It may be presumed that the Traceys of
Antrim are descended from the Uí Bairrche.
In Antrim, there is the townland of Artresnahan
(Ard Treasacháin 'Treasachán's height') in the parish of Drummaul, named after the Traceys.
(Place-Name of Northern Ireland vol. iv p.24). There is Dundressan in the civil
parish Island Magee. There is Clonetrace (Cluain Treasa - Tracys meadow) in the
civil parish of Skerry.
The Countie Of Doune...Kilulto* is a very fast Countrie, full of Wood and Boggs. It bordereth upon Lough Evaghe and Clonbrassell...This countrie, before the baron’s warrs in Ingland was possessed and Inhabited by Inglishmen, and there doeyth yet remain there an old defaced castle, which still beareth the name of one Sr Miles Tracie.”
Hogan, Edmun (1878) The Description of Ireland and the state thereof as
it is this present in Anno 1598. MH Gill, Dublin.
The county of Down...The captain of Kilultoe is Cormac McNeyl, who likewise has brought by Sir N.B. from the bondage of the O’Neyles. “This country afore the Baron’s wars in England was possessed and inhabited by Englishmen, and there doth yet remain there an old defaced castle, which still beareth the name of one Sir Miles Tracy.”
…an old defaced castle, which still beareth the name of one Sir Miles Tracy." The captain of Kilwarlin is a McGenys, called Ever McRorye, and sometimes did contribute and yield to Clandeboy, but now depends only upon the Queen. In Kinalewrty, or McCartan's…
The county of Downe...This country conteineth all the landes between the haven of Carlingford to the Bay of Knockfergus, viz. Little Ards which lyeth on the north side of the river of Strangford, it is a fertill champion country of the inheritance of the lo: Savadge. Great Ards, belonginge to com mac Neile og. South claneboy which reacheth from the Duffrin to the river of Knockfergus Kiluto, lyinge vpon lough Eaghe and Cranbrasclo. Before the Barons wars in England yt was well inhabited by Englesh, and there still remayethe an olde decayed castle bearing the name of one Sr. Nicholas Tracy…
* [Killultagh, civil parishes of Aghalee, Aghagallon and Ballinderry of Co. Antrim on the border with Down. This is located at the south eastern end of Lough Neagh. Of interest at the north eastern end of Lough Neagh is the townland of Tirgracey]
Neile Oge married Alice, daughter of James Fitzgerald, and died about 1599, leaving two sons minors, of whom we afterwards find the following notice:
“We doe acknowledge and confess that we have received at the hands of the Maior, Sheriffs, and Corporacon of the Towne of Knockfargus, the Patent graunted unto us by his Majestie for houldinge of our lands of Killeleagh, Kilmackevit, being formerlie committed by direction from the late Lord Deputie, unto the trust and custodye of the Maior and Corporacon of Knockfergus aforesayde, until such tyme as we should come to perfecte adge, and be capable of reason and understandinginge; as wytness our hands this 18th of April, 1616.
Hercules Langforde Neall O’Neall
Thomas Tracy Hugh O’Neall
Thomas Wittu”*
...1627...additional names of persons noticed in the records as inhabitants of this town [Carrickfergus], most of whom were tenants of this corporation. From their names, we conjecture the persons came from England...Tracy...
*History of Carrickfergus, 2d edit.
The Gentleman's Magazine 1833 - Page 851 or 581???
(Note: A slightly different version appears in Hill, George (1873) An
Historical Account of the MacDonnells of Antrim: Including Notices of Some
Other Septs, Irish and Scottish. Quintin Publications.)
1622 Diocese of Down
and Connon
Christopher Tracy M.A.
Ballymartin or Templepatrick
Resident and servth the
cure – church ruinous
1643 Ministers
The History of the Presbyterian
Church in Ireland: Comprising the Civil History of the Province ...
1621? Templepatrick
Mr. Josias Welsh (grandson of John Knox the reformer of Scotland)…came to Templepatrick, in the year 1621 or 1622…At this time, James I, having changed his religious opinions from Presbyterianism, was attempting to enforce Episcopal church government in Scotland…The state of the country, of religion, and the banished Scotch and English ministers, were often the principal topics of their conversation. The captain having an unfavourable opinion of the abilities and conduct of Mr. Tracey, the incumbent, expressed a desire of seeing some sensible, pious man of these divines…In consequence of promising a safe conduct, Mr. Walsh, was introduced to the captain, who was so well please with his conversation, learning and piety, that he engaged him to preach in the temple, the next Lord’s day. Mr. Tracey, being informed of the captain’s intentions, went early to the church on that day, and had begun the service before the captain arrived; but when he entered, he ordered the incumbent out of the desk, and Mr. Walsh into the pulpit…1631 (he was) suspended by the Bishop of Down for non-conformity. (Mr. Welsh died 23rd June 1634 after 12 years in Templepatrick)…From the death of Mr. Walsh in 1634, till the ordination of Mr. Kennedy, in the year 1646, there was an interruption of public worship in Templepatrick…Such were the causes which prevented the puritans from the enjoyment of the beifits of public worship in Templepatrick, from the year 1631, till the ordination of Mr. Kennedy, as pastor of the congregation, in 1646. [Note: No reference to the Tracy ministers below]
Stephenson, Samuel Martin (1825) A Historical Essay on the Parish and
Congregation of Templepatric. Belfast. p.31-2, 35
Colvill's nearest clerical neighbour during his early years at Coole was Christopher Tracy, incumbent of Ballymartin, Ballywalter and Templepatrick. Tracy was perhaps a member of an old Anglo-Norman family long settled in Ulster…One Sunday in the year 1622 Norton invited Welch to preach in the church instead of the vicar. Tracy countered by arriving early and starting the service, but when Norton...The next vicar of Coole, Thomas Murray...had been... rector of Ballymartin since 1668, where succeeded Francis Tracy who was instituted by Jeremy Taylor in 1661. Tracy may have been a son of Christopher Tracy, who was rector of ...
Harry Jessop St. John Clarke (1938) Thirty Centuries in
South East Antrim: The Parish of Coole Or Carnmoney. Quota Press
1644 The clergies lamentation: deploring the
sad condition of the kingdome of Ireland
I come
now to render an account of such as I left in Carickfergus, Belfast, Newry,
Lisnygarvy, and the neighbouring parts, in so unfthomed a misery as my plum and
line is to light and short to expresse their Durry of
Ballimenah, Mr. James Tracy...
1650 Testament of Dame Anne Langford, the widow
and relict of Sr Hercules Lanford late of Carrickfurgus Knt...James Tracey and John Orpin
Executors...tenth day of Apprill Anno dni 1650...James Tracey
The Town book of the Corporation of Belfast, 1613-1816?
- Belfast (Northern Ireland), Robert Magill Young - History - 1892 - 351 pages
1662 p.650 (Adventurers?)
A true abstract of the several debentures of the officers’ and soldiers belonging to Captain John Gallands company for their services since 1649 and their claims that are added thereunder...John Tracy...Certified and examined by (Sir) John Pettie; and with note signed by same, that this list contains several debentures satisfied in Captain John Gallands lot. In part satisfaction of his debt there was set out 5,597 acres, 2 rods in the liberties of Coleraine and Co. of Londonderry and 2169 ¼ acres in the barony of Kilconway, Co. Antrim.
18 July 1665. Historical Manuscripts
Commission - Marquis of Ormond
Tracey of Carrickfergus, Clerk, a Minister of the Church of England. Exempt
from quartering soldiers.
1676 Sara [or Lara] Tracye, Carrickfergus Connor Diocesan Wills
Lara Tracye
Carrickfergus 1676 (will)
1699-1700 Officers of the Earl of Donegal's late Regiment of Foot. [Belfast Regiment?]
Ensign William Tracy 1s. 6d.;
Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 15: 1699-1700. William A. Shaw (editor). 1933
1706 List of Burgesses and Freemen of
Humphrey Tracey [moved to Derry?]
12 Nov 1713 Lease - Registered 7 July 1719
Ballykeele in Manor Kert or Crebilly with Mills, co Antrim
Ohara Esq of Crebilly [Parish Ballyclug] co Antrim and Sir Robert Adair of
Ballymena, co Antrim
Laughorne, Vintner gent, of Sun Tavern, Devereux Ct, nr Middle Temple, London,
Ellis, of Golden last, Bell Yard, Westminster, England
Bussey junior
[Justice] Tracey, Sergeants Inn, Fleet St, London, England
6 Sep 1737 & 19 Jun 1738 Deed Poll
William Tracy of Ballyneill,
Londonderry gent son and heir conveyed by James Tracy of Ballyneill,
Londonderry lands which had previously been demised to John Graves of
Castledawson, Co. Antrim by Daniel Waller of Derrygarve, Co. Antrim. Witnesses
Thomas Graves of Castledawson, Co. Antrim, linen draper, Neale O'Quinn of
Ballagher, Londonderry, & Gabriel As Rainey of Maghrafelt,
Londonderry. Many of the details
regarding the witnessing of these documents are unreadable
1740 The Parting Cup [poem]
… twelve Miles of Carrick…Pat
Name |
Age |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Crime |
Marital Status |
Trade or Calling |
Remarks |
Died |
Death Place |
Hugh McTreacey |
22 |
D |
Boddingtons (1793) |
1792 |
Antrim |
7 |
1771 |
Defender murder |
Crime details available |
British War Office
Tracey b.1791 Randall’s Town, Antrim 3/27th 1807 then 19th
Light Dragoons March 1815 with Richard
19th Light dragoons were in India from 1782 to 1806, then England,
then Canada 1812-1816, then returned to England
Canadian military service
John Tracey born abt 1791 Randles
Town, Antrim - Canadian military service 6 Mar 1815
1811 Hibernia, Belfast to New York
Hugh Tracy
John Tracey, 4 Nov 1812, Lodge 811
Hill Hall Lisburn Antrim/Down,
14 September 1813 (BL) Auxiliary Missionary Society
...Ballymena...The Rev. S.W.
Tracy, one of the Secretaries of the parent Society in London, will preach on
the occasion...
1813 The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, Volume 21
...Rev S.W. Tracy...Corresponding
Secretary to the Missionary Society...London...(No.4, Bartlett's Buildings,
In announcing the return of Mr.
Tracy. we are happy in being enabled to inform our readers, that, in addition
to the formation of Auxiliary Societies in the northern counties of Tyrone,
Armagh, Down, and Autrim, which we have already announced, Mr. Tracy succeeded
in establishing an Auxiliary Missionary Society in the south, for the county of
Cork: the Committee of which comprizes some of the most respectable characters
in the city, and other parts of the county; among whom are John Anderson, Esq.
of Fermoy, 'and W. Roberts, Esq. of Charleville, Bankers; by either of whom
subscriptions are received, as well as by the Treasurer, James M‘Mullen, Esq.
of Cork.
Mr. Tracy, on his return, begs to
express the grateful sense which he entertains ot' the kindness which he
experienced in all parts of Ireland from the Clergy and Christians of every
church, which has laid him and the Missionary Society under lasting
obligations—A hope is indulged, that the union which has at length been formed,
under circumstances so auspicious, between the churches in 'England, Scotland,
and Ireland, for the propagation of our common faith among the hundreds of
millions of the heathen world, will be productive of no inconsiderable benefit
to the united empire, as well as the world at large.
22 Feb 1853 Sussex Advertiser
At Park-grove, Brixton, the Rev S
W Tracey, Rev DD & Independent Minister, died 16 Feb 1853, aged 75
No. 478791, Vol. 698, p.50 Registry of Deeds, Dublin
On 1 November 1815, Lease and Release between Francis Dickson of Belfast Co. Antrim and Jane his wife of the first part; Thomas Dickey of Hill Road, Co. Antrim Esq., of the second part; Michael Harrison of Ballymena of the third part; Mary Jones of Canada, widow, of the fourth part. Mary Jones paid Francis Dickson 950 pounds sterling and for other considerartion mentioned. They, Francis Dickson and Jane his wife, and Thomas Dickey, granted, released and confirmed, according to their respective interests, to Michael Harrison, attorney (see No. 407045), to hold forever in trust for the sole benefit, use and behoof of Mary Jones, property now in the hands of Mr. John Tracy, collector of taxes, property lying on the Ballymena road to Brog-shane, and adjoining the town of Ballymena, called Farm odge, containing 8 acres of woodland, with dwelling house, offices and gardens. Jane Dickson released Michael Harrison from paying her dower in case she should survive Francis Dickson. Witnesses: John Tracy of Ballymena; Thomas Mercer of Birnie, of Dunminning, Co. Antrim; Alex Stewart and Richard Davison of Belfast. [see Treacys of Ballymena Antrim] [Note: May have been from Castlecomer Co Kilkenny]
and Scotch-Irish Ancestral Research: A Guide to the Genealogical Records,
Methods, and ...
Feb 22, 1820 (BL) Jamaica (Port Royal)
The brig Letitia which left Port
Royal on Sunday for Dublin and Belfast was discovered on the evening of that
day to be leaky...Captain Starks?...About seven next morning she had nearly
four feet water in her cabin, at which time Mr. Tracey with the female
passengers left the vessel in a boat and proceeding to the shore...- London
Ship and Com. List
1824 November 23 (BL) A list of persons commited from the Police? Court? Belfast? and
afterwards transported of hanged.
...1821...Edwd. Tracy...
1823-1838 Tithe Applotment
Jno Tracy, Bottom, Kirkinriola, Antrim, 1833 John Tracy, Bally Loghan, Portglenone, Antrim, 1825 |
Jno Tracy, Bottom, Kirkinriola, Antrim, 1833 John Tracy, Bally Loghan, Portglenone, [Ballyloughan
Ahoghill] Antrim, 1825 |
Links to images of the books can be
found at the PRONI. The search
page is located at:
The suggested search terms should be
“Tithe Applotment” and the name of the civil parish or townland. The
information on the particular book includes the list and order of townlands.
1824 November 23 (BL) A list of persons commited from the Police? Court? Belfast? and
afterwards transported of hanged.
...1821...Edwd. Tracy...
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Surname |
First Name |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
Tracy |
Edward |
(2) [1823] |
Co |
7 |
1805 |
Co |
Reaper |
TRACEY, Edward (Per
"Recovery", 1823) see TEACY, Edward
TEACY, Edward. Per
"Recovery", 1823
1823 Aug 4, On list of convicts landed from
the "Recovery" & forwarded to Minto for distribution (Reel 6011;
4/3509 p.5)
1824 Jul 26, Nov 1, Servant of B De Arrieta; on 26
Jul sentenced to six months in the Gaol Gang at Sydney & on 1 Nov to three
years at Port Macquarie. On return of punishments ordered & inflicted at
Campbelltown Court; listed as Tacy (Reel 6023; 4/6671 pp.27, 28)
1824 Nov 26, On list of convicts transported
to Port Macquarie per "Sally" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.496-7)
1 Apr 1826 The Sydney Gazette and New South
Wales Advertiser (NSW)
2. Tracey
Edw. Recovery (2), 21, County Armagh, 5 feet 4 and a quarter, grey eyes, brown
hair, fair freckled comp. from Port Macquarie.
Jun 4, 1824 (BL) Notice to Coachmakers &c
We hereby caution the public not
to employ Daniel Tracey, Coach Carriage Maker, he having left our factory on
Saturday last, 29th May, without giving notice. For the Belfast Coach Factory
Company, Wm. Cain, Jun Manager.
28 August 1826
William Adair to John Tracy both
of Ballymena, Co. Ant.
Lease of 24a. 22per. for one life
or 61 years from 1 Nov.1825
Rent: £46 p.a.
Bottom, Co. Ant.
November 1827
Lease of a holding in Dunmurry
[Drumbeg Antrim - Belfast] from the Drapers' Company to James Tracy.
September 29, 1829 (BL)
The Treasurer of the House of
Industry has received from the Police Magistrate, the following sums for being
drunk and riotous...Edward Tracey 2s...
1829-1833 Juvenile association for promoting the education of the deaf
and dumb poor of Ireland
Mrs. Treacey, 2s 6d, Diocesan
School, Ballymena
Mrs. Tracey, 1s 6d, Mrs C and Mrs
Montgomereys Card, Ballymena
Master R. Tracy, 3d, Rebecca
Parkers Card, Banagher
Mr. Tracy, 1s, Master Robert
Deverells Card, Tullamore
Mrs. Tracy, 6d, Mis Welchs Card,
M. L. Tracey, Esq, 2s 6d, Miss E
Cuppaidges Card, Galway
Nov 16, 1830 (BL)
Wm Granny of Liminary [Ballyclug,
Antrim] has received £2.14s...grain in May's market...been swindled out of the
amount of 11 cwt of oats by James Tracey, who has since absconded.
December 28, 1830 (BL) District School at Ballymena (opened May 3,
At the first public
February 12, 1833 (BL) Sheriff's Sale
John Treacy, Esq v. Francis Murray
and another...sell by public auction, all the goods and Chattels of said
defendant, Francis Murray...consisting of a large stock of Woolen-Drapery at
the defendants warehouse in Rose-Mary-street in the town of Belfast...
1832, 1839-40 Parishes of County Antrim XIV
53, Patrick Tracy, 29,
Roman Catholic, assault, bail to appear, can read and write, 12th September.
by Angélique Day, Patrick McWilliams, Queen's University of
Belfast Institute of Irish Studies, Royal Irish Academy, Royal Irish Academy,
Queen's University of Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies, Ordnance Survey of
Ireland 1996 Page 108
9 July 1833 Belfast Newsletter
Belfast Quarter
Session - Alex. Tracy for, stealing one sack of corn, the property of Robert
Harvey, at Lisburn, on 2d July; not guilty.
Clifton Street Cemetery, Belfast
15 December 1833
Betty Treacy, Aged 84, Servant,
Carrick Hill, from Co. Armagh, family unknown
March 18, 1834 (BL) County Armagh Assizes
Orange Processions. On Tuesday
about 25 Orangemen were charged with walking in processions on 12th July last,
at Newtownhamiliton, Middleton, Markethill and Portadown, together with three
others, namely James Thompson, James Morrison and James Treacy, who had been
convicted at last Assizes...fine of 6d each and be discharged. With respect to
those three who were found guilty at the last Assizes, I also require that they
enter in to their own recognizances, in £20 each, to be of the peace for seven
British War Office -
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
John Tracey/Treacy born Birr, Offaly. Served in 49th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 32, 1835-1853
John Tracey, b. 1821 Birr, Kings (Offaly)
Tracey b. 1821 Ballinasloe/ Birr, King’s Offaly 49th Foot 1835-53 Pension
transferred from Belfast to Athlone temporarily 27th Dec 1853
1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland
Emily Trassey, 1836, Belfast,
Mar 14, 1837 (BL) Antrim Assizes
...for an assault on Mary Tracy at
Belfast on 11th September last. Not guilty.
29 Oct 1839 (BL) Belfast Quart Sessions
Patrick Treacy, for assaulting Geo.
Drake and others, at Ballymacarrett, on l0th December last. Pleaded guilty....
Jul 14, 1840 (BL) Belfast quarter sessions
...for stealing a blanket, the
property of Patrick Tracey on the 15th June last
Jan 5, 1844 (BL) Belfast Petit Sessions
...Alex Tracey...5s and
costs...using horses with galled backs and shoulders.
January 5, 1844 (BL) Belfast Petit Sessions
...Alex Tracey, Hill-hall...
February 7, 1845 (BL) Died
On the 30th ult. Mr. Thomas Tracy,
Falls road, aged 44 OR 49 years.
March 12, 1845 (FJ) Antrim Assizes
Samuel Tracy...illegal procession
on the 31st July at Ahoghill. Pleaded guilty.
September 22, 1846 (FJ) Repeal Association
...Repeal wardens of
Belfast...John Tracey...
1846 Slater’s Directory
– Gentry & Clergy
Mrs Tracy, Brigadie (see Treacys of Ballymena Antrim)
1846-1851 New York arrivals
Mary Tracey, age 23, Wife, Ireland to USA,
Belfast, Scotia 12/13/1848
Margt. Tracey, age 20, Immigrant, Great
Britain to USA, Belfast: Standard 12/05/1850
7 June 1847 Holograph letter from Elizabeth Tracy, Ballymena, to Cullen: Looking for Pope’s autograph. (see Treacys of Ballymena Antrim)
of Paul Cullen (Rome, Armagh, Dublin) Irish College Rome
Private Royal Marines
6 July 1847
Alexander Treacy, 19 years,
5'7.125" of Coleraine Ballymoney County Antrim, brown hair, grey eyes,
fresh complexion, enlisted Galsgow, shoemaker, set off
the rolls 18 March
1853 Run from Barrns? From Run see below
31 March 1853 & 25 Nov 1853
Alexander Treacy, 24y8months &
25y4months, 5'7.125" of Coleraine Ballymoney County Antrim, brown hair,
grey eyes, fresh complexion, enlisted Glasgow, shoemaker, set off the rolls 20 Nov 1853 Run from Barracks From Run see next line & set off the rolls 12 May 1855 D Branded
ADM 157/48/365
Folios 365-367. Alexander Tracy, born Derry, Ireland.
Attestation papers to serve in the Royal Marines at Woolwich 1847 (when aged 19) [1828].
Discharged [discharge date not given] as [discharge reason not given].
29 Dec 1848 (BL) Police Court
Yesterday - Street Rioting. Two
ferocious looking tatterdermallions named Pat Tracy and John O'Neill, were
charged with being drunk and disorderly at Ritchie's place on Wednesday. A
great crowd had gathered round them, and much disturbance was created. O'Neill
in defense said "his time was up at Christmas" meaning his term of
total abstince, and he signalized his first hour of freedom by "a
spree". On the promise of good behavior they were discharged.
June 1, 1849 (BL)
S. W. Tracy Esq, our new resident
magistrate took his seat on the bench today for the first time... (see William Samuel
1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland
William Samuel Tracy, Belfast, Magistrate -
William Tracy, Head, 42, married 1829, Read & Write, Tailor (Tyrone)
Alice/Nancy Tracy, Wife, 41, None
William Tracy, Son, 15, Tailor, Read,
Patrick Tracy, Son, 8, at Mr. Carey’s School
Sarah Tracy, Daughter, 10, at Mr. Carey’s School
Ann Tracy, Daughter, 8, at Mr. Carey’s School
Jane Tracy, Daughter, 4, None
Absent from Household 30th March 1851:
Hugh Tracy, 21 (Son) - Tailor (America)
Died since 6th June 1841:
James Tracy, 6 months (Son) - Inflamation - Spring 1846
Ellen Tracy, 1 (Daughter) - Meazels - Winter 1851
Lisnamanny Townland, Dunaghy Parish
Robert McQuillin, 78 (Head) (Married 1802) - Farmer
Absent from Household 30th March 1851:
John Tracy, 16 (Servant) – Farm Labourer
1851 Census - Hanover Square, St Saviour, Totn Devonshire [see below]
Harry Tracey, Head, 43, b. Antrim,
Ireland, General Practione M.r.c
Maria Tracey, wife, 37, b.
Stonehouse, Devonshire, England
Osborne Tracey, son, 6, b.
Dartmouth, Devonshire, England
Agnes Tracey, daughter, 4, b.
Dartmouth, Devonshire, England
Charles Tracey, son, 2, b.
Dartmouth, Devonshire, England
James Tracey, labourer, 34. McTiers Street (Shankhill/Shankill)
William S. Tracy, R.M., Ravenhill
June 30, 1852 (BL) Collegiate School, Belfast
...Latin Grammer and
Vocabulary...Tracy...Spelling and Derivation...Tracy...English
1852-3 Pupils and teachers who left
Albert Agricultural Training Institution Glasnevin Dublin
James Donovan of Clare, entered Oct
19 1852, left Nov 23 1852, patron: Jas. Tracey Esq of Belfast Antrim, Admitted
to the special junior class Marlboro-street, being trained as a teacher.
Thomas Burrowes Tracy, 1st s. of William Samuel, Belfast, R.M. and Margaret Simpson; ed. TCD M 1855. (see William Samuel Tracy)
1856-57 Report of President of
Queen's College, Belfast
List of the Successful Candidates
- Civil Service of the East India Company (1857 the First Year of Public
Mr. Tracy, 21 years on the 1st
May 1857, educated Trinity College Dublin, 2092 marks [Thomas Burrows
William Samuel Tracy 9 April 1856
Antrim Artillery Regiment of
William Samuel Tracy, gent. to be
Second Lieutenant, vice Clarke, promoted.
22 Apr 1856 (BL) Antrim
Artillery Regiment of Militia
Wm. Samuel Tracy, gent, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Clarke, promoted.
William Samuel Tracy 19 March
14 April 1859 IT
The Royal Antrim Artillery…The following officers have joined the regiment since its embodiment on Tuesday…First Lieutenants…W.S. Tracy…
August 1, 1856 (BL) Grand Ball to the County Antrim Militia Regiments
...Mr, Miss and Lieut Adair, and
Mr. Tracy;...Mr. T. Tracy, Mr, Mrs and Misses Tracy...
3 Oct 1862 (BL) Grand
Military Ball
...Mr., Mrs., and Misses Tracy, Crumlin Road...
1858 – 1920 Calendars
of Wills and Administrations
Anne Treacy
4 Jul 1876 Brigadie House Antrim
Harry Owens Tracey
28 Jan 1895 Islandnahoe Antrim, sister Eleanor A M Tracey
William Augustus Treacy
18 Feb 1886 Ballymena Antrim, son James Mathews Treacy of 112
Fenchurch street London
Eliza Jane Glass 6 Hazlett-square Belfast Widow who
died 15 January 1894 at same place was proved at Belfast by Robert Tracy of
Cormullagh County Tyrone Farmer and William Watson of Eskreagh County Tyrone
Book Agent
Rose Mcdonald 36 Newington Avenue Belfast Widow who
died 19 September 1911 granted at Belfast to Joseph Treacy, Teacher.
25 Aug 1859 (BL)
Carrickfergus Petty Sessions
[case of assult of a mother on a son who had change religon to a Protestant]...Miss Tracy and Mrs. D. O'Rorke came to the house [of Alexander Costello who staying at Mr. Johnston's at Greenisland] on the 4th August...
20 Dec 1859 (BL) Ragged
School, Donegall Quay
...committee...Mrs. Tracy, Tudor Lodge...
29th May 1860 Trayes
1326. John Trayes, of Belfast, in
the County of Antrim, Ireland. Engineer, for an invention for- “Improvements in
steam boilers or steam and heat generators, and in the application of heat.”
Woodcroft, B
(1861)Chronological index of patents applied for and patents granted [afterw.]
of patentees and applicants for patents of invention. Patent office.
9. William Tracy, Shaneoguestown, [Muckamore (Grange of)], Antrim, £2.16.4 rent, from week to week
1860- British
War Office (WO97) – Chelsea Hospital
Hugh Tracy, b. 1851 Lisburn, Antrim
James Tracey, b. 1835 Belfast, Antrim
Mathew Tracy, b. 1859 Belfast, Antrim
Matthew Tracey, b. 1862 Belfast, Antrim
Patrick Tracey, b. 1875 Belfast, Antrim
William Tracey, b. 1838 Ballymena, Antrim
William Tracey, b. 1858 Antrim, Antrim
William Tracy, b. 1841 Ballymena, Antrim
Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]
Arthur Tracey, b. 1864, Belfast, Antrim
Matthew Tracey, b. 1862, Belfast, Antrim
1860-1921 Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen
39 |
1835 |
Antrim |
Anglian |
Dublin |
1874 |
40 |
1834 |
county |
Anglian |
Dublin |
1874 |
Mrs. Tracy 14 Brown Street
(Millfield to Melbourne Street)
W.S. Tracy, R.M., Tudor Lodge, Crumlin Road.
Petty Sessions
Held in the Court-house, Howard Street, every day, at half-past ten o'clock. W. S. Tracy, Esq., Resident Magistrate. Clerks, J. Searight and G. Kennedy.
Appointed under the Mercantile Marine Act 1850, for the examination of masters and mates, and the shipping and discharging of crews. Members of the Board - Ex-Officio members, Mayor of Belfast and W. S. Tracy, Esq., Resident Magistrate…
Belfast Sailor’s Home
Tomb Street - Established in 1852, for providing a
suitable home for seamen, with opportunities for mental improvement and
religious instruction. Patron, Hid Excellency the Earl of Eglinton and
Winton. Vice-Patron, Captain W. H. Hall, C.B. President, the Lord Bishop
of Down and Connor and Dromore. Vice-President, the Mayor of
Belfast. Managing Committee - W. S. Tracy, Esq.,…
Belfast School of Art
In connexion with the department of Science and
Art, Marlborough House. Officers for 1861: President - Lord Dufferin and
Clandeboye. Vice-Presidents, William S. Crawford, J.P., D.L.; S. K. Mulholland,
W. S. Tracy,…
Freemason’s Club
Masonic Hall, Donegall Place - Established 1st
November 1851. Committee (Original Members) W. S. Tracy, Lodge 10
The Provinical Grand Lodge of Belfast and North Down: Meets on the second Wednesday in March, June, September & December, at High Noon, in the Freemason's Hall, Donegall Place, Belfast. Officers for 1861: R.W.D.P.G.M. - W.S. Tracy, P.M., 10
Instituted in 1814 for the cultivation of Instrumental and Vocal Music…Vice-Presidents…W. S. Tracy…
Established in 1851 for the cultivation of Choral Music, and the production of complete Oratorios…Librarian, Mr. S. Tracy.
Ballymena, is a stirring, business and thronged market inland town, in the County of Antrim
Mrs. Treacey, Brigadie.
[IMPORTANT: Please note that the continuation of the land records to 1933 is now available at the PRONI]
Alphabetical |
By area |
Anne Tracy, Bottom Kirkinriola Antrim Edward Tracy, Cromac Townparks Bond Street Shankill Belfast Antrim Edward Tracy, Smithfield Townparks McClenahan's Court Shankill Belfast Antrim John Tracy, Muckamore Grange of Muckamore Antrim Mary Tracy, St. Ann's Ward Townparks Fleming Street Shankill Belfast Antrim William S. Tracy, St. Ann's Ward Townparks Crumlin Road Shankill Belfast Antrim William Tracy, Shaneoguestown Grange of
Muckamore Antrim |
Anne Tracy, Bottom Kirkinriola Antrim Edward Tracy, Cromac Townparks Bond Street Shankill, Belfast Antrim Edward Tracy, Smithfield Townparks McClenahan's Court Shankill Belfast Antrim Mary Tracy, St. Ann's Ward Townparks Fleming Street Shankill Belfast Antrim William S. Tracy, St. Ann's Ward Townparks Crumlin Road Shankill Belfast Antrim John Tracy, Muckamore Grange of Muckamore Antrim William Tracy, Shaneoguestown Grange of Muckamore Antrim |
13 Oct 1862 (BL) Poisoning
by Mistake
Yesterday, a little boy, two years of age, the son of Edward Tracy, Chapel Lane, got possession of a bottle containing tincture of iodine, and before he was observed he drank a considerable quantity of it. Drs. Murney and Mawhinney were called in, and administered an antidote, and the little sufferer was subsequently removed to the General Hospital.
18 Feb 1863 (BL) Belfast
Police Court
Alexander Tracy and Charles Owens were charged with having stolen from the County Down Railway Station six paper parcels and one box containing books to the value of 30s...five months.
31 Oct 1863 (BL) Belfast
Police Court
Alexander Tracy, a thief, was charged with assaulting a man named Barr in North Street...2 months.
27 Febrauary 1866 (BL)
Belfast Police Court
Alexander Tracy, an old offender, was charged with stealing a cloak, a pair of trousers, and a vest, the property of John M'Alister, publican, York Street.
1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)
Tracey, Mary, Antrim, Antrim. 1 1
24 Mar 1866 (BL) Assizes
News. County of Antrim
Wm. Tracy who was charged with a larceny on the 26 of February, was remitted for trial to the Quarter Sessions.
December 1867 [see Declan
Treacy of Waterford and Youghal Cork]
Staff Assistant Surgeon Tracey in charge of the troops at the Linenhall Barracks and Commissariat Staff Corps at Aldborough House has been released from duty and granted leave until required to embark for Canada.
1867-9 Return of Poor Persons removed from England, Wales and
Scotland to Ireland
William Tracy of Barony, Lanark, transported from Glascow to Belfast.
1 May 1868 (BL) Belfast
Police Court
James Tracy, described as a flax-mill manager, was brought up by Sub-constablc Chism, charged with refusing to pay 1s 4d car-hire to Samuel M'Ihago. The defendant was ordered to pay Is 4d, the amount of the car-hire, and 3s Sd for loss of time to the carman, and the charge was withdrawn.
WO 69/79/12391
Description of Recruits Enlisted for the Royal Artillery.
This entry appears on page 274; this number is imprinted at the top outer corner page.
Soldier's Number 26406: Tracy or Hugh HUGH or TRACY. Born Lisburn, Antrim. Enlisted 1868 aged 17 years. [b. 1851]
Covering dates indicate enlistment year.
15 October 1869 (FJ)
Departures from Kingstown...John Tracy, Belfast...
8 November 1871 (FJ)
Arrival at the Gresham Hotel [Dublin]
...Wm Tracy, Belfast...
29 Mar 1872 (BL)
Ballymoney Quarter Sessions
Stabbing. James Tracy was charged with wounding one James M'Cullagh on the 12 February last...pleaded not guilty...nine months imprisonment.
William Tracey, 29 Feb 1872, Lodge
31 Belfast Co Antrim,
Police Gazette
Treacy/Tresey, Murder, 21 Feb 1874, Ballywatermoy, Craigs, Lower Toome, Antrim
6 March, 1874 The Witness
Aiding and assisting
to Murder
Thomas Biggar was
indicted for aiding and assisting Alexander Gordon, on the 21st February to kill
and murder John Tracy, near Ballymena. The prisoner was remanded till next
May 8, 1874 (BL) Legal Notice - Notice of Intention to apply for
Whereas John Treacey, late of
Dunoine in the county of Antrim, Linen Loftman, was on the 21st day of February
1874, at Ballywatermoy, in the Parish of Ahoghill, Lower Barony of Toome, in
the said county of Antrim, beaten, maimed and injured, and in consequence
thereof, died at my house on the 24th day of February 1874...One thousand pounds...John
Treacey, Sen, of Dunoine, in the county of Antrim, Head-Loftsman, and next of
kin of said John Treacey...
05/06/1874 The Police Gazette , or Hue-And-Cry
Royal Irish Constabulary. Antrim.
Description of Alexander Gordon, native of Tullyrawley, who stands charged with
having, on the night of the 21st February, at Ballywatermoy, in the barony of
Lower Toome, parish of Craigs, inflicted wounds on the head of John Treacy, of
Dunmining, from the effects of which he died on the 24th.
July 1874 County Antrim
...murder of John Treacy in February...
John Tracey, Antrim, 1874, Death of son; alleged murder and waylaying, 21st February 1874, £1000 requested, Disallowed
August 1875 Fire in
Belfast, Antrim
A fire took place in the premises of Tracey and Wilson, hatters, Waring Street. The fire originated in one of the warehourses in an upper storey. After a short time the flames were completely subdued.
11 Jan 1876 (BL) Fall down
A child named Michael Tracy, aged two years, fell down the stairs of a house in Con's Lane yesterday evening, and sustained severe injuries. He was at once taken to the Belfast Royal Hospital, where he remains in a somewhat precarious condition.
22 June 1876 (BL) Births
Treacy - June 13 at 1 Scotchmount Terrace, Belfast, the wife of William Treacy, of a son
12 November, 1877 Belfast Newsletter
Tracey -- November 9,
at 1, Scotchmount Terrace, Belfast, Howard Alexander Mahon, son of Mr. Wm.
Tracey, aged 1 year and 6 months.
Bebington arrived Auckland
15 Jul 1876 (assisted emigration)
Thos G Trassey, 22 years, single, farm laborer, Londonderry
Richd Trassey, 20 years, single, farm laborer, Londonderry
16 September 1876
Letter from John Gilmore, Tauranga [New Zealand] to his parents….'strange to say that 2 of the young men that went from Belfast was the first that died and 2 brothers. Their (?) name was Trassy; Robert seen them in Belfast… ' T1611/2
(Passenger) John Gilmore...wrote...
17 died and strange to say that 2 of the young men that went from Belfast was the first that died and 2 brothers. There name was Trassy. Robert seen them in Belfast...22 year old Francis and 20 year old Richard Tracey died from Typhus fever on 8 and 12 April respectively. For a list of those who died during the passage see the New Zealand Herald 17 July 1876 p.2
Proceedings and
Debates of the British Parliaments Respecting North America By Great Britain
Parliament, Scotland Parliament, Leo Francis Stock Published by The Carnegie
Institution of Washington, 1924
Arrival of the Bebington July 15
April 8, Francis Tracey, 22 years
typhus fever;
April 12, Richard Tracey, 20 years,
typhus fever;
29 July 1876 Daily Southern Cross, NZ
October 17, 1876 (BL) Lurgan Open Coursing Meeting
Field Stewards...Mr. D.J.
Josh/Joseph Treacy, full
[age], bachelor, solicitor, lives Lurgan, (s. John Treacy, JP?) married Mary Josephine Keon, full [age],
spinster, BLANK, lives Sell Gardiner St, (d. of Ferdinard Keon, Gent) 27
February 1878 RC Cathedral Marlboro St Wit: John Treacy Juhcd & Anee M Treacy [Dublin North PLU] [see Daniel
Thomas Treacy]
9 Mar
1878 The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal
Treacy and Keon — February 27, at the Pro-
Cathedral, Marlborough - street, Dublin, by the Rev. T. J. O'Reilly, C.C. ,
Daniel Joseph Treacy, Esq., solicitor, Lurgan, youngest son of John Treacy,
Esq., JP., Tenikilly, Queen's County, to Mary Josephine, only daughter of the
late Ferdinand P. Keon, New Brooke, county Leitrim.
Edward Tracey, 48. Bond Street New (Eliza Street to Macaulay Street)
John Tracey, drapers' assistant 91 Woodstock Road (Mountpottinger)
John Tracey, fireman, 171 Urney Street (Shankhill Road to Ashmore Street)
Wm. Treacey, manager, 1 Scotchmount Terrace
Wm. Treacy, linen lapper, 141 Leeson Street (Off Falls Road)
Mary A. Tracy, 1873, discharged, Belfast Union
1878 Register of
Apprentices Shipbuilding No. 1469
Joseph Tracey, born Belfast, age 17, Bound 26.4.78, Registered 26.4.78 at Belfast, Term 4 years, Bound to Thomas John Walker of Sunderland.
Remarks: Deserted 2.5.78 "Alice Wilson" 12934 at Belfast p'C 31.12.78
Stephen Treacy, Inland Revenue, Expetant of Excise, Aug 30 1856/7
Loftus's inland revenue almanack and official directory
1861 Second Class
Stephen Tracey, Dublin
1863 First Class Assistant
Stph Treacy, Galway 2D
1864 Rides
S Treacy, Letterkenny 2
1864 Loftus's inland revenue
almanack and official directory
S. Treacey, Letterkenny, (Dunfanaghy)
[State Reg: Stephen Treacy m. Maria Wilhelmina Gilligan, Galway 1872 9 144]
3 January 1874 Freeman's
Treacy - Dec. 24, at Temple-terrace, Manor-street, [Dublin] the wife of Stephen Treacy, Esq., H. M.'s Inland Revenue, of a daughter.
Stephen Tracey & Maria Gilligan
Rose b. 24 December 1873 No 3 North City, The City Of Dublin (LDS)
12 December 1879 Belfast
Morning News
"... Stephen Treacy, Eeq., H.M. Inland Revenue, Belfast, of a son."
Stephen Treacy & Maria Wilhemina Teresa Treach Gilligan
Andrew Mary O'Conor Treacy b. 04 Dec 1879 Salt Hill, Galway, Ireland
1880 Belfast Street
Inland Revenue Office, Queen's Square, Division Officers - Belfast 2nd Division; Stephen Treacy
6 March 1880 Belfast
Morning News
TREACY—March 3, at Salt Hill, Galway, Maria W. T. Treacy, wife of Stephen Treacy, H.M. Inland ... ”
1883 Ham's Inland revenue
and mercantile year-book
S. Treacy (J at I.R.O.) Belfast
S. Treacy, Division Officer
C. Treacy, Beith Greenock
C.. Treacy, Ride Officer
1878 RIC Service
Patrick Tracy, 43623, b. 1858
43623 Patk Tracy, 20 years,
5'10.75", b. Fermanagh, Catholic, recommended by S.J. Frazer, farmer, allocated
6 April 78, served Down 31 Dec 78 - Belfast 1/7/79 - Tyrone 20-11-83,
Punishments, drowned 5/7/84 43623D/89590, When bathing, Cond in Donegal
7 July 1884 (BL) Sad Bathing Accident at
policeman named Patrick Tracey was drowned...deceased who was about 26 years of
age, and of a powerful build, came from Belleck, County Fermanagh. He had only
been six years in the service, during five of which he had been stationed in
Belfast. He came to Stewartstown about six months ago...
Edward Tracey, labourer, 48 Bond Street New (Eliza Street to Macauley Street )
John Tracey, loftman 36 Millan Street (Ross Street to Raglan Street)
John Tracey, salesman 91 Woodstock Road (Mountpottinger)
John Tracey, salesman, 91 Grovefield Terrace
William Tracy, 4 Raby Street (off Ballynafeigh Road)
Peter Tracy, 39 years, born limerick, married, beer retailer, The Old House at Home Beer House Westbourne Sussex [see Limerick]
Amelia, 30 years, born Portsmouth Hamshire, wife
John, 5 years, born Tralee, son
Charles, 3 years, born Belfast, son
1798-1914 Register of
Enlisted USA
James F Tracy, enlisted 23 Jun 1882 NY City by Capt Poole for 5 years, born
Beefast [Belfast Antrim] Ireland, 21 years 2 months, grey eyes, D Bro hair,
dark complexion, 5’5”, 18 Inf Bd A coy, discharged June 7/86 at Fort Hays Kans
per S.O. 127 A.G.O. ’86 a Pvt Char fair
Patrick Treacy, enlisted 8 Mar 1894 Newark NJ by Cap Wallace for 5
years, born Belfast [Antrim] Ireland, 21 years 1 month, labourer, blue 10 eyes,
L bro hair, fair complexion, 6’3”, 13 Inf C coy, Disch’d June 7/97 S.O. 80,
A.G.O. ’90 Ft Niagara NY, Pvt, Good
Patrick Treacy, enlisted 23 Jul 1897 Pittsburg Pennsylvania by Cap Evans for 3 years, born Belfast
[Antrim] Ireland, 24 years 4 month, Soldier, blue eyes, bro hair, fair
complexion, 6’3.25”, 4 Inf G coy, 2 enlistments C13Inf 6/7/97, Disch July
22/1900 Sauta Cruz P.I. exp ser. Very good Corpl
Patrick Treacy, enlisted 5 Sep 1900 San Francisco Cal by Cap Dyer for 3
years, born Belfast [Antrim] Ireland, 27 years 8 month, Soldier, bro 4 eyes, a
bro hair, fair complexion, 6’2.25”, 3 Arty 35 Coast Arty N coy, 3 enlistments G
4 Inf 7.22.1900, Discharged Sept 4/03 Fort Monroe Va. Orofser Pvt Very Good
Patrick Treacy, enlisted 22 Sep 1903 Pittsburg Penn by Cap Griffith for
3 years, born Belfast [Antrim] Ireland, 30 years 7 month, Soldier, bro eyes,
bro hair, fair complexion, 6’2.25”, 20 Inf E coy, 4 enlistments, 35 C Arty
8.4.03, Discharged Feby 15 1906 Zacubrango P.I. per insh War Dept 1903 Pvt Very
good Lof
Patrick Treacy, enlisted 16 Feb 1906 Zamboanga Philippine Islands by
Cap Lewis for 3 years, born Belfast [Antrim] Ireland, 32 years 11 month,
Soldier, bro eyes, bro hair, fair complexion, 6’2.25”, 16 Inf G coy, 5
enlistments, E 20 Inf 2.15.06, Discharged Feby 15/0906 at Fort? Crank? Nah? Ex
of ser Pvt Very good Lof
Patrick Treacy, enlisted 27 Feb 1909 Fort DA Russell Wyoning by Lieut
Bastion for 3 years, born Belfast [Antrim] Ireland, 35 years 11 month, Soldier,
bro eyes, black hair, medium complexion, 6’2.25”, 1 2 3 11 Inf D Bd A coy, 6
enlistments, 16 Inf 2.15.09, Discharged Feby.26.12 at Fort DA Russell NY, exp
of ser Pvt good h&f
10 Nov 1883 (BL) Accidents
Edward Tracy, 45 years of age, residing at 48, Bond Street, was admitted to the Royal Hospital yesterday suffering from fracture of the leg.
Geo. P. Tracy, commission agent, 4 Waring St. & 9 ???
Henry Tracy
John Tracey, lithographer, 81 Cullingtree road
John Tracey, porter, 22 Hanover? Street
(there are also other entries)
Britannic, Liverpool & Queenstown to New York 21
Sep 1885
Thomas Tracy, 28, M, labourer, Belfast
17 Jul 1886 (BL) Notice to Creditors
In the goods of William Augustus Treacy [deceased 18 February 1886], late of Ballymena, in the County of, Antrim, Esquire...undersigned solicitors for James Matthew Tracey of 112 Fenchurch Street, in the City of London, Esquire, the Administer of the Diseased...grant probate...High Court of Justice in Ireland...
1888 Return of
number of requisition forms under Representation of People Act, 1884, sent to
clerk of Belfast Union
William Tracey, 84 Albert Street, formerly of 10 Devonshire-street
21st May 1891 Evening
Express [Wales]
Big Blaze At Belfast. At one o'clock to-day a very serious fire broke out in the extensive ham curing establishment of Messrs. Tracey and Co. (Limited), Belfast, covering over an acres of ground. A great quantity of 1 iro and provisions has been destroyed, and, as the fi. e is still raging and a strong wind blowing in e direction of similar premises of Messrs. Sinclair and Co. (Limited), it is feared both concerns, which are the largest of the kind in the United Kingdom, may eventually be destroyed.
14 Dec 1891 (BL) Police
...Great Patrick street...Edward Tracey and another witness proved an alibi...
1891 English Census
Beryl Tracey, Age:
19, Boarder, b. Gibralter, St Leonard, Exeter, Devonshire
1 Jan 1892 (BL) Kindred
Jottings 1891
A person known as "George Treacy No. I", last heard of in 1862?, is entitled to share in the estate of a deceased relative;
May 2, 1892 (BL) Belmont Bowling Club
President's Team...G. Treacey...
15 June 1892 (BL) Bowling
...G.P. Treacy...
24 Aug 1892 (BL)
John Tracey, Dramnahos, caretaker, for Mr. John Feran?, Belfast, summoned two lads, named John Ross, aged about twelve years, is and Robert Woods, for having maliciously injured d a house and a quantity of hay on 12th inst…
27 Aug 1892 (BL) Notice - wanted
Thomas Treacy (Late Sergeant Royal Irish Fusiliers), Who died recently in the Royal Hospital for Incurables, Dublin. If his brother would apply to the Registrar of the above Hospital, he may hear something to his advantage.
1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals
The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.
Eliza Treacy, Belfast (Antrim?)
Ireland, 1913, 23 years, single, Mother Mgt Treacy, Louth Dundalk. friend
Maggie Butler, Sumonitt Ave, Amsterdam, NY. c/o Mrs Hinlriga? Llia to Miss
Butler?. 5’9”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Louth Ireland.
[Londonderry port of departure]
Tracy, [Sibbald crossed out] 1922, 26 years, Musician, 5’7”, 141lb race Scotch
[ships crew as stated as Scotch] [see Belfast]
W. Tracy [Sibbald crossed out], 1922, 26 years, musician, 5’7”, 141lb, race
Scotch [ships crew as stated as Scotch] [see Belfast]
Tracey, Belfast Antrim? Ireland, 1909, 18 years, Father: Mr. Tracey 39
Earlsearch? Belfast. Uncle: Wm Hope 54 Johnston Ave Kearrey NJ?, 5’2”, dark
complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, b. Belfast Ireland,
Tracey, Belfast Antrim? Ireland, 1913, 22 years, single, letterpress printer,
5’5”, fair complexion, auburn hair, blue eyes, scare right hand aff? At second
joint, father Christopher Tracey, 39 Earlscourt Str, Belfast. to brother Jas
Tracey, 101 So Footh? Str, Harrison, NJ. b. Belfast Ireland.
C. Tracey, Belfast Antrim? Ireland, 1920, 31 years, married, printer, 5’2”, fr
complexion, aub hair, vblue eyes, 1st finger rt hand missing, Wife Mrs H? Tracey, 159 Albert Street,
Belfast. To Friend Mr Thomas O’Hagan, 220 West 42nd St New York, b.
Belfast Ireland
Tracey, Belfast (Antrim Ireland?), 1892, 45 years, USA citizen, to NY
Michael Treacy, Belfast Antrim?
Ireland, 1922, 25 years, single, grocer’s assist, Lived Belfast. Mother: Mrs A.
Treacy, Newton, Derrygonnelly, Co. Fermanagh. To cousin Miss L. O’Reilly, 45
South 1st Ave, Mt Vernon NY. 5’6”, fresh complexion, blk hair, grey
eyes. b. Enniskillin Ireland.
Tracey, Belfast (Antrim Ireland?), 1897, 25 [24y9m] years, to New York, George?
Herron Kittoburg? Allebany? (see Mary Ann Tracey 23, also John ??? Herron
crossed out)
Ann Tracey, Belfast (Antrim Ireland?), 1897, 23 years, to New York, George?
Herron Kittoburg? Allebany? (see Patrick Tracey 25, also John ??? Herron
crossed out)
Tracy, Belfast Antrim? Ireland, 1910, 49 years, single, clergyman, lived
Belfast Ireland. Mother Ellen Tracey, Post Office, Cranagh, Co. Tyrone. To
Goldhorne NSW Aust. To Grldhrone? New S Wales Australia. 5’8”, dk complexion,
dk hair, dk eyes, b. Brauagh Co, Tyrone Ireland
Tracey, Belfast Antrim? Ireland, 1922, 39 years, Aunt Mrs Vadeley, 159 Albert
St Belfast Ire, Husband Mr. R.C. Tracey, 166 South Seventh St Newark N.J., b.
Banbridge Ireland [Also Mary Magee 37 single merchant b. Banbridge Ireland to
brother-in-law RC Tracey]
Tracey, Belfast Antrim? Ireland, 1922, 4 years, b. Belfast Ireland
Tracey, Belfast Antrim? Ireland, 1922, 2 years, b. Belfast Ireland
Tracey, Newark USA, 1923, 39 years, Husband: Robert Tracey, 130 South 7th St,
Newark N.J., b. b. Laurencetown Banbridge? Ireland. Father-in-law: Mr. C
[Christopher?] Tracey, 39 Earlscourt St Belfast. lived in NJ 1922-1923. [Sarah
Tracey 39, James Joseph Tracey 6, Mary Alice Tracey 3, Sarah Christina Tracey 2
Joseph Tracey, Newark USA, 1923, 6 years, b. Belfast Ireland.
Christina Tracey, Newark USA, 1923, 0 years 2 months, b. Belfast Ireland.
Alice Tracey, Newark USA, 1923, 3 years, b. Belfast Ireland.
United States
Naturalization Petitions
Joseph Tracey, born 02 May 1909 Belfast, [Antrim] Ireland. Naturalised 1932 Bronx, NY. Spouse's Vilma Tracey born 13 Jan 1913 Children Joseph Patrick Tracey born 24 Oct 1931
Thomas Tracey, born 01 Jul 1897 Belfast, [Antrim] Ireland. Naturalised 1933 Bronx, NY. Spouse's Kathleen Tracey born 15 Nov 1899 Children Thomas Edward Tracey born 07 Aug 1930, Kathleen Tracey born 31 Jan 1932
23 February 1893 Freeman's Journal
... Captain W X Tracy, Ordinance Store De. partwnut, has been appointed Senim Ordnance Officer of the Belfast District...
1893 Coroners Inquest
Elizabeth Tracy, 76 Templemore Avenue, Belfast, Antrim
Place Of Death: 76 Templemore Avenue
Date of Death : 14 November 1893
Date of Inquest:
14 November 1893
PRONI Ref : ANT/6/1/1/9/13
16 Nov 1894 (BL) The Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Treacy. No. 4 (Ballymoney)...
August 1895 St. Michael Hospital, Kingstown, Dublin
Blackrock...Mrs Tracey, Belfast £1, Mr. Martin Hayes, Belfast £1, Mr. Thomas Hayes, Belfast £1...
1 Mar 1898 (BL) Larcenies
in Londonderry
...premises of William M'Closkey, 109 Foyle Street...bicycle left at gateway by Thomas Tracy a lodger in the house. He was keeping it for his brother who had recently gone to Belfast...
15 September 1898 Irish News
The Catholic
Association, in behalf of the Catholic and Nationalist inhabitants, was
represented by Mr P.J. Magee, solicitor, and Mr Patrick Doran, inspector. We
append a list of the successful Nationalist claimants in the Falls Ward:-
Tracey, Henry, 11
Dunmore Street.
Tracey, Christopher,
17 Dunmore Street.
20th September
1898 Irish News
Belfast Revision Courts – Success of Nationalist in Falls Ward
The business of the Revision Courts was resumed yesterday in the County Courthouse, Crumlin Road. The Catholic Association, in behalf of the Catholic and Nationalist inhabitants, was represented by Mr P.J. Magee, solicitor, and Mr Patrick Doran, inspector. We append a list of the successful Nationalist claimants in the Falls Ward:-
Henry Tracey, 11 Dunmore Street.
Christopher Tracey, 17 Dunmore Street.
191 Anketell & anr to Tracey & anr
24 Aug 1900 Memorial of an Indenture Between Augusta Anketell of & at 57 men at 206 Greenmount Muckamore [Muckamore, Grange of] in the County of Antrim Spinster, of the first part , Selina Sarah Anketell of Greenmount aforesaid Spinster and the said Augusta Anketell of the second part and Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey both of Island na hoe Dervock [Islandahoe AND Dervock in Derrykeighan] in the County of Antrim , Spinster of the third part and endorsed upon an Indenture of Mortgage dated the 1 Feb 1895 and made between Harry Ouris Tracey of the one part and Bertha Grace Phoebe Anketell and the said Augusta Anketell of the other part. Whereby after reciting the death of the therein within named Harry Owens Tracey on the 28 Jan 1895 intestate leaving the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey his only Sisters and Co heress at law him surviving and that letters of administration of his estate and effects were granted to the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey on the 16 Apr 1896...representatives of the said Bertha Grace Phoebe Anketell did thereby grand and release unto the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey , All and Singular the lands hereditaments and premises...
October 9 1900 Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania)
Tracy - On Saturday October 6, Rose wife of Michael Tracy and daughter of Patrick and Honora? Connelly of County Antrim Ireland. aged 55? years...
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland
1901 Census of England
George Prescott Treacy, 20,
Belfast, A B Seaman, Glamorganshire
Feb 1, 1913 (CT)
At a meeting of the Catholic employees of the firm of Messrs W and G Baird Ltd, Belfast held on Friday November 1, 1912, the following resolution was passed:...our relations with the firm have always been of the most cordial nature...Kathleen Tracey 2 years service...
Agnes Tracey, 50 Glentoran Street (off Ravenhill Road)
Christie Tracey, compositor, 39 Earlscourt Street
Henry Tracey, labourer, 48 Burnaby Street (Distillery Street to Roden Street)
Jas. Tracey, boiler maker, 29 Dunmore Street (from Springfield Road to Clonard Gardens)
Patrick Tracey, labourer, 9 Bow Street (Cullingtree Road to Nail Street)
Samuel Tracey, R.I.C., 32 Willowfield Gardens
Thos. Tracey, labourer 6 Harold Street (off Byron Street)
Wm. Tracey, dairyman, 216 Leeson Street ([left hand side] Falls Road to Grosvenor Road)
July 1908 Final year list of King's Scholars, qualified for
Certificate of Compency in Irish and won prize of £5
Delia K. Treacy, of Tuam Convent Galway. St. Mary's training college, Belfast
Aug 17, 1908 (IT) Half
Mile Flat Handicap
...qualified...R.C. Tracey, W. Belfast H. (20)
Prerogative Will, 1814 - William Sturrock LL D Archdeacon of Armagh...The above has been copied from an extract from Archdeacon Sturrock's Will written out by Mrs. Margaret Tracey on the 19th January, 1909. Drumtullagh, 4th Jan. [January?] 1960.
1909 RIC Service [see Down]
John Treacy, 61643, b. 1887 Down
61643 John Treacy, dob 19 Jan 1887
[18 years], 5'8.125", b. Down, Catholic, recommended by DI Millar,
cellaeman, appointed 15 Jan 06 re-appointed 3.12.08 with loss of former
service, served Antrim 12 June 1909, Punishment, Discharged 17.1.06 Unfit by
surgeon 33706/RI resigned 2.8.11 61643D/58763, to emigrate to America, Contd in
Jun 19, 1909 (IT) RIC The undernamed
recruits...No.1 Company...John Tracy, Antrim.
1911 Census:
John, Treacy,
24, M, Ballyscullion,
Ballyscullion, Antrim (Constable, RC, Bar man?,
single, b. Co. Down)
Mar 9, 1910 (FJ) Cross
Country Running
Belfast - John Mitchel Gaelic Harriers...Robert Tracy...
Mar 14, 1910 (FJ) National
Championships...National Novices Inter-County
...individual placings...R. Tracy 16...
Jul 9, 1910 (IT) RIC
Constable Samuel Tracey, Mountpottinger [Belfast], has been promoted to the rank of acting-sergeant after long service in the force.
Christie Tracey, compositor, 39 Earlscourt Street (Cavendish Street to Iris Street)
H. Tracey, tailor, 43 Welsh Street (Lagan Street to McAuley Street)
Henry Tracey, printer, 29 Bombay Street (Kashmir Road to Clonard Gardens)
Mrs. Tracey, 12 Norton Street (off McAuley Street)
Patk. Tracey, labourer 7 Bow Street (Cullingtree Road to Nail Street)
Samuel Trecay (Treacy Tracey), R.I.C., 38 Willowfield Gardens (off Woodstock Road)
Thos. Tracey, labourer, 6 Harold Street (off Byron Street)
Wm. Tracey, labourer, 7 Wilton Square North (Wilton Street to Canmore Street)
Carrickfergus, County Antrim
C.S. Tracey, Ord. Dep., Lancasterian
Joseph Treacy: Probate of the Will of Rose McDonald late of 36 Newington Avenue Belfast Widow who died 19 September 1911 granted at Belfast to Joseph Treacy Teacher. Date Of Grant: 11/10/1911 Effects: Effects £87 10s. 0d.
Mar 3, 1911 (FJ) National
Belfast John Mitchel Harriers...R. Treacy...
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland
of the Will of Rose McDonald late of 36 Newington Avenue Belfast Widow who died
19 September 1911 granted at Belfast to Joseph
Treacy Teacher.
US State Department
Frederick Owen Birney born 1868-12-22 at Belfast, married to Margaret Tracy born Dunlop, Iowa, US resides Belfast son Edward b 1911 Spokane, Wash, 2 daug Kathleen b 1912 Belfast Aileen b 1913 Belfast; cousin Miss Edith Birney, Chevy Chase, MD naturalized 1896-08-15 at Cook Co, IL; arrived Belfast July 1911 business
1912 WO 97 - Chelsea
Pensioners British Army service records
Thomas Tracey, born 1872 Monaghan Monaghan Ireland, No. 7266 Private Lancashire Fusiliers - 20th Foot, attested 13 Feb 1891 age 19
19 years, 5'*", 131 lb, 34-5" chest, fresh complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, RC,
Royal Irish Fusilliers 11 Feb 91 to 21.3.99. Served Home, East Indies, Burma, Egypt, Home, Malta, Gibralta, Malta, Eygpt, Home.
Next of Kin: Mother Mary Ann Monaghan, brother elder James R.I. Fus, brother younger John Monaghan, Intended residence Gentslough St Monaghan
Discharged 10 Feb 1912 at Tidworth, age 40 years, 5'9.5", 29-42" chest, fresh complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, labourer, intended residence: 12 Donard St Ravenhill Road Belfast
Discharged in consequence of the termination of his second period of engagement
Conduct very good, two good conduct badges, pay Rate 5d class II, served 21 years
Alphabetical |
By Area |
Aggie Tracey, 46 Weir Street, Belfast: West, Shankill, Annie Tracey, Lee Ballyclare, Antrim: East, Beryl Tracey, Ballybogey House Dervock, Antrim: North David Tracey, Lea Ballyclare, Antrim: East Eleanor AE Tracey, Ballybogey House Dervock, Antrim: North John Tracey, 46 Weir Street, Belfast: West, Shankill Lizzie Treacy, Ravencliff Donegal Park, Belfast: North Marguerite Treacy, 38 Willowfield Gardens, Belfast: East Miss Tracey, Seymour Street, Antrim: South Mrs. Tracey, Ballymarlow Co Antrim, Scotland: West and Scotland: Glasgow Sarah Trac(e)y, 5 Castle Street Lisburn,
Antrim: South |
Aggie Tracey, 46 Weir Street, Belfast: West, Shankill, John Tracey, 46 Weir Street, Belfast: West, Shankill Lizzie Treacy, Ravencliff Donegal Park, Belfast: North Marguerite Treacy, 38 Willowfield Gardens, Belfast: East Annie Tracey, Lee Ballyclare, Antrim: East, David Tracey, Lea Ballyclare, Antrim: East Beryl Tracey*, Ballybogey House Dervock, Antrim: North Eleanor AE Tracey, Ballybogey House Dervock, Antrim: North Miss Tracey, Seymour Street, Antrim: South Mrs. Tracey, Ballymarlow (Ballymarlagh?) Co Antrim, Scotland: West and Scotland: Glasgow Sarah Trac(e)y, 5 Castle Street Lisburn, Antrim: South * Miss B Tracey was also an agent
for signing at Ballybogey House |
1913 RIC Service [see William
Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]
Francis Treacy, 62231, b. 1882
62231 Francis Treacy, dob 17 Aug
1882 [24 years], 5'9 5/8", b. Kilkenny jd from Carlow, Protestant, married
7.4.20 wife from Tyrone, recommended by DI Carter, Asylum Attendant, appointed
15 Nov 06, served Meath 1st May 1907 - Tyrone 10.5.12 - Cavan 5.3.1913 -
Belfast 1.6.1913, Disbanded 20.5.22 T.S. Belfast No 16 C.A. £153.2.9
June 1913 IT RIC Transfers...Constable John Duffy has been transferred to Count Cavan and is
replaced by Constable Francis Treacy, both officers having effected an
Dec 12, 1921 (FJ) [Belfast Riots]
...Orange gunmen...Constable Francis Treacy, attached to Brown Square barracks, was wounded in the foot in Fairview? street...
Jul 29, 1922 (IT) Belfast and the North
Ex-constable Francis Tracey was awarded £20 at the Record Court for injuries received whilst on duty in Twickerham street, Belfast, on December 10th 1921.
Francis Treacy, 12 Jun 1923,
George Andrews Lodge 258 Belfast Co Antrim, Constable R.I.C. Certified 12 Oct
1923. To 105. Resigned 1924.
British Postal Service
James P Tracey,
1913, Londonderry
James P Tracey,
1914, Boyle [Longford]
James P Tracey, 1920, Londonderry
James P Tracey, 1924, Belfast
James P Tracey, 1942, Northern
Mary J Tracy, 1920, Ballymena
Mary J Tracy,
1921, Omagh [Tyrone]
Mary J Tracy,
1923, Portrush [Antrim]
Thomas Tracey, 1937, Belfast
William P Treacy, 1953, Belfast
May 1914 Quebec Arrivals - Empress of Ireland
Margaret Tracy, 69, widow, b. Ireland, to Vancouver BC, domestic, CoI
Beryl Tracy, 42, single, b. Gibraltar, to Vancouver BC, domestic, CoI
1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records
John Tracey. Reg. No. 9028. Rank Acting Drummer, 2nd
Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Killed in action France 6/8/1917. Born Monaghan. [Lived
at 23 Geoffrey St Belfast?]
22 September 1917 (AC) ...John (Jack) Tracy, R. Dublin
Fusiliers, youngest son of the late Mrs. Tracy, district nurse, Monaghan, has
been killed...
1914-1920 British Army WWI Service &
Pension Records
Frederick Tracey, b. abt 1873,
Belfast, Antrim
Thomas Tracey, b. abt 1872, 20
Oakfield St, Belfast
Thomas Tracey, b. abt 1897,
Shankill, Antrim,
WW1 Merchant Seamen Medal Cards BT 351/1
James Tracy, b. 1894 Belfast
1915 Merchant Navy
J Tracy; rank/rating, 5th
Engineer; age, 21; place of birth, Belfast; previous ship, same. Ship:
Rowanmore 1915
J Tracy; rank/rating, 5th
Engineer; age, 21; place of birth, Belfast; previous ship, first. Ship:
Rowanmore 1915
J Tracy; rank/rating, Intermediate
6th Engineer; age, 21; place of birth, Belfast; previous ship, Rowanmore. Ship:
Orduna 1915
J Tracy; rank/rating, Intermediate
6th Engineer; age, 21; place of birth, Belfast; previous ship, same. Ship:
Orduna 1915
1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen
Tracey, b. 1894 Belfast Antrim
Tracey, b. 1894 Belfast Antrim
Tracy, b. 1894 Belfast Antrim
Jos Tracey, b. Belfast Antrim
Joseph Tracey, b. 1911 Belfast Antrim
Tressey, b. 1879, Belfast, Co. Antrim
John Tracey, b. 1913 Ballyclare [Antrim]
John Tracey, b. Ballyclare [Antrim]
[Note: * = photo .]
May 30, 1917 (IT)
Roll of Honour
R.D. Fus...Tracey, 9028, J. (Ligoniel) [Belfast]
Jul 17, 1917 (IT)
Previously reported wounded, now reported not wounded
R. Dublin Fus. - Tracey, 9028, J. (Belfast)
1917 USA Draft
Joseph G Tracey b. 30 Aug 1891 Belfast Ireland, naturalised, machinist
Ford Motor, single, no dependants, lives 74 Grand W Highland Pk Mich
Royal Air Force
Edward James Tracey, born 1899, Antrim, 1918, 285024, Labourer
1919 resident Belfast
Thomas Tracey, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 3201 Lance Corporal
Thomas Tracey, 3201 4th, 8th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, age 22, born 1897 Shankill Antrim
1919 Passport Application
Joseph Gerard Tracey born Belfast Ireland 10 Aug 1891, father Christopher Tracey, emigrated 26 June 1909 from Londonderry, lived Newark NJ, machinist, to visit sick father, passport application 1919 Wayne Michigan. Elizabeth Tracey, wife of Joseph Gerald Tracy, born Ingran County Armagh Ireland, he was naturalised 29 May 1917 Wayne Detroit, to go to the US to join my husband, application Belfast 9 Jan 1920.
7 May 1920 The London Gazette
Ministry of Labour, Whitehall, S.W. 1, 24th April, 1920.,
In pursuance of the powers conferred on him by the Trade Boards Acts, 1909-and 1918, the Minister of Labour, under and by virtue of the Trade Boards (Tailoring) Order, 1919, is pleased to establish a Trade Board .for Retail Bespoke Tailoring in Ireland, namely: —
...(3) Sixteen members representing workers in the trade appointed by the Minister of Labour after considering names supplied by such workers, due regard having been paid to the representation of the various branches of the trade and of the various districts in which tihe trade is carried on, namely: —
…Mr. H. Treacy, 193, Spamount Street, Belfast.
1923 & 23 March 1934 Belfast Gazette [see John
Tracy (1876-1936) Solicitor, Politician and Coroner]
John Tracy,
Solicitor, 26 Corn Market, Belfast; and Northern Bank Chambers, Londonderry
16 May 1930 Belfast Gazette
John Tracy, Solicitor, 14 Donegall Street, Belfast;
and Londonderry
18 December 1936 & 28 April 1944 Belfast Gazette
Tracy & Logue, Solicitors, 26 Corn Market,
Belfast; and Northern Bank Chambers, Londonderry
Jul 28, 1921 (IT) Belfast
Co-Operative Health Insurance Society
...Committee...elected...H. Tracey...
1922 Dentists
58 Patrick Tracey, 25 Alma Street Belfast
Sep 18, 1922 (IT) Bowling
...Falls (Belfast)...C. Tracey...
Apr 12, 1924 (IT) Royal
Ulster Constabulary
At Sydney street West Barracks a curfew dance was held by CI Division officers and non-coms...A capable committee under H.C. M. T. Tracey carried out the arrangements.
Feb 28, 1925 (IT)
...Barracks, Sydney street West Belfast...West Regiment "C1" Special Constabulary...All the arrangements were carried out by the following committee:- Head Constable Major T. Tracey...
May 25, 1926 (IT) Bowling
at Clontarf
...No. 2 - Belfast - J. Tracey (Castleton)...
Estate of Harriett Charlott Orr, (spinster), Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey (spinster) and Beryl Tracey (spinster) and Godfrey William Ferguson and Alfred Edward Brett, trustees for sale under the will dated 6 September 1902 of Margaret Owens and Robert Thompson and the said Alfred Edward Brett, trustees for the sale under the will of Jane Owens: townland of Ballyeaston barony of Upper Antrim, Co Antrim. FIN/48/3/1441
7 March 1930 & 23 October 1931 Belfast Gazette
Estate of Harriett Charlotte Orr, Spinster; Eleanor
Agnes Mary Tracey, Spinster; and Beryl Tracey, Spinster, and Godfrey William
Ferguson and Alfred Edward Brett, trustees for sale under the will dated 6th
September 1902 of Margaret Owens and Robert Thompson and the said Alfred Edward
Breet trustees for sale under the will of Jane Owens…County of Antrim…lands of
Brendan Trainor (Antrim),
Vincent Kelly (Antrim), John Butler (Antrim), John Flanagan (Antrim), Danny
Gilmartin (Antrim), Des Cormican (Antrim), Paddy Dougan (Antrim), Seamus McDonald
(Antrim), Jack Savage (Antrim), Ted McConnell (Antrim), Bobby McMullen
(Antrim), Brian McAleenan (Down), Paul Crilly (Antrim), Donal Anglin (Antrim), Gerry Treacy (Antrim).
4 December
1964 The Belfast Gazette
Planning Acts (Northern Ireland) 1931 And 1944
Notice is hereby given that the Ministry of Health and
Local Government in exercise of its powers under Sub-Section (6) of Section 2
of the Planning (Interim Development) Act (Northern Ireland) 1944, will hear in
Room No. 17, Parliament Buildings, Stormont, on Thursday, 17th December, 1964,
at 10.30 a.m. the Appeal of Mr. Sean Treacy against the decision of the Belfast
Corporation on his application for permission to carry out development to
premises at 2 and 4 Sultan Street, Belfast.
Army Birth Registration
Ellen F. Tracey, Belfast, 1902, 51st,
Vol 850 page 174
Frederick Treacey, Belfast, 1875,
87th, Vol 799 page 2
Frederick Treacey, Belfast, 1875,
89th, Vol 1338 page 13
Eliza Tracey
died 1867, Antrim PLU, aged 56, b. 1811
Tracey died 1869, Ballymena PLU, Aged 27, b. 1842
Tracey, died 1874 Portglenone Ballymena PLU, aged 25 years, b. 1849, single,
labourer, died 24 Feb 1874 Dunminning [Rasharkin], homicide, coroner Antrim
[see newspaper references]
Tracy, died 1876, Belfast Belfast PLU, aged 30 years, b. 1846, died 8 Aug 1876
Belfast Royal Hospital, married, millworker
James Tracy - of Salford Barracks (Groom's Parents: Patrick Tracy & Elizabeth of King's County) m. Mary McLynn - of
Regent Road (Bride's Parents: Patrick McLynn & Anne of County Antrim)
Witness: John McGee of Barracks; Bridget O'Neill of Seddon St.
Married by: James Wilding
Marriage: 30 Aug 1848 Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist, Salford,
Source: Original Register at LRO Preston
Thomas Tracey
& Elizabeth Keenan 1838 (Down, Conor & Dromore Marriage Licence Bond)
Treacy of Antrim Winner of the Circuit of Ireland Historic
Class |
The Tach, page 11, July
2006 of the St. Lawrence Automobile Club, Kingston, Ont. |
Tracey died 1865, Lurgan PLU, Aged 11, b. 1854 [Antrim OR Armagh OR Down]
[Note: The following family has it’s origins in Berry Pomeroy,
Devon, England. John Smith Tracey was the son of Henry Tracey and Honner Smith.
His sons are Harry Tracey and John Tracey. John was born in Antigua, and there
is a passport for a Harry Tracey stating that he was born in Antigua. However
in the 1851 census Harry states that he was born in Antrim. Another Antrim
connection is his son Harry
Adair Tracey] [see]
Church Of St Mary The Virgin, Berry
Pomeroy, Devon, England
'Sacred/To The Memory Of/
John Smith Tracey,/
For Many Years Secretary In
The Royal Navy,/
Who Died At Barbadoes/The
26th Decr 1811; Aged 36 Years,/
This Tablet Of Affection To
Who Was Generally Beloved/
And Estemed,/Is Erected By
His Sister'
1831 Edinburgh Medical and
Surgical Journal
Surgical Examinations at Edinburgh 16th May 1831...From Abroad Harry Tracey...
1833 Members...Harry
Tracey, Esq. Surgeon, Plymouth.
The Transactions Provincial Medical And Surgical Association. MDCCCXXXIII. (1833)
1841 Census St Saviour Dartmouth,
Harry Tracey M 32 Surgeon N Lower St 16829
Harry A Tracey M 3 Y Lower St 16829
John Tracey M 6m Y Lower St 16829
Maria Ann Tracey F 2 Y Lower St 16829
Maria Ann Tracey F 23 Y Lower St 16829
Ann Maria Adair was the daughter of Thomas Banjamin
and Sarah Adair. In 1837 she married Harry Tracey of Dartmouth (see T17, Tracey
It is clear that the Adair and Tracey families became fairly close with the
marriage of Ann Maria and Harry Tracey (see above).
1850 Dartsmouth, Directory
of Devonshire
Harry Tracey, surgeon, Hannover sqr
Rev Jno Tracey.,B.A.,vicar of Townstal & St Saviour's, Vicarage
1851 Census - Hanover Square, St Saviour, Totn Devonshire
Harry Tracey, Head, 43, b. Antrim,
Ireland, General Practione M.r.c
Maria Tracey, wife, 37, b.
Stonehouse, Devonshire, England
Osborne Tracey, son, 6, b.
Dartmouth, Devonshire, England
Agnes Tracey, daughter, 4, b.
Dartmouth, Devonshire, England
Charles Tracey, son, 2, b.
Dartmouth, Devonshire, England
1851 Census - Saint Saviour Dartmouth, Devon, England
Harry Tracey Head M 43 Antigua British Subject, General
Practitioner M R C S E L A C, residence Hanover Square
Maria Tracey Wife F 37 Stonehouse, Devonshire
Osborne Tracey Son M
6 Dartmouth, Devonshire
Agnes Tracey Daughter F 4 Dartmouth, Devonshire
Charlis Tracey Son M
2 Dartmouth, Devonshire
Sarah Stone Servant F
37 Woodleigh, Devonshire
Elizabeth Pietre Servant F 23 Stokenham, Devonshire
Thalia Clarke Servant F 19 Kingswear, Devonshire
...the brass to Harry Tracey, 1861 at Dartsmouth, St. Saviour is by John Haywood, a noted Devonshire architect, but uses the letter style of the Wallers.
Church Monuments: Journal
of the Church Monuments Society, Volume 16
Clement’s Church, Townstal, Rev. Harry F. Tracey, vicar...St.
Saviour’ Dr. Harry Tracy (uncle of the present vicar, and
brother of a former vicar)...
1861 Census - East
Stonehouse, Devon
First name(s) |
Surname |
Rel |
Status |
Sex |
Age |
Occupation |
Where Born |
Sarah |
Adair |
Head |
W |
F |
73 |
Shropshire -
Shrewsbury |
Sarah S |
Adair |
Dau |
U |
F |
47 |
Shropshire -
Shrewsbury |
Ann M |
Tracey |
Dau |
U |
F |
45 |
Devon - Stonehouse |
Percival |
Tracey |
Grnson |
- |
M |
15 |
Devon - Dartmouth |
Charles |
Tracey |
Grnson |
- |
M |
11 |
Devon - Dartmouth |
Maria |
Tracey |
Grndau |
- |
F |
9 |
Devon - Dartmouth |
Elvia |
Clease |
Servnt |
U |
F |
25 |
Cook |
Devon - Bovey
Tracey |
Elizabeth |
Philips |
Servnt |
U |
F |
24 |
Housemaid |
Devon - Ivybridge |
Epsom College Register
Tracey, Charles, s. of Harry Tracey, surgeon, of Dartmouth,
b. 1849, 1. 1867
Henry Tracy (1809-) m. Maria Adair (1815-1902)
Agnes Tracey
Harry Adair Tracey
John Tracey Unknown-1860
Maria Tracey
Osborne Tracey
Percival White Tracey (1845 Dartmouth, Devonshire - 1909 South Africa) m. Marcella Devenish [see Traceys of South Africa]
Beryl Antoinette Tracey
Katie Tracey
Marcella Millicent Tracey
Osborne Tracey
Muriel Tracey (1884-Unknown)
Harold Adair Tracey (1896-Unknown)
Harry Adair Tracey, Lt. Col. Royal Artillery, (d.1886)
7 Apr [18]56 Gentlemen Cadets to
be Lieutenants
6 Dec [18]66 second captain, vice
June [18]71 Adjutant
24 July [18]75
24 July [18]82
Harry Adair Tracey, full [age], bachelor, Captain Royal Artillery, lives Loughanmore, (s.
of Harry Tracey, gentleman) married
Elizabeth Anne Owens, full [age], lives Holestone [Kilbride], (d. of John
Owens, gentleman) 9 January 1868 Garrah? Church of Ireland Wit: J. Owens &
Thomas Clarke [Donegore Antrim PLU]
Jan. 9. 1868 At Donegore, Harry
Adair Tracey,
Capt. R.A. (Royal Art) to Elizabeth Anne, youngest dau. of John Owens, esq., of
Holestone, c. Antrim
January 1868 Belfast News Letter
and Owens - January 9 at the Parish Church Donegore, County Antrim, by the Rev.
G.C. Symthe, rector of Carnmoney, cousin of the bride, assisted by the Rev.
J.A. Kerr, rector of the Parish, Captain Harry Adair Tracey, Royal Artillery
eldest son of the late Harry Tracey, Esq., of Dartmouth, Devon, to Elizabeth
Anne, youngest daughter of John Owen Esq, J.P, of Holestone, County Antrim [bad
Son Harry Owens Tracey [Date of Birth: 11 July 1869 Bermuda, joined Royal Navy] [Lt. Harry Owens Tracey, R. N., b. 1869 in Burmada; son of Harry Adair Tracey of Cork and Co. Antrim]
Adair Tracey & Elizabeth Anne Owens
Harry Owens Tracey b. 11 July 1869
Bermuda [Harry Owens Tracey d.
28 Jan 1895 Islandnahoe Antrim, sister Eleanor A M Tracey]
Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey b. 02
Feb 1871 Freshwater, Hampshire, England
Gibraltar National Archives
MilitaryDeathsId: 365
SEQ: 298
RecordNumber: 8
Day: 6
Month: 2
Year: 1872
WhereDied: moorish castle quarters
Surname: tracey
GivenName: Elisabeth Ann
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Profession: wife of H.A. Tracey
Captain Royal Artillery [Harry Adair Tracey]
PlaceOfBirth: ireland
PeriodOfResidence: 7 months
Cause: diarrhea after confinement
Primary: violent diarrhea after
Duration: 7 days
Secondary: exhaustion
SignatureOfInformant: husband of
NameOfMedicalPractioner: Joseph
Henry Adair Tracey,
full age, widower, Captain RA, lives Ballydivity Derrykeighan, (s. of Harry Tracey Esq, surgeon) married
Margaret Stewart Moore, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Islandnahoe
[Islandahoe] Derrykeighan, (d. of James Stewart Moore Esq, JP?) 24 December
1874 Billy Church of Ireland Wit: Jas Stewart Moore & Anthony Traile
[(Bushmills) Coleraine PLU]
28 Dec 1874 (BL) Marriage
- Moore. Dec 24 at Billy parish Church, Captain H.A. Tracy R.A. to Margaret
Stewart daughter of the late James Stewart Moore, Esq, Bally???, Co. Antrim.
12 January 1875 (FJ) Marriage
and Stewart-Moore - December 24 last at Billy Church, County Antrim, by the
Venerable Archdeacon of Connor, Harry Adair Tracey, Captain Royal Artillery, to
Margaret, eldest daughter, of the late James Stewart-Moore, Esq., of
Ballydivity, county Antrim.
Adair Tracey & Margaret Stewart Moore
Violet Millicent Tracey b. 06 Feb 1876 Rawul Pindee, Bengal, India d. 1946 Portrush
Tracey b. 25 Aug 1877 India, d. 03 Nov
1931 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, age: 54, Single
b. 24 June 1879 Charles Fort (LDS) [Cork] [State Reg: Tracey, Mabel,
Kinsale, 3rd Quarter 1879 5 348]
Tracy, 32 years, b. Ireland, spinster, Anglican (d. of Harry Adair Tracy & Margaret Steward Moore) m. John Graham, 49 years, b. England,
Bachelor, clerk, Anglican (s. of John Graham & Mary Sinclair) 17 Oct 1911 Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada Wit: Martin Tracy of Vancouver
& Frances H De Wolf of Vancouver
Francis Tracey b. 16 Jun 1882 Northern
Ireland d. 11 Dec 1950 Vancouver B C,
British Columbia, Canada, age: 68, Widowed
spouse: Louise Blanche Upjohn
Francis Tracey, 30 years, b. Balleylough, Ireland, Bachelor, of Lake Buntzeen?,
[no profession], Church of England (s.
of Harry Adair Tracy, soldier & Margueret Stewart Moore) m. Louise Blanch Upjohn, 39 years, b.
Wymouth, England, Spinster, nurse, of Vancouver, b. Winmouth? England, Church
of England (d. of Frank John Upjohn, professor of music & Lydia Slade
Stone) 24 Mar 1913 Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada Wit: Martin Tracey & John Dunning
Tracy - On
Dec 11 1950, suddenly at Vancouver, Charles Francis Tracey, son of the late Col
and Mrs H.A. Tracy. [late 3539 West 37th Avenue Vancouver, bridgeman Vancouver
Harbour Commission.]
Anne Tracey b. 22 Jun 1884 St.
Mary-the-Virgin, Dover, Kent, England
Thomas Tracey b. 04 Dec 1885 bapt. 24
Mar 1886 St. Mary-the-Virgin, Dover, Kent, England
8 January 1868
Draft Settlement on the marriage of Capt. Harry Adair Tracey R.A., Loughanmore, Co. Antrim, to Miss Elizabeth A. Owens, Ballyvoy Lodge, Ballyvoy, Co. Antrim. D1080/5/149
8 January 1868
Settlement on the marriages of Capt. Harry Adair Tracey, R.A., Loughanmore, Co. Antrim, to Miss Elizabeth A. Owens, Ballyvoy Lodge, Ballyvoy, Co. Antrim. D1080/5/150
14 August 1875
Letter from Major H.A. Tracey, R.A. London, to Henry Adair and James Owens requesting a loan of trust money, part of a settlement made at the time of his marriage on 8th January 1868 to Miss Elizabeth A. Owens and issuing out of Bonds of the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway Company. D1080/5/153
16 September 1876
Copy Will of Major Harry Adair Tracey, R.A. D1080/5/161
26 November 1878
Letter from Major H.A. Tracey, R.A., Port Ballintrae, Bushmills, Co. Antrim, to Henry Adair and James Owens, [Holestone], Co. Antrim, requesting that a sum of £600 trust money be invested in Debenture Stock of the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway Company. D1080/5/164
…Some years ago (1878) Major HA
Tracy, RA, in a published article entitled, "Was the Architect of the
Great Pyramid inspired?"…
29 September 1882-1
October 1882
One of two acknowledgements of receipt of trust money by Major H.A. Tracey, R.A. from Henry Adair and James Owens [Holestone] Co. Antrim to be used for the entrance of his son Owens Tracey into the Royal Navy and in particular the payment of his fees and the purchase of an outfit. D1080/5/165A
29 September 1882-1
October 1882
One of two acknowledgements of receipt of trust money by Major H.A. Tracey, R.A. from Henry Adair and James Owens [Holestone] Co. Antrim to be used for the entrance of his son Owens Tracey into the Royal Navy and in particular the payment of his fees and the purchase of an outfit. D1080/5/165B
Will Harry Adair Tracey d. 2 Sep 1886 Barrington House
Dover Kent, Colonel RA, to Margaret Tracey Island-na-hoe near Dervock Antrim
widow the Universal legatee
11 November 1886
Case on behalf of Mrs Margaret Stewart Tracey widow and administrator of the late Colonel Harry Adair Tracey, concerning properties and land in Ballyeaston, Glenarm and Mulloughconly [sic], Co. Antrim. D1080/5/170
1887 London Wills
Harry Adair Tracey - Personal Estate in England £143.17.3
16 May. Administration (with the Will) of the Personal Estate of Harry Adair Tracey late of Barrington House Dover in the county of Kent. Colonel Royal Artillery who died on or about 2 September 1886 at same place granted 7 January 1887 at Dublin to Margaret Tracey of Island-na-hoe Dervock in the County of Antrim the Widow the Universal Legatee.
8 May 1891 (BL) Coleraine
Academical Institution Athletic Sports
...spectators...Miss Tracy, Ballydivitty...
13 October 1891
Acknowledgement of receipt of £400 trust money, by H.A. Tracey, from James Owens, [Holestone, Co. Antrim], and confirmation of a payment of £100 made to the late Colonel Tracey by James Owens, [Holestone] and Henry Adair, (now deceased), as payment for fees and a Royal Navy outfit on 29th September 1882. D1080/5/173
1 February 1895
Mortgage for £500 and interest, from Harry Owens Tracey, Island-na-hoe, Dervock, Co. Antrim to Misses Bertha Grace Phoebe and Augusta Anketell, Greenmount, Muckamore, Co. Antrim concerning lands at Ballyeaston, Co. Antrim and tenements in Bridge Street, Toberwine Street and Abbeyhill, in Glenarm, Co. Antrim. D1080/5/175
16 April 1896
Letters of Administration to the personal estate of Harry Owens Tracey, late of Island-na-hoe, Dervock, Co. Antrim. D1080/5/177
16 April 1896
Copy letters of administration of estate of Harry Owens Tracey, late of Island na hoe, Dervock, Co. Antrim, died at sea 28 January 1895, intestate. D1824/B/2/14
No 191 Anketell & anr to Tracey & anr
24 Aug 1900 Memorial of an Indenture Between Augusta Anketell of & at 57 men at 206 Greenmount Muckamore [Muckamore, Grange of] in the County of Antrim Spinster, of the first part , Selina Sarah Anketell of Greenmount aforesaid Spinster and the said Augusta Anketell of the second part and Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey both of Island na hoe Dervock [Islandahoe AND Dervock in Derrykeighan] in the County of Antrim , Spinster of the third part and endorsed upon an Indenture of Mortgage dated the 1 Feb 1895 and made between Harry Ouris Tracey of the one part and Bertha Grace Phoebe Anketell and the said Augusta Anketell of the other part. Whereby after reciting the death of the therein within named Harry Owens Tracey on the 28 Jan 1895 intestate leaving the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey his only Sisters and Co heress at law him surviving and that letters of administration of his estate and effects were granted to the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey on the 16 Apr 1896...representatives of the said Bertha Grace Phoebe Anketell did thereby grand and release unto the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey , All and Singular the lands hereditaments and premises...
Margaret Tracey of 23 Gipsy Hill Upper Norwood county Surrey widow died 21 January 1931 Probate London 13 June to Violet Millicent Tracey spinster. Effects in Northern Ireland £21 14s. 10d. Re-sealed Belfast 12 August.
February 21, 1931 The Advocate (NY)
Mrs. Margaret Tracey, widow of Lt.-Col. H. A. Tracey, R. A., and daughter of Capt. J. Stewart Moore, Ballydivity, Co. Antrim, died aged 85.
Harry Adair (Lt Col RA)
m. Elizabeth Anne OWENS (Wife) (b. About 1832 in Holestone, Doagh, Antrim, Ireland) ABT 1865 in Ireland
, unknown female TRACEY b. About
1867 in Ireland
Harry Owens TRACEY b. 1869 in
, unknown female (2) TRACEY b.
About 1871 in Ireland
m. Margaret STEWART-MOORE (Wife)
(b. 10 May 1845 in Ireland) 28 Dec 1874
Title: Charles Clark's Gilliland / Stewart
Documents Publication: Charles Clark (, 2003
Ballydivity lodged at the Genealogical Office Dublin by James Stewart-Moore
(May 1793-23 Dec 1870), and a family tree (descendancy chart) of the Stewarts
of Ballintoy drawn around 1928 by John Leslie Stewart-Moore (b. 1891) and held
by (among other such institutions) the Coleraine Library.
1869 (6 May) entire addressed to a wine
merchant in Bordeaux, bearing 2d. bright blue strip of five, pair and single,
all cancelled by “B/1” vertical obliterator (Type K2), showing red crayon “1/2”,
“BERMUDA/PAID” c.d.s. overstruck by “PAID/LIVERPOOL/BR PACKET” (1.7) and
Calais entry (2.7) datestamps, circular-framed “PD” in red and, on reverse,
London and arrival datestamps. A rare and most attractive franking. Note: The letter was written by Capt. H.A. Tracey of the Royal Artillery Corps, R.E. Capt. Tracey spent two years on Bermuda, from 1868-1869, in charge of food stores and this letter, written to wine merchant, may well have been for the officer’s mess. |
Ballymena (Kirkinriola)
Jan 21, 1817 (BL) Married [see Treacys
of Ballymena Antrim]
On the 12th instant, at Ballymena, by the Rev. Richard Babington, John Tracy, esq, to Mrs. Love.
1. John Treacy & Ann
1.2 Anne b. 3 June
1821 Ballymena (LDS)
1.3 Elizabeth Willoughby Treacy
(1821-1896) Known in Young Ireland
circles as ‘Finola’. She was often published in The Nation, and also
published work in the Belfast Vindictor.
John Treacy, Esq of Antrim
(his youngest
1.4 Catherine Hyndman
Treacy b. about 1830 Antrim m. Robert Ball Steele (b. 24 May 1826) 1858
John Treacy & Ann
Anne Treacy b. 3 Jun 1821 Ballymena (Kirkinriola) Parish
Ann Treacey, died 1876,
Ballymena Ballymena PLU, aged 90 years, b. 1786, died 4? Jul 1876 Brigadie
House Bottom [Kirkinriola – Ballymena CoI], widow,
gentleman’s widow, John Hyndman Love, present at death, Brigadie House
Lawrence Ball Steele b. 30 September 1859 Rathbride Kildare (LDS)
Treacy Steele A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great
Britain and Ireland)
John Treacy Steele b. about 1861 Rathbride Kildare
Anne Treacy Steele b. about 1864 Rathbride Kildare
Kate Hyndman Treacy, full [age], spinster, lives Brigada? Ballymena? (d. of John Treacy, gentleman) married Robert Ball Steele, full [age], bachelor, gentleman, lives Ballymena, (s. of Robert Ball Steele, gentleman) 24 November 1858 Kilconriola Church of Ireland Wit: William Harte & Norman? McEwing? [Ballymena PLU] [bad copy]
Elizabeth Willoughby Treacy, full [age], spinster, lives Brigadie Ballymena, (d. of John Treacy, Esq) married Ralph Varian, full [age], widower, brush manu-facturer, lives Glanmire View Balckrock Co. Cork, (s. of Thomas Varian, brush manu-facturer) 25 May 1871 Kilcorniola Church of Ireland Wit: Ann B Harte & Agnes Dickie [Ballymena PLU]
30 May 1871 (BL) Marriage
Varian - Treacy May 25, by special
licence, at Brigadier House, by the Rev. John W. Murray, I.L.D., Ralph Varian,
Esq., Glanmire View, Blackrock, Co. Cork, to Elizabeth Willoughby (Finola),
daughter of the late John Treacy, Esq., Brigadier House, Co. Antrim.
[State Marriage Registration: Elizabeth
Willoughby Treacy, Ballymena, 1871 6 117]
17 July 1900 (IT) Humant??? and Tracy
July 11, at Naas Presbyterian Church by the Rev.
William Elliott, MA and by the Rev RJ Sloan, Alexander Beau??? Manager Ulster
Bank, Ballinrobe, son of ??? Hamment? Ballylougher, Ballymena, to Elizabeth M??? [Mary] (Lily?), eldest
daughter of the late ???[Richard] H.
Tracy Roseville, Naas. [Kildare] [bad copy]
Belfast City
North Belfast Harriers Ladies won the Irish 10k roads championship last year in Navan. Athletics Ireland nominated them as their representative in the European clubs roads championship in Moscow Saturday 8/9/07. The Race was a 15k road race for teams of four, three to score plus a manager. The North Belfast Team was Sharon trimble, Louise Mc clean, Lisa Tracy and Cathy McCourt with Claire McCorry as team manager. Sharon Trimble was first home in 57minutes followed by Cathy McCourt, Louise McClean and Lisa Tracy. They finished a creditable 7th team against the elite of European clubs. Not to be outdone the manager Claire also competed in and finished the race. |
Anne Treacy b. 1 Oct 1818 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Ellen Treacy
William Treacy b. 11 Apr 1827 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Anne Tracy married Pat McGuchen 18 Apr 1835 Wit: Wla Tairn & Rose Liechen. St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Ann Tracy & Patt McGucken/McGuican
Cath McGucken b. 24 Mar 1839 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Ellen McGuican b. 13 Jul 1855 Sp. Catharine? Treasy? St. Patrick's, Belfast city
John McGucken b. 18 Apr 1858 Sp. James Quinn & Margt Morris St. Patrick's, Belfast city
John Treasy & Emelia Burley
Elisa Treasy b. 11 May 1835 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Ann Tracey/Treacy b. Belfast area
c1836? m. Thomas Maw in Manchester
b. Ashton (or possibly Belfast)
My 2nd Gt Grandmother was called Ann Tracey and she married my 2nd Gt Grandfather Thomas Maw in Manchester area date unknown, I have searched for a marriage but the only one I can find is for a John Maw to Ann Treacy in 1863 in Ashton Under Lyne, I believe this is their marriage but don't know why John changed his name to Thomas. Ann died in 1881 in Manchester Royal Infirmary but on the 1881 census Thomas & Ann are living in Ashton Under Lyne (again tying in with the marriage I found) and Ann says she was born in Belfast, and my their daughter my Gt Grandmother Elizabeth is stated as being born in Gorton, Manchester in c.1865. Then in 1882 Thomas marries an Elizabeth Tracey in Ashton Under Lyne giving her fathers name as John Tracey. On the 1891 census Elizabeth says she was born in Ashton. I have been trying to sort this mystery out for a few years now and whenever I find some new info it creates another problem to solve. I have searched for the birth of my Gt Grandmother Elizabeth Maw c.1865 in Gorton but can not find her anywhere, the only marriage I can find is that one for John Maw and Ann Treacy, and all I know about Ann Tracey/Treacy is that she was born c.1836 in Belfast and if Elizabeth Tracey was her sister then Ann’s father could be John Tracey/Treacy.
Mike Knight
Ann Tracey (b. 1836 in Belfast, Northern Ireland d. 16 June 1881 in Royal Infirmary, Manchester) Marriage 1 Thomas MAW (b: 1836 in Belton, Lincoln, England)
1. Elizabeth
Gertrude MAW b: 1865 in Gorton, Manchester, England
2. Ann MAW b: 20 JAN 1868 in 7 Mary Ellen Street, Manchester, England
3. Henry MAW b: 1870 in Manchester, Lancashire, England
4. Alfred MAW b: 1874 in Mancheser, England
Anne/Ann/Nancy Tracey & Jn/John Dennison/Doonan/Doran/Dornan
Ann Doran b. 6 Jan 1839 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Ellen Dornan b. 31 Jan 1841 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
John Doonan b. 2 Jan 1843 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Hugh Dornan b. 26 Feb 1845 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Art Dennison b. 25 Nov 1850 Sp. Bella Eaton St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Eugene Tracey & Jane Walsh
Elisa Tracey b. 22 Dec 1839 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Mary Tracey & Bernard Laverty
James Laverty b. 15 Feb 1842 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Mary Tracy & Bernard Laverty
Mary An Laverty b. 1 Aug 1854 Sp. Sarah Gallagher. Portrush RC Parish Antrim
Thos Tracy married Rosanne Campbell 2 Jun 1843 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Thos Tracy & Roseanna Campbell
John Tracy b. 10 Mar 1844 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Mary Thrice & John Land
James Land b. 17 Nov 1844 Sp. BLANK. St. Patrick's Parish, Belfast City
Thos Tracy & Mary McKenna
Amelia Tracy b. 12 Jul 1846 Sp. Margt Boyd St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Jane Tracy married Mathw McGarry 15 Aug 1846 St. Patrick's, Belfast city Wit: Alin McDermott
James Tracey married Rose McCullin 6 Oct 1850 St. Patrick's, Belfast city Wit: Ed M'Carmack & Rose M'Carmack
Sarah Tracey & James Hayes
Margaret Hayes b. 11 Sep 1851 Sp. Mary Creen. St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Jane Tracy & Ambrose Cullen
Jane Cullen b. 16 Jan 1854 Sp. James Breen & Ellen Breen. St. Patrick's, Belfast city
From: gar***
I am seeking Ambrose Cullen, birth, second marriage and children. Ambrose
Cullen married Ann Jane Niblock 19 Dec 1850 in Belfast and gave his age as 25
or 28 and his father James as a stonemason. Ambrose'e son James was born 11
April 1852 by this marriage. He had a daughter Jane by his second wife Jane
Trac(e)y on 16 Jan 1854. We note that the name Tracey also comes from Wicklow.
Edward Tracy, 23, bachelor, carter?, lives Townland of Lower Malone parish of Shankill, (s. of John Tracy, carman) married Margaret Wilson, 23, spinster, lives Townland of Lower Malone parish of Shankill, (d. of Robert Wilson, stone mason) 19 May 1855 Belfast Registrars Office Wit: William McCracken & Phillip Burk [Belfast PLU Antrim & Down] signed their marks
Edward Tracy (s. of John Tracy, 23 years) m.
Margaret Wilson (d. of Robert Wilson, 23 years) 19 May 1855 Belfast, Ant,
Edwd Tracey married
Eliza Lavery 13 Jun 1856 Wit: James Muldoon & Margrit Pollark St.
Patrick's, Belfast city
Edward Tracy &
Elizabeth Leary
Joseph Tracy b. 21 Oct? 1861? Sp
Anthony Leary St. Malachy's, Belfast city
Edward Tracey
& Elizabeth Lavery
Thomas Tracey b. 1 Mar 1863 Sp
Joseph Lavery? & Elizabeth Carty? St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Edward Tracey & Elizabeth Lavery
Edward Michael b. 29 November 1866 Belfast (LDS)
Edward Tracey, dealer, & Elizabeth Lavery
Michael Tracey b. 29 Nov 1866 of 51 Mill St Belfast. The mark of Elizabeth
Tracey, mother, 51 Mill St [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]
Edward Tracey, died 1874 Belfast
Belfast PLU, aged 7 years, b. 1867, bachelor, labourers child, died 13 Mar 1874
of 25 King St [St.
Patrick's RC], Jessie Lennox, present at death, 25 King St
John Tracy
Margaret Ann b. 6 May
1857 Christ Church Belfast (LDS)
Matimba b. 23
February 1859 Christ Church Belfast (LDS)
Bessy Tracey &
John Kennedy
John J Kennedy b. 30 Nov 1857
Rosanna McNicholl St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Jane Tracy &
Martin Hugh McConoll
Mathew Hugh McConoll b. 22 Jul 1858 Sp.
Tiresa Kere? St. Patrick's, Belfast city
William Tracy married Mary Loughlin of Gilford [Tullylish] 29 Jan 1859 Wit: William Bridget & Sarah Raverty. Tullylish Parish Co. Down
William Tracy & Mary Loughlin
Harriot Tracy b. 2 Apr 1860 Sp.
William Bridget & Ellen Loughlin. Tullylish Parish
William Tracey & Mary O'Loughlin/Loughlin/McLaughlin
Christopher Tracey b. 11/16 Jun 1867 of Mafford St Sp. Thomas Caphlay? & John Peart St. Peter's, Belfast city
William Tracey b. 2/30 Nov 1869 of Milford St Sp. ??? St. Peter's, Belfast city
Henry Tracy b. 6/7 Jan 1872 of Milford St 9 Sp. Hugh Boyle & Clara Mullan. St. Peter's, Belfast city
Patrick Tracy b. 4/6 Sep 1874 of Leeson St Sp. Mary Grumley. St. Peter's, Belfast city
Mary Ellen Treacy b. 6/8 Feb 1877 of Leeson St Sp. Ellen O'Neile. St. Peter's, Belfast city
Tracey/Treacey & Mary O’Laughlin/Loghlen/Loughlin
Christopher b. 13
June 1867 Belfast (LDS)
William b. 13
December 1869 Belfast No.4 (LDS)
Henry b. 10 February 1872 Belfast No 6 (LDS) Moved to Dublin with his brother John? (Dublin Census 1911)
Patrick Tracey b. 15 Dec 1874 Ireland
Mary Ellen b. 21
March 1877 Antrim Antrim (LDS)
William Tracey/Treacey, linen lapper & Mary
Tracey b. 13 June 1867 of 9 Milford St Belfast. Mary Tracey, her mark, mother 9
Milford Street [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]
William Tracey b. 13 Dec 1869 of 9
Milford St Belfast. The mark of Mary Tracey, mother, 9 Milford St [Belfast No.
4 Belfast PLU Antrim] [Registered 1870]
Henry Treacey b. 10 Feb 1872 of 9
Milford St. William Tracy, father, 9 Milford St [Belfast Belfast PLU]
Patrick Tracey b. 15 Dec 1874 of 141
Leeson St. Mary Tracey, her mark, mother, 141 Leeson St [Belfast Belfast PLU]
[registered 1875]
Mary Ellen Tracey b. 21 Mar 1877 of
141 Leeson St. Rose Haughey, her mark, present at birth, 78 Lincoln St [Belfast
Christopher Tracey, 21, bachelor, lithographic printer, lives 84 Albert St Belfast, (s. of
William Tracey, living,
linenlapper?) married Alice Conlon, 21, spinster, lirnder?, lives 18 Pound St
Belfast, (d. of Edward Conlon, dead,
labourer) 22 July 1888 RC Chapel St.
Peter Wit: Patrick McKenna & Mary Conlon [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [bad
1901 Census
Tracey, 33, M, 10 Nansen Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, Lithographer, Foreman,
Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, County of Antrim
Tracey, 34, F, Nansen Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, House Wife, Roman Catholic,
Wife, Married, County of Antrim
Tracey, 12, M, Nansen Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son,
Not Married, County of Antrim
Tracey, 9, M, Nansen Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son,
Not Married, County of Antrim
Tracey, 7, F, Nansen Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, Scholar, Roman Catholic,
Daughter, Not Married, County of Antrim
Tracey, 1, F, Nansen Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, , Roman Catholic, Daughter,
Not Married, County of Antrim
1911 Census
Chistopher, Tracey, 43,
M, Earlscourt Street, Falls,
Antrim (RC, Foreman lithographer, widower, 14
children/4 alive)
Tracey, 22, M, Earlscourt
Falls, Antrim (RC, son, printer, single)
Christina, Tracey, 17,
F, Earlscourt Street, Falls,
Antrim (RC, daughter, handkerchief box folder?, single)
Margerita, Tracey, 11, F, Earlscourt Street, Falls, Antrim (RC, daughter, scholar, single)
Henry/H Tracey,
full [age], bachelor, lithographer, lives 6 Barr? St, (s. of William Tracey, labourer) married
Maggie Magee, full [age], spinster, basket? maker, lives 119? Drays? St, (d. of
Ephraim Magee, deceased, basket maker) 12 May 1896 RC Chapel St Paul Wit:
Patrick? Tracey & Mary Hantherne? [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [very faint]
see above
1901 Census
Tracey, 28, M, 6 Mulhouse Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, Lithographic Printer,
Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Married, Belfast
Tracey, 26, F, Mulhouse Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, , Roman Catholic, Wife,
Married, Rutherglen, Scotland
Tracey, 0, F, Mulhouse Street, St. Anne's, Antrim, , Roman Catholic, Daughter,
Not Married, Belfast
1911 Census
Tracey, 125.5 Thomas St., 48, M, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast), Lithographic Printer
Tracey, Thomas St., 40, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 20, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 18, M, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 16, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 14, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 9, F, Usher's Quay Dublin
Tracey, Thomas St., 38, M, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast, brother), Lithographic Printer
Robert Crocker (head, RC, 26, m, carpenter, married, b. Co. Wexford)
Mary Ann Magee (mother-in-law, RC, 70, F, widow, b. Belfast)
Maggie, Tracey, 35,
F, Kashmir Road, Falls,
Antrim (sister-in-law, RC, married 17 years, 7
children/4 alive, b. Glasgow)
Mable, Tracey, 11,
F, Kashmir Road, Falls,
Antrim (niece, RC, scholar, single, b. Belfast)
William, Tracey, 9,
M, Kashmir Road, Falls,
Antrim (nephew, RC, scholar, single, b. Belfast)
Maggie, Tracey, 6,
F, Kashmir Road, Falls,
Antrim (niece, RC, scholar, single, b. Belfast)
Josephine, Tracey, 2,
F, Kashmir Road, Falls,
Antrim (niece, RC, scholar, single, b. Belfast)
Patrick Tracey, 20 years, bachelor, labourer, lives 25 Mulhouse St, (s. of William Tracey, labourer) married Alicia Mason, 20 years, spinster, winder, lives 9 Bowe St, (d. of John Mason, labourer) 25 December 1894 RC Chapel St Peter Wit: Peter Flanagan & Mary Hawthorne [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]
1901 Census
Tracey, 26, M, 6 Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, General Labourer, R C, Head of
Family, Married, Belfast
Tracey, 26, F, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, , R C, Wife, Married, Kildare
John Tracey, 5, M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, Scholar, R C, Son, Not
Married, Belfast
Tracey, 3, M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, Scholar, R C, Son, Not Married,
Tracey, 1, F, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, , RC, Daughter, Not Married,
Tracey, 0, M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, , R C, Son, Not Married, Belfast
1911 Census
Tracey, 36,
Bow Street,
Antrim (head, RC,
Barman, married 16 years, b. Belfast)
Tracey, 36,
Bow Street,
Antrim (wife, RC, 8
children/6 alive, b. Kildare)
James, Tracey, 15, M,
Bow Street,
Antrim (son, RC,
Message boy, b. Belfast)
Tracey, 13,
Bow Street,
Antrim (son, RC,
Message boy, b. Belfast)
Tracey, 11,
Bow Street,
Antrim (daughter, RC,
Scholar, b. Belfast)
Tracey, 8,
Bow Street,
Antrim (son, RC,
Scholar, b. Belfast)
Tracey, 6,
Bow Street,
Antrim (son, RC,
Scholar, b. Belfast)
Tracey, 2,
Bow Street,
Antrim (son, RC,
Scholar, b. Belfast)
Joseph Tracy,
21, single, b. 1910 Belfasy Ireland (s. of
Patrick & Letitia Mason) married Vilma Fulop, 18, single, b. 1913
N.Y.City (d. of John & Elizabeth Lockatos) 7 Feb 1931 Manhattan, New York,
New York
John Tracey/Treacy, full age, BLANK condition, lithographer, lives 114.5 Albert St, (s. of
Wm Tracey/Treacy,
Linanlapper?/Linnan [crossed out & inserted]) married Alvina Mary Kelly, Do
[full age], BLANK condition, fancy boxmaker?, lives 4 Tyrone St, (d. of Samuel
Kelly, dead) 19 August 1888 RC Chapel St. Josephs Wit: John Fitzsimons &
Alice Clarke [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [Tracey crossed out, Treacy inserted]
1901 Census
Tracy, 38, M, 11.5 Lower Kevin Street, Mansion House, Dublin, Litrographer,
Roman Catholic, Boarder, Married, Belfast
Tracy, 9, M, Lower Kevin Street, Mansion House, Dublin, Scholar, Roman
Catholic, Boarder, Not Married, Belfast
Tracey, 11, F, 43.1 Lower Kevin Street, Mansion House, Dublin, Sholars, R
Catholic, Boarder, Not Married, Dublin
Tracey, 9, F, Lower Kevin Street, Mansion House, Dublin, Sholars, R Catholic,
Boarder, Not Married, Dublin
Tracey, 7, F, Lower Kevin Street, Mansion House, Dublin, Sholars, R Catholic,
Boarder, Not Married, Dublin
Mary Dalton, 42, F,
Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Domestic Work, Widow, Dublin
1911 Census
Tracey, 125.5 Thomas St., 48, M, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast), Lithographic Printer
Tracey, Thomas St., 40, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 20, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 18, M, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 16, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 14, F, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast)
Tracey, Thomas St., 9, F, Usher's Quay Dublin
Tracey, Thomas St., 38, M, Usher's Quay Dublin (b. Belfast, brother), Lithographic Printer
Elizabeth Ann Tracey, 17, spinster, lives Glengormlay (d. of John Tracey, bleacher) married John Murray, full age, bachelor,
painter, lives Belfast, (s. of John Murray, dead) 24 July 1864 RC Chapel of
Greencastle Wit: John Tracey &
Margaret Mulholland [Whitehouse Belfast PLU]
Elizabeth Ann Tracey, single, 17 years, (d. of John Tracey) m. John Murray, single, (s. of John Murray) 24 Jul 1864 Belfast, Ant, Ireland (LDS)
Elizabeth Tracey of Glengormley married John Murray of Belfast 24 Jul 1864 Wit: John Tracey. Greencastle Parish Antrim
James Tracy, 21, bachelor, labourer, lives Whiteabbey Carnmoney (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married Eliza Beatty, 23, spinster, lives Whiteabbey Carnmoney (d. of Joseph Beatty, weaver) 6 January 1866 Registers Office Wit: Thomas Hamilton & Joseph Ross, their marks [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] signed their marks
James Tracey &
Eliza Beatty
John b. 17 November
1866 Whitehouse District (LDS)
James Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Beatty
Tracey b. 17 Nov 1866 of Jordanstown [Carnmoney Antrim] Belfast. James Tracey,
his mark, father, Jordanstown [1866 16 380 Whitehouse Belfast PLU]
James Tracey married Teresa Hughes 16 Jun 1866 Wit: Joseph Collins & Mary Doran. St. Malachy's, Belfast city [Not listed in State Registration]
James Tracy/Trecy & Teresa/Tresea Hughes
Emily Tracy b. 15/16 Mar 1867 of Peel St Sp. Maryann Hughes St. Peter's, Belfast city
Teresa Trecy b. 6/9 Dec 1868 of 66 Cuper S Sp. Melizabeth Logan St. Peter's, Belfast city
James Tracey &
Tiresa/Theressa Hughes
Emily b. 11 March
1867 Belfast (LDS)
Tiresa b. 5 December
1868 Belfast No.5 (LDS)
James Tracey, mechanic, & Theressa Hughes
Emily Tracey b. 11 Mar 1867 of 9 Peel St Belfast. Isabella ONeill, her mark, present at birth, 55 Mary Street [College Belfast PLU]
Tracey b. 5 Dec 1868 of 40 Sixth St Belfast. James Tracey, father, 40 Sixth St
[Belfast Belfast PLU]
Emma McCurry, 34, widow, b. 1870 Wilkesbarre Pa (d. of James Tracey & Therese Hughes) married John Winkler, 35, single, b. 1869 Tochberg Tyrol Austria (s. of Warner Winkler & Mary Winkler) 11 Apr 1904 Manhattan, New York, New York, United States
Theresa Wilson b. Ireland (d. of James Tracy, machinist, & Theresa Hughes) died 23 Sep 1929 105 Pleasant Street Concord New Hampshire. Spouse: Samuel J. Wilson. Buried St. Josephs West Roxbury Mass
Michael Tracey, 40, bachelor, pensioner, lives 42 Leffle? Patrick st (s. of BLANK Tracey, labourer) married Sarah McGaney, 22, spinster, lives 42 Leffle? Patrick st (d. of James McGaney, mason) 9 November 1866 RC Chapel Saint Patrick wit: John Redmond? & L? Maher, their marks [Hospital Belfast PLU Antrim] signed their marks
Michael Tracey married Sarah McGainey 9 Nov 1866 Wit: John Maher & John Redmond. St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Michael Tracey, 40 years, single (s. of ??? Tracey) m. Sarah McGaney, 22 years, single (d. of James McGaney) 09 Nov 1866 Belfast, Ant, Ireland (LDS)
Michael Tracy & Sarah McGainey
Sarah Elizabeth Tracy b. 08 Feb 1866 Sp Bridget McCruddan. St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Michael Tracey &
Sarah McGanney/McGaley
Sarah Elizabeth b. 21
January 1866 Belfast (LDS)
Michael b. 16
November 1873 Belfast (LDS)
Michael Tracey, labourer, & Sarah
Elizabeth Tracey b. 21 Jan 1866 of 22 Little Patrick Street Belfast. Sarah
Tracey, her mark, 22 Little Patrick Street Belfast [Belfast Belfast PLU]
Michael Tracey b. 16 Nov 1873 Lying
in Hospital [Belfast Belfast PLU] of 47 Kent St
Michael Tracey, died 1876, Belfast Belfast PLU, age 61 years, b. 1815, died 17 Mar
1876 of 6 Coars Lane [St. Patrick's RC], married, pensioner, Sarah Tracey, her mark, present at
death, 6 Coars Lane
Rose Ann Tracy & Wm John Chambers
Thomas Chambers b. 28 May 1867 Sp. Mary McGeo St. Malachy's, Belfast city
Samuel Chambers b. 28 May 1867 Sp. Ellin Numan St. Malachy's, Belfast city
Ellen Tracey, 18, spinster, mill worker, lives 33 ??? St (d. of Francis Tracey, labourer) married Henry Byrne, 29, widower, Private 54th Regt, lives Belfast Barrack, (s. of Henry Byrne, butler) 3 January 1869 RC Chapel Saint Patricks Wit: Edward Bratly? & Mary Thompson [Belfast Belfast PLU] Antrim
Ellen Tracey, 18 years, (d. of Francis Tracey) m. Henry Byrne, 29 years, widowed (s. of Henry Byrne) 03 Jan 1869 Belfast No2, Antrim, Ireland (LDS)
Ellen Treacy & Henry Byrne of 54th
Willm Francis Byrne b. 16 Apr 1871 Sp. Eliza Renison & Edwd Tallant. Curragh Camp Parish
Lizzie Tracey & James M'Sheenan
James M'Sheeman b. 29 Apr/6 May 1871
of Conway St 190 Sp. Catherine Brankin St. Peter's, Belfast city
Eliza Tracy
Mary Ann Tracy b. 20 Mar 1873
Workhouse Belfast [Belfast Belfast PLU]
Mary Ann Tracy,
died 1873 Belfast Belfast PLU, aged 0 years 8 months, b. 1873, spinster, child
of weaver, died 3 Dec 1873 at 42 Gardiner St, Elizabeth Tracy, her mark, present at death, 42 Gardiner St
George Parnell Treacy, 23, bachelor, budener?, lives Belfast, (s. of Robert Treacy, farmer?) married Lizzie/Elizabeth McKay, 19,
spinster, BLANK, lives Belfast, (d. of Donald McKay, mechanic?) 26 March 1873
Presbyterian Church Townsend St Belfast Wit: Henry Wells & Jane Gliser?
[Belfast PLU Antrim]
George Prescott Tracey/Treacy/Treacey (b. 36 Mcclure Street) & Lizzie/Elizabeth
Clara Hanna Tracey b. 3 Jan 1874
Belfast Castlereagh No 1, Down (LDS) Knockbreda
Jane Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 McClure
Street Belfast, Antrim (LDS)
Martha/Maude Treacy b. 28 Feb 1878
Belfast Down Down (LDS)
George Prescott Treacy/Treacey b. 12
Aug 1880 Belfast, Down (LDS)
George Treacy,
draper, & Elizabeth McKay
Jane Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 of 36
McClure Street. Geo Treacy, father, 36 McClure Street [Belfast Belfast PLU]
[registered 1876]
Jane Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 of 36
McClure Street. George Treacy, father, 36 McClure Street [Belfast Belfast PLU]
[registered 1876] [cancelled]
Ruby Elizabeth Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875
of 36 W Clare Street. Geo Treacy, father, 36 W Clare Street [Belfast Belfast
PLU] [cancelled]
25 June 1892 Belfast News-Letter
Treacy - June 24.
at his residence, Coosilla House, Lower Sydenharm, Belfast, George Prescott
Treacy. The remains of my beloved husband will be removed for interment in the
City ...
14 Nov 1894 (BL) Dublin
Day by Day
The election of twelve candidates as pupils of the Masonic Orphan Boys School was announced today...Albert R. Treacy, son of the late Mr. George Prescott Treacy, commission agent, Belfast...1679 votes...[1901 Census Dundrum, Dublin]
Clara Hannah Treacy, 23, spinster, BLANK
profession, lives 33 Fleetwood Street Belfast, (d. of George Prescott Treacy, commission agent) married Archibald
Fletcher, 25, bachelor, plater, lives 46 Alexandra Avenue Belfast, (s. of Hugh
Fletcher, plater) 19 December 1898 St. Anne's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert
Gamble & Madge Hunter [Belfast PLU]
Martin and Treacy - June 19 [1901], at Christ Church,
Rathgar, Dublin by the Rev. John Ramsey, LLB, Ballymoney, Alexander Blair,
fifth son of the late Robert Martin, 4 Belgrave place, Rathmines, to Jean (Jennie) second daughter of the late
George Prescott Treacy, Belfast.
1901 Census of England
George Prescott Treacy, 20,
Belfast, A B Seaman, Glamorganshire
George Prescott
Treacy, 39, b. 1881, clerk, of 73 The Mansions Durban m. Elsie Maud Reid, 23,
b. 1897, of Shamfordhill Road Durbane, on the
27 Mar 1920 Durban, Natal, South Africa Wit: Mary Smith & Arthur J
Neill family tree (LDS)
Clara Hannah
Treacy b 3 January 1874 183 Woodstock Road, Belfast married Archibald Fletcher
19 December 1898 St Annes Cathedral Church of Ireland, Belfast 1901 Census 1901
Govan, Lanarkshire
Maude Victoria
Treacy b. 24 May 1888 Sydenham Belfast d. 21 June 1961 Belfast. 1901 Census
Main Street, Bangor, Co Down.
Ruby Florence
Treacy b. 19 January 1883 211 Lorne Terrace, Belfast d. 2 July 1953 Hamilton,
Auckland, New Zealand 1901 Census Kingstown, Dublin 1911 Census Rathmines &
Rathgar West Dublin. married Harry Neill Forsythe 1911 New Zealand
George P Tracey, Belfast Co
Antrim, 372 13th Feb 1891
George Prescot Tracey, 26 Jul
1882, Lodge 372 Gillhall Down, To 31. Died 24 Dec ‘93
25 June 1892 (BL)
- June 24. at his
residence, Coosilla House, Lower Sydenharm, Belfast, George Preseott Treacy. The remains
of my beloved husband will be removed for interment in the City Cemetery,
to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at three o clock…
1858 – 1920
Calendars of Wills and Administrations
George Prescott Treacy
24 Jun 1892 4 Waring Street Belfast and Sydenham Down, by Hutchinson
M’Kee and Robert J. Murray, Merchants
George Prescott Treacy: The Will of George Prescott Treacy late of 4 Waring-street Belfast and Sydenham County Down Manufacturer's Agent who died 24 June 1892 at latter place was proved at Belfast by Hutchinson M'Kee and Robert J. Murray Merchants both of Belfast the Executors. Date Of Grant: 07/10/1892 Effects: Effects £598 12s [Will: 4 Waring-street Belfast 4th May 1887, Sydenham Belfast County Down, my present wife Eliza Treacy, £40 per year to my wife for the support of herself and the children provided she remains unmarried]
18 Oct 1892 (BL) Notices
In the Goods of George Prescott Treacy, late of Belfast, in the County of Antrim, Commission Agent, Deceased....on or about the 24th June 1892...
Elizabeth Tracey/Tracy & John/Edward McGuirk/Mcguirke
Catherine McGuirke b. 26/30 Mar 1874
of English Sp. Catherine Tracey St.
Peter's, Belfast city
Elizabeth McGuirk b. 23/30 Apr 1877 of
Hillen Place Sp Margt M'Gouvern St. Mary's, Belfast city
Elizabeth McGuirk b. 20/28 Apr 1879
of Qualikelan? Place Sp St. Peter's, Belfast city
John Tracy,
Sergt 89th Regt, & Mary Coffee [see
Avoca Wicklow]
Frederick Tracy b. 26 Aug 1875
Belfast Barracks. John Tracy Sergt, father, Belfast Barracks [Belfast Belfast
Treacy, full [age], bachelor,
outfitter, lives 2 Alexandra Terrace Belfast, (s. of Robert Treacy, bootmaker) married Emma Glasgow, full [age],
spinster, BLANK, lives 2 Alexandra Terrace Belfast, (d. of William Alexander
Glasgow, watchmaker) 4 September 1875 St. Thomas Church of Ireland Wit: Ellen
Brown & Robert Burkitt [Belfast PLU Antrim]
William Treacy,
outfitter, & Emma Glasgow
MALE Treacy b. 18 Jun 1876 of 1
Scotchmount Terrace. William Treacy, father, 1 Scotchmount Terrace Lisburn Rd
[Belfast Belfast PLU]
Tracey/Tracy & Emma Glasgow
Madeline Tracey b. 13 December 1878 Ballynafeigh Belfast in Annaclone, County
Down [Derrykeighan Antrim] (LDS)
Violet Emma Tracy/Tracey b. 11/19 Feb 1881
Dublin Dublin (LDS)
22 June 1876 (BL) Births
Treacy - June 13 at 1 Scotchmount Terrace, Belfast, the wife of William Treacy, of a son
12 November, 1877 Belfast Newsletter
Tracey -- November 9, at
1, Scotchmount Terrace, Belfast, Howard Alexander Mahon, son of Mr. Wm. Tracey,
aged 1 year and 6 months.
Wm. Treacey, manager, 1 Scotchmount Terrace
Kingsland Park, Dublin
Treacy, 8, b. 1879, Methodist, lives Victoria St, parent widow, 8 Mar 1887
Treacy, 6, b. 1881, Methodist, lives Victoria St, parent widow, 8 Mar 1887
Treacy, 7, b. 1881, Methodist, lives Victoria St, parent widow, 6 Jul 1888
Park Methodist Church and National School, St. Kevin's Road, Victoria Street,
Dublin 8]
Treacy, 50, F, 49.3 Longwood Avenue, Wood Quay, Dublin, Dressmaker, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Widow, Kings Co
Treacy, 21, F, Longwood Avenue, Wood Quay, Dublin, Drapery Business Assistant,
Wesleyan Church Methodist, Daughter, Not Married, Belfast
1911 Census
Treacy, 49.2 Longwood Avenue, 61, F, Wood Quay Dublin (b. Offaly, widow, Irish
Treacy, Longwood Avenue, 31, F, Wood Quay Dublin (b. Belfast, single, Irish
Sarah Tracey,
full [age], spin, BLANK, lives Richet;s? Place, (d. of Michl Tracey, stone cutter) married John McAuley, full[age],
widower, labourer, lives Abbey St, (s. of Barney McAuley, labourer) 28 August
1876 Christ Church of Ireland Belfast Wit: Mary McNeally? & Hans? Cleland,
signed her mark [Belfast PLU Antrim] signed their marks
Tracey, 19, spinster, BLANK,
lives 171 Uring? St, (d. of John Tracey,
labourer) married Thomas Teer, 21, bachelor, labourer, lives 173 Uring? St (s.
of William Teer, labourer) 30 August 1878 St. Annes Church of Ireland Wit:
Thomas Hiffinson & Martha Gillesbie [Belfast PLU Antrim]
Teir/Teer nee Tracey, 30,
widow, servant, lives Beneva Osborne Park Belfast, (d. of John Tracey, labr) married William Greene/Green, 42, bachelor,
railway servant, lives 15 St Andrew's North Belfast, (s. of Henry Green, clerk)
07 April 1889 S Annes Belfast Church of Ireland Wit: Isaac Patterson &
Susanna Bell [Belfast PLU Antrim]
Cath Tracy &
William Smith
Johanna [William crossed out] Smith
b. 3/6 Oct 1878 of 18 Keyssine St Sp. Edwd Gagen & James? Gagan St. Peter's, Belfast city
Mary Tracy
Mary Elizabeth b. 28
October 1879 Belfast (LDS)
Thomas Tracey,
full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Conlif? Street Belfast, (s. of Timothy Tracey, labourer) married Mary
Jane Nevins, full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Conlif Street Belfat, (d. of
Henry? Nevins, labourer) 04 July 1880 St. Annes Church of Ireland Wit: T? Scott
& Sarah Tripond? signed her mark [Belfast PLU Antrim] signed her mark
Thomas Tracy &
Mary Jane Evans
Thomas Tracy b. 10 December
1880 Belfast (LDS)
1901 Census
Tracey, 60, M, 6 Harold Street, Clifton, Antrim, General Labourer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Belfast City
Jane Tracey, 50, F, Harold Street, Clifton, Antrim, Linen Weaver, Church of
Ireland, Wife, Married, Belfast City
Tracey, 25, M, Harold Street, Clifton, Antrim, Engine Driver in Rope Works,
Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Belfast City
Tracey, 19, F, Harold Street, Clifton, Antrim, Linen Weaver, Church of Ireland,
Daughter, Not Married, Belfast City
J Tracey, 15, M, Harold Street, Clifton, Antrim, Labourer in Factory Lett
Boy, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Belfast City
Birth out of wedlock
Belfast 1873
My grandfather David Tracey always gave his birth date as 17 Dec
1879. His parents were Thomas Tracey and Mary Jane Evans who were married in
July 1880 at St Anne's C of I in Shankill parish. Both were shown as previously
I've now found out that David was born as David Evans on 17 Dec 1873, six years
earlier than he always claimed. His parents were shown as David Evans and Mary
Jane Evans nee Armstrong. The birth was registered by his mother. I've not
found a marriage or any other children for this couple so I'm almost certain
that Mary Jane Evans was an unmarried mother who invented a husband and the
maiden name of Armstrong to avoid registering her son as illegitimate.
This leaves me without a name for David's birth father. I've wondered if the
father's name may have been Armstrong, possibly David Armstrong. I realise I'm
probably clutching at straws here but would be interested to hear if anyone
else has a similar situation where an unmarried mother claimed to be married
and used the father's name as her maiden name. Also if anyone thinks this is
unlikely I'd be interested to hear why.
frankie-d 27 December 2010
went down to the LDS FHC yesterday and looked at the film for this birth, the
family were in the same street (Boomer St off Divis St) where David jnr was
born so David snr and Mary Jane were indeed a genuine couple. Still haven't
found a wedding for them.
This leaves the following partial sequence of records for Mary Jane –
May 1877 Gives birth to Thomas Evans (name shown as MJ Evans, formerly
July 1880 Marries Thomas Tracey (name shown as MJ Nevins, previously unmarried,
father Henry Nevins)
Dec 1880 Gives birth to Thomas Tracey jnr (name shown as MJ Tracey, formerly
think Thomas Evans may have died in infancy, there's no mention of him in
family lore and there's a record of a Thomas Evans age 0 who died early 1878 in
Belfast. The LDS don't have this on film so I'll have to send off for it.
I can’t find any death cert which fits for David Evans around this time. I’m
wondering if he may have just gone away rather than died.
My next question is thus about why MJ would describe herself as Spinster
(previously unmarried) on her marriage record. If David had died would there be
a stigma attached to being a widow marrying again or does this suggest that
David was still alive and the marriage was bigamous? I’d be interested to hear
from anyone who has encountered a similar situation.
frankie-d 6 Jan 2011
Lizzie Tracey
[Douglas crossed out], 23, spinster, millworker, lives 7 Brown St, (d. of Patrick Tracey, alive, car driver)
married Robert Shevlin, 25, bachelor, labourer, lives 66 Millfield, (s. of
Michael Shevlin, alive, dealer) 23 April 1881 RC Chapel St. Mary Wit: Charles
Meneary & Annie Douglas, signed her mark [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]
signed her mark
Dora Tracy,
22, spinster, servant, lives 21 Dandy Row Belfast, (d. of John Tracy, fireman) married Isaac Patterson, 20, bachelor, porter,
lives 17 St Andrews Sq Belfast, (s. of Isaac Patterson, woodman) 03 November
1883 St. Annes Church of Ireland Wit: James Wright & Mary Jane Patterson
[Belfast Belfast PLU]
Mary Tracey,
20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 21 Argyle Street, (d. of John Tracey, labourer) married Joseph
Whiteside, 20, bachelor, labourer, lives 21 Argyle Street, (s. of George Whiteside,
labourer) 11 August 1884 Trinity Church of Ireland Wit: John Whiteside &
Eliza Whiteside [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]
Mary Tracey,
full age, spinster, servant, lives Chichester Park, (d. of James Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Patrick McCollum, full
age, bachelor, teacher, lives Hanover, (s. of Thomas McCollum, deceased,
farmer) 25 January 1886 RC Chapel St. Patrick Wit: Patrick Mooney & Lizzie
Mooney, signed her mark [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] see Glenravel
Maggie Tracey,
20, spinster, spinner, lives Asylum Co Belfast, (d. of Francis Tracey, dead, farmer) married Owen Joseph Farnan, 22,
bachelor, hackler, lives 10 Boundary St Belfast, (s. of Owen Farran, dead,
farmer) 02 February 1886 RC Chapel St. Peters Wit: William Spallen & Teresa
Reid [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] signed her mark
William Tacey,
full [age], bachelor, labourer, lives Belfast, (s. of John Tacey, farmer) married Margaret Brown nee McIlveen, full
[age], widow, BLANK profession, lives Belfast, (d. James McIlveen, farmer) 01
October 1887 Fisherwick Place Presbyterian Church Wit: James Gerrard &
Fanny Maine [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] signed her mark [faint copy] [Tracey in index]
Christopher Tracey, 21, bachelor, lithographic printer, lives 84 Albert St Belfast, (s. of
William Tracey, living,
linenlapper?) married Alice Conlon, 21, spinster, lirnder?, lives 18 Pound St
Belfast, (d. of Edward Conlon, dead,
labourer) 22 July 1888 RC Chapel St.
Peter Wit: Patrick McKenna & Mary Conlon [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [bad
copy] [see above]
John Tracey/Treacy, full age, BLANK condition, lithographer, lives 114.5 Albert St, (s. of
Wm Tracey/Treacy,
Linanlapper?/Linnan [crossed out & inserted]) married Alvina Mary Kelly, Do
[full age], BLANK condition, fancy boxmaker?, lives 4 Tyrone St, (d. of Samuel
Kelly, dead) 19 August 1888 RC Chapel St. Josephs Wit: John Fitzsimons &
Alice Clarke [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [Tracey crossed out, Treacy inserted]
[see above]
Ellen Tracey,
22, spinster, milloverseer?, lives 22 Argyle St Belfast, (d. of John Tracey, lab) married Thomas
Skillen, 28, bachelor, lab, lives 133
Firthmingle? St Belfast (s. of Alexander
Skillen, blacksmith) 21 January 1889 St. Annes Belfast Church of Ireland Wit: William Tracey & Agnes Skillen,
signed her mark [Belfast PLU Antrim]
Ellen Skillen nee Tracey, 30, widow, factory worker, lives 22 Warwick Street Belfast, (d. of John Tracey, labourer) married Andrew
Hunter, 50, widower, moulder, lives 7 Stanhope Street Belfast, (s. of David
Hunter, iron moulder) 13 June 1896 St. Anne's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert
Gamble & Eliza Gourley, signed her mark [Belfast PLU] signed their marks
Teir/Teer nee Tracey, 30,
widow, servant, lives Beneva Osborne Park Belfast, (d. of John Tracey, labr) married William Greene/Green, 42, bachelor,
railway servant, lives 15 St Andrew's North Belfast, (s. of Henry Green, clerk)
07 April 1889 S Annes Belfast Church of Ireland Wit: Isaac Patterson &
Susanna Bell [Belfast PLU Antrim] see above
James Tracey,
23, bachelor, boiler maker, lives 21 Scotch Row Ballymacarrett [Knockbreda
Down], (s. of James Tracey, living,
rigger) married Maria Robinson, 21, spinster, nil [profession], lives 16
Barrack St Belfast, (d. of Henry Robinson, living, labourer) 26 January 1890 RC
Chapel St Mary Wit: Edward Boylan & Mary Boylan [Belfast Belfast PLU
1901 Census
Tracey, 33, M, 29 Dunmore Street, Falls Ward, Antrim, Boiler Maker, R Catholic,
Head of Family, Married, England
Tracey, 29, F, 29 Dunmore Street, Falls Ward, Antrim, House Keeper, R Catholic,
Wife, Married, England
Tracey, 7, F, 29 Dunmore Street, Falls Ward, Antrim, Scholar, R Catholic,
Daughter, Not Married, England
Rose Wallace, border,
R Catholic, 26, seamtress, married, b. England
Lizzie Wallace,
daughter, R. Catholic, 3, scholar, b. England
James, Tracey, 40,
M, 29 Dunmore Street, Falls,
Antrim (RC, Boiler maker, b. Co. Down)
Maria, Tracey, 39,
F, Dunmore Street, Falls,
Antrim (RC, wife of 21 years, 6 children 2 alive, b.
Co. Down)
Annie, Tracey, 18,
F, Dunmore Street, Falls,
Antrim (RC, daughter, seamstress, single, b. Co. Down)
Mary, Tracey, 10,
F, Dunmore Street, Falls,
Antrim (RC, daughter, scholar, single, b. Co. Down)
Rose Wallace (RC, sister, seamstress, widow, b. Co. Down)
William Tracy,
32, bachelor, labourer, lives 70 Malvern St Belfast, (s. of John Tracy, labourer) married Agnes
Murray, 23, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 64 Argyle St Belfast, (d. of
Dawson Murray, labourer) 03 November 1890 St. Anne's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert Tracy & Jane Graham, signed
his mark [Belfast PLU] signed her mark
William Tracey,
labourer, & Agnes Murray
Susan Tracey b. 8 Oct 1895 of 14
Wilton Square South. Susan Murray 16 Brownlow St, present at birth, her mark
[Belfast Belfast PLU]
1901 Census
Tracey, 42, M, 4 Wilton Square, Woodvale Ward, Antrim, Labour, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, County Antrim
Tracey, 34, F, Wilton Square, Woodvale Ward, Antrim, House Keeper, Church of
Ireland, Wife, Married, County Antrim
Tracey, 6, M, Wilton Square, Woodvale Ward, Antrim, School Boy, Church of
Ireland, Son, , County Antrim
Tracey, 5, F, Wilton Square, Woodvale Ward, Antrim, School Girl, Church of
Ireland, Daughter, , County Antrim
Tracey, 3, M, Wilton Square, Woodvale Ward, Antrim, At Home, Church of Ireland,
Son, , County Antrim
Tracey, 1, M, Wilton Square, Woodvale Ward, Antrim, At Home, Church of Ireland,
Son, , County Antrim
1911 Census
William, Tracey, 53,
M, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim (head, CoI, Platers helper, married 21 years)
Agnes, Tracey, 44,
F, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim (wife, CoI, 12 children/6 alive, b. City of
John, Tracey, 16,
M, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim Antrim (son, CoI, Apprentice heckle setter?,
single, b. City of Belfast)
Robert, Tracey, 13,
M, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim (son, CoI, Scholar, b. City of Belfast)
Edward, Tracey, 11,
M, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim (son, CoI, Scholar, b. City of Belfast)
Joseph, Tracey, 6,
M, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim (son, CoI, Scholar, b. City of Belfast)
Hebert, Tracey, 2,
M, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim (son, CoI, Scholar, b. City of Belfast)
Elizabeth, Tracey, 0,
F, Wier Street, Shankill,
Antrim (daughter, CoI, Scholar, b. City of Belfast)
Hugh Tracey,
39, bachelor, labourer, lives 8 Murphy St Belfast, (s. of Edward Tracey, labourer) married Catherine Herdman, 34, spinster,
machinist, lives 19 Keegan St Belfast, (s. of Martin Herdman, farmer) 28 June
1891 St. Anne's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert Stephenson & Lizzie Irvine
[Belfast PLU] signed her mark
Catherine Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives 9 Glentilt St Belfast,
(d. of Robert Tracy, labourer)
married Frederick Daly, full [age], bachelor, private Lancashire Fusiliers, lives
Victoria BKS Belfast, (s. of Edwin Daly, labourer) 14 September 1892 Sandy Row
Methodist Church Wit: James Vance & Sarah Ross [Belfast PLU Antrim]
Mary Tracey,
19, spinster, spinner, lives 20 Ardilea St, (d. of Patrick Tracey, builder) married James J McCafferty, 21, bachelor,
widower, shireman?, lives 20 Ardilea St, (s. of not known) 21 January 1894 RC
Chapel Sacred Heart of Belfast Wit: Joseph Donaghy & Grace Murphy [Belfast
Belfast PLU Antrim]
Patrick Tracey, 20 years, bachelor, labourer, lives 25 Mulhouse St, (s. of William Tracey, labourer) married Alicia Mason, 20 years, spinster, winder, lives 9 Bowe St, (d. of John Mason, labourer) 25 December 1894 RC Chapel St Peter Wit: Peter Flanagan & Mary Hawthorne [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [see above]
1901 Census
Tracey, 26, M, 6 Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, General Labourer, R C, Head of
Family, Married, Belfast
Tracey, 26, F, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, , R C, Wife, Married, Kildare
John Tracey, 5, M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, Scholar, R C, Son, Not
Married, Belfast
Tracey, 3, M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, Scholar, R C, Son, Not Married,
Tracey, 1, F, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, , RC, Daughter, Not Married,
Tracey, 0, M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim, , R C, Son, Not Married, Belfast
1911 Census
Patrick, Tracey, 36,
M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim (head, RC, Barman, married
16 years, b. Belfast)
Alicia, Tracey, 36,
F, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim (wife, RC, 8 children/6
alive, b. Kildare)
Tracey, 15, M, Bow
Smithfield, Antrim (son, RC, Message boy, b.
Thomas, Tracey, 13,
M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim (son, RC, Message boy, b.
Alicia, Tracey, 11,
F, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim (daughter, RC, Scholar, b.
Robert, Tracey, 8,
M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim (son, RC, Scholar, b.
James, Tracey, 6,
M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim (son, RC, Scholar, b.
Joseph, Tracey, 2,
M, Bow Street, Smithfield, Antrim (son, RC, Scholar, b.
William John Tracey (b. 1 May 1895
Belfast d. 16 December 1959 Belfast) m. Catherine McCrory.
Kieran McBrien Aug 18 2003
William John Tracey, full [age], bachelor, labourer,
lives 52 Bond St. Belfast, (s. of Edward
Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Sarah Lane nee McCormick, full [age],
widow, laundry woman, lives 52 Bond St. Belfast, (d. of John M'Cormick,
gardener) 16 December 1895 S. John's Church of Ireland Wit: David Wilson &
Jeannie White, signed their marks [Belfast PLU] signed his mark
1901 Census
John Trasey, 40, M, 52 Bond Street, Cromac, Antrim, Labourer, Church of
Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Belfast City
Trasey, 38, F, 52 Bond Street, Cromac, Antrim, House Keeper, Roman Catholic,
Wife, Married, Co of Antrim
Ellen Lane, 19, F, 52 Bond Street, Cromac, Antrim, Smother, Roman
Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co of Antrim
Henry/H Tracey,
full [age], bachelor, lithographer, lives 6 Barr? St, (s. of William Tracey, labourer) married
Maggie Magee, full [age], spinster, basket? maker, lives 119? Drays? St, (d. of
Ephraim Magee, deceased, basket maker) 12 May 1896 RC Chapel St Paul Wit: Patrick? Tracey & Mary Hantherne?
[Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim] [very faint] see above
Patrick Tracey,
24, bachelor, miner, lives 29 Princes Street Belfast, (s. of James Tracey, miner) married Mary Anne
Conroy, 23, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 68 Foundry Street Ballymacarrett,
(d. of William Conroy, gardener) 05 July 1897 St Anne's Church of Ireland Wit:
Robert Gamble & Annie McKenzie [Belfast PLU]
Ellen Tracy,
26, spinster, BLANK profession, lives 18 Erin St Belfast, (d. of James Tracey, labourer) married Hugh
Eaton, 26, bachelor, labourer, lives 4 Washington St Belfast, (s. of James
Eaton, laborer) 02 August 1898 St Luke's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert Campbell
& Martha Carlisle [Lower Falls Belfast PLU] signed their marks
Ellen Tracey & Hugh Eaton
Hello, I was wondering if you could help me, I was looking at the marriages on the Tracey Clan web page and noticed a marriage of Ellen Tracey 3rd quarter 1898 (1 325) in Belfast, I think this might be my great grandmother. Would the clan have a record of her husband, if it is my great grandmother she married Hugh Eaton. They were married in Belfast but lived in Derry.
Any info would be great. Many thanks.
Paul Simpson 30 August 2006
Clara Hannah Treacy, 23, spinster, BLANK
profession, lives 33 Fleetwood Street Belfast, (d. of George Prescott Treacy, commission agent) married Archibald
Fletcher, 25, bachelor, plater, lives 46 Alexandra Avenue Belfast, (s. of Hugh
Fletcher, plater) 19 December 1898 St. Anne's Church of Ireland Wit: Robert
Gamble & Madge Hunter [Belfast PLU] see above
Robert Tracey,
34, bachelor, compositor, lives 28 Upton St, (s. of William Tracey, linnen? lapper?) married Fanny Doole, 32, spinster,
linnen? folder, lives 28 Upton St, (d. of James Doole, bricklayer) 12 February
1899 RC Chapel The Holy Family Wit: Joseph Hamilton & Ellen Doole [Belfast
PLU Antrim]
1901 Census
Tracey, 34, M, 8 Castlereagh Road, Pottinger, Down, Compasitory Printer, Roman
Catholic, Son in Law, Married, Belfast City
Tracey, 24, F, Castlereagh Road, Pottinger, Down, Roman Catholic, Daughter,
Married, Belfast City
Tracey, 0, F, Castlereagh Road, Pottinger, Down, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not
Married, Belfast City
Mary E Doole, 55, F, Head of Family, Rome
Catholic, Shop Keeper, Widow, Co Antrim
1911 Census
6 Ravensdale Street,
Pottinger (part of),
Down (head, RC,
Compositor newspaper, married 11 years, b. Co. Antrim)
Ravensdale Street,
Pottinger (part of),
Down (wife, RC, 3
children/2alive, b. Co. Antrim)
Ravensdale Street,
Pottinger (part of),
Down (daughter, RC,
scholar, b. Co. Antrim)
Ellen, Tracey,
7, F,
Ravensdale Street,
Pottinger (part of),
Down (daughter, RC,
scholar, b. Co. Down)
Mary Ellen Doob, 73, F (mother-in-law, widow,
b. Co. Antrim)
Dorothy Henning Tracey, Do [full age], spinster, mill worker, lives Finlay Street Ligoniel,
(d. of James Tracey, dead, Army
pensioner) married William Green, full age, widower, labourer, lives Finlay
Street Ligoniel, (s. of William Green, dead, labourer) 09 September 1899 RC
Chapel St. Vincent de Paul Wit: Patrick Maguire & Bridget Corchoran, signed
his mark [Belfast PLU Antrim] signed his mark [born 1876 Monaghan 1901 Census]
Treacy, full age, bachelor,
R.I.C. constable Belfast (s. of John
Treacy, farmer) married Bella McCutcheon. ful age, spinster, lives Froughla
[Freughlough Urney Co. Tyrone], (d. of William McCutcheon, farmer) Wit: John
Baxter & Letitia McCutcheon 7 Apr 1920 Alt Presbyterian Church [Urney
Donegal] [see William
Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]
Alicia Nora Tracey (b. 28 August 1899 Belfast d. 3 March 1986) m. John Joseph McShane 6 May 1922 Belfast (LDS)
Thomas George Tracey &
Ellen Johnson
Jack Charles b. 27
May 1903 Belfast m. Mary Ruth Mikulisak 2 November 1946 (LDS)
Alphonsus Tracey b. 17/21 Oct 1905 of Tattykeel Drumragh Tyrone Sp Francis Mullan &
Kate McAnespie (Note: Married to Kathleen McGuchin in St Malachy's Belfast by
Frank Kerr CC in June '41)
James Tracey (b. 1841 England) m. Anne Abernathy? [see Liverpool]
John Tracey b. 01 Jan 1847 Liverpool, England...
James Tracey (b. 1863 Liverpool, England d. 24 Mar 1938) m. Maria Robinson
May Tracey b. 01 Jan 1890
Anne Tracey b. 18 Aug 1894
James (Jimmy) Tracey b. 25 May 1911 Belfast
Mary (Polly) Tracey b. 1880 Liverpool, England...
Michael (Sony) Tracey b. 1883 Liverpool, England...
Joseph Tracey b. 1885 Liverpool, England...
Catherine Tracey b. 1887 Liverpool, England...
Elizabeth Tracey (b. Lurgan Co.
Armagh, Ireland October 13 1889), wife
of Joseph Gerard Tracey, US passport holder, emigrated from Londonderry
June 22 1909, lives principally at Detroit Mich. He is temporarily residing
with his parent at Belfast Ireland.
American Consulate, Belfast, 9
January 1920
Andrew Tracey, 5960, 3rd Royal Irish Regiment, enlisted 13/10/11 Special Reserve, demob 6/3/1919, rejoin Clonmel, Prisoner of War 13/10/1915 in Germany.
32 years 6 months b. 1879, general labourer, RC, 5'5.75", 130 Lbs, 36" chest, blue eyes, light brown hair, single, employer Mr James Delaney Main St Templemore.
Address for pay 8
Hazelfield? Street, Belfast
2/7/1920 13766 Mr Andrew Tracey, Church St Templemore, co. Tipperary, class Z final discharge.
7 May 1919 Pension. Discharged 2/4/1919, aged 39, married, c/o Mrs Quinlan Church St Templemore, 30-40% debility,
11 Jan 1915. Letter to Mr Wm Tracey Church St Templemore taken prisoner at Lille 19-21/10/14 to Limburg Germany.
Andrew Tracey, 5500, Corps Leinster Rgt, served 12.5 years, discharged 24/10/10, address Church St Templemore, offers re-enlistment special reserve 10/10/11
14/5/1916. Money due from the estate of the late No.6919 Private William Tracey 2nd Bn Leinster Regt [brother?]
Christopher Tracey.
Tracey Christopher of 39 Earlscourt Street Belfast retired lithographic printer
died 30 December 1934 Probate Belfast 4 February to Thomas Cairns technical
expert and Joseph Slevin spinning master. Effects £1575 19s. 1d.
Gulielmus Patritius Tracey b. 10/15 July 1909 Drumragh Tyrone Sp Agnes Johnson (Note: Married to Bridget
L McGale? in St Patrick's Belfast on 3 July 1935 by Rev J Byrne Adm)
Robert Francis Treacy, Flight Sergeant, 1796178. 267
Sqdn. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. 25th July 1946. Age 22. Son of Francis and Bella Treacy, of
Cliftonville, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 460. Column Singapore Memorial.
Flight Sergeant Robert Francis Treacy (1796178) served in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve during World War Two. He was the son of Francis Treacy and Bella Treacy of Cliftonville, Belfast, Co. Antrim.
He died on 25th July 1946 aged 22 years old. At the time, he was with RAF 267 Squadron. Robert’s death came as a result of one of the biggest aviation disasters in Burma.
At 1200hrs on 25th July 1946, Douglas Dakota C-47 Skytrain KN585 took off from Yangon Airfield, Burma. As the plane climbed, it entered an area of thunderstorms. In severe turbulence, the left wing broke off the craft causing it to crash into a swamp around 25 miles northeast of Bassein, Burma. All 4 crew members and 18 passengers died in the incident.
1902 RIC Service [see William
Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny] Samuel Treacy, 52768, b. 1867
Kilkenny Kildare 52768 Samuel Treacy, 20 years 2
months, 5'19.75", b. Kilkenny Kildare, Protestant, married 24.4.95 wife
from Dublin, recommended by DI Newell, famer, allocated 9 Nov 87, served Limerick
29 May '88 - Dublin 15.7.91 - Down 16.7.95 - Belfast 15.2.02, P Act Sergt
1.6.1910 - P Sergt 1.4.1912, 5 Rewards, Disbanded 31-5-22 TS Belfast No 48 CA
£195-0-0, Cond Queens & Wicklow Ernest William Sibbald Treacy My Grandfather was Ernest William Sibbald Treacy was married to Evelyn May Hester (Morris) 25th August 1920 Belfast, Northern Ireland. Some of his family lived in Hollywood, Northern Ireland. Ernest’s Father was from Southern Ireland his name was known as Sam and his wife Elizabeth. But Sam and Elizabeth eloped to Northern Ireland and married and he was a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. I remember him when I
was young and I am trying to find out more about his family. I have all the
information on his wives and children. I am just trying to find out about his brothers and sisters and where
they came from originally in Ireland. I myself was born in Ireland but later
and I am living in the USA now. Ernest was the band leader of Sibbald
Treacy’s Rhythm Kings in Northern Ireland and played for the BBC. He also
played the piano. I would like to hear from
anyone that knew him or may have any of his sheet music. I remember as a child seeing all his sheet music with his
picture on the front of it and visiting him when he lived on the Antrim Road
in Belfast where there was a plaque outside the front door that read Musical
Director Sibbald Treacy Lives or lived here. I am not sure if it is still
there or not. Thanks, Rosemary April 12th, 2008 Woods
family from Belfast and surrounding areas …Robert Lloyd Woods, my father, married to Ethel Woods, nee
(Treacy)… Rosemary Crain November 02, 2009 Samuel Treacy, full age, bachelor, Constable R.I.C., lives Ballybrack (s. of William Treacy, farmer) married Margaret Sibbald, full age, spinster, lives Kilboggett Cabinteely (d. of John Sibbald, steward) Wit: Leeson Treacy & Samuel Sibbald on the 24 April 1895 Killiney Co. Dublin Church of Ireland [see Kilkenny] Margaret Sibbald, born 1872, married a Kilkenny RIC man, Samuel Treacy, in Rathdown in 1895. 1901 Census Samuel Treacy, 33, M, 26 Castle Street, Comber, Down, Constable R. I. C., Church of Ireland, Head of Family, Married, Co Kilkenny Marguerite Treacy, 25, F, Castle Street, Comber, Down, Constable R. I. C., Church of Ireland, Wife, Married, Co Dublin Ernest K S Treacy, 5, M, Castle Street, Comber, Down, Scholar, Church of Ireland, Son, Not Married, Co Down Ethel E Treacy, 2, F, Castle Street, Comber, Down, Scholar, Church of Ireland, Daughter, Not Married, Co Down September 1907 IT Courageous Conduct...Constable Samuel Treacy, Belfast, Second Class and £1 10s. July 1910 IT Constable to acting Sergeant...Samuel Treacy, Belfast. 1907 Belfast Street Directory Samuel Tracey, R.I.C., 32 Willowfield Gardens 1910 Belfast Street Directory Samuel Trecay (Treacy Tracey), R.I.C., 38 Willowfield Gardens (off Woodstock Road) 1911
Census Samuel
Treacy, 43, M, 38 Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI, acting Sargt.
R.I.C. b. Kilkenny) Margaret
Treacy, 33, F, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI, married 16 years, 4
child, b. Dublin) Ernest
W S Treacy, 15, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI) Ethel
E Treacy, 10, F, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI) Saml
R Treacy, 9, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI) [joined merchant
navy] Austin
Treacy, 7, M, Willowfield Gardens, Ormeau, Down (CoI, b. Belfast) April 1912 acting Sergeant to Sergeant...Samuel Treacy, Belfast 3 May 1912 London Gazette For Registration as Temporary Boy Clerks
(Postman) Ernest William Sibbald Treacy Ernest
William Sibbald Treacy &: Evelyn
May (Mary) Hester MORRIS (b: 28th April 1899 in Southampton New York) Brian Treacy b. ??? in Belfast N.Ireland Audrey Treacy b. ??? in Belfast Ireland (Last known living in
England had been married and had children.) Freemasons Ernest
W S Treacy, 5 May 1920, Gothic Lodge 293 Ballymacarrett, Co Down, Musician.
Certified 2 Jun 1921. Resigned 1923. To 340. Feb 16, 1921 (IT)
Marriages [bad copy] Craig and Treacy - On Wednesday, January ?? 1921 at Willowfield Parish Church, ???, Robert William, youngest and ??? surviving son of Major Samuel Craig, Bonvisa? Antrim Rd, Belfast to Ethel Elizabeth Audrey, only daughter of sergeant Samuel Treacy, R.I.C. and Mrs Treacy, 35? Willowfield? Gardens, Belfast. |
1930’S Other Broadcasting Stations,
Northern Ireland.
6.00 Sibbald Treacy’s Rhythm Kings.
Guardian newspaper
15 Aug 1930, Radio Times vol. 28 no.
359, p. 365 Photograph - Ulster Museum Sibbald
Treacy's Counties Rhythm Kings band in ballroom at Northern Counties Hotel Royal Irish Constabulary Samuel
Treacy 29 Aug 1867 Donaguile, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny - 1948 |
Geddis Tracey, a part-time private in C Coy, 7-10 Ulster
Defence Regiment (UDR), was shot dead on the 26/06/1987. An
employee of Northern Ireland Electricity, he was shot
off duty while renovating a house, on Surrey Street, off Lisburn Road,
Belfast. He was aged 46 years and married with six children. |
Seán Treacy Deepest sympathy is extended to Jimmí Treacy and the family of Seán Treacy (aged 72 years) Ballymun, Dublin and formerly of the Antrim Road, Belfast, whose death occurred during October. A former engineer with Dublin County Council he gave sterling service to the movement and for prisoners in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam. From the staff of an Ard-Oifig, Sinn Féin Poblachtach. Saoirse,
number 115, November 1996
Tracey died 1865, Belfast PLU, Aged 30, b. 1835, died 16 Sep 1865 Belfast
Tracy died 1867, Belfast PLU, aged 35, b, 1832, died 25 Jul 1867 Belfast
Belfast Antrim
Mary Tracey
died 1867, Belfast PLU, aged 75, b. 1792, died 8 Dec 1867 Belfast Antrim
Elizabeth Tracy, died 1871, Belfast Belfast PLU, aged 50 years, b. 1821, widow of spinning master, died 29 Oct 1871 31 Cupar St Belfast, Thomas Tracy, his mark, present at death, 31 Cupar St
Tracy, died 1876, Belfast Belfast PLU, aged 12 years, b. 1864, died 6 Jan 1876
of 1 Abercorn St, bachelor, child of a car driver, Mary Tracey, her mark,
present at death, 1 Abercorn St
Belfast Burial Records
Alex Tracey of 9 Byron Place, Age 3 Mos, death 17 August 1884, burial 18 August 1884 City Cemetery - Public Ground
Alexander Tracey of 34 Shannon Street, Age 6 Mos, death 26 September 1904, burial 27 September 1904 Cemetery City Cemetery
Child Of John & Mary Tracey of 29 Cumberland St, death 14 November 1922, burial 15 November 1922 Cemetery City Cemetery - Public Ground
Coreena Tracy of 265 Holywood Road, aged 53 years, died 25 November 1987, buried 4 December 1987 Roselawn Cemetery
Denis William Treacy of 4 Torrin Walk Dundonald BT16 2DN, died 26 September 2010, aged 85 years, buried 30 September 2010 Roselawn Cemetery
Edward Tracey of Union Wkhouse, 52 Bond St, Age 70 Years, death 17 January 1895, burial 19 January 1895 City Cemetery - Public Ground
Elizabeth Tracey of 5 Lime St, Age 18 Years, death 27 September 1878, burial 28 September 1878 City Cemetery - Public Ground
Emily Sarah Tracey of 5a Belvoir House, Stillborn, death 6 June 1987, burial 8 June 1987 Roselawn Cemetery
Evelyn M E Treacey of 43 Ashley Avenue, aged 83 years, buried 23 April 1982 Roselawn Cemetery
George Prescott Treacey of Consilla House, Sydenham, aged 44 Years, died 24 June 1892, buried 26 June 1892 City Cemetery
Hugh Tracey of Workhouse, 4 Keegan St, Age 43 Years, death 6 October 1894, City Cemetery - Public Ground
James Edward Tracey of 46 Slieveban Drive Belfast, Age 79, died 26 November 1999, burial 29 November 1999 City Cemetery - Glenalina Extension
Jane Tracey (Mrs) of 4 Torrin Walk Ballybeen BT16 2DN, Age 78, death 10 June 2010 burial 15 June 2010 Roselawn Cemetery
Jane Tracey (Mrs) of 7 Wilton Sq Sth, Age 71 Years, death 26 November 1901, burial 28 November 1901 City Cemetery
John Tracey of 402 Shankhill Road 22 Argyle St, Age 51 Years, death 15 March 1889, burial 17 March 1889 City Cemetery
John Tracey of Union Infirmary, Age 66 Years, death 17 March 1925, burial 21 March 1925 City Cemetery - Public Ground
John Tracey of 265 Holywood Road, Age 67, death 19 December 1996, burial 18 June 1997 Roselawn Cemetery
Lizzie Treacy (Mrs) of 76 Templemore Avenue, died 13 November 1893, aged 47 years, buried 15 November 1893 Belfast City Cemetery
Maria Tracey (Mrs) of 53 Shannon Street, Age 27 Years, death 21 August 1904, burial 23 August 1904 City Cemetery
Martin Tracey of 28 Cliftonville Avenue, Age 10, death 2 February 1981, burial 4 February 1981 Roselawn Cemetery
Mary Tracey (Mrs) of Union Infy, 131 Sandy Row, Age 57 Years, death 3 February 1900, burial 6 February 1900 City Cemetery
Maud Victoria Tracey of 6 Chichester Rd, Age 73 Yrs, death 21 June 1961, burial 23 June 1961 City Cemetery
Rose Tracey of Workhouse, Age 62 Years, death 11 December 1911, burial 10 June 1912 City Cemetery - Public Ground
Samuel Henry Tracey (master), of 14 Wilton Sqr South, Age 5 Mos, death 25 July 1893, burial 26 July 1893 City Cemetery
Thomas Tracy of 21 Dane St, aged 8 Years, died 18 December 1880, buried 18 December 1880 City Cemetery - Public Ground
William Tracey (master) of 7 Wilton Square South, Age 12 Mos, death 21 December 1903, burial 22 December 1903 Cemetery City Cemetery
William Tracey (master) of 8 Canmore Street, Age 12 Weeks, death 7 March 1892, burial 8 December 1892 City Cemetery
Wm Tracey of Union Infirmary, 3 Mcparland Ct, Age 56 Yrs, death 17 April 1889, burial 19 April 1889 City Cemetery - Public Ground
John Tracy m. Jane
Stewart 2 March 1810 Lisburn (LDS)
Mary Tracy
Jane Tracy b. 14 Dec 1867 of Union Workhouse Lisburn [Blaris] [Lisburn Lisburn
Margaret Jane Tracey died
1869, Lisburn PLU, Aged 2, b. 1867, died 13 Dec 1869
Monica Tracey b. 1931 in Lisburn, County Antrim. She was educated at the Sacred
Heart of Mary Convent, Lisburn, and Queen's University Belfast, where she
read French. She has lived in France and Germany, and
has taught in Enniskillen “It’s the living that kills you.” The Second Blackstaff Book of Short Stories in 1991. ‘Unweaving the Thread’ in 2001
McNeil Tracey, full [age], spinster,
BLANK profession, lives Oldtown Deerpark [Old Town Deer Park Ballyscullion],
(d. of Isacc? Tracey, farmer)
married Thomas Jas Hare, full [age], widower, farmer, lives SlaneArise?
Carrickfergus [Antrim], (s. of James Hare, farmer) 20 August 1895 Presbyterian
Church Castledawson Wit: William Alexander Simpson & Sarah Mawhinney?,
signed her mark [Castledawson Magherafelt PLU Derry]
Presbyterian Church Marriages (1889-1932)
20 Aug 1895
Thomas James Hare Full Widower Farmer Sam Hare Farmer William Alexander Simpson
Bessie McNiel Tracy Full Spinster Old Town Deerpark ? Farmer Sara Mawhinney
Agnes Treacey, 26, spinster, lives Slaught [Slaght] Connor, (d. of John Treacey, labourer) married John Brown, 31, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballymacrea [Ballymuckvea] Connor, (s. of John Brown, soldier) 13 August 1860 Ballymena Registrars Office Wit: James Featherston & Margaret Blaney, her mark [Ballymena PLU] signed their marks
Ann Treacy
James b. 29 Aug 1874 Galgorm Antrim (LDS)
Ann Treacy
James Treacy b. 29 Aug 1874 Crevilly
Valley Connor. Ann Treacy, her mark, mother, Crevilly Valley [Galgorm Ballymena
Treacy, died 1874 Galgorm Ballymena PLU, aged 0 years 20 days, b. 1874,
bachelor, black smiths child, died 16 Sep 1874 Crevilly Valley Connor, Ann
Treacy, her mark, present at death, Crevilly Valley
[Culfeightrin Roman Catholic Cemetery, Ballycastle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland]
McCambridge, 1874-1926 (Barnish)
Pray For The Soul Of
Alexr McCambridge
Lossit [Losset Culfeightrin Antrim]
Died 1st July, 1874
Aged 49 Years
Also His Son Alexander
Died 21st July, 1886, Aged 20 Years
Also His Daughter Margaret A Bellamy,
Died In New Zealand 23rd March, 1900,
Aged 34 Years
And His Wife Mary.
Died 28th Novr 1905, Aged 78 Years.
His Daughter Ellen Tracey, Belfast, [Note: Not found]
Died 31st Decr 1926, Aged 70 Years.
Placenames and Fieldnames of
Culfeightrin. (2019) Carey Historical Society
Mary Tracy & George Basley
Jane Basley b. 17 Mar 1827 of Jactory Drumaul Parish Antrim
Ann/Jane Tracy & Jno/James Dornan
William Dornan b. 31 Jul 1831 of Shanescreagston [Shane's Castle] Drumaul Parish Antrim
Rosan Doran b. 16 Dec 1832 of Island Rea [Islandbane] near Antrim Drumaul Parish Antrim
Ann Tracy & Wm McGready
William McGready b. 14 July 1839 of M Antrim Sp Charles and Ann Magee Drumaul Parish Antrim
NOTE: There are gaps
in the RC online marriage register.
Wm Tracy married Alice Donnelly 13 Jan 1829 Glenravel Parish Antrim [see 1851 Census]
William Tracey/Trasey & Alice/Alicia/Ellena Donnelly/O'Donnell
John Tracey b. 8 Apr 1832 Glenravel RC Antrim
William Tracey b. 16 Feb 1834 of ?arrycowan [Carrowcowan Dunaghy] Sp. James m'Laughlin & Rose M'Keever Glenravel RC Antrim
William Tracey b. 2 Aug 1835 of ?arrycowan Sp. Con OBoyle & Catherine McKeeven. Glenravel RC Antrim
Mary Trasey b. 09 Apr
1837 of Carrycowan Sp. Charles & Margaret O Raw? Glenravel Parish
Sarah Tracey b. 1 Jul 1839 of ?breen/Lisbreen [Skerry] Sp John ORawe & Mary MLaughlin. Glenravel RC Antrim
James Tracey b. 22 Feb 1852 Sp John ONeill & Rose ORaw. Glenravel RC Antrim
Arthur Tracey b. 15 Jan 1854 Sp John McCormick & Catherine McNally. Glenravel RC Antrim
William Tracy, Head, 42, married 1829, Read & Write, Tailor (Tyrone)
Alice/Nancy Tracy, Wife, 41, None
William Tracy, Son, 15, Tailor, Read,
Patrick Tracy, Son, 8, at Mr. Carey’s School
Sarah Tracy, Daughter, 10, at Mr. Carey’s School
Ann Tracy, Daughter, 8, at Mr. Carey’s School
Jane Tracy, Daughter, 4, None
Absent from Household 30th March 1851:
Hugh Tracy, 21 (Son) - Tailor (America)
Died since 6th June 1841:
James Tracy, 6 months (Son) - Inflamation - Spring 1846
Ellen Tracy, 1 (Daughter) - Meazels - Winter 1851
Patrick Tracey, died 1874 Clough Ballymena PLU,
aged 31 years, b. 1843, bachelor, tailor, died 29 Apr 1874 Lisnamanny Dunaghy [Glenravel
RC], Arthur Tracey, present at death, Lisnamanny
Agnes Treacey (26, d. of John Treacey) m. John Brown (31, s. of John Brown) 13 Aug 1860
Ballymena, Ant, Ire
Agnes Treacey, 26, spinster, lives Slaught [Slaght] Connor, (d. of John Treacey, labourer) married John Brown, 31, bachelor, labourer, lives Ballymacrea [Ballymuckvea] Connor, (s. of John Brown, soldier) 13 August 1860 Ballymena Registrars Office Wit: James Featherston & Margaret Blaney, her mark [Ballymena PLU] signed their marks
Ann Treacy & James McCriet
Mary McCriet b. 29 Jan 1867 Sp.Widow Fife Glenravel Parish Antrim
Jane Tracey [daughter of William above?]
Mary b. 4 February
1867 Clogh (LDS)
Jane Tracey
Tracey b. 4 Feb 1867 of Lignamanagh [Lisnamanny] Dunaghy Parish. Jane Tracey,
mother, her mark, Lignamanagh [Clogh Ballymena PLU]
Ann Tracey
Hugh b. 4 April 1868
Clough (LDS)
Ann Tracey
Tracey b. 4? Apr 1868 of Lignamanagh [Lisnamanny] Dunaghy Parish. Ann Tracey,
mother, her mark, Lignamanagh [Clough Ballymena PLU]
Hugh Tracey died 1869, Ballymena
PLU, Aged 0, b. 1869, died 12 Jan 1869 Dunaghy [civil parish]
Miss Tracey & Ambrose O'Rorke
Hugh O'Rorke b. 6 Apr 1868 of Ballybolland [Ballybollen Ahoghill] Sp. James Laverty and his wife. Glenravel Parish Antrim
John Tracey & Margaret Clarke
John Tracey b. 14 May 1871 Sp
Gregory ONeill & Elizh Mallon. Glenravel RC Antrim
John Tracey
married Margaret Clarke 06/12/1880 Coatbridge St Patrick's Scotland
John Tracey
& Margaret Clark Tracey
Hugh Tracey b. 30/1/1879 bapt.
4/2/1879 Coatbridge, St Patrick's Scotland
Alice Tracey b. 24 September 1881
Old Monkland Middle, Lanark, Scotland bapt. 3/10/1881 Coatbridge, St Patrick's
John Tracey &
Margaret Clarke
John b. 28 April 1871
Clough (LDS)
Jane b. 6 June 1876
Antrim Antrim (LDS)
John Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Clark
John Tracey b. 28 Apr 1871
Inishathra? Patish Dunaghy. Margaret Tracey, mother, her mark, Inishathra
[Clough [Clogh] Ballymena PLU] [Note: Inishcaltra Galway]
Jane Tracey b. 6 Jun 1876 Evishacrow
Dunaghy. Margaret Tracey, mother, her mark, Evishacrow [Clough Ballymena PLU]
William Tracey, 35, b. 1873 (s. of John Tracey & Margaret Clark) married Catherine Clydall Bauer, 37, b. 1871, (d. of Ulrich Bauer & Elizabeth Schneider) 26 Mar 1908 Orleans, Louisiana, United States
William M Tracey, 68, b. 1874 (s. of John Tracey & Margaret Clark), spouse Dora Tracey, died 1 Jan 1942 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, United States
Hugh Tracey (s. of John Tracey & Margaret Clark) married Cornelia Nebel (d. of Karl M Nebel & Eva E Wendel) 4 Dec 1901 Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Family Tree
John Tracey & Margaret Clark
John Tracey b. 28 Apr 1871 Ballymena, County Antrim
William Tracey b. 1873 & Catherine Elizabeth Bauer b. 1867
Jane Tracey b. 6 Jun 1876 Ballymena, County Antrim
Hugh Tracy Sr (4 December 1881 Ireland - 7 April 1928 Orleans, Louisiana, United States) & Cornelia "Nellie" Nebel (26 Nov 1882 Orleans, Louisiana, United States - 3 March 1950 Orleans, Louisiana, United States)
8 children & grandchildren
James Tracey, full [age], bachelor, tailor, lives Glenravel [RC Parish], (s. of William Tracey, tailor) married Eliza/Elizabeth Fife, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Glenravel, (d. of James Fife, farmer) 21 January 1875 RC Chapel Glenravel Wit: Daniel Delargy & Jane Fife [Clogh Ballymena PLU]
James Tracey died 1876, Clough Ballymena PLU,
aged 24 years, b. 1852, died 11 May 1876 Lisnamanny Dunaghy, married, tailor, Elizabeth Tracey, her mark, present at
death, Lisnamanny
William Tracey buried 18 Mar 1869 Glenravel Parish Antrim
Mary Tracey,
full age, spinster, servant, lives Chichester Park, (d. of James Tracey, deceased, labourer) married Patrick McCollum, full
age, bachelor, teacher, lives Hanover, (s. of Thomas McCollum, deceased,
farmer) 25 January 1886 RC Chapel St. Patrick Wit: Patrick Mooney & Lizzie
Mooney, signed her mark [Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]
Mary Tracey
My grandmother (Mary Tracey) I was told was born in Glenravel (Martinstown). She married Patrick McCollum from Ballycastle, in Belfast, on 24/6/1886. She is mentioned in a book "When Dublin Was The Capital" by Alison Murphy. I know little about her and I would like to find out, who her parents were and if she has any brothers or sisters. Jane []
James Tracey
Mary Tracey (b. Co. Antrim d. 1948 Portaferry, Co Down) m. Patrick McCallum
I have recently obtained my grandfather's marriage certificate. His name was Patrick McCollum (but he later spelt it McCallum) and his father is named as Thomas McCollum. We were always told that they were from Ballycastle. My grandmother was Mary Tracey and her father is named as James Tracey. We were always told again that she was from Glenravel. I have been unable to obtain birth certificates for either of them. I do remember being told that he taught for a short time in Rasharkin Catholic Primary School. I would be grateful for any help. :D
Knocknagow [] 05 Dec 2008, 14:01
William Tracy &
Rebecca ???
Mary b. 30 April 1837
Carnmoney (LDS)
Sarah Armstrong nee Tracy, full age, widow, lives same place Ballyvoy [Ballywee?] parish of Kilbride, (d. of John Tracy, farmer) married Alexander Robinson, full age, bachelor, servant, lives Ballyvoy parish of Kilbride, (s. of Robt Robinson, laborer) 4 May 1857 Kilbride Pres Church Wit: William McMullen & William McCartney [Kilbride Antrim PLU]
Sarah Armstrong (d. of John Tracy) widowed m. Alexander
Robinson (s. of Robert Robinson) single, 4 May 1857 Kilbride, Ant, Ireland
Mary Tracy (d. of William Tracy, single) m. Robert
Murray (s. of Thomas Murray, single) 28 Nov 1857 Kilbride, Ant, Ireland
Mary Tracy, minor?, spinster, lives Doagh parish of Doagh [Doagh Grange], (d. of Wm Tracy, laborer) married Robert/Robt Murray, full age, bachelor, laborer, lives Grange parish of Kilbride (s. of Thomas Murray, laborer) 28 November 1857 Kilbribe Church of Ireland Wit: John Hutchison & Samuel Phillips [Kilbride Antrim PLU] [faint copy]
Sarah Treacy married Thomas McGee 3 Mar 1864 Wit: James Anely and brother Kirkinriola Parish Antrim
??? Treacy & Charles Kerr
??? Kerr b. 11 Apr 1872 Sp Ths Dorhan Kirkinriola RC Parish Antrim
Ann Treacey & James Kerr
Mary Ann Kerr b. 9 Apr 1872 Ballymena, Ant, Ire
Note: No online
records for St. Mac Nissi, Larne
Robert Tracey, of full age, widower, bleacher, lives Inver Larne [Inver], (s. of Robert Tracey, bleacher) married Catharine Wills, Do [of full age], spinster, Do [lives Inver Larne], (d. of Robert Wills, labourer) 25 February 1865 RC Chapel of Larne Wit: Robert Wills & Mary Orr [Larne Larne PLU]
Robert Tracey,
widowed, (s. of Robert Tracey) m. Catherine Wills
(d. of Robert wills) 25 Feb 1865 Larne, Antrim, Ireland (LDS)
Robert Trac(e)y &
Catherine Wills
Robert b. 10 October
1866 Larne (LDS)
Joseph b. 4 August
1868 Larne (LDS)
Ellen b. 23 September
1870 Larne (LDS)
John b. 30 July 1872
Larne (LDS)
Catherine b. 30
September 1874 Inver Larne (LDS)
Robert Tracey, beetling engine
man/worker/bleachgreen worker/linen lapper/linen finisher, & Catherine
Tracey b. 10 Oct 1866 of Inver Larne [Inver] Catherine Tracey, mother, Inver
[Larne Larne PLU]
Tracey b. 4 Aug 1868 of Inver Larne Catherine Treacy, mother, Inver [Larne
Larne PLU]
Ellen Tracey b. 23 Sep 1870 Inver
Larne. Catherine Tracey, mother, Inver [Larne Larne PLU]
John Tracey b. 30 July 1872 Larne.
Catherine Tracey, mother, Larne [Larne Larne PLU]
Catherine Tracey b. 30 Sep 1874
Inver Larne. Catherine Tracey, mother, Inver Larne [Larne Larne PLU]
John Tracey, died 1872 Larne Larne PLU, aged 0 years four hours, b. 1872,
bachelor, child of linen lapper, died 30 Jul 1872 Larne [Inver –
Larne RC], Catherine
Tracey, present at death, Larne
Henry Tracey, full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Inver Larne [Inver], (s. of Robert Tracey, labourer) married Mary Timmoney, full age, spinster, domestic servant, lives Inver Larne, (d. of John Timony, labourer) 07 November 1880 RC Chapel Larne Wit: Neal Crossey? & Annie McDade [Larne Larne PLU]
John Tracey b. 1829
Oldstone [Grange of Muckamore] (LDS)
Ellen Tracey (d. of William Tracey) m. James Semple (s. of John Semple) 3 Sep 1852 Grange of Muckamore, Ant, Ire [Temple LDS]
Ellen Tracey, of full age, spinster, lives Muckamore [Grange of Muckamore],, (d. of William Tracey, labourer) married James Semple, of full age, bachelor, flour miller, lives Bushmills [Billy OR Dunluce], (s. of John Semple, corn miller) 3 September 1852 Muckamore Church of Ireland [Presbyterian crossed out] Wit: John Tracy & Jane Tracey [Grange of Muckamore Antrim PLU] [see Portrush RC]
John Tracey, full [age]. bachelor, labourer, lives Muckamore [Rice crossed out], (s. of BLANK Rice, labourer) married Jane Curry, full [age], spinster, lives Muckamore, (d. of Robert Curry, labourer) 11 November 1854 Grange of Muckamore Chuch of Ireland Wit: Thomas Hamilton & Bristow Charters [Muckamore Antrim PLU] signed her mark
John Tracey (s. of ??? Rice) m. Jane Curry (d. of Robert Curry) 11 Nov 1854 Grange of Muckamore, Ant, Ire (LDS)
John Tracey m. Jane
Curry 1854 Oldstone [Muckamore] (LDS)
William b. 7 August
1855 Oldstone (LDS)
William b. 16 June
1857 Oldstone (LDS)
Sarah b. 20 September
1859 Muckamore (LDS)
Dorothea b. 15
September 1861 Muckamore (LDS)
Mary b. 11 January
1864 Antrim Antrim (LDS)
John Trac(e)y &
Jane Corry
Ellen b. 10 December
1866 Muckamore Grange Antrim (LDS)
Robert b. 21 September 1871 (LDS)
John Tracey/Tracy, labourer/fireman,
& Jane Corry
Mary Tracey b. 11 Jan 1864 of Muckamore [Grange of Muckamore]. John Tracey, father, Muckamore [Antrim Antrim PLU]
Ellen Tracey b. 10 Dec 1866 of Tirgracey
Muckamore Grange. Eliza Clyde, her mark, present at birth, Kiln entry? Antrim
[Antrim Antrim PLU]
Robert Tracy b. 21 Sep 1871 River?
Side Antrim. Martha? Huston, her mark, present at birth, Church Entry? Antrim
[Antrim Antrim PLU]
Jane Tracey
Stirling Tracey b. 19 Nov 1869 Muckamore Muckamore Grange. Jane Tracey, her
mark, present at birth, Townhead Antrim [Antrim Antrim PLU]
Mary Tracey & Bernard Laverty
James Laverty b. 15 Feb 1842 St. Patrick's, Belfast city
Mary Tracy & Bernard Laverty
Mary An Laverty b. 1 Aug 1854 Sp. Sarah Gallagher. Portrush RC Parish Antrim
Ellen Tracey, of full age, spinster, lives Muckamore, (d. of William Tracey, labourer) married James Semple, of full age, bachelor, flour miller, lives Bushmills, (s. of John Semple, corn miller) 3 September 1852 Muckamore Church of Ireland [Presbyterian crossed out] Wit: John Tracy & Jane Tracey [Grange of Muckamore Antrim PLU] [Temple LDS]
Ellen/Eliza Tracy & James Semple
William semple b. 24 Jul 1853 Sp. William & Elizabeth Semple. Portrush RC Parish Antrim
James Semple b. 4 Mar 1855 Sp. Mary McGarry. Portrush RC Parish Antrim
Violet Millicent Tracey, 1946, Billy Antrim [see Harry Adair Tracey]
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Boyd, H.A. A History of
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Fulton, Eileen A history
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O'Laverty, Rev. James An
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Owen, D.J History of
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Reeves, William Ecclesiastical
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Robinson, Philip Irish
Historic Towns Atlas: Carrickfergus, Dublin, RIA, 1988.
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Young, Robert M. Historical
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Young, Robert M. The
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Last update: 28 February 2025