The Traceys of Sligo can trace their history back to the beginning of historical records, as they were of the Cenél Eóghain.
The townland of Gortnadrass (gort na dreasa) in the civil parish of Achonry may be named after the Traceys. It is likely that Gortrassy is a corruption of Gortnadrass. Achonry also contains the towlands of Sessuecommon, Sessuegarry and Sessuegilroy. Townlands contain ‘carrow’ are very common in Sligo and the adjoining civil parishes in Mayo.
The civil parish and townland of Kilross (Kilfrasse and Kiltrasse), may be named after Frossach.
Roll, 11 James I. Part 2.
VIII-37...Carrow-gortdrassa, 1 q', containing Leaghcarrow gortedrassa and Leaghcarrowdownraghtin; [Achonry civil parish?]
Hogan, Edmun (1878) The Description of Ireland and the state thereof as
it is this present in Anno 1598. MH Gill, Dublin.
Thomas Trassey, papist, baker, Sligo, St.
Johns Sligo, Co. Sligo.
Legg Marie-Louise ed. (2004) The census of Elphin 1749. Irish
Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.
Manning, Peter (1947) Elphin Diocesan Census 1749: surname index.
Canadian military service
Tracey born abt 1777 Kilvarnet, Sligo - Canadian military service Jun 1802
Thomas Tracey
born abt 1794 Arumcliff, Sligo - Canadian military service 1 Dec 1812
Tracey born abt 1797 Dumliy, Sligo - Canadian military service 1 Dec 1812
March 1808 (FJ) Crown Court Sligo
Michael Tracy was indicted for cow-stealing, and
found guilty - to be transported for seven years.
...They were joined by three men who had
been tried in March 1808 in Sligo - Michael Tracy who was found guilty of cow
stealing, Michael McDermott of petty larceny and John Supple who was found
guilty of threshing (Freeman's Journal 22 March 1808)
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Surname |
First Name |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
Tracy |
Michael |
Boyd (1809) |
1808 |
Sligo |
7 |
TRACEY, Michael. Per "Boyd" 1809;
escaped per "Marian" 1810
1811 Apr
27, To G Dowdeswell, Bengal, re Tracy (Reel 6002; 4/3490D pp.171-3) Re
Michael Tracy and Mary Donald, escaped per "Marian" 1810, and
conditions under which emancipists can leave New South Wales (Reel 6002;
4/3490D pp.171-3)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Sydney Gazette May 28th 1810
The following
prisoners being absent from their respective employments, all Persons are
cautioned against harbouring or maintaining any of them on pain of prosecution;
and all constables and others are required to do their utmost to apprehend and
lodge them in custody.
John Quinn, Mr Mays Servant; John Davis Alias Scroggin, George Allibon, Mr
Digin`S Servant; John Stoneham, Alias Cheeseman , Thomas Baker, Michael Tracey , William Southerland
And Joseph Bryan From The Sydney Town Gangs. William Bowen, John Williams; John
Thompson Alias Happy Jack ; Charles Peale; Mrs Sideaways Servant; Charles
Wycomb, Mrs Reibie`S Servant: Michael And Patrick Lee from the Brickmakers
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Surname |
First Name |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
Tracy |
Michael |
Martha (1818) |
1817 |
Sligo |
7 |
1778 |
Co Sligo |
Labourer |
TRACEY, Michael. Per "Martha", 1818
1819 Jan 4, On list of convicts disembarked from the "Martha" and forwarded to Bringelly for distribution (Reel 6006; 4/3499 p.246)
1820 Aug 14, On list of prisoners transported to Newcastle per "Elizabeth Henrietta" (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.198)
1820 Aug 16, Government man to William Walsh sentenced to be sent to Newcastle; to be brought back in connection with robbery at house of John White (Reel 6050; 4/1747 pp.127-30)
1820 Aug 21, Re request by W Howe to send to Molles Main (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.205)
1820 Sep 18, Now at Newcastle, should be sent back to Sydney in connection with robberies at Minto and Cabramatta (Reel 6050; 4/1747 pp.156-7)
1820 Oct 6, Re transfer from Newcastle for trial (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.316)
1820 Oct 11, Prisoner at Newcastle. Sent to Sydney under guard to be lodged in Sydney Gaol (Reel 6067; 4/1807 p.127)
1820 Oct 23, Re awaiting trial in Sydney (Reel 6007; 4/3502 p.380)
1820 Nov 22-Dec 14, Sentenced to death. In reports of prisoners tried at Court of Criminal Jurisdiction (Reel 6023; X820 p.29)
War Office – Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Michael Tracey born Drumholme, Donegal. Served
in 31st Foot Regiment Discharged aged 23, 1813-1818
Michael Tracey, b. 1795 Ballintra,
Michael Tracey b. 1800 Drumholme 31st
till 1827 Pensioner in DON. Pension transferred from Sligo to Londonderry 30th
June 1856 permanent WO22/184 Chelsea 11th Nov 1818 as Treacy.
Labourer served in Sicily WO116/28
1820 & 1834 Sligo - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher [see Richard Taylor Tracey]
23 Jun 1835 Memorial No: 184306126
Samuel Kyle, Revd Methodist Minister, of Roscrea, TIP
Trustee: Richard F Treacy of Sligo Sligo
The history of Sligo: town and county [see William Samuel
In a few years the sixteen men and a new
officer, named Tracy, got lodging or barrack accommodation in a house on the
site of the college, in Quay Street.
Constabulary Police - County of Sligo
The account of Messrs. Bulfin and Tracey, Paymasters of the Constabulary force of the County of Sligo, for one year, from the 1st day of January to the 31st day December 1831.
14 Oct 1831-20 Oct 1831
Letter from [Maj] George Warburton, Inspector
General of Police [in Connaught], Ballinasloe, [County Galway], to Lieutenant
Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, enclosing a report from William S Tracy, Sub-Inspector, Sligo,
[County Sligo], drawing attention to an attempt by the gaoler of the county
gaol to requisition members of the police constabulary; stating that a request
was made to take two prisoners from the gaol to the quarter sessions at
Ballymote which he refused doing unless accompanied by the gaoler or a deputy.
2 items; 4pp CSO/RP/1831/2565
11 Jan 1832-24 Jan 1832
Letter from John S Tracy, [William Samuel Tracy] Sub-Inspector, Sligo, to Maj
Warburton, Inspector General, reporting on his decision to refuse a request
from Robert Jones, High Sheriff of Sligo to provide police protection to a
political meeting at Sligo court house; enclosing copies of correspondence
[extant]; includes legal opinion [possibly of Richard W Greene], noting that
Tracy acted correctly. Also letter from Jones, to Sir William Gosset, [Under
Secretary], threatening to resign his position if he can no longer order the
police to preserve the peace. Also letter from Warburton, to Gosset, noting
that Tracy was placed in a difficult position and may have erred in refusing
the order from the high sheriff. Also copy of letter from Gosset, to Warburton,
forwarding a copy of a letter to Jones informing him that the Lord Lieutenant
would be prepared to accept the resignation but adding that the remaining
period before appointing a new sheriff may be too short to allow this take
place. Also damp press copy of reply from Gosset, to Jones, outlining in detail
why the sub-inspector acted correctly in the affair and did not disrespect
Jones’ authority.
8 items; 23pp CSO/RP/1832/376
21 Aug 1832
Letter from William S Tracey, Sub Constable, [Sligo], [probably to George
Warburton], reporting from a recent meeting of the local board of health who
were loud in their denouncement of government for failing to provide financial
assistance; observing that there have been 53 deaths in one day [from cholera],
that many corpses remain unburied and that nurses are leaving the hospital.
Also covering letter from George Warburton, to Thomas Taylor.
2 items; 4pp CSO/RP/1832/3870
7 Sep 1832-13 Sep 1832
Resolution of the Board of Health for
Sligo, praising the conduct of WS Tracey,
Inspector General, during the cholera epidemic in Sligo; noting that the
resolution has been published in the Sligo Journal. Also covering letter from
Charles Hamilton, Board of Helath, Sligo, to Sir William Gosset, [Under
Secretary], noting that the epidemic is receding in his town.
3 items; 5pp CSO/RP/1832/4334
December 27, 1832
(FJ) Rioting in Sligo
...William S. Tracy, Esq, Sub-Inspector of Police was examined...
December 4, 1833
(FJ) List of the Sub-Inspectors of the Constabulary...
...Sligo, Captain Tracy, Sligo.
September 2, 1834
(BL) Marriage
Aug 25, in Lisnadell Church, William S. Tracy, Esq. Sub-Inspector,
county Sligo Constabulary to Margaret, second daughter of the late Thomas
Simpson, of Beech Hill, in the county of Armagh, Esq.
Magistrate Presiding - William S. Tracy 13, 20 Aug, 24 Sep, 29 Oct
1830, Defendant: Andrew Tracey, house & lands, Plaintiff: Patrict Hart, Calry Carbery Sligo, rent Ł13/13/0
William Samuel Tracy, Sligo, Sligo
William Samuel Tracy, Sligo, 11 years 9 months previous service to passing of Act
Master R. Deverell’s Card – Mr. Tracy 1s 0d
Sarah Maria Robinson’s Card – John Tracy 2s 6d
Miss Brown’s Card – Mrs. Tracy 1s 6d
Miss Clifford’s Card – Mrs. Tracey 2s 6d
Master R. Deverell’s Card – Mr. Tracy 1s 0d
1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen
Tracey, b. 1832 Sligo Sligo
Tracey, b. 1832 St John Sligo
Tracey, b. Sligo Sligo
Royal Navy
Tracey. Place of Birth: Sligo, Sligo. Continuous Service Number: 30202. Date of
Volunteering: 28 July 1856. Date of Birth: 1832.
Name Tracey, William
Place of Birth: Sligo, Sligo
Continuous Service Number: 30202
Date of Volunteering: 28 July 1856
Date of Birth: 1832
1836-1840 Outrage Reports Ireland
William S
Tracy, 1838, —, Sligo
6 April 1837 (FJ) Justice Rent
From the
parish of Drumcliff, co. Sligo...Patrick Tracey...
1837 Lewis Topographical Dictionary
W.S. Tracy, Esq., J.P., Sligo [William Samuel Tracy moved to Belfast, Co. Antrim in 1852] [see William Samuel Tracy]
17 Jul 1844 (CE) Assizes
Tracy, at Ballymote. on the 15th of May, and sentenced to 18 months'
imprisonment and hard labour. The details of this trial were of too
objectionable a nature to be published.
September 25, 1844 (FJ) Sligo - Symapathy
with the operative tanners of Dublin
of Sligo...signed...Francis Tracy...John Tracy...
5 October 1844 (N) Sligo - Sympathy with the
Operative Tanners of Dublin
...Brogue-makers of Sligo...signed...Francis Tracy...John Tracy...
1846-1851 New York arrivals
William Tracey, age 35, Labourer, Sligo Ireland to
Upper-Canada, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849
Patrick Tracey, age 32, Labourer, Sligo Ireland to
Upper-Canada, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849
Margt. Tracey, age 13, Labourer, Sligo
Ireland to Upper-Canada, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849
Bessy Tracy, age 16, Labourer, Roscommon Ireland to
Kentucky, Liverpool: Roscius 03/07/1849
James Tracy, age 24, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA,
Sligo: Dromahair 10/12/1850
Ann Tracy, age 20, Immigrant, Great Britain to USA,
Sligo: Dromahair 10/12/1850
Mary Tracey, age 17, Labourer, Ireland to USA, Sligo:
Dromahair 10/15/1851
1847 Weekly Returns of Deaths in the Quarantine Hospital, at Grosse
Isle Canada
Tracey, -, ship Ann Kenny, from
Waterford Ireland
Tracey, Ann 40 ship Larch, from
Sligo Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, Daniel 15, between August
15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, John 31, ship Scotland,
from Cork Ireland between May 2S and June 5, 1847
Tracey, Michael 40 ship Aberdeen,
from Liverpool England between July 25 and 31, 1847
Tracey, Michael 72 ship Lillias,
from Dublin Ireland between August 15 and 21, 1847
Tracey, Patrick 30 ship Scotland,
from Cork Ireland between May 23 and 29, 1847
Tracey, William 30 ship Bolton,
from Dublin Ireland between May 29 and June 5, 1847
Saint John Almshouse – St. John, New
Brunswick, Canada
Tracey, 54, Destitute, Sligo, Lady Sale, Roman Catholic, Admitted 30th
November 1847, Discharged 10th December 1847
Tracey, 19, Destitute, Sligo, Lady Sale, Roman Catholic, Admitted 30th
November 1847, Discharged 10th December 1847
1848-1859 Sligo Workhouse Admission
Treacy, b. 1813, admitted 1858, Roman Catholic
Treacy, b. 1818, admitted 1858, Roman Catholic
Treacy, b. 1855, admitted 1858, Roman Catholic
Tracy, b. 1817, admitted 1859, Roman Catholic
Alumni Duublinenses: Trinity Dublin
Thomas Burrows Tracey, pen. (Mr. Guillemard), Oct. 11 1853, aged 18; s. of William, Magistrate; b. Sligo. [see William Samuel Tracy]
1856 Michael Tracy (Elphin bond)
Griffiths Valuation - Sligo 1858
Francis Tracy Caltragh St. Johns Sligo
Francis Tracys Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo
Owen Tracy Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S) St. Johns Sligo
Patrick Tracey Sligo Gallows Hill or Holbourn, Town Calry Sligo
1858 – 1920 Calendars of Wills and Administrations
Edward Tracy
24 Mar 1919 Ballycaegan Edendery Sligo, farmer, to Edward Tracy
Ellen Treacy
13 May 1909 St. Mary’s terrace, Sligo, widow, to John R. Treacy,
School teacher
Francis Tracey
Or Tracy 19 Jan 1878 Newtownholmes Sligo, farmer, to son John
Tracey/Tracy, farmer
Will Registers
Ireland |
John Tracey, America, Annie Mary Curran, Mary Harte, Mary Kate
Nelson, Annie Hart, Francis Tracey |
1878/NR/NR |
Will |
Ireland |
Francis Tracey |
1878/NR/NR |
Will |
Newtownholmes, Sligo, Ireland |
Farmer |
John Tracey of America, Annie Mary Curran, Mary Harte, Mary Kate
Nelson, Anne Hart, Francis Tracey |
1878/NR/NR |
Will |
Newtownholmes, Sligo, Ireland |
Francis Tracey |
1878/NR/NR |
Will |
America, Ireland |
Francis Tracey |
1878/NR/NR |
Will |
Newtownholmes, Sligo, Ireland |
Francis Tracey |
1878/NR/NR |
Will |
Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen
Sligo? |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
1913 |
47 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Aylevarroo |
Limerick |
June 1916 |
42 |
1870 |
Sligo |
S/S Derrymore |
Tralee |
December 1912 |
42 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
December 1912 |
41 |
1872 |
Sligo |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
December 1913 |
41 |
1872 |
Sligo |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
December 1913 |
41 |
1872 |
Sligo |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
December 1913 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
June 1868 |
Sligo |
Bacalien |
Sligo |
June 1879 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1884 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1872 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1872 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
December 1872 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1873 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1874 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
June 1874 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1873 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1868 |
Sligo? |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1868 |
Sligo? |
Florence |
Sligo |
1870 |
Sligo? |
Florence |
Sligo |
1870 |
Sligo? |
Florence |
Sligo |
1871 |
39 |
1839 |
Sligo |
Bacalieu |
Sligo |
June 1878 |
39 |
1839 |
Sligo |
Bacalieu |
Sligo |
June 1878 |
32 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1873 |
33 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
June 1874 |
32 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1873 |
32 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1873 |
35 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Comet |
Sligo |
December 1876 |
36 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Creole |
Sligo |
June 1877 |
36 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Creole |
Sligo |
1877 |
29 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Florence |
Sligo |
1870 |
29 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Florence |
Sligo |
December 1870 |
41 |
1841 |
Sligo |
S Rio
Formoso |
Cork |
June 1882 |
34 |
1841 |
Sligo |
Wind |
Sligo |
1875 |
30 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
December 1872 |
26 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1868 |
37 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Bacalien |
Sligo |
June 1879 |
29 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Florence |
Sligo |
1871 |
36 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Loango |
Sligo |
June 1878 |
30 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Loango |
Sligo |
December 1872 |
38 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Formoso |
Cork |
June 1880 |
34 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Wind |
Sligo |
1876 |
34 |
1842 |
Sligo |
Wind |
Sligo |
1876 |
29 |
1843 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1872 |
37 |
1843 |
Sligo |
Formoso |
Cork |
December 1880 |
16 |
1883 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1899 |
16 |
1883 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
December 1899 |
16 |
1883 |
Sligo |
Sligo |
Sligo |
June 1899 |
Sligo? |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
1912 |
1866 |
Sligo |
Glasgow |
Sligo |
December 1884 |
1866 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
December 1885 |
1867 |
Sligo |
Tartar |
Sligo |
1902 |
36 |
1868 |
Sligo |
McClure |
Dublin |
1904 |
1868 |
Sligo |
S |
Sligo |
June 1885 |
29 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1897 |
29 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
December 1897 |
31 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
December 1899 |
31 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
December 1899 |
32 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
December 1900 |
33 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1901 |
33 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1901 |
31 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Sligo |
Sligo |
June 1899 |
31 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Sligo |
Sligo |
June 1899 |
33 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Sligo |
Sligo |
December 1901 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Tartar |
Sligo |
1904 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Glasgow |
Sligo |
December 1885 |
1868 |
Sligo |
S/S Tartar |
Sligo |
December 1902 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Tartar |
Sligo |
December 1901 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Tartar |
Sligo |
1902 |
1868 |
Sligo |
Tartar |
Sligo |
1903 |
47 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Aylevarroo |
Limerick |
1916 |
30 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1899 |
30 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1899 |
31 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1900 |
31 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1900 |
31 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1900 |
32 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
June 1901 |
32 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Liverpool |
Sligo |
December 1901 |
31 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Sligo |
Sligo |
June 1900 |
39 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Whylam |
Limerick |
December 1908 |
37 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
June 1906 |
37 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
June 1906 |
37 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
December 1906 |
38 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
December 1907 |
38 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
December 1907 |
32 |
1869 |
Sligo |
Sligo |
Sligo |
June 1901 |
47 |
1869 |
Seigs (lives 189 Great Coner St Lpool) |
Coonagh |
Limerick |
1916 |
46 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Aylevarroo |
Limerick |
December 1916 |
39 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Creina |
Drogheda |
December 1909 |
46 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Kinvarra |
Limerick |
June 1916 |
46 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Kinvarra |
Limerick |
June 1916 |
37 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
1907 |
37 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
1907 |
37 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
1907 |
38 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Wylam |
Limerick |
June 1908 |
42 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
June 1912 |
42 |
1870 |
Sligo |
Derrymore |
Tralee |
December 1912 |
42 |
1871 |
Sligo |
S/S Derrymore |
Tralee |
June 1913 |
28 |
1840 |
Sligo |
Arethusa |
Sligo |
1868 |
William Tracey, b. abt 1836 Sligo Ireland, Cornwall England
10 October 1863 Sligo
Parliamentary Voters For Sligo Borough...Francis Tracy...
29 October 1864 Sligo
Parliamentary Voters For Sligo Borough...Francis Tracy...
1865 –
State Registered Births (See HOME for full list of Births and Marriages up
to 1899)
Tracey, Mary Anne, Sligo, Sligo. 12 335
Tracy, John, Sligo, Sligo. 7 384
Tracy, Mary, Sligo, Sligo. 17 325
Tracy, Margaret, Sligo, 17 337
Tracy, Owen, Sligo, 7 372
Tracy, Bridget, Sligo, 2 368
Tracy, Celia, Sligo, 12 331
Tracey, Catherine, Sligo, 12 319
New York Emigrant Savings Bank Records
19 Jun 1865 47220 Patrick Tracy, of Van Bruntf? Bklyn,
shoemaker, born 1839 Sligo ard 1864 per "Harvest Queen", single, Fa
Owen Mo Margt Dillon
29 Oct 1866 55767 John Tracy of 272 Elizabeth,
shoemaker, born 1844 Sligo ard 1866 per "Aibrinnia" Fa Owen Mo Br
1866 The friends of Sergeant Armstrong MP in Sligo
...His conducting agent in the late election, Mr. Daniel Tracy, solicitor...
11 October 1869 (FJ) Sligo Election
Mr Sergreant Armstrong QC...I was returned for sole agent was Mr. Tracey, of Messrs Kernan and Tracey...
12 October 1869 (FJ) Sligo Election
Mr. Thomas Foley...I got Ł180 of the money brought by Messrs Byrne and Tracy and divided it amoungst those of Sergeant Armstrongs supporters...Thomas Tracey Ł15...
21 December 1869 (FJ)
...Mr. Tracy, solicitor...examined.
22 December 1869 (FJ)
...Mr Daniel Tracy sworn...I was Sergeant Armstrong's conducting agent in '65....Ł500 [was used for expenses, none to voters]
December 1869 Sligo Election Commission
...Mr. Tracy,
solicitor and his broth-in-law, Mr. Byrne...Mr. Daniel Tracy, solicitor,
deposed that he conducted in '65 for Sergeant Armstrong, and spent $500 on the
ocassion, Ł140 of which was for non-electors and remaimnder in legal
expenses...Mr Tracy, solicitor, gave evidence too with reference to the
election of 1865 and denied any promises were made to voters. He expressed surprise
that Ł900 was applied for after the election... (see Daniel Thomas Treacy)
1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland
Bridget Tracy, 1887 Ballymote Sligo
1869 Sligo Petty Sessions
...Pat Tracy...
1870 Sligo
3. 2
& 2a on Map no.3, Frank Tracy, High street Town of Sligo and Caltragh,
Ł17.10.5 rent, part of the land of Caltragh, tenant from year to year
British Census
Ann Tracy, b. abt 1834 Sligo Ireland, Surrey England
Treacy, 30, b. 1841 Achonry [Sligo], Labourer Iron, Lancashire
March 1873 Pilot (Boston Ma)
Deaths under New York City
Tracey - March 14, Margaret, wife of John Tracey, county Sligo, Ireland, age 30 years, 4 months and 10 days.
Tewksbury Almshouse Intake Record - Massachusetts
William Tracey, age 23, from Boston July 21 1874, condition lame back
23 b. June 8 1851 in East Boston and lived there till about 1860 and then his parents removed to Ire taking family with them. Fa James died died shortly after arriving in Sligo Ire & mo Margaret with sons Andrew and William returned to America. Land New York fall of 1869 per ship Thornton, Capt Wells. Direct to Boston & 3 mo lived Ho Anderson St. Enl Feb 7 & went west Feb 11 1870 mo died same year. Wm remained west till about a year ago, as a private of 7th US infantry, wounded July 1870 & disch Nov 30 1870 for disability. Returned to Boston about 1 year ago, since been peddling. Has pension of $18.00 a month per mo. Sprained his ankle recently by boot heel catching in the stair casing at Dooleys Hotel and also injured his back. Fa James Tracey thinks Nat. owned 3 houses in Boston, one E. Boston 4th Section and 2 in the city. Sold all his prop when he returned to Ire. Thinks fa paid taxes cant tell where or for whom he worked. Dont remember much about fa Teins. No other Inst.
Register of Enlisted USA
Thomas Tracey, enlisted 14
Feb 1872 Chicago Ill by Lieut Madden for 5 years, born Sligo Co Ireland, 22
years 2/12 months, labourer, grey eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 5’6.5”, 3
Art, I coy, deserted at March 18 73. Sumd Jan 1 74 Transfd to D 5 Inf
Discharged Feby 5 1875 at Cantomund? Me Fort Rio River Tr SO 197 Dept Mo Mar
28/74 Pvt
Precognition against Catherine Grant, Mary Ann Tracey for the crime of assault
and robbery, theft and previous conviction
Catherine Grant, alias Nicol, Catherine, married, m.s. Kerr, Age: 31, Address: Drummer's Close, Greenock, Origin: Native of Dundee
Mary Ann Tracey, Age: 22, Address: Drummer's Close, Greenock, Origin: Native of County Sligo, Ireland [Galway? See below]
Records of Scotland AD14/77/120
Owen Tracy, 1872, died, Sligo Union
County Of Sligo — Return Relating To Agrarian Crimes (Ireland)
52. 13 Dec 1879, Bessie Tracey, attacking houses,
Tracey’s house, it was alleged, was broken into and her brother dragged out. The parties, who are all relatives, had a dispute about the farm.
John Tracey, James Devins
Acquitted at Quarter Sessions
14 Dec 1879 Attacking houses, Bessie Tracey accused John Tracey (& James Devins), Tried at Sligo Quarter Sessions 24th January 1880, acquitted.
Tracey's house, it was alleged, was broken into and her brother dragged out. The parties, who are all relatives, had a dispute about the farm.
March 1881 (N) Land League Kilglass [Sligo?]
...elected...Mr. Thomas Tracy, Meraugh...
John Tracy, Head, Married,
M, 63,
General Labr, Sligo;
13 Province Court, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
Roseana Tracy, Wife, Married,
F, 62,
Patrick Tracy, Son, Single,
M, 25,
General Labr, Nottingham
Maria Jordan, Grand Daughter, Single,
F, 4,
Winifred Tracey, Head, widow, 42 years, born Sligo, cotton weaver, 7 St Thomas St Hyde Chesire
Katherine Tracey, daughter, single, 21 years, born Hyde Chesire, cotton weaver
Jane Tracey, daughter, single, 19 years, born Hyde Chesire, card room hand
Anne Tracey, daughter, single, 14 years, born Hyde Chesire, card room hand
1881 Ship: Rio
Formoso; Official number: 63263.
James Tracey; rank/rating, Mate; age, 36; place of
birth, Sligo; previous ship, continued. BT 99/1316
1881 Ship: Rio
Formoso; Official number: 63263.
James Tracey; rank/rating, Mate; age, 40; place of
birth, Sligo; previous ship, continued. BT 99/1316
14, 1883 New-York tribune
Brig Teneriffe, Tracy. Sligo - Miller & Houghton.
1888 Extracts
from Register of Deceased Seamen relating to Ireland
Sam Tracey, 51, b. Sligo, d. 13/03/1888, Drowned Luce Bay, Mate SS
Galgorm Castle, Belfast, wreck
20 March 1888 Freeman's Journal
... James Tracy (mate) leaves a widow and nine children, the oldest of whom is only 17 years of age.
Francis Treacy of Cornageeha Sligo, landlord William K. Barrett, 147a/1r/20p, poor valuation Ł24/0/0, old rent Ł20/0/0, new rent Ł18/0/0
1884-9 (1908 Royal Commission on
Congestion - Sale of Tenants rights)
Frank Tracey of Coonaflicka Roscommon or Sligo, judical rent Ł14/0/0, fixed 24/6/1884, sale 5/3/1889, Ł180, 11 years, landlord W. Barrett Esq
1908 [Cd. 3748] Royal Commission on Congestion in Ireland.
2. Coonaflicks, Frank Tracy, judical rent Ł14, fixed 24th June 1884, sale 5th March 1889, Ł100 obtained, 11 years, W. Barrett Esq landlord [Cornageeha Sligo?]
1889 Sligo Independent Newspaper,
County Directory, Almanac and Guide
Tracy, borough Sligo
1892-1924 Ellis Island Arrivals
The records have been corrected for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.
Tracey, Sligo Ireland, 1892, 30 years, last residence Sligo, to NY [see Mary
Tracey 10]
Tracey, Sligo Ireland, 1892, 10 years, to NY [see Fanny Tracey 30]
Tracey, Sligo Ireland, 1915, 30 years, single, 5’4”, fair complexion, fair
hair, blue eyes, lives Deigo Ireland (Ross Point crossed out) Mother: Mrs
Tracey Rosses Point Sligo Ireland. To friends Ms McKeon? Hatton? Alberta B.C.,
b. Sligo Ireland
Tracey, Rosses Point Sligo Ireland, 1909, 23 years, single, 5’6”, fair
complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, shop assistant, Mrs Bridget Tracey, Rosses
Point, Co. Sligo. To sister Mrs Mary Asillen, 476 14th St, Brooklyn
NY b. Rosses Point, Ireland [crossed out]
Tracey, Rosses Point Sligo Ireland, 1909, 23 years, , single, 5’8”, clear
complexion, Dk brown hair, blue eyes, shop assistant, Mother Mrs Tracey, Rosses
Point, Co. Sligo. To sister Mrs Mary Gillen, 476 14th St, Brooklyn
NY b. Rosses Point, Ireland
United States
Naturalization Petitions
Patrick Tracy, born 17 Dec 1885 or 1888 Sligo, Ireland. Naturalised 1923 Brooklyn, NY
'Kensington', Queenstown to Phila 7 July
Treacy, 23, b. 1871, lived Clooneigh [Kilteevan, Roscommon?], to Uncle M.
Breheny 113 Hannah St Harrisburg,
Treacy, 22, b. 1872, lived Lennaghmore [Annaghmore Sligo], Aunt Magg Toole,
1432 South 22nd St Phila. [also Julia 18]
February 29, 1896 Connaught Telegraph
Co. Sligo Men's Ball...Tammany Hall [NY]...present...Thos Tracey and Miss
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1901 Census of Ireland
May 14, 1909 (FJ) Death
Treacy - May 13, 1909, at her son's residence, Sligo, Ellen, widow of the late David Treacy, Youghal. Remains arrive at Youghal Station on to-morrow (Saturday) morning at 10.30 o'clock. Solomn Mass at 11.30 o'clock. Funeral to follow.
Full listings alphabetically and by area as published by the National Archives 1911 Census of Ireland
Professor John Rupert Treacy (1867-1929) of Youghal, County Cork, Limerick, Dublin and Sligo. [see Professor John Rupert Treacy and 1913-1922 Military History]
Sligo 1914-1921: A Chronicle of
Conflict. By Michael Farry.
Another Sinn Féin supporter was John R. Treacy, a native of Youghal, County Cork, who taught in Limerick and Dublin before coming to Sligo in 1904. He taught in Summerhill College and in the Technical School. He had been involved with Griffith and William Rooney in Sinn Féin while in Dublin and was one of the “Apostles of Sinn Féin” in Sligo.
In 1916, the Mayor got another
opportunity to voice his sympathy for the executed leaders at a meeting in
Sligo to appeal for funds for the Irish National Aid Association. This
association was set up to help the dependents of those killed and imprisoned on
the rebel side in the rising. The Mayor presided and among the attendance were…
J. Tracey…During the month of November the Sinn Féin party in Sligo town
started a club in a room in a building in Pound Street. It was called "The
Wanderers Gaelic Club" but was popularly called "The Sinn Féin
Club". Among those involved were John R. Treacy…
by-election was fought in January 1917 with polling day on February 3rd. All those on the republican side, though as
yet not united, rallied around Plunkett. Many from Sligo took part. Alec
McCabe, who had been on the run since the rising took part as did some from
Sligo town including probably J. R. Treacy…The Mayor, Mr Hanley and Mrs Hanley
welcomed the Countess and a bouquet of roses was presented by Miss Ita
Tracey, daughter of the chairman of Sligo Sinn Féin club.
1918. on August 15th there was a nationwide protest by
the Sinn Féin organisation against the banning of the organisation and the
banning of meetings in Ireland. At various places throughout the land speakers
read a printed statement from Sinn Féin and as a result were arrested. In
County Sligo a large meeting was held outside the Town Hall. The statement was
read by J. R. Tracey…As a result of their action on August 15th Professor Tracey and John Hennigan were
arrested on Thursday night/Friday morning and taken into custody. They were
still in Sligo prison awaiting trial a week later and both men were offered
some hours liberty to visit their families on Sunday August 18th. Treacy accepted but Hennigan refused. On
Tuesday, 27th August, the pair were removed to Galway prison. On
September 5th a meeting of the Sligo Urban
Technical Committee was held under the chairmanship of Rev P. Butler. Treacy
was a teacher at the Sligo Technical School and had been there for fourteen
years. His appointment was part time subject to annual re-appointment. A letter
from Treacy was read at the meeting in which he stated that "owing to
circumstances over which I have no control I shall be absent for some
time". The committee decided unanimously to re-appoint him and to appoint
a substitute pending his return. On September 24th at a court martial in Renmore Barracks Galway, Tracey and Hennigan were
found guilty. At the trial Hennigan admitted reading the Sinn Féin manifesto
and said that he would do so again if the occasion arose. Both men were
sentenced to two years imprisonment. In the case of Professor Tracey he was
released at the beginning of October on medical advice. When he arrived at Sligo
Station he was met by a large crowd of Sinn Féiners and escorted to his home.
1919, on St. Patrick's Day another protest meeting was held this time about the
prisoners especially those from Sligo: John Lynch, Henry Monson, John Hennigan,
John Kelly and Frank O'Beirne. The meeting was held in the Market Yard and the
speakers included the Mayor, J. R.Tracey, R. G. Bradshaw, Michael Nevin, J. J.
Clancy. Members of the Volunteers were there under the command of Liam
Pilkington. The other Sligo prisoner, J. J. O'Connell, did not arrive in Sligo
until Wednesday March 19th. His arrival was not expected and
there was not a large crowd to meet him. However about fifty Volunteers did
turn out and escorted him to the Gaelic Club, Teeling Street… J. R. Tracey
president of the club.
In December 1920, among those arrested were John R. Treacy…All these arrests put further pressure on detention space in Sligo and at the end of January some prisoners were moved to Derry. These included John R. Treacy, James Devins, James Doocey and Harry Benson. Also those arrested on January 22nd were moved on February 28th. John R. Tracey of Sligo was moved from Derry jail to Ballykinlar around this time.
Schools under Roman Catholic management
College Sligo - 106 pupils - Ł251/14/0 teachers salary grant
lay teachers:
John R. Treacy Ł140
& Ł160
Wm. P. Gilbert Ł140 & Ł160
O'Carroll Ł140 & Ł160
duely Qualified lay teachers:
Delany Ł70
O'Donnellan Ł50 & Ł60
Fallon & Ł45
McCarthy Ł12 & Ł10
Jan 5, 1920 (FJ)
Secondary Teachers
A meeting of the Central Executive Council of the Association of Secondary
Treachers in Ireland...Mr. Tracy (Sligo)...
15 September 1923
& 22 September 1923 Sligo Champion
Sligo Technical Committee “... seen Mr.
Treacy and asked him to reconsider the question his resignation. Mr. Treacy's
decision, however, was final. The resignation ... ” & “... J. R. Treacy,
who had resigned after 20 years most efficient and painstaking service. Mr.
Treacy, not being a whole-time official, was ... ”
Nov 22, 1923 (IT)
Clontarf Doctor's Case
...Sullivan v. and
maintenance of the defendant wife at his home, "Verville" Clontarf
from the 14th December 1922 to the 29th August 1923. The defendant, John R.
Treacy, of Sligo...shock caused by the raids made at the defendants residence
in Sligo by the British auxiliary forces...Irish White Cross Association, which
decided to place the lady in plaintiff's home...and agreed to pay her
maintenance as he (defendant) could not afford to do so...the Associations
cheques were dishonoured by orders of the military authorities...action to be
tried by a judge...
Aug 12, 1924 (FJ)
Ursuline Convent Sligo...Ita Treacy...
Nov 29, 1929 (IT)
Mr. John Rupert Tracy
The death of Mr John Rupert Tracy, late of
Summerhill College Sligo, took place at 6 St. Mary's terrace, Sligo on last
The late Mr. Tracy was originally
connected with the Sligo Technical Schools, and was subsequently principal
teacher of Irish at the Summerhill College for many years. He was a very
prominent Republican, being identified with the Sinn Fein movement almost from
the begining.
Dec 7, 1929 (SS)
Professor John Rupert Tracey, who died at
his residence, 6 St. Mary's terrace Sligo, was a well known member of the
teaching profession who was born in the County Cork. President Cosgrave was a
pupil of his when the late professor was on the staff of the Christian
Brothers' School, James Street, Dublin.
Born at Youghal, sixty-one years ago, he
was educated at the Christian Brothers local establishment and had a
distinguished career. He joined the teaching profession at an early age, and
taught at the Christian Brothers Schools Synge street, Dublin, as well as
James' Street. He was closely associated with William Rooney, the poet, and
Arthur Griffith in the early days of the Sinn Fein movement, helping to edit
the "United Irishman". He was on the professional staff of Summerhill
College, Sligo, for the past 25 years.
Known in Sligo as "the father of Sein
Fein", Professor Tracy was an esteemed figure in the life of the town, and
his death was received with feelings of general regret. The funeral which took
place on Thursday, was of a large dimensions, and of a representative nature,
the late professors popularity being strikingly illustrated. The coffin, draped
in the tri-colour, was borned from the church to the graveyard on the shoulders
of a number of old friends, and many marks of respect were displayed during the
progress of the cortege through the town. Sympathy will be extended to his
widow and family, as well as his sister-in-law, Mrs Tracey, Catherine Street,
Youghal, and his nephew, nieces and cousins in that town.
November 26, 1931 (IP) Memoriam
Treacy (Second
Anniversary) In loving memory of John
Rupert Treacy (John R), late Professor, Summerhill College, Sligo, who died
on 26th November 1929. Sacred Heart of Jesus grant him Sweet Repose. Inserted
by his sorrowing wife and children.
Apr 29, 1933 (CT) Sucess in Sligo
...Irish drama...J.R.
Treacy Cup...
Cunningham and Treacy - September 4 1935 at University Church,
Dublin...Vincent, third son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham, Maudabawn,
Cootehill, Co. Cavan to Ita, only daughter of Mrs. Treacy and the late John R.
Treacy, 6 St. Mary's Terrace, Sligo.
Jun 24, 1939 (CT)
...The principal
attraction was the celebrated Kildare Irish Dramatic Club, winners of the first
prize and the Dr. Tracy Cup at Sligo Feis this year...
Sligo Cemetery, Sligo Town, Co. Sligo, Ireland.
Erected by, his
friends and the Citizens of Sligo, (In the year of his office), of, Fraser
Brown, (Mayor), as a token of public esteem. To the memory of, John R. Tracy,
late Prof. Summer Hill College, Sligo, who died, on the 28 day of Nov. 1929.
Pray for the soul of
also their daughter | JOHN RUPERT TREACY ?
Who died 20th Nov 1939 who died 20th
Jan 1942
| And his wife |
ELEANOR CHRISTINA? | Who died 20th July 1942
1921- Calendars of Wills
and Administrations
John R. Treacy, 10 Jan 1930, late of St. Mary’s Terrace Sligo, professor, who died 26 Nov 1929, to David P. Treacy, clerk. Effects …
In Memory of Master J
Tracey "Aylevarroo.", Mercantile Marine who died on
07 October 1917
Remembered with honour, Tower Hill Memorial,
John Tracey came from Rosses Point near Sligo in Ireland. He
Captained the Aylevarroo and would have sailed to and from Liverpool many
times, so it is possible that he may have moved his family to Liverpool and
used St Anthony’s church to worship.
…In October 1917, the
Aylevarroo's master John Tracey, from Rosses Point in Ireland, was preparing to
sail from Liverpool to Tralee, then to Limerick with a general cargo. Jack was
employed as a fireman-stoker on the ship. Captain Tracey was short of an able
bodied seaman and cabled his friend, Thomas Devaney, in Rosses Point asking him
to join the ship's company. Thomas accepted and left for Sligo, intending to
catch the afternoon train to Dublin then the night boat to Liverpool. In Sligo
he met an old shipmate and the two went for a drink in a pub. Time slipped by
and Thomas missed the train, the ferry to Liverpool and the Aylevarroo…The
Aylevarroo and her twenty crew, including the ship's master, were lost off the
Ballycotton Islands near Cork on 8th October 1917…
WW1 Merchant Seamen
Medal Cards BT 351/1
John Joseph Tracey, b. 1867 Sligo
1915 Merchant Navy
J Tracey; rank/rating, 1st Mate; age,
44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, Aylevarroo. Ship: Aylevarroo 1915
J Tracey; rank/rating, Mate; age,
47; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, Aylevarroo. Ship: Aylevarroo 1915
John Tracey; rank/rating, 1st
Mate; age, 44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, M J Hedley. Ship: Lillie
John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, same ship. Ship: M J Hedley 1915
John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, M J Hedley of Penzance. Ship: Aylevarroo 1915
25 jul 1931 (CTr)
defeated Sligo in the junior hurling replay...Tracey and Lambe sent in two
points in quick succession...[Sligo] John Tracey
1942 US Draft (born between 28 April 1877 and 16 February 1897)
Patrick Joseph Tracy b. 20 Dec
1885 Sligo, Ireland Residence: Brooklyn, New York
C.J. Tracey, Sligo
John Tracey, Carlow
William Tracey, Waterford
Ken Tracey – President Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce 2007 2008 Ken Tracey was born and raised in Sligo
and moved to Toronto in 1989. He studied Electronics at Sligo RTC and
Business at Ryerson. After 10 successful years with the PepsiCo organization
he co-founded Marketingisland, a marketing technology and services company.
Marketingisland have been ranked in the top 20 fastest growing emerging
companies in Canada for the last 2 years. Ken is currently the President of
the Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce in Toronto, a board member of the
Irish Person of the Year and also sits on the board of the European Union
Chamber of Commerce in Toronto (EUCOCIT) as Executive Vice President and a
board member of Ireland Park Foundation. |
Records - Baptisms & Marraiges Co. Sligo Hertitage
& Genealogy Centre
TRACY, JOHN, 1831, B
TRACEY?, ANNA, 1836, B
TRACY, JOHN, MADDEN, MARY ANNE, 1838, M [moved to Laois]
TRACY, JOHN, 1840, B
TREACY, N.R., 1842, B
TRACY, JOHN, 1849, B
*TRACY, MARIA, 1865, B
*TREACY, PATRICK, JORDAN, CATHERINE, 1868, M (see Sligo St. Johns below)
*TRACEY, JOHN, 1868, B
*TRACY, MARGARET, 1870, B (see census 1901?)
TRACY, -----, 1874, B
TRACEY, CATHERINE, 1876, B (see census 1901?)
TRACY, JOHN, 1877, B
TRACY, PATRICK, 1885, B (see census 1901?)
TREACY, JOHN, FINIGAN, MARY, 1889, M [see Ahamlish]
Source : B = Birth M = Marriage
* Details below
John Treacy
m. Mary Kelly 1783 Elphin Diocese
John Tracy
Esq of Lex m. Mary Madden of Sligo (d. of James) 10 Jan 1838 Sligo Champion
[see Laois]
Mary Ann Tracey (b. 1857 Galway, Ireland d. Jan 1904 Nottingham) m. John Flear abt
1893 Ireland?
She was a cotton winder in Ireland
and had several brothers and sisters in County Sligo.
Michael Tracey (b. Roscommon or Sligo) & Anna Mcdonald
John Tracy (b. circa 1884 Illinois d. 12 Oct 1918 Chicago, Cook, Illinois ) (s. of Michael Tracey b. Ireland & Anna Mcdonald b. Ireland)
Occupation: Operator
Occupation: Carpenter
Street Address: 7316 Peona St
Burial Date: 15 Oct 1918 Mt. Olivet
Informant: Lilian Tracey, 7316 Peona St
Michael Tracey b. 25 Feb 1889 Chicago Illinois (s. of Michael Tracey & Anne Mc Donnell) d. 15 Dec 1960 5626 S Sangamon Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
Occupation: Clerk
Cemetery: Mt Olivet
Spouse's Name: Catherine Tracey
Edward Tracey (b. 06 Feb 1891 Chicago, Cook, Ill. d. 17 Nov 1932 Evergreen Pk., Cook, Illinois) (s. of Michael Tracey b. County Sligo, Ireland & Ann Mc Donald b. Couty Mayo, Ireland
Occupation: Motor Man, C.S.L.
Residence: Chicago illinois
Informant's Name: Michael Tracy
Burial Date: 21 Nov 1932 Mt Olivet, Chicago, Cook, Illinois
??? Tracy b. 16 Mar 1898 Chicago, Cook, Illinois (female, d. of Michael Tracy & Anne Macdonald)
Joseph Tracey (b. 24 Apr 1900 Chicago, Illinois d. 05 Sep 1930 Midlothian Village, Cook, Illinois) (s. of Michael Tracey b. Roscommon, Ireland & Ann Mc Donald b. Roscommon, Ireland)
Occupation: Clergyman
Informant's Name: Edward Tracey
Burial Date: 09 Sep 1930 Mt. Olivet, Chicago, Cook, Ill.
1900 Census ED 870
Precinct 9 Lake town Chicago city Ward 29, Cook, Illinois, United States
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Michael Tracey M 49 Ireland, labourer, Naturalised Married: 17 years; Immigration Year: 1880
Wife Anne Tracey F 39 Ireland, Married: 17 years; Immigration Year: 1880
Son John Tracey M 17 Illinois, Messenger Tolgate???
Son Michael Tracey M 12 Illinois
Son Edward Tracey M 9 Illinois
Daughter Annie Tracey F 6 Illinois
Daughter Elizabeth Tracey F 3 Illinois
Son Joseph Tracey M 0 Illinois
1910 Census Chicago Ward
30, Cook, Illinois
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Self Michael F Tracy M 58y Ireland, Immigration Year: 1882
Wife Anna M Tracy F 48y Ireland, Immigration Year: 1882
Son Michael J Tracy M 21y Illinois
Son Edward F Tracy M 18y Illinois
Dau Marie R Tracy F 15y Illinois
Dau Elizabeth D Tracy F 12y Illinois
Son Joseph Tracy M 9y Illinois
1920 Census Chicago Ward
30, Cook, Illinois
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Self Michael Tracy M 68y Ireland
Wife Ann Tracy F 58y Ireland
Son Michael Tracy M 30y Illinois
Son Edward Tracy M 28y Illinois
Dau Marie Tracy F 25y Illinois
Dau Lillian Tracy F 22y Illinois
Son Joseph Tracy M 19y Illinois
Michael Tracey (b. circa 1851 Ireland d. 26 Dec 1923 Norwood Park., Cook Co., Illinois)
Father b. Ireland
Mother b. Ireland
Occupation: Street Department
Residence: Chicago
Spouse: Ann
Informant's Name: Michael T Tracy
Burial: 29 Dec 1923 Mount Olive
Ann Tracey b. 29 Aug 1860 Roscmman Ireland (d. of John Mcdonald & Catherine Mccommick of Roscomman Ireland) d. 03 Apr 1928 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Spouse's Name: Michael Tracey
Burial Date 06 Apr 1928 Mt Oliver Worth Cook Ill.
Michael F Tracey (Mar 1850 County Sligo Ireland - Dec 26 1923 Chicago Cook County Illinois USA)
Anna M McDonald (Aug 29 1860 County Mayo Ireland - Apr 3 1928 Chicago Cook County Illinois USA)
John James Tracey (1883 - 1918)
Edward William Tracey (1892 - 1932)
Marie Anne Tracey (1894 - 1978)
Joseph Richard Tracey (1900 - 1930)
John Treacy, full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Fassagh [Inishmacsaint Fermanagh], (s. of Pat Treacy, farmer) married Mary Finegan, BLANK age, spinster, BLANK profession, lives Edencreragh [Edenreagh Ahamlish], (d. of Roger Finegan, Do [farmer]) 30 September 1889 RC Chapel Cliffoney Wit: James Murray & Ellen Finegan [Carney No. 2 Sligo PLU] see Inishmacsaint Fermanagh
Ahamlish Parish Deaths
Jacobus Tresey? of Moundvard
[Mountedward or Drangan Ahamlish], died 11 Apr 1832, 30
Mary Treacy? & James Reynolds?
Mary Reynolds b. 22 Jul 1824 Sp. John Fis & Evelina Monaghan Aughanagh Parish
James Tracy & Ann Casilan/Conlan
Edwd Tracy b. 01 Dec 1856 Sp. Patt Hahrly & Susan Clancy Aughanagh Parish (LDS)
Patt Tracy & Jane Hughes
Mary Tracy b. 28 May 1846/1856 Sp. James McNiff & May Kenny? Aughanagh Parish (LDS)
Honora Tracy & Thos Flood
Ellen Flood b. 12 Feb 1856 Sp. Michl Flin & Jane O'Hara. Aughanagh Parish
Patt Tracy & Elen Fan???
James Tracy b. 28 Jan 1857 Sp. Robert Hagan & Ann Tim??? Aughanagh Parish (LDS)
6 April 1837 (FJ) Justice Rent
From the parish of Drumcliff, co.
Sligo...Patrick Tracey...
James Tracey, full age, bachelor, seaman, lives Rosses Up, (s. of Patrick Treacy, seaman) married Bridget Higgins, full age, spinster, lives Do [Rosses Up], (d. of John Higgins, Do [seaman]) 11 January 1864 RC Chapel of Drumcliff Wit: Owen Gillon, his mark, & Cat Brown? [Drumcliff Sligo PLU] [crossed out] (signed her mark)
JacobiJacobo Tracy/Tracey & Brigida Higgans/Higgins
Maryann Tracy b. 7/10 Sep 1865 of Rosses [Drumcliff] Sp. Jonnis Higgans & Maria Higgans. Drumcliff Parish
Joannes Tracey b. 30 Apr/10 May 1868 of Rosses Point Sp. Dionysis Feeny & Catherina Higgans. Drumcliff Parish
Margarita Tracy b. 23 Sep/8 Oct 1870 S? Roases Sp. Patritio Higgans & Anna Higgans Drumcliff Parish
Brigida Tracy b. 22/25 Dec 1873 of
Rosses Upper Sp. Thoma Higgins & Anna Higgins. Drumcliff Parish
Catherina Tracy b. 16/20 Jun 1875 of Rosses Upper Sp. Joanne Higgins & Maria Gillan. Drumcliff Parish
Eleanora Tracy b. 22/30 Jun 1878 of Rosses Upper Sp. Joanne Higgins & Maria Kilgallin. Drumcliff Parish
James Tracey/Tracy, sailor/seaman,
& Bridge/Bridget Higgins
Mary Anne
Tracey b. 7 Sep 1865 of Rosses? Up?. [Drumcliff] Catherin? Higgins, her mark, present
at birth, Rosses? Up? [Sligo Sligo PLU]
John Tracy
b. 30 Apr 1868 of Rosses Point Parish of Drumcliff. The mark of Bridget Tracy,
mother, Rosses Point [Sligo Sligo PLU]
Margaret Tracy b. 23 Sep 1870
Rossespoint Drumcliff. The mark of Bridget Tracy, mother, Rossespoint [Sligo
Sligo PLU]
Bridget Tracy b. 22 Dec 1873 Rosses
Point Drumcliff. The mark of Bridget Tracy, mother, Rosses Point [Sligo Sligo
PLU] [registered 1874]
Catherine Tracey b. 16 Jun 1875
Rosses Point Drumcliff. The mark of Bridget Tracy, mother, Rosses Point
Drumcliff [Sligo Sligo PLU]
1. Patrick
2. James/Jacobi/Jacobo Tr(e)ac(e)y m.
Bridget/Brigida(e)Higgins/Higgans 11 January 1864 Drumcliff (LDS) [RC records
start 1865]
3.1 Mary Anne/Anna b. 7 September
1865 Sligo Sligo c. 10 September 1865 RC Drumcliff and Magherow (LDS)
3.2 Joannes b. 30 April 1868 c. 10
May 1868 RC Drumcliff and Magherow (LDS)
3.3 Margarita b. 23 September 1870
c. 8 October 1870 RC Drumcliff and Magherow (LDS)
3.4 Brigida Tracy b. 22/25 Dec
1873 of Rosses Upper Sp. Thoma Higgins & Anna Higgins. Drumcliff Parish
Catherina Tracy b. 16/20 Jun 1875 of Rosses Upper Sp. Joanne Higgins &
Maria Gillan. Drumcliff Parish (LDS)
3.6 Elena
b. 14 July 1878 (LDS)
Tracey, 56, F, 46 Meath Hill, Ardagh, Meath, House Keeper, Roman Catholic, Head of Family, Widow, Co
Tracey, 29, F, Meath Hill, Ardagh, Meath, Dressmaker, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Sligo
Tracey, 23, F, Meath Hill, Ardagh, Meath, Domestic, Roman Catholic, Daughter, Not Married, Co Sligo
Patrick Tracey, 15, M, Meath Hill, Ardagh, Meath, Scholar, Roman Catholic, Son, Not Married, Co Sligo
Head of household |
Head of household |
Head of household |
Other occupants |
Upper |
Drumcliff |
Carbury |
Sligo |
Household |
Tracey |
(56) |
Keeper/widow |
Margaret (29) dressmaker Kate (23) Patrick (15) |
1811 Census
Tracey, 92 [72?], F, 7 Rosses Upper, Drumcliff West, Sligo (widow)
Margaret Tracey, 39, F, Rosses Upper, Drumcliff West, Sligo
Tracey, 33, F, Rosses Upper, Drumcliff West, Sligo
In Memory of Master J
Tracey "Aylevarroo.", Mercantile Marine who died on
07 October 1917
Remembered with honour, Tower Hill Memorial,
John Tracey came from Rosses Point near Sligo in Ireland. He
Captained the Aylevarroo and would have sailed to and from Liverpool many
times, so it is possible that he may have moved his family to Liverpool and
used St Anthony’s church to worship.
…In October 1917, the
Aylevarroo's master John Tracey, from Rosses Point in Ireland, was preparing to
sail from Liverpool to Tralee, then to Limerick with a general cargo. Jack was
employed as a fireman-stoker on the ship. Captain Tracey was short of an able
bodied seaman and cabled his friend, Thomas Devaney, in Rosses Point asking him
to join the ship's company. Thomas accepted and left for Sligo, intending to
catch the afternoon train to Dublin then the night boat to Liverpool. In Sligo
he met an old shipmate and the two went for a drink in a pub. Time slipped by
and Thomas missed the train, the ferry to Liverpool and the Aylevarroo…The
Aylevarroo and her twenty crew, including the ship's master, were lost off the
Ballycotton Islands near Cork on 8th October 1917…
WW1 Merchant Seamen
Medal Cards BT 351/1
John Joseph Tracey, b. 1867 Sligo
1915 Merchant Navy
J Tracey; rank/rating, 1st Mate;
age, 44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, Aylevarroo. Ship: Aylevarroo
J Tracey; rank/rating, Mate; age,
47; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, Aylevarroo. Ship: Aylevarroo 1915
John Tracey; rank/rating, 1st
Mate; age, 44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, M J Hedley. Ship: Lillie
John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, same ship. Ship: M J Hedley 1915
John Tracey; rank/rating, Mate;
age, 44; place of birth, Sligo; previous ship, M J Hedley of Penzance. Ship: Aylevarroo 1915
Mary Ann Tracy, single, 29, b. 1866 Ireland (d. of James Tracy & Bridget Higgins) married Charles Stephen Gillen, single, 33, b. 1862 New York City (s. of Thomas Gillen & Bridget Martin) 7 Aug 1895 Manhattan, New York
Mary A. Gillen, 62, b. 1866 Ireland (d. of James Tracy & Bridget Higgins, both born Ireland), widowed, lived 435-5th St. Brooklyn, Kings, New York, died 11 Feb 1928 St. Mary Hospital, buried 14 Feb 1928 Holy Cross
Ellis Island
Tracey, Sligo Ireland, 1915, 30 years, single, 5’4”, fair complexion, fair
hair, blue eyes, lives Deigo Ireland (Ross Point crossed out) Mother: Mrs
Tracey Rosses Point Sligo Ireland. To friends Ms McKeon? Hatton? Alberta B.C.,
b. Sligo Ireland
Tracey, Rosses Point Sligo Ireland, 1909, 23 years, single, 5’6”, fair
complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, shop assistant, Mrs Bridget Tracey, Rosses
Point, Co. Sligo. To sister Mrs Mary Asillen, 476 14th St, Brooklyn
NY b. Rosses Point, Ireland [crossed out]
Tracey, Rosses Point Sligo Ireland, 1909, 23 years, , single, 5’8”, clear
complexion, Dk brown hair, blue eyes, shop assistant, Mother Mrs Tracey, Rosses
Point, Co. Sligo. To sister Mrs Mary Gillen, 476 14th St, Brooklyn
NY b. Rosses Point, Ireland
Patrick Joseph Tracey b. 17 Dec 1887 Rosse Point, Ireland (s. of James Tracey & Bridget Higgins)
Social Program Application Date Mar 1937
Elizabeth Mary McKeon b. 15 Aug 1880 Rosses Point*, Ireland (d. of James Tracey & Bridget Higgins)
Social Program Application Date Dec 1950
Margaret Mary McKeon b. 23 Feb 1919 Hutton Alber*, Canada (d. of Michael J McKeon & Elizabeth Tracey)
Social Program Application Date Apr 1941
Previous Residence Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States
Previous Residence Postal Code 11215-4261
Death Date 2 Jan 1998
Bridget Tracey, Rosses Point Co. Sligo. d. 10/04/1955. plot 6D1
Helina Tracey, Rosses Point Co. Sligo. d. 21/03/1955. plot 6D1
Drumcliff Graveyard
Bridget Treacy died 10 April 1925 aged 84
Katie Tracey, 64, Single, Rosses
Point, 26 Mar 1941
Maria Treacy & Darby Brogan
Catherine Brogan b. 8/12 Apr 1830 of Trawley? Sp. John Durkan & Catherine Kenny Kilmoremoy Parish
Anne Tracy & Michl/Ml Flaney/Flanery
John Flanery b. 23 Apr 1859 of Agham Sp. Thos Flaney & Ellen Gallagher. Kilshalvey Parish
Mary Flaney b. 9 Sep 1860 of Agham Sp. Jas Gallagher & Bid Gallagher. Kilshalvey Parish
Cath Flaney b. 14 Jun 1862 of Agham [Aughris? Cloonoghil] Sp. Tom Flaney & Mary Gallagher. Kilshalvey Parish
Michael Flanery b. 29 Oct 1864 Tobercurry, Sligo (LDS)
Maria Tracy of
Newtown Holmes (d. of Francisci Traci & Marg? Brennan of Newtown
Holmes) married Michaelis Curred of
Newtown Holmes (s. of Barthelemi Curred & Marg? Berian of Newtown Holmes)
on the 13 May 1860 Wit: Patritis Tracy of Gallows Hill & Maria
Tracy of Newtown Holmes St John's, Sligo Parish. RC Calry (LDS)
Maria Tracey &
Michs Curred
Curred b. 22/24 Feb 1861 of Ratcliff Sp. Patritis Tracey & Joanna Tracey
St John's, Sligo Parish
Anna Tracy of Sligo
(d. of George Peacock & Maria Mulhall of Manorhamilton) married Jacobus
Grey of Balidsdare [Ballysadare] (s. of Jacobi & Bridgt Benson of
Balisodare) on the 19 November 1860 Wit: Joanne McLoughlin of Chapel St &
Winifda Lang of Chapel St St John's, Sligo Parish (note: muliar in matrimis
autea conguncta fuit). RC Calry (LDS)
George Peacock Tracy b. about 1835, married Mary
Mulhall before 1860. (LDS)
Anna b. abt 1861 m. 19 November
1860 (LDS)
Beesey Tracey,
miner?, spinster, lives Ballyternan, (d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer)
married Patrick Burns, full [age], bachelor, Pensioner?, lives Ballyternan?,
(s. of Thomas Burns, pensioner?) 2 November 1865 Caley Church of Ireland Wit:
William Cannen?, his mark, & Samuel Suconich? [Calry Sligo PLU Church of
Ireland] signed their marks
Beesy Tracy &
Pat Burns
William Burns b. 4 Jan 1866 Sligo, Sligo (LDS)
Brididae Tracy &
Patritii Burns
Burns b. 1/13 Feb 1872 of N House Sp. Anna Tracy. St John's, Sligo
Parish (note: Nil)
Catherine Tracy
Beesy b. 25 May 1866 Sligo Sligo
Catherine Tracy
Tracy b. 25 May Workhouse Sligo 1866 Illegitimate [Sligo Sligo PLU]
Bridget Tracy b. abt 1846 Abbey St Sligo m.
James Gray abt 1867 Abbey St (LDS) [see St. Andrrews RC Dublin]
Brigeta Tracy & Jacobe
Josephus Gray b. 11/12 Jan 1868 of Abbeyquarter? Sp. Joane O'Connor &
Elizabetha McLoughlin St John's, Sligo
Bridget Tracey &
James Gray
Joseph Gray b. 11 Jan 1868 Sligo (LDS)
Gray b. 4 Jan 1869 Sligo (LDS)
Patritius Treacy of
Fallowhill South (s. of Eugeni & Margareta Dillon of Fillanth Hill
S.) married Catharina Jordan of Newtownholmes [in Caltragh St. John's] (d. of Michaelis & Honoria
Duffy of Sligo) on the 22 October 1868 Wit: Joanne Coyne of M.C. Toacl &
Honoria McLoughlin of John St. St John's, Sligo Parish. RC Calry (LDS)
Patrick/Patt Treacy, full
[age], bachelor, shoemaker, lives Gallowshill South, (s. of Owen Treacy,
shoemaker) married Catherine Jordan, Do [full age], spinster, servant, lives
Newtownholmes, (d. of Michael Jordan, farmer) 22 October 1868 RC Chapel St.
Johns Sligo Wit: John Coyne & Honora M'Loughlin [Sligo Sligo PLU]
Patrick/Pat/Patritius Tracy/Treacy
Catherine/Catharina Jordan
Mary b. 16 September 1869 Sligo
Sligo (LDS)
Eugenius Tracy b. 24/30 Apr 1871 of Pound?
St Michael Curred & Johanne Tracy
Sp. St John's, Sligo Parish. Owen b. 20 May 1871 (LDS)
Sarah Tracy b. 22/29 Mar 1874 of Newtownholmes Sp.
Francisa Tracey & Maria Gorman.
St John's, Sligo Parish Celia b.
1 June 1874 (LDS)
Catherina Tracy b. 9 Feb 1876 of
Back St Sp. Datution Glynn & Anna Jordan. St John's, Sligo Parish. Kate b.
28 March 1876 Sligo Sligo (LDS)
John b. 25 May 1878 (LDS)
Pat Tracy, shoemaker, &
Catherine Jordan
Mary Tracy
b. 16 Sep 1869 Temple Street Sligo [Calry OR St John]. Catherine Tracy, mother,
Temple St Sligo [Sligo Sligo PLU]
Owen Tracy b. 20 May 1871 Gallows
Hill Sligo. Catherine Tracy, mother, Gallows Hill Sligo [Sligo Sligo PLU]
Celia Tracy b. 1 Jun 1874 Old Pound Street
Sligo. The mark of Catherine Tracy, mother, Old Pound Street Sligo [Sligo Sligo
Kate Tracy b. 28 Mar 1876 Pound St
Sligo. The mark of Bridget Farrell, present at birth, Pound St Sligo [Sligo
Sligo PLU]
Owen Tracy, died 1872 Sligo
Sligo PLU, aged 1 year, b. 1871, bachelor, child, died 25 Apr 1872 Workhouse
Sligo [Calry OR St John - St John's Sligo RC]
Owen Tracy,
31, b. 1874 Ireland (s. of Pat.
& Cath. Jordan) m. Johanna Martin, 22, single, b. 1883 Scotland (d. of Pat.
& Eliz. Mcleod) 03 Dec 1905 Manhattan, New York
Owen Tracy,
52, b. 6 Jul 1874 Ireland, shipping clerk, d. 22 Jul 1926 Manhattan, New York
(s. of Patrick Tracy & Catherine
Jordon, both born Ireland) Spouse's Name: Joan Tracey Buried: 24 Jul 1926 St.
Anne Treacy, Do
[full age], spinster, lives Newtown Holmes, (d. of Francis Treacy, Do
[farmer]) married Peter Harte, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Coolera, (s.
of Patrick Harte, farmer) 28 April 1870 RC Chapel St. Johns Sligo Wit: Lares?
Hart & Winefred Jordan [Sligo Sligo PLU] signed her mark
Anna Treacy of
Newtownholmes (d. of Francisus & Anne Brennan of Newtoanholmes)
married m. Petrus Harte of Bal??? (s. of Patritii & Maria Bree of Coolrra)
on the
28 April 1870 Wit: Jacobo Hart of
Coolena & Margreta Jordan of Newtownholmes. St John's, Sligo Parish.
RC Calry (LDS)
Anna Tracy &
Petrus Hart
Josephus Hart of Grange Ormsby [Killaspugbrone] b. 26/29 Jun 1872 Sp. Francusus
Tracy & Brigitta Hart St John's, Sligo Parish
Francis Tracy b. abt 1828 Newtownholmes m. Anne
Brennan abt 1848 Newtownholmes (LDS)
Anna b. 1849 Newtownholmes (LDS)
Francis Tracy b. abt 1847 Newtownholmes m. Anne
Brennan before 1872 Newtownholmes (LDS)
Anna b. abt 1873 Newtownholmes
Mariae Tracy &
Eugene Ghetheas [Gethius?]
Ghetheas [Tracy crossed out] b. 5/15 Apr 1871 of Workhouse Sp. Margarrita Quin
St John's, Sligo Parish (note: Nil)
Joannas Tracy of
Newtown Holmes (d. of Francisus & Annae Brennan of Newtown Holmes)
married m. Jacobus Nelson of Carrowkeel [Kilmacowen] (s. Henerici &
Catherinae Peaulon of Carrowkeel) 26 January 1874 Wit: Jacobus Peaulon of
Carrowkeel & Anna Currid of Sligo. St John's, Sligo Parish. RC Calry (LDS)
Jane Tracy/Treacy, of full age, spinster, BLANK, lives Newtown Holmes, (d. of Francis Tracy, living, farmer) married
James Nelson, of full age, bachelor, farmer, lives Carrowkeel, (s. of Henry
Nelson, living, farmer) 26 January 1874 RC Chapel Ransboro [in Kilmacowen] Wit:
James Scanlan & Annie Currid [Sligo Sligo PLU]
Joanna Tracy &
Jacobus Nelson
Nelson b. 2/4 Dec 1874 of Carrowkeel [Kilmacowen] Sp. Michael Currid &
Honora Nelson St John's, Sligo Parish
Catherina Nelson b. 2 Nov 1876 of Carrowkeel [Kilmacowen] Sp. Franciscus
Tracy & Maria Nelson St John's,
Sligo Parish
Tracy & Nelson
I live in Sligo
Ireland and I have details of the children of Joanna Tracy Newtownhomes
Sligo who married James Nelson from Carrowkeel on 24th January 1874 in
the Cathedral in Sligo town. I am researching the Nelson family for someone in
NY and got the details from the Civil registrations office in Sligo.
These are the
children of Joanna Tracy and James Nelson who married 24th January 1874 The civil Marriage record says that the
father of Joanna was Francis from Newtownholmes
Children of James Nelson & Joanna Tracy ( sometimes spelled Treacy or
Henry Nelson D.O.B. 02/12/1874
Francis Nelson D.O.B.
Mary Nelson D.O.B.
Anne Jane Nelson D.O.B.
Lizzie Nelson D.O.B. 04/11/1883
Male (no name) Nelson D.O.B.
Agnes Nelson D.O.B. 21/09/1888
Patrick Flaherty & Elizabeth Nelson D.O.M 23/11/1925 Father's
Names John Flaherty & James Nelson
Rosaleen Scanlon 20 January 2012
My web site
Bridida Tracy
Tracey b. 18/25 Sep 1875 of Workhouse Sp. Brigida Scanlon St John's, Sligo
Parish (note: illegitimate)
Franciscus Tracy of Newtownholmes (s. of Francisi
& Anne Brennan of Newtownholms) married Brigida Gilgan of Bruagice
[Breeoge Kilmacowen] (d. of Michalis & Brigda Banks of Bruagice) on the 22
August 1878 Wit: Joannes Derins of Rusheen & Maria Nargadon of Rathcliffe
St Sligo. St John's, Sligo Parish. RC Calry (LDS)
Francis Tracey, full [age], bachelor, farmer, lives Newtown Holmes, (s. of Francis Tracey, farmer) married Bridget Gilgan, full [age], spinster, BLANK, lives Brungo, (d. of Michl Gilgan, farmer) 22 August 1878 RC Chapel Coohera Wit: John Devins & Mary Hangadon [Sligo Sligo PLU]
Anne Tracy, full [age], spinster, BLANK profession, lives Jail St Sligo, (d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer) married Thomas Nealon, full [age], widower, servant, lives Jail St Sligo, (s. of Thomas Nealon, farmer) 06 November 1884 RC Chapel Sligo Wit: Hugh Keavney & Frances Keavney, signed her mark [Sligo Sligo PLU] signed their marks
Michael Treacy & Helen/Eleanora Nolan [see Carlow]
Margarita Tracy b. 25/28 Sep 1879 of Busherstown Sp. Thoma Nolan & Julia Delany. Tinryland Parish (Note: Married at Cathedral Elfin [Sligo] to Martin Kelly on 29 Sep 1918)
Cunningham and Treacy - September 4 1935 at University Church,
Dublin...Vincent, third son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham, Maudabawn,
Cootehill, Co. Cavan to Ita, only
daughter of Mrs. Treacy and the late John
R. Treacy, 6 St. Mary's Terrace, Sligo.
Bridget Tracy, died 1871, Sligo Sligo PLU, aged 39 years, b. 1832,
spinster, nun, died 28 Mar 1871 Ursuline Convent Sligo, Thomas Boyle, present
at death, Sligo
Patritus Tracey & Anna Nangle
Brigadam Tracey b. 31 Mar 1844 Sp.
Maria Ford Taunagh Parish
by Sligo Protestants, 1813, 1813.
M. Killoran and Coolaney: a local history, 1985.
J. Gurteen, Co. Sligo, its history, antiquities and traditions, 1981.
McCoy, G.A. Index to 'The Compossicion Booke of Connoght, 1585', Irish
Manuscripts Commission, Dublin, 1945.
H.T. Notes on the Early History of the Dioceses of Tuam, Killala and Achonry,
Dublin, 1904.
(ed.), The Parishes in the Diocese of Killala,
James J. History of the Diocese of Ardagh, Dublin, 1954.
J.C. History of Ballymote and the Parish of Emlaghfad, 1936.
T. Diocese of Killala,
J. Curry, 1984.
J.C. Historic Sligo, 1965.
O'Connell, Philip The Diocese of Kilmore:
its History and Antiquities, Dublin, 1937.
T. History and Antiquities of the Parishes of Ballysadare and Kilvarn,
Martin, W.G. Sligo and the Enniskilleners, from 1688-91, Dublin, 1882.
Martin, W.G. History of Sligo
Last update: 01 February 2025