It may be presumed that the Traceys of Leitrim are descended from the Cenél Eóghain


Leitrim-Roscommon Genealogy Website










The Traceys of Leitrim can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as they were of the Cenél Eóghain.



Patrick Otrassy/Tressy of Rosclogher [Rossinver], Co. Leitrim, founder of the Irish College of Valencia Spain in 1628


Estudios Sobre La Misión De Irlanda


El de Valencia lo fundó el doctor Patrick Tracy, que fue alumno del colegio de Salamanca. Tracy fue enviado en 1628 Valencia para doctorarse en teología en esa ciudad y fundar allí un colegio de irlandeses, la fecha de clausura es incierta, aunque hay viáticos para colegiales del seminario de Valencia hasta 1663. (AGS. E. 2794. Consulta del consejo de Estado, Madrid, 18 febrero 1631.)


The Irish College At Valencia (1623-1680): Historical Consequences


According to the official records the seminary college at Valencia was established in 1628 by the diocesan priest, Patrick Tracey (sometimes ‘Tressy’), a man whose achievements were comparable to those of other famous college founders, such as Christopher Cusack and Theobald Stapleton. Having said this, it is clear that Tracey was, and has remained, one of the less well-known figures. There is reason to date the Irish presence at Valencia to a slightly earlier point, as there was clearly already an Irish community in Valencia before 1628.


In all of this the key personage was, as stated above, Patrick Tracey, who was a priest of the ecclesiastical diocese of Tuam in Connacht. From 1621 he was enrolled as a student at the College at Salamanca, where he studied Theology. In 1627 he was sent by the Rector of the College at Salamanca to Valencia in order to found the seminary college there. He later obtained his doctorate at the University of Valencia. He had scarcely arrived in the city when he met his compatriots, Malachy Maher (Malaquías Meher), who had obtained his doctorate in Theology in 1621; he also met and befriended Thaddeus Cleary (‘Tadeo Clario’) and James Cleary (‘Diego Clario’), who had graduated in the Faculty of Arts in 1626. Another Irish exile, Patrick Master (‘Patricio Mestre’) also obtained his doctorate in Theology at Valencia in 1628. 


Tracey obtained the degree of Bachelor of Theology on 17 June 1628 (Jerónimo Agustín Morlá acting as his sponsor); he went on to obtain the degree of Doctor of Theology on 23 July 1629, with Francisco Cruílles acting as his sponsor. Tracey affirms unequivocally in a memorial to the King that he went on to found the seminary for Irish priests with the blessing of the Superiors of the College at Salamanca, that is: ‘having gone afterwards by order of his Superiors to the City of Valencia to establish a seminary of his nation, he did so to great satisfaction and effect.’ The foundation of a seminary for the training of diocesan priests was an innovation. Six colleges are known to have existed between 1550 and 1643, but the Irish did not figure as students in any of them. From the middle of the 16th century there existed the College of the Presentation, founded by Tomás de Villanueva, with ten scholarships for paupers. In 1668 it became a senior college. The College of the Assumption was another institution in Valencia, offering three scholarships for the natives of Valencia. The College of the Purification (1572) was a similar institution, while Juan de Ribera’s College of Corpus Christi (1594) offered six scholarships for priests and 24 for students. There was also the College of the Order of Montesa de St George (1606, Colegio de la orden de Montesa de San Jorge), and finally the College of the Holy Monarchs (1643) for students of medicine. Based on this information, we must conclude that the first students of the Irish College at Valencia were either holders of scholarships from the College of the Purification, or that they set up a college ex novo. The latter is the most likely explanation. 


The Irish students must have begun to study on an institutional basis around 1623, thanks to the benevolence and patronage of the Dominican Fray Isidoro de Aliaga, successor to Juan de Ribera as Archbishop of Valencia (Aliaga served as Archbishop from 1612 to 1648). The Archbishop was responsible for enrolling the first Irish students, who lived together in a rented house. The college operated without any recognized institutional structure until the arrival of Tracey from Salamanca in 1628, the date at which, as we have seen, the seminary was officially founded. Tracey exuded a certain authority, not only because he was a graduate of the University of Salamanca but also because he had the full backing of the College of the Irish at Salamanca. On the other hand his importance is easily exaggerated: it appears that he spent only a short time at Valencia, perhaps five years.


A month before obtaining the degree of Doctor of Theology, Tracey requested a certificate from the University of Salamanca stating that he had studied Theology from 1627; his intention was surely that he would later present it to the Council of State in order to ask for a viaticum to return to Ireland. It was in Madrid in 1631 that he formally asked for the viaticum, which was granted him in February of that year ‘from the hand of the Senior Almoner’; accordingly, the Senior Chaplain of the Palace must have been the person who processed this merced, as this was the practice in almost all cases.115 However, Tracey did not go to Ireland, but instead went to the University of Alcalá de Henares in 1632, where the Senate of the University appointed him Rector of the Irish College which had been founded there by Theobald Stapleton two years previously. It was surely due to Tracey’s enormous prestige that he was elected to this position. Antonio Cardinal Barberini, Protector of Ireland, visited the College of Alcalá de Henares in 1631, and wrote a report on the Irish Colleges in Spain, dated 4 April 1634. In this report, he details the state of the colleges at Salamanca, Lisbon, Santiago Seville, Madrid and Alcalá; he also mentions the College at Valencia, saying that it was founded around 1624 and that at the time of his writing there were about ten students living on alms in a single house.


Notwithstanding Tracey’s claim to have been the founder of the Seminary College at Valencia, in 1626 Thaddeus Cleary (‘Tadeo Claro’) obtained his doctorate in Theology, and in 1633 so did Hugh O’Reilly; both students had previously obtained their degrees in Arts from the same University. It is therefore clear that, in addition to Tracey, there were two other prominent Irish theologians in Spain in these years. We cannot determine, until more in-depth research is done in the Municipal Archive of Valencia, how many Irish graduates of the Faculty of Theology there were, but we do know from sources in the Archivo General de Simancas and the Archivo General de Palacio Real about a number of petitioners who claimed that they had studied at Valencia; indeed information is also available on Irish students who asked for help in order to be able to study at the University of Valencia under the patronage of Archbishop Aliaga.

Enrique García Hernán, CSIC, Madrid





1613 Lexicon ecclesiasticum latino hispanicum...

Valencia...Otrasay, como Valencia de Alcanara &c.


D. Patricius Tressy venit 1621. 2. Iobris. Conaciensis

Treacy (ms Tressy), Patrick. of Connacht. Came in 1621.

Archivium Hibernicum: Or, Irish Historical Records, Volume 62, 2009


IV. Sponsors for Alberto Hugo O Donel, Madrid 1625 A.H.N. Madrid Alcántara, Exp. 736

Patricio Tressy [Priest; born Rosclogher, Rossinver, Co. Leitrim, Ireland.]

A.H.N. Madrid, Santigo, Expedientes 3146, 5853; A.G.S. Estado. Leg. 2767

Walsh, Micheline ed (1978) Spanish Knights. Vol IV. Irish Manuscript Commission.




1603 Pat. 1 James I.

XXVII.—23 Pardon to...Calle O’Tresse...in the county of le Trime [Leitrim]


3/12/1636 Debtors Irish Statue Stable Book

Melaghlyn McGlanaghy

Conn O’Rourke

Thadee or Teig McNawa

Edmond Tresey, Gent, Aghederray [Aghaderrard? Rossinver], Leitrim. £600 Dc2/258v

Creditor: Henry Jones, Dean of Ardagh


10 Oct 1825-12 Oct 1825

Letter from Major George Warburton, inspector general of police for Connaught, Oatfield House near Aughrim, County Galway, to Henry Goulburn, Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle, conveying permission to take three weeks leave of absence has been given Mr Tracy [William Samuel Tracy], chief constable of police in County Leitrim, and also to Mr [William] Gardiner, chief constable of police in the barony of Tireragh in County Sligo. With annotation on top from Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquis Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, stating the inspector general does not have the authority to grant such leave, rather formal permission must be obtained from himself.

1 item; 2pp CSO/RP/SC/1825/667 (see William Samuel Tracy)

16 Apr 1829-22 Apr 1829

Letter from [Maj] George Warburton [Inspector General of Police in Connaught], Castlegar, [County Galway], to William Gregory, Under Secretary, forwarding letters of application for leave of absence from 2 chief constables of police, namely: J[] O’Connor, Tuam, for 6 weeks; and George Tracy [William Samuel Tracy?], Ballinamore, County Leitrim, for 2 months, with supporting letter from surgeon George Roe of the County Cavan Infirmary.

4 items; 7pp CSO/RP/1829/453

24 Aug 1830-9 Jul 1831

File of documents on the subject of outrage in counties Leitrim and Roscommon. Includes letter from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Carrick on Shannon, [County Leitrim], to Arthur Crossley, magistrate, referring to the attempt on the life of Thomas McKeon of Deffier [Diffin] and noting the arrest of Mathew Farrell in connection with that incident; expressing a degree of doubt in making a strong case since there is but one witness of the crown in the matter; points to some inconsistences in the evidence of two men of the name of Lynch and also reflects on the trial of some of those responsible for the attack on the dwelling of Patrick Toole. Also includes letter from Crossley to Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, stating that Bryan Connor has given information on a number of offenders who were engaged in attacking houses for arms in July and August 1830; observing Connor is now under the protection of the police; enclosing affidavits from Connor and Patrick McDermott.

8 items; 17pp CSO/RP/OR/1831/271

4 Jun 1831-1 Jul 1831

File of letters from Arthur Crossley, magistrate, Elphin, [County Roscommon], reporting on outrages for the month of June 1831. Includes letter from Crossley to Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Chief Secretary, stating that a small party of armed insurgents attacked 14 houses in the parish of Kilmore; adding that the visitations were for the purpose of demanding money for Capt Rock. Also enclosing a report from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Carrick on Shannon, [County Leitrim], indicating that an attempt was made to kill a bailiff named McKeon of Deffier [Diffin]; stating that McKeon was met by a stranger who presented a pistol at him, which twice ‘misfired’; explaining he is making some enquiries in the matter and concluding that the incident is linked with McKeon’s ‘eviction of a number of defrauding tenants’.

6 items; 14pp CSO/RP/OR/1831/264

1833 Commissioners for Auditing Public Accounts

Constabulary Police - County of Leitrim

The Account of James Duncan and W.S. Tracy, Paymasters of the Constabulary of the County of Leitrim, for one year, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day of December 1830.

The Account of Messrs. Tracy & Brown, Paymasters of the Constabulary of the County of Leitrim, for one year, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day of December 1831.


1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Edwd Tracy, Sunnagh ?eenity, Clooney, Clare, 1827 [Sinagh heenity (Sunnagh?), Cloone, Co. Leitrim]


Michael Tracy, Drumingna [Drumigna], Kiltubbrid, Leitrim, 1833


Patt Jrany [Trassy], Straduffy [Sraduffy], Cloonclare, Leitrim, 1834

Patt Tracy, Sraduffy, Cloonclare, Leitrim, 1834


Tracy [widw], Bar Of Buggan [Boggaun], Cloonlogher, Leitrim, 1833



Patt Tracy, Sraduffy, Cloonclare, Leitrim, 1834

Patt Jrany [Trassy], Straduffy [Sraduffy], Cloonclare, Leitrim, 1834


Edwd Tracy, Sunnagh ?eenity, Clooney, Clare, 1827 [Sinagh heenity (Sunnagh?), Cloone, Co. Leitrim]


Tracy [widw], Bar Of Buggan [Boggaun], Cloonlogher, Leitrim, 1833


Michael Tracy, Drumingna [Drumigna], Kiltubbrid, Leitrim, 1833



9 Feb 1830-15 Feb 1830

Letter from Arthur Crossley, magistrate, Elphin, [County Roscommon], to William Gregory, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], enclosing a letter from Roger Gilmartin, prisoner, Carrick on Shannon Gaol, [County Leitrim], to Martin Treacy, Dromahair, [County Leitrim], and John Gilmartin, Raghmoney, [Rathmoney, County Sligo], stating there are ‘numbers of our Society’ in that gaol, telling them to connect with John and William Kelly, and with [other members in] Ballintoher, [Ballintogher, County Sligo] about an effort to free them, threatening otherwise to turn King’s evidence, and referring to Thomas Currin regarding pistols. Crossely comments that other such letters were written to different persons in the country; that a woman smuggling a rope ladder into the gaol was apprehended; that military are expected from Boyle, [County Roscommon].

2 items; 4pp CSO/RP/OR/1830/75



1850 Naturalization Delarations Albany NY

Andrew Tracey, 31, Co Leitrim, Liverpool, Albany, Oct 26


1841- 1887 Interment Records St. John’s Cemetery, Albany, NY




















September 15, 1849

65 years




Dysentery Death




Manor Hamilton estate...c) Sketch of John Treacy's garden let to R. Robinson, Manorhamilton, Francis Mitchell, surveyor 1850...

Ms 33,828 (2) e) Leitrim Papers NLI

Sketch of a Garden lately in possession of Sir[?] John Treacey of Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, 4 July 1850 - NLI


1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act

The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908. Pension claimants had to prove their age. Those born before 1864 used the 1841 and 1851 census.


1851 Treacy (Timoney), Agho, Boho, Fermanagh Cen/S/10/9

2.12.16 [2nd December 1916] Image

Anne Treacy (d. of Peter Treacy & Mary Timoney) 1851 residence Agho, Boho, Fermanagh

Address: Mrs Anne Walsh, Kiltyclougher, Co Leitrim

IG Record 23381

Treacy Anne Peter Treacy Mary Treacy nee TIMONEY Agho Boho Clanawley Fermanagh 1916 - Mrs Anne Walsh, Kiltyclogher


Agho, Boho, Fermanagh

Anne Treacy      Applicant                               

Peter Treacy       Father             

Mary Timoney Mother


Griffiths Valuation Leitrim 1856


By Area

Anthony Tressy Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim

Anthony Tressy Kiltyclogher Town of Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim


Catherine Tracey Boggaun Cloonlogher Leitrim


Eliza Treacy Drumlom Annaduff Leitrim


John Tracey Town of Manorhamilton Main Street Cloonclare Leitrim

John Treacy Drumaragh Kiltubbrid Leitrim


Michael Tracy Cornagresha North Mohill Leitrim


Patrick Tressy Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim


Thomas Tracey Drumingna Kiltubbrid Leitrim


William Tracey Knockmacrory Mohill Leitrim

William Tressy Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim

William Tressy Kiltyclogher Town of Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim

Eliza Treacy Drumlom Annaduff Leitrim


Anthony Tressy Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim

Anthony Tressy Kiltyclogher Town of Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim

John Tracey Town of Manorhamilton Main Street Cloonclare Leitrim

Patrick Tressy Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim

William Tressy Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim

William Tressy Kiltyclogher Town of Kiltyclogher Cloonclare Leitrim


Catherine Tracey Boggaun Cloonlogher Leitrim


John Treacy Drumaragh Kiltubbrid Leitrim

Thomas Tracey Drumingna Kiltubbrid Leitrim


Michael Tracy Cornagresha North Mohill Leitrim

William Tracey Knockmacrory Mohill Leitrim




1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

John Treacy 9 Jan 1901 Drumara Leitrim, farmer, to Edward Treacy, farmer


1861 RIC Service

Thomas Treacy, 26768, b. 1841 Kings


26768 Thos Treacy, 20 years, 5'8". b. Kings, Roman Catholic, recommended by J.F. Rolleston JP, lab, allocated 9 May 1861, served Leitm 5 Sep '61 - Gal WR? 1/1/65, Punishment - Removed B39879/16225, Dismissed 27/7/69 B39879/18445


1861 Census – Scotland

John Tracey, b. 1812, 1st Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland

Alice Tracey, b. 1811, 1st Dundee, Forfarshire (Angus), Scotland, b. Leitrim Ireland


1861 US Naval enlistment

Bernard Treacy, Nov 1861 Philadelphia, 24 years b. 1837 Latrim Co Ireland. Coalhir rating - no previous naval experience, baker, blue eyes, bro hair, fair complexion, 5'11.5"


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, Ellen, Ballyshannon, Donegal/Leitrim/Fermanagh. 2 3

Tracey, James, Manorhamilton, Leitrim. 2 175

Tracy, Thomas, Ballyshannon, Donegal/Leitrim/Fermanagh. 17 13

Treacy, James, Manorhamilton, Leitrim. 2 175

Treacy, Mary, Ballyshannon, Donegal/Leitrim/Fermanagh. 12 4

Tressy, James, Ballyshannon, Donegal/Leitrim/Fermanagh. 2 6


June 28, 1865 Nenagh Guardian

...were indicted for stealing two pounds of wool, belonging to Wm. Tracy of Clonemullan [Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim] on the 11th May last...


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


14 June 1867 (FJ) Keaney v. Loftus and M'Gowan

The action was for trespass, assault and false imprisonment...The plaintiff, Rose Keaney, was a tenant to Mr. Authur Loftus Tottenham for a house and yard in the town of Kiltyclogher, County of Leitrim...M'Gowan, bailiff of Mr. Tottenham...open a passage into the yard of a neighbour named Treacy, by throwing down a yard of plaintiff...She brought an action against Treacy and recovered £35 damages...The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff for £50...

The Irish Reports

 June 13. 14, July 1 1867 Keaney v. Tottenham and McGowan

 ...appeal from the Court of Common Pleas...At the trial the Plaintiff, Rose Keaney, was produced as a witness, and stated that the Defendant, [Arthur Loftus] Tottenham, was her landlord for a house and back yard in the town of Kiltyclogher, of  which she and her late husband had been tenants for the last fourteen years; the next house was occupied by Anthony Treacy, and  there was a yard and a gate entrance between the houses; there  was a turf stack in the Plaintiff’s yard. On or about the 25th August, 1863, M'Gowan, Mr. Tottenham's bailiff, told her that he had given Treacy orders to toss the wall and turf stack which was on it, and to open a pass into his yard, and to give it up quietly;  she refused, and went to Mr. Tottenham's house at Glenfarm, and  told him that she had heard that he had given Treacy leave to toss  the wall and turf stack, and to open a way into his yard. He said  that Treacy wanted a pass, and that she must give it up to him,  or that he would take it away altogether from her, and send her  away… 

The jury found— 1st—That the Defendants assaulted and beat the Plaintiff. 2nd—That none of the alleged trespasses were committed by the Defendant, Arthur Loftus Tottenham, in the execution of his office as justice of the peace, and found for the Plaintiff, £50 damages and costs…

On the 21st of April, 1865, the Defendant obtained a conditional order, that the verdict had for the Plaintiff should be set aside and a new trial granted, on the ground of misdirection of the learned judge...Judgement for the Plaintiff.


26 January 1871 (FJ) Aid for the Wounded of the French Army

Parish of Cloonclare, County Leitrim...W. Tracy...£1...A. Tracey...5s...


National School Registers

Anne Treacy, b. 1861, 1872, Leitrim

Ellen Treacy, b. 1869, 1874, Leitrim

Kate Treacy, b. 1863, 1872, Leitrim

Margaret Tracy, b. 1860, 1872, Leitrim

Patrick Tracey, b. 1917, 1925, Leitrim


Killasnet County Leitrim

Anne Treacy, 11, b. 1861, RC, lives M Hamilton [Manorhamilton Cloonclare OR Killasnet], parent widow, 24 Jun 1872

Ellen Treacy, 5, b. 1869, RC, lives Manorhamilton, parent widow, 1 Mar 1874

Kate Treacy, 9, b. 1863, RC, lives Do [M Hamilton], parent Do [widow], 24 Jun 1872


Glenade School, County Leitrim

Margaret Tracy, 12, b. 1860, RC, lives Drummons [Drummans/Drummins Rossinver], parent widow, 8 Jul 1872


28 February 1878 (FJ) Marriage

Treacy and Keon - February 27, at the pro-Cathedral, Marlborough-street, by the Rev TJ O'Reilly, CC, Daniel Joseph Treacy, Esq, JP, Teinkilly, Queen's County, to Mary Josephine, only daughter of the late Ferdinand P Keon, Esq, New Brooke, county Leitrim. [see Daniel Thomas Treacy]


23 October 1880 (N) Land League

Kiltyclogher County Leitrim...William Treacy, secretary...

30 April 1881 (N) Kiltyclougher

...Large contingents from the neighbouring districts of Belcoo, Blackloion, Kildoo, Derrygonnelly and Garrison attended...Mr. Treacy proposed the first resolution...


1881 British Census

Michael Treacy, 24 years, born Carrick on Shannon, single, Labourer, 47 Lichfield St Tamworth Staff


24 June 1882 (N) Ladies Land League

Kiltubride (co. Leitrim)...meeting...M. Tracey...


8 April 1893 Freeman's Journal

... William? Treacy, of Kiltyclogher, in is the County of Leitrim, General Merchant. was, on the 28th day of March, 1803, adjudged Bankrupt. at Public Sittings ...



5. John Tracey, Drumaragh otherwise Drismaragh, Leitrim, leitrim, £6.10.0 rent, 15a/2r/16p, tenant from year to year

26 & 26a. Thomas Tracey, Drumaragh otherwise Drismaragh, Leitrim, leitrim, £4 rent, 6a/3r/32p, tenant from year to year

27. Michael Tracey, Drumaragh otherwise Drismaragh, Leitrim, leitrim, £3.15.0 rent, 7a/1r/22p, tenant from year to year

2. Thomas Tracey, Darreen (Lloyd), Leitrim, leitrim, 0a/0r/2p, tenant from year to year. Rent included in the rent of 26 and 26a Drimingna[?].


1887 RIC Service

Michael F Treacy, 52546, b. 1859 Tipperary North Riding


52546 Michl F Treacy, 17.66 years, 5'9.75", b. Tipp NR, Catholic, recommended by DI Barry, None [trade], allocated 6 June 87, served Leitrim 8 Decr 87 - Louth 1.3.90, Reward & Punishments, resigned 11.2.91 52546D/50685, Cond in Fermanagh Roscomm


1887 [C.5031] Irish Land Commission - Leitrim

John Tracy, tenant, Robert Jones Lloyd, landlord, Drumaragh, 6a3r16p, £2.10.0 valation, £3.0.0 rent, £1.16.0 judical rent

Thomas Tracy, tenant, Robert Jones Lloyd, landlord, Drumingua, 13a3r23p, £5.0.0 valuation, £6.10.0 rent, £4.0.0 judicial rent


1889 Return of judicial rents

Anne Treacy of Kiltyclogher Leitrim, landlord Mrs. Sarah A. Tottenham, 20a/0r/20p, poor valuation £5/0/0, old rent £7/15/10, new rent £5/10/0, by consent


1890 Return of judicial rents

Mary Tracy of Ballyboy Leitrim, landlord Mrs. Sarah A. Tottenham, 5a/2r/16p, poor valuation £3/0/0, old rent £4/2/0, new rent £3/10/0

Michael Tracey of Drumingna Leitrim, landlord Robert Jones Lloyd, 6a/3r/6p, poor valuation £3/0/0, old rent £3/15/0, new rent £2/5/0


1890-91 [C.6225] Calendar of the department of science and art for the year 1891.

W. Treacy, secretary, National School, Kiltyclogher [Leitrim]


1891 British Census

Rose Ann Treasy, prisoner Wakefield, widow, 36 years, Shirt Seamtress, b. Co. Leitrim


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


Bridget Treacy, Dromod (Leitrim? Ireland), 1903, 22 years, Cousin Mrs Joyce, 853 7th Ave, New York [travelling with Patrick Joyce 24, Bridget Joyce 30, John Joyce 9, Helen Joyce 5, Kate Padian 22, from Dormod returning home to US]


Catherine Tracey, Leitrim Ireland, 1906, 23 years, wife, to 1550 35th St Chicago, Ill

               Michael Tracey, Chicago USA, 1906, 45 years, husband, Comme Agent, to 1550 35th St Chicago, Ill


Edward John Treacy, Drumonaugh (Drumaragh Leitrim) Ireland, 1921, 26 years, single, Father: Edward Treacy, Drumonaugh [Drumaragh, Gortnagullion] Co. Leitrim, Ire. brother William Treacy, 590 Grand St, New York, NY. 5’8.5”, fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Drumesaugh Ireland [written over Gr Br]


Frank Tracey, 1909, 38 years, b. Drumshanbo Ireland. Home: 317 East 37th St New York. Mother Mrs Tracey, Drumshambo, Co. Leitrim.


James Treacy, Dromond (Dromod Leitim? Ireland), 1894, 21 years, Ireland, to New York


Jane Mary Treacy, Ireland, 1924, 25 years, single, waitress, Mother Mrs Treacy, Kiltyclogher, Co. Leitrim, Ireland. brother Philip Treacy, 12 Nair? St, West Rutland, Vermont. 5’5”, fair complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. b. Kiltyclo??er. Immigration visa Belfast 10/12/24, 5730


John Treacy, Kishcarryan (Keshcarrigan Kiltubbrid) Leitrim Ireland, 1921, 25 years, single, Father: Edward Treacy, Kishcarryan, Co. Leitrim, Ireland. to Aunt Mrs Sullivan, Providence R.I. 5’8”. Fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. – Ireland. [crossed out]


Jas [Jos?] Tracey, Dromid (Dromod? Leitrim? Ireland), 1899, 27 [21 underneath] years, to New York, brother James, New York [written 433 E 99 St]


Mary Treacy, NY USA, 1913, 42 years . John T Supreme Ct NY. Brother in law: Edward Tracey, 37 Charlesville Rd Dublin. Resident returning to 334 58th St Hayridge Brooklyn. 5’7”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, B. Mohill Ireland. [Mary Treacy 42, Mary F Treacy 11, Agnes J Treacy 4]

Mary F. Treacy, B'klyn, NY USA, 1913, 11 years, 4 years, US born. Uncle: Edward Tracey, 37 Charlesville Rd Dublin. Resident returning to 334 58th St Hayridge Brooklyn. B. Brooklyn USA. [Mary Treacy 42, Mary F Treacy 11, Agnes J Treacy 4]

Agnes J. Treacy, Brooklyn NY USA, 1913, 4 years, US born. Uncle: Edward Tracey, 37 Charlesville Rd Dublin. Resident returning to 334 58th St Hayridge Brooklyn. B. Brooklyn USA. [Mary Treacy 42, Mary F Treacy 11, Agnes J Treacy 4]

??? [Mrs] Treacy, Brooklyn USA, 1913, 42 years, married, lives 334 58St, Hagridge, Brooklyn [??? Treacy 42, Mary Treacy 11, Agnes J Treacy 4] [crossed out]

Mary Treacy, Brooklyn USA, 1913, 11 years lives 334 58St, Hagridge, Brooklyn [??? Treacy 42, Mary Treacy 11, Agnes J Treacy 4] [crossed out]

Agnes J. Treacy, Brooklyn USA, 1913, 4 years lives 334 58St, Hagridge, Brooklyn [??? Treacy 42, Mary Treacy 11, Agnes J Treacy 4] [crossed out] [see Agnes Treacy]


Peter Treacy, Kiltyclogher (Leitrim?) Ireland, 1911, 21 years, single, father Jas Treacy Kiltyclogher, to cousin James Timonley 117 Clinton St Schenectady NY. 5'8", fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. b. Fermanagh Ireland [1901 census Agho Boho Fermanagh]


Philip Treacy, Kiltycloger (Leitrim?) Ireland, 1923, 28 years, single, farmer, mother Mrs A Treacy Kiltyclogher Co. Leitrim. to cousin Patrick J O'Conner 12 Main St West Rutland Vermont USA. 5'7", fr complexion, bn hair, ble eyes. b. Kiltycloghe Ireland


Rose Treacey, 1897, 22 years, departed from Moville to Boston. [State Reg: 1874 Ballyshannon probably Fermanagh]

               Rose Treacy, 1901, 24 years, single, from Letrim?, Londonderry to Boston, lived Boston 1900, to sister Mrs P.J. Bradley


William Treacy, Drumara (Drumaragh Kiltubbrid Leitrim) Ireland, 1921, 20 years, single, father Ed Treacy Drumaragh Kishoarrigen Leitrim. friend paid passage. to friend Ellen Dolan 1157-3 Avee New York NY. 5'9', dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes. b. Drumara Ireland.


United States Naturalization Petitions

William Treacy, born 05 Nov 1898 Leitrim, Ireland. Naturalised 1921 & 1927 New York NY


'Kensington', Queenstown to Phila 20 Oct 1894

John Tracey, 50, b. 1844,lived Clooneagher, lived 1894 Prov, to wife family Prov R.I.  [with Cath 18 yrs]

Cath Tracey, 18, b. 1876 Ireland, single, lived Clooneagher [Cloonlogher Leitrim?], to uncle John Prov. R.I., $500 [with John 50]


No 46 Tracey - Cert of Regr of Title

1 Dec 1900 Memorial of Registration. Registration of Title of parts of the lands of Drumingna [Kiltubbrid] containing together 6:3:32 [a:r:p] and part of the lands of Derreen (Lloyd) [Kiltubbrid], containing 2 perches both statute measure or thereabouts situate in the Barony of Leitrim and County of Leitrim held in fee simple entered on the Folio No 100 of the Register Ownership Thomas Tracey of Drumingna Keshcarrigan [Kiltubbrid] Carrick on Shannon in the County of Leitrim Farmer is the owner...


No 47 Tracey - Cert of Regr of Title

1 Dec 1900 Registration of Title of part of the lands of Drumingna [Kiltubbrid] containing together 7:2:14 [a:r:p] and part of the lands of Toomans [Kiltubbrid] containing 30 perches statute measure or thereabouts situate in the Barony Leitrim and County of Leitrim held in fee simple entered on the Folio No 1101 of the Register Ownership Michael Tracey of Drumingna Keshcarrigan Carrick on Shannon in the County of Leitrim Farmer is the owner of the foregoing property



1900 Return of judicial rents

William Treacy of Kiltyclogher Manorhamilton Leitrim, landlord Charles Gore & Sarah A Tottenham (deceased), 2a/2r/0p, poor valuation £1/3/0, old rent £4/14/0, new rent 1 £4/14/0, new rent 2 £1/12/6


1900 Irish Mission for Immigrant Girls in New York City

Brigid Tracy, 1930, 16 years, from Leitrim. Sponsor: Mrs. J. M. Dillon,  87 Herkimer St. Brooklyn. aunt (Cameronia - May 05 1930)

Brigid McCabe, 1924?, 19 years, from Leitrim. Sponsor: Mrs. John Tracey 521 St. Marks Ave. Brooklyn. friend (Baltic 1924?-10-09) [Also? Catherine Keegan, 18, Leitrim]

Brigid Meehan, 1928, 17 years, from Leitrim. Sponsor: Mrs. Tracey 5 E. 62 St. New York City. aunt (Caledonia - August 13 1928)


1901 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act

12/5/1900 Thomas Tracey of Derreen Drumingna Leitrim CD, Landlord Robert J.S. Lloyd, 6a/3r/34p, poor valuation £-, rent £2/2/6, Judical, purchase £35, advance £35, cash £7

12/5/1901 Thomas Tracey of Drumingna Darreen (Lloyd) Leitrim D.C., landlord Robert J.S. Lloyd, 6a/3r/34p, poor valuation £-, rent £2/2/6, Judical, purchase £35, advance £35, cash £7

13/5/1900 John Tracy of Drumaragh, Drumingna Leitrim, Landlord Robert J.S. Lloyd, 16a/0r/12p, poor valuation £-, rent £4/0/10, Judical (partly), purchase £62/18/4, advance £60, cash £12

12/5/1901 Michael Treacy of Drumingna Toomans Leitrim D.C., landlord Robert J.S. Lloyd, 7a/3r/4p, poor valuation £-, rent £2/9/10, Judical (partly), purchase £37/8/4, advance £35, cash £7




 1901 Census of Ireland

 Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland



Partial 1901 Census







Head of household

Head of household

Head of household

Other occupants







Edward (45)


Mary (32)

Thomas (3)

William (1)







Thomas (75)


Ellen (40) dtr. in law/married

Thomas (5) gs

Ann (4) gd

Michal (3) gs







Michael (64)


Jane (60)

Bridget Forde (30) dtr./married/dressmaker

Patrick Kilbride (6) gs

Mary Jane Forde (8mo.) gd







Anne (90)


Hugh (35)

Anne (30) dtr. in law

Catherine (13) gd

Patrick (12) gs

Anne (10) gd

Margaret (8) gd

Philip (6) gs

Jane (4) gd

Bridget (11mo.) gd

Kiltyclogher T.






Mary (66)


born Co. Fermanagh-

Owen Rourke (16) shop asst.

Margaret Rooney (15) servant

Kiltyclogher T.






William (50)

farmer/shopkeeper/not married

Peter Gallagher (30) nephew/born Co. Fermanagh/shop assistant/not married

James Gallagher (22) shop assistant/nephew/born Co. Fermanagh/not married







James (29)

farmer/not married

Margaret McGowan (22) servant/not married

William McGowan (20) farm servant/not married


Jul 8, 1905 (LO)
...William Collurn, in reply to Mr. Hynes, deposed that when his mother and family were cleared out of the holding, they went to live at Treacy's house in Kittyclogher. In 1895...

Old Age Pensions (Ireland).HC Deb 28 April 1910 vol 17 cc739-43W

§ Mr. THOMAS F. SMYTH asked the Chief Secretary if he can state why it is that Mrs. Jane Treacey, who resides at Drumingra, Keshcarrigan, county Leitrim, has not as yet got her pension, although it was passed for the second time by the Carrick-on-Shannon pension committee on 8th October, 1909, when she produced a baptismal certificate that she was then in her seventy-first year, and, although she has written to the Local Government Board and the local pension officer repeatedly about the matter, she has never got her pension book?

§ Mr. BIRRELL No appeal appears to have come before the Local Government Board in this case. The payment of pensions is not a matter over which I have any control.

May 7, 1910 (LO) Questions in Parliament
Old Age Pensions...Mrs. Jane Treacy, who resides at Drumingra, Keshcarrigan, Co. Leitrim, has not as yet got her pension...October 8th 1909, when she produced a baptisimal certificate that she was then in her 71st year...


1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



1912-13 [Cd. 6028, 6029, 6096, 6137, 6187, 6263, 6330, 6393, 6403, 6420, 6424, 6443] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish land purchase acts, during the month of November, 1910. - Leitrim

26th October 1911, John Tracy, Leamanish, 10a1r27p, £3.10.0 valuation, £3.12.0 rent, judicial, £80 purchase price and advance, 22.2 years


29 October 1921 (AC) Cavan V. Leitrim

...Leitrim...J. Treacey...


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Thomas Treacy, 13 Aug 1924, late of Drumingna County Leitrim, farmer, who died 5 May 1906, to Patrick Treacy, farmer. Effects …


Apr 3, 1926 (IT) New Assistant Surveyor

Mr. P. Treacy, B.Sc., B.E., Cootehall, Boyle, has been appointed Assistant Surveyor for North Leitrim.


24 August 1929 (AC) Leitrim County Council

Mr. E. O'Neill, County Surveyor, reported that Mr. Coleman, assistant surveyor, had resumed work, but wished to be transferred to Manorhamilton, more suitable to his health. He would arrange to change places with Mr. Tracy...


Mar 30, 1935 (CT) ...Leitrim Board of Health...

...A letter from the Department of local Government urged the reorganistion of the engineering staff and that instead of the two men at present employed the Board should appoint three assistant surveyors - Messs Dan Mitchell, Michael P. Tracey and Frank Jeiter...


29 August 1959 (AC) Scholarship Winners

The following students have been awarded Secondary School Scholarships by Leitrim County Council...Liam O'Treasaigh, Boeshill, Mohill.





Church Records – Births & Marriages Leitrim Genealogy Centre

TRACY, MARY, 1811, B








*TRACY, JOHN, 1845, B





*TRACY, ANNE, 1848, B

*TRACY, HUGH, 1849, B

*TRACY, ROSE, 1850, B



TRACY, ROSE, 1852, B

*TRACY, THOMAS & SHANLY, MARY, 1853, M (see Kilturbid Parish)

TRACY, MICHAEL, 1853, B [*1852]











*TRACY, ELLEN, 1856, B






TRACEY, 1858, B





*TRACEY, MARY, 1860, B


*TRACEY, PATRICK, 1860, B (see Kilturbid Parish)

TRACA, THOMAS & REILLY, ELLEN, 1861, M [Carrigallen]

*TRACY, MARY, 1861, B

*TRACY, ANNE, 1862, B

TRACY, MARY, 1862, B




*TRACY, JAMES, 1864, B

*TRACEY, PHILIP & SHARKEY, BRIDGET, 1865, M [see Cloonclare]







TRACY, ELLEN, 1866, B [1868]


*TRACY, PETER, 1867, B

WALSH, WILLIAM & TRACY, ANNE, 1870, M [Clooneclare]

SHANNHAN, JAMES & TRACEY, MARY ANN, 1870, M * [Shanahan]

*Michael Tracy 1869, b



*TRACEY, ANN, 1874, B







TREACY, EDWARD & RORKE, MARY, 1892, M [1893 see Kilturbid Parish]

TREACY, PATRICK & DORAN, ELLEN, 1892, M [1893 see Kilturbid Parish]



KILBRIDE, JOESEPH & TREACY, BRIDGET, 1894, M [see Kiltubrid]

TRACY, JOHN, 1894, B



TRACY, JOHN, 1895, B







TRACEY, PATRICK & MACMORROW, MARY, 1899, M [see Cloonecare]


Source: B = Birth M = Marriage

* Listed below



Constantine Tracy died 1867, Ballyshannon PLU, aged 55, b. 1812

Margaret Tracy died 1867, Ballyshannon PLU, aged 90, b. 1777


Mary Tracy died 1868, Manorhamilton PLU, Aged 60, b. 1808, died 16 Jul 1868 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton


Ellen Tracy, died 1873 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU, aged 77 years, b. 1796, widow, carpenter’s widow, died 21 May 1873 Workhouse Manorhamilton,




1843 Marriages: Notre Dame Cathedral, Bytown (Ottawa, Canada)

 9 May John McTiernan, son of John McTiernan and the late Catherine Tra..? of county Leitrim?, to Ann Tracy, daughter of the late James Tracy and Catherine ? of the same county



I found the marriage certificate in Canada in 1843. John McTernan's father was John McTiernan and it states his mom was the late Catherine. Ann Tracy's father was James Tracy and mother Catherine Bowles. On the document it looks like they were both from Leitrim, Ireland. Do you happen to have any information on either John or Ann McTiernan?



John Tracey b. 1835 Drumkeeran, Leitrim, Leitrim, Ireland

Death:     September 24, 1890 (54-55) Lynden Township, Stearns County, MN, United States

Husband of Catherine [Moran] Tracey

Father of Mary Elizabeth Tracey; John James Tracey; Michael Francis Tracey; Thomas Patrick Tracey; Paul Tracey and 4 others

Managed by:          Dylan James Tracey

Last Updated:       November 3, 2019

December 5, 1865 Birth of Mary Elizabeth Tracey Brooklyn, New York City, Kings County, NY, United States


John Tracey & Catherine Moran

Name            Arnold J Tracey

Sex               Male

Age              23 years

Birth Year (Estimated)               1910

Father's Name             John Tracey

Father's Sex  Male

Mother's Name            Moran

Mother's Sex               Female

Spouse's Name            Madeline Bleier

Spouse's Sex                Female

Spouse's Age               20 years

Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated)               1913

Spouse's Father's Name              Henry Bleier

Spouse's Father's Sex  Male

Spouse's Mother's Name            Albrecht

Event Type   Marriage

Event Date   7 April 1933

Event Place  Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States


Frank Tracy (b. circa 1863 Lafayette, Indiana d. 24 Mar 1932 Miami Beach, Dade, Florida) (s. of Patrick Tracy b. Leithram Co, Ireland & Mary Foley b. Leithram Co, Ireland 

Marital Status: Single 

Occupation: Mill Wright Contractor 

Place of Residence: 202 Centre, New York, New York 

Burial: 25 Mar 1932 Lafayette, Indiana 


7 October 1900 The Times (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

TRACY.- On Saturday, October ft, 1IKK1. ROSE, wife of Michael Tracy and daughter of Patrick and Honora Connelly, of the County Leitrim, Ireland, aged 35 years. Due notice of the funeral will be given, from her late residence. 0O7 Nectarine street, near Ninth and Spring Garden streets.



 Carrigallen (South Leitrim)


Thomas Tracra? married Ellen Reilly 29 Sep 1861 Wit: James Reilly & Eleen Brien? Carrigallen Parish



 Clooneclare (North Leitrim)


Isabella Tracy & Felicis Duros?

Patritius Doros b. ? Jul 1841 Sp. Josephus Conolly & Maria Tracy. Clooneclare Parish

Isabella Tracey & Felix Dinos

Bernardus Dinos b. 8 Dec 1842 Sp. Neal Denos & Anna Roach. Clooneclare Parish

Isabella Tracy & Petrus? Duross?

Rosanna Duross b. 21 Jul 1850 Sp. Bernardus Claney & Anna Curren. Clooneclare Parish


Patritü Tracy & Anne M'Gullian/Magullian

Joannes Tracy b. 18 May 1845 Sp. Patritius McGennis & Jilisin? Ferguson?. Clooneclare Parish

Gulielmus Tracy b. 31 Jan 1847 Sp. Patritius M'Gullian & Maria M'Gannis. Clooneclare Parish

Hugo Tracy b. 20 May 1849 Sp. Lucas Magmin & Catherina M'Gullian. Clooneclare Parish


Hugh Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Kittyclogher townland [Kiltyclogher Cloonclare], (s. of Pat Treacy, dead, farmer) married Anne Meehan, 20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Corran [Carraun Cloonclare], (d. of Cormac Meehan, dead, farmer) 01 June 1885 RC Chapel Kittyclogher Wit: Dan Gilmartin & Anne Meehan [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU] signed her mark


Patrick Treacy, 28, bachelor, clerk, lives Mountmellick, (s. of Hugh Treacy, farmer) married Maud Fennelly, 22, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Mountmellick, (d. of James Fennelly, dead, builder) 4 July 1916 RC Church Mountmellick Wit: John O'Connell & Kathleen Fennelly [Mountmellick Mountmellick PLU]


Hugh Treacy & Anne Meehan

01 Jun 1885 (Age 36 years)

Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Note: Civil Marriage Record - Date of Marriage: 01-Jun-1885, Parish / District: Manorhamilton Civil Registration Distric County: Co. Leitrim, Name: Hugh Treacy, Anne Meehan, Address: Kiltyclogher Townland Corran, Denomination: Not Recorded Not Recorded, Occupation: Farmer Not Recorded, Age: Full Age (Over 21) 20, Status: Bachelor (Previously unmarried) Spinster (Previously unmarried), Husband's Father Name: Pat (Deceased) Treacy, Wife's Father: Cormac (Deceased) Meehan, Occupation: Farmer Farmer, Witness Name: Dan Gilmartin Anne Meehan, Notes: Married In Kiltyclogher Rc Church,

Anne “Annie” Treacy + John McGowan

20 Jun 1919 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Note: Civil Marriage Record - Date of Marriage: 20-Jun-1919, Parish / District: Manorhamilton Civil Registration Distric County: Co. Leitrim, Name: John Macgowan, Annie Treacy, Address: Corracloon Kiltyclogher, Kiltyclogher Kiltyclogher, Denomination: Not Recorded Not Recorded, Occupation: FARMER FARMER, Age: 35 25, Status: Bachelor (Previously unmarried) Spinster (Previously unmarried), Husband's Father Name: Felix Macgowan, Wife's Father: Hugh Treacy, Occupation: Farmer Farmer, Witness Name: John Meehan Sallie Macgriskin, Notes: Married In Kiltyclogher Rc Church,




Leitrim Old Irish Photos

PICTURE Sisters Annie-Bridget (Annie B -my Grandmother) and Mary-Kate McGowan from Corracloon/Kilty. Their mother was Anne Treacy and father John McGowan. They also had a younger sister, Maggie, and brothers Francis-John, Phil, Patrick, Matty (I may have missed some names out off the top of my head!)



Simon Treacy of Garrison [Co. Fermanagh] married Maria Clancy on the 5 Jul 1852 Wit: Pat Timoney, Terence Clancy & Pat Treacy. Clooneclare Parish


Annae Tracy & Joannis Gallagher

Maria Gallagher b. 13 Jun 1853 Sp. Patritius Tracy & Elisabeth Maguinis. Clooneclare Parish


Gulielmus Tracey, Garrison?, married Eleonora Lennon [Leonard crossed out] on the 4 May 1854 Wit: Petrus Keoghan, Margarta Bannin & Thos Magcarty. Clooneclare Parish


Antoni/Anthony Tracy/Treacy & Mariæ/Mary Leonard [married 1854]

Patritü Tracy b. 12 Jul 1857 Sp. Hugh Leonard & Elenina Hynes. Clooneclare Parish

Maria Tracy b. 5 May 1861 Sp. Milisius Gardane & Maria Magauran. Clooneclare Parish

Jacobus Tracy b. 26 Jan 1864 Sp. Phillippus McGennis & Rosa Keoghan. Clooneclare Parish (James b. 26 January 1864 Manorhamilton LDS)

Petrus Tracy b. 1 Jan 1867 Sp. Joannes Tracy & Maria Connelly. Clooneclare Parish (Peter b. 6 January 1867 Manorhamilton LDS)

Rosanne Treacy b. 19 May 1872 Sp. Myles Gordan & Ellen Leonard. Clooneclare Parish (Rose b. 21 May 1872 Manorhamilton LDS)

Anthony Tracey/Treacy/Tracy, tailor, & Mary Leonard/Leinard

James Tracey b. 26 Jan 1864 of Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare]. Anthony Treacy, father, Kiltyclogher. [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

Peter Tracy b. 6 Jan 1867 of Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare] Anthony Treacy, father, Kiltyclogher. [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

Rose Tracy b. 21 May 1872 Kiltyclogher Clooneclare. Anthony Tracy, father, Kiltyclogher [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]



Mary Treacy, died 1875 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU, aged 13 years, b. 1862, spinster, farmer’s daughter, died 1 Jan 1875 Kiltyclogher Cloonclare, Francis Meehan, present at death, Lattoon [Lattone Rossinver]


Rose Anne Treacy, of [full] age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare], (d. of Anthony Treacy, deceased, shop keeper) married Bernard McGriskin, of [full] age, bachelor, publican?, lives Kiltyclogher, (s. of Charles McGriskin, deceased, shop keeper) 28 August 1892 RC Chapel Kiltyclogher Wit: Charles McGriskin & Kate Bredin [Kiltyclogher Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]


Rose Anne Treacy + Bernard McGriskin

married 28 Aug 1892 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland



Anthony Treacy

Birth: estimated 1825 County Leitrim, Ireland

Marriage: about 25 Feb 1854 Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland

Death: 30 Jun 1885 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Mary Leonard

Birth: estimated 1830 County Leitrim, Ireland

Marriage: about 25 Feb 1854 Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland

Occupation: Shopkeeper1901 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Occupation: Shopkeeper1911 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Death: 04 Aug 1921 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland


Rose Anne Treacy

Birth: 21 May 1872 47 42 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Marriage: 28 Aug 1892 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Occupation: Shop Assistant 1901Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Marriage: 02 Mar 1908 Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland

Death: 03 May 1919 Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

James Gallagher

Birth: 31 Dec 1879 39 Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland

Occupation: Shop Assistant 1901Kiltyclogher, County Leitrim, Ireland

Marriage: 02 Mar 1908 Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland


02 Mar 1908 Manorhamilton, County Leitrim, Ireland

Note: Civil Marriage Record - Date of Marriage: 02-Mar-1908, Parish / District: Manorhamilton Civil Registration Distric County: Co. Leitrim, Name: James Gallagher, Roseanne Macgriskin, Address: Kiltyclogher Kiltyclogher, Denomination: Not Recorded Not Recorded, Occupation: Shopkeeper Shopkeeper, Age: Full Age (Over 21) Full Age (Over 21), Status: Bachelor (Previously unmarried) Widow, (Female), Husband's Father Name: Patrick Gallagher, Wife's Father: Anthony (Deceased) Treacy, Occupation: Farmer Tailor, Witness Name: James Gallagher Maria Flynn, Notes: Married In Manorhamilton RC Church



Michael Tracy married Brigida Trower on the 19 Feb 1855 Wit: Thomas Glynn, Patritius Daly & Michl Manon. Clooneclare Parish

Michaelis/Michael Tracey/Tracy & Bridget Travers/Trower

Catherina Tracy b. 12 Feb 1865 Sp. Joannes Kelly & Catherina McSharry. Clooneclare Parish (Catherine b. 10 February 1865 Manorhamilton LDS - Travers)

Ellen b. 12 June 1868 Manorhamilton LDS - Trower

Michael Tracey/Tracy, butcher/victualer, & Bridget Travers/Trower

Catherine Tracey b. 10 Feb 1865 of Manor Hamilton [Manorhamilton Cloonclare] Michael Tracey, his mark, occupier, father of infant, butcher, Manor Hamilton [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

Ellen Tracy b. 12 Jun 1868 of Manorhamilton Cloonclare. Bridget Tracy, her mark, mother, Manorhamilton [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]


Michael E. Tracy  (b. circa 1863 Ireland d. 25 Sep 1923  Chicago, Cook, Illinois age: 60)  (s. of Michael Tracy b. Ireland & Bridget Travers b. Ireland 

Occupation: Laborer 

Residence: Chicago, Cook, Illinois 

Spouse: Elizabeth Tracy 

Burial Date: 28 Sep 1923 Braidwood, Ill 


Anna Tracy of Sligo (d. of George Peacock & Maria Mulhall of Manorhamilton) married Jacobus Grey of Balidsdare [Ballysadare] (s. of Jacobi & Bridgt Benson of Balisodare) on the 19 November 1860 Wit: Joanne McLoughlin of Chapel St & Winifda Lang of Chapel St St John's, Sligo Parish (note: muliar in matrimis autea conguncta fuit). RC Calry (LDS)


Philippus Tracey married Bridgda Sharkey on the 13 Mar 1865 Wit: Jacobus Sharkey, Jacobus Kearny & Joannes Cummingham. Clooneclare Parish

Philip Tracey, of full age, bachelor, labourer, lives Kittyclogher (s. of deceased) married Bridget Sharkey, of full age, spinster, lives Do [Kittyclogher] (d. of James Sharkey, blacksmith) 13 March 1865 RC Chapel of Cloonclare Wit: John Cunningham & James Keaccy [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU] signed her mark

Philip/Phillipps Tracy/Treacy & Bridgida/Bridget Sharkey/Sharky

Patricius Treacy b. 20 Aug 1865 Sp. James & Catherina Gallagher.. Clooneclare Parish. (Patrick b. 17 August 1865 Manorhamilton LDS)

Philip Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Sharky

Patrick Tracy b. 17 Aug 1865 Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare]. Philip Treacy, father, Kitlyclogher [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

Philip Tracey/Trecey & Bridget Sharkey

Mary Ann Tracey b. 29 April 1867 Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland

Bridget Trecey b. 13 February 1873 Hutchesontown, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland


1871 Census – Scotland

Philip Tracy, b. 1844, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Bridget Tracy, b. 1841, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Patrick Tracy, b. 1865, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Mary Ann Tracy, b. 1867 Lanarkshire, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland

John Tracy, b. 1846, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland


1881 Census – Scotland

Philip Tracy, b. 1844, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Bridget Tracy, b. 1834, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Patrick Tracy, b. 1866, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Mary Ann Tracy, b. 1868 Lanarkshire, Hutchesontown, Lanarkshire, Scotland


1900 Census - Yonkers City Ward 4, Westchester, New York, United States 
Phillip Goggins            Head       M            41           New York
Mary Goggins             Wife       F             33           Scotland, Emigrated 1885
William Goggins         Son         M            7             New York
Joseph Goggins           Son         M            6             New York
James Goggins            Son         M            3             New York
Philip Tracy  Father-in-law         M            56           Ireland, labourer, Emigrated 1885, naturalised, 
Bridget Tracy              Mother-in-law        F             60           Ireland, Emigrated 1885
Joseph Tracy                Brother-in-law       M            36           Scotland, hatter, Emigrated 1885, naturalised, 
1905 Census - Yonkers, Westchester, New York 
Philip Tracy  Head       M            60y         Ireland, labourer, 20 years US, Citizen
Bridget Tracy              Wife       F             67y         Ireland, 20 years US, Citizen
Joseph Tracy                Son         M            38y         Scotland, Hatter, 20 years US, Citizen
Mary Goggins             Daughter                F             37y         Scotland, 20 years US, Citizen
Joseph F Goggins        Grandson               M            11y         United States
James Goggins            Grandson               M            7y           United States


John Tracy married Anna Magowan on the 5 Aug 1867 Wit: Philip McGenis & Rose Tracy. Clooneclare Parish

John Tracy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Ahoo [Agho Boho Fermanagh], (s. of Edward Tracy, farmer) married Anne Magowan, twenty, spinster, farmer, lives Brunagh [Bronagh Cloonclare], (d. of Phelim Magowan, farmer) 5 August 1867 RC Chapel of Glenfarne Wit: Philip Magennis & Rosey Tracy [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

John Tracy & Anne McGowan

Mary Treacy b. 31 May 1868 Sp. Edwd Treacy & Ellen Treacy. Clooneclare Parish (Mary Tracy b. 31 May 1868 Manor Hamilton Leitrim, Ireland LDS)

John Tracy, farmer, & Anne McGowan

Mary Tracy b. 31 May 1868 of Meenagh Cloonclare. John Tracy, father, Meenagh [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]


Anne Treacy, died 1874 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU, aged 27 years, b. 1847, married, farmer’s wife, died 7 Aug 1874 Meenagh Cloonclare [Clooneclare RC], John Treacy, his mark, present at death, Meenagh


Maryanne Tracy married James Shanahan 16 March 1870 RC Church Glenfarne Wit: Thos O'Brien & Mich? Daly. Clooneclare Parish

Mary Anne Tracy, of full age, spinster, servant, lives Manorhamilton, (d. of James Tracy, labourer) married James Shanahan, of full age, bachelor, baker, lives Manorhamilton, (s. of Michl Shanahan, farmer) 16 March 1870 RC Church Glenfarne Wit: Thomas O'Brien & Michael Daly [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]
Anne Tracy married Wm Walsh, Kinlough, on the 7 May 1870 Wit: James Tiffany & Wm Haslet. Clooneclare Parish [Note: year]
Anne Tracy/Treacy, spinster, lives Kiltyclogher, (d. of Peter Tracy, farmer) married William Walsh, of full age, bachelor, sub constable, lives Tawly, (s. of Charles Walsh, pensioner, dead) 29 May 1871 RC Church Glenfarne Wit: James Tiffoney & William Hazlett his mark [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

1851 Treacy (Timoney), Agho, Boho, Fermanagh Cen/S/10/9

2.12.16 [2nd December 1916] Image

Anne Treacy (d. of Peter Treacy & Mary Timoney) 1851 residence Agho, Boho, Fermanagh

Address: Mrs Anne Walsh, Kiltyclougher, Co Leitrim

IG Record 23381

Treacy Anne Peter Treacy Mary Treacy nee TIMONEY Agho Boho Clanawley Fermanagh 1916 - Mrs Anne Walsh, Kiltyclogher


Agho, Boho, Fermanagh

Anne Treacy      Applicant                               

Peter Treacy       Father             

Mary Timoney Mother

Hugh Tracy married Anne Meehan 1 June 1885 Wit: Dan Gilmartin & Anne Meehan. Clooneclare Parish [see above]

Hugh Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Kittyclogher townland [Kiltyclogher Cloonclare], (s. of Pat Treacy, dead, farmer) married Anne Meehan, 20, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Corran [Carraun Cloonclare], (d. of Cormac Meehan, dead, farmer) 01 June 1885 RC Chapel Kittyclogher Wit: Dan Gilmartin & Anne Meehan [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU] signed her mark


Patrick Treacy, 28, bachelor, clerk, lives Mountmellick, (s. of Hugh Treacy, farmer) married Maud Fennelly, 22, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Mountmellick, (d. of James Fennelly, dead, builder) 4 July 1916 RC Church Mountmellick Wit: John O'Connell & Kathleen Fennelly [Mountmellick Mountmellick PLU]

James Treacy married Mary Magowan on the 21 Jan 1889 Wit: Patrick Gallagher & Bridget Flangan. Clooneclare Parish

James Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, of Aghoo [Agho Boho Fermanagh], (s. of Peter Treacy, farmer) married Mary Magowan , full age, spinster, of Carraclone [Corracloona Cloonclare] (d. of Tertence Magowen, farmer) 21 January 1889 Kiltyclogher Church Wit: Patrick Gallagher & Bridget Flanagan [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU] signed their marks

Tracey of Glenfarne

My name is Alison and I am hoping you or your parents can help me. My husband is Patrick Tracey and he has a brother Nigel Felix Tracey. His late mum was Nan Shortt of Corracloon and his late Dad was Frank Tracey of Glenfarne. His Dads parents were Mary and James Treacy who are both buried in Glenfarne graveyard. His Dads brother Felix is still alive now 84 and can’t tell us much about his parents. Would your folks know anything about my husband’s grandfather James Treacy (he is the one buried Glenfarne) where he came from or who his parents were?

My husband’s mum was Nan Shortt and her parents were Patrick Shortt of Corracloon (son of Margaret and John Short) and Lizzie McGowan (daughter of Bridget & James McGowan) of Kiltyclogher. That’s as far as we can get on that side as we only found grave of Elizabeth McGowan & Patrick Shortt last month in Kilty graveyard. Nan used to say that Phil McGowan who ran the pub in Kilty with his wife Delia was a cousin of hers but we don’t know how far removed. She also said the Keanys were cousins. Can you parents or grandparents make any sense of this that I have written? It’s the Treacy/Tracey side we are stuck with big time !!

Thanks Alison Tracey alisontracey321@btinternet.com 12 Aug 2007


Felix Treacy born Apr - Jun 1926 Manorhamilton, Ireland


12th March 2013 Felix Treacy, Meenagh, Kiltyclogher, Leitrim

Unexpectedly at his residence. Reposing at Our Lady's Hospital Chapel, Manorhamilton this Saturday evening from 4.30pm with removal at 5.30pm to arrive at St. Mary's Church, Glenfarne for 6pm. Funeral Mass Sunday at 11am with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.


Bridget Treacy, BLANK age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Aughoo [Agho Boho], (d. of Peter Treacy, farmer) married Patrick/Patt McDermott, full [age], widower, farmer, lives Lacoon [Cloonclare] Co. Leitrim, (s. of Laurence McDermott, farmer) 09 January 1888 RC Chapel Garrison Wit: Peter Gallagher & Teresa Mulligan [Belleek Ballyshannon PLU Fermanagh] [bad copy]


Rose Anne Treacy, of [full] age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare], (d. of Anthony Treacy, deceased, shop keeper) married Bernard McGriskin, of [full] age, bachelor, publican?, lives Kiltyclogher, (s. of Charles McGriskin, deceased, shop keeper) 28 August 1892 RC Chapel Kiltyclogher Wit: Charles McGriskin & Kate Bredin [Kiltyclogher Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU] see above


Bridget Treacy, do [full age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Tower? [Devenish], (d. of John Treacy, farmer) married Owen O'Rourke, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare Leitrim], (s. of Hugh O'Rourke, farmer) 13 February 1899 RC Chapel Garrison Wit: Pat Treacy & Mary Ann Fahy? [Belleek Ballyshannon PLU] see Cloonclare Leitrim


Patrick/Patk Tracy, of full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Tobermore [Tower More, Devenish Fermanagh], (s. of John Tracy, farmer) married Mary McMorrow, of full age, spinster, do [farmer], lives Stradrian [Sradrine Cloonclare], (d. of Michael McMorrow, do [farmer]) 08 May 1899 RC Chapel St. Michaels Glenfarne Wit: Peter Gallagher & Mary Anne Gallagher [Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU] see Garrison Fermanagh


Family Tree

James Treacy (1870-1944) & Mary Treacy (1885-1974)

Anna B. Tracey or Treacy (about 1911 Glenfarne, County Leitrim, Ireland - Death  United States) Spouse Mr Boskin




Catherine Tracy died 1864, Manorhamilton PLU, aged 70, b. 1794, died 2 October 1864 Manorhamilton [Cloonclare OR Killasnet] Leitrim, Widow of James Tracey, Bridget Tracy Daughter-in-law


Michael Tracy died 1868, Manorhamilton PLU, Aged 50, b. 1818, Married, died 8 September 1868 Cloonclare [Cloonclare]


 Cloone-Conmaicne (South Leitrim)


Anna Trasy & Mich Cannon

Margretiam Cannon b. 27 Sep 1823 of Munninaghan? Sp. Francis Cannon & Haria Readgiro? Cloone-Conmaicne Parish


Catharine Tracey & Patritic Bohan

Patritium Bohan b. 14 Mar 1844 of Anaghicnagty [Annaghkeenty?] Sp. Michaele Tracy? & Maria Bohan Cloone-Conmaicne Parish



 Gortletteragh (South Leitrim)


Rachael Tressey & Dionitic Higgins

Annam Terisam Higgans b. 26 Feb 1851 Sp. Petro Dolan & Rosa Higgins. Mohill Parish [see Thomas Stanley Tracey]

Rachael Elizabetha Tracy &  Dionisio Higgins

Michaelem Carolum Higgins b. 5 Feb 1854 Sp. Michaell & Margarita McCabe. Gortletteragh Parish

Rachel Tracy & Dionisio Higgins

Margaritam Higgins b. 22 Feb 1856 Sp. Joseph Gulielano Higgans & Brigida Clissphell. Gortletteragh Parish


 Killargue (North Leitrim)


John Tracey married Catherine McNiff 27 May 1873 Wit: John Tadge & Bridget McNiff. Killargue Parish Leitrim



 Killasnet (North Leitrim)


Bridget Tracy & Pat Burns (Protestant)

Thos Burns b. 29 Jul 1867 Sp. Thadg McCowan? Killasnet Parish


Cathe/Catherine Tracy & Pat/Patrick Fox

Cathe Fox b. 12 Jul 1864 of Lisnabrack Sp. John Fox & Elisa Tracy Killasnet Parish

Patrick Fox b. 18 Nov 1866 of Lisnabrack Sp. John Cullen & Giles Infristain Killasnet Parish


Catherine Tracy & Patrick Fox

Patrick Fox born 16 Nov 1866 Manorhamilton.



1901 Census - Garvros, Inishmacsaint, Fermanagh [living with Treacys]

Kate Fox, 18, Female, Cousin, Roman Catholic, Nurse Domestic Sert, Not Married, Co Leitrim



 Kiltoghart (South Leitrim)


Cate Tasey[?] & James Canavan

Honer Canavan b. 14 Apr 1844 Sp. Michael Canavan & Catherine Glany Kiltoghart Parish



 Kiltubrid (South Leitrim)


NOTE: Online registration of baptisms end 1874 and marriages end 1873.


John/Johannes Tracey/Tracy & Mary/Maria Doran

Ann Tracy b. 30 Jun 1848 Sp, Michl Tracy & Ann Tracy Kiltubrid Parish

Rosanna b. 15 May 1850 Sp. Johannes McKeany & Maria Tracy Kiltubrid Parish

Michael Tracy of Drumaragh [Kiltubbrid] b. 19 Sep 1852 Sp. Anne Moran Kiltubrid Parish

William Tracey b. 3 Dec 1854 Sp. John Carrol & Elizabeth Doran Kiltubrid Parish

Biddy Tracy b. 4 Feb 1862 of Drumaragh Sp. John Doran & Mary Moran Kiltubrid Parish


Bridget Tracy died 1865, Carrick On Shannon PLU, Aged 3, b. 1862, died 24 Mar 1865 Drumarah [Drumaragh Kiltubbrid - Kiltubrid RC], Carrick On Shannon, Leitrim, mother Mary Tracy


Bridget Tracey married John Carrol of Dunningnan on the 3 Feb 1851 Wit: Patt Ealdy & Mary Brady Kiltubrid Parish

Biddy Treacy/Tracey/Treacey & John Carroll

Jeane Carroll b. 22 Apr 1855 Sp. Mick Treacey & Honnor Moran Kiltubrid Parish

Mick Carroll b. 22 Mar 1857 Sp. Ian Traeis? & Ann Moran Kiltubrid Parish

Mary Carroll b. 14 Apr 1859 Sp. John Tracey & Mary Dolan Kiltubrid Parish

John Carroll b. 12 May 1861 Sp. Dan McNeiry & Ann McNeiry Kiltubrid Parish

Catherine Carroll b. 21 Sep 1865 Sp. Thomas Tracy & Anna Tracey Kiltubrid Parish


Thomas Tracy married Mary Shanly of Dereen Loyde [Dereen Lloyd Kiltubbrid] on the 20 Oct 1853 Wit: John Brady & Anne Shanly Kiltubrid Parish

Thomas/Tom Tracey & Mary Shanley/Shanly

Ellen Tracey b. 26 Apr 1856 Sp. John Shanley & Mary Moran Kiltubrid Parish

Pat? Tracey b. 1 Mar 1860 Sp. John Moran & Anne Shanly Kiltubrid Parish

Mary Tracey b. 30 Mar 1862 Sp. John McGruil & Ann Tracey Kiltubrid Parish

Tom Tracey b. 30 Aug 1866 Sp. James Mc Gany & Biddy Doran Kiltubrid Parish. Thomas b. 12 September 1866 Leitrim District Roscommon (LDS)

Michael Tracy b. 21 Nov 1869 Sp. Andy Shanly & Rose Tracy Kiltubrid Parish. Michael b. 27 November 1869 Drumingna Roscommon (LDS)

Ann Tracey b. 12 Apr 1874 Sp. Michl McGirl & Mary Tracey Kiltubrid Parish

Thomas Tracy/Treacy, labourer/farmer, & Mary Shanley/Shanly

Thomas Tracy b. 12 Sep 1866 of Drumingna [Kiltubbrid]. The mark of Ellen Shanley, present at birth, Derrenllcoyd? [Derreen (Lloyd) Kiltubbrid] [Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU]

Michael Tracy b. 27? Nov 1869 Drumingna. The mark of Ellen Shanly, present at birth, Drumingna [Leitrim Carrick-on-Shannon PLU]

Ann Treacy b. 12 Apr 1874 Drumingna. The mark of Ellen Shanly, present at birth, Derreen (Lloyd) [Kiltubbrid] [Leitrim Carrick-on-Shannon PLU]


Michael Tracy (b. c.1810 Drumingna, Leitrim d. 27 Jan 1849 Drumingna, Leitrim)

Thomas Tracy (b. c. 1826 Drumingna, Leitrim d. aft 1901 Drumingna, Leitrim) m. Mary Shanley 20 Oct 1853 Derienlloyd Leitrim

Patrick Tracy (b. 3 Jan 1860 Drumingna, Leitrim) m. Ellen Doran 17 July 1892 Kilturbid Parish, Leitrim

- Loretta Tracy Walsh


Patrick/Pat Treacy, 28, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumingna [Drumigna Kiltubbrid], (s. of Thomas Treacy, dead, farmer) married Helen OR Ellen Doran, 28, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Tooman [Toomans Kiltubbrid], (d. of Thomas Doran, farmer) 17 July 1893 RC Chapel Drumcong/Kiltubride Wit: Peter Doran & Bridget McHugh [Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU] [Isabella in online index] [see above]


Michael Treacy, 27, single, b. 1870 Ireland  (s. of Thomas Treacy & Mary Shanley) married Delia Lyons, 23, single, b. 1874 Ireland (d. of Patrick Lyons & Bridget Duffy) 10 Jan 1897 Manhattan New York

Michael J. Tracy, b. 1878 Ireland (s. of Thomas & Mary Shandey, born Ireland),  died 04 Feb 1928 124 E. 126 St. Manhattan/Bronx, New York, New York, United States, Age 50, Foreman Lumber Gang buried  7 Feb 1928 St. Raymonds Cem. Spouse: Margaret Tracy


Mary Tracey, 23, b. 1871 Ireland (d. of Thomas Tracey & Mary Shanley) married Daniel Kelly b. England (s. of Patrick Kelly & Mary Kinlough) 16 Jul 1894 Saint Patricks Pro-Cathedral-Catholic, Newark, Essex, New Jersey


John Tracey married Mary Reid 1 Aug 1858 Wit: Dan Bohan & Anne Rowan. Kiltubrid Parish


John Tracy & Mary Ried

Mary Sophina Tracy b. 9 April 1877 Limerick (LDS)

Owen Tracy & Mary Anne Ried

Mary Sophina Tracy b. 3 Apr 1877 County Limerick (LDS)


Michaelem Tracy married Joannam Mulvy on the 31 Jan 1859 Wit: Jacobo Roark & Margarte Kiernan. Mohill Parish

Mick Tracey & Jane Mulvey

Maria ?Tracy b. 4 Mar 1860 Sp. Peter Reynolds & Mary Morans. Kiltubrid Parish

Biddy Tracey b. 8 Jul 1866 Sp. Mick Mulvey & Biddy Reynolds. Kiltubrid Parish

Michael Tracy & Jane Mulvy

Bridget b. 7 July 1866 Leitrim District Roscommon (LDS)

Michael Tracy, farmer, & Jane Mulvy

Bridget Tracy b. 7 Jul 1866 of Drumingna [Drumigna Kiltubbrid]. The mark of Jane Tracy, mother, Drumingna [Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU]


Anne Tracey/Treacy, 22, spinster, BLANK, lives Drumara [Drumaragh Kiltubbrid], (d. of John Tracy, farmer) married Thomas Kelagher, 26, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumara, (s. of Myles Kelagher, farmer) 9 February 1875 RC Chapel Drumcong [Kiltubbrid] Wit: Owen Genty & Biddy Tracey [Keshcarrigan Carrick On Shannon PLU Leitrim] signed his mark


Edward Treacy, 35, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumara [Drumaragh Kiltubbrid], (s. of John Treacy, farmer) married Mary Rorke/Rourke, 25, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Ranthogue, (d. of John Roarke, farmer) 03 July 1893 RC Chapel Drumcong/Kiltubride Wit: Pat Treacy & Mary K Harte [Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU]


Edward Tracy [Drumaragh, Gortnagullion] & Mary O'Rourke [Rantoge/Glebe Kiltubbrid]) [1901 Census]


John Tracy b. 04 Aug 1894 Lethrim Ireland d. 22 Jul 1961 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States (s. of Edward Tracy & Mary O'Rourke )

Address: 7738 South Hermitage Ave

Occupation: Maintenance

Cemetery: Holy Sepulchre

Spouse's Name: Catherine Tracy


Patrick/Pat Treacy, 28, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumingna [Drumigna Kiltubbrid], (s. of Thomas Treacy, dead, farmer) married Helen OR Ellen Doran, 28, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Tooman [Toomans Kiltubbrid], (d. of Thomas Doran, farmer) 17 July 1893 RC Chapel Drumcong/Kiltubride Wit: Peter Doran & Bridget McHugh [Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU] [Isabella in online index] [see above]


Bridget Treacy, 25, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Drumingna [Kiltubbrid], (d. of Michael Treacy, farmer) married Joseph Gilbride, 20, bachelor, farmer, lives Drumingna, (s. of Joseph Kilbride, farmer) 29 January 1894 RC Chapel Drumcong OR Kiltubride Wit: Bernard Kibrede? [Kilbride?] & Anne Treacy [Leitrim Carrick on Shannon PLU]


Bridget Kilbride/Gilbride nee Tracey, [full] aged, widow. dressmaker, lives Drumigna [Kiltubbrid], (d. of Michael Tracey, alive, farmer) married James Forde, [full] aged, bachelor, labourer, lives Drumigna, (s. of Patrick Forde, alive, farmer) 14 November 1898 RC Chapel Drumcong [Kiltubbrid] Wit: James Geheran & Mary Kelagher [Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU]



Kiltubrid Parish Deaths

Michl Tracy of Drimina, died 27 Jan 1849

Mary Tracey died 28 Dec 1860

Mick Tracy died 26 Nov 1870













Mary Margaret Tracey,


Keshcarrigan P.O.


Co. Leitrim

School: Cornagon, Co. Leitrim. December 1937

Forge Work




A Collection of Prayers








Margaret Tracey,


Keshcarrigan P.O.


Co. Leitrim

School: Cornagon, Co. Leitrim






 Kinlough (North Leitrim)


Mary Tracy/Tressy & Mick/Michl Gallagher
Isabella Gallagher b. 17 Dec 1862 Sp. Pat Tracy & Catherine Tracy Kinlough Parish
Mary Gallagher b. 7 Dec 1860 Sp. Terence Gallagher & Mary Gallagher Kinlough Parish
Bridget Gallagher b. 25 Feb 1864 Sp. Jas Gallagher & Anne Leely Kinlough Parish
Catherine Gallagher b. 27 May 1866 Sp. Edwd Tracy & Catherine Tracy Kinlough Parish
Mathew Gallagher b. 7 Feb 1869 Sp. Pat & Catherine Tracey Kinlough Parish 
Maggie Gallagher b. 10 Jul 1870 Sp. Pat & Cathe Tressy Kinlough Parish
Anne Tracy married Wm Walsh, Kinlough, on the 7 May 1870 Wit: James Tiffany & Wm Haslet. Clooneclare Parish



 Murhan (South Leitrim)


Philip Tracy, 21, bachelor, shopboy, lives Drumshanbo (s. of Joseph Tracy, farmer) married Mary Ward, 22, spinster, lives Drumshanbo (d. of Michael Ward, farmer) 5 June 1864 RC Chapel of Drumshanbo Wit: Charles Gannon & Mary Gannon [Drumshanbo Carrick on Shannon PLU]



 Mohill (South Leitrim)


Michaelis Tracy & Brigida Kernan/McKenna/McKernan

Patritium Tracy b. 5 Jun 1847 Sp. Michl McKenna & Elizabeth Maly  Mohill Parish

Rosam Tracy b. 11 Mar 1852 Sp. Thoma McKernan & Elleonora Shanl Mohill Parish

Brigidam Tracy b. 23 Jul 1858 Sp. Milius Beirn & Eleanora M'Gee Mohill Parish


Rachael Tressey & Dionitic Higgins

Annam Terisam Higgans b. 26 Feb 1851 Sp. Petro Dolan & Rosa Higgins. Mohill Parish [see Thomas Stanley Tracey]

Rachael Elizabetha Tracy &  Dionisio Higgins

Michaelem Carolum Higgins b. 5 Feb 1854 Sp. Michaell & Margarita McCabe. Gortletteragh Parish

Rachel Tracy & Dionisio Higgins

Margaritam Higgins b. 22 Feb 1856 Sp. Joseph Gulielano Higgans & Brigida Clissphell. Gortletteragh Parish


Anna Tracy/Trasey & Joannis Fegan/Phegan

Josephum Phegan b. 15 Oct 1845 Sp. Patritis Donnel & Maria Waltan Mohill Parish

Brigidam Fegan b. 13 Jul 1847 Sp. Joanne Clark & Elizabetha Do Mohill Parish


Michaelem Tracy married Joannam Mulvy on the 31 Jan 1859 Wit: Jacobo Roark & Margarte Kiernan Mohill Parish [see Kiltubrid]


Anne Treacy married Owen Cline/Clyne on the 15 Jul 1878 Wit: Edwd McHugh & Bridget Fanning Mohill Parish [dates mixed up in register]

Anne Treacy, 29, spinster, servant, lives Mohill [Mohill], (d. of William Treacy, tailor) married Owen Cline, 23, bachelor, servant, lives Roshorry [Rosharry] Mohill, (s. of Michael Cline, farmer) 15 July 1879 RC Chapel Mohill Wit: Edward McHugh & Bridget Fanning [Mohill Mohill PLU] signed their marks





Thos Tracy married Maria Murry on the 4 Feb 1856 Wit: Guilemus Dolan & Patritius Murry Rossinver Parish [moved to Scotland?]


Patrick Tracey died 5 Nov 1896 344 E. 33rd St. Manhattan New York, 36 years, Single, Laborer, b. 1860 Ireland (s. of Thomas Tracey & Mary Murray, both born Ireland)


Thomas Tracey & Mary Murray

Mary Tracey b. 3 September 1866 Anderston, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland bapt. 27/1/1865 Glasgow, St Patrick's


Cathe Tracy & Jonnies Owen?

Ezibr? Owen b. 01 June? 1856 Sp. Patritius Gallacher & Anna Sley? Rossinver Parish [bad copy]


Anna Tracy? married Thoma Rooney/Mooney on the 14 Feb 1859 Wit: Philip Rooney/Mooney & Anna Gilmartin Rossinver Parish


Anna Tracey of Glen West [Inishmacsaint] (d. of Edvardi Tracey & Eliza Tracey of Glen West) married Jacobus Fox of Aughnakane (Balla) [Aghnahaha Rossinver Leitrim] (s. of Francisci Fox & Cath Kenigan of Aughnakane) 10 Sep 1880 Wit: Franciscus McEvoy? of Aughnakane & Catherina Heindik of Glen West. Garrison Parish Fermanagh





Sources of Information on the Antiquities and history of Cavan and Leitrim: Suggestions, Breifny 1920-2

Kiltubbrid, 1984.

Clancy, Eileen Ballinaglera Parish, Co. Leitrim: aspects of its history and traditions, Dublin, 1980.

Farrell, Noel Exploring Family origins in Carrick-on-Shannon, Longford Leader, Longford, 1994. Includes transcripts of 1901, 1911 censuses, 1838 Thoms, 1941 Electors, Griffith's

Freeman, T.W. The Town & District of Carrick on Shannon, 1949.

Hayes McCoy, G.A. Index to 'The Compossicion Booke of Connoght, 1585', Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin, 1945.

Logan, P.L. Outeragh, My Native Parish, 1963.

MacNamee, James J. History of the Diocese of Ardagh, Dublin, 1954.

McNiffe, L. Short History of the Barony of Rosclogher, 1840-60, "Breifny", 1983-4.

Monahan, Rev. J. Records Relating to the Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise, 1886.

O'Flynn, T. History of Leitrim, Dublin, 1937

O'Connell, Philip The Diocese of Kilmore: its History and Antiquities, Dublin, 1937.

Last update: 24 February 2025