It may be presumed that the Traceys of Louth are descended from the Uí Bairrche.


It is presumed that the Traceys of Louth are of the Uí Bairrche, as there is also a high prevelance of Carneys and Gormans in that area. Similar to the Traceys of Wicklow, they are mainly located in the seaport of the county, Drogheda.












In Louth, there was Ballrassie, Tresach or Tracy's Park, near Drogheda, perhaps Baltray, named after the Traceys.


1306 Louth

Gilpatrick McMahoun, in this court at Atherde, on Wednesday after Epiphany last acknowledged that he owed to…Robert Tracy, for one afer, 40d…



1311 Louth

Robert Tracy and others charged that Richard Gernoun, Sheriff of said county, the escape of William McNeel in going to Drogheda Castle with William Le Yong.


4 Jan 1311

Yet Of Pleas Of The Crown And Delivery Of Gaol At Drogheda Before John Wogan, Justiciar, Monday After Circumcision,

William le Yong, Robert le Yong, Robert Tracy, Robert Tanner, Adam Threl, John Pullehare, Walter Pullehare, Richard son of Roger Burgeys, Richard le Rede, William Bonde, John Bouer, and Richard Mowr, charged that when Richard Gernoun, sheriff of the said county, took one William McNeel, indicted before the sheriff of theft, and handed William over to the said William le Yong, etc., as prisoner of the King to lead to the castle of Drogheda, they permitted the said prisoner to go free and escape, whereby the whole country is damaged, come and say they received the said prisoner from the sheriff, as is aforesaid, and led him to the castle of Dublin and offered to Richard de Balybyn, constable, an open letter of the sheriff commanding the constable to receive the said prisoner from them; the constable refused to receive the letter and prisoner, whereupon they led back the prisoner to the town of Hathrede and put him bound in the house of Adam le White, and burdened the community of the town with the custody of the prisoner, from whose custody he afterwards escaped, so that William le Yong etc. are not guilty of the escape, and did not permit the prisoner otherwise to depart, and they put themselves on the country.

Calendar Justiciary Rolls...Ireland I To VII Years Of Edward II


Elizabeth I

22 March 1601-2

Pardon to...of Harryestowne, co. Louth...James Tressle...


XII.—9. Pat 3 James I

...the tithes of the south part of the parish of Ardee, with those of Baltrassie [Baltray? east of Drogheda]...


1649 – 1734 "Council Book of the Corporation of Drogheda"

Patrick Tracie, p.24, 1649

Patrick Tracie, p.26, 1649

Pattrick Tracie, p.25, 1649

Pattrick Tracie, p.26, 1649

Robert Tracey, p.190, 1680

Page 24...Mr. Patrick Tracie elected Sherriffe, by the ffloore, for the ensueinge yeare.

Page 25...Patrick Tracie being formerly elected sherriffe by the ffloore, and refusing to execute the said office, in consideracon of his povertie and humble submission to the Assembyly was fined in 20s ster.

Page 26..tenth day of January 1649...Patrick Tracie...

Page 190...1680...Consideration being had of the humble petition of Eliz Dowdall, widow, setting forth that although she hath payd Ald. Richardson the Tenn (pounds) granted her at ye Last assembly, on account of ye prejudice sustained bt the removing of the market without the Gates, yett he hath sued Robert Tracey who was bound with your petitioners husband to the said Alderman for ye rent of the Gate, and hath taken him in execution , where he is like to ...

Page 349. Att A G.A. Held &c the 13 Januarii 1720. Granted. Elizabeth Watters, alias Treasy, the vacancy now in St. John's Poorehouse.


1659 Census

Farrard Barony, (Ferrard) Louth (pp. 470)

Tracey (6)


1719 Deed

John Tracy, 1719, Shanlis


1721 Dictionnaire universel francois et latin [Volume 5]

PONTANA, seu Pons Drogheda, Tresach, ville de la Lagenie, en Irlande, dans : e Comté de Louth, sous la Boyne

[PONTANA, seu Pons Drogheda, Tresach, city of Leinster, in Ireland, in: the County of Louth, by the Boyne]

[Pontana latin name for Drogheda & Tredagh old name for Drogheda]


October 1728

Survey of: "Collan Moure called or known by the name parke ne modah" [Collon, Co. Louth] (160 acres 3 rods 20 perches) by Hugh Boyle for John Foster, James Treacy, George Bluntt & Thomas Fenegan. D562/613 PRONI


In 1738 the lands of Killineer, part of the Corporate property, were sold to defray the town's debt for building the bridge, as incurred in 1723: and in the same year, the Corporation granted to Sir Thomas Taylor, Baronet, a lease of a garden and orchard without St. Lawrence's gate, north of the way thence to Green Hills, commonly known by the name of the White House, with a park called Tracy's Park, wherein was formerly a water-mill; together with the water-course, mill, park, and mill pond....

D'Alton, John. (1844) The History of Drogheda: With Its Environs, and an Introductory Memoir of the Dublin. Vol. 1.

1835 Municipal Corporations in Ireland - Appendix to the First Report

County of the Town of Drogheda...Park, with cabins, out Sunday's Gate, a park thereto, adjoining also the White House park, out Laurences's Gate, and another park near the same, called "Tracy's Park".


1740? Corn Census

Edwad Tracy, Tullyallen Belgatherin, 5 rye, 40 oats (barrels)

Pat Tracy, 100 oats

Wm Trasey, 8 oats

Dermot MacIvor. An Eighteenth Century Corn Census of County Louth. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, Vol. 11, No. 4 (1948), pp. 254-286


1756 Commission of Array for County Louth

Barony of Ferrard Commission of Array

William Tracey


1757 Council Book of the Corporation of Drogheda

Elizabeth Treacey, 1757, Decd.


1759 Convent of Drogheda

In the year 1722, March the 28th, Hugh MacMahon, in the primatial chair of Armagh, initiatory steps were taken towards the revival of the Dominican order of nuns in Drogheda.

Katharina Plunket, having returned from Brussels, was constituted the prioress. She received young ladies of respectable parentage and innocence of life soon after, as novices, who were many of them successively chosen as superioresses.

The head of the martyred Oliver Plunkett, archbishop of Armagh, kept in a silver shrine, has been preserved in the convent of Drogheda, which has been dedicated to St. Katharine, of Sienna. The first prioress died on the 1st of July, 1757.

A.D. 1759, there were eighteen nuns in this convent. Brigid Taaffe, prioress; Maria O'Reilly, sub-prioress; Eleanor O'Neil, Maria Plunkett, Maria Balfe, Maria Bellew, Eleanora Jolly, Brigid Dillon, Rose Bellew, Margaret Savage, Frances O'Reilly, Catharine Ford, Catharine Clarke, Anna Tracy, Marianna Bath, Maria Kirwan, Maria O'Kelly, Maria Dodd.

Thomas Walsh (1854) History of the Irish Hierarchy: With the Monasteries of Each County, Biographical Notices of the Irish Saints, Prelates, and Religious


1766 Religious Census

James Tracy, papist, Termonfeckan, Co. Louth.

GO Ms. 536-7 National Library of Ireland


[see 1766 Religious Census for a list of parishes searched and links]

The 1766 Religious Census for Some County Louth Parishes

Termonfeckin papists

122. Jas. Tracy

123. Jam. Tracy, jnr.

Tomás Ó Fiaich The 1766 Religious Census for Some County Louth Parishes. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1958), pp. 103-117


Pat Tressey?


1769 Will

John Traffe [Taaffe], Stephenstown, Co. Louth


1778-1790 Catholic Qualification Rolls

Dennis Tracy, Schoolmaster, of Atherdee [Ardee?] Co Louth, 25th Jan 1779 City of Dublin


1796 Flax Growers

Name, Civil Parish, No. of Spinning Wheels

Denis Treasy, Philipstown, Louth 1

James Tracy, Dyzart, Louth 1

John Tracy, Main/Mayne, Louth 1

Patrick Tracey, Parsonstown, Louth 1

Patrick Tracy, Clogher, Louth 1

Thomas Tracy, Dyzart, Louth 1


1 Nov 1797 Lease

Witness: Thomas Dixon Traffe of Millpark, co. Louth Esq



Patrick Tracy otherwise Treacey, Will, Mariner on board His Majesty's Ship Aurora Number 243 on Ships Books Date 19 April 1804 Catalogue reference PROB 11/1408

...August 1, 1798...to my Wife Nelly Treacey and to James Tracy my Son both residing in Drogheda in this County of Louth Ireland I...appoint Mrs Hawson living upon the Quay in Drogheda to receive his share until he arrives at the age of twenty one years…Proved at London 19 April 1804 by the Oath of Nelly Treacey otherwise Tracy Widow power reserved to Sarah Hawson Widow.



Patrick Tracy otherwise Treacey

Will of Patrick Tracy otherwise Treacey, Mariner on board His Majesty's Ship Aurora Number 243 on Ships Books 19 April 1804 PROB 11/1408


Joseph Tracy, Will [brother to Patrick]

Seaman, “Aurora”

Ship's Pay Book number: 240

Date, 06 November 1798

Catalogue reference, ADM 48/94


...unto my nephew James Tracy residing in Lawrence Street Drogheda Ireland and I do hereby nominate and appoint Mrs Sarah Hawson residing in the South Quay in Drogheda Executrix...


British War Office

Philip Treacy Volunteer from Louth Militia to 2/3rd in Jan 1812 or 13


British War Office

William Tracey b.c. 1780 Drogheda [Louth], Dimmesh/ Durinish? 27th Foot (2 yrs) 4th Garrison Btn (8 yrs) Chelsea 25th Jan 1815 Hatter WO116/18


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

William Tracy born Dundalk, Louth. Served in 59th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29, 1816-1820

William Tracy, b. 1796, Dundalk, Louth

William Tracy b. 1791 Dundalk, Louth 59th Foot 1816 –June 1820 (2 yrs in India) Pensioner in LOU WO116/30

Wm Tracey Dundalk, Louth 59th Regiment of Foot, residence Jun 1820

Fifty Ninth Regiment - ? June 1820 Wm Tracey, 29 years, 4 8/12 private, India service East 2 3/12, Total 5 6/12, 6 rate of pay, Dropsy from Cisease Caseera, born Dundalk Louth, labr, 5'?", fair hair, grey eyes, ? complexion



...held under lease dated 28th January 1819, for lives renewable for ever.

2 & 2a Catherine Treacy (representaive of Denis Treacy and wife), Carrisckastuck, Dundalk, Louth, £6.6.0 rent, 8a.1r.20p. Lease dated 24th July 1816 between Henry Coulter of the one part and Denis Treacy and Elizabeth Treacy, for 999 years. The said lease gives a right of way from the premises demised thereby to the main road...public to use..."Co. Road"...water of the Castletown River, which bounds this estate on the North...

1817 onwards Carrickistuck…Denis Tracy…


1851 April 28 DEED: 1851 12 97

…James Treacy of Philipstown…


1919 will of John Coulter




1824-5 Drogheda - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher Richard Taylor Tracey


British War Office to 1860 (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

John Tracy, b. 1827 Clogher, Louth

John Tracey, b. 1827 Clogher, Louth

John Tracey, born abt 1827 Clogher, Louth, No. 800 Private Royal Canadian Rifles, joined age 19 on the 14 Nov 1846 Wigam, Wigam

No. 800 Private John Tracey, labourer, b. Maggarcross Clogher Louth, attested 62nd Regt at Wigam Wigam on the 14 November 1846, age 19 years, discharged Saint Johns P.Q. Canada 1869, age 41 years 7 months, 5'7", fresh complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, labourer, loss of half of little finger, intended residence Toronto Ont Canada

John Tracey of Naggar Cross, Clogher, Louth [WO 23]

Regiments:   Royal Canadian Rifles; 62nd Foot

Rank:            Private

Age:             41

Foreign service:           Malta 3 3/12; Crimea 1 3/12; Canada 11 3/12

Character:     Very Good; 5 Badges

Trade:           Laborer

Height - feet:               5

Height - inches:           7

Hair:             Brown

Eyes:            Grey

Complexion:                Fresh

Regimental surgeons report:       Completed Service

Permission to reside:   13 July 1869

Residing in Toronto Ontario


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Dennis Tracy, Carrigastock, Philipstown-Nugent, Armagh [Louth]


James Tracy, Clormaquigan, Philipstown-Nugent, Armagh [Louth]


Patrick Treacy, Grangebellew, Dysart, Louth, 1825



Patrick Treacy, Grangebellew, Dysart, Louth, 1825


Dennis Tracy, Carrigastock, Philipstown-Nugent, Armagh [Louth]

James Tracy, Clormaquigan, Philipstown-Nugent, Armagh [Louth]


1831 Tithe Defaulter

Tip Tracey, Labourer, Grange, Dysart, Co. Louth.


1831 Louth

22. Laurence Treacey, plaintiff, John Carney, defendant, house and lands, Upper Dundalk, Dundalk, overholding, not decreed.


1832 Assizes

James Tracey, Schoolmaster...£11.10.0

1833-5 Assizes

To James G. Tracey/Tracy, Schoolmaster of Dundalk Gaol, half-a-year’s salary that will be due him Summer Assizes 1835...£12.10.0


Dundalk Assizes 1832-34

Aug 1 1833 Abraham Webster against John Treacy, assault, Parish of Philipstown, £2.10.0 fine, 1 month imprisoned

242. James Tracey, convicted of assault on Abraham Webster, 1 Aug [1833], to pay £2.19.6 or be imprisoned one month, paid fine & discharged.

203. Denis Tracy, convicted of having in posession 12 bushels of malt and 300 gallons of wash, committed 27 June 1833 by L. Bigger and E. Jenkins Esqs, forfeited the sum of £200 which has been mitigated to £12 sterling, and a further mitigation to £6, discharged 13 July 1833, paid £6 & discharged.

27 June 1833. Dennis Treacy, having 12 bushels of malt and 300 gallons of wash, parish of Philipstown, 3 months, paid Mr. Kilpatrick collector of excise

Prisoners removed to infirmatory. Dundalk Gaol 4th April 1834

Dennis Tracey, 28 Jun 1833, Rheumatism, 28 jun-13 Jul, 2.5lb bread and 1 quart new milk 1


1835-6 Louth Ordnance Survey Letters.

Philipstown - In Rathmore T.L. there is a fort called lios a déin. We find Lisadean fort mentioned in the name book under Barronstown parish. Whether this latter one be the same writh the former we cannot ascertain. Informant : Mr. Treacy

Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Dec., 1929), pp. 53-68


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

James Tracey, b. Louth Louth

John Tracey, b. 1821 Drogheda Louth

John Tracey, b. Drogheda Louth

Nicholas Tracey, b. Drogheda Louth

Nicokolas Tracey, b. 1806 Drogheda Louth

Thomas Treacey, b. Louth Louth


1836 Royal Commission for inquiring into the condition of the poorer classes in Ireland

Plantiff: Laurence Treacey, Defendant: John Carney, House & Lands -a/-r/-p, Dundalk Upper Dundalk Louth, £-, overholding, not decreed


1837-1840 Assizes

Louth Constabulary...Sub-Constable 1st Class...James Tracey/Tracy

1840-7 Assizes

Louth Constabulary...George Tracy, Constable 1st Class & Constable


British Civil Service Evidence Of Age

Thomas Tracey, born 1840 Dysart Louth Ireland

List of Certified Candidates 1861

Thomas Tracey, Customs, Out-door Officer, August 8


1842 Spring Assizes Expenses

Queen v. Tracey, County of Louth, total £10/1/5 [Note: 'County of Drogheda' is listed as a separate entry]


Burren is a townland in the parish of Dunleer, barony of Ferrard, Co Louth. Employment on Burren farm:…

Catherine Tracey, 26 June 1843, at 12s. 6d. per three months, increasing to 15s. per quarter in 1844…

Pádraig Faulkner. A County Louth Farm on the Eve of and during the Famine: Burren Farm Accounts' Book, 1839 to 1848. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 23, No. 4 (1996), pp. 438-451



Married in Drogheda Samuel Eakins of Peter Street Drogheda to Mary Jane daughter to the Rev. John Nelson of Drogheda on Wednesday December 11th 1844 by me John Holmes


Thos Treasey (?)

James Marks (?)

John Quinn

(The above entry is preceded by two separate signed declarations by Samuel Eakins and m. J. Nelson, as follows: "I am a Wesleyan Methodist and desire to be married by a W'esleyan Minister. Drogheda December 11th 1844.")

Brian S. Turner. The Methodist Baptismal Registers of County Lough 1829-1865. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 18, No. 2(1974), pp. 132-139


1846 Assizes

59. We present the sum of £36 10s 6d. to be raised off the County at Large to pay the following Orders of Courts for the expenses of Witnesses—No. 53,...Mary Anne Tracy...£0.5.0...


Farm Account Books, from Gaulstown Monasterboice

Mathw Tracy 1847-48

Mary & Biddy Tracy 1847

Réamonn Ó Muireadhaigh. Farm Account Books, 1802-1860, from Gaulstown Monasterboice. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 17, No. 4 (1972), pp. 235-249


February 22, 1851 (FJ) Drogheda

...rejection of the Penal Measures...James Tracy...


1851 RIC Service

Robert Tracy, 14947, b. 1831 Londonderry


14947 Robt Tracy, (M) Dismonted 28/4/74 70082D/23963, 20 years, 5'9.5", b. L Derry, Catholic, married 7 Dec '60 wife born Leit, recommended S In Cole, lab, allocated 16 Apl 1851, served Reserve 1 Aug '51 - Louth 1 May '54 - Reserve 13 Feb '55 - Mon 1 Nov '55, P1SC 1 Sep '51 - PAC 1 Feb 1868 - P Con 1 Octr 1870, Rewards App Aug '58, Pensioned 1 July 1875 £2-10 C F 14947D/12041, served 24 years 2 months, pension £48


13-10-1851 Western World, Liverpool to New York

Ellen Tracer      18 F Servant      Drogheda            Albany

James Tracy       19 M Labourer     Longford          New York

Julia Tracy        4 F Servant      Longford          New York



Name of Missing

Home county


AD Date



George Treacy

(Policeman* 1839 Dundalk)

Cumber, Cumber Upper, Londonderry


Philadelphia, PA


Bridget Treacy (sister)

Andrew Connerton

310 Wa, Cincinnati, OH

* No listing for a George Treacy in the RIC

Of Geo Treacy, of parish Cumber, co Derry, who went to Dundalk in `31, joined the police, and remained until 39, when he went to Liverpool and thence to New York, - now supposed to be in Philadelphia. Information will be received by his sisters, Bridget and Elizabeth, addressed to the care of Andrew Connerton, 410 Walnut st, Cincinnati, O.

1837-1840 Assizes

Louth Constabulary...Sub-Constable 1st Class...James Tracey/Tracy

1840-7 Assizes

Louth Constabulary...George Tracy, Constable 1st Class & Constable



Griffiths Valuation Louth 1854


By Area

Anne Tracey George's Street, Moneymore St. Peters Louth


Henry Tracy Carrickastuck Philipstown Louth


James Tracy Nun's Walk, Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth

James Tracy Philipstown Philipstown Louth

James Tracy Termonfeckin Termonfeckin Louth


John Tracy Moores Lane, Moneymore St. Peters Louth


Margaret Tracy Hand Street, Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth


Mary Tracey Port Port Louth


Michael Tracey Boherglass,Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth

Michael Tracey Nun's Walk,Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth


Patrick Tracey Parsonstown Parsonstown Louth

Patrick Tracey Rep. Grangebellew Dysart Louth

Patrick Tracy Chester Lane, Moneymore St. Peters Louth

Patrick Tracey Rep. Grangebellew Dysart Louth


Patrick Tracey Parsonstown Parsonstown Louth


Henry Tracy Carrickastuck Philipstown Louth

James Tracy Philipstown Philipstown Louth


Mary Tracey Port Port Louth


Anne Tracey George's Street, Moneymore St. Peters Louth

James Tracy Nun's Walk, Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth

John Tracy Moores Lane, Moneymore St. Peters Louth

Margaret Tracy Hand Street, Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth

Michael Tracey Boherglass, Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth

Michael Tracey Nun's Walk, Yellowbatter St. Peters Louth

Patrick Tracy Chester Lane, Moneymore St. Peters Louth


James Tracy Termonfeckin Termonfeckin Louth



1854 The County Louth Crimean War Patriotic Fund

Henry Treacey, -, 1/-, Collected by Thomas Bradford and John McAlister

James Treacey, Philipstown, 5/-, Collected by Thomas Bradford and John McAlister


1856 Barony of Drogheda

Henry Tracey, Moneymore, Cess laid on at Summer assizes 1855, £0.0.7, Cess laid on at Spring assizes 1856, £0.0.0

Michael Tracy, Yellow Batter, Cess laid on at Summer assizes 1855, £, Cess laid on at Spring assizes 1856, £0.0.3

Margaret Tracy, Hand-street, Cess laid on at Summer assizes 1855, £0.0.10, Cess laid on at Spring assizes 1856, £0.0.5

Thomas Tracy, Crooked-street Clogher, Cess laid on at Summer assizes 1855, £0.0.7, Cess laid on at Spring assizes 1856, £

James Tracy, Termonfeckin, Cess laid on at Summer assizes 1855, £0.0.3, Cess laid on at Spring assizes 1856, £


1857 RIC Service

Peter Treacy, 21618, b. 1833 Wicklow


21618 Peter Treacy, 24 years, 5'10", b. Wicklow, recommended by WC Henessy? JP. lab, allocated 19 Feb 57, served Drogheda? 12 Jun, Punishment 14/12/59, Resigned 9 July 1860 A82314/9157, Inadequate Pay C.I. states to join the Pope's army [Italy?]


24 Feb 1858 (BL) Spring Assizes Drogheda

...15th August 1857, killed one Matthew Tracy...his home in Morgan's Lane, Drogheda...[worse for ware...passing a house of ill repute on his street...madame...beating had ruptured his colon]...guilty of common assault.


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Henry Treacey 25 Sep 1876 Carrickastuck Louth, farmer, by Anne Treacy widow and James Lennan of Lurgankeel, farmer

James Treacy 14 Mar 1866 Philipstown Louth, farmer, to Eliza Treacy widow

Patrick Tracey 6 Oct 1909 Port Togher Louth, farmer, to Brigid Darby, married woman


John Coulter 2 Aug 1919 Carrickastuck Hackballcross Louth, farmer, to  William Treacy Patrick Treacy

James Rourk 14 Jan 1909 Clogher Head Louth, farmer, to James Tracey, land steward

Margaret Costello 20 Feb 1906 Ballybarrack Dundalk Louth, widow, to  John Treacy, farmer

Margaret Taaffe 12 Apr 1904 Coolagh street Drogheda Louth, to James Taaffe, labourer & Bridget Tracey (wife of John Tracey)

Jane Ford 15 Dec 1885 Magdalen street Drogheda, spinster, to first cousin Mary Tracy of Prospect avenue Drogheda, married woman


4 September 1859

Sent 1 cart with John Tracy policeman from Corcreagh to Skyhill Barrack where he was removed to. [Louth]

Canice O'Mahony. Diary of Piers Murphy of Corcreeghagh for 1858-1862. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 24, No. 1 (1997), pp. 21-38


1860- British War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital

Patrick Tracey, b. 1848 Dunleer, Louth

Peter Tracey, b. 1873 Drogheda, Louth

Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]

Peter Tracey, b. 1871, Drogheda, Louth

Robert Tracey, ?, b. Ardee, Louth


1860-1921 Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen





Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn


June 1868





Louth Drogheda



June 1867





Louth Drogheda








Louth Drogheda



December 1879





Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn


December 1868





Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn







Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn


June 1873





Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn







Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn


June 1872





Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn







Louth Drogheda

Colleen Bawn


December 1872





Louth Drogheda

Lord Athlumney


June 1882





Louth Drogheda

Lord Athlumney


December 1881





Louth Drogheda

Saint Patrick


December 1874





Louth Drogheda

George Harpur


June 1879





Louth Drogheda

Lord Athumney


June 1878





Louth Drogheda

Saint Patrick


December 1871





Louth Drogheda

Saint Patrick







Louth Drogheda

St Patrick


June 1871





Louth Drogheda

St Patrick


June 1871





Louth Drogheda



December 1911





Louth Drogheda



June 1911





Louth Drogheda



June 1880





Louth Drogheda








Louth Drogheda








Louth Drogheda

Duke Of Leinster




1861 English Census

Eliza , Boarder, 20, b. 1841 Draghida , Kirkham Fylde Lancashire.


1 December 1862 (FJ) Augustian Church, Drogheda

...new organ...The choir consisted of Miss Tracy...


11 December 1862 (FJ) O'Connell Statue

...Clogher and Walshestown, Drogheda...P. Tracy...


1862 Spring Assizes

127 Thomas Lawless contractor, for filling a grip and building a fence along 50 perches of the road from Dundalk to Castleblaney, between James Tracey’s house in Phillipstown and Hackballscross...£12.0.0


December 1864 Dundalk Harbour Commissioners

...A Petition from two men named Tracy, to be appointed pilots at Clogher Head was refused...


1865 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, Mary, Drogheda, Louth/Meath. 1865 12 513

Tracey, Peter, Drogheda, Louth/Meath. 1865 7 543

Tracy, Mary, Drogheda, Louth/Meath. 1865 7 557

Tracy, Rose, Drogheda, Louth/Meath. 1865 12 493

Tracy, Rose, Drogheda, Louth/Meath. 1865 12 491


1865 Voters List

Henry Treacy, Carrickastuck, Rec. Joseph Dickie, Dundalk Upper

James Treacy, Philipstown, Henry Battersby, Dundalk Upper



9. Nicholas Tracy, Nunns walk, Louth, Cabin, £2.7.8 rent, weekly tenant


1871 Census

John Davis, Head, 48, b. 1823 London, Leather And Cloth Japanner, Regent Road Salford Lancashire

Margaret Davis, Wife, 44, b. 1827 Derry Ireland, Cotton Mill, Regent Road Salford Lancashire

Margaret Tracy, Step-Daughter, 19, unmarried, b. 1852 Drogheda Ireland, Cotton Mill, Regent Road Salford Lancashire

Ellen Tarcey, 26, b. 1845 Broughhead [Drogheda?] Ireland, Lancashire


August 23 1875 New York Herald

Tracy - On Friday august 20...35? Market street, Mary, the...Tracy and daughter of James...Ardee, County Louth Ireland.


1876 Tewksbury Almshouse Intake Record - Massachusetts

Margaret Tracey, age 53, from Holyoke Sepy 25 1876, condition well, removed New York

53 b Ire Co Lowd [Drogheda? Louth]. Land New York Aug or Sept 1875 per SS "City of Montreal". Gd children George 10 John 9 & Edward McLoughlin 7. Direct to Holyoake to date?. Mary wf of Patrick McLoughlin in Holyoke & she has lived with them till sent here. Husb Nicholas Tracy d Ire 30 yrs ago. Has son John & dau Maggie in Ire. Came here to get sent to Ire. Sore head says fell down stairs. Druies OK. Sent to N York.


City Of Montreal Liverpool 22 Sep 1875

John Tracey, 30, gentleman, born Ireland

Margaret Tracey, 50, wife, born England


Marlborough arrived Canterbury 14 Dec 1878 (assisted emigration)

Denis Treacy, 23 years, single, farm labourer, of Louth



2. [12 of 14] Anne Tracy, Upper Magdalene street, the Rope Walk, and Moore's Lane, St. Peter, Drogheda, Louth, £2.12.0 rent, 0a/2r/34.75p [Shared with 13 others], tenant from week to week


27 January 1879 Freeman's Journal

... named John Tracy, residing at Patrick-street, Drogheda, was severely burned. The poor child, whose mother is dead, was alone in the house while her father was...


January 1879 Dundalk Petty Sessions

...barracks canteen with Private Tracy...


December 1879 Action for libel

[Louth] Board of guardians...committee had a veterinary officer, Mr Michael Tracey VS, who in the month of October 1878, applied for an increase of salary from £80 a year in consequence of the great augmentation of his duties...

1880 Veterinary Journal and Annals of Comparative Pathology

Communications have been received from..…Mr. J. Treacy, Dundalk;…


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Edward Tracy, enlisted 4 May 1880 Boston Mass by Capt Drum for 5 years, born Dundalk [Louth] Ireland, 22 years, labourer, blue eyes, dark hair, dark complexion, 5’11.5”, 1 Inf F coy, deserted Feb 25 1881


1881 British Census

Ann Tracey (Cressey), 34 years, born Trogheda, married, cotton weaver, inmate, Fulwood Workhouse Lanc.


1882 Return of Payments to Landlords

F.m. Treacy, landlord, 1 holding, annual rent £18/0/0, arrears £27/0/0, paid £13/10/0

1884 [C.4059] Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Act, 1882 - Landlords

F.m. Treacy, Louth, 1 holding, £18 rent, £27 arrears 1880, £13.10.0 paid by Commission


England, Liverpool & Queenstown to New York 13 May 1885

Michael Tracy, 29, M, labourer, Drodgeda, to New York

Katie Tracey, 26, F, wife, Drodgeda, to New York


1886 Bassetts

Ptk Tracy, Ex. -R.N.

John Treacy, land steward


1889 Return of judicial rents

Anne Tracey of Carrickastuck Louth, landlord William b. Dickie, 8a/0r/7p, poor valuation £6/10/0, old rent £7/18/10, new rent £6/5/0


1890 RIC Service

Michael F Treacy, 52546, b. 1859 Tipperary North Riding


52546 Michl F Treacy, 17.66 years, 5'9.75", b. Tipp NR, Catholic, recommended by DI Barry, None [trade], allocated 6 June 87, served Leitrim 8 Decr 87 - Louth 1.3.90, Reward & Punishments, resigned 11.2.91 52546D/50685, Cond in Fermanagh Roscomm


National School Registers

John Tracey, b. 1893, 1896, Louth

John Tracey, b. 1895, 1898, Louth

John Tracey, b. 1894, 1900, Louth

John J Treacy, b. 1885, 1889, Louth

Matthew Tracey, b. 1894, 1899, Louth

Michael Treacy, b. 1886, 1889, Louth

Patrick Tracey, b. 1892, 1896, Louth

Peter Treacy, b. 1886, 1892, Louth

Peter Tracey, b. 1885, 1890, Louth


School Drogheda Saint Peter's, County Louth

John J Treacy, 4, b. 1885, RC, lives Ulster Lane, father Labourer, 18 Mar 1889

John Tracey, 3, b. 1893, RC, lives Peter Street, father labourer, 10 Aug 1896

John Tracey, 3y11m, b. 1894, RC, lives Peter Street, father labourer, 18 Jan 1898

John Tracey, 6, b. 1894, RC, lives Peter Street, father Labourer, 11 Jun 1900

Matthew Tracey, 5y2m, b. 1894, RC, lives Butterly Cottage, father lab, 17 Apr 1894

Michael Treacy, 3, b. 1885, RC, lives Ulster Lane, father fireman, 27 May 1889

Patrick Tracey, 4, b. 1892, RC, lives Peter Street, father labourer, 10 Aug 1896

Peter Tracey, 5, b. 1885, RC, lives Green Hills, father mill worker, 4th Aug 1890

Peter Tracey, 6, b. 1886, RC, lives Green Hills, father mill worker, 4th Jan 1892


Louth Parish Church Subscription Fund

The Dundalk Democrat on 11 October 1890

Mrs. Tracey, Philipstown, 10/-, [Kilkerley]



Thomas Tracey; rank/rating, Cattleman; year of birth, 1857; place of birth, Drogheda; previous ship, same.

BT 99/1699


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.

Patrick C. Treacy, Ballymoc (Ballymac Ballymascanlan Louth Ireland?), 1905, 22 years


Eliza Treacy, Belfast (Antrim?) Ireland, 1913, 23 years, single, Mother Mgt Treacy, Louth Dundalk. friend Maggie Butler, Sumonitt Ave, Amsterdam, NY. c/o Mrs Hinlriga? Llia to Miss Butler?. 5’9”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Louth Ireland. [Londonderry port of departure]


Lauence Treacy, Watford England, 1911, 30 years, single, railway man, father Christopher Treacy, 37 Cecil St, Watford, Herts. To Boston Mass. friend Mrs Dacre, 42 Boston Ave, Boston.6’, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Dundalk Ireland.


Mary Tracy: Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Jane Ford late of Magdalen-street Drogheda Spinster who died 15 December 1885 were granted at Armagh to Mary Tracy of Prospect-avenue Thomas-street Drogheda Married Woman the First Cousin. Date Of Grant: 08/01/1896 Effects: Effects £28 10s.


1896 Assizes

Barony of Louth...197 James Conlon, jun., contractor, for erecting 35 perches of a paling on the road from Castleblayney [Monaghan] to Ardee [Louth], between James Treacey's house and the Rev, Father Gogarty’s house in Louth. Section 56...£


Jun 30, 1900 (IT) Land Commission Court

County Louth. J. Connor v. Mrs. Treacy. £104.10s; £79.1s reduced to £77.2s


1900 Return of judicial rents

Jan 9 1900 John Connor of Mullacurry Mullacurry Ardee Louth, landlord Mrs. Florence Tracy, 30a/2r/12p, poor valuation £19/0/0, old rent £17/6/2, new rent 1 £22/10/0, new rent 2 £17/0/0

June 29 1900 John Connor of Mullacurry Ardee Louth, landlord Mrs. Florence Tracy, 87a/2r/29p, poor valuation £77/5/0, old rent £119/5/11, new rent 1 £104/10/0, new rent 2 £79/1/0, appeal £77/2/0




 1901 Census of Ireland

 Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland



1901 Census of England

Thomas Tracey, 61, Ireland County South [Louth?], Officer Of Customs, West Ham, Borough Of West Ham


John Treacy: Probate of the Will of Margaret Costello late of Ballybarrack Dundalk County Louth Widow who died 20 February 1906 granted at Armagh to John Treacy Farmer. Date Of Grant: 19/03/1906 Effects: Effects £25 5s.


James Tracey: Probate of the Will of James Rourk late of Clogher Head County Louth Farmer who died 14 January 1909 granted at Armagh to James Tracey Land Steward. Date Of Grant: 08/04/1909 Effects: Effects £98


Old Age Pensions (Ireland).HC Deb 08 June 1910 vol 17 cc824-5 824

§ Mr. NOLAN asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention has been drawn to the case of a man, named Michael Tracey, seventy-two years of age, of the town of Drogheda, county Louth, who has applied for an old age pension and has been refused on the plea that his wife, who deserted him seventeen years ago and has been living apart from him ever since, has, during the separation, received Poor Law relief; whether he is aware that Tracey himself has been all his life a hard-working industrious man of good character, and has never at any time been a burden upon the rates; and whether he will cause this case to be further inquired into with a view to securing justice for this man who, through no fault of his own. has been declared ineligible for a pension?

§ Mr. BIRRELL The Local Government Board in January, 1909, disallowed Tracey's pension, as his wife had been in receipt of outdoor relief. The fact that a husband and wife live apart does not affect the statutory provision of the Poor Law Acts that relief given to a wife shall be considered as given to the husband; and Tracey was accordingly disqualified for a pension, under Sub-section (1) (a) of Section 3 of the Old Age Pensions Act.

Jun 9, 1910 (FJ) Pensions in Co. Louth

...Michael Tracey, 72 years of age, of the town of Drogheda, Co. Louth, who had applied for an old age pension and had been refused on the plea that his wife, who had deserted him 17 years ago and had been living apart from him ever since, had during the separation, received Poor Law relief; whether he was aware that Tracey himself had been a hard-working industrious man of good character, and had never at any time been a burden upon the rates;...Tracey was accordingly disqualified.




1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland


Dominion Liverpool to Phila 29 Nov 1911

James Tracey, 30, b. 1881 Louth, married, Butler, parents 68 Everton Rd Liverpool, lived 3 years Stowe, to home own a cottege Stowe Pa, 5'9", fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes [with two]

Mary Tracey, 31, b. 1880 Devonport England, wife, Irish, lived Liverpool England, parents 68 Everton Rd L'pool, lived 3 years Stowe, to home, own a cottage Stowe Pa, 5'9", fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, [with two]

Mona Tracey, 7, b. 1904 Liverpool England, G.Parents 68 Everton Rd L'pool, to home own a cottage Stowe Pa [with two]


April 1913 IT

Parish of Louth...Select Vestry...Jas. Treacy...


1913-1922 Military History

Peter Treacy of Drogheda, Co. Louth

Robert A. Tracey, A Company Derry Battalion & Dundalk Louth

Samuel Tracey of Louth Town


1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records

John Tracey. Reg. No. 5903. Rank Private, 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers. Killed in action France 24/5/1915. Born Drogheda, Co. Louth. Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial Panel 42.

Age 23, Son of John and Teresa Tracey, of 24, Peter St., Drogheda. In his will, he left everything to his mother and sister Keate at 24 Peter Street Drogheda. [Will]

Peter Tracey. Reg. No. 7969. Rank Sergeant, Royal Dublin Fusiliers 6th batt. Killed in action Gallipoli 10/8/1915. Born Drogheda, Co. Louth.

Age 29, Husband of Jane Tracey, of 65, Chord Rd., Drogheda, Co. Louth.

Samuel [G] Tracey/Treacey. Reg. No. 21387. Rank Corporal, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Killed in action France 14/7/1916. Born Louth. (see below)

Corporal Samuel G. Treacy, 2nd Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Died 14th July 1916 at the Somme

In his will, he leaves everything to Mrs M Treacy, Louth Town, Dundalk, Co. Louth. [Will]  (see memorial below)

30 October, 1917 The London Gazette

Treacy, S., Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers £6 18s 11d


1914-1920 British Army WWI Service & Pension Records

John Tracy, b. abt 1881, Drogheda, Louth,  

John Treacy, b. abt 1881, Drogheda, Louth,

Joseph Tracey, b. abt 1878, St Marys, Louth

Lawrence Treacy, b. abt 1879, Dundalk, Ireland

Peter Tracey, b. abt 1884, St Peters, Louth,  

Thomas Tracey, b. abt 1877, St Marys Drothda, Louth


1915 Merchant Navy

Matthew Tracey; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 21; place of birth, Drogheda; previous ship, Dilston. Ship: Barmoor 1915

Matthew Tracey; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 22; place of birth, Droheda; previous ship, Burnhope of Newcastle. Ship: John O Scott 1915


15 April 1916 Drogheda Advertiser, Roll of Honour

Patrick Tracey, 5 Lancers. From Peter Street, Drogheda. [1901 Census Warrenscourt?, 1911 Census family St. Peter's East, St. Laurence Gate]

Thomas Tracey, Royal Irish Fusiliers. From Peter Street, Drogheda.


20 Oct 1916 Freemans Journal

...Wounded - Shell Shock...Tracey, 4521, T, (Drogheda, Enlt.)...


War Office Weekly Casualty List, October 9th, 1917

Royal Irish Rifles - wounded

Tracey 4521 T. (Drogheda)


War Office Weekly Casualty List, May 14th, 1918.

Royal Irish Rifles - wounded

Tracey 4521 T. (Drogheda)


          Thomas Tracy, Royal Irish Rifles T/4521 Private Northumberland Fusiliers 89476 Private


Feb 26, 1917 (IT) Roll of Honour

Wounded...Leinster? Regt...Tracy, 4887, Sgt. J. (Dragheda?)


War Office Weekly Casualty List, June 18th, 1918.

Leinster Regiment - wounded

Tracey 4887 Sjt. J. (Drogheda)


Joseph Tracy, Leinster Regiment 4887 Serjeant





Great War Memorial, Mary Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth

In honoured memory of those from Drogheda and district who gave their lives in the great war

…Sgt. J. Tracy R.I.F.

Pte. J. Tracy R.I.F.

Pte P. Tracy R.D.F. …



St. Matthias’s Church of Ireland, Church Road, Ballybrack, Co. Dublin.

To the glory of God and in undying Memory of our gallant men who gave their lives for their country 1914 1918

Samuel G. Treacy Corporal at the Somme 1916…

Faithful unto death.



1916? Ardee Cycling Club

Secretaries:…J. Treacy…


1917-1921 Medal Robert A. Tracey, A Company Derry Battalion & Dundalk Louth

Robert A. Tracey

11 Hill Street, Dundalk, Louth

Notes: File relates to successful Service (1917-1921) Medal application.

Data Protection Note: Open

Organisation: Irish Republican Army

Commanding Officer(s): Joseph Doherty; Charles Mawhinney; Henry Moore; Joseph Mahon; Alfred McCallion

Company: A Company, Derry Battalion, 1 Northern Brigade

Medal awarded: Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference: MD55


Mar 9, 1918 (IT) Hunger Strikes

...Inquiries made on Tuesday in Dundalk elicited the information that the three Sinn Fein prisoners there - Professor O'Neill, Michael Brennan and Samuel Tracey [of Louth Town] - are still on hunger-strike. They are all in hospital.


Peter Treacy of Drogheda

14th  August 1922 Dundalk Jail Register – Transcript of Rescued Prisoners

516 Peter Treacy, 18 years, 5' 9¼", Fr hair, Bl eyes, Sallow complexion, Refused to be examined for marks on body, Refused to be weighed, born Drogheda, lived Drogheda, Father - Peter S/A, occupation Egg Packer, Single, R.C., Read & Write, committal 1/8/22, Detained in Military Custody, 1st Eastern Division, Drogheda, To be detained until further orders.



1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen

*Laurence Treacy, b. 1878 Dundalk Louth

[Note: * = photo http://www.irishmariners.ie/]


1920 Irish Catholic directory

Benignus Tracey, Brother, Augustinian, John Street, Dublin

Brendan Treacy, c.ss.r., St. Joseph's, Dundalk

John Tracy/Treacy, c.ss.r., Redemptorist, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick

Michael Tracy, C.C., St. Michael's, Limerick. Chaplin of Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Mount St. Vincent Female Orphanage, Limerick.

Nicholas Treacy, Rev, b.A., D.D., Oblates, Belcamp Hall, Raheny, Dublin.

Patrick Tracey, (Canon), P.P., Kilmurry, Crookstown Cork

Patrick Tracey, Sunday's Well, Cork

Patrick Tracey/Treacy, P.P., Conahy, Jenkinstown, Co. Kilkenny

Peter Tracy, C.C., Strabane, Tyrone


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Anne Tracey, 18 Sep 1941, formerly of Tudor House Dundrum County Dublin and late of Clogherhead Drogheda County Louth, who died 10 May 1941, to Thomas Joseph Tracey, retied shop assistant. Effects …

Bridget Treacy, 22 Apr 1927, late of Parsonstown Cloghanhead County Louth, widow, who died 14 Jan 1927, to Margaret Darby. spinster. Effects …

James J. Treacy, 27 May 1941, late of Shortstone West Hackballscross Dundalk County Louth, farmer, who died 25 Aug 1940, to Mary A. Treacy, the widow. Effects …

John Treacy, 31 Aug 1937, late of Glanpistol Clogherhead County Louth, retired shop assistant, who died 11 Jul 1937, to Thomas J. Treacy, retc shop asst. Effects …

Margaret Treacy, 17 Dec 1928, late of Louth County Louth, widow, who died 8 Sep 1928, to Agnes Treacy, spinster. Effects...

Thomas J. [Joseph] Tracey, 24 Mar 1943, formerly of 32? Shop Street Drogheda Co Louth and late of Glaspistol Clogherhead Co Louth, shop assistant, who died 13 Dec 1942, to Michael Tracey, retired shop assistant. Effects …


1923 London Wills

Patrick Treacy of Carrichastuck Hackbalescroft county Louth died 7 January 1922 Probate Dublin to Patrick Deery merchant. Effects £268 in England. Sealed London 25 January.


1927 London Wills

Bridget Treacy of Parsonstown Clogherhead county Louth widow died 14 January 1927 Administration London 14 September to Margaret Darby spinster. Effects £102.7.8 in England.


1922 Army Census

Thomas Treacy; 38; Vol, Infantry, home address: Nrth Rd Georges St Drogheda, 2853 pay no: 05021, Joined: 5/8/22 Curagh, single, RC, Next of kin: Brother, Next of kin: Mr Jos Treacy, North Rd, Georges St, Drogheda; Richmond Barracks (Tipperary); download file


United Kingdom Probate Records

Anne Tracey d. 1941 Louth

Margaret Treacy d. 08/09/1928 Louth, Probate 1929


Sept 1928 Treacy (Dundalk) wife of the late ??? Treacy R.I.C.


Oct 11, 1929 (IT) Boy's Escape

A Drogheda boy, named Tracy, in the employment of the Electricity Supply Board...ladder...He was hanging head downwards for some time before he was rescued...

Oct 19, 1929 (MC) Boy's Escape

A Drogheda boy named Tracy, in the employment of the Electricity Supply Board, had a narrow escape recently when he over-balanced when working on a ladder...


1929 London Wills

Margaret Treacy of Louth county Louth widow died 8 September 1928 Administration London 24 January to Agnes Treacy spinster. Effects £345.5.7.


November 06, 1931 (IP) Death

Treacy - Nov. 5th 1931, at Marlenella, Rathgar, the Very Rev. Wm. Treacy, CSSR, Rector, brother of Rev. B. Treacy, CSSR, Dundalk, and Rev. J. Treacy CSSR, Australia. Deeply regretted. Remains will be removed to-day (Friday) to Maiens street Station for 5.30 pm train to Dundalk. Funeral after 11 o'clock Mass, Dundalk, on Saturday morning.

14th November 1931 The Tablet

A Redemptorist Loss.—The Redemptorists in Ireland have suffered a loss by the death of the Rev. William Treacy, one of three priest brothers in that Congregation, the others being Father Brendan Treacy, of Dundalk, and Father John Treacy, who for many years past has laboured in Australia. Father William Treacy, a native of Birr, was ordained in 1909, and had served in a number of Redemptorist centres. He was a fluent Gaelic speaker, and liad given missions, not only in Ireland's ancient tongue, but also in Scottish Gaelic to Catholics living in the Hebrides. For the last three years of his life he had been rector at Rathgar, where death took place.


Colborne 23 Jul 1933 Canada

Dan Treacy, 55, Brewer, of Templemore, lived Sept 1923 to Aug 1931 Canada, Father-in-law Mr. McKenna 189 Laurier Ave East Ottawa, Business: C/o Gordon Grant, Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Patricia Treacy, wife, 33, b. Dundalk Ireland, lived 1904 to Feb 1931 Canada

Nora Treacy, daughter, 2?, b. Tinidad West Indies


'Bayard' Port Au Spain Trinidad to Phil 29 Sept 1936

Patricia B Treacy, 36, b. 1900 Co Lough [Louth] Ireland. Husband: D.J. Tracey, Walters Brewery, Trinidad, B.W.I. In transit 1835 frequently on holidays. Father Patrick McKenna 189, Lanrur Ave. Travelling to Attawa Canada via Los Angle Calif. 5'6", fair complexion, brn hair, gray blue eyes. [Emigrated to Canada 1904?]

Nora Kathleen Tracey,4, b. 1932 Trinidad B.W.I. Father: D.J. Tracey, Walters Brewery, Trinidad. to St. Alban Canada. Fair complexion, blonde hair, blue eyes.

Charles Patrick Tracey, 2, b. 1934 Trinidad B.W.I. Father: D.J. Tracey, Walters Brewery, Trinidad. to St. Albans Canada. Fair complexion, blonde hair, blue eyes.


1. Thomas Treacy & Hanora Connors [of Templmore Co. Tipperary]

2. Daniel Joseph Treacy & ??? [Patrica] McKenna

3. Charles Patrick Treacy (b. 7 Feb 1934 Trindad British West Indies d. July 16 1986 New Port News, Virginia) & ??? Harris



1941 London Wills

Anne Tracey otherwise Annie of Glaspistol Clogherhead Drogheda county Louth spinster died 10 May 1941 at the Mental Hospital Ardee county Louth. Administration Llandudno 31 October to Thomas Joseph Tracey retired shop assissant. Effects £109.2.8 in England.




18 February 1943 The Northern Whig (Belfast)

Men from Ulster and Eire are serving with a famous British regiment [London Irish] in the Middle East. Left to right - Piper Nolan (Askeaton, Co. Limerick), Corporal M'Kenna (Queenstown), Piper M'Manus (Roscommon), Bugler Tracey (Co. Louth), Piper Kirk (Carrickfergus), and Drummer M'Carthy (Dublin). (British Official Photo)








Elizabeth Treacy died 1867, Dundalk PLU, aged 80, b. 1787


Catherine Tracey/Tracy died 1868, Ardee PLU, Aged 35, b. 1833, died 28 April 1868 Dunleer


Mary Tracey died 1869, Drogheda PLU, Aged 5, b. 1864, died 9 Sep 1869

Thomas Tracey died 1869, Drogheda PLU, Aged 0, b. 1869


Thomas Tracy died 1870, Drogheda PLU, Aged 65, b. 1805, died 22 Feb 1870




 Ardee (West Louth)


Dennis Tracy & Mary Phelan

Caty Tracy b. 17 Jan 1780 of Ardee Sp. Mary Cravin & Edwd Kedy Ardee Parish


Mary Tracey & Thos McGinnis

Thomas McGinnis b. 9 Dec 1784 of White Mountain [Smarmore] Sp. Christopher Dowdel & Rose Garrity Ardee Parish


Mary Tracey & Patt Markey

Ann Markey b. 3 Jun 1805 of Currabeg [Curraghbeg Ardee] Sp. Peter McAleer & Caty Rath Ardee Parish


Thos Treacy/Treasey & Mary McLay/McEvoy

Bridget Treacy/Treasey b. 13 Feb 1823 of Blindgate [Ardee town] Sp. Peter Mace?/Wall? & Bridget M'Laughlin Ardee Parish


1840 Aug. 16 James Tracy, par Kildemock, and Amelia Jones, par Ardee, do. do. Witnesses: Robt Allen, Geo Bowles

Dermot MacIvor. Historical Notes on Millockstown and Blakestown. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, Vol. 13, No. 1 (1953), pp. 68-123


Anne Tracy & Michal Galwin/Gallon

Francis Galwin/Gallon b. 6 Oct 1864 of W House Sp. Margt Makan Ardee Parish



 Clogher, Clogherhead, Wlashestown (South Louth)


Clogherhead Parish Records

Baptism http://clogherhead.myparish.eu/wp-content/themes/parishone/clogherhead/

Marriage http://clogherhead.myparish.eu/wp-content/themes/parishone/marriages/

Death http://clogherhead.myparish.eu/wp-content/themes/parishone/deaths/




Gene Tresy & Rich Smith

Will Smith b. 30 May 1745 Sp. Thomas Murfy & Gene Gorman


James Theresy & Cather Machlisy

Joseph Theresy b. 16 Apr 1765 Sp. Jn? Macken? & Margaret Shanard. Clogher Parish

James Theresy & Cath Muchlesy

Joseph Theresy b. 16 Apr 1766 Sp. Ts Muchlesy & Margaret Slanard


Thomas Tracy & Else Sharkey

Mich Tracy b. 1 Oct 1765 Sp. Nich Murphy & Bridget Duly


Thos Tracy m. Briget Daily 29 Aug 1769 Wit: Patt Daily & M Tracy


My Treacy & James Rice

Pat Rice b. 5 Dec 1781 Sp. Thos Shean & My Murphy


Pat Treacy & Mary Durnin/Devine

Thos Treacy b. 7 Jan 1783 Sp. Pat Moony & Mary Kervan


Margt Treacy & John Smith

Ann Smith b. 5 Jun 1784 Sp. Thom Cullin & Mary Cullin


Pat Treacy m. Ann Mochan 25 Oct 1783 Wit: Richd Maguire & John Flanagan

Patrick Tracy & Anne Mohan

John Tracy b. 20 Mar 1789 Sp. Patrick Coogan & Mary Callan

Michl Tracy b. 30 Jan 1792 Sp. Michael Coogan & Ally Markey

Cathe Tracy b. 11 Jul 1794 Sp. James Walsh & Bridget Fenning

James Tracy b. 12 Dec 1796 Sp. John Marry & Mary Mohan


Thomas Tracy & Catherine Belt

James Tracy b. 24 Feb 1789 Sp. John Fitzpatrick & Anne Duffy

John Tracy b. 26 Jun 1791 Sp. Bernard Maguire & Mary Flynn


Patrick Tracy m. Mary Hardman 3 Nov 1795 Wit: Nichs Hardman & John Maguire


John Tracy & Cathe Fettigan/Fettegan/Fettican

Peter Tracy b. 25 Jun 1796 Sp. Patk Philips & Mary Norris

Rose Tracy b. 29 Oct 1786 Sp. Patt Crawly & Ann Verdon

Michael Tracy b. 11 Apr 1789 Sp. Thos Hodgins & Anne Morgan

Thos Tracy b. 12 Jul 1791 Sp. Patrick Skane & Margaret Conwell

Mathew Tracy b. 18 Feb 1794 Sp. James Farrell & Anne Hillard

Peter Tracy b. 26 Jun 1796 Sp. Patk Philips & Mary Norris


Thos Tracy & Cathe Crissahan

Michl Tracy b. 30 Apr 1798 Sp. Michl Rath & Anne Hardman



1800's [gap in available records to 1833]


Peter Tracey/Tracy & Judith Tiernan/Furnam/Leeman

Jas Tracey b. 13 Apr 1833 Sp. Patt Swain & Ann Philips (Tiernan)

Mary Tracy b. 22 Apr 1835 of Strand Sp. James Kerdon & Cath Maguire (Leeman)

Michael Tracey b. 7 Oct 1837 Sp. Patrick Reilly & Mary Reilly (Furnam)


Mary Tracy/Treacy & Nick Crelly

Patk Crelly b. 21 Oct 1833 Sp. John Flanagan & Cath Tracy

Mary Crilly b. 3 Jan 1835 of Mullaghmafis? Sp. Pat Crilly & Cath Murphy

Cathrn Crelly b. 20 Oct 1836 of Clogher Sp. Peter Murphy & Biddy Tracy


John Tracey married Ann Walsh of Coolhink on the 17 Jan 1815 Wit: John MacGuin & James Mooney.. Monasterboice Parish

John Treacy & Ann Walsh

John Treacy b. 4 Feb 1834 of Glaspistol [Clogher] Sp. John Murphy & Rose Gorman


Mathew Tracy/Treacy/Treasy & Anne Corr/Kerr

Ellen Treasy b. 12 Feb 1834 Sp. Thos Quin & Bridget Mccullin (Corr)

Ellen Treacy b. 27 Feb 1834 of Reynoldstown [Mayne] Sp. Thos Quin & Bridget McCullen (Corr)

Anne Treacy b. 5 Aug 1835 of Reynoldstown [Mayne] Sp. Patt Flinn (Corr)

Peter Tracy b. 5 Sep 1839 of Reynoldstown [Mayne] Sp. Michael Johnston & Annie Philips (Kerr)


Tuscarora, Dunlerry Liverpool to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 24 May 1864

Mathew Tracy, 56, farmer, Ireland

Nancy Tracy, 54, Ireland

Pat Tracy, 26, labourer, Ireland

Mathew Tracy, 7, Ireland [Henry’s children]

Pat Tracy, 5, Ireland

Jno Tracy, 4, Ireland

Jno [John] Tracy, 24, Ireland


1870 Census - 1101/1015, Post Office 3461 Chesnut St, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

[living with Chas Jeffry, 36, Rel civil engeener, & family]

Mathew Tracy, 79, b. 1791 Ireland, at home

Ann Tracy, 75, b. 1795 Ireland, at home


Henry Tracy married Elizabeth Harry/Hoey on the 15 Nov 1853 Wit: W Henley & Ellen Ruasale St. Peter's, Drogheda

Henry Tracy & Bessy Tracy

Mathew Tracy b. 15 Oct 1854 Sp. Patk Tracy & Ellen Russele St. Peter's, Drogheda

Henry Tracy & Brory/Eliza/Bessy Hoey

Patrick Tracy b. 17 Feb 1857 Sp. James Tracy & Catherin Hoey St. Mary's, Drogheda

John Tracy b. 24 Apr 1859 Sp. Patt Lynch & Julia Durnin St. Mary's, Drogheda

Mary Tracy b. 12 Mar 1861 Sp. Matw Keyne & Margt M'Cabe St. Mary's, Drogheda

Henry Tracy b. 22 Apr 1863 Sp. Hugh Ward & Ellen Tracy St. Mary's, Drogheda


Henry Tracy & Elizabeth Holy?

Henry Tracy aged 2 years 9 months, b. Phila, died 28 Jan 1866 of 1044 Huntington St. Ward 18 Philadelphia Philadelphia Pennsylvania, buried 29 Jan 1866 St. Anne's Cemetery    


1870 Census - rear 1044, Post Office 1530 Otis Street, 54 Dist, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Henry Tracy, 40, BLANK

Elizabeth Tracy, 40, BLANK

Mathew Tracy, 15, BLANK

Patrick Tracy, 15, BLANK

John Tracy, 10, BLANK

Mary Tracy, 10. BLANK

Joseph Tracy, 5, BLANK

1870 Census - 13/17 54 Dist 18th Ward, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Note: Daniel Carr, 38, & family next entry]

Henry Tracy, 40, works in lead works, b. Ireland

Elizabeth Tracy, 38, keeping house, b. Ireland

Mathew Tracy, 15, labourer, b. Ireland

Patrick Tracy, 13, at home, b. Ireland

John Tracy, 11, b. Ireland

Mary Tracy, 9. b. Ireland

Joseph Tracy, 4, b. Pennsylvania


1880 Census - Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Henry Tracy, head, 47, laborer, b. Ireland

Elizabeth Treacy, Wife, 45, keeping house, b. Ireland

Patrick Treacy, Son, 23, works in lead works, b. Ireland

John Treacy, Son, 21, laborer, b. Ireland

Mary Treacy, Daughter, 17, works in hosiery mill, b. Ireland

Joseph Treacy, Son, 14, works in glass house, b. Penn

John Rooney, boarder, 25, works in rolling mill b. Ireland


Family Tree

Henry Tracy (1830 Ireland-9 Jun 1893 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) married Elizabeth Hoey (1834-1902) 15 November 1853 St. Peter's, Drogheda, County of the Town of Drogheda, Ireland

Death 9 June 1893 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (s. of Matthew Tracey 1789-11 Nov 1873 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) & & Ann Tracey (1785-1880)





Ellen Connelly, 50?, Widowed, housework, (b. 1863 Ireland d. of Matthew Tracy & Ann Carr, both born Ireland),  died 11 May 1913 NW corner Anbario & Amber St 45th Ward Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Buried 15 May 1913 Old Cathedral Cem, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA


Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Matthew Tracey (1789 - 11 Nov 1873 (aged 83–84)

Ann Tracey (1785 - 2 May 1880 (aged 94–95)

Patrick Tracey (1843 Ireland - 26 Mar 1868 (aged 24–25) Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Catherine Barker (1831 - 25 Sep 1891) (aged 59–60)

Henry Tracey (1830 - 9 Jun 1893 (aged 62–63)



Thomas and Mary Tracy looking for information

Thomas and Mary Tracy were my second great grandparents.  I am trying to figure out where in Ireland they were born and where in Ireland they were married.  Here is what I know:

Thomas left Ireland for the United States in 1873 and his wife, Mary, arrived four years later in 1877.  Thomas Tracy was born during August of 1850 and Mary was born in July of 1855.  They were married in 1871 in Ireland.

Thomas and Mary lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the time of the 1880 US Census report.  They moved across the river to Camden, New Jersey sometime in the early 1890's.  Thomas owned one or more saloons in Camden from the mid 1890's to 1920 (the start of Prohibition in the United States).  His son, Bernard, was born in the United States and was a Federal Marshall, a semi-professional baseball player, and a local politician (he was given the nickname "The Mayor of East Camden").  Bernard died in 1952.  Thomas and Mary had a total of six children, at least five were born in the US, but only four children survived to adulthood. I believe Thomas and Mary died sometime in the mid-1920's in New Jersey, but no one is certain because death records have not been located.

...2)  I got the marriage year of 1871 from their 1900 US Census Report.  They wrote that they had been married for 29 years, but they didn't list an actual date.  After reading your response, I looked at their 1910 US census report.  To my surprise, they wrote that they had been married for only 21 years.  The number was written twice; once for Thomas and the other for Mary. Either one or both of these numbers are wrong.

3)  Mary wrote on her 1900 census report that she had six children and five were surviving.  A six month old boy by the name of Thomas appeared on their 1880 US census report and they wrote that he was born in Pennsylvania.  Thomas died shortly after that.  Their other five children were all born in the US.  The names of the Irish-born children that you found definetly don't match.  So, we can throw out the Altenry marriage.

...I obtained a burial list for my Tracey/Tracy relatives.  It turns out that Thomas' parents, Thomas and Catherine, traveled to the US along with Thomas' younger siblings, Bridget, and Bernard.  I am hoping that this information could lead to birth records for the family. I would like to know where in Ireland the family came from.  Any information that you could provide would be greatly appreciated!

Here are their birth and death dates:

Thomas Tracey born abt 1826 in Ireland and died on September 20, 1894 in Philadelphia at 68 years old.

Catherine Tracey born abt 1836 in Ireland and died on October 11 1899 in Philadelphia at 63 years old.

Thomas Tracy/Tracey born abt 1854 in Ireland and died in April of 1927 in Camden, NJ at 73 years old.

Bridge Tracey born abt 1855 in Ireland and died on April 28, 1889 in Philadelphia at 34 years old.

Bernard Tracey born abt 1857 in Ireland and lived in Philadelphia, PA at least until 1906.  He is not buried with the family.

...There are new developments in my search for Thomas Tracy/Tracey.  It turns out that Bridget was not Thomas' sister, but his first wife.  Thomas was born around 1854 and his parents were Thomas (b. about 1826 Ireland) and Catharine (b. about 1836 Ireland).  Thomas had a brother named Bernard (b. about 1857 Ireland). 

His relative, Henry Tracey, was born sometime between 1830-1833 in Ireland to Matthew Tracey (born sometime around 1789 in Ireland) and Ann Carr (born around 1795 in Ireland).  Henry married a woman by the name of Elizabeth and they had a son named Matthew Tracey born sometime around 1855 in Ireland.  Henry's other silbings include:  Catherine born sometime around 1831, Ellen, Mary born sometime around 1841 and Patrick born sometime around 1843.  I am not confident of Ellen's birth year because she lied about her age on US records.  Another cousin of Thomas', Joseph Treacy (spelling variation), was born on August 10, 1842 in Ireland.  A descendent of Joseph's family wrote that he was born in County Mayo, but I don't have any physcial records confirming this statement. [see Colonel Jeanne Marie Treacy]


Dawn Harvey May 2019



Family Tree

Thomas Tracey (1826 Ireland - 20 Sep 1894 Philadelphia) & Catherine ? (1830 Ireland - 11 Oct 1899 Philadelphia)

Bernard Tracey (1848 Ireland - 1906 'Went missing') married Mary McKeogney 5 Aug 1877 Philadelphia

Thomas J Tracy (1853 Ireland - 12 Apr 1927 Camden NJ) married Bridget Kearney (1853-1899) 2 Jan 1879 Philadelphia

Thomas T. Tracy 1879–1882)

Bernard Tracy (1881–1952)

Charles Francis Tracy (1883–1944)

Edward James Tracy (1884–1963)

Sarah F. Tracy (1886–1905)

Kathryn Tracy (1888–1966)



Camden People - Bernard J. "Barney" Tracy


Camden People - Harry Tracy [son]



Cathe Treacy & James Campbell

Cathe Campbell b. 4 Jul 1834 Sp. Andrew Mccallen & Bridget Campbell. Clogher Parish

James Campbell b. 18 Jun 1836 of Quarter Stone? Sp. Owen Craven & Mary Campbell. Clogher Parish

Bridget Campbell b. 25 Oct 1840 Sp. Patt Magrane & Catharine Magrane. Clogher Parish

Ann Campbell b. 25 Oct 1840 of Garrulla [Garrolagh Mayne] Sp. Thomas Phiston & Margarit Bellin. Clogher Parish

Catherine Tracy & Jas Campbell

Pat Campbell b. 28 May 1838 Sp. Thos Gartland & Mary McKenna. Termonfeckin  Parish

C Tracy & Jas Campbell

John Campbell b. 27 Jan 1843 Sp. Anne Harmnon. Monasterboice Parish


Mary Tracy m. Patrick Murray 20 June 1840 Wit: Charles Marky & Susan Marky

Mary Tracey & Patrick Marry/Murray

William Murray b. 26 Feb 1843 Sp. Peter Burke & Bridget Mcgough

Mary Murray b. 31-10-1844 Sp. Peter Murray & Mary Goore

Michael Marry b. 17 Oct 1846 of Calastown [Callystown Clogher] Sp. Anne Tracy

Edward Murray b. 30 Aug 1849 of Calastown [Callystown Clogher] Sp. Bernard Mcdaniel & Mary Tracy

James Murray b. 30 Jan 1852 of Calastown [Callystown Clogher] Sp. John Leonard & Margaret Treacy

Margaret Marry b. 18 Aug 1854 of Callistown [Callystown Clogher] Sp. John Tracy & Margaret Burke

Catherine Marry b. 24/6/1857 of Calistown [Callystown Clogher] Sp. Nicholas Flanagan & Catherine Burke


Catharine Treacey m. Peter Murphy 3 Oct 1843 Wit: John Murphy & John Stanley


Anne Treacy & Owen Reilly

Jane Reilly b. 3 Jan 1848 Sp. Alice Rogers


Anne Treacy m. James Mcloughlin 3 Jan 1848 Wit: Richard Marky & Charles Marky

Anne Tracy & James Mcloughlin

Elizabeth Mcloughlin b. 27 Mar 1850 Sp. Thomas Reath & Susanna Marky


Patrick Tracey m. Catherine Floody 23 Aug 1862 Wit: Patt Byrne & Margt Walsh

Pat Tracey & Catherine Floody

Thomas Joseph Treacy b. 31 May 1863 of Parsonstown Sp. Peter Collier & Margaret Walsh

Mary Tracy b. 25 Jul 1865 of Parsonstown Sp. Patrick Tracy

Catherine Treacy b. 14 Mar 1868 of Parsonstown Sp. Francis Kelledy & Mary Floody

Anne Tracey b. 5 Mar 1871 Sp. Pat Byrne & Mary Walsh

Patrick (Pat) Tracey & Catherine (Kathy/Kitty) Floody

Mary b. 23 July 1865 Termonfeckin (LDS)

Catherine b. 13 March 1868 Termonfeckin (LDS)

Ann b. 10 March 1871 Termonfeckin (LDS)

Pat/Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Kitty/Kathy/Catherine Floody

Mary Tracey b. 23 Jul 1865 of Parsonstown [Parsonstown] [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Catherine Tracey b. 13 Mar 1868 of Parsonstown. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Parsonstown [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Ann Tracey b. 10 Mar 1871 of Parsonstown. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Parsonstown [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]


Anne Treacy m. Patk O'brien 5 Feb 1896 Wit: Patk Murphy & Maggie Stanly

Annie/Anne Tracey, BLANK age, spinster, BLANk profession, lives Parsonstown [Parsonstown], (d. of Patk Tracey, dead, labourer) married Patrick/Patk O'Brien, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Milltown [Termonfeckin], (s. of Peter O'Brien, dead, labourer) 05 February 1896 RC Chapel Hackets Cross Wit: Patrick Murphy & Maggie Stanley [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]


Catharine Tracey, 27 years, single b. 1869 Ireland (d. of Patrick Tracey & Catharine Floods) married James McDonnell, 30, single, b. 1866 Ireland (s. of Joseph Mcdonnell & Mary Fox) 17 Feb 1896 Manhattan, New York


Thos Treacy m. Brid Darby 6 Jul 1898 Wit: Jas Floody & Kate Darby

Thomas Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Parsonstown Clogherhead [Parsonstown], (s. of Patrick Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Bridget Darby, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Parsonstown Clogherhead, (d. of Michael Darby, deceased, labourer) 06 July 1898 RC Chapel Walshestown Wit: James Floody & Katie Darby [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU] signed her mark


Ann Tracey & Nicholas Conly/Conlon/Connolly

Jane Connolly b. 23 Nov 1860 of Glaspistole [Glaspistol Clogher] Sp. Nicholas Conley & Judeth Boden. Clogher Parish

Anne Conly b. 21 Oct 1862 of Glaspistole [Glaspistol Clogher] Sp. Mary Marry

Patrick Conlon b. 12 Jan 1865 of Glaspistole [Glaspistol Clogher] Sp. Nicholas Hererty & Ann Reilly

Nicholas Conly b. 02 Apr 1869 of Glaspistol Sp. Catherine Gibney


John Treacy m. Margaret Hegarty 18 Jan 1866 Wit: Patrick Sheridan & Bridgid Hegarty

John Tracey, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Glaspestof [Glaspistol Clogher] (s. of John Tracey, labourer) married Margaret Hagarty, full age, spinster, lives Crook bawn (d. of John Hagarty, farmer) 18 January 1866 RC Chapel Hackets Cross Wit: Patrick Sheredan & Bridget Hagarty, her mark [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU] signed her mark

John Tracey, single, (s. of John Tracey) married Margaret Hagarty, single, (d. of John Hagarty) 18 Jan 1866 Tormonfeckin, Louth

John Tracey/Tracy & Margaret Herarty/Hegarty

John Tracy b. 19 Dec 1866 of Glaspistol [Clogher] Sp. Patrick Sheridan & Bridget Hegarty

Patrick Tracey b. 7 Feb 1869 of Glaspistol [Clogher] Sp. Michael Hegarty & Eliza Mcloughlin

James Tracey b. 9 July 1871 Sp. Jno McEvoy & Anne Marry

Mary Tracey b. 9 Aug 1874 Sp. John Boylan & Catharine Marry

Thomas Joseph Tracey b. 4 May 1877 Sp. Michael Johnson & Jane Conlon

Michael Tracey b. 22 Dec 1879 Sp. John Hegarty & Margaret Marry

Joseph Tracy b. 06 Sep 1883

Anne Tracy b. 25 Mar 1886 Sp. James Boylan & Mary Hagerty

John Tracey & Margaret Hagarty/Hagerty

John b. 18 December 1866 Termonfeckin (LDS)

Patrick Tracey b. 7 Feb 1869 Termonfeckin (LDS)

James b. 9 July 1871 Termonfeckin (LDS)

Mary b. 9 August 1874 Termonfeckin (LDS)

John Tracey, labourer/steward, & Margt/Margaret Hagerty

John Tracey b. 18 Dec 1866 of Glasspistal [Glaspistol Clogher] John Tracey, his mark, father, Glasspestal [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Patrick Tracey b. 7 Feb 1869 Glaspistol. John Tracey, his mark, father, Glaspistol [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

James Tracy b. 9 Jul 1871 Glaspistol. John Tracey, his mark, father, Glaspistol [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Mary Tracey b. 9 Aug 1874 Glaspistol. John Tracey, his mark, father, Glaspistol [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Thomas Tracey b. 1 May 1877 Glaspistol. Mary Tracey, her mark, present at birth Calistown [Callystown Clogher] [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]


James Tracey married in Walshestown Church [Rathdrumin] to Mary McKeown Rinkinstown 3 Jun 1919 Clogher Parish


Mathew Tracey m. Alice Tracy 6 Jul 1874 Wit: Thos Cunningham & Annie Darby (habita dispensation in 4*el4* consangminetates gradow)

Mathew Tracey, 62?, bachelor, laborer, lives Cruesetown [Cruisetown Parsonstown], (s. of Thomas Tracy, laborer) married Alice Tracey, full age, spinster, laborer, lives Cruesetown, (d. of Michael Tracy, laborer) 5 July 1874 RC Chapel Hackets Cross Wit: Thomas Cunningham & Ann Darby [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]


Patrick Treacy, pilot, & Jane Kerwan [Nacey in church records]

Teresa Treacy b. 28 Mar 1876 Clogher [Clogher] Patrick Treacy, his mark, father, Clogher [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]


Catherine Neacy, BLANK age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Clogherhead [Clogher Clogher], (d. of William Neacy, pilot) married Bernard Sharkey, full [age], bachelor, fisher, lives Clogherhead, (s. of James Sharkey, dead, fisherman) 10 February 1887 RC Chapel Hackets Cross Wit Patrick Rath & Maggie Neacy [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU] [Treacy in printed index]


Anne Treacy m. Patk O'Brien 5 Feb 1896 Wit: Patk Murphy & Maggie Stanly

Annie/Anne Tracey, BLANK age, spinster, BLANk profession, lives Parsonstown [Parsonstown], (d. of Patk Tracey, dead, labourer) married Patrick/Patk O'Brien, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Milltown [Termonfeckin], (s. of Peter O'Brien, dead, labourer) 05 February 1896 RC Chapel Hackets Cross Wit: Patrick Murphy & Maggie Stanley [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU] see above


Thos Treacy m. Brid Darby 6 Jul 1898 Wit: Jas Floody & Kate Darby

Thomas Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Parsonstown Clogherhead [Parsonstown], (s. of Patrick Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Bridget Darby, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Parsonstown Clogherhead, (d. of Michael Darby, deceased, labourer) 06 July 1898 RC Chapel Walshestown Wit: James Floody & Katie Darby [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU] signed her mark [see above]


Probate of the Will of James Rourk late of Clogher Head County Louth Farmer who died 14 January 1909 granted at Armagh to James Tracey Land Steward [Glasspistol, Louth, dated 1st November 1902].


Thomas Tracey. Tracey Thomas Joseph of 32 Shop Street Drogheda and of Glaspistol Clogherhead Drogheda county Louth Eire retired shop assistant died 13 December 1942 at latter place Administration Belfast 18 March to Michael Tracey retired shop assistant.  Effects £63 10



Rathdrumin graveyard in the townland of Glebe.

In loving memory of John Campbell the Glebe who died 25th Jan 1964.

His son Kieran died 1927.

His brother Patrick died Sept 1953

and his great granddaughter Fidelma Treacy died August 1969.

Also his wife Margaret died 4th Oct 1971.

Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society. Vol. 19, No. 1 (1977), pp. 74-76 (3 pages)




Anne Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

James Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

James Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

John Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

John Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

John Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Joseph Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Kitty Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Margaret [Hegarty] Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Mary Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Mary Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Michael Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Patrick Tracy, Clogherhead, CL

Thomas J. Tracy, Clogherhead, CL


Newspaper Death Notices 1930-1940

John Tracey, Clogherhead, 11 Jul 1937, DI

Joseph Treacy, Clogherhead, 07 Jun 1936, DI


 Collon (West Louth)


Thoma Tracy & Maria Taylor

Mariam Tracy b. 29 Nov 1791 Sp. Jacobus Clerk & Elizabetha Murphy. Collon Parish

Joannam Tracy b. 29 Nov 1791 Sp. Thomas Garthancy & Margarita Conlan. Collon Parish






Morgan Treacy, of Collon, Co. Louth, Photographer



A photography graduate of Swansea University. Starting as a freelance with INPHO in 2000 he has been staff since 2002. He established himself as one of the most talented sports photographers in Ireland. Awards include both picture essay and sports feature categories of the annual PPAI Awards and on an international level he has twice won worldwide prizes for his rugby photography. Now a senior photographer who has covered for Inpho everything from World Cup Cricket in the West Indies to International Rules Football in Australia he is fulfilling his obvious talent.


Winning photographer at the launch of the IRB World Rugby Yearbook in 2007.

‘Mud glorious mud’,

Winning entry for the Emirates and IRB 2006 Photograph of the Year



Rugby Photograph of the Year




 Darver (East Louth)


Michael Treacy? & Judy

? Treacy b. 04 ? 1839 Darver Parish


James Tracy? & Mary Finn

Mary Anne Tracy? b. 8 Sep 1853 Sp. Patt Larkin? & Mary Anne Meagher? Darver Parish



 Drogheda, Saint Mary’s (South Louth) [see also Co. Meath]


Ann Tracey & John Swan

thos Swan b. 20 Aug 1835 Sp. Philip Caulin & Anne Legane St. Mary's, Drogheda

John Swan b. 9 Nov 1837 Sp. Pat Kelly & Cathr Callon St. Mary's, Drogheda

William Swan b. 17 Jan/Feb 1842 Sp. Pat Collins & Anne Weir? St. Mary's, Drogheda

Patrick Swan b. 23 Jun 1844 Sp. William Cleg & Mary Reynolds St. Mary's, Drogheda


Bridget/Biddy Tracy & James Harlan

Ann Harlan b. 9 Jun 1837 Sp. Bryan McCoy & Catherine Harlan St. Mary's, Drogheda

Margt Heelan b. 11 Jan/Feb 1842 Sp. Andrew Tracy & Anne Coyle St. Mary's, Drogheda

James Haslin b. 9 Feb 1844 Sp. Richard Coyle & Mary Higgins St. Mary's, Drogheda

Joseph Harlin b. 23 Feb 1849 Sp. Andrew Tracy & Catherine Finegan St. Mary's, Drogheda



Andrew Tracey, died 1875 Saint Mary’s Drogheda PLU Meath, aged 61 years, b. 1814, widower, labourer, died 30 Sep 1875 Curry’s hill, James Harlin, his mark, present at death, Curry’s hill


John Tracy & Eliza Ford

Thos Tracy b. 4 Apr 1841 Sp. Michl Kelly & Anne Ratigan St. Mary's, Drogheda

Eliza Tracy b. 19 Feb 1843 Sp. Peter Carrol & Eliza Hogan St. Mary's, Drogheda


Mathew Tracy & Anne Moore

Mary Tracy b. 21 Apr 1845 Sp. Owen Carroll & Mary Rodgers St. Mary's, Drogheda

John Tracy b. 6 Oct 1852 Sp. Pat Kenny & Anne Carrole St. Mary's, Drogheda


Andrew Tracy & Anne Coyle

Margt Tracy b. 19 Dec 1846 Sp. Richd Coyle & Anne Coyle St. Mary's, Drogheda


John/Jno Tracey/Tracy/Treacy & Mary McLoughlin/Loughran/Maglaughlin

Michael Tracy b. 13 Sep 1852 Sp. Anne McGlaughlin St. Mary's, Drogheda

John Tracey b. 15 Aug 1854 Sp. Nichs Whearty & Ann Carroll St. Mary's, Drogheda

Patrick Tracey b. 17 Jun 1856 Sp. Bridget McMahon St. Mary's, Drogheda

Peter Tracy b. 18 Jul 1858 Sp. Matw Taaffe  St. Mary's, Drogheda

Mathew Tracy b. 3 Mar 1861 Sp. Margaret Macken St. Mary's, Drogheda

Mary Tracy b. 16 Apr 1865 Sp. Andrew Murphy & Bridget M'Donough St. Mary's, Drogheda  (10 April 1865 Drogheda Saint Mary’s LDS)

Bridgt Tracy b. 24 Oct 1869 Sp. Mary Carnay St. Mary's, Drogheda (Mary Bridget b. 31 October 1869 (LDS)

John Treacy/Tracy, labourer, & Mary McLoughlin

Mary Tracy/Treacy b. 10 Apr 1865 of Morningtown [Colp] Co Meath. John Treacy, his mark, father, Morningtown Co Meath [Saint Mary's Drogheda PLU Meath]

Bridget [Richard crossed out] Tracy b. 31 Oct 1869 Donecarney [Donacarney Colp]. Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Donecarney [St Marys Drogheda PLU Meath]


Bridget Tracy died 1869, Drogheda PLU, Aged 0, b. 1869, died 4 Nov 1869 Donecarnacy [Donacarney Colp], relative Mary Tracy


Michael Tracy, died 1876, Saint Mary’s Drogheda PLU, aged 22 years, b. 1854,  died 25 Feb 1876 Donecarney [Donacarney Colp - St. Mary's RC], bachelor, labourer, John Tracy, his mark, present at death, Donecarney


Jno Tracy & Mary Toher

Mary Tracy b. 18 Mar 1853 Sp. Andw Dowdal & Mary Dowdal  St. Mary's, Drogheda 


Henry Tracy married Elizabeth Harry/Hoey on the 15 Nov 1853 Wit: W Henley & Ellen Ruasale St. Peter's, Drogheda [see Clogher]

Henry Tracy & Bessy Tracy

Mathew Tracy b. 15 Oct 1854 Sp. Patk Tracy & Ellen Russele St. Peter's, Drogheda

Henry Tracy & Brory/Eliza/Bessy Hoey

Patrick Tracy b. 17 Feb 1857 Sp. James Tracy & Catherin Hoey St. Mary's, Drogheda

John Tracy b. 24 Apr 1859 Sp. Patt Lynch & Julia Durnin St. Mary's, Drogheda

Mary Tracy b. 12 Mar 1861 Sp. Matw Keyne & Margt M'Cabe St. Mary's, Drogheda

Henry Tracy b. 22 Apr 1863 Sp. Hugh Ward & Ellen Tracy St. Mary's, Drogheda


Henry Tracy & Elizabeth Holy?

Henry Tracy aged 2 years 9 months, b. Phila, died 28 Jan 1866 of 1044 Huntington St. Ward 18 Philadelphia Philadelphia Pennsylvania, buried 29 Jan 1866 St. Anne's Cemetery    


1870 Census - 1044 rear, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Henry Tracy, 40, BLANK

Elizabeth Tracy, 40, BLANK

Mathew Tracy, 15, BLANK

Patrick Tracy, 15, BLANK

John Tracy, 10, BLANK

Mary Tracy, 10. BLANK

Joseph Tracy, 5, BLANK

1870 Census - 1044 rear, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Note: Daniel Carr & family next entry]

Henry Tracy, 40, works in lead works, b. Ireland

Elizabeth Tracy, 38, keeping house, b. Ireland

Mathew Tracy, 15, labourer, b. Ireland

Patrick Tracy, 13, at home, b. Ireland

John Tracy, 11, b. Ireland

Mary Tracy, 9. b. Ireland

Joseph Tracy, 4, b. Pennsylvania


1880 Census - Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Henry Tracy, head, 47, laborer, b. Ireland

Elizabeth Treacy, Wife, 45, keeping house, b. Ireland

Patrick Treacy, Son, 23, works in lead works, b. Ireland

John Treacy, Son, 21, laborer, b. Ireland

Mary Treacy, Daughter, 17, works in hosiery mill, b. Ireland

Joseph Treacy, Son, 14, works in glass house, b. Penn

John Rooney, boarder, 25, works in rolling mill b. Ireland


Family Tree

Henry Tracy (1830 Ireland-9 Jun 1893 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) married Elizabeth Hoey (1834-1902) 15 November 1853 St. Peter's, Drogheda, County of the Town of Drogheda, Ireland

Death 9 June 1893 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (s. of Matthew Tracey 1789-11 Nov 1873 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) & & Ann Tracey (1785-1880)



Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Matthew Tracey (1789 - 11 Nov 1873 (aged 83–84)

Ann Tracey (1785 - 2 May 1880 (aged 94–95)

Patrick Tracey (1843 Ireland - 26 Mar 1868 (aged 24–25) Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Catherine Barker (1831 - 25 Sep 1891) (aged 59–60)

Henry Tracey (1830 - 9 Jun 1893 (aged 62–63)



Catherine Treacy, 28, spinster, servant, lives Newtown [Termonfeckin], (d. of Mathew Treacy, vewlorer?) married James Morley, 30?, bachelor, workman?, lives Beattystown [Betaghstown Colp Meath], (s. of James Morley, workman?) 12 May 1870 RC Chapel Drogheda Wit: Patk Johnson & Anne Treacy, his mark [Drogheda Drogheda PLU Louth] signed their marks


Maria Tracy & Thomas Johnson

Thomas Johnson b. 19 Feb 1871 Sp. Michael Falthnow? & Catherina Talford? St. Mary's, Drogheda


John Treacy & Julia Fogy

Elizabeth Treacy b. 2/3 Sep 1876 of Old Hill Sp. Patrick Farrel Anne Caffryey. St. Mary's, Drogheda (note: Private? Bap)

John Tracey & Julia Fogarty

Eliza b. 2 September 1876 (LDS)

John Tracey, labourer, & Julia Fogarty

Eliza Tracey b. 2 Sep 1876 Old Hill.  Margaret Magnane, her mark, present at birth, Old Hill [Saint Marys Drogheda PLU]


Eliza Tracy, died 1876, Saint Mary’s Drogheda PLU, aged 0 years 4 days, b. 1876, died 4 Sep 1876 Old Hill [St. Mary's, RC], spinster, labourer’s child, Margaret Magnane, her mark, present at death, Old Hill**


Julia Tracy, died 1876, Saint Mary’s Drogheda PLU, aged 30 years, b. 1846, died 7 Sep 1876 Old Hill [St. Mary's, RC], married, labourer’s wife, John Tracy, his mark, occupier, Old Hill**


Thomas Tracey of St Peter Drogheda (s. of Thoma Tracey of Magdal St) married Anna Moran of Pitcher Hill (d. of John Moran of Pitcher Hill) on the 6 Feb 1876 Wit: Franciseus Collins of Scarlet St & Helana Quinn of Back Strand. St. Mary's, Drogheda

Thomas Tracey, 40, bachelor, labourer, lives Magdalen St, (s. of Thomas Tracey, dead, BLANK) married Anne Moran, BLANK, spinster, dressmaker, lives Pitcher Hill, (d. of John Moran, dead, BLANK) 6 February 1876 RC Chapel Saint Mary's Wit: Ellen Quinn & H. Collins, signed her mark [Saint Mary Drogheda PLU Meath] signed their marks

Thomas Treacy/Tracey & Anne Moran

Thomas Treacy b. 27 Nov/3 Dec 1876 of Barrack St Sp. Laurence Farrell & Mary Jaen Caunon. St. Mary's, Drogheda (note: Dub Conditione) (27 November 1876 LDS)

John Joseph Treacy b. 24 Mar 1878 of Pitcher Hill [Meath] Sp. John McEaleer & Ellen Brady St. Mary's, Drogheda (note: Cauditionally) (20 March 1878 Pitcher Hill (LDS)

Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Anne Moran

Thomas Tracey b. 27 Nov 1876 Barrack St. Ellem Quin, her mark, present at birth, Back Strand Drogheda [Saint Marys Drogheda PLU]


Catherine Tracey of Bullring (d. of Mathew Tracey of Francis St) married Christopher MacDonnell of Termonfecken [Termonfeckin] (s. of John McDonnell of Termenfecken) 26 Jun 1879 Wit: Michael McDonnell of Termonfecken & Rose Thornton of Nunswalk. St. Mary's, Drogheda


Patrick Tracey, 23, bachelor, labourer, lives Donecarnay [Donacarney Colp], (s. of John Tracey, dead, labourer) married Bridget Ward, 27, spinster, servant, lives Mornington [Colp], (d. of Patrick Ward, living, labourer) 26 July 1881 RC Chapel Saint Marys Wit: John Ward & Eliza Fortune, signed his mark [St. Mary's Drogheda PLU] signed his mark


John Tracey, full age, Bachelor, labourer, lives Donecarney [Donacarney Colp] Drogheda, (s. of John Tracey, dead, labourer) married Bridget Taaffe, full age, Spinster, lives Mornington [Colp], (d. of Christopher Taaffe, dead, labouerer) Wit: Mathew Tracey [his mark] & Ann? Fitzsimon? on the 13 October 1885 RC St. Marys [Drogheda Meath]

John Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Taaffe

Matthew Tracey b. 28 January 1888 of 7 Mornington House [St Marys Drogheda]


1901 Census

John Tracey, 50, M, 29 Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Agrl Labourer, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Co Meath

Bridget Tracey, 45, F, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Roman Catholic, Wife, Married, Co Meath

Mary Tracey, 14, F, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Meath

Mathew Tracey, 13, M, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Meath

John Tracey, 10, M, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Meath

Patrick Tracey, 9, M, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Meath

James Tracey, 7, M, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Meath

Michael Tracey, 5, M, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Meath

Alice Tracey, 3, F, Morningtown, St. Mary's, Meath, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Meath



1911 Census

John Tracey, 55, M, 2 Donacarney Little, St. Mary's, Meath (gardiner)

Bridget Tracey, 53, F, Donacarney Little, St. Mary's, Meath (married 25 years, 7 child)

Mat Tracey, 23, M, Donacarney Little, St. Mary's, Meath (son, farm labourer)

Patrick Tracey, 21, M, Donacarney Little, St. Mary's, Meath (son, farm labourer)

James Tracey, 19, M, Donacarney Little, St. Mary's, Meath (son, farm labourer)

Michael Tracey, 17, M, Donacarney Little, St. Mary's, Meath (son, farm labourer)

Alice Tracey, 15, F, Donacarney Little, St. Mary's, Meath (daughter, household work)



Matthew Tracey, full age, Bach, labourer, lives Donocarney Drogheda, (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married Catherine Ginnitty, fullage, Spin, domestic, lives 13 Hadden Road Clontarf (d. of James Ginnetty Dec [deceased], carpenter) Wit: John McGrane & Rose Ginnety on the 15 February 1925 RC Church of St John Clontarf North Dublin.

Matthew Tracey & Catherine Ginnitty

Mathew John Treacy (known as “Sean”) b. Navan April 19th, 1929

Anastasia Treacy b. July 1931 / September 1931 Navan, Ireland          

William Tracey b. April 1936 / June 1936 Navan, Ireland      

Rose T Treacy b. July 1940 / September 1940 Navan, Ireland              



A research image for mtreacy


Mike (Michael Matthew John) Treacy

Professor & Associate Chair of Academics, Department of Physics, Arizona State University


Born: 13th October 1954 Londonderry, Northern Ireland



2006–present Professor, Dept. of Physics Arizona State University

2003–2006 Professor, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Arizona State University

1990–2002 Senior Research Scientist, Physical Sciences, NEC Research Institute, Princeton, NJ

1984–1990 Senior Physicist, Exxon Research & Engineering Company, Annandale 1982–1984 NJ, Physicist, Exxon Chemical Company, Linden & Annandale NJ,

1981–1982 Engineer Gr. 2, Centre National D’Etudes des Télécommunications Bagneux France


1980 IBM Thomas J. Watson Laboratories, World Trade Postdoctoral position

1980 University of Cambridge, Research in Electron Diffraction Physics, PhD.

1976 University of Cambridge, Natural Sciences, B.A.

1973 & 1971 St. John’s College, Southsea, U.K. A & O levels

Numerous publications




My dad (Mathew John Treacy – known as “Sean”) was born in Navan April 19th, 1929. His dad was Matthew Tracy, his mum was [Catherine] Ginnetty  He had two brothers, Michael Tracey and William Tracy (three different spellings of Tracy in the family) and two sisters, Rose and May Tracy. I know very little about his dad or mum’s background. He married May Boshell – my mum.


I am Michael Matthew John Treacy. My dad’s name had two spelling variants – one “t” in Mathew, in addition to the extra “e” in his surname. This has caused me quite some confusion, even forgetting how my “Matthew” is spelled! My dad joined the Royal Navy, and I was born in Londonderry (Derry), 13th October 1954, and then lived at various naval bases until we settled in Portsmouth in 1961. I now live in Phoenix, Arizona, USA – Professor of Physics at Arizona State University. I recently had my DNA tested, and it seems that I am essentially 95% Irish/British, with some Scandinavian and 0.2% Spanish/Portuguese (Spanish Armada survivors?).



Mike June 04, 2019




Peter Treacy/Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives 57 Windmill Lane Drogheda, (s. of Michael Treacy, labourer) married Catherine Reilly, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Coola Street Drogheda, (d. of Michael Reilly, deceased, labourer) 23 July 1895 RC Chapel St. Marys Wit: John Donegan & Maggie Markey? [St. Mary Drogheda PLU Meath] see St. Peter’s



John Treacy, 29581, Pt, Royal Inniskilling Fus, enlisted Omagh 20/11/1916 & 590037 Labour Corp

35 years b. 1881, General labourer, single, 5'7.45", chest 39.5", small scar over r eyebrow, No next of kin,

Born Drogheda Louth, Address 44 Rope Walk, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Leave 29/9/1917-8/10/1917 & discharge address Porterstown Killucan Co Westmeath.


Thomas Tracey. Tracey Thomas Joseph of 32 Shop Street Drogheda and of Glaspistol Clogherhead Drogheda county Louth Eire retired shop assistant died 13 December 1942 at latter place Administration Belfast 18 March to Michael Tracey retired shop assistant.  Effects £63 10



St. Peter's Church of Ireland, Drogheda Co. Louth http://ireland.anglican.org/about/185 Marriage Register 1702 -1899 [Note: No baptisms or burials]

Ann Tracy m. William Newitt 21 February 1726

Richard Tracy m. Catherine Cook 19 March 1751

Noble Tracy m. Anne Gillon 23 June 1829 [see Birr Co. Offaly]





Drogheda Cord

Ann Treacy, Drogheda, Cord, TCC

Matthew Treacy, Drogheda, Cord, TCC



 Drogheda, Saint Peter’s (South Louth) [see also Co. Meath]


Note: Online RC marriages start 1815.


Rose Tracey & Jacobi McDonnell

Patricium McDonnell b. 2/3 Feb ??? Sp. Joan? McDonnell & Margarita Connor St. Peter's, Drogheda


Maria Tracy & Joannis Levin

Patricium Levin b. 13 Mar 1744 Sp. Nilolius Chaster & Maria Segriff St. Peter's, Drogheda


Petri Tracy & Brigida Bartlet

Alizam Tracy b. 17 May 1745 Sp. Patricius Mooney & Catharina Kestan St. Peter's, Drogheda


Andres/Andrea Tracy/Trasy/Treasy & Marie ???/Shirdy/Sturdy/Slurdy

Mariam Tracy b. 26 Apr 1745 Sp. Maria Dowdle St. Peter's, Drogheda

Rosam Trasy b. 30 Sep 1747 Sp. Patricius Flinn & Esther Macmahon St. Peter's, Drogheda

Joannem Tracy b. 21 Oct 1752 Sp. Thomas McKeone & Brigida Tracy St. Peter's, Drogheda

Jacobum Treasy b. 11 Jan 1756 Sp. Thomas McEvoy & Saara Liten St. Peter's, Drogheda


Patricii Tracy/Trasy/Tresy & Anne McDonnel

Mariam Tracy b. 17 Nov 1745 Sp. Patricius Kinan & Margareta Linnan St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mariam Trasy b. 18 Aug 1750 Sp. Edwardus Trasy & Maria Donnelly St. Peter's, Drogheda

Andream Tresy b. 12 Aug 1755 Sp. Eugenius Corrigan & Maria Quin St. Peter's, Drogheda


Marie Trasy & Joannis Livin

Mariam Livin b. 3 Aug 1746 Sp. Joannes Evens & Susanna Muligan St. Peter's, Drogheda


Matthei Trasy & Marie Pursil

Jacobum Trasy b. 12 Nov 1747 Sp. Jacobus Trasy & Allicia Slurdy St. Peter's, Drogheda (note: de vil? ?lgo dicta Limerick) ) [presume that Marie Pursil was from Limerick]


Jacobi Tracey/Trasy & Emilie Morgan

Catharinam Trasy b. 19 Dec 1747 Sp. Jacobus Byrne & Margarata Morgan St. Peter's, Drogheda

Andream Tracey b. 27 Nov 1752 Sp. Everus McDonnell & Maria Burn St. Peter's, Drogheda


Catharine Tracy/Trasy & Joannis Hays

Joannem Hays b. 5 Jun 1749 Sp. Joannes Delahoyde & Margareta Magrane St. Peter's, Drogheda

Cathaerinam Hays b. 17 Jan 1751 Sp. Joannis Fleming & Catharina Delahoid St. Peter's, Drogheda

Alliciam Hays b. 17 May 1752 Sp. Marcus Curtin & Margarata Woode St. Peter's, Drogheda


Richard Tracy m. Catharine Cook 7 February 1750 Saint Peter Drogheda (LDS)


Jacobi Tracy/Tresy/Tracey & Margarite McOwen/McKeon

Joannem Tracy b. 3 Mar 1752 Sp. Edwardus Tarasy?/Garany? & Anna Ryan St. Peter's, Drogheda

Edwardum Tracy b. 19 Sep 1753 Sp. Thomas Maguire & Maria Roe St. Peter's, Drogheda

Brigadam? Tresy b. 17 Jun 1756 Sp. Joannes Ellet & Brigida Bezzel. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Alliciam Tracey b. 24/25 Dec 1767 Sp. Guilimus McGennis & Adna? McOwen St. Peter's, Drogheda

Annam Tracey b. 5 Feb 1770 Sp. Gulielimus Barron & Anna Reily St. Peter's, Drogheda

Jacobi Tracy & Margarita McDiven

Rosam Tracy b. 14/16 Apr ??? Sp. Patricius Smith & Margarita McDenoe St. Peter's, Drogheda


Hieronimi Tracy & Elisab Han?

Eleonoram Tracy b. 1 Jun 1752 Sp. Richarddus Magenis & Anna Cogly St. Peter's, Drogheda


Patritii Tracy & Anna Guban?

Margaretam Tracy b. 19 Mar 1754 Sp. Joananes Iealky & Margareta Walsh St. Peter's, Drogheda


Ricardi Tresy & Anne Deven

Ricardum Tresy b. 21 Aug 1756 Sp. Thomas McMahon & Elisa Sharky St. Peter's, Drogheda


Anne Tracey & Joannis Fox

Mariam Fox b. 14/15 Nov 1765 Sp. Hugo O Hara & Margarita Dowdall St. Peter's, Drogheda


Elisabethe Tracey & Jacobi McArdle

Jacobum McArdle b. 9 Nov 1767 Sp. Joannes Hallegan & Maria Onoonan St. Peter's, Drogheda


Petri Tracey & Rose McQuail/Quail

Richardum Tracey b. 10/11 May 1769 Sp. Lucas Courtney & Anna Dunn St. Peter's, Drogheda

Margtm Tracy b. 8 Oct 1784 Sp. Richardus Lannan & Allicia Murtha St. Peter's, Drogheda


Patricii Tracey & Maria Mannin/Mannon

Joannem Tracey b. 27 May 1784 Sp. Patricis Quagly & Maria Handen St. Peter's, Drogheda

Bridget Tracy b. 6 Jan 1792 Sp. Patt N Connor & Ann Andrews St. Peter's, Drogheda

Richard Tracy b. 21? Dec? 1794? Sp. Sylvaster Tracy & Catherine Magee St. Peter's, Drogheda


Maria/Mary Tracy & Will/Gullelmi Quin

Mariam Quin b. 5 Jul 1785 Sp. Henrius McDonald & Maria Renolds St. Peter's, Drogheda

William Quinn b. 21 Dec 1790 Sp. Thomas McKenna & Mary Martin St. Peter's, Drogheda


Patricii Tracy & Eleonora Downy

Jacobum Tracy b. 18 Apr 1786 Sp. Hugo Dignam & Joice Jones St. Peter's, Drogheda


Patt Tracy & Mary Farrell

Catherine Tracy b. 25 Jul 1790 Sp. Ann Marry & Mary Flood St. Peter's, Drogheda


Patt Tracy & Eleonora Durnin

Joseph Tracy b. 2 Jan 1791 Sp. Christopher Clentor & Elleonor Jones St. Peter's, Drogheda


Patt Tracy & Mary Murry

Bridget Tracy b. 6 Sep 1792 Sp. John Rooney & Bidy Sullivan St. Peter's, Drogheda


Mathew Treacy & Mary Murry?

Bridget Tracey b. 1 Feb 1794 Sp. Denis Bollard & Catherine Maganley St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mathew Treacy b. Jan 1804 Sp. Thos Campbell & Ann Goodman St. Peter's, Drogheda


British War Office  [see 1787-1854 British War Office] [see Athlone Roscommon]

John Tracey b. Athlone 1778, Cordwainer 5th Dragoons 25th Sept 1793 (age 15) - 24th March 1799. 1st Muster Oct 1795. Attested 12th Oct 1794

Ledwells’ Troop. Recruiting April ’96 -  Sept ’98. Nearly joined 26th in 1796

1st KDGs 25th March 1799 – 1st Oct 1815 incl. Waterloo. Died 1816 Nottingham. (Believed to be Roman Catholic. Married Margaret McNaughton at St Marys Drogheda 13th Jan 1799. Children Anne b. 1799 Croydon; Thomas B 1801 New Radford, Nottingham; John 1804 Arundel died young?; Francis 1808 Newcastle; Sarah 1813; Alexander 1814 Glasgow) Please contact jon.lee63@googlemail.com  if relations known.

5th Royal Irish Dragoons had their headquarters at Athlone in 1770-71 (with troops at Navan, Beltrbert & Roscommon. 1772: Athlone, Dublin, Donaghmore, Roscommon, Belturbet and Cappoquin. 1775: Clonmel, Clogheen, Kilkenny, Carrick, Cashel and Tallow. 1776: one troop was drafted to the infantry and one troop deserted. 1777: Roscommon, Athlone, Ballyraget, Kilkenny. 1778 & 79: Longford, Fermoy, Carlow, Carrick Fergus and Belfast. 1780: Phillipstown, Tullamore and Kilkenny. One Troop charged at Three Bullet Gate on 5th June 1798 and had 28 men killed but the Regiment was rumoured to have Rebels in its ranks and was disbanded in disgrace in March 1799. (The 5th Dragoons had no Tracey appearing in their Musters until Patrick Tracey in 1787.)

Apart from the 5th Dragoons, the 11th Foot was the only regiment stationed anywhere near, or that had cause to pass through, Athlone c.1777-78. (Militia and Royal Artillery excluded). There was only a Patrick Tracey in the 11th Foot.


Thomas B [Bartley] Tracey b. 1801 New Radford, Nottingham. Enlisted 1st KDGs 1815.Discharged 25th June 1844. WO117/4 Emigrated to Kingston, Canada. Son of John b. 1778 Athlone. Married Hannah Pallon 4th March 1828 in Edinburgh. Children: Alexander 1828 Alnwick [Northumberland, England]; Francis 1829 Gort [Galway];  Catherine 1831 Milton; Sarah Ann 1833 Chichester (died 1840 Niagara, Canada); Robert 1836 Abergavenny [Wales]; Margaret 1838 Dundalk; Thomas 1842 Chamby, Quebec. Retired to Canada and died 1881


Army Birth Registration

Margaret Tracy, Dundalk, 1838, R.D. Gds., Vol 1 page 55


Syl?*/Sil Tracy & Anne Quigly

Cath tracy b. 15 Dec 1815 Sp. Jno Coyle & Eliza Quigly St. Peter's, Drogheda

Cath Tracy b. 7 Aug 1817 Sp. Patt Maguinis & Mrs? Tracy St. Peter's, Drogheda

* ? in register


Margt/Peg Tracy & Patt Rogers

W [daughter] Rogers b. 15 Jan 1816 Sp. Peter Martin & Cath Kieran St. Peter's, Drogheda

Jane Rogers b. 25 Sep 1818 Sp. Jas Tracy & Cath Murphy St. Peter's, Drogheda

Michael Rogers b. 26 Aug 1822 of Wallam Row Sp. Peter Rogers & Margret Tuite St. Peter's, Drogheda


Anne Tresay & Patt Magaregh

Patt Magaregh b. 17 Jan 1826 Sp. Hinny McCoy & Susan McGann St. Peter's, Drogheda


Margaret Tressy & Cormack Rice

Patk Rice b. 24 Feb 1827 Sp. Peter Pinting & Margaret Lyons St. Peter's, Drogheda


James Tresey/Tressy & Anne Henry/Manin

James Tressy b. 11 Dec 1827 Sp. Thos Cassidy & Mary Binell St. Peter's, Drogheda

John Tresey b. 15 Apr 1828 Sp. Joseph Plunkett & Catherina Bansha? St. Peter's, Drogheda


John Treacy & Rose Morgan

Margaret/Mary Treacy b. 16 Jul 1836 Sp. Owen McEntyart & C. Brady St. Peter's, Drogheda


James Treacy

Bridget Treacy b. Mar 1839 Sp. M. Du LLy. P Campler A.B. St. Peter's, Drogheda


James Tracey/Tracy & Margaret/Mary Duffey/Duffy

Mathew Tracey b. 1 Feb 1843 Sp. James Branigan & Bridget Connelly St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary tracey b. 1 Feb 1843 Sp. Maty Hoye St. Peter's, Drogheda

John Tracy b. 10 May 1846 Sp. Rtr GPriest & Cat Kensill St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mathew Tracy b. 6 Dec 1848 Sp. Catherene Whitehead St. Peter's, Drogheda

Nicholas Tracy b. 12 Jun 1853 Sp. Charles Eader & Ann Soraham St. Peter's, Drogheda

Thomas Tracy b. 12 Jun 1853 Sp. Denis Rudog & Ann Martin St. Peter's, Drogheda

Bridget Tracy b. 13 Jun 1856 Sp. Rose Tracy St. Peter's, Drogheda

Joseph Tracy b. 22 Mar 1859 Sp. John & Mary Tracy St. Peter's, Drogheda


Nicholas Tracy & Bridgt Mallen

Catherine Tracy b. 1 Nov 1844 Sp. John Duffy & Ann Lyons St. Peter's, Drogheda


Peter Treacy & Bridget Concanon

Owen Treacy b. 09 Aug 1846 Sp. Thos Ennis St. Peter's, Drogheda


Mathew Tracy & Mary O'Neill/Neile/Tracy/O'Neil

Mathew Tracy b. 2 Sep 1848 Sp. Mary Kegan St. Peter's, Drogheda

Thomas Tracy b. 15 Oct 1849 Sp. Catherine Onell St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary Ann Tracy b. 23 Nov 1850 Sp. Mary Kegan St. Peter's, Drogheda

Catherine Tracy b. 16 Aug 1852 Sp. Thomas Rea & Margt Walsh St. Peter's, Drogheda

Ann Tracy b. 22 Jan 1855 Sp. Mary Keegan St. Peter's, Drogheda

Bridget Tracy b. 5 Dec 1857 (an Illigitimate) Sp. Bridget Reynolds St. Peter's, Drogheda


Nicholas Tracy married Mary Ford 23 Nov 1845 Wit: Peter O'Brien & Elisabeth Hanlon St. Peter's, Drogheda

Nichi/Nicholas Tracy & Mary Ford/Foord/Fohard/Foode

John Tracy b. 12 May 1850 Sp. Bridget Moore St. Peter's, Drogheda

Andrew Tracy b. 31 Apr 1852 Sp. Patk Ryan & Mary Deesiny St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mathew Tracy b. 6 Jan 1855 Sp. Thos Plunket & Rose Maganis St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary Tracy b. 16 Jun 1856 Sp. Mark Cummingham & Ann Mastin? St. Peter's, Drogheda

Alice Tracy b. 24 June 1857 Sp. John Ford & Alice McCourt. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary Tracy b. 9 Aug 1859 Sp. James Connolly & Cath Mulvanny. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Catherine Tracy b. 4 Jul 1861 Sp. John Tracy & Mary McEvoy. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Joseph Tracy b. 24 Jun 1863 Sp. Mary Connor. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Bridget Tracy b. 7 Jun 1870 Sp. Mathew Tracy & Mary Mallan. St. Peter's, Drogheda. Bridget b. 7 June 1870 Drogheda (st Peters E.W.), Louth, (LDS)

Nicholas Tracy, coal porter, & Mary Foode

Bridget Tracy b. 7 Jun 1870 Prospect Avenue. Nicholas Tracy, his mark, father, Prospect Avenue [St Peters EW Drogheda Drogheda PLU]


Alice Tracey, died 1872 St Peters Drogheda Drogheda PLU, aged 15 years, spinster, labourers daughter, died 4 Dec 1872 Scarlett Street [St. Peter's - St. Peter's RC], Nicholas Tracey, his mark, present at death, Scarlett Street


Bridget Tracey, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Chord [Cord] Road, (d. of Nicholas Tracey, Do [labourer]) married Francis Dennis, full age, bachelor, mill worker, lives Marsh? Road, (s. of Thomas Dennis, labourer) 16 July 1892 RC Chapel St. Peters Wit: Andrew Tracey & Margaret Hickey, signed their marks [West Ward Drogheda PLU]


Mary Tracey, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Prospect? Avenue, (d. of Nicholas Tracey, labourer) married William Boyle, full age, widower, labourer?, lives Nun's Walk, (s. of Peter Boyle, deceased, labourer?) 04 September 1894 RC Chapel St Peters Wit: John Tracey & Mary Balfe?, signed their marks [Drogheda Drogheda PLU Louth] signed thneir marks


Patrick Tracey married Margaret Barny on the 5 Jul 1850 Wit: Joseph Lynch & Bridget Tierney St. Peter's, Drogheda

Patrick Tracey & Margt Brien/O'Brien

Thomas Tracey b. 21 Mar 1852 Sp. Michl Reilly & Mrgt Dillon St. Peter's, Drogheda

Peter Tracy b. 30 Jun 1854 Sp. Richd Burke & Bridget Walsh St. Peter's, Drogheda

Ann Tracy b. 29 Jun 1856 Sp. Patrick Doggitte & Mary Hughes St. Peter's, Drogheda



Patt Tracey died 1864, Drogheda PLU, aged 47, b. 1817, died 3 Mar 1864 Scarlet Lesed Drogheda


Anne Tracey married John McCombs of Trinity Street 5 Aug 1876 Wit: John  O'Brien & Mary Matthews St. Peter's, Drogheda [see above]

Anne Tracy, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Scarlet Street Drogheda, (d. of Patrick Tracy, dead, do [labourer]) married John McCombs, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Trinity Street Drogheda, (s. of James McCombs, labourer) 05 August 1876 RC Chapel St Peters Wit: John O'Brien & Mary Mathews, signed her mark [Drogheda Drogheda PLU]

Anne Tracy & John McCombs

Margaret McCombs b. 4 Jul 1877 of Curlet St Sp. Anies Bruke & Ann O'Connor St. Peter's, Drogheda


John Tracy & Mary A Connolly

William Tracy b. 14 Dec 1850 Sp. Eliza Connolly St. Peter's, Drogheda


Ann Tracy & Pat McGuggin

Amelia McGuggin b. 3 Oct 1852 Sp. Timothy McGuggin & Ann Allwright St. Peter's, Drogheda 


Thos Tracy & Margt McKenna

Margaret Jane Tracy b. 1 Nov 1852 Sp. Js M'Gaygan & Eliza M'Gaygan St. Peter's, Drogheda


Henry Tracy married Elizabeth Harry/Hoey on the 15 Nov 1853 Wit: W Henley & Ellen Ruasale St. Peter's, Drogheda [see Clogher]

Henry Tracy & Bessy Tracy

Mathew Tracy b. 15 Oct 1854 Sp. Patk Tracy & Ellen Russele St. Peter's, Drogheda


Margaret Tracey & John Faris

James Faris? b. 27 Dec 1853 Sp. Michael? ??? & ??? St. Peter's, Drogheda

Margaret Tracy & John Foris/Toris

Edward Toris b. 2 Sep 1856 Sp. John Mathews & Mary Commins St. Peter's, Drogheda

Ann Toris b. 23 Jan 1859 Sp. John Cavanagh & Catherine Sweeny St. Peter's, Drogheda 

John Foris b. 29 Jan 1862 Sp.John Mooney & Rose Foris St. Peter's, Drogheda

* Foris [Cappoge] & Toris [Termonfeckin] are both very particular to Louth [4 in total in Griffith Valuation]


Michael Tracy married Bridget Conlan on the 15 Sep 1860 Wit: James Contanstroy & Jas Coultagh? St. Peter's, Drogheda

Michael Treacy/Treacy & Bridget Connolly

Julia Elizabeth Tracy b. 20 Sep 1863 Sp. Mary Fitzpatrick. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Rose Tracy b. 7 Jul 1865 Sp. Mrs Leonard. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Thomas Tracey b. 14 Jul 1867 Sp. Patrick Hyes? & Anne McDonnell. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Joseph Tracy b. 7 Apr 1869 Sp. Bridget Murphy. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Bridget Treacy b. 22 Sep 1870 Sp. John Brian & Ellen O'Neill. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Peter Tracey b. 21 Apr 1872 Sp. James Branagan & Mary King. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Catherine Tracy b. 9 Jan 1875 Sp. Mary Cumasky. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary Anne Tracey b. 5 Dec 1876 Sp. Michael O'Brien & Anne Candra. St. Peter's, Drogheda

Michael (Mickel) Tracy/Treacy & Bridget (Biddy) Connolly

Rose b. 1 July 1865 Drogheda Saint Peter’s (LDS)

Joseph b. 5 April 1869 (LDS)

Bridget b. 14 September 1870 (LDS)

Michael Tracey & Bridget Conlan

Thomas b. 7 July 1867 Drogheda (LDS)

Peter b. 18 April 1872 (LDS)

Michael [Richard crossed out] Tracy, weaver, & Biddy Connolly

Rose Tracy b. 1 Jul 1865 of Lawrence [Syndays? crossed out] Gate. Anne Fitzpatrick, her mark, Lawrence Gate, present at birth [Drogheda/East St Peters Drogheda PLU] duplicate

Michael Tracy, porter, & Bridget Connolly

Rose Tracy b. 5 July 1865 of Scarlet Street. Betty Rogan, her mark, Laurence Gate, nurse [East St Peters Drogheda PLU] duplicate

Michael Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Conlan?

Thomas Tracey b. 7 Jul 1867 of Stockwell Lane. Bridget Tracey, mother, Stockwell Lane [St. Peters West Ward Drogheda PLU]

Michael? Treacy, Coaleporter, & Briged Connolly

Joseph Treacy/Treacey  b. 5 Apr 1869 Sandyfords Alley. Eliza Rogan, her mark, Laurence Gate, nurse [East St Peter Drogheda Drogheda PLU]

Michael Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Connolly

Bridget Tracey b. 14 Sep 1870 Sandyforts Alley. Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother Sandyforts Alley [St Peters Drogheda No 1 Drogheda PLU]

Michael Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Conlan

Peter Tracy b. 18 Apr 1872 Sandyforts Alley. Bridget Tracy, her mark, mother, Sandyforts Alley [Drogheda Drogheda PLU]



Bridget Tracey, died 1871, St Peters east ward Drogheda PLU, aged 0 years 8 mons, b. 1870, spinster, laborer’s child, died 6 Jun 1871 Sandyforts Alley [St. Peter's, Drogheda RC], Bridget Tracey, her mark, present at death, Sandyforts Alley


Mary Tracy married John McManus on the 5 Jul 1863 Wit: James Murphy & Margt Carroll St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary Tracy & John McMannis

Marianne McMannis b. 20 Nov 1864 Sp. Bernard Maganne & Letia Bones  St. Peter's, Drogheda


Mary Tracey married Patrick McLoughlin on the 1 Feb 1863 Wit: Patrick Flynn & Ennen Corbally St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary Tracy & Patrick McLaughlan

George McLaughlin b. 25 Oct 1864 Sp. William McCormick & Marianne Nulty St. Peter's, Drogheda

John Joseph MaLoughlin b. 28 Jan 1866 Sp. John Mallin & Ellen Corbally St. Peter's, Drogheda

Edward McLaughlan b. 17 Jun 1868 Sp. William Murrey & Mary Corbling St. Peter's, Drogheda


Michael Tracy & Mary Ford

Peter Tracy b. 1 Jul 1865 Sp. Anne Collins St. Peter's, Drogheda.

Michael Tracy & Mary Ford

Peter Tracey b. 29 June 1865 Drogheda (LDS)

Michael Tracey, coal porter, & Mary Ford?

Peter Tracey b. 29 Jun 1865 of Nuns? Walk. Julia? Connor, her mark, nurse?, Nuns? Walk [Drogheda Drogheda PLU]


Peter Treacy/Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives 57 Windmill Lane Drogheda, (s. of Michael Treacy, labourer) married Catherine Reilly, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Coola Street Drogheda, (d. of Michael Reilly, deceased, labourer) 23 July 1895 RC Chapel St. Marys Wit: John Donegan & Maggie Markey? [St. Mary Drogheda PLU Meath] see St. Peter’s


1901 Census

Peter Treacey, 29, M, 9 Scotch Hall, St. Laurence Gate, Louth, General Labourer, Roman Catholics, Head of Family, Married, Drogheda

Katie Treacey, 28, F, Scotch Hall, St. Laurence Gate, Louth, Linen Weaverer, Roman Catholics, Wife, Married, Drogheda

Micheal Treacey, 5, M, Scotch Hall, St. Laurence Gate, Louth, Roman Catholics, Son, Not Married, Drogheda

Katie Treacey, 4, F, Scotch Hall, St. Laurence Gate, Louth, Roman Catholics, Daughter, Not Married, Drogheda

John Treacey, 0, M, Scotch Hall, St. Laurence Gate, Louth, Roman Catholics, Son, Drogheda

Thomas Reilly, 30, Male, Brother, Roman Catholics, General Labourer, Not Married, Drogheda


1911 Census

Peter Tracey, 40, M, 3 Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth (general labourer)

Katie Tracey, 40, F, Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth (married 15 years, 8 child 6 alive)

Michael Tracey, 14, M, Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth (garden labourer)

John Tracey, 12, M, Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth

Katie Tracey, 10, F, Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth

Peter Tracey, 8, M, Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth

Maryanne Tracey, 4, F, Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth

Agnes Tracey, 0-4 months, F, Plattin Road North, West Gate, Louth


Mary Treacy & John Collins

Peter Collins b. 5 Aug 1869 Sp. Thos Maguire & Mary Maguire St. Peter's, Drogheda  (note: born 4 August)

Bridget Ellen Collins b. 26 Nov 1871 Sp. James Finegan & Alicia Banes St. Peter's, Drogheda

James Collins b. 6 Sep 1874 Sp. Charles Byrne & Mary Dwyer St. Peter's, Drogheda

Francis Collins b. 26 Aug 1877 of Francis St Sp. William McKenna & Margaret Kennedy St. Peter's, Drogheda


Monica Tracey married Mathew McKenna on the 18 Feb 1873 Wit: Michael Tracey & Anne Tracey St. Peter's, Drogheda

Monica Tracey, 20, spinster, BLANK, lives Drogheda, (d. of Thomas Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Mathew McKenna, 18, bachelor, ropewalk/rope maker, lives Drogheda, (s. of Patrick McKenna, deceased, labourer) 18 February 1873 RC Chapel St. Peter's Wit: Michael Tracey & Anne Tracy, signed their marks [West Ward Drogheda PLU] signed their mark [duplicate record]

Margaret Tracey & Mathew McKenna

Thomas McKenna b. 25 Jan 1874 Sp. Peter McDaniel & Rose Collins St. Peter's, Drogheda  

Mathew McKenna b. 7 Oct 1875 Sp. Thomas Brodigan & Anne Keenan St. Peter's, Drogheda 

Mary Anne McKenna b. 21 Apr 1878 of Moores Lane Sp. Anne Murphy St. Peter's, Drogheda

Monica Tracy & Mathew McKenna

Thomas McKenna b. 24 Jan 1874 Ropewalk, Drogheda, West Ward St Peters, Louth (LDS)

Mathew McKenna b. 6 Oct 1875 Gravel Walk, Drogheda Louth (LDS)

Mary Anne McKenna b. 21 Apr 1878 Drogheda (LDS)


Anne Tracy married Thomas Marley on the 14 May 1873 Wit: Monica Tracy & Patrick FitzPatrick  St. Peter's, Drogheda

Anne Tracey, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Drogheda, (d. of John Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Thomas Marley, full age, bachelor, shoe maker, lives Drogheda, (s. of James Marley, deceased, bictler?) 14 May 1873 RC Chapel St. Peters Wit: Patrick Fitzpatrick & Monica Tracey, signed their marks [West Ward Drogheda PLU] signed their marks

Anne Tracey & Thomas Marley

James Marley b. 13 Mar 1874 Sp. Michael Tracey & Anne Murphy St. Peter's, Drogheda

Edward James Marley b. 21 May 1878 of Magdalen Street Sp. Catherine M'Gahan St. Peter's, Drogheda


Mary Anne Tracey married Thomas McKinna on the 13 Jan 1874 Wit: Edward Delany & Margaritt Canim St. Peter's, Drogheda [not State Registered]

Mary Anne Tracey & Thomas McKenna

Mary Ellen McKenna b. 23 Dec 1874 Sp. Edward Delany & Mary McCann St. Peter's, Drogheda 


Maria Anna Treacy (d. of Gulielmus Treacy & Ellen Bergin of Drogheda) of St Laurence St Drogheda m. Thomas McKenna (s. of Jacobi Kenna & Elizabeth Crawford of Drogheda) of St Laurence St Drogheda on the 20 January 1874 Wit: Edvardus O Delany  of Drogheda & Maria Anna McCann  of Drogheda. St. Lawrences, Dublin.

Marianne Treacy, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives St. Lawrence St. Drogheda, (d. of William Treacy, deceased, merchant) married Thomas McKenna, full age, bachelor, grocer lives St. Lawrence St. Drogheda, (s. of James McKenna, deceased, merchant) 20 January 1874 RC Chapel St. Lawrence O Toole Wit: Edward P. Delany & Marianne McCann [Dublin North PLU]


Tracy and McKenna - January 29th 1874, at St. Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church, Dublin by Rev James Moonan CC St. Peters Drogheda...Mary Anne Tracy, second daughter of William Tracy, of Cylduff Roscrea [Dunkerrin Offaly] to Thomas McKenna, merchant, Drogheda.


Bridget Tracey married Patrick Levins of New F well on the 29 Apr 1876 Wit: Henry Byrne & Mary Anne Cawan St. Peter's, Drogheda

Bridget Tracy, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Do [Drogheda], (d. of James Tracy, alive, Do [labourer]) married Patrick Levins, full age, bachelor, sailor, lives Drogheda, (s. of George Levins, alive, labourer) 24 April 1876 RC Chapel St. Peters Wit: Henry Byrne & Mary Anne Cowan, signed their marks [Drogheda Drogheda PLU] signed his mark

Brigid Tracey & Patrick Leveis

Rose Anne Levins b. 25 Nov 1877 Sp. Henry Byrne & Kate Byrne St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mary Kate Leveis b. 9 Nov 1879 Sp. John Noonan & Rose Tracey St. Peter's, Drogheda 


Anne Tracey married John McCombs of Trinity Street 5 Aug 1876 Wit: John  O'Brien & Mary Matthews St. Peter's, Drogheda [see above]

Anne Tracy, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Scarlet Street Drogheda, (d. of Patrick Tracy, dead, do [labourer]) married John McCombs, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Trinity Street Drogheda, (s. of James McCombs, labourer) 05 August 1876 RC Chapel St Peters Wit: John O'Brien & Mary Mathews, signed her mark [Drogheda Drogheda PLU]

Anne Tracy & John McCombs

Margaret McCombs b. 4 Jul 1877 of Curlet St Sp. Anies Bruke & Ann O'Connor St. Peter's, Drogheda


Mathew Tracey married Bridget Leonard of Greenhills on the 13 Feb 1877 Wit: John Duffey & Catherine Woods St. Peter's, Drogheda

Mathew Tracey/Tracy, full age, bachelor, millworker, lives Drogheda, (s. of James Tracey, labourer) married Bridget Leonard, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK, lives Do [Drogheda], (d. of Peter Leonard, millworker) 13 February 1877 RC Chapel St. Peters Wit: John Duffy? & Catherine Woods, signed their marks [West Ward Drogheda PLU] signed their marks

Matthew Tracey & Bridget Leonard

James Tracey b. 27 Dec 1877 of Chord Road Sp. John Tracey & Catherine Woods St. Peter's, Drogheda. James b. 27 December 1877 (LDS)

Mathew Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Leonard

James Tracey b. 27 Dec 1877 Chord Road [St. Peter?] Mathew Tracey, his mark, father, Chord Road [St Peter’s East Ward Drogheda PLU]

Thomas Tracy & Bridget Leonard

Mary Anne b. 20 January 1880 Green Hills [Drogheda] (LDS)


Bridget Tracey, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Chord [Cord] Road, (d. of Nicholas Tracey, Do [labourer]) married  Francis Dennis, full age, bachelor, mill worker, lives Marsh? Road, (s. of Thomas Dennis, labourer) 16 July 1892 RC Chapel St. Peters Wit: Andrew Tracey & Margaret Hickey, signed their marks [West Ward Drogheda PLU] [see above]


Mary Tracey, Do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Prospect? Avenue, (d. of Nicholas Tracey, labourer) married William Boyle, full age, widower, labourer?, lives Nun's Walk, (s. of Peter Boyle, deceased, labourer?) 04 September 1894 RC Chapel St Peters Wit: John Tracey & Mary Balfe?, signed their marks [Drogheda Drogheda PLU Louth] signed thneir marks [see above]


St. Peter's Parish Cemetery, Drogheda. Centenary 1993 http://stpeters.site90.com/St%20Peters/Page%201.html


Erected by Matthew Tracey, Greenhills, in memory of his wife Bridget, 15th January 1897 aged 39 years. The above Matthew Tracey and graddaughter Sally Tracey. (253)


Erected by Andrew Tracey in memory of his father and mother, died March 1898 (285)


Mathew Tracey, North Strand, 5th June 1911. His sons Mathew, who was lost at sea, 31st December 1915 and John, who died 2nd June 1916. Also his wife Mary, 24th March 1937 and infant grandson, Thomas R. O'Neill (487)


Peter Tracey, Chord Road, 18th April 1932 aged 22 years. His mother, Jane, 26th January 1969 aged 74 years. Pat (Sculler) Leech, 13th August 1981 and Margaret (Rita) Leech 7th January 1983 and her infant son Michael Patrick. (1086)


James Tracey, Bredin Street, 28th June 1951. His grandson, Matthew Gough, 10th March 1943. His son-in-law John Gough, 4th May 1943. His wife Martha Tracey, 9th April 1965. Also Margaret, wife of John Gough, 13th March 1981 (905)


7 July 1951 Drogheda Argus and Leinster Journal

Mr James Tracey, Drogheda

The death has occurred after a short illness of Mr. James Tracey, 28 Bredin St., Drogheda, at the age of 72 years. The deceased.who was the eldest son of the late Mr , and Mrs. Matthew Tracey, Greenhills, Drogheda. had been ...


Joseph Tracey, Liam leech Terrace, 6th February 1951 (2662)


Elizabeth (Dolly) Tracey, Pearse Park, 27th April 1964. Her husband Matthew, 11th June 1966 (2313)


Matthew Tracey, Pearce Park, 23rd September 1972 ??? ??? ???


Denis Treacey, 4th August 1973 (2081)


Colin Vincent Tracey, 12 Broadmeadows, 14th October 1978 aged 15 years, following an accident (1878)



Newspaper Death Notices 1930-1940

Catherine Treacy, Platten Rd., Dga, 22 Jan 1937, DI

Peter Tracy, 65 Chord Rd., Dga, 18 Apr 1932, DI



Mary Ann Tracey died 1866, Drogheda PLU, aged 4, b. 1862, died 28 OR 30 Apr 1866 Laurance Gate Drogheda, relative John Tracey


Anne Tracy died 1870, Drogheda PLU, Aged 47, b. 1823, died 24 Feb 1870, Drogheda [St Peter OR Tullyallen]




Rev. Jeremiah F. Trecy/Tracy (1821?-1889) Pioneer Priest [see Tyrone and  Rev Jeremiah F Trecy]

One of the earliest Catholic settlements of Nebraska was founded in Dakota County in 1855 by a group under the leadership of Reverend J. F. Tracy. It was known as Saint Patrick Settlement, and from his church of Saint John, Father Tracy attended similar colonies in Omaha, and in Nebraska City.

Rev. Jeremiah F. Tracy was born in Drogheda, County Louth, Ireland, in 1821, came to America with his parents in 1831, and grew to manhood in Lancaster, Pa, where the family settled. After finishing his studies he was principal of the high school there for a few years. During the Know Nothing riots in Philadelphia in 1843-1844, he was honoured by being appointed one of the guards to protect the churches from destruction. In 1849 he entered the Catholic school for young men at Chicago, where after hard study and close application he received minor orders from Bishop Quarters, but was stricken with pneumonia and advised by the doctors to seek a more congenial climate away from the lakes. He went to Dubuque where he was adopted by Bishop Loras and finished his studies at the old St. Bernard’s college, Table Mound, and was ordained on June 24, 1850. At that time the cholera was raging in Dubuque and the young priest remained with his Bishop all that year and part of the next, unselfishly ministering to the spiritual and physical necessities of the sick and dying. In many stricken families Father Tracy’s name was a household word, and many now holding exalted positions and living in fine homes in Dubuque and other parts of Iowa, are children for whom he provided homes when their parents were stricken down with the cholera. Many times did he and the good Bishop Loras go without food for long periods so completely was their time taken up with ministering to the wants of the sick and dying

In the fall of 1851 he was appointed pastor of Garryown, Jackson county, Iowa, a large Irish Catholic settlement, where he built the large, substantial stone church, 50 by 105 feet, which is still used by that large parish. He also established a parochial school, which is still taught by the Sisters of Charity. In June, 1855, Father Tracy and his brother John crossed the state of Iowa and the Missouri River and explored the country and selected the site for his colony, which he brought there the following year. Returning to Dubuque he tried to induce some of the settlers around there to go to Nebraska, but they evidently thought they were far enough west already. He went east to find recruits for his colony, and while pursuing this work he met much opposition, particularly from Archbishop Hughes of New York, who denounced him and his scheme to take his innocent countrymen into the wilds of the west, where they might starve or suffer other untold misfortunes. This shows how great men may be mistaken in their views, as the Archbishop was by preferring to see the Irish immigrants remain in the slums of the great cities, subject to all their contaminating influences, instead of coming west to enjoy the pure air and glorious sunshine of the prairies, to live happy and virtuous lives, while enjoying the greatest degree of material prosperity as the members of this colony certainly did. Father Tracy made a canvass in the New England states, where he secured a number of recruits and the next spring started with them for Nebraska, coming from Dubuque by wagon, fording streams and rivers, and enduring great hardships in crossing the hitherto untrodden prairies. On June 1, 1856, they crossed the Missouri River at Sioux City and on the next day reached the selected site, which he named St. Johns, about a mile and a half north and east of the present site of Jackson. There were eighteen wagons and about sixty people in all, including his single brother John. Others followed the same year and the following years the colony grew to be a large and prosperous one.

For a short time mass was celebrated in a tent, but as soon as possible a log church was erected, which was later replaced by a frame structure. After getting the church and parish well established, Father Tracy looked around for scattered Catholics wherever he could find them. In June 1857 he celebrated the first Mass in Sioux City. In 1858 he founded a church in Council Bluffs, the first one erected there for white settlers. He visited points along the Missouri River as far north as Fort Randall.

After about four years of this strenuous life, his health failed and he left St Johns in 1860, and after remaining in Sioux City for a few months went south to the diocese of Mobile and was appointed pastor at Huntsville, Ala. During the Civil War he served as chaplin in General Rosecran’s army, but did not confine his ministrations to the Federal ranks alone, crossing and recrossing the lines, wherever he found sick and dying soldiers. After the war he returned to Mobile diocese, working until 1879 when he was striken with paralysis. He was taken to the Alexian Brother's Hospital in St. Louis where he passed away years later, March 1888.

The old town site for which Father Tracy had great expectations is now a farm and the only indication that it had existed is the cemetery on the hill overlooking it which is still used as "the city of the dead."


Ref: Nebraska ancestree, Volumes 21, No.3

Lyons Weekly Sun, July 19, 1906. Pioneers enjoy day at Jackson. Catholics Celebrate Fiftieth Anniversary of Tracy Colony

Potter, George W. (1960) To the golden door; the story of the Irish in Ireland and America. Little, Brown and Co., Boston.






 Dundalk CoI (North Louth)


[see 1787-1854 British War Office]

Thomas B [Bartley] Tracey b. 1801 New Radford, Nottingham. Enlisted 1st KDGs 1815.Discharged 25th June 1844. WO117/4 Emigrated to Kingston, Canada. Son of John b. 1778 Athlone. Married Hannah Pallon 4th March 1828 in Edinburgh. Children: Alexander 1828 Alnwick [Northumberland, England]; Francis 1829 Gort [Galway];  Catherine 1831 Milton; Sarah Ann 1833 Chichester (died 1840 Niagara, Canada); Robert 1836 Abergavenny [Wales]; Margaret 1838 Dundalk; Thomas 1842 Chamby, Quebec. Retired to Canada and died 1881



 Dundalk (North Louth)


Note: Online marriages end 1831


Cath Tracy & Patt Quinn

Cath Quinn b. Mar 1824 Sp. Peter Mackin & Mary Tracy. Dundalk Parish


Margaret Tracy & Daniel Lahiff

Margaret Lahiff b. 12 Feb 1832 of Roap Walk Sp. John Bellew & John Bellew. Dundalk Parish


Christopher John Tracey & Ellen Mulhale/Mulhall [see Kildare]

Laurence Michael Tracey b. 20 Nov 1878 of Mary Street Sp. William O'Hanlon & Kate McCormack. Dundalk Parish (16 November 1878 Dundalk LDS)


1914-1920 British Army WWI Pension Records

Lawrence Treacy (s. of Christopher Treacy) b. abt 1879 - Dundalk Ireland, Residence: 1914 - Age: 35


Thomas Treacy, full age, bachelor, laborer, lives Dundalk [Dundalk], (s. of Henry Treacy, labourer) married Bridget Branegan, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Dundalk, (d. of Thomas Branegan, BLANK profession) 22 Jan 1885 RC Chapel Dundalk Wit: John Conlon & Mary McShane, signed her mark [Dundalk Dundalk PLU] signed their marks [Neary in online index]


Thomas Tracey of 28 South Anne St (s. of Patritii & Annae Tracey of Dunaney [Dunany Dunany] Co. Louth) married Maria Maguire of 24 Haddington Rd (d. of Joannis & Maria Maguire of Dundalk) on 26 November 1888 Wit: Patritius Murphy of 28 South Anne St & Margarita Walshe 16 Haddington Rd. Haddington Road Parish, Dublin

Thomas Tracey. full [age], bachelor, porter, lives 28 South Anne St, (s. of Patrick Tracey, alive, farmer) married Mary Maguire, full [age], spinster, servant,, lives 24 Haddington Road, (d. of John Maguire, alive, stone cutter) 26 November 1888 RC Chapel Haddington Road Wit: Patrick Murphy & Margaret Walsh [Dublin South PLU]


John Patrick Tracey, private 9th Lancers, Cavalry Barracks, & Sarah Derbyshire [see Kilkenny]

Thomas Henry Tracey b. 10 Feb 1892 Cavalry Barracks Dundalk. Sarah Tracey, mother, Cavalry Barracks [Dundalk Louth Registration]


John Patrick Tracy & Sarah Harriet Darbyshire

Thomas Henry Tracey b. 1892 Dundalk, Ireland

Mary Elizabeth Tracey b. 1897 Aldershot, Hampshire




 Dunleer (Mid/South Louth)


John Tracy & Bridget Conner

Mary b. 14 Jun 1785 Sp. Thos Tracy his brother & John Gossan & Mary More Wilem Moor. Dunleer Parish


Margaret Treacy of Barmeath [Dysart] married Patt Daly of Dunlear [Dunleer Dunleer] on the 4 May 1873 Wit: Mathew? ??? & Ann? McKenna. Togher Parish

Margaret Treacy, full [age], spinster, housemaid, lives Barmeath, (d. of Patrick Treacy, labourer) married Patrick Daly, full [age], bachelor, post office messenger, lives Dunleer, (s. of James Daly, sailor) 04 May 1873 RC Chapel Togher Wit: Ann McKenna & Dominick Dolan [Temonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Margaret Tracy/Tracey & Patt Daley

Mary Daly b. 30 Sep 1874 of Dunleer Sp. John Meehan & Mary Daly Dunleer Parish

Rose Daley b. 20 Jun 1876 of Dunleer Sp. James Michan & Anna Daley Dunleer Parish

Anne Daley b. 3 Jul 1878 of Dunleer Sp. John Clemment & Anne Hamil Dunleer Parish

Margaret Daly b. 13 Nov 1879 of Dunleer Sp. Thomas Mathews & Margaret Daly Dunleer Parish



 Faughart (North Louth)


John Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Dunmahon [Haynestown], (s. of Laurence Treacy, farmer) married Margaret/Maggie Campbell, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ballinfuil [Roche], (d. of Patrick Campbell, farmer) 13 February 1890 RC Chapel Bridgeacrin [Kilcurry crossed out] [Brid a Crinn in Killin Kane] Wit: John H. Brodiglen & rose F. Callan [Barronstown Dundalk PLU] [Neacy in online index & Brid a Crinn Cemetery]


Brid a Crinn Cemetery

Anna Maria “May” Treacy 1931 – 20 Dec 2001

Denise Treacy unknown – 25 Apr 1963

James J Treacy unknown – 25 Aug 1940

Mrs Mary A Meegan Treacy unknown – 17 May 1944




 Haggardstown (North Louth)


Denis Treasy married Margaret Coulter on the 15 Oct 1795 Wit: Patt Lawless & Catherine Hand. Haggardstown Parish [see Castletown Old Graveyard]

Denis Tracy & Margt Coulter

Henery Tracy b. 13 Oct 1808 of Barrinstown [Barronstown] Sp. Jas McEntegan & Aly Morgan. Haggardstown Parish

Edward Treacy & Mary Coulter

Denis Treacy b. 5 Dec 1796 of Carrickestruck [Philipstown-Nugent] Sp. Thos Geogh & Margrat McStagart. Haggardstown Parish

Dinis Treacy & Elizabeth Coulter

Jas Treacy b. 23 Mar/Apr 1802 of Philipstn [Philipstown-Nugent] Sp. Brigat Coagan. Haggardstown Parish


1. Dennis Tracy (1759–1844) & Margaret Coulter Tracy

1.1 John Tracy (1797–21 Sep 1817)

1.2 William Tracy (1799–6 Dec 1823)

1.3 Henry Tracy (1805-16 Dec 1877) & Anne Duffy Tracy (1839–1920)

1.3.1 William Tracy (1863–16 Jun 1921)

1.3.2 James Tracy (1 Mar 1866-1867

1.3.3 Margaret Tracy (30 Apr 1868-26 Feb 1939)

1.3.4 Patrick Tracy (1 Aug 1873-7 Jan 1922 England)

1.3.5 Mary Anne Tracy (1875-8 Nov 1925)

1.4 James Tracy (1806–1866)



James Tracy married Margaret Malone 12 May 1830 Wit: W. Tricauld. Haggardstown Parish

James Tracy & Eliza Malone

Elizabeth Tracy b. 19 Feb 1831 Sp. Francis Amas? & Mary Deison?. Haggardstown Parish


Wm Tracey & Sarah Crolly

Elizabeth Tracey b. 4 Aug 1841 of Philipstown Sp. Heny Tracey. Haggardstown Parish


Elizabeth Tracey married Michael Dowlan/Dondale? 5 Mar 1852 of Carrictsuck Wit: Michael Brady & Mary Kaeler?. Haggardstown Parish


Henry Tracy married Anne Duffy 6 Jul 1854 Wit: Edwd Duffy & Bryan Traynor. Creggan Upper Parish Armagh [see Castletown Old Graveyard]

Henry Tracey/Treacy & Anne Duffy

Elizabeth Tracey b. 22 Oct 1857 of Conicar [Cunnicar Barronstown] Sp Thomas Duffy & Ellen Murphy. Haggardstown Parish

Mary Anne Tracey b. 28 Oct 1863 of Carrickstuck [Philipstown-Nugent] Sp Patrick Duffy & Mary Duffy. Haggardstown Parish

James b. 1 March 1866 Barronstown (LDS)

Margaret Tracey b. 2 May 1868 of Carrickstuck [Philipstown-Nugent] Sp Ellen Duffy. Haggardstown Parish (30 Apr 1868 Barronstown Louth LDS)

James Tracey b. 27 Sep 1870 of Carrickstuck [Philipstown-Nugent] Sp Bridget Duffy. Haggardstown Parish (16 Oct 1870 Barronstown Louth LDS)

Patrick Treacy b. 1 Aug 1873 Ireland (LDS)

Henry Treacy, farmer, & Anne Duffy

James Treacy b. 1 Mar 1866 of Carrickastuck [Philipstown-Nugent]. Henry Treacy, father, Carrickastuck [Barronstown Dundalk PLU]

Margaret Treacy b. 30 Apr 1868 of Carrickastuck Philipstown. Henry Treacy, father, Carrickastuck Philipstown [Barronstown Dundalk PLU]

James Treacy b. 16 Oct 1870 Carrickastuck Philipstown. Henry Treacy, father, Carrickastuck Philipstown [Barronstown Dundalk PLU]

Patrick Treacy b. 1 Aug 1873 Carrickastuck Philipstown. Henry Treacy, father, Carrickastuck Philipstown [Barronstown Dundalk PLU]


James Treacy died 1867, Dundalk PLU, aged 1, b. 1866 [b. 1 Mar 1866 - Castletown Old Graveyard]


Henry Tracy, died 1876, Barronstown Dundalk PLU, aged 66 years, b. 1810, died 26 Sep 1876 Carrickastuck [Philipstown – Haggardstown RC], married, farmer, Denis Treacy, present at death, Carrickastuck


Henry Treacey: The Will of Henry Treacey late of Carrickastuck County Louth Farmer deceased who died 25 September 1876 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of Anne Treacey of Carrickastuck Widow and James Lennan of Lurgankeel Farmer both in said County the Executors. Date Of Grant: 25/07/1878 Effects: Effects under £100. [Will: wife Anne Treacey, dated 4th September 1876]


Mar 17 & 18, 1920 (FJ) Deaths

Treacy (Dundalk) March 16, 1920, at her residence, Hackballscross?, Dundalk, Anne relict of the late Henry Treacy, RIP. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing family. Internment to-morrow (Thursday) at 2 m Castletown Cemetery.


Henry Trace, Quarter Master in Royal George, of Kingstown, & Elizabeth Rooney?

Mary Trace b. 22 May 1866 of Blackrock Parish of Haggardstown. Elizabeth Trace, mother, Blackrock [Dundalk Dundalk PLU]

Henry Trace, coast guard, & Elizabeth Rooney

Henry George Trace b. 29 Dec 1868 of Coast Guard Station North Wall. Henry Tracy, his mark, father, Coast Guard Station [1868 17 580 Dublin North PLU]


Eliza Tracey/Treacy, full age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Carrickastuck [Philipstown-Nugent], (d. of Henry Tracey, Do [deceased, farmer]) married John Connor, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Barronstown [Barronstown], (s. of Michael Connor, Deceased, farmer) 26 November 1896 RC Chapel Haggardstown Wit: John McDonald & Maggie Treacy [Dundalk Dundalk PLU]



Probate of the Will of Margaret Costello late of Ballybarrack Dundalk County Louth Widow who died 20 February 1906 granted at Armagh to John Treacy Farmer.


Jun 28, 1921 (FJ) Death

Treacy (Dundalk) - June 25, 1921, at his residence, Hackballecross, Dundalk, William Treacy, RIP. Deeply regretted by his brother and sisters. Funeral took place on Sunday to Castletown Cemetery


Jan 9, 1922 (FJ) Death

Treacy (Dundalk) January 7, 1922, at Hackballscross, Dundalk, Patrick Treacy, late representative Messrs. William Hogg and Co. Ltd, Dublin. RIP. Funeral from his late residence on this day (Monday), at 1 o'clock, for internment in castletown Cemetery.

Jan 9, 1922 & Jan 14, 1922 (IT) Deaths

Treacy - January 7 1922, at Hackballscross, Dundalk, Patrick treacy, late representative Messrs, William Hogg and Co Ltd Dublin. RIP. Funeral from his late residence to-day (Monday) at 1 o'clock for internment in Castletown Cemetery.


Nov 14, 1925 (IT) Death

Treacy - November 8 1925, after brief illness, Mary Anne Treacy, Shortstone, Dundalk, fortified by the rites of Holy Catholic Church. RIP.



James Treacy died 1866, Dundalk PLU, aged 60, b. 1806, died 14 Mar 1866 Philipstown [Philipstown-Nugent - Haggardstown RC]


Castletown Old Graveyard

IHS Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Erected by Dennis Tracy of Carrickastuck in memory of his son

John who departed this life 21st Septr A.D. 1817 aged 21 years. Also three more of his children who died young. And also in memory of his son

William Tracy who departed this life the 6th day of December 1823 aged 24 years. Also the above

Dennis Tracy who depd this life 15th Decr 1844 aged 85 yrs.

James Treacy.

Henry Treacy died 16th Dec. 1877 aged 72 years.

John Treacy died Dec 1890.

Anne Treacy died 16th March 1920.

William Treacy died 16th June 1921.

Patrick Treacy died 7th Jan. 1922 and

Mary A. Treacy, Shortstone, died 8th Nov. 1925 aged 50 years and

Margaret Treacy died 26th Feb. 1939 aged 71 years. Also

Eliza Treacy Connor.

Requiescat in pace Amen.

(763) Carrickastuck is in the civil parish of Philipstown-Nugent

Note: Transcribed by Faughart Historical Properties Preservation Society.




Bridge-a-Crin Cemetery

(Old section from 1880 to 2004)

James J. Treacy died 25th August 1940, his wife Mary A. (nee Meegan) died 17th May 1944, their grand-daughter Denise died young 26th April 1963.

RB 6-8 Shortstone.

(New Section from August 1959 to March 2004)

Anna Maria (May) Treacy, Shortstone, died 20th December 2001 aged 71 years.



Toberdoney holy well is in the townland of Drumbilla in a field the property of Mr Tom Treanor of Drumbilla. It does not appear on the 1836 O.S. map but is marked and named on the 1910 edition. The earliest reference is in the O.S. Letters: 'In Drumbilla Townland there is a well called Tobar Domhnaighy at which there is a station on the first Sunday of the quarter'. On a visit in 1990, accompanied by my wife Kathleen, I had the pleasure of speaking to Mr Tom Treanor, and to Mr Willie Treacy from Shortstone who has an excellent knowledge of the history of the parish of Roche and of the well. Mr Treacy told a traditional story that around 250 years ago the well was used only for religious purposes but a local resident, rather than travel for water to a domestic well, violated the holy well by drawing water from it on an Easter Saturday evening. The following morning when the kettle was some time on the fire, blood overflowed from it. He immediately examined his water container again only to discover that the water in it had also turned blood red. He immediately returned to the holy well in the hope that someone had tampered with his container, only to find that the water in the well was as red as blood. It remained as such for the rest of that day but was found to be clear water on Easter Monday morning.

Larry Conlon. The Holy Wells of County Louth. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 24, No. 4 (2000), pp. 453-473


... Now occupied by the Tracey family. See photograph… Samuel Coulter's house, Shortstone, Co. Louth. Now occupied by Tracey family [photograph]…

Kevin McMahon and Rory Kieran. Agrarian Disturbances around Crossmaglen, 1835-1855: Part VI. Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, Vol. 12, No. 2 (1987), pp. 194-250







GAA Oral History

William Treacy recalls starting up his local GAA club in Louth, Roche Emmets. A group of locals used to play football together but they knew nothing about the rules or how to organise themselves. Eventually some experienced people came in and helped them start the club. They soon secured a field to play on and some goalposts, and they were on their way. William played for some years but an injury meant that he had to stop playing. He remained involved and helped to raise funds, contributed in an administrative capacity, and compiled a history of the club with two others. He recounts stories of his youth detailing the fun that they had, the trouble they got into and the great games that they witnessed.



Willie Treacy was captain of the first successful Roche Emmets team, the Second Division Championship winners of 1953.


Willie Treacy, Chairman, Faughart Historical Properties Preservation Society, Shortstone, Hackballscross, Dundalk.


Willie Treacy (1929-2017)


Mass reflected Willie’s life story

St. Brigid be with me until the road’s end, And help me walk through that gate as God’s friend

The family of the late Willie Treacy, Shortstone, Hackballscross, Dundalk, would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped to make his funeral so memorable; and share a few words about the wonderful celebration of his requiem Mass in the Church of the Most Holy Rosary, Bridge- a- Crinn, on 19 Sunday, 2017, the feast day of St. Joseph.

It was fitting that Willie, who passed away on 16 March, 2017, should relinquish this mortal coil at such a vibrant time of year. He loved the spring when every tree and flower is budding – new life coming to the land.

Torrential rain had ushered in the morning but as the cortege neared the church, the sun broke through changing the aspect into a shimmering brilliant scene.

A guard of honour, provided by Roche Emmets, took up its position to escort the former player and captain on his last journey.

The sweet strains of ‘Ashoken Farewell’ echoed through the church thronged with family friends and neighbours.

Glistening sunshine poured through stained glass windows, glancing off the sanctuary, where Rev. Fr. Michael Meade P.P. Summer Hill, Willie’s cousin, and Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Tom Griffin I.C., Faughart, wait- ed to receive Willie’s remains.

Sweet perfume from colourful flowers permeated the air. The peace and tranquillity seemed almost palpable as Sharon Treacy-Dunne intoned Willie’s poem ‘Hello God’ for the entrance reflection.

With the exception of baby Charlotte Treacy, then only four days old, all of the grandchildren took part in the ceremony.

The two altar servers, Danny Treacy and Conor Treacy, ably assisted Fr. Michael; Prayers of the Faithful were read by Oisín Treacy, Taidhg Treacy, Emma Treacy, Liam Dawe and James Dunne; the presentation of Gifts was by Sean Dawe, Danno Treacy, Darragh Treacy, Anna Treacy, Zoe Treacy and Harry Treacy.

Fr. Michael offered a very reverend Mass and gave a heartfelt homily.

Readers of the Word were Gerard Treacy, Adele Dawe and Denis Treacy, while the Offertory commentary was by William Treacy.

Violinists, Pat Treacy, Maria Dawe, Aisling and Richie Dunne, carried the senses to other worlds, tears stinging the eyes, so moving and heavenly was their music.

Music for the Offertory was ‘My Lagan Love’, and for Holy Communion was ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ and ‘Bring Him Home’.

The beautiful playing of these familiar pieces filled the congregation with deepest sympathy and emotion.

Paddy Craven, Willie’s lifelong friend, introduced the Communion reflection with snippets of memories about Willie, describing how he could put on the “hat of a poet”, the “hat of a writer”, the “hat of an historian”, before giving a really sensitive rendition of Willie’s poem ‘ An Awakening’, in recognition of his devotion to St. Brigid.

The final music ‘Danny Boy’ by the violinists, again had tears springing to the eyes.

‘ The Minstrel Boy’ for the recession, kept all in step as the congregation processed from the Church following the coffin. Three times the pallbearers changed hands.

The sun shone brightly and Fr. Michael spoke the words of blessing and farewell as the coffin was gently lowered.

The Argus 17 Oct 2017


'Grandad will be looking down on us' [Willie Treacy] - Roche to the core, Dawe brothers upholding a family tradition [Treacy's Cross]







Patricia Treacy, of Hackballscross, Dundalk Co. Louth, is one of the most versatile virtuoso violinists that Ireland has ever produced. She studied with outstanding distinction under Pauline Scott at the London Guild hall of music and drama and travelled widely to continue her studies under the great maestro’s Pincas Zuckermann in Israel, Mauricio Fuks in Canada, Uto Ughi and Boris Belkin in Italy, and Igor Frolov of the Moscow conservatory of music.

The winner of many prestigious national music awards, Patricia went on to perform a wide repertoire at premier venues both nationally and internationally. She has broadcast on radio and television and performed as soloist with numerous orchestras and ensembles including the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland, the RTE Concert Orchestra and the Irish Chamber Orchestra.

She is part of the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland.




Vivaldi's Storm - Patricia Treacy & The Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland, Kingfisher Hall, Galway 4 February 2012



Irish violinist to play at Joe Biden's inauguration - 19 Nov 2020










Sharon Treacy-Dunne, B.A., B.Mus., H.Dip.Ed, of Louth


A native of Hackballscross, near Dundalk, County Louth, She taught at St. Louis Secondary School Dundalk for 14 years before founding the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland (CBOI) in 1995. Her goal was to develop the orchestra as an educational, creative and artistic means of building relations between communities North and South of the border.


As part of her mission, she promotes music particularly among primary school children. She has developed an outreach programme which brings musical education to over 5,000 children in Ireland each year. Which she hopes to expand to involve up to 20,000 Irish children annually.


She was appointed to the Board of the Ulster-Scots Agency in December 2011. She has a special interest in the promotion on Ulster Scots music and culture, and has commissioned several works in the Ulster-Scots genre featuring Drum and Piping Corps with full symphony orchestra. This music has been performed in premier venues all over the world including Carnegie Hall, New York; Chicago Symphony Hall; Boston Symphony Hall; Shanghai Oriental Arts Centre; Shanghai World Expo 2012 and throughout Europe and Ireland.








 Inniskeen (North Louth) [also Monaghan]


Elizabetha Tracy/Trasey & Michael Dowdall

Maria Anna Dowdell b. 27 Apr 1860 of ???han Sp. Patricius? Dowdell? & Maria ??? Inniskeen Parish

Henrisus Dowdall b. 17 Apr 1864 Sp. Nicolas Lacin & Frances Lacin Inniskeen Parish

Elizabeth Treacy & Michael Dowdall

Henry Dowdall b. 29 Apr 1864 Louth


Catharina Tracy & Patritii Dooly

Catharina Dooly b. 2 May 1860 Sp. Jacobus Jennings & Maria M'Gahan Inniskeen Parish



 Kilsarran (East Louth)


Margt Treacy & Thos Mathew

Cathe Mathew b. 15 Jan 1819 of C B Ham [Castlebellingham Gernonstown] Sp.Ter Brodegan & Cathe McShane. Kilsarran parish


Laurence Tracy? [Nacy], labourer, & Mary Anne McMahan

Rose Tracy b. 10 Jul 1874 Castlebellingham [Gernonstown]. Bridget McMahan, her mark, present at birth, Castlebellingham [Castlebellingham Ardee PLU]



 Louth (North Louth)


James Treacy & Margaret Thompson


1876 RIC Service


James Treacy, 41846, b. 1852 Kildare


41846 Jas Treacy, 23 2/3 years, 5'9.25", b. Kildare, Protestant, married 7/4/86 wife born Monaghan , recommended by S.J. Purdon, farmer, allocated 8 Jany 76, served Louth 29 July 76, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 17.2.1909 41846D/36699


1901 Census

James Treacy, 46, M, 12 Louth Village, Louth, Louth, R.I. Const., Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kildare

Margaret Treacy, 46, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, House Keeper, Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Monaghan

Emily Treacy, 13, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Monaghan

Lizzy Treacy, 12, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Louth

Samuel Treacy, 7, M, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Louth

Agness Treacy, 4, F, Louth Village, Louth, Louth, Scholars, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Louth



Probate of the Will (with one Codicil) of John Thompson late of Drumever County Monaghan Farmer who died 5 April 1904 granted at Armagh to [son-in-law] James Tracey Constable Royal Irish Constabulary Agnes Shaw Married Woman and Sarah Thompson Widow [daughters Agnes and Sarah, dated 27th November 1902]


1911 Census:

James Treacy, 58, M, 36 Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (head, CoI, Police Pensioner, b. Kildare)

Margaret Treacy, 57, F, Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (CoI, married 24 years, 5 child 4 alive, b. Monaghan)

Samuel Treacy, 17, M, Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (CoI)

Agnes Treacy, 14, F, Louth Town (a), Louth, Louth (CoI)


Samuel [G] Tracey/Treacey. Reg. No. 21387. Rank Corporal, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Killed in action France 14/7/1916. Born Louth.

Corporal Samuel G. Treacy, 2nd Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Died 14th July 1916 at the Somme

In his will, he leaves everything to Mrs M Treacy, Louth Town, Dundalk, Co. Louth. [Will]  (see memorial above)

30 October, 1917 The London Gazette

Treacy, S., Corporal, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers £6 18s 11d


Superannuated Officers & Men. (Death's) July 1921, R.I.C. List.

Constable TREACY, James.---Dundalk.---22nd Dec, 1920



 Mellifont (South Louth)


Peter Tracy & Bridget Duncuinnon?

John Tracy b. 21 Jul 1845 of Mell [Tullyallen] Sp. Mary Bignon. Mellifont Parish



 Monasterboice (South Louth)


Bridget Tracy & Patt Carrile/Carroll/Correl/Carral

James Carrell b. 8 Nov 1814 of Carstown Sp. John Tracy? & Cath Pentland. Monasterboice Parish

Mary Carral b. Aug 1816 of Bairnatespark Sp. William Hoey & Cathe Carral. Monasterboice Parish

Hugh Carroll b. 13 Nov 1818 of Sou? Car? Sp. Thos Noonan & Mary Donough. Monasterboice Parish

Margaret Correl b. 27 Nov 1820 of Carstown Sp. Thomas Carral & Bridget Hanyan?. Monasterboice Parish


John Tracey married Ann Walsh of Coolhink on the 17 Jan 1815 Wit: John MacGuin & James Mooney. Monasterboice Parish [see Clogher]


John Tracy & Mary McNuim?

Dominick Tracy b. 9 Aug 1821 of Ballamon [Barabona Monasterboice] Sp. Peter Etut & Mary Flinn. Monasterboice Parish


Alice Treacy married Patt McGuire of Balmakenny [Ballymakenny] on the 20 Aug 1822 Wit: Patt Covial & Jas Treacy. Monasterboice Parish

All Tracy & Pat McGuire

Mary mcGuire b. 10? Jun 1827 Sp. Patt Morgan & Catriona? Carrol. Monasterboice Parish


Patt Tracy? married Margt Rooney 16 May 1840 Wit: Michl Byrne & Patt? Rooney.. Monasterboice Parish


C Tracy & Jas Campbell [see Clogher]

John Campbell b. 27 Jan 1843 Sp. Anne Harmnon. Monasterboice Parish


C Tracy & Owen McDonnell

Patt McDonnell b. 15 Feb 1843 Sp. Jas McDonnell & B. Rodgers. Monasterboice Parish


Wm Tracy & Mary Carlin

John Tracy b. 14 Apr 1844 Sp. Patt Counathy & A Carney. Monasterboice Parish



Monasterboice Parish

Betty Tracey of Castletown buried 23 Apr 1815

Mary Tracy of Carstown buried 3 Feb 1822



 Termonfeckin (South Louth)


Mary Tracy & Joseph Leech

Thomas Leech was baptized 17 Nov 1824 in the Roman Catholic parish of Termonfeckin. Does anyone know what the NAME of the church is? How would I contact that church? What graveyard would his parents be buried in? (Joseph Leech b. abt 1800, Mary (Tracy) Leech b. abt 1800)
Thomas left Ireland and came to the US in Nov 1848.

jajolee 20 December 2005


Bridgt Thracy & Patt Carroll

Nicholas Carroll b. 7 Dec 1825 Sp. Patt Carroll & Mary Carroll.. Termonfeckin  Parish

Bridget/Brit/Pat/Biddy Tracy & Pk/Pat Carroll

Bridt Carroll b. 12 Feb 1828 Sp. Pat Maginnis & Mary Kied Termonfeckin  Parish

Margaret Carroll b. 18 Feb 1830 of Ganderpark/Serpark garden Sp. Peter Corrigan & Peggy Carrole? Termonfeckin  Parish

Pat Carroll b. 13 Nov 1832 of Ganderpark Sp. Ricd Ceagan & Elizth Reilly Termonfeckin  Parish

Patt Carroll b. 14 Dec 1834 of Ganderpark Sp.Jas Mooney & Rose Corrigan  Termonfeckin  Parish


Jane Tracy married Thos Kerr on the 2 Mar 1824 Wit: Jas Tracy & James Carroll.. Termonfeckin  Parish


Catherine Tracy & Jas Campbell [see Clogher]

Pat Campbell b. 28 May 1838 Sp. Thos Gartland & Mary McKenna. Termonfeckin  Parish


Catherine Tracey of Bullring (d. of Mathew Tracey of Francis St) married Christopher MacDonnell of Termonfecken [Termonfeckin] (s. of John McDonnell of Termenfecken) 26 Jun 1879 Wit: Michael McDonnell of Termonfecken & Rose Thornton of Nunswalk. St. Mary's, Drogheda


Mathew Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Newtown [Termonfeckin], (s. of Mathew Tracey, labourer) married Mary Magrane, full [age], spinster, servant, lives Blackhall  [Termonfeckin],, (d. of Edward Magrane, labourer) 04 OR 14 February 1888 RC Church Termonfeckin Wit: John Murray & Margaret Magrane, signed his mark [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]



 Togher (East Louth)


Note: Online records


Nov 1 1791 - Apr 24 1828
Aug 8 1869 - Dec 31 1880,


July 31 1791 - Mar 17 1828
Feb 24 1873 - Nov 13 1880


Mary Tracey & Richd Kennedy

Catherine Kennedy b. 04 Apr 1792 of Ballnagassin [Ballynagassan Drumcar] Sp. James Caset & Margt Waters Togher  Parish


Mary Tracey & Nichs Hoey

John Hoey b. 17 Jun 1792 of Suntown? Sp. Richd? ??? & Mary Sheman? Togher  Parish


Thomas Tracy & Cathar [Mary crossed out] Crisehan

Thomas Tracy b. 6 Jan 1794 of Nicholastown [Port] Sp. Mary Hodges. Togher Parish

Tom Tracey & Cathna Coisehan

Patrick Tracey b. 2 Feb 1796 of Clinmoor [Clonmore] Sp. Richd McKeown & Mary Kelly. Togher Parish


Pat/Patrick Tracey/Tracy & Mary Hardman/Hardmon

Margaret Tracy b. 26 Sep 1796 of Grange [Grangebellew Dysart] Sp. Andw Down? & Mary Kelly Togher Parish

Anne Tracy b. 1 May 1798 of Grange Sp. John Philips & Anne Bughram. Togher Parish

Patrick Tracy b. 16 Feb 1800 of Grange Sp. Daniel Philips & Mary Tracy. Togher Parish

Mary Tracey b. 14 Aug 1802 of Grange Sp. Laurence? Tracey & mlly? Hardman Togher Parish

Catherine Tracey b. 21 Jan 1805 of Grange Sp. Andw Loughran & Ann Philips? Togher Parish


Judith Tracy of Dysart married Patrick Bodin of Clogher Parish on the 9 Aug 1798 Wit: Tom Tracy & Nichl Tereny. Togher Parish Dromiscar [Drumcar]

Judy Tracey & Pat Boden

Patrick Bodin b. 19 May 1799 of Morganstown [Dysart] Sp. John Belton & Cathy Keenan. Togher  Parish

John Bodin b. 2 Jul 1800 of Morganstown Sp. Thomas Kenny & Dorathy McKeaon. Togher Parish

Richard Boden b. 15 Mar 1807 of Morgons Tn  Sp. Thomas Terrany & Margaret Dalet. Togher Parish


Ths Tracy & Catty Belton

Mary Tracy b. 5 Jul 1800 of Clinmore [Clonmore] Sp. Owen Kelly & Mary Lawless. Togher Parish


Mary Tracey married John Rooney of Dunlear on the 17 Nov 1813 Wit: Pat Tracey & James? Hall. Togher Parish


Michael Tracy & Mary McQuinlan

John Tracy b. 5 Feb 1821 of Largantown [Labanstown Drumshallon] Sp. Hary Stand & Mary Meter? Togher Parish


Anne Treacy married John Campbell of Grange [Grangebellew? Dysart] 23 Feb 1819 Wit: James Tracy & Andw Loughlin. Togher Parish

Anne Tracy & John Campbell

Patt Campbell b. 11 Dec 1821 of Hitchestown [Dysart] Sp. Peter Campbell& Jane Campbell Togher  Parish


Jane Butterly nee Treacey, full [age], widow, lives Theobawn, (d. of Thomas Treacey, farmer) married Peter Harmon, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Martinstown [Port], (s. of Andrew Harmon, farmer) 26 January 1867 RC Chapel Togher Wit: William Carroll & Bridget Carroll [Ternonfeckin Drogheda PLU] signed her mark

Jane Treacy & Peter Hanner/Harmon

Thomas Hanner b. 2 Jan 1870 of Thebonn Sp. Thomas Toner & Betty McFunsc.  Togher  Parish

Anne Harmon b. 30 Sep 1871 of Theabawn Sp. Joha Rogers & Mary Maskey. Togher  Parish

Peter Harmon b. 21 Jul 1874 of Theebaun Sp. Tom Brennan & Bridid McKeone. Togher  Parish (note: married at Walshestown 8 August 1920)

Catherine Harmon b. 23 Dec 1876 of Theebaun Sp. Hugh Cuehan & Mary Butterly. Togher  Parish


Patt Treacy & Anne Maguire

Mary Treacy b. 10 Oct 1869 of Lispatrick Sp. James O'Brien & Bridget Callaghan. Togher Parish

Matt Treacy b. ? Jun 1872 of Legpatrick Sp. Matt Treacy & Clare Bacton. Togher Parish

Anne Treacy b. 11 Mar 1875 of Legpatrick Sp. Thomas Blodgan & Margat McKeoms. Togher Parish

Bridget Treacy b. 7 Mar 1877 of Lispatrick Sp. John Maguire & Bridget O'Brien. Togher Parish

Patrick Tracey & Ann Maguire

Patrick b. 17 August 1867 Termonfeckin (LDS)

Mathew b. 21st June 1872 Termonfeckin  (LDS)

Ann b. 18 March 1875 Termonfeckin (LDS)

Bridget b. 17 March 1877 of Legpatrick (LDS)

Patrick Tracey, labourer/farmer, & Ann Maguire

Patrick Tracey b. 17 Aug 1867 of Seqpatrick? Mary Banon, her mark, present at birth, Leqpatrick? [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Mary Tracey b. 10 Oct 1869 Segpatrick. Margaret Barron, her mark, present at birth, Sigpatrick [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Mathew Tracey b. 21 Jun 1872 Legpatrick. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Leqpatrick [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Ann Tracey b. 18 Mar 1875 Segpatrick. Patrick Tracey, his mark, father, Segpatrick [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

Bridget Tracey b. 17 Mar 1877 Segpatrick. Patrick Tracey, her mark, father, Segpatrick [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]


Thomas Treacy & Eliza Casey

William Treacy b. 1? Dec 1870 of Annagassan [Ballynagassan Drumcar] Sp. Dreen Mackin & Mary Clarke. Togher Parish

Mary Treacy b. 19 Nov 1871 of Annagassan [Ballynagassan Drumcar] Sp. Michael Casney & Margt Crolly. Togher Parish

Peter Treacy b. 12 Feb 1875 of Annagassan [Ballynagassan Drumcar] Sp. Patrick Carney & Margaret Lyons Togher Parish

Francis Joseph Treacy b. 7 Jul 1877 of Annagassan [Ballynagassan Drumcar] Sp. Hugh Camey & Elman Casey Togher Parish


Margaret Treacy of Barmeath? [Dysart] married Patt Daly of Dunlear [Dunleer Dunleer] on the 4 May 1873 Wit: Mathew? ??? & Ann? McKenna.. Togher Parish [see Dunleer]

Margaret Treacy, full [age], spinster, housemaid, lives Barmeath, (d. of Patrick Treacy, labourer) married Patrick Daly, full [age], bachelor, post office messenger, lives Dunleer, (s. of James Daly, sailor) 04 May 1873 RC Chapel Togher Wit: Ann McKenna & Dominick Dolan [Temonfeckin Drogheda PLU]


Ann Treacy married John McKeon of Heans? Hall 12 Aug 1873 Wit: Peter McEvoy & Ann Mongan. Togher Parish 

Ann Treacy, full [age], spinster, domestic servant, lives Dunleer [Dunleer], (d. of Patrick Treacy, wood ranger?) married John Mckeon, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Marns? Hall, (s. of Patrick McKeon, farmer) 07 August 1873 RC Chapel Togher Wit: Peter McEvoy & Ann Mongan [Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU] signed their mark

Ann Treacy & John McKeone

Margaret McKeone b. 30 Sep 1874 of Ne??? Sp. Peter McTohy? & An? King. Togher Parish


Thomas Tracey of 28 South Anne St (s. of Patritii & Annae Tracey of Dunaney [Dunany Dunany] Co. Louth) married Maria Maguire of 24 Haddington Rd (d. of Joannis & Maria Maguire of Dundalk) on 26 November 1888 Wit: Patritius Murphy of 28 South Anne St & Margarita Walshe 16 Haddington Rd. Haddington Road Parish, Dublin

Thomas Tracey. full [age], bachelor, porter, lives 28 South Anne St, (s. of Patrick Tracey, alive, farmer) married Mary Maguire, full [age], spinster, servant,, lives 24 Haddington Road, (d. of John Maguire, alive, stone cutter) 26 November 1888 RC Chapel Haddington Road Wit: Patrick Murphy & Margaret Walsh [Dublin South PLU]





Fennells and O’Deas from County Clare, Ireland and Kanes and Traceys from County Mayo, Louth or ??, Ireland / compiled by Lela b. Fennell.


Notes on the Volunteers, Militia & Yeomanry , and Orangemen of Co. Louth, Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol XVIII, 4, 1976

A copy of the book of the corporation of Atherdee [Ardee] (manuscript),

Henderson's Post Office Directory of Meath & Louth, 1861.

Families at Mosstown & Phillipstown in 1852, Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol XVIII, 3, 1975

Cromwellian & Restoration settlements in the parish of Dundalk, Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol XIX 1 1977

Old Title Deeds of Co. Louth; Dundalk 1718 1856, Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society Vol XX, 1 1981

Bernard, Nicholas (ed.) The Whole Proceedings of the Siege of Drogheda [&] Londonderry, Dublin, 1736

Conlon, L. The Heritage of Collon, 1984,

D'Alton, John The history of Drogheda , Dublin, 1844,

Duffner, P. Drogheda: the Low Lane Church 1300-1979,

I.C.A. A Local History Guide to Summerhill and Surrounding Areas,

L'Estrange, G. Notes and Jottings concerning the parish of Charlestown Union, 1912.

Leslie, Canon J.b. History of Kilsaran Union of Parishes, 1908.

Murphy, Peter Together in Exile, Nova Scotia, 1991.

Murray, Rev. Lawrence P. History of the Parish of Creggan in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Dundalk, 1940.

Nelson, S. History of the Parish of Creggan in Cos Armagh and Louth from 1611 to 1840, 1974.

O'Neill, C.P. History of Dromiskin, 1984.

Redmond, b. The Story of Louth, 1931.

Tempest, H.S. Descriptive and Historical Guide to Dundalk and District, 1916.

Last update: 05 February 2025