Tracey family name and variants 1864-1875 Births in Ireland


Birth Register in Ireland


* Agnes Catherine Treacy b. 11 Jan 1874 of 4 Upper Dorset St. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, porter, & Catherine Hunt][1874 2 582 Dublin North PLU] [see Stephen Treacy]


 * Albert Arthur Treacy b. 13 Jan 1872 of 24 Westmorland Street [s. of Simon Treacy, India Outfitter, & Ellen Elizabeth Butler] [1872 2 790 Dublin South PLU] [see St. Thomas CoI]

* Albert Michael Tracy b. 22 Nov 1874 Church Street Ennis [Drumclift RC] [s. of Michael Albert Tracy, printer, of Limerick, & Christina Ryan][1874 19 229 Ennis Ennis PLU] [see Dublin]


* Alice Tracey b. 24 Feb 1872 Bilbo [on the border of Carlow/Kilkenny/Laois] Mayo and Doonane RC [d. of William Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Heffrin] [1872 3 500 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois]

* Alice Treacy b. 17 Oct 1872 Poulacapple [Kilvemnon] Mullinahone RC [d. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Doran] [1872 19 661 Mullinahone Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Alice Treacy b. 29 Jul 1864 of Crinkle [Crinkill Birr]. Birr and Loughkeen RC [d. of James Treacy  & Mary Anne Lally] [1864 18 614 Parsonstown Parsonstown PLU]

* Alicia Tracey b. 15 Aug 1870 of 17 Michaels Hill. St Michaels & John RC [d. of Francis Tracey, labourer, & Mary Anne Roche] [1870 17 643 Dublin South PLU] [duplicate]

* Alicia Tracey b. 21 Mar 1871 at 8.15 a.m. of 31 Hanbury Lane. St. Catherines? RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Alice Farrell] [1871 17 694 Dublin South PLU] [twin] [see Saggart]

* Alicia Treacy b. 25 Sep 1864 of Carlow gate Cap? Hedeson? St. Castledermot RC [d. of John Treacy & Mary Byrne] [1864 13 432Castledermot Athy PLU]


* Anastasia Treacy b. 5 Jul 1874 Mylerstown [Rathernan] Allen and Milltown? RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell] [1874 12 887 Kilmeague Naas PLU]

* Annastatia Tracey b. 15 Dec 1866 of 3 Patricks Close. St. Nicholas Without RC [d. of James Tracey, house carpenter, & Teresa ONeill] [1866 17 680 Dublin South PLU]


* Andrew Tracy b.  17 Oct 1869 Tully [Tully] Kildare & Rathangan RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Margt Foy/Hoy] [1869 17 837 Kildare Naas PLU]

* Andrew Tracy b. 26 Apr 1870 of 7 Rainsford Street. St Catherines? RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Smith] [1870 7 711 Dublin South PLU]

* Andrew Tracy b. 4 Jul 1868 of St Brandons [St. Brendan's or Cregganagrogy Killian] Killian RC [s. of Andrew Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Costello] [1868 14 423 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Andrew Treacy b. 29 Aug 1865 of Skehanna [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Moynan] [1865 13 641 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Andrew Treacy b. 29 Oct 1869 Shehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore RC [s. of Andrew Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Hynes] [1869 18 615 Bourney Roscrea PLU]


* Ann Jane Tracey b. 9 Sep 1873 Newtowncunningham All Saints [Newtown Cunningham town Allsaints] [d. of John Tracey, farmer, & Mary Jane Horgan] Mary Jane Tracey, mother, Newtowncunninngham [1873 12 219 Killea Londonderry PLU Donegal] [See John Tracy of Derry and Donegal]

* Ann Tracey b. 10 Mar 1871 of Parsonstown [Parsonstown] Clogher RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Floody] [1871 2 591 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Ann Tracey b. 18 Mar 1875 Segpatrick [?]. Togher RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Ann Maquire] [1875 2 535 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Ann Tracey b. 2 Feb 1871 Woodpark  [Rathpeak House (Woodpark Lodge/House) Rathpeak] Moore. Ballinasloe? CoI?  [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Dolan] [1871 9 34 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

* Ann Tracey. b. 4 Jan 1866 of Cashel [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle RC [d. of Francis Tracey, famer, & Mary McGuirk] [1866 2 138 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Ann Tracy b. 10 Feb 1868 of Dongorkin [Dungorkin Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of James Tracy, shoemaker, & Jane Ann O'Neill] [1868 1 972 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Ann Tracy b. 2 Jun 1867 of Ballymore [Ballymore Eustace Ballymore Eustace] Ballymore Eustace RC [d. of James Tracy, shopkeeper, & Catherine Lawless] [1867 7 956 Blessington and Ballymore Naas PLU]

* Ann Tracy b. 31 Mar 1870 Springfield [Killoran] Mullagh? RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Curley] [1870 9 44 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Ann Tracy b. 8 Mar 1866 of Ballymore [Ballymore Eustace Ballymore Eustace] Ballymore Eustace RC [d. of James Tracy, gardener, & Catherine Lawless] [1866 2 944 Blessington and Ballymore Naas PLU]

* Ann Treacy b. 12 Apr 1874 Drumingna [Kiltubbrid] Kiltubrid RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Shanly][1874 8 86 Leitrim Carrick-on-Shannon PLU]

* Ann Treacy b. 12 Oct 1873 Summerhill [Rathnaveoge – Moneygall? RC] [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Fogarty] [1873 18 607 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Anna [Mary crossed out] Tracey b. 10 Nov 1869 Sleekale Waterford [Slievekeale? Road Waterford] Ballybricken RC [d. of Martin Tracey, sail maker, & Mary Laurence] [1869 4 1050 Waterford Waterford]

* Anna Maria Treacy b. 21 Feb 1875 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Michael Treacy, publican, & Eliza OBrien] [1875 3 664 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Anne Jane Tracy b. 10 May 1871 Northcote Avenue Kingstown [Monkstown] Kingstown RC [d. of Francis Tracy, car driver, & Johanna Brennan] [1871 7 1007 Kingstown Rathdrum PLU]

* Anne Jane Treacy b. 25 Jan 1875 Carnerk [Carnirk Inishmacsaint] Devonish? RC? [d. of  William Treacy, labourer, & Jemina McManus] [1875 7 15 Church Hill Ballyshannon PLU]

* Anne Joseph Tracey b. 25 Jul 1867 of John Street Waterford. Waterford? RC [d. of Peter Tracey, sailmaker, & Bridget Harney] (Note: female) [1867 14 896 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Anne Tracey b.  12 Jun 1869 of Cappincur [Cappancur Geashill]  Philipstown  RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Julia Kavanagh] [1869 8 825 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Anne Tracey b.  28 Jan 1869 Loughgur P Knockainy. Knockany and Patrickswell RC [d. of Edmond Tracey, collier, & Catherine Leo] [1869 5 404 Bruff Kilmallock PLU] [see Brigadier General Edward Joseph Tracy (1902-1967), Medical Officer]

* Anne Tracey b. 1 Feb 1875 Coolcrue [Coolcroo Twomileborris] Moycarkey RC [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Joanna Kenna] [1875 3 657 Littleton Thurles PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 10 Apr 1875 Clonbelagh [?]. Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Fergus Treacy, coachman, Longford [Tiranascragh], & Bridget Horigan] [1875 9 441 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 11 Jan 1868 of Carenderry parish of Templetoher [Carrownderry Templetogher] Boyounagh? RC [d. of Francis Tracey, farmer, & Anne Boyle] Anne Treacy, mother, Carenderry [1868 4 360 Williamstown Glenamaddy PLU] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon]

* Anne Tracey b. 14 Feb 1871 Ballinree [Sliguff] Myshall  RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Maria Byrne] [1871 3 508 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 15 Nov 1872 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of James Tracey, shopman, & Margaret Ryan] [1872 18 633 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 20 Aug 1864 of Knockcroghery Killenvoy Killinvoy RC [d. of Patrick Tracey & Betty Higgins]  [1864 13 367 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 22 Feb 1867 of Taunnygry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, landholder, & Catherine Burn] [1867 4 122 Balla Castlebar PLU] [Twin]

* Anne Tracey b. 24 Jul 1867 of Northcote Avenue Kingstown [Monkstown] Kingstown RC [d. of Francis Tracey, carman, & Johanna Ryan] [1867 12 908 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 24 Nov 1868 of 76 Rogersons Quay. St. Andrews RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Katherine Tomkins] [1868 17 677 Dublin South PLU] [moved from Wales and moved to Liverpool]

* Anne Tracey b. 26 May 1868 of Cappincur [Cappancur Geashill] Philipstown RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Julia Kavanagh] [1868 8 822 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 28 Feb 1867 of Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Borris RC [d. of Darby Tracey, farmer, & Maria Hanlon] [1867 3 480 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 29 Nov? 1874 Ashbourne  [Killegland] Ratoath RC  [d. of James Tracey, black smith, & Anne Maguire] [1874 17 788 Rathoath Dunshaughlin PLU]

* Anne Tracey b. 31 Mar 1872 Knockcroghery Killinvoy. Killinvoy RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Bessy Higgins][1872 8 413 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Anne Tracy b.  15 Jul 1869 Tea Lane Tullamore [Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore? RC [d. of John Tracy, shoe maker, & Honor Nugent] [1869 13 692 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 1 Apr 1874 Clonshanbo. Kilcock RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Eliza Quinn] [1874 7 509 Kilcock Celbridge PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 11 Oct 1869 Tourleighter [Toorleitra Ballynakill (Leitrim barony)] Woodford RC [d. of Pat Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Thornton] [1869 19 403 Woodford Loughrea PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 13 Sep 1866 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1866 14 413 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 20 Jan 1875 of 3 Cole Alley. St Catherines RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Bann] [1875 2 672 Dublin South PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 22 Jun 1865 of Royal Oak [Killinane] Leighlinbridge RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Edith Darmody] [1865 8 543 Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 23 Jan 1867 of Kinnegad [Killucan] Kinnegad RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, nail maker, & Margaret Coleman] [1867 3 341 Killucan Mullingar PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 23 Mar 1865 of Mullynock [Mullyknock or Topped Mountain Enniskillen] Tempo RC [d. of Daniel Tracy, labourer, & Jane McDonald] [1865 7 95 Tempo Enniskillen PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 25 Sep 1875 Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Honoria Kelly][1875 14 371 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 25 Sep 1875 Castle Street. Cappoquin RC [d. of Matthew Tracy, nailer, & Mary Stack] [1875 14 710 Cappoquin Lismore PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 26 Aug 1870 of 39 Bow Lane at 12 of noon. St James  RC [d. of John Tracy, railway guard, & Mary Cane] [1870 12 635 Dublin South PLU] [twins] [see St Andrews]

* Anne Tracy b. 27 Dec 1870 Hughstown [Killelan] Castledermot RC [d. of James Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Reynolds] Hughstown [1871 2 515 Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU] [registered 1871]

* Anne Tracy b. 27 Dec 1870 Hughstown [Killelan] Castledermot RC [d. of James Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Reynolds] Hughstown [1871 2 515 Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU] [registered 1871]

* Anne Tracy b. 3 Jul 1864 of Athy [Churchtown OR St Johns OR St Michaels]. Wm Tracy,  of Cork & Kate Cummins of Cork [1864 13 416 Athy Athy PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 3 Sep 1866 of Glen [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of Francis Tracy, farmer, & Anne McFadden] His mark, Francis Tracy, father, Glen [1866 12 11 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 4 Sep 1865 of Clonacusha [Cloonnacusha Tynagh] Tynagh RC [d. of John Tracy, small farmer, & Secilia Tracy] [1865 14 444 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Anne Tracy b. 7 Oct 1872 of 7 Anna Villa. Rathmines RC [d. of Edward Tracy, bricklayer, & Mary Stephens] [1872 17 732 Rathmines Dublin South PLU] [see Donnybrook]

* Anne Tracy b. 9 Nov 1864 of Streamstown [Ardnurcher, or Horseleap] Clara and Horseleap RC. [d. of William Tracy & Hannah Jordan] [1864 18 312 Castletown Geoghegan Mullingar PLU] see Tracy Peerage

* Anne Trassy b. 25 Feb 1874 Clonismullen [Drom - Drom and Inch RC] [d. of William Trassy, farmer, & Anne Howard [Power]] [1873 3 735 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Anne Treacey b. 7 Dec 1869  Brideswell Cam. Kiltoom? RC [d. of Patrick Treacey, farmer, & Mary Kelly] [1869 18 12 Brideswell Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]

* Anne Treacy b.  26 Jul 1874 Summer Hill Roscrea [Roscrea RC] [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Winifred Maher] [1874 13 626 Roscrea Roscrea PLU] [Tracy in index]

* Anne Treacy b. 1 Sep 1872 Brackera [Brackery Tynagh] Tynagh RC [d. of Pat Treacy, farmer, & Anne Watson] Anne Treacy, her mark, mother, Brackera [1872 14 465 Portumna Portumna PLU] [see Spencer Tracy]

* Anne Treacy b. 10 December 1864 of Derrew [Killimorbologue OR Kilquain]. Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Patt Treacy & Mary Stankard] [1865 4 485 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [Registered 1865] see Tynagh

* Anne Treacy b. 10 December 1864 of Derrew [Killimorbologue OR Kilquain]. Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Patt Treacy & Mary Stankard] [1865 4 485 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [Registered 1865] see Tynagh

* Anne Treacy b. 12 May 1873 Gortnageyne parish of Dunmore [Dunmore? RC] [d. of James Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Boyle] [1873 9 583 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Anne Treacy b. 16 Mar 1873 Moynure [Roscrea Offaly – Roscrea RC] [d. of John Treacy, small farmer, & Ellen Dooley] [1873 3 711 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Anne Treacy b. 17 Dec 1870 Coon [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Elizabeth Sutcliffe] [1871 3 563 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [registered 1871] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Anne Treacy b. 17 Dec 1870 Coon [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Elizabeth Sutcliffe] [1871 3 563 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [registered 1871] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Anne Treacy b. 3 Jan 1872 Rathnageerah [Fennagh] Myshall RC [d. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1872 3 518 Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]

* Anne Treacy b. 30 Aug 1865 of Patch Parish of Clonberne. Kilkerrin & Clonberne RC [d. of Daniel Treacy, landholder, & Honor Flaherty] [1865 14 316 Glenamaddy Glenamaddy PLU]

* Anne Treacy b. 4 Apr 1864 of Kileroran [Kileroran]. Killian RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, of  Ballygar [Kileroran], & Margarett Carty] [1864 9 420 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Anne Treacy b. 6 Jun 1868 of Ballingarry Ballingarry. Shinrone RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, labourer, & Ann Waters] [1868 8 495 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU]

* Anne Treacy b. 9 Mar 1865 of Polltaltoon [Tynagh] Tynagh RC [d. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Mitchell] [1865 4 493 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Anne Tressy b. 2 Sep 1873 Drumerkillew [Kildrumsherdan - Larah? RC?] [d. of Patrick Tressy, labourer, & Anne Mohan] [1873 18 175 Tullyvin Cootehill PLU]

* Anne Tressy b. 25 Sep 1867 of Ballyruane [Glennagloghaun [Monivea] in Census] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [d. of Michael Tressy, labourer, & Anne Ruane] [1867 19 555 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Annie Tracey b. 10 Oct 1873 Clooney [Clondermot - Waterside RC] [d. of Jaones Tracey, labourer, & Isabella Carlin] [1873 17 222 Glendermott Londonderry PLU]

* Annie Tracy b. 3 Mar 1875 Gortnessy Glendermott [Clondermot] Waterside RC [d. of Edward Tracy, labourer, & Catharine Mullin] [1875 2 237 Eglinton Londonderry PLU]


* Anthony Tracy b. 1 Mar 1874 Derrenascobe [Derreennascooba Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Anne Heneghan][1874 4 144 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]


* Arnold Tracy b. 31 May 1865 of 15 Upper Mount Pleasant Avenue Ranelagh. [St. Peters] St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of William Valentine Tracy, in Poor Law Office, & Margaret King] [1865 7 834 Rathmines Dublin South PLU]


* Arthur Tracy b. 4 Jun 1874 Terregannon  [Tirigannon Glebe Belleek] Carn RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Catherine ONeil] [1874 7 11 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]


* Beesy Tracy b. 25 May Workhouse Sligo 1866 Illegitimate [d. of Catherine Tracy] [1866 7 349 Sligo Sligo PLU]


* Belinda Trassy b. 28 Apr 1984 Killahorna Creagh [Killahorna otherwise Culliagharny Creagh] Ballinasloe RC [d. of Patrick Trassy, small farmer, & Mary Fahy][1874 9 34 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon] [also Trossy in printed index]


* Benjamin Tracy b.  29 May 1870 of 19 Clarance St. St. Mary's RC [s. of George Tracy, mason, & Mary Farrell] [1870 10 167 Cork Cork PLU] [father Benjamin Tracy St. Lukes CoI?]


* Bernard Tracey b. 1 Dec 1870 Aughannuldrry? [Aghamuldowney Devenish] Garrison RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Susan McGowan] [1870 17 9 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Bernard Tracy b. 1 Nov 1870 Ballymore [Granard] Granard RC [s. of Edward Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Briody] [1870 18 205 Granard Granard PLU]

* Bernard Tracy b. 16 Jul 1865 of Carigah [Carrigagh Rathaspick] Rathaspick and Russagh RC [s. of Bernard Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Guy] [1865 13 308 Ballinacargy/Ballynacarrigy Mullingar PLU]

* Bernard Tracy/Treacy b. 30 Aug 1867 of Glenkeel [Glenchiel Bodoney, Upper] Bodoney Upper RC [s. of Edward Tracy, farmer, & Bridget McBride] [1867 12 120 Plumb Bidge Gortin PLU]

* Bernard Treacy b. 4 Jun 1864 of Aughakilmore [Aghakilmore Columbkille]. Colmcille RC [s. of Charles Treacy & Margret Nannary] [1864 8 235 Ballinalee Granard PLU]

* Bernard Tressy b. 20 Aug 1865 of Ballyruane [Glennagloghaun in Census] Monivea [s. of Michael Tressy, labourer, & Honor Ruane?] [1865 14 540 Abbey Tuam PLU]


Bridget Treacy, Roscrea, Tipperary North/Offaly. 1866 13 607 Templemore RC [d. of Michael Treacy & Catherine Dwan] [image not available]

* Biddy Tracey b. 21 March 1866 of Woodpark Moore [Cuilleen Woodpark Creagh in Tithes]. CoI? [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer of Woodpark, & Biddy Dolan] [1866 9 32 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

* Biddy Tracey b. 22 Feb 1867 of Taunnygry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, landholder, & Catherine Burn] [1867 4 122 Balla Castlebar PLU] [Twin]

* Biddy Tracy b. 14 Jan 1872 Lahardine [Lahardaun Tulla] Tulla RC [d. of Pat Tracy, labourer, & Mary Heiher] [1872 4 707 Kilkishen Tulla PLU]

* Biddy Tressy b.  10 May 1874 Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? ]d. of Pat Tressy, labourer, & Winifred Wynne] [1874 9 547 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Bidelia Ellen Treacy b. 15 Jan 1866 of Cleaboy Ballintobber Ballintubber and Ballymoe RC [d. of Francis treacy, farmer, & Anne Boyle] [1866 4 168 Castleplunket Castlerea PLU]

* Bride Tracy b. 8 Aug 1865 of Ballinturly [Cloonygormican OR Fuerty] Athleague RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, carpenter, & Honor Goloher] [1865 13 360Athleague Roscommon PLU] [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Bridget [Richard crossed out] Tracy b. 31 Oct 1869 Donecarney [Colp] St. Mary's RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary McLoughlin] [1869 17 494 St Marys Drogheda PLU Meath]

* Bridget Thracy b. 24 Oct 1874 Barnaboy [Athenry. Lackagh? RC] [d. of Patrick Thracy, labourer, & Bridget Connellan] [1874 ? 274 Turloughmore Galway PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b.  14 Sep 1870 Sandyforts Alley. St. Peter's RC [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Connolly] [1870 17 493 St Peters Drogheda No 1 Drogheda PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b.  15 Sep 1874 Corry Kilgefin [Kilbride? RC] [d. of John Tracey, small farmer, & Anne Madden] [1874 18 337 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b.  20 Nov 1874 Newports Lane [Ballybricken RC] [d. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Mary Byrne] [1874 19 871 Waterford Waterford PLU] [see Tramore]

* Bridget Tracey b. 1 Jan 1872 Cappincur [Cappancur Geashill] Philipstown RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Julia Cavanagh] [1872 3 809 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 1 Jun 1869 Ridge Maryboro [The Ridge beside Maryborough Borris].Maryborough RC [d. of James Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Dunne] [1869 8 651 Maryborough Mountmellick PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 10 Jul 1866 of Newtown [Newtownbert? Kilberry] CoI? [d. of Martin Tracey, labourer, & Mary Connors] The mark of Martin Tracey, father, Newtown [1866 13 400 Athy Athy PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 10 Oct 1873 Derrenascobe  [Derreennascooba Ballintober – Burriscarra RC] [d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Corkill] [1873 19 116 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 13 Nov 1875 Cotterstown [Cottrellstown Kilmaganny] Windgap RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Carroll] Catherine Tracey, her mark, mother Cotterstown [1875 19 608 Kilmoganny Callan PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 14 Mar 1868 of Kilrucan [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan RC [d. of Daniel Tracey, farmer, & Honoria Neal] [1868 8 657 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 15 Apr 1870 Kilcummin [Tisaran] Gallen and Reynagh? CoI? [d. of William Tracey, farmer, & Margret Connolly] [1870 8 711 Banagher Parsonstown PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 16 Mar 1865 of Garryspellane [Ballyscaddan] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [d. of John Tracey, labourer, & Mary Donovan] [1865 10 431 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 16 Nov 1875 of 10 Stephens Lane. St Andrew RC [d. of Mark Tracey, labourer, & Mary Fitzpatrick][1875 17 668 Dublin South PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 24 Jul 1865 of Ballintra [Drumhome Donegal] Drumhome RC? [d. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Bridget McHugh].[1865 12 2 Ballintra Ballyshannon PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 24 Jun 1873 Ballycraggan [Killodiernan – Monsea? RC] [d. of Bryan Tracey, labourer, & Anne Kennedy] [1873 13 553 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 28 Mar 1873 Moneygall  [Cullenwaine – Moneygall RC] [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Honora Tobin][1873 8 709 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 28 Nov 1864 of Glenkeel. [Bodoney Upper] Badoney Upper RC [d. of Edward Tracey & Bridget McBride] [1864 17 127 Plumbridge Gortin PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 3 Aug 1867 of Kilteenchan [Cuiltycreaghan? Bekan] Bekan? RC [d. of John Tracey, labourer, & Biddy Waldron] [1867 14 162 Ballindine Claremorris PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 3 May 1873 Drumshanbo [Kildress - Kildress? RC] [d. of Francis Tracey, farmer, & Rose McGurk] Drumshanbo [1873 6 578 Pomeray Cookstown PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 5 Dec 1864 of Abbeyside [Dungarvan] Abbeyside and Ring RC [d. of Michael Tracey & Margaret Whelan] [1864 19 692 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]

* Bridget Tracey b. 5 Jan 1865 of Smithstown [Listerlin] Tullagher RC [d. of William Tracey, labourer, & Mary Dray] [1865 4 895 Dyartmoon New Ross PLU Kilkenny]

* Bridget Tracy b.  12 Jun 1870 Ballyglass [in Clonad Killaderry] Philipstown RC [d. of Bernard Tracy, miller, & Catherine McNamara] [1870 8 836 Philipstown Tullamore PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 10 May 1867 of Belocin? [Bellevue Kilbarron] Terryglass RC [d. of Denis Tracy, labr, & Bridget Meara] [1867 8 494 Terryglass  [Borrisokane] Borrisokane PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 12 Feb 1866 of Naas [Naas] Naas RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Ellen Byrne] Patrick Tracy, father, Naas [1866 2 955 Naas and Carragh Naas PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 12 Oct 1865 of Eastwell [Killallaghtan] Cappataggle RC [d. of Pat Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Bowes] [1865 19 33 Killaan Ballinasloe PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 13 Jul 1864 of Templetouhy [Templetouhy] Moyne and Templetuohy RC [d. of Patrick Tracy & Ellen Stapleton] [1864 13 685 Moyne Thurles PLU] see Templemore

* Bridget Tracy b. 15 Aug 1866 of Ticboy [Tirboy] Road Tuam [Tuam] Tuam RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Ryan] [1866 14 558 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 15 Jan 1872 Creggan [Noughaval] Kilkenny West RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Anne Carty] [1872 3 18 Glasson Athlone PLU Westmeath]

* Bridget Tracy b. 15 Jul 1869 Main St B’sloe [Kilcloony] Ballinasloe RC [d. of Martin Tracy, labourer, & Anne Malloy [Moelia/Melia/Mealia]] [1869 14 27 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 16 Apr 1873 Maudlin [St Marys - New Ross RC] [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Hanlon][1873 9 919 New Ross New Ross PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 17 Jan 1873 Kildologue [Kildalloge Kiltrustan – Strokestown RC] [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dayton][1873 3 421 Stokestown Stokestown PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 17 Sep 1866 of Kildare [Kildare] Kildare & Rathangan RC [d. of Michael Tracy, porter, & Maria Dunne] [1866 17 837 Newbridge and Kildare Naas PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 18 Nov 1865 of Knock [Knockatee? Dunmore] Dunmore RC [d. of John Tracy, landholder, & Mary Cloonan] [1865 19 543 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 20 Aug 1870 Morett [Coolbanagher] Mountmellick? RC? [d. of John Tracy, land steward, Rosenallis [Rosenallis], & Margaret Smith] [1870 18 551 Emo Mountmellick PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 20 Jan 1865 of Vizes Fields [St Michael] St. Michael's RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Burns] [1865 5 485 St Michals Limerick PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 22 Dec 1873 Rosses Point Drumcliff [Drumcliff RC] [d. of James Tracy, seaman, & Bridget Higgins][1874 2 368 Sligo Sligo PLU] [registered 1874]

* Bridget Tracy b. 22 Dec 1873 Rosses Point Drumcliff [Drumcliff RC] [d. of James Tracy, seaman, & Bridget Higgins][1874 2 368 Sligo Sligo PLU] [registered 1874]

* Bridget Tracy b. 22 Jan 1874 Ardgart [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, N S schoolmaster, & Anne Keown] [1874 2 14 Church Hill Ballyshannon PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 22 Mar 1871 Clonlahan [Cloonlahan (Eyre) OR Cloonlahan (Geoghegan) Killoran] Mullagh? RC? [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Louring?] [1871 4 52 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 27 June 1864 of 55 Georges Street. [d. of Luke Tracy & Bridget Martin] [1864 12 658 High Street Dublin South PLU] see St. Andrews RC

* Bridget Tracy b. 28 Apr 1866 of Rathmore [Rathmore Demesne Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Patt Tracy, laborer, & Bridget Gormerly] [1866 9 468 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 29 Dec 1873 Inistioge [Inistioge] Inistioge? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Anne Barron] [1874 4 915 Inistioge Thomastown PLU] [registered 1874]

* Bridget Tracy b. 29 Dec 1873 Inistioge [Inistioge] Inistioge? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Anne Barron] [1874 4 915 Inistioge Thomastown PLU] [registered 1874]

* Bridget Tracy b. 29 Feb 1872 Maudlin [Maudlins St Marys New Ross] New Ross RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Hanlon] [1872 4 1034 New Ross New Ross PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 30 Nov 1864 of Limerick Workhouse. [d. of BLANK & Honora O'Connell] [1864 20 398 St Munchans Limerick Limerick PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 4 Dec 1871 Tourleighter [Toorleitra Ballynakill (Leitrim barony)] Woodford RC [d. of Pat Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Thornton] [1871 19 417 Woodford Loughrea PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 5 Mar 1865 of Glen West [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget McManus] [1865 7 10 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 6 Mar 1867 of Tavermore [Tower More Devenish] Garrrison RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine McManus] [1867 2 11 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 7 Jan 1875 Knockadeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] Paulstown RC [d. of Andrew Tracy, small farmer, & Mary Hennessy] [1875 3 531 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 7 Jul 1866 of Drumingna [Drumigna Kiltubbrid] Kiltubrid RC [d. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Jane Mulvy] [1866 13 78 Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 7 Jul 1874 Caloony St [St. Michael's RC] [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Tracy] [1874 15 438 NoIV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 7 Jun 1870 Prospect Avenue. St. Peter's RC [d. of Nicholas Tracy, coal porter, & Mary Foode] [1870 7 561 St Peters EW Drogheda Drogheda PLU]

* Bridget Tracy b. 9 Jan 1873 Carabane [Carrowbaun] Tuam [Tuam? RC] [d. of Patrick Tracy, landholder, & Mary Monahan] [1873 4 658 Tuam Tuam PLU] [see Addergoole and Liskeevy]

* Bridget Trassy b. 18 Jan 1874 Clonlahan [Cloonlahan Killoran] Mullagh? RC [d. of Fergus Trassy, farmer, & Bridget Lyons][1874 4 43 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Bridget Trassy b. 20 Sep 1864 of Kinvara [Kinvarra Kinvarradoorus]. [d. of John Trassy & Mary Curley] [1864 14 333 Ballinderren [Kinvarra] Gort PLU]

* Bridget Trassy b. 22 Dec 1873 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Patrick Trassy, labourer, & Honora Hayes][1874 3 682 Templemore Thurles PLU] [registered 1874]

* Bridget Trassy b. 22 Dec 1873 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Patrick Trassy, labourer, & Honora Hayes][1874 3 682 Templemore Thurles PLU] [registered 1874]

* Bridget Treacey b. 16 Mar 1867 of Kyle Ardcrony. Cloughjordan RC [d. of John Treacey, carpenter, & Annie Costolo] [1867 8 489 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU] [see Very Rev John J Tracy, Ph.D. (1868 - 1923)]

* Bridget Treacey b. 27 Mar 1865 of Drumgessaun [Drumagissaun Kilglass] Kilglass RC [d. of John Treacey, Chelsea old pensioner, & Bridget French?] [1865 8 439 Roosky Strokestown PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b.  14 Dec 1870 Cloonteen [Doon] Cappamore RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Godfrey] [1870 18 670 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Bridget Treacy b. 10 Mar 1872 Knockeravelea [Knockeravella Templebredon] Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [d. of Peter Treacy, tailor, & Mary Molony] [1872 3 785 Grean Tipperary PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 12 Dec 1866 of Tubberpatrick [Toberpatrick Kiltrustan] Strokestown? RC [d. of Martin Treacy, labourer, & Anne Dillon] [1867 3 413 Roosky Strokestown PLU] [Registered 1867]

* Bridget Treacy b. 12 Dec 1866 of Tubberpatrick [Toberpatrick Kiltrustan] Strokestown? RC [d. of Martin Treacy, labourer, & Anne Dillon] [1867 3 413 Roosky Strokestown PLU] [Registered 1867]

* Bridget Treacy b. 12 May 1866 Kilmallock Workhouse [d. of Mary Treacy] [1866 10 408 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 12 Sep 1870 Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan] Abbeyside and Ring RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, fisherman, & Alice Wall] [1870 14 727 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 13 Sep 1875 Glen West [Inishmacsaint].Garrison RC [d. of  Francis Treacy, farmer, & Anne McFadden] [1875 12 12 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 14 Apr 1873 Clooneconry [Cloonyconry Killokennedy]  [d. of John Treacy, shoemaker, & Bridget Naish] [1873 10 423 Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare]

* Bridget Treacy b. 14 Mar 1864 of Ballyragget [Donaghmore]. [d. of Patt Treacy & Mary Purcell] [1864 3 477 Ballyragget Castlecomer PLU] [crossed out] (LDS) see Lisdowney

* Bridget Treacy b. 16 Mar 1874 Cappawhite [Toem] Cappawhite RC [d. of Richard Treacy, shop keeper, & Catherine Power][1874 8 753 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 16 May 1870 Cappawhite [Cappagh White town Toem] Cappawhite RC [d. of Richard Treacy, shop keeper, & Catherine Power] [1870 8 793 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 17 Sep 1866 of Sleekale [Slievekeale? Road] Waterford. Ballybricken RC [d. of Martin Treacy, Shaily? maker, & Mary Laurence] [1866 19 921 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 17 Sep 1875 Mooncoin [Pollrone] Carrigeen and Mooncoin? RC [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Ryan] [1875 19 864 Ullid Waterford PLU Kilkenny]

* Bridget Treacy b. 18 Feb 1865 Ennistymon Workhouse. Milltownmalbay? RC? [d. of Mary Treacy, & Richard White, road contractor of Fahansunaghtha [Fahanlunaghta Kilmanaheen] Cloonea [Clooney (Corcomroe)] [1865 4 276 Ennistymon Ennistymon PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 18 Jun 1868 of Kilkitane [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway] Clonrush RC Clare [d. of Thady Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Minogue] [1868 14 487 Mtshannon Scarriff PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 19 Jan 1865 of Graigue Killeen [Graigueakilleen Lickmolassy] Portumna RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Winifred Scully] [1865 4 491 Portumna Portumna PLU] [see Tynagh]

* Bridget Treacy b. 20 Sep 1869 Gortnagoyne parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [d. of James Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Boyle] [1869 19 564 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 22 Mar 1871 Poukthaloon [Polltaltoon Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [d. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Mitchel] [1871 4 591 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 25 Aug 1869 Mounrath [Clonenagh and Clonagheen],Mountrath RC [d. of James Treacy, brick layer, in England, & Bridget Loury [Lowry?]] [1869 13 551 Mountrath Mountmellick PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 26 Apr 1866 of Ballyfacy [Kilbride] Glenmore RC [d. of William Treacy, smith, & Ellen Barry] [1866 9 913 Kilmakevoge Waterford PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 26 Aug 1872 Breesheen North [St Peter & St Paul] Kilmallock [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Hanly] [1872 15 357 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Bulgaden]

* Bridget Treacy b. 26 Jan 1872 Mylerstown [Rathernan] Allen and Milltown? RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell] [1872 2 981 Kilmeague Naas PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 27 Aug 1867 of Philipstown [Philipston Donohill] Cappawhite RC [d. of Pat Treacy, farmer, & Margret Ryan?] [1867 13 675 Grean Tipperary PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 28 Apr 1865 of Drumbeggan [Devenish] Devonish RC [d. of John Treacy, herd?, & Susan Kilpatrick] [1865 7 68 Ely Enniskillen PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 28 Oct 1873 Rathnageerah [Fennagh – Myshall RC] [d. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1873 18 444 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 5? Aug 1864 of Knockahorna [Knockanora Glenkeen]. Borrisoleigh RC [d. of Michael Treacy & Mary White] [1864 13 695 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 6 Oct 1871 Kilmallock Workhouse [St Peter & St Paul] [d. of Mary Treacy] [1871 20 381 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 8 Nov 1873 Monard Solloghed [Solloghodmore – Sologhead RC] [d. of Daniel Treacy, railway official, & Sarah Swenney?][1873 18 667 Tipperary Tipperary PLU]

* Bridget Treacy b. 9 Sep 1869 Summerhill Roscrea [in tithes] Roscrea RC [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Winefred Maher] [1869 18 621 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* Bridget Treasy b. 14 May 1866 of Bellwell [Tobernaclug or Belwell]. Parish of Dunmore. Dunmore RC [d. of Patrick Treasy, farmer, & Bridget Connelly] [1866 9 325Dunmore Glenamaddy PLU]

* Bridget Tressy b. 20 Jul 1868 of Doonbeg [Kilmoylan] Kilmoylan? RC? [d. of John Tressy, cottier, & Ellen Farroher] [1868 14 575 Abby Tuam PLU]

* Bridget Tressy b. 6 Oct 1865 of Altyhoney Cumber [Altaghoney Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of Henry Tressy, labourer, & Mary Lynch] [1865 17 202 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Bridget/Briget Tracy b. 5 Nov 1864 of Clohosealy Beg [Clogharaily Beg Loughmoe East] Loughmore and Castleiny RC [d. of Patrick Tracy& Mary Murphy] [1864 18 651 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Bridgett Tracy b. 20 Jun 1865 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] Thos Tracy, father, Ballygar [1865 9 412 Kelleroran Mountbellew PLU]


* Caroline Tracy b. 19 Feb 1868 of Glasslough Street Monaghan. Monaghan RC [d. of Robert Tracy, acting constable of police, & Mary Anne Rooney] [1868 3 316 Monaghan Monaghan PLU]


Catherine Tracy, Mountmellick, Laois/Offaly. 1866 18 547 Portarlington RC [d. of James Treacy & Margaret Carroll] [image not available]

* Catharine Tracy b. 29 Aug 1868 of Craig Cumber [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catharine Carlin] [1868 12 199 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Catharine Trassy b. 15 Dec 1868 of Killinna [Killinny Killinny] Kinvara? RC? [d. of Patrick Trassy, labourer, Catharine Cavanagh] [1868 19 343 Ballinderreen [Kinvarra] Gort PLU]

* Catherine [Ellen crossed out] Tracey b.  5 Mar 1869 Mooncoin [Pollrone] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Walsh [Ryan]] [1869 4 1041 Ullid Waterford PLU]

* Catherine Annie Tracey b. 23 Mar 1871 Old Hill Waterside. [Oghill? Cumber Lower] Waterside RC [d. of Michael Tracey, schoolmaster, & Catherine McCormick] [1871 2 241 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Catherine Elizabeth Tracey b. 4 Oct 1872 of 4 Dorset Street Upper. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral? RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, porter, & Jane Rebecca Hunt] [1872 17 542 Dublin North PLU] [see Stephen Treacy]

* Catherine Tracey b. 1 May 1872 Knockerevan [Knockarevan Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Magee?] [1872 7 10 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 1 Sep 1873 Clooncagh Kilteevan [Roscommon and Kilteevan RC] [d. of Patrick Tracey, small farmer, & Catherine Coffey][1873 18 352 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 10 Feb 1865 of Manor Hamilton [Manorhamilton Cloonclare] Cloonclare RC [d. of Michael Tracey, butcher, & Bridget Travers] [1865 2 297 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 13 Mar 1868 of Parsonstown [Parsonstown] Clogher RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Kathy Floody] [1868 2 558 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 16 Jun 1875 Rosses Point Drumcliff. Drumcliff RC [d. of James Tracey, seaman, & Bridget Higgins] The mark of Bridget Tracy, mother, Rosses Point Drumcliff [1875 12 319 Sligo Sligo PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 17 Nov 1865 of Loughgur Knockainy. Knockany and Patrickswell RC [d. of Edmond Tracey, a farmer, & Catherine Leo]  [1865 20 335 Bruff Kilmallock PLU] [see Brigadier General Edward Joseph Tracy (1902-1967), Medical Officer]

* Catherine Tracey b. 2 Feb 1867 of Liscoleman [Liscolman Liscolman] Clonmore RC [d. of Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith] [1867 2 1018 Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU Wicklow]

* Catherine Tracey b. 2 Nov 1872 Bally Hogan [Ballyhogan Knigh] Monsea? RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hogan] [1872 18 547 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 21 Mar 1871 at 8 a.m. of 31 Hanbury Lane. St. Catherines? RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Alice Farrell] [1871 17 694 Dublin South PLU] [twin] [see Saggart]

* Catherine Tracey b. 22 Jul 1873 Clonlisk [Kilcomin - Shinrone RC] [d. of Denis Tracey, farmer, & Judith Doughan] [1873 13 609 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Catherine Tracey b. 28 May 1869 Pollarton Road Carlow. Carlow RC [d. of James (Patrick?) Tracey, boot maker, & Mary Reilly] [1869 8 526 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 29 Jul 1875 Culleenerwin [Cuilleenirwan Dysart] Dysart RC [d. of John Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Fallon] John Tracy, father, Culleenerwin [1875 13 11 Brideswell Athlone PLU]**

* Catherine Tracey b. 29 Oct 1867 of Duffry Hill Enniscorthy. Enniscorthy RC [d. of Mathew Tracey, baker, & Catherine Stafford] [1867 19 730 Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 30 Sep 1874 Inver Larne [Inver] Inver? RC?  [d. of Robert Tracey, linen finisher, & Catherine Wills] [1874 16 579 Larne Larne PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 31 May 1867 of Drumragh [Drumragh] Drumragh RC [d. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Maguire] [1867 12 278 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Catherine Tracey b. 8 Jan 1868 of Abbey St Ballinrobe [Ballinrobe] Ballinrobe RC [d. of James Tracey, shoemaker, & Catherine Loughry] [1868 4 50 Ballinrobe Ballinrobe PLU]

* Catherine Tracey, b. 22 Mar 1871 Derrinascobe [Derreennascooba Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [d. of John Tracey, farmer, & Nancy Heneghan] [1871 4 175 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 1 Apr 1864 of Cummer [Cummer] Kilmoylan RC. [d. of James Tracy & Bridget Walsh] [1864 9 540 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 1 Jul 1866 of Templetuohy [Templetouhy] Moyne and Templetuohy RC [d. of Matt Tracy, carpenter, & Ellen Maher] [1866 13 631 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 1 Mar 1868 of Woodpark [Rathpeak House (Woodpark Lodge/House) Rathpeak?] Moore, Coi? [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Dolan] [1868 9 34 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 10? Aug 1873 of 28 Chancery Lane [St. Nicholas Without RC] [d. of William Tracy, porter, & Mary Anne Dwyer] The mark of Mary Anne Tracy, mother, 28 Chancery Lane [1873 12 634 Dublin South PLU] [Tracey in printed index]

* Catherine Tracy b. 11 May 1865 of Gragevalla [Graigueavallagh Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Davis] [1865 8 595 Rathdowney/Borris-in-Ossory Donaghmore PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 12 Sep 1867 of Peake [Park? Killallaghtan] Cappataggle RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, dealer in stock, & Bridget Bowes] [1867 14 35 Killaan Ballinasloe PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 13 Mar 1867 of 22 James's Street. St James RC [d. of John Tracy, carpenter, & Mary Bulger] John Tracy, father, 22 James's Street [1867 2 694 Dublin South PLU] [see Templemore Tipperary]

* Catherine Tracy b. 13 Oct 1865 of Chapel lane New Ross. New Ross RC [d. of William Tracy, tailor, & Catherine Delany] [1865 19 805 New Ross New Ross PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 14 Jan 1872 Derrenascobe [Derreennascooba Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Corkill] [1872 4 154 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]**

* Catherine Tracy b. 15 Jan 1873 Bonlahy [Bunlahy Granard – Granard RC] [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Rose McCabe] [1873 3 234 Granard Granard PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 15 Jun 1873 Dernacart [Castlebrack – Mountmellick RC] [d. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Mary Scully] [1873 13 541 Mountmellick Mountmellick PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 16 May 1867 of Peter St Tramore [Drumcannon]  Tramore RC? [d. of Michael Tracy, laborer, & Mary Hutcheson] [1867 14 880 Tramore Waterford PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 19 Jun 1870 Knockcroghery Killenvoy. Killinvoy RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Elizabeth Higgins] [1870 8 424 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 2 Aug 1868 of 25 Upper Erne Street. St. Andrews RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Bessy Devine] [1868 12 720  Grand Canal Street Dublin South PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 2 Feb 1865 of Bleannagloose [Bleannagloos Killian] Killian RC [d. of Andrew Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Costello] [1865 4 435 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 2 Jan 1872 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Burns] [1872 4 154 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]**

* Catherine Tracy b. 21 August 1866 of Naas [Naas] Naas RC [d. of Richard Tracy, baker, & Rose Carroll] [1866 17 854 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU] [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

* Catherine Tracy b. 22 Feb 1867 of Distillary Lane Athlone. [St. Peters] St Peters Athlone RC [d. of Hugh Tracey, baker, & Maria Ryan] [1867 3 8 Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]

* Catherine Tracy b. 24 Aug 1870 St. Brandons [St. Brendan's or Cregganagrogy Killian] Killian? RC [d. of Andrew Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Costello] [1870 14 425 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 25 Dec 1867 of 4 Rutland Place. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, servant, & Bessy McDermott] [1868 2 566 Dublin North PLU] [Registered 1868]

* Catherine Tracy b. 25 Dec 1867 of 4 Rutland Place. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, servant, & Bessy McDermott] [1868 2 566 Dublin North PLU] [Registered 1868]

* Catherine Tracy b. 25 Feb 1874 Ballycosney [Kilbride] Tullamore? RC [d. of Mathew Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Gannon] [1874 8 807 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 25 Mar 1867 of Rub's? Court Kingstown Avenue. Kingstown RC [d. of Michael Tracy, stoker, & Eliza Byrne] [1867 7 1039 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 26 Nov 1869 Craig Cumber [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Carlin] [1869 17 198 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 26 Sep 1875 Gortnarane Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of James Tracy, shoemaker, & Sarah Tracy] [1875 17 205 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 27 Jun 1867 of Terigannon [Tirigannon Glebe Belleek] Carn RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Catherine O'Neil] [1867 12 7 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 3.13 o’clock 4 Apr 1872 Carriga  [Carrigagh Rathaspick] Rathaspick and Russagh? RC [d. of Bernard Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Guy] [1872 8 341 Ballynacargy Mullingar PLU] [twins]

* Catherine Tracy b. 30 Jul 1873 Dalkey [Dalkey – Dalkey RC] [d. of Edward Tracy, labourer, & Mary Keogh] [1873 12 887 Killiney Rathdown PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 4 Mar 1870 Crockenelia [?]. Monasterevan RC [d. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Devoy] [1870 3 478 Monasterevan Athy PLU] [see Athy]

* Catherine Tracy b. 4? May 1872 Nashs Court James Street. St James RC [d. of John Tracy, carpenter, & Mary Bulger][1872 7 704 Dublin South PLU] [see Templemore Tipperary]

* Catherine Tracy b. 5 Feb 1868 of Knockshann [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [d. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Johanna Costello] [1868 3 686 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [see Denis Treacy of Glenkeen]

* Catherine Tracy b. 6 Aug 1868 of Meelick East Tuam. Tuam? RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, landholder, & Mary Corless] [1868 14 592 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 7 Nov 1875 Cahercon [Killinny] Kinvara RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Biddy Silk] [1875 19 326 Kinvara Gort PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 8 July 1870 Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1870 14 423 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Catherine Tracy b. 8 March 1866 of Blind Street Cashel. Cashel RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Honora Rahely] [1866 3 527 Cashel Cashel PLU]

* Catherine Trassy b. 27 Oct 1873 Killinna [Killinny Killinny – Kinvara? RC] [d. of Mathew Trassy, small farmer, & Catharine Cavanagh] Mathew Trassy, father, Killinna [1873 19 337 Kinvarra Gort PLU]

* Catherine Trassy b. 28 Oct 1872 Killahorna [Culliagharny] Creagh. Ballinasloe RC [d. of Patrick Trassy, small farmer, & Mary Fahy] [1872 19 31 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

* Catherine Treacy b.  20? Aug 1869 Ballywater [Ballywalter Kilvemnon] Mullinahone RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Phelan] [1869 14 639 Mullinahone Callan PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 1 Jun 1868 of Knockatee parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [d. of James Treacy, landholder, & Mary Glynn] [1868 9 575 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [Tulla in printed and online database] [see Raymond William Treacy]

* Catherine Treacy b. 1 Mar 1864 of Cleaboy [Ballintober]. Ballintubber and Ballymoe RC [d. of Francis Treacy & Anne Boyle] [1864 9 164 Castleplunket Castlerea PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 1 Sep 1874 of Mary St Enniskillen. Enniskillen RC [d. of John Treacy, shoemaker, & Bessy Kelly][1874 17 69 Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 10 Mar 1874 Ballymacegan [Lorrha] Lorrha and Dorrha? RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Gavan] [1874 8 482 Terryglass Borrisokane PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 11 Jul 1873 Rathmoyre [Rathmoy Glenkeen – Borrisoleigh RC] [d. of William Treacy, small farmer, & Margaret Kearns] [1873 13 614 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 12 Jan 1867 of Swineford [Swineford] Swineford RC [d. of James Treacy, policeman, & Catherine Welby] [1867 4 567 Swinford Swinford PLU] [RIC see Oughterard Galway]

* Catherine Treacy b. 15 December 1864 Derrew.[Killimorbologue OR Kilquain] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC  [d. of Edward Treacy & Bridget Boland]  [1865 4 485 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [Registered 1865] see Tynagh

* Catherine Treacy b. 15 December 1864 of Derrew.[Killimorbologue OR Kilquain] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC  [d. of Edward Treacy & Bridget Boland]  [1865 4 485 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [Registered 1865] see Tynagh

* Catherine Treacy b. 15 Jun 1873 Borrisokane [Borrisokane – Borrisokane RC] [d. of William Treacy, policeman, & Henrietta Madden] [1873 8 468 Borrisokane Borrisokane PLU] [see Roscrea and RIC]

* Catherine Treacy b. 15 Sep 1866 at 4 OC p.m. of Thomas Street  [Queenstown town Templerobin] Cobh RC  [s. of Thomas Treacy, labourer, & Mary Ahern] [1866 20 192 Queenstown Cork PLU] [twins]

* Catherine Treacy b. 17 Mar 1873 Poulthaloon [Polltaltoon Tynagh – Tynagh? RC] [d. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Mitchel] [1873 9 508 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 18 Jun 1868 of Garryspillane [Garryspellane town Ballyscaddan] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Mary Donovan] [1868 10 465 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 18 Nov 1865 of Passage [Kill St. Nicholas] Killea RC [d. of John Treacy, Revenue Officer & Maryanne N?colson [Nicholson]] [1865 19 876 Woodstown Waterford PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 20 Jul 1871 Nicker [Grean] Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [d. of John Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Kourigan] [1871 13 670 Grean Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Catherine Treacy b. 21 Nov 1867 of Dromard [Killavinoge] Templemore RC [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Margaret Fogarty] [1867 18 588 & 871 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 22 Oct 1875 Gibbinstown  [Gibbonstown Kilbreedy Major] Bulgaden? RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Catherine Condon] [1875 20 347 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 23 Mar 1873 Workhouse Thurles [d. of John Treacy, laborer, Templemore, & Eliza Power] [1873 3 741 Thurles Thurles PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 24 May 1867 of Belgrove [Templerobin] Cobh RC [d. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Walsh] [1867 10 235 Queenstown Cork PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 27 Aug 1871 Rathruddy Loughrea [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Burke] [1871 14 391 Loughrea Loughrea PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 28 Feb 1866 of Ardkilmartin P St St Peter & Paul. Kilmallock RC [d. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Fitzgerald] [1866 5 430 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 28 Nov 1872 Summerhill Roscrea [Roscrea RC] [d. of Denis Treacy, female, & Winifred Maher] [1873 3 701 Roscrea Roscrea PLU] [registered 1873]

* Catherine Treacy b. 28 Nov 1872 Summerhill Roscrea [Roscrea RC] [d. of Denis Treacy, female, & Winifred Maher] [1873 3 701 Roscrea Roscrea PLU] [registered 1873]

* Catherine Treacy b. 3 Aug 1874 Spanishpoint [in Kilfarboy] Milltownmalbay? RC [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Ellen ONeill] [1874 14 270 Miltown Malbay Ennistimon PLU] [Tracy in index]

* Catherine Treacy b. 5 Apr 1868 of Sallins Road Naas [Naas] Naas RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, porter, & Ellen Byrne] [1868 7 942 Naas & Caragh Naas PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 5 Feb 1864 of Bonlea [Bolintlea Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] Ballingarry RC. [d. of James Treacy & Judy Coney] [1864 4 504 Ballingarry Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Catherine Treacy b. 5 Mar 1869 Mooncoin  [Pollrone] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Walsh] [1869 9 990 Ullid Waterford PLU] [Cancelled]

* Catherine Treacy b. 6 Mar 1875 Kilcummin [Tisaran] Gallen and Reynagh? CoI? [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Margret Connolly] [1875 3 611 Banagher Parsonstown PLU]

* Catherine Treacy b. 7 Dec 1867 of Ballinulty [Cullen] Cullen and Latten RC [d. of Edmond Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Hayes] [1867 18 631 Emly Tipperary PLU]

* Catherine Tressy b. 28 Jun 1869 Boston [?]. Laragh? RC? [d. of Patt Tressy, cottier, & Oney Mochan?] [1869 13 169 Tullyvin Cootehill PLU]

* Cathr Eliza Treacy b. 8 Aug 1865 of Clooncagh [Clooncah] Kilteevan. Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [d. of Pat Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Hanly] [1865 13 366 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU] [see Dr Martin L Tracey Jr]

* Cathrine Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly [Cloonygormican OR Fuerty] Athleague RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, carpenter, & Hanoria Gollaher] [1868 18 351 Athleague Roscommon PLU] [twins] [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Cathrine Treacy b. 8 Apr 1868 of Crinkle Parsonstown [Crinkill Birr] Birr and Loughkeen RC [d. of James Treacy, pensioner, & Mary Anne Lally] [1868 8 709 Parsonstown Parsonstown PLU]


* Cecilia Jane Treacy b. 3 July 1869 of 23 Hospital Lane. St. Peter? CoI [d. of John Treacy, baker, & Anne Cue] [1869 15 169 Cork Cork PLU] [Celia in printed index]

* Cecilia Tracey b. 22 Nov 1868 of Mall Newry [Newry] Newry RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, car driver, & Mary Jane McAlinden] [1868 16 762 Newry Newry PLU]

* Celia Thracy b. 27 Oct 1871 Laraghmore [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [Thomas Thracy, land holder, & Mary Cody] [1871 19 299 Turloughmore Galway PLU]

* Celia Tracy b. 1 Jun 1874 Old Pound Street Sligo [Sarah - St John's, Sligo RC] [d. of Pat Tracy, shoemaker, & Catherine Jordan] [1874 12 331 Sligo Sligo PLU]


* Charles Tracey b. 14 Nov 1871 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, mason, & Honora OConnor] [1872 8 765 Templemore Thurles PLU] [registered 1872]

* Charles Tracey b. 14 Nov 1871 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, mason, & Honora OConnor] [1872 8 765 Templemore Thurles PLU] [registered 1872]

* Charles Tracy b. 28 Jan 1875 Craig Cumber  [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, shoe maker, & Margaret Carten] [1875 2 230 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Charles William Tracey b.  18 Aug 1869 of No 4 Albert Place. Fermoy? CoI [s. of James Henry Tracey, soldier, & Mary Siddell [Liddell]] [1869 14 758 Fermoy Fermoy PLU]


* Charlotte Tracey b.  19 Jan 1870 Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Castlemacadam CoI [d. of Richard Tracey, miner, & Maryanne Tracey] [1870 2 1173 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] [twins]

* Charlotte Tracy b. 4 Dec 1864 of 28 Thomas Court. [d. of Thomas Tracy & Bridget Breslin [OR Russell]] [1864 17 668  Dublin South PLU]


* Christopher John Treasy b. 25 Dec 1864 of Stradavoher Thurles. Thurles RC[s. of John  [or Michael] Treasy & Mary Ward] [1864 18 662 Thurles Thurles PLU]

* Christopher Joseph Tracy b. 25 Dec 1864 of 14 Bow Bridge. St. James RC [s. of John Tracy & Mary Bulger] [1865 2 745 Dublin South PLU] [Registered 1865] [see Templemore Tipperary]

* Christopher Joseph Tracy b. 25 Dec 1864 of 14 Bow Bridge. St. James RC [s. of John Tracy & Mary Bulger] [1865 2 745 Dublin South PLU] [Registered 1865] [see Templemore Tipperary]

* Christopher P. Tracy b. 28 Dec 1864 of Lucan [Lucan] Clondalkin RC [s. of Robert Tracy, laborer, & Bessy Darcy [or Lynch]] [1865 2 572 Lucan Celbridge PLU Dublin] [Registered 1865]

* Christopher P. Tracy b. 28 Dec 1864 of Lucan [Lucan] Clondalkin RC [s. of Robert Tracy, laborer, & Bessy Darcy [or Lynch]] [1865 2 572 Lucan Celbridge PLU Dublin] [Registered 1865]

* Christopher Tracey b. 13 June 1867 of 9 Milford St Belfast. St. Peter's RC, Belfast city [s. of William Tracey, linen lapper & Mary Loughlin] [1867 11 326 Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]

* Christopher Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 Lisbryan [Ballingarry] Shinrone? RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Anne Watters] [1876 3 439 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU] [registered 1876]


* Clara Hanna Tracey b. 3 Jan 1874 of 183 Woodstock road [d. of George Tracey, salesman & Lizzie McKay] [1874 1 417 Castlereagh Belfast PLU Down]


* Con Treacy b. 7 Aug 1871 Ballaquade [Ballyquaid Glebe Skirk] Borris-In-Ossory RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Delany] [1871 18 491 Borris in Ossary Donaghmore PLU]

* Conner Treacy b. 1 Aug 1868 of Aughalilmore [Aghakilmore Columbkille] Colmcille RC [s. of Charles Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Nannary] [1868 13 190 Ballinalee Granard PLU]

* Cornelious Treacy b. 6 Oct 1868 of Lislea [Clonbroney] Clonbroney RC [s. of Cornelious Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Kiernan] [1868 18 193 Ballinalee Granard PLU]

* Cornelius Treasy b. 19 Mar 1869 Templemore [Templemore Demesne Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of James Treasy, shop man, & Margaret Ryan] [1869 3 728 Templemore Thurles PLU]


* Daniel Tracey b. 12 Oct 1864 of Carriganagh [Carrickaneagh Kilruane] Cloughjordan RC [s. of Daniel Tracey & Honora Neal] [1864 18 578 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Daniel Tracey b. 15 Jul 1875 Kilruan  [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan? RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Darcy][1875 13 539 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Daniel Tracey b. 24 Jul 1868 of Finnoe [civil parish] Terryglass RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Mary Cahalan] [1868 13 423 Borrisokane Borrisokane PLU]

* Daniel Tracy b. 15 Sep 1871 Baltinglass [Baltinglass] Baltinglass RC  [s. of Thomas Tracy, America, Clerk, & Mary Heydon] [1871 12 444 Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU] [see St James Dublin]

* Daniel Tracy b. 8 Feb 1873 1.10 o’clock am Coolavehy [Kilflyn - Glenroe RC] [s. of William Tracy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1873 5 440 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU] [twins]

* Daniel Trassy b. 25 Feb 1870 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Thomas Trassy, mason, & Honora Connors] [1870 3 740 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Daniel Treacey b. 26 Sep 1870 Mylerstown [Rathernan] Allen and Milltown? RC [s. of Thomas Treacey, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell] [1870 17 859 Kilmeague Naas PLU]

* Daniel Treacy b. 19 Dec 1864 of Knockbrock. Ballyragget RC [s. of William Treacy & Anne Bergin] [1864 18 502 Ballyragget Castlecomer PLU]

* Daniel Treacy b. 19 Mar 1873 Cloonteen [Doon - Cappamore RC] [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Godfrey] [1873 3 754 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Daniel Treacy b. 20 Sep 1869 Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore RC [s. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Treacy] [1869 18 616 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Daniel Treacy b. 26 Aug 1865 of Conohy [Connahy Grangemaccomb] Conohy RC [s. of James Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Maher] James Treacy, father, Conohy [1865 13 506 Ballyragget Castlecomer PLU]

* Daniel Treacy b. 30 Oct 1872 Belgrove [Templerobin] Cobh RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Walsh] [1872 20 188 Queenstown Cork PLU]


* David Tracey b. 5 Jun 1866 of Glenbowen [Glenbower Fiddown Kilkenny] [s. of William Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Hearn] [1866 9 626 Carrick On Suir Carrick On Suir PLU] [see Ballyneale Parish Tipperary]

* David Tracy b.  23 May 1869 Main Street [Youghal] Youghal RC [s. of David Tracy, shopkeeper, & Ellen Fitzgerald] [1869 9 1072 Youghal Youghal PLU]

* David Tracy b. 11 Apr 1873 Hughstown [Killelan – Castledermot RC] [s. of James Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Reynolds] [1873 7 497 Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU]

* David Tracy b. 7 May 1872 Whitegate [Aghada OR Corkbeg] Middleton RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Fitzgerald] [1872 9 884 Middleton  [Aghada] Middleton PLU]

* David Treacy b. 12 Jan 1869 Gibbinstown P. Bulgaden [Gibbonstown Athneasy OR Kilbreedy Major] Bulgaden RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Catherine Condon] [1869 5 430 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* David Treacy b. 17 Oct 1867 of Kildrummine [Kildromin Kilteely] Kilteely and Drumkeen RC [s. of David Treacy, farmer, & Margt Dwyer] [1867 20 315 Hospital Kilmallock

* David Treacy b. 27 Feb 1865 of Ballinahoune [Ballynahown] p. Ballingaddy. Kilmallock RC [s. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Moran] [1865 5 436 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* David Treacy b. 4 Aug 1872 Garryspillane [Garryspellane town Ballyscaddan] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Mary Donovan] [1872 20 363 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* David Treacy b. 9 Dec 1871 Knocklong [Kilfrush OR Knocklong] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [s. of Jeremiah Treacy, labourer, & Margaret OBrien] [1872 5 437 Hospital Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1872]

* David Treacy b. 9 Dec 1871 Knocklong [Kilfrush OR Knocklong] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [s. of Jeremiah Treacy, labourer, & Margaret OBrien] [1872 5 437 Hospital Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1872]


* Delia Tressy b.  27 May 1869 Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC [d. of Martin Tressy, labourer, & Mary Hessin?] [1869 9 575 Abbey Tuam PLU]


* Denis Tracey b.  2 Dec 1869 Moynure  [Roscrea Offaly] Roscrea RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Ellen Dooley] 1869 18 627 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Denis Tracey b. 20 Jul 1872 Kilruan [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan  RC [s. of Daniel Tracey, farmer, & Hanoria Neal] [1872 13 568 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Denis Tracey b. 20 Mary 1867 of New Road. Arklow RC [s. of Michael Tracey, coaster, & Sarah Byrne] [1867 2 990 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* Denis Tracey b. 26? Apr 1870 Kilruan [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan? RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Darcy] [1870 8 681 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Denis Tracey b. 31 Jan 1864 of Ballymagill [Ballymackillagill Listerlin] Tullagher  RC [s. of Thomas Tracey & Mary Mackey] [1864 4 755 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU]

* Denis Tracey b. 7 Apr 1867 of Dunmore parish of Dunmore [s. of Patrick Tracey, shoemaker, & Bridget Grady. [1867 9 563 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see Mavis Darcy webpage]

* Denis Tracy b.  23 Jan 1871 Ballywater [Ballywalter[Kilvemnon] Mullinahone RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Phelan] [1871 4 797 Mullinahone Callan PLU]

* Denis Tracy b. 21 Nov 1875 Ballyre  [Dangandonovan] Killeagh RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Mary Connors] [1875 19 773 Castlemartyr Middleton PLU]

* Denis Treacy b. 21 Dec 1873 Grange [Knocklong] Knocklong and Glenbrohane? RC [s. of Jeremiah Treacy, labourer, & Margaret Obrien] [1874 5 393 Hospital Kilmallock PLU] [see Galbally and Aherlow] [registered 1874]

* Denis Treacy b. 21 Dec 1873 Grange [Knocklong] Knocklong and Glenbrohane? RC [s. of Jeremiah Treacy, labourer, & Margaret Obrien] [1874 5 393 Hospital Kilmallock PLU] [see Galbally and Aherlow] [registered 1874]

* Denis Treacy b. 25 Apr 1874  Ballycleary [Ballyclery Roscrea] Roscrea RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Honora Ryan] [1874 8 715 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Denis Treacy b. 28 Oct 1867 of Old Park [Tithe Record Bourney]. Bournea and Corbally RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Jane McDonnell] [1867 18 588 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Dennis Tracey/Tracy b. 4 Jul 1873 Belvue [Bellevue Kilbarron – Terryglass RC] [s. of Dennis Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Meara] [1873 13 417 Terryglass [Borrisokane] Borrisokane PLU]


* Diana Tracy b. 13 Jun 1864 of Ballyedmonduff [Kilgobbin]. Kilternan and Kilgobbin CoI [d. of Edward Tracy & Margaret Rogers] [1864 12 913 Glencullen Rathdown PLU]


* Dorinda Tracey b. 19 Aug 1867 of 13 Gt Britain St. St. Mary's? RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, cooper, & Matilda Moore] [1867 15 129 Cork Cork PLU]


* Easter Tracy b. 14 Apr 1867 of 15 Thomas Court. St. Catherines? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, carpenter, & Alice Farrell] [1867 7 717 Dublin South PLU] [see Saggart]


* Edith Margaret Tracy b. 14 Sep 1868 of Brennan Terrace Bray [Bray] Bray CoI? [d. of Thos B Tracy, Bengal Civil Service, & Frances Mary Maxwell] [1868 12 912 Bray Rathdown PLU] [see William Samuel Tracy]


* Edmond Thracy b. 17 Sep 1869 Laraghmore  [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy. Abbeyknockmoy? RC?] [s. of Thomas Thracy, land holder, & Mary Coady] [1869 ? 313 Tuloughmore Galway PLU]

* Edmond Tracy b. 1 Dec 1866 of Kilfinnan Kilfinnan Parish [Kilfinnane Kilfinnane] Kilfinane RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Cleary] [1866 20 356 Kilfinnane Kilmallock PLU]

* Edmond Tracy b. 20 Oct 1865 of Ballingarry [Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry RC [s. of William Tracy, of New York?, blacksmith, & Anne Graves] [1865 20 208 Castletown Croom PLU]

* Edmond Tracy b. 22? Dec 1870 Forster St Galway. St. Nicholas East RC [s. of Mark Treacy, grocer, & Ellen Cook] [1870 19 299 Galway Galway PLU] [cancelled]

* Edmond Tracy b. 4 May 1874 Ashbourne Road [s. of John Tracy, constable of police, & Mary Anne Rice][1874 10 528 NoIV St Michaels Limerick PLU] [see RIC]

* Edmond Tracy b. 7 Jan 1865 of Ballingarry [Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry RC [s. of John Tracy, address not known, blacksmith, & Margaret Hore] Ballingarry [1865 5 247 Castletown Croom PLU]

* Edmond Treacy b. 10 Nov 1869 Barna. Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [s. of Peter Treacy, tailor, & Mary Mullony] [1869 18 672 Grean Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Edmond Treacy b. 17 Jun 1866 of Scart [Kilteely Limerick] Kilteely and Drumkeen RC [s. of Edmund Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Breen] [1866 8 758 Grean Tipperary PLU]

* Edmond Treacy b. 29 Nov 1874 Ballingaddy [Ballingaddy] Kilmallock? RC [s. of Edmond Treacy, of Riversfield  [Ardpatrick], labourer, & Hanora Quin][1874 20 351 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Knocklong and Glenbrohane]

* Edmond Treacy b. 6 Jul 1870 Knockfierna [in Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Honora Downs] [1870 15 209 Castletown Croom PLU]

* Edmond Treacy b. 6 Nov 1875 Meeting Street Tipperary. Tipperary RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, shopkeeper, & Mary Carey] [1875 18 650 Tipperary Tipperary PLU] [see Sologhead]

* Edmond Treacy b. 9 Aug 1868 of Breesheen North p. St. St. Peter & Paul. Kilmallock RC [s. of William Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Hanley] [1868 15 358 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Bulgaden]

* Edmond? Treacy b. 21 Feb 1873 Abby [Abbeyknockmoy - Abbeyknockmoy? RC?], [s. of Martin Treacy, land holder, & Mary Hession] [1873 4 628 Abby Tuam PLU]

* Edmund Richard Tracy b. 2 Mar 1872 of 22 Dawson Street, St. Andrews RC [s. of Luke Tracy, tailor, & Ann Carey] [1872 2 803 Dublin South PLU]

* Edmund Thracy b. 13 Jan 1873 Laeaghmore [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy. Abbeyknockmoy? RC] [s. of Stephen Thracy, landholder, & Bridget Murphy] [1873 ? 345 Tuloughmore Galway PLU]

* Edmund Thracy b. 16 May 1874 Laragh [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy. Abbeyknockmoy? RC?] [s. of Patrick Thracy, labourer, & Honor Delaney] [1872 ? 311 Turloughmore Galway PLU]

* Edmund Tracey b. 14 Apr 1864 of No 33 Gt Britain St. St. Mary’s RC [s. of Patrick Tracey & Matilda Moore]  [1864 10 147 Cork Cork PLU]

* Edmund Tracy b. 20 Jul 1870 Carrowmore [Moynoe] Scarriff RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Farrell] [1870 19 489 Mtshannon Scarriff PLU]


* Edward [Thomas crossed out] Treacy b. 20 May 1875 Killeshin [Killeshin] Killeshin RC [s. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Cooper] [1875 8 462 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois]

* Edward Michael Tracey b. 29 Nov 1866 of 51 Mill St Belfast. St. Patrick's? RC [s. of Edward Tracey, dealer, & Elizabeth Lavery] [1866 16 297 Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]

* Edward Tracey b. 16 Apr 1868 of 4 Anna Ville Cullenwood [St. Peters] Rathmines RC [s. of Edward Tracey. bricklayer, & Mary Stevens] [1868 7 829 Rathmines Dublin South PLU]

* Edward Tracey b. 2 Mar 1865 of Rathleague [Kilcolmanbane OR Straboe] Maryborough RC [s. of Edward Tracey, herd, & Eliza Mack] [1865 3 616 Maryborough Mountmellick PLU]

* Edward Tracey b. 20 Jun 1868 of Rogerstown [Monasteroris] Edenderry RC  [s. of Edward Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Hill] [1868 13 507 Edenderry Edenderry PLU]

* Edward Tracey b. 4 May 1870 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Edward Tracey, publican, & Ellen Blake] [1870 8 770 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Edward Tracey b. 7 Sep 1873 of 58 Golden Lane [St. Nicholas RC][s. of William Tracey, labourer, & Fanny Harrisson [Rogers?]][1873 12 636 Dublin South PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* Edward Tracy b. 1 Aug 1875 Greenmount Avenue Dalkey [Dalkey] Dalkey RC [s. of Edward Tracy, labourer & Maryanne Keogh] [1875 12 883 Killiney Rathdown PLU]

* Edward Tracy b. 12 Nov 1872? Cunniker [Conicker Ettagh – Aghancon RC] [s. of Daniel Tracy, labourer, & Mary Lupton] [1873 3 707 Roscrea No.2 Roscrea PLU Offaly] [registered 1873]

* Edward Tracy b. 12 Nov 1872? Cunniker [Conicker Ettagh – Aghancon RC] [s. of Daniel Tracy, labourer, & Mary Lupton] [1873 3 707 Roscrea No.2 Roscrea PLU Offaly] [registered 1873]

* Edward Tracy b. 13 Aug 1872 Glen West [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget M. Manus] [1872 12 11 Belleck Ballyshannon PLU]

* Edward Tracy b. 15 Dec 1873 Lisnanon [Lisnaragh? Donaghedy] Donaghedy RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, blacksmith, & Eliza Sheerin] [1874 2 149 Plumbridge Gortin PLU] [registered 1874]

* Edward Tracy b. 15 Dec 1873 Lisnanon [Lisnaragh? Donaghedy] Donaghedy RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, blacksmith, & Eliza Sheerin] [1874 2 149 Plumbridge Gortin PLU] [registered 1874]

* Edward Tracy b. 2 Dec 1867 of Knockendraine [Knockendrane Fennagh] Myshall RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Maria Burn] [1867 18 435 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]

* Edward Tracy b. 30 Jul 1867 of Clonlisk [Kilcomin] Shinrone RC [s. of Denis Tracy, labourer, & Judith Doughan] [1867 13 624 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Edward Treacey b. 13 Oct 1864 of Mall Newry [Newry]. [s. of Patrick Treacey & Mary Jane McAlenden]  [1864 16 775 Newry Newry PLU Down] see Drumcree Armagh

* Edward Treacy b. 15 May 1873 Kimran [Clones – Clones RC] [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Sherry] [1873 13 147 Roslea Clones PLU Fermanagh] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Edward Treacy b. 16 Dec 1873 East Port  [in Ballyhanna] Ballyshannon. Innismacsaint? RC [s. of Charles Treacy, shopkeeper, & Margaret Timoney][1874 2 6 Ballyshannon Ballyshannon PLU] [registered 1874]

* Edward Treacy b. 16 Dec 1873 East Port  [in Ballyhanna] Ballyshannon. Innismacsaint? RC [s. of Charles Treacy, shopkeeper, & Margaret Timoney][1874 2 6 Ballyshannon Ballyshannon PLU] [registered 1874]

* Edward Treacy b. 16 May 1866 of Bally Edmond Duff [Ballyedmonduff Kilgobbin] Kilternan and Kilgobbin CoI [s. of Edward Treacy, care taker, & Margaret Rogers] [1866 7 993 Glencullen Rathdown PLU]

* Edward Treacy b. 21 Dec 1875 Lyss [Liss Abbeyknockmoy]. Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Julia Blade] [1876 4 581 Abbey Tuam PLU] [registered 1876]

* Edward Treacy b. 28 mar 1870 Shillanmore [Enniskillen] [s. of Bridget Treacy] [1870 2 114 Tempo Enniskillen PLU]

* Edward Treacy b. 3 Aug 1866 of Aughakilmore [Aghakilmore Columbkille] Colmcille RC [s. of Charles Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Nannary] [1866 13 200 Ballinalee Granard PLU]

* Edward Treacy b. 3 Feb 1870 Belmount [in  Coan Dysart] Bilbo? CoI [s. of Joseph Treacy, farmer, & Anna Maria Wilson] [1870 3 568 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [See William Treacy of Bellmount]

* Edward Tressy b. 2 Oct 1865 of Ink Horn Cootehill [Drumgoon] Drumgoon RC [s. of Edward Tressy, apple dealer, & Charlotte McGuiness] [1865 18 159 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]


* Eleanor Tracey b. 4 July 1866 born at 5 o clock p.m. of Knockbrack Glendermott [Clondermot] Waterside RC [d. of John Tracey, labourer, & Nancy Edgar] [1866 12 199 Glendermot Londonderry PLU] twins


* Eliza Mary Tracy/Treacy b. 28 Sep 1868 of Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Ml Tracy, publican, & Eliza OBrien] [1868 18 639 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Eliza Tracey b.  31 Mar 1870 Poyntz Lane. St. Mary's RC [d. of Eliza Tracey] [1870 8 629 Kilkenny Kilkenny PLU]

* Eliza Tracey b. 12 Jun 1875 of 3 Brown Street. Portlaw RC [d. of John Tracey, baker, of Clonmel, & Eliza Cashen] [1875 14 581 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU] [see Treacy Brothers of New Jersey]

* Eliza Tracey b. 16 Apr 1865 of Main St Templemore. Templemore RC [d. of Edw Tracey, shopkeeper, & Ellen Blake] Mary Ryan, her mark, present at birth, Templemore [1865 8 757 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Eliza Tracey b. 23 Apr 1873 Woodpark Moore [ie Rathpeak House in Rathpeak Moore – CoI?] [d. of Michael Tracey, herd, & Bridget Dolan][1873 14 29 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

* Eliza Tracey b. 26 Mar 1875 Knockmoyle [Cappagh] Cappagh? RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Beattie] [1875 7 319 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Eliza Tracey b. 3 Dec 1872 Ballymore Tamlaght Finlagan. Carrick CoI [d. of Daniel Tracey, labourer, & Mary Ann Dunseith] [1872 16 871 Ballykelly Newtownlimavady [Limavady Limavady] PLU]

* Eliza Tracey b. 30 Mar 1875 Kilree St Bagnalstown [Dunleckny] Dunleckny? RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, stone cutter, & Johanna Ronin][1875 8 455 Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]

* Eliza Tracey b. 4 July 1866 born at 5.30 o clock p.m. of Knockbrack Glendermott  [Clondermot] Waterside RC [d. of John Tracey, labourer, & Nancy Edgar] [1866 12 199 Glendermot Londonderry PLU] twins

* Eliza Tracy b. 4 Aug 1865 of Sumper lane Tullamore [Kilbride (Ballycowan)].. Tullamore RC [d. of John Tracy, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent] [1865 13 732 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Eliza Tracy b. 6 Oct 1870 Kinnegad [Killucan] Kinnegad RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, nail maker, & Margaret Coleman] [1870 18 317 Killucan Mullingar PLU]

* Eliza Tracy b. 9 Feb 1867 of Ballyglass [in Clonad Killaderry] Philipstown RC [d. of Bernard Tracy, miller, & Catherine McNamara] [1867 3 761 Philipstown Tullamore PLU]

* Eliza Treacy b. 28 Dec 1872 Carrenderry [Carrownderry Templetogher - Boyounagh? RC] [d. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Anne Boyle] [1873 4 364 Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU] [registered 1873] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon & see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Eliza Treacy b. 28 Dec 1872 Carrenderry [Carrownderry Templetogher - Boyounagh? RC] [d. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Anne Boyle] [1873 4 364 Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU] [registered 1873] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon & see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Eliza Treacy b. 3? Jan 1875 Borrisoleigh [Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [d. of William Treacy, police constable, & Henrietta Madden] [1875 3 647 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [see RIC]

* Eliza Treacy b. 4 Mar 1866 of Ballyvaldin [Ballyvalden Shankill] Paulstown RC [d. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Mary Brennan] [1866 8 600 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* Eliza Treacy b. 6 Mar 1867 of Lesnarah? [Lisnaragh Donaghedy] Donaghedy RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, black smith, & Eliza Shearer] [1867 2 133 Plumbridge Gortin PLU]

* Eliza Tressy b. 20 Aug 1865 of Rareddy Loughrea [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane RC [d. of Patrick Tressy, farmer, & Bridget Burke] [1865 14 387Loughrea Loughrea PLU]


* Elizabeth Anne Trasey b. 7 Dec 1874 Newtown [Kineagh] Castledermot CoI [d. of James Trasey, farmer, & Jane Higginson] [1875 2 485 Rathvilly Baltinglass PLU Kildare] [Trassey in printed index] [registered 1875] [See William Treacy of Bellmount]

* Elizabeth Anne Trasey b. 7 Dec 1874 Newtown [Kineagh] Castledermot CoI [d. of James Trasey, farmer, & Jane Higginson] [1875 2 485 Rathvilly Baltinglass PLU Kildare] [Trassey in printed index] [registered 1875] [See William Treacy of Bellmount]

* Elizabeth Anne Treacy b. 19 Oct 1875 Northcote Ave [Kingstown Monkstown].Kingstown RC [d. of Francis Treacy, car owner, & Johanna Ryan] [1875 17 871 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* Elizabeth Mary McIntesh Tracy b. 13 Mar 1873 Naas [Naas – CoI] [d. of Richard H. Tracy, petty session clerk, & Margaret McLean] [1873 7 387 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU] [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

* Elizabeth Mary Tracey b. 6 Aug 1869 of 1 Drury Lane. St. Andrews RC [d. of John Tracey, butcher porter, & Julia Caulfield] [1869 12 655 Dublin South PLU] [Remond?]

* Elizabeth Stirling Tracey b. 19 Nov 1869 Muckamore Muckamore Grange. Muckamore? CoI? [d. of Jane Tracey] [1869 16 3 Antrim Antrim PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracey b. 11 Dec 1869 Dungorkin Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper  RC [d. of James Tracey, shoemaker, & Jane Ann ONeill] [1870 1 1012 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU] [Newtownards in online index] [Registered 1870]

* Elizabeth Tracey b. 11 Dec 1869 Dungorkin Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper  RC [d. of James Tracey, shoemaker, & Jane Ann ONeill] [1870 1 1012 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU] [Newtownards in online index] [Registered 1870]

* Elizabeth Tracey b. 11 Jun 1867 of Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Castlemacadam CoI [d. of Francis Tracey, miner, & Frances Meates] [1867 7 1075 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracey b. 15 Apr 1875 of 3 Belmount Court Donnybrook. Donnybrook RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, stationery engine driver, & Margaret Keogh] [1875 7 767 Donnybrook Dublin South PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracey b. 21 Sep 1865 of Cross Avenue Kingstown. [Monkstown] Kingstown RC [d. of Francis Tracey, carman, & Johanna Ryan] [1865 17 887 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracey b. 27 Sep 1868 of Main St Naas [Naas} Naas RC [d. of Richard Tracey, baker, & Rose Carroll] [1868 17 817 Naas and Carragh Naas PLU] [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

* Elizabeth Tracey/Treacy b. 29 Oct 1865 of Cavalry Barracks Monaghan. Monaghan RC [d. of James Treacy, sergeant Monaghan militia & Mary Anne McKenna] [1865 18 295 Monaghan Monaghan PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 13 Aug 1872 Craig Cumber. [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Carlin] [1872 12 208 Claudy Londonderry PLU]**

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 13 Dec 1864 of Kilcummin [Tisaran] CoI? [d. of William Tracy, servant, & Margaret Connolly] [1865 3 659 Banagher Parsonstown PLU] [Registered 1865]

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 17 Jan 1869 Hughstown Parish Baltinglass [Killelan Kildare] Castledermot? RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Jane Dwyer] [1869 2 486 Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 22 July 1866 of Gortilea Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of James Tracy, shoemaker, & Jane Ann O'Neill] [1866 11 902 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 23 Jul 1873 Knockcroghery Killenvoy [Killinvoy – Killinvoy RC] [d. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Betty Higgins] [1873 13 353 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 3 o’clock 4 Apr 1872 Carriga  [Carrigagh Rathaspick] Rathaspick and Russagh? RC [d. of Bernard Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Guy] [1872 8 341 Ballynacargy Mullingar PLU] [twins]

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 4 Oct 1871 Brackfield Cumber [Cumber Lower] Cumber Upper RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Kane] [1871 17 215 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Elizabeth Tracy b. 8 Sep 1865 of Irwin Street Healys Court. St James RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, porter, & Mary Kenny] [1865 12 648 Dublin South PLU]

* Elizabeth Treacey b. 24 Aug 1875 Derrew [d. of Edward Treacey, farmer, & Bridget Boland] Edward Treacey, father, Derrew [1875 14 412 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [Tracey in index] [see Tynagh]

* Elizabeth Treacy b. 10 Apr 1873 Templemore [Templemore - Templemore RC] [d. of Thomas Treacy, publican & mason, & Honora Connors] [1873 13 687 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Elizabeth Tressy b. 26 Jun 1865 of Caldry [Maghernacaldry Drumgoon] Drumgoon RC [d. of Philip Tressy, weaver, & Elizabeth Mulligan] [1865 8 194 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]


* Ellen [Alicia] Treacy b. 17 Jun 1871 Breesheen North Kilmallock [St Peter & St Paul] Kilmallock  RC [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Hanley] [1871 10 463 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Bulgaden]

* Ellen Jane Tracy b. 29 June 1873 Gortnessey Glendermot [Gortnessy Clondermot - Waterside? RC] [d. of Edward Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Mullin] [1873 12 268 Eglinton Londonderry PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b.  17 Sep 1870 Drumahoe [Clondermot] Glendermot. Waterside RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Isabella Carlin] [1870 17 219 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b.  4 Mar 1874 Cloonmore Kilteevan [Roscommon and Kilteevan RC] [d. of John Tracey, small farmer, & Anne Davis] [1874 5 375 Ballyleague  Roscommon PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 10 Dec 1866 of Tirgracey Muckamore Grange. Muckamore CoI [d. of John Tracey, fireman, & Jane Corry] [1866 16 4 Antrim Antrim PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 10 Feb 1864 of Claudy [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of Francis Tracey & Ann Deerey] [1864 2 162  Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 10 Nov 1872 Glenbower [Fiddown Kilkenny] Ballyneale RC [d. of William Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Hearn] [1872 19 669 Carrick-on-Suir [Pilltown] Carrick-on-Suir PLU] [see Ballyneale Tipperary]

* Ellen Tracey b. 11 Apr 1873 Barrack Street [Waterford - Ballybricken RC] [d. of Martin Tracey, sail maker, & Mary Laurence] [1873 9 971 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 13 Jun 1875 Tea Lane Tullamore. Tullamore? RC  [d. of John Tracey, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent] [1875 13 670 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 14 Apr 1873 Glebe [Old crossed out] St Mary’s [St Mary, Clonmel - St Mary? RC] [d. of Denis Tracey, labourer, & Mary Connell] [1873 9 729 St Mary’s Clonmel PLU Waterford] [see Clonmel Tipperary]

* Ellen Tracey b. 14 Aug 1867 of 103 Lr Gardiner St. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC  [d. of Thomas Henry Tracey, solicitor, & Delia Burke] [1867 12 523 Dublin North PLU] [see Thomas Henry Tracey]

* Ellen Tracey b. 15 Jun 1870 Ballygowans [Ballygowan, Drumragh] Drumragh  RC [d. of James Tracey, farmer, & Sarah Glackin] [1870 7 336 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 17 Jan 1875 Maudlin  [Maudlins St Marys New Ross] New Ross? RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hanlon] [1875 4 870 New Ross New Ross PLU] [Tracy in index]

* Ellen Tracey b. 19 Apr 1873 Cladagh [Clashmore - Clashmore and Kinsalebeg RC] [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Johanna Hickey] [1873 9 1030 Ardmore Youghal PLU Waterford]

* Ellen Tracey b. 2 Oct 1873 Yellow Lane [in Knockanrahan, Lower Arklow - Arklow RC] [d. of Edward Tracey, fisherman, & Ellen Loughlin] [1873 17 899 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 21 Jan 1865 of Ballymoneen [?] Bekan? RC? [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Bridgt Waldron] Bridgt Tracey, her mark, mother, Ballymoneen [1865 4 177 Ballindine Claremorris PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 23 Apr 1870 Keelogues [Keeloges] Galbally. Galbally and Aherlow RC [d. of Jermiah Tracey, labourer, Boheranne [Bohercarron Galbally], & Margaret Obrien] [1870 9 919 Galbally Mitchelstown PLU Limerick]

* Ellen Tracey b. 23 Sep 1870 Inver Larne [Inver] Larne RC? [d. Robert Tracey, bleachgreen worker, & Catherine Wills] [1870 16 630 Larne Larne PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 27 Sep 1873 Benekerry [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin – Tinryland RC] Carlow [d. of Michael Tracey, carpenter, & Ellen Nolan][1873 18 437 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 29 Mar 1871 Ballinasloe? [Creagh] Union Workhouse Athlone [d. of John Tracy, Culleen [Cuilleenirwan? Dysart], farmer, & Bridget Dolan] – Ballinasloe? crossed out] [1871 8 15 Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon] [unmarried]

* Ellen Tracey b. 30 Jun 1867 of Clorane [Croom] see Kilmallock RC [d. of Dennis Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Casry?] [1867 15 213 Croom Croom PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 5 Feb 1874 Spencer Road Waterside [Waterside RC] [d. of James Tracey, coachman, & Juliana Neil] [1874 2 247 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Ellen Tracey b. 6 Jan 1864 of Ballintra [Drumhome Donegal] Drumhome RC? [d. of Thomas Tracey & Bridget McHugh] [1864 2 3 Ballintra Ballyshannon PLU Fermanagh and Leitrim]

* Ellen Tracey b. 9 Mar 1871 Royaloak [Royal Oak Killinane] Leighlinbridge RC [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Mary Darmody] [1871 3 525 Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b.  19 Jul 1872 Glen West [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of Francis Tracy, farmer, & Anne McFadden] [1872 12 10 Belleck Ballyshannon PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 1 Aug 1865 of Rathmotre? [Rathmoy Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [d. of William Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Kearns] [1865 13 656 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 1 Dec 1870 Cuiltyachan [Cuiltycreaghan Bekan] Bekan? RC [d. of John Tracy, landholder, & Bridget Waldrin]  [1870 19 183 Ballindine Claremorris]

* Ellen Tracy b. 12 Jun 1868 of Manorhamilton Cloonclare. Cloonclare? RC [d. of Michael Tracy, victualer, & Bridget Trower] [1868 12 237 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 13 Aug 1869 Cappabeg [Rosenallis] Mountmellick RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Mary Scully] [1869 13 546 Mountmellick  Mountmellick PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 13 Sep 1865 of Ballykennedy Clonncagh [Cloncagh] Knockaderry RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Bowen] [1865 13 525 Feenagh Newcastle PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 16 Nov 1866 of Moville [Moville town Moville, Lower] Moville RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Janet Beattie] [1866 17 153 Moville Inishowen PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 19 Jan 1865 of Mylerstown [Rathernan] [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell] [1865 2 1025 Kilmeague & Robertstown/Robertstown and Kilmeage Naas PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 2 Jul 1870 Moynoe [Moynoe] Scarriff  RC [d. of Thadeus Tracy, farmer, & Mary Bugler] [1870 14 485 Mtshannon Scarriff PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 20 Apr 1866 of Derradda [Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Staunton] [1866 9 466 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 20 Jun 1870 Mackenagh [Muckenagh Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Ellen Tracy] [1870 7 12 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 20 Sep 1874 Cunniker [Conicker Ettagh] Aghancon RC [d. of Daniel Tracy, labourer, & Mary Lupton][1874 13 631 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 24 Jun 1870 Ballymagill [Ballymackillagill Listerlin] Tullagher? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Ellen Mackey] [1870 14 872 Dysertmoon New Ross PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 25 Aug 1867 of Abbeyside [Dungarvan] Abbeyside and Ring RC [d. of Michael Tracy, sailor, & Margatet Whealon] [1867 14 689 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 29 Aug 1871 Kilfinane [Kilfinnane Kilfinnane] Kilfinane RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Cleary] [1871 15 362 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 5 May 1870 Robert Street Mitchelstown [Brigown] Mitchelstown RC [d. of Michael Tracy, shoe maker, & Mary Ready] [unmarried] [1870 9 938 Mitchelstown Mitchelstown PLU]

* Ellen Tracy b. 9? Nov 1866 of Coolavehy Kilflyn Parish. Glenroe RC [d. of William Tracy, farmer, & Joanna Murphy] [1866 20 355 Kilfinnan Kilmallock PLU]

* Ellen Trassy b. 27 Mar 1869 Lisdalean [Lisdalleen and Drummin Templetouhy] Moyne and Templetuohy RC [d. of Mathew Trassy, carpenter, & Ellen Maher] [1869 3 723 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 1 Aug 1866 of Doon [Doon] Doon and Castletown? RC? [d. of Edmond Treacy, farmer, & Anne Brien] [1866 13 645 Cappagh Tipperary PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 10 Apr 1870 Graigavine [Clonmore] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of William Treacy, labourer, Fiddown [Fiddown], & Mary Smith] [1870 9 719 Piltown Carrick-on-Suir PLU] [duplicate]

* Ellen Treacy b. 10 Apr 1870 Graigavine [Clonmore] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of  William Treacy, labourer, Fiddown, & Mary Smith] [1870 9 723 Piltown Carrick-on-Suir PLU] [duplicate]

* Ellen Treacy b. 14 Nov 1865 of Belgrove [Templerobin] Cobh RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Wash? [Walsh crossed out] [1865 20 196 Queenstown Cork PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 15 Jan 1869 Summerhill [Rathnaveoge] Moneygall RC [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Fogarty] [1869 3 687 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [Ellan in online index]

* Ellen Treacy b. 16 Dec 1875 Tobernea East [Effin] Effin and Gamenderk RC [d. of James Treacy, farmer, & Mary OLeary] [1876 5 417 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1876]

* Ellen Treacy b. 18 Jan 1873 Glenpipe  [Jerpoint West – Tullagher RC [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Mary Day] The mark of Mary Tracey, mother, Glenpipe [1873 4 968 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 19 Feb 1869 Ballynahown P. Ballingaddy. Kilmallock RC [d. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Moran] [1869 5 432 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [Ellan in online index]

* Ellen Treacy b. 19 May 1865 of Glenpatrick parish Rathgormack [Rathgormuck Waterford] Mothel and Rathgormack RC [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Mary Smith] [1865 9 659 Kilsheelan Clonmel PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 2 Apr 1871 Aglish [Aglish] Aglish RC [d. of Thomas Tracy[X], publican, & Alice Bransfield] [1871 9 797 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinturly [Cloonygormican OR Fuerty] Athleague RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, carpenter, & Hanoria Gollaher] [1868 18 351 Athleague Roscommon PLU] [twins] [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Ellen Treacy b. 20 Aug 1875 Minleana [Meenleana] parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [d. of Denis Treacy, landholder, & Margret Manion] [1875 14 496 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see Donald John Treacy]

* Ellen Treacy b. 23 Aug 1873 Lislea [Clonbroney – Clonbroney? RC] [d. of Cornelious Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Keirnan] [1873 13 162 Ballinalee Granard PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 28 Dec 1872 Ballycleary [Ballyclery Roscrea] Roscrea RC [d. of William Treacy, farmer, Honora Ryan] [1872 18 612 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Ellen Treacy b. 28 Feb 1867 of Mooncoin [Pollrone] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of James Treacy, laborer, & Catherine Ryan] [1867 4 971 Ullid Waterford PLU Kilkenny]

* Ellen Treacy b. 29 Jan 1875 Kilcorban [Tynagh] Tynagh RC [d. of Laurence Treacy, herd, & Mary Burke] [1875 4 473 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 3 Feb 1869 Sandhill [Inishmacsaint] Devonish RC [d. of John Treacy, herd, & Anne Kirkpatrick] [1869 2 71 Ely Enniskillen PLU] [Ellan in online index]

* Ellen Treacy b. 30 Jan 1874 Longford [Bourney] Bournea and Corbally? RC [d. of James Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Murray][1874 8 703 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 4 Jul 1871 Ardkilmartin Kilmallock  [St Peter and St Paul] Kilmallock RC [d. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Fitzgerald] [1871 15 365 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 8 Aug 1870 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore? RC [d. of Michael Treacy, publican, & Eliza OBrien] [1870 13 664 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Ellen Treacy b. 8 Mar 1874 Moynure [Roscrea] Roscrea RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Dooley] [1874 8 715 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Ellen Treasy b. 4 Oct 1875 High Street Ballinrobe [Ballinrobe] Ballinrobe RC [d. of James Treasy, shoemaker, & Kate Loughry] [1875 19 42 Ballinrobe Ballinrobe PLU]

* Ellen Tressy b. 2 Jun 1866 of Rathruddy [Raruddy] Kilconickny Carabane RC [d. of Timothy Tressy, farmer, & Honoria Martin] [1866 9 413 Loughrea Loughrea PLU]


* Emily Tracey b. 11 Mar 1867 of 9 Peel St Belfast. St. Peter's RC [d. of James Tracey, mechanic, & Theressa Hughes] [1867 1 381 College Belfast PLU Antrim]

* Emily Treacy b. 14 Jan 1864 of Passage [Kill St. Nicholas]. Killea RC [d. of John Treacy & Maryanne Nicholson] [1864 4 830 Woodstown Waterford PLU]


* Ernest Francis Tracey b. 21 May 1870 Tivoli Terrace N Kingstown. Kingstown RC [s. of William Tracey, clerk in Poor Law Office, & Margaret King] [1870 7 1021 Kingstown Rathdown PLU] [see St. Mary, Pro-Cathedral]


* Essy Maria Tracy b. 1 May 1866 of Mylerstown [Rathernan] [d. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell] [1866 7 950 Kilmeague Naas PLU]

* Essy Tracy b. 6 Apr 1866 of Chapel Lane Blackrock [Booterstown OR Monkstown] Blackrock RC [d. of John Tracy. labourer, & Jane Griffith] [1866 7 970 Blackrock Rathdown PLU]


* Esther Margaret Tracey b. 8 Apr 1871 of 70 New Street. Harrington St RC [d. of James Tracey, carpenter, & Teresa ONeill] [1871 7 736 Dublin South PLU] [see St. Nicholas Without]

* Esther Tracy b. 19 Feb 1874 of Bridge Street Mountmellick [Ardea OR Rosenallis] Mountmellick RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Galvin] [1874 8 638 Mountmelick Mountmellick PLU]

* Esther Tracy b. 2 Sep 1866 of Jamestown [Jamestown or Ballyteigeduff Lea] Portarlington? RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Doolan] [1866 13 544  Emo Mountmellick PLU]

* Esther Tracy b. 6 Apr 1864 of Ballymore [Ballymore Eustace Ballymore Eustace] Ballymore Eustace RC. [d. of James Tracy & Catherine Lawless] [1864 7 919 Blessington & Ballymore Naas PLU]


* Eugene Tracey b. 5 Jun 1870 Lascolman [Liscolman Liscolman] Clonmore RC [s. of Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith] [1870 7 1079 Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shilelagh PLU]

* Eugene Treacy b. 9 Jun 1868 of Gortnagoyne parish of Dunmore. Dunmore RC [s. of James Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Boyle] [1868 14 579 Dunmore Tuam PLU]


* Fanny Treacy b. 22 May 1869 Connerree? [Connary Castlemacadam] Castlemacadam? CoI [d. of Frank Treacy, miner, & Fanny Meates] [1869 12 935 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* Fanny Treacy b. 6 Mar 1871 Kilkelly [Kilmovee] Kilmovee RC [d. of James Treacy, sergeant, & Catherine Kelby?] [1871 4 631 Kilkelly Swineford PLU] [RIC see Oughterard Galway]


* FEMALE [Elizabeth] Tracey b.  12? Sep 1870 Coombe Hospital. St Michaels & John RC [d. of Francis Tracey, labourer, of 17 Michaels Hill,  & Mary A Roche]  [1870 12 686 Dublin South PLU] [duplicate]

* FEMALE [Ellena] Tracy b. 5 Jun 1867 of Lying in hospital Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of John [Arthur] Tracy, porter, of 32 Lower Mucklenbugh Street & Kate Maddock] [1867 7 661 Dublin North PLU]

* FEMALE [Hannah?] Tracey b. 3 Jan 1870 Lying hospital Britain Street. St. Andrews? RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, porter, of 29 Exchequer Street & Catherine Connors] [1870 2 741 Dublin North PLU]

* FEMALE [Lucy Mary] Tracey b. 11 Apr 1869 Lying Hospital Britan St. St. Michan’s RC [d. of Joseph Tracey, painter, 116 Up Dorset Street, & Elizabeth Finnegan] [1869 7 611 Dublin North PLU] [twins] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral]

* FEMALE [Maria Anne] Treacy b. 9 Mar 1868 of Grove St Roscrea [Roscrea] Roscrea RC [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Winifred Maher] [1868 3 672 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* FEMALE [Marianna] Tracey b. 3 Aug 1869 Lying Hospital Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Arthur Tracey, porter, 5 Temple Court, & Kate Maddox] [1869 12 558 Dublin North PLU] [see Thomas Henry Tracey]

* FEMALE [Martha Mary] Tracey b. 11 Apr 1869 Lying Hospital Britan St. St. Michan’s RC [d. of Joseph Tracey, painter, 116 Up Dorset Street, & Elizabeth Finnegan] [1869 7 611 Dublin North PLU] [twins] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral]

* FEMALE [Mary Christina] Tracey b. 6 Jun 1870 Coombe Hospital. St. Nicholas RC [d. of Michael Tracey, porter, 63 Lower Kevin Street & Margaret Tobin] [1870 7 774 Dublin South PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* FEMALE [Mary] Tracey b. 29 Apr 1873 Lyin Hospital Britain St - St. Michan’s RC [d. of Richard Tracey, chair maker, of 2 Grahams Row, & Mary Hosey?] [1873 7 615 Dublin North PLU]

* FEMALE [Sarah] Tracey b. 18 Apr 1875 Coombe Hospital [d. of William Tracey, porter, 4 Golden Lane, & Margaret ODwyer] [1875 7 710 Dublin South PLU]

* FEMALE [Teresa] Tracy b. 12 Feb 1864 of lying in hospital Britain St  St. Minchan’s RC  [d. of Joseph Tracy of 5 Wellington Street & Elizabeth Finegan]  [1864 2 485 Dublin North PLU] see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral

* FEMALE [Tracy] Treacy b. 2 Nov 1871 Kocksharoon [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh? RC [d. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Costello] [1871 18 624 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [see Denis Treacy of Glenkeen]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 1 Aug 1865 of Brideswell Parish of Cam. Kiltomb RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Mary Kelly] [1865 13 12 Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 1 Jan 1865 of Coombe Hospital [d. of James Tracey, 113 Coombe, labourer, & Kate Tracey] [1865 2 802 Dublin South PLU]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 15 Jun 1864 of Brideswell [Cam] Killinvoy and Killmain RC [d. of Patrick Tracy & Mary Kelly] [1864 8 20 Brideswell Athlone PLU Roscommon]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 2 Jan 1873 Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass – Kilglass? RC] [d. of Thomas Tracey, landholder, & Winifred Tonrie][1873 3 410 Rooskey Stokestown PLU]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 2 Sep 1864 of Timogue [Timogue] Timogue CoI [d. of Wm Tracey, & Mary Ann Carmichael] [1864 13 436 Stradbally Athy PLU Laois]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 20 Feb 1865 Lyingin? Hospital. St. Peter CoI [d. of John Tracey, baker, & Anne Kew?] [1865 3 167 Cork Cork PLU] [faint copy]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 26 Jul 1875 Clooncagh [Clooncah] Kilteevan. Roscommon and Kilteevan? RC  [Pat Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Coffey] [1875 13 397 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 26 Nov 1872 Coombe Hospital [d. of Anne Tracey] [1872 17 667 Dublin South PLU]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 3 March 1866 Lying in hospital Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Joseph Tracey, painter, of 109 Dorset Street & Eliza Finegan] [1866 2 649 Dublin North PLU]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 30 Jan 1864 Coombe Hospl. [d. of Thomas Tracey, lab of 10 Upper Mercer St, & Eliza]  [1864 2 602 Dublin South PLU]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 30 Jun 1875 Pollerton Road Carlow. Carlow? RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, bootmaker, & Mary Reilly] [1875 13 416 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* FEMALE Tracey b. 6 Jan 1866 of Lying in hospital Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, servant, of 14 Clarence Street, & Eliza McDermott] [1866 2 620 Dublin North PLU]

* FEMALE Tracy b. 15 Sep 1873 Kilriffit [Kilriffet Dolla – Nenagh? RC] [d. of Owen Tracy, labourer, & Mary Gleson] [1873 13 556 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* FEMALE Tracy b. 2 Feb 1867 of Meelick Tuam Tuam? RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, landholder, & Mary Corless] [1867 4 622 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* FEMALE Tracy b. 22 May 1864 of Dernasiggan [lodge near Salrock Ballynakill (Ballynahinch)] Ballynakill RC? [d. of Mary Tracy & BLANK]. [1864 9 202 Rinvyle Clifden PLU]

* FEMALE Treacy b. 10 Jan 1866 of Lying in Hospital. St. Peter? CoI [d. of John Treacy, baker, & Anne Kew?] [1866 5 196 Cork Cork PLU]

* FEMALE Treacy b. 12 Feb 1875 Curcullen [Corracullin Kilkerrin] Kilkerrin & Clonberne? RC? [d. of James Treacy, landholder, & Ellen Gormly] [1875 4 318 Glenamaddy PLU]

* FEMALE Treacy b. 25 Mar 1867 Lying in hospital. St. Peter CoI [d. of John Treacy, baker, of Clarkes Bridge, & Anne Kew] [1867 5 179 South Center Cork PLU]

* FEMALE Treacy b. 5 Dec 1868 of Knockordeen [in Shankill] Paulstown RC [d. of Andrew Treacy, labourer, & Mary Hennessy] [1868 18 512 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* FEMALE Tressy b. 17 Dec 1870 Tullybrick [Drumgoon] Drumgoon? RC [d. of Michael Tressy, farmer, & Mary Seary] [1870 18 170 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]


* Frances Amelia Tracey b. 16 July 1867 of The Green, Fethard [Fethard] Fethard RC [d. of John Tracey, Corporal 89th Regt, & Mary Coffee] [No image available - Official transcript] [1867 13 477 Fethard Cashel PLU] See Avoca Wicklow

* Frances Mary Tracy b.  4 Oct 1871 Main St Naas [Naas] Naas RC [d. of Richard Tracy, baker, & Rose Carroll] [1871 17 856 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

* Frances Treacy b. 4 Dec 1875 Gurtnadoma [Gortnadumagh Bourney] Bournea and Corbally? RC [d. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Reid] [1876 3 645 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [Female - Francis in index] [registered 1876]


* Francis George Treacy b. 4 Mar 1873 Bohereney [Bohevny Inishmacsaint Fermanagh – Devonish RC] [s. of Anne Treacy] [1873 7 15 Churchhill Ballyshannon PLU] [John Parker, labourer, & Anne Treacy – CROSSED OUT]

* Francis Joseph Tracey b. 28 Aug 1866 of Old Hill Waterside. Waterside RC [s. of Michael Tracey, schoolmaster, & Catherine McCormick] [1866 12 204 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Francis Joseph Tracey b. 8 Oct 1873 Ballygowans [Drumragh – Drumragh RC] [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Sarah Glacken] [1873 17 287 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Francis Tracey b.  22 Oct 1874 Toomavara [Toomyvara town Aghnameadle] Toomevara RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, school master, & Kate Maher] [1874 18 580 Toomavara [Toomyvara] Nenagh PLU]

* Francis Tracey b. 20 Feb 1867 of Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Castlemacadam CoI [s. of Richard Tracey, miner, & Maryanne Tracey] [1867 2 999 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* Francis Tracy b. 1 Sep 1869 Cross Avenue Kingstown [Monkstown] Kingstown? RC [s. of Francis Tracy, car driver, & Johanna Ryan] [1869 12 905 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* Francis Tracy b. 12 Feb 1866 of John Street Waterford. Waterford RC [s. of Peter Tracy, sail maker, & Bridget Harney] [1866 4 1026 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Francis Tracy b. 12 Jun 1865 of Gortilia Cumber [Gortilea Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper  RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary McFall] [1865 6 1001 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Francis Tracy b. 18 Nov 1866 of Ennistymon Work House [Kilmanaheen] Milltownmalbay? RC? [s. of Mary Tracy] [1866 19 284 Ennistymon Ennistymon PLU]

* Francis Tracy b. 22 May 1868 of Drumsnanbo [Kildress] Kildress? RC [s. of Francis Tracy, farmer, & Rose McGurk] [1868 6 592 Pomeroy Cookstown PLU]

* Francis Treacy b.  16 Nov 1869 Kimran [Clones] Clones RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Sherry] [1869 18 157 Roslea Clones PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Francis Treacy b. 5 Jul 1870  Carenderry [Carrownderry] parish of Templetogher. Templetoher? RC [s. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Anne Boyle] [1870 14 340 Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon & see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Francis Treacy b. 9 Feb 1867 of Poultatoon [Polltalloon Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [s. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Mitchell] [1867 4 499 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Francis Tressy b. 12 Dec 1869 Union Workhouse Cootehill [Drumgoon] [s. of Elizabeth Tressy] [1869 18 163 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]


* Frederick Tracy b. 26 Aug 1875 Belfast Barracks [s. of John Tracy, Sergt 89th Regt, & Mary Coffee] [1875 16 233 Belfast Belfast PLU] [see Avoca Wicklow]


* George Austin Tracey b. 22 Aug 1869 Old Hill Waterside. Waterside RC [s. of Michael Tracey, schoolmaster, & Catherine McCormick] [1869 12 211 Glendermot Londonderry]

* George Tracey b.  2 Mar 1870 of 6 Drumcondra Bridge. St. Michan CoI [s. of Robert Tracey, post master, & Elizabeth Needam] [1870 2 811 Coolock & Drumcondra Dublin North PLU] [see Birr Co. Offaly]

* George Tracey b. 21 Aug 1870 Stagstown [Stagstown Hill in Whitechurch] Kilternan and Kilgobbin? CoI [s. of Edward Tracey, herd, & Margaret Rogers] [1870 12 736 Rathfarnham Dublin South PLU]

* George Tracey b. 23 Oct 1864 of Ballyfassy [Ballyfasy Kilbride] Glenmore RC [s. of William Tracey & Ellen Barry] [1864 19 869 Kilmakevoge Waterford PLU Kilkenny]

* George Tracey b. 7 Mar 1872 Ballymurtagh [Castlemacadam] Castlemacadam? CoI? [s. of Richard Tracey, miner, & Maryanne Tracey] [1872 2 1059 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]


* Gleeson Treacy b. 4 Mar 1871 Donagile  [Donaguile Castlecomer] Castlecomer CoI [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Neill] [1871 3 570 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


* Grace Treacy b. 4 Aug 1865 of Belmount [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer, & Anna Maria Wilson] Joseph Treacy, his mark, father, Belmount] [1865 13 510 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [See William Treacy of Bellmount]


* Hanna Treasy b, 18 Sep 1868 of Castledermot [Castledermot] Castledermot RC [d. of John Treasy, labour, & Mary Byrne] [1868 18 407 Castledermot Athy PLU]

* Hanora Tracy b. 2 Feb 1871 Chapel Lane Cashel [St John Baptist OR St Patricksrock] Cashel RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Hanora Rahely] [1871 3 534 Cashel Cashel PLU]

* Hanora Tracy b. 20 Nov 1874 Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan] Abbeyside and Ring? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, sailor, & Alice War?] [1874 19 673 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]

* Hanora Tracy b. 23 Jul 1872 Ballinacourty [Ballynacourty Dungarvan] Abbeyside and Ring RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, sailor, & Alice Wall] [1872 14 704 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]

* Hanora Treacy b. 18 Apr 1872 Riversfield Ballingaddy [Ardpatrick] Kilmallock RC [d. of Edmond Treacy, labourer, & Hanora Quinn] [1872 10 445 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Knocklong and Glenbrohane]

* Hanora Treacy b. 18 Jul 1872 Ballyhaght Effin P. [Kilquane] Effin and Gamenderk? RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, publican, & Mary Hurley] [1872 15 342 Charleville Kilmallock PLU]


* Harriett Louisa Tracey b. 25 Aug 1870 Bilboa [on the border of Carlow/Kilkenny/Laois] Mayo and Doonane RC Laois [d. of William Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Heffrin] [1870 13 449 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU] [father CoI?]


* Helena Treasy b. 27 Aug 1875 Ballinabella [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan] Cappataggle? RC? [d. of William Treasy, farmer, & Anne Coffey] [1875 19 29 Kiltaan Ballinasloe PLU]


* Henry George Trace b. 29 Dec 1868 of Coast Guard Station North Wall [s. of Henry Trace, coast guard, & Elizabeth Rooney] Henry Tracy, his mark, father, Coast Guard Station [1868 17 580 Dublin North PLU]

* Henry Tracey b.  5 Oct 1869 Brown Street [Portlaw? Clonagam] Portlaw RC [s. of John Tracey, baker, Clonmel, & Eliza Cassin?] [1869 19 641 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU] [see Treacy Brothers of New Jersey]

* Henry Tracy b. 12 Apr 1866 of Knockcroghery Killenvoy [Killinvoy] [s. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Elizabeth Higgins] [1866 8 409 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Henry Tracy b. 3 May 1874 Altyhoney Cumber  [Altaghoney Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Kirgan][1874 7 210 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Henry Treacey b. 10 Feb 1872 of 9 Milford St. St. Peter's RC [s. of William Treacey, linen lapper, & Mary Loughlin] [1872 1 407 Belfast Belfast PLU]

* Henry Treacy b. 15 Aug 1872 of Coon [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Lizzie Sutcliffe] [1872 13 495 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Henry Treacy b. 18 Dec 1867 of Coone [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Elizabeth Sutcliffe] [1868 3 533 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [Registered 1868] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Henry Treacy b. 18 Dec 1867 of Coone [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer? CoI [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Elizabeth Sutcliffe] [1868 3 533 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [Registered 1868] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


* Herbert Tracy b. 9 Feb 1873 Tivoli Terrace [Kingstown RC] [s. of William Tracy, clerk, & Margaret Keane] [1873 2 1083 Kingstown Rathdown PLU] [see St. Mary, Pro-Cathedral]


* Honara Tracy b. 12 Feb 1869 Gragevalla [Graigueavallagh Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Davies?] [1869 3 549 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* Honor Tracy b. 1 Sep 1865 of Chapel Lane Freshford [Freshford] Freshford RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Spencer] [1865 13 541 Freshford Kilkenny PLU]

* Honor Tracy b. 2 Feb 1872 Ardvarny [Ardvarney Aglish] Castlebar RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Crean] [1872 4 156 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Honor Trassy b. 26 Jan 1866 of Clonismullen [Drom] Drom and Inch RC [d. of Wm Trassy, farmer, & Anne Power] [1866 3 738 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Honor Treacy b. 8 Apr 1875 Ballinahiskeragh [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Honor Quinn] [1875 9 446 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Honor Tressy b. 13 May 1874 Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [d. of Ned Tressy, cottier, & Biddy Kenny][1874 9 548 Abbey Tuam PLU] [Honora in online index]

* Honora Tracey b. 16 Oct 1871 Abbey. St. Mary? RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, dealer in wool, & Johanna Hanrahan] [1871 20 423 St Marys No. 1 Limerick PLU]

* Honora Tracey b. 17 Mar 1870 Ballycurrane [Ardmore OR Clashmore] Clashmore and Kinsalebegg RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Johanna Hickey] [1870 4 1083 Ardmore Youghal PLU Waterford]

* Honora Tracey b. 3 Oct 1870 Miltown [Milltown Malbay town Kilfarboy] Milltownmalbay RC [d. of Mary Tracey] [1871 4 352 Miltown Malbay Ennistimon PLU] [Registered 1871]

* Honora Tracey b. 3 Oct 1870 Miltown [Milltown Malbay town Kilfarboy] Milltownmalbay RC [d. of Mary Tracey] [1871 4 352 Miltown Malbay Ennistimon PLU] [Registered 1871]

* Honora Tracy b. 23 May 1870 Bonlea [Bolintlea Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] Ballingarry RC [d. of Jas Tracy, collier, & Judy Conney] [1870 14 639 Ballingarry Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Honora Tracy b. 23 Oct 1866 of Finnoe [civil parish] Terryglass RC [d. of John Tracy, blacksmith & farmer, & Mary Cahalan] [1866 18 419 Borrisokane Borrisokane PLU]

* Honora Tracy b. 26 Jun 1865 of Clooneeragh [Cloonearagh] Parish of Cloonfinlough. Strokestown?  RC? [d. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Boland] [1865 13 390 Strokestown Strokestown PLU] Twins

* Honora Tracy b. 29 Jun 1870 “The Commons” [Blackcommon Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] [d. of Edmund Tracy, collier, & Margt Brennan] [1870 9 675 Ballingarry Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Honora Treacy b. 11 Dec 1875 of 39 Thomas Street. Portlaw? RC [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Mary Archer] [1875 19 623 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU]

* Honora Treacy b. 11 Jul 1868 of Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Thos Treacy, mason, & Honor OConnor] [Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Honoria Tracy b. 17? Aug 1864 of Deerpark Cottages B'sloe [Kilcloony] Ballinasloe RC [d. of Patrick Tracy & Catherine Berane] [1864 14 28 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU Galway]

* Honoria Tracy b. 27 Nov 1875 Cloonloughlin Tissara [Cloonlaughnan Tisara] Dysart RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, small farmer, & Ellen Carroll] [1875 18 319 Athleague Roscommon PLU]

* Honoria Treacy b. 2 Jul 1871 Derrew  [Killimorbologue OR Kilquain] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Bolan] [1871 14 451 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [see Tynagh]

* Honoria Treacy b. 22 Sep 1872 Forster Street Galway. St. Nicholas East RC [d. of Mark Treacy, publican, & Ellen Cook] [1872 14 291 Galway Galway PLU]

* Honoria Tressy b. 28 Feb 1870 Rathruddy Loughrea. Carabane RC [d. of Thady Tressy, farmer, & Honoria Martyn] Thady Tressu, his mark, father, Rathruddy [1870 4 463 Loughrea Loughrea PLU] [see Michael Edward Tressy]


* Hugh Daniel Tracey b. 19 Sep 1874 Graces St Nenagh [s. of William Tracey, police constable, & Susan Burke] [1874 13 577 Nenagh Nenagh PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Hugh Tracey b. 20 Dec 1868 of Ballygowans [Ballygowan Drumragh] Drumragh RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Sarah Glachin] [1868 17 281 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Hugh Tracey b. 22 Sep 1868 of Goshaden Glendermot [Gosheden Lower Cumber] Cumber Upper RC [s. of John Tracey, tailor, & Rose Boyle] [1868 12 212 Glendermot Londonderry PLU] [see Derry City]

* Hugh Tracey b. 24 Oct 1873 Canada Street – Waterford RC? [s. of John Tracey, revenue officer, & Mary Anne Nicholson][1873 19 883 Waterford Waterford PLU] [see Killea]

* Hugh Tracey b. 4? Apr 1868 of Lignamanagh [Lisnamanny] Dunaghy Parish. Glenravel? RC? [s. of Ann Tracey] [1868 6 152 Clough Ballymena PLU]

* Hugh Tracy b. 26 Feb 1870 Sallowhilly Cumber [Sallowilly Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of Hugh Tracy, farmer, & Mary Sharkey] [1870 2 243 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Hugh Treacy b. 10 May 1868 of Drumahula  [Drumhillagh Knockbride OR Drumhallagh Larah] Laragh RC  [s. of Patt Treacy, labourer, & Ann Mochan?] [1868 8 206 Tullyvin Cootehill PLU]

* Hugh Treacy b. 18 Feb 1870 Derroughs [Derrooghs Kilkerrin] Kilkerrin & Clonberne? RC? [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Margaret Fahy] [1870 4 368 Glennamaddy Glennamaddy PLU]

* Hugh Treacy b. 6 Aug 1872 Menlena [Meenleana] Dunmore [s. of Denis Treacy, landholder, & Margaret Mannion] [1872 14 561 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see Donald John Treacy]

* Hugh Tressy b. 3 May 1865 of Donnge [Dung Drumgoon] Drumgoon RC [s. of James Tressy, weaver, & Cathrine Reilly] [1865 8 189 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]


* Isabella Tracey b. 20 Oct 1865 of Drumragh [Drumragh] Drumragh RC [d. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Maguire] [1865 17 284 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Isabella Tracy b.  26 Nov 1870 Cross Cumber [Crossballycormick Cumber Lower] Waterside RC [d. of John Tracy, tailor, & Rose Boyle] [1870 17 213 Eglinton Londonderry PLU]

* Isabella Tracy b. 1 May 1864 of Drumshanbo [Kildress] Kildress RC. [d. of Francis Tracy & Rosey McGurk] [1864 6 498 Pomeroy Cookstown PLU]


* James John Treacy b. 10 Oct 1869 Grove St Roscrea. Roscrea RC [s. of William Treacy, sub constable, & Henrietta Minie Madden] [1869 18 619 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* James Thomas Tracey b. 1 Sep 1871 Rogerstown [Monasteroris] Edenderry RC [s. of Edward Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Hill] [1871 13 509 Edenderry Edenderry PLU]

* James Tracey [Walsh] b. 13 Jan 1869 Workhouse Gorey. Gorey RC [s. of Mary Tracey, servant] [1869 2 917 Gorey Gorey PLU]

* James Tracey b.  4 May? 1874 Castledermot [Castledermot] Castledermot RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Mary Byrne] [1874 8 457 Castledermot Athy PLU]

* James Tracey b. 10 Dec 1869 Clonkelagh? [tithes Clonkelagh Kilquain], Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Fardy Tracey, servant, & Mary McLoughlin] [1870 4 527 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [Registered 1870]

* James Tracey b. 10 Dec 1869 Clonkelagh? [tithes Clonkelagh Kilquain], Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Fardy Tracey, servant, & Mary McLoughlin] [1870 4 527 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [Registered 1870]

* James Tracey b. 12 Dec 1874 Ballinree [Sliguff] Myshall RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Maria Byrne] [1874 18 431 Borris Carlow PLU]

* James Tracey b. 12 May 1868 of Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Avoca RC [s. of James Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Cully] [1868 12 959 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* James Tracey b. 14 Feb 1871 Reylagh [Rylagh Cappagh] Cappagh? RC [s. of James Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Beattie] [1871 2 346 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* James Tracey b. 16 Feb 1872 Kilruan  [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Darcy] [1872 3 657 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* James Tracey b. 18 Nov 1866 of 140 Bishop St [Templemore] Derry. St. Columb's RC [s. of William Tracey, shoemaker, & Catherine Tracey] [1866 17 196 City of Derry Londonderry PLU]

* James Tracey b. 19 Aug 1866 of Glencappaga [Glencoppogagh Bodoney, Upper] Badoney Upper RC [s. of James Tracey, blacksmith & Jane Traynor] [1866 12 114 Plumbridge Gortin PLU]

* James Tracey b. 2 Jun 1867 of Arnestown [St. Marys, New Ross] New Ross RC [s. of Larry Tracey, labourer, & Mary Magee] [1867 9 902 New Ross New Ross PLU]

* James Tracey b. 20 Jan 1875 Cashel [Bodoney Lower]  Badoney Lower and Greencastle? RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Jane Carlin] [1875 2 139 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* James Tracey b. 21 Dec 1865 of Brickfields.  [s. of Edward Tracey, of 2 Midleton Street, sailor, & Margaret Green] [1865 3 229 Queenstown Cork PLU] see Cobh RC

* James Tracey b. 21 Jan 1874 Ballymurtagh [Castlemacadam] Castlemacadam CoI [s. of Richard Tracey, miner, & Maryanne Tracey] [1874 2 987 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* James Tracey b. 21 Jul 1873 Milltown [Kilbride – Ferns RC] [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Anne Kenny] [Kilbride] [1873 14 709 Ferns Enniscorthy PLU]

* James Tracey b. 25 Jul 1873 Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge – Templemore RC] [s. of Andy Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Hines] [1873 13 598 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* James Tracey b. 25 May 1864 of Bruff [Bruff] Bruff RC [s. of John Tracey & Mary Conway] [1864 10 402 Bruff Kilmallock PLU]

* James Tracey b. 26 Jan 1869 Rathnageeral [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Myshall RC [s. of Edward Tracey, farmer, & Judith Murphy] [1869 3 494 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]

* James Tracey b. 26 Jan 1872 Pullough [Pollagh Killannin] Oughterard? RC? [s. of James Tracey, Private 47th Regiment, & Alice Gorman] [1872 4 552 Oughterard Oughterard PLU]

* James Tracey b. 27 May 1864 of Finnoe [civil parish] Terryglass RC [s. of John Tracey & Mary Cahalalan [Cahalan]] [1864 8 487 Borrisokane Borrisokane PLU]

* James Tracey b. 28 Mar 1869 Mt Hawkins  [Mounthawkins in Census] Athy. Athy? CoI? [s. of Martin Tracey, labourer, & Mary Connors] [1869 8 463 Athy Athy PLU]

* James Tracey b. 28 Oct 1869 Flash. [Kish? Arklow] Arklow RC [s. of Michael Tracey, fisherman, & Sarah Byrne] [1869 17 900 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* James Tracey b. 30 Apr 1866 of Goshaden [Gosheden] Lower Cumber. Cumber Upper RC [s. of John Tracey, tailor, & Rose Boyle] [1866 7 228 Glendermot Londonderry PLU] [see Derry City]

* James Tracey b. 6 Feb 1867 of Ballycurrane [Ardmore OR Clashmore] Clashmore and Kinsalebegg RC [s. of James Tracey, labourer, & Johanna Hickey] [1867 9 1021 Ardmore Youghal PLU Waterford]

* James Tracey b. 6 Feb 1868 of Drumclay [Enniskillen] Enniskillen  RC [s. of James Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Odare] [1868 2 80 Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU]

* James Tracey b. 7 Feb 1870 Workhouse Cork. Cobh? RC [s. of John [Thomas?] Tracey, sailor, of Queenstown, & Mary Ahern] [1870 5 217 South 8 Cork Cork PLU]

* James Tracey b. 7 May 1869 Backiverten [Backwestonpark Aderrig OR Lucan Dublin OR Donaghcumper Kildare] Lucan RC [s. of Robert? Tracey, ploughman, & Elizabeth Lynch] [1869 7 539 Lucan Celbridge PLU]

* James Tracey b. 9 Feb 1871 Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Borris RC [s. of Jerry Tracey, farmer, & Maria Handlon] [1871 3 508 Borris Carlow PLU]

* James Tracey/Tracy b. 27? Sep 1874 Vizes Fields [St. Michael's] St. Michael's, RC [s. of William Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Burns] [1874 20 413 NoIV St Michaels Limerick PLU] [duplicate]

* James Tracey/Treacy b. 26 Jan 1864 of Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare] Cloonclare RC. [s. of Anthony Tracey/Treacy & Mary Leonard] [1864 2 175 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

* James Tracy b.  15 OR 16 Sep [Oct crossed out] 1869 Ballinrobe [Ballinrobe] Ballinrobe RC  [s. of James Tracy, shoemaker, & Catherine Loughry] [1869 19 41 Ballinrobe Ballinrobe PLU]

* James Tracy b.  9 Jul 1871 Glaspistol [Clogher] Clogher RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Hagarty] [1871 12 502 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* James Tracy b. 1 Mar 1869 Coone [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer? CoI [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Sutcliffe] Bridge Poole, her mark, present at birth, Coone [1869 3 541 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* James Tracy b. 1 Nov 1868 of Cuiltycreaghan [Bekan] Bekan? RC [s. of John Tracy, landholder, & Bridget Waldron] [1868 19 171 Ballindine Claremorris PLU]

* James Tracy b. 1 Nov 1873 Dungorkin [Cumber Upper - Cumber Upper RC [s. of James Tracy, shoe maker, & Jane Ann O’Neil][1873 16 614 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* James Tracy b. 10 Apr 1874 Broomlane Mallow. Mallow RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Hannah Singleton][1874 10 628 Mallow Mallow PLU]

* James Tracy b. 11 Nov 1871 Inistioge [Inistioge] Inistioge RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Honoria Barron] [1871 19 895 Inistioge Thomastown PLU]

* James Tracy b. 12 Aug 1866 of Templetuohy [Templetouhy] Moyne and Templetuohy RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, carpenter, & Ellen Stapleton] [1866 13 632 Moyne Thurles PLU] see Templemore

* James Tracy b. 14 Feb 1869 of Chapel Lane Freshford  [Freshford] Freshford RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Spencer] [1869 3 577 Freshford Kilkenny PLU]

* James Tracy b. 16 Mar 1874 Killeen Parish of Ahascragh [Ahascragh and Killosolan? RC?] [s. Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Bridget McGuinness] [1874 4 460 Clonbrock Mountbellew PLU]

* James Tracy b. 18 Apr 1864 of Pound Lane. Clonmel RC [s. of Dennis Tracy & Mary Connel?  [1864 9 685 St Mary's Clonmel PLU Waterford]

* James Tracy b. 20 May 1865 of Terregannon [Tirigannon Glebe Belleek] Carn RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Catherine O'Neil] [1865 7 11 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU] 

* James Tracy b. 20 May 1874 Deerpark [Kilcloony] Ballinasloe RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Berane] [1874 14 24 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU]

* James Tracy b. 20 Nov 1875 Derrinascobe [Derreennascooba Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Anne Heneghan] [1875 19 121 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* James Tracy b. 21 Sep 1866 of Rathduff [Donaghmore] Ballyragget RC [s. of William Tracy, labourer, & Anne Bergin] [1866 13 486 Ballyragget Castlecomer PLU]

* James Tracy b. 22 Apr 1867 of Craig Cumber [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Carland?] [1867 7 225 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* James Tracy b. 22 Oct 1875 Knockcroghery Killenvoy [Killinvoy] Killinvoy? RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Elizabeth Higgins] [1875 18 328 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* James Tracy b. 23 Apr 1865 of Kinnegad [Killucan] Kinnegad RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, nail maker, & Margaret Coleman] [1865 8 363 Killucan Mullingar PLU]

* James Tracy b. 24 Nov 1873 of 4 Barrow Street. Haddington Road RC [s. of Mark Tracey, labourer, & Mary Fitzpatrick] Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, 4 Barrow Street. [1873 17 685 Dublin South PLU] [see Thomas Tracey Irish Citizen Army]

* James Tracy b. 27 Nov 1866 of Tallaght [Tallaght] Rathfarnham RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Banon] James Tracy, his mark, present at birth Tallaght [1866 17 735 Tallaght Dublin South PLU]

* James Tracy b. 28 Feb 1864 of Kilqueeny [Castlemacadam] Avoca? RC?. [s. of James Tracy & Biddy Kelly] [1864 7 1056 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* James Tracy b. 28 Jan 1864 of Goose Hill Kilkenny St. Canice's RC. [s. of John Tracy & Mary Kennedy] [1864 3 508 Kilkenny Kilkenny PLU]

* James Tracy b. 29 Jan 1865 of Gurteen [Gorteen Devenish] Garrison RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary McGrory] [1865 2 12 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* James Tracy b. 29 Nov 1871 Crockiniella [maybe in Riverstown Ballybrackan] Monasterevan RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Kate Devoy] [1872 3 472 Monasterevan Athy PLU] [registered 1872]

* James Tracy b. 29 Nov 1871 Crockiniella [maybe in Riverstown Ballybrackan] Monasterevan RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Kate Devoy] [1872 3 472 Monasterevan Athy PLU] [registered 1872]

* James Tracy b. 3 Jan 1873 Cross St Enniskillen [Enniskillen RC] [s. of Elizabeth Tracey] [1873 2 63 Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU]

* James Tracy b. 5 Sep 1868 of Carrowamore [Carrowmore Moynoe] Scarriff RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Farrell] [1868 19 479 MtShannon Scarriff PLU]

* James Tracy b. 8 May 1864 of Loughglyn [Loughlinn Tibohine] Loughglynn RC [s. of John Tracy & Cathe Galagher?] [1864 9 143 Ballaghaderreen Castlerea PLU]

* James Trassy b. 29 Jan 1872 Ardnagall parish of Tuam. Tuam? RC [s. of Michael Trassy, landholder, & Bridget Turner] [1872 4 680 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* James Treacey b. 1 Feb 1875 Summerhill [Rathnaveoge] Moneygall? RC [s. of Denis Treacey, farmer, & Margaret Fogarty] [1875 3 632 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* James Treacey b. 14 jan 1872 Ballygowans [Ballygowan Drumragh] Drumragh RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Sarah Glacken] [1872 2 337 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* James Treacy b.  29 Jun 1870 Sallins Road Naas [Naas] Naas RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, porter, & Ellen Byrne] [1870 12 850 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

* James Treacy b. 1 Apr 1868 of Cloonreane parish of Milltown [Cloonrane Addergoole]  Addergoole and Liskeevy? RC? [s. of Patrick Treacy, landholder, & Honoria Langan] [1868 9 575 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [Tulla in printed and online database]

* James Treacy b. 1 Mar 1866 of Carrickastuck [Philipstown-Nugent] Haggardstown RC [s. of Henry Treacy, farmer, & Anne Duffy] [1866 2 857 Barronstown Dundalk PLU]

* James Treacy b. 10 Aug 1864 of Cork Union Workhouse [s. of Thomas Treacy & Mary Ahern] [1864 15 150  Cork South Cork PLU] see Cobh

* James Treacy b. 11 Jul 1873 Becher St Mallow [Mallow RC] [s. of James Treacy, trades? man, & Anne Sprowle] [1873 15 528 Mallow Mallow PLU]

* James Treacy b. 11 May 1871 Mouthrath [Clonenagh and Clonagheen] Mountrath RC [s. of James Treacy, brick layer, in America, & Bridget Lowry] [1871 8 665 Mountrath Mountmellick PLU]

* James Treacy b. 12 Jul 1873 Derrew  [Killimorbologue OR Kilquain - Killimore and Tiranascragh RC]  [s. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Boland] [1873 14 450 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [see Tynagh]

* James Treacy b. 15 Apr 1867 of Kildare [Kildare] Kildare & Rathangan RC [s. of James Treacy, labourer, & Margret Foy] [1867 7 986 Kildare Naas PLU]

* James Treacy b. 16 Dec 1875 of The Abbey Roscrea. Roscrea RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, labourer, & Ellen Maher] [1876 3 649 Roscrea Roscrea PLU Tipperary] [registered 1876]

* James Treacy b. 16 Oct 1870 Carrickastuck Philipstown. Haggardstown RC [s. of Henry Treacy, farmer, & Anne Duffy] [1870 17 758 Barronstown Dundalk PLU]

* James Treacy b. 16 Sep 1874 Knockeravelia [Knockeravella Templebredon] Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [s. of Peter Treacy, tailor, & Mary Molony] [1874 18 657 Grean Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* James Treacy b. 18 Sep 1866 of Knockordeen. Paulstown RC [s. of Andrew Treacy, labourer, & Mary Hennessy] [1866 13 518 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* James Treacy b. 19 Dec 1874 Coolavehy [Kilflyn] Glenroe RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1875 5 395 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1875]

* James Treacy b. 19 Dec 1874 Coolavehy [Kilflyn] Glenroe RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1875 5 395 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1875]

* James Treacy b. 19 Nov 1867 of Bellview Mallow. Mallow RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Ellen McCarthy] [1867 20 466 Mallow Mallow PLU]

* James Treacy b. 22 Oct 1870 Glasslough St. Monaghan RC [s. of James Treacy, sergeant Monaghan staff, & Mary Anne McKenna] [1870 18 299 Monaghan Monaghan PLU] [see also Kilkenny]

* James Treacy b. 23 Feb 1871 Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea].Templemore RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Moylan] [1871 3 714 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* James Treacy b. 23 Oct 1872 Ballylina Ballingarry [Ballingarry (Ormond Lr)] Shinrone RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, labourer, & Anne Waters] [1872 18 400 Cloghjordan Borrisokane PLU]

* James Treacy b. 25 Dec 1867 of Doon South [Doon] Doon and Castletown RC [s. of Edmond Treacy, farmer, & Anne Brien] [1867 18 628 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU]

* James Treacy b. 28 Dec 1869 Belgrove [Templerobin] Cobh RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Walsh] [1870 5 234 Queenstown Cork PLU] [Registered 1870]

* James Treacy b. 28 Dec 1869 Belgrove [Templerobin] Cobh RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Walsh] [1870 5 234 Queenstown Cork PLU] [Registered 1870]

* James Treacy b. 28 Oct 1870 Gibbinstown P. Bulgaden [Gibbonstown Kilbreedy Major] Bulgaden RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Catherine Condon] [1870 20 389 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* James Treacy b. 29 Aug 1874 Crevilly Valley Connor [s. of Ann Treacy][1874 11 137 Galgorm Ballymena PLU]

* James Treacy b. 30 May 1868 of Cappawhite [Cappagh White town Toem] Cappawhite RC [s. of Richard Treacy, shop keeper, & Catherine Power] [1868 8 770 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU]

* James Treacy b. 30 Sep 1874 Ballyaskill [Ballyoskill Attanagh OR Kilmenan] Ballyragget? RC [s. of James Treacy, shopkeeper, & Margaret Ryan][1874 18 478 Ballyragget Castlecomer PLU] [see Templemore and Patrick J Treacy]

* James Treacy b. 6 May 1868 of Graignekilleen [Graigueakilleen Lickmolassy] Portumna? RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Winifred Scully] [1868 9 496 Portumna Portumna PLU] [see Michael Charles Treacy]

* James Treacy b. 7 Jun 1871 Mooncoin [Pollrone] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [s. of James Treacy, labourer [farmer crossed out], & Catherine Ryan] [1871 14 891 Ullid Waterford PLU Kilkenny]

* James Treasey b. 22 Jun 1870 Moneygall Cullenwaine. Moneygall RC [s. of Michael Treasey, labourer, & Onny Tobin] [1870 13 645 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* James Tressy b. 1 Aug 1870 Glanaville [Glennaveel Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Mark Tressy, labourer, & Mary Burke] [1870 14 572 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* James Tressy b. 21 Jan 1864 of Muglinagrow [Muggalnagrow Inishmacsaint]. Garrison RC [s. of Patrick Tressy & Susan McGowan] [1864 2 6 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* James Tressy b. 29 Nov 1864 of Cootehill [Drumgoon] Drumgoon RC. [s. of Patrick Tressy & Rose Quinn] [1864 18 160 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]


* Jane Tracey b. 11 Aug 1867 of 34 Baileys Lane. St. Mary's RC [d. of George Tracey, mason, & Mary Farrell] [1867 15 127 Cork Cork PLU]

* Jane Tracey b. 25 Jan 1873 Brown Street [Portlaw RC] [d. of John Tracey, baker, & Elizabeth Cassin] [1873 4 732 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU] [see Treacy Brothers of New Jersey]

* Jane Tracy b. 30 Dec 1866 of Tea Lane Tullamore [Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore RC [d. of John Tracy, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent] [1867 3 766 Tullamore Tullamore PLU] [Registered 1867]

* Jane Tracy b. 30 Dec 1866 of Tea Lane Tullamore [Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore RC [d. of John Tracy, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent] [1867 3 766 Tullamore Tullamore PLU] [Registered 1866]

* Jane Tracy b. 9 Dec 1868 of Kinnegad [Killucan] Kinnegad RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, nail maker, & Margaret Coleman] [1868 18 312 Killucan Mullingar PLU]

* Jane Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 of 36 McClure Street. Belfast Presbyterian [d. of George Treacy, draper, & Elizabeth McKay] [1876 1 401 Belfast Belfast PLU] [registered 1876]

* Jane Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 of 36 McClure Street. Belfast Presbyterian [d. of George Treacy, draper, & Elizabeth McKay] [1876 1 375 Belfast Belfast PLU] [registered 1876] [cancelled]

* Jane Treacy b. 10 Jan 1868 of Carrigah  [Carrigagh Rathaspick] Rathaspick and Russagh? RC [d. of Bernard Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Guy] [1868 3 325 Ballinacargy Mullingar PLU]

* Jane Treacy b. 21 Oct 1872 Donagile [Donaguile Castlecomer] Castlecomer CoI [d. of Richard Treacy, farmer, & Mary Anne Copley] [1872 18 470 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


* Jeremiah Joseph Tracey b. 29 Jul 1868 of Chapel Hill [St Anne, Shandon] St. Mary's RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, cooper, & Ellen ONeill] [1868 20 135 No 5 Centre Cork PLU]

* Jeremiah Tracey b. 29 Nov 1866 of Gragevalla [Graigueavallagh Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Mary Davin] [1866 18 494 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* Jeremiah Tracy b. 28 Dec 1865 of 31 Gt Brittain Street. St. Mary's RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, cooper, & Matilda Moore] [1866 5 159 Cork Cork PLU] Registered 1866

* Jeremiah Tracy b. 28 Dec 1865 of 31 Gt Brittain Street. St. Mary's RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, cooper, & Matilda Moore] [1866 5 159 Cork Cork PLU] Registered 1866

* Jermiah Treacy b. 24 Dec 1871 Tantore [Tonteere Ballybrood] Ballybricken and Bohermore RC [s. of John Treacy, carpenter, Caherelly [Caherelly], & Johanna Connell] [1871 20 414 Caherconlish Limerick PLU] [see Caherconlish]


* Joanna Tracy b. 1 Oct 1864 of Scarva St Banbridge [Seapatrick] Seapatrick RC [d. of Thomas Tracy & Anne Mollin? [Connor]] [ 1864 16, 219 Banbridge Banbridge PLU]

* Johanah Treacy b. 25 Sep 1869 Bishopswood [Kilmore (Kilnamanagh)] Knockavilla RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Johanah Ryan] [1869 18 481 Kilpatrick Cashel PLU]

* Johanna Tracey [Moroney] b. 22 Dec 1867 of 15 Carrick Road. Portlaw [d. of John Tracey, factory operative, of Georges Street, & Catherine Moroney] [1867 19 656 Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]

* Johanna Tracey b. 29 July 1867 of Goat Lane Tipperary Tipperary RC [d. of Jeremiah Tracey, car driver & Margaret Carty] [1867 13 684 Tipperary Tipperary PLU]

* Johanna Tracey b. 6 Jun 1873 Pollerton Road Carlow [Carlow RC] [d. of Patrick Tracey, shoemaker, & Mary Reilly] [1873 8 495 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* Johanna Tracey b. 6 Nov 1866 of Ferns [Ferns] Ferns RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Johanna Murphy] [1866 19 753Ferns Enniscorthy PLU]

* Johanna Tracey b. 7 Jun 1875 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Andrew Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Ryan] [1875 8 711 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Johanna Tracy b. 12 Apr 1872 Loughgar [Loughgur Knockainy] Knockany and Patrickswell? RC [d. of Edmond Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Leo] [1872 10 419 Bruff Kilmallock PLU] [see Brigadier General Edward Joseph Tracy (1902-1967), Medical Officer]

* Johanna Tracy b. 16 Jan 1864 of Knocksharm [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh  RC [d. of Ml Tracy & Johanna Costello] [1864 3 653 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Johanna Tracy b. 25 Oct 1872 Ballingarry [Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Fitzgerald] [1872 20 199 Castletown Croom PLU]

* Johanna Tracy b. 30 Jul 1868 of John Street Waterford. Waterford RC [d. of Peter Tracy, seamna, & Bridget Harney] [1868 14 914 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Johanna Tracy b. 8 Apr 1866 of Main Street Cappoquin [Lismore and Mocollop] Cappoquin RC [d. of Mathew Tracy, nailor, & Mary Stack] [1866 9 799 Cappaquin Lismore PLU]

* Johanna Tracy b. 9 Apr 1867 of Nicker [Grean] Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Hourigan?] [1867 8 783 Grean Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Johanna Treacy b. 10 Dec 1867 of Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore? RC [d. of Martin Treacy, mason, & Bridget Treacy] [1868 3 665 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1868]

* Johanna Treacy b. 10 Dec 1867 of Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore? RC [d. of Martin Treacy, mason, & Bridget Treacy] [1868 3 665 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1868]

* Johanna Treacy b. 20 May 1864 of Belgrove [Templerobin]. Cobh RC [d. of James Treacy & Ellen Walsh] [1864 10 227 Queenstown Cork PLU]

* Johanna Treacy b. 22 Oct 1869 Bressheen North P. St St Peter & Paul. Kilmallock RC [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Hanley] [1869 20 354 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Bulgaden]

* Johanna Treacy b. 28 Aug 1870 Rathnageerah [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Myshall RC [d. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1870 13 465 Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]

* Johanna Treacy b. 3 Feb 1866 of Mitchelstown [Brigown OR Marshalstown] Mitchelstown RC [d. of James Treacy, dealer, & Alice O'Brien] [1866 4 937 Mitchelstown Mitchelstown PLU]

* Johanna Treacy b. 6 Aug 1875 Ballymacegan [Lorrha] Lorrha and Dorrha RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Garvan] [1875 13 398 Terryglass Borrisokane PLU]


John Tracey, Nenagh, Tipperary North. 1866 8 650 Cloughjordan RC [s. of Daniel Tracey, farmer, & Honora Neal] [image not available]

* John [Michael?] Tracy b.  29 Apr 1870 Cloonlahan [Killoran] Mullagh RC [s. of Fergus Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Lyons] [1870 9 44 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* John James Tracey b. 20 Oct 1873 Drumragh [Drumragh] Drumragh RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Maguire] [1874 7 313 Omagh Omagh PLU] [registered 1874]

* John James Tracey b. 20 Oct 1873 Drumragh [Drumragh] Drumragh RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Maguire] [1874 7 313 Omagh Omagh PLU] [registered 1874]

* John Joseph Tracy b. 3 Jun 1867 of 39 Bow Lane. St James RC [s. of John Tracy, railway guard, & Mary Kane] [1867 7 732 Dublin South PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* John Joseph Tracy b. 6 Apr 1870 Henny? St. St. Michael's RC [s. of John Tracy, sub constable police, & Mary Anne Rice] [1870 10 551 No IV St Michaels Limerick PLU] [see RIC]

* John Joseph Treacy b. 6 Jul 1874 Culdaff [Culdaff] Culdaff RC [s. of John Treacy, of Moville, publican and grocer, & Mary Hegarty] [1874 12 154 Malin Inishowen PLU] [see Moville and Urlingford Kilkenny]

* John Lawrence Tracy b. 2 Dec 1875 Military Barracks. Tralee RC [s. of Peter Tracy, sergeant 104th Regt, & Amelia Jane Tickner] [1875 20 604 Tralee Tralee PLU] [see Limerick & army]

* John Patrick Tracey b.  26 Apr 1874 Temple Road [Blackrock RC] [s. of Laurence Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Byrne] [1874 7 946 Blackrock Rathdown PLU]

* John Patrick Tracey b. 7 Nov 1869 of 1 Chapel Hill. St. Mary's RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, cooper, & Ellen ONeill] [1869 20 142 No 5 Centre Cork PLU]

* John Thomas Tracey b. 29 Jun 1867 of Old Turnpike Nenagh. Nenagh RC {s. of William Tracey, sub constable, & Susan Burke] [1867 13 572 Nenagh Nenagh PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]

* John Tracey [Dwyer] b. 18 Mar 1871 Mill Street Callan [Callan] Callan RC [s. of Mary Tracey] [1871 9 691 Callan Callan PLU]

* John Tracey b.  14 Jan 1869 Riverstown [Ballybrackan] Monasterevan RC [s. of Michael Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Devoy] [1869 3 446 Monasterevin Athy PLU] [see Athy]

* John Tracey b.  18 Jun 1869 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Fadden] [1869 9 141 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* John Tracey b.  24 Jan 1869 The Green Fethard [Fethard] Fethard RC [s. of John Tracey, sergeant 89th Foot, Athlone, & Mary Coffey] [1869 3 514 Fethard Cashel PLU] [See Avoca Wicklow]

* John Tracey b.  24 Jun 1870 Rosnagowloge [or Tirinchinan Kilbride] Tullamore? RC [s. of Michael Tracey, farmer, & Mary Kelly] [1870 13 721 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* John Tracey b.  28 Mar 1869 Passage [Kill St. Nicholas] Killea RC [s. of John Tracey, revenue officer, & Mary Ann Nicholson] [1869 9 1015 Woodstown Waterford PLU]

* John Tracey b.  7 Aug 1871 Nicholas St Thurles [s. of Patrick Tracey, lawyer, & Honoria Hayes] Honora Tracey, her mark, mother, Nicholas St [1871 13 649 Thurles Thurles PLU] [see Templemore]

* John Tracey b. 10 Aug 1873 Binnfreghan [Binnafreaghan Bodoney Lower - Badoney Lower and Greencastle RC] [s. of Edward Tracey, farmer, & Alice Deery][1873 12 117 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* John Tracey b. 10 Jul 1871 Flash [street in Sheephouse OR Yardland Arklow] Arklow RC [s. of Michael Tracey, shop keeper, & Sarah Byrne] [1871 12 920 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* John Tracey b. 12 Feb 1867 of The Fishery. Arklow RC [s. of James Tracey, seaman, & Bridget Byrne] [1867 2 988 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* John Tracey b. 12 Oct 1866 of Lying in hospital Ross. New Ross RC [s. of Mick Tracey, labourer, of Cross Lane Ross, & Sally Duffin] [1866 19 872 New Ross New Ross PLU]

* John Tracey b. 13 Oct 1866 of Main Street Bruff [Bruff] Bruff RC [s. of John Tracey, shop keeper, & Mary Conway] [1866 20 337 Bruff Kilmallock PLU]

* John Tracey b. 14 Feb 1874 of 1 North Anne St [St. Michan’s RC]  [s. of James Tracey, painter, & Jane Campbell] [1874 2 611 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral and Derry]

* John Tracey b. 15 Nov 1868 of Kilruan [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Darcy] [1868 18 558 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* John Tracey b. 16 Mar 1864 of Cross Avenue Kingstown. Kingstown RC [s. of Frank Tracey & Johanna Ryan] [1864 2 810 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* John Tracey b. 17 Nov 1866 of Jordanstown [Carnmoney Antrim] Belfast [s. of James Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Beatty] [1866 16 380 Whitehouse Belfast PLU]

* John Tracey b. 18 Dec 1866 of Glasspistal [Glaspistol Clogher] Clogher  RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Margt Hagerty] [1866 17 498 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* John Tracey b. 18 Jun 1869 Derreenascoba [Derreennascooba Ballintober]  Burriscarra RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Coggil] [1869 9 141 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* John Tracey b. 18 May 1868 of Killcoagh [Donard] Dunlavin RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Moore] The mark of Michael Tracey, father, Killcoagh [1868 7 507 Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU]

* John Tracey b. 2 Jul 1873 Bilbo [on the border of Carlow/Kilkenny/Laois - Mayo and Doonane RC]. [s. of William Tracey, merchant & farmer, & Catherine Heffrin] [1873 13 423 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois]

* John Tracey b. 22 [8 & 1 crossed out] Nov 1870 of 7 Anna Vile Cullenswood. [St. Peters] Rathmines RC [s. of Edward Tracey, builder, & Mary Stevens] [1870 17 763 Rathmines Dublin South PLU] [see Donnybrook]

* John Tracey b. 24 Mar 1874 Ballymore Carrick [Tamlaght Finlagan] Carrick CoI [s. of Daniel Tracey, labourer, & Mary Anne Dunseith] [1874 6 943 Ballykelly Newtownlimavady PLU]

* John Tracey b. 25 Jan 1875 Chaff St Graigue [Killeshin] Graigue RC [s. of James Tracey, pensioner, & Rebecca Goold] [1875 3 452 Carlow Carlow PLU Laois] [see Killeshin CoI]

* John Tracey b. 26 May 1875 Glasslough St. Monaghan RC [s. of James Tracey, pensioner & Mary Anne McKenna] [1875 8 306 Monaghan Monaghan PLU] [see Kilkenny]

* John Tracey b. 27? Oct 1875 Lying in Hospital. St. Mary? RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, Mary St, & Ellen Flynn] [1875 20 399 NoIV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* John Tracey b. 28 Apr 1871 Inishathra? Patish Dunaghy. Glenravel RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Clark] [1871 6 137 Clough Ballymena PLU]

* John Tracey b. 28 Jan 1871 of 30 Lower Liffey Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of William Tracey, caretaker Dollards Yard, & Jane Scott] [1871 2 654 Dublin North PLU]

* John Tracey b. 28 Jul 1871 Pollerton Road Carlow [s. of Patrick Tracey, shoe maker, & Mary Reilly] [1871 13 438 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* John Tracey b. 29 Oct 1869 Kildimo [Kildimo] Kildimo RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Kate Dondon] [1869 20 556 Pallaskenry Rathkeale]

* John Tracey b. 3 Aug 1867 of Roundwood [Derrylossary] CoI? [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Dopson] [1867 12 921 Annamoe Rathdrum PLU]

* John Tracey b. 30 July 1872 Larne [Inver] Larne? RC? [s. of Robert Tracey, linen lapper, & Catherine Willis?] [1872 11 611 Larne Larne PLU]

* John Tracey b. 30 May 1864 of Ballycurrane [Ardmore OR Clashmore] Clashmore and Kinsalebegg RC [s. of James Tracey & Johanna Hickey] [1864 9 1026 Ardmore Youghal PLU Waterford]

* John Tracey b. 30 Sep 1871 Clooncagh [Clooncah] Kilteevan. Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, small farmer, & Catherine Coffey] [1871 18 343 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* John Tracey b. 31 Mar 1864 of Cooraclevan [Corraclevin Dunkerrin] Moneygall RC [s. of Thomas? Tracey & Ann [Waters]] [1864 8 736 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly] see Shinrone Tipperary

* John Tracey b. 4 May 1865 of Rossfinch [Kilnarath] Ballinahinch and Killoscully  RC [s. of John Tracey, laborer, & Hanora Bray] Denis Conway, his mark, uncle, present at birth, Rossfinch [1865 8 679 Newport Nenagh PLU]

* John Tracey b. 7 Aug 1866 of Workhouse. [Kildrought] Celbridge RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, of Celbridge, & Anne Nugent] [1866 12 468 Celbridge Celbridge PLU]

* John Tracey b. 7 Dec 1875 Busherstown [Killerig] Tinryland RC [s. of Michael Tracey, carpenter, & Ellen Nolan] [1876 3 460 Carlow Carlow PLU] [registered 1876]

* John Tracey b. 7 Mar 1872 Church St Bagenalstown [Dunleckny] Dunleckney? RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, stone cutter, & Johanna Ronin] [1872 8 497 Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]

* John Tracey b. 8 May 1865 of Drumgrissaun [Drumagissaun Kilglass] Kilglass RC [s. of Michael Tracey, laborer & Ellen Quinn] [1865 8 440 Roosky Strokestown PLU] see Strokestown RC

* John Tracey/Treacy b. 9 Jan 1865 of Doon [Doon Limerick] Doon and Castletown RC [s. of Edmond Treacy, farmer, & Anne Ryan] [1865 3 742 Cappagh Tipperary PLU]

* John Tracy b.  28 Oct 1869 Reids Court Patrick Street. Kingstown RC [s. of Michael Tracy, sailor, & Eliza Byrne] [1869 17 884 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* John Tracy b. 1 Dec 1867 of Gragevalla [Graigueavallagh Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Davis] [1867 18 479 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* John Tracy b. 1 Jan 1868 1868 of 24 South Earl Street. St Catherines? RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Bannon] [1868 2 670 Dublin South PLU]

* John Tracy b. 1 Jun 1867 of Beacannoren [Beaghcauneen Ballindoon] Omey RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Bridget King] [1867 9 211 Clifden Clifden PLU]

* John Tracy b. 1 Mar 1869 Morett [Coolbanagher] Portarlington? RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer & Maria Hines [Hynes]] [1869 3 610 Emo Mountmellick PLU]

* John Tracy b. 1 May 1868 of Jamestown [OR Ballyteigeduff Lea] Portarlington RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Doolan] [Emo Mountmellick PLU]

* John Tracy b. 10 Jun 1875 off Athlunkard Street [s. of Pat Tracy, provision dealer, & Johanna Cooney] Serah Tobin, her mark, present at birth, Courthouse Lane [1875 15 420 St. Marys Limerick PLU]

* John Tracy b. 11 Jul 1872 Altyhoney Cumber [Altaghoney Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Kirgan] [1872 12 207 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* John Tracy b. 12 May 1868 of Nicker [Grean] Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Hourigan] John Tracy, his mark, father, Nicker [1868 8 787 Grean Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* John Tracy b. 13 Jun 1869 of 3 Prince’s Street. St Andrews RC [s. of John Tracy, coal porter, & Anne Cowell] [1869 12 699 Dublin South PLU] [see Thomas Tracey Irish Citizen Army]

* John Tracy b. 14 Aug 1865 of Timogue [Timogue] Timogue CoI [s. of William Tracy, master of workhouse, & Mary Ann Carmichal] [1865 18 421 Stradbally Athy PLU Laois]

* John Tracy b. 14 Mar 1865 of Toher [Togher Ballyburly] Philipstown  RC [s. of Bernard Tracy, miller, & Cather McNamarra] [1865 3 791 Philipstown Tullamore PLU]

* John Tracy b. 15 Jan 1868 of Ballinaparka [Ballynaparka Aglish] Aglish RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, baker, & Alice Bransfield] [1868 9 741 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* John Tracy b. 15 Jun 1868 of Balbriggan [Balrothery] Balbriggan RC [s. of John Tracy, sailor, & Mary Daley] [1868 7 484 Balbriggan Balrothery PLU]

* John Tracy b. 15 Oct 1865 of No. 2 Rooney's lane Roundtown [Round Town town Rathfarnham] Rathfarnham RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Byrne] [1865 17 719 Rathfarnham Dublin South PLU]

* John Tracy b. 15? July 1864 of Thomastown? [Belclare] Kilmoylan RC [s. of Thomas Tracy & Ellen Burke] [1864 14 535 Tuam Tuam PLU] [faint copy]

* John Tracy b. 16 Dec 1867 of Main Street [Youghal] Youghal RC [s. of David Tracy, shopkeeper, & Ellen Fitzgerald] [1867 19 947 Youghal Youghal PLU]

* John Tracy b. 16 Dec 1872 Glen West [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Mulhern] [1872 17 10 Belleck Ballyshannon PLU]

* John Tracy b. 19 Jun 1869 Derreenascoba [Derreennascooba Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [s. of John farmer, & Anne Heneghan] [1869 9 141 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* John Tracy b. 19 Mar 1866 of Passage [Passage West town Marmullane OR Monkstown] Passage West RC [s. of John Tracy, soldier, of Kildare, & Ellen Looney] [1866 5 140 Carrigaline Cork PLU]

* John Tracy b. 2 Apr 1871 Broadford [Kilseily] Broadford RC [s. of John Tracy, shoemaker, & Bridget Naish?] [1871 10 498 Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare] [see Tim Tracy]

* John Tracy b. 2 Apr 1873 of 12 Patricks Terrace [St. Mary's RC] [s. of George Tracy, mason, & Mary Farrell] [1873 10 157 Cork No2 Cork PLU] [father St. Lukes Church of Ireland?]

* John Tracy b. 2 Feb 1875 Kiltean [Kilteean Galey] Ballybunion RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Stack] [1875 10 548 Ballyduff Listowel PLU]

* John Tracy b. 21 Jun 1875 Carrigagh [Rathaspick] Rathaspick and Russagh RC [s. of Bernard Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Guy] [1875 8 317 Ballynacargy Mullingar PLU]

* John Tracy b. 22 Oct 1867 of Glen West [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget McManus] [1867 17 8 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* John Tracy b. 25 Dec 1869 Knocksharoon [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Johanna Costello] [1869 18 634 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [see Denis Treacy of Glenkeen]

* John Tracy b. 25 May 1866 of Cummer [Cummer] Kilmoylan RC [s. of James Tracy, landholder, & Bridget Walsh] [1866 9 556 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* John Tracy b. 26 Dec 1867 of Knockfieran [Knockfierna Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry  RC [s. of John Tracy, laborer, & Honora Downs] [1867 20 196 Castletown Croom PLU]

* John Tracy b. 26 Oct 1868 of Knockcroghery Killenvoy [Killinvoy] Killinvoy RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Betty Higgins] [1868 18 362 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* John Tracy b. 27 Jun 1870 Lower Glanmire Road. St. Patrick's RC [s. of James Tracy, carpenter, of Mallow, & Ann Sproule] [1870 10 159 Cork No. 1 North East Cork PLU] [see Mallow]

* John Tracy b. 27 Mar 1873 Laha [Lahagh Templeree - Loughmore and Castleiny RC] [s. of William Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Brennan][1873 3 727 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* John Tracy b. 27 Oct 1865 of 100 Summer hill. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of John Tracy, clerk, & Mary Kelly] [1865 17 506 Dublin North PLU]

* John Tracy b. 28 Nov 1864 of Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Parish. [s. of John Tracy & Margaret Stack] [1864 20 357 Kilfinnane Kilmallock PLU]

* John Tracy b. 28 Sep 1875 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Castlebar? RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Crean] [1875 19 121 Castlebar Castlebar PLU] [twins]

* John Tracy b. 3 Dec 1867 of Clooncagh Kilteevan. Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [s. of Pat Tracy, farmer, & Ellen Hanly] [1867 18 348 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* John Tracy b. 30 Apr 1868 of Rosses Point Parish of Drumcliff. Drumcliff RC [s. of James Tracy, sailor, & Bridget Higgins] [1868 7 384 Sligo Sligo PLU]

* John Tracy b. 4 Sep 1874 Ballymore [Granard] Granard RC [s. of Edward Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Briody] [1874 18 187 Granard Granard PLU]

* John Tracy b. 6 Jan 1865 of Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Borris RC [s. of Darby Tracy, small farmer, & Maria Hanlin] [1865 3 477 Borris Carlow PLU]

* John Tracy b. 6 Sep 1868 of Rathmore [Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh  RC [s. of Patt Tracy, small farmer, & Mary Gornerly] [1868 14 470 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* John Tracy b. 6? Apr 1871 of Ryans Lane. St. Michael's RC [s. of Michal Tracy, labourer, & Honora Shearman] [1871 10 540 No IV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* John Tracy b. 8 Aug 1874 Newtowncummingham All Saints [Newtown Cunningham town Allsaints] All Saints? RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Jane Horgan] [1874 12 228 Killea Londonderry PLU]

* John Tracy b. 8 May 1868 of Culleen [Killeen Ahascragh] Ahascragh and Killosolan? RC [s. of Patt Tracy, labourer, & Bridget McGuiness] [1868 9 445 Clonbrock Mountbellew PLU]

* John Trassy b. 15 Jan 1870 Templetuohy [Templetouhy town Templetouhy] Moyne and Templetuohy? RC [s. of Patrick Trassy, labourer, & Margaret Trassy] [1870 3 735 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* John Trassy b. 22 Jan 1868 of Clonismullen [Drom] Drom and Inch RC [s. of William Trassy, farmer, & Anne Power] [1868 3 701 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* John Trassy b. 9 Sep 1872 Killoran [Killoran] Mullagh RC [s. of Patrick Trassy, farmer, & Catherine Curley] [1872 14 36 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* John Trasy b. 2 Jun 1871 Ballygar  [Ballygar Killeroran] Killian? RC [s. of Thomas Trasy, farmer, & Honoria Kelly] [1871 9 478 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* John Trasy b. 20 Apr 1867 of Knockatee parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [s. of Bartholomew Trasy, landholder, & Catherine Trasy] [1867 14 547 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* John Treacey b. 1 Mar 1869 Moville  [Moville town Moville, Lower] Moville RC [s. of John Treacey, labourer, & Jane Beatey] [1869 2 181 Moville Inishowen PLU]

* John Treacey b. 12 May 1868 of Kyle Ardcronny. Cloughjordan RC [s. of John Treacey, carpenter, & Anne Costolo] [1868 8 494 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU] [see Very Rev John J Tracy, Ph.D. (1868 - 1923)]

* John Treacey b. 26 Oct 1870 The Mall Newry. Newry RC [s. of Patrick Treacey, car-driver, & Mary Jane McAlinden] [1870 16 820 Newry Newry PLU] [see Drumcree Armagh]

* John Treacey b. 27 Dec 1873 Ballyhught Effin P. [Ballyhaght Kilquane] Effin and Gamenderk RC [s. of Patrick Treacey, publican, & Mary Hurley][1874 5 387 Charleville Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1874]

* John Treacey b. 27 Dec 1873 Ballyhught Effin P. [Ballyhaght Kilquane] Effin and Gamenderk RC [s. of Patrick Treacey, publican, & Mary Hurley][1874 5 387 Charleville Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1874]

* John Treacey b. 31 Mar 1868 Kilmallock Workhouse [s. of Mary Treacey] [1868 5 423 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* John Treacey b. 31 Oct 1874 Drumleagah [Ardstraw] Ardstraw West? RC [s. of Patt Treacey, labourer, & Ann Judge][1874 17 343 Newtownstewart Strabane PLU]

* John Treacy b.  13 Jul 1869 Ballinulty [Cullen] Cullen and Latten RC [s. of Edmond Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Hayes] [1869 13 655 Emly Tipperary PLU]

* John Treacy b.  25 Aug 1870 Cullenwain Cullenwain [Cullenwaine Cullenwaine] Moneygall RC [s. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Neil] [1870 13 646 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* John Treacy b. 1 Apr 1875 Shanakill [Killavinoge] Templemore RC [s. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Maher] [1875 8 676 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* John Treacy b. 10 Jun 1874 Nicker [Grean] Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Hourigan][1874 8 777 Grean Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* John Treacy b. 11 Sep 1867 of Ardnagall parish of Milltown [Ardnagall Tuam] [Milltown Addergoole] Tuam RC [s. of Michael Treacy, shepherd, & Bridget Turner] [1868 4 608 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [registered 1868]

* John Treacy b. 11 Sep 1867 of Ardnagall parish of Milltown [Ardnagall Tuam] [Milltown Addergoole] Tuam RC [s. of Michael Treacy, shepherd, & Bridget Turner] [1868 4 608 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [registered 1868]

* John Treacy b. 12 Nov 1867 of Ballymagill [Ballymackillagill Listerlin] Tullagher RC [s. of Thomas treacy, famer, & Ellen Mackey] [1867 19 834 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU]

* John Treacy b. 14 Aug 1867 of Brackeragh [Brackery Tynagh] Tynagh RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Anne Watson] [1867 14 453 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* John Treacy b. 15 Jul 1868 of Dogstown P Newinn [Dogstown] [Newinn town Knockgraffon] New Inn and Knockgraffon RC [s. of William Treacy, labourer, & Mary Cashen] [1868 13 484 Tullamain Cashel PLU]

* John Treacy b. 15 Sep 1870 Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Patt Treacy, cottier, & Mary Wyne] [1870 14 574 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* John Treacy b. 15 Sep 1872 Graigue Kilruan [Kilruane] Cloughjordan RC [s. of John Treacy, carpenter, & Anne Costelloe] [1872 18 399 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU] [see Very Rev John J Tracy, Ph.D. (1868 - 1923)]

* John Treacy b. 15 Sep 1874 Kimran [Clones] Clones RC [s. of Philip Treacy, tailor, & Mary Gredden] [1874 18 145 Roslea Clones PLU] [see Galloon & Agnes Treacy]

* John Treacy b. 17 Apr 1874 Forster Street Galway. St. Nicholas East RC [s. of Mark Treacy, grocer, & Ellen Cook] [1874 9 285 Galway Galway PLU]

* John Treacy b. 17 Aug 1872 Knockfierna [in Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Honora Downs] [1872 15 196 Castletown Croom PLU]

* John Treacy b. 17 Dec 1871 Tobernea East [Effin] Effin and Gamenderk RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Mary OLeary] [1872 5 451 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1872]

* John Treacy b. 17 Dec 1871 Tobernea East [Effin] Effin and Gamenderk RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Mary OLeary] [1872 5 451 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [registered 1872]

* John Treacy b. 18 Aug 1874 Garryspillane [Ballyscaddan] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Mary Donovan][1874 15 354 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* John Treacy b. 19 Feb 1869 of 71 New Street. St. Nicholas Without RC [s. of James Treacy, carpenter, & Teresa Neill] [1869 2 763 Dublin South PLU] [twins]

* John Treacy b. 19 May 1865 of George St Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of John Treacy, tin man, & Brid Hayden] [1865 8 758 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* John Treacy b. 2 Oct 1864 of Moneygall Cullenwaine. Moneygall  RC {s. of Michael Treacy & Honora Tobin]  [1864 18 631 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* John Treacy b. 20 July 1872 Foxborough Temple Harry [Foxburrow Templeharry]. Moneygall RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Morris] [1872 13 629 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* John Treacy b. 20 Oct 1875 Portumna [Lickmolassy] Portumna RC [s. of William Treacy, smith, & Sarah Cleary] [1875 19 446 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* John Treacy b. 23 Apr 1871 Rathduff [Donaghmore] Ballyragget RC [s. of William Treacy, labourer, & Anne Bergin] [1871 8 567 Ballyragget Castlecomer PLU]

* John Treacy b. 23 Sep 1865 of Rathnageeragh [Fennagh] Myshall RC [s. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Judith Murphy] [1865 18 453 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]

* John Treacy b. 24 Nov 1869 Ballaquade [Ballyquaid Glebe Skirk] Borris-In-Ossory RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Delany] [1870 3 573 Borris in Ossory Donaghmore PLU] [Registered 1870]

* John Treacy b. 24 Nov 1869 Ballaquade [Ballyquaid Glebe Skirk] Borris-In-Ossory RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Delany] [1870 3 573 Borris in Ossory Donaghmore PLU] [Registered 1870]

* John Treacy b. 25 May 1868 of Cloonlusk [Doon] Doon and Castletown RC [s. of Timothy Treacy, farmer, & Mary Stokes] [1868 8 772 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU Limerick] [see Cappawhite Tipperary]

* John Treacy b. 26 Apr 1873 Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy -  Abbeyknockmoy? RC?] [s. of Thomas Treacy, cottier, & Rose Quinn] [1873 9 574 Abby Tuam PLU]

* John Treacy b. 26 Aug 1868 of Ballyvalden [Shankill] Paulstown RC [s. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Mary Brennan] [1868 13 525 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* John Treacy b. 28 Mar 1875 Grange [Knocklong] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [s. of Jeremiah Treacy, labourer, & Margaret OBrien] [1875 10 437 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* John Treacy b. 30 Dec 1871 Kilmallock Workhouse [St Peter & St Paul] [s. of Catherine Treacy] [1871 20 384 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* John Treacy b. 30 Jul 1874 Ballinahown [Ballynahown Ballingaddy] Kilmallock RC [s. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Moran][1874 15 365 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* John Treacy b. 30 May 1865 of Summerhill [in Tithe Records beside Loughanavatta Roscrea] Roscrea RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Broderick] John Treacy, his mark, father, Summerhill Roscrea [1865 8 729 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* John Treacy b. 4 Dec 1873 Solloghedbeg Solloghed [Solloghodbeg - Sologhead RC] [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Carew] [1873 18 668 Tipperary Tipperary PLU]

* John Treacy b. 4 Feb 1870 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] Paulstown? RC [s. of Andrew Treacy, labourer, & Mary Hennessy] [1870 3 599 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* John Treacy b. 4 Jul 1866 of Ballyre [Dangandonovan] Killeagh RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Connors] [1866 14 782 Castlemartyr Midleton PLU]

* John Treacy b. 5 Jul 1874 Ballinaclough [Ballynaclogh Killallaghtan] Cappataggle? RC [s. of Laurence Treacy, farmer, & Anne Raftery] [1874 14 33 Killaan Ballinasloe PLU] [Tracy in index]

* John Treacy b. 5 Jun 1871 of 3 Brown? Street. Portlaw RC [s. of John Treacy, baker, & Eliza Cassin] [1871 9 721 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU] [see Treacy Brothers of New Jersey]

* John Treacy b. 5 Mar 1875 Coon [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Lizzie Sutcliffe] [1875 3 502 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* John Treacy b. 6 Aug 1872 Belwell [Tobernaclug] parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC  [s. of Patrick Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Connelly] [1872 14 316 Dunmore Glennamaddy PLU] [twins]

* John Treacy b. 7 Jan 1875 Clonakenny [Bourney] Bournea and Corbally? RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Suzanna Dudley] [1875 3 632 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [Treacey in index]

* John Treacy b. 8 Apr 1875 Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Martin Treacy, licenced shopkeeper, & Mary Hession] [1875 9 519 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* John Treagy b. 4 Oct 1865 of 2 New Road [s. of John Treagy. painter, & Mary Murphy] [1865 20 116 Cork Cork PLU]

* John Treasy b. 10 May 1870 Cloonreane parish of Milltown [Cloonrane and Milltown are in Addergoole] Addergoole and Liskeevy? RC? [s. of Patrick Treasy, landholder, & Honoria Langan] [1870 14 578 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* John Tressy b. 28 Feb 1875 Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Bartley Tressy, cottier, & Margaret Kelly] [1875 4 561 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* John Tressy b. 28 Sep 1867 of Rathruddy Loughrea [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane RC [s. of Patrick Tressy, small farmer, & Bridget Burke] [1867 19 400 Loughrea Loughrea PLU]

* John Tressy b. 4 May 1868 of Glanville [Glennaveel Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Martin Tressy, cottier, & Mary Burke] [1868 9 569 Abbey Tuam PLU]


* Joseph Tracey b. 23 May 1868 of 3 Silver Street [s. of James Henry Tracey, of Curragh Camp, Corporal 63rd Regt, & Mary Liddell [1868 7 671 Dublin North PLU]

* Joseph Tracey b. 3 Apr 1864 Workhouse Celbridge. Castletown Bog [Kildrought] Celbridge. Celbridge RC [s. of Laurence Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Farrell] [1864 7 509 Celbridge Celbridge PLU]

* Joseph Tracey b. 4 Aug 1868 of Inver Larne [Inver] Larne? RC? [s. of Robert Tracey, beetling engine worker, & Catherine Wills] [1868 11 648 Larne Larne PLU]

* Joseph Tracey b. 5 Dec 1871 Killishin [Killeshin] Killeshin RC [s. of Martin Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Cooper] [1871 18 426 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU]

* Joseph Tracey b. 8 Sep 1870 Ballytegan [Borris] Maryborough RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Dunne] [1870 18 555 Maryborough Mountmellick PLU] [Tracy in indices]

* Joseph Tracy b.  18 Feb 1875 Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian? RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1875 4 427 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Joseph Tracy b. 10 June 1871 of 53 Bridgefoot Street. St Catherines RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary White] [1871 7 710 Dublin South PLU]

* Joseph Tracy b. 11 Aug 1865 of Cookstown Workhouse [Derryloran] Desertcreight? RC? [s. of Margret Tracy & Hugh Fay, farmer] [1865 11 477 Cookstown Cookstown PLU]

* Joseph Tracy b. 12 Aug 1873 Suntown [beside Ballynagrenia Kilcumreragh? - Tubber RC] [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Spelman][1873 13 23 Moate Athlone PLU Westmeath] [see Tubber Offaly]

* Joseph Tracy b. 19 Aug 1871 Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian? RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1871 14 406 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Joseph Tracy b. 20 Apr 1868 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1868 9 450 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Joseph Tracy b. 20 Mar 1874 Ballygar  [Killeroran] Killian? RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1874 4 468 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Joseph Tracy b. 23 Aug 1871 Lucan [Lucan] Clondalkin RC [s. of Robert Tracy, labourer, & Eliza Lynch] [1871 12 474 Lucan Celbridge PLU]

* Joseph Tracy b. 25 May 1866 of 18 Cullenswood [St. Peters] Rathmines RC [s. of Edward Tracy, bricklayer, & Mary Stephens] [1866 7 816 Rathmines Dublin South PLU] see Donnybrook

* Joseph Tracy b. 26 Dec 1866 of Gortilea Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of Manasses Tracy, shoemaker, & Jane Neill] [1867 1 947 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU] [Registered 1867]

* Joseph Tracy b. 26 Dec 1866 of Gortilea Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of Manasses Tracy, shoemaker, & Jane Neill] [1867 1 947 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU] [Registered 1867]

* Joseph Tracy b. 4 Mar 1868 of Gortilea Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary McFall] [1868 1 973 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Joseph Treacy b.  23 Nov 1869 of John Street [Waterford] Waterford? RC  [s. of Peter Treacy, shop keeper, & Bridget Harney] [1869 19 900 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Joseph Treacy b. 12 Dec 1870 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] [s. of Andrew Treacy, farm labourer, & Mary Hennessey] [1871 3 603 Gowran Kilkenny PLU] [triplets] [registered 1871]

* Joseph Treacy b. 12 Dec 1870 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] [s. of Andrew Treacy, farm labourer, & Mary Hennessey] [1871 3 603 Gowran Kilkenny PLU] [triplets] [registered 1871]

* Joseph Treacy b. 26 Apr 1868 of 14 Brown Street. Portlaw RC [s. of John Treacy, baker, & Eliza Cassin] [1868 9 667 Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]

* Joseph Treacy b. 27 Aug 1866 of Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Jas Treacy, dealer, & Mgt Ryan] James Treacy, father, Templemore [1866 13 634 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Joseph Treacy b. 6 Jul 1873 Summerhill Roscrea [Rathnaveoge – Roscrea RC]  [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Madden] [1873 13 601 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* Joseph Treacy b. 8 Jul 1868 of Ballaquade [Ballyquaid Glebe Skirk] Borris-In-Ossory RC [s. of William Treacy, small farmer, & Mary Delaney?] [1868 13 497 Borris in Ossory Donaghmore PLU]

* Joseph Treacy/Treacey  b.  5 Apr 1869 Sandyfords Alley [Drogheda]. St. Peter's RC [s. of Michael? Treacy, Coaleporter, & Briged Connolly] [1869 7 549 East St Peter Drogheda Drogheda PLU]

* Joseph Vincent Tracy b. 1 May 1872 of 1 Chapel Hill. St. Mary's RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, cooper, & Ellen ONeill] [1872 10 171 No 5 Centre Cork PLU]


* Judith Tracey b. 3 Feb 1871 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of John Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Maher] [1871 3 748 Templemore Thurles PLU] [unmarried]

* Judith Treacy b. 30 Jan 1873 Templemore [Templemore – Templemore RC] [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Mary Burke][1873 3 734 Templemore Thurles PLU]


* Julia Thracy b. 1 Dec 1875 Laragh [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy. Abbeyknockmoy? RC? ]. [d. of Patrick Thracy, labourer, & Honor Delaney] [1875 ? 285 Turloughmore Galway PLU]

* Julia Tracey b. 3 Mar 1870 Killeshin [Killeshin] Killeshin RC [d. of Martin Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Cooper] [1870 3 505 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois] [John in printed index]

* Julia Tracy b. 21 May 1872 Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1872 9 463 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Julia Tracy b. 31 Dec 1875 at 1 of am Balbriggan [Balrothery] Balbriggan RC [d. of John Tracy, sailor, & Mary Daly] [1876 2 469 Balbriggan Balrothery PLU] [twins] [registered 1876]

* Julia Treacey b. 21 Sep 1875 Jamestown Effin P. [Kilquane] Effin and Gamenderk RC [d. of Patrick Treacey, cattle dealer, & Mary Hurley] [1875 15 360 Charleville Kilmallock PLU] [duplicate Treacy]

* Julia Treacy b. 18 Nov 1871 Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC [d. of Martin Treacy, landholder, & Mary Hessian] [1871 19 575 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Julia Treacy b. 21 Sep 1875 Jamestown Effin P. [Kilquane] Effin and Gamenderk RC [d. of Patrick Treacey, cattle dealer, & Mary Hurley] [1875 15 360 Charleville Kilmallock PLU] [duplicate Treacey]


* Kate Thracy b. 15 Oct 1873 Laraghmore [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy. Abbeyknockmoy? RC?] [d. of Thomas Thracy, labourer, & Mary Cody] [1873 ? 294 Tuloughmore Galway PLU]

* Kate Tracey b. 17 Jul 1871 of 75 Bride Street. St Michael & John RC [d. of Peter Tracey, mason, & Mary Tracey] [1871 12 657 Dublin South PLU]

* Kate Tracy b. 2? Oct 1867 of Vizes Fields  [St Michael]  St Michael RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Burns] [1867 20 388 St. Michaels Limerick PLU]

* Kate Trassy b. 4 Nov 1875 Clonismullen [Drom] Drom and Inch RC [d. of William Trassy, farmer, & Anne Power] [1876 3 675 Templemore Thurles PLU] [registered 1876]


* Kyran Treacy b. 25 Jun 1873 Ballaquade  [Ballyquaid Glebe Skirk - Borris-In-Ossory RC] [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Delany] [1873 13 483 Borris in Ossory Donaghmore PLU]


* Lac Tracey b. 28 Jul 1867 of Cool [Coole Ballyburly] Rhode RC [s. of William Tracey, famer, & Teresa/Theresa Forbes] [1867 13 521 Rhode Edenderry PLU]


* Laurence Treacy b.  29 Jun 1870 Cummer [Cummer] Kilmoylan? RC? [s. of James Treacy, herd, & Bridget Walsh] [1870 14 593 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Laurence Treacy b. 17 Sep 1869 Rehan [Reaghan Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Quinn] [1869 14 474 Portumna Portumna PLU]


* Lizzie Agnes Tracy b. 17 Dec 1874 Kildologue [Kildalloge Kiltrustan] Strokestown RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dayton] [1875 3 383 Stokestown Stokestown PLU] [registered 1875]

* Lizzie Agnes Tracy b. 17 Dec 1874 Kildologue [Kildalloge Kiltrustan] Strokestown RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dayton] [1875 3 383 Stokestown Stokestown PLU] [registered 1875]


* Louisa Catherine Treacy b. 19 Jan 1869 Ardough [Killabban] Mayo and Doonane? RC [d. of William Treacy, farmer, & Catherine Heffernan] [1869 3 476 Ballickmoyler & Newtown Carlow PLU Laois]

* Louisa Margaret Tracy b. 15 Apr 1867 of Richmond Barracks, [d. of Thomas Tracy, a sergeant 48th Regt Foot, & Hannah Maria Waters] [1867 12 727 Palmerston Dublin South PLU] [see Roscommon] [army]


* Lucius Robert Tracy b. 9 Nov 1873 of 22 Dawson Street [St. Andrews RC] [s. of Luke Tracy, tailor, & Anna Maria Carey] [1873 17 677 Dublin South PLU]


* Lucy Treacy b. 13 Nov 1874 Coone [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer, & Anne Maria Wilson][1874 18 485 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


* Luke Tracey b. 20 Dec 1870 Ashbourne [Killegland] Ratoath RC [s. of James Tracey, blacksmith, & Anne Maguire] The mark of James Tracey, the father, Ashbourne [1870 17 800 Ratoath Dunshaughlin PLU]

* Luke Tracy b. 1 Dec 1867 of Clooncagh Kilteevan. Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [s. of Pat Tracy, small farmer, & Catherine Coffey] [1867 18 348 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]


* MALE [Charles Patrick] Treacy b. 14 Mar 1874 Maudlins [Maudlings Naas] Naas CoI [s. of Richard H Treacy, petty sessions clerk, & Margaret McLean][1874 7 913 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU] [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

* MALE [Denis] Tracey b. 22 Oct 1872 Lying in Hospital Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of Joseph Tracey, of 1 Halberts Cottages, house painter, & Elizabeth Finnegan] [1872 17 548 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE [Edward Joseph] Tracey b. 14 Aug 1870 Lying Hospital Britan St. St. Nicholas RC [s. of John Tracey, printer, of 20 Corn Market, & Mary Nichols] [1870 12 558 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral]

* MALE [Edward] Tracey b. 27 Sep 1875 Rotunda Hospital. St. Michan's RC [s. of Joseph Tracey, porter, of 73 Montgomery? St, & Mary A Carey] [1875 12 543 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE [Henry Paul] Tracey b. 17 Jan 1873 Lying in Hospital Britain St [St. Paul's RC] [s. of John Tracey, painter, of 23 Constitution Hill, & Mary Nicholls] [1873 2 606 Dublin North  PLU] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral]

* MALE [James Arthur] Tracey b. 8 Jul 1871 Lying Hospital Britan St [s. of Arthur Tracey, of 5 Temple Court, porter, & Catherine Maddox] [1871 12 543 Dublin North PLU] [see Thomas Henry Tracey]

* MALE [James Holden] Tracy b  13 Jan 1872 Main St Naas [Naas] Naas CoI [s. of Richard Tracy, Petty Session Clerk, & Margaret McClean] [1872 2 964 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU] [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

* MALE [John] Tracey b. 12 Apr 1875 Rotunda Hospital. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of Pat Tracey, labour, of 2 Henry Place, & Elizabeth McDermott] [1875 7 586 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE [John] Tracey b. 3 Jul 1867 of Lying Hospital Britain Stt. St. Andrews RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, porter?, of 29 Exchequer Strt, & Cath Connor] [1867 12 531 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE [Joseph] Tracey b. 2 Nov 1874 Rotunda Hospital [St Andrews RC] [s. of Michael Tracey, driver, of 14 E Georges St, & Mary Nowlan] [1874 17 538 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE [Richard] Tracey b.  6 May 1869 Lying in Hospital Britain Street. St. Michan’s RC [s. of Richard Tracey, labourer, of 5 Grahams Row, & Mary Howes] [1869 7 623 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE [Thomas] Tracy b. 24 May 1872 Lying in Hospital Britain St. St Andrew RC [s. of Mark Tracey, labourer, of 12 Gt Clarence Strt, & Mary Fitzpatrick] [1872 7 632 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE [William Robert] Tracey b. 19 Jan 1874 Rotunda Hospital Britain St [Kilternan and Kilgobbin CoI]  [s. of Wm Tracey, servant, of 26 Kingstand Park, & Kate Graham] [1874 2 587 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Mary CoI]

* MALE [William] Tracey b. 28 Feb 1872 Lying Hospital Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral [s. of William Tracey, labourer, 58 Wellington Quay, & Fanny Rogers] [1872 2 651 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* MALE Tracey b. 1 May 1867 of Knockaderry [Newcastle] Portlaw? RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Johanna Hearne [crossed out]] [1867 9 939 Kilmeaden Waterford PLU] (Cancelled 5 Jul? 1867)

* MALE Tracey b. 1 May 1867 of Knockaderry [Newcastle] Portlaw? RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Johanna Hearne] [1867 14 875 Kilmeadan Waterford PLU] [duplicate]

* MALE Tracey b. 21 Nov 1873 Rotundo Hospital Gr Britain St - St. Michael & St. John RC [s. of John Tracey, servant, of 13? Wood Quay & Kate Hume]  [1873 17 543 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE Tracey b. 21 Oct 1875 Rotunda Hospital. St Andrews? RC?  [s. of James Tracey, carpenter, 24 Denzille St, & Eliza Dunne] [1875 17 518 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE Tracey b. 25 Jun 1866 Lying in hospital Britain Street. St. Michan’s RC [s. of Richard Tracey, glass paperer?, of 6 Marys Lane, & Mary Howell] [1866 2 616 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE Tracey b. 25 Nov 1868 of Forster St Galway. St. Nicholas North and East? RC [s. of John Tracey, waiter hotel, & Nannie Atkins?] [1868 19 296 Galway Galway PLU]

* MALE Tracey b. 26 Feb 1874 Kilruan  [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan? RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Darcy] [1874 3 603 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* MALE Tracey b. 29 Dec 1865 Lying in Hospital Britain Street [s. of Arthur Tracey, labourer, of 20 Montgomery Street & Kate Maddock] [1866 7 616 Dublin North PLU] [Registered 1866]

* MALE Tracey b. 29 Dec 1865 Lying in Hospital Britain Street [s. of Arthur Tracey, labourer, of 20 Montgomery Street & Kate Maddock] [1866 7 616 Dublin North PLU] [Registered 1866]

* MALE Tracey b. 3 May 1868 of Clonlahan [Cloonlahan Killoran] Mullagh? RC [s. of Fergus Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Lyons] [1868 9 41 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* MALE Tracey b. 4 May 1865 of Coombe Hospital [s. of Patrick Tracey, of Bow Lane James Street, labourer, & Mary Tracey] [1865 7 755 Dublin South PLU]

* MALE Tracy b. 10 Jun 1867 of Newcommon Place. St. Thomas CoI [s. of Simon Robert Tracy, outfitter for India [enginer crossed out] & Ellen Butler] [1867 7 622 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE Tracy b. 16 May 1871 of Dublin Street. [St. Marys? not found] [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Mulcahy] [1871 10 166 Cork Cork PLU]

* MALE Tracy b. 2 Sep 1869 Lying Hospital Britain Street [s. of John Tracy, labourer, of Co Tipperary, labourer, & Mary Walsh][1869 12 573 Dublin North PLU]

* MALE Tracy b. 23 Dec 1868 of Springfield [Killoran] Mullagh RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, small farmer, & Kate Curley] [1868 19 36 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* MALE Tracy b. 3 July 1864 of Slarrys? Lane B'sloe. Ballinasloe RC [s. of Michael Tracy & Bridget Murray] [1864 14 26 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU Galway]

* MALE Tracy b. 5 Jan 1867 of Drumrush [Drumkeeran] Magheraculmany? RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Anne Coghlan] [1867 2 168 Ederny Irvinestown PLU]

* MALE Tracy b. 5 Mar 1864 of Hillswood [Tuam] Tuam RC. [s. of Michael Tracy & Mary Collins] [1864 4 456 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* MALE Treac b. 29 May 1865 of Donagile [Donaguile Castlecomer] Castlecomer CoI [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Neil] [1865 8 588 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [See William Treacy of Bellmount]

* MALE Treacy b. 7 Aug 1864 of Jamestown [Jamestown or Ballyteigeduff Lea] Portarlington RC. [s. of Patrick Treacy & Catherine Doolan] [1864 13 594 Emo Mountmellick PLU]


* Marcella Tracy b. 31 Dec 1875 at 1.25 of am Balbriggan [Balrothery] Balbriggan RC [d. of John Tracy, sailor, & Mary Daly] [1876 2 469 Balbriggan Balrothery PLU] [twins] [registered 1876]


* Margaret Affleck Thomson Treacy b. 20 Jun 1865 b. Rossbeg House Westport [Oughaval] CoI [d. of William Augustine Treacy, County Surveyor for Mayo (South), & Agnes Johnson Thomson] [1865 9 572 Westport Westport PLU] [see Treacys of Ballymena Antrim]

* Margaret Jane Tracy b. 14 Dec 1867 of Union Workhouse Lisburn [Blaris] [d. of Mary Tracy] [1867 16 683 Lisburn Lisburn PLU]

* Margaret Jane Treacy b. 5 Jul 1867 of Donagile [Donaguile Castlecomer] Castlecomer CoI. [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Copley] Margaret Treacy, mother, Donagile [1867 13 499 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Margaret Mary Tracey b. 27 Mar 1866 of 10 Chapel Hill [St Anne, Shandon] St. Mary's RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, cooper, & Ellen ONeill] [1866 10 148 Cork Cork PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b.  4 Jun 1874 Northcote Avenue [Kingstown RC] [d. of Francis Tracey, cabman, & Johanna Ryan] [1874 7 976 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b. 11 May 1866 of Fanaghan [Fanaghans] Parish Inver. Inver RC [d. of John Tracey, farmer, & Unity Toland] [1866 7 41 Dunkineely Donegal PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b. 14 Feb 1864 of Caruhmore [Carrowmore Moynoe] Scarriff RC. [d. of Michael Tracey & Margaret Farrell] [1864 4 401 Mountshannon Scarriff PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b. 16 Jun 1871 Rathmoyre? [Rathmoy Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [d. of William Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Kearns] [1871 8 751 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b. 17 Dec 1875 Tully [Tully] Kildare & Rathangan RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Foy][1875 17 808 Kildare Naas PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b. 23 December 1872 of Ballinahinch. Ballinahinch and Killoscully? RC [d. of John Tracey, labourer, & Hanora Bray] [1872 18 557 Newport Nenagh PLU] [official transcript]

* Margaret Tracey b. 25 Feb 1873 Liscoleman [Liscolman Liscolman – Clonmore RC] [d. of Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith][1873 2 1063 Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU Wicklow]

* Margaret Tracey b. 4 Mar 1867 of Bishopswood [Kilmore (Kilnamanagh)] Knockavilla RC [d. of Pat Tracey, farmer, & Johana Ryan] [1867 3 528 Kilpatrick Cashel PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b. 4 May 1870 Kilkitane [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway] Clonrush? RC Clare [d. of Thadeus Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Minogue] [1870 9 544 Mtshannon Scarriff PLU]

* Margaret Tracey b. 5 Feb 1865 of 19 Whitefriar Street. St Michaels & John RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Mary McCann] [1865 2 819 Dublin South PLU] see Lucan RC

* Margaret Tracey b. 8 Dec 1871 Dungorkin Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of James Tracey, shoemaker, & Jane Ann ONeill] [Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b.  12 Aug 1871 Kilbarron [Kilbarron] Terryglass RC [d. of Denis Tracy, lab, & Bridget Meara] [1871 13 422 Terryglass [Borrisokane] Borrisokane PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b.  9 Aug 1870 Courthouse Lane. St. Mary's? RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, dealer in wool, & Johanna Hanrahan] [1870 15 437 St Marys No. 1 Limerick PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 1 Sep 1867 of Stonehall Kilcornan. Kilcornan RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Wilmuth?] [1867 15 572 Pallaskenry Rathkeale PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 12 Mar 1865 of Cullenwaine Cullenwaine [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Downes] [1865 3 703 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 14 Dec 1864 of Templehuhy [Templetouhy town Templetouhy]. Moyne and Templetuohy RC [d. of Patrick Tracy & Margaret Tracy] [1864 18 652 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 15 Dec 1864 of Kilcashell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam] Avoca RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Dolton] [1865 2 1120 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] [Registered 1865]

* Margaret Tracy b. 15 Dec 1864 of Kilcashell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam] Avoca RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Dolton] [1865 2 1120 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] [Registered 1865]

* Margaret Tracy b. 15 May 1869 Streamstown [Ardnurcher, or Horseleap]  Clara and Horseleap? RC [d. of William Tracy, farmer and shopkeeper, & Hannah Jordan] [1869 8 361 Castletown Groghegan Mullingar PLU] [see Tracy Peerage Case]

* Margaret Tracy b. 16 Apr 1864 of Inistioge [Inistioge] Inistioge RC. [d. of Thomas Tracy & Honora Barren]  [1864 9 914 Inistioge Thomastown PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 16 Jun 1869 Ballinree [Sliguff] Myshall RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Maria Byrne] [1869 8 519 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 16 May 1874 Kilfinane [Kilfinnane Kilfinnane] Kilfinane RC [d. of John Tracy, carman, & Margaret Clery][1874 10 436 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 2 Dec 1868 of Ballinkillen [Ballinkillin Lorum] Dunleckney? RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Hughes] [1868 18 436 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 2 Sep 1867 of Tourleighter [Toorleitra Ballynakill (Leitrim barony)] Woodford RC [d. of Pat Tracy, small farmer, & Bridget Thornton] [1867 14 401 Woodford Loughrea PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 20 Jul 1874 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra? RC? [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Tracy] [1874 14 119 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 20 Jul 1874 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Byrne][1874 11 118 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 21 May 1867 of Cloonearagh [Cloonfinlough] Stokestown? RC? [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Boland] [1867 8 432 Strokestown Strokestown PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 22 Feb 1875 Fiddown [Fiddown] Owning and Templeorum RC [d. of James Tracy, labourer, & Statia Gorman][1875 4 665 Pilltown Carrick-on-Suir PLU Kilkenny]

* Margaret Tracy b. 23 June 1868 of Carraclogher [Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough] Stokestown RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Ellen Quinn] [1868 13 375 Strokestown Strokestown PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 23 Sep 1870 Rossespoint Drumcliff. Drumcliff RC [d. of James Tracy, seaman, & Bridget Higgins] [1870 17 337 Sligo Sligo PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 24 Aug 1869 Coolaveley [Coolavehy Kilflyn] Glenroe? RC [d. of William Tracy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1869 15 366 Kilfinnane Kilmallock PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 25 Feb 1865 of Charles St Tullamore [Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, of Liverpool, tidewaiter, & Rose Molloy] [1865 3 797 Tullamore Tullamore PLU] duplicate

* Margaret Tracy b. 25 Feb of Charles Street Tullamore 1865  [Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, of Liverpool, tidewaiter, & Rose Molloy] Mary Molloy, Charles Street, present at birth [1865 13 730 Tullamore Tullamore PLU] duplicate

* Margaret Tracy b. 26 Jul 1873 Milford [Milford town Kilbolane – Freemount RC] [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Kate Hedderman] [1873 15 279 Milford Kanturk PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 28 Sep 1872 Tea Lane Tullamore [Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore? RC [d. of John Tracy, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent] [1872 18 694 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 29 Aug 1866 of Carhinclough [Carrowclogh Kilmoylan] Shanagolden RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Mary Madigan] [1866 15 546 Askeaton Rathkeale PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 4 Apr 1869 Gurteeny [Gorteeny Ballynakill (Leitrim barony)] Woodford RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Anne Commins?] [1869 9 503 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Margaret Tracy b. 7 Jul 1870 of 181 Townsend Street. St. Andrews RC [d. of Laurence Tracy, cabman, & Margaret Dunne] [1870 12 697 Dublin South PLU]

* Margaret Trassy b. 4 Dec 1872 Caherpuka [Caherphuca Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [d. of Edwd Trassy, labourer, & Ellen Gilmore] [1872 19 583 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b.  29 Apr 1873 Ardnagall parish of Tuam [Tuam? RC] [d. of Michael Treacy, shepherd, & Bridget Turner] [1873 9 581 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b.  3 Jun 1869 Celbridge [Donaghcumper OR Kildrought] Celbridge RC [d. of John Treacy, labourer, & Margaret Nugent] [1869 7 536 Celbridge Celbridge PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 1 Jun 1866 of Derroughs [Derrooghs] Parish of Kilkerrin Kilkerrin & Clonberne? RC? [d. of Michael Treacy, landholder, & Margaret Fahy] [1866 9 329 Glenamaddy Glenamaddy PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 1 Mar 1873 Ballynahown [Ballingaddy – Kilmallock RC] [d. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Moran] [1873 5 449 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 1 May 1871 Ballingown [Ballingowan Aglish] Aglish RC [d. of John Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Power] [1871 9 798 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 10 Aug 1871 Curcullin [Corracullin Kilkerrin] Kilkerrin & Clonberne? RC? [d. of James Treacy, landholder, & Ellen Gormely] [1871 14 317 Glennamaddy Glennamaddy PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 12 Sep 1867 of Belmount [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI  [d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer, & Ann Maria Wilson] [1867 13 500 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Margaret Treacy b. 13 Dec 1872 Clonlee [Kinnitty – Roscumroe RC] [d. of Thomas Treacy, schoolmaster, & Catherine Maher] [1873 3 684 Kinnitty Parsonstown PLU] [see Toomevara Tipperary] [registered 1873]

* Margaret Treacy b. 13 Dec 1872 Clonlee [Kinnitty – Roscumroe RC] [d. of Thomas Treacy, schoolmaster, & Catherine Maher] [1873 3 684 Kinnitty Parsonstown PLU] [see Toomevara Tipperary] [registered 1873]

* Margaret Treacy b. 15 Oct 1872 Summerhill [Rathnaveoge Tipperary] Moneygall RC [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Fogarty] [1872 18 600 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 16 Nov 1865 Port Ballyshannon [Inishmacsaint OR Kilbarron] Innismacsaint RC [d. of Charles Treacy, shopkeeper, & Margaret Timony] [1865 17 6 Ballyshannon Ballyshannon PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 18 Dec 1874 Gortnagoyne parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [d. of James Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Boyle][1874 19 543 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see https://treacytree.org/]

* Margaret Treacy b. 18 Oct 1873 Tobernea East [Effin - Effin and Gamenderk RC] [d. of James Treacy, farmer, & Mary Leary] [1873 20 354 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 18 Sep 1870 Ballinaparka [Aglish OR Kilmolash] Aglish RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret OBrien] [1870 19 741 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 23 Aug 1869 Clonlisk [Kilcomin] Shinrone RC [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Judith Doughan] [1869 13 616 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Margaret Treacy b. 26 Nov 1867 of Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy][Abbeyknockmoy? RC?  [d. of Martin Treacy, cottier, & Mary Hession] [1867 19 558 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 29 Dec 1873 Gortdumna  [Gortnadumagh Bourney] Bournea and Corbally? RC [d. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Reid][1874 3 654 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1874]

* Margaret Treacy b. 29 Dec 1873 Gortdumna  [Gortnadumagh Bourney] Bournea and Corbally? RC [d. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Reid][1874 3 654 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1874]

* Margaret Treacy b. 30 Apr 1868 of Carrickastuck Philipstown. Haggardstown RC [d. of Henry Treacy, farmer, & Anne Duffy] [1868 7 846 Barronstown Dundalk PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 6 Aug 1872 Belwell [Tobernaclug] parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC  [d. of Patrick Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Connelly] [1872 14 316 Dunmore Glennamaddy PLU] [twins]

* Margaret Treacy b. 6 Nov 1870 Graigevalla [Graigueavallagh Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Mary Davin] [1870 18 507 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 7 Aug 1873 Aglish [Aglish - Aglish? RC] [d. of Thomas Treacy, baker, & Alice Bransfield] [1873 14 695 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* Margaret Treacy b. 9 Nov 1865 of Goats lane Tipperary [Cordangan OR Corroge OR Tipperary] Tipperary RC [d. of Darby Treacy, musician, & Margaret Carty] [1865 18 672 Tipperary Tipperary PLU]

* Margaret Treasy b. 1 Feb 1867 of Foxburrow Templeharry. Moneygall RC [d. of Patrick Treasy, farmer, & Catherine Morris] [1867 3 683 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Margaret Treasy b. 21? May 1864 of Mooncoin [Pollrone]. Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of James Treasy & Catherine Ryan] [1864 9 951 Ullid Waterford PLU Kilkenny]

* Margaret Tressy b. 18 Sep 1871 Ballyruan  [Ballinrooaun Moylough] Abbeyknockmoy? RC?  [d. of Michael Tressy, labourer, & Honor Ruane] [1871 19 573 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Margaret Tressy b. 31 Mar 1865 of Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy RC [d. of Thomas Tressy, cottier, & Rose Quinn] [1865 9 518 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Margaret/Margt Tracey b. 22 May 1864 of Croghen [Ballyburly OF Croghan] Rhode RC [d. of Wm Tracey & Theresa Forbes]  [1864 8 593 Rhode Edenderry PLU Offaly]

* Margaret/Margt Tracy b. 8 Jan 1864 of Clonmore [Clonmore]. Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of William Tracy & Mary Smith] [1864 4 528 White Church Carrick On Suir PLU Kilkenny]

* Margarett Tracey b. 7 Nov 1864 of Rathleague [Kilcolmanbane OR Straboe] Maryborough RC. [d. of Edward Tracey & Julia Byrne] [1864 18 564  Maryborough Mountmellick PLU]

* Margarett Tracy b. 17 Apr 1865 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian  RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Mary Gaule] [1865 9 410 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Margret Tracy b. 1 Oct 1867 of Kilcummin [Tisaran] Gallen and Reynagh Coi? [d. of William Tracy, farmer, & Margat Connolly] [1867 18 564 Banagher Parsonstown PLU]

* Margret Tracy b. 24 Jan 1865 of Cheekpoint [Faithlegg] Killea  RC [d. of Hugh Tracy, merchant, & Mary Butler] Hugh Tracy, father, Cheekpoint [1865 4 983 Woodstown Waterford PLU]

* Margret Treacey b. 7 Dec 1864 of Lislea [Clonbroney] Clonbroney RC [d. of Cornelious Treacey & Eliza Keirnan] [1864 18 196 Ballinalee Granard PLU]


* Maria Agnes Treacy b. 1 Apr 1872 of 33 Old Street. Cobh RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, labourer, & Mary Ahern] [1872 10 221 Queenstown Cork PLU]

* Maria Tracey b. 19 Aug 1865 of Ballydonagh [Kiltormer] Kiltormer  RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, herd, & Mary Boohan] [1865 4 38 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Maria Tracey b. 5 May 1864 of Ballenfull [Ballinfuil Kilmeane in Tithe Records] Killinvoy RC [d. of Michael Tracey & Margaret Downs] [1864 8 403 Roscommon Roscommon PLU] [Cancelled & re-reg vide letter 7803]

* Maria Tracey b. 5 May 1864 of Ballinful Kilmane [Ballinfuil Kilmeane in Tithe Records] Killinvoy RC. [d. of Michael Tracey & Margaret Downs] [1864 18 361 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Maria Tracy b. 26 Jun 1865 of Clooneeragh [Cloonearagh] Parish of Cloonfinlough. Strokestown? RC?  [d. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Boland] [1865 13 390 Strokestown Strokestown PLU] Twins

* Maria Tracy b. 7 Aug 1865 of Peter St Tramore [Drumcannon] Tramore? RC? [d. of Michael Tracy, of Portlaw Portlaw, laborer, & Mary Hutcheson] [1865 14 861 Tramore Waterford PLU]

* Maria Tracy b. 8 May 1871 Clooneycarn [Cloonycarran Lissonuffy] Stokestown RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Ellen Quinn] [1871 8 436 Stokestown Stokestown PLU]

* Maria Treacy b. 12 Apr 1872 Belmount [Coan Dysart] Castlecomer CoI [d. of Joseph Treacy, farmer, & Anne Maria Wilson] [1872 8 574 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


* Mark John Tracey 3 Mar 1864 of High Street Killarney. Killarney RC [s. of Thomas Tracey & Hanna Maria Waters]  [1864 5 322 Kilarney Killarney PLU] [see Roscommon] [Army]

* Marks Tracey b. 10 May 1865 of Moyvannon [Moyvannan Kiltoom] Kiltoom RC [s. of Marks Tracey, famer, & Mary Anne Redding] [1865 8 23 Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon]


* Martha Tracey b. 24 April 1865 of Ballymore Carrick [Tamlaght Finlagan] Carrick CoI [d. of John Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Sinclair] [1865 6 990 Ballykelly Newtownlimavady PLU]


* Martin Tracey b. 17 Jun 1871 Bishopswood  [Kilmore (Kilnamanagh)] Knockavilla RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Johana Ryan] [1871 13 475 Kilpatrick Cashel PLU]

* Martin Tracey b. 29? Jun 1871 Knockahorna [Knockanora Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Mary White] [1871 13 631 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Martin Tracy b. 20 Jan 1871 Cunniker [Conicker] Ettagh Aghancon RC [s. of Daniel Tracy, farmer, & Mary Lupton] [1871 3 722 Roscrea No 2 Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Martin Tracy b. 29 Apr 1868 of Derradda [Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Michael Tracy, small farmer, & May Staunton] [1868 9 492 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Martin Tracy b. 3 Nov 1865 of Killeen [Ahascragh] Ahascragh and Killosolan RC [s. of Patt Tracy, labourer, & Biddy McGuiness] [1865 19 395 Clonbrock Mountbellew PLU]

* Martin Tracy b. 8 Sep 1869 Meelick East Tuam. Tuam? RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, landholder, & Mary Corless] [1869 14 587 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Martin Trassy b. 14 Feb 1873 Clonkeen [Cloonkeen Killallaghtan – Cappataggle? RC] [s. of John Trassy, labourer, & Mary Halleran] [1873 4 46 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Martin Treacy b. 12 Oct 1874 Belwell [Tobernaclug] parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Connelly][1874 19 281 Dunmore Glennamaddy PLU]

* Martin Treacy b. 13 Jan 1873 Ballinahiskeragh [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue - Killimore and Tiranascragh RC]  [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Honor Quinn] [1873 4 522 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Martin Treacy b. 17 Nov 1867 of Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Edw Treacy, shopkeeper, & Ellen Blake] [1867 18 612 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Martin Treacy b. 2 Aug 1869 Kyle Ardcrony. Cloughjordan RC [s. of John Treacy, carpenter, & Anne Costello] [1869 13 414 Cloghjordan Borrisokane PLU] [see Very Rev John J Tracy, Ph.D. (1868 - 1923)]

* Martin Treacy b. 2 Dec 1875 Clonlisk [Kilcomin] Shinrone? RC [s. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Judith Doughan] [1875 18 598 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Martin Treacy b. 23 May 1865 of Knocksharone [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Johanna Costello] [1865 8 746 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [see Denis Treacy of Glenkeen]

* Martin Treacy b. 24 Feb 1864 of Clontymullen [Cloontimullan Kilteevan]. Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [s. of Terence Treacy & Biddy Carroll] [1864 3 330 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* Martin Treacy b. 25 Jan 1873 Duffry Hill Enniscorthy [Enniscorthy RC] [s. of Mathew Treacy, baker, & Catherin Stafford] [1873 4 818 Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU]

* Martin Treacy b. 6 July 1873 Clonakenny [Bourney - Bournea and Corbally? RC?],  [s. of Patrick Tresey?, farmer, & Susanna Dudley] [1873 13 597 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Martin Treasy b.  23 Nov 1870 Crumlin [Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of William Treasy, cottier, & Bridget Loftis] [1870 19 583 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Martin Tressy b. 1 Nov 1873 Newcastle  [Monivea – Athenry RC] [s. of Thomas Tressy, farmer, & Mary Curran] [1873 19 390 Athenry Loughrea PLU]


* Mary [Hannah crossed out] Tracey b. 14 June 1865 of No 12 Hospital Lane Enniscorthy RC [d. of Mathew Tracey, baker, & Catherine Stafford] The mark of Anne Roberts, present at birth, No 11 Hospital Lane] [1865 9 708 Enniscorthy Enniscorthy PLU]

* Mary Agnes Tracey b. 25 Jan 1866 Tolka Cottages Drumcondra [d. of Stephen Tracey, servant, & Catherine Turpey] Mary Ward, her mark, present at birth, Drumcondra Bridge [1866 2 689 Coolock & Drumcondra Dublin North PLU] [see Stephen Treacy]

* Mary Agnes Tracy b. 10 Aug 1872 Craig Cumber  [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, shoe maker, & Margaret Carten] [1872 12 208 Claudy Londonderry PLU]**

* Mary Agnes Treacy b. 6 Mary 1868 of Quarry St Thurles [Thurles] Thurles CoI? [d. of John Treacy, carpenter, & Bessy Kelly] [1868 8 754 Thurles Thurles PLU]

* Mary Ann Tracy b. 1 May 1874 Gortnarane Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of James Tracy, shoe maker, & Sarah Tracy] [1874 7 211 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Mary Ann Tracy b. 20 Mar 1873 Workhouse Belfast [d. of Eliza Tracy] [1873 1 345 Belfast Belfast PLU]

* Mary Ann Treacy b. 3 Jan 1867 of Mall Newry. Newry RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, groom, & Mary Jane McAlinder] [1867 1 865 Newry Newry PLU] [see Drumcree Armagh]

* Mary Anna Tracey b. 20 Jun 1870 Kilruan [Kilruane Kilruane] Cloughjordan  RC [d. of Daniel Tracey, farmer, & Honoria Neil] [1870 13 583 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* Mary Anne [Maryanne] Tracey b. 29 Dec 1873 Ballenkillen  [Ballinkillin Lorum] Dunleckney? RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hughes] [1874 3 458 Borris Carlow PLU] [registered 1874]

* Mary Anne [Maryanne] Tracey b. 29 Dec 1873 Ballenkillen  [Ballinkillin Lorum] Dunleckney? RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hughes] [1874 3 458 Borris Carlow PLU] [registered 1874]

* Mary Anne Tracey b. 14 Apr 1875 Bilbo [on the border of Carlow/Kilkenny/Laois] Mayo and Doonane RC [d. of William Tracey, farmer, & Catherin Heffrin?] [1875 8 459 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois] [see also William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Mary Anne Tracey b. 14 Feb 1872 Castledermot [Castledermot] Castledermot RC [d. of John Tracey, engine driver, & Mary Byrne] [1872 3 467 Castledermot Athy PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracey b. 24 Apr 1872 Tully [Tully] Kildare & Rathangan RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Fay] [1872 7 969 Kildare Naas PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracey b. 25 Nov 1873 of The Cot [Cott Kileybegs – Caragh RC][d. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Julia Molloney][1873 17 817 Clane and Timahoe Naas PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracey b. 7 Sep 1865 of Rosses? Up?. [Drumcliff] Drumcliff RC [d. of James Tracey, sailor, & Bridge Higgins] [1865 12 335 Sligo Sligo PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracy b. 15 May 1865 of 9 Michaels Lane. St Michael & John RC [d. of Francis Tracy. lamp lighter, & Mary Ann Roche] [1865 7 729 High Street Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracy b. 16 Mar 1873 Ballyvalden [Shankill - Paulstown RC] [d. of Martin Tracy, farmer, & Mary Brennan] [1873 8 587 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracy b. 18 Nov 1874 Puldarragha Tuam [Polldorragha] Tuam? RC? [d. of Patrick Tracy, landholder, & Mary Corless] [1874 19 552 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracy b. 19 Jan 1871 Strokestown [Kiltrustan] Strokestown RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dayton] [1871 3 433 Strokestown Strokestown PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracy b. 20? Oct 1871 of John Street [Waterford] Holy Trinity? RC [d. of Peter Tracy, sail maker, & Bridget Harney] [1871 19 928 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracy b. 29 Apr 1865 of 58 Bridgefoot Street. St Catherines RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary White] [1865 7 701 Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Anne Tracy b. 7 Feb 1874 of 53 Bridgefoot Street. St Catherines RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary White][1874 2 674 Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Anne Treacey b. 30 Jun 1870 Drumshanbo [Kildress] Kildress? RC [d. of Francis Treacey, farmer, & Rose McGurk] [1870 11 513 Pomeray Cookstown PLU]

* Mary Anne Treacy b. 1 Sep 1871 Clonlisk [Kilcomin] Shinrone RC [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Judith Doughan] [1871 13 628 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Mary Anne Treacy b. 2 May 1865 Workhouse Roscrea [Roscrea] Roscrea? RC? [d. of Briget Treacy] [Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* Mary Anne Treacy b. 21 Feb 1874 Maynebog [Aghmacart] Aghmacart CoI [d. of Richard Treacy, herd, & Margaret Coply] [1874 3 414 Durrow Abbeyleix PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]

* Mary Anne Treacy b. 22 Nov 1866 of Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Ml Treacy, shopkeeper, & Eliza O'Brien] 1866 18 636 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Mary Anne Treacy b. 5 Apr 1867 of Passage [Kill St. Nicholas] Killea RC [d. of John Treacy, ret? door officer of customs, & Mary Anne Nichlson?] [1867 9 981 Woodstown Waterford PLU]

* Mary Anne Treasy b. 10 Apr 1872 Carrowmore [Moynoe] Scarriff RC [d. of Michael Treasy, farmer, & Margaret Farrell] [1872 9 526 Mtshannon Scarriff PLU]

* Mary Anne Tressey b. 2 Nov 1874 Athenry [Athenry] Athenry RC [d. of Patrick Tressey, shopkeeper, & Mary Duddy] [1874 19 361 Athenry Loughrea PLU]

* Mary Bridget Tracy b. 12 Mar 1869 of 53 Bridgefoot Street. St Catherines? RC [d. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary White] [1869 2 713 Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Catherine Tracey b. 16 Aug 1875 of 2 Cannon Place. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, foreman distiller, & Catherine Hunt] [1875 17 490 Dublin North PLU] [see Stephen Treacy]

* Mary Catherine Tracy b. 11 Jan 1869 of 86 Capel Street. St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of Michael Tracy, pawn broker, & Maria Farrell] [1869 2 618 Dublin North PLU] [see Booterstown]

* Mary Ellen Tracey b. 1 May 1866 of Highfort [in Knockbarry] Liscarroll. Liscarroll RC [d. of Michael Tracey, shoemaker, & Johanna Barrett] [1866 10 546 Buttevant Mallow PLU]

* Mary Ellen Tracy b. 19 Apr 1870 Vizes Fields. St. Michael's RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Burns] [1870 10 555 No IV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* Mary Ellen Treacy b.  25 Dec 1870 Gurtagarry [Gortagarry Aghnameadle] Toomevara RC [d. of William Treacy, police constable, & Susan Bourke] [1871 3 681 Toomavara [Toomyvara] Nenagh PLU] [registered 1870] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Mary Ellen Treacy b.  25 Dec 1870 Gurtagarry [Gortagarry Aghnameadle] Toomevara RC [d. of William Treacy, police constable, & Susan Bourke] [1871 3 681 Toomavara [Toomyvara] Nenagh PLU] [registered 1870] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Mary Ellen Treacy b. 15 Aug 1870 Cloughjordan [Cloghjordan] Modreeny. Cloughjordan RC [d. of John Treacy, shopkeeper, & Anna Kirwan] [1870 13 439 Cloughjordan [Cloghjordan] Borrisokane PLU]

* Mary Jane Tracey b. 11 May 1872 Borrisokane. [Borrisokane] Borrisokane RC [d. of William Tracey, policeman, & Henrietta Madden] [1872 8 487 Borrisokane Borrisokane PLU] [see Roscrea and RIC]

* Mary Jane Tracey b. 16 March 1864 Glasslough St Monaghan RC [d. of James Tracey & Mary Jane McKenna] [1864 3 251 Monaghan Monaghan PLU]

* Mary Jane Tracey b. 27 May 1875 Dungorkin [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of James Tracey, shoemaker, & Jane Ann O’Neill] [1875 6 949 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Mary Jane Tracey b. 4 Mar 1866 of Rogerstown [Monasteroris] Edenderry RC [d. of Edward [James crossed out] Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Hill] [1866 3 580 Edenderry Edenderry PLU]

* Mary Jane Tracy b. 19 Sep 1874 Tea Lane Tullamore [Tullamore? RC] [d. of Christopher Tracy, shop assistant, & Ellen Gilmour][1874 18 682 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Mary Kate Tracey b. 16 Aug 1872 of 138? Belfield Terrace? Rathmines? CoI? [d. of Richard Tracey, Captain 98th Regiment, & Mary Jane McCarthy] [1872 12 739 Rathmines Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Kate Tracey b. 6 Jun 1867 of Dalys Place Galway. St. Nicholas North and East RC [d. of John Tracey, head waiter, Railway Hotel Galway, & Nannie Atkins] [1867 9 310 Galway Galway PLU]

* Mary Theresa Tracy b. 19? Jun 1864 of 39 Bow Lane. [s. of John Tracy & Maria Kane] [1864 7 695 Dublin South PLU] see St. Andrews

* Mary Trace b. 22 May 1866 of Blackrock Parish of Haggardstown [d. of Henry Trace, Quarter Master in Royal George, of Kingstown, & Elizabeth Rooney?] [1866 7 851 Dundalk Dundalk PLU]

* Mary Tracey [Tray] b. 9 Mar 1869 Arklow [Arklow] Arklow RC [d. of James Tray, baker, & MariAnne Castte? [Castles]] [1869 2 1044 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* Mary Tracey b.  10 Oct 1869 Segpatrick. [?] Togher RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Ann Maguire] Margaret Barron, her mark, present at birth, Sigpatrick [1869 17 498 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Mary Tracey b.  16 Jul 1869 Main Street Bruff [Bruff] Bruff RC [d. of John Tracey, a shop keeper, & Mary Conway] [1869 15 348 Bruff Kilmallock PLU]

* Mary Tracey b.  24 Dec 1869 Toberpatrick [Kiltrustan] Strokestown RC [d. of Martin Tracey, labourer, & Anne Dillon] [1870 3 431 Rooskey Stokestown PLU] [Registered 1870]

* Mary Tracey b.  24 Dec 1869 Toberpatrick [Kiltrustan] Strokestown RC [d. of Martin Tracey, labourer, & Anne Dillon] [1870 3 431 Rooskey Stokestown PLU] [Registered 1870]

* Mary Tracey b.  29 Mar 1873 Flach [street in Sheephouse OR Yardland Arklow – Arklow? RC] [d. of Michael Tracey, shopkeeper?, & Sarah Byrne] [1873 7 1021 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* Mary Tracey b.  9 Aug 1874 Glaspistol [Clogher] Clogher RC [d. of John Tracey, steward, & Margaret Hagarty?] [1874 12 509 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 1 Apr 1869 Knockahonna [Knockanora Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Mary White] [1869 8 735 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 1 Dec 1874 Kilbane [Killokennedy] Broadford RC [d. of Timothy Tracey, shoemaker, & Anne Ryan] [1874 20 382 Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare] [see Tim Tracy]

* Mary Tracey b. 10 Jun 1871 Rathnew [Rathnew town Rathnew] Wicklow RC [d. of Laurence Tracy, Blackrock [Booterstown OR Monkstown Dublin], labourer, & Eliza Byrne] [1871 7 1037 Ashford [Wicklow] Rathdrum PLU] [see Blackrock Dublin]

* Mary Tracey b. 10 Mar 1873 Balbriggan [Balrothery – Balbriggan RC]. [d. of John Tracey, fisherman, & Mary Daly] [1873 2 472 Balbriggan Balrothery PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 11 Jan 1864 of Muckamore [Grange of Muckamore] Muckamore CoI [d. of John Tracey & Jane Curry] [1864 1 1 Antrim Antrim PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 11 Jan 1865 of Kilteenhan? [Killycreaghan? In Tithes - Cuiltycreaghan? Bekan] Bekan RC? [d. of John Tracey, labourer, & Bridgt Waldron] [1865 4 176 Ballindine Claremorris PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 13 Jul 1875 of 24 Denzille Street. St Andrews RC [d. of Daniel Tracey, carman, & Elizaberth Dunne] [1875 12 684 No 4 West Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 13 Sep 1871 of 1 Charlotte Street. Harrington St RC [d. of John Tracey, butcher, & Kate Fulham] [1871 17 679 Dublin South PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* Mary Tracey b. 14 Jun 1868 of 53 Georges Street [Portlaw Clonagam] Portlaw RC [d. of John Tracey, factory operative, & Ellen Daly] Ellen Tracey, T mother, 53 Georges Street [1868 9 670 Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 15 Dec 1874 Carriganagh [Carrickaneagh Kilruane] Cloughjordan RC [d. of Daniel Tracey, deceased, & Honora Neal] [1875 3 583 Nenagh Nenagh PLU] [registered 1875]

* Mary Tracey b. 15 Dec 1874 Carriganagh [Carrickaneagh Kilruane] Cloughjordan RC [d. of Daniel Tracey, deceased, & Honora Neal] [1875 3 583 Nenagh Nenagh PLU] [registered 1875]

* Mary Tracey b. 16 December 1874 Ballinaparka [Aglish OR Kilmolash] Aglish? RC [d. of Michael Tracey, baker & Catherine Moloney] [1874 19 687 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU] [image available & official transcript]

* Mary Tracey b. 17 Feb 1872 Keeloges parish of Inver. Inver? RC [d. of Charles Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Gallagher] [1872 2 45 Dunkineely Donegal PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 17 Jun 1868 of Tea Lane Tullamore [Kilbride (Ballycowan)]. Tullamore RC[d. of John Tracey, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent] [1868 13 702 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 2 Mar 1873 of 14 Dispensery Lane [St. Michan’s RC] [d. of Thomas [Patrick?] Tracey, servant, & Bessy McDermott] [1873 2 588 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral]

* Mary Tracey b. 2 May 1875 Cashel [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle? RC [d. of Francis Tracey, farmer, & Mary McGurk] Francis Tracey, his mark, father, Cashel [1875 7 146 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 20 Dec 1868 of Ashbourne [Killegland] Ratoath RC [d. of James Tracy, blacksmith, & Anne Maguire] [1868 17 770 Rathoath Dunshaughlin PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 20 May 1867 of Lisglass Glendermot [Clondermot] Derry City RC [d. of George Tracey, farmer, & Ann McLaughlin] [1867 7 239 Glerdermot Londonderry PLU] [see Bernard Tracy]

* Mary Tracey b. 21 Jan 1866 of Kilcough [Kilcoagh Donard] Dunlavin RC [d. of Michael Tracey, labouer, & Ellen Moore] [1866 2 516 Dunlavin Baltinglass PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 21 July 1865 of 41 Patrick Street. St. Nicholas Without RC [d. of James Tracey, carpenter, & Teresa Oneill] [1865 12 682 Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 23 Dec 1870 Cotterstown [Cottrellstown Kilmaganny] Windgap RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Kate Carroll] [1871 4 791 Kilmaganny Callan PLU] [Registered 1871] [see Mullinahone South Tipperary]

* Mary Tracey b. 23 Dec 1870 Cotterstown [Cottrellstown Kilmaganny] Windgap RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Kate Carroll] [1871 4 791 Kilmaganny Callan PLU] [Registered 1871] [see Mullinahone South Tipperary]

* Mary Tracey b. 23 Jul 1865 of Parsonstown [Parsonstown] Clogher RC [d. of Pat Tracey, labourer, & Kitty Floody] [1865 12 513 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 23 Jun 1865 of New Market off Dublin St Carlow. Carlow RC [d. of Michael Tracey, pensioner, & Maria Dunne] [1865 13 436 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 25 Apr 1864 of Summerhill [Laracor] Summerhill RC. [d. of Tom Tracey & Jane Moran] [1864 7 1099 Summerhill Trim PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 25 Apr 1867 of 53 Georges Street. Portlaw RC [d. of John Tracey, factory operative, & Ellen Daly] [1867 9 647 Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 25 Dec 1867 of 8 Archbold Place off Little Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of James Tracey, painter, & Jane Campbell] [1868 2 600 Dublin North PLU] [Registered 1868] [see Derry]

* Mary Tracey b. 25 Dec 1867 of 8 Archbold Place off Little Britain Street. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [d. of James Tracey, painter, & Jane Campbell] [1868 2 600 Dublin North PLU] [Registered 1868] [see Derry]

* Mary Tracey b. 28 Nov 1873 Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass – Kilglass RC]  [d. of Thomas Tracey, small farmer, & Bridget McHugh][1873 18 371 Rooskey Stokestown PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 29 Apr 1866 of Inistioge [Inistioge] Inistioge RC [d. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Honora Barren] Thomas Tracey, his mark, father Inistioge [1866 9 902 Inistioge Thomastown PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 29 Dec 1866 of Pollerton Road Carlow. [Carlow] Carlow RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, boot & shoe maker, & Mary Tracey [Reilly]] Bess? Brophy, nurse, present at birth, Pollerton Road [1867 3 483 Carlow Carlow PLU] [Registered 1867]

* Mary Tracey b. 29 Dec 1866 of Pollerton Road Carlow. [Carlow] Carlow RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, boot & shoe maker, & Mary Tracey [Reilly]] Bess? Brophy, nurse, present at birth, Pollerton Road [1867 3 483 Carlow Carlow PLU] [Registered 1867]

* Mary Tracey b. 29 May 1865 of Drumclay Enniskillen. Enniskillen RC  [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Catherine O'Dare] [1865 7 77 Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 3 Dec 1874 Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Borris? RC [d. of Jerry Tracey, farmer, & Maria Handlon] [1874 18 431 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 31 Jan 1865 of Shranmore? [Sraghmore Calary] Glendalough RC [d. of Andrew Tracey, farmer, & Julia McDonald] [1865 2 1100 Annamoe Rathdrum PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 4 Feb 1865 of Bishop street Tuam. Tuam RC [d. of John Tracey, shoe maker, & Mary Nestor] [1865 9 542 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 4 Feb 1867 of Lignamanagh [Lisnamanny] Dunaghy Parish. Glenravel? RC? [d. of Jane Tracey] [1867 1 141 Clogh Ballymena PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 4 Jul 1875 Cloonmore Kilteevan. Roscommon and Kilteevan? RC [d. of John Tracey, small farmer, & Anne Davis] [1875 13 327 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 5 Sep 1869 Goat Lane Tipperary [Cordangan] Tipperary RC [d. of Jeremiah Tracey, carman, & Margaret Carty] [1869 13 670 Tipperary Tipperary PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 6 Aug 1870 Workhouse Rathdrum [Rathdrum] Rathdrum RC [d. of Mary Tracey] [1870 12 946 Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 6 Dec 1873 Killeshin [Killeshin - Killeshin RC] [d. of Martin Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Cooper][1873 18 431 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois]

* Mary Tracey b. 7 Apr 1870 Benekerry [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] Carlow. Tinryland RC [d. of Michael Tracey, carpenter, & Ellen Nolan] [1870 8 518 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 7 Feb 1873 of rere Queen St [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Honora Sherman]  [1873 5 525 No IV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 7 Jan 1868 of Old Hill Waterside [Fountain Hill Clondermot] Waterside RC [d. of Michael Tracey, schoolmaster, & Catherine McCormick] [1868 2 246 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 8 Oct 1869 Ballycarren [Ballycarran Ballybrennan] Tagoat RC [d. of Mathew Tracey, farmer, (Ballycarren crossed out) Ratholm [Ballybrennan] & Margret Walsh] Mathew Tracey, his mark, father, Ratholm [1869 19 915 Broadway Wexford PLU]

* Mary Tracey b. 9 July 1866 of Cappincur [Cappancur Geashill] Philipstown RC [d. of Patrick Tracey, farmer & Julia Cavanagh] Mark of Patrick Tracey, Cappinure, father [1866 13 690 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Mary Tracy b.  11 Oct 1870 Tea Lane Tullamore [Tullamore] Tullamore RC [d. of John Tracy, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent] [1870 18 706 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Mary Tracy b.  22 Mar 1870 Clogheen [Lackagh OR Monasterevin] Monasterevan RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Kate Doolan] [1870 8 479 Monasterevan Athy PLU] [see Portarlington Laois]

* Mary Tracy b.  24 Mar 1871 Slievekeale [Slievekeale? Road Waterford] Ballybricken RC [d. of Martin Tracy, sail maker, & Mary Laurence] [1871 9 1019 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Mary Tracy b.  9 Jan 1874 Deerpark  [Kilcloony] Ballinasloe RC [d. of Martin Tracy, labourer, & Anne Melia] [1874 4 27 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 1 May 1866 of Mackenagh [Muckenagh Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Ellen Tracy] [1866 7 14 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 1 Oct 1866 of Drumrush [Drumkeeran] Magheraculmany? RC? [d. of Anne Tracy] Anne Tracy, her mark, present at birth, Drumrush [1866 17 163 Ederny Irvinestown PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 10 May 1865 of Coolavehy Kilflyn Parish. Glenroe RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, & Joanna Murphy] [1865 10 438 Kilfinnane Kilmallock PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 11 Aug 1864 of Sheragh [Srah Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore RC [d. of William Tracy, of Leixlip Co Kildare, & Catherine Donlon] [1864 13 750 Tullamore Tullamore PLU Offaly]

* Mary Tracy b. 11 Dec 1875 Newtowncunningham Allsaints. All Saints? RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Mary Jane Hargan] [1876 2 259 Killea Londonderry PLU Donegal] [registered 1876] [See John Tracy of Derry and Donegal]

* Mary Tracy b. 12 Dec 1873 of 157 James Street [St. James RC] [d. of Thomas Tracy, railway porter, & Mary Haydon][1873 17 620 Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 12 Mar 1866 of Jones Lake Road [in Aghanargit Kilcleagh] Moate RC[d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary MacNally] [1866 3 30 Moate Athlone PLU Westmeath]

* Mary Tracy b. 13 Aug 1864 of Fallagloon Patish of Maghera. Maghera and Killylough RC [d. of Bernard Tracy & Rose Loan] [1864 11 682 Maghera Magherafelt PLU Derry]

* Mary Tracy b. 13 Feb 1866 of Lackaghmore [Lackagh More Lackagh] Lackagh RC [d. of Martin Tracy, landholder, of Abbey [Abbeyknockmoy], & Mary Hession] [1866 4 347 Turloughmore Galway PLU] [see Abbeyknockmoy]

* Mary Tracy b. 13 Jan 1872 Dalkey [Dalkey] Dalkey? RC [d. of Edward Tracy, porter, & Mary Kehoe] [1872 2 1021 Killiney Rathdown PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 13 May 1864 of Naas P Naas & TL [Naas] Naas RC [d. of Patrick Tracy  & Ellen Byrne] [1864 7 938 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 13 Sep 1870 Derreenascobe [Derreennascooba Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Margret Corkill] [1870 14 140 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 14 June 1869 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [d. of Thomas farmer, & Catherine Burns] [1869 9 141 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 15 Dec 1874 Suntown [beside Ballynagrenia Kilcumreragh?] Tubber RC [d. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Spelman][1874 18 24 Moate Athlone PLU] [see Offaly]

* Mary Tracy b. 15 Jul 1870 Milford [Milford town Kilbolane] Freemount RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Kate Hedderman] [1870 15 292 Milford Kanturk PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 16 Jan 1871 Prospect Hill. St. Michael's RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Tracy] [1871 5 561 No IV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 16 Sep 1869 Temple Street Sligo [Calry OR St John] St John's? RC  [d. of Pat Tracy, shoemaker, & Catherine Jordan] [1869 17 325 Sligo Sligo PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 17 Mar 1874 of 34 Marrowbone Lane [St Catherines RC] [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Smith][1874 7 667 Dublin South PLU] [see Saggart]

* Mary Tracy b. 18 Aug 1873 Errill [Rathdowney - Rathdowney RC] [d. of James Tracy, baker, & Mary Maher] [1873 13 489 Rathdowney  [Borris-in-Ossory] Donaghmore PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 18 May 1872 Gurteen [Gorteen Devenish] Garrison? RC [d. of James Tracy, farmer, & Mary Rogers] [1872 7 11 Belleck Ballyshannon PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 19 Apr 1864 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] parish Templepeter [Gilbertstown OR Templepeter] Tinryland  RC [d. of John Tracy & Catherine Lynch]  [1864 8 519 Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 19 Mar 1865 of 2 Dixons lane. St. Catherines RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, carpenter, & Alice Farrell] [1865 7 692 Dublin South PLU] see Saggart

* Mary Tracy b. 19 May 1872 of 39 Thomas Street. Portlaw? RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, & Mary Archer] [1872 9 700 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 2 May 1864 of Woodpark Moore. [Creagh?] Roscommon RC?  [d. of Michael Tracy & Bridget Dolan]  [1864 14 35 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

* Mary Tracy b. 2 Sep 1865 of Chapel St Athlone. St Peters Athlone RC [d. of Hugh Tracy, baker, & Maria Ryan] [1865 18 5 Athlone Athlone PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 20 Aug 1865 Fetherston Mountain [Featherstone Lodge is in Toorleitra Ballynakill (Leitrim barony)]. Woodford RC [d. of Patt Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Thornton] [1865 14 396 Woodford Loughrea PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 21 Feb 1864 of Gragavalla [Graigueavallagh Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [d. of John Tracy & Mary Davin] [1864 3 486 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 21 Feb 1874 Brown Street [Portlaw] Portlaw RC [d. of John Tracy, baker, & Eliza Cashin] [1874 4 713 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 21 Jul 1866 of Cloncunny [Clonconey Clonmore] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [d. of William Tracy, laborer, & Mary Smith] [1866 14 642 White Church [Pilltown] Carrick On Suir PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 22 Jan 1867 of 181 Townsend Street. St. Andrews RC [d. of Laurence Tracy, cabman, & Margaret Dunn] [1867 2 757 Grand Canal Street Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 22? Sep 1864 of Workhouse Cavan [Urney] [d. of Mary Tracy & BLANK] [1864 13 110  Cavan Cavan PLU] [faint copy]

* Mary Tracy b. 23 Apr 1872 Bonlea [Bolintlea Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] Ballingarry? RC [d. of James Tracy, collier, & Judy Cunny] [1872 9 662 Ballingarry Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Mary Tracy b. 24 Aug 1873 Ballykilleduff  [Ballycloghduff Drumraney – Drumraney RC] [d. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Margt Finneran] [1873 13 23 Moate Athlone PLU Westmeath]

* Mary Tracy b. 24 Jan 1872 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Fadden] [1872 4 154 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]**

* Mary Tracy b. 24 Jul 1869 Castle Street [Cappoquin Lismore and Mocollop] Cappoquin RC [d. of Mathew Tracy, nailor, & Mary Stack] [1869 14 784 Cappoquin Lismore PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 25 Jan 1875 Creggan [Noughaval] Kilkenny West RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, cottier, & Anne Carty] [1875 3 15 Glasson Athlone PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 26 Apr 1869 Kilmore [Kilmore] Moynalvey RC [d. of Robert Tracy, herd, from? Tipperary, & Eliza Moynahan] [1869 7 867 Dunboyne Dunshaughlin PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 26 Jan 1872 Hughstown [Killelan] Castledermot? RC [d. of James Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Reynolds] [1872 2 508 Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 27 Jan 1874 Cross Cumber [Crossballycormick Cumber Lower] Waterside RC [d. of John Tracy, tailor, & Rose Boyle] [1874 2 240 Eglinton Londonderry PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 28 Mar 1864 of Knock. Dunmore RC [d. of John Tracy & Mary Cloonan] [1864 9 551 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 29 Jan 1866 of Gortnagine [Gortnagoyne Dunmore] Dunmore RC [d. of James Tracy, landholder, & Bridget Boyle] [1866 4 624 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 3 Dec 1871 Cloghfin [Kildress] Kildress? RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Malaghan] [1871 16 501 Pomeroy Cookestown PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 3 Jun 1874 Glen West  [Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Mulhern] [1874 7 11 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 30 Mar 1864 of Newbridge [Morristownbiller OR Greatconnell] Newbridge RC [d. of Patt Tracy & Maryanne Baynam] [1864 7 948 Newbridge & Kildare Naas PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 31 May 1868 of Meenagh Cloonclare. Clooneclare RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Anne McGowan] [1868 7 289 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 4 Apr 1865 of Market Street Mountmellick. Mountmellick RC [d. of Edward Tracy, book-keeper, & Mary Dunne] [1865 8 660 Mountmellick Mountmellick PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 5 Jul 1867 of Boyglass [Bohergloss] Freshford. Freshford RC [d. of William Tracy, labourer, of Enniscorthy Co Wexford, & Honor Connell] [1867 13 524 Freshford Kilkenny PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 5 Jun 1865 of Craig Cumber [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Carlin] [1865 7 216 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 6 June 1864 of Palsellagh [Pollsillagh Kilmoylan] Kilmoylan RC. [d. of Patk Tracy & Mary Fury] [1864 9 566 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 7 Aug 1869 Clooncagh Kilteevin  [Clooncah Kilteevan] Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [d. of Patrick Tracy, small farmer, & Catherine Coffey] [1869 13 347 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 7 Feb 1867 of Glebe St Marys [Clonmel Waterford] Clonmel RC [d. of Denis Tracy, labourer, & Mary Connell] [1867 4 754 St. Mary's Clonmel PLU Waterford]

* Mary Tracy b. 8 July 1870 Knockerevan [Knockarevan Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Magee] [1870 12 9 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 8 Mar 1869 Workhouse Urlingford [d. of Mary Tracy] [1869 3 795 Urlingford Urlingford PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 8 May 1866 of Kildrumin [Kildromin Kilteely] Kilteely and Drumkeen RC [d. of David Tracy, farmer, & Margt Dwyer] [1866 10 395 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 9 Jun 1874 of 51 Clarendon Street [St Andrews RC] [d. of William Tracy, porter, & Harriett OBrien] [1874 12 718 Dublin South PLU]

* Mary Tracy b. 9 Mar 1865 of Ballinulty [Cullen] Cullen and Latten RC [d. of Edmond Tracy, farmer & Bridget Tracy] Edward Tracy, father of Child, Ballynulty [1865 3 752 Emly Tipperary PLU]

* Mary Tracy/Treacy b. 10 Apr 1865 of Morningtown [Colp] Co Meath. St. Marys RC [d. of John Treacy, labourer, & Mary McLoughlin] [1865 7 557 Saint Mary's Drogheda PLU Meath]

* Mary Trassy b. 1 Jul 1864 of Belwell [Tobernaclug or Belwell Dunmore]. Dunmore RC [d. of Patrick Trassy & Bridget Connelly] [1864 19 319 Dunmore Glenamaddy PLU] [duplicate]

* Mary Trassy b. 23 Aug 1871 Killinna [Killinny Killinny] Kinvara RC [d. of Mathew Trassy, small landholder, & Catherine Cavanagh] [1871 14 330 Ballinderreen Gort PLU]

* Mary Trassy b. 28 Jun 1871 Tullow McJames [Tullowmacjames Templetouhy] Moyne and Templetuohy RC [d. of Matt Trassy, carpenter, & Ellen Maher] [1871 8 763 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Mary Trassy b. 7 Aug 1869 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Patrick Trassy, carpenter, & Ellen Stapleton] [1869 13 635 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Mary Trasy b. 1 July 1864 of Bellwell. [Tobernaclug or Belwell Dunmore]. Dunmore RC [d. of Mary Trasy & Bridget Connelly] [1864 14 304 Dunmore Glenamaddy PLU] [duplicate]

* Mary Treacey b. 19 Oct 1870 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of James Treacey, servant, & Margaret Ryan] [1870 18 647 Thurles PLU]

* Mary Treacy b, 20 Feb 1865 of Beacaneen [Beaghcauneen Ballindoon] Omey RC [d. of Michl Treacy, labourer, & Biddy King] [1865 4 211 Clifden Clifden PLU]

* Mary Treacy b.  1? Jan 1870 Poolacople [Poulacapel Kilvemnon] Mullinahone RC [d. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Doran] [1870 4 711 Mullinahone Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Mary Treacy b.  18 Jul 1871 Minans [Minnauns Callan] [d. of James Treacy, herd, & Honora Maher] [1871 14 620 Callan Callan PLU] [see Mullinahone Tipperary]

* Mary Treacy b.  22 Nov 1870 Monavarnogue [Monavarnoge] Ardagh. Killeagh? RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Julia Murray] [1870 19 992 Templemichael Youghal PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 1 Apr 1871 Ballynahown Ballingaddy. Kilmallock RC [d. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Moran] [1871 10 459 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 1 Feb 1875 Knocklong [Kilfrush] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [d. of William Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Hanly] [1875 5 392 Hospital Kilmallock PLU] [see Bulgaden]

* Mary Treacy b. 10 Dec 1870 Caherelly [Caherelly] Ballybricken and Bohermore RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, shoemaker, & Catherine Marshall] [1871 5 521 Caherconlish Limerick PLU] [registered 1870]

* Mary Treacy b. 10 Dec 1870 Caherelly [Caherelly] Ballybricken and Bohermore RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, shoemaker, & Catherine Marshall] [1871 5 521 Caherconlish Limerick PLU] [registered 1870]

* Mary Treacy b. 11 May 1869 Ballinscaula P. Bulgaden [Ballinscaula  Athneasy] [Bulgaden Kilbreedy Major] Bulgaden RC [d. of Denis Treacy, herdsman, & Catherine Carey] [1869 10 443 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Kilmallock]

* Mary Treacy b. 12 Dec 1870 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] [s. of Andrew Treacy, farm labourer, & Mary Hennessey] [1871 3 603 Gowran Kilkenny PLU] [triplets] [registered 1871]

* Mary Treacy b. 12 Dec 1870 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] [s. of Andrew Treacy, farm labourer, & Mary Hennessey] [1871 3 603 Gowran Kilkenny PLU] [triplets] [registered 1871]

* Mary Treacy b. 14 Apr 1864 of Brackeragh [Brackery Tynagh] Tynagh RC. [d. of Patrick Treacy & Anne Watson] [1864 9 474 Portumna Portumna PLU] see Spencer Tracy

* Mary Treacy b. 14 Jul 1874 Portumna [Lickmolassy] Portumna RC [d. of William Treacy, smith, & Serah Cleary][1874 14 460 Portumna Portumna PLU] [see Philip Treacy]

* Mary Treacy b. 14 Sep 1871 Moville [Moville town Moville, Lower] Moville RC [d. of John Treacy, labourer, & Jane Beatty] [1871 12 156 Moville Inishowen PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 14? Jul 1873 Ballywater [Ballywalter Kilvemnon - Mullinahone RC] [d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Phelan] [1873 14 621 Mullinahone Callan PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 15 Dec 1871 Shanakill [Shanakill Killavinoge] Templemore RC [d. of Edward Treacy, mason, & Johanna Maher] [1872 3 711 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1872]**

* Mary Treacy b. 15 Dec 1871 Shanakill [Shanakill Killavinoge] Templemore RC [d. of Edward Treacy, mason, & Johanna Maher] [1872 3 711 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1872]**

* Mary Treacy b. 15 Oct 1870 Ballynahesheragh [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Honor Quinn] [1870 19 475 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 15 October 1865 of Toher [Moher? Toem] Doon and Castletown RC Limerick [d. of Timothy Treacy, farmer, & Mary Stokes] [Cappagh Tipperary PLU] [No image available - Official transcript – Not in printed index] [see Cappawhite Tipperary]

* Mary Treacy b. 16 Apr 1873 Templemore [Templemore – Templemore RC] [d. of Edward Treacy, publican, & Ellen Blake] [1873 8 731 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 16 Aug 1867 of Summerhill Roscrea [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Broderick] [1867 ? 882 Roscrea Roscrea PLU] [all crossed out]

* Mary Treacy b. 16 Aug 1867 of Summerhill Roscrea [in Tithe Records beside Loughanavatta Roscrea]. Roscrea RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Broderick] John Treacy, his mark, father, Summerhill [1867 18 591 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 16 Jan 1875 Knockfierna [Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry RC [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Mary Fitzgerald] [1875 5 221 Castletown Croom PLU]**

* Mary Treacy b. 17 Nov 1875 Frenystown [Freneystown Tiscoffin] Pitt RC [d. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Nowlan] [1875 18 506 Tiscoffin Kilkenny PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 19 Feb 1869 of 71 New Street. St. Nicholas Without RC [d. of James Treacy, carpenter, & Teresa Neill] [1869 2 763 Dublin South PLU] [twins]

* Mary Treacy b. 2 March 1864 Ballybruke [Bellaburke? Ballintober]. Burriscarra? RC?  [d. of John Treacy & Mary McHale]  [1864 4 126 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 20 Nov 1866 of Knockatee Parish of Dunmore. Dunmore RC [d. of James Treacy, landholder, & Mary Glyn] [1866 19 587 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see Raymond William Treacy]

* Mary Treacy b. 23 Dec 1869 Laragh [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, land holder, Honor Delaney] [1869 19 297 Turloughmore Galway PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 23 Mar 1874 Menlena parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [d. of Daniel Treacy, bootmaker, & Ellenor Treacy] Danl Treacy, father, Menlena [1874 9 552 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see Mavis Darcy webpage and Donald John Treacy]

* Mary Treacy b. 23 Nov 1870 Moynure [Kilmurryely OR Roscrea] Roscrea RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Dooley] [1870 18 626 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 23 Nov 1875 Forster Street. St. Nicholas East RC [d. of Mark Treacy, grocer, & Ellen Cook] [1875 19 269 Galway Galway PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 24 Jul 1873 Woodfield parish of Boyonnagh [Boyounagh – Boyounagh RC] [d. of John Treacy, landholder, & Mary Mullin] [1873 14 304 Dunmore Glennamaddy PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 24 May 1875 Ballinakill [Ballynakill Killabban] Arles RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Fitzpatrick] [1875 8 463 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois]

* Mary Treacy b. 25 Apr 1875 Donaghmore Workhouse. Rathdowney RC [d. of John Treacy, labourer, & Catherine [1875 13 469 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 25 Jun 1868 of Norraganure [Marganure?] parish of Kilkerrin. Kilkerrin & Clonberne? RC? [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Ellen Gormley] [1868 14 329 Glenamaddy Glenamaddy PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 26 Jul 1864 of Port? Ballyshannon [Inishmacsaint OR Kilbarron] Kilbarron  RC? [d. of Charles Treacy & Margaret Timony?] [1864 12 4 Ballyshannon Ballyshannon PLU Donegal]

* Mary Treacy b. 28 Apr 1867 of Ballingawn [Ballingowan Aglish] Aglish RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Power?] [1867 9 729 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 29 Apr 1866 of Ballymagill [Ballymackillagill Listerlin] Tullagher RC [d. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Mackey] [1866 9 862 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 29 Apr 1866 of Clonteen [Cloonteen Doon Limerick] Cappamore RC [d. of John Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Gadfery] [1866 8 806 Cappagh Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Mary Treacy b. 3 Oct 1867 of Cashel [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle? RC [d. of Patrick treacy, farmer, & Jane Carlan] [1867 17 115 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 31 Aug 1868 of Poultaloon [Polltalloon Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [d. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Mitchell] [1868 14 475 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 31 May 1870 Drumbarrow [Drumbaragh Kells] Kells RC [d. of Peter Treacy [Freacy], labourer, & Mary Casserly] [1870 7 927 Kilskeer Kells PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 5 Apr 1875 Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge] Templemore RC [d. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Treacy] [1875 8 675 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 5 Aug 1869 Ardnagall parish of Tuam. Tuam RC [d. of Michael Treacy, shepherd, & Bridget Turner] [1869 14 574 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 6 Sep 1866 of Cappawhite [Cappagh White town Toem] Cappawhite RC [d. of Richard Treacy, shopkeeper, & Catherine Power] [1866 18 700 Cappagh Tipperary PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 7 May 1872 Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore RC [d. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Treacy] [1872 8 732 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 8 Apr 1871 Fairyfield Kilmallock [St Peter and St Paul] Kilmallock RC [d. of Denis Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Carey] [1871 10 460 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 8 Dec 1865 of Bishopswood [Kilmore (Kilnamanagh)] Knockavilla RC [d. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Johannah Ryan] [1865 18 487 Kilpatrick Cashel PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 8 Jul 1872 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] Paulstown RC [d. of Andrew Treacy, farm labourer, & Mary Hennessey] [1872 13 525 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* Mary Treacy b. 9 August 1865 of Kilmallock Workhouse [St Peter and St Paul] [d. of Margaret Treacy & Patrick Mahony, of Emlygrennan [civil parish], farmer] [1865 15 345 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [Mahony in online index]

* Mary Treacy b. 9 May 1871 Belgrove [Templerobin] Cobh RC [d. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Walsh] [1871 10 245 Queenstown Cork PLU]

* Mary Treasy b. 12 Jul 1871 Gurteeny [Gorteeny Ballynakill (Leitrim barony)] Woodford? RC [d. of John Treasy, farmer, & Anne Commons] [1871 14 460 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Mary Tressey b. 18 Sep 1875 Ballyruane [Ballinrooaun Moylough] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [d. of Michael Tressey, cottier, & Honor Ruane] [1875 19 535 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Mary Tressy b. 12 Jan 1875 Crumlin [Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [d. of William Tressy, labourer, & Bridget Loughlin] [1875 4 560 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Mary Tressy b. 13 Mar 1869  Dung? [Drumgoon] Drumgoon? RC [d. of James Tressy & Cathrine Reilly] [1869 3 172 Cootehill Cootehill] [image not available]

* Mary Tressy b. 28 Mar 1864 of Rathruddy [Raruddy Kilconickny]. Carabane RC [d. of Thaddy Tressy & Ann Martin] [1864 4 336 Loughrea Loughrea PLU]

* Mary Tressy b. 5 Oct 1865 of Glanville [Glennaveel Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC?  [s. of Martan Tressy, labourer, & Mary Burke] [1865 19 536 Abbey Tuam PLU]


* Maryanne Kate Trassy b. 17 August 1866 of Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [d. of Tom Trassy, mason, & Honora Connors] Kate Nesbitt, her mark, nurse, Templemore [1866 13 634 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Maryanne Treacy b. 18 May 1875 Limerick Junction [Ballykisteen Solloghodmore] Sologhead RC [d. James Treacy, carriage enamine?, & Anne Sprowle] [1875 8 757 Tipperary Tipperary PLU] [also Mary in online index] [see Mallow Cork]

* Maryanne Treacy b. 28 Feb 1864 of Ardkilmartin [St Peter and St Paul] Kilmallock RC [d. of David Treacy & Mary Fitzgerald] [1864 10 420 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]


* Mathew Tracey b. 15 Aug 1866 of Kilkatane [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway] Clonrush RC  [s. of Thadeus Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Minogue] [1866 19 492 Mountshannon Scarriff PLU]

* Mathew Tracey b. 21 Jun 1872 Legpatrick. [?] Togher RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Ann Maguire] [1872 7 569 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Mathew Tracy b. 8 Feb 1872 Castle Street [Cappoquin Lismore and Mocollop] Cappoquin RC [s. of Mathew Tracy, nailor, & Mary Stack] [1872 4 952 Cappaquin Lismore PLU]

* Matt Tracy b. 13 Mar 1866 of Philipstown [Philipston Donohill] Cappawhite RC [s. of Patt Tracy, small farmer, & Margaret Ryan] Pakt Tracy, his mark, father, Philipstown [1866 3 771 Grean Tipperary PLU]

* Matthew Tracey b. 31 Jul 1875 Muckenagh [Muckanagh Kilglass] Kilglass RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, laborer, & Bridget McHugh] [1875 13 346 Rooskey Stokestown PLU]


* Maurice Tracey b. 14? Nov 1873 Ballinakill [Ballynakill Killabban – Arles? RC] [s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Fitzpatrick] [1873 3 484 Ballickmoyler Carlow PLU Laois]

* Maurice Tracey b. 22 Oct 1864 of Sandford [Sandyford in Woodside Kilgobbin]. [s. of Edward Tracey & Mary Stephens]  [1864 17 754 Donnybrook Dublin South PLU] see Donnybrook

* Maurice Tracy b. 1 Dec 1874 of 7 Anna Villa [Rathmines RC] [s. of Edward Tracy, builder, & Mary Stevens][1874 17 739 Rathmines Dublin South PLU] [see Donnybrook]


* Michael [Timothy crossed out] Tracey b. 23 Mar 1865 of Clonlisk [Kilcomin] Shinrone RC [s. of Denis Tracey, farmer & Judith Doughan] [1865 3 702 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly]

* Michael James Tracey b. 19 Jul 1875 Carrenderry [Carrownderry Templetogher] Boyounagh? RC [s. of Francis Tracey, solicitors clerk, & Anne Boyle] [1875 14 285 Williamstown Glennamaddy PLU] [see Ballintubber and Ballymoe Roscommon & see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Michael Patrick Tracey b. 29 Sep 1865 of Liscoleman [Liscolman Liscolman] Clonmore RC [s. of Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith] [Coolkenna and Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU Wicklow]

* Michael Thomas Tracey b. 7 March 1865 of 31 Lower Liffey Street St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of William Tracey, Foreman in paper stores, & Jane Scott] [1865 7 600 Dublin North PLU]

* Michael Tracey b.  15 Dec 1874 Cloonmore Kilteevan [Roscommon and Kilteevan? RC] [s. of Michael Tracey, small farmer, & Bridget Hanly] [1874 18 341 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* Michael Tracey b.  24 Jul 1869 Lying in Hospital. St. Michael's RC [s. of Michal Tracey, groom, Ryans Lane & Hanora Sherman] [1869 15 443 St Michaels Limerick Limerick PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 1 Jan 1870 Glenbower [Fiddown] Ballyneale RC Tipperary [s. of William Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Hearn] Ellen Tracey, her mark, mother, Glenbower [1870 4 718 Carrick-on-Suir Carrick-on-Suir PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 1 Jul 1874 Clooneyconery [Cloonyconry Killokennedy] Broadford RC [s. of John Tracey, shoemaker, & Bridget Naish] [1874 15 391 Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare] [see Tim Tracy]

* Michael Tracey b. 1 Nov 1867 of Kockende [Knockanode Castlemacadam] Castlemacadam CoI? [s. of George Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Malone] [1867 17 890 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 10 Feb 1871 Boston [?] Laragh? RC?  [s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Anne Mohin?] [1871 3 205 Tullyvin Cootehill PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 10 May 1874 Carrignafecka [Sliguff] Myshall RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Anne Sheridan] [1874 8 499 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 10 Oct 1869 Ballinakill [Ballynakill       Killabban Laois] Arles RC [s. of Patk Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Fitzpatrick] [1869 18 435 Ballickmoyler and Newtown Carlow PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 11 Oct 1869 Bokane/Borrisokane [Borrisokane] Borrisokane RC [s. of William Tracey, police constable, & Susan Bourke] [1869 18 424 Borrisokane Borrisokane PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Michael Tracey b. 12 Apr 1871 Puldarragh Tuam [Polldarragh Belclare] Tuam? RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, landholder, & Mary Corless] [1871 9 638 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 15 May 1864 of Knockcroghey [Knockcroghery Killinvoy] Killinvoy RC [s. of Michael Tracey & Mary Cunniff] [1864 8 404 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 16 Jul 1868 of North St Lurgan [Shankill] CoI? [s. of Patrick Tracey, weaver, & Alice Beattie] [1868 11 707 Lurgan Lurgan PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 16 May 1864 of Reid's Court Kingstown Avenue. [s. of Michael Tracey & Eliza BLANK [Byrne]] Catherine Fagan midwife Kingstown Avenue [Kingstown Rathdown PLU] [not in printed index]

* Michael Tracey b. 16 Nov 1873 Lying in Hospital - St. Patrick's? RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, of 47 Kent St, & Sarah McGamey] [1873 16 258 Belfast Belfast PLU Antrim]

* Michael Tracey b. 19 May 1871 Coolavehy [Kilflyn] Glenroe RC [s. of William Tracey, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1871 10 455 Kilfinnane Kilmallock PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 22 Feb 1871 Clorane [Croom] Banogue RC [s. of Jeremiah Tracy, labourer, & Ellen Lacy] [1871 5 262 Croom Croom PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 24 Jun 1864 illegimate Rathdrum Woorkhouse [Rathdrum] Rathdrum RC [s. of Margaret Tracey & BLANK] [1864 7 897 Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 24 Jun 1864 illegitimate Rathdrum Workhouse Rathdrum RC [s. of Margaret Tracey & BLANK] [1864 7 1062 Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 25 Jun 1864 of Baskethill [Caherconlish] Caherconlish RC. [s. of John Tracey & Margaret Connell]  [1864 10 471 Caherconlish Limerick PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 28 Sep 1875 Drumshanbo [Kildress] Kildress? RC [s. of Francis Tracey, farmer, & Rose McGurk] [1875 16 477 Pomeroy Cookestown PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 4 Apr 1864 of Loughawn Harold's Cross Roundtown Road. Rathfarnham RC [s. of Thomas Tracey & Catherine Nelson] [1864 7 810 Rathfarnham Dublin South PLU] see Rathmines

* Michael Tracey b. 4 Jun 1868 of Killeshin [Killeshin] Killeshin RC [s. of Martin Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Cooper] Martin Tracey, father, Killeshin [1868 8 506 Ballickmoyler and Newtown Carlow PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 5 Jul 1868 of Newbridge [Morristownbiller OR Greatconnell] Newbridge RC [s. of John Tracey, shopkeeper, & Anne Carroll] [1868 12 871 Newbridge Naas PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 5 Sept 1864 Quarterclough Parish of Shanagoldan. [s. of Thomas Tracey & Mary Madigan  [1864 15 559 Askeaton Rathkeale PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 6 Mar 1875 Ballycladuff [Ballycloghduff Drumraney] Drumraney RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Finneran] [1875 3 25 Moate Athlone PLU]

* Michael Tracey b. 9 Sep 1869 Drumragh [Drumragh] Drumragh  RC [s. of James Tracey, farmer, & Mary Maguire] [1869 17 279 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Michael Tracy b.  10 Nov 1871 Humble Street Abbeyside [Dungarvan] Abbeyside and Ring? RC [s. of Michael Tracy, sailor, & Margaret Whelan] [1871 19 717 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]

* Michael Tracy b.  17 Jul 1870 Gaira [Gearagh Middleton] Middleton RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Fitzgerald] [1870 14 837 Cloyne Midleton PLU]

* Michael Tracy b.  31 Jul 1870 Corry Kilgefin. Kilbride RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Anne Madden] Anne Tracy, her mark, mother Corry [1870 13 365 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* Michael Tracy b.  31 Jul 1874 of Thos Street Dungarvan [Dungarvan RC] [s. of William Tracy, tailor, & Anne Lyndon] [1874 14 689 Dungarvan Dungarvan PLU]

* Michael Tracy b.  4 Apr 1871 Clonacusha Killimore [Cloonnacusha Tynagh] Tynagh RC [s. of John Tracy, small farmer, & Celia Tracy] Celia Tracy, her mark, mother, Clonacusha Killimore [1871 9 525 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 10 Feb 1867 of 58 Bridgetfort St. St Catherines RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary White] [1867 2 682 Dublin South PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 10 Jun 1874 Bonlahy [Bunlahy Granard] Granard RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Rose McCabe] [1874 8 231 Granard Granard PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 12 Oct 1873 Bonlea [Bolintlea Ballingarry (Slieveardagh) - Ballingarry RC] [s. of Jas Tracy, collier, & Judy Conney] [1873 19 619 Ballingarry Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Michael Tracy b. 14 Mar 1869 Knockfierna [in Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry? RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Honora Downs] [1869 5 238 Castletown Croom PLU] [twins]

* Michael Tracy b. 15 Apr 1870 Ballinaliskala [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of  Michael Tracy, small farmer, & Mary Staunton?] [1870 9 521 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 15 May 1865 of Lisglass [Clondermot] Waterside RC [s. of George Tracy, farmer, & Ann McLaughlin] [1865 7 230 Glendermot Londonderry PLU] [see Bernard Tracy]

* Michael Tracy b. 15 May 1867 of Bolamasasanagh Churchfriar [in Belclare] Kilmoylan? RC? [s. of Thomas Tracy, herd, & Ellen Burke] Thomas Tracy, his mark, father, Bolamasasanagh [1867 9 574 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 16 Apr 1866 of Rosberry Newbridge [Morristownbiller] Newbridge RC [s. of Michael Tracy, laborer, & Eliza Bannon] Mary Bannon, her mark, present at birth, Rosberry Newbridge [1866 7 937 Newbridge and Kildare Naas PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 18 Jul 1864 of Slerry's Lane Ballinasloe Ballinasloe RC [s. of Michael Tracy & Bridget Murray]  [1864 14 25 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU Galway] [crossed out]

* Michael Tracy b. 18 Sep 1874 Borrisoleigh [Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC  [s. of Martin Tracy, labourer, & Mary Mornoney?][1874 13 640 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 19 August 1869 Tulla RC [s. of Pat Tracy & Mary Heiher/Hehir] [1869 14 596 Tulla PLU] [online image misfiled]

* Michael Tracy b. 2 Jul 1867 of Cummer [Cummer] Kilmoylan? RC? [s. of James Tracy, shepherd, & Bridget Walsh] [1867 14 559 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 2 May 1864 of High St Parsonstown [Parsonstown or Birr town, Birr] Birr and Loughkeen RC. [s. of James Tracy & Margaret Brannon] [1864 8 697 Parsonstown Parsonstown PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 22 Oct 1865 of Knockendraine [Knockendrane Fennagh] Myshall RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Maria Burn] [1865 18 454 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 23 Jun 1867 of Royaloak [Killinane] Leighlinbridge RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dermody] [1867 8 528 Leighlinbridge Carlow PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 23 Oct 1866 of Knocksharone? [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Johanna Costello] [1866 18 620 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [see Denis Treacy of Glenkeen]

* Michael Tracy b. 25 Jan 1866 of Workhouse. Carrick On Suir RC? [s. of Anastasia Tracy] [1866 4 704 Carrick On Suir Carrick On Suir PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 25 Mar 1873 Fiddown [Fiddown - Owning and Templeorum RC] [s. of James Tracy, servant on railway, & Stacia Gorman] [1873 4 729 Piltown Carrick-on-Suir PLU Kilkenny]

* Michael Tracy b. 27? Nov 1869 Drumingna [Kiltubbrid] Kiltubrid RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Mary Shanly] [1869 18 72 Leitrim Carrick-on-Shannon PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 3 Jun 1867 of Cloghfin [Kildress] Kildress RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Malaghan] [1867 6 599 Pomeroy Cookstown PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 5 Dec 1871 Barnaboy [Athenry] [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Ellen Murphy] [1871 19 299 Turloughmore Galway PLU]

* Michael Tracy b. 6 Jul 1871 Derrynacart [Dernacart Castlebrack]  Mountmellick RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Mary Scully] [1871 13 562 Mountmellick Mountmellick PLU]

* Michael Trasy [Nasy?] b. 2 Apr 1873 Taonickanaff [Tawnykinaff Turlough] [s. of Mathew Trasy?, farmer, & Cicily Jenings] [1873 9 145 Castlebar Castlebar PLU] [bad copy]

* Michael Treacey b. 14 Jul 1875 Foxboro [Foxburrow Templeharry] Moneygall? RC [s. of Patrick Treacey, mason, & Catherine Morris] [1875 13 597 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Michael Treacy b.  22 Dec 1868 Mylerstown [Rathernan] Allen and Milltown? RC  [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell] [1869 2 973 Kilmeague Naas PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Michael Treacy b. 04 October 1865 Curcullen [Corracullin] Parish of Kilkerrin. Kilkerrin RC [s. of James Treacy, Landholder, & Ellen Gormley] [Glenamaddy Glenamaddy PLU] [No image available - Official transcript – Not in printed index]

* Michael Treacy b. 1 Apr 1870 Summerhill [Rathnaveoge] Moneygall? RC [s. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Fogarty] [1870 8 739 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 10 May 1869 Graigavine [Clonmore] Carrigeen and Mooncoin RC [s. of William Treacy, labourer, & Mary Smith] [1869 9 693 White Church [Pilltown] Carrick-on-Suir PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 11 Apr 1867 of Leagane p. Effin. Effin and Gamenderk RC [s. of Edmond Treacy, labourer, & Hanora Quin] [1867 10 440 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Knocklong and Glenbrohane]

* Michael Treacy b. 11 Sep 1869 Ballyre [Dangandonovan] Killeagh? RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Connors] [14 799 Castlemartyr Middleton PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 13 May 1868 of Skehanagh [Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Peggy Moylan?] [1868 8 716 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 15 May 1870 Garryspillane Bog [Garryspellane town Ballyscaddan] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Mary Donovan] [1870 10 456 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 15 Sep 1866 at 12 OC noon of Thomas Street [Queenstown town Templerobin] Cobh RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, labourer, & Mary Ahern] [1866 20 192 Queenstown Cork PLU] [twins]

* Michael Treacy b. 20 Apr 1875 Ardnagall parish of Milltown [Tuam] Tuam? RC [s. of Michael Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Turner] [1875 9 525 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 20 Feb 1871 Killawardy [Killea OR Templemore]Templemore RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Stapleton] [1871 3 714 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 22 Dec 1868 Mylerstown [Rathernan] Allen and Milltown? RC  [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Anastasia Farrell] [1869 2 973 Kilmeague Naas PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Michael Treacy b. 23 May 1871 Ellen Street. St. Michael's RC [s. of John Treacy, sub constable, & Mary Anne Rice] [1871 10 536 City No 3 Limerick Limerick PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 24 Sep 1872 Gragevalla [Graigueavallagh Rathdowney] Rathdowney? RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Mary Davin] [1872 18 477 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 25 Dec 1865 of Ballingowan [Aglish] Aglish RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Power] [1865 19 671 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 25 Jan 1875 Ballyhobin [Ballyhoodane Inch St. Lawrence] Caherconlish RC [s. of John Treacy, carpenter, & Johanna Connell] [1875 5 442 Caherconlish Limerick PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 27 Feb 1875 Cloncannon [Borrisnafarney] Toomevara RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Ann Horan] [1875 8 675 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 28 May 1865 of Hill Kilmallock [Kilmallock Hill] St St Peter & Paul. Kilmallock RC [s. of Denis Treacy, of Wales, labourer, & Catherine Carey] Catherine Treacy, her mark, mother, Hill Kilmallock [1865 10 444 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 29 May 1868 of Patch parish of Clonberne. Kilkerrin and Clonberne? RC? [s. of Daniel Treacy, landholder, & Honor Slattery] [1868 9 343  Glenamaddy Glenamaddy PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 3 Jul 1865 of Old Park. Bournea and Corbally RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Jane McDonnell] [1865 13 639 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 3 Nov 1867 of Killaharna [Culliagharny] Creagh. Ballinasloe RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Mary Fahy] [1867 19 27 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon]

* Michael Treacy b. 6 May 1872 Ballycrissane [Ballycrossaun Tiranascragh] Killimore and Tiranascragh? RC [s. of Martin Treacy, labourer, & Eliza Whelan] [1872 9 513 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Michael Treacy b. 8 Sep 1874 Ballingoola [Cahercorney] Hospital RC [s. of William Treacy, labourer, & Ellen Jones][1874 20 335 Hospital Kilmallock PLU] [see Bruff]

* Michael Treacy b. 9 Feb 1867 of Reaghan [Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Quin?] [1867 4 499 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Michael Treasy b. 15 Dec 1870 Graigue Ardcrony. Cloughjordan RC [s. of John Treasy, carpenter, & Anne Costello] [1871 3 487 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU] [registered 1871] [see Very Rev John J Tracy, Ph.D. (1868 - 1923)]

* Michael Treasy b. 15 Dec 1870 Graigue Ardcrony. Cloughjordan RC [s. of John Treasy, carpenter, & Anne Costello] [1871 3 487 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU] [registered 1871] [see Very Rev John J Tracy, Ph.D. (1868 - 1923)]

* Michael Treasy b. 20 Sep 1870 Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Thomas Treasy, cottier, & Rose Quinn] [1870 19 581 Abby Tuam PLU]

* Michael Treasy b. 3 Dec 1871 Moneygall Cullenwaine. Moneygall RC [s. of Michael Treasy, labourer, & Onny Tobin] [1871 18 621 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Michael Treasy b. 5 Sep 1874 Fecarry [Faccary Cappagh] Cappagh RC [s. of Edward Treasy, farmer, & Mary McDermott][1874 12 299 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Michael Tressy b. 15 Sep 1868 of Rathruddy Loughrea [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane RC [s. of Patrick Tressy, farmer, & Bridget Burke] [1868 14 411 Loughrea Loughrea PLU]

* Michael Tressy b. 2 Jan 1872 Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] [s. of Edwd Tressy, labourer, & Bridget Kenny] [1872 4 671 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Michael Tressy/Trassy b. 3 Mar 1868 of Templetuohy [Templetuohy] Moyne and Templetuohy RC [s. of Matt Tressy, carpenter, & Ellen Maher] [1868 3 696 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Micheal Tracy b. 8 November 1866 of Derrew [Killimorbologue OR Kilquain] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Edward Tracy, small farmer, & Bridget Boland] [1867 4 1053 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [see Tynagh] [Registered 1867]

* Micheal Tracy b. 8 November 1866 of Derrew [Killimorbologue OR Kilquain] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Edward Tracy, small farmer, & Bridget Boland] [1867 4 1053 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [see Tynagh] [Registered 1867]


* Myles Tracey b. 12 Oct 1864 of The Well. Bridget Trasy, mother, The Well Arklow RC [s. of James Tracey & Bridget Byrne] [1864 17 952 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


* Nicholas Tracey b. 30 Sep 1875 Gortharberane? [Gortaknockeare] Cordangan. Sologhead RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, Sollogheadbeg, & Mary McGrath] [1875 18 647 Tipperary Tipperary PLU]

* Nicholas Treacy b. 11 Feb 1864 of Rathmore [Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Patrick Treacy & Mary Gormerly] Patrick Treacy, father, Rathmore, his mark [1864 4 394 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Nicholas Treacy b. 26 or 27 Feb 1867 Knockcroghery Killinvoy [1867 3 399 Roscommon Roscommon PLU] [incomplete and crossed out]


* Nora Trassy b. 13 Sep 1875 Lisanure [Lissanure Killavinoge] Templemore RC [d. of Mathias Trassy, carpenter, & Ellen Maher] [1875 13 610 Moyne Thurles PLU] [see Moyne and Templetuohy]


* Owen Tracy b. 20 May 1871 Gallows Hill Sligo. St John's, Sligo RC [s. of Pat Tracy, shoemaker, & Catherine Jordan] [1871 7 372 Sligo Sligo PLU]

* Owens Tracy b. 6 Jun 1866 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Lynch] [1866 8 494 Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]


* Pat Tracey b. 10 Jul 1874 Lahardine [Lahardaun Tulla] Tulla RC [s. of Pat Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hehir] [1874 14 573 Kilkishen Tulla PLU]

* Pat Tracey b. 26 Jul 1873 Burreen [Burren Aglish - Castlebar RC] [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Bridget Crane] [1873 14 123 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* Pat Treacy b. 15 Oct 1874 Brackeragh [Brackery Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [s. of Pat Treacy, farmer, & Anne Watson][1874 19 435 Portumna Portumna PLU] [see Spencer Tracy]

* Pat Treacy b. 16 Sep 1873 Gurteeney [Gorteeny Ballynakill (Leitrim barony) – Woodford RC],  [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Anne Commons] [1873 19 461 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Patrick Daniel Tracy b. 24 Jan 1867 of Henry Street Mountmelick [Mountmellick Ardea OR Rosenallis] Mountmellick RC [s. of Edward Tracy, shop keeper, & Mary Dunne] [1867 3 612 Mountmellick Mountmellick PLU]

* Patrick Joseph Treacy b. 10 Jul 1872 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Michael Treacy, publican, & Eliza Obrien] Michael Treacy, father, Templemore [1872 13 643 Thurles PLU]

* Patrick Michael Treacy b. 24 Sep 1875 Bohernagore [Ballingaddy] Kilmallock? RC  [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Dennison] [1875 20 347 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b.  7 Feb 1869 Glaspistol [Clogher] Clogher RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Hagarty] [1869 2 565 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 10 Jan 1867 of Rathleague [Straboe] Maryborough RC  [s. of Edward Tracey, labourer, & Eliza McEvoy] Edward Tracey, father, Rathleague [1867 3 604 Maryborough Mountmellick PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 10 Mar 1865 of Mullaghmore [Cappagh] Cappagh RC [s. of Peter Tracey, seatcher? & Mary McAleer] [1865 2 353 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 12 Mar 1872 Quarterclough [Carrowclogh Kilmoylan] Shanagolden RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Mary Madigan] [1872 5 720 Askeaton Rathkeale PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 13 Apr 1873 Tullybrick [Drumgoon - Drumgoon? RC] [s. of Michael Tracey, farmer, & Mary Leary] [1873 8 175 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 13 Mar 1864 of Ballynamuddagh [Killallaghtan] Cappataggle RC [s. John Tracey & Mary Holleran] [1864 4 36 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 14 Feb 1875 Clifden [Omey] Omey? RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Mary Beamond] [1875 4 198 Clifden Clifden PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 14 May 1864 of Foxboro [Foxburrow Templeharry Offaly] Moneygall RC  [s. of Patrick Tracey & Kate Morrison [Morris]] [1864 8 731 Shinrone Roscrea PLU Offaly & Tipperary]

* Patrick Tracey b. 14 May 1868 of Bishopswood [Kilmore (Kilnamanagh)] Knockavilla  RC [s. of Patsy Tracey, farmer, & Johana Ryan] [1868 8 558 Kilpatrick Cashel PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 15 Dec 1874 of 141 Leeson St. St. Peter's RC [s. of William Tracey, linenlapper, & Mary OLoughlin] [1875 1 403 Belfast Belfast PLU] [registered 1875]

* Patrick Tracey b. 15 Dec 1874 of 141 Leeson St. St. Peter's RC [s. of William Tracey, linenlapper, & Mary OLoughlin] [1875 1 403 Belfast Belfast PLU] [registered 1875]

* Patrick Tracey b. 15 Feb 1864 of Rathnageera [Rathnageeragh Fennagh]. Myshall RC [s. of Edward Tracey & Judith Murphy] [1864 3 418 Fenagh & Myshall Carlow PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 15 Jun 1875 Monard Solloghead  [Solloghodmore] Sologhead RC [s. of Daniel Tracey, railway servant, & Sarah Sweeney] [1875 8 757 Tipperary Tipperary PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 15 Nov 1868 of Knockeravan [Knockarevan      Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Magee] ]1868 17 8 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 17 Aug 1867 of Seqpatrick? Togher RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Ann Maguire] [1867 12 502 Termonfeckin Drogheda PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 17 Mar 1871 Maher’s Court Patrick Street. Kingstown RC [s. of Andrew Tracey, tailor, & Elizabeth Burrows?] [1871 7 1011 Kingstown Rathdown PLU] [unmarried]

* Patrick Tracey b. 17 May 1875 Barrack Jill Fermoy Barracks. [Fermoy] Fermoy RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, soldier, & Charloth Rosson] [1875 9 748 Fermoy Fermoy PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 18 Nov 1866 of Roscommon workhouse. Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [s. of Bridget Tracey] [1866 18 360 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 18 Sep 1864 of Goshaden Lower Cumber. Cumber Upper RC [s. of John Tracey & Rose Boyle]  [1864 17 201 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 20 Apr 1874 Spanishpoint [in Kilfarboy] Milltownmalbay RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Boland] [1874 9 271 Miltown Malbay Ennistimon PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 20 May 1867 of Cotterstown  [Cottrellstown Kilmaganny] Windgap RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Kate Carroll] [1867 9 629 Kilmaganny Callan PLU] Parish [see Mullinahone South Tipperary]

* Patrick Tracey b. 28 Dec 1874 Barrack street. Ballybricken RC [s. of Martin Tracey, sail maker, & Mary Laurence] [1875 4 990 Waterford Waterford PLU] [registered 1875]

* Patrick Tracey b. 28 Dec 1874 Barrack street. Ballybricken RC [s. of Martin Tracey, sail maker, & Mary Laurence] [1875 4 990 Waterford Waterford PLU] [registered 1875]

* Patrick Tracey b. 28 Oct 1871 Kilcahell [Kilcashel Castlemacadam] Avoca RC [s. of James Tracey, miner, & Ellen Woodburn] [1871 17 951 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 29 Sep 1868 of Liscolman [Liscolman] Clonmore RC [s. of Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith] [1868 17 921 Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 3 Feb 1872 Benekeary [Bennekerry Ballinacarrig OR Urglin] Carlow. Tinryland RC [s. of Michael Tracey, carpenter, & Ellen Nolan] [1872 3 513 Carlow Carlow PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 31 Jul 1868 of Kilfinane P. Kilfinane. Kilfinane RC [s. of John Tracey, carman, & Margaret Clery] Margaret Tracey, her mark, mother, Kilfinane [1868 15 354 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 4 Mar 1870 Ballymore  [Ballymore Eustace Ballymore Eustace] Ballymore Eustace RC [s. of James Tracey, gardener, & Catherine Lawless] [1870 2 1058 Blesinton & Ballymore Naas PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 5 Mar 1864 of 28 Queen St Portlaw? Portlaw RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Duily] [1864 4 536 Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU Waterford]

* Patrick Tracey b. 6 Aug 1865 Workhouse Rathdrum [Rathdrum] Rathdrum RC [s. of Mary Tracey] [1865 12 970 Rathdrum Rathdrum PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 7 Feb 1871 Whitewine Lane. St. John’s? RC [s. of Timothy Tracey, Milk? Market Lane labourer, & Margaret Keane] [1871 5 552 Limerick Limerick PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 8 Feb 1868 of Mackenagh [Muckenagh Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Ellen Tracey] [1868 2 9 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Patrick Tracey b. 8 Sep 1867 of Moneybeg [Dunleckny] Dunleckney? RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, stone cutter, & Johanna Ronan] [1867 13 436 Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b.  14 Mar 1869 Knockfierna [in Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry? RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Honora Downs] [1869 5 238 Castletown Croom PLU] [twins]

* Patrick Tracy b.  25 Oct 1870 of 14 Dispensary Lane. St. Michan’s RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, servant, & Elizabeth McDermott] [1870 17 541 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral]

* Patrick Tracy b. 10 Aug 1873 Ballingown [Ballingowan Aglish – Aglish RC] [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Power] [1873 14 694 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 10 Sep 1867 of Gurteen [Gorteen Devenish] Garrison RC [James Tracy, cottier?, & Mary McGrory] [1867 17 7 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 12 Oct 1872 Spencer Road Waterside. Waterside? RC [s. of Michael Tracy, schoolmaster, & Catherine McCormick] [1872 17 208 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 13 Mar 1864 of Morett [Coolbanagher] Maryborough RC [s. of Patrick Tracy & Mary Hynes] [1864 8 653 Emo Mountmellick PLU] see Portarlington RC

* Patrick Tracy b. 15 Jun 1868 of 181 Townsend Street. St. Andrews RC [s. of Laurence Tracy, cabman, & Margaret Dunn] [1868 7 795 Grand Canal Street Dublin South PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 15 Jun 1869 Dalkey [Dalkey] Dalkey RC[s. of Edward Tracy, labourer, & Mary Keogh] [1869 12 899 Killiney Rathdown PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 17 Aug 1865 Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare] Cloonclare RC [s. of Philip Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Sharky] [1865 17 244 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 17 Dec 1865 of New Road. Arklow RC [s. of Michael Tracy, coaster, & Sarah Byrne] [1865 17 915 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 17 Mar 1869 of 33 Gt Britain St. St. Mary's RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, cooper, & Matilda Moore] [1869 5 146 Cork Cork PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 18 Apr 1871 Cottages B’sloe [Ballinasloe town Kilcloony] Ballinasloe RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Katr Berrane] [1871 14 25 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 18 Feb 1872 Deerpark B’sloe [Kilcloony] Ballinasloe RC [s. of Martin Tracy, labourer, & Anne Melia] [1872 4 32 Ballinasloe Ballinasloe PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 19 Nov 1875 Crockinella [maybe in Riverstown Ballybrackan] Monasterevan RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Devoy] [1875 18 382 Monasterevan Athy PLU] [duplicate Treacy] [see Athy]

* Patrick Tracy b. 2 Sep 1870 Terigannon [Tirigannon Belleek] Carn? RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Catherine O’Neill] [1870 12 11 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 20 Jan 1870 Inistioge [Inistioge] Inistioge RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Honoria Barren] [1870 4 991 Inistioge Thomastown PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 21 Jan 1867 of Aughamuldny [Aghamuldowney Devenish] Garrison? RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Susan M'Gowan] [Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 21 Mar 1872 Ballenkillen [Ballinkillin Lorum] Dunleckney? RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Hughes] [1872 3 506 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 23 Jul 1872 of 181 Townsend Street. St. Andrews RC [s. of Laurence Tracy, cabman, & Margaret Dunne] [1872 12 691 Dublin South PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 23 Oct 1869 Smithstown [Listerlin] Tullagher RC [s. of William Tracy, labourer, & Mary Day] [1869 19 831 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 24 Apr 1873 Prospect Hill [St. Michael's RC] [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Tracy] [1873 10 543 No IV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 26 Oct 1874 Cloghfin [Kildress] Kildress RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Malaghan][1874 16 477 Pomeroy Cookstown PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 3 August 1864 of "Kill? common" [Blackcommon? Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] Ballingarry RC [s. of Edmond Tracy & Margaret Brennan] [1864 14 593 Ballingarry Callan PLU Tipperary] [quote marks on cert]

* Patrick Tracy b. 30? Apr 1865 of Moher [Upperchurch] Upperchurch and Drombane  RC [s. of Mary Tracy & John Qinnane, farmer's son] [1865 8 745 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 31 Jan 1874 Tea Lane Tullamore [Tullamore RC] [s. of John Tracy, shoemaker, & Honor Nugent][1874 8 805 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Patrick Tracy b. 7 May 1865 of Lisduff [Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer & Catherine Lowrey?] [1865 3 593 Rathdowney Donaghmore PLU]

* Patrick Trassy b. 5 Mar 1874 Menlena [Meenleana] parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [s. of Denis Trassy, landholder, & Margaret Mannion][1874 9 552 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see Donald John Treacy]

* Patrick Trasy [Nasy?] b. 2 Apr 1873 Grehnan [Greenans Turlough] [s. of Michael Trasy? Farmer, & Sarah Kelly] [1873 9 146 Castlebar Castlebar PLU] [bad copy]

* Patrick Treacey b. 22 Nov 1875 Kiltegan [Kiltegan] Rathvilly RC [s. of Michael Treacey, farmer, & Mary Keough] [1875 17 426 Kiltegan Baltinglass PLU] [duplicate Treacy]

* Patrick Treacey b. 29 Jan 1873 Drumleagah [Drumlegagh Ardstraw – Ardstraw West RC]  [s. of Patrick Treacy, labourer, & Anne Judge] [1873 2 396 Newtownstewart Strabane PLU] [see Ardstraw East]

* Patrick Treacy b. 1 Apr 1875 Skehana [Skehanagh Killavinoge OR Killea] Templemore RC [s. of Andrew Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Hines] [1875 8 676 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 1 Aug 1870 Cashel [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle? RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Jane Carlan] [1870 12 121 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 1 Aug 1873 Carrickastuck Philipstown [Haggardstown? RC] [s. of Henry Treacy, farmer, & Anne Duffy] [1873 12 748 Barronstown Dundalk PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 1 may 1869 Ballinahesheragh [Ballynaheskeragh Killimorbologue] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Honor Quinn] [1869 9 500 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 10 Jan 1870 Tobernea Middle P. Effin. Effin and Gamenderk RC [s. of Edmond Treacy, labourer, & Hanora Quin] [1870 5 450 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU] [see Knocklong and Glenbrohane]

* Patrick Treacy b. 10 Mar 1868 of Monavarnogue [Monavarnoge] Ardagh. Killeagh? RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Julia Murray] [1868 9 1029 Templemichael Youghal PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 12 Apr 1872 Meelick Tuam. Tuam? RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, landholder, & Mary Corless] [1872 9 608 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 14 Jun 1870 Workhouse Athy [s. of Margaret Treacy] [1870 8 469 Athy Athy PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 14 Mar 1864 of Goats lane Tipperary [Cordangan OR Corroge OR Tipperary] Tipperary RC [s. of James Treacy & Hanora Rahelly] [1864 3 674 Tipperary Tipperary PLU] see Cashel

* Patrick Treacy b. 15 Apr 1873 Tantore [Tonteere Ballybrood – Caherconlish RC] [s. of John Treacy, carpenter, & Johana Connell] [1873 10 497 Caherconlish Limerick PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 16 Jan 1867 of Ballynahown Ballingaddy. Kilmallock RC [s. of David Treacy, farmer, & Mary Moran] [1867 5 419 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 17 Feb 1865 of Reaghan [Tynagh] Tynagh RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Quin] [1865 4 492 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 19 Nov 1875 Crockinella [maybe in Riverstown Ballybrackan] Monasterevan RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Devoy] [1875 18 382 Monasterevan Athy PLU] [duplicate Tracy] [see Athy]

* Patrick Treacy b. 2 Aug 1874 Clogheen [Lackagh OR Monasterevin] Monasterevan RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, labourer, & Catherine Doolan][1874 13 403 Monasterevan Athy PLU] [see Portarlington Laois]

* Patrick Treacy b. 20 Feb 1873 Gibbinstown [Gibbonstown Kilbreedy Major - Bulgaden RC] [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Catherine Condon] [1873 5 448 Kilmallock Kilmallock PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 20 Nov 1875 Ballingoola [Cahercorney] Hospital RC [s. of William Treacy, labourer, & Ellen Jones] [1875 20 338 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 22 Nov 1875 Kiltegan [Kiltegan] Rathvilly RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Keough] [1875 17 426 Kiltegan Baltinglass PLU] [duplicate Treacey]

* Patrick Treacy b. 23 Feb 1871 Knockatee parish of Dunmore. Dunmore? RC [s. of James Treacy, landholder, & Mary Glynn] [1871 4 711 Dunmore Tuam PLU] [see Raymond William Treacy]

* Patrick Treacy b. 24 Dec 1875 Rossinure [Drumanore crossed out – Drumanure Devenish] [Devenish] Devenish RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Anne Timoney] [1875 17 67 Ely Enniskillen PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 24 Oct 1874 Castlerea [Castlereagh] parish of Kilkeevan Kilkeevin RC [s. of William Treacy, clerk of Petty Sessions, & Catherine McGovern][1874 19 140 Castlerea Castlerea PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 25 Feb 1868 of Belwell [Tobernaclug] parish of Dunmore. Dunmore RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, landholder, & Bridget Connely] [1868 4 347 Dunmore Glenamaddy PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 25 Jun 1868 of Belgrove [Templerobin] Cobh RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Ellen Walsh] [1868 15 180 Queenstown Cork PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 27 Feb 1872 Cashel  [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Jane Carlin] [1872 2 148 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 27 Jan 1868 of Gortnadumna [Gortnadumagh Bourney] Bournea and Corbally RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Mary Greed/Reed] [1868 3 666 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 28 May 1875 Poulacopple [Poulacapple Kilvemnon] Mullinahone? RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Doran] [1875 9 603 Mullinahone Callan PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 6 Jan 1872 Summer Hill Roscrea [Rathnaveoge] Roscrea RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Madden] [1872 13 619 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 6 Mar 1875 Poulthaloon  [Polltalloon Tynagh] Tynagh RC [s. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Mitchell] [1875 4 475 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 7 Oct 1870 Cashel [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle? RC [s. of Frank Treacy, farmer, & Mary McGurk] [1870 17 117 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Patrick Treacy b. 7? May 1874 Knockahorna [Knockanora Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Mary White][1874 8 722 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Patrick Treasy b. 17 May 1869 Moneygall Cullenwaine. Moneygall RC [s. of Michael Treasy, labourer, & Onny Tobin] [1869 8 732 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Patrick Treasy b. 24 Apr 1870 Ballingarry Ballingarry. Shinrone RC [s. of Thomas Treasy, labourer, & Anne Waters] [1870 8 494 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU]

* Patrick Treasy b. 24 Mar 1867 of Gortnagoyne parish of Dunmore. Dunmore RC [s. of James Treasy, landholder, & Bridget Boyle] [1867 9 564 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Patrick Tressy b. 18 Feb 1872 Rathruddy Loughrea [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane RC [s. of Thady Tressy, farmer, & Honoria Martyn] Bridget Tressy, her mark, present at birth, Rathruddy [1872 4 488 Loughrea Loughrea PLU] [see Michael Edward Tressy]

* Patrick Tressy b. 21 Jul 1875 Drummerkillen [Drumerkillew Kildrumsherdan] Larah? RC? [s. of Patrick Tressy, labourer, & Anne Mohan] [1875 13 161 Tullyvin Cootehill PLU]

* Patrick Tressy b. 4 Jan 1874 Rathruddy Loughra  [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane RC [s. of Patrick Tressy, Farmer, & Bridget Burke] [1874 4 447 Loughrea Loughrea PLU]

* Patt Tracy b. 28 Apr 1870 Tearuascreagh [Tiranascragh Tiranascragh] Killimore and Tiranascragh  RC [s. of  Martin Tracy, herd, & Eliza Phelan] [1870 9 521 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU] [crossed out] [duplicate]

* Patt Tracy b. 3 Mar 1865 of Nicker [Grean] Pallasgreen and Templebredin RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Hourigan] [1865 3 763 Grean Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Patt Trassy b. 25 May 1867 of Ballinahinch [Kilcomenty] Ballinahinch and Killoscully? RC [s. of John Trassy, labourer, & Hanora Bray] [1867 8 672 Newport Nenagh PLU]

* Patt Treacy b.  2 Oct 1869 Monivea B Ruane [Monivea] [Ballinrooaun Moylough] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Anne Ruane] [1869 19 557 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Patt Treacy b. 27 Apr 1870 Ballycussane [Ballycrossaun Tiranascragh] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [s. of Martin Treacy, labour, & Eliza Whelan] [1870 9 527 Portumna Portumna PLU] [duplicate]


* Peter Paul Tracey b. 26 Nov 1872 of 10 Arthurs Lane. St. Nicholas RC [s. of Peter Paul Tracey, bricklayer, & Mary Tracey] [1872 17 664 Dublin South PLU] [see St Michael & John]

* Peter Paul Tracy b. 30 June 1872, “The Farm Yard” Edmondstown [Whitechurch]. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of William Tracy, labourer, 30 Liffey Street Upper Dublin, & Jane Scott] [1872 12 729 Rathfarnham Dublin South PLU]

* Peter Tracey b. 28 Sep 1871 Liscolman [Liscolman] Clonmore RC [s. of Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith] [1871 17 965 Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU]

* Peter Tracey b. 29 Jun 1865 of Nuns? Walk. St. Peter's, RC Drogheda [s. of Michael Tracey, coal porter, & Mary Ford] [1865 7 543 Drogheda Drogheda PLU]

* Peter Tracey b. 30 Aug 1864 of Cashel [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle RC [s. of Patrick Tracey & Jane Karlin] [1864 17 121 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Peter Tracey b. 7 Nov 1869 Rathleague [Kilcolmanbane OR Straboe] Maryborough RC [s. of Edward Tracey, labourer, & Elizabeth McEvoy] [1869 18 554 Maryborough Mountmellick PLU]

* Peter Tracy b.  12 Aug 1869 Cloghfin [Kildress] Kildress? RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Malaghan] [1869 11 510 Pomeroy Cookstown PLU]

* Peter Tracy b. 12 Jan 1865 of Glenan [Glennan Donacavey] Donacavey RC [s. of Edward Tracy, farmer, & Margery Mullan] [1865 2 337 Fintona Omagh PLU]

* Peter Tracy b. 18 Apr 1872 Sandyforts Alley. St. Peter's RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Conlan] [1872 7 546 Drogheda Drogheda PLU]

* Peter Tracy b. 2 Feb 1872 Argart [Ardgart Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, school master, & Anne Keon] [1872 2 16 Churchhill Ballyshannon PLU] [twin]

* Peter Tracy b. 3 Mar 1867 of Morett [Coolbanagher] Portarlington RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Maria Hynes] [1867 3 602 Emo Mountmellick PLU]

* Peter Tracy b. 6 Jan 1867 of Kiltyclogher [Cloonclare] Clooneclare RC [s. of Anthony Tracy, tailor, & Mary Leinard] [1867 2 263 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

* Peter Treacy [Summers] b. 29 Oct 1866 of Roscommon Workhouse [Roscommon] Roscommon and Kilteevan RC [s. of Catherine Treacy] [1866 18 357 Roscommon Roscommon PLU]

* Peter Treacy b. 29 Mar 1871 Grove St Main St Roscrea. [Roscrea] Roscrea RC [s. of William Treacy, sub constable, Main St Roscrea, & Henrietta Minie? Madden] [1871 8 729 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* Peter Treacy b. 7 Feb 1868 of Cashel [Bodoney, Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle? RC [s. of Francis Treacy, farmer, & Mary McGurk] [1868 2 140 Gortin Gortin PLU]


* Philip Tracey b. 19 Jul 1867 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Catherine Kelly] [1867 14 409 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Philip Tracy b. 11 Jun 1867 of Rathmoyre? [Rathmoy Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [s. of William Tracy, small farmer, & Margaret Kearns] [1867 8 736 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* Philip Treacy b. 19 Jul 1865 of Athlunkard St. [St. Mary's]  St. Mary's? RC  [s. of William Treacy, Lnb? constable in police, & Susan Bourke] William Treacy, father, Athlunkard St [1865 15 378 Saint Munchens Limerick PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Philip Treacy b. 20 Mar 1868 of Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Jas Treacy, billiard marker, & Mgt Ryan] [1868 3 701 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Phillip Treacy/Tressy b. 26 Mar 1866 of Killara [Killyraw?] Newtown Butler [Galloon] Clones RC [s. of James Tressy, farmer, & Biddy Sherry] [1866 8 168 Newtown Butler Clones PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]


* Richard Henry Tracy b. 9 Jun 1873 of 24 Hospital Lane [St. Peter? CoI] [s. of John Tracy, baker, & Anne Cue][1873 15 170 Cork Cork PLU]

* Richard Tracey b.  19 Feb 1869 of 7 Michaels Hill. St Michael & John RC [s. of Richard Tracey, lamplighter, & Mary Roche] [1869 2 730 Dublin South PLU] Error – should be Francis son of Francis]

* Richard Tracey b. 7 Mar 1874 Kilree St Bagnalstown [Dunleckny] Dunleckney? RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, stone cutter, & Johanna Ronin] [1874 3 451 Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]

* Richard Tracy b. 1 Apr 1872 Sallins Road Naas [Naas] Naas RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, servant, & Ellen Byrne] [1872 7 950 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

* Richard Tracy b. 20 Dec 1875 Hughestown [Hughstown Killelan] Castledermot RC [s. of James Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Reynolds] [1876 2 489 Baltinglass Baltinglass PLU] [registered 1876]

* Richard Tracy b. 5 Dec 1872 Green Hills [Tallaght] Rathfarnham? RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Banon] [1872 17 740 Tallaght Dublin South PLU] [see St. Catherines]

* Richard Treacy b. 12 Feb 1872 Cappawhite [Toem] Cappawhite RC [s. of Richard Treacy, shop keeper, & Catherine Power] [1872 3 765 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU]

* Richard Treacy b. 14 Jan 1866 of Moneygall Cullenwain. Moneygall RC [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Honora Tobin] [1866 3 717 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Richard Treacy b. 20 Jul 1874 Bishopswood [Kilmore (Kilnamanagh)] Knockavilla RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, farmer, & Johana Ryan][1874 13 473 Kilpatrick Cashel PLU]

* Richard Treacy b. 23 Jan 1869 Red House [Redhouse Killaloe] Ballycallan RC [s. of James Treacy, herd, & Honna Maher] [1869 4 704 Callan Callan PLU] [Riehard in online index] [see Mullinahone Tipperary]

* Richard Treacy b. 24 Dec 1868 Ballymagill [Ballymackillagill Listerlin] Tullagher RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Mackey] [1869 4 975 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Richard Treacy b. 24 Dec 1868 Ballymagill [Ballymackillagill Listerlin] Tullagher RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, farmer, & Mary Mackey] [1869 4 975 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Richard Treasy b. 18 Sep 1868 of Cloonteen [Doon] Cappamore? RC [s. of John Treasy, farmer, & Margaret Godfrey] [1868 13 661 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU Limerick]


* Robert Henry Treacy b. 2 Apr 1864 of 9 Newcomen Road? North Strand. St Thomas CoI [s. of Simon Treacy & Ellen E Butler]  [1864 7 578 Dublin North PLU]

* Robert John Tracy b. 28 Dec 1870 Glasslough Street [Monaghan] Monaghan RC [s. of Robert Tracy, mounted constable of police, & Mary Anne Rooney] [1871 3 331 Monaghan Monaghan PLU] [registered 1871]

* Robert John Tracy b. 28 Dec 1870 Glasslough Street [Monaghan] Monaghan RC [s. of Robert Tracy, mounted constable of police, & Mary Anne Rooney] [1871 3 331 Monaghan Monaghan PLU] [registered 1871]

* Robert Thomas Treacy b. 25 Sep 1866 of 2 Blaquire [Blaquiere] Bridge Road. St. Michan? CoI [s. of Robert Treacy, drapers assistant, & Elizabeth Nordin] [1866 17 499 Dublin North PLU] see Birr Co. Offaly

* Robert Tracey b. 10 Apr 1871 Work House Enniskillen [s. of Elizabeth Tracey] [1871 7 77 Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU]

* Robert Tracey b. 10 Oct 1866 of Inver Larne [Inver] Larne RC [s. of Robert Tracey, beetling engine man, & Catherine Wills] Catherine Tracey, mother, Inver [1866 16 603 Larne Larne PLU]

* Robert Tracy b. 10 Apr 1869 Gortilea Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC  [s. of Manasses Tracy, shoemaker, & Jane Neill] [1869 6 1017 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Robert Tracy b. 12 Jun 1867 of Lucan [Lucan] Clondalkin RC [s. of Robert Tracy, laborer, & Elizabeth Lynch] [1867 7 552 Lucan Celbridge PLU]

* Robert Tracy b. 14 May 1866 of Brackfield Cumber [Cumber Lower] Cumber Upper RC [s. of James Tracy, labourer, & Mary Kane] James Tracy, his mark, father, Brackfield [1866 7 220 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Robert Tracy b. 21 Sep 1871 River? Side Antrim. Muckamore CoI [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Jane Corry] [1871 11 5 Antrim Antrim PLU]

* Robert Tracy b. 26 Jun 1868 of Oennefather Lane Kilkenny. St. Mary's RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, car driver, & Mary Reilly] [1868 13 533 Kilkenny Kilkenny PLU]

* Robert Tracy b. 27 May 1865 of Moville [Moville town Moville, Lower] Moville RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Jane Beattie] [1865 7 165 Moville Inishowen PLU]

* Robert Treacy b. 14 Dec 1864 of Danagile [Donaguile Castlecomer] Castlecomer CoI. [s. of John Treacy & Margaret Copley] [1864 18 496 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU]


* Rosanna Tracey b. 4 Sep 1867 of Custom Gap [Athlone Road leaves Moate - Gap House] Moate [Kilcleagh OR Kilmanaghan] Moate RC [d. of John Tracey, labourer, of America, & Kate Corican [Corrigan]] [Moate Athlone PLU Westmeath]

* Rosanna Tracy b. 4 Oct 1870 Bonlahy [Bunlahy Granard] Granard RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Rose McCabe] [1870 18 204 Granard Granard PLU]

* Rose Ann Tracy b. 24 Oct 1866 of Sallowhilly Cumber [Sallowilly Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [d. of Hugh Tracy, farmer, & Mary Sharkey] Mary Tracy, her mark, mother, Sallowhilly [1866 17 204 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Rose Anne Tracey b. 16 Feb 1874 Mackenagh [Muckenagh Inishmacsaint] Garrison? RC [d. of John Tracey, farmer, & Ellen Tracey] [1874 2 10 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Rose Anne Tracy b. 10 Apr 1875 Naas [Naas] Naas RC [d. of Richard Tracy, baker, & Rose Carroll] [1875 7 900 Naas Naas PLU] [see Cantrell Tracy of Naas]

* Rose Anne Treacy b.  9 Jan 1871 Lislea [Clonbroney] Clonbroney RC [d. of Cornelious Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Keirnan] [1871 3 217 Ballinalee Granard PLU]

* Rose Tracey b.  21 Dec 1873 of 79 Manor Street [St. Paul's RC] [d. of Stephen Tracey, revenue officer, & Maria Gilligan] [1874 2 623 Dublin North] [registered 1874] [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Rose Tracey b.  21 Dec 1873 of 79 Manor Street [St. Paul's RC] [d. of Stephen Tracey, revenue officer, & Maria Gilligan] [1874 2 623 Dublin North] [registered 1874] [see Treaceys of Fuerty Roscommon]

* Rose Tracey b. 14 Aug 1874 Gurteen [Gorteen Devenish] Garrison RC [James Tracey, farmer, & Mary McGrory] James Tracey, his mark, father, Gurteen [1874 12 10 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Rose Tracey b. 14 Sep 1868 of Heebar? Street Tullamore  [Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore? RC? [d. of Patrick Tracey, officier of customs, Liverpool,  & Rose Molloy] [1868 18 699 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Rose Tracy b.  7 Jun 1869 Glen East  [Inishmacsaint] Garrison? RC [d. of Francis Tracy, farmer, & Anne McFadden] [1869 7 9 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Rose Tracy b. 1 Jul 1865 of Lawrence [Syndays? crossed out] Gate. St Peters RC [d. of Michael [Richard crossed out] Tracy, weaver, & Biddy Connolly] [1865 12 491 Drogheda/East St Peters Drogheda PLU] duplicate

* Rose Tracy b. 17 Jan 1865 of Tavermore? [Tower More Devenish] Garrison RC [d. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine McManus] [1865 2 11 Belleck Ballyshannon PLU]

* Rose Tracy b. 21 May 1872 Kiltyclogher Clooneclare. Clooneclare RC [d. of Anthony Tracy, farmer, & Mary Leonard] [1872 7 284 Manorhamilton Manorhamilton PLU]

* Rose Tracy b. 26 Nov 1870 The Derries [St Marys, Athlone] [d. of Mary Tracy] [1870 18 3 Athlone Athlone PLU Westmeath]

* Rose Tracy b. 4 Dec 1872 Cashel [Bodoney Lower] Badoney Lower and Greencastle? RC [d. of Frank Tracy, labourer, & Mary McGurk] [1872 17 126 Gortin Gortin PLU]

* Rose Tracy b. 5 July 1865 of Scarlet Street [d. of Michael Tracy, porter, & Bridget Connolly] [1865 12 493 East St Peters Drogheda PLU] duplicate

* Rose Tracy? [Nacy] b. 10 Jul 1874 Castlebellingham [Gernonstown] Kilsarran? RC? [d. of Laurence Tracy? [Nacy], labourer, & Mary Anne McMahan] [1874 12 389 Castlebellingham Ardee PLU]

* Rose Tressy b. 19 Oct 1867 of Coony's Row Cootehill [Drumgoon] Drumgoon RC [d. of Patrick Tressy sen, labourer, & Rose Quinn] [1867 18 153 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]


* Ruby Elizabeth Treacy b. 1 Dec 1875 of 36 W Clare Street [Belfast] Presbyterian? Church Townsend St [d. of George Treacy, draper, & Elizabeth McKay] [1875 16 346 Belfast Belfast PLU] [cancelled]


* Sabina Treacy b. 18 Feb 1868 of Glasslough St Monaghan. Monaghan RC [d. of James Treacy, sergeant Monaghan Militia & Mary Anne McKenna] [1868 3 316 Monaghan Monaghan PLU]


* Sally Treacy b. 16 May 1873 Crumlin [Abbeyknockmoy - Abbeyknockmoy? RC?] [d. of William Treacy, cottier, & Bridget Loughlin] [1873 9 575 Abby Tuam PLU]


* Samuel Treacy b. 29 Aug 1867 of Donagile [Donaguile Castlecomer] Castlecomer CoI. [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Neill] Harriet Copley, her mark, present at birth, Donagile [1867 13 499 Castlecomer Castlecomer PLU] [see William Treacy of Bellmount Kilkenny]


* Sarah Ann Tracey b. 14 July 1875 Fanaghan [Fanaghans] Par of Inver. Inver? RC [d. of John Tracey, fisherman, & Unity Tolan] [1875 12 37 Dunkineely Donegal PLU]

* Sarah Elizabeth Tracey b. 21 Jan 1866 of 22 Little Patrick Street Belfast. St. Patrick's RC [d. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Sarah McGaley] [1866 1 271 Belfast Belfast PLU]

* Sarah Tracey b. 10 Jan 1872 Becher St Mallow. Mallow RC [d. of James Tracey, carpenter, & Anne Sproule] [1872 5 652 Mallow Mallow PLU]

* Sarah Tracey b. 16 Jan 1872 of  1 North Anne St. St. Michan’s RC [d. of James Tracey, painter, & Jane Campbell] [1872 2 635 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral and Derry]

* Sarah Tracey b. 29 Apr 1866 of Drumshanbo [Kildress] Kildress RC [d. of Francis Tracey, farmer, & Rose McGurk] [1866 6 576 Pomeroy Cookstown PLU]

* Sarah Tracy b. 13 Mar 1867 of Kilcashel [Castlemacadam] Avoca RC [d. of William Tracy, miner, & Margaret Doyle] William Tracy, his mark, father, Kilcashel [1867 2 999 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU]

* Sarah Tracy b. 20 Sep 1867 of 30 Thomas Court. St Catherines? RC [d. of Thomas Tracy, dairy man, & Bridget Russell] [1867 12 631 Dublin South PLU]

* Sarah Tracy b. 21 July 1866 of Carlow Gate Castledermot [Castledermot] Castledermot RC [d. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Byrne] [1866 13 407 Castledermot Athy PLU]

* Sarah Tracy b. 22 Feb 1867 of Glenkeel [Glenchiel Bodoney, Upper] Badoney Upper RC [d. of Dominak Tracy, farmer, & Ellen McSwiggan] [1867 17 120 Plumbridge Gortin PLU]

* Sarah Tracy b. 3 Apr 1873 Bishopswood [Kilmore (Kilnamanagh)] - Knockavilla RC][d. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Johana Ryan] [1873 8 530 Kilpatrick Cashel PLU]

* Sarah Tracy b. 30 Nov 1872 Cultachrane [Cuiltycreaghan Bekan] Bekan? RC [d. of John Tracy, landholder, & Bridget Waldron?] [1872 19 179 Ballindine Claremorris PLU]

* Sarah Trassy b. 10 Oct? 1874 Carraragh [Carrowreagh Killoran] Mullagh? RC? [d. of Patrick Trassy, farmer, & Mary Fahy][1874 19 31 Kiltomer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Sarah Treacy b. 13 June 1866 of Cullenwain Cullenwain. Moneygall RC [d. of Denis Treacy, farmer, & Margaret Neil] [1866 8 707 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Sarah Treacy b. 16 Jul 1870 Cadamstown [Letterluna] Roscumroe RC [d. of James Treacy, schoolmaster, New Jersey America & Kate Kinarny] [1870 13 623 Kinnitty Parsonstown PLU] [moved to Manhattan & Brooklyn New York]

* Sarah Treacy b. 30 Oct 1869 Drumclay [Enniskillen] Enniskillen  RC [d. of James Treacy, labourer, & Catherine O’Dare] [1869 17 69 Enniskillen Enniskillen PLU]

* Sarah Treacy b. 6 Apr 1869 Stagstown Hollypark Whitechurch [in Whitechurch – Lewis] Kilternan and Kilgobbin? CoI [d. of Edward Treacy, herd, & Margaret Rogers] [1869 7 805 Rathfarnham Dublin South PLU]

* Sarah Tressy b. 10 May 1868 of Rathruddy Loughrea [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane RC [d. of Thady Tressy, small farmer, & Honoria Martyn] [1868 9 432 Loughrea Loughrea PLU] [see Michael Edward Tressy]


* Simon Treacy b.  17 Jul 1869 East Port [in Ballyhanna] Ballyshannon. Innismacsaint? RC [s. of Charles Treacy, boot & shoe maker, & Margaret Timony] [1869 12 5 Ballyshannon Ballyshannon PLU]


* Stephen Treacy b. 26 Dec 1871 Killawardy [Killea OR Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Stapleton] [1872 3 711 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1872]**

* Stephen Treacy b. 26 Dec 1871 Killawardy [Killea OR Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Michael Treacy, farmer, & Eliza Stapleton] [1872 3 711 Bourney Roscrea PLU] [registered 1872]**


* Susan Tracey b.  19 Jan 1870 Kilmacoo [Castlemacadam OR Redcross] Castlemacadam CoI [d. of Richard Tracey, miner, & Maryanne Tracey] [1870 2 1173 Newbridge Rathdrum PLU] [twins]

* Susan Tracey b. 7 Feb 1869 Raylagh [Rylagh Cappagh] Cappagh? RC [d. of James Tracey, labourer, & Eliza Beattie] [1869 2 324 Omagh Omagh PLU]

* Susannah Tracey b. 16 Feb 1873 Graces St Nenagh – Nenagh RC[d. of William Tracey, police constable, & Susannah Burke] [1873 3 640 Nenagh Nenagh PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]


* Terence Tracey b. 27 Jul 1874 Lr Main St [Arklow] Arklow RC [s. of James Tracey, fisherman, & Bridget Byrne] [1874 12 952 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]


* Teresa Tracey b. 14 May 1873 of 70 New Street - St. Nicholas Without RC [d. of James Tracey, carpenter, & Teresa ONeill] [1873 7 755 Dublin South PLU] [see Kilkenny]

* Teresa Tracey b. 17 July 1868 of 54 East Arran Street. St. Michan’s RC [d. of Luke Tracey, laborer, & Bridget Martin] Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, 54 East Arran Street [1868 12 555 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* Teresa Tracey b. 5 Dec 1868 of 40 Sixth St Belfast. St. Peter's RC [d. of James Tracey, mechanic, & Teresa Hughes] [1868 16 337 Belfast Belfast PLU]

* Teresa Tracy b. 13 Apr 1866 of Streamstown [Ardnurcher, or Horseleap] Clara and Horseleap RC [d. of William Tracy, farmer and shopkeeper, & Hannah Jordan] [1866 8 349 Castletown Geoghegan Mullingar PLU] [see Tracy Peerage Case]

* Teresa Tracy b. 17 Aug 1873 Coole [Ballyburly - Rhode RC] [d. of William Tracy, farmer, & Teresa Forbes] [1873 13 508 Rhode Edenderry PLU]


* Thaddeus Tracey b. 15 Jan 1873 of White Wine Lane - St. John's RC [s. of Thaddeus Tracey, labourer, & Margaret Keane?] [1873 5 516 City No 3 Limerick PLU]

* Thadeus Tracey b. 13 Oct 1864 of Kilkatane [Kilkittaun Clonrush Galway] Clonrush RC [s. of Thadeus Tracey & Margaret Minogue] [1864 19 473 Mountshannon Scarriff PLU Clare & Galway]

* Thadeus Tressy b. 10 May 1874 Rathruddy Loughrea [Raruddy Kilconickny] Carabane? RC [Thadeus Tressy, farmer, & Honoria Martyn] [1874 9 419 Loughrea Loughrea PLU]


* Thomas [Patrick?] Tracey b. 2 Feb 1873 Ballymartin  [Clonygoose – Borris RC] [s. of Jeremia Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Handlon] [1873 3 490 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Thomas Henry Tracey b. 28 Jan 1865 of 103 Lr Gardiner St. St. Mary Pro-Cathedral RC [s. of Thomas Henry Tracey, solicitor, & Delia Burke] [1865 2 624 Dublin North PLU] [see Thomas Henry Tracey]

* Thomas Joseph Tracey b. 13 Apr 1870 Harbar Street Tullamore [s. of Patrick Tracey, customs officer, Liverpool, & Rose Molloy] [1870 8 841 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Thomas Thracy b. 23 Jan 1875 Laraghmore  [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Stephen Thracy, land holder, & Bridget Murphy] [1875 ? 295 Turloughmore Galway PLU]

* Thomas Thracy b. 31 Jan 1873 Laeaghmore [Laragh More Abbeyknockmoy. Abbeyknockmoy? RC] [s. of Patrick Thracy, landholder, & Honor Delaney]  Honor Thracy, her mark, mother, Laraghmore [1873 ? 345 Tuloughmore Galway PLU]

* Thomas Tracey [Tacey] b. 15 Feb 1868 of Kilroot Newtown Butler [Galloon Fermanagh] Galloon COI [s. of William Tacey, labourer, & Isabella Hurst?] [1868 3 168 Newtown Butler Clones PLU] [1901 Gortgarvan Fermanagh]

* Thomas Tracey b.  1 Mar 1874 Clonacushe [Cloonnacusha Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Celia Tracey] Celia Tracey, her mark, mother, Clonacusha [1874 9 475 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]*

* Thomas Tracey b.  13 Aug 1969 Quarterclough [Carrowclogh Kilmoylan] Shanagolden RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farmer, & Mary Madigan] [1869 15 570 Askeaton Rathkeale PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b.  25 Nov 1869 Kilree [Sliguff] Dunleckney? RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, stone cutter, & Johanna Ronin] [1869 18 434 Bagenalstown Carlow PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 1 Jun 1871 Glenbower [Fiddown Kilkenny] Ballyneale RC Tipperary [s. of William Tracey, labourer, & Ellen Hearn] [1871 9 717 Carrick-on-Suir [Pilltown] Carrick-on-Suir PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 10 Aug 1869 Fanaghan Parish of Invir [Fanaghans Inver] Inver RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Unity Tolan] [1869 12 34 Dunkineely Donegal PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 10 Mar 1873 Ballinree [Sliguff – Myshall RC] [s. of Patrick Tracey, farmer, & Maria Byrne] [1873 3 492 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 11 May 1866 of Carrichamore [Carrowmore Moynoe] Scarriff RC [s. of Michael Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Farrell] [1866 9 489 Mountshannon Scarriff PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 11 Oct 1864 of Old Hill Waterside [Oghill? Cumber Lower] Waterside RC Derry. Michael Tracey, schoolmaster, & Catherine McCormick [1864 17 204 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 12 Feb 1867 of 14 Grattan Court. St Andrews RC [s. of John Tracey, coal porter, & Anne Crolly] [1867 7 804 Grand Canal Street Dublin South PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 13 Feb 1870 Ballenkillen [Ballinkillin Lorum] Dunleckney? RC [s. of James Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hughes] [1870 3 508 Borris Carlow PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 14 Jul 1873 Meelick Tuam [Tuam? RC] [s. of Patrick Tracey, landholder, & Mary Corless] [1873 14 563 Tuam Tuam PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 14 Mar 1873 of 7 Essex St [St Michael & John RC] [s. of Thomey Tracey, labourer, & Bessie Devine] [1873 7 730 Dublin South PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* Thomas Tracey b. 16 Jun 1874 of 10 Arthurs Lane [St Michael & John RC] [s. of Peter Tracey, bricklayer, & Mary Tracey] [1874 7 737 Dublin South PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 1875 17 Oct Ferns [Ferns OR Kilbride] Ferns RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Anne Kenny][1875 19 699 Ferns Enniscorthy PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 21 Apr 1864 of Glencappagh [Glencoppogagh Bodoney, Upper] Badoney Upper RC [s. of James Tracey & Jane Trainor] [1864 7 131 Plumbridge Gortin PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 21 Dec 1872 Ballycosney [Kilbride] Tullamore? RC [s. of Mathew Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Gannon] [1872 18 697 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 22 Dec 1869 Cappanakiddea [Cappanakeady Kilmastulla] Ballinahinch and Killoscully? RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Hanora Bray] [1870 3 659 Newport Nenagh PLU] [Registered 1870]

* Thomas Tracey b. 22 Dec 1869 Cappanakiddea [Cappanakeady Kilmastulla] Ballinahinch and Killoscully? RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Hanora Bray] [1870 3 659 Newport Nenagh PLU] [Registered 1870]

* Thomas Tracey b. 22 Feb 1869 Whitestown [Mothel] Mothel and Rathgormack RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Mary Carroll] [1869 4 739 Rathgormuck Carrick-on-Suir PLU Waterford]

* Thomas Tracey b. 22 Jan 1871 Gortilea Cumber [Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of Manus Tracey, shoemaker, & Jane Neill] [1871 1 996 Feeny Newtownlimavady PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 22 May 1867 of Duagh [Drumcannon] Waterford. Tramore RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, farm labourer, & Mary Byrne] [1867 9 974 Waterford Waterford PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 23 Dec 1873 Cotterstown  [Cottrellstown Kilmaganny] Windgap RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Carroll] [1874 4 685 Kilmoganney Callan PLU] [registered 1874]

* Thomas Tracey b. 23 Dec 1873 Cotterstown  [Cottrellstown Kilmaganny] Windgap RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Carroll] [1874 4 685 Kilmoganney Callan PLU] [registered 1874]

* Thomas Tracey b. 25 Aug 1875 of 50 Bride Street. St. Nicholas Without RC [s. of James Tracey, carpenter, & Teresa ONeill] [1875 12 650 Dublin South PLU] [see Kilkenny]

* Thomas Tracey b. 25 February 1864 of Bailieboro [Bailieborough Bailieborough] Killanne RC [s. of James Tracey & Honora Brady] [1864 2 349 Bailieborough Bailieborough PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 29 Jan 1875 Liscolman [Liscolman] Clonmore RC [s. of Peter Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Smith] [1875 2 1024 Coolkenna & Hacketstown Shillelagh PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 7 Jul 1867 of Stockwell Lane. St. Peter's RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Bridget Conlan?] [1867 12 483 St. Peters West Ward Drogheda PLU]

* Thomas Tracey b. 7 May 1868 of Powerstown [Clonmelsh] Tinryland RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Catherine Lynch] [1868 8 500 Bagnalstown Carlow PLU]

* Thomas Tracey, b. 25 Mar 1871 Workhouse South Dublin Union [s. of Marie Tracy] [1871 7 692 Dublin South PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b.  12 Dec 1869 Craig Cumber [Cregg Cumber Upper] Cumber Upper RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, shoe-maker, & Margaret Cartin] [1869 17 198 Claudy Londonderry PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b.  26 Aug 1870 of 39 Bow Lane at 12.30 p.m. St James RC [s. of John Tracy, railway guard, & Mary Cane] [1870 12 635 Dublin South PLU] [twins] [see St Andrews]

* Thomas Tracy b. 1 Aug 1875 Laha [Lahagh Templeree] Loughmore and Castleiny RC [s. of William Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Brennan] William Tracy, father, Laha [1875 13 610 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 10 Jul 1867 of Templetuohy [Templetuohy] Moyne and Templetuohy RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, labourer, & Margaret Tracy] [1867 13 641 Moyne Thurles PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 12 Feb 1864 of 20 Dumbar Street. St. Finbarr’s RC [s. of Thomas Tracy & Ellen Neil]  [1864 5 154 South Cork Cork PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 12 Sep 1866 of Drumingna [Kiltubbrid] Kiltubbrid RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Mary Shanley] [1866 18 77 Leitrim Carrick On Shannon PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 15 Jan 1875 Knockerevan [Knockarevan Inishmacsaint].Garrison? RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Catherine Magee] [1875 2 9 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 16 Mar 1874 Rathgarret [Rathgarrett Newtown] Castletown-Geoghegan? RC? [s. of Rose Tracy] [1874 8 364 Tyrrellspass Mullingar PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 2 Feb 1872 Argart [Ardgart Inishmacsaint] Garrison RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, school master, & Anne Keon] [1872 2 16 Churchhill Ballyshannon PLU] [twin]

* Thomas Tracy b. 21 Jan 1872 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Margaret Joyce] [1872 4 154 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]**

* Thomas Tracy b. 21 Nov 1864 of Scribbagh [Devenish] Innismacsaint RC?. [s. of Thomas Tracy & Cecilia McGowan] [1864 17 13 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU Fermanagh]

* Thomas Tracy b. 23 Aug 1865 of Kellys Lane Kilkenny. St. Johns? [s. Thomas Tracy, porter?, & Mary Reily] [1865 13 556 Kilkenny Kilkenny PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 23 June 1871 Chapel Street Freshford [Freshford] Freshford RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Bridgit Spencer] Thomas Tracy, his mark, father, Chapel Street Freshford [1871 8 614 Freshford Kilkenny PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 23 Mar 1867 of Smithstown [Listerlin] Tullagher RC [s. of William Tracy, labourer, & Mary Day] [1867 4 914 Dysartmoon New Ross PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 24 Dec 1868 Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Borris RC [s. of Darby Tracy, farmer, & Maria Hanlon] [1869 3 479 Borris Carlow PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Thomas Tracy b. 24 Dec 1868 Ballymartin [Clonygoose] Borris RC [s. of Darby Tracy, farmer, & Maria Hanlon] [1869 3 479 Borris Carlow PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Thomas Tracy b. 25 Feb 1864 of Union Workhouse Mt Meelick. Mountmellick  RC [s. of John Tracy, of England, & Hannah McNamara]  [1864 3 538 Mountmellick Mountmellick PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 27 Aug 1873 Kilkelly [Kilmovee – Kilmovee RC] [s. of James Tracy, sergeant of police, & Catherine Welby] [1873 14 485 Kilkelly Swineford PLU] [see Oughterard Galway]

* Thomas Tracy b. 28 Aug 1867 of Poolacople [Poulacapple Kilvemnon] Mullinahone RC [s. of William Tracy, farmer, & Mary Doran] [1867 14 622 Mullinahone Callan PLU Tipperary]

* Thomas Tracy b. 28 Sep 1875 Tawnanagry [Tawnynagry Ballintober] Castlebar? RC [s. of John Tracy, farmer, & Bridget Crean] [1875 19 122 Castlebar Castlebar PLU] [twins]

* Thomas Tracy b. 29 May 1871 Canada Street. Waterford? RC [s. of John Tracy, Revenue Officer, & Mary Anne Nicholson] [1871 9 1041 Waterford Waterford PLU] [see Killea]

* Thomas Tracy b. 3 Mar 1875 Kilteerchan [Cuiltycreaghan Bekan] Bekan? RC [s. of John Tracy, landholder, & Bridget Waldron] [1875 4 171 Ballindine Claremorris PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 30 Nov 1874 Newtown [Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Julia Blade] [1874 19 533 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 31 Mar 1870 Royaloak [Royal Oak Killinane] Leighlinbridge RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary Dermody] [1870 8 531 Leighlin Bridge Carlow PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 4 Feb 1870 Gurteen [Devenish] Garrison RC [s. of James Tracy, farmer, & Mary McGrorey] [1870 2 12 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 4 Jun 1866 of Garryspillane Bog [Garryspellane town Ballyscaddan] Knocklong and Glenbrohane RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Mary Donovan] [1866 10 396 Hospital Kilmallock PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 6 Feb 1866 of Bonlea [Bolintlea Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] Ballingarry RC [s. of James? Tracy, collier, & Johanna Cunny] [1866 4 684 Ballingarry Callan PLU] [bad handwriting]

* Thomas Tracy b. 6 Mar 1866 of Balbriggan [Balrothery] Balbriggan RC [s. of John Tracy, sailor, & Mary Daley] [1866 2 491 Balbriggan Balrothery PLU]

* Thomas Tracy b. 8 Feb 1873 1 o’clock am Coolavehy [Kilflyn - Glenroe RC] [s. of William Tracy, farmer, & Johanna Murphy] [1873 5 440 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU] [twins]

* Thomas Trassy b. 19 Jun 1871 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Patrick Trassy, carpenter, & Ellen Stapleton] [1871 8 767 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Thomas Trassy b. 28 Dec 1872 [1871?] Clonlahan [Cloonlahan Killoran] Mullagh RC [s. of Fergus Trassy, farmer, & Bridget Lyons] [1872 4 44 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Thomas Treacey b. 25 Jul 1865 of Dunmore [Dunmore] Dunmore RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, mason, & Catherine Grady] [1865 14 546 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Thomas Treacy [Flynn] b. 3 Aug 1866 Templemore [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Winny Treacy] Kate Morrissy, her mark, nurse, Templemore [1866 13 634 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b.  16 Dec 1869 Doon South [Doon] Doon and Castletown RC [s. of Edmond Treacy, farmer, & Anne Brien] [1869 18 663 Cappawhite Tipperary PLU Limerick]

* Thomas Treacy b. 11 Jun 1867 of Moneygall Cullenwaine. Moneygall RC [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Onny Tobin] [1867 8 732 Shinrone Roscrea PLU] [Crossed out]

* Thomas Treacy b. 11 Sep 1864 of Monavaenoge Ardagh. Killeagh RC  [s. of  Maurice Treacy & Mary Hartnett] [1864 14 945 Templemichael Youghal PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 12 Jul 1867 of Rathnageerah [Rathnageeragh Fennagh] Myshall RC [s. of Edward Treacy, farmer, & Judith Murphy] [1867 13 456 Fenagh and Myshall Carlow PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 12 Jun 1867 Moneygall Cullenwain. Moneygall RC [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Onny Tobin] [1867 8 731 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 13 Dec 1871 Lisnarrow? [Lisnaragh Donaghedy] Donaghedy RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, black smith, & Eliza Sheeran] [1872 2 149 Plumbridge Gortin PLU] [registered 1872]

* Thomas Treacy b. 13 Dec 1871 Lisnarrow? [Lisnaragh Donaghedy] Donaghedy RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, black smith, & Eliza Sheeran] [1872 2 149 Plumbridge Gortin PLU] [registered 1872]

* Thomas Treacy b. 13 Jul 1866 of Ballingarry Ballingarry [in Tipperary] Shinrone RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, labourer, & Anne Waters] [1866 13 421 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 15 Mar 1874 Ballyglass [Tynagh] Tynagh? RC [s. of Pat Treacy, farmer, & Mary Heare][1874 4 514 Portumna Portumna PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 18 Jan 1875 Knockfierna [Ballingarry (Connello)] Ballingarry RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Honora Downs] [1875 5 221 Castletown Croom PLU]**

* Thomas Treacy b. 21 Dec 1872 of Pike St Thurles. Thurles? RC? [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Kate McLoughlin] [1872 18 638 Thurles Thurles PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 24 Jul 1875 Ballinamona [Ballynamona Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Edward Treacy, cottier, & Ellen Gilmore] [1875 14 489 Abbey Tuam PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 25 Jan 1873 Glasslough St. [Monaghan RC] [s. of James Treacy, peleddleer?, & Mary Anne McKenna] [1873 3 329 Monaghan Monaghan PLU] [see Kilkenny]

* Thomas Treacy b. 27 Apr 1875 Moynure [Roscrea Offaly] Roscrea RC [s. of John Treacy, farmer, Ellen Dooley] [1875 8 688 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 29 Jul 1869 Whitewine Lane. St. John's? RC [s. of Thadeus Treacy, labourer, & Margaret Keane] [1869 15 434 Limerick Limerick PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 4 Sep 1871 Killmallock Workhouse [St Peter & St Paul] [s. of Margaret Treacy] [1871 15 367 Killmallock Killmallock PLU]

* Thomas Treacy b. 8 Mar 1868 of Kimran [Clones] Clones RC [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Bridget Sherry] [1868 8 173 Roslea Clones PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]

* Thomas Treasy b. 18 Feb 1868 of Knock [Knockatee?] parish of Dunmore. Dunmore RC [s. of John Treasy, landholder, & Mary Cloonan] [1868 4 612 Dunmore Tuam PLU]

* Thomas Treasy b. 25 Aug 1866 of St Brandons [St. Brendan's or Cregganagrogy Killian] Killian RC [s. of Andrew Tracy, labourer, & Catherine Costello] [1866 14 413 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* Thomas Treasy b. 28 Jul 1869 Swineford [Kilconduff] Swineford [s. of James Treasy, policeman, Newport [Burrishoole], & Catherine Welby] [1869 14 537 Swineford Swineford PLU] [see Oughterard Galway]

* Thomas Tressy b. 1 Dec 1865 of Ballyboggin [Monivea] Athenry RC [s. of Thomas Tressy, railway steward, & Catherine Burke?] [1865 19 374 Athenry Loughrea PLU]

* Thomas Tressy b. 10 Nov 1875 Springfield [Killoran] Mullagh? RC [s. of Patrick Tressy, farmer, & Kate Curley] [1875 19 34 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Thomas Tressy b. 6 Feb 1872 Tullybrick [Drumgoon] Drumgoon? RC [s. of Thomas Tressy, farmer, & Mary Leary] [1872 3 183 Cootehill Cootehill PLU]

* Thos Trassy b. 17 Dec 1869 Killinna [Killinny Killinny] Kinvara? RC [s. of Mathew Trassy, farmer, & Catharine Cavanagh] [1870 4 383 Ballinderreen Gort PLU] [Thomas in index] [registered 1870]

* Thos Trassy b. 17 Dec 1869 Killinna [Killinny Killinny] Kinvara? RC [s. of Mathew Trassy, farmer, & Catharine Cavanagh] [1870 4 383 Ballinderreen Gort PLU] [Thomas in index] [registered 1870]


* Tim Tracy b. 20 Apr 1874 Newtown [?]. Killaloe RC [s. of Michael Tracy, shoemaker, & Bridget Cleary] [1874 9 487 Annicariga Scarriff PLU] [see Tim Tracy]

* Timothy Francis Treacy b.  15 Sep 1874 of 1 Chapel Hill. St. Mary's RC [s. of Thomas Treacy, cooper, & Ellen ONeill][1874 20 137 No. 5 Centre Cork PLU]

* Timothy Tracey b.  2 Dec 1869 Balbriggan  [Balrothery] Balbriggan RC [s. of John Tracey, seaman, of Arklow, & Mary Daly] [1869 17 420 Balbriggan Balrothery]

* Timothy Tracey b. 1 Jun 1874 of 7 Albert Road [Glasthule RC] [s. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Mary Maguire] [1874 12 936 Kingstown Rathdown PLU]

* Timothy Tracey b. 7 Sep 1869 Finnoe [civil parish].Terryglass RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer & blacksmith, & Mary Cahalan] [1869 13 410 Borrisokane Borrisokane PLU] [William?]

* Timothy Tracey b., 19 Oct 1869 Clomacomway Kilockann? [Cloonyconry Killokennedy] Broadford RC [s. of John Tracey, shoemaker, & Bridget Naish] Bridget Tracey, her mark, mother, Clonacammy? [1869 20 382 Bridgetown Limerick PLU Clare] [see Tim Tracy]

* Timothy Trassy b. 21 May 1873 Clonlahan [Clonlaghan Kiltormer – Mullagh RC] [s. of John Trassy, farmer, & Mary Solan] [1873 9 37 Kiltormer Ballinasloe PLU]

* Timothy Treacy b. 12 May 1865 of Keatings Lane Charleville P. [Rathgoggan Cork] Dromin RC Limerick [s. of Bridget Tracy & John Quaid, Putatine? father Rosstemple [Athlacca], farmer] [1865 10 426 Charleville  Kilmallock PLU] [Quaid in online index]

* Timothy Treacy b. 20 Aug 1867 of Meenross [Moynoe] Scarriff RC [s. of Timothy Treacy, farmer, & Maria Bugler] [1868 4 527 Mtshannon Scarriff PLU] [registered 1868]

* Timothy Treacy b. 20 Aug 1867 of Meenross [Moynoe] Scarriff RC [s. of Timothy Treacy, farmer, & Maria Bugler] [1868 4 527 Mtshannon Scarriff PLU] [registered 1868]

* Timothy Treasy b. 3 Apr 1870 Foxborough Temple Harry [Foxburrow Templeharry] Moneygall? RC [s. of Patrick Treasy, mason, & Kate Morris] [1870 8 751 Shinrone Roscrea PLU]


* Vina Agnes Treacy b. 7 Mar 1872 Cloughjordan Modreany [Cloghjordan Modreeny] Cloughjordan RC [d. of John Treacy, deceased farmer, & Anne Kirwan] [1872 3 487 Cloughjordan Borrisokane PLU]


* Walter Tracy b. 15 Aug 1873 of Thomas Street [Portlaw? RC] [s. of William Tracy, factory operative, & Mary Archer] [1873 14 637 Portlaw Carrick-on-Suir PLU]


* William [Augustine] Tracey b. 19 Jan 1871 Byrnes Cottages off Sheriff St. St. Laurence O’Toole RC [s. of William Tracey, labourer, & Fanny Rogers] [1871 2 599 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Andrews]

* William Henry Tracey b. 31 Aug 1868 of 12 Dalymount Terrace?. St. Michan? CoI [s. of Robert Tracey, draper, & Lizzie Nadin?] Ellen Campbell, her mark, present at birth, 115 Upper Dorset St [1868 12 600 Dublin North PLU] [see Birr Co. Offaly]

* William John Tracy b. 29 Jul 1872 Braude [Braade Inishmacsaint] Devonish? RC [s. of William Tracy, labourer, & Jemina McBrine] [1872 12 15 Churchhill Ballyshannon PLU]

* William John Treacy b. 11 Feb 1870 Tully [Inishmacsaint] Devonish RC [s. of James Treacy, labourer, & Elisa Craig] [1870 2 15 Church hill Ballyshannon PLU]

* William Joseph Tracy b. 11 Dec 1867 of Nelson St. St. Michael's RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, of Clarina [village in Kilkeedy], & Honora Shearman] [1867 20 396 St. Michaels Limerick PLU]

* William Joseph Tracy b. 28 Nov 1874 Military Barracks [Tralee? RC?] [s. of Peter Tracy, sergeant 104 Regt, & Amelia Jane Tickner][1874 20 614 Tralee Tralee PLU] [see Limerick and army]

* William Joseph Treacy b. 2 Apr 1874 of 14 Dispensary Lane. St. Michan’s RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, servant, & Bessy McDermott][1874 7 571 Dublin North PLU] [see St. Mary Pro-Cathedral]

* William Slevin Tracey b. 3 Aug 1868 of Summerhill Nenagh. Nenagh RC [s. of William Tracey, police constable, & Susan Burke] Wm Tracey, father, Summerhill [1868 13 572 Nenagh Nenagh PLU] [see Agnes Treacy]

* William Tracey b.  12 Jan 1870 Templemore. [Templemore] Templemore RC [s. of Patrick Tracey, labourer, & Honora Hayes] Honora Tracey, her mark, mother, Templemore [1870 3 739 Templemore Thurles PLU]

* William Tracey b. 11 Feb 1872 Ballykerene [Ballycarran Ballybrennan] Tagoat RC [s. of Mathew Tracey, farmer, Ratholm [Ballybrennan], & Margret Walsh] [1872 4 1130 Broadway Wexford PLU]

* William Tracey b. 12 Sep 1875 The Cot [Cott Kileybegs] Caragh? RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Julia Mollony] [1875 12 816 Clane and Tinahoe Naas PLU]

* William Tracey b. 13 Dec 1869 of 9 Milford St Belfast. St. Peter's RC [s. of William Tracey, linen lapper, & Mary Loghlen] [1870 1 360 Belfast No. 4 Belfast PLU Antrim] [Registered 1870]

* William Tracey b. 13 Dec 1869 of 9 Milford St Belfast. St. Peter's RC [s. of William Tracey, linen lapper, & Mary Loghlen] [1870 1 360 Belfast No. 4 Belfast PLU Antrim] [Registered 1870]

* William Tracey b. 13 Jan 1875 Moneygall [Cullenwaine] Moneygall RC [s. of Michael Tracey, labourer, & Honora Togan [Tobin]] [1875 3 643 Shinrone Roscrea PLU] [Treacey in index]

* William Tracey b. 15 Apr 1864 of Moyvanoon? [Moyvannan Kiltoom] Kiltomb RC [s. of Mark Tracey & Mary Anne O'Keem? [Reddy]] [1864 8 26 Kiltoom Athlone PLU Roscommon ]

* William Tracey b. 15 Aug 1875 of 66 William Street. St. Andrews RC [s. of Luke Tracey, tailor, & Anna Carey] [1875 12 685 Dublin South PLU]

* William Tracey b. 16? Mar 1874 Bally Hogan [Ballyhogan Knigh] Monsea? RC [s. of Thomas Tracey, labourer, & Mary Hogan] [1874 3 605 Nenagh Nenagh PLU]

* William Tracey b. 22 Jan 1974 Culleen [Cuilleenirwan Dysart] Dysart RC [s. of John Tracey, farmer, & Margaret Fallom] [1874 3 12 Athlone PLU Brideswell Roscommon]

* William Tracey b. 25 Oct 1872 Corry Kilgefin. Kilbride RC [s. of John Tracey, small farmer, & Anne Madden] [1872 18 331 Ballyleague Roscommon PLU]

* William Tracey b. 27 Oct 1871 Spencer Road Waterside. Waterside RC [s. of James Tracey, coachman, & Juliana Niall] [1871 17 227 Glendermot Londonderry PLU]

* William Tracey b. 4 Apr 1875 Flash [street in Sheephouse OR Yardland Arklow] Arklow RC [s. of Michael Tracey, mariner and shopkeeper, & Sarah Byrne] [1875 7 962 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* William Tracey b. 6 Aug 1873 Temple Road - Blackrock RC [s. of John Tracey, labourer, & Jane Griffith] [1873 12 868 Blackrock Rathdown PLU]

* William Tracy b.  19 Oct 1869 Nashs Court James St. St James RC [s. of John Tracy, carpenter, & Mary Bulger] [1869 17 605 Dublin South PLU] [see Templemore Tipperary]

* William Tracy b.  24? Feb 1874 Crockiniella [maybe in Riverstown Ballybrackan] Monasterevan? RC [s. of Michael Tracy, farmer & Catherine Devoy] [1874 3 431 Monasterevan Athy PLU]

* William Tracy b. [possibly son of Patrick Tracy & Mary Hynes/Hines, Portarlington RC] [1871 3 637 Clonygowan Mountmellick PLU] [not on sheet]

* William Tracy b. 1 Jul 1870 Gen West [Inishmacsaint] Garrison? RC [s. of Patrick Tracy, farmer, & Bridget McManus] [1870 12 10 Belleek Ballyshannon PLU]

* William Tracy b. 1 Jun 1867 of Barna [Rahoon] Galway. Rahoon? RC?  [s. of Bartholemew Tracy, labourer, & Sarah Crowley] [1867 9 309 Galway Galway PLU]

* William Tracy b. 1 Mar 1866 of Rosnagosolge [Rosnagowloge or Tirinchinan Kilbride (Ballycowan)] Tullamore RC [s. of Michl Tracy, farmer, & Mary Kelly] [1866 3 800 Tullamore Tullamore PLU]

* William Tracy b. 11 May 1873 Creggawn  [Noughaval - Kilkenny West RC] [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Anne Carty] [1873 8 21 Glasson Athlone PLU Westmeath]

* William Tracy b. 12 Oct 1871 of 3 Princes Street. St Andrews RC [s. of John Tracy, labourer, & Anne Cowell] [1871 17 720 Dublin South PLU] [see Thomas Tracey Irish Citizen Army]

* William Tracy b. 12 Sep 1867 of Streamstown [[Ardnurcher, or Horseleap] Clara and Horseleap RC [s. of William Tracy, farmer and shopkeeper, & Hannah Jordan] [1867 13 313 Castletown Geoghegan Mullingar PLU]

* William Tracy b. 13 Jul 1874 Sallins Road Naas [Naas RC] [s. of Patrick Treacy, servant, & Ellenn Byrne] [1874 12 871 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

* William Tracy b. 13 May 1865 Swineford [Swineford] Swineford RC [s. of James Tracy, Policeman, & Catherine Webey] [1865 9 495 Swineford Swineford PLU] [No image available - Official transcript] RIC see Oughterard Galway

* William Tracy b. 15 Apr 1866 of Cislasere? Borrisoleigh RC [s. of Michael Tracy, labourer, & Mary White] [1866 8 710 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU]

* William Tracy b. 17 Dec 1864 of Gortilia Cumber [Gortilea Cumber Upper]. Cumber Upper RC [s. of Manus Tracy & Jane Neill] Manus Tracy, father, Gortilia Cumber  [1864 16 856 Feeney Newtownlimavady PLU]

* William Tracy b. 17 May 1871 Errill [Rathdowney] Rathdowney RC [s. of James Tracy, baker, & Maria Mara] [1871 8 585 Rathdowney [Borris-in-Ossory] Donaghmore PLU]

* William Tracy b. 18 Aug 1865 of Ballybourke [Bellaburke Ballintober] Burriscarra RC [s. of Patt Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Malley] [1865 14 122 Castlebar Castlebar PLU]

* William Tracy b. 20 Jun 1868 of Bonlea [Bolintlea Ballingarry (Slieveardagh)] Ballingarry RC [s. of James Tracy, collier, & Johanna Cunny] [1868 14 633 Ballingarry Callan PLU]

* William Tracy b. 27 Mar 1868 of Inistioge [Inistioge] Inistioge RC [s. of Thomas Tracy, labourer, & Honoria Barren] [1868 9 921 Inistioge Thomastown PLU]

* William Tracy b. 5 Apr 1872 Vizes Fields [St Michael] St. Michael's RC [s. of William Tracy, labourer, & Bridget Burns] Bridget Tracy, her mark, mother, Vizes Fields [1872 10 521 No IV St Michaels Limerick PLU]

* William Tracy b. 5 Jul 1870 Cool [Coole Ballyburly] Rhode? RC [s. of William Tracy, labourer, & Theresa Forbes] [1870 13 531 Rhode Edenderry PLU]

* William Tracy b. 6 Dec 1868 of 10? Friars Walk. St. Finbarr's RC [s. of John Tracy, tanner?, & Ellen Leahy] [1868 20 175 8 South Cork PLU]

* William Tracy b. 9 May 1866 of Ballygar [Killeroran] Killian? RC? [s. of Thomas Tracy, farmer, & Mary Gaule] [1866 9 427 Killeroran Mountbellew PLU]

* William Treacy b. 12 Dec 1870 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] [s. of Andrew Treacy, farm labourer, & Mary Hennessey] [1871 3 603 Gowran Kilkenny PLU] [triplets] [registered 1871]

* William Treacy b. 12 Dec 1870 Knockordeen [Knockadereen in Shankill] [s. of Andrew Treacy, farm labourer, & Mary Hennessey] [1871 3 603 Gowran Kilkenny PLU] [triplets] [registered 1871]

* William Treacy b. 12 Jan 1871 Ballyvalden [Ballyvalden Shankill] Paulstown RC [s. of Martin Treacy, farmer, & Mary Brennan] [1871 3 604 Gowran Kilkenny PLU]

* William Treacy b. 13 Jul 1874 Sallins Road Naas [Naas] Naas RC [s. of Patrick Treacy, servant, & Ellen Byrne] [1874 12 871 Naas & Carragh Naas PLU]

* William Treacy b. 14 Jun 1874 Beechwood [between Killylaughnane and  Ballymagree, Kilruane in Tithes] Cloughjordan RC [s. of John Treacy, carpenter, & Anne Costolloe] [1874 8 480 Cloughjorden Borrisokane PLU] [see Very Rev John J Tracy, Ph.D. (1868 - 1923)]

* William Treacy b. 18 Jun 1872 of Ellen Street. St. Michael's RC [s. of John Treacy, acting constable R.I.C., & Maryanne Rice] John Treacy, father, Ellen Street [1872 15 417 City No 3 Limerick PLU] [see RIC]

* William Treacy b. 19 Apr 1869 Ballingowan [Aglish] Aglish RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Bridget Power] [1869 9 763 Whitechurch Dungarvan PLU]

* William Treacy b. 2 Jun 1867 of Peppardstown [Peppardstown] Fethard RC [s. of James Tracey, labourer, & Honora Maher] [1867 8 543 Fethard Cashel PLU] [see Mullinahone]

* William Treacy b. 20? Aug 1875 Gurteen [Gorteen Bourney] Bournea and Corbally? RC  [s. of James Treacy, farmer, & Mary Treacy] [1875 18 585 Bourney Roscrea PLU]

* William Treacy b. 21 Jun 1875 Ballyaquade [Ballyquaid Glebe Skirk] Borris-In-Ossory RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary Delany] [1875 13 467 Borris in Ossory Donaghmore PLU]

* William Treacy b. 25 May 1865 of 26 George Street Portlaw [Clonagam] Portlaw RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Ellen Daly] [1865 9 613 Portlaw Carrick On Suir PLU]

* William Treacy b. 26 Aug 1872 Kilcummine [Kilcummin Tisaran] CoI? [s. of William Treacy, labourer, & Margret Connolly] [1872 13 594 Banagher Parsonstown PLU]

* William Treacy b. 26 Mar 1869 Distillery Lane Athlone. St Peters RC [s. of Hugh Treacy, baker, & Maria Ryan] [1869 8 7 Athlone Athlone PLU Roscommon]

* William Treacy b. 26 May 1865 of Garrynacoonagh [Garryncoonagh] South P. Effin. Effin and Gamenderk RC  [s. of Edmund Treacy, labourer, & Hanora Quin] Edmond Treacy, his mark, father, present at bith, Garrynacoonagh South [1865 10 444 Kilmallock kKilmallock PLU] [see Knocklong and Glenbrohane]

* William Treacy b. 29 Jan 1866 of Matt House Road Roscrea [Roscrea] Roscrea RC [s. of John Treacy, labourer, & Mary Cocklan] [1866 3 706 Roscrea Roscrea PLU]

* William Treacy b. 29 Nov 1875 Castlerea [Castlereagh] parish Kilkeevan. Kilkeevin? RC  [s. of William Treacy, petty sessions clerk, & Catherine McGovern] [1876 4 173 Castlereagh Castlereagh PLU] [registered 1876]

* William Treacy b. 3 Jun 1874 Coolavehy [Kilflyn] Glenroe RC [s. of William Treacy, farmer, & Mary ODonnell] [1874 10 439 Kilfinane Kilmallock PLU]

* William Treacy b. 4 Oct 1872 Loughtown [Clonshanbo] Kilcock RC [s. of Michael Treacy, labourer, & Eliza Quin] [1872 17 471 Kilcock Celbridge PLU]

* William Treacy b. 7 Apr 1864 of Killard? Athy? CoI? [s. of Martin Treacy & Mary Connors] [1864 8 459 Athy Athy PLU]

* William Treasy b. 8 Feb 1871 Ballymabella  [Ballymabilla Killallaghtan] Cappataggle? RC? [s. of William Treasy, farmer, & Ann Coffey] [1871 4 46 Killaan Ballinasloe PLU]

* William Tressy b. 29 Jul 1867 of Lisaniska [Lissaniska Abbeyknockmoy] Abbeyknockmoy? RC? [s. of Thomas Tressy, cottier, & Rose Quinn] [1867 14 514 Abbey Tuam PLU]


* Winafred Tracy b. 29 Aug 1875 Ballyoskill [Attanagh OR Kilmenan] Ballyragget RC [d. of James Tracy, shopkeeper, & Margaret Ryan] [1875 13 459 Ballyragget Castlecomer PLU] [see Templemore and Patrick J Treacy]

* Winefred Tracy b. 26 Jun 1867 of Derrew [Killimorbologue OR Kilquain] Killimore and Tiranascragh RC [d. of Patt Tracy, small farmer, & Mary Stankard?] [1867 9 481 Eyrecourt Portumna PLU]

* Winfred Tracey b. 7 Feb 1870 Lower Main St. Arklow RC [d. of James Tracey, fisherman, & Bridget Byrne] [1870 2 1163 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* Winifred Tracey b. 29 Mar 1871 of Lower Main St. Arklow RC [d. of James Tracey, fisherman, & Bridget Byrne] [1871 7 1030 Arklow Rathdrum PLU]

* Winifred Tracey b. 30 December 1868 Knocksharone [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [d. of Michael Tracey, farmer, & Johanna Costello] [1869 3 706 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Winifred Tracey b. 30 December 1868 Knocksharone [Knockshearoon Glenkeen] Borrisoleigh RC [d. of Michael Tracey, farmer, & Johanna Costello] [1869 3 706 Borrisoleigh Thurles PLU] [Registered 1869]

* Winifred Trassy b.  2 Jun 1870 Killahorna [Culliagharny] Creagh. Ballinasloe RC [d. of Patrick Trassy, farmer, & Mary Fahy] [1870 9 38 Creagh Ballinasloe PLU Roscommon] [also Treacy in online and printed indices]



* Transcribed

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Last update: 18 February 2025