Traceys of Limerick – Page 1

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Traceys of Limerick – Page 2

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 Traceys of Limerick – Page 1

 It may be presumed that the Traceys of Limerick are descended from the Uí Fidgeinti.









The Traceys of Limerick can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as Limerick formed part of the territory of the Ui Fidegeinti.


In the Fiants of Edward VI, there is a reference to Villa Trasni (Ballytrasna, Grean) Co. Limerick.

In the Fiants of Elizabeth I, there are references to Castlematrasse (Castlematrix, Castlematraske) and Courtmatrasca (Courtmatrix, Courtmatruske, Court Mutris, Courtvatraskie) Rathkeale, Co. Limerick and Cahirassie (Cahirassey, Carassie, Carrassie, Kahirassie) Caherass, Croom, Co. Limerick

Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland



Sarsfield’s Defence of Limerick by Thomas Stanley Tracey A.B. Sch. T.C.D.

(see Thomas Stanley Tracey)


There’s a deathless tree on the ancient lines

here the old Black Battery stood;

With leaves still bright as the flame of the fight

That dyed them once in blood.

The heroes are dead, but the tree still lives;

And still, as the night-wind grieves,

Immortal memories wake again,

That slept beneath its leaves.


And warriors’ ghosts from the battered walls

Cry forth in Fancy’s ear-

For ever curs’d be these foreign dogs,

What demon brought them here?

But we drove them out in olden times,

And we’ll drive them out again;

Listen to how your father’s fought

When Sarsfield led our men.


The blood rushed back to many a heart

On that eventful day;

When Sarsfield from the hill returned,-

The lion from his prey;

Little the slumbering foe had dreamed

The Shannon’s fords were passed,-

But bloodhounds staunch were Sarsfield’s dogs,

And dragged them down at last.


Quick as the lightening flash revels

The ravage of the storm,

His eye had scanned the patriot band,

And seen their ranks reform;-

“Now pay them back, my boys,” he cried,

“In honest Irish coin,

The long-due debt that Ireland owes

These braggarts of the Boyne!


“Sword, shot, and shell are best to tell

The wrongs of injured men-

No craven King, no traitor friends,

Shall spoil our sport again;-

Up with your strong and bloody hands,

O’Brien and O’Neill,

And dig the graves of these foreign slaves

With a shower of Irish hail.”


A thousand iron mouths of death

Their fierce replies combined,-

And the stormers reeled from the fiery breach

Like chaff before the wind;

To the trenches driven, with ranks all riven,

In the sweep of that deadly shower,-

Sarsfield hath wished on a foreign field,

He had died in that glorious hour.


The green flag streamed, the death-shower teemed,-

The fatal bridge was passed;

There was hardly one in that fierce sortie

But had crossed it for the last:

Red ran the flood with women’s blood,

Who fought with Limerick’s sons,

Their glorious names shall never die,

While ever that river runs.


Three times the furious foe came on,-

But met and beaten still,

Their souls went down to their last parade,

With their friends of Keeper Hill,

The sun set on two bleeding hosts,

And red with a soldier’s shame,

King William with two thousand ghosts,

Left Limerick to its fame!


Pat 20 Edward III (AD 1347?)

112. R Concess’ Simoni Otrassy Hibnico qd ipse & posteri de corpe suo utantr legib’ & consuetud’ anglic’, & lidum ten’ licite adquire possint. Kylmehallok 28 Aug. - Siles cartas hent Joh’ & Ada Otrassy.

28 Aug. 1346

GRANT to Simon Otrassy, Irishman, that he and the descendants of his body may use English laws and customs, and may lawfully acquire free tenements. John and Adam Otrassy have similar charters

Pat 15 Richard II (AD 1392?)

22. R P mcapcoem Hug’ Tracy & Nichi White de co’ Lym’ comis’ John Yong de eod’ co’ custod’ trear’ qu fuer’ Johis Mauncell mil’ in Chaumpeneyestou in co pdco. Kylmehallock, 20 Aug.

Rotulorum Patentium et Calusorum Cancellarie Hiberniae Caleendarium (Henry II - Henry VII) Vol I Pars I pp.54, 148 HMSO 1828


COMMISSION, by mainprise of Hugh Tracy and Nicholas White of co. Limerick, to John Yong of that county of custody of the lands that belonged to John Mauncell kt in Chaumpeneyestoun, co. Limerick. Kilmallock

Translation Sources C: RCH. http://chancery.tcd.ie/advanced_search


Calendar of the patent and close rolls of chancery in Ireland

1561  78. Writ of dcdimus potestntem, directed to Clement Fannynge and Edward Arthur, of Limerick, to examine such witnesses as Peter White should produce to the interrogatories annexed, iu pcrpetaara rei niemoriani. — Sept. 14, 2°.

79. Interrogatories. Whether Katlieriuo Arthurc, of Limerick, widow of Edmond Lang, during licr life peaceably enjoyed the half of two water-mills, called Jcnkyns' Mills, on tho water of Shannon, by tho walls of Limerick ? Whether William Lang, after the death of Edmond, his father, and before the death of his mother, so being jieaceably possessed of the one-half of the saiil mills, niado a gift in tail thereof to his son Ediuond, the remainder over to otlicrs, or not.

84. Edmond O'Hassye agrees with Richard O'Dony, the second deponent, and for cause of knowledge, saith he was a page in the mill, serving under the miller, his father.


Elizabeth I

18 March 1600-1

Pardon to...Owen O Hassie, of same, husb., (Bohircarrin) [Bohercarron Galbally Limerick]...

1601 21st April

Pardon to .. Edm O Trassie of Ballinehawe (Limerick)

1601 5th July

Pardon to ... John O Trasie of Diserte (Limerick)

1601 7th August

Pardon to ... Rowland O Treaghie of Knockancostian (Limerick?), John O Trassy of Lish Caruell, piper (Liscarroll Cork?)

1601 25th August

Pardon to ... John O Trahse of Pallice (Limerick)

The Irish Fiants of the Tudor sovereigns. (1994) De Burca, Dublin.


1603 Pat 1 James 1 Part 3

LXVI - 4 General Pardon to...in Kerrie and Desmond cos...Edmond OTrasey of the Dingle in said co. gent...of Shannyd in said co. Limerick...Shane oge O'Hassey of the same, yeoman...


Viscount and Baron Tracy of Rathcoole and Baronet of the county of Limerick, so created 12th January 1642, Charles the 1st.


1642 Depositions of James Elwell, Limerick

... Dermod o Tracy of Rathkeale in the said County husbandman...

TCD http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID=829291r189


3rd March 1642-3

Receipt for £10 from Edward Baglehole or Baggelholl through John Tracy

6th September 1653

John Tracy or Tracey, subscribed for land in Ireland in 1642. He made no disposal of his investment by assignment or by his will, and is now dead. John Tracey, now living, is his reported son and lawful heir. Signed Mayor of Bideford.

13th August 1653

Certificate by the Mayor & of Exeter

The receipts above are for sums really the property of Baglehole & Tracy, who may dispose of them accordingly.

25th March 1659

List of Persons who drew lands.

Barony of Kenry, Co. Limerick

South-West Quarter...John Tracy...

Calendar of State Papers 1642-59. p.261, 351


Kerry: John Trassy

Limerick: Transplanted: Trasy, Joane Ny


(a). TRANSPLANTERS' CERTIFICATES.* (vol. i.e. 10. 123)

Transported from Limerick to Connaught

On page 341 are listed the names of:

O'Trasy, Margaret

---------- John

---------- Teige

The Irish and Anglo-Irish Landed Gentry by John O’Hart


1659 Census

Small County Barony, Limerick (pp. 271)

O’Trassy (9)


2d of July 1666 Journal of the House of Lords, 18 Car. II. pp.431-2

…Thomas Lord Archbishop of Cashell…belonging to the Lands of Kildroman in the County of Limerick…and the said persons with swords, clubs and other weapons did enter upon said lands…It is therefore this day ordered…do attach and apprehend the Bodies of William McJohn Fitzgerald, Richard McThomas Oge Fitzgerald, David McJohn Fitzgerald, Connor O’Byran, Jeffry Bourke, William Grady, John McMatthew, John Grady, Connor O’Hea, James McJohn Fitzgerald, Edmond Tracy, James Offly, Thomas Oge Fitzgerald, of Ballinlundy, Capt. Arthur Hasset and Gerald Fitzgerald, commonly called “Knights of the Glinn”, and Nicholas Evans of Kilteely…


1692 William Thessy

A brave and gallant Irish officer, in the service of France in the time of Louis XIV. He earned honor and distinction by his gallant conduct on various occasions, and well sustained the reputation of Irish valor. He served under Catinat and other celebrated commanders and participated in some of the great victories won through the aid of the gallant Irish brigades in France.

O'Brien, James (1884) Irish Celts. A Cyclopedia of Race History...Detroit.

"The troops which had lately arrived in France, after the treaty of Limerick, were new-modelled in 1695, and reduced to twelve regiments, the command of which was given to those who had most influence at the court of St Germain. These regiments, called "the troops of King James," were, —...The Limerick regiment of infantry: Sir John Fitzgerald, colonel; Jeremiah O'Mahony, lieutenant-colonel; William Thessy, major....

Mac-Geoghegan, James abbé (1832) A history of Ireland: from its first settlement to the present time


22nd April 1742 Limerick Assizes

Transported into some of his Majesty's plantations in America as felons and vagabonds

46 Francis Tracy, vagabond


1743-65? Ireland in the Stuart Papers

... Canon of Limerick and Notary Apostolic Andrew Tracy, priest.

Ireland in the Stuart Papers Patrick Fagan - History - 1995 - 303 pages, : - Page 173


20 Sep 1746 Memorial No: 211130

Witness: James Trasy, farmer, of Ballinstona [Uregare], Limerick


1753 Freeman of Limerick

Gilbert Tracy, Gentn, 8/10/1753


1761 Limerick Electoral Register

Gilbert Tracy, Limerick, Limerick


7, 10 & 14 May 1763 The Dublin Gazette

The following persons being fugitives for debt, and beyond the seas on or before the twenty-fifth day of October 1760, and having surrendered themselves to the Marshal [Dublin]

...First Notice...Second Notice...Third Notice...

Richard Tracy, late of the City of Limerick, dealer; King's Bench 7th of June


[see 1766 Religious Census for a list of parishes searched and links]

[Note: Protestant Parishes are based on the civil parish]

1766 Religious Census, Union of Toom

Doon Parish, County of Limerick

Patrick Trassy


John Tracy


Parish Priest Patrick Treacy



24 April 1766

...Patrick Treacy, P.P. of Doon, popish priests

Some Historical Notices of the O'Meaghers of Ikerrin


23rd October 1768 Limerick Chronicle

We hear from Kilfinnan, that on Sunday the 2d. last, Mary Kennedy, and on the Sunday Following, Edmond Tracey publickly read their recantation from the errors of the Church of Rome


5th February 1774 deed of mortgage

James Trasy, yeoman of Balinstona Limerick [Ballinstona]

Registry of Deeds Vol. 321 p.560 No.217775



1774-1793 Limerick Workhouse

Wm Trasy, 39, RC, Glover, City Limerick, admitted 15 March 1778, voluntary, discharged 17 March 1778, by the Mayor

James Tracy, 19, RC, Linen Weaver, City of Limerick, 23rd July 1782, Voluntary

Willm Tracy, 48, RC, A briches maker, City of Limerick, 27 July 1788, Insane, discharged 29 Decr 1788, by order of the Mayor.

David Fleming and John Logan, eds (2011) Pauper Limerick. The Register of the Limerick House of Industry 1774–93. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.


 Limerick Recruits to East India Company Service to 1832.











Daniel Tracey



St. Mary’s



Thomas Grenville




John Tracey






Lord Camden




Michael Tracey






General Kyd




James Tracy






Scaleby Castle




Thomas Treacy









5ft 6.Taken out of muster book for desertion 3 Feb.



Canadian military service

??? Tracey born abt 1794 St John, Lin?? [Limerick?] - Canadian military service 16 Apr 1812

Dennis Treacy born abt 1780 Ballingarry, Limerick - Canadian military service 27 Sep 1806

James Tracey born abt 1766 St Marys, Limerick - Canadian military service 1795-1808

James Tracey born abt 1776 St Mary, Limerick - Canadian military service 29 Jul 1806

James Tracey born abt 1806 St Mary'S City Limerick, Limerick - Canadian military service 21 May 1825

Jeremiah Tracey born abt 1807 Brurce, Limerick - Canadian military service 3 May 1825

Jeremiah Tracey born abt 1807 Bruree, Limerick - Canadian military service 30 May 1825

Patk Treacy born abt 1801 St Marys, Limerick - Canadian military service 12 Sep 1825

Patk Treacy born abt 1801 St Marys, Limerick - Canadian military service 12 Sep 1825

Patrick Tracey born abt 1781 St Marys, Limerick - Canadian military service 2 Jun 1806

Patrick Tracey born Limerick, Ireland - Canadian military service 25 Jun 1812

Patrick Treacy born abt 1801 St Marys, Limerick - Canadian military service 12 Sep 1825

Thomas Tracey born abt 1788 Stonehall, Limerick - Canadian military service 2 May 1808

Thos Tracey born abt 1788 Stone Hall, Limerick - Canadian military service 2 May 1808


13 January 1781 Saunders News-Letter

Limerick Jan 8. Yesterday James Tracy and Catherine Connor, read their recantation from popery before the rev. Jaques Ingram, at the cathedral church.


The Guardian was built by Robert Batson in March 1784 at Limehouse ship building docks, London. Wrecked 1790 off coast of South Africa She was a clipper, a fifth-rate of 879 tons 44 guns an armed en flute 140 feet overall, commanded by 26 year old Lt.(N) Edward Riou.

Crew: Patrick Tracy of Limerick, 32 years, seaman?


2 January 1790 (FJ)

A few days ago, Mr. O'Brien High Constable lodged in the county gaol of Limerick, Thomas Tracy, yeoman, at Ballinulta, in the county of Tipperary, being indicted in the Crown Office for an highway robbery on William Ryan; and for wilfully shooting at Thomas Lloyd, Esq; one of his Majesty’s Justices of the peace for the county Limerick; he is also charged with the murder of Daniel Horan.


11 July 1793 Limerick

Keating was later transported for administering the following oath to John Tracy:

‘That he the said John Tracy would not enlist in the militia and that he would not pay any tax for the support of the militia and would be true to the rules of the parish he lived in and keep his oath.’

Philpin, C. H. E. (1987) Nationalism and Popular Protest in Ireland. P.207

24 September 1793 (FJ) Limerick

Last Sunday, the Right Hon. the Lord High Chancellor committed to the co. gaol, Patrick Kea?ing, of Herbertstown, brogue-maker, who stands charged with having on the 10th or 11th of July last, forcibly and feloniously administer an unlawful oath to John Tracy, of Loughgur, which oath was, that he the said Tracy, would not enlist in the militia; that he would not pay any taxes, and that he would be true to the rules of the parish.

Rebellion Papers 620/30/161 John Tracey to FitzGibbon 21 April 1797

Kavanaugh, Ann C. (1997) John Fitzgibbon, Earl of Clare: A Study in Personality and Politics. rish Academic Press, 1997

Rebellion Paper (National Archives)

23/5/1797 p.352

Petition of John Treacy of Loughgur Co. Limerick shoemaker, that he had been compelled to take the oath by Pat Keating Harbertstown Co. Limerick broguemaker but had afterwards given information whereby Keating was convicted. Prays for the reward of £100 provided by proclamation for such services. Letter of the 21st April from Treacy to Lord Clare enclosed asking his Lordship what steps he should take to get the reward. Endorsement that the petition had been read and referred to a committee.

25/5/1797 p.366

A committee of the council consisting of Lord Clare, Charles Bishop of Cashel and Lord Carlton certify that John Treacy of Loughgur Co. Limerick shoemaker deserves the reward of £100 for giving information which led to the conviction of Patrick Keating of Harbatstown Co. Limerick broguemaker for administering an unlawful oath.


18 documents comprising privately printed account of Simon Butler's attempt to fight a duel with John Fitzgibbon, 1793; and letters between John Fitzgibbon, 1st Earl of Clare, Edward Cooke, John Treacy, Loughgur, Co. Limerick, and others, concerning local military matters and the 1798 rebellion and its aftermath, 1796-1802. T3245/4

21 April 1797

John Treacy, Loughgur, [Co. Limerick], to Clare, Mount Shannon, introducing himself as the man 'on whose prosecution Patrick Keating, late of Herberts town in this county, was convicted of administering unlawful oaths at summer assizes 1793 [sic-1794] held at Limerick ...', and assuring him '... of my loyalty, and that I was actuated by no other motive than the love of order and my attachment to my king and country. However, as I am lately informed that there were some pecuniary rewards granted by government to the faithful subjects who at the risk of their lives brought such atrocious offenders to condign punishment, I have no scruple, but on the contrary pride myself, in laying claim to such a portion as I may be entitled to, and humbly hope your Lordship, of your usual candour and humanity, will condescend to let me know how much it is, and how I am to proceed to obtain it. Your Lordship will the readier pardon this liberty and interest yourself the more on my behalf, when you know that I am a poor tradesman with a helpless charge of young children and an aged father to support.'(620/30/161) T3245/4/6

23 May 1797

Petition of John Treacy of Loughgur, [see/6] to the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council claiming the reward due to him under the proclamation of 12 July 1793 which offers £100 for prosecuting to conviction any person concerned in administering unlawful oaths.(620/30/161) T3245/4/7

25 May 1797

Report of a Privy Council sub-committee set up to examine John Treacy's claim, and consisting of Clare, the Archbishop of Cashel and Lord Carleton, Council Chambers, Dublin, to the Lord Lieutenant and the main body of the Privy Council, recommending that Treacy be paid the £100.(620/30/161) T3245/4/8



Devotion to Our Lady of Limerick continued strong. Brother Dominic Doyle, who died in March, 1902, and had been attached to the Limerick priory more or less as a lay brother though he was actually a Tertiary, left an account of 19th century traditions about the statue. Brother Doyle was a delicate young man, who died young, aged about 26; he is still remembered by some old people in Limerick. Writing to Fr. John Ryan, O.P., in 1897, Bro. Doyle, having related the traditions of the statue in Cromwellian times, goes on :—

“We hear that Margaret Tracy who was born in 1800 and was the first public Tertiary who got the Habit in our chapel in Fish Lane when only 16 years old, she positively declares that when she was a little girl, 14 or 15 years, she had a great devotion to this Statue and one day while praying before it she began to talk up to the statue, complaining in her child-like way, and asked the statue why it was that there were grand devotions in the Franciscan Church and none in hers. A voice coming from the statue said, ‘ The time will come when there will be.’ This was about the Feast of the Portiuncula.

D. D. C. Pochin Mould (1957) The Irish Dominicans. Dominican Publications, Saint Saviour’s Dublin


The population of the City and Liberties of Limerick, as returned by Government in 1802 by Mr. Arthur Tracy, Hearth-money Collector

Limerick; its history and antiquities, ecclesiastical, civil, and military By Maurice Lenihan 1866

1805 Finance Accounts - Balances due from Collectors

Limerick 1805 Arthur Tracy £12/2/1

2 February 1805 (F) Died

At Limerick, Arthur Tracey, Esq. Collector of hearth and window taxes for that city.

1812-3 Commissioners of Inquiry into Fees and Emoluments received in Public Offices

Arthur Tracy, Bond £600, [balance] £12/2/1 1805

[Bond] 2nd August. Rebecca Murray of Bishop-street, Dublin, widow; William Tracy of Magherafelt, County :Londonderry, Lieutenant in Derry Militia.

The Solicitor states, that Tracy is dead, and proceedings having been had against Rebecca Murray, one of his Sureties, and Judgement had thereon. The sum is too small to bear the expense of further proceedings.


British war Office

John Tracey b. 1785 Newmarket, Limerick [Clare?] 5th Dragoon Guards 1803-1805 discharged 28th Oct 1806 having lost a leg due to an injury from the kick of a horse at Dublin barracks. Labourer WO119 John Tracy 5th Garrison Btn discharged 29th Oct 1806 WO118/36 15th Aug 1806 WO118/2

John Tracey, served the space of two years, 5th Dragoon Guards

...discharged having suffered amputation of a leg in consequence of an injury of the foot from a kick of a hotse when on stable duty in Dublin Barrack.

Description: 5'10", 21 years, labourer, b. Newmarket Limerick

Discharged 28th October 1806

Royal Hospital, Kilmainham: Pensioners' Discharge Documents (Certificates of Service)

1806 John Tracey, Born Newmarket, Limerick. Served in 5th Dragoon Guards. Discharged aged 21. Kilmainham Reference: A2036.

British Army Pensioners - Royal Hospital Kilmainham Ireland, 1783-1822 (WO119)

John Tracey b. 1785 Newmarket Limerick, Dragoon Guards


1805 Patrick Treasy of Castleconnel Co. Limerick, 16th April 1805, Killlaloe & Kilfenore Diocese will. Crossle/Brew/n200.


17 November 1807 (FJ) Limerick Charitable Theatricals

...We cannot pass over Mr. Tracy, who, as the fat father Philip, gave the friar all the importance which the coloring of the character would allow, and by his humour, as well as gormandizing prepenfities, constantly reminded us of the onimus semper in patinis...


1808 Jas Tracy Ballingarry Farmer  (bond)


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

Stephen Tracy Born Limerick Served in 39th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 33, 1809-1819

Stephen Tracy Born Limerick, Limerick Served in 39th Foot Regiment; Royal African Colonial Corps; 3rd Royal Veteran Battalion Discharged aged 41, 1809-1826. Discharged from African Corps 17th Jan 1827

Stephen Tracy, b. 1785 Limerick, Limerick

Stephen Tracy, b. 1786 Limerick, Limerick

Stepn Tracey, born Limerick, African Colonial Corps, Regimental Registers of Pensioners

African Coln Corps

For men admitted prior 17 Janr 1827

Off Comminsted 12 174 Stepn Tracey, 41 years, private 2y2/12m, 39 for & 3 pri B  12y7/12m, total 15y9/12m, 9d per day, general visiceral diseace, born Limerick, labourer, 5'7.5", black hair, hazel eyes, pale complexion


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

John Tracey born Limerick, Limerick Served in 28th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 22, 1812-1816

John Tracey, b. 1795 Limerick, Limerick

John Tracey Depot 28th Foot enlisted 15th April 1812 WO25/363

Jno Tracey, born St John's, Limerick, 28th Regiment of Foot, residence 12 Jul 1816

Twenty Eight Regiment of Foot

19 July 1816 Jno Tracey, 22, 4years 1month, 6 rate of pay, wounded righ shoulder at Waterloo, born St. Johns Limerick, labourer, 5'7"?, brown hair, blue eyes, fair complexion


British War Office

Dennis Treacey b.1786 Ballingarry, Limerick labourer enl 2/1st 1812


1st December 1812 Limerick General Advertiser or Gazette

Yesterday morning, at Kilcornan church, Mr John T Tracy to Miss Rebecca Switzer, of Kilcornan, in this co


17 Jan 1815


By Rickard Lloyd, Esq. Patrick Tracey, charged with being one of a gang of thieves who entered the house of Catherine Carmody, of Pallas Greane, on the night of the 7th inst. robbed him of bank notes, and several other articles.


Mar 10, 1914 (IT) Legal Notices

Old Bankruptcy of 1815...Mart Creagh of the city of Limerick, merchant dealer and Chapman, a Bankrupt...Andrew Tracy was the messenger in the matter and confidential clerk of the Bankrupt...







Kinloch of Kinloch



But, ah! what Poet shall tread

Thy airy heights, thy woodland reign

Since he, the sweetest bard is dead

That ever breath'd the soothing strain


With variations

Composed and Respectfully Inscribed



Mrs Cox

of Ballynoe




E. A. Tracy



Published for the Author


Entd. at Statrs.. Hall             Price 2s British




Badge se

[Possibly Euphemia A Tracy (nee Wright) of Dublin]




By the Rev. Charles Coote, and Rev. Jamcs Ellard, to said jail, Edmond Tracey, charged with being one of a party in arms on the night of the 19th inst, when several horses, bridles and saddles, were forcibly taken from the farmers in the neighbourhood of Kilmallock, when a house was broken open, and arms demanded by some of the party.


29 March 1817 Limerick Assizes.

Simon Hayes for assaulting Richard Tracy, to be imprisoned for 12 months.


4 July 1817 Limerick General Advertiser

To the Common Council of the City of Limerick.

We, the undersigned Householders of the parish of St Mary, in the city of Limerick, duly appreciating the activity and exertions of our present worthy chief magistrate, John Verecker Esq request you may be pleased to re-elect him for the ensuing year.

… O T Tracy…


1817 Thomas Tracy (or Treacy) Cordwaine [shoemaker] (will)


4 April 1818 (FJ) ...Catholics of Limerick...

...A. Tracy 11s.4h...


5 April 1819 Limerick General Advertiser

The following sums have been subscribed for the purpose of repairing St. George's Church, in this city

Saint Michael's Parish...T Tracy, 1 pd...


Dec 1819 Map of Bunovie, Barony of Coonagh, Co Limerick. Surveyed for the relict of the late Revd Thomas Franklin, Dec 1819 by John Bonfield. Shows division of land and names of tenants with acreage. Scale 1in-20perches Tenants, Widow O'Brien, Brien O'Brien, Conor Gearon, Patrick Gearon, Michael Murphy, Patrick Cleary, John Curtin, Edmund Ryan, Rodger Loughnane, Patrick Tracy, Edmund Gearon, Denis Harty, Michael Apjohn, William Harty.



25 March 1820 (FJ) County Limerick Assizes

John Colburne and P. Tracy, for manslaughter, to be confined twelve months.

25 March 1820 The Irish Farmers' Journal and Weekly Intelligencer

Limerick Assizes

John Colburne and P. Tracy for manslaughter, to be confined twelve months.



4. Patrick Tracey, Scart, Cooragh, Limerick, 51a/0r/25p Statute, 31a/2r/14p Irish, £98.13.10 rent, £3.5.2 tithe, £63.3.6 valuation, Lease dated 26th March 1820 from Maurice Crosbie Moore to Patrick Tracey, for the life of leasee now aged about 57 years. The rent reserarsed in an acreable one of £3.8.3 late currancy per plantation acre.


1821 Census of Kilfinnane parish, Coshlea barony, Co. Limerick (also extracts from 1851 census) [Note: large number of schools]

Caplans Lane - House No 1

Denis Treacy (60) taylor

John Treacy (26) son, piper

Roger Sheehy (50) lodger, schoolmaster



1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans

1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans


27 February 1822

J. O'B[rien], Captain Richards's Green, Caernarvon, North Wales to his daughter Miss Charlotte O'Brien, Woodfield, Limerick, Ireland...'You can make Mr Dixon copy out Lorans Tracey's communications, as the latter is no great scribe.'...D2916/1/C/11


1822, 1828 & 1841 Methodists

Thomas Tracy, Limerick (see Richard Taylor Tracey)


[1822?]...tithe proctors like Simon Trasse, who awoke one morning in his house across the border in Limerick to find a notice nailed to the door advising him "to quit this place in the course of eight or nine days time, or you will be made an example of to the Country by burning you alive with your horses and family.

Donald MacKay (2009) Flight from Famine: The Coming of the Irish to Canada


1860- British Army Service Records Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 (WO97)

Michael Tracy, b. 1829 Limerick, Limerick

William Tracey, b. 1816 Stonehall, Limerick

William Tracey, b. 1822 Bruff, Limerick


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854 (WO97)

James Tracey born Limerick, Limerick Served in 86th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 46, 1825-1846

James Tracey, b. 1806 Limerick, Limerick


Jeremiah Tracey born abt 1807 Brurce, Limerick - Canadian military service 3 May 1825

Jeremiah Tracey born abt 1807 Bruree, Limerick - Canadian military service 30 May 1825

JEREMIAH TRACEY Born BRUREE, Limerick Served in Royal Canadian Rifles; 23rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 43, 1825-1850

Jeremiah Tracey, b. 1807 Bruff, Limerick

Jerimiah Tracey, born abt 1807 Bruff, Limerick, No. 1089 Private Royal Canadian Rifles, joined age 18 on the 3 May 1825, joined Cork, Cork

Royal Canadian Regt of Riffles

Niagara C.W. [Canada West] 26 June 1850

Jerimiah Tracey, No 1089 Private, labourer, born Bruree Bruff Limerick, attested for 23 Regiment of Foot at Cork Co. Cork 3 May 1825, aged eighteen years, served 25 years 54 days, served abroad  20 years 11/12 months, Meditereanan 9 years, North America 11 years 11/12 months, discharged in cosequence of disability, his conduct & character have been very good - he has never been tried by Court Martial - and is in posession of two G.C. [Good Conduct] badges interest pay


Patrick Tr(e)ac(e)y born Kilforby, Limerick Served in 58th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29, 1825-1831

Patrick Tracey, b. 1801 Limerick, Limerick

Patrick Tracey/Treacy b. 1801 Kilforby, Limerick, Limerick 58th Foot 1825-13th July 31 WO97 6 yrs service WO118/17

Patrick Tracey Alias Patrick Treacy Born Kilparly/Kilforly/Kilforby, Limerick [Kilforby modern Kilfearboy Co. Clare] Served in 58th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 29, 1825-1831

Patrick Tracey, b. 1801 Limerick, Limerick

Patrick Tracey/Treacy b. 1801 Kilforby, Limerick, Limerick 58th Foot 1825-13th July 31 WO97 6 yrs service WO118/17. In 1831 he was residing at Miltown, Clare (WO23/2)

Patrick Tracy born Limerick, Limerick Served in 39th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 30, 1824-1830

Patrick Tracy, b. 1800 Limerick, Limerick

Patrick Tracy b. 1800 St Micheal’s Limerick, Limerick 1/39th Foot discharged 8th Sept 1830 labourer with credits of £1 9s 4.5d vid 26th Nov 1816 invalid WO120/25 WO97 WO25/2557&8 Chelsea Sept 1830 WO116/40


1823-24 Return of Persons committed under Insurrection Act to Gaol of County of Limerick under the Insurrection Act

William Tracey, absent from dwelling house, Limerick 15 May 1823, convicted, 7 years transportation

William Tracy, idle and disorderly, 23 May 1823 committal, trial 22 May convicted, discharged by order of Lord Lieutenant, 7 years transportation, 47 days confinement


1824 House of Lords

Limerick County. A return of persons tried under the Insurrection Act for the Barony of Clonlisk 1 January 1823 to 1st Feb 1824

William Tracey, Do [absent from dwelling house], Do [22 May], Convicted, 7 years transportation

Vol. 172 (1824). 1801-1833 House of Lords - The Sessional Papers


24 Mar 1824 Memorial No: 534794

Denis Kane, esq, had lands at Kilbenny, Limerick from George Harding, shopkeeper, of Doneraile, Cork...tenants...Michael Tracy of Kilbenny, Limerick...


11 February 1825 (FJ) Marriage

On Sunday last, Mr. Thomas Tracy, of Ballingarry, to Mary, eldest daughter of Daniel Nunan, of Kingsland, county Cork, Esq.


2nd December 1825 Thomas Tracey, (see Lease Henry Street)


Irish Reproductive Loans Fund Records 1848-1854

D Tracy, Holy Cross, Parish Knockainy, Barony Small County, Limerick. Loan 1825, died Feb 1844, labourer. Signed 7th June 1853.



1820s-1830s Tithe Records


 By Area


Darby Tracy, Arybue [Arywee], Fedamore, Limerick, 1826

Darby Tracy, Bunavie, Grean, Limerick, 1834 [twice]

David Tracy [& Wm Caroll?], Garryfine, Bruree, Limerick, 1827-1834 [additional farming information]

David Treacy, [sen 1 no & 2 no] Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

David Treacy, Ballygrennan, Ballingarry (Connello), Limerick, 1830 [or 1827]

Denis Trassy, <Blank> [Kilfinnane?], Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833

Denis Treacy, Gotoon, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

Derby Tracy, Arybill [Arywee], Fedamore, Limerick, 1826

Derby Tracy, Ballinagard [Arywee], Fedamore, Limerick, 1826


Edmund Treecy, Ballygrennan, Ballingarry(Connello), Limerick, 1830 [or 1827]

Edwd Tracy, Kilalough [?], Knockainy, Limerick, 1833

Edwd Treassy, Martinstown, Athneasy, Limerick, 1824


Hanley John Tracy, Garrydoolis, Templebredon, Limerick, [1828]


James Tracey, Curragh, Mahoonagh, Limerick, 1833

James Treacy, Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

James Treacy, Ballynarougy [Ballynarooga More South], Cloncagh, Limerick, 1833

James Treacy, Bohernagore, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

James Treacy, Coolnamona, Castletown, Limerick, 1826

Jas Tracey, Deerpark [?], Nantinan, Limerick, 1829

John Ireary [Treasy], Toberneagh, Effin, Limerick, 1828

John Tracy, Garrydoolis, Templebredon, Limerick, [twice] [1826 & 1828]

John Trassy, Ballynamanagh [Ballinanima], Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833

John Trassy, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833

John Trassy, Thomastown, Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833

John Treacy, Ballinoe [Ballynoe], Ballingarry (Connello), Limerick, 1830 [or 1827]

John Treacy, Bohernagore, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

John Treacy, Garrydoolis, Templebredon, Limerick, [1826 & 1828]

John Treacy, Knocavella [Knockeravella], Templebredon, Limerick, [1826 & 1828]

John Treacy, Knockkavella [Knockeravella] Barony of Conagh County of Limerick, Templebredon, Limerick, [1826 & 1828]


Mary Tracy, Glebe [Blossom field?], St Peter's and St Paul's, Limerick, 1830

Michl Treasy, Houndscourt, Kilflyn, Limerick, 1829


Patk Teafy, Farnane, Doon, Owneybeg, Limerick

Patk Tracey, Kilteely [Scart], Kilteely, Limerick, 1826

Patk Treacy, Gibbonstown, Kilbreedy Major, Limerick, 1834

Patk Treasy, Doon, Doon, Limerick, 1826

Patrick Tracy, Dooradoyle, Mungret, Limerick,

Patrick Tracy, Rathbranagh, Croom, Limerick, 1826-1833

Patrick Treacy, Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

Patt Tracy, Bunavie, Grean, Limerick, 1834


Thomas Treacy, Ballynarougy [Ballynarooga More South], Cloncagh, Limerick, 1833

Thomas Treasy, Ballyagan [Ballyorgan], Kilflyn, Limerick, 1829

Thos Tracy, ?Narough [Gorteennacreeagh], Knockainy, Limerick, 1833

Thos Tracy, Pallas, Grean, Limerick, 1834

Thos Tracy, West Craves [Creeves], Dunmoylan, Limerick, 1833

Timothy Treacy, Ballykennedy [South?], Cloncagh, Limerick, 1833

Treacy [widow], Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832


WillmTeasy [Trasy], Ballygiltenan Lower, Kilfergus, Limerick, 1830



Edwd Treassy, Martinstown, Athneasy, Limerick, 1824


David Treacy, [sen 1 no & 2 no] Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

James Treacy, Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

Patrick Treacy, Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

Treacy [widow], Ballynahow, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

Denis Treacy, Gotoon, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

James Treacy, Bohernagore, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832

John Treacy, Bohernagore, Ballingaddy, Limerick, 1832


David Treacy, Ballygrennan, Ballingarry (Connello), Limerick, 1830 [or 1827]

Edmund Treecy, Ballygrennan, Ballingarry(Connello), Limerick, 1830 [or 1827]

John Treacy, Ballinoe [Ballynoe], Ballingarry (Connello), Limerick, 1830 [or 1827]


David Tracy [& Wm Caroll?], Garryfine, Bruree, Limerick, 1827-1834 [additional farming information]


James Treacy, Coolnamona, Castletown, Limerick, 1826


James Treacy, Ballynarougy [Ballynarooga More South], Cloncagh, Limerick, 1833

Thomas Treacy, Ballynarougy [Ballynarooga More South], Cloncagh, Limerick, 1833

Timothy Treacy, Ballykennedy [South?], Cloncagh, Limerick, 1833


Patrick Tracy, Rathbranagh, Croom, Limerick, 1826-1833


Patk Treasy, Doon, Doon, Limerick, 1826

Patk Teafy, Farnane, Doon, Owneybeg, Limerick


Thos Tracy, West Craves [Creeves], Dunmoylan, Limerick, 1833


John Ireary [Treasy], Toberneagh, Effin, Limerick, 1828


Darby Tracy, Arybue [Arywee], Fedamore, Limerick, 1826

Derby Tracy, Arybill [Arywee], Fedamore, Limerick, 1826

Derby Tracy, Ballinagard [Arywee], Fedamore, Limerick, 1826


Darby Tracy, Bunavie, Grean, Limerick, 1834 [twice]

Thos Tracy, Pallas, Grean, Limerick, 1834

Patt Tracy, Bunavie, Grean, Limerick, 1834


Patk Treacy, Gibbonstown, Kilbreedy Major, Limerick, 1834


WillmTeasy [Trasy], Ballygiltenan Lower, Kilfergus, Limerick, 1830


John Trassy, Ballynamanagh [Ballinanima], Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833

John Trassy, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833

John Trassy, Thomastown, Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833

Denis Trassy, <Blank> [Kilfinnane?], Kilfinnane, Limerick, 1833


Michl Treasy, Houndscourt, Kilflyn, Limerick, 1829

Thomas Treasy, Ballyagan [Ballyorgan], Kilflyn, Limerick, 1829


Patk Tracey, Kilteely [Scart], Kilteely, Limerick, 1826


Thos Tracy, ?Narough [Gorteennacreeagh], Knockainy, Limerick, 1833

Edwd Tracy, Kilalough [?], Knockainy, Limerick, 1833


Mary Tracy, Glebe [Blossom field?], St Peter's and St Paul's, Limerick, 1830


James Tracey, Curragh, Mahoonagh, Limerick, 1833


Patrick Tracy, Dooradoyle, Mungret, Limerick,


Jas Tracey, Deerpark [?], Nantinan, Limerick, 1829


Hanley John Tracy, Garrydoolis, Templebredon, Limerick, [1828]

John Tracy, Garrydoolis, Templebredon, Limerick, [twice] [1826 & 1828]

John Treacy, Garrydoolis, Templebredon, Limerick, [1826 & 1828]

John Treacy, Knocavella [Knockeravella], Templebredon, Limerick, [1826 & 1828]

John Treacy, Knockkavella [Knockeravella] Barony of Conagh County of Limerick, Templebredon, Limerick, [1826 & 1828]




27 Jan 1826

Letter from [Rev] CP Coote, John S White, magistrates of County Limerick, Pallis Green [Pallasgreen, County Limerick], to Henry Goulburn, Chief Secretary, reporting an incident whereby constables were attacked and shot a man while attempting to arrest Terence Brien. Stating that Constables Holmes, Quilty, Burns and Tracy were attacked while arresting Brien who was one of a party of men drinking at the house of Darby Ryan of Newtown. Adding that the constables were searching for Patrick Darby, who was accused of rape; wishing to know how to proceed in the case; includes legal opinion of JS Townsend.

1 item; 3pp CSO/RP/SC/1826/28


1826 Gascoigne Rentals

Coolavehy. John Traacy, Else Tracy...

NLI Ms 9429-48


British War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854

William Tracey born Loughgur, Limerick Served in 24th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 20, 1827-1828

William Tracey, b. 1807 Limerick, Limerick

William Tracey b.1807 Lougher, Limerick, Limerick 24th Foot 1827 – 1828 labourer 11 months service. Blind. Died 30th June 1828 WO118/16

William Tracey b. 1802 24th Foot admitted Chelsea 20th Feb 1828 WO120/35


15 December 1827 (FJ) Limerick

A valuable cow having been stolen from Mr. Bourne at Dunkerrin...dispatched two of his men named Tracy and Hogan in quest of her. Near Templemore, they were met by four fellows...Tracy, though a strong man, was unable to withstand the onset; he was knocked down, treated with horrid barbarity, then flung into a ditch, where he was found in a gew hours after, in the last agonies of death...Tracy expired before relief could be had, leaving a wife and five young children...

1828 April 11 (BL)

...a cow having been stolen from Mr. Bourne at Dunkerrin...dispatched two of his men named Tracy and Hogan...Near Templemore, they were met by four fellows who instantly attached them. Tracy was knocked down, treated with horrid barbity, and then flung into a ditch, where he was found in a few hours after in the agonies of death...Tracy expired before relief could be had, leaving a wife and five young children...- Limerick Chronicle


1829 Return of Number of Registered Freeholders

First part: Laurence Tracy, yeoman, Lifford Limerick, house grounds & premises at Lifford, landlord: Earl Limerick, £40 value, deponent, Lives: John & William Holmes, registered: 13th July 1825

First part: John Tracy, clothier, Spittle, co. city Limerick, house and land at the Spittle, landlord: Mr. Andrew McMahon dealer, £40 value, lives: James Meany, registered: 29th December 1818

First part: James Tracy, weigh-master, Palmerstown Limerick, house and land at the Palmerstown, landlord: Rev. Richard Dickson, £40 value, lives: James Tracy, registered: 16th April 1828 at the Tholsel


1829 Freeholders in Limerick City and Environs

Tracy      James   weighmaster    Palmerstown   houses and premises at Palmerstown  Rev. Richard Dickson 40 shillings  James Tracy     16th Apr 1828 222

Tracy      John     clothier            Spittle, co. city Limerick         house and land at the Spittle  Mr. Andrew McMahon, dealer          40 shillings      James Meany   29th Dec 1818            114

Tracy      Laurence         yeoman            Lifford, co. city Limerick       house, ground and premises at Lifford   Earl Limerick  40 shillings      deponent, John & William Holmes     13th Jul 1825 (should read 1824?)     140

Tracy      Laurence         yeoman            Lifford, co. city Limerick       house, ground and premises at Lifford   Thomas Stuart 40 shillings      deponent, John and William Holmes  14th Feb 1825 186



David Tracy, 1830, Limerick Diocese will. Exec: David Tracy, Limerick. IWR/1830/F/222.

1830 David Tracy (or Trascey) Ballinahoun [Ballynahown] Ballingaddy (will)


9 Feb 1830 LEP-CS [see Tithes]

An Irish labourer, named Hanley, alias Tracey, is committed from Hatton Garden Police-office, London, charged with the murder of John Quinlan at the fair of Ardpatrick, Co. Limerick, last March. He was identified by a brother-in-law of the deceased, name Fitzgerald.


Irish Reproductive Loans Fund Records 1848-1854

Catherine Tracy, Ballyneety, loan of 9th November 1831 for £1.14.0.


Catherine Tracy, Ballyneety, loan of 9th November 1831 for £1.14.0. Surity Jahn Clancy?


Catherine Tracy, Ballyneety, Barony of Clanwilliam, Limerick. Loan of 9th November 1831, Resided in the townland on the date shown in column No. 3 as Servant to Constabulary. Subsequently emigrated to America. Dated Ballyneety, 4th March 1853.



1831 Tithe Defaulter

Darby Treasey, Bonovoy, Grean, Co. Limerick.

Patrick Treasy, Farmer, Scart, Kilteely, Co. Limerick.


26 Apr 1833-17 May 1833

Correspondence between [Thomas Philips] Vokes, chief magistrate, Limerick, [County Limerick], William Smith, Sub-Inspector, Rathkeale, [County Limerick], Lieut Col [Sir William] Gosset, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], and others regarding the conduct of Constables Gerald Adams, James Towers and Thomas Rennison when arresting William Tracey, Kilballyowen, [County Limerick], and also regarding the trial of Thomas, John, Catherine and Anne Tracey, for rescuing William Tracey. Includes report on the trial, cuttings from the ‘Limerick Evening Herald’, and minutes of an investigation, naming magistrates, policemen and witnesses involved in both. [Contains list of names not given in this description.]

13 items; 42pp CSO/RP/1833/2228


Civil Parish of Templebredin - 1834 Census

John Tracy, Garrydoolis

John Tracy, Knockeravilla

Thomas Tracy, Ballyneety North & South

 (Source: Fergus O'Ferrall, Nth. Munster Antiq. Jrnl. 1975.)


1834 Astrea

Michael Tracy of Limerick

The following list contains the names of those who boarded the ill-fated Astrea at Custom House Quay Limerick on the 15th April 1834. The ship wrecked on May 1834 and there were only three survivors. The wreck had occurred at Loran Head, five miles east of Louisburgh, Cape Breton, North America.



1834 Detailed Report of Contributions ... to the O'Connell National Annuity

St. Nicholas, South Chapel, Cork City...9s...Mr Tracy...

Kilcock , Kildare...£5...Rev W Tracy...

Leixlip, Kildare...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...

Aughavoc, Queen's County...1s6d...Mrs Tracey...

Upperwoods, Queen's Co...Daniel Tracy...

Franciscan Chapel, Limerick City...6s...Andrew Tracy...

Town of Tullamore, King's County...3s...P. Tracy...

Clonmel, Tipperary...3s...Patrick Tracy...

Carrick-on-Suin, Tipperary & Carrickbeg, Waterford...3s...Patrick Tracy...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...

Moycarkey and Borris, Tipperary...1s6d...Martin Tracy...

Mullinahone, Tipperary...7s6d...W Tracey...3s6d...D Tracey...J Tracy...3s6d...D Tracy...W. Tracy... W Tracy...1s6d...T Tracey...E Tracey...

Nenagh, Tipperary...10s...Daniel Tracey...

Roscrea, Tipperary...2s6d...Michael Tracy...Michael Treacy...Michael Treacy...

Anacarty and Donohill, Tipperary...10s...Mrs Treacy...

Killenaule and Moglass, Tipperary...Mrs Treacy...

Templemore, Tipperary...7s6d...Mrs Treacy...Denis Treacy...Patrick Treacy...

Clashmore and Piltown , Waterford...£1.1s...- Tracy...


17 February 1835 (FJ) Patriotic Fund - Kilmallock Parish

...Patrick Treacy 2s...


1835 State of religious and other instruction now existing in Ireland

Diocese of Limerick

Killeely: Day school kept by George Tracy. Payments of the children. Males 16 Females 4. Summer about 80. Established three years. Reading writing arithmetic and grammar.


1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen

Teady Tracey, b. 1832 Limerick Limerick

Teady Tracey, b. 1833 Limerick Limerick

Teddy Trecy, b. 1833 Limerick Limerick


27 July 1836 Wexford Independent

County Limerick Assizes...to be imprisoned...Patrick O'Brien, alias Kenny and Michael Tracey, larceny, nine months each...


6 Aug 1836 Death [see Richard Thomas Tracy]

Frances Coghlan - Patrick St...died at the house of her son-in-law, Thomas Tracy, widow of the   late John Coghlan, dau of Thomas Lloyd of Clover Hill, Limerick


1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland

Catherine Tracey, 1836, Pallasgreen, Limerick

Edward Tracy, 1838, Mamster, Limerick

Mary Tracy, 1839, Manister, Limerick


November 14, 1836 [D.G., Issue No. 12772, p. 639]

Proclamation for apprehending Michael Real, labourer, who went to the house of Catherine Tracey of Pallas Green, Co. Limerick, and struck her on the head with an iron spade


1836 Patrick Treacy, Boherbawne, Co. Limerick. (Prerogative Will)


1798-1914 Register of Enlisted USA

Bartholomew Tracey, enlisted 2 Aug 1866 Chicago Ill by Capt Lynn for 3 years, born Limerick Ireland, 27 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, light complexion, 5’9”, U.S. Inf, Dis Aug 5 1866, Sec Enl

James Tracy, enlisted 7 Mar 1863 New York NY by Capt Hildt for 5 years, born Limerick Ireland, 21 years, Clerk, hazel eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 5’5”, 8 Inf, C coy, Deserted Aug 23/63, [double entry]

John Tracy, 21 years, grey eyes, sandy hair, fair complexion, 5’8”, born Kilmaloch [Kilmallock Limerick] Ireland, labourer, enlisted 4 Oct 1845 Watervliet by Maj Baker for 5 years, Ordnance, descerted 15 Decr 46 

John Tracy, enlisted 17 Apr 1871 Boston Mass by Lieut Nesmith for 5 years, born Limerick Ireland, 30 years, Clerk?, grey eyes, light hair, light complexion, 5’7.75”, 4 Cav K, Discharged Apr 17 1876 Exp of service at Ft Sue? Il, Pvt, character good

Michael Tracy, enlisted 15 Aug 1861 New York NY by Lt Sprole for 3 years, born Limerick Ireland, 22 years, labourer, hazel eyes, brown hair, florid complexion, 5’4.5”, 1 Inf I, Dischd Aug 15/64 by exp of service at New Orleans La, A Pvt

Michael Tracy, enlisted 15 Jun 1892 albany New York by Capt Ames for 5 years, born Limerick Ireland, 21 years 4 months, labourer, S blue eyes, D bro hair, fair complexion, 5’10.5”, 18 Inf D coy, Disch’d Sept 14/95 G.O. 80 A.G.O. ’90 at Blise Texas, Pvt, Very good

Patrick Tracy, 27 years, dark eyes, dk brown hair, light complexion, 5’9.75”, born Limerick Ireland, labourer, enlisted 15 Oct 1836 Buffalo by Capt Russell for 3 years, 2 Inf D, 14th Oct ’39 expire of service, at Fort no.12E?F. (corporal)

Patrick Treacy, enlisted 28 Apr 1883 at New York NY by Cap Randall for 5 years, born Limerick Ireland, 24 years, Wise Deaver, blue eyes, Lt hair, ruddy complexion, 5’10.5”, 7 Inf B coy, Des Sept 18/83, Apphd Feby 6 ’84, Dishon Dischgd Apr 21/84 at Ft Omaha Neb per G.C.M.A. 16 Dept Plalk ’84 a Pvt charge of Dustin? Remaind 5201 a ??

Richard Tracey, enlisted 20 Feb 1865 Trenton NJ by Capt Long for three years, born Limerick Ireland, 23 years, labourer, blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’6”,  2 Inf, D coy, Dest’d Oct 19/65 

Thomas Tracy, enlisted 8 Nov 1865 New York NY by Capt Melton for 3 years, born Limerick Ireland, 21 years, soldier, hazel eyes, brown hair, florid complexion, 5’6”, 3 Inf, I coy, Dischg’d Nov 8/68 exp of service at Ft Lyon C.S., a sergt

Thomas Tracy, enlisted 9 Nov 1868 Ft Lyon Colorado by Lieut Thomas for 3 years, born Limerick Ireland, 24 years, soldier, hazel eyes, brown hair, florid complexion, 5’8”, 3 Inf, I coy, 2 en Des’d July 9 69

William Tracy, enlisted 25 Nov 1904 New York NY by Maj Hickey for 3 years, born Limerick Ireland, 21Y2M, laborer, eyes blue 12, hair d bro, complexion dark, 5'4.75", Regiment F. City 5 J.a., Coy iiF, remarks Dis Nov 24.07 at Ft Leavenworth Kan exp ser Pat godd hf


6 January 1837 (FJ) Limerick

Awful and Destructive explosion...Patrick street...Tracy...


“On the 3rd of January, 1837, a catastrophe of a most lamentable character occurred in Limerick, by an explosion of gunpowder in the premises of 
one William Eichardson, a gun-maker and vendor of gunpowder, No. 1, George’s-street...had a most narrow escape as had also the family of Mr. Thomas Tracy who lived in No. 13” 
Limerick; its history and antiquities, ecclesiastical, civil, and military By Maurice Lenihan 1866

1837 Newtownpery, St Michaels, Limerick

Book, manuscript. Account of the Explosion of Gunpowder at Richardson's, Gunsmith, Warehouse, 1 George St, Limerick, 3rd January 1837, with a map of houses on George St, Patrick St and Arthurs Quay, naming occupants of some, from William St to Ellen St, by Sarah Abell, Waterford, the account taken from witnesses. Bound copybook. 32pp. + covers, 26 text and map. Map loose, covering 2 pages, the pages separated. 24.0 x 19.2 Premises on map: George St from Brunswick St to Honans Quay: Ryan, O'Donnell, Walsh, Hogan, Medical Hall, Hogan, (Passage), London House, Hogan. Patrick St, from George St, west side: 20 Burke; 21, 22, Walton; 23, Abraham; 24, Burke; to 31, unnamed. George St, from William St to Denmark St: 9, Alexander Brothers; 8, O'Callaghan; 7, Abraham; 6, Mail Coach Hotel (Cruises); 5, O'Sullivan; 4, O'Brien Hotel; 3, Wilson; 2, MacNamara & Ryan's lodgings; 1, Richardson. Denmark St: MacMahon (behind Richardson); O'Keeffe; Blake (Patrick St side behind Ellard). Patrick St, Denmark St to Ellen St: 19, Ellard; 18, 17, Mason; 16, MacMahon; 15, Grubb; 14, Wilson; 13, Tracy; 12, Unthank, 11, O'Gorman; 10. Hallowell; 9, Fogarty. Ellen St: Post Office (behind Fogarty). George St numbers changed towards William St by 1840

Limerick City Museum record details: 25522


21 August 1837 (FJ) Forgery on the Bank of Ireland

...John Treacy was fully committed to abide his trial at next assizes for passing a forged thirty shilling note...Limerick Chronicle


19 Dec 1837 (BL)

The brother of Judge Perrin...is charged with sending a forged memorial to Government, regarding a man named Tracy, who denies the memorial on oath...- Limerick C.


1837 James Treacy, 1837, Limerick Diocese will. Exec: N Treacy, Coonagh, Co. Limerick. IAR/1837/F/96.


M'Ghee, Robert James ed (1837) The complete notes of the Doway Bible and Rhemish Testament, with a preface ...


Mr. Tracy, Aurthur’s Quay, Limerick City

Mr. John Tracy, Ennis

Mr. Denis Tracy, Ennis

Mr. D. Tracy, Roscrea


1837 Electors list





Lot 3. This lot is a plot of ground in Newenham-street and Henry street, in the parish of St. Michael and city of Limerick...dated 10th day of June 1837...lives...Richard Tracy, second son of Thomas Tracy, of said city, shoemaker, then aged about eleven years...All the lives are still living.


February 18, 1839 (FJ) Birth (see William Samuel Tracy)

At Bruff, county Limerick, the lady of W.S. Tracey, Esq, stipendiary magistrate, of a daughter.


1838 John Tracy, 1838, Limerick Diocese will. Exec: M. Tracy, Knockfinna, ??? (Knockfinnisk, Co. Limerick?) IAR/1838/F/141.


1839 Limerick - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher – (see Richard Taylor Tracey)


1839 Public Meeting to congratulate Hugh Fortescue as the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland

...A. Tracy...



September 21, 1840 (FJ)

...boot and shoe maker...Mr. Tracy, Patrick street, Limerick...


21 Oct 1840 Freeman's Journal

Repeal Association of Ireland - Limerick City Tradesmen Guild Members

Edmond Tracy, Ropemakers


November 12, 1840 (FJ)

...committed by T.M. Tracy, Esq, Bruff. - Limerick Reporter


1840 Wardens Killmallock

Wardens residing within the boundaries of Kilmallock parish were...James Tracey, Ballinahown (1840-41)...



1841 Rent and Valuation of Occupiers

John Tracy of Mungret Street, city of Limerick, Limerick Union, landlord Mr. Brommell, rate £10/0/0, rent £8/4/0


1841 Return of Number of Inquests - County of the City of Limerick

6 March 1841, Jane Tracy, at Boherbuoy in the county of said city, Henry Vereker Lloyd esq mayor and coroner, died of pulmonary consumption and that her death had been accelerated by an assault committee on her the 24th October 1841 [?]


1841 Reports relative to valuation for poor rates

James Tracey, Oct 22 1832, House and land, Curragh Mahoonagh Newcastle Limerick, 25a/0r/0p £21/0/0 annual value, Observations: One of two joint occupiers.


1841 Francis Larwood

Born 1795 Norwich. Lived Limerick 1841. Shoemaker, worked for Mr Tracey. Transported 1841



18 May 1842-20 May 1842

Letters to John Windele, antiquarian of Sunday's Well, Cork from William Hackett, folklorist and antiquarian, Midleton, Co. Cork, in which Hackett encloses a letter from Margaret Woods of Ardpatrick, (Co. Limerick) to her cousin, Jeremiah Tracey. In this letter, Woods accepts Tracey's suggestion to offer bed and board to a group of visiting antiquarians including William Hackett. Hackett also discusses sites known as 'leaba' or cells in Cork, namely, 'Leaba Na Bo Ban' (Bed of the White Cow) and Teampall Molagga (St. Molaga's temple) and refers to works on Irish historical topography. Margaret Woods, in a letter to her cousin, Jeremiah Tracey, informs Tracey of the death of her son, William after a long illness. [RIA 12 L 11/126]


British Civil Service Evidence Of Age

Henry Tracey, born 1844 Castleconnell Limerick Ireland (see William Samuel Tracy)

Michael Lionel Tracey, born 1889 Limerick Limerick Ireland


Feb 5 1845 Abstract of Police Reports

Wm Darmody and Wm Tracy of Commons Castle Connell Clanwilliam Limerick. This night a party of four persons unknown, some of whom were armed, attacked and assaulted the persons named, who are postillions in the employment of Mr. Devane, hotel keeper, because of their quitting the service of Mr. Cary, hotel keeper, who is in opposition to Mr. Devane.


1845 Evidence taken before the [Land] Commissioners

William Cox of Ballynoe/Ballingarry Limerick. "My father let, in the year 1789, 460 acres in the barony of Kenry, at about 17s6d the then currency...[was there any one ejected without compensation]..."No, no one except John Tracy; he resisted and said that he had a lease, and when I went down with the record the judges held he could play soft and hard-refuse to be a tenant when it suited his convenience, and claim to be a tenant when it suited him. There is a good deal of rent owing, but the tenants lost their sheep and things, and I do not like to press them. A compliant may be made against me of ejecting a tenant who owed me a year and a half's rent, and was going to be bad; I served him with an ejectment and dispossessed him, and I set it to another...



May 3 1845 Aggravated assault at Doon, Coonagh

Pat Ryan Tracy. This day, as these persons were returning from Cluggin Fair, they were attacked and seriously assaulted by parties unknown, without any cause whatever.

Parliamentary Papers


June 9, 1845 (FJ) Eviction of Tenantry

A few days ago a heart-rending scene took place at Bunkey, in the neighbourhood of Castleconnell, upon the property of S.D. Biggs, Esq., of Bellview, Nenagh...Patt[?] Tracy (aged 70), 3 in family...The old man, Tracy, became paralysed, and another of the unfortunate creatures is also despaired of...- Limerick Reporter

June 18, 1845 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)

Eviction of Tenantry. A few days ago a heart-rendering scence took place at Bunkey in the neighbourhood of Castleconnel upon the property of SD Biggs Esq, Bellview Nenagh...ten following families...Patt Tracy (aged 70), 3 in family...the old man Tracy became papalysed...- Limerick Reporter


1845 Map - Bound volume of maps by OS Pencilannotations on some maps - Gascoigne

Keale...Tracey’s Farm...

Coolavehy...John Tracey, William Tracey...

Kilfinnane Town...Denis Tracey...

Ballynahinch...Thomas Tracy...

NLI 21F122


1845 RIC Service

Michael Treacy, 6641, b. 1820 Tipperary


8841 Michl Treacy, 25 years, 6'-", b. Tipr, Catholic, recommended by Sub Insp Morgaid, labourer, appointed 6 Aug 45, served Cavan 0.2 - Reserve 0.2 - Limerick, Dismissed 19 Jan 1850 33945/3967


October 12, 1846 (FJ) (From the Limerick Chronicle)

Monday night Constable Downs and party of the Boherard station succeeded in arresting Andrew Tracy for the murder of James Slattery in March last. He is committed to the county gaol to stand trial at the next assizes.


November 3, 1846 (FJ) Court of Chancery

...The following gentlemen were admitted by the Benchers as students...John Coghlan Tracy, eldest son of Thomas Tracy, of the city of Limerick, bootmaker. [see Richard Thomas Tracy]


1846-1851 New York arrivals


Jas. Tracy, age 20, Labourer, Great Britain to USA, Limerick: Shamrock 06/16/1847


Andy Tracy, age 35, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Limerick: Wilberforce 06/30/1849

Hannah Tracy, age 30, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA, Limerick: Wilberforce 06/30/1849

Edmund Tracy, Infant 2 months, Great Britain to USA, Limerick: Wilberforce 06/30/1849


Timothy Tracy, age 27, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Montreal of NY 06/30/1849

Bridget Tracy, age 21, Servant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Montreal of NY 06/30/1849

Margt. Tracy, age 18, Servant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Montreal of NY 06/30/1849


Pat Tracey, age 35, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Mary Ann Henry 07/09/1849

H. Tracey, age 29, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Mary Ann Henry 07/09/1849

Wen. Tracey, age 28, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Mary Ann Henry 07/09/1849

Mary Tracey, age 10, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Mary Ann Henry 07/09/1849


Cathn. Tracy, age 24, Spinster, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Montreal 10/15/1849


Bessy Tracy, age 30, Immigrant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Heather Bell 01/20/1850

Judy Tracy, Born at Sea, Infant, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Heather Bell 01/20/1850


John Tracey, age 22, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Maria Brennan 06/05/1851


John Tracey, age 35, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Forth 07/15/1851


Mary Tracy, age 19, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Limerick: Victoria 08/23/1851


Ellen Tracey, age 25, Labourer, Great Britain to USA, Limerick: Florence 09/25/1851


1847-1849 Correspondence of Richard Smyth [NLI]

...Letters from tenants about the railway extensions in Limerick including David Tracy, stating that 'the railway engineers have entered my lands and are inclined to carry out the works...'


January 3, 1848 (FJ) Calendar of Prisoners for the County of Limerick

Cornelius Tracy...riotous assembly in arms and driving off the cattle belonging to Robert Fetherstone, Esq, the Rev. George Massy and the Rev James Ryan P.P.

January 10, 1848 (FJ) Special Commission - Limerick

...Connor Tracy...disturb the public peace at Bruree on the 12th of October...pleaded guilty...men of good character...committed to gaol in October...

11 Jan 1848 (BL) Limerick...Appearing in arms and stealing cattle

Michael and Thomas Walsh, Michael Gleeson, Michael Falvey, Patrick Ahern, Thomas Green, Connor Tracy and James Healy were indicted for riotously assembling to disturb the publib peace at Bruree on 12th October. All the prisoners who seemed to be in a state of wretched poverty, pleaded guilty.

January 12, 1848 (FJ) Special Commission - Limerick

...Thomas Tracy...pleaded guilty...unlawfully assembled - nine months imprisonment

12 January 1848 Wexford Independent

Appearing in arms and stealing cattle. Michael and Thomas Walsh, Michael Gleeson, Michael Falvey, Patrick Ahern, Thomas Goran, Connor Tracy and James Healy were indicated for riotosly assembling pleased guilty.

The Attorney General mentioned that on the day laid in the indicment the prisoners assembled and drove a large quantity of cattle belonging to gentlemen residing in the neighourhood; but upon being remonstrated with by the chlergymen, restored them to their owners, under which circumstances the crown would not press for the felony, and would receive their please on the charge of riot.

The Chief Justice desired the prisoners to stand over until Monday and directed affadavits as to character to be made in the meantime.

15 January 1848 (N) Special Commission for Limerick

...Thomas Tracy...pleaded guilty of having unlawfully assembled-nine months' imprisonment...driven away cattle...

4 February 1848 (AC) Co. Limerick Special Commission

...To be imprisoned...For nine months...Connor Tracy...riotously assembling at Bruree...

1848 The Special Commission – Saturday

Michael and Thomas Walsh, Michael Gleeson, Michael Falvey, Patrick Ahern, Thomas Geran, Connor Tracy, and James Healy, were indicated for riotous assembling to disturb the public peace at Bruree, and were found guilty.

Guardian 12/1/1848 p.2

1848 Calender of prisoners for the county of limerick

Cornelius Tracy, Patrick Ahern, James Healy, Michael Gleason, John Walsh, Michael Falvey, David Connell, John Bourke, Thomas Hoare, Cornelius Daly, and Thos. Walsh, riotous assembly in arms, and driving off cattle belonging to Robert Fetherstone, Esq., The Rev. George Massy, and Rev James Ryan, P.P.

Freeman's Journal 28 January 1848


1848 Thomas Tracy of 13 Patrick St Limerick, 24 February 1848, Prerogative Court will. Char1/13/p153. (see Richard Thomas Tracy)


1848-9 William Smith O'Brien Petition

A. Tracy, Limerick

John Tracy, Limerick

Nnau Tracy, Limerick merchant


January 20, 1849 Kerry Evening Post

Caution To Poor Rate Collectors.—A farmer named Tracy, from Doon, in the county Limerick, brought a quantity of hay from a Mr. Maunsell, a gentleman who lived near him. Tracy took bis two horses to Mr. Maunsell's land to draw home the hay, and while tying the first or second load of it, in came Mr Dalton, the poor rate collector of Tipperary Union, and seized on the horses for the poor rates dues of Mr. Maunsell. Tbe former (Tracy) begged of the collector to seize on tbe hay and leave him bis horses, but tbe collector relying on the decision of the Poor Law Commissioners; in Lord Hawarden's case, (when bis lordship's cattle were seized while grazing for one night in the Thurles race course on their way to the Smithfield market) took the horses, inpounded them in Cappawhite and sold them by auction for tbe amount of the poor rates. Mr. Fitzgibbon, solicitor, of Mitchelstowu (for Tracy), brought an action in the Civil Bill Court against the poor rate collector for the trover and conversion of the horses; The case was tried at the last Casbel quarter sessions, before Mr, Sergeant Howlay, Assistant-Barrister for the county of Tipperary, and on hearing the argumemts of Mr. Kirwan, of Thurles, for, the plaintiff, and Mr. Dwyer, of Tipperary, for the defendant, his Worship decreed for £18, the full mount claimed.


1849 Denis Tracy Killinnane [Kilfinnane Kilfinnane] Farmer  (bond)


1850 Naturalization Delarations Rensselaer Co Justice Court, Troy NY

John Tracy, Troy, Co Limerick, Ireland, 26, Limerick, 1846, Apr 29



1850 Thoms Directory of Ireland

Thomas Tracy, Limerick, Licentiates (College of Surgeons) (see Richard Thomas Tracy)


1850 Griffith's Valuation of Limerick City

Andrew Tracy, 11 Patrick Street, St. Michael's. House

James Trahy?, 34 Coolooney or Westland, St. Michael's. House

John Tracy, 2 Cornwallis Street 2, St. Michael's. House & yard (in rear)

Lawrence Tracy, 2 Dogherty's-Lane, Killeely. House & yard

Michael Tracy, 24 Sexton Street, Killeely. House & garden

Michael Tracy, 5 White Wine Lane, St. Michael's House. Office & yard

Patrick Tracy, 10 Punch's Lane, St. Michael's. House & yard


Griffiths Valuation Limerick 1850-3


By Area


Andrew Tracy, Patrick street, Prior's Land, St. Michael, Limerick


Anna Tracy Curragh Mahoonagh Limerick


Bridget Tracey Carrigmartin Cahernarry Limerick


Catherine Tracey Pallas Grean Limerick

Catherine Tracy Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick

Catherine Tracy Gloonnagalleen Kilcornan Limerick


Cornelius Tracy Spital Land (Green Hill) Limerick St. Lawrences Limerick


Daniel Tracy Grange Tullabracky Limerick


David Tracy Gibbonstown Kilbreedy Major Limerick


Denis Tracy Ballyshanedehey Kilquane Limerick

Denis Tracy Knocklong West Knocklong Limerick

Denis Tracy The Squire & Captain's La Kilfinnane Limerick


Edmond Tracy, Main street, Cloontemple, Ballingarry, Limerick

Edmond Tracy, Sparr street, Cloontemple, Ballingarry, Limerick

Edmond Tracy, Townfield, Cloontemple, Ballingarry, Limerick


Edmund Tracey, Common, Ballingarry, Limerick

Edmund Tracy Loughgur Knockainy Limerick

Edmund Tracy Martinstown Athneasy Limerick


Edward Tracy Ballingaddy North Ballingaddy Limerick


Francis Tracey Ballydoole Chapelrussell Limerick


Henry Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick


James Tracey Dromkeen North Dromkeen Limerick

James Tracey Mountcoote Ardpatrick Limerick

James Tracy Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick

James Tracy Barrysfarm Hospital Limerick

James Tracy Bohernagore Ballingaddy Limerick

James Tracy Bohernagore Ballingaddy Limerick

James Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick

James Tracy, Ballynamona, Ballynamona, Limerick


Jeremiah Tracy Bunavie Grean Limerick

Jeremiah Tracy Coolboy Kilbeheny Limerick

Jeremiah Tracy Friarstown South Fedamore Limerick


John Tracey Coolavehy Kilflyn Limerick

John Tracey Creeves Dunmoylan Limerick

John Tracey Garrydoolis Templebredon Limerick

John Tracey Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracey, Main street, Kilmallock, St. Peter & St. Paul, Limerick

John Tracy Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick

John Tracy Ballyorgan Kilflyn Limerick

John Tracy Bohernagore Ballingaddy Limerick

John Tracy Carnane Fedamore Limerick

John Tracy Friarstown Caherelly Limerick

John Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracy Patrickswell Knockainy Limerick

John Tracy Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracy Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracy, Cornwallis street, Prior's Land, St. Michael, Limerick

John Tracy, Islandea, Adare, Limerick

John Tracy, Oldtown (Bennett), Hospital, Limerick

John Treacy, Tobernea East, Effin, Limerick


Lawrence Tracy Priors-Land (Doghertys-Lane) Killeely Limerick


Lorna Tracy Curragh Mahoonagh Limerick


Margaret Tracy Monanooag Kildimo Limerick

Margaret Tracy, Common, Ballingarry, Limerick


Mary Tracey, Main street, Knightsstreet, Ballingarry, Limerick

Mary Tracy Ballykennedy South Cloncagh Limerick

Mary Tracy Milltown Doon Limerick

Mary Tracy Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

Mary Tracy, Chapel Lane, Kilmallock, St. Peter & St. Paul, Limerick


Michael Tracey Coolavehy Kilflyn Limerick

Michael Tracy Cloonty Kilmoylan Limerick

Michael Tracy Priors-Land (Sexton-Street) Killeely Limerick

Michael Tracy Raheen Ballyscaddan Limerick

Michael Tracy, Sexton street, Prior's Land, Killeely, Limerick

Michael Tracy, White Wine Lane, Prior's Land, St. Michael, Limerick


Patrick Tracey Scart Kilteely Limerick

Patrick Tracy Ballyart Caherconlish Limerick

Patrick Tracy Buffanoky Doon Limerick

Patrick Tracy Cloghacloka Mungret Limerick

Patrick Tracy Cromwell Ballinlough Limerick

Patrick Tracy Laght Street Kilfinnane Limerick

Patrick Tracy, Punch's lane, Ballinacurra (Bowman), St. Michael, Limerick

Patrick Treacy Doon South Doon Limerick


Richard Tracey Doon North Doon Limerick

Richard Tracy Falleenadatha Doon Limerick


Stephen Tracey Scart Kilteely Limerick


Thomas Tracey Ballynahinch Knocklong Limerick

Thomas Tracy Carnane Fedamore Limerick

Thomas Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick

Thomas Tracy Mahoonagh Village Mahoonagh Limerick

Thomas Tracy Newtown Sth Oola Limerick

Thomas Tracy, Main street, Knightstreet, Ballingarry, Limerick.


Timothy Tracey Cloonlusk Doon Limerick

Timothy Tracey Coolbaun Castletown Limerick

Timothy Tracy Gotoon Hospital Limerick

Timothy Tracy, Dromsallagh, Tuogh, Limerick


William Tracey Cloonteen Doon Limerick

William Tracey Coolavehy Kilflyn Limerick









John Tracy, Islandea, Adare, Limerick


James Tracey Mountcoote Ardpatrick Limerick


Edmund Tracy Martinstown Athneasy Limerick


Catherine Tracy Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick

Edward Tracy Ballingaddy North Ballingaddy Limerick

James Tracy Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick

James Tracy Bohernagore Ballingaddy Limerick

James Tracy Bohernagore Ballingaddy Limerick

John Tracy Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick

John Tracy Bohernagore Ballingaddy Limerick


Edmond Tracy, Main street, Cloontemple, Ballingarry, Limerick

Edmond Tracy, Sparr street, Cloontemple, Ballingarry, Limerick

Edmond Tracy, Townfield, Cloontemple, Ballingarry, Limerick

Edmund Tracey, Common, Ballingarry, Limerick

Margaret Tracy, Common, Ballingarry, Limerick

Mary Tracey, Main street, Knightsstreet, Ballingarry, Limerick

Thomas Tracy, Main street, Knightstreet, Ballingarry, Limerick.


Patrick Tracy Cromwell Ballinlough Limerick


James Tracy, Ballynamona, Ballynamona, Limerick


Michael Tracy Raheen Ballyscaddan Limerick


Patrick Tracy Ballyart Caherconlish Limerick


John Tracy Friarstown Caherelly Limerick


Bridget Tracey Carrigmartin Cahernarry Limerick


Timothy Tracey Coolbaun Castletown Limerick


Francis Tracey Ballydoole Chapelrussell Limerick


Mary Tracy Ballykennedy South Cloncagh Limerick


Mary Tracy Milltown Doon Limerick

Patrick Tracy Buffanoky Doon Limerick

Patrick Treacy Doon South Doon Limerick

Richard Tracey Doon North Doon Limerick

Richard Tracy Falleenadatha Doon Limerick

William Tracey Cloonteen Doon Limerick

Timothy Tracey Cloonlusk Doon Limerick


James Tracey Dromkeen North Dromkeen Limerick


John Tracey Creeves Dunmoylan Limerick


John Treacy, Tobernea East, Effin, Limerick


Jeremiah Tracy Friarstown South Fedamore Limerick

John Tracy Carnane Fedamore Limerick

Thomas Tracy Carnane Fedamore Limerick


Catherine Tracey Pallas Grean Limerick

Jeremiah Tracy Bunavie Grean Limerick


James Tracy Barrysfarm Hospital Limerick

John Tracy, Oldtown (Bennett), Hospital, Limerick

Timothy Tracy Gotoon Hospital Limerick


Jeremiah Tracy Coolboy Kilbeheny Limerick


David Tracy Gibbonstown Kilbreedy Major Limerick


Catherine Tracy Gloonnagalleen Kilcornan Limerick


Margaret Tracy Monanooag Kildimo Limerick


Denis Tracy The Squire & Captain's La Kilfinnane Limerick

Henry Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick

James Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracey Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracy Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

John Tracy Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

Mary Tracy Stable Hill & Millroad Kilfinnane Limerick

Patrick Tracy Laght Street Kilfinnane Limerick

Thomas Tracy Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Limerick


John Tracey Coolavehy Kilflyn Limerick

John Tracy Ballyorgan Kilflyn Limerick

Michael Tracey Coolavehy Kilflyn Limerick

William Tracey Coolavehy Kilflyn Limerick


Lawrence Tracy Priors-Land (Doghertys-Lane) Killeely Limerick

Michael Tracy Priors-Land (Sexton-Street) Killeely Limerick

Michael Tracy, Sexton street, Prior's Land, Killeely, Limerick


Michael Tracy Cloonty Kilmoylan Limerick


Denis Tracy Ballyshanedehey Kilquane Limerick


Patrick Tracey Scart Kilteely Limerick

Stephen Tracey Scart Kilteely Limerick


Edmund Tracy Loughgur Knockainy Limerick

John Tracy Patrickswell Knockainy Limerick


Denis Tracy Knocklong West Knocklong Limerick

Thomas Tracey Ballynahinch Knocklong Limerick


Anna Tracy Curragh Mahoonagh Limerick

Lorna Tracy Curragh Mahoonagh Limerick

Thomas Tracy Mahoonagh Village Mahoonagh Limerick


Patrick Tracy Cloghacloka Mungret Limerick


Thomas Tracy Newtown Sth Oola Limerick


Cornelius Tracy Spital Land (Green Hill) Limerick St. Lawrences Limerick


Andrew Tracy, Patrick street, Prior's Land, St. Michael, Limerick

John Tracy, Cornwallis street, Prior's Land, St. Michael, Limerick

Michael Tracy, White Wine Lane, Prior's Land, St. Michael, Limerick

Patrick Tracy, Punch's lane, Ballinacurra (Bowman), St. Michael, Limerick


John Tracey, Main street, Kilmallock, St. Peter & St. Paul, Limerick

Mary Tracy, Chapel Lane, Kilmallock, St. Peter & St. Paul, Limerick


John Tracey Garrydoolis Templebredon Limerick


Daniel Tracy Grange Tullabracky Limerick


Timothy Tracy, Dromsallagh, Tuogh, Limerick



1850 Ennis Workhouse - Entries in Visitors' Book

17 October. A. Tracy, Limerick, The condition of the house reflects much credit on the master and mistress and officers.


January 13, 1851 (FJ) O'Connell Fund Limerick

...Andrew Tracey...


1851 Minutes of evidence at Investigation at New Pallas, Limerick, into Charges preferred by Rev. O'Dwyer against Police

Explanatory of Third Charge - Doon Cappawhite 16 July 1850

"The persons alluded to as making illegal arrests and imprisonment are the Doon police...I could give many more names of persons taken and handcuffed, who had committed no breach of peace or violation of law, as the two last persons, Edward Ponergan, arrested without cause on the 7th July, and John Tracey on the 30th June last."


1851 – 1859 Limerick Union Workhouse (Limerick City) Emigration

William Treacy, from Cloontra, to New Orleans Nov. 1854



15. Patrick Tracy representative of Conway, Cromwell [Limerick] 23a/2/5p Irish, 41a/1r/17p survey, £ rent, lease dated 20th July 1824 for three lives from Benjamin Earl of Aldborough


1851 Census - 1908 Pensions Act

The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908. Pension claimants had to prove their age. Those born before 1864 used the 1841 and 1851 census.


1851? Tracey nee Fitzgerald Quay Lane Limerick Co. Limerick Cen/S/17/516 - Not found

11 March 22 [11th March 1922] Image

Annie Tracey (d. of John Tracey & Mary Fitzgerald married '52) 1851 Quay Lane (Bridge? St N.I.) Limerick Co. Limerick, [not found] [Bridge Street formerly Quay Lane]

Address: J O'Sullivan, 49 Clare St, Co Limerick

[Note: reside in March 1851

Tracey     John       

Tracey     Stephen 

Tracey     Katherin

Tracey     Agnes

Tracey     Elizabeth


IG Record 19820

TRACEY Annie TRACEY John TRACEY Mary TRACEY nee FITZGERALD Quay Lane, Limerick --- --- Limerick 1922 - J O'Sullivan, 49 Clare St, Limerick. Parents married 1852. Family - John, Stephen, Katharine, -ns?, Elizabeth.

Quay Lane, Limerick, Co. Limerick

Annie Tracey               Applicant

John Tracey

Katherin Tracey

Stephen Tracey

John Tracey

Agnes Tracey

Elizabeth Tracey


7.12.16 [7th December 1916] Image

Johanna Merrick (d. of Pat Merrick & Mary Treacy) 1851 or 1841 Dromalta Tuogh Limerick

Address: Mrs Johanna Ryan, Barna Newport, Co Tipperary

[Note: Parents names residind in 1841. Found marrd 1826 with children as per margin no daughter Johanna. Copy parents & Judy]

Merrick   Wm         -              -

Merrick   Pat          -              -

Merrick   John        -              -

Merrick   Kate        -              -

Merrick   Mary       -              -

Merrick   Bridget   -              -

Merrick   Alice       -              -

Merrick   Norah     -              -

Merrick   Ellen       -              -

Merrick   Judy        -              16


IG Record 19841

MERRICK Johanna MERRICK Pat Merrick Mary MERRICK nee TREACY Dromalta Tuogh Owneybeg Limerick 1916 - Mrs Johanna Ryan, Barna, Newport, Co. Tipperary. Family - Wm, Pat, John, Kate, Mary, Bridget, Alice, Norah, Ellen, Judy 16yrs. 1851 Parents married 1826 with children as per above, no daughter Johanna.


Dromalta, Tuogh, Co. Limerick

Mary Treacy Mother


3.5.21 [3rd May 1921] Image

Henry Williams (s. of James Williams & Bridget Treacy) Coombs Ballingaddy [crossed out] Jamestown Kilquane Limerick

Aaddress: Lower Effin, Kilmallock, Co Limerick

[Note: not found. James & Bridget Williams no return of Henry]


IG Record 19590

WILLIAMS Henry WILLIAMS James WILLIAMS Bridget TREACY Jamestown Kilquane Coshlea Limerick 1921 - Lower Effin, Kilmallock, Limerick. 1851 Found - James and Bridget Williams married 1835, no return of Henry.


Coombs, Jamestown, Kilquane, Co. Limerick

Bridget Treacy            Mother


1851 Census - Chatham Kent

Thomas Tracy, unmarried, 25 years, born 1826 Limerick Hospital, Private Army

1851 Census - Lincoln St Botolph Lincolnshire

Thomas Tracey, lodger, 21 years, b. 1830 Limerick, builders labourer


January 28, 1852 (FJ) The Arundel Banquet at Limerick

...Andrew Tracy...


Ireland-Australia Transportation Database (1780-1868)



PLACE OF TRIAL: Co. Limerick

TRIAL DATE: 29/03/1852


SENTENCE: Transportation 10 yrs


COMMENTS: Convict died at Spike Island Gaol Co. Cork, 10/11/1853


August 12, 1852 (FJ) The Sixmile-Bridge Slaughter - Another Victim

...coroner to summon a jury...those who answered the summonses were persons who had voted within the Tory interest at the late election for the city of Limerick. This appeared stranger, when the fact was that even the Catholics who were then summoned, with the exception of Mr. William Purcell and Mr. Andrew Tracy, did not go with the popular candidates at the last election, but in most instances plumped for the Tory...The following jury was then sworn...Andrew Tracy...- Limerick Reporter

14 August 1852 (N) Inquest

...he had heard that the jury was chiefly composed of persons who, at the late city of Limerick election, had voted against the Liberal candidates...Jury...Andrew Tracy...-Limerick Paper

28 August 1852 (N) Six Mile Bridge

jury...Mr. Andrew Tracey...[Limerick]

August 30, 1852 (FJ) The Sixmile-Bridge Slaughter

...the verdict - Manslaughter against eight soldiers...12 for 3 against...verdict of Murder...Andrew Tracy, Thomas Bowler.

1852-3 Inquisitions removed from Court of Queen's Bench in Ireland and transferred to County of Clare; Depositions taken before Coroner and Informations before Magistrates in relation to Cases of Homicide at Sixmilebridge, at General Election

Inquisition of Michael Moloney - County of City of Limerick 28/8/1852...Andrew Tracey...

4th September 1852 The Tablet The Massacre At Sixiviilebridge.

The adjourned inquest on the body of Michael Moloney, who died in Barrington's Hospital, Limerick, front the effect of wounds received at Sixmilebridge, was bronglit to a termination on Saturday, after an investigation which lasted four days: The .Munster News gives the following account of the finding of the jury :—...We understand the following jurors were for finding a verdict of murder :—Messrs. Bowler, Treacy, Norman, and Pinch, and two for justifiable homicide...


1852 Limerick Municipal Elections Results

Patrick Street Ward. Councillors...Andrew Tracy.


1852 Late Election of Limerick

Andrew Tracy             Patrick Street         Patrick Street         voted for Potter and O'Brien



June 7 & 10, 1853 (FJ) Great Catholic Meeting

...Andrew Tracy, TC, do [Limerick]...Denis Tracy, do [Cork]...


1853-1923 Royal Navy

Emmett Robert Tracy. Official Number: 195153. Place of Birth: Limerick, Limerick. Date of Birth: 21 March 1881.

Frederick William Francis Patrick Tracy. Official Number: 287221. Place of Birth: Saint Thomas, Limerick. Date of Birth: 12 July 1878.


1855 RIC Service

William Treacy, 19434, b. 1836 Fermanagh


19434 Wm Treacy, 19, 5'7.25", b. Fer, Catholic, married 19 Mar '62 wife born Clare, recommended by G. Shegog JP. lab, allocated 15 Feb 55, served Limk 12 June - City 1/4/63 - Tip NR - Roscomm 1/4/79 - Gal NR 10/2/83, PISC 1 Aug 55 - PACo 1 July 67 - P Con 1 June 68 - P2AC 1 March 1879, Reward and punishments, Pensioned 1.6.85 19434D/96775, served 30 years 3 months, pension £89.9.0



James Tracey, Ballykirlew otherwise Ballynickley otherwise Ballyimply otherwise Ballhughta and the mountain adjioning same, Coshlea, Limerick, 68a/2r/0p, £110 rent, Held under lease dated 16th June 1855 made between John Marcus Clements and James Tracey for twenty one years from 25th March 1855...


1864 Landed Estates Court.

In the Matter of the Estate of John Marcus Clements.

In or about the year 1851, ejectments were brought against the several tenants of the lands of Ballyhughta [Ballyhaght Kilquane], in the county of Limerick, by Mr. John Marcus Clements, to whom those lands then belonged in fee-simple; and possession was recovered in those several actions. The tenants so evicted had enjoyed, as appurtenant to their holdings, certain rights of common upon an adjoining mountain, which was also the property of Mr. Clements. One of those tenants, named Denis Fitzpatrick was then put into possession of a larger portion of the lands so recovered than that which he had previously held; and a Mr. James Tracy was put into possession of the residue of those lands.

...16 June 1855, Denis Fitzpatrick obtained a lease from J. M. Clements for twenty-one years from the 25th of March ballyhught otherwise Ballyhughta limerick...James Tracy obtained a similar lease...



28 February 1855 The London Gazette

National Bank of Ireland, Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

John Treacy, Tenikelly, Mountrath. Gentleman.

Andrew Tracy, Francis-street, Limerick. Grocer. [Not listed after 1855]


27 February 1856 The London Gazette

National Bank of Ireland, Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

John Treacy, Tenikelly, Mountrath. Gentleman.


1855 Anne Tracy Curragh Mahoovagh [Mahoonagh] (will)


1855-1900 Mount St. Lawrence Cemetery Register - Date

1855-1900 Mount St. Lawrence Cemetery Register - Alphabetical

1855-1900 Mount St. Lawrence Cemetery Register - Address


Patrick Tracey, 40, Military Road, 18th Oct 1860, ref 827 123 U

Michael Tracey, 55, Abbey, 21 May 1863, ref 1441 131 UC

John Tracey, 42, Arthur's Quay, 5th Jan 1864, ref 1568 56 CC

Patrick Tracey, 21, Athlum Kard St, 15th Jan 1865, ref 1847 84 VB

Catherine Tracey, 50, St. Johns, 13th Mar 1865, ref 1928 61 RBC

Michael Tracey, 35, Nelson St, 5th Jan 1867, ref 2504 66 PC

Michael Tracey, 15, Arthur's Quay, 8th Mar 1869, ref 3173 48 Q

Margaret Tracey, 79, Catherine St, 15th Oct 1870, ref 3776 80 OC

Francis Tracy, 11, Athlumkard St, 8th Dec 1870, ref 3849 112 QC

Patrick Tracey, 80, Flag Lane, 9th Oct 1872, ref 4548 29 YC

Margaret Tracy, 62, Queen St, 13th Jan 1873, ref 4651 16? B?

Margaret Tracey, 44, Henry St, 23rd Feb 1873, ref 4710 48 Q

Anne Tracey, ???, Sandmall, 21st Jun 1873, ref 4849 171 XA

Daniel Tracey, 84, Catherine St, 16th May 1876, ref 6165 49 VC

Mary A Tracey, 22, Denmark St., 14th Nov 1877, ref 6962 15 DDB

Josephine Tracy, 3, Dock Road, 29th Dec 1877, ref 7043 114.5 Y

John Tracey, 30, Denmark St, 28th Jan 1878, ref 7117 110 YA

Mary Tracey, 64, High St, 18th Feb 1878, ref 7148 105 ZB?

Patrick Tracey, ???, Athlumkard St, 7th May 1878, ref 7285 ???

John Tracey, 34, Colloney St, 5th Dec 1878, ref 7584 101 YA

Patrick Tracey, 5, Athlumkard St, 31st Aug 1880, ref 8707 180 XA

Michael Tracey, 2, Upper William St, 18th Oct 1880, ref 8791 58 OB

Ignatius Tracey, 2.25, Dock Road, 6th Jan 1881, ref 8976 109 XC [Parents John Tr(e)ac(e)y & Mary (Anne) Rice]

Anne Tracey, 6.75, Athlumkard St., 16th Feb 1881, ref 9094 182 XB

Helena Tracey, 2.15, Athlumkard St., 30th August 1881, ref 9422 181 XB

Bernard Tracey, 0.5, William St., 26th February 1882, ref 9743 58 OB

Johanna Tracey, 38, Athlumkard St, 2nd July 1882, ref 9937 181 XB

Martin Tracey, 3, Athlumkard St., 12th Sep 1882, ref 10016 176 XB

Ellen Tracey, 80, Union, 7th January 1883, ref 10225 103 DDC

Agnes Tracey, 4.5, Athlumkard St., 20 Sep 1883, ref 10653 182 XB

John Tracy, 68, Queen St., 23rd Nov 1884, ref 11381 175 XB

Mary A. Tracey, 37, U. William St., 23rd February 1885, ref 11581 58 OB

John Tracey, 1.5, Nicholas St, 5th Jun 1887, ref 12933 87 BBB

Mary Tracey, 6, St. John's Hosp., 27th July 1889, ref 14217 58 OB

Thomas S. Tracey, 78, 35 Henry St., 5 sep 1889, ref 14264 83 DA

John Tracey, 14.5, Athlumkard St., 20th Feb 1890, ref 14598 180 XB

Bridget Tracey, 15, Athlumkard St., 25th May 1892, ref 15931 180 XB

Teresa Tracey, 0.75, Vizes Fields, 23rd Jun 1892, ref 15971 88 EB

Mary Tracey, 10, Vizes Fields, 29th Jul 1892, ref 16019 88 EB

John Tracey, 1 day, Vizes Fields, 18th Jan 1894, ref 169123 99 F

John Truary?, 3 weeks, 15 Queen St, 19th Sep 1895, ref 17992 72 CC

Mary A Tracey, 34, Limerick Union?, 12th April 1898, ref 19370 90 UA


Agnes Tracey, 4.5, Athlumkard St., 20 Sep 1883, ref 10653 182 XB

Anne Tracey, ???, Sandmall, 21st Jun 1873, ref 4849 171 XA

Anne Tracey, 6.75, Athlumkard St., 16th Feb 1881, ref 9094 182 XB


Bernard Tracey, 0.5, William St., 26th February 1882, ref 9743 58 OB

Bridget Tracey, 15, Athlumkard St., 25th May 1892, ref 15931 180 XB


Catherine Tracey, 50, St. Johns, 13th Mar 1865, ref 1928 61 RBC


Daniel Tracey, 84, Catherine St, 16th May 1876, ref 6165 49 VC


Ellen Tracey, 80, Union, 7th January 1883, ref 10225 103 DDC


Francis Tracy, 11, Athlumkard St, 8th Dec 1870, ref 3849 112 QC


Helena Tracey, 2.15, Athlumkard St., 30th August 1881, ref 9422 181 XB


Ignatius Tracey, 2.25, Dock Road, 6th Jan 1881, ref 8976 109 XC [Parents John Tr(e)ac(e)y & Mary (Anne) Rice]


Johanna Tracey, 38, Athlumkard St, 2nd July 1882, ref 9937 181 XB

John Tracey, 1 day, Vizes Fields, 18th Jan 1894, ref 169123 99 F

John Tracey, 1.5, Nicholas St, 5th Jun 1887, ref 12933 87 BBB

John Tracey, 14.5, Athlumkard St., 20th Feb 1890, ref 14598 180 XB

John Tracey, 30, Denmark St, 28th Jan 1878, ref 7117 110 YA

John Tracey, 34, Colloney St, 5th Dec 1878, ref 7584 101 YA

John Tracey, 42, Arthur's Quay, 5th Jan 1864, ref 1568 56 CC

John Tracy, 68, Queen St., 23rd Nov 1884, ref 11381 175 XB

John Truary?, 3 weeks, 15 Queen St, 19th Sep 1895, ref 17992 72 CC

Josephine Tracy, 3, Dock Road, 29th Dec 1877, ref 7043 114.5 Y


Margaret Tracey, 44, Henry St, 23rd Feb 1873, ref 4710 48 Q

Margaret Tracey, 79, Catherine St, 15th Oct 1870, ref 3776 80 OC

Margaret Tracy, 62, Queen St, 13th Jan 1873, ref 4651 16? B?

Martin Tracey, 3, Athlumkard St., 12th Sep 1882, ref 10016 176 XB

Mary A Tracey, 22, Denmark St., 14th Nov 1877, ref 6962 15 DDB

Mary A Tracey, 34, Limerick Union?, 12th April 1898, ref 19370 90 UA

Mary A. Tracey, 37, U. William St., 23rd February 1885, ref 11581 58 OB

Mary Tracey, 10, Vizes Fields, 29th Jul 1892, ref 16019 88 EB

Mary Tracey, 6, St. John's Hosp., 27th July 1889, ref 14217 58 OB

Mary Tracey, 64, High St, 18th Feb 1878, ref 7148 105 ZB?

Michael Tracey, 15, Arthur's Quay, 8th Mar 1869, ref 3173 48 Q

Michael Tracey, 2, Upper William St, 18th Oct 1880, ref 8791 58 OB

Michael Tracey, 35, Nelson St, 5th Jan 1867, ref 2504 66 PC

Michael Tracey, 55, Abbey, 21 May 1863, ref 1441 131 UC


Patrick Tracey, ???, Athlumkard St, 7th May 1878, ref 7285 ???

Patrick Tracey, 21, Athlum Kard St, 15th Jan 1865, ref 1847 84 VB

Patrick Tracey, 40, Military Road, 18th Oct 1860, ref 827 123 U

Patrick Tracey, 5, Athlumkard St, 31st Aug 1880, ref 8707 180 XA

Patrick Tracey, 80, Flag Lane, 9th Oct 1872, ref 4548 29 YC


Teresa Tracey, 0.75, Vizes Fields, 23rd Jun 1892, ref 15971 88 EB

Thomas S. Tracey, 78, 35 Henry St., 5 sep 1889, ref 14264 83 DA



Michael Tracey, 55, Abbey, 21 May 1863, ref 1441 131 UC


John Tracey, 42, Arthur's Quay, 5th Jan 1864, ref 1568 56 CC

Michael Tracey, 15, Arthur's Quay, 8th Mar 1869, ref 3173 48 Q


Agnes Tracey, 4.5, Athlumkard St., 20 Sep 1883, ref 10653 182 XB

Anne Tracey, 6.75, Athlumkard St., 16th Feb 1881, ref 9094 182 XB

Bridget Tracey, 15, Athlumkard St., 25th May 1892, ref 15931 180 XB

Francis Tracy, 11, Athlumkard St, 8th Dec 1870, ref 3849 112 QC

Helena Tracey, 2.15, Athlumkard St., 30th August 1881, ref 9422 181 XB

Johanna Tracey, 38, Athlumkard St, 2nd July 1882, ref 9937 181 XB

John Tracey, 14.5, Athlumkard St., 20th Feb 1890, ref 14598 180 XB

Martin Tracey, 3, Athlumkard St., 12th Sep 1882, ref 10016 176 XB

Patrick Tracey, ???, Athlumkard St, 7th May 1878, ref 7285 ???

Patrick Tracey, 21, Athlum Kard St, 15th Jan 1865, ref 1847 84 VB

Patrick Tracey, 5, Athlumkard St, 31st Aug 1880, ref 8707 180 XA


Daniel Tracey, 84, Catherine St, 16th May 1876, ref 6165 49 VC

Margaret Tracey, 79, Catherine St, 15th Oct 1870, ref 3776 80 OC


John Tracey, 34, Colloney St, 5th Dec 1878, ref 7584 101 YA


John Tracey, 30, Denmark St, 28th Jan 1878, ref 7117 110 YA

Mary A Tracey, 22, Denmark St., 14th Nov 1877, ref 6962 15 DDB


Ignatius Tracey, 2.25, Dock Road, 6th Jan 1881, ref 8976 109 XC [Parents John Tr(e)ac(e)y & Mary (Anne) Rice]

Josephine Tracy, 3, Dock Road, 29th Dec 1877, ref 7043 114.5 Y


Patrick Tracey, 80, Flag Lane, 9th Oct 1872, ref 4548 29 YC


Margaret Tracey, 44, Henry St, 23rd Feb 1873, ref 4710 48 Q

Thomas S. Tracey, 78, 35 Henry St., 5 sep 1889, ref 14264 83 DA


Mary Tracey, 64, High St, 18th Feb 1878, ref 7148 105 ZB?


Mary A Tracey, 34, Limerick Union?, 12th April 1898, ref 19370 90 UA


Patrick Tracey, 40, Military Road, 18th Oct 1860, ref 827 123 U


Michael Tracey, 35, Nelson St, 5th Jan 1867, ref 2504 66 PC


John Tracey, 1.5, Nicholas St, 5th Jun 1887, ref 12933 87 BBB


John Tracy, 68, Queen St., 23rd Nov 1884, ref 11381 175 XB

John Truary?, 3 weeks, 15 Queen St, 19th Sep 1895, ref 17992 72 CC

Margaret Tracy, 62, Queen St, 13th Jan 1873, ref 4651 16? B?


Catherine Tracey, 50, St. Johns, 13th Mar 1865, ref 1928 61 RBC

Mary Tracey, 6, St. John's Hosp., 27th July 1889, ref 14217 58 OB


Anne Tracey, ???, Sandmall, 21st Jun 1873, ref 4849 171 XA


Ellen Tracey, 80, Union, 7th January 1883, ref 10225 103 DDC


John Tracey, 1 day, Vizes Fields, 18th Jan 1894, ref 169123 99 F

Mary Tracey, 10, Vizes Fields, 29th Jul 1892, ref 16019 88 EB

Teresa Tracey, 0.75, Vizes Fields, 23rd Jun 1892, ref 15971 88 EB


Bernard Tracey, 0.5, William St., 26th February 1882, ref 9743 58 OB

Mary A. Tracey, 37, U. William St., 23rd February 1885, ref 11581 58 OB

Michael Tracey, 2, Upper William St, 18th Oct 1880, ref 8791 58 OB


Mount Saint Lawrence Cemetery, Limerick, County Limerick, Ireland

John Tracy (Birth 1822 Death 5 Jan 1864 (aged 41–42))

Age 42/Residence at death Arthur's Quay (Approximate birth year, date of death may be the burial date)



No 106 Tracey to Tracy

30 Aug 1856 Memorial of an Indenture.  between James Tracey of Bohernagore [Ballingaddy] in the County of Limerick Farmer of the one part and Patrick Tracey of Bohemagore aforesaid his son of the other part...Reciting an Indenture of Lease bearing date 26 Aug 1854 made by James Laurence Wise to the said James Tracey of All that and Those that part of the Lands of Bohernagore situate in the parish of Ardpatrick...containing about ninety eight acres and Thirty perches Irish plantation measure for the term of nine hundred and Ninety two years at the yearly rent of Two Hundred and Thirty seven pounds Twelve shillings...



1856 Map

Valuation Survey of Estates of Earl of Clonmel. Maps are OS cut out and pasted in, tenants lists in ms. Doon North... Richard Tracey... Doon South...Patrick Tracey...NLI Ms4754


1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records

William & Mary Coffey, A/C 12601, opened 1856, lives 109 10th Ave NY, laborer, born 1820 Martinstown Athneasy [Limerick], wife Mary Tracy, 2 children, emigraed 19 Feb 1849 DeWitt Clinton, closed A/C 1858 [see Bulgaden]


31 Dec 1856 13304 Ellen Tracy & Wm Gleeson, Infirm, of West 19th St, 309, A native of Ballyoand Co Limerick, arrived in Autumn 1850 per ship "Wm Worth" from Lpool, parents dead Fa James Mo Ellen Leahy? husband dead Edmund Tracy tehied Mw Gleeson from Munroe Co Limk? [born Ballyvarra Killeenagarriff Limerick, 1 child]


2 Mar 1860 23055 David Tracy, porter?, of Reed St, 117, native of Bruff Grange Hill Limerick, ard Sep 23/52 per "Compear?" single parents in N York Danl & Jane (Lillis)


8 Jan 1868 63089 Peter Tracey, of 13 Reade St, Patheman, born 1848 City Limerick, ard 1861 "Ingmia" Fa James Mo Ellen


20 Feb 1869 69808 Denis Tracy, of 1517 Broadway, groom, born 1837 Co Limerick ard 1864 per "Westminister" wife Margt Walsh


1857 News from Ireland New York City newspaper The Irish-American.

Tipperary - Mr. Daniel Tracy, of Nenagh, has been appointed resident Apothecary to St. John's Fever Hospital, Limerick. [see Dr Daniel Tracey]



37, 37a on map. Edmond Tracy, Cloontemple [Limerick?], 0a/0r/25p, £3 rent, tenant from year to year.



7. David Tracey, Gibbinstown otherwise Gibbonstown Costlea Limerick, 69a/1r/10p, £132.10.7, Lease dated 26th February 1857 from Richard Smyth, late of BallynaTray Waterford, Esq deceased, to the said David Tracy for life of lessee or 21 years from 25th March 1857...41 acres plantation, The lease reserves...lessee or some of his family shall reside on the premises and shall not assign set or part therewith nor divide or partaition the same, without consent...furnish lessor with five horses and carts...[several possible fines]

18 & 22 Dec 1896 Deed

Francis Wise of North Mall, Cork held 346 acres Ballycullane, 436 acres Ballygrennan, 540 acres Gibbonstown & 34 acres Bulgaden Eady, all in Coshlea barony, Limerick.

[and Francis Wise Low of Kilshane, Tipperary Esq. &  Joseph Gubbins of Kilfrush, Limerick Esq., dec'd, then inherited same from Francis Wise] and Land Commission now assigns all to Richard Smyth of Ballycullane, Coshlea barony, Limerick 25 Feb 1867 Lessor, in lieu of £24,173 as paid from his balance on account with Land Judges

Tenant Patrick Tracy of 69 acres Gibbonstown at £82 pa set 20 May 1889 & 18 Nov 1891 by L in lieu of 25 Feb 1857 lease from Richard Smyth at £132 pa

prev. occ. David Tracy of Gibbonstown, Coshlea barony, Limerick


22 February 1858 Cork Examiner

[birth?]... Thomas Tracy, Esq., of Limerick ...


28 May 1858 Holograph letter from Edward O’Donohoe, College du St. Spirit, Louvain, Belgique, to Kirby: The higher the recipient goes in religion the more he forgets about his friends. Writer has left the Irish College, Paris, owing to the disorder there. Strong words against the Rector of Paris College. Sixteen of its students expelled, including O’Grady Smith, Bowe, Forde, Clifford, Manly, two Slatterys, two Burkes, one for Cashel and one for Tuam, Kinane [Cashel], Tracey [Limerick], Healy and others. Twenty verses of a cynical poem on Dr. Miley.

The Kirby Collection Catalogue Irish College Rome Part 2 1836-1860


1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations

David Treacy 23 Aug 1918 Coolavehy Limerick, farmer, to Michael Treacy

Edmond Tracy 13 Mar 1863 Carnane Limerick, dairyman, to James Tracy of Ballinlough, farmer and guardian of the children

Edmond Treacy 13 Apr 1912 Doon Limerick, publican, to Katie Treacy widow

Edmond Treacy Reverend, 23 Nov 1908 Askeaton Limerick, by Rev Jeremiah O’Shea and Rev Patrick Hartigan RCC

Francis Tracy 27 May 1862 Ballydool Limerick, farmer, to Mary Tracy otherwise Leo widow and principal legatee

James Tracey 18 Jun 1868 Bohernagore Limerick, to Thomas O’Brien of Thornhill Lawn

James Tracey 8 Feb 1861 Clare Street Limerick, pensioner, to first cousin Andrew Tracey, Rutland street Limerick, gentleman, principal nex of kin

James Treacy 16 Aug 1878 Bohernagore Limerick, farmer, by Very Rev Patrick Lee of Kilfinane PP, Thomas Foley of Garrynderk (Charleville), John Ryan of Cottage Bruff, Limerick and Thomas Richardson of Farm Yard Mitchelstown Cork, farmers

James Treacy 16 May 1919 [8/2/1919] Ballinlough Hospital Limerick, gentleman, to sister Bridget Murphy, M.W. [married woman]

James Treacy 28 Jul 1906 Boherdota Limerick, farmer, to David M’Cann, bank manager

James Treacy 31 Aug 1876 Ballinlough Limerick, farmer, to son Edmond Treacy, farmer

John Tracy 2 Jan 1892 William street Limerick, rope manufacturer, by John Kivehan of Clare street Limerick, merchant, and Thomas Purcell of Cornwallis street Limerick, gas fitter

John Treacey 28 Dec 1860 Bohernagore Limerick, farmer batchelor, to nephew Edmond Treacey of Ballingaddy Limerick

John Treacy 11 Feb 1920 [19 Oct 1919] Kildromin Kilteely Limerick, farmer, by M. Carroll of Ballinlough Kilteely and J. Dwyer of Drommeen Pallasgrean, farmer

John Treacy 3 Dec 1910 Glenanine Killmallock Limerick, farmer, to Bridget Treacy widow

Mary Treacy 8 May 1914 Ballinlough Hospital Limerick, widow, to Bridget Treacy, spinster

Michael Treacy 8 Jun 1912 Ballinahown Kilmallock Limerick, farmer, to David Treacy, farmer

Michael Treacy 9 Jan 1908 Garrynaerk Charlesville Limerick, farmer, to Patrick Treacy and William Fitzpatrick, farmers

Nicholas Treacy 8 Apr 1874 Limerick

Patrick Tracy 11 Feb 1907 Violet Villas Military road Limerick, merchant, to Margaret Barry (wife of James F. Barry) and Hanora Thornhill (wife of Patrick J. Thornhill)

Patrick Treacy 20 Feb 1909 Gibbinstown Kilmallock Limerick, farmer, to David Foley, farmer, and Kate Treacy the widow

Patrick Treacy 26 Jun 1869 Bohernagore Limerick, farmer, to Margaret Treacy widow

Timothy Treacy 9 Jan 1901 Clonlusk Doon Limerick, farmer, to Mary Treacy widow

William Treacy 5 Nov 1888 The Common Knockfierna Ballingarry Limerick, farmer, to James Costelloe and John White, farmers


Johanna Dillon 1 May 1872 Kildromin Limerick, widow, to daughter Margaret Treacy (wife of David Treacy, farmer, of Kildromin (Kilteely)

Margaret Meyrick 19 Nov 1889 Dromalty Limerick, widow, Kate Meyrick, spinster, Edmond Brennan of Lisnagry, John Tracy of Bunavie, farmers

Catherine O'Dwyer 28 May 1903 Pallasgreen Limerick, widow, to John Ryan JP & John Tracey, farmer

Bridget Howard 19 May 1883 Cornwallis street Limerick, widow, to John Treacey of 9 Upper William street, shopkeeper

Michael Ahern 30 Apr 1869 Saint francis Abbey Limerick, pig buyer, to John Tracy (of Catherine street and Queen street, victualler) & John Kelly (of Athlunkard street, publican)

John Bowen 18 Feb 1874 Cahirhennessy Limerick, farmer, to John Tracy of Ballykennedy (Ballingarry), farmer

Anne Keeffe 1850 Henry street and late of Boherbuoy Limerick, spinster, to first cousin John Treacy of Mary Street, pensioner and only next of kin

Michael Halloran 13 Oct 1871 Ballinlough Limerick, farmer, to Patrick Treacy of Cromwell, farmer

Edmond Hayes 27 Jul 1901 Miltown Oola Limerick, farmer, to Edmond Treacy, farmer

John Breen 10 Jul 1910 Ballinacassa Pallasgreen Limerick, farmer, to Edmond Treacy, farmer

Margaret Carroll 11 Apr 1913 Rusheen Holy Cross Limerick, widow, to Edmond Treacy, farmer

Bridget Murnane 2 Jul 1920 Gragane Caherconlish, Limerick, spinster, to Bridget Treacy


1858-1900 Will Registers

Bridget Tracy

Ballydool, Limerick, Ireland


Francis Tracy




David Treacy

Ballinahown, Limerick, Bohernagore, Limerick, Ireland


James Treacy




Edmond Treacy

Ballinlough, Limerick, Ireland


James Treacy




Eleanor Treacy

Bohernagore, Limerick, Ireland


James Treacy




Eliza Tracy

Ballydool, Limerick, Ireland


Francis Tracy




Eliza Treacy

Ballinlough, Limerick, Ireland


James Treacy




Francis Tracy

Ballydool, Limerick, Ireland



Mary Tracy or Leo, Ballydool, Limerick, John Tracy, Michael Tracy, Eliza Tracy, Bridget Tracy



James Treacy

Ballinlough, Limerick, Ireland


Edmond Treacy, Eliza Treacy, James Treacy, Mrs Catherine Dwyer, Tobins Murphy Lodge, Timothy Murphy, Ballinalough



James Treacy

Ballinlough, Limerick, Ireland


James Treacy




James Treacy

Bohernagore, Limerick, Ireland



Michael Heains, Chadwille, Cork, Reverend Patrick Lee, Kilfinane, Eleanor Treacy, Thomas Richardson, Garnalina, Limerick, Mary Treacy, David Treacy, Ballinahown, Limerick, John Ryan, Cottage, Limerick



James Treacy

Tobernoa, Limerick, Ireland


Michael Leo senior




John Tracy

Ballydool, Limerick, Ireland


Francis Tracy




John Tracy

Little Glentworth Street, Limerick, Ireland


Thomas Nunan




John Treacey

Cornwallis Street, Limerick, Ireland


Bridget Howard




Mary Anne Howard Or Treacy

Cornwallis Street, Limerick, Ireland


Bridget Howard




Mary Treacy

Bohernagore, Limerick, Ireland


James Treacy




Michael Tracy

Ballydool, Limerick, Ireland


Francis Tracy




Patrick Tracy

George Street, Besboro Cottage, City of Limerick, Newport, Tipperary, Ireland


William Wright




Patrick Treacy

Ballinlough, Kilteely, Limerick, Ireland


Michael Halloran




Richard T Tracey

Cecil Street, City of Limerick, Ireland


Sarah Bassett





1859 RIC Service

John Tracy, 25032, b. 1839 Limerick


25032 John Tracy, 20 years, 5'7.5", b. Limk, Catholic, recommended by S.In Murphy, lab, allocated 17 Aug 59, served Wick 14 Jan 60 - Waterford - Wat City 1/7/70, R2SC for 14 Morcbs? 1/1/63, Punishment, resigned 12 March 1871, to go to America


12 November 1859 Irish Times

Warburton and others, owners and petitioners

Lot 2 – A perpetual rent of £33 17s out of lands and town of Gibbonstown. Sold to Mr. Tracy, at £680.


1859 Map - Ballinacurra Weston, Prospect - John Henry Hall

Tenants...John Tracey...LCL

1874 Ballinacurra Weston, Prospect Row, Prospect Hill - John Henry Hall

Rental and particulars. Tenants...John Tracey...LCA P23/28



20. Thomas Tracey, Ballingarry [Limerick], House offices and garden, £11.10.0 valuation, 0a/3r/9p Statute, £6.6.0 rent, Lease dated 4th September 1794, from Crosbie Morgell to John Shelton for 3 lives, renewable for ever, on payment of an half-years rent, as a fine, on the fall of each life. Said lease was last renewed 10th January 1839, to Catherine Shelton of the City of Limerick, spinster, for lives of Ellen Sharkell, otherwise Shelton, daughter of lessee, cestui que vie in original lease, and of William Hamo Massy, and George Rollo Massy, then respectively aged 18 and 12 years. Copy of this lease and renewal will be handed to the purchaser. Consists of two slated houses and offices in good repair,


6 April 1860 The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)

Marriages. On Wednesday, the 4th instant, at the Scots Church, by the Rev. Dr. Lang, M.P., Mr. Peter Kendall, first officer of the schooner Kate Kearney, to Catherine Tracy, a native of Limerick, Ireland.

14 July 1860 Pilot (Boston & NY)

April 4, at Sydney, Mr Peter Kendal, first officer of the schooner Kate Kearney, to Catherine Tracy, a native of Limerick.


1860 Limerick Turkish Baths

While baths run on a commercial basis provided a service for those who could afford to pay, there was also a need for bathing facilities for the poorer classes. On 17 October 1860, in the Munster News and Limerick and Clare Examiner newspaper, the medical doctors of Limerick published an open address to the Mayor and Corporation of Limerick. The address was signed by Thomas Westropp MRCS, 6 Upper Mallow Mallow Street, and countersigned by…Daniel Tracy

Limerick Museum, Winter 1999



Thomas Tracey, carrowclough otherwise Cahirclough, Shanid, Limerick, £26 rent, 40a/0r/4p. Lease dated 5th day of June 1860, John Anster, with the consent of Francis Spring Walker and Helena Heffernan to Thomas Tracy, of part of the lands of Carrowclogh, containing 24a/3r/8p plantation measure for 31 years from the 25th day of March 1860, reserving...


Deputy Keeper of the Public Records - Report, Volume 58, Parts 1931-1961

Tracey, John, ? Templemore, Co. Tipperary, P. to Continent, 4.6.1860.

Tracy, John, ? Templemore, Co. Tipperary, P. to Continent, 4.6.1860.

Treacy, John, ? Kilfinane, Co. Limerick, P. to Continent, 18.5.1860.


British Army Service Records

Charles Tracey, b. 1876 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Dennis Treacy, b. 1858 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Francis Tracey, b. 1885 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

George Treacey 1878 Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

James Tracey, b. 1806 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Jeremiah Tracey, b. 1807 Bruff, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

John Tracey, b. 1795 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

John Tracey, b. 1876 Limerick, Limerick WO96 Militia  

John Tracey, b. 1879 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

John Treacy, b. 1871 Abbeyfeale, Limerick WO96 Militia  

John Treacy, b. 1876 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Michael Tracey, b. 1888 Limerick, Limerick WO96 Militia  

Michael Tracy, b. 1829 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Michael Tracy, b. 1862 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Michael Tracy, b. 1875 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Michael Treacy, b. 1874 Limerick, Limerick WO96 Militia  

Patrick Tracey, b. 1801 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Patrick Tracey, b. 1851 Killiman, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Patrick Tracey, b. 1878 Limerick, Limerick WO96 Militia  

Patrick Tracey, b. 1888 Knocklong, Limerick WO96 Militia  

Patrick Tracy, b. 1800 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Patrick Treacy, b. 1878 Limerick, Limerick WO96 Militia  

Peter Tracy, b. 1838 Limerick, Ireland WO97 Chelsea  

Stephen Tracy, b. 1785 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea   

Stephen Tracy, b. 1786 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

Thomas Tracy, b. 1840 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea, b. 1840 Hospital Limerick, no. 582 private attested 1860, discharged Depot 86th Reg Of Foot 

Lincelles 1862 - Western Australian Convicts


Pensioner Guards and Families

Tracey        Thomas                ..   private; 86th Regiment

Tracey        Edward                ..   refer: surgeon's report

William Tracey, b. 1807 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

William Tracey, b. 1816 Stonehall, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

William Tracey, b. 1822 Bruff, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

William Tracey, b. 1835 Pallas Kenry, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

William Treacey 1880 Limerick, Limerick WO97 Chelsea  

William Treacy, b. 1866 Hospital, Limerick WO96 Militia  

William Treacy, b. 1866 Limerick, Limerick WO96 Militia  

William Treacy, b. 1871 Limerick, Limerick WO96 Militia  


Who’s Who in Limerick

Thomas Stanley Tracy fl. 19th ? Writer PI Wrote poetry for The Limerick century Reporter in the 1860's

Alumni Dublinenses: Trinity Dublin

Thomas Trac(e)y, Siz. (Mr. Nemo), May 28, 1834, aged 21; R.C., s. of Flan, defunctus; b. Westmeath, Sch. 1838. B.A. Æst. 1841. (see Thomas Stanley Tracey)


4 February 1861 Irish Times

In the matter of John Tracey, deceased (died 28th December intestate)

Mr Arthur Murphy applied on behalf of Edmond Tracey, nephew of deceased for the property of Patrick Tracey brother of deceased. He left two brothers James and Patrick, a sister, this nephew and two nieces. His sister had lived with him as housekeeper. (Land in Limerick)

4 February 1861 (FJ) In the goods of John Tracy, deceased

...Edmond Tracy, a nephew of the deceased applied for administration...property of the deceased had fallen into the hands of a brother named Patrick Tracy, and that he was converting it to his own use. Among the property sold by him were seven cows, valued at £66...

8 February 1861 (FJ) In the Goods of James Tracy, deceased

Mr Arthur Murphy renewed an application which he had made on a former day, that administration to the deceased should be granted to his nephew, Edmund Tracy. Counsel read an affidavit of the service of a citation upon Patrick Tracy, the brother of the deceased, and to Patrick Tracy having stated "That he did not care for anybody, and would sell the property." His lordship granted the administration to Edmund Tracy.

11 May 1861 (FJ) Treacy v. Treacy

This is an action by the administrator of John Treacy, uncle of the plaintiff, to recover damages for the illegal conversion of chattel property which belonged to the deceased. The defendant, Patrick Treacy, who is the surviving brother of the deceased. It was stated, had possessed himself of the property in question and refused to give it up to the administrator or any other member of the family. It was stated that the value of this chattel property was £273. The deceased had been a farmer in the county Limerick, and died in the month of December last. There was no appearance for the defendant.

11 May 1861 Irish Times

Queens Bench Treacy v Treacy

…the plaintiff was the administrator of his decreased uncle John Treacy and the defendant, Patrick Treacy was surviving brother of the deceased. The defendant, it appeared had possessed himself of his brother’s property and refused to give any portion of it to the other members of the family. The deceased was a farmer in the county of Limerick and died in December last. The chattel property was proved to be of value of £272 18s.


No 31 Tracey to OConnor

10 Dec 1861 William Connor of Drews Court in the County of Limerick Gentleman and Miller Plaintiff Thomas Tracey of Ballinger [Ballingarry?] in the County of Limerick Shop keeper Defendant... two dwelling houses and premises...occupied by said Thomas Tracey and the other of said dwelling houses being occupied by P O Regan shop...[details of the previous leases]



1861 British Census

John Tracey, b. abt 1816 Limerick Ireland, Middlesex England

Mary Tracey, b. abt 1836 Limerick Ireland, Middlesex England


1861 Census - 7 Sorashedem Villas, Hammersmith St Stephen Middlesex

Margaret Tracy, servant, unmarried, 26 b. 1835 Limerick Ireland


1861 - 59 Booth St, Hulme St John Manchester Lancashire

Geo Tracey, Head, 50, b. 1811 Waterford Ireland, collectotr of debts

Mary Tracey, Wife, 51, b. 1810 Coonagh [Limerick?] Ireland,


1861 Return of Crimes - Limerick

8 Jan 1862 James M'Cormack, farmer, of Bilboa, assault by John Tracy, postponed to next quarter sessions

1862 Offences committed in the County of Limerick

Cutting stabbing or maiming the person of James McCormack, farmer, 8 Jan 1862, Bilboa, inf lodged 9 Jan 1862, John Tracy, postponed to next quarter sessions


17 June 1862 (FJ) Melancholy Loss of Life by drowning [Limerick]

...three male children, who were accidentally drowned, in a quarry filled with water, at the rere of the county jail...The names of the unfortunate victims are Patrick Dundon, aged about 14 years, son of a corn-broker, in Wickham-street, Stephen Tracy, aged about 12, son of a butcher in Catherine-street, and Cornelius Tracy, his nephew, aged 16.- Munster News [online]

Fatal Occurrence - Coroner's Inquest

An inquest was held...on the bodies of Cornelius Tracey and Stephen Tracey, the son and nephew of Mr. Michael Tracey, butcher, Catherine street, the former aged 12 and the latter aged 14 years; and on the body of Peter Dundon, son of Patrick Dundon, corn broker, of Wickham street...

17 June 1862 Cork Examiner

Fatal Occurrence In Limerick—Coroner's Inquest... Cornelius Tracey and Stephen Tracey, the son and nephew Mr. Michael Tracey, butcher, Catherine-street, ...

Deaths – Newspaper Notices

Cornelius Tracey; 12; Limerick City LIM IRL; Cork Examiner (COR IRL); 1862-6-17; dja

Stephen Tracey; 14; Limerick City LIM IRL; Cork Examiner (COR IRL); 1862-6-17; dja


8 November 1862 Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail

County of Limerick. In the matter of the estate of John Gleeson, owner; James Lysaght and another petitioner...the farm of Grange Hill, with the right of Turbary on the bog of Rusheen, situate in the barony of Small County and county of Limerick, containing 25 acres plantation measure, held under a lease dated 7th May 1825, at the yearly rent of £2 2s 6d, late currency, per acre, with sixpence in the pound receivers fees. Mr. J. Ruckley (who had the carriage of the sale) was declared the purchaser, in trust, for Andrew Tracey for £370.


1862 - 1864 National education (Ireland)

Ml Treacy, R.C. teacher, Ardpatrick, Ardpatrick, Limerick


21st March 1863 The Tablet

His Lordship the Bishop of the Diocese held an Ordination in the Chapel of the Convent, at Holt Hill, on the 12th of March, when the Rev. Patrick Tracy, of the Diocese of Limerick, received sub-Deaconship, having on the previous day received the Tonsure and the Four Minor Orders. On Sitientes Saturday he will be ordained Deacon, and on notion Sunday he, will be advanced to the Priesthood. He will be appointed to the Church of St. Werburg, Birkenhead.

7th January 1882 The Tablet

Death of a Shrewsbury Priest At Kilmallock.—The name of the priest of the diocese of Kilmallock, co. Limerick, as stated in our last issue, was incorrectly given. It should have been the Rev. Patrick Tracy, of St. Paul's, Newton Moor, Manchester.


1863 RIC Service

John (M) Treacy, 13569, b. 1830 Tipperary N


13569 John (M) Treacy, A33852/4145, 19 years, 5'8", b. Tipperary N, Catholic, married 6 Oct '62, wife born Cork ER, recommended by Sub Insp Jervis, labourer, allocated 17 Nov 1849, served Wicklow 1 April 1850 - Reserve 22 June '55 - Deneg 17 Oct '56 - Cork E 1 Aug '57 - Limk 1/5/63, P1SC 1 Nov 1850 - P Ex Pay 1 July - P Aug? C 1/6/63, reward, Gratuity [dead?]


1863 RIC Service

Thomas Treacy, 28471, b. 1840 Fermanagh


28471 Thomas Treacy, 23 years, 5'10", b. Fermanagh. Roman Catholic, recommended by D. Smith JP, laborer, allocated 20 Mar 1863, served Limk 25 July '63, PAC 1.11.78 - P Con 1 May 1880, Pensioned 15 May 1882 28471D/67145 [crossed out] died 6 May 1882 28471D/67341, served 19 years 1 month, pension £35/-/-


1863 Medical Register

Daniel Tracey, registered 22 Jan 1850, St John's Fever Hospital Limerick, Lic. Apoth. Hall Dubl 1818

John Wise Tracy, registered 1 Jan 1859, 10 Acacia road St John's Wood London NW, Lic. Soc. Apoth. Lond. 1832 Mem. R. Coll. Surg. Eng. 1851

Maurice Charles Tracy, registered 21 June 1859, Army, Lic. R. Coll. Surg. Irel. 1858

Samuel John Tracy, registered 1 Jan 1859, 28 Old Burlington stree London W & Merton Surrey, Mem. R. Coll. Surg. Eng. 1849 Lic. R. Coll. Phys. Edin. 1860.


1864 – State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)

Tracey, James, Kilmallock, Limerick/Cork East. 10 402

Tracey, Michael, Rathkeale, Limerick. 15 559

Tracey, Michael, Limerick, Clare/Limerick. 10 471

Tracy, Bridget, Limerick, Clare/Limerick. 20 393

Tracy, John, Kilmallock, Limerick/Cork East. 20 357

Treacy, Mary Anne, Kilmallock, Limerick/Cork East. 10 420

Treacy, Patrick, Tipperary, Tipperary/Limerick. 3 674


The amateurs also played in this theatre, and drew crowded houses — among them were Sir Mathew, (then Mr. Mathew) Harrington, Mr. John M'Auliff, Mr. Pierce Brett, Mr, George Hogan, Mr. Thomas Gromwell, Mr. Hewett, Mr. Andrew Tracy, Mr. John Gubbins, Mr. William Glover, &c. The three last mentioned are alive in 1864.”

Lenihan, Maurice (1866) Limerick, its history and antiquities, Dublin.


1 February 1865 - Waterford Mail

At his residence, Rutland street, Limerick, having attained the age of 84 years, Andrew Tracey, Esq, one of the oldest citizens of Limetick


17 March 1865 (FJ) Limerick Workhouse

...Margaret Tracey...stated that she would die a Roman Catholic...endeavour to get the dying woman to sign a consent to have her children (inmates of Bowdy's Lane Ragged School) brought up in the Protestant religion...annex the declaration made by the woman same day previous to her demise: "I, Margaret Tracey...I did not give up my children until they were starving; but I should have let them die rather than sell their souls for food or clothes, or anything in this world..."


27 January 1866 (NG) Death

January 23rd, at Dublin, in her 67th year, Elizabeth, relict of the late Thomas Tracy, Esq, Limerick (see Richard Thomas Tracy)


24 November 1866 Pilot (Boston)


Tracey.— October 7, John Tracey, a native of Balalena [Ballinlyna Kilfinnane], co. Limerick, Ireland, aged 41 years.


1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland

- Alphabetical

- by County


1867 Map - City centre and Ballinacurra. Rental and particulars of sale - Robert Keays

Newenham Street, Richmond Place, Henry Street, William Street, St. Francis Abbey, Ballinacurra Bowman, Ballinacurra Weston...Richard Tracy, Thomas Tracy...LCA P23/9


David Treacy’s son of Kilmallock Limerick

...attack by the Fenians on the local police barracks on the morning of the 6th March 1867...in Kilmallock [Co Limerick]...Among others mentioned during the trials as having been present...David Treacy's youngest son...



June 10, 1905 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

James F. X. O'Brien [MP for Cork], Whose Death Occurred in Ireland....in a speech delivered in London a few months ago, and which The Gaelic American published at the time, told the story of the capture of the Ballyknocken police barracks [near Mallow Co Cork on the March 5 1867], and frankly gave the credit that was due them to [William Mackey] Lomasney and [Michael] O'Brien [who was afterwards hanged for participation in the Manchester rescue]. With O'Brien's party on that night were also the late Captain James S. Treacy [born Gibbinstown, Co. Limerick] of New York, John Coughlan, whose grave in Washington was decorated last Sunday, and Professor Edward O'Mahony of New York...


Jan. 18th 1868 From the Times.
The Dublin Gazette of last night contains an official order from the Lord Lieutenant revoking licences granted to carry arms to the following persons;--
David Tracy, Gibbenstown, Limerick.


22 January 1868 Wexford Independent

Reminiscences of a Journalist (written for the Limerick Reporter and Vindicator)...The amateurs of those days, as I was told by the late Andrew Tracy, who was a contemporary of Barrington’s, held the pursuit in affection....


1868 Victoria Police Gazette

Information is requested respecting John Tracy (or Tracey), from Ballinahinch, co. Tipperary, formerly in the police force in Cork, thence transferred to Limerick. He afterwards came to Australia, where he is likely to have joined some force.-29th January, 1868.


25 February 1869 The London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Daniel Tracy, St. John's Hospital, Limerick


26 February 1870 The London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Tracy, Daniel, St. John's Hospital, Limerick, M.D.


29 May 1869 (N) Central Amnesty Committee Fund

Limerick parish of Bulgaden, subscribers...Patrick Treacy 10s...Miss Tracey 1s...


28 June 1869 Cork Examiner

... Thomas Tracy finding that one of the party named Lehan, received a cut over the eye, and that further chaatisement waa in atore for him at the fair of Milltown, ... [Kerry/Limerick]


03/07/1869 Limerick Chronicle - Deaths

At Bohermarore, Ardpatrick, co. Limerick, Mr. Patrick Tracey


1869 RIC Service

John Treacy, 23278, b. 1838 Queens


23278 John Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.25", b. Queens, Catholic, married 14 June? 1869 wife from Kilky City, recommended by C White JP, lab, allocated 20 Apl 58, served Kilk City 12 Aug 58 - Limk City 10/7/69 - Limk Co 1/3?/72 - Limk City 1 Jan 1874, PAC 1/6/82 - P 1.5.73, Rewards - stop runaway horse 16/4/71 - 1.12.75 - 3/5/76 - 3/10/81 - 29,.6.87, Pensioned 1.6.88 23278D/22692


16 July 1869 (FJ) City of Limerick

...action brought by Mr David Angustine Nagle, solicitor, and one of the proprietors of the Cork Daily Herald against Mr. Daniel Gilman, of Cork, proprietor of the Cork Southern Reporter, for the publication of two alleged libellous articles...Mr Nagle...was in business with Mr. Joseph Edward Tracy, formerly law agent of the Corporation...in consequence of being employed in promoting the Port of Cork Conservancy Bill, to which the Corporation was opposed...Mr TE Tracy deposed that his resignation was caused owing to some words he had with Mr. Cantillon...for the plaintiff of £50 with 6d. costs.



John Treacy, 2 Queen street, St Michaels, Limerick, £3.2.0 rent, 0a/0r/4.5p, Fee-farm grant dated 19th January 1869, made between Mary D'Esterre Acheson and Catherine Acheson of the one part and John Treacy of the other part. The original of this grant is not in hands but a copy of it from the tenants will be handed to the purchaser.


In front of the church in Askeaton, there is a cross that marks the grave of Fr. Edmund Treacy. Edmund Tracey, P.P. 1892-1908, Died 23rd Nov. 1908

1869 Edmond Tracey Curate Banogue Parish

1870 Edmond Tracy Curate Ballyagran-Colmanswell Parish

1871-1873 Edmond Tracey Curate Feenagh-Kilmeedy Parish

1874 Edmond Tracey Curate Rathkeale Parish

1875 Edmond Tracey Curate Knockaderry-Cloncagh Parish

1876-1877 Edmund Tracey Curate Askeaton-Ballysteen Parish

1878-1879 Edmond Tracey Curate Glenroe-Ballyorgan Parish

10 August 1878 (N) The Oblate Fathers concluded a three weeks missionary visit to Glenroe on Sunday last. They were invited to the district by the zealous and greatly respected past, rev T. Halpin, who with his esteemed curate, Rev. Edmond Tracey...

1880 Edmond Tracey Curate Croom Parish

1881 Edmond Treacy Curate Ardagh-Carrickerry Parish

1883-1887 Edmond Tracey Curate Parteen-Meelick-Coonagh Parish

1888 Edmond Tracey Curate Newcastlewest Parish

1890-1892 Edmond Tracy PP Kilcornan Parish

1893-1908 Edmund Tracey/Treacy PP Askeaton-Ballysteen Parish

2 September 1870 (FJ) Diocese of Limerick

...Rev. Mr. Tracy CC from Ballyagran to Feenagh...

15 April 1872 (FJ)

...Rev E. Treacy, C.C., Kilmeedy [Limerick]...

25 May 1877 (FJ) Jubilee of Pope

...Edward Tracey, CC, Glenroe [Limerick]...

Edmund Tracy succeeded. To Askeaton, 1892

The diocese of Limerick from 1691 to the present time By John Begley 1938

6 September 1889 New Zealand Tablet

The Irish Catholic, of March 16, reports the baptism by the Rev. Father Treacy, of Sioux city, lowa. U.S., of some twelve converts. This, says our contemporary, makes about thirty-five conversions and baptisms of adults since Father Treacy went there about fifteen months ago. Father Treacy, we may add, is brother to the Rev. P. Treacy, of Geraldine, Canterbury, and has also a brother who is a parish priest in the diocese of Limerick, Ireland.

11th April 1896 The Tablet

A new diocese has been created in the United States. It is to be called that of Sioux City, and will be governed by a new bishop in the person of the Rev. T. Treacy, Rector of St. Mary's Church, Sioux City.

25th April 1896 The Tablet

Notice has been received in Sioux City, Ia., from Rome of the division of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Dubuque, and the selection of Sioux City as the seat of the new see. This action is the result of a recent visit of Archbishop Hennessy to the Vatican. The new bishopric is to be known as the diocese of Sioux City, and the Rev. Timothy Treacy, pastor of St. Mary's Church, of that city, will be the first bishop. The Rev. T. M. Lenihan, of Fort Dodge, whose name was also mentioned in connection with the appointment, is to be raised instead to the bishopric of Cheyennse. Father Treacy, the new appointee, is a native of Ireland. He received his education at Waterford, Milwaukee, Wis., and Dubuque, Ia., graduated in September, 1880, from St. Joseph's Seminary, and after his ordination by Archbishop Hennessy was sent to Moquoketa, whence, after seven years' pastorate, he was transferred to Sioux City. He was placed in charge of the deanery three years ago.

22 May 1896 New Zealand Tablet

The Archdiocese of Dubuque, U.S.A., has been divided and Very Rev Timothy Treacy has been appoined Bithop of Sioux Falls. The Most Rev Dr Treacy is the youngest of three brothers. The eldest is parish priest of Askeaton, County Limerick. The second, Rev P. Treacy, has been in New Zealand for many years and is a priest in the diocese of Christchurch. The new bishop was appointed dean of Dubuque by Dr Hennesay some years ago. He is about forty years of age and it sixteen years a priest. American papers speak of him as scholarly and eloquent, a successful missionary and capable administrator.

29 May 1896 New Zealand Tablet

We are requested to insert the following congratulatory note :-

"The many Geraldine [NZ] friends of the Rev P. [Patrick] Treacey tender him their hearty congratulations on the appointment of his brother the Rev T Treacey as bishop of Sioux City, America. Signed on behalf of committee, E. Burke, T. Markham, D. Guthrie, M. Guerin, J. Charles, C. Boland.

Nov 25, 1908 (FJ) Death of Rev. E. Treacy, PP, Askeaton

Limerick, Tuesday. The death occurred yesterday at the Parochial House, Askeaton, of the Rev. Edmund Treacy, PP, after a bried illness. Father Treacy was appointed to the parish of Stonehall about twenty-one years ago, and was transferred to Askeaton after four years.He was a zealous pastor, and his death is deeply mourned by his parishioners. The funeral will take place on wednesday, after office and High Mass, which will commence in askeaton Parish church at 11.30.

December 19, 1908 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Limerick. The death occurred on Nov. 23 at the Parochial House, Askeaton of the Rev. Edmund Treacy, P. P., after a brief illness. Father Treacy was appointed to the parish of Stonehall about twenty-one years ago, and was transferred to Askeaton after four years. He was a zealous pastor, and his death is deeply mourned by his parishioners.

9 Jan 1909 The W.A. Record (Perth, WA)

The Rev. Father Treacy. P.P. Asketan, Co. Limerick, died reently. His funeral was very largely attended... The chief mourners were — John Treacy, Cork ; Thomas Treacy, Hospital (brothers) ; Miss Kate Treacy. (sister) ; Patrick and John Treacy. (nephews) ; Edward Treacy, William Treacy, Patrick- Hayes, John Sullivan, M. M'Grath, Mrs. M'Grath (cousins).

14 January 1909, New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXXVII, Issue 2, Page 57

Rev. Father Treacy, Limerick

We regret to announce the death of the Rev. Edmond Treacy, P.P., who passed away at the presbytery, Askeaton, County Limerick, on November 23. The deceased, who has been connected with the diocese of Limerick since his ordination, was the eldest son of the late Patrick Treacy, Cromwell, Hospital, brother of the Very Rev. Dean Treacy, Los Angelos, California, the Rev. P. Treacy, of Stratford, New Zealand, and Mr. John Treacy, Kilnap House, County Cork. The late Father Treacy, who had reached a good old age, had been curate at Parteen for a lengthened period, but about twenty years ago he was appointed to the parish of Stonewall, whence he was transferred to Askeaton some seventeen years since. He was a great favourite with his people, and never spared himself in the promotion of their spiritual welfare. R.I.P.

14 January 1909 New Zealand Tablet

TREACY.— On the 23rd November, 1908, at the presbytery, Askeaton, County Limerick, Rev. Edmond Treacy, P.P., after a brief illness, eldest son of the late Patrick Treacy, Cromwell, Hospital, brother of the Very Rev. Dean Treacy, Los Angelos, California, and the Rev. Patrick Treacy, P.P., Stratford, New Zealand, and John Treacy, Kilnap House, Cork. R.I.P.

21 January 1909 New Zealand Tablet

Limerick...The Late Father Treacy. At a recent meeting of the Rathkeale Board of Guardians the following resolution was agreed to: — 'That we, the members of Rathkeale Board of Guardians and District Council, express deepest regret at the demise of the Rev. T. Treacy, P.P., the deservedly esteemed and popular pastor of Askeaton and Ballysteen, who, during his "missionary career in various parishes of the diocese, devoted himself with unremitting zeal and unceasing labor to the spiritual and temporal advancement of the people; that we convey to the relatives of the beloved priest, as well as to his sorrowing parishioners, our earnest sympathy in the loss they have sustained by his lamented death, and adjourn this meeting of the board and council as a tribute of respect to the memory of the dead. That a copy of this vote of condolence be forwarded to Father Hartigan, Askeaton, and to the brother and. family of the deceased clergyman.'

28 January 1909 New Zealand Tablet Stratford (From our own correspondent.)

A Solemn, Requiem Mass was celebrated in the Church of tho Immaculate -Conception on Tuesday for the repose of the soul of the Rev. Father Edmond Treacy, of Askeaton, Limerick, an obituary notice of whom was published in a recent issue of the Tablet. It was the first time in the history of the parish that such an impressive ceremony was celebrated here; and there was a very large congregation. As mentioned in your ' obituary notice, Rev. Father Edmond Treacy was the eldest brother of our beloved pastor, and when the Very Rev. Father Power "visited him in his home at Askeaton some time ago he expressed a wish that Father Treacy should pay him a visit. The ceremony was most impressive and .touching. Very Rev. Father Powor (Hawera) was celebrant, Very Rev. Dean McKenna (New Plymouth) deacon, Rev. Father Haire (Kaponga) subdeacon, Rev. Fathers Molloy (Marton), O'Dwyer (Hawera), Menard (Okato), and "Bar r a (Opunake) chanters. The Very Rev. Father Power preached an impressive discourse, in the course of which he said that it was only a few weeks ago since he had enjoyed the hospitality of the deceased priest in the beautiful parish of Askeaton, and had then jotted down in his memory many mossages of love to his brother and cousin in Stratford. He was to tell them they .should hasten Home to revive with him the memories of childhood, and bring back tho tenderness of days that were dead; but these tendernesses must now be revived, and those old memories renewed, in that land where thero is no parting, and whore every manifestation of love is brought to the height of its perfection. That Father Edmond Treacy had won a place of refreshment, light, and peace, no one could doubt who had witnessed the fruits of his labor and his zeal in Askeaton and in other parts of Limerick. Father Treacy had the happiness to be a child of pious parents, who were so singularly blessed as to see three of their sons dedicated to the high service of the altar — one, their beloved pastor, whose boundless zeal in the saving of souls was well knoAvn ; another, Dean Treaey, of California, who leads the priests of his diocese in every high and holy cause; and the third, who labored for souls in holy Ireland, and who has just laid down his works and his burden at the feet of God.

1 December 1922 Hawera & Normanby Star (NZ)

The Rev. Father. Patrick Treacy, whose death was reported yesterday, was formerly parish priest of Stratford, and had for some years been living in retirement. He was born in County Limerick, Ireland, some 70 years ago. He came to New Zealand in 1879, in which year he was ordained. His first church was St. Mary's, Wellington, after which he was priest at Masterton, Kumara, and Geraldine. Then he relieved Dean McKenna at New Plymouth for about a year, while the latter was on a visit to the Old Country, and then came to Stratford towards the end of 1900. In 1909 the late Father Treacy had a trip to England, and m 1912 he retired from active work. Since then he had led a very secluded life. He was a very hard worker, and is well remembered for his efforts in clearing off the church's debt. The funeral will take place in Wellington on Tuesday morning next.

1922 Will - New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand - Estate under £3000

Patrick Treacy, priest, clerk in Holy Orders, born Kiltkelly Co. Limerick, died about 30 Nov 1922, will dated 20 Sep 1907

Executor: Mary Agnes Harding, spinter, of Stratford NZ, born Tipperary.


2 April 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of the estate of Daniel Treacy owner and Eliza Mary Byrne petitioner.

(Ballincarra Weston, South Liberties, Limerick & Ballyrackane and Drishane Tipperary & Raheen (Kilkenny/Laois) & Barryhill (Kilkenny) & Mountrath (Laois) & 33 Henry Street Dublin)

9/11 June 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of the estate of Daniel Treacy owner expartate and Guinness Mahon & Co petitioner.

(4 Lower Pembroke St Dublin… residue of 77 years from 1857… yearly rent £20…)

10/11 June 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of the estate of Daniel Treacy owner and John Hobbs Peart petitioner.

(??? Court or Market Square Mountrath and other property in Mountrath)

13 June 1870 Irish Times

Landed Estates

In the matter of the estate of Daniel Treacy trustee and executer of Patrick Murray deceased owner and Ellen Moore Spinster petitioner.

(lands North Ward Castleknock Dublin)


8 October 1870 (FJ) French Ambulances

...Kilmallock...Davey Treacy...


8 April 1871 (N) Distressed French

Parishes of Knocklong and Ballingarry, County Limerick...Jeremiah Treacy 1s...


1871 British Census


William Tracey, spouse Johanna, b. abt 1826 Limerick Ireland, London England

     = Johanna Tracey, spouse William, b. abt 1836 Limerick Ireland, London England


Mary Tracey, Inmate, 30, b. 1841 Limerick, inmate, Mount Pleasant Liverpool Lancashire

Bridget Tracey, Inmate, 12, b. 1859 Ireland, inmate, Mount Pleasant Liverpool Lancashire

John Tracey, Inmate, 4, b. 1867 Liverpool, inmate, Mount Pleasant Liverpool Lancashire


James Tracy, b. abt 1823 Limerick Ireland, Kent England

John Tracey, b. abt 1800 Limerick Ireland, London England

Michl Tracy, b. abt 1858 Limerick Ireland, Surrey England


1871 Boston Pilot

Of Martin Tracy, who left Limerick on the 1st of November, 1866. The last letter received from him was dated the 30th of June, 1868, and was from Chicago, where Martin was at work in Reid & Sherwin’s slaughter-house. Information of him will be received by Denis Quilty, care of Mr. Buckley, 162 Beach street, Boston, Mass., who will tell him about his people.


1871 Tewksbury Almshouse Intake Record - Massachusetts

Thomas Tracey, 44, fr Boston Jan 5 1871

44, b. Ire Co. Limerick. Sing. Laborer. Land Bos June 17 1851 per ship Ann direct to Gloucester there 5 yrs. New Bedford 1 yr. Taunton 1 yr. Bridgewater 4 mos then Gloucester - then Ire 10 yrs, Land 2nd time in Bos June 19 1869 per "Aleppo". since in Manchester Gloucester & Bos Nat Bos US Court Oct 1858. Pd 2 or 3 taxes in G. says owned house lot in G 2 yrs. Fa John & Mo land Bos per Alepepeo" June 19 1869. Now in Gloucester. Numbness in legs. No other Inst,

Dis Mch 30 1871


20 July 1872 (FJ)

The Grange, Pallas-green, County Limerick...Stephen Treacy...


1872 – 1915 Ireland's Royal Garrison Artillery

Cornelius Treacy, St. Munchins, Limerick, Co. Clare. WO96/1319

John Tracey, St. Marys, Limerick. WO96/1401,

John Treacy, Abbeyfeale, Limerick. WO96/1401,

Patrick Tracey, St. Michael, Limerick. WO96/1401,

Patrick Treacy, St. Michael, Limerick. WO96/1401,

William Treacy, Knocklong, Limerick. WO96/1401,

William Treacy, Knocklong, Limerick. WO96/1401,

William Treacy, St. Michael, Limerick. WO96/1401,


16 July 1873 (FJ) Limerick

Tracey v. Tracey. This was an action brought by a man named Tracey, residing at Searth, against his brother's widow for alleged slander...a goose...for the defendant.

July 1873 Tracy v. Tracy

This was an action for slander. The plaintiff is brother-in-law of the defendant, Mrs. Tracy, and they live in adjoining holdings of Scartt, County Limerick. It was alleged that cattle and fowl belonging to plaintiff trespassed on the lands of the defendant, who complained "You are a robber, a public robber and you have stealing my hay during the winter"...alleged injuring plaintiff in his business as a dairyman...jury found for defendant.


Orange Kilfinnane

In 1873, Townshend brought Gascoigne, the Oliver heir, to Kilfinnane...

“...And sure Buggy Treacy, whose wife wasn't lazy

In drinking the porter, then 'wheeled' for the blue....

Vivien Hick. Images of Palatines from Folk Tradition, Novels and Travellers' Accounts. Béaloideas, Vol. 64/65 (1996/1997), pp. 1-61


1873 In assoc with Castleoliver Estate - William Uniacke Townsend

Kilfinane lands...Edmond Tracey, Nicholas Tracey... Kilfinane Town... Mary Tracey... Coolavehy... Mary Tracey, William Tracey...Johanna Tracey...NLI Ms 5826


April 1874 Limerick Quarter Sessions

...ejectment by Rev Alexander M'Loughlin, rector of Doon, to recover a house and three acres of land from Timothy Tracy. After evidence had been given, the case was postponed till next sessions.

May 13, 1874 The Irish Canadian

An ejectment was brought by the Rev. Alexander McLoughlin, Recor of Doon, to recover a house and three acres; of land from Timothy Tracy. After evidence had been given, the case was postponed till next sessions.


19 September 1874 Pilot (Boston Ma)

Latest Irish News. Limerick

The Limerick Junction Murder.— Edmond Carey, sen., and Thomas Tracy, who were arrested on the night of the murder, and who have since been detained in custody in the bridewell, Tipperary, have been discharged.— Limerick Reporter.


1874 The Medical Register

Richard Thomas Tracy [Limerick] (see Richard Thomas Tracy)

190 Collins Street East, Melbourne, Australia

Lic. R. Coll. Surg. Irel. 1848

M.D. Univ. Glasg. 1849.



36. Patrick Collins & 36a. John Tracey, Ballinacurra Weston [Prospect Row, St. Michaels Limerick], £1.14.8 & £1.14.8 rent, 0a/0r/4p, weekly tenant


May 1875 The Butt Testimonial

Contributions of the parishioners of St Mary's Parish, Limerick...Mr. Patrick Tracy £1...

29 May 1875 (N) The Butt Testimonial

...St. Mary's Parish, Limerick, Patrick Tracy £1...


1 June 1875 (FJ) Limerick Corporation

...two tenders for the purchasing of the Corporation Gas Works...Messrs. Tracey and Nagle, solicitors, Cork...


1 January 1876 (NG) St. John's College, Newport, Limerick

Holy Scriptures/Greek/Latin/French...Tracy


19 February 1876 (NG) Murderous Assault in Limerick

...young man named Tracy...lies in Barrington's Hospital in a dying state...


26 February 1876 The London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Treacey, Rev. Edmond, Rathkeale, county Limerick, C.C. AND Treacey, Honoria, Rathkeale, county Limerick

Treacey, Rev. Edmond, Rathkeale, county Limerick, C.C.


22 July 1876 (N) Limerick

Constable John Tracey...was stationed...at the O'Connell Monument before the procession...

17 February 1877 (NG) Limerick

...The arrest was made by Constable Tracy of the Dock Station in a short time after the outrage.

December 1879

Constable John Tracy, Docks Station, Limerick has been appointed Inspector of the Port by the Privy Council under the Cattle Diseases Act and exempted from all other police duties. He is an active and intelligent officer and deservedly respected by his superiors.

1879 Slaughter of cattle (Limerick)

...Constable Treacy of the Dock Police Station, who superintended the shipment of the cattle and issued licences...

...Dated at Limerick, 27 February 1879. John Treacy, Ship Inspector.


19 August 1876 (N) Pope's Collection

Doon, Co. Limerick...John Treacy 7s6d...Thomas Treacy 4s...Mrs Treacy 3s6d...Edmond Treacy 3s...


1876 Landowners in Ireland (over 1 acre)

James Tracy, Bohernagorn, Kilfinane, Limerick. 253a/2r/0p. £104.15.0


1876 Naturalisation Declarations, Rensselaer County NY

John Tracy, of Limerick, 61, Queenstown to New York 1868, resided Cambridge Washington Co, Oct 16, 1876


1876 Map - 1-12 Queen St., Boherbee and South Priorsland, Quarry Lane, Railway Hotel; Sale catalogue - Valentine William Baring Wall

...Lot 1...2 Queen-street, John Treacy, 1st May and 1st November, rent £3.2.0, 0a0r4.5p, Fee-farm dated 19th January 1869 made between mary D'esterre Acheson and Catherine Acheson of the one part and John Treacy of the other part. The original of this grant is not in hands but a copy of it from the tenants will be handed to the purchaser...LCA P23/44

LCA P23/44 http://www.traceyclann.com/files/wall limerick.pdf

???? Map - Charles O'Hara

Denominations: Limerick City. Old Windmill Road, Upper William Street, Cornwallis Street, Lower

Catherine Street, William Street, Catherine Street, Upper Cecil Street, Pike's Row, Back Lane, High

Street. In Askeaton, Church Lane.

Tenants. Limerick City...John Tracy...LCL


12 January 1877 (FJ) Testimonial to the Rev Mortimer Fitzgerald PP of Ballyagran [Limerick]

United parishes of Kilmallock and Ballingaddy...John Treacy...Mr E Treacy 10s...Mr D Treacy 10s...


9 May 1877 (FJ) To the Most Rev. George Butler, Lord Bishop of Limerick

...Pope Golden Jubilee...Parish of St. Michael...Thomas Stewart Tracy, A.B., ex-Sch., T.C.D...Richard Tracy...


Register of Interments St. Finbarr's Cemetery, Glasheen Road, Cork 

John Tracy, died 31/08/1877, buried 01/09/1877, Diarrhoea, 18 years, Roman Catholic, Labourer, born Limerick, lived South Infirmary Cork, Single


18 September 1877 (FJ) Home Rule Demonstration in Kilmallock

...reception...Michael Tracy...

22 September 1877 (N) Mr. C.S. Parnell M.P. arrived in Kilmallock

...platform...Michael Tracy...


1877? birth Patrick Tracy

In Memory of Patrick Tracy
Born in Co Limerick, Ireland
Died in Newport, RI May 23 1911 age 34 years
May his soul rest in peace

pasheekey@yahoo.com St. Columba Cemetery, Middletown, RI


Registers of Seamen's Services

Frederick William Francis Patrick Tracy, b. 12 July 1878 Saint Thomas Limerick, Official Number: 287221 ADM 188/461

Emmett Robert Tracy, b. 21 March 1881 Limerick, Limerick, Official Number: 195153 ADM 188/336


1878 Invercargill Dep Glasgow, Scotland 12 Jul 1878 Arr Port Chalmers NZ 2 Oct 1878

Patrick Treacy, 20, Farm Labourer from Limerick,

Invercargill, Glasgow to Otago NZ, Arrival Date: 02 Oct 1878 (assisted emigration)

Patrick Treacy, 20 years, farm labourer, single, of Limerick


February 1878 to 1887 London Gazette

Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

Edmond Treacey, Rev., Rathkeale, county Limerick (C.C.)

Edmond Treacey, Rev., and Honoria Treacey, Rathkeale, county Limerick (C.C.)

27 February 1878 to 1887 The London Gazette

Name Of Firm. National Bank Of Ireland.

Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Treacy, James, Ballinarouga, Ballingarry, county Limerick, famer

February 1880 London Gazette

Inland Revenue - Copy of Bankers Returns - Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists

John Tracy and Mrs. Mary A. Tracy, Upper William Street Limerick & Blockboy, Limerick


1878 RIC Service [retired Limerick – see 1901 & 1911 Census]

Martin Treacy, 35513, b. 1849 Tipperary


35513 Martin Treacy, 19 years, 5'10.25", b. Tipp S?R, Catholic, married 16 July 78 wife from Dublin City, recommended by SI Holland, farmer, allocated 1 May '69, served Waterford 28 Aug 1869 - Limerick 1/5/78, Reward & Punishments, Pensioned 1.10.96 35313D/19983.


10 May 1878 (FJ) Mr. Butt and his Constituency

...Limerick...John Treacy...Patrick Treacy...


Gainsborough arrived Westland New Zealand 1878 (assisted emigration)

James Tracey, 21 years, single, farm lab, of Limerick


No 260 Tracey or Treacy to Tracey of Treacy & ar

28 Jul 1879 Memorial of an Indenture. Between Edmond Tracey of Ballingaddy [Ballingaddy] in the County of my Limerick farmer of the one part and John Tracey of Ballinahown [Ballynahown Ballingaddy?] and Patrick Tracey of Gibbinstown [Athneasy OR Kilbreedy Major] both in the County of Limerick farmers of the other part whereby after reciting as therein it was witnessed by that the said Edmond Tracey Covenanted to repay to them the said John Tracey and Patrick Tracey the sum of three hundred and forty eight pounds for which they became liable to the Munster Bank...Lands of Kilfinane [Kilfinnane Kilfinnane] Lands Commonly known as Gurteen [?] containing about thirty four acres plantation measure situate in the Barony of Costle and County of Limerick after a and the houses thereon together with six dairy cows...



Lady Jocelyn arrived Canterbury 08 Dec 1879 (assisted emigration)

Henry Treacy/Tracy, 29 years, single, ag labourer, of Limerick

Thomas Treacy/Tracy, 24 years, single, ag labourer, of Limerick

(Laurence Bradley labrs. Christchurch - Timara???)

Honora Treacy, 28 years, single, genl servt, of Limerick

Johanna Treacy, 26 years, single, genl servt, of Limerick

[Timara? in pencil in front of names]


1879 Banking Almanac

James Treacy, manager Munster Bank, Hospital, Limerick


25 February 1880 London Gazette

The National Bank

John Tracy, 1 Charlotte-street Dublin, victuller

John Tracy, and Catherine, his wife, 1 Charlotte-street Dublin, victuller

John Tracy, Upper William-street, Limerick and Mary A. Tracy, Mrs,, Blockboy, Limerick

Michael Tracy, Halverstbwn Naas [Kildare], farmer

Felix Treacy, Rev, Moyvalley, Enfield, county Kildare, P.P.

James Treacy, Ballinarouga, Ballingarry, county Limerick, farmer

Margaret Treacy, Mrs, Rathclare Buttevant, [Cork]

Michael Treacy, Rooske, Maynooth, [Kildare]

Edmond Treacey, Rev, Rathkeale, county Limerick, C.C.


March 1880 Limerick

Thomas Tracy, a little boy aged eight years, was charged with having maliciously set fire to some letters in the City Post Office last August. He pleaded not guilty.

1880 City of Limerick

The Crown declined to prosecute Thomas Kinsley, and Thomas Treacy was discharged by the judge at Summer Assizes 1880 on charge of injury to property of Postmaster General on 6 January.


24 May 1880 Freeman's Journal

... Acting con Treacy, Cappamore, to be Constable


September 1881 Limerick

The Theatre Royal was crowded with citizens of every class anxious to support native industry... Mr. Tracey of the Compositors' Guild of Trades...


27 December 1881 Freeman's Journal

... Patrick Treacy, (Communicant) At Ballynahown, Killmallock, on thee 22nd inst., at the early age of 42 years, and the 18th of his sacred ministry, the above ...


1881 British Census

Edward Tracey, Head, Married, M, 42, Labourer, Limerick; 24 Orcus St, Middlesex

Mary Tracey, Wife, Married, F, 36, Cork; 24 Orcus St, Middlesex

Honour Tracey, Daughter, Single, F, 11, Marylebone, Middlesex

Patrick Tracey, Son, Single, M, 8, Middlesex

Ellen Tracey, Daughter, Single, F, 6, Middlesex

Mary Tracey, Daughter, Single, F, 2, Middlesex

George Tracy, 49 years, born Kings Co. married, tailor, 2 Noel St London Middlesex

Ann, 38 years, born Limerick, wife, tailoress

Ann, 18 years, born Bloomsbury, daughter, tailoress

James Tracy, 65 years, born Charleville Coy Cork, Domestic Cooper, 9 Molyneux St Chorlton on Medlock Lanc

Mary, 64 years, born Charleville Coy Cork, wife, Dressmaker

Elizabeth, 26 years, born Rathkale Coy Limerick, single, Dressmaker

Ellen, 25 years, born Rathkale Coy Limerick, single, Dressmaker

Margaret, 22 years, born Rathkale Coy Limerick, single, Dressmaker

John, 20 years, born Rathkale Coy Limerick, single, House Joiner

John Tracey, 14 years, born Limerick, Shaftesbury Training Ship East Ham Essex

John Tracey, head, 52, b. abt 1819 Limerick Ireland, St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

Ann Tracey, wife, 40, b. abt 1831 Ireland, St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

James Tracey, son, 10, b. abt 1861 London England, St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

Daniel Tracey, son, 9, b. abt 1862 Guernsey Channel Islands, St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

Winifred Tracey, daughter, 7,  b. abt 1864 St Helier Jersey, St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

Catherine Tracey, daughter, 5, b. abt 1866 St Helier Jersey, St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

Mary Tracey, daughter, 3, b. abt 1868 St Helier Jersey, St Helier Jersey Channel Islands

Michael Tracey, Lodger, Single, M, 33, Chemical Labourer, born Troon; Jarrow Church Church Builds, South Shields, Durham

Peter Tracy, 39 years, born limerick, married, beer retailer, The Old House at Home Beer House Westbourne Sussex

Amelia, 30 years, born Portsmouth Hampshire, wife

John, 5 years, born Tralee, son

Charles, 3 years, born Belfast, son

Edwin, 11 months, born Ashton Under Lyne Lanc, son

William Treacey, 36 years, born Limerick, labourer, married, 35 Hopwood St. Liverpool Lanc.

Mary Ann, 33 years, born Waterford, wife

Katey, 9 years, born Dublin, daughter

Sarah, 7 years, born Dublin, daughter

Michael, 4 years, born Liverpool, son

Mary, 15 months, born Liverpool, daughter


1881 Ship: Nasmyth; Official number: 81334.

John Tracy; rank/rating, Fireman; year of birth, 1845; place of birth, Limerick; previous ship, Spain of Liverpool.

BT 99/1332 

1881 Ship: Nasmyth; Official number: 81334.

John Tracy; rank/rating, Fireman; year of birth, 1845; place of birth, Limerick; previous ship, Spain of Liverpool.

BT 99/1332 


15-16 May 1882 Freeman's Journal

... Mr l Treacy, constable RIC, Newepallas, county Limerick, aged 41 years, fourth son of the late Mr P Treacy, Killeraw, county Fermanagh, RIP.


1882 Death Notice

Dorothea Tracy, (née Wood), Catherine Street, Limerick Chronicle 2nd September 1882, wife of Rev. R. T. Tracy, death notice

“Tracy –At her residence, 62 Catherine-street, Dorothey the beloved wife of the Rev R. T. Tracy, and daughter of the Rev Samuel Wood. – Funeral on Monday morning at 9 o’clock.” (see Richard Taylor Tracey)


1882 Return of judicial rents

Andrew Treacy of Grange Limerick, landlord Trustees of Count de Salis (a minor), 43a/2r/37p, poor valuation £54/15/0, old rent £73/10/0, new rent £67/0/0 Rent charged in 1866 £52/1/6

David Treacy of Ballinahaun Limerick, landlord C.J. Coote, 95a/0r/0p, poor valuation £86/10/0, old rent £170/10/0, new rent £138/0/0, value £400/0/0 Rent changed in 1841 from £149/15/0. Provision made in this case as regards a labourer.


1882? The Gaelic journal = Irislear na elge

Patrick Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Co. Limerick


1883 Return of judicial rents

John Treacy of Clunteen Limerick, landlord Walter M. O'Grady, 19a/2r/1p, poor valuation £10/0/0, old rent £11/0/0, new rent £10/0/0, valuation £90/0/0


1883 William Treacy, tenant, Lady Ashtown, Coolavehy, Limerick, 37a3r16p, £17.5.0 valuation, £31 rent, £22 judicial rent, £150 value of tenacy


January 1884 The Gaelic Journal

Subscribers...Treacy, Patrick, Scart, Kilteely, Co. Limerick...


24 May 1884 (N) Land League

Knockaderry and Clouncagh Co. Limerick...subscribers...T Treacy...T. Treacy...4s each...


11 October 1884 (N) Marriage

Treacy and Delaney - September 30, at St. Michaels RC Church, Limerick, by the Rev C Conway, Adm, Edward J Treacy, TC, Main-street, Birr, to Emily, daughter of the late William Delaney, Esq, 23 Thomas-street, Limerick.


Etruria, Liverpool & Queenstown to New York 14 Dec 1885

Dennis Tracey, 35, M, Labourer, Limerick


1885 Limerick City Electors List

Daniel Tracy, Corbally, Inhabitant Householder, caretaker's house, offices and land, Abbey Ward

Jeremiah Tracey, Asylum Street, Inhabitant Householder, house and land, Market Ward Rural

John Tracey, Henry Street, Inhabitant Householder, house, Dock Ward

John Tracy, Mardyke, Inhabitant Householder, house, Custom-House Ward

John Tracy, Pennywell, Inhabitant Householder, house (as office), Abbey Ward

John Tracy, Pennywell, Inhabitant Householder, house, offices, garden and rope walk, Abbey Ward

John Tracy, William Street Upper, Inhabitant Householder, house, Market Ward

Michael Tracy, Market Alley, N., Inhabitant Householder, house and yard, Custom-House Ward

Patrick Tracy, Ahern's Row, Inhabitant Householder, house, offices and yard, Abbey Ward

Patrick Tracy, Nicholas Street, Inhabitant Householder, (room in hall) house and yard, Abbey Ward

Richard T. Tracy, Rev, Catherine Street, Rated Occupier, house and yard, Shannon Ward

Thady Tracy, John Street, Inhabitant Householder, cellar, Irishtown Ward

Thomas Stanley Tracey, Henry Street, Inhabitant Householder, house and small garden, Dock Ward

William Tracey, Punch's Lane, Inhabitant Householder, house and yard, Dock Ward



11 July 1885 (N) Marriage

O'Shaughnessy and Tracy - July 4, at St. Joseph's Church, Glasthule, by the Rev Cannon Harold PP, Michael O'Shaughnessy, 81 Harcourt-street and Bruree, County Limerick, Barrister-at-law, eldest surviving son of the late Michael O'Shaughnessy, QC JP, to Valantina Marion, second daughter of William Tracy, Esq, Newtownsmith House, Kingstown.


January 1886 Death from tetanus

Limerick...John Tracy, a tallyman, residing at Arthur's quay...


September 1886 Sheriffs Sales, Limerick

The third case was that of Patrick Treacy, plaintiff; David Treacy, defendant. The farm which is situated at Ballynahoun, contains 94[?] acres, the rent being £134.15s and the amount of the exocution £70.9s.7d. The tenant bid up to £52 but the farm went to the landlord for£53.

24 September 1886 Freeman's Journal

... Patrick Tracy against David Tracy. The farm is situate at Bllinamhown, contains 134 acres at £134 15s, and the amount of execution ..

1886 Irish News

Limerick…The County sub-Sheriff (Fred. Sinclair Dobson) put up for sale on Sept. 21 at the County courthouse the tenants' interests in three farms, two being sold to release excutions for rent…The third case was at the suit of Patrick Tracy against David Tracy. The farm is situate at Ballinahown. After a brisk competition it was knocked down to the plaintiff for £53. The growing crops were also put up, but there were no bidders.

New Zealand Tablet, Rōrahi XIV, Putanga 34, 17 Hakihea 1886, Whārangi 19


1886-1888 Dromin Football Club
...Michael Treacy – Cloonygarra...

...a match played by Dromin F.C. versus Feenagh F.C. in 1888 at Ballyagran. The same men played with the exception of Michael Treacy who had gone to America...Hurling...Notably among the players were Haigney and Duryuer of Fedamore H.C. and Higgins and Mick Treacy of Dromin whose long shots always reached from 980 to 100 yards...


1888 RIC Service [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

Samuel Treacy, 52768, b. 1867 Kilkenny Kildare


52768 Samuel Treacy, 20 years 2 months, 5'19.75", b. Kilkenny Kildare, Protestant, married 24.4.95 wife from Dublin, recommended by DI Newell, famer, allocated 9 Nov 87, served Limerick 29 May '88 - Dublin 15.7.91 - Down 16.7.95 - Belfast 15.2.02, P Act Sergt 1.6.1910 - P Sergt 1.4.1912, 5 Rewards, Disbanded 31-5-22 TS Belfast No 48 CA £195-0-0, Cond Queens & Wicklow


1889 Return of judicial rents

Thomas Tracy of Carlineclough Limerick, landlord Auster F. Walker, 40a/0r/4p, poor valuation £18/5/0, old rent £26/0/0, new rent £16/0/0

Patrick Tracy of Gibbinstown and another Limerick, landlord Joseph Gubbins and another, 69a/1r/10p, poor valuation £70/15/0, old rent £132/10/7, new rent £82/0/0


1890 Return of judicial rents

David Treacy of Darraghbeg Limerick, landlord Lady Ashtown, 17a/1r/10p, poor valuation £10/5/0, old rent £14/0/0, new rent £10/0/0


1890 Return of judicial rents

James Treacy of Tobernea Limerick, landlord Lieut. John Gibbings, 56a/3r/31p, poor valuation £55/0/0, old rent £70/0/0, new rent £56/0/0, The rent in this case was fixed by consent of the parties at the sitting of the Court in Dublin.

Mary Tracy of Bunavie Limerick, landlord Lord Leconfield, 20a/3r/20p, poor valuation £15/0/0, old rent £17/6/0, new rent £14/0/0.


The Very Rev. Patrick Treacy, Priest-is-charge of the Stratford Parish since 1901, was born in County Limerick, Ireland. He was ordained at Waterford in the year 1881, and came out to Wellington, New Zealand, in the same year. Before settling in Stratford, Father Treacy had been stationed at Lyttelton, Masterton, Kumara, Geraldine, Hawarden and New Plymouth.


1891 Return of judicial rents

Edmond Tracey of Knockany Limerick, landlord Count de Salis, 9a/2r/35p, poor valuation £9/10/0, old rent £14/0/0, new rent £10/0/0


1892 Return of judicial rents

Michael Tracey of Keelogues Limerick, landlord Thomas Dickin and others, 36a/2r/17p, poor valuation £33/0/0, old rent £45/10/8, new rent £33/15/0


1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals

The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.


Alice Treacy, Cappamore (Limerick?) Ireland, 1899, 16 years, to Wm Lonergan, Irvington, NYC, passage paid by B. Treacy,


Anne Tracy, Limerick Ireland, 1904, 23 years, To bro Timothy, 14 Perry St, Sand Hill, New York.


Bessie Treacy, Kilmallock (Limerick?) Ireland, 1903, 25 years, single, cousin Mrs McDonnell, 507 West 51str New York


Bridget Gerard Tracy, sister, Paris France, 1912, 28 years, nun,  Friend Mother Honorat 20 Rue Nddechaves Paris, c/o Convent Mon Lecauis 2000 loro Alhmere St Baltimore MD b. Limerick Ireland

Gerard Treacy, Baltimore Md USA, 1920, 34 years, female, single, nursing sister, lived 1912 to 1920 Balt. Convent of Bon Secours, 2000 W. Baltimore St, Baltimore. 5’3”, Fsh complexion, Fr hair, hazel eyes. b. Limerick Ireland.


Bridget Treacy, Ballylanders Limerick Ireland, 1920, 26 year, single, Mother Mrs Kate Treacy, Ballylanders, Knocklong, Limerick. Brother Wm Treacy, 82 Birch St Fitchberg, Mass, 5’4”, Fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, b. Limerick Ireland.


Bridget Treacy, NY USA, 1924, 51 years, single,??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Kilmallock Co ??? lived 12 years New York, home 58 East 129th street, New York city, 5’8”?, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Kilmallock Co. Limerick, Ireland. [crossed out]

Bridget Treacy, NY USA, 1924, 51 years, single, waitress, Mother Mrs Bridget Treacy, Martinstown, Killmallock, Limerick. lived 4 years New York, Employment Hotel Alpine, Broadway, New York. 5’2”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, b. Kilmallock Co. Limerick Ireland.


Edmond Treacy, Pallasgreen (Limerick?) Ireland, 1910, 20 years, single, Father: John Treacy, Ballybrood Pallasgreen. brother John Treacy, 225 East 112 St New York, 5’6”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Ballybrood Ireland.


Edward Tracy, Limerick Ireland, 1892, 23 years, to New York [Edward Tracy 23, Ellen Tracy 19]

Ellen Tracy, Limerick Ireland, 1892, 19 years, spinster, to New York [Not listed] [Edward Tracy 23, Ellen Tracy 19]


Elsie Treacy, Kilmallock (Limerick?) Ireland, 1907, 23 years, single, Father Edwd Treacy, Holycross Kilmallock. Uncle Michl Ryan, Low Ave, Chicago, Ill. 5’4”, dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b. Kilmallock Ireland. [crossed out]


George Tracey, Limerick Ireland, 1907, 28 years, Friend: Mr M Enright, 436 west 47th street New York, b. Limerick


James Tracey, b. Gibbonstown Limerick, 1893, 21 years, to New York [with 4 others from Gibbonstown]


James Treacy, Pemerick (Limerick? Ireland), 1900, 22 years, single, to brother Edward, Brooklyn, NY [crossed out]


James Treacy, Kiltuly (Kilteely Limerick), Ireland, 1911, 22 years, single, Uncle? John Treacy, Kildrorin, Kilteely, Co. Limerick. Cousin James O Dwyer, 1141 Shamrock? Coast? Detroit, Mich. 5’6”, fair complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. b. Kiltuly Ireland.


Jeremiah Treacy, NY USA, 1924, 52 years, single, Sister Mrs O’Grady, Caherline, Co. Limerick.  lived 1895/1924 NYC NY, resident returning Globe Hotel, 120 Park Row, New York. 5’8”, dark complexion, brown hair, brown eyes. b. Caherline Ireland. Immigration visa Cobh Sept 26/24, 489.


Jerh. Tracey, Limerick Ireland, 1905, 25 years, to Newport RI, Brother Pat Tracey, Newport RI.


John Treacy, Limerick Ireland, 1895, 24 years, farmer, Limerick Ireland to Brooklyn


John James Tracey, Limerick Ireland, 1899, 20 years, single, shop assistant, to 14th Amstrad? Ave New York


John Treacy, Cappamore (Limerick?) Ireland, 1907, 17 years, single, farmer, Jno Treacy, Shanaceon [Shanacloon?] Cappamor. brother Pat Treacy, S & 4th St, Brooklyn, NY. 5’8”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Cappamore Ireland.


John Treacy, Ballinlough (Limerick) Ireland, 1909, 20 years, single, Mrs. Treacy, Ballinlough, Co. Limerick. Sister Mrs V Treacy, 35 Willow Place, Brooklyn. 5’11”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Ballinlough Ireland.


John Treacy, Pallasgrun (Pallas Grean Limerick?) Ireland, 1909, 38 years, single, clark, Father John Tracey, Cahertine, Pallasgreen, Co. Limerick. Brother John Treacy, 20 Mogusitto? Place, Yonkers, NY. 5’8”, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Pallasgreen Ireland.


John Tracey, b. Limerick Ireland, 1911, 37 years, single, Father: John, 1? Jan? ?pil? Bow, off Sharil? St, Limerick. Sister: Ellen, 3523 Mount Dignon? Bt? Philadelphia, 5’9”, Fresh complexion, Brown hair, Blue eyes,


John Tracey, b. Limerick Ireland, 1921, 18 years, single, shop assistant, Father: Timothy Tracey, Loughmore, Mungret, Limerick. To uncle: Thomas Stundon 621 Greham Avenue Astoria, Long island, NY, 5’7”, dark complexion, black hair, grey eyes,


Kate Treacy, [Mrs?] Limerick Ireland, 1900, 22 years, married/widowed?, to New York, Cousin de Regan?, 479 Av? 56th St New York


Katie Treacy, Bruff (Limerick? Ireland), 1901, 22 years, single, uncle Timothy Tracy, 44 Horates St, NY.


Kate Tracy, Bruff (Limerick Ireland?), 1905, 26 years, single, lived 1905 New York,  Sister Mrs Nixon 239 E 28th St New York [crossed out]


Kate Tracey, Kilmallock (Limerick Ireland?), 1907, 23 years, single, servant, to New York, Cousin: Miss M. O’Brien 20 Madison Ave New York, 5’2”, Fresh complexion, Dark hair, Grey eyes, [crossed out]


Kate Treacy, Kelmallock (Kilmallock Limerick) Ireland, 1907, 26 years, single, Pat Kerby, Hoylcross, Co. Limerick. Cousin Mrs Collins, 507 W 61st St New York. 5’6”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Co Limerick Ireland.


Martin Tracey, Atherton (Askeaton Limerick Ireland?), 1905, 26 years, to sister Delia Tracey, 28 West 46 Street New York


Mary Treacey, Braffa [Bruffa] (Bruff? Limerick? Ireland), 1895, 18 years, to Providence


Mary Treacey, Bruff (Limerick Ireland?), 1900, 60 years, married, to Chicago, husband paid passage. To Husband do [Bro in law Jas? Treacy, 1486 W Bonguesst? Chicago] [also Michael Cunningham 40, Mary Cunninham 30, cousins? from Bruff returing to Chicago]


Mary Tracy, NY USA, 1914, 18 years, [grandfather] Thomas Ryan, Olla Cottage, Limerick Ire sister [in law?]: Ellen Tracy, 115, 8th St, Long Island City, NY, 5’2”, fair complexion, grey hair, blue eyes. b. do [Limerick Ireland/NJ City USA.] [also travelling Daniel Ryan 33 Uncle and his niece Mary Gubbins 14 b. Tipperary]


Mary Tracey, Caherline Tipperary? Ireland, 1915, 22 years, single, 5’4”, fair complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, Mother Mrs Johanna Tracey, Caherline Ballybrood Co. Limerick. Brother Edmond Tracey, LLV 113 Smith St Pakokill NJ. b. Caherline Ireland.


Matthew Treacy, 1896, 30 years, Ireland, to Joshua [Nashua?] NH

Mathew Tracy, d. 13 Apr 1897 8 Crowley Ave, Ward 7, Nashua, New Hampshire, age 34, single, moulder, phthisis pulmonalis [consumption], buried Hudson Catholic Cemetery (s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Ryan, both born Ireland) [Could have been born Tuam Galway or Grean Limerick]


Michael Tracey, Limerick Ireland, 1892, 22 years, to Nebraska


Michael Treacy, Ballingarry (Limerick/Tipperary?) Ireland, 1907, 23 years, single, to cousin Daniel Cagney, 355 West 16th St New York. 5’9”, dk complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. b. Ballingary, Ireland.


Michael Tracy, Chicago USA, 1912, 27 years, single, Non Immedrating Alien, lived Chicago 1906/11, to home 719 Lebord St NY, 5’8”, fair complexion, br hair, grey eyes, b. Limerick Ireland. [name crossed out]


Nellie Tracy, Kilmallock (Limerick Ireland), 1898, 21 years, single, Irish, lived Kilmallock Co Limerick, to New York, sister Anne Fox 534 W 47th St New York


Nora Treacy, Kilmallock (Limerick) Ireland, 1899, 21 years, single, to New York, to sister 534 W 37 St New York


Nora Treacy, Kilmallock (Limerick) Ireland, 1908, 27 years, single. Edmond Treacy Holycross Kilmallock.  to sister Elsie Treacy 3025 Irdraine Ave Chicago Ill, 5'4", dark complexion, dark hair, brown eyes, b. Killmallock Ireland. [May have travelling with Edward Wallace/Wallis 11 of Gormanstown Kilmallock]


Nora Treacy, Hosfistac (Hospital Limerick) Ireland, 1916, 23 years, single, domestic, Brother Jas Tracey Lodge Hospital Co Limerick. to San Francisco, lived 1911-14 Frisco, brother John Tracey (406 Duncan St) Mission Hotel San Francisco, 5'5", dark complexion, blond hair, brown eyes, b. Lodge Hospital Ireland


Norah Tracey, London England, 1921, 18 years, single, 5’6”, Fr complexion, brn hair, blue eyes, lived London, Father Mr Tracey, Mount Blackeney Co Limerick, To uncle Mr Denis Healy, 166 Ceder St, Manchester NH. b. Dromin Ireland.


Patrick Treacey, Limerick (Ireland), 1895, 23 years, to Binghampton NY


Patrick Tracey, Limerick Ireland?, 1900, 22 years, married, with [occupation?], Cousin Jane? Devine, Newport, RI,


Patrick Treacy, Limerick Ireland, 1903, 37 years, to friend Mr Hugh? Jones?, 380 Fureur St, Elizabeth, New Jersey. [Patrick Treacy 37, Catherine Treacy 26, Catherine Treacy 2, John Treacy 1] [bad copy]

Catherine Treacy, Limerick Ireland, 1903, 26 years, to friend Mr Hugh? Jones?, 380 Fureur St, Elizabeth, New Jersey. [Patrick Treacy 37, Catherine Treacy 26, Catherine Treacy 2, John Treacy 1] [bad copy]

Catherine Treacy, Limerick Ireland, 1903, 2 years, to friend Mr Hugh? Jones?, 380 Fureur St, Elizabeth, New Jersey. [Patrick Treacy 37, Catherine Treacy 26, Catherine Treacy 2, John Treacy 1] [bad copy]

John Treacy, Limerick Ireland, 1903, 1 year, to friend Mr Hugh? Jones?, 380 Fureur St, Elizabeth, New Jersey. [Patrick Treacy 37, Catherine Treacy 26, Catherine Treacy 2, John Treacy 1] [bad copy]


Patrick Treacy, Kilmallock Limerick? Ireland, 1910, 24 years, single, Father William, Freston, Kilmallock Co Limerick. to brother-in-law John O’Donnell, 1426 Amsterdam Ave New York, 5’8”, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, b. Kilmallock Ireland [Patrick Treacy 24, Bridget Treacy 35]

Bridget Treacy, NY USA, 1910, 35 years, single, do [Father William, Freston, Kilmallock Co Limerick] lived 13 years New York, to do [brother-in-law John O’Donnell, 1426 Amsterdam Ave New York], 5’6”, dark complexion, fair hair, brown eyes, b. do [Kilmallock Ireland] [Patrick Treacy 24, Bridget Treacy 35]


Thomas Tracey, Askeaton (Limerick Ireland?), 1897, 28 years, Lurries? [occupation], USA Citizen, landed Pism? Pier, to Binghampton,


Thomas Treacy, Auglnacliffe [Ballyorgan] Co. Limerick (Ireland), 1906, 28 years, farmlab, to sister Mrs Mary Potter 312 Alma St Dorchester Mass


William Treacy, Kilmallock (Limerick Ireland), 1902, 21 years, single, to sister Ellen O'Donnell 542 West 47 street New York


United States Naturalization Petitions

Alice Tracy, born 14 Mar 1884 Cappamore, Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1923 New York

Bridget Tracy, born 30 Aug 1872 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1923 & 1927 New York City, NY

Dellia Or Bridget McMahon nee Tracey, born 10 Mar 1905 Mungret, Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1944 Ozone Park, Queens, NY. Spouse's Joseph McMahon born 27 Sep 1906 Children Thomas McMahon born 17 Jul 1930, Ann McMahon born 13 Dec 1932, Eileen McMahon born 25 Dec 1935

Dennis John Tracey, born 12 Aug 1893 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1919 Lynn, Massachusetts

Edward Joseph Tracy, born 11 Aug 1871 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1927 &  1930 New York City. Spouse's Catherine Tracy born 1881 Children Helen Tracy born 16 Jan 1900, William Tracy born 28 Dec 1902, Edward Tracy born 02 Sep 1904

Ellen Marie Cotter nee Tracy, born 09 Nov 1866 Kilfinnon, Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1939 Dorchester, MA. Spouse William Patrick born ? Apr 1871 Children John J Cotter born 28 Feb 1901, Anna R Cotter born 14 Oct 1904

John Joseph Tracey, born 16 May 1902 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1925 Jackson Heights, Queens, NY

John Tracey, born 01 Mar 1882 Siminick, [Limerick], Ireland. Naturalised 1906 Boston, Massachusetts

John Tracey, born 16 May 1902 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1921 New York

John Tracey, born 28 Oct 1875 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1921

John Tracey, born 28 Oct 1875 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1924

John Tracy, born 06 Mar 1888 Limenck, [Limerick] Ireland. Naturalised 1917 Boston, Massachusetts

John Tracy, born 14 Nov 1880 Lismisker, [???] Ireland. Naturalised 1911 Boston, MA

John Treacy, born 01 Mar 1885 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1908 Boston, Mass

Michael Joseph Tracey, born 17 Jul 1876 Co Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1926 New York. Spouse's Elizabeth Tracey.

Michael Joseph Tracey, born 17 Jul 1876 Martinstown, [Limerick?] Ireland. Naturalised 1929 New York City, NY. Spouse's Elizabeth Tracey born 22 May 1889, Child James Tracey born 22 Apr 1918

Theresa Treacy, born ? Sep 1896 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1925 Brooklyn, NY

Thomas Tracy, born Jun 1883 Limerick, Coolevahy, Ireland. Naturalised 1937 & 1940 Watertown, Mass. Spouse's Mary Tracy Children William Tracy born 22 Jun 1909, Anne M Tracy born 19 or 28 Apr 1915, Catherine R Tracy born 08 Sep 1919 or 1920

Thomas Treacy, born 15 Aug 1878 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1906 Boston, Massachusetts

William Patrick Tracey, born 12 Feb 1891 Limerick, Ireland. Naturalised 1915 Boston, Massachusetts


'Lord Gough', Queenstown to Phila 26 June 1893

Franis Tracy, 25, b. Ireland 1868, farmer, lived Poultadown [Poultalloon Fedamore Limerick], passage paid by sister, sister Maria 2416 Kings Entrance Ave Pha

'Lord Gough', Liverpool to Phila 26 June 1893

John Tracy, 22, b. 1871, Lived Cormick [Abbeygormacan Galway], farmer, brother paid passage, brother N Tracy 3001 Portland Ave Chicago Armes

'Lord Gough', Queenstown to Phila 26 June 1893

Jno Tracey, 22, b. 1871, lived Killinur [Killimore? Galway] , brother paid passage, brother Nicholas 3001 Portland Ave Chicago


'Indiana', Queenstown to Phila 6 Aug 1894

John Tracey, 21, b. 1873, lived Tulsk [Ogulla Roscommon], to uncle John New York City

John Tracey, 42, b. 1852, married, lived Burell [Bruff Limerick?], lived 25 yrs New York, to Actna N.J. Burgen Co. New York


1894 Freeman's Journal. Evicted Tenants Fund

Cappamore, Feb. 7th 1894...1s...Michael Treacy...


'Kensington', Queenstown to Phila 31 Mar 1895

Mary Tracey, 20, b. 1875, single, laborer, lived Ballinashenrd [Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick?], passage paid by mother, to Mich Hurley 1689 3 Ave New York [with Hanoria Tracey 19, Bridget Manion 17]

Hanoria Tracey, 19, b. 1876, lived Balliniahenrd [Ballynahown Ballingaddy Limerick?], to Mich Madden 639 134 st New York [with Mary Tracey 20 - Manion Bridget 20]

Bridget Manion, 17, b. 1878, single, labourer, lived Tomfried [Thornfield, Killeenagarriff, Limerick?], to cousin M.L. Hurley 1869 3rd St New York [with Hanoria Tracey 19, Mary Tracey 20]


'Ohio', Queenstown to Phila, 19 May 1895

Patrick Treacy, 18, b. 1877, farmer, single, lived Pontaloon, sister P. paid passage, to sister Miss M. Treacy, 637 N. 41st W. Phila O.K. [with Ellice 13 Kate 20]

Ellice Treacy, 13, b. 1882, lived Pontaldon, passage paid by P. sister, to Miss M. Treacy, 637 N 41st. W. O.K. Pa [with Patrick 18 Kate 20]

Margaret Treacy, 17, b. 1878, lived Poultaloon [Poultalloon Fedamore Limerick], passage paid by sister, to sister Molly 657 N 41st St Phila

Margaret Treacy, 15, b. 1880, lived Poultstown, passage paid by self, to sister Molly 637 N 41st St Phila. Met by sister [travelling with Kate Miitchell 18]


'Kensington', Queenstown to Phila 13 July 1895

Hannah Tracey, 43, b. 1852, married, lived Limerick, lived 1 Yr US with mother, to mother - aunt - sister Mary 129 Wythe ave Blyn New York [with Edward 17]

Edward Tracey, 17, b. 1878, lived Limerick, lived US 1 yr with mother P. P., to Mother - Aunt - Sister Mary 129 Wythe Ave Blyn New York. [with Hannah 43]


9 May 1895 Limerick Chronicle

Wool sales.- …the purchasers being Messrs Ebrill, Tracey and Slattery.

30 March 1897 Limerick Chronicle

Funeral of the late Mr. Zachary Myles J.P.

…Town Councillors…P. Tracey …

Limerick Chronicle

Funeral of the Rev. Joseph Bourke, P.P.

…Rev. E. Tracey CC Stonehall…

Limerick Chronicle

The Accident at the Docks

…Inquest at Thomondgate into the circumstances touching the death of William Connery, aged 68, a dock labourer, who was killed aboard the s.s. “Tintern Abbey”…Sergeant Treacy conducted the case for the crown…


1895 Return of judicial rents

Michael Tracey of County Limerick, landlord Thomas R. Roche, 33a/1r/29p, poor valuation £17/15/0, old rent £21/6/0, new rent £15/10/0


1896 Return of judicial rents

Thomas Treacy of Cromwell (Glebe-lands) Limerick, landlord Rt. Hon. Viscount Castlerosse, 19a/1r/30p, poor valuation £21/15/0, old rent £25/7/6, new rent £17/0/0


June 27, 1896 News from Ireland

...Mayor of Limerick...voted for Cussack...Treacy...


1896 RIC Service [see 1901 & 1911 Census]

Robert John Tracy, 53294, b. 1861 Monaghan


53294 Robt John Tracy, 17 years 8 months, 5'8.5", b. Monaghan, Catholic, married 6.6.96 wife from Tip SR, recpmended by HC Morris, none [trade], allocated 22 August 88 - 14 Mar 89 with loss of former service, served Tipperary S.R. 9 Nov 89 - Limerick 1.9.96, 8? Punishments, Discharged 24.8.88[?] Unfit by Surgeon 99671D Pensioned 16.9.1914 16.9.1914 86253D, Contd Londonderry & Leitrim


June 1897 Cricket

Ballaghaderin [Limerick?]...G. Tracey...


24 September 1897 New Zealand Tablet

Treacy. — Your prayers are earnestly requested for the repose of the soul of Stephen Treacy, of Scart, County Limerick, Ireland, who departed this life on the 3rd day of July, 1897; age 28 years.


1897 Limerick Municipal Elections Results

Abbey Ward. Councillors...Patrick Tracy...


1898 RIC Service [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

James Treacy, 54486, b. 1869 Kilkenny


54486 James Treacy, 21 years 5 months, 5'9.75", b. Kilkenny, Prot, married 5.2.98 wife [Elizabeth Scollard see Abbeydorney RC] from Kerry, recommended by DI Maxwell, farmer, allocated 15 Aug 90, served Kerry 1? May? 91 - Limerick 12.3.98 - Queens Co 1.10.02 - Wexford 12.5.10, 4 Punishments, Pensioned 1.4.21 69448D, pension £164.13.4, Contd Carlow


May 1898 Charge of Murder

...making a love match...went into Tracy's publichouse...Doon Limerick...


'Pennland', Queenstown to Phila 12 April 1899

John Tracey, 32, b. 1867  Ireland, lived Braff [Bruff Limerick], lived US 1889 to Apr 1898, brother P.P.T. paid passage, brother James Tracey 1624 W Hamison St Chicago.


Sep 30, 1899 (SS) Land and Labour

Convention at Kilmallock...Ballingaddy - David Tracey, DC...


1899 Kilmallock Rural District Council

Ardpatrick...David Treacy...



1899 Royal Commission on the Irish Land Acts

Edward Treacy of Kilfinane Limerick, landlord Col. F.C.T. Gascoigne, 54a/2r/2p, poor valuation £57/0/0, old rent £63/15/0, sale of tenancy 1 May 1886


1899 Royal Commission on the Irish Land Acts

Purchaser: Thomas Treacy, farmer of Gortavalla Limerick, Landlord: Richard Bourke, Vendor: John Madden and others, 53a/3/24p, valuation £38/15/0, rent £37/0/0, Sale May 29/1895, Tenancy: £475/0/0, repayment 13 years. Improvements all made by landlord


1899 Return of advances under Purchase of Land

April 15 1897 Purchaser: David Treacy of Coolavehy Limerick, Vendor: Hon. W.C. Trench, 18a/0r/1p, value £10/5/0, rent £10/0/0, purchase £173, advance £173

April 15 1897 Purchaser: William Treacy of Coolavehy Limerick, Vendor: Hon. W.C. Trench, 38a/3r/9p, value £17/5/0, rent £22/0/0, purchase £330, advance £330, cash £66


1899 Return of advances under Purchase of Land

January 12 1899 Purchaser: Johanna Treacy of Coolavehy Limerick, Vendor: Hon. W.C. Trench, 22a/0r/0p, value £9/5/0, rent £13/10/0, judicial, purchase £205, advance £205, cash £41


1899 Return of judicial rents

Jan 28 1899 Mary A. Tracey of Bohernagore Limerick, landlord Berkley D. Wise, 162a/1r/24p, poor valuation £198/10/0, old rent £237/12/0, new rent £200/0/0, Settled in Court in Dublin

Jan 28 1899 Mary A. Tracey of Bohernagore Limerick, landlord Berkley D. Wise, 32a/0r/0p, poor valuation £-, old rent £68/0/8, new rent £34/0/0, Settled in Court in Dublin

Jan 28 1899 Mary A. Tracey of Bohernagore Limerick, landlord Berkley D. Wise, 86a/0r/0p, poor valuation £-, old rent £132/5/2, new rent £96/0/0, Settled in Court in Dublin


23 January 1894 - Freeman's Journal

Tracy And Rickards - January 17, 1894, at Ennis, by Rev P O'Kelly, Ennis, Patrick Tracy, Limerick, to Mary Frances Richards, daughter of the late William Rickards, Merchant, Ennis.

1899-1915 McMahon Collection

559. Type: Memorandum of Agreement

Parties: Elizabeth Considine, Mill Street, Ennis, County Clare and Mary Anne Tracey, 3 Violet Villas, Limerick to John Boland, Haghbooley, County Clare

Property: Dwelling house and shop at Parnell Street, Ennis, County Clare

Terms & Conditions: Yearly rent of £24.4.0.

Date: 24 February 1915

560. 9 June 1909 Decree against goods issued by the County Court

Judge ordering arrears of rent to be paid by Anne Sexton, Market Street, Ennis, County Clare to landlord Elizabeth Considine, Mill Street, Ennis, County Clare and Mary Anne Tracey, 3 Violet Villas, Limerick.

563. 29 April 1899 Original notice to quit issued by Elizabeth Considine and Mary Anne Tracey to representatives of Mary Walsh requiring them to quit and deliver possession if house and premises in Mill Street, Ennis, County Clare on the Rickard family estate. Includes numerous blank signed notices to quit.



19th October 1900 Evening Express [Wales]

Newport...Soldiers Run Amuck. George Tracey and John Fitzgerald, gunners in the Mountain Battery (both natives of Limerick) ran amuck on Thursday night, and were now arraigned for being drunk and disorderly in High-street, kicking a woman, malting a row in a fried fish shop at 95 Shaftesbury-street...The sergeant who was sent to speak as to their character said Tracey had only recently returned from the front, having been invalided home. Daring the six weeks he had, been home with the battery there had been one charge against him...


1900 Irish Mission for Immigrant Girls in New York City

Alice Tracy, 1899, 16 years, from Limerick. Sponsor: B. Tracy 19 Walt St. N.Y. (Majestic - September 21 1899)


Honora Tracey, 1929, 19 years, from Limerick. Sponsor: Mrs. Rafferty 173 Warburton Ave. Yonkers, N.Y. (Franconia - September 22 1929)


Kate Tracey, 1901, 22 years. from Limerick. Situation (Lucania 1901-11-09)


Nora Tracy, 1899, 20 years, from Limerick. Sponsor: Mrs. Joe 534 W. 47th St. N.Y. (Teutonic - April 13 1899)


Catherine Burke, 1928, 19 years, from Limerick. Sponsor: Mrs. Tracy 372 11th Avenue Astoria, Long Island. aunt (Republic - November 20 1928)


Bridget Landers, 1928, 23 years, from Limerick. Sponsors: Bridget Tracy 541 W. 156 St. N.Y.; John Landers 4826 Carolin St. Woodside, Long Island, N.Y. cousin and brother (Baltic - May 21 1928)


Helena Loftus, 1902, 20 years, from Limerick. Sponsor: Mrs. Pk Treacy 75 Long Wharf Newport, R.I. (Umbria - April 27 1902)


Belgenland, Queenstown to Phila 30 Apr 1900

Michael Tracey, 30, b. 1870 Ireland, lived Kilmullock [Kilmallock Limerick], to cousin Mrs Annie Noonan 23 Smith St Quincey Boston Mass. Wm & Dennis Carty.


'Waesland', Queenstown to Phila 21 April 1901 [see 11 Mar 1896]

Maggie Treacy, 23, b. 1878, lived Cukenline [Caherline, Kilmurry, Limerick?], passage paid by brother, to brother Michl Tracy 1251 South Western Ave Chicago.

Thomas Treacy, 21, b. 1880, lived Ninugh [Nenagh Tipperary], passage paid by brother P.P.T., brother Martin Tracy, 2200 St. James Place Pha. Called for him.


1901 Return of judicial rents

12/12/1900 Thomas Tracy of Ballynarooga More (South) Newcastle West Limerick, landlord Edmond Moroney, 38a/3r/6p, poor valuation £20/10/0, old rent £30/0/0, new rent £25/0/0


1901 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act

30/10/1901 Thomas Treacy of Cromwell Limerick, landlord Trustees of A.H.W. King, 40a/2r/38p, poor valuation £26/0/0, rent £36/10/0, Judicial, purchase £526, advance £526, cash £-


1901 Census of England

Frederick W F P Tracey, 22, St Thomas Limerick Ireland, Stoker, Kent?

John Tracy, 40, Ireland County Limerick, Turner Iron Foundry, Droylsden, Lancashire

William Tracey, 32, Ireland Knocklong [Limerick?], Milk Dealer, Congleton, Cheshire




 1901 Census of Ireland

 Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland




1911 Census of Ireland

Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland



1901 &1911 Census Limerick County – Heads of Families

 1901 Alphabetical

 1911 Alphabetical

1901 By Area

1911 By Area


Anne Treacy, Doon South, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher


Bridget Tracey, Ballykennedy South, Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh

Bridget Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely


Catherine Tracey, Kildimo, Kildimo, Kildimo


David Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock


Denis Tracey, Mountfox, SS Peter & Paul, Kilmallock


Edmond Tracey, Doon Town, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher

Edmond Treacy, Grange Upper, Tullybracky, Bruff


Edward Tracey, Ballyania, Uregare, Dromin, Bruff

Edward Treacy, Main Street, Askeaton, Askeaton, Askeaton


James Tracey, Stonehall, Kilcornan, Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh

James Treacy, Boherdotia, Oola, Oola and Solohead

James Treacy, Cloghadoolarty North, Fedamore, Fedamore

James Treacy, RIC, Kilduff, Ballynaclogh, Pallasgreen

James Treacy, Tobernea East, Effin, Effin


Johanna Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

Johannagh D. Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe


John Tracey, Caherline, Ballybrood, Caherconlish

John Tracey, Glenanair East, Particles, Kilfinane

John Treacy, Bunavie, Grean, Pallasgreen

John Treacy, Cloonteen, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher

John Treacy, Common, Ballingarry, Ballingarry

John Treacy, Kildromin, Kilteely, Kilteely

John Treacy, Knocklong East, Knocklong, Knocklong and Glenbrohane


Margaret E. Tracy, Castleconnell Town, Stradbally, Castleconnell

Margaret Treacy, Kilfinnane Town, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane

Margaret Treacy, Kilfinnane Town, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane


Martin Treacy, South Quay, Monagay, Newcastle, Templeglantine


Mary Treacy, Ballinlough, Ballinlough, Hospital

Mary Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock

Mary Treacy, Carrowclogh, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden

Mary Treacy, Coolbaun, Castletown, Doon

Mary Treacy, Newtown South, Oola, Oola and Solohead

Mary Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely


Michael Tracey, Ballycullane, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana

Michael Tracey, Doon North, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher

Michael Treacy, Cluggin, Tuoghcluggin, Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon

Michael Treacy, Garrynderk North, Effin, Effin


Patrick Treacy, Ballyhaght, Kilquane, Kilmallock

Patrick Treacy, Gibbonstown, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana


Thomas Tracey, Ballynarooga More , Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh North

Thomas Tracy, Cloonty, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden

Thomas Treacy, Cromwell, Ballinlough, Hospital

Thomas Treacy, Duntryleague, Galbally, Galbally


William Tracey, Kilmallock Town, SS Peter & Paul, Kilmallock

William Treacy, Ballybricken West, Inch St., Caherconlish Lawrence

William Treacy, Ballylanders, Ballylanders, Ballylanders

William Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

William Treacy, Teermore, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana


Bridget Treacy, Glenanair East, Particles, Kilfinane


Catherine Tracey, Ballylanders, Ballylanders, Ballylanders

Catherine Treacy, Cluggin, Tuoghcluggin, Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon

Catherine Treacy, Gibbonstown, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana


David Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock


Edmond Tracey, Ballyania, Uregare, Dromin, Bruff

Edmond Treacy, Doon Town, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

Edmond Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely

Edmund Treacy, Grange Upper, Tullybracky, Bruff


Hanora Treacy, Common, Ballingarry, Ballingarry


James Treacy, Cloghadoolarty North, Fedamore, Fedamore

James Treacy, Stonehall, Kilcornan, Kilcornan, Stonehall Cappagh

James Treacy, Tobernea East, Effin, Effin


Johanna Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe


John Tracey, Caherline, Ballybrood, Caherconlish

John Treacy, Ballincarroona, Kilfrush, Hospital

John Treacy, Ballykennedy South, Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh

John Treacy, Bunavie, Grean, Pallasgreen

John Treacy, Cloonteen, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

John Treacy, Graigacurragh, Ballingarry, Ballingarry

John Treacy, Kildromin, Kilteely, Kilteely

John Treacy, Mountfox, St. Peter & Paul's, Kilmallock

John Treacy, Srahane, Carrigparson, Caherconlish, Ballybricken


Margaret Treacy, Main Street, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane


Martin Treacy, South Quay, Monagay, Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West


Mary Tracey, Knocklong East, Knocklong, Knocklong and Glenbrohane

Mary Tracey, Newtown, Bruff, Bruff

Mary Treacy, Ballinlough, Ballinlough, Hospital

Mary Treacy, Ballyhaght, Kilquane, Kilmallock

Mary Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock

Mary Treacy, Cloonty, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden

Mary Treacy, Coolbaun, Castletown, Doon


Michael Tracey, Carrowclogh, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden

Michael Treacy, Ballybricken West, Inch St. Laurence, Caherconlish

Michael Treacy, Ballygrennan, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana

Michael Treacy, Caherconlish Town, Caherconlish, Caherconlish

Michael Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

Michael Treacy, Doon North, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

Michael Treacy, Mountblakeney, Kilbreedy Minor, Effin


Morgan Treacy, Doon South, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher


Patrick Treacy, Ballyroe Upper, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane

Patrick Treacy, Caherass, Croom, Croom

Patrick Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely


Robert John Tracy, Pallaskenry Town (a), Chapelrussel, Kildimo


Thomas Tracey, Ballynarooga More , Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh North

Thomas Treacy, Caherelly East, Caherelly, Ballybricken

Thomas Treacy, Cromwell, Ballinlough, Hospital

Thomas Treacy, Duntryleague, Galbally, Galbally


Timothy Tracey, Baunacloka, Mungret, Mungret and Crecora


William J. Treacy, Doon Town, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe,

William Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

William Treacy, Gortakilleen, Oola, Oola and Solohead

William Treacy, Teermore, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana


Edward Treacy, Main Street, Askeaton, Askeaton, Askeaton


John Treacy, Common, Ballingarry, Ballingarry


William Treacy, Ballylanders, Ballylanders, Ballylanders


Edward Tracey, Ballyania, Uregare, Dromin, Bruff

Edmond Treacy, Grange Upper, Tullybracky, Bruff


Michael Tracey, Ballycullane, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana

Patrick Treacy, Gibbonstown, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana

William Treacy, Teermore, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana


John Tracey, Caherline, Ballybrood, Caherconlish

William Treacy, Ballybricken West, Inch St., Caherconlish Lawrence


James Tracey, Stonehall, Kilcornan, Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh


Margaret E. Tracy, Castleconnell Town, Stradbally, Castleconnell


Mary Treacy, Coolbaun, Castletown, Doon

Michael Treacy, Cluggin, Tuoghcluggin, Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon


James Treacy, Tobernea East, Effin, Effin

Michael Treacy, Garrynderk North, Effin, Effin


James Treacy, Cloghadoolarty North, Fedamore, Fedamore


Thomas Treacy, Duntryleague, Galbally, Galbally


Johanna Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

Johannagh D. Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

William Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe


Mary Treacy, Ballinlough, Ballinlough, Hospital

Thomas Treacy, Cromwell, Ballinlough, Hospital


Catherine Tracey, Kildimo, Kildimo, Kildimo


John Tracey, Glenanair East, Particles, Kilfinane

Margaret Treacy, Kilfinnane Town, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane

Margaret Treacy, Kilfinnane Town, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane


David Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock

Denis Tracey, Mountfox, SS Peter & Paul, Kilmallock

Mary Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock

Patrick Treacy, Ballyhaght, Kilquane, Kilmallock

William Tracey, Kilmallock Town, SS Peter & Paul, Kilmallock


Bridget Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely

John Treacy, Kildromin, Kilteely, Kilteely

Mary Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely


Bridget Tracey, Ballykennedy South, Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh

Thomas Tracey, Ballynarooga More , Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh North

John Treacy, Knocklong East, Knocklong, Knocklong and Glenbrohane


Anne Treacy, Doon South, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

Edmond Tracey*, Doon Town, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

John Treacy, Cloonteen, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

Michael Tracey, Doon North, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher


James Treacy, Boherdotia, Oola, Oola and Solohead

Mary Treacy, Newtown South, Oola, Oola and Solohead


James Treacy, RIC, Kilduff, Ballynaclogh, Pallasgreen

John Treacy, Bunavie, Grean, Pallasgreen


Mary Treacy, Carrowclogh, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden

Thomas Tracy, Cloonty, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden


Martin Treacy, South Quay, Monagay, Newcastle, Templeglantine


Hanora Treacy, Common, Ballingarry, Ballingarry

John Treacy, Graigacurragh, Ballingarry, Ballingarry


John Treacy, Srahane, Carrigparson, Caherconlish, Ballybricken

Thomas Treacy, Caherelly East, Caherelly, Ballybricken


Catherine Tracey, Ballylanders, Ballylanders, Ballylanders


Edmond Tracey, Ballyania, Uregare, Dromin, Bruff

Edmund Treacy, Grange Upper, Tullybracky, Bruff

Mary Tracey, Newtown, Bruff, Bruff


Catherine Treacy, Gibbonstown, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana

Michael Treacy, Ballygrennan, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana

William Treacy, Teermore, Kilbreedy Major, Bulgaden and Ballinvana


John Tracey, Caherline, Ballybrood, Caherconlish

Michael Treacy, Ballybricken West, Inch St. Laurence, Caherconlish

Michael Treacy, Caherconlish Town, Caherconlish, Caherconlish


Patrick Treacy, Caherass, Croom, Croom


Catherine Treacy, Cluggin, Tuoghcluggin, Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon

Mary Treacy, Coolbaun, Castletown, Doon


James Treacy, Tobernea East, Effin, Effin

Michael Treacy, Mountblakeney, Kilbreedy Minor, Effin


James Treacy, Cloghadoolarty North, Fedamore, Fedamore


Thomas Treacy, Duntryleague, Galbally, Galbally


John Treacy, Ballykennedy South, Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh

Thomas Tracey, Ballynarooga More , Cloncagh, Knockaderry and Cloncagh North


Mary Tracey, Knocklong East, Knocklong, Knocklong and Glenbrohane


Johanna Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

Michael Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe

William Treacy, Coolavehy, Kilflyn, Glenroe


John Treacy, Ballincarroona, Kilfrush, Hospital

Mary Treacy, Ballinlough, Ballinlough, Hospital

Thomas Treacy, Cromwell, Ballinlough, Hospital


Robert John Tracy, Pallaskenry Town (a), Chapelrussel, Kildimo


Bridget Treacy, Glenanair East, Particles, Kilfinane

Margaret Treacy, Main Street, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane

Patrick Treacy, Ballyroe Upper, Kilfinnane, Kilfinnane


David Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock

John Treacy, Mountfox, St. Peter & Paul's, Kilmallock

Mary Treacy, Ballynahown, Ballingaddy, Kilmallock

Mary Treacy, Ballyhaght, Kilquane, Kilmallock


Edmond Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely

John Treacy, Kildromin, Kilteely, Kilteely

Patrick Treacy, Scart, Kilteely, Kilteely


Timothy Tracey, Baunacloka, Mungret, Mungret and Crecora


Edmond Treacy, Doon Town, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

John Treacy, Cloonteen, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

Michael Treacy, Doon North, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

Morgan Treacy, Doon South, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher

William J. Treacy, Doon Town, Doon, Doon, Cappamore, Murroe Boher


William Treacy, Gortakilleen, Oola, Oola and Solohead


John Treacy, Bunavie, Grean, Pallasgreen


Mary Treacy, Cloonty, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden

Michael Tracey, Carrowclogh, Kilmoylan, Shanagolden


James Treacy, Stonehall, Kilcornan, Kilcornan, Stonehall Cappagh


Martin Treacy, South Quay, Monagay, Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West



1901 &1911 Census Limerick City – Heads of Families

1901 Alphabetical

 1911 Alphabetical

1901 By Area

 1911 By Area


Bridget Treacy, Williams Lane, St Johns


Elizabeth Tracey, William Street (Upper), St Michael's


Hanorah Tracey, Edward Street, St Michael's


Jane Treacy, Hannon's Bow, St. John's


Jeremiah Treacy, Cassidy's Lane, St. John's


John Tracey, Gaol Lane Bow, St. Mary's

John Tracy, Emmett Place, St Michael's

John Treacy, Market Alley, St Michael's

John Treacy, Vizes Fields, St Michael's


Margaret Treacy, Hannon's Bow, St. John's


Mary Tracey, Gaol Lane Bow, St. Mary's

Mary Treacy, Colooney Street, St Michael's


Michael Tracey, Cunningham's Lane, St Michael's

Michael Tracey, Vizes Fields, St Michael's


Patrick Tracey, Military Road, St Michael's

Patrick Tracey, New Road, St Nicholas

Patrick Tracy, Colooney Street, St Michael's


Stephen Tracey, Gaol Lane Bow, St. Mary's


William Treacy, Vizes Fields, St Michael's


Eliza Tracy, 9 William Street Upper


Emily Treacy, 3 Quin Street


James Tracy, 4 Vizes Fields


John Treacy, 32 Vizes Fields

John Treacy, 5 Market Alley

John Treacy, Gaol Lane Bow


Katherine Treacy, 2 Gaol Lane Bow


Mary Tracey, 60 Colooney Street

Mary Tracy, 3 Violet Villas, Military Road


Michael Treacy, 42 Vizes Fields


Patrick Tracy, New Road


Philip Treacy, 1 Alexandra Terrace, Military Road


Thomas Tracy, 2 Campbells Lane

Thomas Treacy, 53 Nelson Street


Timothy Tracey, 4 Kerwick's Bow


William Tracey, 20 Windmill Street

William Tracey, 43 Vizes Fields


Jeremiah Treacy, Cassidy's Lane, St. John's


Mary Treacy, Colooney Street, St Michael's

Patrick Tracy, Colooney Street, St Michael's


Michael Tracey, Cunningham's Lane, St Michael's


Hanorah Tracey, Edward Street, St Michael's


John Tracy, Emmett Place, St Michael's


John Tracey, Gaol Lane Bow, St. Mary's

Mary Tracey, Gaol Lane Bow, St. Mary's

Stephen Tracey, Gaol Lane Bow, St. Mary's


Jane Treacy, Hannon's Bow, St. John's

Margaret Treacy, Hannon's Bow, St. John's


John Treacy, Market Alley, St Michael's


Patrick Tracey, Military Road, St Michael's


Patrick Tracey, New Road, St Nicholas


John Treacy, Vizes Fields, St Michael's

Michael Tracey, Vizes Fields, St Michael's

William Treacy, Vizes Fields, St Michael's


Bridget Treacy, Williams Lane, St Johns


Elizabeth Tracey, William Street (Upper), St Michael's


Philip Treacy, 1 Alexandra Terrace, Military Road


Thomas Tracy, 2 Campbells Lane


Mary Tracey, 60 Colooney Street


John Treacy, Gaol Lane Bow

Katherine Treacy, 2 Gaol Lane Bow


Timothy Tracey, 4 Kerwick's Bow


John Treacy, 5 Market Alley


Thomas Treacy, 53 Nelson Street


Patrick Tracy, New Road


Emily Treacy, 3 Quin Street


Mary Tracy, 3 Violet Villas, Military Road


James Tracy, 4 Vizes Fields

John Treacy, 32 Vizes Fields

Michael Treacy, 42 Vizes Fields

William Tracey, 43 Vizes Fields


Eliza Tracy, 9 William Street Upper


William Tracey, 20 Windmill Street


Sep 7, 1901 (IT)

88 William J Treacy, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick. 3126

Sep 7, 1901 (IT) Latin

Junior Grade - Prizes of £2

William J Treacy, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick.

Aug 8, 1903 (IT) Royal University of Ireland

Second University Examination in Arts...Bernard J. Tracy, Mungret College, S.J., Limerick

Jul 29, 1904 (IT) Royal University of Ireland

The Degree of Batchelor of Arts...Bernard J. Tracy, Patrick C. Tracy...

Aug 7, 1909 (IT) Second University Exam in Arts

Edward PJJ Treacy, Mount St Alphonsus, Limerick

Nicholas B. Treacy, Belmont House, Stillorgan

Jul 30, 1909 (FJ)

Second University Examination in Arts 1909. Pass...Edward P.J.J. Treacy, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick; Nicholas B. Treacy, Belmont House, Stillorgan...Michael Tracey, St. Munchin's Col., Limerick...

Jul 30, 1909 (FJ)

Michael Tracey, St. Munchin's Coll, Limerick

James Tracey, Belcamp Hall, Raheny


Limerick Chronicle Obituaries

Andrew Tracy, Rutland Street 31/01/1865 aged 92, one of the oldest members of the Town Hall Reading Room

Catherine Tracy, Limerick 21/11/1867 wife of Daniel Tracy, apothecary, late of Nenagh

Cornelius Tracey, 14/06/1862 aged 12, accidental drowning, inquest; son of Michael Tracey, butcher, Catherine Street

Dorothea (née Wood) Tracy, Catherine Street 02/09/1882 wife of Rev. R. T. Tracy, death notice

Edmond Treacy, Rev., 24/11/1908, Askeaton, parish priest, Askeaton; announcement

Eliza Tracy, Market Alley 01/02/1851 aged 14, report

Elizabeth Tracy, Upper Rutland Street, Dublin 25/01/1866 aged 66, widow of late Thomas Tracy, Limerick, granddau of late Thomas Lloyd of Cloverville and Mt. Catherine, Limerick; d. at res of dau, Mrs. Acheson

Frederick William Tracey, 01/12/1914, Baker Place, stoker; died during sinking of HMS Monmouth; news report

George Tracey, Kussowlie 30/07/1853 Private, H.M. 61st Regiment, native of Limerick

Hannah Treacy, 07/10/1924 drowning; news report (additional details taken from Mount St. Lawrence burial register)

Henry Augustus Tracey, New Barracks, Limerick Garrison 06/06/1865 aged 4, son of Surgeon W.F.T. Ivey, 12th Depot Battalion

Jane Tracey, 17/08/1911, Palmerstown Limerick, homicide; inquest report (see also, 19/08/1911 & court report, 02/09/1911)

John C., Tracy, Rev, London 17/02/1858 Ass. Minister of Stockwell Episcopal Chapel, Surrey; son of late Thomas Tracy of Limerick City

M. A. Tracey, 06/01/1920, typographer; obituary
Margaret Elizabeth Tracy, 19/08/1909, daughter of late Rev. Richard Taylor Tracy, Methodist minister; death notice

Mary Tracy, Castle Connell 02/02/1848 dau of W. S. Tracy, Resident Magistrate

Mary Tracy, Patrick Street 22/03/1856 aged 75, sister of Andrew Tracy, d. at res of her brother

Michael A Tracey. 06/01/1920 typographer; death notice (obituary, 06/01/1920)

Michael Treacy, 16/03/1907, Cluggan, Oola, road accident

Patrick Tracey, Bohermarore, Ardpatrick 03/07/1869

Patrick Tracy, 12/02/1907, Violet Villas, local politician; obituary (funeral report, 14/02/1907)
Patrick Treacy, 29/10/1918, Vize's Field, Clyde Shipping Co. employee; inquest report

Richard Taylor Tracy, Rev., 62 Catherine Street 17/10/1889 death notice, (further report 17/10/1889) (funeral report 19/10/1889)(further report 26/10/1889)

Stephen Tracey, 14/06/1862 aged 14, accidental drowning, inquest; nephew of Michael Tracey, butcher, Catherine Street

Thomas Stanley Tracey, 35 Henry Street 05/09/1889 death notice, late sub editor of the Limerick Reporter and Tipperary Vindicator

Thomas Tracy, Patrick Street 05/01/1848 aged 62

Thomasina Felicia Tracy, Patrick Street 08/01/1842 aged 5, of scarletina, dau of Thomas Tracy

W. Treacy, (Mrs), 07/10/1924, drowning; news report


Another Sinn Féin supporter was John R. Treacy, a native of Youghal, County Cork, who taught in Limerick and Dublin before coming to Sligo in 1904. He taught in Summerhill College and in the Technical School. He had been involved with Griffith and William Rooney in Sinn Féin while in Dublin and was one of the “Apostles of Sinn Féin” in Sligo.

Sligo 1914-1921: A Chronicle of Conflict. By Michael Farry.


'Westernland', Queenstown to Phila 22 May 1904

John Tracy, 24, b. 1880 Ireland, lived Fenmore Limerick, lived New York 1889 to Jan 1904, to aunt Mary Conway 106 Melrose St Brooklyn New York. Aunt called for him.


1904 [Cd. 1890, 1881, 1841] Appendix to the sixty-ninth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, for the year 1902.

Mary Immaculate Training College, Limerick

Supplemental Teachers, Mrs. Treacy, Reading, grammar and Scripture

1905 [Cd. 2373, 2374] Appendix. To the seventieth report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, for the year 1903.

Mary Immaculate Training College, Limerick

Supplemental Teachers, Mrs. Treacy, Reading, grammar, history, geography and Scripture

1906 [Cd. 2773, 2774] Appendix to the seventy-first report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, for the year 1904

Mary Immaculate Training College, Limerick

Supplemental Teachers, Mrs. Treacy, Reading, grammar, history, geography and Scripture

1906 [Cd. 3185, 3254, 3192] Appendix to the seventy-seoond report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, school year 1905-6.

Mary Immaculate Training College, Limerick

Supplemental Teachers, Mrs. Treacy, Reading, grammar, history, geography and Scripture


25 Nov 1904 Register of Enlisted US

William Tracy, enlisted New York NY by Maj Hickey for 3 years, born Limerick Ireland, 21Y2M, laborer, eyes blue 12, hair d bro, complexion dark, 5'4.75", Regiment F. City 5 J.a., Coy iiF, remarks Dis Nov 24.07 at Ft Leavenworth Kan exp ser Pat godd hf


31 March 1905 List of Teachers Employed by the Commissioners of National Education - Limerick

Bernard A. Tracy, 21 years 9 months [b. Waterford], served 2 years 6 months, Educated Lowtown Galbally [Limerick]/St. Peter's Whitefriar St Dublin/Annascaul Annascaul [Kerry], Serving in Kerry 7887 Knightstown B, Assistant

Mary Treacy, 34 years, served 10 years 11 months, educated Ardpatrick Kilfinane, serving Limerick 8157 SS Peter & Paul G, Assistant


Jan 26 1905, John Tracey, Cloonteen, Limerick, 21a2r14p, £9.15.0 valuation, £8.10.0 rent, not judicial, £174 purchase price and advance


No 292 Dunworth to Pub Wks Comrs

17 Feb 1905...witnessed by Edmond Morony of Odellville Ballingarry JP and Thomas Tracey of Ballinarouga more North [Ballynarooga More (North) Cloncagh] farmer both in the County of Limerick...

No 293 Tracey to Pub Wks Comrs

17 Feb 1905 Memorial of an Indenture between Thomas Tracey of Ballynarooga More North in the County of Limerick Tenant Farmer therein after called the said Tenant of the one part and the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland incorporated and acting as therein mentioned and therein after called the said Commissioners of the other part...consideration of fifty pounds to be lent as therein mentioned did thereby charge that part of the Lands of Ballynarooga more worth in his occupation...



'Haverford', Queenstown to Phila 24 Sept 1905

James Tracy, 23, b. 1882 Ireland, shop assistant, lived Dublin, to uncle Chas Fleming Roundout NY, USC (not certified)

John Treacy, 17, b. 1888, lived Cullane [Limerick], married[?] wrote and rec'd reply two weeks before sailing Cambridge? Mass. Cousin Wm Cleary 125 Cherry St. Cousin here 9 years.


Nov 4, 1905 (SS) United Irish League - Ballingaddy Co. Limerick

...Mr. David Treacy went as delegates...from Ballingaddy...


1906-7 Creameries

Clouncagh Co-Operative Dairy Society (Ltd) Creamery, Clouncagh, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick

Manager: D. O'Brien

President: Thomas Tracey, Ballinarouga, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick


January 19, 1907 The Irish standard (Minneapolis, Minn.)

Limerick. A young man named John Treacy, employed by the Harbor Board, was brought to Barrington's Hospital, Limerick, on Dec. 21, suffering from an epileptic fit, and died soon after admission. Mr. Treacy who was very popular, was secretary of St. Michael's Bowling Club, and assistant secretary of St. Michael's Temperance Society.


Feb 15, 1907 (IT) Death of Mr. P. Tracy, Violet Villas, Limerick

The funeral of the above named highly respected gentleman, which took place on Wednesday, from St. Michaels Catholic Church to Mount St. Lawrence Cemetery, was certainly one of the largest witnessed in Limerick for a number of years...The chief mourners were;- James F. Barry, J.P.; P.J. Thornhill and P. Thornhill (sons-in-law), James O'Halloran (step-son), Edward Barry and W. Thornhill (relatives)...


23 March 1907 IT

Michael Treacy, fifty-five, a farmer, residing at Cluggin, near Oola, County Limerick, was killed accidentally last week. He was driving home from Tipperary fair a cart wagon, when the horse took fright and pulled the wagon on a ditch throwing Treacy on the water table, where he was found unconscious a quarter of an hour afterwards. He died before reaching his own house, 200 yards distant.


May 1907 IT

Prize Winners...Master Georgie Treacy, aged 14, South Quay, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick.


1907 Map - Sale of the City of Limerick Estate.

Names from tenure and observations section...Thomas Tracey...LCA P23/17


7 January 1907 - February 1915 Register of deaths. Limerick Union

6218 Honora Treacy, F, widow, 60 years, died 13 Jan 1908 of Cardiac Debility, unknown profession, admitted 28 Dec 1907, registered 24-1-08

5162 Stephen Tracey, M, bachelor, 13 years, son of John Tracey a labr, died 14 June 1908 of Scrofula, admitted Nov 4th 07, registered June 30th 1910 [1908?] 

19189 Ellen Tracey, F, Widow, 54 years. died 25 Jan 1911 of Rheumatism Cardiac Vascular dexosl?, unknown profession, admitted Jany 18 1910, registered February 3 1911

13877 Temothy Tracey, M, married. 69 years, died 30 March 1912 of Gastritis, shoemaker, admitted Feb 6 1909, registered April 6 1912

44592 Michael Treacy, M, bachelor, 28 years, died 14 Oct 1914 of Phthesis, shoemaker, admitted July 17 1914, registered Oct 23 1914


Jul 1, 1908 (FJ) Land Commission Judgements

District of Kilmallock. Estate of Francis S. Low.

P. Tracey - £81/5/9; £76/7/6 reduced to £70/10/0.


Jul 23, 1908 (FJ) The Father Casey Memorial

...Parish of Clouncagh (Co. Limerick)...5s T. Tracey, D.C...John Tracey...


1908 Calendar Royal University of Ireland

Edward P. Treacy, JJ, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick.

Bernard J. Tracy B.A. 1904

Patrick C. Tracy B.A. 1904

1909 Second University Examination in Arts

Edward P.J.J. Treacy, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick


1908 Department of Agriculture

Clouncagh Co-operative Dairy Society’s (Ltd.) Creamery, Clounagh, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick. Manager D. O’Brien. President, Thomas Tracey, Ballinarouga, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick.


1908 Southampton to Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ignatius Treacy, b. 1883 [Limerick?]

Medal card of Ignatius Treacy

Royal Field Artillery, L/2779, Corporal

Date: 1914-1920

Catalogue reference WO 372/20

[State Reg: Treacy, Ignatius, Limerick, 4th Quarter 1884 5 367 ]


Jan 30, 1909 (IT) Larceny of Postal Orders

At Limerick, eight prisoners [5 children, 3 adults]...Michael Tracey, a small boy...The mayor said that he knew the father of the two young Traceys, Thomas Tracey, and from his knowledge of him he believed the man innocent in the transaction...binding Thomas Tracey...surities of the peace or go to jail for a month...The others, juvenile offenders were dealt with under the First Offenders Act.


Feb 13, 1909 (FJ) Parnell Monument Committee

...Bulgaden Parish Co. Limerick...5s...Pat Tracey...


Jul 17, 1909 (FJ) Gaelic Athletic Championships

...56lb Between Legs...E.J. Treacy, Oola.

...28ls (Championship)...G.J. Treacy, Oola.

...16lbs Hammer...E.J. Treacy, Oola.

...16Lb shot...E.J. Treacy, Oola.

Rising and Stricking Hurling Ball Championship...E. Treacy.


Nov 12, 1909 (FJ) Kerry Marriage

Killorglin...Doctor Michael O'Conner? Listowel and Miss Madli? C. O'Sullivan...Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Treacy (Limerick), handsome silver entree dish...


31st march 1910, Edmond Treacy, Scart, 30a3r31p, £26.0.0 valuation, £22.2.0 rent, £486 purchase price and advance, 21.9 years

31st march 1910, Mary Treacy, Scart, 18a3r3p, £17.0.0 valuation, £14.11.0 rent, £327 purchase price and advance, 22.4 years


May 30, 1910 (FJ) Boy attempts Suicide when committed to Reformatory

Limerick...Patrick Treacy...sentenced to five years detention...broken jug...dressed the wound which was not dangerous...Philipstown Reformatory.

Jun 4, 1910 (IT) A Violent Youth

On Friday, at Limerick City Petty Sessions, patrick Tracey, aged 14, was convicted of being concerned in the larceny of coal, there being two previous convictions against him. He was ordered to be detained in a reformatory for five years...Philipstown Reformatory...


Sep 6, 1910 (FJ) Tipperary Sports

Throwing 16lb Hammer...(open) Handicap - E.J. Treacy, Oola 1...


Sep 13, 1910 (FJ) Delegates

Dock Ward Town Tenants League, Limerick...W. Tracey...Knocklong UIL...Patk Treacy...Ballybricken...M. Tracy...Croom Land and Labour Association...J. Tracy [Limerick]


Nov 5, 1910 (FJ) All Ireland Hurling Championship

Limerick v. Wexford...Limerick...Treacy (Fedamore)...


1910 Kilmallock Church

In 1910 the Stations of the Cross were installed, donated by the following parishioners:

4. Given by Mrs. Mary Treacy, for her husband and son.


National School Registers

D Michael Tracey, b. 1895, 1910, Limerick

Lena Tracey, b. 1897, 1910, Limerick

Maggie Tracey, b. 1909, 1910, Limerick


November 1910 to December 1911 Monthly returns of advances made under the Irish Land Act, 1903

Thomas Treacy, Gortavalla East, 56a0r30p, £40, £34.4, Judl (b), £760, 20.9 years, estate of John Ulick Bourke, Limerick & Tipperary N

Thomas Treacy, Gortavalla East, 5a0r26p, £28, estate of John Ulick Bourke, Limerick & Tipperary N


Mar 30 1911, Thomas Treacy, Gortavalla East Limerick, 56a0r30p, £40 valuation, £36.4.0 rent, judicial, £760 price and advance, 20.9 years, consolidated with No.7

Mar 30 1911, Thomas Treacy, Gortavalla East Limerick, 5a0r26p parcel, £28 price and advance, consolidated with No.1


Apr 3, 1911 (FJ) Limerick Catholic Institute Athletic Club

...seconded by Mr. W. Treacy...


'Merion', Queenstown to Phila 15 May 1911

Ellen Treacy, 25, b. 1886, lived Limerick, Military seamtress, Father John 11 Jail St. Mary st Limerick. Aunt Mrs Nora Keane 3528 Melon St, Phila Pa. Husband John Keane 4 or 5 years here. 5'4". fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes.


‘Haverford’, Liverpool to Phil 9 Jul 1912

Mary Tracey, 22, b. 1890 Limerick Ireland. Single. Father John Jail St off Mary st Limerick. Will be met sister Ellen, chambermaid, Windsor Hotel, 1217 Filbert St, Phila Pa. 5'4.5", fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes.


29 July 1911 Enniscorthy Echo and South Leinster Advertiser

Hurling: Wexford V. Irish Americans...Irish Americans...(goal) Ml Treacy (Limerick) [Chicago]...


Aug 18, 1911 (IT) Limerick Womans Death

The inquest respecting the death of Jane Tracey...Thomas Tracey the husband, deposed to finding his wife lying unconscious outside the house when he returned home...

Sep 2, 1911 (IT) Limerick Murder Charge

[2 men 3 women charged]...wilful murder at Palmerstown, a laneway of the old town, of Jane tracey, a married woman, on the evening of the 16th August...evidence was given by Thoma Tracey, 14, who deposed he was the son of Jane Tracey...Janie Moran [meaning the deceased]...

Sep 9, 1911 (SS) Boy sees his mother killed

Painful evidence...

9 September 1911 (NG) A Limerick City Tragedy

...murder of Jane Treacey, a married woman, belonging to the Irishtown district of the city...

1911 Woman beaten to death

The Limerick Stipendiary yesterday committed for trial three women and two men charged with the wilful murder of Jane Treacy, aged 45. The evidence showed that the prisoners dragged the woman out of bed, beat her with bottles and buckets, and kicked her.

Guardian 3/9/1911 p.8


1911 Billhead, E. Tracy & Sons, rope twine etc, 9 Upper William Street.



Mar 25, 1912 (IT) Funeral of a Crimean Vetern

The funeral of William Treacy, a Crimean veteran, who died at his residence, Vize's Fields, took place on saturady evening at Limerick, full military honours being paid...Mount St. laurence Cemetry...was in his seventy-fifth year, served in the 77th Regiment.


1912-13 [Cd. 6028, 6029, 6096, 6137, 6187, 6263, 6330, 6393, 6403, 6420, 6424, 6443] Irish Land Commission. Return of advances made under the Irish land purchase acts, during the month of November, 1910. - Limerick

30th March 1911, Thomas Treacy, Gortavalla East, 56a0r30p, £40.0.0 valuation, £36.4.0 rent, judicial, £700 purchase price and advance, 20.9 years

30th March 1911, Thomas Treacy, Gortavalla East, 5a0r26p parcel, £28 purchase price and advance

1st July 1913, Mary Treacy, Ballynagranagh, 12a2r24p, £15.10.0 valuation, £13.5.0 rent, judical, £310 price and advance, 23.3 years

1st July 1913, Mary Treacy, Ballinlough, 26a1r25p, £30 valuation, £28.13.0 rent, judical, £656 price and advance, 22.8 years


2 July 1912.

Michael Tracey, 9 Upper William Street, Limerick. (Correspondent)

G 1,260 (2) 24 Shán Ó Cuiv Papers NLI


‘Haverford’, Liverpool to Phil 9 Jul 1912

Mary Tracey, 22, b. 1890 Limerick Ireland. Single. Father John Jail St off Mary st Limerick. Will be met sister Ellen, chambermaid, Windsor Hotel, 1217 Filbert St, Phila Pa. 5'4.5", fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes.


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of Richard Henry Prior-Wandesforde

Michael Treacy of Doon North Limerick, 67/2r/22p, value £10/15/0, rent £15/13/0, not judicial, price £255, advance £255, 16.3 years of rent


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act - Estate of George Evans Bruce

July 11 1912 William Treacy of Gortakilleen Limerick, 60a/3r/8p & 16a/1r/16p, value £84/0/0, rent £90/19/0, judicial, price £2019, advance £2019, 22.1 years of rent


1912 Return of Advances made under the Land Act

John Treacy of Bunavie Limerick, 8a/0r/11p & undivided half of 25a/1r/2p, value £15/0/0, rent £13/19/0, judicial, price £300, advance £300, 21.5 years of rent


Apr 29, 1913 (IT) Limerick Club

The club competition against bogey played at Ballyclough was won by F. Tracy (1 down) B. Plummer (2 down) being second.


1 August 1913 New Ross Standard

The Croke Memorial

A special meeting of the Central Council of the Gaelic Athletic Association...present...E. Treacy, Limerick...


Nov 20, 1913 (IT) Chancery Division

...The plaintiff, who is a widow of a man named Traay, who lived at Ballycurlew, County Limerick, and who had died leaving her and an only daughter named Angela Tracy surviving, sought to raise an annuity of £100...the daughter became a nun...Plaintiff subsequently married a man named Ryan and by him had several children, including the defendant, Helena Power...


Dec 23, 1913 (FJ) GAA Central Council Meeting

...E. Treacy, Limerick...


1913-1922 Military History

Charles Treacy, Fianna Éireann, D Company, Limerick City Battalion, Limerick Brigade

Edward/Éamonn Tracey, 1st Lieutenant, of Bruff Limerick

Jack Treacy, Guarda, Co. Limerick [Kerry 1 Brigade 2nd Battalion]

James Treacy, Bulgaden Cmpany, 4 Battalion, East Limerick Brigade, 2 Southern Division

Jerry (Jeremiah) Treacy, Company C.O., E Company, 1 Battalion, East Limerick Brigade

John Rupert Treacy, [Professor] of Youghal, County Cork, Limerick, Dublin and Sligo.

John Treacy, B (Bulgaden) Company, 4 Battalion, East Limerick Brigade

John Treacy, Limerick

Joseph Tracey, Bunavie, Co. Limerick [see Jerry Treacy]

Joseph Tracey, Limerick City

Julia Treacy nee Ryan, D Company, 6 Battalion, 1 Tipperary Brigade, 3 Southern Division, of Tipperary & Limerick

Kate Harrison nee Treacy, Cumman na mBan, Tipperary and Dublin Brigades, of Limerick & Dublin

Patrick Treacy, Doon Company, 1 Battalion, East Limerick Brigade, 2 Southern Division

Patrick Treacy, Glentworth hotel, Limerick [Photograph]

Thomas Treacy, Doon Company, 1 Battalion, East Limerick Brigade, 2 Southern Division

Treacy, Capt., Limerick

William Treacy, B (Ballybricken) Company, 4 Battalion, Mid Limerick Brigade, of Limerick & Cork


Jan 24, 1914 (FJ) UIL

...Kilteely (Limerick)...5s...Mrs. Ed. Treacy...2s6d...John Treacy...2s...Pat Treacy...Edmd Treacy...


Jan 31 1914 The Advocate (NY)

Sailed For Ireland...their homes in Ireland...John Tracey, to Caherline, County Limerick...


1914 Connacht Tribune

Bigamy on 7d a day

At the weekly meeting of Ballinasloe Board of Guardians, a man named Patrick Treacy, who had been admitted to the House during the week, was brought before the Board. The Master said he was in receipt of a pension of 7d. per day, and he paid 6d. for his maintenance in the House.

He had been at Limerick last year convicted for bigamy.

Mr. Parker: On 7d. a day? (laughter)

Master: He is like some gentlemen I know, who leave their first and second wives in the Workhouse, and they can do the gentleman outside (laughter).

Chairman: You need not pass your own town (laughter).



1914-1918 Ireland’s Memorial Records

Leroy Lawrence Tracy. Reg. No. 51507. Rank Private, Royal Army Medical Corps. Killed in action France 20/7/1916. Born Dublin. Enlisted Limerick.

In his will, he left £3,000 Guiness Preference shares to his mother Sarah Ann Tracy, The Cottage, Bodyke, Co. Clare, Ireland and the use of my house known as the The Cottage to her for life at her death to my brother J.P. Tracy RE in the event of his death house & land and fixtures to be sold and proceeds to my cousin Ralph Ronald Tracey R.N. failing which to the Catholic Orphans Society Dublin. Leroy L. Tracey CE, Engineering Inspector, Congested District Board, The Cottage, Bodyke, Clare Co, Ireland [Will]

Michael Treacey. Reg. No. 6328. Rank Private, Royal Munster Fusiliers 7th batt. Died of wounds Greek Macedonia 3/3/1917. Born St. John’s, Limerick.

In his will, he leaves everything to [crossed out] father. His father's address is, No. 3 Heruraks? Lane, off Gerald Griffin Street, Limerick City. [Will]

Michael Tracy, Fireman Mercantile Marine S.S. "Norwegian" (Liverpool) Age: 35 Date of Death: 13/03/1917.

Son of Johanna Hanley (formerly Tracey, nee Fitzgerald), of Cullane, Knockanevin, Kilfinane, Co. Limerick, and the late Thomas Tracy. Born at Cullane, Co. Limerick.

Patrick Tracey. Reg. No. 10337. Rank Private, Royal Munster Fusiliers 1st batt. Killed in action Gallipoli 21/8/1915. Born Limerick.

Age 27, Son of Thomas and Jane Tracey, of 7, Old Francis St., Limerick.


Nov 15, 1914 (IT) The Roll of Honour

HMS Monmouth...Tracy, Frederick William Francis Patrick, Stoker, P.O., 287221...

Dec 1, 1914 (FJ) Limerick Man on Board

Mr. Treacy, Baker place, Limerick, whose son D.F. Treacy, is believed to have been on board the Monmouth when she sank has received a message from Mr. Churchill assuring him of the sympathy of his Majesty and the Queen in his sorrow. Mr. Treacy has another son on board the Goldfinch.


1915 Merchant Navy

Charles Tracy; rank/rating, Able Seaman; age, 37; place of birth, Limerick; previous ship, Mayflower. Ship: Briardene 1915


Royal Air Force

Francis Tracey, born 1888, Limerick, 1918, 290849, Driver Steam Engine

Michael Tracy, born 1880, Limerick, 1918, 169118, Labourer

William Treacy, born 1900, Limerick, 1918, 140812, Scholar & Labourer


1914-1915 Irish Motor Directory

TI 285 W. Treacy, 2, Upper Mallow Street, Limerick B [Bicyle]


28 August 1915 (NG) Munster Council GAA

...E. Tracey (Limerick)...


9 October 1915 (NG) The Gill Testimonial

...£1...A.N. Tracey, Ard Casin, Military Road, Limerick...


11 December 1915 (NG) Munster Hurling Championships - Waterford v. Tipperary

Waterford (T.F. Meaghers selected)...J. Tracey...

Mr. Edward Tracey, Fedamore, refereed both marches


13 Mar 1916 Cork Examiner

Kilmallock Agricultural and Industrial Society...members of the committee re-elected...D. Treacy Ballinahown Kilmallock...J. Treacy, Ballinahown Kilmallock...


5 Apr 1916 Cork Examiner

Funeral...Thomas Tracey, DC, Glencar; Denis Tracy, Commonaline; Denis Tracey (John), do;...


14 Apr 1916 Cork Examiner

Death of Mr J Cahill DC Caherconlish...mourners...M. Treacy (Commonaline)...


10 & 22 May 1916 Limerick Leader

County of Limerick...Horse Breeding Scheme...Kilmallock Show...William Treacy, Coolavehy, Ballyergan, Kilfinane...Old Pallas Show...Michael Treacy Gurtagragh Doon...


4 June 1916 Sunday Independent

Childrens Cosy corner...This weeks winners...Ellie Treacy, Cromhill, Kilteely, Co. Limerick...


19 June 1916 Cork Examiner

Ordinations at Maynooth...Sub-deacons...Rev Michael Tracey, Limerick...Deacons...Rev Michael Treacey, Limerick...Priests...Rev Michael Tracey, Limerick...

1917 Michael Tracy Curate Monagea Parish

1918-1921 Bishop’s Parish Michael Tracy Curate St Michael's Parish

1922-1923 Bishop’s Parish Miceál Ó Treara Curate St Michael's Parish

1924 Bishop’s Parish Miceál Ó Trearaig Curate St Michael's Parish


21 Jun 1916 Cork Examiner

Wounded...Munster Fusiliers...Tracey, L Sg W (Limk)...


6 July 1916 Cork Examiner

National Aid Association. At a meeting held in Kilmallock...It was decided that those present form the committee...D. Treacey...


20 July 1916 Cork Examiner

Mrs Begley Kilmallock...Her death removes another link with the stirring times of '67. On the 6th March of that year the insurgents who attacked the Killmallock police station were led by Captain Dunne, who wore a green jacket. Some nights previous his measure for the garment was taken at Kilmartin Churchyard by the late Mr C Hawthorn, tailor, there being also present the late Mr P Treacy Bulgaden...


22 July 1916 Evening Herald

Irish Volunteers Dependants...10s...Thomas Treacy DC Glengar...John Treacy (Tom) Commonnline, Denis Treacy (John) Commonnline...3s...Mrs Treacy (Doon)...2s6d...Morgan Treacy, Doon...


1 Sep 1916 Cork Examiner

Kilmallock Show...14lb Late Potatoes Round Type 3rd D Treacy Ballinahoun...Six Varieties Potatoes 2nd D Treacy...Six Varieties Garton's Mangels 2nd D. Treacey...Garltons Swede 2nd D Treacy...Six Mangolds long Red 1st D. Treacy...Six Mangolds Yellow Globe 4th D. Treacy...


4 Sep 1916 Irish Independant

Treacy and Phelan—Angust 30. 1916. at Shanahoe R.C, Church (with Nuptial Mass), by Rev. P. Loaghlin, P.P., Raheen, Patrick J. Treacy, B.A., son of the late Maurice Treacy, Esq.. Mount Uniack Killeagh, Co. Cork, to Elizabeth Phelan daughter of Michael Phelan, P.L.G., Cappanacloueh. Abbevleix Queen's Co.


58 Mick Treacy [Dublin GAA?] to Harry Bolland, 14 Oct. 1916 (paragraph in family letter). Treacy claimed to be 'in great form at "Drumcollogher" '.

Fitzpatrick, David (2004) Harry Boland's Irish Revolution. Cork University Press.


1916 The American Law List

Charles P. Tracy Newcastle West . ...


26 May 1917 (NG) Wool Purchase Ireland 1917

...Authorised merchants...Messrs Tracey and Co., Limerick...

2 jun 1917 (CTr) Wool Purchase Ireland 1917 - List of Authorised Merchants

...War Department...Messrs Tracy & Co, Limerick...


1917 USA Draft Registration  

Dennis J Tracey b. 12 Aug 1893 Limerick Ireland England, single, lives 822 Sestern Ave Leynan Mass, Monaser dresser at Nenj Moose & Sons

Edward Tracy b. 24 Mar 1889 Limerick Co Limerick Ireland, alien, capenter, wife & 1 child dependendants, married, lives 309 E 136 Sy NY NY

George Tracey b. 04 Apr 1890 Limerick Ireland, declared intention naturalise, motorman Brooklyn Rapid transport, married wife & child dependants, lives 529 56 Brooklyn NJ

James Treacy b. 11 Jul 1891 Kiltealy [Kilteely Limerick] Ireland, declared intention naturalise, machinest Ford, wife dependant, married, lives 877 Le May St Clair Heights Mich

John Joseph Tracy b. 18 Mar 1893 Killmallock [Limerick] Ireland, alien, gateman 3rd Ave for Interborough Rapid Trams, single, no dependants, lives 327 Lenox Ave NYC

John Tracy b. 06 Mar 1888 County Limerick Ireland, declareant naturisation, janitor NE Telephone co, dependants wife & mother partly, lives 106 Hyde Park Ave Boston Mass

John Treacy b. 08 Aug 1888 Limerick Ireland, naturalised citizen, locomotive ??? South Pacific, single, no dependants, physically ??? ??? ???, lives 1700 Osoath San Luis ??? Calif

Thomas Treacey b. 26 May 1888 [or 1898] Caffaewno Co Lumenick [Cappamore Co. Limerick] Ireland, declarant naturalisation, Motorman Beasley Rapid Trams, wife dependant, married, lives 459 Pirpus An Bionlly? NY NY

Thomas Treacy b. Sep 1876 Country Limerick Ireland, labourer, wife Mary A Treacey, lives 60 Mt Aubasn? St Watertown Mass

William Patrick Tracey b. 12 Feb 1891 Limerick Ireland, single, naturalised citizen, lives 96 Call St Boston Mass, milk man at Redood & Sons, private infantry in Mas Vol Militia


1917-1921 service medal - Charles Treacy, Fianna Éireann, D Company, Limerick City Battalion, Limerick Brigade


Charles Treacy

52 Catherine Street, Limerick

57 Athlunkard Street, Limerick

Notes            File relates to successful Service (1917-1921) Medal application. Service certified and medal issued 20 January 1947.

Data Protection Note Open

Organisation                Fianna Éireann

Rank             Unknown

Commanding Officer(s)             Joseph Crowe; Patrick Deegan; Patrick O'Sullivan

Company      D Company

Unit              Limerick City Battalion

Brigade        Limerick Brigade

Medal awarded           Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference             MD6763


1917-1921 service medal - Patrick Treacy, Doon Company, 1 Battalion, East Limerick Brigade, 2 Southern Division


Patrick Treacy


Gurtavalla, Doon, Limerick

Glengar, Doon, Limerick

Notes            File relates to successful Service (1917-1921) Medal application. Service certified and medal issued 16 July 1952.

Data Protection Note Open

Organisation                Irish Republican Army

Rank             Unknown

Commanding Officer(s)             D. Hannigan; Daniel Allis; Michael Ryan

Company      Doon Company

Unit              1 Battalion

Brigade        East Limerick Brigade

Division        2 Southern Division

Medal awarded           Service (1917-1921) Medal

File Reference             MD11261


11 June 1918 War Office Weekly Casualty List.

Royal Munster Fusiliers.

Treacy 2020 J. (Sherin’s Cross) [Ballyania Uregare Limerick]


John Treacy, Royal Munster Fusiliers 2020 Private Royal Irish Regiment 16504 Private


1918 Return of advances under the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act - Estate of Edmund Morony

7/2/1918 Thomas Treacy of Ballynarooga More North Limerick, 38a/3r/3p, £20/10/0, rent £25/0/0, Judicial, purchase £531, advance £531, 21.2 years rent


1918-1941 Merchant Navy Seamen

Frank Treacy, b. 1918 Limerick Limerick


Irish Pine

The records show that the Irish Pine was sunk at 0014 on 16th November, 1942, when she was struck aft by the second torpedo fired by the German submarine U-608 and sank stern first within three minutes of being hit. All thirty-three crewmembers were lost with their ship in the greatest tragedy suffered by Irish Shipping Limited during the war...F. Tracey, 2 Mount Kennet Cottages, Limerick...



25th March 1920 Limerick

Estate of the Provast Fellows and Scholars of [TCD]

Michael Tracey, Carrowclough, 40a/3r/19p, £19.5 valuation, £14.10.0 rent, Not Judl, £342 price, £342 advance, 23.5 years


Aug 10, 1920 (FJ) Inquest

...village of Nicker, near New Pallas, East Limerick...James Mulcahy, aged 40, a labourer and ex-soldier of 17 years service, who was shot in the village on the night of July 31 on the occasion of the visit of a military patrol...Jeremiah Tracey, Bunaboy, was the first witness...


1920 RIC Service

William Treacy, 71518, b. 1902 Limerick [son of James Treacy RIC] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


71518 William Treacy, dob 7 Apl 1902, 6'0.75", b. Limerick lived Kerry Kilkenny Wexford, Protestant, recommended by HC Sullivan, Ex-soldier, appointed 31 May 20, served Tyrone 12 Oct 20, dismissed 25/10/21 64862D 4.11.21


1920 RIC Service

Nicholas J Treacy, 74644, b. 1901 Limerick [son of James Treacy RIC] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


74644 Nicholas J Treacy, dob 24 Apl 1901, 5'7", b. Limerick lived Kilkenny Kerry Limerick Cork jd Wexford, Protestant, recommended by DI Richmond, [tick] labourer ex-soldier?, appointed 20 Oct 20, served Tipperary S 22.12.20, Disbanded 29/3/22 2.S. Tipp N.R. No.11 C.A. £50.14.0


1920 Irish Catholic directory

Benignus Tracey, Brother, Augustinian, John Street, Dublin

Brendan Treacy, c.ss.r., St. Joseph's, Dundalk

John Tracy/Treacy, c.ss.r., Redemptorist, Mount St. Alphonsus, Limerick

Michael Tracy, C.C., St. Michael's, Limerick. Chaplin of Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Mount St. Vincent Female Orphanage, Limerick.

Nicholas Treacy, Rev, B.A., D.D., Oblates, Belcamp Hall, Raheny, Dublin.

Patrick Tracey, (Canon), P.P., Kilmurry, Crookstown Cork

Patrick Tracey, Sunday's Well, Cork 

Patrick Tracey/Treacy, P.P., Conahy, Jenkinstown, Co. Kilkenny

Peter Tracy, C.C., Strabane, Tyrone


1920 [1935] Kerry 1 Brigade 2nd Battalion

Jack Treacy, Guarda, Co. Limerick


Edward Tracey, 1st Lieutenant, of Bruff Limerick

...May 1920...The following members of the Kilfinane unit took part in the actual attack on Kilmallock Barracks...With four others (Ned Tracey, Jim Bond, William Duane and William O'Keeffe) witness was in position behind a wall at the south (station) side of the barrack...

Witness: Denis Noonan, Lieutenant IRA, Cork, 1921

...Grange Company...1st Lt. Edward Treacy 1919 Arrested...

...Grange Company, under Martin Conway, raided Rockbarton House early in July, 1920...Edward Tracey... (See "Limerick's Fighting Story by me as "Seamus").

...August 1920...Conway was Captain of Grange Company with Edward Tracey as 1st Lieutenant.

... Edward Tracey James Maloney (Meadagh, Bruff)...

Witness: James Maloney, Captain IRA, Limerick, 1921

Jerry Treacy, Nicker, Pallasgreen [see below]...The Brigade 0/C. East Limerick, insisted that as the car was taken in his area it should be handed over to him. This course was eventually agreed to and, about ten days later, Ned Treacy of Holycross arrived with a driver at my house and I went with them and handed over the car.

Witness: Morgan Portley, Captain IRA, Limerick, 1921


Jerry (Jeremiah) Treacy, Company Captain of Pallas, Co. Limerick Limerick [also named as Joseph and James – Note: 1901 & 1911 Census have Joseph & Jerry as brothers]

In the latter end of May [1920] with Dan Grace, Battalion Adjutant, Danny Ryan, known as Danny Simon, Brigade Engineer at a. later date, Nicholas O'Dwyer, Brigade 0/C of Engineers, Jerry Treacy, Company Captain of Pallas, Jim Carthy and Mick Carthy of Doon, Jim Gorman and Paddy Costello of Holyford and others, I took part in an attack on Kimallock R.I.C. Barracks which had been planned by the Brigade Staff and Battalion Staff of the area.

Witness: William McCarthy, Officer IRA, Limerick, 1921

About this time I also received a request from Jerry Treacy, Nicker of the East Limerick Brigade to come to Nicker, Pallasgreen, to deal with the wife of a man named O'Connell who was suspected of giving information to the R.I.C.

About this time also we received information from. Jerry Treacy, Nicker, Pallasgreen, to the effect that District Inspector McGettrick Of Pallasgreen R.I.C. usually went to 10 a.m. Mass at Nicker on Sundays and left his Ford motor car outside the church...Ned Treacy of Hollycross [see above]

Witness: Morgan Portley, Captain IRA, Limerick, 1921


...[June] 1920...Lieutenant William Allinson White...had effected the arrest of Jeremiah Treacy, the local company commandant. Treacy had been commandant of the Pallasgrean Company but on the night of 10 June, White spotted a bicycle outside Buckley’s house at Corelish, near Passasgrean. When Treacy emerged from the house, White held him up and searched him. The search uncovered a revolver and four rounds of ammunition. Treacy was subsequently sentenced to a prison term which he served in Liverpool (County 904/216 British Archives Kew).

Thomas Toomey (2010) The War of Independence in Limerick 1912-1921. O'Brien-Toomey Publishers


Jul 2, 1920 (FJ) English Justice

In Ireland. The following official report has been issued by the Military Headquarters, Park Gate:-

Joseph Tracey, civilian, of Bunavie, Co. Limerick, was tried by court-martial at Cork, on 23rd June, on charges of having a revolver and ammunition without a permit. He was found guilty and sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment with hard labour.

Carrying Arms, Londonderry. HC Deb 15 July 1920 vol 131 cc2566-8

§ 11. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY asked the Chief Secretary of Ireland whether William Kane, Samuel King, Thomas Bramble, Samuel Fleming, and John Lappin, all Ulster Volunteers of Londonderry, were tried recently by special Crimes Court in Londonderry before Major Brett, resident magistrate, and Mr. R. Sparrow, resident magistrate, on a charge of carrying rifles and ammunition; whether they were found guilty and sentenced to a fine of £5 each; whether Joseph Trany [Joseph Tracy], of Bunavie, county Limerick, was tried by district court-martial at Cork on 23rd June, 1919, on a charge of having a revolver and ammunition; and whether he was found guilty and sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment with hard labour?

§ Sir H. GREENWOOD The prisoners referred to in the first part of the question pleaded guilty and were fined as stated, but I would point out that the hon. and gallant Member, while mentioning all the cases of Ulster Volunteers charged with carrying arms during the Derry riots, and implying that they were given preferential treatment, has omitted to mention that several persons of the opposite faction were arrested in exactly the same circumstances, were brought before the same Court, charged with the same offence, and received the same sentence. The circumstances in the case of James Tracy—not Joseph Trany, as mentioned in the question—were quite different.

§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY Was not James Tracy punished in this way long before there were political murders or assassinations of police in Ireland, and does the right hon. Gentleman not think a better example should be made of men of all faiths and factions carrying rifles, in Londonderry?

§ Mr. C. PALMER Does the right hon. Gentleman not think it is quite natural that Ulster men should arm themselves against the dastardly assassinations of the Sinn Feiners?

§ Sir H. GREENWOOD With reference to the supplementary question put by the hon. and gallant Gentleman, I cannot, without notice, say when James Tracy was sentenced, but I am convinced that the sentence of 18 months' hard labour for what was in effect threatening the life of an officer was not too severe.

§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY May I ask why these men of different faith in Londonderry are only fined for carrying rifles and ammunition, especially in view of the heavy loss of life in Londonderry, and whether the right hon. Gentleman is going to take possession of the rifles scattered all over that unhappy city?

§ Sir H. GREENWOOD The charge was that of carrying rifles and ammunition, and the sentence was given by a Resident Magistrate, and I cannot interfere with the sentence of any judicial officer in Ireland.

§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY Is the right hon. Gentleman now going to take possession of these rifles scattered all over Londonderry?

§ Mr. SPEAKER The hon. and gallant Member must give notice of that.

Jul 16, 1920 (IT) Irish Questions

In the House of Commons...The circumstances in the case of James Tracy of Bunavie, Co. Limerick, who was tried 

Jul 17, 1920 (FJ) Derry and Limerick

...House of Commons...The circumstances in the case of James Tracy, of Bunaire, Co. Limerick, who was tried by a District Courtmartial at Cork on the 23rd June 1919, on a charge of having a revolver and ammunition in his posession and who was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment with hard labor...sentence too severe...

Jul 17, 1920 (FJ) Hunger Strike in Cork Jail

...demand for political treatment...J. Treacy...Limerick.

Dec 13, 1920 (FJ) In English Jails - Irish Prisoners and Where they are detained

...Lincoln...Joseph Tracey...Liverpool...Joseph Tracey...


1920 Joseph Tracey possession of firearm and ammunition. [File]

Reference: CO 904/216/4. Dublin Castle Records, File 428, 23 folios.

Joseph Tracey found in Possession of Firearm and Ammunition at New Pallas Co. Limerick (1920)

1920 Letter to Diarmuid Treacy of Bunavoy, Pallasgreen, Co. Limerick [Letter]

6275 Joseph Tracey [James crossed out] L'Pool Prison

Tried by Court Martial at Cork 23 June 1920. Tracy was found guilty and was sentenced to 18 months hard labour.


Joseph Tracey (4/5/1895-5/11/1968) (son of Stephen Tracey & Mary Anne Dooley) (birth not registered)

labourer, 1950 employed by Limerick Corporation as night watchman, single, living in condemned house 6 Cornmarket Row

Service medal issued 16/2/1950

Joined D Coy 1st Batt May 1915, transferred to 2nd Batt 1916 or 1917, got beat up March 1921 [by Black and Tans], patient City Home & Hospital and Mental Hospital, rejoined IRA 12 October 1921

Private, Irish Volunteers, Mid-Limerick Brigade, 2nd Inf Battalion under Capt Terence Casey

Dail question 24 Dec 1924 by Pádraig MacFhlannchadha

Limerick Union Hospital (11 days) Limerick Asylum (6 months0 discharged as "Improved". Did not go to work until Sep 1923, came to Dublin to work (Marino Clontarf) worked only one day (Mr Kenny) then got a light job in Harcourt Road (Sawmill) 9 weeks and 2 days. Went back to Limerick and didn't do any work since. Small scar on vortex of head. Traumatic Neurasthenia.

"in 1915 he joined and served under Capt James O Donnell B Comp 1st Batt he was out in Kilonan on Easter Sunday 1916...2nd Batt under Capt Michael McCann of A Comp that was about 1917..." Vol Joseph Tydings late of C Comp 2nd Batt Limerick City 18/6/23


October 1921 [see Michael Tracy (1892-1954) B.A., L.Mus (Rome)]

Rev. M. Tracey CC, president of the Limerick branch of the Gaelic League said he feared that in the settlement of the Irish political question the people would become apathetic in regard to the language.

13 January 1923 (NG) Memorial to Murdered Mayor of Limerick

...in St. Munchin's Church...Rev. Michael Tracy, C.C. then president of the Limerick Gaelic League as chairman.

Nov 13, 1924 (FJ) Musical Scholarships. Distiction for a Limerick Priest.

The Rev M. Tracy, CC, St. Michaels Limerick, has been the successful competitor for the Musical scholarship given by the Irish bishops in connection with the vacant Chair of Gregorian Chant at Maynooth College. The scholarship is tenable for two years at the Cecilian University of Music, Rome, whither Father Tracy will proceed in due course...


The Diocese of Limerick seemed to have had a disporsionate number of priests who supported the Sinn Fein cause...Fr. Michael Toomey and Fr. Michael Tracey insisted on changing their names to the Irish version in 1920 when such would be seen as making a clear political statement...

Thomas Toomey (2010) The War of Independence in Limerick 1912-1921. O'Brien-Toomey Publishers


1921- Calendars of Wills and Administrations

Bridget Treacy, 29 Mar 1939, late of Glenanair Kilmallock County Limerick, widow, who died 5 Dec 1911, to James Kelly, farmer. Effects …

Edmond Treacey otherwise Treacy, 15 Jul 1936, late of Scart Kilteely Pallasgreen County Limerick, farmer, who died 4 Jan 1931, to The Agriculturel Credit Corporation Ltd. Effects …

Edmond Treacy, 14 Nov 1936, late of Holycross Kilmallock County Limerick, farmer, who died 12 May 1935, to Tadhy Crowley, Teachta Dáil [TD]. Effects …

Edmond Treacy, 9 Feb 1937, late of Grange Holycross Kilmallock County Limerick, farmer, who died 30 Nov 1923, to Elsie Treacy, spinster. Effects …

Hanora Treacy, 13 Apr 1940, late of Scart Kilteely Pallasgrean County Limerick, widowr, who died 13 Feb 1940, to Michael Carroll, farmer. Effects …

Hanora Treacy, 25 Jan 1937, late of Holycross Kilmallock County Limerick, widow, who died 30 Jun 1928, to Elsie Treacy, spinster. Effects …

John Treacy, 1 Oct 1923, late of Mount Fox Kilmallock County Limerick, labourer, who died 24 Feb 1923, to Denis Treacy, labourer. Effects …

John Treacy, 24 Nov 1939, late of Doon South County Limerick, farmer, who died 29 Aug 1939, to Thomas Treacy, publican. Effects …

Joseph Treacy, 28 Apr 1928, late of Templeglantine County Limerick, teacher, who died 31 Dec 1927, to John Quaid, farmer, and Daniel M. Sheehan, merchant. Effects...

Kate Treacy, 22 Apr 1925, late of Scart Kilteely County Limerick, spinster, who died 16 Aug 1921, to Mary Treacy, spinster, and Patrick Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Mary Anne Tracy, 26 Sep 1930, late of Violet Villas Limerick, widow, who died 8 Mar 1930, to Helena Considine, spinster. Effects …

Mary Anne Treacy, 22 Jun 1933, late of Clounties Shangolden County Limerick, spinster, who died 12 Dec 1931, to John Hurley, famer. Effects …

Mary Treacy, 22 Jun 1934, late of Kilmallock Co Limerick, national teacher, who died 10 Mar 1934 at Ballinahown Kilmallock, to John  Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Mary Treacy, 3 Mar 1927, late of Ballinahoun County Limerick, widow, who died 23 Dec 1926, to David Treacy and John Treacy, farmers. Effects …

Morgan Treacy, 13 Jan 1936, late of Doon County Limerick, farmer, who died 24 Jun 1935?, to Thomas Treacy, publican. Effects …

Patrick Treacy, 7 Nov 1936, late of 53 Parnell Street Limerick, no occupation, who died 28 May 1936, to Thomas Treacy, merchant. Effects …

Thomas Tracey, 8 Jun 1927, late of Ballinarouga Ballingarry County Limerick, farmer, who died 21 Feb 1924, to William Tracey and John Tracey, farmers. Effects …

Thomas Treacy, 21 Apr 1934, late of Cromhill Co Limerick, farmer, who died 29 Nov 1922, to Patrick Treacy, farmer. Effects …

Thomas Treacy, 25 Mar 1926, late of Cromhill County Limerick, farmer, who died 29 Nov 1922, to Simon Ryan, merchant. Effects …


15 April 1922 (NG)

...Fr. John Treacey, C.S.S.R., Limerick...

McQuaid v Redemptorists

[1948]...The Provincial, Fr. Jack Treacy, C.S.S.R. found that negotiating with McQuaid was not straightforward...retreat house in Dublin...

Cooney, John (1999) John Charles McQuaid. Ruler of Catholic Ireland. The Obrien Press, Dublin

In 1949, the then Redemptorist provincial in Limerick, John Treacy…



Sep 4, 1922 (FJ) Limerick, Sunday

...Kilworth Camp, Co. Cork...Captain Quinn who had been ambushed the previous day in Corbally, was in charge of the party which included Capt. Treacy...They left Limerick on patrol duty...Captain Treacy [captured 6 irregulars]...

Sep 4, 1922 (IT) Anxious to be taken. Irregulars who were "Fed Up"

Limerick...Kilworth Camp...Captain Treacy...


Nov 16, 1922 (FJ) Munster

Death of a Redemptorist - News has reached his relatives of the death at Perth, Western Australia of Rev. Cornelius Treacy, CSSR, who waw born near Loughgar, Co. Limerick in 1877, was ordained in 1904, and went to Australia in 1911.


Treacy (Cromhill, Kilteely [Limerick?]) November 29 1922 Thomas Treacy, aged 73 years...


1922 Army Census


Thomas Tracy; 22; Vol, L.C.B., home address: 7 Old Francis St, Off John's St, Limerick, 27377 pay no: 13474, Joined: 24/7/22 Limerick,  married, RC, Next of kin: wife, Next of kin: Mrs Ellen Tracy, 7 Old Francis St, Limerick; Limerick (Limerick); download file


Willie Joseph Treacy; 17; Volunteer, C Company Mid-limerick, home address: Ballybricken, Grange, Co Limerick, 8100 pay no: 42686, Joined: 20/3/22 Caherconlish, single, RC, Next of kin: mother, Next of kin: Mary Treacy, Ballybricken Grange Co. Limk; Ballymullen Barracks, Tralee (Kerry); download file


Michael, Freacy [Treacy], 38, Pte 1st Western; home address: Kilbane, Co. Clare; Pay no. 11303; joined Ennis; Single; RC; Sister Mary Treacy, 20 Catherine St, Limerick; Macroom (Cork);  download file


Jan 6, 1923 (FJ)

Session Clerks...Mr Jeremiah Tracey, Bunaboy, Pallasgreen, for the districts of Croom and Pallasgreen.

9 January 1923 Cork Examiner

... Jerh Treacy. Bunaboy, Pallasgrean, who has been appointed District Sessions Clerk for Croom and Pallasgrean was an official of the Customs and Excise prior to 1916 ...

Jun 2, 1923 (FJ) Civil Servants reinstated in positions

...Customs...J. Treacy...

Jun 6, 1923 (FJ) Re-Instated in his old position

Mr J Treacy, Bunavoy, Pallasgreen, has been re-instated in his old position in the Customs and excise, from which he was dismissed in 1917. Mr. Treacy, who is a member of the Fainne, is brother to the District Sessions Clerk at Pallasgreen.

Jun 6, 1923 (IT) Munster

Customs Officer Reinstated - Mr. J. Treacy, Bunavoy, Pallasgreen, has been reinstated in the Customs and Excise from which he was dismissed in 1917. Mr Treacy is a brother to the District Sessions Clerk at Pallasgreen.


28 February 1923 Cork Examiner

... evening John Treacy died rather suddenly his residence, Mount Fox, Kilmallock. had been about during the day, and appeared be in his usual good health; consequently ...


28 May 1920 & 3 August 1923 The Church of Ireland Gazette

Great Southern & WEstern Railway Comany. Examinations for male clekships [held in Dublin]...Patrick Tracey [1920]...Myles Treacy [1923] [b. Limerick?]...


Oct 19, 1923 (FJ) Dog Show

Collies...2 John J Treacy, Kilteely, Co. Limerick - Drumcormick Major...

Nov 27, 1923 (FJ) Letter - Clonmel Collie Trials

Dear Sir - I beg to thank you for the prominence given to my letter of the 2nd inst. re Clonmel Collie Trials...Sean Tracey, Cromhill, Killteely, Co. Limerick.


1923 Limerick City Electors


By Area


Ann Tracey, 36 Windmill Street

Anne Tracey, 25 Prospect Row

Annie Tracey, 2 Punches Lane

Annie Tracey, Ardeavin, O'Connell Avenue


Brendan Treacy (Rev.), Mt. St. Alphonsus South Circular Road

Bridget Tracey, Dowling's Range

Bridget Tracey, William's Lane


Christina Tracey, 12 White's Lane


Edward Tracey, 36 Windmill Street

Eliza Tracey, 9 William Street (Upper)

Elizabeth Tracey, Gaol Lane

Ellen Tracey, 1 Back Lane

Ellen Tracey, 12 Old Francis Street

Ellen Tracey, Gaol Lane


Hanora Treacey, 2 Mount Kennett Cottages


James Tracey, Dowling's Range

John Tracey, Gaol Lane

Joseph Tracey, Parnell Street


Kate Tracy, Gaol Lane


Margaret Tracey, 3 Punches Lane

Margaret Tracey, 4 Punches Lane

Mary Tracey, 20 Catherine Street

Mary Treacy, 11 Market Alley

Mary Treacy, 3 Mortell Villas O'Connell Avenue

Michael Tracey Rev., 1 Pery Square

Michael Tracey, 2 Punches Lane

Michael Tracey, 3 Punches Lane

Molly Tracy, Nth. Circular Rd. Monaive


Patrick Tracey, 25 Prospect Row

Patrick Tracey, 53 Parnell Street

Philip N. Tracey, Ardeavin, O'Connell Avenue

Philip N. Tracy, 28 William Street (Upper)


Thomas Tracey, 12 Old Francis Street

Thomas Tracey, 53 Parnell Street

Timothy Tracey, White's Lane

Timothy Tracey, William's Lane


William Tracey, 3 Punches Lane

William Treacey, 2 Mount Kennett Cottages


Ellen Tracey, 1 Back Lane


Mary Tracey, 20 Catherine Street


Bridget Tracey, Dowling's Range

James Tracey, Dowling's Range


Ellen Tracey, Gaol Lane

Elizabeth Tracey, Gaol Lane

John Tracey, Gaol Lane

Kate Tracy, Gaol Lane


Mary Treacy, 11 Market Alley


Hanora Treacey, 2 Mount Kennett Cottages

William Treacey, 2 Mount Kennett Cottages


Molly Tracy, Nth. Circular Rd. Monaive


Annie Tracey, Ardeavin, O'Connell Avenue

Philip N. Tracey, Ardeavin, O'Connell Avenue

Mary Treacy, 3 Mortell Villas O'Connell Avenue


Ellen Tracey, 12 Old Francis Street

Thomas Tracey, 12 Old Francis Street


Joseph Tracey, Parnell Street

Patrick Tracey, 53 Parnell Street

Thomas Tracey, 53 Parnell Street


Michael Tracey Rev., 1 Pery Square


Anne Tracey, 25 Prospect Row

Patrick Tracey, 25 Prospect Row


Annie Tracey, 2 Punches Lane

Michael Tracey, 2 Punches Lane

Margaret Tracey, 3 Punches Lane

Michael Tracey, 3 Punches Lane

William Tracey, 3 Punches Lane

Margaret Tracey, 4 Punches Lane


Brendan Treacy (Rev.), Mt. St. Alphonsus South Circular Road


Christina Tracey, 12 White's Lane

Timothy Tracey, White's Lane


Eliza Tracey, 9 William Street (Upper)

Philip N. Tracy, 28 William Street (Upper)


Bridget Tracey, William's Lane

Timothy Tracey, William's Lane


Ann Tracey, 36 Windmill Street

Edward Tracey, 36 Windmill Street


1923 Register of Electors

Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 1                Tracy      Molly                     Nth. Circular Rd.   Monaive

Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 4                Tracey     Elizabeth                               Gaol Lane             

Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 4                Tracey     Ellen                       Gaol Lane

Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 4                Tracey     John                       Gaol Lane             

Abbey and Castle Wards, No. 4                Tracy      Kate                       Gaol Lane             

Customhouse & Market Wards No. 2       Treacy     Mary       11            Market Alley        

Customhouse & Market Wards No. 4       Tracey     Eliza       9              William Street (Upper)        

Customhouse & Market Wards No. 4       Tracy      Philip N. 28            William Street (Upper)        

Dock Ward, No. 1       Treacy     Brendan (Rev.)                     Mt. St. Alphonsus  South Circular Road

Dock Ward, No. 2       Tracey     Ann        36           Windmill Street

Dock Ward, No. 2       Tracey     Edward  36           Windmill Street    

Dock Ward, No. 2       Treacey   Hanora    2             Mount Kennett Cottages     

Dock Ward, No. 2       Treacey   William   2             Mount Kennett Cottages     

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     William   3             Punches Lane        

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     Annie      2             Punches Lane        

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     Bridget                  Dowling's Range  

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     Ellen       1             Back Lane             

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     James                     Dowling's Range  

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     Margaret 3             Punches Lane

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     Margaret 4             Punches Lane        

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     Michael   2             Punches Lane

Dock Ward, No. 3       Tracey     Michael   3             Punches Lane        

Dock Ward, No. 4       Tracey     Annie                     Ardeavin                O'Connell Avenue

Dock Ward, No. 4       Tracey     Philip N. Ardeavin                O'Connell Avenue

Dock Ward, No. 4       Treacy     Mary       3             Mortell Villas         O'Connell Avenue

Dock Ward, No. 5       Tracey     Anne       25           Prospect Row       

Dock Ward, No. 5       Tracey     Patrick    25           Prospect Row

Dock Ward, No. 5       Tracey     Rev. Michael         1             Pery Square

Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 2    Tracey     Mary       20            Catherine Street    

Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 3    Tracey     Christina 12            White's Lane

Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 3    Tracey     Timothy                 White's Lane         

Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 4    Tracey     Joseph                    Parnell Street        

Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 4    Tracey     Patrick    53            Parnell Street        

Glentworth and Shannon Wards, No. 4    Tracey     Thomas   53            Parnell Street        

Irishtown, Wards No. 3              Tracey     Ellen       12           Old Francis Street

Irishtown, Wards No. 3              Tracey     Thomas   12           Old Francis Street 

Irishtown, Wards No. 4              Tracey     Bridget                  William's Lane

Irishtown, Wards No. 4              Tracey     Timothy                 William's Lane      



Oct 6, 1924 (FJ) Missing Limerick Woman

...Wm Tracy, a labourer, Mount Kennett Quay Cottages, Limerick...found her shawl on the quay wall...

Oct 8, 1924 (FJ) Woman found in the Shannon

The body of Mrs. Tracey, wife of William Tracey, Mount Kennett, Quay Cottages, who was missed from her home on Saturday morning was discovered in the Shannon yesterday.


Mar 21, 1925 (IT) Bohemians Rugby Football Team, Limerick, winners of the Transfield Cup 1924-25 [picture]

...back row...W.F. Treacy...


1925 The Shannon Scheme by Willie W. Gleeson

One fine day in the year 1925, three members of Athlunkard Boat Club were engaged in putting the final touches to the Desmond Hall ballroom in Cruise's Hotel, in preparation for the club's annual monster whist drive - a popular pastime in those early days. They were Jimmy O'Donoghue, Charlie Treacy and the author.


November 1926 - Messrs. G.E. Goodbody, G.R. Ryan, P.U. Tracey, J.H. Roche and T.J. Loughrey have been elected to represent importers and exporters on Limerick Harbour Board.

November 1932 - The following were elected to represent the importers and exporters on the Limerick Harbour Board for the next two years: Messrs P.N. Treacy...


Dec 25, 1926 (IT) Detectives Wounded

...Limerick...Detective Tracey slightly wounded in the hip...

Jan 18, 1927 (IT) Limerick Outrages

...Guard Tracey, a member of the detective division, was cycling from Cahirconlish to Murroe, whe he was seized by six men. They fired shots over his head, and then allowed him to continue his journey.

1927 Attack on Police Barracks

When Detective Officer Treacy was cycling from Caherconlish to Murroe, County Limerick, at 10 o’clock last night he was held up by six armed men and deprived of his revolver. Shots were fired over his head and he was directed to continue his journey. The incident was a prelude to an attack on the Civic Guard barracks at Caherconlish. Rifle and revolver shots were fired into the station, but the occupants escaped injury.

Dublin, Monday. Guardian 18/1/1927, p.11


15 March 1927 Holograph letter from Bishop David Keane, The Palace, Corbally, Limerick, to (Hagan). Congratulating Messrs. Bluett and McCarthy on their ordination; stating he will be anxious for their return to take up work soon. Glad that Fr. Treacy is now giving musical training to the students.

Papers of John Hagan, Irish College Rome (1904-1930)


Apr 4, 1927 (IT) Bohemians Victory in Munster Senior Cup

...Bohemians Limerick....E.D. Tracey...IRFU


Feb 14, 1928 (IT) Limerick Dock Railway Scheme

At Limerick Harbour Board yesterday a requisition signed by four members...P.N. Tracey...


1930-1932 Sheehy Skeffington Papers

MS 33,606 (21) Edward Treacy, The Thomond Archaeological Society and Field Club [Limerick?]


1930 London Wills

Mary Anne Tracy of 3 Violet Villas Limerick widow died 8 March 1930. Probate London 17 October to Helena Considine spinster. Effects £363.6.5 in England.


25 Jul 1931 (CTr) Gort Open Meeting

...E. Tracy, Limerick 69...


Jul 11, 1931 (CT) Limerick City District Court

...Mr. E. Treacy, solicitor, for the defendants...


November 03, 1931 (IP) Limerick Harbour Board

The Board voted sympathy to Mr. P.N. Treacy, a member, on the death of his brother.


1934/5 registered victualling premises, fixing quantities and price (5 d/lb)

Edward Treacy, Moore Street, Cappamore, Limerick. Maximum 100 lb of beef.

John Treacy, 41 Grand Parade Mkt., Cork. Maximum 650 lb of beef.

John Treacy, Laraghmore, Ballyglunin, Galway. 100 lb of beef

William Tracey, Limerick Street, Cappawhite, Tipperary. Maximum 350 lb of beef.

Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 3) Order, 1934. No. 369/1934

Beef Supply (Appointed Area No. 4) Order, 1934. No. 370/1934


6 December 1935 New Ross Standard


Its World Famous Passion

Forthcoming Lecture By Mr Edward Treacy, Ll.B., Limerick, At New Ross.


1936 London Wills

Patrick Treacy of 53 Parnell street Limerick died 28 May 1936 at Barringtons Hospital Limerick Probate London 26 November to Thomas Treacy merchant. Effects £712.3.9 in England.


October 18 1937 The Saratogian. Saratoga Springs. N. Y.

Mrs. Donovan, 53, Corinth, Is Dead; Funeral Tuesday

Corinth—Mrs Anna Tracey Donovan, 53, wife of Daniel Donovan, Palmer Ave., died at 6:17 am. yesterday at her home following a long illness.

Mrs. Donovan, a native of Ireland, came to this country 30 years ago. She was a member of the Church of the Immaculate Conception and ihe Rosary Society.

Survivors, besides her husband, are two sons, Thomas, manager of the local saratogian office, and Bernard, both of Corinth; one daughter, Rita, student at Oneonta Normal School: one sistcr, Miss Mary Tracey, one brother Michael Tracey, both of Limerick, Ireland.

Funeral services will be conduced at 9 a.m. tomorrow at the home and 9:30 a.m. at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The Rev. Father Joseph P. Hanlon, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, this village.


Aug 26th 1938 The Kilsyth Chronicle Friday

Funeral Of Canon Macnamara, Kilsyth

The Primate of all Ireland, His Eminence Cardinal MacRory presided at Office and Solemn Requiem Mass in St Michael's Dun Laoghaire, on Tuesday last week, for the Right Rev. Monsignor Patrick Macnamara, Kilsyth, whose funeral later took place to Mount St. Laurence Cemetery, Limerick...The attendance included...Mr P. N. Treacy, Limerick; Mrs Treacy;...Miss Oona Treacy, Miss Nuala Treacy, Limerick;...



September 1939 In University Church, St. Stephen Green, Dublin the wedding took place of Mr. Ignatius M. Holihan, solr Ennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Houlihan, Kilkee to Miss Oona Treacy, solr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Treacy, Limerick...There were three bridesmaids, Dr. Maureen Treacy, Miss Nuala Treacy (sisters of the bride) and Miss Margaret Houlihan (sister of the groom). Mr. Gerhard Holihan (brother of the groom) was best man.


1941 Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society

Presented by Thomas Treacy, Tankardstown, Bruff, Co. Limerick


1942 Bulgaden, Kilbreedy Major, Kilmallock, Limerick

Report. Co. Limerick VEC, Irish classes attendance record, Bulgaden 1941-42. Folded sheet, printed on three sides, and filled out in ms. Front black on white, inside red columns and blue lines. Teacher Fingin O'Sullivan. Attendees; Stara Walsh, housewife; John FitzGerald farmer; John Heffernan, servant boy; Michael Haughey servant boy; Nora Heffernan, servant girl; Liam Stubain, servant boy; James Treacy, workman; Michael Treacy farmer; Kathleen Walsh, housewife; Stephen Quinn, servant boy; Francis Hagan, unemployed; Patrick Clumhain servant boy; Thomas Heffernan, unemployed; Mary Hanrahan, housewife; Anne McHugh, servant girl; Evelyn O'Connell, servant girl; Anne O'Connell, servant girl; Liam Holan, servant boy; Andrew Grey, servant boy ; Donal O'Brien unemployed; Evelyn O'Brien, unemployed; and Mairead Hartigan Unemployed. Watermark, Glencamac/ Made in Ireland

Limerick City Museum record details:1566


17th October 1942 Mount St. Lawrence Cemetery Register

Patrick Tracey, 69, 25 Prospect Row, ref 248 #A


1942 US Draft (born between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897)

Dennis John Tracey b. 12 Aug 1894 Iemerick, Ireland Residence: Kings, New York

Edward Tracey b. 24 Mar 1890 Limerick, Ireland Residence: NY, NY

George Tracy b. 4 Apr 1891 Limerick, Ireland Residence: Kings, New York

Jerry Tracy b. 22 Jun 1879 Limerick, Ireland Residence: C C Co, California

John Joseph Tracey b. 4 Sep 1888 Limerick, Ireland Residence: Kings, New York

John Joseph Tracy b. 16 Mar 1891 Limerick, Ireland Residence: Kings, New York

John Tracy b. 2 Mar 1889 County Limerick, Ireland Residence: Roslindale, Massachusetts

Michael T Treacy b. 19 Nov 1884 Co Limesirk, Ireland Residence: Chicago, Illinois

Patrick Tracy b. 8 Apr 1886 Limerick, Ireland Residence: Bronx, New York

Thomas Joseph Tracey b. 26 May 1888 Limerick, Ireland Residence: Kings, New York


Date of Certificate: 6 May 1955.

HO 334/470/13111


Certificate Number: R1/13111.

Name: Hannah Tracey.

Date of Birth: 13 June 1923.

Country of Nationality or Birth: Ireland.

City or Town of Birth: Limerick.

Home Office Reference: T 36481.



Political correspondence between Senator McGill and members of the Nationalist Party, as well as other political groupings and individuals. References are made to the growing political and sectarian tension that was gripping Northern Ireland during this period. On a postcard to McGill, from Cahir Healy, [see D2994/1/5/26] he refers to the 'Malvern Street murders' (three Catholic barmen were shot in the Malvern Street area of the Shankill Road, Belfast, June 1966, after leaving a public house. One of the men, Peter Ward died and three UVF members were later charged and convicted of the murder) and the banning of the UVF'. He also referred to the 'prosecution of Rev. Ian Paisley, for his part in the scenes that marked the official reception given the previous month by the Moderator of the (Presbyterian) General Assembly when guests were rabbled'. Also included is a copy letter from E. McAteer to Capt. W. Treacey, Limerick, regarding an engagement which McAteer held with Treacey. McGill notes that at their engagement McAteer 'gave a very cogent dissertation on the trend of events in the North. It was the era of O'Neillism and already clouds were thickening around the "Liberal" Stormont Prime Minister whose talk of change never got beyond that'. [41 items]. D2994/1/5


2005 Record of Protected Structures

“Treacy's” Ballynamona, Bulgaden D40(G) Thatched Building


25 & 27 April 2006 Crookwell Gazette, Australia

Donald Thomas Treacy, died 21 April 2006, 75, at Crookwell District Hospital, late of Limerick


The Old Limerick Journal

Vol. 2, March 1980

Treacy’s packet and tripe by Jim Kemmy [online]

Vol. 17, Winter 1984

Treacy’s packet and tripe shop by Mary Kate Irwin [online]

Vol. 23, Spring 1988 - Australian edition

Dr. Richard Thomas Tracy by Frank M.C. Forster [online]




Shane Tracy (Limerick FC) Member of Ireland Under-19 Squad 2006/'07. Other Caps U15, U16, U18 & U19.

Born: 14th September 1988 in Limerick.
Previous clubs: Wembley Rovers, Arsenal, Galway United.


IT Carlow BA Sport and Exercise (Soccer)

Shane is a promising left-footed midfielder/back. Playing with Limerick team Wembley Rovers he won an U17 FAI in 2004.  Also in 2004, he joined his boyhood idols, Arsenal, and held down a regular slot for the Gunners reserves. He has played for the Republic at all underage levels. He joined Galway United in January 2007. On the 2nd March 2008, Galway United announced that Shane Tracy was on loan with Limerick 37 until the 1st of July 2008. He has signed with Limerick FC since 2009. In 2011, he captained IT Carlow to first ever CUFL Premier Division title and was also awarded Man of the Match. In 2012, he was voted Supporters Club Player of the Year. In November 2012, he was included in the Airtricity League Division 1 team of the season. In September 2013, members of the public voted him as one of their choice of League of Ireland player to appear on the cover of FIFA 14. He is the brother of Yvonne Tracy, who plays for Arsenal Ladies and Ireland.


Shane Tracy's Dead Ball Lesson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4myQpv5rkk





Yvonne Tracy, born 27th February 1981, from Limerick, defender for Arsenal and 78 caps for Ireland

A former Under 16 and Under 18 international, Yvonne has made the transition to senior Irish level with ease. She played for Lifford LFC before joining Arsenal Ladies, winning many National Cup winners medals as well as Limerick League and Cup medals. Now a regular at Arsenal, Yvonne is delivering on her potential with some impressive performances in the inaugural European Club Championships. She brings a calming influence to her team mates with her ability to read danger early and using her control and pace to quickly turn defence into attack. Her career highlight was winning the quadruple.

In 2002 she was named Irish international Player of the Year.

In 2007, she was a member of the Arsenal squad who won both the UEFA Women's Cup and the FA Women's Cup. Unfortunately Yvonne missed out on in the UEFA Cup final due to injury. She also had 45 caps to her name.

In 2008, she is again part of the Republic of Ireland squad and was selected for the team to play against Holland on Sunday, 27th January 2008. She has over 45 international caps. This was also her eight season with Arsenal and they won the FA Women's Premier League Champions, FA Cup Winners, London County Cup Winners.

In 2009, Yvonne is entering her ninth season with Arsenal. On the 29th October 2009, in the FIFA Women's 2011 World Cup qualifier, Yvonne Tracy came on as a substitute and scored the winning goal, capping a splendid comeback for the Republic of Ireland Women's team in Taldykorgan today (Thursday) as they picked up three valuable World Cup qualifying points against Kazakhstan.

In 2013, she made her 75 senior appearances for Ireland becoming only the fourth Irish female player to do so. To date she has 78 caps.

In 2014, she left Arsenal Ladies.













1820 The commercial directory of Scotland, Ireland, and the four most Northern counties of England

Thomas Tracy, Boot and Shoe Maker, 13 Patrick-st.


1824 Pigot

Mary Tracy, Porter & Ale Dealers (bottled), 4 Francis St.

Thos Tracy, Boot & Shoemakers, 13 Patrick Street


1838 Deane

C. Tracy, Porter & Ale Dealers (bottled), Francis St.

T. Tracy, Boot & Shoemakers, Patrick Street


1840 Triennial

Mary Tracy, Porter & Ale Dealers (bottled), Francis St.

Thomas Tracy, Boot & Shoemakers, Patrick Street


1840 Limerick City Tradesmen Guild Members

Edmond Tracy, Ropemakers



1846 Slater

Andrew Tracy, porter dealer, 4 Francis st

John Tracey/Tracy, butcher, Wickham st

John Tracy, butcher, Muugret st

Michael Tracy, wheelwright, West Water gate

Thomas Tracy, boot and shoe maker, 13 Patrick st

Castle Connell

Wm. S. Tracey, Esq, (stipendiary magistrate), Grange


1856 Slater

Andrew Tracy, Grocers, 9 Patrick Street

Andrew Tracy, Commercial Buildings, Rutland Street

John Tracey, Provision Dealers, Wickham Street

John Tracy, Butchers, 21 Catherine Street

Michael Tracy, Wheelwrights, West Watergate



A tracy.jpg


A. Tracy, 4 Francis Street, Limerick (1828)


1867 Henry & Coughlans

Hospitals, Infirmaries, Asylums etc.

Daniel Treacy, Resident Apothecary and Register, St. John's Fever & Lock Hospital


1870 Slater

Hospitals, Infirmaries, Asylums etc.

Daniel Tracey, Resident Medical Officer, St. John's Fever & Lock Hospital, St. John's Gate

Nobility, Gentry & Clergy

Rev. Richard Taylor Tracey, 48 Catherine Street

Rope Makers

Edward Tracy, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street


John Tracy, 21 Catherine Street

Wool Merchants & Brokers

John Treacy, Catherine Street


1875 Bassett

Mrs. Tracy, Frederick Street

Rev. R. T. Tracey, Catherine Street

Rope Makers

Edward Tracy & Sons, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street


John Tracy, Constable in charge, Constabulary Barrack, Dock Road


1877 Bassett

Mrs. Tracy, Dressmakers, Frederick Street

Denis Tracy, Dealer, 4 Wicklam Street

John Treacy, 22 Collooney Street

Rev. R. T. Tracey, 48 Catherine Street

Rope Makers

Edward Tracy & Sons, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street

Police Establishment

John Tracy, Constable in charge, Constabulary Barrack, Dock Road

Wool Merchants & Brokers

Tracy & McDonnell, 4 Carr Street

Patrick Tracy, Wool Merchants, Athlunkard Street (off)


1879 Bassett

Protestant Dissenting Chapels

Rev. R. Tracey, 48 Catherine Street

Associate Editor

Thomas Stanley Tracey, 17 Henry Street

Wool Merchants

Tracy & McDonnell, 4 Carr Street

Rope Makers

Edward & Tracy & Sons, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street

Edward Treacy, Rope Makers, Pennywell

John Tracy, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, William Street


Mary Anne Tracy, Frederick Street


Michael Tracy, James Street

Wool Dealers

Tracy & McDonnell, Carr Street

Patrick Tracy, Athlunkard Street

Police Establishment

John Treacey, Constable, Dock Road


1880 Bassett

John Treacy, 22 Collooney Street

Rev. R. T. Tracey, 48 Catherine Street


Limerick Reporter & Tipperary Vindicator; Res. 17 Henry Street

T.S. Tracey, George Street


Mrs Tracy, Frederick Street

Rope Makers

Edward Tracy & Sons, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street

Wool & Skin Dealers

Tracy & McDonnell, 4 Carr Street

Patrick Tracy, The Abbey, off Athlunkard Street

Police Establishment

John Treacy, Constable, Dock Road


1884 Bassett

Rev. R. T. Tracey, 53 Catherine Street


Limerick Reporter & Tipperary Vindicator office; Res. 35 Henry Street

T.S. Tracey, George Street. Ex. Sch. T.C.D.

Rope Makers

Edward Tracy & Sons, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street

Wool & Skin Dealers

Patrick Tracy, Wool Merchants, 4 Carr Street

Patrick Tracy, The Abbey, off Athlunkard Street

Police Establishment

John Treacey, Constable, Dock Road

1886 Guys Directory

E. Tracy, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street

Rev. R. T. Tracey, 62 Catherine Street

Treacy, Constable, 26 Frederick Street

Dressmakers & Milliners

Mrs. Treacy, 26 Frederick Street

Protestant Dissenting Chapels

Rev. Richard T. Treacy, George Street

Civil Establishment

Sergeant Treacy, Inspector of the port of Limerick


1891 Ashe Directory

Edward Treacy, Rope & Twine Manufacturers, 9 Upper William Street

James Tracey, 26 Frederick Street

M. Treacey, 10 Henry Street

The Misses Treacy, 62 Catherine Street


1905 Kelly's Directory

Rev. E. Tracy, P.P. Askeaton R.S.O. co. Limerick


1912 Guy

Elizabeth Tracey, 9 William Street Upper

Emila Tracey, 3 St. Alphonsus Terrace, Quin Street

Mary Tracey, 3 Mortell Villas, O'Connell Avenue

Philip Tracey, Ard-Caoin, O'Connell Avenue

Thomas Treacy, 53 Nelson Street

Tracy & Co., Hide & Skin Merchants, 18 William Street Upper

William Tracey, 20 Windmill Street


1913 Guy

Elizabeth Treacy, 9 William Street Upper

Emila Tracey, 3 St. Alphonsus Terrace, Quin Street

Mary Tracey, 3 Mortell Villas, O'Connell Avenue

Philip Treacy, Ard-Caoin, O'Connell Avenue

Thomas Treacy, 53 Nelson Street

William Tracey, 28 Windmill Street

Tracy & Co., Hide & Skin Merchants, 18 William Street Upper


1914 Guy

Elizabeth Treacy, 9 William Street Upper

Emila Tracey, 3 St. Alphonsus Terrace, Quin Street

Mary Tracey, 3 Mortell Villas, O'Connell Avenue

Philip Treacy, Ard-Caoin, O'Connell Avenue

Thomas Treacy, 53 Parnell Street

William Tracey, 20 Windmill Street

Tracy & Co., Hide & Skin Merchants, 18 William Street Upper


1915 Cork & Munster

Tracy & Co., Hide & Skin Merchants, 18 William Street Upper & Michael St

Elizabeth Treacy, 9 William Street Upper

E. Tracy, Merchants (General), 9 William Street Upper

Emila Tracey, 3 St. Alphonsus Terrace, Quin Street

Mary Tracey, 3 Mortell Villas, O'Connell Avenue

Philip Treacy, Ard Caoin, O’Connell Avenue

Thomas Treacy, 53 Parnell Street

William Tracy, 28 Windmill Street


1915 Kelly's Directory of the Leather Trades

Hide & Skin Merchants 

Tracy & Co, Michael St  Limerick  Limerick 

Tracy & Co, 18 Upper William St   Limerick  Limerick


1918 Cork & Munster

Tracy & Co., Hide & Skin Merchants, 18 William Street Upper & Michael St

E. Tracy & Sons, Merchants (General), 9 William Street Upper


1920 Cork & Munster

Tracy & Co., Hide & Skin Merchants, 18 William Street Upper & Michael St

E. Tracy & Sons, Merchants (General), 9 William Street Upper


1931 Trade Directory

Ed Treacy, 41 William Street, Manufacturers


Treacy's Packet and Tripe, Courthouse Lane, off Athlunkard Street


1931-32 Jurors

- Alphabetical

- Address

Bridget Tracey, Brennan's Row


Catherine Tracy, 2 Glue Yard Lane

Charles Treacy, Keyes Row

Christina Treacy. Charlotte Quay


Edward Treacy, 57 Athlunkard Street

Edward Treacy, Keyes Row

Elizabeth Tracey, 2 Glue Yard Lane

Elizabeth Tracey, Brennan's Row

Elizabeth Tracey, Margaret Place

Ellen Tracey 3 Nicholas Street


Hanna Tracey, Brennan's Row


John Tracey, Brennan's Row

John Tracey, Margaret Place

John Treacy, 1 Robert Street

Joseph Treacy, Bank Place


Mary Tracey, Brennan's Row

Mary Tracey, Caperine Street

Mary Tracey, Georges Quay (Barringtons)

Mary Treacy, 1 Robert Street

Mary Treacy, CK Street

Maureen Tracey, Dr., St. John's Hospital

Michael Tracey, Brennan's Row

Michael Treacy, Charlotte Quay

Michael Treacy, Denmark Street


Timothy Tracey, Brennan's Row


Edward Treacy, 57 Athlunkard Street


Joseph Treacy, Bank Place

Bridget Tracey, Brennan's Row

Elizabeth Tracey, Brennan's Row

Hanna Tracey, Brennan's Row

John Tracey, Brennan's Row

Mary Tracey, Brennan's Row

Michael Tracey, Brennan's Row

Timothy Tracey, Brennan's Row


Mary Tracey, Caperine Street

Christina Treacy. Charlotte Quay

Michael Treacy, Charlotte Quay

Mary Treacy, CK Street


Michael Treacy, Denmark Street


Mary Tracey, Georges Quay (Barringtons)

Catherine Tracy, 2 Glue Yard Lane

Elizabeth Tracey, 2 Glue Yard Lane


Charles Treacy, Keyes Row

Edward Treacy, Keyes Row


Elizabeth Tracey, Margaret Place

John Tracey, Margaret Place


Ellen Tracey 3 Nicholas Street


John Treacy, 1 Robert Street

Mary Treacy, 1 Robert Street


Maureen Tracey, Dr., St. John's Hospital




Limerick City. T. Treacy.jpg

T. Treacy Public House, 53 Parnell Street, Limerick City. circa May/June 1937

Man standing at the door way to T. Treacy, Public House, 53 Parnell Street, Limerick City, with GAA tournament poster and Clery's Excursion poster in the window along with various mirrors advertising various drinks






Abbeyfeale… iii. Margaret (Peggy) Curtin (b. before 1945) married Patrick Joseph Treacy

Curtin, Paul Joseph (1995) West Limerick Roots: The Laurence Curtin Family of Knockbrack, County Limerick, Ireland




City Quay, Dublin 2

In honour of the seamen lost while serving on Irish merchant ships 1939 – 1945

Irish Pine 15 - 11 - 42

F. Tracy…(Limerick)



Traceys of Limerick – Page 2

Family Histories

General references for Limerick


Last update: 24 February 2025