnegan or Finigan or Finnigan and his wife Elizabeth, nee Tracy, they lived in Killtullagh in 1886 and had a son, Michael born 2 Junee 1886

eileen.lovesin@jdwilliams.co.uk Jun 26, 2002


James Tracy (b. 1815 County Roscommon d. 1877) & Fanny C. (UNKNOWN) (b: 1813 in County Roscommon)


Michael TRACY (b: 1837 in County Roscommon) m. Margaret FITZPATRICK (b: 1843 in Cedar County, Iowa) 24 Apr 1859 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Iowa City, Iowa


John Treacy m. Mary Kelly 1783 Elphin Diocese


1. Martin Tracey (b: Abt. 1826 in Roscommon, Ireland) m. Sarah Ward (b: Abt. 1829 in Longford, Ireland) 02 Jun 1850 in Hulme.

2. Richard Tracey (b. abt 1868 Manchester) m. Elizabeth Ann Williams (b. abt. 1870 Salford) m. 31 May 1890 in Hulme



Michael Tracey (b. Roscommon or Sligo) & Anna McDonald

John Tracy (b. circa 1884 Illinois d. 12 Oct 1918 Chicago, Cook, Illinois ) (s. of Michael Tracey b. Ireland & Anna Mcdonald b. Ireland) 

Occupation: Operator 

Occupation: Carpenter 

Street Address: 7316 Peona St 

Burial Date: 15 Oct 1918  Mt. Olivet 

Informant: Lilian Tracey, 7316 Peona St

Michael Tracey b. 25 Feb 1889 Chicago Illinois (s. of Michael Tracey & Anne Mc Donnell) d. 15 Dec 1960 5626 S Sangamon Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States

Occupation: Clerk

Cemetery: Mt Olivet

Spouse's Name: Catherine Tracey                                                                                   

Edward Tracey (b. 06 Feb 1891 Chicago, Cook, Ill. d. 17 Nov 1932 Evergreen Pk., Cook, Illinois) (s. of Michael Tracey b. County Sligo, Ireland & Ann Mc Donald b. Couty Mayo, Ireland

Occupation: Motor Man, C.S.L.

Residence: Chicago illinois

Informant's Name: Michael Tracy

Burial Date: 21 Nov 1932 Mt Olivet, Chicago, Cook, Illinois

??? Tracy b. 16 Mar 1898 Chicago, Cook, Illinois  (female, d. of Michael Tracy & Anne Macdonald)

Joseph Tracey (b. 24 Apr 1900 Chicago, Illinois d. 05 Sep 1930 Midlothian Village, Cook, Illinois) (s. of Michael Tracey b. Roscommon, Ireland & Ann Mc Donald b. Roscommon, Ireland)

Occupation: Clergyman

Informant's Name: Edward Tracey  

Burial Date: 09 Sep 1930 Mt. Olivet, Chicago, Cook, Ill.

1900 Census ED 870 Precinct 9 Lake town Chicago city Ward 29, Cook, Illinois, United States

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Head  Michael Tracey  M 49 Ireland, labourer, Naturalised Married: 17  years; Immigration Year: 1880  

Wife  Anne Tracey  F 39 Ireland, Married: 17  years; Immigration Year: 1880  

Son  John Tracey  M 17 Illinois, Messenger Tolgate??? 

Son  Michael Tracey  M 12 Illinois 

Son  Edward Tracey  M 9 Illinois 

Daughter  Annie Tracey  F 6 Illinois 

Daughter  Elizabeth Tracey  F 3 Illinois 

Son  Joseph Tracey  M 0 Illinois 

1910 Census Chicago Ward 30, Cook, Illinois

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Self  Michael F Tracy  M 58y Ireland, Immigration Year: 1882   

Wife  Anna M Tracy  F 48y Ireland, Immigration Year: 1882   

Son  Michael J Tracy  M 21y Illinois 

Son  Edward F Tracy  M 18y Illinois 

Dau  Marie R Tracy  F 15y Illinois 

Dau  Elizabeth D Tracy  F 12y Illinois 

Son  Joseph Tracy  M 9y Illinois 

1920 Census Chicago Ward 30, Cook, Illinois

Household Gender Age Birthplace

Self  Michael Tracy  M 68y Ireland 

Wife  Ann Tracy  F 58y Ireland 

Son  Michael Tracy  M 30y Illinois 

Son  Edward Tracy  M 28y Illinois 

Dau  Marie Tracy  F 25y Illinois 

Dau  Lillian Tracy  F 22y Illinois 

Son  Joseph Tracy  M 19y Illinois 


Michael Tracey (b. circa 1851 Ireland d. 26 Dec 1923 Norwood Park., Cook Co., Illinois) 

Father b. Ireland 

Mother b. Ireland 

Occupation: Street Department 

Residence: Chicago 

Spouse: Ann 

Informant's Name: Michael T Tracy

Burial: 29 Dec 1923 Mount Olive


Ann Tracey b. 29 Aug 1860 Roscmman Ireland (d. of John Mcdonald & Catherine Mccommick of Roscomman Ireland) d. 03 Apr 1928 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Spouse's Name: Michael Tracey

Burial Date   06 Apr 1928 Mt Oliver Worth Cook Ill.


Michael F Tracey (Mar 1850 County Sligo Ireland - Dec 26 1923 Chicago Cook County Illinois USA)

Anna M McDonald (Aug 29 1860 County Mayo Ireland - Apr 3 1928 Chicago Cook County Illinois USA)


  John James Tracey (1883 - 1918)

  Edward William Tracey (1892 - 1932)

  Marie Anne Tracey (1894 - 1978)

  Joseph Richard Tracey (1900 - 1930)



Michael Tracy & Bridget

Patrick Tracy b. 1834 or 1841 Roscommon?


1877 Tewksbury Almshouse Intake Record - Massachusetts

Patrick Tracy, age 43, from Boston Jun 17 1877, absconded

43 b. Ire Cos Ros? [Roscommon?] Land Aug 1863 New York per ship Alexander Marshall direct to Boston & thence to Brookline there 6 mos Boston 2 mos Brookline 5 years Roxbury & Brookline since 7 yrs steadily in Brookline till 18 mos ago Boston since. Widower Mary A nee Brown d Brookline May 1874. Daus Jane & Annie with Sister of Charity. Nat Boston 1870 or 71. No service or Est. Pd 6 or 7 taxes in Brookline & worked for James Driscoll a contractor & lived on Pearl St. Never aided & no other inst. Thinks taxes 1865 to 1874 sure paid more than 3 taxes. Laborer. Fa Michael Tracy in A 3 yrs & d Brookline Nov 1868. Mo Bridget d Ire. Sister Ann Tracy out west. past 18 mos was been working on Tremont St Boston highlands on a ledge. Idle since middle of Dec most of time. Drinks some times says none or other inst. Well. Brookline notified Jan 25 1877 ackd Feb 8.


Michael Tracy died 31 Oct 1867 Pearl Place Brookline, Massachusetts, age 55, b. 1812 Ireland (s. of John b. Ireland & Catherine b. Ireland), Married


[see 1871 Census]

Nicholas Treacy, 35, bachelor, shoemaker, lives 18 New Town Garel (s. of John Treacy, deceased, land surveyor) m. Mary Hasley, 24, spinster, lives 14 William street, (d. of John Hasley, coal merchant) on the 25 Apr 1864 St James, Shoreditch, Middlesex. Wit: William Cleland? & Ann Lewis. Married in the Cistral Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church..


1871 Census – 5 Golden Lane, St Giles Cripplegate, London, Middlesex

Nicholas Treacy           Head       Male       40           Roscommon, shoemaker

Mary Treacy Wife       Female    30           Brighton, Sussex, Shoemaker's Wife

Andrew Treacy           Son         Male       2             Cripplegate

Mary Treacy Daughter                Female    0             Cripplegate


Mary Tracy & Edward Kenney

In October, 1858, he [Michael Bellew of Meath] married Miss Eliza Kenney, the daughter of Edward and Mary (Tracy) Kenney, who were natives of Roscommon County, Ireland.

Pen pictures from the garden of the world, or Santa Clara county, California


Michael Tracy & Sarah Moran

Margaret b. ??? Roscommon m. Edward McKew 24 July 1870 Manhattan NY (LDS)


1917-1918 Draft Registration

Michael Tracey b. 27 Dec 1886 Roscommon Ireland England, single, 222 South ST New York City no 92 New York, United States, labor longshoreman for Michael Lane? South St


Patrick Tracey b. 1821 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)


Patrick Tracy b. 1830 (LDS)


Patrick Tracey (s. of James Tracey, 30 years) m. Winny Sharkett (d. of Laurence Sharkett, 18 years) 04 Nov 1849  [Castlereagh Registration District]


William John Tracey (b. 1802 Roscrea Tipperary, d. 27 August 1895 Wanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand ) & Bridget Brady (1798 Roscommon d. 30 December 1879 Wanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand)

William John Tracey was born in 1802 at Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland. He married Bridget Brady circa 1828 at Roscommon, Ireland.

William John Tracey was Census 1841 Living with Laurence and Maria Leavy [Leary] and their family. Laurence is a coal whipper from Ireland. There were also three other men living there working as a coal stripper. William Tracey is record as aged 40, coal stripper born in Ireland. Bridget is not listed. In 1841 at Shadwell, London, Middlesex.

He was Census 1861 Boarding with Michael and Mary Hunt. Mary was aged 33 and born in Ireland. William is recorded as lodger, 58, Coal Whipper, born Ireland.
Bridget, wife, 62. Born Ireland in 1861 at 7 Morton Buildings, Shadwell, Tower Hamlet, Stepney, London.

He emigrated in 1865; Left from London. As of 1878, William John Tracey lived at Block 513, Plymouth & Harrison Street, Wanganui.1 As of 1882, William John Tracey lived at Harrison Street, Wanganui.2 He died on 27 August 1895 at Wanganui.

Children of William John Tracey and Bridget Brady

Cecilia Tracey+ b. c 1828

Margaret Elizabeth Tracey+ b. bt 1831 - 1832, d. 19 Mar 1889


[S1128] , NZ Electoral Roll, 1878.

[S1128] , NZ Electoral Roll, 1882.



1851 Census - Martins Buildings, Saint Paul Shadwell, Middlesex

William Tracey            Head       Male       48           Ireland, Coal Whipper

Bridget Tracey            Wife       Female    50           Ireland, Coal Whipper'S Wife

John Trecey  Son         Male       14           Ireland, scholar


Cecilia Tracey (1826 Roscommon - 25 June 1920 Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand) married Robert Walker (1818-1886)

Margaret Elizabeth Tracey (1832 Ireland - 19 March 1889 Wanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand) married Edwin Jones (1827-1865)

Ellen Tracey (1834 Ireland - 6 September 1887 New Zealand) married William Craig (1832-)

John Tracey (1837 Ireland -)



William Tracey

I'm looking for information about my grandfather William Tracey (Tracy, Treacy). He was born in Rathdrum, Co Wicklow on 1 January 1903, but his family lived in Roscommon. His father was William and mother Catherine Hughes, siblings: Catherine, Patrick, Andrew, James, Michael, Elizabeth, Margaret. The whole family moved to Scotland (Greenock) circa 1930. I've been searching with no luck for a few years now. Any information would be great relief. Thanks for any clues!
Lynn Ceney Oct 18, 2008

William Tracey and Catherine Hughes - County Roscommon, Ros Comain, ROS (Province of Connaught, Connacht)
I am looking for information about my g. grandfather William and his wife Catherine (nee Hughes), whom I believe came from Roscommon and settled in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. They had 8 children: Catherine (Kathleen), William, Patrick, James, Andrew, Margaret, Elizabeth and Michael. All their children I believe were born in Ireland. My grandfather William Jnr married Jean Bryan in Port Glasgow in early 1930's. Does anyone have any clues? I've been trying to trace this line for a long time now without any break throughs. Many thanks - Lynn

William Tracey (aka Treacy) born County Wicklow c.1870. Married Catherine (Kathleen) Hughes on 4 Oct 1896 at Rathgar Chapel, Rathmines, Dublin. Was a Private in the Leinsters between 1889 and 1909 (20 years). Migrated to Greenock (West coast of Scotland) after demobbed from army, with family (Kathleen Jnr, William Jnr, Margaret, James, Patrick, Andrew, Michael and Elizabeth). Any information would be gratefully appreciated! Many thanks - Lynn

James Tracey & Mary ???

William Tracey (b. 1870 d. 1943) m. Catherine (Kathleen) Hughes (b. 1878 d. 1930)


Lynn Ceney February 24, 2008 lynn.ceney@talktalk.net



 Athleague (& Fuerty) (Galway/Roscommon)


Note: Online marriages end 1878.


Name Researchers





Civil Parish





Fuerty & Athleague

A. Treacy



Gulielmus Tracy married Anna Hussey 21 Feb 1811 Wit: Thomas Hussey & Patritius Hoare. Athleague Parish


Guil Tracy & Cathna

Maria Tracy b. 14 Jul 1826 Sp. Daniel Henegan & Maria Henegan. Athleague Parish


Honora Tracy married Petrus Kelly 19 Jan 1828 Wit: Joannes Cunningham & Maria Conningham. Athleague Parish


Nickles Treacy married Mary Lubey? 7 Feb 1844 Wit: Andr Treacy & John Connolly?. Athleague Parish


Pat Treasy & Biddy Carty

Mary Treasey b. 6 Nov 1846 illegitimate Sp. Biddy McDonagh. Athleague Parish


Catherine Treasy & John Lannon

Biddy Lannon b. 22 Jan 1849 Sp. John Lanon & Mary Keaton. Athleague Parish


Pat/Patritius Tracy & Honor/Honoria Gallaher/Gallahan [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

Brigedda Tracy b. 13/20 Aug 1865 of Ballinturly [Fuerty] Sp. Patritius Behan & Catharina Muhehel. Athleague Parish

Ellena Tracy b. 22/30 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly Sp. Laurentius & Cath Fineran. Athleague Parish Gemini [twins]

Catharina Tracy b. 22/30 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly Sp. Mat Farrel & Cath Flaherty. Athleague Parish Gemini [twins]

Patrick Tracy/Treacy & Honor Goloher/Gollaher

Bride Tracy b. 8 Aug 1865 Athleague District, Galway, Ireland (LDS)

Ellen Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 Athleague (LDS)

Catherine Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 Athleague (LDS)

Patrick Tracy/Treacy, carpenter, & Honor Goloher/Gollaher

Bride Tracy b. 8 Aug 1865 of Ballinturly [Cloonygormican OR Fuerty] Patrick Tracy, his mark, father, Ballinturly [Athleague Roscommon PLU]

Ellen Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly. Patrick Treacy, father, Ballinturly [Athleague Roscommon PLU] [twins]

Cathrine Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly. Patrick Treacy, father, Ballinturly [Athleague Roscommon PLU] [twins]


Kate Treacy who was excellent at knitting, sewing, crochet and needle work. She was also expert at the spinning wheel, and found time to exhibit her work at various shows around the midlands at the turn of the century.

Kate Treacy 1920.jpg

Kate Treacy was born in 1869 to Patrick and Honoria (nee Gallagher) Treacy and she married Jack Boyle. They had one child Maureen, later to be Maureen Ryan, Castlecoote. Maureen's son, John and his wife Breege hold mementoes of Kate, which include a photograph of her at the spinning wheel, some of her showcards from her prizewinning and a spindle that survives from the wheel.


Nimble Fingers [Kate Treacy] JCRHAS 2000 Vol 8 pp.71-2

[see Kate Treacy JCRHAS 2000 Vol 8]



Fanny Tracey, full age, spinster, Emlamore [Emlagh More Oran], (d. of Andy Treacy, farmer) married Peter Cuddy, full age, bachelor, farmer, New Village [Lissaneaville? Fuerty], (s. of Michael Cuddy, deceased, farmer) Wit: William Tracy & Bridget Muherin on the 17 Nov 1879 RC Chapel of Clonycolgan [Oran Parish]

Fanny Treacy, " [of full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Emlamore, (d. of Andy Treacy, farmer) married Peter Cuddy, of full age, bachelor, farmer, lives New Village, (s. of Michael Cuddy, deceased, farmer) 07 [seventh] November 1879 RC Chapel Cloonycolgan Wit: William Treacy & Bridget Muherin [Athleague Roscommon PLU]

Francisca Treacy & Petrus Cuddy

Michael Cuddy b. 6/15? Aug 1880 of Lifanairlle [Lissaneaville Fuerty] sp. Andrias Treacy & Bridgida Treacy. Athleague Parish

Frances Treacy & Peter Cuddy

Michael Cuddy b. 16 Aug 1880 Athleague, Roscommon, Ireland (LDS)


Andrew Treacy b. 1821 d. 1902 Roscommon (LDS)

Frances (b. 1851 Emlamore d. 1905 Fuerty) m. Peter Cuddy 7 November 1879 Fuerty OR Cloonycolgan Church Cloverhill RC Parish (LDS)


Andrew Treacy (b. 1821 d. 1902 in Roscommon) & Bridget ???

Frances Treacy (b. 1851 in Emlamore [Emlagh More Oran], Co. Roscommon d. 1905 Fuerty Co. Roscommon) m. PETER CUDDY (b: 1847 in New Village, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon) 7th November 1879 Parish of Cloverhill, Emlamore, Co. Roscommon Wit: William Treacy & Bridget Mulhern.


1. MICHAEL JOSEPH CUDDY b: 15/AUG/1880 in Lissaneaville, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon

2. JAMES CUDDY b: 22/APR/1882 in Co. Roscommon

3. William Cuddy  b: 9/APR/1885 in New Village, Fuerty, Co. Roscommon

4. PAT CUDDY b: 1/MAR/1888 in Co. Roscommon

5. BRIDGET CUDDY b: 24/JAN/1889 in Co. Roscommon 

Catherine Hipszer Feb 27 2000

Kathleen Mcguiness 2008-09-20


Andrew Treacy (1821-1902)


1901 Census

Andrew Treacy, 80, M, 4 Lissaneaville, Fuerty, Roscommon, Shepherd, Roman Catholic, Father in Law, Widower, Co Roscommon, Ireland

Peter Cuddy, 54, Male, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Labour on Farm, Married, Co Roscommon, Ireland

Frances Cuddy, 50, Female, Wife, Roman Catholic, House Keeper, Married, Co Roscommon, Ireland

James Cuddy, 18, Male, Son, Roman Catholic, Agricultural Labourer, Not Married, Co Roscommon, Ireland

William Cuddy, 16, Male, Son, Roman Catholic, Agricultural Labourer, Not Married, Co Roscommon, Ireland


Andrew Treacy died 1902, Athleague Roscommon PLU Roscommon, Aged 82 years, b. 1820, died 30 Mar 1902 Lisanavin [Lissaneaville Fuerty] Co Roscommon, widower, herd, James Cuddy grandson of deceased present at death Lisanavin


Mary Tracy, 18, spinster, BLANK, lives Ballinturly [Fuerty], (d. of Patt Tracy, farmer) married Edward King, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Curramore [Corra More or Gorteencloogh Athleague Roscommon], (s. of John King, farmer) 27 April 1879 RC Chapel Creemully [Creemully and Aghagad Beg Fuerty] Wit: John Hinegan & Bridget Allen [Athleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

Mary Treacy & Edward King

John King b. 9 Feb 1880 Curramore Athleague, Roscommon & Galway (LDS)


Ellie Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ballinturly [Fuerty], (d. of Pat Treacy, farmer) married Joseph Moran, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Coreal [Correal Fuerty], (s. of James Moran, farmer) 20 June 1895 RC Chapel Athleague Wit: Patrick Larkin & Mary Larkin [Athleague Roscommon PLU] [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]


Martin Treacey, [full] aged, bachelor, farmer, lives Ballinturly [Fuerty] Athleague, (s. of Patrick Treacey, farmer) married  Mary Brennan, 18 [years], spinster, farmer, lives Corral [Correal] Fuerty, (d. of John Brennan, farmer) 13 February 1896 RC Chapel Creemully Wit: Patrick Treacey & Kate Brennan [Athleague Roscommon PLU] [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]



Athleague Parish Deaths

Anna Tracy of Araghty [Athleague Roscommon], died 10 Dec 1831, age 67 years



 Athlone (& Drum) (St. Peters Roscommon) [See also Westmeath]


Many thanks to Jon Lee, who has contributed much of the additional details from his research.


Note: Garrynagowna or Gorrynagowna is south of Athlone – in its Irish form it translates as the ‘The field of the goats’.  This land is poor much of it is bogland and some of it is liable to flooding – it is close to the River Shannon.


John Tracey b. Athlone 1778, Cordwainer 5th Dragoons 25th Sept 1793 (age 15) - 24th March 1799. 1st Muster Oct 1795. Attested 12th Oct 1794

Ledwells’ Troop. Recruiting April ’96 -  Sept ’98. Nearly joined 26th in 1796

1st KDGs 25th March 1799 – 1st Oct 1815 incl. Waterloo. Died 1816 Nottingham. (Believed to be Roman Catholic. Married Margaret McNaughton at St Marys Drogheda 13th Jan 1799. Children Anne b. 1799 Croydon; Thomas B 1801 New Radford, Nottingham; John 1804 Arundel died young?; Francis 1808 Newcastle; Sarah 1813; Alexander 1814 Glasgow) Please contact jon.lee63@googlemail.com  if relations known.

5th Royal Irish Dragoons had their headquarters at Athlone in 1770-71 (with troops at Navan, Beltrbert & Roscommon. 1772: Athlone, Dublin, Donaghmore, Roscommon, Belturbet and Cappoquin. 1775: Clonmel, Clogheen, Kilkenny, Carrick, Cashel and Tallow. 1776: one troop was drafted to the infantry and one troop deserted. 1777: Roscommon, Athlone, Ballyraget, Kilkenny. 1778 & 79: Longford, Fermoy, Carlow, Carrick Fergus and Belfast. 1780: Phillipstown, Tullamore and Kilkenny. One Troop charged at Three Bullet Gate on 5th June 1798 and had 28 men killed but the Regiment was rumoured to have Rebels in its ranks and was disbanded in disgrace in March 1799. (The 5th Dragoons had no Tracey appearing in their Musters until Patrick Tracey in 1787.)

Apart from the 5th Dragoons, the 11th Foot was the only regiment stationed anywhere near, or that had cause to pass through, Athlone c.1777-78. (Militia and RoyalArtillery excluded). There was only a Patrick Tracey in the 11th Foot.


Thomas B [Bartley] Tracey b. 1801 New Radford, Nottingham. Enlisted 1st KDGs 1815.Discharged 25th June 1844. WO117/4 Emigrated to Kingston, Canada. Son of John b. 1778 Athlone. Married Hannah Pallon 4th March 1828 in Edinburgh. Children: Alexander 1828 Alnwick [Northumberland, England]; Francis 1829 Gort [Galway];  Catherine 1831 Milton; Sarah Ann 1833 Chichester (died 1840 Niagara, Canada); Robert 1836 Abergavenny [Wales]; Margaret 1838 Dundalk; Thomas 1842 Chamby, Quebec. Retired to Canada and died 1881


1872-1875. Thomas Bartley Tracy collection [graphic material] photographs

The photographer is unknown, as is the reason for the numbering shown on the photograph mounting paper. Thomas Bartley Tracy evidently collected the photographs while with the NAB Commission.



Thomas Tracey married Hannah Palham/Fr6025 (Fr6025), 00/03/1828, Leith South, Church of Scotland

Thomas Tracey m. Hannah Palham (d. of John Palham) March 1828 South Leith, Midlothian, Scotland


Army Birth Registration

Alexander Tracy, Alnwick, 1829, K.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 55


Army Birth Registration

Catharine Tracey, Milton Malbay, 1831, K.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 35


Army Birth Registration

Francis Tracy, Gort, 1829, R.D. Gds, Vol 1 page 36


Francis Tracey, 30, b. 1829 Gort Co Galway Ireland (s. of Thos Bartley Tracey & Hannah Pullin), of Kingston, married Ann Jane Jones, 23, b. 1836 Kingston (d. of William Jones &  Elizabeth Elspit), of Kingston, 01 Dec 1859 Frontenac, Ontario, Canada Wit: Wm Jones of Kingston & Charlotte Jones of Kingston


Army Birth Registration

Sarah A. Tracy, Chichester, 1833, R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 36


Thomas Bartley Tracey, of barracks Sergeant 1st Bn? Grds? & Hannah

Sarah Anne Tracey b. 22 Oct 1833 St. Peter-The-Great, Chichester, Sussex, England


Thomas Tracy & Hannah [see Athlone Roscommon]

Robert Tracy bapt. 8 March 1836 Abergavenny, Monmouthshire


1862 Medical Graduates Queen’s University

Robert Tracey, Feb 1836 Abergavenny Wales, Apr 20, 1912 Belleville ON     


1871 Census - Seaforth i, North Huron 26, Ontario

Robert Tracy, 35, b. 1836 Wales, married, Church Of England

1891 Census - Belleville City Hastings West Ontario Canada

Robert Tracy, 54, b. 1837 Wales, married, Church Of England

1901 Census - A, Hastings (west/ouest), Ontario, Canada

Robert Tracy      Head       M            64           Wales      Church Of England

Rachael Tracy      Wife    F          56        Ontario           

Gertrude Tracy Daughter                F             27           Ontario


Army Birth Registration

Margaret Tracy, Dundalk, 1838, R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 55


Army Birth Registration

Thomas S. Tracy, Chanbly, 1842, R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 57


Pat Tracy & Onewreth Lennon

Pat Tracy b. 15 Feb 1789/1790 of Garronagauna  [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Jacob Gerin? & Maria Bahan? St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Catharina Tracy & Michaelis Watson [Dasson?]

Pat Watson b. 14 Apr 1789 Sp. Pat Byrne & Maria Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


BLANK [Daniel] Tracy married Maria Curley 12 Sep 1790 Wit: Revd Dom Brady, Joan Walsh & D. Curly?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Danielis Tracy & Winifridae Curly

Mariam Tracy b. 13 Jan 1793 of Belough [Bellaugh St. Peters] Sp. Joan Connor & Cathr Lyons. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Joanis Tracy & Maria Dogherty

Joanem Tracy b. 1 May 1791 of Belough [Bellaugh St. Peters] Sp. Thos Muny & Margerta Fallon. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

John Tracy m. Maria Dogherty

Joan Tracy ch. 1st May 1791 Drum child of John Tracy & Maria Dogherty

Child b. 15th Nov 1813. Child of John and Maria Tracy, St Peter’s


Cathr Tracy & Michaelis Walsh

Honoram Walsh b. 15 Oct 1791 of Touskagh [Rooskagh St. Peters] Sp. Conor Naghton & Anna Walsh. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Margatatam Walsh b. 13/15 Aug 1797 of Roosca Sp. Franciscus Birne & Maria Hynes. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Patricii Tracy & Mariae Kelly

Martinum Tracy b. 13 Nov 1791 of Gorrynagauna [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Mich Teige & Hona Makin St. Peter’s Athlone Parish (LDS)

Mariam Tracy b. 19/21 May 1797 of Gorrymangauna Sp. Thomas Behan & Rosa Fallon. St. Peter’s Athlone Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracey of Balreay and Maria Kelly of Gorrymangnana

Marcum Tracy b. Apr 1797 son of Patrick Tracey of Balreay and Maria Kelly of Gorrymangnana


Elerana/Elenora/Eveline Tracy/Thracy/Treasy/Treacy & Patritii/Bernardi Murry

Michaelem Murry b. 15 Sep 1792 of Garynagauna [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Pat Tracy & Winif Kelly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigittam Murry b. 14 Dec 1795 of Garynagawna [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Dionisius Murry & Weinifreda Lennon. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Elleonoram Murray b. 28 Apr 1800 Sp. Bernardus Margidan & Catharine Kelly. St. Peter's, Athlone

Bridgetam Murry b. 4 Mar 1804 of Gornagonna Sp. Patricii Tracy & Anna Keena. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Joanne Murry b. 24 Jun 1808 of GornagonSp. Pat Treacy & Brid Treacy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Flanani Tracy (Proseptoris?) & Brigittae McLaughlin

Margartam Tracy b. 27 Jan 1794 illegitiniam Sp. Jacob Dolan & Maria Doyle. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Illegitimate daughter of Margaret Tracey b. Jan 1794


Flanani Tracy & Brigittae Mc Laughlin 

Margaritam Tracy b. 27 Jan 1794 Bishops Caundle, Dorset, England  (LDS)


Mariam Treacy of Drum married Edmundum Naughten 9 Jul 1798 Wit: Jacobus Sullivan & Bernardus Murray. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Maria Tracy/Treasy & Edmundi Naghten

Winifredam Naghten b. 29 Mar 1799 of Garynagaeona [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Bernardus Murray & Winifreda Naghten. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Mariam Naghten b. 8 May 1800 of White house [or 'Mount Florence' Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Michael Donnelan & Wenifrida Naghtin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Maria Treacy a witness in Feb 1799


Teresa Treacy & Michaeli McKernan [McShernan?]

Mariam McKernan b. 31 Mar 1802 Sp. Peter Hay & Bridgeta Murphy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Michaelem Treacy married Eleonora Gurrin 17 Jun 1802 Wit: Joannes Treacy & Joanna Connell of Drum. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Michaelis Treacy & Elenorae Gurrin 

Thomas Tracy b. 13 Dec 1805 of Garrynagauna [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Jacobus Gurrin & Brigida Tracey. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Joannem Treacy b. 24 Jul 1808 of Gornagana Sp. Joannin Treacy & Maria Connell. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Michaelem Tracy b. 31 Jul 1811 of Drum? Sp. Joan Burdan & Winifrida Leonard? St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS) *

Tho Treacy b. 10 Dec 1818 of Gornagana Sp. Patm Treacy & Maria Donlan. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Michael Treacy & Eleanora Gurrin (Patrick Treacy & Maria Donelan of Gorinazare sponsors)

Thomas Tracey *ch 13th Dec 1805 son of Michael Tracy & EleanoraGurrin of Athlone and Drum

Thomas Tresey b.1805 Athlone, Westmeath 2/28th Foot enlisted 7th Dec 1825 Embarked for Corfu 31st Jan 1826 WO25/362

Ann Treacy b. 10th Dec 1818 dau of Michael Treacy & Eleanora Gurinda  (Patrick Treacy & Maria Donelan of Gorinazare sponsors)

Michael Treacy m. Eleanor Gurim 17th June 1802 (John Treacy & Joanna Cornill witnesses)

Thomas Tracy b. 13th Dec 1805 son of Michael Tracey and EleanoraGuram

Joan Treacy b. 24th July 1808 ch. Drum dau of Michael Treacy and Eleanora Gurrin

Michael Tracy ch. 31st July 1811 Drum son of Michael Tracy &Eleanora Gurrin

Ann Treacy b. 10th Dec 1818 dau of Michael Treacy&EleanoraGurinda (Patrick Treacy& Maria Donelan of Gorinazare sponsors)

 (Patrick Tracey & Margarita Gurram of Garanagauna sponsers of Partick Murray 3rd Feb 1823)

Thomas Treacy* ch. 10th Dec  1818 at Drum son of Michael Treacy & Eleanora Gurrin of St Peter’s Athlone

Michael Tracy of Garrynagawna, Drum paying Tithes in 1828 &1833


Jacobi Treacy & Helenae Dooly

Timothem Treacy b. 11 Dec 1803 of Artilery Sp. Joan Hinly & Maria McCawly St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Jacobi Treacy & Elenorae Doolan

Mariam Treacy b. 21 Nov 1804 of Milia Sp. Thos Lynch & Maria Farrel St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Jacob Treacy m. Eleanora Doolan (children Timothy and Maria)

Timothy b.1803 son of Jacob Treacy and Nelina Dooly. (Sponsors: Joan Tinley and Mark McCawley of the Artillery.)

Maria Treacy b. Nov 1804 dau of Jacob Treacy and Eleanora Doolan


Elenoram Treacy married Michm McGarry 28 Sep 1804 Wit: Patritius Kelly & Patritius Martin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Maria Tracy & Joannis Sweeney

Anne Sweeney b. 16 Jan 1806 of Athlone Sp. Joannes Foster? & Maria McDonnell. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Danielm Treacy married Fanny Mongan 12 May 1806 Wit: Thoma Sexton & Farrell Hannaphy of Artilery Drivers. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Danielis Treacy & Franciscae Mongan

Edwd? Treacy? b. 01 Jun 1817 of Athl [Athlone] Sp. Mich Curly & Anna McGuik. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS) [very faint]

Danielis Treacy & Frances Treacy

Timotheo Treacy b. 8 Feb 1807 of Athn [Athlone] Sp. Farrel Manavy? & Maria Lyons? St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Danielis Treacy & Frances Mungan

Ellenoram Treacy b. 2 Aug 1820 Sp. Bernardus Conway & Anna McDaniel. St. Mary's Athlone Parish, Westmeath


Daniel Tracey m. Fanny Monga 12th May 1806 (Artillery drivers Thomas Sexton & Farrel Clannington witnesses.)

Daniel Tracey &. Fanny Mongan

Edward Treacy ch. 1st June 1817 at Drum son of Daniel Treacy & Francis Mongan

Eleanor Treacy ch.  Aug 1820 St Mary’s


Franciscum Treacy married Bridgn McGloughlin 11 Dec 1807 Wit: Ric? McGarvan & Maria Nolan Ath. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Rosa Treacy & Teresame Culleem

Jacobus Culleen b. 12 Jun 1808 of Ath [Athlone] Sp. Matt & Maria McDanil. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Patrim Treacy married Maria Connell 25 Jul 1808 Wit: Mich Christy? & Jam Caveney 88 Foot. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Laurentii Tracy & Mariae Cargin

Joannes Tracy b. 3 Feb 1809 of Atilitians/ [Athlone???] Sp. Galielmus Fitzpatrick & Maria Ward. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Lawrence Trace m. Marid Caignos/ Mariae Cargin

John Trace b. 3rd Nov 1809 son of Lawrence Trace and Marid Caignosch at Drum

John Tracey b. Nov 1809 son of Laurence and Maude Coign

Lawrence Treacy of  Pr Athlone was a sponsor of Thomas Larkhen in 1819

John Trace b. 3rd Nov 1809 son of Lawrence Trace and Marid Caignos

John Tracey b. Nov 1809 son of Laurence and Maude Coign

Laurentii Treacy/Treasy & Marie Callecan?/Corragan [see Roscommon]

Annam Treacy b. 16 Jun 1820 of Strand? St? Sp. Johanne Ba?lass? & Margarita Di??ing?. St. Mary's Athlone Parish

Thomam Treasy b. 14 Nov 1824 of Athlone Sp. Joannes Treasy & Elenora Brady?. St. Mary's Athlone Parish


Mary Tracy died 1869, Athlone PLU, Aged 84, b. 1785, died 4 Nov 1869 Athlone, relative Tho Comigan


Maria Tracy & Joannis Wallace

Eliza Wallace Wallis b. 23 Apr 1809 of Bogganfane [Bogganfin St. Peters] Sp. Patritius Gill & Honora Hand?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Mich? Wallace b. 15 ? 1813 Sp. Michl Wallace & Eliza Garchen?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Maria Wallace b. 10 Aug 1817 of Ath [Athlone] Sp. Martinis? Cooper & Cath Dunn?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Patm Wallace b. 4 Feb 1821 Sp. Rich Wallace & Cath Lyons. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Henr? Wallace b. ? Feb 1822 Of Battn NP Sp. Richd Wallace & Sera Smith. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Maria Treacy & Jaris? Dallace

Joannem Dallace b. 11 Jun 1815 of Battery Sp. Joannes Jolly & Maria Dallace. St. Peter's, Athlone


Rosam Tracy married Joannem Sheridan 26 Jul 1809 Wit: Hugo Gately & Teresa Glennon Athlone. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Eleanora Treacy of St Peter’s and Michael Moran were sponsors in 1810


Lanie Thracy

Brigidam Punfie b. 10 ? 1810 Sp. BLANK St. Peter's, Athlone Parish [Note: Unusual format]

(do Punfieding? Brigidam Hxerem F lanie Thracy)


Edwardum Tracy & Brentaien?

Mariam Tracy b. 31 Jul 1811 of Do? [Drum?] Sp. Jace Garrinde> & Mariae Muray. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (Michaelis Treacy & Elenorae Gurrin  LDS) *


Md Thracy & John Vallance had a son in 1811


Brigm Thracy married Gulm Lawless of Drum Wit: Pats? Lawless & Joan Thracy. 24 Feb 1813 St Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Ian Thracy of Athlone was a sponsor of Michael Daley in 1813


John Tracey 1813/14 – or m. Catherine Feeny

Catherine Tracey Jan 1814


Patrick Treacy and Catherine Farrell of Bin Feri were sponsors of Maria Duck in Oct 1814


Michm Treacy married Cath Mullen 25 Nov 1814 Wit: Petru & Jam Galvin Athlone. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Michaelis Treacy & Catherinae Mullen                           

Patm Treacy b. 31 May 1816 of Artilery Sp. Patm Treacy & June Stewart. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Martin Dimilus Tracy 1814


James Tracey / Thracey Hravey Hearny June 1815


Maria/BLANK Treacy & Michal Standford

Thom Standford? b. 26 Dec 1815 of Monkstand [Monksland St. Peters] Sp. Gulus Treacy & Honora McDonell. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Bridgm Stanford b. 24 Oct 1820 of Bealnamull [Bellanamullia St. Peters] Sp. Gulm Naghton & BLANK Treacy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Michaelem Stanford b. 1 Oct 1824 Sp. Timotheo Higgins & Maria Kelly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Honora Stanford b. 14 Apr 1829 Sp. Thomas Lenon & Honoria Nichollson?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Margarita Standford b. 1 Jun 1834 Sp. Danls Mulholin? & Honoria Hanly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Gulielmas Stanford b. 23 ? 1836 Sp. Michael? Stanford & Francisca Lennon. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Catha/Catharina Treacy & Jno/Johonnis McManus

Mariam McManus b. 16 ? 1817 or Urc? Sp. Jno Tuite & Maria McManus. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Elenoram McManus b. 10 Jan 1819 of Nude? [Newtown? Drum] Sp. Jno O'Sullivan & Ann Keogh. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Rosa McManus b. 23 Jul 1820 of Nuk? Drum Sp. Jacobus Dolan & BLANK. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Patricum McManus b. 12 Mar 1823 of Nuir Sp. Joannes Gaffy & Maria Fallon. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Patricium McManus b. ? Jan 1825 Sp. Martino Tracy & Brigida Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Joannem McManus b. 8 May 1828 Sp. Eugenio McManus & Anna McManus. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Catherine Treacy and John McManus had a daughter Eleanora born in 1815 and Rose born in 1820

Catherine Treacy mother of Edmund McManus Jan 1819

Catherine Tracey m. John McManus and had son Patrick b. 30th Jan 1825 (witnesses Martin Tracy & Bridget Tracey)

Catherine Tracy of Drum was a sponsor of Ben McManus in 1810


Bridg Treacy & Gulii Lawless

Penelopem Lawless b. 29 Mar 1816 of Drum Sp. Patm Lawless & Maria Murrey. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Elenoram Treacy of Athlone married Joannem Martin 16 May 1816 Wit: Danl Treacy & Hugo? Gately. St. Peter's, Athlone Parish

Elenora Tracey & Jno? Naghten?/Martin?

Patm Naghten b. 2? Mar 1817 of Ath [Athlone] Sp. Tim Carroll & Cath Waren?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish [faint copy]

Michm Martin b. 25 Jul 1819 of Ath Sp. Tho Curly & Maria Dismy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Cathm Treacy married Joannem Fahy of Athl [Athlone] Wit: Danl Treacy & John Martin. 30th Oct 1816 St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Marie Treacy of Athlone was a sponsor of Elizabeth Gill in 1816


John/Joannes Treacy/Tracy & Mariae Shine 

Mariam Treacy? b. ? Aug 1817 of Gornaana [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Dion Gurin & Margt Coniff? St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS) [very faint]

Martinum Treacy b. 20? Oct 1819 of Gornagana Sp. Patii Treacy & Elenor Gurrin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Michaelem Tracy b. ? Jan 1825 Sp. Joanne Tracy & Margarita Coniff. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Johannes Tracy b. 11 Nov 1830 Sp. Michael Bohan & Brigida Tracy St. Peter's Athlone Parish  (LDS)

Thomas Tracy b. 12 May 1833 Sp. Patrito O’Brien? & Bida? Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Winefrida Tracy b. 24 Jun 1834 Sp. Pats Lealess & Margarita Shine. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Ellenora Tracy b. 10 Oct 1836 Sp. John? Donnellan & Brigada Connelly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Patritii Tracy & Maria Shine

Bridgidam Tracy b. 28 Jan 1828 Sp. Johanne Murry & Catharinea Noghten. St. Peters Athlone Parish (LDS)


John/Joannes Treacy/Tracy & Mariae Shine 


Martinum Treacy b. 20 Oct 1819 BISHOPS CAUNDLE, DORSET, ENGLAND (LDS)


Michael Tracey b. 27th Jan 1825 son of John Tracey & Maria Shine (sponsors Joane Tracy & Margarita Leanif)

John Tracy b. 11th Nov 1830 son of John Tracy & Maria Shine (sponsors Michael Boliau and Bridget Tracy)

Thomas Tracy b. 12th May 1833 son of John Tracy & Maria Shine

Winifred Tracey b.4th June 1834 dau of John Tracey & Maria Shine

Eleanora Tracey b. 10th Oct 1836 dau of John Tracey & Maria Shine (sponsors Jan Domillion & Brigid Connoley)


Bridga Tracy & Michl? Cooper

Patm Cooper b. ?8 March? 1817 of Battery Sp. Mich Stanford & Ana Conry?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Corny Tracey & Catherine had a child in 1817


Catha/Catharina Treacy & Patt/Patritii Mannion/Mangan

Michm Mannion b. 10 Sep 1818 of Boginfin [Bogganfin St. Peters] Sp. Tim Wallice & Honora Treacy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Catharinam Mangan b. 4 May 1826 of Miles? Sp. Patritio Tracy & Brigida Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Maria Manion b. 26 May 1828 Sp. Ricardus Wallas & Eleonoria Kelly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Thoma [Patritius crossed out] Manion b. 7 Apr 1831 Sp. Michael Mullen & Maria McFerson. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Tighe Tracey b.1818


Patm Treacy married Bridgm Donolan of Gormagan? 22 Sep 1819 Wit: Jno Donolan & Michl Treacy. St. Peter's, Athlone Parish


Edward Treacy m Jilian Daniels Aug 1820


Thomas Treacy and Rachel Treacy or Rachel Ward of Belough were sponsors of Elizabeth Handford 8th Sept 1820


William Treacy sponsor Oct 1820


Thomas Treacy b. Sept 1820 son of Thomas Treacy & Dorothy

Matthew Tracey b. 1821- son of Thomas Tracey & Dorothy

Matthew b. 19th June 1825 son of Thomas and Dorothy

Thomas Treacy & Dorothy of Wiaranshill or Moranshill had Matthew b. 19th June 1825


Thomas Treasey b. Nov 1821


Thomas Treacy 1822


Bridg Treacy & Marti Cook

Edvm Cook b. 4 Feb 1822 of Battern Sp. Jno Kelly & Cath Mannion. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Cook b. 3 Aug 1828 Sp. Michael Kelly & Catharina Mangan. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Bridget Treacy m. Martin Cook and had a son Edward b. 4th Feb 1822


Margaret Treacy and Martin Duffally of the 44th Foot were sponsors of Patrick Duffally in Jan 1822


Mariam Tracey married Edvardum Kenny ? Jan 1823 Wit: Joannes? Kenny & Judith Mannion. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Maria/Margarita Tracy & Edvardi Kenny

Mariam Kenny b. ? May 1825 Sp. Michael Neary & Maria Shanna. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Kenny b. 12 Jun 1830 Sp. Hugone? Dinning? & Brigida Kenny. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Patricius Kenny b. 18 Feb 1836 Sp. Petro Glary & Maria Do [Glary]. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Kyranus Kenny b. 31 Jan 1840 Sp. Edevmds? Kearny & Maria Henson. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Martin Treasy b. Nov 1823 son of Jacob


Martinum Tracy married Eleanoram Gavan 1 Mar 1824 Wit: Michael Tracy & Patritio Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Martini Thracy & Eleanora Gavan

Mariam Thracy b. 19 Aug 1825 Sp. Eduardo McManey? & Honoria Fallon. St. Peter's Parish, Athlone

Martini Treacy & Elleonorae Galvin

Johannes Tracy b. 13 May 1830 Sp. Honora Gavin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Treacy b. 13 Jul 1831 Sp. Michael & Honoria Lyons. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Patritius Tracy b. 11 May 1834 St. Peter's Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland (LDS)

Martini Tracy & Eleanorae Guinn/Gavan?

Thomam Tracy b. 7 Dec 1827 Sp. Patritio Tracy & Bridga Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


John Tracy ch. 13th May 1830 son of Martin Tracy & Eleanora Gavin

Maria Thracy b. 1834 daugh of Martin Thracy & Eleanora Gavan (sponsors Edward McManus & Honoria Fallon)


Margarita Tracy/Treacey & Eugenii McCourt

Jacobum McCourt b. ? Sep 1827 of Athlone Sp. Patritio McCourt & Susanna Quigly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish [twins]

Thomam McCourt b. ? Sep 1827 of Athlone Sp. Gulielmo Sadler & Brigida Kelly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Eugenius McCourt b. 21 Apr 1831 Sp. Thoma & Michel Treacy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Christopher Tracy m. Anne Murphy 1827


Guileilmus Tracy married Maria Coghlan 10 Jul 1828 Wit: Johannes Keoghy? & Brigida Martin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish [69th Regiment]

Gullielmi Tracy & Maria Coghlan

Brigida Tracy b. 10 Jul 1828 Sp. Joannes Riachly? & Brididae Randin? (Note: Nutpium? illon mala) St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS) [Note: same date as marriage] [bad copy]

Gullelmus Tracy b. 9 Jan 1830 Sp. Thoma Mayers & Margaritta Coghlan St. Peter's Athlone, Parish (LDS)


William Tracy m. Maria Coghlan 10th July 1828 and had a son William b. 9th Jan 1830


Service Record [promoted through the ranks to become an officer]:


10th Sept 1828 Athlone Ireland to Mary Coghlan by Revd Doctor Browne


Mary b. 8th July 1829 baptised Athlone St. Peters

William b. 25 Dec 1830 baptised Athlone St. Peters


Bridget Tracy b. abt 1807 Ballyloughan Athlone m. Charles Kennedy 1 November 1828 Athlone (LDS)


Brigida Treacy married Michael Broderick 6 Aug 1831 Wit: Thoma Broderick & Catherina Donlon. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Patricius Tracy married Bridgida Harney 27 Feb 1832 Wit: Luca Girn? & Catherina Lynch. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Patritii Tracy & Brigidae Harny/Harney 

Patricius Tracy b. 11 Feb 1833 Sp. Joanne Tracy & Eleonora Guran. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Martinus Tracy b. 26 Oct 1834 Sp. Dionicis & Marid Gurin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Maria Tracy b. 23 Feb 1837 Sp. Jacobo & Maria Harney. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Elleonora Tracy b. 31 May 1839 Sp. Patritio Murry & Brigida Coyle. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Patritius Tracy b. 2 Feb 1847 Sp. Johanne Tracy & Neliae? Gurin? St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Patrick Tracy b.11th Feb 1833 son of Patrick Tracy & Bridget Harney (Sponsors Joanne Tracy and Ellenora Guran)

Martin Tracy b.20th Oct 1834 son of Patrick Tracy & Bridget Harney (Sponsors Deconoise& Maria Gurzen)


Eleonora Tracy & Handcock Mitchel

Anna Mitchel b. ? Feb 1833 of Miles 76 Reg Sp. Thos Kelly & Maria Coleman. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Patrick 1833/38


Joannis Tracy (18 Royal Irish) & Maria Murray 

Maria Tracy b. 24 Jun 1836 Sp. Hanrica Crozin & Anna McCaliff. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Maria Tracey b. 24th June 1830 dau of John Tracey (18th Royal Irish) & Maria Murray (Sponsors Henry Crozier & Anna McCaliff)

John Tracey/Tressy 18th Foot No. 699 Embarked for India 9th June 1840. WO12/3529


Anna Tracy married Thomas Mason 6 Dec 1836 Wit: James Brennan & Maria Gillyans. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Maria Tracy married Patritius Bohan 07 Feb 1838 Wit: Patritio Muray & Elenora M? St. Peter's, Athlone Parish

Maria Tracey & Pat Bohen

Joannes Bohen b. 20 May 1848 Sp. Michael Tracey & Brigida Curley?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Catharina Tracy married Eduardus Ferrall 27 Mar 1838 Wit: Jacobo Taafe? & Eliza Taafe?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Jacob b. 1839/40 son of William & Rose


Brigida Tracy & Patritia Galvin

Brigida Galvin b. 27 Nov 1840 Sp. Patritis & Maria Galvin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Michael Galvin b. 7 Mar 1853 Sp. Daniel Harney & Francisca Daly. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Patritius Galvin b. 29 Feb 1856 Sp. Thoma Harney & Anna Caulfield. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Joannes Tracy married Anna McManus ? Feb 1844 Wit: Patritio Murry & Margarita Walsh. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Joannis Tracey & Annae McManus

Bridgete Tracy b. 13 Sep 1846 Sp. Michal & Bridgeta Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Patrics Tracey b. 13 Feb 1849 Sp. Martin Tracey & Catharin McManus. St. Peter's, Athlone Parish

Margarita Tracey b. 18 Feb 1851 Sp. Patricii Fallon & Brigida Harney. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Maria Tracey b. 2 June 1854 Sp. Pat Glynn & Margareta McManus. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)



Anne Tracey, died 1873 Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon, aged 54 years, b. 1819, married, wife of a farmer, died 18 Apr 1873 Garrynagowna [Garrynagawna Drum], John Tracey, his mark, occupier, Garrynagowna


Brigida Tracey married Edwardus Connell 8 Feb 1849 Wit: Martin Tracy & Margarita Bohan. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Tracy & Edvardi/Edmundi Connell

Martinus Connell b. 15 Jun 1853 Sp. Michael & Maria Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Johannes Connell b. 1 May 1856 Sp. Michael Tracy & Margarita Murry. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Honora Connell b. 11 Sep 1859 Sp. Michael & Brigida Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Michael Tracey married Brigida Lyons 12 Feb 1850 Wit: Martin Tracey & Maria Guin?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Michaelis Thracy/Tracey & Brigidae Lyons

Martinus Thracy b. 21 Oct 1851 Sp. Michael & Eleanora Thracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Brigida Tracey b. 20 June 1854 Sp. Patricio & Margarita Lyons. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)

Maria Tracy b. 15 May 1859 Sp. Martini & Margarita Tracey. St. Peter's Athlone Parish (LDS)


Michaelis Thracy & Brigidae Lyons

Martinus Thracy b. 21 Oct 1851 Bishops Caundle, Dorset (LDS)


17 June 1854 Pro Pircf? Mrs J Tracey St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Michael Tracy married Winifreda Donlon 22 Jan 1856 Wit: Patricus Bohan & Maria Donlon. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Michaeli(s)/Michis Tracy & Winfredae/Winefridae Donlon

Johannes Tracy b. 4 January 1857 Sp. Martino & Marie Donlon. St Peters Athlone Parish (LDS)

Patricius Tracy b. 17 March 1858 Sp. Pat Donlon & Cathar Bohan. St Peters Athlone Parish (LDS)

Maria Tracy b. 23 June 1861 Sp. Patricio Harrington & Maria Murray. St Peters Athlone Parish (LDS)



March 25, 1898 The Jersey City news. (Jersey City [N.J.])

Tracy — On Thursday, March 24, 1898, Michael Tracy of County Roscommon, Ireland.

Relatives and friends are requested to attend his funeral from the residence of his son-in-law. Frank Monahan, No. 24C Monmouth street, on Saturday, March 26, at 8:30 A. M.; thence to St. Bridget’s Church, where a mass of requiem will be offered for the repose of his soul.


26 Mar 1898 Jersey Journal (Jersey City, New Jersey)

Mr Michael Tracy, 62, b. 1836 Ireland, died 24 Mar 1898 Jersey City, New Jersey


Michael Tracy, 60, b. 1838 Ire, residence in state 5y, Widowed, died 24 Mar 1898 Jersey City Hudson New Jersey United States


Maria Treacy, 22, b. 1862 [Ireland] (d. of Michael & Winifred) married Francis Monaghan, 24, b. 1860 [Ireland] (s. of Bernard & Elizabeth), laborer, 13 Jul 1884 St. Michaela Wit: Charles Monahan & Catharine Moor. Jersey City New Jersey



Catha Tracy & Josephi Henry

Gulielmus Henry b. 26 Aug 1856 Sp. Johanne Frieman? & Brigida Tighe. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Catha Tracy & Jeremia Harney

Michael Harney b. 4 Nov 1860 Sp. Jacobo Mulheran & Margta Harney. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Harney b. 20 Nov 1862 Sp. Thoma Cooney & Maria Anna Cooney. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Catha Tracy & Dermitii Harney

Francisus Harney b. 19 Jul/5 Aug 1868 of Balyrigh [Belrea Drum] Sp. Cathr Jenkins. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Hugonis/Hugh/Hugone Tracy/Tracey/Treacy/Thracy & Mariae Ryan

Hugo Tracy b. 7 December 1857 Sp. Bernardo Fitzpatrick & Maria Ryan. St Peters Athlone Parish (Kegan LDS)

Joseph Tracy b. 21 November 1858 Sp. Michael Tracy & Maria Henin. St Peters Athlone Parish (Kegan LDS)

Margarita Tracy b. 13 January 1861 Sp. Joseph Fitzgerald? & Anna Fallon. St Peters Athlone Parish (LDS)

Maria Thracy b. 2 September 1865 of Chapel St Sp. Dionysis Whelan & Johanna Burke. St Peters Athlone Parish (LDS)

Gullielmus Tracey b. 23/28 Mar 1869 of Distillery Lane Sp. Martino McGuinness & Maria Lennon. St Peters Athlone Parish

Hugh Tracey & Mariae Ryan

Catherine Tracey b. 22 February 1867 Athlone (LDS)

William Traceyb. 26 March 1869 (LDS)

Hugh Tracy/Tracey/Treacy, baker, & Maria Ryan

Mary Tracy b. 2 Sep 1865 of Chapel St Athlone. [St. Peters] Maria Tracy, her mark, mother, Chapel St Athlone [Athlone Athlone PLU]

Catherine Tracy b. 22 Feb 1867 of Distillary Lane Athlone. Maria Tracey, her mark, mother, Distillary Lane Athlone [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon] [Tracy in index]

William Treacy b. 26 Mar 1869 Distillery Lane Athlone. Maria Treacy, her mark, mother, Distillery Lane Athlone [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]


Mary Tracey died 1865, Athlone PLU, Aged 0, b. 1865 [St Peters Athlone RC]


William Tracey, died 1872 Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon, aged 3 years, b. 1869, bachelor, son of a labourer, died 6 Nov 1872 Distillery Lane [St Peters Athlone RC], Maria Tracey, her mark, present at death, Distillery Lane


Margaret Tracy, full [age], spinster, baker crossed out, lives Lyston St Athlone, (d. of Hugh Tracy, baker) married John/J Brown [Brennan crossed out], full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Athlone, (s. of Andrew Brown, deceased, labourer) 05 January 1890 RC Chapel St Peters Athlone Wit: James Kilkenny & Catherine Feeney, signed her mark [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed her mark


Catharina Tracy married Jeremias Harney 12 Nov 1859 Wit: Edwardus Dugan & Bridgida McEntire (disp). St. Peter's Athlone Parish [crossed out]

Catharina Tracy married Jeremiah Harney 12 Dec 1859 Wit: Edwardus Dugan & Bridgida Kelly (temps vet). St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Brigida Tracy married Patricius? Hally 12 Jul 1860 Wit: Jacobus Hancy? & Maria Toutly?. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Tracy/Tracey & Path/Patritiu Tully

John Tully b. 07 Jul 1861 Sp. Thoma Tracy & Joanna Kilduff. St. Peter's, Athlone

Margarita Anna Tully b. 15 Aug 1864 Sp. Luce Tully & Rosanna Duigananr. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Catherina Tully b. 7 May/5 Jun 1870 of Ballymullallin? [Bellanamullia St. Peters] Sp. Johannes Neary & Brigitta Noone. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigda Tracey & Pat Tyrrell

Brigida Tyrrell b. 23/29 Jul 1866 of Ballmullaslan? [Bellanamullia St. Peters] Sp. Luce Deignan & Brigda Kane. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Patritium Tracy married Mariam Kelly 17 September 1863 Wit:  Patritio Glennon & Catherina Kelly? Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracy & Mary Kelly

Mary Tracy b. 26 June 1864 Sp. Gilbert Gevcin? & Eliza O’Brien. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracey & Mary Kelly

Mary b. 15 June 1864 Bridewell (LDS)

FEMALE b. 1 August 1865 Brideswell (LDS) [Kilcomb Parish]

Anne b. 7 December 1869 Athlone (LDS) Brideswell (LDS)

Patrick Treacey, farmer, & Mary Kelly

Anne Treacey b. 7 Dec 1869 Brideswell Cam. Patrick Treacey, father, Brideswell [Brideswell Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]


Mary Tracey died 1864, Athlone PLU, aged 0, b. 1864, died 30 Jun 1864 Brideswell [Cam] Athlone Roscommon, father Patrick Tracey


BEST MATCH – father of Patrick?

Patrick Tracey, died 1874 Brideswell Athlone PLU, aged 66 years, b. 1808, married, postman?, died 21 Mar 1874 Brideswell [Cam] [St. Peter's? RC], Maria Tracey, her mark, occupier, Brideswell


Annie M. Tracy, 27, b. 1873 Ireland (d. of Patrick Tracy & Mary Kelly both b. Ireland), Single, Housekp'r, died 19 May 1900 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States


Mary J. Tracy Corley of 46 Greenwich St Dor, 33, b. 1 Aug 1868 Ireland (d. of Patrick Tracy & Mary Kelley, both b. Ireland), house wife, Spouse Thomas Corley, died 22 Aug 1901 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States, internment New Calvary



Maria McDonald, 56, b. 1862 Ireland, (d. Patrick Taracy & Mary Kelly), widowed, works at home, lived 1015 Shalto 19 Ward, died 24 Oct 1918 Chicago Cook Illinois United States, Informant John Dibbs, buried 26 Oct 1918 Calvary Chicago Illinois, Chas Jahern Funeral Home


Pato Tracey & Maria Regan

Catha Tracey b. 15/16 Feb 1867 of Distn? [Distillery?] Lane? Sp. Jacobo Haley & Mrs Muhern. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Thomas Tracey, 55, widower, drayman, lives High Street, (s. of Thomas Tracey, herdsman) married Mary Cunniff, 40, widow, lives Gallows Hill, (d. of William Cunniff, labourer) 13 September 1868 RC Chapel St. Peter's Wit: Pat Stanford & Bridget Stanford, their marks [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed their marks

Thomas Tracy of High Street (s. of Thomas Tracey of Athlone) married Maria Cunniff of Gallows? Hill (d. of Gulielmi Cunniff) 13 Sep 1868 Wit: Pat Stanford & Brigida Stanford. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Thomas Tracey (s. of Thoma Tracey) m. Maria Cunniff 13 Sep 1868 Dysart, Ballyforan, Roscommon, Ireland (LDS)


Thomas Tracey

Thomas Tracey b. 1813 m. Mary Cunniff 13th Sept 1868 (father Thomas. Sponsor William Cuniff)


Ellen Tracy, 21, spinster, lives Corrynagouna, (d. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married James Hogan, 21, bachelor, labourer, lives Drum, (s. of Pat Hogan, farmer) 6 February 1869 RC Chapel Athlone Wit: John Lennon & Bridget Tracy, their marks [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed their marks

Helena Tracy of Gormnaforan [Garrynagawna Drum] (d. of Patt Tracy of Gormnagoona) married Jacobus [Thomas crossed out] Hogan of Drum (s. of Patt Hogan of Drum) 6 Feb 1869 Wit: Joanne Leonard? & Brigida Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Ellen Tracy, 21 (d. of Pat Tracy) m. James Hogan, 21 (s. of Pat Hogan) 6 February 1869 Athlone (LDS)

Helena Tracey (d. of Pata Tracey) m. Jacobus Hogan 6 Feb 1869 Dysart, Ballyforan, Roscommon, Ireland (LDS)

Helena/Eleanora Tracey & Jacobi Hogan

Margarita Hogan b. 14/15 Nov 1869 of Garrynagovna [Garrynagawna Drum] Sp. Michel Hogan & Brigida Tracey. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Maria Hogan b. 19/25 Jun 1871 of Gorrynaurona Sp. Johanne Galvin & Maria Galvin. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Hogan b. 22 Dec/3 Jan 1875 of Garrynanoona Sp. Patricius Dwyer & Maria Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Anna Tracy of Camaseer [Cornaseer Kiltoom] (d. of Patricius Tracy of Camaseer) married Patricius Kelly of Berries [Barry Beg/More Kiltoom] (s. of Jacobus Kelly of Berris) 25 Oct 1870 Wit: Micail Quiny of Camaseer & Margret Flynn of Curnaseer. Kiltoom Parish. (LDS)

Ann Tracy, full age, widow, lives Ballybay, (d. of John Tracy, Do [labourer]) married Patrick Kelly, full age, widower, Pensioner, lives Berries, (s. of Ths Kelly, labourer) 25 October 1870 RC Chapel Cam Wit: Michael Queeney & Margaret Flynn [Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed their marks

Anna Tracy/Tracey & Patritius Kelly

Maria Kelly b. 17 Mar/5 Apr 1873 of Rosken [Rooskagh St. Peters] Sp. Patritius Tully & Bridgita Tracey. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Brigida Kelly b. 21 June/4 Jul 1875 of Keef St Sp. Gulielmus Waraghan? & Margaretta Mannix. St. Peter's, Athlone


Margaretta Tracey of Gorryaeudwra [Garrynagawna Drum] (d. of Johannes Tracey of Gorrynaurra?) married Bartholomeus Walshe of Clongarke [Cornafulta? crossed out] [Cloonark Drum] (s. of Michaelis Walshe of Clonark [Cumafalla crossed out]) 5 Feb 1874 Wit: Timotheus? Galvin & Bridgetta Tracy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Margaret Tracey, 20. spinster, BLANK, lives Gorrynona, (d. of John Tracy, farmer) married Bartholomy Walsh, 31, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloonask [Cloonark Drum], (s. of Michael Walsh, farmer) 05 February 1874 RC Chapel Drum [Drum] Wit: Thady Galvin & Bridget Tracey, signed her mark [BLANK (Bridewell) Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed their marks

Margarita Treacy & Bartholomeus Walsh

Michael Walsh b. 31 Jul/6 Aug 1876 of Cloonark [Drum] Sp. Patricius Treacy & Brigida Treacy. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Maria Walsh b. 27 Mar/9 Jun 1878 of Cloonark Sp. Luca Naghton & Maria Naughton. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Anna Walsh b. 2/10 Oct 1880 of Clonark Sp. Maria Hynes. St. Peter's Athlone Parish


Martinus Tracey of Cranagh [Drum] (s. of Patritii Tracey of Cranagh) married Maria Gavin of Cloonboorla [Cloonboley? Drum] (d. of Patritii Gavin of Cloonboorla) 17 Feb 1881 Wit: Martinis Tracy of Cranagh & Brigida Carty of Cranagh. St. Peter's Athlone Parish

Martinus Tracy (s. of Pat Tracey) m. Maria Gavin 17 Feb 1881 Dysart, Ballyforan, Roscommon, Ireland


Anne Treacy, 30, widow, servant, lives Athlone [St. Peters], (d. of John Treacy, labourer) married Patrick Naughton, 30, bachelor, labourer, lives Athlone, (s. of Thomas Noghton, labourer) 07 January 1885 RC Chapel St. Peters Wit: Andrew Flynn & Bridget Claffey [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]


Margaret Tracy, full [age], spinster, baker crossed out, lives Lyston St Athlone, (d. of Hugh Tracy, baker) married John/J Brown [Brennan crossed out], full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Athlone, (s. of Andrew Brown, deceased, labourer) 05 January 1890 RC Chapel St Peters Athlone Wit: James Kilkenny & Catherine Feeney, signed her mark [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed her mark [see above]


Francis Tracy, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Barracks Athlone, (s. of Philip Tracy, farmer) married Mary Anne/Maryanne Murray, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, BLANK address, (d. of James Murray, BLANK profession) 24 November 1890 RC Chapel St. Peters Athlone Wit: Alexander H Browne & Delia Murray [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]


Teresa Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Athlone, (d. of Thomas Tracy, carpenter) married James Yates, full [age], bachelor, soldier, lives Athlone, (s. of Alexander Yates, fitter) 11 June 1891 RC Chapel St. Peters Athlone Wit: Thomas Nolan & Maryanne Gladstone [Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]


* Follow each other in register




Brigid Tracey b. 1847 died 6th June 1865 aged 18 5s

Brigide Tracy (nee Golrin) b.1809 died 17th Jan 1857 aged 48 £10 6s 6d

Catherine Treacy b. 1754 (m. Watch) died 3rd March 1819 of Ardkeenan in Cam Drum 1

Daniel Tracy b. 1740 died 29th Feb 1830 aged 70 10s 6d

Ellen Tracey de Gory b. 1771 died 26th April 1859 aged 88 £5 0s

Helena Tracy of Gorognagourna b.1793 (or 1805?) died 2nd March 1867 aged 74 9s

John ? Tracy b.1830 of Grnajnaghan d.25th Jan 1867 aged 37

John Fracey b. 1787 died 17th Aug 1847 aged 60

John Tracey of Drum died 2nd Dec 1793 in admeriusyns din pauchiasepullus 5s 5d

Margaret Tracy of Bealough b. 1794 died 25th Jan 1835 aged 41 5s 0d Note: Bealough is sometimes written Baylough it is on the main road leading into Athlone from the west.  Was once a village in its own right.

Maria Tracey of Bisliar Street b. 1776 died 6th Dec 1823 aged 47

Maria Treacy b.1797 de Gainumalauma died 25th March 1851 aged 54

Maria Treacy of Ardkeenan, Drum died 5th Dec 1799 5s 5d

Nina Tracey b.1805 of Grujnadona died 22nd Sept 1874 aged 69

Patrick Tracey of Hill (died?) October 1815

Patrick Tracy b.1797 died 6th Oct 1829 aged 33 5s 0d

Patrick Tracy b.1803 of Garninaugowna died 1st July 1865 aged 62  5s

Patrick Treacy of Gorrynangauria , Drum died March 1797 sepulchisiniscomifero de Drum 5s 5d

Mr J Tracy of Gompangoura b. 1813 died March 1873 aged 60

John Tracey b.1813 of Gorynajowna died 21st Dec 1876 aged 63


St. Peter's, Athlone Parish Deaths

Patricius Treacey of Gorrynanguaria, died ? Mar 1797, sepulthisin? in coiniterio de Drum

Maria Treasy of Ardkeenan, died 05 Dec 1799, in com de Drum

Michl Treacy of Atha [Athlone], died 6 Jan 1818, of Cam of Kiltoomb, 32 [years?]

Catha Watch alias Treacy of Ardheenan, died 3 Mar 1819, in Cam Drum, 65 [years?]

Maria Tracy of Bastian Street, died 6 Feb 1824, 47 [years?]

Patritius Tracy died 6 Oct 1829, 32? [years?]

Bartholomous Heacy died 21 Nov 1829, 72? [years?]

Daniel Tracy died 29 Feb 1830, 70 [years?]

Widow Tracy of Garynagorna, died 14 Jan 1832, 69 [years?]

Margarita Tracy of Bealough, died 25 Jan 1835, 72 [years?]

Joannes Tracy of Corregnagan, died 17 Jul 1847, 48 [years?]

Pa? Treacy? Shea of Necola?, died 28 July 1848

Maria Tracey of Gauserragauna, died 25 Mar 1851, 54 [years?]

Brigida Tracy alias Galvin?, died 17 Jan 1857, 48 [years?]

Brigida Tracy of Conaght St, died 29 Jun 1859

Ellen Tracy of Gorrynagerona, died 26 May 1860, 88 [years?]

Brigida Tracey died 06 Jun 1865, 18 [years?]

Patricius Tracy of Ganinagowna, died 1 July 1865, 62 [years?]

Thos? Tracy of Gorrynagwan, died 25 Jan 1867?, 37 [years?]

Helena Tracy of Goroznagerna, died 23 May 1867, 74 [years?]

Maria Tracey of Gorrynaudona, died 22 Sep 1874, 60 [years?]

John Tracey of  Gorrynagowna, died 21 Dec 1879, 63 [years?]



21 Dec 1859 Montreal herald and daily commercial gazette

In this city, on the 20th instant, Mr. John Tracy, aged 46 years, a native of Athlone, County Roscommon, Ireland.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully requested to attend his funeral this day (Wednesday) at 2 o ’clock, P.M., from St. Patrick’s Hospital to the place of interment, Roman Catholic Burying-ground.





Mary Treacy & James Nolan

Catherine Nolan (b. 1750 d. 11 November 1834 Cloonshee, Roscommon, Ireland 84 years old) m. Patt Noone



Jacobo Tracy & Maria McCormick

Maria Tracy b. 15 Oct 1818 Sp. Michael Tracy & Onoria Tracy. Aughrim Parish


Honora Thracy & Michaeles Meelick

Michael Meelick b. 12 Jun 1822 Sp. Maria Lenaghan. Aughrim Parish

Honoria Tracy & Michaelis Moolick

Honoriam Moolick b. 2 Jul 1826 Sp. Michal O'Gara & Allicia Beadeken. Aughrim Parish


Anna Thray & Jacobi Rogers

Annam Rogers b. 9 Feb 1825 of Ashfort? [Rushport Kilmore] Sp. Michael Ford & Margaritta Fury. Aughrim Parish


Maria Tracy married Joannes Crosby 30 Nov 1825 Wit: Michal Gormly & Petrus Gormly. Aughrim Parish

Mary Tracy & John Crosby

Cath Crosby b. 14 Oct 1830 Sp. Hugh Maxwell? & Cath Cormick?. Aughrim Parish

Mary Tracy & John Crosley

Mary Crosley b. 20 Jun 1836 Sp. John Tracy & Mary Moran? Aughrim Parish


Catherina Thracy & Thoma Rowley

Brigidam Rowley b. 7 May 1826 or Rhen Sp. Nicl Crine & Maria Egan. Aughrim Parish


Laurentium Thracy married Brigittam Farrell 21 Jul 1827 Wit: Joanne Reily & Magitta McKeon. Aughrim Parish

Laurerntia Tracy & Brigida

Michaelem Tracy b. 27 Sep 1829 Sp. Thomas Tracy & Maria Farrell. Aughrim Parish

Bridgitam Tracy b. 30 Jul 1837 Sp. Patrus & Bridgetta Caslin. Aughrim Parish


Honorria Tracy married Thoma Maxwell 19 Feb 1828 Wit: Charolo McCarmich & Thoma Beirne. Aughrim Parish


Mary Tracy married Jas Low 22 Feb 1830 Wit: Hugh? Tracy & Thos Maxwell. Aughrim Parish


Honor Tracy & Thomas Maxwell

Cath Maxwell b. 27 Feb 1832 Sp. Mick Tracy & Betty Maxwell. Aughrim Parish


Biddy Tracy married Farrell Cullen 21 Jan 1834 Wit: Thos Glancy & Biddy Glancy. Aughrim Parish

Biddy Tracy & Farrell Cullin

Anne alice? Cullin b. 11? Nov 1836 Sp. James Tracy & Mary Conlon. Aughrim Parish


Mick Tracy & Nancy McGrevey

Honor Tracy b. 26 Apr 1836 Sp. James Tracy & Mary Tracy. Aughrim Parish


James Tracy & Jane McGlinn

Mick Tracy b. 22 Nov 1836 Sp. Mick Tracy & Anne McGlinn. Aughrim Parish


Frank Tracy & Cath Glancy

Thomas Tracy b. 6 Jul 1837 Sp. Peter Glancy? & Biddy Do? [Glancy]. Aughrim Parish


Thomo Tracy & Maria

Patritium Tracy b. 4 Mar 1838 Sp. Michaelus Nolan & Margarita Kelly. Aughrim Parish


Patritii Tracy & Maria

Mariam Tracy b. 29 Oct 1843 Sp. Hugonisa Glancy & Catharina Beirne. Aughrim Parish


Thomo Tracy & Ellena

Patritium Tracy b. 5 Apr 1844 Sp. Patritius Conlon & Catherina Tiernan. Aughrim Parish


Margaret Treacy, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Cloonaffe [Clooncraff? Clooncraff], (d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer) married Peter McDermott, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Grange [Kiltrustan OR Ogulla], (s. of John McDermott, farmer) 13 February 1877 RC Chapel Cloonaffe Wit: John Gillooly & Catherine Kenney? [Rooskey Strokestown PLU] signed their marks [see Strokestown]



Hello, I am wondering if anyone may be able to point me in the right direction to find out a bit more about James Tracey born Aughrim Co Roscommon c. 1820 and his wife Mary McDonald (or any derivation) born c. 1825 possibly Rooskey or Rosecray depending which census you look at. They emmigrated to England some time before 1851 when they are first recorded on the English census. Have not been able to get any further back owing to sketchy details. They had children James born c1853 supposedly in Dover but we have been unable to find any record of his birth. Two younger girls also listed as born in England. I think that between 1861 and 1871 Mary died as James snr and jnr together with the other siblings appear to be in Eltham workhouse. I have no further knowledge until my grt grandfathers wedding in Edinburgh. James remarried  a Josephine Mills in 1874 when his father is listed as John Tracey, labourer. Any suggetions for pointers would be appreciated.

Regards Diane 20 May 06 llynhelyg


Tracey/Mcdonald - County Roscommon, Ros Comain, ROS (Province of Connaught, Connacht)
Looking for information on James Tracey from Aughrim, county Roscommon. He was Married to Mary McDonald and they had four children that I know of, James, Mary, Ellen and Ann. James snr born c1820, Mary snr born c1825, James jnr c 1853, mary c1855, ellen c1856 and ann c 1859. The children were all born in England so I am asuming that they left Ireland some time before james birth in 1853. On the 1861 census and all subsequent census James is down as from aughrim, roscommon Ireland and Mary from Rosecray/Rooskey. James remarried after the death of Mary and on his wedding certificate his father is named as John a labourer. Any suggestions as to how I might persue this further would be appreciated. Many thanks. Regards Diane.



 Ballinasloe (& Creagh) (Galway/Roscommon)


See also Galway. Early records seem to locate families in Roscommon while later records indicate Galway.


Note: Online marriage records end 1841.


Michl Treasy & Mary

Jno Treasy b. 16 Nov 1822 Sp. Jno Caufuton? & Wm Harison?. Ballinasloe Parish

Thos Tracy b. 1 Jun 1829 Sp. Jno Rourke? & Ellin Rierdan. Ballinasloe Parish


Ewd? Treacy married Eliza Canavan 26 Nov 1824 Wit: Ewd Flanagan? & Mary Dalton?. Ballinasloe Parish


Mary Trassy married Michl Cannon? 3 Nov 1828 Wit: Thos Ward & Mary Corman?. Ballinasloe Parish


Jno Treasy & Betty/Elizabetha Cannonan/Canavan

Elizabeth Treasy b. 18 Dec 1828 Sp. Wm Cole & Mary Cannonan. Ballinasloe Parish

Patritius Tracey b. 11/29 Apr 1839 Sp. Jacobus McDonnel & Sarah Maclair. Ballinasloe Parish

Guileilmis Tracy b. 25 May/1 Jun 1846 Sp. Johannes Mangle & Catharina Staunton. Ballinasloe Parish

Joannes Tressy & Eliza

James Tressy b. 9/12 Jun 1834 Sp. Joannes Dagherty & Maria? Costoct?. Ballinasloe Parish


Martin Treacy married Mary Brien 19 Feb 1829 Wit: Patt Ward & Mary Gorman. Ballinasloe Parish

Martin Treasy & Mary/Maria Brien

John Treasy b. 5 Apr 1830 Sp. Jno Brien & Mary Treasy. Ballinasloe Parish

Honora Tresy b. 1/2 Apr 1833 Sp. Jacobus Treasy & Cath Brien. Ballinasloe Parish


Bridget Treacy & Michl Coffy

Martin Coffy b. 10 May 1829 Sp. Martin Carty & Nelly Coffy. Ballinasloe Parish


Thos Treasy married Mary Reily? 5 Feb 1831 Wit: Michl Rilly & Bridy Rilly. Ballinasloe Parish


James Treasy & Margt/Mary Ruane

Honora Treasy b. 6 Apr 1831 Sp. James Treasy & Margt Leonard. Ballinasloe Parish

Cath Treasy b. 4 Aug 1832 Sp. Thos Ruane & Mary Treasy. Ballinasloe Parish


Patt Treasy married Mary Mullan 14 Jan 1832 Wit: Patt Ward & Mary Rourke?. Ballinasloe Parish

Pate? Treasy & Mary Mullone

Mary Treasy b. 31 Jul 1832 Sp. Wm Mullone & Eliza Shea. Ballinasloe Parish


Cath Treasy married Jno Turley 14 Feb 1832 Wit: Andrew Turley & Cath Lyons. Ballinasloe Parish


Mary Treasy & Michl Connor?

John Connor b. 2 Apr 1832 Sp. Jno Hannon & Mary Clifford. Ballinasloe Parish


Michl Treasy & Anne Horan

Joseph Treasy b. 25 Apr 1832 Sp. Frances Dolan & Maria Caulfield. Ballinasloe Parish

Stephenus Treasy b. 27/30 Nov 1834 Sp. Gulielimus Taaffe & Elizabeth Caulfield. Ballinasloe Parish


Margt/Margarita Treasy/Tracy/Tressy & Michl Crosby

Emd Crosby b. 26 Apr 1832 Sp. Thos Treasy & Margt Crosby. Ballinasloe Parish

Martines Crosby b. 17/20 Mar 1836 Sp. Joannes Crosby & Maria Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish

Marcus Croobis b. 10/13 Dec 1838 Sp. Patritius Crosbie & Winifreda Crosbie. Ballinasloe Parish

Petrus Crosby b. 26/27 Jun 1844 Sp. Patritius Crosby & Margarita Rilly. Ballinasloe Parish

Bridgida Crosby b. 10/18 Mar 1847 Sp. Marcus & Margarita Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish


Anne Treasy & Nicholae Burke

Elizabeth Burke b. 22/23 Oct 1832 Sp. Margarita & Broderick Treillan?. Ballinasloe Parish


Anne Treasy & Michaelsi Fahy

Joseph Fahy b. 1/11 Mar 1833 Sp. Joannes & Catherina Dougherty. Ballinasloe Parish


Marci Treasy & Joanna Reardan

Joanna Treasy b. 2/23 Mar 1835 Sp. Thomas Harney & Anna Flannigan. Ballinasloe Parish [duplicate?]

Marci Treasy & Joanna Reredden

Joanna Treasy b. 23/28 May 1835 Sp. Thomas Harney & Anna Flannigan. Ballinasloe Parish


Hana Tracy & Michaeles Fitzgerald

Bridgette Fitzgerald b. 30/31 Mar 1835 Sp. Franciscus Connell & Bridgetta McDonald. Ballinasloe Parish


Mary Tracey married Jno Hynes 7 Aug 1835 Wit: Edward Cloran & Bridg Killalia. Ballinasloe Parish


James/Jacobi Tracey & Honora Lyons

Honora Tracey b. 13/16 Mar 1836 Sp. Martinus Tracey & Margarita Leonard. Ballinasloe Parish

Jacobus Treacy b. 13/14 Aug 1839 Sp. Thos Leonard & Margarita Leonard. Ballinasloe Parish

Elleonora Treasy b. 22/24 Dec 1843 Sp. Thomas Linard & Maria Treasy. Ballinasloe Parish

Martinus Tracy b. 19/21 Jan 1846 Sp. Timotheus Leonard & Maria Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish

Joanne Trassy b. 22/23 May 1848 Sp. Michael Frly? & Honoria Leonard. Ballinasloe Parish


Maria Tracy & Joannis Silk

Joannes Silk b. 20/27 Jun 1836 Sp. Jacobus Butler & Anna Butler. Ballinasloe Parish


Patritii Tracy/Treasy & Maria Malone [1st Marriage?]

Anna Tracy b. 1 Aug/1 Sep 1836 Sp. Joannes Malone & Cathrina Malone. Ballinasloe Parish

Brigida Tracey b. 7/12 Jul 1841 Sp. Martinis Rilly & Anne Rilly . Ballinasloe Parish

Maria Treasy b. 4/10 Nov 1842 Sp. Joannes Treasy & Maria Stutsluin? Ballinasloe Parish

Patritius Tracy b. 24 Sep/7 Oct 1845 Sp. Johannis & Anna Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish


Patritii Tressy & Maria Fahy/Fahey [2nd Marriage?]

Brigide Tressy b. 6/19 Sep 1862 Sp. Patritius Fahy & Margarita Fahy. Ballinasloe Parish

Joannes Tracy b. 20/30 Aug 1864 Sp. Joannes Fahy & Catherina Fahy. Ballinasloe Parish

Michael Tracey b. 30 Aug/6 Sep 1867 Sp. Patricius Warde & Margarita Tracey. Ballinasloe Parish

Wenefreda Tressy b. 15/25 Feb 1870 Sp. Joannes McNamara & Catherin McNamara. Ballinasloe Parish

Catherina Treasy b. 19 Apr/3 May 1872 Sp. Joannes Fahy & Sabina Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish

Bellinda Tressy b. 16 Apr/1 May 1874 Sp. Edwardus Crosby & Margarita Tressy. Ballinasloe Parish

Patrick Trassy/Treacy & Mary Fahy

Michael Treacy b. 3 November 1867 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Winifred Trassy b. 2 Jun 1870 Creagh (LDS)

Catherine Trassy b. 28th October 1872 Creagh Roscommon (LDS)

Patrick Treacy/Trassy, farmer/small farmer, & Mary Fahy

Michael Treacy b. 3 Nov 1867 of Killaharna [Killahorna otherwise Culliagharny] Culliagharny] Creagh. Patrick Treacy, his mark, father, Killaharna [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU]

Winifred Trassy b.  2 Jun 1870 Killahorna. Margaret Treacy, present at birth, Killahorna [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon] [also Treacy in online and printed indices]

Catherine Trassy b. 28 Oct 1872 Killahorna. Margaret Treacy, present at birth, Killahorna [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

Belinda Trassy b. 28 Apr 1984 Killahorna Creagh. Mary Trassy, her mark, mother, Killahorna [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]


1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act

27.6.16 [27th June 1916] Image

Patrick Tracey/Tracy/Treacy (c. 1844, 5 or 6) (s. of Patk Tracey & Mary) 1851 resident Culliagharney, Creagh Moycarn Roscommon

Address: Mr Patrick Tracey Royal Infirmary, Kilmainham, Dublin

family members

1st Marriage

Tracey          John        -              16

Tracey          Ann        -              14

Tracey          Edward  -              12

Tracey          Mary       -              8

Tracey          Patrick    -              5

Tracey          Peter       -              2

2nd Marriage

Tracey          Margaret

Tracey          Bridget   -              -

Tracey          Winiford -

Tracey          Michael   -              -

Tracey          Abbie      -              -


Elinna? Tracy & Thoma Curly

Johannes Curly b. 5 Aug/8 Sep 1837 Sp. Dudley Bolger & Lilina Bolger. Ballinasloe Parish


Patritii Tracey? & Rose Kenny

Catherine Tracey b. 20/29 Apr 1839 Sp. Martinus Kenny & Margarita Fasrarghty? Ballinasloe Parish


Marie Tracey/Tracy & Petri Coffey 

Honoria Caffey b. 4/10 Jun 1841 Sp. Daniel Hegarty & Rosenda Coffey. Ballinasloe Parish

Maria Coffey b. 20/26 Feb 1843 Sp. Jacobus Tracy & Maria Coffey. Ballinasloe Parish

Elleonora Coffey b. 11/18 Mar 1845 Sp. Johannis & Judith Keady?. Ballinasloe Parish


Thoma Tracey & Margarite Barrett

Ellenora Tracey b. 16/20 Jun 1841 Sp. Joannis Glyoran & Jolina Hussy. Ballinasloe Parish

Margarita Tracy b. 9 Feb 1846 Sp. Kieranus Fallon & Honoria Smyth. Ballinasloe Parish

Joannis Tracey & Margarite Barrett

Winifreda Treacy b. 1/2 Jan 1844 Sp. Patricius Barrett & Margida Tressy. Ballinasloe Parish


Joannis Treacy & Elizabetha Cole

Bridgida Treacy b. 20 Sep/1 Oct 1843 Sp. Michael Treacy & Catherina Flannigan. Ballinasloe Parish


Marci Tracy & Sabina/Sarah Fallen

Edmundus Tracy b. 15/27 Jan 1843 Sp. Patricius & Thomas Fallen. Ballinasloe Parish [Marci - Henry? crossed out]

Maria? Tracy b. 11/16 Jul 1845 Sp. Matrina? & Maria Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish

Edmundus Trassy b. 9/23 Jun 1854 Sp. Patritius Magan & Margarita Trassy. Ballinasloe Parish

Maria Treacy b. 11/16 Jan 1852 Sp. Gulielimus Fallon & Maria Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish

Joannis Trassy b. 9/12 Jun 1854 Sp. Maria Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish

Margarita Tracey b. 3/26 Feb 1858 Sp. Thomas Fallon & Elizabeth Brady. Ballinasloe Parish

Patritius Tracy b. 19 Feb/8 Mar 1861 Sp. Marcus Tracey & Brigida Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish


Winfrida Tracy/Tracey/Trassy/Tressy & Jacobi McNamara

Belinda McNamara b. 3/7 Apr 1846 Sp. Michael McNamara & Belinda Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish

Joannes McNamara b. 14/22 Jun 1847 Sp. Joannes & Sabina Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish

Margarita MacNamara b. 7/12 Jun 1851 Sp. Joannes Kelly & Margarita Trassy. Ballinasloe Parish

Michael McNamara b. 8/20 May 1853 Sp. Gulielmus Stafford & Belinda Do [Stafford]. Ballinasloe Parish

Catherina McNamara b. 15 Aug/7 Sep 1855 Sp. Catherina Kisney?. Ballinasloe Parish

Jacobus Mack b. 27 Aug/9 Sep 1859 Sp. Edwardus Crosby & Maria Kelly. Ballinasloe Parish

Patritius McNamara b. 19 May/07 Jun 1861 Sp. Joannes McNamara & Bellinda McNamara. Ballinasloe Parish


Marie Treasy & Pauli Kennedy

Michaelis Kennedy b. 8/17 Apr 1846 Sp. Patrick Coleman & Anna Lowney?. Ballinasloe Parish


Sara/Ceclea/Sarah Tressy/Treacy/Tracey & Martin Keegan

Catherina Keegan b. 27 Jul/11 Aug 1848 Sp. Jacobus Mylett? & Maria Tressy. Ballinasloe Parish

Maria Anna Keegan b. 27 Aug/2 Sep 1850 Sp. Edwardus Fahy? & Eleaanna Maley. Ballinasloe Parish

Brigida Keegan b. 1/23 Jul 1858 Sp. Joannes Kean & Maria Kean. Ballinasloe Parish

Joannes Josephus Keegan b. 5 Jun/22 Jun 1860 Sp. Joannes Mailone & Maria Anna Flanagan. Ballinasloe Parish

Martinus Keegan b. 20/29 Jun 1866 Sp. Malachia Flannagan & Brigida Jennings. Ballinasloe Parish

Gulielmus Michael Keegan b. 1/3 Jun 1870 Sp. Gulielmus Hackett & Anna Eyre. Ballinasloe Parish


Hugonis Tracy & Maria Ryan

Patritius Tracy b. 13/19 Jan 1850 Sp. Martines Nichalson & Honoria Murry. Ballinasloe Parish

Matheus Treacy b. 3/8 May 1853 Sp. Jacobus McGrath & Maria Herdiman?. Ballinasloe Parish


Margarita Treacy/Tracey & Patritius Cunningham

Petritius Cunningham b. 12/16 Oct 1851 Sp. Martin? & Bridgida Fagan. Ballinasloe Parish

Maria Cunningham b. 13 Sep 1857 Sp. Maria Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish


Belinda/Sbla?/Sabina Tracy & Joannes Fallon

Gulielmus Fallon b. 19/25 Nov 1851 Sp. Michael & Maria Meeny?. Ballinasloe Parish

Winfrida Fallon b. 27 Oct/4 Nov 1853 Sp. Jacobus McNamara & Winifrida Tracy. Ballinasloe Parish

Sabina Fallon b. 29 Oct/9 Nov 1855 Sp. Thomas Fallon & Sabina Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish


Landed Estates

Patrick Tracy, Culliagharney called Killahorna Rubble, Roscommon, 1852 [Culliagharny Creagh]

Widow Tracy, Culliagharney called Killahorna Rubble, Roscommon, 1852


Catherina Tracey & Patricii Cassidy?

Honoria Cready b. 1/15 Jun 1861 Sp. Michael Cassidy & Brigida Kenny. Ballinasloe Parish


Andrea Tracey & Maria Costelloe

Jacobus Tracey b. 28 Jul/2 Aug 1861 Sp. Patritius Costelloe [Tracey crossed out] & Brigida Costelloe. Ballinasloe Parish


Martini Tracey & Maria Shaughnessy [see Stephen Jerome Tracy]

Martinus Josephus Tracey b. 18/23 Aug 1861 Sp. Elizabetae German. Ballinasloe Parish

Patritius Treacey b. 15/23 Oct 1863 Sp. Patritius Downey & Louissa Gorman. Ballinasloe Parish

Stephanus Tracey b. 14/22 Dec 1865 Sp. Michael Mannion & Elizabeta Gorman. Ballinasloe Parish


FarmerMartin Tracy & Maria O'Shanghnesay/Shangnessy

John Tracy b. 07 Jun 1870 bapt. 19 Jun 1870  St. Patrick, Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey

James Tracy b. 11 Jun 1874 bapt. 16 Jun 1874 St. Patrick, Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey


Martin Tracy & Maria Gorman

Thomas Tracy b. 2 Nov 1871 St. Patrick  Elizabeth Union New Jersey

Mary Elizabeth Tracy b. 12 Jun 1873 St. Patrick  Elizabeth Union New Jersey

Martin Treacy & Mary Treacy

James Treacy, died 22 Oct 1874, age 0, Elizabeth Union New Jersey


Martin Tracy died 31 Mar 1927, 1919 7 Ave. Manhattan New York City New York, widowed, 62 years, b. 1865 Ireland (s. of Martin Tracy & Mary Shaugnessy), buried 4 Apr 1927 Cypress Hills L.I. (LDS)


Jerome Tracy, b. October 14 1863 Ireland (s. of Martin Tracy & Marie O'Shaughnessy) d. 15 Jan 1928 Woodrow, Millard, Utah, United States, Age: 64 years 3 month Married to Elizabeth Cahoon lived 18 years at Woodrow, 57 years in US.


Patricii Tracey & Margarita Connolly

Maria Josephina Tracey b. 7/12 Sep 1862 Sp. Thoma Carthy & Maria Hernan. Ballinasloe Parish


Maria Tressy/Tracey/Tracy & Michaelis Scully

Robertus Scully b. 17 Sep/10 Oct 1862 Sp. Thomas Harney & Maria Slannyrm?. Ballinasloe Parish

Martinus Scully b. 7/17 Nov 1865 Sp. Gulielmus Hegarty & Anna Kelly. Ballinasloe Parish

Maria Scully b. 3/21 Jan 1870 Sp. Michael Flyn & Helena Brady. Ballinasloe Parish

Eleanora Scully b. 24 May/6 Jun 1873 Sp. Franciscus Farrell & Brigida Kelly. Ballinasloe Parish


Honoria Tressy & Patriti Coghlan

Thomas Coghlan b. 18/26 Dec 1862 Sp. Gulielmus Coghlan & Brigida Tressy. Ballinasloe Parish

Brigida Coghlan b. 29 Jun/12 Jul 1867 Sp. Joannes Forde & Anna Carroll. Ballinasloe Parish


Michael Trac(e)y & Bridget/Biddy Dolan [CoI?]

Mary b. 2 May 1864 Creagh District (LDS)

Biddy b. 21 March 1866 Creagh District (LDS)

Catherine b. 1 March 1868 Creagh (LDS)

Ann b. 2 February 1871 Creagh (LDS)

Eliza b. 23 April 1873 Creagh (LDS)

Michael Tracy/Tracey, labourer/herd, & Bridget/Biddy Dolan

Mary Tracy b. 2 May 1864 of Woodpark Moore [Rathpeak House (Woodpark Lodge/House) in Rathpeak Moore]  Bridget Tracy, mother, Woodpark Moore. Her mark [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

Biddy Tracey b. 21 March 1866 of Woodpark Moore. Biddy Tracey, mother, Woodpark [her mark] [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

Catherine Tracy b. 1 Mar 1868 of Woodpark Moore. Bridget Tracy, her mark, mother, Woodpark [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU]

Ann Tracey b. 2 Feb 1871 Woodpark Moore. Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, Woodpark [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU]

Eliza Tracey b. 23 Apr 1873 Woodpark Moore. Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, Woodpark [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU]


Brigide Tracey & Petri Burke

Michael Burke b. 17/22 Nov 1867 Sp. Martines Gavin & Catharina Quinn. Ballinasloe Parish

Anna Burke b. 17/22 Nov 1867 Sp. Josephus Burke & Maria Burke. Ballinasloe Parish

Maria Burke b. 31 Mar 1868 Sp. Anna Higgins. Ballinasloe Parish (Note: Sub conda)


Mary Treacy, 21, spinster, Do [labourer], lives Killehosan [Killahorna otherwise Culliagharny Creagh] (d. of Miclus? Treacy, Do [labourer]) married Michael McKeon, 24, bachelor, labourer, lives Ardnaghy, (s. of John McKeon, labourer) 8 November 1866 RC Chapel Ballinasloe Wit: M Tracey & Kate Donellan, her mark [Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU Galway] signed her mark

Maria Tracy & Michaelis McKeon

Brigida McKeon b. 1/18 Jan 1867 Sp. Joannes McNamara & Winifrida Fallon. Ballinasloe Parish


John Tracey & Bridget Dolan

Ellen b. 29 March 1871 Brideswell (LDS)

John Tracy, Culleen [Cuilleenirwan? Dysart], farmer, & Bridget Dolan

Ellen Tracey b. 29 Mar 1871 Ballinasloe? [Creagh]. Bridget Dolan, her mark, mother, Union Workhouse Athlone – Ballinasloe? crossed out] [Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon] [unmarried]



Ellen Tracey, died 1872 Kiltoom Athlone PLU, aged 1.5 years, b. 1871, spinster, labourers child, died 1 Aug 1872 Coolagarry [Cam], Eliza Glennon, her mark, present at death, Coolagarry [see Ballinasloe RC Roscommon]



Mark Treacy, 20, bachelor, farmer, lives Killakena? [Killahorna otherwise Culliagharny Creagh], (s. of Mark Treacy, living, famer) married Margaret Power, 17, spinster, house keeper, lives Ballygill [Bellagill Creagh Roscommon], (d. of Thomas Power, living, farmer) 11 May 1872 RC Chapel Ballinasloe Wit: John McNamara & Mary Donnelly [Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU Galway] signed his name [very faint]

Marci Tracy & Margarita Power

Maria Anna Tracy b. 24 Apr/9 May 1873 Sp. Michael Madden & Catherina McNamara. Ballinasloe Parish

Thomas Treacy b. 8/18 Aug 1876 Sp. Jacobus McNamara & Catherina McNamara. Ballinasloe Parish

Patritius Treacy b. 14/28 Mar 1879 Sp. Patricius? Carroll & Bridgetta Donnelly. Ballinasloe Parish


Margaret Treacy, 19, spinster, housekeeper, lives Killahorna [Killahorna otherwise Culliagharny Creagh], (d. of Patrick Treacy, living, farmer) married Michael Lyons, 20, bachelor, farmer, lives Ballygill [Bellagill Creagh], (s. of Michael Lyons, dead, farmer) 14 February 1876 RC Chapel Creagh Wit: Patrick Larkin & Catherine McNamara [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon] signed his mark

Margarita Treacy & Michaelis Lyons

Anna Lyons b. 22 Nov/8 Dec 1876 Sp. Thomas Guiney & Anna Guiney. Ballinasloe Parish

Jacobus Lyons b. 19/29 Oct 1880 Sp. Eugenius? Lyons & Brigida Treacy. Ballinasloe Parish


Gulleilmi Treacy & Catherina Egan

Johannes Francisus Treacy b. 1 Aug/13 Sep 1878 Sp. Johannes Grehan & Mary Anne Ryan. Ballinasloe Parish


Kate Treacy, 24, maid, spinster, lives Do [Ballinasloe) [Creagh], (d. of Patrick Treacy, labourer) married William Gill, 26, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballinasloe, (s. of Thomas Gill, clerk) 04 April 1883 RC Chapel Creagh Wit: Martin Kelly & Norah Treacy, signed her mark [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]


Michael Treacy, 18 years, bachelor, farmer, lives Kilahorena [Killahorna otherwise Culliagharny Creagh], (s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Mary Hogarty, full [age], maid, spinster, lives Clara [Clarary Creagh], (d. of Patrick Hogarty, Do [farmer]) 29 April 1886 RC Chapel Creagh Wit: Daniel Hogarty & Winnafred Treacy, signed their marks [Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon] signed his mark


1901 Census

Michael Treacy, 32, M, 7 Culliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Roscommon

Mary Treacy, 40, F, Culliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Roscommon

Annie Treacy, 13, F, Culliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Mary Agnes Treacy, 10, F, Culliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Michael Treacy, 5, M, Culliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Katie Treacy, 4, F, Culliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon


1911 Census

Michael Tracey, 44, M, 8 Cuilliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon (farmer, widower)

Michael Tracey, 16, M, Cuilliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon

Katie Tracey, 14, F, Cuilliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon

Sarah Tracey, 6, F, Cuilliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon


Katherine Tracey, Ballinaslor (Ballinasloe Galway?) Ireland, 1913, 17 years, single, servant,  Father: Michael Treacy Killahormin? Ballinasloe. To sister Annie K? Tressy 324 Washington St Somerilly? St? Boston, 5’3”, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Ballinasloe Ireland [Cuilliagharny, Creagh, Roscommon]


Ireland and US share history and progress, US Governor says in Seanad address [LGBTQ+ Governor of Massachusetts Maura Healey -  maternal great-grandmother Katherine Tracey emigrated from Ballinasloe, Co Galway as a teen in 1912 - 1999 My uncle Joe Tracey showed us around the old farmstead]



US Governor with local ancestry to address Seanad [23 Jun 2023]

The Governor of Massachusetts Maura Healey, whose maternal ancestry is from the Ballinasloe/South Roscommon area, will address Seanad Éireann on Tuesday.

Governor Healey's great-grandmother's birth Kate Treacy was born July 15, 1897 in Killahornia/Culliagharny, Creagh, Ballinasloe in Roscommon to Michael Treacy and Mary Hogarty...




Ballinasloe Parish Deaths

Honor Treasy alias Costello of Kilieria?, died 16 Dec 1826, aged 54 years



NOTE: On the information collected, this is the correct lineage for this family.


Patrick Tracy & Margt

Mary Ann Tracy b. 2 Apr 1840 Sp. Patrick & Eliz Mone Newry Parish Co. Down (30 Reg)

Mary Tracy b. 2 Apr 1840 Sp. James & Margt Hogan Newry Parish Co. Down

Mark Tracy b. 22 Apr 1840 Sp. Patrick Baly & Mary Ann M'Caudl Newry Parish Co. Down (30 Reg) [born Bermuda 1836]


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

Patrick Tr(e)ac(e)y born Creagh, Roscommon. Served in 30th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39, 1822-1843

Patrick Tracey, b. 1804 Ballinasloe, Roscommon

Patrick Treacy Col Sgt b.1804 Creagh/Lough, Ballinasloe 30th Foot 1822-1843 labourer WO117/4


Patrick Treacy, widower, (s. of John Treacy) m. Martha Ainsworth, single, (d. of Richard ..Rout Ainsworth)  23 May 1844 Holy Trinity, Hull, York, England [Army]

Patrick Treacy, died 1874 Hull Yorkshire England, age 72


1851 Census - Institution, Extra Parochial, Yorkshire, (East Riding)

Patrick Tracey/Tracy, 47, b. 1804 Ballinasloe, Roscommon, Staff Seyeant Of Pentieners/Chelsea Pensioner

Martha Tracey, 40, b. 1811 Hendon Yorkshire,

Patrick W Tracy, 10, b. Eniskillen Fermanagh

1861 Census - Mason Street, Sculcoates, Yorkshire (East Riding)

Patrick Treacy             Head   M         57        Ireland, Staff Sergeant..Business

Martha Treacy             Wife    F          50        Hedon, Yorkshire

1871 Census - Sculcoates, Yorkshire (West Riding)

Patrick Tracy   Head   M         67        Billinsloe, Ireland, Army Staff Sergeant

Martha Tracy   Wife    F          60        Hedon, Yorkshire


Thomas Tracy of 48th Regiment married Hannah Waters 28 Aug 1862 Wit: Henry Mill 48th Reg & Timothy Mahony. St. Finbarr’s Parish, Cork City

Thomas Tracey & Anna Maria Waters

Marcus Joanne Tracey b. 3/4 March 1864 of Cork Barracks Sp. Maria Waters. Killarney Parish (LDS)

Thomas Tracey of Cak [Cork] Barracks, soldier, & Hanna Maria/Anne Mary Waters

Mary Johanna Tracey b. 4 March 1864 of Cork Barrick, Sp. Mary Waters. Rev. D.E. Kerricusis. RC Killarney. Killarney Parish

Thomas Tracey, soldier of Cork? Barracks, & Hanna Maria Waters

Mark John Tracey 3 Mar 1864 of High Street Killarney. John Hannan, occupier, High St Killarney. [Kilarney Killarney PLU]

Thomas Treacy, of 48th, & Hannah Waters

Louisa Margt Treacy b. 3 Feb 1867 Sp. James Moore & Elizabeth Meade. Curragh Camp Parish

Thomas Tracy & Hannah Maria Waters

Louisa Margaret b. 15 April 1867 Palmerston District, Dublin (LDS)

Thomas Tracy, a sergeant 48th Regt Foot, & Hannah Maria Waters

Louisa Margaret Tracy b. 15 Apr 1867 of Richmond Barracks. Hannah Maria Treacy, mother, Richmond Barks [Palmerston Dublin South PLU]


Yorkshire Gazette 29 July 1865 [brother?]

Treacy - On the 24th inst, at Shorncliffe Camp, aged 32, Drum Major John Treacy, son of Patrick Treacy, staff sergeant of pensioners, Hull District.


2545 Sergeant Mark James Treacy, Northamptonshire Regiment - 48th & 58th Foot [brother?]

Labourer, born Bermuda West Indies, attested for 48 Reg at Leeds 17 Oct 1849 aged 14 years.

served 18 years 31 days, 12.5 years abroad: Ionian Islands 2y1m, Cumea 1y2m, Malta 1y2m, Gibralter 1y2m, East Indies 6y6m

being found unfit for further service

..four good conduct badges..Crimea medal with Sebastopol clasp & Turkish war medal.

48 foot: Boy Oct 1849-1850, Lad Oct 1850-1853, Private Oct 1853-1864, Corporal April 1864-1866, Sergeant Oct 1866- 1871

Discharged 2 January 1872 aged 36y1m, 5'5.5", fair complexion, hazel eyes, D brown hair, no marks or scars.

Intended residence 47 Vernon Street [2 Bandis Row crossed out] Northampton

1881 Census - Barrack Street, Norwich Pockthorpe, Norfolk

Mark James Treacey, 45, b. 1836 West Indies, Single, Pensioner Music Teacher

Mark James Tracey burial 25 Apr 1884 Great Yarmouth, Norfolk


1867 Army Discharge

48th Regiment of Foot

Dublin November 14th 1867

Discharge of No. 7 Sergeant Thomas Treacy

Service 21 years 22 days..abroad 8 1/12 years viz Ionian Islands 1 6/12, Crimea 1 9/12, Malta 1 2/12, Gibralta 1 2/12, East Indies 2 6/12

Discharge at own request

Born Trichinopoly East Indies, attested for the 48 Regt at Hull York on the 24 August 1844 age 15 10/12 years.

Discharged at Dublin 3 Decr 1867, age 39 1/12, 5'7.25", fresh complexion, brown hair, labourer, scar of bullet wound on belly and side.

Intended place of residence: Hull Yorkshire.


1851 Census - Weedon Northamptonshire

Thomas Treacy, Unmarried, 22, b. 1829 E Indies Inchinopoly, Drummer Infantry Army

1871 Census -               Holy Trinity, Yorkshire (West Riding)

Thomas Treacy            Head          M                42                East Indies, Drum Major And Chelsea Pensioner

Hannah M Treacy       Wife            F                  26                Ireland

Mark J Treacy              Son             M                7                  Ireland

Emma Treacy               Daughter    F                  6                  Taunton, Somerset

Louisa M Treacy          Daughter    F                  4                  Ireland

Sarah Treacy                Daughter    F                  2                  Kingston Upon Hull, Yorkshire

Alice M Treacy             Daughter    F                  0                  Kingston Upon Hull, Yorkshire

1881 Census - 15, Rosamund Street, Kingston upon Hull Holy Trinity and St Mary, Hull, Yorkshire, England

Thomas             Treacy                Head                            Married           Male                            52      1829        Merchants Clerk        East India Trichinopoly (B.S.)

Hannah M        Treacy                Wife                             Married           Female                            36      1845        -                                      Ireland Cork

Mark J                Treacy                Son                               Single              Male                            17      1864        -                                      do [Ireland] Killarney

Emma                Treacy                Daughter                     Single              Female                            16      1865        -                                      Somerset Taunton

Louisa M           Treacy                Daughter                     Single              Female                            14      1867        -                                      Ireland Curragh Camp

Alice M              Treacy                Daughter                     Single              Female                            10      1871        Scholar                         Yorkshire Hull

Thomas F          Treacy                Son                               Single              Male                            8        1873        Scholar                         Yorkshire Hull

Albert H             Treacy                Son                               Single              Male                            6        1875        Scholar                         Yorkshire Hull

Alfred E             Treacy                Son                               Single              Male                            3        1878        Scholar                         Yorkshire Hull

1891 Census - Rosamond Street, Holy Trinity and St Mary, Hull, Yorkshire, England

Thomas             Treacy               Head                            Widower          Male                            62  1829            Clerk To The Rifle Volunteer            East Indies

John                    Treacy               Son                               Single               Male                            27  1864            Clerk Out Of Employment                Ireland

Louisa                Treacy               Daughter                     Single               Female                            24  1867            House Keeper                                      Ireland

Albert                 Treacy               Son                               -                        Male                            16  1875            -                                                              Hull, Yorkshire

Alfred                 Treacy               Son                               -                        Male                            13  1878            -                                                              Hull, Yorkshire


Albert Henry Tracy, b. 1875 Hull, Yorkshire WO97 Chelsea  

Albert Henry Treacey 1874 Hull, Yorkshire WO97 Chelsea  

Alfred Ernest Tracey, b. 1885 Hull, Yorkshire WO97 Chelsea  

Alfred Ernest Treacy, b. 1877 Hull, Yorkshire WO96 Militia  


Thomas Treacy (b. Trichinopoly [India?]) & Hannah ???

Mark Treacy b. 1864 Killarney, Ireland

Emma Treacy b.  1865 Taunton, Somerset, England

Lousia Treacy b.  1867 Curragh Camp, Kildare, Ireland

Sarah treacy b.  1869 Hull, Yorkshire, England

Alice Mary Treacy b.  1870 Hull, Yorkshire, England m. Fred Hollingsworth

Thomas Treacy b.  1872 Hull, Yorkshire, England

Albert Treacy b.  1875 Hull, Yorkshire, England

Alfred Treacy b.  1878 Hull, Yorkshire, England




drum major treacy.jpg


4, 5 & 6 June 1894 The Daily Mail


Death of a Veteran in Hull..residence Fera-grove, Wyndham-strret after a long and painful illness..Hull Rifles..Alma, Inkermann and the storming of the Redan.."Inkermann Tom"..The deceased was a son of the late Sergeant-Major Treacy, who will still be remendered by many persons as he used to be in charge of thr Old Garrison at Hull..the deceased was one of three brothers who took part in the Crimea, not one of them perishing at the hands of the enemy..The funeral of the late ex-Drum-Major Treacy took place this afternoon with full military honours at the Hedon-road cemetery..65 years..He was one of the few remaining heroes of the crimea..1st V.B. East Yorkshire regiment..drill instructor..


Treacy - On the 4th inst at his residence, Wyndham street, Colour-Sergeant Thomas Treacy, late of the 48 Regiment, and for 25 years drill instructor to the Hull Rifle Volunteers, aged 65 years.



 Ballintubber & Ballymoe


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1857-8 the following was recorded:

Frenchlawn townland of the Parish of Ballintober, Co. Roscommon



Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)

Andrew Tracey


James Larkin

Andrew Tracey

Ho offs ld (w/2o)

27a 3r 29p


Francis Tracey



Cathleen M Treacy (b. 22 October 1795 Snipehill Roscommon d. 2 November 1889 Carrowkeel Galway) m. Martin Finaghty (1783-1851) 11 February 1809 Snipehill Roscommon

Bernadus Bryan Finnerty 1813-1856



John Treacy Snipehill, Ballintubber, Roscommon, - declaration for customs officer 8 June 1853. Then spent six weeks in Dublin

John Treacy bapt. 29th August 1829 Sp. Peter Tiernan & Elinor Wade


Honora Tracy & Martin Niel

Mariam Niel b. 19 Jan 1832 Sp. Gullielmo & Margareto Rilly. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


Malachia Kelly & Allilia Finan

Martinium Kelly b. 10 Nov 1832 Sp. Thomas Kelly? & Anna Tracy. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


Andrei Tracy/Treacy & Rosa Connor [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

Stephimim Tracy b. 12 Dec 1832 Sp. Bernardus Finaghty & Magarta? ?  Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Franciscum? Tracy b. ? May 1834 Sp. Joannes Tracy & Catharina Foot?. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Martinum Treacy b. 18 Aug 1835 Sp. Joannes Treacy & J. M. Fescaghty?. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


Stephen Tracy/Treacy, born 1832 Ballintubber Roscommon Ireland

Stephen Tracy married Maria Wilhelmina Gilligan Wit: Andrew Treacy & Cate Giligan on the 18 Apr 1872 St. Nicholas East, Galway City

Stephen Treacy, 37, bachelor, Excise Officer, lives 81 Manor Street Dublin, (s. of Andrew Treacy, farmer) married Maria Wilhelmina Gilligan, 24, spinster, Lady, lives St. Vincents? Avenue Galway, (d. of Hugh Gilligan, accountant) 11 April 1872 at the residence of Hugh Gilligan Esq according to the rites and ceremonies of the Roman Catholic church by Peter Dooley of St. NIcholas Wit: Hugh Gilligan & John Gilligan [Galway Galway PLU]

Stephen Treacy & Maria W Gilligan

Rosetta Maria Christina Treacy b. 24 Dec 1873 bapt. 5 Jan 1874 of 79 Manor St Sp. Michael Gilligan & Jane Hope St. Paul's Parish, Dublin

Stephen Tracey of 79 Manor Street, Revenue Officer, & Maria Gilligan

Rose Tracey b. 24 Dec 1873 of 79 Manor Street. Jane Mathew her mark 71 Prussia Street present at birth [North City Dublin]

Stephen Treacy of Salt Hill, Inland Revenue Officer & Maria Wilhelmina Teresa Gilligan

Andrew Mara? O'Conor Treacy b. 4th December 1879 Salt Hill [Galway PLU]


16 February 1876 FJ

TREACY - Feb. 12, at 48 Goldsmith-street, Rosetta Maria Christina, the dearly beloved and only child of Stephen and Maria Treacy, aged two years. ...


11 December 1879 FJ

TREACY-December 4, at SaithIl, Gatway, the wilfe of Stephen Treacy, Esq., H.M, Inland Revenue, Belfast, of a son.


12 December 1879 Belfast Morning News

".. Stephen Treacy, Eeq., H.M. Inland Revenue, Belfast, of a son."

6 March 1880 Belfast Morning News

Treacy—March 3, at Salt Hill, Gallway, Maria W. T. Treacy, wife of Stephen Treacy, H.M. Inland .. ”

28 Dec 1882 The Irish Canadian

At Galway, on December 4th Mr Stephen Treacy, an excise officer, was found dead in bed. The servant called Mr Treacy to breakfast at eleven o'clock in the morning, when he told her he would not rise for a little longer; and at four o'clock she again called him to dinner, but receiving no reply, went into the bedroom and found him dead. Deceased was a widower and 48 years old.


1901 Census

Martin Treacy, 55, M, 9 Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon, Farmer, R Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Patrick Treacy, 56, M, Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon, Farm Labourer, R Catholic, Brother, Not Married, Co Roscommon


Patrick Treacy, died 31 March 1906 Snipehill, bachelor, 63 years, farmer, probably bronchitis, Martin Treacy brother Snipehill present at death. [Castlerea PLU] [b. 1843]

7 Apr 1906 Roscommon Messanger

Ballintubber Fair. 9th Inst. Death and Funeral of Mr Patk Treacy, Snipehill, Ballintubber. We regret to have announce the death of Mr Patrick Treacy which sad event occurred rather unexpectedly at the residence brother, Mr Martin Treacy, Smpehill, Ballmtubber, Saturday last

1906 Catholic Journal

Roscommon. — The death of Patrick Treacy, Snipehill, Ballintubber, occurred March 31 aged sixty years; deeply regretted,


Martin Treacy, 63, bachelor, farmer, lives Snipehill Ballintuber, (s. of Andrew Treacy, farmer) married Hanna Fleming, 33, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Snipehill Ballintubber, (d. of Thomas Fleming, miller) 26 November 1901 RC Chapel Ballintubber Wit: Moichael Kelly & Kate Fleming [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU]


1911 Census

Martin Tracy, 67, M, 4 Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon (farmer)

Anne M Tracy, 41, F, Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon (married 9 years, 1 child)

Andrew Tracy, 4, M, Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon

Ellie Fleming, 37, F, Frenchlawn, Ballintober, Roscommon (sister-in-law, single)


Andrew Treacy, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Frenchlawn Ballintubber, (s. of Martin Treacy, farmer) married Mary Margaret Conneally, 20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Willisgrove Ballintubber, (d. of William Conneally, farmer) 14 Apr 1932 RC Church Ballintubber Wit: John Fleming & Helen Conneally [Castlerea Castlerea PLU]


Joanna/Jane Tracy & Joannis Grogan

Joannam Gregan b. 5 Jun 1835 Sp. Felim Grogan & Anna Tracy. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Annan Grogan b. 12 Jan 1842 Sp. Michael & Margaret ?. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Dionstum Grogan b. 21 Apr 1845 Sp. Michael Tracy & Catharina Tracy. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Brigidam Grogan b. 29 Jan 1847 Sp. Johanne Kelly & Margretta Leonard. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Margarettam Grogan b. 8 Jul 1858 Sp. Michael Percel & Celia Treanas?. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


Marie Tracy & Michaelis Flood

Catharinam Flood b. 6 May 1842 Sp. Maria Kean. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


John Treacy & Mary Gavin

Bernard J. Treacy b. June 24, 1842, in French Lawn, parish of Ballintubber m. Mary Ganley, of Rosmeen, County Roscommon [see Bernard J Treacy of Roscommon]


Bernard J. Treacy, horse-breeder, trainer and dealer, Lexington, is the third son of John Treacy, a civil-engineer of superior education, employed on Government works in the county Roscommon, Ireland, who married a Miss Gavin, of County Galway, and by the union became the father of seven children, only four of whom are living—two sisters in the United States, one son a civil- engineer in County Galway, Ireland; the other, the subject of this paragraph, who was born June 24, 1842, in French Lawn, Parish of Ballintubber, County Roscommon, Ireland. After receiving an education at the excellent schools of his native country, he married Mary Ganly, of Rossmeen [Rosmeen Ballintober], County Roscommon, and came to the United States at the age of twenty years, settling in Lexington, Ky.


Patritii Tracy & Rose Connelly

Marcum Tracy b. 26 Jan 1845 Sp. Joanne Tracy & Maria Casman? Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


Danielis Bones & Anna Rean

Michaelam Bones b. ? Oct? 1851 Sp. Johannes Tracy & Maria Bones. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


Maria Anna Tracy & Danielis Leary

Johannam Leary b. 27 Aug 1852 Sp. Francisius Tracy & Maria Leonard. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish


26 July 1884 Freeman's Journal

Mr John O'Leary, RI Constabulary, Kilcock, son of Mr Daniel O'Leary, RIC, Londonderry city, and grandson to Mr Andrew Treacy. F-Yill. Balintaubber, Roscommon, to Teresa, second daughter of the late Mr James Cleary, Kilcock town.


John O'Leary. full age, bachelor, Constable R.I.C., of Kilcock, (s. of Daniel O'Leary, alive, Insurance Agent) married Teresa Cleary, do, spinster, do [Kilcock], (d. of James Cleary, dead, farmer) Wit: Thomas Gready? & Bridget Ging? on the June 30 1884 RC Chapel Newtown [PLU Kilcock Celbridge Kildare]


Francisco/Francis Treacy & Anna Boyle [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

b. 26/29 Feb 1865 Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Bodilia Eleanora Treacy b. 28/29 Feb 1865 of Cloreboy Sp. Andrea Treacy & Maria Boyle. Ballintubber and Ballymoe Parish

Francis Treacy, farmer of Cleaboy, & Anne Boyle

Catherine Treacy b. 1 Mar 1864 of Cleaboy [Ballintober]. Francis Treacy, father, Cleaboy [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] (LDS)

Bidelia Ellen Treacy b. 15 Jan 1866 of Cleaboy Ballintobber. Anne treacy, mother, Cleaboy [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] (LDS)

Frank Treacy & Ann Boyle [Galway]

Anna Treacy b. 19 Jan 1868 of Carenderry [Carrownderry Templetogher] Sp John Cerrabine? & Ellen Fallon? Templetoher Parish [ie Boyounagh Parish]

Francis Treacey/Treacy & Ann/Anne Boyle

Francis b. 5 July 1870 (LDS)

Eliza Treacy b. 28 Dec 1872 Careuderry, Williamstown (LDS)

Michael James b. 19 July 1875 (LDS)

Bernard Joseph b. 20 May 1879 Carenderry (LDS) [Carrownderry? Templetogher]

Francis Tracey/Treaccy, farmer/solicitors clerk, & Anne Boyle

Anne Tracey b. 11 Jan 1868 of Carenderry parish of Templetoher [Carrownderry Templetogher] Anne Treacy, mother, Carenderry [Williamstown Glenamaddy PLU]

Francis Treacy b. 5 Jul 1870  Carenderry parish of Templetogher. Francis Treacy, father, Carenderry [Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU]

Eliza Treacy b. 28 Dec 1872 Carrenderry. Anne Treacy, mother, Carrenderry [Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU] [registered 1873]

Michael James Tracey b. 19 Jul 1875 Carrenderry. Anne Treacy, mother, Carrenderry [Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU]


James Treacy died 1905, Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU Galway, Aged 65 years, b. 1840, died 3 Jun 1905 Carrinderry  [Carrownderry? Templetogher], bachelor, labourer, Anne Treacy aunt [sister-in-law] present at death Carrinderry [brother]


Anne Treacy died 1916, Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU Galway, Aged 80 years, b. 1836, died 4 Jul 1916 Carrenderry  [Carrownderry? Templetogher], married, land surveyor widow [corrected wife], Francis Treacy widower present at death Carrenderry


Francis Treacy died 1917, Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU Galway, Aged 86 years, b. 1831, died 16 Oct 1917 Carrenderry, widower, land surveyor, Lizzie Treacy daughter present at death Carrenderry


John Treacy, 57, b. 1 Jan 1860 Ireland, (s. of Frank Treacy & Anne O'Boyle, both born Ireland), Widowed, clerk, died 27 Jun 1917 1981 Southern Boulevard Manhattan, New York City, New York, buried 30 Jun 1917


Kate A. Tracy, 83, b. 26 Feb 1863 Ireland, (d. of Francis Tracy & Anne O'Boyle, both born Ireland), Single, Retired nurse, Died 1 Oct 1947 800 Elsmore Place, Manhattan, New York City, New York, Buried 4 Oct 1947 St. Raymonds


Francis W Tracy, 48, b. 5 Jul 1869 Ireland (Francis Tracy & Ann Boyle, both born Ireland), Catholic Priest, died 14 Jun 1918 St Marys 119, Rochester Township, Olmsted, Minnesota, United States, Informant: Sister Jerome St Marys Rochester


James Tracy, 65, b. 19 Jul 1875 Ireland (s. of Francis Tracy & Anne Boyle, both born Ireland), Single, Auditor, Died 4 Oct 1940 800 Elimere Place, Manhattan, New York City, New York, buried 7 Oct 1940


Hael [Mich] James Treacy, b. 19 Jul 1875 Williamstown*, [village in Corralough Templetogher] (s. of Francis Treacy & Ann Boyle)

Social Program Application Date: Nov 1936


Ellis Island


Kate A. Tracey, Sound Beach USA, 1910, 45 [50] years, single?, trained nurse, lived various USA since 1883, to Elizabeth A Curdago? Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, Fresh complexion, greyish hair, grey eyes, b. Ballintubber [Roscommon] Ireland [crossed out] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon]

Kate A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA, 1910, 45 years, single, nurse, Father: Francis Tracy Carrenderry Co Galway. lived 1893 1910 Sound Beach. resident returning Shore Rd Sound Beach Conn. 5’2”, fair complexion, dark hair, Grey eyes. b. Carrenderry Ireland.

Kate A. Tracy, Sound Beach USA,1908, 43 years, single, nurse, Mr Francis Tracy, Carrenderry, Co. Galway. resident returning Sound Beach Conn, 5’2”, fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A. Tracy 43, Patrick C Tracy 25]


Patrich C. Tracy, Galway (Ireland), 1904, 21 years, single, student, to Rochester NY, Friend Superior of St Bernards Cemenary Rochester NY

Patrick C. Treacy, Ballymoc (Ballyroe, Templetogher, Galway) Ireland, 1905, 22 years, single, student, Resident returning to St Bernards Seminary Rochester NY

Patrick Cyril Tracy, Carrenderry (Carrownderry Templetogher) Galway Ireland, 1907, 24 years, single, student, lived Carrenderry Co. Galway. Francis Tracy Carrenderry Ballymoe?. lived 3 years Rochester, to Home St. Bernards? Seminary, 6’1”, clean complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, b. Carrenderry Ireland.

Patrick Cyril Tracy, Rochester USA, 1908, 25 years, single, clergyman, Mrs Tracy, Carrenderry Co. Galway. friend Right Rev Chas H Cotton DD, 1025 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY, 5’11”, fair complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes. b. Ballymoe Ireland. [Kate A Tracy 43, Patrick Cyril Tracy 25]

Patrick Tracey, Wailliamstown (Williamstown Galway? Ireland), 1905, 24 [22], single, student, Ireland USA, Williamstown Ire, to Rochester NY, lived Rochester 1905, to St Bernards Seminary Rochester NY. [Crossed out] [Patrick Tracy 22 and Wm Patrick Tracey 32 on the same boat]

Wm Patrick Tracey, Williamstown (Galway Ireland?), 1905, 32 years, single, tourist, Australian, Williamstown, to the World, lived Pasana thro 1905, touring the world via Vancouver BC. [Patrick Tracy 22 and Wm Patrick Tracey 32 on the same boat]


Mary Treacy, 25, spinster, servant, lives Farton Parish of Balinakill [Faartan Ballynakill (Ballymoe)], (d. of Patrick Treacy, herdsman) married John Saxon, 32, bachelor, farm  labourer, lives Farton Parish of Balinakill, (s. of Samuel Saxon, deceased, farmer) 23 February 1868 RC Chapel of Ballymoe Wit: Martin Moore & Bridget Finneran, their marks [Williamstown Glenamaddy PLU Galway] signed their marks [see 1901 & 1911 Census - Carntubber East [Carrowntober Kilkerrin] (Kiltullagh, Galway)]

Mary Treacy, 25, b. 1843, single (d. of Patrick Treacy) m. John Saxon, 32, b. 1836, single (s. of Samuel Saxon) 23 Feb 1868 Ballymoe, Co. Galway, Ireland (LDS) [maybe Ballintubber and Ballymoe RC Roscommon]



Thomas Treacy (b. abt 1839 in Tipperary d. 16 Jan 1887 Templmore, Co. Tipperary) & Nora Connors (b. c. 1846)


Has ChildrenMary Kate TREACY m. Bartley DOCKREY b: in French Park, Roscommon, Ireland [1911 Census Templemore Co. Tipperary]

Has No ChildrenLizzie TREACEY b: Abt 1872 d. 2 Jun 1875 in Templmore, Co. Tipperary

Has No ChildrenJohanna TREACY

Has No ChildrenMargaret TREACY

Has No ChildrenNora TREACY

Has No ChildrenCharles TREACY

Has No ChildrenDaniel TREACY

Kelly Broderick 2007-07-12




The pride of Ballintubber, Co. Roscommon, The Premier Aces started their careers known as The Pioneers Aces as none of the band drank alcohol and all were members of The Total Abstinence Society. The band was put together, in part, by the late Peter Shanagher, who had been the leader of the Ivy Caste Dance Band, also based in Ballintubber. However, Peter emigrated to England in 1956 before the band hit the road and handed over the reins to Stephen Treacy and Paddy Malone. The original line up was: Paddy Malone (alto sax), Andy Malone (drums), Sonny Ward (tenor sax), Stephen Treacy (accordion) Liam Treacy (saxophone) and Mickey Slyman (vocals and trombone).


Around 1960, the Treacy brothers (Stephen and Liam) decided to form their own band, The Rhythm Stars (also from Ballintubber) with three of their brothers, Aidan, Al and Sylvester. Pat Rock, showband era historian from Ballymahon, says the Rhythm Stars were unique in that there were seven brothers and one sister involved at one time or another. They were Stephen, Len, Al, Gerald, Aiden, Silvie, Liam (R.I.P.), and Millie Treacy. The full list of those who featured with the Rhythm Stars Showband from 1960 to 1974 includes the eight members of the Treacy family (mentioned earlier), Paul Lynch, Jimmy Raftery, Sean Raftery (R.I.P.), Jack Mulheir, Michael Clarke, Jimmy Diffley, P.J. Crane, John Dunne, Michael Keane, Dene Lane, Michael McDermott (R.I.P.) and Jimmy Kearney. Managers included Brendan Wallace, Billy Molloy (R.I.P.) and Stephen Treacy. In 1972, several ex-members of the Rhythm Stars formed a new version of The Premier Aces with local singer, Patsy McCaul out front. The lineup included Aidan (trumpet), Sylvie (accordion/keyboards/Guitar) and Al Treacy (drums), brothers of original Pioneer Aces, Liam (RIP) and Stephen.


In the mid-1980s, Sylvie and Aiden played with the Brendan Shine band, Al played with the T.R. Dallas band, and Lyn played with a local group in Roscommon. Michael lived in  Tubbercurry. Gerald Treacy owned a shoe shop in Swinford Mayo and Steve had was in the shoe trade in Castlerea.

(3/9/1986 Connaught Telegraph)


In 2003, memories of the the Rhythm Stars are alive and well with the release of a new CD. Copies of the CD were available from Stephen Treacy’s Sports Shop, Main Street, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon.


Pioneer Aces 1958



St Treacy GlynnsPhotography.com 7 pictures https://www.flickr.com/photos/glynnsphotography/sets/72157625417240335/with/5238691824/






Stephen Treacy, Main Street, Castlerea, Roscommon/Ballintubber, Roscommon


The death occurred, peacefully, and surrounded by his family, in the loving care of the wonderful nurses and staff at the Sacred Heart Home, Roscommon, on Saturday, February 22 of  Stephen Treacy, Main Street, Castlerea, Co Roscommon and formerly of Ballintubber Co Roscommon and formerly of the Rhythm Stars Showband. Predeceased by his wife Geraldine, his brothers Liam and Al, and his sister Pauline. Stephen will be dearly missed by his beloved daughters Gillian, Paula, Ruth, Sheila and Claire, his much-loved grandchildren Ruthie, Conor, Priya, Anya, Amélie and Anaïs, his sons-in-law Gary, Killian, Alan, Ronan and John, his brothers Martin, Andy, Gerald, Len, Aiden and Sylvie, and sisters Millie and Teenie, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, customers, colleagues in the Castlerea Brass and Reed band and his many, many friends. May he rest in peace.

Mass of the Resurrection at 11am on Tuesday, February 25 in St Patrick’s Church, Castlerea. Burial afterwards in Ballinlough Cemetery. ‘I lived in my time.’

25 Feb 2020 Longford Leader Reporter






Patrick Mulvogue

Am trying to trace parents and siblings of Patrick, whose last address was Abbeytown House, Boyle. He was born around 1800, and married Frances Tracy.
ktx45@yahoo.com Mar 24, 2000 11


Patrick Mulvogue was living at Abbeytoon House, Boyle, at time of death, which must have been between 1840 and 1896. He married Frances Ann Tracey, and three of their children emigrated to Australia in 1857 (Patrick, Winifred and Julia). I believe another son emigrated to USA. I would like to find parents and children of Patrick who died in Ireland.

mulvogue@i-o.net.au Feb 17, 2000


Maria Tracy married Patritius Gannon 19 November 1845 Wit: Elizabeth Henry & Catherina Sheeky? Boyle Parish (LDS)


Francis Tracy & Margt Hendal

Emela Matilda Tracy b. 24 Feb 1856 Sp. [Michl? Hendal? Crossed out] Robt? Fellassings? & Margt Loyd. Boyle Parish (LDS)


Mary Tracy? [Tansy?] & Micl Walsh

Ellen Walsh b. 10 Mar 1860 Sp. Thos Trasy? & Ellen Trasy? Boyle Pahish


 Clontuskert (& Kilgefin)


Note: Online RC baptisms are 1865 to 1878 and marriages are 1865 to 1879.


Mary Treacy b. abt 1724 Kilgefin m. James Nolan abt 1745 Kilgefin (LDS)


John Tracy, 34, bachelor, farmer, lives Corry [Kilgefin], (s. of John Tracy, farmer) married Anne Madden, 20, spinster, lives Corry, (d. of Barthw Madden, farmer) 25 January 1869 RC Chapel Ballagh Wit: Peter Gillooly & Mary Gillooly [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

John Tracy, 34, (s. of John Tracy) m. Anne Madden, 20, (d. of Barthow Madden) 25 Jan 1869 Ballyleague, Roscommon

Joanne(s)/John Tracey/Tracy & Anna/Anne Maden/Madden

Michael Tracy b. 6/31 July 1870 of Corry Sp. Patritus Tracy & Maria Noone. Kilbride Parish

Gulielmus Tracy b. 19/27 October 1872 of Corry K Gilin Sp. Francis? & Catherina Gillooly. Kilbride Parish 

John Tracey/Tracy & Anne Madden

Michael b. 31 Jul 1870 Ballyleague (LDS)

William b. 25 October 1872 (LDS)

John b. 9 August 1878 Corry Kilgefin (LDS)

John Tracy/Tracey, labourer/small farmer, & Anne Madden

Michael Tracy b. 31 Jul 1870 Corry Kilgefin. Anne Tracy, her mark, mother Corry [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

William Tracey b. 25 Oct 1872 Corry Kilgefin. John Tracey, his mark, father, Corry [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Bridget Tracey b. 15 Sep 1874 Corry Kilgefin. Anne Tracey, her mark, mother, Corry [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


John Tracey, 28, bachelor, farmer, lives Corry [Kilgefin], (s. of John Tracey, dead, farmer) married Kate Harlow, 24, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Corry, (d. of Hubert Harlow, alive, farmer) 21 January 1909 RC Church Ballagh [Kilgefin] Wit: William Treacy & Bridget Harlow [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Joannes Tracey of Clonmore Kiltevan [Cloonmore, Kilteevan] (s. of Gulielmi Tracey) married Anna Davis of Lisania? [Lisnanarriagh Cloontuskert] (d. of Petri Davis of Lisania) 20 Feb 1873 Wit: Michael Murphy & Sarah Davis of Lismania. Clontuskert Parish [see Roscommon and Kilteevan]

John Tracey, 32, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloonmore, (s. of William Tracey, farmer) married Anne Davis, 23, spinster, BLANK, lives Lisnasa, (d. of Peter Davis, farmer) 20 February 1873 RC Chapel Clontusket Wit: Michael Murphy & Sarah Davis [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Gulielmus Tracey of Clontymullen [Cloontimullan Kilteevan], (s. of Thoma & Brigida Carroll of Clontymullen) married Eleonna Kenny of Weekfield [Cloontuskert between Gardentown and Lisnanarriagh in Tithe Records], (d. of Jacobi & Cathe Hanly of Weekfield) 15 Oct 1877 Wit: Andreas Gill of Ballyleague [Cloontuskert] & Anna Lohan of Weekfield. Clontuskert Parish [see Roscommon and Kilteevan]

William Tracey, 23, bachelor, labourer, lives Cloontysmullan, (s. of Terence Tracey, labourer) married Ellen Kenny, 18, spinster, BLANK, lives Weekfield, (d. of James Kenny, dead, labourer) 15 October 1877 RC Chapel Cloontuskert Wit: Andrew Gill & Anne Lohan [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Gulielmi Tracey & Eleonora Kenny

Bridgitta Tracey b. 6/9 Aug 1878 of Weekfield Sp. Martinis Tracey & Elenora Duke. Clontuskert Parish. 

William Tracey & Ellen Kenny

Bridget b. 4 August 1878 Weekfield Cloonaskert (LDS)

John b. 22 May 1880 Cloontuskert (LDS)


Ellen Tracey nee Kenny, 45, widow, BLANK profession, lives Weekfield? (d. of James Kenny, farmer) married Patrick/Patk Smith, 60, widower, pensioner, lives Roscommon [Roscommon], (s. of Laurence Smith, farmer) 07 January 1893 RC Chapel Ballyleague [Cloontuskert] Wit: Martin Cunningham & Bridget Brady, signed their marks [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks


1901 Census

Patrick Treacy, 19, M, 9 Coolshaghtena, Cloontuskert, Roscommon, Farmers Son, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Martin Treacy, 13, M, Coolshaghtena, Cloontuskert, Roscommon, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Ellen Smyth, 37, Female, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Farmer, Widow, Co Roscommon

Kate Smyth, 6, Female, Daughter, Roman Catholic, -, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Anne Smyth, 4, Female, Daughter, Roman Catholic, -, Not Married, Co Roscommon


1911 Census

Ellen Smyth, 70, F, 1 Coolshaghteria, Cloontuskert, Roscommon (head, farm, widow)

Kate Smyth, 16, F, 1 Coolshaghteria, Cloontuskert, Roscommon (daughter)

Anne Smyth, 16, F, 1 Coolshaghteria, Cloontuskert, Roscommon (daughter)

Martin Treacy, 24, M, 1 Coolshaghteria, Cloontuskert, Roscommon (son)


Michael Tracy, 24, bachelor, labourer, lives Cloonlymullen [Cloontimullan] Kilteevan, (s. of Terence Tracy, labourer) married Ellen Duke, 20, spinster, BLANK, lives Carrowkrin [Carrowcrin] Kilbride, (d. of Michael Duke, labourer) 02 February 1880 RC Chapel Ballagh Wit: Thomas Collins & Mary Duke, signed her mark [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks [see Roscommon and Kilteevan]


Bridget Tracey, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ashbrook Scrancogue? [Lissonuffy] (d. of Michael Tracey, farmer) married Thomas Boland, full age, bachelor, famer, lives Cursyorda? Curraghroe? [Lissonuffy] (s. of Michael Boland, farmer) 16 January 1885 RC Chapel Curraghroe Wit: Michael Donohoe & Eliza Tracey? [Rooskey Strokestown Roscommon PLU] signed their marks


Terence Tracy, 22, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloontymullen Kiltevan [Cloontimullan Kilteevan], (s. of Terence Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Cunningham, 21, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Carrowcrin Kilbride, (d. of Martin Cunningham, farmer) 19 March 1886 RC Chapel Ballagh Wit: John Cunningham, Michael Duke & Bridget Gill, signed their marks [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks


Ellen Tracey nee Kenny, 45, widow, BLANK profession, lives Weekfield? (d. of James Kenny, farmer) married Patrick/Patk Smith, 60, widower, pensioner, lives Roscommon [Roscommon], (s. of Laurence Smith, farmer) 07 January 1893 RC Chapel Ballyleague [Cloontuskert] Wit: Martin Cunningham & Bridget Brady, signed their marks [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks [see above]


Patrick Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (s. of Patrick Treacy, dead, farmer) married Catherine/Kate Gillooly, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Corry [Kilgefin], (d. of John Gillooly, alive, farmer) 02 March 1908 RC Church Ballagh Wit: Patrick Treacey of Clooncagh & Nora Gillooly of N.S. Lamore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] [see Roscommon and Kilteevan]


John Tracey, 28, bachelor, farmer, lives Corry [Kilgefin], (s. of John Tracey, dead, farmer) married Kate Harlow, 24, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Corry, (d. of Hubert Harlow, alive, farmer) 21 January 1909 RC Church Ballagh [Kilgefin] Wit: William Treacy & Bridget Harlow [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] [see above]



 Dysart (Galway/Roscommon)


John Tracy, Culleen [Cuilleenirwan? Dysart], farmer, & Bridget Dolan

Ellen Tracey b. 29 Mar 1871 Ballinasloe? [Creagh]. Bridget Dolan, her mark, mother, Union Workhouse Athlone – Ballinasloe? crossed out] [Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon] [unmarried]


Maria Treacy of Tullaneeny [Tullyneeny Taghboy] (d. of Thoma Treacy of Tullaneeny) married Jacobus Fallon of Thomas St. (s. of Petri Fallon of Tullaneeny) 24 Feb 1873 Wit: Nicholis Fallon of of Tullaneeny & Catherina Fallon of of Tullaneeny. Dysart Parish

Mary Tracey, 21, spinster, spinster, lives Tullaneeny, (d. of Thomas Tresay, deceased, Do [farmer]) married James Fallon, 25, bachelor, merchant, lives Thomas Street, (s. of Peter Fallon, farmer) 22 February 1873 RC Chapel of Dysart Wit: Michael Fallon & Catherine Fallon [Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon] [Note: The original text was for the next record of Mathew Foley & Mary Curley which was crossed out]

Maria Tracy m. Jacobi Fallon 24 February 1873 Ballyforan (LDS)

Maria Tracy & Jacobi Fallon

Joannes Fallon b. 8 Jun/11 Jun 1875 of Thos Street [Dysart Village?] Sp. Edvardi Fallon & Mariarti Relly. Dysart Parish

Catherina Fallon b. 2 Oct/7 Oct 1876 of Thos Street Sp. Michael Gaitey & Eleonora Kelly. Dysart Parish

Petrus Fallon b. 14/21 Sep 1878 of Thomas Street Sp. Gulielmus Fallon & Catherina Fallon. Dysart Parish

Mary Tracey & James Fallon, farmer

John Fallon b. 12 Jul 1875 Thomas Street. Mary Fallon, mother, Thomas Street [1875 13 11 Brideswell Athlone PLU]**


Joannes Tracy of Cullun [Cuilleenirwan? Dysart Roscommon] (s. of Thomas Tracy of Cullan) married Margarita Fallon of Gardenfort [Garrynphort Cam] (d. of Joannes Fallon of Gardenfort) 24 Feb 1873 Wit: Joannes Fallon of Dysart & Anna Fallon of Dysart [Civilparish]. Kiltomb Parish (LDS)

John/Joannis/Joannes Trac(e)y (s. of Thomas Tracy) m. Margaret/Margarita Fallon 24 February 1873 RC Cam and Kiltoom (LDS)

John Tracy, 18, bachelor, farmer, lives Dysart, (s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer) married Margaret Fallon, 22, spinster, BLANK, lives Gardenfort, (d. of John Fallon, farmer) 24 February 1873 RC Chaple Cam Wit: John Fallon & Anne Fallon? [Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon]

Joannis Tracy & Margarita Fallon

Gulielmus Tracy b. 21/25 Jan 1874 of Cullein Irwin [Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon] Sp. Patritii Fallon & Maria Fallon. Dysart Parish

Catharina Tracy b. 27 Jul/8 Aug 1875 of Culleenirwin Sp. Petro Fallon & Maria Tracy. Dysart Parish

Thoma Tracy b. 27 Jul/5 Aug 1877 of Culleenirwins Sp. Patritio Fallon & Maria Fallon. Dysart Parish

Michael Treacy b. 11 Aug/21 Sep 1879 of Culleenirwin Sp. Michael Fallon & Maria Treacy. Dysart Parish

Gulielmus Tracy b. 11 Nov/11 Nov 1880 of Cloonloughlin Sp. Michael Connolly & Breda Connolly. Dysart Parish

John/Joannis/Joannes Trac(e)y & Margaret/Margarita Fallon

Thomas b. 5 August 1872 Ballyforan (LDS)

William b. 22 January 1874 Brideswell (LDS) Gulielmus b. 21 Jan 1874 bapt. 25 Jan 1874 Dysart (LDS)

Catherine b. 29 July 1875 (LDS) Catharina b. 27 Jul 1875 bapt. 8 Aug 1875 Dysart (LDS)

Thoma Tracey b. 22 Jul 1877 bapt. 5 Aug 1877 Dysart (LDS)

Michael b. 11 August 1879 (LDS) bapt. 21 Sep 1879 Dysart (LDS)

John Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Fallom/Fallon

William Tracey b. 22 Jan 1974 Culleen. Margaret Tracey, her mark, mother, Culleen [Athlone PLU Brideswell Roscommon]

Catherine Tracey b. 29 Jul 1875 Culleenerwin [Cuilleenirwan Dysart]. John Tracy, father, Culleenerwin [Brideswell Athlone PLU]**

Thomas Tracey b. 21 Aug 1877 Culleenirwin. John Tracey, father, Culleenirwin [Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon]


Thomas Treacy of Cartron [Tisrara] (s. of Nicholis Treacy of Cartron) married Elleonora Carrol of Clooalaughlin [Cloonlaughnan Tisrara] (d. of Timothei Carrol of Clooalaughlin) 17 Feb 1874 Wit: Joannes McDonnell of Kilmore & Catherina Lennon of Corrocot [Correa? Tisrara]. Dysart Parish

Thomas Treacy, 29, bachelor, farmer, lives Cartron, (s. of Michael Treacy, deceased, farmer) married Ellen Carroll, 24, spinster, BLANK, lives Clooncughlin [Cloonlaughnan Tisrara], (d. of Timothy Carroll, deceased, Do [farmer]) 17 February 1874 RC Chapel Tessara [Tisrara] Wit: John McDonnell & Cathrine Lennon [Athleague Roscommon PLU] signed her mark

Thomas Tracy & Helena/Elleanora Carroll

Honora Tracy b. 13/18 Sep 1875 of Carhon [Cartron Tisrara] Sp. Patricius Lennon & Anna Lennon. Dysart Parish

Maria Tracy b. 13/25 Nov 1876 of Cloonlaughlin [Cloonlaughnan Tisara] Sp. Laurentis Moran & Maria Burk. Dysart Parish

Michael Tracy b. 27 Jul/2 Aug 1878 of Cartron Sp. Michael Stanford & Brigida Heath. Dysart Parish

Gulielmus Tracy b. 11 Oct/11 Nov 1880 of Cloonloughlin Sp. Michael Connolly & Brida Connolly. Dysart Parish

Thoma Tracy & Helena/Elleonora/Ellen Carroll

Honora Tracy b. 13 Sep 1875 bapt. 18 Sep 1875 Dysart (LDS)

Maria b. 13 Nov 1876 bapt. 25 Nov 1876 Dysart (LDS)

Michael b. 22 Jul 1878 bapt. 2 Aug 1878 Dysart (LDS)

William Treacy b. 1 Dec 1880 Cloonloughlin, Tissara (LDS)

Thomas Tracy, small farmer, & Ellen Carroll

Honoria Tracy b. 27 Nov 1875 Cloonloughlin Tissara [Cloonlaughnan Tisara] Thomas Tracy, father, Cloonloughlin [Athleague Roscommon PLU]

Mary Tracy b. 28 Jan 1877 Cloonloughlin. Thomas Tracy, father, Cloonloughlin [Athleague Roscommon PLU]



Tisara Cemetery

In loving memory of, Mary Tracy, Cloonloughlin, Mount Talbot, died, 31st March 1958, aged, 60 yrs. her husband, Thomas, died, 15th July 1964, aged 80 yrs. their son, Thomas Joseph, died, 12th Feb. 1987, aged, 52 yrs.





British War Office to 1860 (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

James Tracey, b. 1817 Elphin, Roscommon


British War Office –Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 

James Tracey born Kilkenny, Kilkenny. Served in 74th Foot Regiment; Surrey Militia Discharged aged 39, 1833-1854 [b. 1815] [Sergeant Highland Light Infantry - 71st & 74th Foot No.1008]

James Tracey, b. ? Kilkenny, Kilkenny

James Tracy b.1815 St James, Kilkenny 74th till 1854, Surrey Militia 1833 – 1854 b. Elphin, Roscommon 1817?


Petri Tracy & Maria Duffy

Gulielmus Tracy b. 25 Aug 1823 of Loghee? [Lugboy? Elphin] Illigit Sp. Joanes & Maria Farrell. Elphin Parish


Mary Treacy & Patt Brady

Annam Brady b. 12 Sep 1824 of Tully-curtran [Tullycartron Elphin] Sp. Joanes & Anna Treacy. Elphin Parish


Joane/Gena/Genny/Jane Tracy/Treacy & Edmundi/Edvardi Kelly

Edm Kelly b. 26 Oct 1824 Sp. Johs Dyer? & Brid Banaghan. Elphin Parish

Marian Kelly b. 3 Aug 1827 of Currabaun? [Corrabaun Elphin] Sp. Martines Tracy & Maria Ward. Elphin Parish

Mariam Kelly b. 18 Dec 1829 Sp. Jacobo Kelly & Margarita Ward. Elphin Parish

Joannem Kelly b. 13 Jun 1832 of Currabane Sp. Thos Gronan & Brigida King. Elphin Parish


Elizabeth Tracy married Michaelem Crosbey 23 Jan 1826 Wit: Patricius Tracy & Eleanna Lahy? Elphin Parish

Elizabetha Tracy & Michaelis Crosby

Thomam Crosby b. 1 Dec 1826 of Logbee [Lugboy? Elphin] Sp. Patritius & Eilina? Tracy. Elphin Parish


Troqueer Kirkcudbrightshire [in Dumfries and Galloway Scotland]

Michael Crosbie, labourer, married to Elizabeth Tracy,

died 30 Jan 1863 Milligans Close Maxwelltown Trogueer

60? years, [b. 1803], son of William Crosbie, shepard, deceased, and Helen Crosbie nee Stanley, deceased,

Informant Thomas Crosbie, his mark, son, present [at death]


Troqueer Kirkcudbrightshire [in Dumfries and Galloway Scotland]

Elizabeth Crosbie, widow of Michael Crosbie labourer

died 15 May 1872 College Street Maxwelltown Trogueer

49 years, [b. 1823], daughter of John Threshie, land factor, deceased, and Nancy Threshie nee Wenn [Wynn?], deceased

Informant Patrick Crosbie, his mark, son, present [at death]


Parish of Kirkmichael in County of Dumfries [Scotland]

Maria Kirkpatrick (married to William Kirkpatrick, dairyman)

Died 12 Feb 1900 Dalfibble

Aged 52 years, [b. 1848], d, of Michael Crosbie, labourer, deceased, and BLANK Crosbie nee Tracey, deceased

Informant: Wm? Kirkpatrick, husband, present [at death]


1851 Census – 45 Milligans Close, Troqueer Parish, Dumfries Parliamentary Burgh

Michael Crosby, head, mar, 50 [b. 1801], ag labourer, born do [Ireland]

Elizabeth do [Crosby], wife, mar, 41 [b. 1810], do do [ag labourer], wife?, born do [Ireland]

Thomas do [Crosby], son, u, 20 [b. 1831], do do [ag labourer], born do [Ireland]

Eliza do [Crosby], dau, 8 [b. 1843], scholar, born do [Ireland]

Maria do [Crosby], do [dau], 6 [b. 1845], scholar, born do [Ireland]


1861 Census – 146 5 Milligans Close, Troqueer Parish, Dumfries Parliamentary Burgh

Michael Crosbie, head, mar, 55 [b. 1806], labourer, born Ireland

Elizabeth do [Crosbie], wife, mar, 52 [b. 1809], born do [Ireland]

Patrick do [Crosbie], son, u, 25 [b. 1836], labourer, born do [Ireland]

Elizabeth do [Crosbie], daur, 18 [b. 1843], garden worker, born do [Ireland]


1871 Census – 71 No. 36 College Street, Maxwelltown, Troqueer Parish, Dumfries Parliamentary Burgh

Patrick Crosbie, head, unn, 35 [b. 1836], labourer, born Roscommon Ireland

Elizabeth Crosbie, mother, w [widow], 60 [b. 1811], born do do [Roscommon Ireland]

??? ???, niece, 4 [b. 1867], born ??? Troqueer


Hi I have an Elizabeth Tracy birthdate not confirmed but either 1809 or 1811 Roscommon . Birth entry still to be found . She died in Scotland in College Street Maxwelltown 1872 modern day Dumfries in the south west of Scotland . Various Scottish censuses have her born in Ireland . She married Michael Crosbie at Elphin Parish Roscommon in 1826. Witnesses to the marriage Patrick annd Eleanora Tracy ? Maybe her brother which looks likely as her son was Patrick . I can send various documents to you . I have her death entry which stated her father as John Tracy and what looks like Land Factor as occupation mothers name Nancy looks like Keane possibly as maiden surname or Byrne but they and the Crosbie’s were definitely Catholics .
I would like to one see if my Tracy link is purely off the Gaelic Irish Tracy family or the Norman Tracy family . Maybe you will have something on your site and I’ve missed it any help would be greatly appreciated

Christopher Earl. Feb 2025


Patrictii Tracy & Honora Commons

Joanem Tracy b. 19 Jan 1828 of Loghea [Lugboy? Elphin] Sp. Jhonna & Margarita Moran. Elphin Parish

Mariam Tracy b. 14 Mar 1829 of Lughee Sp. Anna Tracy. Elphin Parish


Maria Treacy & Conor Bready/Brady

Brigidam Bready b. 27 Feb 1832 of Lugboy [Elphin] Sp. Thos Shannon of Camogue? [Cammoge Elphin]. Elphin Parish

Marian brady b. 23 Dec 1834 of Cousnaige [Cammoge Elphin] Illegitina Sp. Johans Paies & Brigida Brienfoy?. Elphin Parish


Patricii Tracy & Margarita Laninan?

Johanem Tracy b. 27 Dec 1833 Of Tansifeild [Tansyfield Elphin] Sp. Michalis McDonagh & Brigida Docach?. Elphin Parish


Jas Treacy & Brigida McLoughlin/m'Gloghlin

Patritium Treacy b. 6 Dec 1835 of Emlagh [Elphin] Sp. Thady Cronan & Brigida Cronan. Elphin Parish

Mariam Tracy b. 28 Jun 1838 of Cruelawn? Sp. Petrus & Marcella M'Gloghlan. Elphin Parish


1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland

Mary Treacy, 1838, Elphin, Roscommon


Anna Tracy & Patricii Crosby

Margaritam Crosby b. 21 Nov 1838 of Lugboy [Elphin] Sp. Johannes & Helena Tracy. Elphin Parish

Joannem Crosby b. 20 Jan 1841 of Lugboy Sp. Patricius Tracy & Brigida Berne. Elphin Parish

Anna T? & Pat Crosby

Annam Crosbie b. 17 Dec 1843 of Loughboy Sp. Michl Crosby & Maria Mangan. Elphin Parish


Joannis Tracy & Honoria Tracy

Mariam Tracy b. 9 Mar 1839 of Lugboy [Elphin] Sp. Patritio Tracy & Catharina McDomiel. Elphin Parish


Patricii Tracy & Winifreda McGlynn

Mariam Tracy b. 28 Jan 1845 of Ballegar [Bellanagare Kilcorkey - Belenagare RC] Sp. Gulielmus M'Glynn & Anna M'Glynn. Elphin Parish


Rentals and associated documents relating to properties in Co. Roscommon of various members of the Mahon family

page 138 of 339:

John Treacy % Co, Clooneybrennan [Cloonybrennan Elphin], £14.11.2 Years rent to 1 November 1846, One years Tithe to 1 November 1845, £14.15.9 Arrear due to 1 day of November 1845, £28.6.11 Total rent ? & arrear to 1 November 1846, £1.0.0 Received, £28.6.11 Due, Arrears due, £28.6.11 Arrears lost, ejected


15 January 1847 (AC) Co. Roscommon

A correspondent of the Evening Post, writing from Elphin states:- "I have ascertained that in a village near this town, a man named Tracy, who died of starvation, is now seven days lying in his cabin, without being buried, under the following circumstances. The day after his death some of the neighbours collected 3s6d to purchase a coffin; but his wife, to save herself and four children from dying, had to buy meal for it. In two days after, the price of a second coffin was collected, but the wife, to save herself and two of the children for some time longer (the other two being then dead), had to purchase another stone of meal - her husband and two children lying dead before her. To remedy such a state of things can any exertion of those in power be too great."


April 29, 1848 (FJ) The Mahon Evictions - Stokestown, Roscommon

Lugboy [Elphin?]..John Tracey 2 persons


1857 Griffith Valuation

Thomas Tracy Drinaun Elphin Roscommon


1868 Commissioners on the Revenues and Condition of the Established Church (Ireland)


Treacy and Duffy (joint tenants) County Roscommon. Parish of Elphin


1888? Established Church (Ireland) Commission

Cathedral of Elphin

Treacy and Duffy (joint tennants), Parish of Elphin County Roscommon, no acrage, annual rent £3/4/7, renewal? £3/10/0, 21 years 18 unexpired.


Ellis Island

Bdgt Tracey, Elphin (Roscommon? Ireland), 1901, 18 years, single, Elphin to Mountclair NJ, to sister Mary New York



 Glinsk & Kilbegnet (Galway/Roscommon)


See Galway.





Catha Tracey & Dortutu/Darbutii Creaton

Michm Creaton b. 26 Aug 1845 Sp Joanne & Margt Neel. Kilbride Parish

Dionysqunn Creaton b. 7 Apr 1847 Sp Patritio Creaton & Bridgida Sigue. Kilbride Parish


Julia Tracy & Joannes Carroll

Patritius Carroll b. 30 Jun/12 Jul 1868 of Carracrin [Carrowcrin Kilbride] Sp. Elizabeth Fallon Kilbride


Eduardo Tracy & Maria Hayden [see Cappataggle Galway]

Maria Tracy 2/12 Aug 1877 of Tonaeogie [Tonlegee Kilbride] Sp Thomas Kidease & Mrs Dolan. Kilbride Parish (LDS)

Edward Tracey & Mary Heydian

Maryanne Tracey b. 27 July 1877 Tonragee Kilbride (LDS)

Edward Tracey, herd, & Mary Heydean

Maryanne Tracey b. 27 Jul 1877 Tonragee. Mary Tracy, mother, Tonragee [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


John Tracy, 34, bachelor, farmer, lives Corry, (s. of John Tracy, farmer) married Anne Madden, 20, spinster, lives Corry, (d. of Barthw Madden, farmer) 25 January 1869 RC Chapel Ballagh Wit: Peter Gillooly & Mary Gillooly [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

John Tracy, 34, (s. of John Tracy) m. Anne Madden, 20, (d. of Barthow Madden) 25 Jan 1869 Ballyleague, Roscommon

Joanne(s)/John Tracey/Tracy & Anna/Anne Maden/Madden

Michael Tracy b. 6/31 July 1870 of Corry [Kilgefin] Sp. Patritus Tracy & Maria Noone. Kilbride Parish (LDS)

Gulielmus Tracy b. 19/27 October 1872 of Corry K Gilin Sp. Francis? & Catherina Gillooly. Kilbride Parish (LDS)

John Tracey/Tracy & Anne Madden

Michael b. 31 Jul 1870 Ballyleague (LDS)

William b. 25 October 1872 (LDS)

John b. 9 August 1878 Corry Kilgefin (LDS)


Old Ballinderry Cemetery, Kilbride, Ballinderry, Roscommon

Have mercy O Lord on the soul of Elenor Treacy alias Healy who depd this life Feb 9th 1843 aged 54 yrs and also her son Ino Treacy died Feb 16th 1843 agd 21 yrs This stone was erectd by her affecte husband Bernd Treacy for them & posterity




 Kilglass (& Rooskey)


Note: Online RC Registers start October 1865. Online marriages not included.


Name Researchers





Civil Parish






William Healey


1851 Treacy Drumagissann Kilglass Roscommon Cen/S/25/196 Not found

14.9.17 [14th September 1917] Image

Thomas Treacy (s. of Martin Treacy & Bridget) 1851 Drumagissaun Kilglass Roscommon

Address: Muckinagh, Kilglass, Strokestown, Co Roscommon

[Note: Not found]


John Treacey & Bridget Hauck

Bridget b. 27 March 1865 Ruskey District (LDS)

John Treacey, Chelsea old pensioner, & Bridget French?

Bridget Treacey b. 27 Mar 1865 of Drumgessaun [Drumagissaun Kilglass] John Treacey, father, Drumgessaun [Roosky Strokestown PLU]

Joane Tracy & Margaritta French

Margaretta Tracy b. 16/19 Apr 1867 of Drimiusan [Drumagissaun Kilglass] Sp. Petri Gilcooly & Catherina McGelidiban? Kilglass Parish


Michaelis Tracy & Eleonora Quinn [see Strokestown]

Joanes Tracy b. 3/6 Dec 1865 of Drominsouin? [Drumagissaun Kilglass] Sp. Petrus Gilcooly & Brigida Gilcooly. Kilglass Parish (Note: 1922)

Michael Trac(e)y & Ellen Quinn

John b. 8 May 1865 Ruskey District (LDS)

Michael Tracey, laborer & Ellen Quinn

John Tracey b. 8 May 1865 of Drumgrissaun [Drumagissaun Kilglass] Margaret Quinn, her mark, grandmother, present at birth, Drumgissan [Roosky Strokestown PLU]


Margaretta Tracy & Patritius Feely/Fihely

Thomas Feely b. 4/10 Jul 1866 of Killaghaman? Sp. Petrus Tracy & Brigida Tracy. Kilglass Parish

Patritius Feely b. 21/30 Apr 1871 of Cullaghamor [Culleenaghamore Kilglass] Sp. Patritius Tracy & Brigidda Hafeun? Kilglass Parish

Ellenora Feely b. 9/14 Nov 1874 of Kilaghamore Sp. Joannes Murtagh & Anna Murtagh. Kilglass Parish

Elizabetha Fihely b. 14/16 Dec 1881 of Killaghamor Sp. Joanne Treacy & Ellenura Foley. Kilglass Parish


Ellenora Tracy? & Micheles Pattison? [not Beirne]

Catherina Beirne b. 27 Mar/1 Apr 1871 of Curraderinan? [Carrownskeheen? Kilglass] Sp. Gulielimus Beirn & Maria Beirne. Kilglass Parish


Thomas Tracey, 30 yrs, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumgissaun [Drumagissaun Kilglass] (s. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Winifred Tonry, 29 yrs, spinster, lives Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass] (d. of Michael Tonry, farmer) 29 November 1871 RC Chapel of Kilglass Wit: Michael Diffley & Mary Tonry, their marks [Rooskey Strokestown Roscommon PLU] signed their marks

Thomas Tracey & Winifred Tonrie

FEMALE Tracey b. 2 Jan 1873 Strokestown, County Roscommon, Ireland (LDS)

Thomas Tracey, landholder, & Winifred Tonrie

FEMALE Tracey b. 2 Jan 1873 Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass]. Thomas Tracey, his mark, father, Muckenagh [Rooskey Stokestown PLU]


FEMALE Tracey, died 1873 Rooskey Strokestown PLU, aged 0 years half hour, b. 1873, spinster, landholders child, died 2 Jan 1873 Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass], Thomas Tracey, his mark, occupier, Muckenagh


Winifred Tracey, died 1873 Rooskey Strokestown PLU, aged 40 years, b. 1833, married, landholders wife, died 7 Jan 1873 Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass], Thomas Tracey, his mark, occupier, Muckenagh


Maria Tracey, 27 yrs, spinster, BLANK, lives Ashbrook [Lissonuffy], (d. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Pat Shiel, 29 yrs, bachelor, famer, lives Drinagh [Lissonuffy], (s. of James Shiel, farmer) 11 February 1872 RC Chapel Kilglass Wit: James Ceasy & Bridget Treacy [Rooskey Stokestown Roscommon PLU] [see Tarmonbarry]


Thomas Tracey, 23 years, bachelor, landholder, lives Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass], (s. of Martin Tracey, living, landholder) married Bridget McHugh, 20 years, spinster, landholders daughter, lives Slattaghmore [Slattagh More Kilglass], (d. of Michael McHugh, living, landholder) 24 February 1873 RC Chapel Kilglass Wit: John McHugh & Mary McHugh, signed their marks [Rooskey Strokestown Roscommon PLU] signed their marks

Thoma Tracy & Brigida McCue/McHugh

Maria Tracy b. 12/14 Dec 1874 of Michana [Muckanagh Kilglass] Sp. Terentius McCue & Maria McCue. Kilglass Parish

Martinus Treacy b. 29 Jul/1 Aug 1875 of Muckana Sp. Michaei M'Cue & Elizabetha M'Cue. Kilglass Parish

Thomas Tracey b. 26/27 Apr 1879 of Muckinagh Sp. Michael McHugh & Cathn Horan. Kilglass Parish

Thomas Tracey & Bridget McHugh

Matthew Tracey b. 31st July 1875, Roscommon (LDS)

Michael b. 22 July 1877 Muckenagh (LDS)

Thomas b. 2 May 1879 Muckenagh (LDS)

Thomas Tracey, small farmer/laborer, & Bridget McHugh

Mary Tracey b. 28 Nov 1873 Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass] Bridget McHugh, her mark, present at birth, Slattaghmore [Slattagh More Kilglass] [Rooskey Stokestown PLU]

Matthew Tracey b. 31 Jul 1875 Muckenagh. Bridget McHugh, her mark, present at birth, Slattaghmore [Rooskey Stokestown PLU]

Michael Tracey b. 22 Jul 1877 Muckenagh Bridget McHugh, her mark, present at birth, Slattaghmore [Rooskey Stokestown PLU]


Martin Tracy

Ellis Island

Martin Treacy, Galway (Ireland), 1898, 25 years, single, farmer, Galway, to New York, sister Mary Treacy, 170 2 3rd ave New York.

14 Jul 1920 Naturalisation Newark, Essex, New Jersey

Martin Tracy, 42, born 15 Jul 1878 Muckinagh [Kilglass, Strokestown, Roscommon] Ireland, 5'9", 165 lb, lt brown hair, blue eyes, lives 267 Parker St Newark NJ, emigrated Teutonic Queenstown to New York 28 May 1898, not married, SIGNED


Thomas Treacy

Treacys and Hanleys in Roscommon

My great grandfather Thomas Treacy was born in 1879 and married Mary Hanley in Strokestown in 1910.They lived in Lavagh, Roscommon. their children were John Thomas., Beatrice Anne, Mary Kate, and Thomas Patrick. Thomas' father was Thomas Treacy and mother was, I believe, Bridget McHugh. I believe Thomas' siblings were Matthew, Michael, Mary, Bridget, Patrick, Terence, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Winifred, and Margaret.

Mary Hanley's father was John Hanley and I think her mother was Anne Beirne.

If anyone is researching these people and would like to share info please contact me.

Mike 21 Apr 2015 Mikehrt66


Hi Mike,

My Grandfather was Thomas Patrick Treacy, I believe it may be him as the sibling names are the same.. Beatrice, John and Mary.

Would be interested in exchanging more details and hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Rebekah 28 Nov 2015  Rebekah Treacy


Hi Rebekah,

I am very glad to hear from you! Beatrice was my grandmother so it looks like we are second cousins! Did your grandfather and your family stay in Ireland? My grandmother came to New Jersey sometime before 1933 when she married at 18. I met her brother John once years ago when my mom went to pick him up but really don't remember much about it . Beatrice died when I was young so I don't have many memories of her.

If you want to email me directly my email is hart112@verizon.net

Looking forward to hearing from you



The civil birth and Roman Catholic (RC) baptismal records list your Thomas Treacy ("Tracy/Tracey" in the records) as the son of Thomas TRACY/TRACEY and Brigid (Bridget) McHUGH, of Muckenagh (Muckanagh), baptized in the RC parish of KILGLASS, Roscommon. Baptismal sponsors were Michael McHUGH and Catherine HORAN. Civil registration for his birth occurred in the civil parish of Roosky.

Thomas TRACEY of Mackenagh, landholder, age 23, bachelor, married Brigid McHUGH of Slattaghmore, farmer’s daughter, age 20, spinster, as a civil registration on 24 Feb 1873. Thomas was the son of Martin TRACEY, landholder. Brigid was the daughter of Michael McHUGH, landholder. Witnesses were John McHUGH and Mary McHUGH. (Ceremony took place in) RC Kilglass Church.

There is only one Brigid McHUGH born around 1853: Born 17 Jan 1853 in Lisnagrube, RC parish of Ballinlough, to Michael McHUGH and Brigid FLEMING. Sponsored by Brigid MORRIS.

This is just a quick lookup; I can find more for later.


Virginia (Treacy) Burke 22 Mar 2016 VirginiaTreacyBurke


Patrick Treacy

1. Thomas Treacy & ??? Riley

1.1 Thomas Treacy & Bridget MCHUGH


1.1.1. Has ChildrenPatrick TREACY (b: 28 MAY 1881 in Strokestown, Co. Roscommon d. 24 SEP 1965 in Montclair, NJ) m. Catherine NOLAN (b: ABT. 1892 in County Mayo, Ireland)

Children: Has ChildrenThomas Joseph TREACY b: 28 AUG 1914 in Newark, NJ


Margaret Jane Treacy

Thomas Tracey (b. Abt. 1850 Drumagissann Roscommon, Ireland d. 22 Aug 1938 Muckinagh, Strokestown, co, Roscommon, Ireland) & Bridget McCue (b.  1846 Strokestown, Strokestown, County Roscommon, Ireland d. 10 August 1922Strokestown, County Roscommon, Ireland)


Margaret Jane Treacy (b 14 Jun 1896 Roosky, Muckenagh, Roscommon, Ireland d. 18 Jul 1984 Harrison, Hudson, New Jersey, USA) married Cornelius M Flynn (b. 7 Jun 1896 Roscommon, Ireland d. 4 Oct 1971Essex, New Jersey, United States)



Obituary Newark Star Ledger

Margaret J Treacy Flynn, b. County Roscommon Ireland, died 18 Jul 1984, buried 19 Jul 1984 East Orange Newark New Jersey

Margaret J Treacy Flynn's Spouses and Children

Mrs Thomas or Peqay Quigley Treacy, Daughter

Cornelius Flynn, Son

Cornelius Flynn, Husband

Mrs Philip Greiner, Daughter

Margaret J Treacy Flynn's Extended Family

Sally Greiner, Daughter-in-law

Mrs Patricia Wiley, Grandmother

Rev Patrick W Quigley, Grandson


Michael Walsh of Kilglass [Kilmeane] (s. of Patricius & Anna Tracey of Kilglass) married Maria Geoghagann of Derreen [Cloonfinlough] (d. of Petri & Brigida Harrison of Dereen) 5 Feb 1877 Wit: Jacobi Oheen? of Dereen & Catherina Oheen of Dereen. Strokestown Parish.


Brigidda Tracy & Thomas Hanly

Brigidda Hanly b. 10/4 Sep 1876 of Shon? Sp. Peter Colgan & Margaritta Boland. Kilglass Parish


Michael Tracy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Driminasane [Drumagissaun Kilglass], (s. of John Tracy, farmer) married Mary McGann, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Lagan [Legan Kilglass], (d. of Rodk McGann, farmer) 22 September 1891 RC Chapel Kilglass Wit: Thomas McLoghlin & Bridget Tracy [Rooskey Strokestown PLU] signed her mark


Minnedosa 25 Jun 1926 Canada

Thomas Treacy, 40, Muckinagh, Roscommon

Margaret Treacy, 40, wife, Raheen

John Treacy, 9, son, Lavagh

Bridget Treacy, 8, daughter, Lavagh

Thomas Treacy, 6, son, Lavagh

Mary Kate Treacy, 4, daughter, Lavagh

Cousin: Donald F. Hanly, Yorkton, Sash

Father: Thomas Treacey, Muckinagh, Kilglass, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon


Edward Tracy & Maria Claboy?

Eleonora Tracy b. 3/12 February 1907 Sp. Jacobi Rilly & Anne Ferny. Kilglass Parish


Helena Tracey & Jacobo Brennan

Maria Brennan b. 30 Nov/8 Dec 1907 Sp. Neil Reilly & Maria Hanly. Kilglass Parish


Feb 1, 1913 (LO) Strokestown Petty sessions

Terence Treacy and Thomas Treacy, of Muckinagh [Muckanagh], sued Thomas Madden of Moyglass, Strokestown, for possession of a house. The case was marked withdrawn.

Feb 22, 1913 (LO) ..In reply..Patrick Treacy said that his son [owner of the house] wrote to him from America and told him that he was to look after his business..Thomas Treacy gave evidence as to serving a notice to quit on the 20th January, the rent was 1s6d per week..


Ellis Island

Helena Treacy, Strokestown Roscommon? Ireland, 1910, 20 years, single, Father Jns Treacy, Muckinagh, Strokestown, Ros. sist friend Mary A Washington, 107 S 12th St Newark NJ, 5’4”, fair complexion, fair hair, brown eyes, b. Strokestown Ireland.


Margaret Treacy, Muckinagh (Muckanagh Strokestown Roscommonnon) Ireland, 1920, 21 years, single, Father Thomas Treacy, Mackinagh, Strokestown, Ireland. Sister Mrs James Smith, 199 Ridge St, Newark NJ. 5’6”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes.b. Thuckinagh Ireland. [Margaret Treacy 21, Helen Treacy 25, sisters]

Helene Treacy, Mucknagh (Muckanagh Strokestown Roscommonnon) Ireland, 1920, 25 years, waitress, single, Father Thomas Treacy, Mackinagh, Strokestown, Ireland. Lived 6 yrs Newark NJ. Sister Mrs James Smith, 199 Ridge St, Newark NJ. 5’4”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes.b. Muckinagh Ireland. [Margaret Treacy 21, Helen Treacy 25, sisters] [not listed]


Patrick Treacy, Muckinayah ((Muckanagh, Kilglass, Roscommon?) Ireland, 1905, 20 years, single, Muckinagh, to sister Cat Tracy 59 Walnut St Montclair NJ


Patrick Tracey, Montclair NJ USA, 1910, 25 years, coachman, 5’8”, fair complexion, brn hair, brn eyes, Irish, Non-immigrant alien, lived Montclair USA, Father: John Tracey, Muchinagh, Strokestown. To sister, Mary Washington, 107 Sth 12th Str, Newark NJ. b. Strokestown Ireland.


Patrick J. Treacy, East Orange NJ USA, 1914, 25 years, married, Chaffeur, Father: Thomas Treacy, Muckinagh, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. non immigrant alien, lived 8 years East Orags? NJ. Brother: Martin Treacy, 439 west? 49th Street New York, 5’8”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Stokestown Ireland. [Patrick J Treacy 25, Catherine Treacy 25 also Patrick Washington 26 brother-in-law]

Catherine Treacy, East Orange NJ USA, 1914, 25 years, wife, Father Patrick Washington, Kilgarve? Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. non immigrant alien, lived ??? East Orags? NJ. Brother in law do [Martin Treacy, 439 west? 49th Street New York], 5’8”, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b. Stokestown Ireland. [Patrick J Treacy 25, Catherine Treacy 25 also Patrick Washington 26 brother-in-law]



 Kilkeevin (& Castlerea)


NOTE: Online marriages end 1864.


In the Griffiths Valuation of 1857-8 the following was recorded:

Longford townland of the Parish of Kilkeevin, Co. Roscommon



Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)

Patrick Tracey

Main Street townland of the Parish of Kilkeevin, Co. Roscommon



Immediate Lessor



Valuation (land/buildings)

Patrick Tracey


Patrico Tracy & Bridgida Brenan

Micheale Tracy b. 29 Sep 1806 Sp. Mich Ryan & Catherina Meny. Kilkeevin Parish


Patricio Tracy & Anna Foot

Cathariam Tracy b. 22 Feb 1809 Sp. Jacobus Kelly & Anna Foot. Kilkeevin Parish


Maria Anna Tracy married Michael Flaherty 12 Jan 1840 Wit: Patritio & Susanna Tracy. Kilkeevin Parish

Mariae Annae Tracy & Michaelis Flaterly?

Patritium Gulielmum Flaterly b. 27 Mar 1844 Sp. Thoma Kiser? & Catharina Tool. Kilkeevin Parish


Gullielmum Tracy married Mariam Tierney 6 May 1848 Wit: Patritio Tracy & Johanne Donlon Kilkeevin Parish


Gulielmi Tracy & Annae Finnan

Johannem Tracy b. 6 Dec 1850 Sp. Lahiteo? & Susanna Tracy. Kilkeevin Parish


William Treacy, of full age, bachelor, clerk, lives Castlerea [Castlereagh Kilkeevin], (s. of Pat Treacy, farmer) married Catherine McGovern, Do [of full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Do [Castlerea], (d. of Darby McGovern, Farmer) 08 June 1874 RC Chapel Castlerea Wit: Thomas Reynolds & Lizzie McCormick [Castlerea Castlerea PLU] signed her mark

Gulielmi Tracy & Cathae McGovern

Patritius Tracy b. 15 Oct/1 Nov 1874 of Castlera? Sp. Patritri McCanlea? & Maria T? Laraity. Kilkeevin Parish

Part of 1875 missing

?as? Tracy b. 16 Feb 1877 of C? Sp. Thomas Bignorcals? & Catharina Moran? Kilkeevin Parish

Fraies? Foot Trasy b. 24 Dec? 1879/4 Jan 1880 of Carl? Sp James Moran & Mary Mcren. Kilkeevin Parish [fathers name look like Trosy]

William Tracy/Treacy & Catherine McGovern

Patrick b. 24 October 1874 Castlerea (LDS)

William b. 29 November 1875 Castlerea (LDS) [date missing in church register]

John b. 16 February 1877 (LDS)

Francis Foot Tracey b. 20 Dec 1879 Castlerea (LDS)

William Treacy, clerk of Petty Sessions, & Catherine McGovern

Patrick Treacy b. 24 Oct 1874 Castlerea [Castlereagh] parish of Kilkeevan William Treacy, father, Castlerea [Castlerea Castlerea PLU]

William Treacy b. 29 Nov 1875 Castlerea. William Treacy, father, Castlerea [Castlereagh Castlereagh PLU] [registered 1876]

John Treacy b. 16 Feb 1877 Castlerea [Castlereagh] Kilkeevan [Kilkeevin]. William Treacy, father, Castlereagh [Castlereagh Castlerea PLU]


Treacy, Susanna, Castlereagh, 4th Quarter 1878 4 132


Castlerea [Castlereagh], Kilkeevin, County Roscommon

Francis Treacy, 4, b. 1879, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father P C Clerk, 23 Jul 1883

Francis Treacy, 7, b. 1879, RC, lives Castlerea, father P C Clk, 1886

John Tracy, 3, b. 1877, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father Clerk, 25 Oct 1880

John Treacy, 6, b. 1877, RC, lives Crea, father P S clerk, 23 Oct 1883

Patk Tracy, 5, b. 1875, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father Clerk, 25 Oct 1880

Patrick Treacey, 6, b. 1875, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father P Sessions Clerk, 26 Nov 1881 to 1888

Susanna Treacey, 3, b. 1879, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father C.S. Clerk, 27 Feb 1882

Susanna Treacy, 5, b. 1877, RC, lives Castlerea, father C.S. Clerk, 27 Oct? 1882

William Treacy, 6, b. 1877, RC, lives Castlerea, father clerk, 2 Nov 1882

Wm Tracy, 4, b. 1876, RC, lives Do [Castlerea], father Clerk, 25 Oct 1880


Susanna Treacy, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Castlerea, (d. of William Treacy, gentleman) married Dominick Owens, full age, bachelor, shop-keeper, lives Cadtlerea, (s. of Bernard Owens, farmer) 2 December 1901 RC Chapel Castlerea Wit: Patrick Owens & Lizzie M? Treacy [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] [Registered 1902]


Susan Owens [Treacy crossed out], 29, widow, BLANK profession, lives Castlerea, (d. of William Treacy, PS Clerk [law crossed out]) married John Moran, 36, bachelor, insurance, lives Castlerea, (s. of Martin Moran, farmer) 12 July 1909 RC Church Castlerea Wit: F. Moran & Mary B Sullivan [Castleplunket Castlerea PLU] (maiden name Treacy)


Anna Tracey of Ballinfoil [Ballinphuill? Kilkeevin] (d. of Michaelis Tracey of Ballinfoil?) married Franciscus Beirne of Ballinfoil (s. of Johannes Beirne of Selma?) 8 Feb 1880 Wit: Johannis Tracy of Ballinfoil & Maria Tracey of Ballinfoil. Killinvoy Parish

Anne Tracy, 20, spinster, BLANK, lives Ballenfoil, (d. of Michl Tracey, Do [farmer]) married Francis Beirne, 30, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballenfoil, (s. of John Beirne, farmer) 08 February 1880 RC Chapel Ballymurry [Ballymurray Kilmeane] Wit: John Tracey & Maria Tracey, signed their marks [Moate? Roscommon PLU] signed their marks



Charles Patrick Treacy, died 1871 Castlerea Castlerea PLU, aged 21 years, b. 1850, bachelor, railway clerk, died 30 Mar 1871 Castlerea parish Kilkeevan [Kilkeevin RC], William Treacy present at death Castlerea


8 April 1871 (N) Death

Treacy - March 30, at Castlerea, Charles P Treacy, aged 21 years.

[24 May 1862 Will

Patrick Charles Tracy grandson of Marcella Proctor otherwise Tiernan nee Donellan]



 Killinvoy (& Kilmain)


Joannis Tracy & Mariae Rowley

Mariam Tracy b. 8 Aug 1841 Sp. Brigida Hanly? Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Laurentii Tracy & Maria Egan

Michaelem Tracy b. 14 Aug 1841 Sp. Johanna Coraden? & Maria Muny. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Michaelis Tracy & Brigidae Rorke

Patritium Tracy b. 26 Feb 1842 Sp. Joanne Bolan & Maria Bolan. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Michaelem Tracy b. 2 Feb 1845 Sp. Jacobo Brien & Maria Rorke. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Joannis Tracy & Anna/Annea Genai/Ginnay

?nan Tracy b. ? Sep? 1842? Sp. Michael Murry & Elizabeth Sheil. Killinvoy Parish

Jacobum Tracy b. 16 Sep 1849 Sp. Anna Donly. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Maria Tracy & Jacobi Coyne

Jabobum Coyne b. 18 Mar 1843 Illegt Sp. Anna Casey. Killinvoy Parish


Patricii Treacy & Mariae Kelly

Patricium Treacy b. 11 Nov 1843 Sp. Dionysis Mullin & Brigida Kennedy? Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Maria Tracy married Patritium Rorke 15 Feb 1844 Wit: Patritis Tracy & Eugenis Conetan?. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Maria Tracy & Patri Rorthe?

Joannem Rorthe? b. 13 Jun 1844 Sp. Pates Tracy & Catherina Carroll. Killinvoy Parish


Maria Treacy & Johanis Siggins

Annam Siggins b. 16 Jun 1845 Sp. Martins Treacy & Margarita Hanly. Killinvoy Parish

Joannem Siggins b. 10 Jun 1849 Sp. Gulielmo Tracy & Ellena Galvin. Killinvoy Parish


Eleanora Siggins of Crith [Cruit Kilmeane] (d. of Joannes & Marie Tracey of Crith) married Michael Biching? of Portin [Portrunny Kilmeane] (s. of Joannes & Eleanora Corsey? of Portrin) 12 Aug 1865 Wit: Patritio Tracy of Kilteevin & Maria Tracy of Kilteevin. Killinvoy Parish


Jacobi Treacy & Catherine Keogh

Elizam Treacy b. 3 Nov 1846 Sp. Michael Donnelly & Mary& Curley? Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Michaelem Tracy married Margareta Dorens? 19 Aug 1845 Wit: Thoma & Eliza Dorens. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Michael/Michaelem Tracy/Tracey & Margaret/Margaritam Downs/Downes/Dowens/Downy/Dowery

Michl Tracy b. 21 September 1849 Sp. Joannis Gannon & Cath Downy. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracy b. 4 July 1852 Sp. Maria Daley. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Margret Tracy b. 8 October 1854 Sp. James Mulleady & Bridget Grannan. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Anne Tracy b. 4 April 1857 Sp. Thos Tracy & Anne Connor. Killinvoy Parish (d. December 1943) m. Francis Beirne 8 February 1880 Roscommon (LDS)

Bridget Treacy b. 12 February 1862 Sp. Michl Cunnane & Maria Dolan. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Mariam Tracey b. 22 May 1864 Sp. Joanne Walsh & Brigida Tracey.  Killinvoy Parish (LDS) Maria Tracey b. 5 May 1864 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Michael Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Downs

Maria Tracey b. 5 May 1864 of Ballinful Kilmane [Ballinfuil Kilmeane in Tithe Records]. Michl Tracey father Ballinful his mark. [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Michael Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Downs

Maria Tracey b. 5 May 1864 of Ballenfull [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] [Cancelled & re-reg vide letter 7803]



Patritius Treacy of 60 Carysfort Av, Blackrock (s, of Michaelis & Margaritae of Co Roscommon) married Julia Hickey of Glenville Blackrock (d. of Philippi & Maria of Co Meath) 1 Sep 1890 Wit: Jacobo Byrne of Blackrock & Anne Carroll of Glenville Blackrock Booterstown Parish

Patrick Treacy, full age, bachelor, gardiner?, lives Carysfort Avenue Blackrock, (s. of Michael Treacy, labourer) married Julia Hickey, full age, spinster, servant, lives Glenville Blackrock, (d. of Philip Hickey, labourer) 01 September 1890 RC Chapel Booterstown Wit: James Byrne & Annie Carroll [Blackrock Rathdown PLU]


Patrico Tracy m. Bridget Leoge 4 February 1851 RC Killinvoy and Killmain (LDS)

Patricio Tracy married Bridget Seager? 4 Feb 1851 Wit: Laughlin Fallon & Henrico? Donnally?. Killinvoy Parish


Mariae Tracey married Thomam Farrell 19 Jun 1852 Wit: Michael & Gulielmo Tracy. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Maria? Tracy married Danielem Quigley 27 Feb 1854 Wit: Timetheo Curly & Anna Quinn?. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Maria Tracy & Danis Quigly

Mariam Quigly b. 19 Feb 1860 Sp. Joanni Bryan & Sarah Egan. Killinvoy Parish


Anne Tracy m. John Glennon 30 April 1855 RC Killinvoy and Killmain (LDS)


Pat Tracy/Tracey & Lucy/Lucae Mullen

John Tracy b. 3 Nov 1856 Sp. James & Mary Kelly. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Pat Tracey b. 17 Mar 1860 Sp. Ml Murray & Sarah Fitzgerald. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)


Michalum Tracy married Mariam Cussnult? 5 Sep 1860 Wit: Timetheo McKeon & Maria Kelly?. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Michael/Michaelem Tracy/Tracey & Mary/Mariam Cunniff/Coniffe

Michaelum Tracey b. 3 Jul 1864 Sp. Jacobo Glennon & Cath Lyon?. Killinvoy Parish (LDS) Michael b. 15 May 1864 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Michael Tracey, labourer, & Mary Cunniff

Michael Tracey b. 15 May 1864 of Knockcroghey [Knockcroghery Killinvoy]. Michl Tracey father Knockcroghey his mark [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Patrm Tracy married Elizm Higgins 11 January 1861 Wit: Michle Moore & Cathr Higgins. Killinvoy Parish (LDS) [see 1901 census Knockcroghery Village]

Patrick/Patricium Tracey/Tracy/Treacy & Eliza/Betty/Elizabeth/Ellizabetham Higgins

Martin Treacy b. 15 Dec 1861 Sp. Thos Murray & Cath Higgins. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Catharinam Joannam [Mariam crossed out] Tracey b. 10 Jun 1863 Sp. Thoma Lyons & Honoria Gilmor. Killinvoy (LDS)

Annam Tracey b. 28 Aug 1864 Sp. Jacobo McDonnell & Margaret Keogh. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Henricus Tracey b. 14/29 April 1866 of Knockcroghery [Killinvoy] Sp. Jacobo Tracey & Anna Murray. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Joannes Tracy b. 25/31 Oct 1868  of Knock? Sp. Gulielmo Tracy & Maria Doran. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Catherina Tracy b. 5/10 June 1870 of Knock? Sp. Cath fallon. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Margarita Treacy b. 23 Mar/6 Apr 1872 of Knockcroghery Sp. Catherina Coyne. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Elizabeth Tracey b. 29 Jul 1873 of Knockcroghery Sp. Pats Quigly & Anna Leahy. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Brigida Tracy b. 30 Mar/15 Apr 1877 of Kerrghey Sp. Jacebo? Conner & Maria Donohoe. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Patritius Tracey b. 8/27 Jun 1879 of Kerrghey Sp. Pat Dowd & Cath Brien. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Patritii Tracey & Elizabeth Tracey

Joanna Tracey b. ? Sep/Oct 1875 Sp. Michal Tracey & Catharina Leahy. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracey & Elizabeth/Bessy Higgins

Anne b. 20 August 1864 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Henry b. 12 April 1866 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

John b. 26 October 1868 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Catherine Tracy b. 19 June 1870 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Anne Tracey b. 31 Mar 1872 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Elizabeth b. 23 July 1873 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

James b. 22 Oct 1875 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Bridget b. 6 June 1877 (LDS)

Patrick b. 14 June 1879 (LDS)

Patrick Tracey/Tracy, labourer, & Betty/Elizabeth/Bessy/Eliza Higgins

Anne Tracey b. 20 Aug 1864 of Knockcroghery Killenvoy [Killinvoy]. Anne Higgins, grandmother, Knockcroghery, her mark [crossed out] [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Henry Tracy b. 12 Apr 1866 of Knockcroghery Killenvoy. Lucy Tracy, her mark, present at birth, Knockcroghery [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

John Tracy b. 26 Oct 1868 of Knockcroghery Killenvoy. Patrick Tracy, his mark, father, Knockcroghery [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Catherine Tracy b. 19 Jun 1870 Knockcroghery Killenvoy. Ann Higgins, her mark, present at birth, Lecarrow [7 townlands in Roscommon] [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Anne Tracey b. 31 Mar 1872 Knockcroghery Killinvoy. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Knockcroghery [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Elizabeth Tracy b. 23 Jul 1873 Knockcroghery Killenvoy. Bridget Boland, her mark, present at birth, Knockcroghery [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

James Tracy b. 22 Oct 1875 Knockcroghery Killenvoy. Patrick Tracy, his mark, father, Knockcroghery [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Bridget Tracy b. 6 Jun 1877 Knockcroghery Killenvoy. Eliza Tracy, her mark, mother, Knockcroghery [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]



Margaret [Anne] Treacy, died 1872 Roscommon Roscommon PLU, aged 0 years about 4 months, b. 1872, spinster, BLANK profession, died 10 Aug 1872 Knockcroghery Killinvoy [Killinvoy RC]


John Tracy, died 1871, Roscommon Roscommon PLU, aged 2.5 years, b. 1867, bachelor, labourers son, died 11 Feb 1871 Knockcroghery Killenoon [KillinvoyKillinvoy RC], Patrick Tracy, his mark, in attendance during last illness, Knockcroghery


1901 Census - Napier Street, Newton Prestwich North Manchester, Lancashire

Martin Treasey, head, 37, b. 1864 Ireland, Pipe Maker

Annie Treasey, wife, 35, b. 1866 Ireland, Pipe Finisher

Katie Treasey, Daughter, 17, b. 1884 Ireland, Pipe Finisher

Patrick Treasey, Son, 15, b. 1886 Scotland, Paper Hawker

Martin Treasey, Son, 13, b. 1888 Ireland

James Treasey, Son, 11, b. 1889 Ireland

William Treasey, Son, 9, b. 1892 Ireland

John Treasey, Son, 5, b. 1896 Scotland

Henry Treasey, Son, 0, b. 1900 Manchester, Lancashire


Ellis Island

James Tracey, Glasgow Scotland, 1923, 34 years, 33 years 7 months, b. 1890, Pipemaker, lived Glascow Scotland, Wife: Mary Tracey, 113 North Montrose St Glascow, to Boston Mass, Aunt: Mrs Geo Hull, 5 Putnan Place Rox? Boston Mass USA, b. Roscommon Ireland


Patrick Tracey b. 1840 Roscommon, Ireland & Elizabeth Higgins b. 12 Apr 1841 Roscommon, Ireland

m. 11 Jan 1861 Roman Catholic, Killinvoy And Killmain, Roscommon, Ireland





Martin Tracey

Dec 1861 Killinvoy and Kilmain, Roscommon

7 Sep 1913 Eastern District Hospital Glasgow


Mary Catherine Joanna Tracey

10 Jun 1863 Killinvoy, Roscommon, Ireland



Anne Tracey

20 Aug 1864 Roscommon, Ireland



Henry Tracey

14 Apr 1866 Roscommon, Ireland



John Tracey

25 Oct 1868 Killinvoy, Roscommon, Ireland



Catherine Tracey

5 Jun 1870 Roscommon, Ireland



Anne Tracey

31 Mar 1872 Killinvoy, Roscommon, Ireland



Elizabeth Tracey

23 Jul 1873 Killinvoy, Roscommon, Ireland



James Tracey

22 Oct 1875 Roscommon, Ireland



Bridget Tracey

30 Mar 1877 Roscommon, Ireland



Patrick Tracey

14 Jun 1879 Killinvoy, Roscommon, Ireland




14th Day of October 1882 at Limerick Cathedral
Martin Tracey age 20 Bachelor Pipe Maker stayed at Mungret Street Patrick Tracey (Father) who was a Labourer.
Anne OShea age 18 Spinster No Occupation stayed at Mungret Street John OShea (Father) who was a Pipe Maker.
Registered on 1st February 1883 by John Holmes (registrar) District no 3.
Martin Tracey made his mark x but Anne was able to write. The Parish Priest was James McCoy and witnesses James White and Mary Anderson.

According to son, John Tracey’s birth certificate. Martin died in Glasgow in 1913 at age of 46 on 7th September 1913. Ann, his widow registered his death and gave Patrick Tracey and Elizabeth Higgins as his parents. Both were deceased.

tidybooks 15 December 2007                                                 



Martin Tracey, 20, bachelor, pipe maker, lives Mungret St, (s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer) married Anne OShea, 18, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Mungret St, (d. of John OShea, pipemaker) 14 October 1882 RC Cathedral Limerick Wit: James White & Mary Anderson [Limerick Limerick PLU] signed his mark [Note: registered in 1883]


Martin Tracey & Ann O’Shea

Catherine Tracey

Patrick Tracey1886 Glasgow - 1941

James Tracey1889 Glasgow - 1968

William Tracey1892 Glasgow -

John Tracey1896 Glasgow - 1965

Henry Tracey1900 Glasgow - 1902

Ann Tracey1902 Glasgow - 1903

Henry Tracey1905 Glasgow -



Patritium Tracy married Mariam Kelly 17 September 1863 Wit:  Patritio Glennon & Catherina Kelly? Killinvoy Parish (LDS) [see Kiltomb]


Sara/Sarah Tracey/Tracy & Jacobo Duffy

Patritius Duffy b. 7/11 Apr 1866 of Ballingee? [Bolinree? Kilmeane] Sp. Joanne Brennan & Anna Tracy. Killinvoy Parish

Gulielmus Duffy b. 16/23 May 1869 of Ballinagee Sp. Jacobo Connatty & Honona Tracy. Killinvoy Parish

Maria Duffy b. 8/12 Apr 1874 of Ballinagee Sp. Jacobo Fallon & Honoria Tracey. Killinvoy Parish

Brigida Duffy b. 6/11 Dec 1879 of Ballnacarthe? Sp. Thoma Fallan & Sarah Buckley. Killinvoy Parish

Sally Tracy & James Duffey, labourer

Patrick Duffey b. 6 Apr 1866 of Kellybrook Killenvoy [Killinvoy]. James Duffey, his mark, father, Kellybrook [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Patritius Tracey of Cloonca [Clooncah Kilteevan] (s. of Lucae Tracey & Cath Noghten of Cloonca) married Catharina Coffee of Killoy [Killinvoy] (d. of Malachy Coffee & Annie Morgan of Killoy) 25 Feb 1867 Wit: Hugone Coffee of Killoy & Cath Kelly of Killoy. Killinvoy Parish [see Roscommon and Kilteevan]

Pat/Patt Tracy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloonkagh, (s. of Luke Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Coffy/Coffey, full age, spinster, lives Killoy, (d. of Malachy Coffee, farmer) 25 February 1867 RC Chapel Killenvoy Wit: Hugh Coffey & Catherine Kelly [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Anna Tracey & Jacobi Fallon

Maria Elizabeth Fallon b. 5/9 Aug 1874 of Piractna? Sp. Pats Tracey & Catha Fallon. Killinvoy Parish


Anna Tracey of Ballinfoil [Ballinphuill? Kilkeevin] (d. of Michaelis Tracey of Ballinfoil?) married Franciscus Beirne of Ballinfoil (s. of Johannes Beirne of Selma?) 8 Feb 1880 Wit: Johannis Tracy of Ballinfoil & Maria Tracey of Ballinfoil. Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Anne Treacy/Tracy, 21, spinster, BLANK, lives Knockmaine [Knockmeane Kilmeane], (d. of Michael Tracy, BLANK) married Francis Beirne, 30, bachelor, farmer, lives Knockmane, (s. of John Beirne, farmer) 08 February 1880 RC Chapel St. John's Wit: John Tracy & Margaret Tracy, signed their marks [Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed their marks


Mary Tracey, 18, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Knockmain Roscommon [Knockmeane Kilmeane], (d. of Michael Tracey, labourer) married Patrick Clayton, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Church Park Roscommon [Church Park and Ballypheson Roscommon in Tithe Records (Ballypheasan) OR in Tromaun Athleague], (s. of Michael Clayton, labourer) 09 April 1894 RC Chapel Knockcroghery Wit: John Tracey & Lizzie Connor? [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] signed his mark [Note: Living in Tromaun in 1901 Census]


Bridget Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married John Watson, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Tubberdan [Toberdan St John], (s. of Walter Watson, teacher) 13 February 1896 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Michael Watson & Theresa M Hanly [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] [see Dr Martin L Tracey Jr]


1901 Census - 9 in Toberdan Leccarrow, Roscommon





Head of Family

R Catholic

Co Roscommon

N. Teacher

Read and write


Bridget M





R Catholic

Co Roscommon

House Keeper

Read and write


Mary M





R Catholic

Co Roscommon



Not Married

Barbara M





R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Cannot read

Not Married



7 months



R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Cannot read

Not Married


1911 Census - 7 in Corroy Mote, Roscommon [Kilmeane]





Head of Family

R Catholic

Co Roscommon

National School Teacher and Farmer

Read and write










Roman Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write


15years married

4 children

4 alive






R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write










R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write










R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write










R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write










R Catholic

Co Roscommon

Farm Servant

Read and write




Trace element bolus key to exceptional fertility in pedigree sheep flock [August 2019]


Padraig Treacy runs the pedigree Gailey Texel flock and a commercial flock at Gailey, Knockcroghery, Co. Roscommon, with his son, Michael.




Killinvoy Parish Deaths

Joannes Tracey? of Knockcighey [Knockcroghery [Killinvoy], died ? Dec 1865, 65

Widow Trasey? of Bollinful [Ballinphuill Kilkeevin], died ? Dec 1867, 70



Nicholas Treacy b. 26 or 27 Feb 1867 Knockcroghery Killinvoy [1867 3 399 Roscommon Roscommon PLU] [incomplete and crossed out]

Nicholas Treacy died 1867, Roscommon PLU, aged 55, b. 1812, died 26 Feb 1867 Killenvoy [Killinvoy Killinvoy]





Anna/A Tracy/Tracey & Carolo/Chas/Charoli Horan

Dermitium Horan b. 23 Sep 1821 Sp. Joannis Hanly & Honoria Brine?. Killucan Parish

Dionitimus Horan b. 6 Jul 1823 Sp. Petrus Do [Tracy?] & Margarita Horan. Killucan Parish

Ann Horan b. 5 Dec 1830 Sp. Mart Moran & Eliza? K?. Killucan Parish

Elizabetham Horan b. 13 Apr 1834 Sp. Charols Horan & Maria Higgin. Killucan Parish

Patri Horan b. 2 Mar 1836 Sp. Jermiah? Rogers & Brigd Horan. Killucan Parish

Petrium? Horan b. 2 Sep 1838 Sp. Gulielmus & Maria Horan. Killucan Parish

Gulielnium Horan b. 14 Jul 1847 Sp. Andua Bearns? & Anna Horan. Killucan Parish


Brigetta Tracy & [BLANK] Fergaldi

Elizabetham Fergaldi b. 3 July 1855 Sp. Thoma Rean & Brigitta Gratton. Killukin Parish

Fergaldi Tracy & Brigettae

Elizabetham b. 3 July 1855 Killukin (LDS)


Brigida Tracy of Killiennaid [Killummod Killummod] (d. of Michaelis Tracy & Catharinae Moran of Killeenumid) married Thomas Mannion of Curdinhid [Cordrehid Killukin (Boyle)] (s. of Griffini Mannion & Eleanorae Gallahe of Curdinhid) Wit: Michael Tracy of Killan??ed & Honeria Nolan of Knockoraimim [Knockananima Killukin (Boyle)] on the 30 Jun 1872 Killucan Parish

Bridget Tracy/Treacy, 18, spinster, blank, lives Killummid, (d. of Michael Tracy, laborer) married Thomas Mannion, 25, bachelor, servant, lives Curdrihid, (s. of Griffin Mannion, laborer) 30 June 1872 RC Chapel Croghan Wit: Michael Treasy & Honora Nolan, signed her mark [Ballinameen Boyle PLU] signed their marks

Brigida Tracy & Thoma Mannion

Michael Mannion b. 24/28 Feb 1875 of Killuken Sp. Michael Tracy & Maria Tracey. Killucan Parish

Thomas Mannion b. 24/27 Apr 1878 of Killuki Sp. Michael Tracy & Elizabetha Tracy. Killucan Parish


October 14, 1900 Reynolds's Newspaper (London)

Treacy - News wanted of Michael Treacy and his sister, Mary Treacy; left County Roscommon, Ireland about eighteen years ago. Last heard of in Chicago, U.S.A. working in butcher's stall. Their sister Mrs. Bridget Mannion, care of Editor, Reynolds Newspaper, inquiries. American papers, please copy.


Elizabeth Treacy, 25, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Knockananima Drumlion [Killukin (Boyle)], (d. of Michael Treacy, teacher) married Thomas Quinn, 38, bachelor, farmer, lives Knockroe [Killummod] Croghan [Killukin (Boyle)], (s. of Thomas Quinn, farmer) 09 August 1891 RC Chapel Drumlion Wit: Kate Feely & John Curnan [Aughrim Carrick On Shannon PLU] signed their marks



 Kiltomb/Kiltoom (& Cam)


NOTE: Online baptism register to 1864


Brigida Tracy & Malithii? Brian?

Annam Brian b. 14 Jan 1836 Sp. Richdas? Connelly & Elonora Connolly. Kiltomb Parish

Biddy Tracy & Malachy Brien

Cath Brien b. 2 Apr 1843 Sp. Richd & Biddy Brien. Kiltomb Parish


John/Johannis Tracy & Mary/Mariae Rowly

John b. 15 June 1843 Sp. Conor Kelly & Mary Tracy. Killtomb Parish (LDS)

Brigidam b. 19 June 1848 Sp. Johanne Donnelly & MariaMcDermott. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Elizabeth b. 19 June 1848 Sp Henrico McDermott & Margareta Rahean. Kiltoom Parish (LDS) m. Thomas Maw 1882 in Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs http://www.gencircles.com/users/roystringer2/1/data/18373


Elizabeth Tracey (d. of Joannis Tracey) married Thomam Maw (s. of Guilelmi Maw) Wit: Carolo Devlin & Elizabeth Harding 26 Feb 1882 St Mary, Ashton under Lyne, Lancs


Mark Tracy & Mary Leonard

Paul Tracy b. 4 May 1845 Illegt Sp. Thomas Mitchel & Betty? Kenny. Killtom Parish (LDS)


Marcus Tracy married Maria Anna Reddy 20 May 1848 Wit: Joanne Donnelly & Maria Lynch. Kiltomb Parish (LDS)

Mark(s)/Marci/Marcus Tracy/Treacy & Mary/Mariae/Margret Annae Reddy

Mariam Tracy b. 11 May 1851 Sp. Gullielmo & Elizabeth Reddy. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

John Tracy b. 19 June 1853 Sp. Wm & Elizab Reddy. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Elizabeth Tracy b. 18 March 1855 Sp. John Bannor? & Elizab Reddy. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Anne Tracy b. 26 September 1858 Sp. John Mylotte & Anne O’Brien. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Catherine Tracy b. 28 April 1861 Sp. John Mylotte & Anne Bannon. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Margaret Jane Treacy b. 6 February 1863 Sp. James & Mary Leonard. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

William Treacy b. 8 May 1864 Sp. Richd Leonard & Mary Mysatt? Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Mark Tracey & Mary Anne O

William b. 15 April 1864 Kiltoom (LDS)

Marks Tracey & Mary Anne Redding

Marks b. 10 May 1865 Kiltoom (LDS)

Mark Tracey, farmer, & Mary Anne O'Keem?

William Tracey b. 15 Apr 1864 of Moyvanoon? [Moyvannan Kiltoom] Mary Anne Tracey mother Moyvannon, her mark [Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon ]

Marks Tracey, famer, & Mary Anne Redding

Marks Tracey b. 10 May 1865 of Moyvannon [Moyvannan Kiltoom] Mark Tracey, father, Moyvannon, present at birth [Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon]


Biddy Tracy married Thomas Murry 3 Feb 1849 Wit: Patritio Tracy & Petro Defly? Kiltomb Parish (LDS)


Timotheus Treasey? & Maria Kilmarten 5 Feb 1849 Wit: Michael Lunneen & Bridida Tully. Kiltomb Parish


Biddy Tracy & Mark Roske

Mary A Roske b. 13 May 1852 Sp. Michl Farrel Mary A Roske. Kiltomb Parish


Mary Tracy & Pat Behan

Michl Behan b. 6 Jan 1857 Sp. Pat Harny & Ann Galman. Kiltomb Parish

Mary Behan b. 15 Apr 1860 Sp. Thomas & Mary Harney. Kiltomb Parish


Anne Tracy & John Glennon

John Glennon b. 14 Feb 1858 Sp. Thomas Keary & Bridget Glennon. Kiltomb Parish

Thomas Glennon b. 2 Feb 1861 Sp. Patt Kelly & Catharine Waldron. Kiltomb Parish


Patritium Tracy married Mariam Kelly 17 September 1863 Wit:  Patritio Glennon & Catherina Kelly? Killinvoy Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracy & Mary Kelly

Mary Tracy b. 26 June 1864 Sp. Gilbert Gevcin? & Eliza O’Brien. Kiltoom Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracy & Mary Kelly

Mary Tracy b. 15 June 1864 Bridewell (LDS)

FEMALE b. 1 August 1865 Brideswell (LDS)

Anne b. 7 December 1869 Athlone (LDS)

Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Mary Kelly

FEMALE Tracey b. 15 Jun 1864 of Brideswell [Cam]. Patrick Tracey father Brideswell, his mark [Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon]

FEMALE Tracey b. 1 Aug 1865 of Brideswell Parish of Cam. Patrick Tracey, father, Brideswell [Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon]


Anna Tracy of Camaseer [Cornaseer Kiltoom] (d. of Patricius Tracy of Camaseer) married Patricius Kelly of Berries [Barry Beg/More Kiltoom] (s. of Jacobus Kelly of Berris) 25 Oct 1870 Wit: Micail Quiny of Camaseer & Margret Flynn of Curnaseer. Kiltoom Parish. (LDS)

Ann Tracy, full age, widow, lives Ballybay, (d. of John Tracy, Do [labourer]) married Patrick Kelly, full age, widower, Pensioner, lives Berries, (s. of Ths Kelly, labourer) 25 October 1870 RC Chapel Cam Wit: Michael Queeney & Margaret Flynn [Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon] signed their marks [see St. Peter's Athlone Parish]


Joannes Tracy of Cullun [Cuilleenirwan? Dysart Roscommon] (s. of Thomas Tracy of Cullan) married Margarita Fallon of Gardenfort [Garrynphort Cam] (d. of Joannes Fallon of Gardenfort) 24 Feb 1873 Wit: Joannes Fallon of Dysart & Anna Fallon of Dysart [Civilparish]. Kiltomb Parish (LDS) [see Dysart RC]

John/Joannis/Joannes Trac(e)y (s. of Thomas Tracy) m. Margaret/Margarita Fallon 24 February 1873 RC Cam and Kiltoom (LDS)

John Tracy, 18, bachelor, farmer, lives Dysart, (s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer) married Margaret Fallon, 22, spinster, BLANK, lives Gardenfort, (d. of John Fallon, farmer) 24 February 1873 RC Chaple Cam Wit: John Fallon & Anne Fallon? [Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon]





Pat Tracy & Sara Higgins

Mary tracy b. 13 Sep 1840 Sp. Thos Mulliny & Brid Beirudke?. Kiltulla Parish


Mary/E Treacy & James/Jas Hurley?

Mary Hurley? b. 22 May 1841 of Cloonechancy? [Clooncalgy?] Sp. Jno & Bridt Malowny. Kiltulla Parish

Mary Hurley b. 8 Jan 1846 Sp. Mary Tracy. Kiltulla Parish


Cath Tracy & Pat Owens

Cath Owens b. 18 Dec 1842 of B Killam? Sp. J Hant & Cath Tisnan. Kiltulla Parish


Mary Tracey & John Jennings [see Dunmore Galway]

Cecilla Jennings b. 27 Nov? 1845 Sp. Mary Egan. Kiltulla Parish

Cath Jennings b. 27 Sep 1846 of Athlone? Sp. Margaret Egan. Kiltulla Parish


Joannis Tracy & Brigidae McNulty  [see Loughglynn Parish]

Gahalmun Tracy b. 9 Jan 1851 Sp. Michale Brennan & Anna McNulty. Loughglynn Parish

John Tracy & Brid McNulty/MacNulty

John Tracy b. 22 Feb 1853 Sp. Wm Tracy & Mrs? Tracey?. Kiltulla Parish

Elizabeth Tracy b. 2 Jun 1855 Sp. Peter & Anne McNulty. Kiltulla Parish

Maria Anna Tracy b. 12 Nov 1857 Sp. Michl Dalton & Charlot Reynolds. Kiltulla Parish


James Tracey married Bridget Boyle of Clooninkan [Cloonkeehan Kiltullagh] 12 Feb 1865 Wit: James Fleming & Mary Kenny. Kiltulla Parish * [see Dunmore Galway]

James Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Gortnagine [Gortnagoyne Dunmore Galway], BLANK, BLANK, married Bridget Boyle, full [age], spinster, lives Cloonuskawrn?, BLANK, BLANK, 12 February 1865 RC Chapel of Cloonfad Wit: James Fleming & Mary Kenny, their marks [Castlerea Castlerea PLU] signed their marks

[see https://treacytree.org/]


James Tracey of Ciulkeen married Bridget Glynn of Ciulkeen [Culkeen Kiltullagh] 12 Feb 1865 Wit: James Fleming & Mary Kenny. Kiltulla Parish * [Note: Not listed in State Registrations]


James Tracey, full age, widower, shoemaker, lives Dunmore [Galway?], (s. of Bernard Tracey, deceased, landholder) married Honor Eagan, Do [full age], spinster, lives Cashel [Kiltullagh], (d. of James Eagan, weaver) 1 November 1867 RC Chapel Grantahan Wit: Patt Henaghan & Ellen Eagan, their marks [Castlerea Castlerea PLU Roscommon] signed her mark

James Tracey married Honor Eagan of Cashel 1 Nov 1867 Wit: Patk Henaghan & Ellen Eagan. Kiltulla Parish


* follow each other in register





Margarita Tracy & Patritii Hynne

Bernardus Hynne b. 1 Mar 1850 Sp. Maria McDermott. Loughglynn Parish


Joannis Tracy & Brigidae McNulty  [see. Kiltulla Parish]

Gahalmun Tracy b. 9 Jan 1851 Sp. Michale Brennan & Anna McNulty. Loughglynn Parish (Tibohine, Roscommon LDS)


Joannis Tracy & Catharinae Gallagher

Edvardii Josephie Tracy b. 23 Nov 1862 Sp. Georgis Tracy & Anna Murphy. Loughglynn Parish (Tibohine, Roscommon LDS)

John Tracy, pensioner?, & Cathe Galagher?

James Tracy b. 8 May 1864 of Loughglyn [Loughlinn Tibohine] Cathe Tracy, mother, Loughglyn [Ballaghaderreen Castlerea PLU] [Ballaghadereen Castlerea, Mayo LDS] [1864 missing from online RC register]





Bridget Tracy, 24, spinster, Do [labour], lives Ranclough?, (d. of Michael Tracy, herd) married Michael Colleran, 30, bachelor, labour, lives Coolderry [Moore], (s. of Paul Colleran, deceased, smith) 29 November 1890 RC Chapel Moore Wit: Michael Kelly & Anne Callanan, signed her mark [Creagh Ballinasloe  PLU Roscommon] signed his mark [see Ballinasloe Galway]





Catherina Tracy & Joanne Connor

Winifrida Connor b. 9/19 Feb 1871 of Cloonakillen Beg [Cloonakilly Beg Killukin] Sp. Patritis Rattican & Catherina Kelly. Ogulla Parish


William Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ashbrook [Ashbrook or Knocknabarnaboy Lissonuffy], (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Kate Byrne, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clooncunny?, (d. of James Byrne, farmer) 26 January 1888 RC Chapel Tulsk Wit: Michael Treacy & Mary A. Byrne [Elphin Strokestown Roscommon PLU] see Strokestown



 Oran (& Cloverhill)


NOTE: There are no RC parish registers for Oran.


Name Researchers





Civil Parish






A. Treacy


Fanny Tracey, full age, spinster, Emlamore [Emlagh More Oran], (d. of Andy Treacy, farmer) married Peter Cuddy, full age, bachelor, farmer, New Village [Lissaneaville? Fuerty], (s. of Michael Cuddy, deceased, farmer) Wit: William Tracy & Bridget Muherin on the 17 Nov 1879 RC Chapel of Clonycolgan [Oran] [see Athleague]

Fanny Treacy, " [of full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Emlamore, (d. of Andy Treacy, farmer) married Peter Cuddy, of full age, bachelor, farmer, lives New Village, (s. of Michael Cuddy, deceased, farmer) 07 [seventh] November 1879 RC Chapel Cloonycolgan Wit: William Treacy & Bridget Muherin [Athleague Roscommon PLU]


Andrew Treacy b. 1821 d. 1902 Roscommon (LDS)

Frances (b. 1851 Emlamore d. 1905 Fuerty) m. Peter Cuddy 7 November 1879 Fuerty OR Cloonycolgan Church Cloverhill RC Parish (LDS)


Margaret Treacy/Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Essex Lawn? [house in Cloonybeirne Roscommon] Co Roscommon. (d. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Patrick Minor, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Oran [Oran] Co Roscommon, (s. of Michael Minor, farmer) 07 August 1898 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Thomas Rogerson & Maria Tracey [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] signed his mark [see Roscommon]




 Roscommon & Kilteevan


NOTE: Online baptisms are 1837-1880 and marriages 1820-1864.


Name Researchers





Civil Parish






Virginia Small


Brigida Treacy married Patritius Ford 23 July 1825 Wit: Michael Ford & Michael Kilmartin. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Brigeda Tracy & Patricii Forde

Eugenius Forde b. 11 Jun 1840 Sp. Johanne Fannon & Brigida Horan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Catharinam Ford b. 20 Jun 1842 Sp. Luca Kilmartin & Maria Ford. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish


Joannes Treacy married Brigida Cussnane 8 January 1826 Wit: Hugone Cussnane & Catherina Cussnane. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Margarita Treacy [died 1833 see below] married Dominicus Higgins? 7 February 1826 Wit: Jacobo Treacy & Gullielmio Moffet? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Luca Treacy married Anna Mongan 9 January 1828 Wit: Joannis Brannor & Patritio Mongan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Luca/Lucae Treacy &. Anna Mongan/Mangan/Meegan

Brigdam Tracy b. 1 Apr 1840 Sp. Eugenio Mongon & Maria Mayors. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Michaelum Tracy b. 28 Sep 1841 Sp. Patritio Murphy & Anna Hanly. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Michaelum Tracy b. 9 Mar 1842 Sp. Jacobo Mares & Bridgedda Mares. Roscommon & Kiltevan Parish (LDS)

Annam Tracy b. 29 Mar 1944 Sp. Edwardo Egan & Brigida Owens. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS) [Note: Wrong date in Indices]


Anne Tracey, 18, spinster, lives Cloncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Luke Tracey, farmer) married James Cannon, 27, small farmer, lives Kilteevin [Kilteevin] (s. of James Cannon, farmer) 21 September 1867 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Francis Davis & Mary McDermott [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Joannes Tresey married Brigida Brennan 25 July 1831 Wit: Joanne Brennan? & Daniel Brennan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Johannis Tracy/Treacy & Brigida/Biddy Brennan/Brannan

Seram Tracy b. 23 Mar 1839 Sp. Patritio Brennan & Sara Dwyre. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Andream Treacy b. 4 Jun 1841 Sp. Lucca Owens & Maria Owens. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Brigdam Tracy b. 28 May 1844 Sp. Johanne Brenan & Catherina Brenan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Annam Tracy b. 14 Sep 1846 Sp. Patrius? Tracy & Brigida Owens. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Honoriam Tracy b. 15 May 1849 Sp. Martino Tracy & Anna Killeen. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Patm Treacy b. 15 Apr 1851 Sp. Margtm Dilmu? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Maria Treacy married Thadeus Gillooly 21 May 1832 Wit: Joanne Gillooly & Patritio Kilmartin. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Gullielmus Treacy married Catherina Hanly 19 January 1835 Wit: Francisco & Laurentio Hanly.  Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Gullielmus Treacy & Catherina Hanly

Thoma Tracy b. 21 Dec 1837 Sp. Martino Tracy & Sara? Hanly. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Gullielum Tracy b. 8 Dec 1839 Sp. Thoma Hanly & Maria Tracy. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Michalem Tracy b. 28 Sep 1841 Sp. Patritio Murphy & Anna Hanly.  Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Saram Tracy b. 1 May 1843 Sp. Michael Tracy & Bridgedda Mulich? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Helenam Tracy b. 27 May 1845 Sp. Mich M'Dermott & Margareta Connor. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Mariam Tracy b. 25 Jul 1847 Sp. Anna Hanly. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Martimon Tracy b. 15 May 1850 Sp. Patritio Brennan & Ellina Hanly. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Catherinam Tracy b. 5 Dec 1852 Sp. Jacobo & Anna Killeen. Roscommon and Kilteevan. (LDS)


William Treacy

Birth: 01 Jan 1852 - Roscommon, Ireland

Death: 22 Aug 1906 - Coonamble, New South Wales, Australia

Tree Name: Turner Family Tree paulturner70 Contact 27 Feb 2008

William Tracey/Treacy & Kate

William Tracey/Treacy (b. Roscommon, Ireland d. 28 August 1906 - Coonamble, NSW, Australia) m. Married 31 December 1876, Gulgong, NSW, Australia, to Ann Nancy Barrett ca 1857-1932 with

MWilliam Barrett Tracey\Treacy 1874-

MJoseph Patrick Tracey\Treacy 1878-1921

MJohn Joseph Tracey\Treacy 1879-

FCatherine Tracey\Treacy 1881

MMichael Tracey\Treacy ca 1883-1885

FElizabeth Mary Tracey\Treacy ca 1885

FAnnie Tracey\Treacy 1887

FMary Ellen Tracey\Treacy 1889-1912

MMartin Joseph Tracey\Treacy



Michael Tracy of Kingstown (s. of Gulielmi dlt [dead?] & Catharinae of Roscommon) married Maria Farrell of Blackrock (d. of Gulielmi & Catharinae of ddft?) 14 Jan 1868 Wit: Joannis Caroll of Kingstown & Maria Louisa Batt of Blackrock Booterstown Parish

Michael Tracy, full [age], bachelor, clerk with a pawnbrooker, lives Kingstown, (s. of William Tracy, farmer) married Maria Farrell, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Blackrock, (d. of William Farrell, farmer) 14 January 1868 RC Chapel Booterstown Wit: John Carroll & Maria Louisa Booth? [Blackrock Rathdown PLU]

Michael Tracey & Mariae Farrell

Maria Catherina Tracey b. 17 January 1869 of 86 Capel St Sp. Michael Dunne & Cath Farrell. St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral

Michaelis Tracey & Maria Farrell

Michael J Tracey b. 29 Apr/4 May 1879 of Dars? Terrace Sp. Michaele Fortune & Maria E Tracey. Rathmines Parish

Michael Tracy & Maria Farrell

Mary Catherine b. 11 January 1869 (LDS)

Michael Tracy, pawn broker, & Maria Farrell

Mary Catherine Tracy b. 11 Jan 1869 of 86 Capel Street. Eliza Martin, present at birth, 3 South Cumberland St [Dublin North PLU]


Sara Tracy & Laurentii Hanly

Catharinam Hanly b. 12 Jul 1838 Sp. Gullielmo Tracy & Julia Tracey. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish


Sarah Treacy & Laurence Hanly

Ellen Hanly b. 1820-10-9

Patrick Hanly b. 1822-2-10

Sarah Hanly b. 1827-7-5

Margaret Hanly b. 1829-4-12

Elizabeth Hanly b. 1831-5-21

Laurence Hanly b. 1831-5-21

Elizabeth Hanly b. 1832-8-3

Catherine Hanly b. 1838-8-12




Maria Treacy married Joannes Siggins 27 February 1843 Wit: Laurentio Hanly & Patritio Treacy. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Terentius Treacy married Brigida Carrol 6 November 1843 Wit: Jacobo Carrol & Mich Nolan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Terince/Terentius/Terenti Treacy & Biddy/Brigida Carrol

Mariam Tracy b. 17 May 1846 Kilteeven (LDS)

Gulielmum Tracy b. 14 Sep 1851 Roscommon & Kilteevan RC (LDS) [father of Patrick James Treacy?]

Patm Tracy b. 22 Apr 1857 of Cloontimullan [Kilteevan] Sp. Michael & Catherina Hanly. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Terentii Tracy & Bridget Tracy

Catharinam b. 29 June 1859 Sp. Ellen Murrey & John Ratha? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Joannis? Tracy & Bridagets Carroll

Martinen Tracy b. 6 Mar 1864 Sp. Aronideus? & Maria Garahan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Terentii Tracy & Bridget Carroll

Terentium Tracy b. 1 Sep 1861 Roscommon & Kilteevan RC (LDS)

Martin Treacy b. 24th February 1864, Ballyleague District, Roscommon (LDS)

Terence Treacy, labourer, & Biddy Carroll

Martin Treacy b. 24 Feb 1864 of Clontymullen [Cloontimullan Kilteevan]. Terence Treacy, father, Clontymullen, his mark [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Saint Ann Cemetary, Cranston, Providence, Rhode Island

Martin Treacy (1911 - 1912)

Alice [Marie] Treacy (1921 - 1922)

Mary [Frances] Treacy (1910 - 1940)

Catherine Mullady (1863-1942) [aunt of Patrick James Treacy?]

William Treacy (1908 - 1942)

Kathleen [Byrne] Treacy (1877-1951)

Patrick J Treacy (1882-1959)


Eleanor Rita Treacy Yuettner Higby (1917 - 2001)



Catherine Mullady, 78, d. 4 Jun 1942 Johnston, Rhode Island (d. of Terrance Tracy & Bridget Carroll) Spouse's Name: Michael Mullady


Gulielmus Tracey of Clontymullen [Cloontimullan Kilteevan], (s. of Thoma & Brigida Carroll of Clontymullen) married Eleonna Kenny of Weekfield [Cloontuskert between Gardentown and Lisnanarriagh in Tithe Records], (d. of Jacobi & Cathe Hanly of Weekfield) 15 Oct 1877 Wit: Andreas Gill of Ballyleague [Cloontuskert] & Anna Lohan of Weekfield. Clontuskert Parish

William Tracey, 23, bachelor, labourer, lives Cloontysmullan, (s. of Terence Tracey, labourer) married Ellen Kenny, 18, spinster, BLANK, lives Weekfield, (d. of James Kenny, dead, labourer) 15 October 1877 RC Chapel Cloontuskert Wit: Andrew Gill & Anne Lohan [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Gulielmi Tracey & Eleonora Kenny

Bridgitta Tracey b. 6/9 Aug of Weekfield Sp. Martinis Tracey & Elenora Duke. Clontuskert Parish. 

William Tracey & Ellen Kenny

Bridget b. 4 August 1878 Weekfield Cloonaskert (LDS)

John b. 22 May 1880 Cloontuskert (LDS)


Patrick Joseph Treacy, 25, b. 1882 (s. of William & Ellen) m. Kathleen Mary Byrne, 27, b. 1880 (d. of Frank & Mary) 08 Oct 1907 Providence, Providence, Rhode Island


Patrick J. Treacy/Tracy & Kathleen M. Byrne

Mary Tracy b. 12 Jan 1910 Providence, Providence, Rhode Island - Mary Francis Treacy b. 1911 d. 11 Jan 1940 Providence, Rhode Island

Alice Marie Treacy b. 1922 d. 2 Apr 1922 Rhode Island, United States


1905 Census - 59 Benedict Providence, Ward 007, E.D. 0078, Providence, Rhode Island

Patrick Tracey, border, 24, Single, b. 10 Jun 1881 Ireland, Father's Birthplace: Canada French, Mother's Birthplace: Connecticut [? transcribers error both born Ireland], emigrated 1901, Ab naturisation, read & write, labourer, RC.


1910 Census - Providence Ward 7, Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Patrick J Tracy           Head    M        27        Ireland, b. 1883

Kathleen Tracy           Wife    F          58        Ireland,

William Tracy            Son      M        1          Rhode Island

Mary Tracy     Daughter         F          0          Rhode Island


1920 Census - Providence Ward 7, Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Patrick J Tracey          Head    M        35        Ireland, Immigration Year: 1901, b. 1885

Kathleen Tracey         Wife    F          36        Ireland, Immigration Year: 1901

William Tracey          Son      M        11        Rhode Island

Mary Tracey   Daughter         F          9          Rhode Island

Kathleen Tracey         Daughter         F          6          Rhode Island

Ellen Tracey   Daughter         F          2          Rhode Island


1925 Census - Providence Ward 07, E.D. 276, Providence, Rhode Island

Patrick Treacy, 42, b. 1883 Ireland, naturalised

Kathleen Treacy, 43, b. 1882 Ireland, naturalised

William P Treacy, 16, b. 1909 Rhode Island

Mary P Treacy, 15, b. 1910 Rhode Island

Kachleen C Treacy, 11, b. 1914 Rhode Island

Ellen R Treacy, 7, b. 1918 Rhode Island


1930 Census - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Patrick J Tracy           Head    M        48        Irish Free State, b. 1882

Kathleen Tracy           Wife    F          50        Irish Free State

William Tracy            Son      M        21        Rhode Island

Mary Tracy     Daughter         F          20        Rhode Island

Kathleen Tracy           Daughter         F          16        Rhode Island

Rita Tracy       Daughter         F          12        Rhode Island


1935 Census - 100 Wayne St, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island

Patrick Treacy, b. 04 Jun 1883 Ireland, married, jewelery pollisher, unemployed


1917-1918 War I Draft Registration Card

Patrick James Treacy, 36, b. 10 Jun 1882 Ireland,  address: 43 Puritan St Providence County no 7, Rhode Island, United States. Laborer at Brown & Sharpe 4 Beech St Providence RI. Wife Mrs Kathleen A Treacy. 71 in, blue eyes, grey hair. [signed]

1942 War II Draft Registration Card

Patrick James Treacy, 59, b. 10 Jun 1882 Roscommon Ireland,  address: 131 Willard Ave Prov RI. Unemployed. Mrs Cathleen Treacy, 12 Lachwood St Cranston RI [signed]


Michael Tracy, 24, bachelor, labourer, lives Cloonlymullen [Cloontimullan] Kilteevan, (s. of Terence Tracy, labourer) married Ellen Duke, 20, spinster, BLANK, lives Carrowkrin [Carrowcrin] Kilbride, (d. of Michael Duke, labourer) 02 February 1880 RC Chapel Ballagh Wit: Thomas Collins & Mary Duke, signed her mark [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks


Bridget/Bee Tracy, 25, spinster, Do [farmer], lives Do [Cloontimullan Kilteevan], (d. of Terence Tracey, Do [farmer]) married Martin Gallagher, 26, bachelor, farmer, lives Clunty Mullan, (s. of James Gallagher, farmer) 21 January 1886 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Martin Coffey & Anne Warn [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Terence Tracy, 22, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloontymullen Kiltevan [Cloontimullan Kilteevan], (s. of Terence Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Cunningham, 21, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Carrowcrin Kilbride, (d. of Martin Cunningham, farmer) 19 March 1886 RC Chapel Ballagh Wit: John Cunningham, Michael Duke & Bridget Gill, signed their marks [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks


Juliana/Julia Tracy & Michalis Nolan

Cathm Nolan b. 1? May 1844 Sp. Terentio Tracy & Maria Nolan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Brigidan Nolan b. 1? May 1844 Sp. Terentio Tracy & Maria Nolan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Julinam Nolan b. 11 Jun 1848 Sp. Joanne Killeen & Graca? Killeen. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Brigidam Nolan b. 22 May 1853 Sp. Terentio Tracy & Sera Brennan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Eleonoram Nolan b. 22 May 1853 Sp. Jacobo Nolan & Catherina Tracy. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish


Ellena Treacy married Jacobus Hedian 17 August 1846 Wit: Gullielmo Treacy & Laurentio Hanly. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Jacobi Tracy & Cath Feeny

Brigidam b. 18 Dec 1846 Sp. Maria Neelon. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Andrea Tracey married Brigida Kenny 22nd January 1848 Wit: Patritio Kenny & Patritio Treacy. Roscommon & Kilteevan Parish (LDS) [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]


New York arrivals

Andrew Tracy, age 20, Carpenter, Roscommon Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Roscius 07/08/1848

Unknown Tracy, [Wife] age 20, Roscommon Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Roscius 07/08/1848


1855 Census - 118 brick house, family 5, E.D. 2, Ward 14, New York City, New York

Andrew Tracy             Head       M            30, 7 years resident, Carpenter            

Bridget Tracy              Wife       F             25, 7 years resident              

Catharine Tracy           Daughter                F             2            

Thomas Tracy              Son         M            0y1m


Andrew Tracy & Bridget Tracy

James Tracy b. 11 Jun 1859 Manhattan New York


1860 Census - 1st Division 14th Ward New York City, New York

Andrew Tracy                            M            34           Ireland, carpenter

Bridget Tracy                             F             30           Ireland

Catherine Tracy                          F             7             New York

Thomas Tracy                             M            5             New York

Joseph Tracy                               M            1             New York

Thomas Kenny                           M            34           Ireland, clerk


1864? N.Y. Supreme Court

Feb 24 Andrew J. Tracy Jr, carpenter $16.92


1870 Census - 2nd Election Dist 14th Ward New York

Andrew J Tracy                          M            44           Ireland, carpenter, US citizen

Bridget Tracy                             F             40           Ireland

Catherine Tracy                          F             17           New York, dress maker

Thomas Tracy                             M            15           New York, clerk

James Tracy                 M            11           New York

Patrick Tracy                              M            6             New York

Anastasa Tracy                           F             3             New York

Agnes Tracy                               F             1             New York


Andrew Tracey & Bridget Kenney

MALE Tracey b. 20 Aug 1872 Manhattan New York


Andrew J. Tracy died 5 Jan 1874 Manhattan New York, Age 49, b. 1825, buried 7 Jan 1874 Calvary

January 7, 1874 New York Herald

Tracy.—On Monday. January 5, 1874, Andrew J. Tracy, a native of Balllnturly, Rdscommou, Ireland, aged 49 years.

His funeral will take place from his late residence, 210 Elizabeth street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends and relatives and those of his brother-in-law, Thomas Kinny, are invited to attend.

17 January 1874 Pilot (Boston Ma)

Deaths under New York City

Tracy — Jan, 5, Andrew J. Tracy, of Ballinturly, co. Roscommon, Ireland, aged 49.


Bridget Tracy died 31 Dec 1889 Manhattan New York, Age 58, Widowed, b. 1831 County Roscommon, buried 3 Jan 1890 Calvary Cemetary, Mother Bridget Kanny

January 3, 1890 The World (Ny)

Tracy.-Suddenly, Dec 31, Bridget, widow of tbe late Andrew J. Tracy, in her 59th year. Faneral will take place from bar late residence, 240 East 123d st., on Jaa. 3 ; thense to St. Paul's Church. East 117th st. near 4th ave., at 10 A.M. Interment in Calvary.

Tracy.-Suddenly. Dec. 31. BrIdget. widow of the late Andrew J. Tracy, native of County Roecommon, Ireland, aged 59 years. Funeral will take place from her late residence, 240 East 123d st., Friday. 10 A. M. to St. Paul's R.C. Church, 117th at,, near 4th ave., thense to Calvary. Please omit flowers.


Henry Tracy died 12 Apr 1916 2409 2 Ave. Manhattan New York, Age 57, Single, Laborer, b. 1859 N.Y. City (s. of Andrew J. Tracy & Bridget Kenny b. Ireland), buried 15 Apr 1916 Calvary Cemetery


Agnes L. Taylor died 16 Feb 1916 147 Clifton Place Brooklyn Kings New York, Age 47, Married, b. 18 Dec 1868 U.S. (d. of Andrew J. Tracy & Bridget Kenney b. Ireland), buried 19 Feb 1916 Calvary Cem.


Patricii Tracy & Elleanorae Hanly [see Treacy Headstone, Kilteevan Cemetery, Co Roscommon.] [see Dr Martin L Tracey Jr]

Mariam Annam Tracey b. 25 Feb 1858 Sp. Martino McDonnell & Maria Murray. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Elleanoram Tracy b. 20 Jan 1860 Sp. Michl Tracy & Elleanor Tracy? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Patritium Treacy b. 2 Nov 1861 Sp. Michalu Hanly & Cathr Denison. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Bridgam Mariam Treacy b. 18 Jun 1863 Sp. Jonaene Treacy? & Elleanna Siggins. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Joannes Gullilmus Tracy b. 26 Nov/19 Dec 1867 of Clonca [Clooncah Kilteevan] Sp. Joannes Siggons & Anna Siggons. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)*

Pat Treacy/Tracy & Ellen Hanly

Catherine Eliza Treacy b. 8 August 1865 Ballyleague District (LDS) [August 1865 missing from online registers]

John Tracy b. 1 or 3 Dec 1867 Ballyleague (LDS)

Pat Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Hanly

Cathr Eliza Treacy b. 8 Aug 1865 of Clooncagh [Clooncah] Kilteevan. Ellen Treacy, her mark, presant at birth, Cloonmore Kilteevan [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

John Tracy b. 3 Dec 1867 of Clooncagh Kilteevan. Mary Egan, her mark, present at birth Cloomore [Cloonmore Kilteevan] [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]*


1901 Census - 2 Cloonabricra, Castle Ffrench, Galway

Katie A Tracey, 25 [daughter of above]


Mary Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Cloonca [Clooncah] Kilteevan, (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Andrew J. Heavey, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ballygar [Killeroran] Co Galway, (s. of John Heavey, farmer) 25 September 1895 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Thomas Naughton & Ellie Tracey [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] see Killian Galway


Bridget Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married John Watson, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Tubberdan [Toberdan St John], (s. of Walter Watson, teacher) 13 February 1896 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Michael Watson & Theresa M Hanly [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Ellen Tracey, do [full age], spinster, farmer, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Henry Owens, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Lismchy? [Lismeehy Lissonuffy], (s. of Luke Owens, dead, farmer) 15 August 1898 RC Chaprl Roscommon Wit: Luke Duffy & Winifred Owens [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] see Strokestown


1901 Census

Patrick Tracey, 36, M, 1 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Farmer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Ellen Tracey, 70, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Roman Catholic, Mother, Widow, Co Roscommon

Margaret Dunigan, 35, Female, Niece, Roman Catholic, Domestic Servant, Read and write,  Not Married, Co Roscommon


1911 Census

Patrick Tracey, 46, M, 1 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (farmer)

Kate Tracey, 30, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (married 3 years, 2 child)

Patrick Tracey, 1, M, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon

Ellen Tracey, 0-3 months, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon


Mariam Tracy married Thomam McGuire? 27 January 1859 Wit: Michal Healy & Bett Brennan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Joannem Tracy married Joannam Mullin 6 February 1859 Wit: Patritio Higgins & Anna Lee. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Patriciae Tracy & Maria Bar

Maria Tracy b. 20 Mar 1859 Sp. Maria King & Mathio Garrick. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Patricii Tracy & Mariae Murray

Patricium Tracy b. 13? Feb 1861 Workhouse Sp. Sara Feenay. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


Eleanora Siggins of Crith [Cruit Kilmeane] (d. of Joannes & Marie Tracey of Crith) married Michael Biching? of Portin [Portrunny Kilmeane] (s. of Joannes & Eleanora Corsey? of Portrin) 12 Aug 1865 Wit: Patritio Tracy of Kilteevin & Maria Tracy of Kilteevin. Killinvoy Parish


Catharine Tracy & Petrus Summers

Petrus Summers b. 28 Oct/1? Nov 1866 illegitmus of W House Sp. Joannes Meehan & Mary Stringer? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Catherine Treacy

Peter b. 29 October 1866 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Catherine Treacy

Peter Treacy b. 29 Oct 1866 of Roscommon Workhouse [Roscommon] [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Brigitta Tracy & H Flynn

Patritius Flynn b. 18 Nov/25? Nov 1866 illegitmus of W House Sp. Joannes Tresnan & Mary Stringer? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Bridget Tracey

Patrick b. 18 November 1866 Roscommon Roscommon (LDS)

Bridget Tracey

Patrick Tracey b. 18 Nov 1866 of Roscommon workhouse [1866 18 360 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Patritius Tracey of Cloonca [Clooncah Kilteevan] (s. of Lucae Tracey & Cath Noghten of Cloonca) married Catharina Coffee of Killoy [Killinvoy] (d. of Malachy Coffee & Annie Morgan of Killoy) 25 Feb 1867 Wit: Hugone Coffee of Killoy & Cath Kelly of Killoy. Killinvoy Parish

Pat/Patt Tracy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloonkagh, (s. of Luke Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Coffy/Coffey, full age, spinster, lives Killoy, (d. of Malachy Coffee, farmer) 25 February 1867 RC Chapel Killenvoy Wit: Hugh Coffey & Catherine Kelly [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Patritius Tracy) (s. of Luke Tracy) m. Catharina Coffee (d. of Malachy Coffee) 25 February 1867 RC Killinvoy and Killmain (LDS)

Patritius Tracey/Trasy & Catharina/Cat Coffy/Coffey/Coffee

Lucas Tracy b. 22 Nov/15 Dec 1867 of Clonca [Clooncah Kilteevan] Sp. Hugo Coffey & Maria Coffey. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS) *

Maria Catharina Tracy b. 17 Aug/5 Sep 1869 of Clooncagh  Sp. Jacobus McDermott & Anna Coffey. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Johanes Trasy b. 13/17 Sep 1871 of Cloncagh Sp. Jam Conor? & Cat Kean? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Catherina Treasy b. 10/14 Sep 1873 of Cloncagh Sp. Michal Hanon? & Maria Lanord? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Patrii Trasy b. 7/9 Dec 1876 Sp. Pat Tracy & Sara Haely. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Anna Treacy b. 24 Sep/25 Oct 1879 of Cloncagh Sp. Joannis Killeen & Agnes? Killeen. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Patrick Tracey & Catharine Coffy/Coffey/Coffee

Luke b. 1 December 1867 Ballyleague (LDS)

Mary b. 7 August 1869 Ballyleague (LDS)

John b. 30 September 1871 Ballyleague (LDS)

Patrick b. 24 November 1876 (LDS)

Anne b. 25 December 1879 Clooncagh Kilteevan (LDS)

Pat/Patrick Tracy/Tracey, small farmer, & Catherine Coffey

Luke Tracy b. 1 Dec 1867 of Clooncagh Kilteevan [Clooncah Kilteevan]. Pat Tracy, his mark, father Clooncagh [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]*

Mary Tracy b. 7 Aug 1869 Clooncagh Kilteevin. Patt Tracey, father, Clooncagh [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

John Tracey b. 30 Sep 1871 Clooncagh. Pat Treacy, father, Clooncagh [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Catherine Tracey b. 1 Sep 1873 Clooncagh Kilteevan. Pat Tracey, father, Clooncagh [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

FEMALE Tracey b. 26 Jul 1875 Clooncagh. Pat Tracey, father, Clooncagh [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Patrick Tracey b. 24 Nov 1876 Clooncagh. Pat Tracey, father, Clooncagh [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] [registered 1877]


FEMALE Tracey, died 1875 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU, aged 0 years 5 days, b. 1875, spinster, child of a small farmer, died 1 Aug 1875 Clooncagh Kilteevan, Pat Tracy, present at death, Clooncagh


1901 Census

Cathrine Treacy, 60, F, 5 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Farmers Wife, R Catholic, Head of Family, Widow, Co Roscommon

Mary Treacy, 27, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Farmers Daughter, R Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon

John Treacy, 25, M, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Farmers Son, R Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Patrick Treacy, 22, M, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Farmers Son, R Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Annie Treacy, 19, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Scholar, R Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon


1911 Census

John Tracey, 40, M, 4 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (head, farmer, single)

Mary Tracey, 39, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (sister, single)

Patrick Tracey, 37, M, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (brother, single)


Anne Tracey, 18, spinster, lives Cloncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Luke Tracey, farmer) married James Cannon, 27, small farmer, lives Kilteevin [Kilteevin] (s. of James Cannon, farmer) 21 September 1867 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Francis Davis & Mary McDermott [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] see above


Mary Tracy, 20, lives Cloontymullin, [Cloontimullan Kilteevan] (d. of Terence Tracy, farmer) married John Gill, 24, farmer, lives Cloontymullin, (s. of Patrick Gill, farmer) 23 August 1869 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Terence Tracy & Catherine Nolan, their marks [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] signed her mark

Maria Treacy/Treacey & Joannes Gill

Jacobus Gill b. 2/5 Dec 1869 of Cloontymullan? Sp. ?anrentius Connor & Catharina Nolan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Bridgita Gill b. 4/9 Mar 1873 of Cloontymullan Sp. Michael Treacey & Bridgita Treacey. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Catherina Gill b. 30 Nov/7 Dec 1879 of Cloontymullam Sp. Martinus Cunningham & Maria Brady. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Mary Tracey & John Gill, labourer

Anne Gill b. 15 Mar 1876 Cloontymullen Kilteevan. John Gill, father, Cloontymullen [1876 8 371 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Mary Patracia Gill, 37, b. Mar 1876 Roscommon Co. Ireland, Single , Sister of Devive Providence, housework , (d. of Mary Tracy  b. Roscommon Co., Ireland  &  John Gill  b. Roscommon Co., Ireland)  d. 31 Aug 1913 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, Residence: New Port Ky,  Buried1 Sep 1913 Mt. St. Martins Twp. 


Brigitta Tracy & Hugo Gately

Gulielmus Gately b. 27/28 Apr 1872 of Upper Cullinboy? [Culleenboy in Tithes] [Killeenboy Kilteevan] Sp. Gulilmus Gately & Ellena Lally. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish


Joannes Tracey of Clonmore Kiltevan [Cloonmore Kilteevan] (s. of Gulielmi Tracey) married Anna Davis of Lisania? [Lisnanarriagh Cloontuskert] (d. of Petri Davis of Lisania) 20 Feb 1873 Wit: Michael Murphy & Sarah Davis of Lismania. Clontuskert Parish

John Tracey, 32, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloonmore, (s. of William Tracey, farmer) married Anne Davis, 23, spinster, BLANK, lives Lisnasa, (d. of Peter Davis, farmer) 20 February 1873 RC Chapel Clontusket Wit: Michael Murphy & Sarah Davis [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

John Tracey/Trasey & Anne Davis

Elena Trasey b. 28 Feb/5 Mar 1874 of Cloomor  Sp. Patt Davis? & Elen Treasy. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Sara Tracey b. 10/30 Jun 1877 of Cloonmore  Sp. Patritio Hanly & Brigida Curley. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

William Trasey bapt. 26 Jul 1879 of Cloonmor Sp. George Gurly & May Ginaenn? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

John Tracey/Trasey & Anne Davis

Ellen b. 4 March 1874 Ballyleague (LDS)

Mary b. 4 July 1875 Roscommon (LDS) [July missing from online registers]

Sarah b. 10 June 1877 Cloonmore Kilteevan (LDS)

William b. 12 August 1879 Roscommon (LDS)

Francis Trasey & Ann Daves

William Trasey b. 20 Jul 1879 Roscommon & Kilteevan (LDS)

John Tracey, small farmer, & Anne Davis

Ellen Tracey b. 4 Mar 1874 Cloonmore Kilteevan. John Treacey, father, Cloonmore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Mary Tracey b. 4 Jul 1875 Cloonmore Kilteevan. Anne Tracey, her mark, mother, Cloonmore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Sarah Tracey b. 10 Jun 1877 Cloonmore Kilteevan. Catherine Tracey, her mark, present at birth, Cloonmore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Michael Tracey died 9 Dec 1936 of Arteiosclerosis & other causes, lived 9 Market Square Providence Rd, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, Buried St. Francis Cemetery Pawtucket RI, War record World War, brewer R.I. Brewing Co, single, 48 years 11 months, b. 23 Dec 1887 Cloonmore Ireland (s. of John Tracey & Ann Davis of Cloonmore Ireland) Informant his sister Mary McCarthy, 6 Young Ave


Thom? Treacy? & Maria Keelan?

Michael Treacy b. 10/14 Sep 1873 Sp. Maria Boltan? Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish [bad writting]


Michael Treasy, 24, bachelor, labourer, lives Nocmane [Knockmeane Kilmeane], (s. of Micheal Treacy, farmer) married Bridget Hanly, 25, spinster, BLANK, lives Cloonmore [Kilteevan], (d. of Daniel Hanly, farmer) 09 February 1874 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Michael Bolton & Winifred Quin [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

Michael Tracy & Bridget Hanly

Maria Tracy bapt. 15/26 Mar 1876 of Cloonmore [Kilteevan] Sp. Patritius Tracy & Margarita Tracy. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish  (LDS)

Catherina Tracy b. 4 Oct/1 Nov 1877 of Clonmore Sp. Patricius Tracy & Anne Tracy. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Margarita Tracy b. 3 June/4 Jul 1880 of Clonmore  Sp. Michael Brehenny & Brigitta Tracy. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)

Michael Tracey & Bridget Hanly

Mary b. 15 March 1876 Cloonmore (LDS)

Catherina Tracy b. 4 Oct 1877 Kilteevan (LDS)

Margaret b. 19 June 1880 Kilteevan (LDS)

Michael Tracey, small farmer, & Bridget Hanly

Michael Tracey b.  15 Dec 1874 Cloonmore Kilteevan. Michael Tracey, his mark, father, Cloonmore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Mary Tracey b. 15 Mar 1876 Cloonmore Kilteevan. Michael Tracy, father, Cloonmore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Catherine Tracey b. 4 Oct 1877 Cloonmore Kilteevan. Michael Tracy, father, Cloonmore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Michael Tracey, died 1874 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU, aged 0 years 10 minutes, b. 1874, bachelor, child of small farmer, died 15 Dec 1874 Cloonmore Kilteevan [Roscommon and Kilteevan RC], Michael Tracey, his mark, present at death, Cloonmore


Margaret Treacy/Tracey, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Cloonmore [Kilteevan], (d. of Michael Treacy, Do [farmer]) married Thomas Brennan, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Clannch Parish of Newtown Cashel [Clawinch Cashel Longford], (s. of Patrick Brennan, farmer) 16 February 1903 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Michael Brennan & Sarah Killian [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

Margarita Tracey & Thomae/Thomas Brannan?Brennan

Patritium Brannan b. 10 Apr 1904 Sp. Patritius Tracey & Maria Brannan. Cashel Parish Longford

Lucam Brennan b. 3/16 Apr 1905 Sp. Martinus Killain & Maria Brown. Cashel Parish Longford

Mariam Catherinam Brennan b. 14 Jul 1907 Sp. Joannes Fagan & Helena Killian. Cashel Parish Longford

Thomas Joseph Brennan b. 20 Jun 1909 Sp. Patritius Garrick & Maria Garrick. Cashel Parish Longford


Margaret Treacy & Thomas Brennan

...By 1901, Bridget Dilmore Brennan was the last of her family living on Clawinch island Co. Longford with her son Thomas Brennan. Thomas married Margaret Treacy of Cloonmore, Kilteevan after Bridget's death 1903. They raised their family on the island after which the island was uninhabited for many years.



Patrick Brennan Clawinch, Co. Longford

...He married my great great grandmother Bridget Delmar on Jan. 28  1850 in Newtowncashel Parish Church, Co. Longford. Their witnesses were Patrick Tracy and Mary Keeny...

Patrick Brennan was baptised June 11 1854. His sponsors were Martin Tracy and Bridget Killian.

Michael Brennan was baptised April 4 1868. His sponsors were Andrew Tracy and Ellen Kenny.




Thomas Brennan 1871-1944 Clawinch m 1903 Margaret Treacy 1877-1966 Cloonmore in Knockcroghery [Killinvoy]

Great Grandparents

Michael Treacy m Brigid Hanly of Cloonmore, Kilteevan, Co. Roscommon 1874

Great Great Grandparents

Michael Treacy c1820-1885 & Catherine ?



Catherina Tracy & Joannes Dillon

Maria Dillon b. 17/18 Apr 1875 of Roscommon Sp. Joannes Sheil & Maria Dillon. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish

Patritius Joseph Dillon b. 25/29 Apr 1877 of CoonRhonae Roscommon Sp. Maria Tighe. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish  (Note: Patrick Dillon married Catherin Sheil on the 30th June 1913 Rev P J Flynn)


US State Department records

Patrick Dillion resides Lanesboro, Roscommon, son of John Dillion & Catherine Tracy, sister married Patrick Cusack, Stone St, NYC date 1917-05-22



Catherine Tracey

Edward Tracey b. 12 Feb 1876 Cloonmore Kilteevan. Catherine Tracey, her mark, mother, Cloonmore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Honora Trasy/Treasy, 20, spinster, BLANK, lives Clooragh [Clooneigh? Kilteevan], (d. of John Trasy, farmer) married Thomas Murry, 23, bachelor, farmer, lives Clooncof [Clooncraff Kilteevan], (s. of Patrick Murry, farmer) 12 April 1877 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Hugh Brannin & Margaret Coughlin [Roscommon Roscommon PLU]


Thomas Tracey, of full age, bachelor, tinker, lives Kiltoom [Kiltoom], (s. of Thomas Tracey, dead, tinker) married Honora Costello, of full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Roscommon [Roscommon], (d. of John Costello, dead?, sweeps?) 24 September 1877 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Charles Costello & Maria Costello, signed their marks [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] signed their marks

Thomas Trasey & Honora Costelo

John Trasey b. 1/4 Jul 1878 of Workhouse Sp. John Costelo & Margret Hanan. Roscommon and Kilteevan Parish (LDS)


John Tracey, labourer, & Sarah Tracey

William Tracey b. 7 Nov 1877 Cloontymullan [Cloontimullan] Kilteevan. John Tracey, his mark, father, Cloontymullan [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Bridget/Bee Tracy, 25, spinster, Do [farmer], lives Do [Cloontimullan Kilteevan], (d. of Terence Tracey, Do [farmer]) married Martin Gallagher, 26, bachelor, farmer, lives Clunty Mullan, (s. of James Gallagher, farmer) 21 January 1886 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Martin Coffey & Anne Warn [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] [see above]


Terence Tracy, 22, bachelor, farmer, lives Cloontymullen Kiltevan [Cloontimullan Kilteevan], (s. of Terence Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Cunningham, 21, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Carrowcrin Kilbride, (d. of Martin Cunningham, farmer) 19 March 1886 RC Chapel Ballagh Wit: John Cunningham, Michael Duke & Bridget Gill, signed their marks [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed their marks [see above]


Patrick Treacy, small farmer, & Eliza Hanly

Mary Treacy b. 21 February 1886 of Clooncagh Kilteevan [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


Eliza Treacy nee Hanly, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Cloonfinlough OR Kilteevan], (d. of Luke Hanly, dead, farmer) married Bernard English, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives ?ivlet Hill, (s. of Bernard English, dead, farmer) 08 February 1892 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: John Daly & Kate Brennan [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] signed his mark


1901 Census

Bridget Treacy, 18, F, 4 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Mary Treacy, 15, F, Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Elizabeth English, 42, Female, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Farmers Wife, Widow, Co Roscommon

Bernard English, 7, Male, Son, Roman Catholic, Scholar, Not Married, Co Roscommon

Lizzie English, 5, Female, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Scholar, Not Married, Co Roscommon


1911 Census

Eliza English, 51, F, 3 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (head, widow, 6 child 4 alive)

Bridgie Tracey, 27, F, 3 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (daughter, single)

Berney English, 17, M, 3 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (son)

Lizzie English, 15, F, 3 Clooncah, Kilteevan, Roscommon (daughter)


Mary Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Cloonca [Clooncah] Kilteevan, (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Andrew J. Heavey, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ballygar [Killeroran] Co Galway, (s. of John Heavey, farmer) 25 September 1895 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Thomas Naughton & Ellie Tracey [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] see above and Killian Galway


Bridget Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married John Watson, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Tubberdan [Toberdan St John], (s. of Walter Watson, teacher) 13 February 1896 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Michael Watson & Theresa M Hanly [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] see above and Killinvoy


Margaret Treacy/Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Essex Lawn? [house in Cloonybeirne Roscommon] Co Roscommon. (d. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Patrick Minor, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Oran [Oran] Co Roscommon, (s. of Michael Minor, farmer) 07 August 1898 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Thomas Rogerson & Maria Tracey [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] signed his mark


1901 Census





Head of Family

Roman Catholic

Co Roscommon

Horse Trainer

Cannot read









Roman Catholic



Read and write









Roman Catholic

Co Roscommon


Cannot read


Not Married



1911 Census





Head of Family

R Catholic

Co Roscommon

House Trainer

Cannot read or write












R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write












R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write












R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write












R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Cannot read












R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Cannot read








Ellen Tracey, do [full age], spinster, farmer, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Henry Owens, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Lismchy? [Lismeehy Lissonuffy], (s. of Luke Owens, dead, farmer) 15 August 1898 RC Chapel Roscommon Wit: Luke Duffy & Winifred Owens [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] see above and Strokestown


Margaret Treacy/Tracey, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Cloonmore [Kilteevan], (d. of Michael Treacy, Do [farmer]) married Thomas Brennan, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Clannch Parish of Newtown Cashel [Clawinch Cashel Longford], (s. of Patrick Brennan, farmer) 16 February 1903 RC Chapel Kilteevan Wit: Michael Brennan & Sarah Killian [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] [see above]


Patrick Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (s. of Patrick Treacy, dead, farmer) married Catherine/Kate Gillooly, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Corry [Kilgefin], (d. of John Gillooly, alive, farmer) 02 March 1908 RC Church Ballagh Wit: Patrick Treacey of Clooncagh & Nora Gillooly of N.S. Lamore [Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


 * Follow each other in register or certificate



Shannon View school is located in the townland of Clooncah, Kilteevan. The school was built in 1916 by Rev T.H. Canon Cummins, PP, Roscommon. Patrick Treacy, Clooncah, exchanged the site for the new school for use of the old Cloonmore school which from that time onwards has been used as sheds.



1934-1938 Radharc na Sionainne [School] Clooncah, Co. Roscommon

John Treacy Cloonmore was a great man for lifting weights. He was able to carry 60 stone about 50 yards. He was 60 years when he died.


Martin Treacy Cloonmore was a great swimmer. He swam from Connaught to Leinster about 2½ miles across the Shannon in a short time.



Clooncah, Kilteevan (Ringforts)

The folklore collections record two ringforts extant in the townland in 1938. One was about 200 yards (183m) north of the river Hind in Treacy’s field, surrounded by a ring of hawthorn. The other fort is recorded one mile west of Shannon View school. It was adjacent to Mrs Clasby’s house with nut trees growing around it. (M.MS. 1270, p.48).




Treacy Headstone, Kilteevan Cemetery, Co Roscommon.




Rememberance of


of Clooncach

who died ? May ?

aged ? years

also his beloved wife


who died ? July 1902

aged 72 years

Their son PATRICK

died ? Nov 1947

and his wife CATHERINE

died 3rd Jan 1969

also their daughter

MONICA died 7th May 1931

Their son PATRICK died 15th July 1980?

Their daughter EILEEN died 17th Nov ?


Erected by

their devoted son


and their other loving children

as a tribute to the memory of

them? never to be forgotten






St. Coman's Graveyard, Henry Street, Roscommon


Lord have Mercy on the

Soul of Margret Treacy

who Deptd this life june

ye 9th 1798 agd 20 yrs also

patrick kerwan who

Deptd ys life may the 4th

1799 aged 48 yrs Erectd by

his brothr Thomas Kerwan



O Lord Have Mercy On

The Soul Of Margret

Higgins Alias Treasy

Who Departed This Life

On The 7th Of January 1833

Aged 26 Yrs Also Mary

Treasy Aged 24 Yrs This

Stone Is Erected By Their

Fond Parents James And

Bridget Treasy




 Strokestown (& Kiltrustan) See also Tarmonbarry


Margaret Tracy m. George Fox 1816 Elphin Diocese

Margaret Tracy of Strokestown married George Fox (now otP, private 84th Regt Inf'y) 18 June 1816 Strokestown (Bumlin) CoI Parish Register.



1833 to 1837 charitable bequests to the Poor of the Union of Bumlin Strokestown, County Roscommon [Bartholomew Mahon fund]

Oct 19 1835 Mary Treacy 1s

Oct 19 1836 Mary Treacy 2s

Augt 8 1837 to assist for a Coffin for B. Treacy 2s


Margrielam Tracy married Michaelem Thompson 27 Jan 1831 Wit: Michaell Tracy & Maria Donoghoe. Strokestown Parish


Mariam Treasy/Treacy married Patritium Conlan 29 Jan 1831 Wit: Joanne Sweeny & Catherina Murphy. Strokestown Parish (LDS)

Catharina/Mary Tracy & Patritie Conlan

Hugonem Conlan b. 29 Nov 1833 Sp. Patritio Beirne & Eleanora McCoy. Strokestown Parish

Bernard Conlon b. 1 May 1845 Sp. Mary Allen & Cormick Rodgers. Strokestown Parish


Maria Tracy & Thoma Farrell

Mariam Farrell b. 30 Jun 1831 Sp. Patricio Farrell & Maria Farrell. Strokestown Parish [double Farrell baptism?]

Johannem Farrell b. 23 Nov 1833 Sp. Luca Farrell & Eleanora Kennedy. Strokestown Parish

Micholem Farrel b. 5 Sep 1836 Sp. Joane Kenedy & Maria Dowling. Strokestown Parish


Maria Treacy & Michafai? Cassidy

Catherinam Cassidy b. 28 Nov 1831 Sp. Bartholomes Carly & Eleonora Shannon. Strokestown Parish


Gul(l)ielmi Tracy & Bridgidae/Brigidae Hedian/Headen

Joanenn Tracy b. 13 June 1831 Sp. Petro Headen & Elenora Cassey. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

Catharinam Tracy b. 15 February 1833 Sp. Johanna Corcoran & Nancisca Warren. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Liffonuffy (LDS)

Margm Tracy b. 14 June 1834 Sp. Johanne Flanagan & Juda Hodgins. Strokestown Parish (LDS)

Mariam Tracy b. 6 September 1835 Sp. Joane Tracy & Brigidae Noon. Strokestown Parish (LDS)


Margaret Tracy died 1867, Strokestown PLU, aged 32, b. 1835, died 23 Jun 1867 Clooncara/Clomena [d. of Gullielmi Tracy & Bridgidea Hedian (LDS)]


Johannis Tracy & Nanciscae/Annae Warren

Nanciscam Tracy b. 1 January 1832 Sp. Franciso Flanagan & Brigida Noon. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

Mariam Treacy b. 24 Mar 1834 Sp. Willm Treacy & Fanny Denigan? Strokestown Parish. Lissonuffy (LDS)


Laurentii Tracy & Honoriae Caslin 

Thomam Treacy b. 19 Mar 1832 Lisanaffy & Cloonfinlough, Roscommon, Ireland (LDS)

Joannem Tracy b. 25 Jun 1832 Sp. Timothea Causland & Maria Naghten. Strokestown Parish. Lisanaffy & Cloonfinlough (LDS)


Thomae Tracy & Mariae Byrne

Petrum Tracy b. 29 Aug 1832 Sp.  Joanne McDennoa? & Anna McLaughlin. Strokestown Parish. Lisanaffy & Cloonfinlough (LDS)


Maria Tracy & Petri Gannon

Patrium Gannon b. 22 Jun 1833 Sp. Jacobo Gannon & Brigida Petit. Strokestown Parish


Bernardi Tracy & Nanciscae Hanly

Bernardum Tracy b. 15 August 1833 Sp. Johanne Trasey & Catharina Croghan. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)


Michaelem Treasy? married Margaritam Healy 7 Oct 1833 Wit: Patritio Tynolds & Susanna Stewart. Strokestown Parish


Pat Tracy & Ann Feeny

Martin Tracy b. 4th November 1833 Sp. John Mannion & Maria Werin? Stokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)


Brigidam Treacy married Patritium McKeal 12 Sep 1834 Wit: Jacobo Treacy & Sara O'Neil?. Strokestown Parish


Patricium Tracy married Annam Donnell ? Jan? 1835 Wit: Patricio Walsh & Cecilia Tracey?. Strokestown Parish

Patricii Treacy & Annae O’Donnell/Odonnel

Margaritam Treacy b. 12 December 1836 Sp. Edvardo Kelly & Maria Power? Strokestown Parish (LDS)

Johannem Tracy b. 5 Dec 1857 Sp. Jacobus Coffey & Anna Cox. Strokestown Parish. Lissonuffy (LDS)

Patricii Tracy & Mariae O’Donnell

Birgittam Tracy b. 5 December 1841 Sp. Petricues & Brigitta O'Donnell. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)


Michael Tracey of Ashbrook [Lissonuffy] (s. of Patritius & Anna O'Donnell of Ashbrook) married Maria Dayton of The Demesne (d. of Michael & Maria Cuiniff? of Shanseragh? [Sheegeeragh Killukin]) On the 23 June 1868 Wit: Patricius Tracey of Ashbrook & Maria Tracey of Ashbrook. Strokestown Parish

Michael Tracey, 28, Unmarried?, labourer, lives Ashbrook. (s. of Patrick Tracey, landholder) married Mary Dayton, 26, spinster, lives Strokestown demense, (d. of Michael Dayton, landholder) 23 June 1868 RC Chapel Strokestown Wit: Pathio? Tracey & Mary Tracey, their marks [Strokestown PLU Roscommon] signed their marks

Michael Tracey, 28, (s. of Patrick Tracey) married Mary Dayton, 26 (d. of Michael Dayton) 23 Jun 1868 Strokestown (LDS)

Michael? Tracey & Marie? Vogd?

Catharina Tracey b. 16 Feb 1869 of Kildologue [Kildalloge Kiltrustan] Sp. Patritio Tracey & Brigida Tracey. Strokestown Parish

Michael Tracy & Mary/Maria Dayton/Deacon

Maria Anna Tracy b. 9/11 Jan 1871 of Strokestown [Kiltrustan] Sp. Patritio Dayton & Maria Treacy. Strokestown Parish

Brigida Tracey b. 15/19 Jan 1873 of Kildlogue Sp. Joane Whelan & Anna Denaghy. Strokestown Parish

Elizabetha Agnes Teresa Thracy b. 4/8 Dec 1874 of Strokestown [Bumlin OR Kiltrustan] Sp. Michael Tracy & Elizabeth Tracy. Strokestown Parish

Margarita Tracey b. 26/29 Oct 1876 of Strokestown Sp. Petis Tracey & Maria Clayton. Strokestown Parish

Patricius Treacy b. 2/5 Dec 1878 of Strokestown Sp. Joseph Bohaninne? & Catharina Murphy? Strokestown Parish

Teresa Treacy b. 4 Jan/7 Feb 1881 of Kildologue Sp. Michael Dayton & Maria Treacy. Strokestown Parish

Michael Tracy & Mary Dayton

Mary Anne Tracy b. 19 Jan 1871 Strokestown (LDS)

Bridget Tracy b. 17 Jan 1873 (LDS)

Lizzie Agnes b. 17 December 1874 Strokestown (LDS)

Margaret b. 24 November 1876 (LDS)

Patrick b. 10 December 1878 (LDS)

Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dayton

Mary Anne Tracy b. 19 Jan 1871 Strokestown [Kiltrustan]. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Strokestown [Strokestown Strokestown PLU]

Bridget Tracy b. 17 Jan 1873 Kildologue [Kildalloge Kiltrustan]. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Kildologue [Stokestown Stokestown PLU]

Lizzie Agnes Tracy b. 17 Dec 1874 Kildologue. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother Kildologue [Stokestown Stokestown PLU] [registered 1875]

Margaret Tracy b. 24 Nov 1876 Kildologue. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother Kildologue [Stokestown Stokestown PLU] [registered 1877]


Tracys of Elphin St., Strokestown

My grandmother was Elizabeth Tracy of Strokestown. Her parents were Michael Tracy and Mary Dayton. Looking for relatives.

leMeeg@nep.net Mar 10, 2003


Tracey Strokestown Strokestown, Beal na mBuilli County Roscommon
Looking for information regarding my Strokestown ancestors, Michael, Patrick, Teresa, Delia, Elizabeth Tracey and Mary Dayton and family. Those Traceys came to America via Cobh (Queenstown) and settled in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.


Maria Tracey, 27 yrs, spinster, BLANK, lives Ashbrook [Lissonuffy], (d. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Pat Shiel, 29 yrs, bachelor, famer, lives Drinagh [Lissonuffy], (s. of James Shiel, farmer) 11 February 1872 RC Chapel Kilglass Wit: James Ceasy & Bridget Treacy [Rooskey Stokestown Roscommon PLU] [same family?] [see Tarmonbarry]


Gulielumum Tracey married Annam Tighe 11 Nov 1836 Wit: Joannes? Tighe? & Lar? Boyd. Strokestown Parish [bad copy]

William Tracy & Anne Tigh/Tighe

Maria Tracy b. 3 September 1837 Sp. Pat & Maria Tighe. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

Bridget Tracy b. 27 May 1839 Sp. Francis Flanagan & Anne Lennon. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

Pat Tracy b. 10 March 1844 Sp. Michk Couleus & Ann Kerns? Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

William Tracy & Frances Tigh

Edward Tracy b. 18 September 1841 Sp. Danl & Margt Madden. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)


Michm Tracy married Brigidam Murphy 27 May 1837 Wit: Jacobo & Mat Murphy. Strokestown Parish. Lisonuffy (LDS)

Michael/Michaelis Tracy & B/Bridget/Birgittae Murphy

Michael Tracy b. 2 June 1840 Sp. Thos Dockry& Bridget Hart. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

Gulielmum Tracy b. 29 March 1842 Sp. Jacobus Roche & Maria Coffy. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

James Tracy b. 30 November 1843 Sp. Sp. James Tracy & Onny Murphy. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS) Kiltrustan (LDS)

Thomam Tracy b. 24 June 1858 Sp. Daniel Corny & Catherina Murphy. Strokestown Parish. Lissonuffy (LDS) Kiltrustan (LDS)


Maria Treacy of Ashbrook (d. of Michael Treacy & Bda Murphy of Ashbrook [Lissonuffy]) married Laurentius Coffey of Asbrook (s. of Laurentius & Bda Walsh of Ashbrook) on the 8 Nov? 1866? Wit: Michael McCormick? of Cloonara [Cloonerra Cloonfinlough] & Anna Kenny of Tully [Tullyvarran Lissonuffy]. Strokestown Parish.

Maria Treacy, 21, single, white [?] (d. of Michael Treacy) married Lawrence Coffey, 25, single, white [?] (s. of Lawrence Coffey) on the 11 Feb 1866 Strokestown (LDS)

Maria Treacy, 21, single, no rank or profession, lives Ashbrook, (d. of Michael Treacy, small farmer) married Laurence Coffey, 25, single, no rank or profession, lives Ashbrook (s. of Laurence Coffey, small farmer) 11 February 1866 RC Chapel Strokestown Wit: William Coffey & Michael Treacy, their marks [Strokestown Roscommon PLU] signed their marks


Joannem Treacy married Honoriam Treacy 26 Feb 1838 Wit: Dyonisio Treacy & Anna Ferral. Strokestown Parish


John Tracy [no wife stated]

Edward Tracy b. 25 November 1838 Sp. Patt Tracy & Honora Tracy. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)


Eleonoram Tracy m. Bernardum? Harny 22 Feb 1841 Wit Bernardo & Brigida ???. Strokestown Parish. Lisonuffy (LDS)

Nell Tracy & Bryan Harvey

Pat Harvey b. 26 Feb 1844 Sp. James Mally & Mary Goggins. Strokestown Parish


Thomam Tracy married Brigidam Kenedy 5 Mar 1840 Wit: Thoma King & Thoma Farrel? Roscommon Parish (Note: Tempo? netito?)

Thomas/Thomae Tracy & B/Briget/Birgittae Kenedy

Thomam Tracy b. 19 March 1841 Sp. Gilbertus Farrel? & Brigitta Kenedy. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

Pat Tracy b. 4 March 1844 Sp. Pat Kenedy & Mary Farrell. Strokestown Parish (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)


Margaritam Treacy married Thomam Burne 27 Apr 1840 Wit: Thoma Treacy & Margareta Cocannon?. Strokestown Parish


Martin Trecy & Maria Doorly

Meche Trecy b. 23 May 1841 Sp. Fergus Dooly & Honora Cline. Strokestown Parish


Joannem Tracy married Brigidam Dooly 4 Feb 1842 Wit: Rosa & Maria Dillon. Strokestown Parish

John Tracey & Bridget Dooly

John Tracey b. 27 November 1842 Sp. Martin Corcoran & Bridgt Gahigen. Strokestown Parish (LDS)


Honoriam Tracy married Patricium Magan 9 Nov 1842 Wit: Gullielmo Tracy & B Hed? Strokestown Parish


Pat Tracy m. Mary Coffey 12 Dec 1843 Strokestown, Roscommon, Ireland 

Patt Treacy & Mary Charley

Thomas Treacy b. 15 Nov 1845 Sp. Thomas Treacy & Mary Regan. Strokestown Parish. Lissonuffy (LDS) Kiltrustan (LDS)


Eleanoram Tracey married Patritium Meegan 19 Feb 1844 Wit: Joanne McKeon & Anna Treacy. Strokestown Parish

Ellen Tracy & Patt Meegan

Mary Meegan b. 14? Feb 1846 Sp. Mathew Meegan & Jasne O'Brien. Strokestown Parish


Annam Tracy married Thomam Farrell 19 Jan 1845 Wit: Thoma Donoho & Revd? Jno Gilep? Strokestown Parish


Mariam Tracey married Thadicum Fiteily? [Fehily?] 24 Feb 1846 Wit: Gulielmo Filrily? & Joanne O'Brian. Strokestown Parish


James Tracy & Jane McGlin?

Anne Tracy b. 30 Aug 1846 Sp. Margret Healy & Pates? Conn? Strokestown Parish [bad copy]

James Tracy & Jane McGlinne

Ann b. 30 August 1846 RC Kiltrustan (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)


Brigedam Tracy married Michael Royne 14 Dec 1847 Wit: Pat Jordan & Mich Mannion. Strokestown Parish


Elizabeth Tracy married Patricium McGlaughlin 10 Jul 1848 Wit: Dom Donnelly & S Farrell? Strokestown Parish


Annam Tracy married Patritium ONeil 6 Feb 1854 or 1856 Wit: Patritio Bodkin & Brigida ONeil. Strokestown Parish


Jacobum Tracey married Margarita Conlon 17 August 1855 Wit: Thoma Burke & Maria Burke. Strokestown Parish (LDS)


Joannan [Joan] Tracey? married Hugonem Lyons 4 Feb? 1856 Wit: Patritio Lyons & Maria Wallace. Strokestown Parish


Mariam Treacy married Michaelem Flannery 23 Feb 1857 Wit: Edwardo Jordan & Anna Toulin. Strokestown Parish


Catherinam Treacy [Johanna? ONeil crossed out] married Joannem ONeil 24 Feb 1857 Wit: Patritio ONeil & Brigida Casey. Strokestown Parish


Patricii Tracy? & Anna O'Donnal

Johanna Tracy b. 05 Dec 1857 Sp. Jacobus Coffey & Anna Cox. Strokestown Parish


Martin/Martini Tracey & Anna Dillon

Annam Tracy b. 20 April 1858 Sp. Patricius Triston & Maria Dillon. Strokestown Parish (LDS)  [duplicate]

Annam Tracy b. 3 July 1858 Sp. Patricius Trisson? & Maria Dillon. Strokestown Parish (LDS)

Maria Tracey b. 8 Jan 1870 of Tullarpatrick  [Toberpatrick Kiltrustan] Sp. Brigida Duffy. Strokestown Parish.

Margarita Tracey b. 31 Aug/8 Sep 1872 of Tubberpatrick Sp. MichaelMcDermott & Catherina Mullin. Strokestown Parish.

? Treacy & Anna ?illa?

Bridget Treacy b. 15 Nov? 1866 of Tullapatick? Sp. [torn page] Strokestown Parish. [very faint]

Martin/Martini Treacy/Tracey & Anne/Annae Dillon

Annam b. ??? July 1858 RC Strokestown (LDS) OR Annam b. 20 April 1858 RC Kitrustan (LDS) OR Annam b. 3 July 1858 RC Kiltrustan (LDS) Lissonuffy (LDS)

Johannem Tracy b. 9 June 1861 Lissonuffy (LDS)

Bridget b. 12 December 1866 Ruskey District (LDS)

Mary b. 24 December 1869 Rooskey (LDS)

Martin Treacy/Tracey, labourer, & Anne Dillon

Bridget Treacy b. 12 Dec 1866 of Tubberpatrick [Toberpatrick Kiltrustan]. Martin Treacy, his mark, father, Tubberpatrick [Roosky Strokestown PLU] [Registered 1867]

Mary Tracey b.  24 Dec 1869 Toberpatrick. Anne Manion, her mark, present at birth, Toberpatrick  [Rooskey Stokestown PLU] [Registered 1870]


Martin Treacy, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Tobberpatrick [Kiltrustan], (s. of Martin Tracy, farmer) married Bridget McCormack, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Tobberpatrick, (d. of Thomas McCormack, farmer) 13 October 1890 RC Chapel Kiltrustan Wit: John Lytle & Kate McCormack [Rooskey Strokestown Roscommon PLU]


Margaritam Trasy? married Joanann Vaughan 20 Jun 1858 Wit: Timotheo Cponner & Maria McKeon. Strokestown Parish


Joannem Treacy married Mariam Shaughnessy 1 Feb 1861 Wit: Thoma O’Gara & Catha Lnnon. Strokestown Parish (LDS)


Margaritam Treacy married Patritium Fehily 22 Nov 1861 Wit: Thoma Foley & Maria Treacy. Strokestown Parish.


Joannem Treacy married Brigidam French 23 May 1862 Wit: Michael McLaughlin & Brigida McLaughlin. Strokestown Parish


Michaelem Tracy married Eleanoram Quin 28 Aug 1862 Wit: Joanne Geraghty & Brigida Quin. Strokestown Parish

Michael Tracy & Eleonora Quinn

Joanes Tracy b. 3/6 Dec 1865 of Drominsouin? [Drumagissaun Kilglass] Sp. Petrus Gilcooly & Brigida Gilcooly. Kilglass Parish (Note: 1922)

Michael Tracey & Ellena Quinn

Margarita Tracy b. 23/29 June 1868 of Canaclogher? [Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough] Sp. Thoma Mang? & Brigida Quinn. Stokestown Parish

Maria Tracy b. 10/14 May 1871 of Aughadangan [Aghadangan Lissonuffy] Sp. Brigida Keane. Stokestown Parish

Michael Tracy/Tracey & Ellen Quinn

John b. 8 May 1865 Ruskey District (LDS)

Margaret Tracy b. 23 June 1868 Stokestown (LDS)

Maria b. 8 May 1871 Strokestown (LDS)

Michael Tracey/Tracy, laborer & Ellen Quinn

John Tracey b. 8 May 1865 of Drumgrissaun [Drumagissaun Kilglass] Margaret Quinn, her mark, grandmother, present at birth, Drumgissan [Roosky Strokestown PLU]

Margaret Tracy b. 23 June 1868 of Carraclogher [Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough] Michael Tracy, his mark, father, Carraclogher [Strokestown Strokestown PLU]

Maria Tracy b.  8 May 1871 Clooneycarn [Cloonycarran Lissonuffy]. Michael Tracy, his mark, father, Clooneycarn [Stokestown Stokestown PLU]


Patrick Tracy & Margaret Boland

Honora b. 26 June 1865 Stokestown (LDS) [twins]

Maria b. 26 June 1865 Stokestown (LDS) [twins]

Margaret Tracy b. 21 May 1867 Strokestown Roscommon (LDS)

Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Boland

Maria Tracy b. 26 Jun 1865 of Clooneeragh [Cloonearagh] Parish of Cloonfinlough Mary Boland, her mark, present at birth, Cloonakilla [Cloonakilly Killukin (Roscommon)] [Strokestown Strokestown PLU] Twins

Honora Tracy b. 26 Jun 1865 of Clooneeragh [] Parish of Cloonfinlough Mary Boland, her mark, present at birth, Cloonakilla [Cloonakilly Killukin (Roscommon)] [Strokestown Strokestown PLU] Twins

Margaret Tracy b. 21 May 1867 of Cloonearagh [Cloonfinlough]. Mary Dolan, her mark, present at birth, Clonakilla [Cloonakilly Killukin (Roscommon)] [Strokestown Strokestown PLU]


Patrick Tracy died 1867, Strokestown PLU, aged 36, b. 1831, died 22 Mar 1867 Clorrifuloud/Clorrifoulough  [Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough]

Margaret Tracy died 1867, Strokestown PLU, aged 0, b. 1867, died 24 May 1867 Cloonerigh [Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough]

Mary Tracy died 1867, Strokestown PLU, aged 2, b. 1865, died 2 Aug 1867 Clooneera OR Cloonfinlough [Cloonearagh OR Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough]




Passport Application 11 Nov 1917

Joseph C Tracey

born Cleaveland Ohio 6 Mar 1865. Resident Gary Indiana, occupation Assistant Postmaster?. Going to France as Clerk P.O. Dept U.S.A. sailing 15 Nov 1917

Father Patrick Tracey born Ireland, emigrated from Queensland Ireland January 1850, resided 15 years from 1850 to 1865 Cleavland Ohio, naturalised 30 Oct 1856 Cleveland Ohio

52 years, striaght medium mouth, 5'8.5", round chin, square medium forehead, dark grey hair, blue grey eyes, dark ruddy complexion, straight nose, oval face.

Baptismal Certificate

Joseph C Tracey son of Patrick Tracey and Margaret Boland Tracey born on the 6 March 1865 and was baptized of the 12 March in the same year in St Patricks Church, Cleveland Ohio. Dated 16 Oct 1917.


Maggie Tracey married James Hughes 3 May 1878  Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States


1910 Census - Cleveland Ward 3, Cuyahoga, Ohio

James Hughes, head, 55, b. Ireland

Margaret Hughes, wife, married 30 years, 9 children 9 alive, 50, b. Ohio, parents born Ireland

8 CHILDREN 26 to 12

Gladys Tracy, niece, single, 16, b. Ohio, parents born Ohio

Joseph C Tracy, brother-in-law, widower, 45, b. 1865 Ohio, parents born Ireland, Clerk Post Office


Family Tree




Edward Tracey, 27, single, no rank or profession, lives Clooneragh [Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough] (s. of Pat Tracey, small farmer) married Bridget Gaynor, 26, single, no rank or profession, lives Clooneragh (d. of Thomas Gaynor, small farmer) 14 January 1866 RC Chapel Strokestown Wit: Francis Cummins & Catherine Feeny, their marks [Strokestown Roscommon PLU] signed their marks

Edwardo Tracey & Brigida Eagner?

Maria Marguertia Tracey b. 14/18 Nov 1866 Sp. of Clonmagh? Joanne Dockey? & Marguerita Docky. Strokestown Parish


Maria Treacy of Ashbrook (d. of Michael Treacy & Bda Murphy of Ashbrook [Lissonuffy]) married Laurentius Coffey of Asbrook (s. of Laurentius & Bda Walsh of Ashbrook) on the 8 Nov? 1866? Wit: Michael McCormick? of Cloonara [Cloonerra Cloonfinlough] & Anna Kenny of Tully [Tullyvarran Lissonuffy]. Strokestown Parish. [see above]


Maria Tracy & Patritio O'Neill

Edvardus O'Neill b. 10/19 or 10/17 Jul 1866 of Clooncreigh/Clooneragh [Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough] Sp. Nicholi/Michael Feeny & Brigida Feeny. Strokestown Parish [double entry]


Michael Tracey of Ashbrook [Lissonuffy] (s. of Patritius & Anna O'Donnell of Ashbrook) married Maria Dayton of The Demesne (d. of Michael & Maria Cuiniff? of Shanseragh? [Sheegeeragh Killukin]) On the 23 June 1868 Wit: Patricius Tracey of Ashbrook & Maria Tracey of Ashbrook. Strokestown Parish [see above]

Michael Tracey, 28, Unmarried?, labourer, lives Ashbrook. (s. of Patrick Tracey, landholder) married Mary Dayton, 26, spinster, lives Strokestown demense, (d. of Michael Dayton, landholder) 23 June 1868 RC Chapel Strokestown Wit: Pathio? Tracey & Mary Tracey, their marks [Strokestown PLU Roscommon] signed their marks

Michael Tracey, 28, (s. of Patrick Tracey) married Mary Dayton, 26 (d. of Michael Dayton) 23 Jun 1868 Strokestown (LDS)

Michael? Tracey & Marie? Vogd?

Catharina Tracey b. 16 Feb 1869 of Kildologue [Kildalloge Kiltrustan] Sp. Patritio Tracey & Brigida Tracey. Strokestown Parish

Michael Tracy & Mary/Maria Dayton/Deacon

Maria Anna Tracy b. 9/11 Jan 1871 of Strokestown [Kiltrustan] Sp. Patritio Dayton & Maria Treacy. Strokestown Parish

Brigida Tracey b. 15/19 Jan 1873 of Kildlogue Sp. Joane Whelan & Anna Denaghy. Strokestown Parish

Elizabetha Agnes Teresa Thracy b. 4/8 Dec 1874 of Strokestown [Bumlin OR Kiltrustan] Sp. Michael Tracy & Elizabeth Tracy. Strokestown Parish

Margarita Tracey b. 26/29 Oct 1876 of Strokestown Sp. Petis Tracey & Maria Clayton. Strokestown Parish

Patricius Treacy b. 2/5 Dec 1878 of Strokestown Sp. Joseph Bohaninne? & Catharina Murphy? Strokestown Parish

Teresa Treacy b. 4 Jan/7 Feb 1881 of Kildologue Sp. Michael Dayton & Maria Treacy. Strokestown Parish

Michael Tracy & Mary Dayton

Mary Anne Tracy b. 19 Jan 1871 Strokestown (LDS)

Bridget Tracy b. 17 Jan 1873 (LDS)

Lizzie Agnes b. 17 December 1874 Strokestown (LDS)

Margaret b. 24 November 1876 (LDS)

Patrick b. 10 December 1878 (LDS)

Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dayton

Mary Anne Tracy b. 19 Jan 1871 Strokestown [Kiltrustan]. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Strokestown [Strokestown Strokestown PLU]

Bridget Tracy b. 17 Jan 1873 Kildologue [Kildalloge Kiltrustan]. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Kildologue [Stokestown Stokestown PLU]

Lizzie Agnes Tracy b. 17 Dec 1874 Kildologue. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother Kildologue [Stokestown Stokestown PLU] [registered 1875]

Margaret Tracy b. 24 Nov 1876 Kildologue. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother Kildologue [Stokestown Stokestown PLU] [registered 1877]


Cathna Tracy & Joanne Neal

Marguerita Neal b. 1 Jul/8 Sep 1868 Sp. Joanne Donahy & Catherina Caloy?. Strokestown Parish

Patritius Neil b. 11 Sep 1871 of Caggle [Coggalmore & many others Lissonuffy] Sp. Maria Bodkin?. Strokestown Parish


Margarita Tracy, lives Cloonfree [Cloonfinlough], (d. of Jacobi & Maria Rider of Carmisha?) married Joseph Edvardus Docery, lives Strokestown, (s. of Matthew & Maria? Gelton of Strokestown) 29 Sept 1872 Wit: Pat Mahony of Strokestown & Teresa Docery of Strokestown. Strokestown Parish

Margaret Tracy, full age, spinster, servant, lives Clamfree, (d. of James Tracy, farmer) married Joseph Dockery, full age, bachelor, nailer, lives Strokestown [Bumlin/ Kiltrustan], (s. of Mathew Dockery, nailer) 29 September 1873 [1872 on sheet] RC Chapel Strokestown Wit: Pattk Mahony & Teresa Dockery [Strokestown Roscommon PLU]


Maria Tracy? & Michael Owens

Gulielmus Carlus Owens b. 2/27 Dec 1876 of Spring Lawn? [Spring Gardens? Kiltullagh] Sp. Gulielmus Carlo Owens & Brigida Helena Neary. Strokestown Parish


Michael Walsh of Kilglass [Kilmeane] (s. of Patricius & Anna Tracey of Kilglass) married Maria Geoghagann of Derreen [Cloonfinlough] (d. of Petri & Brigida Harrison of Dereen) 5 Feb 1877 Wit: Jacobi Oheen? of Dereen & Catherina Oheen of Dereen. Strokestown Parish.


Margaret Treacy, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Cloonaffe [Clooncraff? Clooncraff], (d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer) married Peter McDermott, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Grange [Kiltrustan OR Ogulla], (s. of John McDermott, farmer) 13 February 1877 RC Chapel Cloonaffe Wit: John Gillooly & Catherine Kenney? [Rooskey Strokestown PLU] signed their marks

Margta Tracey/Treacy & Petro McDermott

Joannes Josephus McDermott b. 10/14 Dec 1877 of Grange Sp. Patricis Tracey & Eleonora Tracey. Strokestown Parish

Jacobus McDermott b. 27/28 Sep 1879 of Grange Sp. Jacobus Treacy & Anna Gannon. Strokestown Parish


William Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ashbrook [Ashbrook or Knocknabarnaboy Lissonuffy], (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Kate Byrne, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clooncunny?, (d. of James Byrne, farmer) 26 January 1888 RC Chapel Tulsk Wit: Michael Treacy & Mary A. Byrne [Elphin Strokestown Roscommon PLU]


Martin Treacy, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Tobberpatrick [Kiltrustan], (s. of Martin Tracy, farmer) married Bridget McCormack, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Tobberpatrick, (d. of Thomas McCormack, farmer) 13 October 1890 RC Chapel Kiltrustan Wit: John Lytle & Kate McCormack [Rooskey Strokestown Roscommon PLU] [see above]


Ellen Tracey, do [full age], spinster, farmer, lives Clooncagh [Clooncah Kilteevan], (d. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Henry Owens, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Lismchy? [Lismeehy Lissonuffy], (s. of Luke Owens, dead, farmer) 15 August 1898 RC Chaprl Roscommon Wit: Luke Duffy & Winifred Owens [Roscommon Roscommon PLU] see above and Strokestown


1901 Census





Head of Family

R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write









R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write









R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write


Not Married



1911 Census





Head of Family

R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write












R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write







Anne Maria





R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write







Luke Alphonsus





R Catholic

Co Roscommon


Read and write








Mary Treacy & Francis Washington

My grandparents came from Ireland in 1920, but ironically didn't meet until they got here to the States. Grandmother is Margaret Niland from Doocastle, Co Sligo and grandfather from Co Roscommon (not sure of the town). One of his relatives was the Fr. Washington of the 4 Chaplins that died in WWII. He along with 3 other religious people (1 rabbi, and 2 Protestant ministers) gave up their life jackets for their fellow navel men.  If anyone can help me with my grandparents, espicially the Washington side, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks to all-Megan spoiled_brat Nov 5, 2001


Megan - My niece Debbie told me about this message and asked me to try to give you as much family background as I could. Your grandfather would have been born in Strokestown in Co. Roscommon. Their father was named Francis and mother was Anne McHugh. My grandfather was the oldest in his family – Francis (Frank) and came to America first. He also met my grandmother, Mary, here, although she was from the same place in Ireland, she lived on the other side of a large lake and they had never met there. She was the oldest in her family, also, and their name was Treacy. They married in and bought a house on So. 12th St. in Newark where she lived until she died in 1952. They each came from large families, 13 on his side and 14 on hers. They had seven children, John (Fr. Washington), Mary (who died when she was 15), Anna (my mother), Tom, Leo, Francis and Edmund. They saved up and sent home to Ireland to sponsor their siblings coming out here, one at a time, and the ones who came stayed in my grandparents' home when they arrived. Some came, stayed a while and returned to Strokestown, where we still have relatives, especially on the Treacy side. Most stayed, married and settled in Essex and Hudson Co. - I know Uncle Tommy lived two houses from my grandparents and had three children - John, Bernie and Eleanor. Uncle Mikey lived on No. 13th St. - his wife was Bridgie and they had three children, Frank, Tommy and Marie. Uncle Packie lived in West Orange - they had only one child, Anne. Aunt Jenny married a man named Horan, lived in Jersey City and had three children, Catherine(?), Anne and Billy. Aunt MaryKate also lived in Jersey City, married a man named Toomey and had two children, Tommy and Anne (whom we always called Susie). Aunt Bridgie became a Dominican nun in Nashville, Tenn. - her name was Sr. Anne O.P. and she was there for more than fifty years. Since I don't know your family name, I don't know who your grandfather was, but I hope this has helped you.

JoanneLB Mar 23, 2003


Ellis Island


Patrick Tracey, Montclair NJ USA, 1910, 25 years, coachman, 5’8”, fair complexion, brn hair, brn eyes, Irish, Non-immigrant alien, lived Montclair USA, Father: John Tracey, Muchinagh, Strokestown. To sister, Mary Washington, 107 Sth 12th Str, Newark NJ. b. Strokestown Ireland.


Patrick J. Treacy, East Orange NJ USA, 1914, 25 years, married, Chaffeur, Father: Thomas Treacy, Muckinagh, Strokestown, Co. Roscommom. non immigrant alien, lived 8 years East Orags? NJ. Brother: Martin Treacy, 439 west? 49th Street New York, 5’8”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Stokestown Ireland. [Patrick J Treacy 25, Catherine Treacy 25 also Patrick Washington 26 brother-in-law]

Catherine Treacy, East Orange NJ USA, 1914, 25 years, wife, Father Patrick Washington, Kilgarve? Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. non immigrant alien, lived ??? East Orags? NJ. Brother in law do [Martin Treacy, 439 west? 49th Street New York], 5’8”, dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b. Stokestown Ireland. [Patrick J Treacy 25, Catherine Treacy 25 also Patrick Washington 26 brother-in-law]



Bridget Tracy died 1867, Strokestown PLU, aged 70 OR 71, b. 1797 OR 1796, died 28 Mar 1867 Bumlin [Bumlin]




Madeline Treacy, Strokestown, Roscommons Ladies Football team, 1976 U16, 1977 All Ireland winners, 1978 captain.




 Tarmonbarry (see also Strokestown)


Note: Online RC records start 1865.


Maria Tracey, 27 yrs, spinster, BLANK, lives Ashbrook [Lissonuffy], (d. of Pat Tracey, farmer) married Pat Shiel, 29 yrs, bachelor, famer, lives Drinagh [Lissonuffy], (s. of James Shiel, farmer) 11 February 1872 RC Chapel Kilglass Wit: James Ceasy & Bridget Treacy [Rooskey Stokestown Roscommon PLU]

Maria Tracy/Tracey & Patritio Sheil/Sheill

Anna Sheil b. 5/9 Apr 1874 of Drumagh? [Drinagh? Lissonuffy] Sp. Johanne Sheil & Anna Sheil. Tarmonbarry Parish

Elizabeth Sheil b. 23/28 Nov 1875 of Drisagh Sp. Daniel Casey & Bridiga Phillips. Tarmonbarry Parish

Bridiga Sheil b. 5/10 Dec 1876 of Drynagh Sp. Patricu Sheill & Anna Tracey. Tarmonbarry Parish

Mary Treacy/Tracey & Pat/Patrick Shiel

Anne Shiel b. 5 Apr 1874 Drinagh, Roosky, Strokestown, County Roscommon (LDS)

Eliza Shiel b. 27 Nov 1875  Drinagh, Strokestown County Roscommon (LDS)

Bridget Shiel b. 5 Dec 1876 Drinagh, County Roscommon (LDS)


Eliza Tracy/Treacy, BLANK age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ashbrook [Lissonuffy], (d. of Pat Tracy, Do [farmer]) married Daniel Thompson, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Scramogue [Scramoge Bumlin], (s. of Michl Thompson, farmer) 31 January 1892 RC Chapel Tarmonbarry Wit: Thomas Lyons & Lizzie K. Coffey [Rooskey Strokestown PLU]


John Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ashbrook [Lissonuffy], (s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Anne Carlos, full [age], spinster, farmer, lives Cullagh [Culliagh Bumlin], (d. of James Carlos, farmer) 21 February 1895 RC Chapel Scramogue Wit: John Nangle & Mary Garrahan [Strokestown Strokestown PLU]





Maria Tracy & Berndi Spelman

Jacobum Spelman b. 05 Apr 1846 Sp. Michal & Anna Spelman. Tibohine Parish





"Athlone: Materials from printed sources relating to the history of Athlone and surrounding areas, 1699-1899"

Beckett, Rev. M. Facts and Fictions of Local History, 1929.

Burke, Francis Lough Cé and its annals: North Roscommon and the diocese of Elphin in times of old, Dublin, 1895.

Clarke, Desmond "Athlone, a bibliographical study", An Leabhar, No. 10, 1952, 138-9

Egan, Patrick K. The parish of Ballinasloe, its history from the earliest times to the present day, Dublin, 1960.

Gacquin, W. Roscommon before the Famine - the parishes of Kiltoom and Cam, Dublin, Irish Academic Press, 1996

Hayes McCoy, G.A. Index to 'The Compossicion Booke of Connoght, 1585', Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin, 1945.

Keaney, Marion Athlone bridging the centuries, Westmeath county council, Mullingar, 1991.

Knox, H.T. Notes on the Early History of the Dioceses of Tuam, Killala and Achonry, Dublin, 1904.

MacNamee, James J. History of the Diocese of Ardagh, Dublin, 1954.

Monahan, Rev. J. Records Relating to the Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise, 1886.

Moran, James A. Stepping on stones: Roscommon Mid West, the Suck lowlands, the Ballinturly-Correal valley, James Moran, Cartur, Co. Roscommon, 1993.

Murtagh, H. Irish Historic Towns Atlas: Athlone, RIA, Dublin, 1994.

Murtagh, H. Athlone besieged, Temple Printing Co., Athlone, 1991.

O'Brien, Brendan Athlone Workhouse and the Famine, Old Athlone Society, Athlone, 1995.

Stokes, George T. Athlone, the Shannon & Lough Ree, Dublin & Athlone, 1897.

Last update: 25 February 2025