It may be presumed that the Traceys of Carlow are descended from the Uí Bairrche.
Carlow County - Ireland Genealogical Projects
The Traceys of Carlow can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as Carlow formed part of the territory of the Uí Bairrche. In Carlow there is Traceys crossroads (east of Fighting Cocks on the Carlow-Ballon road), named after the Traceys.
circa 1305 Ormond Deeds
391. B Milo Albus grants to Nicholas Harper clerk, and his heirs, a house with a place in the tenement of Jordan de Exonia called Balyk[eh]in, lying from the house of said Nicholas to the highway, paying yearly a penny or a pair of white gloves, value a penny, at Easter. Witnesses : Sir William, vicar of Stradbaly, William Esmer, Thomas Hayrun, Haye Goch, Walter the clerk, son of Ralph, Richard Ylger, Wm. Tracy.
1566 10th July
Pardon to ... Edmund O Trasy of Ballynebranaghe (Ballynabranaghe, Carlow)
The Irish
Fiants of the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.
Mary Tracy, 1747, Carlow
Richard Tracy, 1770, Carlow
Finns Leinster Journal 1767-1771 contained many advertisements in linen bleachers. The principal one John Kinsella, John Street who announced that he had acquired a bleaching green lately held by Mr. L. Chappelair, William Shaw, Piltown, Thomas Reynolds, The Wheet Sheaf Inn, Gerald Fitzgerald, Brazen Head Inn, William Treacy, Carlow, Thomas Bibby, Kilkenny, Agent.
Linen Weaving in Kilkenny in 18th Century by Pat Walsh
Oct 1770 Memorial No: 183161
Lease between Daniel & Sarah Denny and Thomas Warren of City of Dublin, for properties in Carlow town
occupier Richard Tracy, near Burren Street town of Catherlogh Carlow
25 April 1772 Fee Farm Grant for property
at Stephen's Green
Unitarian Church Collection RIA/DUC/2/SIN/10]
July 1781 (FJ) Married
Dr. St. John of Leighlin-bridge, co. Carlow, apothecary, to the most amicable, lovely and agreeable, Widow Tracy of Fishamble-street
6 July 1781
Hibernian Journal; or, Chronicle of Liberty
Married Dr. St. John, of the County carlow to the Widow Tracy, of
March 1783 (F) [see Dublin]
Jane Mellaver, Cullodee, Plaintiff. William Stuart, esq. Defendant
Abigail Tracy, Executrix of John Tracy, deceased, Plaintiff. same Defendant
The several Tenants of the Defendant's Estates in and about Leighlin Bridge, in the County of Carlow, granted in Custodiam to the Plaintiffs in those Causes are directed to pay their Rents and Arrears of Rent to Mr. James FitzGerald, of the Town of Carlow, Sadler, and to no other Person, he being empowdered by Letters of Attorney from Plaintiffs and by several Orders of Court to receive the same; and are cautioned that if they pay any Part of their Rents to the Defendant, they will be compelled to pay the same over again to the Plaintiffs or their said Agent. Henry Clarke, Plaintiffs' Attorney.
Genealogical Abstracts [see Tullow CoI]
340 Nickson? Timothy of Ballymurphy Co Carlow Gent dated 1 Aug 1783 pd 21 Aug 1783, Brother Richard Nickson?, sisters Isabella Coates orse Nickson and Mary Nickson, brother John Nickson - relation Mrs Catherine Tracey Orse Twomly
24 November 1791 Wm Ransford of Rathglass in the co. of Carlow, farmer and Mary Treacy of the parish of Comer [Castlecomer Kilkenny], spinster, both protestants
15 October 1797 Wm Treacy of
Leighlin Bridge in the co. of Carlow, coal merchant, and Ann Bradley of
Coolbawn in the parish of Comer [Coolbaun Castlecomer Kilkenny] spinster
Irish Genealogist, vol 8
Catholic Qualification Rolls
Robert Treany, Farmer, of Balleghane [Ballyloughan?] Co Carlow, 4th Sep 1786 Leinster Circuit Assizes Wexford
Paper (National
Nugent J.
about the brothers Tracy (1/2 p)
Maurice Tracy (Carlow) to Mr. Pelham that two men came every Sunday and read Republican newspapers to the people and that they intended next Sunday to go to Baltinglass; he prays that Mr. Pelham will put a stop to such proceedings.
Winder, John (Mount Pleasant) to Mr. Cooke with information as to the Tracys who are implicated in the murder of McCormick the soldier at Blessington.
United Irishmen In
Carlow In The 1790's.
The letter from Maurice Tracy on the 26th May 1797 stated that men were
coming from Carlow to Baltinglass...[37 620/30/198]
Carloviana, December
2005, No.54
Monthly Return of the Non Commissioned
Officers and Private Men of the Leighlin Bridge Infantry
21-30 Jan
1798 Private William Treacy [signed]
1-28 Feb
1798 Private William Treacy [signed]
1-30 Apr
1798 Private William Treacy [signed]
Oath of Allegiance
285, Tracey, France, Clonee
487, Tracy, Thomas, Lastgarvin
746, Tracey, James, Crowesgrove
798, Tracy, Michael, Kilbride
799, Tracy, William, Kilbride
1798 Subscribers:
Francis Tracy, Camolin-Park or Francis Tracy, Esq, Camolin-Park [Wexford]
[May have been from Carlow]
Gordon, James. Terraquea; or, a new system of
geography and modern history. By the Rev. James Gordon, Vicar of Barragh.
Dublin, M.DCC.XCIII. [1798].
Gordon also wrote a book on the 1798 rebellion]
Patrick Nowlan maketh Oath
that he usually resides at Ballon in the Parish of Ballon in the Barrony of
Forth in the County of Carlow and will appear in his proper person in Open
Court to prosecute Patrick Kinsela,
Michael Maher, William Treacy,
Owen Redmond.
(signed ) being first
truly read to Patrick Nowlan ~ Patrick, his X mark, Nowlan, Taken and Acknowledged before me this
18th day of July 1804 ( signed )
June 1805
Humble Memorial of Michael Treacy, a private soldier in the Kilkenny Regt. of
Militia now under sentence of death but reprieved by [Justice Down’s] humanity.
11,062/20 Ormond
Family Papers NLI
humble petition of Michael Treacy under sentence of death in the jail of Carlow
respited until further orders. To Walter Earl of Ormond and Ossory.
11,062/21 Ormond
Family Papers NLI
Manuscript: Challenge to a Duel, addressed to Edward Nowlan, Balaghmoon, Carlow June 30th 1810, take notice that you must meet me at Carlow in the Barrack yard tomorrow morning at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day to finish the dispute between you and me. John Tracy [of Lisgarvan]. With statement made by Edwardian Nowlan, Lisgarian? before Robert Cornwall, magistrate, and signed by both men, as a m/ss, w.a.f. (1) Sold for €140 Mealy’s Rare Book Sale Dublin 10 December 2013 Court evidence regarding duel, 1810 County of Carlow to wit The examination of Edward Nowlan of Ballaghmore in said County Farmer who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists and examined saith that for some time past John Tracy of Lisgarvin in said County Labourer hath made frequent threats that he would ill use Examt. [Examinant] & frequently challanged him to fight and on the 24th day of June last the said John Tracy challanged Examt. [Examinant] to meet and fight him on the Friday following at Ballaghmore aforesd. [aforesaid] to which Examinant paid no attention and saith that yesterday the first Inst. [Instant] Percy Nowlan of Cappah Servant, came up to Examt. [Examinant] on the public road on the lands of Ballaghmore and delivered Examt. [Examinant] the paper writing hereunto annexed & which is in the words following – “June 30th 1810. Take notice that you must meet me at Carlow in the Barrick yard tomorrow morning at the Hour of Ten O Clock in the four noon of said day to decide the dispute between you & me. John Tracy Lisgarvin. Edward Nowlan Ballaghmore” and saith from the frequent threats of John Tracy Examt. [Examinant] is in dread & fear of his life & that he will do him some bodily harm. Edw. X Nowlan his mark Sworn before me this 2d July 1810 truly read Robt. Cornwall |
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Name |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
Michael Tracy |
Providence I (1811) |
1806 |
Carlow Co |
Life |
1783 |
TRACY, Michael (TINSELL, TRACEY) (ABGR 23222) Born c1778 as he gave his age as 33 years on arrival in Australia, in 1811.
Michael was sentenced to transportation for Life when he was tried in County Carlow, in March 1806.
He received a Ticket of Leave, number 843, the date unknown.
Michael married Mary Brine (BRIEN) in 1813. (Historical BDM's numbers V18131451 3A/1813)
When the 1814 Muster took place, he was recorded as Michael Tinsell, a Convict Off Stores, for Drummond at Parramatta. (page 91, number 4027)
When the 1822 Muster took place Michael was a Labourer in Parramatta with a Ticket of Leave. (page 481, number A21231)
In the Muster of 1823-25 he was a Labourer in Parramatta with a Ticket of Leave. (page 577, number 43353)
When the 1828 Census for New South Wales took place Michael was a 45 year old Labourer in Parramatta with his wife, Mary, per Minstrel 1812, who was 35 years. Can find no trace of Mary Brine in Uebel's Records. (references T1088-89)
War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Thomas Tracey born Carlow, Carlow Served in 30th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 30, 1808-1822
Thomas Tracey 2/30th at
Waterloo With Patrick of Dimlocking
Thomas Tracey b.1791 Carlow 30th
1805-1816 NO MGS medal. WO 118 vol 9s p.85 labourer
Thomas Tracey b. 1790 Carlow, Carlow
30th Foot 1808 – 1822WO120/25
Thomas Tracey b. 1790 Carlow 30th
Foot discharged Jan 1823 (17yrs service with 3 in India and 2 for Waterloo)
labourer WO116/33 Waterloo medal
Thos Tracey, born Carlow, 30th
Regiment of Foot, residence 18 Dec 1822
Thirtieth Regiment of Foot - 18 Dec 1822 Thos
Tracey, 32, private 14 3/12, India Service East 3 4/12, Waterlooo R Medal 2,
Total 17 11/12, 9 rate of pay, debility? & Vicercal? Pains, born Carlow, do
[labourer] [rest illegible]
Canadian military service
Tracey born abt 1796 Keelon, Carlow - Canadian military service 17 Feb 1817
Tracey born abt 1808 Dunlickney, Carlow - Canadian military service 6 Mar 1827
Treacy born abt 1786 Meshall, Carlow - Canadian military service 30 Jan 1812
Canada, British Regimental Registers of Service
Jams Tracey, 21, b. abt 1796 Keelon Carlow,
17 Feb 1817 95th (later 96th) Foot Soldiers, 5'8.75", fresh complexion,
grey eyes, fair hair, long face,
James Tracey 7th Fusiliers born
circa 1797
4th March 1843...How long have you
been a turnkey at Chester Castle —Three years and over. I have served in the
seventh Fusiliers, and am a pensioner. We have rules to go by in the army, and
we are told that if we do not obey them we shall be punished...
Parliamentary Papers, Volume 43
Return of the Officers of Chester
Castle, December 13th 1845
James Tracey, 48 years, turnkey,
appointed November 1839, salary Ł52, no emoluments
1851 Census - Bunce Street, Saint
Mary-On-The-Hill, Cheshire, England
James Tracy Head M
59 b. 1792 Ireland, Tumkey Chester Castle
Mary Tracy Wife F 57 Ireland
John Tracy Son M 12 Ireland
Canada, British Regimental
John Tracey, 19, b. abt 1808 Dunlickney Carlow, 6 Mar 1827 43rd Foot Soldiers, 5'8", fresh complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, long face, labourer
Canada, British Regimental
Registers of Service, 1756-1900
Philip Treacy, 26, b. abt 1786 Meshall Carlow, Military Date: 30 Jan 1812 3rd Foot Soldiers, 2nd Battalion, 5'4.75", mason, fresh complexion, dk brown hair, long face, grey eyes
Parish of Wells - Townland of Ballyknocken
Wm Tracey, gent.
Parish of Lorum - Townland of Heath
Thos Tracey, gen. Worker
Townland of Rathballnolleen
Parish of Augha - Townland of Ratheath
William Tracy, gen. Worker
Parish of Dunleckney - Townland of Kildrennagh
Patrick Tracy, gen. worker
Carlovina 1996, p.74-77 &
1998, p.14-15
5 April 1811 (FJ) Carlow
Assizes - The King v. Francis Tracy
The prisoner Tracy was indicted for a burglary, murder and robbery in the dwelling home of James Sunderland, on the 20th of November last, at Ballyhill, in the co. Carlow...An alibi was provided by his brother-in-law James Kearney...After a deliberation of half an hour, the jury found him guilty of burglary but not of murder and robbery...The judge pronounced a sentence of death.
18 April 1811 Saint
James's Chronicle
Carlow Assizes
Francis Tracy was indicted for a burglary, murder and robbery, inthe dwelling house of James Sunderland, on the 26th of November last, at Ballehill, in the county of Carlow...James Kearney, brother-in-law to the prisoner, attended to prove an alibi...three weeks before [birth of Tracy's wife] a little girl...Catharine Kearney [mother-in-law]...Mr Conroy...who said the prisoner was in his employment...four of five years ago...conviction as to the burglary, and acquittal as to the murder and robbery...sentence of death upon the prisoner...
Taster of Butter in Carlow [file]
Co. Carlow: Dated 8th July 1813. "I Edward
Brennan of Leighlin Bridge in the County of Carlow, Yeoman, do Swear that I
will diligently and faithfully Execute the office of Taster of Butter"
Signed by Edward Brennan and magistrate John Stewart of Stewart Lodge. With
testimonials and Ł100 surities given by William Treacy of Ballyknockan [Wells]
and John Shirley of Knockabranna [Knockbaun & Knocknabranagh Oldleighlin]
and signed by them both, With Penny Farthing attached. As a m/ss., w.a.f. (1)
British War Office –
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
James Tracey/Treacy Born Leighlinbridge, Carlow Served in 7th Foot Regiment; 95th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 40 1817-1839
James Tracey, b. 1799 Carlow, Carlow
Tracey, Cpl b. 1799 Leighlan bridge, Carlow, Carlow 95th Foot then
7th Foot labourer WO118/20
1817 from Wexford and Carlow, 5,500 Emigrants (c. 1,000 families) to Canada (British North America),
935 Ml Tracy 4
1817 to 1864
1. William
Kepple, Lisgarvan Forth Carlow, 65a/2r/23p, Ł68.9.0 rent, Lease dated 2nd May 1817
from James Eustace and Edward Eustace to Thomas
Tracey for 3 lives or 31 years. from the 1st day of May then last. Two of
the said lives are now in being, namely, Edward
Tracey, now aged about 56 years and Patrick
Tracey, now aged about 52 years. The lease states the land to contain 40
acres Ł70...
Name |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
William Nolan Nowlan Nowlin Tracey Tracy Treacy |
John Barry (2) [1821] |
Dublin City |
14 |
1776 |
Carlow Co |
Labourer |
29 November 1820 (FJ)
Edward Heery, James Neyland, William Nowlan alias Tracey, and James Field, who were convicted at the last Commission for a burglary and robbery in the dwelling house of Captain Thompson at Upper Baggot-street, in August have (through the clemency of his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant) had the capital punishment commuted to transportation for life.
1831 William Nowlan/Tracey, -John Barry 2/ticket of leave cancelled
1822 Subscribers:
Mr. Mathew Tracey,
Tinriland, Co. Carlow
Francis Frederick
Hayd'n (1822) The medical mentor, and new guide to
fashionable watering places. Carlow
1823 Hibernian
Church Missionary Society
Leighlinbridge Chuch Missionary Association...Mrs Tracy and Mrs Thomas
1824 - Pigot
& Co.'s Directory
James Tracey, Woolen Draper
Wm Tracey, Coal Merchant
1820s-1830s Tithe Records
Alphabetical |
By Area |
Alice Tracy, Seskinamodra, Sliguff, Carlow, 1826 Andrew Tracey [& Jas Fitzmaurice both written
in], Ardenteagle [Ardateggle], Killeshin, Queen's, 1828 [also written in
pencil Leighlin bridge [Wells Carlow]] Darby
Treacy, Ballymartin,
Clonygoose, Carlow, 1827 Dennis
Preasy [Treasy], Agha, Affane, Waterford [Agha Carlow], 1826 Edward
Treacy, Crannagh,
Kiltennell, Carlow, Edward
Treacy, Killedmond,
Kiltennell, Carlow, Edward
Treasy, Garryhill,
Dunleckny, Carlow, 1825 Edward
Treasy, Mountplesant, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 Edwd
Treacy, Raheenwood and Boldorough, Myshall, Carlow, 1827 Edwd
Treary [Treasy], Mountplesant, Fenagh, Leitrim [Carlow], 1833 James
Treary [Treasy], Mountplesant, Fenagh, Leitrim [Carlow], 1833 James
Treasy, Mountplesant, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 James
Treasy, Neviney [Nurney], Affane, Waterford [Agha
Carlow], 1826 John Tracey, Lisgarvan, Gilbertstown, Carlow,
1834 John Tracy, Ballyleen, Aghade [Ballon], Carlow,
1828 John
Tracy-Griffin & Murphy, Ballyleen, Aghade [Ballon], Carlow, 1828 John
Treacy, Nurney, Nurney, Carlow, 1826 John
Treasy, Tullowbeg,
Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 John
Treasy, Tullowbegg [Tullowbeg], Fenagh, Leitrim, [Carlow] 1833 John
Triasy [Treasy], Kehoes Square, Bagenalstown, Dunleckny, Carlow, 1825 M Tracy, Tullow Lands, Tullowphelim, Carlow,
1824 Michael
Treasy, Mountplesant, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 Michl Tracey, Rathmeague, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], 1823 Michl Tracey, Rathmege, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], [duplicate] Michl Tracy, Nocknotubert, Barragh, Carlow, 1825 Michl
Treacy, Raheenwood and Boldorough, Myshall, Carlow, 1827 Michl
Treary [Treasy], Mountplesant, Fenagh, Leitrim [Carlow], 1833 Pat Tracy, Fankardstown [Tankardstown],
Tullowphelim, Carlow, 1824 Patrick
Treasy, Killdrena,
Dunleckny, Carlow, 1825 Peter Tracy, Ardattin, Barragh, Carlow, 1825 Peter Tracy, Cranes, Barragh, Carlow, 1825 Thomas Keacy [Treacy] Dennmore, Loughbrackan, Meath [Donore, Lorum, Carlow], 1828 Thomas
Treacy, Ballycormuck, Loughbrackan, Meath
[Ballycormick, Lorum, Carlow], 1828 William
Treacy, Oldtown,
Nurney, Carlow, 1826 William
Treany [Treacy], Ravendon [Rathvinden], Wells, Carlow, 1827 William Treasy, Pullowgreen [Tullowgreen] Gardens, Fenagh, Leitrim, [Carlow] 1833 William
Treasy, Tullowbeg,
Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 William
Treasy, Tullowbegg [Tullowbeg], Fenagh, Leitrim, [Carlow] 1833 William
Treasy, Tullowgreen Gardens, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 Wm
Ireary [Treasy], Ballynockan, Wells, Carlow, Kilkenny, 1824 |
Preasy [Treasy], Agha, Affane, Waterford [Agha Carlow], 1826 James
Treasy, Neviney [Nurney], Affane, Waterford [Agha
Carlow], 1826 John Tracy, Ballyleen, Aghade [Ballon], Carlow,
1828 John
Tracy-Griffin & Murphy, Ballyleen, Aghade [Ballon], Carlow, 1828 Michl Tracy, Nocknotubert, Barragh, Carlow, 1825 Peter Tracy, Ardattin, Barragh, Carlow, 1825 Peter Tracy, Cranes, Barragh, Carlow, 1825 Darby
Treacy, Ballymartin,
Clonygoose, Carlow, 1827 Edward
Treasy, Garryhill,
Dunleckny, Carlow, 1825 John
Triasy [Treasy], Kehoes Square, Bagenalstown, Dunleckny, Carlow, 1825 Patrick
Treasy, Killdrena,
Dunleckny, Carlow, 1825 Edward
Treasy, Mountplesant, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 Edwd
Treary [Treasy], Mountplesant, Fenagh, Leitrim [Carlow], 1833 James
Treary [Treasy], Mountplesant, Fenagh, Leitrim [Carlow], 1833 James
Treasy, Mountplesant, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 John
Treasy, Tullowbeg,
Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 John
Treasy, Tullowbegg [Tullowbeg], Fenagh, Leitrim, [Carlow] 1833 Michael
Treasy, Mountplesant, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 Michl
Treary [Treasy], Mountplesant, Fenagh, Leitrim [Carlow], 1833 William Treasy, Pullowgreen [Tullowgreen] Gardens, Fenagh, Leitrim, [Carlow] 1833 William
Treasy, Tullowbeg,
Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 William
Treasy, Tullowbegg [Tullowbeg], Fenagh, Leitrim, [Carlow] 1833 William
Treasy, Tullowgreen Gardens, Fenagh, Carlow, 1826 John Tracey, Lisgarvan, Gilbertstown, Carlow,
1834 Michl Tracey, Rathmeague, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], 1823 Michl Tracey, Rathmege, Hacketstown, Carlow [Wicklow], [duplicate] Edward
Treacy, Crannagh,
Kiltennell, Carlow, Edward
Treacy, Killedmond,
Kiltennell, Carlow, Thomas
Treacy, Ballycormuck, Loughbrackan, Meath
[Ballycormick, Lorum, Carlow], 1828 Thomas Keacy [Treacy] Dennmore,
Loughbrackan, Meath [Donore, Lorum, Carlow], 1828 Edwd
Treacy, Raheenwood and Boldorough, Myshall, Carlow, 1827 Michl
Treacy, Raheenwood and Boldorough, Myshall, Carlow, 1827 John
Treacy, Nurney, Nurney, Carlow, 1826 William
Treacy, Oldtown,
Nurney, Carlow, 1826 Alice Tracy, Seskinamodra, Sliguff, Carlow, 1826 M Tracy, Tullow Lands, Tullowphelim, Carlow,
1824 Pat Tracy, Fankardstown [Tankardstown],
Tullowphelim, Carlow, 1824 Andrew Tracey [& Jas Fitzmaurice both written
in], Ardenteagle [Ardateggle], Killeshin, Queen's, 1828 [also written in
pencil Leighlin bridge [Wells Carlow]] Wm
Ireary [Treasy], Ballynockan, Wells, Carlow, Kilkenny, 1824 William
Treany [Treacy], Ravendon [Rathvinden], Wells, Carlow, 1827 |
Michl Tracy, Nocknotubert
Peter Tracy, Ardattin
Peter Tracy, Cranes
Tullowphelim (1825/8)
Patrick Tracy of Tankardstown, 16a 3r
1p @, 2/10˝ Ł2.8.2
1833 Tithe Arrears in
Rahenwood & Buldoro Arrears due for May 1st 1833
Michl Tracey 1.0.3
Edwd Tracey 4.8
1826 Second Report - Irish
Education Inquiry [published 1836 House of Commons]
Mathias Tracy, Orchard Nurney Idrone, R catholic, pay, about 12l, a small cabin, 3 Protestant, 27 RC, 18 male, 12 female,
20 May 1827
from Thomas Elliott, [County Carlow], to William Gregory, Under Secretary,
informing him that he had not yet received a return from Peter Tracy, High Constable of the Barony of Forth under the
composition act.
item; 3pp CSO/RP/1827/751
Daniel Tracey, 4th s. of John, Mountrath, woollen draper, and Mary Delany; over 16; ed. Carlow College; aft. Felix Delany, Dublin, apothecary, cousin german. H 1829
At a Special
Sessions held at Carlow on Thursday the 8th day of October 1829 the following
persons were approved of as fit and proper to be entrusted with the Sale of
Malt and Spiritous Liquors, Wine, Beers, Ale &c for the year ending the
10th day of October 1830.
Edward Brennan of
Securities: Jn McGee,
Wm Treacy
At a Special
Sessions held at Bagenalstown on Saturday the 10th day of October 1829 the
following persons were approved of as fit and proper to be entrusted with the
Sale of Malt and Spiritous Liquors, Wine, Beers, Ale &c for the year ending
the 10th day of October 1830.
Pd, Richd Kehoe,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Pd, Thos Hughes,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Pd, Jas Byrne, Bagenalstown,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
John Kelly, Bagenalstown,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Martin Maher,
Securities:Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Pd, Lauce Nowlan,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Pd, Mary Doyle, Ballymoon,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Mhl Dowling,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: John
McGee & Wm Tracey
Sarah Hennesy,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Pd, Terence O'Neill,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Hy Ransford,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Patrick Moran,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Patrick Moran,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Jas Treacy,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Caleb Tyndell,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
George Jeffers,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Edwd Headon,
Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Jas Dwyer, Ln Bridge,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Chas Kavanagh,
Ln Bridge,
Securities:Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Pat Connelly,
Old Leighlin,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Jas Reddy, Nurney,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Edwd Cummerford,
Securities:Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
Pd, George Holland,
Royal Oak,
Securities: Jno McGee
& Wm Tracey
December 31, 1830 (FJ) Repeal of the Union
Leighlin Bridge...Mr. Richard
1831-2 & 1844 Carlow - Wesleyan
Methodist Preacher (see Richard Taylor Tracey)
Electoral List
Tracey Rev. R.T.,
Brown St., Gentleman, Dissenter, Do [Liberal]
Occupation before joining |
Tracey |
Thomas |
50th Foot |
18 |
Machill Carlow |
Labourer |
8 Aug 1832 |
NOTE: Not included in the transportation to Australia.
British War Office
Tracey b. 1814 Machill, Carlow 50th Foot deserted 1832 labourer FMP
1832 Dec-30,
William Treacy, son
of William and Maria Browne, Esquire, Excise Office, late of Carlow Parish.
1834 Sep-28,
Deborah Jane,
daughter of James and Emma Treacy, merchant.
Parish Extracts from the Parish Registers. Ireland.
Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead.
1901 Vol. V No. 1 Part 1
William Treacy, 1832, Prerogative Court will, Exec: Anne Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow. IAR/1832/F/61.
September? 1833 To the
Right Honourable and Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's
The Memorial of the undersigned Licensed Maltsters of the Town and
County of Carlow and Neighbourhood…William Tracy, Leighlin Bridge…
[11] Tenth report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the Excise
Establishment, and into the management and collection of the excise revenue
throughout the United Kingdom. Malt duty, Ireland.
...Extract from the Memorial to the Treasury, of
the Maltsters in the Carlow District...signed...William Tracy,
1835 Returns of Books, Schools and Children of
Religious Denominations
Thomas Nolan, Felix Treacy, Patrick Clancy.
Roman Catholic: Grange Tullow Co. Carlow,
John Storrs’ Card – Mr. H. Tracy 1s 0d
Master Bernard’s Card – Mr. Tracy 0s 6d
Master R. Deverell’s Card – Mr. Tracy 1s 0d
Sarah Maria Robinson’s Card – John Tracy 2s 6d
Miss Brown’s Card – Mrs. Tracy 1s 6d
Miss Cliffords Card – Mrs. Tracey 2s 6d
Master R. Deverell’s Card – Mr. Tracy 1s 0d
Mary Tracey of Rathnageerath (?) [Rathnageeragh Feenagh] in case against James Lawler.
Bond for Mary Tracey of Rathnegeerath, February 1836.
6 April 1836 Fictitious Votes (Ireland): first
Edward Treacy, householder, Castle Street,
Borough of Carlow, Carlow. Ł10
1 February 1837 Voters
Edward Treacy, Castle-street Carlow,
householder, Ł10, 6 April 1836
Printed 12 May 1837.Appendix 6 of the First report from the Select Committee on Fictitious
Votes, Ireland.
Treacy, householder, Castle-street, Ł10 value, 6 April 1836
Outrage Reports Ireland
John Treacy, 1838, Wells, Carlow
Thomas Tracy, 1838, Liscolman, Carlow
William Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow, 1837, Prerogative Court will. Exec: J Treacy, Bagnalstown, Co. Carlow. IWR/1837/F/722.
An Alphabetical List of persons who have Registered Votes pursuant
to the Act of the 2nd and 3rd of William IV., chap. 88, to the lst day of
February, 1838.
Voters' Names |
Place of Abode |
Situation of Franchise |
Value |
Date of Registry |
Andrew Tracey |
Bagenalstown |
Ballynockan |
Ł20 |
22 June 1837 |
John Treacy |
Leighlin-bridge |
Leighlin-bridge |
Ł10 |
29 March 1837 |
William Tracy |
Leighlin bridge |
Capelstown? |
Ł20 |
15 Nov 1832? |
Tracy |
Forth Barony |
British War Office –
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
John Tracey Born Rathoa, Carlow
Served in 77th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 26, 1839-1849
John Tracy, b. 1822 Carlow, Carlow
British War Office to 1860 (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital
John Treacy, b. 1826 Leighlinbridge,
1 June 1839 (FJ) Vote in Carlow of John Murphy, locksmith,
of Tullow-street...that [part of] a shop and parlor had since been "let
off" to one Tracey, [of Tullow-street] who, in April last, obtained
an excise licence for it. He now sold beer there.
1839 (414) The Select Committee on the Carlow Borough Election
...Tracey [occupied] a little shop
and a little back room behind it...he does not sleep in it...there is a
separate entrance [to Ivers or Barrington]...Thomas Tracey [took over
the premises from John Murphy, locksmith] 8th January 1839...Murphy has given
his own house to Tracey, with the exception of the forge...Tullow street...T.
Tracey, publican or licensed to sell spirits, his name over the shop window...
Sir, You are requested to take
notice, I intend applying at the next quarter sessions of Carlow, for a
certificate to enable me to a licence for retailing spirits and beer, at my
residence, number 124, Tullow-street, in the town of Carlow and barony of Carlow
and county of Carlow; and my sureties are Edward Tracey and John Ivers, both of
Tullow-street aforesaid. Dated 11 March 1839.
Thomas Tracey.
Addressed to the clerk of the
peace of the county of Carlow.
1839 T. Shearman The New Commercial Directory For The Cities of
Waterford And Kilkenny, Towns Of Clonmel, Carrick-on-suir, New Ross And Carlow
Edward Treacy, 10 Tullow Street, Carlow. Boot And Shoe Maker.
Thomas Treacy, 124 Tullow Street, Carlow. Publican
British War Office
John Tracey b. 1822 Rathoa, Carlow
77th 1839 – 49
May 23, 26 & 27 and June 29 & 30 1840
(FJ) Susan Lloyd [see James Tracy of Carlow, Dublin and Australia]
James Tracy, a
footman in the service of Sir William Leeson over three and a half years,
chamberlain of the Dublin Castle, was charged with an attempt to murder Susan
Lloyd (about 24 years of age), a housemaid from England in the same service for about three and a
half years...The prisoner...razor...spattered with blood, seemed to be about
thirty years of age, of the middle stature, and by no means prepossessing
appearance...Jealousy, it was supposed was the motive...It appeared that he had
been persuing her for the past eight months...he had written a letter to his
master stating his intention to leave the next day...The jury retired, and
after an absence of ten minutes returned a verdict of guilty on the count for
wounding, with intent to do grevious bodily harm, but acquitted him on the
capital charge...[sentenced to transportation for life].
July 2, 1840 The Connaught Journal
James Tracy was placed at the bar, charged with that he, on the 21st day of May
last, did wilfully, maliciously, unlawfully and feloniously assault one Susan
Lloyd, and cut and wound here with a razor, with intent to murder her. He was
also charged in another count with having committed the act with intent to
disable here and do her grievous bodily harm.
Mr. Monaghan, Q.C. and Mr. M'Kane conducted the case on the part of the Crown.
Mr. J. Walsh attended as counsel for the prisoner.
Susan Lloyd was examined, and described the occurrence, as it has already
appeared before the public.
Miss Rochford, the governess in Sir William Leeson's family, corroborated her
testimony in several particulars.
Dr. Riud proved the nature of the wounds, which
were not sufficient to cause immediate death.
The prisoner was found guilty of the minor charge, but acquitted of the capital
Ireland-Australia Transportation Database
AGE: 22
TRIAL DATE: 20/06/1840
CRIME DESCRIPTION: Malicious assault of Susan Lloyd.
Intent to disable, feloniously wounding
SENTENCE: Transportation life
COMMENTS: Convict resides in Dublin City with
his widowed mother.
Archives - single, 22 years, 5’5”, brown hair, blue eyes, butler valet gents
servant, Birthplace Carlow, cond. Pardon 13 July 1852]
Middlesex London and Plymouth 9 June
1841 arrived 30 Sep 1841 Port Philip
Dennis Tracey 30 hus (36 family) Farm servant RC both Carlew (Carlow???)
Honor Tracey 28 wife of Dennis (36 family) Farm servant RC both Carlew (Carlow???)
28 October 1841 (FJ) Loyal National Repeal Association
From Tullow, county Carlow, Ł1.2.0 from 22 Repealers, collected by Mr. James A. Treacy, who observes – “The imperative duty that devolves on every Irishman, of enrolling himself among the friends of national freedom, have induced me, and the persons whose subscriptions I forward, to join the ranks of the Repealers. The recent paltry arguments of anti-Irish Sharman Crawford, against the Repeal, have increased the ardour of the people of this town to identify themselves in the constitutional struggle for self-legislation. Why is Sharman one of the few who delcare against Repeal? Will he get a peerage from a Tory government for doing so? Does he forget he draws his thousands from the labour of Irishmen? And instead of being a declaimer against the only beneficial act that will heal the woes of Irishmen, and more firmly link the hearts of the sons of Erin to the throne of England, he (Sharman Crawford) ought to be aiding the noble efforts of our beloved Liberator to repeal that act which destroyed the trade and manufactures - made bankrupt and paupers of the merchants and traders of his county.”
1841 Carlow Summer Assizes. (July)
Tracy, Appellant, Malcolmson, Respondent.
...It appeared, that the respondent's demand was founded upon an I. O. U., signed by the appellant; that after the Appellant, making of the I. O. U. the respondent caused the person of the appellant to be taken in execution on account of certain bills of exchange; that the appellant petitioned for his discharge as an insolvent; that the appellant's schedule did not contain any entry in respect of the I. O. U.; that the respondent appeared in the Insolvent Court, and opposed the appellant's discharge upon grounds connected with the bills of exchange, but made no claim, objection, or opposition in respect of the I. O. U.; and that, ultimately, appellant was discharged as an insolvent(o).
...I do not feel warranted in conflicting with the decision of the full Court; and shall, therefore Reverse the decree, without costs
1842 Carlow - Commissioners of Loan Fund Board
of Ireland - Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons and Command, Volume 24
Leighlin Bridge...At the re-formation of the [loan] society in the year 1839, when the trustees became connected with the Central Loan Fund Board, the Honorable and Very Reverand Dean Bernard declined to become bound to the Clerk of the Peace, pursuant to the Acts in that case required, and the Board called for other sufficient Securities, and Mr John Magee and Mr John Treacy, merchants, living in Leighlin Bridge, in large commercial prosperity, were accepted as Securities, jointly and severally, in the sum of Ł70 sterling. The first of whom unfortunity became involved by Crown Boands, which swept all his property away; the other party is now in Australia...(1841) On the removal of Edward Styles from the office of Clerk and Receiver, Mr James Treacy was appointed to the office, who has given his entire time to unravel this complicated state of affairs, with whose assistance, and the constant and persevering aattenance of the Trustees, the affairs have been brought into as good order as things will bear...
1849 Tyndall's Journal
There is another mention in Tyndall's Journal about a visit to Old Leighlin made by his mother and sister. It should be remembered that Ireland had only two years before passed through the height of the famine. On 9 January, 1849, after the receipt of a letter, he notes:
"Emma gives me an account of a visit which she and mother made to Old Leighlin. The people were very wretched; Jerry Murray dead. Canting and objecting is the order of the day. James Tracey has lost the loan fund. What will become of his helpless family? Very wretched indeed. In what does the life in Ireland differ from that of the most savage gregarians? The wolf fights with his neighbour over the carcase. Irishmen do the same."
Carloviana 1980. Vol 2 p.26
March 17, 1842 (FJ) The Riot in Kilkenny - Carlow
...Andrew Mahony, John Tracy, Patrick Byrne, James Kelly, Patrick Doolan and Simon Kemple...riot in Kilkenny city...assulting Mr. Beattie and Captain Terry...Bush Hotel, porter called John Tracy...four months hard labour...-Kilkenny Journal
26 March 1842 (TH)
The trials of Andrew Mahony, John Tracy, Pat Byrne, James Kelly and Patrick Dowling, for riot and assult, committed in Kilkenny, during the last contested election for the county Carlow, took place on Saturday. They were all convicted and sentenced - Treacy, Kelly and Dowling, to be imprisoned four months each with hard labour - Byrne, three months and hard labour, - and Mahony, three months.
from Carloviana Vol 1 #2 January 1948
Richard T Tracy, Rev., Brown St.
Wesleyan Methodist Meeting House, Charlotte Street, Minister, Rev. Richard T. Treacy.
Patrick Treacy, 11 Tullow Street.
Thomas Treacy, 12 Tullow Street.
British Postal Service
James Tracey,
16 Jan 1843 recommended by Col Brown MP, Leighlinbridge
James Tracey,
1843 ditto Minute cancelled, Leighlinbridge
Jas P Tracey,
1913, Carlow
Jas P Tracey,
1914, Learner, Gorey
Return of Murders
24 April 1844, Thomas Tracey, labourer, Idrone
Easy Carlow, no reward
17 July 1844 Wexford Conservative
1] [Page
July Carlow Assizes...Charge of Murder...were indicted for the wilful murder of
Thomas Treacy at Dunleckney on the 15th April 1844...Denis Treacy (a brother to deceased)...James
6 pm 7 Apr 1845-1846 Returns Relative to
Denis Treacy, farmer, Kiledmond, Idrone East,
Carlow, assault endangering life. John Treacy committed.
1846 Slater's Royal National Commercial Directory of Ireland
Edward Treacy, Mill Street,
Tullow, Carlow. Leather Seller
John Treacy, Bagnalstown, Co.
Carlow. Shoe Maker
Patrick Treacy, 11 Tullow Street,
Carlow. Shoe Maker
Rev. Richard T. Treacy, Minister
Wesleyan Methodist Meeting House, Charlotte Street.
Richard T Tracy, (rev), Brown
Street, Carlow. Wesley Methodist Church.
Rose Tracy, Bagnalstown,
Co.Carlow. Straw Bonnet Maker
Thomas Treacy, 12 Tullow Street,
Carlow. Leather
Thomas Treacy, Bagnalstown, Co.
Carlow. Leather Seller
1847 RIC Service
Tracey, 8768, b. 1829 Carlow
8768 Math Tracey, 18, 5'7.75", b. Carl,
Catholic, recommended J Gray JP, labourer, appointed 23 June 47, served Depot
0.5 - Cork E, R2 Subcon Nov 48, Resigned 12 Ap 52 87903/7516
29 September 1848 Bathurst Advocate (NSW) April 7, 1849 (FJ) & September 18, 1849 (BL) There is no remedy known equal
to Holloway's Pills for the Cure of Asthma - Mr. Richard Treacy, of Belmont, Carlow
[Belmount, Kilkenny] having derived so much benefit from the use of these
pills...asthma...for the last fifteen or sixteen years...- (See
Advertisement) |
11 November 1850 Morning
Herald (London)
Carrying off crops
On Thursday night last a party pf persons, at present unknown, proceeded to the houses of Henry Tracey and John Bryan, of Ballyleen in the county Carlow, who were under seizure for rent, and carried away 20 head of cattle and a large quantity of hay and corn, and which were advertised for sale by auction of the 5th inst. The party in question fastened up the persons who were acyting as keepers - Andrew Moore, Henry May, Michael Leddin, Edward M'Grathg and John Maher - while they were removing the property.
1851 Census - 32 Wellington Terrace, St. Pauls, Toxteth Park,
Thomas Doyle, head, 36, b. Wexford
Ireland, boot and shoemaker
Mary Doyle, Wife, 34, b. Wexford
Children Mary 7, James 5, Sarah 3,
Thomas 3, Francis 1, born Liverpool
Patrick Tracy, visitor, unmarried,
18, born 1833 Carlow, Ireland. Ostler
John Treacy, soldier, unmarried, 25, private infantry
army, b. Carlow Leighlin Bridge
1816-1921 Royal Irish Constabulary
Mathew Tracey, 8768, b. 1829 Carlow
Eugene Tracey, 21 years, Carlow, Enlisted
1851, 856060
Eugene Tracey, 67041 b. 1892 Carlow
[brother Edward Tracy, DMP, 9469] [see Myshall]
Math Tracey, b. 1889, Carlow, Enlisted 1915, 852092
October 28, 1852 (FJ) Insolvent Debtors' Court
In re Treacy. The insolvent was
opposed by a shopkeeper in Borris-in Ossory, to whom he owed a sum of twenty
pounds...It was stated that he and his mother obtained credit to that amount, and
soon after sold their stock and farm and were on their way to America...kept in
the name of "the Widow Treacy and Son"...remand the insolvent for
four months...
Patrick Tracy, Knockbrack, Carlow, 22a/2r/1p Irish, 36a/1r/32p Statute,
Ł26.8.0, tenant from year to year
Griffiths Valuation Carlow 1852-53
Alphabetical |
By area |
Denis Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow Edward Tracey, Tullow St. Carlow Carlow Edward Tracey, Mountpleasant Fennagh Carlow Elizabeth Tracey, Donore Lorum Carlow Ellen Tracey, Ballytarsna Nurney Carlow
Henry Tracey, Ballyleen Ballon Carlow Honoria Tracey, Scragg's Alley Carlow Carlow James Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow James Tracey, Nurney Nurney Carlow John Tracey, Church Street Wells Carlow John Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow John Tracey, Kilree-Street Dunleckny Carlow John Tracey, Mountpleasant Fennagh Carlow John Tracey, Raheenwood Myshall Carlow John Tracy, Cloneen Agha Carlow John Tracy, Kildreenagh Dunleckny Carlow John Tracy, Powerstown Clonmelsh Carlow John Tracy, Rathellin Agha Carlow Judith Tracy, Ballyellen and Tomdarragh Ballyellin Carlow Lawrence Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow Mary Tracey, Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Mary Tracey, Templeowen Fennagh Carlow Mary Tracy, Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Matthew Tracey, Rathnageeragh Fennagh Carlow Michael Tracey, Busherstown Killerrig Carlow Michael Tracey, Milltown Fennagh Carlow Michael Tracey, Rathnageeragh Fennagh Carlow Michael Tracy, Kilcoole Gilbertstown Carlow Michael Tracy, Knocklonagad Sliguff Carlow Patrick Tracey, Busherstown Killerrig Carlow Patrick Tracey, Tullow St. Carlow Carlow Patrick Tracy, Royal Oak Killinane Carlow Patrick Tracy, Johnstown Urglin Carlow Patrick Tracy, Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Patrick Tracy, Moneybeg Dunleckny Carlow Peter Tracey, Ardattin Ardoyne Carlow Peter Tracey, Craans Ardoyne Carlow Rose Tracy, Bagenalstown Market Street Dunleckny Carlow Thomas Tracey, Donore Lorum Carlow Thomas Tracy, Ballyknockan Fennagh Carlow
William Tracey, Tullow Fair Green Fennagh Carlow |
John Tracy, Cloneen Agha Carlow John Tracy, Rathellin Agha Carlow Peter Tracey, Ardattin Ardoyne Carlow Peter Tracey, Craans Ardoyne Carlow Henry Tracey, Ballyleen Ballon Carlow Judith Tracy, Ballyellen and Tomdarragh Ballyellin Carlow Edward Tracey, Tullow St., Carlow Town, Carlow Honoria Tracey, Scragg's Alley, Carlow Town, Carlow Patrick Tracey, Tullow St., Carlow Town, Carlow John Tracy, Powerstown Clonmelsh Carlow John Tracy, Kildreenagh Dunleckny Carlow John Tracey, Kilree-Street Dunleckny Carlow Patrick Tracy, Moneybeg Dunleckny Carlow Rose Tracy, Bagenalstown Market Street Dunleckny Carlow John Tracey, Mountpleasant Fennagh Carlow Edward Tracey, Mountpleasant Fennagh Carlow Mary Tracey, Templeowen Fennagh Carlow Matthew Tracey, Rathnageeragh Fennagh Carlow Michael Tracey, Milltown Fennagh Carlow Michael Tracey, Rathnageeragh Fennagh Carlow Thomas Tracy, Ballyknockan Fennagh Carlow
William Tracey, Tullow Fair Green Fennagh Carlow Michael Tracy, Kilcoole Gilbertstown Carlow Mary Tracy, Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Michael Tracey, Busherstown Killerrig Carlow Patrick Tracey, Busherstown Killerrig Carlow Patrick Tracy, Royal Oak Killinane Carlow Denis Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow James Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow John Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow Lawrence Tracey, Killedmond Kiltennell Carlow Elizabeth Tracey, Donore Lorum Carlow Mary Tracey, Ballinkillin Lorum Carlow Thomas Tracey, Donore Lorum Carlow John Tracey, Raheenwood Myshall Carlow Patrick Tracy, Knockbrack Myshall Carlow Ellen Tracey, Ballytarsna Nurney Carlow
James Tracey, Nurney Nurney Carlow Michael Tracy, Knocklonagad Sliguff Carlow Patrick Tracy, Johnstown Urglin Carlow John
Tracey, Church Street Wells Carlow
1798-1914 Register of
Enlisted USA
Edward Threasy, 22 years, blue eyes, brown hair, florid complexion,
5’4.5”, born Royal Oak [Carlow?] Ireland, labourer, enlisted 28 Jan 1853
Rochester USA by Col Reeve, 5 INf E, 28 Jany ’58, Exp of service, at Camp Scott
UJ, a private
Edward M Tracey, enlisted 22 Jun 1869 Detroit Mich by Major Redenhaupt
for 5 years, born Carlow Ireland, 23 years, “ [Clerk], blue eyes, brown hair,
dark complexion, 5’5.5”, 13 Inf 7 Inf 2? Cav?, C coy, discharged June 22 1874
expiration of service at Fort Ellis Mo Iny, a hospital steward
Edward M Tracy, enlisted 22 Jun 1874 Fort Ellis Montana by Lt
Schaefield for 5 years, born Carlow Ireland, 28 years, soldier, blue eyes,
brown hair, dark complexion, 5’5.5”, HG, 2 en, Discharged June 21 1879 by exp
of service at Brady Mich, char excellent
Thomas Tracy, enlisted Oct 14 1893 at Ft Hamilton NY by Cap Andruse for
5 years, born Co. Carlow Ireland, 23 years 7 months, labourer, bro 4 eyes, D
bro hair, dark complexion, 5’8.5”, 1 Art A coy, Dishon discharh’d Aug 26/95
S.O. 202 Dept East –’95 Ft Hamilton NY, Pvt
7 July 1855 Newtownbarry Petty Sessions
Defendant Bridget Tracey, widow,
of Carrickduff, Barragh Parish Carlow, compliant Samuel Ashton Esq of Woodfield
Kilrush parish [Wexford], James Farrell witness. The defendant refused to give
up the possession of a dwelling house in Carrickduff street in the town of
Newtownbarry Co. Carlow on the termination of her tenacy. Defendant to be
ejected in ten days without costs.
1856 Wexford
James Tracy, 17, 5'2.5"?, grey eyes, brown hair, fresh complexion, of Graignamana, RC, R[ead], labourer, stealing fowl
1858 – 1920
Calendars of Wills and Administrations
Edward Tracey 4 Feb 1872
Tullow street Carlow, leather merchant, to Maria Tracey spinster
James Tracy
20 Jul 1898 Knocklonegal Carlow, farmer, to Mary Tracy, widow
John Tracey
11 Nov 1881 Mount Pleasant Carlow, farmer, to daughter Margaret
Lennan, wife of Silvester Lennan of Oldtown.
Joseph Treacy 9 Apr 1899
Balty Carlow, farmer, to Anna Maria Treacy widow
Michael P J Tracey 7 Mar 1912
Patrickswell Rathvilly Carlow, shopkeeper, died Rathlyon Tullow, to Annie
Tracey, widow
Patrick Tracey
25 Mar 1909 Tankardstown Tullow Carlow, farmer, to Michael Tracey,
Patrick Treacey 8 Mar 1865
Tullow Street Carlow, shoemaker and leather seller, to Edward Treacey, leather
Peter Tracey 1 Jun 1879
Craans Carlow, farmer, to son Michael Tracey, farmer
Rose Treacy
11 Dec 1886 Bagnalstown Carlow, spinster, Lawrence Ryan of Killabin
Queens, farmer
Patrick Haydon 12 Feb 1891
Carlow, to niece Bridget Tracey of Grangeforth, married woman
Patrick Smith
17 Jun 1909 Tankardstown Carlow, farmer, to Michael P Tracey,
Bernard Smyth 9 Oct 1908
Rathvilly Carlow, miller, to Michael P Tracey, farmer
Patrick Smith
17 Jun 1909 Tankardstown Carlow, famer, to Annie Tracey, widow
Michael M'Donald
10 May 1900 Currenree Carlow,
farmer, to John Tracy, farmer
John Curran
22 Sep 1890 Dunbell Kilkenny, labourer, to Jeremiah Treacy of
Ballymartin Carlow, famer
1858-1900 Will Registers
Name |
Location |
Occupation |
Deceased |
Heir or Executor |
Year of Event/Grant/Death |
Document Type |
Oldmont, Carlow, Ireland, Ireland |
Dawson Borrer |
1896/1896/1895 |
Grant of Probate |
Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Bagnalstown, Carlow, Ireland |
Rose Treacy |
1887/1887/1886 |
Grant of Probate |
Kilcarrig Street, Banenalstown, Bagenalstown, Carlow, Ireland |
John Byrne |
1886/1886/1886 |
Grant of Probate |
Bally Lean, Bagnalstown, Carlow, Ireland |
Rose Treacy |
1887/1887/1886 |
Grant of Probate |
Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Craans, Carlow, Ireland |
Peter Tracey |
1883/1883/1879 |
Grant of Probate |
Craans, Carlow, Thornhill, Carlow, Ireland |
John Donohoe |
1875/1875/1875 |
Grant of Probate |
Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Bagnalstown, Carlow, Ireland |
Rose Treacy |
1887/1887/1886 |
Grant of Probate |
Craans, Carlow, Ireland |
Farmer |
Micael Tracey, John Doherty, James Butler, Philip Nolan, Paulville,
Thomas D Eager Coomedy, Calsdon, Carlow |
1883/1883/1879 |
Grant of Probate |
Liscolman, Wicklow, Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Bagnalstown, Carlow, Ireland |
Joseph O'Neill, Bagenalstown, Lawrence Ryan, Killabin, Queens, Henry
Joseph Treacy, John Treacy, Bally Lean, Patrick Treacy, Maria Murphy,
Cologue, Wexford, Bessie O'Leary, Dr Colgan, Reverend John Brady, Reverend
Richard O'Brien |
1887/1887/1886 |
Grant of Probate |
Oldtown, Clonmore, Carlow, Ireland |
Arthur Smyth |
1890/1890/1890 |
Grant of Probate |
Kilcarrig Street, Banenalstown, Bagenalstown, Carlow, Ireland |
John Byrne |
1886/1886/1886 |
Grant of Probate |
June 18, 1859 Carlow Weekly News
Carlow Town
Commission...rate-payers present...Edward Tracey...Mr Edward Tracey was
unanimously elected as the other auditor...
October 16, 1860 (FJ) Carlow Town Commissioners
...elections...Edward Treacy...
17 March 1865 (FJ)
Deputation from Carlow
...Carlow town Commissioners...Edward Tracey...September 1865 Carlow
Town Commissioners...Edward Tracy...
16 September 1865 (N)
Country Cess Deputation
...Edward Tracy, Esq., T.C. [Carlow]
2 November 1865 Irish Times
Edward Tracey, Carlow Town
Commissioner, on the number of protestant and catholic members.
August 1866 IT
Carlow Town
Commissioners...Edward Tracey...
21 October 1867 (FJ) Carlow Town Commissioners
election...appointed...Edward Treacy...who were announced to retire by
rotation...Edward Treacy...for Carlow [town]...
1870’s Approx
"An adjourned meeting of Carlow Town Commission was held on
Thursday evening, present: Messrs Mathias Tynan (chairman); Edward Clarke,
Matthew Byrne, James Bolger, Patrick Bolger, Benjamin Coleman, Edward Tracey, Michael McDonald,
Michael Murphy, James Graham and Rowan McCombe.
10 March 1871 (FJ) Aid for French
...Carlow Town
Commissioners...Edward Tracy...
1860 RIC Service [see Leighlinbridge CoI]
Francis Treacey,
25158, b. 1838 Kildare
25158 Francis Treacey,
21 years, 5'7.75", b. Kildare, Prodestant, married 8/6/75 wife born
Queens, recommended by Sir G.G. Aylmer JP, lab allocated 14 Oct 59, served
Carlow 17 Apl 60, 1SC 1 Apl 60 B.5., Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned
1.12.89 25158D/38093, served 30 years 1 month, pension Ł62/-/-
July 23, 1860 (FJ) Carlow - Thomas Tracy v. Patrick Tracy of assault of one brother
against which had been previously deposited with the defendant
as security for moneys advanced by the defendant to enable the plaintiff to
pass through the Insolvent Court.
July 1860 Tracy v. Tracy
Carlow...This was an
action for assulting the plaintiff, brought against his brother...certain house
in Carlow alledged to be his property...partnership property, to which he had a
joint right...
1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital
James Tracey, b. 1868, Carlow, Carlow
John Tracey, b. 1864 Powerstown, Carlow
1861 Census - Whitley
Terrace, Liverpool, Lancashire [see 1871 Census]
James Treacy, Head, 26, b. 1835 Ireland, Collector For Burial Society, 1
Whitley Terrace St Matthias Liverpool Lancashire.
Mary Treacy, Wife, 22, b. 1839 Ireland, 1 Whitley Terrace St Matthias
Liverpool Lancashire.
Patrick Treacy, Son, 3m, b. 1861 Liverpool, 1 Whitley Terrace St
Matthias Lancashire, Liverpool Lancashire.
1861 Return of Crimes - Carlow
6 Nov 1861 Thomas Ward and Edward Tracey convicted of burglary of John Roach, shopkeeper, of Tullow,
1862 - 1864 National education (Ireland)
Bessy Tracy & Margaret Tracy, R.C. teachers, female, Garryhill, Dunleckny, Carlow
1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)
Tracey, Denis, New Ross, Carlow/Kilkenny/Wexford. 4 755 (see Kilkenny)
Tracey, Patrick, Carlow, Carlow/Laois. 3 418
Tracy, Mary, Carlow, Carlow/Laois. 8 519
1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland
8 April 1864 (FJ) Association for
the Propagation of the Faith
Diocese of
Kildare and Leighlin...Mr. Henry Tracy, Ballylean [Ballyleen
Ballon Carlow] Ł0/18/2...
10 August 1865 (FJ) Association for
the Propagation of the Faith
...Diocese of Kildare
and Leighlin...Collected by Mr H Tracy, Ballylean 14s...
6 July 1867 (FJ) Association for the
Propagation of the Faith
Diocese of Kildare
and Leighlin...per Mr Henry Treacy, Ballylean 13s1d...
9 July 1868 (FJ) Association for the
Propagation of the Faith
Diocese of Kildare
and Leighlin...per Mr Henry Tracy Ballylean Ł1...
7 October 1871 (FJ) Association for
the Propagation of the Faith
...Diocese of Kildare
and Leighlin...per Mr. John Tracy, Ballylean 9s3d...
9 November 1872 (FJ) Association for
the Propagation of the Faith
Diocese of Kildare
and Leighlin...per Mr. John Tracy, Ballylean Ł0/11/2...
16 December 1867 (FJ) In aid of Pope
Parish of
Bagnalstown...Bagnalstown District...the Misses Tracey 10s...Newtown
District...Mr John Tracey 10s...
11 April 1868 (FJ)
...Mr. Treacy, Kiltigan
Tracy, DMP 9469, RC, born 1868, 28 years 6 months, 5’10.5”, farmer, Myshall,
Co. Carlow, recommended by P. Newton J.P., [long pay history], pension 8 April
1919, Ł83/4/0 [see Myshall]
St. Patrick's College, Carlow 1793-1993
Francis [William] Treacy, educated 1889-1904, ordained 1904, Wilcannia-Forbes. Served in Broken Hill, Cobar and Balranald.
December 02, 1893 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Carlow. The Most Rev. Dr. Comerford,
coadjutor bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, ordained the following students to
Holy Orders at St. Patrick's college, Carlow on Sunday October 20th. To
priesthood- Rev James Roche, Cloyne. To deaconship
- Rev. Patrick. Ransbott, Kildare: Rev.
Francis Treacy, Wilcannia, New South Wales, Rev. Patrick Barry, Florida,
United States,
July 14, 1894 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Carlow. Most Rev. Dr. Comerford, coadjutor
bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, ordained to the priesthood the following
ecclesiastical students of St. Patrick's college, Carlow: Rev. Michael Rice,
diocese of Kildare Rev. Daniel Riordan, Chicago Rev. Ambrose Lynam, Kildare Rev
Charles McCarthy, Salford Rev. Michael McAuliffe, Maitland, Australia Rev.
Maurice Wilson, Toronto, Canada Rev.
Francis Treacy, Wilcania, British Columbia Rev. Edward Delaney, Sandharst,
England Rev. Patrick Osborne, Kilmore Rev. Martin Hughes. Pittsburg, United
4 Dec 1905 SS Ventura, Sydney to San Francisco
Revd William Treacy, 48, single,
Clergyman, b. Ireland, from Cobar Australia to Davenport Iowa
John J Treacy, born 1896, from Kiltullagh, Glenamaddy, Co. Galway, educated 1912-1919, ordained 1919, Wilcannia-Forbes, Presbytery, Bourke, NS Wales. Served in Broken Hill, Barham, Bourke and Warren. Vicar General 1953-1964. Monsigor, 1954. Died 16/8/1964. Burried at Warren. CLV (1965) 96.
Matthew Treacy, educated 1866-1875,
ordained 1875, Kildare and Leighlin. Curate in Myshall, Clonbullogue and
Ratheen. PP Rosenallis January-November 1902. Died 16/11/1902.
Michael J. Treacy, born 9/7/1947, from Westport,
Co. Mayo, educated 1966-1972, ordained in 1972 for Natchez (Biloxi). Associated
Pastor: Bay St. Louis, Nativity – Biloxi, Gulfport. Director of ‘Renew’ for the
diocese of Biloxi 1985-. Pastor: St. Thomas Aquinas/Hattiesburg 1988-.
Peter Treacy, from Cappagh Co. Tyrone, educated 1849-1891, ordained 1891, Wilcannia-Forbes RIP. Served in Crookwell and later PP in Gundagai 1919-1933. Died 19/5/1935.
Peter Treacy (of Tyrone) studied at St. Patrick's College in Carlow from 1884
to 1891. He was ordained a Missionary Priest in Carlow Cathedral into the
Diocese of Wilcannia, Australia on 14 June 1891 by the famous historian and
Co-Adjutor Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Most Rev. Michael Comerford. One
other classmate, Colman Casey, was also ordained for Wilcannia Diocese. In the
same ceremony other classmates were ordained for the Dioceses of Sydney and
Goulburn in Australia . His first Parish was Bourke then Brewarrina and Nyngan.
He then moved to the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn (as it had now
become) where Fr. Treacy served in Crookwell and Gundagai where he was P. P.
from 1919 to 1932. He died on 19th May 1935 and is buried in Gundagai aged
seventy years old.” Mairead McCormack-Kelly
Where the age is not given, it may be presumed to be in the range of 16 and 25 years.
John (1993) St. Patrick’s College Carlow 1793-1993. St. Patricks’s College,
1870 Bagenalstown Dog
Thomas Tracey, Donore (1)
Carloviana 1990/1 p.10-2
1870 Slater's Directory of Ireland
Edward Tracey, Town
Commissioner, Carlow
Rose & Winifred
Tracy, Bagnalstown, Linen & Woollen
Drapers & Haberdashers
7 July 1871 (FJ) St.
Patrick's Collegiate Seminary, Carlow
...present...Mr. Denis Tracy...
11 July 1871 (FJ) Carlow
Lay College
...present...D. Treacy, Esq, Dublin; J. Tracy, Esq, Dublin....
James Treacy, Head, M, 34, b. 1837 Carlow, Ship Labourer, St Martin Liverpool Lancashire
Mary Treacy, Wife, F, 32, b. 1839 Carlow, St Martin Liverpool Lancashire [born Kilkenny 1911 Census]
Patrick Treacy, Son, M, 10, b. 1861 Liverpool, St Martin Liverpool Lancashire
James J Treacy, Son, M, 7, b. 1864 Liverpool, St Martin Liverpool Lancashire
Michael Treacy, Son, M, 4, b. 1867 Liverpool, St Martin Liverpool Lancashire
Elizabeth Treacy, Daughter, F, 1, b. 1870 Liverpool, St Martin Liverpool Lancashire
Anne Hughes, Boarder, F, 20, Ireland, Dublin
Patrick Tracy , Head, M, 22, b.
1849 Killedmond [Carlow] Ireland, Porter, Everton West Derby Lancashire
Elizabeth Tracy , Wife, F, 23, b.
1848 Highworth Wiltshire, Everton West Derby Lancashire
Elizabeth Tracey, b. abt 1853 Carlow Ireland, Yorkshire England
1875 Return of Number of original Civil Bill
Ejectment Processes
Benjamin B. Feltus v. Edward Tracey and others,
claiming Ł81/5/0 for disturbences, 5 Jan 1871 Bagenalstown Carlow
3 March 1876 (FJ) Memorial
to the late ??? Fitzsimon, Administrator, ??? Co. Carlow.
...subscriptions...Mr Peter Tracy, Craans...
1876 Landowners of County
Carlow (over 1 acre)
Henry Tracey, Ballyleen,
Carlow. 107a/3r/15p. Ł62.0.0
Mary Tracey, Ballinree,
Carlow. 103a/0r/23p. Ł67.10.0
Michael Tracey,
Ballymartin, Carlow. 16a/3r/24p. Ł10.0.0
Thomas Tracey,
Carrignafecca, Carlow. 77a/1r/6p. Ł48.10.0
25 June 1877 (FJ) Polo in the County Carlow
...HRH arrived from the
Curragh...against Messrs R. Treacy [of Castlecomer Kilkenny?]...
11 July 1877 (FJ) The Late Sarah Maher
M. Treacy, CC, Myshall [Carlow]...
13 December 1877 (FJ) Carlow
RC Clergy...Matthew Tracy, CC...
26 February 1878 (FJ)
The Month's Memory Office and High
Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. Tracey, Mountpleasant, County
Carlow, will be held in Newtown Chapel on Thursday next, the 28th of February
instant, at 11 o'clock.
February 1878 to 1880 London Gazette
Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists
Anne Finn (miss), Ellen Condon (miss) & Bridget Tracy (miss), St. Josephs Convent Tullow.
1878 Bonds &
Judgements Ireland
Maria Treacy, Carlow, spinster (executrix) v. Joseph F. Duckett, Rochelle-lodge, Kingstown, Dublin. 4 Sep, Ł48.0.0
Kemp's mercantile gazette
August 1879 Polo
County Carlow Club...Mr. K.D. Tracy...
November 1880 Land
...Carlow deputation consisted of - Rev. P.F. Nolan, Mr. Peter Murphy, tenant farmer, Mr. M. Tracey, tenant farmer...
1881 British Census
Thomas Tracy, 35 years, born Carlow, married, collier, 17 Hall St Wolstanton, Stafford
Catherine, 35 years, born Ballymurphy, wife
Maggie, 6 years, born Tunstall, daughter
Mary, 5 years, born Tunstall, daughter
1881 Census - Dublin St, Liverpool, Lancashire [see 1871
Tracey Head Male 46 Ireland, Boarding House Keeper
Tracey Wife Female 42 Ireland
Tracey Son Male 20 Liverpool, Lancashire, England, Dock Porter
Tracey Son Male 17 Liverpool, Lancashire, England,
Apprentice Wheelwright
Tracey Son Male 14 Liverpool, Lancashire, England,
Office Boy
Tracey Daughter Female 11 Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Mary Ann
Tracey Daughter Female 5 Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Wattleworth Boarder Male 18 Isle Of Man, England
Fitzgerald Boarder Male 25 Ireland, Dock Porter
1881 Slater's Directory of Ireland
Maria Treacy, 123 Tullow st, Carlow, Leather seller
Henry Tracey, Farmers Ballon Division
Michael Tracey, Farmer Humewood Division, Baltinglass Union
Record of the Irish Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures
A.M. Treacy, Miss, Naas
Edward Treacy, Main - street , Birr
John Tracy, Bishop's-street, Cork
John Tracy, Cork, Brogue Leather. Commendation
John Tracy, Cork, Tanned and Curried Leather
M Tracy, Rickardstown, Nurney, Co. Kildare
Maria Tracy, Tullow Street, Carlow
Richard Treacy, Naas
Simon Treacy, Old Bank - place , Cashel
Thomas Hall and Michael Treacy, Lucan
Thomas Tracy, Mary-street, Galway
1883 Return of judicial rents
Edward Tracey of Rathnegeeragh Carlow, landlord
Lord Bessborough, 49a/1r/12p, poor valuation Ł24/0/0, old rent Ł40/0/0, new
rent Ł30/0/0
Michael Tracey of Croans Carlow, landlord John
Doherty, 76a/0r/28p, poor valuation Ł55/10/0, old rent Ł90/2/3, new rent
The Kennel Club Calendar and Stud Book.
Bitches. Baithershin (14,486). – Messrs.
R.B. and T.S. Carey’s, Borris, Co. Carlow, Ireland; breeder, Mr. W. Tracey;
date of birth. August 26th, 1882; colour, dark red, no white, cropped, black
toe nails. By Mr. Barkley's Shorter ...
City of Berlin, Liverpool
& Queenstown to New York 23 May 1885
Patrick K. Tracey, 18, M, labourer, Bagnalstown [Carlow], to Chicago
23 June 1887 Freeman's
... Joseph Tracey, assistant to Mr. Thomas ir Gerrard, Crown Solicitor, Carlow...
2 October 1886 (N) Death
Treacey - September 26, 1886, at her residence, Main-street, Bagenalstown, Miss Winifred Sara Treacey, aged 72 years.
15 October 1887 (N) New
Church of St. Patrick, rathvilly, County Carlow
The Ladies Table...No. 9 Table...Miss Tracey, Liscolman...
28 July 1888 (N) Rackrent
...Carlow...Patrick Tracey [rent] from Ł120/18/6 to Ł60...
September 01, 1888 The Irish
standard. (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Carlow…Patrick Treacy, of Ballinree, was recently evicted from his holding and deprived of the benefit which the Land Act decreed was his right. The recent sub commission in Carlow reduced his rent from Ł120 to Ł60, thus putting on record the fact that he had been plundered by gross rack-renting. But the landlord, Captain Newton, determined to prevent the tenant enjoying a fair rent, cruelly evicted him because he was unable to pay double the fair rent of his farm.
26 October 1888 New Zealand Tablet
Longford [Carlow] -
Patrick Treacy, of Ballinree, was recently evicted from his holding and
deprived of the benefit of the Land Act. The Land Commissioners had reduced Mr
Treacy's rent from Ł120 to Ł60, showing that he had been heartlessly plundered
by rack-renting. — But the land-thief, Captain Newton, determined to prevent
him from getting justice, and so evicted him because he couldn't pay double the
judicial rent.
29 July 1899 New Ross Standard
An eviction at Ballinree
- the sequel
Sergeant Taaffe,
Ballinree, summaned Mrs Treacy and her son, James, of Ballinree, for assaulting
a sheriff's officer in the discharge of his duty.
The circumstances of the
case were that on the 11th July. Patrick Treacy was evicted from his farm at
Ballinree at the suit of Mr James Kennedy, Borris...
1888 Return of judicial rents
Anne Tracey Ltd Admix of Michael Tracey of
Carrignafecka Carlow, landlord Captain P.C. Newton, 79a/1r/18p, poor valuation
Ł48/10/0, old rent Ł80/8/0, new rent Ł40/0/0
Patrick Tracey of Ballinree Carlow, landlord
Philip J. Newton, 102a/0r/7p, poor valuation Ł70/0/0, old rent Ł120/18/6, new
rent Ł60/0/0 (see 1909)
1890 Return of judicial rents
John Treacey of Ballyleen Carlow, landlord A.H.
Middleton, 107a/3r/15p, poor valuation Ł62/0/0, old rent Ł88/9/10.5, new rent
Ł49/7/8, Old rent exclusive of drainage charge of Ł19/12/10
31 May
1890 (N) Ordinations at Carlow College sub-deaconship...P. Tracey...Los
1890 The Royal University of Ireland Matriculation Examination
Francis W Treacy, Carlow College
1891 Return of judicial rents
Michael Treacy of Ardattin Carlow, landlord
Jmaes T. Butler, 34a/2r/3p, poor valuation Ł19/10/0, old rent Ł31/19/6.5, new
rent Ł20/10/0, by consent
1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals
The records have been corrected for
typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition,
an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As
such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.
Tracey, Knocklmagad (Knocklonagad Carlow?) Ireland, 1913, 23 years, housemaid, b. Knocklimagad, father
??? Traceey, Knockl?agad, [Knockclonagad] Co. Carlow, to Albany
Tracey, Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland, 1908, 20 years, sister: Margt Tracey 278
Claremunt St Chicago, b. Myshall, Mr John Tracey, Rathnaga near Bagnelstown,
Co. Carlow
Tracy, Bagralstom (Bagenalstown Carlow Ireland?), 1898, 21 years, to New York,
Friend? Richard Sheridan 119 Boston? St, Peaford? NY?,
Edward Treacey, Kildavin (Carlow) Ireland
1920 26 years, Brother: Mr. J. Treacey, 97 lr Dorset St, Dublin, Ire. Sister:
Mrs J. Denis, 824 Undercliff Avenue, Edgewater, NJ. 5’6”, fair complexion,
brown hair, grey eyes. b. Bagnelstown Ireland.
Tracey, Bonio (Borris Carlow?) Ireland, 1908, 32 years, Father in law: Pack?
Tracey, Ballimie? Kilmona Borris [Rathanna Carlow?]. Husband: Patrick, 18 Elm
St Madison NJ. 5’8”, Dark complexion, dark hair. brown eyes
Kathleen Tracey, Bonio (Borris Carlow?) Ireland, 1908, 4 years [daughter]
Tracey, Bonio (Borris Carlow?) Ireland, 1908, 2 years [daughter]
Tracey, Bonio (Borris Carlow?) Ireland, 1908, 20 years, labourer, 5’8” Fresh
complexion, brown hair. blue eyes Father: Pack? Tracey, Ballimie? Kilmona
Borris [Rathanna Carlow?] Dialent? of 5 [Brother-in-law]
George F. Treacy, Carlow Ireland,
1912, 22 years, gas fitter, H’keeper, cousin Albert Connors, Killedmond Boris
Co. Kilkenny [Carlow]. sister paid passage, sister Mrs Amelia Shoemaker, RGD3
Vanettian New York, 5’11”, dark complexion, dark hair, grey eyes, b. Carlow
Ireland. [George F. Treacy 22, Amelia Treacy 55]
Amelia Treacy, Carlow Ireland, 1912,
55 years, H’keeper, cousin [nephew] Albert Connors, Killedmond Boris Co.
Kilkenny [Carlow]. daughter paid passage, daughter Mrs Amelia Shoemaker, RGD3
Vanettian New York, 5’5”, dark complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, b.
Carlow Ireland. [George F. Treacy 22, Amelia Treacy 55]
Mary Treacy, Carlow Ireland, 1909,
26 [36?] years, single, Mother Amelia Treacy, Clongummon, Carlow. to Aunt Mrs
Maigant Sutton, 715 South Division St Elmnia NY. 5’5”, fair complexion, brown
hair, hazel eyes. Light scar on right hand. b. Carlow Ireland. [1901 Census
Clogrenan, Killeshin, Laois. 1911 Census Carlow]
James Treacey, Carlow (Ireland), 1902, 25
years, married, farmer, to cousin? Mrs? Mc? Andrew, 289 Ryi? J. Timm? Jip,
Chicago. Chicago, [James Treacey 25, Mary Treacey 24]
Mary Treacey, Carlow (Ireland?), 1902, 24
years, to cousin? Mrs? Mc? Andrew, 289 Ryi? J. Timm? Jip, Chicago. Chicago,
[James Treacey 25, Mary Treacey 24]
Treacy, Ireland, Bagnalstoun Cobarlow [Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland], 1907, 27
years, single, farmer, Bagnalstown CoCarlow, to brother Edward Treacy, 345
Seats? St Chicago Ill. 5’11”, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b.
Bagnalstown Co Carlow.
John Treasy [Treacy], Borris
(Carlow) Ireland 1907, 28 years, married, Father Patrick Treasy Ballonane?
Borris?. to sister-in-law Mary Arnold 997 East 99 St New York NY. 5'7"
dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, top of first finger off right hand. b.
Borris Ireland. [crossed out]
Margaret Treasy [Treacy], Borris
(Carlow) Ireland 1907, 21[?] years, married, Hwife, Father Patrick Ryan
Coolasnonghta Myshall. to do [sister-in-law Mary Arnold 997 East 99 St New York
NY]. 5'8" brown complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. b. Borris Ireland.
[crossed out]
Tracy, Bagualstown (Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland), 1898, 17 years, single, to Bro
Patrick Tracey, 1972 Second Ave, NY. [same ship as Mary & Cath]
Tracy, Bagualstown (Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland), 1898, 11 years, Irish [sister
USC], to brother Pat Treacy 1972 Second Ave NY [see Mary Tracy 11, Cath Tracy
Tracy, Bagualstown (Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland), 1898, 7 years, American
[written: USC, sister Irish], to brother Pat Treacy 1972 Second Ave NY [see
Mary Tracy 11, Cath Tracy 7]
Josephine Treacy, New Ross Wexford,
Ireland, 1922, 30 years, single, shop Assist, Sister Mrs Nix, 48 South Street,
New Ross Co. Wexford. [see 1911 Census] Cousin Mrs Doyle, 157 East 99th
Street, New York City, NY. 5’4”, fresh complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b.
Myshall Carlow
Tracy, Bagualstom (Bagenalstown Carlow Ireland?), 1899, 21 years, single, to
sister Mary Tracey, 347 Southerquic St Chicago.
Tracy, Bagnelstown [Carlow] Ireland, 1912, 23 years, single, Cousin Nellie
Neill, Ballycormack, Bagnelstown Co. Carlow. Cousin Mrs May, 100 Orchford? St
Bridgeport Conn. 5’, fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes. b. Bagnalstown
Tracy, Dublin Ireland, 1913, 31 years, single, Jakierer?, Last residence:
Dublin. Father Patrick Tracy, Upton, Fanagh, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow. Brother
Mr? Michael Tracey 1440 Fairfield? Av Chicago Ill, 5’8”, dark complexion, brown
hair, blue eyes, b. Ballinree, Co Carlow, Ireland [1901 Census, Seskinnamadra
Carlow. 1911 Census Arran Quay Dublin]
Martin Treacy, Bagualstown (Bagnalstown
Carlow? Ireland), 1901,
20 years, to brother William, Convent of Good Shepard, Buffalo, NY. [crossed out]
Mary Treacy, Mishhall (Myshall
Carlow? Ireland), 1906, 27 years, single, postulant, to friend The Superioress,
Dominican Convent, New Orleans. 5’8”, brown complexion, brown hair, grey eyes,.
B. Mishall Ireland.
Michael Treacy, Clonmore (Carlow?
Ireland), 1899, 26 years, single, to brother James, 433 E 79th St New York
Tracy, Carlow Ireland, 1893, 20 years, of USA?, to New York City
Tracey, Chicago USA, 1909, 34 years, single, clerk, 5’6” pale complexion, brown
hair, brown eyes, non-immigrating alien, Mother: Mrs Tracey, Karrig na Fecca,
[Carrignafecka] Co. Carlow. to brother James Tracey, 278 Claremount Ave
Chicago, b. Karrig-na-fecca Ireland
Tracey, Ballymartin (Carlow Ireland?), 1899, 25 years, single, lived Boston
1896, Cousin Jas Hanlon 503 W 59th St New York
Nora Treacy, Troy NY USA, 1906, 35
years, American, lives Warford Troy NY, friend Thomas Dredlin? 22 Middle St
Wausford Troy NY [Nora Treacy 35 and Patrick Tracey on same boat]
Tracey, ???obather [Lacken? Co. Carlow?], 1906, 27 years, lived Lacken?
Co. Carlow?, sister: Mrs Annie Doran 40 Park ave Hoboken NJ [Nora Treacy 35 and Patrick
Tracey on same boat]
United States
Naturalization Petitions
Annie Tracy, born 27 Feb 1868 Ballymartin, Carlow, Ireland. Naturalised 1941 Watertown MA
Edward Tracey, born 28 Mar 1894 Ballycormack Carlow, Ireland. Naturalised 1920 & 1927 New York City, NY. Spouse's Catherine Tracey born 09 Jun 1904, Child Beatrice Tracey born 08 Oct 1925
Henry Tracey/Tracy, born 24 Aug 1890 Carlow, Ireland. Naturalised 1931 Hartford CT. Spouse's Margaret Tracy born 28 Feb 1898 married 24 June 1924 Co. Carlow Children Esther Tracy born 11 Apr 1925 Canada, Eugene Tracy born 18 Dec 1926 Hartford, Margaret Tracy born 06 Sep 1928 Hartford
John Hanlon Tracy, born 06 Jan 1864 Carlow, Ireland. Naturalised 1915 Boston, Massachusetts
April 1893
Mr Tracy Turnerelli in a letter to a
Carlow journal, stated his father was the son of an exiled Italian nobleman,
and that he was placed in Carlow College, where he completed his education.
[see Tracy Peerage Case – for background information]
1894 John
Treacy, tenant, Edward KB Tighe, landlord, Johnstown, Carlow, 15a3r11p,
Ł12.15.0 valuation, Ł15.10.0 rent, Ł10.10.0 judicial rent
1894 Slater's Directory of Ireland
Tracey Maria, boot & shoe
dealer, 123 Tullow street
Tracy Rose (& milliner),
April 1895
Lady recommends young man, R.C., Ł10
for stable and garden; R.C. Youth, Ł8, for general work. - M. Tracy, Myshall,
01 February 1896 Wexford People
Spencer - January 25, at the
residence of her husband, Gorey, County Wexford, Brigid, the beloved wife of
Richard Spencer, and sister of the late Mr. Henry Treacy, Lisgarven House,
Ballon, county Carlow, and also of the Misses Treacy, Bagnalstown.—E.l.P.
American papers please copy.
1897 British Army WWI Service Records
William James Treacy, 28, b. abt
1869 Carlow, Residence: 1897
1899 Return of advances under Purchase of Land
June 6 1898 Purchaser: Michael Treacy of
Grangeford Old Carlow, Vendor: Viscount Duncannon, 1a/0r/5p, value Ł1/17/0, rent
Ł2/0/0, purchase Ł30, advance Ł30, deposit Ł15
1898 Return of judicial rents
Patrick Treacy of Craans Carlow, landlord Mrs.
Muriel L.C. Doherty, 76a/0r/28p, poor valuation Ł55/10/0, old rent Ł90/2/3, new
rent 1 Ł66/10/0, new rent 2 Ł54/8/0
1899 Return of judicial rents
Edward Tracy of Rathnageerath Carlow, landlord
Viscount Duncannon, 41a/1r/31p, poor valuation Ł24/0/0, old rent Ł40/0/0, new
rent 1 Ł30/0/0, new rent 2 Ł24/0/0
Bagenalstown at the turn ot the century
…Another quaint business was that carried on by
two sisters named Treacy - who made beautiful hats out of straw and rush. These
were priced at 2d. each and were liberally decorated with ribbons and flowers.
Mr. Ned Meaney now is the occupier of this premises which is known as the Medical
Matthew Treacy, Donore
December 1999
No 227 Tracey & anr to
24 Jan 1901 between Anne Tracey of Templeowen [Fennagh] ( adjoining the Fair Green of Tullow ) in the County of Carlow Widow and Thomas Tracey of Templeowen aforesaid ( brother in - law of said Anne Tracey ) of the one part and Joseph J. Nolan of Tullow [Fennagh OR Tullowphelim] in the County of Carlow medical Doctor of the other part...two acres two roods late Jush plantation measure or thereabouts with the house and premises thereon then occupied by said Anne Tracey and Thomas Tracey the house and premises thereon then occupied by Edward Lawler and the house and premises thereon then occupied by Patrick Nolan the said Edward Lawler and Patrick Nolan being weekly tenants to said Anne Tracey and Thomas Tracey or either of them ) also the house and premises on said lands then vacant but formerly occupied by Ellen Rymeall which aforesaid lands houses and premises were held from Dermott H Doyne Esquire by said Anne Tracey and Thomas Tracey or either of them under a yearly tenances at the yearly rent of eleven pounds and are situate in the Paush of Fenagh Barony of Rathilly and County of Carlow...
1901 Return of judicial rents
26/7/1901 Reps of James Tracey of Knockelonagad
Carlow Carlow, landlord Col. Fitzgibbon Trant, 42a/0r/23p, poor valuation
Ł25/5/0, old rent Ł40/0/0, new rent 1 Ł32/10/0, new rent 2 Ł22/10/0, appeal
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland
1901 Census of England
Shutname Tracey, 50, Canlow
[Carlow?] Ireland, Tunstall, Staffords
Thomas Tracey, 52, Canlow
[Carlow?] Ireland, General Labourer, Tunstall, Staffords
Name Tracey, John [born Carlow Carlow]
Register Number: 11545
Division: Royal Marine Light Infantry: Portsmouth Division
When Enlisted/Date of Enlistment: 06 June 1901 Liverpool [next of kin 55 Regent St Liverpool]
Date of Birth: 21 March 1881
ADM 157/2620/16 [not digitised]
Folios 135-151: John Tracey, born: Carlow [1881]; Age at attestation: 20; Attested: Liverpool; Joined in: 1901; Discharge reason: Services no longer required; Discharge year: 1912.
Congregation of St. Joseph of Cluny
Date of Profession, Name, Birthplace Mission
1902 Sr. Alphonsus Tracey, Rathnageera (Myshall,
Co. Carlow?), Paris
17 November 1902 (IT) Death
Tracey - November 16, at 21
Gardiner's place [Dublin], the Rev. Matthew Tracey, P.P. Rosenallis, Queen's
County, aged 53 years. R.I.P. Funeral arrangements will be announced in
to-morrows issue.
January 03, 1903 The
Intermountain Catholic. (Salt Lake City [Utah] ;) 1899-1920 newspaper.
The Rev Matthew Tracey pastor of Rosenaills died on the 16th [November]. He was a native of Carlow and for nearly thirty years was in the sacred ministry. He was for two years on the Scotch mission He then returned to Clonbullosue where he remained twenty-three years. He was transferred to Rosenaills about three years ago.
Aug 3,
1904 (IT) Carlow Agricultural Society
Class 21 Special prizes...Mares...1st prize,
Messrs. Smith and Tracy, Rathvilly...
September 1905 New Ross Standard
…the defendant carrying a gun on the lands of
Mrs. Treacy of Carrignafecka...
Kelly's Directory
Michael Tracey, Rathvilly S.O. co. Carlow
R. Treacy Kinneagh glebe, Kinneagh, co. Carlow
List of Persons who have lodged application with the Estates Commission as
Evicted Tenants
4195. Patrick Tracy, Seskin, Killedmond, Carlow.
Ballinree, PC Newtown Estate. 100a/3r/0p, Ł120.18.6 rent. Present tenant - John
Griffin, yearly tenant. Circumstances of Applicant: Aged 55, six sons at home,
five in America.
November 1909 New Ross Standard
Borris Petty Sessions
Anne Treacy against Thomas Byrne fur trespass of
horses. The complainant did not appear, but deputed her son, who explained to
the bench his authority from his mother. Michael Treacy...
1909 Re-instated Evicted Tenants
Patrick Tracey of Ballinree Carlow, Estate P.C.
Newton, 100a/3r/0p, value Ł70/0/0, rent Ł120/18/6, evicted 18 July 1888
March 1910 New Ross Standard
Bagnalstown Petty Sessions
House Possession
Thomas Whelan sued Patrick Treacy, Bagnalstown, for
posession of a house held as a weekly tenacy. Decree for posession granted.
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland
1911 [Cd. 5488, 5489, 5490, 5624, 5639, 5750, 5758,
5887, 5890, 5952] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the
Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of November, 1909 - Carlow
6th October 1910, Michael P. Tracey, Patrickswell, 9a1r14p parcel, Ł24.13.0 valuation, Ł490 price, Ł380 advance, Ł110 deposit, Estate of Whitty and Smith
May 23, 1911 (IT)
Young country man requires situation; make himself generally useful; can milk. Apply Tracey. Fenagh, Carlow.
1913 RIC Service
Eugene Tracey, 67041 b. 1892 Carlow
[see Myshall]
67041 Eugene Tracey, dob 14 March 1892, 5'9
5/8", b. Carlow, Catholic, recommended by DI Winder, farmer, appointed 15
Jan 1913, served Clare 25th July 1913, Resigned 19.6.20 45375D, Family affairs,
Contd in Carlow & Dublin City
July 1913 IT RIC Having completed
training...appointed to fill vacancies...No.1 Company, Eugene Treacy, Clare...
1914 [Cmd. 7114, 7143, 7162, 7222, 7231, 7288, 7411,
7414, 7489, 7577] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the
Irish land purchase acts, during the month of January, 1913. - Carlow
6th November 1913, John Tracey, Johnstown, 15a3r31p, Ł12.5.0 valuation, Ł10.10.0 rent, judicial, Ł234 price and advance, 22.2 years
Handbag Theft 1913
…was found guilty of stealing a handbag containing Ł22/10/0, the property of Miss Maria Treacy, at Carlow Fair on October 22nd.
Eugene Tracey, Fenagh, County Carlow
Patrick Treacy, Carlow Brigade, of Kildare
William Treacy, G Company, 4 Battalion, Carlow Brigade, 3 Eastern Division
1914-1920 British Army WWI Service &
Pension Records
James Treacy, b. abt 1877, Carlow,
Munrice [Maurice?] Tracey, b. abt
1875, Bullickmayer, Carlow,
William James Treacy, b. abt 1869,
Alphabetical Roll Of New
Zealand Expeditionary Force WWI
Joseph Tracey, 17/203, trooper, Veterinary Corps, single, of Public? Works Office Clyde Otago, Next of kin: P. Tracey (father), Fineghs, County Carlow Ireland [1901 Census - Seskinamadra, Rathanna, Carlow]
WW1 Merchant Seamen Medal
Cards BT 351/1
Edward Tracey, b. 1892 Carlow
1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen
Tracey, b. 1892 Carlow Carlow
[Note: * = photo .]
March 1914 IT
Leinster Senior Schools Cup, Knockbeg College Carlow...three-quarters backs...P. Treacy...
Mar 10, 1914 (FJ) Rugby
...Knockbeg College (Carlow)...P. Treacy...
Jun 17 & 18, 1915 (IT)
Co. Carlow Breach of Promise
...Miss Deborah Shirley [37] of Coolnakisha, Leighlinbridge, County Carlow and the defendant Mr. Richard Tracy/Treacy, [50] farmer, of Ballycallan [Ballycullane], Kildare...second cousin of defendant, who held a farm of close on three hundred acres. His means if capitalised would amount to Ł8,000...dances...In 1902...kiss...In 1904, marriage was spoken of...attachment for a Miss Melbourne [of Luggacurran] [engaged for 14 years]...delay, which had extended over eleven years...James Neale examined...related to defendant...Mrs Annie Parsons...said that before her marriage, she used to assist the defenant, her uncle, in the household...
Jun 19, 1915 (IT) and Jun
26, 1915 (IT)
The Carlow breach of promise action, Shirley v. Tracey...jury failed to agree on the question of contract and were discharged.
Jun 30, 1915 (IT)
Motion for a change of Kildare...refused motion with costs.
Nov 3, 1915 (IT) and Nov
6, 1915 (IT) Ł1000 Damages Claimed
...Defendant...You were secretary of the Quadrile Company? Yes (laughter)...showed her deposit receipts for Ł1500 with the Provincial bank...
Nov 5, 1915 (IT) and Nov
13, 1915 (IT) Ł200 damages
The jury, after ten minutes absence, returned with a verdict for the plaintiff, assessing the damages at Ł200.
November 1915 IT
Stewart Institution [Dublin] The following candidates were declared successful...Anthony Treacy, Carlow...
1915 Return of advances under Purchase of Land -
Estate of Westropp-Dawson
14/10/1915 Patrick Tracey of Ballylinblock
Carlow, 52a/2r/0p, purchase Ł810, advance Ł810
1915 Kellys Directory of Leather Trades in Ireland
Jan 13, 1916 (IT) Marriage
Warren and Moore - January 9, 1916 at St. Stephens Church, North Bow, London, John Edward, eldest son of Mrs. Warren, Staford road, London, and elder brother of Dr. William Warren, H.A.M.A. Eastbourne and nephew of T. Bysen, Esq., General Post Office, London, to Kate, eldest daughter of the late Michael Moore, of Kilcarrig, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow and grand-daughter of the late Madame Tracy, Ballinree, Borris, Co. Carlow and cousin of the Rev. Father Mat Tracy of Borris, Co. Carlow, Ireland.
2 Aug 1916 Freemans
Carlow Show...Special Prize (presented by Major Alexander) for yearling bullock or heifer, won by John Tracey, Johnstown.
Nov 17, 1917 (IT)
The annual report of the Vere Foster Writing Compedition announces that the special prize for the best writing, open to candidates throughout the British Empire, has been awarded to Bridget Tracey (aged 15 years, 7 months), Presentation Female National School, Carlow...
1917 USA Draft
George Francis Tracey b. 15 Sep 1888 Carlow Ireland, naturalised
citizen first papers, Carpenter LVRR Co Sayre Pa, mother dependant, single,
lives Van Eitten NY
Kellistown Past and Present from "The Nationalist and Leinster Times" newspaper, Saturday, 1st March 1919
Some Descendants of Evicted Tenants of Kellistown Farm…James Tracey, Ballymartin, Borris…
1920 Carlow
1921- Calendars of Wills
and Administrations
Alicia Treacy, 28 Jul 1931, late of Coan East Belmont Bilboa County Carlow, married woman, who died 11 Apr 1930, to John Treacy, farmer. Effects …
Anne Treacy, 5 Aug 1927, late of Carrignafecka County Carlow, widow, who died 25 Mar 1927, to Michael Treacy, farmer. Effects …
Bridget Treacy, 8 Oct 1929, late of Grangeford County Carlow, widow, who died 30 Jul 1929, to Margaret Nolan, spinster, and Nannie Whelan, spinster. Effects …
Gertrude L. Treacy, 21 Sep 1937, late of Kinneagh Tullow Carlow, married woman, who died 20 Sep 1936, to William Melbourne, farmer. Effects …
Maria Tracey, 24 May 1927, late of Tullow Street Carlow, spinster, who died 7 Mar 1927, to Katie Tracey, spinster. Effects …
Maurice Tracy, 18 Apr 1935, late of 4 Granby Row Carlow County Carlow, salesman, who died 20 Dec 1934, to Annie Tracy, the widow. Effects …
Michael Tracey, 2 May 1927, late of Grangeford Tullow County Carlow, farmer, who died 26 Feb 1910, to Bridget Tracey, the widow. Effects …
Patrick Tracey, 12 Feb 1929, unadminister estate, late of Tankardstown Tullow County Carlow, farmer, who died 25 Mar 1909, to Annie Tracey, spinster. Effects … (former grant 18 Jun 1909)
Richard Treacy, 10 Feb 1943, late of Kinnagh Glebe Ballycullens Tullow Co Carlow, farmer, who died 19 Jul 1942, to Edward Twamley and William Twamley, farmers. Effects…
1922-1984 Carlovians in the Defence Forces
Christopher Treacy,
Kilcarrig St.,
Bagenalstown. 800749
Jacob Tracey,
Ballymartin, Borris.
John Treacy, Ballymartin, Borris.
Patk. Treacy,
Railway Tee., Borris.
Ptk. Treacy, Ballymartin, Borris.
Win. Treacy, Ballymartin, Borris. 217014
Win. Treacy, Main St., Bagenalstown.
Carloviana, December 2005,
Feb 23, 1923 (FJ) Military
seize cattle
The lands known as "The Irish Farm" at Kilcomney, near Bagenalstown were visited by military...In connection with the working of this farm four young men, J. Neill, W. Murphy, J. Treacy and another were arrested by National troops.
Apr 23, 1923 (FJ) Co. Carlow
farm dispute
At the Bagenalstown District Court...James Treacy...for having taken forcible possession of the lands of Kilcomney, near Bagenalstown known as the "Irish Farm"...Mr. Michael O'Riordan, manager of the lands, having died in the meantime, the District Justice refused informations.
1926 Irish Free State Army Absent Voters List
William Tracey, Main Street, Bagenalstown -
23810, Sgt., 18th Batt., Cork.
Records of the Colonial Office, Commonwealth and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, Empire Marketing Board, and related bodies
1926-8 Irish Distress Committee and Irish Grants Committee: Files and Minutes
Abraham Treacy, County
Carlow, File no. 1313
13, 1928 (IT) Residential Business Premises
...instructed by Miss Tracey (who is retiring from
business) to sell by public auction...nos 123, 124 and 125 Tullow street
Carlow, held on lease for a term of 500 years from March 25th 1928 subject to the rent of Ł23 per annum...No. 123 at
present in occupation of the Vendor in which a good wholesale leather trade has
been carried on for the past 70 years...
No 130 Clayton to Tracey
7 Nov 1928 A Memorial of a Indenture of Assignment BETWEEN ROBERT CLAYTON BROWNE CLAYTON of Browneshill Carlow in the County of Carlow Esquire therein and hereinafter called " the Lessor "...of the one part and KATE TRACEY of Tullow Street Carolw [Carlow] in the County of Carlow Spinster therein and hereinafter called the Lessee...plot of ground with the houses yards and out offices thereon situate at Tullow Street in the town PARISH BARONY AND COUNTY OF CARLOW...the same were leased to Edward Tracey ( therein mentioned ) by a certain lease therein recited ( now surrendered ) of the 12 Aug 1861
No 131 Clayton to Tracey
7 Nov 1928 A Memorial of a Indenture of Lease BETWEEN ROBERT CLAYTON BROWNE CLAYTON of Browneshill Carlow in the County of Carlow Esquire therein and hereinafter called " the Lessor "...of the one part and KATE TRACEY of Tullow Street Carolw [Carlow] in the County of Carlow Spinster therein and hereinafter called the Lessee...that plot of ground with the houses and yard thereon situate at Browne Street and Chapel Lane otherwise College Street in the TOWN PARISH BARONY AND COUNTY OF CARLOW containing...more of less as the same were leased to the said Edward Tracey by a certain lease therein recited ( then surrendered ) of the 12 Aug 1861...
34 Tracey to Phillips & anr
9 Aug 1929 Memorial Of An Indenture Between Katie M. Tracey of Numbers 122 and 123 Tullow Street Carlow in the County of Carlow Spinster ( thereinafter and hereinafter referred to as " the Vendor " ) of the one part and William Phillips Boot Shop Manager and Mary Jane Phillips his Wife both of 36 Ferry Quay Street Londonderry in the County of Derry thereinafter and hereinafter referred to as " the Purchasers " ) of the other part...recited Lease dated the 15 Jun 1928 and made between Robert Clayton Browne Clayton of the one part and said Katie M. Tracey of the other part... the same were leased to Edward Tracey by a Lease ( then surrendered ) of the 12 Aug 1861 and were then in the possession of Katie M. Tracey...
The Schools’ Collection - Carlow
Mrs Annie Tracey/Treacy, Principal, Rathvilly
& &
James Tracey, pupil, Rathnageera, Muire Beag
John Tracey, informant, age 52 or 55,
Rathnageera, Muire Beag
Mathew Tracey/Treacey, informant, age 59,
Rathnageera, Muire Beag
Sarah Tracey/Treacey, pupil, Rathnageera, Muire
Beag &
March 1934 New Ross Standard [page
8] [page
Taghmon Bank Robbery
…Jas Treacy, Ballymartin…
22, 1937 The Irish Times
Mr. W. L. Duggan And Miss K. Treacy
Mr. W. L. Duggan, solicitor, Carlow and Tullow,
son of Mr. J.J. Duggan, Solicitor, and President of the Incorporated Law
Society, and Mrs Duggan, Carlow, was married to Kathleen, youngest daught of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Treacy of
Waterford, of Dun Laoighre, at St. Michael's Church, Dun Laoighre, yesterday...The
bride was given away by her brother, Mr. J.A.
Treacy. Miss C. Treacy (sister
of the bride) was the bridesmaid and Mr. Gerald Clancy (cousin of the
bridegroom) acted as best man...
July 1937 Voters registered in Carlow Town
Michael, Nora, May, Maurice
No. 62 Pollerton Road, Willie Treacy, single, worked in Leverette and Fry.
4th December, 1941 Dáil Éireann Volume 85 Ceisteanna/Questions. Oral Answers.
Carlow Military Service Pension Claim.
Hughes asked the Minister
for Defence if he will say when Mr. Eugene Tracey, Fenagh, County
Carlow, who made application for a pension under the Military Service Pensions
Act may expect to hear of a decision in his case.
Aiken (for the Minister for Defence): In the case of the application made under the Military
Service Pensions Act, 1934, by Mr. Eugene Tracey, Fenagh, County Carlow, the
finding of the referee is that on the evidence before him Mr. Tracey is not a
person to whom the Act applies and he was informed accordingly. Mr. Tracey
lodged an appeal for revision of the finding but the referee has not yet
completed his investigations in the matter
1942 US Draft (born between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897)
Edward Tracey b. 28 Sep 1892 Co
Carlow, Ireland Residence: Essex, New Jersey
John J Tracy b. 28 Dec 1881
Carlow, Ireland Residence: Hartford, Connecticut
Patrick Joseph Tracy b. 28 Feb 1879
Carlow, Ireland Residence: Morris, New Jersey
Old Roads, Fields and Mass Paths
PJ Treacy, Barragh contains Brophys field, Haydens field.
White, WD (1994) Heirs to a
Heritage Part II.
Officiers and Members of the Old Carlow Society
Miss Alice Tracey, "Stella Maris",
Athy Road, Carlow, Carlow, Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
St. Mary's (R.C.), Carlow, Co. Carlow
In Loving Memory of
Moria K. Doyle died 11th June 1942
Julia M. Doyle died 24th April 1947
Alice J. Tracey died 21st June 1971
Stella Maris Athy Road
C.J. Tracey, Sligo
John Tracey, Carlow
William Tracey, Waterford
Church of Ireland records for the Carlow area
Surname Researchers
Tracy |
County Carlow born 15 Nov 1845.
Immigrated to USA in 1862 |
Tracy |
Co. Carlow pre-1845 to present |
Ann Treacy & Richard Furney
1810 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Anne Treacy & Henry Booth 1839
(Marriage Licence Bond) [Bilboa?]
Anne Treacy & Henry Haskins
1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)
John Tracey & Alice Haskins
1841 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Bartholomew Treacy & Marrianne
Wilton 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond) [see. Urlingford Parish RC]
Catherine Treacy b. about 1817
& Hugh Macley (or Mailey) 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS) [see
Francis Tracey & Amelia Walker
1837 (Marriage Licence Bond) [see Kiltennel Carlow]
Harriet Treacy b. about 1823 &
Morgan O’Neill 1844 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS) [see Castlecomer]
Harriett L Treacy b. about 1822 &
Edmond Lane 1843 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Isabella Treacy b. about 1807
& Henry Eager 1828 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS) [see Castlecomer]
James Tracey & Emma Magee 1827
(Marriage Licence Bond) [see Leighlinbridge Carlow]
James Treacy & Margaret
Cavanagh 1773 (Marriage Licence Bond) [see Carlow Town]
Jane Tracey b. about 1816 &
Joseph Chamney 1837 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)
John Tracy & Anne Shaw 1767
(Marriage Licence Bond)
Louisa Catherine Treacy & James
Disney 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond) [see Calstlcomer]
Maria Treacy b. about 1806 &
William Browne 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS)
Patrick Tracy & Susanna
Delahunte 1827 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Sarah Treacy & John Stephenson
Henry 1838 (Marriage Licence Bond) (see Muckalee Parish) [see Castlecomer]
Thomas Tracy & Johanna Shannon
1840 (Marriage Licence Bond) (see New Ross, Wexford)
William Tracey & Jane (or
Fame) Shirly 1814 (Marriage Licence Bond)
William Tracy & Ellinor Sunderland
1767 (Marriage Licence Bond) [see Tullow Carlow]
Kilkenny Wills
Edward Tracey 4/2/1872 26/2/1872
granted to Maria Tracey (will) [Carlow Carlow]
William Tracey 26/5/1820 28/2/1822
granted to Robert Tracy (will)
Mary Tracy 3/11/1803 26/10/1820
granted to Patrick Tracy (will)
James Treacy 10/7/1846 (will)
Mary Tracy died 1864, Carlow PLU,
aged 71, b. 1793, died 16 Jan 1864 Union Workhouse,
Tracey died 1865, Carlow PLU, Aged 27, b. 1838, died 21 Jul 1865 Carlow, Carlow
Patrick Tracey
died 1865, Carlow PLU, Aged 56, b. 1809, died 8 Mar 1865 Carlow, Carlow
Tracey died 1866, Carlow PLU, aged 49, b. 1817, died 1 Apr 1866 Carlow REG,
relative Maria Tracey
Tracy died 1868, Carlow PLU, Aged 70, b. 1798
Thomas Tracey, died 1871, Bagnalstown Carlow PLU, aged 19 years, b. 1852, bachelor, labourer, died 28 Nov 1871 Bagnalstown Fever Hospital
Michael Tracey, died 1875 Carlow
Carlow PLU, aged 60 years, b. 1815, widower, labourer, died 25 Jan 1875
Workhouse Carlow
Tracy, of Kilmainham, (d. of
Andrea & Sarah Fenton of Carlow) married Jacobus Kinsella, of Kilmainham,
(s. of Patricii & Anna Kinsella of Renalagh) 22 July 1873 Wit: Benjamin
Mauey? of Kevin St & Maria Anna Mauey? of Kevin? St. St. James RC Parish
(Note: Both were previously married of cause? buriel? these sponsors?)
Treacey, full age, widow,
cook, lives Kilmainham, (d. of Andrew Kinsella, weaver?) married James
Kinsella, full age, widower, machinist, lives Kilmainham, (s. of Patrick
Kinsella, gardener) 23 July 1873 RC Church St. James Meath St. Wit: Bernard
Marley & Mary Anne Marley [Dublin South PLU] signed her mark
Harriet Treacy b. about 1823 &
Morgan O’Neill 1844 (Marriage Licence Bond) Ossory (LDS) [see Castlecomer Kilkenny]
James Trasey & Jane Higginson
Elizabeth Anne Trasey b. 7
December 1874 Rathvilly Carlow (LDS) [see Castledermot Kildare CoI & William
Treacy of Bellmount]
John or William Treacy (d. Carlow, Ireland) & Anne Hovenden[?] (d. 1853) [from Loughlin
Son William Treacy Born June 21,
1845 in Melbourne, Australia; died August 10, 1918 in Prarahn, Victoria
Who married Marian Bartlam
Father of William Raymond
Treacy, Henry Budds Treacy, Reginald Bartlam
Treacy and Muriel Frances Bradford Treacy born
Hawthorn, Australia
[Note: Lease of twenty acres of land in lower Ballylehane [Killabban Laois]
from Henry Hovenden to William Treacy]
Margaret Bridget Tracey b. Carlow, Ireland, 26 years & Pierce Cody b. Carlow Ireland, 26 years
Catherine Cody b. 18 Aug 1913 Cook Co. Chicago Il
Margaret Tracey (single)
Birth Date: 4 Dec 1884 [1885? State Reg]
Birth Place: Co Carlow, Ireland
Age: 37
Residence: Brooklyn, New York & Mass for 21 years
Passport Issue Date: 1 Nov 1922
Father Name: James Tracey
Father's Birth Location: Ireland
Father's Residence: Deceased
Emigrated October 1st 1901
Neutralised 7th June 1921 Albany
Martin Moore, b.
September 1838 County Carlow Ireland. d. September 1910, New Britain, Conn. And
Ellen Garrigan
Son of James and
Margaret (Tracey) Moore, relatives of Thomas Moore, the Irish poet of
Genealogy of the
Whittlesey-Whittelsey Family: By Charles Barney Whittelsey. Whittlesey house, McGraw-Hill
book company, inc., 1941
Tracy (d. of Edwardus Tracy)
of 23 Richmond St m. Gulielmus Kelly (s. of Martini Kelly) of 23 Richmond St 11
September 1877 Wit: Joannes Martin & Maria Martin
Tracey & Gulielmus Kelly
[see Laois]
Gulielmus Joseph Kelly b. 19 July 1878 of 23
Richmond Place Sp. Gulielmus Leadly & Maria Helena Leadly. St. Agatha
[duplicate see St. Lawrence]
Tracy, full [age], spinster,
lives 23 Richmond Place, (d. of Edward
Tracy, dead, shop keeper) married William Kelly, full [age], bachelor,
professor, lives 23 Richmond Place, (s. of Martin Kelly, living, farmer) 11
September 1877 RC Chapel St Agatha N Wm St Wit: John Martin & Mary Martin
[Dublin North PLU]
Tracy (d. of Edvardus Tracy & Elizabeth Horan of
Mount Mellick of Queens? Co) of 23 Richmond St m. Gulielmus Kelly (s. of
Martini Kelly & Honoria Owens of Ballymic Co. Carlow) of 23 Richmond St on
the 11 September 1877 Wit: Joannes Martin & Maria Martin of 6 Shamrock
Villa Harolds Cross. [comment in Latin?]. St. Lawrence RC
Tracey & Gulielmus Kelly
Gulielmus Joseph Kelly b. 19 July 1878 of 23
Richmond Place Sp. Gulielmus Leadley & Maria Helena Leadley. St. Lawrence
Tracey & William Kelly
William Joseph Kelly b. 19 Jul 1878 N Dublin,
County Dublin (LDS)
Maurice Tracey &
Annie Lyons
Tracey b. 1/10 Apr 1899 of 33 Claredon St Sp. Sarah Dunne. St Andrews Parish
Dublin (Note: Married James Nolan in Carlow on 4 March 1930)
Michael(?) Tracy
Edward Tracy b: 15 Nov. 1845 in Co. Carlow, came to U.S. on ship
Cultivator from Liverpool to NY in 1862, went to IL, enlisted in Union army,
married Mary Callahan (who died before 1880), then moved to Iowa around 1880
and married Margaret Minner. Father's name possibly Michael - possible sibling
Philip. Died 9 Jul 1916. If anyone has information on this family, please
contact me.
Patrick Trac(e)y
I am
trying to find information on the Tracey family. Patrick was born in 1833 in
Co. Carlow and moved to Liverpool in 1855 where he married Eliza Miner. On the
marriage certificate one of the witnesses was William Tracy, who lived in
Ireland. Can anyone help? Thanks
kmastudio 21 Apr 2007
Bagenalstown (&
Grace Tracy, full age, spinster,
lives 18 Fontenoy St, (daughter of John
Tracy, dead, law agents' assistant) married William Rea, full age, widower,
miller, lives 4 Parade Bagenalstown, (son of John Rea, millwright) on the 6
July 1912 Wit: Alexander Rea & R. McGee Register's Office Dublin. [see
Grace Trimble of Armagh]
Grace Tracy & William Smith
Finley Rea, miller, of Bagnalstown
Eileen Margaret Finley Rea b. 24 April 1913 of 3 Sussex Road [Dublin]. Grace
Rea, mother, 3 Sussex Road. [Rathmines, Dublin South]
This is
the Rea family in Carlow in the 1911 Census:
Ballon & Rathoe
NOTE: Online baptisms and
marriages end 1868.
Edmund Tracy
& Mary
Tracy b. 2 Jul 1785 of Lisgarvin [Gilbertstown] Sp. Wilm Tracy & Elizabeth Tracy. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Cathrine Tracy
married Hugh Murphy 17 Jan 1790 Wit: Thos Mowlan & Samuel WSatson. Ballon
and Rathoe Parish
Maher & Margaret,
Darby b. 4th Dec 1791
Lisgarvin Sp. Owen Cummins & Elizabeth Tracy
Alice? Tracy
married John Dowling? 11? Feb 1792 Wit: Denis? Kavanagh? & John Smith.
Ballon and Rathoe Parish
1792 02 19 (triple wedding) Dowling, John m. Allice Tracy; witnesses: Denis Kavanagh, John Smith Murphy, John m. Cathrine Donn (RN: sic Dunn); witnesses: John Dowling, James Curren Smith, John m Mary Sommers; witnesses: James Macavoy, John Dowling
Edward Nowlan & Ann
James b. 25th Sep 1793
Lisgarvin Sp. Andrew Reddy & Elizabeth Tracy
Timothy Magher & Mary
b. 17th Apr
1794 Lisgarvin
Sp. Thomas Tracy & Judith Nowlan
Thomas Treacy/Treasey/Treasy
& Catharine
Treacy b. 19 Apr 1817 Sp. Thomas Treacy
& Eliza Kinasela. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Treasey b. 13 Dec 1818 Sp. Hugh & Margaret Nolan. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Treasy b. 1 Oct 1820 Sp. Edward McDonald & Mary Treasy. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Treasy b. 23 Sep 1823 of Ballyleean [Ballyleen Ballon] Sp. Elizabeth Treasy. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Thomas Treacy
& Judith
Treacy b. 21 Aug 1819 Sp. Ann Redmond?. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Michael Treacy
& Jane
Treacy b. 22 May 1820 Sp. Michael Caughlan & Mary Delany. Ballon and Rathoe
Michael Treacy
& Jane Doran
Treacy b. 20 Jan 1825 of Kilcod [Kilcoole Gilbertstown] Sp. John & Margaret
Behan. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Treacy b. 1 Jul 1827 of Kilcool Sp. William Behan & Bridget Murphy. Ballon
and Rathoe Parish
Treacy b. 30 Jul 1838 of Kilcool? Sp. James Lyons & Jany? Treacy?. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
John Treasy
& Bridget
Treasy b. 26 Sep 1821 Sp. James & Eliza Crow. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Treasy b. 26 Sep 1821 Sp. James Crow & Judith Dawson?. Ballon and Rathoe
Parish [twins]
John Treacy
& Bridget Dawson?
Treacy b. 5 Jul 1828 of Ballylaan [Ballyleen Ballon] Sp. Brian Reddy &
Bridget Doyle. Ballon and Rathoe Parish [twins]
Treacy b. 5 Jul 1828 of Ballylaan Sp. Mauris? Dawson? & Mary Doyle. Ballon
and Rathoe Parish [twins]
Elizbt Tracy
& Owen Horan
Horan b. 31 Aug 1820 Sp. Thomas? Murphy? & Mary Murphy. Ballon and Rathoe
Margaret Treacy
& William Murphy
Murphy b. 25 Mar 1825 of Lisgarvin [Gilbertstown] Sp. Henry & Sally Treacy. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Mary Treacy
& Thomas Maher
Maher b. 2 May 1825 of Kellane? [Killane Ballyellin OR Kellistown] Sp. Edward
& Ellen Maher. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Maher b. 14 Feb 1829 of Killane Sp. Patt Nolan & Elizabeth Lawler. Ballon
and Rathoe Parish
Anne Treacy
married James Leary of Lisgargin [Lisgarvan Gilbertstown] 2 Feb 1826 Wit: Owen
Doran & John Treacy. Ballon and
Rathoe Parish
Thomas Tracey & Catherine Smith [see
Patrick Tracey b. in Tullow, Co
John Tracey b. 1827 Ireland.
Immigration: 15 September 1857 ‘Admiral Lyons’ with sister Mary sponsored by
BIL John Murphy, Duck River.
Anne Tracey b. 1830 in
Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, Co, Carlow. Immigration: 31 October 1854 Patrician
parents living at Newbridge, Co. Wicklow. d: 13 August 1873 in McEvoy Street,
Waterloo, NSW 42 years. Burial: 15 August 1873 Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW.
Married John Murphy (b. 1828 in Wexford) 19 July 1856 in St Mary's Cathedral,
Sydney, NSW, Australia reg no 369 d: 24 January 1897 in Sydney Hospital,
Sydney, NSW Burial: 25 January 1897 R C Cemetery, Rookwood, NSW
Mary Tracey b. 1835 in
Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, near Tullow, Co Carlow. Immigration: 15 September 1857
‘Admiral Lyons’ with brother John sponsored by sister Anne Murphy, Pyrmont
Thomas Tracey b: 1839 in
Ballymoneen, Co Wicklow. Married Ellen Clemin b: 1842 in Ballymoneen, Co
Wicklow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with wife and 2 children and
siblings, James and Catherine.
James Tracey b: 1841 in Avoca, Co
Wicklow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with siblings Thomas and Catherine,
Sponsored by John Murphy.
Catherine Tracey b: 1843 in
Knocknatubrid, Ardittin, Co Carlow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with
siblings Thomas and James. Sponsored by bil John Murphy, Braidwood.
I'd love to hear from anyone researching the family.
“K & L Goodworth" ( 8 June 2011
Edward Treacy
married Catherine Eustace of Castlequarter [in Kellistown] 22 Sep 1829 Wit:
Peter Eustace & Mary Pender. Ballon and Rathoe Parish [see Tinryland]
Mary Treacy
married James Bergan of Moyle [Kellistown] 25 Jun 1830 Wit: Patrick & Catherine Treacy. Ballon
and Rathoe Parish
Bridget Treacy
married John Brian of Ballyleean [Ballyleen Ballon] 27 Nov 1832 Wit: James
Fallon & Mary Carty. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Catherine Treacy
married James Fenlon of Lisgaron? [Lisgarvan Gilbertstown] 22 Jul 1832 Wit: John & Mary Treacy. Ballon and
Rathoe Parish
Michael Treacy
married Anne Murphy of Ballyleean [Ballyleen Ballon] 1 Aug 1832 Wit: James
Hickey & Bridget Murphy. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Winifred Treacy
married Denis Whelan of Moyal [Moyle Kellistown] 3 Sep 1833 Wit: Michael
Costly? & Mary Quine. Ballon and Rathoe Parish [see Tinryland]
Patrick Treacy
married Mary Quinn of Moyal [Moyle Kellistown] 30 Nov 1833 Wit: James Caughlan
& Bridget Gorman. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Thomas Treacy
married Ellen Nolan of Killane [Ballyellin OR Kellistown] 4 Feb 1837 Wit:
William & Madge Nolan. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Thomas Treacy
& Ellen Nolan
Treacy b. 24 May 1840 of Lisgarvan [Gilbertstown] Sp. John Nolan & Brisget Treacy. Ballon and Rathoe
Henry Treacy
& Judith Ryan
Treacy b. 14 Mar 1857 of Ballyan [Ballyleen Ballon - Griffiths Valuation] Sp.
Owen Doran & Mary Ryan. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Tracy/Treacy, full age,
bachelor, labourer, lives Grangeford [Grangeford], (s. of James Byrne,
labourer) married Bridget Nolan, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Grangeford,
(d. of John Nolan, labourer) 22 April 1875 RC Chapel Rathoe Wit: Pat Nolan
& Jane Byrne, signed his mark [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU] signed her
Eliza Tracy, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Lara [Larah Ballon], (d. of Michl
Tracy, labourer) married John Doyle, full age, widower, labourer, lives
Ballon Hill [in Ballon], (s. of Silvester Doyle, labourer) 16 May 1880 RC
Chapel Ballon Wit: Michael Welsh & Maria Kelly [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow
PLU] signed their marks
Tracy, full age, spinster,
BLANK, lives Castlemore [Fennagh], (d. of Michl
Tracy, labourer) married Patrick/Pat King, full age, bachelor, servant,
lives Castlemore, (s. of Abraham King, labourer) 15 August 1876 RC Chapel
Rathoe [Gilbertstown] Wit: Michael Murphy & Bessy Tallon [Fenagh & Myshall
Carlow PLU] signed their marks
Mary Tracey & Patrick King
Patrick King b. 19 Sep 1878
Castlemore County Carlow (LDS)
James King b. 1 Feb 1881
Hardymount [Hardymount House Castlemore], Carlow (LDS)
John Tracy of Ballylean [Ballyleen Ballon] (s. of Henry Tracy D. of
Ballylean) m. Maria Cummins of Kilnock [Kilknock Ballyellin OR Kellistown] (d.
of Pat Cummins D. of Kilnock) on 15 Nov 1882 [1881?] Ballon, Carlow
John Tracey/Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Ballylean, (s. of Henry Tracey,
D [dead], farmer) married Maria Cummins [Cummisy?], minor, spinster, farmer,
lives Kilnock, (d. of Patrick Cummisy, D [dead], farmer) 15 November 1882 RC
Chapel Rathoe Wit: Laurence Ryan & Alicia Hearney [Fenagh & Myshall
Carlow PLU]
John Treacy & Maria Cummins
Henry Joseph Treacy b. 2 Dec 1883
bapt.6 Dec 1883 Ballylean. Ballon & Rathoe, Carlow RC.
??? Treacy & Maria Cummins, (daughter of Patrick & ??? Connors. These Cummins from Kilknock and Killane.) (Traceys of Ratharnan???)
Tom Treacy, lived in the area of Ballon
"Sue Clement" <> 7 July 2004
Matthew Treacy of Donore [Lorum]
(s. of William
Treacy of Donore) m. Bridget Maher of Killane [Kellistown OR Ballyellin]
(d. of James Maher of Killane) on Nov? 1882 [1881?] Ballon, Carlow
Matthew Treacy, 30, bachelor, farmer, lives Donore Co. Carlow, (s. of Thomas,
living, farmer) married Bridget Maher, 28, spinster, BLANK profession, lives
Killane Co. Carlow, (d. of James, living, tradesman) 16 July 1881 RC Chapel
Rathoe Wit: Jeremiah Bolger & Maria Mahar [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]
signed his mark
28 May 1903 Confirmation
Ballon and Rathoe
Thomas Patrick Tracey, 13 years, son of John & Maria of Ballylean
Margaret Tracy, died 1871, Tullow Carlow PLU, aged 61 years, b. 1810, widow, labourer, died 26 Aug 1871, Grangeford Parish of Grangeford [Ballon and Rathoe RC], Michael Tracy, his mark, present at death, Grangeford
01 February 1896 Wexford People
Spencer - January 25, at the
residence of her husband, Gorey, County Wexford, Brigid, the beloved wife of
Richard Spencer, and sister of the late Mr. Henry Treacy, Lisgarven House,
Ballon, county Carlow, and also of the Misses Treacy, Bagnalstown.—E.l.P.
American papers please copy.
Bridget Tracy, of Kildermot
[Kilcavan OR Kiltennell] married Richard Spencer, of Kildermot, 30 Sep 1856.
Wit: Richard Spencer & Elizabeth Murray. Gorey Parish Wexford
Ballon and Rathoe Parish
John Treacy of Ballyluan, died 19 Sep 1828
John Treacy of Lisgaren?, died 22 May 1831
Mary Tracey of Ballalan, died 1 Dec 1832
Mary Treacy of Grange?, died 3 Jan 1862
Peggy Tracy of Grange, died 26 Aug 1871, aged 68 years
Inscriptions on Tombstones in Templepeter Cemetery
Edward Tracey
Erected by Maria Tracey of Carlow in memory of her father Edward Tracey who departed this life February 4th 1872 aged 64 years. R.I.P.
John Tracey
John Tracey Ballylean died 11th December 1926 aged 72 years; his daughter Bridget died 7th July 1906 aged 12 years; Margaret died 16th July 1920 aged 24 years; also his wife Maria (nee Cummins) died 15th December 1943 aged 80 years.
Rose Tracey
Erected in memory of Miss Rose Tracey of Bagnalstown who died the 11th December 1886 aged 70 years; also there are interred the remains of her father, mother, brother and sister. R.I.P.
Thomas Tracey
by Edward Tracey T.C. of Carlow in memory of his beloved father Thomas Tracey who
died 5th April 1847 aged 76 years, and his brother William Tracey 23rd April
1843 aged 28 years, and of his brother Patrick Tracey who died 8th March 1865
aged 55 years; also Maria Tracey who died the 6th of March 1927.
Win Tracey
late of Lisgarvan, 11th day January 1825 aged 28 years.
Memorials of the Dead
Liscolman SW Wicklow
Erected by Michael Tracy of Liscolman in memory
of his wife Ann Tracy who departed this life the 29th of January
1857 aged 77 years. Also the above Michael Tracy who dept this life Dec 7th
18.2 aged 80 years.
Here also are interred the remains of Mrs. Tracy
of Kilbregan? Who departed this life septr 25th 1856? Aged 58 years
also the repose of the soul of Patrick Tracy of Kilcoran who depd this life
Octr 2nd 1875 aged 75 years. Also the repose of the soul of Anne
wife of Peter Traecy of Craan who departed this life the 21st of
Augt 1868 aged 72 yrs. Also the above named Peter Tracey who died 1st
June 1879 aged 82 years and his daughter Sarah Jane Tracey who died 3rd
April 1896 aged 65 years.
Baltinglass (Carlow, Kildare
& Wicklow)
See Wicklow.
Borris (Carlow/Wexford)
Griffiths Valuation for Carlow County c1851/52
Parish of Sliguff, Townland of Knocklonagad, (Ord. S. 19), 776 acres
Map# |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
18 |
Michael Tracy |
Philip Newton |
House, offices & land |
1782 to 1853 Baptism Records
on the Tracys of Borris, County Carlow 1840's - 1870's Tara Tracy
Hi to all, I am looking information on the Treacy/Tracy families from
Borris and Dillon from Bagenalstown. Birth records and marriage records would
be great, if anyone can help. "treacy BREEN"
"Michael Brennan"
2 Feb 2004 Breen Jan 22, 2008
Looking for any information on
Treacy's from Borris Co Carlow. 1900-present. tab1310 13 February 2008
Hi my name is Geraldine Kennedy nee [Treacy]. I am looking for any information on the Treacy's of borris ; Ballymartin, Borris Co. Carlow. Thank you. geraldine treacy kennedy Jan 4, 2009
Extracts from Parochial Registers of Borris,
1782 – 1880 [up to 1853 completed]
Please note that there are no entries between
the end of 1813 and January of 1825.
Mary Tracey wife of John Doran
Doran b. 23 Jun 1782 of Knocroe? [Knockroe Kiltennell] Sp. Edmd Holehan & Margt
Jordan? Borris Parish
Elinr Doran b. 18 Sep 1786 Knocroe
Sp. Gerald Byrne
& Bridgt
Cloney. Borris Parish
Cath Tracey married Wm Jurdan in Borris 25 Feb 1786 Wit Darby Tracey. Borris
Cath Tracey & Wm
Mary Jardin b. 25 Feb 1787 Knocroe [Knockroe Kiltennell] Sp. Danl Carroll & Anne Jardin. Borris Parish
Patt Tracey & Margt Regan
Cecily Tracey bas [illeg] b. 9 Feb 1789 of Borris [Clonygoose] Sp. Bridgt Regan. Borris Parish
Charles Kavana &
Janna b. 14 May 1792 Rahanna Sp.
Davy Doyle
& Caty
John Tresy
& Bidy Byrne
Margt Tresy b. 20 Nov 1797 of
Barmona [Ballinamona or Ballyellin Kiltennell] Sp. Stephen Summers & Mol
Corran. Borris Parish
Edmond Tracey married Anne Byrne at Borris [Clonygoose] 17 July 1803 Wit: James Lynham & Bridget Tobin. Borris Parish
Tracy/Treacy & Anne Byrne/BLANK
Denis Tracy b. 14 Jun 1804
Killedmond [Kiltennell] Sp. Paddy Doran & Judy Byrne. Borris Parish
Michl Treacy b. 9 Oct 1808 Boris Sp. Mathew Ryan & Judy Byrne. Borris Parish
Larry Treacy b. about 1815 Borris (LDS)
& James
Hickey b. 17 Jul 1826 of Borris [Clonygoose] Sp. Tom Eagan & Rose Murphy.
Borris Parish
Patt Hickey b. 31 May 1829 Sp. John
Culleton &
Rice. Borris Parish
Darby Hickey b. 02 Apr 1832 Sp.
Murphy &
Eagan. Borris Parish
James Hickey b. 08 Jan 1837
Clonygoose] Sp. Maurise
Hickey &
Treacy. Borris
James Nolan & Margaret Hokans
Margaret b. 29 Jan 1830
Sp. Denis
Tracy & Mary Doran
Andy Doyle & Bidy Connors
John b. 01 Apr 1832 Raheen
Sp. Denis
Treacy & Citty Doyle
Patt Murphy &
Anne b. 25 Jan 1835 Killedmond
Sp. Denis
Tracy & Anne Ryan
Edward Murphy &
John b. 17 Apr 1839
Sp. Denis
Tracy & Mary Carty
James Murphy &
Margret b. 05 Jan 1840
Sp. Denis
Tracy & Mary Kavanagh
Treacy/Tracy & Anne Murphy Ellen Treacy
b. 23 Jun 1833 Crana [Crannagh Kiltennell] Sp. Patt Whelan &
Byrne. Borris Parish Darby
Tracy b. 22 Feb 1835 of Crčme [Crannagh? Kiltennell] Crannagh Sp. William
Rice &
Rise. Borris Parish Thomas Tracy b. 12 Dec 1841
[Clonygoose] Sp. Michl
Murphy &
Tracy. Borris Parish Stephen
Tracy b. 28 Dec 1844 of Balymartin Sp. John Hickey & Cath Byrne. Borris
Parish Mick
Tracy b. 26 Sep 1846 of Bormona [Ballinamona or Ballyellin Kiltennell] Sp.
Philp Moran & Ellen Murphy. Borris Parish Mich
Tracy & Nancy Murphy John Tracy b. 1 Nov 1836
Ballymartin Sp.
Michael &
Byne. Borris Parish Michael Tracey died 1876, Borris Carlow PLU, aged 60 [or
80] years, b. 1816 [or 1796], died 28 Aug 1876 Ballymartin [Clonygoose
– Borris RC ], widower, labourer, John Treacy, present at death, Ballymartin Michael Tracey & Anne Murphy Ellen b. abt 1832 Burns? I am trying to trace one of my
ancestors, Ellen Tracey, who was born about 1832 in Burns (I'm not sure if
that is correct, but that is the way it is typed on a transcript of her
Australian marriage certificate), Carlow. She emigrated to Australia in 1856
on the ship Mangerton (I think on her own) and settled in Queensland,
Australia. She married Edward Terry in 1865 and lived to the age of 99. I wonder
if you may also be descended from her family or if you could help me to trace
her family. On her marriage certificate her parents are given as Michael
Tracey (farmer) and Anne Murphy. Darby Tracey married Mary Hanlon of Spahill [Kiltennell] 9 Feb 1864 Wit: John Regan & Maria Caulfield. Borris Parish Darby Tracey, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Ballymartin [Clonygoose] (s. of Michael Tracey, farmer) married Mary Hanlon, full age, spinster,
lives Spahill, (d. of James Hanlon, farmer) 9 February 1864 RC Chapel of
Borris Wit: John Heyan? & Maria Cantfield? [Borris Carlow PLU] (signed
her mark) Darby Tracy & Maria Hanlon Anne? Tracy b. 3 March 1867 of Ballymartin Sp. John Tracy & Bridget Lawlor.
Borris Parish John/Joanne Treacy/Tracy & Brigid Hanlon Thomas Treacy b. 27 Dec 1868 of
Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Sp. John Caulfield & Bridget Hanlon. Borris
Parish Patrick Tracy b. 9 Feb 1873 of
Ballymartin Sp. John Lyons & Brigid Dillon. Borris Parish Darby/Jerry/Jeremia Tracy/Tracey, small farmer, & Maria/Bridget
Hanlin/Hanlon/Handlon John Tracy b. 6 Jan 1865 of
Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Darby Tracy, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris
Carlow PLU] Anne Tracey b. 28 Feb 1867 of Ballymartin. Darby Tracey, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU]
Tracy b. 24 Dec 1868 Ballymartin. Darby Tracy, his mark, father, Ballymartin
[Borris Carlow PLU] [Registered 1869] James Tracey b. 9 Feb 1871
Ballymartin. Jerry Tracey, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU] Thomas Tracey b. 2 Feb 1873
Ballymartin. Jeremia Tracy, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU] Mary Tracey b. 3 Dec 1874
Ballymartin. Jerry Tracey, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU] 1. Michael
Tracey 1.1 Darby Tracey m. Maria Hanlon/Hanlin 9 February 1864 Borris
(LDS) [State Reg: Darby Tracey, Carlow, 1864 3 453] Darby
Tracey (s. of Michael Tracey) m. Mary Hanlon (d. of James Hanlon) 9 February
1864 Boris, Co. Carlow. (LDS) 1.1.1
John b. 6 January 1865 Borris (LDS) 1.1.2.
Anne b. 28 February 1867 Borris (LDS) 1.1.3
Thomas b. 24 December 1868 (LDS) Tracy (Tracey) of Boris, Co. Carlow
1. Michael Tracy married Annie Maher. 1.1 Michael (b. September 1845), immigrated to the US in 1873 and married Hannah Quinlan, they did not have any children. 1.2 Jeremiah (aka Darby) married Mary Hanlon. Jeremiah and Mary had at least 2 children. 1.2.1 John H. (b. 1/6/1865) Borris, Carlow. John immigrated to the
US in 1885 (An interesting fact about
John Tracy is that John Tracy is listed in the 1900 US census as John Hanlon.
It seems as though he was occasionally using his mother’s maiden name).
He married Elizabeth Gainey
(b. 2/24/1863) who immigrated to the US in 1884. John and Elizabeth had five
children. All of John and Elizabeth’s children were born in Somerville, MA. Mary J (b. 9/16/1894), never married. John X (b. 1895), died as a child. Elizabeth A (b. 1898), married John Quirk. Esther A (b. 4/15/1900), married John Landrigan. Thomas Francis (b. 8/30/1901), married Helen Weber in Lexington MA on October 12, 1929. Thomas and Helen had 5 children; Joan, Thomas F (jr), married Elizabeth Dennehy. Helen John Paul. 1.2.2 Annie H. (b. 2/26/1867). Borris, Carlow. Immigrated to the
US in 1885. John H. Tracy & Elizabeth Gainey Elizabeth Tracy b. 8 January 1899 of 25 Lake St
Somerville Middlesex Massachusetts, Father: freight
clerk, father born Co. Carlow Ireland mother born Co. Cork Ireland MALE TWINS b. 27 December 1903 of 25 Lake St Somerville Middlesex Massachusetts, Father: Receiving Clerk, parents born Co. Carlow Ireland, date of record Jan 5 1904. |
Denis Tracy of Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell] married Biddy Tobin of Kiledmond at Borris 30 Jan 1833 Wit Thomas Scott? & Judy Nowhan? Borris Parish
Tracy & Bridget/Brid/Bridgt
Mick Tracy b. 20 Oct 1833
Sp. Patt
Doran &
Neil. Borris Parish
James? Tracy b. 28 Oct 1838
Sp. Thos? Tobin &
Byrne. Borris Parish
[bad copy]
Patt Tracy b. 3 Mar 1844
Killedmond Sp.
Tracy & Mary Byrne. Borris Parish
William Tracy b. 6 Dec 1846 of Killedmond Sp. John Neil & Ellen Bow. Borris Parish
Maria Anna Tracey of Killedmond [Kiltennell] (d. of Dionysis Tracey of Killemond) married
Jacobus McDonald of Tomduff [Kiltennell] (s. of Michaelis McDonald of Tomduff) ? July 1877 Wit:
Jacobus McDonald of Killedmond & Maria McDonald of Killedmond. Borris
Maria Anna Tracy m. Jacobus McDonald 23 July 1877 Borris (LDS)
Mary Anne Tracy,
[full] age, spinster, at home, lives Killedmond, (d. of Mary McDonald [error],
farmer) married James McDonald, [full] age, bachelor, tailor, lives Killedmond,
(s, of James McDonald [error], farmer) 23 July 1877 RC Chapel Borris Wit: James
McDonald & Mary McDonald, signed her mark [Borris Carlow PLU]
Daniel Fienny &
James b. 25 Dec 1835
Killedmond Sp. James
Treacy & Mary Neil
John Treacy married Elean Bowes 26? Nov 1836 Wit: Denis Treacy & Mary Murphy. Borris Parish
Treasy/Tracy/Tracey &
Ellen Bowe?/Bow
Treasy b. 10 Sep 1837 of Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell] Sp. Cathn & Thos Dawsan? Borris Parish
??? Tracy b. ?? Aug 1839
Killedmond Sp. ???
Doran &
Jordan [Elizabeth].
Borris Parish
Philip Tracey b. 27 Feb 1842
Killedmond Sp. Moses
Byrne &
Byrne. Borris Parish
Anne Tracy b. 2 Mar 1845 Kiledmond
Sp. John Neil
& Margt
Hefferon. Borris
Susan Tracy b. 25 Feb 1849
Sp. Patt
Neil &
Neil. Borris Parish
Martin Fenan? &
Mary b. 07 Apr 1839 Kilcoltrim
Sp. Larry
Treacy & Mary Byrne
Larry Dowling &
Rose b. ?? May 1849 Killedmond Sp.
Treacy & Catherine Nolan
Larry Treacy married Bridt Murry
13 Feb 1840 wit: Dennis Treacy &
Mary Murry. Borris Parish
Laurence Tracy m. Bridget Murray 13 February 1840 Borris (LDS)
Tracy & Brid Murphy
Mary Tracy b. 9 Aug 1844
Kiledmond? [Killedmond Kiltennell] Sp. James
Tracy &
Tracy. Borris
Lary/Laurence Tracy/Treacy & Bridget Murray
James Tracy b. 16 Jul 1848 Killedmond Sp. Mick Murphy & Cath Byrne.
Borris Parish
Edward Tracy b. 27 March 1853 Killedmond Sp. Mick
Murray &
Neile. Borris Parish (LDS)
Margaret Treacy b. 21 August 1857 of Kiledmond Sp. Patrick Neill & Margaret Hayes. Borris Parish (LDS)
Thomas Tracy (b. about 1816 Borris) m. Mary Murray about 1841 Borris (LDS)
Thos Tracy & Mary Murray
Anne Tracy b. 21 April 1842 of Killedmond Sp. Lary Tracy & Bridget Murray. Borris Parish. Borris (LDS) [Note: Names may be in the wrong order]
Bridget Tracy,
died 1873 Borris Carlow PLU, aged 52 years, b. 1821, married, wife of a
labourer, died 17 Feb 1873 Killedmond [Kiltennell – Borris? RC?], Margaret Tracy, her mark, present at
death, Killedmond
Laurence Tracey died 1876, Borris
Carlow PLU, aged 57 Years, b. 1819, died 31 May 1876 Killedmond [Kiltennell – Borris RC],
widower, labourer, Mary McDonald, her mark, present at death, Killedmond
Maria Tracy of Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell] (d. of Laur Tracy of Kilemond) married Jacobus
McDonald of Tomduff [Kiltennell] (s. of Andria
McDonald of Tomduff) 9? Feb 1869 Wit: Michael McDonald of Tomduff & Joanna
Calarsey? (Tracy crossed out) of Knockroe [Kiltennell]. Borris Parish
Mary Tracy, of age, spinster, BLANK, married James McDonald, 22, bachelor,
shoemaker, lives Tomduff, (s. of Andrew McDonald, shoemaker) 9 February 1869 RC
Chapel Borris Wit: Michael McDonald & Johanna Clowry [Borris Carlow PLU]
Maria Tracy m. Jacobus McDonald 9 February 1869 Borris (LDS)
Mary Tracy & James? McDonald
Mary McDonald b. 22 Dec 1872 of Kiledmond Sp Henry Lucas & Margaret Lucas. Borish parish
Brigid McDonald b. 17 Oct 1875 of Kiledmond Sp. Patt McDonald & Mary Dunne. Boris Parish
Patrick McDonald b. 17 Mar 1878 Sp. of [not stated] Sp. Pat Tracey & Mary Neil. Boris Parish
Anne Treacy, 21, spinster, farmer, lives Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell], (d. of Laurence Treacy, farmer) married Daniel Dunne, 20, bachelor, blacksmith, lives Rahanna [Rathanna Kiltennell], (s. of Thos Dunne, blacksmith) 19 September 1869 RC Chapel Rahanna Wit: James Treacy & Julia Coady, their marks [Borris Carlow PLU] signed their marks [Not Borris RC]
Margaret Treacy/Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell], (d. of Laurence Treacy, BLANK profession) married Thomas Williams, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Cashill [Cashel Kiltennell], (s. of Henry Williams, labourer) 15 November 1896 RC Chapel Borris Wit: Pat Byrne & Mary O'Shea [Borris Carlow PLU] signed his mark
Thomas Byrnes &
Cath b. 20 Mar 1842
Sp. Thomas
Tracy & Cath Murphy
Bridget Tracy married
Hugh Rooney of Nurney or Oldtown [Nurney] 3 Mar 1840 Wit: Daniel McCormick
& Elizabeth Eustace. Dunleckney Parish
Bridget Treacy & Hugh Rooney
James Rooney b. 3 Jan, 1841 Oldtown Sp. John Neil & Mary Treacy. Dunleckney Parish
Tracy & Hugh Rooney
Maria Rooney b. 16 May 1842
[Rathanna Kiltennell] Sp. Dan McDonald
& Cath
McDonald. Borris
Rooney b. 10 Mar 1844 Rathana Sp. James Doyle & Eliza Rodgers. Borris
Rooney b. 8 Mar 1846 Rathana Sp. Patt Murphy & Margt Neil. Borris Parish
Rooney b. 2 Jul 1848 Myvally [Moyvally Kiltennell] Sp. John Ryan & Anne
Walsh. Borris Parish
John Rooney b. 10 Oct 1850 Myvally
Sp. Tom
Doyle &
Kinsella. Borris
Thos Tracy & Mary Murray
Anne Tracy b. 21 Apr 1842 of Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell] Sp. Lary? Tracy & Brid Murray. Borris Parish
Tracy & Mary Brenan
Thos Tracy b. 24 Dec 1843
[Kiltennell] Sp. Will Hogan & Honor Nolan. Borris Parish
Mary Tracy b. 13 Aug 1848 of Bormona [Ballinamona or
Ballyellin Kiltennell] Sp. James Neil & Cath Lynch. Borris Parish
Daniel Tracy & Mary Brennan
Margret Tracy b. 1 Mar 1846 of
Bermona? [Ballinamona or Ballyellin Kiltennell] Sp. Frank Corcoran & Cath
Corcoran. Borris
Maria Tracy b. about 1848 Borris (LDS)
James Tracy/Treacy & Mary Ryan
Catherin/Cathr Tracy bapt. ? Sept 1854 and 19? Nov 1854 of Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell] Sp. William Kane & Mary Lett. Borris Parish [double entry]
James Treacy b. 31 January 1859 of Kiledmond Sp Thomas Neill & Mary Rooney. Borris Parish
John Tracy married Mary Tobin of Ballinvally [Kiltennell]
20 Feb 1857 Wit: Thos Harding & Mary Kinsella. Borris Parish
Jas Moore m. Anne Grace 6 July 1857 Ballybrack
Wit: Patt Pendar & Mary Tracy
Tracey married Judith Murphy
19 Feb 1859 Knochsquire [Knocksquire or Knockscur Kiltennell] Wit: John Healy & Anne Anderson. Borris Parish [see
Darby Tracey married Mary Hanlon of Spahill [Kiltennell] 9 Feb 1864 Wit: John Regan & Maria Caulfield. Borris Parish [see above]
Darby Tracey,
full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Ballymartin [Clonygoose] (s. of Michael Tracey, farmer) married Mary Hanlon, full age, spinster, lives
Spahill, (d. of James Hanlon, farmer) 9 February 1864 RC Chapel of Borris Wit:
John Heyan? & Maria Cantfield? [Borris Carlow PLU] (signed her mark)
Darby Tracy & Maria Hanlon
Anne? Tracy b. 3 March 1867 of Ballymartin Sp. John Tracy & Bridget Lawlor. Borris Parish
John/Joanne Treacy/Tracy & Brigid Hanlon
Thomas Treacy b. 27 Dec 1868 of
Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Sp. John Caulfield & Bridget Hanlon. Borris Parish
Patrick Tracy b. 9 Feb 1873 of
Ballymartin Sp. John Lyons & Brigid Dillon. Borris Parish
Darby/Jerry Tracy/Tracey, small farmer/farmer, & Maria Hanlin/Hanlon/Handlon
John Tracy b. 6 Jan 1865 of
Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Darby Tracy, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris
Carlow PLU]
Anne Tracey b. 28 Feb 1867 of Ballymartin. Darby Tracey, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU]
Tracy b. 24 Dec 1868 Ballymartin. Darby Tracy, his mark, father, Ballymartin
[Borris Carlow PLU] [Registered 1869]
James Tracey b. 9 Feb 1871
Ballymartin. Jerry Tracey, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU]
Thomas Tracey b. 2 Feb 1873
Ballymartin. Jeremia Tracy, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU]
Mary Tracey b. 3 Dec 1874
Ballymartin. Jerry Tracey, his mark, father, Ballymartin [Borris Carlow PLU]
** Maria Tracy of Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell] (d. of Laur Tracy of Kilemond) married Jacobus
McDonald of Tomduff [Kiltennell] (s. of
Andria McDonald of Tomduff) 9? Feb 1869 Wit: Michael McDonald of Tomduff &
Joanna Calarsey? (Tracy crossed out) of Knockroe [Kiltennell]. Borris Parish [see above]
Mary Tracy, of age, spinster, BLANK, married James McDonald, 22, bachelor,
shoemaker, lives Tomduff, (s. of Andrew McDonald, shoemaker) 9 February 1869 RC
Chapel Borris Wit: Michael McDonald & Johanna Clowry [Borris Carlow PLU]
Maria Tracy m. Jacobus McDonald 9 February 1869 Borris (LDS)
Mary Tracy & James? McDonald
Mary McDonald b. 22 Dec 1872 of Kiledmond Sp Henry Lucas & Margaret Lucas. Borish parish
Brigid McDonald b. 17 Oct 1875 of Kiledmond Sp. Patt McDonald & Mary Dunne. Boris Parish
Patrick McDonald b. 17 Mar 1878 Sp. of [not stated] Sp. Pat Tracey & Mary Neil. Boris Parish
Mary Tracy/Tracey & James McDonald
Elizabeth McDonald b. 23 Feb 1871 Killedmond, County Carlow (LDS)
Mary McDonald b. 18 Dec 1872 Carlow Ireland (LDS)
Bridget McDonald b. 7 Nov 1875 Killedmond, County Carlow (LDS)
Patrick McDonald b. 31 Mar 1878 Killedmond, County Carlow (LDS)
Andrew McDonald b. 20 Mar 1880 Killedmond County Carlow (LDS)
Margaret McDonald died 28 Nov 1908 207 East Evergreen Ave Philadelphia, Burial Date: 01 Dec 1908 Philadelphia, Age: 24, born Feb 1884 Ireland d. of James Mcdonald & Mary Tracy
Anne Treacy, 21, spinster, farmer, lives Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell], (d. of Laurence Treacy, farmer) married Daniel Dunne, 20, bachelor, blacksmith, lives Rahanna [Rathanna Kiltennell], (s. of Thos Dunne, blacksmith) 19 September 1869 RC Chapel Rahanna Wit: James Treacy & Julia Coady, their marks [Borris Carlow PLU] signed their marks [see above] [Not Borris RC] [see above]
James ??? married Bridget Brien of Coolasnaughta 13 February 1872 Wit: James McDonald & Mary Neill. Myshall Parish [very faint]
James Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Killedmond [Kiltennell], (s. of Laurence Treacy, farmer [Killedmond crossed out]) married Bridget Brien, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Coolasnaughta [Coolasnaghta Fennagh], (d. of Frank Brien, farmer [Coolasnaghta crossed out]) 13 February 1872 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: James McDonald & Meary Neill, signed her mark [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU] signed her mark
Terence Treacy &
Maria Hanlon/Scanlon?
Treacy b. 6 Dec 1874 of Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Sp. Patrick Doyle & Eliza
Lyons. Borris Parish
Edward Tracy & Mary Kelly
Laurence Tracy b. 2 July 1876 of Kilcoltrim [Kiltennell] Sp. Thomas? McDonald & Mary McDonald. Borris Parish
Edward Tracy & Mary Keelan
Eliza Tracy b. 18 Aug 1878 of Kilcoltrim Sp. Pat Gorman & Eliza Gorman. Borris Parish
Edward Tracy & Hariet Keegan
Bridget Tracy b. 25 July 1880 of Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell] Sp. James McDonald & Mary McDonald. Borris Parish
Tracey/Tracy & Mary Keilan/Keelan/Reelan
Tracy b. 1 July 1876 Killcoltrim Carlow (LDS)
Eliza Tracey/Tracy
b. 13 August 1878 Killcoltrim Carlow (LDS)
Tracey b. 25 July 1880 Borris Carlow (LDS)
Edward Tracey,
labourer, & Mary Keelan
Lawrence Tracey b. 1 Jul 1876
Kilcoltrim [Kiltennell].
Edward Tracey, his
mark, father, Kilcoltrim [Borris Carlow PLU]
Edward Tracey b. 1891 Co Carlow (s. of Edward Tracey & Mary Kelly) m. Margaret Griffin b. 1888 Co. Kilkenny (d. of James Griffin & Catherine Quinn) 16 November 1930 Manhattan, New York, New York, United States
** Maria Anna Tracey of
Killedmond [Kiltennell] (d. of Dionysis Tracey of Killemond) married
Jacobus McDonald of Tomduff [Kiltennell] (s. of Michaelis McDonald of Tomduff) ? July 1877 Wit:
Jacobus McDonald of Killedmond & Maria McDonald of Killedmond. Borris
Parish [see above]
Maria Anna Tracy m. Jacobus McDonald 23 July 1877 Borris (LDS)
Mary Anne Tracy,
[full] age, spinster, at home, lives Killedmond, (d. of Mary McDonald [error],
farmer) married James McDonald, [full] age, bachelor, tailor, lives Killedmond,
(s, of James McDonald [error], farmer) 23 July 1877 RC Chapel Borris Wit: James
McDonald & Mary McDonald, signed her mark [Borris Carlow PLU]
Mary Anne Tracy
& James McDonald
James McDonald b. 29 Mar 1880 Killedmond, County Carlow (LDS)
Elizabeth Lawlor nee Tracy,
of age, widow, employed, lives Borris, (d. of Edward Tracy, labourer) married Maurice Murphy, of age, bachelor,
labourer, lives Borris, (s. of Daniel Murphy, labourer) 16 February 1881 RC
Chapel Borris Wit: Patrick McAvay & Margret Delaney [Borris Carlow PLU]
signed their marks
Margaret Treacy/Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Kiledmond [Killedmond Kiltennell], (d. of Laurence Treacy, BLANK profession) married Thomas Williams, full [age], widower, labourer, lives Cashill [Cashel Kiltennell], (s. of Henry Williams, labourer) 15 November 1896 RC Chapel Borris Wit: Pat Byrne & Mary O'Shea [Borris Carlow PLU] signed his mark [see above]
Lizzie Treacy,
22, spinster, Do [labourer], lives Kiledmund [Killedmond Kiltennell], (d. of Edward Treacy, Do [labourer]) married
James McCormack, 60, bachelor, labourer, lives Tomduff? [Kiltennell], (s. of
James McCormack, labourer) 24 November 1898 RC Chapel Borris Wit: Patrick
McDonald & Bridget Treacy,
signed her mark [Borris Carlow PLU] signed their marks
James Tracey (labourer) of Kiledmund Co. Carlow & Mary Mahon of Collintra (Cullentragh, Kilann, Co. Wexford).
Mary Tracey b. 25/1/1880 (State Reg: Enniscorthy, 2nd Quarter 1880 4 633)
Catherine Treacy (b. 1908 in Bellymartin Ireland) m. William Sheane (b: 1897 in Corries Carlow) 1949 in Bervis Ontario
Mary Gaul, fond sister of Mrs. Margaret Brennan, Mrs. Annie O'Grady, aunt of James and Katie Healy, Mrs. Wm. Tracey, and Philip Brennan, native of Borris, County Carlow, Ireland. Funeral Monday at 9 a.m. from sister's residence, 4620 Union av., to St. Gabriel's church; autos to Mount Olivet. For seats call Wentworth 645.
Margaret Tracey (b. circa 1891 Co. Carlow, Ireland d. 22 Apr 1938 Chicago, Cook,
Illinois) (d. of Patrick Henly b. Co. Carlow, Ireland & Bridget Gaul b. Co.
Carlow, Ireland
Occupation: housework
Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Spouse: William
Burial Date: 25 Apr 1938 Mt
Carmel, Hillside, Cook, Illinois
11 July 1955 Chicago Tribune Obituary
Edward J. Tracey, late of 1005 N. Karlov avenue, dearly beloved husband of the late Mary, nee Darcy; loving father of John J., Mrs. Anne Lynn, the late Thomas, and Mary Catherine; dear brother of Mary Tracey; grandfather of four. Funeral Tuesday, July 12, at 9 a.m., from funeral home, 4255-57 W. Division street, to Our Lady of the Angels church. Interment Mount Olivet. Member of O. L. A. Holy Name society. Native of Carrignafeca, County Carlow, Ireland. ALbany 2-3600.
Edward J Tracey b. Carlow Ireland, 37 years & Mary Darcey b. Elton, Ireland, 36 years
Anna Estelle Tracey b. 17 Jul
1915 Chicago Cook Co. Il
Tombstone Inscriptions
52. Foley
This headstone has the design of the tabernacle. It has three crosses
with three chalices and the letters HIS.
Erected by Michael Foley in memory of his father Luke Foley who depd this
life Septr the 26th 1809 aged 60 yrs. Also his wife Margaret Foley als Treacy
depd Septr the 25th 1808 aged 60 yrs.
Co. Carlow Tombstone Inscriptions.
Published by St. Mullins Muintir Na Tire.
** Similar
named couples
Maria Tracy m. Jacobus McDonald 9 February 1869 Borris (LDS)
Maria Anna Tracy m. Jacobus McDonald 23 July 1877 Borris (LDS)
Margaret Tracy
died 1866, Carlow PLU, aged 75, b. 1791, died 18 Feb 1866 Ballinkillin [Lorum -
Dunleckney RC]
Carlow (CoI)
Church of Ireland records for the Carlow area
See William Treacy of Bellmount
Tracey m. Margaret Kavanagh on
4 June 1773. Carlow Parish View Register
James Treacy & Margaret Cavanagh 1773 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Tracey & Ann Tracey
Louisa Cathe Tracey b. 19 April 1820 Carlow
Parish View Register
Tracey of Leaghlin Bridge m. Emma
Magee of Carlow Parish on 5 September [1827] ???? (Date unclear) by licence.
Carlow Parish View Register [see Leighlinbridge]
Treasey & Emma
Amilia Treasey b. 1 July 1830 bapt. 19 July 1830 Dunleckney View
Burial of William Treacy, Son
of William & Maria Browne, Esqr. Excise Office, late of Carlow Parish.
1832 Decr. 30. Wells Parish.
Abraham Treacy (s. of John Treacy, farmer) famer of Bilbo m. Anne Condell (d. of Thomas Condell, farmer) of Augrue on 1 February 1883. Wit: Thos Willoughby & Alicia Condel. Bilboa Parish [Craanlusky Tullowcreen Carlow] View Register
Abraham Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, of Bilbo (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Anne Condell, full [age], spinster, of
Augharue (d. of Thomas Condell, farmer) of Augrue Wit: Thos Willoughby &
Alicia Condell on the 1 February 1883 Bilboa Parish Church of Ireland. [b.
Tracey (labourer) & Anne
Martha Tracey b. 25 November 1883 bapt. 13
January 1884 of Greenhill, Killeshin Parish View Register
John Tracey b. 2 November 1884 bapt. 4 January
1885 of Greenhill Cottage, Killeshin Parish View Register
Treacy & Anne Treacy
Mary Jane Treacy b. 31 May 1886 bapt. 22 August
1886 of Carlow Parish View Register
Marriage of Thomas Willoughby of Mayo and Jane
Robinson of Mayo on 21 December 1889 Wit: Samuel R Carter & James Treacy. Carlow Parish View Register
Henry Treacy, full age, bachelor, attendant asylum Carlow, of asylum Carlow, (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Margaret Stephenson, full age, spinster, of Castledermot, (d. of Robert Stephson, farmer) Wit: Mary Cordell & Richard Smyth Church of Ireland Carlow 17 September 1902
Henry Treacy of Pollerton Road, Asylum attendant & Margaret Stephenson
Phoebe Treacy b. 23 October 1907 of Pollerton Road Carlow Town
Treacy (b. Bilbo, Ireland d. 30 Dec 1974) m. Frank
William Leacock
Carlow (Carlow/Kildare)
Many thanks to Terence Curran
for various records and especially for Carlow Town (January 2008).
John Tracy & Margaret Murphy
Rose Tracy b. 21 May 1775 Sp. Maurice King & Elizabrth King. Carlow Parish (Book 1, p.11, No.58)
Thady Tracy & Bridgt
Cath Tracy b. 19 Jul 1777 Sp. Patt Hoorahan & Mary Dunn. Carlow Parish (Book 1, p.23, No.110)
Doyle m. Anne Rourke 14 November 1780. Witness: Roger Tracey and William Gafney
Judith Tracy & John Hayde
John Hayde b. 20 Oct 1794 Sp. Bridgt Holoughan. Carlow Parish
Mary Tracy & Jas Jervis
Bridgt Jervis b. 4 Dec 1826 of Barrack Str Sp. John Hynes & Biddy Nolan. Carlow Parish
Patt Tracy & Mary Shortle?
Pat Tracy b. 17 Jun 1838 of Rathmor? [Rathmore Stradbally Laois] Sp. Ellin Byrne. Carlow Parish (Note: Stradbally? Parish)
Eliza Tracy married
John Cantwell of Bagnalstown [Dunleckney] ? Aug 1839 Wit: Willm Tracy
& Bridget Cose? Dunleckney Parish
Elisabeth/Eliza Treacy/Treacey & John Cantwell
Margaret Cantwell b. 2 Jun 1840 of Stapelstown Rd Sp. Thos Treacy & Alicia Treacy. Carlow Parish
Thomas Cantwell b. 22 Mar 1842 of Stapelstown Rd Sp. Patk Treacey & Anne Nolan. Carlow Parish
Treacy m. James Curran 23rd November 1839 Killeshin, Laois Wit James Caopuis? & Anne Treacy
Catherine Treacy & James Curran
Danl? Curran b. 22nd Oct 1843 Killeshin Sp. Pat & Mary
Curran b. 25 June 1855 of Barrack Street Sp. Bridget Moran. Carlow Parish (Book
6, p.129, No.90)
Tracy & Mary Lenon
Mary Tracy
b. 23 Feb 1839 of Bagnalstown - Carlow Sp. Kitty Sheehan. Carlow Parish
(Note: Spurious [illegimate]) (Carlow Book 5, p.77, No.40)
Tracy & Judith Hayden
Tracy b. 2 Mar 1840 Goal Sp. Elizabeth Gibbons. Carlow Parish (Note: Prison? –
crossed out) (Book 5, p.92, No.46)
Catherine/Kitty/Cat Tracy & Luke/Luken Murphy
Catherine Murphy b. 10 Apr 1843 of Staplestown Road Sp. Phelun? Byrne & Alicia Tracy. Carlow Parish
Philip Murphy b. 12 Jan 1845 of Staphelstown Road Sp. Timothy Hickey & Mary Murphy. Carlow Parish
Thomas Murphy b. 9 Feb 1847 of Step? Road Sp. Mathw Kinsela & Mary Tracy. Carlow Parish
John Murphy b. 26 Jul 1849 of Staplestown Road Sp. John Nolan & Eliza Brien. Carlow Parish
Andrew Tracy & Mary Costello
Thomas Tracy b. 3 Sep 1843 of Seskin [Seskin St Mullin OR Seskin Oldleighlin] Sp. Mary Bryan. Carlow Parish (Note: Spurious [illegimate]) (Book 5, p.151, No.221)
Treacy of Killeshin m. John Curren/Curran 23rd February 1846
Killeshin, Laois Wit: Morris Treacy? & Judy Treacy
Anne Treacy & John Curren
Joseph b.
10th or 18th January 1847 100 Acres Sp. John & Anne
Bridget b.
6th February 1848 Killeshlin Sp. Pat Cooper & Anne Neill
Curren b. 3 Aug 1852 of Staplestown Sp. Joseph Deveaux & Eliza Kehoe.
Carlow Parish (Book 6, p.102, No.121)
Ed Treacy &
Fanny Hughes
Treacy b. 9 Jan 1846 of Tullow? Road? [From? Leighlin? ???] Sp. Mary Gaynor.
Carlow Parish (Note: Bastard) (Book 6, p.17, No.15b)
Cat Tracy married Pat Sulivan
of Brown St 10 Nov 1847 Wit: John Bergin & Brid Cary Carlow Parish
Micl Tracey & Margaret Rice [see Killeshin Laois]
Micl Tracey b. 10/18 May 1847 of Stapelstown Road Sp. James Lawler & Bidy Moon. Carlow Parish.
Tracy/Tracey & Ann/Anne Headon/Heydon [see Tinryland]
Mary Ann
Tracy b. 2/22 Apr 1847 of Tullow Street Sp. Micl Headon & Cathin Headon.
Carlow Parish (Book 6, p.38, No. 66)
Tracey b. 15 Feb 1849 Tullow St Sp. Robt Colsan & Mary Alyan. Carlow Parish
(Book 6, p.62, No.37)
Thomas Tracy & Judith Doyle
Alice b. 18th November 1849 Tullow Street Carlow (recorded Leighlinbridge?)
James Tracey & Margaret Cogan
Anne Tracey b. 14 Aug 1854 of Malahide Gra??? [Dublin?] Sp. Elizabeth Young. Carlow Parish. (Book 6, p.121, No.115)
Mary Tracy & Pat Nowlan
Patrick Nowlan b. 30 Mar 1855 of franse? Carlow Sp. John Lalor & Margt Connor. Carlow Parish
Statia Tracy & Thoma Doyle
Johannes Doyle b. 24/26 Oct 1858 of Tullow Street Sp. Edwardo Tracy & Catherina Corwell. Carlow Parish
Thomas Tracy & Bridget Madden
Patrick Joseph Tracy b. 24 Mar 1863 of Coal Market Sp. Hary McDermott & Anne Tracy. Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.79, No.72)
Margarette Treacy & Michaelis Kinsella
Maria Kinsella b. 21 Mar 1864 of Staplestown Road Sp. Patricius Caulfield & Ann? Train?. Carlow Parish
Patrick Treacy, single, (s. of Michael Treacy) m. Mary Neal[?],
single, (d. of Michael Byrne[?]) 20 Jun 1865 Carlow, Carlow, Ireland
Michael Treacy & Maria Dunn [see Kildare & Rathangan]
Maria Treacy b. 23/25 June1865 of
Dublin St Sp. Johanis Olnes? & Maria Connis Carlow Parish. (Book 8, p.103,
No.82) Mary Tracey b. 23 June 1865 Carlow Carlow (LDS)
Michael Tracey, pensioner, & Maria Dunne
Mary Tracey b. 23 Jun 1865 of New Market off Dublin St Carlow. Michael Tracey, his mark, father, New Market [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Patrick Tracy, full age, bachelor, shoemaker, lives Tullow St Carlow (s. of John Tracey, shoemaker) married Mary Reilly, full age, spinster, plain sewer, lives Pollerton road (d. of William Reilly, labourer) 29 November 1865 RC Cathedral of Carlow Wit: William Brennan & Kate Reilly [Carlow Carlow PLU] [see Dunleckney and also Bagenalstown]
Patritius Tracey of Tullow St Carlow (s. of Johannis & Maria M'Evoy of Bagenalstown) married Maria Reilly of Pollerton Road Carlow (d. of Gulielmi & Johanna McDonald of Pollerton) on the 29th Nov 1865 Wit: Gulielmi Brennan? of Leighlin Bridge & Catheen Reilly of Pollerton Road. Carlow Parish.
Patrick Tracey & Mary/Maria Rayely?/Rielly
Mary Treacy b. 29 Dec 1866/8 Jan 1867 of Pollerton Road Sp. Ja? Molley & Anne Byrne. Carlow Parish. (Book 8, p.119, No.158) Mary b. 29 December 1866 Carlow Carlow (LDS)
Kate Treacy b. 28 May/1 Jun 1869 of Pollerton Road Sp. Joseph? Tunny & Margaret Byrne. Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.142, No.57)
John Treacy b. 28 Jul/1 Aug 1871 of Pollerton Road Sp. Thomas Doyle & Ann Browder. Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.163, No.88)
Johanna Treacy b. 6/10 Jun 1873 of Pollerton Road Sp. James Byrne? & Maryanne Makee. Carlow Parish (Note: Sub Cond) (Book 8, p.179, No.49)
William Treacy b. 21 Oct 1876 of Pollerton Road Sp. Andrew? Doyle & Marid Sigracy? Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.206, No.97)
Patrick Tracy b. 22/28 Jan 1879 of Pollerton Road Sp. John Donohoe & Bridget Hade. Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.223, No.10) m. Ellen Kealy Tullow Street in 1904
Anne Maria b. 1882 Pollerton Road (Book 8, p.251, No.88)
James Tracey & Mary Railly
Catherine b. 28 May 1869 Carlow, Car, Ire (LDS)
Patrick Tracey & Mary Reilly
John b. 28 July 1871 (LDS)
Johanna b. 6 June 1873 (LDS)
Patrick Tracey, boot & shoe maker, & Mary Tracey
Mary Tracey b. 29 Dec 1866 of Pollerton Road Carlow. Bess? Brophy, nurse, present at birth, Pollerton Road [Carlow Carlow PLU] [Registered 1867]
James Tracey, boot maker, & Mary Reilly
Tracey b. 28 May 1869 Pollarton Road
Carlow. Mary Kavanagh, her mark, present at birth, Closh? Carlow [Carlow Carlow
Patrick Tracey,
shoe maker/bootmaker, & Mary Reilly
John Tracey b. 28 Jul 1871 Pollerton
Road Carlow. Mary Kavanagh, her mark, nurse, present at birth, Clash [Staplestown-Road] Carlow [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Johanna Tracey b. 6 Jun 1873
Pollerton Road Carlow. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Pollerton Road [Carlow
Carlow PLU]
FEMALE Tracey b. 30 Jun 1875
Pollerton Road Carlow. Mary Kavanagh, her mark, present at birth, Pollerton
Road [Carlow Carlow PLU]
William Tracey b. 2 Oct 1876
Pollerton Road Carlow. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Pollerton Road [Carlow
Carlow PLU]
FEMALE Tracey,
died 1875 Carlow Carlow PLU, aged 0 years 0.5 hours, b. 1875, spinster,
shoemaker’s child, died 30 Jun 1875 Pollerton Road Carlow, Mary Kavanagh, her
mark, present at death, Pollerton Road
Johanna Tracey died 1876, Carlow
Carlow PLU, aged 3 years, b. 1873, died 15 Feb 1876 Pollerton Road Co Carlow
[Carlow RC], spinster, child of a shoe-maker, Mary Tracey, her mark, occupier, Pollerton Road
Kate Tracey, full [age], spinster, teacher, lives Polerton Road Carlow, (d. of Patrick Tracey, bootmaker) married Joseph Murphy, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Mill Lane Carlow, (s. of Paul Murphy, teacher) 27 November 1897 RC Chapel Carlow Wit: William Tracey & Mary Tracey [Carlow Carlow PLU]
William Tracy, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Ardough Parish of Kilabin of County of Carlow, (s. of John Tracy, farmer) married Catherine Heffron, full [age], spinster, lives Ardough Parish of Kilabin of County of Carlow, (d. of Michael Heffron, labourer) 20 April 1868 Registars Office Carlow Town Wit: Catherine Brennan & Thomas Moore, his mark [Carlow Carlow PLU] Registry Office
William Tracy, single, (s. of John Tracy) m. Catherine Heffron, single, (d. of Michael Heffron) on 20 Apr 1868 Carlow, Carlow [see Laois]
Mary Tracey of Tullow St (d. of Edward Tracey & Jane of Tullow St) married Patrick Carroll of Potatioe Market? (s. of Patrick & Mary Carrol of Potatoe Market) 24 Nov 1869 Wit: Patrick Byran of Potatoe Market & Mary Duffy of Dublin Road. Carlow Parish
Mary Tracey, 21, spinster, shop keeper daughter, lives Tullow St, (d. of Edward Tracey) married Patrick Carroll, 30, bachelor, trader. lives Potatoe Market, (s. of Patrick Carroll) 24 November 1869 RC Chapel Carlow Wit: Patrick Byrne & Mary Duffy [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Mary Treacy & Patrick Carroll
Patrick Carroll b. 13/17 May 1870 of Potatacmarh? [Potato Market?] Sp. Christopher Duffey & Mary Duffey. Carlow Parish
Edward Carroll b. 19/21 May 1872 of Ma? Rotatoo Sp. Thomas Bolger & Kate Kehoe. Carlow Parish
Tracey/Tracy & Patrick
Thomas Carroll b. 15/17 February 1874 of 10
Meath st Sp. Mary Dolan & Edward Dempsey. St. Catherines Parish Dublin
Catherine Mary Carroll b. 22 Feb 1877 of 27
Vicar Sp. John Kehoe & Apies? Macken. St. Catherines Parish Dublin
Tracy? & Patrick Carroll
John Carroll b. 3/10 Aug 1879 of Chapelizod Sp.
Anne BLANK & John Tracey?
Chapelizod Parish Dublin
Mary Tracy
& Patrick Carroll, float driver
Thomas Carroll b. 15 Feb of 70 Meath
Street. Mary Carroll, mother, 70 Meath Street [1874 2 674 Dublin South PLU]
James Tracey & Rebecca Goold [see Laois]
John Tracey b. 25 Jan 1875 Carlow, Car, Ire. (LDS)
James Treacy, 14, b. abt 1877 Carlow Carlow, 3109 R Narwick Regiment [see Rotundra 1901 & 1911 Census]
mother Rebecca Treacy and brothers Robert E Treacy and John Treacy of 7 Bolton Street Dublin.
tailor, resided 3y8m in RAM School, 4'6", 73lb, chest 27-29", fresh complexion, brown yeyes, brown hair, Rc,
Nile Expedition 1898
1903 James Treacy, 25y6m, b. Carlow Carlow, tailor, served 12 years in the army, 9432 Royal Warickshire Reg,
5'3", 130 lb, 36-38" chest, salow complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, RC, distinctive marks,
Royal Hibernian Military School, Drummer
Mother Mrs Rebecca Treacy, 7 Bolton Street Dublin.
Tracy m. Mary Fleming of U Tomard [Upper Tomard
Tullowcreen] 10th May 1876 Wit: John Dowling & Ellen Kealy.
Leighlinbridge Parish
Tracy, full age, bachelor,
servant, lives Lennen Lodge [perhaps Lenham Lodge in Ballinbranagh Cloydagh],,
(s. of Patrick Tracy, servant)
married Mary Flemming, full age, spinster, servant, lives Tomaid, (d. of Thomas
Flemming, labourer) 10 May 1876 RC Chapel Leighlinbridge Wit: John Dowling
& Ellen Kealy [Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]
James Tracy& Mary Fleming
Margaret Tracey b. 21/24 Dec
1876 of Up Tomard Sp. John Flemming? & Ellen Kealy. Leighlinbridge
Parish (23 December 1876 Tomard LDS)
Rosanna Tracey b. 29 October
1878 of L Bridge? Sp. John Doolin & Magt Flemming. Leighlinbridge Parish
James Tracy,
labourer, & Mary Fleming
Margaret Tracy b. 23 Dec 1876 Tomard
[Tullowcreen]. The mark, Eliza Farrell, occupier,
Tomard [Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]
1. James Tr(e)ac(e)y (b. Queens Co. son of Patrick; d. June 1903, Butler*, aged
48, 7 Little Barrack St, Carlow, buried St.
Marys, Book 11, p.126, No.22) m. 10th
May 1876 Mary Flem(m)ing Upper Tomard (b. 18th May 1851 Tomard**; d.
June 1920, Laundress, aged 74, 7 Little Barrack St, Carlow, buried St. Marys, Book
11, p.168, No.23)
1.1 Margaret (b. 23 December 1876
bapt. 24 December 1876 Tomard*** d. 19th April 1958, Tailors wife,
aged 81 years, 12 Little Barrack Street Carlow, buried St. Marys, Book 12, p.142, No.17) (LDS) Little Barrack Street
m. James Curran (son of William Curran & Frances
Kenna) 26th February 1900
1.1.1 William b. 1900 Little Barrack Street (Book 9, p.82, No.115)
1.1.2 James b. 1901 Little Barrack Street (Book 9, p.89, No.114)
1.1.3 Patrick b. 1904 Little Barrack Street (Book 9, p.111, No.117)
1.1.4 John b. 1905 Little Barrack Street (Book 9, p.119, No. 126)
1.1.5 Michael b. 1907 Little Barrack Street (Book 9, p.131, No.34)
1.1.6 Joseph b. 1910 Little Barrack Street (Book 9, p.156, No.115)
1.1.7 Thomas b. 1912 Little Barrack Street (Book 9, p.171, No.107)
1.1.8 Margaret b. 1913 Little Barrack Street
Rosanna/Rose b. 29 October 1878 (LDS) (State Reg: Tracy, Rosanna, Carlow, 4th
Quarter 1878 3 395)
1.3 Patrick b. December 1881 Staplestown
Road (State Reg: Tracey, Patrick, Carlow, 4th Quarter 1881 3 361)
(Book 8, p.243, No. 84)
* I think he may have worked for Browne-Clayton
at Brownes-Hill House, at least there is a James Treacy recorded on the staff
there in 1898
**Thomas Flemming & Margaret Butler
William b. 31st August 1845 Tomard
John b. 1849
Elizabeth b. 1847
Mary b. 18th May 1851 Tomard
Margaret b. 1855
*** Placename Boolyrethornon or Tomard or Toomard, Civil parish
(State Reg marriage: James Tracy, Carlow, 1876 8 329)
James Treacy and Mary Flemming
My Great Great Grand parents lived at
Nş 7 Barrack Street Little in Carlow Town their names were James and Mary,
wondering if any one else has them in their Tree. Both appear on the 1901
census however James had died prior to the 1911. They had at least one daughter
called Margaret who married James Curran a Tailor they live at Nş 12 Barrack
Street Little.
Terence Curran September 10, 2007/May 2008
Little Barrack Street
No 5 & 6 were occupied by the Curran brothers
Michael 1878-1950 (at No 5) and James (at No. 6). Michael worked as Tailor in
Michael Molloy’s for many years. Molloy’s which will be remembered by many
readers, was a fashionable department store in Tullow Street where Tullow
Street House now stands. James was also a Tailor in his later years. The
Brother carried on a Tailoring business from their homes.
Friends and Neighbours 1986 & Michael Purcell c2008)
James had in fact been a Tailor all of his
working life, as was another brother William who lived in Burrin Street. The
three brothers were carrying on a family tradition within the trade as their
father who also called William and was a Tailor as was his Father Patt Curran.
Their Mother Frances Curran Nee Kenna also came from a long line of Tailors her
father James Kenna work from a shop in Barrack Street Tullow in the 1860,s.
James died in 1948 aged 75 his wife Margaret Curran Nee Treacy out lived him by
10 years, Margaret was no stranger to Little Barrack Street as her parents
James Treacy and his wife Mary live at number 7 in 1901. Margaret’s marriage
produced 10 children with James Curran, boy’s William born in 1900 died 1937,
James (known as Rookie) Pat, (Worked at Thompsons) John who married Annie
Shannon moved to Bridewell lane and then on to JKL Avenue. , Michael Joseph and
Thomas born 1912 died 1934. Girls were Margaret Frances and Mary, the three
girl’s live at No 11 Little Barrack Street.
Terence Curran, James Great Grandson)
Nş7 was occupied by James Treacy and his wife Mary
(nee Fleming) From 1895 to 1920, with Children Margaret Rosanna and Patrick.
Margaret married James Curran of Burrin Street a Tailor and first moved into
number 2 then 12 and finally number 6 Little barrack Street.
Terence Curran, James Great Grandson)
Elizabeth Treacy & Thomas T Markey? [see St. Senan's Clare]
Bridget Anne Markey b. 5 Apr 1879 of Dublin St Sp. Rev J Kehoe & Monica Anne Markey. Carlow Parish
Elizabeth Tracey & Thomas F. Markey
Linda Annie Markey b. 5 Apr 1879 Carlow Ireland (LDS)
1901 Census - 23 Caryon Street (Wood Quay, Dublin)
Thomas Francis Markey 46 Male Boarder R Catholic Co Louth Commercial Traveller Read and write English Widower -
Thomas Markey 14 Male Boarder R Catholic Co Carlow Drapers Assistant Read and write English Not Married -
Kate Tracey, full [age], spinster, teacher, lives Polerton Road Carlow, (d. of Patrick Tracey, bootmaker) married Joseph Murphy, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Mill Lane Carlow, (s. of Paul Murphy, teacher) 27 November 1897 RC Chapel Carlow Wit: William Tracey & Mary Tracey [Carlow Carlow PLU] see above
1. Maurice Tr(e)ac(e)y & Ann(i)e La(w)lor
1.1 Bridget b. 1901 Closh [Clash Staplestown-Road] (Book 9, p.88, No.105)
1.2 Patrick (b. 1903 John Street, Book 9, p.102, No.105 d. ?? October 1936, aged 32, Gramby Row, Book 12, p.62, No.76)
1.3 Mary Elizabeth b. 1908 Athy Street (Book 9, p.139, No.74)
1.4 Margaret Josephine (b. 1910 Athy Street, Book 9, p.153, No.63 d. 19th February 1932, aged 21, Granby Road, Book 12, p.43, No.17)
1.5 Honora Christina b. 1911 John Street (Book 9, p.164, No.113)
1.6 Maurice b. 1913 John Street (Book 9, p.179, No.121)
Maurice Treacy, labourer, & Annie Lawler
Michael Stanislaus Treacy b. 7 May
1915 of John St Carlow. Annie Tracey mother John St Carlow [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Death Register
Maurice Tracy, d. 20/12/1934, aged 62, Gramby Row, buried St. Marys, Book 12, p.54, No.63 (State Reg
birth Tracey, Maurice, Carlow, 1873 3 484)
Anne Tracy, d. 04/09/1947, aged 72, Granby Road, buried St. Marys, Book 12, p.100, No.42
Bridget Tracey, d. 27/7/1972, Nş4 Granby Road, buried St. Marys, Book 12, p.200, No.42
Maurice Tracey, d. 19/05/1973, Gramby Row, . buried St. Marys, Book 12, p.203, No.30
1920 - 4 Granby Cottages, Carlow.
A family with the last name of
Tracey lived there in the 19-teens and 1920's. Don't know father's name, but
mother's name was Annie (maiden name: Lawlor), and they had 10 children. The
names of the children that I know of are: oldest daughter Annie; then Bridget
("Bridie"); Patrick "Paddy"; 6 more whose 1st names I don't
know; then the baby, Sheila Tracey, born October 18, 1919. Thanks so much for
any help. Peggy Peggy
(Bray) April 18, 1937, at her niece's residence, Lasgarvan, Herbert Road, Bray,
Catherine daughter of the late Edward
Treacy, Leather Merchants, 121-123 Tullow Street, Carlow. Funeral
arrangements later.
Death Register
Bessie Treacy, aged 60, of Church Street, died March 1906 (Book 11, p.132, No.17)
Bridget Treacy, Widow, of Staplestown Road, died Feb 1913 (Book 11, p.147, No.7)
Edward Treacy, aged 64, Shopkeeper, of Tullow Street, died January 1872 (Book 11, p.46, No.8)
Maria Tracy, of Tullow Street, died 6th
March 1927, buried Temple (Book 12, p.22, No.13)
Mary Treacy, at Dympnas, died 7th
January 1975, buried St Mary's (Book 12, p.211, No.2)
Michael Tracey, aged 39, Porter, of Bridewell Lane, died April 1866 (Book 11, p.25, No.35)
Michael Tracy, son of Michael Tracy & Margaret Rice, of Staplestown Road, died 1847 (Book 6, p.39, No.91)
Patrick Treacy, aged 54, Shoemaker, of Pollerton Road, died November 1899 (Book 11, p.116, No.55)
Patrick Treacy, aged 50, Leathercutter, of Tullow Street, died March 1865 (Book 11, p.20, No.20)
Edward Tracey, died 1872 Carlow Carlow PLU, aged 64 years, b.
1808, bachelor, leather merchant, died 4 Feb 1872 Tullow St Carlow [Carlow],
Maria Dolan present at death Tullow St.
Edward Tracey 4 Feb 1872
Tullow street Carlow, leather merchant, to Maria Tracey spinster
7 July 1855 Newtownbarry Petty Sessions
Defendant Bridget Tracey, widow,
of Carrickduff, Barragh Parish Carlow, compliant Samuel Ashton Esq of Woodfield
Kilrush parish [Wexford], James Farrell witness. The defendant refused to give
up the possession of a dwelling house in Carrickduff street in the town of
Newtownbarry Co. Carlow on the termination of her tenacy. Defendant to be
ejected in ten days without costs.
John McDonald & Anne Donohoe
b. 28 August 1848 Clonegal
Sp. Mick Dowling & Anne Tracey
Eliza Tracey & Ed Hughes
James Hughes b. 29th Jan 1843 of
Sherwood [in Ardattin? Ardoyne] Sp. Mick Ryan & Mar Maher. Clonegal Parish
Eliza Tracey? & Ed Keogh
John Kehoe b. 15th Aug 1847 of
Sherwood Sp. Jas Dawson & Ally Doyle. Clonegal Parish
Mary Tracey & Patrick Dunne
Mary b. 21st Oct 1909 Carrigduff
Patrick b. 21st Oct 1909 Carrigduff
James Donohoe? & Cath Brien
b. 20 May 1852 Kilbride
Sp. Mick Tracy & Anne Quigley
No. 68 Curry & Tracey
In loving memory of James Curry,
Craanmore died 18th June 1960 aged 80 yrs.
Also his brother Thomas died 20th Feb 1973 aged 83 yrs.
Also their sister Ellen Curry died 30th March 1979 aged 79 yrs.
And their nephew Edward Treacy died 12th June 1987 aged 67 yrs.
Also Margaret Tracey nee Kavanagh who died on 7th April 1966 aged 81 yrs. R.I.P.
Small Plaque: Dear Dad. Love from Eamon, Eleanor & family
From the book
"A Christian Calling - Religious Life & Christian Death in Clonegal
Parish" by Eamonn Whelan & Rory Murphy
Miss Anne Kavanagh, house now occupied by
Rihard & Ms Gibson nee Joan Treacy, Cranemore. Kildavin. Family: Carmel, Elaine, Charmaine, Tracy.
James & Ms Treacy nee Ann Brennan, Paulstown. Family: Raymond, Damien, Alan, Aishling, Paula. (new house)
Dobbs house Cranemore was a small house near Treacy’s garage. Treacys house Cranemore, was first occupied by James and Thomas Curry. The next occupant was their nephew Edward Treacy and his wife Margaret.
White, WD (1994)
Heirs to a Heritage Part II.
Clonegal - 1963 Carlow Under 14 Football Champions Back Row: Dan Murphy, J. Ryan, N. Fitzharris, George Collier, Mick Rooney, Malone, PJ Brien, Tom Doyle, E. Treacy, Anthony Fennell, Larry Murphy, Liam Cosgrove, Pat Rooney, John Byrne, Paddy Coleman. Front Row: Patrick Whelan, Paul Murphy, Joe
Hillard, Jim
Treacy, Pat Doyle, Pat Murphy, Lar Kinsella, Martin
Nugent, Jim Osborne, Stephen Shiel. A new juvenile force
announced their arrival on the Carlow GAA scene in 1963 when Clonegal won the
U-14 Football and Hurling double, competitions heretofore mainly the preserve
of the county's three main towns, Carlow Town, Bagenalstown and Tullow. - Leo McGough, The Nationalist Friday July 6. 2007 |
1974: Kildavin reached the senior final only to be beaten by Eire
Og. Front (I to r) - M. Nolan, S. Shiel, T. Codd, G.Coleman, E. Roberts, E. Whelan, J. Treacy. Back - C. O'Neill, J. Kirwan, C. Byrne, B. Doyle, P. Byrne, P Murphy, J. Doyle, P. Farrell. Kildavin won the Bro. Leo S.F.T. defeating Graiguecullen in the final. They won the U-21 F.C. with the score Kildavin 1-7, Grange 0-5. Kildavin players also won special Leinster Hurling U-21 medals – these players were: Jack Treacy, Charlie Byrne, Eamon Whelan, James Whelan. -
Enniscorthy Echo 29th January 2008 |
Clonmore (see also Wicklow)
Patrick Tracy & Catharine Doyle of Ballyduff [Clonmore Carlow]
Eliza Tracy b. 1 May 1823 Sp
Patrick Cahill & Mary Brennan. Clonmore Parish
Dunleckney (CoI)
Tracey of Leaghlin Bridge m.
Emma Magee of Carlow Parish on 5 September [1827] ??? (Date unclear) by
licence. Carlow Parish View Register [see Leighlinbridge]
Treasey & Emma
Amilia Treasey b. 1 July 1830 bapt. 19 July 1830 Dunleckney View
Dunleckey (&
Griffiths Valuation for Carlow County c1851/52 Parish of Nurney, Townland of
Ballytarsna, (Ord. S. 12), 785 acres |
Map# |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
5 A b |
Ellen Tracey |
Patrick Rafter |
House |
Parish of Agha, Townland of Rathellin, (Ord. S. 12 & 16), 739
Map# |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
4 a |
John Tracy |
Thomas Delany |
House |
Dunleckey baptisms 1820 – 1857
Margaret Treacy b. about 1804 Bagenalstown (LDS)
John Treasy b. about 1808 Bagenalstown in Killinane (LDS)
Michael Treacy b. about 1816 Bagenalstown (LDS)
James Nowlan & Margt. ???
Stephen b. 1/1/1820 Blackrush(?) Sp. Thomas
Tracy & Mary
James Murphy &
Mary b. 17/3/1820 Nurney
Dunleckney Sp. Thomas
Tracey & Anne Hanlon,
William Higgins,
Bridget 19/3/1820
Dunleckney Sp. Henry
Tracey & Fanny Brennan
Pat Tracy & Anne Doyle
Andrew Tracy b. 16th April 1820 Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow (LDS)
Eloisa Tracy b. ? July 1827 of Ho Brina Sp. Michl Byran & Mary Aughney. Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
Mary Tracy & William Murphy
b. 28/5/1820 Ballykillen
Dunleckney Sp. Andrew
Murphy & Mary
Mary Tracy & James Kinsela
Cathj b. 2 July 1820 Newtown Sp. Bidy Grogan,
John Car(?)ey &
Catherine Kinsela
James b. 10 Sept 1820
Ballyknockan Sp. John Kinsela
& Connie? Tracy
William Hayden &
Mary Corey/Carey,
Michael b. 11/2/1821 Mount
Johasant??? Sp. Jas. Tracy
& Maria
William/Billy Tracy/Treasy & Margaret/Mary/Margt Neil
Anne b. 18 February 1821
Bagenalstown (LDS) Oldtown [Ballyellin OR Nurney] Sp. ??? Brown & ???
John Tracy b. 16 May 1824 of Oldtown? [Nurney] Sp. Dan Dargin & Honor Doran. Dunleckney Parish (LDS) [Mary Neil].
Wm Tracy b. 22 October 1826 of Oldtown? Sp. Patc Dargin & Mary Doran? Dunleckney Parish
Patt Tracy b. 3 May 1829 of Oldtown
Sp. Dan McEvoy &
Judy Byrne. Dunleckney
Parish (LDS)
Nova Scotia Immigrants
Tracy s. of William/Margaret
(O'Neal) of Co. Carlow, Ireland; marr. Halifax 3 Sep. 1835 Mary Brown.
Denis Neil & Cath Nowlan
Sally b. 23/4/1821 ??? Sp.
Matthew Tracy &
Mary Tracy
Tracy/Treasy & John Kinsela/Kinsella
Catharine b. 1 Sept 1821 or 29 Oct
1821 ??? Sp. John Carey & Bidy?/Grady? Tracy (double entry)
Ellen Kinsela b. 4 Apr 1824 of
Fenagh? [Fennagh Fennagh] Sp. Mich Byrne & Joanna Gaskins. Dunleckney Parish
Mary Kinsela b. ? Jul 1826 of
Blackbush? Sp. Mary Quin & Thos? Dolan. Dunleckney
Denis Kinsella b. 30 Sep 1832 of Ballyknockin Sp.
Francis Moore & Betty Treasy?
Dunleckney Parish
Margaret Kinsella b. ? Dec 1834
of Ballyknockin Sp.
Andy Kief &
Catharine Darcy? Dunleckney Parish
Tracy? & Matthew Nowlan
Mary b. 1 Sept 1821
Mountpleasant Sp.
James Murphy & Judy Brien
??? Tracy & Margt ???
??? b. 1?/2/1822 ??? Sp. ??? &
Thomas Tracy & Elizabeth ???
Mary b. 5 February 1822 Bagenalstown (LDS) Dunore Sp. John Reddy & Sarah
Bogden (Bodkin?)
Thos Noah?/Nook? &
John b. 8/2/1822
Danesforth (Kilkenny?)
Sp. Mich Tracy & Margt Tracy
Peggy Tracy & William Murphy
b. 17/2/1822 Ballyryan
Sp. Tom Tracy & Kitty Tracy
Thomas/Thos Tracy & Mary Joyce
Tracy b. 24? June 1822 Sp. John Morisy? & Sarah Byrne. Dunleckney Parish
Bridget Tracy b. 19 Nov 1825
[Lorum] Sp. Mary
Cormack? Dunleckney Parish
Thomas Tracy & Mary ???
Pat b. 24 June 1822 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Mary Tracy & John Murphy
Murphy b. 27? June 1822 Ballyryan?
[Nurney OR Tullowmagimma] Sp. Bill Burns? & Mary Tracy. Dunleckney
& Darby Clark
Bridget Clark b. 3 Nov 1822
Knocktomas [Knockthomas Tullowmagimma in Tithe records] Sp. John & Mary Nolan.
Dunleckney Parish
Darby Clark b. 10 Nov 1824
[Nurney] Sp. James
Byrne & Catherine
Clark. Dunleckney Parish
Thos Henesey &
Elizabeth b. 22 Dec 1822
Newtown Sp.
Mich Tracy & Mary Murphy
John/Jno Tracy/Treasy & Mary McEvoy/Macevoy/McEvay
Betty Tracy b. 10 August 1823 Sp.
James Kehoe & Jenny? Murphy. Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
b. 13 October 1829 of Bagenalstown [Dunleckney] Sp. Mich Nolan & Bridget McEvo?. Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
Patt Tracy b. 3? June 1832 of
Bagenalstown Sp. Wm Lynns & Anne Dempsey. Dunleckney Parish
Bridget Tracy b. 14 February 1835
of Bagenalstown Sp. Thos Kealy & Mary Bugha?. Dunleckney Parish
John Treasy b. 6 Mar
1836 Bagenalstown Sp. David Higgins & Ellen Headen? Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
John Tracy & Mary Macabey? (or Mary MacAhy/MacAby LDS)
Thomas Tracy b. ? October 1827 of
?agenalstown Sp. Robert Smith & Cathn Murphy. Dunleckney Parish
Patritius Tracey of Tullow St Carlow (s. of Johannis & Maria M'Evoy of Bagenalstown) married Maria Reilly of Pollerton Road Carlow (d. of Gulielmi & Johanna McDonald of Pollerton) on the 29th Nov 1865 Wit: Gulielmi Brennan? of Leighlin Bridge & Catheen Reilly of Pollerton Road. Carlow Parish. [see also Carlow town]
Patrick Tracy, full age, bachelor, shoemaker, lives Tullow St Carlow (s. of John Tracey, shoemaker) married Mary Reilly, full age, spinster, plain sewer, lives Pollerton road (d. of William Reilly, labourer) 29 November 1865 RC Cathedral of Carlow Wit: William Brennan & Kate Reilly [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Patrick Tracey & Mary/Maria Rayely?/Rielly
Mary Treacy b. 29 Dec 1866/8 Jan 1867 of Pollerton Road Sp. Ja? Molley & Anne Byrne. Carlow Parish. (Book 8, p.119, No.158) Mary b. 29 December 1866 Carlow Carlow (LDS)
Kate Treacy b. 28 May/1 Jun 1869 of Pollerton Road Sp. Joseph? Tunny & Margaret Byrne. Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.142, No.57)
John Treacy b. 28 Jul/1 Aug 1871 of Pollerton Road Sp. Thomas Doyle & Ann Browder. Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.163, No.88)
Johanna Treacy b. 6/10 Jun 1873 of Pollerton Road Sp. James Byrne? & Maryanne Makee. Carlow Parish (Note: Sub Cond) (Book 8, p.179, No.49)
William Treacy b. 21 Oct 1876 of Pollerton Road Sp. Andrew? Doyle & Marid Sigracy? Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.206, No.97)
Patrick Tracy b. 22/28 Jan 1879 of Pollerton Road Sp. John Donohoe & Bridget Hade. Carlow Parish (Book 8, p.223, No.10) m. Ellen Kealy Tullow Street in 1904
Anne Maria b. 1882 Pollerton Road (Book 8, p.251, No.88)
James Tracey & Mary Railly
Catherine b. 28 May 1869 Carlow, Car, Ire (LDS)
Patrick Tracey & Mary Reilly
John b. 28 July 1871 (LDS)
Johanna b. 6 June 1873 (LDS)
Patrick Tracey, boot & shoe maker, & Mary Tracey
Mary Tracey b. 29 Dec 1866 of Pollerton Road Carlow. Bess? Brophy, nurse, present at birth, Pollerton Road [Carlow Carlow PLU] [Registered 1867]
James Tracey, boot maker, & Mary Reilly
Tracey b. 28 May 1869 Pollarton Road
Carlow. Mary Kavanagh, her mark, present at birth, Closh? Carlow [Carlow Carlow
Patrick Tracey,
shoe maker, & Mary Reilly
John Tracey b. 28 Jul 1871 Pollerton
Road Carlow. Mary Kavanagh, her mark, nurse, present at birth, Clash [Staplestown-Road] Carlow [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Kate Tracey, full [age], spinster, teacher, lives Polerton Road Carlow, (d. of Patrick Tracey, bootmaker) married Joseph Murphy, full [age], bachelor, teacher, lives Mill Lane Carlow, (s. of Paul Murphy, teacher) 27 November 1897 RC Chapel Carlow Wit: William Tracey & Mary Tracey [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Thomas Tracey of Turners Cottages Balls Bridge (s. of Patritio
& Maria McEvoy of Bagnalstown Co. Carlow) married Maria Anne Prestage of
Mountain View Cottage (d. of Gulielmi & Catherine Kerivan? of Ballsbridge)
20 Sep 1880 Wit: Jacbous Marrine of Donneybrook & Maria Carrrey of Mountain
View Cottage Ballsgridge. Donnybrook Parish Dublin [1901 & 1911 Census
Tramway Cottages]
Thomas Treacy, full [age], bachelor, laborer, lives 6
Turner's Cottages Ballsbridge, (s. of Patrick Tracy, laborer) married
Mary Anne Prestige/Prestage, full [age], spinster, laborer, lives Mountain View
Cottage Ballsbridge, (d. of William Prestige, laborer) 20 September 1880 RC
ChurchDonnybrook Wit: James Narrin & Maria Caffrey, signed her mark [Dublin
South PLU] signed her mark
Tracey/Tracy & Maria
A/Mariae Annae Prestage
Elizabeth Tracey b. 23/29 August 1881 of O
Brien Cottages Flemings Place Sp. Julia Quinn. Haddington Road Parish, Dublin
Maria Catharina Tracey b. 27 November/4 Dec
1882 1882 of 91 O Briens Place Sp. Mary Anna Prestage. Haddington Road Parish
(Note: mar cum Philipo McGaley in siol S ti Palritii Monkstown Rinhard 7.1.14?)
Thomas Tracy b. 11/15 December 1884 of 10 O
Briens Place Sp. Maria Whelan. Haddington Road Parish
Johannes Gulielmus Tracey b. 23/30 April 1888
of 13 Shelbourne Road Sp. Esther Walsh. Haddington Road Parish
Patritius Tracy b. 30 May/2 Jun 1890 of 10
Turners Cottages Sp. Catherina Connally. Haddington Road Parish
Gulielmus Tracy b. 23/24 July 1892 of 10
Turners Cottages Sp. Francesca Flatcher. Haddington Road Parish
Tracy, laborer, 10 O'Briens
Cottages & Mary Anne Prestage
Thomas Tracy b. 18 Dec 1884 of O'Brien's
Cottages Beggars Bush, Informant Kate McNamee? present at birth, 5 Turner's
Cottages, her mark [Registerted 1885]
John Magra & Mary Gaynor,
Edrwd b. 11/3/1823 Boherduff Sp. Mich Tracy & Judy
Charley Huerican &
Mary Masterson,
Patrick ?/4/1823 Ballaghaderneen
Sp. Matt Tracy & Anne Prendergrast,
Mich Sullivan & Mary Nolan
Catharine b. 7 July 1823 Augha Sp. Mich Tracy & Margt Tracy
Michael Tracy & Bridget McDonal
Margaret b. 15 Sept 1823 Corries Sp. Ellen Coughan
Betty b. 15 Aug 1826
Sp. John Bryan &
Margaret Byrne
Patc Henesey &
Mary b. 7 Oct 1823
Ballycormick Sp. Hugh
Neil & Anne
Patc Doyle &
Morgan b. 19 Oct 1823
Sp. Anne Tracy
Mary Tracy
& Michl Corcoran
Corcoran b. 28 Nov
1823 of Seskin
[Seskinnamadra? Sliguff ] Sp. Thomas & Mary Corcoran. Dunleckney
Thoma Treacy married Margareta Burrowes 8 Jan 1821 Wit: Margareta & Anna Haw. Tinryland Parish
Thomas Tracy & Margaret Burrowes
Bridget Tracy b. 30 August 1823 of
Nurney [Nurney] Sp. Peter Brady & Cath Tuite?
Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
Tracy b. 27 July, 1842 Bally…? Sp. James Holden & ?(illegible)
Tim Treasy & Margaret Borris
b. 7/3/1826 Nurney
John McGrath &
Anne McGrath
Thos Tracy & Margt Borris/Burris
William Tracy b. 18 Oct 1829
[Nurney OR Tullowmagimma] Sp. Martin Nolan & Bridget Murphy. Dunleckney Parish
Winfred b. 7 December 1834 Bagenalstown (LDS) Ballyryan Sp. James Nolan &
Mary L???
Thomas Treacy & Mary? Burroughs?
Thomas Treacy b. 1
July 1839 Ballinkillen? [Ballinkillin Lorum] Sp. James Caulfield & Margaret
Nolan?. Dunleckney Parish
Thos Tracy & Margaret Borris
Eliz Tracy b. 3 Jun 1832 of Ballyryan Parish Newton [Nurney OR Tullowmagimma] [Newtown Agha] Sp. Mich Coughlan & Onny Kirwan. Tinryland Parish
Mattw Nolan &
John b. 11/1/1824 Mountpleasant
Sp. Matth Tracy
& Mary Tracy
Michl Murphy &
Mary Doyle
Bridget b. 23/1/1824 Boherduff Sp. ??? Murphy &
Anne Tracy
Margaret Tr(e)acy/Treasy/Tracey (b. about 1806 Bagenalstown in
Killinane) m. Guilelmi (William) McDonald 26 February 1824 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Margt/Margaret Tracy/Treasy/Tracey & William McDonnell/McDonald/McDonnel
Mary b. 2 Feb 1827 Bagenalstown
Sp. Tom
Walsh & Mary
Go??? (McDonal)
Peter McDonnell b. 6 Apr 1828 of
Newtown [Agha] Sp. Larry Doyle & Judy Brenan. Dunleckney Parish
James McDonald b. 30 May 1830 of
Boherduff [Dunleckny] Sp. Arthur Lyons & Anne Murphy. Dunleckney Parish
Wm McDonnell b. 23 July, 1832 of
Boherduff Sp. George Burris & Anne Nolan. Dunleckney Parish
John b. 24 Nov 1833 Boherduff Sp.
James ??? & ???
Mary McDonald b. 20
Mar 1836 Boherduff Sp. ?(illegible) & ?(illegible)
Daniel McDonel b.
x? July 1838 of Newtown Sp. Jno
Doyle & Judy Carney?
Dunleckney Parish 20 Feb., 1836;
Michael McDonald b. 12 June 1842 Boherduff Sp. John Murphy
&Mary McDonald
b. 9 March 1845 Boherduff
Sp. Michael McDonald & Cath Mur? ?(illegible). Dunleckney Parish
James McDonald of Newtown
(son of William McDonald & Margaret Treacy of Newtown) m. Saragh
Fenlon (daughter of Jacobi Fenlon & Elizabeth Byrne of Bohermore)
5 Oct 1858 Witnesses: Pat Kelly of Roscal & Elizabeth
Magenisa of Ballywilliamson)
Tracy & John Murphy
Murphy b. 16 May 1824 Oldtown [Ballyellin OR Nurney] Sp.
Wil Byrne &
Betty M’Guin. Dunleckney
Trasy/Treasy & John Murphy
Bridget b. 6/5/1827 Oldtown [Ballyellin
OR Nurney] Sp.
Mick Keefe &
Ellen McGuiness
Bridget b. 14/5/1829 Oldtown Sp.
Hugh Murphy &
Cath Tony?
Mattw Walsh &
Mich? b. 2 Nov 1824
Glanahary Sp.
John Maloney &
Anne Tracy
Treasy/Tracy &
James Moore b. 18 Dec 1825 Fenagh
[Fennagh Fennagh] Sp. John Kinsela & Betty Lyons. Dunleckney Parish
Mary Moore b. 4 Nov 1827 of Fenagh
Sp. Matt? Tracy & Biddy Kinsela. Dunleckney Parish
Moore b. 14 Mar 1830 of Fena Sp. James & Sally Whitty. Dunleckney Parish
Anna Miron b. 10 Mar 1833 of Fena
Sp. Jno Treasy & Betty Kincella.
Dunleckney Parish
Martin Moore b. 15 Nov 1835
of B. Knockin
Sp. Billy Tracy
& Anne Tracy. Dunleckney Parish
Bridget Moore b. 18
Mar 1838 Fenna Sp. John Kealy & Cath Kinsella,
Margaret Moore b. 28 June 1840 Fennagh Sp. Charles Nolan & Ann Kinsella
Eleanor Moore b. ? Jan, 1843 Fenagh Sp. Andrew Murphy & Cath Rorke
Martin Moore, b.
September 1838 County Carlow Ireland. d. September 1910, New Britain, Conn. And
Ellen Garrigan
Son of James and
Margaret (Tracey) Moore, relatives of Thomas Moore, the Irish poet of
Genealogy of the
Whittlesey-Whittelsey Family: By Charles Barney Whittelsey. Whittlesey house,
McGraw-Hill book company, inc., 1941
James/Jas Tracy/Treacy & Betty/Elizabeth/Eliza Doyle
Tracy b. 2 April 1826 of M. Pleasant [Mountpleasant Fennagh] Sp. Patt Tracy & Betty Doyle. Dunleckney
Mathias Tracy b. 22 Dec 1827
of M. Pleasant
Sp. Jno Tracy, Mary? Doyle & Mary Kelly.
Dunleckney Parish
Tracy b. 30 September 1829 of Mountpleasant Sp. William Tracy & Maria Tracy.
Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
Tracy b. 29 Sept 1834
M Pleasant Sp. John McGrath & Biddy Doyle? Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
William Treacy b. ?
Apr 1837 M Pleasant Sp. James Nolan
& Biidy Byrne. Dunleckney
Winny Treacy b. 26 Feb 1840
Mountpleasant Sp. Lawrence Byrne &
Eliza Butler. Dunleckney
Edward Kinsela &
Bridget b. 3 Dec 1826
Sp. James Treasy
& Mary Treasy
John Magra &
Mary Gaynor
b. 27/2/1827 Boherduf
John Grogan &
Mary Tracy
John Collin/Cullen
& Margaret
Richard b. 20 Oct 1827 Kilcarig
Sp. John Tracy & Betty ???
John Kealy &
Anne Doyle
John b. 29 Oct 1827
Sp. Peter Neil &
Elizabeth Trasy
??? &
??? b.
28/12/1827 Boherduff Sp. ??? & Judy Tracy
Michael Treacy/Treasy & Betty Brenan
Mary b. ??? March 1828
Bagenalstown (LDS)
Dennis Neil &
b. 28/1/1829 Garihill
Sp. John Tracy & Mary Neil
Pat Southwick &
b. 24/5/1829 Ballyellen
Sp. James
Nolan & Judy
James Byrne &
Eliza Brenan
b. 7/6/1829 Bagenalstown
Sp. Michl Treasy & Ellen Brenan
John Neil &
Mary b. 28 Aug 1829
Tom Tobin &
Mary Tracy
Thos Butler (protest) &
Catharine Butler
b. 21 Sept 1829
Sp. John Tracy & Mary Butler
John Lennon & Kitty Dobbs
John b. 9 Oct 1829
Denis Tracy & Ellen Flinn
Thomas Tracy & Margt ???
William b. 13 October 1829 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Denis Finn & Bidy Corcoran
Elizabeth b. 15 Nov 1830 Augha Sp. Mick Treacy & Mary Neil
Edward Byrne &
Esther Bryan
b. 1/2/1831 Ballycormick
Sp. Patt Treasy & Biddy Murphy
James ??? &
b. 5/6/1831 Dunore
Sp. James Bryan &
Mary Treasy
Tracy/Treasy & John Murphy
Bridget Murphy b. 29 June 1831
Nurney Sp. James Murphy & Bridget Beeghan. Dunleckney Parish
James b. 20/2/1834 Nurney
Sp. James Fallon
& Kitty
Catharine Murphy b.
22 Oct 1837 Oldtown [Ballyellin OR Nurney] Sp. Jas Kavana & Judy
Byrne?. Dunleckney
Parish -
21 May 1824; 6 May 1827; 14 May 1829 [Nancy]
Thomas Caravan &
Thomas b. 10 July, 1831
Sp. Matt Tracy
& Mary
Thomas Tobin &
Judy Carroll
Mary b. 20 Nov 1831
Augha Sp. Mick
Tracey & Cath Curren
Judy Treacy married James
Counley of Kildema [Kildreenagh Dunleckny] 6 Jun 1832 Wit: Michael Quinin &
Jno Haughny. Dunleckney Parish
Tracy & Jas Connolly
Connely b. 4? Apr 1833 Kildrina
Sp. Michael
Curran & Mary
Harold? Dunleckney Parish
Tracy/Troy & Patt or James
b. 17/6/1832 or 20/6/1832 Bagenalstown Sp. Peter Murphy & Anne Murphy (double entry)
Sarah Hinch b. 7? Mar 1834
of Bagenalstown
Sp. Mick Brenan &
Anne Brenan [James
Hunch]. Dunleckney Parish
Catharine Hinch b. 17
Mar 1838 Bagenalstown Sp. Mich Lalor & Mary A Murphy
Kitty Treasy married Michael
Tuit of Cloonion [Cloneen Agha] 16 Oct 1832 Wit: Peter Salter & Mary
Salter. Dunleckney Parish
Catharine/Kitty Treasy/Treacy/Tracey & Michael/Mick Tuit/Tuite
Mary b. 28 July, 1833 Cloneen Sp.
??? Clowry & Margaret Leorart?
John Tuite b. 14 May
1837 of Cloneen Sp. John Dinsby? & Bridget? Farrel? Dunleckney Parish
Peggy Tuite b. 5 May
1839 Cloneen Sp. Tom Nowlan & Cath Farrell
14 May, 1837
Tuite b. 10 Oct, 1841 Cloneen Sp. Pat
Clowry & Ellen Nolan
Tuite b. 28 Apr, 1844 Cloneen Sp. John Fielding
& Anty Doyle
Tuite b. 12 July, 1846 Cloneen Sp. Michael Reddy & Ellen Tracey
Michael Tuite b. 14 Oct 1849 of Newtown Sp.
Maria Dempsey
Tuite b. 13 Mar 1855 of Cloneen Sp. Pat Cummins? &
Margrert Murphy. Dunleckney Parish
John Treasy married
Margaret Nolan? of Bagnalstown [Dunleckny] 1 Dec 1832 Wit: Michael Hanlon &
Ann Bamley? Dunleckney Parish
John (Jno) Treasy b. about 1808 Bagenalstown in Killanane m. Margaret Nolan about 1833 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Jno Tracy & Margt Nolan
Anne b. 3 February 1834
Bagnenalstown (LDS) Bagenalstown Sp. John Murphy & Ellen Walsh
Mary Tracy b. 23 Jan 1836 of Bagnenalstown [Dunleckney] Sp. Jas Byrne & Esther Nolan. Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
Michael Tracy & Bridget Kenny
Patrick b. 1 January 1833
Bagenalstown (LDS)
Edward Eustace &
b. 6/1/1833 Oldtown
Sp. Martin
Feltus & Kitty
John Brophy &
b. 10/2/1833 Cloniga
Sp. Andrew
Hogan & Anne
& Roger/Rody
James? Dillon b. 29? Sept 1833
of Cloneen?
[Agha] Sp. Mick McDonnell & Kitty Treasy?
Dunleckney Parish
John Dillon b. 18 Oct 1835
of Cloneen
Sp. Michael Tracy & Mary Byrne. Dunleckney Parish
Mary Dillon b. 2 June
1839 of Clomoney? Sp. Willm McDonald & Mary? ?. Dunleckney Parish
Michael Sullivan &
b. 12/1/1834 Augha
Sp. Mick Clark &
Anne Tracy
Mathew Treasy & Sally Murphy
Bridget Treasy b. 21 Feb 1834 of Cloniga
[Clonegah Fennagh] Sp. Jno Treasy & Ally ???. Dunleckney Parish
Mathew Treasy & Sally Murphy
Bridget b. 21 February 1834
Bagenalstown (LDS)
Betty/Elizabeth (or Kitty) Treasy/Treacy & John/Jno
Mcasy b. 20 Apr 1834 of B.
wiroe Sp.
Simon Frankly &
Betty Kinsella?
Dunleckney Parish
Ellen McAsey b. ?
Sept 1836 Ballywillioamroe? Sp. John? Kinsella? & Bridget? Kinsella?
[Kitty]. Dunleckney
Elizabeth McAsey b.
19 Oct 1839 Ballywilliamroe Sp. John Treacy
& Kitty McGuire
McAsey b. 22 Jan 1845 Ballywilliamroe Sp. John
Tracey & Cathrine Kinsella
McAsey b. 22 Jan 1845 Ballywilliamroe Sp. Matthew Nowlan & Ann Dillon
Elizabeth Macasy b.
28 Oct 1849 Ballywilliamroe Sp. James
Morris & Margaret Agar(?)Agan?
Elizabeth Lacey &
John McCasey [NOTE: Transcriber says it is the same family]
Mccasey b. 13 Aug, 1843 Ballywilliamroe Sp. Francis Moore & Ellen Tracy
Tom Butler &
b. 29/6/1834 Mountpleasant
Sp. Denis Treasy & Biddy Rossiter
Cath Tracy & Michael Neil
Elizabeth Neil b. 8 Feb 1835 of
Cloneen Sp. Jas
Clark & Maria
? Dunleckney
Pierce Fenlon &
b. 9/5/1835 Fena Sp. James Tracy
& Anne
Tom Deters(sp?) &
Anne b. 28 Sept 1835
Bagenalstown Sp.
Mary Tracy
& Jane/Ann Perrin?/Perrin/Perron
Richard Tracy b. 7?
October 1835 of Donore? [Lorum] Sp. SMUDGED. Pat Lacy & Judy Lacy (Transscriber) Dunleckney Parish
Matthew Tracey b. 16 Feb, 1845 Donore Sp. John Kenedy & Elizabeth
Tracey b. 16 July 1852 of Donore Sp. Edward Macasey & Margaret
Andrew Thomas & Jane ?(illegible) [NOTE: Transcriber
says this is the same family]
Treacy b. 9 Dec, 1838 Dunore Michael
McAsey & ?(illegible)
Richard Tracey died 1867, Carlow
PLU, aged 29, b. 1838, died 28 Apr 1867 Donore [Lorum OR Sliguff] Carlow
Jas Nolan &
Eliza Butler
Mary b. ?? Dec 1835
Sp. Denis Tracy & Anne Kearney
John Whitty &
Peter ?? Dec 1835
Sp. James Tracy & Mary Finlon
Catharine Treacy married
James Kavanagh of Oldtown [Ballyellin OR Nurney] 10 Feb 1836 Wit: James Sutton
& May D? Dunleckney Parish
Cath/Catherine Treacy/Tracey &
Jas/James Kavanah//Kavanaugh
Ann Kavanah b. 27 Jan
1837 of Oldtown Sp. Joh? Sutton? & Mary
Treacy? Dunleckney Parish
Kavanaugh b. 21 July, 1844 Oldtown Sp. Thomas Murphy & Margaret ?
James Kavanaugh b. 16
Sept. 1849 Oldtown Sp. Patrick Walsh
& Ellen Eustace
Catharine Ba….. & Patrick Kavanaugh [NOTE: Transcriber has this as the same
Thomas Kavanaugh b. 8
Sept, 1839 Oldtown Sp. Bridget Lacy
Dillon nee Kavanagh, full age, widow, house servant, lives Knockthomas? (d. of Catherine Tracy [Leacy crossed out],
house servant) married John Tuite, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Clonee,
(s. of Mick Tuite, labourer) 16 April 1869 RC Chapel Bagnelstown Wit: Andrew
Nolan & Catherine Brien. their marks [Bagnelstown Carlow PLU] signed their
marks [Sarah Tracy in printed index]
James Walsh & Mary Doran
Patrick b.
14/2/1836 Newtown Sp. Patt Clark & Elln Treasy
Byrne & Margaret Mylett
Francis Byrne b. x?
May1836 Bagenalstown Sp. John Tracy
& Elizabeth Murphy
John Cummins & Mary Finn
Anne Cummins b. 19 June 1836 Ballaghaderneen Sp. Denis Treacy & ?(illegible)
Patt Murphy &
Margt McDonald,
Thomas Murphy b. 17
July 1836 Clonatoose Sp. John Treacy or
Lacey & Kitty McDonald (entered twice by priest)
Cristy? Treasy? & Mary Mahony
Bridget Doyle b. 24
July 1836 Ballynakill [Dunleckny] Sp. Simon Mahony & Nessy? ? Dunleckney
1. Michael/Mick Treacy/Treasy/Tracy, (born c. 1811) Augha, Parish of Bagnelstown in Killinane, Co.Carlow, married Elizabeth (Betty) Nolan 15 October 1836 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Catharine Treacy
bapt. 17 Mar 1837 Augha Sp. Thomas Rourke & Mary ?(illegible)
Catherine Treacy & Moses King, labourer
Michael King b. 30 Oct 1873
Ballyknochen [Fennagh]. Catherine King, her mark, mother, Ballyknocken [1873 18
444 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]*
1.1 Catherine Treacy (born about 1836 at Augha, christened 17 March 1837 Bagenalstown (LDS), died: 5 Mar 1892 at Ballyknocken) married Moses King 30 Jan 1858 at Parish of Bagenalstown, Carlow, Ireland.
1.2 Denis Treacy b. 19 January 1840 of Augha [Agha Agha] Sp. Ellen Doyle & William Tobin? Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
Looking for my 3rd and 4th great
grandparents...who are of the Tracey clan in Carlow
I have recently learned from a cousin in England that our 4th great grandfather (on my father's maternal side) is Michael Treacy of the Leghlinbridge area.
Michael Treacy b? m. Elizabeth Nolan 15 Oct 1836 Augha parish my 4th great grandfather
Catherine Tracey (b. ? - about1892) m. Moses King b. ? d. 1878 in Ballyknocken Daughter of Michael
Elizabeth King (01 Jan 1861 - 1920) m. Patrick McGrath b. ? 1927 d. about 1895 Leghilinbridge Daughter of Catherine
Mary McGrath (1883 - 1956) m. James Nolan b. ? d. Nov 1909 Bagenalstown ( a month before my grandmother was born) Daughter of Elizabeth
Elizabeth Mary Nolan (12 Dec 1909 born in Bagenalstown she immigrated to NYC in 1930 m. William Vincent O'Connor in 1939 was widowed in 1971 and died 12 Jan - 2000) Daughter of Mary
Can you help me learn more about my Tracey family history? I am attempting to learn about Micheal my 4th great grandfather and his family.I have not been able to find out his information or that of his daughter Catherine and her husband Moses. Can you help fill in some blanks for me and maybe connect me with family related to Michael and Elizabeth. I am very curious to learn if that Nolan family is related to my grandmother Nolan's family? The dates I have written on my 4th, 3rd and 2nd great grandparents are approx. I do know for sure that my great grandfather's name was James Nolan and that he died the month before my grandmother was born which puts his death as Nov 1909. I know his wife's name was Mary McGrath and that she re-married a Nolan a few years after she was widowed and had 3 more children.
BarbaraJo O'Connor Caisse <> March 04, 2012
Wilson & Mary Whitty
Bridget Wilson b. 21
Jan 1837 Ballyknockin Sp. Jas Tracy
& Mary Whitty
Treacy & Mary Ryan
John Treacy b. x? Mar 1837 Kilcarig Sp. (none) & Betty Neil (illegitimate)
Patt Treacy & Mary Bryan
Elizabeth Treacy b. ?
July 1837 of Carig [Carrig Dunleckny] Sp. Margaret Mahan? [illegitimate]. Dunleckney Parish
Patrick Tracy married
Judith Byrne 27 Feb 1838 Wit: Patrick Byrne & Cath Reddy. Dunleckney Parish
Patt Tracey?/Treacy & Judy/Biddy/Judith Byrne
Patt Treacy b. 15 Apr
1838 Ballaghaderneen? [Fennagh] Sp. Edwrd? McDonald? & Cath? Byrne?.
Dunleckney Parish
Eliza Tracey?(sp) b.
x? Jan, 1839 Bagenalstown Sp. John
Treacy & Catharine Treacy
Thomas Tracey b. 7 May, 1843 Dunore Sp. John Bolger & Eleanor Byrne
John Robinson &
Mary Robinson
Maria Robinson b. x?
Mar 1838 Bagenalstown Sp. Paddy Tracey
& M..(illegible)
Judith/Judy Treacy & James Crowley
Jane Crowley b. 23?
Sept 1838 Boherduff? [Dunleckny] Sp. Andrew ? & Bridget?. Dunleckney
Crowley b. 18 April, 1841 Boherduff Sp. John Murphy & Mary
John Doyle &
Ellen Nolan
Patt Doyle b. 19 Feb,
1839 Newtown Sp. John Howard & Ellen
Tracy & Mary Lenon
Mary Tracy
b. 23 Feb 1839 of Bagnalstown - Carlow Sp. Kitty Sheehan. Carlow Parish
(Note: Spurious [illegimate]) (Carlow Book 5, p.77, No.40)
Denis Finn & Judy
John Finn b. 16 June
1839 Augha Sp. Peter Corcoran & Dan
Treacy [male?]
Eliza Tracy married
John Cantwell of Bagnalstown [Dunleckney] ? Aug 1839 Wit: Willm Tracy
& Bridget Cose? Dunleckney Parish [see Carlow]
Ann Tracy married
George Dillon of Augha [Agha Agha] ? Aug 1839 Wit: Timothy Nolan & Eliza
Kin? Dunleckney Parish
Ann Tracy
& George Dillon
Catharine Dillon b. 21 June, 1840
Ballywilliamroe [Dunleckny] Sp. John McAsey & Betty McAsey
James Whitty & Ann Fitzhenry
Mary b. 26 Apr, 1840 Ballyknockin Sp. Denis Tracy & Mary Hunter
James Bryan &
Betty Bryan
Bridget Bryan b. 2x? Nov,
1840 Clonatoose Sp. Wm Tracy &
Ann Gaskin
Bridget Tracy married
Hugh Rooney of Nurney or Oldtown [Nurney] 3 Mar 1840 Wit: Daniel McCormick
& Elizabeth Eustace. Dunleckney Parish [see Borris]
Bridget Treacy & Hugh Rooney
James Rooney b. 3 Jan, 1841 Oldtown Sp. John Neil & Mary Treacy. Dunleckney Parish
Patrick Treacy? married
Mary Doyle 4 Feb 1841 of ??? Wit: Edward Treacy & Sarah Somers.
Dunleckney Parish* [Note: parts very faint]
Joanna Tracy married
? Neill of Nurney? 4 Feb 1841 Wit: Thomas Doyle & Mary Murphy (Keefe
crossed out) Dunleckney Parish* [Note: parts very faint]
Michael Treacy m. Maria Lawlor about 1841 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Jacobus (James) b. about 1842
Bagenalstown (LDS)
Tracy?Tierny? & Pat Murphy
John Murphy b. 2 May, 1842 Bagenalstown Sp. Michael Finlon
& Ann Dagan
James Murphy b. 2 May, 1842 Bagenalstown Sp. Michael Finlon
& Ann Doyle
Mary Tracy & Thomas Cullen
John Cullen b. 12 Mar, 1843 Ballinkillen Sp. None
("Tom Cullen of Currencuree" illigitmate)
Mary Tracey &
Thomas Collier [NOTE: Transcribers thinks this is the same family] married
7 Jan, 1846,
Collier b. 20 June, 1847 Ballinakill Sp. Margaret Moore
Collier b. 14 July, 1850 of Ballinkillen Sp. John Murphy & Ann Tobin
? Collier
b. ? May 1852 of Ballinkillen Sp.
Michael Roney & Bridget Alyward
Collier b. 27 Aug, 1854 of Ballinkillen Sp. James Maher & Kira Redmond
Collier b. 23 Mar, 1857 of Ballinkillen Sp. Darby Clark & Mary Tracey
Tracy & Thomas Collier
Elizabeth Collier b. 7/22
Mar 1863 of Ballinkillam? Sp. Daniel? ? & Joanna? ? Dunleckney Parish
Richard Tracey m. Mary Walsh 19 February 1844 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Richard Tracey &
Mary/Maria Walsh/Walshe
Bridget Tracey b. 1 June, 1845 Donore [Lorum OR Sliguff] Sp. Patrick Tracey & Winifred Walsh
Eleanor Tracey b. 1 Feb, 1847 Ballymoon [Dunleckny] Sp. Thomas Donahoe
& Maria Doran
Treacy b. 31 Dec 1858/? Jan 1859 of Bagnelstown? [Dunleckny] Sp. BLANK.
Dunleckney Parish
Tracey b. 24 Feb, 1849 of ? Sp. ? Hoosey & Jane Hoosey
Treacy b. ? Sept, 1850 of Donore Sp. Peter Bolger & Ann Walsh
Tracey b. 7 August, 1853 of Donore Sp. William Tracey & Joanna
Treacy b. 28 July, 1855 of Donore Sp. John Alyward & Mary Walsh
Tracy of Bagenalstown [Dunleckny], (s. of Ricardi
Tracey, Donore [Lorum OR Sliguff]) married Maria Carey of Bagenalstown, (d.
of Joannes Carey Bagenalstown) 9 Feb 1879 Wit: Thomas Rice of Bagenalstown
& Annas Rooney of Bagenalstown. Dunleckney Parish
Treacey, full [age], bachelor,
stone cutter, lives Bagenalstown, (s. of Richard
Tracy, labourer) married Maria Carey, full [age], spinster, house servant,
lives Bagenalstown, (d. of John Carey, labourer) 09 February 1879 RC Chapel
Bagenalstown Wit: Thomas Rice & Ann Rooney [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU] signed
his mark
Treacy & Maria Carey
Thoma Treacy b. 26 Apr/4 May 1879 of
Bagnelstown Sp. Patricius Byrne & Elizabeth Nolan? Dunleckney Parish
John Tracy & Maria Keary
Thomas b. 26 April 1879 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Aughney & Mary Brien
Aughney b. 8 Dec, 1844 Kildrina Sp. John
Tracey & Ann Tracey
Judith Tracey & Patrick Neil
Michael Neil b. 22 May, 1845 Ballywilliamroe Sp. Ellen
Aughney (illegitimate)
Charles Tracy? Macy? &
Ann ?(illegible)
Tracy? Macy? b. 3 Aug, 1845 Knockullard Sp. ?(illegible) & Catharine Powers
Ann Tracey & Daniel
Comerford b. 7 Dec, 1845 Ballyryan Sp. John Tracey & Judith Byrne
Margaret Tracey (b. about 1825 Bagenalstown in Killinane) m. Francis Nowlan about 1845 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Margaret Tracey & Frances Nowlan [NOTE: Transcriber thought this may have been Frank Moore]
Sarah Nowlan b. 31 May, 1846 Ballyknockan Sp.
Patk Finlon & Ellen Kinsella
Tracey married Bridget Kehoe
of Tubberbride [Toberbride Dunleckny] 6 Aug 1846 Wit: Revd John, Revd Patrick
& Maria Kehoe. Dunleckney Parish
Tracey & Bridget Kehoe
Matthew Tracey b. 22 July 1849 of Mountpleasant
Sp. John Kehoe & Alicia Kehoe
Edward Tracey b. 27 Sept 1850 of Mountpleasant
Sp. Richard Byrne & Maria Kehoe
Elizabeth Tracey b. 18 Mar 1852 of
Mountpleasant Sp. Robert Kehoe & Mary Lynan
Margaret Tracy b. 13 Oct 1853 of Mountpleasant
Sp. Matthew Tracey & Sarah Tracy
Thomas Treacy b. 16 Sept 1855 of Mountpleasant
Sp. Edward Treacy & Rose Treacy
Eleanor Tracy & Lawrence Doyle
Michael Doyle b. 25 June 1848 *
Bagenalstown Sp. Lawrence Fitzpatrick
& Mary Ann Murphy
Michael Doyle b. 10 Oct, 1852 of Bagenalstown Sp. William Cox &
Ellen Walters
Tracey of Fennagh [Fennagh]
married Thomas Finlan 4 Oct 1849 Wit: Thomas Murphy & Honora Rigney?
Dunleckney Parish [see Myshall]
Tracey? & Thomas
John Fitzpatrick b. 18 April, 1852 of
Bagenalstown Sp. John Kelly & Catharine Whitty
Tracy & Lawrence
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick b. 9 July, 1854 of
Bagenalstown Sp. James Higgins & Catharine Corcoran
Troy? Tracy? & William Byrne
Bridget Byrne b. 20 June, 1852 of Aghabeg Sp.
Patrick Monehan & Judith Byrne
Tracy & Michael (no name)
[Transcriber has this as the same family]
Mary (no name) b. 11 Feb, 1854 of Newtown Sp. John Tracy & Bridget Tracy
Treacy & Michael Kehoe
Patrick Kehoe b. 4 Apr? 1856 of Newtown Sp. John Treacy & Ann Nolan
Tracy? Troy? & Mary Bolger
Thomas Tracy?Troy? b. 2 April. 1854 of
Bagenalstown Sp. ? Hughes & Ann ?
Tracy & Bridget Reddy
Mary Tracy b. 10 Sep 1854 of Fenagh Sp. Thomas
Butler & Mary Hennesy
Treacy of Fenagh [Fennagh Fennagh]
married Denis? Hogan of Fenagh ? Jan 1858 Wit: Gulielmus? ??? & Ann ??? . Dunleckney Parish [bad copy]
Tracey & Moyse? Hogan?
? Hogan? b. 27? Oct/1 Nov 1858 of Fenagh Sp.
Michael Darcy & Brigida Kinsela? Dunleckney Parish [bad
Tracey & Michaell Morr
Catharina Morr b. 5/6
Jan 1863 of Kilcarrig Sp. Andera Moor & Elizabetha Tracey. Dunleckney
Tracy & Michl Moore,
Mary Moore b. 2 May 1864 of Kilcarrig
[Dunleckny] Bagenalstown. Bridget Moore, Kilcarrig, present at birth, her mark
[Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
Treacy & James? R?
Maria Julia 18/22 Feb 1863 of Bagneslstown Sp.
Petro O'Hea? & Elizabeth Doyle. Dunleckney Parish
Treacey & Francisus? King?
? King b. 20/ 23 Aug
1863 of Fennagh [Fennagh] Sp. Kinsella? & Maria? D? Dunleckney Parish
Tracy & James? King
Diosnyalius? King b. 2/6 May 1865 of Fennagh?
Sp. Jacobus Butler & Margarita Butler. Dunleckney Parish [bad copy]
Tracey of D? (d. of Thoma
Tracey & Eleanora Perrin of Donores? [Lorum]) married Patritius Dowling of Bagnalstown (s. of Joannis Dowling &
Brigida Carty of Bagnalstown) 27 Feb 1865 Wit: ? Kinsela? of Bagnalstown? &
Johannas? Treacy? of Dunore?
Dunleckney Parish
Mary Treacy, 21 years, (d. of Thomas Treacy) m. Patrick Dowling,
23 years, (s. of John Dowling) 27 Feb 1865 Bagenalstown, Carlow, Ireland
Treacy, 21, spinster, indoor
servant with parents, lives Donore, (d. of Thomas
Treacy, labourer) married Patrick Dowling, 23, bachelor, labourer, lives Bagenalstown,
(s. of John Dowling, labourer) 27 February 1865 RC Chapel Bagenalstown Wit:
Mathew Kinsella & Margaret Perrin [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU] signed her mark
Treacy of Knockinagan (s.of Michaelis Treacy & Maris Lawler of
Carigingcea?) married Cattharina Nolan of Croagha? (d. of Davidis Nowlan &
Catharina Doyle of Crahana) 4 Mar 1867 Wit: Carolus Maher of Ballynocken
[Ballyknockan Fennagh] & Elizabeth Kean of Ballintemple [Ardoyne].
Dunleckney Parish
Treacy, 30 years, bachelor,
farmer, lives Knocklinagad [Knockclonagad Sliguff], (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Catherine Nowlan/Nolan, full age,
spinster, Do [farmer], lives Cranaha [Crannagh Kiltennell], (d. of David Nowlan, Do [farmer]) 4 March 1867 RC Chapel Newtown
[Agha] Wit: Charles Maher & Eliza Keane [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
Jacobus Treacy m. Catharina Nolan 4 March 1867 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Thomas Tracey married Joanna Bolger of Sallystown [Kildavin], 03 Feb 1867 Wit: Robert Walsh of Sallystown & Bridget Staffotd of Tagsumon [Taghmon]. Piercetown Parish Wexford
Thomas Tracy, 24, bachelor, stonecutter, lives Sallystown, (s. of Patrick Tracy, stonecutter) married Johnanna Bolger nee Ronan, 24, widow, farmer, lives Sallystown, (d. of Nicholas Ronan, farmer) 3 February 1867 RC Chapel Murrintown Wit: Robert Walsh & Bridget Stafford, their marks [Bridgetown Wexford PLU]
Thomas Tracy & Johanna Rongne/Roney
??? Tracey b. 25 Nov? 1869 Sp. ??? & ??? Dunleckney Parish [bad copy]
Ricardus Tracey b. 11/13 March 1879 of Bagenalstown [Dunleckny] Sp. Patricio Tracey & Maria Robinson? Dunleckney Parish (LDS)
Thomas Tracey (b. Kileariy St., Baymalstown) & Johanna Ronan/Ronin
Patrick Tracey b. 8 September 1867 Moneybeg [Dunleckny], Bagenalstown Carlow (LDS)
Thomas Tracey b. 25 November 1869 Kilree Boris OR Bagenalstown Carlow (LDS)
John Tracey b. 7 March 1872 Bagenalstown Carlow (LDS)
Richard Treacy b. 7 March 1874 Bagenalstown Carlow (LDS) Ronin
Eliza Tracey b. 30 March 1875 Carlow (LDS)
Johanna Tracey b. 3 June 1876 Bayenalstown, Carlow (LDS)
Thomas Tracey, stone cutter, & Johanna Ronan/Ronin
Patrick Tracey b. 8 Sep 1867 of Moneybeg [Dunleckny] Thomas Tracey, father [Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]
Tracey b. 25 Nov 1869 Kilree [Sliguff].
Johanna Treacy, mother, Kilree [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
John Tracey b. 7 Mar 1872 Church St
Bagenalstown [Dunleckny]. Johanna Tracey, mother, Church St Bagnalstown
[Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
Richard Tracey b. 7 Mar 1874 Kilree
St Bagnalstown. Thomas Tracy, father, Kilree St Bagnalstown [Bagnalstown Carlow
Eliza Tracey b. 30 Mar 1875 Kilree
St Bagnalstown. Thomas Tracey, father, Kilree St Bagnalstown [Bagnalstown
Carlow PLU]
Johanna Tracey b. 3 Jun 1876
Kilcarrig St Bagenalstown. Thomas Tracy, father, Kilcarrig St Bagenalstown
[Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
Joseph Tracey b. 19 June 1881 Kilcarrig St Bagnelstown. Thomas Tracey father Kilcarrig St Bagnelstown. [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU] [bad copy]
Richd Tracey, died 1874
Bagnalstown Carlow PLU, aged 0 years 3 months, b. 1874, bachelor, infant of a
stone cutter, died 25 Jun 1874 Kilree St Bagnalstown [Dunleckny] [Dunleckney? RC?], John Treacy, Kilree St Bagnalstown,
present at death
Eliza Tracey,
died 1875 Bagnalstown Carlow PLU, aged 0 years 16 days, b. 1875, spinster,
daughter of a stone cutter, died 15 Apr 1875 Kilree St Bagnalstown, Johanna Tracey, Kilree St Bagnalstown,
present at death
Ellis Island
Tracy, Bagualstown (Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland), 1898, 17 years, single, to Bro
Patrick Tracey, 1972 Second Ave, NY. [same ship as Mary & Cath]
Tracy, Bagualstown (Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland), 1898, 11 years, Irish [sister
USC], to brother Pat Treacy 1972 Second Ave NY [see Mary Tracy 11, Cath Tracy
Tracy, Bagualstown (Bagnalstown Carlow Ireland), 1898, 7 years, American
[written: USC, sister Irish], to brother Pat Treacy 1972 Second Ave NY [see
Mary Tracy 11, Cath Tracy 7]
1900 Census - 320 East
102nd Street, ED 894 Borough of Manhattan, Election District 12 New York City
Patrick J Tracey, Head, Male, 33, b. Sep 1867 Ireland, emigrated 1881, Na, Gas Inspector
Mary Tracey, Wife, Female, 27, b. Oct 1873 Ireland, married 9 years 4 children 3 alive, emigrated 1885
Katie Tracey, Daughter, Female, 8, b. May 1892 New York
Joseph Tracey, Son, Male, 5, b. Aug 1895 New York
William Tracey, Son, Male, 3, b. June 1897 New York
Joseph Tracey, Brother, Male, 19, b. Mar 1881 Ireland, emigrated 1898, machinist
Mary Tracey, Sister, Female, 13, b. Jan 1887 Ireland, emigrated 1898, at school
John C Hayes, Boarder, Male, 47, b. Jan 1853 Ireland, emigrated 1864, driver
John Tracy died 24 Feb 1910 331 E. 97 St. The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States, 37 years, Married, Laborer, b. 1873 Ireland (s. of Thomas Tracy b. Ireland & Johanna Ronayne b. Ireland) Buried 28 Feb 1910 Calvary Note: St. Josephs Hospital Certificate Number: cn 1192
Joseph Tracey, 29, single, b. 1882 Ireland (s. of Thomas & Johanna Roman) married Sadie O'Connor, 19, single, b. 1892 New York City (d. of Steven & Johanna O'Connor) 13 Nov 1911 Manhattan, New York, New York, United States (LDS)
Thomas Tracey (Stone Cutter) & Johanna Ronan
Joseph Patrick Tracey (b. June 19 1881 Bagenalstown Carlow Ireland d. December 10 1950 in Bronx NY USA buried St Raymonds Cemetery Bronx NY USA) m. Sarah O'Connor
for Naturalisation
Joseph Tracy of 62 East End Avenue, machinist
Born 19 June 1881 Co. Carlow Ireland
Emigrated from Queenstown Ireland 22 November
1898 arrived New York NY 28 November 1898 on vessel Etruria
Wife Sarah (O'Connor) born 19 July 1892 New
York NY resides 62 East End Avenue
4 Children
Stephen b. 20 April 1912 New York NY
Joseph b. 20 April 1913 New York NY
Edward b. 19 March 1915 New York NY
William b. 24 January 1917 New York NY
All reside at New York NY
Petitioner enlisted in 18th Regt U.S. Army
April 3 1905; discharged March 30 1908; Honorable discharge certificate
Joseph Tracy 15th June 1917
Witnesses: John Gibson & Henry Altvater,
Treacy of Ballinkillon [Ballinkillin Lorum],
(d. of ? Treacy & Margarita
Byrans? of Ballinkillin?) married ? Hughes of Ballinkillon (s. of Jacobi Hughes
& Elizabeth Cobayne? of ?achalir) ? Jan 1868 Wit: Jacobo Flanagan of
Ballenkillin & Anna Hughes of Lorum [Lorum]. Dunleckney Parish [bad copy]
Tracy, full age, bachelor,
field labourer, lives Ballakillen, (s. of Thomas
Tracy, labourer) married Mary Hughes, full age, spinster, field labourer
& house servant, lives Ballinkillen, (d. of Joseph Hughes, labourer) 19
January 1868 RC Chapel Ballinkillen Wit: James Flannagan & Anne Hughes,
their marks [Borris Carlow PLU] signed their marks
Jacobus Tracey & Maria Hughes
Winifred Tracey b. 7/12 May 1878 of Ballenkillen [Ballinkillin Lorum] Sp. Michael Byrne & Elizabetha Fenlon. Dunleckney Parish.
James Tracey/Tracy & Mary Hughes
Margaret b. 2 December 1868
Thomas b. 13 February 1870 Borris (LDS)
Patrick b. 21 March 1872 (LDS)
Maryanne b. 29 December 1873 (LDS)
Bridget b. 5 July 1876 (LDS)
Winifred Tracey b. 10 May 1878 Ballenkillen (LDS)
James Tracy/Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hughes
Tracy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinkillen [Ballinkillin
Lorum]. Eliza [Ellen crossed out] Swaine, her mark, present at birth,
grandmother, Ballinkillen [Borris Carlow PLU]
Thomas Tracey b. 13 Feb 1870
Ballenkillen. Eliza Swain, her mark, present at birth, Ballenkillen [Borris
Carlow PLU]
Patrick Tracy b. 21 Mar 1872
Ballenkillen. James Tracy, his mark, father Ballenkillen [Borris Carlow PLU]
Mary Anne [Maryanne] Tracey b. 29
Dec 1873 Ballenkillen. Eliza Swain, her mark, present at birth, Ballenkillen
[Borris Carlow PLU] [registered 1874]
Bridget Tracey b. 5 Jul 1876
Ballenkillen. James Tracey, his mark, father, Ballenkilleen [Borris Carlow PLU]
Thomas Treacy, 24, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballinkilen [Ballinkillin Lorum], (s. of James Treacy, labourer) married Alice OBrien/Brien, 20, spinster, servant, lives Bagenalstown [Dunleckny], (d. of John OBrien, " [labourer]) 10 October 1894 RC Chapel St Andrews Bagenalstown Wit: John Keely & Anne Neill, signed his mark [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU] signed their marks
Winifred/Winnie Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Ballinkillen [Lorum], (d. of James Treacy, labourer) married Thomas Pender, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Ballymartin [Clonygoose], (s. of John Pender, labourer) 13 February 1899 RC Chapel St Andrews Bagnelstown Wit: Joseph Kelley & Alice Treacy, signed her mark [Bagnelstown Carlow PLU]
Jacobo (James) Treacey b. about 1844 Bagenalstown in Killinane m. Margarita Dowdall about 1869 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Jacobus b. 14 August 1870
Bagenalstown (LDS)
Tracy of Kildrina [Kildreenagh
Dunleckny] (s. of Thomas Tracy &
Margareta Boyris? of Ballinkillan [Ballinkillin Lorum]) married Catharina
Murphy of Bagenslatown (d. of Jacobi Murphy & Catharina Murphy of
Ballymurphy [St Mullin OR Tullowphelim]) 24 Feb 1873 Wit: Patritius? Murphy of
Ballamurphy & Johanna Murphy of Coorauge?) Dunleckney Parish
Tracy, full age, bachelor,
labourer, lives Bohermore [Dunleckny], (s. of Thos Tracy, labourer) married Catherine Murphy, full age, spinster,
servant, lives Bagnalstown [Bagenalstown Dunleckny], (d. of James Murphy,
labourer) 24 February 1873 RC Chapel Bagnalstown Wit: Patt Murphy & Johanna
Murphy, signed their marks [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU] signed their marks
Tracy of Ballyeleen
[Ballyellin Ballyellin], (s. of Edward
Tracy & Margaret Dullane? of Ballyellen) married Elleanor Hennessy of
Ballycormick [Ballycormick Lorum OR
Sliguff], (d. of John Hennesy & Catherine Murphy of Ballycormack) 12 Feb
1876 Wit: Michael Byrne of Ballinkillen [Ballinkillin Lorum] & Kate Maher
of Bagnelstown [Dunleckney]. Dunleckney Parish
Tracy, full [age], bachelor,
labourer, lives Ballyellen, (s. of Edward
Tracy, farmer) married Ellen Hennesy, full [age], spinster, farmer, lives
Ballycormack, (d. of John Hennesy, farmer) 12 February 1876 RC Chapel
Bagenalstown Wit: Michael Byrne & Kate Maher [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
signed his mark
Edward Tracey,
labourer, & Ellen Hennessy
John Tracey b. 1 Oct 1877
Ballycormack [Ballycormick Lorum
OR Sliguff] Maryanne Athinson?, her mark, present at birth, Ballycormack [Borris
Carlow PLU]
Tracy, full age, spinster,
BLANK, lives Mountpleasant [Fennagh], (d. of John Tracy, farmer) married Silvester Lennon, full age, bachelor,
farmer, lives Oldtown, (s. of Patrick Lennon, farmer) 25 September 1878 RC
Chapel Newtown Wit: William Lennan & Anne Lynch [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
[Not found in RC register]
Treacy & Sylvester Lannon
Patricius Lannon b. 3/31
Aug 1879 of Oldtown Sp.Jaonnes Lannon & Anna Lannon. Dunleckney Parish
Tracey/Tracy & Sylvester
Patrick Lennan b. 30 Aug 1879 of Oldtown,
County Carlow (LDS)
John Lennon b. 7 Aug 1880 Borris, Carlow (LDS)
Tracy of Bagenalstown [Dunleckny], (s. of Ricardi
Tracey, Donore [Lorum
OR Sliguff]) married Maria Carey
of Bagenalstown, (d. of Joannes Carey Bagenalstown) 9 Feb 1879 Wit: Thomas Rice
of Bagenalstown & Annas Rooney of Bagenalstown. Dunleckney Parish [see
Treacey, full [age], bachelor,
stone cutter, lives Bagenalstown, (s. of Richard
Tracy, labourer) married Maria Carey, full [age], spinster, house servant,
lives Bagenalstown, (d. of John Carey, labourer) 09 February 1879 RC Chapel
Bagenalstown Wit: Thomas Rice & Ann Rooney [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU] signed
his mark
Treacy & Maria Carey
Thoma Treacy b. 26 Apr/4 May 1879 of
Bagnelstown Sp. Patricius Byrne & Elizabeth Nolan? Dunleckney Parish
John Tracy & Maria Keary
Thomas b. 26 April 1879 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Tracey of Mt Pleasant
[Mountpleasant Fennagh] (s. of Joannis
Tracey of Mt Pleasant) married Honoria Lucas? of Mt Pleasant (d. of Alexander
Lucas? of Mt Pleasant) 10 Dec 1879 Wit: Patrius Ryan of Fenagh? & Maria
Hughes of Bagnelstown. Dunleckney Parish
Tracy, full age, bachelor,
farmer, lives Mt Pleasant Fenagh, (s. of John
Treacy, farmer) married Honora/Hanorah [Ann crossed out] Lucas, minor,
spinster, BLANK, lives Mt Pleasant Fenagh, (d. of Alexander Lucas, deceased,
farmer) 10 December 1879 RC Chapel Bagnenalstown Wit: Patrick Bryan & Mary
Hughes [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
Tracy & Hannah Lucas
Edmund Tracy b. 9 Dec 1880 Mount Pleasant,
Ireland (LDS)
Matthew Treacy of Donore [Lorum]
(s. of William
Treacy of Donore) m. Bridget Maher of Killane [Kellistown OR Ballyellin]
(d. of James Maher of Killane) on Nov? 1882 [1881?] Ballon, Carlow
Matthew Treacy, 30, bachelor, farmer, lives Donore Co. Carlow, (s. of Thomas,
living, farmer) married Bridget Maher, 28, spinster, BLANK profession, lives
Killane Co. Carlow, (d. of James, living, tradesman) 16 July 1881 RC Chapel
Rathoe Wit: Jeremiah Bolger & Maria Mahar [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]
signed his mark
Thomas Treacy, 24, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballinkilen [Ballinkillin Lorum], (s. of James Treacy, labourer) married Alice OBrien/Brien, 20, spinster, servant, lives Bagenalstown [Dunleckny], (d. of John OBrien, " [labourer]) 10 October 1894 RC Chapel St Andrews Bagenalstown Wit: John Keely & Anne Neill, signed his mark [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU] signed their marks [see above]
Winifred/Winnie Treacy, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Ballinkillen [Lorum], (d. of James Treacy, labourer) married Thomas Pender, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Ballymartin [Clonygoose], (s. of John Pender, labourer) 13 February 1899 RC Chapel St Andrews Bagnelstown Wit: Joseph Kelley & Alice Treacy, signed her mark [Bagnelstown Carlow PLU] see above
James Treacy, railway
porter, & Annie Simmonds [see Newbridge Kildare]
Mary Josephine Treacy b. 23 March 1899 Kilree St Bagnalstown. Annie Treacy
mother Bagnalstown. [Bagnalstown Bagnalstown PLU]
and Treacy, April 29, 1911 at Castlecomer...Alexr A. Murison, second son of
Alexr Morison, Dunmore Park, Kilkenny to Helen
A., younger daughter of John Treacy,
Coome [Coole?], Bagnalstown.
Margaret Tracey
died 1876, Borris Carlow PLU, aged 55 years, b. 1821, died 18 May 1876
Ballyellen [Ballyellin Ballyellin – Dunleckney? RC? ], widow, widow of a labourer, Edward Tracey. His
mark, present at death, Ballycormack [Ballycormick Lorum OR Sliguff]
Inscriptions on Tombstones in Templepeter
Edward Tracey
Erected by Maria Tracey of Carlow in memory of her father Edward Tracey who departed this life February 4th 1872 aged 64 years. R.I.P.
John Tracey
John Tracey Ballylean died 11th December 1926 aged 72 years; his daughter Bridget died 7th July 1906 aged 12 years; Margaret died 16th July 1920 aged 24 years; also his wife Maria (Nee Cummins) died 15th December 1943 aged 80 years.
Rose Tracey
Erected in memory of Miss Rose Tracey of Bagnalstown who died the 11th December 1886 aged 70 years; also there are interred the remains of her father, mother, brother and sister. R.I.P.
Thomas Tracey
by Edward Tracey T.C. of Carlow in memory of his beloved father Thomas Tracey
who died 5th April 1847 aged 76 years, and his brother William Tracey 23rd
April 1843 aged 28 years, and of his brother Patrick Tracey who died 8th March
1865 aged 55 years; also Maria Tracey who died the 6th of March 1927.
Win Tracey
late of Lisgarvan, 11th day January 1825 aged 28 years.
Graignamanagh (Carlow &
See Kilkenny.
Hacketstown (Carlow/Wicklow)
Catharina Tracy & Jacobus Askins of Hacketstown [Carlow]
Catharina Askins b. 5 Jan 1829 Sp.
Jacobus Roach & Joanna Cooper. Hacketstown Parish
Ann Treacy & Arthur Byrne of Haroldstown [Carlow]
Margaret Byrne b. 18 Oct 1840 Sp.
Mathw Healy & Bridget Byrne. Hacketstown Parish
Bridget Treacy, a convert, of Ballyedmond [Hacketstown Carlow]
bapt. 20 Mar 1854 Sp. Michael
& Ellen? Keogh. Hacketstown Parish
Bridget/Brid Tracy & Sam/Samuel Dowzer of H town & Rathmeague [see Hacketstown
John Dowzer b. 17 Jul 1864 Sp.
Hugh Couson & Mary McDonald. Hacketstown parish
Bridget Donzar b. 23 Sep 1866 Sp.
Wm Donue & Ellen Doyle. Hacketstown parish
Eliza Douget b. 3 Aug 1873 Sp John
Kenny & Eliza Kehoe. Hacketstown parish
Kiltennell (CoI)
Church of Ireland records for the Carlow area
Francis Tracey & Amelia Walker 1837 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Tracy & Amelia Tracy
Philip Tracy b. 4 June 1841 bapt. 4 July 1841
of Killedmond. Kiltennel Parish View Register Schoolmaster
Christopher Francis Tracy b. 29 March 1843
bapt. 1 April 1843 Killedmond. Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk [twin]
Henrietta Tracy b. 29 March 1843 bapt. 1 April
1843 of Killedmond. Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk [twin]
Elizabeth Anne Tracy b. 8 May 1844 bapt. 9 June
1844 of Killedmond. Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk
Emma Jane Tracy b. 17 July 1846 bapt. 18
October 1846 of Killedmond. Kiltennel Parish View Register Parish Clerk
Harriet Tracy b. 18 June 1847 bapt. 20 June 1847 of Killedmond. Kiltennel Parish View Register Schoolmaster
Francis Tracy &
Amelia Walker
Joseph Henry Tracy b. 4 Jun 1841/8 May 1860 of Finnoe? Borrisokane C Tipperary
Sp. John Kenny (Note: Reccus? Conversus? hootie? fuit? condohosie? Baptizatus?
[Conversion?]. St. Paul's Parish, Dublin
Burial of Henrietta Tracy of Killedmond, aged
14 months, on 16 May 1844 Kiltennel Parish View Register
Burial of Christopher F Tracy of Killedmond,
aged 16 months?, on 21 July 1844 Kiltennel Parish View Register
Burial of Harrat Tracy of Seskinmodra, aged 18
months, on 31 December 1848 Kiltennel Parish View Register
Kineagh (CoI)
Martha Treacey of Plunketstown Castledermot [Graney] (d. of William Treacy, Farmer) m. Richard William Gillespie of Bortle [Borkill] Kiltegan [Wicklow] (s. of John Gillespie, Farmer) June 1889 Parish Church Kinneagh. Witness: Martha Neale & John Eagar. Charles W. Granly, Rector. Church of Ireland Kinneagh Carlow [see Castledermot Kildare and Kiltegan Wicklow]
Martha Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Plunketstown Castledermot, (d. of William Treacy, farmer) married Richard William Gillespie, full [age], bachelor, famer, lives Bortle Kiltegan, (s. of John Gillespie, farmer) 13 June 1889 Kinneagh Church of Ireland Wit: Martha Neale & John Eager [Kinneagh Baltinglass PLU Carlow]
Leeson Treacy, full age, bachelor, famer, of Plunketstown [Graney Kildare] (s. of William Treacy, famer) married Martha Neale, full age, spinster, of Ballycook [Kineagh], (d. of Samuel Neal, farmer) Wit: Richard Treacy & Anne Neale 14th November 1900 Church of Ireland Kinneagh Carlow [see Castledermot Kildare]
Leeson? Treacy, Farmer of
Plunketstown (s. of William Treacy,
Farmer) m. Martha Neale of Ballycook (d. of Samuel Neale, Farmer) 14th
Nov 1900 Parish Church Kinneagh. Witness: Richard
Treacy & Annie Neale. by Charles W. Granly
Leighlinbridge (& Bilbio,
Cloydagh) (& Wells) (CoI)
Church of Ireland records for the Carlow area
See William Treacy (-1794) of Bellmount, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny
Tracy & Anne Tracy
William Tracy b. 20 June 1799 Old Leighlin
Parish View Register
Treacy & Anne Treacy
James Treacy b. 10 June 1801 Parish of Wells
Parish View Register
Tracy & Anne Tracy
Maria Tracy b. 13 March 1804 of Wells, Old
Leighlin Parish View Register
Anne Tracy b. 22 December 1805 of Wells, Old Leighlin Parish View Register
Grace Treacy (d. of Robert Treacy) m. James Campbell (s. of Andrew Campbell) 18 Feb 1847 Carlow
Grace Treacy, full age, spinster, lives Belmont, (d. of Robert Treacy, farmer)
married James Campbell, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Bilboa, (s. of Andrew
Campbell, farmer) 18 February 1847 Bilboa Church of Ireland Wit: Richd
Treacy & Thomas Cartor [Bilboa Carlow PLU]
Treacy (d. of Robert Treacy, farmer) a minor of
Belmount [Bellmount Castlecomer Kilkenny] m. Thomas Condell (s. of William
Condell, farmer) farmer, widower of Augharue on 3 October 1850 Wit: Henry
Watchhon & Margaret Copley. Bilboa Parish [Craanlusky Tullowcreen Carlow] View Register
Martha Treacy, a minor, spinster, lives Belmount, (d. of Robert Treacy, farmer) married Thomas Condell, full [age], widower, farmer, lives Augharne, (s. of William Condell, farmer) 3 October 1850 Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: Henry Watchord? & Margaret Copley [Bilboa Carlow PLU] signed her mark
Martha Tracey/Tracy & Thomas Condell
Mary Jane Condell b. 4 Apr 1864
Leighlinbridge OR Augherue Carlow (LDS)
Grace Condell b. 1 Jan 1866
Leighlinbridge OR Aughorue Caslow (LDS)
Martha Condell b. 1 Apr 1868
Leighlinbridge OR Augheun Carlow (LDS)
Thomas Condell b. 2 Jun 1870
Leighlinbridge OR Augherine Carlow (LDS)
MALE Condell b. 2 Dec 1871
Augherne Carlow (LDS)
Henry Condell b. 28 Jan 1873 (LDS)
Treacy (s. of Robert Treacy, farmer) famer of
Balteagh m. Anne Maria Wilson (18 years, d. of Michael Wilson, farmer) of
Augharue on 23 May 1854 Wit: James Campbell & William Clements. Bilboa
Parish View Register
Joseph Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Balteagh, (s. of Robt Treacy, farmer) Anna Maria Wilson, eighteen, spinster, lives Augharne, (d. of Michl Wilson, farmer) 22 May 1854 Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: James Campbell & William Clements [Carlow PLU] signed his mark
Marriage of Thomas Stone of Skehanan and Anna
Maria Daly of Augherue on 12 July 1866 Wit: John Treacy & Deborah Agar Bilboa Parish View Register
Marriage of John Purser of Bilbo and Anne Booth
[d. of Henry Booth] of Bilbo on 22 December 1866 Wit: William Treacy? & Emma Agar. Bilboa Parish View Register
Anne Treacy
& Henry Booth 1839 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Marriage of Robert Condell of Aughroo Cloydah Union
and Deborah Smyth of Seskinrea on 18 September 1877 Wit: Elizabeth Smyth & John Treacy Old Leighlin Parish View Register
Francis Treacy (s. of Peter Treacy,
famer) sub Constable RIC of Nurney? Barrack [Nurney?] m. Amelia Connor (d. of
James Connor) of Clogrenane Lock [Clogrenan Cloydagh Carlow OR Laois] on 8
January 1875 Wit: Thos Dewart & Samuel Bolton. Cloydagh Parish View Register
Treacy, full [age], bachelor,
Sub-constable R.I. Constabulary, lives Nurney Barrack, (s. of Peter Treacy, farmer) married Amelia
Connor, minor, spinster, BLANK, lives Clogrenan lock (d. of James Connor, lock keeper)
8 June 1875 Cloydah Church of Ireland Wit: Thos? Dewart & Samuel Bolton
[Cloydagh Carlow PLU]
Treacy & Amelia Connor
William James Treacy b. 20 Sep 1876 Ireland (father b. Ballon)
(LDS) [State Reg: Treacy,
William James, Carlow, 1876 13 431 ]
William James Treacy, 19368, Gr,
58 Company Royal G Artillery, enlisted 25 March? 1897, desertion 1st March 1905
at Eiquimalt BC, after re-enlisting two years earlier
28 years b. 1869, single,
electrician?, 5'8", 140 Lbs, chest 36", brown hair, blue eyes, Church
of England, top of third finger of left hand lost, Father Francis Tracey
Clogwillem [Clogrenan] Queens?, Mother Amelia Tracey, Sister Anney [Amelia?]
Tracey next of kin,
Born Clognah [Cloghna], Co. Carlow
Tracey & Amelia Tracey
Amelia Jane Tracey b. 30 June 1878 bapt. 18
August 1878 of Tullow. Cloydagh Parish View Register Sub constable RIC
Treacy and Amelia Treacy
Mary Elizabeth Treacy b. 16 May 1883 bapt. 8
July 1883 of Bergnastorn at Cloydagh & Billio Parish View Register Constable RIC
George Francis Gabriel Treacy b. 13 September
1889 bapt. 13 December 1889 of Clogrenan at Cloydagh & Billio Parish View Register ex Constable RIC
Francis Treacy,
Ballon [Ballon], sub constable R. I constabulary, & Amelia Connor
William James Treacy b. 7 Sep 1876
Clogrennan [Clogrenan Cloydagh]. Amelia Connor, her mark, occupier, Clogrenane
[Carlow Carlow PLU]
Amelia Jane Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clogrannon? Trek? [Clogrenan Cloydagh] Carlow, (d. of Francis Tracey, retired R.I.C.) married Harman Fitzmaurice, full [age], bachelor, gentleman, lives Springhill House Carlow [in Killeshin Laois], (s. of Harman Fitzmaurice, gentleman) 31 August 1898 Cloydah Church of Ireland Wit: John P. Shanhall? & Francis Tracey [Carlow PLU] [Herman in online index]
Francis Treacey, head constable in Clogrenan, Carlow in the mid 1800s. He had a daughter, Amelia Jane, who married Harman FitzMaurice on 31st August, 1898 in Leighlin Parish, Carlow. We have details of the family of Amelia Jane and Harman to the present day. They emigrated to Chemung County, NY. [see Ellis Island 1912]
State birth record: Tracey, Amelia Jane, Carlow, 3rd Quarter 1878 3
Contact: Catherine FitzMaurice, Kilbrogan House, Bandon, Co Cork.
Amelia Jane Tracy is the daughter of Francis
She married Harman FitzMaurice, son of Major
Harman FitzMaurice and Frances
on 31 August 1898 at Leighlin,
County Carlow, Ireland. From 31 August 1898, her married name became
Children of Amelia Jane Tracy and Harman FitzMaurice
George FitzMaurice d. 1918
Harman FitzMaurice+ b. 13 Jul 1899, d. 25 Feb 1966
Amy FitzMaurice b. 1903, d. 2001
Citations: Letter from Jim Fitzmaurice (22 Bell Road, Lower Hutt, New Zealand) to Darryl Lundy, 18 August 2005; unknown repository (unknown repository address). A genealogical
survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe
1860 RIC Service
Treacey, 25158, b. 1838 Kildare [son of Peter Tracy Ballynafagh CoI Kildare?]
Francis Treacey, 21 years, 5'7.75", b. Kildare, Protestant, married 8/6/75
wife born Queens, recommended by Sir G.G. Aylmer JP, lab allocated 14 Oct 59,
served Carlow 17 Apl 60, 1SC 1 Apl 60 B.5., Rewards & Punishments,
Pensioned 1.12.89 25158D/38093, served 30 years 1 month, pension Ł62/-/-
Francis Treacey, Const, pensioned Carlow, age 51 years, Ł62 pension, started 1 Dec 1889, paid Carlow, died 16 June 1909, pension paid to Amelia Treacy widow p/4983
Treacey, constable in
Clogrenan, Carlow in the mid 1870s-1880s.
September 1874 (N) Among the list of Honours bestowed by the Royal Humane
Society for acts of bravery...Francis Treacy, sub-constable Irish Constabulary,
for saving a woman and child at Milford Haven [Wales?].
Co. Carlow.
Treacey, Francis. Sub-Constable.
Saving the lives of two ladies
from drowning. Grant from the Reward Fund.
1901 Census
Treacy, 60, M, 4 Clogrenan, Rossmore, Queen's Co., R.I.C Pensioner, Irish
Church, Head of Family, Married, Kildare
Amelia Treacy, 45, F, Clogrenan, Rossmore, Queen's Co., Irish Church, Wife, Married, Carlow
Mary E Treacy, 17, F, Clogrenan, Rossmore, Queen's Co., Irish Church, Daughter, Not Married, Carlow
George F Treacy, 11, M, Clogrenan, Rossmore, Queen's Co., Scholar, Irish Church, Son, Not Married, Carlow
1911 Census
Treacy, 54, F, 21.2 Brown Street, Carlow Urban, Carlow (widow, CoI)
Francis Treacy, 22, M, Brown Street, Carlow Urban, Carlow (son, CoI,
single, Fitter gas works)
Ellis Island
George F. Treacy, Carlow Ireland,
1912, 22 years, gas fitter, H’keeper, cousin Albert Connors, Killedmond Boris
Co. Kilkenny [Carlow]. sister paid passage, sister Mrs Amelia Shoemaker, RGD3
Vanettian New York, 5’11”, dark complexion, dark hair, grey eyes, b. Carlow
Ireland. [George F. Treacy 22, Amelia Treacy 55]
Amelia Treacy, Carlow Ireland, 1912,
55 years, H’keeper, cousin [nephew] Albert Connors, Killedmond Boris Co.
Kilkenny [Carlow]. daughter paid passage, daughter Mrs Amelia Shoemaker, RGD3
Vanettian New York, 5’5”, dark complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes, b.
Carlow Ireland. [George F. Treacy 22, Amelia Treacy 55]
Mary Treacy, Carlow Ireland, 1909,
26 [36?] years, single, Mother Amelia Treacy, Clongummon, Carlow. to Aunt Mrs
Maigant Sutton, 715 South Division St Elmnia NY. 5’5”, fair complexion, brown
hair, hazel eyes. Light scar on right hand. b. Carlow Ireland. [1901 Census
Clogrenan, Killeshin, Laois. 1911 Census Carlow]
Treacy (s. of John Treacy, farmer) famer of Bilbo m.
Anne Condell (d. of Thomas Condell, farmer) of Augrue on 1 February 1883. Wit:
Thos Willoughby & Alicia Condel. Bilboa Parish View Register
Tracey (labourer) & Anne
Martha Tracey b. 25 November 1883 bapt. 13
January 1884 of Greenhill, Killeshin Parish View Register
John Tracey b. 2 November 1884 bapt. 4 January
1885 of Greenhill Cottage, Killeshin Parish View Register
Treacy & Anne Treacy
Mary Jane Treacy b. 31 May 1886 bapt. 22 August
1886 of Carlow Parish View Register
Marriage of John Williams of Castlecomer and Sarah
Purser of Bilbo on 1 September 1883 Wit: Alicia Rowe & Thos [John?] Treacy Bilboa Parish View Register
John Treacy of
Donaguile Castlecomer m. Alicia Rowe (d. of George Rowe, farmer) of Ardough on
18 March 1885 Wit: John Copley & Rebecca Rowe. Bilboa Parish (CoI) Carlow View Register [1901 & 1911 Census Mothell]
John Treacy, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Donaguile parish of Castlecomer [Kilkenny], (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Alicia Rowe, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ardough parish of Bilbo [Killabban Laois] (d. of George Rowe, farmer) 18 March 1885 parish church of Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: John Copley & Rebecca Rowe [Carlow PLU]
Tracy (farmer) & Alicia
George Thomas Tracy b. 25 may 1886 bapt. 30 May
1886 of Balty. Cloydagh and Bilbo Parish View Register [twins?]
John Robert Tracy b. 25 May 1886 bapt. 30 May
1886 of Balty Cloydagh and Bilbo Parish View Register
John Treacy of Coon, farmer & Alicia Rowe
John Robert Treacy b. 4 May 1886 of Coon. Margaret Treacy, present at birth, Donagile
George Thomas Treacy b. 4 May 1886 of Coon. Margaret Treacy, present at birth, Donagile
Jane Treacy (d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer) of Balteigh
Bilbo m. Joseph English (s. of Joseph English, farmer) of Castle Bilby,
Goresbridge, Grangesilvia on 17 July 1890 Wit: John Coburn & A M Treacy. Bilboa Parish
Jane Treacy, full [age],
spinster, BLANK profession, lives Balteigh Bilbo, (d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer) married Joseph English, full [age],
bachelor, farmer, lives Castle Kelly [Castlekelly Kilmacahill] Goresbridge
Grange Silone [Grangesilvia], (s. of Joseph English, farmer) 17 July 1890 Bilbo
Church of Ireland Wit: John Coburn & F.
M. Treacy [Carlow PLU]
Treacy (d. of John Treacy, farmer) of Balteigh Bilbo m. William Myers (land steward)
widower of Coon Coolcullen, Parish of Mothel on 1 November 1890 Wit: Abraham Treacy [brother?], John Henry
Stone & Sarah Willoughby. Bilboa Parish
Catherine Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Balteegh Bilbo, (d. of John Treacy, farmer) married William Myers, full [age], widower, land steward, lives Coon Coolcullen parish of Mothel [Kilkenny] 1 November 1890 Bilbo Church of Ireland Wit: Wit: Abrahem Treacy, John Henry Stone & Sarah Willoughby [Carlow PLU]
Amelia Jane Tracey, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clogrannon? Trek? [Clogrenan Cloydagh] Carlow, (d. of Francis Tracey, retired R.I.C.) married Harman Fitzmaurice, full [age], bachelor, gentleman, lives Springhill House Carlow [in Killeshin Laois], (s. of Harman Fitzmaurice, gentleman) 31 August 1898 Cloydah Church of Ireland Wit: John P. Shanhall? & Francis Tracey [Carlow PLU] [Herman in online index] see above
...Present church built in 1807 and changed from 'Wells' to Ballyknockan by Act of Council...
1802 March 3. Maria, dau. of William and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge.
1805 Decr 22nd Anne, dau. of William and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge.
1808, August 18. Catherine, dau, of Wm. and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge, merchant.
1810 Oct. 27. John, son of William and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge, merchant.
1813, Sep. 5. Margaret, dau. of Wm. and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge.
1817 April. 13. Jane, dau. of William and Ann Treacy, of Leigblin Bridge.
1821 April 16. Eliza, dau. of Will* and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge.
1824 Nov 14. Harriet, dau. of William and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge.
1828 Oct. 19. William Bernard, son of James and Emma Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge, merchant.
Association for the Preservation of Memorials of the Dead in Ireland Volume IV 1898-1900
Treacys of Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow
Deed of Conveyance 13/5/1826 describes one of the creditors of Edward Groome deceased as “William Treacy of Leighlin Bridge in the County of Carlow merchant”.
Indented Deed of Assignment 1/10/1833 made between Anne Treacy of Leighlin Bridge, administratrix of the late William Treacy, witnessed by William Treacy gentleman. With the consent of Francis Dillon sold to George Minchin a messuage house, tenement, orchard and other houses of Backside Malthouse Bard stable, also other lands of Old Leighlin and Leighlin Bridge. (Registry of Deeds).
1. William Treacy (malster and merchant) married Anne Bradley (1782-1853) (15 October 1797 Wm Treacy of Leighlin Bridge in the co. of Carlow, coal merchant, and Ann Bradley of Coolbawn in the parish of Comer, spinster [Coolbaun Castlecomer Kilkenny]) (William Treacy, 1832, Prerogative Court will, Exec: Anne Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow. IAR/1832/F/61.)
1.1 William Tracy baptised 20 or 30/6/1799 (Parish of Old Leighlin volume II, p.428), died 1837? (see will 1837 Public Records Office) (William Treacy, Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow, 1837, Prerogative Court will. Exec: J Treacy, Bagnalstown, Co. Carlow. IWR/1837/F/722.)
1.2 James Treacy (merchant Leighlin Bridge) baptised 10/6/1801 ((Parish of Old Leighlin volume II, p.429) Parish of Wells, married Emma (Magee 1827 Marriage Licence Bond???)
1.2.1 William Bernard Treacy baptised 19/10/1828
Tracey of Leaghlin Bridge m.
Emma Magee of Carlow Parish on 5 September [1827] ??? (Date unclear) by
licence. Carlow Parish View Register
Treasey & Emma
William Bernard Treacy b. 19 Oct 1828 son of James and Emma Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge, merchant.
Amilia Treasey b. 1 July 1830 bapt. 19 July 1830 Dunleckney View
Deborah Jane, dau. of James &
Emma Treacy, merchant bapt Septr. 28 1834
[see 1870 US Census below for a fuller list of the family]
1.3 Marie baptised 1802 (presumed died as infant)
Maria, Dau. of William And Anne Treacy, Of Leighlin Bridge Bapt. March 3 1802
1.4 Maria Tracy baptised 13/3/1804 ((Parish of Old Leighlin volume III, p. 25) Parish of Wells
1.5 Anne Tracy baptised 22/12/1805 ((Parish of Old Leighlin volume III, p.27) Parish of Wells. Sailed to Australia from Cork on the William Metcalfe with her mother and Eliza. Arrived in Port Philip on the 28/8/1841. She married William Hovendon merchant of Belfast, Victoria (Port Fairy) in Melbourne in 1843 (Reg No. 863)
1.6 Catherine baptised 1808 (presumed died as infant)
Catherine, Dau. of Wm. And Anne Treacy, Of Leighlin Bridge, Merchant. Bapt August 18 1808
1.7 Isabella baptised 1809. Married Henry Eager of Dublin, formerly of Blessington. Sailed to Melbourne on the Rienzi and arrived 24/1/1855. They had six children. All their descendants are shown in the family tree compiled by Doris Rowe, held by the Port Fairy Historical Society.
1.8 John baptised 1811. Arrived in Port Philip in 1841, perhaps on a different ship. On the 2/5/1843 married Catherine Budds, daughter of farmer, Thomas Budds of Queens county (Laois), Ireland. They had six children. [see also Laois]
John, Son of William And Anne Treacy, Of Leighlin Bridge, Merchant Bapt 'Oct. 27 1811.
1.9 Margaret baptised 1813
Margaret, Dau. Of Wm. and Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge bapt Sept. 5. 1813
1.10 Andrew baptised 1815
Andrew, son of William and Anne Treacy, of Ln. Bridge. Bapt. July 26 1815
1.11 Jane baptised 1817
Jane, Dau. of William and Ann Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge bapt April 13 1817
1.12 Catherine baptised 1819. May have married Hugh Mailey, shop keeper, of Port Fairy (see Doris Rowe family tree). He is named on mother Anne’s death certificate.
Catherine, Dau. Of William And Anne Treacy, of Leighlin Bridge, merchant. April 7. 1819
Nenagh Guardian
Miss Catherine Treacy of Carlow, daughter of William, married Mr Hugh Malley of Carlow on 29 Dec 1838
1.13 Eliza Helena was baptised 1821. Went to Australia with her mother and married Thomas Hamilton Traill Osborne in 18/12/1850 at Port Fairy. He was a newspaper owner and a member of the first Legislative Council of Victoria.
16 October 1850 The Argus (Melbourne)
MARRIED, By special license, at
Belfast [Melbourne], on the 9th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Brain, Mr. T. H. Osborne,
Proprietor and Editor Belfast Gazette, to Eliza Helena, seventh daughter of the
late William Treacy, Esq. Merchant, Leighlin Bridge, County Carlow,
1.14 Harriet baptised 1824. Married Edwin Lane in Port Fairy (see Doris Rowe family tree).
Joan Malcolm (19??) The Treacys: An anglo-Irish Family
in Australia. [pdf]
I'm descended from
Richard Treacy from Belmont, Kilkenny, who according to the diary of my
Great grandfather x3, was one of 5 children.
The diary then notes
1st brother, Andrew, who lived with Richard at Belmont and died unmarried,
buried in the family burial place in Castlecomer.
2nd brother, William,
residing in Leighlin Bridge.
3rd brother, John, of
Brigadie House, County Antrim.
His only sister is
noted as Charlotte, who married Thomas Budds of Timogue, Queen's County.
The diary also says
that they are lineal descendants of James Treacy of Dublin, Earl of Rathecool.
I haven't been able to verify this at all.
I would love to share
information with you, and compare notes. My Great x3 Grandmother, Sarah Henry
(nee Treacy), died enroute to Australia in 1851, along with her youngest baby
Andrew. (The diary describes their journey) Her sisters Harriet, Lucy and Emma
also died in Victoria, Australia. Their only brother, William, remained in
Kerrie 18th February
The 1870 Chicago White
Stockings: Ned Cuthbert, Fred Treacey, Charlie Hodes, Levi Meyerle, Ed
Pinkham, Jimmy Wood, Michael McAtee, Bill Craver, Marshall King, William
Flynn. |
Fred Treacey (1847-1891) Like many of the Eckfords, Fred Treacy began his career with the junior Marion Club of Williamsburg, but his path was not predictable after that and he became one of the most notorious “revolvers” of the era. After stints with the Franklins, Excelsiors, and Mohawks of Brooklyn, he left for Chicago in the middle of the 1868 season to play for that city’s Excelsiors. He spent the entire 1869 campaign with the Eckfords, then started the 1870 season with the Atlantics, only to return to Chicago in the middle of season to play for Jimmy Wood’s $18,000 nine. He remained in Chicago in 1871 and tied for the National association lead with four home runs. His wandering ways continued over the next five seasons as he roamed the outfields of a variety of major-league teams, finishing up with the Mutuals in 1876. He kept a low profile after leaving baseball but several newspaper articles had him back in Brooklyn. Based on that, there’s only one viable candidate: a name named Frederick B. Treacy who was born in County Carlow, Ireland, around 1848, grew up in Brooklyn and died there on January 26 1891. This man had several different occupations in the Brooklyn city directories and was listed in the 1880 census as a ship’s carpenter, another intriguing link to the Eckfords. Peter Morris believes
that the Frederick B. Treacy who appears as a clerk in the Brooklyn
city directory
between 1879 and 1891 may be the player. Morris believes the player died in
1891. Morris further calls into question the assertion that the Pete Treacey
who played alongside Fred on the 1876 Mutuals is Fred's brother. October 08, 1910 The
Washington herald (Washington, D.C.) Who's Who in Baseball
- Fred Treacy - Inflelder Chicago 1870-71; Philadelphia, Athletics 1872;
Philadelphia 1873, Chicago 1874; New York Mutuals 1876; Alaska 1877; Jersey
City 1878-79. Ref: Peter Morris,
William J. Ryczek, Jan Finkel, Leonard Levin, Richard Malatzky, editors (2013) Base
Ball Founders: The Clubs, Players and Cities of the Northeast That
established the game. McFarland, North Carolina. Paul Batesel
(2012) Players and Teams of the
National Association, 1871-1875 |
1879 Sheet Music August 26, 1905 New-York tribune |
B. Treacy (1840-1914) R. B. Treacy Pianos and Music No. 64 Court Street. One of the best known of the houses engaged
in the piano and music business in Brooklyn is that of Mr. Richard B. Treacy.
This business was founded in 1880 by Mr. Treacy, who has been engaged in this
line of trade since his boyhood. Born in Ireland in 1840, he came to the
United States at the age of ten years, and in 1854 he entered the employ of
Mr. C. Holder, a piano manufacturer, in New York, afterward being connected
with other similar houses, and eventually being for four years a partner of
the firm of MeGee & Treacy. His present premises are located in a fine
four-story building, and consist of a store 25x80 feet in dimensions and a
basement of the same proportions. Here Mr. Treacy has displayed a fine
assortment of pianos, organs, sheet music, comprising all the latest foreign
and domestic compositions, music books and music folios, piano covers and
stools, violin strings, bridges, etc., everything in the stock being of the
best. Mr. Treacy is agent for the famous Sohmer pianos, and for the James
& Holstson's pianos, which are noted for the purity of their tone and
general excellence. He is also prepared to furnish any other make of pianos
and organs at the lowest obtainable prices, and can give as favorable terms
as any dealer in the city. Mr. Treacy is a thoroughly trained piano
manufacturer, and therefore all goods from his establishment may be depended
upon as being first-class and in the most perfect condition. He is also in
charge of the one hundred and forty-two pianos that are in the public schools
of this city executing all the tuning and other repairs that the instruments
require. In 1886, he had
filled this position for the last twelve years and given continual
satisfaction. By his equitable and fair modes of conducting business Mr.
Treacy has acquired a patronage and permanent customers from throughout the
city and Long Island. In
1889, he was choosen as a most eniment grand commander of the Knights of St. John and Malta; Sir Richard
B. Treacy Grand Commander (MEGC). His connection with the knights began 12 May 1887 when he was one of
the incorporators of Palestine Commandery. At that time he had been a
resident of Brooklyn for fifty years, and has been in the music publishing
business here for twenty years. There was a collaspse of the Knights
of St. John and Malta in 1910. He died on the 22 April 1914 at
Montclair New Jersey but was stated in his probate as a resident of Kings Co
New York with no estate. His family lived at No.20 Cloverhill Place, Montclair,
New Jersey and he was survived by his wife Margaret E Treacy, daughter
Rebecca VN Treacy, son Pierre Rouget Treacy and living at No. 571 Warren Street, Brooklyn, New York
granddaughter Alice Treacy and grandson Robert Treacy, daughter-in-law Bertha
Treacy [widow?] Ref: 1886 Leading Manufacturers
and Merchants City of Brooklyn 1 October
1899 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle |
20 Feb 20 1909 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle |
1846-1851 New York
Mrs. Tracey, age 40, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Liverpool:
Kennebec 08/05/1851
Richd. Tracey, age 11, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Liverpool:
Kennebec 08/05/1851
Thos. Tracey, age 04, Child, Great Britain to USA, Liverpool: Kennebec
Ann Tracy, age 06, Child, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: Queen of the West
10/29/1851 [names come after Rachel (21)
Ellen (23) and Mary (18) Townsend]
Emily Tracy, age 07, Child, Ireland to USA, Liverpool: Queen of the West
1855 Census -
E.D. 2, Ward 2, Brooklyn City, Kings, New York, Other James Tracey M 48, Ireland printer, naturalized, 5 years
NY Wife Emma Tracey
F 43 Ireland, 5 years NY Child Emiley Tracey F 12
Ireland, 5 years NY Child Annie Tracey F 11
Ireland, 5 years NY Child Fredrick Tracey M 9
Ireland, 5 years NY 1860 Census -
2nd Division Of The 1st Ward Brooklyn Debaura Tracey,
24 years, b. Ireland 1865 Census -
No. 71 Ward 01, Brooklyn, Kings, New York William Tracy Father M 37
Ireland, printer Mary Tracy Wife F 33
NY William Tracy Son M 11
Kings Emma Tracy Daughter F 8
Kings George Tracy Son M 6
Kings Ellen M Tracy Daughter F 3
Kings 1865 Census -
No. 72 Ward 01, Brooklyn, Kings, New York James B Tracy Father M 58
Ireland, agent for printing Emma Tracy Wife F 50
Ireland Dappy Tracy Daughter F 27
Ireland Rich Tracy Son M 25
Ireland, Piano maker Emily Tracy Daughter F 23
Ireland Anna Tracy Daughter F 20
Ireland Fredk Tracy Son M 17
Ireland, boat builder 1870 Census -
10th Ward Brooklyn New York James B
Tracey M 68y Ireland Printer Emma
Tracey F 64y Ireland William
Tracey M 38y Ireland Printer Amelia
Tracey F 36y Ireland Delno [Debra]
Tracey F 30y Ireland Richard
Tracey M 26y Ireland Piano makr Emily
Tracey F 18y Ireland Anna
Tracey F 17y Ireland Frederick
Tracey M 16y Ireland Artist 1870 Census -
South Part Fifth ward Brooklyn NY William Tracy,
M, 42, Ireland, printer Mary A Tracy,
F, 38, New York William Tracy,
M , 14, New York Emma Tracy, F,
13, New York George Tracy,
M, 11, New York Ann A Tracy, F,
8, New York John Tracy, M,
1, New York 1880 Census -
Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States Household
Gender Age Birthplace Self Emily Tracy
F 33 Ireland Sister Anna Tracy
F 30 Ireland Brother Frederick Tracy M 27 Ireland, Ship Carpenter Other Horace N. Mcgee M 40 Ireland Emma Treacy
married William Burtis Mercoun before 1887. Nov 18, 1888
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York) Treacy - On
Thursday, November 15, 1888, William B. Treacy, aged 58 years. Relatives and
friends, also member of U. S. Grant Club and Court General George Washington
No. 7,644, Ancient Order of Foresters, of which he was a member, are
repectfully invited to attend the funeral on Sunday afternoon, November 18 at
10:45 from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William B. Mercoun, 134
Dutfield st. 1900 Census -
Ward 3, Richmond, New York Emily Tracy,
Boarder, F, 53, b. Apr 1847 Ireland, emigrated 1857 [with family of Wygant] William J. Tracey died 5 Aug 1904 47 Canton St. Brooklyn Kings New
York, Single, Clerk, b. 1856 New York City, (s. of William E. Tracy b.
Ireland & Mary A. Dilon b. New York City) buried 8 Aug 1904 Evergreens
Cemetery Margaret E. Tracy died 26
Feb 1917 236 Putman Ave Brooklyn Kings New York, 43 years, single, b. 1874
US. (d. of William Tracy, b. Ireland & Maria Dillan, b. US) buried 28 Feb
1917 Evergreen Feb 27, 1917 The Brooklyn
Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York) Treacy - On Monday,
February 26, 1917, at the residence of her sister Mrs. William B. Mercoun,
236 Putnam av, Margaret E. Treacy. Funeral services on Wednesday, February
28, at 2 p.m. Internment at Evergreens Cemetery |
Richard B.
Treacy, 30, b. 1840 Ireland (s. of James B. Treacy & Emma Mcgee) married Margaret
Elizabeth Rouget, 23, b. 1847 New Utrecht, L.I. (d. of Peter Rouget &
Rebecca Van Nuyse) 23 Jun 1870 Brooklyn, Kings, New York July 10, 1878
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York) Treacy -
Wednesday, July 10, of cholera infantium, Louis, youngest son of Richard B
and Margaret Treacy, aged 9 months and 27 days. Funeral from 122
Hoyt st. Friday at 10 a.m. 1880 Census -
Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States Self Richard B. Tracy M 40 Ireland, Piano & Music Dealer Wife Margarett E. Tracy F 33 New York, United States Son James A. Tracy M 9 New York, United States Daughter Rebecca Van N. Tracy F 5 New York, United States Richard B.
Treacy & Margaret Rouget Pierre Rouget
Treacy b. 29 Jun 1882 Brooklyn, Kings,
New York 1892 Census -
Brooklyn, Ward 06, E.D. 11 Richard B
Treacy M 51, b. Ireland, Mercht Margaret E
Treacy F 44 US Anna M Treacy F
44 Ireland J. Arthur
Treacy M 21 US Rebecca V N
Treacy F 17 US Perry R Treacy M 9 US Richd B Treacy,
Jr, M 2 US 1900 Census -
Brooklyn, Election District 7 New York City Ward 3, Kings, New York Head Richard B Treacy M 60, b. Sept 1840 Ireland, married 29
years, 7 child 4 alive, Emigrated 1860, Pianos, Wife Margaret E Treacy F 53 New York Servant June Johnson F 20 New York Son Arthur Treacy M 29 New York, plumer Daughter Rebecca V N Treacy F 25 New York, school teacher, Son Pierre R Treacy M 18 New York, clerk piano Co Son Richard B Treacy, Jr, M 10 New York 1905 Census -
Brooklyn, Kings, New York Head Johanna Rouget F 76y United States Daughter Susan V N Rouget F 60y United States Son Pascal Rouget M 48y United States Daughter Adele Tucker F 54y United States Son-In-Law Richard D Treacy M 65y Ireland, 25 years US, Piano
business Daughter Margaret Treacy F 57y United States Granddaughter Rebecca V N Treacy F 23y United States Grandson Pierre R Treacy M 23y United States Grandson Richard D Treacy M 14y United States Servant Jane Johnson F 26y United States 1910 census -
Brooklyn Ward 20, Kings, New York Head Richard B Treacy M 71 Ireland, Immigration 1848 Wife Margaret E Treacy F 63 New York Daughter Rebecca V H Treacy F 34 New York Son Pierre Rouyer Treacy M 27 New York Son Richard B Treacy M 19 New York |
1905 Census -
Brooklyn, Kings, New York Head Jas A Tracy
M 34y United States, plummer Wife Bertha Tracy F 33y United States Daughter Alice Tracy
F 7y United States Son Robt Tracy
M 4y United States 1910 Census -
Brooklyn Ward 10, Kings, New York Head Alexander Kellett M 65 Ireland Wife Catharine W D Kellett F 61 New York Son Alexander E Kellett M 32 New York Son-in-law James A Treacy M 39 New York Daughter Esther Treacy F 38 New York Daughter Amy E Donnell F 30 New York Grandson Robert A Donnell M 5 New York James A Treacy
died 17 Jun 1911 571 Warren St Brooklyn, Kings, New York, age 38, Married,
plumber b. 1873 U.S. (s. of Richard B. Treacy b. Scotland & Margaret
Rouget b. U.S) 1920 Census -
Brooklyn Assembly District 8, Kings, New York Head Catherine Kellett F 70 New York Son Alexander Kellett M 43 New York Daughter Berthan Treacy F 48 New York Son Robert Treacy M 19 New York |
January 27, 1875 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Treacy - In
this city, Wednesday morning, January 27, Emma, wife of Jas. B. Treacy, in
the 69th year of her age. The relatives and friends are invited to attend the
funeral from her late residence 122 Hoyt st, on Sunday afternoon, at two
o'clock, January 31. December 09, 1886 The Brooklyn Daily
Eagle ...guardianship
of William H. Kiernan the 7 year old son of William H. Kiernan...Miss Emma M.
Treacy...Mr Kiernan was engaged to be married to Miss Treacy at the time of
his death... Tuesday, April 01, 1902 Brooklyn Eagle Death of
Horace n. McGee Horace
N. McGee who had been a piano dealer in Brooklyn since 1877 at 77 Court
street, when he form a partnership with his cousin Richard B. Treacy which
continued for several years died at his home 582 Washington avenue to-day of
pneumonia after two months illness. Mr. McGee was born in the parish of Wells,
County Carlow Ireland, sixty-three years ago. He came to Brooklyn in 1850. He
was one of the founders of the old amateur Opera Association of which Henry
E. Hutchinson was director and Mr. McGee was pianist. He continued in
business at 77 Court street until his death. Mr. McGee was a bachelor and
lived with a maiden sister. 3 February 1914 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Amelia
Murphy, died September 19, 1913, by will of November 16, 1908 disposes of a
$5000 estate. She gives $300 for the care her burial plot in Calvavry
Cemetery, $1000 to her brother Richard B. Treacy, $100 to her nephew John S
Treacy, $500? to Margaret Flanagan, $100 to her niece Margaret Treacy and
divides the rest among her sisters Anna M. Treacy and Emily S treacy. |
10, 1878 Brooklyn Eagle Treacy - Wednesday July 10 of cholera
infantum Louis, youngest son of Richard B. and Margaret Treacy, aged 9 months
and 27 days. Funeral from 122 Hoyt st. Friday at 10 A.M. 1879
Brooklyn City Directory Treacy Richard B. pianos & music, 77
Court, h 122 Hoyt McGee & Treacy (Horace N. McGee &
Richard B. Treacy) pianos, 77 Court, h 122 Hoyt |
collection of letterhead stationery from Brooklyn businesses and
institutions. Brooklyn Public Library McGee & Treacy, 77 Court Street cor
Livingston, 11/16/1880, Musical instrument dealer James A. Treacy, 56 Court Street,
11/1/1899, Plumbing |
Burial of William Treacy, Son
of William & Maria Browne, Esqr. Excise Office, late of Carlow Parish.
1832 Decr. 30. Wells Parish.
Burial of Deborah
Treacy of Leighlin Bridge district on 28 August 1852. Dunleckney Parish View Register
Burial of Joseph
Tracy of Bally, aged 80 years, on 11 April 1899 Clody and Bilbo Parish,
union of Cloydah View Register
Watchorn family - Carlow, Carlow, Ceatharlach
I am researching this family and have evidence of ownership of High Park,
Bilboa, Carlow a farm belonging to Richard Watchorn around 1833 but cannot find
birth, marriage or death certs. Can anyone help with any Watchorn family in
this area. I can share my extensive research with you on the Watchorn, Treacy families of this area. They were
Church of Ireland, protestants, Thanks Shaena
Leighlinbridge RC
Researchers: Treacy's of New York and
Leighlin Bridge, Ireland; Barbara Elise Stocker, September 6, 2000
Andrew Tracy & Elizabeth Keegan [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
Martin Tracy b. 25th January 1784 of Garryduff [Kilmacahill Kilkenny] Sp. Thos Nowlan & Mary Brenan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Patrick b. 18th April 1786 Garryduff (Mother surname illegible)
Andrew Tracy & Elisabeth Eveagan
Patt Tracy b. 15? Apr 1819 of
Garryduff [Kilmacahill Kilkenny] Sp. Edmond Healy & Margaret Quinlin.
Leighlinbridge Parish
John Tracy
(certified) m. Bridget Kelly 18th June 1786 Wit: Thos Tracy, Stephen Kelly & Mary
Nowlan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Edmund Tracy m. Anne Garrett [Tracy
crossed out] 25th July 1786 Wit: Patt Dargin & Mary Tracy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Winaford Tracy & Michl Foley
Laster Foley b. 11 Apr 1817 of
Tenescourt [Fenniscourt Wells] Sp. Mary Foley. Leighlinbridge Parish
Thomas Tracy [Thracy] & Anastise Foley
Patt Tracy b. 14 Feb 1818 of
Clogrenan [Cloydagh] Sp. Thomas Mahon & Bridget Curran. Leighlinbridge
Tracy & Elllis Kane [see
Paulstown Kilkenny]
Tracy b. 7th November 1818 of Knockaheen [Knockadereen referenced as being in Shankill
Kilkenny] Sp. Jas Kealy & Elisabeth Brenan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Thomas Tracy & Elizabeth Brophy [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
Bridget b. 1st February 1819 of
Knockaheen [Knockadereen referenced as being in Shankill
Kilkenny/Paulstown RC] Sp. Patt
Farrelle & Catherine Healy. Leighlinbridge Parish
John Treacy & Mary Shea
Laurence b. 21st February 1821
Bridget Treacy & John Brannan
Matthew Brannan b. 22 Apr 1821 of
Ballynoally [Ballynaboley Killinane] Sp. James Brysgit & Honer Moran.
Leighlinbridge Parish
Pierce Treacy & Mary Dunphy [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
John Treacy b. 29th June 1821
Balivalden [Ballyvalden Shankill Kilkenny] Sp. Richard Purcel & Mary
Brophy. Leighlinbridge Parish*
Tom Treacy & Mary Bryan [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
Catherine Treacy b. 29th June 1821
of Garryduff [Kilmacahill Kilkenny] Sp. Wm Wheatly? & Nancy Murphy.
Leighlinbridge Parish*
Patt/Patrick Tracy & Mary Murphy
Michael b. 30th December
1821 Sp. John Davis & Margaret Shaw. Leighlinbridge Parish
Ellen bapd. 30th December 1821
of Royal Oak [Killinane] Sp. Michl Cummins & Emily
Davis. Leighlinbridge Parish
Edmund b. 2nd May 1824 of Royal Oak Sp. Mathew Brennan & Mary Murphy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mary Tracy & Patt Sinnet
Catharine Sinnet b. 26 Sep 1822 of
Rauawn Sp. Mick McDonnell & Mary Meighan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Tracy married Mary Murphy of Knockadereen
[referenced as being in Shankill Kilkenny] 10th February 1823 Wit: Philip
Brennan & Hanna Murphy. Leighlinbridge Parish [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
Tracy & Mary Murphy
Thomas Tracy
b. 26th October 1823 of Ballyvaldon? [Ballyvalden Shankill Kilkenny]
Sp. Mathew Brennan & Mary Murphy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Edmund Tracy b. 2 May 1824 of
Royal Oak [Killinane] Sp. David OPowlan? Mary Lawler. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mary Tracy & James Campfield [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
Martin Campfield b. ? Nov 1823 of
Ballinvally? [Ballinvally Kilmacahill Kilkenny] Sp. Thomas Campfield &
Bridget Farrell. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mary Tracy & Thomas Redmond [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
Elenore Redmond b. 4 Apr 1823 of
Shankill [Kilkenny] Sp. John Butler & Bridget Walsh. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mary Tracey & Patt Malone
Teressa Malone b. 6 Sep 1823 of
Royal Oak [Royal Oak town Killinane] Sp. James Tracy & Anne Tracy.
Leighlinbridge Parish
Joseph Malone b. 27 Aug 1827
Clogrennan [Clogrenan Cloydagh] Sp. Patt Nowlan & Anne Maher.
Leighlinbridge Parish
Catharine Tracy & Patt Wheatly [see Paulstown Kilkenny]
James Wheatly b. 12 Jul 1823 of
Qarryduff [Garryduff Kilmacahill Kilenny] Sp. John Wheatly & Betty Scully.
Leighlinbridge Parish
Anne Tracy & John Hogan
Bridget Hogan b. 3 Apr 1826 of
Madlin Sp. John Brennan & Margaret Tracy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Anne Hogan b. 10 Jun 1832 of
Leighlin [Leighlinbridge Agha OR Wells] Sp. Michl M'Cabe & Mary Murphy.
Leighlinbridge Parish
John Tracy married Eliza Neil 24 Oct 1828 of L. Bridge? [Leighlinbridge Agha OR
Wells] Wit: Patt Nowlan & Julia Howal. Leighlinbridge Parish [see Griffiths Valuation]
John Tracey & Bessy/Biddy/Betty/Elizabeth Neil/Neill
Timothy b. 8th October 1823 Leighlinbridge
Mary b. 5th September 1830 of Leighlin Sp. William Keogh & Cath Neil. Leighlinbridge Parish
John Tracey b. 22 June 1834 of Lei??? Sp. Denis Moore & Mary Byrne. Leighlinbridge Parish (LDS)
Catherine Tracey b. 6th December 1835 of Leighlin Sp. Michl Byrn & Corah Neil. Leighlinbridge Parish
James? Tracy b. ? June 1839 of Ballykn? Sp. Tim? Lawler? & Mary Murphy?. Leighlinbridge Parish [very faint]
Patrick Tracy b. 19th December 1841 Ballynock [Ballyknockan Wells] Sp. William Esmond? & Annie Neill. Leighlinbridge Parish
Anne Tracy b. 6th August 1843 of Church Street Sp. Nick Kavanagh & Mary Kavanagh. Leighlinbridge Parish
Margaret Tracy b. 1st July 1849 of ??? Barthm Borris? & Mary Dargan. Leighlinbridge Parish
? Tracy & ? Neil
? Tracy b. ? April 1845 of Ballinockan [Ballyknockan Wells] Sp. Thomas Neill & Mary Dunphy?. Leighlinbridge Parish
John Tracy m. Catherine Mooney of Old Leighlin [Oldleighlin Oldleighlin] 2nd February 1826 Wit: Wit: John Murphy & Mary McDonnell. Leighlinbridge Parish
Thomas Tracy & Mary Kealy
Patrick Tracy b. 4th March 1827 of Milford Sp. James Maher & Bulger. Leighlinbridge Parish
Tracey & Patt Malone
Joseph b.
1827 Clogrennan
Edward Threasy b.1828 Royal Oak [Royal Oak town Killinane], Carlow, Ireland (LDS)
Patt Tracy & Betty/Elisa Connors
John Tracy b. 6 July 1830 of Rathaena? [Rathornan Tullowcreen] Sp. John Nowlan & Mary Dunphy. Leighlinbridge Parish
John b. 1st
March 1830 Ratharnan
John b. 6th
July 1830 Ratharnan
John b. 9th
August 1830 Ratharnan
Tracy b. 15th August 1832 of Ratharnan Sp. John Bennett? & Madge
Bennett. Leighlinbridge Parish
Tracy b. 9th November 1834 of Ratharnan Sp. John Dowling &
Bridget Ryan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Treacy b. 8th January 1837 of Ratharna Sp. Patric? Byrne & Mary?
Pender? Leighlinbridge Parish
Treacy b. 5th May 1839 of Ratharn? Sp. John Kinsela & Mary
Kinsela. Leighlinbridge Parish
Anne Tracy
b. 6th March 1842 Leighlin Sp. James Pender & Ann Pender.
Leighlinbridge Parish
Tracy b. 10th March 1844 Ratharnan Sp. & Mary? Bennett .
Leighlinbridge Parish [very faint]
Mary b. 23rd
May 1846 Ratharnan
Pat Tracy & ???
John Tracy b. 12? Aug 1830 Sp. ???. Leighlinbridge Parish
Sally Tracy married John Byrne of Leighlin 22 May 1832 Wit: John Carr & Brid Scandlon. Leighlinbridge Parish
Sally/Sarah Tracy & John Byrne
Cath Byrne b. 24 Nov 1834 of Leighlin Sp. Thos Meaham? & Cath Conolly. Leighlinbridge Parish
Anna Byrne b. 21 Feb 1836 of Leighlin Sp. John Crolly & Ellin Bourke. Leighlinbridge Parish
Michael Tracy m. Margt Maher of Leighlin 4th June 1834 Wit: Martin Maher & Mary Neil. Leighlinbridge Parish
Michael/Michl Treacy/Tracy & Margaret/Betty/Bessy/Margret Maher/Mara
Treacy b. 17th August 1834 of Leighlinbridge Sp. Marten Maher & Ellen
Lalor. Leighlinbridge Parish
Michael b.
5th March 1837 Leighlinbridge
Mary b. 15th
February 1840 Leighlinbridge
Tracy b. 31st July 1842 of Ballenockin [Ballyknockan Wells] Sp. John
Mahon & Betty Brien. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mary Treacy b. 22nd June 1845 Leighlinbridge Sp. Jas Neil & Ann Brosnan?. Leighlinbridge Parish
Patrick Tracy b. 19th November 1848 of Leighlin Br? Sp. Thos Neill & Mary Meebroney. Leighlinbridge Parish
Michl Tracey & Margt? Malin?
Mary? Tracey b. 22? Jun 1845 of Leighlin [Leighlinbridge Agha OR Wells] Sp. Charles? Brenan & Mary? Malmenry? Leighlinbridge Parish [faint copy]
Margaret Tracy, died 1872 Leighlin Bridge Carlow PLU, aged 63 years, b. 1809, married, labourer, died 12 Dec 1872 Leighlin Bridge [Agha OR Wells – Leighlinbridge RC], The mark Mary Tracy present at death Leighlin Bridge
Margt Tracy married Adam Loagan? 7 Jan 1837 of Ln Bridge Wit: John Byrin & Ellen Banks?. Leighlinbridge Parish
Margaret Treacy & Adam McGee
Joseph McGee b. 25 May? 1840 Sp. Thos Brennan & Ellen McDon?. Leighlinbridge Parish
Jane McGee b. 6 Aug 1848 of R? Sp. Martin Woods & Bessy McDonald. Leighlinbridge Parish
John Treasy & Eliza? Byrne?
John? Treasy b. ? June 1839 Sp. John Byrne & Margaret?. Leighlinbridge Parish
Margaret Treacy & Phil Cashen
??? Cashen b. ? Mar 1840 of Leighlin Sp. Thos Moloney & Eliza Murphy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Jonna Treacy (b. about 1819) Leighlinbridge m. James Nail about 1840. Leighlinbridge (LDS)
Jonna Treacy & Joanis Nail
Thos Neil b. ? December 1841 of Leigh? Sp. James Darcy & Elizabet Nail. Leighlinbridge Parish
James Tracy m. Johanna Nolan? of Ratheen? [Raheen/Raheenwood Oldleighlin or
Raheendoran Cloydagh] 27th February 1843 Wit: James Tracy & Maria
Kehoe?. Leighlinbridge Parish
William Trasey & Cath Purcel
William Trasey b. ? May 1846 of B. Tec? Sp. John Bergin & Margt Purcel. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mary Treacy married John Doyle 15? Feb? 1847 of Ballnaholy? [Ballynaboley Killinane] Wit: Thomas Treacy & Jane Murphy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Alice Tracy & Thomas Doyle
Michael Doyle b. 19 Dec 1847 of Leighlin Br Sp. Peter Holloway & Judith Doyle. Leighlinbridge Parish
Jno Tracy married Anne Culleton of Kocabranna [Knocknabranagh Oldleighlin] 17th January 1848 Wit: Pat Tracy & Margt Power. Leighlinbridge Parish
[listed as - Anne Culleton to J crossed out then Anne
Cullelon to Jno Thacy]
Thomas Tracy (b. about 1823 Leighlinbridge) m. Mary McDonald about 1848 Leighlinbridge (LDS)
Thos Tracy & Mary McDonald
Patt b. 15 November 1849 of Lacken [Lackan Oldleighlin] Sp. Mary Conolly & Ellin Doyle. Leighlinbridge Parish (LDS)
Thos Tracy & Judy Doyle
Alicia Tracy b. ? Nov 1849 of Tullow Street Sp. Ellen Doyle & Dan Walsh. Leighlinbridge Parish
[confusing entries in register]
John Tracy? m. Elizabeth Hydon 15th June 1849 of Ratheen Wit: Charles Tracy?
& Bridgit Foley. Leighlinbridge Parish [very faint]
Maurice Treacy & Betty Dempsey
Maurice Treacy b. 23 Sep 1849 of Old Leigh [Oldleighlin Oldleighlin Carlow] Sp. Thomas Doonagan & Catherine Grimes. Arles Parish Laois
Michael Treacy b. 27 Jul 1851 of Old Leighalin Sp. Edmund Donnelly & Cath Bambrick. Arles Parish [Twins]
James Treacy b. 27 Jul 1851 of Old Leighalin Sp. James Bambrick & Mary Hanley. Arles Parish [Twins]
Michl Treacy b. 19 Jun 1853 of Old Leigh Sp. Wm Graham & Margt Drennan. Arles Parish
Margt Tracy married John Scott 2
Oct 1849 Wit: Patt Scot & Maria
Tracy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mich Tracy & Mary Darmody/Dermod/Gormely/Donnedy
Patrick Tracy b. 14 November 1852 Sp. Sp. James Sculrassy? & Mary Henessy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Edmund Tracy b. 30 Mar 1856 of Royaloak Sp. Thos Walsh & Anne Nolan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Margaret Tracey b. 31 Oct 1858 of Royaloak? Sp. Pat Donahoe & Julia Brennan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Edward Treacy b. 11 Feb 1862 of Royal Oak Sp. James Wilkenson & Margret Maher. Leighlinbridge Parish
Edward Tracy? b. 26th April 1863 Royal Oak Sp. Michl? Brennan & Jane Brennan. Leighlinbridge Parish [very faint]
Tracy b. 14th May 1865 Royal Oak Sp. William Nolan?. Leighlinbridge
Tracy b. 27th June 1867 Royal Oak Sp. ??? Meaney & Margaret Foley?. Leighlinbridge Parish
[bad copy]
Thomas Tracey b. 31 March/3 April 1870 of Royal Oak Sp. Thomas Murphy & Margaret Fitzpatrick [note: topay?]. Leighlinbridge Parish (LDS)
Tracy b. 15/17 Mar 1871 of Royal oak Sp. Christopher Moore & Essey? Nolan.
Leighlinbridge Parish
Tracy & Mary Tracy
Mary Tracy b. 9th April 1854 of Royal Oak [Royal Oak town Killinane] Sp. James Mulrony? & Joannis Murphy. Leighlinbridge Parish
Michael Tracy/Tracey, labourer, & Edith/Mary Darmody/Dermody
Anne Tracy
b. 22 Jun 1865 of Royal Oak [Killinane] The mark of Patrick Tracy, present at birth, Royal Oak [Leighlinbridge Carlow
PLU] [Edith]
Tracy b. 23 Jun 1867 of Royaloak The mark of Mich Tracy, father, Royaloak
[Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]
Thomas Tracy b. 31 Mar 1870
Royaloak. The mark, Mich Tracy, father, Royaloak [Leighlin Bridge Carlow PLU]
Ellen Tracey b. 9 Mar 1871 Royaloak.
the mark, Michael Tracey, father, Royaloak [Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]
Tracey died 1865, Carlow PLU, Aged 2, b. 1863, died 12 OR 20 Oct 1865 Royaloak
[Royal Oak town Killinane - Leighlinbridge RC], Carlow, relative Patrick Tracy
Anne Tracey
died 1866, Carlow PLU, aged 1, b. 1865, died 2 Aug 1866 Royaloak [Royal Oak
town Killinane - Leighlinbridge RC] [OR Annie]
Thomas Tracy died 1870, Carlow PLU,
Aged 0, b. 1870, died 8 Apr 1870, Royaloak [Royal Oak town Killinane]
Michael Tr(e)ac(e)y & Mary/Edith Darmody
Patrick b. 14 November 1852 Royal Oak - Darmody
Edmund b. 30th March 1853 Royal Oak - Darmody
Margaret b. 31 October 1858 Royal Oak - Dermody
Edward b. 16th February 1862 Royal Oak - Dermod
Edward b. 26th April 1863 Royal Oak - Dannody
Anne b. 22 June 1865 Leighlinbridge (LDS) Edith Darmody
Michael b.
27th June 1867 Royal Oak - Dermoty
Thomas b.
3rd April 1870 Royal Oak - Donnady
Ellen b.
17th March 1871 Royal Oak - Dermody
Michael Tracy & Mary Dermody
Michael b. 23 June 1867 (LDS)
Tracy & Mary Gormaely
Anne b. 18th
June 1865 Royal Oak
John? Tracy married Mary Murphy of Tomard? [Tullowcreen] 5th February 1853 Wit: Js
Mills? & Mary Phelan. Leighlinbridge Parish [very faint]
Jno Tracy & Mary Murphy
Wm Tracy b. 13 Nov 1853 of Tomard Sp. Thos Barrett & Mary Nolan. Leighlinbridge Parish
Mary Tracy, full [age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Leighlinbridge [Agha OR Wells], (d. of Owen? Murphy, labourer) married Michael King, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Tomard [Tullowcreen], (s. of Thomas King, living, labourer) 24 Jan [February in index] 1884 RC Chapel Leighlinbridge Wit: Michael Connally & Bridget Connally [Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU] signed her mark
Catherine Tracy & James Cavanagh
Gerald Cavanagh b. 3 Sep 1854 of Fouthile [Fonthill Cloydagh] Sp. Wm Kinsela & Margt Capel. Leighlinbridge Parish
John Tracy married Catherine Lynch of Powerstown? 2 June 1858 Wit: James Devaine? & Eliza Lynch. Leighlinbridge Parish [see Tinryland]
James Tracy m. Mary Fleming of U Tomard [Upper Tomard Tullowcreen] 10th May 1876 Wit: John Dowling & Ellen Kealy. Leighlinbridge Parish (see Carlow Town for further details)
Tracy, full age, bachelor,
servant, lives Lennen Lodge [perhaps Lenham Lodge in Ballinbranagh Cloydagh],
(s. of Patrick Tracy, servant)
married Mary Flemming, full age, spinster, servant, lives Tomaid, (d. of Thomas
Flemming, labourer) 10 May 1876 RC Chapel Leighlinbridge Wit: John Dowling
& Ellen Kealy [Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]
James Tracy& Mary Fleming
Margaret Tracey b. 21/24 Dec
1876 of Up Tomard Sp. John Flemming? & Ellen Kealy. Leighlinbridge
Parish (23 December 1876 Tomard LDS)
Rosanna Tracey b. 29 October
1878 of L Bridge? Sp. John Doolin & Magt Flemming. Leighlinbridge Parish
John Tracy &
Margaret Lacy
John b. 29th
December 1881 Bilbo
* entries follow each other
Tracy, died 1874 Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU, aged 75 years, b. 1799, widower,
labourer, died 8 Apr 1874 Leighlinbridge [Agha OR Wells] [Leighlinbridge? RC?],
the mark of Anne Kavanagh, present at death, Leighlinbridge
dispatch., September 7, 1892 |
dispatch., November 25, 1892 |
dispatch., December 17, 1892 |
Tony Tracey Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow Tony
has been involved in the music scene since the age of seventeen. Predominantly
a bass player, he started off playing in local rock bands on the 'pub'
circuit. After a couple of enjoyable years he then stepped up to the national
level, touring Ireland, with a number of recognised bands and also involved
in some high profile gigs - most noticably, the wedding reception of Ozzy
Osbourne's son Louis, and Louise Lennon, and also as a member of the main
band for the huge Telethon production at the Olympia Theatre. Now, with
experience from playing live and session work with various artistes, Tony has
decided to pen his own album. |
Griffiths Valuation for Carlow County c1851/52
Parish of Fennagh, Townland of Templeowen (Ord. S. 8)
Map# |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
3 |
Mary Tracey |
Charles H. Doyne |
Land |
3a |
Richard Smith |
Mary Tracey |
House, yard & small garden |
3b |
Walter Nolan |
Mary Tracey |
House, yard & small garden |
3c |
Edward Suffron |
Mary Tracey |
House & yard |
3d |
Patrick Byren |
Mary Tracey |
House & yard |
Mary Tracy & Law Byrne
Jno Byrne b. ? Apr? 1827 of
Ballinree? [Sliguff] Sp. Thos Doran & Johana Byran? Myshall Parish
Mary Tracy & ? Hinch
Margret Hinch b. 10 Dec 1828 of Ballinree
[Sliguff] Sp. Jas & Judy Tobin. Myshall Parish
Betty Treacy & John Lawler
Patt Lawler b. 26 Apr 1830 of
Kilmaglish Sp. John Cantwell & Sally Hickey. Myshall Parish
Mary/Cathe/Cat Treacy & Thos Curran/Curen
Mary Curran b. 15 Nov 1830 of
Seskin [Seskinnamadra? Sliguff] Sp. Michl Byran? & Cath Ganel?. Myshall
Parish [Mary]
Margt Carran b. 26 Nov 1832 of
Seskin Sp. Charles & Cathn Doran. Myshall Parish
John Curran b. 20 ? 1834 of Seskin
Sp. Thos Doyle & Mary Skelton. Myshall Parish
Andy Curen b. 7 ? 1840 of Seskin
Sp. Patt Doyle & Mary Keating. Myshall Parish
Mary Tracy & Oliver Eustace/Eustice
Edwd Eustace b. 8 Jan 1832 of
Myshall [Myshall] Sp. Jas Nolan & Jane Brophy. Myshall Parish
May Eustice b. 30 May 1839 of
Myshall [Myshall] Sp. John Tracy & Bid Noleen. Myshall Parish
Ellen Eustace b. ? Mar 1845 of
Mysha? Sp. Pat Tracy & Anne Kirwan. Myshall Parish
Pat Eustace b. 4 Feb 1848 of
Myshall Sp. Thomas Kennedy & Bridget Cloursy? Myshall Parish
Michl Treacy & Mary Lawler
Eliza Treacy b. 17 November 1832 Raheenwood [Myshall] Sp Oliver Eustace &
Mary Cummins. Myshall Parish
John Tracey b. 26 Oct 1838 of
Faheyusa? Sp. Denis Tracey & Haret Nolan? Myshall Parish
Michl Tracy & Mary Tracy
Patt Tracy b. 15 July? 1840 of
Taheage? Sp. Mattan Tracy & Anty Butler. Myshall Parish
Tracey of Fennagh [Fennagh]
married Thomas Finlan 4 Oct 1849 Wit: Thomas Murphy & Honora Rigney?
Dunleckney Parish
Treacy & Thos/Thomas
Anne Finlon b. 20 Jul 1851 of Milltown
[Fennagh] Sp. Andrew Hickey & Anne Jones. Myshall Parish
John Fenlon b. 30 Aug 1856 of Miltown Sp.
Charles & Maria Nowlan. Myshall Parish
Michl Fenlon b. 15 Apr 1860 of Miltown Sp. Jas Treacy & Ellen Murray. Myshall
Mary Fenlon b. 10 Nov 1861 of Miltown Sp. Edwd?
Fitzgerald & Anty Troy. Myshall Parish
Thomas Fenlon b. 14 May 1865 of Miltown Sp. Edward Treacy & Eliza Nolan.
Myshall Parish
Sarah Fenelon b. 29 Nov 1869 of Milltown Sp.
Richard Fitzgerald & Bridget Troy. Myshall Parish
Sarah Tracy &
Thomas Fenlon, farmer
Elizabeth Fenlon b. 4 Dec 1867 of
Miltown. Thos Fenlon, father, Miltown [1867 18 435 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow
Sara Treacy b. 1827 in Borris married in 1853 to Thomas Fenlon b 1825. They
lived at Miltown near Bagenalstown.
Patrick Fenlon b. 1860 married Dora Flemming.
Bridget Fenlon (b. 05 Mar 1864 Carlow d. 06 Mar
1929 Chicago, Cook, Illinois) m. Matthew Fitzgerald (LDS)
Michael Tr(e)acy b.1794 married Mary Lawlor b. 1799
Edward b. 1823
Thomas b. 1825 married Ann
Sheridan. They lived at Carrignafecca (Carrignafecka). [See Myshall]
Sara b. 1827 married in 1853 to
Thomas Fenlon b 1825. They lived at Miltown near Bagenalstown. Their son
Patrick b. 1860 married Dora Flemming.
Bridget M. Fitzgerald (b. 05 Mar 1864 Carlow,
Ireland d. 06 Mar 1929 Chicago, Cook, Illinois) (d. of Sarah Tracey b. Carlow, Ireland & Thomas Fenlon b. Carlow,
Occupation: Housewife
Spouse: Matthew Fitzgerald
Burial Date: 09 Mar 1929 Mt. Olivet
James b. 1829
Maria b. 1832
Eliza b. 1836
John b. 1837
Patrick b. 1838
Bridge b. 1830
Ann, b. 1840 married Michael Moore
in 1862, lived at Kilcarrig.
& cyndie
culligan & frances
Mary L. Price 12th July
I have info. on Traceys of Mt. Pleasant,
Fenagh; Carrignafecca; Rathnageera & Knockendrane, most buried at Drumphae.
I am a direct descendant of Edward Tracey of Mt. Pleasant (b. ca. 1765) &
his son Michael Tracey of Rathnageera and Carrignafecca (b. 1794).
"Mary L. Price" < > 4 Jul 2004
Mat/Mattew Tracy/Treacy & Sally Murphy
Eliza Tracy b. 20 Jul 1838 of
Rathnagerah [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Sp. John Murphy & Cathe Reddy. Myshall
Edmond Treacy b. 14 Feb 1836 of
Rahengarth? Sp. BLANK Treacy & Cathe Lynch. Myshall Parish
John Tracy [Troy] & Hetty Mayil
Thos Tracy b. 30? Dec 1838 of
Tohercrena? Sp. William Wall & Mary Murphy. Myshall Parish
Eliza Tracy married Ed Kehoe of W? 27 Apr 1839 Wit: John Tool & Mary Brophy.
Myshall Parish
Mary Tracy [Troy] & Michl Loghlen
Patt Loghlen b. 5 Aug 1839 of
Raheengerra [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Sp. Jas & Elen Troy. Myshall Parish
Cat Tracy & Thos Curen
Andy Curen b. ? July 1840 of
Lerhice? Sp. Patt Doyle & Mary Keting. Myshall Parish
Tracy married Bridget Reddy of
Ullard [Myshall] 15 Oct 1846 Wit: Terence & Lucy Reddy. Myshall Parish
Tracey married Bridget Fenlon
of Holane? 15 Feb 1848 Wit: Michl Fenlon & Mary Fenlon. Myshall Parish
Patrick Tracy/Treacy & Bridget Fenelon/Fenlon/Fenlin
Edwd Tracy b. 24 Dec 1848 of Knockbrack [Knockbrack Myshall] Sp. William Fenlon & Catherine Eustace. Myshall Parish
Matthew Treacy b. 24 May 1850 of Knockrack Sp. Joannes? Fenlon & Bridget Glinch. Myshall Parish - Tracey/Tracy b. 23 May 1850 Myshall d. 31 October 1922 (LDS)
Michael Treacy b. 14 May 1852 of Knocbrack Sp. John Finlon & Margt Eustice. Myshall Parish
03 December 1856 Wexford Independent
Enniscorthy Union...inquiry place on
the minutes of the 9th November as to the proper chargability of Bridget Tracy,
and her three inmates of the workhouse.
….Various similar references…
27 June 1863 Enniscorthy News
...then produced a list of inmates
willing to emigrate [to Canada], from which the following were selected—...Bridget
Treacy and her children, Edward, aged 15 [b. 1848], Mathew, 13 [b. 1850], and
Michael, 11 [b. 1852]...
Michael Tancy [Michael
Birth Date: 12 May 1854
Birth Place: Hoch, Brach [Knockbrack Myshall] Carlow Co, Ireland
Emigrated on the Cultivator, I think, July 1863
Residence: Riform? Wis? Faribault? Neinn Webster, S Dakota, South Dakota
Neutralised July 11 1894
Friend of nine years: Fred R Simmons, Simmons Hotel, Madison Wisconsin.
Passport Issue Date: 27 May 1911
TRACY BROTHERS.—Among the largest and most prosperous mercantile houses of Webster, Day county, is the hardware and agricultural implement firm of Tracy Brothers. This concern is one of the pioneer establishments of the county, and was the second hardware house to begin business in the city of Webster. Since that time it has been uniformly successful and has enjoyed an ever-increasing trade year after year, until today it would be no exaggeration to say that the firm of Tracy Brothers is among the foremost commercial enterprises in the northwestern part of the state. Messrs. Matthew and Michael Tracy constitute the firm. A short sketch of these gentlemen will be found belui.w, and the publishers take pleasure in presenting portraits of them elsewhere in this volume. Matthew Tracy was born in Ireland on the 22nd of May, 1852, and is a son of Patrick and Bridget (Fenelon) Tracy, both natives of Ireland also. Patrick Tracy was a farmer by occupation and died in his native country in August 1854. Mrs. Tracy, with her three sons, Matthew, Michael and Edward, came to this country in 1863, settling in Ripon, Wisconsin. They resided there until 1872, when they went to Faribault, Minnesota, purchasing a farm near that placc. The sons cultivated this farm until 1882, and in that year Matthew went west with his brother, Michael, finally settling in Day county, South Dakota, where both filed upon claims in Rusk township, which they still own. The following spring they established the present hardware and machinery business at Webster, which theyhave since conducted with so much success. Mr. Tracy's mother and his brother, Edward removed to Day county from Mirnesota 1886. Mrs. Tracys death occurred in the fall of 1887, in Webster, South Dakota. Our subject is still largely interested in farming and with his brother, Michael, now owns over two thousand acres of splendid land, nearly all of which is under cultivation. In 1884 Mr. Tracy married Miss Barbara Holoran, a native of Whitewater, Wisconsin, and a daughter of Patrick and Catherine (Lyden) Holoran. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy arc the parents of six children, one of whom, Catherine, is deceased. Those living are: Mary, Nellie, Genevieve, Josephine and James. Mr. Tracy and his family are members of the Catholic Church. Michael Tracy is also a native of Ireland and was born May 12, 1854. As related in the above sketch, he came to this country with his mother and settled inWisconsin and later in Minnesota and South Dakota, finally engaging in business with his brother at Webster. Mr. Tracy has been an indefatigable worker daring the last few years and the splendid business whith the firm of Tracy Brothers enjoys is due entirely to the remarkable energy and ability with which he and his brother, Matthew, have conducted its affairs and to their reputation for honesty and strict business integrity. Mr. Tracy has never married. He is a member of the Catholic church. Both of the Tracy brothers have been known for many years as among Day county's leading citizens and have during that time manifested great interest in local matters and projects designed to aid in the growth and devopment of the northeastern part of the state. They are men of wealth and position in the community and are quite as popular as they are well-to-do. They have been successful by virtue of their own industry, adaptability and cleverness, and are now enjoying the meed of their well-earned prosperity. "Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota..." Published by G. A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1898. |
Tracy/Treacy & James/Jas
Catharine Troy b. 29 Jan 1849 of Rathnegerra
[Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Sp. Thomas Troy & Anne Tracy. Myshall Parish
Laurence? Troy b. 4 Jun 1851 of Ranaginahy Sp. Thos Treacy & Bridget Treacy.
Myshall Parish
Mary Tray b. 8 Jul 1853 of Dramphea [Drumfea
Fennagh] Sp. James Neil & Elizabeth
Treacy. Myshall Parish
Elizabeth Troy b. 18 Oct 1857 of Rathnageera
Sp. Jas Treacy & Bridget Murphy.
Myshall Parish
Michl Troy b. 20 Oct 1859 of Rathnageera Sp. Jno Treacy & Eliza Treacy. Myshall
Margt Troy b. 13 Jul 1862 of Ranageira? Sp.
David Fenlon & Anne Treacy.
Myshall Parish
Silvester Troy b. 15 Aug 1864 of Rathnegera Sp.
Thomas Whelan & Rose Speehen. Myshall Parish
Margaret Tracey m. James Troy 1844 Rathnageera in
- Anastatia m. Frank O Hara 1867
- Bridget
- Catherine m. Peter Simonds Aus
- Laurence
- Mary
- Elizabeth
- Michael m. Ann Moore
- Margaret unmarried Sth Africa
- Sylvester unmarried Sh Africa
Michael Troy (s.
of Margt Tracey & James Troy of Co. Carlow) of 16 Marlboro St m. Anne
Moore on 5 October 1886. Pro-Cathedral Dublin
Tracey of Fennagh [Fennagh]
married Thomas Finlan 4 Oct 1849 Wit: Thomas Murphy & Honora Rigney?
Dunleckney Parish [see above]
Treacy & Thos/Thomas
Anne Finlon b. 20 Jul 1851 of Milltown
[Fennagh] Sp. Andrew Hickey & Anne Jones. Myshall Parish
John Fenlon b. 30 Aug 1856 of Miltown Sp.
Charles & Maria Nowlan. Myshall Parish
Michl Fenlon b. 15 Apr 1860 of Miltown Sp. Jas Treacy & Ellen Murray. Myshall
Mary Fenlon b. 10 Nov 1861 of Miltown Sp. Edwd?
Fitzgerald & Anty Troy. Myshall Parish
Thomas Fenlon b. 14 May 1865 of Miltown Sp. Edward Treacy & Eliza Nolan.
Myshall Parish
Sarah Fenelon b. 29 Nov 1869 of Milltown Sp.
Richard Fitzgerald & Bridget Troy. Myshall Parish
Sarah Tracy &
Thomas Fenlon, farmer
Elizabeth Fenlon b. 4 Dec 1867 of
Miltown. Thos Fenlon, father, Miltown [1867 18 435 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow
Sara Treacy b. 1827 in Borris married in 1853 to Thomas Fenlon b 1825. They
lived at Miltown near Bagenalstown.
Patrick Fenlon b. 1860 married Dora Flemming.
Bridget Fenlon (b. 05 Mar 1864 Carlow d. 06 Mar
1929 Chicago, Cook, Illinois) m. Matthew Fitzgerald (LDS)
Treacy & Darby/Devid
Catharine Halleran b. 9 Apr 1854 of Knoclonegad
[Knockclonagad Sliguff] Sp. Luke Holleran & Anne Treacy. Myshall Parish
Bridget Halleran b. 8 Feb 1857 of Knocklonegad
Sp. Patt Murphy & Mary Young. Myshall Parish
Elizabeth Halloran b. 16 Sep 1860 of
Knocklinegad Sp. David Fenlon & Margret Murphy. Myshall Parish
Anne Halloran b. 3 Aug 1862 of Knocklinged Sp. Denis? Treacy & Merie? Treacy.
Myshall Parish
Luke Halloran b. 23 Oct 1864 of Knocklonegad
Sp. Patt & Eliza Treacy. Myshall
Margaret Kelhoran? b. 1 Feb 1867 of Knockleyes?
Sp. Thomas Treacy & Catherine
Murphy. Myshall Parish
Tracey & Darby Haleran,
Margaret Haleran b. 1 Feb 1867 of Knocklanegace
[Knockclonagad Sliguff] Dabry Holren, father, Knockload [1867 3 480 Borris
Carlow PLU]
Treacy of Fenagh [Fennagh
Fennagh] married Denis? Hogan of Fenagh ? Jan 1858 Wit: Gulielmus? ??? &
Ann ??? Dunleckney Parish [Note: bad copy]
Tracey married Judith Murphy
19 Feb 1859 Knochsquire [Knocksquire or Knockscur Kiltennell] Wit: John Healy & Anne Anderson. Borris Parish
Edwd/Edward Treacy/Tracey & Judith/Judy/Judett/Johanna Murphy
Mary Treacy b. 27 May 1860 of
Rathngara [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Sp. Jas Treacy & Cathn Murphy.
Myshall Parish
Michael Treacy b. 7 Jul 1861 of
Ranegerra Sp. Thos Treacy & Anne Treacy. Myshall Parish
Elizabeth Treacy b. 15 Nov 1862 of
Rathngara Sp. John Murphy & Rose Speaham?. Myshall Parish
Patrick Treacy b. 21 Feb 1864 of
Rathneguse Sp. James Murphy & Mergret Treacy. Myshall Parish
John Treacy b. 24 Sep 1865 of
Rathnegeera Sp. Pat Treacy & Mary Ann Murphy. Myshall Parish
Thos Tracey b. 14 Jul 1867 of
Rathnagara Sp. John Tracey & Eliza Murphy. Myshall Parish
James Treacy b. 31 Jan 1869 of
Rathanagera Sp. Edward Treacy & Mary Anne Kavannagh. Myshall Parish
Johanna Tracey b. 25 Jul 1870 of
Rathnegerra Sp. Michael Troy & Mary Troy. Myshall Parish
Anne Treacy b. 6 Jan 1872 of
Rathnagera Sp. John Fenelon & Bridget Troy. Myshall Parish (Note: married
6th August 1908 in Drumphea [Drumfea Fennagh] Church)
Bridget? Treacy b. 30 Oct 1873 of
Rathngara Sp. Petter Doyle & Sarah Jordan. Myshall Parish
Mathew Tracy b. 17 March 1875 of
Rathangerra? Sp. Andrew? Troy & Margaret Troy. Myshall Parish
Edward Tracey/Treacy & Judith Murphy
Patrick b. 15 February 1864 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
John b. 23 September 1865 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
Thomas b. 12 July 1867 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
James b. 26 January 1869 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
Edward Treacy & Johanna Murphy
Johanna b. 28 August 1870 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
Anne b. 3 January 1872 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
Bridget b. 28 October 1873 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
Edward Tracey/Treacy, farmer, & Judith/Johanna Murphy
Patrick Tracey b. 15 Feb 1864 of
Rathnageera [Rathnageeragh Fennagh]. Edward Tracey, father, Rathnageera [Fenagh
& Myshall Carlow PLU]
John Treacy b. 23 Sep 1865 of
Rathnageeragh [Fennagh] Edward Treacy, father, Rathnageeragh [Fenagh and
Myshall Carlow PLU]
Thomas Treacy b. 12 Jul 1867 of
Rathnageerah. Edward Treacy, father, Rathnageerah [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow
Tracey b. 26 Jan 1869 Rathnageeral. Edward Tracey, father, Rathnageeral [Fenagh
and Myshall Carlow PLU]
Johanna Treacy b. 28 Aug 1870
Rathnageerah. Edward Treacy, father, Rathnageeragh [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow
Anne Treacy b. 3 Jan 1872
Rathnageerah. Edward Treacy, father, Rathnageerah [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow
Bridget Treacy b. 28 Oct 1873
Rathnageerah. Edward Treacy, father, Rathnageerah [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow
Treacy, full age, spinster,
BLANK profession, lives Rathnagerrah [Rathnageeragh Fennagh], (d. of Edward Treacy, farmrer) married Micheal
OHara, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumphea [Drumfea Fennagh], (s. of
Edward OHara, farmer) 28 February 1889 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: John Treacy & Eliza Treacy [Fenagh
& Myshall Carlow PLU]
Treacy, full [age], spinster,
BLANK profession, lives Rathnageesa Myshall [Rathnageeragh Fennagh], (d. of Edward Treacy, farmer) married Michael
Nolan, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Knockindrane Drumphea [Knockendrane
Drumfea Fennagh], (s. of Patrick Nolan, farmer) 21 February 1898 RC Chapel
Myshall Wit: John Kavanagh & Bridget Phelan [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]
Anne Treacy married Michael Moore of Carrakinfech [Carrignafecka Sliguff] 24 Oct
1862 Wit: Andrea Moore & Maria Treacy. Myshall Parish
Henry? Tracy married Anne Brien of Roslee [Rosslee Myshall] 12 Jan 1863 Wit: John
Brien & Kate Fenlon. Myshall Parish
Mary Tracey & Thomas Fenelon
Mary Clare Fenelon b. 1864
Miltown [Fennagh] Carlow m. John Kehoe 5 May 1889 in Chicago.
Jenny Smith < >
Margaret Tracy, full age, spinster, lives Rathnageesa [Rathnageeragh
Fennagh], (d. of Mathew Tracey,
farmer) married Michael Speehan, full age, single, farmer, lives Rathnageesa,
(s. of James Speehan, farmer) 22 February 1865 RC Chapel of Myshall Wit: Patt
Kelly & Anne Eustace, their marks [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU] signed
his mark
Maria Tracey married Patrick Brennan of Carricknefeck [Carrignafecka Sliguff] 28 Feb
1865 Wit: Michael Brennan & Anty Troy. Myshall Parish
Maria Treacy, full age spinster, lives Carricknafeck [Carrignafecka Sliguff], (d. of Michael
Treacy, farmer) married Patrick Brennan, full age, single, farmer, lives
Dernrae?, (s. of Thomas Brennan, farmer) 28 February 1865 RC Chapel Myshall
Wit: Michael Brennan & Anty Troy, their marks [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow
PLU] signed her mark
Maria Treacy (d. of Michael Treacy) m. Patrick Brennan (s. of Thomas Brennan) 28 Feb 1865 Fenagh & Myshall, Carlow, Ireland (LDS)
Maria Tracey & Patrick Brennan
Henry Brennan b. 23 Dec 1871 BORRIS, CAR, IRE
Patrick Treacy married Maria Byrne of Carricknafeck [Carrignafecka Sliguff] 20 June
1865 Wit: Thomas Brien & Anne Bryne. Myshall Parish
Patrick Treacy, full age, single, farmer, lives Carricknafeck (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married
Mary Byrne, 19 years, single, lives Knockendraine [Knockendrane Fennagh] (d. of
Michael Byrne, farmer) 20 June 1865 RC Chapel of Myshall Wit: Thomas Brien
& Anne Byrne, her mark [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]
Patrick Treacy, single, (s. of Michael Treacy) m. Mary
Neal[?], single, (d. of Michael Byrne[?]) 20 Jun 1865 Carlow, Carlow,
Ireland (LDS)
Patt/Patrick/Pat Treacy/Tracey/Tracy & Maria Byrne
Michael Treacy b. 15 Oct 1865 of
Knockendren [Knockendrane Fennagh] Sp. Thomas Byrne & Annastia Troy.
Myshall Parish
Edward Treacy b. 1 Dec 1867 of
Ballanree [Ballinree Sliguff] Sp. Michael McDonnell & Eliza Treacy. Myshall Parish (Note:
was married 24? October? 1911? to? Brfne? Cadborn? by Mon? Rourke)
Margaret Treacy b. 25 Apr 1869 of Knockindren
Sp. Thomas Treacy & Johanna Byrne. Myshall Parish
Anne Treacy b. 15 Jan 1871 of
Ballanree Sp. John Treacy & Sarrah Meany. Myshall Parish
Thos Tracey b. 10 Nov 1872 of
Ballanrea Sp. James Tracey & Margaret Tobin?. Myshall Parish
James Tracey b. 22 Nov 1874 of
Ballinrea Sp. James Byrne & Kate Halloran. Myshall Parish
John Treacy b. 26 Aug 1877 of
Ballinree Sp. Michael Byrne & Johanna Tobin. Myshall Parish
Patrick Tracy b. 28 Feb 1879 of
Ballinree? Sp. Edward Nolan & Johanna Nolan. Myshall Parish
Mathew Tracy b. 22 Aug 1880 of
Ballinree Sp. Laurence Troy & Honoria Doyle. Myshall Parish
Patrick Tr(e)acy m. Maria Byrne/Burn 20
June 1865 Myshall
Michael b. 22 October 1865 Fenagh And Myshall (LDS)
Edward b. 2 December 1867 (LDS)
(???State Reg: Tracy, Edward, Carlow, Carlow/Laois.
1867 18 435) (became a policeman in Dublin – see DMP?)
Margaret b. 16 June 1869 (LDS)
b. 10 May 1879 Ballinree [Sliguff ] (LDS)
b. 30 Sep 1880 Ballinree (LDS)
Patrick Tracy/Tracey, farmer, &
Maria Burn/Byrne
Michael Tracy b. 22 Oct 1865 of Knockendraine [Knockendrane Fennagh] Patt Tracy, father, Knockendraine [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]
Edward Tracy b. 2 Dec 1867 of Knockendraine. Patt Tracy, father, Knockendraine [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]
Tracy b. 16 Jun 1869 Ballinree [Sliguff] Patk Tracy, his mark, father, Ballinree [Borris
Carlow PLU]
Anne Tracey b. 14 Feb 1871
Ballinree. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father Ballinree [Borris Carlow PLU]
Thomas Tracey b. 10 Mar 1873
Ballinree. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Ballinree [Borris Carlow PLU]
James Tracey b. 12 Dec 1874
Ballinree. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Ballinree [Borris Carlow PLU]
John Tracey b. 30 Nov 1877
Ballinree. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Ballinree [Borris Carlow PLU]
1876 Landowners of County
Carlow (over 1 acre)
Mary Tracey, Ballinree,
Carlow. 103a/0r/23p. Ł67.10.0
Mary Tracey died 1876, Borris
Carlow PLU, aged 77 years, b. 1799, died 16 Feb 1876 Ballinree [Sliguff – Myshall? RC?], widow,
widow of a farmer, Patrick Tracey,
his mark, present at death, Ballinree
Jan 13, 1916 (IT) Marriage
Warren and Moore - January 9, 1916 at St. Stephens Church, North Bow, London, John Edward, eldest son of Mrs. Warren, Staford road, London, and elder brother of Dr. William Warren, H.A.M.A. Eastbourne and nephew of T. Bysen, Esq., General Post Office, London, to Kate, eldest daughter of the late Michael Moore, of Kilcarrig, Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow and grand-daughter of the late Madame Tracy, Ballinree, Borris, Co. Carlow and cousin of the Rev. Father Mat Tracy of Borris, Co. Carlow, Ireland.
1888 Return of judicial rents
Anne Tracey Ltd Admix of Michael Tracey of
Carrignafecka Carlow, landlord Captain P.C. Newton, 79a/1r/18p, poor valuation
Ł48/10/0, old rent Ł80/8/0, new rent Ł40/0/0
Patrick Tracey of Ballinree Carlow, landlord
Philip J. Newton, 102a/0r/7p, poor valuation Ł70/0/0, old rent Ł120/18/6, new
rent Ł60/0/0 (see 1909)
28 July 1888 (N) Rackrent
...Carlow...Patrick Tracey [rent] from Ł120/18/6 to Ł60...
September 01, 1888 The
Irish standard. (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Carlow…Patrick Treacy, of Ballinree, was recently evicted from his holding and deprived of the benefit which the Land Act decreed was his right. The recent sub commission in Carlow reduced his rent from Ł120 to Ł60, thus putting on record the fact that he had been plundered by gross rack-renting. But the landlord, Captain Newton, determined to prevent the tenant enjoying a fair rent, cruelly evicted him because he was unable to pay double the fair rent of his farm.
26 October 1888 New Zealand Tablet
Longford [Carlow] -
Patrick Treacy, of Ballinree, was recently evicted from his holding and
deprived of the benefit of the Land Act. The Land Commissioners had reduced Mr
Treacy's rent from Ł120 to Ł60, showing that he had been heartlessly plundered
by rack-renting. — But the land-thief, Captain Newton, determined to prevent
him from getting justice, and so evicted him because he couldn't pay double the
judicial rent.
List of Persons who have lodged application with the Estates Commission as
Evicted Tenants
4195. Patrick Tracy, Seskin, Killedmond, Carlow.
Ballinree, PC Newtown Estate. 100a/3r/0p, Ł120.18.6 rent. Present tenant - John
Griffin, yearly tenant. Circumstances of Applicant: Aged 55, six sons at home,
five in America.
1909 Re-instated Evicted Tenants
Patrick Tracey of Ballinru Carlow, Estate P.C.
Newton, 100a/3r/0p, value Ł70/0/0, rent Ł120/18/6, evicted 18 July 1888
1901 Census
Patrick Tracey, 50, M,
11 Seskinamadra, Rathanna, Carlow, Agricultural Labourer, Roman
Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Carlow
Maria Tracey, 50,
F, Seskinamadra, Rathanna, Carlow, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co
Patrick Tracey, 22, M, Seskinamadra, Rathanna,
Carlow, Agricultural Labourer, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Carlow
Matthew Tracey, 20,
M, Seskinamadra, Rathanna, Carlow, Agricultural Labourer, Roman
Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Carlow
Joseph Tracey, 14,
M, Seskinamadra, Rathanna, Carlow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not
Married, Co Carlow
Henry Tracey, 12,
M, Seskinamadra, Rathanna, Carlow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not
Married, Co Carlow
Euguene Tracey, 9,
M, Seskinamadra, Rathanna, Carlow, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not
Married, Co Carlow [joined RIC]
Patrick Treacy, 70, M, 3 Upton Ballyhubbock,
Fennagh, Carlow (farmer)
Mariah Treacy, 66, F, Upton Ballyhubbock,
Fennagh, Carlow (married 47 years, 13 chil)
James Treacy, 34, M, Upton Ballyhubbock, Fennagh,
Carlow (son, farmer)
Eugene Treacy, 17, M, Upton Ballyhubbock,
Fennagh, Carlow (son, farmer)
Michael Tracy (b. 1865) & Matthew
Tracy b. 1880)
Ellis Island
Mathew Tracy, Dublin Ireland,
1913, 31 years, single, Jakierer?, Last residence: Dublin. Father Patrick Tracy, Upton, Fanagh,
Bagnelstown, Co. Carlow. Brother Mr? Michael
Tracey 1440 Fairfield? Av Chicago Ill, 5’8”, dark complexion, brown hair,
blue eyes, b. Ballinree, Co Carlow, Ireland [1901 Census, Seskinnamadra Carlow.
1911 Census Arran Quay Dublin]
Edward Tracy (1867-)
Edward Tracy, DMP 9469, RC, born
1868, 28 years 6 months, 5’10.5”, farmer, Myshall, Co. Carlow, recommended by
P. Newton J.P., [long pay history], pension 8 April 1919, Ł83/4/0
Tracy, full [age], bachelor,
policeman, lives Store Street, (s. of Patrick
Tracy, farmer) married Mary Dunne, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession,
lives 14 Lr? King st?, (d. of James Dunne, shop keeper) 21 September 1898 RC
Chapel St Michan Wit: Edward Desereun? & Bridget Duunne [Dublin North PLU]
1901 Census
Edward Tracy, 33, M, 14.1 King Street North, Inns Quay, Dublin, Policeman, Roman Catholic, Son in Law, Married, Co Carlow
Mary Tracy, 23, F, King Street North, Inns Quay, Dublin, Policeman, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Married, Co Wicklow
James Dunne, 58, M, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Dairy Keeper, Married, Co Wicklow
Catherine Dunne, 46, F, Wife, Roman Catholic, Dairy Keeper, Married, Co Wicklow
1911 Census
Edward, Tracy, Courtney's Place, 43, M, Mountjoy Dublin (b. Carlow, DM policeman)
Mary, Tracy, Courtney's Place, 38, F, Mountjoy Dublin (b. Wicklow, married 14 years, 8 children 3 alive)
Morgan [Margaret] Josephine, Tracy, Courtney's Place, 7, F, Mountjoy Dublin
Anne, Tracy, Courtney's Place, 2, F, Mountjoy Dublin
Maria, Tracy, Courtney's Place, 0, F, Mountjoy Dublin
James Dunne, 70, visitor, b. Wicklow
Dec 19, 1905 (IT) DMP
Department Store Street...replaced by Constable Treacy, 155 C...
Nov 9, 1918 (IT) Police News
Metropolitan Police....His many friends in the C Division extend their sincere
sympathy to their comrade, Constable Edward Tracy, 155 C, who has lost by death
his youngest child, Maria Patricia, aged 7, who died on the 2nd inst. at her
residence, Courtney Place, Ballybough road. The funeral to Glasnevin on Tuesday
was private.
Apr 19, 1919 (IT) Police News
Edward Tracy, 155 C, also retired on pension, had a service of over 30 years. He
joined the force from Myshall, Co. Carlow, and returns to his native place to
take up a farm of land there.
28 July 1933 New Ross Standard [file]
Brothers at Law
The Tale of a wedding present Muinebeg District Court on
Friday, Eugene Treacy, ex-R.I.C., Fenagh sued his brother, Edward Treacy,
ex-D.M.P., Upton Fenagh for Ł14 5s, Ł5 for money lent and Ł9 15s 6d for wedding
dress, etc supplied to defendant's daughter when getting married...
...In the years 1924, he was living
at Upton, Fenagh. His father, who had a farm there, got into difficulties and
his brother (defendant) took in over in 1924... 1929 his daughter was getting
married to Wm Brown Coolynacopogue [Coolnacuppoge Sliguff]...
...He (complainant) got married
himself in 1932...
...The defendant, Edwd. Treacy,
stated he was also a police pensioner. Prior to 1924 he was living at Grange
near Tullow...
...You are a retired D.M.P.
sergeant? I am a pensioner. When my father was not able to hold the place I had
to give to a brother of mine, Henry Ł200; to Hugh Ł50 and a brother at home who
was delicate I had to keep him, and to Eugene Ł50 any time he demanded it...
...retire? in 1919. Where did you
live until 1924? I was five years in Tullow. I bought out a house and an acre
of land and came to live on it. My two daughters and wife were living with
John Tracey (b. 1877)
John Tracey, full
age, bachelor, labourer, lives Coolasnaghta [Fennagh], (s. of Patrick Tracey,
famer) married Margaret Brien, minor, spinster, BLANK profession, lives
Coolasnaghta, (d. of Patrick Brien, deceased, farmer) 13 Jane 1907 RC
Chapel of Myshall Wit: Patrick Kavanagh & Margaret Lawler [Myshall Carlow PLU]
John Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Brien)
Patrick Tracey b. 1
Jan 1911 of Seskin [Seskinnamadra Sliguff] John Tracey, Father Seskin [Borris
Carlow PLU]
1911 Census
John Treacy, 36, M,
10 Seskinimadara, Rathanna, Carlow (shepherd)
Margaet Treacy, 19,
F, Seskinimadara, Rathanna, Carlow (wife, married 3 years, 3 child 2 alive)
Michael Treacy, 2, M,
Seskinimadara, Rathanna, Carlow
Patrick Treacy, 0-3
months, M, Seskinimadara, Rathanna, Carlow
SS President Harding, Cobh Cork 16 Dec 1927 to New York 23 Dec 1927
Patrick Tracey, 16 years,
schoolboy, R&W, I.F.S. (Irish Free State), Irish, born Carlow Ireland, Visa
17427, issued Dublin 14 Nov 27, last residence Carlow Ireland, father Mr John
Tracey Seskinandra Borris Co Carlow, to New York NY, passage paid by uncle, $20
in hand, uncle Michael O'Brien 50? East 178th St New York, permenant residence,
intends becoming citizen, No criminal record etc, good health, 5'6", fair
complexion, black hair, blue eyes,
William Tracy (b. 1886 Carlow, Ireland d. 03 Oct 1925 Chicago, Cook, Illinois) (s. of Patrick Tracy b. Carlow, Ireland & Maria Burns b. Carlow, Irelnd)
Occupation: Watchmen
Spouse: Margaret Tracy
Burial Date: 06 Oct 1925 Mt. Carmel
Eugene Tracey (b. 1892)
67041 Eugene Tracey, dob 14 March 1892, 5'9
5/8", b. Carlow, Catholic, recommended by DI Winder, farmer, appointed 15
Jan 1913, served Clare 25th July 1913, Resigned 19.6.20 45375D, Family affairs,
Contd in Carlow & Dublin City
July 1913 IT RIC Having completed training...appointed
to fill vacancies...No.1 Company, Eugene Treacy, Clare...
28 July 1933 New Ross Standard [file]
Brothers at Law
The Tale of a wedding present Muinebeg District Court on
Friday, Eugene Treacy, ex-R.I.C., Fenagh sued his brother, Edward Treacy,
ex-D.M.P., Upton Fenagh for Ł14 5s, Ł5 for money lent and Ł9 15s 6d for wedding
dress, etc supplied to defendant's daughter when getting married...
...In the years 1924, he was living
at Upton, Fenagh. His father, who had a farm there, got into difficulties and
his brother (defendant) took in over in 1924... 1929 his daughter was getting
married to Wm Brown Coolynacopogue [Coolnacuppoge Sliguff]...
...He (complainant) got married
himself in 1932...
...The defendant, Edwd. Treacy,
stated he was also a police pensioner. Prior to 1924 he was living at Grange
near Tullow...
...You are a retired D.M.P.
sergeant? I am a pensioner. When my father was not able to hold the place I had
to give to a brother of mine, Henry Ł200; to Hugh Ł50 and a brother at home who
was delicate I had to keep him, and to Eugene Ł50 any time he demanded it...
...retire? in 1919. Where did you
live until 1924? I was five years in Tullow. I bought out a house and an acre
of land and came to live on it. My two daughters and wife were living with
Eugene Tracey married Matila Nolan [State Reg: Carlow Oct - Dec 1932 Vol 3 page 231]
Mary D Tracey, birth: January 1934/March 1934 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Margaret B Tracey, birth: January 1935/March 1935 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Patrick J Tracey, birth: January 1936/March 1936 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan,
Eugene Tracey, birth: July 1937/September 1937 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
James N Tracey, birth: January 1939/March 1939 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
John Tracey, birth: July 1942/September 1942 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
James Tracey, birth: April 1943/June 1943 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Anna M Tracey, birth: April 1945/June 1945 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Edward Tracey, birth: April 1948/June 1948 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Patrick J Tracey, birth: April 1950/June 1950 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Michael Tracey, birth: April 1953/June 1953 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Kathleen Tracey, birth: October 1954/December 1954 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
Thomas J Tracey, birth: January 1958/March 1958 Carlow, Ireland, mother: Nolan
4th December, 1941 Dáil Éireann Volume 85 Ceisteanna/Questions. Oral Answers.
Carlow Military Service Pension Claim.
Hughes asked the Minister
for Defence if he will say when Mr. Eugene Tracey, Fenagh, County
Carlow, who made application for a pension under the Military Service Pensions
Act may expect to hear of a decision in his case.
Aiken (for the Minister for Defence): In the case of the application made under the Military
Service Pensions Act, 1934, by Mr. Eugene Tracey, Fenagh, County Carlow, the
finding of the referee is that on the evidence before him Mr. Tracey is not a
person to whom the Act applies and he was informed accordingly. Mr. Tracey
lodged an appeal for revision of the finding but the referee has not yet
completed his investigations in the matter
Margt/Margaret Treacy/Tracey & Michael/Mick Spruhan/Spechan/Spreehan
Mary Spruhan b. 23 Aug 1866 of Rathenegera [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Sp. Margt Eustace & Thos Spruhan. Myshall Parish
Bridget Spechan b. 11 Apr 1869 of Rathnageera Sp. Patrick Kelly & Anne Treacy. Myshall Parish
Michael Spreehan b. 12 Dec 1875 of Rathnegeera Sp. Pat Spreehan & Anne Eustace. Myshall Parish
James? Traceyt? married Bridget Brien of Coolasnaughta [Coolasnaghta Fennagh] 13 February 1872 Wit: James McDonald & Mary Neill. Myshall Parish [very faint]*
James Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Killedmond [Kiltennell], (s. of Laurence Treacy, farmer [Killedmond crossed out]) married Bridget Brien, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Coolasnaughta [Coolasnaghta Fennagh], (d. of Frank Brien, farmer [Coolasnaghta crossed out]) 13 February 1872 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: James McDonald & Meary Neill, signed her mark [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU] signed her mark
Eliza Treacy married Thos Byrne of Knockandrain [Knockendrane Fennagh] 23 May 1872 Wit: Pat Doyle & Kate Tracy. Myshall Parish [very faint]*
Eliza Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Carrignafecca [Carrignafecka Sliguff], (d. of Michl Tracy, dead, farmer) married Thos Byrne, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Knockindrane (s. of Michael Byrne, alive, farmer) 23 May 1872 RC Chapel Drumphea [Drumfea Fennagh] Wit: Patrick Doyle & Kate Troy [Fennagh & Myshall Carlow PLU] signed his mark
Eliza Tracy & Thomas Byrne
Ellen Byrne b. 28 Feb 1875 of Knockindrane Sp. Patrick Byrne? & Bridget Tracy?. Myshall Parish
Thomas Treacy married Anne Sheridan of Carricknafeck [Carrignafecka Sliguff] 28 May 1873 Wit: Pat Byrne & Mary Morrisy. Myshall Parish [very faint]
Thomas Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Carricknafeck, (s. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Anne Sheridan, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Seskin [Oldleighlin OR St Mullin], (d. of Eugene Sheridan, farmer) 28 May 1873 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: John Byrne & May Mones? [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]
Thomas/Thos Tracy/Tracey & Anne Sheridan
Michael Tracy b. 9
Apr 1874 of Carrickicfec? [Carrignafecka Sliguff] Sp. John Tracy &
Eliza Byrne. Myshall Parish
Mary Tracey b. 18
Apr 1875 of Carricknafeck Sp. James Treacy & Mary Troy. Myshall
Edward Tracy b. 4
Feb 1877 of Carrignafeca Sp. Robert Morrissey & Bridget Fenlon. Myshall
Margaret Tracy b.
30 Aug 1878 of Carricknafeca Sp. Eugene Sheridan & Kate Holloran. Myshall
James Tracy b. 21
Nov 1880 of Carriguenaf? Sp. John Sheridan & Anne Fenelon. Myshall Parish
Thomas Tracey & Anne Sheridan
Michael b. 10 May 1874 (LDS)
Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Anne Sheridan
Michael Tracey b. 10 May 1874
Carrignafecka [Sliguff].
Thomas Treacy, father,
Carrifnafeeka [Borris Carlow PLU]
Margaret Tracey (b. 01 Aug 1879 Co. Carlow d. 05
Jan 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois) m. Peter Wm. Keating (LDS)
Margaret Keating (b. 01 Aug 1879 County Carlow, Ireland d. 05 Jan 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois) (d. of Thomas Tracey b. County Carlow, Ireland & Ann Sheridan b. County Carlow, Ireland
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Spouse: Peter W. Keating
Burial Date: 09 Jan 1930 Mt Carmel, Proviso, Cook, Illinois
Sarah Treacy (d. of Thomas
Treacy & Anne Sheridan of Myshall Co. Carlow) of Myshall Co. Carlow m.
William Lewis (s. of William Lewis & Janet Main of 59 West Carron, By
Falkirk, ???shire, Scotland) of Royal Barracks on the 7 December 1906 Wit:
David Menzies of Royal Barracks & Ellen Reilly of 15 Charlemont Street.
Harrington Street RC, Dublin.
Tracey (b. 13 Aug 1882 County
Carlson, Ireland d. 20 Mar 1928 Chicago, Cook, Illinois) (s. of Thos. Tracey b. County Carlson, Ireland
& Ann Sherdison b. County Carlson, Ireland
Occupation: Street Car Motorman
Spouse: Catherine Tracey
Burial Date: 27 Mar 1928 Mt. Carmel
Maria Treacy married Michael Kavanagh of Rehenleigh [Raheenliegh Myshall] 23 Nov 1873 Wit: Hugh? Kavanagh & Ann Eustace. Myshall Parish [very faint]
Maria Treacy, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Beleaw [Bealalaw Myshall], (d. of William Treacy, farmer) married Michael Kavanagh, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Rahenleigh, (s. of John Kavanagh, farmer) 25 November 1873 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: Hugh Kavanagh & Anne Eustace [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU] signed their marks
Tracy & Michael Kavanagh
Anne Kavanagh b. 3 Sep? 1874 of Rahaenleigh
[Raheenliegh Myshall] Sp. Martin Kavanagh & Dora Kavanagh. Myshall Parish
Tracy & John Kavanagh
Michl [john?] Kavanagh b. 8? May 1876 of
Raheenleigh Sp. Michl Kavanagh & Mary Eustace. Myshall Parish
Edward Treacy married
Mary Casey 11 May 1875 Wit: John Keogh & M.A. Mangan. Drumraney Parish
Edward Tracy, 25, bachelor, farmer, lives Mt Pleasant Co. Carlow [Mountpleasant Fennagh Carlow], (s. of John Tracy, farmer) married Mary Casey nee Mulhall, 24, widow, farmer, lives Killininy [Killininny in Drumraney], (d. of Wm Mulhall, dead, farmer) 11 May 1875 RC Chapel Drumraney Wit: John Febor? & Mary An Mangan [Ballymore Ballymahon PLU Westmeath]
Mary Tracy, full age, widow, farmer, lives Kiliney [Killininny in Drumraney], (d. of William Mulhall, farmer) married William Moran, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumraney [Drumraney], (s. of Michael Moran, farmer & shopkeeper) 24 November 1881 RC Chapel Drumraney Wit: Patrick Moran & Mary Fitzpatrick [Ballymore Ballymahon PLU Westmeath]
Tracy & Thomas Byrne
Ellen Byrne b. 28 Feb 1875 of Knockindiane
[Knockendrane Fennagh] Sp. Patrick Byrne & Bridget Troy. Myshall Parish
Tracy, full age, spinster,
BLANK, lives Castlemore [Fennagh], (d. of Michl
Tracy, labourer) married Patrick/Pat King, full age, bachelor, servant,
lives Castlemore, (s. of Abraham King, labourer) 15 August 1876 RC Chapel
Rathoe [Gilbertstown] Wit: Michael Murphy & Bessy Tallon [Fenagh &
Myshall Carlow PLU] signed their marks
Edward Tracey married Mary Kavanagh of Coolesheight [Coolasnaghta Fennagh] 25 Nov 1877
Wit: John Kavanagh & Mary Neill. Myshall Parish
Treacy/Tracy, full age,
bachelor, farmer, lives Coolasnaeghta [Coolnasheegan Myshall], (s. of Mathew Treacy, farmer) married Mary
Kavanagh, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Coolasnaeghta, (d. of Hugh Kavanagh,
farmer) 25 November 1877 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: John Kavanagh & Mary Neill,
signed his mark [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]
Tracy & Mary?/Maryanne
Maryanne Tracy b. 27 July 1879 of Coolandangle?
[Coolasnaghta Fennagh] Sp. Michael Tracy
& Emily Hogan. Myshall Parish
Sarah Tracy b. 18 Jun 1881 of Coolanhnangh? Sp.
Michael? Kavanagh & Margt? Kavanagh. Myshall Parish (Note: was married 23rd
Jany? 1910 in New Ross Wexford)
[1911 Census John Nix - Josephine born 1882,
Sara born 1884 and Johanna born 1888 moved to New Ross]
Tracy & Mary Kavanagh
Mary Anne Tracy b. 27 Jul 1879 Coolasnaghta
Carlow (LDS)
Sarah Treacy, 28, spinster, shop keeper, of New Ross (d. of Edward Treacy, farmer [Carlow]) married John Aloysius Nix, 25, batchelor, journalist, of Maryborough (s. of James Nix, farmer) Wit: Thomas Nix and Johana Treacy on the 25 January 1910 RC Church of St. Mary New Ross
29 Jan
1910 Enniscorthy Echo And South Leinster Advertiser
Nix and Treacy - January 25, 1910, at the Parish Church, New Ross, by the
Right Rev Michael Kavanagh, D.D., P.P., V.G., Dean of Ferns, with Nuptial Mass,
John, third son of Mr James Nix, late of Cartown House, Kildimo, Co. Limerick,
to Sarah, second daughter of Mr Edward Treacy, Myshall, Co. Carlow.
29 January
1910 Free Press (Wexford)
Orange Blossoms
Mr. John Nix And Miss Sarah Treacy.
...Mr. John Nix, Maryborough, third son of Mr. James Nix, late of Cartown
House, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, and nephew of Mr. Robert Nix, D.C., Stonepark,
Meelick, Limerick was married to Miss Sarah Treacy. 48 South street New Ross,
second daughter of Mr. Edward Treacy, Myshall, Co. Carlow. The ceremony, which
was at six o'clock, was followed by Nuptial Mass, which was celebrated by the
Dean. ~ Miss Joseghine Treacy, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr. Thos
Nix, Monck street, Wexford, brother of the bridegroom, was best man...
John Tracey married Harriet Sheridan of Rathingena [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] 9 Jan
1879 Wit: Laurence Troy & Lizzie Fenlon. Myshall Parish
John Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Siskier [Seskin
Oldleighlin OR St Mullin],, (s. of Michael
Treacy, farmer) married Harriett Sheridan, 16 [full age crossed out],
spinster, farmer, lives Rathnegeera, (d. of Owen Sheridan, farmer) 09 January
1879 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: Laurence Troy & Elizabeth Fenelon [Fenagh &
Myshall Carlow PLU]
John Tracy & Harrit Sheridan
Mary Tracy b. 11 Mar 1880 of
Rathegeera [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Sp. Laurence Troy & Maryanne Fenlon.
Myshall Parish
John Tracy & Harriett Sheridan
Mary Tracy b. 8 March 1880 Rathnagurah (LDS) (Rathnageeragh ?)
James Treacy married Mary Neill of Kochlinagad [Knockclonagad Sliguff] 29 Jan 1880
Wit: James Treacy & Mary Neill. Myshall Parish
James/Jas Treacy, full age, widower, farmer, lives Knocklinagad, (s. of Michl Treacy,
farmer) married Mary Neill, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Ballinrush
[Myshall], (d. of Daniel Neill, farmer) 29 January 1880 RC Chapel Myshall Wit:
John Neill & Maggie Troy [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]
Tracy & Mary Neill
Margt Tracy b. 25 Dec 1880 of Knocklinage? Sp.
Patrick? Hogan & Margaret Troy. Myshall Parish
James Tracy & Mary Neill
Mary b. 21 December 1880 Knockclonegad [Knockclonagad Sliguff] (LDS)
Mary Vitalis Tracey ([rev] mother, teacher, single) d. 10 Jul 1933 San Antonio, Bexar,
Texas, b. 23 Dec 1880 Ireland (d. of James
Tracey & Mary O'Neill) (LDS)
Treacy, full age, spinster,
BLANK profession, lives Rathnagerrah [Rathnageeragh Fennagh], (d. of Edward Treacy, farmrer) married Micheal
OHara, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumphea [Drumfea Fennagh], (s. of
Edward OHara, farmer) 28 February 1889 RC Chapel Myshall Wit: John Treacy & Eliza Treacy [Fenagh
& Myshall Carlow PLU] see above
Treacy, full [age], spinster,
BLANK profession, lives Rathnageerah Myshall [Rathnageeragh Fennagh], (d. of William Treacy, farmer) married Thomas
Spruhan, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Rathnageerah Myshall, (s. of
James Spruhan, farmer) 21 November 1893 RC Chapel Drumphea [Drumfea Fennagh]
Wit: Thomas Tracey & Ellen Byrne
[Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU] signed their marks
Treacy, full [age], spinster, BLANK
profession, lives Rathnageesa Myshall [Rathnageeragh Fennagh], (d. of Edward Treacy, farmer) married Michael
Nolan, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Knockindrane Drumphea [Knockendrane
Drumfea Fennagh], (s. of Patrick Nolan, farmer) 21 February 1898 RC Chapel
Myshall Wit: John Kavanagh & Bridget Phelan [Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]
see above
Tracey, farmer, & Anne
Michael Tracey b. 5 January 1917 of Rathnegeera
[Rathnageeragh Fennagh]. John Tracey father Rathnegeera [Fenagh & Myshall
Carlow PLU]
Tracey, farmer, & Lizzie
Kathleen Tracey b. 5 Nov 1918 Coolasnaughta
[Fennagh]. Maggie Tracey, aunt,
present at birth, Coolasnaughta [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]
Matthew Tracey b. 3 Oct 1922 Coolasnaughta
[Fennagh]. M. Tracey, father,
present at birth, Coolasnaughta [Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]
Drumphea Cemetery
Erected by Michael Nolan
Died 10th Nov 1933
His wife Elizabeth née Tracey
Died 1st Aug. 1938
Also his Brothers Thomas
Died 3rd July 1910
and John died 4th Oct 1936
Matthew Tracy died 1868, Carlow PLU,
Aged 70, b. 1798, died 21 Sep 1868 Rathnagreeran [Rathnageeragh Fennagh]
Sarah Treacy, died 1876, Fenagh
& Myshall Carlow PLU, aged 84 years, b. 1792, died 17 Apr 1876 Coolasnaghta
[Fennagh], widow, farmer, Elizabeth Treacy, present at death, Coolasnaghta
31, 1954 (SI) & Nov 1, 1954 (II) Deaths
Treacy (Myshall, Co. Carlow) October 30 1954, at
the District Hospital, Bagenaltown, Michael Treacy, Carrignafecka?; deeply
regretted RIP. Remains will be removed this (Sunday) evening at 3 o'c to
Drumphea Church. Internment in adjoining cemetery tomorrow (Monday) after 10
o'c Mass. Solemn office and Requiem Mass in Drumphea Church on Wednesday,
November 3 at 11 o'c.
John Tracey August 1974 1977 MovieTone National
Ploughing Championships – Colour Story No: 77/198 |
Tracey who
represented Co. Carlow in the National Championships in the early 1950s.
Michael’s career began with horses and stretched into the trailed plough era.
He didn’t get as far as competing with a mounted plough but he did have the
satisfaction of ploughing in the same competition as his son, Johnny, in a
local match in 1955. John Tracey of Bagenalstown, Carlow has competed since
1955, Senior Tractor Champion 1973, 1977, 1983, 1985. 3 Furrow Tractor
Champion 1975. Competed in eight World Championships and was runner-up in
1973, 1977, 1983, 1985 and Prague 2005.
His son, Eamonn Tracey, Senior Tractor Champion 2003 and ploughed for
Ireland in 1998 and 1999 when he won the gold medal for grassland ploughing.
His son, Seán Tracey, Youngest Ploughman trophy 2006 and U-21 champion
at 13 years of age, National U-21 senior champion 2007. John and Eamon were the Irish and Carlow representatives in the World Championships in Tullow, Carlow in September 2006. Carlow Chamionships 2006: Senior Class: 1st, John Tracey, Garryhill; 2nd, Eamonn Tracey, Garryhill. U-21: 2nd, Seán Tracey, Garryhill; Carnew Championships 2006: The new Champion Class was won by Eamon Tracey, taking the Kinsella Estates Cup and narrowly beating his father John into second place. Kidd Memorial cup for best middle was won by Eamon Tracey. The U21 Carnew champion was Seán Tracey, Eamon’s son and John’s grandson, who won the Doran/Donnelly Cup and the Youngest Ploughman trophy. Meet World ploughing champion Eamonn Tracey 2024: Sons and Grandson: Steve, Davie,
David, Eamonn and Sean Tracey |
Eamonn Tracey 2006 Seán Tracey 2012 |
2007 Ploughing Championship,
Tullamore Co. Offaly
John Tracey |
Carlow |
3rd Senior |
Ford |
Kverneland |
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Senior |
Valmet |
Kverneland |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
Winner Under-21 |
Valmet |
Kverneland |
2008 Ploughing Championship, Farmley, Cuffesgrange, Co. Kilkenny
John Tracey |
Carlow |
Winner Senior Conventional |
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
4th Senior Conventional |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
Winner Under-21 Senior grade |
John Tracey was the Irish judge at
the 2008 World Ploughing Championships in Austria.
2009 Ploughing Championship, Cardenton, Athy, Co Kildare.
John Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Senior Conventional |
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
3rd Senior Conventional |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Under-21 Senior grade |
In September 2009, John Tracey arrived home from the World Ploughing
Championships in Slovenia with gold, silver and bronze medals. Unfortunately for
John it was the silver medal he won for the overall champion, the sixth time he
has been placed as runner-up since 1973. However he did take first place in the
grassland ploughing section and also won a bronze medal in the stubble section.
John was presented with the silver medal and a rose bowl and arrived home in
time for the launch of the National Ploughing Championships, which take place
in Co. Kildare later this month. Team Manager Eamonn
2010 Ploughing Championship, Cardenton, Athy, Co Kildare.
John Tracey |
Carlow |
3rd Senior Conventional |
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Under-21 Senior grade |
2010 National Ploughing Association. Director: John Tracey,
Knocklonagad, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
2010 Five Nations Contest will take place in Upper Nisbet, Jedburgh,
Scotland on 23rd and 24th October 2010. John Tracey, Carlow – Conventional
2011 Ploughing Championship, Fallaghmore, Athy, Co Kildare.
John Tracey |
Carlow/ Republic of Ireland |
3rd Senior Conventional 2nd World Challenge
Conventional |
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Under-21 Senior grade |
2011 National Ploughing Association. Director: John Tracey,
Knocklonagad, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
2012 Ploughing Championship, Heathpark, New Ross, Co Wexford.
John Tracey |
Carlow |
4th Senior Conventional |
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Under-21 Senior grade |
2012 National Ploughing Association. Director: John Tracey,
Knocklonagad, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
Held around the same time, September 2012, Eamon Treacy won a silver medal after taking part in the 2012 World Ploughing Championships in Croatia. He was joined by his father John Treacy, who coached the Irish team.
2013 Ploughing Championship, Ratheniska, Stradbally, Co. Laois.
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional |
2013 National Ploughing Association. Director: John Tracey,
Knocklonagad, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
July 2013, Eamon Treacy won a bronze medal coming third in the conventional ploughing competition in the 2013 World Ploughing Championships in Canada.
2014 Ploughing Championship, Ratheniska, Stradbally, Co. Laois.
Eamon Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional Test
Match |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
5th Under-28 Conventional
Class Senior Grade |
Eamonn Treacy winner of the 2014 World Ploughing Chamionship at St Jean d’Illac, Bordeau, France, gold medal in the conventional class.
He was joined in France by
a huge crowd of Irish supporters, including his wife Eilish and sons Seán and
Steve, while his other son, David, sent his best wishes from America, where he
is currently on placement as part of his college training. The Nationalist 15th
September 2014
2015 Ploughing Championship, Ratheniska, Stradbally, Co. Laois.
Eamonn Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional Test
Match |
John Tracey |
Carlow |
4th Senior Conventional Test
Match |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
4th Under-28 Conventional
Class Senior Grade |
Eamonn Tracey winner of the 2015 World Ploughing Championship at Vestbo,
Denmark, gold medal in the conventional class.
2016 Ploughing Championship, Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly
Eamonn Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional Test
Match |
John Tracey |
Carlow |
4th Senior Conventional Test
Match |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Under-28 Conventional
Class Senior Grade |
Eamonn Tracey second place at the 2016 World Ploughing Championship at York England in the conventional class.
2017 Ploughing Championship, Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly
Tracey |
Carlow |
1st and Supreme Senior
Conventional Test Match |
John Tracey |
Carlow |
4th Senior Conventional Test
Match |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
5th Under-28 Conventional
Class Senior Grade |
Eamonn Tracey second place at the 2017 World Ploughing Championship
at Kenya, Africa in the two furrow conventional class.
2018 Ploughing Championship, Screggan, Tullamore, Co Offaly
Eamonn Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional Test
Match |
John Tracey |
Carlow |
Senior Conventional Test Match |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
5th Under-28 Conventional
Class Senior Grade |
Steve Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Novice 2 Furrow Conventional Senior Plough Class |
Eamonn Tracey first place, Golden Plough, at the 2018 World
Ploughing Championship at Einsiedel Germany in the senior conventional class.
2019 Ploughing Championship, Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co Carlow
Eamonn Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional Test
Match |
John Tracey |
Carlow |
Senior Conventional Test Match |
Seán Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Under-28 Conventional
Class Senior Grade |
Steve Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Under-21 Conventional Senior Plough Class |
Eamonn Tracey second place at the 2019 World Ploughing Championship
at Baudette, Minnesota, USA, in the two furrow conventional class.
2020 & 2021 Cancelled
2022 Ploughing Championship, Ratheniska Co. Laois
Eamonn Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional Test
Match |
Eamonn Tracey won the Supreme World Conventional Ploughing Championship at Ratheniska Co. Laois
results have not been posted]
2023 Ploughing Championship, Ratheniska Co. Laois
Eamonn Treacy |
Carlow |
1st Senior Conventional Test
Match |
Sean Treacy |
Carlow |
5th Senior Conventional Test Match |
Steve Tracey |
Carlow |
1st Under-28 Conventional Senior Plough Class |
Eamonn Tracey won the Supreme World Conventional Ploughing
Championship at Kuldiga, Latvia.
2024 Ploughing Championship, Ratheniska Co. Laois
Eamonn Treacy |
Carlow |
5th Senior Conventional Test
Match |
Sean Treacy |
Carlow |
4th Senior Conventional Test Match |
Steve Tracey |
Carlow |
2nd Under-28 Conventional Senior Plough Class |
Eamonn Tracey won the Supreme World Conventional Ploughing Championship at the 69th World Ploughing Contest in Tartu, Estonia
My first stop was in Garryhill in County Carlow at the home of John and Lil Tracey. Lil is the matriarch of a family of achievers. Her husband John, her son Eamonn and her grandson Sean are all champion ploughmen and her father-in-law Michael also competed in the National Championships...[numerous photographs and history of the Tracey family]
Valerie Cox (2017) A
Ploughing People: The Farming Life Celebrated - Stories, Traditions, The
Championships. Hachette UK
1989 Eamonn Tracey, Carlow (snr)
I first met Mick Tracey through the Ploughing, and a fine ploughman he was. Then his son, John, took silver in the World Ploughing an incredidle six times between 1973 and 2009. John's son Eamonn, took over and was runner-up in 2012...Lil Sharon Tracey...
Anna May McHugh (2017)
Queen of the Ploughing. Penguin UK
(John) Tracey, Knocklonogad, Garryhill, Co. Carlow, peacefully on May 21st,
2023. Pre-deceased by his daughter-in-law Ailish &
brother Jim. Beloved husband of Lil and much loved father of
Michael, Eamonn, Catriona, Derek & Sharon, daughters-in-law Annette &
Mary, sons-in-law Paul & Shane, grandchildren John, Aoife, Mike, Brian,
Sean, David, Steve, Mark, Conor, Niamh, Katelyn, Kian & Charlie,
great-grandchild Ella, brothers Eamonn, Pat, Michael, Tom, Luke & Matt,
sisters Ann, Kathleen & Jo, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews,
nieces, relatives and a wide circle of friends, especially those in the
ploughing community. Obituary of Johnny Tracey – world renowned
ploughman from Garryhill He was born on a farm on 2 June 1942 in
Rathnageera, Co Carlow to Mick and Kathleen Tracey. He was the eldest of 11
children, having seven brothers and three sisters. Legend
John Tracey leaves a ‘huge ploughing legacy’ Co. Carlow ploughing champion, John Tracey, will
leave behind a “huge ploughing legacy”, according to the managing director
for the National Ploughing Association (NPA), Anna Marie McHugh. Tracey from Knocklonagad, Garryhill, who passed
away on Sunday, May 21, has been warmly remembered as a “legend” in ploughing
locally, nationally and internationally. He served as a director of the NPA for many years
until last year when he retired, and was unanimously elected as a lifetime
member of the association. The NPA stated on social media: “It is
with tremendous sadness that the NPA is saying goodbye to one of ploughing’s
greats John Tracey from Carlow. A former NPA director, multiple all-Ireland
Winning Champion and World Ploughing Contest medal winner, John has created
one of the best ‘ploughing’ legacies. May he rest in peace.” Tracey won his first national title in ploughing
in the under-28 class. This was the first of many wins; from there he went on
to receive seven all-Ireland titles. He was also the only man to be a reserve champion
in the world contest six times. His first runner-up title was won in 1973 and
his last in 2009. On one occasion in New Zealand, Tracey was world
runner-up by a fraction of a point. According to McHugh, he would “always say
he would not trade one of his six times runner-up titles for one win”. McHugh has described him as “massively proud of
his ability to stay on top at the highest level of competition over such a
long number of years, evidence of the skill and ability the man had”. He had followed in his father Mick Tracey’s
footsteps as a ploughman. Tracey’s ploughing legacy continues, with son
Eamonn who is currently reigning world champion, his grandson Sean who is a
national champion, and grandson Steve who is also a national reserve
champion. The former Carlow ploughing champion also farmed a
tillage and drystock farm with his son Eamonn and ran a successful farm
contracting business. Tracey is survived by his wife Lil, sons Michael,
Eamonn and Derik, daughters Caitriona and Sharon, grandchildren, brothers,
sisters, a very close family, and network of neighbours and ploughing
friends. |
Rathvilly (see also Wicklow)
Cath Tracy & Thomas/Thos Nolan
James Nolan b. 25 Jul 1824 of Wm town [Williamstown Rathvilly Carlow] Sp Tage? & Ann Byrne. Rathvilly Parish
Edwd Nowlan b. 14 Nov 1831 of Rick town [Ricketstown Rahill Carlow] Sp. John Higginbottom & Ann? Dalton? Rathvilly Parish
James Tracey? & Julia Barrett of Wm town [Williamstown Rathvilly Carlow]
Mary Tracey b. 17 Sep 1852 Sp Pat Murphy & Mary Kelly. Rathvilly Parish
Ellen/Betty/Elizabeth Tracey/Treacy & John/James/Jas Clarke of Barnhill [Rathvilly Carlow] & Rathvilly
John Clarke b. 29 Jun 1853 Sp Mark Murphy & Mary Clark. Rathvilly Parish
Mary Clarke b. 12 Apr 1860 Sp Shea & Anne Donohue. Rathvilly Parish
Bridget Clarke b. 15 Feb 1863 Sp Michl Barrett & Anne Lyons. Rathvilly Parish
Anne Clarke b. 29 Apr 1866 Sp Wil Scott & Bridt Mack. Rathvilly Parish
Mary Tracy & Mich Byrne of Knocklishen [Rathvilly Carlow]
Catherine Byrne b. 4 May 1879 Sp Michl Kehoe & Bridget Byrne. Rathvilly Parish
Winny Byrne b. 12 Dec 1880 Sp Jas Quigley & Mary Byrne. Rathvilly Parish
Wills [see Clonmore Parish Co. Wicklow and 1901 & 1911 Census Rathvilly Co. Carlow]
Patrick Smith
17 Jun 1909 Tankardstown Carlow, farmer, to Michael P Tracey,
Bernard Smyth 9 Oct 1908
Rathvilly Carlow, miller, to Michael P Tracey, farmer
Patrick Smith
17 Jun 1909 Tankardstown Carlow, famer, to Annie Tracey, widow
September 1922 Catholic
Truth Society
5/- each...Mrs. A Treacey, Rathvilly, Miss M. Treacey do, P. Treacey, Esq, do,
25 Jul 1942 (IT) Death
Treacy - July 1942, at Kineagh Glebe, Richard Treacy
Griffiths Valuation for Carlow County c1851/52 Parish of Killerig, Townland of
Busherstown, (Ord. S. 7 & 8), 688 acres |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
1 a |
Michael Tracey |
Timothy Gorman |
House, offices and land |
1 b |
Patrick Tracey |
Michael Tracey |
House |
Gulielmus Treacy & Anne Hogan
Gulielmus Treacy b. 11 Jul 1813 Sp. Patritius Watters & Elinora Dobbins. Tinryland Parish
Thoma Treacy married Margareta Burrowes 8 Jan 1821 Wit: Margareta & Anna Haw. Tinryland Parish [see Dunleckney]
Thos Tracy & Margaret Borris
Eliz Tracy b. 3 Jun 1832 of Ballyryan Parish Newton [Nurney OR Tullowmagimma] [Newtown Agha] Sp. Mich Coughlan & Onny Kirwan. Tinryland Parish
Michaelis Treacy & Jane Doran
Joanne Treacy b. 21 Jun 1822 Sp. Joannes Delany & Anna Byrne. Tinryland Parish
John Tracy & Bridget Dormer
Pat Tracy b. 10 Mar 1825 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] Sp. Edwd & Bridgt Magrath. Tinryland Parish
John Tracy b. 3 May 1826 of Powerstown Sp. Patrick Karrny & Mary Walsh. Tinryland Parish
Owen Tracy b. 16 Feb 1828 of Garryhunden [Garryhundon Clonmelsh] Sp. Mich Magrath & Margt Mahon. Tinryland Parish
Martin Tracy b. 20 Nov 1836 Powerstn Sp. Dan Moran & Johanna McGrath. Tinryland Parish [see Thomas Joseph Tracy (1938-2006) below]
John Tracy & Bridgt Darmody
Thos Tracy b. 4 Jan 1833 of Powerstown Sp. Michl Doyle & Mary Moran. Tinryland Parish
Owen Tracey m. Mary Cook 15 Aug 1855 Muskingum, Ohio, United States
Owen Tracy & Mary/Bridget Cook
1870 Census - Ohio, United States
Owen Tracy M 40 Ireland, RR Supervisor
Mary Tracy F 36 Ireland
John Tracy M 10 Ohio
Eugene Tracy M 9 Ohio
Thomas Tracy M 8 Ohio
William Tracy M 7 Ohio
Elizabeth Tracy F 6 Ohio
Martha Tracy F 0 Ohio
Elizabeth Cook F 58 Ireland
1880 Census - Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio, United States
Orren Tracey Self M 40 Ireland, Rail Road Trans
Mary Tracey Wife F 40 Ireland
John Tracey Son M 17 Ohio, United States
Eugene Tracey Son M 16 Ohio, United States
Tallis Tracey Son M 15 Ohio, United States
Lizzie Tracey Daughter F 12 Ohio, United States
Martin Tracey Son M 11 Ohio, United States
Elizabeth Cook Mother F 60 Ireland
1900 Census - Falls Township Zanesville city Ward 2, Muskingum, Ohio, United States
Owen Tracy Head M 74 Ireland, b. Feb 1826, Immigration Year: 1840, Naturalised
Mary Tracy Wife F 72 Ireland, b. May 1828, Immigration Year: 1848
Elizabeth M Tracy Daughter F 35 Ohio
Martin L Tracy Son M 31 Ohio
Martin Tracy naturalisation 25 September 1861 Muskingum, Ohio, USA
Martin Tracy m. Johanna BURNS 28 March 1864 Muskingum, Ohio, USA
1870 Census - Hopewell, Muskingum, Ohio, United States
Martin Tracy M 29 Ireland, works on railroad
Joanna Tracy F 27 Ireland
John Tracy M 5 Ohio
Mary Tracy F 3 Ohio
Thomas Tracy M 0 Ohio
Martin Tracy d. 18 February 1894 buried Mt Calvary Cemetery, Franklin Co, OH
Johanna, his wife, died Oct 25 1916
Eugene Tracy, died June 29 1898 age 24 years
children: Thomas Tracy, Mary Cecilia Tracy, Gertrude Bridget Tracy, Eugene Tracy, Martin F Tracy, Elizabeth A Tracy.
Thomas A. Tracy (b. Ohio, traveling agent) & Kate B. Tracy (b. Michigan)
Emmett Eugene Tracy b. 21 May 1900 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
Thos Tracy & Mary Farrell
John Tracy b. 19 Aug 1828 of Garryhunden [Garryhundon Clonmelsh] Sp. Jas Nolan & Betty Mahon. Tinryland Parish
Edward Treacy
married Catherine Eustace of Castlequarter [in Kellistown] 22 Sep 1829 Wit:
Peter Eustace & Mary Pender. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Edwd/Ed/Edward Tracey/Tracy & Cath/Mary/Catherine Eustan/Eustace
Elizab Tracy b. 5 Oct 1830 of Graig [Graiguealug OR Graiguenaspiddoge Tullowmagimma - Graiguealug Nurney OR Templepeter] Sp. Peter Hughes & Betty Lalor. Tinryland Parish
Rose Tracy b. 24 Sep 1832 of Graignispidog? [Graiguenaspiddoge Tullowmagimma] Sp. Ed Eustace & Onny Casey. Tinryland Parish [Mary]
Mary Tracy b. 31 Mar 1835 of Graig Sp. John Eustace & Ellen Casey. Tinryland Parish (Note: The register states that the entries are imperfect until next November)
Elizabeth Tracy bapt. 5 Oct 1835 of Graig. Tinryland Parish [Note: Not found]
John Tracy b. 11 June 1837 of Graig Sp. Darby Casey & Margt Kafter? Tinryland Parish
James Tracy b. 28 Oct 1841 of Graig Sp. Pat Haly & Mary Cummins. Tinryland Parish
Cath Tracy b. 10 Jul 1844 of Graig Sp. Pat & Cath Doyle. Tinryland Parish
Joanne Tracey b. 31 May 1846 of Graig Sp. Larry Nolan & Nessy Cummins. Tinryland Parish
Edwd Tracy b. 15 Jul 1849 of Graignaspidogue? Sp. John Wall & Ellen Foxe. Tinryland Parish
Wm Tracy & Catherine Eustace
Anne Tracy b. 15 Apr 1834 of Graignespidogue Sp. Pat & Mary Dowling. Tinryland Parish
John Tracy & Catherine Eustace
Anne Tracy b. 14 Jul 1839 of Graig Sp. John Scally & Cath Gorman. Tinryland Parish
Mary Tracy & Edwd Byrne
Anne Byrne Illeg b. 31 Mar 1830 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] Sp. Larry Carroll & Anne Howard. Tinryland Parish
Margt Tracy married Jas Smith of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] 26 Jul 1830 Wit: Thos Murphy & Biddy Costelloe. Tinryland Parish
John Tracy married Cath Roth of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] 2 Dec 1831 Wit: Wm Bevan & Anne Mahon. Tinryland Parish (Note: in advent of dispensation in the time banns published)
Tracy & Catherine Rath
Bridget Tracy b. 6 Jan 1833 Sp. Mathew Halloran
& Mary Meehan. Haddington Road Parish Dublin
Pat/Patk Tracy/Treacy & Mary Quin/Quinn
Cath Tracy b. 2 Sep 1834 of Busherstown [Killerig] Sp. Peter Haydon & Mary Gorman. Tinryland Parish
John Tracey b. 8? Feb 1837 of Busherstown Sp. John & Brid Quin. Tinryland Parish [see 1901 & 1911 Census Johnstown]
Michael Treacy b. 28? Feb 1839 of Busherstown Sp. James & Betty Haydon. Tinryland Parish [see 1901 & 1911 Census Johnstown]
Anne Tracy b. 6 Aug 1843 of Busherstown Sp. Pat Murphy & Cath Tracy. Tinryland Parish
Pat Tracy
died 1864, Carlow PLU, aged 67, b. 1797, died 21 Aug 1864 Johnstown [Urglin] Carlow,
John Tracy son
Catherina Treacy of Johnstown [Urglin], (d. of Patritii Treacy & Maria Quin of Johnstown) married Johannes Bennett of Tinyland [Tinriland Tullowmagimma], (s. of Thoma Bennett & Eleonora Heron? of Tinryland) 3 Oct 1876 Wit: Gulielmus Bennett of Tinryland & Anne Murphy of Johnstown [Urglin]. Tinryland Parish
Catherine Tracy, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Johnstown, (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married John Bennett, full age, bachelor, carpenter, lives Tinryland, (s, of Thomas Bennett, labourer) 03 October 1876 RC Chapel Tinryland Wit: William Bennett & Anne Murphy [Tullow Carlow PLU] signed her mark
John Tracy of Johnstown [Urglin], (s. of Patrick Tracey & Mary Quin of Johnstown) married Anne Murphy of Johnstown (Patrick Murphy & Mary Currin of Johnstown) 24 Feb 1881 Wit: John Delaney of Benokerry [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig] & Matilda Murphy of Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
John Tracy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Johnstown (s. of Patrick Tracy, dead, Johnstown) married
Anne Murphy, do [full age], spinster, do [farmer], lives do [Johnstown], (d. of
Patrick Murphy, alive, Johnstown) 24 February 1881 RC Chapel Tinryland Wit:
John Delany & Matilda Murphy [Tullow Carlow PLU]
John Tracey/Treacy & Anne Murphy
Mary Treacy bapt. 27 Jan 1882 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Catherine Tracey bapt. 27 May 1883 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Patrick Treacy bapt. 14 Nov 1884 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Thomas Treacey bapt. 9 May 1886 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
John Treacy bapt. 16 Jun 1889 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
William Treacy bapt. 5 Aug 1891 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Michael Tracey bapt 22 Oct 1893 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Lawrence Christopher Tracey b. 30 Dec 1895 bapt. 5 Jan 1896 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Michael Treacy of Busherstown [Killerig] (s. of Patritii Treacy & Maria Quin of Johnstown [Urglin]) married Elleonora Noulan of Bennekerry [Ballinacarrig OR Urglin], (d. of Johannes Noulan & Elleonora Costigan of Bennekery) 1 June 1869 Wit: Gulielmus Bunbary of Johnstown & Elleonora Costigan of Arles [Laois]). Tinryland Parish
Michael Treacy, of full age, bachelor, carpenter, lives Johnstown, (s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Ellen Noulan, Do [of full age], spinster, lives Bennekerry, (d. of John Noulan, farmer) 1 June 1869 RC Chapel Tinryland Wit: William Bunbury & Ellen Costigan [Tullow Carlow PLU]
Michael Treacy & Helen/Heleonora/Eleanora/Elinora Nolan
Maria Treacy b. 7/8 Apr 1870 of Benekerry Sp. Johanne Nolan & Margarita Nolan. Tinryland Parish
Patritius Treacy b. 3/4 Feb 1872 of Benekerry Sp. Johanne Treacy & Honora Costigan. Tinryland Parish
Eleanora Treacy b. 27/28 Sep 1873 of Benekerry Sp. Joanne Delaney & Mariaanna Delany. Tinryland Parish
Joannes? Treacy b. 7/11 Dec 1875 Busherstown [Killerig] Sp. Thoma Nolan & Catherina Treacy. Tinryland Parish
Thomas Treacy b. 19/23 Dec 1877 of Busherstown Sp. Jacobo Dooly & Maria Hogan. Tinryland Parish
Margarita Tracy b. 25/28 Sep 1879 of Busherstown Sp. Thoma Nolan & Julia Delany. Tinryland Parish (Note: Married at Cathedral Elfin [Sligo] to Martin Kelly on 29 Sep 1918)
Catherine Treacy bapt. 19 Jan 1882 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Anne Treacy bapt. 25 Dec 1883 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Joseph Treacy b. 1/4 Jul 1886 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Michael Treacy bapt. 4 Jul 1886 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Michael Tracey & Ellen Nolan
Mary b. 01 Apr 1870 Carlow Carlow (LDS)
Patrick b. 03 Feb 1872 Carlow, Car, Ire (LDS)
Ellen b. 27 September 1873 Carlow Carlow (LDS)
Margaret b. 25 Sep 1879 Carlow, Carlow (LDS)
Michael Tracey, carpenter, & Ellen Nolan
Mary Tracey b. 7 Apr 1870 Benekerry
[Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] Carlow. Michael Treacy, father, Bennekerry
Patrick Tracey b. 3 Feb 1872
Benekeary. Bess Brophy, nurse, present at birth, Potterton Road [Carlow Carlow
Ellen Tracey b. 27 Sep 1873
Benekerry. Michael Tracey, father, Benekerry [Carlow Carlow PLU]
John Tracey b. 7 Dec 1875
Busherstown [Killerig]. Michael Tracey, his mark, father, Busherstown
[Carlow Carlow PLU] [registered 1876]
Thomas Tracey b. 19 Dec 1877
Busherstown Carlow. Eliza Brophy, her mark, present at birth, Pollerton Road
Carlow [Carlow Carlow PLU]
Winifred Treacy
married Denis Whelan of Moyal [Moyle Kellistown] 3 Sep 1833 Wit: Michael Costly?
& Mary Quine. Ballon and Rathoe Parish
Winifred/Winfred/Winny Tracy/Treacy & Denis Whelan
Mary Whelan b. 4 Oct 1834 of Benekirry [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] Sp. Mich Costelloe & Mary Mulligan. Tinryland Parish
John Whelan b. 10 Sep 1836 of Benekerry Sp. Dan Whelan & Mary Gorman. Tinryland Parish
Bridget Whelan b. 26 Jun 1839 of Benekerry Sp. Catherine Mulligan. Tinryland Parish
Cath Whelan b. 27 Feb 1842 of Benekerry Sp. John Mahon & Mary Connor. Tinryland Parish
Brigida Whelan (d. of Winifredae Fracy & Dionysii Whelan
of Co. Carlow) of Anna Villa m. Thomas Byrne (s. of Joannis Byrne &
Margaritae Jones of Co. Wicklow) of Ashford on 22 October 1862 Wit: Joanne
Byrne & Elizabeth Davine. Rathmines RC
Joannes Whelan (s. of Winifredae Tracy & Dionysii Whelan
of Crookstown [Kildare?]) of Crookstown m. Maria Whelan (d. of Jacobi Whelan
& Annae Donaghan) of Rathgar on the 31 January 1867 Wit: Jacobo Whelan
& Bridifa Donovan. Rathmines RC
Jas Tracy married Betty Delany of Linkerstown [Linkardstown Tullowmagimma] 26 Jan 1835 Wit: David & Mary Nolan. Tinryland Parish
Jas Tracy & Nessy Delany
James Tracy b. 3 Jan 1836 of Knockbowen [Knockbower Tullowmagimma] Sp. Davis Nolan & Jany Shortall. Tinryland Parish
Micll Treacy & Betty Murphy
Elizabeth Treacy illegt b. 11 Sep 1842 of Busherstown [Killerig] Sp. Cath Murphy. Tinryland Parish
Eliza Tracy & John Cantwell
Sarah Cantwell b. 17 Mar 1844 of Ballinacarrig [Ballinacarrig] Sp. Mary Tracy. Tinryland Parish
Mary Tracey & John Kavanagh
Mary Kavanagh b. 21 Dec 1845 of Busherstown [Killerig] Sp. John Nolan & Cath Murphy. Tinryland Parish
Michl Tracey married Anne Hydon of Bankerry [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] 20 May 1846 Wit: Pat Callaghan & Jean Daly. Tinryland Parish
Michl Treacy & Anne Headon
Catherine Treacy b. 19 May 1850 of Benekerry Sp. John Gorman & Mary Byrne. Tinryland Parish
Tracy/Tracey & Ann/Anne Headon/Heydon
Mary Ann
Tracy b. 2/22 Apr 1847 of Tullow Street Sp. Micl Headon & Cathin Headon.
Carlow Parish (Book 6, p.38, No. 66)
Tracey b. 15 Feb 1849 Tullow St Sp. Robt Colsan & Mary Alyan. Carlow Parish
(Book 6, p.62, No.37)
Mary Treacy & Thomas Delany
Margaret Delany illegit b. 24 May 1852 of Graigue [Graiguealug OR Graiguenaspiddoge Tullowmagimma - Graiguealug Nurney OR Templepeter] Sp. Catherine Nowlan. Tinryland Parish
Catherine Treacy & Pat Sullivan
John Sullivan b. 4 Nov 1855 of Benek? [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] Sp. John Treacy & Mary Holligan. Tinryland Parish
Eleanore Tracy & Johanne Lyons
William Lyons b. 4 Mar 1858 of Cloughm? Sp. Thomas Byrne & Catherine Byrne. Tinryland Parish
John Tracy married Catherine Lynch of Powerstown? [Clonmelsh] 2 June 1858 Wit: James Devaine? & Eliza Lynch. Leighlinbridge Parish
John Tracy m.
Catherine Lynch of Rivertown Leighlinbridge 2nd June 1858
Johanna Tracey/Tracy & Catherina Lynch
Bridget Tracy bapt. 1 May 1858 Powerstown [Clonmelsh]. Tinryland Parish [not found]
Johanna Tracey b. 6/6 Jul 1862 of Powerstown Sp. Jacobo Byrne & Maria Dunne. Tinryland Parish
Maria Tracey b. 19/24 Apr 1864 of Powerstown Sp. Jacobo Delany & Bridget Cavanagh. Tinryland Parish
Eugenius? Tracy b. 11/20 May 1866 of Powerstown Sp. Johanne Delany & Anna Lawlor. Tinryland Parish
Thoma Tracy b. 7/17 May 1868 of Powerstown Sp. Thoma Salter & Maria Hayden. Tinryland Parish
Thomas Tracey & Catherine Lynch
Edwardus Tracey b. 2/7 Oct 1860 of Powerstown Sp. Timstheo Kavanagh & Margarita. Tinryland Parish
John Tracey & Catherine Lynch
Mary b. 19 April 1864 Bagenalstown
Owens b. 6 June 1866 Bagenalstown (LDS)
Thomas b. 7 May 1868 Bagenalstown (LDS)
John Tracy, military pensioner/labourer, & Catherine Lynch
Mary Tracy b. 19 Apr 1864 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] parish Templepeter [Gilbertstown OR Templepeter]. John Tracy, Powerstown, father, his mark [Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]
Owens Tracy b. 6 Jun 1866 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] John Tracey, his mark, Powerstown, father [Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]
Tracey b. 7 May 1868 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] John Tracey, his mark, father,
Powerstown [Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]
John Tracey, died 1874 Carlow
Carlow PLU, aged 45 years, b. 1829, married, pensioner, died 22 Feb 1874
Workhouse Carlow [Best Match – Tinryland RC]
Patritia Tracy & Margarita Neil
Esther Maria Tracy b. 30 Aug/8 Sep 1861 of Bennekenry [Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] Sp. Michaell Donohue & Brigida Brien. Tinryland Parish
Michael Treacy of Busherstown [Killerig] (s. of Patritii Treacy & Maria Quin of Johnstown [Urglin]) married Elleonora Noulan of Bennekerry [Ballinacarrig OR Urglin], (d. of Johannes Noulan & Elleonora Costigan of Bennekery) 1 June 1869 Wit: Gulielmus Bunbary of Johnstown & Elleonora Costigan of Arles [Laois]). Tinryland Parish [see Patrick Tracey/Tracy & Mary Quinn/Quin above]
Michael Treacy, of full age, bachelor, carpenter, lives Johnstown, (s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married Ellen Noulan, Do [of full age], spinster, lives Bennekerry, (d. of John Noulan, farmer) 1 June 1869 RC Chapel Tinryland Wit: William Bunbury & Ellen Costigan [Tullow Carlow PLU]
Michael Treacy & Helen/Heleonora/Eleanora/Elinora Nolan
Maria Treacy b. 7/8 Apr 1870 of Benekerry Sp. Johanne Nolan & Margarita Nolan. Tinryland Parish
Patritius Treacy b. 3/4 Feb 1872 of Benekerry Sp. Johanne Treacy & Honora Costigan. Tinryland Parish
Eleanora Treacy b. 27/28 Sep 1873 of Benekerry Sp. Joanne Delaney & Mariaanna Delany. Tinryland Parish
Joannes? Treacy b. 7/11 Dec 1875 Busherstown [Killerig] Sp. Thoma Nolan & Catherina Treacy. Tinryland Parish
Thomas Treacy b. 19/23 Dec 1877 of Busherstown Sp. Jacobo Dooly & Maria Hogan. Tinryland Parish
Margarita Tracy b. 25/28 Sep 1879 of Busherstown Sp. Thoma Nolan & Julia Delany. Tinryland Parish (Note: Married at Cathedral Elfin [Sligo] to Martin Kelly on 29 Sep 1918)
Catherine Treacy bapt. 19 Jan 1882 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Anne Treacy bapt. 25 Dec 1883 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Joseph Treacy b. 1/4 Jul 1886 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Michael Treacy bapt. 4 Jul 1886 Busherstown. Tinryland Parish
Michael Tracey & Ellen Nolan
Mary b. 01 Apr 1870 Carlow Carlow (LDS)
Patrick b. 03 Feb 1872 Carlow, Car, Ire (LDS)
Ellen b. 27 September 1873 Carlow Carlow (LDS)
Margaret b. 25 Sep 1879 Carlow, Carlow (LDS)
Michael Tracey, carpenter, & Ellen Nolan
Mary Tracey b. 7 Apr 1870 Benekerry
[Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] Carlow. Michael Treacy, father, Bennekerry
[Carlow Carlow PLU]
Patrick Tracey b. 3 Feb 1872
Benekeary. Bess Brophy, nurse, present at birth, Potterton Road [Carlow Carlow
Ellen Tracey b. 27 Sep 1873
Benekerry. Michael Tracey, father, Benekerry [Carlow Carlow PLU]
John Tracey b. 7 Dec 1875
Busherstown [Killerig]. Michael Tracey, his mark, father, Busherstown
[Carlow Carlow PLU] [registered 1876]
Thomas Tracey b. 19 Dec 1877 Busherstown
Carlow. Eliza Brophy, her mark, present at birth, Pollerton Road Carlow [Carlow
Carlow PLU]
Catherina Treacy of Johnstown [Urglin], (d. of Patritii Treacy & Maria Quin of Johnstown) married Johannes Bennett of Tinyland [Tinriland Tullowmagimma], (s. of Thoma Bennett & Eleonora Heron? of Tinryland) 3 Oct 1876 Wit: Gulielmus Bennett of Tinryland & Anne Murphy of Johnstown [Urglin]. Tinryland Parish [see Patrick Tracey/Tracy & Mary Quinn/Quin above]
Catherine Tracy, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Johnstown, (d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer) married John Bennett, full age, bachelor, carpenter, lives Tinryland, (s, of Thomas Bennett, labourer) 03 October 1876 RC Chapel Tinryland Wit: William Bennett & Anne Murphy [Tullow Carlow PLU] signed her mark
John Tracy of Johnstown [Urglin], (s. of Patrick Tracey & Mary Quin of Johnstown) married Anne Murphy of Johnstown (Patrick Murphy & Mary Currin of Johnstown) 24 Feb 1881 Wit: John Delaney of Benokerry [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig] & Matilda Murphy of Johnstown. Tinryland Parish [see Patrick Tracey/Tracy & Mary Quinn/Quin above]
John Tracy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Johnstown (s. of Patrick Tracy, dead, Johnstown) married
Anne Murphy, do [full age], spinster, do [farmer], lives do [Johnstown], (d. of
Patrick Murphy, alive, Johnstown) 24 February 1881 RC Chapel Tinryland Wit:
John Delany & Matilda Murphy [Tullow Carlow PLU]
John Tracey/Treacy & Anne Murphy
Mary Treacy bapt. 27 Jan 1882 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Catherine Tracey bapt. 27 May 1883 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Patrick Treacy bapt. 14 Nov 1884 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Thomas Treacey bapt. 9 May 1886 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
John Treacy bapt. 16 Jun 1889 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
William Treacy bapt. 5 Aug 1891 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Michael Tracey bapt 22 Oct 1893 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
Lawrence Christopher Tracey b. 30 Dec 1895 bapt. 5 Jan 1896 Johnstown. Tinryland Parish
William Tracy, died June 1751, Died, aged 34, Clonmulshe, Carlow, III, 18 JAPMD
* On an upright stone polished like black marble by sheep, &c.,
rubbing against it ’ :—
Here Lies The Body Of W Illiam Tracy Who Departed This Life Ye ---- Day Of June
1751, Aged 34 Years.
Cnoc Arda/Palatine GAA
1919 (and 1920) Palatine's First Senior Champions
...Billy Tracey...[photo] [1901 & 1911 Census Johnstown Urglin]
1972 Senior Hurling Champions
...Seán Tracey (Capt.)...[photo]
2006 Senior Football Champions
...Paul Tracey (Selector)...[photo]
Thomas Joseph
Tracy (1938-2006), was an
aspirant candidate for the position of US Ambassador to Ireland and had a
strong interest in his Carlow roots. His great-greatgrandfather, Martin
Tracy, and his brother Owen, were born and reared in Tinryland where they
were employed by a local landlord. The brothers left Ireland for America in
1859 and their descendant, president and chief executive of Genuine Parts
Distinction, has investigated his Carlow roots on several occasions. Thomas
Tracy supported a number of Irish organisations including Co-operation North.
College Cork - Honorary Conferring May 1999 Denis Brosnan, Professor Gerry Wrixon, Father James Good
and Thomas J Tracy Ref: The
Newsletter For The Cause Of Blessed Junípero Serra Fall/Winter 2006-07 |
Grose Pointe News Obituary Thomas J. Tracy Sr. Grosse Pointe native Thomas J. Tracy Sr., 67, died of prostate cancer on Wednesday, March 22, 2006, at his home in Santa Ana, Calif. He was chief executive and principal owner of Tracy Industries Inc., the nation's largest remanufacturer and distributor of Ford Motor Company parts. Mr. Tracy was born on Dec. 19, 1938, in Detroit and spent the first 30 years of his life in Grosse Pointe. He was devoted to his family, faith and country. He was a 1957 graduate of Portsmouth Abbey School. In 1961, he received a Bachelor of Science degree from Regis University in Denver, Colo. The university awarded him a degree of Doctor of Public Service honoris causa in 2001. He served his country in the Wyoming and Michigan Air National Guard. After several successful years in Ford's marketing and sales departments, Mr. Tracy left the automaker to join the family business, Alma Piston Co., which also does business as Genuine Parts Distributors/ Tomadur Engine Co., and in 2000 became Tracy Industries Inc. Highly respected in his industry, Mr. Tracy served as president of the Production Remanufacturers Association and was awarded that organization's highest honor for outstanding contribution to the industry. Mr. Tracy was a man of extraordinarily strong and devoted faith. His deep involvement in the Catholic Church included being a Knight in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem. He served on several key committees in the Diocese of Orange, Calif., and acted as a financial adviser and friend to a number of religious orders. The Diocese of Orange presented him with the 2004 Bishop Tod D. Brown Award for Exemplary Business Integrity. Mr.
Tracy was very active in politics and a lifelong member of the Republican
Party. As a third-generation Irish American, he was actively involved in many
Irish organizations. He received in 1996 the American Ireland Fund
Distinguished Leadership Award which recognizes "An American of Irish
heritage whose accomplishments exemplify the spirit of Irish immigrants, who
contributed so vitally to the development of the United States as a great
nation." For many years, Mr. Tracy devoted countless hours toward his commitment to seeking peace in Ireland. In 1999, University College Cork, Ireland, awarded him an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa for his selfless personal dedication and philanthropic generosity in supporting Ireland and its heritage, as well as for his continued championship of studies in conflict resolution. Mr. Tracy is survived by his wife, Erma Jean; children, Cynthia, Christina, Katherine, Kilian and Thomas Jr.; sons-in-law, Brian Rofer and Greg McCanna; grandchildren, Gregory Jr., Remington and Shane; brother, Emmet Tracy Jr.; and sisters, Mary Kay Farley and Denice Summers. |
Tullow (CoI)
Church of Ireland records for the Carlow area
24 November 1791 Wm Ransford of Rathglass in the co. of Carlow, farmer and Mary Treacy of the parish of Comer [Castlecomer Kilkenny], spinster, both protestants
Irish Genealogist, vol 8
Tracy & ???
Margaret Tracy b. 2 May 1708 Tullow Parish View Register
Mary Tracy b. 4 March 1711 Tullow Parish View Register
Jane Tracy b. 15 October 1713 Tullow Parish View Register
William Tracy & Ellinor Sunderland 1767 (Marriage Licence Bond)
Treacy m. Elinor Sunderland on 10 November 1767 Lice[nce] Tullow Parish View Register
Treacy & Elinor Treacy
Robart Treacy b. [August to October] 1768
Tullow Parish View Register
Treasey & Elinor
Elizabth b. 27 December 1769 Tullow Parish View Register
Marriage of Wm Tracy and Katherine
Twamley? on 16 April 1777 by licence. Tullow Parish View Register
Tracy & Katherine Tracy
Jane Tracy b. 22 December 1777 Tullow Parish View Register
Christopher Tracy b. 25 October 1782 Tullow
Parish View Register
Betham’s Genealogical
340 Nickson? Timothy of Ballymurphy Co Carlow Gent dated 1 Aug 1783 pd 21 Aug 1783, Brother Richard Nickson?, sisters Isabella Coates orse Nickson and Mary Nickson, brother John Nickson - relation Mrs Catherine Tracey Orse Twomly
Tracy of Colkenno [Coolkenna Aghowle] m.
Robt Cummins of Lany [Leany Moyacomb Carlow] parish of Barrow? [Barragh] on 6
September 1805. Aghold Parish Wicklow View
Burial of Elinor ye wife of William Treasey on 6 September 1774 View Register
Burial of Wm Tracy on 3 March 1787 Tullow Parish View Register
Burial of Robert
Tracy on 15 April 1789 Tullow Parish View Register
Griffiths Valuation for Carlow County c1852
Parish of Ardoyne, Townland of Ardattin (Ord.
S. 13, 14), 194 acres
Map# |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
2 a |
Peter Tracey |
James T. Butler |
34a2r19p House, offices & land |
2 b |
Vacant |
Peter Tracey |
House |
Parish of Ardoyne, Townland of Craans (Ord. S. 14), 777 acres
Map# |
Occupants |
Immediate Lessor |
Description |
7 |
Peter Tracey |
Reps. Right Hon. John Doherty |
74a1r28p House, offices & land |
Jack/John Trecy/Tresy/Tracy & Honor/Onor Dunne/Dunn, his wife
Bridget Trecy b. 16 Aug 1769 of Tullowsbeg Sp. Wilm Donaghue & Catherine Kavanagh. Tullow Parish
Wilm Trecy b. 23 Feb 1772 of ye Green Sp. Greg Gorman & Margaret Ferral. Tullow Parish
Bridget Tresy b. 28 May 1774 of Green Sp. Hughes & Ally Donahue. Tullow Parish
Anne Tracy b. 16 Apr 1776 of Tullow Sp. James McDonnel & Elizabeth Byrne. Tullow Parish
James Tracy b. 26 Oct 1777 of Tullow Sp. Billy Nowlan & Anne Murphy. Tullow Parish
Mary Tracy b. 25 Aug 1780 of Green Sp. John Doyle & Alice Donaghoe. Tullow Parish
William Trasy & Bridget Murphy, his wife
William Trasy b. 23 Apr 1774 of Green Sp. Jno Warren & Saragh Sunderlin?. Tullow Parish
Honora Tracy b. 17 Nov 1778 of Green Sp. Daniel Gafney & Nel Murphy. Tullow Parish *
Rose Tracy, his wife, & Dennis [Morgan crossed out] Byrne
Mary Byrne b. 21 Feb 1776 of Green Sp. Henry Donahoe & Eleanor Murphy. Tullow Parish
Morgan Byrne b. 17 Nov 1778 of Green Sp. David Ryan. Tullow Parish *
Lawrence Tracy & Catharine Doyle
Bridget Tracy b. 4 Jan 1777 of Tullow Bastard Sp. Henry & Alice Donoghoe. Tullow Parish
Mary Tracy? wife[?] & Michael Pheely?
Cath Pheely b. 12 Nov 1779 Bastard of Tullow Sp. Dennis & Cath Byrne. Tullow Parish
Honor Tracy & George Paxthon?
Elizbth Paxthon b. 7 Oct 1780 of Green Sp. John Holaghan & Honor Nowlan. Tullow Parish
* Follow in register
Wm Tracy & Mary Byrne
Margt Tracy b. 17 Jul 1807 of Tullowbg Sp. John Kinsela & Mary. Tullow Parish
Wm Tracy married Mary Kinsela 28 Nov 1807 of Tallow? Green Wit: [blank] Nowlan, Jas Tracy & Bridget Tracy?. Tullow Parish
Wm Tracy & Mary
Wm Tracy b. 12 Mar 1814 of Green Sp. Michl Nowlan & Mary Kinsela. Tullow Parish
Thos Tracey b. 3 Apr 1816 of Tullow Sp. Patt Kinsella & Kitty Nowlan. Tullow Parish
Jas Treacy b. 22 Sep 1822 of Tullow Sp. Wm & Anne Bryan. Tullow Parish
Syl Treacy & Catty
BLANK Treacy b. (No date) December 1809 of (name lost) Sp Mr Thos Donoghoe & Mr Hologan?. Tullow Parish
Cornellius Treacy [Henesy?] married Mary Fenlon 22 Jan 1812 Wit: Pat Kavanagh & Mrs? Foley?. Tullow Parish
John/Jas Tracy & Peggy
Doley Tracy b. 6 Mar 1814 of Green Sp. Dan Ryan & Mary Fitzcad?. Tullow Parish
Joney Tracy b. 23 Sep 1815 of Tullow Sp. David Sinnot & M Murphy. Tullow Parish
Cat Tracy married Jno Pendergast 25 Dec? 1818? at Tullow Wit: Ned Kinsella, Maurice Donahoe & Billy Kehoe. Tullow Parish
Michl Tracy married Cat Smyth 4 Mar 1821 of Aughrosegh? Wit: Con Trasy? [Ivory?] & Mr. Whalan. Tullow Parish [Note: the previous marriage with the same date gave an address of Baltinglass with witness BLANK Tracy & Mr. Whalan]
Thos Tracy & Cath Smith
Patk Tracy b. 5 May 1826 Sp. Jas Roney & Mary Foley. Tullow Parish
Anne Treacy b. 5 Oct 1828 of Knockatubbens [Knocknatubbrid Ardoyne] Sp. Loughlin Doyle & Mgt Murphy. Tullow Parish
Thos Treacy b. 23 Jan 1831 of Rathvaran [Rathvarrin Ardoyne] Sp. Morris Donelan? & Betty Brian. Tullow Parish
Thomas Tracy b. 22 Feb 1835 of Knocknatubird? Sp. Dan Nolan & Jane Roney. Tullow Parish
Thomas Tracey & Catherine Smith [see
Patrick Tracey b. in Tullow, Co
John Tracey b. 1827 Ireland. Immigration:
15 September 1857 ‘Admiral Lyons’ with sister Mary sponsored by BIL John
Murphy, Duck River.
Anne Tracey b. 1830 in
Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, Co, Carlow. Immigration: 31 October 1854 Patrician
parents living at Newbridge, Co. Wicklow. d: 13 August 1873 in McEvoy Street,
Waterloo, NSW 42 years. Burial: 15 August 1873 Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW.
Married John Murphy (b. 1828 in Wexford) 19 July 1856 in St Mary's Cathedral,
Sydney, NSW, Australia reg no 369 d: 24 January 1897 in Sydney Hospital,
Sydney, NSW Burial: 25 January 1897 R C Cemetery, Rookwood, NSW
Mary Tracey b. 1835 in
Knocknatubrid, Ardattin, near Tullow, Co Carlow. Immigration: 15 September 1857
‘Admiral Lyons’ with brother John sponsored by sister Anne Murphy, Pyrmont
Thomas Tracey b: 1839 in
Ballymoneen, Co Wicklow. Married Ellen Clemin b: 1842 in Ballymoneen, Co
Wicklow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with wife and 2 children and
siblings, James and Catherine.
James Tracey b: 1841 in Avoca, Co
Wicklow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with siblings Thomas and
Catherine, Sponsored by John Murphy.
Catherine Tracey b: 1843 in
Knocknatubrid, Ardittin, Co Carlow. Immigration: 09 May 1863 ‘Ironside’ with
siblings Thomas and James. Sponsored by bil John Murphy, Braidwood.
I'd love to hear from anyone researching the family. “K & L Goodworth" ( 8 June 2011
John Treacy married Anne Maher 4 Nov 1822 of Tullow Wit: James Deerin & Betty Dunne. Tullow Parish
Peter Treacy & Anne
Patt Treacy b. 6 Jan 1823 of Cranis? [Craanes Ardoyne] Sp. John Treacy & Rose Nolan. Tullow Parish
Anne Treacy b. 24 May 1829 of Crane? Sp. Ally Broughlin. Tullow Parish
Sally Treacy b. 19 May 1832 of Cranns Sp. Edw Donohue & Mary Broheun?. Tullow Parish
Peter Treacy & Peggy [Note: see?]
Patt Treacy b. Jul 1823 of Tullow Sp. Ewd Tracy [Note: see?] & Betty Carty. Tullow Parish
Peter Treacy & Mary
Michl Treacy b. 1 Sep 1823 of Ballyvarrn? Sp. Jas Smyth & Peg Treacy. Tullow Parish
Pat Treacy & Mary
Cath Treacy b. 1 May 1825 Sp. Cath Neil. Tullow Parish
Rose Trasy married John Bryan 15 Oct 1827 Wit: William Kinsella & Ned Kinsella. Tullow Parish
Mich Tracy & Judy
John Tracy b. 25? Nov 1827 Sp. Wm & Mary Sary? [Note: see?]. Tullow Parish
Laur/Laurence Tracey & Mgt/Margo
Jas Treacy b. 14 Sep 1828 Sp. Pat Cosgrave & A Murphy. Tullow Parish
Michl Tracey b. 5 Oct 1833 of Tullow Sp. William? Mooney & Betty Mooney?. Tullow Parish
Denny Tracy married Anne Ryan 15 Jul 1829 Wit: Jas Holigan & Anne Carty. Tullow Parish
Mary Tracy married Peter Byrne 27 ? 1830 Wit: Peter Nolan & Cathrine? Curran. Tullow Parish
Mary Treacy/Tracy & Peter Byrne
William Byrne b. 13 Jun 1841 of Green Sp. Patt Byrne & Anne Nolan. Tullow Parish
Margaret Byrne b. 25 Jun 1843 of Green Sp. Patt Moran & Cathr Lynch. Tullow Parish
Janey Tracey married Daniel Nawlan 10 Mar 1833 Wit: Denis Tracey & Anne Nowlan. Tullow Parish
Johanna Treacy & Danl Nolan
Mary Nolan b. 5 Jun 1842 of Tullowbeg [Fennagh] Sp. Francis Nolan & Anne Treacy. Tullow Parish
Patt & Mary Nowlan
James Nowlan bapt 27th Oct 1833 of
Green Tullow Sp. William Tracy &
Catherine Mooney
Patt Tracey & Catherine Doyle
Henry Tracey b. 18th October 1835 Tankerstown [Tullowphelim] Sp Laurence Cummins & Anne. Tullow Parish
Laurence Treacy b. 30 Aug 1840 Of Paulville [Tullowphelim?] Sp. Laurence Doyle & Mary Murphy. Tullow Parish
Denis Treasy married Bridget Keating 6 June 1839 of Tullow beg [Tullowbeg Fennagh] Wit: Michael & Bridget ONeill. Tullow Parish
Denis Treacy & Bridget Keegan/Keating
Mary Treacy b. 12 Sep 1841 of Abbey Street Sp. Patt Teulan & Mary Gahan. Tullow Parish
Denis Treacy b. 5 Feb 1843 of Abbey Street Sp. Patrick Byrne & Mary A Kinsella. Tullow Parish
Thomas Tracey b. 16 Sep 1846 of Abbey Street Sp. Joseph Bryne & Anne Tracey. Tullow Parish
Betty Treacy married James Clark 18 Jan 1844 of Paulville [Tullowphelim?] Wit: Edwd Foley & Mary Treacy. Tullow Parish
Mary Treacy of Shranghawry married Michl Kiernan 21 November? 1843 Wit: Ric Kehoe & Mary Prendarghast. Tullow Parish Carlow
Mary Tracy & Michael Kerwan?/Kernan/Kiernan
Margaret Kerwan b. 8 Sep 1844 of Shanghanns? Sp. Michael Nolan & Mary Travers. Tullow Parish
John Kernan b. 28 Apr 1849 of Mulans? Sp. John Kehoe & Mary Dowling. Tullow Parish
Elizabeth Kiernan b. 17 Mar 1854 of Mullawns Sp. John Flood & Anne Maria McGiffney. Tullow Parish
Teresa Kernan b. 28 Mar/8 Apr 1860 of The Mullawn Sp. Michael Kehoe & James Coady. Tullow Parish
Catherine Kernan b. 28 Jun/7 Jul 1863 of Mullawn Sp. James Hinly? & Bessy Fynne?. Tullow Parish
Bridget Tracey & Marks Rorke
Anne Rorke b. 30 Mar 1845 of Green Sp. Thomas & Ellen Tracey. Tullow Parish
Mick Cowman & Bridget Kinsella
Patrick b. 5th April 1846 The Green Sp Peter Nowlan & Ellen
Tracey. Tullow Parish
Ellen Tracy & John Lyons
Jeromb? Lyons b. 29 Mar/8 Apr 1860 of The Green Sp. William Tracy & Ruth Dwyer. Tullow Parish [Note: sub conditione]
Patrick Lyons b. 13/18 Mar 1862 of Ellengrove [Ellengrove House?] Sp. Thos Tracy & Anne Nolan. Tullow Parish [Note: Sub con]
Mary Anne Lyons b. 4/13 Dec 1864 of Ellen Grove Sp. James Dwyer & Mary Ann Dwyer. Tullow Parish
Dianam Tracy of Craans [Ardoyne] (d. of Petri Tracy) married Jacobum McArdle of Tullowland [Tithe records in Tullowphelim] (s. of Jacobi McArdle) 11 Jun 1861 Wit: Sarah Tracy. Tullow Parish
Dianne/Dinah/Dena Tracy/Treacy & James McArdle
James McArdle b. 5/9 Jun 1863 of Tullowlane? Sp. Patrick Tracy & Ellen O'Brien. Tullow Parish
Anne Mary McArdle b. 28 Feb 1865 of Tullowland Sp. John O'Brien & Sarah Tracy. Tullow Parish
Sarah Jane McArdle b. 23 Nov 1868 of Tullowland Sp. Michael Treacy & Mary Dwyar?. Tullow Parish
Patrick McArdle b. 1/8 Nov 1870 of Tullowland Sp. Michael Lalor & Kate Lalor. Tullow Parish
Wm Tracy married Anne MacLean of Lotts 18 Sep 1864 Wit: Michl Dwyer & Margaret Kinsella. Muckalee Parish
William Treacy, full age, unmarried, farmer, lives Tulla? [Tullow? Carlow] (s. of William Treacy, farmer) married Anne Mclane, full age, spinster, lives Crutenclogh? [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer] (d. of Owen McLane, farmer) 18 August 1864 RC Chapel of Coon Wit: Michael Dwyer & John Faley [Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]
New Ross Petty Sessions
22 Aug 1862 New Ross Court, Thomas Treacey Tullow Green Co. Carlow, defendant, HC John Simmonds New Ross, complainant, that deft had in his posession at Irishtown New Ross on 11 August 1862 six light measures, fine 6/- costs 1/- & correct the unjust weights
??? Newtownbarry, Thos Tracey & Edwd Murphy of Tullow, cruelty to animals by furiously driving at Newtownbarry, fin 6 each
Saint Mary Churchyard, Bennekerry
Laurence Treacy, d. no date, b/o William, [AR]
Michael Treacy, d. 28 Feb 1962, b/o William, [AR]
William Treacy, d. 3 Jan 1972, h/o Theresa, Ballinakillbeg, [AR]
Theresa Treacy, d. 12 Jan 1970, w/o William, [AR]
Anne Tracy
died 1868, Carlow PLU, Aged 76, b. 1792, died 21 Aug 1868 Craanns [Craans
December 29, 1906 The Intermountain Catholic. (Salt Lake City
Mr. Patrick Tracey, a venerable and
respected resident of Tullow [Carlow], died at his residence, Craans house, on
Dec. 1, aged 80.
Mar 26, 1909 (FJ) Death
Tracey - March 25, 1909, at
Paulville, Tallow, Co. Carlow, Patrick Tracey, aged 38 years, after a long and
tedious illness, borne with great patience and resignation, fortified by the
Rites of Holy Catholic Church, RIP. Funeral on to-morrow (Saturday) to
Liscolman, at 2 o'clock. Office and Requiem Mass at Tullow on Monday, at 11
Parliamentary Roll 1872,
M. Schools of Kildare and Leighlin, 1775-1835,
M. Carlow Past and Present,
James Bibliography of the counties Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford, Waterford
and South East of Ireland Archaeological and Historical Society Journal,
ll, 1907.
James The Antiquities of Leighlin,
H.J. The Social State of the Southern and Eastern Counties of Ireland in the
Sixteenth Century, 1870.
Suibhne, Peadar Clonegal Parish, Carlow, 1975
Páircín, Liam
(1998) Logainmneacha
Cheatharlach. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Maynooth.
E. The Place-names of Co. Carlow,
E. The Parish of Ballon, Co. Carlow, 1933.
Jimmy. "The Old Parish of Templepeter, Co. Carlow"
Journal articles:
"Copy of the Vestry Book of the
united Parishes of Carlow and Killeshin from 5 April, 1675, to 31 January,
1715," in the Jackson collection now deposited in the Mechanics'
Institute, Carlow.”
Robert Malcomson. On Merchants' Tokens Struck in the
Towns of Carlow, Bagnalstown and Tullow. The Journal of the Historical and Archaeological
Association of Ireland, Third Series,Vol. 1, No. 2 (1869), pp. 244-254
Conleth Manning. Transcripts from the Civil Survey of
Counties Carlow and Kilkenny. The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries
of Ireland, Vol. 132 (2002), pp. 57-76
following full-text books of historical interest are available on Google books
and are available for download. They can be searched online:
Francis Frederick Hayd'n (1822) The medical mentor, and new guide to fashionable
watering places. Carlow
Ryan, John (1833) The History and Antiquities of
the county of Carlow. Dublin
Last update: 28 February 2025