This is an ongoing dynamic, computer-generated collection
See also
1708-1832 Registry of Deeds
The Registry of Deeds Project
These results are ongoing and are sorted by county and then by date.
No 191 Anketell & anr to Tracey
& anr
24 Aug 1900 Memorial of an Indenture Between Augusta Anketell of & at 57 men at 206 Greenmount Muckamore [Muckamore, Grange of] in the County of Antrim Spinster, of the first part , Selina Sarah Anketell of Greenmount aforesaid Spinster and the said Augusta Anketell of the second part and Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey both of Island na hoe Dervock [Islandahoe AND Dervock in Derrykeighan] in the County of Antrim , Spinster of the third part and endorsed upon an Indenture of Mortgage dated the 1 Feb 1895 and made between Harry Ouris Tracey of the one part and Bertha Grace Phoebe Anketell and the said Augusta Anketell of the other part. Whereby after reciting the death of the therein within named Harry Owens Tracey on the 28 Jan 1895 intestate leaving the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey his only Sisters and Co heress at law him surviving and that letters of administration of his estate and effects were granted to the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey on the 16 Apr 1896...representatives of the said Bertha Grace Phoebe Anketell did thereby grand and release unto the said Eleanor Agnes Mary Tracey and Beryl Tracey , All and Singular the lands hereditaments and premises...
No 227 Tracey & anr to Nolan
24 Jan 1901 between Anne Tracey of Templeowen [Fennagh] ( adjoining the Fair Green of Tullow ) in the County of Carlow Widow and Thomas Tracey of Templeowen aforesaid ( brother in - law of said Anne Tracey ) of the one part and Joseph J. Nolan of Tullow [Fennagh OR Tullowphelim] in the County of Carlow medical Doctor of the other part...two acres two roods late Jush plantation measure or thereabouts with the house and premises thereon then occupied by said Anne Tracey and Thomas Tracey the house and premises thereon then occupied by Edward Lawler and the house and premises thereon then occupied by Patrick Nolan the said Edward Lawler and Patrick Nolan being weekly tenants to said Anne Tracey and Thomas Tracey or either of them ) also the house and premises on said lands then vacant but formerly occupied by Ellen Rymeall which aforesaid lands houses and premises were held from Dermott H Doyne Esquire by said Anne Tracey and Thomas Tracey or either of them under a yearly tenances at the yearly rent of eleven pounds and are situate in the Paush of Fenagh Barony of Rathilly and County of Carlow...
No 130 Clayton to
7 Nov 1928 A Memorial of a Indenture of Assignment BETWEEN ROBERT CLAYTON BROWNE CLAYTON of Browneshill Carlow in the County of Carlow Esquire therein and hereinafter called " the Lessor "...of the one part and KATE TRACEY of Tullow Street Carolw [Carlow] in the County of Carlow Spinster therein and hereinafter called the Lessee...plot of ground with the houses yards and out offices thereon situate at Tullow Street in the town PARISH BARONY AND COUNTY OF CARLOW...the same were leased to Edward Tracey ( therein mentioned ) by a certain lease therein recited ( now surrendered ) of the 12 Aug 1861
No 131 Clayton to
7 Nov 1928 A Memorial of a Indenture of Lease BETWEEN ROBERT CLAYTON BROWNE CLAYTON of Browneshill Carlow in the County of Carlow Esquire therein and hereinafter called " the Lessor "...of the one part and KATE TRACEY of Tullow Street Carolw [Carlow] in the County of Carlow Spinster therein and hereinafter called the Lessee...that plot of ground with the houses and yard thereon situate at Browne Street and Chapel Lane otherwise College Street in the TOWN PARISH BARONY AND COUNTY OF CARLOW containing...more of less as the same were leased to the said Edward Tracey by a certain lease therein recited ( then surrendered ) of the 12 Aug 1861...
No 34 Tracey to
Phillips & anr
9 Aug 1929 Memorial Of An Indenture Between Katie M. Tracey of Numbers 122 and 123 Tullow Street Carlow in the County of Carlow Spinster ( thereinafter and hereinafter referred to as " the Vendor " ) of the one part and William Phillips Boot Shop Manager and Mary Jane Phillips his Wife both of 36 Ferry Quay Street Londonderry in the County of Derry thereinafter and hereinafter referred to as " the Purchasers " ) of the other part...recited Lease dated the 15 Jun 1928 and made between Robert Clayton Browne Clayton of the one part and said Katie M. Tracey of the other part... the same were leased to Edward Tracey by a Lease ( then surrendered ) of the 12 Aug 1861 and were then in the possession of Katie M. Tracey...
No 231 Evans & anr to Tracey
4 Feb 1845 Memorial of an Indented deed of Mortgage Between John Evans and James Evans of the of City of Cork Merchants Henry Thwaites of said City Sugar refiner and Joseph Edward Tracey of the City of Cork Solicitor Copartners in trade now trading as Sugar refiners under the name Style and firm of Evans Thwaites and Company of the one part and Denis Tracey of the grand parade in the City of Cork druggist of the other part... premises situate at Crosses Green in the City of Cork...that lot or plot of Ground being part and parcel of the Island called Lapps Island at the East end of the Marsh called Dunscombes Marsh in the parish of the Holy Trinity and City of Cork containing in front to the Street called Warrens place...on the North by George Street on the South by Nelsons Quay on the West by Warrens place and on the East by a large store...on payment of the sum of One thousand nine hundred and eighty two pounds Sixteen shillings and one pening...
No 235 Tracey to
13 Sep 1897 Memorial Mary Tracey of Altaghoney [Altaghoney Cumber Upper] in the County of Londonderry Widow of the one part and Ellen Tracey Wife of James Tracey of Altaghoney in said County of Londonderry farmer of the other part...Ellen Tracey in payment of debts incurred by the said Mary Tracey and to enable her the said Ellen Tracey to support maintain and edecuate Mary Jane Tracey grand daughter of the said Mary Tracy...did thereby grant and convey unto the said Ellen Tracy her heirs and assigns All that and those part of the Lands of Altaghoney as now in the occupation and possession of the said Mary Tracey...
No 125 Tracy to Mark
24 Dec 1897 Mortgage between John N Mark, plaintiff and James Tracey and Ellen Tracey, defendants... John M. Mark of Waterloo Place Londonderry, solicitor...James Tracey Farmer and Ellen Tracey his wife both of Altnahoney [Altaghoney Cumber Upper] in the County of Londonderry...containing nineteen acres three roods and thirty perches statute measure...
Mo 138 Tracey to
4 Jan 1898. Margaret Tracey, plaintiff and James Tracey, defendant. Margaret Tracey of Craig Claudy [Cregg and Claudy are in Cumber Upper] in the County of Londonderry aged twenty one years and upwards spinster...James Tracey...of Altaghoney [Cumber Upper]...part of the lands of attahoney containing nineteen acres three roods and thirty perches statute measure or thereabouts held in fee subject to an annuity of Three pounds twelve shillings payable to the Irish Land Commission for 40 years from the first May 1888 and situate in the parish of cumber upper Barony of Berkeeran and County of Londonderry...
No 22 Deehan & ors to Doherty
8 Nov 1906. between Joseph Deehan of Ardmore in the County of Londonderry farmer and Michael Tracey of Waterloo Street in the City of Londonderry Merchant executors of William Tracey late of Leglass [Lisglass Clondermot] in the said County of Londonderry deceased of the first part Anne Tracey formerly of Linglass but now of Dungiven Road in the City of Londonderry , Widow of the second part and William Doherty of Lisglass aforesaid in the County of Londonderry farmer of the third part...Michael Tracey as such executors of the said William Tracey deceased and of the said Ann Tracey...
No 73 Tracey & anr to McCafferty
21 Feb 1910 Memorial of an Indenture between Thomas Tracey and James Tracey both of lower Craig Claudy in the County of Londonderry farmer ( thereinafter called the Mortgagors ) of the first part and James D McCafferty of Magazine Street in the City of Londonderry Cark Manufacturer ( thereinafter called the Mortgagee ) of the second part...the Will annexed of the said deceased John Tracey...
No. 75 Tracey to
8 Nov 1917 Memorial of an Indenture...Between James Tracey of Lower Gregg in the County of Londonderry Tracey, Farmer of the first part, Thomas Tracey of Gregg in the County of Londonderry Farmer of the second part Mary [Tracey] McShane of 26 Dungiven Road Waterside wife of Frances McShane Signal Man of the third part and Mary Anne Tracey of Gregg in the County of Londonderry (wife of the said James Tracey) and the said Thomas Tracey of the fourth part...the sum of Ten shillings paid to them the said James Tracey and Mary McShane by the said Mary Ann Tracey and Thomas Tracey (receipt acknowledged ) they the said James Tracey and Thomas Tracey according to their respective interests in said farm under the will of the said John Tracey Deceased...Mary McShane as one of the next of kin of the said John Tracey deceased did release unto the said Mary Ann Tracey and Thomas Tracey All that and those that farm of land containing Eighteen acres Statute measure or thereabouts situate in the Townland of Cregg Barony of Tirkeeran and County of Londonderry....[held by the] late Bishop of Meath as then in the occupation of the said Mary Ann Tracey and Thomas Tracey subject to the payment of the yearly judicial rent of Two pounds twelve shillings...
No 232
10 Jan 1920 Owner Elizabeth Tracey of Ballyneill Beg [Artrea] Loop Moneymore...Folio 1014...10a2r32p...
No 123 Fulton & anr to Roche
14 Apr 1921 between Thomas Fulton of Bogay, in the County of Donegal Farmer of the first part, Thomas Tracey of 14 Bridge Street in the City of Londonderry Bootmaker of the second part and James Roche of 194 Bishop street in the City of Londonderry, Hotel Employle of the third part...Thomas Tracey as Beneficial Owner... that piece of ground with the shop dwelling house and buildings thereon situate at and known as number one John Street in the City of Londonderry...
No 13 Desmond to
7 Dec 1922 Memorial of an Indenture of Conveyance Between John Desmond of Claudy in the County of Londonderry, farmer and Shirt Manufacturer of the one part and Thomas Tracey of Gregg in the County of Londonderry farmer of the other part...the sum of Two hundred and thirty pounds to the said John Desmond... that part of the lands of Gregg situate in the Parish of Upper Cumber Bar any of Tirkeeran and County of Londonderry containing Twelve acres and one rood stated measure... containing twelve acres and one rood statute measure or thereabouts..
No 15 Tracey & ars to Alexander
7 Dec 1922 Memorial of an Indenture of Mortgage Between Mary Anne Treacey of Gregg in the County of Londonderry Widow and Thomas Tracey of Cragg aforesaid farmer of the one part and David Andrew Alexander of Tubber Carrigan in the County of Donegal farmer of the other part...he sum of Three hundred pounds to the said Mary Anne Tracey and Thomas Tracey paid by the said David Andrew Alexander receipt acknowledged...that farm of land containing eighteen acres statute measure or thereabouts situate in the Townland of Cregg Barony of Terkeeton and County of Londonderry...
No 182888 Tracey
& an to Wilson
10 Sep 1770 Memorial of an Indenture. Between Abigal Tracey of the city of Dublin, widow, and John Tracey of the same city, esquire, exec of the last will and testament of John Tracey late of the same city, master builder deceased of the one part and John Wilson of the same City Bricklayer of the other part...[reciting lease 29 Jun 1763] the Right Honble Rich Lord Viscount St William of Merrion for the end therein mentioned did demise and lot unto the said John Wilson all that of piece of ground situate on the north side of new Intended Square said out and to be called Merrion Square...reciting that by Indented Deed of Mortgage dated the 2 Jun 1767 between the said John Wilson of the one part and the said John Tracey since deceased of the other part...
No 84346 Pearson
& otr to Darby & anr
31 Oct 1746 Deed of Lease made between Ann Pearson Daur of Martha Pearson of Dunleary [Monkstown] in the County of Dublin Widow of the one part and the Revd William Darby Ethand and John Tracy both of the City of Dublin The other part and the Indented Articles made between Daniel Tracey of the City of Dublin Seater and Philip Teacey his son of the first part Marth Pearson of Dunleary in the County of Dublin Widow and the said Ann Pearson her Daughter of the second part and the said William Darby and John Tracey of the part...Marriage was intended to be solemnized between the said Philip Tracey and Ann Pearson...By which said Deed the said Ann Pearson for the considn and covt therein contained did give grant bargain and sell unto the said William Darby and John Tracey and their heirs all that and those the houses Tenemt and parcell of land Scituate in the Town and lands of Dunleary...
No 21 Tracey & Callans
13 Jul 1852 Marraige Settlement...Michael Tracey of North King Street in the City of Dublin Grocer of the one part Mary Callan of North King Street in the City of Dublin Spinster of the second part and Frances Brangan of North King Street aforesaid Gentleman and Laurence McCourt of Bolton Street in said City Factor Trustees of the third part...unto said Michael Tracey All that and those the House situate in Beresford Street formerly Trapper Lane at the corner of Stires Lane in the City of Dublin...
No 212 Tracey to Brangan
18 Feb 1867 Memorial Mortgage. Between Michael Tracey of North King Street in the City of Dublin Grocer and Spirit Merchant of the one part and Francis Brangan of North King Street in the City of Dublin Gentleman of the other part. Reciting lease of 23rd Mar 1857 made between Robert Barlow the Revd Henry Hutton and William Hales Carroll and Michael Tracey...dwelling House on the North side of North King Street known as Number 28...witnessed by Thomas Henry Tracey of Lower Gardiner Street in the City of Dublin Solicitor and John Kelly of Pleasant Street in said City of Dublin Gentleman...
No 275 Tracey to
23 Jan 1858 between John Tracey of Harcourt Street in the City of Dublin Widow Blind Manufacturer of the one part and William Graham of Pleasant Street in the said City Gentleman of the other part... John Tracey had built and erected a dwelling House and premises upon the ground thereby demised...plot of Ground situate lying and being on the South side of Grantham Street in the Parish of St Peter and County of the City of Dublin...
No. 52 Tracey to
23 Jul 1859 Between John Tracey of Harcourt Street in the City of Dublin Window Blind Manufacturer on the one part and David Alexander of Dundrum in the County of Dublin Esquire of the other part...assigns All that piece or plot of Ground situate lying and being on the West side of Synge Street in the Parish of Saint Peter...Bounded on the North by the holding of Messinger Killoch and Tracey in Grantham Street on the South by Ground and premises belonging to Messer Perrin and Nolan then let to the said John Tracey on the East by Lyne Street aforesaid and on the West by the Stable Lane...Indenture of Mortgage of the said plot of ground bearing date the eighteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight made between the said John Tracey of the one part and Patrick Farrell ┃ Thomas Dunne and John Herbert Trustees of and on behalf of a certain Society entitled the Brish in Metropolitan Permanent Building and Investment Society of the other part...
No 42 Landed E Court
& anor to Whitsett
7 Jun 1871 Memorial of a deed of conveyance Between Richard Lord Archbishop of the First part , The Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Ireland of the second part , and John Synge of the third part...did grant unto the said John Synge that part of the farm of Saint Pulchre otherwise Saint Sepulchres Situate in the County of Dublin containing thirty four acres three roods English or Statute measurement...[14 Grantham Street and 11, 12, 13, 14 & 17 Synge Street held by the Representatives of John Tracey, Leases dated 1855 to 1859 from John Perrin - William Nolan and Henry Hodgson to John Tracey for 999 years] [see image]
No 272 Tracey to McVitte [See Maurice Tracy
builder of Donnybrook Dublin]
14 Jul 1871 Memorial of an Indenture. Between Maurice Tracey of Morehampton Road in the County of Dublin Builder of the one part and Robert Blake McVittie of Stevens Hospital in the City of Dublin Gentleman of the other in the possession of said Maurice Tracey on the South by ground also the property of the said Samuel Goodison but now in the possession of said Maurice Tracey on the East by Bushfield Avenue aforesaid and on the west by ground the property of Edward Henry Carson but now in the possession of said Maurice Tracey...plot of ground part of the Townland of Donnybrook on the East side of Bushfield Avenue...known as Number 77 Dagmar Terrace Bushfield Avenue...
No 65 Thomson to
Hayes & ors [see William
Samuel Tracy]
5 June 1883 Memorial of an Indenture of Sub Grant in perpetuity Between Sarah Bella Thomson of Belfast in the County of Antrim Spinster executrix of the last Will and Testament of Sarah Cochrane late of Belfast aforesaid Spinster deceased of the one part Courtenay Alfred Hayes of Southsea in the Parish of Portsea in the County of Southampton England Esquire a Commander retired from the Royal Navy Thomas Simpson of Madden in the County of Armagh Colonel in the Army and Henry Tracey of Stephens Green in the City of Dublin, Barrister at Law...
No 66 Thomson to
Hayes & ors
5 June 1883 Memorial of an Indenture of Sub Grant in perpetuity Between Sarah Bella Thomson of Belfast in the County of Antrim Spinster executrix of the 5 June 1883 last Will and Testament of Sarah Cochrane late of Belfast aforesaid Spinster deceased of the one part Courtenay Alfred Hayes of Southsea in the Parish of Portsea in the County of Southampton England Esquire a Commander retired from the Royal Navy Thomas Simpson of Madden in the County of Armagh Colonel in the Army and Henry Tracey of Stephens Green in the City of Dublin , Barrister at Law...
No 76 Tracey to McAuley
6 Jun 1895 Memorial of an Indenture. between Thomas Tracey of 18 York street in the City of Dublin Agent hereinafter called the Vendor, of the one part and Catherine McAuley of 22 St Georges Place in the City of Dublin wife of Thomas McAuley herein after called the purchaser, of the other part...lot of ground in Portland Place...
No 131 Molloy & anr to Tracey [see Thomas Henry
10 Sep 1895 Memorial of an Indenture of charge Between Thomas Harry Tracey of 103 Lower Gardiner Street in the City of Dublin Gentleman of the one part and Thomas Molloy of Number 59 Talbot Street in the City of Dublin Merchant of the other part...Thomas Henry Tracey did thereby charge with payment of a life annuity of twenty five pounds in favor of Ellen Tracey all that the angular piece or plot of ground lying on the south side of the road made from Rathmines to Harolds Cross called Leinster Road...the houses Number 121 and 122 Leinster Road Rathmines in the County of Dublin...
No 57 Tracy to Byrne [See
Maurice Tracy
builder of Donnybrook Dublin]
30 Jan 1901. between Mary Tracy therein called the lessee of the one part and Daniel Byrne therein called the lessor of the other part...Mary Tracy as Beneficial Owner thereby surrendered unto the said Daniel Brine all the hereditaments and premises comprised in and demised by the said lease...piece or plot of ground part of the lands of Cullens farm otherwise Cullenswood...piece or parcel of ground contains in the front thereof to Upper Beechwood Avenue...Beechwood Avenue aforesaid all which said premises are situate in the township of Rathmines Barony of Upper cross and County of Dublin...
No 88 Tracey to Moore
6 Aug 1903 A Memorial of an Indenture of Assignment between Mary Tracey of Annavilla Cullenswood in the County of Dublin widow of the one part and Ernest Moore of Annesley Park Rathmines in the County of Dublin Gentleman of the other part...the sum of Three hundred and fifty pounds paid by the said Ernest Moore to the said Mary Tracey...that piece or plot of ground part of the lands of Cullens farm otherwise Cullenswood...front thereof to Upper Beechwood Avenue...
No 89 Moore to Provident Association of London Limited
6 Aug 1903...made between Mary Tracey of the one part and Ernest Moore of the other part...
No 4 Tracey & ors
to Buckley
9 Jan 1923 Memorial of an Indenture. between William Tracey of Balledmonduff [Kilgobbin] Sandyford in the County of Dublin Cattle Dealer of the first part, Sarah Tracey formerly Buckley his wife of Balledmonduff aforesaid of the second part, Sarah Buckley widow and James Buckley Farmer both of Grouse Lodge Glassnamullen [Glasnamullen Calary] in the County of Wicklow of the third part, Thomas Buckley and Albert Buckley both of Grouse Lodge aforesaid minors under the age of twenty one years of the fourth part, the said Sarah Buckley of the fifth part and the said James Buckley of the sixth part. Reciting that James Buckley...will dated 12 July 1910...death of the said James Buckley [25 May 1922]
No 11 Riley to Tracey
19 Oct 1929 Memorial Of An Indenture Between Joseph Riley of 117 Hollybank Road Dublin Esqr . ( thereinafter called the Vendor) of the one part and Mary Alice Tracey of 41 Dartmouth Square Rathmines County Dublin wife of Ernest Tracey (hereinafter called the Purchaser) of the other part RECITING lease dated 30th July 1923 made between Thomas J. Boyd of the one part and Vendor of the other part the premises No. 117 Hollybank Road Glasnevin in the City Of Dublin being the premises demised by said lease & therein described as part of Daneswell of Crossguns North in Parish of St. George And City Of Dublin...
No 12 Tracey & anr to Royal Liver Friendly Society Trustees
19 Oct 1929 Memorial Of An Indenture Of Mortgage Between Mary Alice Tracey of 41 Dartmouth Square Rathmines in the County of Dublin ( wife of Ernest Tracey ) ( thereinafter called the Mortgagor) of the first part, the said ERNEST EDMUND TRACEY (thereinafter called " the Surety " ) of the second part and GAVIN BROWN CLARK M. D. EDWIN GOUDSHIP and ALFRED BYRNE the TRUSTEES OF THE ROYAL LIVER FRIENDLY SOCIETY whose registered office is Royal Liver Building Pier head in the City of Liverpool ( hereinafter called " the Mortgagees " ) of the third part...Lease dated the 30th July 1923 and made between Thomas J. Boyd of the one part and Joseph Riley of the other and premises known as No. 117 HOLLYBANK ROAD GLASNEVIN in the CITY OF DUBLIN...
No 187166 Webb to
Tracey & others [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]
18 Sep 1767 between the Reverend Arthur Webb of Webbsburrow cthe of the one part and William Tracey Senr & William Tracey and John Tracey of Bellmont farmers of the other part Whereby the said Nethen Webb did Demise to the said Will Tracey Senr Wm Tracey Two and John Tracey Son of William Tracey Senr, all that parcell of land lately Surveyed by Edmond Frizle Containing two hundred and Eighty acres be the same more or less on one side bounded by the new twenpike road and on the other side by the lands of Crotenclogh [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer] also on one side by the new mears or bounds or Ditch made by said William Tracey and his sons and by the River Dining on the other side being part and parcell of the lands of Coonfily alias Bellmont in the County of Kilkenny To hold to the said William Tracey Senr William Tracy and John Tracey for the term of of their natural lives from the twenty fifth day of March then last at the yearly Rent of twenty pounds Ster
495146 Tracey & anr to Bushe
4 Mar 1818 Memorial of an Indent Deed of assignment between Patrick Tracey of Cloughlea [Cloghala? Dungarvan OR Tullaherin] [Coorleagh Shankill] in the cy of Kilkenny Farmer and James Tracy eldest Son and heir at Law of Edmd Treacy of Cloughleda aforesd of the one part and Henry Amyas Bushes of the City of Dublin Esq of the other part Recity that by Indent Deeds of Lease bearing date the 6th day of Septem in the year of our Lord 1796 and made Between the said Henry Angus Bush then of June in the Coy Esqr of the one part , and said Edmond Treacy of Cloughter as and said Patrick Treacy then of Paulstown [Kilmacahill OR Shankill]...Lands of Clokela wise Cloughlea... 140 Acres 2 roods...known by the name of the old house quarter... life of the said James Treacy Eldest Son of the Edmd Tracy one of the said Lessees then aged about 18 years John Treacy Eldest son of the sd Patt Treacy of Paulstown the other Lessee therein named aged 5 years or thereabouts & Patrick Treacy Eldest son of James Tracy of Cavan [Carran Dunbell OR Tullaherin] in said Coy of Kilkenny farmer then aged 5 years or thereabouts
No 89 Tracey ors Treacy & anor to Dobbs & ors [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]
17 Oct 1878 Memorial of an Indenture Between Frederick Sayers of Fethard in the County of Tipperary Land Agent of the first part, Maria Tracey of Belmont in the county Kilkenny, widow, of the second part, Richard Kildare Tracey of Belmont in the County of Kilkenny Esquire son of the said Maria Tracey of the third part James Sayers of Fethard in the County of Tipperary spinster? daughter of Said Frederick Sayers , who fourth part and William Dobbs of the Cottage Castle Comer in the County of Kilkenny Esquire and Robert Ashby of Gilleagh? Lodge in the County Tipperary Esquire therein threshed was the said Trustees of the fifth part... that marriage had been agreed upon and was intended to be solemnized between the said Richard Kildare Tracey and Jennie Sayers and upon the hency for the said intended marriage it was agreed that the said Maria Tracey should conson of One hundred pounds per annum...sum of the thousand five hundred pounds...assign unto the said William Dobbs and Robert Ashby...Indenture of Lease of the fourteenth day of November One thousand eight hundred and sixty one... the Lands of Coan otherwise Belmont Compossesion of Maria Tracy and hereunder tenants bounded on the North by part of the Castlecomer Estate on the North Road leading from Castlecomer to Leighlin in the South by the road from Castlecomer to Leighlin and on the East by part of the Lands of Coan East containing One hundred and three acres Irish plantation measure situate in the Parish Dysart Barony of Fassadinin and County Kilkenny...[secondly lease dated 8 Dec 1863] that part of the lands of Count East called Belmont containing eighty ones Irish plantation measure be the same more or less with the house & thereon which said Lands are situate in the Parish of Dysart...[thidly lease dated 3 Jun 1832] Lands of Ardetagle [Ardateggle Killeshin] containing fifty acres Irish plantation measure situate in the Barony of Slievemarigue in the Queens County ...and Fourthly all that and those that part of the lands of Cutunclouth [Croghtenclogh Castlecomer] containing about two hundred acres Irish plantation measure or thereabouts pluck in the Barony of Fasaden and County of Kilkenny and held by the said Maria Tracey as tenant from year to year to the said Mr Wanderford at the yearly rent of One hundred pounds as there before recited and also all that part of the Lands of Ballethemon commonly called the Will and containing thirteen acres situate in the said Barony of fasden and County of Kilkenny and also held by the said Maria Tracey as tenant from year to year to the said MrWanderford at the Parlement of thirty pounds as thereinbefore recit
No 185355 Tracey to
26 Mar 1771 Memorial of an Indented deed of Release between John Tracey of the Town of Mt Mellick in the Queens Co. Victualler of the one pt and Sarah Finn of sd Town & Co Wid of the other pt... the sum of twelve pounds Seventeen Shills Ster to him...that plot of Ground with the dwell house out houses & offices thereon and the yard and the Town of McMellick aforesd and bounded on the North West by John Robinson dwellg house and holding and on the South East by Wm Moses [or Mores] Caldwellg house and holding and situate in the Parish of Rossnallis [Rosenallis]...
No 185356 Brewer to
26 Mar 1771 Memorial of an Indented deed of lease between Thos Brewer of McMellick in the Queens Co. Shoemaker of the one pt and John [Tracey] of the said Town Victualer... that plot of Ground with the dwellg house out houses and offices thereon and the yard and Garden thereunto belong all which then were in the Posson of said Tracey in sd Melick and meared and bounded on the North West John Robinsons dwellg house and holding and on the South East by Wm Miers...time of thirty one years...yearly wood of two pounds Eight Shills Ster...
No 46 Tracey - Cert
of Regr of Title
1 Dec 1900 Memorial of Registration. Registration of Title of parts of the lands of Drumingna [Kiltubbrid] containing together 6:3:32 [a:r:p] and part of the lands of Derreen (Lloyd) [Kiltubbrid], containing 2 perches both statute measure or thereabouts situate in the Barony of Leitrim and County of Leitrim held in fee simple entered on the Folio No 100 of the Register Ownership Thomas Tracey of Drumingna Keshcarrigan [Kiltubbrid] Carrick on Shannon in the County of Leitrim Farmer is the owner...
No 47 Tracey - Cert
of Regr of Title
1 Dec 1900 Registration of Title of part of the lands of Drumingna [Kiltubbrid] containing together 7:2:14 [a:r:p] and part of the lands of Toomans [Kiltubbrid] containing 30 perches statute measure or thereabouts situate in the Barony Leitrim and County of Leitrim held in fee simple entered on the Folio No 1101 of the Register Ownership Michael Tracey of Drumingna Keshcarrigan Carrick on Shannon in the County of Leitrim Farmer is the owner of the foregoing property
No 106 Tracey to
30 Aug 1856 Memorial of an Indenture. between James Tracey of Bohernagore [Ballingaddy] in the County of Limerick Farmer of the one part and Patrick Tracey of Bohemagore aforesaid his son of the other part...Reciting an Indenture of Lease bearing date 26 Aug 1854 made by James Laurence Wise to the said James Tracey of All that and Those that part of the Lands of Bohernagore situate in the parish of Ardpatrick...containing about ninety eight acres and Thirty perches Irish plantation measure for the term of nine hundred and Ninety two years at the yearly rent of Two Hundred and Thirty seven pounds Twelve shillings...
No 31 Tracey to OConnor
10 Dec 1861 William Connor of Drews Court in the County of Limerick Gentleman and Miller Plaintiff Thomas Tracey of Ballinger [Ballingarry?] in the County of Limerick Shop keeper Defendant... two dwelling houses and premises...occupied by said Thomas Tracey and the other of said dwelling houses being occupied by P O Regan shop...[details of the previous leases]
No 260 Tracey or Treacy to Tracey of Treacy & ar
28 Jul 1879 Memorial of an Indenture. Between Edmond Tracey of Ballingaddy [Ballingaddy] in the County of my Limerick farmer of the one part and John Tracey of Ballinahown [Ballynahown Ballingaddy?] and Patrick Tracey of Gibbinstown [Athneasy OR Kilbreedy Major] both in the County of Limerick farmers of the other part whereby after reciting as therein it was witnessed by that the said Edmond Tracey Covenanted to repay to them the said John Tracey and Patrick Tracey the sum of three hundred and forty eight pounds for which they became liable to the Munster Bank...Lands of Kilfinane [Kilfinnane Kilfinnane] Lands Commonly known as Gurteen [?] containing about thirty four acres plantation measure situate in the Barony of Costle and County of Limerick after a and the houses thereon together with six dairy cows...
No 292 Dunworth to Pub Wks Comrs
17 Feb 1905...witnessed by Edmond Morony of Odellville Ballingarry JP and Thomas Tracey of Ballinarouga more North [Ballynarooga More (North) Cloncagh] farmer both in the County of Limerick...
No 293 Tracey to Pub
Wks Comrs
17 Feb 1905 Memorial of an Indenture between Thomas Tracey of Ballynarooga More North in the County of Limerick Tenant Farmer therein after called the said Tenant of the one part and the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland incorporated and acting as therein mentioned and therein after called the said Commissioners of the other part...consideration of fifty pounds to be lent as therein mentioned did thereby charge that part of the Lands of Ballynarooga more worth in his occupation...
No 300 Tracey To Public Works Commrs
27th Sept. 1929 Landed Property Improvement ( Ireland ) Acts... amending and extending the same John Tracey Of Killbeg In The County Of Meath Owner...Sum Of One Hundred And Thirty Pounds be laid out in the necessary Works for the Improvement of the Lands...John Tracey, Kill Beg AND Moneymore [Rathmolyon]...36.42. [Ordnance Sheet]
No 354565 Parsons to
10 Aug 1801 ...Reciting that by Lease dated 29th May 1720 Sir Wm Parsons But therein ment did thereby Demise Grant & set unto Edw Tracy therein also mentioned all that and those the House Garden and Badside formly in the possr Thorley and afterwards in the poss of Edward Tracey meared on the South with the new Building or shop late in the poss of said Edward Tracey on the East...the lives of Robert Tracy Edwd Tracey and he say we by ten dated the 5th day of April 1750 added to the term...the seal of Robert Tracy deced... the premises situate in and was the Town of Parsonstown in the Parish of Birr and Barony of Ballybritt and Kings County...
No 125058 Parsons to
4 Jul 1757. Memorial of an Indenture. between Sir William Parsons of Parsonstown in the Kings County Bart of the one part and Thos Tracey of the same Merchant of the other part...Lands of Derrinlough [Eglish] and Deerpark [?] Situate in the Barony of Eglish...
No 125058 Parsons to
4 Jul 1757. Memorial of an Indenture. between Sir William Parsons of Parsonstown in the Kings County Bart of the first part Joseph James of Crinkell [Crinkill Birr] in said County Gent of the second part and Thomas Tracey of Parsonstown [Birr] aforesaid Merchant of the third part Reciting that said Thomas Tracy is intitled to the Bogg of Clonekelly [Clonkelly Birr] situate near the Town of Parsonstown
No 125771 Clark to
27 Sep 1757... Memorial of a bargain and sale...Turnipfield on the west with part of said Clonoghill [Clonoghil Birr Offaly]...Lives of Thomas Tracey of Parsonsonstown aforesd Merch , George Tracey and Robert Tracey Brothers to the said Thomas
No 125772 Nethercott to Tracey
27 Sep 1757 Memorial of a bargain and sale... Lands of Lark being part and parcell of the field called the Turnipfield ...Lands of Clonoghill [Clonoghil Birr Offaly] in said County containing ten replantation acres...south with part of Derrinduff [Birr]...Lives of Thomas Tracey of Parsonstown aforesaid Mercht George Tracey & Robert Tracey Brothers to the said Thomas Tracey...
No 126577 Parsons to
7 Dec 1757. A Memorial of a Deed of Lease. Sr Lawrence Parsons of Parsonstown in the Kings County Bart of the one part & Thomas Tracy of the sd Town & County Merch of the other part...Did Demise unto the sd Thos Tracy all that & those the Land & Parks then in the possion of the sd Thos Tracy being part & parcell of the Lands of Scurrogh Conty in the whole nine Statute acres - Bounded on the North by the parks next Adjoyning the River on the South by Siffin Wood on the West by the Parks in the possion of Francis Biddulph of Moorpark & on the East by the Lands of Parks lately in the possion of Thos Davis Decd...the Natural Life & Lives of the said Thos Tracy George Tracy & Robt Tracy Brothers to the Sd Thomas Tracy...
No 126578 Parsons to
7 Dec 1757. A Memorial of a Deed of Lease.
No 622 Bury to Tracey
22 Nov 1771 Memorial of an Indented Deed of Lease bearing date the 12 Jun 1767 made between Charles William Bury a minor under the age of Twenty one years by Catherine Prittie otherwise Bury his Mother and Guardian of the one part and George Tracey of Tullamore in the king County Mercht of the other lett unto the said Geo . Tracey , a Bog hear the hophill with free liberty to cut the thereon Containing about six Acres be the same more or less formerly in the possion of the Revd Daniel Jackson and then in the possion of the said Geo Tracey...full term of Eighteen years to commence and be computed from the twenty fifth day of March...the said George Tracy is since dead but before his death duly made and published his last Will and Testamt in writing and thereby appd his wife Mary
No 126 Tracey & anr to Tracey
11 May 1903 Memorial of an Indenture. Between Julia Tracey of Cappincur [Cappancur Geashill Offaly] in the Kings County widow of the first Tracey part Bridget Tracey of Cappincur aforesaid Spinster of the second part and Hugh Tracey of Cappencier aforesaid farmer of third part...Julia Tracey as Beneficial owner did thereby assign and the said Bridget Tracey did thereby re lease and confirm unto the Hugh Tracey , All that and those that farm of land situate a Cappincur as lately in the occupation of the said Patrick Tracey deceased and then in the occupation of the said Julia Tracey containing 29a 3r and 12 perches statute measure
No 56 Tracey to
30 Jan 1901. between Patrick Tracey of Archill [Ardstraw] in the County of Tyrone farmer of the one part and Alexander Murphy of Dunnlegagh [Drumlegagh Ardstraw] in the said County of Tyrone farmer of the one part...assigns all that farm of land and premises in the townland of Imaugh [Meaghy Ardstraw] Barony of Lower Strabane and County of Tyrone containing thirty acres statute measure or thereabouts be the same more or less together with all houses and buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging held under the Duke of Abercorn as tenant from year to year...
No 293 Moore & an to Mullin
7 Mar 1910 Memorial of an Indenture of assignment between Robert Moore formerly of Shancragh [Shannaragh Dromore] in the County of Tyrone farmer but then of Toronto Canada of the first part John Tracey of Glennan [Donacavey] in the County of Tyrone farmer of the second part and Francis Mullen of screen [Screggagh? Donacavey] in the County of Tyrone farmer of the third part...Reciting Indenture of statutory mortgage dated the 15 Dec 1905 made between the said John Tracey of the one part and the said Robert Moore of the other part...that part of the Lands of Glennan in the Barony of East Omagh Paush of Donacavey and County of Tyrone Containing one acres three Roods and fourteen perches statute measure...
No 531351 Tracey to
28 Oct 1823 Memorial of an Indenture of Annuity between James Tracey of Streamstown [presume in Ardnurcher, or Horseleap] in the County of Westmeath Farmer of the one part and Bridget Tracey of Kilbeggan [Kilbeggan] in the County of Westmeath Spinster of the other part... the said James Tracey ( by and with the consent advice & approbation and at the special instance of Martin Tracey and Daniel Tracey both of Streamstown afsd Farmers ( the said Martin Tracey and Daniel Tracey being the first and second & only sons of said James Tracey...the sum of forty five pounds two shillings & nine pences due and owing by the said James Tracey to the said Richard Tracey...lands of lisaera [Lissavra Ardnurcher, or Horseleap] in the County of Westmeath Conty by Estimation seventy two acres the same more or less then in the possession of Matthew Seery of lisaera Farmer
No 72 Tracey to Carey
30 Mar 1898 Memorial of an Indenture. Between John Tracey of Ternacreeve [Teernacreeve Castletownkindalen] in the County of Westmeath Farmer of the one part and Timothy Carey of Tullaghansleek [Castletownkindalen] in the County of Westmeath... lands of Maybrista [Mabrista Castletownkindalen] containing Thirty acres Irish plantation measure or thereabouts situate in the Barony of Moycashel and County of Westmeath held by the said John Tracey as tenant from year to year to Colonel John R Malone...
No 181 Tracey Cert of
Regn of Title
1 Dec 1899 ...Register ownership Michael Tracey of Ballynacliffy [Kilkenny, West] Glasson in the County of Westmeath farmer...lands of Ballynacliffy containing 62a:0r:6p statute measure or thereabouts...
No 183 Tracey Cert of Regn of Title
1 Dec 1899...Register ownership John Tracey of Coolalena [Coolaleena Noughaval] Glasson Athlone in the County of Westmeath of the lands of Ballynacliffy containing together 20a:2r:21p statute measure or thereabouts...
No 179 Tracey & anr to Fallon
25 Oct 1905 Memorial of an Indenture. Between Thomas Tracey of Horseleap in the County of Westmeath farmer and Shop keeper of the first part The Hibernian Bank Limited having their registered office at no by College Green in the City of Dublin Bankers of the second part and James Fallon of Rosemount in the County of Westmeath farmer of the third part...reciting deed of 5 Jan 1899 between [Thomas Tracey and Hibernian Bank]... lands of Kilbeg [Ardnurcher, or Horseleap] otherwise killbeg situate in the Electoral Division of Lannell Poor law Union of Tullamore Barony of Moycashel and County of Westmeath containing forty four acres three rods and thirty nine perches held by the said Thomas Tracey at the yearly Judicial rent of thirty six pounds seven shillings and six pence together with the house and premise...
No 209 Tracey to
20 May 1847 Deed of conveyance...between Mathew Tracey of Wexford in the County of Wexford farmer of the one part and Mathew Tracey of Ratholin [Ratholm Ballybrennan] in said C. Farmer of the other part...[4 Jun 1791] Chas Stanley Monck of the City of Dublin Esqr...demised and set unto Mary Tracey and John Tracey...Mary Tracey...died leaving the said John Tracey, her son a co lessee..Matthew Tracey...the death of his father the said John Tracey and under and by virtue the last will and testament of the said John Tracey...Matthew Tracey eldest son...indenture 4 Dec 1824 [thirty crossed out]...Lands of Ratholum Conty , twenty seven acres one rood plantation measure log with the Dwelling house and out houses thereon situate in the parish of Ballybrennan...
No 41 Ward to Tracey
9 Jul 1916 Memorial of an indenture. between Margaret Ward of Ballylarkin Inch [Gorey] in the County of Wexford widow of the one part and Daniel Tracey of Ballylarkin aforesaid farmer of the other part...All that farm of land forming part of the townland of Scarnagh Lower [Inch] in the Barony of Gorey Electral Division of Ballylarkin containing 21 acres 2 roods 3 perches or thereabouts statute measure...
Last update: 28
February 2025