tracey crest |
Family |
An Irish Family
History |
Now the island of Ireland has
been set in the west. As Adam's Paradise stands at the sunrise so Ireland
stands at the sunset. And they are alike in the nature of the soil, to wit,
as Paradise is without beasts, without a snake, without a lion, without a dragon,
without a scorpion, without a mouse, without a frog, so is Ireland in the
same manner without any harmful animal, save only the wolf, as sages say.
Rawlinson B 512 fol 97 b1 line 14 |
Irish Origins, History and Genealogy |
The Traceys are referenced a number of times in the Annals: |
CS = Chronicon Scotorum (Author: Gearóid Mac Niocaill and
William M. Hennessy) |
FA= Fragmentary Annals of Ireland (Author: [unknown]) |
I = Annals of Inisfallen (Author: unknown) |
LC = Annals of Loch Cé A.D.1014-1590 (Author: [unknown]) |
M = Annals of the Four Masters (Author: [unknown]) |
MCB = MacCarthaigh’s Book (Author: [unknown]) |
T = Annals of Tigernach (Author: [unknown]) |
U = The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown]) |
Niell Trassach (or Frassach or
Frosach) of the Cenél Eóghain was High King of Ireland 759-765 AD. So-called
from certain miraculous showers that fell in his time (a shower of honey, a
shower of money, and a shower of blood). After seven years' reign, retired to
St. Columb's Monastery at Hye, in Scotland, A.D. 765, where he died in A.D.
773. |
The first reference to a Tracey ancestor in the Annals is: |
884 AD Treasach, son of Becan,
chief of Ui Bairche Maighe, was slain by Aedh, son of Ilguine. Of him Flann,
son of Lonan, said: |
A heavy mist upon the province of Breasal, since they slew at
the fortaliced Liphe, |
Heavy the groans of
Assal, for grief at the loss of Treasach. |
Wearied my mind, moist my
countenance, since Treasach lies in death. |
The moan of Oenach Lifi
all, and of Leinster to the sea, is the son of Becan. |
The following is a link
to the manuscript page. |
[LINK] |
The last reference in the Annals is: |
1444 AD Gilla-Michil Ua Tresaigh died. |
There appears to be four
branches of the Irish Traceys from the ancient genealogies: |
South Leinster/North East Munster: Laigin tribe of Uí Bairrche (kin to the
Gormans). The earliest ancestor is Tressaig or Tressach around 850 AD. |
The Traceys of North East
Tipperary, Kilkenny, Offaly, Laois, Carlow, Kildare, Wicklow, Louth and
Wexford may be presumed to be descended from the Uí Bairrche. |
The Uí
Bairrche have also been connected to the Uluad, the Uí Echach and Dal Riata
of north east Ulster. |
Stair Gearr na h-Uí Bairrche - A brief history of the Uí Bairrche [Stair
Gearr na h-Uí Bairrche] |
2. East Connacht/North West Munster: Fir Bolg Tribe of Sil
Anmchadha of Ui Maine (Hy Many) (kin to the Maddens). The earliest ancestor
is Treasach around 950 AD. |
The Traceys of Galway, Roscommon,
North West Tipperary and North Clare may be presumed to be descended from the
Sil Anmchadha. |
3. Southern Munster: The Eoganacht tribe of Ui Fidegeinti
(kin to the Donovans), decended from the house of Heber of the Milesians. The
earliest ancestor is Treassach around 650 AD. |
The Traceys of Limerick,
Waterford, South West Tipperary, Cork, Kerry and South Clare may be presumed
to be descended from the Uí Fidgeinti. |
4. West Ulster (Fermanagh/Tyrone/Derry /Donegal): Cenel
Eoghain decended from the house of Herermon of the Milesians. The earliest
ancestor is T[r]easaigh around 600 AD. |
The Traceys of Fermanagh, Tyrone,
Leitrim, Derry and Donegal may be presumed to be descended from the Cenél
Eóghain. |
There are also other references to the forename in the
ancient genealogies. |
the separate tribes may be related. The origin tribe of the Uí Bairrche, the
Uí Fidgeinti and the Uí Liatháin may have been the Dáirine. The ancestor of
the Uí Bairrche was Dáire Barrach and the ancestor of the Uí Fidgeinti and
the Uí Liatháin was Dáre Cherbba. In the Ptolemy map of the 1st century, the
Dáirine were located in South Antrim and North Down in the east of Ulster.
The Traceys of the Ui Bairrche were dispersed in Leinster and Ulster and
possibly Connacht. Some of the Munster Traceys are of the Uí Fidgeinti and
Tassys are of the Uí Liatháin.
It would be interesting if a genetic survey could shed some light. |
(see DNA Genealogy) |
interest around this thime period there is a reference to Thrasi of Iceland. |
descended from the Fir Bolg |
The Érainn
(earlier Euerni or Iverni) have also been referred to as the Menapii, Bolgi,
Builg, Belgae and Firbolgs by certain annalists and historians. The early
annalists tell us that Firbolg people survived as distinct tribes well into
early historical times. In southern Ireland they may have descended as the
Corca Loigde, and other early tribes of Munster, as well as the Osraighe (who
are also given a Laigin origin). In east Ulster, they were said to descend as
the tribes of the Dál Riata and the Dál Fiatach (aka Ulaid). In Connacht the
tribes of the Ui Maine and the Conmaicne are often claimed as their
ancestors. In Leinster, they were the Ui Failge, Ui Bairrche and Ui
Enechglaiss to mention but a few. |
descended from the Milesians |
The Goídel (Gael or
Féni) or Milesians, sons of King Milesius, are said to have come from either
northern Spain or southern France to the island of Ireland. Of the Milesians,
who invaded the Tuatha De Danann lands, hEber and hEremon divided the land
between them - hEremon getting the Northern half of the island, and hEber the
Southern. The Northeastern corner was accorded to the children of their lost
brother, Ir, and the Southwestern corner to their cousin Lughaid, the son of
Ith. Of the Goídel are said to include the various tribes of the Connachta
(Northwest, West and Midland) and the Eoghanact (Southwest). |
General References: |
Anon (1942) Book of Ui Maine. Stationary Office, Dublin. |
Cronnelly, RF (1864) History of the Clans. Dublin. |
D'Alton, E.A. (1911) History of Ireland from the Earliest Times
to the present day. Gresham, London. |
Haverty, Martin (1860) The History of Ireland, ancient and
modern. Duffy, Dublin. |
Joyce, P. W. (1900) Atlas and Cyclopedia of Ireland. Murphy
& McCarthy, NY. |
Keating, Geoffrey; D.O'Connor Translator (1841) The General
History of Ireland. Duffy, Dublin. |
Leland, T. (1773) The History of Ireland from the Invasion of
Henry II. Dublin. |
Mac-Geoghegan, Abbe (1831) History of Ireland, Ancient and
Modern. O’Flanagan, Dublin. |
Moore, Thomas (1843) The History Of Ireland From the Earliest
Kings of that relm. Longmanm Brown et al, London. |
O’Brien, M.A. [Editor]. (1962) Corpus Genealogiarum Hiberniae.
Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Dublin. |
O’Rahilly Thomas F. (1946) Early Irish History and Mythology.
Dublin. |
O'Raithbheartaigh, Toirdhealbhach (1932) Genealogical Tracts I.
Government Publication, Dublin. pp. 71, 115, 118, 121. |
Plowden, Francis (1809) The History of Ireland from its invasion
under Henry II. to its union with Great Britain. London. |
Ware, Sir James (1703) The Annals Of the Affairs of Ireland,
From The First conquest of the English. Dublin. |