to 1900
Historical References
Newspaper extracts
Legal Records
Parish Records
of Tipperary Page 2 North Tipperary
of Tipperary Page 2 South Tipperary
Family Histories
Parish Records
from 1800 onwards
References from
1900 onwards
- Directories
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Land Records
- Census
references for Tipperary
Traceys of Tipperary Page 1
may be presumed that the Traceys of:
North East Tipperary are
descended from the Uν Bairrche
North West Tipperary are descended from the
Sil Anmchadha
South West Tipperary are
descended from the Uν Fidgeinti.
County Tipperary Genealogy Project
County Tipperary GenWeb Project
The Traceys of Tipperary can trace their history back to the
beginning of historical records, as they were of the Uν Bairrche, Sil Anmchadha and Ui Fidegeinti.
In the Patent Rolls of James I, there was Garranelandresy otherwise Lander's grove near Fethard.
26. Extent of the Manor of Thorles (Thurles) 18th May 1303
De Herde Tracy pro ob. quad. quia per
Willelemum Le Brode ob. quad.
De Willelmo le Brode ob. quad. quia dominus oneratur pro eo jd. ob.
De heredibus Philipi le Croker videlicet
pro Rogero Clericio xixd. ob.
De eisdem Herde Tracy jd.
De eisdem pro Petro Danial xiiijd. ob.
et ad festum Santi Michaelis xiiijd. ob. quad.
De eisdem Herde Tracy ijd. ob.
Summa ad pacha xvijs. iijd. ob. quad. et
ad festum Santi Michaelis xvijs. viijd. Inde subtrahantur iiijs. ob per annum
ut in particulis subscriptis et sic onus domini summatur per ann. xxxs. xjd.
ob. quad. Inde Agneta Croker xd. et ad festum Santi Michaelis xd. quad. pro.
xiij. acris et dim. quas tenet nominee dotis et per manus Thome le Grete iijd.
et per manus Willelmi de Preston id. ob. quad. et ad festum Santi Michaelis
ijd. et inter Johannem fil. Rogeri et Thomam le Grete iijd utroque termino et
per Johannem fil. Rogeri Cort. iijd. et per eundem Johannem fil. Rogeri vd. ob.
White, Newport B.
ed. (1932) The Red Book of Ormond. Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Commission. pp.
78, 79, 80
26 Mar 1313 Cashel Pleas
Pleas Of The
Crown At Cassell Before Walter De Thornbury, 26 Mar. Chancellor Of Ireland, And
William Alysaundre, Assigned To The Place Of Edmund Le Botiller, Gustos Of
Ireland, Acting Elsewhere In Remote Parts, On Monday The Morrow Of The
Annunciation, A. R. 6.
Walter Ohassy, charged with the death of
John de Nasshe, feloniously slain by him, comes and defends, etc. John
Athelard, El . . . ., Simon Monywrench, Walter le Blound, John Mare ....
William ....Taillour Roger A .... Graunt, Robert Albus, Thomas de Aula and
Walter Broun, jurors, say that Walter is guilty. Therefore let him be hanged.
1314 Clonmel Pleas
Jordan, son of Patrick Nelltylle and
others of his following, who feloniously slew Roland Tracy and William Kerdiff at Ringnagonagh [Ringagonagh
Waterford] and robbed them of 30 cows.
Ormond Deeds V
Jurors: Thomas Cantwell, Richard and John
CantwellRichard and William Racket, William Monsell, William PowerWilliam Bryt,
Thomas Boy Purcell, John Vale, Richard fitz William, James Vale. The jurors say
that, notwithstanding the statute passed by Parliament at Dublin before Thomas,
Earl of Surrey (as above), Nicholas, Richard and John Fanyng fitz Geoffrey of
Ballyngarry [Ballingarry
Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)], Teige Bearre O'Howlaghan and Dermod
O'Treassy alias O'Twee of the same, kerns, advised, procured and abetted by
Geoffrey Fanyng, gent., wilfully burned a house at Ferenrory [Farranrory Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] containing
40 cows with 60l. of William Fanyng, gent., and also a girl called Sawe Iny
Canlyen who was in the house. Inquisition taken at Clonmel on Monday after Holy
Trinity in the 7th year of Edward VI [May 29, 1553]
25th April 1555 Inquisition taken at Clonmel
jurors say that Nicholas Richard and John Fanyng Fitz Geoffery of Ballyngarry,
Teige Beare OHowlaghan and Dermot OTreassy alias OTwee of the same,
kearns, advised procured and abetted by Geoffrey Fanyng gent, willfully burned
a house at Ferenrory conmtaining 40 cows with 60l of William Fanyng gent and
also a girl called Sawe Iny Canlyen who was in the house.
1615 Royal Visitation of Cashel and Emly.
Viccaria de Kilconill Edmondus o Trassie. Incumbens.
Decanatus de Tipperary.
Ecclesia de Cullen. Rectoria ibidem Johannes
o Hassie. Vicaria vacat.
Michael A. Murphy.
Royal Visitation of Cashel and Emly, 1615. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 1 (1912),
pp. 277-311
Redmond Tressy of Kilcrua (Tipperary?) hanged at Magher an
earla (Magher an Iarla) in Tiranascragh (Galway) hanged 17th
November 1643 on the order of the Earl of Clanrickard for the murder of a
Scotsman John Chancelor, his English wife Elizabeth and their son John. The
Earl of Clanrickard states that after interrogation Redmond Tressy confessed.
Also hanged for the same offence, William OMeaghan of Kilcrua hanged at
Portumna 16th November 1643 and Breasal McDermot OMadden of
Killimor, hanged at Killimor 4th December 1643.
The lands of Teigue OTrassie of Ballaghaghill [Ballycahill Killimorbologue Galway???] who was slain in the rebellion were given to Richard Earl of Clanrickard.
Lowe John ed (1983) Letter-book
of the Earl of Clanricarde, 1643-47. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.
Madden, Gerard (2004) History
of the OMaddens of Hy-Many. East Clare Heritage, Co. Clare.
24/2/1654 or 1655 William Trassy of Gouline in the Barony of
Middlethird and Sarah Gervie of the same married. (Cashel)
1715 Parish Register Society of Dublin: Church of Ireland parish registers.
Volume 4: Trinity College 1650-1660 p.36
Parliament, 1653, passed an Act that marriages should take place before a
justice of the Peace. Most of persons mentioned were Catholics as register was
Barony Sleavordagh, Tipperary (pp.297)
Trassy (12)
Barony Eliogurty & Ikerin, Tipperary (pp.319)
Trassy (22)
1665-7 Hearth Money Records
Barony of
Donnogh O'Hasey, Clonmell, 1 2
Donnogh Hasey, Clonmell, 1 2
Thomas Hasey, Carricke, 1 2
Bryen McThersagh, Lisshine
et Culenegon Vill
Daniell Trassy, Gorterdane, 2 4
John Trassy, Tubber Coan-Glasse, 1 2
James Trasy, Schart Ullick-Mill, 1 2
Barony of Eliogarty & Ikyryn
Margaret Ny Trassy, Dondrom, 1 2
William Trasie/Trassy, Clonakenny (Clonbeany), 1 2
William Reagh Trasie, Clonakeny, 1 2
Teige Trassy, Marraduffe, 1 2
Darby Tressy, Holy-Cross, 1 2
Killabegg Parish
Thomas Trassy, Killclonny, 1 2
Moyne Parish
Thos. Trassie (Treacy), Kilclooney.
Connor Trassie, Moglan, 1 2
Connor Treassy, Garranaquinlin, 1 2
Edmond Trassy, Roscrea, 1 2
Edmond Tressie, Rosscrea 1 2
Thomas Trassy, Roscrea, 1 2
Thomas Trassie, Rosscrea, 1 2
Daniell Trassie, Ballacahall (Ballacahill), 1 2
James OTrasie, Adamstowne, 1 2
Donnogh Trassie, Mudrommy, 1 2
Connor O Trehie, Ballyknockane, 1 2
Katherine Tressa, Garrymore, 1 2 (= Ballylahy?)
Thomas Tressie, Cloghraile, 1 2
Thomas Trassie, Killcloony, 1 2
Thurles Parish
John Trasy, Thurles, 1 2
Barony of Iffa and Offa
Dearragrath [Derrygrath]
and Abynisleonaghty Parish
John Trassy, Knockanny, 1 2
Barony of
St. Johnstowne
William Treassy, St. Johnstown, 1 2
St. Johnstowne
and Cooleagh Parish
William Treasy, St. Johnstown, 1 2
Edmond Tressy, St Pates Rock, 1 2
Teige Tressy. Rath McCarthie, 1 & Forge 2 or 4
Nenagh Parish
Teige Trasey, Nenagh, 1 2
Owen Trassy, Carrigg, 1 & Forge 4
Dorrha Parish
Morrogh Trassy, Durrha, 1 2
Daniell Tressy, Lurha, 1 2
Donnogh Tressy, Lorrha, 1 2
Donnogh Nessy, Bally McEgan 1 2
Wm Traghy, Ballysteany, 1 2
Barony of Upper Ormond
Anamedull Parish
Donnogh Hassy, Garryard 1 2
Dolla Parish
Mortogh Hassie, Killcofett, 1 2
Killnaniffe [Kilnaneave?]
Connr Trassey, Counyne, 1 2
Barony of
Slievardagh & Comasy
Teige Trassy, Clonamicon, 1 2
Fennor Parish
James Trassey, Fennor, 1 2
Margarett Trassy, Killnegranagh, 1 2
Thomas Trassy, Modeshell, 1 2
William Trassy, Ballyvonine, 1 2
John Tressy, Gragagh, 1 2
William Trassy, Gragagh, 1 2
Edmond Hassy, Lismalin, 1 2
John Trassy, Island and Gragagh Villiages, 1 2
Families: Being the Hearth Money Records for 1665-6-7
1716 Daniel Tracey, Killardriff [in Killardry], Co. Tipperary (Will)
1716 Daniel
Tracy Kilmelagh [Kilmelan Moycarky] (bond)
30 Oct 1722
Witness: Thomas Treasy of Clonamicon, Co Tipperary yeoman
Archbishop Butler's Visitation Book
list of
the candidats ordained by his Gee. CB. the year 1728 & 34 in the chappel of Thurless:...Andrew Tracy of
Christopher O'Dwyer. Archbishop Butler's Visitation
Book. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 33 (1975), pp. 1-90
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been ordered for transportation for these seven years last past, with an account of what money hath been raised for these purposes on said County, to commence the twenty-seventh of March 1736, to the thirtieth of July 1743, inclusive Tipperary Philip Trassy
1736-1867 [Memorial No: 60506 22 Jan 1736]
The lands
of Ballinamoe, otherwise Summerhill...are held under a lease dated 22nd January
1736...and also that part of Upper Wood of Longford, then in the possession of
Patrick Gallavan and Thady Tracy, situated in the Barony of Eliogarty and
Ikerrin and County of Tipperary...
1737 Peter Trecey, Thurles [Thurles], Co. Tipperary. (Will)
4 June 1738
Registered 6 Mar 1738
Patrick Sherlock, sen, merchant, to Paul Sherlock, gent, of Upper
Butlerstowne Waterford, nephew & Patrick Sherlock, jun, gent of City of
Cashell. Tipperary, Mrs Mary Sherlock their mother and Margaret Sherlock, their
Peter Augier, merchant, City of Cashell
John Treacy, merchant, City of Cashell
John Sall, merchant, City of Cashell
Bartholomew Delandre, clerk to Dep Reg, City of Dublin
1738 Thomas
Trassy Kilcool [Kilcooly?] Tip Farmer (bond)
1741 April. Will of Anne Morress of Thurles, gentlewoman.
Sick & weak in body but of perfect
mind & understanding. To be buried at the parish church of Drumme. Whatever
money lies in the lands of James Morgen of Lisereagh to go towards payment of
her debts. The interest of her house & park in Thurles & her household
staff, furniture & other wordly substance to be employed for the same
purpose & after that to be employed for the repair of the little chapel in
the churchyard of Drom, where her husband is buried & she also wishes to be
interred, & shut up with a door as soon as possible after her decease. The
residue to be paid to her dear child, Miss Mary Morress, to but used as I
indicated to her. Executor her dear son John Morress, Anne Morres (seal) Wss.
Margaret Morres, Mary Connell.
[Note:- The above Anne Morress was
probably Alix (or Mary) Treacy, the Paris beauty of low birth that
Redmond Morres of Knocka, married & for which misalliance he was
disinherited by his father, Sir John. He turned Prostestant however & under
Penal laws, had an Act of Parliament passed restoring him to his inheritance.
He had a daughter, Marie, who died in 1749 & 3 other daughters & 2
sons, Sir John & Simon.
1742 William Tracy, Rathshinead [?], Co. Tipperary. (Will)
29 Jun 1743
Edward Tracy of City Dublin,
gent, witness to Egan will Ballyaghter, co Tipperary & Nugent will Tihilly,
Kings Co, land Division agreement. 100 acres plant.meas. Gurteen ; 100 acres
Killishell ; 215 acres Curraghmore ; 194 & 1/2 and 2 acres Killcormick
called Frankford, Kings Co
Will of John Manvil? of Fertiana
1747 [or 1727] April 11th. Infirm in body but of sound mind and perfect
memory, thank God. Divides his goods
thus - £15 to his wife Catherine Norris, and £15 each to his four children
Onor?, James, Valentine and John, and if
any of them should die (before age of 21?), that share to be equally divided
among the survivors. His stock 135
sheep, 14 head of black cattle, one more and 2 colts, in cash 12½ guineas, £3
pound pieces, 40/= shilling pieces. To
servant Margaret Trassy £1-15-0; and to Mary Manvil? £2. Appoints his
brother? Thomas Cullin, and his wife, Cath Norris, as his executors.
BorneyParish (Bornea ?)
Conor Trassy 1 acres
Daniel Trassy 30 acres
John Trassy 1 acres
Tady Trassy 4 acres
Edmond Taessy 17 acres
James Trassy 9 acres
Phill Trassy 1 acres
Thomas Trascy 17 acres
William Trascy 1 acres
Tady Trassy 40 acres
Thomas Trassy 1 acres
Thomas Trassy 1 acres
William Trassy 22 acres
Killea Parish
John Treacy 5 acres
John Trecy 10 acres
Patrick Treacy 10 acres
William Trassy 1 acres
James Trassy 1 acres
1752 April 11 Inf. of John Norris of Sallahid, Mathew Ryan and Ellinor Ryan otherwise Trassy, as to
the abduction of Ellinor Ryan dr. of Mathew Ryan of Dunohill, etc. Co. Tip.
The Utah genealogical and historical magazine, Volume 8
Dr. James Butlers
Visitation Of Holycross Parish On 21st July 1752.
Mr. Dorney the P.P.
made the subjoined return of the effects:- The effects exhibited by the Rev.
John Dorney:- One crosslet plate, on one side is guilt with gold, containing a
piece of the Holy Rood. Fr. Dorroney
exhibits in a bit of paper enclosed in a ledderen purse a piece of old wood
which he says was the holy rood in a case of gold conveyed by the deceased Fa.
Cormack, a Cistercian, to be sold in Dublin by Peter Dalton of
Farnybridge....... N.B. Sd. Dorrony declares that ye said bit of wood was given
to him in the house of Mr. Thomson, by name Manual, of Graigue, and deceased,
where all ye effects of the abbey in possession of Edmund Cormick were carried
to from sd. abbey on the death of sd. Cormock, and then there found-a plate
chalice, with its patena, with the following inscription-ORATE PRO AABS.
GULLELMI MARTEN ET ANASTASIAE uxoris ejus me fieri fecerunt 1647. Another chalice, the middle piece of a clever
fashion, made of brass washed with gold, with a large cup of plate likewise
guilt, stolen in the year 1638 by John Henesy, son to Thomas Henesy of
Holycross, an old water clerk. (Were
they relatives of Rev. David Henesy, the secular Priest, P.P. of Holy Cross c.
1599 to 1623 when Abbot Archer removed him?).
Sd. John Henesy sold sd. Cupp to John Tracy of Cashel who
likewise disposed of it before the Cupp was missd., - an old mitre, - an upper
piece of a brass crosier, - two old casulas with one maniple and stole. One unfitt for use; another casula without
maniple, stole or lining, stripe light silk, green and white, crossed with a
narrow and suitable silk lace - and given to the abbey by ye lady.
Archbishop Butler's Visitation Book
July 21
1752...and another chalice ye middle peice & foot of a cliver fashion made
of brass washd. wth. gold with a larg cupp, of plate likewise guilt, stole in
ye year 1738 by John Henesy son to Thorns. Henesy of H. Cross, an old water
clerk. Sd. John Henesy sold sd. cupp to John
Tracy of Cashil who likewise disposd of it before ye cupp was missd...
Christopher O'Dwyer. Archbishop Butler's Visitation
Book. Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 33 (1975), pp. 1-90
Fethard Co.
Tipperary . Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no. 13
Mr Treacy's school, location unknown. 1759 (Visitation
bk, 28)
Society of Friends
(Quaker) Congregational Records
1757 Tim Tracy County of Tipperary
More taken by James Lahy, Tim Tracy & Mich Moroney tythetakers under
said Jno Mach [under Danl Hern Archdeacon of Cashell]
11 February
1758 Pue's Occurrences
Daniel Tracy, who run away from the service of his
master James Longe Everard of Kiloran in the County of Tipperary, Esq; and
taken away with him a new suit of cloaths, with a scarlet waistcoat, and
several other things of value belonging to his said master; said Tracy is about
five feet high; he once lived in Cork in a publiek way. This is therefore to
caution all perions from hiring him. notwithstanding he may produce discharges,
which are counterfiets and whoever lodges him in any of his Majesty's goals in
one month from the date hereof. shall receive a guinea reward from Mr Longe;
said Tracy is of a black and sallow complexion. Killoran, February 12, 1758.
Danl Tracey, 24 Jun 1758, Cashell
Tipperary, Excluded
Edw Treacey, 10 Aug 1807, Clonmell
Marriage 29-2-1756. Thadeus Skehan
of parish of Moycarky married Mgt. Tracy of par. of Cooleagh.
[see 1766
Religious Census for a list of parishes searched and links]
Note: Protestant Parishes are based
on the civil parish.
1766 Religious Census
Clonbeg/Galbally Parish
Mich'l Trassy
Donoghil Parish
Simon Tracy?
Doon Parish
James Trassy
John Tracy
Patrick Trassy
Parish Priest resident. Patrick Treacy.
Gaile Parish
Jas. Treacey
Grean Parish
Andrew Treacy
Edmund Treacy
John Trally (Trassy?)
Mary Tracy
Pat Treacy
John Trassey
Killea Parish
Timothy Trassy 3 papists
Joan Trassy 5 papists
73 Thomas
Trassy 5 papists
Edmund Trassy 6 papists
Dennis Trassy 8 papists
Thomas Trassy 4 papists
Killevinogue [Killavinoge] Parish
William Trassy 4 papists
William Trassy 3 papists
Thomas Trassy 4 papists
Thomas Trassy 10 papists
93 Patrick
Trassy 4 papists
Thady Trassy 3 papists
Andrew Trassy 4 papists a chapel [RC]
Darby Trashy/Trasy, 7 pers in house
Newport Parish, Union of
Killnerath (Killnarath, Kilvellane and Kilcomenty)
Mary Tracy
Mich. Tracy
Mgt. Tracy
Templemore Parish
Dennis Trassy 7 papists
Michael Trassy 5 papists
Mary Trassy 5 papists
Connor Trassy 6 papists
Joan Trassy 3 papists
Toom Parish
Richard Tracy
Patrick Tracy
Richard Treasy
William Treacy
24 April 1766
...Patrick Treacy, P.P. of Doon, popish priests
Some Historical Notices of
the O'Meaghers of Ikerrin
1766 Religious Census, St. John's
City and Suburbs of Cashel, Rock, Coleman, Clerahan, Boytonrath, Ardmayle,
Gale, Ballishehane, Erry.
Parish of St. John's City and
Subards of Cashel [St. John Baptist]
Parish of Gale [Gaile]
1766 Religious Census, Ballintemple
Union, Cahel Co. Tipperary
Ballintemple Parish
Kilpatrick Parish
Rathlegny Parish
Oughterliege Parish
1766 Religious Census, Grean and
Killardry, Diocese of Cashel
Grean Parish
Killardry Parish
1766 Religious Census, Killnirath,
Diocese of Cashel
Killnirath Parish
Treffie?, 3 in family
Tracy, 2 in family
Tressie?, 6 in family
Tracy, 5 in family
Tracy, 6 in family
1766 Religious Census, Union of
Toom Parish, County of Tipperary
Donoghil Parish
1766 Religious Census, Cullen, Saleohodmore,
Saleohodbey, Kiloe? & Cluggin
Peter Trassy
Canadian military service
James Tracey born abt 1797
Roscrea, Tipperary - Canadian military service 2 Sep 1816
James Tracey born abt 1797 Rosrea,
Tipperary - Canadian military service 2 Sep 1816
John Tracey born abt 1806 Bournia,
Tipperary - Canadian military service 13 Jun 1825
Michael Tracey born abt 1770
Clarrence, Tipperary - Canadian military service 16 May 1798
Michl Tracey born abt 1776 Cumlin,
Tipperary - Canadian military service 25 Feb 1812
Patk Tracey born abt 1806
Templemore, Tipperary - Canadian military service 20 Jun 1825
Thomas Tracey born abt 1796
Killanall, Tipperary - Canadian military service 10 May 1816
1772 Patrick
Treacy Cashel [St John Baptist OR St Patricksrock] Shopkeeper (bond)
1775 Patrick
Treacy Cappagh [Donohill OR Toem] Yeoman (bond)
1778-1790 Catholic Qualification
Tracy, shoemaker, of Roscrea, Thurles 25 Febery 1794, No 1642 [Tipperary]
Treacy, of Killeatlea [Kylatlea Kilvemnon Tipperary], 6th Aug 1789 Munster
Circuit Clonmel assises
Treacy, farmer, of Asmlar [similar? ie Killbeg Tipperary] 24 March 1788 Munster
Circuit Clonmel assises
Tracy, farmer, of Gurtdereboy, Thurles 25 Febery 1794, No 1605 [Tipperary]
Tracy, farmer, of Gortderiboy Co Tipperary, 15th Dec 1778 Chancery City of
1780 Michael
Tracey Roscrea [Roscrea] Doctor (bond)
4 Sep 1784
Memorial No: 245691
Edmond Dalton. Esq, of Birr Kings Co, granted to Edward Tracy of Birr
Kings Co, a rent charge payable out of the lands of Ballylisheen [Kilnaneave OR
Dolla OR Ballynaclogh], Barony of Upper Ormond, Co Tipperary.
26 February 1785 (FJ) Excise Office
numerous mob from Roscrea, many of them with fire arms, assembled at Borris and
fired several shots into the house of lodge...and seized five hogheads of
whiskey distilled by Christopher Dewnes of Roscrea, which had been
seized...Patrick McCan and Edward Bradley, both of Roscrea, butchers, Denis
Fehan of Roscrea, Daniel Tracy of the same place, blacksmith, and - Hough, were
concerned in the said outrage...reward of Fifty Pounds [for their capture]...
14 Jan 1786 Memorial No: 249533
Hutcheson, gent and his wife Elizabeth Sheldon of Roscrea, Co Tipperary granted
to Martin Treacy/Tracy, farmer, of Bawnmadrum [Bourney], Co Tipperary, an
annuity paid out of the profit rent arising from property in Roscrea &
Loughpark, to repay a debt.
31 August 1786 (FJ) To Luttrell,
Commander of Munster
Roman Catholic inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Rosrea
18 November 1786 (FJ) To Luttrell,
Commander of Munster
Roman Catholic Inhabitants of the Parish of Bourney...
Treacy, Thomas Treacy, Darby Treacy...James Treacy...
Inhabitants of the Parish and Union of Templmore
Tracy, James Treacy, James Treacy, John Treacy, Michael Treacy, Daniel Treacy,
Con Treacy, Thomas Treacy
2 January 1790 (FJ)
few days ago, Mr. O'Brien High Constable lodged in the county gaol of Limerick,
Thomas Tracy, yeoman, at Ballinulta, in the county of Tipperary, being indicted
in the Crown Office for an highway robbery on William Ryan; and for wilfully
shooting at Thomas Lloyd, Esq; one of his Majestry's Justices of the peace for
the county Limerick; he is also charged with the murder of Daniel Horan.
1792 Journal of the House of Lords
Thomas Morris, Treasurer of the
Turnpike Road from Maryborough to Tomivarah
1st Nov. 1781 To one
Years Rent of Tolls let to Edward Tracy
To one ditto of the upper Part to
ditto £300.0.0
1st Nov. 1782 To one
Years Rent of Tolls let to ditto £230.0.0
To one ditto of the upper Part to
ditto £320.0.0
29th March 1781 Said Brownlow
then received from Robert Tracy,
Toll farmer, to hand over to the then Treasurer, the late Thomas Morris
28th July Said Brownlow
received from said Tracy £139.14.3
1st Oct 1785 By Cash
paid Robert Tracy, his bill as by his receipt and pursuant to Order of Board,
Four Boards
£2.5.6 } £4.17.10
a Dinner
£2.12.4 }
1st Oct [1788] By ditto
[cash] paid Robert Tracy, for Boards and Dinners as his receipt £5.6.10
Tracey; Rating; Born: Cullen [Tipperary?]; Age on entry: 28; Dates served: 8 March
1793-12 May 1802; Date and Type of
Application: Admiralty 22 December 1834
John Tracey. Dates served: 8 March 1793-12 May 1802; When admitted to Greenwich Hospital: 1 January 1835.
National Archives ADM 29/10 Admiralty: ratings
Birth. 27-11-1794. Walter of Walter
Skehan and Mgt. Murrihane, sps. Patk. Murrihane and Mgt. Tracy.
British War Office
Tracey b. Roscrea 9th Light Dragoons enlisted 25th June
1795. Appointed Sgt 1st Feb 1800. Clerk by trade. Died 28th
Feb 1811 as Pay Master Sgt. Entitled to Prize Money for Flushing. Widow Mary
signed in Exeter 10th March 1811. WO25/891
British War Office
Tracy b.1759 Nenagh, Tipperary 67th Foot 1794-1797 applied for
Chelsea 4th Dec 1797 but rejected. Labourer WO116/10
Martin Treacy, Boulebane, co. Tipperary, farmer (Perogative Will)
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Michael Tracey born Cumblin,
Tipperary. Served in 101st Foot Regiment; 54th Foot Regiment Discharged aged
40, 1798-1817 [b. 1777] Chelsea
5th Feb 1817 with 23 yrs service WO116/24
Michl Tracey born abt 1776 Cumlin,
Tipperary - Canadian military service 25 Feb 1812
Micl Treacy, born abt 1777
Tipperary, Private 101st Regiment of Foot, residence 5 Feb 1817, Regimental
Registers of Pensioners
8 and 12 December 1877 (NG) Tipperary Petition against the Union,
January 1800
...Cornelius Tracy, do
[Roscrea]...Patrick Tracy [Roscrea?]...Darby Tracy...Denis Tracy, Thomas
Tracy...Thomas Tracy...
7 August 1779 Clonmel
Daniel Carrols, charged upon oath with
assaulting Michael Gleeson and Dennis Tracy, on the 29th ult at Roscrea, and
wounding the latter, of which he languishes in danger of his life.
The Gentleman's
and London magazine: or monthly chronologer, 1741-1794
Genealogical Abstracts
Catherine Treacy, 1795, Tipperary
Martin Tracy, 1797, Tipperary
Martin Treacy, 1795, Tipperary
6 Aug 1801 Memorial No: 354565
Sir Laurence
Parsons, Baronet, of Parsonstown [Birr], King's Co [Offaly] granted a lease to
life of Edward
Tracy/Tracey, shopkeeper, of late of Parsonstown [Birr], King's Co [Offaly]
mentioned John
Franks, doctor, of Roscrea, Co Tipperary, husband of Alice Tracey
Old lease
Edward Tracy/Tracey
was granted a lease in 1728
Robert Tracy/Tracey
a life added to a lease in 1758; since dead
Edward Tracy/Tracey
a life added to a lease in 1758
Alice Tracy/Tracey a
life added to a lease in 1758
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Surname |
First Name |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
Tracey |
William |
R |
II (1802) |
1800 |
Tipperary Co |
Life |
There was the case of another Cappagh White
man who charged with and sentenced by a Limerick court martial but this was on
10th May 1800. That village was both famous for its fairs and
notorious for its faction fights. William Tracy and others from there were
charged with attacking a party of the Loyal Essex Regiment of Fencible Infantry
on the 27th April. Sergeant Thomas Davis stated to the court that he
was an escort for a prisoner who was being taken from Cappagh White by Ensign
Hearne. On the Road to Limerick and half a mile from Doon he saw the accused
man in front of a number of women and children. He immediately ordered him out
of the way and threatened him. Treacy, he said, jumped over a fence and into
the fields. He saw him again near Doon chapel wall where he was joined by other
man near the gates. When the escort left Doon village the crowd followed and
gave three huzzas and some stones were thrown at the soldiers. Davis saw Treacy
with a stone in each of his hands. The crowd was shouting: Hip, hip, hurray!
Follow!After a while the stoning was followed by four or five shots and a
shout of Let the prisoner go! was heard. Private Harding of the Loyal Wessex
stated that the escort consisted of one subaltern, one sergeant and sixteen
rank-and-file. They were escorting a prisoner who had been arrested by the
Durham Cavalry. The court martial sentenced the prisoner to death but with a
recommendation for mercy. After reading fully the court martial papers, it is
not difficult to understand why Lord Cornwallis commuted this brutal sentence
to seven years transportation. National Archives Dublin 620/9/90/6
Power, Patrick C (1997) The Court Martials
of 1798-99. The Irish Historical Press.
Home Department, a letter from Sir
Chas. Saxton relative to a Man of the Name of Wm. Tracey who was transported
from Ireland to New South Wales in the Ship Atlas, And I am to desire that this
Person may be permitted to return to Ireland
Watson, Frederick (1914) Historical
Records of Australia. Library Committee of theCommonwealth Parliament
to Macquarie, 15 July 1812, granted a permission for William Tracey to return
to Ireland...
No. 3, per ship Spring Grove; acknowledged by Governor Macquarie, 28th June,
Street, 15th July, 1812.
Sir, I
herewith transmit to you the Copy of a letter from Mr. Beckett to my Under
Secretary, dated the 7th Inst, inclosing, by Command of His Majesty's Secretary
of State for the Home Department, a letter from Sir Chas. Saxton relative to a
Man of the Name of Wm. Tracey who was Transported from Ireland to New South
Wales in the Ship Atlas, And I am to desire that this Person may be permitted
to return to Ireland, it appearing from the Communication of the Irish
Government that his Term of Transportation has expired.
I have,
No. 1.]
7th July, 1812,
Sir, I am
directed by Lord Sidmouth to transmit to you the within Copy of a Letter which
has been received from Sir Charles Saxton relative to a Man of the Name of
William Tracey who was transported from Ireland to New South Wales in the Ship
Atlas; And to desire that you will lay the same before Lord Bathurst and move
His Lordship to be Pleased to give directions to the Governor of New South Wales
to permit the Person in question to return to Ireland by the first Opportunity.
I am,
No. 2.]
Castle, 25th June, 1812.
Sir, In
May, 1802, a Man of the Name of William Tracey was transported from Ireland to
New South Wales in the Ship Atlas Musgrove, Master:in the Warrant transferring
the Services of the Convicts Transported by that Vessel to the Governor of New
South Wales the Sentence of Transportation for Life is marked against the Name
of William Tracey, agreeably to a return of the Sentences made at that time,
and remaining in the Chief Secretary's Office here; But an inquiry having been
lately made into this Man's case, it appears in reference to the Minutes of his
trial, which were not lodged with the Government until after William Tracey's
Transportation, that he was tried before a Court Martial at Clonmell, Convicted
of being a Principal in a Moh that attacked a Party of the Army escorting a
Prisoner of the Road and Sentenced to suffer Death, but recommended by the
Court as an Object of Mercy, and that it was the intention of Earl Cornwallis
then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, that he should be Pardoned on Condition of
transportation for Seven Years.
I am
therefore directed by the Lord Lieutenant to desire you will lay this Case
'before Lord Sidmouth with His Grace's request that Instructions may be
transmitted by the first opportunity to the Governor of New South Wales to
permit the said William Tracey, who it appears is now at Sydney, to return to
Ireland, the time for which it was Lord Cornwallis's intention he should have
been transported having expired. Ireland.
I am,
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Philip Treacey Born 1788 Camlin, [Corbally] Tipperary
Served in 26th Dragoons (Light); Alderney Invalids Discharged aged 24 after 10
years 6 months of service, 1802 WO121/60/324
Tracy b. 1775 Roscrea, Tipperary 26th Light Dragoons(19th
Jan 1792- 19th July 1802) Discharged 1820.Who was he with 1792-95
before 26th was raised? WO 121/195/91324 labourer and wounded.
Reinlisted 6th May 1812 at Chatham in 91st till 28th
Jan 1820 (Served in Peninsular and at Waterloo) 2nd July 1820
WO120/8 to live in Dublin WO121
Treacy b.1778 Camlin, Tipperary 26th Light Dragoons (sgt in Capt
Rynds Coy) and Alderney Invalids 1792- 19th July 1802 wounded.
Labourer W0 121/60/324WO116/12
26th Light dragoons were raised in 1795. In 1803 they were
renumbered the 23rd.The 23rd were only in the Peninsula
in 1809 and were destroyed in the charge at Talavera.
Treacy, Sgt b. 1778 Camlin, Tipperary. Capt Pynes Independent
company.Wounded.Labourer. Chelsea 19th July 1802 with 10 yrs service
Philip Treacy, born abt 1778,
Independent Company, residence 19 Jul 1802, Regimental Registers of Pensioners
Independent Company
1/1 Philip Treacy, 24 years,
served 10.5 years, wounded, born Camlin Tipperary, labourer, admited 19 July
????, D.Dr. 1822
Piayed an Murrau 81009 & b2330
qx Froth 8 2/12 Waterloo ?/2 Totall: 20 2/12 OP 2nd July 1820 Moreau B 26925
& B32???
made a 2 3/12 for ceidifsidle from
the War Office prk 5 march 1823 increased to 1/8
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Daniel Tracey born Tipperary,
Tipperary. Served in Royal Artillery Drivers Discharged aged 29, 1803-1816
WO 69/5/2621
Description of soldiers on joining Royal Horse Artillery.
This entry appears on folio 172; this number is imprinted at the top left of each folio.
Line 10: Daniel TRACY. Born Tipperary. Enlisted 1803 aged 17 years [b. 1786]. Discharged 1816. Discharge reason: Pension.
WO 69/618/1896
Royal Artillery Pensions Register 1815 - 1818. Front pages define how to calculate Pensions.
This entry appears on folio 97; this number is imprinted at the top left of each folio.
Daniel TRACEY. Place of birth not given Enlisted 1803. Discharged 1816. Discharge reason: Pension.
Covering dates indicate enlistment and discharge years.
Date: 1803-1816
WO 69/645/3587
Register (1) of drivers discharged or invalided Royal Artillery.
This entry appears on page 394; this number is imprinted in a circle on the top outer corner of each page. Daniel TRACEY of G Troop. Discharged 1816 in J Bridge. Discharge reason: Pension.
Covering dates indicate discharge year.
Date: 1816
Nov. 16, 1803 London
The following persons have been committed to
the Clonmell Gaol - C. Haran, alias Coody, who stands indicted in the Crown
Office, for the murder of Richard Buckley of Garrivine on the 6th of November
last, and for, with others, setting fire to the dwelling house of John Treacy of Garrivine.
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Francis Tr(e)eacey born Loughmore, Tipperary. Served in 98th Foot
Regiment Discharged aged 30, 1804-1818 WO97/1059/5
Fras Tracey, b. 1788 Loughmore, Tipperary
Hospital Chelsea Pensioner Registers of Soldiers Who Served in Canada,
Treacey, 30, b. Longhmore Tipperary, 26 Aug 1819 Regimental Registers of
Pensioners, labourer, brown hair, grey eyes, fair complexion, 5'6.5"
Frans Treacey, 30, 14 2/12 private, 5 West indies, 16 3/12 services 2 under
age, 1/- rate of pay, born Loughmore Tipperary, labourer, 5'6.5" brown
grey fair (note: total service 16 8/12, underage 2, ?? 12/8/12, , 6 4/12 } 21
Daniel Treacy, from Cashel (Co. Tipperary)
married at St. Johns 1805 died 1818 (Nfld. Archives BRC, Royal Gazette 6 Jan
Names of the Island of Newfoundland. Mc Gill-Queen's Press.
Collection - Irish Migrants Newfoundland, 1750 to 1850
6943 Tracey, Mrs. Anne Ross, Co. Waterford St. John's
6944 Tracey, Daniel Cashel, Co. Tipperary St. John's
6945 Tracey, Dennis Newmarket, Co. Kilkenny St. John's
6946 Tracey, Mrs. Ellen Unknown location, Co. Kilkenny
St. John's
6947 Tracey, James Unknown location, Co. Waterford St.
6948 Tracey, Margaret Ballylaneen, Co. Waterford St.
6949 Tracey, Matthew Dublin, Co. Dublin Chapel's Cove
6950 Tracey, Michael Unknown location, Co. Kilkenny
St. John's
6951 Tracey, William Unknown location, Co. Tipperary
St. John's
6952 Tracey, William New Ross, Co. Wexford St. John's
Other Records (including dates, marriages, biths &
British War Office
Treacy b. Thirsk, Tipperary 1779 98th Foot enlisted 17th
May 1804 labourer. Served West Indies 29th Jan 1806-31st
June 1811. 14 years service to 1818 when Roll of 98th (formerly 99th)
was taken. WO25/548 discharged from 98th 26th Aug 1819 WO120/29 WO97
July 1818 Newfoundland (34 men) British Army Pensioners Abroad
Treacy, 25, Thurles, Tipperary, labourer (He enlisted on 17 May 1804, and was
granted 100 acres on the Annapolis Road, NS, and was located on lot 25 South,
in Dalhousie Settlement, on the 16 Oct 1820; Joanna, wife of Francis Tracey,
died at Annapolis, NS, on 1 Aug 1843, age 50 (headstone in RC cemetery);
pension in Nova Scotia, 26 Aug 1819.]
Erin's Sons: Irish Arrivals in
Atlantic Canada, 1761-1853 by Terrence M. Punch
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Thomas Tracey born Roscrea, Tipperary. Served in 28th Foot Regiment;
Rifle Brigade Discharged aged 44, 1805-1823
Thomas Tracey, b. 1779 Roscrea, Tipperary
Tracey b. 1779 Roscrea, Tipperary Rifle Brigade PCO at Waterloo (16 yrs) and
28th Foot (2 yrs) 1805 1823 labourer
WO118/4 Thomas Tracey 1/28th enlisted 11th May 1805
Tom Tracy ...Edward Costello born Mount Mellick Queen's County on the 26th October 1788, of the 95th since made the "Rifle Brigade".
Edward Costello (1841) The
adventures of a soldier; or, Memoirs of Edward Costello, narratives of the
campaigns in the Peninsular
3 April 1807 (FJ) Clonmel
1807 The Catholic School Census of
Cloyne and Ross
Tracy (39) Gurtnacully, Bourney, Tipperary.
Tracy (110) Clonrush (in the Chapel), Clonrush, Galway.
Corcoran, T (1932) Some Lists of Catholic Lay
Teachers and Their Illegal Schools in the Later Penal Times. University
College, Dublin.
1808 (205) (Ireland.) Accounts
Spring Assizes 1807 - Clanwilliam Barony
J. White
& J. Tracy to repair 52 perchases from Tipperary to Cahir, between an alder
tree on J. Kearney's bounds and the Widow Kavanagh a 6s...£15/12/0...£0/15/0
Spring Assizes 1807 - Ikerrin Barony
Tracy, G. Lidwill & J. Dalton to repair 175 perches road from Borris-o'Kane
to Radowney, between the County ford and the three roads of Bonhires a
Return of Persons
examined and certified as Qualified by Apothecaries' Hall in Dublin 1829
Dec 4 1807, Charles Tracey, Magherafelt, Derry
Nov 16 1810 Daniel
Tracey, Nenagh [no county stated] (see Dr Daniel Tracey)
Dec 21 1810 Mark
Tracey, Feymore, Mayo
Mar 20 1817 Daniel Tracy, Nenagh, Tipperary
3/4/1812 Rent Charge
John Tracy, Longorchard,
Tipperary, Occupier, 5 Mar 1812
1814, marriage of Richard
Sadlier to Margaret Tracy (by licence) Church of Ireland records for
Tipperary & Cashel
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
James Tracey born Roscrea, Tipperary. Served in 77th Foot Regiment
Discharged aged 39, 1816-1836
James Tracey, b. 1797 Roscrea, Tipperary
Tracey b. 1797 Roscrea, Tipperary 77th Foot Labourer served 22 yrs including 4
in West Indies. Chelsea 14th Dec 1836 WO118/19
Tracey b. 1797 Roscrea, Tipperary. Labourer enlisted 11th Foot 2ndSept
1816 WO25/333
British War Office Chelsea Hospital
Andrew Tracey, b.
1837 Toomevara, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Andrew Treacey 1879
Templemore, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Andrew Treacy, b.
1878 Templemore, Tipperary WO96 Militia
Cornelius Joseph Treacy,
b. 1871 Templemore, Tipperary WO96 Militia
Cornelius Joseph
Treacy, b. 1872 Templemore, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Cornelius Tracey, b. 1828 Templemore, Tipperary
Cornelius Tracey, b.
1828 Templemore, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Daniel Tracey, b.
1786 Tipperary, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Daniel Tracy, b.
1880 Nenagh, Tipperary WO96 Militia
Denis Treacy, b.
1886 Borrisoleigh, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Edward Tracey, b.
1831 Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Fras Tracey, b. 1788
Loughmore, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
James Tracey, b.
1797 Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
James Tracey, b.
1821 Fethard, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
James Tracey, b.
1858 Tipperary, Tipperary WO96 Militia
James Tracey, b.
1872 Templemore, Tipperary WO96 Militia
James Tracy, b. 1847
Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Jeremiah Tracey, b.
1836 Cashel, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
John Tracey, b. 1835
Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
John Tracey, b. 1837
Templemore, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
John Tracey, b. 1837
Thurles, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
John Tracy, b. 1806
Bournea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
John Treacy, b. 1880
Borrisoleigh, Tipperary WO96 Militia
Martin Tracey, b.
1835 Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Michael Tracey, b. ?
Tipperary, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Michael Tracey, b.
1828 -, Tipperary WO131 Chelsea
Michael Tracey, b.
1828 -, Tipperary WO131 Chelsea
Michael Tracey, b. 1829 Borrisokane, Tipperary
Michael Tracey, b.
1829 Borrisokane, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Michael Tracey, b.
1832 Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Michael Tracey, b.
1835 Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Michael Tracy, born
abt 1835 Roscrea, Tipperary, No. 3154 Private 60th Foot, joined age 18 on the
11 Jan 1853 Birr Queens
2nd Battalion 60th
Regt of Royal Rifles
Benans Bengal -
December 7 1859
No. 3154 Private
Michael Tracey, servant, born Roscrea Co. Tipperary, attested Sixtieth regiment
of Rifles at Birr in the county of Queens on the 11th January 1853 at the age
of Eighteen years, served Six years 327 days, served one year 2/12 in the East
Indies, discharge medical disability, his character and conduct have been good.
He has been once tried by Court Martial and is in possession of one good
conduct badge with pay. Now? ??? St Helens Jersey.
Michael Tracey, b.
1839 Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Pat Tracey, b. 1879
Killenanle, Tipperary WO96 Militia
Patrick Tracey, b. 1817 Nenagh, Tipperary
Patrick Tracey, b.
1817 Nenagh, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Patrick Tracey, b.
1837 Tipperary, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Philip Tracy, b.
1775 Roscrea, Tiperary WO121 Chelsea
Philip Treacy, b.
1778 -, Tipperary WO121 Chelsea
Thomas Tracey, b.
1779 Roscrea, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Thomas Tracey, b.
1841 Ballingarry, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Thomas Treacy, b.
1836 Toomevara, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Thomas Treacy, b.
1875 Roscrea, Tipperary WO96 Militia
William Tracey, b.
1834 Templemore, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
William Tracey, b.
1870 Borrisokane, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
William Tracy, b.
1802 Clonmel, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
William Treacey 1830
Roscray, Tipperary WO97 Chelsea
Royal Hospital
Chelsea Pensioner Registers of Soldiers Who Served in Canada, 1743-1882
William Treacey, 19,
b. abt 1830 Dunkerrin Roscray Tipperary, Private 23rd Foot 3463, Attestation 17
Jan 1849 Birr, shoemaker, discharged at Chathlam 29 July 1856 aged 26y5m,
William Treacey, born abt 1830
Roscray, Tipperary, No. 3463 Private 23rd Foot, joined age 19 on the 17 Jan
1849 Birr
served nil years abroad,
discharged in consequence of disability & unfitness for further military
service apld medical certificate...his general character is good & is in
posession of one good conduct badge tried of a regimental court marial 2 May 55
for absence without leave bestow 30 days imprisonment.
William Treacey 1882
Templemore, Tipperary WO96 Militia
William Treacy, b. ?
Clonmel, Tipperary WO96 Militia
William Treacy, b.
1870 Templemore, Tipperary WO96 Militia
1 April 1820 The Irish Farmers' Journal and
Weekly Intelligencer
...Andrew be transported.
Name |
Age |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Trial Place |
Term |
Native Place |
Death Place |
Remarks |
Tracy |
25 |
Regent II (1) [1821] |
1820 |
Tipperary |
7 |
1796 |
Clare Co [Tipperary?] |
Cooper |
Tracey. Per "Prince Regent", 1821
1821 Sep 8, Street
Gang. On list of all persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (Reel 6016; 4/5781
1822 Jun
8, Aug 3, Attached to Rose's Gang. On returns of proceedings
of the Bench of Magistrates, Parramatta (Fiche 3297; X643 pp.15, 22)
15 Mar 1827 Certificate of Freedom [4/424;
Reel 602] (Andrew Tracy, Prince Regent, 1821, 050/6124)
3. Represenatives
of Daniel Guilfoyle, Parkmore, Ikerrin Tipperary, part of a house and premises
next to Rosemary street, Lease dated January 1820 William Smith to Daniel
Guilfoyle for the lives of John Treacy, first son of Michael Treacy of Roscrea
28 Jun 1820 Memorial No: 552592
Patrick Treacy who possessed part of Ballinamore, Barony of Ikerrin, Co
January 22, 1821 (FJ) Chancery - John Jameson Esq v. Thomas Treacy and
Richard English
...Set to the highest and fairest
bidder, for three years pending this cause, all that and those, Two dwelling
houses, with the appartenances being part of the Premises in the Pending in
this cause mentioned situated in the town of Caher and County of Tipperary,
lately in the possession of Edmond Everade and Christopher Menton...
31 March 1821 The Irish Farmers' Journal and Weekly Intelligencer
(From the Clonmel Herald)
...John Hickey, Wm. Walsh, Edward
Cashan, Thomas Keeffe, Wm. Cullinane, James Treacy, Richard Holmes, and Patrick
Whelan, to be transported...
28 September 1821 British Press
Tipperary Assizes
Edmond Tracy was put to the bar,
charged with bring one a party that attacked, in arms, the house of John Butler
in the neighboorlinud of Thurles, on the 28th January last - Acquited.
11 December 1821 Star (London)
"By a private letter just
received from the neighbourhood of Cashel, we are sorry to find that the house
of Mr. Dwyer, of Coolnissane [Coolacussane Kilpatrick?], was attacked on the
night of the 2d inst. and robbed of arms; the same party afterwards attacked
the Tythe Proctor's house, but not getting his books, departed. They then
visited a farmer's, of the name of TRACY, whose arms they took : they were
offered money, but refused it.
1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans
1821-1874 Poverty Relief Loans
1821 Clonmell - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher (see Richard Taylor Tracey)
1823 Roscrea - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher Richard
Taylor Tracey
1828-1830 Roscrea - Wesleyan Methodist Preacher Richard
Taylor Tracey
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
William Tracy born Grange, Tipperary. Served in 72nd Foot Regiment
Discharged aged 33, 1822-1836
William Tracy, b. 1802 Clonmel, Tipperary
Tracy b. 1802 Grange, Clonmel, Tipperary 72nd Foot 1822 13th
April 18369 d/day WO120/27
Names of the Principal Inhabitants of Banagher and Neighbourhood in the
year 1823
Linen Draper: Geo. Treacy
Names of the Principal Inhabitants of Birr and Neighbourhood in the
year 1823
Boot and Shoe Makers: Simon
Treacy, Main Street.
Names of the Principal Inhabitants of Roscrea and Neighbourhood in the
year 1823
Iron Merchant: Michael Tracey,
Rosemary St.
Leather Sellers: John Tracey,
Limerick Street.
Tanners OR Timber Merchants:
Michael Tracey, Rosemary Street.
Thomas Lalor Cooke, William
Antisell Cooke (1875) The Early History of the Town of Birr, Or Parsonstown
17901821 Insolvency Petition Books, Old Series
1103 James Tracy, 1820?, Common
Pleas Office
431 Edmond Tracy, Gaol of Clonmell,
2 July 1817, Assizes of Clonmel, Kings Bench Office, 13 Feb 1823
1824 Pigot Directory
Wm Tracey, Main St. Cooper
Wm Tracey Linen Draper
Roscrea 1825
John Tracey, Limerick St. Leather Sellers
Michael Tracey, Rosemary St. Ironmongers and Timber Merchants
26 & 30 March
1825 (FJ) Clonmel Assizes
Patrick and William Tracy, two men who appearance beskoke some
respectability, were charged with the Murder of Cornelius (Connor) Brennan, at
Greenwood, near Templemore on the 24th of October last, when he and family and
friends were returning home from Mass in Templemore...It was stated that they
did not know the victim and it was supposed that they had been sent to kill
him...They were found guilty and were hanged in the County Gaol...
2 April 1825 British Press
On Wedneaday last, Patrick and William Tracey
were hanged at the drop of the gaol of this county, for the murder of Connor
Brennan. Their demeanour was penitent and edifying; they acknowledged the
justice of their sentence - Clonmel Advertiser
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
John Tracy born Bournea, Tipperary. Served in 88th Foot Regiment
Discharged aged 30, 1825-1837
John Tracy, b. 1806 Bournea, Tipperary
Tracy b. 1806 Bournea, Tipperary 88th Foot 1825 1837 Chelsea 9th
Aug 1837 Labourer WO116/45
Schoolteachers 1826/7
1826 Second Report - Irish Education Inquiry
[published 1836 House of Commons]
John Tracy, Gurtnacully Bourna Ikerin, R
catholic, pay, about 10l, a thatched house about 6l, 1 Protestant, 139 RC, 80
male, 60 female,
Protestants of
Moycarkey Borris (Who signed a memorial to the House of Commons in favour of
Catholic Emancipation)
Roger Treacy,
Wm. Treacy,
Tithe Records
Alphabetical |
By Area |
??? Tracy Clonoulty
Tipperary 1824 Andrew Tracy, Skehana [Skehanagh], Killavinoge,
Tipperary, 1827 Andrew Tracy, Skehana [Skehanagh], Templemore
[Killavinoge], Tipperary, Andrew
Trassy, Ballinakill,
Dunkerrin, King's [Rathnaveoge, Tipperary], 1825 Anne Tracy, Clongowe [Clongower], Thurles,
Tipperary, 1833 Catherine
Treasy, Togher, Templetouhy,
Tipperary, Connor Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Connor Tracy, Newton, Bourney, Tipperary, Connor Tracy, Newtown, Bourney, Tipperary, Daniel Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary, Daniel Tracy, Ballynulty [Ballinulty], Cullen,
Tipperary, 1826 Daniel Tracy, Fogartys Park [& lower wood], Bourney,
Tipperary, Daniel Tracy, Fogartys Parks [& lower wood],
Bourney, Tipperary, [Duplicate] Daniel Tracy, Loran, Bourney, Tipperary, Danl Tracy, College Hill, Templemore,
Tipperary, Danl Tracy, Loughill [Tinvoher], Loughmoe East
[west], Tipperary, 1827 [duplicate] Danl Tracy, Tinvoher Loughile, Loughmoe West,
Tipperary, 1827 Danl Treacy [& Thomas Patt first names?], Ballyerk, Moyne, Tipperary, 1827 Denis Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary, Denis Tracy, Ballywalter, Kilvemnon, Tipperary,
1834 Denis Tracy, Kelethea [Kylatlea], Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 Denis Tracy, Kilithea [Kylatlea], Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 [duplicate] Denis
Rushmore or Ballyavenna [Ballaghveny], Ballygibbon [Ballymackey], Tipperary, 1824-1825
[Duplicate] Dennis Tracy [& John McGrath], Whitefield,
Loughmoe East [west], Tipperary, 1827 Dennis Tracy [& John McGrath], Whitefield,
Loughmoe West, Tipperary, 1827 Dennis Tracy [sen], Clontaaf [Clontaaffe],
Templemore, Tipperary, Dennis Tracy, Clontaaf [Clontaaffe], Templemore,
Tipperary, Dennis Tracy, Drumtarsna [Glenbreedy], Glenkeen,
Tipperary, 1832 Dennis Tracy, Loran, Bourney, Tipperary, [&
Daniel] Dennis Tracy, Roden, Durrow [Dorrha], Tipperary, Dennis
Treacy [& Michl Ryan], Commonaline [Commanealine], Doon, Limerick
[Tipperary], 1826 Dennis
Treacy [(bogf?)], Curraghbaha [Currabaha], Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 Dennis
Treasy, Commonaline [Commanealine], Doon, Limerick
[Tipperary], 1826 Edmd Tracy, Kilcooly Commons, Kilcooly, Galway
[Tipperary], 1826 Edmond Tracy, Ballynulty [Ballinulty], Cullen,
Tipperary, 1826 Edmond Tracy, Graffin, Killavinoge, Tipperary,
1827 Edmond Tracy, Graffin, Templemore [Killavinoge],
Tipperary, Edmund Tracy, Newtown, Kilcooly, Galway
[Tipperary], 1826 Edward Tracy, Boulibeha [Boolabeha], Moyne,
Tipperary, 1827 Edwd Tracey, Benaghmore District [Benamore],
Roscrea, Tipperary, 1823 Edwd Tracy, Whitefield, Loughmoe East [west],
Tipperary, 1827 Edwd Tracy, Whitefield, Loughmoe West,
Tipperary, 1827 George Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary, J [T] Tracy, Killoskehan, Killoskehan,
Tipperary, 1826 J
[T] Treacy, Killoskehan,
Killoskehan, Tipperary, 1826 J Tracy [or T Tracy & Benj Rawlins],
Buggawn [Boggaun], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, James Tracey, Bishop's Land, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 James Tracy [& Baron Purcell], Whitefield,
Loughmoe West, Tipperary, 1827 James Tracy, Ballyhenry, Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Commonage Unprofitable Bog
[Ballyhenry], Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Kilmacuddy [not on this page],
Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Liskeen [Lisheen], Moyne,
Tipperary, 1827 James Tracy, Shanballynahagh, Bourney,
Tipperary, James Tracy, Shanballynahagh, Bourney,
Tipperary, James Tracy[& Baron Purcell], Whitefield,
Loughmoe East [west], Tipperary, 1827 [duplicate] James
Trassy [sen], Lahinch [Lehinch], Lorrha, Tipperary, 1824 James
Trassy, Lahinch [Lehinch], Lorrha, Tipperary, 1824 James
Treacy, Phillipstown [Philipston], Donohill, Tipperary, 1826 James Treacy, Upper Garrangrena, Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 Jas Tracy [& John Bruton], Clonmore [&
Chapel quarter], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Jas Tracy [& John Bruton], Clonmore [&
Chapel quarter], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Jno Tracy [& Wm Lucas], Longlane [?],
Kilbarron, Tipperary, 1824 Jno
Treacy [& others],
Ballynocken, Templetouhy, Tipperary, 1816 [1839?] John
Corcoran M Tracy & Jams Blake, Moynard called Graige [Moyneard],
Moyne, Tipperary, 1827 John
Tracey Crocanovoga [Knockaunavogga?] Bourney Tipperary [very faint item 5
page 2] John Tracey, Knocknacree [Knockanacree],
Modreeny, Tipperary, John Tracy [& Mary Tracy], Ballywalter,
Kilvemnon, Tipperary, 1834 John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Buggan
[Boggaun], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Buggawn
[Boggaun], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, John Tracy [& Walsh], Ballycraggan,
Killodiernan, Tipperary, John
Tracy Gurtinamo Clonoulty Tipperary
1830 John Tracy, ?ren*age [Grannagh? after Fogartys
Parks], Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary,
[Twice] John Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Clashdrumsmith, Emly, Tipperary,
1834 John Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Clonlismullen, Drom, Tipperary,
1825 John Tracy, Graffin, Killavinoge, Tipperary,
1827 John Tracy, Graffin, Templemore [Killavinoge],
Tipperary, John Tracy, Grannagh [?], Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Gurteen, Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Lisnaganogue [?], Thurles,
Tipperary, 1833 John Tracy, Loran, Bourney, Tipperary, [twice] John Tracy, Sollyheadbeg [Raheen], Sleaty
[Solloghodbeg], Queen's, [Tipperary] John Tracy, Templemore [& Ivy Hall],
Templemore, Tipperary, John
Trassy, Spring Mount, Cloghprior, Tipperary, 1825 John
Treacy, Summerhill,
Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 John
Treasy, Ballynockan,
Templetouhy, Tipperary, Joseph Tracy, Templemore, Templemore, Tipperary, Kyran Tracey, Bishop's Land, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Luke Tracy, Ballinahinch, Kilcomenty,
Tipperary, 1834 [& 1827] Luke Tracy, Ballinahinchkeating, Kilcomb,
Wexford, 1825 [Kilcomenty,
Tipperary] Martin Tracy, Bawnmadrum, Bourney, Tipperary, Martin Tracy, Bellview [Bellevue], Kilbarron,
Tipperary, 1824 Martin Tracy, Burris [Borris], Twomileborris,
Tipperary, Martin Tracy, Clonlismullen, Drom, Tipperary,
1825 Martin
Treasy, Tullow [Tullowmacjames], Templetouhy, Tipperary, Martin
Tready [Treacy], Cloncleaugh [Clooncleagh], Twomileborris, Tipperary, Mary Tracy [& John Tracy], Ballywalter,
Kilvemnon, Tipperary, 1834 Mich Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Mich Tracy, Fogartys Parks [& lower wood],
Bourney, Tipperary, Michael
Thracy [& Thomas Thracy], Curraghtanfill [Curraghtemple], Youghalarra, Tipperary, 1824 Michael Tracy, Tipperary? [Barnagrotty?], Borrisnafarney,
King's, 1828 [Michael Tracy, Clouncannon, Borrisnafarney Tipperary 1828, page 4/57] Michael
Treacy, Ballydavid,
Twomileborris, Tipperary, Michl Tracey, Knocknacree [Knockanacree],
Modreeny, Tipperary, Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Buggan
[Boggaun], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Michael
Trofoy [Trassy], Kilfithmone, Kilfithmone, Tipperary, 1826 [1834] Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Buggawn
[Boggaun], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Michl Tracy, Coolcormick, Templemore [Killea],
Tipperary, Michl Tracy, Curraduff, Templemore, Tipperary, Michl Tracy, Fogartys Park [& lower wood],
Bourney, Tipperary, [Duplicate] Michl
Trassey, Carneybeg,
Cloghprior, Tipperary, 1825 Michl
Trassey, Prospect West, Cloghprior, Tipperary, 1825
[twice] Michl Treacy, Coolcormuck, Killea, Tipperary, 1827 Michl Treacy, Killawardy, Killea, Tipperary, 1827 [twice] Michl
Treasy, Togher, Templetouhy,
Tipperary, Ml Tracey, Fortyacres District, Roscrea,
Tipperary, 1823 Ml Tracey, Ring of Trees, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Owen Tracy, Carrigagown, Kilbarron, Tipperary,
1824 Pat [Roger] Tracy [& Pat Tracy], Graffin,
Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Pat Tracy [& Roger Tracy], Graffin,
Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Pat Tracy [& Roger Tracy], Graffin,
Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Pat Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Patk
Frassey [Trassey], Ballycommon,
Monsea, Tipperary, 1825 Patk Tracy, Firgrove, Kilbarron, Tipperary,
1824 Patk
Treacy [& Jas Ryan], Killoskehan, Kilfithmone
[Killoskehan], Tipperary,
1826 Patk
Treacy, Killoskehan,
Killoskehan, Tipperary, 1826 [& 1831] Patrick Tracey, Bawnmadrum, Bourney, Tipperary, Patrick
Tracy leased from Richard Burke, House & Office, Ballinlonty Kilfithmone Tipperary 1823-1824 Patrick Tracy, Barradrum [Bawnmadrum], Bourney,
Tipperary, Patrick Tracy, Grague, Moycarky, Tipperary, 1829 Patrick Tracy, Gurteenulla [Gortnadumagh],
Bourney, Tipperary, Patrick Tracy, West Poulacapple, Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 Patt Tracey, Bishop's Land, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Patt
Treacy Ballyerk Frederick Lloyd, Esq. Moyne
Tipperary 1828 Philip Tracy, Newtown, Kilcooly, Galway,
[Tipperary] 1826 Richd Tracy, Ardlomain Earl of Derby [Ardlaman],
Solloghodmore, Tipperary, 1824 Richd Tracy, Ardloman, Solloghodmore [Ardlaman],
Tipperary, 1824 [duplicate] Roger Tracy [& Pat Tracy], Graffin,
Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Roger Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Simon
Treacy, Gurthelough [Gortalough], Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 T Tracy [& Benj Rawlins], Buggan
[Boggaun], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 T Tracy [& others], Killoskehan,
Kilfithmone [Killoskehan], Tipperary, 1826 T
Treacy [& Edwd
Stapleton], Killoskehan, Kilfithmone
[Killoskehan], Tipperary,
1826 Thomas
Thracy [& Michael Thracy], Curraghtanfill [Curraghtemple], Youghalarra, Tipperary, 1824 Thomas Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, Thomas Tracy, Gurteen, Bourney, Tipperary, Thomas
Treacy Ballyerk Frederick Lloyd, Esq. Moyne
Tipperary 1828 Thoms Tracy, Glebe, Sleaty [Solloghodbeg],
Queen's, [Tipperary] Thoms
Tracy, Sollyheadbeg [Raheen], Sleaty [Solloghodbeg], Queen's, [Tipperary] Thos
Freacy [Treacy], Killmore [Kilmore], Toem, Tipperary, 1826 Thos Tracey, Drumroe, Modreeny, Tipperary, Thos Tracy, Bellview [Bellevue], Kilbarron,
Tipperary, 1824 Thos Tracy, College Hill, Templemore,
Tipperary, Thos Tracy, Forgestown, Moycarky, Tipperary,
1829 Thos
Treacy & Dunne],
Bunacum, Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 Thos Treacy [& Dun], Bunacum, Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 Tom
Trassey, Ballinamona [Ballynamona], Finnoe, Tipperary, 1826 Tom
Trassey, Ballinamona [Ballynamona], Finnoe, Tipperary, 1826 Timothy Tracy [& wife pli? Michl OBrien &
others Defs], Clonmona, Clogher, Louth, [Tipperary] 1830 Timothy
Treacy, Phillipstown [Philipston], Donohill, Tipperary, 1826 Tithy Tracey, *itiff [& wife plaintiff Michl
OBrien & others Defendants, Clonely?], Clogher, Louth, [Tipperary] 1830 Tracey [& Brophy], Carrick, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Tracey [& Co?], Boolareagh [Boolareagh],
Bourney, Tipperary, Tracey [wid], Bishop's Land, Roscrea,
Tipperary, 1823 Tracey [wid], Carrick, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Tracy [widow], Goldengarden, Kilpatrick,
Tipperary, 1833 Tracy [widw & Denis Lahy], Shanakil [Shanakill],
Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Tracy [widw & Denis Lahy], Shanakill, Killavinoge,
Tipperary, 1827 Tracy, [widow] Whitefield, Loughmoe East [west],
Tipperary, 1827 Tracy, [widow] Whitefield, Loughmoe West,
Tipperary, 1827 Trasey
[Mr], Barrackstreet, Nenagh, Tipperary, 1828 Treacy
& pts, Summerhill, Roscrea, Tipperary, 1823 Treacy
[Mrs], Coolkereen,
Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 William Tracy [& Patt Bray], Moynetemple,
Moyne, Tipperary, 1827 William Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, William Tracy, Gurteen, Bourney, Tipperary, William Tracy, West Poulacapple, Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagrana
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagrana
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 [copy] Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagraun
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 [copy] Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagraun
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 [copy] Wm
Treacy [Mrs], Farenquirth [Coolkereen], Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 |
Treacy [& Dun],
Bunacum, Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 Thos
Treacy & Dunne],
Bunacum, Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 Wm
Treacy [Mrs], Farenquirth [Coolkereen], Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 Treacy
[Mrs], Coolkereen,
Aghnameadle, Tipperary, 1825 Denis
Rushmore or Ballyavenna [Ballaghveny], Ballygibbon [Ballymackey], Tipperary, 1824-1825
[Duplicate] Michael Tracy, Tipperary? [Barnagrotty?],
Borrisnafarney, King's, 1828 [Michael Tracy, Clouncannon, Borrisnafarney Tipperary 1828, page
4/57] Connor Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Connor Tracy, Newton, Bourney, Tipperary, Connor Tracy, Newtown, Bourney, Tipperary, Daniel Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary, Daniel Tracy, Fogartys Park [& lower wood],
Bourney, Tipperary, Daniel Tracy, Fogartys Parks [& lower wood],
Bourney, Tipperary, [Duplicate] Daniel Tracy, Loran, Bourney, Tipperary, Denis Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary, Dennis Tracy, Loran, Bourney, Tipperary, [&
Daniel] George Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Ballyhenry, Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Commonage Unprofitable Bog
[Ballyhenry], Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Kilmacuddy [not on this page],
Bourney, Tipperary, James Tracy, Shanballynahagh, Bourney,
Tipperary, James Tracy, Shanballynahagh, Bourney,
Tipperary, John
Tracey Crocanovoga [Knockaunavogga?] Bourney Tipperary [very faint item 5
page 2] John Tracy, ?ren*age [Grannagh? after Fogartys
Parks], Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Ballykelly, Bourney, Tipperary,
[Twice] John Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Grannagh [?], Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Gurteen, Bourney, Tipperary, John Tracy, Loran, Bourney, Tipperary, [twice] Martin Tracy, Bawnmadrum, Bourney, Tipperary, Mich Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Mich Tracy, Fogartys Parks [& lower wood],
Bourney, Tipperary, Michl Tracy, Fogartys Park [& lower wood],
Bourney, Tipperary, [Duplicate] Pat Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Patrick Tracey, Bawnmadrum, Bourney, Tipperary, Patrick Tracy, Barradrum [Bawnmadrum], Bourney,
Tipperary, Patrick Tracy, Gurteenulla [Gortnadumagh],
Bourney, Tipperary, Roger Tracy, Clonakenny, Bourney, Tipperary, Thomas Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, Thomas Tracy, Gurteen, Bourney, Tipperary, Tracey [& Co?], Boolareagh [Boolareagh],
Bourney, Tipperary, William Tracy, Borrisnoe, Bourney, Tipperary, William Tracy, Gurteen, Bourney, Tipperary, Timothy Tracy [& wife pli? Michl OBrien &
others Defs], Clonmona, Clogher, Louth, [Tipperary] 1830 Tithy Tracey, *itiff [& wife plaintiff Michl
OBrien & others Defendants, Clonely?], Clogher, Louth, [Tipperary] 1830 Michl
Trassey, Carneybeg,
Cloghprior, Tipperary, 1825 Michl
Trassey, Prospect West, Cloghprior, Tipperary, 1825
[twice] John
Trassy, Spring Mount, Cloghprior, Tipperary, 1825 ??? Tracy Clonoulty
Tipperary 1824 John
Tracy Gurtinamo Clonoulty Tipperary
1830 Daniel Tracy, Ballynulty [Ballinulty], Cullen,
Tipperary, 1826 Edmond Tracy, Ballynulty [Ballinulty], Cullen,
Tipperary, 1826 James
Treacy, Phillipstown [Philipston], Donohill, Tipperary, 1826 Timothy
Treacy, Phillipstown [Philipston], Donohill, Tipperary, 1826 John Tracy, Clonlismullen, Drom, Tipperary,
1825 Martin Tracy, Clonlismullen, Drom, Tipperary,
1825 Dennis
Treacy [& Michl Ryan], Commonaline [Commanealine], Doon, Limerick
[Tipperary], 1826 Dennis
Treasy, Commonaline [Commanealine], Doon, Limerick
[Tipperary], 1826 Dennis Tracy, Roden, Durrow [Dorrha], Tipperary, John Tracy, Clashdrumsmith, Emly, Tipperary,
1834 Tom
Trassey, Ballinamona [Ballynamona], Finnoe, Tipperary, 1826 Tom
Trassey, Ballinamona [Ballynamona], Finnoe, Tipperary, 1826 Simon
Treacy, Gurthelough [Gortalough], Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 Dennis
Treacy [(bogf?)], Curraghbaha [Currabaha], Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 Dennis Tracy, Drumtarsna [Glenbreedy], Glenkeen, Tipperary,
1832 James
Treacy, Upper Garrangrena, Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 John
Treacy, Summerhill,
Glenkeen, Tipperary, 1832 Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagrana
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagrana
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 [copy] Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagraun
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 [copy] Wm Tracy [& partner], Cappanagraun
[Cappaghnagarrane], Isertkieran, Tipperary, 1834 [copy] Jno Tracy [& Wm Lucas], Longlane [?],
Kilbarron, Tipperary, 1824 Martin Tracy, Bellview [Bellevue], Kilbarron,
Tipperary, 1824 Owen Tracy, Carrigagown, Kilbarron, Tipperary,
1824 Patk Tracy, Firgrove, Kilbarron, Tipperary,
1824 Thos Tracy, Bellview [Bellevue], Kilbarron,
Tipperary, 1824 Luke Tracy, Ballinahinchkeating, Kilcomb,
Wexford, 1825 [Kilcomenty,
Tipperary] Edmund Tracy, Newtown, Kilcooly, Galway
[Tipperary], 1826 Philip Tracy, Newtown, Kilcooly, Galway,
[Tipperary] 1826 Edmd Tracy, Kilcooly Commons, Kilcooly, Galway
[Tipperary], 1826 Luke Tracy, Ballinahinch, Kilcomenty,
Tipperary, 1834 [& 1827] Michael
Trofoy [Trassy], Kilfithmone, Kilfithmone, Tipperary, 1826 [1834] Patrick
Tracy leased from Richard Burke, House & Office, Ballinlonty Kilfithmone Tipperary 1823-1824 Andrew Tracy, Skehana [Skehanagh], Templemore
[Killavinoge], Tipperary, Andrew Tracy, Skehana [Skehanagh], Killavinoge,
Tipperary, 1827 Edmond Tracy, Graffin, Killavinoge, Tipperary,
1827 Edmond Tracy, Graffin, Templemore [Killavinoge],
Tipperary, J Tracy [or T Tracy & Benj Rawlins],
Buggawn [Boggaun], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Jas Tracy [& John Bruton], Clonmore [&
Chapel quarter], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Jas Tracy [& John Bruton], Clonmore [&
Chapel quarter], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Buggan
[Boggaun], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 John Tracy [& Michl Tracy], Buggawn
[Boggaun], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, John Tracy, Graffin, Killavinoge, Tipperary,
1827 John Tracy, Graffin, Templemore [Killavinoge],
Tipperary, Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Buggan
[Boggaun], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Michl Tracy [& John Tracy], Buggawn
[Boggaun], Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Pat [Roger] Tracy [& Pat Tracy], Graffin,
Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Pat Tracy [& Roger Tracy], Graffin,
Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Pat Tracy [& Roger Tracy], Graffin,
Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Roger Tracy [& Pat Tracy], Graffin,
Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 T Tracy [& Benj Rawlins], Buggan
[Boggaun], Killavinoge, Tipperary, 1827 Tracy [widw & Denis Lahy], Shanakil [Shanakill],
Templemore [Killavinoge], Tipperary, Tracy [widw & Denis Lahy], Shanakill, Killavinoge,
Tipperary, 1827 Michl Tracy, Coolcormick, Templemore [Killea],
Tipperary, Michl
Treacy, Coolcormuck,
Killea, Tipperary, 1827 Michl Treacy, Killawardy, Killea, Tipperary, 1827 [twice] John Tracy [& Walsh], Ballycraggan,
Killodiernan, Tipperary, J [T] Tracy, Killoskehan, Killoskehan,
Tipperary, 1826 J
[T] Treacy, Killoskehan,
Killoskehan, Tipperary, 1826 Patk
Treacy [& Jas Ryan], Killoskehan, Kilfithmone
[Killoskehan], Tipperary,
1826 Patk
Treacy, Killoskehan,
Killoskehan, Tipperary, 1826 [& 1831] T Tracy [& others], Killoskehan, Kilfithmone
[Killoskehan], Tipperary, 1826 T
Treacy [& Edwd
Stapleton], Killoskehan, Kilfithmone
[Killoskehan], Tipperary,
1826 Tracy [widow], Goldengarden, Kilpatrick,
Tipperary, 1833 Denis Tracy, Ballywalter, Kilvemnon, Tipperary,
1834 John Tracy [& Mary Tracy], Ballywalter,
Kilvemnon, Tipperary, 1834 Mary Tracy [& John Tracy], Ballywalter,
Kilvemnon, Tipperary, 1834 Denis Tracy, Kelethea [Kylatlea], Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 Denis Tracy, Kilithea [Kylatlea], Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 [duplicate] Patrick Tracy, West Poulacapple, Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 William Tracy, West Poulacapple, Kilvemnon,
Tipperary, 1834 James
Trassy, Lahinch [Lehinch], Lorrha, Tipperary, 1824 James
Trassy [sen], Lahinch [Lehinch], Lorrha, Tipperary, 1824 Danl Tracy, Tinvoher Loughile, Loughmoe West,
Tipperary, 1827 Danl Tracy, Loughill [Tinvoher], Loughmoe East
[west], Tipperary, 1827 [duplicate] Edwd Tracy, Whitefield, Loughmoe West,
Tipperary, 1827 Edwd Tracy, Whitefield, Loughmoe East [west],
Tipperary, 1827 Dennis Tracy [& John McGrath], Whitefield,
Loughmoe West, Tipperary, 1827 Dennis Tracy [& John McGrath], Whitefield,
Loughmoe East [west], Tipperary, 1827 James Tracy [& Baron Purcell], Whitefield,
Loughmoe West, Tipperary, 1827 James Tracy[& Baron Purcell], Whitefield, Loughmoe
East [west], Tipperary, 1827 [duplicate] Tracy, [widow] Whitefield, Loughmoe West,
Tipperary, 1827 Tracy, [widow] Whitefield, Loughmoe East [west],
Tipperary, 1827 Thos Tracey, Drumroe, Modreeny, Tipperary, John Tracey, Knocknacree [Knockanacree],
Modreeny, Tipperary, Michl Tracey, Knocknacree [Knockanacree],
Modreeny, Tipperary, Patk
Frassey [Trassey], Ballycommon,
Monsea, Tipperary, 1825 Patrick Tracy, Grague, Moycarky, Tipperary, 1829 Thos Tracy, Forgestown, Moycarky, Tipperary,
1829 Danl
Treacy [& Thomas Patt first names?], Ballyerk, Moyne, Tipperary, 1827 Edward Tracy, Boulibeha [Boolabeha], Moyne,
Tipperary, 1827 James Tracy, Liskeen [Lisheen], Moyne,
Tipperary, 1827 John
Corcoran M Tracy & Jams Blake, Moynard called Graige [Moyneard],
Moyne, Tipperary, 1827 Patt
Treacy Ballyerk Frederick Lloyd, Esq. Moyne
Tipperary 1828 Thomas
Treacy Ballyerk Frederick Lloyd, Esq. Moyne
Tipperary 1828 William Tracy [& Patt Bray], Moynetemple,
Moyne, Tipperary, 1827 Trasey
[Mr], Barrackstreet, Nenagh, Tipperary, 1828 Andrew
Trassy, Ballinakill,
Dunkerrin, King's [Rathnaveoge, Tipperary], 1825 Edwd Tracey, Benaghmore District [Benamore],
Roscrea, Tipperary, 1823 James Tracey, Bishop's Land, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Kyran Tracey, Bishop's Land, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Ml Tracey, Fortyacres District, Roscrea,
Tipperary, 1823 Ml Tracey, Ring of Trees, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Patt Tracey, Bishop's Land, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Tracey [& Brophy], Carrick, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Tracey [wid], Bishop's Land, Roscrea,
Tipperary, 1823 Tracey [wid], Carrick, Roscrea, Tipperary,
1823 Treacy
& pts, Summerhill, Roscrea, Tipperary, 1823 Thoms Tracy, Glebe, Sleaty [Solloghodbeg],
Queen's, [Tipperary] John Tracy, Sollyheadbeg [Raheen], Sleaty
[Solloghodbeg], Queen's, [Tipperary] Thoms
Tracy, Sollyheadbeg [Raheen], Sleaty [Solloghodbeg], Queen's, [Tipperary] Richd Tracy, Ardlomain Earl of Derby [Ardlaman],
Solloghodmore, Tipperary, 1824 Richd Tracy, Ardloman, Solloghodmore [Ardlaman],
Tipperary, 1824 [duplicate] Danl Tracy, College Hill, Templemore,
Tipperary, Dennis Tracy [sen], Clontaaf [Clontaaffe],
Templemore, Tipperary, Dennis Tracy, Clontaaf [Clontaaffe], Templemore,
Tipperary, John Tracy, Templemore [& Ivy Hall],
Templemore, Tipperary, Joseph Tracy, Templemore, Templemore, Tipperary, Michl Tracy, Curraduff, Templemore, Tipperary, Thos Tracy, College Hill, Templemore,
Tipperary, Jno
Treacy [& others],
Ballynocken, Templetouhy, Tipperary, 1816 [1839?] John
Treasy, Ballynockan,
Templetouhy, Tipperary, Catherine
Treasy, Togher, Templetouhy,
Tipperary, Michl
Treasy, Togher, Templetouhy,
Tipperary, Martin
Treasy, Tullow [Tullowmacjames], Templetouhy, Tipperary, Anne Tracy, Clongowe [Clongower], Thurles,
Tipperary, 1833 John Tracy, Lisnaganogue [?], Thurles,
Tipperary, 1833 Thos
Freacy [Treacy], Killmore [Kilmore], Toem, Tipperary, 1826 Martin Tracy, Burris [Borris], Twomileborris,
Tipperary, Martin
Tready [Treacy], Cloncleaugh [Clooncleagh], Twomileborris, Tipperary, Michael
Treacy, Ballydavid,
Twomileborris, Tipperary, Thomas
Thracy [& Michael Thracy], Curraghtanfill [Curraghtemple], Youghalarra, Tipperary, 1824 Michael
Thracy [& Thomas Thracy], Curraghtanfill [Curraghtemple], Youghalarra, Tipperary, 1824 |
[1825-1836] List of
slaters referred to in Laurence Hylands ledgers
John Tracey Templetouhy
Richard John Bosco Hylan.
The Hylands Of Clonmoran:An Enterprising Catholic Family In County Kilkenny,
1826 Tenants of Prittie
Estate, Tipperary & Offaly .
Tenant Place Rent (£.s.d)
Roger Tracy Loughane 0.11.4
Michael Treacy Killawardy (Tipp) 16.3.3
Michael Treacy Wood (Tipp) 7.10.3
1826 Tenants of Prittie Estate, Tipperary & Offaly
Roger Tracy Loughane
Michael Treacy
Killawardy (Tipp) £16.3.3
Michael Treacy Wood
(Tipp) £7.10.3
Michael Treacy - NSW
Alias: Tracey
Religion: Catholic
Marital status: Single
Calling/trade: Ploughman & reaper
Born: 1806 Tipperary
Tried: 1828 Tipperary
Ship: Governor Ready
(2) [1829]
Crime: Conspiracy or murder
Remarks: Cripple
Holy Cross Murders
On Sat. 30 June
1826, Richard Chadwick, eldest son of Rd. Chadwick of Perryville, nephew of Mr.
Wm. Sadlier Wells [now Kingswell] Tipperary was shot dead on the road-way
between the village of Bohernacrusha & Rathcannon, parish of Holycross, at
a point where the bridge crossing the railway was later erected. Involved in the conspircy were - Edmond Ryan
of Ballymoreen, John Walsh, Tom Keogh & his sons, Patrick & John, Micheal
Treacy, Watt Grace, John Daniel, Micheal Luby, Thomas & Darby
Bryan. They hid in the grove &
joined there by Watt Grace & Jack Walsh & Ml. Treacy brought
powder. Thomas Keogh and Michael
Treacy altered their former pleas of not guilty to guilty. In the cases of William Grace, Thomas Keogh, Michael
Treacy, Thomas Maher, Ml. Luby and James Daniel who had changed to a plea
of guilty - the sentence of death was passed on them as a matter of
course. Six transported for life:- Wm.
Grace, Thos. Keogh, Daniel and Thomas Maher, Ml. Luby, and Ml. Treacy.
6 February 1828
(F) The Murders of Mara
On Thursday, five persons were committed to Clonmel Goal by Dr.
Fitzgerald, charged as accessartes in the horrid murder of Daniel Mara, near
Holycross. - Their names are John Keogh, Thomas Keogh, Patt Keogh, Michael
Tracey and John Grace. On the 17th inst., the following persons were also
committed to Goal by Dr. Fitzgerald: Patrick Leacy, charged with being one of
the armed party, who waylaid and murdered Daniel Mara; and John Russell, Thomas
Russell, Timothy Russell and Stephen Ryan. Tipperary Free Press.
1 Apr 1828-7 Apr 1828
from John Doherty, Clonmel, [County Tipperary], to William Gregory, Under
Secretary, reporting in detail of the conviction of those accused of the murder
of Daniel Mara. Observing that the following have been convicted Patrick Lacy,
John Walsh, Patrick, John and Thomas Keaugh and Michael Tracy. Discussing his strategy of arranging the charges to
have those who committed the murder sentenced to death, while allowing some of
the conspirators to be transported and observing that the juries discharged
their duties in all cases.
items; 12pp CSO/RP/1828/377
5 April 1828 (F)
...Rathcannon..lives Thos. Keough...a lame man named Tracey - he
is a relation of Keough, and lives in his house. - Tracey came up to the Grove,
bringing with him a paper of gunpowder...removed Tracey from the scene of
action [before the event]...
14 April 1828 (FJ)
Clonmel, Friday, April 11. An express has arrived in town to stay the
execution of William Grace, Thomas Maher, Michael Tracy, Michael Looby,
James Daniel and Thomas Keogh, jun - They were sent off for transporation for
life under an escort.
Apr 15, 1828 (BL) Murder of Mara - At the Clonmel Assizes on Monday...Thomas Keogh and
Mich Tracey were then arraigned for the same crime, and pleaded guilty...
19 April 1828 (F) The Execution
Of Patrick Keogh
and John Keogh, for conspiring to murder the late Daniel Mara, will take place
this day at twelve o'clock pursuant to their sentence. On Wednesday next,
Pierce Grace and John Russell will be executed in front of the Gaol, also for
the same crime.
On Friday, about
one o'clock, and without one hour's notice, Wm. Grace, Thomas Keough, Edmund
Daniel, Thomas Maher, Michael Looby, and Michael Tracey, proceeded on an
outside car from the County Gaol, escorted by a party of the Scots Greys, with
drawn swords, to the Hulks at Cove, where they are to remain only till they are
embarked on board the Convict Ships, to be Transported for Life (for the same
crime) to New South Wales - far from the Green Hills of their Native Land.
Breen Maher and
Long charged with the same crime were discharged. - No prosecution. - Tipperary Free Press of Saturday.
3 Oct 1830-17 Nov 1830
letters from [William] Kemmis, [crown solicitor], Kildare Street, [Dublin], to
William Gregory, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], recommending the payment of
rewards to John Flinn, Thomas Prior, Constable, and Patrick Cormick who all
contributed to the apprehension of persons charged with the murder of Daniel
Mara, [County Tipperary]. Enclosing letter from G Fitzgerald, magistrate,
Cashel, County Tipperary, a testimonial for Flinn from William Williams,
Golden, [County Tipperary], letter from Prior, and memorial by Cormick, naming
the accused as Patrick, John, Thomas Keogh, Timothy Tracey and Kate Costelloe, and further mentioning [fellow
accused] [Greace Walshe], Chief Constable McDonagh, Edward Wilson, chief
magistrate, and Mr [Challoner], surveyor.
items; 13pp CSO/RP/1830/1964
14 Nov 1830-1 Dec 1830
from [William] Kemmis, [crown solicitor], Kildare Street, [Dublin], to William
Gregory, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], forwarding memorial from Michael
Brogan and John Kerr, sub-constables, Brasfort, County Tipperary, asking for a
share in the reward for apprehending Patrick and John Kough [Keogh], Timothy Tracey, Kate Costello, accused
of the murder of Daniel Mara; endorsed by Edward Wilson, late chief magistrate,
with Kemmis also enclosing a letter from Wilson, Thurles, County Tipperary,
recommending payments for the two men.
items; 9pp CSO/RP/1830/1965
19 Feb 1831-25 Mar 1831
of John Sandys, Sub-constable, Rathcannon, barony of kilnamanagh, County
Tipperary, to Henry William Paget, Lord Lieutenant, seeking payment of
compensation for his part in apprehending Patrick, John and Thomas Hough and
another named Tracy, who were prosecuted
for the murder of Daniel Meara near Holycross; referring to the payment of
rewards to a number of his colleagues and seeking similar justice. Also letter
from William Kemmis, [crown solicitor], [40] Kildare Street, [Dublin], to
Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, acknowledging receipt of the
memorials of Sandys and John Carr [Sub-constable, Rathcannon] and reporting
that neither are entitle to any compensation for assisting in the conviction of
the murderers of Meara. Also memorandum from Kemmis with query on claim
addressed to [Dr] Gerald Fitzgerald, Chief Magistrate of Police, with answer
overwritten stating he cannot recommend any issue of reward to Sandys. See
also description CSO/RP/1831/794.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/1831/810
Tipperary Convicts transported 1829
Tom Maher; James Daniel; Tom
Keogh; Michael Looby; William Grace and Michael Tracy all from the general area
of Cashel Co. Tipperary transported in 1829 following the Spring Assizes in
Clonmel. Maher settled around the Illawara area; Keogh around Maitland; Looby
at Ryansvale, Springfield; Grace drowned in 1833; Tracy at Port Maquarie and Daniel was in Parramatta area in 1837
but it's not known if he stayed there. All transported on the 'Governor Ready'
in 1829. Grateful for any information on these men, their families etc.
Joan Keogh 10 Mar 2006
Thomas Maher sentenced to life
aged 26 conditional pardon
Thomas Keoghe sentenced to life aged 32 conditional pardon
James Daniel sentenced to life aged 22 tried Tipperary 1829
Michael Loobey tried tiperary sentenced to life aged 28
condition pardon
William Grace D (died?) sent. Tipperary sentenced to life aged 17
Michael Treacy sentenced to life
aged 23
The above spellings are sometimes different to what you had but were as they
were spelled on this index. Is there any info on them on the Colonial
Secretarys index?
LIZ elizabeth liddicoat 10 Mar 2006
I know all the lads were sentenced
to life - the murder is still remembered fairly vividly in Tipperary so the
background information is fine; it's what happened them when they got to Australia
is what I'm trying to ascertain. Tom Maher did well - got a cp in 1831 for
shooting a bushranger; William Grace drowned in the 'Gundaroo' river (I assume
that's the Yass river) and the others I'm not sure of as such. I'm carrying out
this research from Tipperary so don't have access to the resources available in
Australia as freely as I'd like; and ironically the little bits I discover
about the lives of the men in Australia is informing about their previous lives
in Tipperary. There is no mention of any of the men in the early part of the
Colonial Secretarys index; much of importance happened in the later years -
James Daniel petitioned the Governor in 1839 regarding his cancelled ticket of
leave - I have yet to ascertain the circumstances in which he forefeited his TL
- he received a CP in 1847. I cannot ascertain if Treacy ever got a CP or indeed what may have happened him. It
appears that he was sent to Port Maquarie because he had one leg much shorter
than the other and therefore had a pronounced limp. I am writing an article for
a local historical journal and would be grateful for any information at all on
these men.
Joan Keogh 10 Mar 2006
28 Jan 1828
from Maj D ODonoghue, Roscrea, [County Tipperary], to William Gregory, Under
Secretary, requesting sanction to offer a reward of £5 for information leading
to the arrest of suspects to the murder of Darby
Tracy of Templemore.
item; 3pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/444
6 Feb 1828-8 Feb 1828
signed John Willington, DJ Webb and [W Miller], magistrates, Templemore,
[County Tipperary], to Maj ODonoghue, drawing attention to the perilous
situation in which the families of Michael Bryan and John Mullonny of
Clontaaffe, [County Tipperary] are in because they swore information against
the murderers of Tracy [Darby Tracy]
and Corcoran. Also letter from Maj D ODonoghue, Roscrea, [County Tipperary],
to William Gregory, Under Secretary, seeking sanction to provide police
protection to the witnesses and their families.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/447
1 Apr 1828-9 Apr 1828
from Samson Carter, Clonmel, [County Tipperary], to William Gregory, Under
Secretary, reporting on convictions in the [Clonmel] Assizes mainly involving
capital cases. Mentioning that the following have been convicted - Patrick
Lacy, John Walsh, John and Patrick Keogh, Thomas Leonard, Pierce and William
Grace, Michael Looby, James Daniel, Thomas Maher and John Russell. Some of
those convicted were involved in the murders of Daniel Mara at Rathcannon and
of Darby Tracy.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/1828/365
May 1828-1 Jun 1828
from James Tandy, Millbank House, Naas, [County Kildare], to William Gregory,
Under Secretary, transmitting monthly reports [extant] for County Kildare and
the Western Division of County Wicklow and observing that the outrages in
Wicklow have been supressed by nightly patrols. Includes reports noting the
specifics of individual outrages, including the arrest of Michael Tobin and
John Carroll, accused of the murder of Darby
Tracey at Clontafe, County Tipperary, the absconding of Christopher Maher
who has been accused of raping Madge Fitzpatrick and an attack on the house of
George Beaghan of Blackhall in the barony of Naas. Also draft reply from
unidentified official, Dublin Castle, recommending that the nightly patrols now
be less frequent.
items; 9pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/580
8 May 1828-13 May 1828
from James Tandy, resident magistrate, Millsbank House, Naas, Kildare, to
William Gregory, Under Secretary, reporting that Lieut Flinter, Chief Constable
has apprehended Michael Tobin and John Carroll, suspected of the murder of Darby Treacy near Templemore; noting
that their accomplice, Richard Leonard, has already been hanged in Clonmel for
the crime. Also covering letters from Maj D ODonoghue, Ballymahon, [County
Longford], to Gregory.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/455
5 Jul 1828-11 Jul 1828
from Lieut ES Flinter, Chief Constable, Rossmore Lodge, Kildare, to Col John
Harvey, Inspector General, requesting six weeks leave of absence in order to
regain his health and also to prosecute John Carroll and Michael Tobin for the
murder of Darby Tracy. Adding that
Capt Green will carry out his duties during his absence. Also medical
certificate from George H Low, surgeon, Rathangan. Also covering letter from
Harvey, Portarlington, [Queens County or County Laois], to William Gregory,
Under Secretary.
items; 5pp CSO/RP/1828/1010
17 Nov 1829-[] Oct 1830
by [Sir Francis Leveson Gower, Chief Secretary, Dublin Castle], to William
Kemmis, crown solicitor, [Dublin], enclosing a memorial by James Ryan, 9 Usher Street,
Dublin (formerly from Inch, County Tipperary), to Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke
Northumberland [Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Dublin], asking for compensation
for standing crown witness at the spring assizes 1829 in the case against the
Conollys for the murder of John Cormack; asking Kemmis for his opinion. Also
including correspondence between Kemmis, Gower, and Maj D ODonoghue,
magistrate, Maryborough, [Portlaoise, County Laois], regarding a memorial by
Bridget Brien, Mary Ryan, James Ryan and Michael Ryan, Killea, County
Tipperary, to Percy, asking for their subsistence pay from acting as crown
witnesses against four men (Leonard, Quinlisk, and unnamed), apprehended for
the murder of Darby Treacy; Kemmis
giving the opinion that they are not entitled to it. Annotation identifies one
James Ryan with the other.
items; 8pp CSO/RP/1830/51
1828 Tipperary Spring Assizes (F)
Richard Leonard, for the murder of
Darby Tracy, hanged on the 7th of
April, his body was delived to the Surgeons of the County Infirmary.
26th March 1829 Clonmel Criminal
Counsellor Scott, K.C. applied to
his lordship to have the case of Michael Tobin and John Carrol who were in gaol
for the murder of Darby Tracey postponed to next assizes. Certain witnesses
were not forthcoming, being put out of the way as he believed by the prisoners
or their friends.
4 Jun 1828
from Edward Wilson, Chief Magistrate of Police, Thurles, County Tipperary, to
William Gregory, Under Secretary, providing an account of recent outrages which
occurred in his district, including robberies, threatening notices from Captain
Rock, the murder of Stephen Lanigan and Gleeson. Mentioning the following
victims - William Sadlier, Rev Bagnell, Mathew [Healy], James Tracy, Edward Slattery, Conor Fogarty, Edward Maher.
item; 4pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/666
September 1828 (FJ) Catholic Rent
From the Rev. J. Crough, Catholic Rector of Donohill
and Anacarthy, county Tipperary, including his subscription of 1l. and 1l. from
Mr. Tracy...9l. 10s.
10 Oct 1828-11 Oct 1828
from R Sandford Palmer, Joseph Smith and [?Birch], magistrates, Roscrea,
[County Tipperary], to Francis Leveson Gower, Chief Secretary, reporting that Thomas Tracy was arrested for carrying
a large flag in a march from Roscrea Fair; noting that the green flag was
emblazoned with a harp, shamrock and a dove with an olive branch and bore the
inscriptions Aghavoe, Nabocklish, OConnell and Liberty and Unanimity.
Includes legal opinion of Richard W Greene, concluding that no definite breach
of the law was committed. Also damp press copy of reply to Palmer, transmitting
the law advisers opinion.
items; 7pp CSO/RP/OR/1828/519
John Treacy, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. (Prerogative Will)
27th March 1829 Clonmel Criminal
John, Michael, Denis and (a
second) John Tracy were acquitted of the murder of John Tracy at
Graffon on the 25th September last.
13 May 1829 (FJ) Tibute to Daniel O'Connell
Clonmel...James Tracy 5s...
6 Oct 1829
from Maj William Miller, Inspector General of Police [in Munster], Fermoy,
[County Cork], to Francis Leveson Gower, Chief Secretary, seeking permission to
dismiss Subconstables Tracy and
McCutcheon of Nenagh, [County Tipperary], for absenting themselves without
item; 2pp CSO/RP/1829/1437
Margaret Tracey
1778. Imprisoned 1828. Age 50.
Margaret Tracey
1778 Tipperary. Hair brown (dark brown). Eyes grey. Tried 16th July 1829. Age
51. Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx). Accused of receiving (feloniously
receiving the same, well knowing them to have been stolen). Found guilty.
Victim Ralph Davis, mate of a ship, of Ratcliff-highway. stealing money £4.1.6
&c from a Dwelling HouseSentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was
transported. ship Eliza.
3rd November 1829. Sentenced to fourteen years. Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Arrived in Australia 24th February 1830 Age 52. Applied to marry 14th March
1832 Age 54.
24 Feb 1830 Hobert, widow. married. 4'11.5", protestant, medium length
chin, pale complexion, dark brown hair, round head, mouth medium width corner
depressed, long nose, muster George Lowe, assd to Mr Hewitt
to marry 14 Mar 1832 Richard Ashworth, police no 124, ship Richmond.
Margaret Tracey [of
Tipperary?] & Margaret Buxton
Archives [71340
& 80428]
Eliza (1)
London 7 Nov 1829
24 Feb 1830
Tracey, Margt
Feb 1830
16 July 1829 14
Ho. of Correction ???
27 1830 Whiteker/? Being useless from old age. placed in the ???
10 1832 Bush/ Making away with a Bonnet Bonnet given her by her ???
Pardon No.1991 - 15th May 1839,374,182,C,80
64. Tipperary, Tracey, Margaret, Nursery maid,
4'11.5", 53 years...grey eyes...,606,362,C,80
169 Buxton Margt.
Eliza Feb 1830
Middx 16 July 1829 7
Transported for ??? Stealing £4 from a dwelling
house my Mother Margaret Tracey on board tried with her ??? Mary ??? Single.
March 27 1830 D Ross/Drinks & insolent to
her mistress yesty? Admd
Died by Suffocation on the road to her service Vide
Bagdad Muster
Return 2nd May 1830,380,149,C,100
169. Ratcliff Highway London, Buxton Margaret,
needle woman, 4'10.5", 17 years, Hair Ubro...Eyes dbro...
Remarks M J B & Heart above elbow joint rt.
Arm - J above elbow joint left Arm.,606,314,C,80
16 Apr 1830-19 Apr 1830
letters from Maj William Miller [Inspector General], Fermoy, [County Cork], to
William Gregory, [Under Secretary, Dublin Castle], regarding outrages,
enclosing letters from JB Kittson, Chief Constable, Nenagh, [County Tipperary],
on outrages enacted against William Harrington, also mentioning [] McDonnell,
against a certain Tracy, naming
Edmund Kennedy as a perpetrator, and against Terrance Magrath and Michael Ryan,
where twelve men have been arrested; also by James Forsayeth, Chief Constable,
Tipperary, [County Tipperary], on an outrage against John [Lawe] Esq.
items; 12pp CSO/RP/OR/1830/575
October 20, 1830 Connaught Telegraph (Mayo)
Attempt to rob the mail. Between
7 and 8 o'clock on Sunday evening last seven ruffians attacked the mail car
between Templemorc and Roscrea, and endeavoured to possess themselves of tbe
mail, which was most bravely and effectually resisted by the driver, a young
man of the name of Tracy, whom they
beat and cut in a severe manner ; his coat was stained in several places from
tbe blood which flowed from the wounds they inflicted on his head. We are happy
to state that the ruffians will be brought to punishment.
1830 [see Richard Taylor Tracey]
Representatives of the Rev. Richard Tracy and of Joseph Leech, Townparks (part
of) Methodist Chapel, Roscrea, Tipperary, 0a/0r/18p, £5 rent, Lease dated 2nd November
1830. John Earl of Portarlington to the Rev Richard Tracey and Joseph Leech, of
that plot or part of the former Castle garden in the town of Roscrea, called
the Methodist Concerns, for 109 years from the 25th day of March previous at
the yearly rent of one pepper-corn for the first seven years, and of £5
sterling for the residue of the term. The premises consists of a Methodist
Meeting-house and the Ministers residence, which are excellant buildings, in
good repair, having been recenly erected.
8 Nov 1831
of outrages committed in the province of Munster during the month of October
1831; detailing various types of outrages such as murder, intimidation,
robbery, arson, injury or killing of livestock, assault, abduction, injury to property,
riot, house breaking, plunder of firearms, levelling of fences, destruction of
trees, anti-tithe agitation, faction fighting, administration of unlawful
oaths, discharge of firearms and the posting of threatening notices; also with
summary table on final page; signed below by Maj William Miller [Inspector
General of Police in Munster], Fermoy, [County Cork]. Incorporates detail of a
report of Alexander Grant, Chief Constable, Burrisoleigh, County Tipperary,
remarking that two men of the surname Tracey
were ambushed near Templemore and had their Horses, Cars and Corn robbed;
dated 4th of October. Also incorporates detail of a report of Darby Mahony,
Chief Constable, Dungarvan, County Waterford, stating that a sailor attached to
a vessel that was wrecked at Ballymacart was shot dead by a soldier of the 37th
Regiment [of Foot] who was guarding the Wreck; dated 16th of October.
[Contains list of names not given in this description].
item; 6pp CSO/RP/OR/1831/1573
Martin Treacy, 1831,
Prerogative Court will. Exec: John Shea, Bannistown, (co. Tipperary?),
Martin Treacy, 6th
December 1831. Probate will. T/15690.
British War Office
Tracey b. 1813 Cullen, Tipperary Royal Artillery 1831-1840 WO69
16 March 1831
Clonmel Herald
Intention to register freeholds
Daniel Tracey, Gurtnaskea, houses and Lands, value £10
Dennis Tracey, Gurtnaskea, houses and Lands, value £10
Patrick Tracey, Gurtnaskea, houses and Lands, value £10
Thomas Tracey, Gurtnaskea, houses and Lands, value £10
Richard Tracey, Gurtnaskea, houses and Lands, value £10
Patrick Tracey, Summerhill, houses and Lands, value £10
1831 Tithe Defaulter
By Area |
Anne Tracy and son, Farmer, Thurles, Co.
Tipperary. Conner Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Cornelius Treacy, Farmer, Newtown, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Daniel Treacy, Farmer, Fogartys Parks,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Daniel Treacy, Farmer, Gurtderaboy,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Daniel Treasey, Farmer, West Poulacapol, Kilvemnon,
Co. Tipperary. Darby Treacy, Farmer, Bawnandua, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Denis Treacy, Farmer, Loran, Bourney, Co.
Tipperary. Denis Treasey, Farmer, Balywater,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. James Tracy, Philipstown, Donohill, Co.
Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Bally Henry, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Borrisnoe, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Shanballymaher,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. John Tracy, Farmer, Lisnagenoge, Thurles,
[Lisnagonoge, Holycross], Co. Tipperary. John Tracy, JP, Rahelty, Eliogarty, Co.
Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Crocanavoga, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Gurteen, Bourney, Co.
Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Loran, Bourney, Co.
Tipperary. Michael Tracy, Farmer, Gurteenakilla
(Monsea), Youghalarra, Co. Tipperary. Michael Treacy, Cloncannon, Borrisnafarney,
Co. Tipperary. Michael Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Michael Treacy, Farmer, Fogertys Park,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Patrick Tracy, Farmer, Grague, Moycarkey,
Co. Tipperary. Patrick Trassy, Farmer, Coohaun,
Killoskehan, Co. Tipperary. Patrick Trassy, Farmer, Killoskehan, Co.
Tipperary. Patrick Treacy, Farmer, Bawnmadnua,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Patrick Treacy, Farmer, Gortnadumma,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Patt Treasey, Farmer, West Poulacapol,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. Roger Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Fugertown, Moycarkey,
Co. Tipperary. Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Gurteenakilla
(Monsea), Youghalarra, Co. Tipperary. Timothy Tracy, Philipstown, Donohill, Co.
Tipperary. Timothy Treacy, Farmer, Boularea, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Widow of Thomas Treasey, Farmer, Balywater,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. William Treacy, Farmer, Gurteen, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. William
Treasey, Farmer, West Poulacapol, Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. |
Michael Treacy, Cloncannon, Borrisnafarney,
Co. Tipperary. Conner Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Cornelius Treacy, Farmer, Newtown, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Daniel Treacy, Farmer, Fogartys Parks,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Daniel Treacy, Farmer, Gurtderaboy,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Darby Treacy, Farmer, Bawnandua, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Denis Treacy, Farmer, Loran, Bourney, Co.
Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Bally Henry, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Borrisnoe, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. James Treacy, Farmer, Shanballymaher,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Crocanavoga, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Gurteen, Bourney, Co.
Tipperary. John Treacy, Farmer, Loran, Bourney, Co.
Tipperary. Michael Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Michael Treacy, Farmer, Fogertys Park,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Patrick Treacy, Farmer, Bawnmadnua,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Patrick Treacy, Farmer, Gortnadumma,
Bourney, Co. Tipperary. Roger Treacy, Farmer, Clonakenny, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. Timothy Treacy, Farmer, Boularea, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. William Treacy, Farmer, Gurteen, Bourney,
Co. Tipperary. James Tracy, Philipstown, Donohill, Co.
Tipperary. Timothy Tracy, Philipstown, Donohill, Co.
Tipperary. John Tracy, JP, Rahelty, Eliogarty, Co.
Tipperary. John Tracy, Farmer, Lisnagenoge, Thurles,
[Lisnagonoge, Holycross], Co. Tipperary. Patrick Trassy, Farmer, Coohaun,
Killoskehan, Co. Tipperary. Patrick Trassy, Farmer, Killoskehan, Co.
Tipperary. Daniel Treasey, Farmer, West Poulacapol,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. Denis Treasey, Farmer, Balywater,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. Patt Treasey, Farmer, West Poulacapol,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. Widow of Thomas Treasey, Farmer, Balywater,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. William Treasey, Farmer, West Poulacapol,
Kilvemnon, Co. Tipperary. Patrick Tracy, Farmer, Grague, Moycarkey,
Co. Tipperary. Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Fugertown, Moycarkey,
Co. Tipperary. Anne Tracy and son, Farmer, Thurles, Co.
Tipperary. Michael Tracy, Farmer, Gurteenakilla
(Monsea), Youghalarra, Co. Tipperary. Thomas Tracy, Farmer, Gurteenakilla
(Monsea), Youghalarra, Co. Tipperary. |
Name |
Age |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Place |
Term |
Place |
Crime |
Status |
or Calling |
Remarks |
Died |
Death Place |
James Tracey |
22 |
Eliza II (4) [1832] |
1832 |
Tipperary |
7 |
1810 |
Tipperary |
Stealing cow |
Single |
Stable boy |
James Tracey Eliza
Return of all male convicts assigned and transferred between the 1st and 31st days of October 1832, inclusively.
Eliza II arrived NSW 6/9/1832
James Tracey
1810 Place of birth Tipperary.
22. Religion Catholic (catholic). Place of birth Tipperary. Height (in inches)
63. stealing
in Australia 6th September 1832. Sent to New South Wales. ship Eliza II (4)
James Tracey, a resident of Tipperary, was transported
from Cork for "stealing a cow". James was 22 years old, 5 ft 2 inches
tall and unmarried. His occupation was listed as "stable
Contact: Margaret Tracey
7 Nov 1832-9 Nov 1832
from Joseph Tabuteau, Templemore, [County Tipperary], to Sir William Gosset,
[Under Secretary], seeking payment of expenses incurred in offering protection
to crown witnesses, Joseph Tracy [of
Templemore?] and Martin and Mary Fitzpatrick, who testified in outrage cases
heard at Clonmel Assizes.
items; 6pp CSO/RP/1832/5462
Name |
Age |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Place |
Term |
Place |
Crime |
Status |
or Calling |
Remarks |
Died |
Death Place |
Thomas Tracey |
21 |
Blenheim I (1) [1834] |
1834 |
Tipperary |
7 |
1813 |
Tipperary Co |
Assault grievous |
Single |
Servant farm |
Ticket of Leave: Thomas Tracey, Ship Blenheim,
Trial Place Tip, District Paterson, 1834
of Leave, Thomas Tracey,
Blenheim, 1834, 39/247, [4/4126; Reel 932], District: Paterson; Tried:
Thomas Tracey, Blenheim 1834, 1837
Raymond Terrace, Age 27. Assigned to George Mossman
Thomas Tracey, Blenheim 1834, 19
March 1839 Paterson, Granted Ticket of Leave
of Freedom, Thomas Tracey,
Blenheim, 1834, 41/1274, 20 Sep 1841, [4/368; Reel 1009], TL 39/247,
Thomas Tracey
1813. Place of birth county tipperary. 21 years. Gender male. Height 5'
11". Religion Catholic. Has tattoo no. First recorded 14th November 1834.
grievous assault. 7 years. ship Blenheim I (1)
in Australia 14th November 1834. Sent to New South Wales.
Thomas Tracey, Blenheim 1834, Granted Ticket of Leave 19 March 1839
Thomas Tracey
Ship Blenheim. Arrived NSW 1834.
Certificate of Freedom 20 Sep 1841
18 Jul 1834-22 Jul 1834
Letter from [F] Tracey, Roscrea, [County Tipperary], requesting the aid of the
police to assist his receiver, Mr Hart.
Letter from [F] Tracey, Roscrea, [County Tipperary], to Richard Wellesley, 1st
marquis Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant, requesting the aid of the police to assist
his receiver, Mr Hart, in the collection of rental arrears on his property near
the town of Templemore; remarking that he and Hart were previously violently
attacked to the danger of out lives. Also damp press copy reply from
Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gosset, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle.
4 items; 5pp CSO/RP/1834/2852
1834 Detailed Report of Contributions ... to the O'Connell National Annuity
St. Nicholas, South Chapel, Cork City...9s...Mr Tracy...
Kilcock , Kildare...£5...Rev W Tracy...
Leixlip, Kildare...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...
Aughavoc, Queen's County...1s6d...Mrs Tracey...
Upperwoods, Queen's Co...Daniel Tracy...
Franciscan Chapel, Limerick City...6s...Andrew Tracy...
Town of Tullamore, King's County...3s...P. Tracy...
Clonmel, Tipperary...3s...Patrick Tracy...
Carrick-on-Suin, Tipperary & Carrickbeg, Waterford...3s...Patrick Tracy...2s6d...Patrick Tracy...
Moycarkey and Borris, Tipperary...1s6d...Martin Tracy...
Mullinahone, Tipperary...7s6d...W Tracey...3s6d...D Tracey...J Tracy...3s6d...D Tracy...W. Tracy... W Tracy...1s6d...T Tracey...E Tracey...
Nenagh, Tipperary...10s...Daniel Tracey...
Roscrea, Tipperary...2s6d...Michael Tracy...Michael Treacy...Michael Treacy...
Anacarty and Donohill, Tipperary...10s...Mrs Treacy...
Killenaule and Moglass, Tipperary...Mrs Treacy...
Templemore, Tipperary...7s6d...Mrs Treacy...Denis Treacy...Patrick Treacy...
Clashmore and Piltown , Waterford...£1.1s...- Tracy...
Date: 1834 1834
WO 69/138/324
Statements of Service, Royal Artillery 7 Battalion Numbers 647 to 1101.
This entry appears on opening 329; this number is imprinted at the top right of each opening.
Soldier's Number 980: Roger TRACEY. Born Nenagh, Tipperary. Enlisted 1834 aged 18 years. [b. 1816] Discharged 1834. Discharge reason: Non Effective.
Covering dates indicate enlistment and discharge years.
WO 69/147/419
Statements of Service, Royal Artillery 8 Battalion Numbers 654 to 1101.
This entry appears on opening 418; this number is imprinted at the top right of each opening.
Soldier's Number 1072: Roger TRACY. Born Nenagh, Tipperery. Enlisted 1834 aged 18 years [b. 1816]. Note: Transferred to 7 Battalion 1834.
Covering dates indicate enlistment year.
Date: 1834
1835 Juvenile Association
Carlow District School
John Storrs Card Mr. H. Tracy
1s 0d
Master Bernards Card Mr. Tracy
0s 6d
1836 Juvenile Association
Sarah Maria Robinsons Card John
Tracy 2s 6d
Miss Browns Card Mrs. Tracy 1s
Miss Cliffords Card Mrs. Tracey
2s 6d
Master R. Deverells Card Mr. Tracy
1s 0d
The Annual Reports of the Juvenile
Association for promoting the education of the deaf and dumb poor of Ireland.
29 April 1835 Pawnbroking in
Pawnbroker: John Phelan of Roscrea
Surities: Thomas Mockham, John Hart & Michael Treacy shopkeepers Roscrea
15 June 1835 (FJ) Murder
from Thurles to his home, he was met at Rolestown within three miles of
Templemore..."If he knew Joseph Tracy, the stag?" The innocent man,
on answering in the affirmative, and that he was a good neighbour...
1835 [45] [46] [47] First report
of the Commissioners of Public Instruction, Ireland.
school kept by Michael Treacy, Aghnameadle, Diocese of Killaloe [Tipperary]
1835 State of religious and other
instruction now existing in Ireland
of Killaloe
Aghnameadle. [Tipperary]: Private day school kept by Michael Treacy. Small
payments of children. Summer 50 to 60 pupils. Discontinued since Nov 1834 for
want of a school house. Reading writting and arithmetric.
1835-1857 Merchant Navy Seamen
Tracey, b. Killensulle [Killenaule Tipperary]
Tracey, b. 1810 Killenaule [Tipperary]
Tracey, b. 1811 Tipperary Tipperary
Tracey, b. Killenhaule [Killenaule Tipperary]
Tracey, b. 1807 Tipperary Tipperary
Tracey, b. 1812 Tipperary Tipperary
Tracey, b. 1814 Tipperary Tipperary
Tracey, b. 1808 Killenaule Tipperary
Treacy, b. Killenaule [Tipperary]
24 February 1836 Wexford
Another of those inhuman acts we have this day to record, but perhaps the
present is still more appaling than any we have noticed for some time. On
Tuesday night last a number of incendaries set fire to the out premises of a
man named Tracey, on the lands of Killeawardey, a tenant of John Lloyd, Esq, of
Lloydsboro', which were entirely consumed, together with six cows, a mare and
foal, and eight geese!!
27 December 1836 (FJ) Justice Rent
from the
parish of Mullinahone, county Tipperary...John Tracy...Denis Treacy...
1836 County Goal of Tipperary
Michael Trihy or Tracy, breach of
Excise Laws, fined £6 or 3 calander months 20 June 1836, discharged 10 Aug
1836, 5 weeks and 6 days remitted.
1836 Clonmell Gaol Tipperary
45. Michael
Treacy, breach of the Excise Laws, Samuel Cooper Esquire JP 20 Jun 1836, fined
£6 or confined 3 months, Discharged 10 Aug 1836, good conduct during
1836 Tipperary
Feb 19, 1836
Property of Michael Tracey on lands at Kilawardy set on fire.
April 5, 1836
Houses of Edmond Tracey and Thomas Dolan at Whitefield attacked.
1836-1840 Outrage
Reports Ireland
Elizabeth Treacy, 1838, , Tipperary
Martin Treacy, 1836, Longhmore, Tipperary
Michael Tracy, 1840, , Tipperary
Mrs Treacy, 1838, , Tipperary
Patrick Treacy, 1838, , Tipperary
24 March 1837 (FJ)
Justice Rent
From the parish of Bourney and Corbally...Dan Tracey...Connor Tracey, 5s.
each...Martin Tracey...Michael Tracy...James Tracey...Wm Tracey...Michael
Tracey...M Tracey...2s 6d. each...Tom Tracy...2s. each...Patt Tracey...Patt
Tracy, Darby Tracy...Tom Tracy...1s...
Saturday 19 May 1837 Tipperary Free Press
Grand Jury to the spring and summer Assizes to deal with
road construction
Borrisoleigh to Johnstown - between 3 roads at Ml Kelly's, Gurtreigh, and 3
roads at Ml Tracey's, Graiguefrehane, 372 perches.
12th 1837 Tipperary Free press
The Co. Election 1st day, Thur, Aug. 10th at Clonmel. Among those present Hon. Con. O' Callaghan
MP, John Power MP; Gurteen; Edm Power Ballydine; Archdeacon Laffan (Fethard); Philip
Treacy QC; James Lanigan; Castlefogarty; and the candidates -Sheil and Cave
v Baker Kilcooley and Moore of Barne.
1837) The complete notes of the Doway Bible and
Rhemish Testament, with a preface ...
Mr. Tracy, Aurthurs Quay,
Limerick City
Mr. John Tracy, Ennis
Mr. Denis Tracy, Ennis
Mr. D. Tracy, Roscrea
1837 Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC)
2772 David Tracey, 26 years, 58, b. [1811] Cork, Catholic, Not married, recomended by Lord Ennismore, No trade, appointed 27 May 1837, allocation Tip N, P1SC June 1838 - R2SC 22 May 1840 - P1EC 1 Nov 1840, ref 1470P/506 - 10684D/9822, reward 52452/4904, punishment 7476D/6424, pensioned 1 Nov 66 B 25921/15285, service 29 years 4 months, £27.0.0 pension
1837 Tenants of Trant
Estate, Dovea, Inch, Co. Tipperary
Thomas Tracey
15 November 1837- 16 August 1838 Pawnbrokers in
27 Mar, 1818 Bond
Sureties: - - Thomas Tracy, Mabbot Street;
Hodgers, 167 Church Street;
and John Scott of Kildare, Hotel-keeper
Applicatant: William Treacy, jun Mountrath
Charles Pim of Mountrath, Gentleman
James Demsey of Mountrath, Shopkeeper
John Cunningham, of Derrough, Esq.
Applicant: Henry Jones Edenderry
Sureties: John Walker, Tullamore, Publican
James Clarke, Gallen, Collector
Thomas Hackett, Ballydaly, Farmer
Simon Treacy, Birr, Gentleman
29 April 1835 Pawnbroker application
Applicatant: John Phelan of Roscrea
Sureties: Thomas Mockham, John Hart & Michael
Treacy, Shopkeepers of Roscrea
Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath, May 1829, 15000 tickets
21 April 1838 Returns from the Marshal of the City of
Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath, May 1829, 20,000 tickets
21 April 1838 Returns from the Marshal of the City of
Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath, May 1829, 19,872 tickets, £2263s19d-
21 April 1838 Returns from the Marshal of the City of
Pawnbroker: William Tracey of Montrath, May 1829, 26,884 tickets, £3565s7d7
Papers of Great Britain
1837 Summer Assizes
Slievardagh 338 Edmond Tracy, remainder of £27.9.1 to rep 573 per of the
road from S. collieries to Carrick-on-Suir £6.17.3
1839...303 Edmond Tracy, of Killatlea, for repairing 573 perches of the
road from Slievardagh colleries to Carrick £10.14.10
23 February 1838 (FJ)
Thursday night last a man named Treacy was frozen to death near
Bushfield, County Tipperary from the inclemency of the weather. He was
returning from the market at Nenagh, where he had sold a cow the same day, and
had the price in his pocket, when discovered dead on Friday morning, within a
few yards of his sister's house, and lying on his hands and face.
6th March 1838 The
North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the Principality
Thursday night a man named Treacy was frozen to death near Bushfield,
county Tipperary, from the iuclemency of the weather. He was returning from the
market of Nenagh, where he had sold n cow the salllo day, alld had the price in
his pocket when discovered dead on Friday morning, within a few yards of his
sisters house, nnd lying on his hand s nnd face.
J Treacy of Graigne (Woodrooffe, Co. Tipperary?). Exec for Martin Cammel, 1838,
Cashel & Ely Diocese.
Name |
Age |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Place |
Term |
Place |
Crime |
Status |
or Calling |
Remarks |
Died |
Death Place |
Thomas Tracey |
28 |
Elphinstone (3) [1838] |
1838 |
Tipperary |
7 |
1810 |
Tipperary Co |
Manslaughter |
Single |
Labourer |
CF 45/1048 |
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Database (1780-1868)
AGE: 28
PLACE OF TRIAL: Co. Tipperary
TRIAL DATE: 24/07/1838
SENTENCE: Transportation 7 yrs
Tracey's cabin, near Borrisoleigh was smashed with stones, and the doors,
windows, and gate smashed to pieces-inmates escaped.
Name |
Age |
Reb |
Ship |
Tried |
Place |
Term |
Place |
Crime |
Status |
or Calling |
Remarks |
Died |
Death Place |
Rody Tracey |
24 |
Perseverance (1838) |
1838 |
Port Louis Court Martial
Mauritius |
7 |
1814 |
Templemore Tipperary Co |
Striking corporal |
Single |
Soldier in 35th Regiment
groom |
Nenagh Guardian,
published in Co Tipperary in 1838 and 1839.
John Trassey Tipperary Assizes
1838 Nenagh court/Manslaughter/To Be Transported/7 years
Mary Tracey Limerick court/her property stolen by Mgt Griffin
Connor Tracey his money stolen from Mary Tracey
February 1839 Morning Herald (London)
Secret Society
Donnelly...he could not contradict the fact that he was one of 14 individuals
who had met on Friday night at Tracey's public house, in Glencullen. When the
paper was discovered he attempted to swallow it...
11 May
1839 Tipperary Free press
A ruffian named Pierce Treacy of Ballycahill has been sent
for two months to the thread-mill by Mr Tabiteau C.M. for flinging a stone at
Mr. B. Ryan, Manager of Thurles Agricultural Bank.
11 May 1839 Wexford Conservative
Thurles Correspondent...Liscahill...Pierce
Tracey of Ballychaill...-Nenagh Guardian.
12 June 1839 Tipperary Free press
Persons (£10 freeholders) applying for registrations
as voters in Paliamentary elections - Eliogarty and Ikerrin: -
Dan Treacy, farmer, Gurtnaspeagh
1839 Reports from Select
Kings County Gaol
[Tummamore Offaly]
Patrick Tracey, assault and riot, Do [convicted 9th March 1838], Do [assizes], Three months from committal
Andrew Tracey, do [assault and riot], Do [convicted 9th March 1838], Do [assizes], Do [Three months from committal]
Kilkenny Gaol
Thomas Treacy & Patrick Dowling (Lodge), Riot and assualt under the statute and assaults, convicted 23rd October 1835, at Quarter Sessions, Commutation: imprisonments nearly expired and recommended by the Local Authorities for good conduct
Tipperary Clonmel Gaol
Michael Treacy, Do [breach of the Excise Laws], Do [tried by Samuel Cooper Esquire J.P. 20th Ju5e 1836], fined £6 or confined 3 months, discharged 10 August 1836, Do [Good conduct during imprisonment [with John Lyons?] [discharged by the Lord Lieutenant on his visit to the Gaol of Clonmell on the 6th August 1836)
Pat Treacy, receiving stolen goods, Thurles sessions 19 October 1837, confined twelve months, 25th May 1838
Patrick Treacy, Do [Thurles Quarter sessions, 19 October 1837, Do [12 months at hard labour], discharged 25 May 1838
Westmeath Goal
Hugh Treacy, discharged 1 April 1837
Registered 1833 to
1840 Rent & Valuation of £10 County Electors, Roscrea Union, Tipperary
William Tracy, Oct 26 1839, lands, Killana
Bourna, 64a/3r/6p, rate £25/15/0, rent £28/0/0
Daniel Tracy, Jan 11 1840, lands &
commonage, Gortnaskea Bourna, 39a/1r/4p, rate £21/0/0, rent £17/0/0
19 Oct 1839 The
Clonmel Herald
...registered to vote...
780 Denis Treacy, farmer, Gurtneskeha, houses lands and premises
townland of do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
781 Daniel Treacy, farmer, Gurtneskeha, houses lands and premises
townland of do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
782 Patrick Treacy, farmer, Gurtneskeha, lands and houses townland of
do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
783 Richard Treacy, farmer, Gurtneskeha, houses lands and premises
townland of do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
784 Connor Tracy, farmer, Kylanna, houses lands and premises townland
of do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
785 a Denis Treacy, farmer, Gurtneskeha, houses lands and premises townland
of do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
788 Wm Tracey, farmer, Kylanna, houses lands and premises townland of
do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
789 Martin Tracey, farmer, Kylanna, houses lands and premises townland
of do barony of Ikerrin as do £10
N.B. Those marked thus (a) are notice to renew anew, from and by
persons already registered under the Reform Bill
1838...Roscrea Board
of Guardians...Martin Treacy...
Roscrea famine and the Workhouse by Roisin Kilmartin
Cashel Division
John Tracey, Kileotlea
Daniel Tracy, Gurtnaspeagh
Daniel Treacy, Gurtneskeha
Daniel Treacy, Gurtneskeha
Denis Treacy, Gurtneskeha
Martin Treacy, Kylanna
Patrick Treacy, Gurtneskeha
Richard Treacy, Gurtneskeha
William Tracey, Kylanna
1839 Deed 1840 21 39 Part A and Part B: 9/10/1839 William Thomas Shortt of Summerhill [Rathnaveoge] to Michael Treacy, Martin Murray and David [Daniel] Treacy of Lower Longford [Rathnaveoge] re lease of Summerhill. Witnesses inc David(?) Shortt of Summerhill.
1866 The Irish Jurist
petition of appeal then stated that such proceedings were had in this matter;
that the final notice to the tenants of the said lands, bearing date the 2nd
August, 1865, was duly lodged, and therein Martin Murray, Matthew
Treacy, and Daniel Treacy were stated to be tenants from year to year, at a
rent of £9 2s., of 69 acres, of said lands, but that they claimed to hold under
a lease from William Thomas Shortt, for three lives, with covenant for
perpetual renewal, and was duly served according to the practice of the said
Landed Estates Court upon (amongst others) the said Michael Treacy and Martin
Murray, That on or about the 28th day of October, 1865, said Martin Murray and
Michael Treacy, both of Summerhill, in the county of Tipperary, filed an
objection to the said final notice in this matter, and therein claimed that by
a certain indenture of lease, bearing date the 9th day of October, 1839,
and made between the said William Thomas Shortt, of Summerhill, of the one
part, and the said Michael Tгеасу, Martin
Murray and Daniel Treacy, of the other
part; the said William Thomas' Shortt demised and granted unto the said
Michael Treacy, Martin Murray, and Daniel Treacy, and the survivor of them
October 24, 1840
Nenagh Guardian
County of Tipperary...intention to apply as persons entitled to vote...
1005 Tracy, Daniel farmer Gurtnaskeigh lands townland of Gurtnaskeigh
parish of Bourna barony of Ikerrin as a freeholder 10£.
1007 Trassy, Patrick farmer Glannanogue houses and lands townland of
Glannfogue parish of Glankeen barony of Kilnemanagh as a freeholder 10£
British War Office
Chelsea Hospital 1787-1854
Tracey born Drougan, Tipperary Served in 60th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 21,
Tracey, b. 1821, Fethard, Tipperary
James Tracey, born abt 1821 Fethard,
Tipperary, No. 1459 Private 60th Foot, joined age 19 on the 6 Mar 1840 Cloumel,
60th Regt of Rifles, Divs? 2
1459 James Tracey private, born
Drugan near Fethard Tipperary, labourer, attested Clonmel Tipperary sixth March
1840,age nineteen years. First service which he is entitled to receive up to
25th May 1842 ie two years and seventy nine days. Further service 26th May to
28 June - 34 days Total 2 years 113 days.
Conner Tracy 21, 48 single man,
Shepherd, Tipperary, RC
1840 RIC Record
667 Jas Treacy, 44 years when
appointed, 5'9", born [1785] Kings, Catholic, widower, recommended by
Marquis Anglessey, famer, appointed 1 Dec 1829, allocations Gal 7.3 - Queens
7.4 - Tip N 35371M/35199, distinctions 96993/8841, pensioned 1 April 1853,
served 23 2, £25 pension, Military Pensioner at 5d per diem
1840 Paterson NJ
Cornelius Tracey came to the
United States in 1840, from Temple More, County Tipperary, Ireland, and for some
time worked on the Great Lakes as an engineer. John M. Tracey was born on Grand
street, near Spruce, Oct. 9 1867, the son of Cornelius and Mary (Landy) Tracey.
John Tracey, grandfather of John M. Tracey
On July 1st, 1910, the Bertillon
System and the Bureau of Identification was established, and Sergeant John M.
Tracey was appointed Captain of Detectives. Chief of Police John Bimson was
placed on pension at his own request on July 1st, 1917, and on October 18th,
1918, John Tracey was appointed Chief of Police. Chief Tracey died on January
10th, 1932.
of Paterson and its environs (the silk city): historical ..., Volume 3 -
Page 226 William Nelson, Charles Anthony Shriner - Paterson (N.J.) - 1920
1840 to 1855 Index of people born
in Tipperary and emigrated to Sydney, New South Wales, or Moreton Bay, Queensland
1840 Mary Anne
Patrick Trassy, 27, Templemore,
(parents: John (horsebreaker)/Margaret
Howe) Known to Pat Dugan at T.,
Thomas Tracey, 39, Cappawhite,
husband, (parents: Timothy (farmer) & Mary, b. Jan 11th, 1802, Baptism
Bridget Tracey, 35, Cappawhite,
wife, (parents Patrick ??? (land steward) & Winifred Neale Baptism
Timothy Tracey, 19, Cappawhite,
Mary Tracy, 16, Cappawhite,
Thomas Tracey, 14, Cappawhite, son
James 7.5
Ellen 4.5
Bridget 9 mths
Michael Tracy, 36,
Caher, husband (parents: "deceased")
Bridget Tracy, 26,
Caher, wife (parents: not given - Ryan connection ??) Baptism Cert.
Michael Tracy, 10, son
John, Tracy, 6, son
Catherine Ryan, 23,
Caher (parents: Dennis/Margaret Sullivan F dead) Baptism certified. Protected
by Michael Tracy & wife
Pierce Tracy, 25, Ballycahill,
husband (parents: "both dead")
Mary Tracy, 27, Ballycahill
(parents ??? Barry/Margaret Flynn, living in Macarky) Stated to have 2 chn in
Mathew Tracy, 28, Lochmore,
husband (parents: Mathew (farmer)/Judy Sweeney)
Bridget Tracy, 25, Lochmore, wife
(parents: Ned Hall (labourer)/Catherine Carroll)
Judy, 4, daughter
Kate, 2, daughter
Mary Sheedy, 32, Killea, widow
(parents: Dennis & Nancy Tracey both dead) (sister Bridget Treacy, 21, born
Killea, in Australia}
Michael Tracey, 36, Toem (parents:
Michael/Mary nee Brien, both dead), His surname is stated as Brien but a long
note states that his real surname is Tracey.
Mary Lynch, 26, Nenagh (parents:
Michael & Margaret Tracey) (wife of
William, 30)
Treacy, 22, Rushmore [Rosmore Galway], (parents: William / Ann xx Living at Rushmore.
Sister = Catherine Kennet? [Mary Kennedy?])
Treacy, 20, Rushmore [Rosmore Galway], (parents: William / Ann xx Living at
Rushmore. Sister = Catherine Kennet? [Mary Kennedy?])
Hannah Butler, 33, Kilmore
(parents: Martin & Bridget Ryan)
Mother living in Sydney, NSW M, now
Bridget Tracey + 4Bros & 3 Si
Honora Tracey, 22, Ballycommon, RC
(parents: William/Nancy, father at Ballycommon).
Mary Tracey, 21, Ballycommon, RC
(parents: William/Nancy, father at Ballycommon)
Catherine Treacy, 19, Cloghjordan,
RC (parents: James/Margaret, M dead)
John Tracy, 26, Cloghprior
(parents: Michael/Margaret, living in Cloughprior), 3 sisters Ann, Margaret
& Mary (now Lynch), Broulee,
Mary Tracey, 19, Thurles, RC
(parents: Michael/Ellen, F dead , M in Thurles)
Mary Tracey, 24, Roscrea, RC
(parents: Patrick/Peggy, both dead)
19 Nursemaid Thurles
Tipperary Ireland
TRACEY / TRACY Mary 24 Farm
Servant Rossgrey ? Tipperary
Denis Treacy of Toomevara
Tipperary. Coroner: James Carroll Finding: visitation of God
1836-1848 A list of Orphans in the care of the County Tipperary
Protestant Orphan Society
181 Thomas Treacy, entered 14 Oct
1841, father was Labourer from Toomevara, Apprenticed
182 Phoebe Treacy, entered 14 Oct
1841, father was Labourer from Toomevara, Apprenticed
November 20, 1841 Nenagh Guardian
Barony Of Eliogarty. 8. To repair
670 perches of the road frum Thurles to Templemore, by Loughmore, betwaen the
cross of Kallyduag and Martin Tracy's cross at Graiguefrehane, for three years,
not to exceed 6d per perch.
1841 Lord Viscount
Morpeth's Testimonial Roll
Edward Tracey, CR, Kilcock [Kildare]
Micheal Treasy, Graystown [Killenaule Tipperary]
Nicholas Treasy, No 21 Portlane st [Dublin]
Thos Tracey, 20 Gt Ship St [Dublin]
[Note: There are many other signatories but no addresses]
9 April 1842 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
Patrick Tracey, for the abduction
of Honora Mara, was admitted to bail, to take trial at the next assizes of this
6 August 1842 (NG) Nenagh Assizes
James Dunne, Thomas Dunne and Patt
Tracy were indicted for forcibly carrying away Honora Mara...on the 16th of
February last at Toomavara. The prisoner Tracy pleaded a
confortable man; I heard he was to get four acres of land and £20, on condition
he marries [the girl]...It is a mitigated case of abduction - but it is my duty
to record sentence of death against you...
6 August 1842 (NG)
Patrick Tracey and Thomas Dunn
(abduction) (To be transported for Life)
12 Aug 1842 (CE) Nenagh Assizes
Patrick Tracy and Thomas Dunn,
abduction. To be transported for life.
Ireland-Australia Transportation Database
AGE: 21
AGE: 24
PLACE OF TRIAL: Co. Tipperary
TRIAL DATE: 16/07/1842
TRIAL DATE: 28/07/1842
SENTENCE: Death commuted to 3 weeks imprisonment
COMMENTS: Convict's name struck through
A notice was also posted on the house of Thomas Tracey of
Bunacrum (?) [Bunacum, Aghnameadle Tipperary] threatening
him with a 'bloody end' if he worked for Mr. Dawson.
23 April 1842 Waterford Mail
A notice was posted on the house of Thomas
Tracey, of Bunnacum, threatening him with a bloody end' if he worked for Massy
Dawson, Esq., or any one belonging to him.
23 April 1842 Wexford Conservative
On the night of last Saturday, notice was
posted the house of Thos. Tracey, of Bunnacum, threatening him with a bloody
end, if worked for Massy Dawson, Esq., any one belonging to him.
8 June 1842 (NG) Reward - Parochial meeting at the Chapel of the
...Lord Dunalley in every capacity
both a Liberal Legislator and humane Landlord...illegal notice served on
Matthew Ryan...Robert Treese, Kilmore 10s...
9 November 1842 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
Amelia McElroy v. Trassys and
Gleesons for assult and forcible possession. Mary Trassy being sworn, stated
that old Tom Dunn her uncle, sold the interest in certain lands for £5 to her
father, the possession is to be given after Dunn's death; saw the money paid.
Tom Dunn, an old man near ninety years of age, swore positively that he never
made any such bargain or agreement; he gave the lands 14 years ago to his son
as a marriage portion, and that it is still in the possession of his son's
widow, Amelia M'Elroy...
23 November 1842 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
...a large grave dug on the side
of the road near Toom...James Dunn [and Michael Tracy?] who lives at
January 1843 Power
v. Heir and Tertenants of M'Braire
...Martin tracy and eight other tenants...Charlotte M'Braire, an
insolvent, deceased...a considerable number of acres in tipperary...cottier intention of desturbing said tenants...
January 1843 Lessee
of Richard Lynch and others v Judith Lynch
...North Riding in the county of Tipperary...Rathmogue [Rathmoy? Glenkeen] dated 27th October 1821,
whereby the Rev Theobald Butler and John Butler demised them to Patrick Lynch,
Ricahrd Lynch and Richard Lynch...the leasees were in posession themselves of
the 17 acres, saving six held by two persons named Mahony and Tracy, who were
not served with the ejectment...
1843 Return of Names of every Blacksmith
whose Forge has been registered in Ireland
Thomas Treacey, Newtown, Tipperary, registered 26 September 1842
23 February 1843
(NG) Sudden Death and Inquest
On the night of last Thursday, between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock, a
man named Patrick Trassy living near this town [Nenagh], fell dead while in the
act of saying his prayers...rumours that were afloat relative to the deceased
having been poisoned by some whiskey he drank down town...Margaret Trassy's
evidence was to the effect that the deceased was her husband...he died suddenly
in his own house at the White Walls; he spent the day selling scollops at the
market...his six children...Verdict- Deceased came by his death in consequence
of a disease and enlargement of the heart.
8 March 1843 (CE)
Edward Tracy, Esq., Cullen, in the couutv of Tipperary, and brother of
Lieut. Tracy, late of the 7th Dragoon Guards
March 9, 1843 (FJ) Marriages
On the 28th ult., Mr. T. Hayes of
Miltown, to Lucy, second daughter of Edward Tracy, Esq., of Cullen, county
Tipperary and niece of Lieutenant Tracy, late of the 7th Dragoon Guards.
11 March 1843
Wexford Independent
Mr. T. Hayes of Miltown, to Lucy, second daughter of Edward Tracy,
esq., of Cullen county Tipperary, and niece of Lieutenant Tracy, late of the
7th Dragoon Guards.
1 April 1843 (N)
O'Connell Compensation fund
Nenagh Tipperary...Daniel Tracy...
1 July 1843 (NG) Nenagh Poor Law Guardians
Admission of Paupers - Bridget
Trassy, her father and mother are dead; lived with Mr. John Gleeson, has a
brother, but he is in America.
15 November 1843 (NG) Waylaying and Assault
On the night of the 10th instant,
John Donohoe, of Ballymackey, returning home from Nenagh, in company of two
other men named Patrick and Thomas Tracy, were met on the road near
Knockinglass, by three men who attacked them with stones one of which struck
Patrick Tracy on the head and cut him - they then got inside a ditch, when
Donohoe discharged a pistol in the direction from whence the stones came, but
without effect. The parties are known.
17 Nov 1843 (CE)
Attempt to Assinate Thomas Waller of Finoe, J.P.
...Thomas Tracy, were met on the road near Knockinglass by three men
who attacked them with stones, one of which struck Patrick Tracey on the head
and cut him. They then got inside a ditch, when Donoghue discharged a
pistol in the direction from which the
stones came, but without effect...
...The porter, Mr. Treacy, has been removed to the fever hospital, and
is in a very precarious state;...
I am sorry to say it is my duty to report another death among the
officiers of this union; the porter, Mr. Michael Treacy, has fallen victim to a
prevailing fever...
3 and 8 May 1844 (NG)
Thurles Quarter Sessions
To be imprisoned for two months hard labour...Dan Daly, John Daly, John
Trassy (riot) and to give security at the expiration of two months in £10 each
and two surities at £5 each...
14 May 1844 Clonmel List of the Names of all
Persons qualified to serve as Juriors in the
Northern Division of Tipperary, for Spring
Assizes 1840
Daniel Tracey
Michael Treacy
Patrick tracy
Patrick Trassy
Matthew Treacy
Patrick Treacy
Martin Treacy
Patrick Trassy
Michael Trassy
Patrick Trassy
Patrick Treacy
October 16, 1844 (FJ)
...Meskill was proscuting or aiding
in the prosecution of a person named Tracy or Trassy, for an assault upon a
third party connected with the possession of some land, the property of Mr.
Latouche, in whose employment Meskill was...Clonakenny...
November 4, 1844 (FJ) Murderous Outrage
...John Ransford [of Ballinahich]
was proceeding from Bird Hill towards Ballinahinch [attacked]...direction of
O'Briens Bridge...county Clare...arresting three men named Martin Tracy, James
Tracy and - Hill...identified Martin Tracy as the man who fired the
shot...taken some land which the Tracy's had been evicted.
1844 Attempt to Murder
About eight o'clock, on the night
of the 29th ult., a man named John Ransford, when returning to his residence at
Ballinahinch, was waylaid and severely assaulted by an armed party, who
inflicted some severe cuts in his head---he also received a gun shot wound in
the thigh---the party having commenced their attack by firing at him. On being
informed of the occurrence, Constable Gaul, of the next police station, and his
men, immediately went in pursuit of the offenders, in the direction of
O'Brien's bridge, and arrested, in the county of Clare, four men who are now in
custody for examination, of whom Martin Tracy has been identified by
Ransford as being one of the five who attacked him. The cause of this outrage
is not known at present.---Nenagh Guardian.
6 Nov 1844 (CE) Murderous Outrage
...Martin Tracy, James Tracy, and
Hill. Edmond Ransford has since fully identified Martin Tracy as the man who fired
the shot. John Ransford lies at Bailinahinch dangerously ill, and but few hopes
are entertained of his recovery...
The Tyrone Constitution Friday,
November 8, 1844.
On Wednesday, as a man named John Ransford,
was proceeding from Bird-hill towards Ballynahinch, he was met by a party of
armed men who attacked him. He escaped and ran to the house of a relative
Edmond Ransford who informed the police at the Muragh station, about a mile and
a half distant. Sergeant Goore and a party of police pursued the ruffians who
fled in the direction of O'Brien's bridge. He succeeded in arresting three men,
named Martin Tracy, James Tracy and Hill. The cause assigned for the
attack is a spirit of revenge, instigated by Ransford having taken some land
from which the Tracy's had been evicted. Tipperary Vindicator Nov. 5,
9 November 1844 Wexford Independent
Agarian Murders...On wednesday last a
murderous attack was made upon John Ransford, near Ballinahinch...The parties
were persued by the police into the county of Clare, and three of them
arrested, one named Hill and two named Tracy. Martin Tracy has been identified as the man who fired the shot.
Ranford lies dangerous ill at Ballinahinch...It appears the crime is traceable
to the posession of land... - Limerick Reporter
13 November 1844 Wexford Conservative
A man named Edmond Ransford, living near
ballynahinch, in Tipperary, seeing a plot of ground unoccupied, ventured to
take it. This ground had formerly been tilled by a family named Tracy, who had
been ejected. As one evening, last week, Ransford was returning home, he was
met by a party of armed men. he ran for his life; they fired and wounded him;
but he gained enterence into a cottage before his persuerers could dispatch
him. He lies now without hope of recovery. Three men were apprehended by the
police almost immediately asfter the shot was fired; and one Michael Tracy was recognised by the
wounded man as his assailant.
22 March 1845 (NG) Felonious Assault
Martin Tracey was given in charge for feloniously assaulted John Ransford, by firing
a loaded gun on the 29th Oct last. John Ransford- I live at Ballinahinch...I
know him those 20 years...I didn't swear informations for two months after I
was attacked...we never had a dispute about land...
Edward Ranson [Ransford?], brother
- I heard my brother had a dispute with Tracey about the right of a passage;
Tracey's house was attacked; my father said he would give up this prosecution
if the Tracey's settled about the passage we were disputing. Constable
Gall-...Ransford...told me there were three of the Tracey's in the attack. The
jury acquitted the prisoner.
9 November 1844 (NG) Sheep stealing
...Mr. R. Mason...I live at
Clonakenny...Michael Tracey, a man in Mr. Mason's employ, deposed to his master
losing the sheep...
9 November 1844 (NG) Grievous Assault
Martin Tracey was indicted for a
grievous assault on Patrick Doyle, on the 9th of August last. Patrick Doyle [70
years of age] ...I live in Kinane...Mr. Latouche from Dublin is the
landlord...I am in possession of the land since the 9th of August, it was one
David Maxwell that gave me the land...the prisoner came up from the direction
of his own house...gave me three strikes of a pitchfork...Tracey had been in
possession of the land I got from Maxwell...He said:- Patrick[?] Tracey, you
have been convicted...[long speech follows which includes the assassination of
Maxwell]...two years imprisonment and hard labour...
November 14, 1844 (FJ) Murder
The reason for this outrage is
that Patrick M'Guinness of Kilwardy summoned his master Patrick Tracy of
Killeen to the petty sessions of Templemore for wages, for which he obtained a
decree. Tracy lodged an appeal to the quarter sessions of Thurles, where the
decision was confirmed.
15 Nov 1844 (CE)
Patrick Tracy, of Killeen, to the
Petty Sessions of Templemore for wages, for which he obtained a decree. Tracy
lodged an appeal to the Quarter Sessions of Thurles, where the decision of the
Magistrates was confirmed.
Margaret Treacy, Ballygurteen, Corbally. Barony of Ikerrin. Dr. Henry
Powell. Verdict-Falling into a tub of water.
4 January 1845 (N)
O'Connell Tribute
Mullinahone, county Tipperary...William Treacy...
January 10, 1845 (FJ) Repeal Rent
...Shinrone and Ballingarry, per
Mr. J. Tracey 4s...
11 January 1845 (N)
Loyal National Repeal Association
Shinrone and Ballingarry, per Mr. John Tracey 4s.
22 March 1845 (NG) Murder of Stapleton
Michael Whelan was place at the
bar...William Stapelton house on the way to Loughmore...I
was sentenced for attempting to murder a man named Tracey...I got 10 years
there and am home about three years...there are friends and relatives of Tracey
yet living in my neighbourhood...
17 May 1845 Advertisment
Anne Tracey, daughter of Martin Tracey, Cloonismillon, Parish of Druin
(Townland of Clonmullen, Parish of Drom), Co. Tipperary, emigrated to Quebec 13
years before and last in Montreal. Sought by Stephen Duffy for her brother
Patrick Tracey, Troy, NY, who plans to return to Ireland.
Irish Genealogist, vol 8, p.110
Denis Treacy, Whitefield, Parish of Templemore, Eliogarty.Dr. Geo
Bradshaw. Verdict-Drowned in a stream.
July 29, 1845 (FJ) Repeal Association
...parishes of Monsea and
Kilodieran...William Tracey...collector of £1...
Nov. 5, 1845 Conditions of the People of
Ireland Roscrea, Tip., Oct. 30 Report of the Land Commission -
A farmer named Tracey, of Gertnaskea near this town, took a farm
formerly held by his own brother, who was ejected for non-payment of rent. The
ejected brother had him served with threats and so frightened him that he too
goes about with two armed policemen.
November 7, 1845 (FJ) The Condition of the People of Ireland
(from "The Times"
Commissioner) Roscrea Tipperary Oct 30...A farmer named Tracey, of Gertmaskea,
near this town, took a farm formerly held by his own brother, who was ejected
for the non-payment of rent. The ejected brother had him served with threats of
death unless he left the farm, and so frightened him that he was compelled to
apply for protection, and now goes about his daily labour, protected by two
armed policemen.
John Stewart esq Dundrum Tipperary. An Account of Payments and
Allowances to away-going Tenants on the Dundrum Estate
May 1 1825 John Tracy, Gurteenamo, 2a/0r/0p, £14/17/6 allowances in
John Tracey, Gurteenan, 1824, 4 quantity, £14/17/6 owed, - paid, Pauper
William Tracey, Clone, 1843, Cabin, £4/10/0, £3/0/0 owed, Insolvent a
"...William Tracey, a day labourer. These persons were paid more
that their holdings were worth; Loney holding an acre and a half, and William
Tracey a cabin, for which he paid no rent for two years and more; He also got
money to enable him to build elsewhere. There is another statement about Tracey
which I wish to contradict. A great many of these statement go to show that a
great number of these people went into the poor-houses, and that he did not
know what became of them. He says, he does not know what became of Tracey; he
was served with notice to quit, and having no legal title took a few pounds and
went off. My answer to that is, that it seems to me that Mr. Mackey ought to
know perfectly well that with the money Tracey got he was able to build a house
in the village of Ballagh, in the centre of Mr. Mackay's parish, about 400 or
500 yards from his former residence, and where he continues as a daily
1845 RIC Service
Michael Treacy, 6641, b. 1820 Tipperary
8841 Michl Treacy, 25 years, 6'-", b.
Tipr, Catholic, recommended by Sub Insp Morgaid, labourer, appointed 6 Aug 45,
served Cavan 0.2 - Reserve 0.2 - Limerick, Dismissed 19 Jan 1850 33945/3967
24 January 1846 (NG) Attacked on Dr. Downer
James Whelan and James Tracey were
indicted for assaulting William Henry Downer, Esq. M.D. of Roscrea on the 16th
of October last...the prisoner Tracey had a pistol...Tracey said he and his
master had liberty to carry fire arms...verdict of not guilty.
21 Feb 1845 Daniel Tracy of Dromard Ikerrin
A portion of the tail was cut off his cow, by some persons unknown. No
cause can be assigned for this outrage. Mr. Tracy is steward to George Roe,
April 1846 Barony of
6. To repair and widen 332 perches of the road from Urlingford to
Roscrea, between Dandy Trassy's house at Dromard and the School house at
Dromard £66/8/0.
7. To repair and widen 340 perches of the road from Nenagh to
Rathdowney between Tobias Trassy's house at Killard and the cross at the mail
coach road at Michael Farrell's at £60.
26th December 1846
The Tablet
Violences. (From the Limerick Chronicle.)...On Thursday night last,
forty stone of wheat was stolen from the barn of Toby Tracey, of Killany, and
some more from his brother, Martin Tracey...[Tobias Tracy, Kyleannagh Bourney
1846 Names of Persons summonsed by Sheriff to
act as Jurors in Tipperary, 1845 and 1846
Denis Tracy, farmer, Gurtnaskeha Ikerrin, freeholder
Martin Tracy, farmer, Kylanna Ikerrin, freeholder
John Tracey, farmer, Kilcatlea Sleiveadagh Tipperary, Freeholder
Patrick Trassy, farmer, Rusheen Kilnemanagh (North) Tipperary,
Michael Trassey, farmer, Carny Lower Ormond Tipperary, Freeholder
2 am 15th May 1845-1846 Returns Relative to Assaults.
Patt Treacy, labourer, Kilcouran, Lower Ormond, Tipperary.
Administering an oath - Not to work for a man named Hogan
Thomas Heffernan and Patt Tracey of Ballyquinleven Lower Ormond Tipperary,
Smiths, morning 5 May, two threatening notices, to prevent them working at
their trade being strangers.
Treacy, Michael, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. (Prerogative Will)
Biddy Treacy, immediate lessor, Knockbrack
Denis Tracey, Grange or Currabaha
Denis Treacy, Fantane or Grange
Denis Treacy, Glenbreedy
Denis Treacy, immediate lessor, Moankeenane
Matt Trassey, immediate lessor,
Patt Treacy, Gurthlough
Simeon Treacy, Gurthlough
Thos. Treacy, immediate lessor, Upper Garrangrena
Wm. Treasy (Tracy), immediate lessor, Rathmoyne [Rathmoy Glenkeen]
Connor Treacy, immediate lessor,
Edwd Treacy, immediate lessor,
John Treasy, Clonismullen
Martin Trassy, Clonismullen
Patrick Treacy, immediate lessor,
Wm. Trassy, Clonismullen
Philip Treasy, (Land owner),
Grangahissa (Graigaheesha?)
Thomas Treacy, Kilcooley
Daniel Treacy, immediate lessor, White Field
Denis Treacy, immediate lessor, White Field
Edmd. Treacy, immediate lessor, White Field
James Treacy, White Field
Matt Treacy, immediate lessor, White Field
Michael Treacy, immediate lessor, White Field
Thomas Treacy, immediate lessor, White Field
Patrick Treasy, immediate lessor, Cloone
James Treacy, immediate lessor, Loughill
Thos Trassy, Forgestown
Andrew Treacy, Jas. & Be?,
Lisheen, House & land
Daniel Trassy, Ballyerk, House
& land
Ed. Trassy, Boolabeha, House &
John, Trassy, Boolabeha, House
& land
Laurence Trassy, immediate lessor,
Cooleeny, House & land
Margret Trassy, immediate lessor,
Moynetemple, House & land
Michl. Trassy, Moyneard, House
& land
Thos. Trassy (Tracy), Ballyerk,
House & land
William Tracey, Mohar
Danl. Treacy, Coolacame (?)
Denis Treacy, immediate lessor,
John St.
James Trassy, immediate lessor,
Francis St.
James Treacy, immediate lessor,
Manna South
John Trassy, immediate lessor,
John St.
John Trassy, immediate lessor,
John Trasy, immediate lessor,
Pigfoot Ln.
John Treacy, immediate lessor,
College Hill
John Treacy, Ivyhall
Martin Trasy, immediate lessor,
Pigfoot Ln.
Michl Trassey, immediate lessor,
New Row
Michl Treacy, immediate lessor,
Church St.
Michl. Trassy, Kilclareen
Michl. Treacy, immediate lessor,
Francis St.
Patk. Trassy, immediate lessor,
Thos Treacy, College Hill
Wm. Trasey, immediate lessor, Killeenagh
Connor Treacy, Tullow McJames
Denis Treacy, Lisdaleen
Thos Treacy, Tullow Wood
James Treacy, Garryvicleheen
John Treacy, Lisnagonoge
Mary Treacy, Garryvicleheen
Patt Treacy, Loughtagalla
[Laghtagalla Thurles]
Patt Treacy, Quarry St. [Thurles]
Wm Treacy, New Road [Thurles]
Martin Treacy, Noard (owner
Christopher Dunville)
Michl Treacy, Ballydavid (owner
John Russell Esq.)
Youghal Electoral District
26 Jan 1846 (Nenagh
Thos. Tracey, Curraghtemple
Return Relative to Jurors
Barony of Ikerrin
Denis Tracy, Gurtnaskeha,
farmer, freeholder
Martin Tracy, Kylanna,
farmer, freeholder
Barony of Kilnemanagh
Patrick Trassy,
Glanagoo, farmer, freeholder
Barony of Sleiveardagh
John Tracey,
Kilcotlea, farmer, freeholder
Parliamentary Papers, Great Britain Parliament. House of Commons
1846 Slater's Royal National
Commercial Directory of Ireland
Tracey, corn dealer, Sir John's road
Tracey, shop keeper & dealer in sundries, Bridge St
James Tracy,
master; Ann Tracy, Mistress; Abbey National Schools, Marifield
Tracey, linen draper
Tracey, Apothecary & Union Workhouse, 59 Castle St
Ryan &
Tracey, Butchers, 46 Castle St
Tracy, carpenter, Rosemary st
January 1847 (NG) Borrisokane
About a week ago, six fellows went
to the house of Michael Trassy of Carney, they knocked at his door and demanded
his gun, he told them he would not give it up but with his life. Whilst the
fellows were striving to force in the door, Trassy crept out though a back
window; one of the fellows percieving the gun in his hand, gave the alarm, when
they all quickly retreated. Trassy fired, but it is thought did not wound any
of them.
27 March 1847 (NG) Appearing in arms at Bellview
...John Tracey sworn - I heard
about five or six shots on the night in question; after the shots were fired,
Constable Ardell and a party of police came to my house; they proceeded in the
direction of where the shots were fired; my house has been attacked once in one
year and twice in three years by whiteboys...
27 March 1847 The Tipperary Vindicator
Record Court - Tuesday
James Treacy, Patrick Treacy and
John Whelan were then placed at the bar charged with having appeared at Carrig
near Roscrea on the 17th of November.
The statement in this case was
that the prisoners appeared in arms at a sale of corn distrained for rent due
to Mrs Egan of Carrig...she lives at Carrig Hill...three prisioners are her
tenants...saw Patrick and James Tracy when she went down near Treacy's house,
she asked Paddy Treavy why he had such a scene as that why not come in and pay
his rent; he asked why did she (witness) advertise for a cant in
Roscrea...Patrick Treacy said only you came down your son would be shot like a
dog...Patrick then said that he would settle the rent...but James Treacy
shouted out "boys the matter is not settled"...heard several shots in
every direction...Tracy's land is near her lawn...Tracy said he would pay the
balance if he sold his cow; Rody Tracy was always an excellant propre man; but
he prevented everyone he could from paying her ret (a laugh)...Mr Patrick Egan
sworn...James Tracy had a pistol in his hand...had some impertiment language
with Treacy; called him a bastard...prisioners were found guilty. Patrick
Treacy was sentenced to 12 months imprisoment. The other prisoners to one month
17 July and 7 August 1847 (NG) Barbarous Murder
John Hayes...resided near the
village of Toomavara...Paddy Tracey...John Tracey sworn- I live in lattera; I
have a sort of public house; I sell refreshments...
29 March 1848 (NG) Murder of John Hayes
...Patrick [John?] Tracey
deposed...coming to his house for whiskey...
Tracey, Samuel Joshua, pen. P.T.,
Dec. 5 1847, aged 18; s. of Richard Taylor, Predicator Methodistas; b. Co.
Tipperary. (see Richard Taylor Tracey)
Thomas Tracey, first class,
Roscrea Tipperary.
November 2, 1847 (FJ) Repeal
Carrick-on-Suir...Thomas Tracy
November 12, 1847 (FJ) Repeal Rent
Clonmel...Alderman Tracy...£1..
1847 RIC Service
Michael Tracy, 9795, b. 1826
Tipperary N
9795 Mich Tracy, 21, 5'9.1/8", b.
Tip N, Catholic, recommended by J Sadlier JP, None [trade], appointed 22 Mar
1847, served Mayo, R2 Sub Con 1 May 52 - P1 Sub Con 1 June 53 - R2 Sub Con 1
July 53 - P1 Sub Con 1 July 54, rewards & punishments, Dismissed 11/6/74
9225D/3243, served 27 years 2 months
b. Tipperary N,, RC, to Mayo
6 Mar 1869 Ballinrobe Chronicle
Ballinrobe Petty
Sessions...Sub-Constable Michael Tracey...
Jan 14th 1848 Inquest
Anne Treacy, Loughmore.
19 January 1848 (NG) A wife murdered by her husband
About ten o'clock on the morning
of the 13th inst., John Tracey of Loughmore, near Templemore, strangled to
death his wife, Anne Cleary...verdict: "That the deceased, Anne Tracey,
came by her death from violence committed on her by her husband, John Tracey,
by strangulation, whilst labouring under temporary insanity, brought on by
fever and want". Tracey has been lodged in Nenagh gaol, to abide his trial
at the next assizes for the murder.
January 20, 1848 (FJ) A wife murdered by her husband
John Tracey, of Loughmore, near
Templemore, strangled to death his wife Anne Cleary, under aberration of mind,
caused by fever...strangulation whilst labouring under tempory insanity,
brought on by fever and want...Nenagh gaol...-Nenagh Guardian
22 January 1848 Wexford Independent
A wife murdered by her
husband...John Tracy, of Loughmore, near Templemore, strangled to death his
wife, Anne Tracy, who was a poor miserable woman. It appears that Tracy was
labouring under aberration of mind, caused by fever..."whilst labouring
under temporary insanity, brough on by fever and want." Tracy has been
lodged to Nenagh goal, to abide his trial at the next sessions for the murder.
- Nenagh Guardian.
February 05, 1848 Nenagh Guardian
Barony of Ikerrin. 8. to build
46p. of a guard wall on the road from Templemore between the bounds of Frisco
and Wm. Tracy's house at Gurteen, not to exceed 2s6d. p.p.
Feb. 6th 1848 Inquest
John Treacy, at Nenagh Goal,
Parish of Nenagh. Dr. O'Neil Quinn.
March 29, 1848 (FJ) Assizes Intelligence Tipperary - Murder near
...hill of Lacken...then went
towards a sheebeen house kept by a person named Tracey...Paddy Tracey's
sheebeen...John Tracey examined, he lived at Lacken...five men came to his
house...they got whiskey and drank it...
12th May 1848 Inquest
Maria Treacy, drowned at
June 21, 1848 (FJ) The Mitchell Fund
Carrick-on-Suir...Thomas Tracy
July 1848 (NG) Chancery
Set up and Let for seven
years...lands of Graffen and Clerile in the County of Tipperary now or lately
in the posession or occupation of...John Trassy (little)...Thomas
Trassy...Dated this 13th day of July 1843
1848 RIC Service
James Treacy, 11026, b. 1829
11026 Jas Treacy, 19 years,
6'0.7/8", b. Tip, Catholic, recommended by Insp Morgan, Non [trade],
appointed by 11 July 1848, served Depot - Gal E - Mayo 1 Oct 56, PAC 1 Sept
1868 - PCon 1 Ap 1870 - RISC 24 Dec 1875, Rewards 15/4/74 runaway horse &
Punishments, Pensioned 1st March 1876 11026D/17564, served 27 years 7 months,
pension £50.0.0
August 8, 1848 (FJ) Tipperary Assizes - North Riding
Nenagh August 3. Extreme Misery -
A wretched old man, named Tracy, whose features were the chronicles of want and
suffering, pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a sheep. It transpired that
the man and his family of eight children had been living for weeks on prussac
weed - that four of his children were at the time ill of the small-pox, and
that he would not be allowed out-door relief, as he declined going into the
poor-house. He had never been guilty of any offence, but had lost his
August 31, 1848 (FJ) Attacking a Dwelling House
On Friday night last, three men,
one armed with a pistol...entered the house of a farmer named William Tracy, of
Glankeen...pistol missed fire...attacked them with a pitchfork...The cause of
the outrage was, that Tracy had taken a small farm...- Nenagh Guardian
31 August 1848 Morning Herald (London)
County Tipperary - Attacking a
dwelling house
On Friday night last, three men,
one armed with a pistol, and the other two with stones, forcibly entered the
house of a farmer named Wm. Tracey, of Glankeen, a most disorganised part of
the country. The ruffians dragged him out of bed, and, having placed him on his
knees in the yard, the fellow who had the pistol presented it at his head, but
it fortunately missed fire. Ther other two then commenced beating him with
stones, when he jumped from his knees, and laid hold of a pitchfork, which he
bravely used in his defence, and with which he wounded one, and made the other
two take to their heels. The cause of this outrage was that Tracey had taken a
small farm, from which a bad and indolent tenant had some time ago been
dispossessed. None of the parties have yet been made amenable to justice.
September 26, 1848 (FJ) & 7 October 1848 (TH) More Gems from the "Hue and Cry"
Under the head of Tipperary there
is a description of three persons unknown, "who fired a pistol at William
Tracy of Springfield, barony of Kilnemanagh, which (the pistol we suppose)
missed fire, and then gave him several blows of stones, which inflicted a
slight cut on his head, and then ordered him to leave the place!" (An
extraordinary pistol that)!
September 16, 1848 (FJ) Waterford/Kilkenny/Tipperary
...the police barrack [Portlaw]
was attacked by a rebel party...a party of dragoons chased the rebels into the
woods of Portlaw and Curraghmore and took eight prisoners...On the same day
there was an attack on the police barrack at Glenbower near Carrick...six
hundred rebels commanded by O'Mahony, took up all the arms they could find in
the neighbourhood of Kilmacthomas along the mountain foot of Comeragh and
marched to Rathgormac to attack anf burn the barrack...they killed a cow at the
farm of H.W. Barron and had the head of it on one of the pikes; they shot two
farmers named Tracey (tenants of Mr. Disney), who refused to give up their
arms; one was shot through the head, the other through the breast...One man was
shot dead on the spot and another died yesterday [12th September]...
30 December 1848 (NG) Serious Affray with Bailiffs
...Drangan, near
Mullinahone...three men, two of whose names was Tracy and the other Fogarty,
went at day light that morning to execute a civil bill decree on Mr. James St. of Tracy's sons now lies with not much hope of his life...-Clonmel
1848 Serious Affray with Bailiffs
in Tipperary
We have received the following
account of an affray with bailiffs at Drangan, near Mullinahone, and we have
the upmost faith in the veracity of our correspondent:- Mullinahone Dec. 23.
An awful fight took place at Drangan, on the 16th instant. Three
men, two of whose names was Tracy and the other Fogerty, went at daylight
on that morning, to execute a civil bill decree on Mr. James St.John. One of
the Tracys got Mr. St. John to go with him away from the house, before the
party intimated their intention of seizing upon his property. Tracy then
slipped away, and when Mr. St.John came back to his house, he there found his
goods under seizure; that upon asking for the decree, he was refused being
shown it, and was knocked down. His sons, who were in bed, and two other men,
came to his assistance, when a general gight took place with spades,
pitchforks, and every weapon that could be got at, including stones.
Fortunately, a man who was ridding by on horseback heard the noise, and
galloped off to the police barrack for the police, owing to whose timely
interference murder was prevented. As it is, one of Tracys sons now lies with
not much hope of his life being spared. The matter was tried at the sessions
here lat Wednesday, when it appeared that the decree had not been signed by the
sheriff. Both parties are returned for trial at the next quarter sessions at
Cashel. The St.John party are still in confinement in the Bridewell at New
Birmingham, until the fate of young Tracy is known. Clonmel Chronical
Guardian 30/12/1848 p.5
1848 Honora
Tracy Newport [Kilvellane] Tip Widow (bond)
William Smith O'Brien Petition
Denis Tracy, Borrisokane, Tipperary
John Tracy, Carrick-on-Suir,
Michl Tracey, Monsea, Tipperary
Thm Tracey, Nenagh, Tipperary
Thomas Treacy, Carrick-on-Suir,
Thomas Treacy, Monsea, Tipperary
Thomas Treacy, Monsea, Tipperary
William Treacy, Carrick-on-Suir,
Application for Presentments at the Spring
Assizes 1848, for amountof inquisitions held by Thomas O'Meara, Esq, one of the
Coroners for the County Tipperary.
Jan 14th 1848 on Anne Treacy, Loughmore. Verdict-Strangulation.
A return of inquests taken by
James Carroll, Coroner for the County of Tipperary since his last return,
starting on the 4th day of January, and ending on the 4th day of July 1848.
(This Listing doesn't show what they died from).
Feb. 6th on John
Treacy, at Nenagh Goal, Parish of Nenagh. Dr. O'Neil Quinn.
Application for Presentments at the Summer Assizes, 1848 for the amount of
Inquisitions held by Thomas O'Mears, Coroner for the County of Tipperary. (This
listing doesn't give the Parish).
12th May on Maria Treacy, drowned at Clonakenny.
A return of inquests taken by Thomas O'Meara, one of the Coroners for the
County Tipperary, starting on the 12th February 1850 and ending on the 26th of
June 1850.
May 14th on Patrick Treacy,
Sugarlough, Ikerrin. Verdict-Died from disease of the heart. Dr. Powell.
A return of inquisitions held by
T.T. Abbott, Coroner for the North Riding of Tipperary starting 11th July 1854
and ending 26th Feb. 1855.
Nov. 2nd. on Stephen Treacy, at
Nenagh, Parish of Nenagh. George Frith. Simple examination. Verdict-Died
suddenly on the street at Nenagh from disease of the heart.
Irish Reproductive Loans Fund Records
1848-1854 (PRO)
T 91/195
Thos Tracey, Newton Glin, 1847, blacksmith,
resides there still? ??? [other comments cannot read] dated 1854
January 9, 1849 (BL)
men, armed entered the house of the parish priest of Bourna, presented a pistol
at the servant girl, Bridget Tracey, the only inmate in the house...robbed £14
in silver... - Nenagh Guardian
28 April 1849 (NG) Barony of Lower Kilnemanagh
4/. Pat Ryan and Michael English,
to repair 40p. of the road from Tipperary to Newport, between Timothy Tracey's
house on the lands of Gurtdrum and the bridge of Gurtdrum at 4s. p.p.
Patrick Tracy [from Ballingarry?]
Archives [71349]
Kingston 23 May 1849
26 Aug 1849
Kilkenny 15 March 1848 7 years
20/8/49 R Catholic can read & write a little
for: Stealing calves. Prison report ??? conviction conduct and character good.
Single. Stated this offence - stealing 3 heifers. Single.
Miner. 5'6.5", [no age] hair...hazel eyes...Native place: Co.
Tipperary. Small blue mark left cheek.
Hobart Town 2 Sept 1851 Burglary...transportation for life to be removed to
Norfolk Island? and detained there for 15 years...[last date] 20.4.64,305,290,C,80
22040 Patrick Tracey, tried Kilkenny, 15 March 48,
5'6.5", 22 years age, 7 years, RC, Read/write, Single, ??? 3 heifers for
Ally Lyons Co. Tipperary, Miner, Co. Tipperary, ??? ??? ???,236,208,C,80,236,209,C,80
Patk Tracey, hair...hazel eyes...small
blue mark left cheek,202,192,C,80
4 July 1849 (NG) St. John's College [Newport, Tipperary]
The Medals of the School for exemplary
and distinguished good conduct throughout the year - Thomas Tracey and Wm.
Second Greek Premium- Thomas
Tracey. "Josephus" with Testimonials in Latin, History and Geography.
Drawing 2nd Premium- Thomas
Tracey, "Philosophy of Life"
1 August 1849 (NG) Murder of Thomas Burke at Graige, near Templemore
Michael Crawford sworn- I live at
Drom, near Templemore...I ran as hard as I could to Joe Tracey's
house...Tracey's son load a mind sheep...
Joe Tracey sworn- The night the
deceased was murdered Michael Crawford came to my pistol was
produced while Crawford was in the house.
RIC Service
John (M) Treacy, 13569, b. 1830
Tipperary N
13569 John (M) Treacy,
A33852/4145, 19 years, 5'8", b. Tipperary N, Catholic, married 6 Oct '62,
wife born Cork ER, recommended by Sub Insp Jervis, labourer, allocated 17 Nov
1849, served Wicklow 1 April 1850 - Reserve 22 June '55 - Deneg 17 Oct '56 -
Cork E 1 Aug '57 - Limk 1/5/63, P1SC 1 Nov 1850 - P Ex Pay 1 July - P Aug? C
1/6/63, reward, Gratuity [dead?]
1868 Victoria Police Gazette
Information is requested respecting
John Tracy (or Tracey), from Ballinahinch, co. Tipperary, formerly in the
police force in Cork, thence transferred to Limerick. He afterwards came to Australia,
where he is likely to have joined some force.-29th January, 1868.
Mary Tracey [Mrs]
Archives [71343]
Earl Grey
Kingston 17 Dec 1849
9 May 1850
377 Mary
Tried at:
Tipperary 25 Jan 1849 10 years
Arrived: 9
May 1850 RC R&W?
for: Burglary Gaol report never convt? before Bad married stated this offence
Buying stolen shawl & gown ??? hat? ??? at Tipperary Married Surgeons
Report good
Plain? Laundress, 5'3", 32 hair...brown eyes...Native place:
Co. Tipperary
Mole ??? lt cheek
Child Mary died at the ???
...April 3
[18]53 C Pardon appd,248,227,C,80
Tracey, 32 years, Plain Laundress, Tipperary, 25 Jan 1849, 10 years, Co.
Tipperary, married, RC, RW,
Hus Hugh
Tracey in the 67th Regt at Sydney - M Mary Slathernie
B Pat Thos
John+ James+
character: quiet, Buying stolen shawl and gown Prs? Pat Raid? at Tipperary,358,164,C,80,358,165,C,80
Tracey, Plain Laundress, 32 hair...brown eyes...mole on right
18 July 1849 Return of all Notices
served upon Relieving Officers of Poor Law Districts in Ireland
Notice served
by Patrick Treacy as agent to Thomas Biancoci at Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary, 1
person evicted
Martin Tracy
Hutchinson Papers. Documents relating to the estates of the Hutchinson
family of Timoney, Co. Tipperary, including charges against Martin Tracy,
Capalshy, for burning the ground and mid-19th century rentals and ejectment
orders, 1791 - c. 1850. (Ms.
February 1, 1850 (FJ) State of Ireland
Toomevara Again - Last spring
Nenagh sessions, Mr. Massy Dawson obtained the ejectment degrees under which
the town was tumbled...Michael Trassy, wife and step-son...
February 18, 1850 (FJ) Meeting of Tenant Farmers
...Courigoueen, Tipperary...Mr. D.
Tracy, Longford Wood...
Patrick Treacy,
Sugarlough, Ikerrin. Verdict-Died from disease of the heart. Dr. Powell.
Andrew Tracy,
John Tracy, Clashdrumsmith crossed
August 7, 1851 (FJ) Attemped Suicide
On Sunday evening, a girl
attempted to committee suicide by leaping into the river at the Old Bridge. A
baker, named Tracy, courageously leaped in to rescue her, and after some
exertion and trouble succeeded in saving her from a watery grave. - Tipperary
Free Press
10 August 1850 (NG) Borrisokane Union
...elected guardians...Cloughjordan
- Michael Tracey...
17 August 1850 (NG) Roscrea Petty Sessions
Three men from the neighbourhood
of Dromard...charged with drilling...the leader whose name is Tracy...[explain
that is was potato not military drilling]...
31 August 1850 (NG) Attack on a dwelling
...dwelling house of a farmer
named Patrick Treacy, who resides near Roscrea...called on his
brother-in-law...having identified them they let them go and swore information
against them.
Prince Regent, 527 tons, Captain Walter Jago, from London 1850 /
Plymouth 8th November 1850, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 5th March
William Treacy, 25, Labourer, Tipperary, Ire.
Griffiths Valuation South
Tipperary 1850-51
Alphabetical |
By Area
Andrew Tracy Breansha Emly Tipperary Catherine Tracy Ranacrohy Templenoe
Tipperary Connor Tracy Newtown Buolick Tipperary Daniel Tracy Poulacapple West Kilvemnon
Tipperary Denis Tracy Ballywalter Kilvemnon Tipperary
Edmund Tracy Boherboy Kilvemnon Tipperary Edward Tracy Borheens St. Marys Clonmel
Tipperary James Tracey Castlemoyle South Ardmayle
Tipperary James Tracy Carriganagh Clonbullogue
Tipperary James Tracy Philipston Donohill Tipperary James Tracy Poyntstown Fennor Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Brodeen Corroge Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Goat's Lane Cordangan
Tipperary Johanna Tracey (Mrs) Main Street Killenaule
Tipperary John Tracy Boherboy Kilvemnon Tipperary John Tracy Solloghodbeg Solloghodbeg
Tipperary Mary Tracy Ballinulty Cullen Tipperary Mary Tracy Clashnacrony Donohill Tipperary Mary Tracy Ladyswell Street St.
Patricksrock Tipperary Mary Treacy Drangan Drangan Tipperary Michael Tracy Clonmel Road Cordangan
Tipperary Nicholas Tracy Solloghodbeg Solloghodbeg
Tipperary Patrick Tracey Lisbrien Kilmore Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballintogher Graystown
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Poulacapple West Kilvemnon
Tipperary Philip Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Philip Tracy Graigaheesha Kilcooly
Tipperary Stephen Tracey Blind Street Tipperary
Tipperary Thady Tracy Philipston Donohill Tipperary Thomas Tracey Blackcommon Kilcooly
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Coolapreavan Templetenny
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Crossoges Kilcooly Tipperary Thomas Tracy Brodeen Corroge Tipperary Thomas Tracy River Street Killenaule
Tipperary William Tracy Cappaghnagarrane Isertkieran
Tipperary William Tracy Poulacapple West Kilvemnon
Tipperary William Treacy Ballagh Clonoulty Tipperary |
James Tracey Castlemoyle South Ardmayle
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Philip Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Connor Tracy Newtown Buolick Tipperary James Tracy Carriganagh Clonbullogue
Tipperary William Treacy Ballagh Clonoulty Tipperary Edward Tracy Borheens St. Marys Clonmel
Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Goat's Lane Cordangan
Tipperary Michael Tracy Clonmel Road Cordangan
Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Brodeen Corroge Tipperary Thomas Tracy Brodeen Corroge Tipperary Mary Tracy Ballinulty Cullen Tipperary James Tracy Philipston Donohill Tipperary Mary Tracy Clashnacrony Donohill Tipperary Thady Tracy Philipston Donohill Tipperary Mary Treacy Drangan Drangan Tipperary Andrew Tracy Breansha Emly Tipperary James Tracy Poyntstown Fennor Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballintogher Graystown
Tipperary William Tracy Cappaghnagarrane Isertkieran
Tipperary Philip Tracy Graigaheesha Kilcooly
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Blackcommon Kilcooly
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Crossoges Kilcooly Tipperary Johanna Tracey (Mrs) Main Street Killenaule
Tipperary Thomas Tracy River Street Killenaule
Tipperary Patrick Tracey Lisbrien Kilmore Tipperary Daniel Tracy Poulacapple West Kilvemnon
Tipperary Denis Tracy Ballywalter Kilvemnon Tipperary
Edmund Tracy Boherboy Kilvemnon Tipperary John Tracy Boherboy Kilvemnon Tipperary Patrick Tracy Poulacapple West Kilvemnon
Tipperary William Tracy Poulacapple West Kilvemnon
Tipperary Mary Tracy Ladyswell Street St.
Patricksrock Tipperary John Tracy Solloghodbeg Solloghodbeg
Tipperary Nicholas Tracy Solloghodbeg Solloghodbeg
Tipperary Catherine Tracy Ranacrohy Templenoe
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Coolapreavan Templetenny
Tipperary Stephen
Tracey Blind Street Tipperary Tipperary |
Griffiths Valuation North
Tipperary 1850-51
Alphabetical |
By Area
Andrew Tracey Knockanroe Templemore
Tipperary Andrew Tracy Lloydsborough Killea Tipperary
Andrew Tracy Skehanagh Killavinoge
Tipperary Anne Tracey Rosmult Moyaliff Tipperary Anne Tracy Boola Corbally Tipperary Anne Tracy Grange Corbally Tipperary Anne Tracy Loran Bourney Tipperary Benjamin Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney
Tipperary Bridget Tracey Garryvicleheen
Street,Garryvicleheen Thurles Tipperary Bridget Tracy Ballycamusk Holycross
Tipperary Bridget Tracy Bohernaneeve,Garryvicleheen
Thurles Tipperary Bridget Tracy Clybanane Roscrea Tipperary Bridget Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney Tipperary
Catherine Tracey Clonismullen Drom
Tipperary Catherine Tracy Ballyslea Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Catherine Tracy Benamore Roscrea Tipperary Catherine Tracy Boolareagh Bourney
Tipperary Connor Tracy Newtown Corbally Tipperary Cornelius Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney
Tipperary Cornelius Tracy Knockagh Drom Tipperary Daniel Tracey Barrack Street Nenagh
Tipperary Daniel Tracey Kilcurkree Loughmoe East
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Ballynough Bourney Tipperary Daniel Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Daniel Tracy Dangansallagh Bourney
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Dromardmore Killavinoge
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Lehinch Lorrha Tipperary Daniel Tracy Limerick Road Roscrea
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Longford Rathnaveoge Tipperary
Daniel Tracy Longfordwood Bourney Tipperary
Daniel Tracy Summerhill Nenagh Tipperary Daniel Tracy Summerhill Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary Darby Tracey Curragh Castletownarra
Tipperary Denis Tracy Ashbury Roscrea Tipperary Denis Tracy Borrisnoe Bourney Tipperary Denis Tracy Currabaha Glenkeen Tipperary Denis Tracy Gaol Street, Kiltillane
Templemore Tipperary Denis Tracy Glenbreedy Glenkeen Tipperary Denis Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney Tipperary Denis Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary Denis Tracy Grangelough Glenkeen Tipperary Denis Tracy Knockshearoon Glenkeen
Tipperary Dermot Tracy Curragh Castletownarra
Tipperary Edmund Tracy Whitefield Loughmoe West Tipperary
Edward Tracy Ballinlonty Kilfithmone
Tipperary Edward Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney Tipperary
Francis Tracy Nenagh North Nenagh Tipperary
James Tracey Garryvicleheen
Street,Garryvicleheen Thurles Tipperary James Tracey Laghile Loughmoe West Tipperary
James Tracey Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary James Tracy Abbey Street Roscrea Tipperary James Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary James Tracy Lehinch Lorrha Tipperary James Tracy Shanballynahagh Bourney
Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Ballygorteen Corbally
Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Bawnmadrum North Bourney
Tipperary Johanna Tracy Boolareagh Bourney Tipperary Johanna Tracy Glebe View Roscrea Tipperary John Tracey Clonismullen Drom Tipperary John Tracey Comanealine Doon Tipperary John Tracey Gortlandroe Nenagh Tipperary John Tracey Sallypark Latteragh Tipperary John Tracy Ballycahill Templemore Tipperary
John Tracy Ballyerk Moyne Tipperary John Tracy Ballygraggan Killodiernan
Tipperary John Tracy Ballynahinch Kilcomenty
Tipperary John Tracy Bellevue Kilbarron Tipperary John Tracy Blackfort Killodiernan Tipperary
John Tracy Camlin Corbally Tipperary John Tracy Clonmakilladuff Kilbarron
Tipperary John Tracy Clybanane Roscrea Tipperary John Tracy Coogulla Loughmoe East Tipperary
John Tracy Gortadalaun Ardcrony Tipperary John Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Grove Street Roscrea Tipperary John Tracy Kilclareen Templemore Tipperary John Tracy Knigh Knigh Tipperary John Tracy Knockbrack Glenkeen Tipperary John Tracy Lehinch Lorrha Tipperary John Tracy Main Street Modreeny Tipperary John Tracy Mullane's Lane Templemore
Tipperary John Tracy Shanakill Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Timeighter Roscrea Tipperary John Treacy Springmount Cloghprior
Tipperary Joseph Tracy Knockagh Drom Tipperary Judith Tracy Bonagortbaun Bourney Tipperary
Judith Tracy Puddle Street Twomileborris
Tipperary Julia Tracey Whitefield Loughmoe West Tipperary
Kerin Tracy Main Street Templetouhy
Tipperary Margaret Tracey Whitewall's Road Nenagh
Tipperary Margaret Tracy Ballygorteen Corbally
Tipperary Margaret Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney
Tipperary Margaret Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney
Tipperary Margaret Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney
Tipperary Martin Tracey Ballynough Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracey Graiguefrahane Loughmoe East
Tipperary Martin Tracy Aghsmear Corbally Tipperary Martin Tracy Ballycahill Templemore
Tipperary Martin Tracy Bellevue Kilbarron Tipperary Martin Tracy Birdhill Kilcomenty Tipperary Martin Tracy Boolareagh Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Borris Twomileborris Tipperary
Martin Tracy Borrisnoe Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Clonamuckogemore Loughmoe East
Tipperary Martin Tracy Fantane North Glenkeen
Tipperary Martin Tracy Grangelough Glenkeen Tipperary
Martin Tracy Kyleannagh Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Lismakin Corbally Tipperary Martin Tracy Noard Twomileborris Tipperary Martin Tracy Pigfoot Lane, Kiltillane
Templemore Tipperary Mary Tracey Graigue Moycarky Tipperary Mary Tracy Ballyhenry Bourney Tipperary Mary Tracy Boolareagh Bourney Tipperary Mary Tracy Clonmakilladuff Kilbarron
Tipperary Mary Tracy Dangansallagh Bourney Tipperary Mary Tracy Killoskehan Killoskehan
Tipperary Mary Tracy Shanakill Killavinoge Tipperary Matthew Tracy Chapel Street Glenkeen
Tipperary Mich. Tracy Sandymount Templemore Tipperary
Mich Tracy & - Portis Sandymount
Templemore Tipperary Michael Tracey Carneywoodlands Cloghprior
Tipperary Michael Tracey Coole Aghnameadle Tipperary Michael Tracy Ballinagore Youghalarra
Tipperary Michael Tracy Ballynahinch Kilcomenty
Tipperary Michael Tracy Cloncannon Borrisnafarney
Tipperary Michael Tracy Derryhogan Twomileborris
Tipperary Michael Tracy Killoskehan Killoskehan
Tipperary Michael Tracy Kiltillane Templemore
Tipperary Michael Tracy Knockanacree Modreeny
Tipperary Michael Tracy Longford Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Michael Tracy Longfordwood Bourney
Tipperary Michael Tracy Loughanavatta Roscrea
Tipperary Michael Tracy Main Street Modreeny
Tipperary Michael Tracy New Row, Kiltillane
Templemore Tipperary Michael Tracy Rathnaveoge Upper Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Michael Tracy Rosemary Street Roscrea
Tipperary Michael Tracy Summerhill Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Michael Tracy, Jr. Killawardy Killea Tipperary Michael Tracy, Jr. Ballydavid Twomileborris
Tipperary Michael Tracy, Sr. Ballydavid Twomileborris
Tipperary Michael Tracy, Sr. Killawardy Killea
Tipperary Michael Treacy Cloghjordanpark Modreeny
Tipperary Mrs. ??? Tracey & John Hennessy,
Stradavoher Street Thurles Tipperary Mrs. ??? Tracy Garrane Templederry
Tipperary Patrick Tracey Lisbrien Kilmore Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballinagore Youghalarra
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballinlonty Kilfithmone
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballycahane Killoscully
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballymacegan Lorrha Tipperary
Patrick Tracy Ballynough Bourney Tipperary Patrick Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Carrick Roscrea Tipperary Patrick Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Patrick Tracy Cloone Loughmoe East
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Clybanane Roscrea Tipperary Patrick Tracy Cullahill Glenkeen Tipperary Patrick Tracy Glenkeen Glenkeen Tipperary Patrick Tracy Gortalough Glenkeen Tipperary
Patrick Tracy Kilclareen Templemore
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Lloydsborough Killea
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Roscrea Roscrea Tipperary Patrick Tracy Shanakill Killavinoge
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Timeighter Roscrea Tipperary Philip Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Rody Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Sarah Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Simon Treacy Knockmehill Templebeg
Tipperary Stephen Tracey Lackakera Latteragh
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Comanealine Doon Tipperary Thomas Tracey Rathfalla Lisbunny Tipperary Thomas Tracey Shesheraghscanlan Finnoe
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary Thomas Tracy Ballyerk Moyne Tipperary Thomas Tracy Clontaaffe Templemore
Tipperary Thomas Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney Tipperary Thomas Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary Thomas Tracy Knockstowry Moycarky Tipperary
Thomas Tracy Main Street Modreeny Tipperary
Thomas Tracy Newtown Corbally Tipperary Thomas Treacy Prospect West Cloghprior
Tipperary Tobias Tracy Kyleannagh Bourney Tipperary Widow Tracey Garraun Kilnarath Tipperary William Tracey Ballycommon Monsea Tipperary
William Tracey Moher Upperchurch Tipperary William Tracy Ballinlassa Templeree
Tipperary William Tracy Gorteen Bourney Tipperary William Tracy New Street, Thurlestown Parks
Thurles Tipperary William Treacy Rathmoy Glenkeen Tipperary |
John Tracy Gortadalaun Ardcrony Tipperary Michael Tracey Coole Aghnameadle Tipperary Patrick Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Philip Tracy Blackcommon Ballingarry
Tipperary Michael Tracy Cloncannon Borrisnafarney
Tipperary Anne Tracy Loran Bourney Tipperary Benjamin Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney
Tipperary Bridget Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney Tipperary
Catherine Tracy Boolareagh Bourney
Tipperary Cornelius Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Ballynough Bourney Tipperary Daniel Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Daniel Tracy Dangansallagh Bourney
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Longfordwood Bourney Tipperary
Denis Tracy Borrisnoe Bourney Tipperary Denis Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney Tipperary Edward Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney Tipperary
James Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary James Tracy Shanballynahagh Bourney
Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Bawnmadrum North Bourney
Tipperary Johanna Tracy Boolareagh Bourney Tipperary Judith Tracy Bonagortbaun Bourney Tipperary
Margaret Tracy Gortnadumagh Bourney
Tipperary Margaret Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney
Tipperary Margaret Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney
Tipperary Martin Tracey Ballynough Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Boolareagh Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Borrisnoe Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Martin Tracy Kyleannagh Bourney Tipperary Mary Tracy Ballyhenry Bourney Tipperary Mary Tracy Boolareagh Bourney Tipperary Mary Tracy Dangansallagh Bourney Tipperary Michael Tracy Longfordwood Bourney
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballynough Bourney Tipperary Patrick Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Rody Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Sarah Tracy Clonakenny Bourney Tipperary Thomas Tracy Gortnaskehy Bourney Tipperary Tobias Tracy Kyleannagh Bourney Tipperary William Tracy Gorteen Bourney Tipperary Darby Tracey Curragh Castletownarra
Tipperary Dermot Tracy Curragh Castletownarra
Tipperary John Treacy Springmount Cloghprior
Tipperary Michael Tracey Carneywoodlands Cloghprior
Tipperary Thomas Treacy Prospect West Cloghprior
Tipperary Anne Tracy Boola Corbally Tipperary Anne Tracy Grange Corbally Tipperary Connor Tracy Newtown Corbally Tipperary Jeremiah Tracy Ballygorteen Corbally
Tipperary John Tracy Camlin Corbally Tipperary Margaret Tracy Ballygorteen Corbally
Tipperary Martin Tracy Aghsmear Corbally Tipperary Martin Tracy Lismakin Corbally Tipperary Thomas Tracy Newtown Corbally Tipperary John Tracey Comanealine Doon Tipperary Thomas Tracey Comanealine Doon Tipperary Catherine Tracey Clonismullen Drom
Tipperary Cornelius Tracy Knockagh Drom Tipperary John Tracey Clonismullen Drom Tipperary Joseph Tracy Knockagh Drom Tipperary Thomas Tracey Shesheraghscanlan Finnoe
Tipperary Denis Tracy Currabaha Glenkeen Tipperary Denis Tracy Glenbreedy Glenkeen Tipperary Denis Tracy Grangelough Glenkeen Tipperary Denis Tracy Knockshearoon Glenkeen
Tipperary John Tracy Knockbrack Glenkeen Tipperary Martin Tracy Grangelough Glenkeen Tipperary
Matthew Tracy Chapel Street Glenkeen
Tipperary Martin Tracy Fantane North Glenkeen
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Glenkeen Glenkeen Tipperary Patrick Tracy Gortalough Glenkeen Tipperary
Patrick Tracy Cullahill Glenkeen Tipperary William Treacy Rathmoy Glenkeen
Bridget Tracy Ballycamusk Holycross
Tipperary John Tracy Bellevue Kilbarron Tipperary John Tracy Clonmakilladuff Kilbarron
Tipperary Martin Tracy Bellevue Kilbarron Tipperary Mary Tracy Clonmakilladuff Kilbarron
Tipperary John Tracy Ballynahinch Kilcomenty
Tipperary Martin Tracy Birdhill Kilcomenty Tipperary Michael Tracy Ballynahinch Kilcomenty
Tipperary Edward Tracy Ballinlonty Kilfithmone
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballinlonty Kilfithmone
Tipperary Andrew Tracy Skehanagh Killavinoge
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Dromardmore Killavinoge
Tipperary Denis Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary John Tracy Shanakill Killavinoge Tipperary Mary Tracy Shanakill Killavinoge Tipperary Patrick Tracy Shanakill Killavinoge
Tipperary Thomas Tracy Graffin Killavinoge Tipperary Andrew Tracy Lloydsborough Killea Tipperary
Michael Tracy, Jr. Killawardy Killea Tipperary Michael Tracy, Sr. Killawardy Killea
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Lloydsborough Killea
Tipperary John Tracy Ballygraggan Killodiernan
Tipperary John Tracy Blackfort Killodiernan Tipperary
Patrick Tracy Ballycahane Killoscully
Tipperary Mary Tracy Killoskehan Killoskehan
Tipperary Michael Tracy Killoskehan Killoskehan
Tipperary Patrick Tracey Lisbrien Kilmore Tipperary John Tracy Knigh Knigh Tipperary Widow Tracey Garraun Kilnarath Tipperary John Tracey Sallypark Latteragh Tipperary Stephen Tracey Lackakera Latteragh
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Rathfalla Lisbunny Tipperary Daniel Tracy Lehinch Lorrha Tipperary James Tracy Lehinch Lorrha Tipperary John Tracy Lehinch Lorrha Tipperary Patrick Tracy Ballymacegan Lorrha Tipperary
Daniel Tracey Kilcurkree Loughmoe East
Tipperary John Tracy Coogulla Loughmoe East Tipperary
Martin Tracey Graiguefrahane Loughmoe East
Tipperary Martin Tracy Clonamuckogemore Loughmoe East
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Cloone Loughmoe East
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary Edmund Tracy Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary James Tracey Laghile Loughmoe West
Tipperary James Tracey Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary Julia Tracey Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary Thomas Tracey Whitefield Loughmoe West
Tipperary John Tracy Main Street Modreeny Tipperary Michael Tracy Knockanacree Modreeny
Tipperary Michael Tracy Main Street Modreeny
Tipperary Michael Treacy Cloghjordanpark Modreeny
Tipperary Thomas Tracy Main Street Modreeny Tipperary
William Tracey Ballycommon Monsea Tipperary
Anne Tracey Rosmult Moyaliff Tipperary Mary Tracey Graigue Moycarky Tipperary Thomas Tracy Knockstowry Moycarky Tipperary
John Tracy Ballyerk Moyne Tipperary Thomas Tracy Ballyerk Moyne Tipperary Daniel Tracey Barrack Street Nenagh
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Summerhill Nenagh Tipperary Francis Tracy Nenagh North Nenagh Tipperary
John Tracey Gortlandroe Nenagh Tipperary Margaret Tracey Whitewall's Road Nenagh
Tipperary Catherine Tracy Ballyslea Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Daniel Tracy Longford Rathnaveoge Tipperary
Daniel Tracy Summerhill Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Michael Tracy Longford Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Michael Tracy Rathnaveoge Upper Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Michael Tracy Summerhill Rathnaveoge
Tipperary Bridget Tracy Clybanane Roscrea Tipperary Catherine Tracy Benamore Roscrea Tipperary Daniel Tracy Limerick Road Roscrea
Tipperary Denis Tracy Ashbury Roscrea Tipperary James Tracy Abbey Street Roscrea Tipperary Johanna Tracy Glebe View Roscrea Tipperary John Tracy Clybanane Roscrea Tipperary John Tracy Grove Street Roscrea Tipperary John Tracy Timeighter Roscrea Tipperary Michael Tracy Loughanavatta Roscrea
Tipperary Michael Tracy Rosemary Street Roscrea
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Clybanane Roscrea Tipperary Patrick Tracy Roscrea Roscrea Tipperary Patrick Tracy Timeighter Roscrea Tipperary Patrick Tracy Carrick Roscrea Tipperary Simon Treacy Knockmehill Templebeg
Tipperary Mrs. ??? Tracy Garrane Templederry
Tipperary Andrew Tracey Knockanroe Templemore
Tipperary Denis Tracy Gaol Street, Kiltillane
Templemore Tipperary John Tracy Ballycahill Templemore Tipperary
John Tracy Kilclareen Templemore Tipperary John Tracy Mullane's Lane Templemore
Tipperary Martin Tracy Ballycahill Templemore
Tipperary Martin Tracy Pigfoot Lane, Kiltillane
Templemore Tipperary Mich. Tracy Sandymount Templemore Tipperary
Mich Tracy & - Portis, Sandymount
Templemore Tipperary Michael Tracy Kiltillane Templemore
Tipperary Michael Tracy New Row, Kiltillane
Templemore Tipperary Thomas Tracy Clontaaffe Templemore
Tipperary Patrick Tracy Kilclareen Templemore
Tipperary William Tracy Ballinlassa Templeree
Tipperary Kerin Tracy Main Street Templetouhy
Tipperary Bridget Tracey Garryvicleheen Street, Garryvicleheen
Thurles Tipperary Bridget Tracy Bohernaneeve, Garryvicleheen
Thurles Tipperary James Tracey Garryvicleheen Street,
Garryvicleheen Thurles Tipperary Mrs. ??? Tracey & John Hennessy,
Stradavoher Street Thurles Tipperary William Tracy New Street, Thurlestown Parks
Thurles Tipperary Judith Tracy Puddle Street Twomileborris
Tipperary Martin Tracy Borris Twomileborris Tipperary
Martin Tracy Noard Twomileborris Tipperary Michael Tracy Derryhogan Twomileborris
Tipperary Michael Tracy, Jr. Ballydavid Twomileborris
Tipperary Michael Tracy, Sr. Ballydavid Twomileborris
Tipperary William Tracey Moher Upperchurch Tipperary Michael Tracy Ballinagore Youghalarra
Tipperary Patrick
Tracy Ballinagore Youghalarra Tipperary |
1846-1851 New York
James Tracey, age
33, Labourer, Tipperary Ireland to New York, Liverpool: Princeton 07/03/1851
1847 RIC
Tracy, 9795
Mich Tracy, 9795, 21 (b.c. 1826),
enlisted 22 Mar 1847, b. Tipperary N,, RC, to
2nd February 1850 The
Toomavara Again !Last Spring Nenagh Ses , alone Mr. Massy Dawson obtained all the ejectment de. ,crees nailer which the town was tumbled. One tenant . named Ryan, who held only about a rood of land, had the , -good fortune to dismiss the ejectment against him, on the ,.ground of bad filling. Several of the poor people whose houses were tumbled ran at once and built huts on this quarter of an acre, and took shelter there. At the present sessions of Nenagh an ejectment was brought against Ryan and all the wretchedly-poor creatures on his place ; a decree was granted. We subjoin a list :Thomas Ryan, wife, sister, mother, and five children, 9 ; Daniel Brislale, wife and six children, 8; James Glenane, wife, sitter-inlate, and four children, 7; Edward MtMahone, wife, and five children, 7 ; Michael Boyle, 1; Margaret Mann (widow) and one child, 2 ; Mary Sheppard (widow) and one child, 2; Catherine Curke (widow) and four children, 5 ; Ca herine Boo h (widow) and four children, 5 ; Michael Grace, wife, sister, and two children, 5; John Delany, 1; Daniel Shanahan, 1; James Whelan, 1, (these three tenants are not living on the premises); Michael Trassy, wife and stepson, 3 ; Mary Mackey (widow) and three children, 4; Denis MCarthy, 1 ; in Hill's case, which was dismissed, 15; total, 77.
15 January 1851 (NG)
14. Brien Lahey and John Brien to
repair 736 perches of the road from Dundrum to Limerick, between the bridge of
Carnahalla and Tracey's house at Kilebeg, for three years at 1s pp.
26 February 1851 (NG)
William Tracey swore that the cows
attempted to be seized were the property of Mr. Wilson; saw him buy and pay for
them [at Castle Willington?].
12 March 1851 (NG) Templemore Fever Hospital
...subscriptions...Mr. J. Tracey
2 and 9 July 1851 (NG) Disgraceful Robbery
On the 21st ult., the cabin of a
poor woman named Catherine Tracey, residing near Roscrea, was feloniously
broken into by a party of three men, who robbed her and a lodger [Mary
M'Donnell] of every article they possessed. Two of the party have been
arrested, identified by Tracey, and committed for trial to the Nenagh Quarter
1851 (January/February 1847) Enlistment for Mexican War
Andrew Treacey, 27, grey eyes,
auburn?hair, ruddy complexion. 5'7", b. Tipperary Ireland, labourer, enlisted
1 Feb 1851 Albany, by Hayden, recruit, discharged 5 Mch 51 Regedect, discharged
at Fort West? Ars? A recruit
1851 Census - Plymouth St
Andrew, Devon.
William Treacey, soldier, unmarried, 21, born 1830 Dunkeirnan Tipperary, private soldier
1851 Census - Allcood
House, Moss Lane, Astley Lancashire
Mary Tracy, servant, unmarried, 26, b. 1825 Templemore Ireland
1851 Census - Weedon Beck,
Martin Treacy, soldier, unmarried, 26, b. Dauin? Tipperary Ireland, private Infantry army
1851 Census - Infimary,
Holy Trinity, Kingston upon Hull Holy Trinity, Yorkshire
Timothy Tracy, patient, single, 32, b. 1819 Roscrea Ireland, Surveyor
1851 Census - 773 Crimbles
Green, Pudsey St Lawrence Yorkshire
Daniel Tracy, lodger, married, 31, b. Templemore Ireland, tailor
1851 Census - 1908
Pensions Act
The Old Age Pension Act was introduced in 1908. Pension claimants had to prove their age. Those born before 1864 used the 1841 and 1851 census.
Tracey (Whaley) Corrowle Modreeny Co, Tipperary Cen/S/27/230 Not found
Index card not found]
IG Record
Michael Phillip Tracey Marey Tracey nee WHALEY Corrowle Modreeny Lr. Ormond
Tipperary 1921 - 252 North St, Langwith, Mansfield, Derby, England. Born about
6 January 1851. Family - Thomas, James, William.
1851 Admissions to Charity Hospital, New Orleans Parish
John Tracey, Laborer, Tipperary
Co., Ireland, died 5-Mar, ward 32, from
St. Louis, 1 month in New Orleans, Single, 2 days, Debility, 1 Ό
1851 Poulecopple Tipperary
32. Daniel
Tracy, 3a/3r/38.5p, £4.3.0, tenant from year to year
Patrick Tracy, 3a/3r/37.5p, £4.3.0, tenant from year to year
William Tracy, 3a/0r/21p, £3.7.4, tenant from year to year, This holding has
been recently given up to the receiver.
1854 Sessional Papers
31 Dec 1851 Teachers
S. Treacy,
Principal and sole teacher, Kilcummin Kilcummin, Tipperary, female school,
school number 59, Roll number 5491, Connection with Board 9 Nov 1848, RC, £14,
£5.0.11, 48 pupils, 48 RC
27 June 1854 Sale Incumbered Estates Court
Lisnegatt, Tipperary
Lot 2
Upper Coohane [with map]
2. Patrick
Trassey, Upper Coohane, Tipperary, 4a/2r15p Irish, 7a/1r/30p, £1.18.6 rent,
£3.0.0 valuation. Held under a proposal in the matter of Max, petitioner;
Willington, respondent, for seven years pending the matter, from 1st November
1851 at a bulk rent. This tenancy is determined by the sale. The tenant will be
entittled to his emblements (if any) and such right of entry as is incident
thereto. The quantity of land mentioned in the proposal is 5a/2r/23p Irish
measure, now untenanted.
11. Mary
Trassey and son Pat Trassey, Upper Coohane, Tipperary, 1a/2r/19p Irish,
2a/2r/20p, £1.10.0 rent, £2.0.0 valuation, Tenants from year to year, These
tenants (nos 11 & 12) have sold their interest to Stephen Maher, the tenant
No. 9.
3. Daniel
Tracey, Two houses and yards On Summer-hill, in the town of Nenagh, Tipperary,
£3 rent, tenant from year to year
12. John
Trassy (Little), Graffin and Clekile, Tipperary, 36a/0r/13p, £14.5.0 rent,
Tenant under the Court of Chancery, Lease, pendente lite, terminates on sale,
These tenancies all determine by the execution of the purchase, subject to the
tenants' righrs to emblements (if any) and such right of entry as is incidient
1852 Thurles Tipperary
Tracey, Whitefield, Templemore, 4a/3r/0p Irish, 7a/2r/31p Statute, £6.12.0
rent, year to year
1852 Ikerrin Tipperary
9. 4a map.
Same [Michael Ryan] Rep. Dan Tracy, Skehanagh, 18a/0r/0p Statute, £18 rent,
Tenancy under Court of Chancery from 1st Nov 1848, The separate contents of
these holdings do not appear by survey
13. 8 map.
Andrew Tracy, Skehanagh, 41a/0r/3p Statute, £41.14.2 rent, Tenancy under Court
of Chancery from 1st Nov 1848,
April 27, 1852 (FJ) Catholic Church
...Rev Mr Tracy, Cahir...
May 14, 1852 (FJ) Catholic Church
The Rev. Mr. Tracy has been
transferred from Waterford to the curacy of Caher. - Tipperary Free Press
RIC 16443, Stephen Treacy, Appt. 11 Nov 1852, 19 years, b. Roscommon, RC, single, labourer, stationed Tipperary N.
1852-53 [1582] [1583] The eighteenth report of the Commissioners of
National Education in Ireland.
Ellen Tracy, third class, Airhill,
1852-53 [1688] [1689] The nineteenth report of the Commissioners of
National Education in Ireland. (For the year 1852.)
Ellen Tracy, third class, Airhill,
James Tracy, entered Feb 1850, 16
years, RC, left April 1851, Emigrated with his father and family, pupil-teacher
Clonmel District Model School [1830?]
1798-1914 Register of
Enlisted USA
Andrw Treacey, 27 years, grey eyes, Shon hair, ruddy complexion, 57, born Tipperary Ireland, labourer, enlisted 1 Feb 1851 Albany USA by Capt Hayden, recruit, discharged 5 Mch 51, rejected, at Fort Wood NY, a recruit
Daniel Treacy, born Tipperary Ireland, 17 years, Carpenter, enlisted 1 May 1854 West Point by Maj Porter for 5 years, grey eyes, fair hair, ruddy complexion, 54.5, Arty st west Pt, 1 May 59 exp of service, at West Point NY, a private
Daniel Treacy, enlisted 9 Apr 1861 Cornwall NY by Lt Carroll for 5 years, born Co Tipperary Ireland, 24 years, Carpenter, grey eyes, fair hair, Ruddy complexion, 56, Art, Det coy, 2 enlistment, Dischgd Feby 9/64 by recul at West Point NY, a Pvt
Daniel Tracy, enlisted 10 Feb 1864 New York NY by Capt Chamblis for 3 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 27 years, carpenter, grey eyes, fair hair, ruddy complexion, 56, 2 [enlistments?], Arty Det N.P., Dischargd Feby 10/67, exp of service at West Point NY, a Pvt
Daniel Treacy, enlisted 11 Feb 1867 West Point NY by Capt Sinclair for 3 years, born Tiperary Ireland, 30 years, soldier, gray eyes, fair hair, ruddy complexion, 56, West Point Det Art, 2 En discharged February 5 1870 expiration of service at West Point NY, a Pvt
Daniel Treacy, enlisted 11 Feb 1870 at West Point NY by Capt Bates for 5 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 33 years, soldier, grey eyes, fair hair, ruddy complexion, 56, West Point Det Art, Discharged February 11 1875 expiration of service, at West Point, a Private
Daniel Trewcy [Treacy],enlisted 11 Fen 1875 West Point NY by Lt Hein for 5 years, born Ireland, 38 years, grey eyes, dark hair, ruddy complexion, 56, Art Det W.Pt., 6 enlistment, Discharged Feby 10 1880 by exp of service at West Pt NY, a Pvt, a Pvt, char fair
Daniel Treacy, enlisted 11 Feb 1880 West Pt NY by Lt Schienfield for 5 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 43 years, soldier, grey eyes, fair hair, rudy complexion, 56, Arty Det West Pt, 6 re-enlistmensts, Discharged Feby 10/85 Exp of Serrv at West Pt NY a Pvt Char good
Daniel Treacy, enlisted 11 Feb 1885 West Pt NY by Lt Hoyde for 5 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 48 years, soldier, grey eyes, fair hair, rudy complexion, 56, West Pt Arty Det, 8 re-enlistmensts, Discharged Feby 10/90 Exp of Serrv at West Pt NY a Corpl Char see rall
Daniel Treacy, enlisted 11 Feb 1890 Est Point NY by Lt Brown for 5 years, born Tiperary Ireland, 53 years, soldier, L blue eyes, Gy Lt hair Ruddy complexion, 55.75, Arty Det West Point NY, 9 enlistments, Dischgd July 31/90 per G.O.#72 A.G.O. 90 at West Point NY a Corpl, Char eu rall
Daniel Treacy, enlisted 1 Aug 1890 at West Point by Lieut Carson for 4 years 6 months 10 days, born Tiperary Ireland, 53 years 6 months, soldier, Lt blue eyes, lt bro hair, Ruddy complexion, 55.75, Army Sert 2 M.D., 10 enlistment, Retired Apr 20/91 S.O.#89 A.G.O. 91, a sergt
Dennis Tracy, 22 years, grey eyes, brown hair, florid complexion, 57,
born Tipperary Ireland, labourer, enlisted 15 May 1852 Albany USA by Maj Beall,
deserted 2 June 52
Frank Tracey, enlisted 1 Nov 1888 Albany NY by Capt Harwood for 5
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 22 years 4? Months, labourer, blue eyes, dk
brown hair, fair complexion, 56.5, 9 Inf, D coy, Dischd Oct 26/91 S.O. 246,
AGO 91 Madison Bks NY, a Corpl Char very good
Frank Tracey, enlisted 20 Aug 1892, New York NY by Capt Burke for 5
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 26 years 2 months, labourer, blue eyes, bro
hair, fair complexion, 56.5, 13 Inf, G cpoy, 2 enlistment, Dischd Aug 19 97,
Exper of service, Ft Porter NY, Pvt very good
Frank Tracey, enlisted 15 Nov 1898 New York NY by Maj Whitney for 3
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 31 years 5 months, labourer, blue 10 eyes, d bro
hair, fair complexion, 57, 10 Inf, A K coy, 2 enlistment, G coy, 13 Inf, Aug
19/97, Deschd Nov 14/01 at Mannila PI by exp service Pvt very good
Frank Tracey, enlisted 28 Dec 1901 San Francisco Cal by Cap Stafford
for 3 years, born Tipperary Ireland.38 years, 5 months, soldier, blue 10 eyes,
black hair, fair complexion, 56.75, Coast Arty 30, 3 enlistment K 10 Inf,
11.14.01, Des Oct 31.04
Harry Tracey, enlisted 29 Dec 1887 New York by Capt Jackson for 5
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 23 years, Fireman, bro eyes, drk hair, healthy
complexion, 58, 8 Cavy, E coy, Des Mch 11.89
James Tracey, enlisted June 27 1866 Chicago Ill by Capt Curtis for 3
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 30 years, labourer, blue eyes, light hair, fair
complexion, 56, 19 Inf 25 Inf, H H D coy, Des June 12 1867 Apphd June 14
1867 Dischargd June 27 1869 by exp of service at Little Rock Ark, A Pvt
John Tracy, 23 years, blue eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 61,
born Tipperary Ireland, labourer, enlisted Sep 6 1849 West Point by Maj Sliver,
Drgs [no other military details]
John Treacy, born Tipperary Ireland, 28 years, soldier, enlisted 14 Sep
1854 West Point by Maj Porter for 5 years, blue eyes, brown hair, fair
complexion, 61, Drgs Det, discharged Consumption died 3 August 55 (clo a/c
nel) enlistment 2nd Drg Det ms? At West Point NY, A Private
John Treacy, enlisted 17 Dec 1869 at West Point NY by Capt Bates for 5
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 25 years, labourer, grey eyes, light hair, fair
complexion, 59, GSI Art Det W.P., deserted July 22 70
John D Tracy, enlisted 4 Sep 1876 at Omaha Nebraska by Lt Rice for 5
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 22 years, copyist, hazel eyes, brown hair, dark
complexion, 54, 3 Cav K coy, Deserted Mar 19 1877
John Tracy, enlisted 18 Nov 1875 at Newport Barracks Kentucky by
Lt Cunningham for 5 years, born
Tipperary Ireland, 41 years, soldier, grey eyes, D br hair, fair complexion,
54.5, Du Gt W.L., 3 en, to 5 Infy K Discharged Oct 25 1877 for disability
at Cauh Tougiu Rio M.I. Pvt up ad ued C line: good
Michael Tracey, enlisted 22 Dec 1862 Colombus O by Lt Smith for three
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 21 years, farmer, grey eyes, brown hair,
blond/florid complex, 55, 2 Art, B coy, dischgd Feby 9/64 reinlistment, by recul at 2 Ky Vol E, Brandt Station Va, a
Private [2 records]
Michael Tracy, enlisted 9 Feb 1864 Brandy Station Va by Lieut Keaton
for 3 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 23 years, soldier, grey eyes, brown hair,
florid complexion, 55, RE [re-enlistment?] 2 Art, B.C. coy, dischgd Feby
9/67, exp of service, at Ft Stevens Ogn, a Pvt
Michael Treacy, enlisted 12 Jan 1870 at New York NY by Capt MacArthur
for 5 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 24 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair,
fair complexion, 55.75, G.S.C,
Deserted Jany 17 80 from Rendezvous
Patrick Tracy, enlisted 9 Jul 1860 Rochester NY by Lt Marshell for 5
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 21 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy
complexion, 58, 7 Inf A, dischd July 28/64 by recril at Ft Lafayette NYH, A
Patrick Tracy, enlisted 29 Jul 1864 Ft Lafayette NY by Lieut Williams
for 3 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 25 years, soldier, blue eyes, brown hair,
ruddy complexion, 58, 2 [enlistment], 7 Inf, A coy, Destd Aug 11/64
Patrick Tracy, enlisted 24 Nov 1884 Ft Leavenworth Kansa by Lt Reynolds
for 5 years, born Tipperary Ireland, Brass moulder, blue eyes, Lt hair, fair
complexion, 511, 20 Inf, A coy, Des July 23 88, Surrd July 9/91 Dis dischd
Aug 13/91, Gle M.O, 46, Deps Dak 91, Ft Missaula Mont, a Pvt
Thomas Trecey, 21 years, blue eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, 53.5,
born Tipperary Ireland, shoemaker, enlisted 25 Jan 1847 Philadelphia by Lt
Reynolds, 4 Art E, died 8 Oct 47 at City of Meaies, A Private
Thomas Tracy, 26 years, grey eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, 58.5,
born Tipperary Ireland, clerk, enlisted 6 Nov 1851 Rochester by Capt Hayden, 2
Inf D 3 Arty F, discharged 6 Nov 56, Exp of service, At Fort Yucca Cal, a
Private, P.O. No 286,337 Feby 4/58
Thomas Tracey, enlisted 7 Sep 1865 New York NY by Capt Pertday? For 3
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 21 years, labourer, blue eyes, brown hair, fair
complexion, 58, 2 Cavy, B coy, Destd Nov 8/65
Timothy Tracy, born Tipperary Ireland, 22 years, labourer, enlisted 11
Aug Buffalo by Capt Huston for 5 years, blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy
complexion, 57.75, 3 Inf K, deserted 29 Jul 61,
Timothy Treacy, enlisted 29 Nov 1887 West Point by Lieut Brown for 5
years, born Tipperary Ireland, 24 years 3 months, labourer, grey eyes, lt hair,
dark complexion, 510.5, Arty Det West Pt NY, Discharged July 31/90 per
G.O.#72 A.G.O. 90 at West Point NY a Pvt Char exclt
Timothy Treacy, enlisted 1 Aug 1890 West Point by Lieut Carson for 2
years 3 months 28 days, born Tipperary Ireland, 27 years, soldier, Lt blue
eyes, lt bro hair, dark complexion, 510.5, Army Serv 2 M.O., 2 enlistment,
Discharged Nov 28/92 Exp of service West Point NY Pvt Fair
Tobias Treacy, enlisted 7 Nov 1871 New Orleans Louisiana by Col Sully
for 5 years, born Templemore [Tipperary] Ireland, 26 years, brewer, brown eyes,
brown hair, fair complexion, 57, 19 Inf, DK coy, discharged Nov 7 1876 by exp
of service at Ft Wacany Ks, Pvt, char excellent
Tobias Treacy, enlisted 10 Sep 1880 Fort Adams Rhode Island by Lt Davis
for 5 years, born Templemore Ireland, 34 years, soldier, Hazel eyes, Br hair,
fair complexion, 57.25, 1 Arty, E coy, 2 enlistments, Discharged Aug 11/83
disability at Vancl Bks N.J. a pvy, char fair
William Treacy, 22 years, grey eyes, brown hair, florid complexion,
56, born Tipperary Ireland, Carpenter, enlisted 4 Feb 1838 Schenetady [near
Albany NY] by Lieut Hanson for 3 years, 4 Art A, deserted 13 July 39
Wm Treacy, enlisted 10 Oct 1890 New York NY by Capt Paue for 5 years, born Tipperary Ireland, 27 years, clerk, blue eyes, drk bro hair, dark complexion, 55.25, 3 Art G coy, Dihon Dischd June 24/93 GCM.O. 21 Dept East 93 Ft Barrancas Fla, Pvt
1853-55 Edward Tracy, Watch or Gate Turney, £36 salary
1854-56 Edward Treacy, Watch or Gate Turney, £40 salary
1857-58 Thirty-sixth report on general state of prisons of Ireland
1858 Report from the Inspector-General of Prisons in Ireland. North Riding-Tipperary. Nenagh Gaol. Officers and Salaries...Edward Treacy, Gatekeeper-£40...
February 15, 1853 (FJ) Daring attempt at Assassination
...Nenagh...took the lands of
Knockanevan, out of which Ryan was ejected...Denis Treacy servant to Denis Ryan,
has been arrested under very suspicious circumstances...-Tipperary Vindicator
February 16 1853 Guardian
Attempt at
assassination in Tipperary
On the night of the 7th
instant, as Messrs. OKeeffe, of Rockvale Mills, and Slevin, Nenagh, were
proceding from Nenagh to Borrisoleigh, an assassin fired from a ditch, about
three miles from Borrisoleigh, and the shot lodged in the horses collar. It
was ascertained that it was intended for Mr. R.W. Bourke, who took the lands of
Knockanevan, out of which the Ryans were ejected. Mr. Bourke drove to Nenagh
that morning, and was expected home that night, but having a suspicion of
parties on the road, he did not return. Denis Treacy has been arrested
under very suspicious circumstances, and is remanded for further examination.
He had ammunition on his person. Denis Ryan, who formerly held those lands is
also under arrest. Correspondent of the Limerick Reporter.
23 February 1853
Worcestershire Chronicle
Ireland ... Denis Treacy, servant to Denis Ryan, has been arrested under very suspicious circumstances, and is remanded for further examination. Tipperary Vindicator.
9 March 1853 Marathon Liverpool, England to New York, New
James Tracey, 41y,
Male, Mason, Thurlas, N Y, 1 Chest
March 10, 1853 (FJ)
Jeremiah Tracy was charged with
the wilful murder of John Donovan by throwing him into the river Suir at
Clonmel on 3d December 1851...came to the assistance of Ellen Ryan...returned a
verdict of years transportation.
12 March 1853 (NG) Clonmel Spring Assizes
Wednesday. Jeremiah Tracy was
placed at the bar, and charged with the murder of John Donovan, at Clonmel, on
the ??? Dec 1851, and on which charge he had previously pleaded not guilty.
Ireland-Australia Transportation
Database (1780-1868)
PLACE OF TRIAL: Co. Tipperary
TRIAL DATE: 09/03/1853
ENTENCE: Transportation 7 yrs
COMMENTS: Convict ordered to be discharged,
1853 RIC Service
Stephen Treacy, 16443, b. 1833 Roscommon
16443, Stephen Treacy, 19 years, 5'9.3/8", b. Roscommon, Catholic,
recommended by C Ins Carr, lab, Appointed 11 Nov 52, seved Tipp N 10/3/53, P1CC
1st Sep 53, Resigd 16 Ju 56 A35634/3335
28 September 1853 (NG)
Mr. Wm. Ryan of Carney, attended
to prosecute James Tracey, for assaulting his dwelling and breaking six panes
of glass. [charge not pressed] defendant to pay all the costs.
October 11, 1853 (FJ) Catholic Church
...Rev P Treacy, CC. Modeligo to
Tallow...Rev Thomas Treacy, CC Cahir to Portlaw...Rev John Treacy, CC, Cahir to
1853 Commissioners of National Education in Ireland
Clonmel Model School - Pupil
James Tracy, entered Feb 1850, age
16, Roman Catholic, left April 1851, emigrated with father and family
4. 7 on
map. William Tracey, Upper Gurteen, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 0a/1r/3p, £0.5.3 rent,
yearly tenant
1. 1 on
map. William Tracey, Lower Gurteen, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 23a/0r/3p, £
rent, yearly tenant
4. 5 on
map. William Tracey, Oldpark, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 24a/3r/32p, £19.5.0 rent,
yearly tenant
5. 11 on
map. William Tracey, Upper Gurteen, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 0a/1r/3p, £0.5.3 rent,
yearly tenant
10. 15 on
map. William Tracey, Lower Gurteen, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 23a/0r/3p, £17.15.3
rent, yearly tenant
18. 25 on
map. William Tracey, Oldpark, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 24a/3r/32p, £19.5.0 rent,
yearly tenant
1853 Battersby's Registry for the Catholic World
Obituary...October 21. Mrs. Tracy,
superioress of St. Clare's Convent, Newry,
aged 66 years
Felix Tracy, Curate, Mounmellick
John Tracy, curate, Cahir
Thos Tracy, curate, Cahir
Patt Tracy, curate, Modeligo
William Tracy, PP, Kilcock
Chowringhee and Dacca...Rev J.A.
Pakoquetti USA, Jeremiah Tracy
1850-1883 New York Emigrant Savings Bank
Sep 1853 5308 John Tracy & his wife Mary, labourer, of Water st, 398, Nat
Cloughstram Smith Parish Emly Co. Tipperary Ireland, ard NY Mar? 12/48 per the
Cambria from Cork. Fa dead Jno, Mo in Ireland Mary Ryan 1 Br 1 Sis. Is marid to
Mary Power 3 chld Jno Thomas & Mary. Mrs T is nat of Templenadorney Parish
Bansha Co Tippy & ano with head year dead Fa James farmier Mo Mary
Nov 1863 37109 Mary Tracey, of 105 4th Ave, domestic, born 1841 Tipperary ard
1861 per "Snipe" Fa John Mo Mary Connelly 1 sister Julia
Sep 1864 42404 Winniefried Costello of 58 St & 8th Ave, seamtress, born
1828 Co Tipperary ard 1851 from Liverpool, single, parents dead John & Mary
Kennedy or niece Mary F Tracy 988 8 Ave, Fa Thomas Mo Ellen Costello
Jan 1867 57329 Johanna Tracey, of 5 King St, HK [house keeper], born 1816
Tipperary Ireland, ard 1846 per "JZ" widow of Michael nee Keyes 1
child James
Jul 1866 53965 Patrick Tracy, of Paterson NJ, laborer, born 1841 Tipperary ard
1860 per "Columbia" married Mary Leahy
Jan 1869 Cathe Tracey, of 224 West 48th St, domestic, born 1830 Co Tip, ar 1854
Triumph, Fa James Mo Mary Dockir? or sister Ma Hidare?, Sister of Charity
Jan 1872 87032 Margaret Tracy?, of Herbert St Burgh, HK, born 1831 Co.
Tipperary, ard 1851 per "Humphry Porenteu" husb Tobias nee Mara Or Mary
McGirr, of 536 E 42 St, HK, born 1829 Co Tyrone, ard per Eastern Mold"
widow of John nee Rogers
3. 4 on
map, James Treacy representative of John Treacy, Kilruane, Tipperary,
47a/2r/5p, £26.12.8 rent, Lease dated 1st june 1855 from Thomas Rowley to John
Treacy for 31 years from 1st May 1854. The lease states the acerage to be
28a/3r/7p late Irish Plantation measure...
2. 4 on
map, John Treacy, Gurtnadelane, Ardcrony, lower Ormond, Tipperary, 23a/2r/4p,
£11.16.4 rent, Lease dated 12th August 1854 from Thomas Rowley to John Treacy
for 31 years from 1st May 1854. The lease states the acerage to be 13a/0r/25p
late irish plantation well and sufficiently roof the dwelling
house on the demised lands with foreign timber and quarter ton slates, the
leasee agreeing to pay half the expense of such roofing and slating.
3. No.4 on
map. Daniel Tracy representative of John Flynn, [Carriganough Tipperary],
31a/0r/29p, £15.6.0 rent, Lease dated 12th August 1854 from Thomas Rowley to
John Flynn for 31 years....
1854 Incumbered Estates Court: Printed estate
particulars and rentals
Caherisk (being a
subdenomination of the lands of Derrynahinchy), Barony of Knocktopher, Kilkenny
100 map, 3 Caherisk
[Caherlesk Ballytobin], Widow Tracey, 1a2r27p, 1a0r5p Irish, £0.13.6 yearly
rent, 25th March & 29th Sept (gale days). yearly tenant
[Twomileborris], Barony of Eliogarty, Tipperary
Michael Trassy,
Ballydavid, 1st May & 1st November (gale days), 5a0r35p, £4.9.7, £4.10.0,
tenant from year to year
[Twomileborris], Barony of Eliogarty, Tipperary
John Kennedy, John
Fogarty and Michael Treassy, 1st May & 1st November (gale days), 35a.1r.1p,
£8.0.0, £7.7.0, tenant from year to year
8, 12 on
map, Catherine Treacy and Thomas Treacy, Shanakill called Skehanagh, Ikerrin,
Tipperary, 25a/0r/16p Irish, 40a/2r/26p Statute, £35 rent, also share of 28p of
Columbia to
NSW Australia 20 Sep 1854 (Assisted Migration)
Catherine Treacy, 19, from Wholey
Abbey [Holyvalley Blessington?], Co. Wicklow [or] Clajardon Tipperary
Nov. 2nd. 1854 Inquest
Stephen Treacy, at
Nenagh, Parish of Nenagh. George Frith. Simple examination. Verdict-Died
suddenly on the street at Nenagh from disease of the heart.
25 November 1854 (N) Tenant Right
in Tipperary
Tracy, do [Clonragh]...Martin Tracey, Borrisoleigh...Denis Tracey, Borrisoleigh
25 November 1854 (NG) Valentine O'Brien O'Connor v. Nicholas Valentine
Maher, late M.P. for Tipperary
This was an action brought by the
plaintiff to recover the sum of £165 being the amount of the defendants
acceptance to the draft of Sir Timothy O'Brion and endorsed to him to Mr.
Tracey and by Mr. Tracey to the plaintiff.
Society of Friends
(Quaker) Congregational Records
1854 Saml Tracy [may have been the son of Richard Taylor Tracey]
At a meeting of members of the Female Bounty Fund held in Cork 16th of
is month 1854 present...Co Tipperary...Saml Tracy le,
British Civil Service Evidence Of Age
Tracey/Treacy, born 1854 Woodville, Nr Nenagh Tipperary Ireland
1854 [1834] [1835] The twentieth
report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, (for the year
Tracy, entered Feb 1850, 16 years, RC, left April 1851, Emigrated with his
father and family, pupil-teacher Clonmel District Model School
24 January 1855 (NG) Barony of Eliogarty, Tipperary
7. To repair 648 perches of the
road from Thurles to Johnstown between the ford of Graige and Martin Tracey's
cross, for 5 years, not to exceed 5d pp.
Nashwauk, 762 tons, Captain A. McIntyre, from Liverpool 13th
February 1855, wrecked near Noarlunga, South Australia 13th May 1855
Honora Tracey/Treacy, 22, Dairy
Maid, Tipperary
1855 RIC Service
Treacy, 20208, b. Tipperary South
John Treacy, 20 years, 5'7,5", b. Tipp S, Catholic, recommended by Capt GW
Dawson S.I. Butler, lab, appointed 11 Oct 55, served Kildare 8 Feb 56, R 2 SC
12 moths, Resigned 66877/5997
Glentanner, 610 tons, Captain Benjamin Bruce, from Plymouth 23rd
August 1855, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 26th November 1855
Mary Tracy, 19, Servant, Tipperary, M. McMahon marriage
26, 27.
Denis Tracey, Glenbreedy, Borrisoleigh, Tipperary, 34a/2r/32p, £18 rent, Lease
dated 1st January 1855, The earl of portarlington to Denis Tracy for 31
years from 1st may 1854 at the yearly
rent of $18. The lease reserves...
1855 Tipperary
108b on
map. Matthew Tracey, The Green, south side Town of Cappoquin, house and garden,
19' front, 16' rere, 0a/0r/5p, £1 rent, weekly tenant
2 & 2a
on map. William Tracey, Rathmoy and Garrymore, Tipperary, £7 rent, 8a/0r/0p,
Lease dated 8th december 1856, William Butler and another, to William Tracey,
in said lease described as Trassy, for 31 years from 1st May 1856
1. Patrick
Tracey, Ballymacegan, Lower Ordmond, tipperary, 3a/0r/9p, Held by parole from
owner to said Patrick Tracey, for life of said Patrick Tracey, free of rent.
Said Tracey is now 62 years of age.
17 May 1856 (N)
9 July 1856 (NG) Inquests
military barracks...Patrick Tracey, Tipperary Militia...about 25 years old and
not married...[or Martin Tracey]...
12 July 1856 (N)
deceased came by his death from a gun shot wound inflicted by some person
unknown. In the cases of M. [Patrick?] Tracey and [Denis] Toohy [Tipperary
Militia], the jury returned verdicts same as in former case. Robert Armstrong
Bagnall, Surgeon of the Tipperary Light Infantry, said - I have this day
carefully examined the body of Martin Tracey, and find that he has a gunshot
wound in the right side, oposite the umbelicus, which entered the cavity of the
abdomen. He has also a compound fracture of the right elbow jiont. I am of
opinion that said Martin Tracey died from the wound in the adbomen...
12 July 1856 Morning Chronicle
Mutiny in the Tipperary Militia
names of the deceased were...Patrick [Martin?] Tracey, Tipperary militia...
July 16, 1856 Connaught Telegraph
soldiers 41st Regiment...soldier killed...In the case of M. Tracey...death from
a gun-shot wound infliced by some person unknown...
25 July 1856 Morning Herald
Tracey, conspiracy to shoot James Egan, of Roscrea...
19 November 1856 (NG) Incumbered Estates Court [Wexford?]
Estate of Sir Judkin Fitzgerald
[of Lisheen Tipperary], Baronet, and others
Lot 8 - Traceys lane East
containing 204a 3r 20p; rent £115/11/0. Purchased by Mr. T. Synnott for £2250.
17 December 1856 (NG) Barony of Ikerrin, Tipperary
10. Michael Maher and John Gorman
to repair 300p of the road from Templemore to Roscrea, between Daniel Dohan's
gate at Gurtnagoona and Daniel Tracey's house at Skehanna, at 5s. pp.
20. Michael Maher and John Gorman
to build three gullets on the road from Templemore to Roscrea, between Daniel
Dohan's gate at Gurtnagoona and Daniel Tracey's house at Skehanna, £15
Slater's Royal
National Commercial Directory Of Ireland
Thomas Tracey,
Bridge Street,
Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary.
Shopkeeker & dealer in sundries
Thomas Tracy,
21 Bridge Street,
Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary.
Simon Tracy,
Friar st,
Cashel, Tipperary. Clothes
Anne Tracy, Abbey National
Schools, Marlfield, Clonmel, Tipperary. School Mistress
James Tracy, Abbey National
Schools, Marlfield, Clonmel, Tipperary. Schoolmaster
Daniel Tracey, 57 Barrack St.,
Nenagh, Tipperary. Physicians & Surgeons
Daniel Tracey, 59 Barrack St.,
Nenagh, Tipperary. Apothecaries & Druggists
John Tracy, Main St., Templemore,
Tipperary. Carpenter
Michael Tracey, Main St.,
Templemore, Tipperary. Tinner & Brazier
26 Jan 1857 Dublin
Jeremiah Tracey, b. 1836 Tipperary, 21 years, porter, lives Dorset St
[possible Moneygall OR Mullinahone Parishes]
1857 RIC Service
Hugh Treacy, 21153, b. 1837 Kings
Co Gal W
21153 Hugh Treacy, 19 years,
5'9.75", b. Kings Gal W, Catholic, recommended by SJ McDermott, lab,
allocated 14 Aug 56, served Tipp S 14 Jan 57, Disind 5th June 57 A55352/4364
Name of Missing |
Home county |
Arrival |
AD Date |
Tracey John
Tracey Peter
Tracey Simon
Tracey |
Tipperary |
1852 |
1/8/857 |
Tracey (brother), Owen Sound, Grey Co. ONT |
Tracey (Fa Martin Tracey) |
Drom, Tipperary |
Montreal 1832 Quebec
City 1833 |
17/5/1845 |
Tracey (brother) Troy NY Contact:
Stephen Duffy, Troy NY |
Tracy |
Loughmoe, Tipperary |
York City 10/1856 ONT |
16/5/1857 |
Tracy (sister) Contact:
John Tyrrel, 33 New, Baltimore, MD |
of Loughmore, townland Whitefield, county Tipperary, who left home in October
last, and landed in New York, and is supposed to have gone to Upper Canada. She
will hear of her sister, Johana, by writing to John Tyrrel, No. 33 New Church
street, Baltimore, Md.
Of Eliza Tracey, parish of Loughmore, townland of Whitefield, county Tipperary, who left home in October last, and landed in New York, and is supposed to have gone to Upper Canada. She will hear of her sister, Johanna, by writing to John Tyrrel, No. 33 New Church Street, Baltimore, MD.
19 November 1864 Pilot
OF MICHAEL TRACEY and his sister
Hanora Tracey, children of John and Judy Tracey (their mother now dead), who
left Boliray, parish of Coorgineen, county Tipperary; lived with a man named
Nolan for many years before leaving there, and came to the United States about
15 or 16 vears ago. Any person giving any information of their whereabouts
would confer a favor by writing to a near friend in care of Charles & S
Wheelock, Uxbridge, Mass
1867 Boston Pilot
natives of Bellview, parish of Kilbarren, county Tipperary; when last heard
from, Toohor was at a place called Allentown, State of Pennsylvania, and Thomas
Tracy was in the State of Ohio. Any information respecting them will be
thankfully received by James Toohor. Direct to him in care of Mr. John Buckley,
No 26 Broad street, Boston, Mass.
Of Daniel tracey, or any of his children; his wifes name
was Hannah Kennedy, and her sisters name Annie; they left Glasshouse, near
Shinrone, county Tipperary, about 24 years ago, for the United States; the last
we heard from them, about 15 years since, Daniel Tracey and his wife and family
were in Cascade, Dubuque co., Iowa; Anne Kennedy was doing housework for a
priest in New York State. Information of them, or any of their family, will be
received by the sons and daughters of their brother, John Kennedy, from the
Four Roads of Laughane, near Moneygall, Kings county, Ireland. Address Willam
Kennedy, No. 10 Mill street, Lowell, Middlesex county, Mass.
OF Ann Tracey, wife of William Cleary, who emigrated to
Canada over forty years ago. Both are natives of Cloughjordan, County
Tipperary, Ireland. When last heard from he was working as engineer on the boat
running between Montreal and Quebec. Information of them will be thankfully
received by her brother, Thomas Tracy [sic], 396 Park Ave., Worcester, Mass.
November 11, 1857 (FJ) Incumbered Estates
In the matter of Margaret O'Brien,
spinster, Executrix of Michael O'Brien, deceased, Petitioner; Jeremiah Star,
Daniel Treacy and James M'Donnell, Respondents...late of Nenagh, in the county
of tipperary, attorney at law, deceased...creditors...
Tipperary - Mr. Daniel Tracy, of
Nenagh, has been appointed resident Apothecary to St. John's Fever Hospital,
Limerick. (see Dr Daniel Tracey)
25 May 1857 Constitution Liverpool, England to New York
98 129
Mary Tracy, 22, Ireland,
Tipperary, Gt Brittian, spinster,
upper between decks
14. on
map, Denis Tracy, Borrisnoe, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 30a/or/10p Statute, £15 rent,
Tenant from year to year
19. on
map, Widow Catherine Treacy, Borrisnoe, Ikerrin, Tipperary, 23a/1r/36p Statute,
£12 rent, Tenant from year to year
property is situated midway betwwn Templemore and Roscrea, a short distance
westward of the main road connecting these towns.
Carroll representative of Edward Corrigan, Parkmore, Roscrea, Tipperary, 2
houses end of Abbey-street fronting Rosemary, Lease dated 26th June 1815...for
lives of John Trasey, since dead, Samuel Dudley, then aged about 14 years and
Denis Corrigan, then aged about 4 years...
12 Jan 1858
In the
matter of the estate of Thomas Judkin Fitzgerald and emma Maunsell Fitzgerald,
his wife; Edmund O'Brien Butler and grace O'Brien Butler, his wife; William
Tracy and Mary Middleton Tracy, his wife; and Edmund Jocelyn White, owners; Ex
parte Thomas Seed and George Keating, petioners. Part of the lands of
Kilterhome, Upper Ormond and Golden called Golden Hills or Golden Lodge,
Clanwilliam, Tipperary.
5. Philip
Phelan, Ballycullen, Tipperary, 20a/0r/0p, £30 rent, Lease dated 1st May 1830
from Basil Bryan to Philip Phelan, for the lives of Thoma Bryan, son of Rev
William Bryan of Gurteen, then aged two years, Richard Phelan, eldest son of
Philip Phelan, the leasee, aged about 12
years, and John Tracy, second son of Edmund Tracy of Mullinahone, aged about 4
years, and the survivor of them, or 31 years from the 1st May...
5. Philip
Phelan, formerly Patrick Phelan, Ballycullen, Tipperary, 4a/3r/15p, £7.5.3
rent, Lease dated 17 October 1843 from Basil Bryan to Patrick Phelan, for the
lives of Thomas Bryan, eldest son of Rev William Bryan of Gurteen, Richard
Phelan, eldest son of Philip Phelan of Ballycullen, and Denis Tracy, eldest son
of Edmund Tracy of Boherbee, or 31 years from the 1st May...
Tracey, Townparks, Tipperary, 0a/0r/9p, £0.0.1 rent, tenant from year to year
13 & 16 January 1858 (NG) Incumbered Estates Court
In the matter of the Estate of
Thomas Judkin Fitzgerald and Emma Maunsell Fitzgerald, his wife, Edmund O'Brien
Butler and Grace O'Brien Butler, his wife, William Tracy, his wife, Mary
Middleton Tracy, his wife, and Edmond Jocelyn White, owners; Exparte Thomson
Seed and George Keating, petitioners.
All parties are hereby required to
take notice that the Commissioners have sold all that and those, that part of
the lands of Kilter, Home, containing 35 acres, plantation measure situated in
the Barony of Upper Ormond and County of Tipperary, held under lease for lives
renewable for ever, bearing the date the 2nd day of May 1787, made by John
Toler to Cornelius O'Brien. Also all that and those, the house and demesne of
Golden Lodge, containing 20 acres, plantation measure, situated in the Barony
of Clanwilliam and county of Tipperary, held under lease for lives renewable
for ever, bearing the date the 22nd day of April, 1843 made by Kings Mill
Pennefather to Henry White...
Jan 1 to June 30, 1858
Naturalization Declarations, Rensselaer Co Justice Court, Troy NY
James Treacy,
arrived 5/22/48,
Jan 25
6 March 1858 (N) The
conway Defense Fund
Mullinahone...John Treacy...2s6d...
April 1858 to July
1873 Deposit Account Bishops Bank Philadelphia Volume 3 page 232 [page]
William Tracy and Julia his wife Tipperary, Assumption Parish,
Philadelphia, (pencil note: Rent to Ireland)
July 1, 1858 (FJ) Catholic Church
The Rev J. Tracey, CC, was
presented on Sunday last, at Ballyneale, with an address and purse, containing
fifty sovereigns to mark the appreciation of his worth and the regret felt for
his departure by the inhabitants of Ardmore. The deputation was most hospitably
entertained by the truly Irish P.P. of Ballyneale.
September 15, 1858 (FJ) The Ossianic Society
...Rev John Tracy, CC, Ballyneill,
18 September 1858
(N) THe Ossianic Society
Rev John Tracy, C.C., Ballyneill, Carrick-on-Suir; proposed by the Rev
Patrick Meany.
July 28, 1858 (FJ) Tipperary Assizes
Joseph Rorke and Edward Tracy were
indicted for firing into the dwelling house of James Keneally at
Spurcehill...It appeared that Rorke had been in the employment of Mr. Hayes of
spurcehill, as caretaker, which was taken over by the prosecutor...found
28 July 1858 (NG) Nenagh Summer Assizes - Whiteboy Offence
Joseph Burke and Edward Tracey
were indicted for having on the 23rd of March last discharged shots into the
dwelling house of Michael Kinneally at Spring Hill, in order to intimidate him
to leave his employment.
A list of names calling for a
public meeting in support of the executed Cormack brothers, August 1858. There
are 2,357 names.
New Birmingham
Threasy, Thurles
Source: Tipperary Free Press,
24 August 1858
1858 Members:
John Tracy, Rev CC Clogheen,
Patrick Treacy, Rev CC,
Kilrosenty, Lamybrien, Co. Waterford
Stephen Treacy, Esq., Officer of
Inland Revenue Dublin.
1858 Lisheen, Ballygriffen, Tipperary
The seat of the Fitzgeralds Baronets in the
19th century, valued at £33 in the 1850s and held from the Earl of
Portarlington. A building is still located at this site. Edward Dalton was the
tenant at the time of the sale of the Earl of Portarlington's estates in June
Encumbered Estates Court Rentals (OBrien),
Fitzgerald, Butler, Tracy & White, 12 Jan 1858, Vol 50 (4), MRGS 39/024,
(microfilm copy in NUIG)
1858 RIC Service
Michael Treacy, 23074, b. 1837 Kings Tipperary
23074 Michl Treacy, 21 years, 5'10.5", b.
Kings Tipp S, Catholic, recommomded by J.F. Rolleton JP, lab, allocated 17 Mar
58, served Wexford - Reserve Force, 1C July 58 - 1/5/62, Punishment Ad &
Cautioned A 89911/5473, Gratuity 1st March 1865 A89911/17613, served 6 years 10
months 10 days, pension £13.13.11
1858 1920
Calendars of Wills and Administrations
Catherine Treacy
4 Feb 1912 Main street Cappawhite Tipperary, widow, to Catherine
Ryan, married woman
Denis Treacy
26 Oct 1901 Bellview Coolbawn Tipperary, farmer, to John Treacy,
Denis Treacy
19 Mar 1899 Sologheadbeg Tipperary, to Bridget Treacy widow
Denis Treacy
19 Jul 1907 Boherboy Cloneen Tipperary, farmer, to Mary Treacy,
Edmond Treacy
27 Jan 1869 Ballynulty Tipperary, to Bridget Treacy widow
James Treacy
11 Aug 1881 Longford Tipperary, farmer, to Margaret Treacy widow
James Treacy
27 Mar 1903 Barrack Street Templemore Tipperary, shopkeeper, to
Margaret Treacy widow
James Treacy
30 Dec 1906 Boherboy Tipperary SR, farmer, to John Harrington, farmer
John Treacy
7 Oct 1871 Cloughjordan Tipperary, shopkeeper, to Anna Treacy widow
John Treacy
5 Jan 1898 Summerhill Roscrea Tipperary, farmer, to son Patrick
Treacy, farmer
John Treacy
9 Jan 1917 Knockaun Tipperary labourer to Bridget Treacy the widow
Kate Treacy
4 May 1915 Roscrea Tipperary, widow, to Mary K. Treacy, spinster
Laurence Treacy
3 Feb 1903 Limerick Street Tipperary, shopkeeper, to Kate Teacy widow
Martin Treacy
6 Aug 1907 Skehanogh Templemore Tipperary, farmer, to Daniel Treacy,
Mary Anne Kennedy Treacy
24 Jan 1867 Cloughjordan Tipperary, shopkeeper widow, to John Treacy,
Mary Treacy
5 Feb 1865 Soloheadbeg Tipperary, widow, to son Denis Treacy, farmer
(Under Decree 15 November 1872 Treacy v. Treacy)
Mary Treacy
18 Jan 1911 Clonakenny Roscrea Tipperary, spinster, to Thomas Treacy,
Mary Treacy
15 Sep 1897 Gurtnaskeila Tipperary and late of California USA,
spinster, to sister Hannah Treacy of Roscrea, spinster
Matthew Treacy
25 Jan 1907 Gortnaskela Upper Church Tipperary, to Margaret Treacy
Michael Treacy
27 Oct 1894 Templemore Tipperary, shopkeeper, to William Treacy Laha
Elrogue Templemore, farmer
Michael Treacy
21 Jul 1890 Greystone Street Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary, shopkeeper,
to Margaret Treacy widow
Michael Treacy
8 May 1916 Portland Birr Tipperary to Daniel Treacy Smith
Michael Treacy
31 Jan 1919 Dangansallagh Tipperary, farmer, to Denis Treacy &
Jeremiah Treacy
Richard Treacy
22 May 1910 Cappawhite Tipperary, shopkeeper, to Kathleen Ryan,
married woman
Rody Tracey 24 Mar 1914
Clonakeny Roscrea Tipperary, farmer, to Joseph Talbot
Rody Treacy
4 Aug 1876 Clonakenny Tipperary, farmer, to Catherine Treacy widow
Sarah Treacy
26 Apr 1880 Couraganeen Tipperary, spinster, to Judith Brien of
Ashmear, widow, the niece by half blood and only next of kin
Stephen Treacy
31 Mar 1908 Kilawardy Killea Tipperary, farmer, to Thomas Stapleton
and John Stapleton, farmer
Thomas Treacy
16 Jan 1887 Mary Street Templemore Tipperary, Stone Mason and
publican, to daughter Nora Treacy, spinster
Thomas Treacy
16 Feb 1901 Ballylinn Ballingarry Borrisokane Tipperary, labourer, to
Christopher Treacy, labourer
Thomas Treacy
24 Apr 1879 Skehanagh Templemore Tipperary, farmer retired, to Thomas
Treacy farmer
Timothy Treacy
8 Nov 1920 Bawnadrum Tipperary, farmer, to Bridget Treacy widow
William Treacy
28 Mar 1898 Church Street Templemore Tipperary, to sister Ellen
Mansell, widow
William Treacy
3 Sep 1916 Killawardy Templemore Tipperary to Kate Egan married woman
William Treacy
9 May 1919 [13 January 1919] Laha Templemore Tipperary, farmer, to
Timothy Macken, farmer
Thomas Brenan
27 Jan 1886 Laha Templemore Tipperary, farmer, to daughter
Margaret Treacy (wife of William Treacy) of laha
George Quirke
15 Sep 1894 Soloheadbeg Tipperary, farmer, to Denis Treacy of
Cromaline [Commanealine?] &
Denis Treacy both of Rea [?], County Tipperary, farmers
Patrick Gleeson
27 Apr 1873 Nenagh Tipperary, labourer batchelor, to niece
Mary Trassy (wife of Owen Trassy, labourer) of Kilriffit Nenagh
Patrick Connors
21 Sep 1902 Fantane Tipperary, farmer, to James Ryan, farmrer
& Michael Treacy, Creamery Manager
Elizabeth Larkin
9 Feb 1901 Barrack street Templemore Tipperary, widow, to
Annie Tracy, spinster
Michael Scanlan Rev
9 Aug 1869 Cloughjordan Tipperary, PP, to Anna Treacy of
Cloughjordan, widow
Ellen Wall
31 Oct 1877 Greystone street Carrick-on-Suir Tipperary, widow, to
daughter Ellen Mary Treacy (wife of Michael Treacy)
Mary Baldwin
10 Apr 1892 Borrisoleigh anf late of Barrack street templemore
Tipperary, widow, to James Treacy of Barrack Street, grocer
James Houlihan
12 Mar 1899 Roscrea Tipperary, farmer, to Laurence Treacy of
roscrea, shopkeeper
William Doughan
24 Jan 1909 Ballynamore Dunkerin Tipperary, farmer, to
Michael Treacy, farmer
John Dudley
29 Aug 1908 Clonakenny Tipperary, farmer, to Patrick Treacy
& William Roe, farmers
Michael Collier
18 Jan 1912 Tinderry Knock Roscrea Tipperary, farmer, to
Mary Treacy widow
Ellen Cooke
5 Feb 1913 Rathmoyne Borrisoleigh Tipperary, spinster, to
Teresa Treacy, widow, & James O'Connor, farmer
Honoria Maher
4 Feb 1913 Oldcastle Tipperary, widow, to Daniel Treacy, farmer
Michael Hayde [Hayden n
crossed out] 12 Dec 1910 Clonagoose Tipperary, farmer, to
Catherine Treacy, married woman
1858-1900 Will Registers
Miltown, Tipperary, Ireland |
Michael Hayes |
1878/1878/1878 |
Grant of Probate |
Foilmacduff, Donohill, Tipperary, Ireland |
Margaret McHugh |
1887/NR/NR |
Will |
George Street, Besboro Cottage, City of Limerick, Newport, Tipperary,
Ireland |
William Wright |
1858/NR/1858 |
Will |
18 January 1859 (NG) Meeting for election of Town Commissioners
Daniel Hoctor (candidate) D.
Corbett (Proposer) D. Trassy (Seconder)
Major Jackson (candidate) T.
Fitzpatrick (Proposer) D. Trassy (Seconder)
1859 RIC Service
Denis Treacy, 25010, b. 1840 Kings Co Tipperary North
25010 Denis Treacy, 19 years, 5'7.75", b. Kings Tip N, Catholic, recommended by J.F. Rollstone JP, lab, allocated 16 Aug 59, served Kilk 14 Jan 60, Dismissed July 2 1860 A87293/6035
1859 Albany Co New York naturalization petitions for Irish born
Michael Tracy, 21, b. Westmeath,
left from Liverpool, Albany Oct 29
Samuel Tracy, 24, b. Tipperary,
left from Liverpool, Albany Oct 14
January 1860 Fire in Mullinahone
...Dr. Going, Mount
Harding...implicated a man named Tracy and a woman named Quinlan, who for some
time since had received notice of ejectment...
24 July 1860 Irish Times
Clonmel Court
£110 compensation
for the burning
of a house
Wm Tracey, the nephew, told
witness he would shoot him if he attempted to remove his aunt (Honoria
July 24, 1860 (FJ) Tipperary Assizes
...Hanora Quinn...her nephew, William
19 September 1860 (NG) Cloughjordan Petty Sessions
Constable Davis brought up in
custody a young lad charged with stealing from Mary Sullivan, whilst shopping
at Mrs. Tracey's establishment in this town.
1860 Pope's Irish Brigade
...Stephen Walsh of Thurles...departed from Thurles railway station on
17 June...names of some of his companions...the Treacy brothers who were masons
in Garryvicleheen...
Another correspondent, H. N. Treacy from Moneygall, was also in Ancona,
one of around 500 hundred garrisoning the town. He was effusive about how
wonderful things were and that to the old title of "Island of Saints"
could be added "Island of Giants"...
Marnane, Denis G.
(2010) Saving the Pope. Tipperary's contribution to the "Irish Brigade"
in 1860 - Part Two. Tipperary Historical
Deputy Keeper of the
Public Records - Report, Volume 58, Parts 1931-1961
Tracey, John, ? Templemore, Co. Tipperary, P. to Continent, 4.6.1860.
Tracy, John, ? Templemore, Co. Tipperary, P. to Continent, 4.6.1860.
Treacy, John, ? Kilfinane, Co. Limerick, P. to Continent, 18.5.1860.
1860 Naturalization Delarations Albany NY
Kearon Tracey, 33, Tipperary, Liverpool, Coxsackie, Oct 17 [or Cavan]
State |
Town |
Surname |
First name |
age |
Birthplace |
Occupation |
Louisianna |
New Orleans |
Threasy (Treacy?) |
George |
35 |
Co Tipperary |
Moulder |
Mary |
20 |
Co Tipperary |
Patrick (adopted) |
5 |
St Louis |
1860 State: New Jersey County: Monmouth
Office: Embliestown Sheet No: 1005 Reel no: M653-702
Upper Freehold Township Page No: 175
on: August 10th, 1860 by: Jacob
by Maggie Redden for USGenWeb,
Copyright: 2005
7 |
1217 | 1217 | Tracey John | 27 M
W | Farm Lab |
550 | Ir Co Tiperary |
| T620 |
8 |
1217 | 1217 | Tracey Mary | 24 F
W | | | Ir Co Reokford |
| T620 | [Wexford?]
9 |
1217 | 1217 | Tracey Margaret A. |
2 F W | | | Ir Co Reokford |
| T620 |
1860- British War Office (WO97) Chelsea Hospital
Andrew Tracey, b. 1837, Toomevara, Tipperary
Andrew Treacey, b. 1879 Templemore, Tipperary
Cornelius Joseph Treacy, b. 1872 Templemore, Tipperary
Denis Treacy, b. 1886 Borrisoleigh, Tipperary
Edward Tracey, b. 1831, Roscrea, Tipperary
James Tracy, b. 1847 Roscrea, Tipperary
Jeremiah Tracey, b. 1836, Cashel, Tipperary
John Tracey, b. 1835, Roscrea, Tipperary
John Tracey, b. 1837 Thurles, Tipperary
John Tracey, b. 1837, Templemore, Tipperary
Martin Tracey, b. 1835, Roscrea, Tipperary
Michael Tracey, b. ?, Tipperary, Tipperary
Michael Tracey, b. 1832 Roscrea, Tipperary
Michael Tracey, b. 1835 Roscrea, Tipperary
Michael Tracey, b. 1839 Roscrea, Tipperary
Michael? Tracey, b. Tipperary, Tipperary
Patrick Tracey, b. 1837 Tipperary, Tipperary
Thomas Treacy, b. 1836 Toomevara, Tipperary
Thomas Tracey, b. 1841, Ballingarry, Tipperary
William Tracey, b. 1834 Templemore, Tipperary
William Tracey, b. 1870 Borrisokane, Tipperary
Militia Service Records (WO96) [Home Guard/Territorial Army]
Andrew Treacy, b. 1878, Templemore, Tipperary
Cornelius Joseph Treacy, b. 1871, Templemore, Tipperary
Daniel Tracy, b. 1880, Nenagh, Tipperary
James Tracey, b. 1858, Tipperary, Tipperary
James Tracey, b. 1872, Templemore, Tipperary
John Treacy, b. 1880, Borrisoleigh, Tipperary
Pat Tracey, b. 1879, Killenanle, Tipperary
Thomas Treacy, b. 1875, Roscrea, Tipperary
William Treacey, b. 1882, Templemore, Tipperary
William Treacy, b. ?, Clonmel, Tipperary
William Treacy, b. 1870, Templemore, Tipperary
James Treacy of Ballyhenry,
convicted of Faction Fight against William Walsh Farmer
1861 Return of Crimes - North Riding Tipperary
20 Jan 1861 Faction
fighting...Michael Tracey, servant boy, Knocknaharney
23 Jan 1861 Faction Fighting James
Treacy, Ballyhenry, convicted Nenagh sessions
25 Mar 1861 Faction Fighting
Jeremiah Treacy, Roscrea Town, convicted Roscrea Petty Sessions
1861 Return of Crimes - South Riding Tipperary
18 May 1861 Mary Tracy, farmer, of
Sollohed-beg, sheep stealing
31 January 1861 (FJ)
A most disgraceful faction fight
occurred last Thursday at a place called Bourna, near Roscrea, on the occasion
of the furneral of an old woman named Tracy. The contending parties were the
Walshes and the Mahers, between whom an old feud about land existed...-Tipperary
Free Press
Jeremiah Treacy of Roscrea,
convicted of Faction Fight against Walsh and Maher farmers
1861 RIC Service
Patrick Treacy, 26681, b.
Tipperary South Riding
26681 Pat Treacy, 20 years,
6'0.25", b. Tip SR, Catholic, recommended by W Bryan CK JP, lab, allocated
8 Apl '61, served Cork W 7 Aug '61, A2SC 7 Mo 1/1/66, D51033/9902 [no other
13 July 1861 (NG) Gun Accident
On Monday as a man named Crawley
servant to Mr. Mannsell Andrews, Ratheny House, near Moneygall, was carrying a
gun belonging to his master, he met Thomas Trassy, another labourer, with whom
he entered into conversation, when the gun by some means was discharged and the
contents entered the knee, hand and arm of unfortunately Trassy, inflicting
serious if not fatal wounds. Crawley has been arrested for having the gun in a
proclaimed district without a license.
29 July 1861 (FJ) Flanigan v. Grirane[?]
...Defendant had a decree against
a man named Tracy, brother-in-law of plaintiff, at the fair of Borrisoleigh, in
April last. Mrs. Flanigan had a tent. Defendant came in to drink in it, and
ordered a quantity of ale and porter for himself and his friens, which he
refused to pay for it on the grounds that the tent and its contents belonged to
Tracy. He then levied the decree, and sold off the tent and its contents. His
Lordship being satisfied that the goods did belonged to the plaintiff and not
to Tracy...
20 Sept 1861 The Waterford Mail
Remarkable Longevity - There is
living on the lands of Knocks [Knockanroe Templemore], about two miles from
Templemore, on the property of Robert Roe, Esq., Loran, a woman named Rebecca
Treacy, who is now in her 113th year, and in the enjoyment of as good health as
she had 60 years back. It is hoped that she may reach the age of Old Parr. Her
husband was over 100 when he died some 20 years since.
9 May 1862 (FJ) Death of a Centenarian
Mrs. Tracy, of Knocka, over whose
head no less than 112 winters had passed, was interred on Friday, in the
churchyard of Drom, near Templemore. She possessed a strong constitution, and
was hale and hearty, sound in body and mind, up to within a fornight of her
death. - Nenagh Guardian
4 December 1861 (FJ) Married
At the Catholic Church, Garane[?],
by the Rev. Michael Scanlin, P.P., Winifred, eldest daughter of the late
Michael Tracy, Esq, Cloughjordan, to Thos Yan, Esq, Youghal, county Cork.
Rev. John Tracy C.C. Ballyneill,
Carrick-on-Suir. 1861
Subscriber to the Transactions of the Ossianic Society: for
the years 1853-1858
1861 British Census
Catherine Treacy, visitor, b.
1832/1834 Gossmore/Essmore [Rossmore Tipperary?] Ireland, 1 Ancoats Manchester
John Tracey, b. abt 1834 Tipperary
Ireland, Surrey England
Wm Tracey, b. abt 1846 Tipperary
Ireland, Lincolnshire England
Peter Treacey, Head, b. 1834
Tipperary Ireland, St Peter Blackburn Lancashire.
= Ellen Treacey, Wife, b. 1827
Ireland, St Peter Blackburn Lancashire.
1861 Census - St George East Middlesex, London [see 1871 census]
Roger Tracy Head M
34 Ireland, cooper,
Mary Tracy Wife F 30 Ireland
Bridget Tracy Daughter F
0 St George East, Middlesex
Ann Tracy Daughter F
4 St George East, Middlesex
Mary Tracy Daughter F
2 St George East, Middlesex
Mary Delaney Aunt F
65 Ireland
1861 Census
- 12 Mill St Bradford Yorkshire
Daniel Tracy, head,
39, widower, b. Tipperary Ireland, Journyman tailor
Margaret Tracy,
daur, 11, b. Bradford Yorks,
1861 Subscribers:
Rev. F Tracey PP, Ballyna, Enfield
Rev P Treacy CC, Killresenty
(Kilrossanty, Waterford?)
Rev J Treacy CC, Carrick-on-Suir
Rev R? Treacy CC, Ring Dungarvan
Fitzpatrick WJ (1861) The Life,
Times & Correspondence of the Right Rev. Dr Doyle, Bishop of Kildare &
Leighlin. Duffy, Dublin.
30 January 1862 (FJ) Tullamore Young Men's Society
...The farces were...the Irish
Lion...and Tom Moore, or the Irish Lion [played] by Mr. P. Tracy...
12 May 1862 (FJ) The Murder of Maguire - The Inquest
James Maguire sworn. I live at
Ballinacluna...I was going to the farm at was my father; I found
him dead with his throat cut... I ran to where the men were at work with the
horse, across two fields, a distance of about from eighty to one hundred
perches; the men were Patrick Smith and William Tracy...Tracy remaining to
unharness the horses...Patrick Smith sworn. I live at Ballinacluna; I work for
Maguire...I left the house about half-past six that morning with William
Tracy...Wm Tracy sworn. I live at Glenbower; I knew the deceased; I was in his
employment since last week...
May 1862 Murder of Maguire from Clonmel Advertiser
Wm. Tracy, sworn - I live at
Glenbower; I knew the deceased. I was in his employment since last week...
28 May 1862 Cork Examiner
The Glenbower Murder... William
Tracy, after first leaving my house below on the road near James Shelley's
bouse; they were going towards Ardbane, the farm from which my brother had been
2 August 1862 (NG) Nenagh Races
Michael Tracey deposed - I was
returning home from Norwood Race Course to Toomevara, in company with my
father, brother sister and other persons. My brother, sister and myself got on
one of Mr. Perry's Lismore...boys jumped on the heel of my
car...Martin Tracey came to my assistance...Thomas Tracey, his brother...Thomas
Tracy, father...
Mersey arrived Canterbury 25 Sep 1862 (assisted emigration)
Honora Trassy, 20 years, single, dairy
woman. of Tipperary
Bernard Tracey, 22 years, single,
farm labourer, of Tyrone
Edward Tracey, 20 years, single,
farm labourer, of Tyrone
8 October 1862 (NG)
On the night of the 1st of
October, John King, of Nenagh, while in Templemore on business was set upon in
his lodging house by a party of six men...owner of the house, a man named
Tracy, fetch in a candle, and went to his assistance...
24 December 1862 Wexford Independent
December 10, at Templemore, the
wife of Michael Treacy Esq, of a son.
24 December 1862 (FJ) O'Connell Momument
...Knocktoper...William Treacy...
Highway robbery of John Ryan,
process server, 19 Jan 1861, Tipperary town, inf lodged 29 Jan 1861, John
Tracy, convicted at assizes March 1861
Faction fighting on Daniel Beman
Patrick Kennedy Sylvester Kennedy Michael Bevin Michael Tracey, servant boys of
Knocknaharney, 20 Jan 1861, inf lodged 17 Jan 1861, John Harrington & James
Ginder convicted; James Harrington acquitted at quart sessions
Sheep stealing of Mary Tracy,
farmer, 18 May 1861, Sollohed-Beg, no inf party declined, no accussed
1862 - 1864 National education (Ireland)
John Tracy R.C., Monitor, R.C., 1
EC/186 RC, Clonmiclane, Buolick, Tipperary
John Tracy R.C., Head, R.C., 109
RC, St. Cronan's, Bourney, Tipperary
Andrew Tracy R.C., Head, male
R.C., 2 EC/99 RC, Castletown Arra, Castletown Arra, Tipperary
Sarah Tracy R.C., Monitor, R.C.
Convent, Airhill, Roscrea, Tipperary
25 November 1863 (NG) Another murder in Tipperary - Lorrha
On Sunday evening last, about
eight o'clock, as two young men, aged respectively about 23 years and named
William Tracey and Michael Molly, both of Ballymacegan [Lorrha], were returning
from Lorrha to their homes, an altercation occurred between them, near Mr.
Wilson's gate at Harvest Lodge, arising out of an old family feud of eighteen
years standing...stabbed Tracey...took his deposition while the wound was being
dressed...departed this life at 8 o'clock on Monday evening...inquest held at
the house of Tracey's father...
27 November 1863 (FJ) Fatal Affray in Tipperary
...three men, named Tracy, Molloy
and Billane, were proceeding from the neighbourhood of Ballymackegan, one mile
from Lorrha where they had been drinking and four miles from Portumna...there
was a dispute over grazing rights in which Tracy died...
28 November 1863 Cork Examiner
Murder Tipperary... named Wm.
Tracy, a carpenter, and Michael Billane, the son of a respectable farmer, both
belonging to Grange, a village in that district, left Lorrha, to return home
November 28 1863 The Irish
Homicide in Tipperary - The following particulars of a frightful
stabbing case perpetrated in the neighbourhood of Lorrha, near Borrisokane,
have just transpired. It will be remembered that, almost in the very same
locality, scarcely a month since, a farmer named John Kelly was brutally
murdered by some persons still unknown, who, after deliberately beating his
head to pieces, flung him over a bridge into the river, where the body was
afterwards discovered. In the present instance the crime resulted from some
personal altercation. It appears that on
Sunday night, at about nine o'clock, two young men, named William Tracey, a
carpenter, and Michael Bellane, the son of a respectable farmer, both belonging
to Grange, a village in that, district, left Lorrha to return home. When they
arrived near the entrance to Harvest Lodge, the residence of Mr. Wilson, they met a man named Michael Molloy speaking
to Mr. Wilson's gardener. Tracey and Bellane passed on, but when they got some
little distance, waited on the road for Molloy, who shortly came up, when a
qnarrel ensued. Angry words were succeeded by violence, and Molloy pulled out a
large American bowie-knife, and struck Tracey in the abdomen with it. The
unfortunate man, with much difficulty, made his way to a house close by, where
he was shortly afterwards visited by Drs Couglilan and Levy. They sawthat he
could not survive, the wound was of such a terrible character. E. F. G. Ryan,
Esq, R.M., Portumna, received through the constabulary at Lorrha, immediate
intelligence of what had occurred, and hastened to where Tracey was lying. He
arrived in sufficient time to receive his dying depositions. Constable Teahan,
with sub-Constables Reilly and Bolger, of the Lorrha police-station proceeded
forthwith to the house of Molloy's father, outside which they waited in ambush
for the sons arrival. After an hour's delay young Molloy came home, and was
promptly arrested by the three constables, who found a knife which they saw the
prisoner throwing away. Molloy was brought before the resident magistrate. Who
committed him for further examination. Mr. Ryan expressed his approval of the
energy displayed by the Lorrha police, who were fortunate enough in arresting
the supposed murderer, and in securing the attendance of several important
witnesses. Bellane can give no account of the matter. His story is that all the
parties were drunk. Tracey hourly grew worse, and on Sunday last, as seven
o'clock, died in the greatest agony - Correspondent of Express
23 March 1864 (NG) Homicide
Michl Molloy...verdict of not
23 March 1864 Wexford Constitution
Michael Molloy was indicted for
the wilful murder of William Tracey, stabbing him with sharp instrument on the
24th November last, at Ballymacegan, near Lorrha, in this county, of which
wound he afterwards died...returning to Lorrha...
The lands
of Summerhill are held under a lease dated 22nd January also that
part of the Upper Wood of Longford then in posession of Patrick Gallavan and
Thady Tracey, situated asnd being in the Barony of Eliogarty and County Tipperary...
11. Martin
Tracy, Noard [Twomileborris, Tipperary], 3a/1r/23p, £4.2.10 rent, tenant from
year to year, arable meadow and pasture
1. Martin
Murray, Matthew Treacy and Daniel Treacy, Ballinamoe, otherwise Summerhill,
Rathnaveagh, Tipperary, one undivided moiety of one divided two-sevenths,
63a/3r0p, £9.2.0 rent, £58.6.8 valuation, tenancy from year to year, lease of
the 9th October 1839 which has been declared void.
1855 RIC Service
William Treacy, 19434, b. 1836
19434 Wm Treacy, 19, 5'7.25",
b. Fer, Catholic, married 19 Mar '62 wife born Clare, recommended by G. Shegog
JP. lab, allocated 15 Feb 55, served Limk 12 June - City 1/4/63 - Tip NR -
Roscomm 1/4/79 - Gal NR 10/2/83, PISC 1 Aug 55 - PACo 1 July 67 - P Con 1 June
68 - P2AC 1 March 1879, Reward and punishments, Pensioned 1.6.85 19434D/96775,
served 30 years 3 months, pension £89.9.0
16 January 1864 (NG) Charge of Assault
Patt and John Tracy were indicted
for an assault on Denis Meehan, at Dromard, on the 13th of September
last...Daniel Tracy (brother of the prisoner) proved an alibi for John Treacy.
Both prisoners were found guilty and sentenced to six months imprisonment each,
with hard labour.
5 March 1864 (NG) Templemore Petty Sessions
William Buckley (on Bail) was
charged with waylaying and assaulting Edward Tracy, at Lloydsborough, on the
22nd February...The case was dismissed.
16 July 1864 (NG) Templemore Petty Sessions
...a publican named Tracey [of the
town] was called, and swore that Hogan [of Gurteen] was so drunk in his house
that he (Tracey) had to carry him down stairs...
6 August 1864 (NG) Nenagh Union
The Chairman called Dr. Quin's
attention to the case of a little girl named Mary Tracy, who had been taken out
of the House on that day week by a man named Brien, who was going to send her
to America, but on account of her being in such a deplorable condition from the
effects of scrofula and other cutaneous diseases, she couldn't be admitted on
board the ship.
Sarah Tracy, Monitor, Sacret Heart
of Jesus, Airhill, Roscrea, Tipperary. £2/15/0
Andrew Tracy, teacher first class,
Castletownarra, Co. Tipperary.
March 1864 Homicide
Nenagh...homicide of William Tracy
on the 22nd of November 1863...
State Registered Births (See HOME
for full list of Births and Marriages up to 1899)
Tracey, Daniel, Nenagh, Tipperary North. 18 578
Tracey, James, Borrisokane, Tipperary North. 8 487
Tracey, John, Roscrea, Tipperary North/Offaly. 8 736
Tracey, Patrick, Roscrea, Tipperary North/Offaly. 8 731
Tracy, Bridget, Thurles, Tipperary. 18 651
Tracy, Bridget, Thurles, Tipperary. 13 685
Tracy, James, Clonmel, Tipperary/Waterford. 9 685
Tracy, Margaret, Thurles, Tipperary. 18 652
Tracy, Michael, Parsonstown, Offaly/Tipperary North. 8 697
Tracy, Patrick, Callan, Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 14 593
Treacy, Alice, Parsonstown, Offaly/Tipperary North. 18 614
Treacy, Bridget, Thurles, Tipperary. 13 695
Treacy, Catherine, Callan, Kilkenny/Tipperary South. 4 504
Treacy, Patrick, Tipperary, Tipperary/Limerick. 3 674
Treasy, Christopher John, Thurles, Tipperary. 18 662
Directory, Almanac and Registry of Ireland, England and Scotland
Felix Treacy, Balyna, Enfield,
Kildare & Leighlin
John Tracey, Carrickbeg,
Carrick-on-Suir, Waterf. & Lism.
John Tracy, Cappoquin, Waterf.
& Lism.
Michael Tracy, Derry, Derry
Pat. Tracy, Kilrosanty and Fews,
Kilmacthomas, Waterf. & Lism.
Thos. Tracey, Kill and Newtown,
Kilmacthomas, Waterf. & Lism.
Wm. Treacy, Kilcock, Kildare &
Greyhound arrived Canterbury 07 May 1865 (assisted emigration)
Michael Tracy, 26 years, single,
carpenter, of Tipperary
1865 RIC Service
James Treacy, 30314, b. 1847
Tipperary South
30314 Jas Treacy, 18 years,
5'8.5", b. Tipp S, Roman Catholic, recommended by W Bryan Clk & JP,
laborer, allocated 8 June 1865, discharged 21 Dec 1865 B53457/19385
17 June 1865 (N) Catholic Institution Deaf and Dumb Cabra
...Miss M Tracy, Tournaneena,
Ballinawell...[Waterford or Tipperary?]
28 June 1865 (NG)
Daniel Brolan and Winifred Maher
were indicted for stealing two pounds of wool, belonging to Wm. Tracy, of
Clonemullan [Clonismullen Drom Tipperary?], on the 11th May last...taken off
sheep while in the field...
15 July 1865 (NG) Cloughjordan Petty Sessions
A young man named John Tracy, of
most respectable appearance, from the King's County, was charged on the
information of John Quinlisk, with breaking his windows on the 1st of July at
Behamore [Cloughjordan, Tipperary]. A notice threatening Quinlisk with the
death of Bradcell was also found posted on Quinlisk's door at the same time.
15 July 1865 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
Patrick Ryan, Toomevara, charge
Thomas Tracy, of same place, with assaulting him, by hitting him with a spade
on the head.
24 October 1865 (FJ) A meeting of the Friends of Mr. Hayes, manager of
the Roscrea Branch of the National Bank
...Philip Treacy £1...
1865 [3496] [3496-I] The thirty-first report of the Commissioners of
National Education in Ireland, (for the year 1864),
Andrew Tracy, first class,
Castletownarra, Tipperary
6 January 1866 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
Strange Case - John Brien, Gralla,
charged Mary Burns, Roscrea. "On Friday, the 29th December 1865, I
delivered at Roscrea, two boys named Patrick and Thomas Tracy, aged
respectively ten and seven years, into the care of Mary Burns of Roscrea, to
take them to Liverpool, on their way to America, their passage having been paid
partly by their father and partly by the Board of Guardians of the Nenagh Union...from
information received in a letter from one of the children, Patrick Tracy, from
Liverpool, I believe the said Mary Burns has made away with the
money..."...the children safe in the custody of Ellen Whelan [Dublin]...
27 January 1866 (NG) Thurles Union
On the report of the master, it
was ordered that the contractor of plumbing, Michael Tracy, be summoned for not
attending at the workhouse to do some repairs when required by the master.
29 September 1866 (NG) Templemore Petty Sessions
...a private of the 64th
regiment...stealing a watch, the property of a publican named Thomas Tracy, of
Tracy, Carneywoodlands (part of), Lower Ormond, Tipperary, 39a/1r/29p,
£14.14.0, tenant from year to year
1866-1872 Thurles Workhouse Register
Treacy, 30, p.6, widow, Roman Catholic, 1 child, lives Union at large, admitted
31 Oct 1866, left Workhouse 1 Nov 1866
Bridget Treacy, 2, p.7, child,
Roman Catholic, lives Union at large,
admitted 31 Oct 1866, left Workhouse 1 Nov 1866
Tracy, 96, p.308, senile, Roman Catholic, lives Union at large, admitted 12 Feb
1867, left/died 13 Feb 1867
Treacy, 30, p.359, widow, Roman Catholic, 1 child, lives Union at large,
admitted 4 March 1867, left 5 March 1867
Bridget Treacy, 2, p. 360, child,
Roman Catholic, lives Union at large, admitted 4 March 1867, left 5 March 1867
Treacy, 80, p.470, married, Roman Catholic, fractured leg, BLANK children,
lives Templemore Johns? lane, admitted 10 April 1867, died 9 March 1873
Tracy, 65, p.993, married, Roman Catholic, Snelide?, 4 children, admitted by
the Bd Guardians, lives Borrisoleigh Summerhill, admitted 24 Sept 1867, left 19
Oct 1867
Treacy, 70, p.2532, widower, Roman Catholic, BLANK children, admitted by the
Board of Guardians, lives Borrisoleigh Summerhill, admitted 29 Dec? 1868, died
3 January 1869
Treacy, 26 or 36, p.3176, single, Roman Catholic, Snefeet?, lives Templemore
New WE, admitted 7 Feb 1870 , left 11 May 1870
Treacy, 45, p.3429, married, labr, Roman Catholic, fractured leg, lives
Templemore Barrack? street, admitted 10 July 1870, left 27 Aug 1870
Tracy?, 20, p.3491, single, Roman Catholic, Thurles Pike Street, admitted 11
August 1870, left 27 August 1870
Treacy, 29, p.3927, single, weaver? & tramps?, Roman Catholic, lives Union
at large, admitted 14 March 1871, left 15 march 1871
Treacy, 9, p.4094, child, Roman Catholic, fever?, lives Templemore Main St,
admitted 6 June 1871 left 30 June 1871
1866-1914 Dog Licence Registers of Ireland
Tracy, Parkmore, Limerick Road, Tipperary, £3.9.4 rent, tenant from week to
12 January 1867 (NG) Nenagh - Spirit Licenses
...William H. Rudd, Main-street, Roscrea,
granted; and Michael Tracy, of same place, granted.
March 1867 Reward
...A reward of £100 has been
offered...John ??? of Ruskeen, Tipperary and shot dead his brother-in-law,
Patrick Tracy for refusing to join a party of Fenians...
7th March 1867 Inquest
Patrick Treacy, at Rosmult,
Drombane, Upper Kilnemanagh, Dr. Quinlan. Reported by Constable Mullarkey.
Verdict-Wilful murder.
13 March 1867 (NG) Thurles
The sum of £200 is offered to
anyone who will give information that will lead to the arrest of the person or
persons concerned in the shooting of the young man named Tracy, in Ruskeen.
20 March 1867 (NG)
...they went it is alleged to
Roskeen, and set fire to a retired police pensioners house, and set the police
barracks on fire, and ended their career of crime by going to the of a Mr.
Reardon, demanding arms, and when a young man of the name of Tracy looked out
he was forced at, wounded and has since died. This lawless band, then proceeded
to Pallas...
8th June 1867 The Tablet
On Monday morning week as many as twenty men came to Thurles police barracks and voluntarily gave themselves up...One of the prisoners, named Stapleton, having been with the party which destroyed the Roskeen Barracks and murdered the boy Tracy, was detained in custody, bail being refused in his case, and the remainder were set at large.
31 July 1867 (NG)
John Reardon...I live at
Rossmulty; I recollect the night of the 5th of March; Patrick Tracy, the
deceased, who was my boy, was in the house...went to break the window where Tracy
was killed; I went up stairs to see the boy, and I went and shook him to know
what was wrong; he was dying; his brains were knocked out; I found a stone with
blood and hair on it in the room, also a bullet...
2 August 1867 (FJ)
Michael Sheehy was indicted for
treason-felony. A bill for wilful murder had also been found against him for
the murder of Tracy, who was shot when looking out of Riordan's public house...
3 August 1867 (NG) Tipperary (North Riding) Assizes
Trial of "Captain" Michael of a respectable dealer, named John Reardon, close to the
barracks. That man, with two young men, his assistants, named Patrick and James
Tracy, were in the house within...but before leaving Patrick, one of the young
men, was shot dead in the upper window, from which he was looking down on the
crowd...the hand that fired the shot was the prisoner's...James Reardon swore
that the deceased and brother, James Tracy, were in the house...
5 Aug 1867 The Edinburgh Evening Courant
The Fenians. Michael
Sheehy...convicted of treason-felony...The sentence was penal servitude for
twenty years...He had not been put on his trial for the murder of Tracey, but
there was no doubt of his having fired the shot that killed him...
20 March 1867 (NG) Crown Court Assault [Tipperary/Laois]
Catherine Tracy and Daniel Tracy
were charged with an assault on James Monaghan and occasioning actual bodily
harm...The man not appearing his recognisances were entreated; and the Crown
proceeded with the case against the woman...James Monahan...I live near
Catherine Tracy, the prisoner; I was in Rathdowney fair on the 15th December
with a heifer, which I did not sell; on going home I passed by the prisoner's
down a narrow lane; my heifer broke into Tracy's ground...attacked with
stones...Dr. O'Connell, Templemore, attended me...I was fined one time for
trespassing on the prisoners land...convicted of a common assault with a
recommendation to mercy, and was sentenced to two months imprisonment without
hard labour.
1 May 1867 (NG) Grand Jury Clonmel
45 James Tracy and John Tracy, to
build a gullet on the road from Fethard to Carrick, at John Tracy's house at
Boherboy, not to exceed £10.
1867 RIC Service
John Treacy, 32563, b.
1848 Fermanagh
32563 Jno Treacy, 19
years, 5'9.25", b. Fermanh, Catholic, married 6 Sp 76 wife from Kilkenny,
recommended by Sub Insp Maxwell, laborer, allocated 23 Jany '67, served Wexford
- Tipp N 1/6.67 - Wexford 1 May 67 - Tip NR - Kildare 1/11/78, PAC 1 Feb 187? -
P Con 1 May 188?, Punishments, Pensioned 27 October 1884 325633/91513, served
17 years 8 months, pension £27
25 May 1867 (NG) The Constabulary
...and Sub-constable John Tracy
will be removed from Cornwall in the County [Killurin, Wexford] to Nenagh, on
the 31st instant.
June 5, 1867 London Times
It appears that a
considerable number of the Tipperary "boys" who were out on Shrove
Tuesday night have managed to evade the vigilance of the police ever since. But
find that sort of life intolerable and being reduced almost to a state of starvation,
about 20 of them came to the police barrack at Thurles on Monday and gave
themselves up to Sub-Inspector Mularkey. They were removed to Templemore, where
Mr. Gore Jones, R.N. accepted bail for 14 of the prisoners. One Stapleton,
having been with the party which destroyed the Roskeen barracks and killed the
boy Tracey, was detained. Some, it is believed, will never voluntarily
give themselves up. Of these is Captain Joseph Gleeson, who would be put on
trial for high treason and murder, and one or two other "captains,"
whose offences are of a dark complexion.
6 July 1867 (NG) Samuel Rhodes v. P.H. Stephens
The plaintiff is a shopkeeper in
Roscrea and the defendant in Borrisokane. The action was brought on the latters
acceptance of John Tracy's draft for £20, for three months, after 10th March
1863, in the regular course of business between the plaintiff and Tracy. There
was no controversy as to the writing with the latter's names, but the
defendant's name on the back of the bill it was attempted to be shown was a in Nenagh...
13 July 1867 (NG) Roscrea Board of Guardians
...tenders for turf
accepted...viz., Patrick Tracy's, Grange, for 300 boxes of black turf at
£4/15/0 per 100 boxes...
20 July 1867 (NG) Sudden Death
On the night of the 16th inst.
Margaret Tracy, of Barrack-street, Templemore, complained of a pain in her
stomach, accompanied by a dry retching, and shortly afterwards expired. The
unfortunate woman, who was but twelve months married was within a few days of
her confinement...died from the rupture of a blood vessel.
27 July 1867 (NG) Lorrha Petty Sessions
...Cecilla Killackey for stealing
turf off the bog of Lehinch, the property of Mr. Tracy.
20th August
1867 Inquest
Timothy Treacy, at
Cappawhite, Parish of Toom, Clanwilliam. No Doctor. Simple examination.
Verdict-Smothered in a bog hole during an epileptic fit. Reported by Constable
Ross Parks.
19 October 1867 (NG) Arrest on Suspicion
For some time a young man named
Matthew Treacey, from the neighbourhood of Borrisoleigh, has been "on the
run" charged with the manslaughter of a man named Lacey...Con and Michael
Stapleton...were conveying him out of the country.
23 October 1867 (FJ) Important Arrest
Constable Peter Kelly of the
Gurthderrybeg station in the district of Roscrea, whilst on night patrol with
four of his party, arrested a man named Matthew Treacy from a description in
the Hue and Cry, who now stands charged with the homicide of Thomas Lahey, near
Thurles. Treacy was sent forward on yesterday to Thurles in charge of a strong
26 October 1867 Wexford Independent
Important Arrest. Constable Peter
Kelly, of the Gurtderrybeg station, in the district of Roscrea, has arrested,
whilst on night patrol, a man named Matthew Treacy (from a description in the
Hue and cry), who now stands charged with the homicide of Thomas Lahey, near
Sailed London,
England August 18th 1867 - arrived Lyttleton New Zealand November 14th 1867
Assisted Immigrants- Single men
Thomas Treacy, 24 years, of
Tipperary, Labourer
Glenmark arrived Canterbury NZ 14 Nov 1867 (assisted emigration)
Thomas Treacy, 24 years, Single,
labourer, of Tipperary
18 April 1868 (FJ)
The Ball at the Mansion House
...Prince and Princess of Wales...1200 attended...Mr. Tracy, the Mayor
of Clonmel,...
14 July 1868 (FJ)
Cashel Elections
...guilty of corrupt practices...Simon Tracy, Patrick Laffan and
Patrick Cunningham of bribery...
20 February 1869 (NG) Cashel Election Petition
...Catherine Tracey wife of Simeon
Tracey...had been to London to buy clothes...Catherine Tracey did not say who
the £50 cheque was for...
24 February 1869 (NG) Cashel Election Petition
Candidate Mr. James Lsyster
O'Beirne...canvassing agent...Simon Tracy...The other man Tracey had left
Cashel after being served with a subpoena. His wife had been examined...
6 March 1869 (NG) Report of the Judge in the Cashel Election Petitions
...corrupt practices...Simon
7 October 1869 (FJ) The Cashel election Commission
Simon Tracy, who deposed that he was summoned
to attend...did not attend; went to in old and new
a cheque for £60...destroyed the cheque some time after the election...
8 October 1869 (FJ)
Simon Tracy re-examined - Mr. Thomas Kennedy
and myself are married to two sisters...
9 October 1869 (FJ)
Mrs Catherine Tracey excamined - I am the
wife of Simon Tracey
9 October 1869 (NG) Cashel Election Commission
Simon Tracey re-examined...I admit
I told my wife I got a cheque from Mr. O'Beirne for my services...Mr. Thomas
Kennedy: I am a brother-in-law of Simon Tracey...Mrs. Catherine Tracey
examined...he did not attend, having business of his own in London...John
Rochford wife told me she was shown cheques by Mr. Tracey in a
room and said if I voted for O'Beirne I would get one of them...
27 October 1869 (NG) Cashel Election Commission
...Simon Tracey was re-called. He
admitted he gave the cheque to Cashen under the circumstances described...Simon
Tracey was refused a certificate...
...Simon Tracy...
Mr. Butt applied for an attachment against
Simon Tracey, for contempt, in not appearing to his subpoena.
Michael Barey...Simon In
Friar-street, Cashel, in his own dwelling house...for the last 20 years...he
absconded after it [subpoena] was served.
Witnesses 17th February 1869 Mrs. Catherine
Tracey...wife of Simon Tracey...Mrs. Trac(e)y What is your husband? - He is a
dealer; he deals in old clothes.
15 July 1868 (NG) Colander of South Riding Forthcoming Assizes
...Michael Cullen, Thomas Tracy
and Philip Guerin for burglary committed at Cashel...
called Gortkelly, Upper Church, Kilnemanagh, Tipperary, William Treacy a tenant
on the adjoining lands in the townland of Moher, has a right of way on foot,
and for horses, cars, cattle &c, through this part of the estate along the
lane lettered BE on map, as a means of access to the above public right of way,
BCD at point B...
12 January 1869
Freeman's Journal
Patrick Treacy, late of Carrick-on-Suir.
29 January 1869 Cork Examiner
.. Shocking Murder Near Tipperary. Bridget Tracy, examined, said she
was the wife of Edmond Tracy. yesterday morning, 27th Jan. 1869, at eight
o'clock, her husband left ...
January & August 1869 Another Murder in Tipperary
27th January 1869. A farmer named Edmond
Tracy, residing at Ballynulty [Ballinulty Cullen] about two miles from Limerick
Junction, was found with his throat cut on the Goatenstown road from Tipperary,
near the back lodge of Ballykisteen House. He had in his possession when
leaving the town of Tipperary a large sum of money and a watch. When the body
was found both money and watch were missing. Two arrests have been made.
Bridget Tracy, his wife attended the inquest...her brother Denis Hayes...
03 February 1869 Wexford Independent
The murder in Tipperary...A man named Edward
Tracy, a farmer residing at Ballynolty, about 4 miles from Tipperary, was on
wednesday evening last, at about five o'clock, found dead on the raodside at
Ballykisteen with his throat literally cut from ear to ear. Tracy came on
business to tipperary on that day, and returned home at about three o'clock in
the evening. He had an ass and car with him, and at the time he left town was
noticed to be slightly under the influence of drink. After he had been a short
distance outside the town, the whell of the car which he was driving broke down
and he was obliged to go to the house of a man named Thomas Ryan and leave the
car there and drive the ass before him...[English found him]...The body was
still warm at this time...informed a brother-in-law of the murdered man whose
residence was not far from the scene...No marks of further vioelce was found on
any..At the time the body was discovered he held a stick which was seen with
him in Tipperary, firmly cleched in his left hand...two men arrested...Tracy
was known to be on very unfriendly terms past, as they were on more than one
occasion engaged in law suits, and it is said that he held a decree against one
of them...both men were discharged...[Tracy] borrowed the sum of £25 from a man
named Meara but this amount he afterwards paid over, before leaving the town,
to a man from whom he had purchased some meadowing for the ensuing season. The
fact however of his having abank cheque in his pocket for the sum of £50 and
also a quanity of loose silver in his pocket none of which was touched...Tracy
was a young man about thirty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and three his own house which is only about a mile and a half distant from
the place where this fearful outrage had been perpetrated
Inquest...deceased's wife Bridget Tracy...verdict:- "That deceased, Edmond
Tracy, came by his death at Goatenstown, on the 27th of January 1869 by having
his throat cut by some person or persons unknown."
6 February 1869 (N)
Ballykisteen lodge...The desceased Edmond
Tracy has left a wife and five young children. - Clonmel Chronicle
1 March 1869 Cork Examiner
... Edmond Tracey. Tipperary Free Press.
Tipperary S.R. 27th January
Edmond Tracy was found with his throat cut at
the roadside at Goatenstown. He had come into the town of Tipperary, on a
donkey car, for the purpose of paying for meadowing he had purchased. One
Michael Byrne also came onto the town. Each partook of some drink. Soon after 2
o'clock p.m. Tracy left for home. About midway, Byrne, accompanied by a woman
and little boy, passed the deceased on a car; and when half a mile a-head of
Tracy, Byrne alighted and remained behind. Tracy and Byrne held small farms
which meared. Some hyears ago, four of five acres of land adjoining both farms,
became vacant. The landlord proposed to divide the vacant land between them.
Byrne refused to take half, affirming that he should get all. Tracy then became
tenant for the whole. Hence they have been perpetually quarrelling and litigating.
After the murder, suspicions at once fell upon Byrne. He was tried at last
summer assizes; thewnty-six witnesses were examined, who gave their evidence
with manifest reluctance, and the Jury did not feel warrented to convict.
Palmer's Index to the Times Newspaper
1 Jan to 31 Mar 1869
Tracy, a farmer, found murdered near the
Limerick Station 30 j 5 f
ADDRESS FOE, RETURNS.HL Deb 09 March 1869 vol 194 cc946-51 946
to move an Address for Copies of Correspondence between the Government and
Magistrates of Tipperary relating to ejectments at Ballycohey, and Returns of
Crimes furnished to the Judges of Assize by the Constabulary in each County in
Ireland. The noble Marquess, having detailed the particulars of the dreadful
occurrence at Ballycohey, when Mr. Scully, the landlord, having procceeded 947
with, civil assistants, escorted by police, to serve notices of ejectment on
his tenants, was suddenly fired upon from a farmhouse, whereby two of the
constabulary were killed, and four others of the party, including Mr. Scully
himself, were wounded, proceeded to comment severely upon the conduct of the
stipendiary magistrate in sending so small an escort of constabulary.
Considering the character of Mr. Scully, the notoriety of the intended
proceedings, and the known determination of the peasantry to resist, the
insufficiency of the escort was calculated to provoke rather than ward off an
attack. In contrast with the conduct of the magistrate in this case, he would
refer to what was done in another case, when the magistrate not only gave an
escort of sixty police, but accompanied them himself; the consequence being
that no disturbance took place, and the law was vindicated, without bloodshed.
He thought a case of greater indiscretion on the part of a stipendiary
magistrate than the conduct which led to the attack on Mr. Scully and party
never occurred. When the outrage was reported at Dublin Castle, rewards were
offered, and additional police were sent down; but after a short time they were
withdrawn, and there soon followed two other murders; one of a gentleman who
was killed near his own house because of the decision he had given in an
arbitration about a right of way, and the other of a man named Tracey, who was
murdered on the highway...
5 May 1869 (NG) Eliogarty, Tipperary
6. Richard L. Cambie and Patt
Tracey, rep 564p road from Borrisoleigh to Johnstown, between the cross of
Graiguefrehane and the cross of Coogulla, 5 yrs, not to exceed 1s. pp
21 June 1869 Liverpool Mercury
... Eldward Tracey in Tipperary,
and of Captain Tarleton in Westmeath (both in 1869), are not included in this
enumeration, as it has net been fully establiehed that ...
22 June 1869 (FJ) Agarian outrages
...The murder of Mr. Edward Tracy,
county Tipperary (1969) are not included...
23 June 1869 (NG) 1st December 1868 to 10th May 1869
The murder of Mr. Edward Tracey,
county Tipperary...not having been proved to be of agrarian origin, are not
included in this return...
26 June 1869 Liverpool Weekly Courier
Agrarian outrages in Ireland...The
murder of Mr. Edward Tracey, county Tipperary, and that of Captaia Rowland
Tarliton, county Westmeath, not having been proved to be of agrarian origin,
are not included in this return...
24 July 1869 (NG) Parsonstown Board of Guardians of Margaret Tracy, an
applicant for relief...her connection with Portumna Union...
2 Aug 1869 (BL) Tipperary Assizes
Clonmel Assizes...Michael Burns
for murder of Edmund Tracy, on the 26th of last January, at Goatenstown, near
the town of Tjpperary. The prisoner and the deceased were farmers, and their
holdings adjoined each other. They had had some difference, and the deceased's
wife stated that the last ...
21 August 1869 Pilot (Boston & NY)
At Tipperary.
Michael Byrne, a farmer, was tried
for the murder of Edward Tracy, and was acquitted. The deceased was also a
farmer and his land adjoined that of the prisoner. On the 27th of January last,
he was in the town of Tipperary on business, and left for home late in the
evening somewhat under the influence of drink. He was seen by several witnesses
proceeding along the road to a spot some distance from the Limerick Junction,
and next morning he was found dead close to this spot, with his throat cut and
bearing other marks of violence. The case against the prisoner rested on
circumstantial evidence. On the evening of the murder, he got a seat home from
Tipperary in a cart belonging to a woman named Reardon. They overtook and
passed Tracy on the road, and shortly after this the prisoner left the cart. He
was seen later walking along tbe road a short distance behind the prisoner. A
stick found close to the body with marks of blood on it was identified, but not
positively, by one witness as having been in Byrnes possession that day in Tipperary,
and marks believed to be bloood-stains were found on his clothes. On the other
hand, no motive for the crime was shown, and on cross-examination of the
witnesses various circumstances were elicited, which tended to explain away the
suspicious aspect of the facts relied on by the Crown. At the close of the
prosecution the court directed an acquittal.
21 August 1869 (NG) Templemore Petty Sessions
Willful Trespass - Edmond Davy, of
Dromard, was summoned by Patrick Treacy, of the same place, for having willfully
trespassed upon his turf bank, on the 4th inst...divided from defendant's
portion by a drain...
23 August 1869 Cork
Treacy-KirwanAug. 16, special license, at the Catholic Church.
Templemore. John Treacy, Cloughjordan, to Annie Christina, youngest daughter of
Michael Kirwan. ...
24 August 1869 Cork Examiner
Tracey-KirwanAt Templemor Oath ' Sici&l
license, Mr. JohnTracey,of Clouwh | ristina. youngest daughter of Michael
27 August 1869 (FJ) Marriage
August 16, by special licence, at the
Catholic Church, Templemore, by the Rev. T. O'Connor, Administrator, assisted
by the Rev T. Keynane, C.C., John Treacy, Cloughjordan, to Annie Christina,
youngest daughter of Michael Kirwan, esq, Templemore.
8 September 1869 (NG) Roscrea Petty Sessions
James Maher and others had
summonses against Tracey and others. In this case a row took place between the
parties (two of whom were severely beaten) on the 14 August last, arising from
a previous dispute...sent to Thurles Quarter Sessions.
19 March 1870 (NG) Grievous Assault
Patrick, Thomas, John, James,
Edward and Timothy Tracey were charged with an assault on 14th August,
involving actual bodily harm on Michael Maher and on John Maher. The indictment
contained as many counts against reach prisoner as there were
prisoners...Michael Maher, lives in Shankill, about half a mile from Tracey's
house...Timothy Tracey came out with Edmond[?] Tracey, Patrick Tracey and James
Tracey behind him...The jury acquitted four of the defendants, and found
Timothy and Edward guilty, and they were sentenced to two months imprisonment
with hard labour.
November 1869 Templemore Murder
...Mrs. Treacy,
wife of a publican in Templemore...
The Centre, or head of the Circle (who was
supposed to have the rank of Colonel) was known as "A", and he was
allowed to have nine "Bs", or sub-Centres (Captains) ; each
"B" had nine "Cs" (Sergeants) if his quota was full, and
every "C" had nine "Ds", who were privates. This regulation
was never strictly adhered to and some Circles, like that of...A little
Tipperary hunchback shoemaker named Stephen
Tracy, who was one of [James?] O'Callaghan's "Bs" in Dublin, had
the ambition to become a Centre, recruited his section up to 150 men and
appointed three or four "Nomeenial 'Bs' ", saying he "didn't
want to play second fiddle to no man", and there were other instances of
the kind.
John Devoy, John
(1929) Recollections of an Irish rebel: the Fenian movement. Its origin and
progress. Methods of work in Ireland and in the British army. Why it failed to
achieve its main object, but exercised great influence on Ireland's future.
Personalities of the organization. The Clan-na-Gael and the rising of Easter
week, 1916. A personal narrative. Chas. P. Young company, printers, 1929]
23 March 1870 (NG) Templemore Petty Sessions
John Tracy summoned James Scott, a
smith, for keeping articles he gave him to repair.
Landed Estates
In the matter of he estate of Daniel
Treacy owner and Eliza Mary Byrne petitioner.
(Ballincarra Weston, Soouth
Liberties, Limerick & Ballyrackane and Drishane Tipperary & Raheen
(Kilkenny/Laois) & Barryhill (Kilkenny) & Mountrath (Laois) & 33
Henry Street Dublin)
9/11 June 1870 Irish Times
Landed Estates
In the matter of he estate of Daniel
Treacy owner expartate and Guinness Mahon & Co petitioner.
(4 Lower Pembroke St Dublin
residue of 77 years from 1857
yearly rent £20
10/11 June 1870 Irish Times
Landed Estates
In the matter of he estate of
Daniel Treacy owner and John Hobbs Peart petitioner.
(??? Court or Market Square
Mounthrath and other property in Mountrath)
Landed Estates
In the matter of he estate of
Daniel Treacy trustee and executer of Patrick Murray desceased owner and Ellen
Moore Spinster petitioner.
(lands North Ward Castleknock
7 May 1870 (NG) Barony of Ikerrin, Tipperary
8. John Tracey and Laurence
Tracey, to rep 360 perches of the road from Roscrea to Birr, between the cross
of Boheenglass and the cross of Hillsborough, not to exceed 10d pp.
July 1870 Silver
Spring, near Clonmel
For sale...James Tracy, on the Premises, will show the hay
19 October 1870 (FJ)
French Ambulanes
Templemore, Killea and Clonmore in the County Tipperary...T.P.
Treacy...W. Treacy...T. Sreacy[?]...M. Treacy...James Tracey...
Killea...Martin Treacy...Patrick Treacy...
Clonmore...Patrick Treacy...J. Treacy...P. Treacy...M. Treacy...
The Templemore Murder
Mrs Treacy, wife of a publican in
9 November 1870 (FJ)
Aid for the Wounded of the French Army
Cappawhite, Co. Tipperary...M. Tracey...Patrick Tracey...T.
14 December 1870 (NG) Thurles Petty Sessions
Important Fishery Cases. Constable
James Kelly, of Holycross, charged Patrick Tracey, jun., of Fertianna, that on
the 20th ult at a weir on river Suir between the lands of Fertianna and
Holycross, he fished with nets in the Free Gaps or Queen's Share of said
weir...placed an obstruction...he caught Tracey and his sister [Ann]...that old
Tracey had a license of those [eel] nets...fine of £2 and 10s costs or a
fortnights imprisonment...
2 February 1871 (FJ)
Catholic Church of St. Cronan, Roscrea
Mr. John Tracy 5s.
7 March 1871 Cork
... Mrs. Tracey deposed that keeps public-house Templemore, and that on
the evening of the murder the deceased went into her house and drank some
porter in the kitchen, ...
1871 Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC)
2544 Thos
Tracy, 19 years, 5'8", b. [1811] Wat, Catholic, married Nov '37, wife b.
Kerry, recommended by PM Barron JP?. appointed 28 Jan 37, served Kerry & N?
Tip 1/4/71, ref B48023/14870, P1SC 1 Feb '38 - RforAC 1 Nov '43 - P1SC 1 Feb
'44 - PAC 1 July '51 - P Con 1 Dec '55 - P2HC 8 Feb 1871, Appm 34332/1409 - 2y
St A93167/4775 - B281777/8419, Repd A13060/842, Pemsioned 1 Nov 1874 £3-15
RF2544D/6129, service 37 years 8 months, £83 pension
1871 Census
Bridget Tracy
Michl Trassy
Thomas Tracy
Thomas Tracy
Margaret Tracy
Margaret Tracy
Jeremiah Tracy
1871 British Census
Mary Tracy, border, 64, widow, b. 1807 Tipperary Ireland, charwoman, Gorton Ardwick Chorlton Lancashire
Maria Tarcey, 33, b. 1838 Ross
Grey [Roscrea Tipperary?], Lancashire
Thomas Treacy, spouse Mary, b. abt
1816 Tipperary Ireland, Lincolnshire England
= Mary Treacy, spouse Thomas, b.
abt 1811 Tipperary Ireland, Lincolnshire England
Philip Tracey, Married, 65 years, Tipperary, 1871, Swineshead,
James Tracey, Unmarried, 26 years, Tipperary, 1871, Swineshead,
Michael Tracey, Unmarried, 21 years, Tipperary, 1871, Swineshead,
Roger Treacy Head M
45 Cashel, Ireland, cooper, St George, East, London,
Middlesex, England
Mary Treacy Wife F
40 Cashel, Ireland
Bridget Treacy Daughter F
16 St Georges, Middlesex
Anne Treacy Daughter F 14 St Georges, Middlesex
Patrick Tracey, spouse Eliza, b.
abt 1839 Tipperary Ireland, Yorkshire England
= Eliza Tracey, spouse Patrick, b.
abt 1847 Yorkshire England, Yorkshire England
1871 Return from Governors of Erasmus Smith's
School of Applications for Leases in Perpetuity
25 Sept 1869, Maria Tracy, This draft fee-farm grant did not state a
covenant to lay out money in building; it will be returned approved of on the
16th instant.
13 February 1872
(FJ) Alleged Threatening Notice
Nenagh...a notice was posted upon a door on the estate of Sir William
Osbourne, Bart., near Nenagh, threatening the life of his carpenter, a man
named John Treacy, for interfering respecting certain evictions and house
levellings which recently occurred on the estate...
17 Feb 1872 Ballinrobe Chronicle
Alleged Threatening Notice.
On Sunday morning a notice was found posted
on a door on the estate of Sir Wm. Oshorne, Bart., near Nenagh, threatening the
life of his carpenter, a man named John Treacy, for interfering respecting
certain evictions and house levelings which recently occurred on Ihe estate.
The notice, which is in fair manuscript, tells Mr Treacy that he will be
levelled as low as Feahy's house, which was lately dismantled by the landlord,
who, since thu ejectment proceedings, has resided away from his Tipperary
property. The police are investigating the affair most sedulously, and the
party is suspected.
17th February 1872 The Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian Glamorgan Monmouth
and Brecon Gazette
On Monday morning a written threat of
assassination was placed upon the house door of Sir William Osborne's bailiff,
John Treacey. On this estate, which is in Tipperary, near Nenagh, some tenants
were evicted during the past winter. Sir William has since lived out of the
20 July 1872 (FJ)
...Michael Tracy...all militia men in the North Tipperary Infantry were
indicted for rioting, assualting the police and wreaking the police barracks at
8 August 1872 (FJ)
Charge of Shooting with intent to Kill
At the Tipperary Petty Sessions...Denis Tracy, residing at
Solloheadbeg, was charged with firing a pistol at Mrs Mary Cairy, the wife of a
farmer residing in the same locality...intent to kill. The prisoner, who is in
custody...pleaded guilty...
6 September 1873 Pilot (Boston Ma)
Latest Irish news - Tipperary
Shooting with Intent to Kill. At the
Tipperary Petty Assizes, Aug. 7, Denis Tracy, residing at Solloheadbeg, was
charged with firing a pistol at Mrs. Mary Cairy, the wife of a farmer residing
in the same locality, on the previous Snpoay evening, with intent to kill. The
prisoner, who is in custody since the evening in question, pleaded guilty. The
bench returned the case for trial to the Tipperary Quarter sessions, a tribunal
which Mr. Grace contended was not empowered to deal with such an offence. Cor.
17 October 1872 (FJ)
Munster Bank Appointment
We have much pleasure in announcing that James Tracey, Esq., of the
Munster Bank, Cashel...has been appointed to the managership of the new branch
at Tarbert [Kerry?]. This intelligence will, we are sure, be received with
satisfaction by Mr. Tracey's many friends, who will, while they regret the loss
of his pleasing companionship, rejoice in his advancement in the profession of
his adoption. - Tipperary Free Press
1872 Bonds &
Judgements Ireland
Michael Tracey, Templemore, Tipperary, shopkeeper v. Thomas K. Ryan & Sons, Dublin, paper merchants. 30 Nov, £1.4.0
Kemp's mercantile gazette
November 1872 Court
of Probate
Treacy v. Treacy
Mr. Denis Treacy of Soloheadbeg, Tipperary to establish the will of his
mother, Mary Treacy. The validity was disputed by Thomas Treacy another son.
The will was accepted.
1872 1915 Ireland's Royal
Garrison Artillery
James Tracey,
Templemore, Tipperary. WO96/1446
Patrick Trace,
Killanaule, Tipperary. WO96/1446
Cornelius Joseph Treacy, Templemore, Tipperary. WO96/1446
John Treacy, Borrisoleigh,
Tipperary. WO96/1446
Thomas Treacy, Roscrea, Tipperary.
William Treacy,
Templemore, Tipperary. WO96/1446
William Treacy,
St. Mary's, Clonmel, Tipperary. WO96/1446
National School Registers
Treacy, b. , 1889, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1883, 1889, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1887, 1890, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1887, 1893, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1892, 1896, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1892, 1898, Tipperary
Tracy, b. 1883, 1890, Tipperary
Tracy, b. 1876, 1884, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1893, 1896, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1894, 1899, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1894, 1909, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1898, 1911, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1901, 1913, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1900, 1903, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1900, 1906, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1884, 1889, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1884, 1889, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1883, 1890, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1892, 1897, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1892, 1898, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1889, 1892, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1890, 1895, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1897, 1900, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1897, 1903, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1890, 1904, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1897, 1911, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1882, 1889, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1894, 1899, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1896, 1900, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1896, 1903, Tipperary
Tracy, b. 1861, 1871, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1887, 1890, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1887, 1893, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1885, 1889, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1885, 1889, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1885, 1892, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1900, 1904, Tipperary
Treacy, b. , 1907, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1894, 1897, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1895, 1899, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1895, 1899, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1895, 1903, Tipperary
Treacy, b. 1894, 1909, Tipperary
Tracy, b. 1866, 1872, Tipperary
Commonaline [Commanealine], Doon, County
Tipperary [also Limerick]
Tracy, 6, b. 1883, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 1 Feb 1889
Tracy, 6, b. 1892, RC, lives Do [Commonaline], father farmer, 7 Mar 1898
Tracy, 7, b. 1883, RC, lives Do [Commonaline], father farmer, 8 Feb 1890
Treacy, 3, b. 1887, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 13 Jul 1890
Treacy, 4, b. 1883, RC, lives Do [Commonaline], father farmer, 16 Aug 1896
Treacy, 4, b. 1892, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 16 Aug 1896
Treacy, 6, b. 1883, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 1 Feb 1889
Treacy, 6, b. 1887, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 1893
Treacy, 3, b. 1893, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 6 May 1896
Treacy, 5, b. 1894, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 1 Apr 1899
Treacy, 3, b. 1900, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 24 Sep 1903
Treacy, 5.5, b. 1883, RC, lives Do [Commonaline], father farmer, 1 Feb 1889
Treacy, 7, b. 1883, RC, lives Do [Commonaline], father farmer, 28 Apr 1891 to
Treacy, 5, b. 1892, RC, lives Glengar [Doon], father farmer, 26 Apr 1897
Treacy, 5, b. 1892, RC, lives Glengar, father farmer, 28 Apr 1897
Treacy, 6, b. 1892, RC, lives Glengar, father farmer, 7 Mar 1898
Tracy, 3, b. 1889, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 4 Oct 1892
Tracy, 3, b. 1897, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 23 Apr 1900
Tracy, 5, b. 1890, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 26 Feb 1895
Treacy, 14, b. 1890, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 4 Oct 1904 to 1905
Treacy, 3, b. 1889, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 4 Oct 1892
Treacy (Den), 4, b. 1896, RC, lives Commonline, father farmer, 7 Mar 1900
Treacy (thos), 5, b. 1894, RC, lives Glengar, father farmer, 29 May 1899
Treacy, 7, b. 1892, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 1 Feb 1889, from Doon
Treacy, 3, b. 1887, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 26 Feb 1890
Treacy, 6, b. 1887, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 16 Jan 1893
Treacy, 4, b. 1885, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 1 Feb 1889
Treacy, 7, b. 1885, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, 22 Feb 1892
Treacy, 4, b. 1895, RC, lives Glengar, father farmer, 20 Sep 1904
Treacy, 3, b. 1894, RC, lives Commonaline, father farmer, Mar 1897
Treacy, 4, b. 1895, Do [RC], lives Do [Commonaline], father Do [farmer], 1 Apr
Treacy, 4, b. 1895, RC, lives Do [Glengar], father Do [farmer], 20 May 1899
Sopwell, Uskane or Ballingarry, Tipperary
Tracy, 8, b. 1876, RC, lives Lisbryan [Aglishcloghane OR Ballingarry (Ormond
Lr)], father labourer, 4 Jan 1884
Tracy, 10, b. 1861, RC, lives Lisbryan, father labourer, 20 May 1872
Tracy, 6, b. 1866, RC, lives Lisbryan, father laborer, 20 May 1872
Thomas O'meara, Coroner for part of North
Riding and part of South Riding starting 20th March and ending June 10th 1872.
June 3rd. on
Thomas Kennedy, at Whitefield, Parish of Loughmore. Dr Forsayeth. Reported by
Thomas Tracy H.C. Verdict-Blood Poison.
Return of inquests held by Thomas O'Meara.
Coroner for the months of March 1873 to June 1873.
March 30th on Sarah Fogarty, at Templemore, Eliogarty, Dr. O'Connor. No inquest
held. Reported by Head-Constable Tracy.
May 17th. on James Hayth, at Templemore, Eliogarty. Dr. Meade.
Verdict-Heart disease. Reported by Head-Constable Tracy.
July 10th on Patrick McGrath, at Carrigatoher, Burgesbeg, Owney and
Arra. No Doctor. Reported by Constable Treacy. Verdict-Visitation of God.
Sept 30th on Michael Purcell, at Tinavoher, Loughmore, Eliogarty, Dr.
O'Connell. Reported by Constable Treacy. Verdict-Accidentally drowned.
Nov. 4th and 5th on Patrick Tobin, at Rapla, Parish of Kilruan, Upper
Ormond. Drs, Cashel, Kittson, and Birney. Reported by Constable Treacy.
Verdict-Found killed on railway line.
The Following is a return of Inquests held by
Michael Meagher, Coroner for part of the North Riding of Tipperary commencing
July 8th 1876 and ending February 24th 1877. s after a number is for shilling.
29th Sept 1876. on John Ryan at Nenagh, Parish of Nenagh, Barony of Lower ormond.
Dr. Cahalan £1.1.0. Verdict-Lockjaw from fall off a wall. Reported by Constable
Treacy. Milage 4s.
2nd November 1876. On Thomas Kelly, at the Workhouse, Nenagh, Parish of Nenagh,
Barony of Upper Ormond, Drs McKeogh and Minnett. £2.2.0. Verdict-Heart Disease,
reported by Constable Treacy, Milage 4s. Post-Mortem.
21st. November 1876. On Daniel Ryan, at Nenagh, Parish of Nenagh, Barony of
Lower Ormond. Verdict-Accidentally drowned. Reported by Constable Treacy.
Milage 4s.
9th December 1876. On Rebecca Kelly, at Nenagh, Parish of Nenagh, Barony of
Lower Ormond. Verdict-Visitation of God.;reported by Constable Treacy. Milage
8 March 1873 (N) New
Church of the Most Sacred Heart, Templemore
Parishioners...John Treacy 2s...Thomas Treacy 2s...James Treacy
1s...Michael Treacy 1s...Michael Treacy 1s...
13 June 1873 (FJ)
Vice-Chancellor's Court [Tipperary]
Tracy v. Tracy. The plaintiff was Thomas Tracy and the defendant was
Denis Tracy. The parties live in the County Tipperary. The bill was filed to
administer assets, and also to restain the defendant from continuing ejectment
proceedings. The will of their mother, made in 1865, provided that the lands
she held should go to the plaintiff, who was the elder brother, upon the
condition of his paying the younger brother £300 within two years, and that if
that sum were not so paid, the younger brother should get the lands upon
payment of £300 to the elder. The will was proved in 1872, and administration
was granted to the defendant. The plaintiff's case was that his brother, who
had lived with him until recently, had not insisted on his rigt to be paid
within two years; that there had been no legal person to give a discharge for
the £300 until the will was proved; and that he was, therefore, entitled to
keep the land on payment of £300. The defendant's case was that since the
plaintiff had not paid him the £300 within two years, he had forfeited his
right to the land, and was not entitled to £300...The case is at argument.
June 1873 Tracy v.
This bill was filed by Thomas Tracy, of county Tipperary, to administer
assets and to restrain the defendants, his brother, from continuing ejectment
July 1874 South
Riding Tipperary
...It appears two brother named Tracey were quarrelling about land; one
of them had fifteen acres, which he willed to another brother on condition that
he should pay a certain sum on his behalf to another party. Some disbute
occured the result of which was that one of the Traceys assulted his brothers wife.
He was prosecuted and is now undergoing two years imprisonment for the offence.
A sister had married a man named Hayes, who took part in the dispute, resulting
in the death of Mrs. Hayes in her own house
18 July 1874 Wexford Independent
Murder In County Tipperary.
Clonmel...a woman named Hayes...
The deceased had been married to man named
Tracey, who held a large farm of land in the direction of Oola. Some five years
ago had a dispute with some of his neighbours. Mrs Tracy lived on the farm with
her family, which consisted of six children, some of whom are grown
up...married Hourigan about a fortnight ago...
25 July 1874 (N)
A shocking murder appently of an agarian
character was committed on Wednesday the 15th inst at Kyle, within a short
distance of the Limerick Junction. The victim was the wife of a farmer named
Hayes. Her brothers, Thomas and William Tracy, had been engaged in litigation
about the possession of a farm, which resulted in favour of the latter and at
the Spring Assizes William Tracy was sentenced to two years imprisonment for an
assult on his brother's wife. The Hayeses took the side of the younger brother,
William and looked after the farm. Thomas Tracy has been arrested for the
murder along with his father-in-law, Edmund Carey and his son.
2 October 1874 Grey River Argus, NZ
The murder of Mrs Hayes, near the Limerick
Junction, is the tragic end of a family feud, but partakes of an agrarian
character. The farm is situated on the property of the late Lord Derby, which
was sold to Mr V. B. O'Connor, lately deceased. Mrs Hayes was the daughter of a
farmer named Tracey, who left the farm in a complicated way by will to one or
other of her two brothers in the event of either failing to carry out certain
conditions. This led to an estrangement and a jealous feeling between them,
which sometimes found vent in acts of violence. The younger brother (William
Tracey) is undergoing imprisonment at present for a savage assault committed on
his brother's wife. He succeeded, after considerable litigation, in ousting the
elder brother (Thomas Tracey), and getting possession of the farm by an
ejectment process. .The unfortunate woman who was murdered took the side of her
younger brother, and this exposed her to the bitter resentment of those who
sympathised with the elder. Some arrests have been made, but as yet; there is
no direct evidence against any person.
19 September 1874
Pilot (Boston Ma)
Latest Irish News. Limerick
The Limerick Junction Murder. Edmond Carey, sen., and Thomas Tracy,
who were arrested on the night of the murder, and who have since been detained
in custody in the bridewell, Tipperary, have been discharged. Limerick
December 1874 (IT)
Landed Estates Court
Estate of Pelham Rowley - to be sold, 3 miles from Nenagh, Upper and Lower
Ormond, Tipperary
Garriganough - Fee Simple: Daniel Tracy, tenant, 31a0r29p, rent
£15/6/0, valuation £14/15/0
Kilruane - Fee Simple: James Treacy, tenant, 47a2r5p, rent £26/12/8,
valuation £24/0/0
RIC Service
James Treacy, 57282, b. 1874
57282, James Treacy, 23,
5'9.75", b. Tipperary, joined from Tippy NR, Catholic, recommended by D.I.
Waters, labourer, appointed 15th ? ?, served Donegal 22 Apl 96,
Westmeath 1:3:97 (24413), Mayo 24:3?:05 (16488, 125429), Gal ER 5:3:09 (37112)
[crossed out], Clare 5:2:09 (37112)
Circular 15:1:1909
20 February 1875 (N)
At the Nenagh petty sessions on Saturday, two men of the small farming
class, named Bryan Tracey and James Tracey, appeared on summons to anwser the
charge of Michael Meagher, Esq., one of the coroners for the North Riding of
Tipperary, who complained that "defendants wilfully obstructed him in the
execution of his duty at Carrigannah, on the 8th inst, by forcibly preventing
the jury sworn and impanaelled on an inquest from viewing the remains of the
deceased Daniel Tracey"...the man died from the effects of a broken leg,
caused by the whell of a car going over it as he was returning home from Nenagh
three weeks before...The case was then dismissed, without prejudice.
Febrauary 1875
Nenagh Petty Sessions
...Mr. Meagher, Coroner for North Tippary, summoned two men named Tracy
for preventing him from holding an inquest on their deceased brother...
1 May 1875 Nenagh
...on a charge of having stolen a bottle of porter ond a bottle of
lemonade out of the shop of Edward Treacey, at Templemore, on the 28th April.
An assistant in the shop deposed...
24 August 1875 (FJ)
People of Roscrea
...John Treacy...5s
25 March 1876 (NG) Industrial school Case
Mary Trassy, Thurles, applied to have
her daughter Catherine, aged nine years, committed to the Female Industrial
School, Thurles. Applicant stated that her husband left her and went to America
about eight years ago; that she had not since heard whether he was dead or
alive; and that she had since then supported the child as best she could; that
she was now getting employment, being willing to work, and hoped their Worships
would grant her request, as the child would not be admitted to the workhouse
unless she went in herself. The Court refused her request, as they considered
it did not come within the meaning of the Act under which it was made. The
Chairman, at the same time, remarked that he considered it one of the anomalies
of the workhouse rules that in a deserving case like hers the child could not
be admitted.
5 April 1876 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
...Constable Tracy...Mr. Wm.
Shields (assistant at Messrs. Kirwan and Tracey's pawn-office)...
8 April 1876 (NG) Thurles Quarter Sessions
Assault at Lloydsborough. Denis
Tracey, Rody Tracey and Martin Cosker were indicted for assaulting Michael
Hogan and Edward Fahy on the 31st January last at Lloydsborough...prisoners
were set free.
3 June 1876 (N) Dr.
Daniel Tracey
His numerous friends in Nenagh (says the Limerick Reporter) will regret
to hear that a once general favourite among them has just paid the debt of
nature in the person of Dr. Daniel Tracey. He had been a resident of limerick
since 1858, when he was appointed resident apothecary to the fever hospital at
John's Gate, a situation which he resigned some eight or ten years ago. He was
highly intelligent, had read and remembered much, was witty, anecdotic, full of
song and story, and some fifty years ago his ballad on "The Brunswickers
of the Ormondes" was one of the most popular effusions of the period, and
one of the most sucessful in the delineation of the men who were at that period
engaged in the work of opposing Catholic Emancipation. (see Dr Daniel Tracey)
29 July 1876 (NG) Borrisoleigh Petty Sessions
...Acting-constable William
1876 Ireland or the Wild West: A Diary of a Priest
...diary of Father Vincent Ryan,
the parish priest of Solohead, County Tipperary in Ireland, covering the years
1872 to 1878...On November 1876...a few months before, Denis Treacy of Solohead
was sentenced to two years imprisonment and hard labor for beating a woman,
Mrs. Thomas Treacy
1881 Commissioners Report
...the townland of
Soloheadbeg...Mary Tracy holds 14 acres at £21 8s 2d, which is just the Poor
Law valuation...The Rev Mr Smith has sublet these lands to four tenants, one of
whom at least (the son of Mary Tracy, quoted above) is tenant of other portions
of the townland...I did not hear a compliant about the rent, though Tracy was
very decided in his language as to the rent he pays the trustees, which is (as
stated above) exactly the same as the Poor Law valuation and 12s 6d per acre
less than he pays Mr Smith for certainly not superior land.
7 October 1876 (NG) Templemore Petty Sessions
Two brothers named Andrew Tracey
and Thomas Tracey, from Skehanna, were bound to the peace, they having indulged
in a free fight with each other.
18 October 1876 (NG) Christian Brothers School, Nenagh
Kirwan and Tracey...10s...Sergeant Tracey...
28 October 1876 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh, Tipperary
18. Denis Tracey and Patrick Connors
to remove 45p of a fence, road Templemore to Silvermines, between the cross of
Currahaha and cross of Fantane, at 2s6d.
8 November 1876 (FJ)
Tracy v. Ryan and Others
This was an action of ejectment tried at the last Clonmel assizes...a
new trial was granted on the grounds of misdirection...
November 1876
Thomas Tracy v. Thomas Ryan and others
...Action of ejectment at Clonmel assizes...
23 June 1877 (FJ)
Ryan v. Tracy[? as a result of Tracy v. Ryan]
...The action was an ejectment on the title brought for the recovery of
the possesion of the lands of Rahan and Soloshedbeg, situated in the South
Riding of the county Tipperary, claimed by Thomas Tracy, one of the plaintiffs,
under a deed dated the 13th of February, 1865, from a person named Con. Ryan and
by the defendant under a deed dated July 6th, 1874, from the same Con. Ryan who
died on March 28th 1876. It appeared that on May 31st 1876, the plaintiff,
Thomas Tracy, had commenced a similar action in the Court of Exchequer against
the same defendant, for the recovery of the same lands, which action was tried
at the last summer assizes of Clonmel, and resulted in a verdict for the
defendant...set aside the verdict...appeal pending...Ellen Ryan, widow and
administratrix of the deceased Con. ryan...refused [because of appeal pending.
12 December 1883 (NG) Ryan v. Ryan and Others
...The lands were originally held
by one Cornelius Ryan, an uncle to the plaintiffs. He became ill in 1874 and
made an assignment of the lands to a man named Tracy; but he afterwards
recovered and changing his mind, made a new assignment, giving the lands to the
plaintiff...Tracy brought an action against the Ryans to recover possession of
the lands, and there were three successive trials of it in Clonmel, the
verdicts being set aside one after the other...
1876 Owners or
Occupiers Principal Farmers
Parish of Drom
Wm. Treacy 11.0.0
Surprisingly, due to the very high number of Traceys in Tipperary, there were
no names in the official listing of landowners. This reference was found
elsewhere and as such there may be more)
1876 (412) Owners
of land (Ireland).
Martin Tracy, 130a, £27
31 Mar 1877 Deed
...witnesses: Patrick Treacy, clerk of Peter Vincent Kennedy of Nenagh Solr.
4 April 1877 (NG) Roscrea
...stabbing..unfortunate fellow
was Edward Tracey...who is an employee of the Roscrea ??? house going to
night's work...James Searon who is in some way related by marriage to Tracey...
April 1877 Roscrea
On Saturday night, Thomas Treacy was fearfully stabbed at Roscrea, while
running along the Templemore road towards the malthouse where he works...
11 July 1877 (NG) Searons stabbing near Roscrea
Thomas Tracey...I was proceeding
to my work at the malt house...prisoner worked for my father, and processed my
father wages...Searon is married to a step-sister of Tracey's...the young mans
life was in danger for over a month...
21 April 1877 (NG) Nenagh Quarter Sessions
Laurence Tracey processed John
Dooley, butcher, of Roscrea for £33 cash lent...Portumna fair...Tracey
partnership with Dan Maher and Stephen dismissed.
21 April 1877 (NG) Nenagh Quarter Sessions
This was a process for £15 by Mr.
C.C. Foley against Thomas Tracey of Carney and Thomas Mara of Rockview
2 June 1877 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
Acting-constable William Tracey...
12 January 1877
(FJ) The Constabulary
There has been no head constable appointed to the Nenagh Constabulary district
since the superannuation last month of Head-Constable Dominick Leahy. The
senior sergeant, Constable William Tracey, is discharging the duties of head
constable pro tem.
3 November 1877 (NG) Borrisokane Petty Sessions
Homicide at Ballinderry of Edward
Cahill who died at Lisbryan...Denis Geoghan and William Tracey arrested...
8 and 12 December 1877 (NG) Tipperary Petition against the Union,
January 1800
...Cornelius Tracy, do
[Roscrea]...Patrick Tracy [Roscrea?]...Darby Tracy...Denis Tracy, Thomas
Tracy...Thomas Tracy...
1878 DMP Service [see Agnes Treacy]
James Treacey, DMP 8414, RC, born 1858,
20 years, 510.5, clerk, Nenagh Co. Tipperary, recommended by Tho Spam Esq,
J.P. M.D., joined 3 May 1878, SS 13 May 1904, Inspr 14 Jan 1910, [long pay
history] pensioned 1st April 1915, £106/13/4 [p.a.]
The Dublin Metropolitan Police: A Short History and
Genealogical Guide by Jim Herlihy. Four Courts, 2001
29 May 1878 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
Captain Craddock had Thomas Tracey
of the village of Moneygall summoned for willful trespass on his bog at
Silverhill on the 8th inst.
1878 RIC Service [Retired to Ovoca, Wicklow see 1901 & 1911 Census]
John Treacy, 31648, b. 1847 Queens
31648 Jno Treacy, 19 years,
5'7.75", b. Queens, Roman Catholic, married 4/7/78 wife from Wexford
31648D/35758, recommended by B.W. Delany JP, laborer, allocated 7 May 1866,
served Wexf 27 Oct 66 - Tip SR 20/10/78, P Acts Sergt 1.12.8? - P Sergt 1.1.86,
Rewards & Punishments, Pensioned 1-6-96 31648D/15961, Cosmected? in
26 October 1878 (NG)
The substance of the case was that
about half past seven o'clock on Sunday evening the 22nd of September last, the
police entered the licensed house of Edward Tracey, Templemore and found four
persons on the premises...Tracey said that they were engaged in packing drink
etc for the fair at Holycross...fined £2 marked on license...
13 November 1878 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
Sunday Closing...Patrick Corboy of
Moneygall Village summoned...Timothy Ryan, Michael Tracey, William Phelan and
Michael Curran fined 6d for being on the premises...
November 1878
Man cook wishes for an engagement in a gentleman's family, officiers
mess, club etc. Address Notsun at Mr. John Tracy's, Barrack street, Templemore,
Co. Tipperary.
14 December 1878 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
...pawn office of Kirwan and
Treacy...Constable William Tracey....
1878 Return of
Infants born in Irish Workhouses
Catherine Treacey,
Thurles Union, discharged 1873
1 and 8 January 1879 (NG) Nenagh Forty Years ago
January 1838 Town Improvement
Act...Mr. Dan Tracey (who was asked by some of the oppositionists to give them
"A Bumper Squire Jones" which elicited much laughter)...appointed
Commissioners for the following three years...Dan Tracey...
In October 1838, 54 householders,
valued £20 and upwards, petitioned...Daniel Tracey...twenty-one gentlemen were
then appointed to act as Commissioners for the following three years...Dan
Tracey...became null and void...
March 1879 Nenagh
Patrick Stapleton of Knockwilliam near Borrisoleigh...Mrs. Tracy, the
mother of Mrs Stapleton...
14 June 1879 (NG) Nenagh Petty Sessions
The case of Sir Charles C.
Osbourne, Bart, against John Tracey, carpenter, of Beechwood Estate. Had been
employed at 18s. a week, with the house and previously two acres. Declined to
work any longer and promised to give up possession in April but still refused
in May. In 1869, he gave up the land to Sir William but was left in the house
until he could pay rent for the land. Said he was a tenant to Sir Charles but
paid neither rent, cess or poor-rate. Magistrates ordered possession.
8th July 1879
Tipperary Free Press and Clonmel Advertiser
The right to bury in Cloneen
Churchyard is reserved to the following persons and their families:-
Boherboy: Denis and Michael
Killalea (maybe Kyleaclea):
Martin Treacy
Famenoth arrived Auckland NZ 09 Sep 1879 (assisted emigration)
Denis Treacy, aged 23,
songle, farm lab, of Tipperary
Judith Treacy, 21 years,
single, farm servt, of Tipperary
Mary Treacy, 19 years,
single, farm servt, of Tipperary
13 December 1879 (NG) Poor Relief Fund of Nenagh
...£1...Philip Tracey...
1879 Slaters
Borrisoleigh and
Kate Treacy,
B.leigh, Milliner
Grocers &
Spirit dealers
Ml. Treacy, Main
Stone Masons and
Tom Treacy, Mary
Plumbers and
Ml. Treacy, Main
1879 Grand Jury County Rate Book Barony of
Eliogarty, County Tipperary
Wm Tracey, Clonismullen Drom, page 18
Joseph Tracey, Knockagh Drom, page 22
Cornls Tracey, Knockagh Drom, page 22
Bridget Tracy, Ballycamusk Holycross, page 33
Edwd Tracy, Whitefiels Loughmoe West, page 78
John Tracy, Ballyerk Moyne, page 87
Thomas Tracy, Ballyerk Moyne, page 87
Michl Tracy, Main Street, Town of
Tremplemore, Kiltillane Templemore, page 11
Michl Tracy, Main Street, Town of
Tremplemore, Kiltillane Templemore, page 11 (same)
Edwd Tracy, Main Street, Town of Tremplemore,
Kiltillane Templemore, page 13
Michl Tracy, Main Street, Town of
Tremplemore, Kiltillane Templemore, page 14
Denis Tracy, John's Lane, Town of
Tremplemore, Kiltillane Templemore, page 16
Bridget Tracy, New Road, Town of Tremplemore,
Kiltillane Templemore, page 17
Michl Tracy, New Road, Town of Tremplemore,
Kiltillane Templemore, page 17
Patk Tracy, Mary Street, Town of Tremplemore,
Kiltillane Templemore, page 19
Patk Tracy, Church Street, Town of
Tremplemore, Kiltillane Templemore, page 20
Wm Tracy, Church Street, Town of Tremplemore,
Kiltillane Templemore, page 20
John Tracy, Barrack Street, Town of
Tremplemore, Manna South Templemore, page 28
John Tracy, Barrack Street, Town of
Tremplemore, Manna South Templemore, page 28
James Tracy, Barrack Street, Town of
Tremplemore, Manna South Templemore, page 28
Judith Tracy, Garryvicleheen Street, Town of
Thurles, Garryvicleheen Thurles, page 47
Ellen Tracy, Obbins Holding, Town of Thurles,
Thurles Thurles, page 65
James Tracy, Ballydavid Twomileborris, page
Michl Tracey jr, Ballydavid Twomileborris,
page 89
Jas Tracy, Ballydavid Twomileborris, page 89
Michl Tracey, Coolcroo Twomileborris, page 92
Michl Tracy, Derryhogan Twomileborris, page
25 February 1880 (NG) Thurles Petty Sessions
Patrick Stapleton who lives at
Knockwilliam...assault on his wife...Sub-constable Cassidy brought William
Tracey his brother-in-law to show him where Stapleton lived in the recess of
the mountains...Stapleton hit Tracey with a fork and knocked him unconscious...
3 March 1880 (NG) Crown Court
Patrick Stapleton who lives at
Knockwilliam, Templederry...assault on Matthew[?]
Tracey...fracture of the skull...unable to attend...
March 1880 Nenagh
...assult on a policeman named Cassidy and a
man named Tracy, both went to serve a notice on him for beating his wife...
28 April 1880 (NG) Barony of Ikerrin, Tipperary
3. John Keeshan and John Tracey to
rep 1141p road and 406p footpath Roscrea to Nenagh between Burgoo bridge and
the county bounds at Ballinakill, not to exceed 1s6d pp
4. John Tracey and John Keeshan to
rep 484p m.c. road Roscrea to Birr, between Langan's corner in Roscrea and the
county bounds at Mr. Lyster's; not to exceed 1s6d pp; half on North Riding at
5. John Tracey and John Keeshan
rep 360p Roscrea to Birr, between the cross of Boherglass and cross of
Hillsborough, not to exceed 9d pp.
13. John Tracey and John Keeshan to
make 484p of footpath road Roscrea to Birr between Langan's corner in Roscrea
and the county bounds at Mr. Lyster's not to exceed 7s6d pp.
19. Thomas Tracey and Tim Cormack
to rep the battlements of the bridge at the cross of Tooher and build guard
walls on each side of same, on the road from Roscrea to Templetoohey, between
Tim Gwyder's and Mat Tracey's (carpenter) house, not to exceed £25.
28 April 1880 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh, Tipperary
25. Michael Buckley and Michael
Quinlan to rep the gullet on the road from Nenagh to Tipperary between the
farmyard gate at Foildarrig and Thomas Tracy's on same lands, not to exceed £8.
8 November 1882 (NG) Barony of Kilnemanagh
...670 perches road between the
cross of Lossett and Thomas Tracey's gate at Foildarrig...
19 May 1883 (NG) Barony of Kilnemanagh, Tipperary
6. To rep 670p road Templemore to
Tipperary, between the cross of Lossett and Thomas Tracys gate at Foildarrig,
not to exceed 6d pp.
24 October 1883 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh
8. William Corbett, Bahaga and
Martin Dwyer lackenacombe to make 80.5p deviation road from Tipperary and
Borrisoleigh to Nenagh between John Dwyers house at Bahaga and Thomas Tracy's
at Foildarrig not to exceed 12s. pp.
12 May 1894 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh, Tipperary
To repair a gullet on the road
from Farney's cross at Caroahall and Denis Tracy's house at Foildarrig, which
lies between Philip Ryans house and Denis Tracy's townland of Foildarrig; not
to exceed £4.
21 October 1885 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh
47. William Corbett, Bahaga and
Martin Dwyer lackenacombe to make 80.5p of a new line of road (being a
deviation from the old road) on the road from Tipperary and Borrisoleigh to
Nenagh between John Dwyers house at Bahaga and Thomas Tracy's at Foildarrig 45.5p
in townland of Foildarrig, and 35 in townland of Baghaga; not to exceed £48/6/0
9 June 1880 (NG) Barony of Ikerrin
...John Tracey Nos.3 and 4...John
Price, William Nutley, William Keogh and Thomas Tracey got the special works...
23 June 1880 (NG) A Cow Case
Michael Leamy, of Clonannon,
processed Michael Trassy, of the same place, for £13, for that defendant's cow
came off his premises and entered in and upon the plaintiff's cow house, and
horned and plucked one of his springer cows...dismissed without prejudice.
18 August 1880 (NG) Borrisoleigh Petty Sessions
Mr. Patrick Treacy (clerk to Mr.
Kennedy, Solicitor, Nenagh)
18 August 1880 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
John Maher of Castlerone had
Andrew F. Tracey of Moneygall processed for £1 which he gave the defendant to
get him a passage warrant to New Zealand in 1879. Tracey's defense was that he
supplied Maher with the regular warrant.
23 October 1880 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh
1. Denis Tracey and Patrick Kennedy
to rep 500p Thurles to Limerick, between Lord Lismore's lime kiln at the public
at Commaline and Croughmarkey; not to exceed 1s pp
1880 Agrarian Outrages Tipperary North
Patrick Treacy was visited on the 13 December
at night by a party of men who threatened him because, as they styated, he had
paid his rent.
1880 Tipperary North Ridding
Patrick Stapleton convicted at Nenagh Assizes
on 7 July 1880 and sentenced to twelve months imprisonment with hard labbour
for assult endangering life on Mathew Treacy on 18 Febrauary.
Garrauns Castle
Mr. O'Hara keeps about forty acres in his
own hands, and his smaller tenants are bound as part of the agreement under
which they hold their land to work for him, whenever he requires their labour,
at 8d. a day. This provision is readily accepted when a tenant is looking for a
farm; but once in possession they object to it strongly, and Mike Treacy, who took the corner of the
deer-park for which several tenants had proposed, and who went specially to
thank Mr. Coleman for his interest in obtaining the farm for him, now declares
the custom rank tyranny, and when he does attend his labour is not worth one
half the stipulated sum.
from Ireland by Terence McGrath. 1888. 6th edition. Paul Kegan,
Trench & Co., London
16 February 1881 (NG) Barony of Kilnemanagh Upper
11. To build 202p of a fence from
Limerick to Thurles between Thomas Tracey's bounds and Comminaline and Pat
Ryans con??? at Croughmarkey £10/2/0
12. To make 236p of fence from
Limerick to Thurles, between Pat Kennedy's and Thomas Tracey's bounds at
Comminaline £11/16/0
11 May 1881 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
T. Tracey of Cloncannon, had
Michael Ryan summoned for the trespass of two sheep. The only thing remarkable
in the case was the difficulty the police had in preventing the parties from a
display of their pugilistic powers. Defendant fined 4d.
9 July 1881 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
Cloncannon. Case and cross-case of
trespass for Traceys, Leamles and Ryans. They had got notices to put up gates
and repair boundaries. Tracey produced a map, which Leamy stated was a common
humbug. Place to be inspected.
18 June 1884 (NG) Contention of a carway
Michael Tracey, plaintiff and
Thomas Leamy, defendant, both of Cloncannon, a mountain district of Toomevara.
Dispute over size of cart track through plaintiffs land. Limited to 6 rather
than 12 feet as claimed by defendant. Damages 1s rather than £5, refused
19 November 1884 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
Grievous assault at Cloncannon.
John Brien, Thomas Hoare, Michael Tracey and Thomas Shanahan charged with
assault of Edward Leamy...young Tracey...Michael Tracey...
21 may 1881 (NG) Barony of Eliogarty, Tipperary
4. To rep 648p Thurles to
Johnstown, between the ford of Graige and Martin Tracy's cross, townland of
Carricklougharde, not to exceed 6d pp.
13 July 1881 (NG) Vocal and Instrumental Concert, Nenagh Courthouse
...Among the amateurs we find Mr.
E. Tracey, who will sing a solo "Speak to me";...
20 July 1881 (NG)
Andrew Francis Tracey swore an
alibi for his brother, Michael Tracey...Tracey's mother and sister are prepared
to corroborate what his brother has already sworn...Tullamore Gaol...
29 October 1881 Wexford and Kilkenny Express
Spirit Licenses
Michael Tracy, Greystone street,
Cirrick-on- Suir, represented by Mr Davin ; opposed by the police un the same
grounds as last application. Refused.
23 November 1881 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh
11. To rep 786p Dundrum to Nenagh
between the bridge of Carnahalla and Tracey's house at Philipstown, townland of
Carnahalla not to exceed 2s pp
1881 Return of crimes against human life -
Tipperary North Ridding
1881 Slater's Royal National Commercial
Directory Of Ireland
Michael Treacy, Greystone Street, Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary.
Eating House Keeper
1881 British Census
Philip Tracy, 66 years, born Tipperary, married,
Labourer, Poor Row, Bicker Lincoln.
Mary, 46 years, born Tipperary, wife
Thomas Tracey, 65 years, born Tipperary, married,
bricklayer labourer, Hemswell Lincoln.
James, 48 years, born Tipperary, brother, labourer
William Tracey, 50 years, born St Johns Canada, married,
Engin tenter (Driv), 14 Bakewell St Beswick Lanc
Ann, 40 years, born Tipperary, wife
M.A., 18 years, born Tipperary, daughter, umbrella cover
William, 15 years, born Tipperary, son
John, 14 years, born Tipperary, son, railway servant
Edward, 11 years, born Tipperary, son
James G, 2 years, born Manchr Lanc, son
25 January 1882 (NG) Lorrha Petty Sessions
Constable Hill summoned Michael
Tracey, of Portland, for unlawfully driving his horse and cart on the public
road at "The Ferry" to the danger of passengers. Tracey appeared in
court and protested against the interference of the police...
25 March 1882 Freeman's Journal
...named Mary Tracey, aged 62,
committed suicide on Wednesday, at Shinrone by drowning herself in a drain
containing about two feet of water. At an inquest held ...
29 April 1882 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh, Tipperary
2. Patrick Kennedy and Denis
Tracy, rep 500p Thurles to Limerick, between Lord Lismore's limekiln at
Commermaline and Patrick Ryan's contract at Cloughmarky, townlands of
Commermaline and Cloughmarky, not to exceed 9d pp.
17 May 1882 (NG) Roscrea
Mr. Handy had Mrs. Mary Crampton
and Michael Tracey [brother?] summoned for keeping cattle on his land against
his consent...Previously summoned by Mr. Bradshaw for same offence and land...
14 October 1882 (NG) Judicial Rent at Roscrea
Martin Tracey, landlord: W. Maher
and E. Fogarty, tenants; adjourned to next sitting
21 October 1882
Freeman's Journal
... Patrick Treacy, formerly of Carrick-on-Suir and late this city. R I
P. Interment in Glasnevin tomorow Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Nov 12 1882 City of Chicago
Liverpool Queenstown
Jonahana Tracey, 21, Servant,
Tipperary, Brooklyn
Joseph Tracey of Newtown Tipperary, landlord J.D. Hutchinson,
40a/1r/39p, poor valuation £21/0/0, old rent £28/4/0, new rent £21/10/0, by
John Tracey of Ballyverke Tipperary, landlord C.H. Lloyd, 21a/0r/9p,
poor valuation £9/5/0, old rent £16/16/8, new rent £11/10/0
Thos. Tracey admr. of Thos. Tracey deceased of Ballyverke Tipperary,
landlord C.H. Lloyd, 22a/0r/0p, poor valuation £9/15/0, old rent £16/16/8, new
rent £12/0/0
Record of the Irish Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures
A.M. Treacy, Miss, Naas
Edward Treacy, Main - street , Birr
John Tracy, Bishop's-street, Cork
John Tracy, Cork, Brogue Leather. Commendation
John Tracy, Cork, Tanned and Curried Leather
M Tracy, Rickardstown, Nurney, Co. Kildare
Maria Tracy, Tullow Street, Carlow
Richard Treacy, Naas
Simon Treacy, Old Bank - place , Cashel
Thomas Hall and Michael Treacy, Lucan
Thomas Tracy, Mary-street, Galway
7 February 1883 (NG) Land Commission at Thurles
Division of Timoney - William
Maher and Wm. Lane, tenants; Martin Tracey, landlord
Division of Moyne - ...Thomas
Treacy...John Tracey...tenants; Charles H. Lloyd, Esq, landlord...
25 February 1893 Freeman's Journal
... electors - M Treacy,
April 18, 1883 Tipperary Leader newspaper
Parnell Testimonial
John Treacy Gortnahoe-Glengoole parish
Michael Treacy Moycarkey-Borris parish
Michael Treacy (B.B.) Moycarkey-Borris parish
Michael Treacy (B.D.) Moycarkey-Borris parish
2 June 1883 (NG) Assault
Edward Carroll and John Halloran were
placed in the dock charged with an assault on Daniel Dwyer at Rosemary-bridge,
Roscrea, on 24th inst. The parties reside at Derrymore...Mrs. Treacey, an aunt
to complainant, deposed she saw...
18 August 1883 (NG) Nenagh Board of Guardians
Death of Dr. Edward Kittson,
Medical Officer of the Nenagh Dispensary for the last 40 years...Mr. O'Brien
asked what was the salary then? The Clerk said £80 for the doctor and £30 for
the apothecary. Dr. Tracey, who had not been qualified as M.D., but at the same
time was considered as skillful as the best, used to visit the patients. When
Dr. Geary, Medical Superintendent for the Poor Law Commissioners, heard of Dr.
Tracey's visits to patients, he said he would not allow such a practice to be
continued. Dr. Kittson said he could not discharge the duties without Dr.
Tracey's assistance in that manner. Two doctors were then appointed at £80 a
year each. The £80 was afterwards raised to £100.
24 October 1883 (NG) Barony of Ikerrin
10. Daniel Bergin, Timerthy and
John O'Brien, Roscrea to close gullet opposite Widow Tracey's house, Dromard,
on the road from Templemore to Rathdowney, not to exceed £5.
October 1883
Chadwick v. Tracy
Claim of goods, plaintiff was the
administrator of Mrs Elizabeth Ryan, grocery, Borrisoleigh, Tipperary. He was
the shop assistant who took over the business.
Triumph arrived
Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Westland, Canterbury and Nelson 26 Nov 1883
(assisted emigration)
Annie Tracey, Single, of Auchland (from page
Patrick Tracy, 22 years, single. labourer, of
Annie Tracey, 26 years, general sevt (page
Denis Treacy of Belview Tipperary, landlord Samuel D. Beggs, 22a/2r/28,
poor valuation £12/0/0, old rent £14/3/0, new rent £13/10/0
1883 Thomas Treacy, tenant, Rev. Henry
Smyth, landlord, Sollogheadbeg, Tipperary, 7a2r30p, £8 valuation, £10.17.3
rent, £8.10.0 judicial rent, by consent
1884 Return of judicial rents
John Treacy of Philipstown Tipperary,
landlord Rev. A. Guiness, 19a/1r/29p, poor valuation £15/0/0, old rent £24/0/0,
new rent £22/0/0
1884 [C.3896] Irish Land Commission
Maher, tenant, Martin Tracey, landlord, Cappalahan, Tipperary, 61a3r35p,
£13.10.0 valuation, £22 rent, £18 judicial rent, by consent
Michael Treacy,
tenant, Nicholas Handy, landlord, Dangan, Tipperary, 8a1r21p, £5.10.0
valuation, £8.6.0 rent, £8.6.0 judicial rent
19 February 1885 Freeman's Journal
.. Michael
Treacy, tenant; Nicholas Handy, landlord. The tenant appealed. He holds 8a 1r
21p in the Union of Roscrea; valuation, £5 10s: old rent. £8 6s; judicial rent,
1884 [C.3902] Irish Land Commission
Fogarty, tenant, Martin Tracey, landlord, Cappalahan, Tipperary, 64a3r36p,
£13.10.0 valuation, £22 rent, £18 judicial rent, by consent
14 March 1885
Wexford and Kilkenny Express
The Carrick Poor Law Elections
[candidate Michael Treacy, labelled as a
... only look for fair play, which you will
be kind enough to publish in your next issue - l am, sir, yours faithfully,
MicHAEL TREACY. Carrick- on-Suir, 9tb Mareh, 1885.
6 June 1885 (NG) Tipperary Board of Guardians
An inmate named Tracey, registered
as a Roman Catholic, applied to have it changed to Protestant, but the Board
declined doing so until the Roman Catholic chaplain should consult with the
man, one of the Guardians remarking that if he changed his religion his friends
would disown him.
19th Oct. 1885
Nenagh Guardian
At Roscrea Petty Sessions, John Treacy was
fined 10/- and costs for assaulting a young man named Duggan, of Corville.
27 November 1895 Freeman's Journal
... Margaret Treacy, of Ballymore,
in the same county, to recover damages for alleged slander. The plaintiff
complained that defendant in a shop in Roscrea had...
27 November 1886 Freeman's Journal
... Michael Tracy, of Templemore.
He uot these documents at Clonmel in a letter addressed to the Clerk of the
Peace on the 4th May, 1886. The letter was dated 3rd ...
16 February 1887 (NG) Barony of Upper Kilnemanagh
12. To rep 736p. road Dundrum to
Nenagh between the bridge of Carnahalla and Tracey's house at Philipstown; not
to exceed 1s9d pp.
1887 RIC Service
Michael F
Treacy, 52546, b. 1859 Tipperary North Riding
Michl F Treacy, 17.66 years, 5'9.75", b. Tipp NR, Catholic, recommended by
DI Barry, None [trade], allocated 6 June 87, served Leitrim 8 Decr 87 - Louth
1.3.90, Reward & Punishments, resigned 11.2.91 52546D/50685, Cond in
Fermanagh Roscomm
22 October 1887 (NG)
11. Patrick Morrissey of
Killawardy and William Tracey of Killawardy, to rep 629p road Borrisoleigh to
Roscrea, between the bridge of Ballyhane and the Boarded Gate, townland of
Manna North; not to exceed 2s6d pp
10 March 1888 Wexford and
Kilkenny Express
The Carrick-On-Suir Nominations. [for Waterford Union]
Carrick-on-Suir...Michael Tracey.
1888 RIC Service
John Treacy, 53007, b. 1867
Tipperary North
53007 John Treacy, 20.5 years,
5'9.5", b, Tipp N, Catholic, married 3 May 1905 wife from Waterford contd in
Limerick, recommended by DI Huddy, farmer, allocated 11 April 88, served Clare
9 Feb 89 - Waterford 16.9.95 - Kilkenny 1.9.05, P.A. Sergt 1.4.07 - P. Sergt
1.8.08, Reward, Pensioned 6.11.1913 53007D/78674, Contd in Queens
August 1905 IT
RIC Transfers...John Treacy, Waterford to Kilkenny...
August 1908 IT Acting sergeant to Sergeant...John Treacy, Kilkenny...
April 29, 1911
(ME)...Sergeant John Tracey...who is in charge of the Mooncoin (Kilkenny)
police station...
1911 Census
J. T. [John Treacy], 43, Male, 71.2 [RIC Barracks] Mooncoin, Pollrone,
Kilkenny (Sergeant, Farmer's Son, Married, b.
Treacy, ?, ?, 71.1 Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny [Not included on form]
Emily M Treacy, 31, F, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny (wife, married 5 years, 4 child, b. Waterford City)
Martin J Treacy, 4, F, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny
Seaghan J Treacy, 3, M, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny
Herbert C Treacy, 2, M, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny
Una Treacy, 1, F, Mooncoin, Pollrone, Kilkenny
March RIC Magazine TREACEY. - 1st February, 1912, at R.I.C. Barracks, Mooncoin, County Kilkenny, the wife of Sergeant J. Treacey, of
a daughter.
November 1913 IT The many friends of Sergeant John Treacy, Mooncoin, County Kilkenny,
will learn with regret of his approaching departure from the famous hurling
parish. Though a comparatively young man, he has seen 25 years service and is
retiring on pension to take up the position of collector of income tax at
Clonmel. During his six year stay at Mooncoin he was extremely popular with all
classes and to mark their appreciation of his service with a testimonial. It is
stated that Mr. and Mrs. Treacy have been the recipients of many valuable
December 1913 IT An interesting event took place at Rathkieran, when ex-sergeant Treacy,
Clonmel was the recipient of a very handsome presentation consisting of a purse
of thirty sovereigns, subscribed by the residents in the Mooncoin and Carrigeen
1888 Return of judicial rents
Edmund Treacy of Ballyneuty Tipperary,
landlord Col. W.C. Gason/Agnes Gason, 19a/1r/29p, poor valuation £15/0/0, old
rent £24/0/0, new rent £22/0/0
Thomas Treacy of Sollaheadbeg Tipperary,
landlord Governors of Erasmus Smith's Schools, 21a/0r/8p, poor valuation
£22/0/0, old rent £21/7/7, new rent £17/0/0, by consent
Anne Treacy of Derryhogan Tipperary, landlord
Herbert W. Jones, 34a/1r/26p, poor valuation £8/5/0, old rent £14/17/6, new
rent £9/10/0
Denis Treacy of Foildarig Tipperary, landlord
H. J. Murray, 150a/0r/0p, poor valuation £32/0/0, old rent £75/0/0, new rent
Mary Tracey of Crossogue Tipperary, landlord
William Noonan and another, 21a/3r/11p, poor valuation £8/10/0, old rent
£16/8/0, new rent £11/0/0
Michael Treacy of Ballydavid Tipperary,
landlord Richard Power, 5a/0r/33p, poor valuation £4/0/0, old rent £4/5/2, new
rent £4/5/2
Michael Treacy of Ballydavid Tipperary,
landlord Richard Power, 9a/2r/35p, poor valuation £7/10/0, old rent £11/18/9,
new rent £8/5/0
1888 Commonaline School [Doon]
School opened its doors for the first time in 1888. It was somewhat unique in
that it attracted pupils from two Counties - Limerick and Tipperary - and three
parishes - Kilcommon, Cappawhite and Doon. Constructed at a cost of £282 it was
a building 33' 6" long by 18' 00" wide and 12' 00" high. Located
on Kennedy's Farm, it was built to accommodate one hundred children. A further
£56.4.8. was spent enclosing it. A grant of £225.9.9. was made available by the
Board of Education against total expenditure. Trustees for the project were:
Most Rev. Dr. Croke, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly; Very Rev. Thomas Canon O'Donnell,
P.P. Doon and Mr. Denis Treacy,
Bridget Mcdonagh, Assistant, 1924 -1946
A native of Tuam, Co. Galway. She taught in Ferbane and came to Commonaline as a replacement for Mrs. Deere (retired). Married to Thomas Treacy of Glengar, she went to Gurtavalla N.S. as Principal in 1946.
18 September 1889 (NG) Alleged Assault & Death, Inquest
...assaulted by Michael Treacy two
days previously...Michael Billane...they were next door neighbours [at Lahinch]
and were friendly towards each other...deceased came to his death at
Lahinch...from rupture of a blood vessel in the head...
30 October 1889 (NG) Templemore Town Commissioners - Water supply
A special meeting of the above
body...also present...Michael Tracey, Michael Tracey (American).
1889 RIC Service [see 1901 Census
Tipperary for wife & family]
John Tracy, 53294, b. 1861 Monaghan
53294 Robt
John Tracy, 17 years 8 months, 5'8.5", b. Monaghan, Catholic, married
6.6.96 wife from Tip SR, recpmended by HC Morris, none [trade], allocated 22 August
88 - 14 Mar 89 with loss of former service, served Tipperary S.R. 9 Nov 89 -
Limerick 1.9.96, 8? Punishments, Discharged 24.8.88[?] Unfit by Surgeon 99671D
Pensioned 16.9.1914 16.9.1914 86253D, Contd Londonderry & Leitrim
[State Reg: Robert F Tracy m. Nora
Donovan, Tipperary, 3rd Quarter 1896 3 449]
27 November 1889 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
Constable McCarry charged John
Rourke with being drunk and assaulting Pat Tracey, and Pat Tracey with
assaulting Rourke. Both fined.
December 21, 1889 (FJ) The Tenants Defence Fund
Tipperary...Cullen (parish)...Edwd
Treacey £44.4.6...
1889 Return of judicial rents
Margaret Treacey, Rep of James Treacy of
Longford Tipperary, landlord Georina Mary Lloyd, 43a/3r/38p, poor valuation £21/15/0,
old rent £27/10/0, new rent £21/0/0
James Tracy of Longford Tipperary, landlord
Georina Mary Lloyd, 70a/3r/38p, poor valuation £31/10/0, old rent £50/9/0, new
rent £30/0/0
1889 The Book of County Tipperary
A manual and directory for manufacturers, merchants, traders,
professional men, land-owners, farmers, tourists, anglers and sportsmen
generally. by George Henry Bassett DUBLIN 1889
Rd Treacy, Drapers, Cappawhite, Tipperary.
Rd Treacy, Grocers, Cappawhite, Tipperary.
Simon Treacy, Pawn Brokers, Canopy St, Cashel, Tipperary.
Mrs Treacy, Farmers Residents, Graffin, Clonmore, Tipperary.
Edmond Treacy, Farmers Residents, Ballynulty, Cullen, Tipperary.
Denis Treacy, Farmers Residents, Commonline, Doon, Tipperary.
Denis J, Treacy, Farmers Residents, Commonline, Doon, Tipperary.
Thomas Treacy, Farmers, Residents, Glengar, Doon, Tipperary.
Mrs Bt Treacy, Grocers, Grange, Tipperary.
Jno Treacy, Schools National, Gurtnahoe, Tipperary.
Sergt J, Treacy, R I Constabulary, Hollyford, Tipperary.
Denis Treacy, Farmers Residents, Gortnadrum, Monard, Tipperary.
James Treacy, Farmers Residents, Kilruane, Nenagh, Tipperary.
Denis Treacy, Farmers Residents, Sollohedbeg, Tipperary.
Thomas Treacy, Farmers, Residents, Sollohedbeg, Tipperary.
William Tracey, Farmers Residents, Lahagh, Strogue Cross, Tipperary.
Edward Treacey, Spirit Retailers, Main St, Templemore, Tipperary.
Jas Tracey, Farmers Residents, Longford Wood, Templemore, Tipperary.
Michael Treacy, Farmers, Residents, Killawardy, Templemore, Tipperary.
Michael Treacy, Town Commissioners, Templemore, Tipperary.
Miss N Treacey, Spirit Retailers, Mary St, Templemore, Tipperary.
Ml Treacy, Grocers Spirits, Baker Main St, Templemore, Tipperary.
Ml Treacy, Senior, Farmers Residents, Killawardy, Templemore,
Catherine Treacy 1866 / 2656
Daniel Tracy 1874 / 447
Edmend Treacy 1878 / 3296
Ellen Tracey 1866 / 3958
Ellen Tracy 1872 / 1718
Eliza Treacy 1869 / 546
Eliza Treacy m. Denis Cumings 1870/Reg No.4058
James Treacy 1875 / 1845
Margaret Treacy 1874 / 4505
Margaret Tracy 1868 / 452
Margaret Tracy m. Patrick Fogarty 1868 /Reg No.1593
Mary Treacy 1868 / 1772
Thomas Tracey 1871 / 1733
William Tracey 1868 / 1685
William Treacy 1875 / 4293
29 October 1890 (NG)
Three of the New Ross boy robbers
were tried and convicted of highway robbery at the Petty Sessions on Saturday.
Andrew Tracey [of Tipperary?] and Patk. Gorman were sentenced to two months
imprisonment each and Bernard Sweeney to month. The prisoners received their
sentences smilingly.
20 December 1890 (N) Templemore
Parnell...Mr. Michael Treacy,
1890 Return of judicial rents
Anne Treacy of Clonismullen
Tipperary, landlord C.D. Cahill, 20a/3r/7p, poor valuation £11/0/0, old rent
£27/15/6, new rent £17/0/0
James Tracey of Gleniskaugh
Tipperary, Landlord Thos. Prendergast and others, 102a/2r/0p, poor valuation
£33/0/0, old rent £42/0/0, new rent £30/10/0
December 1890 Murder near Templemore
...Martin Burke of the gate lodge
of Killoskehan...His wife and family, Denis Treacy and James Renihan were in
the house...
28 October 1891 (NG) Defended Ejectments
William and Margaret Tracey v.
John Brennan. Margaret Tracey was administrator of the Thomas Brennan of Laha,
deceased. This was an ejectment on the title brought to recover possession of a
home with an acre of land attached. William Tracey, on the occasion of his
marriage in 1872 was handed over possession by his father-in-law, Thomas
Brennan, of a farm held at Laha, containing about 60 acres Irish on which the
plaintiffs now reside. At the time, the mother of defendant, Mrs. Brennan
resided in a house and acre of tillage, which she entitled to for her lifetime
by agreement dated 24th February 1855 made between Patrick Brennen, her husband
and Thomas Brennan, father of the female defendant. Mrs. Brennan died in
December and her son, the defendant, had taken possession. Possession to
28 October 1891 (NG) Barony of Eliogarty, Tipperary
8. William Ryan, Carrigloughmore
and Daniel Ryan, Loughisle, rep 648p road Borrisoleigh to Johnstown between
ford of Graige and Martin Treacy's cross, townlands of Carrig and Loughmore;
not to exceed 1s1d pp.
25 November 1891 (NG) Barony of Eliogarty
8. To rep 648p road Borrisoleigh
to Johnstown between the ford of Graigne and Martin Tracy's cross townlands of
Carrig and Loughmore. not to exceed 9d pp.
1891 Return of judicial rents
William Treacy of Killawardy
Tipperary, landlord Henry J. Lloyd, 51a/1r/19p, poor valuation £28/5/0, old
rent £31/9/11, new rent £26/12/0
1891 Martin
Treacy, tenant, Richard Lloyd, landlord, Skehana, Tipperary, 20a0r36p, £14.5.0
valuation, £16.11.0 rent, £13.3.0 judicial rent
Bertie Treacy of Clonmel
The Journal of the Royal Society
of Antiquaries of Ireland 1892
3 February 1892 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
John Maher for an assault on a man
named Tracey on the 25th December.
3 June 1892 Freeman's Journal
...Michael Tracy, T C, that Mr. J
F gnu. journalist, Lnu'ion, the National candidate for Mid Tipperary...
3 September 1892 (NG) Moneygall Petty Sessions
Sergeant Ashe against Michael
Tracey, jun, adjourned.
29 October 1892 (NG) Thurles Equity Court
Mathew Tracey v. Eliza and Denis
Tracey, mother and son
Process for £20 for return of a
conveyance deed...ten acres assigned to him at the time of his marriage, he was
to pay his proportion of the rent to his mother and he paid £3 out of it...
Mathew Tracey v. Eliza Tracey,
Recovery of cess payment made for
mother, granted.
1892-1924 Ellis Island
The records have been corrected
for typographical errors according to best estimates for placenames. In
addition, an attempt has been made to correctly identify place names for
Ireland. As such, the originals should be checked for accuracy.
Annie Treacy, Lisannre (Lissanure
Templetouhy Tipperary Ireland), 1896, 17 years, single, Lisanure to Providence
Annie Treacy, Roscrea Tipperary
Ireland, 1899, 24 years, single, to sister Sarah, 204 10th St
Brooklyn New York,
Annie Treacy, Roserea Tipperary
Ireland, 1905, 21 years, single, to sister Mary Treacy, 109 Meeher Ave Brooklyn
Tracey, Tipperary Ireland, 1893, 20 years, to New York
Tracy, Clonmel [Tipperary Ireland], 1903, 19 years, to uncle David Tracy, 129
Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
Cornelius Treacy, 1913, 28 years,
single, Harnes? maker, Father: Thomas Treacy, Tomevara, Nenagh Co. Tipperary.
brother Thomas Treacy, 42 West 66th Street, New York. 57, dark
complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, b. Nenagh Ireland.
Tracey, Thurles Tipperary Ireland, 1895, 39 years, labourer, to Highland Falls
[Daniel Tracey 39, Daniel Tracey 11]
Tracey, Thurles Tipperary Ireland, 1895, 11 years, child, to Highland Falls
[Daniel Tracey 39, Daniel Tracey 11]
Delia Treacy, Greenwich Conn USA,
1914, 27 years, single, Mother: Mrs Nora Treacy, Ballycleary, Roscrea. lived 7
years New York Greenwich. Friend Mrs W Bergin, 108 Eight Ave New York. 57,
fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Roscrea Ireland. [crossed out]
Tracey, Cappawhite Tipperary Ireland, 1910, 22 years, to Aunt Mrs Catherin?
Brandon? 4126 Untis? Chicago Il, mother Bridget Tracey Philipstown Cappawhite
Co Tipperary
Eliza Treacy, Rosc.ea (Roscrea)
Tipperary Ireland, 1902, 22 years, single, to Sister Sarah Treacy, 46 West 9th
St New York.
Elizabeth Tracey, Templemore
[Tipperary Ireland], 1911, 29 years, married [?], servant, father Denis
Templemore Co. Tipperary. To New York. pais own passage, lived 1 year New York.
Sister Annie Tracy, 236 Woah? St New York. 5'6", fair complexion, fair
hair, blue eyes. b. Templemore Ireland.
Elizabeth Treacy, Roscrea Tipperary
Ireland, 1920, 18 years, single, house maid, Father: Mr Cornelius Treacy,
Newpark Knock, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. aunt paid passage Aunt Mrs Doherty, 175?
East 77th Street New York City, NY. 5?, fresh complexion, black
hair, ??? eyes. b. Roscrea Co. Tipperay
Ireland. [crossed out]
Eliza Treacy, Roserea Tipperary
Ireland, 1921, 19 years, single, scholar, Father: Mr Cornelius Treacy, Newpark
Knock, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. aunt paid passage, to Aunt: Mrs C. Doherty, 175
East 77 street, New York City, NY. 56?, fresh complexion, black hair, hazel
eyes. b. Rosrcrea Co. Tipperary Ireland.
Tracey, Mardyko (Mardyke Tipperary? Ireland), 1898, 18 years to to sister Johane,
New York, [on the same boat as James Treacey 18, Ellen Treacey 17]
Ellen Treacey, Cullen (Tipperary Ireland),
1898, 17 years, to sister Long Island [James Treacey 18, Ellen Treacey 17]
James Treacey,
Tipperary (Ireland), 1898, 18 years [18y3m], lab, to sister Long Island [James
Treacey 18, Ellen Treacey 17]
Frank Treacy, Borrisoleigh
(Tipperary) Ireland, 1911, 23 years, single, Father Denis Treacy, Borrisoleigh,
Co. Tipperary. Cousin Martin Costello, 402 East 146 St New York. 510, fair
complexion, fair hair, brown eyes. b. Borrisoleigh Ireland. [Frank Treacy 23,
Mary A Treacy 24, Hanona Treacy 26]
Mary A. Treacy, Borrisoleigh
Tipperary? Ireland, 1911, 24 years, single, sister, Father Denis Treacy,
Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary. Cousin Martin Costello, 402 East 146 St New York.
510, fair complexion, fair hair, brown eyes. b. Borrisoleigh Ireland. [Frank
Treacy 23, Mary A Treacy 24, Hanona Treacy 26]
Hanona Treacy, Borrisoleigh
(Tipperary) Ireland, 1911, 26 years, single, Father Denis Treacy, Borrisoleigh,
Co. Tipperary. Cousin Martin Costello, 402 East 146 St New York. 56, fair
complexion, fair hair, blue eyes. b. Borrisoleigh Ireland. [Frank Treacy 23,
Mary A Treacy 24, Hanona Treacy 26]
Frank Treacy, Buenos Aires
Argentina, 1923, 36 years [36y2m], married, diver, lived 2 years Buenos Aires
Argentine. Brother: W Treacy, 1025 Cochobamba B.A. lived 10 mos 1912 NY. Aunt:
M. Treacy, Main St, Patterson, NJ. 59, Lt complexion, Br hair, blue eyes. b.
Tipperary Ireland. [Admitted] [Frank Treacy 36, Margaret Treacy 35, John Treacy
Margaret Treacy, Buenos Aires
Argentina, 1923, 35 years, married, lived 2 years Buenos Aires Argentine.
Brother: W Treacy, 1025 Cochobamba B.A. lived 10 mos 1912 NY. Aunt: M. Treacy,
Main St, Patterson, NJ. 59, Lt complexion, Br hair, blue eyes. b. Tipperary
Ireland. [Admitted] [Frank Treacy 36, Margaret Treacy 35, John Treacy 2]
John Treacy, Buenos Aires
Argentina, 1923, 2 years [2y1m], lived 2 years Buenos Aires Argentine. Brother:
W Treacy, 1025 Cochobamba B.A. lived 10 mos 1912 NY. Aunt: M. Treacy, Main St,
Patterson, NJ. 20, Lt complexion, Br hair, blue eyes. b. Kilkenny Ireland.
[Admitted] [Frank Treacy 36, Margaret Treacy 35, John Treacy 2]
Tracey, Cappamore Ireland, 1912, 18 years, to Sister: Alice Tracey, 5 - 4th St
Brooklyn NY, Ireland, Father: John Tracey, Shangloin, Cappamore Co. Tipperary
James Treacy, Roscrea (Tipperary?
Ireland), 1900, 21 years, single, to sister Anne, Brooklyn NY.
Jas Jon Treacy, Toomyvara (Tipperary?)
Ireland, 1894, 17 years, to New York
Jas O Carroll Tracy, Thurles
(Tipperary Ireland), 1906, 24 years, single, clerk, Thurles, to 301 North? St
Baltimore, US Citizen [Jas O Carroll Tracy 24, Maryanne Tracy 54]
Maryanne Tracy, Thurles (Tipperary
Ireland), 1906, 54 years, married, Hkeeper, Thurles, to 301 North? St Baltimore
[Jas O Carroll Tracy 24, Maryanne Tracy 54]
Johanna Treacy, Templemore
(Tipperary Ireland), 1905, 29 years, single, Friend Mrs Nora Shea, 668 East 146th
Street, New York. with cousin No. 26. [No.26 Martin Costello, 22, Clonbeg, to
Cousin James Delaney 50 Jackson St Augusta Georgia]
Johanna Treacy, Roseria (Roscrea
Tipperary?) Ireland, 1909, 23 years, single, Mother Mrs Ann? Carsollan?,
Monafold Roscrea Co. Tipperary. Sister Mary Treacy, 109 Turdu? Ave, Brooklyn,
NY. 53, fair complexion, dark brown hair, blue eyes. b. Roscrea Ireland.
John Treacy, Tipperary Ireland,
1900, 24 years, single, to uncle J Hanrahan, 153 E 5th St New York.
[written 905 Propiss? Pl? Bklyn?]
Tracy, Tipperary Ireland, 1905, 25 years, Jeweler, US Citizen, lived Tipperary
Ireland, to Providence RI, lives 25 Cole St Pautucket RI
Tracey, Cashel last residence (Tipperary Ireland?), 1905, 32 years, single,
smith, US Citizen disch on Pier, to New York last there Jan? 1904, home 252
West 23rd Street New York
John Treacy, Cashel Tipperary?
Ireland, 1914, 18 years, single, Sdent, Father Mr Joseph Treacy, Cashel,
Ireland. To sister 2463 8 Avenue West 3 New York. 59, fair complexion, fair
hair, blue eyes. b. Killemath Ireland.
Tracy, Templemore (Tipperary Ireland?), 1898, 18 years, single, to Troy NY.
Sister Nora? Treacy, 9 Washington Park Troy?
Tracey, Templethouhy (Tipperary Ireland?), 1895, 25 years, servant, to New
M.L. Treacy, Tipperary (Ireland),
1892, 20 years, Ireland, to Mich
Maggie Treacy, Tipperary Ireland?,
1892, 20 years, spinster, to Brooklyn NY
Mary Treacy, Borrisokane (Tipperary?
Ireland), 1901, 32
years, single, to Rudolph Ohio. to Bro Thomas, Rudolph, Ward Co. Ohio [Mary
Treacy 32, Nora Treacy 30]
Nora Treacy, Borrisokane (Tipperary?
Ireland), 1901, 30 years, single, to Rudolph Ohio. to Bro Thomas, Rudolph, Ward
Co. Ohio [Mary Treacy 32, Nora Treacy 30]
Mary Treacy, Roscrea (Tipperary?
Ireland), 1904, 20 years, single, to Uncle Martin Treacy, 72 Suffan St,
Brooklyn, NY.
Tracey, Bansta (Bansha) Tipperary Ireland, 1905, 22 years, single, to brother
Thomas, Department of Police, Newark, NJ.
[crossed out]
Tracey, Tipperary Ireland, 1905, 22 years, to brother Inspector Tracey 27?
Plume St Newark NJ
Mary Tracy, Templemore (Tipperary
Ireland), 1906, 8 [5?] years [with Stephen Ryan 60 & Mary Ryan 60 of
Templemore, to son Stephen Ryan 1414 E 119th St New York] [All crossed out]
Mary Treacy, NY USA, 1906, 26 years,
married, last residence NewYork, lived 1900 to 1902, 1903 to 1906 New York,
Husband Mr John Treacy, 307 W 111 St New York [Mary Treacy 26, Mary Treacy 4]
Mary Treacy, NY USA, 1906, 4 years,
last residence Tipperary, Father Mr John Treacy, 307 W 111 St New York [Mary
Treacy 26, Mary Treacy 4]
Mary Kate Treacy, Roserea
(Tipperary) Ireland, 1913, 16 years, single. Mother Catherine Treacy, Cullaun, Timoney Roscrea. Uncle John Lapton, 676 Trienroe? St, New York. 55, dark complexion,
brown hair, brown eyes. b. Roscrea Ireland.
Michael Treacy, 1905, 23 years,
single, farmer, lived Gurthnaduma [Gortnadumagh], Clonakenny Roscrea. to cousin
Rich? Maher?, Strawberry Hill, Stamford Conn.
Michael Treacy, Ballingarry
(Limerick/Tipperary?) Ireland, 1907, 23 years, single, to cousin Daniel Cagney,
355 West 16th St New York. 59, dk complexion, dark hair, blue
eyes. b. Ballingary, Ireland.
Michael Treacy, Templemore Tipperary
Ireland, 1907, 19 years, to New York, brother paid fare, brother Patrick treacy
1120 Park Ave New York, 5'7.5", fresh complexion, fair hair, grey eyes, b.
Templemore Co Tipperary
Tracey, Dublin Ireland, 1907, 38 years, married, motor man, 510, fresh
complexion, dark brown hair, grey eyes, to Mr Wm Tierney, Lima, Ohio. b.
Philip Treacy, Tipperary Ireland,
1913, 28 years, single, grocers asst, Michael Treacy Thurles Co Tipp. to
Cleveland Ohio. to friend W. Russell 1030 11th Broadway St Louis Mo. 5'9",
dark complexion, dark hair, grey eyes. b. Tipperary Ireland.
Sara A. Treacy, Tipperary (Ireland),
1898, 26 years, single, Hkeeper, lived Tipperary, to sister Mrs Hogan 127
Atlantic Ave Brooklyn
Sarah Treacy, Roscrea (Tipperary?
Ireland), 1901, 26 years, single, Hkeeper, to New York, $150 money, resident
US, has draft for $750 Browns? Bros
Stephen Treacy, Templomore
Tipperary, Ireland, 1921, 55 years, widowed, son Thomas Treacy Killea
Templemore Co. Tipperary, son paid passage, to son Michael Treacy 210 East
125th Street New York City NY, permanent stay, 5'3", fresh complexion,
grey hair, blue eyes, b. Killea Co. Tipperary Ireland. [medical? written
comment: Medan Senslity etc which may aff]
Tracy, Ballinnee (Ballinree Tipperary Ireland) 1897, 24 years, single, lived
Ballinree. to Jersey City New York, Bro & Sister, 67 Park Avenue,
Hoboken, New York.
Thos P. Tracey, Nenagh (Tipperary?
Ireland), 1901, 22 years, single, Nenagh to New York, to Bro James 157 Hoagan?
St Brooklyn NY
Tracy, Thurles Tipperary Ireland, 1912, 26 years, single, Mother Mrs tracy
Stradavoher St Thurles Tipp. To cousin Mr R J Faulkner, 1812, Anthur? Ave,
Broms? NY. 57, fair complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. b. Thurles Ireland.
Tracy, Resereu (Roscrea Tipperary?), Ireland, 1913, 36 years, single, farmer?,
Brother Hugh Tracy, Moynure near Roscrea. to Long Island City, Friend Jas
Kinglin, 127 Virnan? Avenue, Long Island City, 59, fair complexion, fair?
hair, grey eyes, b. Roscrea Ireland.
Wm Treacy, Ballingarry (Tipperary?
Ireland), 1898, 19 years, single, to Chicago, brother paid passage, bro Eddie
Treacy Sherman House [corner of] Clark & Randolph St Chicago
William Treacy, Ballingarry
(Tipperary) Ireland, 1905, 25 years, single, gas fitter, lived 1897 to 1904
Chicago, to brother Edward Treacy 184 Sebor Street Chicago Ill.
20 June 1892 SS Alaska Liverpool, England & Queenstown, Ireland to
New York, New York
Maggie Treacy 20 F
Spinster Ireland Brooklyn NY Tipperary
Steerage #4a 1 Pro Sojourn
United States Naturalization
Annie Theresa Tracy, born 04 Oct 1884 Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1934 Newtonville MA
Annie Tracy, born 04 Oct 1884 Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1931 Dedham, Norfolk, MA
Edmond Treacy, born 14 Jan 1878 Dundrum, Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1928 Boston, MA.Spouse's Marian Treacy
James Treacy, born 01 Mar 1888 Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1920 New York City, NY. Spouse's Catherine Treacy born 15 Aug 1884, children Catherine Treacy born 29 Jun 1909, Margaret Treacy born 03 Oct 1913, William Treacy born 1 Oct 1915
James Treacy, born 01 Nov 1898 Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1913 New York
Martin Joseph Tracey, born 11 Nov 1882 Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1916 Massachussetts Newton, Massachusetts. Spouse's Catherine Tracey
Mary Tracey, born 07 Apr 1888 Co Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1930 So Boston, Suffolk
Mary Tracey, born 07 Apr 1888 Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1923 South Boston, Massachusetts
Mary Tracey, born 27 Jan 1879 Fethard, Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1929 Auburndale, MA
Mary Tracy, born 27 Jan 1879 Fethard, Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1931 Newton Auburndale, Middlesex MA
Patrick Treacy, born 18 Aug 1883 Tipperary, Ireland. Naturalised 1906 & 1911 New York New York. Spouse's Ellen Treacy child Anna Treacy born 18 Mar 1911
Thomas Treacy, born 11 Apr 1880 Bellview [Bellevue, Kilbarron, Tipperary], Ireland. Naturalised 1924 Pennsylvania Pa. Spouse's Margaret Treacy
7 January 1893 (NG) Death
January 6, at Court Devenish,
Athlone, Sarah, the beloved wife of P.B. Treasy, formerly of Nenagh. [see also
15 September 1893
Freeman's Journal
... John Tracy, Gortnahoe; [Tipperary]
December 19, 1893 (FJ) Evicted Tenants Fund
Cappawhite Tipperary...4s...Mrs.
Tracey...2s...Richard Treacey...
March 1894
In the Court of Bankruptcy, John A. Carew, grocer and spirit merchant
in the town of payment with Thomas Tracey and William Carew
as surities...
24 Mar 1894, Freemans Journal, The Evicted Tenants
Drom and
Inch...Martin Treacy...
April 7, 1894 (FJ) The Evicted Tenants Fund
'Br Prince', Queenstown to Phila 2 May
Tracey, 26, b, 1868, farmer, lived Rocrea [Tipperary], to (Cousin) J. Barron 79
West 5th St Long Island City Phila.
1894 Parliamentary Papers
J. Tracy, Rural Postman, died 11 Jan 1893, £12/7/7
February 24 1895
Times Picayune (Louisiana)
O'Keefe - At Ocean Spring...Monday, Feb 18 1895 at 11...Mary Tracy,
widow of the...O'Keefe, in the 82? year of her...of county Tipperary, Ireland.
3 July 1895 Freeman's Journal
... Michael Treacy, deceased, who carried on
business as a shopkeeper in Templemore. The defendant William Treacy was his
executor. ...
5 October 1895 (NG) Roscrea Petty Sessions
Sergeant Donohoe summoned Laurence
Tracey for an offence under the Licensed Act...defendant was fine 5s and 2s
costs, or in default to pay a free visit to Parsonstown for seven days.
'Indiana', Queenstown to Phila 11 Mar 1896
[see 21 April 1901]
Tracey, 21, b. 1875, farmer, lived Coolbann [Coolbawn Nenagh Tipperary],
passage paid by brother, brother Martin Troo- St James Place Phila.
1 April 1896 (NG) Association football. Borrioskane v. Eglish
...Just before the close of game,
C. Tracey, of the Eglish team made a capital run and was successful in making a
try or three points...
May 1896
Retirement of Sargeant John Treacy, R.I.C. Hollyford after 30 years
service. Mr. and Mrs. Treacy intend to settle down in the Vale of Ovaco, Co.
1 May 1897 (N)
Profession of a Religieuse
The Convent of Mercy, Templemore, was the scene of an impressive
ceremony on Thursday week, the occasion being the profession of Miss Susan
Treacy, in religion Sister Mary Francis, daughter of Mr. Wm. Treacy, 117 North
Strand, Dublin.
The following members of the family of the newly professed nun
attended: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treacy, parents; Messrs. Edward J., Patrick B., P.
Neil, and Hugh D. Treacy, brothers; Mrs. Hourahan and Miss Agnes Treacy,
sisters; Messrs. Louis V. and W. Blount Treacy, Athlone, nephews; and Mr.
Jeremiah Houraham, brother-in-law. The other friends included Miss Murphy, Miss
Kearney and Miss Butler. [see Agnes Treacy]
18 August 1897 San Francisco
Treacy In this city, August 16, 1897. Catherine, beloved mother of
Edmond,. John, T. E. and tbe late Thomas Treacy, a native of County Tipperary.
Ireland, aged 78 years. The funeral will take place today - (Wednesday), at
9:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence. 215 Dore aire t, between Ninth and
Tenth Harrison and Bryant, thence to st. Joseph's Church, where a requiem mass
win be celebrated for tue repose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m.
Interment Mouut Calvary cemetery.
'Belgenland', Liverpool to Phila 8 Aug
Treacy, 47, b. 1850, widow, lived Roscrea, to daughter Ellen Treacy West Point
Ave N.Y. heard of 3 mo ago daughter is there 2 yrs. [with Bridget 11]
Treacy, 11, b. 1886, lived Roscrea [Tipperary], to Ellen Treacy, West Point
Ave, West Point, N.Y. [with Margaret 47]
Belgenland, Liverpool to Phila 12 Sep 1897
Tracy, 38, b. 1859, married, lived Nenugh, brother paid passage, brother John
2428 Dover St Pha [Nenagh Tipperary] [with Kathleen 5, Cath McLaughlin 60]
Tracy, 5, b. 1892, lived Nenugh [Nenagh Tipperary], Uncle paid passage, to John
2428 Dover St Pha [with Margaret 38, Cath McLaughlin 60]
September 1897 Public Record Office, Northern
TREACY Mary [50] 25 May
Administration of the Estate of Mary Treacy formerly of Gurtnaskeha County
Tipperary and late of California U.S.A. Spinster who died 15 September 1897
granted at Limerick to Hanorah Treacy of Roscrea said County Spinster the
Sister. Effects Γ
4 December 1897 (NG) A girl burned in Nenagh - Dangerous use of
...a servant girl, named Tracey,
in the employ of Mrs. Boland of Barrack-street, was seen to run from the shop
with her clothes in flames...succeeded in putting the flames out before the
girl was much injured...
December 1897 Burning Accident
...a girl named Mary Tracy in
Nenagh...domestic servant...dress caught fire...removed to hospital...
22 January 1898 (NG) Thurles Quarter Sessions
John Harrington, jun v. Tracey,
Stopford, Arnaldy & co., and same defendant
These were two civil bills brought
against defendant as executor of his deceased brother, Michael Tracey,
deceased, to recover the balance of two accounts alleged to be due to the
plaintiffs for goods sold to the deceased...offer of 10s. in the £...
20 April 1898 (NG)
5. Michael Tracey, Gortnadrumma
and Martin Keily, Bourney, rep 944p road Nenagh to Templemore, between Longford
wood and cross of Clonteaf, townland of Skebane, not to exceed 1s6d pp
6. Patrick Meehan, Behaglass, and
Michael Tracey, Gortnadrumma, rep 480p road Roscrea to Thurles, between
Castleiney cross and Kean's cross at Strogue townland of Strogue; not to exceed
1s pp
31 December 1898 (NG) Thurles Petty Sessions
John Tracey of Ballyverk and
Bridget Egan, same place, were fined 2s6d each with costs for allowing their
dogs to wander the public road unmuzzled.
16/12/1897 Eliza Treacey of Skehana Roscrea Tipperary, landlord
Surgeon-Gen. Roe, 25a/3r/26p, poor valuation £20/0/0, old rent £23/6/8, new
rent £18/6/0
December 7 1897 Purchaser: James Treacy of Glennaskagh South Tipperary,
Vendor: John Prendergast and others, 103a/3r/16p, value £33/0/0, rent £30/10/0,
purchase £562, advance £562
January 12 1899 Purchaser: Denis Treacy of Foildarg North Tipperary,
Vendor: Henry J. Murray, 149a/1r/6p, value £32/0/0, rent £34/10/0, purchase
£587, advance £587
Jul 23 1897 Purchaser: Denis Treacey of Knockwilliam North Tipperary,
Vendor: Provincial Bank of Ireland, 47a/1r/20p, value £21/0/0, rent £26/10/4,
purchase £326, advance £326, deposit £112
Nov 18 1897 Purchaser: Thomas Treacey of Irby North Tipperary, Vendor:
Earl of Portarlington, 7a/1r/26p, value £8/8/0, rent £10/6/0, purchase £200,
advance £200
Nov 18 1897 Purchaser: Thomas Treacey of Irby North Tipperary, Vendor:
Earl of Portarlington, 3a/1r/16p, value £3/15/0, rent £4/11/8, purchase £89,
advance £89
Nov 18 1897 Purchaser: Thomas Treacy of Parkmore North Tipperary,
Vendor: Earl of Portarlington, 3a/2r/23p, value £4/15/0, rent £5/12/0, purchase
£109, advance £109
Michael Treacy of Dungansalla Roscrea Tipperary, landlord George
Mitchell, 8a/1r/21p, poor valuation £5/10/0, old rent £8/6/0, new rent 1
£8/6/0, new rent 2 £5/10/0, The rent for this case was fixed by consent of the
parties at the sitting of the court in Dublin.
9 December 1899
Dublin Daily Nation
£1000 in golden sovereigns. United Kingdon Tea Company second grand
annual Tracey, Bolton Hill, Castledermot, Kildare. Mrs
Treacy, Cappawhite Tipperary.
1899...Timothy Ryan was unsuccessful
in Borrisoleigh, garnering 174 votes to the 298 of the UIL's Denis Treacy...
Donal A. Murphy (1999) Blazing tar barrels
& standing orders: Tipperary North's first County & District Councils,
1900 Irish Mission
for Immigrant Girls in New York City
Brigid Tracey, 1907, 20 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Mrs. William
Bergan 89 Christopher St. New York City. sister (Adriatic October 04 1907)
Nora Tracey, 1907, 23 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Mrs. William
Bergan 89 Christopher St. New York City. sister (Adriatic October 04 1907)
Ellen Bergan, 1907, 20 [30?] years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Mrs.
William Bergan 89 Christopher St. New York City. 1st cousin (Adriatic October
04 1907)
Ellen Tracey, 1898, 18 years, from TI, Sponsor: Mary Tracey, 179 Baltic
St. Brooklyn NY OR Johanna Tracey, Box 335 Westfield NJ (Teutonic 1898-03-28)
Johan Tracey, 1897, 21 years, from Tipperary, Sponsor: Mary Conboy, 509
Henry St Brooklyn NY OR Ms Catherine Conboy, Westfield Union Co NJ (Germanic
Johanna Tracy, 1926, 21 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Kate Tracy c/o
Harriman Orange Co, N.Y. sister (Laconia - July 20 1926)
Johanna Tracey, 1929, 27 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: E.J. Tracey
Greenfield Sq. Southport, Conn. husband (Thuringia 1929-06-19)
Mary Tracey/Tracy, 1898, 30 years, from Tipperary, Sponsor: Trish
Tracey, 500 W.27th St. New York NY OR Maggie Tracey, Baxton [Barton] on Sound
NY also Mike Davies 233 E73rd St New York NY (Lucania 1898-04-02)
Mary Tracy, 1929, 22 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Denis Costigan 67
Seymor Ave. Newark, N.J. uncle (Adriatic - September 30 1929)
Mary Armstrong, 1900, 25 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Michael Tracy
c/o Mrs. Stapleton 1123 Park Ave. New York City 2nd cousin. D. Aug 5 6p.m. (Mauretania - August 05 1910)
Kate Condon, 1897, 27 years, from Tipperary, Sponsor: Mrs Tracey/Tracy,
1576 Park Ave New York, NY. Comment: traveled with sister Johanna ETR 51
(Etruria 1897-10-02)
Johan Condon, 1897, 26 years, from Tipperary, Sponsor: Mrs
Tracey/Tracy, 1576 Park Ave New York, NY. Comment: traveled with sisterKate ETR
50 (Etruria 1897-10-02)
Mary English, 1903, 22 years, from Tipperary, Sponsor: taken by her cos
Mrs. Tracey, 951 Manhattan Ave. Greenpoint Brooklyn (Majestic 1903-12-31)
Mary Jones, 1899, 18 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Mollie Noonan 160
W. 59th St. N.Y.; also Mrs. Tracy 25 Columbus Ave. Brooklyn (Lucania - April 02
Mary Scanlon, 1900, 50 years, from Tipperary. Sponsor: Mrs. Maggie
Tracey 69 Grand St. Newburg, N.Y. (Majestic August 22 1900)
Message Boards
References to
- Historical
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- Legal Records
- Directories
- Parish Records
Traceys of Tipperary
Page 2 North Tipperary
Traceys of Tipperary
Page 2 South Tipperary
Family Histories
Parish Records
from 1800 onwards
References from
1900 onwards
- Directories
- Historical
- Newspaper
- Legal Records
- Land Records
- Census
references for Tipperary
Last update: 22 December 2024